#labryinth au
I hate when I want to draw and/or write so badly but its late at night and I’m getting sleepy like
Me: ‘Oh, NOW your gonna let me sleep?’
Brain/Body: Yup!
Me: Now? When I have all these Bowuigi art/writing ideas and motivation to do something about them?
Brain/Body: What? You’ve been complaining about your sleeping issues lately!
Me: yeah, but—
Brain/Body: Take it or Leave it!
Me: I’ll take it!
Me: …but I’ll still complain a lot.
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withacapitalp · 2 years
First I would love to see a snippet of the Labyrinth AU.
Second omg don’t be too shy to talk to me ☺️🥰
Oh my godddd the labyrinth AU
Okay firstly this AU isn't my original idea. We were talking about it in the server a little while ago, and it totally took my entire life over. The OG for this is @santababysteve I just piggybacked onto this idea. She's the brilliant one to plant the seed. Secondly....you're too cool I'm sorry I still go read your stuff randomly whenever I need one of my comfort fics
ANYWAY SNIPPET TIME. Sorry it looks weird I copied and pasted right from my google docs.
“Did you love me before tonight?” Eddie asked, unable to turn around and look Steve in the eye. It was easier to stare out at his kingdom, at a world that catered to his every whim. It was easier than hearing the answer. 
Except, no answer came. Steve stayed silent.
But that was answer enough in its own way. 
Impulsively Eddie flipped around, leaping and gliding back onto the bed. He landed heavily on his knees over Steve’s legs, tucking his wings in and  pinning the human down, grabbing both of Steve’s wrists tight enough to bruise. 
“Do you think you could fall in love with me again?” Eddie asked in a mildly desperate tone, facing Steve nose to nose, staring deep into his eyes. He wasn’t running away this time, wasn’t hiding from the truth. He wouldn’t hide this time, but he knew what he needed. 
He needed the answer to be yes. 
If Steve said yes, then Eddie would give him whatever his heart desired to make it happen. Money, gold, jewels, all of the power a mortal could ever even dream of having. He would make Steve royalty, burn the rest of the world to the ground, whatever it took to get that love back. It had been the most precious thing Eddie would ever get to own, and he hadn’t realized how badly he needed it until it had slipped through his fingers. 
All Steve needed to do was say yes. All he needed to do was give Eddie some hope that he could repair what he had broken between them. Just a touch of hope, and the whole universe would belong to them both. 
“Not like this,” Steve finally managed to whisper, his voice cracking halfway through. He let his eyes slip shut and rested his forehead against Eddie’s with a shaking breath. 
“Not like this,” Steve repeated softly.  
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noodlecatt467 · 2 years
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yeah hunter when someone who studies oracle magic says you do, you probably do.then again he was raised by belos so I don’t completely blame him.also I fell in love with one of the unadopted palismans so I made it hers.
 editing my oc into screenshots because I have no other coaping methods after the season 2 finale 
part 2 
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sugarbear2001 · 2 months
Obligatory Sanuso Labryinth AU
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starryfernfanfic · 17 days
Writblr intro!!!!
Hi, i'm Starry! Some things about me...
I love fantasy and horror
I'm currently writing a Labryinth au fanfiction (more details on that in another post!)
I write my own oc stories but i'm mainly using this acc to talk about my fanfics!
I'd love to make some writer friends, trade fics and tips, yk just have a good time lol!!
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ghoastixx · 2 months
Welcome To My Blog
I am a fandom writer, some names you can refer to me by are Casey, Ghoast, Theseus, Ri,
Some things you should know about me are that fact that I beg for asks then ignore them. I’m sorry if I never get around to writing them, but I really try. I go on huge hiatuses. I’m sorry. Please don’t urge this to not request at all. I’m getting better.
