#lack of structure and pressure provided by people more powerful than me
tardis--dreams · 1 year
Oh so you're telling me the only reason I did well in school was because I had external pressure to get shit done in time and people forcing me to study and do homework and doing their best to help me get the most out of that silly little brain of mine? Cool
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spacedkitty · 6 months
Hello! A bit ago you made some comments on that post about voting for democrats. I cannot vote, but I am American, and decently up-to-date on politics. Basically:
Democratic politicians are terrible on a lot of very important issues. Notably, Joe Biden and most of the party supporting Israel near unconditionally during the massacre in Gaza. This is horrifying, and I understand your sentiment that it should lose them positions in government. However, the USA basically runs on a two party system. There are lots of other parties, but no presidents and very few members of the house have been anything other than democrats or republicans in the last century, mostly because those two parties are wildly more popular tend to swallow other parties under their banner, so third party candidates very rarely get elected. This means that any position a Democrat loses will be filled by a Republican. While the lack of humanity on the part of Democrats in the Gaza crisis is terrible, they are subject to the pressures of the people who vote for them and Biden had called for pauses. This is not nearly enough, but it has to be compared with the Republican candidates for president. Four of the five Republican presidential candidates what to send unconditional funding and military equipment to Israel as long as is needed, and the fifth only disagreed due to financial issues. Two of the candidates want the United States to wage war in the Middle East again over the Israel situation, and one fully denied Islamophobia existed in any form after calling every Palestinian antisemitic.
The Democratic party is not good, but it is considered the more progressive of the two, and its politicians due have to change, however slowly, to appeal to the views of more progressive voters. The Republican party has no such restrictions, and they also fight dirty (the supreme court, fillabustering, trying to impeach Joe Biden for a falsified crime, trying to pull a literal coup, etc) and are more than eager to support Israel to a greater extent than the Democratic party.
TLDR; Any subject the Democratic party is bad about, the Republican party is worse. Due to the structure of American politics, no third party candidate can hope to get enough votes to win most major elections. Voting in America basically has to be choosing between the lesser of two evils and then doing everything within the public's power to pressure them into making the right choices. It sucks, but is the only option under the current system other than a sharp slide into fascist politics.
So this outlines the situation but doesn't really say anything new. It also doesn't answer the question I posed to that person.
I appreciate you trying to outline it for me, and I guess I see the concerns. However I still see no incentive for democrats to bother becoming particularly more progressive other than to appear "better than the republicans".
What is it that those who are calling to vote democrat regardless are doing to provide material consequences for the democratic party's actions?
Also, like, this still seems like an "if everyone agreed to support a different party" that might actually change things? Perhaps it seems like the risks are too high for that though. It just seems like if people felt like they had another option more voters might actually turn out for elections, but I guess that's again, not very clear as an outside observer.
I also wish it didn't seem like a huge dismissal of people who don't want to vote democrat didn't seem like "you're terrible" when seemingly voting third party is at least better than not voting?
Still, my main question really is one of "how are people incentivising the democrats to actually represent their interests?" because right now it just seems like they aren't...
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wovetherapy · 4 months
Rethinking New Year’s Resolutions
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As the last week in January quickly approaches, I find myself wondering what happened to my New Year's resolutions. Four weeks into the new year, I have already abandoned the lofty goals I set for myself. If you're anything like me, you've also made ambitious promises to yourself fueled by a burst of motivation and the allure of a fresh start. Every year, we pledge to hit the gym regularly, eat healthier, learn a new skill, or finally conquer that ever-growing reading list. But as the days turn into weeks and weeks into months, it's not uncommon for those resolutions to fade into the background. So, why do we continue to set New Year's resolutions, and why do they end up as fleeting aspirations rather than concrete changes?
Why Do We Make New Year’s Resolutions?
For many of us, the start of a new year symbolizes a clean slate and an opportunity to leave behind the shortcomings of the past. This symbolic fresh start is a powerful motivator, fueling the desire for positive change. New Year's resolutions provide a structured framework for people to channel this desire.
Societal norms and cultural traditions also influence our desire to create resolutions. The shared experience of setting goals for the coming year offers a sense of camaraderie and collective motivation. However, the drive to make resolutions for the year doesn't always stem from friendly competition among friends and family; companies also know that New Year's resolutions create potential revenue. Ever wonder why gyms are at full capacity the first week of January? Health and fitness companies use this time to advertise their latest products, services, diets, and workout plans. According to a Forbes Health/OnePoll survey conducted in October of 2023, 61.7% of respondents felt pressured to set a New Year’s resolution (Vinney, 2024). And so, while some people set New Year’s resolutions, others are sucked into them.
Why New Year’s Resolutions Often Fail
Despite good intentions, our resolutions often fail. In fact, studies show that over 90% of New Year’s resolutions will be abandoned within just a few months (Vinney, 2024). Here are four reasons resolutions often fail:
Unrealistic Expectations: One of the primary reasons we often cannot stick to resolutions is that we set unrealistic expectations. The enthusiasm of the new year can lead people to aim too high, setting unattainable goals within an unrealistic timeframe. This sets the stage for disappointment and diminished motivation. Instead, meet yourself where you're at and set smaller, more attainable goals.
Lack of Concrete Planning: Setting a resolution without a concrete plan prevents us from following through on our goals. Many overlook the importance of breaking down larger goals into manageable steps, making it challenging to stay on track. A lack of strategic planning can contribute to feelings of overwhelm and frustration. Instead, be specific about the goals you want to achieve, plan how to achieve them, and implement a timeline to execute steps toward those goals (Chan, 2024).
Failure to Address Underlying Issues: Often, resolutions focus on external changes without addressing the underlying issues hindering personal growth. Ignoring the root causes can lead to repeated cycles of setting the same resolutions year after year, with little success. It is important to reflect on why setting a particular goal is important to you and what has prevented you from changing in the past.
Lack of Social Support: The journey towards achieving resolutions can be challenging, and having a support system is crucial. Without a network of friends, family, or mentors to provide encouragement and guidance, people may struggle to stay motivated when faced with obstacles. Humans are social creatures, and the best way to stay consistent with goal setting is to find a buddy that will empower you and keep you motivated.
Ultimately, you don’t have to set New Year's resolutions if you don’t want to. In the grand scheme of things, New Years is an arbitrary date, and you can decide to make changes at any time of year! After reading this article, you may have decided to let go of the expectations and pressure of the new year. However, if you want to create sustainable change, consider setting realistic goals, creating detailed plans, addressing underlying issues, and building a supportive network. Remember that change is not easy or quick, and achieving your resolutions may take time—stay patient and meet yourself where you’re at.
If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, please contact us.
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puttingherinhistory · 3 years
“Covid has unleashed the most severe setback to women’s liberation in my lifetime. While watching this happen, I have started to think we are witnessing an outbreak of disaster patriarchy.
Naomi Klein was the first to identify “disaster capitalism”, when capitalists use a disaster to impose measures they couldn’t possibly get away with in normal times, generating more profit for themselves. Disaster patriarchy is a parallel and complementary process, where men exploit a crisis to reassert control and dominance, and rapidly erase hard-earned women’s rights. (The term “racialized disaster patriarchy” was used by Rachel E Luft in writing about an intersectional model for understanding disaster 10 years after Hurricane Katrina.) All over the world, patriarchy has taken full advantage of the virus to reclaim power – on the one hand, escalating the danger and violence to women, and on the other, stepping in as their supposed controller and protector.
I have spent months interviewing activists and grassroots leaders around the world, from Kenya to France to India, to find out how this process is affecting them, and how they are fighting back. In very different contexts, five key factors come up again and again. In disaster patriarchy, women lose their safety, their economic power, their autonomy, their education, and they are pushed on to the frontlines, unprotected, to be sacrificed. 
Part of me hesitates to use the word “patriarchy”, because some people feel confused by it, and others feel it’s archaic. I have tried to imagine a newer, more contemporary phrase for it, but I have watched how we keep changing language, updating and modernising our descriptions in an attempt to meet the horror of the moment. I think, for example, of all the names we have given to the act of women being beaten by their partner. First, it was battery, then domestic violence, then intimate partner violence, and most recently intimate terrorism. We are forever doing the painstaking work of refining and illuminating, rather than insisting the patriarchs work harder to deepen their understanding of a system that is eviscerating the planet. So, I’m sticking with the word. 
In this devastating time of Covid we have seen an explosion of violence towards women, whether they are cisgender or gender-diverse. Intimate terrorism in lockdown has turned the home into a kind of torture chamber for millions of women. We have seen the spread of revenge porn as lockdown has pushed the world online; such digital sexual abuse is now central to domestic violence as intimate partners threaten to share sexually explicit images without victims’ consent. 
The conditions of lockdown – confinement, economic insecurity, fear of illness, excess of alcohol – were a perfect storm for abuse. It is hard to determine what is more disturbing: the fact that in 2021 thousands of men still feel willing and entitled to control, torture and beat their wives, girlfriends and children, or that no government appears to have thought about this in their planning for lockdown. 
In Peru, hundreds of women and girls have gone missing since lockdown was imposed, and are feared dead. According to official figures reported by Al Jazeera, 606 girls and 309 women went missing between 16 March and 30 June last year. Worldwide, the closure of schools has increased the likelihood of various forms of violence. The US Rape Abuse and Incest National Network says its helpline for survivors of sexual assault has never been in such demand in its 26-year history, as children are locked in with abusers with no ability to alert their teachers or friends. In Italy, calls to the national anti-violence toll-free number increased by 73% between 1 March and 16 April 2020, according to the activist Luisa Rizzitelli. In Mexico, emergency call handlers received the highest number of calls in the country’s history, and the number of women who sought domestic violence shelters quadrupled. 
To add outrage to outrage, many governments reduced funding for these shelters at the exact moment they were most needed. This seems to be true throughout Europe. In the UK, providers told Human Rights Watch that the Covid-19 crisis has exacerbated a lack of access to services for migrant and Black, Asian and minority ethnic women. The organisations working with these communities say that persistent inequality leads to additional difficulties in accessing services such as education, healthcare and disaster relief remotely. 
In the US, more than 5 million women’s jobs were lost between the start of the pandemic and November 2020. Because much of women’s work requires physical contact with the public – restaurants, stores, childcare, healthcare settings – theirs were some of the first to go. Those who were able to keep their jobs were often frontline workers whose positions have put them in great danger; some 77% of hospital workers and 74% percent of school staff are women. Even then, the lack of childcare options left many women unable to return to their jobs. Having children does not have this effect for men. The rate of unemployment for Black and Latina women was higher before the virus, and now it is even worse. 
The situation is more severe for women in other parts of the world. Shabnam Hashmi, a leading women’s activist from India, tells me that by April 2020 a staggering 39.5% of women there had lost their jobs. “Work from home is very taxing on women as their personal space has disappeared, and workload increased threefold,” Hashmi says. In Italy, existing inequalities have been amplified by the health emergency. Rizzitelli points out that women already face lower employment, poorer salaries and more precarious contracts, and are rarely employed in “safe” corporate roles; they have been the first to suffer the effects of the crisis. “Pre-existing economic, social, racial and gender inequalities have been accentuated, and all of this risks having longer-term consequences than the virus itself,” Rizzitelli says. 
When women are put under greater financial pressure, their rights rapidly erode. With the economic crisis created by Covid, sex- and labour-trafficking are again on the rise. Young women who struggle to pay their rent are being preyed on by landlords, in a process known as “sextortion”. 
I don’t think we can overstate the level of exhaustion, anxiety and fear that women are suffering from taking care of families, with no break or time for themselves. It’s a subtle form of madness. As women take care of the sick, the needy and the dying, who takes care of them? Colani Hlatjwako, an activist leader from the Kingdom of Eswatini, sums it up: “Social norms that put a heavy caregiving burden on women and girls remain likely to make their physical and mental health suffer.” These structures also impede access to education, damage livelihoods, and strip away sources of support.
Unesco estimates that upward of 11 million girls may not return to school once the Covid pandemic subsides. The Malala Fund estimates an even bigger number: 20 million. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, from UN Women, says her organisation has been fighting for girls’ education since the Beijing UN women’s summit in 1995. “Girls make up the majority of the schoolchildren who are not going back,” she says. “We had been making progress – not perfect, but we were keeping them at school for longer. And now, to have these girls just dropping out in one year, is quite devastating.” 
Of all these setbacks, this will be the most significant. When girls are educated, they know their rights, and what to demand. They have the possibility of getting jobs and taking care of their families. When they can’t access education, they become a financial strain to their families and are often forced into early marriages. 
This has particular implications for female genital mutilation (FGM). Often, fathers will accept not subjecting their daughters to this process because their daughters can become breadwinners through being educated. If there is no education, then the traditional practices resume, so that daughters can be sold for dowries. As Agnes Pareyio, chairwoman of the Kenyan Anti-Female Genital Mutilation Board, tells me: “Covid closed our schools and brought our girls back home. No one knew what was going on in the houses. We know that if you educate a girl, FGM will not happen. And now, sadly the reverse is true.” 
In the early months of the pandemic, I had a front-row seat to the situation of nurses in the US, most of whom are women. I worked with National Nurses United, the biggest and most radical nurses’ union, and interviewed many nurses working on the frontline. I watched as for months they worked gruelling 12-hour shifts filled with agonising choices and trauma, acting as midwives to death. On their short lunch breaks, they had to protest over their own lack of personal protective equipment, which put them in even greater danger. In the same way that no one thought what it would mean to lock women and children in houses with abusers, no one thought what it would be like to send nurses into an extremely contagious pandemic without proper PPE. In some US hospitals, nurses were wearing garbage bags instead of gowns, and reusing single-use masks many times. They were being forced to stay on the job even if they had fevers.
The treatment of nurses who were risking their lives to save ours was a shocking kind of violence and disrespect. But there are many other areas of work where women have been left unprotected, from the warehouse workers who are packing and shipping our goods, to women who work in poultry and meat plants who are crammed together in dangerous proximity and forced to stay on the job even when they are sick. One of the more stunning developments has been with “tipped” restaurant workers in the US, already allowed to be paid the shockingly low wage of $2.13 (£1.50) an hour, which has remained the same for the past 22 years. Not only has work declined, tips have also declined greatly for those women, and now a new degradation called “maskular harassment” has emerged, where male customers insist waitresses take off their masks so they can determine if and how much to tip them based on their looks. 
Women farm workers in the US have seen their protections diminished while no one was looking. Mily Treviño-Sauceda, executive director of Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, tells me how pressures have increased on campesinas, or female farm workers: “There have been more incidents of pesticides poisonings, sexual abuse and heat stress issues, and there is less monitoring from governmental agencies or law enforcement due to Covid-19.” 
Covid has revealed the fact that we live with two incompatible ideas when it comes to women. The first is that women are essential to every aspect of life and our survival as a species. The second is that women can easily be violated, sacrificed and erased. This is the duality that patriarchy has slashed into the fabric of existence, and that Covid has laid bare. If we are to continue as a species, this contradiction needs to be healed and made whole. 
To be clear, the problem is not the lockdowns, but what the lockdowns, and the pandemic that required them, have made clear. Covid has revealed that patriarchy is alive and well; that it will reassert itself in times of crisis because it has never been truly deconstructed, and like an untreated virus it will return with a vengeance when the conditions are ripe. 
