#lady k and the sick man imagines
princessoflalaland · 1 month
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so y'all know the sick man from lady k and the sick man? well, i've only read that thing one time, and im not afraid to admit how unhealthily infatuated i am with lady k's man. he's literlaly my favorite flavor of man: older, kind of a deadbeat with a good heart, can and literally wil fuck you from sun up to sun down, built like a greek god, he. is. PACKIN, looks half dead, a genuine sweetheart with his lover's best interest in mind. i think his name is tostumoto yuushi, and lemme just say that i would gladly, GLADLY, take lady k's place if it means i get to breathe that man's air for even a second.
just imagine you've known tostumoto yuushi since maybe high school, having even dated him at one point. you two experimented with your bodies, tested the waters of intimacy because who better to do that with than someone you love. adversely though, life managed to drift you two apart for a few years. when you two reconnect it's a dingy casino. by that time, he's already jumped from job to job, left a recent custodian gig, and gambled most of his savings. he's on the verge of eviction and feels like he's at his lowest. the only thing he truly feels is his undying sex drive, which isn't much in the face of everything. the flame between you two rekindles as quickly as it did all those years ago, and before you know it, you're back at your apartment with his tired face nestled between your thighs.
"forgot how good you tasted, baby, fuck.." he rasps, his tongue dragging hastily over your clit, making your legs quiver and close around his head. your fingers yank at his dark hair, incoherent babbles falling from your moist lips. "yuushi," you mewl helplessly, your sensitive core constantly leaking your essence into his greedy mouth. "'m gonna cum again, s-slow down, nghhn.." he leers up at you, his eyes dark pools of lust burning holes into you. "do it, cum in my fuckin mouth."
and you do. the pressure in your gut is far more intense than what it usually is, and as you achieve your third orgasm of the night, you squirt onto yuushi's face, leaving him glistening with your release. he licks whatever landed on his lip and rises so that his large body is hovering over where yours lays sprawled on the couch, the look in his eyes makes your core pulse. "c'mon, be a good girl and clean me up."
i'm probably gonna write something abt him one of these days :')
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makismei · 10 days
he hums, smiling down at you from between his legs, both of yours separated by his body.
nanami shakes the vibrator back and forth, watching your legs tense and your back arch dramatically.
“that was a strong one, love.” he comments, not letting up and pressing the wand harder on your clit. “can you give me another?”
you shake your head, trying to sit up on your forearms and scooting away. “c—can’t, ken—mmm—noooo!”
he pulls you toward him again, pressing the vibrator harder against you. “be good for me baby, don’t run.”
keen eyes watch your cunt drool pearly slick, your back arched up as you cried his name, shaking your head.
nanami gives your clit a break, briefly. “you have a safe word baby,” he reminds gently, “do you want to stop?”
your hips twitch, before you shake your head, “i’m okay—mmhmm, aahhh!”
he slips two fingers inside, hooking them expertly against your spot. so wet, licking his lips, cock jumping in his briefs, nanami is so enticed by your entire being. the scent of sex is heavy in the air, but both of you can’t find it in you to care when it feels this good.
“ken,” you whine, hand trying to pry his hand from your gushing cunt. “please, i want your cock noooow—wait! i’m cumming, fuck!”
he hums, pulling his fingers out to rub your clit, cum spraying everywhere. he lightly slaps your pussy, smiling at how your hips jump. “let me play with you a little more, okay love?”
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toji-bunny-girl · 2 years
No bcs why has that man awakened something IN ME. Everyone’s poor in this economy i’ve got no problem providing 😩😩😩
😭😭😭 HELPOWKWJEBW istg if he’s an actually dilf irl, there’ll be literally a whole mf line of simp begging to pay for his rent AND HAVE YOU SEEN HIS BODY HOLY SHIT HES LITERALLY SO HOT GO READ THE MANGA RN ‼️‼️‼️
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moeyes · 1 year
"the ache of yearning" ♡ | lady k and the sick man
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pairing: totsumoto yuushi x fem. reader x lady k
warnings: 7.7k words, smut, threesome!!!, bisexual reader, down bad! reader, friends to fwb(?) sexual tension, voyeurism (on yuushi and k's end), fingering, face-sitting, dirty talk, light lactation (on lady k’s end-), creampie
synopsis: it's hard to let go of something you want, especially when you come face-to-face with it everyday.
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YOU SWORE THAT THEY WERE BEING LOUD ON PURPOSE. The constant, antagonizing moans and wails that echoed throughout the thin apartment walls, resonating within your bedroom. No matter how much you tossed and turned, smothering your ears with layers atop layers of cotton barriers, you could still hear them. A part of you wanted to march right out of your covers, and give the couple a piece of your mind for being this loud, every night. Squeezing your eyes shut, you try to cool down when one particular thud against the side of the wall, right next to your head, was enough for you snap.
"I knew that this place was crappy, but this?!" The noise was still ringing in your head, but that didn't stop you from rising up, practically fuming. You didn't take another moment to consider your approach, nor your presentation— this situation wasn't your fault. Stomping out of your room with clenched fists, you intentionally slammed the door behind you, the noise causing the lewd sounds to stop momentarily, before picking right back up in pace. Grumbling curses under your breath, you marched to the room adjacent to you, pounding on the door. You didn't even wait for the door to open; after all, you were too fed up for civilities after a whole week of sleepless nights.
"Would you mind being at least a bit quieter?! I haven't gotten a wink of sleep because of you both fucking like rabbits! Like, damn, how do you have that much stamina to keep me up, nights on end, due to your-" Your heated ramblings were cut short by the appearance of a burly man, staring right down at you. It was as if you short-circuited, thoughts escaping your mind faster than you recall them. His brows were furrowed, seemingly upset like you were the one who was the problem in this dilemma. From the shirt and boxers that were haphazardly tossed on to some strands of his hair damp and stuck to his forehead made it clear that your mind wasn't playing tricks on you. Heaving out a sigh, you place a hand on my hips, standing your ground despite being somewhat intimidated (yet very attracted) to the man in front of you.
"Look, I get that you and your partner are as happy as can be, but you guys are too loud," Gathering your thoughts, you attempt to express them as kindly as you can. "I haven't slept ever since you two moved in, and I would greatly appreciate if you can be a little more considerate to your neighbor." Looking up at him, you realized that his attention wasn't on you, eyes already staring down, but it seemed like it wasn't on your face. Following where his dark irises were fixated on, you realized that you weren't dressed decently. A simple pair of white panties paired with your graphic baby-tee shirt being all that covered you, leaving little to the imagination. "Shit...!" Your cheeks were quick to flush at the realization, sparing no time to hurry back to your room, not daring to look back at him as you quickly closed your door.
Sliding down to the bamboo flooring, you contemplate moving out first thing in the morning. You didn't have much, and it would much better than living next to the hot, horny man that saw your undergarments. The issue really lied in finding another place as cheap as this to stay, and deep down, you knew you wouldn't come across another opportunity like this again. Burrowing your head even deeper into your palms, you tried to clear your thoughts. With how quiet it became, it at least became a bit easier to think without being interrupted by a groan or a grunt. As you continued to sit, the less you actually wanted to move, feeling as though if you slept over it, everything that had just transpired would disappear. Crossing your arms over your knees and resting your head upon them, you snuggled in close, finally having a quiet night's rest.
It was much easier to fall asleep than you though, eyelids lulling shut in a matter of seconds as your heartbeat slowly came to a steady pacing. Your body relaxed from its tensed stature, laying back against the door as you became comfortable against the sturdy surface. You didn't realize how long you've been sleeping for until you awoke to a noise too close for you to block out. It was a soft knock to the door, stirring you from out of your slumber to get up. Stretching from the uncomfortable location you managed to sleep in, it only proved to you how much you needed to rest. "Ugh, what time is it...?" You rubbed your eyes, but the instance you peaked a glance, you were blinded by the rays of sunlight peering from out the window across from you. Shuffling from off the floor, you shielded your eyes, opting to turn open the door to face whoever's on the side.
Not caring to think about it, you creak open the door just enough to where you could see who was on the other side. "Sorry, I'm not interested in whatever you're-" By the time your vision finally beginning to focus on the view in front of you, it was too late to retreat back into your room. There he was, your unbearably hot neighbor who you accidentally flashed upon first meeting. The memories of last night washed over you like a tsunami, uncaring for how you processed it all. Realizing that you were still without pants, quickly shut the door back on him. "D-Don't leave! I'll be right back!" You inform him, making sure that you were loud enough for him to hear. Grabbing your discarded pair of sweatpants tossed from your basket, you hurried back over to the door to greet him properly.
A thought of you believed that he wouldn't bother waiting, but when you opened the door for a second time, he was still there in all of his unkept glory. Well, he much more dressed than last night, a loose black t-shirt and matching sweatpants covered his body, yet his physique still managed to look defined. Trying not to fixate on his clothes for too long, you follow the trail of black up to his ruffled hair, looking just as dark as it did in the hallway at night. In the daylight, you were able to appreciate the small trim of facial hair along his jawline and the imprinted eyebags that tied together his whole rugged appearance. You couldn't complain; after all, he was most certainly your type.
"Um, did you need something?" You asked, your tone coming off much more defensive than intended. Why did he bother showing up, after that fiasco? Maybe he was gonna try to blackmail you into not reporting him? You shook your head. It wasn't cool to jump to the worst-case scenario— especially when the man hasn't even said anything yet. "Here, this is for you." His deep. somewhat raspy voice reverberated pleasantly in your ears, entrancing you to give him your undivided attention. Even with that power, he didn't say anything else, causally handing over the bag to you as he was quick to get ready to leave with the wave of his hand, but you didn't want this interaction to be over.
The word came out rushed, but you didn't care how silly you must've sounded. "I want to properly thank you and apologize, as well." The introduction of your name came after, figuring that if he wasn't going to acknowledge yesterday's events, you shouldn't stress over it. Moving up to him, you offered him an outstretched hand, saying, "I should have come sooner to formally discuss the issue, rather than causing a scene. I'm sorry if I scared you and your girlfriend." There were factors in this situation that made it mutually both of your fault, and you'd rather not dwell on it longer than needed. "Girlfriend?" The cigarette that hung between his lips muffled his speaking slightly, but you could tell he was confused by the assumption.
You tilted your head, swearing that with the way they were fucking, they had to be in a relationship with one another. "Isn't she? I thought that the girl in there is the same one I've been hearing all week." You stated, raising your brows at him. "You listened that hard?" The scruffy man suddenly remarked, dodging your question entirely to counter with one of his own. You felt your face flush, feeling as though you ratted yourself out on this one, but you weren't going to admit it to him directly. "I mean, it was the thing keeping me up all night. It was kinda hard ignoring all the noise." You also thought her moans were quite cute, short and consistent, but you weren't going to tell him that either. He paused, not responding to your words as he took in a long drawl of the nicotine before removing his lips from the cigarette butt, exhaling it all out.
"Our situation is... Complicated. Sorry for disturbing you with it, I'd be pissed too if I couldn't sleep for so long," Flicking his cigarette away from you, his eyes returned to your own, watching your expression become less guilt-ridden and a little more relaxed. "To be honest, I've never had the chance to see you, so I thought I had no neighbors." One of his hands reached upwards, scratching at his chin at the thought. "I've picked up a bunch of shifts this week, so I've been gone most of the mornings," You explained, folding your arms and letting the bag dangle from your fingers. "Not gonna lie, when I came home last week, you two scared the crap outta me. I thought it was some ghosts since this place is haunted. The next morning, I went to the landlord to talk about the whole ordeal, and that's when I figured out you moved in."
When you initially thought about it being ghosts haunting over you from the other room, it became much sillier now seeing this very much alive man in front of you. He awkwardly chuckled at your words, not offering much feedback on your story at all. Something that you thought would lighten this tension between the both of you somehow made it worse. Giving up on getting his name seemed like the best thing to do, especially since you didn't know how much time you had before work. "Well, it was nice meeting you, neighbor. I'll see you around...?" Figuring that he didn't want to be bothered anymore, you turned on your heel, making your way to your room, when he unexpectedly said, "Totsumoto Yuushi." Turning your body around to slightly face him, you halt in your movements.
He could tell how you were slightly confused by the way you were looking at him, so he decided to clarify the sudden introduction of his name. "Sorry, I only just now realized that I didn't tell you my name when you greeted me." You blinked a couple times at him, not expecting him to share his name with you, but it definitely made you a bit more optimistic with your relationship with him. Who knows, maybe you'll be able to become something more than just next-door neighbors with him? "Thanks for telling me. That name suits you, it's nice." Humming out the words, you figured that's all he had to say as you began to turn away from him, once more. Walking past him, right back to the entrance of your apartment, you placed your hand on the doorknob, twisting it open.
"I could say the same thing about you. You've got quite the pretty name," He had this habit of catching you off guard with his prolonged speech, as if he waiting until you were distracted to leap his words at you. "I'll see you around, don't be a stranger." You could only give him an affirmative nod, too embarrassed by his initial statement to speak aloud properly. Hurrying back into your room, you closed the door behind you, palms sweaty and face flushed once again— all because of him. Feeling the plastic become slick between your hands, you decided to place it on the counter to see what exactly he brought you. It was a couple snacks that he picked out, a seemingly thoughtful mixture of salty and sweet treats that you could pick and choose from in your free time.
"How sweet of him..." Smiling to yourself, you wondered if his partner in crime helped pick the arrangement out. If so, then maybe you should go over sometime to thank her as well; after all, it would be nice to meet the mystery lady as well. "Maybe I can get them something as well." During the duration of your getting ready and throughout your shift as a hostess, your mind went back to Yuushi, and somehow, it made the day go by much faster than you could've expected. As the men berated your ears with their woes, your charming, glossy-lipped smiles and small nods of the head, was enough to fool them that you were listening. Your body was here, but you mind roamed elsewhere, all the way back to your apartment complex, to the deviously attractive man next door.
It was hard not to feel the jealousy pangs towards the woman that has the privilege to sleep with him every night, but it's not like you wanted to interfere and cause drama amongst the apartment complex. You're no homewrecker, after all. Work continued to pass by with relative ease, and by the time you were out, late night had already settled throughout the sky, engulfing the once busy streets into darkness. Fortunately, the walk home went by relatively quick, but on the downside, you could feel your heels throbbing after the repetitive cycle of doing this all week. Stumbling down the quiet streets, you contemplated taking off your shoes, but you'd rather not have to deal with your bare feet walking on the dirty sidewalk.
"I gotta get some bandages later..." As much as you wanted to get them now, your body refused to cooperate with the plan, rushing to get home as fast as your tired body allowed you to. Hiking up the skirt of your dress, you slowly walked alongside the wall of your apartment complex. Shoes being carried in one hand, bag in the other, you heaved out a sigh. "The first thing I'm doing is taking a bath..." Caught up within your mind, you didn't hear the jiggle of a doorknob, nor the creak of the poor doors opening up to reveal Yuushi and... A lady? From the glimpse you caught of her, she was most certainly gorgeous.
A curvy physique, plump in all the right places, flowing ebony hair cascading down her body, yet it was all incomparable to her gentle-looking features. The white dress she was wearing left little to the imagination, especially around her cleavage area. You didn't have enough time to appreciate it all when you accidentally collided with a less than pillowy chest than the pair you saw; instead, it was much firmer and for a moment, you nearly mistook it for a wall with how roughly you bumped into it. "Shit, that hurt..." You moaned in pain, rubbing at the sore spot on your forehead, trying to figure out what you exactly bumped into. Peering up, you were faced with the man who was on your mind all night. Gasping at the sight, you took a large step back, leaning onto the back of your feet to catch yourself from falling.
