#kya ii x reader
xreadersarchive · 2 years
lin x reader x kya fics wya
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twoloaksinatrenchcoat · 2 months
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They’re married your honor
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crybabylulu · 1 month
I had a thought of like modern day Lin getting nudes sent from her younger girlfriend while she’s at work and she’s freaking out because she’s never gotten nudes sent to her phone so she calls Kya.
Lin: Kya!
Kya: what?
Lin: she sent me pictures
Kya: who sent you pictures and what kind of pictures?
Lin: my girlfriend she sent me pictures of *whispers* you know
Kya: Linny…your gf sent you nudes?
Lin: yes that
Kya: ok?
Lin: what do you mean ok? What am i supposed to do?
Kya: *sighs* just enjoy them and tell her she looks good
Lin: ok I’m texting her back
Kya: good
Lin: ok I sent it
Kya: wait…what did you say?
Lin: I told her she looks magnificent and that her body is a work of art
Kya: damn….thats pretty good maybe you aren’t completely helpless Beifong
Lin: get off my phone
Kya: you called me Linny
Lin: *hangs up*
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randomwritingguy · 2 years
The Myth of Y/N (Korra x Reader UNREQUITED) Part 15
It has been a while ago since I had that dream...or vision. Whatever I want to call it. I told Tenzin about it and how all I can remember is a "Wan" person. We have been having more frequent meditation sessions as well as doing our own research about it but we have found nothing. I am certain we will figure it out soon.
Besides all of that spiritual stuff , though, I've just been relaxing and hanging out with everyone. There was that one incident where Ikki ran away because Jinora and Meelo were making fun of her so Tenzin, Kya, and Bumi went out to look for her. The latter two came back with grumpy looks on their faces but soon afterwards Tenzin came back with Ikki. Since then it seems the three children of Avatar Aang have gotten along much better. It looks like they finally sorted things out with their feelings towards their father.
Eventually we all left to go to the Eastern Air Temple. This place feels much different than the southern temple. I don't know how to explain it, it just feels more...spiritual.
Speaking of spirits, I also discovered that some spirits inhabit the area. They look pretty cute to be honest with their bunny-like body and their wing-like ears. I noticed that Jinora could see them too but no-one else can, which is actually not surprising considering what happened in the last temple. The airbender got really friendly with the one of them, she even named it "Furry-Foot." Only children can come up with such creative names, am I right? Kya has been giving us weird looks, though. I don't know if she's starting to figure everything out yet or not.
Right now I'm with the others at the main entrance of the temple about to begin the grand tour of the Eastern Air Temple. We are just waiting for Tenzin and Jinora. I'm currently with Bumi and Kya and we are...validating...the retired commander's story.
"So...let me get this straight." I begin, my lips curved up in an amused smile. "You managed to defeat an earthbender in a rock throwing contest?"
"Yeperdo!" Bumi responds loudly. "And he was a tough one all right. The rocks ranged from small to big, it was unbelievable. It took all of my strength and willpower, but eventually I performed a precise maneuverer and chucked a rock the size of a walnut right at his eye. He called it quits after that, haha!"
I snicker at the the former commander's story. "Sounds like quite an adventure, Bumi."
Kya snorts at my comment. "Don't be fooled, Y/N. Bumi likes to exaggerates a few of his stories from time to time."
"But not this time, I swear!" Bumi quickly retorts. "That is exactly how it went. Come on, Y/N. After all the stories I've told you, surely you'll believe me, right?!"
I chuckle at the scene before and nod in confirmation. I know he exaggerates sometimes, but I think most of the time he is telling the truth. Only the son of the Avatar can pull off the crazy stuff Bumi said he did when he was in the United Forces.
"See!" Bumi exclaims to Kya, the former still having a teasing smile on her face. "Y/N believes me!"
Kya shakes her head but the smile is still present. "That's because you had the past six months to brainwash them into believing whatever you say. Stop telling lies."
Bumi leans forward to his sister, his grin never fading. "It's true! I once beat an earthbender in a rock-throwing contest! I have the trophy to prove it."
Huh, I need to remind myself to ask him to show me his trophy when we get back to Republic City.
Before I can add more into the conversation, Tenzin and Jinora finally arrive to the entrance.
"All right, who's ready for an exciting tour of the Eastern Air Temple?" Tenzin asks everyone, clear enthusiasm written across his face. "We've got a lot to see today including ancient statues, ancient gardens, and the meditation hall used by ancient airbenders."
"That sounds really fascinating, Tenzin." I tell him, a bright smile on my face.
Ikki, on the other hand, seems less enthusiastic than I am.
"Yay. Old things."
Man, kids these days. They never appreciate some good old history and culture. God, I'm starting to sound like my parents. I wonder how they are doing back at the South Pole.
Oh, yeah, I wonder how Korra is doi-WAIT WHAT?!
I see Tenzin with wide eyes, staring at one of the entrances. I turn to look at his direction and-
-it is her.
It's Korra. It's actually her, with a bright, gigantic smile, looking more beautiful than ever.
My jaw drops to the floor in shock while the Air Kids just shout out in excitement. "Korra!"
As they all rush towards her, Pema asks the obvious question. "What are you doing here?"
Kya speaks up, asking her the second obvious question. "And how did you know where to find us?"
"Tenzin's itinerary" Korra responds, her smile ever present. "We went over it like a hundred times before we left Republic City."
Yep. I remember that too.
"See?" Tenzin tells his brother and sister. "This is why schedules are important."
I snicker at the airbender's comment. I turn back to Korra who is still smiling.
"It's so great to see you all again." she tells us, briefly engaging eye contact with me.
I can feel myself sweating a bit at her gaze. Are we cool now? I don't know.
"It's great to see you too." Tenzin responds. "But why aren't you training at the South Pole?"
Actually, now I think about it, why is Korra here?
Korra's face flashes with surprise and confusion. "Wait, you don't know about the Civil War?"
Civil War?! WHAT?!
"Civil War?! No, we don't." I tell her, my heart beginning to race.
"We've been out of touch with the outside world since we started our vacation."  Tenzin explains, though I can hear the shock in his voice.
"Tenzin's idea." Bumi remarks. "What happened?"
"So much." Korra begins. "I don't know where to start."
Tenzin doesn't care though, desiring to know what happened. "Just tell us everything!"
"Everything?" Korra asks, doubt in her voice. "Okay."
I'm sure it can't be that much. How confusing can it be-
"I opened a spirit portal at the South Pole, but then Unalaq turned out to be a bad guy and wanted to take control of the south, so I sort of started a civil war, but when I went to find some help, I was attacked by my cousins and then by a giant, dark spirit, and then I forgot who I was, and then I met the first Avatar, and then I realised I shouldn't have opened the portal in the first place, and now I need to close it again!"
"I knew this would happen." Tenzin simply responds. But I ignore the comment. I'm still trying to unpack everything Korra said.
There's a spirit portal at the South Pole and Korra needs to close it?
Unalaq is evil? And he wanted to take control of the south?
Eska and Desna are working for him too?
Dark spirits?
"The first Avatar." I start, gaining Korra's attention and she looks at me curiously. "They wouldn't happen to be called Wan, right?"
My question makes Korra gasp in shock. "Yes. How do you know about Avatar Wan?"
I'm going to tell her everything.
"A while ago I had a vision when I was asleep. Like last time when you and I were kidnapped, I couldn't remember any of it. All I remember is the name "Wan." It appears the name has some significance after all."
"Since then Y/N and I have been trying to increase our meditation sessions and deepen our research." Tenzin adds on. "But so far we've got nothing."
I hum in confirmation to Tenzin's explanation.
"Oh spirits, is everyone okay?" I ask Korra, desperation completely evident. "Are my parents safe?! Are yours?! Are Mako, Bolin, Asami, and Kyuni fine too?!"
Korra's face flashes with sympathy and she raises her hands in reassurance. "Everyone is fine, Y/N. Our friends are back in Republic City. Unalaq arrested my father and yours along with a few others. He accused them of plotting to assassinate him. We managed to rescue them and they are planning on fighting back at home."
My dad was arrested? And now he's helping Tonraq fight Unalaq? Dammit. I hope he's okay. I can't imagine how mum must be feeling. I hope she's fine too.
"Korra, I need you to come with me." Tenzin tells her, his gaze hardening. "We need to discuss more about everything. I want all of the details."
Korra nods at the airbender's request. As she walks past me she briefly stops and whispers "We'll talk later." and carries on, walking away with Tenzin.
As they finally leave my vision, I take a deep breathe and release it. This is far bigger and complicated than I thought it was.
