#leave my og otp alone
nilesandcc · 5 months
I wholeheartedly (want to) believe that had niles and CC not been interrupted during their famous couch kiss, they would have had couch sex.
you are right and you should say it
nothing else explains how CC clearly leans into him even more right before the door opens or how they still held onto each other once they realized they had an audience OR how Niles blows her a kiss (!!!!) right before she leaves and how CC shivers (!!!!!!!!)
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toffyrats · 4 months
my professional opinion on every hamilton ship i have seen in this accursed media
starting with the ogs and working down to the quote unquote rarepairs.
hamliza: 7/10 obviously didn’t uh. go very well! they’re domestic and cute and i never have any opinions on canon ships because they’re explained in the og media yk 😭
lams: 6/10 what kind of a name is lams. anyways i could probably make an entire post about this pairing and how much i actually enjoy it but how mischaracterized and ruined theyve been… as a concept theyre great but the fanon interpretation sucks im sorry
mullete i think its called: 5/10 WOW these names are bad. its mid. i don’t mind it. idc. dont love it don’t have any problems with it either. 100 percent grey area.
jamilton: 4/10 i just don’t like enemies to lovers it’s just a preference i’m sure it’s actually fine. jamilton lovers always have the best art so its fine
jeffmads: 8/10 this. has problems. as all things do. however i love their dynamic and they act like an old married couple. james following thomas everywhere and being pathetic is frankly hilarious. took off points for the fact they might actually be funnier platonically
jamilmads: 4/10 this feels like jamilton fans realizing jeffmads actually kind of makes sense and adding james for no reason
hamburr: 2/10 get away from me. get away foul beasts 🤺 (i think its like a 4 in reality but the fans are off the rails)
literally anyone/peggy: 2/10 whether it be lafayette, laurens, whoever i don’t see it. she’s just besties with everyone leave her alone
angelica/hamilton: 4/10 angelica girl your standards should be so much higher. yeah i don’t like this one
revolutionary polyamory: 4/10 this is referring to hamilton laurens laf and herc i believe. its ok. i dont rly like it. its eh.
washington/anyone: 1/10 HES THEIR DAD LEAVE HIM BE
lafferson: 3/10 daveed diggs squared. it makes me giggle a little bit other than that no emotions but hate
mariliza: 2/10 i really hate the trope of shipping two canon love interests with each other it makes no sense
hamilmads: no rating bc this one is just confusing to me wtf.
philidosia: 9/10 i am so biased on this one. so very biased. this was my otp back in the day. everything was about them. save me dear theodosia szin animatic. theyre my everything. the angst possibilities are insane and i love it. docked off one point just because of fanon interpretation, i have a very specific dynamic in my head and it is NOT that
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groggygrimalkin · 8 months
Ask game 2. Clover
YAY!!! Okay let's start!!
favorite thing about them
How mischievous he is,the little asswipe literally gets away with almost everything he does Scott free,also the fact that there are gray areas in his luck,it's funny that like alot of shit can't kill or hinder him but he can get hit with a newspaper and Karkat apparently is in that gray area since he won his fight with him.
least favorite thing about them
Same thing with all the felt he doesn't show up in the og comic enough :((
favorite line
Okay this isn't a line but this is one of my favourite Clover moments of all time next to him dancing on a distressed Karkat
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Okay Clover x Karkat
I feel like if the leprechauns stayed on Earth C Clover would be enamored with Karkat and would not leave him alone and Karkat would be irritated by Clover but for some reason he'd let him stay, like he'd be like "I FUCKING HATE THAT GREEN BULGEMUNCH" but Clovers just so lucky that he can't resist letting him stay. It's very one sided and would be a very Clover-Win Karkat-lose situation
Okay there's two!! First is Clover x Itchy! They're both assholes in their own ways and when they come together they make literally the worst couple you've ever seen(for everyone else not to eachother) and would revel in making everyone's day worst
And Clover x Quarters, Quarters doesn't put up with alot of Clovers nonsense since he's such a cool customer and Clover finds that fascinating and he loves it,it's a very "Tiny leprechaun is obsessed with his giant Trove-Mate who's 4 times his size" and despite being so badass Quarters secretly loves him alot but just doesn't show it publicly
This is them to me:
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None really!
random headcanon
Okay same as Crowbar I hc that he's a mammalian leprechaun accept he was made using domestic cat DNA code(instead of shepherd dog like Crowbar) and like the common house cat he is incredibly sadistic and cunning but lovable and cute. His "pranks" are very home alone-ish but more lethal. Getting pranked by Clover is like a death sentence you think it'd be something silly like switching your sugar out with salt but it's more like rigging a paint can to a door to knock out whoever opens it. He never pranks Snowman and Doc scratch though
unpopular opinion
Nothing rlly tbh!
song i associate with them
This is a weird one but I think the abject chaotic energy of this song makes me think of him and makes me giggle
favorite picture of them
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elmaxlys · 2 years
thoughts on utaren?
Dear anon, literally my first thought was "are you new here?" but then I realized that yeah okay fair I haven't posted about them in forever. you do need to have been there for a while to have known me during my nonstop utaren-posting phase
Short answer: there are 18 pages of posts tagged utaren on my blog, i think this speaks for itself (aka I love them, TG OTP)
Long answer: *stick figure violence* they mean so much to me
Retrospectively, this answer is not making any sense I'm just throwing thoughts around. Have fun, anon.
The thing with Utaren is that. they are so. so . They're best friends, okay. They know each other better than anyone but also they don't know each other at all and that's fucking poetic. They've been around each other for decades, they haven't seen each other in years. They can't live with the other, they can't live without him either.
If you want to know, back in. oh dear. back in the days of early :re publication (i read og around when :re was announced or something but i got "active" in fandom when :re was being published), I was Uta/Utaren posting and was arguing that Uta's tattoo talked about Renji, ya know, while anti-Utarens were arguing back that no it talked about the humans/ghouls relationship actually. Because I was so young back then with no concept of analysis, literary or not - despite the insane quantity of meta I read and my good grades in french/literature class - and also my english sucked wonderfully, I couldn't prove my point clearly. But anyways yearsss later I was proven right and this was maybe one of the best feelings I ever felt. When I say I'm always right this is what I mean.
So yeah I've been a shipper since forever.
The way I'll describe the way I see them depends on who I'm talking to, honestly, so take your pick.
With Utaren antis/deniers, they're my OTP. I ship them. They fuck on the regular. They try to kill each other before, during and after, it's part of the mating ritual. They've ruined my life enough I won't do in subtlety and won't go in deeper analysis. Leave me alone.
With Fellow Utaren Truthers, I'll say yes I ship them but I also see both of them as aspec, you know, I see Renji as arospec ace and Uta as either oriented aroace, either as alloaro, and thus this impacts the way I ship them, you know? I alternate between they're QPPs by the end of :re, they're FWB and they don't define their relationship/the way they're involved with each other (they have A Thing going on and who needs to know what that is apart from them, ya know)
With myself, they're friends. Their "we're friends" leitmotiv is. extremely important to me and that's what made me sooo involved with them in the first place, ya know? it's. so meaningful, both to them and to the story. to the fact they literally can't be together nor apart. They're friends. That's how they define what they have and who am I to tell them otherwise, you feel?
So yeah I ship them in all the ways above and probably more.
