langvillage · 3 years
POV: you're in a country your target language is spoken, and someone is trying to grab your cup of tea. You need to protect your cup of tea.
How will you tell them "It is my tea!"?
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learning-to-think · 4 years
Target Language 90 days challenge by the @langblrgang
I am a complete beginner in Occitan but I think it'll be nice to see my progress between early October and end of December, so I'll do this in Italian and Occitan :)
Ciao! Mi chiamo Taël. Sono francese, parlo inglese e imparo tedesco, italiano e occitan. Sono diciotto ani. Ho due fratelli, sono la più grande dei figli. Mi piace il teatro e la lecture.
Adishatz! Soi Taël. Èi dietz e uech ans. Appreni l'occitan.
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I saw the @langblrgang End of Year Challenge and decided to give it a crack, so here’s my introduction and my article. Corrections/feedback welcome - I have a thick skin and I want to improve so don’t be afraid! (I know the word is ‘delta’ not ‘deltake’, other than that I’ve not really listened to it back, but I’m sure there are plenty of mistakes!)
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randomstudyblr · 4 years
🌱 @langblrgang target language 90 day challenge - Week 1 🌱
Hey, I'm also going to try to complete this challenge during the last weeks of 2020. I really like that it's structured in weeks instead of days, so I have a bit more flexibility when completing the challenges!
🌱 For the first task I read out loud a page of the book I'm reading - not much, but still something.
🌱 Für die zweite Ausgabe, hallo zusammen! Ich heiße Al und will mein Deutsch besseren :) ich habe es für circa 6 Jahren hin und wieder studiert, aber jetzt ziehe ich für zwei Jahre nach Deutschland ein und denke, dass ich mich mehr wohl mit Deutsch machen sollte. Deshalb werde ich dieses Challenge machen hahaha. Über mich, ich werde ein Masterstudium in Molekularbiologie und Biotechnologie in zwei Wochen anfangen. Außerdem studiere ich mein zweites Bachelorstudium in Englischer Sprache gern, aber für mich ist es nicht zu vorrangig. In meinen Freizeit finde ich Sports, Literatur, Theater und Tischspiele nett, und freue ich mich sehr, wenn ich in der Nähe von, Natur bin.
I hope I didn't make too many mistakes, I have to go now! If you spot any, please let me know!!!
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linguistic-studies · 4 years
Today by Hazel
天气 : weather
天空 : sky
雨 : rain
日 : sun
日出 : sunrise
日落 : sunset
乌云 : clouds
阴天 : cloudy day
下雨天 : rainy day
晴天 : sunny day
한국어 어휘
날씨 : weather
하늘 : sky
비 : rain
태양 : sun
일몰 : sunset
해돋이 : sunrise
구름 : clouds
흐린 날 : cloudy day
비오는 날 : rainy day
화창한 날 : sunny day
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theflowercode · 5 years
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2:23 pm - 25 august 2019 | sunday, afternoon
finish summarizing slides part 1 of molecular biology;
revise index cards for chapters 3-4 of biochemistry I;
revise index cards for amino acids and peptides of biochemistry I;
help buddy solve past exam questions;
study chapter 5 for biochemistry I;
do laundry and dry clothes;
reply to all messages / e-mails and update calendar;
deal with budget discrepancies;
read 50 pages in a book;
add some more books to your goodreads account;
set-up a new language learning schedule;
📖 //  “borne” by jeff vandermeer [0|323]
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lipwigliest · 5 years
10 German words per day - #9
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1. entsaften - to extract juice
2. entzaubern - to disenchant
3. verspannt sein - to be tense
4. die Anspielung - reference, implication, innuendo
5. andeuten - to imply, to insinuate
6. mithalten - to keep up
7. episch - epic
8. verschwinden - to disappear
9. die Honorierung - remuneration
10. die Verfremdung - alienation
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pythagoreanpolyglot · 5 years
I started learning Kurdish!
I’m taking 2 language courses at school, learning another on my own, and now I’ve started learning another one. I don’t really intend to become fully fluent in Kurdish which means it will definitely be less intense, but it is a language that isn’t closely related to any I speak.
