#leia winds up bumping into some friends
brokenhardies · 1 year
im definetly going to write some leia in the school holidays (remember, its kind of a 2020s remake of 17 again but also kind of an original found family story)
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luminouspoes · 3 years
if something's wrong, you can count on me
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summary: reader helps poe with his wounds (physical and emotional) after being captured in tfa
warnings: mentions of torture
a/n: loosely a continuation of my first fic!
read on ao3
You don’t realize how slowly time can pass until Poe leaves. It’s been a week since he left in a nondescript X-Wing to collect BB-8 from Kazuda Xiono on the Colossus, then depart for a mission to Jakku.
Each day moves slower than the last, but time really starts to crawl on the third night, when reports come back that the village Tuanul was destroyed by the First Order. It’s the same village Poe was meant to meet with Lor-San Tekka to retrieve the map to Luke Skywalker. There are no survivors.
On the fifth day, news leaks that the First Order is now looking for two fugitives with a beebee unit. You initially hope that one of the fugitives is Poe, but then Threepio dejectedly rattles off the descriptions of the fugitives, and your heart sinks lower and lower. Neither of them are Poe.
But the droid was unmistakably Beebee-Ate. Every person in the room must’ve shared the same thought at once, a sea of murmurs rushing through the war council in unison. You pick a spot on the wall past General Organa’s head to fixedly stare at. There was no universe where Poe Dameron would let Beebee-Ate be chased so doggedly by the First Order without him, unless —
Could he really be gone? Was he caught in the destruction of the village? Or had he been captured, then killed? You were spiraling, but you can’t stop yourself, each thought coming quicker than the last. The room is filled with too many people and you need to run —
“Hope is like the sun.” Leia doesn’t shout, but she might as well have with the way her words shock you back into the present. The way she holds the room is magnetic. “If we only believe in it when we see it, we’ll never make it through the night.”
It isn’t the empty promises or a practiced speech a politician might make to boost morale. It’s the commanding voice of a soldier, someone who understands, and you believe every word she says.
Her eyes find yours in the crowd. You take a step back in surprise, bumping into Paige Tico by accident. The other woman catches you easily as Leia finishes, “Poe will come home to us. I know he will.”
It’s now the seventh day, and you’re struggling to hold on to the hope Leia encouraged you to keep. The medbay is empty, so Kalonia orders you to go get some rest since Poe’s disappearance has been wearing on you.
Instead of immediately going to your quarters, you find yourself on the landing strip, in front of Black One. It’s almost sundown, so there isn’t anyone else around but you.
You run your hand along the hull, trying to conjure up good memories — like when you first met Poe, that time he went to lean up against a doorway to talk to you but missed and fell, trying to be smooth...the many, many times he followed you around in sickbay, pestering you when you weren’t tending to patients, watching in quiet awe when you were.
“You realize there’s more than one medic in this ‘bay, right? Ones that aren’t juniors and are more experienced?” You asked him one day he came in with a nasty looking blaster wound and asked for you specifically to look him over.
“Yeah, but not all of them are my best friend.” Poe replied with a grin.
Now you’d do anything to see that smile again.
Your eyes sting and it isn’t from the wind. Using the back of your hands, you angrily wipe away the tears. Hope is like the sun. The D’Qar sun is setting now.
You go back inside, numb.
You can’t sleep.
You toss and turn, kick your sheets around your ankles, throw your pillow this way and that, but sleep refuses to come. All you can think about was how quiet the base seems without Poe. It’s still noisy because it’s an operational military base, but there isn’t as much life now.
Golden boy of the Resistance.
He was crucial to this operation, so much more than just an average pilot and soldier. He had the makings of a leader — Leia knew it, Black Squadron knew it, you knew it. In fact, you were pretty sure the only person who didn’t know it was Poe himself.
You kick away the covers, sit up. There’s no way you’re going to sleep tonight, you might as well use this restless energy for good use. You’re pulling a jacket on when somebody raps on your door. It’s urgent, but the softness of the knock isn’t right. It’s like whoever’s on the other side is exhausted.
You hurry to the door, lean over to the panel and press the right button. The door slides open with a hiss and you turn back to see who’s on the other side —
And immediately choke on a sob of surprise.
Because Poe Dameron is leaning heavily against your doorway, one arm wrapped around his torso, eyes barely open. “Hey. Miss me?”
Before you can even utter a response, he tilts forward on shaky legs. You gasp, clutching him so he doesn’t fall to the floor. Every other emotion in your body switches off as you immediately throw one of his arms around your neck and lead him inside the room despite his protests. You drag him to your bed, which he immediately falls onto with a grunt of pain.
His clothes are dirty and his flight jacket is missing. His dark hair is matted down from sweat and — your heart lurches — blood.
“Poe…” your voice is shaky as you brush trembling fingertips to the side of his head. He flinches at the lightest touch and you freeze, withdrawing your hand, eyes stinging again. “Who did this to you?”
“You’ll have to be more specific, which injury are you referring to?”
You catch his eyes with horror. “How many do you have?”
“No idea,” he admits tiredly, leaning his head back to look up at the ceiling. “Feels like a lot.”
You’re in a freefall, every ounce of calm purpose draining out of you in a rush, you’re not just a medic now, you’re a terrified friend. You struggle to catch yourself as his words wash over you.
“You haven’t been to medbay yet?” You demand, feeling a few strands of your hair going gray.
“Don’t have the time, just wanted to see you.” Poe shakes his head, tries to stand up. You shove him back onto the bed. He glares up at you. “I have to report to Leia.”
“The only thing you need to do is get treated!” You retort, sharper than intended. It’s incredible how lifeless the universe seemed without Poe, and how now that you got him back, you kind of want to throttle him for being so infuriatingly stubborn.
“Hey,” Poe says, catching your wrist lightly. “I’m okay.”
“You’re bleeding.” You point out, trying to rein in the panic that is creeping into your chest.
“It’s dry.”
You scoff, turning away from him. Poe’s tendency for the audacious was what made him such a valuable asset to the Resistance, but between that and his commitment to the cause, it led to dangerously low levels of self-preservation. Which you knew better than anyone, as someone who’s treated his injuries plenty of times before. “If you have a debriefing, why’d you stop here?”
You turn to face him, curious of his reaction, but his expression is surprisingly guarded, aside from a false smile. “I told you, I wanted to see you.”
“I know you, Dameron. Your first stop post-mission is always to the General. What aren’t you telling me?”
You’ve spent enough time paying attention to Poe to know when he’s hiding something, particularly when it’s something troubling him. Most people either buy the sarcastic jokes he makes to cover it up or the friendly smile, but you’ve always been too stubborn — and cared too much — to just let things slide.
Poe pushes himself to his feet and gives a slight shrug, not quite meeting your eyes. “I just… I needed to see you.”
The word needed echoes in your head, your heart traitorously doing a tiny flip in your chest while the rest of you tensed with concern. You take a step closer, reaching out for his hand as you try to catch his gaze but he refuses to meet it. You do notice another cut, just along his cheekbone. “Flyboy...” you whisper sadly, “what did they do to you?”
Poe tugs at the hem of your sweater sleeve. “The First Order found us. Tekka wanted me to run, but my X-Wing was toast and they - the village.” His voice seemed steady on the surface, but you heard the underlying effort it took for him to get the words out. You squeezed his hand sympathetically.
“We heard about the village.”
Poe nodded. “Kaz and I had just found an old settlement the day before, blasted to hell by someone who wanted the people there... eradicated. The only thing left was a Tooka doll. I guessed it was the First Order, covering tracks, but then I saw what they did to Tuanul. I couldn’t do anything but watch. The village, gone. That - ghoul killed Tekka right in front of me. Then they took me captive.”
“Troopers beat me most of the first night, then the next morning they sent in an interrogation droid to get the information out of me. I wouldn’t break.” There’s a dangerous amount of pride in Poe’s voice at this, but it almost immediately disappears. “So they sent Ren in. Charming guy.”
Then Poe tenses up, his eyes unfocusing. “It was like he -”
“Like he what, Poe?” You ask as a tear slips down your cheek. Tortured for so long…
“It was like he ripped my head open but he never laid a glove on me. All of my memories, he was there like a ghoul, poisoning them. Demanding to know where the map was. He pulled out all the bad stuff, made me relive every mistake, every failure. Everyone I’ve ever lost - I lost them all over again. Mom’s funeral, Lu’lo, Murran…”
You feel nauseous. Your vision blurs so badly from tears that you have to blink to see Poe again.
“He knew other stuff too, stuff he didn’t see. He knew about the time I crashed my mom’s A-Wing, the fights I had with my dad, Kijimi. He knew about you, our friendship, how I -” Poe cuts himself off, tries to pull away from you and forgets his numerous injuries: the sudden movement flares something up, and he hisses.
You immediately follow his trajectory, grab onto the hem of his shirt, trying to keep him from doubling over. “We need to get you to the sickbay -”
You try not to growl with frustration. “Poe Dameron, you can’t just come to my door half-dead in the middle of the night and expect me not to do anything. I care about you too much to allow you to -”
Poe starts to say your name but you cut him off.
“Would you just shut up and let me take care of you?” You snap, glaring up at him as you take another step closer. Poe doesn’t even flinch at your tiny outburst, instead he’s searching your face for something.
“You never let me.” Poe says instead, and you’re gobsmacked.
“What the hell does that mean?”
“C’mon. You wear your heart on your sleeve, you just won’t talk about it. You’re exhausted, I can tell.” Poe continues, and looks back at the messy bed, then back at you, taking notice of the dark circles that have found a home under your eyes in the last week. “If I had to guess, you haven’t been sleeping. Why not?”
You sputter indignantly. How could someone so smart also simultaneously miss the obvious?
“Does it need saying?”
“For me, yeah it does.” He’s so endearingly unaware that your breath catches with a tiny, humorless laugh.
Your face breaks and you know it because your eyes sting and your nose burns as the tears spill over your cheeks. “I thought you were dead. My best friend in the world was gone, and I was left in a galaxy on the cusp of war without you.” You grab a fistful of his shirt, shoulders shaking, the world disappearing around you for all the tears. You weakly thump your fist against his chest, trying to catch your breath. “I thought -” thump! — “ You were -” thump! — “ Gone! ”
Your voice breaks again and you thump him again. “Don’t you ever pull a stunt like this again, I swear to all the stars in the kriffin’ galaxy, I’ll -” you can’t finish the sentence, the words lost in a choked out sob. Your fist goes slack and falls to your side as the grief washes over you.
You feel rather than see Poe pulling you into an embrace. You allow yourself to melt into the hug and weep into his chest as the past week truly starts to set in: the fear, the way you’ve tried to cling to hope despite all the odds, knowing deep down it was probably for naught. The relief of finding Poe at your bedroom door, the anger of what happened to him, the horror of what that monster made him live through.
The tears won’t stop coming.
“Hey, hey —” Poe’s voice is muffled against the crown of your head. “I came back, alright? I’m here.” He pulls back, takes your shaking hand and places your palm against his chest, over his heart, like he knows you need the reassurance. “I’m alive.”
Sure enough, the beat of his heart is enough to ground you back into the present. You take a few shuddering breaths in an attempt to stop your sobs. After a few minutes, you’re finally calm enough to realize the situation you’re now in. Both of you gravitated so close to each other that you’re practically chest to chest, your hand over his heart, with both of his on your waist.
“I’m sorry I hit you.” You whisper, finally getting the courage to look Poe in the face. He looks so sad that you almost want to look away again. “Did I hurt you?”
“Nothing I can’t handle,” Poe promises quietly. “I’m sorry I scared you.”
You sniffle and quickly dash away a few new stray tears with your other hand. You can’t bring yourself to move your hand away from over his heart. “It’s fine, I’m fine.” You can’t tell if you’re trying to convince him or yourself.
“It’s not fine. If it was fine, you wouldn’t be crying.”
You bristle, wishing you’d held it together until he left for that debriefing. Now you’re trapped in a hole you dug for yourself, stuck under those soft brown eyes filled with so much concern for you that your heart feels like it’s about to burst.
“You don’t have to be strong for me.”
You flick your eyes up back to his. “I’m not trying to be strong for -”
“Would you just let me take care of you?” Poe plows on, using your own words against you. Most of the fight drains out of you as your heart seizes. There’s too much behind that sentence, too many things you could read into.
Because you’ve let very few people in to truly care for you. And it terrifies you, knowing that you’re on the precipice of letting yourself be cared for by the person who probably matters the most. You swallow and argue, “You have a debriefing, remember?”
“A friend needs me, I can spare a couple of minutes.”
“But not to get your injuries checked.”
“Tell you what, I’ll go to sickbay if you let me take care of you.”
“That’s a cheap shot.” You mutter with a withering look, wanting this to be over, wishing he would go debrief Leia and forget about you, that you could just act like this never happened, like you hadn’t just cracked your chest open in front of him. You wanted to go back to the easy banter, the synchronization you shared.
“There’s something you aren’t saying.” Poe says, brushing back a loose strand of your hair.
You close your eyes. There’s plenty you aren’t saying, and a lot more you’ll likely never say. “I don’t want things to change.” You admit quietly. You don’t feel like fighting anymore. You’re just exhausted.
“Why would they change? No matter what, it’s me and you. I’m not going anywhere. Not unless you want me to.” He doesn’t add the more likely possibility that he won’t have a choice but to leave you.
“I don’t want you to leave.” You whisper hoarsely. “You are…” you trail off, focus on the firm drum of his heart still beneath your palm, “You’re an impulsive, audacious, bloody idiot. But you’re my impulsive, audacious, bloody idiot, and I don’t want to lose you. Ever since I joined the Resistance, you’ve been here. You’ve been beside me this whole damn time, and I can’t imagine my life without you. I didn’t realize it until we lost L’ulo — I thought it was you that hadn’t come home, and I was terrified out of my mind…”
You groan and lean into his chest, your cheeks pink, embarrassed by your little speech. “I hate you.”
There’s a smile in his voice when he replies, “That didn’t sound like you hate me.”
You thump him again.
Poe winces. “Is now a bad time to mention I think one of those injuries is a bruised rib or two?”
“What?” You whirl back immediately, eyes wide. “Poe Dameron, you should have said something, I’ve been putting pressure on it for - Force, I don’t even know how long we’ve been standing here -”
“And I thought you hated me.” Poe asks dryly, popping one eye open.
“You know what, if you keep this up, I’m never going to open up to you again.” You warn, shoving him down on the bed. You grab your medkit and return to him.
Poe grimaces. “I was kidding about the ribs.”
“At least let me clean up the blood and close up some of the cuts.”
You stand between his legs as you treat the cut on his cheekbone. It’s small but deep, and you reckon it might scar. There’s no way to be certain though. Once that’s finished, you move away to wet a rag with warm water to begin the process of cleaning up his wound. You work in silence, quietly admiring the fact that for once you have the advantage of being taller than him.
“There, all better.” You announce once the last of the blood’s been washed away. “I can’t check for further injuries with what I have in here, you’ll have to visit the sickbay after your debriefing - and that’s not a suggestion, by the way.”
“Are you going to get some rest now?” Poe asks, ignoring your pointed comment. You dart your eyes away, down to the scrunched up blankets. Your restless energy has died away, but even with sleepiness crawling up at the edges of your consciousness, you aren’t certain if you’ll be able to sleep.
“I don’t know.” You admit quietly, smoothing out your sleep shirt. “I probably should, even if it’ll only be a couple of hours. Major Kalonia gave me today off to rest, but I have a shift in the morning.”
“Are there any patients?”
“Poe, it’s a sickbay. We always have patients, and hopefully by tomorrow morning, you’ll be one.”
“That almost sounds like a threat, Lieutenant.” Poe says, raising an eyebrow.
“It might be, Commander.” You retort with a roll of your eyes.
“You know, I could probably talk to the Major, tell her you worked a shift tonight so you can get some more sleep.” Poe offers. “Since I’m the reason you’re awake, it’s only fair.”
You chew on your bottom lip. “I don’t know - hey, stop that!” You order with a light smack to his arm when he whips out the loth-cat eyes. Poe leans away from your reach so you can’t smack him again, then stands up, and you’re back to having to look up to see him in the eye.
His voice goes soft when he puts his hands on your arms. “C’mon. Let me do this for you, alright?”
You weigh your options for a moment, but you already know your decision is made. You want nothing more than to curl up in bed for a good night’s sleep now that you know your best friend is alive. “Alright,” you whisper, pressing the heel of your hand to your forehead.
“Thank you. Let’s get you into bed, huh?” Without further ado, Poe’s leading you back to the bed. “I won’t shove you onto it like you did me, though.”
You’re too tired to shoot a sarcastic comment back, instead, you plop down on the edge of the mattress, then swing your legs up onto it and under the blanket.
Poe pulls the blanket up over you. Instantly, the coziness is enough to almost lull you to sleep. Your eyes drift shut for a second, but you can still sense Poe hanging at the edge of the bed, so you open one eye to peer up at him and find something indecipherable written across his handsome features. “What’s the matter?”
“Huh? Nothing -” Poe shakes his head, a loose curl falling over his forehead. “Thanks for taking care of me.”
You reach out for his hand and he takes yours, lacing your fingers together. “Thank you for exactly the same,” you tell him sincerely. Watching him, you wish you could ask him to stay until you fall asleep, just so you can keep him a little bit longer, but you know he has to go.
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myevilmouse · 3 years
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Today for Trivia Tuesday @jedimordsith suggested I write about my drabble skills and give suggestions to anyone wanting to write drabbles.  I recently wrote 28 drabbles for the Multifandom Drabble Exchange just for fun muwahahah.  Also this is why, since I went outside the Star Wars fandom I love and live in, that I created a new pseud, Złymyszeczka, in case you were wondering what was up with that. Fandoms that I dabbled in included Supernatural, Resident Evil, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, My So-Called Life, X-Men, Wellington Paranormal, Quantum Leap, Labyrinth, Hercules (Disney), Cobra Kai, Lord of the Rings, Loki, Chronicles of Narnia, X-Files, Sherlock, Star Trek TNG, and more!  
Obviously I had to separate all that multi-fandom madness from the purity of my Luke and Thrawn smut!
So please if you check me out on AO3 for Star Wars stuff (and I sincerely hope you do!), note that you want to keep the evilmouse name.  I don’t plan on writing outside Star Wars fandom often, but on the rare occasions I do, it will get posted under the other name.
Back to the point:
Evilmouse’s 5 Essential Tips on Writing Drabbles
for your Trivia Tuesday, jump below the cut!
 So drabbles are 100 words.  Double drabbles, 200, Triple, 300, etc.  A lot of people find the exactness of this word restriction daunting, so here is my first tip for writing drabbles:
1)   Don’t think about the word count.
This may seem counter-intuitive, but the best way to approach a drabble is “I have to write a very short scene.”  Knowing it will be short (very short!) is enough to get you to the word count, and maybe push you over 3, 10, or 20 words.  That’s fine.  We fix it in the editing.  But if you get hung up about counting words when you are writing your drabble, you won’t write the best drabble you can!
2)  Focus on a single moment.  
When I say very short scene, think VERY SHORT SCENE.  It may be as simple as a quick verbal exchange.  It may be something you want to accomplish, i.e. a kiss, a punch.  Here are a couple examples from my recent experience:
One person requested a Chronicles of Narnia/MCU crossover and listed Prince Caspian and Loki as two characters they were interested in shipping.  So my goal was to write 100 words with these two characters.  
What shall we focus on?  100 words isn’t enough to explain why Loki is in Narnia or why Caspian is in Asgard. You have to trust the reader to accept the premise if they click on your drabble. 
What is your goal?  Here, it was to get these two in a situation where a shipper will be happy with their interaction. In my case, I decided they would be trapped somewhere together and alone.  That was it, that was the starting point for the drabble, which you can read here.
Another example: one person requesting a Star Wars drabble said they liked when female characters meet and interact and listed old!Leia and Asajj Ventress as favorites.  
Same question: what do you want to accomplish? In this case, two characters who don’t meet in canon having that opportunity.  A meeting.  100 words is our limit.  Do we care why or where they are meeting?  Probably not.  That initial interaction is the goal.  So for this one, I set what I hoped was a mysterious atmosphere and just simply wrote their initial exchange here.  Trust your readers to fill in the blanks, which leads us to:
3)   Let the “end” be as ambiguous as you like.
Drabbles are brief moments, as already mentioned.  They don’t need a proper beginning or end, they can (and sometimes should) leave the reader asking questions or wanting more.  I like writing drabbles that imply something happened next, and leave it up to the reader to decide exactly what.  
In the case of the Loki/Caspian drabble, knowing that Loki can teleport, and chooses not to, implies he has some ulterior motive in lying about his powers.  
In the case of Asajj & Leia, we know Asajj sent a comm to initiate the meeting but we don’t know exactly what she means by saying they will be “friends.”  Is she sincere?  Have some trick up her sleeve?  I don’t have to know!  But the moment is achieved.
That doesn’t mean that you can’t “end” a drabble if you want to.  I wrote a treat for someone who wanted Sarah and Jareth to end up together when she was all grown up.  So obviously the request has already dictated my ending.  In that case, I had a couple goals:  to tell the reader she was all grown up, to demonstrate how much has/hasn’t changed, and to make her wind up with that sexy Goblin King.  Mmmm yesssss.
Each of those goals, which may have appeared difficult at first, took exactly one sentence:
Curtains fluttered, an unnatural gust summoning the ever-present metropolitan cacophony into her apartment.
We know now that Sarah has her own apartment, old enough to live alone.
“It didn’t!” she glared, injustice manifested in that indignant whine she’d retained, like most of her teenage dreams.
In the film Labyrinth, Sarah’s always saying things aren’t fair.  So here we see she hasn’t quite gotten rid of that tendency to whine about injustice, and is still a dreamer at heart.
“This time,” Sarah took a deep breath, certain, “I’ll stay.”
She’s not hesitating, she’s decided, and she’s going to live happily ever after with her mystical consort (we hope).
The point here is that your drabble can be as conclusive or inconclusive as you like, and isn’t limited by the word count.
4)   Edit without mercy
Yes I KNOW that is the perfect adjective for Luke’s sparkling blue eyes, but if your word count is 101, those eyes are either sparkling or blue but not both!
Once you achieve your “moment” in the drabble form, you have to check that word count and CHOP CHOP CHOP.  It’s a rare thing to be under word count, but if you are lucky to be under, just add a few well-chosen adjectives and you’re done.  However, if you, like most of us, have just written 123 words of perfection and want to scream because there is NO WAY you can do the same thing in 100 words, you have two options:  write 77 MORE words and surrender to the double drabble, OR like I try to do, throw away the things you love until you have accomplished the same thing in 100 words.
To demonstrate this exercise, I set myself a task (because I haven’t saved drafts of my drabbles, sadly) to show you what I mean.  So right now at this very instant I’m going to write a drabble about Luke Skywalker being in love with YOU.  A Luke/Reader drabble, for example.  Let’s go:
Everyone groaned as the briefing ended.  It had gone on two hours too long for your taste, and judging by the mad rush to the exit, you weren’t alone in your assessment.  As you left the conference room, you almost bumped into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked as handsome as always, but rather more casual than usual, his robes nowhere in sight and dressed simply in black pants with a blue shirt.  
“Excuse me,” you said, about to move past, flustered beyond belief.  If only he wasn’t so kriffing good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi—any Jedi.
“Actually,” he smiled, “I was waiting here for you.”
A wave of shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded.  “Yeah.  Have dinner with me tonight?”
 OK here is where I checked the wordcount.  134 words. Ouch.  Quickly we have to edit because I’m not happy with the ending either. And 134 means some serious slicing and dicing.  Here’s take two:
The briefing seemed to end two hours too late, and judging by the mad rush to the exit, your colleagues agreed.  Leaving the conference room, you almost bumped into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked handsome as always, but more casual than usual, robes nowhere in sight, dressed in black pants and blue shirt.
“Excuse me,” you said, moving past, flustered.  If only he wasn’t so kriffing good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi, but that hadn’t stopped you.
He smiled.  “I was waiting for you.”
Shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded.  “Yeah.  Have dinner with me tonight?”
 OK we’ve done some serious slicing and are down to 109 words.  But I’m still not happy, AND we gotta cut more.
The briefing ended two hours too late, and judging by the mad rush to the exit, everyone agreed.  Leaving the room, you ran into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked handsome as always, but more casual than usual, no robes, just dressed in black pants and blue shirt.
“Excuse me,” you muttered, flustered.  If only he wasn’t so kriffing good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi, but that hadn’t stopped you.
He smiled.  “I was waiting for you.”
Shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded, and held out a hand.  “Come with me?”
Down to 103 words now and I managed to change the ending I wasn’t crazy about at first…notice what has and hasn’t changed between these short drafts... not much in the way of story, just how it is told.