Korra's POV
I've just finished telling Tenzin everything that's happened. It's good to see everyone again, especially Y/N. I didn't realise how I much I missed my best friend until I saw them again.
But now's not the time. Now I need to focus on travelling to the Spirit World.
"So Avatar Wan imprisoned this dark spirit Vaatu in the spirit world?" Tenzin asks me, wanting reassurance that he heard everything right.
I confirm the airbender's question. "Yes, and now I think my uncle is trying to free him."
I still find all of this hard to believe. My own uncle is evil after all this time.
"I knew Unalaq was hungry for power but never realised how far he would go to to get it." Tenzin comments, looking back on all of my uncle's deeds and actions in hindsight.
Unalaq tricked me. He played me for a fool. I should have known better!
"This is all my fault." I tell him, voicing my inner thoughts aloud.
Tenzin ,though, is quick to refute me. "No, don't blame yourself. This is Unalaq's doing. Now, we must focus on setting things right before he can do any more damage."
He doesn't blame me for any of it? I really needed to hear that.
"Thank you." I simply tell him. There aren't enough words to express my gratitude.
"So you need to close the southern portal, but if Unalaq's army controls the South, how are we going to get to it?" Tenzin asks me with curiosity.
And that's where my plan comes in.
"I thought about it." I assure the airbender. "My best chance to close the portal is from the inside. I have to enter the Spirit World."
Tenzin's eyes briefly widen in surprise to my plan but harden again soon after. "A journey into the Spirit World. All my years of spiritual training have prepared me for this moment." He rises from the bench, standing tall and proud, full of confidence. "I will help you. Today, we enter the Spirit World."
Yes. We will.
Tenzin has taken me to some meditation garden. It looks very peaceful.
"You're lucky." Tenzin remarks. "This temple is the most spiritual of all the air temples. Why, this very garden is where my father met Guru Pathik."
Woah, really? Cool!
"Wow!" I exclaim, my enthusiasm evident. "Spirit World, here we come."
Me, Tenzin, Y/N, Bumi, Kya, Jinora, Meelo, and Ikki all travelled further into the garden until eventually we were surrounded by trees and greenery. It looks beautiful.
Right now, Tenzin and I are in meditative positions, our eyes closed. I clear my mind of all my thoughts like usual. In the background I can hear Meelo playing some tune and Ikki is pouring some air into a horn of some sort. Despite all of these methods, nothing has happened so far.
Eventually, I slightly open my right eye to glance at Tenzin. "Are you in the Spirit World?" I whisper to him.
The airbender opens his left eye, a frown on his face. "I would be if Meelo could ring his bell at the appropriate intervals."
Ouch, that must have hurt.
And it looks like I was right too, as I see Meelo's saddened look. "Aww, did I do it wrong?"
Tenzin quickly rises and huffs, clearly frustrated. "Let's try something else."
As he walks away, I glance back at Meelo, feeling sorry for him. "I thought your bell ringing was just fine."
My reassurance seemed to cheer the air kid up as a massive grin forms on his face and begins ringing the bell repeatedly. Ah, Meelo. Always super hyper.
We are now at another location, candles and smoke everywhere. We are all silent.
I hear Tenzin coughing next to me. Ah, maybe we overdid it with the smoke.
"Kya, this is too much smoke." Tenzin complains to his sister. "You set it up wrong. This isn't going to work."
Geez. First Meelo, now his sister?
"I'm sorry. I did what you told me." Kya responds, attempting to defend herself.
Tenzin is having none of that, though, as he gets up and begins walking away. "Well, the moment's ruined."
Really? That was fast.
I stand up myself and start following him. "We could have tried a little longer." I tell him, but he isn't listening. Dammit.
Now Tenzin and I are at another location again. It's just the two of us trying to meditate. Hopefully this time it will work.
"Focus, Korra. Focus." Tenzin tells me, as if I'm being distracted. Seriously?
"I am focusing" I tell him.
"No talking." Tenzin quickly responds. "Feel the energy of the universe."
But I am feeling the energy though???
"Okay, I feel it." I tell him. I'm so tired of this.
"Korra, really!" Tenzin snaps at me, his frustration at his peak. "I'm trying to concentrate here! I don't think this location is going to work either."
Seriously? What is his deal?
"What's going on with you?" I ask him. I want to get to the bottom of what's bothering him. "First, you're blaming Meelo, then Kya, and now me."
Tenzin isn't listening though. "Well, nothing is feeling right to me."
I rise from my position, trying to calm him down. "I don't want to rush your feelings, but we're kind of in a hurry. How did you first get into the Spirit World? Let's try that."
There we go. A simple solution.
Surprisingly though, Tenzin's face shifts to...embarrassment? "Well...actually, I've never been into the Spirit World."
The others approach us, shocked as I am. This...this is unreal!
"You've never been into the Spirit World?" I ask him, hoping that I misheard him or something!
He doesn't reply. Dammit!
"But you used to spend days in the temple meditating." Pema says, confused by her husband's confession.
"Trying to get in." Tenzin explains. He doesn't look at any of us, instead focusing his attention on the ground. His eyes are full of shame. "It never happened. It's my greatest shortcoming as an airbender, spiritual leader, and son of Aang."
Bumi laughs in the background at all of this. "Welcome to the "I disappoint Dad" club."
Not a good time, Bumi. Not a good time.
"If you've never been to the Spirit World, how were you planning on to get Korra into it?" Kya asks her brother, clearly confused by his actions.
Actually, yeah. How was he planning on taking me to the Spirit World?
Finally, the airbender turns to us, determination replacing his shame. "I've spent years studying the techniques and theories of ancient spiritual leaders. Now that the Avatar needs me, it must be my time."
I...I'm not so sure about that. This sounds more like a false hope if I am really honest.
"Tenzin, Harmonic Convergence is almost here." I explain to him, hoping to make him realise how serious the situation is. "If Vaatu escapes from the Spirit World--"
"--You have to trust me." Tenzin interrupts. He seems to be pleading with me at this point "I can help you."
I'm sorry, Tenzin, but I don't think you can.
"There might be another way."
We turn to Kya, who is looking at...Y/N and Jinora?
"Jinora, Y/N, is there something you want to tell Korra?" Kya asks them,.
Tell me what?
"Jinora?" Tenzin asks his sister, doubt in his tone. "She is too young and untrained to have any knowledge about spiritual matters."
I speak up to. "Yeah, Y/N hasn't got any training on spiritual stuff either."
Y/N chuckles nervously and rubs the back of their neck. "Yeah, uh, about that...we sort of have an idea on what to do."
"Yeah, I think Y/N and I know where Korra needs to go to get into the Spirit World." Jinora finishes, looking right at us.
What?! For real?!
"And how would you two know that?" Tenzin asks them, the doubt still evident.
Y/N and Jinora glance at each other for a split second, and then back to us. Then Y/N speaks up. "Our...spirit friends showed us."
Spirit friends?!
Jinora speaks up too. "It's okay, guys, you can show yourselves."
Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, multiple spirits show up all around us. They look really cute. They have the appearance of bunnies and they use their ears to fly. So adorable!
"How did you do that?!" Tenzin asks them, clear disbelief written across his face.
"Jinora!" Pema exclaims, clearly proud of her daughter.
I chuckle and cross my arms. "Looks like you're spiritual after all, Y/N."
Y/N chuckles. "I guess so."
As the bunnies go further outside, Tenzin approaches Jinora. "I know you and Y/N had a spiritual incident before but...how long have you two been able to do this?"
Jinora's face warps into confusion, clearly trying to figure out the answer to that question. "I don't know. I guess we've always kind of had a connection with spirits. Isn't that right, Y/N?"
I see Y/N chuckle again. "At this point, I'm not really surprised."
Hmm. Can they help us, though?
"Are they here to help?" I ask Jinora.
Jinora points into the direction the spirits are heading towards. "I think they want you to go down there."
Tenzin still has his doubts though. "I don't know. The spiritual energy is historically strongest near this temple."
Seriously, Tenzin?
"No offense, but I'm guessing the spirits have actually been to the Spirit World, so I'm gonna follow them." I tell him, having made my own mind up.
Bumi walks up to his brother, giving him a teasing smile. "If we ever need to go to the Tenzin world, we'll call you."
I hear Y/N snicker in the background. I smile at the scene.
We are on Oogi, following the spirits that Jinora and I befriended. I hope they have found a way for Korra to go into the Spirit World.
Speaking of Jinora, she looks quite sad for some reason. I'll ask her about it.
"Hey, Jinora. What's up?" I ask her.