Also ya know this meta
And this fanfic
Speaking of which, I started a lot of utaren fanfics.. i never finished any because I really struggle writing relationships, especially when I'm not decided as to where I want them to go (see above the many different ways i ship them). RIP I guess
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rating ships cuz why not
percabeth: 1127374784/10 my parents. the og it couple. my otp. there is nothing i love more than them.
solangelo: 9/10 or on a good day 10/10 canon 8/10 fanon 11/10 y'all write them better uncle rick (+add some depth to will cuz rick has made will's personality as nico's boyfriend)
frazel: 9/10 the age gap is a bit weird but they are outcast weird adorable powerful pookies in love
jiper: 8/10 nice while it lasted
caleo: -128828737488494993030303/10 hate it. get it out of my eyes please. repeat after me: LEO DOES NOT NEED A GIRLFRIEND.
shelper: 7/10 haven't seen much of them but i support women so GO GIRLS
pipabeth: 8/10 honestly rick made them SO gay then didn't make them end up together like smh
lukabeth: -1/10 no
lukalia: 6/10 potential WAS there. but thalia is gay and he's dead
lukercy: -1/10 percy had a admiration crush thingy but no
ruegard: 15/10 the patrochilles parallels mwah
jercy: 9/10 they're powerful pookies with trauma and in love. i support
jasico: 9/10 honestly jason is everything nico needs although the age gap would be weird but its like frazel so yeah GO FOR IT
pernico: 8/10 ANGST POTENTIAL>>> but the break up is inevitable
perleo: 7/10 best bros no homo
valdangelo: 8/10 nice? it has potential
valzhang: 7/10 hahahahahhahahahahahhaha
hazleo: 1/10 don't like it can't see it
pipercy: 9/10 troublemaking losers (/aff). more platonic potential.
pipleo: 8/10 besties in love? again more platonic potential
reynabeth: 3/10 can see it but they'll break up. would be nice while it'll last
jeyna: 8/10 the potential is there although i can see the break up
theyna: 9/10 would give it 10/10 if i wasn't SO jealous of thalia like girl leave my wife alone smh
me x reyna: 18227738839399922838388382881991/10 we're perfect <3
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phoebestarks · 3 years
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sophie’s 100 follower special: forrington x drivers license (take two!)
In Which: Rhiannon Foreman is heartbroken, still doesn’t have her driver’s license (much to her baby bro’s annoyance,) and definitely pregnant with her ex-boyfriend’s baby.
taglist: @megdonnellys​​, @lizziesxltzmxn, @witchofinterest​​​ (interested? send me an ask!)
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ladykeane · 3 years
So here are some of the stupid Haddotin hcs that are currently taking up room in my head:
• In public they strictly use the formal 'vous' when speaking to one another. But when Tintin wants something from Haddock, he'll switch to the informal 'tu' and bat his eyelashes and call him 'Archie' instead of 'Capitaine'. And Haddock hates that it always works.
• Speaking of language, once Haddock settles into Marlinspike/Moulinsart, which canonically would be in Wallonia (ie francophone Belgium), he speaks French almost exclusively (instead of his native English). But in their private conversations, Tintin and Haddock speak a random mix of both. Sometimes Tintin will speak to Haddock in perfect English, and Haddock will answer in French. They will even occasionally throw in a dash of Dutch, Spanish etc. A lot of their private jokes evolve from this.
• Tintin is THE typical randy Catholic schoolboy: in any private moment he can get away with it, he'll get handsy and pervy with Haddock. There have been a fair share of close calls all around the world and even at home (Tintin: danger kink? Moi?)
• Haddock, however, is terrified of discovery. He'll shift Tintin off to his own bedroom half an hour before Nestor has even woken. But the morning after their first night together, Nestor discerned the extra twinkle in their eyes and internally squeed (he is the OG haddotin shipper). Likewise, Calculus, Castafiore, Chang, Skut, and even Alan ~*Know*~.
* Castafiore still nurses a weensy little crush on Haddock (no duh) but is utterly pleased that he and Tintin are together (I mean, she HID 👏THEM  👏 IN 👏 HER 👏 CLOSET 👏). She’d probably make further efforts to ensure they get some alone time together, covering for them while they run off from society parties to make out in the bushes and stuff XD
* Haddock’s hidden talent is that he’s an excellent dancer (he’d always cut a rug at bars while on shore leave) and will literally sweep Tintin off his feet with the waltz, the tango, the rumba etc. 
* Snowy refuses to be in the same room while his human dads are getting frisky, but in the afterglow he’ll find his way onto their bed and nestle in beween their feet. If it’s a *marathon session*, he’ll snuggle up with Calculus or even Haddock’s siamese cat (whose name is Horatio because reasons).
* While they can’t have wedding rings, Haddock had a pair of platinum lockets custom made, to be worn against their hearts <3
* Haddock is the only person to have seen Tintin’s stubble (it DOES grow in... after, like, four days or so...)
* Haddock often reads to Tintin before the hearth in the evenings. The first time Tintin read to Haddock, he choose ‘The Little Mermaid’ (also merman!Haddock AU is something I feel I need in my life. (Ariel and Eric who? I only know one OTP of a plucky redhead explorer and their reckless beloved sailor)
*Their song (as in Their Song) is Edith Piaf’s ‘Hymne à l'Amour’. Tintin was the one to nominate this in a rare display of his very well hidden sentimental side.
* Haddock is def the little spoon.
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createandconstruct · 3 years
I am physically obligated to ask for Zidane's other half, Garnet
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favorite thing about them: May I direct you to how strong and resilient she is and how despite losing practically everything, witnessing the death of her mother - only after learning she lost and forgot her birth mother and home - witnessing and enduring the destruction of her kingdom and deaths of her people, and so much more suffering she just KEEPS GOING AND GETS BACK UP ON HER OWN. She's incredible.
least favorite thing about them: Nothing, she's perfect. But I mourn the fact that we never got to see Garnet with her summoner's horn. I deserve AT LEAST concept art.
favorite line: Literally every word out of her mouth. Though a fav of mine is when she regains her memories of Madain Sari and her mother and says “but maybe Doctor Tot can tell me. About the lady who protected me from the storm as the boat lurched about in the waves.” That line is a gut punch every time for me. Garnet losing both mothers the moment she regains he memories really hits me.
brOTP: Oh man there's quite a few. First I gotta say Garnet and the Tantalus crew. She's practically a sister to them after everything. Marcus and Garnet are ABSOLUTE bros. Tantalus visits Alexandria and Garnet’s just like “oh bye Zidane I’m gonna go see my friends” to which he’s just “oh sure sounds good,” only to find her at Ruby’s theater hanging with the crew like “uhhh you didn’t even thing to invite me??? I was an OG Tantalus member???” I also love Steiner and Garnet. They are a riot. Steiner is an overprotective father/brother who’s constantly like “PRINCESS YOU’RE IN TIME OUT GET ON TOP OF THE FRIDGE,” and Garnet is just “THIS HOUSE IS A NIGHTMARE.” I love that by the time they get to Treno she has 0 patience for him. She even tells him she’s going to leave him behind. Yet she worries for him when he’s left behind in Alexandria. By the end of the game they are true lifelong companions, and really, truly family. Also also, Eiko and Garnet. They are sisters and they hurt me. The last of their people. Both so alone in different ways. Garnet and Eiko find each other despite all odds. It warms my heart at how Eiko even takes a bit of an older sister role to Garnet because she’s so used to acting as an older sister for  Mog. It seems like after Mog transforms into an eidolon, Eiko fully embraces Garnet as her “little sister,” worrying about her and such. They’re really sweet and I love them.
OTP: Must I even say?