Still have to edit more…three pesky words…
Judging by the mad rush to the exit, everyone agreed that meeting had been too long.  Hurrying out, you ran into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked handsome as always, but more casual than usual, no robes, just dressed in black pants and blue shirt.  
“Excuse me,” you muttered, flustered.  If only he wasn’t so kriffing good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi, but common sense wasn’t your forte.
He smiled.  “I was waiting for you.”
Shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded, holding out an inviting hand.  “Come with me?”
Now I’ve got 101 words and I don’t want to cut it, but I have to…*waves goodbye to “kriffing”*
Judging by the mad rush to the exit, everyone agreed that meeting had been too long.  Hurrying out, you ran into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked handsome as always, but more casual than usual, no robes, just dressed in black pants and blue shirt.  
“Excuse me,” you muttered, flustered.  If only he wasn’t so good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi, but common sense wasn’t your forte.
He smiled.  “I was waiting for you.”
Shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded, holding out an inviting hand.  “Come with me?”
So we have 100 words exactly, that imply Luke is into you and you have a future with him.  From starting the drabble to finishing it, took me about 18 minutes.  If you don’t pressure yourself, it doesn’t have to be a nightmare.  Which brings me to tip #5
5) Don’t stress, and have fun!
Sometimes I have spent as much as two hours on a drabble, but usually no more than a half hour to get it where I want.  When I do the “drabble a day” for Fictober, I try to limit myself to 15 minutes.  The point is, drabbles should be fun and low stress.  Don’t agonize about them!  Sure, you can edit for hours to fix each word to be absolutely perfect and convey something the same but different, but you can also just achieve that glimpse into a scene, that moment, and enjoy your work!
I hope you enjoyed this and/or found it useful.  If you’d like to read some of my drabbles, you can click on this #drabble tag, check out these drabble collections here and here, my story told in drabbles here, or explore my new pseud złamyszeczka for those other fandoms I mentioned.  Thank you for reading!
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cosmicoceanfic · 4 years
I'm studying for an archeology exam and am also steadily going crazy😂
Headcanon(I think I've seen this one around but I really like it so): Finn thinks he's been dating Poe for MONTHS when Poe finally lets him know about his feelings, because affection had to be very low-key in the first order. Finn assumed they started dating from when Poe hugged him and said he looked good in the jacket.
I’m sorry for your crazy! Mine is a psych exam. I’m never gonna remember all these lobes. It’s a disaster.
So this is, exactly, why I love this, and pardon me for the ramble, but I got really excited thinking about this.
Stormtroopers have a culture. It’s a culture that anyone who isn’t a Stormtrooper can’t know, because if they do, they have to cut that piece of it off completely and pretend it never existed. No one can believe Stormtroopers have any thoughts or feelings than what they’ve been trained to have or they will be even more expendable than they already are. So their culture is completely secret so they don’t have to forego any part of it in the name of keeping the rest of that culture.
And a big part of that culture is going to be how to express affection without anyone other than a Stormtrooper noticing. If you’re not supposed to feel, everything about the way you silently and secretly interact with each other is going to be about feeling. So there’s all these really quiet signals and codes that pass between them, and one of those is going to be the quiet exchange.
Some Stormtroopers trade blasters. It’s easy enough to discount if caught by an officer, the sort of thing that just gets you bumped down to sanitation, and there’s so many stormtroopers that if it doesn’t happen every day, it’s not going to be noticed. Some Stormtroopers do something just as simple and quiet as quickly trading each other their forks to eat. It’s the act of being comfortable enough to share something with someone else, no easy feat in the First Order, that matters. It’s the giving. We are now a we because we gave to each other. That’s what the concept of dating or finding a partner is with Stormtroopers.
So Poe gives Finn the jacket and Finn’s flustered because well, okay, it’s a little fast, but he likes Poe quite a bit, so this is good, he can figure out something to give him later and they can see how this goes (he just finds like, a neat rock or something on a mission not too far off from receiving the jacket and Poe is fortunately a big fan of neat rocks so he keeps it and Finn’s like “phew, okay, so now we’re on even ground here”), and then the months wind on and Finn’s steadily even more contented with this very abrupt decision Poe made because he’s moved from smitten to full blown in love with him, and from context clues just around the base, apparently there’s supposed to be more to a relationship than whatever it is they’ve got going on, but Poe seems to want to take things slow, and Finn can respect that, he’s just finding his bearings in the Resistance as it is and he doesn’t want to push Poe into anything he’s not ready for.
So it’s gotta be like six months, right, just some unbearable pining time wherein everyone thinks they’re not dating (except Rey, who probably has a shared framework of what a relationship means because on Jakku I assume the act of giving also has a heavier and more significant weight to it, who is like “I am very happy for you and your pilot boyfriend even if he and I bicker about who gets to fly the Falcon sometimes and I like your choice of rock”), and Poe is in agony, because Finn is the best, just the best person out there, nobody comes close, and he tries out all these speeches, he rehearses in the shower, he practices in the mirror when Finn’s not around, he gets caught by Leia once, who looks both very amused and very tired by the shenanigans and tells him that if he can fly missions against the First Order than he can probably do this.
So Poe finally, finally, finally plucks up the courage, he pulls himself together, he stammers a little bit coming out because all the rehearsals had not actually prepared him for saying it in front of Finn, but he does in fact manage to tell him “I love you”.
And Finn just sort of... blinks, a little bemused.
“Yeah, of course,” he tells Poe, a little slowly, who didn’t expect it to go like this at all. “That’s what the rock was for.”
Anyway. I didn’t really mean to spin this out into something fic adjacent but god. You sent me such a great little headcanon there, friend. This really made my night. Thank you so much for doing it, it was exactly what I needed
edit: I forgot to add that because giving is so secret and quiet in the First Order that Finn was probably very taken aback by Poe openly going KEEP IT! IT SUITS YOU! in front of everybody but just sort of figured this was how the Resistance did it and also found it very endearing on Poe’s behalf
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staarshines · 4 years
Sooooo, I don't know if you'd be up for this, but what about a bit more elaboration on the shattered datapads? I'm curious...
Running into Recruits || P.D.
Warnings: None :)
Word Count: 1.2k
A new—and apparently hotshot—recruit runs into you on a particularly bad day, causing you to lose your temper. (Based off of “The Prince and His Princess”)
[A/N]: I tried to go to sleep last night but this idea just wouldn’t leave me the fuck alone and it turned out so much longer than I thought it would 😭
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Running around.
That’s all you’d been doing today: running around from one corner of the base to another.
Threepio had alerted you that General Leia had a meeting with the new recruits in ten minutes as soon as you landed and she needed to know the outcome of this mission, so first, you sprinted to her office. Then, you needed to go check in on your squadron in the med bay, which was back near the hangar. A notification on your datapad alerted you that Leia had some more questions and another possible mission she needed to tell you about before she headed into the meeting, so it was all the way across base again. Now, you were getting a message from your favorite mechanic that you were correct: the unusual humming you had heard while engaging hyperspace again? Due to your generator leaking.
Talk about shitty days.
Your legs are burning and all you want to do is sleep because you’ve lost track of how long you’ve been awake: thirty hours? Maybe more? You swear if you didn’t have any dignity, you’d walk to the side of the tarmac and take a nap there. But commanders can’t exactly nap around base.
“Apparently they can’t nap at all,” you grumble, squeezing your eyes shut in response to the blinding sunlight that D’Qar would always receive. “I’m done. After this, I’m telling Leia that I’m taking leave and sleeping for a week straight,” you whisper to yourself while clutching your datapad tightly, needing to voice your thoughts out loud to even recognize them.
Something bumps into your calf and catches you off guard, making you whip around to see an orange and white droid rolling past you faster than you’ve ever seen a droid move—maybe a BB unit? God, people really need to watch their droids. What you definitely don’t expect though, is someone completely body slamming into your back, pushing you to the ground. The wind is knocked out of you and you can’t breathe for a second, feeling whichever idiot that wasn’t watching where they were going get off of you and begin to apologize profusely.
“Oh Maker, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to run into you! It’s just that I’m late…” he trails off and offers you a hand but you swat it away, getting up by yourself and pushing the hair out of your face.
“Watch it!” you complain, smoothing down your shirt and giving the man an incredulous look. He’s fair-skinned with wild curls bouncing off his head, and a face that looked like it was chiseled by the Maker himself. But right now, you’re too focused on the fact that he knocked you over and shattered your datapad. “Are you serious?”
“I’m sorry! I just have to get to the new recruits meeting, and I’m already late—”
“Well don’t go toppling people over, especially since you’re new. That’s not how you make friends.”
“I know—”
“You shattered my datapad. Seriously? Leia’s gonna murder me,” you mutter, looking at the mess of glass and steel on the ground. “What is wrong with you?”
“It was an accident—”
“Accident my ass! The Resistance is done for if all of the new recruits are like you,” you mumble, shaking your head and massaging your forehead. You find him staring at you, head tilted, which only somehow succeeds in making you angrier. “What the hell are you doing staring at me? You have a meeting to get to!”
“Right, sorry— I’m gonna go now—” you roll your eyes as he trips over his words—and his own feet for that matter—running past you while you huff in frustration. 
“And watch that droid!” you yell after him, sighing and returning your gaze to the mess that was your datapad two minutes ago.
• • •
Leaning on the side of your X-Wing, you’re watching him talk with some of his fellow new recruits from afar. It had become apparent that you’d overreacted a while after he ran off, but you had too much pride to go up to him and apologize. As any commander does, really. 
You scoff at yourself because you don’t even know his name and now he probably hates you and thinks you hate him when it’s the exact opposite: you want to get to know him better. A lot better. And maybe that’s just because you’ve found that he’s the outgoing one in front of other people, but in front of you he was tripping over his words like there was no tomorrow. Did he want to get to know you better too?
Now you’re just overthinking and jumping to conclusions, you think, silently chiding yourself. Why was it that you would always be harsh to any man you ever found attractive? You didn’t even know his name, and you’d yelled at him in front of the entire base on the tarmac. Smart move.
He suddenly catches your gaze, the moonlight being the primary source of light since the main hangar lights shut off a while ago. You had stayed behind just to check up on your X-Wing and make sure everything was in good condition; getting thrown out of hyperspace wouldn’t exactly be fun. His features are even more beautiful in the shadows, and you swear you can see him flash you a smile before turning back to his friends. Maybe the smile was just wishful thinking. You shut your eyes and let your head rest against the durasteel, all thoughts of sleep evaporating from your mind and being replaced by him. And you didn’t even know his name.
“Hey.” You raise your eyebrows because shit, your mind is really imagining his voice now? This is a new level. “You okay?” It takes you a second to realize that he’s next to you and that you haven’t gone crazy. Or at least completely crazy. Opening your eyes, he’s right in front of you with a concerned look on his face.
“I’m fine. Just had a shitty day,” you tell him with a small smile, a bit surprised that he was asking how you were doing when you’d lectured him for a good five minutes straight.
“I probably didn’t make that any better, did I?” You shake your head quickly to discredit his theory, sighing.
“It wasn’t even your fault. Being a commander on the side of a war that’s losing is exhausting,” you admit, running a hand through your hair. “I wanted to apologize for earlier today. Nothing was going my way and you bumping into me was just—”
“It’s not your fault. Seriously,” he adds, seeing you raise your eyebrows. “I should’ve watched where I was going. Bumping into people isn’t exactly the best way to make friends,” he quotes, making you unable to hold back a smile.
“It’s really not.” You two stand in silence for a second, each of you knowing the other has something to say but isn’t saying it. “Come on, spit it out.”
“That look. I know that look. Say it.” You can practically read his mind, and for some reason, there’s a feeling inside you telling you to say yes. 
“Would you like to go out with me sometime?” You’ve always been skeptical of the entire “love at first sight” thing, but meeting him made you realize it might be real. It just might.
“I don’t even know your name,” you laugh softly.
“Poe. Poe Dameron.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Poe. I’m Y/N.”
All taglists are open! Send me an ask or a message :)
Permanent: @becausewhyknotme, @criminal-cookies, @theladyoffangorn, @officialtonystarkprotectionsquad, @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam, @agentpeggybarnes, @fantasticcopeaglepasta, @talk-geek-to-me, @letsmellowjello, @thescarletknight2014, @wemisshim3000, @arabellathorne
Star Wars: @kittyofalltrades, @arkofblake, @m1rkw00dpr1ncess, @propertyofdindjarin, @loshiflow, @coldbreadbouquetworld, @melvls
Poe Dameron: @yougottakeeponkeepinon (hiatus strikethrough), @seekerofmagnificentmysteries, @poe-damnnn-eron, @lapilark, @peterhollandkait, @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol, @ghoullflower, @twomoonstwosuns, @writefightandflightclub, @lady-sloan, @poes-stardust
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politicalmamaduck · 4 years
Reylo Fic Recs: Modern AU
The Other Promise by @kuresoto
Rey knows she's not normal. Why else would she be subjected to four foster families before she aged out of the system and took life into her own hands? It could have (definitely does) something to do with the fact that she can see how long people have to live.It doesn't bother her (much) anymore, and with her being--well, her--she's resigned herself to working in a morgue for the rest of her life where the only people who keep her company besides her boss, are the dead. No friends, no family. No one.But everything starts to unravel when a new neighbor moves in next door. The walls she's built come crumbling down for the uniquely handsome man who always wears a three-piece suit, complete with a pair of leather gloves, regardless of how hot it is.The chance encounter turns into frequent run-ins, with the single most important factor that had ruined any relationship she ever tried having in the past being absent. He has no life timer.
Where No Thing Gleams by @maq-moon
An online DNA test sends Rey on a whirlwind journey across Europe. When she hits a roadblock in her travels, the enigmatic Kylo Ren offers to solve all of her problems. The catch? She must simply go on one date with him.Or so she thought.
The Skeptic and the Medium by @shelikespretties
Rey Niima fought for a logical, no-nonsense life as a scientist and skeptic of all things that go bump in the night. Kylo Ren is a famous medium for whom bumps in the night show off. So of course they have to make a Netflix special together.
Dear Mr. President by @shmisolo
Dr. Dameron shifts and slides a manilla folder across the desk to her.  “Under ordinary circumstances, I’d let you keep the folder.  I hope you’ll understand why I can’t do that this time around.” She opens it and stares.She stares and stares and stares.Dr. Dameron has to be kidding.  There have to be hidden cameras here, this has to be some elaborate prank.  That’s why it’s him here and not Dr. Wexley—that was his name.  Dr. Wexley. But instead of getting to her feet and tossing her hair and saying he was cruel for playing with her heart like this, all she does is ask, blankly, “So...Ben Solo is my soulmate?  Our new president is my…” She swallows.And Dr. Dameron nods.
Carry In My Core (That Voice I Adore) by @shmisolo
Starring in her first opera would be stressful as is, but Rey, always one to outdo herself, just had to go and make things even more complicated with Kylo Ren.  It’s hard enough looking him in the eye, much less pretending to be in love with him.  She can make it through this.  She has made it through worse.  She can make it through this.
the star to every wandering bark by @abstractragedy
There is something else as well, an instinctual drive that’s making him go, almost calling Ben to Takodana; much like an idea for a novel, a terribly persistent and gnawing thought at the back of his mind that will not go away until he does something about it.A change of scenery is always good for one’s mind. By alternating one’s perspective the reality might change as well.--When Ben Solo travels to Takodana in the name of his second novel, meeting an impossibly intriguing woman named Rey wasn't exactly what he envisioned. But the universe has a funny way of working things out.
Yichud by @shmisolo
Mazal Tov - The expression comes from the Mishnaic Hebrew mazzāl, meaning "constellation" or "destiny".  Borrowed from Yiddish מזל־טובֿ (mazl tov), from Hebrew מַזָּל (mazál, “star, constellation; fate, luck”), from Akkadian (manzaltu [UD.DA]) + Hebrew טוֹב (tov, “good”); literally “good stars, good luck.”
crossfade (cursed and blessed) by @shmisolo
The Talmud states that on Purim one is to drink to the point of not knowing the difference between “cursed is Haman” and “blessed is Mordechai.”  In other words, you’re supposed to get so blitzed you can’t tell your friends from your enemies. Rey and Ben might be taking this a little too literally at Leia’s annual Purim Party.
Convergence by @kuresoto
Other, also known as ‘soulmate’ for people who wanted to believe. Not everyone had an Other, and the only way to find your Other was by saying their name. When that happened, memories of their life, where they grew up and the steps that led them to you, would be condensed into a single flashback that passed in a blink of an eye. The fact that someone had said Rey’s name and didn’t bother approaching her hurt, especially since she had a good idea why. Her parents tossed her aside when she was barely five, so she shouldn’t be surprised that her soulmate had done the same.
Siman tov u’mazal tov by @shmisolo
“I didn’t get to have a big wedding,” his mother had told him when they’d finally spoken about it. “I was pregnant and it was a lot and your dad and I just got married. It’s my time. I’m having a big wedding.” She sounded nervous, almost defensive, as though a woman who is nearly sixty doesn’t have a right to want a big wedding. She wasn’t no young blushing bride. She has a thirty-year-old son for god’s sake.But his mom was going to have a big wedding.And Ben had taken a deep breath before saying what he’s sure Leia was even more nervous about hearing.“I’m not sure I’m coming.”
How Our Song Goes by @lariren-shadow
Rey is a struggling student who would love to have at least some money to save rather then just paying her debts.  Kylo Ren would love to get his trust fund, the only problem is there's a clause in it that states if he wants it now he has to get married.Rey is willing to be Kylo's bride to her own cut.  The only problem is that they'll have to make their relationship look real to everyone else.
Puppies by @lariren-shadow
On a crisp autumn day Rey and Ben meet in the park while walking their dogs.  Things don't exactly go smoothly.
burn sky until you see lines by @solikerez
He writes a letter for every time he feels like the world is shattering around him, and it is still not enough.
306.73 or: How to Woo a Librarian by @reylotrashcompactor
She was back again. Ben called her The Scavenger in his head because she liked to pick collections dry. (Though he knew from her library card that her name was Rey. Pretty.) There wasn’t a pattern to her hauls, only that she’d take almost an entire shelf with her in that ratty little messenger bag and leave him to pick up her mess. But, Ben didn’t suppose he was fooling anyone but himself: he had it bad for the Scavenger and she was back. He’d talk to her tonight. He would.
What you don't know by @thewayofthetrashcompactor
Rey wants to see the local haunted house and drags her reluctant boyfriend and friends along with her. It's not quite what she expects.
Between Sky and Sea by @moonshotsandarchimedeslevers
When Rey finally set out to find her parents in the innumerable islands of the Jakku Archipelago, the last thing she expected was a mysterious stranger to drop out of the sky with his story of hidden treasures and secret wonders.
Blades Crossed by @the-reylo-void
Notorious figure skater Kylo Ren has had a rough few years; once a decorated competitor, now it's hard to say what he's losing faster, sponsors or partners. With Nationals just six months out and no qualified partner on the horizon, Kylo finds himself begrudgingly skating with college hockey phenom Rey Kenobi, a scrappy forward coming off injured reserve who doesn't know a lutz from an axel. It's only for six months, but family drama, a twisted coach, and a budding closeness to his new partner ensure that this will be the most eventful competition season of Kylo's career.
it's you and me (i know it's our destiny) by @shmisolo
It’s just a kid’s game, he thinks when jealousy pangs in his heart.  But it’s more than just a kid’s game.It’s Pokémon. It’s the only good thing in his life.
happy cockus day by trasharama
She prefers the nip of New Hampshire winters, heavy winds blowing in her hair, being bundled up in three layers with pens whose ink freeze fast and thaw slow. She loves warm buildings, and Christmas breaks, and slurping down huge bowls of ramen in the evenings, but being on the ground, a clipboard in her hand, boots on a voter’s doorstep? That’s where she knows she belongs.So there are a lot of things going against Rey Johnson’s introduction to Ben Solo, his moody personality probably the least of her worries, since he’s the reason she’s not outside, making some sort of tangible effort to get his mother elected as president.
A More Perfect Union by fangirl_outlet
Rey, new to DC, tags along to a stuffy networking event with her friend -- they're both poor and, hell, there's free booze. Ben, a recruiter for the lobbyist firm he works for, finds the intern with the soft voice and angry eyes a fun challenge -- especially when he finds out she works for his estranged mother Senator Leia Organa.
Spending Valentine's Day Solo by @jyn-z-solo
 She places his scent—woodsy and warm, like sandalwood and ginger—before she recognizes the large, gloved hand outreached to steady her or the sleeves of his black wool coat. “Rey,” he blurts out—is the pink on his cheeks from the chill outside, or is he blushing?  “Ben! Hi!”  She’s trying desperately to sound nonchalant, but at the rate her eyebrows continue to rise, they may end up past her hairline.  “Wha… What are you doing here?” he asks, running a hand through his hair. 
Unshakeable by @shmisolo
Rey is performing in another fucking musical and Ben goes to see it.
My own modern AU fics:
what is past is prologue: Reylo in Washington, DC
A collection of my Tumblr-based Reylo fics set in Washington, DC. Prompts and prompter will be in chapter titles.
My other fic rec lists:
Fic Recs Under 100 Kudos | Smuggler Ben Solo | Fantasy, Fae, Magic, Fairy Tale, and Mythology | Historical AU | Dark Side Rey | Canonverse | Smut |
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heart-shaped-heart · 4 years
Imagine being a Jedi and showing Poe the “Force stuff”:
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It’s been almost a year since you’ve first met Poe Dameron but you can barely remember at least couple of times when your conversations didn’t turn into a competition of wittiness. Before you joined the Resistance, Poe was the only guy who needled everybody around, but with your appearance days of his glory were gone for good as he got a brand new opponent, the only one who’s able to successfully needle him back.
That’s why Leia’s decision to put you together as a partners on an important mission was the most obvious thing in the world for some and the greatest nonsense of all times for others.
And the worst thing is that you can’t really figure out if you supported the first or the second opinion.
Anyway here you are, sitting on the floor of some corridor of enemy’s base in a wait of path being opened by your allies. Shoulder to shoulder with your new partner.
Time’s passing by, minute by minute, and you’re already not sure how long of this silence it’s been. Even Dameron’s not in mood today and surprisingly manages to keep all of his jokes to himself.
Suddenly you feel something inside; not a word but a feeling comes to you, something bright and hopeful that in words would sound as wishing good wishes. It is not yours: you realise it is your friend who is somewhere around on this mission too but has a different task. You can’t help but smile. 
Poe immediately notices that, his a bit grumpy eyes slide from the wall in front of him to you and to the wall again. “What exactly in this particular situation do you find funny?” 
“Nothing in it. Y/f/n wishes us a good luck.”
His look slides to you again, this time full of doubts about your sanity. 
“We have a strong connection through Force,” you explain, slightly chuckling at his skepticism.
“Wow,” he arches a brow but a second later fakes not to be impressed at all. “Didn’t know this Force stuff can be so useful.”
“This Force stuff has plenty of uses.”
“For example?” he asks a few seconds later and you can only imagine how interested he is. 
You turn to him, looking him up and down. “For example what is this ring you are wearing on the string under your jacket?”
In a heartbeat his hand finds the place on his chest where the ring seem to be, then touches his forehead in the next second. “Have you just slipped into my head?” Poe asks with pure astonishment and leans forward. 
“I’m not in your head, silly. I’m under your shirt,” you smirk and get such a face expression in response that is absolutely worthy of this kind of a joke. Not a word leaves his lips as he opens and closes his mouth in attempt to say something; you feel a fulfilling wave of pride as, you can bet, a barely noticeable redness touches his cheeks. “Calm down, commander, I’m kidding. But okay then, if you are into mind tricks... No worries, nothing too much,” you add when Poe instinctively catches your hand on its way to his head. 
The tips of your fingers softly touch his forehead for a few seconds, and he immediately leans back again, a soft gasp rolls out of his lips.
“What is that?” he whispers, eyes are widely opened. 
As corners of your lips curl into a small smile, you shrug, carefully watching as emotions change on his face one into another. “You tell me.”
“It’s a...” he swallows thickly and finally smiles almost imperceptibly, though still looking overwhelmed. “I don’t know, it feels like a brush of wind and... As if I have a picture in my head, but it is not my memory... There is lots of green, like... grass or trees or something...”
“Yeah,” you nod, still not able to fight back a smile. “There is.” 
“What’s that?” Poe asks again in the end and turns to you, though you can see in his eyes that partly he is still in his thoughts. 
“A meadow in front of my old house. I used to spend there plenty of time when I was a child.” 
Too full of emotions to answer, he just nods in response and turns back to wall in front of you.
For a minute you think that the silence fell over you two again when he suddenly breaks it with a sigh. “You know, you are not that bad sometimes.”
“Oh really? Thank you.”
“...But still pretty unbearable though.”
“Well...” you close your eyes for a moment and smirk. “We have this two qualities in common then.”