The truth is that unless the culture changes, unless patriarchy is dismantled, we will forever be spinning our wheels. Coming out of Covid, we need to be bold, daring, outrageous and to imagine a more radical way of existing on the Earth. We need to continue to build and spread activist movements. We need progressive grassroots women and women of colour in positions of power. We need a global initiative on the scale of a Marshall Plan or larger, to deconstruct and exorcise patriarchy – which is the root of so many other forms of oppression, from imperialism to racism, from transphobia to the denigration of the Earth. 
There would first be a public acknowledgment, and education, about the nature of patriarchy and an understanding that it is driving us to our end. There would be ongoing education, public forums and processes studying how patriarchy leads to various forms of oppression. Art would help expunge trauma, grief, aggression, sorrow and anger in the culture and help heal and make people whole. We would understand that a culture that has diabolical amnesia and refuses to address its past can only repeat its misfortunes and abuses. Community and religious centres would help members deal with trauma. We would study the high arts of listening and empathy. Reparations and apologies would be done in public forums and in private meetings. Learning the art of apology would be as important as prayer.
The feminist author Gerda Lerner wrote in 1986: “The system of patriarchy in a historic construct has a beginning and it will have an end. Its time seems to have nearly run its course. It no longer serves the needs of men and women, and its intractable linkage to militarism, hierarchy and racism has threatened the very existence of life on Earth.”
As powerful as patriarchy is, it’s just a story. As the post-pandemic era unfolds, can we imagine another system, one that is not based on hierarchy, violence, domination, colonialisation and occupation? Do we see the connection between the devaluing, harming and oppression of all women and the destruction of the Earth itself? What if we lived as if we were kin? What if we treated each person as sacred and essential to the unfolding story of humanity? 
What if rather than exploiting, dominating and hurting women and girls during a crisis, we designed a world that valued them, educated them, paid them, listened to them, cared for them and centred them?“
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ohmysparkle · 3 years
Another Hyunjin choking fic for you horny bitches from Sparkle’s Top Secret Smut Archive:
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• Pairing: Hyunjin x Reader
• Length: 0.8K
• Warnings: choking, impact play, bdsm, femdom.
• Original ask:
Dirty thoughts not only about how Hyunjin seemed to enjoy the choking, but about how natural Chan looked doing it.
I always thought I had a choking kink, now I know I do.
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Giving or receiving? 😂
Tbh Chan was just laughing it off - but Hyunjin and his *i know I’m hot and I get off in driving all these people crazy* pretty prince attitude.
Hyunjin, is one horny little critter. He want you to put your 🎶thing down flip it and reverse it🎶 on him. Essentially, he likes the whole power play element of sex and nothing feeds him more than being used and abused like more of an object than a person. He wants to be manhandled, choked, slapped, spanked, a total pain slut. He wants to made filthy, covered in fluids from the two of you. And when you press on his neck just as he’s about to cum and make him lightheaded enough, he’ll be like a dreamy little panting prince.
Don’t get me wrong, he likes all the softness, and soft lovemaking where power play doesn’t matter. But there’s something about his personality that provides that he’s seeking attention, validation, and praise. He also is very wild, extreme, he doesn’t know boundaries, everything is big movements and drama and fun, and in work it’s all pushing harder and harder with no end in sight. He wants to be perfect, he wants everyone to think the same, and it’s endless pressure because no one can ever be perfect, and not everyone will like what he does. He beats himself up pretty hard over the smallest things and has little moments where he thinks he’s not good enough.
So having a dynamic where you control him, you give him the rules, and where you are in charge of his body, the very air he breathes and the pleasure you bring him - it’s a safety net for him. You give him all of the focus and structure and objectivity that he lacks in his life. This can be as simple as you holding him and cuddling him, or using him in the most extreme sexual senses. Action = consequence. Bad = punishment. Good = reward. It’s clear and easy. He wants to be good and with you it’s just following easy rules and commands until you reward him. You’re also an outlet for him to take his bad feelings to, letting you help him carry them for him.
Funny enough, he keeps testing this dynamic, wanting more and more and more, even though you might think it’s too harsh. He likes choking a lot, so you might have to make the effort as well to be super careful and responsible for his sake, and that feeds his attention seeking even more - seeing that you work hard to give him what he wants makes him feel like he’s your center.
He feels like no one else is there for him in that way, no one but you, so he keeps giving more and more power to you, more and more of his mind and body and heart to do with as you please because he trusts you. He wants you to break him and then put him back together. It’s structure, control, assurance, authority. Even in his life of no boundaries and limits, he’s been taking little tips from your example, with him maturing in the process.
He likes that intensity and crashing down to have you praise him and care for him. He likes the extremes, giving all of his trust and agency to you, proving to you that he can take you in the most intense ways, and when you praise him afterward he’ll cry from the joy and pride.
Choke him, pull his hair, hold his hand - you can tie him up and do anything to him but don’t ever keep your hands off of him. He needs the touch, he needs to feel your presence. He needs to feel those hands that both torture him and soothe him ten times over. He needs to feel that you want to hold him, want to touch him. So when it comes to such delicate and sensitive acts such as choking, he feels validated because it’s all of your focus, attention, touch and desire all. on. him.
Soothe his neck afterward with soft kisses, right over the places where his skin stings, and he’ll die right then and there. He’d look so exhausted but dreamy when he cums, eyes slowly batting as little crystal like tears escape his eyes. And he’d whisper out ‘thank you’s even though he’s sore from all the moaning and whining and screaming. You’ll tell him how proud of him you are, all the good things he did, remind him of his worth. Don’t just compliment him in regards to sex, say all the qualities you like about him because he needs to feel that they are acknowledged and you’ll help him feel validated - if you say he’s good, he’s worthy, then he believes it.
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Waddling in a Winter Wonderland: How Penguins, Humans, and other Animals Traverse Ice and Snow
Winter in Pennsylvania has it pros and cons. The not-so-wonderful aspects of the season, such as shoveling sidewalks and trudging through knee-deep snow drifts, can be considered character builders at best.  But then there’s the fun stuff, like ice skating and sledding.  These can more than make up for the negative things, especially if you’re a kid. As a child, I remember doing these winter activities (plus making snowmen and snow angels, too).  A lot of the activities that we see as leisure fun have actually been around for thousands of years.  Through invention and adaptation, both humans and animals have learned how to deal with their wintry landscapes and safely travel from one icy area to another.
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Today, people associate ice skating with sports and recreation.  But, for a long time in human history, skates were essential for winter travel.  They date back at least 3,000 years to around the end of the Bronze Age, when the people of Eastern Europe and Russia created skates out of animals’ shin bones (most likely cow and horse).  These bone skates lied flat to the ice so the wearer could glide in all directions.  However, control and speed were somewhat lacking.
But a dramatic change happened in the 13th century when the metal blade was introduced.  Two hundred years later, better control and faster speed were achieved when sturdier bindings were added.  Rapid travel was now possible during the cold winter months.  In the 15th century Netherlands, for example, the canals that were built to power water mills and irrigate farmland in the summer would transform into frozen highways for thousands of travelers in the winter.  
Today, we no longer need to depend on nature because temperature-controlled ice rinks are at our disposal all year round.  But, whether the ice is natural or man-made, scientists are still not 100% sure how ice skating is possible.  There are multiple theories.  One is that the extreme pressure of the skate blade on the ice creates a high viscosity bead of melt water that the skate glides on.  Another theory says that the uppermost layer of ice is made up of an extremely thin (10-20 nanometers) layer of freely moving water molecules.  The skate blade glides across this quasi-liquid layer.  It’s very similar to the support provided by the surface tension of the top layer of liquid water.  Whatever the reason that makes skating possible, people just know that they really like it.  Skating is an extremely popular activity, especially as it relates to sports.
Athletes can prefer different temperatures and textures of ice.  “Slow ice” is warmer, softer, and rougher, and figure skaters prefer it for pushing off and landing complicated jumps.  In contrast, hockey players prefer “fast ice.”  It’s colder, harder, and smoother, which makes skating faster, passing easier, and puck behavior more predictable.
And if you could equate a hockey player to any creature in the animal world, it would be a penguin.  These experts of ice travel prefer “fast ice.”  This is because they use tobogganing as a primary way to get around.  The toboggan, a thin, flat, flexible piece of wood, has been used for centuries by humans as a transporter of supplies as well as for leisure fun.  But, in the case of penguins, they themselves are the toboggan!  Walking for penguins is slow-going.  They can only waddle along at about 1.5 mph.  With tobogganing, penguins can move faster with no risk of falling.  On horizontal ice, they slide around on their bellies, using their flippers and feet for propulsion, steering, and braking.  But when they find a nice downslope…stand back!  Like tiny tuxedoed torpedoes, penguins can slide down an icy hill at surprising speeds.
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While penguins love to take advantage of ice’s gliding properties, polar bears have developed adaptations that keep slipping and sliding to a minimum.  The sole of a polar bear’s foot has thick, black pads that are covered with small, soft dermal bumps (also called papillae) that create friction between their foot and the ice.  Long hairs growing between the pads and toes, plus curved claws, also provide traction.  They are the only bears that walk in a plantigrade, heel-to-toe, manner. Their gait is almost human-like, with the one slight difference that their toes point inward to avoid slipping.  Their forepaws are also similar in structure to a human hand, so much so that it would be difficult for the average person to tell the difference between the bones of a polar bear paw and the bones of a human hand.  This round, flattened paw shape acts like a snowshoe that spreads out their weight as they move over the snow.
Polar bears aren’t the only animals adapted to walking on top of snow.
Thousands of years ago, large regions of the world were snowbound for much of the year, including North America. This meant animals needed to adapt to their environments; some of these animals are still around today, like the snowshoe hare, whose wide, furry, large-toed feet—larger than any other rabbit species— allowed them to move easily over deep snow.  
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Like the hare, the ptarmigan, a partridge-like grouse, also lives in North America and has its own set of built-in snowshoes.  As winter approaches, its feet become more feathery and they grow longer claws.  These seasonal changes increase the weight-bearing surface of their feet by four times and reduce sinking in the snow by half.
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Caribou (also known as reindeer in Russia and Scandinavia) go through a similar transformation with the coming of winter.  Their sharp-edged hooves grow longer, their foot pads get tougher, and extra fur grows between and around their toes.  These changes transform their already wide, flat feet into the ideal snowshoe for a frosty trek.  For animals such as these, developing coping strategies for cold weather transport are essential to surviving and thriving in a frozen landscape. 
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So this winter, if you just happen to be strolling along admiring the Narnia-esque view around you, and you fail to notice that patch of ice at your feet, you may end up flat on your back, staring up at the sky, wondering “Why me?” but don’t despair.  Instead, take comfort in the fact that even penguins, the masters of the ice, slip and take spectacular spills from time to time. At least you’re in good company!
Shelby Wyzykowski is a Gallery Experience Presenter in CMNH’s Life Long Learning Department. Museum staff, volunteers, and interns are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
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almysdrawing · 3 years
Alastor Byrne's backstory and some facts about him
(I haven't written anything this big for a long time so I don't have a lot of practice with this kind of writings but I tried to make it as readable as I could. Also, this text was translated from another language so it can contain some errors (and I'm sure it does). Feel free to point them out for me.)
Alastor is Irish. He was born and lived in Ireland for most of his life. He had a wife and a daughter. But he and his wife divorced when his daughter was still quite young. Already divorced he heard about the opportunity to work in Rapture. This idea interested him as well as some other ordinary workers who moved to the underwater city.
Alastor worked as a mechanic, he had his own small business. People rarely came to him, the business was not particularly profitable, but he didn't have a family and had enough to live on, so he didn't complain.
Alastor had mixed feelings about Little Sisters and Big Daddies. Sometimes he felt sorry for them, but most of the time he was indifferent to them. But one incident set the direction of his work for the rest of his life.
Alastor went to work as usual. But on the way, he met a Big Daddy with a Sister, who was fighting off a small group of people. Alastor was about to pass by, as he couldn't do anything and rather risked getting a bullet in the skull or a drill in the ribs. But when he almost reached another room, the Big Daddy finished dealing with the attackers. The problem was that he received a lot of damage and couldn't move normally. His Sister was running around him in circles, worried about the state of her protector. Alastor understood that if he did nothing, the child would most likely die, since practically no one would protect the girl, and splicers were everywhere. Therefore, Alastor, without wasting a second, ran to his workshop, which was not far from that place. He quickly returned with some tools and without hesitation walked over to Big Daddy, who couldn't even swing the drill properly, much to Alastor's relief. The Sister hid behind the monster, quieting down and watching what was happening. Alastor started fixing Daddy, which was a rather difficult task, considering that he had no idea how these miracles of technology work. He more or less tidied up the Big Daddy and then he just left.
After that incident, Big Daddies began to come to his workshop, often guided by their Little Sisters. Sometimes the Sisters resorted to him by themselves when urgent help was needed. They paid with money they found on the corpses they collected ADAM from, or with some things that seemed valuable to them (they had to be taught this, but it was worth it). Ordinary people began to visit Alastor even less often than before, but he wasn't very worried about this. Little Sisters saw a lot of different things happening in the underwater city, and were happy to share them with their new friend. Thus, Alastor knew about everything that was happening in Rapture, although he did not really need it. He kept only important information in his head.
His knowledge helped him stay alive during the fall of Rapture and even somehow prepare for this event. He tried not to protrude from his hiding place, sometimes going out to fix Daddies when the Sisters came running to him for help. Because of the Sisters, Tenenbaum found out about him. She gave him a plasmid similar to the one she gave Jack. Now, when the Sisters came running to him, he didn't go to fix their Daddies, he rescued them himself. Then he led them to the nearest vent.
By that time, he was already tied to the underwater city. In the surface, no one was waiting for him, but in Rapture there were many Sisters who needed his help and whom Jack couldn't reach. Thus, Byrne remained in Rapture, even when Tenenbaum went to the surface with the rescued Sisters and Jack. She left some instructions for him. He was supposed to get out of the city soon after that, since Brigid took all Sisters with her, but then Sofia came to power. The producing of the Sisters began anew, which meant that his work wasn't done yet. He got himself a blueprint for the Big Sister's suit and reworked it to have a chance to fight the Big Sisters. Now getting to the Little Sisters was much more difficult, but he tried to rescue them, collecting the saved ones in the safest place he knew.
Alastor was quite surprised when he heard that Tenenbaum had returned to Rapture, but he was glad of the help she was providing. Now, Byrne could leave the freed Little Ones with her, so he could go out for longer periods of time.
Brigid gave Alastor a tip on Delta, instructing Byrne to help him when possible. He still spent a lot of time in various locations throughout Rapture, but helped Delta when he was nearby. Sometimes Delta sent the Sisters for him if he needed urgent help.
Alastor died in Fontaine Futuristics while fighting one of the Big Daddies of the Alpha Series. Delta was attacked by two Daddies and several splicers at once. Alastor did everything he could, but he had no chance to survive. He helped Delta at the cost of his life.
- Alastor arrived in Rapture in 1951, when he was 27. He died in 1968 at the age of 44.
- Alastor and Brigid practically became friends, although they have never admitted it.
- When Alastor obtained the blueprint of the Big Sister's suit, he created a similar suit for himself, but in his case it didn't require splicing. He wasn't the part of the Rapture Family, but Little Sisters were still attached to him for unknown reasons. They called him "Big Brother".
- ADAM, which was obtained by Alastor during the process of rescuing the Little Sisters, was removed from his body with Tenenbaum's help and was given first to Jack, and then to Delta.
