#leo beloved <3
gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
TW: VIOLENCE AND VERY GRAPHIC IMAGERY!! FOR THE ASK GAME IMMA PICK MY FAV PARA FROM MY FAV FIC >:) "His glove and about a inch or two of his sleeve are wet with blood as he reaches inside, turning the syrupy mess of what used to be a vampiric heart over in his hand. It pulses just a little, tiny involuntary twitches while it cools, but it’s not worth saving - delicately, he drops it back into the cracked mess of the body cavity with a sticky slap, letting the strings and pipes and cords settle as he takes in the scene in front of him. Poor, frightened children. Some try to fight back, to protest, to taunt him. Make him out to be a madman, or perhaps a maniac. Some try to run, but there’s nowhere to go. Honestly, don’t they see it? The writing on the wall is a familiar shade of red, and an upstart clan of brainless bloodsuckers isn’t going to make it out unscathed."
[no i don't have it saved in my notes wym]
leo's talking about this ask game (still open!)
YES YES YES!!! GOD this was such a blast to write and i had so much fun really getting into all the blood and guts of it, so to speak, so i'm very glad you like it hehe 🥰🥰🥰
the fic in question: bury the hatchet (spoilers for that fic under the cut!)
(for context, william has just skewered this particular vampire through the heart to the wall and then pulled the cane he did it with out, so the body falls to the floor)
it's william solaire at some big important vampire do - of course he's dressed up, and i can't see that man turning up without a nice pair of gloves 😍😍 in my mind they're dark leather - not cotton, that's a bit too butler-y - and the sleeve is probably dark as well, but the image is also nice if you imagine a sort of beige or cream or almond colour with the blood! i didn't mention any ruffles because i wanted the clothes to be mostly up to interpretation (it depends whether you think he's dressed in a more modern style, or something a bit more historical lol), but do feel free to imagine them 🤩🤩
oh this bit of description was LOVELY to do - i was trying to imagine what it would actually look like inside the body if this really happened to someone, and i loved the idea of the heart almost turning to pulp from being staked (obv there's some nice 'stake through the heart' traditional vampire stuff going on here, which i feel like william would take great pleasure in) 🥳🥳 plus the idea of the ribcage kind of cracking open like a book is such a horrible, uncomfortable image that i couldn't just leave it out!! the bit about "strings and pipes and cords" was my way of hand-waving away any actual biology here, but i think it's a very effective way of putting it - having to actually think about the body being full of stuff, and not just random organs all existing in discrete spaces, is so viscerally awful and wonderful to my angst brain.....
if i were to make this longer, most of that would probably come from the bit where the vampires try to escape - i was kind of tired at the time and this is basically an excuse to not have to write in either them escaping or being killed by william lol 😵‍💫😵‍💫 but i think it works!! he doesn't care about what they think, and the narration doesn't either. i will say that the "writing on the wall" bit is a little bit macabre (if the rest wasn't already), just because that's bc the wall in-universe is now literally covered in vampire blood, but i LOVE the "brainless bloodsuckers" part 😍😍 i'm very proud of the way that came out, and i think it fits quite nicely into my idea of william as a man who is simultaneously very old and very young - who holds courtesy and the way of things very dear, but isn't afraid to get his hands dirty 💖💖
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intotheelliwoods · 9 months
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-> -> "Have I always been this annoying?!"
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Individual frames :)
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vangh17a · 10 months
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He won't admit he's scared :')
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blitzxiiru · 1 year
See. The biggest difference between 12!Leo and rise!Leo is that rise!Leo has tall-energy while 12!Leo has short-energy.
And I am oh so very happy you have picked up on it.
I mean, let's be honest. Can anyone actually imagine the guy as tall? Feels wrong.
Any time he faces a villain in the series he reminds me of a feral chihuahua. A competent feral Chihuahua.
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you are the most correct ever, have some leo doodles :)
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rbtlvr · 2 months
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'Is this like an Alice in Wonderland thing?' Leo called out, paddling towards Sensei and trying not to swallow water as he moved. 'Did you cry all these tears?' 'The mindscape does love a good metaphor.' Sensei called back, and he sounded fucking wrecked.
old dead bones that don't get theirs (death wish sidefic by @remedyturtles) was written to kill me, specifically, personally, actually. i still think about it Constantly
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lyxchen · 4 months
Ich liebs auch wie Leo so war ,,du bist nicht für mich da" und dann bei der nächst möglichen Situation war Adam so ,,ich zeig dir wie gut ich für dich da bin!!" und gibt Leo das Geld und folgt ihm überall hin und ist die ganze Zeit bereit einzuspringen <3
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ccomilk · 7 months
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HAPPY (late) HALLOWEEN!!!!! this is my gift for @living0-0skeleton for the @rottmnt-secret-gifting gift exchange!!!!!! baby's first trick or treating <333 I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!!!
(textless version and doodle below cut!)
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enjielemon · 2 years
Isn't this '03 Leo & Usagi's friendship in a nutshell?
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HI! I EXIST! Forgot the login to this account anyways— I am so normal about them—
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WIP of a Kraang Leo animatic I cooked up today :) watch at your own risk for it contains spoilers for where the story is heading and story beats
Also beware for general kraang imagery!
Song is "Possibly in Michigan - Animal Cannibal"
Enjoy :D
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andrej-delany · 4 months
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Was wird das?
Nichts... ich mach's jetzt einfach so wie du. Mir ist alles scheißegal.
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beewasdeleted · 3 months
Future! Leonardo
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Peepaw, my beloved...
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a-wondering-thought · 4 months
I'd kiss my mutuals but also if they prefered i'd hug them to death or shake hands with them because they were uncomfy with that or asexual
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intotheelliwoods · 10 months
This comic is a direct follow up to this drabble by @dandylovesturtles!! Please give it a read first!
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Hello. I thought sending Dandy Poptart would be funny. I was wrong, very wrong. Take this comic so I can atone for my crimes <3
I do hope people remember the Pepper nickname he had, haha
WMAS peepaw stolen from @chiangyorange dont worry the shove in the face didnt hurt <3 (physically)
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emmedoesntdomath · 11 months
leo, patting percy sympathetically on the back: sometimes, there are people in this world that are just really fucking stupid. 
percy, giving him A Look™️:
leo, smirking: not me, though. I’m the best. 
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blitzxiiru · 2 years
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ghost friend and his little lion :)
go read Two Souls by @virgilisspidey and @shyartz03 !!
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cabin10diaries · 7 months
i loove tlh trio but its so fun to think about them growing distant and falling apart cause they all have new lives, that dont include each other
piper? moved states. she lives with her dad, attends a normal school. she has mortal friends, mortal gf. nothing related to mythological things like the entire war had been, no need for her to go to camp, no point in trying to keep in touch with people across states. esp when all she wants is to leave all of that behind
leo? he finally has a family. proper parental figures, siblings, he doesnt have to run anymore. he can rest. he can escape the mythological world that killed his mom, ruined his family, ruined his childhood. hes happier with the waystation, he always felt like he was third wheeling piper and jason anyway
jason? dead he's alone. he's at a school, most of his time is taken up by killing the monsters there and the temples of new rome and he's still overrun by unofficial duties. he'll just go back to camp jupiter, the only home he's ever known, even if being with leo and piper felt more right
of course they do try. they can all tell it wont last, but they try their best to stay friends. letters, irismessages, meeting up– none of it really helps. theyre building their lives, new ones, all without each other
piper feels comfortable in her identity, leo finally finds his home, jason goes back to how everything was before the war
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