“I’m not sure if this was a compliment but thanks.”
“I completely understand why you have doubts if comparison of you and me is a compliment but...”
But before you could carry on the debate, a loud thuds fill the room somewhere behind the wall. In a few moments Poe hears that too.
“Here they are,” he whispers as both of you stand up quickly.
Heavy steps of a group of stormtroopers fill the corridor behind the turn, and in a second you can see them. 
Poe fires a couple of shots in their direction. “If you have anything apart your tricks, you know, it’s a great time to...”
Before he can end the phrase, with a pass of your hand a couple of troops harshly bump into each other and then into opposite walls. The third one comes out from behind them and raises a heavy blaster; you rapidly push Poe with Force. He barely manages not to stumble; just in the spot where his chest were, a black mark of a missed shot steams on the wall.
“More careful please!” Poe shouts, finally regaining his balance.
“Oh I’m sorry!” you shout back, destroying the last couple of stormtroopers.
In the end they are all defeated. You breathe heavily, turn off your lightsaber and look up at Poe. He catches your eyes, stays still for a few seconds, then starts to step over all of the mess you’ve left on the floor, almost not breaking eye contact with you.
And when as you think he is about to thank you, he makes a step more closer to you with an unexpected statement. 
“My mother’s ring.”
You blink in confusion. “...Pardon?” 
“It is my mother’s ring that I wear on the lace. She used to wear it all the time when she was alive.” 
Not sure how to react, for some time you just stare at him in complete shock. “Okay,” you nod finally and give him a small smile though looking right into his eyes quite seriously. “Thank you.” 
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azwriting · 4 years
Hi gorgeous! I was wondering if I could request a prompt Ben Solo x Reader. I devoured your series cause it was incredible and My heart is aching for some more Ben Solo content. The prompts numbers I loved were 5, 101, and 118. Thank you love and I hope your holidays were incredible.
A Mediocre Proposal (Ben Solo x Fem!Reader)
A/N: Writing this cleared my skin and cured my depression. Thank you for sending this prompt in because I love the end result. I hope your holidays were great as well and please enjoy Resistance hero Ben Solo. 
Summary: Ben Solo, Commander in the Resistance, has an important question to ask the reader. 
Prompt(s): “You’re cute when you’re angry.” + “Don’t get too cocky.” + “I got you a present!” “I’m not sure I want it?”
Warning(s): Language, mention of injury, a whole lot of fluff
Word Count: 2687
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Ben Solo. The name itself was notorious, continuously uttered around the grounds of the base. And the man the name belonged to was just as unforgettable. The son of a princess and a scoundrel, two well known Rebellion heroes. His uncle Luke Skywalker was the legendary Jedi Master. His blood was utterly rich. He was a prince, trained in the ways of the Force, and the best pilot the Resistance had. It was no surprise he was so highly recognized amongst the other members, especially amongst women. He was tall, dark, and handsome, with that undeniable Solo charm. But Ben paid them no mind, no his heart had already been taken, held against his will if anyone ever asked, by (Y/N).
The daughter of two former rebels and now highly esteemed Generals of the Resistance, alongside Han and Leia, it was only made sense for Ben and (Y/N) to have grown up together. Best friends from childhood the two got into their own bits of trouble throughout the years, while training to fight and fly. 
Along the way, glances turned to all consuming stares, grins turned to burning red cheeks and hesitant smiles, teasing shoves turned into feverishly rushed kisses, young innocent feelings transitioning and growing into deeply reciprocated love. Now as leading Commanders of the ground and air assaults, the two were never far from one another. Whenever Ben Solo’s name slipped from tongues, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)’s was not far behind, and vice versa.
Ben smiled fondly at the strong woman by his side, utterly enthralled by her existence. Perhaps the pilot should have been focusing on the debriefing occuring just beyond his eyes, but Ben was only fixated on (Y/N) and the burning question that was eating away at his mind. 
“Sounds straightforward enough, right Ben?” His head full of thick black locks shot up to meet the sharp gaze of his parents and half a dozen other officials. His cheeks flushed mildly at the thought of being caught not paying attention, but it soon subsided. He knew the mission like the back of his hand, his father and him had stayed up until the early hours of the morning working out all the possible kinks. It would be fairly simple, they were heading to Maz’s cantina to gather intel about the First Order’s secretive plans from an anonymous contact.
“Yeah sound’s easy.” Ben announced with a light shrug. The officials all seemed to nod in agreement, his parents only holding his eyes for a second longer before they dismissed his short answer. He let out a sigh, his shoulders relaxing under the lack of prying eyes. 
There were moments when being Resistance royalty was enjoyable, but the constant attention and inquisitive members was the biggest downfall, aside from the fact that everyone constantly looked to him for guidance. It only made him appreciate having (Y/N) by his side even more. She knew how to captivate her audience, how to ignite each and everyone’s spark, how to exude hope even in the darkest of moments. He could not have made it this far without her. And as luck would have it, the well groomed and trained children of heroes were to succeed Han and Leia when they inevitably stepped down. She would be by his side through it all and there was no other way he could possibly fathom it. 
“Don’t get too cocky.” (Y/N) whispered, her shoulder bumping into his, earning his attention. Ben turned away to find her sweet face turned up to his watching him with a small smirk.
 He scoffed gently, “Please cocky is my middle name!” Her (Y/E/C) eyes rolled as she leaned up and into him, closer than what would be deemed acceptable for a professional meeting, but he did not care with her sweet breath intoxicating him. Ben’s hand naturally fell to her waist as he smirked down at her. The Resistance as a whole had long grown tired of their endless displays of affection, but the two were so utterly wrapped up in each other, the gripes just faded into the wind. No one said you had to be stiff and emotionless to win this war. 
“Pretty sure Luke said it was Ani…” (Y/N) winked turning her attention back onto the Generals. Ben could only let out a huff of amusement as he glared down at her, a large smile giving away his feigned annoyance. He was thankful to the Stars, the Maker, and the Force for bringing her into is life, Maker only knows how it would have turned out without her…
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Ben and (Y/N) stood outside under the cloud coverage of D’Qar, hands tightly wrapped around the other’s forearms. Eyes were locked together, silently trying to convey all their emotions. It was like this every time one of them went on a mission without the other. This time it would be Ben…
 “I’ll be fine.” He whispered reading the fear in her eyes and in her aura. 
(Y/N) nodded rapidly, trying to hold herself together, “You better be.” He laughed, rubbing his thumbs over her smooth exposed skin. 
“If anything happens, I’ll just talk my way out of it!” He winked attempting to lighten the mood. A small laugh escaped his love’s lips, but her grip on his arms only seemed to tighten. Chewie walked by carrying a box of supplies for the Falcon, mumbling mostly to himself. Ben’s head turned to him, one of his hands releasing from (Y/N) to point at him sternly. 
“Yes I do, every time!” 
(Y/N) only laughed more and Ben turned back to her glad to hear the rich sound. His brown eyes swept across her face, memorizing the smallest of details, his stomach twisting at the idea of being away from her for so long. His conscience silently nagged him, insisting he ask her the question he had been wanting to ask her since they were teenagers slipping away into the tree coverage to steal hungry kisses. But he kept his lips sealed, he had a plan, and for once he was determined to stick to it. 
“C’mon kid we gotta go!” His father sighed, slapping a hand onto Ben’s shoulder as he meandered past them and onto the Falcon. (Y/N)’s fingers dug into him, afraid of releasing him. Ben looked back to her, trying to hold in his own emotions. He knew everything would be okay, but he still hated leaving her. Their eyes met and frantically their hands released each other, only to pull the other into a hard kiss. It was messy, lips hitting teeth, hands roughly clutching the fabric of their clothing, as (Y/N) curved into Ben’s body. Breathlessly they pulled back, pressing their noses together. 
“Be safe.” (Y/N) whispered, eyes beginning to gleam the slightest.
Ben pressed a softer, gentle kiss to her awaiting mouth before slipping from her embrace. He turned and walked up the ramp of his father’s rundown ship, only turning around once he reached the top. (Y/N)’s arms were wrapped tightly around herself, bottom lip clamped down between her teeth most likely drawing blood, and a few fingers lifting to wave goodbye. Ben had a half a thought to stay, but if this turned sideways at all, his dad and Chewie would need his help.
 He watched as his mother approached (Y/N) from the side, a gentle arm pulling her into a comforting embrace. Leia winked at her son, a telling notion, Don’t worry I got her. Ben smiled in gratitude, waving goodbye before pressing the button to close the ramp.
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He felt her before he heard her, he heard her before he saw her, and when he saw her his breath was taken away.
Ben sat up weakly on the medbay bed awaiting the inevitable. He could feel anger, worry, and fear fusing together in her aura. 
“Where is he?” (Y/N)’s rigid voice carried throughout the medbay and Ben gulped, ignoring the pain radiating from his side. Ben winced at the sound of her, preparing for the heated scolding he was about to earn. 
He heard the heavy stomping of her footfalls nearing closer and closer to his area. The door swung open and his love stormed in, waves of heat just rolling off of her. Her cheeks were tinged a deep pink in fury, hands placed firmly on her hips, and eyes shining as they narrowed observing him. Despite it all, she looked breathtaking wearing that blue blouse he loved so much. 
“You know you’re real cute when you’re angry.” Ben offered with a sheepish grin. 
(Y/N) scoffed, “Don’t even try to sweet talk me Benjamin.” Her voice was deeper, uneven, and he sighed knowing there was no avoiding this. His arm raised and gestured for her to begin, his eyes dropping to his lap in guilt. He had promised her he would stay safe, but it was not like he had expected this to happen, it was just one of the probabilities of this war. A shaky breath staggered out of (Y/N)’s chewed and reddened lips before she began. 
“A shoot out really? Can’t take you anywhere! And you manage to get shot in the abdomen? How?” Her hands waved around in emphasis and Ben had to swallow a chuckle at how ridiculous she looked. He knew better than to dare to laugh at a time like this.
 “You have two weapons, you scruffy looking Nerf Herder! A blaster and your lightsaber, not to mention the Force. Three weapons!” She corrected herself as she angrily stalked over to him. (Y/N)’s fists clenched and unclenched as she hovered over him, trying to gather all her thoughts. Ben could only stare up at her, lips parted as he was at a loss for words, and eyes gleaming with so many different apologies.
(Y/N) ducked down faster than Ben could process, her lips pressing a rough kiss to his. Her fingers firmly grasped the messed up collar of his shirt, pulling him as close as she possibly could. He let out a groan in surprise, but deepened the kiss in return, arms wrapping around her shaking figure. They were silent for a few moments, lips hurriedly planting feverish kisses. Each kiss left searing skin behind, reminding both of them they needed each other more than they needed air to breathe. If possible Ben would have seeped into her, finding a home in her pure soul. 
Abruptly, (Y/N) pulled back her fingers still clutching onto him for dear life. “You had me worried sick do you understand? Hearing Han over the comlink saying you had been hurt, I-I…” She choked on her words, sweet loving eyes filling with tears. The sight broke Ben’s heart, he never meant to hurt his girl. “You can’t do that to me again, I can’t lose you.” Her words were a little more steady, but Ben could still feel her trembling in his grasp. 
“I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” He muttered against her warm skin, basking in the feeling of her in his arms. It had been less than one day cycle and yet it had felt like an eternity since they had last been this close. They held each other close, (Y/N) resting her cheek on his shoulder, both reveling in the fact that the other was okay.
Ben leaned his head against hers, his thoughts swirling around his near death experience. He recalled sitting inside the old cantina casually nursing his drink, they must have been made at some point because then the Stormtroopers arrived.
 It had been a messy shootout, tables thrown and used as blockades, the poignant smell of blaster smoke mixing with the smell of different malts and liquors, and the burning sensation that had radiated from his left side when Han, Chewie, and him had tried to make a run for it. Chewie had carried him back to the Falcon against his many protests, but the blood loss had started to make him faint, his knees buckling underneath him. The whole flight home, he had been in and out of it, mind fogged with the frantic words of his father urging him to keep his eyes open and the face of the woman he loved. Ben swallowed thickly recalling his budding fear that if he did not make it, (Y/N) would have never known just how much he cared for. When they had landed he had been rushed to the medbay, denied the right to see (Y/N), which in retrospect was wise. In his half delirious state he would have blurted out the most important question he would ever ask in his life. Just as he would now…
“I got you a present.” Ben spoke suddenly, earning him a questioning look from his love. 
“I’m not sure I want it?” She sat up fully, eyes still gleaming in the slightest. He rolled his eyes at her stubbornness, winking at the end. 
“Trust me, you’ll want this one.”
 (Y/N) wrinkled her nose, “Ben now is not the time to be perverse.” He let out a loud laugh, wincing as his wound burned to life at his movement. 
“Not what I was insinuating, yet. Grab my jacket for me?” Ben nodded his head towards the table across the bed where his dark gray jacket resided. Her skepticism was practically oozing from her as she stood to collect his jacket. As he watched her walk over and collect it, Ben took a deep breath reminding himself to stay calm. It had been a long time in the making, there was no need to be nervous. Yet, his nerves all felt as if they had been electrified. He had never been so terrified in his life, not even when he had almost been eaten by a Sarlacc. 
(Y/N) handed him his jacket as she returned to her seat on the side of his bed. Ben let out an uneasy chuckle, fishing around for that annoyingly small item in one of his pockets. She watched him with pure confusion etched onto her face. What could he have possibly gotten her during a fight with the First Order?
“Aha!” Ben’s large hand emerged from the secret pocket sewn into the inside of the jacket, a small black box cradled in it. 
(Y/N)’s eyes widened catching sight of it, internally wondering if it could be what she thought. His calloused thumb flicked open the top revealing a small silver band with a clear crystal secured to the middle. “Oh!” (Y/N) gasped, eyes jumping back up to Ben’s in disbelief. He only smirked attempting to push himself up more. He let out a rough sigh from the pain and (Y/N) quickly helped him rise, propping an extra pillow behind his head. Ben smiled at her softly, so consumed by his love for her. 
“I had a whole intricate plan laid out, but when do I ever stick to the plan?” (Y/N) let out a watery giggle, urging him to continue. “But when I got shot, I just kept thinking about how I hadn’t even gotten the chance to ask you or even tell you how much I love you. Because I swear I love you more than all the stars in the galaxy combined.” A tear slipped down (Y/N)’s cheek and Ben quickly caught it, “So while I’m covered in sweat, dirt, and blood and you’re still angry with me, I’ll ask. Will you marry me?” (Y/N) let out a joyous laugh, more tears pricking at her sweet eyes. 
“Of course!”
Without a second thought, (Y/N) collapsed into him, her arms wrapping tightly around him, forgetting about his injury. 
Ben let out a loud gutted groan, “Fucking Maker (Y/N)!”
 She quickly sat up, giving him a sheepish grin, “Oh shush Laserbrain.” Ben went to argue, but was only met with (Y/N)’s lips, his retort dying fast on his tongue.
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oberynmartell · 4 years
Thank God for skirts, Kylo thinks as he sinks to his knees, as he rubs his nose against the curve of Rey's lower belly and feels her shiver, as he lets his dark eyes flick up to hers, looking so filthy between her legs that Rey lets out a gasp before he even touches her.
"What are you doing?" she had asked, when he had first reached for her, had first grabbed the cheeks of her arse and pulled her toward him in the atrium of their shared flat.
"Kissing you." he said, his dark eyes flicking pointedly above them.
Rey followed his gaze, spotting the branches of holly that she had twined together at the start of the holiday season and strung upside down from the lantern with a long red ribbon. They had already been caught beneath the mistletoe half a hundred times, but each time it seemed like something brand new, like each kiss was their very first.
She had leaned in, settling herself against his broad chest as she always liked to, so that she could feel the ridges of muscle and sinew on the body he liked to keep fit, and the breath that always seemed to go shallow when he set to kissing her.
But he had turned at the last moment, avoiding her lips as though trying to turn away from her. She had been confused, her brow furrowing, wondering if he was afraid of getting her lipstick on his lips without either of them noticing— as they had the previous year, when one of his mother's guests had asked if Kylo had been trying out a new shade of black cherry chapstick.
Her cheeks flushed a dark, pretty shade of pink that crawled down her cheeks and toward her neck, so fucking pretty against the cream coloured dress she was wearing that it almost took his breath away. She had splurged on the dress the week before after the invitation for Leia Organa's annual Christmukkah party had arrived at the flat and Rey had tore through her closet, upset, complaining that she had nothing that was nice enough to wear to the Organa-Solo manse.
Ben had invited her out shopping the following day, piling his arms high with every dress that she even spared a second look at, and after almost an hour of trying on what had felt like everything in the entire shoppe, Rey had come up with the long sleeved cream dress. But, as always, she had refused to allow him to pay, despite the fact that he made four times her salary, and she had come out of the store feeling giddy and pleased with herself, and even though he hadn't paid, she had kissed him for the offer nevertheless.
She had only watched in surprise as he sunk to his knees, right there in the midst of the penthouse atrium, gathering her skirts in one hand and cradling her hip with the other, peppering her bare thighs with warm, open mouthed kisses.
Rey, who, when she was dressing for the party, had prepared a surprise for Kylo to find at the end of the night— after they had returned from the hustle and bustle of the Christmukkah party flushed— finds her face burning red as the burgundy tie she had done up for him a mere ten minutes ago.
"You're....You're supposed to-" she pants. Kylo doesn't miss the way her chest was tight, the way her pert nipples are visible through the fabric of her dress. "You're supposed to kiss me."
Kylo looks up at her, all dark, hooded eyes and swollen lips, biting his bottom lip in a gesture that might seem shy if he hasn't ducked his head to nestle between her thighs. "I suppose next time you'll have to specify what sort of kiss."
He returns to his journey beneath her skirt, letting out a groan as he finds her surprise, unwrapped and presented without preamble beneath her heavy skirts. "All night without underwear?" he hums, darkness flooding his hazel eyes until they shine black as onyx. "And at my mother's house too. Were you planning to tease me all night?" she nods, breath catching in her throat as his thumb slides across her bare folds.
Kylo smiles darkly, his lips looking so plump and kissable that Rey feels the urge to abandon the entire idea and pull him up off his knees and back to her lips.
"You little brat." he murmurs, and sets to work.
He is pleased to find Rey already wet for him, his ego swelling at the fact that just the idea of him having her like this would make her body grow warm and responsive.
Kylo lifts one of her thighs over shoulder and splays her legs wide enough to wedge himself between them, ignoring the way the sharp heel of her shoe bumps against his back in a way that must surely be uncomfortable. He bunches her skirts in the palm of his hand and holds them above his head, so desperate for her that he can't even take the time to move them back to the living room sofa that had already played house to so many mind-numbing orgasms.
Rey lets her fingers slide through his dark curls, unable to keep from pulling him closer as his lips nip teasingly at her, the flat of his warm tongue running through her folds.
Kylo knows just how to touch her, how to tease her and taste her and undo every careful wall she has constructed after so many years of forced mistrust. He knows how to have her unfolding beneath his touch, how to make her tremble and shiver and shake against his mouth so that, on days like tonight, he's likely to bear the marks of her pleasure down his body and across his face for hours.
His tongue curls and twists, plush red lips pulling and pushing against her slick folds just enough to have her, lapping at her like a man starving. She tastes sweet, so sweet, that he thinks he could bury himself between her thighs, could lap at her for hours until she collapses in his arms like a puppet with cut strings, too tired out from orgasm after orgasm to even stand, let alone attend his mothers party.
Her hand becomes a fist in his hair, pulling as tight as he likes, her fingers scraping against his scalp as she grinds herself against him as though she can't stop herself. Wetness slips down her thighs and he laps it up quickly, both to save her dress from staining and to save himself from even a second without her sweet taste in his mouth.
His spit and her come mingle, painting his cheeks and chin and even the nose that nudges purposefully against her clit, until his face shines so obscenely that Rey feels her flush deepen as she looks sneaks a look down at him and finds his dark, hooded eyes have not left hers.
His fingers, the very same ones Rey loves to wind her own fingers through, the ones that brush back her hair from her face and trace softly over her lips and massage her feet when she has a long day at work, are massive. All strength and muscle and callused thickness, and she thinks of riding them all day long.
His index finger slides into her, easily lubricated by the saliva and the come that mingles against her, and it isn't long before he's adding another, before he's stretching her and pulling at her and pushing just ever so slightly against the spot inside her that makes her hips jerk forward.
Kylo laps at her greedy, hungry, wild, making sure to get a good enough taste of her so he will still be able to taste her hours from now, when he makes small talk with his mothers stuffy friends or eats his mother's tiny hors d'oeuvres. It makes her worry, makes her fret, but mostly it makes her feel erotic, powerful, sexier than she's ever felt before, to know that soon enough they'll be mingling at his mother's house, facing strangers and guests and family and his mother— all the while keeping the taste of her pussy on his lips like the juice of some sweet fruit.
"Kylo." Rey moans, the sweetest sound he's ever heard, the softest, most melodic music. He wishes he was able to record it, was able to play back the sound any time he likes, listening to the audio like it was the lyrics of some melodious song.
He pulls away, slowing his movements so that she huffs in frustration. "I'm gonna make you come." Kylo says, as though it's the most common thing in the world. His fingers push back into her, thick and strong and knowing just where to touch her to make her keen. "I'm gonna make you come so hard your knees will be shaking all night."
Rey can't summon the strength to respond so she merely moans. Kylo drinks in the sound, thinking that the very best thing he's ever done is to make her come, to bring the woman before him, all strength and charisma and blinding charm, to pleasure so great that she becomes a mess of wordless babbling.
Her eyes flash mischievously. "Are you going to stand around all day chatting about it?" she asks, the dimples in her cheeks he's so in love with appearing. "Or are you going to do it?"
He swats a big palm down on her arse just hard enough to make her jolt, and at the same moment presses his mouth back down to her, and the end of her thought is nearly cut off by the loud moan that fills the air. His palm slides up her belly and toward her chest, expecting to find the lace or cotton of whatever bra she had donned before the party, but delighting to find nothing but bare, smooth skin.
"G-God-" she stutters our as he pinches her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, her clumsy hands reaching back to clutch against the doorframe for support, although she knows Kylo has got her, his strong arms bracing her body, his broad shoulders supporting the bulk of her weight as he brings her leg to rest across it.
"Kylo is good enough." he says, smiling slightly when he feels Rey brush the hair from his brow tenderly. "No need to call me God."
His thumb curls over her clit, pressing down in alternating circles that have her breathing heavy. He runs the flat of his tongue against her, feeling her so soft and sweet and velveteen against his mouth, and he directs his movements back up to her clit, sucking so hard that Rey almost screams at the sudden focused pleasure.
She moans, rocking her hips against his face, the hand tightened in his hair pulling so hard he wonders how she hasn't pulled it all out yet. Her back arcs like the curves of an hourglass, pushing her even closer to his mouth, so that even as she comes she can still feel him sucking, pulling, pressing against her wet cunt, never one to cut pleasure short, so that the sounds of his tongue against her is actively and sinfully obscene.
He massages her breast as she comes down, moving on from firm licks to the gentle kisses he peppers across every inch of her he can reach.
Making good of his promise Rey finds she can barely stand, and sinks down onto the floor before him. Kylo wraps his arms around her, smiling as her lips press softly to his, unafraid of the wetness that still clings to his lips. He's not sure how long they sit there, just kissing, just rubbing against each other like kittens in a crib, like they can't get enough of each other.
"I love you." Rey says, smiling, brushing her thin fingers through the dark hair she has now made unruly.
"I love you." he returns, kissing her nose, her cheeks, her brow, her throat. It's all he wants to lift her in his arms and carry her to the bedroom they share, to pull off that pretty white dress and his pretty white shirt and fuck her into the mattress. Hell, after all that, he's so hard he thinks he could fuck her into the next century.
"We're late for the party." Rey says, sinking against him. Kylo groans gutturally, clearly not impressed with the notion of moving from so comfortable a place as in her arms.
Rey smiles coquettishly, running her fingers down the buttons of his shirt with a false innocence that has his belly tightening against her.
"And..." she begins, pursing her lips and kissing him just lightly enough to graze her lips across his. She lets her fingers brush over the head of his hard cock, her smile widening as she feels his hips twitch toward her headily. "There's another mistletoe in the car. Maybe I'll owe you a kiss."
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damn-stark · 5 years
Blinded ch.6
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A/N- Hope you guys like it!! :)
Warning- none
Pairing- Poe Dameron x solo!reader
Tagged- @chloe-skywalker
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
The moment couldn’t be real. He couldn’t be here. He was dead. This was just a mind trick played by Kylo, nothing more nothing less. Anakin Skywalker was dead. You began to take careful steps backwards as you saw his appearance still there. An amused smile began to form on his lips as he saw and felt your confusion.
“You’re confused and worried. Don’t be I’m here to help.” He said only making you more surprised and worried.