- When Alastor lived in the surface, he severely injured his left shoulder. He was able to make himself a structure that helped him move his left arm. The experience he gained in Rapture helped him perfect it. The Big Brother's suit made his job much easier, since Alastor built special mechanisms into the suit, which seemed completely weightless and were quite effective in helping him with his injury.
- The only people Alastor interacted with were Brigid, Jack and Delta. He rarely talked to someone else in Rapture. He even almost didn't fight splicers because he learned some ways to move around the city unnoticed a long time ago.
- Big Brother obviously could not move freely between the Rapture departments, since the pressure of the water at the bottom of the ocean was too big for him since Alastor wasn't spliced whe the suit. But he could breathe underwater, which meant he could move within the Rapture departments. Later, he found some workarounds that allowed him to move freely around Rapture, so he didn't have much of a problem with the lack of splicing.
- Eleanor sent Alastor things that could help him, with the help of the Little Sisters. And Byrne, in turn, when he met those Sisters, rescued them. This made his job a little easier.
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plutoswrath · 4 years
The blessing in evil: harsh aspects
I decided to make this post, since I get a lot of messages of people being frustrated in some way or another with their challenging aspects. Astrology is neutral at its core and will forever consist of the positive and the genative, both live together in unison and always will. I think it goes without saying, that difficult aspects have (of course) their positive sides to them, and can be just as much of a blessing as naturally positive aspects: but how to deal with them and how to look at the challenge harsh aspects provide?
I decided to list the aspects I get asked about the most, as well as a few of my own selection that I’ve have seen people in real life struggle with a lot. Keep in mind, that the specific interpretation of the aspects can differ depending on the planets, signs and houses involved. This is a general post about them, but I’ll try to go as much as in depth as possible. Some of those aspects listed are still debatable in their interpretation, it seems to me.
The Opposition
This aspect has an orb allowance from approximately 10°, it is formed by two planets that are seperated by ca. 180°. The Opposition is self explaining, somehow. It’s the other side of the coin, two siblings starring at each other, so similar, yet unbelievably different and none tries to give in to the other. The cold sholder they think another rightfully deserves. Imagine it as two quirling siblings, that stand in front of their parent (you), explaining and justifying why they are in the right. You on the other hand have to find a middle ground and make your children understand that both of them are right and both of them are wrong. While every aspect is somehow in a way about balance and power dynamics as well as structures, this one is especially about balance and a dynamic balance only. Oppositions force you into extremes easily. One time you handle exactly like one energy, neglecting the other, then you go after the other energy, leaving the first energy out in order to satisfy both needs. This can ultimately lead to stagnation, being irritated to the point that you can go after any energy, identifying with both and yet with none. Key message behind the Opposition: Balance is dynamic, an never ending ungoing process, a status we have to create and that won’t last forever, once we realized our problem or thought about a solution. Both energies are right and need each other in order to find harmony, they ultimately have been born somehow on common ground, it’s a beautiful symbiosis, that lets you unravel and discover lifes lesson of regenerating the self, self healing and how to connect two dots to create the full picture (imagine it like coloring by numbers!). The Opposition is often about getting to know what one wants and needs, it’s undeniably equally important for one to figure it out in order to fully focus on ones destiny or at least to fully visualize all the opportunities and chances in ones life path. More than often, the Opposition takes time to figure out even when the answer seems to be clear and obvious - don’t pressure yourself, take your time and be kind.
The Square
The Square is an aspect that is created by a difference of 90° with an orb allowance of 7.5 degrees. The Square is different compared to the Opposition, here the energies seem to not even bloom from the same family or at least have little similarities. Now, the square is usually two different ideologies clashing, they create a melting pot of frustration and even agression, where the Square sits the native will find themself unconsciously falling back into difficult behavior, thoughts and situations. The square is about questioning what energy is rightfully here, demanding to be pleased and lived out and which is wrong. Of course, none of them is wrong, but really, the native might ask themself: how can they ever work together? Extreme neglect and totalities might be a consequence, wanting the problem to ‘vanish’ already, pleading for growth. It’s really about appreciating the total differences and using them for the best. The individual might feel like they can’t fully chose one ‘option’, but this constant ‘figuring out’ how to channel their energies and when to rely to them, as well as to accept them as strong and reliable forces, keeps the individual active and on the go. They are forced to be quick and clever in a way, to explore people and the self, to assert the self and to overcome an inner blockage. This blockage makes you either disarm yourself - unable to move on and to let yourself be washed away by the rough and wild sea - or you become the boat that wisely reads the sky and water and moves forward without sinking and so is able to see the wild unknown places that the world has to offer. Key message behind the Square: Master of the forces that seem to hold you in a tight grip, seeing the benefit in even the worst and constantly developing the self and setting an example as the master of self understanding and development.
The Inconjunction or Quincunx
The Inconjunction is an aspect of 150° and has an orb allowance of 2 degrees. This aspect feels unable to ‘balance out’ or to find common grounds, since modality and element are both not compatible. More often the Inconjunction can lead to acceptance. We don’t need to force desires and wishes together only for the sake of apparent constant harmony. Both these energies have their own area, both need to live their energies out and have the right to do so. In a negative way, an individual might develop an unhealthy behaviorism in order to satisfy both needs. When being true and honest with the self, the native will think about neutral/benefitting/healthy ways of secluding both areas of the planets energies and needs in their life. Key message behind the Inconjunction: Acceptance first, be honest with yourself and let go of the constant need to create a harmony that can not be reached. Be greatful for the differences and allow yourself find ways to enjoy both with a good will, heart and gratitude. Adjustment will come naturally then.
The Semi-Square
It is an aspect of 45° with an orb allowance of ca. 2 degrees. The Semi-Square is a harsh aspect that manifests as an emotional/inner blockage and inner pain that will manifest subconsciously as outer problems that reoccur, similar in its outcomes and how they happen. The Semi-Square can easily lead to losing the self, losing faith in the self or self-pity but whilst the native struggles with inner blockage and adjusting, the external events will put them in the position to actively take action: one can not not ignore the problem inside the self when it’s presented right in front of them, however if you choose to keep on hanging on to your frustration and desires, if you keep on pushing it aside, wanting to deal with it later or purely neglecting lifes offers for growth one might find themself left behind at times. Another problem might be a lack of discipline, holding on to old, bad behavior or attitude. Key message behind the Semi-Square: Don’t ignore your inner pain, even if it seems small at first. Be open and observant and willing to deal with problems. It’s normal that adjustment will take time, don’t decide where’s the limit when it comes to growth. Be open and content about changes to expand your mind, challenges by life that test you. Be persitant.
The Sesquiquadrate
The aspect in a degree of 135 with an orb allowance of 2-3. This is about holding the self accountable for our actions and problems,  to not ignore them. It’s about inner control and to accept aid. The energies of the Sesquiquadrate are subtle, sometimes not noticed by the native. Usually it’s when we want to break free of negativity/a problem but know for a better that we are bound to something holding us back, hence losing our courage. It offers creativity, since this aspect is usually easier mastered by strong positive aspects in the natal chart, that strengthen your decisions and actions. If this challenging aspect is noticed, the feelings of being unable to do anything leads easily to ignoring the problem. Now, this is the point, that’ll potentially make it bigger emotional baggage than it has been before. There is a desire to act and it involves the self, to combine to sides inside of you, to stimulate two sides that have strong expectations. To break boundaries by combining them. Key message behind the Sesquiquadrate: Reflect on the self and acknowledge your flaws and problems. Be active about them, don’t pile emotional baggage up. Be open for guidance and be open to think constructively. Seek out outer guidance/help/opinions, it’s not a shame, at best they will only heighten your intuiton. Embrace oppositions.
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edmund-valks · 3 years
From Suramar to the Winter Court
"We… don't normally get your kind here. Then again, the living are hardly expected to be where the souls of the dead dwell. What you've shown me makes me think you would normally be… elsewhere. Perhaps among the Venthyr."
"Why is that?"
"They're the sort who help people work through their pasts."
"I don't need my past. I need a future. So I've come here, to find one. To make one."
"I don't understand…"
"Then let me explain more clearly…"
I was born to a family of musicians in Suramar, long after the Sundering. We lived in the grandest city on Azeroth, but could never leave it. The dome we lived beneath was our salvation as much as our cage. It was a tradeoff accepted by our ancestors; we had no choice but to live with it.
My parents were not rich. They had enough money to ensure all their children were tattooed, but only with the simplest patterns. Still, we did not struggle in my early days. Music brought joy, and everyone wanted more joy. We played and sang and did not starve.
As I got older, my voice changed. Never quite the singer my family needed, I became far worse as I progressed through adolescence. It wasn't technique; I know how to breathe, how to shape my mouth, how to project. My tone, however, and range… Well. They were of little use. I became accompaniment at best. I took up needlework to minimize the burden I'd become. Cunningly patched garments are no match for a soulful aria, though.
If I hadn't grown entirely out of youthful beauty, they could have at least hoped to gain by my marriage. Instead, my voice and face and body achieved unity in ugliness, none betraying the others by achieving. This would not have been an issue in the year of my birth, but life had become ever more lean in the city.
The poorest are always aware that they are, and we had become increasingly close to being among them. Our art paid the same as ever, but the cost to survive had grown. People had begun to disappear, though it was always those who you might expect: the lonely, the bitter, the rebellious. Perhaps, we told ourselves, they had finally committed a grand crime and gotten exiled. That was the punishment, you see -- banishment from the city. It meant you were cut off from the Nightwell. You would wither away without its magic to sustain you. The lucky went to sleep and never woke up. The others went mad.
As we were becoming progressively nearer to the bottom rung of the social ladder, the demons returned. We -- my people, not my family, even my great-grandparents were too young to recall this -- had fought them before. The shield that was our sky had been created then. This time… things were not so easy for us. The High Magistrix traded our sovereignty for our survival, and so the Legion came to live among us.
There was an outcry, of course, even some small acts of rebellion. None were successful. The leaders were either jailed or exiled, not executed. I think the idea was that death created martyrs, while exile simply made animals. Life changed little, is what I am getting at. The major difference was the Legion walking our streets, presumably making demands of our leaders. We were more concerned with surviving, so I can't say we worried too much about all that.
It was difficult, though. Those who could afford to purchase the joy of song were fewer and fewer, yet they were increasingly wealthy. If there had ever been such a thing as a middle class, it had effectively disappeared. The rich sacrificed nothing; the rest of us scraped by.
Except those who didn't. There were more disappearances. Sometimes there were raids. Usually the families taken away were related to someone known to be a criminal of some sort. It was easy not to notice or care. We were much more concerned with our own lives. The bottom was coming quickly, we knew.
My family tried with me. I know they did. Nobody could have guessed I would betray them by ending up a collection of flaws held together with collective disappointment. They would not miss me, I was certain, so I decided I would do some good for them. I left one night while they slept, heading down to the docks.
The demons were most common there. Intimidating though they were, I often felt their presence to be… not soothing, exactly, but more tolerable than others. At least when I stood beside a flayed-skin husk that fed on souls I could feel almost pretty. They ignored me, mostly, so I sought out those of my people who worked among them.
There was work to be had, you see. The Legion needed portals opened and maintained, portals that required someone act as the conduit to maintain them. It was not very skilled labour, but that was good. I lacked skill, possessing nothing but my relative youth and determination to no longer burden my parents with my disappointing existence. I became what the later rebellion called a collaborator. In exchange for helping the Legion to destroy our planet, I could improve my family's lives. It seemed a fair trade.
I was surprisingly good at the work. I learned quickly, and I tired far less easily than others. The demons and my supervisors taught me runes and cosmology that were typically reserved for those who could afford tutors. I was rewarded quite decently for my efforts, and I passed that along to my family. They lived better than ever because of me, but believed me dead. I'd requested that, you see. I wanted them to profit without knowing I was a collaborator. Let them think I had died in service to something useful or whatever, and that in so doing I had made sure they would survive. They didn't need to be any more disappointed than I'd already made them.
The problem was I finally understood where people were going. We brought the Legion in, maintained paths from the Twisting Nether and other Legion worlds, but that was the most innocuous of what was happening. The disappeared, those too far gone to be of use to Elisande's regime… they were taken elsewhere. They would be loaded onto boats or carts or cages mounted on the backs of horrible beasts I never learned the names of. And then they would be gone. I didn't know exactly where, though I learned the name: the soul engines.
What happened there was beyond my understanding. I knew as much as I needed: the poor went in, power came out. My work… well. I don't know if they were related. The Legion handled it, so I suppose I helped in that sense, but doing what I did was the only thing that kept me and my family from finding out more about the "process" first-hand. Perhaps I was involved in the murder of thousands? All I know is I saved at least seven lives.
I'm sorry, I'm not used to talking about all of this. It seems important to be honest here, so I'm trying. In all honesty, I don't take any responsibility for what was done. How could I? It wasn't my decisions that caused any of those things to happen. I did what I had to to survive. And I made them pay in the end.
Once the… second, I suppose, rebellion started in earnest, the system became increasingly strained. My hours lengthened. Several others became so burned out they were "sent home early", almost certainly a euphemism for being fed to the engines. Some were murdered for collaborating with the Legion, or Elisande, or whoever the rebels were mad at that day. I couldn't help them, any of them. My life -- and others' -- depended on keeping my head down. So I did.
I considered, though, and I thought. I was becoming very senior, at least by maintenance standards. The portal builders were under pressure as well, their numbers thinning or being pulled for other priority tasks. That left space for opportunities. I didn't want to be them, but I was capable of learning. That made me an apprentice of sorts, something I never would have been a decade earlier. My family lacked the resources to get me a mentor; the Legion invasion had given me one for free, while providing for their needs.
My education on runes happened at an aggressive pace. Every day was multiple practical exams, and if I failed it was likely to kill me. I didn't. I wasn't allowed many questions, so I made them count. I learned a great deal in those days. For instance, I discovered that a small instability introduced by a slightly malformed rune could cause a devastating energy backlash. Can you imagine what might happen if a system under strain began breaking down while under heavy use? People could die, especially if the portal structures are being kept constantly active with no downtime for repair.
I said I was trying to be honest, didn't I? I knew what I was doing would kill them. That was the idea. I only did it because I thought I could get away with it. While nobody would think a lowborn technician was smart enough to do it, they would still prefer to punish the "unskilled" over someone who went to the same academy or whatever. That made me safe, even if I was an obvious suspect. They needed me, and I wasn't like the others. I benefited from their system and never dissented. Would I have done it if I thought they might be less blind? I don't know. I'm not willing to die over principle. It won't prove a point to anyone, won't change the world. Nobody would remember my sacrifice, so no, I don't think I would. The world hasn't earned that from me, and I don't deserve to die. We all do what we must to survive.
"...So no, I'm not pursuing "redemption". I don't have sins weighing me down. What I am is… curious. This is the world my people once knew, back long ago, isn't it? Where the only magic is that of the world around? We kept the night for millennia, but missed out on what that meant beyond our walls."
The fae hovered for a moment on her great wings, what could have been a shiver rippling through her fur. "I-I'm still not sure you're going to like it here. You don't seem the sort to laugh."
"There hasn't been much to laugh about in my life," the shal'dorei snapped. She took a breath, continuing on more softly. "Besides, I don't plan to stay forever. We are helping each other. Perhaps you can help me laugh."
Blinking several times, the creature was clearly hesitant, but desperate times did come with special rules. "We… can certainly try! Um. Come along, let's get you introduced to everyone, Miss…?"