She doesn't look at me, she keeps having the same sad expression. "I think dad's mad at me."
Kya tries to reassure the young airbender, giving her a warm smile. "Your father's not mad. His pride's just a little bruised since he isn't able to see spirits like you and Y/N."
"Yeah." Korra adds in. She glances between me and Jinora. "You two have a natural gift. That's pretty lucky."
Huh...I never saw it like that. Yeah, I guess we are.
Jinora see things differently though. "You're the lucky one. You actually got to meet the first Avatar. I know a lot about Avatars, but I don't know anything about him. Is it even a him, or is it a her?"
"It's a him, Avatar Wan." Korra quickly responds. "He was amazing. I saw how he became the first Avatar by fusing with Raava, the spirit of light."
See, all of that stuff sounds so familiar. I must have dreamt about that. Dammit, of course I forget 99% about it.
"The Avatar is part spirit?" Jinora asks aloud. Then her eyes widen like she figured something out. "Of course!" She turns to me, her eyes even wider. "It's just like the statue, Y/N!"
Oh shit, yeah! How could I have forgotten about that?!
"Yeah, you're right!" I tell her, confirming her theory.
"What statue?" Kya asks us, glancing between us.
I lean forward to get a bit closer. They need to hear this. "When we were at the Southern Air Temple, Jinora and I were drawn to this old statue. At the time we had no idea what it was about, but I guess we do now. It was Avatar Wan. Who would have thought?"
I can see Korra's eyes widen too, her mouth agape. "When did this happen, Y/N?"
"It was at the solstice, I believe." I tell her, and her eyes somehow get even bigger.
"That's the day I opened the southern portal." she announces to us all, her surprise evident.
Woah, what?! That's what that whole thing was about? It was because of Korra?!
After that bombshell of a reveal, we finally arrived. After a few minutes of walking, we made it to the place the spirits wanted to show us.
There's some sort of ancient meditation spot here. Big rocks full of carvings on them, vines all over the place. It looks like it hasn't been touched in years.
"This is an ancient airbender meditation circle." Tenzin declares, sounding just as shocked as we are.
As I look around, I can feel a lot of spiritual energy surrounding this place. I can't describe it, I just feel it.
"This place is full of spiritual energy." I comment.
I glance at Jinora to see if she's feeling it too. She nods back as confirmation. "Yeah, there is a lot here. But it feels...strange."
I concentrate a bit harder and...yeah. It does feel strange. Something's not right.
"We'll have to perform a spiritual cleansing ceremony." Tenzin says, providing a solution to this strange feeling.
"What are you talking about?" Bumi asks the most obvious question to his brother.
Tenzin turns to the retired commander. "Dad taught it to me. This site has been neglected for many years. A cleansing ceremony will help strengthen its connection to the Spirit World."
After setting the ceremony up, Tenzin begins the process. Using the smoke from the pot, he airbends it into a ring, surrounding us. However, our spirit friends begin flying away. Suddenly, the Earth beneath us begins to shake. What's going on?!
"It's working." Tenzin notes, still continuing the process.
Then, out of nowhere, hundreds of dark spirits begin pouring out of the hole in the centre, flying right up into the sky...only to turn around and come back to us!
We all rush to take cover as the spirits rush past us, only to once again change their trajectory and start heading towards us. Tenzin and Korra try to stop them with their beniding, but it's no use. We all duck to avoid being hit by tem.
I turn to Korra to ask her that question, but I see her getting up and walking to the centre of the circle. What is she doing?!
Then, a moment later, Korra uses her waterbending to surround the dark spirits in loops. After a few hand motions, the loops begin to glow...
She's trying to calm them! Like what Unalaq did to that dark spirit back in the South Pole!
Then, finally, a flash of golden light blinds my vision. When it returns, the spirits are gone. They are at peace. I look around the circle, and I realise that the vines and moss that covered the large stones are fading away too. In fact, they are fading away from the entire meditation ground!
I rush up to my best friend, full of bewilderment. "Korra, that was amazing!"
Korra smiles faintly. "Thanks. Unalaq may be a horrible person, but his spirt powers are no joke."
I smile back. "Korra, you are amazing. I...I'm sorry I left you with him back at the South Pole."
I can see her eyes flashing with sympathy and she walks closer, placing both her hands on my shoulders. "No, Y/N, don't apologise. I was the one who was being a massive jerk to you. I'm the one who owes you an apology. I was just being arrogant and immature with the whole "sides" thing. I'm really sorry."
My heart aches at her words, and I pull her into a fierce hug. We stay like that for a few moments and finally let go, gazing into each other's eyes with big smiles.
"I'm sorry too, Korra." Tenzin tells her, breaking the moment we were sharing. "Unalaq taught you how to transform dark spirits. I can't even get you into the Spirit World."
Korra is quick to respond to the airbender's self deprecating comments. "Everything Unalaq taught me was to help himself. Everything you've done was meant to help me. I am so sorry for turning my back on you as my mentor. I need you now more than ever."
Tenzin's face hardens. "I will not let you down."
They both exchange a quick hug. After the sweet moment is over, Tenzin walks closer to the centre of the meditation circle. "The ancient airbenders must have built this site. If we meditate here, we'll be able to enter the Spirit World."
"Why don't you go first?" Korra gently asks him. My heart warms as I hear Korra's compassionate words. She knows this means a lot to Tenzin.
"After all these years, my father's dream for me will finally come true." the airbender declares, his hope returning.
Lets do this.
It's gotten dark. Tenzin has been meditating for who knows how long now. I don't think it's working.
Bumi decides to have some little fun and begins poking his brother with a big stick. "You in the Spirit World yet?"
"No, I am not, and stop bothering me." Tenzin immediately snaps, airbending the stick away. His hope now replaced with frustration.
Man, I hate to see Tenzin like this. He doesn't deserve this.
"It's okay, Tenzin." Kya assures him. "Maybe you weren't meant to guide Korra into the Spirit World."
"No!" Tenzin responds, denying the reality of the situation. "Just give me some time."
Kya, however, is having none of it. "Stop being so stubborn. Its not your destiny. I think Jinora and Y/N were meant to guide the Avatar."
I mean...after all the spiritual stuff Jinora and I experienced...I guess that makes sense.
The idea of his daughter going into the Spirit World is understandably displeasing to Tenzin, though. "Jinora will not enter the Spirit World! Nor will Y/N! They are not ready for the dangers of the other side, but I am. I've spent years training, studying, and mastering everything there is to know about the Spirit World."
Oh...he was looking out for me to.
"Tenzin, we're running out of time." Korra warns the airbender.
The son of Aang is not listening despite Korra's warning. "If everyone could just be quiet and let me focus."
Before anyone can speak up, Jinora walks to her father and grabs his hand, comforting him. "Aunt Kya is right. Y/N and I can guide Korra into the Spirit World. I'll be all right. Y/N will be alright. We'll be fine."
Tenzin looks back to all of us, his eyes flashing with hurt but also...acceptance.
Finally, he turns back to his daughter. "Perhaps I will never have the connection with spirits like I always wanted...like my father wanted me to have."
Jinora wraps her father into a warm hug. "It's okay, daddy."
Tenzin reciprocates the hug, a smile forming on his face. "I'm proud of you." He turns back to Korra. "Go. Close the portal. We'll wait here and keep your bodies safe till you return." He glances at me. "Look out for my daughter."
I nod at the airbenders request. He sends a smile to me, one full of gratitude. Soon after that, Jinora, Korra, and I get into our meditative positions. We clear our minds, let our thoughts flow out like a river. I can feel a pull of some sort, intensifying each second. And, in a bright flash, it is done.
Spirit World, here we are.
And that's it! I hope you all enjoyed it! :D
Constructive criticism is always appreciated!
See you all in the next chapter!
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utahimesgf · 2 months
𝐀𝐓𝐋𝐀 & 𝐋𝐨𝐊 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 , 𝐡𝐜 & 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 (𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭!)
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ᥫ᭡ i was thinking.. since i am doing an event for james cameron avatar movies I & II , why not do the original avatar, as well as LoK? <3
ᥫ᭡ requests are open, characters + (some) prompts are listed below, feel free to request your own prompt/ideas/scenario’s and i will be more than happy to write it!!
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(୭౿ fluff / ᡣ𐭩 angst)
♥︎ - romance・★ - platonic・📥 - request・🗓️ - most recent
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rules are simple, please follow<3 love u!