“How?” You finally managed to say.
“Im a force spirit it’s a power only a few jedi can do, in time I’ll teach you too.” Your eyes were still wide and you still had a million questions and doubt. “I’m here to help you y/n.”
“How? Why?” He mustered up a small laugh as he shook his head at same questions you asked him.
“I’ve been watching you, looking out for you, we all have. Since your fall to the dark side and your path back to the light side. I’ve seen you struggle and your mother Leia try and help you. She can’t do it alone and I understand your struggle with the battle you fight within and I want to help you and your redemption back.” You’re left speechless still in shock with his presence but you understand more now. And the doubt you have is small now but still lingering. “I’ve been calling to you but with all the voices in your head you were confused.”
“I really want to follow the right path again.” You say in a low voice.
“It’s not going to be easy but we’re going to do it.”
The thought of your grandfather Anakin presenting himself to you as a force spirit, to try and help you was all you could think about. The help he was offereing was one you couldn’t refuse, you needed his help if you wanted to do what was right. Even if the presence of him still blew your mind, You had known about force spirits but it was not until now that you knew that it was actually true. But you couldn’t just think about that. You had to keep yourself busy so the voices you hear, the ones that are tempting you to follow a path weren’t the only thing you heard and thought about.
Your mother said that you shouldn’t spend time alone when you weren’t training or mediating. She said that you needed to make friends around the base. You would offer to help some people and some would gladly accept and others would walk the other way or just pretend you weren’t there. Some didn’t know of who you had been before and where you had been but others did and those are the ones that glared at you or whispered to one another when you passed by.
Either way you tried to talk and make friends even if some didn’t want to even look your way. But that’s something you had to deal with if you were going to stay and help here in the resistance. As you looked for a specific part for a ship you’ve been fixing a little orange and white droid kept bumping into your leg. “Do you need help?” You ask the little droid. He begins beep to tell you what he needed and that he couldn’t reach it. You grab it and hand it to him and he thanks you. You would have thought he was going to leave but he stayed and asked you to help him with the ship he was fixing.
“Your pilot can’t help?” You ask him and he nods so you sigh and follow the little droid to where the x-wing was. You begin to help out the little droid and in an instant know what was wrong with it. The only thing you didn’t know was who the X-wing belonged to and who the droid belonged too.
“What are you doing?” The all to familiar voice asked. You scoot forward and from under the X-Wing. You take a deep breath and stand up.
“Your droid said he needed help so I came to help.” You told the Commander Poe Dameron. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at his little droid and back to you.
“Well we’re fine.” He said with a different part in his hand that he didn’t need.
“Really? Because by the looks of it you don’t. I’ve fixed ships before I know a thing or two.” You say to try and remain calm and not let the anger seep through.
“Well I’ve said we’re fine. We don’t need your help.” You look down at the little droid and smile at him.
“Maybe we’ll talk later you’re much nicer then your friend here.” You say as you look back at Poe. You grab the part the BB unit had grabbed and shoved it into Poe’s arms. “Keep it maybe it’ll fix that big ego of yours.” You say with a huff and turn to leave.
“Focus on what’s around you, the warm sun, the wind, the dirt, grass, life, decay that feeds the new life.” Your grandfather Anakin said as you sat outside in the open, where it was quiet and alone perfect for mediating. You did as he instructed and closed your eyes and began to focus on what was around you. “Let the force flow through you...what do you feel?”
“I feel the wind, the warm sun hitting down, I feel the water flow in the riverbed, the dirt, the decay below it that feeds new life, I feel the birds in the trees and the other critters. I feel the force flow through me, I feel calm.” You say. The rocks and dirt began to float up as you sat and mediatated, you also began to float without you noticing it. You were lost in your mediation, you felt calm and peaceful something you hadn’t felt in a while. “I feel you, your presence, it’s strong and I feel my mothers too.” You whisper.
Your mother looked at the spirit of her father as they both stayed and watched, and trained. But their was also someone else watching, lurking about in the woods. Poe Dameron. He had followed your mother and you. His curiosity got the best of him, he wanted to know what you were really doing, he trusted General Organa but he still couldn’t trust you. He just wanted to make sure you weren’t leading your own mother to some trap. But as he saw you in the woods floating above the ground and the rocks and dirt floating above too he knew that maybe their was no trap. Their was nothing to be suspious about. In fact he was amazed by what you were doing. He knew of the force and what it could do, he once had a force sensitive tree but he never knew anyone who was force sensitive until he met you.
Your eyebrows furrowed and your nose scrunched up as you felt something else, another presence, darker. Once again you went to the dark part of the planet, the burnt trees, the black ground. “I feel anger, the darkness, cold, pain...I see the darkness...it’s calling to me.” You say your voice strained.
“Y/N focus again on your surroundings, the peacefulness, the light, life, don’t follow the darkness.” Anakin began to say.
Everything then went black and you began to feel fear. “It’s dark but I I feel someone.” The presence then began to feel familiar. Their was a hint of light coming from above, you were in your mind, you stood up and the worried voices of your grandfather and your mother felt distant. You began to hear heavy footsteps approaching, you stumbled back but kept your eyes on where you had heard the noise come from.
Bits of sliver began to reflect as it hit the small amount of light that hit. It wasn’t until the presence came into full view that you knew exactly who it was. “It’s Kylo he’s here.” You whispered. You felt nothing but anger and pain come from him. He took off his helmet and you saw his face, you hadn’t seen it in a while but you saw it now.
“She’s lying to you, nothing good comes from being there, they hate you there, they fear you. She’s lied to you. I haven’t.” He began to approach you. The memories of him and all he has said flashed by and you could feel it start to consume you. “You feel that anger, feed off of it.”
“Y/N let the darkness pass don’t let it consume you. Don’t let it blind you.” You heard anakin say, his voice sounded distant and almost like an echo but you could hear him.
“Come back sister. Here you have true power. They do nothing but lie. Remember what they done to you. Come back, don’t leave me.” You weren’t paying attention to how close he was until his hands were on either side of your head. In an instant you felt darkness, all the feelings your were trying to fight. You were trying to fight him off and feel the light again, but it was hurting, your struggle to fight was causing pain.
“I can’t! I can’t! It hurts!” You began to yell as you began to shake, sweat ran down your forehead and your breathing was heavy. “Please! Just make it stop!”
“No y/n fight him. Fight the darkness. Follow my voice, feel the darkness pass, feel the force in you, light.” Anakin kept saying. The rocks that were once floating around you began to explode and turn into a thousand of small pieces. The surrounding trees began to crack along with the branches littered on the ground.
The lurking presence hiding in between the trees paid closer attention as he saw your struggle. He payed attention to what was happening around you and him. In that instant he felt something, as he saw you cry out in pain he saw that maybe you weren’t the person he was painting you to be. He saw that you were honest in your journey to redemption. He began to feel sorry for how he had treated you how had felt towards you, he no longer saw the monster he knew you to be, but you. He saw you for you, just a girl trying to change for the better. He began to feel different towards you, then again he had felt different towards you before in that fight with the stormtroopers that happened a while ago. But now he knew his feelings for you were different. The hate wasn’t strong but you also couldn’t erase what you had done but now he saw it in a different way.
“Y/N honey fight him! Hear my voice.” You heard your mother say. “Remember your father, remember what he told you. Remember his feelings towards you. He loves you honey. I love you. You’re not alone.” At the mention of your father you fought stronger, you began to feel the light again. Your breathing began to calm and you began to relax. The trees were no longer shaking and the floating dirt and rocks around you weren’t flying in a fast motion but calmer. You no longer saw Kylo or felt pain, anger and cold. You felt what you had felt before. Once you felt yourself fully return back you let yourself fall to the ground. You let your head fell in your hands.
“You did good y/n. It wasn’t going to be easy and it’s not going to be easy but you came back, you didn’t let the darkness consume you. That’s good, we’ll continue tomorrow.” Anakin said as he rubbed your shoulder in a soothing way.
“Thank you.” You whispered to him. He smiled at his daughter before he disappeared. Your mother then sat next to you and wrapped her arms around you.
Poe who was still watching carefully began to make his way back. He was impressed and he left with different feelings towards you. He saw your struggle and the fight you put up to keep the darkness away.
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It’s a Grey Area
Chapter 2:
A/N: ‘Italics’ are thoughts. Warnings? Swear word or two?? Skywalker bashing. OC’s not a fan. Its a bit sad? Talk of parents dying, if thats a warning??
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Gif is from @gif-hunts-for-you​ bless you for your Jessica Lowndes gif sets
It took another 3 hours to finish sorting and doing the inventory, after which Blix sent Amber and Bre on home. There were not many patients in the Med Bay currently, so the night rounds would be quick. Blix was finishing up some paperwork, when she heard someone sigh quietly, near the door. She looked up to see who came in.
“Ben? Come in. What’s-“ Blix began to ask, before noticing the blood dripping from his arm. “Come here. Let me see.” She held out her hands.
He stepped forward and mumbled, “It’s not a big deal, it’s just annoying.”
“Uh huh. Let me be the judge of that,” She stated as she gently rolled up his sleeve. There was a large scrape running along his forearm, that was slowly bleeding and covered in dirt.
“How did this happen?” She asked as she examined it to see how deep it went.
“Luke. Training. He threw me into some trees,” He murmured.
She sighed deeply and began to disinfect it with some pads, before spraying it with Bacta. As she worked, she felt a prod in her mind. Like something was trying to break through her mental barriers.
“Ben, you are lurking without a permit. Get out of my head,” She lightly admonished not looking up at him.
“My apologies. Force of habit,” He replied.
“Mh. One that you need to get rid of. You want to get to know someone, try talking to them. Ask questions. That sort of thing. No one likes their minds being probed, and if you ever did that to Commander Dameron again, no one would stop him from beating your face in,” She remarked as she finally turned to look at him.
“Noted. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding you doctor. No one seems to know your background, nor do you seem to interact with anyone beyond your work. Why is that?” He questioned starring at her intensely, curiosity shining.
“I am not here to make friends. I am here to heal. That’s it. May I give you some advice though, in relation to this?” she gestured to his nearly healed arm. “Just because Luke is your uncle, and sort of your teacher, doesn’t mean you have to constantly take his beatings. I’ve seen your powers. You are strong. Don’t let him get away with this shit, just because you feel like you need to be punished for crimes that you have made amends for with your mother. Forgive yourself and take a damn stand. I didn’t take you for a coward nor do I see a child. An ass, maybe, but not a quitter.”
His face showed no emotion, though his eyes showed some surprise. His only response was to simply pull his arm from her grasp before walking out without another word.
Blix sighed as she cleaned up the mess and then made her way back to her room, her shift over for now. Her room was simplistic, a bed in the center of the room, a small kitchen to the right, refresher, and closet to the left. She had a small desk to work at; books, journals, and scrolls lying everywhere.
She quietly showered and changed into some sweats and a shirt. She thought about making herself something to eat but didn’t have the energy to do so. She laid in bed, starring at the ceiling, wondering to herself, ‘Why did I agree to come here? What exactly is my purpose?’
She thought she knew when she went to med school. Help people, no matter who they are or where they come from and heal them. Now, that purpose, while still important, was fading slowly; an emptiness began to fill her chest and mind. A hole that she pondered over late into the hours, which usually only led to her sleeping for a spell.
She’s not quite sure when she fell asleep, she just knows when she woke up it was about 6am and someone was knocking on her door. She stands up, exhausted to the core, but growing annoyed with constant knocking.
“I’m coming!” She yelled as she walked/wobbled over to the door.
She flings it open to see an officer standing there. “Yes? What is it?”
“The General requests to see you in the Command Center, Dr. Blix,” He informed. “I am to escort you once you are dressed.”
“Joy. Give me like 5 minutes,” Blix replied sarcastically. She closed the door and turned around to go get some get some clothes on. She pulled on some black cargo pants, and a green shirt followed by a long grey cardigan. She threw on some socks and her boots and grabbed her keycard on her way out.
She reopened the door and stepped out with a sigh. The officer then proceeded to lead her to the command center, never once saying another word to her.
As she stepped up to the center, she saw General Organa, Luke stood off to the side with Rey & Ben, and Poe nearby with Finn & Chewy. She heard a small beep and felt a bump to her leg. She looked down to see a familiar orange and white droid who began to beep happily at her attention.
“Hello Beebee. I’m good, how are you?” She quietly asked him, as she gave his head a pat, a small smile on her face. He began to beep his response when a voice cleared their throat loudly stopping it. Her smile froze and quickly disappeared as she straightened up and gave her attention to Leia.  
“I am sorry to have awaken you so early doctor, but it has come to my attention that you have never been on a field mission before. Which I found strange when I first heard of it and had to confirm it myself. That changes today,” Leia informed her.
“Come to your attention, you say?” She repeated as she turned her head slowly to Poe, anger and betrayal laced her features, as she glared at him. He had the decency to flinch and look away, as he shuffled behind Finn to avoid her gaze.
“Listen. General. I am a doctor. Not a soldier, a fighter, or a pilot. I am a doctor; I belong in the med bay not out galivanting across the universe. So, you can take whatever mission you are about to shove into my arms, elsewhere. I am not doing it,” She declared and turned away, intending to leave.
“Blix,” Came Admiral Holdo’s voice.
She growled and turned around swiftly, and angrily answered, “Yes Amilyn? What? Let me guess. You once again want to bring up how ‘my parents wouldn’t have approved of my behaviors.’ How if they were alive, they ‘would have been disappointed with how I am reacting’ and that I ‘need to respect my superiors, especially one as admired as her?’ Right?”
Before Holdo could even answer, Blix continued, “Newsflash. They are dead. My father died long before I was even born, on a planet that was blown to smithereens by the Deathstar. My mother died long before I even turned 10.”
Many in the room shifted uncomfortably at this information and Leia stepped forward cautiously, and interjected, “I understand that you have lost a lot in this war, but so have others. I empathize with your pain, I sincerely do. Everyone else understands that the only way to find peace is to fight for it. They fight because they have hope in a better future. They-“
“Save the speech. I am sure it’s quite inspiring to everyone else, but I was raised to be a politician just like you Princess,” Blix interrupted, emphasizing Leia’s previous title through gritted teeth. “I know when I am being fed a line. ‘Rebellions were built on hope?’ You mean rebellions were built on the blood spilt and the dead bodies of the hundreds of thousands of people that died because of YOUR family.”
There were many gasps heard but Blix no longer cared.
“You tell me you understand but, how could you? When your family is the reason why I, hell, why half the galaxy doesn’t exist anymore! Your father reigned terror and death for decades, and you expect me to just, what? Forgive and forget what he took from me? Or forget that it was your idiot brother who tried to attack and kill your son. The son that then turned to the dark side and helped the First Order come to fruition. You and your family are a plague,” She snarled, before turning and exiting the room.
She stormed out of the base and could feel herself lose control. Her mind was raced, adrenaline surged through her as rage continue to bubble in her chest. She took a shaky breath trying to regain control over herself. Her hands shook as a tingling sensation worked through her fingers. Her teeth gritted, and gnawed on her lip as she tried to desperately calm down
She made her way out to the surrounding forest, and eventually found the familiar winding path that she had created in her time here. She followed it for several minutes before it opened out to a small field of flowers. She began to pace frantically up and down, but the rage refused to die down. Taking deeps breaths didn’t work. She couldn’t concentrate long enough to count.
There was only one thing she could do. She turned to a large boulder and raised her hand out to it. She felt a surge of energy as the Force surrounded her and as she clenched her hand closed, the boulder exploded into many pieces.
The energy released left her slightly drained. She was breathing heavy as she stood there. She collapsed to her knees; head bowed, exhausted. Her vision swam a bit and she could feel tears build up.
“Now, what exactly did that boulder do to you?” a warm voice asked.
Blix jerked her head into the direction of the voice, “Grandfather?”
A pale, ghostly blue figure, a Force Ghost, stood there in her small sanctuary. He moved to sit before her and gave her a soft smile.
“What are you doing here? Not that I’m not happy to see you, but you don’t often appear before me,” she quietly inquired.
“Your rage could be felt even amongst the dead. My dear heart, why are you doing this to yourself?” He gently questioned.
“Not quite sure I know what you mean,” Blix replied, not making eye contact with him.
“Don’t play coy. You know what I mean. You have been holding a part of yourself back for years. You have built this wall to hide who you really are. Your soul is tearing itself apart as you deny your destiny,” He chastised.
“Destiny? What destiny? My destiny to wind up dead for being within the same star system as a Skywalker?” Blix scoffed, her eyes rolling.
With a small sigh, he reached out and flicked her on the nose. She blinked rapidly and slowly reached up to cover her nose as it lightly throbbed with pain. ‘Ow.’
“Enough of that. You were destined to be a Jedi. Your powers cannot be held back anymore. There will come a time when you will have to use them, and those walls will come crashing down. Stop fighting who you are meant to be. Your soul and mind are at war with one another. That void you keep feeling? The restless nights? That is your power trying to break free. It is only going to get worse unless you start accepting it.” He urged her, trying to get her to see reason.
“I just..” She struggled to articulate her feelings. There was so much she wanted to say to the man she only knew from his journals and had only seen in her dreams. Tears formed again and fell down her cheeks. She hastily wiped them away not wanting him to see.
“I know. Time was cruelly stolen from us. There are many things I wish I could have taught you personally, but you have done so well on your own. You were destined for greatness. Are you going to continue to fade away in obscurity or are you going to be the Jedi you were meant to be?” He questioned, pressing a kiss to her forehead before fading away.
Blix sighed heavily. She sat there for an hour maybe two, mulling things over in mind, before she got up. The rage had died down and the world slowly came back into focus, and the sounds of the forest grounded her. All that could be heard was the wind rustling leaves, birds chirping. Off in the distance, she could hear the flight deck come to life as pilots fired up their ships for takeoff or engineers began their work.
She made her way back out of the forest, and over to the flight decks. She could see Poe and Chewie were getting the Falcon ready. She took a deep breath, and as much as she didn’t want to, she swallowed her pride and move toward them.
She stood before them, cleared her throat, and inquired, “Ahem. So. What’s this mission about?”
Poe, upon hearing her voice, stopped in his tracks, and looked at her stunned. After a moment, a smile broke out on his face. “Get on board, and I’ll tell ya on the way, gorgeous.”
She smiled back softly and greeted Chewie as she walked up the ramp, the two of them following behind a moment later. Chewie walked into the cockpit to get the ship fired up, as Poe stood next to her. She bit her lip as she tried to figure out what to say to him. Should she explain? Should she apologize?
Poe stopped her train of thoughts when he reached out and grabbed hold of her hand. She tried to focus on what he was telling her and not on how warm his hand felt, or the small callouses that gently soothed over her own hand. ‘Such different lives we’ve lived.’ She thought.
“We are going to meet up with a possible informant who may have intel on the First Orders next plan of action,” he quickly informed. “You and I are going to pretend to be a couple while there so as not to raise suspicion. Simple mission. Very easy. I promise nothing will happen.”
She nodded her head, and as she stared at him, she knew he wanted to remark on what happened earlier. He sighed and looked down for a second and rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand. He eventually looked up and gazed into her eyes.
“Listen, I’m not going to ask you about the stuff you said this morning, unless you feel comfortable about it. I do want to say. I am sorry for going behind your back and requesting you for this mission, without talking to you first. That was a dick move, and I hope you can forgive me,” He apologized.
She bit her lip for a moment, and with a nod replied, “Apology is noted. Acceptance is pending.”
He pouted for a second, before it switched to a smirk and he stepped closer to say something else, but Chewie roared that the Falcon was ready to go and that they needed to leave soon.
“To be continued?” she offered with a small smile.
His smile was the only answer she needed, and they headed toward the cockpit. Poe sat in the co-pilot seat, she in the seat behind him, and seconds later they were off.
It took about an hour to get to Cantonica, headed toward a town a few miles outside of Canto Bight. As soon as we landed, Poe stood up and said, “Come with me.”
She followed him over to one of the sitting areas. Blix took off her cardigan and threw it on the table to cool down a bit, as he opened a draw and withdrew a spare blaster. He turned to her and held it out for her to take.
“Um. What’s this for?” Blix hesitantly asked, stepping back a bit.
“For you. For your own protection,” He answered still holding it out to her.
“I.. I’ve never used a blaster before Poe. I..I’m not sure this is a good idea,” She admitted, shaking her head and rubbing her arm anxiously.
Poe smiled softly, “It is only for emergencies. In case we get separated. I just want to be sure that you are armed in the off chance that we run into trouble. Just point and shoot. I don’t suspect trouble, but I would rather be assured that you are safe and armed.”
He turned back to the drawer and pulled out a belt with a holster attached to it. He placed the blaster into the holster before he turned back around to her. “May I?” he politely asked gesturing to her.
Blix shifted for a moment, still not quite sure of this but she knew that there was a possibility that it could go wrong. She nodded and held her breath as Poe stepped forward, leaning over her slightly as he wrapped the belt around her. He quickly secured it to her asking, “Is this too tight?”
“No, its fine,” She responded. “Tell me, does it clash with my outfit?”
He huffed out a laugh at her question and stepped back to fully examine her. “Looks perfect on you. Shall we get going?” He asked as he grabbed his own blaster.
As they stepped onto the ramp leading out, the heat of the planet hitting them immediately, Poe stopped and turned to her slightly.
“Also. Out here, you follow my lead. This isn’t the med bay, and I am your commanding officer. Got it?” He firmly demanded.
The sudden shift in personality caused Blix to blink in surprise, because suddenly he wasn’t Poe Dameron, flirty flyboy. He had switched to Commander Dameron, respected officer of the Rebellion. She felt the need to tease him a bit, “Got it… Commander.”
They moved forward and began to make their way to the meet, a shady cantina. Blix slowly moved closer to Poe and muttered, “Put your arm around me, we’re meant to be a couple, yeah?”
He casually wrapped his arm her shoulders and she tucked herself into his side, arm wrapped around him, her thumb hooked into one of his belt loops, to rest.
After a few minutes they arrived at the cantina and were making their way to an empty table. As they took a seat side by side, Poe informed her that they were looking for human, who goes by the name Crixus. They had arrived early, and ordered drinks to not raise suspicion, sipping at them lightly.
A moment of silence had passed when Poe commented without looking at her, “So an orphan eh? Didn’t really see that one coming.”
She chuckled, somewhat bitterly. “Yeah. My mother was an ambassador who made a lot of enemies really quickly. She uh.. was killed by a bounty hunter. I wasn’t there, I was…elsewhere. I was about to turn eight. My mother never really spoke much about my father, all I know is he died on Scarif. I haven’t had the stomach to look her stuff and find out more,” She explained, finding a spot on the table, suddenly fascinating.
“Scarif? Like. Rogue One? He was a part of that? Wow!” He said amazed before adding, solemnly “I lost my mother when I was eight. Dad’s still around but I haven’t really seen him much since I joined the cause. I keep her close to my heart though.” He tugged at the chain of the necklace he wore.
“That ring is your mother’s? I always wondered but I never felt right asking about it,” She admitted, looking at him, as she bit her lip.
“Yeah. I plan to one day give it to the girl I want to marry,” Poe revealed. “I have a fairly good idea who I want to marry eventually. I just can’t seem to figure out if she feels the same way about me.”
She looked away, not really wanting to hear him describe who it is he clearly had feelings for and went with a simple, “Oh?”
“Yeah. She’s stubborn, and beautiful. Keeps refusing my dates and cites regulation at me. Though last time she didn’t do that, and it gave me hope that she is interested.” He continued offhandedly.
A smile slowly appears on her face, alongside a blush that she tried to hide. He gently cupped her face and turned her to look him in the eyes. “I’m going to guess by that pretty smile and lovely blush I see that that’s a yes?”
Before she could answer, someone loudly sat down across from them. They pulled away from each other and looked to see a human male, with dirty blonde hair, and multiple scars running along his face sitting there.
“Crixus?” Poe asked to confirm his identity.
He nodded and as they began to speak, Blix couldn’t help but to feel a nagging sensation inside her head. Something was off, something was wrong. As she examined the man before them, she slowly heard it. It was faint, and she had to focus to fully hear it. It was a beeping noise. A rapid beeping. Like that of a-
“Poe,” She interrupted. “Stop talking to him. Who sent you?”
“I don’t know what yer talkin ‘bout lady. No one sent me,” Crixus denied.
“Oh really?” She pondered mockingly, before she made her move.
She reached over, grabbed his head with both of her hands and slammed it down onto the table, hard. He was knocked unconscious, and she pushed at Poe to get out of the seat, urgently.
“Wh-what the hell was that? He was about to give us valuable information!” He protested as they both stood up and she leaned over Crixus.
She reached around into Crixus’ pockets and after a moment, she found it. A fob.
“He’s a bounty hunter, and we’re the bounty. We have to go now!” She exclaimed, as she dropped the fob on the ground and stomped on it to break it.
