#kratos prompt
So I saw that you were taking some prompts for gowr and I was wondering if this one would interest you, ive been obsessed with it
Atreus finds an olive tree that is tiny and helps relocate it to ironwoods. He asks angrboda to help him take care of it while he travels, with him popping back in often with items that could help it grow
One the first harvest of it, the two teens bring kratos, Freya, and mimir to come pick the olives
Kratos is touched and proud, Freya and mimir are confused by the olives
:D totally okay if this isn't what you are looking for though!!
Oh my god!! I love this!!
Kratos finally gets his olives
Kratos, Freya and Mimir are at Sindri’s making sure his home is always ready for him to come back. Freya’s dealing with her plants, Mimir is perched on a stool ready Kvasir’s poems.
Atreus arrives and he’s really excited,telling Kratos he has to show him something, it’s really important!
Kratos just “hmm”s at him and the group travel to Jotunheim.
when they arrive Atreus is all “ta-da” and Kratos just looks on in disbelief. Olives! He’s finally found olives! He’s too shocked to actually say anything till he feels Atreus’ hand on his should and his son just says “I knew you’d like this” with his huge smile.
Kratos turns to his son with warm eyes, crinkling around the edges as he lovingly rests his arm on top of his sons and gives him a nod. That’s all it takes for Atreus to see just how thankful his father is.
Freya is walking around the tree, placing her hands against the trunk, trying to use her magic to better understand what this is but she is stumped.
Mimir still hanging off of Kratos’ hip is equally confused but intrigued.
“Aye brother, this is what you’ve been craving? They’re just little bulbs?!”
Kratos just “mmss” at him and spends the rest of the day telling the group about all the different ways olives can be eaten.
He even whips up a salad for everyone and tops it off with homemade olive oil from his new tree. Moments like this fills Kratos with joy. He may not have fond memories of his homeland but he will cherish this for the rest of his life.
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Kratos pulls faye out of the light in Alfheim during Ragnarok
Just imagine Odin's shock as he is pretending to be Tyr
Or Atreus reaction to having to pull his father out a second time and suddenly there is his mom.
Faye shock at being alive clearly remembering her death (by sickness or other wound). She weak because coming back saps almost all her energy. Faye needs to use Atreus and Kratos as support to walk.
Then you could have Brok and Sindri reaction possibly forcing Sindri to come clean to Brok about his death.
Edit: if this post get 100k notes i will write a story from this point in Alfheim to the end of Ragnarok or if the next GOW games is out when i being then i will write the story that far
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comatosebunny09 · 1 year
Finally finished Ragnarok. Now, I’m stuck on the notion of merchant!reader having the biggest crush on Kratos, yet feeling inferior whenever Freya accompanies him. They’re both gods and compliment each other well. Y/N doesn’t stand a chance.
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
hear me out:
heimdall's female twin, who got her own features but looks like heimdall with her purple eyes and some golden colors on her hair as braided like heimdall because they two are the ones who did their hairs, and this twin is completely different than heimdall; she got her own thoughts about odin even if she likes him so much since he is her father. but she also understands what atreus needs; a conversation with his own father - a good one and since she is an old friend of mimir, she tries to reach them but everything turn upside down when she meets kratos, the God - the man she will love deeply.
I need something like this sm.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Imagine having the destructive power this bitches have ✨✨
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curioussquidd · 6 months
Another convo I can picture between Kratos and Astarian -
"I wish I could get rid of these. I hate them." Astarian washes his shirt in the river. It got dirty after their last battle with some undead.
Kratos doesn't bother washing any of his clothes, but he does clean the axe he favors in combat.
"Your scars?"
"Obviously! It ruins my reputation! Reminds me of people I hate, parts of myself that.. You know what? Just forget I said anything. I'm just a whelp compared to you, I'm sure."
"You are young, yes. And have much room to grow. Your past actions should not seal how you act now." Kratos pauses, looking in the water at his reflection before turning his gaze towards Astarian, "You cannot see your reflection. Why do your scars bother you still?"
"What kind of question is that? Of course they--"
"Does someone in camp point them out in conversation?"
"Ah.. No. No one points them out. Except for my own thoughts. I want to see my reflection, but then I'll see my scars too. I'll see the version of me that I hate."
"Hmm.." a low grumble, "..I share your sentiments."
"You? Hate yourself? But your as strong and stoic as Lae'zel. Your friends respect you."
"Yet they do not know my past, not all of it. Once, I let anger and vengeance rule my mind. That part of myself will never go away, no matter if I trim my beard or grow it longer--"
"So you are bald.. sorry, continue."
"Humph. My point is that hatred is taught. Including self-hate. It took time but.. You can learn to be kind to yourself, Astarian. If that is what you decide."
"Urgh, that sounds far too hard..!" He groans before setting the shirt on a branch to dry, "..You don't know what I went through, nor I you, so how can you say that with such.. optimism?"
"My son, Atreus. He is on his own journey now. Before, I did not believe I could change but he showed me otherwise. I wanted to be better for my son."