My blog is 15+
My pronouns are he/they
What I’ll write:
X reader (self inserts)
Gn reader
LGBTQIA+ themes
Angst no comfort
Angst with comfort
Parental figures
Age gaps (legal)
Au’s (no alpha omega I’ll kms)
What I refuse to write
Underage relationships
Abuse as a kink
Anything with piss, shit, or vomit
Self harm as a kink
Huge age gaps
Real actual people- (I think it’s personally weird.)
The fandoms I write for/ characters
Sweeney Todd:
Sweeney Todd
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Tatum Riley
Sidney Prescott
Ghostface (masked)
The Lost Boys
Micheal Myers (original)
A nightmare on elm street
Freddy Kruger
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Dr. Frank N’ Furter
Adam & Barbra
House of 1,000 corpses trilogy
Otis Driftwood
Baby Firefly
The Boy 1
Creep 1
Hazbin Hotel
Charlie Morningstar
Lucifer Morningstar
Helluva Boss
To Kill A Mockingbird
Atticus Finch
Gravity Falls
Stanford Pines
Stanley Pines
Bill Cipher
Jareth the goblin king
Guardians of the Galaxy
Peter Quill
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack sparrow
Ghost busters
Literally all of them. Anybody you want. Not the girls though sorry.
Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure
Veronica sawyer
Edward Scissorhands
The Hunger Games
Haymitch Abernathy
Effie Trinket
President Snow (Coriolanus)
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
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blueporl · 1 year
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a design for an au me and @bottlecanidae thought of where Dark Choco was found by Sugar Glass when he’d wandered out into the snow as a kid. she’s much more firm and confident, having left the Labryinth of Remembrance even before meeting Amber Sugar, while Dark Choco himself is a sort of mix between his current mellower self and his overconfident Young Prince self
he’d be a Defense or Support class rather than Charge here, and knows magic instead of using a sword. Dark Cacao still becomes obsessed with the wall and closes the Citadel gates, mourning over what seems to be the loss of his young son…
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marinerainbow · 9 months
Oh my God Kitty in ToonTown, the ultimate Alice in Wonderland AU.
She falls through that tunnel Eddie drives through and lands in a world where ecerything has a face and won't give her proper directions. Come to think of it, a 1980s style ToonTown would have Ralph Bakshi and Don Bluth creations so Kitty's wonderland would look more like Labyrinth 😂
Ooooohhhh my god!!!! Ok ok ok. I love Labryinth so much! Imagining a Labryinth AU with WFRR and Kitty as Sarah! We need to talk about that sometime.
But back to the Kitty in Toontown AU. Who would be the Queen of Hearts? Judge Doom I guess? And Alice going off on the queen; I can totally see Kitty yelling at Judge Doom like that. Though she doesn't need to grow bigger to gain that courage XD
And Kitty interacting with Don Bluth's and Ralph Bakshi's creations! That ought to be something. I'm more familiar with Don Bluths work than Ralph's, but I have heard of some of his films... And oh boy 😅
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krp-verse · 9 months
click on the krp name to be redirected to their blog!
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001. MEWE 002. 19+ 003. MAGICAL REALISM & COSMIC HORROR ( fear of the unknown, coined by lovecraft ) AU 004. LITERATE 005. EAST ASIAN FCS ¹ [ direct trans. from latin ‘black rock’ ] a ghost island once thought to be the reason why all compasses point north. ² an rp set in a magical-realism version of los angeles, designed for writers that enjoy immersing themselves in both character development and creative fun at the same time. we use the ghost island as a metaphor for heaven ( and hell ) to help create interesting plot mechanics for writers to explore their muses in. some muses will pursue joining the north, seeking to soothe the pains in them, work through their issues, and escape from their bitter lives to somewhere better. other muses will look past the glamor, see the hunger in the island’s sweetness, and choose to fight it. if you’re a fan of neil gaiman ( coraline, the sandman, good omens ), mike flanagan ( midnight mass ), del toro ( pan’s labryinth, the shape of water, crimson peak ), or simply fascinated with concepts like escapism, elysium/heaven, and whimsical writings ( alice in wonderland, neverland, where the wild things are ) this is the place for you! ³ your new home? ;)
→ use our tag #krpv to be reblogged!