Poe grabbed her hand, and they made their way out of the cantina. They went a different route back to the Falcon. It led them down a path to an open market area, that quickly filled with stormtroopers, who recognized them immediately, and began to fire upon them.
Poe shoved into her an alleyway and he took to the opposite side, occasionally taking shots at the troopers.
“’A simple mission’ you said. ‘An easy mission’ you said. ‘Shouldn’t run into any trouble,’” She yelled over at him.
“I know! I’ll make it up to you!” He promised as he took a few more shots.
They were quickly being outnumbered. Poe was a good shot, but more and more were appearing. Her thoughts ran rampant, as she tried to figure out how to get them out of this. A plan that would get them to safety. A gust of wind blew, carrying a whisper, “You know what to do.”
‘Really hitting this on the nose, eh gramps?’
She straightened up, closed her eyes trying to focus and muttered to herself once, “I am one with the Force, the Force is with me.”
When she reopened them, she could feel the Force surrounding her, the energy crackling. She stepped out and walked toward the open market; ignoring Poe’s attempts to gain her attention.
As she stepped out, multiple troopers fired their blasters at the same time. She raised her hands, in front of her face, stopping them midair. They hovered for a mere moment before she threw her arms forward, sending the shots backwards into the troopers. As they fell, she threw her right hand out to her left, and then to her right, knocking those troopers back into walls and various objects.
The coast was clear, for now. She leaned forward, her hands on her knees, exhausted. Her energy drained, and she felt a bit lightheaded. Poe, at some point, walked up next to her and stared at her in awe.
She stood up, ignoring how tired she felt, and said, “C’mon. The Falcon isn’t far, and I don’t want to wait for more to appear, or for these guys to wake up.”
She began to walk away but she only got a few feet before she realized Poe wasn’t following. He was still standing there, gaping.
“You’re… you’re a Jedi?” He wondered.
“I don’t know what you are talking about. Let’s go,” she said turning back around, striding away.
Poe ran to catch up to her, and inquired, “You’re really just going to ignore my question? Blix? C’mon, you gotta explain that to me?”
They were finally getting near the launchpad that held the falcon, but stormtroopers were marching their way. They stopped short, and Blix uttered a small, “Fuck.”
He looked at her, then pushed her to a nearby wall. “Kiss me.”
“What?” She spluttered.
“Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable. So. Kiss. Me.” Poe demanded through gritted teeth, as the troopers got closer to them.
She quickly leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. Blix wrapped her arms around his neck, as his found her waist, before pulling her closer. She couldn’t deny the butterflies that had built in her stomach and were fluttering chaotically. He made her feel warm and safe within his embrace.
The stormtroopers passed but they failed to notice it, far too wrapped up into each other for the moment. It wasn’t until they pulled apart, gasping for breath, that they realized they were free to move on.
She pulled away from him so they could finally begin their hasty walk to the Falcon. As they rushed back on, Poe yelled for Chewie to get on the gunners, as the ramp closed.
Poe has her follow him into cockpit and shoved her over to the co-pilot seat. He pointed out which switches and buttons to hit to fire the ship up as they heard the familiar roar of TIE-Fighters entering the atmosphere. They took off but the path had a squadron of TIEs coming straight for them.
Poe dodged them left and right, trying to help Chewie line up shots to take them out. Several went down quickly but there was still a couple on their tail. They were flying out over canyons, and Blix vaguely recognized the area, and a terrible idea came to mind.
“Poe. I have an idea but it’s a little crazy,” she hesitantly informed.
“I have been told my middle name is crazy, so let’s hear it doll. Preferably before we are shot out of the sky,” He grunted as they were hit.
“See that crevice there? Dive into it.” She commanded pointing to a crevice that was coming up to them on their left.
He followed her directions, straight into a crevice that was only just barely wide enough for the falcon to fit through. They heard a couple of crashing noises from above, but they still had one TIE on them.
The narrow canyon, had them dodging rock formations left and right, and he yelled at her, “My trust in you is waning a bit, what the hell does this open up to?” As the falcon scraped several times along the wall.
“You’ll see. Go for that large opening,” She replied with a wince, pointing slightly to their right.
He does and as they breakthrough they enter an underground city of sorts, full of bright lights and towers everywhere. There was only one path, that she confirmed he needed to follow. The path was somewhat narrow but allowed enough space to dodge hits.
“Blix. Please do not tell me we need to go down that,” He asked worried, as he looked ahead.
“That” was a dark tunnel, that was named the Tunnel of Death (and labeled on the wall in bright lights), that they were swiftly coming upon.
“Yep. Just.. listen to me when I tell you to start pulling up, because it’s a straight drop, that suddenly curves,” Blix advised with a grimace. “Chewie! Buckle up, this is going to be rough!” She yelled toward the back, as she too buckled in, Poe following.
As they dropped down into the hole, they are plunged into absolute darkness. Blix was quietly counting to herself how long it had been since they began their descent. ‘1, 2,3, 4, 5,6.’
“Poe. Start Pulling up,” She told him as her mental countdown got to 7 seconds
He does so, and as they continued to straighten back out; they hear a final crash as the TIE flew directly into the ground. They soon saw cracks of light as they made their way to the exit, and finally flew back out into the open air. They flew until they had left Cantonica’s atmosphere, before jumping into hyperspace.
Once we were safe in hyperspace, Poe turned to her questions written on his face.
She smiled sheepishly, as she rubbed the back of her neck. “So. Did I ever tell you I was a bit of a wild child?”
He threw his head back and laughed, which caused her to laugh as well. As he sobered up, he replied, “No. Failed to mention that tidbit. What was that and how the hell do you know about it?”
“It’s an old pod racetrack. The entrance is back in the middle of Canto Bight, but I heard that there were secret entrances in the canyons. So, I was kinda going off my memory, hence why I said it was little crazy.” Blix confessed with a smile. “My mother used to tell me that while I looked like her, I had my father’s personality. His tendency to be super serious with a side of devil-may-care. I fell in love with podracing when I was like 4? And my best friend’s father was a mechanic, so we built a podracer. My first race I came in second place.”
Poe shook his head in amazement. “You are a mystery wrapped in an enigma,” He began and with sudden realization continued, “That’s. That’s where you were, when your mom died, isnt it? The “elsewhere?””
She nodded her head, with a sad sigh. “She uh.. wasn’t thrilled by new hobby, but she supported it. Said if I’m going to lose, do so spectacularly, and win as often as possible. I was in Kergans, it was a huge race. 19 other competitors, a huge purse as the prize. I was one of the last 5 pods to survive in total, the regular champ was an asshole who liked to cheat and play dirty. He got his comeuppance, when I knock him into a wall, and he lost an engine. My victory lap when I crossed the finish in first was cut short when I was informed that she had been killed on her way to watch me. Never raced again after that,” Blix divulged, leaning back into her chair, staring at the ceiling.
“Then Holdo’s family took you in?” Poe connected.
“Yep. Amilyn was alright living with. Her mother…not so much,” Blix trailed off.
“What? What was she like? Though, knowing the admiral I assume she was not great,” He admitted with a frown.
Blix sighed heavily, “Maureen. She uh. Didn’t care for frivolity. She made sure that I became a ‘proper young lady.’ She practically beat into my head that love was a fairytale and happy endings were not real. Marriages were meant to move power around and change alliances. Dating was not in the cards. Only courting with potential suitors.”
She rolled her eyes heavily at the memories of Maureen scolding her.
“Which.. is why I have been difficult every time you ask me out. I just.. I was conditioned to not accept potential romantic dalliances. I. She. Its difficult for me to get over that. I am trying to move past it, just.. be patient with me please?” she quietly pleaded struggling to explain, as she looked over at him.
He smiled softly. “I’ll wait however long you need me to,” he promised.
“I am sorry if I often seem cold or detached as well. I’m not trying to act bitchy or hoity toity. I just grew up with a hard woman who believed in all things rational and refused to acknowledge anything that suggested emotion,” She apologized her shoulders dropping.
His reply was immediate, “Apology is noted. Acceptance pending.”
She shook her head with chuckle, as he referred to their earlier conversation.
“So… that’s explained. You going to tell me about the Jedi thing?” He queried an eyebrow raised.
“I still have no idea what you are talking about,“ Blix replied standing up. ‘That is not a conversation I want to have with anyone honestly.’
He sighed annoyed at her dismissal of his question again and goes for instead “Okay. Then how about the kiss?”
“What about it?” Blix asked as she got to the doorway of the cockpit.
“What did you think about it?” Poe clarified turning his chair to follow her movements.
She thought about it for a moment, jokingly humming in contemplation, before she responded, “It was good.”
“Good? Just good? What do you mean by that!?” He spluttered not expecting that response.
“Yeah. Good. I’m sure the next one will be better,” She hinted with a smile as she skipped out.
Chewie made his way inside, and Poe hears her apologize for the bumpy ride she led them on. He responded in kind, gently roaring that it was okay.
As Chewie took his seat in the copilot, Poe stared out into the hallway for a moment longer, still processing what just happened.
“Next time?” he whispered. He nods his head several times before he turned back around to face the front. “I’m going to marry that woman. I’m going to marry her, she will tell me all her secrets, and I will die a happy man. It’s going to happen. Yeah.” He muttered to himself as he focused on the controls.
As they dropped out of hyperspace, they informed base that they were about to land. The moment the Falcon was on the ground, Blix made her way off. Poe followed after her, sensing she was going to try and make a quick getaway.
“Hey- wait a minute!” He called out grabbing her arm, stopping her. “Seriously though. You can use the Force? Why are you trying to hide this?”
“Poe. Stop. We are not talking about this,” Blix scolded glancing around, hoping no one heard him.
She pulled her arm away and walked away from him. Poe was determined though- he was going to get her to talk to him. He chased after once more and grabbed her hand again.
“I just- I don’t understand! You have this power and you’re not using it!?” He beseeched looking her in the eyes, searching for an answer.
Blix huffed and held her hand to up to his face and gently waved it, as she commanded softly, “You did not see anything.”
He stared blankly at her and repeated, “I did not se- Wait!” He blinked and shook his head violently. “Did you just… try to Jedi mind wipe???” He asked confused but excited.
Blix groaned loudly and clenched her fist at her failed attempt to use the Mind Trick, swearing softly as she turned and tried to once again walk away.
He ran after her and as he reached out to grab her arm once more, she turned to him suddenly and angrily growled out, “Poe. If you grab at me one more time, I will hurt you.”
“Oh? You going to use the Force and push me away?” He teased and held his arms out, waiting.
“No. I’ll just do this,” She stated seconds before she threw a punch out, hitting him in the stomach.
He leaned over and grabbed at his stomach as the pain (and shock) swept through him. She then dropped down and swung her leg out to sweep his legs out from under him. As he landed on the ground, she stood back up, dusted herself off, and headed to her room. She locked herself into her room and stayed there for the rest of the day, collapsed onto her bed, and passing out as the day’s event hit her.
As Poe laid on the ground, gasping for air, and trying to blink away the pain, Finn slowly moved over to him. Finn squatted down and asked, “Do I want to know what that was about?”
Poe propped himself up onto his elbows and looked at Poe with a dazed smile, and commented, “Finn. I’ve met my future wife.”
“Your future wife just knocked you on your ass. How do you feel about that?” Finn teased as he held his hand out for Poe to take to help him back up.
“Strangely alright,” Poe replied with a smirk, as he took Finn’s hand and got up with his help.
Rey stepped forward as well, confusion written on her face. “I’ll tell ya later. In private. I have to go to the mission brief. We’ll meet up at my place for dinner, it’s a doozy. Hell, I’m still wrappin my head around it,” Poe requested as he looked at them both.
His thoughts were scrambled, ‘Orphan. Podracer. Jedi. Podracer. Jedi. She likes me back but isn’t used to affection. Jedi. The kiss. Jedi.’ As he gave the mention brief, he left out her powers and the kiss, and told Leia that she did well under pressure, and if weren’t for her recognizing the sound of the fob, they would probably be dead. Though that did beg the question.
“Why was a bounty hunter sent after us? Very few people knew about this mission, and it was only planned a day ago. So why were they after us?” Poe inquired lowly to Leia, so no one else could hear.
“Those are very good questions Commander. Questions that need to be answered. Fast. Figure it out Commander,” Leia ordered quietly.
Poe nodded his head in affirmation and began to review who all knew about this mission, retracing his steps since this mission came to them. It was going to be a long night for the Commander.
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gazingupatthemoon · 4 years
Roses Are Red, I Am Not Sharing This Bed (1/1)
Found here at ff.net or A03
Summary: There are only two things Rey likes about Valentine's Day: chocolate and her annual Valentine's Breakfast with her friends. And the only thing that going to threaten that this year is Ben Solo and his stupid desire to be the most boring person alive. Well, not if Rey has anything to say about it. (or, Ben makes Rey stay late at work and one thing leads to another and they get locked in together. Uh oh)
Rating: M
Rey has a love hate relationship with Valentine’s Day.
For one, she hates it because, the obvious, a day dedicated to love? Come on now. Maybe it’s because she never had anyone to share with it. Maybe. But she can’t help but feel like she’d still hate it. Hearts, and cupids, and everything drenched in red? Nonsense.
But then, there is the two aspects she can’t help but love about it. One, the chocolate. So. Much. Chocolate. It’s like Halloween all over again. She could drown in chocolate and go with a smile on her face. Two, annual Valentine’s Day Breakfast. Sure, she goes out to eat with Finn, Poe, and Rose practically every week, but this one is special. It started out with just her and Finn, years ago, when they had been two single, financially struggling youths who needed a roommate to afford the cost of living in the city. They had gotten drunk the night before the big day, lamenting on not being in relationships and also how much their jobs sucked (jobs, by the way, they still had to go to the next day). Hungover and slightly less miserable the next morning, they desperately needed greasy food in their stomachs in order to go on with the rest of the day. Maz’s Diner has never been more of a godsend.
And so it went on from there.
Finn and Rey just kept doing it, finding the tradition endearing, funny, and, most importantly, an excuse to actually do something on Valentine’s Day. But then Poe got involved. Rey loves Poe, don’t get her wrong. He and Finn had bumped into each other (quite literally) jogging in the park one day. (FYI, Finn’s jogging history lasted approximately a week before he threw in the white flag. Poe is still going strong). The rest is history. Love at first sight and all that. 
So Finn actually found someone else to celebrate Valentine’s Day with. Rey had been bitter for a number of reasons (she still is sometimes when she seems them together and so in love) but she’s happy for her friend, really. But she figured annual breakfast was off the table. Finn, bless his soul, balked at the idea. “We’ll just bring Poe with us!” He had decided without any room for argument.
And then came Rose. After putting up with Plutt’s shit and barely livable salary for what seemed like an eternity, Rey quit his auto shop. Poe promptly swooped into the scene, thrusting a number into her hand for another shop across town that was apparently looking for a new hire.
“Family friends!” He winked with that charming smile of his. “Mention my name and you’re good.”
Poe usually thought too well of himself for Rey to believe getting a new job would be that easy, but she was desperate. She could afford to be unemployed maybe one whole month before things would start getting dire. Finn still lived with her but he was at Poe’s more often than not, and Rey was dreading the day he’d finally up and leave for good.
So she called, and was greeted by the voice of a chipper young woman. “Solo Mechanics! Rose here! How can I help you?”
Suffice to say, she got the job.
Han Solo was a bit old and grumpy, and seemed like he had no desire to hire anyone during her interview. But Rose berated every gruff comment that passed his lips, and pointed out everything wrong going on in the shop every time he insisted that everything was fine. Rey liked her immediately. Honestly, she liked Solo too. His demeanor seemed more a front to her than anything, and besides, she responded much better to sarcastic people in her life. Just easier conversation.
Rose and her became quick friends. Rose did a lot of the paperwork and phones for the shop, but she also worked on some projects herself. She was bright, quick with her hands, and had a profound knowledge of the more technological side of cars and machinery. So when Rose had sighed and sadly complained of being alone on Valentine’s Day, Rey didn’t think twice of inviting her to breakfast.  
So yea, annual Valentine’s Day breakfast maybe one of her most favorite holiday traditions. 
And no one can ruin it except, quite possibly, Ben Solo.
Rey glares pointedly down at her grease soaked hands instead of the offending man in question as he all but shouts his head off at his father.
“You’re spending too much. You’re always spending too much!”
Ben is a sight to see on a normal day. It’s quite another story when he is angry. His massive form quivers with barely restrained rage, his already dark eyes turn near black, and he emits this air of tension that a person can actually choke on. The moment he had stomped his way into the shop this morning, Rey knew it wasn’t going to be good.
Han, for his part, didn’t look too intimated. He actually rolled his eyes at his son’s tantrum. “Ben, you’re overreacting.”
"Have you seen the numbers?"
"The numbers are fine."
"Fine is not good. Fine is fine. We need to be good. Or dare I even hope to say great!"
Rey finally glanced up, if only to send Rose a meaningful look. The other girl has put a hand to her mouth to suppress a laugh in return.
This happens at least once a month.
Though Rose is aware of financial state of the shop, it's not technically her job. It's Ben's. Apparently, it had been an attempt for more father-son bonding, or something like that. Leia never really painted the whole picture to Rey, just sparse details. Ben, who was shit at mechanics (Han's words), had a history in the financial sector so it seemed like the best thing for him to do. But really, it just seems more like an excuse for them to fight than bond.
Han waved a hand in the air. "I've been living off fine my whole life."
"Yea, don't think I'm not aware how well that's been working out for the family."
Rey even flinched at Ben's callous comment. Just another story she is not intimately aware of; the Solo family dynamics. They're not perfect, but who really was? At least Rey also thought of that excuse when Ben made his not so subtle comments. Family was family. It was more than she had ever had. But there is definitely some unspoken and unexplained unrest between them all, Ben being at the center of it all. Rose had even told her once Ben had dropped out of the picture for five years before showing up again. Something about some nasty fall out and a job offer half way across the country.
So yes, Ben Solo was definitely an enigma to Rey.
A real shitty enigma highlighting as the world's biggest ass.
Who, Rey is about to find out, is going to ruin her annual Valentine's Day plans.
Ben seemed to calm down, somewhat, after his blunt comment. He breathed nosily out his nose, and got his trembling down to a simple quiver. "Look," He began through clenched teeth. "It's not just that. There are receipts missing. We have expenses that have no paperwork to back them up."
Han, for his part, seemed to deflate a little as well. "You know I've never been good with that stuff."
Ben rolled his eyes. "Dad. You can't just spend things and not document it. This is a business, albeit a shitty one."
"Watch it," Han gruffed. "Look, I'm sure they're around. We can look-"
"You're leaving in an hour for your trip," Ben reminded him, none too gently. "And Mom will leave you for the fifth time if you're late or make her miss the flight."
A Valentine's Day gift from Han to Leia, a trip to some sunny beach in Florida. Rey had helped him book it herself.
Han scratched at his head. "Shit, forgot about that. Well, when I get back-"
"I need it this week," Ben interrupted again. "Today, actually. The appointment with the tax guy is tomorrow."
"Well can't you reschedule it?"
"It's the only slot our free times coincided."
Rey was now the one to roll her eyes. Of course, Ben Solo would only be free for the foreseeable future on Valentine's Day to do taxes. The comment didn't surprise her at all.
"Well then what do you want me to, Ben?" Han snapped.
"Act like an adult for once in your life-"
"Listen, I'm your father-"
"I could count on one hand how many times you've actually acted like it-"
This was going nowhere good. Rey had seen enough of their blowups to know this. Even Rose was cringing in her seat. Han and Ben could get vicious with each other within seconds, and the collateral damage was always the worst.
"I'll do it!" Rey shouted before another vicious word is said. "I'll help look for the paperwork!"
Han's face immediately broke out in a smile, his relief palpable, but Ben's is a whole other story. Surprise, at first, but it quickly contorts into obvious annoyance. Too bad such a handsome looking face can be scrunched up so grossly.
(Not handsome Rey. Get it together)
Though Rey tries her best to avoid Ben since her time working here, it's surprisingly hard to do so. He keeps his trips to the shop minimum, and yet even then they always wind up bumping into each other. There was the time Rey got grease on his pristine white button down. When Ben had bumped his foot into her tool kit, sending everything scattering onto the floor. Rey not giving in receipts on projects she worked on in the time span Ben deems acceptable. Ben "accidentally" deleting Rey's info on the company website he maintains with Rose.
What makes it worse, though, is when they interact outside the shop.
Despite Han's initial reluctance towards Rey, he warmed up rather quickly. Which meant being invited to the house, meeting Leia, spending hours of time together outside work. It's a sense of family Rey hadn't felt since making her small one with Finn. This family, unfortunately, includes Ben Solo. Who isn't there for all the weekly dinners, but the time he is acts unbearable towards Rey.
There was the accidental dropping of a moat of gravy on Ben's lap. The ongoing saga of who sits on the loveseat (since they will not, by any means, sit next to each other or squeeze between Han or Leia on the couch). Ben conveniently not hearing Rey knock on the door or ring the bell whenever the others are outside and he's in the house. The never-ending war for Chewie's love (yea, Ben has history with the oversized dog, but Rey is definitely much sweeter on him).
Comments on her being a dirty mechanic.
Comments on him being a stuck up white collared jerk.
You get the picture.
So, Rey understands the horrid look Ben is sending her way. It's usually the way he looks at her. But for once, he could possibly be a little more appreciative. It's not like she had to volunteer her time to help fix whatever mistake Han created. She could have easily let the two kill each and walked out the door once the clock hit 5 o'clock.
A look of indifference would even be acceptable.
She doesn't feel even a smidgen of bad when she openly glared back.
Han ignored their heated starring contest. "Thanks, kid. That'd really help."
"Does she even know anything about paperwork?" Ben scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. His very large chest, Rey has noticed more than once. She wished he'd stop wearing such tight shirts. Who the hell did he think he was?
"She," Rey seethed. "Has the ability to read, thank you very much."
Ben smirked nastily. "Well, I had actually been wondering about that, but that wasn't what I had been implying. Do you know where the old man keeps them? Deciphering his nonsensical lingo? How to cross reference them with the main account-" "If you do it, it can't be that hard." God, did he think she was an idiot? Fixing cars doesn't mean you failed out of high school.
Ben doesn't fall for her easy bait. "Rose would be better."
The dismissal and rejection, in one fell swoop, has red beating beneath Rey's cheeks. She wanted to scream at Ben Solo. Hit him over the head. Watch his obnoxiously large body collapse onto the ground.
Rose scurried quickly onto the scene at the mention of her name. "I can't!" She exclaimed, not before sending an apologetic look Rey's way. "My sister Paige is visiting tonight, I have to pick her up from the airport."
Rey had forgotten the other Tico sister was coming to town. Rose had just asked last week if it was okay if she could come to their Valentine's Day breakfast.
Rey hadn't really considered Rose when she had (stupidly) volunteered her help, but something in the back of her mind had hoped the other woman wouldn't let her suffer Ben Solo's company alone.
Now she was truly screwed.
"Looks like you're stuck with Rey," Han grinned, not really sounding sorry at all. "Though I'm sure she's going to regret it more than you. Rose, mind driving an old man home so he doesn't miss his flight and get thrown out by his wife?"
"Sure! But didn't you drive today-"
"I did, but I'll leave the Falcon for you, Rey. Who knows how long you'll be here tonight."
Rey didn't own a car, but did quite well with buses and trains. But Han was always trying to wheedle free rides her way, to which Rey was grateful but didn't need the pity offers. Even if it was the Falcon, the vintage car Rey immediately fell in love with on sight.
"Han, you don't have to-"
"Kid, it's yours. Not like I need it where I'm going. Leia has us getting some damn rental. Keep it till I get back."
It's possibly the most generous offer he's ever forced on her, and Rey's throat wells with unexplainable gratitude.
"Besides," he murmured closer towards her, "See it as a thank you for dealing with my son."
The way Ben's shoulders tense makes it obvious he heard his father's words. Rey convinced herself that she doesn't feel bad. She absolutely doesn't.
Rose and Han leave with a couple more goodbyes then it's just Rey and Ben.
"Well, might as well get this over with," Rey announced when Ben didn't make another move.
He's doing his usual brooding, looking all ominous and agitated, and starring anywhere but at her. Her words barely even seem to have an effect, for he just keeps on standing there.
Rey is about to ask if he's having a stroke when Ben sprang to life and dashed off towards Rose's desk. "Ill check here." He threw over his shoulder.
Rey rolls her eyes at his hulkish back. He wanted to keep to opposite sides of the room? Fine by her. _________________________________________________________________
Almost two hours later, Rey has nothing to prove for her hard work save three crumpled up receipts, two unfinished(?) itemized lists, and an aging piece of paper that she cannot make heads or tails of save the dollar amount of $350.00 scrawled on the bottom.
Han's handwriting truly does need its own decoding system.