"I'm a little jealous. Just a little. He's a lucky boy to have a father like you. I don't even remember mine."
"I think you two would get along. He also has a habit of causing trouble."
"Please! The entire camp would be bored to tears without me spicing it up!"
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the-sycophant · 11 months
Which Greek god favours Marlowe?
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Ares, God of War ARES HAHAAAAAAAA. you're a powerhouse of emotion and ambition, both of which are traits to be admired - what you do with them, however, will make all the difference. your personality isn't for everyone, and you might find it hard to get along with those around you. that being said, the connections you do form are lasting, and those who get to know you will realize just how much love you have in that huge, volatile friggin' heart of yours. remember that sometimes, it's just not worth the energy - do your best to learn to let things slide.
------------------------------ Prompt: [Which Greek god would favor you?] TY: @allyennah
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krannaweek · 1 year
✨🌸Kranna Day 2023 Prompt Suggestions!🌸✨
The prompt suggestion form for Kranna Day this year is here! Please submit your suggestions to the form in the link above. Suggestion period runs from today through April 1st!
*Please Note: At least 10-15 suggestions will be needed for the voting ballot that will be posted next month!*
Also, the Kranna Week 2023 Plans and Info post can be found here, and an explanation of why the event is going to be a little different this year, can be found in this post here (for those of you who may not have seen/read those posts yet)!
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careful-please · 1 year
Hello. I see you skimming through my writing tag. Thank you for the likes. Would you like nsfw or sfw? I have thor, tyr, Kratos, and baldur. And a tiny bit of Heimdall. Send me an ask and I'll send you a post. Or if I don't have it I am accepting prompts. If your lucky and I have the time, I'll write something for you.
Or we can just simp over hot boys and girls. Im always down for that.
Update: I now have cod mw available. So far it's just price and ghost. Though I'm working on könig because he is just a pathetic wet cat. 🥰😚
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rigormortisriot · 1 year
If anyone gives me a God of War prompt I will try to write it (at the VERY least a drabble) 
Must not be nsfw (sexual), not anti-gay/trans, not pro-nazism/racist Can do any character(s), can do slice of life, angst, found family, etc etc Just hit me up! EIther by reblogging this post, commenting under it, or dming me :D 
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betternamenot2come · 2 years
Writing Prompt for GOW
I recently learned that Brok and Sindri are the ones who sew Loki’s mouth shut in Norse mythology and that made me think of this prompt.
For some reason, Brok and/or Sindri are angry about Atreus’ “silver tongue” and decide to sew his mouth shut. I want to see Kratos rescue him and the fluff/comfort that comes after that.
if at least part of it is from Kratos’ perspective, that’s even better!
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sondrox · 1 year
God Of War Ragnarok Writing Prompt #1
"The Norns. Only seen by a handful of people in their lifetimes. Omnipresent in The Nine Realms without ever being there. Countless stories they could wonder anyone with, and still, they only need one.
Five times The Norns didn't tell someone their destiny and one time they did.
Five times The Norns predicted the actions of someone and one time they didn't.
Five times The Norns didn't intervine in the course of the world and one time they did."
So many paths and yet only the same choice is made. Curious enough, that's something the Norns would say looking at someone's life.
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Atreus: So you meet to Gróa?
Tyr/Odin: many times but she was plagued with constant visions so conversation was difficult.
Voice in the light: kratos
We follow Kratos as he steps towards the light. Reaching in Kratos dimly hears a voice shout Father. Feeling the tug on his back Kratos press forward reaching deeper into the light.
Tyr/odin: guess i was wrong about the stable mind. Grabing Kratos and trying to pull him out of the light with Atreus.
Blood pounding in his ears Kratos hears Faye Sing. The smell of her hair tickling his nose. Desperate Kratos reaches out. And shockingly his hand grips something.
Holding onto what every he had granbed Kratos allowed the tugging on his body to pull him free. His iron clad grip never leaving what he found in the light. Even as it was in anguish over being removed from the light.
Kratos hit the ground hard as something lands on top of him. Still Dazed he can read Atreus lips yelling father up still could not hear the sound.
Tyr/odin: well this is beyond anything i have ever seen.
Laying on Kratos delirious but whole but nude was the giant Laufey. Know to Kratos as his wife and Atreus as mother, Faye.
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supercityboys · 2 years
This isn’t a spoiler unless you’re going through the original god of war games from way back when but isn’t Kratos still cursed not to die? Like the whole big thing about him is that he tried to kill himself but eventually came back to life? I can’t remember exactly who cursed him but I distinctly remember him y’know tryna use self checkout.
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Could you do a batfam x batbro reader? Where reader is the 2nd youngest and they all accidentally forget his birthday, and they see him all teary eyed and they all feel really guilty and go to apologize to him except plot twist, batbro also forgot that it was his birthday and was teary eyed because he saw a really emotional scene in a video game he was playing and it made him tear up
Oh no... So much chaos... And short... AHHHHH.
Summary: (Y/N) and the family forget (Y/N)'s birthday.