I might start posting consistently about it, might not. I’m... consistently bad at being consistent. But I’ll try. Honestly with Kurdish I am learning it mainly because I like the way it sounds, I think it’s really beautiful, and I’m hoping that this will be more fun instead of learning as a chore
And I’ve already made a bunch of notes! These are just some I had with me at the moment:
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I’m pretty excited about this! (Now let’s see how long the excitement will last shfbfuandpahdpqld)
(Also, for anyone who might be wondering, this was indirectly inspired by the recent invasion of Northern Syria by Turkey. Not because of that, but rather, I heard a statement from the YPG about it, in Kurdish, and I thought it sounded really nice and just made an impulsive decision to start learning it)
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sumuenkeli · 5 years
hey! ive been active here before, but never really introduced myself, so here you go!
im enfys seren toive, 20, german native, university student (studying finnish and scandinavian studies along with dapping into some other stuff in the general studies field)
languages im learning
are finnish, swedish, danish, and esperanto! along with some slight dabbing into some other languages
i want to
become a translator/interpreter once im finished with university!
hello hello! if youre focusing on any of the languages im studying, feel free to lmk! i need to follow more blogs 
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xerrey · 5 years
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•  Animal: dog - pies, cat - kot, fish - ryba, bird - ptak, cow - krowa, pig - świnia, mouse - mysz, horse - koń, animal - zwierzę
 • Transportation: train - pociąg, plane - samolot, car - samochód, truck -  ciężarówka, bicycle - rower, bus - autobus, boat - łódź, łódka, ship - statek, tire - opona, gasoline - benzyna, engine - silnik,  ticket - bilet, transportation - transport,  tram/streetcar - tramwaj
• Location: city - miasto, house - dom, apartment - apartament, flat - mieszkanie, street/road - ulica, airport - lotnisko, train station - stacja kolejowa, bridge - most, hotel - hotel, restaurant - restauracja, farm - farma, court, school - szkoła, office - biuro, room - pokój, town - miasteczko, university - uniwersytet, club - klub, bar - bar, park - park, camp - obóz, store/shop - sklep, theater - teatr, library - biblioteka, hospital - szpital, church - kościół, market - supermarket, country (USA, France, etc.) - państwo, building - budynek, ground - ziemia, space (outer space) - przestrzeń kosmiczna, kosmos, bank - bank, location - położenie, police - policja, army - armia
 • Clothing: hat - czapka, dress - sukienka, suit - garnitur, skirt - spódnica, shirt - koszula, T-shirt - t-shirt, koszulka, pants - majtki, trousers - spodnie, shoes - buty, pocket - kieszeń, coat - płaszcz, stain - plama, clothing - ubrania
  • Color: red - czerwony/czerwona, green - zielony/zielona, blue - niebieski/niebieska, yellow - żółty/żółta, brown - brązowy/brązowa, pink - różowy/różowa, orange - pomarańczowy/pomarańczowa, black - czarny/czarna, white - biały/biała, gray - szary.szara, color - kolor
  • People: son - syn, daughter - córka, mother - matka, father - ojciec, parent (= mother/father) - rodzic, baby - niemowlę, man - mężczyzna, woman - kobieta, brother - brat, sister - siostra, family - rodzina, grandfather - dziadek, grandmother - babcia, husband - mąż, wife - żona, king - król, queen - królowa, president - prezydent, neighbor - sąsiad/sąsiadka, boy - chłopiec/chłopak, girl - dziewczynka/dziewczyna, child (= boy/girl) - dziecko, adult (= man/woman) - dorosły, human (≠ animal) - człowiek, friend - przyjaciel/przyjaciółka, victim - ofiara, player - zawodnik/zawodniczka, fan - fan/fanka, crowd - tłum, person - osoba