"Ciscandra," she answered, deliberately omitting a surname. "Thank you."
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jinruihokankeikaku · 4 years
Hello! I'd love to hear your take on a Maid of Space, if you'd be willing. :) And if not, no worries! I'm sure you must be overloaded on them!
Another canonical character’s Role – this time, Porrim Maryam!! Here’s wwhat I’vve got…
Title: Maid of Space
Title Breakdown: One who actively creates [conjures, makes for themselves, forges, generates] Space [physical size and distance, undefined possibilty, artistic creation, natural science, creativity]
Aspect: Space [Opposition: Time; Semi-sextile: Mind and Void; Trine: Life and Rage]
Class: Active Creation (-2); Inverse: Bard (+5); Passive Counterpart: Sylph (+2)
Role in the Session: A Maid of Space has to learn to create their own Space, to become self-reliant after spending a very long time trapped, isolated, and sequestered from the rest of the world. They are perhaps the most directly and overtly creative/artistic Class, and they thrive in contexts where their ability to create and hone Space on both a practical and an aesthetic level is valued. When we take what are arguably the Class and Aspect respectively most associated with creation, the Role resultant is one with a unique level of commitment to the pure and unadulterated process of creation, from the extraction of raw material to the painstacking process of shaping the most finely-wrought details. Space players are, notably, tasked with the process of creating the new universe itself through frog-breeding, and the Maid seems especially suited to this task, being as they are so Active a Class, and one so committed to raw creation. However, as with any Active Class, they run the risk of overembracing their Aspect, falling victim to its darker sides as they attempt to control it.
In this case, Space is associated with isolation, stasis, disarray, and lack of focus, all of which are domains in which the Maid could struggle. As previously mentioned, Maids tend to start out reliant on others for their Aspect’s benefits – the Maid of Space would require the care of others, rather than being a caretaker, perhaps, or they may lack creativity in favor of following pre-ordained schedules or methodologies when it comes to art, structural design, and similar. In any event, this is a situation which the Maid will escape, by generating (creating) their Aspect themselves – discovering within themselves a font of creative energy upon which they can draw to create their escape. The Maid’s Quest proper, however, begins after they have become self-reliant – their true personal challenge is to balance their internal coping mechanisms and their reliance on themselves (and particularly on their own Aspect) with the ability to express themselves, avoid repression, and appreciate the role that other Aspects and People may play in their life.
Their Planetary Quest will probably be fairly clear-cut – as the Planet’s challenges tend to be connected strongly to its player’s Class, and are to a degree a microcosm of the player’s internal struggles, the Planet will likely be barren, frozen, or simply unsculpted. The Maid of Space must bring it to life, and allow the Frogs that neccesarily inhabit the Land to grow and breed freely. By generating or providing Space, allowing the landscape to become open and vital again, the Maid will clear the way for a resurgence in Life and in all other Aspects essential to the Planet’s function, able at last to begin the process of conceiving a new Universe.
On that note, I think that a Life player could be an especially effective co-player to the Maid – Life being as it is the Aspect of rebellion, youth, and diverse biological growth, as well as of food/consumption, and the Maid initially being tasked with escape from, or independence from, a constraining and spatially-constrictive force, the Life player (especially one with a Passive role inclined towards support, such as a Seer or a Sylph) could help guide the Maid towards that independence. Alternatively, if the Maid were too disorganized, disoriented, or distracted to complete their task, a Witch or even a Bard of Rage could help them overcome that, assisting them in clearing a Space for growth by dispelling illusions and distractions.
God Tier Powers
The Maid is the Active Creation Class, and while it is only slightly Active relative to Thieves/Princes/Witches, its powers nonetheless tend to focus on directly generating their Aspect when they most need it, or in places where it is absent. Space is the Expansive-Explosive-Actual Aspect, and often has powers related to alchemy, physical sciences, literal Space, and physical properties such as size, velocity, location, and so on. Here are a few ideas as to the sort of capabilities a Maid of Space might have once Ascended to the God Tiers…
Make Room!!!: The Maid of Space creates an extradimensional sphere, its size limited only by the time and focus they have with which to make it. While the space occupies physical Space, its boundaries are extended through careful manipulation of the spatial continuum, of the Medium itself, so as to allow rooms to be bigger on the inside; if multiple entrances are added to the space, it can become a long corridor between two adjacent locations, which the Maid can traverse nigh-instantly, but which others will have to traverse by whatever means are available to them.
Devise Structure: The Maid of Space can observe physical structures, large or small, and immediately realise the manner in which those structures are held together on both a visible and microscopic scale, in order to determine how those structures can be best expanded upon. If necessary, they can telekinetically “scale up” these structures in a manner consistent with their current substructure, to ensure that the increase in size doesn’t lead the structure to collapse – likewise, should they need to make space for structural additions inconsistent with the currently existing substructure, they can “scale down” structures as much as is physically possible, clearing physical space while maintaining the integrity of whatever it is you’re shrinking.
Sequester: I think I listed a similar power for the Sylph of Space, but basically, this is the ability to generate fields of force which halt matter and force in their tracks by continually stretching Space so as to indefinitely forestall their arrival anywhere near the Maid unless the Maid so chooses. When the force field, more accurately termed a Space field, goes down, the moving objects have already lost any kinetic energy, so they won’t immediately re-accelerate when the Maid’s attention lapses; as long as the Maid can create these fields fast enough, they’ll be functionally impervious to projectiles.
Personality: Maids in general tend to be enthusiastic, meticulous, and calm under pressure – to a certain extent. However, somewhat like their Inverse role, the Bard, they have a breaking point, and when they’ve reached it, their anger is near unparalleled. However, while in the Bard this tends to occur because some defense mechanism, usually one related to their inverse/opposite Aspect, has fallen through (A/N: See Gamzee’s wwiggin out after getting so8er, for example.), a Maid’s crisis tends to occur when their abilities, particularly their capacity to keep their cool under pressure, are taken advantage of or directed towards ends other than their own. Space players are creative and constructive, if not necessarily maternal, but like Time players, they tend to be emotionally distant from events that occur on a scale that’s closer to the human than it is to the cosmic.
A Maid of Space will be challenged to close the distance between their grand ethical and aesthetic principles and their perhaps less-grand - but equally important – personal relationships. While they’re less liable than Sylphs and Princes to find fault in existing things, they are likely to see where things can be improved or expanded upon, enhanced rather than simply repaired or corrected. Due to Space’s Expansiveness and the Maid’s tendency towards growth and expansion, a Maid of Space is unlikely to see any work as truly finished, which could prove to be both a strength and a weakness. They may well be discouraged by endings, or even avoidant to the point of avoiding conclusion or closure at all – though this is a dangerous path for them to follow, as it mirrors their Inverse, the Bard of Time, and stepping closer to inversion is almost never a good thing.
I hope you found this analysis informativve and/or entertainin!! It took me, once again, longer than intended, on account of my 8ein in the process of restructurin these analyses generally, but all the information I usually include should 8e there. Do let me knoww if you havve any other questions!!
~ P L U R ~
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mrjat396 · 3 years
In low, pharmaceutical-grade doses, methamphetamine may actually repair and protect the brain in certain circumstances. But stigma against the drug could be harming patients and holding back research.
D-methamphetamine is what generally appears on the street—although it's often cut with other chemicals—whereas l-meth provides a less addictive, shorter-lived high that is less desirable among drug users.
(Photo: Fiona Goodall/Getty Images)
Ask your doctor about methamphetamine. It's not a phrase you'll ever hear on TV or the radio, but here's a secret: Meth is an incredible medicine. Even the Drug Enforcement Administration admits it, and doctors are known to prescribe it for narcolepsy, obesity, and ADHD. Historically, meth has been used to reverse barbiturate overdoses and even raise blood pressure during surgery. Some preliminary research suggests that meth can be neuroprotective against stroke and traumatic brain injury, even stimulating the growth of brain cells.
Yet we're constantly warned never to try meth—"not even once," goes the refrain—or it will instantly cause addiction and ruin your life. Before fentanyl was the demon drug du jour, meth was seen as the worst, most destructive, most evil chemical you could find on the streets. Even of late, if you ask the New York Times or NBC, you'll learn that meth, "the forgotten killer," is back with a "vengeance." Other outlets, from Rolling Stone to CNN to The Daily Beast, have raised the alarm about meth use in the context of the opioid overdose crisis.
Stimulant-related deaths are indeed on the rise in North America—in some regions, meth is even more prevalent than heroin. Surveying drug overdoses in America from 1979 through 2016, researchers wrote in Science in September of 2018 that "Methamphetamine deaths have increased most dramatically in the western and southwestern United States."
Meth poisonings accounted for an estimated 14,845 hospitalizations in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and another 15,808 emergency room visits. In 2016, around 7,500 people died from overdosing on stimulants, including meth. If you ask most people, including policymakers, you'll hear that meth is a scourge that can do no good.
But if you've ever used something like Vicks VapoInhaler, you've experienced the healing benefits of meth firsthand. That's because the over-the-counter nasal decongestant contains levomethamphetamine, the levorotary form—or "mirror image"—of the same stuff from Breaking Bad. Procter & Gamble tries to obscure this fact by spelling the active ingredient "levmetamfetamine." Selegiline, a drug for treating Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, also metabolizes into levomethamphetamine.
There is a significant difference between these two opposing molecules. D-methamphetamine is what generally appears on the street—although it's often cut with other chemicals—whereas l-meth provides a less addictive, shorter-lived high that is less desirable among drug users. But people can and do use it recreationally. Abuse is rare, however, in part because the high is shitty, but also because d-meth is so widely available. It's easier to buy a more powerful form of the drug on the street than it is to try to extract it from over-the-counter medications.
Other Americans are prescribed actual, pure meth by their doctors. It happens less frequently these days, but in ADHD, obesity, or narcolepsy cases where nothing else has worked, a drug called Desoxyn (methamphetamine hydrochloride) can sometimes help. It can even be prescribed to children as young as seven.
It's important to make these distinctions. Meth didn't make a "comeback"; it never left. It can't return with a "vengeance" and it can't be "evil" because we're talking about a chemical compound here. It has no personality, no feelings, no intentions.
Thus it does a disservice to science and to medicine, as well as to the people who use these drugs responsibly, to treat a molecule with dualistic properties purely as a poison. And as recent research has shown, we're still uncovering some of the potential therapeutic benefits of methamphetamine. Confronting the stigma associated with meth and highlighting its benefits can better inform drug policy and addiction treatment.
(Photo: HO/Royal Thai Navy/AFP/Getty Images)
For Jordan*, the meth he's prescribed works better against his ADHD with fewer side effects than the Adderall he'd been on for 20 years. About five years ago, Jordan asked his doctor if he could try methamphetamine. The doc said sure.
"The first time I brought it to the pharmacy, the pharmacist actually said to me, 'Oh, your doctor wrote this prescription wrong, this is the stuff that they make in meth labs,'" Jordan tells me by phone. "I told him to type 'Desoxyn' into the computer, and he did. He kind of backtracked, [but] he obviously had no idea."
Jordan, a middle-aged man from North Carolina who works in clinical research, now switches every three months between Adderall and Desoxyn to prevent building a tolerance to either stimulant.
Methamphetamine and amphetamine (one of the active ingredients in Adderall) are almost identical chemicals. The main difference between the two is the addition of a second methyl group to methamphetamine's chemical structure. This addition makes meth more lipid-soluble, allowing for easier access across the blood-brain barrier. Meth is therefore not only more potent, but also longer-lasting.
"The medications have definitely been important for me, to be productive, to be successful, not just at work but also in my personal life," Jordan says. "I've been on the medications for years, but I can take Adderall or methamphetamine and take a nap afterwards. I don't have any noticeable side effects."
Jordan also doesn't feel "high" from the doses he takes—approximately 10 to 15 milligrams of meth per day. Doses at this level are well tolerated by most people. It's very difficult to estimate the typical dosages of illicit meth taken on the street, but they are generally many times higher and taken every couple of hours. Further, the route of administration—typically, users smoke or inject illicit meth—allows for more of the drug to enter the bloodstream than taking a prescription pill.
At high doses, meth gives a rush of euphoria, boosting attention span, zapping fatigue, and decreasing appetite. Intense sexual arousal, talkativeness, and rapid thought patterns are also common. Body temperature and heart rate shoot up, which can cause irregular heartbeat, increasing the risk of seizures. If taken repeatedly over long periods, street meth can be highly neurotoxic, inducing paranoia and psychosis.
But illicit meth is also often used to self-medicate, according to Mark Willenbring, an addiction psychiatrist from St. Paul, Minnesota, with over 30 years of practice treating substance-use disorders. In Willenbring's experience, most of his patients who use illegal meth are treating undiagnosed ADHD.
"There's a high degree of comorbidity between substance-use disorders and ADD," Willenbring says. "They used meth for years in a controlled way, they never over-used it, they just used enough to get an effect, and then they stopped. One misconception is that it's always very addictive."
With most people who are addicted to meth, Willenbring says, you can't tell it just by looking at them. Carl Hart, a neuroscientist in Columbia University's Department of Psychology, agrees that the image of a snarling meth addict with bad teeth is a false stereotype. The dental damage so prevalent in anti-drug propaganda, he says, is more likely due to poor nutrition and lack of sleep—not to the drug. "There is no empirical evidence to support the claim that methamphetamine causes physical deformities," Hart wrote in a 2014 co-authored report.
"It's just a stimulant, like any other stimulant," Willenbring says. "It's a marketing issue."
Part of the reason Jordan asked to try Desoxyn in the first place was to see if he'd develop any of the "stereotypical meth addict problems," as he puts it. He hasn't.
"Those of us that know the reality have a responsibility to say, 'Hey, not that shooting up meth isn't bad, but the chemical itself isn't bad,'" Jordan says. "It's just misuse of the chemical that's bad."
For Joan*, a 66-year-old grandmother living off the grid in northern Georgia, Desoxyn makes her feel normal. "Not high, not hyped up, just normal," she tells me. She's been taking prescription meth since 2006, but first tried many other ADHD meds, such as Ritalin and Concerta, with poor results. But Desoxyn has not only helped her socialize, manage bills, and finish her master's degree in social work; it's also helped with Joan's depression and self-esteem.
"The only downside is the cost," she says. "It's one of the oldest drugs on the market, but even generic, it is outrageously expensive."
Still, meth isn't for everyone, of course. Kevin*, a 31-year-old artist from the Midwest, was first prescribed Desoxyn at age 15 to treat extreme fatigue and trouble focusing. But misdiagnosed mental-health issues—his doctors thought he had bipolar disorder, when in fact he had post-traumatic stress from childhood abuse—led to worsening symptoms.
"Being able to just take a bunch of pills that made the exhaustion go away for a while felt like a blessing, but it was just a Band-Aid on the problem," Kevin says. "I became completely dependent upon Desoxyn to function, and any lapse in taking my dose would result in a terrible energy crash."
"In retrospect, my neurologist at the time would have done well to consider the effects of intense stimulants on someone already prone to mania, insomnia, and hallucinations," he says. "I think Desoxyn has its merits as part of a treatment plan for attentive disorders, but that's the thing—it needs to be part of a larger understanding of how and why it might have a negative impact upon the patient's overall health, and should remain closely monitored throughout."
"Stigma is the lens [through] which we see all drug issues. It keeps us from making the best decisions. It is fear-based, not rational, not creative. Because of stigma, we have not fully addressed the opioid crisis."