I don't get to answering requests as often as I used to, so if i don't answer your request for a couple months don't worry, i will most likely get to it! If i don't ever answer your request, it probably accidentally got deleted so feel free to request it again!
things like Abuse, manipulation, references to sexual themes and mentions of gore will absolutely not be found on my blog.
They are tiggers for some people so it is an avoidance!
im not super selective with my requests, but I will only do the ones that i find i have motivation for- because i want to give you guys good fics!!
please do not copy, translate, transfer, or claim any of my work! If you would like to, please ask me. If i say yes, please give me credit.
WILLS ; Fem! reader, Fem! Character, male! character troupes; bffs to lovers, enemies to lovers, etc. Fluff, Angst, Hurt/comfort
WONTS ; Incest r/pe p3dophilia, male! reader poly relationships, e/him pronouns for reader, pregnancy
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༊*·˚ princess azula
only you - princess azula x fem! earthbender! reader📥 , ♥︎
red lipstick stains - princess azula x fem! maid! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , 🗓️
balance - azula x fem! waterbender! princess! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
turtle ducks - princess azula x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
show off! - princess azula x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ toph beifong
whispers in the dark - toph beifong x fem! firebender! reader 📥 , ᡣ𐭩 , 🗓️
seriously? - toph beifong x fem! non!bender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
past, but not future - toph beifong x fem! firebender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
the only one i see - toph beifong x fem! waterbender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
by your side - toph beifong x fem! nonbender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ katara
heartless - katara x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , ᡣ𐭩 (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ prince / fire lord zuko
the unfamiliarity of a gentle flame - prince zuko x fem! airbender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
promise - prince zuko x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ suki
my kind of woman - suki x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ sokka
༊*·˚ ty lee
༊*·˚ mai
༊*·˚ avatar korra
༊*·˚ asami sato
༊*·˚ bolin
༊*·˚ mako
༊*·˚ lin beifong
༊*·˚ kya
༊*·˚ kuvira
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of course, these are only some prompts. You can request headcannons you want and also scenarios! once again, request are open!!
"i can't pretend anymore."
"you need to know that i have grown to care for you. deeply."
"i've loved you since the moment i first laid my eyes on you."
"you deserve to know."
"it's you. it's always been you."
"are you really so oblivious?"
"there isn't anything that i wouldn't do for you."
"I was made to love you."
“I cannot bare to be apart from you anymore."
"please. please just listen to me."
"don't make me say it. i can't say the words."
"you are all i can think about."
"'I can't fathom the idea of my life without you in it."
"i dream of you. all i do, is dream of you."
"i am so very in love with you."
"is it so obvious how infatuated i am?"
"for years i have yearned for you, in secrecy and silence."
"we have just met and yet it feels like i have known you for a lifetime."
“you are everything. everything."
"it hurts me, just how much i ache for you."
"i don't know if i can't bring myself to speak it."
"I know that this is not what you want to hear..."
"after everything you've done, i still love you. with all i am."
"it's true."
"i cannot stand you, and yet i also cannot stand to be away from you."
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atlasthegreatest · 10 months
- Atlas Masterlist - [Requests are open]
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▪️Male reader
▫️Female reader
🔲 Gender neutral
🔳 Male/ Female Oc
Avatar: The Legend Of Korra:
Asami Sato:
🔳 - War of Hearts- I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, XI, X
Avatar Korra
Lin Beifong
Iron II
Suyin Beifong
Percy Jackson:
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Jason Grace
Thalia Grace
Piper McLean
Leo Vasquez
Hazel Levesque
Nico DiAngelo
Sally Jackson
Silena Beauregard
Drew Tanaka
Harry Potter :
Hermione Granger
Harry Potter
Narcissa Black
Lily Evans
Bellatrix Black
Narcissa Black
Ginny Weasley
Fleur Delacour
Penny Haywood :
- Baby Problems
James Potter
Cassandra Vole:
▪️- Unexpected Surprises
Sirius Black
Sidney Prescott :
- ▪️ Flight or Figth
Tara Carpenter
Gale Weathers
Sam Carpenter
Fairy Tail:
Erza Scarlet
Natsu Dragneel
Grey Fullbuster
Lucy Heartfilia :
🔲 - Friends…? Friends.
Mirajane Strauss
Laxus Dreyar
Juvia Lockser
Irene Belserion
Attack On Titan:
Mikasa Ackerman:
-▫️ Fake It ‘Till You Break It - I
Eren Yeager
Historia Reiss
Annie Leonheart
Pieck Finger
Jean Kriestean
Sasha Broast
Hange Zoe
Marvel Universe:
Natasha Romanoff
Laura Kinney
Jean Grey
Emma Frost
Wanda Maximoff
Maria Hill
Cindy Moon:
▪️ The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant
Gwen Stacy
Felicia Hardy
DC Universe:
Cassandra Cain:
▪️The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant
Helena Bertinelli
Barbara Gordon
Dick Grayson
Poison Ivy
Kara Zor-El
Wonder Woman
Cassandra Sandsmark
The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals:
Caroline Forbes
Katherine Pierce
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshal
Bonnie Bennett
Hope Mikaelson
Davina Clare
Freya Mikaelson
The Witcher:
Cirilla of Cintra
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Elain Archeron
Throne of Glass:
Aelin Galathynius :
- 🔳 In Each Others Arms
Rowan Whitethorne
Manon Blackbeack
Elide Lorchan
Navier Trovi :
- 🔳 Honor me of this dance
Penelope Eckart
Samantha Wilkins/ Atom Eve
Mark Grayson /Invincible
Fate: The Winx Saga
Choi Namra
Daphne Blake
Iori Utahime
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bbkissme99 · 3 months
Iroh II recs
Iroh II x Y/N: A Wholesome Love Story
Oh Baby- General Iroh II x Reader drabble
welcome home. (iroh ii x f!reader)
Imagine having morning tea with General Iroh II
eader is sue beifongs eldest daughter and iroh has always liked her but y/n being headstrong needs a little nudge from friends and family
general iroh and kya’s daughter wedding piece
Kinktober HC
shower sex
trick or treat
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grapefruitflavoured · 3 years
heres a fluff kya x lin x reader fic :)
i had way too much fun writing this skajdkajdj
(fic under the cut)
this is for @mmm-cheif-beifong
you woke up to what you swore was something out of a movie. the window was open, the sounds of birds and wind drifting in through thin white curtains. you were lying in bed, sheets tangled at your legs and clothes scattered the floor. you lay naked with someone still asleep lying on top of you. her silver hair tickled your face and her breaths hot against your neck. her bare chest pressed against yours, one of her legs falling between yours.
this. this was the best way to wake up, you decided. you wanted to stay here forever. well, forever meaning a few more minutes. the smell of pancakes caught your attention and you werent going to miss breakfast.
as carefully as you could, you untangled yourself from the sheets and slid out from under kya.
now this was definitely something straight out of a magazine.
the bedroom was still dark, the only light coming through the curtains perfectly cast onto the bed where kya slept. she was lying on her stomach, her hair sprawled out and falling over her face. the sheet barely covered around her hips and one of her arms was thrown out, her hand hanging off the bed.
you stood and watched her sleep, wanting nothing more than to wake her up with kisses and tell her how beautiful she is.
but pancakes await.
the room was dark enough and you were tired enough that double checking you had grabbed the right shirt and underwear didnt cross your mind.
you opened the bedroom door, almost blinded by the hall lights. you rubbed your eyes and blinked a few times as you made your way to the kitchen. 
lin was standing in a white tank top and pyjama bottoms with her hair tied back in a pony tail. she picked up the pan and flipped the pancake in a swift motion (you never understood how she learned to do that)
she saw you and set the pan back down, "hello" she smiled. lin was not by any means a morning person so seeing her awake, making breakfast and in a good mood? if you werent still so tired, you'd be more concerned and ask who took your girlfriend and replaced her with this woman.
instead, you groaned and dropped your head onto lin's shoulder.
you closed your eyes and listened to sizzle of the pan, taking in the scents of the food and lin (she smelled faintly of metal, vanilla and kya)
"nice shirt" lin comments after a minute
"hm?" you stand back and look down to see 'rcpd' written across the front of your shirt and 'cheif' printed smaller below.
"it looks better on you"
"what can I say, you have great taste in clothes" she smiled again and turned back to the stove.
her smile. lin hated being called cute but that smile could only be described as cute and anyone lucky enough to see it would agree.
you leaned over the counter, resting your chin on your hand and watched lin flip more pancakes and add them to the stack on a plate.
it was hard not to stare when lin stretched her arms over her head and her tank top rode up. the waistband of her pants sat low on her hips, showing the dimples on her lower back and her freckles.
lin put the plate of pancakes in the middle of the table and sat down with a coffee and today's newspaper.