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nOTP: Nothing really? I just love Zidane and Garnet so much nothing else really interests me.
random headcanon: A part of me likes to imagine that after Zidane returns, while Garnet obviously doesn’t abdicate from the throne and run off with him, she regains a bit of herself and her time as Dagger - now that the person who helped the name fit is alive and in her arms again - and so she cuts her hair again. Garnet growing out her hair for the ending, of course, shows us time has passed (and they, ya know, probably didn’t wanna make a short haired-Garnet princess model lol) but it feels as if, Garnet with her long hair in Alexandria, things are as they were at the start. Her hair is long, she’s dressed in her ceremonial dress, watching the play, and surrounded by friends and festivities but unbearably lonely. When Zidane returns things fall into place and she can stop “moving on” and can instead finally “move forward,” I’d like to think that she cuts her hair again to do that. I also just love short haired Garnet and would love to see her rock that look as Queen.
unpopular opinion: She is THE best female character in the FF series. Yeah I said it come fight me. FIGHT ME COWARDS. But then again I love all my FF girls equally so I guess I'll have to fight myself. (no but for real Garnet doesn't get enough love??? from fans or from square enix. Like square??? where is my daughter give her love???)
song i associate with them: Absolutely has to be this track: Choice by Michiru Oshima (from Snow white with the red hair). It really captures Garnet and it's my favorite track in my ffix writing playlist called ‘a walk through alexandria.’ Also I'm basic: Kingdom Dance and Waiting for the Lights by Alan Menken really give me Garnet and Zidane vibes. For more regal vibes this track from Dragon Quest XI, Hero’s Triumphant Return. It makes me think of the entire main party together but also has me thinking of Garnet’s strength and of her properly owning her rightful throne.
favorite picture of them: Right now I am OBSESSED with this Garnet art by AndreGuindi on Twitter. Here's a preview CHECK HIM OUT.
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Everything by @ nanpou0021 on twitter. I just love how they draw Garnet. Here's a preview!!! FORGET THIS POST GO CHECK THEM OUT
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Also @azukimomonaka on twitter. Like UGH their art of Garnet and ALL the characters are breathtaking. Check them out cause they are unstoppable with the ffix art right now. tHIS PIECE JUST MAKES ME FEEL. I lie on the ground because my brain is just: Them™ 
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
request guidelines
how to request:
give me the number and letter sequence attached to the quote/prompt and for who you want it. if you have an idea, let me know and with who! (i tried to make this easy and easier to do, i am so sorry if this didn’t work)
example:  person a painting person b’s nails because they’re hurt and “will you paint my nails? “PF10 + DF56 with bucky barnes please!!”
og posts: otp prompts, physical affection prompts
(PF1) person a reading to person b
(PF2) walking home in the rain
(PF3) person a giving person b their coat
(PF4) person a braiding person b’s hair
(PF5) person a learning to braid person b’s hair
(PF6) person a carrying around scrunchies and hair ties for person b
(PF7) person a playing with person b’s hair
(PF8) person a doing person b’s makeup
(PF9) painting each other’s nails
(PF10) person a painting person b’s nails because they’re hurt
(PF11) solving crimes
(PF12) committing crimes
(PF13) baking together
(PF14) cooking together
(PF15) person a bringing person b their favorite drink
(PF16) person a giving person b a stuffed animal and finding them sleeping with it years later
(PF17) person a sleeping with person b’s shirt
(PF18) person a making their pillow smell like person b when they’re away
(PF19) writing each other letters
(PF20) too long hugs
(PF21) person a tugging the bottom of person b’s shirt
(PF22) person a wiping food away from person b’s lips
(PF23) running hugs
(PF24) jumping hugs
(PF25) person a squishing person b’s cheeks
(PF26) person a wiping person b’s tears away
(PF27) person a comforting person b after a nightmare
(PF28) person a lifting person b up out of excitement
(PF29) incredibly loud and painful high five
(PF30) person a accidentally knocking their head into person b’s chin
(PF31) confusing a handshake for a fist bump or hug
(PF32) person a won’t let person b out of bed by cuddling them
(PF33) person a making funny faces until person b notices and laughs
(PF34) person a has a cast, and person b is doodling on it to cheer them up
kiss prompts
og posts: otp prompts, physical affection prompts
(PK1) sleepy kisses
(PK2) head kisses
(PK3) shoulder kisses
(PK4) forehead kisses
(PK5) kisses because of time apart
(PK6) knuckle kisses
(PK7) person a peppering kisses all over person b’s face
(PK8) prize kisses 
(PK9) kissing scars, bruises, scratches, etc.
(PH1) truth serum
(PH2) person a and b stranded on a raft in the middle of a lake
(PH3) person a posts a picture of person b and it becomes a meme
(PH4) person a and b stuck on a ferris wheel
soulmate au prompts
og posts: prompt list, prompt list, 170 dialogue prompts, 200 prompts
(DF1) “you sleep cute.“
(DF2) “will you marry me?“
(DF3) “marry me.“
(DF4) “you fell asleep, i couldn’t move.“
(DF5) “i wish i could kiss away all your scars.“
(DF6) “i think i’m falling in love with you.“
(DF7) “it’s okay to cry.“
(DF8) “you’re so warm.“
(DF9) “is that my shirt?“
(DF10) “breathe.“
(DF11) “be safe.”
(DF12) “you’re okay.”
(DF13) “you’re safe.”
(DF14) “everything is going to be okay.”
(DF15) “trade with me, yours looks better.”
(DF16) “cuddle with me.”
(DF17) “is that my shirt?”
(DF18) “that looks better on you than on me.”
(DF19) “hands off the merchandise, babe.”
(DF20) “it’s like my boyfriend is a child.”
(DF21) “let me play with your hair.”
(DF22) “your hair is so soft.”
(DF23) “can i braid your hair?”
(DF24) “i learned how to do it for you.”
(DF25) “braid my hair? you do it so much better.”
(DF26) “i missed you so much.”
(DF27) “so what if i’m whipped?”
(DF28) “my mom wants to know when we’re having kids.”
(DF29) “move in with me.”
(DF30) “i think you’re my soulmate.”
(DF31) “maybe if you stop staring at her and actually talk to her, you might have a chance.”
(DF32) “breathe with me.”
(DF33) “did you just call me your boyfriend/girlfriend?”
(DF34) “did you just call me babe?”
(DF35) “they love me?”
(DF36) “are you single?”
(DF37) “are you throwing rocks at my window?”
(DF38) “you are so amazing. i don’t know how i got so lucky.”
(DF39) “is that mine?”
(DF40) “don’t cry!”
(DF41) “are you going to cry? please don’t cry.”
(DF42) “i’m yours.”
(DF43) “you’re mine.”
(DF44) “you have the prettiest eyes.”
(DF45) “you’re my hero.”
(DF46) “you came!”
(DF47) “i hate everyone except you.”
(DF48) “can you just hold me?”
(DF49) “i honestly just wanted to hold your hand.”
(DF50) “i fell in love with you the moment i saw you.”
(DF51) “you’re a goddess and deserve to be treated like one.”
(DF52) “is that a puppy?”
(DF53) “i just need you.”
(DF54) “you’re really cute.”
(DF55) “god, you’re adorable.”
(DF56) “will you paint my nails?”
og posts: prompt list, prompt list, 170 dialogue prompts, 200 prompts
(DA1) “what is your problem?“
(DA2) “you’re scaring me!”
(DA3) “you’re too late.”
(DA4) “it’s too late.”
(DA5) “sorry doesn’t fix everything.”
(DA6) “you just flinched.”