(Photo: Guillermo Arias/AFP/Getty Images)
Street doses of meth can be extremely damaging to your health. The purity of such drugs is often unknown, and repeated, high doses of meth have been proven to be neurotoxic. But in low, pharmaceutical-grade doses, meth may actually repair and protect the brain in certain circumstances.
This was first discovered in 2008, when researchers at Queen's Medical Center Neuroscience Institute in Honolulu, Hawaii, analyzed five years of data on traumatic head injuries. They unexpectedly found that patients who tested positive for methamphetamine were significantly less likely to die from the injuries. The authors suggested that meth could have neuroprotective benefits.
To learn more, in 2011, a different team from the University of Montana applied meth to slices of rat brain that had been damaged to resemble the brains of stroke victims. Then they induced strokes in living rats, using a method called embolic MCAO, and injected them with methamphetamine. At low doses, the meth gave better behavioral outcomes and even reduced brain-cell death. At high doses, the meth made outcomes worse.
Because meth stimulates the flow of important neurotransmitters—dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine—the Montana researchers theorized that methamphetamine may provide neuroprotection through multiple pathways. David Poulsen, one of the researchers involved, says this was a "serendipitous discovery."
"So we decided, well, if it worked in stroke, it's probably going to work really well in traumatic brain injury," says Poulsen, now a neurosurgeon at the University of Buffalo who specializes in treatments for protecting the brain after severe damage.
Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, occurs after a violent smash to the skull. Its consequences include concussions on the mild end and coma or death on the severe end. TBI kills around 50,000 Americans annually, according to the CDC, while about 2.8 million of us visit the emergency room for TBI-related injuries every year. There is currently no Food and Drug Administration-approved treatment for TBI.
So, Paulson and his team reasoned, if meth can already be prescribed for children, why not to adults with TBI?
To test the proposition, Poulsen and colleagues gave TBI to rats. Giving an animal brain trauma isn't easy, but for more than two decades, there's been a trick called the rat lateral fluid percussion injury model: Simply cut a hole in the skull of a rat and apply water pressure to the brain.
About half the rodents—19 male Wistar rats—were given this treatment, and eight of these were then given meth. The rats given meth performed better at a task called the Morris water maze, a widely used experiment that involves plopping a rat into a pool of water with a hidden platform. By tracking how long it takes the rodent to find the platform, scientists can measure many different aspects of cognitive function.
"By the third day of training, there were no statistically significant differences between the uninjured control rats and the injured rats that had been treated with methamphetamine," Poulsen and his colleagues wrote.
But the team also found that low doses of meth were protecting immature neurons, while also promoting the birth of new brain cells that are important for learning and memory. The same was also true for rats that were given meth, but not injured.
"We see not just little, but very significant improvements in cognition and behavior," Poulsen says. "Their memories improved, functional behavior is improved.... It's not a trivial difference."
"In light of the fact that low-dose methamphetamine is FDA-approved for use in juveniles and adults, we see no valid reason why it cannot be utilized in human clinical trials for stroke and TBI," Poulsen and colleagues concluded in 2016.
But those clinical trials, considered the gold standard for testing medication, have yet to materialize, even while a 2018 retrospective study found similar results to the Hawaiian neuroscience report: Out of 304 patients with TBI, those who also tested positive for meth had better recovery results than those who did not. "The potential neuroprotective role of meth and other similar substances cannot be ignored," the authors wrote in Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery last July.
There are limited conclusions that we can draw about these rodent and retrospective studies, and it's probably unlikely that nurses will soon start giving meth to people who have cracked their skulls. Still, a wide variety of stimulant therapies for TBI is being explored, with positive results. These include trials with modafinil, a narcolepsy drug; amantadine, a Parkinson's drug; and dextroamphetamine, one of the components of Adderall. But there's still no indication of a single clinical trial for methamphetamine for TBI registered with the National Institutes of Health.
Methylphenidate, also known as Ritalin, seems to be the stimulant most popular in these trials. For example, in 2004, researchers at Drucker Brain Injury Center at MossRehab Hospital in Pennsylvania gave methylphenidate, better known as Ritalin, to 34 patients with moderate to severe TBI. They reported significant improvements in information processing and attention.
Twelve years later, in Gothenburg, Sweden, another 30 patients suffering from prolonged fatigue following TBI were given methylphenidate and observed for six months. They also showed improved cognitive function and reduced fatigue. But a 2016 meta-analysis of 10 controlled trials found the main benefit of giving methylphenidate for TBI was increased attention, "whereas no notable benefit was observed in the facilitation of memory or processing speed," the authors wrote. They encouraged more research into appropriate dosages and length of prescription.
Birgitta Johansson, a neuroscientist at the University of Gothenburg and lead author of the Swedish study, suggests caution whenever treating someone with a brain injury. "With methylphenidate, it is important to be aware about possible side effects, [such] as increased blood pressure and heart rate and also risk of anxiety," she says. "It is always very important to prescribe medication with care and follow the patient carefully."
But the reason meth isn't studied more rigorously—for TBI, for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, for stroke—could also come down to money. Methamphetamine is off-patent, meaning there may be less financial incentive for pharmaceutical companies to explore the drug's potential uses. Consider Vyvanse, a drug first marketed in 2007, with a new formulation introduced in 2017, that racked up $2.1 billion in sales in 2017. Desoxyn, which is sold by three companies, only earned about $9.3 million in 2009.
While Methamphetamine may not be widely recognized as medicine, it clearly has potential to heal as well as harm. Recognizing the duality of meth is arguably all the more essential in the face of a rising stimulant overdose crisis.
"Stigma regarding any substance use or substance use disorder is counterproductive," says Dan Ciccarone, professor of family medicine at the University of California–San Francisco. He says the overdose crisis is shifting from opioids to stimulants and that we are not prepared for the next wave. "Stigma is the lens [through] which we see all drug issues. It keeps us from making the best decisions. It is fear-based, not rational, not creative. Because of stigma, we have not fully addressed the opioid crisis."
That stigma remains a major hurdle, and until doctors and public-health officials counteract this kind of messaging, it seems unlikely that a multinational pharmaceutical company would risk marketing a substance only believed to be toxic and deadly.
"Everything will kill you, if you take enough of it," Poulsen says. "Some things don't require a lot to do that. Meth is one of those things. But just like any drug, the difference between a poison and a cure is the dose."
*These names have been changed.
Troy Farah is an independent journalist and photographer in California. His reporting on science, health, and narcotics has appeared in Wired, Ars Technica, Smithsonian, Discover, Vice, and elsewhere. He co-hosts the drug policy podcast Narcotica. 
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enchanted-prose · 4 years
#9 On the Horizon
two in one day I’m sorry, I just had to do it, plus I’m excited to see everybody else’s reactions because I’m posting to fanfiction.net and I have one reviewer who has some good theories on the overarching plot. . .
Word count: 5,433
Characters: Tobias, Mott, Feall (Original character), Renlyn Karise (Original character) The Faola (Original creation)
Notes: Edited!
Tobias wiped his forehead with his sleeve, the summer heat piercing his long sleeved tunic. He loved his work. He loved being able to see results, being able to visibly help other people. It was his mentor, the castle’s official physician, who’d suggested Tobias set up temporary clinics in the poorer areas of the city.
It would give him good practice.
The temporary clinics were nothing like the pristine physician’s suites in the castle, but it was certainly better than a pigsty. It was always set up in the morning by the earliest patrol. A large striped tent was set up in the middle of a large space surrounded by dying buildings. This kept patients out of the heat.
Due to his dedication, Tobias had climbed higher than many of the other apprenticed physicians. He was the one telling the others to get patients clean, keep a steady supply of water, and clean up any mess.
Power felt good. Power over a group of people with a similar cause.
The truth was, he liked not having to sweep floors, he liked cleaning people up. He liked stitching them back together.
That was what his ‘power’ brought him.
In the heat, Tobias requested that canopies be set up in addition to the central tent. It would be easier to work that way. He gently patted his current patient’s shoulder after bandaging the patient’s infected wound. The instructions were clear: Keep clean or he wouldn’t survive.
The new trend of cleanliness was creating a string of new businesses.
Or at least that’s what Renlyn Karise said. Everyone was racing to build up their own bath houses. Racing to supply water to people who could pay for it.
Renlyn played her cards well.
She was one of the few members of the gentry providing water for free, in turn, she received a new wave of Carthyan employees.
Supposedly she was setting up an office in Drylliad dedicated to building structures.
Business to Renlyn was like medicine to Tobias.
The patient thanked Tobias profusely, and walked away. With a grin, Tobias handed his used instruments to the nearest assistant, and moved on to the next canopy. A new bag of tools and a new patient were waiting for him.
“You see, Mott, I was able to track down the doctors that healed Imogen after she was shot through her shoulder,” Tobias said as he opened up his bag of instruments. “Because that kind of survival? Nearly impossible. He wouldn’t tell me his name, though, it took a lot of string pulling on both my part and Amarinda’s part.”
Mott, who often accompanied Tobias during a temporary clinic, scratched the back of his bald head. “Right. I have a feeling you’re going to tell me all about it no matter what my answer is, what did he say?”
“Cleanliness is key. He did a study in which he followed doctors with used instruments as well as doctors who used clean ones. Those with dirty instruments had a higher mortality rate.”
“I suppose that makes sense,” Mott nodded. “Dirty cities tend to have higher plague rates, or at least they did.”
“I’m glad you- please stick your tongue out, ma’am-  noticed that,” Tobias squinted at his patient’s throat. “It appears that you have white pockets on the back of your throat, you told me it’s quite painful? Do your ears feel jammed too?”
The patient tilted her head left and right.
Tobias nodded, and stepped away when the patient hacked into the open air. “Good, it’s not an infection of the ear, rather an inflammation of the throat. You can get better if you sleep, drink plenty of- absolutely no ale, I’m sorry- water, and make sure you’re coughing often. Come back in three weeks if symptoms don’t subside.”
“You’re very good at what you do,” said Mott as he leaned against one of the canopy poles.
“Plenty of practice, and my wife is an ambassador, she has a lot of access to the best books in the realm. Thank the Saints for the printing press.”
“Rumor has it that you’re single handedly responsible for the lack of bloated corpses in the streets.”
He didn’t mean to make a face.
There would always be people he couldn’t save, and that didn’t sit well with Tobias.
What he’d chosen as a profession differed from what Roden did.
Medicine didn’t label anybody. You were supposed to use it to help everyone in need.
When a person died under a physician’s care, it was far different from taking a man’s life in battle. It was different because steps had been taken to try to save the patient. Because no matter who the patient was, they were being cared for.
In battle, it was a contest to see who was strongest.
Battle crushes compassion.
Medicine exercised as much compassion as it could.
Death never sat well with Tobias, he wanted everyone to have the chance to see another sunrise.
“That’s not true,” Tobias insisted. “Jaron’s the one who's mostly responsible, and I’d put a lot of credit to Imogen and Amarinda. Roden, too. And Renlyn. It’s never the work of one person, it’s the work of a lot of people with good ideas and respect for another human being.”
“Have you been reading books on philosophy too?”  Mott arched an eyebrow.
“How did you know?”
“Because I read the same book.”
Tobias opened and shut his mouth several times. A wide grin spread across his face. “Really? I absolutely loved it, though there were some situations where I- please take a seat, sir, I was told you have an injury on your foot and you mustn't put any more pressure on it- didn’t agree with the author.”
“That’s the point of philosophy, is it not?” Mott narrowed his eyes at the patient’s wet boots. “I don’t make a habit of philosophy, but that book was certainly worth my time.”
“Good, good! I thought- sir, can you remove your boot please?” Asked Tobias, trying his best to juggle both conversations.
To his dismay, he couldn’t carry both.
As gingerly as he could, Tobias removed the patient’s boot, and kept a straight face as the smell assaulted his nose.
The foot seemed normal, but Tobias knew better to dismiss a patient’s concern based off of appearance only. Shifting around in his bag of instruments, Tobias withdrew a cloth, and used it to cover his hands while he touched the patient’s foot.
There weren’t many things Tobias disliked, except for feet.
But his love for what he did helped him overcome that loathing in order to help people like his current patient.
“When did you begin feeling pain?” Tobias asked after thoroughly touching the foot. “Does it ever flare up?”
The patient held up his hand and tilted it from side to side. “Fales up on occasion, usually after I’ve worked a long day.”
“And when did this pain start?”
“Er, ah, I took up a second job hauling metal for the blacksmith. My foot started hurting a week or two after I began.”
Ah, that second job would certainly contribute.
So many of the patients Tobias saw had afflictions that could be cured with a little rest, and a little less consumption of liquors. Renlyn’s attempt to provide fresh water to those who couldn’t get any was helping, but as people were working themselves to death, there was only so much water could do.
“You mentioned that the pain flares,” noted Tobias, suddenly very aware of the fact that the cobblestones were hurting his knees. He rocked back onto his heels, “Can you tell me when they get unbearable? And when they’re not painful at all?”
“I, ah, let me think,” the patient’s shoulders twitched. “They don’t get so bad on the Saints’ day. I think they’re the worst on the last working day of the week. I suppose it builds up over time.”
All it took was that explanation to confirm Tobias’s diagnosis.
Unfortunately, the patient likely wouldn’t like it.
He cleared his throat, trying to pick out the best words to describe what needed to be done. “Sir, you don’t have any fractures of the bone, nor any growths or other bad things. . . But you’re working yourself to exhaustion.”
The patient was silent. Tobias could feel Mott’s eyes lingering on the scene, taking in the utter disappointment. Asking the patient to work less was asking him to starve. Asking him to let his family starve.
And that notion made Tobias’s heart begin to whimper. It made his heart break in two.
His patient should be allowed to rest.
He should be allowed to build up his strength.
Allowed to take a moment to ease his aching feet.
“Sir, if you want to make the best recovery you can, you’ll-,” Tobias heaved in a breath, panic crawling up his spine in tiny steps. “Your feet aren’t broken in any way, but they’re tired. Your body is tired. You must take more than a day of rest in order to prevent further injury.”
The patient hung his head.
Behind him, Mott stiffened. Tobias could sense the sudden change in the atmosphere around them. He was preparing to defend Tobias in case the patient grew violent.
It had been several weeks since the last patient tried to hurt him, but it wasn’t something Tobias could ever forget.
After several moments of silence, the patient nodded. “How long would I be unable to work?”
“Depends. If you completely take the pressure off of your feet, I suppose you could recover in a few days. You’ll want to eventually build up strength, but you do that in small increments, not by lugging metal and other wares around for nearly a whole week.”
“I, ah, I have my family to think of.”
Tobias didn’t mean to wince. He’d known that was coming, and he wished with all of his heart that he’d solve the-
“Lord Branch, it truly is a nice afternoon,” said a familiar, catlike voice.
“Lady Karise, I was just meeting with a patient. We’re discussing the best way for him to recover,” Tobias glanced back at the woman behind him.
“Oh?” Renlyn shielded her eyes against the sun. She had to be blistering hot in her gown and veil. “Is there a price to be paid?”
“Not necessarily,” the patient bowed his head, murmuring the appropriate titles for the woman before him.
“Then why is both patient and doctor so disenhearted?”
As subtle as he could, Tobias nodded at his patient. Renlyn wouldn’t have him flogged for speaking to her. Or at least he didn’t think so.
There was an air of nervousness as Tobias’s patient brought his eyes from the ground to Renlyn’s face. Reverence filled his voice. “My lady, Lord Branch has asked- has informed me that my pain will go away given a little rest. . .”
