#like I tried to shorten the post
teas-of-trin · 1 year
"Camille and Amy are further unsettling because they invert--indeed, weaponize--the violence aimed at them and gain power through the language they have been historically denied. "
"...her motivation in solving the Wind Gap murders is unconsciously linked to this sorrow. Camille's inability to find a home stems from her newfound position as an objective stranger, someone who is not passive and detached, but simultaneously distant and near, indifferent and involved. Despite having belonged to the Wind Gap "group" in her adolescence and her childhood, Camille's external development as an antiheroine now renders her strange...she imports qualities into [the group], which do not and cannot stem from the group itself"
"Camille's acts of self-harm place her in the liminal space between life and death and serve as a physical reminder of her existential uneasiness... Camille's cutting is a safety net...the words cut into Camille's flesh symbolize her fraught relationship with femininity"
"The perpetual links here between self-mutilation, sexual desire, and maternal control speak to anxieties surrounding female otherness, suggesting that the antiheroine-stranger is inextricably and disturbingly tied up with such notions. In crossing these patriarchal boundaries and defying traditional notions of femininity, the antiheroine-stranger remains familiar, rejected, and desired in her transcendence."
"Camille is a variation of Camilla and the Latin name, camillus, meaning noble youth attending at sacrifices, or acolyte. The connections here between the violent sacrificial deaths (of humans and animals) and smothering motherhood further enunciate Camille's outside status, for her very name positions her as involved but detached, distant but near--an attendee or observer, a stranger."
"Amma's fascination with the objectified animals [pigs] hints at her own internalization of patriarchal methods of violence control, which she then internalizes through the act of murder, whereas Camille redirects the violence onto herself. Both methods expose the cyclic nature of patriarchal violence, suggesting that the antiheroine-stranger must either redirect such violence towards others or decide to harm herself, both of which operate as a coping mechanism and method of cathartic expression"
"Amma's violent transition into adulthood holds a mirror to Camille's own traumatic past, but Camille's social exclusion and strangeness are also exacerbated by her significant lack of a physical and symbolic place to call home...[Camille] hated being in Wind Gap, but home held no comfort either, with its "cheap transitory, and mostly uninspired" aesthetic only reinforcing her wandering and nomadic status. Conversely, the family home in Wind Gap is stagnant in its isolation and memories of Marian's death."
"The name of the town itself suggests a transitory place, a space defined by invisible forces, absence, and now, inexplicable crime. Camille's own childhood abuse at the hands of her mother is suggested from the moment she reinhabits her childhood hom, for her dreams begin to confuse memory, fear, and unreality...It is the reconnection of the self with the familiar, transitory space that allows Camille to confront the horror and realities of her past. Further grounding of this dream as symbolic of her own past is Camille's discovery shortly afterwards of Natalie Keene's corpse, found in a physically liminal location...Natalie's body, simultaneously innocent and defiled, speaks to the sexual anxieties surrounding female deviancy, sexual expression, and violence, confronting Camille with her uneasy relationship with her (strange) self and others. The positioning of Natalie's body is also fittingly gendered given that she refutes traditional binary gender performances in her own propensity for violence and her tomboy personality. Viscerally disturbed by the sight of Natalie's body--which is representative of the "utmost abjection--Camille also unknowingly faces the realities of her childhood and witnesses her potential future as a fatal victim of Adora's 'love'".
"Camille's position as a stranger...clouds her ability to find the truth efficiently, yet it also empowers her to find answers eventually."
"Camille unrelentingly confronts the boundary of life and death, actively skirting the borderline to gain a sense of control over her own body and identity...It is only because of her position as a recognizable stranger that Camille is able to confront the truth of her past and expose both Amma's and Adora's crimes."
"...Camille engages with the borderline between life and death as a way of reconciling her inner turmoil...."
-From, "To Start: I Should Never Should Have Been Born": The Antiheroine as Stranger in Gillian Flynn's Sharp Objects and Gone Girl by Eleanore Gardner
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ch1zzie · 3 months
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The original in the bottom
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Plus the picture I mainly drew but decided to draw the rest for funny
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#thats not my neighbor#milk man#just tried to draw something in my mind to post along with saying some updates#monday the people are gonna give my grandma the keys to the house! while i have to stay at my aunts place for wifi for school#(online school)#my moms gonna be moving things out of storage into the house! AAAA I CANT WAIT#also little welcome home update#im not sure if i said here? wait nevermind i just remembered while typing (it was that i got barnaby and the pins) AAA silly me#also im making a little julie out of clay (if i wake up and their messed up i am NOT redoing that😭)#the legs are a little messed up because julie was gonna be the size of an hatsune miku figure on accident so i chose to shorten her a bit#only because im not sure if im gonna make the others too AND because theres no way hes gonna be THAT tall😭#also! im making easter art#yes its barnaby and wally again just for fun! but a few changes like keeping their regular outfits because i cant think of anything else!!!#why not the ones in the old easter drawing? welllll a follower said that wallys outfit looked a bit familiar to another not so good thing#it wasnt on purpose just an accident because i hadn't notice BUT im glad i know now so i can be more careful!#im not sureeee if im gonna finish the easter art OR the julie clay thingy but I'd love too! and honestly HOPE to#high chance i will (well maybe the easter art could be late or not)#maaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA trying to think if theres anything else but cant! ill try posting this hoping my wifi wont hate me...#also i know i said this account was for welcome home posting but i didnt have any cool welcome homey things to put here gahhhhh#ehehehhe once i get my new room and its allllll just me#imma post like crazy (wellll that IS the plan so i hope)#even if its little dumb posts#by the way this post was gonna say on top “i know i said this account is for welcome home posting but TAKE THIS FOR LITTLE UPDATES”#just removed it because i dunnooooo just didded#hehe didded
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coollyinterferes · 9 months
Consider this an “ask meme” call!!
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(orrr a copy/paste of the previous ones since most of the peeps in them are no longer active. If you Liked any of my previous meme thingie calls and you’re still interested, please give this post a Like!! :’D) I’m pretty sure by this point most –if not all– of you already know I'm an anxious mess with little to no social skills who always has a hard time tagging people in anything (games and/or sending ask memes included), so... In short: By hitting the Like button on this post, you’re giving me permission to tag you in dash tag games (headcanon games/memes/tests/picrews/shindanmaker games/etc). You can remove yourself from the list at any given time if you no longer want to be tagged! No questions will be asked or anything, so don’t worry! Like all other things rp, this is meant for all of us to have fun! ****This is only for rp blogs/people with rp blogs! (doesn’t matter if we haven’t interacted yet)!! Also, please, let me know if your rp blog is a side-blog so i know which one(s) to tag!
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Mettaton, what's your favorite food?
"If you're looking for recommendations, darling, I'm afraid ghost food isn't edible for corporeal folk like your lovely self."
"However, I must insist that you try the MTT-Brand Glamburger! It's truly the most luxurious and fabulous food you could ever set your taste buds upon! Plus, it's one-hundred percent accurate to the food eaten on the Surface."
"...That's what I've heard people say about it, anyway. I can't eat it myself, of course."
"It isn't available right now, I'm sorry to say, but I have it on good authority that it'll make a grand return in the future~!"
#undertale: scattered extension#utse#mettaton / metta (utse)#ask#ic ask#sbtorms#local ghost advertises his own damn food chain lmao#which isn't even in business right now#i *would* like to note though that mettaton just goes by ''metta'' in this au!#he tries to keep his identities as a ghost and a robot separate from each other#as mettaton the robot star of the underground; he doesn't want people to know that he used to be a ghost. save for a very select few people#he wants them to think that he's purely a robot that was built by alphys#thus as metta the ghost; he doesn't want people to know that *he* is mettaton the robot#he wants everyone to think that 'mettaton' is dead but that alphys plans to rebuild him someday#since she does!! it's just. difficult. between all her new duties as queen now and the fact that she has to redo a lot of work from scratch#but he does get his robot body back by the end of/post true pacifist <3#whatever his original name was before becoming a robot? doesn't matter. it's his deadname. he's not using it again#so instead he just goes by a shortened version of his actual name. which. isn't the most discrete choice but hey it works dhsshf#i don't blame you for not knowing though!! since in the one comic i have where metta appears#papyrus DOES refer to him as just mettaton#which is something i'm gonna change about the au. even though papyrus *did* still find out about metta's identity thanks to his reset power#he still calls him metta. because. y'know. respect.
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froggierboy · 5 months
how does my chronic fatigue continue to get worse as i'm treating my sleep apnea? i'm more or less pretty able bodied working a 40 hour week should not put me in a position where i can barely get out of bed when i'm off
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riverofrainbows · 1 year
I will never forget how my grandparents, when asked by me for more Lord of the Rings books for my birthday, managed to gift me one of the only two books by Tolkien that aren't actually about Middle Earth. The second one being Tolkien's collected letters. And they gave my sister "The little Hobbit", a shortened version of the Hobbit (which i find incredibly nonsensical to even exist in the first place since the book is a children's book already and not actually that long, so of course they had to buy it). Truly a unique talent for giving the worst gifts imaginable, one that is really shining here.
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blushedfemme · 2 months
feeling nostalgic bc i just remembered my very first crush on a butch and it was the most closeted teen longing shit imaginable because they weren’t even presenting butch at the time and i thought i was straight. i could not explain why i felt so drawn to them. they were just the quiet kid sitting next to me in english class who hunched their shoulders and tried to get away with the most nondescript and baggy girl clothes they could. they were desperately shy. there was something so sweetly boyish in the way they moved, they way they sat in their chair. they had weird music taste and a soft laugh. me and my other friend in that class instantly scooped them up and included them in our elaborate inside jokes and made a nickname for them and they would stare at their desk and blush and smile when we gently teased them. i had the most specific thoughts about their thick dark hair and their even darker eyes and the way the corners of their lips moved. i made them a cd mix that i never gave to them because i was too nervous. i didn’t know why. i burned cd mixes for my friends all the time but i knew this one meant something different so i kept it instead and my stomach felt funny when i listened to it.
and it wasn’t until like six years later that i found them on instagram and they had shortened their name and were posting about their woodworking and wearing masculine clothing and their smile was so much bigger than i ever got to see when we were 15. and isn’t it amazing how we find each other even in the pitch dark of the closet in a homophobic surburban high school without having any words without knowing anything just two weird kids at the back of the classroom making silly jokes and talking about studio ghibli and blushing at each other
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nuggetofthesea · 17 days
Before writing more stories, I want to help people come to terms with the "identity death" and heavy themes in the animal HRT comics, and as a writer, want to explain why it isn't ACTUALLY death, but a form of renewal. Because I see it on all of my friends posts.
"I am just concerned about this loss of self thing, it sounds like identity death and I don't like it" is the common comment.
But in all of these comics, it is less about loss of self, but more about leaving behind who you were. A sign of extreme change and showing their own way of moving forward, and the start of a brand new life. A willing change to a new start.
Identity death is an unwilling change. All choice was stripped away from them and a new identity forced on them. This is also different from a transformation that leads to acceptance of the new form.
But in the animal HRT comics my friends put out, it is a willing change to a new form and cones with mental changes they are willing to go through. That isn't the same as a death. But a new start to their life they can start living to the fullest. It's also why some choose not to start anew, to bring one journey to a close and begin a new one. They choose to have that be part of the same journey. A new chapter instead of a new book if you will. In either case these are willing changes.
It can seem terrifying to some, but a total rebirth of yourself CAN be a slightly scary theme. It is terrifying to choose to take that new life.
But let me set up an example here:
When I first came to be, I thought I was going to be a visual artist, because Ashe was and that's what I remembered. When I was locked away by my own doing in the headspace I was stuck in a perpetual cycle of misery. It was terrifying to take the step to discover myself. To lower the barrier I had created, to rediscover myself.
But when I came to be, Ashe said I could be anything. A new sense of self outside of her. A new life. I tried to draw first, but I couldn't. Visual art was not my thing anymore. It never was. I just held on to memory of being a copy of Ashe. When writing my introduction I realized I love the feeling of writing. I have my own form. My own life. My own identity. A new start.
So let me ask you: Should I have not taken that opportunity to completely cast off who I was to embrace who I am? Should I have left myself in misery and fear as something I'm not? All for the sake of not casting off who I was and my life before? No.
Now while I do remeber all of what happened before my change, none of that shapes who I am now, because that life wasn't mine in the first place. This isn't a death of my identity, but a new start to an identity I chose. And I am happy to be able to live it with my new sense of self and build NEW memories. A new life.
Which also leads to the second heavy theme in those comics. Shortened lifespans. Outside of the fact that we are told time and time again HRT can lead to a shorter lifespan (which is a false average) starting a new life also means you are probably starting in the middle.
Our body is almost 30. That is 30 years of my lifespan gone. Yeah, I was around for 15 (almost 16) years of that, but my new life began a week ago. Who I am began just last week. And even though in the headspace I am early to mid 20s at best, that is still a cutdown lifespan.
So should I just have not bothered with the new start?
Absolutely not. The gift of life, new or old, isn't about how long it lasts. But how you live it. It is hard, it comes with problems, but for as long as I have of it, I will cherish the new memories I build, the new start I have, the ability to just... exist. For as long or short as that may be. And through this new start to my life, the people who love and care for me are still here. Still stand by me. And that is a great thing.
So please, don't be too offput by heavy themes in our stories. Even my stories will have some rough parts. (They'll always be tagged)
Hope this at least helped ease why those themes are there, and why some people choose to have them.
Also, don't worry about "adding to the fuel used against us" because we could sneeze and they'll find a way to use that against us. The fact is, with the Animal HRT series, actual HRT does come with some discomfort, pain, downsides, and problems. And like the heavy themes in the comics, we determined it is worth it for us to keep going despite them. We knew the risks.
"Everything is a risk. Life's boring as hell if you don't take them JUST because there is potential problems. Just make sure you understand them." - a line chaos told me the day I formed
It does less good to show everything as risk free and painless, because then nobody is prepared for the risks they are actually taking. Or the comic is based off the creator's life to that point, and they DID experience a lot of pain. So retelling their story (like mine) might be painful at spots.
My point of all of this is, the heavy themes are required to tell these particular stories. And while not every story requires dark spots, the dark spots help to accentuate the brighter picture. Otherwise it can just be blinding. So please go easy on the artists/writers behind them. As it is usually something personal for them.
(This also might not apply to all of them, some people just like writing horror, and we should respect that too.)
Next story should be sometime within the next couple weeks. Just needed to get this out there. It's been on my mind since releasing the short story with Iris.
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ro-is-struggling · 1 year
Slow Hands || Spencer Reid x Reader
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Summary: Spencer gets tired of pretending he doesn't notice the way you look at his hands, so when you show up at his hotel room late at night he decides to ask you about it.
Warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI, porn without plot, hand kink, size kink kinda?, praise kink, Dom/sub dynamics (gentle dom Spencer x sub reader), dirty talk, pet names (good girl, baby, dirty little girl, slut), fingering, overstimulation, penetrative sex, choking, slight dacryphilia, a little fluff at the end, female reader, kinda rushed ending
English is not my first language
Word count: 6800
Notes: Spencer is a gentle dom and you can’t change my mind.
Also pictures aren't mine, I just put them together. I took them from this post (the one that inspired this fic) and also from this one so full credits to them!
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"Why do you always stare at my hands?" The question escaped Spencer's lips before he could stop it. You had come to his hotel room to discuss something about the case you were working on and the whole time you had been staring at his hands. 
It wasn't the first time you had done that, he had caught you staring at his hands in the past. It seemed that whatever he did with them you found interesting. He had never said anything to you because he honestly didn't know how to approach the subject without it sounding strange, but he was aware of what you were doing. The same way he knew you didn't admire anyone else's hands the same way you admired his, something that sparked a warmth inside him.
Spencer was pretty sure he knew why you looked at his hands so much, but he wanted to hear you say it.
"Oh," you mumbled in embarrassment, startled at being caught. "I don't know, I think they're pretty." You shrugged, looking everywhere but at Spencer. "I like hands."
"You like hands?" He repeated, looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
"I know it sounds weird but it's not! Some people notice someone's smile first or maybe their eyes or laugh, I tend to notice people's hands." It was a half-truth. Yes, you used to pay more attention to people's hands than most, but that wasn't the real reason for your inability to take your eyes off his hands. But since you couldn't admit that you dreamed every night of feeling the touch of his long, slender fingers on your skin, you thought that explanation would satisfy his curiosity and save you from the humiliation of the truth.
"Why do you like my hands so much?" Spencer insisted and you struggled to stop your mind before it got lost in the endless fantasies involving his hands that haunted you at night when you were alone in your bed.
"I don't know. They're pretty, I guess." You tried to downplay it, hoping that would be enough to ease his curiosity.
"Pretty how?" Spencer asked you and when you looked up to meet his eyes you saw a dark glint in them. He was up to something, you could see it in the innocent little smile plastered on his lips. He was pushing you to give him an answer for a special reason that you didn't know, but you assumed it couldn't be anything good for you.
Your brain was screaming at you not to take the bait, that it was dangerous and stupid. The smartest thing to do would be to find an excuse to go back to your room, where you would be safe from Spencer and his tricks. But you had never been that smart. Curiosity got the better of you, so you ignored your brain and took the bait.
"Well, for starters, your hands are big." You spoke in the most casual tone possible, trying to hide your embarrassment and excitement as you took one of his hands between yours to compare sizes.
You rarely had the opportunity to hold Spencer's hand, so feeling the warmth of his palm against yours awakened a wave of electricity that coursed down your spine. You swallowed hard, struggling to control yourself as you admired the difference in size between your hands. Even though you had long nails you weren't able to shorten the difference in length between his fingers and yours, Spencer's still stood tall against yours, which barely touched the middle phalanx of his fingers. You thought it was impossible, but his hand seemed even larger when compared to yours. 