(DA7) “why did you flinch?”
(DA8) “you can’t save everyone.”
(DA9) “you can’t save me.”
(DA10) “you left me!”
(DA11) “you don’t get to say sorry anymore!”
(DA12) “there’s so much blood.”
(DA13) “you have to make it.”
(DA14) “come back to me.”
(DA15) “choose. them or me.”
(DA16) “are you mad at me?”
(DA17) “you didn’t think about me at all?”
(DA18) “touch me, and i’ll chop your hand off.”
(DA19) “touch her, and i’ll murder you.”
(DA20) “i’m not the bad guy here.”
(DA21) “put down the knife.”
(DA22) “something is wrong.”
(DA23) “i wasn’t enough for you, you made that clear.”
(DA24) “they left me.”
(DA25) “they’re in love with someone else.”
(DA26) “please don’t leave me.”
(DA27) “please don’t take them.”
(DA28) “my parent misses you.”
(DA29) “i got stood up.”
(DA30) “i’m not one of the good guys.”
(DA31) “where did you get those bruises?”
(DA32) “are those bruises?”
og posts: sentence starters, 200 prompts
(DH1) “what the hell did you just drink/eat?“
(DH2) “what the hell did i just drink/eat?”
(DH3) “i don’t think that’s edible.”
(DH4) “everything is edible at least once.”
(DH5) “i don’t think you were supposed to eat that.”
(DH6) “that is... definitely there.”
(DH7) “that sounds like a terrible idea. we should do it.”
(DH8) “how dumb can you be?”
(DH9) “are you drunk?”
(DH10) “don’t smell that!”
(DH11) “that was stupid.”
(DH12) “i didn’t know you could fly,” “i can’t.”
(DH13) “you really don’t know how to talk to girls, do you?”
(DH14) “stop quoting vines.”
(DH15) “if you take my blanket again, i will put my cold feet on you.”
(DH16) “if i act like i care, will this be over faster?”
(DH17) “it’s my natural reaction to stupidity.”
(DH18) “i’m pretty sure i didn’t do it.”
(DH19) “please stop getting shot, it stresses me out.”
(DH20) “when i finish making sure you don’t die, i will kill you.”
(DH21) “do you need a hug or something?”
(DH22) “you’re getting blood all over my carpet!”
(DH23) “i don’t know if i want to kiss you or shove you off a cliff.”
“can i pick?”
(DH24) “are you sure i can’t punch him?”
(DH25) “that has got to be the lamest pick up line ever.”
“does that mean it didn’t work?”
(DH26) “i love you so much, but your cooking is dangerous.”
(DH27) “i think they broke them.”
(DH28) “i think i broke them.”
(DH29) “you are a real pain in my ass.”
(DH30) “right. back to bed with you.”
(DH31) “does my being half- naked not bother you?”
(DH32) “i’m not human. i don’t sleep.”
(DH33) “no! i don’t need your help!” “fine. die.”
(DH36) "april fools!" "it's not april."
neutral (can go either way)
og posts: prompt list, prompt list, 170 dialogue prompts, 200 prompts
(DN1) “shut up and kiss me.“
(DN2) “you’re going to fall.”
(DN3) “you’re an idiot.”
(DN4) “i don’t want to be alone.”
(DN5) “please stay.”
(DN6) “you’re going to fall.”
(DN7) “do it again.”
(DN8) “i dare you”
(DN9) “you’re so cold.”
(DN10) “don’t leave me.”
(DN11) “it was just a dream.”
(DN12) “i’ll always be here.”
(DN13) “forget it.”
(DN14) “forget i said anything.”
(DN15) “don’t do that!”
(DN16) “can you shut up?”
(DN17) “take my hand.”
(DN18) “hold my hand.”
(DN19) “i lost them”
(DN20) “i can’t find them.”
(DN21) “i’m tired.”
(DN22) “how much of that did you hear?”
(DN23) “did you mean that?”
(DN24) “why did you say that?”
(DN25) “why won’t you let me help?”
(DN26) “will you pretend to date me?”
(DN27) “you’re lying to my face.”
(DN28) “did you think i wouldn’t find out?”
(DN29) “do you trust me?”
(DN30) “stay close to me.”
(DN31) “come with me, i don’t want to go alone.
(DN32) “they stare at you all the time.”
(DN33) “are you crying?”
(DN34) “they were crying because of you.”
(DN35) “stop ignoring me.”
(DN36) “they ambushed me!”
(DN37) “are you jealous?”
(DN38) “what the hell did they do to you?”
(DN39) “how long have you been standing there?”
(DN40) “are you bleeding?”
(DN41) “is that blood?”
(DN42) “what was that noise?”
(DN43) “what did you just say?”
(DN44) “you should sleep.”
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trialnerror · 3 years
Johnny Lawrence 😎
oh my fave
favorite thing about them: hes so pretty. Thats it.
I kid, I kid. My favourite thing about Johnny is probably his determination. He's dealt with A LOT and somehow always found a way to bounce back - even if that meant breaking the rules in his youth to become an ace degenerate to drinking and getting arrested as he got older. Now this is speaking in terms of current Johnny, especially where we got more of a glimpse into his backstory in Cobra Kai, but even back in the film(s) when he had to deal with adversity, he still managed to pick himself up and keep fighting, especially in the final moments of Karate Kid where he hands Daniel the trophy and says "You're alright LaRusso". He knows what he wants and how to get it, and nothing is going to stop him from reaching that goal.
least favorite thing about them: Honestly I dont have a least favourite thing about him, but I feel for him. Looking at '84 Johnny, he sees his ex (who hes still in love with) quickly move on with some new kid who showed up out of nowhere, loses his title, status and part credibility within his dojo, and fast forward to now where he has little to no family, and is losing everything he ever cared for to the hands of the person he used to look up to most.
favourite line: I'm going to do 84 johnny and current johnny for this
'84: "You couldn't leave well enough alone, could you, little twerp?"
Current: "I wasn't taught the difference between mercy and honor and I paid for it. If I'm extra hard on you, it's only because you have the potential to be better than I ever was."
brOTP: this is a tough one but I really do love the bromance between Johnny and Miguel in CK..even though he needs to mend the relationship with his REAL son, but thats a rant that I dont want to get into right now lol
OTP: Johnny and therapy....I joke again. I do like the new direction of Johnny and Daniel as friends instead of enemies so that should be interesting to see how that develops, plus I also reeally enjoy the dynamic of Johnny being a sensei to the former cobras and current eagle fang students (and now to the Miyagi-do students too).
nOTP: these are all romantically speaking only because they are not my cup of tea but if you enjoy them then thats perfectly cool too but...Johnny and any of the cobras, Johnny and Kreese and Johnny and Daniel
random headcanon: okay I’ve seen this everywhere but Johnny is very sentimental. I mean he kept a headband that Ali gave him when they were dating and still wears it 35 years later and has Robbys soccer picture on his fridge. He probably kept so many sentimental things over the years in an old box that’s shoved in the back of his closet. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has his first belt tucked away or Shannon’s pregnancy test when she found out she was pregnant with Robby, maybe even something that belonged to his mom and dad that he took without anyone noticing. It’s very sweet to think about how many knickknacks Johnny probably has and I hope that we see more of his past in season 4 (and 5). Plus I’m still not over the fact that he kept all of his pinups in a box and wanted to put them on his Facebook for Ali to see…and to have Miguel help recreate them…
unpopular opinion: I dont really have an unpopular opinion on Johnny but I will say that he (and Daniel) deserved much better than Ali...
song i associate with them: Church by Fall Out Boy
favorite picture of them: again going with both '84 and current
'84: skeleton johnny my love
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Current: I dont actually have a favourite current photo but I do really love this one of the og trio from the last episode of season 3
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allkinds-oftrash · 3 years
Ya girl is watching the latest HSM series ep and Imma live blog it hshshs and will add my reactions under the cut so it doesn't end up a long post. Anyways, let's goo:
They really said we're gonna let life imitate art with Nini and Olivia huh
Ricky was SUPPORTIVE??? Damnn I really thought we gonna get a classic Ricky tantrum....