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tazmilyxfamily · 1 year
Anonymous inquired:
wait im curious. In the surrogate au how does Sugar Glass end up adopting (?) Dark Choco? was he a baby, or did he just run away or what? (Also is Sugar Glass an OC? I dont think Ive seen her before)
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{ before anything else, Sugar Glass is a canon character! she's one of two introduced in the O.venbreak-exclusive Labryinth of Remembrance event (which you can watch here). Sugar Glass and Amber Sugar aren't very popular/well known in the fandom though, so i dont blame you for not knowing! }
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{ as for the au itself, she found Dark Choco after he'd wandered out of the Citadel by himself! Sugar Glass didn't want to leave an Entire Child (about 7 or 8 years old? maybe younger) in the snow by himself and he was too young/quiet to tell her where he was from. plus he didn't really want to go back... }
{ so Sugar Glass and Dark Choco went back to the Labyrinth, the former unaware of where he's from and the latter letting himself forget his childhood as he got older. }
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Super Mario Bros Labryinth AU (Pt2)
(Note: Sorry the the strange looking Bullet Point, copy and pasted this from my notes and this is what it formatted as)
- [ ] While Mario has multiple things to freak out about— such as a giant lizard koupa, and suddenly being who know wheres when he was in his room just minutes ago—he manages to stifle his questions for later
- [ ] After all, he has a little brother to save
- [ ] And a little brother to applogize to as well
- [ ] He couldn’t beleive he said all those things…
- [ ] Mario makes his way down the hill to what he can assume is the entrance to the Labyrinth
- [ ] There’s another Koupa there, spraypainting the walls
- [ ] While he looks strikingly similar to that Bowser guys, he’s smaller and has less hair.
- [ ] When he spots Mario, he jumps in surprise and immediately raises his spraypaint cans at Mario, as if to threaten him
- [ ] “You didn’t see anything, got it?!”
- [ ] Ah, Mario thinks. So he wasn’t supposed to be spraypainting the wall.
- [ ] Mario: “I don’t know kid, it’s pretty obvious you spraypainted those walls….”
- [ ] Junior: “Hey! Thats Prince to you! Prince Bowser Jr!”
- [ ] For a second Mario considers taking this child hostage or somthing. Trading him for Luigi would he much easier than solving this maze.
- [ ] But then Mario remembers how big the Koupa King is and that he doesn’t want to see what all those spikes and mussles can do to him if he threatens his child
- [ ] Also Mario isn’t a monster, duh.
- [ ] So instead, Mario thinks of a way he can use his status as a witness of Bowser Jr’s mischief in his favor
- [ ] Mario: “Alright, Prince. I need to get to the castle in the center of the Labyrinth. If you take me there, I won’t tell your dad what I saw.”
- [ ] Junior: “Ha! Yeah right, Daddy would burn you to a crisp beforr you could even get a word in!”
- [ ] Mario: Well I guess I’ll have to tell every Koupa in the city about your graffiti before I get to the castle. Surely one of them will tell the King about this—“
- [ ] Junior: “Your a tattle-tail!”
- [ ] Mario: “But if you take me to the caslte, then he’ll never find out.”
- [ ] Junior: “….”
- [ ] Mario: “So? Do we have a deal?”
- [ ] Junior: “Fine, whatever! Your such a snitch!”
- [ ] Bowser Jr grabs Mario by the wrist and leads him to a giant door that definitely was not there before.
- [ ] Bowser Jr leads him through the door
- [ ] Before Mario can say anything thought, Bowser Jr runs back outside and locks the door behind him
- [ ] Mario: “Hey! This wasn’t the deal!”