Renlyn arched an eyebrow, both she and Tobias were waiting for the outcome of their discussion.
“My family depends on my, my lady, that’s all I have to say on the matter. I will not let them starve,” the patient finished by bowing his head once again.
“True dedication,” Renlyn mused.
Something mischievous was sparkling in her eyes. Tobias could see it from where he sat. He could see that glimmer as clear as the daylight illuminating Drylliad.
“What are you implying?” Tobias tried not to frown, there were all too many possibilities about what Renlyn was trying to get across.
“I promise you, dear sir, that you will be taken care of.” That twinkle still hadn’t left Renlyn’s eyes. “If you swear to rest for a week.”
The patient stuttered to life, “But how? What-”
“You will simply have to trust me, my friend.”
Tobias wrinkled his nose, but said nothing.
He still didn’t know Renlyn well enough to understand the multiple games she was playing.
The games she was playing and winning.
“Goodbye then,” Renlyn clasped her hands behind her back. And yet, despite her farewell, remained planted where she stood.
Tobias and his patient exchanged a look. There were many things to be done around the temporary clinic, it would be foolish and inconsiderate of Tobias to toss aside Renlyn’s quiet offer to help.
“Ah, there’s many patients who need water, if you wouldn’t mind helping them,” Tobias said, and then he looked at his patient’s wet shoes. “And if you could spare a-”
“Pair of boots?”
“Yes, actually. These ones aren’t suitable, they’re soaked and worn full of holes.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Renlyn tipped her head, and retrieved the discarded boot.
Tobias flashed a bright smile at his patient. “Stay here for a little while longer and rest.”
“Sir, I- ah, thank you,” the patient shifted. “But it’s a lot to ask me to go on blind faith. The nobles aren’t exactly. . .”
There was something stirring in Tobias's chest. Something hot and ready to fight. He heaved in a breath, knowing that this was a deciding moment.
He was deciding that yes, he did trust Lady Renlyn Karise.
“I can promise you that Lady Karise doesn’t go back on her promises,” he held a hand over his heart. “I suppose that’s why she doesn’t make many of them.”
“Then I’ll take your word for it, Lord Tobias.”
“It’s alright, I try not to throw my title around while I work, sir-”
What a fool. Tobias had never asked for his patient’s name. He hadn’t expected to get so involved in his patient’s life.
“Derforgall,” the patient flashed a grin. “Calagan Deforgall.”
“Any relation to Alistair Derforgall? One of the king’s knights?” Tobias scratched the back of his head, curious about Derforgall’s answer.
He nodded. “Alistair is my son.”
“He’s a good man, I’ve heard a lot about him.”
A smile crossed Derforgall’s face. “I couldn’t be more proud of Alistair, he’s my oldest son, and he does what he can for us. It’s not much, and I don’t expect him to provide for me while I can still work. He’s too foolish in trying to give us things. My wife, she, ah, she has a habit of kindness. Alistair learned that from her, and I take pride in knowing he is in a place to use that kindness for good.”
Tobias caught himself nodding. Kindness was perhaps the most valuable currency in the realms. There wasn’t much of it following the Avenian War.
But many people were trying to prove otherwise.
And Tobias would do all that he could to contribute.
The temporary clinics remained standing well into the evening. Tobias, Mott, Renlyn, and the others had their hands full with various different tasks, varying into all sorts of forms. Renlyn brought water, Mott helped with settling rambunctious patients, and Tobias patched up as many people as he could.
And to top it all off, Derforgall got a new pair of boots.
However, Renlyn was nowhere to be seen when he was given the boots. In fact, Tobias didn't see her until Derforgall had left, promising that he would rest for a week.
He didn't bring up her promise to Derforgall until they were dismantling the canopies.
"That was very kind of you," Tobias noted as he untied part of the canopy.
Renlyn made a face. "I don't see why it has to be discussed. Many people would do the same."
"Some people argue that it's in man's nature to be kind," said Mott from the opposite end of the canopy. "Shows that you're human, Lady Karise."
"Shame, I was hoping that I was secretly a fairy for the longest time."
"You sure do look like a fairy," chipped in a new voice. Lord Feall was watching from his position on his horse.
No retort came from Renlyn, she only scowled and continued untying parts of the canopy.
"Lord Feall!" Tobias grinned. "What brings you here?"
Feall waved his hand, "I was in the area, just completed patrolling the upper streets. Missed
helping you lot earlier today, I figured I could make up for it by assisting with the cleanup."
"You have a height advantage, mind grabbing the center of the canopy?" Mott gestured to the aforementioned spot, which was threatening to drop into the cobblestone street and dirty itself.
With a nod of his head, Feall slowly walked his horse forwards, grabbing the center of the canopy. He held it up with both hands as Tobias, Mott, Renlyn, and another attendant scrambled to untie the canopy.
Tobias held his side of the canopy as high as he could, and instructed the others to go to Mott's side. Mott, catching on, began to roll the canopy.
It was all rolled up and stored within a matter of minutes.
They repeated the process for multiple canopies; Tobias profusely thanked Feall for his assistance, to which Feall responded that it wasn't him who needed to be thanked, it was his horse
On the third canopy, Tobias once again mustered the courage to speak to Renlyn.
He could no longer deny his curiosity.
“Lady Karise, I-,” Tobias began.
“My name is Renlyn, you’re allowed to call me that.”
“Right, ah, Renlyn? You promised Derforgall he’d be taken care of.” He paused, untied the string before him, and continued. “You never specified how he’d be taken care of.”
“I didn’t realize I needed to,” Renlyn frowned at the post in front of her. She glared at the other assistant who’d been looking at her. “I have many ties.”
“To what kind of people, Lady Renlyn?” Mott chimed in, his own eyes glued to the post before him.
“People who have more of an ability to take action.”
“I have many reasons to distrust you, but I’ll take your word for it.”
“Is that because I’m a woman of business, sir Mott?”
“Partially, yes.”
Feall cleared his throat. “You can’t be too harsh about the stereotype. Renlyn has proved herself to be as unpredictable as the weather in late summer.”
“First I am a fairy to you, and now I am a storm with human skin,” Renlyn narrowed her eyes at Feall. “Am I something pretty to look at or something you fear?”
“Is it wrong of me to say both?”
Once again, Renlyn had no biting retort, and instead continued with freeing the canopy from the posts it was tied to.
“I believe Lady Karise,” Feall said as a small smile flitted across his face.
“Thank you, I suppose.”
“Right, ah, uh,” Tobias stuttered. “I think we should go to the Dragon’s Keep once we’re finished. Roden says there’s a new series of pastries we need to try.”
“I haven’t got anything planned,” shrugged Feall. He then looked to Mott and Renlyn. “What about you two?”
Renlyn tilted her head from side to side. “I’ll make that choice once everything is cleaned.”
Tobias tried to suppress his grin.“And you, Mott?”
“Haven’t got anything better to do.”
The thought of pastries split between his friends warmed Tobias's sore back. The work went much quicker, and Feall provided many insights on how to correctly weave a lattice for a pie. In turn, a debate sparked between Feall and Mott about which type of lattice was superior.
It didn't take long for the conversation to grow heated enough to make Renlyn crack a grin.
Altogether, Tobias decided that he'd had a victory over the day's passage. He'd managed to set up and take down the canopies in less than a few hours, stitched up several patients, helped a good man, and even managed to see Renlyn grin at the ground.
If there had to be a loss, it was because Mott argued that a pie lattice was much better over the pie crust in general, ensuring there was more pastry to eat.
Seeing the pie filling guarded by artfully placed dough was always a positive in Tobias's eyes.
With the supply wagons slowly headed back to the castle, Tobias decided that it was appropriate to make their way to the Dragon's Keep.
A sweet, warm pastry was calling his name, he simply knew it.
Feall fell into place beside Renlyn, and Tobias found himself squished in the middle.
Even Mott was in oddly cheerful spirits.
Unintentionally, they all pressed together as they passed one of the dark entrances to the ever mysterious Vaults.
Pastries were the goal, not an agonizing death in a place that rivaled the Devils' Lair.
Days later, Tobias would wonder what would've happened if they'd never decided to get pastries.
The attack came out of nowhere.
Nothing could've warned them about the cloaked bandits launching themselves out of hidden crevices.
They poured out from alleyways, from doorways and from windows.
Mott and Feall reacted much sharper than Tobias did. They faced outwards, keeping the unarmed Tobias and Renlyn safely sandwiched between them. Hooded heads surrounded them all.
One stood out from the rest.
Patched cloak.
Shorter than the others.
"Get his sword!" Bellowed the figure in the patched cloak.
Tobias was able to put the pieces together the second his mind calmed down.
The shrieking figure before him was a Faola. A fugitive Tobias had managed to trust. Had managed to talk his friends at court into trusting.
And here they were, abusing that trust.
“If we make enough noise, Captain Harlowe will come,” Mott said firmly, he’d dug the ball of his foot into one of the cobblestone crevices.
“This place is empty,” explained Feall. He jerked his head towards one of the buildings, “How else would they have gotten here?”
“I still think if we make enough noise, we can-”
“Get his sword, Devils have you!” The Faola barked, gesturing to Feall. When it became evident that nobody wanted to go near him, the Faola began to approach. “And get a rope. They can’t take us, we have higher numbers, we’ll hold the-”
“We’re not supposed to touch nobility,” mused another Faola. This one was short too.
“I don’t-”
“You should care,” Feall argued back, swiping at the Faola approaching him. “It’ll destroy your reputation here. And you don’t want that now, do you-?”
Tobias flinched as Feall’s sword met the Faola’s.
“You will speak when spoken to,” growled the Faola.
“Aren’t you speaking to me now?”
“I will get the captain myself!” Roared the other Faola, he drew his sword. “You’re putting us all at risk for something we don’t even stand for!”
“There is no-,” grunted the Faola fighting Feall. He swung at him again. “There. Is. No. ‘We’!”
“This is madness!”
“This is accomplishing a goal more important than keeping the peace!”
The second Faola wasn’t convinced. “Get the captain. You two, down the main road, you two up the low, and you two up the high-”
The cloaked Faola suddenly stopped fighting Feall, and hurled himself at his fellow bandit, taking the second Faola completely by surprise.
It was entrancing. Absolutely captivating.
Feall lunged forward to attack the cloaked Faola while he was distracted. However, the Faola predicted his move, and spun out of the way, leaving Feall’s sword to clash against the second Faola. The pair exchanged several blows before Feall realized he was attacking the wrong opponent.
The cloaked Faola continued his odd dance. Always spiraling away at the last moment. Always putting himself in the crosshairs and yanking himself free before he was hit.
Mott grabbed Tobias by the wrist, and yanked him as far away from Feall and the fight as he could. Renlyn lithely stepped away, her pale hands clenched into fists.
The Faola who’d been told to find Roden had long since ran in their appropriate directions. The others remained.
They didn’t contribute in any form, they only stood like hooded judges watching a trio of cockroaches fighting over a crumb.
“You don’t know what you’re doing!” Yelled the Faola fighting beside Feall.
“On the contrary!” Retorte the other as he once again spun out of reach. “I’ve been plotting this for ages!”
Feall nearly managed to swipe at his opponent’s middle, but his sword only met open air as the Faola melted into the crowd. He instantly stood tall, looking for his missing foe. “What is his name?”
“I don’t- I don’t know,” the Faola panted. “I-”
A blood curdling howl interrupted the short conversation. Tobias’s gaze was drawn to the shrieking, but all he found was that unbreakable line of Faola.
The distraction worked all to well.
The cloaked Faola materialized out of the crowd, just behind Feall and the other Faola.
Tobias looked away as the cloaked Faola brought the hilt of his sword crashing down on the other Faola’s head, knocking him unconscious.
Feall barely managed to block a blow aimed at his neck.
Another harsh clap of metal meeting metal shattered the air, followed by another, and another, and another. Mott held his ground, and shifted his way to best defend Tobias and Renlyn.
It didn’t seem like Feall was trying to overpower the Faola, or at least that’s what Tobias was trying to believe. The shared blows were much too short. Feall parried each one of the Faola’s advances, and did his best to push the Faola’s blade out of his grip.
A second Faola joined in trying to dispatch Feall, followed by a fourth.
Mott knelt before the fifth Faola, and put his hands behind his head. He then motioned for Renlyn and Tobias to do the same.
Was this really happening?
It was difficult to wrap his mind around it. They’d all been walking in a straight line to get pastries, yes, but the atmosphere changed. Tobias screwed his eyes shut. The swords hitting against each other over and over and over again pounded in his head.
Pounding, pounding, pounding.
All he wanted was to go home.
This was only a bad dream.
Unfortunately, when Tobias cracked his eyes open, he and Mott were being guarded by a few of the Faola.
How much time had passed.
“Keep your eyes down,” Mott muttered. “They’re not here for us.”
“How do you-, oh,” breathed Tobias.
The Faola in the patchwork cloak.
The one fighting Feall.
That had been the Faola who’d led the attack in the woods.
Oh, oh saints.
Tobias had allowed for this to happen.
He couldn’t bear to watch as the clashing of swords grew faster, faster, faster.
He couldn’t bear to watch because he knew that Feall had no chance fighting off three of the Faola at once.
And it was all his fault.
Just out of the corner of his eye, Tobias could see the fight. He watched it just as he’d watched the snow falling lazily to the earth just months before. Ever so slow, ever so graceful. Sword hit sword, Feall dodged, all three Faola took a turn kicking at him. Feall tumbled to the ground. His hands and feet were pinned down. The cloaked Faola raised his sword high above his head.
They were watching an execution.
Unable to watch the scene any longer, Tobias turned his head, hoping that Renlyn would offer him the slightest shred of comfort.
But she was nowhere in sight.
All at once, everything came back to speed.
With a roar, Mott threw all of his weight into the nearest bandit, stealing his sword in the process. Tobias frantically looked for Renlyn, for Feall, for a way out, but he saw nothing.
Everything was rapidly filling with chaos.
The Faola, once so serene in their judgement, were fighting soldiers dressed in blue and gold. A tall man hacked through the crowd, bodies falling as he did so.
It seemed that Roden saved the day after all.
And all Tobias could do was watch.
Watch as the Faola tried to keep a protective circle around their patched friend.
Watch as they slowly ran for the shadows.
Watch as Feall scrambled to his feet, Renlyn holding a glittering dagger not far from him.
Watch as Roden demanded to know who was responsible, and be pointed to who was responsible.
The hood was torn off, revealing a young woman with scarlet hair.
Words were being said, but Tobias didn’t hear them.
He’d covered his ears to block out the sounds of unnecessary deaths.
“Tell me everything you remember,” Roden said gently, leaning ever so casually against the fireplace in his office.
Renlyn, Mott, and Tobias all sat in comfortable chairs, and each had their own mug of something warm. Feall was being looked over by the royal physician.
Tobias was still reeling from the attack.
Still trying to put the pieces together.
They’d been walking to get pastries, passed the Vaults, nearly made it to the Dragon’s Keep, a horde of Faola appeared out of nowhere, they attacked Feall but left the others alone, and the perpetrator was arrested.
He’d been told her name was Ayvar, and she was vehemently denying her involvement.
Clearing his throat, Mott told the story. Details fell from his mouth, but Tobias wasn’t listening.
Tobias had seen the entire scene on his own.
Too much blood and anger in one place.