But also wow sir that sounds salty and should definitely talk to someone abt how you're feeling...A therapist maybe 👀
I know we needed to contextualise how Ricky felt abt the song but I really wanted to see Nini's interview in full!!
Sebby you're so cute I do wanna see yall do DEH
Shjshshs not the rights not being available for another 5 years 😭😭
I dunno how they're in great shape and closer to the Menkies Gold after not having a single proper rehearsal, but go off Miss Jenn
Omg honestly Kourt's costumes are always amazing and on point Imma excited to see it
Kourt is such a simp we love to see it
Carlos is so pissy this episode we love to see it shshhs
Also love the way Seb calms him down and keeps him nice it's such a funny dynamic
"We had 20 people make our Belle dress over 50 hours" Okay North High shut the fuck up
I'm calling it now the reason North High knows so much is cos Howie is the leak and Kourt has been unwittingly telling him. The way her phone keeps going off as they discuss how North High knows everything is really good foreshadowing if my prediction is right
Also like her phone went off just as Carlos said "How did they know that?" THAT'S PEAK FORESHADOWING
If Howie ain't in North High, I dunno what Tim is doing
"I have abs" We know sweetie
"I PADDED THE THUSH FOR YOU" "AWW THANKS KOURT I NEEDED THAT" THIS INTERACTION IS EVERYTHING THAT WAS SO FUNNY!! I love that it is now canon that EJ has abs but no butt love that for him
Okay but like damn these costumes are great!! North High can fuck right off with its high end ones I just wanna see lowkey homemade costumes by students; I'd watch a Broadway show if I wanted to see professional costumes okay
Damn Carlos has killer eyesight clocking in that mask in the trunk
Nini's little look over at Gina was like "Omg you guys my girlfriend is so cute and dumb" GINI STANS HOW WE FEELING?
Miss Jenn don't be that naive, your boyfriend probably put them up to it
That Insta page is prophetic with their timing tbh; all the info is a leak obviously looking at your Howie but like the timing of it all. Those kiddos don't know that they are discussing the stolen mask at this exact moment (Kourt has put down her phone after Carlos snapped at her so Howie doesn't know they are talking abt it rn)
"We don't dance with the enemy" *cuts to her dancing with Zackey later*
SEBBY WEARING THE TEACUP COSTUME OMG HE'S GOING MAKE SUCH A CUTE CHIP (yes I am still mad Seb/Joe was robbed but Imma fangirl over the costume anyway)
Wtf why does North High look so expensive - they are literally in the same district as East High right??? How did they get this much funding
North High is a very artsy and rich for a public school; they should have had Nini go here instead of YAC tbh (like this campus feels like what YAC should have been) NOW THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN AN INTERESTING STORYLINE
Seblos' dynamic IS ON POINT THIS EP I really love my bois so much and their back and forth is hilarious
Shhshs DIANE who loves volleyball and North High okay I totally believe it
Shshsh we love Gina knowing herself and practicing self control by volunteering to be the lookout
Omg yall listen to Carlos and stfu they are so lucky no one saw or heard them yelling Wildcats
Oh no no no no no Miss Jenn you gonna get sucked in; this is gonna be so messy
Omg I saw someone post about this scene before I watched the ep YALL ARE RIGHT THAT BOI HITTING ON GINA IS SO FINE Babes go for that one, not EJ
NOT THEM FAKE DATING UGH E W TIM STOP MAKING ROMANTIC PORTWELL A T H I N G I honestly do not understand how some of yall can ship it romantically knowing Sofia is a whole underaged babey and Matty is a whole ass grown man - like I get the appeal of the Wonderstudies getting together and they do have chemistry but the irl age gap is creepy and outweighs the appeal of shipping them romantically
As I always say; Portwell/Wonderstudies should be a BROTP not an OTP
Ugh Brotp Portwell would have clocked Lily right away; romantic Portwell making googly eyes at each other isn't helping anyone
Living for Nini getting the recognition she deserves - I really like her solo arc this season she's so much more interesting without Ricky tbh
Aww Kourt you simp I love her and I'm so happy she's happy I wanna be wrong about Howie being a North High kid
Where is the mask??
Lily really wishes she was Jesse St. James huh; you could never Lily so stop
Andrew Barth Feldman and his cute little French accent I love him so much
Hnng Miss Jenn gonna get manipulated by this hoe. Omg wowow Zackey really is a hoe, making out with another girl before the show THE AUDACITY OF HIM SAYING MISS JENN WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH I WILL THROW HANDS WITH THIS MOFO
Wait the kids didn't steal it BUT WHAT IF ZACKEY DID
Ssjsgfajhdfg I CANNOT WITH ANDREW'S ACCENT but I can't tell if its really bad or really good but I'm also confused why didn't they just cast a French person as Antonie shshhs Antoine is adorableee and a little shit the best type of character
Lily is so annoying b y e sis bye and Olivia Keegan is talented I just wish they didn't make her character such a cartoony villain type
"How about if we bop to the top" SEBBY I LOVE YOU AND NEVER STOP BEING SO CUTE I SWEAR and Awww Carlos called him Honey I am s o f t
Hnng why do these fools are really gonna give into North High calling them chickens
"She told us not to dance with the enemy. She's better than this" No Sebby, she's not *cuts to her dancing with Zackey* AND OMG THE WAY I SAW THIS EDIT COMING BEFORE IT CAME
Ooooh I like this song wayyy more whatever the mess The Mob Song became (when I first heard it drop on Spotify yesterday) Around You is such a great song musically and lyrically very relevant to these two and gosh I love their voices together
They have so much chemistry damn, go home Mike (well he technically has oop) and Mr. Mazzara
Oh god this is the scene from the trailer; she's gonna make a move on Ricky isn't she?? Leave him alone Lily he doesn't need a 3rd girl to be confused about he needs a therapist
Lily shut the fuck up with quasi; STOP TRYING TO MAKE QUASI HAPPEN
"I love Nini's song" Sure, Jan.
...Okay yes you should have called him out but don't bait him LIKE THAT oop there's the scene from the trailer
Ohmygod is Andrew Barth Feldman gonna hit on Ashlyn
Okay this is so cute but also I am VERY annoyed with the way this show handles its characters like they aren't relevant or important unless they get into a relationship or a love triangle?? That's such a shitty way to give out screentime and arcs to characters. Is it not enough to develop the characters on their own and strengthen their friendship???
HUH TIM why you so obsessed with compulsory heterosexuality??(well also homosexuality for Seblos but they are the only ones I'm not annoyed with their relationship cos its a hella big step for Disney to have a gay couple and their relationship isn't in our faces or overshadows the plot and its just spinkles of cuteness every time they interact - they are honestly who Rini wishes they were; besties in love. They are a couple that Tim should be taking notes from; leave the relationship drama in the background, focus on the theatre and friendship aspect of everything)
My mini rant aside; this is a very adorable interaction between Ashlyn and Antoine.