"Crap, I'm so sorry about that, Totsumoto. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings." Glancing through your peripheral, you hope that you'd catch sight of the stunning lady, but his hand laid heavy on the door, sealing it shut and enclosing the room from prying eyes, like yours. "I'm fine, didn't hurt me much, but you don't look so good over there." You shook your head, removing the hand on your temple to get a better view of him. "I'll manage. Besides, you were going somewhere, right? Don't let me stop you," Trying to put his mind to rest, you raised your arm up, almost as if you was flexing some bulging biceps (that you, unfortunately, did not have). "I'm a strong girl, Totsumoto. If I can handle walking in these torturous heels all week, I can handle a little bump to the head."
Putting on a undamaged façade wouldn't be so difficult if your feet weren't already cramping, or if the light layer of makeup was starting to get in your eyes. Nonetheless, because of your actions, you were able to hear Yuushi chuckle, a faint smile rising to his lips as he watched you. "Heh, how cute," Yuushi remarked, before turning his back to you with a wave of his hand, signaling his departure. "Go get some rest already, see ya later." With that, he headed out of the apartment complex. You didn't bother asking where he was going; first of all, it wasn't your business. Second, you were much more fascinated with the two things— the fact that he said you were cute, and the lady in his room. You didn't know if she was still by the door, or if she retreated to bed, but you at least wanted to apologize to her.
"Um, hi... I don't know if you're near by, but I wanted to tell you sorry for yesterday. I interrupted you both, and if I frightened you, it wasn't my intention," It felt weird saying all this to the door, unknowing on whether or not she was even listening, but it was a nice thought to think so. "I... Just wanted you to know that, is all." She didn't need to forgive you, that you knew. You just wish she said something to you, some form of acknowledgement in your words, but nothing ever came. Despite how your battered feet wished for the weight of your body to be shifted, you stood a couple moments longer. Maybe she was thinking of what to say, or what if she was just shy? You couldn't exactly say on her behalf. Seconds quickly became minutes, thinning your will to stand and even stay awake.
You could always try again another time— was what you reduced the failed conversation attempt to. After all, nothing simply becomes better by dwelling on it. With that, you returned to your room, pampering yourself after a grueling week of work that you were relieved to have time away from. It was exciting, having the chance to have some time to yourself. Maybe you could become better acquainted with Yuushi and the lady in the room. It's ironic, for as much thinking as you did about them earlier, new information keeps appearing, casting all thoughts away that doesn't surround them. It felt like a curse, to be interested in someone so heavily that you couldn't even have.
Your brows furrowed at the harsh thought that was, in fact, your reality. "Man, overthinking all this stuff sucks. I seriously need to get some sleep before it gets worse." The lack of noise was greatly appreciated, throughout the majority of the night (besides a few slip of the tongues), the pair was relatively quiet. Allowing yourself to finally get a good night's rest within the comfort of your bed, you let your mind slip away. After that night though, a lot of changes began to spew in your relationship with your neighbor. More frequently than not, Yuushi would greet you every morning, becoming apart of your daily routine as you would sometimes invite him over for meals (also ensuring that he would always have left-overs to take to his lady friend.) You considered each other nothing short of friends, having learned far too many details from beyond small talk to be merely acquaintances.
Although, it was hard ignoring the overwhelming tension that would cause your heart to palpitate against your ribcages and your legs to buckle under the weight of his gaze. Several instances, whenever you were talking close to him, Yuushi's eyes would linger over your chest while peering down at you, or to the curve of your ass as you walked past him. Not to mention, the way his warms hands would linger whenever he patted you on the shoulder, the calloused fingers kneading downwards to your back, Oh, and you especially can't forget when Yuushi proceeds to lean downwards to whisper in your ear, the sound of his voice sending tingles down your spine. You swore he knew what he was doing to you whenever he would languidly smirk in your direction while pulling away, watching intently at the way a flush would fume onto your cheeks. Still, you'd always try and brush it off, a few occurrences where you'd call him out and catch him on his toes, but nothing more.
After all, you still were unsure if he was actually a taken man. It was hard to be certain when you'd smell a women's fragrance throughout the fabric of his clothes, or when bite marks would be poorly hidden on his neck and collarbone. You couldn't even blame him for being so smitten, if the relationship he was in was with that lady. She was stunning, and deep down, the longing for both made it hard to tell who exactly you were jealous of in this dynamic. Too many thoughts continued to rush in your head at the many possible realities of this situation, and the consequences of each. The anticipation of what would come from each decision was enough to make you anxious, and you were fairly uncertain if you would confess your feelings at all. So what better to stop dwelling on all these stomach-churning, concerned emotions than to drink your nerves away?
Bringing home a newly-gifted wine that a customer brought as a gift to your delight, and began to strip away the sweaty clothes that would be considered your uniform, you got ready to drink. Changing into a snug nightgown that accentuated all your curves, yet still managing to be cozy, you plopped yourself down on your bed, and began drinking straight from the bottle. The more you drank, the more you began to lose your sense of time and actions. Delirious from the abundance of alcohol consumed, you felt yourself become lighter from the lack of worry, more daring to pursue whatever came to mind initially. So that's when you decided that you were going to ask Yuushi to meet the mystery lady and tell them both everything. Rejection was something you could bear, despite any future awkwardness in interactions. After a month of all this teasing, to this foreplay, you had to get this off your chest and be free of any precedents that consumed your mind.
Slithering out of your covers, you leaned onto the walls for support and managed to make your way into the hallway, walking up to his doorstep. Knocking, much louder than intended, onto Totsumoto's door, you gathered yourself together, feeling your legs wobble while waiting for his arrival. Fortunately, it didn't take long for him to arrive, and albeit messy, he presented himself nicely to you. "It's kinda late for you to be up like this," Yuushi's taunt rolled off his tongue delightfully as he soaked in your attire, hungry eyes tracing over the curves of your body all the way up to your face. "Did you need something from me?" Watching the bob of his Adam's apple, his body leaned against the doorframe as he looked at you expectantly. Clearing your throat, one of your hands pulled at the ends of your dress and you swore that you saw Totsumoto's hand flinch slightly at the action. When you found yourself ready, you held the bottle between the two of you, showcasing it to him.
"I got some pretty high-quality wine from work. I was hoping to share a glass with you and your partner-in-crime in there?" The words rushed out from your lips quickly, eyes retreating to the floor as you became bashful from the proposition. "I understand if you're both busy, but..." Your words trailed out into silence, already preparing yourself for the rejection you were about to face. How silly it was for you to overstep one too many boundaries that were far from formal. Opening your mouth to take back your previous statement, you were unexpectedly met with the warm touch of a hand tilting your head up by the chin. Yuushi's grasp was firm, ensuring that you returned all your focus to him, both mentally and physically. "Look at me when you're asking. When you huddle down like that, you become all meek and quiet," His breath was batted against your face as he leaned down closer to you. "So speak up, sweetheart." The wetness in your panties increased ten-folds by his demanding tone being whispered out to you, his hand shifting to grip at your jawline as he held your face up, so that you could only stare ahead at him.
"Can I come in? W-With you and your lady friend," You asked, this time, projecting your voice much louder to him, as per requested. "To be honest, I've seen her only once, and I'm attracted to her just as much as I'm attracted to you." Your confession was slurred out, watching his reaction through half-lidded eyes. An audible gulp came from Yuushi's end as he focused on you with wide eyes. Thumb unconsciously grazing your bottom lip, he waited for you to pull away from his touch, yet you didn't. In fact, you leaned into it, resting your face into his hand as if you were relishing the sensation. The pure neediness you conveyed throughout a simple graze alone was enough to make Yuushi's cock twitch in his pants in response. He couldn't deny his attraction to you either, ever since you stumbled your way up to his doorstep with those lacey, black cotton panties that you flashed him with. It was hard not to forget the way your eye-catching nipples showing through the thin layer of your t-shirt due to the chill carried within the hallways.
Yuushi never became more grateful for the lack of warmth present within the corridor until that night. He chuckled at the revelation of your words, never expecting something a response such as that. Then again, with what K-san had been reacting to the mentioning of your name, with the way she would bashfully smile and look away, he should've connected the dots much sooner. "Hmm, is that so? So when did this happen?" Yuushi asked the question softly, tantalizingly sweeping at the chapstick to coat your lips. "A-A month ago..." Your response was immediate, eyes practically begging him to do more. Seeing your once cheeky and sly persona after all those times of being alone with you reduced to this, it was hard not to take you all for himself. "Sneaky little thing, keeping such a secret like that," He tsked, silently trailing down his other hand to the curve of your back, touching it ever so lightly. "I didn't expect the both of you to hide that from me, I'm a little hurt." Faking a frown, he leaned his face down, the lust clear in his overall aura as he consumed you with it.
"What are you gonna do to make it up to me?" He pondered aloud, moving past your face to ghost his lips over the skin of your neck. "Let me in, a-and I'll make it up to the both of you. I still need to formally apologize to her too." It was cute, you speaking out in such a challenging tone, despite the way you quivered at the lightest of touches. Yuushi wanted to tease you far more, wanting to make you beg for it, but you both were missing one more member of this party. If this was the experienced you wanted, it was best to fulfil it in full, after all. "C'mon in, sweetheart, Let's get you two real acquainted with one another." Hooking you in by the waist, Yuushi reeled you into his apartment room, instantly closing the door behind him at your entrance. The sight that you were graced with at your immediate arrival was the mystery lady that had been filling both your sleepless nights and dreams. Her long hair cascading down her luscious figure, it contrasted greatly to soft, yet mature facial features.
That white, thin-strapped dress that you initially saw her dressed in still adorned her body, and it was hard not to let your gaze wander. The lady was quick to hide away from your staring, rushing to hide behind Yuushi's broad body as she peered to the side over at you. Shaking your head, you did your best to clear those thoughts away; after all, you didn't want to make her uncomfortable, especially without knowing her sexual attraction towards you. Sticking out your hand to her, you concealed your own nervousness with a small smile, to make her less uncomfortable. Reintroducing yourself, you stated, "It's nice to finally meet you, but if you're wary of my presence, I can leave whenever you desire." Your hand was only stared at for a moment, and you began to feel stupid about even offering it out in the first place, but you were pleasantly surprised when she scooted away from Yuushi, making her way over to you.
Cautiously, her hand grasped onto yours, and you shivered slightly from how cold she was, despite looking so warm to the touch. She emitted a little hum as she looked over to you with a graceful smile upon her lips. You nearly forgot about Yuushi's being, with how he quietly watched the scene play out, when he appeared at both of your sides. "This is K. She doesn't really talk, so don't worry if she only responds in hums and body motions." His explanation made a lot of sense, especially when you recall your first encounter with K through the door. "K, by any chance, could you hear me when I first spoke to you?" As a reply, she nodded firmly in confirmation, her silky smooth fingers rubbing against the crevices of your fingers while you stared at her, wide-eyed. Once my initial reaction dwindled, you squeezed her hands delicately, reciprocating her gentle touches.
"I'm glad. I was worried that you were so upset, that you didn't want to talk to me at all." K shook her head at said accusations, rebuking the thought physically by cupping your cheek, leaning closer up to you. Her honeyed scent wafted around your nose, her irises looking at you through her lashes as she angled her mouth over the curve of your jawline, colliding her cold, yet plush lips to the corner of one side. Your breathing hitched at her slow, yet sensual kisses against your jaw, teeth clenched as you kept your body as still as you possibly could. If you acted too soon, it may startle her, causing her to run away from you. It was like approaching an easily startled cat, you had to let K get adjusted and comfortable, before allowing yourself to act. Even with knowing this, it was a struggle to keep yourself under control, as if she had this aura about her that ignited the submerged emotions of lust you had kept concealed about the pair.
Her hands grasped at your face tighter, gently pushing into your cheekbones as she littered a series of kisses everywhere besides your lips. "K..." Was all you mumbled, flexing your hand over the dip of her hip, causing her to jump slightly. Your touch was foreign to her, but you'd make sure she would become adjusted to it quickly as you leaned you face close to hers. So close, close enough to where one slight tilt of the head would have your lips meshing together. You could feel the hitch of her breath upon your lips, it was yet another cool feeling that her body continued to offer, but you didn't mind it too much. "Please, kiss me." You requested, your other hand snaking around the other side of her hips as your eyes begged a silent plea out to her, beckoning her to you. Fortunately, she didn't have you waiting long, eagerly pressing her lips down onto yours as she gently nibbled at your bottom lip. Whining at the mix of pain and pleasure, you let her devour your in the open-mouth kiss, feeling her tongue brush against yours.
Nails digging into her hips, you felt her body shift closer, her breasts brushing against your own. For how innocent she initially looked, it definitely took you aback seeing how much control she had over you, and how much you ended up enjoying being swept up in it all. "Aren't you two getting along nicely?" Yuushi's raspy voice snapped you out of your K devoted haze, pulling away from the kiss to look over at the man. "Totsumoto..." Warmth flooded to your cheeks at the realization that he was watching the entire scene displayed out to him. "No need to be so formal anymore. Yuushi's fine," Yuushi remarked, slithering his hands around your waist, pulling himself closer to your back. "With how quickly you both forgot about me, I'm starting to feel a little left out." Feeling his hard-on brushed up against your rear end, your gazed trekked down to look at its immense size— still so prominent throughout his boxers and sweatpants.
"C'mere, sweetheart. Wanna have a taste of those pretty lips that have been teasing me for the past few weeks." You were quickly flipped around to face Yuushi, almost as if you were a pig on a roast, one side being faced down against the heat while the other cooled down against the breeze— even treatment for all people involved. Yuushi didn't give you a moment to compose yourself, taking your wetted lips all for his own. The kiss was much more intense than K's, ravaging all that you had to offer him, making your head spin in pleasure from the feeling of it all. How his hands tugged your jaw up to him, forcing you to keep up with whatever he had to give you. Your backside rested against K's pillowy chest, noting at how her hands encircled your body to tug at the top part of your dress. With its stretchy fabric, it had no issue being tugged down, exposing your chest to them both.
K crooned at the sight, instantly getting to work on your hardened nipples, much to your delight. Moaning softly throughout the kiss, your hands went in two opposing directions— one to gently cradle the back of K's head to pull her into the crook of your neck, and the other entangling itself into Yuushi's messy locks of hair, drilling his lips as deep as you could muster. The three of you worked in a frenzy, each conducting separate tasks, yet still managing to make it work amongst you all. They were especially being considerate of you, making you the center of attention for tonight's festivities where there was no inch of skin untouched by either of them. K's light nibbles down the side of your neck as she kneading each of your breast in her hands, while Yuushi crept downwards, hiking the skirt of your dress up, so that your bottom-half was exposed to them, without any present panties to cover you up.
Yuushi grunted in delight at the sight, seeing your pussy lips glisten in the light, desperate and feigning for attention. "No panties? Were you planning this from the start, naughty girl?" He then proceeded to flick at your pinched nipples, watching how you whined out to him, an expression of embarrassment over your features. "I'm not supposed to wear panties with this dress, or else the line shows..." Your breathing hitched at his sly hands slipping down, spreading your lower lips out as the tip of one of his fingers rubbed against your clit ever so lightly. It wasn't enough pressure to get you off, but it did make you greedy, clawing at the nape of his neck to do something, anything more. "Hmm, is that so," He drawled, sinking his body downwards to be face-to-face with your pussy, nearly licking his lips at the sight.
Rough hands patting at your ass, he slid you down from sitting on your feet; furthermore, you were sprawled out against their floor, legs spread open for easy access for Yuushi to lap greedily at your juices as your face was beneath and in between K's thighs. While staring up at her already sopping folds, an idea sparked in your head at the gratifying sight. Scaling your hands up the curves of her calves, up to her thighs, you gripped onto the flesh around the underside of her ass. She squeaked, not expecting you to take the initiative in such a manner as she looked down at you, a blush clearly apparent on her cheeks. "Don't worry, K. I can take it." You reassured her between pants, gliding one of your fingers over her puckered hole, enticing you to put your tongue into it. That was all she needed to hear to comply, hovering her body over your face as your tongue drilled into her.