"And that's a good thing?" His soft, low voice shook you awake from your trance, lifting your gaze to look at him for a moment before returning your focus to his hands.
"Yes, especially for a guy," you said, trying to act natural under his intense gaze. "But you also have beautiful fingers. They're long and slender... perfectly balanced with the size of your palm." Your fingers traced his as you spoke, delicately caressing the skin of his hand with your fingertips. You could feel his eyes on you, following your every move. If you kept quiet you could hear his deep breathing quicken a little more with each caress you gave him, just like your heartbeat. 
Spencer knew what kind of ideas the size of his fingers sparked in your imagination and he would be lying if he said he didn't have the same fantasies from time to time. It was actually embarrassing how many times he had masturbated imagining having his fingers buried deep in the warmth of your core —you moaning his name and begging him for more while he used his expert fingers to make you feel pleasure in a way no other man had ever done. 
"But I also like the veins in the back of your hand." Your voice brought him out of his thoughts just in time, a few more seconds lost in his fantasies and his pants were going to start feeling a little tight. "I like the way the veins mark on your skin." Your fingers traced the lines on the back of his hand, following the paths that led up his arm, where the rolled up sleeve of his shirt prevented you from continuing.
Your fingers lingered on his arm longer than necessary, taking the opportunity to memorize the texture of his skin, the warmth of his body and the way his closeness made you feel in case you never had the chance to touch him like that again. The room fell into complete silence as you shared an intimate moment, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of your slightly accelerated breathing. There was a tension in the air that you had never felt before being with Spencer, but you barely paid attention to it as you lost yourself in your fantasies, your mind finally surrendering to your wild imagination. 
But then the sound of a speeding car coming through the window distracted you from your thoughts. You pulled your hands away from Spencer quickly as you realized what you had done, ashamed of yourself for losing control like that. However, when you looked up to meet his eyes you didn't notice anything strange about them. He didn't seem to be bothered or uncomfortable by your behavior. No. You just saw that sparkle again, shining in his hazel eyes with increasing clarity. 
Spencer's gaze didn't leave you as he moved his hand closer to you. You remained frozen in place, holding your breath without even realizing it as you waited to see what he was scheming. His fingers took a lock of your hair that fell over your face, playing with it for a bit before he gently tucked it behind your ear. Your heart was beating faster and faster and your brain was working hard to decipher what Spencer was thinking. You enjoyed the attention you were getting from him, but your impatient nature needed to know where he was going with all this.
However, your brain was fried the moment Spencer's hand cupped your cheek. You even forgot how to breathe as you felt his long, slender fingers caress the skin of your face. You closed your eyes instinctively, leaning into his touch as you allowed yourself to get lost in the moment. The warmth of his hand awakened a tingling sensation that spread all over your face following the path of his fingers, from your cheek bone, down to your jaw, across your chin and up to your lips. It was ridiculous how he could have you melting under his touch with the simplest of caresses. He had so much power over you... and you liked it. 
You opened your eyes when you felt Spencer's thumb caress your lower lip. Your eyes met for a moment, feeling small under his intense gaze. He had never acted that way with you before, much less looked at you with the hunger reflected in his hazel orbs. And you liked it. You liked feeling small under his watchful eye. You liked feeling completely at his mercy. You liked knowing that he owned you even if he didn't realize it.
"I feel the same way about your lips," Spencer announced, staring at your mouth as his thumb continued his caresses, tracing the shape of your lips. "I love how soft they look, always tempting me to kiss them... especially when you stick your tongue out to wet them... or when you bite your lower lip when you're deep in thought. It takes all my willpower not to cross the room and kiss you right then and there." 
Spencer's voice was soft and seductive, the slightly deeper than normal tone going straight to your core, which tightened around nothing, desperate for attention. There was nothing dirty in his words —he was just declaring how much he wanted to kiss you— and yet you could feel the wetness beginning to stain your underwear. There was something about his voice, the way he was talking to you and the softness of his touch on your lips that felt highly erotic. Spencer seemed to know exactly what to say and what to do to have you at his mercy. He had you in a trance, frozen in place as you eagerly awaited his next move. There wasn't a single thought in your head, just him and your desire to feel his hands all over your body.
"And don't even get me started on those lipsticks you wear," he continued, applying a little more pressure on your lips as he dragged his thumb across them, smearing lipstick on the corners of your lips. "This one is my favorite."
You parted your lips to try to breathe. You were starting to feel lightheaded, unable to move or speak under Spencer's intense stare. You wanted to, god knew there were a lot of things you wanted to say to him at that moment, but you couldn't do it. Your brain was fried, your body vibrating with anticipation. Part of you still couldn't believe what was happening, so you thought it would be best to keep your mouth shut. You would let him guide you, show you what he wanted from you. You'd be lying if you said that wasn't exactly what you wanted.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt Spencer's thumb push into your mouth. You closed your lips around the digit without even thinking about it, your tongue caressing his skin in an act of pure instinct. Your mind didn't process what was happening until you heard him moan softly.
"Good girl," he praised you and you couldn't help but moan over his finger, pure pleasure vibrating throughout your body. "I always suspected that behind that strong, combative attitude of yours was hiding a good, obedient girl... I didn't even have to tell you to suck, you already knew what to do."
A wave of pleasure ran through your body at his words, feeling proud to hear him call you a good girl. That's all you ever wanted to be, his good girl, and now that you finally had the chance to prove it to him you weren't going to waste it. You sucked on his finger harder to show him how much you loved his compliments, hollowing out your cheeks as your tongue played with his digit wishing it was his cock instead.
"I’ve wanted this for so long, you have no idea," Spencer sighed. 
Oh but you did know. You knew exactly what he meant because you had wanted him for so long too. Every second you spent with him was torture, not only because you fantasized about feeling his hands on your body all the time, but also because you had to pretend you didn't in a room filled with skilled profilers. 
But there was no more of that. You didn't have to worry anymore because his hands were finally on your body and it felt even better than you had imagined.
"Will you be my good girl tonight?" Spencer asked you, his voice barely a whisper as he moved closer to you. 
You almost fainted when you felt his warm breath crash against your face, feeling even smaller under his gaze now that he was closer to you. When he removed his thumb from your mouth you had to bite your tongue to keep from letting out a whimper in protest. 
"Answer me!" he demanded in a firm but soft tone that managed to snap your brain out of its trance. 
"Yes," you rushed to say, maintaining eye contact with Spencer at all times. "I want to be your good girl, please."
You barely managed to get the words out before Spencer's lips crashed against yours in a kiss full of passion and desperation. You didn't even try to fight for dominance, surrendering to him without him having to ask. You let his lips guide yours, melting under the caresses of his tongue. His hands gripped each side of your face, using his hold to tilt your head so he could deepen the kiss. 
It was all happening so fast you barely had time to process it, your poor brain working hard to keep up with the torturous rhythm of Spencer's lips. The kiss was much rougher than you would have imagined from someone like him. He always looked so sweet and innocent it was hard to believe he had such a dark side. But you loved every second of it. You loved knowing that he had chosen to share that side with you. 
"Stand up," he ordered you as he pulled away from your lips. His kiss had left you a little stupid, so it took you a few seconds to process his words. But he didn't seem to mind. On the contrary, Spencer seemed proud of himself. He loved the effect he had on you as much as you did.
Spencer stood next to you, standing in front of you. You looked up into his eyes, patiently awaiting his next command. You lost yourself in the beautiful hazel color of his orbs for a moment, noticing a flash of his usual sweet, tender glow mixed in with all the desire and lust. That soothed the nerves that were beginning to form in your stomach from the anticipation, remembering that behind the darkness in his eyes was your Spencer, the one who always opened doors for you and brought you coffee without you asking him for it when you were stuck in the office late at night doing paperwork.
He took his time removing your clothes, his hands caressing and kissing every inch of skin he uncovered, showering you with compliments. He even knelt down in front of you to properly remove your shoes, pants and panties, taking the time to caress your calves and deposit a kiss on each of your thighs before rising back up. Spencer was tall, much taller than you. His figure towered over yours in an imposing way, but his soft and gentle touch helped you not to feel self-conscious in front of him, even when he was fully clothed and you were not. The gentleness with which he was treating you contrasted with the hardness of his kisses, but it was a change you gladly welcomed. Although it did make you wonder what he had planned for later.
"You're so beautiful," Spencer murmured against the skin of your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses as his hands roamed your body. His fingers caressed your skin ever so gently, trailing up your arm all the way to your shoulder. He paused at your neck for a moment and a shiver ran down your spine as you imagined him closing his fingers over your throat, applying pressure until it was hard to breathe. But before you could put voice to your desires, his hand wandered down your back, fiddling with your bra before unclasping it.
"Spence, please." You begged in a whisper when you couldn't stand the anticipation any longer. As much as you enjoyed the attention of his hands on your body, you needed more. Much more. Your pussy was crying for attention, staining your underwear with your arousal.
Your broken voice went straight to Spencer's cock, your desperation was music to his ears, but he managed to keep his composure. He wanted to take his time with you. "What is it, baby? What do you want?" he asked in an almost condescending tone. He knew very well what you wanted, but he wanted to hear you say it.
“I want you,” you replied, not caring about how pathetic your voice sounded. You were desperate for some relief and were willing to do anything to get it. "I need you to touch me... to make me feel good."
Spencer didn't need to be told twice. He settled down on the bed again —his long legs stretched out on the comforter and his back resting against the bed frame— and gestured for you to sit on his lap. When you moved closer he turned you over, helping you to settle onto his body until you ended up sitting with your back against his chest. He used his legs to spread yours apart, opening them as wide as he could. You hated not being able to see his face easily, but the new position was exciting anyway. You could feel his hard cock twitching against your ass and had a privileged view of his hand as he slowly moved closer to where you needed it most.
"You're so wet already and I barely touched you," Spencer whispered against your ear, his breath brushing your skin as his fingers began to toy with your clit. "Is this all for me?"
"Y-yes,"you managed to mumble between ragged breaths, struggling to control the sounds of pleasure escaping your lips. You were in a hotel room and the rest of your co-workers were sleeping in the rooms next to yours. The last thing you wanted was to be discovered.
"No, don't hold back. I want to hear you moan. I want to know how good I'm making you feel." Spencer was desperate to hear you moan his name, it was all he had ever wanted from the first moment he saw you. He dreamed of your whimpers of pleasure, but they never felt real enough. His mind could never recreate the beautiful melody of your voice to perfection. But he could remember it forever if he could hear you.
Spencer increased the speed of his fingers and you weren't able to contain the moan that escaped your lips, nor the many others that followed. But even if you could, you wouldn't have done it because he wanted to hear you and his wishes were your command. Your body belonged to him in its entirety, you were his to do with you as he wished. 
"Good girl," he praised you, using his free hand to push your hair to the side so he could kiss and nibble on your neck. Each thing he did brought you a little closer to the edge. It was as if he had studied your body in preparation for this moment, as if he knew exactly what buttons to push to have you making a mess under his touch.
"Is this what you wanted?" Spencer growled against your ear, feeling his cock throbbing under the movements of your ass. Pure pleasure coursed through his veins as he listened to the whimpers escaping your lips. "Is this what you imagined every time you looked at my hands?"
"Yes! F-fuck, yes." Your voice came out in a broken moan, your brain fighting the haze of pleasure to form coherent sentences. Spencer was bringing you near climax in record time, you could feel the knot in your stomach getting tighter and tighter. You didn't know how he was doing it, but you didn't want him to ever stop. "I thought about having your fingers deep inside me all this time and, f-fuck, and how good they would feel reaching places mime can't... yes! Just like that."
As if Spencer was using your fantasies as a guide, he slipped his middle and ring fingers inside you. Your velvety walls received them gladly, clasping around them to keep them there forever. Just as you had imagined, his long fingers felt wonderful, filling you in a way yours could not, and they reached that spongy place inside you in a matter of seconds making you see stars every time they caressed it.
"Oh god, Spence it feels so good... please" you murmured between moans and heaving breaths, gripping onto your lover's arm for support. Your body was on fire, your mind lost in pleasure. It all felt like too much and not enough at the same time. You were desperate to find that sweet relief, moving your hips against Spencer's hand to reach your climax.
"You're gonna cum for me like the good girl you are?" He spoke against your neck, biting into your skin and drawing a moan of pleasure from you. "You're gonna cum all over my fingers?"
"Yes! Yes, please, I wanna cum so bad," you begged him on the verge of tears and Spencer couldn't help but growl against your skin. Knowing that he was capable of making you cry out in pleasure with his fingers alone awakened something primal in him. The desperate sounds escaping your lips were the hottest thing he had ever heard and suddenly it became his mission to keep you crying with pleasure for as long as he possibly could.
Spencer increased the rhythm of his fingers and applied pressure to your clit with his palm so each time he moved his hand you would receive twice as much stimulation. "C'mon baby, cum for me," he encouraged you and his permission was all you needed to collapse into his arms.
Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through your body, which was squirming under Spencer's skilled hands that kept fucking you through your orgasm. Your lungs were screaming for air, but it was impossible for you to catch your breath. The world around you became a blur for a moment and the only thing your pleasure clouded brain was able to process was Spencer's voice praising you as his hands caressed your body.
"That's it... that's my good girl." You smiled, enjoying his compliments as you tried to catch your breath. 
But then you felt the hand that was still in your pussy begin to move once more. They were slow thrusts of his fingers inside you, but it was still a lot for your abused cunt, too sensitive from the orgasm it had just had. Your hand clutched at his wrist to try to stop it, but as you opened your eyes and looked down you couldn't help but let out a moan. You were convinced that there was no more erotic sight than that of his veiny hand buried in your pussy, moving in and out of you, giving you a glimpse of his skin glistening with your arousal in the dim light of the room.
"One more," Spencer told you, tugging on your hair to force your head back so you could look at him. It was a little rough, but you loved it, the pain going straight to your center. "I want one more and then I'll fuck you."
"I can't... too much" you tried to say, but your body betrayed you. Your pussy was dripping with excitement, your walls clinging to Spencer's fingers with desperation. Your hips were moving to his rhythm, following his lead and not yours. Your body no longer responded to you, it no longer belonged to you. It now belonged to Spencer and if he wanted you to cum one more time then you would.
"You can, I know you can," he encouraged you in a soft voice that contrasted with the roughness of his movements. He kissed you, his lips pressing against yours with a desperation that took what little breath you still had, and you surrendered completely to him. You stopped fighting your body's urges, trusting that Spencer knew what was best for you. He always did.
"That's it, baby. Let go for me, c'mon. I want to feel you cum on my fingers one more time." His words went straight to your pussy, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. It wasn't long before you started to feel like it was too much. Your legs shook uncontrollably with pleasure, but when you tried to close them Spencer didn't let you, using his to keep you wide open for him.
"'S too much… too much… can't" you mumbled incoherently as you felt the pleasure take over your whole body. Tears of utter pleasure streamed down your cheeks, each movement of your lover's hand bringing you closer to the edge you weren't sure you'd be able to cross. 
"Shh you're okay, you're okay" he reassured you, showering his kisses all over your neck and shoulder as he used his free hand to hold you in place. "You can do it. C'mon, I got you."
You clung to Spencer's arm as you braced yourself for the explosion of pleasure that was coming, your nails digging little half moons into his porcelain skin. He held you in place as your body shook violently as your second orgasm hit you, enjoying the incoherent cries of pleasure escaping your lips as you soaked his fingers with your arousal. It was music to his ears, the sweetest melody he had ever heard. 
"That's it, such a good girl for me." He praised you, but you were too lost to process his words. Your mind was completely lost in a fog of pure bliss, the world around you forgotten as your body twitched with the aftershocks of your orgasm. You could barely breathe and you couldn't remember your own name, but a smile formed on your face. Those had been the best orgasms of your life and you hadn't even had Spencer inside you yet.
"There you are!" you heard him say next to you. When you opened your eyes you discovered that at some point he had moved you, and now you were lying on the bed with him staring at you at your side. "Are you okay?" 
His voice was soft as his fingers gently caressed your cheek. It was quite a change from the man who minutes before was demanding you cum on his fingers, but you liked it. He was more like the usual Spencer and that was what you needed at that moment as you recovered from the two most intense orgasms of your life.
"I'm fine," you assured him with an ecstatic smile. You really were. Spencer had demanded a lot from you, but in the best possible way.
"Do you want to stop? Just say the word and I'll let you go to sleep."
"What? No, please, I want to feel you inside me." You begged with glazed eyes and Spencer let out a chuckle.
"Are you sure you can handle it?" he asked, looking at you with a raised eyebrow and you nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes! Please, I want to make you feel good. I want to be your good girl."
Spencer silenced your pleas with a kiss, his lips caressing yours ever so gently. Unlike the previous times, when desire, passion and desperation prevailed, this kiss was slow and sensual. He was taking his time to enjoy the moment, memorizing every little detail of your lips and your reactions to the caresses of his tongue. He wanted to experience everything with you, the urgency of passion and desire, as well as the tenderness of such an intimate moment. He wanted it all with you.
When he pulled away you let out a whimper in protest, missing his warmth the moment he got out of bed. However your protests were silenced when you rose up on your elbows and discovered that he was undressing. Before that moment you didn't think it was possible that the image of a man loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt could be so erotic, but Spencer proved you wrong. Your mind raced wildly with the thought of everything he could do to you with that tie or the belt, which fell to the floor with a metallic clank as he peeled off the layers of clothing. 
Anticipation bubbled up inside you once again as you stared at Spencer crawling towards you, looking at you like an animal at its prey. He gave you one last slow, tender kiss before settling between your legs, taking his cock in his hands and stroking it a couple of times before lining it up with your entrance.
"You ready, baby?" he asked you one more time to make sure you were okay, his voice no more than a raspy whisper that awakened a new wave of arousal inside you.