- [ ] Bowser Jr giggles wickedly
- [ ] It would have been cute if he wasn’t a little cheater
- [ ] Junior: “Daddy won’t ever find out if you never make it to the city in the first place! Good luck getting out of there!”
- [ ] Where is there? It seems to be a long straight road, going on for miles and miles
- [ ] Mario does his best to continue through the Labyrinth, but it seems this single path goes on forever
- [ ] Theres not a single turn anywhere, seemingly no way to progress further
- [ ] Mario cries out in frustration and tries to punch the wall
- [ ] He ends up falling forward onto the ground
- [ ] The wall was an option illusion, and there was a fork in the path right in front of him!
- [ ] Mario sighs in releif
- [ ] And also embarrassment
- [ ] Mario finds himself in a much more complicated area, the paths lines with giant green pipes.
- [ ] Different creatures and things seem to pop in and out of them at random.
- [ ] He tries to keep track of where the pipes seem to go, but its no use
- [ ] And as for the creatures that are using said pipes?
- [ ] Well, lets just say after getting bit by a piranha plant he’s avoiding anything that comes out of those pipes
- [ ] Mario feels like he’s finally getting somewhere in this Labryinth when he hears loud screaming
- [ ] And no, its not Luigi’s! Thank Goodness!
- [ ] The shouts seem to be in fear and distress, and among them he can hear wild laughter and shouts of amusement
- [ ] Whatever he’s hearing doesn’t sound like a good situation for the screamer, and so he goes to investigate…
No sketches this time I’m afraid, but the next part will have some! I hope you all enjoyed this second part, what do you guys think of it?
(1)…(You Are Here)…(3)…
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voidrousfantasies · 2 years
"It's been so long since I heard a new voice here~"
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Catacombs! Cartoon Cat is here! I was inspired by listening to Disney Creepypastas and I thought of the combination of the Greek myth of the Minotaurs Labryinth with Cartoon Cat buried deep below the Disney park devouring any trespassers that dare venture into the tunnels that are not mascots or devouring those who harmed any of the mascots that are placed in "Disney Jail". Almost forgot to add this is a two person au concept. My friend Multi is also helping with this spookastic au so go see their art. They're art is better. UwU
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burglar-bird · 1 year
For some reason I’ve been thinking about ‘It’s Only Forever’ and I read it again. I just wanted to say that you managed to make Zuko leaving Sokka really heartbreaking I’ve rarely seen that kind of thing done so well without making it feel out of character or just done for the drama :)
Oh, thank you!!! I'm very proud of that scene, it's a lose-lose situation for both of them. I'm glad people are still reading my Labryinth/Atla-AU, I've loved writing it. I want to go back, but I made the mistake of trying to write Zuko's POV and got writer's block 😅 ( I don't think his perspective is the way to continue the fic, but I am HIGHLY invested in completing it once I have more free time ❤️ )
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Labyrinth AU
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Maxim Horvath x Female Reader
Chapter 2
Dave spent the next three days either sulking in his bedroom or visiting your favourite places in an attempt to find you but you were nowhere to be found and by the fourth day, Dave had passed panic and was now in the extreme terror stage. His sleep was troubled by nightmares and he woke up feeling more tired than when he went to sleep.
His studies were beginning to suffer as well. Bennet had to jab him hard in the ribs when their physics teacher asked Dave a question that Dave hadn’t heard because he was so tired. Luckily, Dave was able to give the right answer and the teacher moved on.
He wasn’t as lucky when it came to Bennet. Bennet was persistent and wouldn’t let the subject drop and Dave finally snapped at him when they were both back at their flat.
“My sister and I had a fight, alright? I can’t even remember what it was about and during the fight, I quoted Labyrinth, the movie that she and I have loved since we were kids, and there was a bright light. The next thing I know, she’s gone and I’ve looked everywhere for her and nothing. I can’t sleep 'cause I’ve got nightmares and 'cause of the nightmares; I’m tired and that means I’m cranky but I’m sure you’ve noticed all that. God, I miss her.” Dave ran a hand through his messy hair.