Her bodily fluids dripped onto the lower half of your face like water, but you didn't mind in the slightest, slurping on whatever she gave to you, almost as if you were drinking water and you were parched. Between the feeling of Yuushi's tongue darting atop your clit while his fingers deliciously into you as K rested her weight on you a little more, practically suffocating you with her thighs was probably one of the best feelings you could experience at this time. You were high from so many new tastes and touches that hit all the right spots, it was as if you couldn't get enough of it. Throughout your daze, Yuushi would suck marks on the inside of your thighs, his teeth digging in before the saliva coating his tongue would ease the pain. He would murmur a mixture of praise and degradation under his breath. From calling you a "good girl" to downright shaming you to getting off to this, you couldn't tell which one you liked more.
With how quickly he pumped his fingers in and out of you— with how deep they were reaching with the perfect curl he would hook at your walls, you could feel yourself close to coming, the tight coil in your stomach twisting tightly. At that moment, you knew you wanted to get K to come at the same time as you, so your already sloppy maneuvers increased in pressure and pacing. She was practically humping your face, her hair trickling down to the sides of your face as she watched you, lewd moans slipping past her lips. Mentally capturing that image in your head, your felt a gushing sensation in between your legs as your moan shot through K's body, causing her back to arch as her juices began to flow into your mouth, right down into your throat. "Look at that, you treated K so well. Do you think you made it up to her, just like ya wanted?" He slurred, tongue continuing to lap up any of the excess juices to trickle down your thighs before raising up to stare at your cum-coated face.
A look of pure euphoria was in your eyes as K-san shifted off of you, as the two of them peered down to look at you, gazes both sultry. You hummed in response, tilting your head over to K to get her judgement on the matter. "Did I?" You croaked out, a cheeky smile present on your face. Her nodding was so quick that if you weren't focusing, you'd have missed it. "Look at you, being so good for her," Yuushi commented, lifting your body upwards so that you were leaning against his chest. "Now, can you do the same for me?" His words shot straight down to your pussy, having you squeezing your legs together as you down at what his hands were doing. Observing as he pulled his sweatpants and boxers off in one go, you got to feel his cock slap against your backside before resting atop of it. The drizzle of precum to trail from the tip's slit had you wanting to suck him dry, knowing the got off to you eating him out.
"Yes, I'll be so good for you, Yuushi. Please fuck me hard." You sang out, pressing your ass against his cock as he rubbed against your folds tantalizingly slow. He groaned at your sudden movement, his hand reaching down to slap at your ass, watching how your back moved away from his, pussy grinding down deeper against his dick. "You're such a needy little thing, aren't you? Don't worry, I'll pump you full of my cock, so just be good and take it." With that, he spared no time for pleasantries, rubbing his cock against your wet entrance, before thrusting himself into your sopping cunt. Hand grasping at the front of your neck, he lurched your body up against his once more, drilling his fat cock into you. He filled you up beautifully, every time hitting just the right spot to get you off. K watched you unravel to Yuushi's hard fucking, crawling up to your body to capture your lips with her own, her hands teasing at your clit while you were being stuffed.
"Fuck, you're so tight." Yuushi growled in your ear, fingers digging into the flesh of his hips as his head rested on the nape of your neck. Eyes peering down, he watched as you swallowed his cock, noting the slight imprint on your stomach every time he sinks back into you. "You feel too good, sweetheart. It's like you're, shit, milking me dry with that greedy, little pussy of yours." With every ounce of dirty-talk he spoke, only caused you to moan louder, and if you weren't too head-empty from the ecstasy you were currently experiencing, you'd be concerned about how loud you were being. Using all your willpower, you brought your face in between K's chest, taking one of her perky nipples into your mouth as the other hand went to rubbing at her clit. "Wanna make you both feel s'good..." Letting out another wanton moan, you sucked at her nipples, entranced at the way her breast lactated into your mouth the more your teeth would lightly pull at her nipples, before swirling your tongue around it to give a mix of sensations on her sensitive nipples.
Yuushi's hand on your neck turned your head to the side to face him, his slightly-tanned skin flushed as he was bewitched with the way your hips moved to meet him halfway, allowing his tip to brush all the way up to your cervix, coaxing you to cum all over his cock. His relentless thrusts never ceased, even as he was feeling himself twitch deep in your guts. Yuushi had feigned for this for too long, and now that he had you wrapped around his cock, he was certain that this wouldn't be the last time both he and K would be seeking you out to join them. Perhaps even a daily occurrence, if you'll be on board. The thought alone had his breath hitching, thinking of all the things he could try on you both, and all the fantasies flowing throughout his mind fueled the ramming of his cock inside you. He was fixated on the way your eyes rolled back, eyes lulling down as you were practically drunk on the feeling of his dick inside of you.
K was no better, her body grinding onto your fingers as you inserted a couple of digits into her, allowing her to revel in the pleasure that you both were feeling. At the same time, the hand that K once had on your clit slumped over Yuushi's shoulder, bringing them all closer to one another. There was something so endearing about the action that Yuushi couldn't tease K about it; instead, Yuushi decided to help out, gripping onto the inside of your thigh, sneaking his fingers down to your clit to finish you off. "You both are so cute, you know that? I can feel how close you are with how hard you're clinging onto my cock," Yuushi's let out a deep groan, trying to keep the same pacing of his hand on your clit, but it was hard not to go into a frenzy with how you were gripping down on him. "C'mon, pretty girl, wanna feel you come all over my cock. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?" All you could do was nod, face being tugged away from K's chest to be bombarded by Yuushi's lips on yours, letting out a loud moan against his lips as you were given no chance to process the way you released all over his cock, spasming against his chest.
K's hips trembled at the sight, following in suit as she pushed herself as deep as she could go on your fingers, coating them with her slick juices as she came. Yuushi was the last, pumping into you with the last ounce of energy he seemed to have before spilling his hot, thick load into you, adorning the way you clung to his chest so tightly. "Was that as fun as you imagined, sweetheart?" Yuushi spoke, his voice hushed, as he laid you down next to him, pulling K to lay alongside you as you were sandwiched between the pair. With a dopey smile on you face, despite all the bodily fluids coating your body and the floor beneath you, there was a joy unlike any other you had in this moment. Glancing between the both of them, your smile only grew wider as K placed a chaste kiss to your cheek while Yuushi played with your fingers gently.
"Definitely. Round two in ten minutes?"
"I'd thought you never ask."
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happy pride month y'all! this has been in the drafts for too long and I wanted to finish this for pride month (as a bisexual girly-), so y'all enjoy! (also, no I haven’t read it all, gotta finish it lol-)
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kneelingshadowsalome · 10 months
I am so in to König and the confident solder lady (btw we need a tag name or a callsign for her, maybe a poll?) but anyway I go insane for that dynamic!❤️‍🔥 I am on FIRE after I read your stories and it's NEVER enough 😭🤣
so I imagined this scenario about them
They are out on a mission to capture someone. When König finds the target the lady solder, still under the effect of how brutal and efficient König is with his hands disposing of the enemies, says to him:
L - Bag n tag me...I mean HIM
K - *looks at lady solder while filthy thoughts run through his mind*
now both of their minds are in the gutter...as well as mine, but mine never left😈
Confident soldier lady is so unhinged even König is at a loss sometimes 🤨 And our soldier babe? She gets off on those baffled, bewildered looks a little too much (shame on her).
One day when they're cuddling, sweaty and spent after another heated session that was supposed to put her in her place – how curious that it does actually work, even if only for like 5 minutes – she crosses another line.
"König… Could you kidnap me sometime? You know, in a roleplay fashion," she asks while drawing circles on that godly, muscled, sweaty chest.
The said godly muscled sweaty chest almost stops breathing.
"Kidnap you?" König repeats, appalled and with pure loathing in his voice. "I hate kidnappers... And I hate slavery."
She nearly rises to give him a pointed remark about how funny it is that he hates that shit when at the same time, doesn't have a problem with treating her like a possession. But calling a man like König out on his double standards would be futile, so she settles for seething with quiet resentment while curled up there in his arms.
Yeah… Of course this guy wouldn't know what roleplay even means.
Next week she's walking back to the bus after visiting a sibling, a bit anxious about getting back to base and seeing König again. She still has over a week's worth of leave left, but she wants to go back to spend it with him.
It's sick... Everything about this relationship is sick, twisted, and crazy. She’s always running back to him like a cat who hears her owner has opened another canned tuna in oil. She's so in her thoughts about how to torture that jerk in return that she doesn't quite notice a white van pulling over right next to her.
He barely fits inside the cargo space with her, almost folds her in half while ducking and stepping inside. The car groans under the weight, slants slightly to the side, and she starts to panic and squirm from realizing this is actually happening.
Next thing she knows, she's being picked up from behind like she weighs nothing. A large palm lands over her mouth the minute she’s about to scream – she makes a tiny little noise through her nose but the palm moves to cover that as well.
The street is silent, it's a lazy afternoon in the suburbs, everyone is at work and children are at school, and no one can hear or see how some psycho hauls her inside that van.
"Shh. Stop fighting," a familiar voice bleeds into her ears, muffled and warm.
It can't be…
But then again, didn't she just make a wish upon a psycho star?
He notices she has stopped fighting, just like he ordered her to. He feels how she surrenders to a far stronger beast – just like she's supposed to. And then he purrs.
"Das ist eher so… Be good now. Be a good girl."
No one speaks German like that. No one calls her a gut girl like that.
The palm leaves her mouth, and she's being lowered gently on the floor of the van. She turns to look at her captor with both hope and dread pounding inside her chest.
It's pointless to utter that name when the man before her is exactly his size and build, moves like him, has those same cold, blue eyes that gain a warmer tone every time they land on her. The only thing that makes her take a double check is that he's not wearing a hood this time but a black balaclava. Oddly enough, it makes him look a bit more human. She can see the shape of his jaw, the perch of his nose, usually disguised by the baggy sniper hood he's so fond of...
But what the new mask also does is that it makes him look even more menacing: he looks like some of those terrorists they've always fought against. He looks like the biggest bank robber ever put to this earth, he looks like he's about to shoot dozens of innocent citizens and then kidnap someone to take as his prize and drag them into his rape lair.
The notion should not make her squeal like she's looking forward to being that person…
"You're mine now," he looks down at her, lying at his feet like a stray cat about to be taken back home, then turns to walk out of the van. By the time he slams the doors shut, she's smiling – she might be in need of some serious help, but she can't deny König is at his best when he comes out to play.
His house is surprisingly neat, albeit it is no doubt also a man cave for a soldier who rarely spends time at home.
She’s not carried into a cold lair or a secret dungeon underneath the house. No, she gets to stay in his bedroom, on a soft, king-sized bed. He "forces" her cook for him, and praises her meals like they’re some sort of gourmet dishes. It lights a little flame inside her chest, a fire that doesn’t burn but only feels warm. She starts to tidy his place on her own accord.
It's cute, and it's fun, their little kidnap game.
It’s also kind of entertaining to play house with König like this, especially when her "kidnapper" comes to her every night and takes her gently but intensely, with a passion that renders her silent.
It starts to resemble the most domestic little scene until after one week, she snaps out of it.
She doesn't fight back at all.
He calls her his, asks if she has everything she needs as they lay together on his ridiculously large and nice bed. She doesn’t miss her hard army bunk one bit.
She snaps out of it because he brings her a dress.
She fucking hates dresses.
Well, perhaps she doesn’t hate them... but she hates the particular dress he bought her. It's white and has flowers on it – yuck – is she supposed to cook him a nice, healthy meal while wearing that? Let him lift the hem and take her against a counter whenever he wants? Does he think she’s just going to open her legs for him every night after serving him like a docile, doting little wife?
That night, she fights like a wildcat when he comes to her. She enjoys the way he's panting by the time she finally surrenders to him. He sounds like a dog in heat, he's grunting like a man who has one job too many, trying to restrain his little alley cat so that he can push that heavenly cock inside her. She's dripping wet by the time he gets there, looking up at her captor with lightning and thunder in her eyes.
"What's gone into you now, meine Wildkatze?"
"That stupid dress, that's what's gone into me," she hisses as he tries to be gentle again – she suddenly hates it that he's gentle.
"You'd look good in it," he tries, and she almost spits on his face. Her heart hurts for some unfathomable reason, her lower lip juts out with a furious pout.
"Well you'd look good in rags…!"
And just when she thinks he couldn't make it worse… he makes it worse.
He just laughs. Gently, and heartily.
"Is that the best you can do, little one?"
"You'd make such a good wife..."
The only thing she can do is gasp for air as he makes love to her, as those eyes hold her captive gently, so gently – has he become so gentle just because she cooked him for a week and cleaned up his stupid man cave?
Did he kidnap her just because he realized that would be the perfect way to trick her and transform her into a good little housewife?
Good god...
"If you don't set me free tomorrow, I swear I'll… I'll run away!"
She’s the one panting now, and her threat has little effect save for the hauntingly familiar flash of dare that makes those blue eyes look brighter for a second.
"That's what cats do sooner or later," her King tilts his head – the cock inside her gives a demanding pulse, and she has to fight the urge to moan.
"…but they always return home."
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The Good Girl and the Gangster: 3
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Summary: Y/N is sick of being the good girl. Alfie puts her back in her place when she acts up.
A/N: Chapter 3! we gettin a lil slutty yall. Just how I like it. Let me know what you think! Shorter chapter this time but I have a break from work and school so hopefully I can get some more chapters up soon! Please please tell me what you think! Your feedback means a lot to me!
Tags: @woofgocows @buttercup32sstuff @rikki-b-lake
Masterlist Part 1 Part 2
It had been a week since I'd seen Alfie. I tried to forget about it and move on, I actually tried to spend time with Jacob, but the proved to be futile.
We had gone to a museum and lunch, both of which were boring and irritating. He spoke over me and explained everything to me as if I were a child. I spent the whole day comparing him to Alfie, Alfie respected what I had to say and never spoke over me. I tried to stop comparing them, especially because I was livid with Alfie, but I couldn't help it.
I sat at the dining room table early in the morning, nibbling at the strawberry on my fork. My mother sat next to me while my father read the paper at the head of the table.
"How was your day with Jacob sweetheart?" Mother questioned.
"Fine." I mumbled, refusing to look at her. She moved on to terrorizing my father.
"Darling, you've been spending quite a bit of time with Mr. Solomons, have you had a change of heart." I hid my reaction of shock but looked at my father for his response.
"No darling, I still think he is a criminal and I disagree with his way of life but he is putting in the effort to become a holier man, so I will assist him on that journey. He came to me recently with concerns about his desires." My father spoke, sipping his coffee.
"He did?" I questioned. My father put down his newspaper and my mother looked at me.
"I just- he's been very kind to me. I worry he is, straying ... away from gods light." I attempted to cover up my interest.
"That is kind of you to worry my love, he says he feels sinful desires towards a betrothed lady and is turning to god for help. I respect him for working on his issues. The criminality is a different issue entirely." My father spoke, going back to his paper.
"I disagree. Making your way is difficult, although I am not defending criminal acts, Alfie- Mr. Solomons has done a lot of good for Camden Town." I defended.
"Y/N-" My mother started.
"I suppose you're right, he has done good. I disagree with his methods but I respect him as a man. Can't imagine what that poor girls father would think if he ever found out his betrothed child was sinning with a gangster." My father shook his head.
"Well, god makes everyone and makes no mistakes so, maybe it isn't as bad as it seems." I spoke, putting my fork down, too unsettled to eat.