"Yes, please."
He was gentle as he entered you, giving you time to adjust to the size of his member as he enjoyed the warmth of your velvety walls. You both let out a moan as he bottomed out, your pussy tightening around his cock as you felt him deep inside you.
"So tight and warm for me," Spencer growled in your ear as he began to move, slowly dragging his cock almost all the way out before slamming back inside you with a quick, punishing thrust. "Taking me so well."
It was clear from the erratic, desperate rhythm of his hips that Spencer wasn't going to last long. He was so worked up after having you wriggling on his cock as you came twice that he was already close to the edge. But he still tried his best to drag the moment out as long as he could, thoroughly enjoying the way you had surrendered to him completely. He hadn't even had to ask you, you had simply accepted your role, desperate to be his good girl just as he had imagined. 
"You look so pretty like this, making a mess on my cock as I fuck you stupid," he praised you as he noticed your moans increasing in volume and incoherence. He felt you tighten around his member, letting out a pathetic moan of pleasure as you increased the rhythm of your hips, which moved against his in search of your orgasm.
"Feels s-so good, Spence… please." A couple of tears escaped your eyes as you begged him for relief, awakening that primal desire deep inside him again. There was something so erotic about the way you were moaning for him, crying for his cock, begging him to bring you to your climax one more time. You looked completely ruined, mascara running down your face and lipstick smeared across your lips after so many kisses, and he was the cause of it all. He was the one you were moaning for. He was the one you cried for. He was the one you begged for more even though you were completely ruined. He was the one who was making you feel so good. He and only he. You belonged to him. 
"You want to cum again, huh?" Spencer spoke in a condescending tone as he increased the pace and roughness of his thrusts. "Two orgasms are not enough for my girl? Is that it?"
You tried to ignore the way it made you feel to hear him call you 'his girl', attributing the warm feeling that spread through your body to desire and arousal. Though deep down you knew there was something more pure and innocent behind your reaction.
"Please, don't stop. I'm so close, f-fuck." The pleasure was overwhelming, coursing through your entire body, consuming every cell of your being. Your vision was blurring again, the tight knot in your stomach threatening to snap at any moment.
Then Spencer lowered one of his hands to where your bodies joined as one, his fingers losing themselves in your wetness as they played with your clit. Your body began to twitch beneath his, your moans increasing in volume and quantity as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the sweet relief. You reached out to him, grabbing his arm in an attempt to ground yourself, frightened by the force of the powerful orgasm that threatened to destroy you completely. 
"I know, baby, I know." Spencer comforted your incoherent cries of pleasure, feeling your whole body tighten around his to hold him in place. The warm walls of your cunt clenched around his throbbing cock with every movement he made. Your legs hooked around his hips, pulling him even closer against you, his cock reaching deeper inside you with each thrust. You were both so close to cumming, but he wanted to feel you come undone around him first.
"Just let go for me, I got you."
You moaned his name, appreciating the tenderness in his voice as he encouraged you to cum. But you needed more, something to push you over the edge. And you knew exactly what that was.
Loosening your grip on his arm, you guided him up your body to where you needed him. Your hand rested on top of his as you gently settled it on your exposed neck, closing your fingers —and his— over your throat in an attempt to make him understand what you wanted.
Spencer looked at you with a surprised look, but you could see that flash of darkness shining in his eyes that let you know he liked the idea as much as you did. "Are you sure?" he asked you to make sure you were both on the same page about it.
"Please," you begged him with glazed eyes and Spencer felt his cock throbbing inside your pussy, feeling his orgasm approaching. You were definitely the perfect woman for him.
He began by applying a little pressure to the sides of your throat, feeling your veins pumping blood under his fingers. His hand was so big that he could almost wrap it around your entire neck, giving him a sense of power that awakened a wave of pleasure that coursed through his entire body. Knowing that you trusted him enough to let him choke you gave him a strange sense of relief. He wasn't the only one.
But what really sealed the deal for him was hearing your strangled moans as he applied enough force to limit your breathing a bit. 
"You're such a dirty little girl... you like getting fucked like a slut, huh?" Spencer asked the question on purpose, knowing you weren't going to be able to respond other than incoherent sounds from both the pleasure you were feeling and the pressure he was putting on your throat. But he knew you loved it, he could feel it in the way you were clenching down on his member. 
"Cum for me, c'mon. I want to feel you making a mess on my cock." His command was all you needed to let yourself be consumed by pleasure, the combination of his dirty words, his punishing thrusts and the pressure he exerted on your throat finally pushing you over the edge. 
Your whole body trembled beneath his as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through every inch of your body. You felt like you were on fire, floating in pure bliss as you heard Spencer praising you in the distance.
"That's my good girl, doing such a great job for me." Spencer's movements became more erratic and sloppy as he chased his own orgasm. His grip on your neck softened, but you didn't let him move his hand from there, grabbing his wrist to hold him in place.
"Please Spence, I want you to fill me up... I want to feel you cum inside me, pleaseee," you begged him with what little strength you had left, trying to push him over the edge. You looked at him with half-closed, slightly unfocused eyes, completely lost in the pleasure that flooded your insides. It was the hottest image Spencer had ever seen. You were ruined, so fucked out that you could barely think, and he was the one to blame for that.
You whimpered from the overstimulation, the sweet sound of your raspy moans driving him over the edge. He came with a grunt of pleasure, emptying his load inside you. He painted your velvety walls with rope after rope of cum, enough that the pearly white liquid trickled down your thighs and onto the bed. Spencer earned one last moan from you as he pulled out of you, collapsing beside you as you both struggled to catch your breath.
"Are you okay?" he asked you as he regained the ability to form coherent sentences. He shifted his body towards you, rising up on his arm and resting his head in his palm so he could look at you. "I wasn't too rough, was I?"
"No, no. You were perfect." You were quick to say, opening your eyes and turning to face him. He had his soft, innocent expression back, looking at you with adoration as he analyzed your face to make sure you were telling the truth. If it weren't for the smell of sex that flooded the room you would find it hard to believe that he was the same man who had fucked you until you forgot your own name.
"Everything was perfect." You added with a satisfied smile on your face that he mimicked. 
A silence formed as you tried to process what had happened. Now that your mind was clear of the fog of desire and passion that blocked your thinking you realized the position you had put yourselves in. You were friends and co-workers and at the time you had no way of knowing how this slip-up was going to affect both relationships. You figured you would have time to sort it out, but for now you needed to get out of there before you fell asleep and the rest of the team discovered you leaving the same room in the morning. So you carefully got up, holding onto the bed frame until your legs got used to supporting the weight of your body again, and looked for your clothes that had been left behind, scattered on the floor of the room.
"What are you doing?" Spencer asked, watching you struggle to put your underwear back on.
"Putting my clothes back on?" you replied as if it were obvious, grabbing your shirt off the floor. "I need it. Unless you want me to walk down the hallway naked I-"
"Stay," he interrupted you, grabbing your hand to force you to stop. "Please." He sounded so soft and vulnerable that there was no way you could say no, even though you knew it was a terrible idea.
“What about the team?”
“We can wake up a little earlier so you can sneak back to your room.”
You weren't fully convinced. There were a lot of things that could go wrong —what if you were called away in the middle of the night? how would you explain that you were not in your room but in Spencer's room sleeping with him if one of your co-workers knocked on your door before you got back?—, but Spencer kissed you and all concerns left your system. You let the soft movement of his lips quiet the voices in your head, surrendering to his charms once again.
"C'mon, let's get you cleaned up so we can go to sleep." He whispered against your lips, giving you one last short kiss before guiding you to the shower. You let him take care of you, allowing him to wash your hair and carefully massage the soap over your body, and in gratitude you did the same for him. The tenderness and intimacy of sharing a shower contrasted with the rough sex you had had, but you liked it. The same way you liked sleeping snuggled in his arms. He was your favorite pillow, the warmest and most comfortable blanket you had ever slept with. 
You were pretty sure you couldn't go back to normal after discovering how happy it made you feel to be surrounded in Spencer's arms, but you were okay with that. You had plenty of time to talk about your future in the morning. For now all you wanted to do was enjoy the moment, letting your lover's deep breaths lull you to sleep.
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causenessus · 4 months
Realizing He Loves You. | Haikyuu
inc. akaashi, bokuto, oikawa, iwaizumi, kuroo, kenma
written in 2nd pov (female reader implied)
song recc: my loves get special treatment and all get a song or quote of their own again but just for fun </3 sideways by cleo sol
word count: 1922 words
summary: "when does he realize he loves you/what does he do to show that he loves you?"
little bit of crack? nekoma performs a psychology experiment (??) i just had a little bit of fun writing this and projecting onto like all of them <3 but i just love them all sm and i'm making up for not including kenma in my last post mb guys
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"don't shorten your speech. i love your details."
if you thought he paid attention to bokuto, you’re not ready for what he gives you
he gives you everything <3 anything you could ever ask for, he’ll get you it
he’s always hoping to see you, when he hears a door open, he looks up, hoping it might just happen to be you
it doesn’t click at first that he’s purposely looking out for you on instinct, but he starts to realize it as he finds himself orbiting around you more and more
he gives you his full attention whenever you say something, and if you get sidetracked or forget what you’re talking about, you best believe he remembers what you’ve already said and will try and prompt your memory by explaining what you’ve already told him
will also check in and remember things that you have said in the past, like you told him about a new book you were reading and the next time he sees you, he’ll ask you how it's going. or if you guys are too busy and he doesn’t ask you about it then, he’ll ask you about it another time he sees you. but either way, it always surprises you and touches your heart when he remembers <3
you best believe he’s always making time for you too
burst into the gym, his classroom, or bedroom and he’s already dropping everything for you
“keiji, you’ll never guess what happened!”
“what happened, love?”
the moment he probably fully realized how much he loved you was when he started holding your hands to stop you from picking at them
he’s always paying so much attention to you and he cares so much about you that he lovingly tries to stop you from habits like biting your nails or picking at your skin <3
he’ll notice that you’re doing it when you’re sitting beside him and with all the care in the world he’ll be gently holding your hands, running his own pretty fingers along them and rubbing them
you know he’s doing it to stop you and help you but you’ll pout, saying, “that’s not fair, keiji, you pick at your fingers too :( ”
but he’ll only smile as he takes his eyes off his fingers playing with yours to look at you, “i know. but you're not allowed to because i love you.”
everyone adores you (at least i do)
he couldn’t stop talking about you
he didn’t do it on purpose, but genuinely just kept bringing you up to everyone because you’re his everything <3
he does it with such love and adoration, the biggest smile on his face that no one can say no to him or interrupt him, they just keep listening
in all sorts of conversations, he’ll find a way to bring you into it and people know that if he doesn’t have practice, there’s a 99% he’s with you (that 1% is simply when it’s absolutely impossible for him to be with you
if anyone ever asks him what he did over the weekend, he’s always mentioning you, “my weekend? oh, my girlfriend and I…” 
he has literally no reason to be vague he’s so proud of you and to be your boyfriend he’ll say it whenever he can <3
and just like how his his energy and determination is contagious on the court, so is his happiness when he talks about you
at some point someone on the team brought it up with a grin on their face to match his purely joyous one,
“man, you really love her, don’t you?”
he’d already thought about it a ton before, but to hear someone say it for the first time, it felt different
his face felt a little warm but he couldn’t help but nod,
“i do. i love her.”
"jupiter couldn't keep me from you / oh, i'm yours."
he realizes it when seeing you makes him flustered and he can’t stop thinking about you
definitely talks about you a lot to anyone who he can get to listen
like it’s worse than bokuto
but it goes past that, you’re on his mind all the time, throughout his classes and afterschool
and this is NOT basic i swear let me explain
he’s smiling stupidly to himself all throughout the day, his head filled with moments he’s had with you
they’re just showing up in his head without him even trying but he’s not complaining
he’ll see you in the halls and he just can’t stop the smile that spreads across his face
he’ll be listening to songs and suddenly he’s relating them all to you, asap he started making a playlist for you as soon as he became the slightest bit interested in you, he just couldn’t stop thinking about you but at first he thought it was just normal
but then he’s there, helping clean the floors after volleyball practice and he’s in his own head, a lovesick smile on his face and his heart brimming with adoration for you
seijoh 4 is looking at the scene in confusion and worry, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the sight
“is he really that happy to be cleaning the floors?”
“maybe he’s imagining that his serve had hit kageyama in the face and not yahaba??”
“it irks me. trashykawa if you don’t wipe that stupid grin off your face–”
suddenly maki and mattsun are holding iwa back by the arms from marching over to the boy who's still stuck in his own world, smiling with a mop in hand
eventually maki pieces it together, the three of them approaching the boy once iwa has found the will to keep the rage inside again <3
“whose the lucky girl that’s got you smiling like that?” he asked with a taunting smile
to his surprise, tooru was completely transparent, no jokes or comebacks, a pink hue dusting his cheeks as he rested his chin on the handle of the mop with the same lopsided smile as always, “this girl i’ve been seeing…god, i think i love her.”
"calling my lover 'mine' but not in the way that my toothbrush or notebook are mine, mine in the way my neighborhood is mine, and also everybody else's, 'mine' like mine to tend to, mine to care for, mine to love. 'mine' not like possession but devotion."
he realized he loved you when he found that he just wanted to do everything for you
the definition of “i know u can do it urself but let me spoil u <3”
he has a list of everything you like so that he always knew what to get you
he’s always coming up with special plans and gifts for anniversaries, birthdays and holidays
i just know he comes up with the best ideas
and i know everyone says this BUT HE’S SO walking on the open side of the sidewalk to guard you from passing cars omg <3
definitely a man whose skipping whatever he has going on that day to take care of you when you get sick or if you’re taking a mental health day
he just wants to make sure you’re completely taken care of and that you know how much you mean to him <3 he’s always reassuring you when you have even the slightest doubt that you are not and will never be an inconvenience or anything of the sort
is 100% holding your bag when you guys are walking at school
and ofc is holding your bags if you guys go out shopping is that even a question??
he’s always asking to take you out places and do something with you
unless you catch him in a gracious mood and give him three good reasons why he shouldn’t pay for something for you, you’re not winning
he’s paying and he’s happy to <3 if you’re really adamant about it, he’ll let you pay (sometimes) but will still try to get you to at least split it
he loves you so much he will give himself wholly to you whenever you ask for it
he can go from completely abusing oikawa to holding you so gently and speaking softly and lovingly in a split second <3
recovering from his beating, oikawa approached iwa again, as you left to take care of something else, “she’s really got you wrapped around her finger, doesn’t she?”
iwa only continued to watch your leaving figure, “i guess so. but i’d burn the world for her if she asked.”
"hold on. hold on. i have to protest. do you think i would choose to live without you?"
he shows how much he cares for you by always making you his first priority
he’s always with you and always on time for you
it didn’t really click with him at first but he realized he loved you when he was thinking so much about making sure you knew that you were cared for and that you deserved nothing short of the best, including a man that is always there for you
i feel like tetsuro (with love) is the type of man who shows up late to things unapologetically at least ever so often
but never when it comes to you
expect him to always be there on an agreed time if not earlier
as researchers (the nekoma volleyball team) found in their experiment (completely unbiased and empirical), by just saying that the group was going to hang out and that you were going to be there, he was guaranteed to show up on time. but any other time, if you weren’t involved, there was a chance he was showing up at least 10 minutes late
(kenma was most certainly their control group to see what tetsuro’s normal behavior was for the people closest to him <3)
when yamamoto presented these findings to tetsuro himself, he simply shrugged
“so you’ll show up completely ready, hair styled and all for her but when it comes to us you come looking like a tornado hit you in the two blocks it takes to get to the convenience store and it set you back like 10 minutes??”
“well duh, i love her, not you.”
"so you see her / she's over in the corner / and you can't ignore her / there must be a reason"
he realized he loved you when he noticed that he was always keeping an ear open to listen for you 
he’s not used to really working with others. like he’s either listened to (ie. brain of his team) or he’s working independently because he’s not going through the effort of putting up with people
you and kuroo on a good day are the exceptions
bc with you, it’s like he wants to hear from you
he doesn’t often love talking to people, and he hates when people interrupt him when he’s doing something, but when he’s playing games and you're around, he has one side of his headphones pushed behind his ear in case you say something to him
even before you guys were dating, when he sat next to you in class, because you sat to his left, he’d only put in his right earbud when he listened to music so he could hear you
and even when you guys are walking together, hand in hand, if he still has an earbud in, he makes sure to walk on the side of you that doesn’t have an earbud in <3
before practices have officially started, he’s completely unavailable and does not care for what anyone has to say to him
but then he sees you walking in and he’s got an earbud out or his headphones are pushed to the side immediately <3
kuroo notices this after some time and teased him about it, “oh? you never make an effort to listen to anything I have to say if you have your headphones on. does she mean that much to you?”
kenma didn’t even look up from his switch, but there was a small smile on his face at the question, “yeah, she does.”
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vintagesuga · 5 months
☆Nicknames Skz call you
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tags: Ot8 x gn!reader. Fluffy, Pet names, established relationships, cute short little thing
summary: These are nicknames/pet names I think the members would call you. Enjoy!
a.n: This is the first work that I am posting on Tumblr so idk what I'm truly doing here. This is also cross-posted on Ao3 under the same username.
I feel like he isn’t too big on using pet names, so he just calls you by your name
However, if he is feeling particularly lovesick, he calls you Sweetheart or Beautiful.
If he wants to tease, he calls you cheesy gross names like Pookie Bear or Apple of my eye
When you're going all ‘Mom mode’ (as the members like to call it) he calls you Boss Lady
You’re saved as ‘Love Bug’ in his phone
Calls you Honey, Dear, or My love (and this is why the members think you’re married)
If he wants to tease you, he calls you Sweet Stuff or Honey Bunches
Said something very serious to you and ended it with ‘Suger pie honey bun’ and started cackling like a witch
Sometimes he is an absolute menace if you call him by a cute nickname, will not answer you
People get confused when they see ‘Mother to my children’ in his contacts
Very buff man of him to call you like Doll or Toots.