"'morning" lin called as kya shuffled into the kitchen. she had put her hair in a loose braid and was wearing her own top with lin's boxers.
"why cant you two wear your own clothes" lin said, gesturing at you and kya with her fork.
kya waved her hand and mumbled "share the wealth" earning a soft laugh from lin.
kya came up behind you, wrapped her arms around your waist and rested her chin on your shoulder. you leaned into kya's touch as she ran her index fingers up the sides of your thighs.
she hooked her fingers around the waistband of your underwear and mumbled into your neck "i think you have something of mine"
you looked down to once again see that you were not wearing your own clothes.
you tilted your head back to see her face "do you want them back?" you teased, moving your hips so the underwear shifted down a bit.
she grinned and opened her mouth to respond, but not before lin cut her off, without looking up from the paper "not at the table"
kya moved towards lin, keeping her hand on the small of your back "aww what's the matter lin? are you jealous" she teased, drawing out the last word
"wh- what? kya its 9am."
"but look at them" kya pouted, holding your face "who am I to say no" you stuck out your bottom lip and fought back a laugh. lin's face was beyond beet red, you could almost feel the heat coming off from where you stood.
"please" you whined, knowing full well what it did to lin
she shifted in her chair and turned the page of the newspaper, trying hard not to give in
you smirked and pulled her chair out, bending down unnecessarily close and letting your lips ghost her ear.
you gently pulled the paper from lin's hands and lifted a leg over her lap to straddle her.
"I was reading that" lin grumbled, but made no effort to get it back
"we have something more exciting to do" kya licked her lip as she walked to stand behind the chair
"can I at least have something to eat"
"i mean-" you spread your legs wider and nodded down, knowing lin got the suggestion when she bit her lip and turned to hide her face
kya slid her hands down lins front, "our linny is all flustered" she whispered to you
lin frowned and suddenly she stood up angrily, almost knocking you backwards. without saying a word she went into the bedroom, you heard a few drawers slam and clattering of what you hoped wasnt something breaking.
you and kya looked at each other, worried you had gone to far until lin yelled, "well are you coming or not?"
extended (smut) version on ao3 :)
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hesther-mcg · 4 years
prompt 6: “i saved you, but you couldn’t save me.”
pairing: kya II x reader 
warnings: uhh this be kinda sad 
a/n: i’m slightly struggling with writing such short pieces but it’s good practice so oh well 
“I’m sorry,” Kya sobbed, chest aching. 
“I saved you, but you couldn’t save me.” Your voice echoed as your surroundings darkened. 
“I know, I’m sorry!” She screamed, hands tugging harshly at her hair. “I tried, I tried and I wish it was me!” Tears streamed down her face as she rocked back and forth. 
Kya jolted awake, eyes swollen and throat scratchy. The space beside her was empty, unsurprisingly, and a new batch of tears rolled down her cheeks. It seemed that the nightmares never really ended when she woke up. 
Because you weren’t there, and she blamed herself. 
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fyregrayfong · 3 years
Lin/reader; Lin/Kya II - 🎈 Who makes jokes during inappropriate times?
Honestly, all three do. Lin and Reader would joke during the most depressing times. It's not from a place to be funny. It's just how they cope. They both do well with dark humor. Kya would crack a joke when things go serious or get awkward.
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azulatte · 3 years
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"Writing Prompts: Lin // Kya // Kyalin × Reader Edition"
thank you @beifong-enthusiast for giving me the great idea of writing these down.
if anyone's interested, you can use them, just tag me so i can see your work! maybe i'll write some of these too so tell me what you think.
you and lin join suyin on one of her dance classes, turns out... lin's actually pretty good at it.
you're used to laughing of your own mental health issues and yourself, lin gets tired of it, she thinks it's something to be taken seriously, she cares a lot, she loves you more than anything and gets mad because, usually, she would stop people from harming you, but how can she stop you from bullying... yourself? (it ends up with a mental breakdown, cuddles and lin telling you how unique and perfect you are in her eyes).
dancing with lin, but it's not only slow music, it's also fun and sweet. think swing, jazz, all from the 30s.
it's a modern au, you're teaching lin how to play videogames, she says it's a waste of time, but she's lowkey trying her best to be good at them because they make you happy, and she wants to see you smile.
this prompt from @alphabetaus: "i decorated the hallways with halloween decorations and the next morning you took them all down?? what the hell, where’s your halloween spirit?", you and lin are neighbours, you can imagine who is who.
you're lin's neighbor and your parties are just too loud for her taste, you invite her to stay and you two end up having a really... really good time.
you're babysitting tenzin's kids, you're trying to read some fairytales but lin keeps on corrupting them all, you give up and create your own version of them too, the kids love it (think of that scene from daria).
you get a pet, lin is not happy.
you yell at tenzin for literally everything he did to lin, it comes of as a joke... but it's pretty obvious that deep, d e e p down, you're being dead serious about it. she deserves better.
accidental double date with korrasami at a fancy restaurant, lin and korra are extremely awkward about it.
picking strawberries with kya, walking in the sun, you just can't stop thinking about how beautiful she looks.
you go to the worst restaurants in republic city with kya, it ends up with a lot of... puke and sweat. but hey! at least you had a lot of fun! ...maybe this isn't the best moment for you to confess your feelings, or is it?
korra comes to you and kya, the lesbian goddesses of the team the only lesbians she knows, for advice on how to invite asami on a date.
young kya's painting your nails to match hers, you're in her room, really really close to each other.
kya is trying to teach you how to swim, but you're scared of the deep waters.
kya teaching you about the water tribes' culture, we love education.
you went to get a stupid tattoo with kya and bumi, you and kya forget about it so you get matching meaningful tattoos. two hours later bumi shows up with the original tattoo in the middle of his forehead.
you're from a village kya loves to visit. you're positively in love with her: you always get so excited when she comes, you bring her flowers, let her stay with you, all with the hopes of her finally staying and reciprocating your feelings, but she's about to leave again, and you just can't keep on with it. you know she's not a fan of commitment, but you just need to try, you tell her about your feelings. maybe kya leaves anyways, maybe she confesses her fears, maybe she leaves... with you.
lin: "did none of you, think this was a bad idea?!" kya: "oh no, we all did. we just decided to do it anyway" or kya, reader, bumi and the gang do something really stupid and went to jail for it.
kya and the reader tell lin about all the conspiracy theories they believe in, and they just get worse and worse, lin is exhausted.
they're cutting your hair in the bathroom, but they don't really know how to do it correctly. could also work with makeup, but we all know they're both good with it. in this case, make them discuss who's better at it.
the three of you buy a new house, now you have to carry the boxes, paint the walls and organize everything, what could possibly go wrong?
pirate! lin + mermaid! you & kya.
roadtrip with kyalin: you're driving, lin gets sick and is about to throw up, kya's been singing the same three songs way too loud for way too long, you're this 👌🏼 close to ending it all.
uwu you and kya stawt tawking to win [read: lin] wike this and shwe doesw't wike it at aww uwu.
having an 'only yes' day with lin and kya, the three of you are only allowed to answer yes to yes and no questions... do i really have to explain it? i just know it'll be messy.
lin's birthday party... it's also a mess.
you and kya take care of lin after she comes home from a really bad day at work, you wash her dishes, kya helps her change clothes, you both help her get a bath, nothing nsfw, just pure worry for her well being.
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not-all-dead · 3 years
#27: Kya x reader
thank you :3
prompt #27 - “Kiss me.”
eeeeee very very fluff ty for this :))
You’d been seeing Kya for two weeks, though with her working at the hospital, the two of you hadn’t had much time together. You’d convinced her to take this weekend off, and you could already tell how relieved she was. She was lounging on the sofa when you came in.
You walked over to her and sat on the floor by the arm of the couch where her head was resting. She leaned over the back, accidentally hitting your head with her own. You pulled back to look at her while you both laughed, twisting so you could look at her. Her piercing blue eyes gazed into yours, a goofy smile still decorating each of your faces.
She suddenly flipped herself completely so she was on her stomach with her chin resting on the arm of the couch. You crossed your legs and leaned towards her, tilting your head to one side like a puppy.
“I told you taking the weekend off would be good for you,” You said.
“Mhmm, I admit, I am enjoying it so far,” Kya looked more relaxed than you’d ever seen her, and you smiled at the idea that she was at ease in your presence.