"Mm." My father grumbled, going back to his paper. My mother and father began talking and I zoned out,
I really need to stop thinking about Alfie. But clearly he's thinking about me. I wonder what kind of desires? Considering what I felt against my leg when we kissed, his desires are probably similar to mine. Maybe he wants me still? Maybe I should go see him- No! I'm betrothed to Jacob. Gag me. Maybe I'll fall in love with him-
"Yes, I am going to the temple in Camden Town to help set up a charity-"
"Can I come?" I cut my father off. My parents looked at me weird for the second time this morning.
"I just, I want to see the temple there and maybe walk around the shops." I defended.
"I don't know honey, that area isn't very-"
"Nonsense love, our girl is an adult. Yes darling, you can come with me and explore a bit while I work." My father accepted.
"Thank you father." I kissed his cheek and went to get ready.
After a bit of driving, father and I parked in front of the temple. Camden Town was.. different. Smog filled the blue skies and left it a hazy grey. The working area was dirty and filled with dirtier men doing hard labor. I entered the temple ad introduced myself to the Rabbi and helped set up for a while before kissing my fathers cheek and excusing myself to explore.
I wandered the streets, entering a shop every now and then while arguing with myself.
Don't go see him. He left you. You need to move on. Just because he makes you feel -
I looked up and saw I had wondered to the bakery Alfie works in.
Well I'm already here, it wouldn't make sense to leave. I can also cut him a new one for abandoning me.
I entered the bakery and was met with heat from the machinery and a bitter scent that burned my nose. The men looked at me in confusion and desire. I wandered around a bit before stopping a gentlemen taking a break.
"Hello, is Mr. Solomons here?" He nodded and directed me to an office upstairs. I walked up to the glass door with the blinds pulled down and was stopped by a young man.
"Ma'am! You can't go in without an appointment." He exclaimed. I smiled.
"He's expecting me." I opened the door and entered the office, shutting it behind me. There he sat, feet propped up on the desk and hat tipped low, his glasses resting on his nose as he scanned the paper in his hands.
"Ollie, fuck off mate." His voice called out, yet to look up.
"I should be the one saying that to you, but here I am." I spoke. He looked up at me and tossed his paper on the desk, sitting up and putting his legs down.
"What're you doin' 'ere?" He questioned, his hands intertwined as he looked at me over his glasses.
"I was in the area, figured I 'd stop by." I spoke, exploring the office and messing with the shelves and drawers.
"Go ahead treacle." He spoke. I huffed.
"Don't act like you know why I'm here." I crossed my arms and faced him, now closer to his desk.
"I do. You want to know why I left."
"Why did you leave?" I questioned, giving in. He sighed, removing his hat and glasses.
"You're gettin' married." He spoke simply.
"As if that bothers you, that's an excuse. You're just a scared little boy Alfie." I snapped. He grunted.
"That's enough." He commanded.
"Is it? Is it enough?" I questioned.
"You're a fuckin' child, treacle. A prissy child, ain't got no business bein' around me." He explained. I felt my rage boiling over.
"Fuck you! You're the one person who didn't treat me like a baby. You want an adult? A grown woman who does grown things? Fine." I spoke, grabbing the bottle of what I assume id alcohol off his desk and pouring myself a glass. He watched silently as I downed the contents in the glass.
What the fuck is this?!
It burned tremendously and hurt going down my throat. I hid my reaction as best I could, pushing down the amber liquid and gagging a bit.
"Feel better?" He questioned, leaning back in his chair and placing his hands over his stomach. I rolled my eyes.
"Fuck you, Alfie." I spoke. Now that I've started cursing it's hard to stop.
"An' you think you're an adult, right? Doin' a shit job at provin' it, love." He spoke, still not giving me any reaction.
"You're still deflecting! You're scared! You haven't given me any real reason why you left. You're a scared cunt! Can't handle a 'child' like me clearly! Even though you're the one who kissed me, Alfie. You're a fucking jerk-" Alfie was up from his desk, storming over to me and grabbing me by the neck, looking down at me with an intense eyes. Got him.
"Shut your fuckin' mouth, treacle. I'm not fuckin' daft. I know what you want. You're going to be a good girl an' ask for it." Alfie demanded, his grip on my neck making my stomach flutter with lust.
"Kiss me please. I-I can't stop thinking about you." I spoke, my voice above a whisper. Alfie smashed his lips on mine. I reacted instantly and kissed back, putting my hands around his neck. He removed his hand from my neck and put them around my waist, hoisting me up and putting me on the desk. He started kissing my neck and speaking between kisses,
"Can't stop thinkin' about you, treacle. Night n' fuckin' day. You come in here beggin' me to play with you and I can't fuckin' resist." He grumbled out, his plump lips wetting my exposed collarbone. I moaned quietly and wrapped my legs around his waist, beginning to gently move my hips against his. He pulled away and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look in his eyes.
"Tell me what you want, dove." He instructed. I whined a bit.
"T-touch me, please." I whispered. He shook his head.
"Where do you want me?" He pressed.
"I want your fingers.. please." I all but pleaded. He put his hand up my skirt and rubbed my thig before his thumb made contact with my clothed clit. I gasped and buried my face in his chest. He used his other hand and gripped my hair firmly, pulling me back to look at him as he rubbed my clit.
"Christ fuckin' soaked you are." He muttered, moving his hand to my mound and slipping it into my panties, using two fingers to rub through my wet folds. I moaned and threw my head back, moving my hips against his hand. He removed his hand and took a step back, pushing my legs open wider and getting on his knees. He pulled my panties down below my knees and bit my thigh gently.
"Alfie, please." I whimpered, my hands in his hair. He moved his lips to my clit, sucking it and drawing louder moans out of me. His kisses moved lower, his tongue entering me. I cried out and squeezed his head with my thighs. He pushed them away and moved back up to my clit.
"Can you take my finger dove?" He questioned between breaths. I nodded.
"Mhm, please Alf. I've done it a few times." I confessed. He hummed against me.
"M'sure you have." He spoke before gently pushing a finger into me while sucking my clit. I moaned out and gripped his hair tighter in my fists. I felt a bit of pressure form the size of his finger, but as he began moving it in and out I felt the pleasure overwhelm me.
"Alfie k-keep going I'm close." I moaned out, moving my hips against his face. He sped up, pulling me to the edge before slowing down again. I let out a frustrated groan.
"Tell me you're sorry for bein' a fuckin' brat. Beg me to finish off this pretty cunt." He instructed, holding down my legs and looking up at my from between my thighs.
"Fuck! Alfie. M'sorry. I didn't mean it. This is what I wanted, I was being a brat so you would snap and give me what I want. Please don't stop." I confessed. He hummed and got back to work, fingering me quicky and pushing me over the edge.
"That's right, love. So fuckin' needy ain't you?" Alfie muttered into me as I came, throwing my head back and letting out the loudest moan yet. He cleaned me up with his tongue and moved his way up my body, kissing me.
"Need you, Alfie. Please." I begged, my eyes hooded.
"Nah, ain't fuckin' you on a desk. Patience." He spoke, brushing my hair out of my flushed face. He reached underneath me and pulled my panties back up, securing them in place.
"C'mon then dove, lets go get lunch." He spoke. He gave me a few minutes to gather myself before we were walking down the streets of Camden Town.
We settled on a quaint restaurant owned by a Jewish couple Alfie knew.
"Mr. Solomons! So lovely to see you again! Who is this beautiful young lady?" An older woman exclaimed after giving Alfie a hug.
"This here is Y/N. Friend of mine." He explained. I introduced myself and she kissed my cheeks.
"Beautiful! Finally you come in here with someone! This man is a godsend. saved our business when we had money troubles." She spoke. I smiled and she showed us to our table before wandering off.
"She seems sweet. You're a good man for helping her." I spoke.
"Yeah, been comin' 'ere for years. Good woman." He spoke, deflecting the compliment.
We spent the next two hours getting to know each other and eating good food before the conversation came to a halt.
"Alfie." I spoke, swallowing my nerves. He looked at me and mumbled for me to continue.
"I don't want to marry Jacob. I want to be with you."
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the12thnightproject · 11 months
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Chapter 8: Charming? Katsu charms a 'Prince,' acquires a maid, and tries to steal her letter back from Mitsuhide.
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
All Chapters Archived on Ao3 
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
If I didn’t get myself under control, this charade was going to have an immediate expiration date.
My hand spasmed on Mitsuhide’s arm, and he spared a quick look at me – as sensitive to physical cues as he was, he had to be aware that my heart was galloping. “Kaya! If you are about to be ill, please do not soil my clothing!”
Shojumaru looked equally appalled.
“This sorry creature is not yet accustomed to rich food or vast quantities of sake.” Mitsu-Kyubei made a little shooing motion. “Go stand by the door. If you are sick, aim for the street.”
The accusation of a hangover was harsh, and of course, untrue, but I suppose it would be a reasonable excuse to Tadayo and Shojumaru. It was also probably Mitsuhide’s way of getting me out of the situation without breaking character. Nor would I argue with an escape route. I relocated to the doorway and took in gulps of fresh dock air. In other words, it kind of stunk of fish.
But at least the ocean breeze was strong. Closing my eyes, I mentally placed myself in the mountains, imagining a clean swath of snow, a fresh trail, and the feeling of being on a snowboard, slaloming down a steep hill. The sea air was mountain air, and I could control each turn with only a slight recentering of my body. Here, I could achieve peac-
“Princess, are you ill?”
A concerned voice pulled me out of my daydream, and I opened my eyes…
Oh shit.
The shock of seeing a familiar face – a person who had only met me as the courier Katsu - did as much to push away the panic as the fresh air. “Thank you for asking, sir. I was simply enjoying the breeze.”
He turned his fine-boned face in the direction of the wind, letting it ruffle his hair.  He didn’t appear to be convinced about the breeze, but, it also didn’t appear that he had connected ‘Kaya’ with ‘Katsu’.
Ok. He doesn’t recognize me.
Or he’s smart enough not to blow my cover.
“It is a sad state of affairs when a lovely young lady would rather look at a dirty street than at silks and brocades.” He waved his hand elegantly (even my tiny acquaintance with him had been enough to learn that Yoshimoto did everything elegantly) toward the interior of the warehouse. “I’ve heard that Shojumaru is able to acquire the best imported fabric in the city… but is that not the case?”
“My opinion wasn’t required, and as I am new to this city, I wanted to take in the scenery.” Not a great cover story, as there wasn’t much scenery, but a simple village girl like Kaya would find Sakai new and exciting.
“Kaya!” Mitsu-Kyubei strolled over and put a possessive hand on my arm. “Making friends so quickly?” He turned to Yoshimoto and once again flashed that feral smile. “My new toy hasn’t yet learned that what is mine stays mine until it breaks.” Without another word, he steered me back to the main conversation, leaving Yoshimoto to stare at our backs.
Well. That was rude. But… that was likely the point. If Mitsuhide and Yoshimoto had ever met before (and they probably had done so) then Mitsuhide would probably want to put as much physical and emotional real estate between himself and Yoshimoto as possible. For that matter, I would be wise to get out of range as well. While I, or rather ‘Katsu’, had only met Yoshimoto twice, our second meeting had been somewhat recently, when I ran into him and my ninja pal Sasuke on my courier route.
It’s too bad I was currently in disguise, because it would be nice to be able to send Sasuke a message. Then again, Yoshimoto, in those bright silks and even brighter beauty, was as conspicuous as a K-pop idol in a shopping mall. If I wanted to find him later, I’m sure I could.
That was for later. Apparently for now, my task was to stand by, and pretend to be interested while Mitsuhide picked out Kaya’s wardrobe for the coming days.
Since Shojumaru was only the middleman here and not a fabric dealer, the process of choosing materials involved a lot of opening crates to determine what colors and patterns were contained inside.  Still, Mitsu-Kyubei proclaimed himself satisfied with the fabrics and before long a pile of pastel silks lay before him. So very… insipid.
Maybe Mitsuhide was trying to smother my rebellion in color theory.
“Also… this one.” He gestured to a beautiful turquoise silk with a faint dye pattern of blue, green, and aquamarine butterflies. For the first time that morning, I didn’t have to pretend I liked the fabric… I loved it.
Ok, that one I will happily wea-
“Hm, yes, this will do nicely for a new haori coat for myself,” Mitsuhide continued.
“If you were mine,” a seductive voice whispered into my ear, as Mitsuhide made arrangements for the fabrics to be sent directly to the seamstress, “I would have you dressed in jewel tones. I am of course, staying at the honjin should you wish to discuss it further.”
I knew that suggestive proposition had come from Yoshimoto, but by the time I turned my head, he had glided to the other side of the room to examine a recently opened crate. He glanced back over his shoulder at me, and a tiny smile curled at the corners of his mouth.
I don’t want to be anyone’s!
“Come along, Kaya.” With a final nod to Shojumaru and Tadayo, Mitsuhide guided me out of the warehouse. Once we were outside, he did that now-familiar single eyebrow raise… oh, ok, this was a double eyebrow. “What happened back there?” Mitsuhide’s physicality was still in the evil-Kyubei persona, but his voice had reverted to that familiar teasing register. As we were still technically in public, but out of hearing range, both made sense.
In the last moment, I decided I’d be better off pretending ignorance of Yoshimoto’s identity. “Some high caste Prince on the hunt for a new concubine.”
“That, my dear brat, I could see for myself.” He patted my arm. It was almost a paternal gesture, and one that was over so quickly that I thought I had imagined it. “I was referring to the moment that you nearly fainted. Is anything wrong?”
He was probably worried that I would mess things up before we’d even started. And though I was a reluctant partner in this, I was determined to see it through. This stupid weakness of mine would not ruin things. “Nothing to worry about. I’m just hungry.” As if to help add to the verisimilitude of something that wasn’t even a lie (exactly), my stomach growled.
Despite the well-timed protest from my insides, Mitsuhide looked like he didn’t believe me. But all he said was, “Kyubei stocked the kitchen in the machiya before he left for Azuchi. I imagine you’ll be able to find something to placate the oni currently residing in your belly.”
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By the end of the day, I not only had a new wardrobe in progress, but I also had a personal maid (Mitsuhide had come to the inescapable conclusion that dealing with my hair was not ever going to part of my skill set). He’d managed to locate a local girl, Sho, who was happy to work days only, then return to her mother’s, as apparently she was helping to care for her younger siblings.
Sho happened to be one of the most beautiful creatures I had ever seen, with big green eyes, perfect skin, and shiny dark hair. If she was an advertisement for her own services, then I was probably in the right hands. Unfortunately, she was a bit on the young side, and very much inclined to chatter all day about nothing. Maybe it was her age, or maybe there was truly not much there.
By the time she had left for the evening, after promising to return the following morning with all kinds of Sengoku era hair tools (normally I would worry about what exactly was included in the Sengoku hair tool set – but they could hardly make my hair look worse), I was exhausted by her enthusiasm. “Where did she come from again?” I asked Mitsuhide as he gestured to a pot of stew that he’d thrown together.
Literally. Thrown. Together.
“Please, partake. I could hear your stomach demanding food even over Sho’s monologue.” He handed me an empty bowl. “As for the maid, I had her direction from Shojumaru. Apparently one of her siblings works for him.”
“Shojumaru suggested her? Couldn’t that mean she’s a spy?” Surely Mitsuhide had considered that possibility. “And, seriously, if you are going to fill your house with spies, why not hire a cook too? Because you… can’t.” I looked down at the pot of…  fruits, vegetables, a mystery meat that I really didn’t want to examine the provenance of too closely and wondered why and how he’d been inspired to toss it all into one dish then season it with fish sauce and what smelled like curry.
Completely oblivious to the taste, Mitsuhide was chowing down with gusto. “Dear me, are you questioning my cooking skills?”
“It wasn’t a question; it was a statement of fact.” No wonder Sho had run out of here so quickly. She’d probably been afraid that we would feed her.