This is so funny he keeps picking out the hottest guys of the group; as if he himself isn't the French version of Big Red they look super alike ngl shshsh
Drama between Antoine and Red is already spicing up shshsh I cannot
Why are you so dramatic with the shuffle Lily gtfo of here...also this doesn't make sense?? She wasn't even on a BATB playlist; what if a non BATB song came on ahahah
Good to know they aren't big fans of The Mob Song like I am Awww EJ you cutie, okay I will appreciate the OG Mob Song just for you
I'm being robbed of Gaston for the last 7 eps I at least deserve an EJ solo for compensation
The way the set looks straight out of Broadway but also like omg the blue lighting and fancy stage gave me intense flashbacks to that Glee episode where Vocal Adrenaline sang Bohemian Rhapsody
Howie you hoe you gonna break my girl Kourtney's heart
Yeah...still not a fan of Antoine's Dance Remix
Yall know Gina would kill the dance number if she wasn't wearing that fit
First the Beasts led it (Howie sounded better than Ricky ngl), then the Lumieres (their voices worked hella well together; I always forget what a talented singer Frankie is THEY NEED TO GIVE HIM A SOLO SONG) and now the Belles are going at it (Ashlyn's voice is superior)
...Did anyone really win, Lily??? STFU
Oooh I did see someone talk about this when the Rose Song dropped last week, apparently its illegal to add songs to a musical you're doing for a school play; I really thought the show would brush past that irl rule but I guess they are playing into it
Okay Nini is being a little pissy about leaving her song out of the show and its a little selfish to wanna keep it at the risk of being disqualified but I also understand why she's hurt
Everyone is dog piling on her right now being against her idea and it feels like they are being against her song and her herself instead of them not wanting to be disqualified. Also like she poured her heart and soul into the song after Miss Jenn lowkey rushed her to write it. So I can see why this feels like a rejection of her and her song and why she's so hurt rather than her seeing the big picture right now
It doesn't help that Ricky said the final blow causing her to walk off
Okay maybe Zackey gets some rights for being chill and wanting the kids to be peers
THIS MOTHERFUCKER I KNEW HE WAS SHADY Also the way I gasped even though I predicted he stole the mask halfway through this ep shshsh
Stab him Miss Jenn STAB HIM
Bitch why you so threatened by East High if yall have such a Broadway-esque show planned??? They honestly should have stuck to the Little Mermaid; I really wanted to see the aquarium
"It's just a song Ricky" "A song can mean everything" Do you get deja vu? Anyone else getting intense flashbacks to Jan when DL first dropped and all the drama happened 👀
YES PLEASE STAY CO ANCHORS Gosh I love them so much esp once you take the romantic connotations out of their interactions
I love this long take of checking in with everyone's relationship status (still hate how romantically focused this show has become but still a cool shot)
Okay but like looking at Kourtney's face I have never wanted to be wrong so bad GOD I HATE IT HERE I really think he likes her and I hope they work it out
Nini setting up her own music acc feels like when Olivia rebranded her whole IG to be just for her music stuff - love this for both of them
I know everyone loves her as Nini but like I have always loved the name Nina and it really suits her to be honest also shows how she's growing up now and kind of leans into the lyric "I won't be confined to your point of view" from The Rose Song because Nini is the nickname Ricky gave her so it shows that she's outgrowing him too and I love that for her!
Overall thoughts; they really crammed all the North High drama into one ep huh. Personally would have liked it if all of this was spread out throughout the last few episodes; like different hijinks for every episode. I'm just a big fan of properly setting up the overall arc over the season instead of patching it together closer to the climax/end of the show. Cos now it lowkey feels like two different seasons - 2A felt like The Rini/Rina Show esp with YAC storyline and whatever was going on with Rina and now 2B is finally feeling like what this season should have been all this time
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I’m not in a good mood.
This isn’t ship bashing because Barret x Tifa has been my favorite since the OG and I don’t see that changing. But I AM annoyed at all of the people who are just using it as a way of advancing their own agenda for another pairing, or who spend all their time bashing people who ship Tifa with someone else.
I’m sick of it. Share love for the ships you love and leave the pushy assholes alone. Please. I love the pairing, I know that it has its problems, I know that there’s an age difference, that HAPPENS sometimes. And this is an extreme fantasy situation, like having your fucking home destroyed and your friends/family either killed or severely messed up. I don’t care. I just want more people to either like it for what it is, or shrug and walk away and let people like what they like. And not drag other pairings into this.
(Full disclosure: I really, really have no investment in Cloud’s love life. Bringing him up in a post that’s supposed to be about my OTP is an instant turn-off. And bashing Tifa/saying she’s boring/treating her like she’s not good enough for Cloud? That gets a block. Fuck that.)
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fireblight · 3 years
sasuke :-)
favorite platonic/familial relationships: ( accepting! )
a song that reminds me of them: we're a hivemind on this one because grandson - blood in the water is a Huge Sasuke Tune
what they smell like: if we're considering your sasuke then just like. the fucking worst. real gross bear grylls living and fighting in the woods bullshit like sweat and burning and mud and grease
an otp: in general i must admit i do have sns brainworms i love those boys :( also sasukarin has always been one of my og ships. surprise to none. i do also love sasusui and sasujuu but i hate to break u and raz's hearts but i lean more towards sasujuu like "i'll be your cage" bitch... the poetics of it all. i think that's literally all of my sasuke ships though i only see him with naruto or taka lmfao but i'm open minded if it's Done Well. i just think sasuke is like incredibly difficult to actually ship without sacrificing his characterization. ACTUALLY WAIT!! gaasasu has potential but i mostly like gaara just fucking hating the guy and sasuke has a weird crush on him . narugaa and sasunaru working in tandem is so peak
a notp: the one that ended up canon :/ although I think I COULD have liked it but actually it becoming canon made it even more of a notp lol. i like them as divorced best friends though i read a sns boruto fic and sasuke and sakura were just hanging out and discussing the divorce and being Friends and sakura was a lesbian it was very good . if canon had given us literally any inclination that sasuke liked her either platonically or romantically in a way that wasn't like tacked on at the end i would have been down to clown since i get it vibe-wise, i think canon didn't deliver and actually canon made it even more unlikable bc it's just so miserable :( they deserve better tbh. Mostly sakura. fuck weird sasuke stans who think sakura is the problematic one in that relationship leave her alone xo
favorite platonic/familial relationships: DESPITE WHAT I SAID EARLIER I LOVE SARADA!!!! she never did anything wrong whatsoever. i've only seen a bit of them but i think sasuke being an embarrassing terrible but trying his best dad is so good actually "peanut" and the icha icha novel lives in my head rent free. his dynamic w boruto is also super cute. i love kakashi as sasuke's surrogate dad too they're both freaks and they deserve to smoke weed together
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: i cannot stand soft boy sasuke in fics honestly where he just feels like a self insert. i DO think sasuke has tons of potential to BE soft and weird ( his characterization in boruto and pre-skip show that imo ) but it's always so rushed or ooc imo. but i'm a slut for slow burns and awkward re-getting to know each others and whatever. melancholy. realizashuns etc
the position they sleep in: i imagine he sleeps really lightly and very on edge, part of me wants to say he sleeps sort of defensively curled up but also i think ever since he lost his arm he'd try and keep his available arm free and ready for any attack tbh. weird cunt probably sleeps upside down like a bat
a crossover au i’d love to see them in: i only ever watch like horror movies period romances or fucking like. family movies. fuck it let sasuke be in paddington 3
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: i love his early shippuden look that's such a serve. tits out for the win. i also like him in boruto he looks very cute :)
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dreamerandcrazy · 3 years
Ok, so I haven't been able to comment much on my Riverdale rewatch mostly bc i'm watching it with my boyfriend and we have an agreement of no cell phones when we're watching, otherwise we can't pay proper attention to it. But I wrote down some notes about the episodes I did watch (I watched up until ep 6, which is very ironic bc apparently today is its anniversary, so yay for my perfect timing). I actually remember most of the stuff that happened in s1, so here's mostly a few things I paid more attention to or noticed about the characters and the ships, or things i'm able to look at through a different view now that i've watched all the seasons. Strap in if you want to see my notes, if not just scroll please, no ship or character hate here please. Also, feel free to ignore, this is really just a personal look in some stuff I didn't notice in my first watch.