 • Job: Teacher - nauczyciel/nauczycielka, student - uczeń/uczennica, lawyer - prawnik/prawniczka, doctor - lekarz/lekarka, patient - pacjent/pacjentka, waiter - kelner/kelnerka, secretary - sekretarz/sekretarka, priest - ksiądz, policeman/policewoman - policjant/policjantka, soldier - żółnierz/żółnierka, artist - artysta/artystka, author - pisarz/pisarka, manager - menadżer/menadżerka, reporter - reporter/reporterka, actor - aktor/aktorka, job - praca
  • Society: religion - religia, heaven - niebo, hell - piekło, death - śmierć, medicine - medycyna, money - pieniądze, bill - rachunek, marriage - małżeństwo, wedding - ślub, team - zespół, race (ethnicity) - rasa (etniczność), sex (the act) - seks, sex (gender) - płeć, murder - morderstwo, prison - więzienie, technology - technologia, energy - energia, war - wojna, peace - pokój, attack - atak, napaść, election - wybory, magazine - magazyn, newspaper - gazeta, poison - trucizna, gun - broń, sport - sport, race (sport) - wyscig, exercise - ćwiczenia, ball - piłka, game - gra, mecz, price - cena, contract - umowa/kontrakt, drug - lekarstwo, narkotyk, sign - znak, science - nauka,
 • Art: band - zespół, song - piosenka, instrument (musical) - instrument, music - muzyka, movie - film, art - sztuka
  • Beverages: coffee - kawa, tea - herbata, wine - wino, beer - piwo, juice - sok, water - woda, milk - mleko, beverage - napój
  • Food: egg - jajko, cheese - ser, bread - chleb, soup - zupa, cake - ciasto, chicken - kurczak, pork - wieprzowina, beef - wołowina, apple - jabłko, banana - banan, orange - pomarańcz, lemon - cytryna, corn - kukurydza, rice - ryż, oil - olej, seed - ziarno, knife - nóż, spoon - łyżka, fork - widelec, plate - talerz, cup - filiżanka, mug - kubek, breakfast - śniadanie, lunch - lunch, dinner - kolacja,  sugar - cukier, salt - sól, bottle - butelka, food - jedzenie
 • Home: table - stół, chair - krzesło, bed - łóżko, dream - marzenie, window - okno, door - drzwi, bedroom - sypialnia, kitchen - kuchnia, bathroom - łazienka, pencil - ołówek, pen - długopis, photograph - zdjęcie/fotografia, soap - mydło, book - książka, page - strona, key - klucz, paint - farba, letter - list, note - notatka, wall - ściana, paper - papier, floor - podłoga, ceiling - sufit, roof - dach, pool - basen, lock - zamek, telephone - telefon, garden - ogród, needle - igła, bag - torba, box - pudełko, gift - prezent, card - karta, ring - pierścionek, tool - narzędzie
 • Electronics: clock - zegar, lamp - lampa, fan - wentylator, cell phone - telefon komórkowy, komórka, network - sieć, computer - komputer, program (computer) - program komputerowy, laptop - laptop, screen - ekran, camera - aparat fotograficzny, kamera, television - telewizja, radio - radio, tablet - tablet
  • Body: head - głowa, neck - szyja, face - twarz, beard - broda, hair - włosy, eye - oko, mouth - usta, lip - warga, nose - nos, tooth - ząb, ear - ucho, tear (drop) - łza, tongue - język, back - plecak, toe - palec, finger - palec, foot - stopa, hand - ręka, leg - noga, arm - ramię, shoulder - bark, heart - serce, blood - krew, brain - mózg, knee - kolano, sweat - pot, disease - choroba, bone - kość, voice - głos, skin - skóra, body - ciało, wrist - nadgarstek
