#levels of autism
zebulontheplanet · 11 days
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Photo ID: A screen shot from tumblr with a blurred out name. It says “I feel like level 3 autism is often autism plus a comorbidity to be honest. END ID
This is what I’m talking about when I say a LOT of people think that level 3 autism can’t possibly be autism and has to be autism plus a comorbidity. This is what I mean.
I’ve blurred out this persons name so they don’t get attacked, and I haven’t blocked them so hopefully they see this post and realize, and change their behavior.
Level 3 autism often DOES come with comorbidities. However that doesn’t mean all level 3 autistic people have comorbidities. Some are just autistic, and that’s ok. Some aren’t, and that’s also ok. However, what people usually mean by this is “I think level 3 autism is always with intellectual disability” which isn’t true.
Autism is autism. It doesn’t always come with comorbidities, and if you think that, you’re just further going into aspie supremacy-isk talk and behaviors. Not all level 3 autistic people have comorbidities, and to say so is ignoring level 3 autistic people. It’s putting the blame on them. It’s putting the blame not on their autism, but on something else. Because of course a level 3 autistic person can’t just be autistic and act the way they do because of autism /sarcasm.
Level 3 autistic people are autistic. And saying this directly ignores that. It’s blaming their comorbidity. It’s blaming that they can’t possibly just be autistic. It’s making it known that you don’t believe that their behaviors and traits are autistic behaviors and traits. Which they are. Every autistic person is autistic. No matter their comorbidity. No matter if they do have one or not. And we know what you mean when you say this, we know that you are directly correlating it with intellectual disability. I’m not stupid, I know that’s what you mean. Because each level 3 autistic person is totally intellectually disabled /sarcasm.
And if you don’t mean that, then what do you mean? What comorbidity do you mean? Because I know you don’t mean sweet and innocent (again, sarcasm) ADHD, or cute and innocent “I just like to clean” OCD (again sarcasm).
I know you don’t mean that. So don’t act like you do. Autism is autism. Their traits are autistic. Their behaviors are autistic. Their autism is real, it is valid, it is there. It affects them. And ignoring that is feeding into your own ignorance.
Do better. Talk to level 3s, look at their blogs, look at their writings, look at their websites, look at their caregivers writings. Stop being like this. Stop blaming intellectual disability for everything. Stop blaming comorbidities and using it as your stepping ground to hate and dehumanize level 3 autistic people. Do better.
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Hey there. I've heard some people mention different levels of autism, and my mom describes some of the kids she teaches (she's SpEd) as having 'mild' or 'moderate' autism.
I was wondering how does this categorization system work? What qualifies one for mild vs moderate? What are the levels? (and how do I level up my autism)
Thank you for your time :))
Hi there,
The levels of autism were added to the DSM-V to describe the needs of autistic individuals. Here’s a visual provided by Very Well Health:
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According to Very Well Health:
A person with ASD level 1 usually is able to speak in full sentences and communicate, but has trouble engaging in back-and-forth conversation with others. They may try to make friends, but not be very successful.
A person diagnosed with ASD level 2 tends to speak in simple sentences and also struggles with nonverbal forms of communication.
A person with ASD level 3 will have a very limited ability to speak clearly and will rarely start interactions with other people. When they do, they will do so awkwardly. Someone with level 3 will also respond only to very direct social approaches from other people.
The full article will be below of you want to read through it.
I hope this answers your question. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
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bee-ina-boat · 1 year
Being a middle support needs autistic is. Is weird.
My neeeds are always changing and i constantly feel like I'm not autistic enough because i don't experience certain things that others do. That just because the situation I'm in right now accomodates for me to have my alone time and take care of myself it feels like I'm not even middle support needs because i don't feel like I'm struggling 24/7
But that's not TRUE. the situation I'm in, my family takes care of most of the basics in the house. If i was put in an apartment on my own? I would not at all be able to live. My work is babysitting a couple of kids for only a small amount of time every week day where my mom isn't too far away and that's IT. I tried working a regular customer service job and i barely had to do anything and i still quit within the first 3 days because i couldn't do it. I literally couldn't freaking stand in a store making sure the shelves of a tiny area are neat for a small amount of time without having a meltdown in the bathroom.
I can't leave the house alone. I struggle with communication ALOT even though I can physically talk. my motor skills and spatial awareness suck ass. my brain is so so slow for most things and struggles to retain information or remember basic things. The only reason I passed highschool was because i was online schooled and i CHEATED. everyday tasks and keeping schedules feel impossible sometimes
And i have all these struggles etc. but i feel like i constantly have to justify my problems to myself. It feels like my brain is always downscaling what i experience because there are others who have it worse. But that's NOT HOW IT WORKS. Others who are higher support needs then me existing doesn't mean i have no problems!!!!
I'm so afraid that I'm gonna get told "youre not middle support needs." Because im polite during conversations (even though half the time i space out or say weird things or struggle to even put a sentence together) or because i wasn't diagnosed as a kid (despite missing the context that i WAS visibly autistic as a kid. My doctors just thought it was anxiety. Also afabs are less likely to get diagnosed anyway) or because "i don't look autistic" (what does that even mean??)
I'm just. Now that I've accepted i need this amount of support. I'm reaching a point where everytime someone shares there experience I'm just like "Im not as disabled as them so that means I'm not middle support needs" but it's a spectrum!!!! And everyone experiences different parts of it differently and i DONT KNOW why my brain can't accept that!! hHH
:[ bleh i wish my brain wasn't so mean sometimes ngl
Anyway if anyone else does experience this stuff, just know that while it's hard for us to accept. We are valid and we always will be..you deserve to get the support and help you need and if anyone tells you your experiences are lesser I'm gonna kick em, ilu
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frat-now · 2 months
Navigating the Spectrum: The 3 Autism Levels Explained
Understanding autism can be overwhelming, especially when faced with the complexities of support levels. But fear not, as we embark on a journey to demystify this spectrum. Today, we delve into the three levels of autism, shedding light on the nuances of each. Join us in unraveling this narrative of support, empowerment, and individuality.