- Betty's character used to be much happier and lighter in season 1. I know we're introduced to "Dark Betty" right in episode 3, but still, I feel like the way Lili played Betty in season 1 did not hold the same "darkness" as it does in the following seasons. The scene where she is dancing happily in her bedroom because she's going to homecoming with the boy she likes? The scene where she introduces Jughead to the Blue & Gold and gets him to work with her? Her genuine innocent happiness at seeing her sister again after so much time? The way she interacted with Kevin and Veronica? Those were all chef's kiss because she actually feels like a teenager in them. In all her girly glory, she radiates youth energy and it's a thing that was sadly lacking after s1. Btw this is not a critique at Lili's acting at all, I blame it entirely on Ras and his obsession with dark Betty.
- There's actually so many indications of Cheryl being a lgbt character in the first episodes that I have no idea how I missed it the first time. But then again, there were many indications with Veronica as well, and sadly that's not the path Ras chose for her.
- Jughead in s1 is truly so superior in so many ways that it's not hard to see why he quickly became such a fan favorite. I think even if he wasn't played by Cole Sprouse, he still would have conquered many fans' hearts. Sadly, the things that made Jughead such a loving and interesting character for me also fizzled out in s2 when the writing team decided to make him a woke serpent leader instead of allowing him to sticking to his true personality as a passionate mystery lover, a dedicated friend and very nerdy, which was very cute. I feel that we got some of that back for him in s4, which was good, but sadly s1 is where my love for him really stayed to stay. But I still care for him, and s5 has a promising storyline for him which i'm excited about, so let's see if s5 Jughead can become better than s1 Jughead.
- Going back again to Cheryl for a sec, I just noticed that the red lipstick actually wasn't that common for her in s1? At least not in the first five. I wonder when did it start becoming her trademark? Anyways, it's actually a really good look her and allows you to appreciate Madelaine's natural beauty even more.
- Also, did anybody notice how Alice lowkey figured out who killed Jason in ep 2 lmao, like... in episode two she legit says she wouldn't be surprised if the Blossoms themselves had killed Jason, which... is what happened LMAO, considering we know it was his father. And even more hilarious and tragically ironic note, in ep 6 she's laughing at Betty suggesting that Hal killed Jason because "do you think your father has the stomach for it?!"... Ma'am... i'm-.... 😂😂😂😂.
- This rewatch has reminded me of how much I adored and how I much I miss Josie and the Pussycats. The girls were such a nice addition to the cast, and their songs were so beautiful. I truly wish we get to see them again someday, but at the same time I also think the actresses deserve to be at a work place where they're given the treatment they deserve and not completely ignored and treated like extras.
- Archie/Valerie was super cute and is very underrated in the fandom, but i'm glad Valerie stood up for herself and didn't take any of Archie's or Cheryl's sh*t. Still sucks because they were really good together, though.
- Why was Jason not allowed to talk, lmao? Like, i'm sure it's become a running joke in the show at this point, but back when season one was airing what was the excuse for it? He appeared in so many flashbacks and scenes and we still never heard a single word ☠️☠️☠️☠️. I just want to know what was the reason lol.
- I liked s1 Reggie, but I feel like Charles Melton's Reggie is better because he actually feels like a douche with good intentions lol, and he has more of a personality. Most of the time I even forgot about Reggie in s1, but after s2 he definitely made me more aware of him. So for that, I like Charles Melton's Reggie more. But the actor from s1 still did a good job with what he was given.
From now on I will be talking about the ships, so bear with me, and know that I am a multishipper. Yes, I have my preferences. No, my word is not law, it's just an opinion, so please respect it.
- Bughead is still super cute in s1. I feel like from s1 they will always be my otp, even if I no longer feel as strongly about them now and have a different insight as to where I would like their story to go, and now I definitely see the problem others had mentioned before of how they kind of took over the show, which is something I kind of closed my eyes to before... But I really loved them in s1. It felt like a very juvenile teenage relationship, they didn't give much thought on why and if they should be together, they just went for it like teenagers usually do, and they were very very cute together.
- I feel like if you don't count Beronica (because they really were the best no matter what you say or ship), if there's a ship that deserves "best chemistry" award for s1 is probably Varchie. I lost my interest in them years ago, but this rewatch reminded me of why I actually loved them once. They never really became an otp for me, but Kj and Camila's chemistry in s1 was VERY GOOD, and I really liked them. Their kiss in the pilot was electric and the s&xual tension was OOF, and that chemistry carries on through the season. You can easily tell something will happen between them eventually. It makes me sad bc I don't know what happened after s1, but their chemistry from s2 onwards was just... not there for me. Which is ironic bc it's the season they truly started dating and they got a lot of smexy scenes, but I just... didn't feel it. But I'll leave that comment to my s2 rewatch. For now just let me enjoy Varchie's chemistry in s1 while it lasts because it was really good.
- Now we get to Barchie, who I made clear was the reason for my rewatch, so let's get to it. I LOVED the way Barchie was written in s1. I remember when I first watched Riverdale, I was curious about their dynamic but didn't put much thought into it because I loved Bughead too much and wanted them to be together, and I thought Barchie would be the traditional "first og ship" thing and wouldn't have a big follow up, but boy was I WRONG and am I GLAD for it. I'll talk more about their development in the next seasons when I get there, so for now let's focus a bit on s1. Just in like the first two episodes, there is so much Barchie foreshadowing, like, it's legit insane how it was right there in my face and I missed it the first time! "I have never felt what i'm supposed to feel with betty", "it's not my fault he doesn't like you", "I can't give you the answer you want"... Omg, those are obvious eyebrow raising "this will come back to bite you in the a$$" moments and it's incredible how they actually DO! I would call it clever writing, but like... it's Riverdale lol. So I really am just glad that the ship was done this way, i'm glad Barchie has the back story that they do, they've really come a LONG way and i'm happy I get to experience their whole growing storyline. It's also especially good because s1 actually provides you with scenes that show you their friendship and how they're so close, you see them hanging out, talking, their pictures together, everything was just really done well with them. Still have a bit of critique with the way Archie contradicted himself sometimes regardinf his feelings for Betty, but let's be honest, we've watched enough Riverdale to know that's just a problem with the writing.
- Kevin/Joaquin is still my favorite Kevin ship, i'm sad it's completely impossible to go back to them someday so for now i'll just be really glad it existed and that I got to see them even if it was short-lived. They had great chemistry and their kiss scenes always outsold.
- Beronica... sigh. Beronica. The most wasted chemistry i've ever seen on CW and I've watched a LOT of CW shows. There was so much potential there, s1 was practically overflowing with them and it's one of the reasons it became some popular. I remember when the Beronica fandom was the biggest one, ah, good times. Veronica and Betty were easily the best part of season 1, their friendship, their lowkey romantic moments, they were just superior in every way. This ship deserved better, not even just as a ship, but as a friendship.