When he is serious, he loves to call you Sunshine, Buttercup, or Pumpkin, tho
Called you Dumpling once, and you absolutely melted, Hearts for eyes frfr.
Has and will call you Wifey when you go out, finds it hilarious
He has you saved as ‘Queen💅’
He calls you short stuff
Unlike Chan, he is being 100% serious when he calls you the Apple of my eye
For real, tho he probably calls you something like Love or Darling, something really romantic.
Jokingly suggested he call you My Treasure or Aphrodite, not expecting you to actually like those names
Saved as ‘My muse’ with a gross amount of emojis
He calls everyone Baby, and that includes you, too.
Probably shortens it to Babe and just interchanges them.
Schnookums or Pookie if he wants to be a little shit.
If he wants something from you, he tries calling you the Love of his life. You see right through him, tho so his trick never works.
Jokingly saved you as ‘Nutter Butter’ in his contacts and found it hilarious, so he just hasn’t changed it.
Mans calls you a whole bakery. Cupcake, Pudding, Cutie Patootie, Sugar Pie. The whole 9 yards.
If it is sweet, in his eyes, you are that sweet
I feel like he just switches his pet names for you like every other day, so it is never the same one twice.
He once called you Bubs for about 3 weeks, tho; you absolutely loved it. Favorite nickname.
Has you saved as ‘Muffin🥰’
Calls you like Cold French Fries or Roach, you know mean things. Catch him dead before he calls you cute nicknames.
Definitely, one to call you Trouble. Especially when you call him by cute nicknames
You know he is being difficult, but names like Chicken Nugget??? Those aren't endearing
When it's just the two of you, he calls you stuff like Hon or Darling
You’re saved as ‘My only one😒’ in his phone.
I feel like he is also not one for pet names
Calls you Baby, but it's like rarely
If he really wants you to understand how much he loves you tho he calls you Angel or Precious
Called you something like Bestie once, and you didn’t speak to him for hours
Has you saved as ‘Number one cuddler🫶’
©️vintagesuga Do not repost.
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dollyyun · 1 month
𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬' 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐲 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑.𝟏 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧)
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SYNOPSIS: For some reason, Park Sunghoon utterly despises you ─ how you are the literal definition of a good girl who avoids all sorts of troubles, how you remain loyal and abide by the rules, how you dress modestly, the fact that you're best friends with the popular girls who are his kind of girls, the way your eyes sparkle with fascination, and the dimples on your cheeks whenever you smile or laugh ─ you are every bit of a girl he has no desire to fuck. However, being naturally competitive even against his best friends, he is determined to be the one to break you, poison you with his corruptive ways, and change you for the worse.
PAIRING: non!idols enha hyung line x fem!reader, sunghoon x fem!reader
GENRE: 18+ (mdni), semi-college au, adulthood, reverse harem, dark themes.
WARNINGS: mentions of christianity, smoking, alcohol consumption, mild bullying, assault, humiliation, profanities, manipulation, possible violence, tsundere, smut, unprotected sex (no!), pool sex, shower sex, rough-hate sex, meandom!hoon, slight voyeurism, degradation, name calling (slut, bitch, princess), cock-warming, oral, blowjob, handjob, lots of manhandling, hair pulling, choking, 'sir' kink, spitting kink, spanking, markings(hoon has a biting kink), corruption kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, crying, just pure filth, hoon lowkey develops a soft spot for reader, hoon is obsessed with reader's neck and lips, threesome with jakehoon.
FEATURING: txt, le sserafim, ive, aespa.
DISCLAIMER: this fic is inspired by devil's night series written by penelope douglas! also, i am not a Christian, and i didn't bother to do thorough research on the religion, so pardon any false facts or errors.
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3.2, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7
PLAYLIST: Six Feet Under - The Weeknd, Heartless - The Weeknd, Reminder - The Weeknd, Lost in the Fire - The Weeknd, get him back! - Olivia Rodrigo,think later - Tate Mcrae, Swim - Chase Atlantic, Devillish - Chase Atlantic, Soaked - Shy Smith, Swimming Pools - Lloyd, Where Them Girls At - David Guetta ft Nicki Minaj, Agora Hills - Doja Cat.
RUBY'S NOTE: as always, please lower your expectations because it might not turn out good as you hoped and i apologise for the bad written smuts and if it bores you with how lengthy it is. also, i tried shortening chap 3 and blr won't let me post all 37k+ words in one post, hence, there is another part (which is part 3.2). nevertheless, enjoy reading!
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It is getting rather irksome at this point. The stark image of your glistening eyes as they brimmed with tears and the distinct heartbreak contorted in your face remain unabating in his mind, as though to taunt him and evoke a sympathetic chord in him, which is nearly impossible because he is not a man of deep benevolence.
If anything, the sight of you in tears should have gladdened his tainted heart. He should be deriving great delight from your unveiling woe, but instead, a certain chord that feels foreign strikes him in the chest, and he doesn’t like it. Not one bit.
Park Sunghoon despises you.
No, you didn’t commit any wrongdoing towards him. He simply hates you and your whole being. Even the mere glimpse of your face is enough to kindle the burning hatred he has always harboured for you.
Sunghoon can’t exactly pinpoint the very moment he started hating you, but it was around the first half of the semester during freshman year.
Initially, you were a nobody ─ just a girl who managed to enrol in this prestigious university thanks to scholarships. You’re not a Chaebol like him or like most of the student body here. Usually, a student like yours with no status rank or whatsoever would be an easy target for the delinquents to tyranny with their corruptive tendencies and, essentially, to bully.
However, unlike the other delinquents, Sunghoon didn’t want to squander his time tyrannising students like you. He really couldn’t care less since, at that point in time, he was busy targeting and luring girls to his bed, since he used to be a fuckboy after all.
Truth be told, Sunghoon didn’t know of your existence in this school until one day, when your name reached his ears from the nebby peers of his. Words spread throughout campus like wildfire within one day ─ about you being a devoted Catholic girl, the professor's pet, and other things that were rather unpleasant from the mouths of his peers.
Sunghoon really didn’t want to get caught up by the tattles, but his interest piqued when a specific yet cliché moniker was accorded to you by most of the student body.
Crestview Meadow’s official good girl ─ Y/N Kang.
Hence, from there, you earned quite a reputation amongst the Crescents here. But Sunghoon firmly believed that the only reason you had a reputation was solely because of the it girls of Crestview Meadows ─ the very same girls are actually his kind of girls to be associated with, whereas you are every bit of a girl he has no desire to fuck.
Sunghoon thought that you didn’t deserve to have a reputation, albeit your reputation was meant to be disreputed, considering almost everyone dislikes you except the it girls, three of whom are your best friends and roommates, all because you’re the epitome of a good girl, a good daughter, and the ideal student that professors prefer to teach.
Oh, how he hates the way your eyes sparkle with fascination and your animated face that displays dimples on your cheeks whenever you smile or laugh, and even the sound of your laughter and chuckles irks him greatly. He also finds you tedious with how you are known to be loyal and often abide by the rules, and with how you dress so modestly that even your shortest skirt length reaches approximately four inches from your knee.
Not to forget the annoying satin bow piece that you often tie your hair in a half-up-do with and your thigh-high socks clad, as though you are gatekeeping your long porcelain legs from any prying eyes, since after all, you gain negative attention to your thick thighs.
Getting a little sidetracked, his mind briefly drifts to the plush of your thighs. No doubt, anyone who meets you for the first time will notice your thighs at first glance. His pulse starts to drum in his ears the longer the image of your thighs, which he finally saw how smooth and flawless your skin was on Devil’s Night, remains abating in his mind.
Fuck, even to this day, he still can’t remove another image of you in that skimpy, tight dress from his mind. He ignores the way his dick twitches as he subconsciously fantasises about you ─ his nails digging into the plush as he holds your thighs, his hand moving to your neck and giving it a good squeeze while he fucks his hatred into you.
A muscle pulses in his jaw before his hand reaches out to snatch the bottle from his best friend’s grasp and pours himself another glass of Bourbon, in dire need to drown his amorous thoughts about you. He disregards his best friends’ collective odd expressions that are directed at him by the table.
Sunghoon finds the whole concept of you being the renowned good girl on campus utterly absurd. There is no fucking way that you are entirely pure. Surely, beneath that pristine facade of yours is someone who is waiting for the right moment to spread her legs for anyone to give her a good fuck just like the other girls he had slept with, and he intends to bring the slut out of you and prove that you’re not the saint you thought you were.
“Ignore him. He’s spacing out as usual.” Jay’s annoying remark, which is obviously targeted at Sunghoon, causes the latter to roll his eyes before he takes another sip of his Bourbon. “He probably wasn’t listening to what we were saying.”
“I know that you were talking shit about me.” Sunghoon scoffs, shifting his gaze to his best friends, who are settled around the table. “A guy can multitask, ya know?”
“So how was it?” Heeseung shoots his inquiry to Jake, intervening between the two Parks before they can bicker as usual, which is the norm for the group.
“How was what?” Sunghoon raises his eyebrow inquisitively, now directing his full attention to them.
“About Y/N, of course.” Heeseung answers, his face remaining calm and collected, whereas Sunghoon internally groans at the mere mention of your name, which has his mind drifting back to the image of you in that white fucking skimpy dress out of all of the images of you.
Sunghoon’s steely gaze settles on Jake, who is seated directly across from him, and when their eyes meet fleetingly, Sunghoon finds it hard to decipher the sentiment reflecting in his eyes. As always, Jake is hard to read and predict, despite them being close enough to regard each other as brothers.
To anyone outside of their inner circle, they perceive Jake as the most amiable out of the four leaders, with a kind and sweet disposition despite his playboy tendencies. But to Sunghoon, as well as those who are much closer to Jake, only they know the real Sim Jaeyun is the total opposite of the frontage he displays in everyone else’s eyes, or at least Sunghoon presumes since he can never interpret his best friend.
Sunghoon recalls a certain period of time where Jake completely ghosted all of them and didn’t give them any explanation or whatsoever; he simply left them hanging and wondering what they did wrong until Jay was determined to knock some senses into Jake, which led to a nasty brawl between the two, but in the end, all was well.
“Yeah, was it any good?” Jay leans his body forward, his keen interest is evident by the grin on his lips, eliciting a scoff from Sunghoonn before the latter downs the remnants of the bourbon.
Sunghoon raises his eyebrow just slightly at the smirk tugging at Jake’s lips while something dark glints in the latter’s eyes. “Too good. Even better than I expected.” Jake finally puts an end to their curiosity. His smirk deepens as he brings the glass of Bourbon near to his lips. “She’s adorably loud, by the way.”
“Fuck you, man.” Jay groans loudly as he leans back against his seat, annoyance tinges in his face while he takes a drag of smoke from his vape before puffing it out. “Seriously, screw off, Jake. I wanted to get to her first since I’ve never fucked a virgin before.”
“She’s truly exquisite. Sweet angel took me like a champ.” Jake is obviously taunting Jay, as evident in the dark mischief dancing in his eyes. “I’m betting on my Chevrolet that you can’t make her cum more than I did.”
Jake’s goading appears to have affected Jay, as the latter seems exasperated. Jay turns his attention to Heeseung, his steely eyes hardening with resoluteness. “I call the next fuck. It’s my turn to prey on her.”
Amidst the R&B music that is playing in the background as it bounces off the walls of the bar, Heeseung’s silence is resounding, directing their attention to him. An inexplicable emotion paints across his features. “I’m not sure about that, Jay. I don’t think she would want to lower her guards around us anymore, especially after a certain someone decided to act like a dick towards her earlier on campus.”
Sunghoon watches with curious eyes as Heeseung turns his head to Jake, his gaze sharper than usual. “Apparently, Beomgyu informed me what you did and said something to her that made her cry.”
Something flickers past Sunghoon’s gaze. So your tears were because of Jake, but it is rather peculiar, especially since Sunghoon long had an inkling that you might like Jake better than the other knights, so he presumed that it would take Jake a shorter time to achieve his goal without any issues.
Although the smirk on Jake’s lips persists, Sunghoon is surprisingly able to read through him and notice the deflation. “So what?” He asks gruffly. “I already did my part, so why are you annoyed by the fact that I made her cry?”
“Because you were supposed to bring her closer to us, dumbass.” Jay shoots Jake a scowl, blowing out another puff of smoke. “Just great! The more reason for her to avoid any of us now!”
“Why did you do it?” Heeseung presses on the matter, but all the while he remains calmly collected, eliciting a subtle grimace from Sunghoon since the latter knows well that what frontage Heeseung displays doesn’t always match the inexplicable storms within him.
Sunghoon shivers lightly. It’s always the quiet and stealthy ones who turn out to be the scariest motherfuckers.
Jake’s chiselled jaw is locked as he averts his gaze. “I had to. Besides, she wouldn’t bat an eye at me since it’s one of your turns to take charge now.”
“Jake, getting her closer to us is crucial, remember?” Heeseung heaves a sigh, his hand brushing away his magenta-red locks. “This isn’t the first time you love-bombed and ghosted a girl. I don’t know what your issue is, but you really need to sort your shit out.”
“Don’t tell me to sort out my shit when you don’t know what I’m dealing with.” Jake snaps at Heeseung, a rare occurrence that has the two Parks widening their eyes, thunderstruck.
They know that Heeseung is Jake’s most favourite person, and this is not to say that the latter isn’t close to the two Parks, but they have a special bond that is inexplicable to them, so Jake rarely gets angry at Heeseung.
Heeseung narrows his eyes at him, darkness glinting in his eyes dangerously. “Then tell me. What is going on with you?”
“I don’t want to talk about it. You wouldn’t understand.” Jake murmurs the last part, but Sunghoon is the only one who catches on to the dejection in his tone.
“Anyway,” Jay raises his voice just slightly, drawing their attention. “We’re seriously getting sidetracked here. Who will be going after her next? Unless there is any objection, I’ll go next.” An anticipating grin smears across his pink lips.
“Nahhh, I don’t think so,” Sunghoon objects, a cold smirk touching his lips. “because I’ll be going for her next instead, and shut your mouth, Jay. You’re not getting to her until after I’m done.”
The three of them, completely bewildered, stare at Sunghoon as though he were an alien. They know that Park Sunghoon feels disdainful towards you for some reason, so they never anticipated his assertion to go next. However, they had momentarily forgotten that Sunghoon is naturally competitive, even against his best friends.
On the other hand, while he has been silent, a newfound resolve that dawned on him felt profound, and so he is driven by the same resolve, determined to be the one to fully break you on the inside, ascending his corruption upon you, and if his luck is strong enough, to change you for the worse.
“That’s settled, then.” Heeseung concludes while dissatisfactory gleams in Jay’s eyes, but the latter doesn’t make any objection. Heeseung meets Sunghoon’s gaze. “Do you think you’ll succeed? Considering you hate her, it'll be harder for you to prey on her.”
“When have I ever failed at anything?” A cocky smirk tugs at Sunghoon’s lips. “Best believe that when I’m done with her, she’ll be pliant and all yours to deal with.”
The soft luminesce of the moonlight streams into your window, painting delicate tapestries weaving across the ceiling while you wallow in despondency in the confines of your room as you lay limbs-sprawling on the bed. A rare bleakness shrouds the heartbreak in your eyes as they stare numbly at the ceiling.
The red rims of your eyes are fading, but they are still noticeable enough for your best friends to catch on to the fact that you have been crying. Although you doubt that they would care enough, considering the last argument you had with them and the fact that they did warn you, you didn’t want any of them to see you in this state.
Your phone buzzes in silence as it vibrates on your bed, but you choose to ignore whoever is calling or has sent you another text, most likely Winter and Kazuha, since you accidentally bumped into them just yesterday while you were still in tears. You ran before they even had the opportunity to speak to you.
The image of Jake and that girl is not something that can be erased so easily from your mind. Sure, you were slightly heartbroken when you found out Jake was a womaniser during the period you had a crush on him, but this is different. The heartbreak feels so profound that, despite the air of despondency hanging heavily around you, a part of you feels vehement enough to get even.
The thought of revenge entices you, wanting to get even by doing the same thing he did to you, but you shake away that ill-intent of retaliating. No, you can’t behave indecently again, especially after going to the church to confess your sins and be pardoned earlier in the morning. Besides, Jake even told you that you were delusional, so he probably wouldn’t get the slightest jealous if another man touched you intimately the way he did before.
A knock pulls you away from your muddling thoughts before the door slowly pushes open. Remaining motionless on your bed, you lazily turn your head to the side and meet Karina’s eyes, softening with concern.
“Hey, I heard from Winter and Kazuha that you were found crying yesterday.” Karina treads carefully with her words as her sharp eyes examine you. “What happened?”
It touches you that Karina even bothered to check in on you, despite the irony that she hated you in the beginning. Your heart aches at the thought of Wonyoung and Yunjin, already regretting your actions and missing them.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You murmur in a plea, your eyes stinging with dryness after shedding tears almost the whole night.
“Okay, I won’t pressure you. Just come out and eat something, please.” Karina’s gentle voice compels you to heed her words, and when she extends her hand towards you, you stare at it for a good minute before accepting her assistance in rising from the bed.
“Are Wonyoung and Yunjin around?” You ask tentatively as Karina proceeds to drag you and her out of your room.
“No. They’re busy with their boyfriends or whatever.” Karina mutters under her breath, and like a mother tending to her child, she instructs you to sit on the high stool by the kitchen island while she serves the food she bought for you.