The radio was playing softly from the other side of the room, and neither of you had been paying it any attention. That is, until Kya heard her favourite song start playing. She jumped up from the couch, then grabbed your hand and pulled you onto your feet. Her eyes were sparkling and her smile seemed impossibly large.
“Let’s dance!” She exclaimed, twirling you under her arm.
You chuckled, following her lead through the open but cluttered room. She danced the two of you across the room, pausing only to turn up the volume on the radio. She took your hands again, continuing to swirl you around the room in a beautifully chaotic manner. Your feet fell into a rhythm, and before you knew it the song was over.
You collapsed on the couch together, a mess of panting and giggles. You lay there for a minute, catching your breath. Kya reached for your hand, holding it firmly until both of your breathing had returned to normal.
She sat up, scooting slightly closer to you. You straightened yourself up to be more on her level, and shifted to look her in the face. Her eyes had changed, now burning with an intensity you’d not noticed before. Her smile was gone, but she didn’t look unhappy. Her lips were slightly parted, and you watched her gaze flit between your eyes and lips.
You sat there silently, the radio still playing behind her, until she finally spoke.
“Kiss me,” Kya said, her voice barely more than a whisper.
You felt the corners of your mouth lift as you leaned towards her, pressing your lips together. The kiss was hesitant and brief, but it was wonderful nonetheless. You pulled away in a haze, your heart pounding in your chest. Kya had a look on her face that matched how you felt.
“You’re incredible,” You breathed.
She looked away and chuckled, her cheeks reddening ever so slightly.
“I’m so glad I met you. You make everything else disappear, and you make me feel so calm, so… at home. I know we haven’t been seeing each other for that long, but… ” She looked back at you on the last word.
“I feel the same way,” You said before pulling her into another kiss.
You lay in the bed, Kya’s sleeping form curled up next to you. You could feel the steady ins and outs of her breath, her warmth tucked into your side. You never wanted it to end, and were secretly hoping she’d retire soon. You knew she wouldn’t, but you thought that maybe you could bring her to the compromise of taking every weekend off.
She shifted beside you, her arm finding its way around your waist and pulling you closer to her. Her head snuggled into your shoulder and her hair spread across the pillow. You placed a soft kiss of her forehead, not wanting to wake her.
“I love you,” You whispered, just before drifting off yourself.
list of prompts
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thislotuseater · 3 years
Okay so imagine this:
Based on Grey's Anatomy, the reader had a one-night stand with Kya without knowing she's her boss as the chief of the Republic City Hospital. The reader begins her internship at the very same hospital and they start dating in secret...
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randomwritingguy · 2 years
The Myth of Y/N (Korra x Reader UNREQUITED) Part 13
I can feel the slight ray of sunshine on me as the dawn begins. I am standing out on the plain white field as I take in the scenery before me, trying to remember all of the details. Not going to lie, I feel pretty nervous. While it will be great hanging out with Tenzin and his family, it still doesn't change the fact that I'm going to be the only Team Avatar member there. Oh well, maybe its for the best. It's time I be more independent after all, plus I think the distance between Korra and I will allow her to cool off. Besides, she's got the rest of our friends for support and her uncle as her spiritual mentor. She'll be fine.
As I try to take in all of the scenery, I feel big arms surrounding my waist as I am lifted up into the air with a tight embrace.
"I'm gonna miss you so much, Y/N!" I hear Bolin shouting, his voice drowned by what sounds like crying.
Oh no, if he's crying then I might cry too.
"Hey, Bolin, come on." I calmly tell him as a form of comfort. "This isn't a goodbye forever or anything. I'm only going to be gone for a short while, or even sooner than that. I'll be back before you even notice I'm gone."
I hear the earthbender quietly sniffing as he gently places me back down. I turn around and see his eyes red from crying, with tear tracks evident on his face.
Oh spirits, please don't cry.
"I know." Bolin solemnly agrees. "But Team Avatar won't be the same way without you!"
Dammit, I see tears blurring my vision a bit.
I wipe my small tears away, and give him a warm smile. "Thanks, man. Team Avatar will be back together soon. Try not to get into too much trouble, and please stay away from Eska."
Bolin wipes his own tears away and sends me a smile of his own. "Heh, don't worry, I'll be fine with the Eska situation. Try not to get too bored at the temples."
I chuckle at his joke. "I won't."
We both embrace into a even tighter hug, dragging the moment out as long as we can.
"I'll miss you." I whisper.
"I'll miss you too." he sends back.
We both let go and behind Bolin I see Korra, Mako, Asami, and Kyuni approaching us.
I walk up to them, sending them a teasing smile. "Bet you're all here to celebrate once I'm out of your hairs, right?"
Everyone, with the exception of Korra, chuckles at my joke.
Kyuni rushes and embraces me into a fierce hug, even tighter than Bolin's. "Please be careful, you idiot."
I chuckle at her light-hearted insult and reciprocate her hug. "It's just temples, Kyuni. Nothing dangerous."
She pulls back, staring right into my eyes, and chuckles. "You know what I'm like."
The firebender kisses me on the cheek and walks away to Bolin. As I clear my throat and attempt to ignore the flush of my cheeks I walk up to Asami. As we embrace into a hug and pull back I place my hand on her shoulder. "Asami, you hold all of the braincells of Team Avatar. Make sure you keep an eye out for them, okay?"
Asami giggles in response, amused by my joke. "I will. Have fun."
I nod and walk up to Mako. "Hey, can we talk alone for a bit?"
The cop looks confused by my request but relents, and we walk away from the rest of our friends. As we get out of hearing range from them, I place a hand on his shoulder and give him a serious look. "First off, look out for Bolin with the Eska thing, okay? Trust me, she's bad news."
The firebender nods at my request. "Yeah, I will. Korra said something similar to me yesterday during the festival. I'll keep an eye on them."
I hum in approval. "Good. And, I know I don't need to tell you this, but also look out for Korra. I know she can be frustrating at times, but she'll need you now more than ever."
"Of course." Mako immediately responds. "I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I didn't look out for her."
I ignore the knots tightening within my stomach and let go of his shoulder. "Thanks, man. I'm gonna miss you."
Mako sends me a small smile. "Gonna miss you too, Y/N."
We both clasp our hands together and nod at each other in response to our words.
After him and I let go, I finally walk up to Korra. She is still not looking at me, her gaze focused on the snowy floor. There is a slight frown on her face but I can see that her eyes contain a hint of sadness despite her attempts to hide it.
"So," I begin slowly, processing over what I should say next, "this is goodbye for now."
Korra looks away, the back of her head facing me. "Yeah, bye." she says, her voice rough and sharp.
I sigh. Dammit. I hope we could at least leave on good terms.
"Yeah, goodbye." I reply with utter melancholy and walk away from her.
Dammit. I hoped that we would at least leave on good terms.
"Y/N? We're ready."
The voice snaps me out of my thoughts as I turn to see Tenzin, the rest of his family on Oogi behind him.
I sigh, and look back to everyone. The tears I'm trying so hard to fight have long since won the battle as they are pouring down my cheeks.
"See you later, everyone." I tell them, my voice croaky from the tears.
Everyone except Korra waves me bye as I hop onto the saddle on Oogi with the rest of Tenzin's family. As the bison flies into the sky and my friends get further and further away, I feel a wave of uneasiness wash over me.
You got this, Y/N. You got this.
It took ages to reach the Air Temple but it looks like we are finally here. I didn't speak much for most of the ride as I was trying, and failing, to fall asleep. Oh well.
I gaze into the distance and, as the clouds slowly disappear, I see the ever approaching Southern Air Temple, former home of Avatar Aang. And what a sight it is. A huge tower reaching to the tips of the sky, vines and the rest of Mother Nature surrounding the buildings as their greenness brings even more life to the buildings around them. It's beautiful, no wonder Avatar Aang loved it so much.
"There it is," Tenzin announces to all of us, his excitement present, "the Southern Air Temple! Isn't it magnificent?"
The Air kids squeal in excitement, jumping up and down in joy. I chuckle at their antics and at the corner of my eye I see Bumi and Kya doing the same.
I turn back towards the temple and marvel at its beauty. "Yeah...it is magnificent."
Oogi finally lands at our destination and we all begin to get of him. I begin stretching my arms and back in relief. Damn, I have been sitting on the seal for too long. Whilst Tenzin, Pema, and their children begin greeting the Air Acolytes residing the temple, I start helping Bumi and Kya carry all of the supplies and luggage we brought with us.
Kya passes us the final bits of items, but it is too heavy for Bumi and I. Seriously, what did Tenzin pack in these things? If I carry any more I feel like my arms are going to fall off!