- Veronica's s1 hair >>> Veronica's hair in seasons 2-4. I loved the side part and I am glad it's back in season 5, it looks so much better like that.
- Cheryl, as always, deserves better. Can't wait for her to meet Toni so I can watch again Cheryl finally get to love someone and be loved back, which is exactly what she deserves.
For now, that is all! I will probably make another post soon when i'm done with season one and from season two on I will be live-blogging the episodes since I will be watching it alone. Once again, pls, no hate, my thoughts are my thoughts. Peace.
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f1nalboys · 3 years
Jason Voorhees for the character ask
Favorite thing about them: His backstory tbh, it’s extremely interesting and i love how everyone in the fandom is able to have their own version of him if that makes sense
Least favorite thing about them: Lets get real, most often than not the movies in the franchise suck 😔 still my guilty pleasure though
Favorite Line: Just gonna do my fave moment with him BUT it would have to be in Jason Takes Manhattan when he scares those kids by taking his mask off LMAO my man has a good sense of humor
brOTP: him and Bubba idc they would be besties. Probably in the minority here as well, but I think he and Stu would get along 🧍🏼‍♀️
OTP: i’m a sucker for Jason/Thomas Hewitt or Jason/Michael :,)
nOTP: Honestly idk, the few ships i’ve seen of his have been cute
Random headcanon: This man knows how to whittle, you give him a hunk of wood and a knife and leave him alone for an hour you’re gonna come back to a masterpiece
Unpopular opinion: Freddy vs Jason was a good
movie idc
Song i associate with them: Goddamn These Hands of Mine - The Taxpayers
(i’m too lazy to do the fave picture but it’s prob him in the og friday the 13th bc he was so sweet :( love him)
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falloutglow · 4 years
5 OTP Songs - Got Lost & Found Love - Echo Gray/Nick Valentine
Saw um... @its-sixxers doing this and weeeeeell... thought I’d uh, give it a shot.
tagging: @glitchvault74, @roachvalentine, @potatocrab, @diredigression, @wastelandersparadise, @nuclear-darling, @commonwealthcommoner, AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO DO IT. sadfsdfkhsd heck
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(art drawn by @wastelandersparadise​/ @pop-peroni​ ;w; <3 )
Electric Love by Borns|| Only the Lonely Survive by Marianas Trench|| Sleep by Poets of the Fall|| Kiss From a Rose by Dan Avidan & Super Guitar Bros (Seal cover) || Sway by Dean Martin
*lies the fuck down* You wanna hear me talk about lyrics, check below.
Electric Love by Borns
Honestly, this and a few other songs are very tea shop monsters au (long story) related, but I cannot stop associating this song to them. Helps that Nick’s a synth aaaaand Echo’s got (surprise!) electrokinesis as one of her psyker power(s).
And every night my mind is running around her Thunder's getting louder and louder Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle I can't let you go now that I got it
All I need is to be struck By your electric love Baby, your electric love Electric love
Also...its sappy af and super cheery and its what they deserve.
Only the Lonely Survive by Marianas Trench
So. I’m in slowburn hellscape with these two fools. This song is basically a mutual pining, we both have baggage, and “I can’t be loved.” combo deal.
I don't know how you feel yourself But I'd rather hurt here than be happy somewhere else No one will scar me like you do But no one will ever be compared, compared to you
The heart gets slow-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh We all heal though-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh You never know-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh To stay or go
Echo’s been debating for as long as she’s been in Diamond City if she should leave or stay in Diamond City. She’s never voiced it to anyone except to Dogmeat. Hell, she’s afraid of getting close to anyone...in fear of being found out. Who she is... Who she could even trust...
Meanwhile, Nick’s got the baggage of a depressed pre-war cop in his head on top of all the shit he’s dealt with being a synth. It’s hard to know how anyone ( ESPECIALLY new) will react to him. Sure he’s got a quick tongue and will absolutely demolish folks if they even try to start shit- but that shit still hurts and is probably something he just... will sometimes get hit with especially during the quiet hours of the night when few folks in Diamond City are still awake...
Burns us both To love this close We lose ourselves And I know we won't get out alive But only the lonely survive
They are both lonely people trying to make do with the world they found themselves in and spread some kindness. They are both also very much idiots who will thrust themselves into very stupidly dangerous shit without thinking of themselves. dumbasses. 
It hurts like hell To love this well But no one falls The way we fell We'll burn alive Only the lonely survive
Mutual Pining fools who cannot fathom anyone wanting to be in a close relationship (let alone intimate) with them because of the baggage they carry. Slowburn hell...where the other helps, slowly but surly, unpack the luggage and tell them to stay a while...
Sleep by Poets of the Fall
I’ve definitely mentioned uh this song before where I kinda see it as Nick watching Echo deal with her echoes nightmares no matter where they go in the wastes while on a case.
Hear your heartbeat Beat a frantic pace And it's not even seven AM You're feeling the rush of anguish settling You cannot help showing them in
It takes a while, but after realizing how tough it is for her to sleep sometimes, Nick starts offering his coat as a blanket, and surprisingly it...helps. While it can’t always block Echo’s ‘echoes’, it helps her sleep longer and well...after time it just becomes routine.
Still it don't mater if you won't listen If you won't let them follow you You just need to heal Make good all your lies Move on and don't look behind
As their bond and feelings grows stronger as well as realizing how much comfort they give each other...they start letting each other into the flashes they see...
Day after day Fickle visions messing with your head Fickle, vicious Sleeping in your bed Messing with your head Fickle visions Fickle, vicious
Sleep, sugar, let your dreams flood in Like waves of sweet fire, you're safe within Sleep, sweetie, let your floods come rushing in And carry you over to a new morning
Because Echo’s not the only one who sees memories that aren’t her own. Nick admits he gets glimpses of memories from pre-war!Nick, the guy whom’s brain the Institute (illegally) downloaded into a synth. This song sorta starts out as an almost lullaby of sorts, for Nick to try and help Echo get more sleep and turned into a shared “You’re tired while you’re brain never stops. Let me be here for you, and help you get through this.
Kiss From a Rose by Dan Avidan & Super Guitar Bros (Seal cover)
Not gonna lie the main reason why is just a few dashes of lyrics from this song:
My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen
A light hits the gloom on the grey
Nick’s eyes literally glow and Echo’s eyes are silver gray...and well her last name is also Gray but yea lol. Does not help its got that slow dance energy. What do the lyrics mean? fuck if I know, its a song that gives me feels that’s all I got.
...Also...first kiss...eventually yes... *lies down*
Sway by Dean Martin
SO. This is like spoilers (cause its still WIP) but uh... ahem. Their first dance is to this song.
When Marimba Rhythms start to play Dance with me, make me sway  Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore Hold me close, sway me more
The amount of times I’ve listened to this song for the fic..and then also like marked the end of certain lines to figure out timing of the lyrics? Ho man... ANYWAYS, I sorta hc that Nick would really enjoy the “crooners” like the Rat Pack (Frank Sinatra; Dean Martin; those dudes) along with jazz music. Sway being one of his, uh, fav songs and a dif hc is that Nick likes to dance. Possibly having flashes from OG!Nick and associating dancing with good energy/memories. Finding a dance partner in the wastes is a bit hard.
Other dancers may be on the floor Dear, but my eyes will see only you Only you have the magic technique When we sway I go weak
MORE spoilers: Echo realizes she’s got a crush.
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