“-there was a promise made,” Roden explained. “Jaron swore we would take care of the Faola if Feall allowed us to.”
“The attack was rushed,” Mott said.
“I know, there’s much more Faola here than were there at the attack. I was on patrol just a few streets over, too. If they’d been planning this, they would’ve done something much more inconspil-inconsnipu- much more quietly.”
“Is inconspicuous the word you’re looking for?” Tobias provided, his ears finally clear of the sound of flesh being sliced open.
“Ah, yes, yes it is,” a deep blush spread across Roden’s face. “It’s been a long day.”
“I agree.”
Renlyn sat straight up. “Is anybody concerned by the fact that they didn’t actually hurt us three?”
“Very much so, actually,” Mott answered.
Spin, spin, spin.
Tobias had been fascinated by several different clocks Renlyn had brought to court to sell. He loved watching how the gears had taken on different shapes.
His mind was just like those clocks, except his gears had frozen up.
Renlyn’s observation spun them back into action.
Think, think, think!
Connect the dots Tobias!
“It doesn’t make sense!” He didn’t mean to stand up. Tobias kept his blanket draped over his shoulders, much like the philosophers of old. “There were too many of them, too many opportunities to slit our throats. I mean, we’re not the best fighters, no offense Mott, and one of the Faola was very adamant about not touching us. They didn’t use any- any- they didn’t hurt- they ah-.”
Mott’s voice brought Tobias back down to his feet. “Take a breath, it’s alright to take things slow.”
Take things slow.
Tobias began to drum his temples, “It doesn’t make sense that they’d leave us alone, but try to cut Feall’s head clean off his shoulders.”
“Beheading is punishment for treason,” Renlyn chirped. She made a face when all eyes flew to her. “What?”
“I’m only slightly concerned,” announced Roden. He was beginning to pace. “Maybe they’d been paid to kill him.”
“But there was an entire group there,” Mott pointed out, a scowl settling on his features.
“It’s quite possible that only one of them was singled out and paid,” Tobias said. “Roden, can I ask how you found out the Faola’s name?”
“I’ve met her before, in the Vaults. I didn’t think she was a killer.”
Thinking, thinking, thinking.
The dots were coming together bit by bit.
Tobias began to pace in the opposite direction of Roden. “Then maybe she was paid to do so.”
A single question lingered in the room. Mott was the one to give the question a voice. “Who would want Feall dead?”
“I’m sure several people would,” Roden answered. “I know there’s dozens of people who want me dead.”
“You grow used to it,” muttered Renlyn.
Used to people hating you so much they wanted you to die?
The prospect made Tobias frown.
He’d have to wait until he could talk things through with Amarinda. He’d be able to see and hear all the details then.
Put them all together and listen to what Amarinda had to say.
There was more to this than just an attack on Feall.
Tobias refused to believe the attack was simply based in money.
You don’t attack a man out in the open with the captain of the guard nearby. Unless you were a fool.
No, this had to be a warning.
A storm of blood and bone lingered on the horizon.
And it was coming all too soon.
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wisdomrays · 4 years
Your Nose: Part 1
You recognize light with your eyes, while you perceive sound waves with your ears. Earlier, those organs told you how they represent God's beautiful creation. They show His splendid art and His Beautiful Names that are manifested on them. Now, I, your nose, will take my turn to show the different intricacies and wonders of God's art exhibited in my creation. I am a sensory organ, created to perceive smell through chemical reactions. I will open a window in front of you through which you will see the manifestations of God's knowledge and might from a different point of view.
I have been positioned in the center of your face so masterfully and delicately that even my slightest displacement would cause your face to become disfigured immediately. You would lose your good looks if I were wounded or spoiled. It seems to me that after creating your whole face and body, God placed me very accurately so that I can be in perfect harmony with them, and even with your soul. We noses appear in countless shapes-slender, long, narrow, wide, flat, Roman (convex), sharp and stubby noses. In the past, some wise men used to comment on people's personality by looking at the posture and shape of their faces and bodies. The different shapes of noses would give them ideas about the intelligence and the will power of each person. It is true that there is a relationship between my shape and your personality. However, it would be wrong for someone to claim to know all about you just by looking at my shape, since your other organs affect one another too; some can neutralize the effects of others. Moreover, discipline and education can change many of the characteristics of a person. So, do not judge people just by looking at their nose.
Anyway, since these are subjective matters, they are not our focus now. What I would like to tell you about is the objective truth about the delicate art and meaning in my creation. My Creator has designed me as a projecting organ on the head-and not only on your face, but also all vertebrate animals, especially mammals. I am the organ that is used most by animals to hunt for food, to feed, and to look for their young or their mate. I am placed at the front of your body, and like a detector I sensitively recognize smells. When animals find something new, they first poke me into it to understand what it is. That is why the idiom "to poke your nose into something" is used commonly among humans, meaning to interfere with something that does not concern one. Most animals use the sense of smell more than humans do. Since they do not possess the intelligence and consciousness of humans, they acquire some of the necessary knowledge to survive through their sense of smell. However, humans are given intelligence and consciousness, and so they are not supposed to "poke their nose" into everything. Of course, that does not mean that I am useless. On the contrary, I have many functions and a complex and meaningful structure.
In the middle of your face is my external component, which is shaped like a pyramid. Because it is made of cartilage, this part is quite flexible. My tip is beaked and there are plates on my two sides. The cartilage in my tip is connected to a bone in my upper part between your eye sockets. This bone, called the nasal bone, is a part of the main bone of the forehead. A cartilaginous bridge that is lined in the middle divides my nasal cavity into two nostrils which lead to the outside. The hard palate at my base also makes up the roof of your mouth. The soft palate that is behind this extends to the nasal portion of the throat (nasopharynx). During the act of swallowing, it rises and closes off the upper pharynx to prevent food and saliva from escaping from your throat and being forced up into my back. If, when eating, you feel tickling in your throat and cough, this palate cannot close off, and the food can lodge in me and come out of my nostrils. Another benefit of this system can be seen in patients and those who are about to have surgery, when their pharynx is closed off. In such situations, patients are provided with food, liquids and air via a tube which runs through me.
The journey of the air you breathe, which you have to do in order to survive, starts with me and continues as far as your lungs. The air that enters through my nostrils is not always clean and of good enough quality to enter your lungs. If low-quality air reaches your lungs, you will get cold, infected, and sick. To protect you from that, our All-knowing God created everything carefully, taking measures to ensure your well being. He has placed air-filtering hairs at the front part of my cavity, and He has covered the inner surface of my rear with a mucous membrane (mucosa) that has a fluid form. The structure of my cavity is quite complex. Along with my two lateral walls, there are three horizontal bone shelves called the concha (or the turbinate), comprising the inferior, the middle and the superior turbinates. These narrow, shell-like structures increase the surface area of my cavity and thus help to warm and humidify the air easily before it reaches the lungs. That is, the air you inhale does not pass to your lungs until it is conditioned and filtered by me. This process is initiated by the hair in my front part, which prevents the entry of dust particles. Then, the air passes through the curled aperture formed by the concha. The concha is covered by a sticky mucous membrane which produces a secretion. This slippery secretion, along with the cilia, traps smaller foreign particles such as the dust of coal, soot, bacteria or pollen. In addition to that, since the pressure inside me is lower than the pressure outside, I can easily warm and humidify the air that passes through me.
The sides and the surface of my superior concha are lined with a very special epithelium which has a role in the sense of smell. The smell receptors, which are the cilia cells, and other supporting cells constitute the olfactory epithelium for smell. Everything that releases molecules into the air has a smell of its own. Perception of a smell occurs in the brain as a result of a very complex chain of reactions. Indeed, I have no idea about how this process happens but people talk about several theories. Since the vibration and the structure of every molecule which reaches me through the air currents differ from every other, each molecule causes different chemical reactions and electrical impulses. The molecules that come through the air dissolve in the moisture which lies on my epithelium and they chemically stimulate the cells for smell. If my mucosa dries out and loses all its moisture in dry air, it becomes more difficult for the molecules to dissolve and for you to breathe. My sense of smell also weakens or gets lost in the event of a lack of the element of zinc, which normally exists in small amounts in your body.
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motorizedbicy · 4 years
Best Electric Bikes for Every Kind of Ride
Around the country, bars, dining establishments, and also various other public spaces are shut or have actually restricted solution. Public transportation is becoming an extra iffy proposition, and cities are closing roads to provide pedestrians more room to move near their houses.
Go into: the electric bike. You do not require to be healthy to ride one. It gets you outside, lowers fossil fuels, decreases congestion, and also it's enjoyable. Over the past few years, we have actually attempted practically every type of ebike there is, from sturdy cargo bikes to premium mountain bicycle. Whether you're tooling around your neighborhood purchasing wood chips from the hardware shop or trying to trim a couple of miles off the trip for a socially distanced see, we have the very best ebike for you.
We will certainly be remaining to test and trip bikes throughout the summertime, so if you do not see one you like now, be sure to inspect back later. Once you get one, take a look at our favored biking accessories, too.
Have inquiries concerning electric bikes? Sign up with the conversation in the comments section below.
Updated for June 2020: We got rid of a number of older choices as well as included new ones, like the Propella 7-Speed.
The Very Best Bike
Specialized Turbo Vado SL Equipped
When I needed to return this electric bike (9/10, WIRED Recommends), I practically cried. The small, yet effective, customized motor as well as slim battery are integrated into the structure, so it doesn't even look like an ebike. The XS frame evaluates 33 extra pounds, just a couple of more than a normal steel bike. It has a hybrid structure with flat handlebars that make it simple to steer on a selection of surfaces, whether you're scooting along at 28 miles per hr or bumping through trees at your neighborhood park.
Specialized's Smart Control system suggests you don't need to readjust aid while you're riding, or bother with having sufficient battery to get house. A surprise shock in the head tube paddings the blow from any unforeseen fractures. Also the accessories are first-class, like long, adaptable custom-made fenders that sluice water down and also far from you in the rain. I place 40 miles on it in three days. It was so fun that it was hard to jump off.
The Very Best Affordable Bike
Propella 7-Speed (V3.4).
Who am I kidding? Unless you're already an ebike fanatic, you possibly desire one that's as close to $1,000 as feasible. That's a tough proposal if you want a dependable electric motor and also a frame that won't bend at 15 miles per hour. Propella's direct-to-consumer 7-speed (8/10, WIRED Recommends) is the very best low-cost bike we have actually located. Reviewer Parker Hall noted that it has trustworthy elements like a Samsung battery as well as Shimano disc brakes, and cool accessories like a trendy suspension seat. At 39 pounds, it's likewise pretty light for an ebike! It ships straight to you, too, which comes in handy if you would love to stay clear of a bike shop now.
Best Utility Bike.
Rad Power Bikes RadRunner.
Regardless of which bike I recommend, many people I recognize directly buy this one. It has an apparently magic mix of affordability and also effectiveness. Seattle-based Rad Power Bikes ships its bikes direct-to-consumer, and also rather than working solely with business like Bosch and Shimano, it likewise establishes its own custom hub-motor drivetrains with a variety of different suppliers. Additionals like light weight aluminum pedals and added equipments are stripped off in favor of a big 120-pound back rack as well as huge, steady, custom-made Kenda tires.
Nearly any person can utilize the RadRunner (7/10, WIRED Review)-- whether you want a comfortable cruiser for coastline rides, a steady seat for your 4-year-old, or you simply want to ditch your gas-powered Vespa. If you have actually never gotten on a bike before, the Elby S1 additionally has a very easy step-through frame as well as costs trimmings, like Tektro hydraulic brakes. It's much more expensive, though.
Best Freight Bike (and My Fave).
Tern GSD.
The Tern GSD S10 (9/10, WIRED Recommends) is my favored freight bike (of those I have actually examined), as well as it's the one I would purchase if I had the ka-ching. Tern utilized a number of creative design tweaks to make the bike easy to ride-- for example, tiny 20-inch and fat motorcross tires assist maintain the bike's length equal to an average roadway bike. The rear rack is likewise reduced for much better stability, as well as the battery and motor are under the shelf, instead of placed on the downtube.
You can likewise keep it standing up on its end. That remains in enhancement to an adjustable Bosch electric motor, which you can update to a double-battery system. My regional bike shops have trouble keeping it in stock. If you do not require such a long tail, Tern likewise released a much shorter HSD that can suit one child seat.
A Light, Budget Friendly Cargo Bike.
Bike Friday Haul-A-Day.
Bike Friday's Haul-A-Day isn't for every person. The majority of parents that desire a longtail cargo bike will certainly choose something heavier as well as more secure, like a RadWagon or a Yuba Boda Boda. As a brief moms and dad that has to deliver 2 kids, this is the bike I in fact have. It has a special telescoping tube that can shorten the bike to fit riders as short as 4' 6", and also it considers 44 extra pounds-- practically 15 pounds less than the Tern. It's also much more inexpensive, though this is understood by replacing a reputable, effective Bosch drivetrain with a Tongsheng one.
Ideal Minivan Alternative.
Riese & Müller Lots 60.
A year after checking it, my spouse and I still wistfully talk about how much far better our lives would be if we had our very own R&M Load 60 (8/10, WIRED Recommends). The full-suspension, double-battery Tons makes use of a Bosch system to power its bakfiets-style freight box around community.
You can customize the freight box with low sidewalls, harnesses, and a rainfall cover, or you can remove whatever off as well as get devices at the hardware store. It additionally comes with valuable additionals, like Tektro hydraulic disc brakes, an easily flexible seat, and also an integrated wheel lock that lets you lock the bike up while it's free-standing.
A Lot Of Versatile Bike.
Yamaha Wabash E-Bike.
A gravel bike is a functional choice for whatever from daily commuting to mild weekend bikepacking journeys. The Yamaha Wabash (7/10, WIRED Evaluation) is more budget friendly than the Turbo Vado SL, as well as I used it for every little thing from heading to my regional cafe to striking (some) routes on the weekends. Yamaha's custom motor and also absolutely no cadence trigger are effective enough to let me start up in the middle of extremely steep hillsides. It also has back shelf installs, an LED headlight, and a little bell. I did find its slim wheels as well as lack of shock absorption rather disconcerting on rougher roadways. Specialized additionally has an extremely wonderful gravel-ready electric bike.
Finest Electric Mountain Bike.
Specialized Males's Turbo Levo Comp.
While several communities have limitations on whether electrical bikes are also allowed on single-track (thin) tracks, reviewer Stephanie Pearson had a blast on Specialized's initial pedal-assisted mtb (8/10, WIRED Recommends). It has a rigid, crooked structure that's longer in the front to make pounding the downhills feel smooth and safe, along with a 500-watt electric motor with Smart Control, which means you don't need to adjust aid when riding. It really feels equally as enjoyable as a nonelectric bike.
Best Folding Ebike.
Gocycle GX.
Gocycle was founded by Mclaren Automotive designer Richard Thorpe, and also the GX (7/10, WIRED Testimonial) is its fast-folding bike. The streamlined light weight aluminum structure conceals a 300-Wh lithium-ion battery inside. As opposed to simply switching over from 4 fixed aid settings, Gocycle's application allows you play on a gliding range to call in various quantities useful in correlation with various degrees of pressure on the pedals, that makes it a dream to ride. You can rubber-band your phone to the handlebars to function as your console. It likewise has only 2 joints, that makes folding and unfolding very easy, as well as can be kept standing with the kickstand prolonged.
An Inexpensive Foldable Ebike.