“Thank you.” You say softly when she places the bowl on the table in front of you. The gratitude feels like a lump in your throat as you get a little emotional with her mere act of kindness for thinking about you even after you had been eccentric towards her.
Karina watches you in silence as she takes sips of her smoothie. “You know, I’m not mad at you.”
You lower your spoon to the bowl, and your face contorts into confusion. “You’re not?”
“I mean, sure, I was annoyed at first, but I could never be mad at you.” Karina gives you a small smile that sends a wave of assurance to you. “You’re a grown woman, Y/N, and it’s about time the girls and I stop babying you. Besides, who am I to dictate and judge you when I have my fair share of questionable decisions I made in the past?”
A moment of clarity dawns on you, and you have a sudden urge to confide in her, which you rarely do. Tucking your bottom lip in between your teeth, you contemplate hard and fast while the steaming bowl of porridge is forgotten by you.
“There was a reason why I allowed myself to get close to him, because I had a crush on Jaeyun when we were freshmen.” You start off, your eyes flickering to the interest in her eyes that encourages you to continue, and this time, your voice remains unwavering. “Of course, who wouldn’t be over the moon that their ex-crush finally noticed them and was brought to bed by the said crush?” You chuckle dryly. “But what broke my heart was the fact that he ghosted me the next day when we spent the whole night talking and flirting over the phone, and he even called me his girl.” You whimper out the last part.
Karina’s tongue hits the roof of her mouth. “Fucking hell, Jake Sim.”
You bury your face in your palms, trying your utmost to suppress the tumultuous emotions that storm within you. “I found him with a girl on his lap, and they were making out. Of course, I confronted him, and he told me I was delusional to think that I meant something to him just because we slept together.” Your lips quiver in sadness while tears sting in your eyes.
A loud thud of a palm hitting the table startles you, prompting you to look up, and your eyes widen at the sight of Karina’s glaring anger. “That’s it. I’m about to murder a man. There is no way fucking way he love-bombed my best friend and got together with some girl afterwards. He’s about to get a taste of my fist.”
You lean forward to grab her hand on the table before she can even move. “Karina, don’t.” You plead, squeezing her hand. “I don’t want to be the reason why you get into trouble. What’s done is done. I should move on from this ridiculous heartbreak of mine.”
Karina’s eyes soften at the sight of your glistening eyes and wavering voice, but the resentment persists within her. “What about revenge?”
You deflate slightly. “Revenge?”
“Yeah. I mean, don’t you want to get him back? Make him jealous?” Karina probes, her eyebrow arched inquisitively. “Come on, Y/N. He deserves it after what he did to you.”
Her words are starting to get to you, enticing you, but you shake your head, knowing that it would be rendered useless to seek revenge against the same guy who told you that you’re delusional. “Trust me, Rina, he wouldn’t get jealous. He has other girls to keep him occupied.”
“You may never know, Y/N. There is a chance that he’s dismissing his feelings for you, but at the moment he sees you with another guy, then maybe jealousy will strike him, so he’ll have no choice but to push his ego aside and grovel to win over your heart.”
“Rina, you watched way too many romance dramas.” You roll your eyes, chuckling lightly.
“It’s a maybe, but it won’t hurt to try, right?” Karina casts you a grin, sweet mischief glinting in her eyes. “What do you say, Y/N? You’re up for some sweet revenge?”
Knowing that Karina won’t stop until you cave in, you release a reluctant sigh. “Fine.”
“Perfect.” Karina smiles gleefully. “There will be a pool party happening at the resort chalet owned by Yeonjun’s family tomorrow night exclusively for the seniors, so it’s a perfect opportunity for you to find some guy who is willing to play along.”
“A pool party?” You frown. “I don’t know, Rina. What if Jaeyun won’t be present and all of those efforts for my petty revenge go to vain?”
“Trust me. He will be there,” Karina rises from the stool to walk over to you and grabs your hand, leaving you no choice but to allow her to drag you in the direction of her room. “and when he finally sees you in the gorgeous two-piece bikini, he’ll be regretful for letting you go.”
“Bikini?!” You shriek, mortified by the thought of every inch of your skin blatantly displayed for anyone to feast their eyes on. “Look, I’m fine with revenge, but to wear a bikini?!”
“Don’t be dramatic, Y/N.” Karina rolls her eyes, finally arriving in her room. You watch, flabbergasted, as she proceeds to rummage through her wardrobe drawer. “Your body is to die for. No more gatekeeping your curves. It’s about time that you flaunt them and prove to everyone that the renowned Crescents' good girl has a killer body.”
You turn your head to the side, looking at your whole reflection in the vanity mirror. You swallow hard as you reach up for your silver cross pendant to fiddle with it, as though you are silently pleading for forgiveness once more.
“What’s your favourite colour again?” Karina asks without looking over her shoulder.
You contemplate between white and pink. “Pink.”
Karina goes silent briefly before she gasps and lifts the bikini. “This will definitely look good on you.”
You stare at the dusty pink bikini in dubiety, and although you already feel revolted by the indecorous image of you in that bikini, you can’t deny that it looks cute. “I’m totally going to regret this.” You mutter under your breath, hoping that Karina won’t catch on to your words.
But the cheshire grin smearing across her lips says otherwise. “I have a feeling that you’ll be thanking me instead. Now, get dressed.”
Your face contorts into confusion. “Where are we even going at this hour?”
Karina points her acrylic index finger at you. “You, my girl, will be accompanying me to the bar. It’s clear that you and I need some drinks. Plus, some of our girls will be there.”
“You know that I don’t drink.” You strongly oppose.
“Too late. You’ve already broken one of your codes when you drank some on Devil’s Night.” Karina states, and upon seeing the grimace on your face, she releases a sigh. “Drinking some won’t kill you.”
“Yeah, but drinking some will eventually turn into drinking excessively, which will essentially kill you.” You say dryly.
Karina makes a hand gesture of 'shooing’ you. “Don’t get all smart on me now, Missy. Now go and get dressed, or do you need me to drag your ass back to your room and clothe you instead?”
In return, you make a face at her before departing from her room.
Karina ended up lending you her garments since, according to her, you really needed a wardrobe makeover. Surprisingly, the low-waisted denim jeans fit you perfectly, but you have yet to grow accustomed to the skin of your stomach being displayed due to the white crop top tee and denim jacket hugging your figure.
The moment you and Karina entered the bar ─  the very same bar where you once came across the seven delinquents ─ Winter, Kazuha, and Rei spotted both of you and were shocked by your new look, but nevertheless, they showered you with compliments and gushed over you while shyness coloured your cheeks.
“Don’t look now, but the four leaders are just across the bar.” Rei's hushed tone garners all of your attention as the five of you are seated on the high stools by the bar.
Your body goes frigid just as you are about to take your second sip of the cocktail. You don’t miss the way Winter, Kazuha, and Karina collectively spare glances at you. Just before the five of you decided to order your drinks, Winter and Kazuha were adamant about getting the truth out of you — the reason why you were crying yesterday while Rei was utterly lost.
And so, you had no choice but to reveal the truth. The revelation rendered them shocked and angered, but none was more shocked than Rei, since she was always in her own little world. You did make them pinky promises with you that not a single word about the revelation goes out to others.
Karina hums, her hand leisurely moves her half-empty glass of drink in circles while her sharp eyes are trained on a certain someone. “What do you girls think? Should I head over to their table and give Jake Sim a good punch or two?”
“Hell yeah!” Winter and Kazuha agree earnestly as they high-five each other.
“No, please no.” You discourage them, groaning as you do. “Don’t cause a commotion in the bar.”
“Come on, Y/N.” Winter whines at you. “He deserves at least a punch!”
“As much as I would love to see that happening, I have to head outside to answer a call.” Rei interjects before she excuses herself from the bar.
“Please.” You plead once more, giving Karina your sparkly doe eyes that you know she will have a hard time resisting. “I’m perfectly fine now. Besides, sweet revenge tomorrow, remember?”
Karina eventually concedes as she heaves a sigh. “Fine. Just be sure to make him really jealous.” She throws her head to the back as she downs the rest of her vodka before placing the glass on the table. “Anyone wants to join me in playing the game of pool?”
“Loser will be drinking the nastiest drink ever made?” Kazuha shoots Karina a smirk, to which the latter reciprocates. The two of them proceed to make their way to the pool as they venture further into the establishment, leaving you with Winter.
“So….” The awkwardness is palpable in her. Her fingers drum lightly on the countertop. “You’re no longer mad at me, right?”
“No.” You give her a small smile that diminishes the awkwardness she feels. “You were right. I should’ve known that he was an asshole.”
“But do you still like him?” She asks gently while there is a knowingness glinting in her eye. “He was your crush, after all. So it’s understandable if you find it hard to move on.”
“I don’t know what to feel, Winter.” You tell her honestly before taking quick sips of your cocktail in an attempt to reinvigorate yourself, but your mind remains in a tumult. A derisive chuckle leaves your lips. “I was a fool for believing in the fact that he meant what he said about me being his girl.”
Winter squeezes your shoulder, denoting her sympathy for you. Her phone rings on the table, prompting her attention to divert to it. “Oh, shoot. I forgot to return Giselle’s call. Be right back.”
Winter shoots you a quick smile before grabbing her phone and proceeding to make her depart, leaving you entirely alone and vulnerable for anyone, specifically for a certain someone with steely eyes who has been watching you, to approach you with ill-intent that you won’t even expect.
You decide to quell the bitterness by downing the cocktail until there is nothing left. With a sigh, you rise from the stool with the intention to head for the restroom, but as you lift your gaze, your heart nearly lurches in your chest at the sight of the man who never fails to evoke a familiar fear in you.
Even if he is standing a few metres away from you, the ambience emanating from him is domineering enough for you to recoil, but you try your utmost to remain rooted to the ground, your eyes unwaveringly meeting his steely ones before they betray your inner turmoil by scanning his appearance.
You are no stranger to the fact that Sunghoon’s fashion sense has always consisted of a variety of leathers. Tonight is no exception ─ a black leather jacket that clasps his athletic physique, as evident in the way the material of his black tee stretches against his muscles beneath the jacket, paired with black-washed denim jeans and a pair of Timberland boots.
As your eyes return to his face, something stirs within you amidst your turmoil at how attractive he looks. The black browline glasses adorning his face and the wisp of his raven strands hovering below his thick eyebrows, nearly to his eyes, do nothing to obscure his penetrating dark gaze on your face.
Despite the dim lights in this specific section of the bar, you can discern the familiar sentiment lurking in his steely eyes. Disdain. But your eyes narrow at his pink lips, which turn into a small smirk that adds weight to your turmoil.
“Who would’ve thought I’d be seeing you here out of all places, Y/N Kang?” His snide remark makes you curl your hand into a fist at the side.
“Park Sunghoon.” You finally utter his government name for the first time throughout the years you have known him.
For reasons beyond your comprehension, Park Sunghoon has despised you ever since freshman year. His glaring hatred is perceptible whenever you often cross paths with him since he is an architecture major in the same department as Jake.
You have heard some things about him, thanks to your tattling friends, allowing you to gain some sort of insight about who Park Sunghoon is ─ he used to be the captain of the ice hockey team and a major fuckboy in freshman and sophomore year until he stopped being the renowned fuckboy out of the blue when junior year entered. Plus, out of the people in his inner circle, he is known to be the coldest and meanest, which has already been proven in the past when he cruelly rejected some of those girls who had slept with him in the most humiliating ways.
Despite all of the words and rumours circulated about him on campus, just his dark gaze alone is enough for you to get the memo that fucking around with him would result in grave consequences. To get on Sunghoon’s bad side or any of the devil’s knights’ leaders' bad side would mean that you have a death wish.
Just like the other two knights’ leaders, Jay and Heeseung, Sunghoon intimidates you greatly. You feel daunted even by a single glance spared to you from him, so you often avoid him like the plague, until recently. Genuinely, you are curious to find out the reasons why he hates your guts when you did not commit any wrongdoing towards him.
You recall the other day when he sided with your deceased bullies. The concoction of abhorrence and wickedness that danced delightfully in his eyes has embedded itself in your mind, and you know that you ought to be leery of him.
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t a good little Catholic girl like you be in bed by now?” He takes slow, deliberate steps towards you, his lips curling into a sneer that displays his blatant disdain for you. You don’t miss the way his gaze flickers down at your bare abdomen fleetingly.
“My being here is not in any of your concern.” You accidentally allow the words to slip past your lips before you smack them closed, facepalming at yourself internally for your retaliation against him, but you can’t ignore the niggling annoyance at the back of your mind any longer.
Sunghoon cocks a single eyebrow at you. He totally did not expect the minuscule spark of feistiness within you, as evident in your tone and your unwavering eyes. “A bit brave to be talking back now, are we?” He asks, unrelentingly advancing towards you and leaving you no choice but to back up until you hit the countertop behind you.
The fusion whiff of smoke and strong musky cologne pervades your senses, and you can almost feel the warmth emanating from his body as he stands close to you. His steely eyes penetrating into yours feel unbearably suffocating, as though he has you locked in place just by his gaze alone.
“N-No.” You stutter, and your hand goes flying to the back to grip the edge of the countertop until the tension colours your knuckles white.
As you finally muster the courage to look away from his eyes, the bad shivers run down your spine as you become rattled by the cold derisive chuckles emitting from him. “No?”
At the moment he grabs your chin tightly with his fingers, your heart rattles in your ribcage as he forces you to meet his eyes once more, and this time, contemptuousness hardens his sneering features.
“You think you’re so cute, acting all tough earlier. Now look at you.” Mockery drips from his tone while his deep voice manages to have an impact on you despite the commotion in the background.
Unfortunately for you, the people in your vicinity seem to mind their own business, and some are slowly making their way out of the area. Even the bartenders have gone to the personnel backroom, leaving you completely vulnerable and easily preyed on by the very man looming ominously before you without your friends in sight as well.
You muster courage while releasing a shaky breath. “Get away from me, Park Sunghoon.”
“You dare to make demands now?” Sunghoon’s chuckles sound so lethally cold that your instinct is imploring you to run from him. Your breath hitches in your throat when his fingers make their ascent to your jawline until they reach your ear and sensually stroke the shell. “Keep them coming, because I’m getting real impressed by your audacity, princess.”
The endearment strikes a chord in you, and you swear it sounds oddly familiar to him because it reminds you of one of the predators who chased after you on Devil’s Night. Silver.
“Get away from me, please.” You repeat your plea, but only this time you decide to display your desperation, which softens your features.
“I don’t think so, not until you finally get this into your fucking skull.” Sunghoon says lowly, the familiar cruelty forms a smirk on his lips. You attempt to jerk your head away from him, and he effortlessly cups the cusps of your jaw, holding you in place. “The next time you have the audacity to make demands, you'll do well to remember who I am and that I fucking own you now.”
An anger flares behind your irises. “I don’t belong to any man, and especially not to you.” You manage to deliver your vehemence to him despite the fear that is raging within you. Mustering courage, you glare at him. “For your information, I’m not an object, nor am I a girl with no dignity for you to toy around with. Now, if you’ll excuse me, you’re invading my personal space.”
You force yourself to shove past him, hitting his shoulder roughly as you meander your way to the restroom, which is nearly in the secluded, dimly lit area of the bar, wanting to get away from him before he completely suffocates you with his domineering emanation.
Of course, there is absolutely no way he would follow you all the way here─
A firm hand latches onto your arm, startling you greatly as your heart lurches in your chest, and before you can make any protest, he rips off any opportunity for you to do so as he quickly drags you over to the gentleman's toilet and pushes you roughly inside, nearly sending you to tumble, but he is swift enough to steady you.
“Sunghoon─” You gasp at the impact as soon as he slams you against the wall, which is undoubtedly unsanitary, and the unpleasant smell of faint piss and vomit that pervades the space is revolting to you, as evident in the grimace colouring your face.
“You can’t just drag me whenever you want! And for that matter, we’re in the guys toilet!” You hiss at him, your heart pounding hard against your chest at the palpable tension that is slowly deriving from the glaring contest both of you are in, as does the close proximity. “I’m leaving.”
“You’re not going anywhere until I’m done with you.” He snarls coldly just as you are about to walk past him, grabbing you by the arm again and nearly pinning you against the wall, but this time, you gasp in utter shock when his hand grabs a fistful of your hair and tugs it hard to the back.
The back of your eyes burns at the stinging pain in your scalp. There is not an ounce of clemency in the way he is treating you, matching the sentiments reflecting in his steely eyes. “What do you want from me?” You ask in a whimper, your hand flies to the back and claws at his, denoting him to release you.
“I already told you, princess, that I own you.” He smirks cruelly, his eyes holding indifferently upon seeing your glistening ones staring into his, pleading. “Now that Simon and his two bitch friends are gone, good fucking riddance, you’ll be dealing with me now. Meet your worst nightmare, Y/N Kang.”
“Why are you doing this? I did nothing to you.” You whisper weakly, allowing a traitorous tear to betray your semblance of bravery.
“You always piss me off, princess. You didn’t think you could get away after your display of defiance earlier, did you?” He takes you by surprise as he moves you over to the sink and turns you around before forcing you to bend down until your boobs are mashing against the top beside the sink, with his palm on your back firmly pressing you down.
A painful whimper clogs at your throat as soon as he grabs a fistful of your hair once more and tugs it to the back until you are able to meet his cruel gaze in the mirror. The red LED fluorescence illuminates his face, complementing the menacing ambience he exudes from behind you. You ignore the way your heart flutters at how oddly attractive he looks in the red luminance with the smirk on his handsome countenance.
“I’m a man of my words, so when I said that I would do you much worse, then you best believe that I will.” His tone is laced with malicious intent that is nearly resonating throughout these septic walls. You bite down your bottom lip until you swear it draws blood as you withstand the pain at the moment he tugs at your hair again. “You’re going to be my bitch and do exactly as I say from this moment onwards.”