“You are more than welcome to take over the cooking.” He gestured toward the firepit. “As for Sho… of course she’s a spy, although an unwitting one. But as long as we feed her the information we want Shojumaru to have, then we’re ahead of him.”
“I hope the information tastes better than this.” I dumped the remainder of my dinner in his bowl and got up to forage. I wasn’t much of a cook myself, but since he obviously had no taste buds, I had no choice. Whatever I cooked wouldn’t have much imagination, but it would be edible. “You’ve determined that Shojumaru is involved in this somehow?”
Hm, I could manage a quick soup with the veggies and these leftover noodles.
“I have determined nothing – but it’s prudent to view every person as dangerous until proven otherwise.” He looked at his bowl and threw in a few pieces of dried fruit (that I had assumed was to be his dessert, but maybe not). He turned the question back on me. “You seem convinced of his guilt. Any particular reason?”
Thrilled that he’d asked my opinion, I said, “No reason besides the fact that he’s too aggressively pleasant.”
“As logic, that lacks a bit of evidence, but I’ll let that go.” Mitsuhide then spoiled the tiny bit of good feeling I had toward him by announcing that he was going out. “Can you be trusted to actually stay put, or shall I chain you to the wall?”
Of course, he couldn’t trust me, but on this occasion, my plans for the night required that I stay in. Not that I could let him know that. “If you’re worried, take me with you.”
He flipped from teasing to authorative – which I now understood meant he wasn’t in the mood to banter over rules. “Do not leave this building. I will know and it will not go well for you.”
“I have every intention of staying in.” If I gave him my patented ‘I’m innocent and naïve’ look, he’d probably become suspicious, but I did add, “I promise.”
“If you get bored, might I suggest that you clean up the cooking area? We don’t want bugs.” And with that, he was gone.
Briefly I considered ignoring that suggestion. But I happened to agree that bugs were not welcome, and so I put my maid training to good use, cleaned up the dishes, washed out the pot, and banked the coals on the brazier. Besides, if he were planning to come back and check on me, he would see that I was cleaning the kitchen like a good little Cinderella.
Once the dishes were clean, the floor was washed, and all the food was put away… and more importantly the coast was clear, I set about my true goal for the evening: finding Aki’s letter.
It was not, unfortunately, in Mitsuhide’s desk – which was both unlocked and relatively empty of anything interesting beyond a few padlocks.
Huh, perhaps that chained to the wall threat was real.
Nor could I find a lockbox of any sort in the office. Which meant, he was either keeping the letter on his person, or in the bedroom.
Hopefully, the latter.
He hadn’t said how long he would be away, and the consequences of getting caught in his room would likely be humiliating, and potentially painful. Yes. Painful. I pushed away the memory of Mitsuhide telling me that he used pleasure as punishment.
But. It was my letter and it might even have a clue of sorts.
As with the office, Mitsuhide’s bedroom was scrupulously neat – I would need to be extremely careful not to disturb a thing, and to put everything back exactly where I had found it. A faint smell of that cinnamon and sandalwood incense and a fainter odor of sake clung to the edges of the room – I could see a half-empty bottle of it sitting on a shelf.
Also on the shelf… a puzzle box, and a fairly large one at that. Large enough to easily contain my letter. These boxes were just beginning to make their way into the country, but they wouldn’t become common for at least another century (at which point, some of the best puzzle box craftsmen would be domestic). But being from another century myself, I knew what it was, and more importantly, how to open them.
I sat down on the floor (less likely to crease the bedding on his futon) and experimented until I managed press the series of levers and disks in the correct order. The hidden drawer slid open, revealing my letter, and, underneath that -  a tobacco pipe and a lock of reddish-brown hair. Hm. I idly wondered whose hair that was. Who was important enough to him that he would save a bit of their hair in a keepsake box? Did Mitsuhide have a lost love?
Not that it matters.
Or that I care.
Of course, the hair could belong to anyone he had felt close to – a relative, even.
But this was not the time to be distracted. I left the personal items in the drawer and turned my attention to Aki’s letter. He’d written it in code – a special cipher that he and I had devised together. On one hand, this was good, because I doubted it would be one that would be easy for Mitsuhide to break. On the other hand, I was going to have to waste time decoding it.
My very dear child-
Are you surprised by the greeting? I’m afraid you are in for a few more surprises, for… and I hate to begin a letter with the very cliched ‘if you are reading this something has happened to me.’ However, that must be the case. I am sorry to be telling this to you in a letter, but I could never find the courage to tell you in person. In another timeline, my young acquaintance Mister Mikumo once said that you deserve your Cloud City moment.
Mikumo? Who is Mikumo? I momentarily pondered that before the implications of “Cloud City” hit me.
The Empire Strikes Back.
Vader to Luke Skywalker… “No. I am your father.”
Was Aki hinting that he was -- But that… wasn’t possible. I had been born nearly 450 years from now and Aki was of this era.
Except, Aki just alluded to a movie that had been made in the twentieth century.
Aki was not native to this time either… or if he was, he’d visited modern Japan at some point. During which time, he apparently been involved with my mother.
I wish I could give you the details, but even now there is the possibility that someone else may find and eventually decode this correspondence.
Thanks, Mitsuhide.
I’ll simply say that Francisco and I traveled here together.
Francisco? Really? The man couldn’t get from one end of Sakai to the other, and yet he’d managed to time travel 450 years into the past?
If you want to know the story of how your mother and I met and fell in love, ask him, for he was witness to all much of it. Should you decide that you want to make you way back to modern Japan (and… you may not wish to do so after you finish reading this), find Mister Mikumo – who you know as the ninja Sarutobi Sasuke. Sasuke also travelled here, separate from myself, and can help you.
Why Sasuke and not Francisco? Francisco has travelled as an observer of events, but he lacks the understanding of how to make the journey on his own. Additionally, for private reasons, he prefers to settle here permanently. If you elect to return home, the information below will help you in setting up a new life, or resuming your old one. Consider it your trust fund.
The “information below” appared to be a bank account number and password.
However, just as Francisco has his reasons, I am requesting that you stay here. There is an important mission, a vital one that –
Outside, a horse whinnied.
Mitsuhide was back.
Shit…. Shit… I shuttered the lantern – hopefully he hadn’t looked up to this window. Luckily the moon was full and provided enough light for me to carefully replace the letter and put the box back exactly where I had found it.
I’d considered keeping the letter, but – I didn’t want Mitsuhide to realize I had found his super secret squirrel hiding place, reclaim the letter, and force me to find it again. No. I would just have to sneak back in at some point to read the rest.
After a quick eyeball of the room to make certain nothing was out of place, I slipped into the corridor…
…Just as Mitsuhide appeared at the top of the stairs.
“Dear me. Has a naughtly little thief been lurking in my chambers?”
The third thing I hate about Mitsuhide – his timing.
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@selenacosmic @bestbryn @mllorei @tele86 @lyds323 @akitsuneswife
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poksmimi · 2 months
Opinions on Lady K and The Sick Man? Imo I find it odd.. Like the guy is just doing it with her and she is very inaudible and she doesn't speak. Like, what the fuck. She does not even say her opinion, or anything, and she likes being touched? It is confusing
ლ⁠(⁠◕⁠ω⁠◕⁠ლ⁠) it is confusing, I just like how it's drawn since the smut just happens very fast! I think the imagines make up for it, I was very confused at first, happened so fast @-@
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sjsmith56 · 6 months
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At Home in the Rocky Woodlands - Chapter 18, Lord Buchanan
Summary: Lord and Lady Buchanan tour the castle as he introduces her to the staff. A tenant dispute draws Buchanan away then he and his commander visit the Giant, discovering something surprising about his past.
Length: 4.8 K
Characters: Lord and Lady Buchanan, Mary, Cook, Commander Rhodes, Farmer Patrick, two tenants, Bruce the Giant.
Warnings: Ileana feeling uneasy about comparisons with Buchanan’s late wife, Mary being briefly insensitive, assumptions.
Author notes: Credit for the image of Bucky Barnes (Lord Buchanan) to Instagram artist Nixakimbo. Bruce the Giant reveals his past as the only modern man to appear in this world. In my head canon, Bruce appeared here during a time when he was in his Professor Hulk phase, well after Thanos was destroyed, as he was able to reason but was still angry at being ripped away from his world. It is ambiguous as Bruce will reveal he knew Bucky Barnes and admired him for successfully dealing with his past. Since his arrival Bruce maintained the means to coexist with the Hulk but chose to live as a hermit after Buchanan’s father helped him while his son was in the Holy Land.
<<Chapter 17
🐄 🐂 ☕️
While the older Barnes was playing with the young wolf cub, Mary arrived to pick up the breakfast tray. The first thing she noticed when Lord Buchanan introduced Ileana to her, was of her resemblance to Buchanan's late wife, Elena. As a woman used to speaking her mind Mary noted it then immediately felt sorry as Lady Ileana betrayed some uneasiness in her manner at the comparison. Before she could apologize for her presumption, Buchanan found it necessary to comment on their differences.
"Aye, but Ileana is as different to her as you are," he said. "She is also a modern woman, is quite independent minded and is in the Queen's Guard.  She will be continuing her training for as long as her condition allows."
"Condition?" said Mary, then a look of realization appeared on her face. "You are expecting a child, M'Lady?"
"I am, Mary," replied Ileana. "I only started feeling morning sickness this past week."
"I see," she said, neutrally at first, not sure if that was a good idea then she smiled at both of them, noticing how soft and tender Buchanan’s manner was with the young woman. "That is joyous news.  Now, what is this creature your father has with him?"
"This is Sky," said Buchanan, "a wolf cub who lost his pack and chose us as his new pack. It is my intention to train him so he will be at my side inside and outside. You can see he has already taken a liking to Father."
"As you wish, M'Lord," she replied. "He is a bonny looking fellow and will be a fine looking wolf when he is grown. No doubt Cook will have plenty of scraps for him. Perhaps M'Lady would like to inspect the kitchens right now?"
"I was going to take her there myself," said Buchanan, then he turned to Ileana. "I have known both Mary and Cook since I was a boy and usually eat in the kitchen with them. Do you object to eating there instead of the dining hall? We can still eat in the hall when we entertain the King or other Lords."
"I will eat wherever you do, My Lord," replied Ileana. "Please, I wish to see the kitchens."
Buchanan and Ileana took the tray so that Mary could stay with his father and the young wolf. He pointed out various rooms on their way to the kitchen then begged her to take care on the stairway as they walked down. When she stepped out from behind him she smiled for the kitchen was nothing like she imagined. Brightly lit due to the tall windows that lined the outside wall of the kitchens it was spotless and she could see that the person in charge took great pride in how it was organized. There were several maidens preparing food and two teenage boys were turning meat on spits in the great fireplace. They all readily greeted Buchanan when he entered.
"That's a lot of food they are preparing," said Ileana. "That's not just for us, is it?"
"No, we will get our portion but this is the food being prepared for the garrison and the castle staff," he replied. "Cook feeds everyone. Here she comes."
The rotund woman came out of the larder and her eyes lit up at the sight of Buchanan. She took the tray from him then noticed Ileana, giving her a small curtsy.
"This beauty must be Lady Buchanan," she said without waiting for introduction. "I am Hannah, M'Lady but in this kitchen everyone calls me Cook for it is my joy in life to feed people good food."
Ileana laughed at the easy familiarity of this woman. It reminded her of someone in her world but she couldn't quite place who.
"Well, Cook, I have heard much of you and I must say your kitchen would be admired in my modern world," said Ileana. "I can't wait to taste your food but I warn you I have just started feeling morning sickness so if I don't eat your breakfast it is because of that."
"A child? Already?" she cried out in surprise, then smiled broadly at Buchanan. "You wasted no time, M'Lord. Truly you both are blessed. I look forward to having your bairns running under my feet as I spoil them with sweets."
Buchanan's blush was evident in his pink cheeks, making Ileana giggle at seeing him react to the cook's gentle teasing. They took their leave and made their way out the door to the courtyard, bustling with soldiers from his garrison going to and fro as they tended to their duties. All greeted him and were greeted in return. At the garrison building itself he knocked on the door before entering it. His commander Rhodes and second in command Wallis were seated at a table, with both standing up to acknowledging Buchanan and Ileana.
"We arrived an hour ago and I am giving a quick tour to Ileana," Buchanan said by way of greeting. "My Lady, you remember Commander Rhodes and this is Lieutenant Wallis who trained Luna for battle."
"Are you happy with your horse M'Lady?" asked Wallis. "I found her easy to train and ride."
"So did I, thank you sir," replied Ileana. "Do all the soldiers live here in the garrison?"
"No, M'Lady," replied Rhodes. "All the unmarried ones do while those with families live just outside the walls in separate homes with a plot of land so they can keep chickens or grow a garden. Only my family lives in the garrison as I am on duty at all times."
"Your wound, it has healed?" asked Buchanan with concern on his face.
Rhodes smiled and pulled his sleeve back showing only a small bright scar on both sides of his arm. Buchanan nodded, satisfied. Both men accompanied them as he showed her more of the garrison. Rhodes wife Naomi, was out hanging up laundry and he proudly introduced her to Ileana.
"M'Lady, is it true you are one of the Queen's Guard?" she asked. "Will you be continuing your training now that you have taken residence in the castle?"
"That is my intention," replied Ileana. "If Commander Rhodes and Lieutenant Wallis can help. The doctor at the palace said I can train until my sixth month easily."
Both men looked confused but Naomi laughed. "A child on the way," she said knowingly. "This should be interesting. Most men think a wife carrying their child should be resting but they don't realize a woman can't stop just because she is pregnant."
"I agree," said Ileana. "I can still do battle training for some time and when I become too large then I can work on my archery and tactics."
Buchanan said nothing during all of this but his smile of pride in his wife was evident and both soldiers realized they would have to adjust their thinking on the matter. Before they left Buchanan gave them notice that he would be meeting with the entire garrison soon. On the way back to the castle he glanced repeatedly at Ileana. At first she gave it no mind but as they stepped back inside and he led her up a vast staircase she stopped and looked up at him.
"Why do you look at me like that?" she asked. "You're making me nervous."
He laughed and pulled her to a higher stair so their faces were level. "You make me happy," he said simply. "I wasn't sure how you would react to my home. In the years I have lived here I did little to make it more accommodating or welcoming, although Elena seemed constrained at times. Yet you seem to be quite at home here and it confirms my belief that we were meant to be together."
"Where are you taking me now?" she asked.
"Our quarters," he replied. "I left orders for it to be updated so it was more pleasant to you. I'm a little nervous myself."
He came to a large set of double doors and opened them to a room with a fireplace and wooden armchairs assembled in front of it. Several cushions were assembled on the floor in front of the hearth in a way that Ileana knew they would spend many happy times together there. There was a latticed wall through which a huge bed was visible. Taking the step up into the bedroom proper she was pleased to see more of the same type of windows that were in the kitchen above the bed. All had rich red velvet curtains that could be pulled across for privacy or to control the amount of light. The bed itself was a large wooden framed bed on a raised platform. Its coverings looked and felt luxurious. At its base was a table and a bench. Just past the latticed wall on either side were doorways. He led her into one where she found a bathing and dressing room for her with large wardrobes. Inside were many beautiful dresses but also several sets of cloth and leather breeches and vests for Ileana to wear while training.
"When did you do this?" she asked. "We've only been married six weeks."
"The moment we married I sent messages to Mary asking her to take charge," he replied. "I hope you like the dresses. If you haven't already guessed my lands have many water streams and water falls which we use to power mills for both grain and woven fabrics. The weavers take great pride in the products of their looms. You wearing them shows your pride in their handiwork as well. In return they work in a safe environment and are paid well. Since I became lord we have more children in school than ever were before. No child has to work until they reach their mid teen years and those who have excelled in their studies are encouraged to continue them. I remember too well the lost childhood of my own life when I toiled in the fields with my father."