It doesn't seem like Ben has done much better. Anything they find they put on Rose's desk, so Rey can't help but notice he was adding barely as much as she was.
"This is ridiculous," Ben scoffed at the second hour mark. He's using his long arms to swipe under a cabinet, but is only succeeding at collecting dust balls.
Rey could have gotten a good laugh at how grimy his nice shirt was getting, but Ben, unfortunately, had the foresight to roll up his sleeves.
(Stupid good looking body)
"How does this place even function? We haven't found half of the paperwork we need."
Rey blew out a sigh and collapsed onto a chair. "Beats me. But we've searched this place from top to bottom."
"We obviously have to look harder-"
"It's almost 7 o'clock!"
"You're the one who volunteered to stay! Now you're backing out?"
"I didn't think we'd be here till midnight!"
Ben rose up from his squatted position on the floor and fixed her with a look. "First off, sweetheart, midnight is hours away-"
Rey has heard Han say it to Leia millions of times, so the first time it had past Ben's lip aimed at her, Rey had been thrown for a loop. She remembered the red on Ben's face, because it must have equally matched her own. She had accidentally used oregano instead of basil in some sauce Leia was cooking for dinner (which, really, was not even the worst mistake that could have happened) when Ben pointed out the misstep with the offending "Sweetheart" glued to the end. They starred at each other painfully after the utterance, until Ben hastily, and nastily, made some crack about her lack of cooking AND reading skills.
So, unlike his parents, Ben did definitely not mean sweetheart in endearing way when he said it to Rey.
Rey nearly snarled. "I know how to tell the time you jackass!"
"You can read and tell time, I'm learning so much about you today," Ben drawled. "Secondly, if we don't finish this tonight, then we're back here tomorrow morning, early."
That made Rey lose her anger fueled momentum. Tomorrow morning was breakfast. Her annual Valentine's Day breakfast. She was not, repeat, not going to give that up to be trapped here again with Ben Solo.
"Absolutely not!" She protested, hopping up from her seat. "I have plans."
Ben eyes drop down to the floor. "Of course, you do," He murmured so quietly, Rey wondered if he meant for her to hear him at all.
But Rey can't worry about whatever is going on Ben Solo's head. Breakfast was at stake here. The thought made her frantic. She began to dash around the shop, pushing things to the side and squinting into dark crevices. "Fine, let's stay late. Look harder, whatever it takes-"
But Ben wasn't moving. Now he looked at tired as she felt mere moments ago. "No, maybe you're right. It's getting late."
"What? No, you never admit I'm right. C'mon, Han must have stuck them somewhere!"
"Rey, there's a very good chance the old man tossed them and they're rotting in some dump right now. Actually, I'd bet money that's just what happened. Tomorrow morning we can do a final sweep, just in case, but-"
"No!" Rey's voice exploded. It echoed loudly in the shop, a tooth grinding sound that even made Rey cringe.
Ben's mouth closed slowly, whatever other excuse he was going to say dying within, and instead he just simply stared at her. Not glared. Or grimaced. Or even pinned with cold indifference. A simple, curious stare.
It made Rey squirm.
"Is your date that important tomorrow morning?" He asked softly after another agonizing moment.
"I…" Rey steels herself for how ridiculous things is going to sound. And maybe it is stupid. How could she explain it? A dumb get together with her friends on a holiday she has no right to celebrate to begin with? Ben Solo wouldn't get it. How could he? He grew up with family, and traditions, and never having to second guess if tomorrow was the day he'd end up alone again. Sure, she's not celebrating Valentine's Day in the traditional sense with no relationship to speak of, but it's a cherished date of how she and Finn grew close, then Poe, and then Rose.
It's a yearly reminder that she not alone, that she has people who love her.
And Ben Solo would not just understand.
Tears, foolish, foolish tears, burned behind Rey's eyes. She turned quickly away from Ben, giving him nothing but the sight of her back. "Yes," She grit out. "It is."
It's silent again, and Rey can't bear to turn around and see if Ben is looking at her in that open way again. Because then she'd really break. Then she'd really have to face how childishly-desperately-she is holding onto this small thing.
"Fine," Ben said, again so softly. "Let's keep looking." _________________________________________________________________
It's 9 o'clock pm by now.
And really, there's nothing to show for it.
Rey found one more wrinkled paper, but for whatever charges Han had written down, it totaled to a meager 20 dollars.
Ben had come up with nothing else.
Somehow, the whole sticking to separate sides of the room thing ended, for Rey and Ben now sit a few feet away from each other, both on the concrete floor and shifting through shoe boxes Han had stored away in his office.
"He's a slob," Ben growled, picking out a dirty burger wrapper and starring at it as if it was diseased.
"Makes you wonder who raised you, huh?" Rey snarked, throwing a loose penny into the pile of other misplaced change.
Here's hoping she could scurry away with that later.
Ben scoffed. "No one, that's who."
Rey looked at him pointedly. "Why do you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Say those things? Do you know how much it hurts them?"
Ben frowned down at his shoebox. "Why bother explaining myself to you? You've already decided how you feel about me."
"Because how you act!" Rey argued. How on Earth was he trying to make her feel guilty about this? He was an ass, therefore, she treated him as one. Was that not simple enough? "How you treat everyone around you, especially me!"
"How I treat-come on, Rey. Your mind was made up about me before we even met."
"What are you even talking about?"
"Ben Solo?" Rey echoed. She gently squeezed the mug of tea more tightly in her hands, enjoying the warmth seeping through her skin.
Heat has been a bitch at the apartment and the Solo's house is nice and warm.
"Leia and Han's son," Poe whispered. He shot a quick look out the window, confirming the couple in question are still outside collecting food from their garage refrigerator. "Kind of the black sheep of the family."
"Why?" Rey asked, her voice dropping as well. She's seen pictures of the so-called son, but has yet to meet the man in person. Apparently, he is coming over today and Rey is more than a bit curious.
She's only a human. She's noticed the young Solo is good looking.
"Up and left to work for some asshole out in California who was running for office. And by asshole I mean like corrupt-movie-villain asshole. Ben and his parents never got along, he was the troubled kid, you know? I was probably the closest thing to a friend he had and there were some days I couldn't stand him. So, him leaving just was the final nail in the coffin."
"Really?" Rey couldn't imagine anyone running away from their family. She'd kill for one, for Christ's sake.
"Yea. After making Han and Leia miserable for who knows how long he came back. The ass he worked for got caught for some shady shit by the feds. But even when he's back he's still a prick to them. I've seen Leia crying more than once over him."
Making Leia cry? Seriously? She was the sweetest, if not formidable, woman Rey has ever met. "Sounds like a monster."
Guilt licked up Rey's spine as Ben quietly retold the story.
"You…heard that?"
She racked her mind for any hint that Ben had been anywhere in the vicinity when she and Poe had that conversation. But she specifically remembered seeing him appear in the backyard, glumly greeting his parents as they made their way back from the garage.
"I came through the front door," He shrugged. His eyes were fixed on some yarn he had discovered, his large fingers absently running through the knots that had formed. "Heard you and then…just, didn't want to deal with Dameron's bullshit. So, I went back the way I came and came through the back."
Rey must look like a gaping fish. She doesn't know what to say. Sorry? A part of her feels like she owes him one, but a larger, more stubborn part denies the urge. She feels the heat under her cheeks, even an uncomfortable warmth at the back of her neck, and Rey hates that Ben Solo has done this to her. Because he's an asshole. He's always been an asshole. Maybe she slipped up, a little, but didn't he eventually prove her right about the person he is?
"Ben-" Rey finally managed to strangle out.
"Don't," He snapped. His eyes rise from the yarn to level her with a glare. "Whatever it is you're about to say, just don't."
Rey hadn't the slightest idea what she was going to say but his refusal to hear it-whatever the hell it would have been-has her angry. "What the hell is your problem?"
"I told you-"
"I never met you," She interrupted before he could go any further. "And okay, I took a friend's story at face value, because Poe is my friend, and I made a judgment. Shitty on me, I get it. But it's not like you proved him wrong!"
"I don't need to prove anything to anyone." Ben growled.
"Then why bother!" Rey exclaimed. She should shut up. End this stupid conversation and stupid quest for long gone receipts. Leave the shop, go to bed, and go to Valentine's Day breakfast. Forget Ben Solo and the way he looks when talks about his family, the way he sounds, the pain and anger, and why Rey just doesn't understand but some ridiculous lunatic part of her does and she can't just-
"You come to dinners! The shop! You work here, for Christ's sake. You continuously put yourself in the vicinity of people you supposedly hate and I just don't get-"
"Why would you?" Ben cried. He jumped up from the floor and Rey hastily followed him, intimated enough by his height when they're standing that she doesn't need to gawk up at him while sitting. "You never bothered-"
"You never gave me a chance-"
"You never gave me a chance, Rey. Monster, remember?"
"Ben, I said it was shitty of me. But it could have been overlooked or forgiven or forgotten or-"
"People my whole life expected things of me." Ben seethed but anger no longer laced tightly around his words. Now, she could see the vulnerability of his eyes, the quiver of his lip, and the pure desperation that plunged his voice into a deep tone she'd never heard pass his lips. "The son of a politician and retired solider. Uncle in the White House. I was supposed to be someone. To do great things. It was always too much to bear. It was like the only time anyone paid attention to me was when they were checking in on my grades or future aspirations. Never there for just me, though. Just Ben. So I needed to get away. Needed to be my own person. And I…I…"
Rey knows this part of the story. California. The corrupt Snoke. Whatever wonderful life Ben had imagined being destroyed within five years and sending him back home.
But Ben had stopped talking now.
"Why come back then?" Rey asked softly. Because they had gotten this far, why stop.
"Because I…Christ I…" Ben swallowed thickly. "I needed my family."
Rey's heart broke at his words. For the first time in her life, she felt the urge to hug Ben Solo. To let him nuzzle into her embrace, let the tears stuck in his eyes streak down, and whisper words of encouragement, kindness…love.
But it didn't seem like Ben wanted that. For he didn't move closer to her and Rey, too afraid herself, wouldn't risk a step either.
"You can't change the past," Ben began again, taking in a shallow breath. His hands clench at his sides, restless for something out of reach. "I know I did things wrong, but so did they. And…and it's a lost to be forgiven just like that. But they're….I'm…" He swallowed again. "Trying" He finished.
A simply word meant for all involved.
Rey wondered if she should begin to do so to.
"Let's go," Rey sighed, tired all over again. She needed it. Ben needed it. Enough was said tonight that they'd didn't need to suffer in each other's company anymore. At least, that's what Rey figured. "This is…we're not getting anywhere."
Ben quietly nodded his head and moved past her. He retrieved his things from Rose's office and Rey did the same from her own employee locker.
They both met awkwardly at the back door.
"I'm sorry," Rey blurted out before she could think better of it. But for what, she's not sure. The failed attempt to get the receipts? Making him confess so many personnel things? Being, as usual, a thorn in his side?
Ben, as well, seemed to be as unsure to what forgiveness she was seeking. But he doesn't question her. Thankfully (or unfortunately?) he didn't. He just nodded and placed his hand on the doorknob.
Funny thing is, it doesn't turn.
"Rose, what the hell?"
"Oh my God, Rey, I am so, so, so, sorry!"
Ben had his arms across his chest, starring at Rey with a hint of annoyance.
Rey, on the other hand, is openly fuming. She might crush her cellphone in her fist right then and there.
"Rose, this can't-no, just no, this can't be happening. There's no way I-we-are locked in here all night and that-"
"Rey, it's a new system!"
This does, unfortunately, register in Rey's mind. They had gotten a new security set up last week when Han swore they were missing some parts. Rose was given the task, and that was really the last Rey heard of it.
"I'm always the last one at the shop!" Rose continued desperately to explain. "And typing in a code wasn't working, for some unknown reason. The stupid thing wouldn't save it! I'd always have to put a new one in! And I've been on the phone with the company ten times, I swear, and they said they were going to send someone down but they're booked the next few weeks-"
"Using facial recognition just made sense-at the time. And-and I forgot today that you'd stay late-but Rey! The whole thing locks down at 8 pm. What are you still doing there?"
Rey wanted to groan aloud. So she did.
Ben raised one his eyebrows at her.
"We couldn't find what Ben wanted," Rey explained. "We didn't know this place was a ticking time bomb ready to trap us."
"I know, I'm sorry! I should have warned you regardless. Christ, I feel like crap."
"Rose, can't you just-" But Rey knew the answer before she could even finish.
There isn't any airport in their town. The closest one was a three hour drive. It's why Han and Rose needed to leave so quickly today. Rose had specifically gotten a hotel room for the night knowing once she picked up Paige it would be too late to drive back.
They were stuck.
"Rey, I'm sorry. We're leaving bright and early tomorrow-"
"I know, I know."
It was a small consolation, knowing at least she wouldn't miss breakfast. Rose had said she was heading straight there once she and her sister made it back in town.
"Rose, it's…fine. We'll just make do."
Make do.
All night.
In a locked auto shop alone with Ben Solo.
"What are you doing?"
Rey had made camp on the shop's ancient couch, something apparently older than Han itself. But it was soft, if not a bit smelly, and its patches made it all the more endearing to Rey. Worn and loved, as all things should be.
And she was definitely claiming it before Ben's monstrous form could.
There was the paper-thin mattress with lumps the size of rocks in the back Han usually slept on when Leia kicked him out (which, fingers crossed, hadn't happened for a good year).
But instead, he had disappeared into Han's office while Rey got comfortable, only to come back with a large bottle of brown liquid.
"Whiskey," he simply said.
Rey scrunched her nose. "You're going to drink?"
"Sure, why not?"
"Because-" Well, she supposed there wasn't really a good reason not to. It would certainly make the time go faster and sleep come quicker. Make this whole nightmare just come to a much-needed end.
During her silence, Ben had the audacity to plop down beside her on the couch. The furniture groaned a bit and Rey squawked in indignation.
"I am not sitting on the floor," He proclaimed and opened up the bottle.
"You are so-"
"Be nice or I won't share."
Well, he had her there.
Ben hadn't bothered with glasses, so the two are taking turns swigging down the whiskey.
Rey coughed each time.
Ben barely hides a smirk each time she does.
"What's California like?" She asked after another embarrassing sputter.
Ben tensed beside her.
"I mean," Rey's tongue felt immediately thick. "I wasn't asking to be rude. I-uh, I'm just curious. I've never been. It's looks…" Beautiful, she had wanted to say. But her tongue felt too twisted to get it out. She took another swig before handing the bottle over.
Ben relaxed, somewhat, but still eyed her a bit warily. "It's overrated."
"Really?" It seemed like a ridiculous notion. "But the beaches-"
"If you hadn't noticed by the color of my skin, I'm not much one for sun."
"But…all that blue!" Rey continued to argue. "It must be something!" Endless seas, bright skies, the smell of fresh air, and vibrant colors that seem too good to truly exist. How could anyone ever deny such an image?
Ben wiped at his mouth after a long sip. "It's something all right. It was a place to escape, not some pipe dream I had since childhood. I would have run to Alaska had it been an option. Hell, even out of the country but I had sat on my ass getting a passport."
A sour Ben Solo dressed in all black on a beach in California had Rey shaking and coughing up loud, broken laughs. "Only you would willingly run away to somewhere that would make you miserable."
Earlier, that might have caused another fight between them. But now, even Ben couldn't hold back a soft smile.
"I liked my apartment." He added shyly, catching a noiseless moment between two of her googling noises. "It was quiet. And mine. The first thing I really got for myself."
Rey calmed herself down to regard him and the soft, genuine admission. Eventually, she found herself retuning his smile. "That seems nice. That's going to be me soon."
Ben looked at her questioningly.
"Well, he hasn't out right said it, but Finn will be moving out soon. He and Poe have been together, for like, ever and he can't want to be strapped with me for much longer."
"You don't sound too happy."
"I am!" Rey argued but she knew how she sounded. Weak. Fake. Barely holding it together. The alcohol was stripping away her attuned ability to hide behind a mask. "I mean, I am-I'm happy Finn and Poe have each other. I don't wish that away."
"But…" Rey sighed, her head falling back onto the muddy couch. When the dark colors of the ceiling began to swirl, she closed her eyes. "I'll be alone, again. I guess I should be used to it."
Ben was silent beside her.
"I-I just thought. I don't know, it was stupid whatever I thought. That Finn was going to stay with me forever? That's ridiculous. I know that. I do. But now-now that it's actually here…and happening and I-I…"
Her throat dried and shrank, and Rey could barely continue to speak let alone breath.
"He's moving out of your apartment, not your life." Ben whispered close to her ear. "It's going to be okay, Rey."
"I know, I swear-"
"Do you? It's okay to break down. To let it all out. A lesson I wished I learned a little earlier."
"Ben," Rey laughed and turned to face him. Oh, was he close. He must have shifted during her little tantrum, his leg now brushing her own and his breath blowing softly onto her cheeks. The shop's aging lamps cast their faces in a dark glow, an eerie yellow with just a tinge of green, but Rey could see just see how deeply brown his eyes were now. How they seemed to smolder as they stared down at her. Too burn.
She stared, suddenly forgetting whatever it is she was going to say. "I…" Her tongue darted out, sliding against her dry bottom lip.
Ben's eyes dropped down to it, following the motion slowly.
"I'll be fine," She finally whispered out. Her voice felt as dry as the rest of her. "I will."
His eyes slowly crawled back up her face, reuniting with her gaze. "You have more than Finn, you know."
Rey should have looked away or put some distance between them. They were drinking, and alone, and this was bound to end up nowhere good. But those eyes. She couldn't look away from them. And the way he was speaking to her, so hushed, so intensely.
Ben took her silence as reluctance.
"You're not alone." He repeated again, louder and firmer.
The small increase of volume had her straightening up, ever so slightly. If anything, the movement only made her slide closer to Ben. Their shoulders pressed against each other now.
Rey whispered back, "Neither are you."
And this was it. The moment they would kiss. She'd seen the movies. Read the books. Hell, she had her own fair share of in real life moments. Stories being shared. Voices hushed. Faces angled. Liquid bravery coursed through their veins and all Ben needed to do was lean his head down just a bit closer.
But it's not what happened.
An indecipherable look crossed Ben's features and before Rey could even process what it was, he was pulling away. The couch groaned, seemingly just as pissed as Rey, as he rose up, all but running away from her and towards the back of the shop.
"I need to use the bathroom," He called over his shoulder.
The door slammed shut behind him.
"What the fuck?" Rey hissed into empty room.
Because what the fuck?
It's her own fault, she supposed.
What was she thinking, Ben Solo wanted to kiss?
Sure, they had climbed over some walls tonight. Bared some parts of their souls and connected in a way they never really had the chance too since meeting each other.
But that didn't erase the past. Hadn't that been what Ben said? Maybe they could forge some kind of friendship after tonight, but it wasn't like a shared bottle of whiskey and some whispered confessions was going to speed them past go and straight to kissing.
It was only four-five-six(?) hours ago they hated each other.
Rey rationalized all of this as she sat alone on the couch. The now very, very empty couch without a certain man's hulking presence. But that didn't stop her from continuing to chug down the bottle. Or quell down any of her anger. Or have the sting of rejection lessen.
Because now it was near midnight-or one? Rey couldn't read the clock right. But whatever, it was Valentine's Day. Great. She had gotten rejected on Valentine's Day. One of the exact things she specifically tried to avoid during this damned holiday.
And rejected by Ben Solo no less.
Her knuckles were white, twisted around the neck of the bottle when Ben reappears.
He's shuffling on his feet, and his hair looked like he ran his fingers through it about fifty times. He's looks wrecked, to put it bluntly, and Rey wonders what hell trouble he could have gotten into in a bathroom the size of a shoebox.
His eyes breezed past her to land on the bottle. "You're still…drinking?"
He sounds so very confused that Rey bristled, misinterpreting his tone for judgment. "Is there a problem?"
"Ah, no-that's…do what you want." He finished lamely. His eyes are now everywhere but her. "I guess I'll head to bed now."
"So early?" Rey snipped. "What a lightweight." She's being mean, and it would probably be best for both of them if he did just go to bed. Certainly for Rey who just wants blood at the current moment and will probably regret this come morning.
Ben frowned down at his feet. "It's late."
"If you think after tonight I'm coming in to work tomorrow-"
"Well, I have a meeting tomorrow."
"A tax meeting on Valentine's Day, how romantic."
Oh, that got him to finally look at her. Glare, more like it. "As if it's any of your business what I do or don't on Valentine's Day."
"I could care less!" Rey agreed with a shout. The liquid in the bottle sloshed along with her. "But I'm here tonight because of you and your stupid receipts!"
"You volunteered-"
"I was doing it for Han-"
"Well God bless you and your love for Han-"
"Christ!" Rey snapped and hopped to her feet. Bottle still clutched firmly in hand, mind you. "Here we friggin go again. You and your God damn comments!"
Ben ran a hand through his hair. Tugged it so painfully, actually, there was no way some of those luscious black strands were not getting pulled out. "What the hell do you want from me, Rey?"
"Man up and drink with me!"
Oh yea, because that was the right thing to say at a time like this.
"This is fucking ridiculous."
The volume of Ben's voice implied he wanted to have kept the comment to himself, but he and Rey were sitting way too close for her not to hear.
For the sake of her sanity, and for this stupid game she had started, Rey chose to ignore it. "Pick a damn card."
"This is meant to be played as a group, Rey."
"We can play Kings however we want to play Kings."
"Drink," She commanded, pushing the bottle towards him.
Ben looked at her incredulously. "I didn't even pick a card!"
"You're complaining. New rule, you complain, you drink. So drink."
His lips (plush, damn lips) thinned into a line. But he took a swig without another word, slamming the bottle a little loudly back onto the ground.
"Good, now pick a card please."
Ben sighed and flipped the one nearest to him. "Five"
"Guys!" Rey chirped.
"Me? Again?"
Rey motioned toward the bottle.
"Looks like you're just trying to get me drunk."
"Yes, thank God, now you get it."
Ben shook his head and tipped his head back.
Rey definitely did not watch the way his neck bobbed as the liquid slid down.
"Your turn."
Silently, Rey flipped a card and immediately smiled. "Well you just got lucky, Solo. You just got a date."
"Rey, that means we're going to be drinking every single turn."
"And the problem is?"
Ben rolled his eyes.
"Come on! You just scored yourself a date on Valentine's Day! Much more exciting than your stupid tax date."
A lovely red colored Ben's cheeks. "It's not a date. And maybe you should slow down for your date tomorrow."
"Oh yea, because me being hungover will put a big stop to those plans. Now your turn, let's go!"
Ben's brow furrowed, and Rey could clearly see a question forming behind those expressive eyes. But whatever it was, he thought better and stopped himself. Still blushing, though, which was interesting. It was hardly anything but a fun tease she had delivered him, why was he being effected so? Rey almost asked that question herself when Ben turned up a new card. "Jack"
Rey grinned. "Never have I ever."
"Of all the childish games-"
"Three fingers up, let's go! I'll go first. Never have I ever, been out of the state."
Ben's eyes narrowed. "Cheap shot. Alright, never have I ever, had a date on Valentine's Day."
"How dare you. We are currently-"
"Not dates, not because of this stupid game. You know what I mean."
Rey huffed and, even though she didn't need to yet, grabbed the bottle of whiskey. It was getting much, much lighter. Not a good sign for this night. Especially with this next awfully embarrassing admission, "Well, jokes on you, we're both losers." Worse, her own situation was keeping her from mercilessly teasing Ben for never having a date.
Ben's mouth slid open, then closed, and that innocently, stupid, confused look graced his features once more. "But you said you had a date."
"Well yea but not a date-date."
"What the hell does that mean?"
"It's not…" Rey huffed. "Every year me and Finn go out to breakfast for Valentine's Day. We were poor and single and hungover and it was fun so we just kept doing it. So now Poe and Rose come too, and it's kind of a tradition, and I really didn't want to miss it before when you threatened to let this stupidity spill into tomorrow morning."
The dull tick-tock of the clock, hung crookedly over Rose's office door, followed her slurred explanation. A tick-tock that thumped too loudly in her head, possibly even her heart, but why? She didn't say anything important. Not really. And yet it sounded like she did. Ben was looking at her like she did. Like her rushed and drunken explanation of a silly breakfast was actually admitting to…to…
To what?
"Oh." Ben said simply. Just that. Oh.
God, she must be more drunk than she realized. Making up looks Ben was shooting her. Making up that there was something between them. That she said something that actually meant something deeper. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He had rejected her once, did he need to do it again?
"What a self-sabotaging move, Solo," It was a hasty and obvious attempt to redirect the convo. Pathetic, too, in Rey's own opinion. "Trying to take me down while admitting you've never had a date. Not exactly suave."
"My turn," Ben said instead. "Never have I ever-"
"Wait, it's not your turn-"
"Not had a crush on one of my coworkers."