“S-Sunghoon, please.” You whimper, your hands are outstretched in front of you, clawing on the surface in an attempt to seek some semblance of alleviation from his cruelty to you.
“I haven’t even done anything yet, and you’re already begging?” Sunghoon cold chuckles ring through your ears and send goosebumps on your skin. “Oh, princess, you’ll be doing a lot of begging.”
You exhale in relief as soon as he releases your hair, but his hand makes its descent to your neck. His long, slender fingers curl around your neck in a threatening manner while you still have your head raised.
The pressure he adds to your constricted neck causes your back to arch just slightly, but this catches his attention and subsequently arouses an emotion he thought wouldn’t surface at the sight of your curve accentuated by the mere action of your arching.
“Sunghoon.” Your gasping plea goes unheard by him as his eyes darken with lust while his mind is imbued by the concoction of eroticism and repugnance at the sight of you being utterly helpless under him, arousing the image of you being fucked by him from the back at this very moment while his palm covers your mouth to muffle out your moans.
Once he returns his gaze to the mirror, his dick twitches beneath the confines of his garments. Even the sight of your eyes glistening with tears right now fuels his avidity for destroying your pussy, destroying you.
Sunghoon leans down, his chest pressing against your spine, and his hard-on allows you to feel him distinctly. Your eyes widen in shock at the unmistakable sensation of his dick beneath the layers of his garments pressing into your ass cheeks, and you swear you can almost feel how thick he is. Perhaps even thicker than Jake’s.
Your heart remains pounding hard out of fear and involuntary anticipation as he angles his head to brush his warm lips against the shell of your earlobe. “Now, princess,” He begins to speak in a deep, gravelly voice while he tightens your neck, nearly blocking the airways and bringing more unshed tears to your eyes. “You’re mine to be dealt with for now. Whatever you do, don’t piss me off, and it would be wise for you to heed my command.”
The moment he releases your throat, you gasp loudly for air, but he is quick to cover your mouth and nose with his palm, muffling any noise from you. Goosebumps arise on the surface of your skin as his other hand touches your ass cheek to give it a sensual rub.
He continues to speak beside your ear as his hot breath hits your skin. “If I tell you to bend over, you will bend over. If I tell you to crawl for me, you will crawl. If I tell you to get down on your fucking knees, you will get down on your knees.” He takes you by surprise when he nips at your earlobe. His eyes meet yours once more in the mirror, patronising you with a smile. “Look at yourself right now. You look pathetic, princess.”
You should be despising his assault and every word he spoke to you, but an involuntary yet familiar arousal stirs in your core while his palm on your ass that is rubbing sensually leaves you yearning for more, yearning for him to touch you where you want him too.
“You’re going to take everything I give to you like a good fucking girl you are, understood?” His low growl sparks something in you amidst your fear, which you discern as excitement.
Your eyes are dazed with forbidden desire for the man behind you as you stare at him in the mirror, and hearing no response from you, he presses his body into you deep, causing your hip bone to hit the edge of the sink painfully while his fingernails are digging into your clothed bum as he grips it tight. “Understood?”
You nod your head frantically while your ‘yes’ sounds muffled by his palm. Something stirs within you again when you catch a glimpse of satisfaction in his eyes before he releases you and leaves you to finally gasp for air. You slap down your palm on the surface in an attempt to assist yourself in raising your body, wincing at the painful throb in your hip bone from the prior impact.
“Sunghoon─” You are left speechless when he spins you around and places both hands on your waist to hoist you, settling you on the surface next to the sink. Despite being seated, he manages to tower over you by a few inches.
Sunghoon forces your legs to part as he stands in between them, the lack of space between your bodies is nearly nonexistent while you become lightheaded by his cologne and cigarette scent.
His hand latches on your nape while the other brushes your brunette waves to the side before he angles your neck to his preference, causing you to arch and strain your neck due to his firm grip, allowing his eyes to feast on the porcelain skin that was once bearing Jake’s marks.
The moment his warm lips come into contact with your skin, where your pulse is, you gasp softly in shock, unable to comprehend the fact that the very guy who despises you is kissing your neck. “W-What are you doing?” You ask shakily while you make feeble attempts at pushing him away, but your body betrays you, succumbing to his allure.
“I’m leaving my mark on you.” His murmurs against your skin send familiar shivers to you. He doesn’t say anything next, only administering his kisses and licks on your skin before stopping at a specific spot on your neck.
You can’t help but release breathy moans at the heavenly sensation of his lips kissing and his teeth nipping your skin while your chest heaves up and down. Feeling his arm slithers around your waist, you arch your back and allow him to pull you closer until the heat of both of your cores hits and brushes against each other.
Trepidation sizzles through you when a commotion of laughter can be heard faintly from the outside. “Sunghoon, someone might walk in on us.” You whisper fearfully to him, and yet, you find yourself grinding your clothed cunt against his hardened dick that is in dire need of being freed from the confines.
Sunghoon simply ignores you, sucking your skin hard, which elicits another moan from you while you don’t stop grinding on him, needing to feel some form of friction to relieve your aching clit.
After what feels like forever, his wet muscle licks your now-bruised skin as though to balm it. Tears of frustration prickle in the corners of your eyes when he steps away from you, just before you can even reach the peak of your orgasm. When your gaze settles on his face, you notice how swollen his pink lips are as they upturn to a smirk upon seeing his masterpiece on your skin.
Getting off the countertop, you turn around to get a better look at yourself, and when your eyes land on your neck, your lips go parted, dumbfounded by how explicit his mark looks on your skin, which is sheening with the residue of his saliva. Fresh, purple-red hickey that you know will probably take a week or two to fade.
“No.” Your whisper of mortification elicits more contentment from him as his smirk widens.
Your breath hitches in your throat when he presses his body into you from behind, his hand on your bare waist holding you in place firmly while the other brushes your hair away from obscuring his mark on your skin. 
“Oh, yes, princess.” He croons to you, obviously taunting you. His dark gaze holds so much danger as he meets your glistening eyes. “This will serve you as a reminder every time you look at yourself in the mirror that you belong to me.”
“But my friends─ they─” Panic settles on your chest while your voice remains shaken from the aftermath. “They’ll see it.”
“That sounds like a ‘you’ problem, princess.” His fang-like teeth peek as he chuckles lethally softly. “Now, if you try to escape from me, know that there’ll be consequences.” He can’t resist himself the longer his gaze remains lingering on your dainty neck, so he leans in to kiss on your hickey, causing your body to jolt slightly from the abrupt sensation of his warm lips once more.
“Yeonjun will be hosting a pool party at the resort chalet his parents owned, so I’ll be expecting to see you there.” He murmurs as soon as he pulls away from you.
You swallow harshly in an attempt to moisturise your dry throat as you lock eyes with him in the mirror. “Why are you doing this? I thought you hated me.”
“I still do, which is why I’m doing this.” He smiles coldly in response. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be crawling back for more.”
You hold your chin up in subtle defiance. “No, I won’t.” 
“Don’t fool yourself. Deep down, you know you want me.” He scoffs lightly. “Now off you go.”
You don’t need him to tell you twice as you flee the gentleman's toilet. Panic returns to your chest as you spot your friends by the bar, drinking and conversing amiably amongst each other.
You clench a fist, ruminating whether to head over to them or just leave the bar and walk back to your dorm since it will take no more than twenty minutes from the bar. Heeding your intuition, you whip out your phone to send Karina a text while making your departure from the establishment.
Y/N: Hey, I’m calling it a night.
KARINA: So soon? Where are you now? I’ll drive you back.
Y/N: It’s fine! I’ve already headed outside. Don’t worry about me, and just enjoy the night with the girls.
KARINA: If you say so. Just text me once you arrive at our dorm.
Little do you know that you have forgotten to text her when you step foot into your room as you are preoccupied in the bathroom, relieving yourself to attain the orgasm Sunghoon ripped from you.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he is unable to erase the image of your pliant body being forced to be bent down by him, and the tears that leaked from your eyes as you stared at him in the mirror undoubtedly stirred an arousal within him, but even in his slumber, you managed to appear in his dream, resulting in him waking up with a fucking morning wood.
The steam from the hot shower begins to fog in the spacious bathroom as the water continues to run while he remains stark naked, his palm pressing firmly onto the tempered glass as he continues to masturbate.
A muscle pulses in his chiselled jaw while his eyes darken with a carnal lust as he recalls the delirious dream of him giving you backshots with your arms locked in place on your back as he delivers unforgiving thrusts into your cunt while you were fucked dumb by him, moaning and blabbering incoherent words.
Never has Sunghoon ever thought that you would be his wet fucking dream.
Droplets of the steaming moisture drip down his neck to his chest as he throws his head to the back, grunting out a moan at the moment his orgasm reaches its peak before familiar white essence sprouts from his engorged cock, aiming messily everywhere, staining the shower tiles and the tempered glass. 
Fuck, it has been more than awhile since he came hard like that, and he’s not even the slightest bit satisfied. Sure, he could get any other girl to satisfy his libido and get them to suck him off, but it has been long since he even lured any girls to his bed since he decided to cease his fuckboy tendencies.
In the beginning, it was exhilarating to lure those girls to his bed without any effort, and the sex was good since he managed to fuck different girls with different kinks, which subsequently led to him exploring and developing kinks of his preference. But as time passed, it got tedious. It was always the same boring shit, but mainly because those girls’ vigours matched with his, which is confounding. Every other fuckboy would want girls to match the level of his energy.
However, Sunghoon wanted something different for once. He didn’t want to fuck girls who were the same stereotypical flirtatious and vivacious kind, but at the same time, he also had no idea what type of girls he wanted. Hence, he decided to put an end to his renowned fuckboy reputation.
No girl could ever satisfy him in the way he desired.
That was until now. As your beautiful face with crystalline tears glistening on your cheeks appears in his mind once more, his once softened dick twitches.
Shaking his head, he quickly rinses himself and any evidence of his stained cum in any parts of the shower before grabbing the towel at the side to dry himself and making an exit out of the shower room.
With the towel hanging loosely below his waist, Sunghoon raises an eyebrow upon seeing Jake, clad in denims, sauntering around his room and seeming to be inspecting anything that captures his attention as though he is in an art exhibition.
“The fuck you’re doing here?” Sunghoon asks in a grumble, completely undeterred by Jake’s gaze on his half-naked glory, while he makes his way to his closet room, which is situated across from the shower room, which he finds tedious.
Since they have been living in this very palace where they hosted Devil’s Night, the rooms each of the leaders occupied are equivalently massive.
Jake is unfazed by Sunghoon’s vulgarity since it’s the way he is, watching as the latter ventures into the wonder of his closet. “Are you staying overnight at the resort?”
Sunghoon manages to catch on to his inquiry despite his hands being occupied with searching for some good fits. “Maybe? It depends if I’m too lazy or not to head back to the palace. Why?”
Jake heaves a sigh, his fingers running through his long, tousled strands. “I don’t know if I should go.”
Silence is all Jake receives for a protracted moment before he hears some shuffling, prompting him to look up and spot Sunghoon, now decked out in all-leather, exiting his closet.
“Why?” Sunghoon asks, frowning while drying his damp hair with the towel.
“Because Hana will be there.” Jake groans, inviting himself to plop down on Sunghoon’s bed with the sheets now crinkled beneath his weight, which elicits a scowl from the latter since he is particular about neatness.
“Hana who?” Sunghoon’s tone denotes that he couldn’t care less about the unfamiliar name.
“The girl I used to make Y/N jealous.” Jake’s admission has Sunghoon diverting his full attention to him. Jake’s tongue hits the roof of his mouth, his annoyance is more than apparent. “She won’t stop pestering me and just won’t get the fucking hint that I’m not into her.”
“Wait, you used this Hana to make Y/N jealous?” Amusement is laced in Sunghoon’s tone as he stands across from Jake. Sunghoon’s interest in the matter is piqued. “So did that happen on the same day Beomgyu saw her cry and informed Heeseung?”
“Yeah.” Jake clenches his jaw. “Now I’m starting to regret picking Hana out of all the girls.”
“Pray tell, why did you decide to make Y/N jealous?” Sunghoon cracks a grin despite his curiosity. Jake’s silence draws a scoff from Sunghoon. “Come on, man. You can always tell me.”
“Yeah...that's not happening.” Jake tells him flatly before rising from the bed and making his departure from Sunghoon’s room. “See you there.”
Annoyance seeps into Sunghoon at Jake’s blatant avoidance of the topic since yesterday, when Heeseung confronted him. A part of him really couldn’t care less and is only driven to achieve his goal by doing his part, but another part of him remains lingering with curiosity about what exactly happened and why.
Just then, your face appears in his mind, and he wastes no time to grab his phone by the nightstand and go to your contact to send a message. Sunghoon got your number from Jake, though the latter seemed rather reluctant to give him what he wanted.
SUNGHOON: I’ll be seeing you at the resort chalet. You do know where it’s at, right? Or do you need me to fetch you? This is Sunghoon, by the way.
Surprise tinges in his chest when you respond to him more quickly than he expected.
Y/N: How did you get my number????
SUNGHOON: I have my sources, princess.
Y/N: Okay, totally not creepy at all, and stop calling me princess.
SUNGHOON: I can call you whatever the fuck I want. Now, answer my question.
Y/N: You’re so demanding. Yes, I know where it’s at. I’ll be going with Karina and the other girls.
SUNGHOON: Good. Text me once you arrive, and then I’ll tell you where to meet me.
Y/N: But I don’t wanna…..
SUNGHOON: You have no choice, princess. Have you forgotten what I told you last night?
Y/N: Fine, fine. Just please don’t be so obvious. I don’t want any of the girls to find out about this.
SUNGHOON: Again, princess, it sounds like a ‘you’ problem.
Y/N: I don’t like you, you know that?
SUNGHOON: The feeling’s mutual.
To say you are in a predicament is an understatement. Not once have you stepped foot outside of your room since you woke up, and you don't dare to either, especially when the hickey on your neck is glaringly conspicuous.
With your bottom lip tucked between your teeth, you have been prancing around your room that if your soft toys, which are arrayed meticulously on your bed, could magically talk, they would probably tell you to sit your ass down as you’re making them dizzy by your unceasing prancing.
You worry gravely that your hickey being seen by your best friends will result in another altercation, and you fear that Wonyoung and even Yunjin might grow to resent you for such indecent conduct that was not expected from you.
You tried applying an excessive amount of concealer, but it was rendered useless because, no matter what, the hickey would remain noticeable. As you are mindlessly fiddling with the silver cross hanging from your neck, you release an annoyed sigh while a growing headache begins to form that is in a muddle of tumultuous emotions.
You blame Park Sunghoon for leaving his ludicrous mark on your neck.
Speaking of him, you halt your steps, your eyes glancing down at your phone screen that displays Sunghoon’s last text. You have an inkling that he must’ve gotten your number from Jake. You ignore the throbbing ache afflicting your heart at the thought of Jake.
Not only are you caught up in a predicament with the unresolved issue between you, Wonyoung and Yunjin, as your friendship with them is strained, but that predicament also includes your heartbreak inflicted by your ex-crush and your cluttered feelings for the guy who hates you.
For once, you genuinely want to scream and pour out your pent-up emotions that are brimming, but you maintain decorum. Your stomach grumbles with a low growl for the third time, denoting that it needs to be stuffed with food.
It’s like there is a lightbulb switch in you. You nod your head to yourself, agreeing that the reason you’re feeling all angsty is because you've neglected your hunger since morning. After all, you’re a major foodie.
You rummage through your closet to grab a baby pink hooded sweater before wearing it with the hood covering your head. You examine yourself in the mirror, adjusting the collar in an attempt to cover up the hickey with the additional help of your hair, which you let loose.
Although uncertainty remains lingering in the air, you decide that this will do it. Plus, you can’t afford to neglect your hunger any longer, as it gnaws in your tummy relentlessly. 
Your heart pounds against your chest as you slowly push down the handle before opening the door. With your head peeking outside, you can hear the sound emitting from the television. You look across you, where the door to Wonyoung’s room is ajar.
With an inaudible sigh, you proceed to leave your comfort zone. Like a clandestine spy on a mission, every step you take is light, moving stealthily. The only goal you have in mind is to get to the kitchen and cook something you hope will be edible, considering that cooking is not your expertise.
When you reach the living room, you notice that the couch is vacant, leaving only the television playing the drama idly for no one. Naturally, you loosen every tension in your muscles and lower your guards before making a beeline for the kitchen.
You have been craving your comfort food, and so you proceed to make yourself a bowl of instant ramyeon. Although you’re not supposed to indulge your cravings since you’re somewhat on a diet, you can’t help it.
Since cooking instant ramyeon is convenient, time passes quickly, and you are finally seated on the high stool by the kitchen island with the steaming bowl of ramyeon in front of you.
Just as you are about to take a slurp of the noodle, your body goes frigid at the sound of footsteps approaching the living room and their voices teeming in the cold air. You decide to act as normally as you can before taking your first slurp.
“A certain someone is finally out of hibernation, I see.” Karina’s voice is laced with mischief as she teases you, prompting you to look up and spot her entering the kitchen with Yunjin and Wonyoung trailing behind her.
“I was tired.” You tell her with a faint smile, disregarding Wonyoung’s eyes that are attentively trained on your face, whereas Yunjin heads for the refrigerator.
“So you decided to sleep in until noon?” Wonyoung’s tone causes you to flinch lightly at how sharp it is.
Although there is sadness, annoyance overweighs your entire senses towards Wonyoung’s change of behaviour when it comes to you.
”Give me a break. It’s a Saturday.” You say dryly without sparing a glance at her as you slurp your noodles. It’s flavorful, indeed, but it does nothing to distract from the tension that you can discern between you and Wonyoung.