 • Nature: sea - morze, ocean - ocean, river - rzeka, mountain - góra, rain - deszcz, snow - śnieg, tree - drzewo, sun - słońce, moon - księżyc, world - świat, Earth - Ziemia, forest - las, sky - niebo, plant - roślina, wind - wiatr, soil/earth - gleba/ziemia, flower - kwiat, valley - dolina, root - korzeń, lake - jezioro, star - gwiazda, grass - trawa, leaf - liść, air - powietrze, sand - piasek, beach - plaża, wave - fala, fire - ogień, ice - lód, island - wyspa, hill - wzgórze, heat - ciepło, nature - natura
  • Materials: glass - szkło, metal - metal, plastic - plastik, wood - drewno, stone - kamień, diamond - diament, clay - glina, dust - kurz, gold - złoto, copper - miedź, silver - srebro, material - materiał
  • Math/Measurements: meter - metr, centimeter - centrymetr,  kilogram - kilogram, inch - cal, foot - stopa, pound - funt, half - pół, circle - koło, square - kwadrat, temperature - temperatura,  weight - waga, edge - próg, corner - kąt
  • Misc Nouns: map - mapa, dot - kropka, consonant - spółgłoska, vowel - samogłoska, light - światło, sound - dźwięk, yes - tak, no - nie, piece - kawałek, pain - bół, injury - rana, hole - dziura, image - obraz, pattern - schemat/wzór, noun - rzeczownik, verb - czasownik, adjective - przymiotnik
  • Directions: top - góra, bottom - dół, side - bok/strona, front - przód, back - tył, outside na zewnątrz, inside wewnątrz, up - w góre, down - w dół, left - lewa/lewy, right - prawa/prawy, straight - na wprost, north - północ, south - południe, east - wschód, west - zachód, direction - kierunek
 • Seasons: Summer - lato, Spring - wiosna, Winter - ziemia, Fall - jesień, season - pora roku
  • Numbers: 0 - zero, 1 - jeden, 2 - dwa, 3 - trzy, 4 - cztery, 5 - pięć, 6 - sześć, 7 - siedem, 8 - osiem, 9 - dziewięć, 10 - dziesięć, 11 - jedenaście, 12 - dwanaście, 13 - trzynaście, 14 - czternaście, 15 - piętnaście, 16 - szesnaście, 17 - siedemnaście, 18 - osiemnaście, 19 - dziewiętnaście, 20 - dwadzieścia, 21 - dwadzieścia jeden, 22 - dwadzieścia dwa, 30 - trzydzieści, 31 - trzydzieści jeden , 32 trzydzieści dwa, 40 - czterdzieści, 41 - czterdzieści jeden, 42 - czterdzieści dwa, 50 - pięćdziesiąt, 51 - pięćdziesiąt jeden, 52 pięćdziesiąt dwa, 60 sześćdziesiąt, 61 - sześćdziesiąt jeden, 62 - sześćdziesiąt dwa, 70 - siedemdziesiąt, 71 - siedemdziesiąt jeden, 72 - siedemdziesiąt dwa, 80 osiemdziesiąt, 81 - osiemdziesiąt jeden, 82 - osiemdziesiąt dwa, 90 - dziewięćdziesiąt, 91 - dziewięćdziesiąt jeden, 92 - dziewięćdziesiąt dwa, 100 - sto, 101 - sto jeden,, 102 sto dwa, 110 sto dziesięć, 111 sto jedenaście, 1000 - tysiąc, 1001 tysiąc jeden, 10000 - dziesięć tysięcy, 100000 - sto tysięcy, million - milion, billion - miliard, 1st,- pierwszy  2nd,- drugi 3rd,trzeci 4th,czwarty 5th,- piąty number - numer
 • Months: January - Styczeń, February - Luty, March - Marzec, April - Kwiecień, May - Maj, June - Czerwiec, July - Lipiec, August - Sierpień, September - Wrzesień, October - Październik, November - Listopad, December - Grudzień
  • Days of the week: Monday - Poniedziałek, Tuesday - Wtorek, Wednesday - Środa, Thursday - Czwartek, Friday - Piątek, Saturday - Sobota, Sunday - Niedziela, week - tydzień,
  • Time: year - rok, month - miesiąc, week - tydzień, day - dzień, hour - godzina, minute - minuta, second - sekunda , morning - poranek/rano, afternoon - popołudnie, evening - wieczór, night - noc, time - czas, midnight - północ, midday - południe