It felt good to finally let it all out.
Bennet frowned, “What exactly did you quote from Labyrinth?”
“That’s what you’re focusing on right now?” Dave threw his hands up in the air and turned away.
Bennet’s hand landed on his shoulder and spun him back around, “What did you quote?” He demanded.
Dave shook his head, “I’m not going to say it again. It was the last words Sarah says to Toby before she leaves his room and before she meets Jareth.”
Bennet’s eyes widened, “You said that to your sister?!”
“I was angry. It's a line from a movie, so what?” Dave defended himself.
Bennet groaned, “That’s not the problem! Ma always told me that words have power and the magician that came to my eleventh birthday party said that too.”
“That you remember but you can’t remember what you did with our presentation?”
Bennet scowled, “I said I was sorry about that and you’d remember the magician’s words too if he stared at you when he said them. It was like he was staring into my soul.”
“So this magician is the only lead we have. How do we find him?”
Bennet fumbled with his pocket and eventually managed to withdraw his wallet. Quickly, Bennet opened his wallet and pulled out a creased business card that had a stain on it that looked like a coffee stain.
Dave leant forward and was just able to make out the name on the card.
“Balthazar Blake?” He snorted, “Who names their kid Balthazar?”
Bennet fixed him with an unimpressed look, “Balthazar is a saint and was the King of Macedonia. He gave myrrh to baby Jesus.”
Embarrassed, Dave decided to focus on his shoes, “So how do we find him?”
Bennet gave no answer and Dave’s head jerked upwards, “How do we find him?” He repeated.
Bennet’s finger quivered as he pointed at the window and for a moment Dave couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Outside of his window, there was a man hovering in mid-air. The man gestured with his hand impatiently and Bennet grabbed Dave by his collar and pulled him away from the window.
There was a huge smash and the glass broke into shards only to fall onto the carpet where Bennet and Dave had been standing moments before.
“Were you not taught to be careful with names?” The man spat as he dusted himself off.
“I forgot.” Bennet muttered sheepishly.
“There’s a surprise.” Dave muttered at the same time.
Bennet and the man both glared at him.
“Why did you summon me?”
“I didn’t, he did!” Bennet cried, “He and his sister got into a fight four days ago. He quoted Labyrinth, he said those words, and his sister vanished. This is Balthazar Blake by the way.” Bennet directed the last sentence to Dave.
“NO!” Dave screamed back, “I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHERE MY SISTER IS!”
Balthazar clenched his teeth in an effort to control himself, “You already know where she is.”
Dave shook his head, “No. No, the labyrinth isn’t real, it can’t be. The actors were just playing roles in a story.”
“It’s real.” Balthazar snapped, his impatience returning, “You wished your sister there,” he pointed at Dave “and thanks to your inaction, the Goblin King has quite the considerable advantage in persuading your sister to stay with him.”
Bennet and Dave shared a horrified look, “S-s-she won’t choose to say with him, will she? She can’t.”
Balthazar sighed, “You know your sister better than I do,” he stated quietly, “if there is even a slim chance that she could choose to stay, the Goblin King will use every tool at his disposal to show her what life would be like in his realm.”
“I’m so sorry (Name).” Dave thought, “This is all my fault.”
He squared his shoulders, “How do I get into the labyrinth?”
“We.” Balthazar stated.
“You are delusional if you think that I am letting you enter the labyrinth by yourself. There have been fully trained magicians that have perished in the labyrinth and you do not have one tenth of their skill.”
“Ouch.” Dave muttered.
Balthazar ignored him and conjured a staff, “Now where were you and your sister standing when you fought? How were you standing?”
Dave pointed to where you’d both been standing and told Balthazar that you had been standing opposite each other when you vanished.