Wonyoung doesn’t like your tone, not one bit, as evident by her sharp gaze on your face. “You don’t usually wake up this late, Y/N. Seriously, what’s going on with you?”
“Everything is fine.” You grit your teeth in annoyance, slowly losing your appetite. “Just let this drop, Wonyoung.”
“If everything is fine, then why are you wearing a hoodie when the temperature is not even cold?” Wonyoung remains vehement, irking you greatly.
“Yeah, what’s with the hoodie?” Yunjin joins, though by her nervous chuckles, it’s clear that she doesn’t wish for things to escalate into some altercation just like the other night. “New look?”
“You girls seriously need to lay it off.” You finally divert your full attention to them. “I don’t get why you are so insistent about trifling matters like this.”
“It isn’t trifling when you’ve been acting all weird.” Wonyoung raises her voice just slightly. Her glaring eyes meet yours. “Ever since you slept with Jake, you’ve become a little different. It’s like I almost don’t recognise you.”
“Wony’s right, Y/N.” Yunjin says quietly, and despite her tone remaining neutral, you hate the way she is looking at you right now, the sentiment matches Wonyoung’s. “You’re different now.”
“I’m not.” You object vehemently, and by now, your ramyeon is forgotten as you are preoccupied with defending yourself. “I can assure you that I have not changed. Ask Rina!”
“If you asked me, I’d say you’ve changed a little, but in a good way.” Karina adorns a grin, unaffected by the sizzling tension between you and Wonyoung. Karina darts her eyes between Wonyoung and Yunjin at their glare on her face. “What? Come on! Aren’t you girls glad that Y/N finally knows how to have fun? Speaking of which, Y/N! You definitely need to wear this dress I got for you to Yeonjun’s pool party.”
“She’s going to Yeonjun’s pool party?” Wonyoung’s high-pitched tone denotes disbelief. “And you’re encouraging her when you’re supposed to be on our side?”
“Is there a problem if I go to Yeonjun’s pool party?” You ask Wonyoung, your chin has a tilting defiance. “You and Yunjin are going too, so I don’t see why I can’t go.”
“It’s a pool party, Y/N! It’s not your type of scene! You’re not even brave enough to wear a bikini!” Wonyoung displays her exasperation. “Plus, the senior knights will obviously be there, including Jake!”
You scoff out a dry laugh. “If you’re worried about me bumping into Jake, don’t be. I don’t have any intention to associate myself with him anymore.”
“Did something happen?” Yunjin takes a step forward upon noticing the fleeting heartbreak in your eyes.
Before you can speak, Karina intervenes loudly. “Oh, look at the time! We really need to start getting dressed up and stuff.” She chuckles before directing her eyes to yours, and you instantly receive her silent message.
You take down a mental note to return for the remnants of your ramyeon later, as you get off the stool. Just as you walk past Wonyoung, you spare her a glance. “Maybe you don’t know me, but I can be brave at times, Wonyoung.”
In return, Wonyoung chuckles coldly at you, and the disappointment can be seen in her eyes. “You’re right. Maybe I don’t know you at all, because I only know the old Y/N Kang.”
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TAGLIST: @aishigrey @kgneptun @b3tt7boop @smg-valeria @lhspeachie @enhaverse713586 @strxwbloody @firstclassjaylee @jwnghyuns @luminouskalopsia @deobitifull @loumin908 @sousydive @pinkkami @skzenhalove @caravm @shinrjj @loljaeyunz @star4rin  @darkjongsung @mlywon @yorukoshii @nshmrarki @lol6sposts @lilyuwon @enha-crumbs @slut4hee @capri-cuntz @kaykay11sworld @firesunflames @notevenheretbh1 @parksunghoonsgf @luvkpopp @superbbananananana @eastleighsblog @in-somnias-world @nyxtwixx
335 notes · View notes
hyperactively-me · 9 months
Now king ghost and princess crossed that line 😩😩😩 can you imagine she has to get up to go to her learning sessions and she tries to get out of bed quietly to not wake ghost and he grabs her and is like "where do you think you're going, we not done" 😩😩😩😩
omg yes ;)
warnings: smut (shortened tho, cause it always takes so long for me to write smut but i wanted to post something!), inexperienced!reader (literally princess's second time lol), no use of protection (its fantasy, no pregnancy from this)
The evening you arrived home from your little…field trip…with Simon was filled with a sense of new beginnings, a new journey to look forward to with him. When you had arrived back at the palace, Simon had quickly escorted you to your room, your arm fastened around his firm bicep. As your hand rests on the doorknob, you have the urge to speak your truth. 
“Simon?” you say softly, turning to face him.
“Hmm?” he questions, still a little fucked out as he stares unabashedly at you. 
“I…I don’t wish to sleep in here anymore,” you say timidly, rocking back and forth on your heels. 
He stares at you for a moment longer before flashing you the biggest smile. 
“I thought you would never ask, love,” he says immediately, pulling you away from the door, pressing a kiss to your lips. 
You kiss him back excitedly, giggling as you pull back. Simon grabs your hand, dragging you to his chambers. You giggle the whole way there, smiling and blushing at how excited he was. Like a schoolboy with a crush on his favorite girl on the playground. 
“Our chambers,” he announces, pushing the door open to your now shared quarters. You had only been in there once, the time you spent a week in his bed when you were deathly ill with the flu. You immediately flop onto the bed, bouncing on the mattress with a sigh. 
“Is it up to your standards?” he genuinely asks, striding up to you. He wants you to feel at home in his chambers, now your chambers as well. You push yourself up onto your elbows, a smile etched on your face.
“Nothing could be more perfect than sharing this with you, Simon,” you smile, toeing your shoes off. You swing your feet into the bed, snuggling up with one of his pillows. You take in his scent, sighing contentedly.
He’s still standing at the side of the bed, staring at you like you’re the most precious thing in the world. Like he can’t believe you’re in here now. Like he can’t believe that you love him. 
“You’re adorable,” he murmurs, climbing into bed with you. You scrunch your nose with a silly smile, arms reaching out for him as he nudges you into his side. 
. . . 
The next morning, you wake up, still stuffed into his side, head resting on his chest. His chest was rising up and down steadily. Still asleep, you conclude. You nuzzle your cheek against his chest for a moment, breathing him in. His eyelashes look so long when his eyes are shut. The way his lips are slightly parted, practically begging to be kissed. You sigh quietly, not really wanting to go to your lessons today, shifting ever so slightly to not wake him up. Before you could plant your feet on the ground, his hand reaches out lightning fast, gripping your wrist tightly.
You let out a small shriek, startled by his sudden movement.
“Simon, I thought you were asleep—” you say breathlessly, before he’s yanking you back into bed. You fall back onto the mattress, and he’s grabbing you, pulling you into his side. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” he croaks out, voice husky from disuse. 
“I– to my lessons,” you say quietly, trying to ignore the way his hand was coming down to graze your ass. 
“Hmm, not right now, love,” he complains, shoving his face into your neck.
“But, Simon—”
Before you could say anything else, he rolls over you, going deadweight on top of your body. 
“We’re not done,” he whispers into your ear seductively, pressing his fingers into your hips. “You need to relax,” he coos into your neck, his lips tickling your skin as he speaks. 
You immediately rip your hands out from under his weight, grasping his cheeks to pull him up from his place in your neck.
“We’re doing this right now?” you ask, your voice tinged with a certain meekness. 
“...Yes. If you want—” he starts, before you cut him off.
“I do,” you say, giving into your desire for him to be inside of you. 
“‘S all I wanted to hear, darling,” 
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, pulling Simon down to kiss you. He pushes you deep into the mattress, running his hands through your hair, massaging your scalp ever so slightly. 
He starts to massage your clit over your panties, teasing you over the thin cotton. You moan lightly, grabbing for his hand and shoving it up into your panties.
“Eager, are we?” he muses, fingers now tweaking and playing with your clit. 
“Mhm,” you nod, your mouth hanging open as he stimulates your clit. “K- keep touching me like that,” you say breathlessly, chest heaving from the sensation. 
You’re soaking his hand now, wetness dripping through your panties. With a single swoop, he rips them off your form clean. 
“S- Simon,” you muster, looking at him bewilderedly, and then he pulls a moan from your throat as he slides a single finger in.
“It was in my way,” he says simply, smirking at you with a devilish smile, starting to pump his thick digit inside you. 
You try to retort, but the way his finger curls inside you stops you, the feeling overwhelming. You grasp for his free hand that rests on your waist, holding you firm into your spot. 
“Oh—” you moan, the feeling of his finger inside you stopping you in your tracks. You grab his free hand, squeezing it hard as he slips another finger inside you. 
He scissors his fingers, working you open like it was his day job. 
“You okay, lovie?” he says softly, watching your face for any signs of discomfort.
“F- fine, perfectly fine,” you garble, arching your back into his hand. 
“My darling girl,” he chuckles, “we’ll be there soon enough.” 
As he slips his fingers out, he grabs you by your hips, dragging you farther down the bed to line you up with his throbbing cock. He swiftly takes off his pants, stroking his cock twice, releasing a heated groan. You stare at it, then up to him. 
He loves the way your face morphs as you stare unabashedly at his cock. He’s big, and he knows it.
“Gonna take it easy now, dove,” he grunts, returning his hands back to your hips. “Just like last time.”
God, he could say anything and you’d just smile and nod. You just watch his mouth move, his lips so enticing. 
Your eyes open wide, snapped out of your daydream, feeling his girthy tip prodding at your hole. You exhale a gasp when he pushes it in you, whining gently at the pressure, reaching out to grab his muscled forearm. 
“Si-Simon!” you cry out, your head thrown back against the silk pillows. Your pussy flutters around his cock as he slowly works his way in, so careful to not hurt you. 
“That’s right, lovie, you can do it,” he praises, sinking himself inch by inch inside of your throbbing pussy. 
“Feels— so good–” you manage to spit out, bucking your hips upwards to get him to move faster. “So good, S- Simon, so good…”
He groans in response, cock throbbing at your enthusiasm. 
“More– vocal now, I s-see,” Simon manages to tease, hissing as he feels your cunt squeeze him so tightly. 
“Isn’t this b- better than studying?– ah, fuck” he pants, fucking into you at a steady pace.
You nod your head rapidly grabbing onto his shoulders.
“F- far b- better—” you garble, hooking your legs around his waist. 
“Perfect girl,” he groans as you shift, playing with your clit, thrusting into you like you’re made of glass. 
You release a string of moans as he presses into your sensitive clit, beckoning you to cum. Simon’s thrusts are steady, rutting you into the mattress with relentless precision. He slows the speed of his finger on your clit, a large shuddering breath escaping you as you squirm from his teasing. 
“Takin’ me s’well, darling,” he gasps, clenching his jaw at the way you flutter around his cock. 
Simon’s thrusts are steady, rutting you into the mattress with relentless precision. Your eyes fall closed for a moment, but he grabs your jaw gently.
“Keep your eyes open,” he demands, squeezing your cheeks slightly. Your gaze returns to his, clutching onto the sheets. His gaze is intense, his movements speeding up slightly, pressing you into the mattress with his hips. Suddenly, he grabs your hand, placing it over the mound of your cunt. 
“T- touch yourself,” he groans. He drags your fingers to your clit, motioning you to stimulate your clit. You slowly start to touch your sensitive clit, pleasure wracking through your body. 
“That’s it, more,” he presses, hands coming up to grip your hips. Sweat covers his brow, jaw clenching with every quiver of your pussy sucking his cock in. His eyes never leave your fingers, watching you play with yourself turning him on even more. 
You reach a bit more, rubbing over yourself with some pressure as Simon continues. You feel your own wetness coating your fingers, swirling around your clit as best as you can. His hands tighten on your hips, careful not to hurt you. 
It doesn’t take long for you to start to feel the coil in your abdomen tighten. You shudder, moaning lightly as he grabs your fingers, guiding you as you play with your clit.
“A- almost–” you sputter, chest heaving quickly from your rapid, short breaths. You curl into yourself a bit, every muscle seizing as the pleasure spikes through like a lightning bolt. Simon groans, a final slam of hips down against yours making him fill you up. 
He slides out of you gently, his face flushed and out of breath. He leans down to your face, peppering your face with gentle kisses. He moves to lay down next to you, allowing you to both catch your breath. 
Simon starts to pull at you gently, dragging you into his side yet again. You fit there perfectly, he thinks. He wraps his large arms around your frame, pressing another chaste kiss on your forehead. 
“I actually have to go now,” you mumble into his shoulder, suppressing a giggle at the thought of him stopping you from doing your work with sex.
"No you don't," he teases, squeezing you. “A bath? I’ll draw it for you?” he offers, tracing circles in your skin.
“Tempting…” you pretend to think for a moment. “Fine.”
He sighs happily, squeezing you tightly. 
“Alright then, dove.” 
He presses a kiss to your temple as he gets up to start a bath for you. 
- - - - -
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81folklore · 8 months
lover - MS47
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pairings: mick schumacher x wordle!reader (fc: savannah delullo + pintrest)
summary: micks girlfriend always relates everything in her life to the three things she loves most; taylor swift, wordle and her boyfriend
authors note: this is probably one of the most niche things ive ever made but i absolutely love sav and her wordle content and i also love mick so why not put those together?? i dont even know how i thought of this but here it is😭
authors note 2: doesnt have all the pictures i wanted, but i needed this to be one part so i had to shorten it a bit. i ended up mainly using pintrest photos, but that was only because the sav photos i planned to use ended up being in posts i couldnt make due to the 30 picture limit. i actually think this is my favorite smau ive done so i hope you enjoy
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liked by mickschumacher, jackdoohan and 12,728 others
and everytime i look at you, its like the first time
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user11: beach being the wordle today was perfect pinned
yourusername: can confirm i was very happy
mickschumacher: good pictures...must be a pretty cool photographer😂
yourusername: ehh took some practice but he learnt from the best!😉
user82: you guys are so cute
user9: micks looking more and more like his dad everyday :')
user4: im so obessed with your tiktoks
user49: favorite wordle player
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liked by mickschumacher, estebanocon and 14,287
you got that long hair, slicked back, white tshirt, and i got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
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user55: officially my favorite couple
user20: dont know who i want to be more
user32: so so cute
mickschumacher: 💚💚💚
user2: i love that she always includes that days wordles in her posts
user72: and if she can, she will relate it to a taylor lyric and make that her caption
user60: and she always tries to match the pictures to the word
user46: are those his dads glasses☹️
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liked by carla.brocker, mickschumacher and 26,109 others
youre a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town🎞️
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user8: micks smile AHHHHH
user92: im so obsessed with this post
user902: he looks SO GOOD
user65: i cant bresthe omg
mickschumacher: my favourite photographer
yourusername: my favourite muse
user51: no bcs you just dont understand
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liked by mickschumacher, jackdoohan and 31,273 others
✨i can still make the whole place shimmer✨
HOLY WHAT IS MY LIFE??? so much happened within the span of a night and im in shock. first, TAYLOR SWIFT?? next SWIFT WORDLE ANSWER?? ON THE DAY OF MY CONCERT?? then I GOT THE 22 HAT?? EXACTLY 10 YEARS AFTER THE LAST PICTURE TOOK PLACE?? also lets all appreciate how good both taylor and mick look!!!!
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user6: you deserve the hat so much!!
user67: what was your reaction to the wordle?
yourusername: i actually did it in the stadium while waiting for taylor, i started freaking out i was so happy😭
user13: love your outifts! did you make both of them?
yourusername: i made micks and he made mine☺️
yourfriend2: im glad you both had fun
yourusername: mwah 💋
mickschumacher: thank you for choosing me to go with you
yourusername: why wouldnt i take my favorite person to see my other favorite person??
mickschumacher: love you
yourusername: love you🩵
user5: the IT couple
user85: i love seeing mick getting involved with her interests :(
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liked by mickschumacher, georgerussell63 and 40,812 others
we could let our friends crash in the living room
tagged mickschumacher, lewishamilton, estebanocon, lance_stroll, sebastianvettel, georgerussell63+
view comments
user56: oh my god oh my god
user52: theyre literally living taylor swift lyrics
user75: i cant cope
user20: seb definitly spun the wheel in twister
user59: definitly had a drink with him aswell😭
lewishamilton: thanks for having us💜
yourusername: always welcome with us lewis🩵
mickschumacher: can i go where you go?
yourusername: can we always be this closee?
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liked by mickschumacher, lewishamilton and 29,819 others
and at every table, ill save you a seat, lover...
m, you mean more to me than i will ever be able to put into words. the love i feel for you is something so special it feels wrong to just say 'i love you', it doesnt do it justice. you are my entire being and nothing i say or do will even amount to the way you make me feel
3 years ago, forever felt scary, forever felt terrifying, but how can forever be enough now? how will i ever have enough time with you? how will i ever have enough time to love you?
i would say 'take me out and take me home' but no matter where you take me i will always be home if im with you🏠
tagged mickschumacher
comments on this post have been limited
mickschumacher: my favorite person
yourusername: 🫶🫶
mickschumacher: my one and only
yourusername: my lifeline
mickschumacher: forever with you sounds perfect
754 notes · View notes
hotgirlgraps · 2 months
“Casual. You throw that word around a lot, but at this point, I don’t even think you know what it means.”
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There was a comfortable silence that tended to take over whenever the two of you ran out of things to talk about, but it was never awkward or tense.
He was sitting next to you on your couch, stuffing some Japanese food in his mouth while you sifted through your rice to find pieces still doused in sauce.
“So you’re staying the night?” You asked, glancing up from your to-go plate to see if he made any sort of notable reaction.
He didn’t. He simply nodded, eyes still focused on his food, “Mhm” he hummed, then looked over at you. “Unless you don’t want me to.” He added with a crooked smirk.