Jetson City Foldable Electric Bike.
Ebikes are expensive, as well as we did review the Jetson City (6/10, WIRED Testimonial), which rings in at under a grand. It has most of the bells and also whistles that you need for a commuter ebike, like a 250-watt electric motor hidden in the crossbar, around 40 miles of variety, 3 levels of pedal help, a throttle, and also a horn. Nonetheless, in just a week of testing, I chipped off a part of the clamp that hooks the bike with each other, which doesn't bode well for the bike's long life over the long run.
Guidance to Bear In Mind.
Recognizing Electric Bike Specs.
Similar to any kind of bike, electrical bikes featured a ton of different technical specifications that you might or might not appreciate. Much more economical ebikes use hub motor drives, where the electric motor is in the center of the bike's wheel. A lot more costly mid-drive motors, like Bosch or Shimano systems, remain in the facility of the bike as well as transfer the power to the wheel by means of the chain. Mid-drive electric motors allow you move equipments and stabilize the bike's weight much better.
If you stay in an area that's wet or uneven, it's worth shelling out for an extra powerful 500-W or 750-W electric motor as well as a few extras, like hydraulic or mechanical disc brakes, which will help stop you as well as your freight from skidding right into website traffic. If you have a longer commute, you may also wish to search for a double-battery system, as the range on many ebike batteries is within 30 to 50 miles.
Ebike Classifications and Policies.
Examine Your Neighborhood Regulations.
Prior to you buy your electric bike, make sure you can really utilize it! Many cities as well as states have local laws managing when as well as where you can use an ebike. At least 22 states currently make use of the three-class system, and also may restrict when and also where different courses of ebikes might be made use of, depending upon if they have a throttle or can assist over 20 miles per hour. Cities might additionally have regulations about whether hill ebikes are enabled on single-track tracks. If your state identifies ebikes under the exact same regulations regulating motorbikes as well as mopeds, you might require a certificate to ride one. As well as regardless of what, always use a helmet.
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I Make My Own HotS Content: The Best Assassins
In any multiplayer game with multiple characters, a lot of people will talk about heroes being good or bad. For the most part, outside of the highest level of skill the difference between the best and the worst is relatively minor, statistically speaking. But in terms of the tools available, not all heroes are created equal.
In the end, some heroes just have the tools to do everything you need from the assassins on your team. Having one of those heroes frees up your other assassin to be anybody else. It means your healer and tank don’t need to pick up any slack.
So what are the things you need from an assassin on your team? What are the heroes that provide all of them? More on that under the cut.
First and foremost, the most important thing in the game in any role. Wave clear. Controversial statement: heroes don’t win games minions win games. The ability to kill them quickly and efficiently is central to victory. Killing minions is the single largest source of exp in the game, and their increased damage to structures can provide more damage per second on siege than most heroes are capable of. Very few non-assassin heroes provide good wave clear. It was one of the attributes that was gutted out of healers back in double support meta, and on tanks it’s quite sparse. It’s more abundant in the bruiser role, but having waveclear only on your bruiser puts a lot of pressure on them, since they most likely need to soak the offlane. They can’t be everywhere at once.
The second is merc clear. The ability to capture mercenary camps quickly and efficiently produces significant map pressure throughout the game. Same for the ability to clear mercenaries capped by opponents. Certainly less important than the waves themselves, but still valuable. It’s especially important to get a hero who can do this alone, so that the rest of the team can focus on soaking up the lanes.
Of course, not everything is about PvE. It turns out that sometimes, if you play poorly, you might have to interact with enemy heroes. There are some important aspects of teamfighting that are important aspects of a good assassin’s kit. It comes down to tank pressure, kill pressure, and resistance to kill pressure. Pressure. Pushing down on me. Pushing down on you, no man asked for.
So what heroes provide all of these things? It’s a pretty short list. Greymane, Sylvanas, and Raynor are the big ones right now. Exterminator at 1 makes Raynor into a PvE beast at the small cost of a negligible amount of PvP damage; he still provides more than enough pressure by virtue of his heavy sustain damage and the peel provided by his Q, and his E makes him very resistant to kill pressure. Greymane is basically just fuzzy Raynor, with so much damage output and kill pressure from his base kit that he doesn’t need any targeted talents to do the job, though his resistance to kill pressure comes from mobility rather than a straight heal, raising his skill requirement. Sylvanas just breaks the game in terms of PvE power with her trait alone, has a number of very strong PvE talents, and with her E she can escape from all but the most concentrated attempts to kill her.
Other heroes who fill this requirement are Maiev and Valla, but slightly less so. Maiev’s pressure doesn’t come from straight damage, but more from the threat she provides with her displacement abilities. Valla also has a lot of choices to make in her talent tree; W build gives her peerless wave clear, while Q build provides great merc potential and kill pressure, and autoattack build provides crazy tank pressure. But she’ll struggle to provide all at once, and she has a lot more vulnerability to enemy kill pressure.
A lot of assassins provide the different components on this list. For a while, before the W build nerf that killed his merc power, Hanzo definitely had a place on the list. A lot of mages definitely provide the PvE and PvP potential, but lack the survival tools, leaning on their team more than anything for that. And I’m certainly not saying that only those five assassins should ever be played. Other assassins are still good! But picking them doesn’t change what you need to accomplish with the assassins you pick.
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haeddoti · 4 years
This is my first blog-post and it is about some of the books I read between year 7 and 11 in my German high school. These books aren’t in a particular order, I just wrote all of them down and took some notes to guide me along. I’ll give a brief summary and then my thoughts about the books.
Without further due, let’s get into the series!
Nr. 1 “Hexen in der Stadt-Ingeborg Engelhardt”
We read this book in seventh grade and immediately after reading (actually during reading as well) we asked ourselves how and why someone thought “Hell yeah, that’s a topic for 11 year olds” since the book is originally listed for grade 5 and 6.
The story takes place in a German town during the Thirty years war, the witch hunts are running wild and the church is all over the place. The story follows a family of four who live in this town, the father is a doctor, one daughter is read-headed and the other a sleep walker. And although the father is greatly needed in this time, the towns people are really suspicious of the family, and they have to flee the city.
First of all, the book was so dense, it was almost unbearable. Definitely not something for children and yet the book won the “Youth literature award” in Germany, so I guess it wasn’t too bad after all. I honestly don’t remember a lot from it, I know we watched a horrible movie about it and I also remember that the pacing(?) in the book was weird, because the first 80% or so took reaaaally long to read through and virtually nothing happened and then in the last 20% everything happened all at once and it was just too much.
Nr. 2 “Am kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee-Thomas Brussig”
The only (apparent) reason why we read this book was because we had our final class trip to Berlin in year 10.
 The setting is the DDR, East-Berlin to be precise, somewhere around 1970ish. Our protagonist Micha lives in a street which was cut in half my the Berlin Wall and he, unfortunately enough, lives in East-Berlin. He frequent meets with his friends in a nearby park where they listen to West-Music and swoon about Miriam, the neighborhood beauty who is kinda a not-like-other-girls-girl.
All in all, the books is about searching happiness and thinking about how it is so very close and yet never being able to reach it.
It was comfortable to read and overall it was an okay novel. I don’t remember much about it, although I literally read it a year ago. The insight about east-Berlin was cool, and the author definitely implemented own experiences and as someone who grew up in post-split Westgermany it was rather informative and interesting. The quote on the back of the book was also pretty.
“Happy people have a bad memory and rich memoirs”
Nr. 3 “Frühlings Erwachen-Frank Wendekind”
(Springs Awakening)
Oh. My. God. This whole topic was such a BS and I hated every second of it.
The book takes place, once again, in a German Town in a time where there is no Sex-Ed, aka 1900th century, which is also the topic of the book; Sex-Ed gone wrong. Our first protagonist Wendla grows up in a home with a loving, strict mother and far, far away from everything unholy like sex. Our second protagonist, Melchior, is a really smart, really handsome boy who is the top of his class and who likes to read provocative literature which makes him think about masturbation. His best friend is also handsome but really stupid but the social pressure keeps him from dropping out of school- that and his strict, abusive father. Melchior and Wendla fall in love (he hits her with sticks after she metions that she has never been hurt before), have Sex(he rapes her) and after Wendla gets pregnant and dies after an attempted abortion via poisonous plants her aunt have her, Melchior is only mildly devastated. He turns sad, and kinda crazy, after his best friend commits suicide. He has a rendez-vous with the ghost and death itself, he is happy again? I dunno, the whole book was all over the place.
Worse than the book was the discussions we had in class afterwards. One time we had to argue whether it was in-fact rape or if it was just sex. Second discussion we had was about Wendla being a masochist.
The worst thing about the whole topic was the stupid ass movie adaptation.
You think Percy Jackson has it bad? Oh boy. Ohhh boy. The movie plays in the 2000s, graffiti, cool skater boys, rapper-wannabes and early 2000s fashion included. The names stayed tho, cause why not name the male protagonist Melchior in 2001. There are scenes where teenagers, TEENAGERS, go to a brothel. Ah, I forgot.
They are 13-14, book and movie alike.
10/10 would NOT recommend.
Nr. 4 “Der Besuch der alten Dame-Friedrich Dürrenmatt”
(The visit)
(No, not the horror movie)
Oh my goodness, I loved this book.
Picture this. A small town in a German province far away from any major cities with a single trail connection between Hambourg and Zurich, aka the whole length of Germany, where virtually nothing happens. One day, a former resident, comes for a visit. But not just anyone, Claire frikking Zachanassian comes for a visit.
And for blood, because this sixty-something, badass multi-billionaire who got her fortune by marrying a bunch of men who died coincidentally one after the other proposes to the town an offer.
One billion for the head of the man, Alfred the third, who expelled her out of the town after getting her pregnant and lying about it in court after she sued him.
They sent her away in the train, called her a hoe and laughed about her. She lived in a brother for a little while, her son died, and a horny, rich man decided to marry her because why not.  
At first the towns people are disgusted by the offer, outraged by the immoral offer and they straight up deny it. “I’ll wait, Claire says”.
You see, the town is really, really poor. Not only because it is in a terrible location commercially wise, but also because Claire bought every factory in the town and brought them all to a stand still to slowly dry the city out. She planned this revenge.
And you see, the proposal of 500 million split between the inhabitants and 500 million for the industry of the city sounds great if you are on the brink of disaster and hunger and misery. But surely, with such an immoral offer, no one would want to commit a crime? Or would they.
Because, now that I look at it, Alfred really did something horrible… maybe, just maybe I can allow myself to stack up some dept.
And Alfred grew more and more paranoid. Begging Claire to stop this, apologizing on his knees, crying and sleeping with one open eye at all times.
We discussed in our class what we would do. We didn’t really came to a conclusion since we had nothing to compare, not one of us was ever asked to make such a decision. “It depends” was our final answer.
They do kill him in the end. It doesn’t end happy, Claire isn’t happy, but she does give the towns people their money. I really enjoyed reading this book. The female “antagonist” was refreshingly bad-ass and the moral despair was entertaining to read.
We learn that Claire is rich and powerful, but that she lost so much innocence, so much energy to enjoy her life in such young years that, as a reader, you cannot not sympathize with her.
Nr. 5 “Das Versprechen-Friedrich Dürrenmatt”
(The pledge)
Hands down the best book I’ve read in school.
This book is originally a critique by Dürrenmatt about the emerging detective novel genre where everything always works out.
The setting is in a Swiss town, 1950ish, and in the beginning the reader takes on the role of an author who meets a certain Dr. H who works for the police. They become friends and take a ride through the mountains. Upon taking a stop at a gas station, Dr. H introduces us to a seemingly old, smoking, alcohol-reeking man and a scruffy looking girl. The narrator is confused, asks who these people are, and back in the car, we learn that this is the former detective, no-one-escapes-me, super-brain Matthäi.
From that point on the narrator switches and we are now in a third person narrator perspective.
Matthäi is introduced again, this happening in the past, as a hard-working, clean, structured man who doesn’t smoke, drink or disobeys rules. No one really likes him in the office, but they value that he just so good at his job. But because he is so unapproachable, they want to sent him away to Jordan.
The week he was planning to travel there, a young girl is raped and then brutally murdered in a small town nearby. And because he is Mister Superbrain, he goes there to help investigate.
The other officers at the crime scene are (understandably) uncomfortable, they don’t want to talk to the family, or the people there in general. So Matthäi talks to everyone. He is a very calm, collected, cold man. So he meets with the family, tells them what happened to their daughter and is utterly, completely shocked when the mother just blankly stares in his face, and asks him to promise her to find the murderer of her daughter. He is shocked by the lack of emotion in this moment and sees himself in this cold visage of the mother. He promises her, just to get away from her as fast as possible, and drives back to be office.
I don’t want to spoil too much because this book is just so good, but oh my god
I’m in general a sucker for drastic changes in character or demeanor (hence why I liked The Visit so much as well) but his book takes everything to another level. They “plottwist” is so incredibly frustrating and nerve wraking to read, the perspective changes provide so much more depth.
And for the first time I finally read a really intricate, morally gray character.
Nr. 6 “Nathan der Weise-G. E. Lessing”
(Nathan the Wise)
This book was kinda eh. If I had so summarize it as fast as possible it would probably be “Religion and accidental incest”. It is about the three world religions and stereotypes between them, about genocide and also about stigmatization. It ends on a nice note, tho.
The only really remarkable passage of this book is the so-called “Ringparabel” in which Nathan answers to the question which religion is the real, big OG of them all. It is pretty nice and the symbolism is really fitting as well. The beginning of the book is incredibly boring but it does get better in the end. All in all not a total waste of time and money but nothing I would read again.
Nr. 7 “Die Leiden des jungen Werther- Goethe”
(The sorrows of young Werther)
Ah yes, no German class without Goethe. This book is written in a way that lets the reader really seep into Werthers emotion because it is written as a letter-novel. Werther is a young, nature-loving guy who (in the beginning of the book) is just really happy, go-lucky and over all nice. Then he meets Lotte, a young, pretty, smart and book-loving woman who is empathic to all those around her.  He falls in love with her, despite knowing that she is literally engaged and about to marry. She knows he loves her, her fiance know he loves her and literally everyone knows he loves her and they are ok with it? I dunno. Werther has a severe Seasonal-affective-Disorder. He kinda makes it through the first winter after meeting Lotte but never really recovers, even during summer. In the second winter, he can’t take it anymore and he commits suicide.
I liked the book (not only because I can identify with the SAD). In the end we learn that Lotte isn’t as good as we originally think she is; She is actually really possessive of Werther and although she wants him to be happy, she doesn’t think anyone is good enough for him and thus he should just stay close to her. She enjoys the attention given by her husband, who is actually really nice and whom she does love, and by Werther who is utterly and completely obsessed with her.
Opinions on this book split 50/50 with my friends. Some of them think like me and they see the heart break and the desire to move on but ultimately, the way attraction is so so strong. Some other friends, more specifically my Help-with-Maths-Go-to-Guy hated this book with a burning passion. I can see why. The imagery is sometimes a tad too far-fetched and the wording is, in true Goethe-Fashion really hard to read and the sentences are kinda messed up as well.
But in the end it is still the book which opened the way for Goethe to be one of the greatest writers in Europe and I can see why.
Oh wow. This concludes all the books I read thus far. There will be definitely more to come next year and maybe I’ll do another post like this once I read some more.
I hope you enjoyed to read my thoughts and maybe felt inspired to look into one of these as well!
See you soon!
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