“Alright. Stand where you were during the argument and I’ll take the place of your sister.” Balthazar said as he moved into position.
It was only when Balthazar was standing opposite him and Balthazar had lifted the staff into the air that Dave realised what Balthazar was planning to do.
“WAIT!” He yelled, raising a hand but he was too late.
Balthazar brought his staff down onto the ground and the flat disappeared in a flash of bright, white light. When Dave’s vision cleared, he found that he was standing in front of two heavy-looking, open brass gates. Dave squinted and he could just make out the lavish castle standing in the centre of the labyrinth.
Wrenching his gaze away from the lavish castle, he looked around for any sign of Balthazar. It was only after the magician cleared his throat that Dave realised Balthazar had already entered the labyrinth and was standing in front of him.
“Are you coming or should I continue on without you?”
“I’m coming!” Dave assured Balthazar and to prove that he wasn’t lying, Dave stepped forward and entered the labyrinth.
“I’m coming (Name).”
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theclayver · 5 years
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enjoy what my insomnia once liked and what my semi-normal mental state hates  imsorryijustgiveuponthis
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n3rdlif343va · 6 years
I got one for your 5 facts YOI AU: The Labyrinth.
*rubs hands together* I don’t have any real explanation to why this is about to go the way it is going to go, but you want it, so here it is, my darling!
- Yuuri is cast as the lead in the school play. He has no idea how he got the role, because his audition was basically an out-of-body experience and he doesn’t remember being good enough to be cast at all. But he is determined to take on the role and do his best.
- He is rehearsing with his older sister Mari and the director Minako, who are both trying to hold back their frustration with the fact that Yuuri can say his lines from memory as long as no one is looking at him, but as soon as the rest of the cast is there, he falls apart and remembers nothing. Frustrated with himself, Yuuri flees from the stage, racing into the catwalks. In a dark corner, he is sobbing to himself and wishing he could escape. His best friend Phichit comes to comfort him, but Yuuri screams at him, wishing that Phichit would just disappear. (which he does in a cloud of smoke, with a disembodied voice daring Yuuri to try to steal him back).
- Yuuri follows the voice and falls through a darkened mist, landing hard on the ground in the middle of what appears to be a giant rose garden. He becomes terrified when a troll named Victor comes to his rescue, pulling him to his feet and standing between him and the owner of the disembodied voice. King Eros is as handsome as he is evil, and Yuuri wonders why something seems vaguely familiar about him, leaving Yuuri with an unsettled feeling. (King Eros looks like canon Eros Yuuri, but with like EXTREME David Bowie style makeup lol)
- With the help of Troll Victor (who refuses to betray Yuuri when King Eros attempts to seduce Troll Victor into poisoning Yuuri with “the devil’s kiss”) and giant fur monster Chris, Yuuri battles through obstacles (each leaving Yuuri with a bizarre feeling of familiarity - because each obstacle is symbolic of Yuuri’s own irrational anxiety). Finally, Yuuri takes on King Eros by himself, refusing the King’s offers to make Yuuri exactly like him if Yuuri agrees to let Phichit remain at King Eros’s side (”Yuuri, don’t you want to learn to be sexy? Don’t you want to learn how to be confident? I can teach you these things, little Yuuri. All it will cost you is your friend. And what is one friend, anyway? Am I right?”)
- Yuuri defeats King Eros by reciting his character’s most famous line from the play, “I am who I am, and that’s the best me I can be!” Yuuri shouts, watching King Eros freeze with his words. Together, he and Phichit are thrown from King Eros’s world and find themselves sprawled out on the middle of the stage.
BONUS: A hand touches Yuuri’s shoulder and he looks up to discover real Victor removing his troll costume head, blue eyes full of concern for Yuuri. When Victor offers Yuuri a hug (and later to buy Yuuri a coffee - perhaps decaf), Yuuri realizes that he is more than enough, exactly as he is.
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