Bumi notices our struggle too as he glances at an Air Acolyte near us. "Excuse me, a little help here."
The Air Acolyte turns to face us, broom in her hand, with confusion painted across her features. "Sorry, I thought you were the servants."
Seriously? For real?
The retired commander and the healer's face scrunch up in annoyance and no doubt my face does the same too. Bumi speaks up, frustration dripping in his tone of voice. "Servants?! This young adult right here is the Chi-Blocker Y/N and the Avatar's best friend, and we're Tenzin's brother and sister!"
The Air Acolyte leans forward immediately, her eyes wide and jaw down to the floor in shock. "Avatar Aang had other children?! The world is filled with more airbenders?!"
That pisses me off a bit and I lean forward myself. "No, they're not. You're talking to a retired commander of the United Forces and one of the best healers in the world! Show some respect!"
The Acolyte jumps back, her face flushed with embarrassment. "I-I'm so sorry! I meant no disrespect! Let-Let me help you with that!"
I pass her a couple of the luggage and she immediately begins to walk away from us, quickening her steps every second.
I sigh at the scene before me as I rearrange some of the objects I'm carrying. I turn back to Bumi and Kya. "Sorry about that."
I see their faces have a hint of surprise in them but it quickly vanishes. "It's alright." Kya nonchalantly tells me, waving her hand around. "We're used to it."
My eyes widen at that revelation. No way this is true, surely. "Seriously? That happens a lot?"
Bumi sighs heavily. "Very rarely, but it does happen. Tenzin was and is the more famous one out of the two of us, he always had the spotlight."
I notice a hint of jealously and frustration in his tone. "I know this is not any of my business but...are things okay with you two and Tenzin?"
The two siblings trade looks with one another and then back to me. "Yeah, mostly." Kya finally responds.
I raise my eyebrow with doubt. "Mostly?"
"Well," Bumi draws out, hesitant on what to say, "it's just Tenzin always had the most attention from our dad out of the three of us because he was an airbender."
My eyes widen at this. Avatar Aang had favourites? No way.
"Avatar Aang favourited Tenzin?" I bluntly ask them, curious to know the answer.
The sibilings eyes widen at my question, perhaps out of shock of my bluntness.
"No, no, no!" Kya quickly responds. "Not exactly. We know he loved us all equally and we mostly had a good relationship with him, but he often took Tenzin on trips without us and paid most attention to him because of Air Nomad stuff. It made Bumi and I sometimes feel like...afterthoughts."
"Oh." I mutter in response. I see Bumi and Kya's faces with a hint of sadness. "Well, does Tenzin know?"
Bumi sarcastically laughs at my question. "Please, he still thinks our father could do no wrong. He thinks he was some perfect angel."
I frown at this. So Tenzin doesn't know any of this? Damn.
"I see." I simply respond. "Like I know I said this is none of my business, and I won't interfere or anything, but maybe later you should talk to him about it?
I instantly regret asking that since I have no right to but in to their business, but thankfully it seems like Kya and Bumi really listened to me as they trade looks again. "We'll think about it." Kya finally replies after what seems to be a long-minute of silence.
I nod at the healer's response and turn to look at Tenzin who is talking to the Air Acolytes.
Looks like Tonraq and Unalaq's complicated relationship isn't the only family drama present after all.
I am currently walking around the Temple with Tenzin and Jinora and seeing so many interesting things about Air Nomadic Culture. We were shown the games Air Nomads used to play like airball. Apparently Avatar Aang was a master at the game and bested Chief Sokka when they were kids during the Hundred Year War. We also went to where the Bisons were kept and how they were treated. They're so cute!
I snaps out of my thoughts as we enter a room full of statues.
Wait...is this what I think it is?
"Wow. The Statue Room." Jinora lets out, amazement in her voice.
"This is the room of all the previous Avatars, right?" I ask the airbending master.
"You are both correct." Tenzin confirms. "The most sacred place in the entire Southern Air Temple. Here you will find all the statues of every Avatar who ever lived."
Amazing. I look up and see that the statues go on for ages and ages. Damn, how many Avatars were there?
I glance at my right and see that Tenzin is looking all over the place, eyes wide as ever. "Jinora, where are your brother and sister?!"
Oh yeah, where did they run off to-
Suddenly I feel a gusts of wind right behind me, as I turn around and see Meelo and Ikki racing each other on air scooters. Oh dear, this will not end well.
Meelo, on the other hand, thinks otherwise. "You can't catch me! I'm the greatest air skater of all time!"
As soon as he finishes his sentence, however, he immediately collides with a statue, breaking a portion of it instantly.
Shit! That can't be good.
"Meelo!" Tenzin lets out and rushes over to his children to deal with the situation.
I chuckle at the whole scene playing out before me. I look back at my right to joke about it with Jinora, only to see her walking up to...
To Avatar Aang's statue. Jinora's grandfather.
I slowly approach the young airbender who appears to be staring at it a lot. Odd.
"You okay, Jinora?" I ask her.
Looks like she was zoned out or something because my question startles her back into reality, and she turns to look at me, surprise in her eyes.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, Y/N. I'm fine." Jinora quickly responds and proceeds to look back at Aang's statue.
I stand next to her, observing the statue with her. "Is this the first time you've ever seen your grandfather's appearence?"
"No." Jinora replies. "Dad showed me an old picture of Grandpa Aang during the early years of Republic City. I just didn't think he would be so tall."
I chuckle at her point. Yeah, if these statues are accurate to the Avatar's height then yeah, Aang was really super tall. "That's a fair observation." I remark. "I saw a picture of Avatar Aang with his friends in a book I read once. They looked really happy."
Jinora hums in acknowledgement. "Dad always said that while he always took his duty as the Avatar seriously, he always carried a smile and a sense of fun with him whenever he was with his family."
My mind flashes back to what Bumi and Kya said about their...complicated...relationship with their father. I shake my head of those thoughts. I shouldn't get involved in another family's affairs like this.
"Do you sometimes wonder what it would be like to meet your grandfather?" I ask her, curiosity in my voice.
Jinora looks down for reasons I do not know. Finally, she responds. "At times, yes. I...no, it's stupid."
I tilt my head in confusion. "No, no. Go on. I'm sure it's not stupid." I reassure her.
The young airbender takes a deep breath and then lets it out. "I sometimes wonder if...if he would be proud of me or not."
I tilt my head in confusion even more. "What makes you think he won't be proud of you?"
"It's just Grandpa Aang got his tattoos when he was twelve years old." Jinora responds, her reluctance evident in her tone of voice. "I'm nearly at his age and I'm, I don't know, just worried that if I don't get my tattoos at his age then I wouldn't be good enough or something."
I mouth slightly opens in surprise. Wow, I never knew she thought of herself like that.
"Jinora, you are amazing at airbending" I respond with confidence. "Tattoos or no tattoos, that won't change anything. Did your father get tattoos when he was Aang's age?
Jinora still looks doubtful. "Well, no. But-"
"-No buts." I interrupt her. "Look, I don't know Avatar Aang but, from what you told me and from what I read and heard from others, it sounds like he would be proud of you no matter what. You and your other siblings. He wouldn't care if you didn't get tattoos at his age."
The young airbender looks hopeful, and that hope transforms into confidence and gratitude. "Thanks, Y/N. You are really good with this advice stuff."
I chuckle back and send her a small smile. "Yeah, I know."
She snickers at my response and we remain silent for a moment.
"So..."Jinora starts again, but this time it has a hint of mischievousness, "you and Kyuni, huh?"
I groan loudly at her question and look up at the ceiling. "We are not having this discussion."
Jinora laughs at my response. "Really? I see the way she looks at you."
Wait what?
I snap back at her with wide eyes. "She...she looks at me like what?!"
"Oh, so now you're interested?" Jinora replies whilst simultaneously smirking.
I scoff at her question, my annoyance growing. "Just answer the question."
She chuckles again, clearly amused by my reaction. "If you haven't noticed Kyuni's love eyes at you then you really are oblivious."
I gape for a bit, and then close my mouth. "You're joking. You got to be."
Jinora smirks again. "If you say so. But, if I were you, I would make a move as soon as possible."
"I don't like her like that! First Korra, now you!" I exclaim, my frustration at its peak.
"Sure." The young airbender sarcastically replies, her amusement growing.
I sigh heavily and drag my hands down my face. "You know, you are just as much trouble as Meelo and Ikki!"
Jinora's face warps into somewhat of a half-offended look. "I am not!"