To know more, check the image below.
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yellowyarn · 8 months
i always see sensory avoidant autistic people talking about how their favourite foods are all plain carbs but where are the sensory seeking autistics who live on garlic and spicy foods? the ones who will eat a straight lemon and hate buttered noodles.
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pixierainbows · 11 months
wish for smart autism people to STOP saying things like "most autism people actually smart ! ". is not true! is just so erase big part of autism community ! of people like Pixie, and intellectual disability autism people !
STOP say , is not okay ! people like Pixie, people with intellectual disability , are BIG part of autism community ! we deserve be part of own community !
STOP try push out of community, is ableism !
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sillyzter · 7 months
Remember that if talk or type weird all ok
Remember that if not low support need all ok
Remember that if not level 1 autism all ok
Remember that if nonverbal or semiverbal all ok
Remember that if cognitive function low all ok
Remember thay if dysfunctional all ok
Remember that if "more debilitating autism" all ok
Remember that disability ALWAYS debilitate one thing or another, if have "less accepted" autism still valid and deserving of love respect help
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radiostatic166 · 7 months
Please stop infantlizing autistic people
Stop being weirded out when we cuss. Stop being weirded out when we talk about nsfw topics. Stop being weirded out when we are semiverbal or nonverbal.
We can smoke too, we can drink, vape, and cuss and do anything normal people can do. We can have (concented) sexual relationships. We can kiss people. We can have kinks. We can like BDSM or have fetishes. We are not innocent little kids.
Just because we have a disability doesn't mean we aren't people.
Just because we sometimes need to live with someone else doesn't mean we aren't people.
Just because we don't pick up on social clues doesn't mean we aren't people.
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psychiatricwarfare · 5 months
our autism isnt professionally diagnosed and it definitely wasnt self diagnosed either, but a secret third thing :)
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cryptid-aac · 7 months
Love post for ppl who type " weird "
Love you ppl who type " weird " because use AAC to type (hi, sometimes)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird" because have language disorder (hi)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because have I/DD!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because have severe autism/higher support needs autism/Level 3 autism/however you identify (hi)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because English not your native language!!
Love you ppl who type " weird" because rushing thoughts (hi)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because blind!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because that's how brain thinks!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " just because!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because semiverbal (hi)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because nonverbal!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " for any reason not mentioned or no reason or reason that not know of!!
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willtheweirdrat · 11 months
Shoutout to people with "weird" special interests. Shoutout to people who can't make a job out of their special interests. Shoutout to people who are seen as "unproductive" because of them. Shoutout to people that are "too old/young/anything" for their special interests.
You and your sp/ins matter, and you deserve to spend as much time as you please with them, despite them not being "useful". Time spent with a special interest isn't waisted time.
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zebulontheplanet · 12 days
“There’s no such thing as level 3 autism, everyone’s autistic. Everyone’s the same level 😊”
Do you…do you genuinely hear yourself? You realize the levels are made to determine the level of support you need. Right?
There’s some nuance. Yes, everyone is autistic. But that doesn’t mean everyone is the same level of support. Not everyone is the same or at the same place. Some people need more support. And saying that everyone who’s autistic is at the same level is completely disregarding a LARGE portion of the autism community. If not the entire community because not everyone is at the same level. Everyone is at their own unique place.
Saying these things just make me upset, because I have plenty of friends with higher support needs and even high support needs, that drastically need more support then I see from the vast majority of the community. And they’re often ignored. They’re often fakeclaimed, bullied, harassed, etc etc.
Not every autistic person is going to need the same level of support. Not every autistic person is going to be at the same place. Not every autistic person is going to be like you. Yes, I get some people get confused. Some people say “well the levels of autism kinda feel like severity levels to me” and I get that. However, a lot of higher support needs autistic people have expressed that that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. That they do feel like their autism is more severe than their lower support needs peers. That isn’t a bad thing. Autistic people with higher support needs deserve to be talked about.
I feel like a lot of autistic people don’t realize that sometimes someone DOES have more “severe” traits than you. Someone does have more “severe” things. Why are we allowed to say this with any disorder besides autism? It isn’t invalidating you to say that someone struggles more than you. Some people just do. And for you to deny that, is just feeding more into your own internalized ableism.
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kazandautism · 4 months
It okay if you want to get rid of your autism.
Lot of people on internet say that autism great and that they like it. That okay too, everyone allowed own opinion on self.
But not make you bad person if you don’t like it.
It hard having meltdowns and sensory overload. Hard to need others to care for self.
You allowed to dislike your autism.
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the-rest-is-silenc3 · 5 months
shout out to the people who DO look autistic
to the people who have different facial features from autism or conditions that often occur with autism
to the people who need padded equipment, gait trainers, or other highly noticeable aids
to the people who are ignored in favor of talking to their parents/guardians/carers
to the people who have been told they shouldn’t be seen in public because of their autism
to the people who are told they don’t exist by low support needs autistics
there is a place for you in the autistic community <3 [heart]
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dysmotility · 1 year
please please please don’t forget to include intellectual disability, psychosis / schizospec disorders, level 2-3 autistics, folks w dissociative disorders, and others with “severe mental illness” from ur conversations about mad liberation.
these are some of the most vulnerable and disenfranchised mad people, and we need to give them a voice.
these are the places where liberation is needed the most
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shalpilot · 27 days
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sparkle on
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