  • Verbs: work - pracować, play - grać, walk - spacerować/chodzić, run - biegać, drive - jechać (samochodem), fly - latać, swim - pływać, go - iść, stop - zatrzymywać, follow - śledzić, podążać za kimś/za czymś, think - myśleć, speak - mówić, say - powiedzieć, eat - jeść, drink - pić, kill - zabić, die - umierać, smile - uśmiechać się, laugh - śmiać się, cry - płakać, buy - kupować, pay - płacić, sell - sprzedawać, shoot(a gun) - strzelać (z pistoletu), learn - uczyć się, jump - skakać, smell - wąhać, hear (a sound) - słyszeć, listen (music) - słuchać, taste - próbować/smakować, touch - dotykać, see (a bird) - widzieć, watch (TV) - oglądać, kiss - całować, burn - palić, melt - roztapiać, dig - kopać, explode - wybuchnąć/eksplodować, sit - siedzieć, stand - stać, love - kochać, pass by - mijać, cut - ciąć, fight - bić się/walczyć, lie down - leżeć, dance - tańczyć, sleep - spać, wake up - budzić się, sing - śpiewać, count - liczyć, marry - żenić się/wychodzić za mąż/brać ślub, pray - modlić się, win - wygrywać/wygrać, lose - przegrywać/przegrać, mix/stir - mieszać, bend - schylać się/schylić się, wash - myć, cook - gotować, open - otwierać, close - zamykać, write - pisać, call - dzwonić, turn - obrócić/obracać się, build - budować, teach - uczyć, nauczać, grow - rosnąć, draw - rysować, feed - karmić, catch - łapać/złapać, throw - rzucać/rzucić, clean - czyścić, find - znajdować, fall - upadać, push - pchać/popychać, pull - ciągnąć, carry - nieść, break - zbić/rozbijać, wear - ubierać, hang - wisieć, shake - potrząsać/wstrząsać, sign - podpisywać, beat - bić, lift - podnosić,
 • Adjectives: long - długi/długa/długie, short (vs long) - krótki/krótka/krótkie, tall - wysoki/wysoka/wysokie, short (vs tall) - niski/niska/niskie, wide - szeroki/szeroka/szerokie, narrow - wąski/wąska/wąskie, big/large - duży/duża/duże, small/little - mały/mała/małe, slow - wolny/wolna/wolne, fast - szybki/szybka/szybkie, hot - gorący/gorąca/gorące, cold - zimny/zimna/zimne, warm - ciepły/ciepła/ciepłe, cool - fajny/fajna/fajne, new - nowy/nowa/nowe, old (new) - stary/stara/stare, young - młody/młoda/młode, old (young) - stary/stara/stare, good - dobry/dobra/dobre, bad - zły/zła/złe, wet - mokry/mokra/mokre, dry - suchy/sucha/suche, sick - chory/chora/chore, healthy - zdrowy/zdrowa/zdrowe, loud - głośny/głośna/głośne, quiet - cichy/cicha/ciche, happy - szczęśliwy/szczęśliwa/szczęśliwe, sad - smutny/smutna/smutne, beautiful - piękny/piękna/piękne, ugly - brzydki/brzydka/brzydkie, deaf - głuchy/głucha/głuche, blind - ślepy/ślepa/ślepe, nice - miły/miła/miłe, mean - wredny/wredna/wredne, rich - bogaty/bogata/bogate, poor - biedny/biedna/biedne, thick - gruby/gruba/grube, thin - chudy/chuda/chude, expensive - drogi/droga/drogie, cheap - tani/tania/tanie, flat - płaski/płaska/płaskie, curved - krzywy/krzywa/krzywe, male - męski/męska/męskie, female - damski/damska/damskie, tight ciasny/ciasna/ciasne or obcisły/obcisła/obcisłe, loose - luźny/luźna/luźni, high - wysoki/wysoka/wysokie, low - niski/niska/niskie, soft - miękki/miękka/miękkie or delikatny/delikatna/delikatne, hard - twardy/twarda/twarde or trudny/trudna/trudne, deep - głęboki/głęboka/głębokie, shallow - płytki/płytka/płytkie, clean - czysty/czysta/czyste, dirty - brudny/brudna/brudne, strong - silny/silna/silne, weak - słaby/słaba/słabe, dead - martwy/martwa/martwe, alive - żywy/żywa/żywe, heavy - ciężki/ciężka/ciężkie, light (vs heavy) - lekki/lekka/lekkie, dark - ciemny/ciemna/ciemne, light (dark) - jasny/jasna/jasne, famous - sławny/sławna/sławne
  • Pronouns: I - ja, you (singular) - ty, he - on, she - ona, it - ono/to, we - my, you (plural, as in “y’all”) - wy, they. - oni, one
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cerealthoughts · 5 years
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i am a german-native majoring in english with german as my minor - what does this mean?