"A double negative? Seriously Ben? That's so stup-" Oh. Oh wait.
What had he just said?
Coworkers. He didn't have a crush on one of his coworkers. No- wait, right, double negative. So, Ben did have a crush on a coworker. Which were-who were-ah, "Rose?" Rey blurted out, confused and more intoxicated by the second.
"What? No, God Rey, not Rose."
"Well not Rose, then-" Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Her. It was her. She was the only other option. The only other coworker.
Ben Solo had a crush on her.
Rey starred dumbly at his ridiculously handsome face. Which yea, she was going to admit to that now. Because he just said he had a crush on her. And if he could admit that, then she could admit how hot-God damn hot-she found Ben Solo.
And she was starring way too long at this point.
"Rey?" Ben asked.
"I'm processing."
"Oh. Um, is that…good?"
"No. I mean, yes. I mean, I don't know, I'm processing!"
"Look, if it's easier-just forget it. I'm drunk. I'm sorr-"
Rey's hand shot up, covering his stupid (no, perfect, she was calling it perfect now) mouth. "Don't you dare apologize. Explain first."
From beneath her palm, Ben mumbled, "Explain?"
A tingling wave of pleasure swept up Rey's arm and down her spine, the feel of Ben's lips moving against her skin too good to believe. She wanted the sensation elsewhere. Everywhere. On her lips, her neck, her-
Rey gasped. Out. Loud.
The image of Ben's head buried in her chest, between her breasts. Her hands in his hair, grabbing those black locks herself, feeling how soft they were. Finding out why he liked to run his fingers through them himself so friggin much.
She swallowed thickly and pulled her hand back like Ben was an oven and she was a foolish child who didn't know any better. "I…" The images wouldn't stop. Ben mumbling against her skin, deep, husky words in between sloppy kisses. Shit, her nipples were hardening underneath her shirt. Which was nothing but a dumpy white tee, dirty from a day's work and sweat covering a bra that desperately needed to be replaced and held absolutely no cushioning. So if Ben was to look, oh yea, he would see the effect he was unintentionally having on her.
"Are you okay?" Ben asked, completely oblivious to her struggle. He even leant forward, reached toward her with a hesitant hand-
With a squeak, Rey slipped backwards with an embarrassing plop right down on her rump. "Fine! I'm fine!"
Ben frowned but withdrew his hand. "Okay. I just-look, forget it, like I said."
"No!" Rey cried. Because that was absolutely the last thing she wanted to do, even if she was acting like a confused mess right now. "I don't want to-look, just…I thought you hated me? Don't you hate me? The way you act…"
"It's not as if you treat me any better."
Rey crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm not the one who just admitted to having a crush."
"Fine. Just fine, you got me there. I," Ben breathed loudly through his nose. "Look, what we talked about before. The conversation I overheard between you and Poe? Shockingly, it sent me on edge. And, shocking yet again, I lashed out. Then it was like I couldn't stop. Because of course you gave as good as you got, why wouldn't you the way I was acting? I even admired you then when you were biting my head off. And I-shit, I'm really pouring out my heart here, Rey. We got so far down that road it was like I couldn't turn around even though I wanted to."
The picture was so clear. Rey didn't understand why she hadn't pieced it together herself before Ben's confession. Because why wouldn't the hurt boy turned still healing man trust anyone new in his life? Especially some stranger, who had never even met him, and had called him a monster? Why would he be kind? Or trusting?
It wasn't so simple. Obviously. He wasn't blameless either nor was she completely guilty.
And apparently the ball was in her court of where this night was going to head.
"It's my turn," Rey said finally, holding up her two fingers.
Ben's lips curved downward. His whole demeanor seemed to sag.
"Ben," Rey prompted, nodding toward his hand. "Please."
Weakly, he raised his two fingers.
"Never have I ever kissed a Solo."
His eyes snapped up towards her.
She was too shy to do anything but grin in return.
Silence ensued for a moment, and it had Rey ridiculously thinking that maybe she had got something wrong. But then, "Is that a statement, or a challenge, sweetheart?"
Funny, that was the first time he ever used that nickname in a non-mocking way.
Rey wondered if he had always wanted to say it to her like this. She didn't have to time to ask, or even ponder, because she leant forward without another word and Ben happily met her half way.
It was tentative, at first.
Both were still a bit unsure, and perhaps a bit too drunk. Ben was gently moving against her lips, navigating their shape before settling on her bottom one and sucking softly. Rey gasped when she felt the tug of his teeth, and it was all he needed to slip his tongue inside.
Hands were suddenly at her hips, dragging her across the concrete floor and making a mess of their forgotten King's game. Rey moaned when Ben lifted her onto his lap and right against the seam of his pants.
Her hips rolled without a conscious thought, and now Ben was the one groaning.
"Rey," He whispered, pulling back to look at her. "You don't know how long I-"
"Me too," She gasped, arching against him. Ben was now meeting her movement with thrusts of his own, as well as she could manage on the hard floor. "God Ben, me too."
His hands gripped her waist, directing her to go harder, faster against him. "Fuck," He hissed, looking down to watch them move against each other. "Sometimes I didn't even need to come here, I just wanted to see you."
She closed her eyes and leant her head back, surrendering to the sensations ravaging her body. Ben immediately took it as invitation to suck happily down her neck, his tongue lavishing her skin as he gave quick nips here and there.
"You were infuriating," Rey breathed when he latched down a particular spot that had here seeing stars. "Fuck, you're still so fucking infuriating."
Ben let go and gripped the back of her neck, pulling the hair back there to angle her lips toward his. "You fucking love it." He growled before catching her in a brutal kiss.
Their movements were getting too sloppy, too fast. Rey was helpless to do anything but chase the pressure that was nearing its edge. She let out a whimper when her legs began to tremble and Ben gripped her ass with kneading hands.
"Cum for me," He ordered, again sucking her bottom lip into his mouth, "Fucking cum for me right now."
Yes, it was right there. His hands. His voice. The feel of his cock, covered by his pants, but large and thick enough to create delicious pressure against the seam of her own jeans. She drew down just a little harder, felt his lips bite her neck again in what must be leaving a mark-
"Ben!" She cried and it all exploded.
"Fuck Rey," He groaned, bucking up harder. She was nothing but air now, weightless and buzzed, but felt him use her body for his own release. "So perfect, so good. Fuck, fuck-"
A brutal groan escaped him with one more thrust, and then they were both still and panting.
Sweat dripped down between her breasts (which shit, he hadn't even got to explore) and Rey could feel her hair, loose and knotty, beginning to stick against her neck. Her knees were also starting to hurt, and she couldn't imagine the effect the floor was having on Ben. But he seemed content to just hold her tightly against him, his face buried in her neck while he took in deep breaths.
"Ben," Rey whispered, taking the still moment to card her fingers through his hair. And oh yes, it was everything she'd ever dreamt about. She was definitely never going to stop doing this whenever she could. "I must be hurting you."
"Worth it." He mumbled, still not moving. But his thumbs began to stroke circles on the skin peeking out between her shirt and pants.
She giggled, the sound soft and sweet and so very, very welcome. Ben's lips even curved into a smile at the sound of it. "We could do this somewhere more comfortable."
"If you're suggesting that piece of rock in the back-"
"The couch, tighter fit but more comfortable."
He finally pulled back to look at her, his face so calm and care free it must have been the first-time Rey had ever saw him like this. "I don't mind the fit."
She rolled her eyes. "Of course, you don't."
As they both got up and settled down onto the couch, Rey more or less having to drape herself over Ben (though no one was complaining), one more question occurred to Rey before sleep finally took over.
"Never have I ever brought a date to my Valentine's Day breakfast."
His hand stroked up her back, resting in her hair to gently massage at her scalp. She practically purred like a cat, nuzzling her face into his chest.
"Well, let's see what we can do to change that."
"So you found them sleeping? Together?" Finn hissed, leaning towards Rose.
The girl nodded her head esthetically, stealing a glance over at the couple in question. "I thought I was dreaming. Or maybe one of them was dead. Or like, it got so cold they needed body heat or something. I had to get Paige out of the car to make sure I wasn't hallucinating."
Maz was currently giving them, well, more Ben, a harsh talking to about visiting her more often. Rey was gazing adoringly at Ben, who was standing like a chastised child, as Maz rambled on. And they were holding hands.
Like, seriously, holding hands.
Poe took a sip of his mimosa. "Never thought I'd see the day Ben Solo got a girlfriend."
"Never thought I see the day Rey got a boyfriend!" Finn countered.
Paige smirked. "Seems like they're a match made in heaven then."
"More like hell." Poe mumbled, earning him a biscuit at the head from Finn.
"Well," Rose picked up her menu, beginning to absently flip through it. "Maybe this means less blow ups at shop. I could do with a more stress free working environment. And Han and Leia are absolutely going to freak."
Poe took on a devilish grin. "You're going to eat those words, Tico. There's certainly going to be more of something at the shop. A different kind of yelling, if you get my drift."
Finn slapped his boyfriend on the shoulder. "You're disgusting."
"Love you too. Happy Valentine's Day!"
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honeylikewords · 5 years
Cudly Poe on Both man, that's what I need. I'm freezing right now, and I want Poe to come give me cuddles.
Honestly, me too, especially while getting over this nasty flu :’0 Cuddles are such a comfort and a good thing, and make everything better!
So, without further ado, here comes some Blatant Self Indulgence For Myself!
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“You know, I think she does this just to pick on me,” Poe grumbles, rubbing his arms through his heavy jacket sleeves. 
Snap looks over at his friend, setting his mouth tightly with annoyance, and folds his arms over his chest.
“Are you really calling General Organa petty right now?,” he yells, trying to make himself heard over the whipping of the icy winds.
“Yes! I mean, why else would she put us on ‘guard duty’ out here?”
Poe points a gloved finger accusatorily out towards the unendingly white spans of nothingness before the two of them, then gives an obvious shiver, his teeth chattering.
“Really! We can’t see a damned thing in this kind of weather, anyway, and even if we could, there’s nothing to see! Anything we need to be aware of is easy enough to monitor from inside the base! She put me out on this post as... punishment!”
“Well,” Snap says back, burrowing his arms closer to his chest to keep warm, “Maybe you earned it.”
“She stuck you out here, too!”
“It’s my fault for being friends with you,” he gripes. “I’m being punished for fraternizing!”
Poe is tempted to kick a snow pile at Snap when he hears the familiar groan of metal behind him and turns, seeing the door to base opening. General Organa peeks out with a wry smile, eyeing Poe warily.
“Nice to see you haven’t frozen to death,” she chuckles.
“Oh, har-har.”
“Backtalk me like that and I’ll have you out here on back-to-back shifts,” she offers. Poe can tell by her tone that she’s far from joking.
Leia tosses a hand over her shoulder, beckoning the men indoors.
“We got a snowstorm alert. We’re shutting down for the night. Battening down the hatches, no ins or outs until we have the all-clear.”
Poe and Snap both breathe sighs of relief and rush back into the base, overjoyed when the heavy door seals behind them and blocks out the blasting winds. As Poe slumps against the door and pulls down the massive hood of his winter jacket, he can see Leia smiling at him through his snow goggles, her grin playful.
“Had fun out there, Dameron?”
“You know I was born on a tropical planet,” he grumbles, sliding the goggles up onto his forehead. “That was just cruel.”
“I know,” she laughs. “But you’re fine, aren’t you? Not going to let a little chill get you down, right, Commander?”
“I suppose,” he says, unable to withhold his own smile. He can’t help that Leia has such infectious laughter, after all, and he lets go of his gripes and griefs as he smiles back. 
As the three of them walk down the halls and further into the base, Poe tugs his gloves off and clears his throat, running scenarios out in his mind to see which one allowed him to seem the most casual.
“So,” he drawls, tucking his gloves into his pocket. “Have you, uh, heard from--”
“Your girlfriend?,” Leia interjects, making Poe’s face heat with more than just windburn. Her eyes glitter with teasing mirth, knowing full well that she’s embarrassed Poe a twinge. “Yes. She should be over in medbay. I think her shift’s turning over about now, too, so--”
“Right, gotcha, see you all in a little bit, buh-bye,” Poe rushes, blatantly overeager to leave. He throws Snap and Leia a quick nod, and then Poe, clearly too excited to restrain himself, takes off jogging towards the medbay.
As Poe nears the medbay, his embarrassment transforms itself into enthusiastic anticipation, a growing giddiness. He’s been thinking about her all day; out there on guard duty, he’d let his imagination run away with him more than once, taking him back into her warm embrace over and over again. Now, as he gets closer and closer to the reality of her, he can practically feel her warmth on his skin, feel her in his arms. He’s thrilled.
He takes a quick peek in the door of the medbay when he arrives, peering around the corner, and sees her sitting on a chair, someone’s coat spread over her lap, and she appears to be sewing it. Curious, Poe steps into the doorway and pauses, leaning against the doorframe, just watching.
She doesn’t look up from her sewing, instead seeming to be intently focused on her work. She’s patching a rather nasty gash along the shoulder seam, and the span of stitches seems to be near its end, the gash closing up nicely. In and out she pulls the needle, and, with the final loop, pulls the thread taut, sealing the cut fabric together. Making a few knots at the end of the thread, she takes a small pair of scissors and snips the thread, then places the scissors, needle, and thread off to the side and holds the coat up to inspect it. 
“It looks good to me,” Poe says, officially breaking the silence and calling her attention to him.
She seems surprised at first, but her expression quickly shifts into one of comfort, a smile growing; she’s happy to see him, and it makes Poe feel warm all over to know she’s smiling because of him.
“Hey, you,” she says softly. “You look cold.”
“What gave it away?”
“You still have snow in your hair.”
At that, she stands up and sets the coat aside, walking over to Poe. She stops short of him by a few inches and reaches up to lightly brush at his bangs, fluffing the hair to disperse the accumulated snow. Poe feels a happy little chill course through him at the sensation of her fingers in his hair, and smiles at her as a few wayward snowflakes flutter free and fall down.
When she’s content that most of the snow has been dislodged, she passes her hand through his hair and traces down the side of his face, looking up at him warmly, and holds his chin, rubbing her fingers on his wind-whipped cheeks.
“They’re like ice,” she mumbles, a smile still playing on her lips. “Here.”
Pulling Poe down by his chin, she kisses each of his cheeks slowly, making sure to linger her lips on his skin. Poe feels more than warmed by the gesture, and puts his hands on her hips, moving his face to follow her kisses, unwilling to miss even a microsecond of her sweet attentions. When she pulls off his cheeks, he remains near to her, still holding her hips, watching her closely with bemusement and adoration.
“Anywhere else cold, Commander?”
“You know, now that I think about it,” he teases, bumping the tip of his nose against hers, “I think my lips are frozen solid, sweetheart.”
“Is that so?,” she teases back. “Well, I think I have just the thing...”
Poe closes his eyes, letting out a dreamy sigh, a dazed, joyful smile spreading across his face as he rubs his nose against her cheek, coaxing her close.
She wraps her arms around his neck and they continue their little dance for a few moments more; she gently rakes her nails down the nape of his neck, warming the skin there as her palm passes over his shorter hairs. He presses their foreheads together and chuckles, their breaths making each other’s faces feel slightly foggy and ever-so-pleasantly hot, and then...
She presses her jaw up and meets his lips, kissing him with such candor and ardency that Poe’s stomach flips. A boyish, jittery excitement takes over him, prompting him to take her chin in his hand, rubbing his thumb against the side of her jaw, allowing him to turn his head side to side and make the kiss deeper, warmer, more intimate.
They stay liplocked, swaying with each other, for a heartbeat longer, until she pulls back, the parting of their lips issuing a soft ‘pop’ that makes Poe’s knees weak. 
He brushes his thumb along his darling’s cheek and lets out a breathy, relieved giggle, kissing her forehead as she laughs back softly. Poe still isn’t used to how satisfying and thrilling kissing her can be, and he still finds himself, even after all the time, taken aback by the wonder of it, his stomach still weak with butterflies.
As they calm down from the rush of the kiss, Poe gently pats his sweetheart’s hips and looks around, fishing for an appropriate conversation starter. His eyes fall on the jacket she’d been attending to and he juts his chin at it.
“I meant to ask,” he says, still holding her hips and swaying them side to side slightly, “What was that about?”
“The coat?”
“Oh, we didn’t have any injuries today,” says his beloved. 
Poe offers her a congratulatory high-five. She accepts it.
“But one of the techies ripped his coat trying to squeeze between a ship with hull damage and a wall, and I saw him struggling to try and get help sewing it, so I figured it couldn’t be much different from applying sutures and lent a hand.”
“How utilitarian!,” Poe smiles. “But sweet.”
“Thank you,” she replies, kissing his cheek gratefully. “Now, can we go? I’ve been here for hours and I want to get into bed.”
“You got it, kid.”
Taking her hand, Poe walks out of the medbay, confidently leading his sweetheart through the crowd of workers changing shifts and rebels being ushered inside the base as the blast doors are shut. It’s loud and crowded, but Poe seems to be able to navigate through the sea effortlessly, determined to get where he’s going. 
After a good few minutes of swift walking and pointed “excuse me”s and “coming through”s, the two of them find their way to the emptier hallways for the sleeping quarters, and Poe slows in front of the door leading to his sweetheart’s bunk. They come to a stand-still and Poe squeezes her hand, a shy silence replacing his former firm confidence.
“So, should I, you know, head out? Let you rest?”
“Poe,” she giggles exasperatedly, “You know you can come in, right?”
“Well, I didn’t want to just invite myself,” he defends. “That’d be very ungentlemanly!”
“Come on,” she says, tugging him towards the door. “It’s warmer when you’re here.”
Poe feels his cheeks glow at the thought of warming her and follows her into her bunk with a goofy smile plastered to his face.
He stands near the door as it closes behind them and watches his girl head to the bed, sitting on the edge and taking her boots off, then removing her heavy puffer coat. He doesn’t move, just admires the journey of her slow unraveling, her shifting from worker bee to a domestic, comfortable woman, and his heart grows heavy with love at the sight.
She stands to walk over and find her sleeping clothes when she notices Poe lingering near the door, prompting her to come over to his side and take his hand, pulling him towards the bed. He pliantly follows her every instruction and sits down on the bedside when she lightly pushes on his shoulders, and allows her to take his hand and guide it down towards his boots.
“Make yourself comfortable, honey,” she murmurs. 
Poe melts at the sound of the word. Honey. 
He busies himself with taking off his boots and losing the large, heavy coat, placing them on a nearby chair, as his sweetheart quickly dips into the nearby bathroom to change. While she’s in there, Poe looks behind him at the bed he’s seated on, fidgeting with the hem of the topmost blanket.
It’s one of the military-issue cold weather types, quilted with a mesh of fabrics so that it’s as light as possible while still capturing as much heat as possible. He’s never liked them, himself, and always found them too thin to keep him warm on his own, and starts to imagine what a nicer bed would look like.
It’d be large enough for both of them, he starts with. A side for him and a side for her, though he knows he’d wander over to her side and spend his nights holding her close as can be. The pillows would be larger, too, than these ones, and the sheets softer. A nice, warm red color for the sheets, he imagines, would be very pretty, and with a big, puffy comforter on top for them to cuddle under. 
The bed would be in their own bedroom, in their own house, on a planet where plants grow thick and lush, and he’d be able to wake up every morning with her within reach. He pictures windows with gauzy curtains, morning light on her face as she sleeps and he reaches over and--
The door to the bathroom opens and his beloved steps out, now in her sleeping clothes; he recognizes the shirt as one of his own tunic-like tops and smiles.
She goes to her side of the bed and pulls down the covers, sliding between the sheets and curling up into a small ball, facing Poe. She then tugs the corner of the blankets nearest him and pats the bed softly, glancing up at him with inviting eyes.
“I’m cold,” she says simply.
He needs no more instruction.
Poe comes under the covers and reaches out for her, tugging her close to his chest. They wriggle for a few moments, finding the perfect, most comfortable position to be in, aligning their bodies with one another, legs and knees fitting together and heads slotting into crooks of necks, and when they find the perfect alignment, they both release sighs of comfort.
One of Poe’s hands crests up and down her spine as she nudges her cold nose against the warm column of Poe’s neck, and he lets out a brief laugh at the surprising sensation of it. His fingers lightly caress her back and trail up her neck into her hair, where he softly brushes at it and admires its texture, its weight, its warmth. He leans in and takes a breath, the scent of her filling his nose, when he feels her start to giggle into his chest.
“Did you just smell me?,” she teases.
“Well, I--”
Poe stumbles over himself, suddenly self-conscious.
“It’s okay,” she quickly inserts, patting his chest with a free hand. “I’m just giving you a hard time. It’s cute.”
She presses up from her cuddled position to deposit a quick kiss on Poe’s lips, running a few fingertips along his stubbly jawline as she does so. Poe kisses back eagerly, comforted by the affectionate gesture, and feels her scritch her nails under his chin, as if he was a particularly well-behaved dog. He likes it.
When they part, Poe feels much warmer and much more at ease, his arms looped around his lover and cuddling her close, conserving heat between the two of them in a comfortable little bubble. He nuzzles into her cheek and peppers her face with small, chaste pecks, and the two of them slowly sink into a quiet, loving lull. 
Their breaths deepen and slow down, eyes growing heavy, and Poe’s hand rubs small, dreamy circles into his sweetheart’s back in dozing repetitions. Both of them tired from their long days, they begin to drift off into a well-earned sleep.
Before Poe finally falls, he gives her one last, sleepy look, and admires her face as it presses against his shoulder, her cheek flat to his chest. He smiles; though perhaps they were not in the largest bed, nor the cushiest, and were not swaddled in the finest blankets and sheets, he can think of no warmer place in all the worlds than here, by her side.
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sushigirlali · 5 years
Admiration - Part I (Reylo Fanfic)
Part I | Part II | Part III
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Summary: Padawan Ben Solo struggles to repel Snoke’s odious influence while coming to terms with his feelings for fellow student Rey of Jakku.
Parings: Rey + Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Continuity: Jedi Academy AU; Rey is 19, Ben is 23. 
Rating: E
A/N: This fic is dedicated to my wifey @grlie-girl under the prompt: “Poke me once more and see what happens.” (Which...we’ll get to lol) This is a “what if” scenario where Rey has grown up with Ben at Luke’s Jedi academy. I made Ben 23 because that’s about the age he fell to the dark side in the ST. Maybe things could have gone differently if he’d had Rey at his side back then. Enjoy! Set to Admiration by Incubus.
Master list –> AO3 | ff.net | Tumblr 
Admiration - Part I
By: sushigirlali
Could you move in slow motion? Everything goes by so fast Just slow down a little Save the best part for last
Ben marched out of the Jedi training center with his hood up and his head down. It was a struggle to keep his composure given the electrifying events of the last hour, but he did his best to look inconspicuous since several students were congregated in the courtyard outside. Luckily for him, they appeared too distracted by Luke’s latest lesson to pay him any mind.
“But what if you got stuck on some backwater planet during a mission and had to construct a lightsaber from scratch?!” an excited youth queried his friends. “Are synthetic crystals really suitable for Jedi?”
“Master Luke certainly thinks so!” a boy with a brown flat cap exclaimed. “He built a lightsaber with a synthetic kyber crystal on Tatooine and used it to single-handedly take out the entire Hutt Clan!”
“Single-handedly, huh?” Choking back a laugh, Ben imagined how his mother would react to the youngling’s erroneous statement. “She’d probably shrug and say something about boys needing to get their heads out of their cockpits,” he thought fondly, moving from cover to cover until he could slip behind the tall hedges that wrapped around the courtyard, “but deep down her blood would be boiling.”
“The way I heard it, Princess Leia was the one who saved the day!” a girl with fiery red hair piped up as he passed. “All because she and Han Solo were…”
The trio’s voices faded as Ben moved out of range of their conversation, not that he minded in the least. “Rey loves that story, but I’d rather not hear about the princess and the rogue for the thousandth time. They’re my parents, but I’ve never understood how two people could...” Rey’s knowing smile just before he rushed out of the training center flashed through his mind and his groin tightened in remembrance. “Never mind.”
Adjusting his stride, Ben debated the best way to get back to his room undetected. Given the state of his traitorous body, it would be beyond embarrassing to get caught before he could calm down. Stopping only when he reached the end of the hedgerow, Ben opened his senses and peered around.
The temple grounds consisted of the training hall at his back, the dining hall to his left, and the archive building across the courtyard on his right. The living quarters were stationed directly behind the dining hall, but it was likely he’d bump into someone if he went through the communal facility since it was so close to dinner time.
Deciding it would be more prudent to go around the building instead, Ben skirted past the entrance and darted down a small footpath adjacent to the building.
About halfway down the lonely path, Ben realized he was sweating profusely under his thick robes and slowed down to compensate. “Force, it’s hot,” he huffed. “When did it get so hot? It was almost chilly this morning. But now...”