“I mean, as long as you don’t take up all the hot water again, I don’t care.” You teased, half meaning it.
“Guess you’ll be showering with me then.”
His dimple deepened with that lopsided smirk that seemed to be contagious. You looked down to hide your blush, but he noticed it.
You heard him set his plate down on the coffee table and felt the shift in the cushions when he slid closer to you. His arm snaked around your shoulder, and you closed your box and placed it next to his.
Leaning back, you snuggled closer to him, bringing your legs up to drape across his lap, and he instinctively started running his fingers down them.
“Update me. I know you want to.” He smirks as he rests his head back against the cushion, looking down at you with eyes desperate for sleep, but refusing to waste this time.
“Let me think.” You sighed. It’s been close to a month since the last time you saw each other, and you were sure a lot has happened since then, but your mind was too preoccupied by the feel of his fingertips slowly roaming up and down your leg.
He saw the thoughtful expression and tried to jog your memory for you, reverting back to the texts and phone calls you’d exchanged over the last month. Shortened details of bigger stories he was curious to learn in person.
“Work? Your asshole boss? Coworkers still suck?” He listed off, earning a chuckle from you.
“Oh yeah, nothing new there. Everyone still sucks and I’m still ready to leave that place. I’m pretty sure my boss is the devil incarnated and my coworkers are his spawns.”
“And you’re just an angel, huh?” He smirked. You could hear the sarcasm dripping in his voice and rolled your eyes.
“Never said that.”
“Nah but from what you’ve told me, they all sound pretty shitty. Except that one girl. I forget her name but whoever the one is that helps you out a lot.”
“Kelsey.” You nod. “Yeah, I love her. Everyone else, not so much.”
He nods slowly. He’s genuinely listening, but his eyes are also roaming over every inch of your face. In truth, he’s just admiring you, but it always makes you feel a little self conscious.
When you can’t hold his gaze, you look down at your hand resting against his chest.
“You always do that.” He says before you feel his finger curl beneath your chin, lifting your gaze back to his. “Why?”
“Why what?” You tried to play dumb, but the look he shot told you that he knew you that was bullshit.
“Well, you stare at me a lot.” You shrug.
“You’re beautiful.” He easily retorts.
You felt the heat creeping up to your cheeks. You were sure he could plainly see the velvet shades casting over your skin from the simple compliment.
It was always like this. He made you feel every emotion in the book, even though none of it was ever meant to form into anything more than what it was.
Casual. That’s what you both labeled it the first time you emerged from the post-orgasm daze and had to figure out what you were doing in the first place before he had to be somewhere else.
It was an easily understood title. Basically like no strings attached, or at least that’s what you concluded. Situationship sounded a little better to you, but with that there was an indication that there was the possibility of a future relationship, and with this, you knew there wasn’t.
“You’re a charmer by nature.” You rolled your eyes, and he was unfazed by that.
“Don’t you like it when I compliment you?” He asked genuinely. You could tell it was a serious question by the way his brows knitted together slightly.
You liked it, yeah. The feelings that erupted from it? No.
“I like it when you shut up and kiss me.” You retaliated. It was a defense mechanism on your part. You just wanted to feel like you had some sort of control here, because Tyler seemed to be ever so collected inside and out.
You on the other hand, spent hours upon hours each night trying to fight back the feelings you got when he did something as simple as send you a heart emoji.
But he didn’t object. He let out a small chuckle and you felt the vibration underneath your palm, just before he leaned in and pressed his lips softly to yours.
The smell of his cologne overtook your senses first. A scent that lingers on your pillows weeks after he’s gone. You felt like you could pinpoint it anywhere, and just know it as him.
One of his hands cups your cheek while the other slowly slides higher up your thigh. You feel the neediness for him begin to take hold somewhere deep within. Somewhere only he could ever reach.
You feel yourself slowly reclining back against the cushions, and him shifting smoothly until he’s laying between your thighs.
“Take this off.” You breathe between leisure kisses, tugging at his shirt. You felt him smirk against your lips before he breaks the kiss to grab the end of the shirt with his free hand, easily pulling it over his head and discarding it somewhere on the living room floor.
Your eyes trail down to his chest. Something about it always gains your attention. Whether it’s the sculpted muscles that you loved to feel beneath your hands, or the tattoos you loved to trace with your fingertips.
He watches as you run your palms from his chest to his torso, and then hooking two fingers in the hem of his sweatpants.
“These too.” You say, tugging at them.
“Yes ma’am.” He obliges before he gets on his knees and slides them down.
You take that time to pull your shirt and shorts off. He keeps his eyes on you, watching your every move with an insatiable hunger he couldn’t hide for the life of him.
When you’re left in just your bra, he stops you before you can unlatch it yourself. His lips find your neck as his fingers work on the clasp until you feel the straps loosen and slide down your arms.
He pulls them down the rest of the way and tosses your bra somewhere amongst the rest of your discarded clothes, before he grabs your hips and pulls you back down so that you’re laying beneath him again.
You instinctively spread your thighs for him, glancing down at the gap between your bodies that’s soon to be closed like you want.
“Ready?” He always asks. His eyes glance up at your face, and you can see that he’s doing his best to be slow and patient, but he’s dying for more.
You nod immediately, twisting the ends of his hair with your fingertips as you eagerly pull him down to your lips.
The kiss a few minutes ago was just a build up. Slow, leisure and delicate. This one was full of desire, anticipation, the eagerness neither of you could hide if you wanted to.
In the midst of it, you felt him completely fill you. Stretching you to your limits in a way that had become the only thing you’ve ever been truly addicted to.
A sharp gasp escaped your lips and a deep, guttural groan ripped through his chest. He held himself still for a couple of seconds, until he felt you relaxing around him.
Slowly, he pulls almost all the way out, and slowly; he pushes back into you again. It stays like this until you can’t take it anymore, and a smirk slips across his lips when you start to thrust your hips up in a desperate attempt for more.
He doesn’t object, though. Truthfully, he may be on top but he’s following your lead. Whatever you want, however you want it, that’s what he wants. It might be taking every last ounce of strength within him to keep things slow and steady, but if that’s how you want it then he’ll do it all night long.
But thankfully he picked up on the cues your body was giving and he could finally pick up the pace.
When you felt his hand tightly grip your hip and pin you in place, you knew what you were in for.
He leaned up some, the ends of his hair fluttering against your cheek as his hot, short breaths lingered against your skin. You felt him sneak a few delicate kisses against your jaw but you had to act like it never happened, or else that’s all you’d be thinking about for the next month.
His name effortlessly flew past your lips when he relentlessly crashed into you, hard, fast and unforgiving, just like the first time when he was obviously trying to prove to you that he was good in bed.
Your nails dug into his back as he repeatedly hit that one special spot that in truth, only he ever did before.
You couldn’t contain the high moans, the wildly breathy gasps and whimpers that spilled out of you with every thrust of his hips.
He was in the same boat, though. You know you heard him muttering a multitude of fucks and goddamns.
His fingers tangled up in your hair as he rocked into you. You could hardly hold on at this point, even though you wanted this to last as long as humanly possible. It was impossible.
He knew you were close when you wrapped your legs tightly around him, and the sounds you made got a hell of a lot higher than before.
He coaxed you silently. Using his lips in one way instead of another.
He latched them to your neck, boldly sucking a spot that he realized after the first time, must’ve been a weakness for you.
He felt pride swelling in his chest at the sound of you coming completely and utterly undone. Just the way your back arched and your breasts pressed against his chest was enough for him, but he was holding back waiting for you.
His teeth gently scraped your skin, but it was enough to send shivers skating rapidly down your spine. You couldn’t control it, even if you wanted to.
Within moments, that warm sensation that was begging to run wild through your body, finally got the permission to do it.
You came with a relieved, blissful gasp that morphed into a drawn out moan, and his low groans and raspily muttered curses intermingled in the air.
Breathless and utterly spent, the two of you laid on that couch for at least ten minutes before he finally pulled out of you.
The second he got up, the sweat that smeared your skin didn’t mix well with the room temperature, and a chill shot through you.
Tyler grabbed your clothes first. They were inside out, so he fixed them before he handed them to you.
You watched as he slid on his sweatpants and draped his shirt over his shoulder, sitting back down next to you.
You hadn’t put your clothes back on, instead just let them lay in your lap as you stared down at them.
“What’s wrong?” He asks after a moment. You shake your head, but you don’t look at him.
Again, his finger hooks underneath your chin and raises your gaze so that you’re matched with his. Something that always gives you butterflies, but you won’t tell him that.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?”
You wanted to say it, but not as much as you didn’t want to ruin everything the two of you had. You knew from the beginning that this was casual. You knew it and you had no right to feel some type of way about it now.
The heart was just stupid sometimes, you realized that when just the feel of his shoulder brushing against yours could make your stomach erupt with butterflies.
“Nothing.” You lied again. “Wanna shower with me?”
He eyed you for a moment. He knew you weren’t being honest but he also suspected why, and it was a conversation he knew he wanted to have, but he always second guessed if it was the right time to have it.
He contemplated pressing the subject, but the risk that came along with that kept his mouth shut. Instead, he just nodded and got up from the couch, extending his hand for you to take, and lead you through your room where the bathroom was.
He started the water, and as his back was turned, you took a moment to study yourself in the mirror.
The purple marks he left on your neck would be there for a while. Of course you needed to cover them up for work but you didn’t mind them as much as you would if anyone else were to leave them on you.
Your lips were puffy and a little swollen, and they were tender to the touch, but you liked it.
You could faintly see the redness that his fingerprints left on your hip, and that’s when his hand snaked around your stomach and he pressed a kiss to your temple, eyeing you in the mirror along with you.
You turned in his arms and offered a smile before you walked past him, letting him get undressed himself while you stepped in and felt the scolding hot droplets somehow relax every one of your tense nerves.
He stepped in behind you, his hands snaking around your waist and chin resting on your shoulder as he swayed you side to side.
You leaned your head back, the water drenching every inch of you, but you weren’t sure it was the temperature of it, or if he was the reason you felt like you were nearly on fire.
“You know something?” You hear him whisper, his breath lingering against the shell of your ear.
“I’m comfortable with you.” He says. It was a simple admission, but the way he said it sounded almost as if it was a revelation to him. A shock, even.
“Yeah?” You tried to act casual. Key word for everything here, you assumed.
“Yeah.” He continued swaying. “Everything feels…” He trailed off, and the first word that popped into your head was, right. Everything feels right.
But the word he chose wasn’t that.
“Easy.” He decided on. “Everything’s just real easy with you.”
You felt a pang in your heart, but you fought against it. You nodded like you agreed, and started lathering body wash all over yourself.
He helped, rubbing the suds all over your skin, then reaching behind him to grab the shampoo and pouring some in his hand.
You felt his hands lathering it through your hair, pausing for a second cause the gesture made your heart flutter, but you then reminded yourself that you shouldn’t feel like that.
You let him shampoo your hair, then turned around, facing him as you rinsed it all out. He watched you with exhausted eyes and a crooked smirk, then grabbed your hips and pulled you into him.
“You wanna go out tomorrow before I leave?” He asks. Of course the first thing you thought was, like a date? Of course you didn’t ask that question though.
“Sure.” You agreed like it wasn’t making your heart hammer against your rib cage. “But aren’t you worried about being spotted with your casual?”
You didn’t mean to add the bitter undertone, but that’s how it came out. You thought he noticed, but the way his lips tipped up slightly made you unsure.
“I don’t care what anyone thinks. You know this already.”
“Even if it gets plastered all over social media? You know how fast rumors spread.”
“There’s no rumor to be spread.” He shrugs coolly. “People don’t know me like they think they do, and they don’t know us especially. Let them think whatever they want. I just want to show you a good time somewhere other than your bed.”
You bit back your smile, looking down to hide it, but once again, that finger curled under your chin and you had to look into his eyes. Couldn’t hide that grin if your life depended on it.
“And Casual. You throw that word around a lot, but at this point, I don’t even think you know what it means.” He smirks, and you felt your brows knitting together in confusion.
“That’s what we agreed on.” You shrugged.
“Yeah, and that’s not what we turned out being.” He copied your shrug.
You opened your mouth to speak but there were no words able to be formed at that moment. You simply stared up at him, feeling like all the things you’ve felt might’ve actually been mutual afterall.
“This isn’t a conversation for right now. I think we’re both tired and probably still loopy from that fire ass sex we just had, but tomorrow, I think we have a lot to talk about.”
You nodded easily, and before you could say anything back, his hands cupped your cheeks and he made sure you were looking intently into his eyes, hanging onto every word he said.
“But if you were just casual, i’d never kiss you like this.” He says before he presses his lips to yours with a purpose that makes your head spin.
You instantly melt into him, arms wrapping around the back of his neck, bodies flush as you were rendered absolutely breathless.
Breaking apart, there were no words left to be said. He simply leaned down and cut off the water, opened the shower door and grabbed two towels. He wrapped one around you and one around his waist before he took your hand and placed a kiss to your knuckles.
“movie, round two or sleep?” He smirked. A coy smirk that made you feel weak in the knees all over again.
“All three, in that order.”
taglist: @madhatterbri @730hook @multi-fandom-things730 @willowgreens @shawtys-things @justdamnpeachy @wickedval l @730bliss @theworldofotps @madds-97 97 @gethooked @benjaminka @5secondsofmoxley @cypherpart15 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @littlemissbliss06
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imthegayone · 10 months
The Goliath
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Summary: Roller coasters were never your favorite but when your girlfriend wants you to ride one, how can you say no?
Warnings: mentions of anxiety of riding roller coaster, passing out on a roller coaster, and not the best writing
Author's Notes: I'm very new to writing, but @wol-fica asked for this and tho someone said they had it covered I wanted to give it a try :) I've also never been on the Goliath but I looked up a video and its a hard no for me. But I hope you enjoy and I hope your next cup of hot coco is exacty how you like it ���
(p.s. I'm also kinda new to crushing on Jenna so if she's a bit ooc I'm sorry)
Word Count: 892
When you suggested a trip to Six Flags with Jenna and her sisters, you imagined odd food and maybe a ride on the Wave Swinger. Not a ride that was so tall it struck fear into you the second you laid eyes on it. The Goliath, the name alone made you wanna speed walk in the other direction. Towards the food stand with tables to share a huge plate of funnel cakes with your loving girlfriend. 
The same loving girlfriend that was leading you to the long line of people waiting to experience the thrill of having their hearts jump into their throats. Maybe you were being a little dramatic but the impending doom you felt as you listened to the people scream at the steep drop overpowered any other thought. You were terrified, but the clear excitement Jenna was feeling made you believe that you could be brave enough for her. 
However, as the line shortened and the ride grew taller, you began to question why you agreed to risk your life. “Thank you, I know rides aren’t your favorite.” Jenna whispered as she leaned closer to you so no one else could hear. She knew that you were only doing this to make her happy and the way she looked up at you made you realize just how much you’d to achieve just that. 
“I just hope your sisters don’t realize how sweating my palms are.” You whispered back earning a chuckle as you wiped your hands down your pants for the 100th time. The feeling of her hand slipping into yours brought your attention away from the ride and back to her. A smile making its way across her face that made your heart quicken from something other than fear. 
The moment was broken as the teenager controlling the ride motion for your group to get on. You were feeling confident as love for your girlfriend surged through you but as the safety bar lowered to your chest all confidence you gained disappeared. Jenna grabbed your hand again, gaining a scared but grateful smile from you. 
Creaking as the cart started its journey on the track to the steep incline and your quickened heartbeat was all you could hear. The desperate prayer that the torturous wait would be quick was never answered. The slow trek up the incline felt like hours, the suspense making you nauseous. 
Reaching the peak you closed your eyes tight, the grip on Jenna’s hand turning ironclad. “Oh, fuck.”. 
Your hands were still shaking as you entered your shared apartment. Your feet mindlessly taking you towards the couch. As you plop down onto the cushions you think you hear the sound of the kettle being put on the stove and cabinets being opened but think nothing of it. 
After a few minutes of staring blankly at the wall you see Jenna enter the living room with two mugs in hand and a hesitant smile. “Hi baby, I made you some hot chocolate.” Placing the mug into your hands she gives you a kiss on your forehead and settles in next to you. You take a sip of your drink, the warmth of her and the chocolate grounding you. 
“Thanks, J.” You sent a smile her way as her free hand played with the baby hairs at the back of your neck. All of the sudden the memories of the last hour come rushing back making you groan. 
“Do you think Aliyah will post that video of me.. passing out?” Jenna chuckles but it dies as she sees you frowning. “She won’t.” The reassurance falls flat as she tries to hide her growing smile as your checks redden. “Oh my god she will!” You place your mug down on the coffee table and cover your face with your hands even more embarrassed than the moment it happened. 
The laugh she was trying to cover up bubbled out as she gently grasped your wrist pulling your hands away. “Baby please, it’s gonna be okay, I promise.” You knew there was more by the look in her eyes. You were gonna kill Aliyah, or at least beg Natalie to give you some embarrassing baby pictures of her in revenge. 
“She might've already put it on her story, only on close friends though.” 
“Oh god. I’m never living this down am I?” The responding laugh was enough to know you were doomed to have that video haunt you for the rest of your life. 
“Look at it this way, now you're truly part of the family. We all have some embarrassing things over each other. You saw the post my mom made when she learned I smoked.” That pulled a chuckle from you, remembering just how embarrassed Jenna was when she read it. She swore she wasn’t leaving the house ever again. 
“See I made it through so everythings gonna be okay!” Jenna says with a smile, pulling you into her until your head is resting on her chest and your body lays between her legs. Your hand slips under her shirt to feel even more of her comforting warmth against you. A hum escapes you both when she wraps her arms around your shoulder and kisses the top of your head. 
“Thank you for trying the ride for me Y/n, even though the Goliath took you out.”
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