writing a lot in your second language. i’ve learned english from 1st grade in elementary school, i read in english, i like watching tv shows in english. 
however. writing in english can be quite hard. although i am in my third year of studies, i often struggle with writing papers in my target language. that does not mean i am not good at it. it is a doubt that can be dealt with. i like to tell myself what i tell you here:
don’t be afraid to look up things, german-english dictionaries are my best friends
use thesaurus and other synonym-pages, you might just find that word you were looking for but weren’t sure it was the right one to use
english grammar is very strict in comparison to german and probably some other languages - your sentences all sound the same? then you’re doing it right
write it down in simple words first, get your point on paper and go from there, you can always edit, let advanced friends read over it (and this next one is really useful if you get the chance)
let native-speakers proof-read and help you
read sources in your target language, and lots of them (that does not mean you can’t consult other books) for my ba thesis i use 99% english sources, but i for sure have looked into a lot of german books and pages to fully understand what i’m doing
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langvillage · 4 years
Langblr Gang Presents
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Langblr Gang Year End 90 Day Challenge #tl90days
While the year feels unending we can assure you, 2020 will be ending, quite soon actually!
With everything going on this year, studying your target language may have gotten pushed aside. We are inviting you to join us in a 90 day challenge, starting from 2 October 2020 and running till 31 December 2020, to close out the year strong and set a good foundation of learning and progress in your target language into the new year. 
The challenges will be weekly as opposed to daily, but will feature tasks you can complete daily if you are up for it! The goal for these 90 days will be to learn vocab, grammar, culture, and to practice speaking. We know, speaking is the toughest for a lot of us, but we’re all in this together. 
That is all for now! The first weekly challenge will be posted a couple days in advance to accommodate for time zones, so keep your eyes peeled. 
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endasogiizhik · 4 years
Ahaaw niijiidog! I just learned about the #tl90days challenge by @langblrgang and decided to give it a shot. I’m just barely squeaking in for the last day of week 1. 
Challenge A: Read aloud an article
The audio above is me reading a page from the new book Akawe Niwii-tibaajim, a collection of stories by Anishinaabemowin speakers. The story is titled “Gidanishinaabewinikaazowininaan,” meaning “our Anishinaabe names.”
Challenge B: Introduce yourself in your target language
Aaniin gakina awiya, @aanzheni indizhinikaaz, migizi indoodem, gakaabikaang endaayaan. Anishinaabe miinawaa aabitawizhaan indaaw. Niizh ojichaag gaye indayaawaag, gaawiin indikwewisiin gaawiin gaye indininiiwisiin. Ingikinoo’amaagoo noongom gabegikendaasoowigamig, nandagikendamaan ji-gagwe-nitaa-anishinaabemoyaan. Ishkwaa-gikinoo’amaagooyaan omaa niwii-gikinoo’amaage indinwewinan. Maagizha gabegikendaasoowigamigong, maagizhaa ge gaawiin. Gaamashi ingikendanziin  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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chenopodiumlang · 3 years
Langblrgang challenge week 3
Here are the tasks. This is a post about grammar, namely,
cases and prepositions in Icelandic!
1. Overview
Icelandic has four cases: nominative (nefnifall, literallly name-case), accusative (þolfall, withstand-case), dative (þágufall, benefit-case) and genitive (eignarfall, ownership-case). The translations are not 100% accurate in terms of grammar, but I think it is important to have a vague understanding of what the name means!
No preposition takes nominative, like in many other languages, so let’s focus on the other three. Prepositions that govern þólfall and þágufall can be divided in two groups: those which only take this case and those which may take other cases in different contexts. I took the lists of them from Ýmir, which is, by the way, an amazing resource.