I chuckle at the tables turning. "If you say so." I say, throwing the airbenders' words back into her face. "Seriously, you act all nice and then you-"
I stop myself mid sentence in reaction of...something. I don't know how to really explain the feeling but...it's like there's some...force...surrounding me. And that force is pulling my attention to-
"-You feel that, too?" Jinora asks me, concern in her voice. Huh, looks like she feels it too.
I nod slowly, and we both turn our heads towards what this...force...was pointing at...
At what?
That force...it's gone.
That was...weird.
"What was that?" the young airbender asks me, curiosity and nervousness intertwined.
I stay silent for a while. What the hell was that?
"Ah, there you two are."
We both turn to our sides to see Tenzin along with Ikki and Meelo, the latter slightly injured from crashing into a statue. "Jinora, I'm going to take Meelo to your Aunt Kya to heal him and Ikki is coming too. Do you want to come with us as well?"
I see Jinora glancing at me for a split second at the corner of my eye before giving her attention to her father. "I think I'm going to stay for a bit longer."
Tenzin nods at his daughter's response. "Very well. Y/N, would it be fine if you keep an eye on Jinora while she's looking at the statues?"
I flash a thumb's up to the airbending master. "Of course it would be fine. No trouble at all."
I see Tenzin's face soften slightly, obviously grateful with the action. "Thank you. I'll see you two in a bit."
When Tenzin, Meelo, and Ikki finally walk just enough out of ear shot, Jinora turns to look at me. Its clear she is just as curious and slightly freaked out as I am about what just happened. Seriously, what the hell was that?
"Do you have any idea what that was?" Jinora asks me.
I stroke my chin as I try desperately to come up with a answer...but I got nothing.
"I have absolutely no idea what that was." I simply telling her. No point lying about it.
The airbender sighs in frustration at the situation. "Should we tell my father about this?"
Hmm. Now this is...complicated. Normally I would tell Tenzin, but what would we say? Hey, Tenzin, I felt some weird force pointing me somewhere but all of a sudden it disappeared? Oh and Jinora felt it too? We would look bit strange. Plus we have no idea what it was.
Finally coming up with an answer, I turn back to Jinora. "I think it would be best if we kept this to ourselves for now. Not only we have no idea that that whole thing was about but we would look crazy. If it happens again then we'll tell him."
Jinora looks slightly surprised initially by my response but then relaxes. "Yeah, okay. I think that would be for the best."
I nod in confirmation. "Great. Now lets get out of here. This place is starting to give me the creeps a little bit."
We both start walking out of the room. We thought we were going into this room looking for new knowledge...
...but instead we left with nothing but questions.
No, not again. Please not again.
Please, don't do this.
No! Not now!
I leap forward out of my bead, sweat all over my face and my heart racing.
Dammit. Not another nightmare. This is the seventh time in these past six months.
I close my eyes and try to take deep breaths in order to calm myself. Breath in, breath out. Breathe in, breath out. Breathe-
I stop my actions entirely.
I feel it again.
That...force. That...pull I felt earlier today, stronger than ever before.
Okay, now it's getting even weirder. Its time I investigate this.
I exit my small bedroom and beginning following that pull, only to find a few moments later that Jinora is doing the exact same thing, as I see her walking down the hallway up ahead.
"Jinora?" I quietly call out as I try not to wake the others up.
She stops and turns around, and the sleepy expression on her face morphs into surprise. "Y/N? You feel it too?"
I nod in confirmation. "Yeah. This is getting really weird. Let's just find whatever this thing is pointing at."
This force leads us right back to the statue room again. However, unlike last time, it leads us to a specific Avatar statue. And...it looks pretty unique compared to the rest. Not only does it look extremely old but it appears that the Avatar is surrounded by loops, similar to the water loops Unalaq created to calm the spirit, and behind it there's a...kite? I don't know. But whatever this kite is it has an eye. A spirit, maybe? Did this specific Avatar have a greater spiritual connection compared to the others?
I hear Jinora gasp next to me. Looks like she saw it too.
"What Avatar is this?" the young airbender asks me, her surprise still evident.
I walk closer to it, inspecting every element of the statue. "I'm not sure. It looks a lot older when compared to the other statues."
I try and look for a name or something to indicate who that was but...nothing. Seriously? Who makes statues of Avatars and doesn't include their names? Whose idea was that?
Suddenly, out of nowhere, the statue begins to glow a bright gold colour. I jump back, shocked and amazed by the scene playing out before us. Jinora is spell-bounded, locked in place as she gazes at the statue.
Then, just as soon as it began, the glow vanishes, and the statue is back to its lifeless state as before.
What...what the in the spirits just happened?
Jinora and I look at each other with wide eyes, mouths open.
"What just happened?" Jinora asks, speaking up after what seemed like an eternity of silence.
After recovering from...that, I reply to her question. "I...I don't know. But that...force...led us to it. It wanted to show us this statue. That statue has to be connected to it."
Jinora hums in agreement. "Yeah, I think you're right. Should we tell my father about this?"
I stay silent for a while, thinking over the best course of action. I am having a meditation session with Tenzin later on today, actually. I think that's the perfect time to tell him about everything.
I nod as a response to her question. "I'm going to tell him later on at my meditation session. Hopefully he will be able to answer our questions. For now, let's just not mention this to anyone. Okay?"
"Okay." Jinora simply replies, her decision quickly made.
We both look at the statue one more time and then walk back to our respective rooms.
There is something going on here. This isn't some normal spiritual stuff. Something big is coming, I feel it. And it looks like Jinora and I are connected to it somehow. But why? And what for?
I just hope we find out soon...before it's too late.
And that's it! Once again, thank you so much for the patience! I really hope you enjoyed the latest chapter! Constructive criticism is always appreciated.
See you all in the next chapter! :D
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sokkascroptop · 3 years
Hi there! Hope you’re well and taking care of yourself💖 I just recently got back into Atla and forgot how amazing it was! I’ve been on a fic bender the last month or so and I’m pretty much convinced I’ve read almost everything😂 I want to start writing my own fics soon and was looking for some advice! 1. What’s the fandom like? Are they generally accepting and kind? 2. Do you have any Atla blogs you recommend following? 3. What are some of your favourite fics? Thank you so much, love your blog and your work💕
hi there!! how exciting!! i’m actually basically on my own fic bender myself after not reading any on ao3 for months >:)
1. tbh i don’t really participate in fandom type things. Where I see controversy I turn right back around. I truly just write/post my little fics and only interact with a small circle of friends I’ve met on here. There are always going to be complaints about what people ship and don’t ship and it’s all really dumb to me–maybe because I’m older than a good majority of the fandom. I don’t know but everyone I’ve met is nice and accepting. 
2. I have so many. Literally there are so many talented and funny people on this hellsite who have dedicated a part of their lives to this show!!! Of course I’m going to rec you follow my faves + link their masterlists so get to reading! 
@sokkaspirit - masterlist
@sukifans - masterlist
@missmorosis - masterlist
@patchofsunlight - masterlist
@missturtleduck - masterlist
@sunflowerazula - masterlist 
3. pretty much any thing that any of those people in #2 have written, plus some things on ao3!! a large majority of things that I read are Zukka fics and I know that’s not for everyone but I’ve tried to add in some that are more gen or x reader:
here is a post where I linked a bunch of zuko x reader fics!! I made it months ago and there are many more that I’ve read since but it’s a start!
similarly, here’s a list of sokka x reader 
here’s a fic where the gaang loves Zuko for being a human-sized heater + art to go with it
here’s an azula x gn!reader - you don’t find many azula x reader fics so it has to be added
here is a lovely fic about Kya II and her relationship with Aang through the years, and how they bond over their love of friendship bracelet making!! - warning, you will cry at the end
here is a Sokka/Yue fic that will make you cry (plz read the tags) - by the fucking amazing @ta1k-less 
this is salvage by @/muffinlance, a zuko centric fic where hakoda is his adopted dad 
this fic is based on the headcanon that Ty Lee is an Air Nomad descendent 
this fic is a sokka centric spirited away au - endgame is Zukka but it is worth the read even if that isn’t something you ship 
this is a gen fic that surrounds the kids while they’re still on ember island - its all about food and love here, v soft
this is an Azula centric fic that talks about her mental health and her healing - it’s amazingly written and follows the gaang through the years of their lives 
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fyregrayfong · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Avatar: Legend of Korra Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lin Beifong/Reader Characters: Lin Beifong, Bumi II (Avatar), Kya II (Avatar) Additional Tags: New Year's Kiss, New Year's Eve Series: Part 2 of Lin x Reader Summary:
Lin x Reader Request It is your first New Years with Lin, but as Chief she has to work.
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