He stopped for a moment and Ileana felt such love for this medieval man with modern ideas on life. She and Queen Peg had thought she was there to change the man but Ileana realized he had already wrought many changes in his domain well before she dropped into it. Cupping his face in her hand she raised herself on tip toe to kiss him gently and he responded by enclosing her in his arms and kissing her in a similar manner. When he pulled away slightly he smiled at her in the way he often did prior to a coupling and she returned it, kissing him sensuously.
"You feel it also," he stated as fact. "I wish I could enjoy a coupling with you but I must go out and hear some tenant concerns. Stoke that fire for now, my love, and after I return we will have all night to please each other in our own bed at last. First we lunch then I must away."
They went back down to the kitchen where three places were set at the table. Mary was down there holding Sky and introducing him to Cook. They both looked at Buchanan when he arrived.
"M'Lord," exclaimed Cook, "is it true this young cub followed you for miles and latched himself on to you and Lady Buchanan?"
"It is true," he admitted. "As my wife stated when we realized he chose us, the white wolf now has a black wolf cub. I'm sure stories are already being told of it."
"He has won my heart," said Cook. "We will help him grow into a fine beast. He will need training to relieve himself outside and not to harry the livestock but he seems to prefer human company already."
"I'm sure your kitchen will become one of his favourite rooms in the castle," replied Buchanan. "Now, perhaps you have some lunch ready for Lady Buchanan and myself?"
Cook dished out bowls of stew and sliced fresh baked bread with cold butter for them and for Mary as the third bowl was for her. Sky was placed on the ground where Cook put a small bowl with stew in front of him. They all were amused watching him eagerly stick his head into the food and attack the stew with gusto. Ileana's first taste of the food was a revelation to both the quality of it and the realization of who Cook reminded her of.
"Cook, this wonderful," Ileana exclaimed. "I haven't tasted stew this good since I was a child and my Romanian grandmother placed a bowl just like this in front of me. It reminds me of her so much and so do you."
It was probably the best compliment ever paid to her. Both Cook and Ileana became a little emotional over it. As the queen of the kitchen used the edge of her apron to dab at her eyes Ileana stood up and offered the woman her arms in comfort, which she gladly accepted.
"You have chose well, M'Lord," said Cook, finally, looking at Ileana with affection. "I have heard other Lord's consorts look down on those who work in the kitchens but your Lady is a gem and will always be welcome at the kitchen table."
He said nothing, just continued to eat his stew and gaze proudly on Ileana. The moment passed all too quickly and the time arrived for him to ride out to rule on a dispute between two tenants. As he and Commander Rhodes met in the courtyard Ileana stood with them both as they awaited the arrival of their horses.
"What will you do while I'm away?" asked Buchanan.
"Mary is showing me all the rooms of the castle and their contents," said Ileana. "She will also introduce me to some young women that she has assembled so I may pick one to be my attendant and dresser. Then we will discuss how she runs the castle so that if the time ever comes when she is no longer with us I will know what to do."
"That should take considerably longer than an afternoon," he joked. "Mary has had many years to manage the household but she is a smart and gentle woman. Listen well to her, I beg of you."
The horses arrived and both men mounted. As Ileana turned back to the castle the two men rode out through the gate and out over the high paths that just the previous week were the site of a battle.
"Pierce, has he been transferred to the King's prison?" asked Buchanan, once they were out of earshot of the courtyard.  "I am glad he was not here to witness Lady Buchanan's arrival."
"Aye, he has," said Rhodes. "Good riddance to him. He was as arrogant in his cell as he was a Lord. His daughter, will she be able to be the new steward of those lands?"
"The King and Queen believe so, having spent more time with her," said Buchanan. "She stays at the palace, has begun her Queen's Guard training, and is being schooled in laws, and managing an estate. By all accounts she is a quick and eager learner. When she has been named as Baroness I will escort her to her lands and stay for a few days to make sure all accept her position. The garrison commander there, Coulson, is proving to be a man of his word and I believe he will serve her faithfully."
They crossed a stream together and came up the bank to a scene that puzzled them. A farmer and his sons were gathered around a rather large metal plate in the ground. Buchanan and Rhodes pulled up beside them.
"Farmer Patrick, what is it you have there?" asked Buchanan.
"M'Lord this mound has always been here and always made it difficult to plow in a straight line," replied the farmer. "With all of my sons here today we decided to dig the mound out and make the land level but we found this. I have never seen a piece of metal this large and we haven't even uncovered all of it."
"Part of it has hinges, M'Lord," said the farmer's oldest son, Ronald. "Those hinges are attached to the strangest rock I have ever seen."
Buchanan dismounted and looked closely at the rock and hinge structure with a growing sense of excitement. He calmed himself and remounted.
"I have seen rock like this before," he said to the farmer. "It forms part of the destroyed structures of the ancients. This looks intact and may be a structure that still exists. Continue to uncover it but do not attempt to enter it. Advise me when you have uncovered the top of it, as it may be of importance to the King. I will compensate you for your time as this is important."
To prove its importance he reached into his jacket for his coin pouch and withdrew a gold coin, handing it directly to Farmer Patrick. The man's eyes lit up as he accepted it proudly. He and his sons returned to the excavation with enthusiasm as Buchanan and Rhodes continued on.
"What is the importance of that structure?" asked Rhodes.
"I made a discovery that was confirmed at the King's Palace," said Buchanan. "This was once a modern world and that structure is the proof of it. It is obviously the top portion of a larger underground structure. Ileana spoke of missile silos, large towers that housed giant rockets used to defend against hostile nations. There is a greater threat against our world that those rockets may be directed against."
"What kingdom would threaten ours now?" asked Rhodes.
Buchanan stopped Magnus. "No kingdom but a threat from the heavens," he replied. "There are untold number of worlds in the sky that we are unaware of. Most stay in orbit around their suns like we orbit ours and everything progresses as it should. But there are rogue entities made of metal and rock, governed by the laws of nature and not by men. They can encroach on our world and do great damage. The Sorceress has seen one such giant rock threatening our world with destruction, and several others that may harm our livelihoods. That is our next battle, Rhodes. To relearn the wisdom of the ancients, to find the tools they used like the giant rockets and then send them to destroy that which threatens us before it reaches our skies."
His commander said nothing but Buchanan saw that he was shaken by the revelation. He moved Magnus closer and leaned over to clap his friend on the shoulder.
"Cheer up, James," he said heartily. "It isn't imminent, so far as I know, but it is something we have time to prepare for. With all of the modern women that have been dropped into our world recently it has become obvious that God is with us for he has sent us many brilliant minds to plan our response. My job and yours is to help them implement it. The times are changing and for good reason."
"I will trust your judgment on this, M'Lord," said Rhodes. "I'm guessing this isn't to be shared freely yet."  Buchanan nodded. "Very well, I will keep it to myself."
They continued on their way and in an hour arrived at the scene of the dispute between two tenants. Rhodes dismounted, advising the farmer that his lord was present. The man came out and complained how the neighbour's bull had wandered into his lands and had its way with all of his cows, impregnating all of them. Now the neighbour wanted half of the calves as payment for the bull's efforts.
"Do you not have fences between your properties?" asked Lord Buchanan. "Did the bull jump the fence?"
"Aye, I have fences but the bull must have grown arms because the gate was open and he freely walked in during the night," replied the man.
"The gate to where you keep your cows in safety overnight was left open," repeated Buchanan. "By whom?"
"Not me, M'Lord," he replied indignantly. "There were three ties on that gate and each one had been undone. I only impregnate a couple of cows each year so that I have a continuous supply of milk for the cheesemakers. Now, with all of them in calf they don't want the milk until the calves are born as they claim it affects the quality of the cheese. That has affected my livelihood."
Buchanan listened as the man railed on about the disastrous effect this had on his farm, disrupting the schedule of calving that had sustained him. He and Rhodes rode on to the next farm to hear the other neighbour's version of events.
"This is Farmer Brendan's land isn't it?" asked Buchanan. "I can't see him deliberately disrupting William's livelihood. They had that arrangement for years where Brendan's bull would impregnate a couple of cows every year. He got free milk out of it."
"It was Brendan's land but he passed away two months ago, and his son, Sean, is the new tenant," said Rhodes. "He's not the straightest plow, if you understand me."
"You think he deliberately untied the gate and allowed his bull to go through at night?" asked Buchanan. "Why would he do such a thing?"
"Possibly to set up his own dairy herd to take the cheesemaker's business as his own," suggested Rhodes. "With half of the calves from William's herd he would have the beginnings of his own milk business. So I've heard."
Buchanan scratched his head as they rode to the next farm. This was going to take some doing. It was obvious that Sean had attempted to undercut his neighbour and take over his place as supplier to the cheesemakers. His father Brendan had taken the milk that he earned from William and sold it in the village, dropping it off daily to those who lived there. It was a service that was appreciated by those who had no means to get out to the dairy farm but it wasn't easy work as he had to get up daily to collect his share of milk from William, then take it by cart to the village and distribute it to his customers. Through snow, rain and heat he did that every day. It was evident his son Sean, didn't want to work that hard. It also meant the village was without a person to deliver milk to them.
By the time Buchanan heard Sean's side of the dispute he came to the same conclusion that Rhodes did. Farmer Sean was young, arrogant, and felt he was entirely within his rights to demand payment for his bull's efforts. When Buchanan asked him about the milk delivery to the village he flat out said he didn't want to do it. Someone else could. Lord Buchanan agreed and came to his decision.
"You will get half the calves from Farmer William," said Buchanan. "They will be males, all castrated before they are delivered to you. You can fatten them up and sell them for beef when they are of age. Farmer William will continue to deliver milk to the cheesemakers and I will ask him if he wants to deliver the milk to the village as well. In the future you will offer your bull to impregnate a couple of cows per year, as it was done for many years previous, only now your payment will be in one calf being delivered to you. If you ever undo the gate again to let your bull run wild your farm will be confiscated, and you and your family will be turned out. Do I make myself clear?"
Sean nodded and cast his eyes down, knowing he had overstepped himself with his ambitions. When Buchanan and Rhodes gave William their decision he was delighted. His oldest son had suggested they take over milk delivery since Sean didn't seem interested in it. He wasn't happy about losing half of the calves but when Buchanan told him to give Sean all castrated males he changed his tune and thanked his lord for his wisdom. In his mind the dispute was settled. Buchanan and Rhodes started back towards the estate but stopped at a pathway.
"We are only a short ride from the Giant by this path, are we not?" asked Buchanan. "I wanted to stop and see him on my way back but didn't. Would you mind if we go see him now?"
"As long as my horse can withstand it," said Rhodes. "We'll have to dismount some distance from his hut and walk the rest of the way."
"A good stretch of the legs," retorted Buchanan.
Just a short time later they did just that and approached the Giant's hut on foot, having tied up their horses further away. The Giant had built a small paddock for the two cows he took as payment for his help in the battle against Pierce. Another paddock further away housed his young bull. Buchanan hailed Bruce as they approached and the Giant came to the door then outside.
"My Lord Buchanan," said the Giant in a pleasant manner. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Your wisdom," said Buchanan, surprised at the genial tone of the big man. "I seek it."
The Giant went into his hut and came out with three mugs and a jug. He poured a hot, dark liquid into each and offered the two men a mug. It was unusual hospitality from the Giant and he knew it.
"I acquired coffee from a pedlar who was brave enough to come down the path," he explained. "I never knew how much I missed it until that first mug."
"You knew of coffee?" asked Buchanan, puzzled. "The only ones that knew of it before that pedlar were the modern women who have been dropped into this world by fate."
Bruce sighed, then came to a decision. "I am also from a modern world," he admitted. "I was a scientist and worked on many projects. I was also part of a group of unique warriors. Then one day I found myself here, in the Middle Ages. I was angry, out of control, and a danger to many. They all treated me as an animal, except your father. He spoke to me as a man one night and helped me escape from where they had cornered me, intending to slaughter me as a beast. He helped me build this hut so I could live in peace. That is the debt that I owe him."
Buchanan thought for a moment. "The warriors that you served with," he said, watching Bruce carefully. "Were they the Avengers?"
Bruce stood up immediately, his eyes flashing in surprise. "How do you know about the Avengers?" he asked.
"A woman who calls herself a Doctor but of science, not of medicine," replied Buchanan. "She said she worked for SHIELD and with the Avengers. Her name is Jane Foster and she is with King Thorn. Along with the other modern women they are trying to find a way to destroy an asteroid that threatens this world. I saw travelling lights, satellites they are called, orbiting our world one night and we looked through a telescope at one large one. Lady Jane called it the International Space Station. This was once a modern world and now we seek that technology and the wisdom to use it against the threat."
"How long until it hits?" asked Bruce. "The only technology we would still have would be defence missiles still in their silos but they would have to be reprogrammed and additional fuel added to extend their range."
"I don't know when but everything you just said was discussed," said Buchanan. "You obviously have the knowledge but will you help?"
"Yes," said Bruce. "It's obvious that's why I'm here, isn't it? You needed my knowledge.  All this time I could have been doing something and instead let my anger rule me."
Buchanan told him everything and the Giant's excitement grew, surprising both men with his amenability to being part of the efforts. When Buchanan told him about the plan to meet with all the Lords to begin working on the defence of their world Bruce insisted he be there. It was agreed that a messenger hawk be sent to the King to advise him of the Giant's participation and to advise Dr. Foster that Dr. Bruce Banner was also in the kingdom. She would understand the message. When Buchanan and Rhodes took the hour long trip back to the estate it was with the knowledge that their chances of survival had increased greatly.
Chapter 19>>
Series Masterlist
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ochamiko · 2 years
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Himiko x Ochako playlist — and she was crying
01. Killer Queen by FIL BO RIVA
03. Give and Take by Poor Mans Poison
04. Killer Love by Madame Macabre
05. Love bites by Ice Nine Kills
06. Boyfriend by Dove Cameron
07. I Want What's She's Got by D-A-D
08. Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard
09. Freak Flag by Ice Nine Kills
10. Killer Queen by 5 Seconds of Summer
11. I Love Rock 'N Roll by Joan Jett
12. Shadow On The Wall by Mike Oldfield
13. Rainy Day by Ice Nine Kills
14. Goodnight by Jayn
15. Come And Get Your Love by Redbone
16. The dance of the corpses by Kikuo
17. Perfect by My Enemies & I
18. she calls me daddy by KiNG MALA
19. La Di Da by VUKOVI
20. Who Is She? by I Monster
21. Hydrochloride by Ghostemane
22. Pretender by AJR
23. Hold me Back by Bass Up!
24. Little Dark Age by Lofis
25. favorite crime by Olivia Rodrigo
26. Strangelove Addiction by Supreme Beings of Leisure
27. Can't Pretend by Tom Odell
28. Bang Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls
29. Slasher by Cassetter, Extra Terra
30. The Lion's Roar by First Aid Kit
31. Warriors by Imagine Dragons
32. Talking is Hard by Weathers
33. Novocaine by The Unlikely Candidates
34. Misfits T-Shirt by DREAMERS
35. Cheri Cheri Lady by Modern Talking
36. Freaky Deaky by Tyga, Doja Cat
37. Pursuit by Peyruis
38. Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon
39. Formula 666 by Sarah and the Safe Word
40. Sick on Seventh Street by Sarah and the Safe Word
41. rapunzel by emlyn
42. Let's be Friends by Emily Osment
43. Lobotomy by Lucy Loone
44. Toxic Valentine by All Time Low
45. i luv him. by Catie Turner
46. "99" by Barns Courtney, Kat Krazy
47. Golden Dandelions by Barns Courtney
48. Tall Glass of Cyanide by Adam Jensen
49. Feel Real Pretty by Paper Idol
50. Superhuman by Party Favor, K. Flay
51. Palm Reader by DREAMERS, Big Boi, UPSAHL
52. Super Psycho Love by Simon Curtis
53. Love Me, Love Me, Love Me by Kikuo
54. I Just Want To Be The One You Love by Boxout
55. Arms Tonite by Mother Mother
56. Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA
57. Love Taste by Moe Shop, Jamie Paige, Shiki-TMNS
58. Hermit the Frog by MARINA
59. Love Me Dead by Ludo
60. Suki Suki Daisuki by Jun Togawa
61. I Love You So by the Walters
62. The Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid
63. Stalker's Tango by Autoheart
64. Lesbian Vampyres From Outer Space by Scary Bitches
65. by Molchat Doma
66. Smells Blood by Kensuke Ushio
67. Every Day by bo en
68. You Always Eat The One You Love by Scary Bitches
69. Villain by Stella Jang
70. I Deserve to Bleed by Sushi Soucy
71. Blood and Bones by The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
72. Michelle by Sir Chloe
73. I Still Adore You by The Oozes
74. This Is Love by Air Traffic Controller
75. Entropy by Awkward Marina
76. Addict by Silva Hound
77. Happy Together by Slothrust
78. I'm Not Angry Anymore by Paramore
79. Screw Loose by Alli Mauzey
80. Cigarette Duet by Princess Chelsea
81. Lemon Boy by Cavetown
82. Sugar Dust by YukoEXE
83. She's Crazy but She's Mine by Alex Sparrow
84. Girls In Bikinis by Poppy
85. FAILURE GIRL by Karikibear
86. The Drug In Me Is You by Falling In Reverse
87. IN MY MOUTH by Black Dresses
88. Good Girl by Morganne
89. Poison by Alice Cooper
90. killer queen by Mad Tsai
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Oop yep she said the name
Oh gosh that promo looks CRAZY
xDD Like good but CRAZY
Gosh xdd
That's the end of my last thoughts!!! Woah, that was wild xDD. Now onto the. . .