2. Þolfall
Here are the prepositions that take only the accusative case:
fyrir ofan, gegnum, kringum, um, umfram, umhverfis.
That’s a lot of ums! In fact, this might help to remember those. If you see um, go for the accusative.
(Note: this doesn’t work 100% of the time. For example, sökum can govern eignarfall.)
3. Þágufall
Again, here’s the list from Ymir:
að, af, andspænis, ásamt, frá, gagnvart, gegnt, handa, hjá, meðfram, mót/móti, nálægt, undan, úr.
I don’t have any tips on remembering them, but maybe you do!
4. Þ vs. Þ
Some prepositions can take both accusative and dative. Here’s the list:
á, eftir, fyrir, í, með, undir, við, yfir.
How does this work? Well, in some situations, the literal meaning of the case’s name might give you an idea. As Ýmir puts it, usually the Accusative is associated with motion or a change of state, while the Dative is associated with situation.
Many of these prepositions are used extremely often, so the rules about them can get quite lengthy. But I will give you an example, just to illustrate the difference:
Ég fer í húsið = I go inside the house. Húsið is in accusative here.
Ég er í húsinu = I am inside the house. Húsinu is in dative here.
4. Eignarfall
As far as I know, there are no prepositions that govern this case specifically. It is just not its main function (as the name suggests, it is most oftenly shows posession). However, here are the prepositions that may govern the genitive case:
án, auk, austan, innan, í stað, meðal, megin, milli/millum, neðan, norðan, ofan, sakir, sunnan, sökum, til, utan, vegna, vestan.
Ýmir has a tip for those: if you see fyrir preceding any of these, you should go for the accusative!
That’s all, folks. Hope this helps someone (and myself) understand Icelandic better!
(where I got the information: Ýmir, Icelandic made easier, my own knowledge)
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linguistic-studies · 4 years
Today by Hazel
高兴 vs 快乐 vs 愉快 vs 幸福
These four hanzi (汉子) could all mean happy/happiness, however there are significant differences that you must know before using them.
1. 高兴 (gāoxìng)
高兴 is the most common and general form of happy. However this kind of happy usually is used for expressing happiness at the current moment. So this is more like expressing your current mood or feeling.
E.g. 今天下午我吃了面条,我很高兴 (This afternoon I ate noodles, I'm so happy)
高兴 could also mean glad.
2. 快乐 (kuàilè)
快乐 is used in a set of phrases to wish someone (E.g. happy birthday or happy holiday)
E.g. 新年快乐🎊 (happy new year)
祝你生日快乐🎁 (happy birthday)
3. 愉快 (yúkuài)
愉快 means pleasing or pleasant and can be used in sentences to describe a noun. It is not common to say 我很愉快.
E.g. 拜拜!周末愉快! (Bye! Have a pleasant weekend!)
4. 幸福 (xìngfú)
幸福 is the highest form of happiness. It has a deeper meaning than just happy or glad (高兴). It could also mean that you're happy because you're content (feeling blessed) in life.
E.g. 你来告诉我,你的幸福钥匙是什么? (Tell me, what is your key to happiness?)
钱买不到幸福 (money can't buy happiness)
Hope it helps! ^^
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theflowercode · 5 years
Tumblr media
3:04 pm - 25 july 2019 | thursday afternoon  ☀️☀️☀️
to-do’s and chores:
finish reading mythos by stephen fry;
read 30 pages in de verborgen geschiedenis;
summarize the 5th chapter of immunology;
study the 1st chapter of immunology;
finish crafting index cards for group 15 reactions;
track down past exam questions for biochemistry I;
apply to one (!) more summer job;
language-related goals:
talk to language buddy & update discord stuff;
start language journal for french & spanish;
insert weekly goals and study tracker;
learn 10 new words fo the “top 1000 summer challenge”;
spend at least 1 hour focusing on language learning today;
fun goals:
update your “about me” page and work on layout for your blog;
figure out how to tag people on here (!);
buy your flight tickets for september;
order your new piece of furniture (desk);
renew your playstation plus subscription;
📖 //  “mythos” by stephen fry  | pages: [300/410] 🎵 // apocalypse - the correspondents
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