Ben trailed off as he neared the end of the walkway, but his mind was racing. “I wonder if Rey and I have anything to do with the change in temperature?” It was an odd thought, but they were intrinsically intertwined through the Force. And with the Force, anything was possible.
Pushing the notion aside, Ben emerged onto the dirt road that separated the temple from the living quarters and approached his hut. The structure was slightly secluded from the rest, shaded by a few ancient trees and surrounded by a well maintained rock garden. It wasn’t much, but it was his.
Shouldering his way into the dark apartment, Ben closed and locked the door behind him before stripping out of his damp training uniform and tossing the heavy gray fabric onto the floor. Not satisfied, he shed his undergarments as well. “I’ll have to hit the ‘fresher later,” he thought, wiping ribbons of sweat from his brow.
”For now, though…” Ben moved to the silver basin on top of his bookshelf and grabbed a rag to wash his face. The damp cloth was cool against his skin, like an ocean mist on a warm summer day.
Not for the first time, he longed for the peaceful seas and mild weather of his beloved homeworld. “What I wouldn’t give to see Chandrila again,” he mused, retrieving his favorite silk trousers from the top drawer of his dresser. “To see mother and father again, even if they don’t want…” Ben paused, trying to suppress his long standing abandonment issues.
“Don’t focus on the things you cannot change,” he muttered, pulling on his pants with a little more force than necessary. The cool black fabric felt good against his skin, but he was still uncomfortably warm. “Focus on what’s in front of you, like Master Luke says. Focus on the things you can change.”
Sitting cross-legged on the end of his rumpled bed, Ben unlatched his shutters with a wave. A cool wind stirred through the window, giving him a modicum of relief from the punishing heat.
“If only the Force could solve all my problems,” he sighed, thinking of a certain hazel-eyed scavenger.
You speak in riddles Your intentions turn me on I'm your's forever Will you love me when I'm gone?
Laying his palms flat on his knees, Ben acknowledged that the weather wasn’t the only thing making him hot today. Rey had cornered him this afternoon on the pretense of training together, but he should have realized she was up to something the moment she suggested they meet in an isolated meditation chamber far from their Master’s watchful gaze.
“You’re too damn gullible for a Jedi,” he chastised, feeling all kinds a fool for allowing her to catch him off guard again. She was a talented Padawan, his equal in every way, but Rey seemed to want him to see her as a woman first and an apprentice second.
Unfortunately for his young admirer, physical interactions were forbidden to the Jedi, strong emotions taboo. And yet… “You just sat there like a dolt when she started kissing you.” Ben shook his head, trying to forget the sound of Rey’s soft sighs as her lips molded to his, the feeling of her small hands gripping his—
“Dammit!” he groaned aloud, scrubbing his flushed face. “You’re supposed to become a full-fledged Jedi Knight in little under a month! Besides that, there’s a very real chance that Rey will be named your Padawan for the last few years of her training! You cannot get wrapped up with her!” It was a difficult task, though, considering how good she felt in his arms.
“If Master Luke ever found out…” He shuddered to think what would become of them. At the very least, they’d be excommunicated from the New Jedi Order.
Still, it was becoming increasingly impossible to deny his admiration for the young orphan from Jakku, especially since she appeared determined to tempt him into behavior that was most decidedly against the Jedi code.
And therein lie his predicament.
Short of abandoning their Master’s teachings and leaving the Academy, there was no real way they could be together. They weren’t normal people with normal lives who could fall in love without thought to repercussions and...and...
“Wait. Love?” Ben froze at the revelation. “No,” he denied. “It’s not possible.” Taking a deep breath, he tried to clear his mind, desperately seeking guidance. "Your focus determines your reality," he chanted, repeating one of Luke’s most important lessons. “Focus on anything but her.” 
When I'm gone, You're an unfenced fire! When I'm gone, Over walls we've trampled! When I'm gone, It's you I admire! When I'm gone, My living example...
Concentrating on the quiet whisper of wind filtering in through his open window, Ben leveled out his riotous emotions and slipped into a meditative state.
Life. Death. Warmth. Cold. Peace. Violence. And between it all, balance and energy. A force.
And inside him, that same force.
Reaching out with his feelings, he explored the remote rock his uncle had claimed for the Jedi. The local flora and fauna, all so familiar to him now, were soaking in the last few rays of light as the planet turned and the sun sank beneath the horizon.
Broadening his search, Ben studied the subtle movement of the massive sphere itself, noting how smooth the planet’s rotation was. The orbital speed was constant, beating a soothing tattoo inside his head.
“Almost like a heartbeat,” he thought, humbled by the complexity of the universe. There was so much he longed to explore once he became a Jedi. Planets, people, the mysterious of—
“Ouch!” Ben winced as a familiar splinter formed in his mind. “No, not now! Not again!”
Something sinister had stirred in response to his probing, calling out to him, urging him toward the black abyss of space. “Come to me, my child,” it bade. “You must fulfill your destiny!”
“No!” Recognizing the intrusion for what it was, Ben tried to lock down his consciousness using a technique he’d learned from Luke. “For better or worse, our family is well acquainted with the struggle between light and dark.”
The rumors and speculation surrounding Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala had plagued his family for years, so Ben was grateful that Luke had prevented him from being blindsided when the whole affair came to light last year.
“I'm not sure how I would have reacted had Luke withheld the truth about my grandparents from me, but with everything out in the open, Luke and I are closer than we’ve ever been.”
“He’s helped me see that I’m not the only one who struggles, that I can have faith in myself despite my failings.” And in all honesty, it was a relief to know that even after donning the evil visage of Darth Vader for so long, Anakin Skywalker’s soul had still been worthy of redemption.
“The love of his son saved him in the end. Despite everything, his Jedi spirit prevailed. The light prevailed.” The notion gave Ben hope.
A malicious cackle broke into his thoughts. “Hope? How trite. There is no hope for you, young Solo.”
“Get out of my head, you murderous snake,” he gritted back. “You’re not welcome here, Snoke. Not anymore.”
Ever since he could remember, there had been a small but persistent voice whispering in his ear, presenting him with all manner of temptations. When he was a child, it was the acceptance he longed for from his parents. As a teenager, power and glory. But just recently, the voice had become desperate, for Ben no longer wanted any of those things. He was a Jedi, like his grandfather before him, and his only goal was to serve the Force.
“Don’t lie,” Snoke said cruelly. “There is still something you covet. Or should I say...someone?”
“Leave her out of this!” Ben raged. All at once he wanted to hit something, to kill. The thought of this creature, this incubus, touching one hair on Rey’s—
Your eyes are an undiscovered ocean far away Any minute now keeping Both poets and priests at bay Don't get ahead of me Could we just this once see eye to eye? Could you want perhaps me? Ask me how it feels to vie
Eyes flying wide, Ben turned to see Rey crawling through his open window. “Rey! What are you—?”
“Are you alright?” she asked without preamble, slipping onto the bed beside him. “I know you wanted to be alone, but I felt your fear and I—”
“Yes,” he lied. Except it wasn’t really a lie because the sinister voice had gone. Even with Luke’s exercises, the evil wretch still got in sometimes. But when he was with Rey...well, she seemed to drive off his demons.
She gently touched his damp forehead. “Were you meditating?”
“What? Oh, yes,” he said, coming back to reality. “Or, trying to,” he corrected, catching himself before he melted into her touch.
“Can I join you?”
“I don’t—” But she was already moving behind him. “Okay, then,” he sighed, half turning to look at her. “Do you actually want to mediate this time, or...?” She was facing the opposite direction, but Ben was wary of her intentions.
“I have no idea what you mean,” she said, copying his lotus pose.
“Really?” he replied sardonically. “I seem to recall you asking me to meditate this afternoon when in actuality you wanted—”
“Your virginity?” she filled in.
“Rey!” Ben exclaimed, astonished by her lack of tact. “You can’t say things like that!”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s—it’s—you just can’t!” he stuttered.
Rey met his troubled gaze. “Would you rather I lie?”
“Of course not!” he denied. “Though it might be easier to ignore my feelings if you did.”
“Ben, what’s wrong?” she said plainly.
“Besides the fact that you keep trying to seduce me?”
“Besides that,” Rey agreed. Her tone was even, but he could sense her smirking behind his back.
“Nothing, I just…” How did one confess that a mad man was trying to break into one’s mind at every given opportunity?
“It’s him, isn’t it?” she said quietly. “Snoke.”
“Yes.” It was uncanny, the way Rey always seemed to know what was troubling him before he could find the words.
“Not uncanny,” she returned, easily reading his unguarded thoughts. “It’s fate.”
Ben’s shoulders tensed. “You don’t know that.”
“I do,” she said confidently. “Now tell me about Snoke.”
Knowing how protective she was, he tried to play it off. “It was nothing. The usual.”
“There’s nothing usual about an evil wizard trying to sway you to the dark side, Ben,” she countered. “Try again.”
“Really, Rey? What are you? My mother?” he grumbled. “Why did I even tell you about him to begin with?”
“Because you trust me.” She leaned back against him to prove her point and, damn her, the contact calmed his frayed nerves like a spiritual balm. “Now stop kriffing around and tell me the truth.”
Put that way… “He’s become weak in the last few years, desperate. But that only makes him more dangerous, not less, and I’m afraid…”
She rested her head on his shoulder, further improving his sense of being. “Yes?”
“I’m afraid he’ll hurt you to get to me,” he admitted. It was a revealing statement, but he owed her the truth. Rey’s life was on the line as much as his own now.
“So, he knows how we feel about each other,” she said matter-of-factly. Rey sounded less concerned than he’d expected, but she was like that.
“I’m like what?” she asked playfully.
“Brave—and annoying,” he informed her. Ben reached up and tugged on one of her looping buns. “Also, stop reading my thoughts. It’s rude.”
“Stop shouting them at me then,” she snorted. “Our bond goes both ways, Ben. If you really want to shut me out—”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” he said haltingly. “I just have a hard time keeping my head on straight when you ambush me like you did in the training hall.”
“Not that I’m blaming you for Snoke!” he went on hurriedly. “You’ve always been there for me, Rey. You mean everything to me.”
“Really?” She searched for his hand.
“Yeah.” He let her take it.
“Ben?” she started seriously, lacing her fingers through his.
“What happened this afternoon. What’s been happening between us for a while…” She drew in a deep breath. “I know you don’t want to hear it, but you must allow me to tell you how—
“But, I—”
“You can’t,” he interrupted again. “We’re Jedi. So, whatever you’re feeling is—”
“I love you,” she continued fiercely. “And I think you love me too.”
“No.” Ben shook his head even as his heart leapt. “You and I...we’re...”
“Yes,” she insisted, turning around to embrace him. “You and I. We’re meant to be together, Ben.”
“No, I--I didn’t mean…” he tried, sounding unconvincing even to his own ears.
“You feel so good,” she sighed, running her hands up and down his toned biceps. “Every time you’re near all I want to do is crawl into your arms and stay there forever.” Rey fit herself even closer, nuzzling her cheek against his bare shoulder. “I want you so much, Ben.”
“Stop it,” he said in an agonized whisper, aroused by her words as much as her touch.
“What if I don’t?” she replied, equally as hushed. “What if I strip off the rest of your clothes, mine, and make love to you until the sun comes up?” Rey slipped her arms under his, skimming her slim fingers up and down his naked chest in a hypnotic rhythm. “What if I take you in my hands, my mouth, inside me, everywhere...what then?”
Ben shivered at her seductive challenge, so turned on he could barely speak. “Then I would be ruined.”
“Is that why you’re scared of me?” she murmured sadly. “Because you think I’d sully you?”
“No, never,” he refuted, wanting to comfort her even as she drove him crazy. “You’re beautiful, a warrior; I could never be ashamed of you.”
“Then why? Why are you so scared of me?”
“I’m not!”
“Ben, you’re shaking,” she charged softly, able to feel every subtle movement of his body as she cradled him from behind. “And this afternoon, you ran away from me.”
“I ran because I wasn’t sure what would happen if I gave into my feelings for you,” he said huskily. There was no hiding his physical response to her closeness now, so he didn’t even try. Instead, Ben decided to go for broke; to chase her away before it was too late for either of them. “Rey, I can't do this.”
“No, you’re not listening to me!” he thundered. “I’m not saying I don’t want to; I’m saying I can’t!”
“Why?” she said, her question a plea.
“Because there’s something wrong with me, Rey,” he said gruffly. “Something that’s always been there, poisoning me from the inside out. And I’m afraid that if we get any more involved, it’ll infect you too.”
A/N: The Snoke Age of Resistance comic came out today, so all aboard the Ben Solo pain train!! Hopefully this alternate version of events will help ease it a little. I’ve got Part II about half way written, and it will include some sexy times. Would love to hear what y’all think so far! Check out my other fics, I have a ton!
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dracosollicitus · 5 years
I’d love to read some Star Wars/original universe Damerey if you’re up for it :) (as vague as that is lol). Happy Valentine’s Day, Draco!
Happy Valentine’s Day, Nonny!
And in thanks for the incredible Valentine’s Day gift left to us by JJ Abrams and John Boyega, let’s drabble on a possible scene from IX:
                                                          * * *
Poe crosses the sand, wondering how it always comes back to this, to some hunk of rock with nothing to see for miles - why it always comes back to a desert planet with starships sunk for miles like so many memorials to death and pain and victory.
First it was the Battle of Jakku, a few years after his birth - The Ravager falling to the planet’s surface like a metal and fire meteor - 
Now, Tatooine. 
Poe understands, inherently, that the Force has a rhythm, a plan. It repeats and loops and returns like a song - the Tree showed him that. And here, on the planet where the whole disaster of the Skywalkers got its start (no offense to Leia Organa), the First Order staggered to its final defeat. 
A Skywalker was born here, once.
And a Skywalker died here, today.
In the distance, he can see the hero of the hour, shining in the midday sun, their lighstaber clipped to their side. The hero of the Resistance, who struck Ren down when the pilots failed, the infantry failed, and it felt like even the Force was failing around them. Poe shivers to remember the cruelties inflected by Ren as he made his last stand, the wreck of a village in the distance.
There will be many graves to dig after this, and some of them will be much smaller than others.
But for right now, Poe lets the bone-tired triumph take hold, and he smiles, if a little thinly, at their hero, pride and affection keeping him upright more than anything else.
A thin hand takes his; Poe looks over, a sense of peace washing over him. 
“I hate the desert,” Rey of Jakku whispers to him, this child of war and death and, as it turns out, the Skywalker line. 
“Me too.” Poe lifts her hand to his mouth and thoughtfully kisses the bruised and scarred knuckles. “We’ll go to Yavin next.”
She smiles distractedly, and then more warmly when she looks over at Finn, who still stands, shining in the midday sun, the hero of the Resistance.
He’s swarmed by stormtroopers, their helmets off and abandoned in the distance, just like the scarred underbellies of the remains of the First Order ships. They had defected, and Finn had been the key, the leader none of them could have expected (except, Poe thinks, he’d expected it, he’d expected it the day he’d laid eyes on him, the Force singing in his gut when a man pulled him from the jaws of death and said I need a pilot. The Force had told him, then, that this man was, and always would be, important).
“I couldn’t kill him.” Rey shakes her head, speaking so quietly it’s almost lost to the wind that seems to always whistle on Tatooine. “I … not after he …”
“I know.” Poe squeezes the hand that’s still in his, but Rey shakes her head, furious. 
“It was weak,” she spits out. “As if he’d ever give them back. As if he’d ever … share any of it with me.”
(Poe swore he’d felt when Rey discovered Luke was her father - the memories of her wiped from his mind by his lost pupil, a last cruelty inflicted the day the temple fell; the memories of Luke wiped from her own mind by too much time apart and the desert and the echo of a single voice screaming for someone, anyone, to come back). 
Poe knows something about weakness though, and he drops Rey’s hand to wrap his arm around her waist. “It’s over,” he says firmly. “A Jedi saved us today. And another one saved me…And, I kinda appreciated that.”
He’ll never forget the sight of Rey standing over him after his borrowed (stolen) X-Wing fell to the sand, Rey with her saber ignited, fending off wave after wave of fire.
“I guess you’re not so bad,” Rey acknowledges with a huff. She gives him a sideways smile, her eyes darting over to his face before they return to Finn. 
“Not so bad, she says.” Poe can feel the laughter burning in his chest. “High praise from the general.”
She nudges her hip into his, the bone of it still sharp and clear even after a year of full meals, and Poe bumps her back, catching her with the arm around her waist when she tips over. 
“Is it naive, to think that this is all over?” Rey studies the still-burning hull of a ship on the horizon, and Poe studies her.
“Not at all.” Poe leans in to kiss her cheek, quickly, a brush of lips against soft, freckled skin, quick so no one around them can see it. “And if it isn’t over, we’ll-”
“-Keep fighting.” Rey nods and turns back to him, eyes brighter than the twin suns overhead. “Kiss me proper, flyfboy.” She tugs sharply on the front of his shirt, and Poe goes terribly easily. They kiss languidly, the idea of victory still settling around them, and no one seems to notice as they celebrate in their own ways.
Breaking away from the kiss, Poe can see that Finn’s reached a lull in his stream of congratulatory handshakes and salutes. He nudges Rey, who smiles wildly, and they rush towards their friend.
Finn stares out on the horizon, towards the place where Ren fell. He ducks his head when Rey and Poe approach, and Poe can see the line of tension in his shoulders. 
“Is it over?” Finn says quietly, the question hovering in the dry air between them. “It’s over, then?”
“Always knew you’d be a big deal,” Rey offers, stepping in to throw her arms around Finn’s neck - it looks so much like an embrace on Crait, that Poe has to blink a few times to clear his eyes. Finn stares off into the distance over Rey’s shoulder, and Poe feels like maybe he needs to be a bit more distracted. 
He steps around and wraps an arm around Finn’s chest from behind, one of his hands coming to rest on Rey’s shoulder. Her own hands come to grip his shoulders, effectively embracing Finn from all sides. 
She’s looking to the west, and Finn to the east, and all Poe can look at is them, the beautiful children of the Force who saved them all.
The war is over, he lets himself think. The war is over, and it ended on Tatooine.
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midnightbluefox · 6 years
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Our Reylo Discord server, The Writing Den, held its first ever fic gift exchange! We are incredibly lucky to have so many talented writers among us to participate in this and make it an amazing experience. Plus, we got tons of new Reylo content to enjoy!
+ fic is mature/explicit
* fic is a WIP/ currently incomplete Just for Tonight by @aknightofwren for @reylo-ology :  Leia departs this life for the next, becoming one with the force. Rey and Ben are the first to notice.
Lights On by @reylo-ology for @reylocalligraphy :  Modern AU, Rey is insecure about her body weight being too heavy and/or Rey and Ben admit their love to each other for the first time.
+ The Life You Always Dreamt Of by @kylotrashforever for @avidvampirehunter :  Ben Solo has always followed his obligations. He is expected to take over his family’s enterprise, Skywalker Steel. He is expected to marry a reputable girl who will make him a fitting wife. He is expected to do as he’s told without question. He had long accepted his fate in this regard, until he met Rey. Her presence in his life was like that of a storm, blowing through his calm existence over the better part of a decade and leaving him wrecked on the other side. She was not his, but if he had his way... she would be.
Paradise Island by @ashtyntaytertot for SaveThePorgs : Ben Solo is a Porg conservationist on the remote pacific island of Ahch To. Only a few hundred Porgs remain on planet earth and Ben is adamant the species WILL. NOT. DIE. OUT. Rey is a poacher, an orphan and poor pacific islander with no, money and zero future. Porg eggs are highly prized on the black market, a rare delicacy. So she steals them from nests so that for at least a while she can eat. But what will happen, when Kylo catches her in the act? As the Clock Winds Down by @reylocalligraphy for Erulisse17 :  Who is Ben Solo, Crait High School’s star point guard, hiding from? And why is he suddenly taking pointers from a random nobody? High school Reylo AU featuring tech nerd Rey (who seems to be the only person Ben listens to) and arrogant but actually soft basketball star Ben.
+ Surf with Me by @j-dryless for @reylorobyn2011 :  Rey and Ben catch some much-needed vacation. Swells, kisses and smut.
+ A Demon is A Girl’s Best Friend by AmberDread for @asongforjonsa :  Rey finds a mysterious box, it seems impossible to open, yet there is something rattling inside it... 
+ Our Disparate, Naive Souls by SaveThePorgs for @reyssolo : Once a year the Smuggler Ben Solo, visits Jakku to trade with junk boss Unkar Plutt. Whilst there he meets the scavenger Rey. Talented and enigmatic, over the years he watches her grow up. But as Rey’s burgeoning connection to the Force grows, can Ben continue the hide the truth of who he is. Or will he help her become who she is meant to be?
+* Beneath the Sea by @asongforjonsa for @lilia-ula :  Rey and Ben meet working at The Royal Treat in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Sparks fly immediately.
+ Taste of Elysium by @lilia-ula for @mallie-3 : Thanks to the presence of a tall, dark and handsome classmate, Rey's Greek Mythology summer course was hotter than hell. She'd given up trying to concentrate, and so had he, drawn by their chemistry into a game of enticement that couldn't last. Weeks of endured longing end in a tryst steeped in the mythical elements of their focus.
+ Raising Hope by @spiegatrixlestrange for @dalzonii :  Ben Solo is a single dad with a crush on his daugher's far too pretty, young and kind nanny. He doesn't have a chance obviously, or at least that' s what he had thought until now.
+ The Prince and the Scavenger  by @reylorobyn2011 for @gopherbroke :  Kylo (or Ben) is the sole heir to the Skywalker Estate. He comes across a hungry young woman, scavenging outside the kitchen for scraps after the staff has gone to bed. Despite his icy treatment to her face when he orders his men to capture her, he has her washed, clothed, and fed. She is unrecognizable when she is next presented to him and is immediately taken with her. + Diet Coke and Mentos by @gopherbroke for @ever-so-reylo :  Alpha Rey Jakku is in charge of a major project at Rebel Enterprises, an architecture firm. Her bosses son, Alpha Kylo Ren is added to the project near the completion, sharing the leader role with Rey and immediately stirs the pot, causing rifts and arguments. Rey is not used to backing down. She also isn't used to the way her body reacts whenever Kylo gets too close. With two top dogs, who is going to be the one coming out on top?
+ Firefighters and Puppies by @kpopandstarwarswhynot for @ashtyntaytertot :  Just because Kylo puts out fire for living, doesn't mean he can't start one.
+ You should see the things we do by @ever-so-reylo for @loveofescapism : “Maybe Ben will come home from his business trip and bend me over the nearest piece of furniture and fuck me hard and fast.” In which they are roommates, and they hate each other until they don't.  
+* forced out (into you) by @dalzonii for @spiegatrixlestrange : “Alright kids. There’s no other way around it.” Maz paused, her wide beady eyes regarding the pair carefully, face unnervingly too serious. “You two might just have to, well... engage more intimately.” When Rey woke up in Senator Ben Organa’s body, she never thought fixing the problem could feel so good. Only, the Force simply isn’t letting up – and Jedi aren’t supposed to develop feelings for hot-headed, impulsive, politically-inclined men. Or, the force really wants Ben and Rey together and will go to great lengths to achieve this.
+ Other Voices by @reyloandotherfandoms for AmberDread :  Just a random day aboard the Millenium Falcon.
+ Consider...  by @loveofescapism for @kylotrashforever :  Rey Kenobi has a new job as an editor for K Trash Magazine where she has to edit the infamous Ben Solo's work. Things don't get off the best start and they instantly hate each other. The one thing that is making her days worth while is the handsome stranger she keeps bumping into in the elevator and the hungry, dark looks he continues to give her.
Come Home by @reyssolo for @aknightofwren :  Ben Solo enlists in the army to better his future, and the future he dreams of building with his girlfriend Rey. He just hopes he can come back from his deployment in Afghanistan in time for one of the biggest, most important events of his and Rey's lives.
+ Screensaver Sweethearts by @avidvampirehunter for @kpopandstarwarswhynot : When Clyde's new cell phone connects him to a woman halfway around the world, he never expected to fall in love. But, as luck would have it, that's exactly what he did. Reylogan.
Sex on the Beach by @kylohhh for @reyloandotherfandoms :  Rey walks into Ben's world renowned cocktail bar and just wants a beer. Ben sets out to convince her to see the error of her ways.
* Echoes of Memory by Erulisse17 for @kylohhh :  It couldn't be. What are the chances she'd be here? At this college? And yet... When Kylo catches a glimpse of his childhood friend, he has to follow her. To see if it's her. To see if she remembers him. If she's forgiven him. Getting doused in pepper spray was not part of the plan, but it did answer one question. She *definitely* remembered him.
Every single one of these fics was so amazing and well thought out! A huge thanks to everyone who participated, we can’t wait to do the next one! <3
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