Wow. That was. . . Wild xDD. Just- straight up crazy lol
Some quick last thoughts, since I said a lot for what I was thinking the liveblog!! Plus some condensing if what I said
Buck, Eddie, and Chim just vibing and seeing if Hen keeps it together is iconic xDd But also Buck's barely keeping it together lol, trying to find peace and all and that situation. Poor guy :((.
Also Evan sir you are gay <3 Just accept it and move on
Nah fr xDD I headcanon him as bi but eh anyway lol
And UGHHH Hen this episode!!! Poor Hen 😭😭😭😭. She does not DESERVEEE THISSSS!!!
I saw something recently that was like I love Henren and I love angst and all but can they have one storyline that isn't super serious or sad, and like xDD Yeah lol
I love the angst but y'all 😭😭😭 You're killing me here lol xD
I like how they're a very realistic couple though and still have emotions even when the other one does yaknow? Like Karen is justified in being upset about Hen forgetting to pick Denny up but also she understands and is still there for Hen <333 Iconic, truly.
Love them :DDDD
Still heartbreaking though xdd. Just watching her go through something like that, something I kind after myself. . . ugh. Torture xdd. I loved it, it was great, but ow xd. ❤️❤️❤️😭😭❤️❤️🥰
And honestly poor Athena :((. And her mom! Beatrice, that's her name. It's so rough when a family member is sick, especially in the hospital, let alone in a coma. I can't even imagine the pain and the stress <33
I hope everything works out with them, besides the uh, yaknow (segue lol)
More just the fact that there even WAS a body, not who it was lol
Although since that was a prevalent (or at least, more so than any other information about this town) storyline in the past, it does make sense that it would come back up. Still, though xdd. CRAZY.
Also, just. Bathena <333 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️😭❤️❤️❤️❤️. Crying because they're adorable lol <333 :DD.
Okay I just watched the first 10 minutes and UHH. XDD DANG lol. I kinda figured it was something like that but still xdd. Also a tunnel is a little extra. It was funny and interesting tough lol
And ahhh it was a medically induced coma, okay, I see. Still, it sucks :((. And there's the start (that we see) of her denial too. Poor lady :((. Poor all of them, honestly. Just, oof xdd.
Also, it sucks that he choked a bit (I don't know if I'd call it crashing and burning lol - also I find it funny how with "burning" they had a chance to have the fighters actually fight like. A fire xDD but I get that they're ent more with the crash theme lol - oh wait, back from putting the title at the end, I just remembered it's learn XDD Nevermind then, lol), but I'm sure whatever his face was, 9-1-1 dispatcher boy, will do great :)). He just has to get a little more experience first :D. I think he'll do great <3. Hopefully he's not evil lol.
Overall, I loved the episode. The calls were fun, though a bit sad at times Hen's storyline was amazing, as was Athena's side. Ayy, our besties have an episode :D. Kind of together, but also super far apart lol. Also, poor Buck, honestly. Man is struggling lol. But yeah, I really connected with Hen here so I just feel extra bad for her <3. Anyway, it was a great episode. This season's shaping up to be really good :).
So, that's about it! It was an amazing episode, and I am looking forward to the next one. This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 2: Crash and Learn
It was awesome! I am so excited for what comes next. It seems like it'll be great! See you next week for. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 3: The Devil You Know
See you guys then!
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based on this post
karate joe: i lobe joe❤️ hi kasper again //flashback to karate kurt hair vegetables: honestly the music goes so hard but THEY STARE AT YOU sarge: wait isn't he a furry- squadmates: petar!!! air batter: air batter my beloved. why does his rabbit costume look like that. space umpire: he's so happy!!! the clappy trio: FUCK YOU /their prequel reminds me of disco. hi jimmy t why are you there-
sneaky spirits: mischievous spirits… up to no good… the wandering samurai: really funny that this guy didn't have an actual name until fever (samurai steve) yokai: also up to no good rats: wait since when did the rat and rat wife have kids. ms. whiskers: silly cat :) sick beats doctor/dr. cutlery: i like his endless game. some real sick beats viruses: are they the monsters from mahou tsukai or is this just a dream yellow organism: little guy <- well its an organism //silly the donpans: poly- yagura-chan: so apparently her name can translate to watchtower. and she's on a tower. laugh now
mahou tsukai: yippee! yay! yahoo! ojou-chan: flower <3 monster (wizards waltz): what's the deal dude. stop eating the plants and magically disappearing. penguins (showtime): speedy gonzales (tengoku fan translation) monkey (showtime): the first monkey……… rabbit: must have springs in its feet. how else can you just hop that far off of the moon. tram and poline/pauline: furries (you will see this again) space gramps: he seems kinda chill as a grandpa space dancers: their game seems so positive… too bad in the try again screen they get sucked into a black hole💔
q maou: since when was he a demon……. contestant: contestant my beloved….. i headcanon he has performance anxiety play-yan: bro why do all of the space-related games feel so relaxing. i hate his game mini chounin: i'm kind of curious. how many of them are there akai mono (red things): why do people want these things. fuck your sequel </3 RAPMEN: gay gay homosexual gay
urakata aki to ki: idk why but i feel bad for them. did you know hopping road has a sequel slightly better than polyrhythm 2 spheroids (bouncy road): the what ninja and the lord: why do they have so much lore…… toss boys: the tossers ever <3 yuka (tap trial girl): YUKA!!!!! i love both of her games tap trial my beloved giraffe: scary! tanaka: i am normal i am normal i am normal- kanojo: beloved…….. waru mono: no mercy. (can get some fast parts of ninja reincarnate) soshi: he's so cool……
cosmic girl: idk. i like the hat cosmic dancers: i like to imagine that they have SO MUCH beef with the space dancers for absolutely no reason. rap women: gay gay homosexual gay Part 2 man-k: hey do you get the joke. man-k = monkey booing sfx biribiriuo (night walk 2): hey maybe STOP PRESUMABLY KILLING PLAY-YAN usamimi maki sensei: yeah she's definitely cosmic girl. space rabbits: when i saw these guys in tengoku i screamed "HOLY SHIT WARIOWARE"
buta-san: silly pigs :) barista: i like how until like ds/fever it's revealed that he's a dog. i mean you don't see him in the cafe (tengoku) but in live result screens he's like. there people at the café: yippee!!! yay!!! yahoo neko machine: when i was like really young i really liked cats. so to see neko machine was a pleasant surprise! horse machine: idk. honse. i like the rhythm toy love-san: "aand LOVE WINS!!!" people cheering sfx mr. upbeat: why is he forced to step over a metronome. what did he do mannequin: i'm ok with his minigame. can get boring a little quickly anata: "go girl give us everything" SO TRUE❤️ remember when i said i was normal. i am not normal about her. anata my beloved……. drum girls: i like the bg. also hi yagura-chan samurai drummer/drum samurai: why do your drum lessons have to be so hard (context: i never finished them) also hi tsunku drum samurai's band: no way!! tsunku has a band <- doesn't know that tsunku was in a band oba-chan: i imagine her to be like one of those really sweet old ladies owner: owner my behated </3 producer: uhh. i like his design (flashback to twink pride flag)
alright that's all of them. i'm surprised you had the time to read this.
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screampied · 2 months
Okay! Hi! Semi-request but mainly just an idea!
So idk if you ever heard of a manga called lady k and the sick man. But if you have imagine that but with Toji! Okay that’s all bye!!
(Also can I be 🌀anon?)
i have !!! i’ve read it a few times n the male mc rly favors toji 🫂. i see the vision ill look more into it !
and yaaaa ofc welcome !! 🫶
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prnanayarquah · 11 months
'Beyond Fatherhood: Changing The Narrative' book launched by DC Kwame Kwakye
New Post has been published on https://plugzafrica.com/beyond-fatherhood-changing-the-narrative-book-launched-by-dc-kwame-kwakye/
'Beyond Fatherhood: Changing The Narrative' book launched by DC Kwame Kwakye
Ace Broadcast Journalist, Fatherhood Advocate, writer and Author, DC Kwame Kwakye on Sunday 9th July, 2023 launched his maiden book on fatherhood with a call on fathers to change the narrative regarding fathering and fatherhood.
The book titled “Beyond Fatherhood: Changing The Narrative” was auctioned by Dr. Kwamena Minta Nyarku, Member of Parliament for Cape Coast North with Prof. G. K. T. Oduro, former Pro VC UCC as the Chair for the occasion. Speaking at the launch of the book, “The starting point of all achievement is desire – Napoleon Hill, it is out of this that I persevered even when I had only my mobile phone to write this book, I desired hence I have achieved”.
In outlining the reason for the book launch and what his reason and project means to the cause of fathers universally, he referenced Swami Vivekananda, ”Take up an idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, and live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea and just leave every other idea alone”.
DC Kwame Kwakye with his Wife and Kids
DC Kwame Kwakye autographing copies of the book
He recounted that writing a book is a long, arduous and often solitary process so this book is not just about him and his experiences as a father. “It is about the power that connects fathers to their children, to help us understand one another, ultimately make society better and to build the many bridges that divides us”, DC Kwame Kwakye stated.
The author took the audience into an imaginative world by asking “Imagine seeing a dapper dressed young man as far back as ten years ago wearing a baby carrier with a baby in it holding an umbrella with all the necessary baby paraphernalia regularly and roaming the whole community going about his journalistic duties with same?
Again, Imagine yourself having to change your children’s diapers, bath them, feed and wash their clothes until they are about three years. Imagine having the ability to detect when your child is sick even when the symptoms aren’t evident amongst many other things and when you are done imagining, the image you see is me.
“It is my strongest conviction that men give birth and women only assist hence our responsibility to cater for them in all ways necessary and possible”,he shared.
DC Kwame Kwakye with Hon. Dr Kwamena Minta Nyarku, MP Cape Coast North and other friends in the media
DC Kwame Kwakye with some patrons at the book launch
The book according to DC Kwame Kwakye comes to fill a gap, one that existed before our birth. “This book brings fatherhood out of the shadows of just history and into the limelight so whether you are reading this book on your own or discussing it with others, my hope is that it sparks conversations and connections that might have not happened otherwise and challenge us to think differently”, he stated.
The author further indicated that “in every revolution there is one man with a vision; in the case of fatherhood, I am the visionary and this book is the vision. I have therefore titled this vision (book) ‘‘BEYOND FATHERHOOD: changing the narrative”
He ended by paying glowing tribute to his wife Mrs. Evelyn Asante Kwakye and his children, Hon. Dr Kwamena Minta Nyarku, MP Cape Coast North Constituncy, Michael Kwaku Kissi, Dr. Ebenezer Nana Gyamerah, Animal Science UCC, Nana Asubo Boateng, GCB and especially Professor George K.T. Oduro for their immense contribution in making his dream a reality.
DC Kwame Kwakye with some ladies from the University of Cape Coast
DC Kwame Kwakye with the MP for Cape Coast North, Hon. Dr Kwamena Minta Nyarku
Finally, he ended by saying he is available for private coaching but only when one get stuck after reading his book. He encouraged all and sundry to get a copy and together change the fatherhood narrative.
In attendance were Seyram Kawor, Dr. Jaha Imoro Razak, Frances Korankye Sekyi, Dr. Justice Boateng, Prof. Anokye Adam all of UCC. The others were Dr. Justice Arthur, Medical Superintendent, Ewim Polyclinic, Cape Coast, Dr. Jonathan Olesu, Head of Dental Clinic and Alidu Abdulai, Head of Human Resources of Cape Coast Teaching Hospital. Nyansa Boakwa of Happy FM fame represented Mr. Benjamin Kofo Quashie, Group Chair-Allied Consortium.
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It's weird how some things you just remember. Or even things you remember about people. Its been 4 years since I went to OK. Just crazy. I almost forgot, but it was actually this month when everything happened. Truly believe that helped shape me into who I am now. I always get reminded by certain song, but the other day I heard one that reminded me of everything. I wonder what K is even up to. Wondering if he's still an asshole. I think about how he treated me and I wonder how I would've handled things as the version of myself I am now. When I reflect back it's so bittersweet. Not really about him, but the way I feel about myself then. It was just such an innocent time for me, I had no idea things would've ended up like that. It's just all so young and adolescent. I was so hopefully and fully invested in him. I had no idea what I was doing. He was the first guy to ever make me feel special.
I feel like my dreams have been so haunting lately. Not even sure what is causing them. I feel like I'm being haunted by my ex. I don't want to be dreaming of him, but somehow he just keeps showing up. I don't understand it. And then the dreams just linger on me.And the dreams aren't like me missing him or anything. In them he's always moved on and with someone new and it's like I'm just observing him like a fly on the wall. The one last night really drained me, its has just left me kind of numb. Kind of hard to understand my feelings on it, but I just don't even understand them. I guess I'm just indifferent to him. Definitely don't love him anymore, just feel like he's a ghost. I always find myself trying to understand why I was so in love with him, or what was so special about us being together. It was not a healthy connection. Its like we were tethered by these glowing intertwined umbilical cords. Sounds dramatic, but I have no idea why things were so intense. At times I can remember feeling like I'd die without him. He was just so toxic. I wonder how toxic he still really is now. Just out of curiosity I would like to know the inner workings of him and his literal old lady. Like what do they even argue about. I can totally imagine him insecure about the older guys that pursue her out of desperation. Not like she's so hot haha. He is just so delusional. I would love for him to see me now, he was always so threatened by my power. Not like I was or could really channel into it when I was with him.. and I think that was part of the problem, I just couldn't be myself. Couldn't fully be myself or say or do the things I wanted. it was sick. he was just so bothered by everything. How could I have allowed that. He got mad over a hypothetical concert. Losing him was the best thing to ever happen to me. I can't imagine what he would say or do if he was lucky enough to even have a conversation with me. The switch in dynamic would be crazy. I would actually like that just so he could see how powerful I really am. I'm stronger than him by ions hahaha. He is just a shaking leaf withering in the wind. He is a snail climbing Mount Everest and I am a cheetah flying through the jungle. The jungle is vibrant and colorful and I own that shit. He doesn't even own his snail shell. everything he promotes is superficial and hallow. There is nothing backing up his life or desires. He is just so fickle and unrealistic. I do not know about him. I was the one leading us, I was the man and he was the gigantic cunt baby making me miserable. I am so laughing at myself for crying, but its okay because the thing that was real in all of this was the pain he caused me. He lit a fire on my spirit and burned that shit down. He is a black cloud that will always bring others down with him. He is a ghost know, I don't know him at all.
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bcdrawsandwrites · 3 years
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Fandom: Psychonauts
Rating: K+
Genre: Gen?? Sickfic?? mild H/C??? you got me, man
Characters: Caligosto Loboto, Boyd Cooper, Gloria Von Gouton, Fred Bonaparte, Crispin Whytehead, Sheegor
Warnings: Vomit, blood, depictions of sickness... (SPOILERS: implied torture + amputation)
Description: Loboto is having a very bad night. The inmates are not helping.
Beta Readers: @jaywings​ and Rocket
Notes: This fic is based on a theory that comes from a few figments in Loboto’s mental world in the demo footage of Psychonauts 2. ...also I wrote this while sick with a fever, edited it while still sick, and illustrated the cover while recovering from said sickness. have fun
He did not remember arriving back at the tower.
Partially because he wasn't even back in the tower, instead standing on the frosty shoreline, the chilly waves lapping at his boot heels.
Loboto stared dumbly out at the cliffside for a long moment before frustration simmered beneath his fogged mind. Yes! Of course, they wouldn't send him back to his lab. No! He could do with a good climb, especially on a frigid night like this! His chest heaved with quiet, dazed laughter before he took a gasp of cold air that grated against his sore throat.
The wind, though not harsh, cut through every part of him that wasn't covered by his shower cap or lab coat like a fine knife, as cold as it was painful. It grazed his shoulder, and his vision went white as his mechanical eyes flashed. But even with the blasted optics glitching, he could still see. His imagination ran wild with absurd visions of ridiculous things that had never happened.
On top of that, the slice of pain brought with it a violent realization that it was not the only pain he was in. The numb shock he’d been in gave way to an agony that tore through him, ripping up and down his side, nearly bringing him to his knees. No, no, no, that pain could not be real, just like the horrific visions of red and yellow that flashed through his mind. It was all a trick—all a stupid trick from his malfunctioning eyes and his brain. Pah!
He found himself clawing at his shower cap, occasionally stopping to smack his mechanical eyes a few times until they flickered back into focus, the desolate beach snapping back into view. "Enough of this!" he growled hoarsely at the sand beneath him. "That little army man will be back any day now, and we can't keep him waiting."
With a grunt, Loboto marched forward and heaved himself up onto the first narrow ledge, already finding his body shuddering with the effort and his mind struggling to push back the imaginary waves of pain. "Ridiculous!" he blurted into the rock he leaned against for balance. "A child can climb a mountain ten times this height!" And it wasn't like he'd never done it, either. Muscle memory helped him get from one step to the other, but keeping his balance was harder than normal, especially as his mind repeatedly dipped back into brain fog.
His eyes flickered in a blink when he found himself on the ladder, his boot slipping on the frosty wood and one hand losing its grip. Realizing he was about to fall, he flung his weight back against the ladder, biting down on the nearest rung to keep himself in place. A frantic giggle worked its way through his clenched teeth—ah, teeth! Useful for so many things! They would never let him down.
If you let us down one more time—
Ripping himself away from the rung and leaving rough teeth-marks behind, he let out a snarl and heaved himself the rest of the way up the ladder and onto the ledge. He sat on his knees for the moment, his mechanical eyes pulling back as he tried to make sense of the gate that seemed to be spinning around him. No, not just the gate—the entire cliffside spun beneath him like some wild carnival ride. He couldn't remember it doing that before, but the absurdity of it made him laugh, the action tearing through his sore throat. Yet he continued to laugh until his stomach lurched and a cascade of vomit silenced him.
He managed to scoot himself away, spitting and coughing as the world slowly came to a halt. At the same time, a figure that had been sleeping against the opposite wall snapped alert with a panicked gasp.
"Ah—ah!" Boyd stammered, scrambling to his feet and whipping his head around until he spotted Loboto on the ground. "Who are you working for?"
"That fool Oleander," Loboto grumbled under his breath, his eyes swiveling to glare at him.
Boyd's eyes blinked separately before recognition dawned upon him. "Y-yes! Of course!" Fumbling with his keys, he got to work unlocking the gate. "It's said he knows the milkman..."
Gritting his teeth, Loboto shakily began to push himself back upright. A large hand suddenly clapped against his shoulder, and he gave a yell as he was heaved to his feet. Without turning to look, he struck at the one who'd grabbed him. "Tricky terrible traitors try to trap—"
"AH—no, I am no traitor, I am the guard!" Boyd cried, stumbling back and holding up his hands as Loboto found his balance.
The two stared at each other for a tense moment, Loboto's eyes glowing harshly as Boyd trembled beneath his gaze. He couldn't help feeling a twinge of satisfaction at seeing his subordinate cower.
"Th... the milk is not ready yet!" Boyd said, wincing away as he eyed the doctor's clenched fist.
Loboto stared.
"I'm lactose intolerant."
Boyd glanced at something on the ground. "I-I noticed."
With a growl, Loboto finally marched past the guard, who frantically closed the gate behind him.
Now that that mess was over, he could finally get back up to his lab and get back to—
He paused.
His voice boomed through the empty grounds. It was empty of people, now empty of crows, and empty of elevators.
When his assistant did not spontaneously appear, he clenched his fist until his knuckles turned white beneath his glove. "Yes! Wonderful!" he proclaimed to no one as he stamped toward the withered garden with a harsh laugh. "I can scale this dilapidated tower myself then. Fine night for some exercise!"
He knew his way through his asylum, of course, so it wouldn't be overly difficult, but he would have much preferred the express elevator so he could get back to work immediately. But as it was, he ducked through the entrance to the greenhouse, fighting to keep steady as the action made his head spin, his back ache (no it didn’t, he was fine), and his shower cap to catch against the branches overhead. Turning his optics up, he pressed a hand down into the cap, pulling it away from the plants. He'd hoped to avoid the woman who occupied this corner of the asylum, but as he straightened his back, he bumped into one of the flowerpots, knocking it to the ground with a dull clunk.
"My, you need to buy seats in advance if you want to come to my shows!" Gloria said, turning to him with a patient, hazy smile. "No need to be harassing the paying customers."
"What do they pay you in? Leaves? Seeds?" Loboto asked, the frantic giggle that followed clashing with his strained smile.
Gloria ignored the comment, glancing him over and waving him off. "Please see yourself out. I'm not an usher, but since they seem to be ignoring their duties, I'll have to tell you you cannot bring food or drink into the theater."
Swiveling his optics in an approximation of an eye roll, Loboto turned away to head out the other side of the greenhouse. "I don't have any."
"Not anymore, but anyone can see that wine you've sloshed onto your nice suit."
Loboto froze.
"It's a wonder it didn't get onto the carpet—"
The next thing he knew, he was staring down at an entire line of flower pots that lay in pieces on the floor of the greenhouse.
"Oh!" Gloria cried. "I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure the ushers will attend to this ruffian, and the play can resume..."
He left her to continue rambling to her imaginary audience as he tried to rid the imaginary nonsense (visions, pain, glowing yellow eyes) from his mind. "Fickle fumbling females feeling faint for fading flowers..." he mumbled as he stepped into the lower floor of the asylum. It brought its usual sights and sounds of one of the former orderlies dozing over a makeshift game board (with stolen game pieces, he noted), the artist in the room overhead scraping old brushes furiously against a canvas, and finally Crispin standing dutifully in front of the asylum's only other elevator.
"Crispin!" Loboto said, and the man turned to face somewhere slightly to his left. "Let me up, will you?"
"Of course, Doctor Loboto." Crispin turned toward the elevator controls, only to pause, his dull eyes squinting as he turned back. "Wait..."
"Wait for what?" Loboto threw out his arm in a wide gesture. "Do you want to hear that army man ranting at us again? Or perhaps you find it funny! Though it is, isn't it? Shouting about sneezing powder and tanks! HAH!"
While he'd been talking, Crispin had been leaning forward, eyeing him up and down. He frowned. "You're not Doctor Loboto," he said at length.
Behind him, Fred sprang to his feet. "Sacré bleu! We have fallen asleep on ze battlefield!"
Ignoring the man and his terrible French accent, Loboto stepped closer to Crispin, finding himself trembling—in rage or in suppressed laughter or something else, he wasn't sure. "Of course I'm Doctor Loboto! I was, last I checked. Highly trained and professional!"
"Yes, well," Crispin began, leaning back and raising a brow, "the real Doctor Loboto does not wear an actual straitjacket. It's merely a strappy jacket fashioned from one."
"This is my jacket, you milky-eyed moron!" Loboto cried, tugging on the front of his coat in demonstration. "It doesn't have my arms tied up!" He lunged toward Crispin to grab him by the collar, but stumbled as the world spun once more. He struggled to keep his stomach from flipping again.
"Well, that's because you're wearing it poorly. But you are certainly not Doctor Loboto. I can tell. You don't have the right jacket, or the right complexion." He tipped his head. "The real Doctor Loboto is blue, not sickly gray. As you can see, you can't fool me. Now go back to wherever you came from and—"
"He has returned from ze war!" Fred blurted behind him. He blinked, then shook his head, hunching in on himself. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, we really shouldn't—" He straightened again. "Yes, shut up! We are in ze presence of a great war hero!"
Crispin rolled his eyes. "What are you going on about now, Fred?"
"Do you not see? He bears ze blood of his enemies upon his robes, and ze scars of victory—"
Loboto whirled on him faster than he could think, managing a swift kick to Fred's shin.
With a yelp, the man crashed to the ground, curling up on himself and whining. "Ohhh... can we just postpone the battle until morning?" He twitched. "NON! Ze enemy never sleeps, so neither shall we!"
"Well, Fred's down for the count again," Cripsin remarked. "So if you're done, kindly step away from my elevator and off the nearest cliff, thanks."
Loboto wanted nothing more than to knock Crispin to the ground and find a few bad teeth to remove, but his vision was blurring and flickering, and he found it hard to think.
"No, really, we can't fight in the dark, and the enemy can't either, can they?" "Rrrrrghhh, I suppose you are right, for once. We shall camp here for now, but come sunrise, we fight!"
A weak laugh made its way past his lips as he stared down at the former orderly settling on the cobblestone. Yes, that crazy man had a point. There was no point in fighting tonight—he'd get his work done in the morning. And that work would have to include getting back into his lab in the first place.
After a brief moment, he snatched an item from the floor before stumbling back through the greenhouse and toward the entrance.
A nice night for sleeping under the stars, he supposed.
Judging by how bright the world was by the time his mechanical eyes flickered back on, the sun was starting to rise. But he couldn't tell for sure when there was a large metal cage blocking his view, with something else within—
"He said he would be back by nightfall, but he hasn't come!" a high pitched voice cried as a familiar form stepped out of the elevator, her back to him. "Oh Mr. Pokeylope, do you think he's gone for good this time?"
The corner of Loboto's mouth twitched.
"Oops!" She clapped an oven mitt over her mouth. "I'm glad he's not around to hear me say that," she said as she began to turn. "If he was, he'd be—EEK!"
Sheegor jumped back at the sight of Loboto laying sprawled out at the foot of the fountain, having slept (or passed out) there the remainder of the night. He clutched his worn teddy close to his chest and stared her in the eyes.
"Oh—I—I—!" Sheegor held her pet turtle close to herself. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry Doctor Loboto, I didn't mean any of that, I—"
"Yes, well it's a nice morning, isn't it?" Loboto grumbled, tucking the teddy bear under his arm so he could push himself to his feet. His entire body ached (from sleeping on the ground, not from anything else). "A nice morning to get some work done after you left me stranded here all night!" He took a threatening—but wobbling—step forward, fist clenched.
Oddly, Sheegor didn't seem as intimidated as usual. Her mouth gaped, and her eyes darted between his face and his right side.
"What are you looking at?"
"Y... you..." A trembling mitt was covering her open mouth. "D-Doctor! What happened to you?!"
His eyes flickered. "I slept out here with a rock for a pillow."
"N-no, it's—it's—!" Her whole body was shaking now, but not, he sensed, in fear of him. It should have made him angry, but exhaustion pulled at him instead, making his frame droop.
"Yes? Well, spit it out."
Sheegor held out one hand, pointed toward his right side. "Y-your arm!"
Loboto's optics slowly angled down to his right. For the first time he noticed the enormous, darkened bloodstains on his jacket, and a torn, empty sleeve hanging limply at his side.
"Oh," he said dully, feeling himself wobble as the pain finally worked its way to the forefront of his mind. "How did that happen?"
At once the world tipped to the side, and Sheegor caught him, straining to keep him from fully collapsing to the ground.
Wordlessly she helped him into the elevator, letting him lean onto her while he bit back the urge to scream. He wanted to protest, to berate her for touching him, but everything felt distant, even the upper floor of the asylum as they rapidly ascended toward it. And anyway, once they reached the top, anything he would have said was held back by his rolling stomach ejecting whatever bile still occupied it.
As he gagged, he could hear Sheegor whispering to the turtle in her mitts: "I know, I know, but I-I can't leave him like that—th-the asylum wouldn't... w-we were supposed to..."
"Just... get back to work... Sheegor," he managed to slur around the acrid taste in his mouth. Bitter bile breaks brittle bones of the mouth.
Sheegor looked from him to her turtle a few times, her mouth wobbling, and carefully eased his arm over her hunched back again. Instead of leading him to his lab, however, she led him down into the asylum, into the usual room he slept in: a mostly-intact bedroom with a mattress and blankets over a broken bed frame shoved into one corner, a chair and a desk with papers scattered across it, and a meticulously crafted and framed (and official) DDS license on the wall.
After easing him down into the bed, Sheegor stepped back, looking away. "Um... I-if you want, Doctor, I can clean that robe..."
His initial thought was that the blood stains made a wonderful addition to his ensemble, but glancing down at them again caused his brain to supply him with more awful, made-up nonsense. No, he wouldn't have that any longer.
With some amount of struggling he managed to get the thing off, unceremoniously tossing it in Sheegor's general direction. She managed to catch it and quickly scurried out. "I'll get this back to you as soon as I can Doctor bye!" she squeaked before the door slammed behind her, leaving Loboto sitting in the empty room.
Everything felt surreal, being in familiar surroundings after spending an entire night on freezing cobblestone. The sight when his gaze turned downward, however, was less familiar: there was new stitching across his chest, and on his right shoulder where his arm had been. It was cleanly done—they hadn't wanted him too much worse for wear, since he still had a job to do for—
Oleander. He had a job to do for Oleander right now. The sneezing powder, yes. His mind drifted over the things they'd discussed in their last meeting.
They'd both figured out a way for it to be made, more or less. The remaining issue was how to properly dispense the stuff. Oleander had suggested keeping it in a bag, but that was easily-spilled, and it may lose potency if pre-ground. But what was he supposed to do? He didn't have a grinder with him on-hand at all times—
A shock of brilliance bolted through him, and he stumbled to his desk with renewed energy. He grabbed a well-chewed pencil and began to write, his non-dominant hand shaking badly as he forced it into motions it was not used to.
But that was fine. It wouldn't have that job for long.
A manic giggle bubbled out of his throat as he worked out the notes and rough sketches, detailing a jointed pepper grinder with claws and a strap to secure it to his now-unoccupied side.
This loss of a limb, baffling as it was, was exactly what he needed.
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