Warnings: (Y/N) forgets his birthday, so do the others, recipe for disaster and chaos
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Today is a one special occasion for the Wayne family? Which one, I can hear you asking? Well, it's (Y/N)'s birthday today! It's a reason to be happy, right? Well, it seems that today, everyone has forgotten about (Y/N)'s birthday.
Even (Y/N) himself has forgotten about it. So everyone went on about their day, doing the things that they wanted. (Y/N) had plans to play God of War and finish up the game.
He absolutely loved the said game and Kratos kind of remined him of Bruce. Atreus kind of represented all of them and (Y/N) loved Atreus with everything in him.
This game was a gift for his last birthday and it was from Bruce too. After promising to Bruce that he would get good grades in school, Bruce hinted that he might buy the game for his son.
And what does (Y/N) do?
He studies and tries very hard in school and thankfully Bruce doesn't expect him to get straight As. He just wanted (Y/N) to do his best in school. That's something that he wants for all of his children. He doesn't want to kill any of them with with studying.
All of them are intelligent in their on their way in Bruce's eyes and he would nurture that. Which parent wouldn't, if they have the means of course.
(Y/N) was playing the game in his room, just enjoying the game. He was sad that the game was over, but hey, he didn't mind it. Be happy that it happened, right?
(Y/N) watched in silence, just crying softly at the ending. Oh he was going to buy himself Ragnarok, even if it was the last thing he has ever done. He needs to see Atreus and Kratos in another adventure. He put his controller down, crying at the end.
It touched him in the feels. Bruce and him have a similar type of relationship. There was, at first, some emotional reservations, but as the time has passed, the two have grown more closer. (Y/N) had to lay on the bed and hug his pillow to calm himself down.
As (Y/N) was crying upstairs, everyone was downstairs, just lazing around. It was silent, except from the TV where Jason was watching a TV show. It was all fine and dandy until Tim sat up out of nowhere, looking at his phone like he has seen a ghost.
" Tim? " Bruce prompted and the others looked at Tim. " What's wrong? "
" We forgot (Y/N)'s birthday! " Tim said, becoming paler and paler with every second that has passed. Oh no, oh no... Shit!
" No, it's not- " Jason stopped, looking at his phone. Oh no.
They have actually and ever so royally fucked up. Oh God.
" Oh no! " Dick said and Damian put his face into his hands. Bruce felt like shit. Oh God...
" Oh no. " Bruce said, rubbing his forehead.
" What are we going to do? " Jason asked, pushing his hair back.
" We are going to go upstairs, apologize with everything in us and then buy so many presents that it will look like Christmas. " Bruce announced, standing up from the couch.
" You are going to be first Bruce. " Jason said and Bruce just went upstairs, shaking his head.
" This is the reason why he didn't come down, he is too sad to come down. Angry at us too. " Dick said as they walked up to the door. Bruce couldn't disagree with that.
The question as to what was going to happen when they enter? (Y/N) could either explode at them or he could be too heartbroken to even talk to them. There was no in between with (Y/N).
Bruce opened the door and everyone has seen (Y/N) on the bed, crying.
" Oh (Y/N), we are so sorry. " Bruce has started, walking up to the bed and hugging his son tightly. " We didn't mean to forget. " Bruce said and (Y/N) stopped crying.
" What did you forget? " (Y/N) asked through the hiccups. What did they mean about that?
" We forgot your birthday and we are so sorry. " Dick jumped in and (Y/N) frowned, confused beyond belief.
" It's my birthday today? " (Y/N) asked, looking at his family members. What was the date today?
" Hang on. " Jason now, jumped in. " Hold up. Did you forgot your birthday? " Jason asked and (Y/N) nodded. Jason frowned and now Damian had to jump in.
" Then what are you crying about? " Damian asked, tilting his head. (Y/N) confuses him so much sometimes.
" I finished the God of War... And it hit me so hard in the feels. " (Y/N) said, breaking down into sobs once more. He buried his head into Bruce's chest and Bruce just rocked him back and forth.
The brothers looked at each in shock. Oh my God. He is the most human one in the family. No, Alfred is in the mix too. Alfred is also the most human member of the family.
" Would buying God of War Ragnarök be okay? " Jason asked, knowing that (Y/N) loves the game and Ragnarök came out a while ago. (Y/N)'s head perked up at the sound of it.
" Oh you are buying it. I don't care the fact that it's my birthday, if you don't buy it, I won't talk to any of you. " (Y/N) said, not caring that he was sounding like a spoiled brat.
Is it wrong to just want Atreus and Kratos to go through adventures? To get closer? And he wanted more of Brok. If something is to happen to him, he will die.
" Sure thing, how about we do that now? " Bruce proposed, making everyone a little confused. " We can buy it and then we can stop by to find you some cheesecakes. " Bruce said and everyone has agreed with the idea.
" Now, everyone get ready, you (Y/N) wash your face and we are going to meet in 20 minutes downstairs. " Bruce said and everyone shuffled out.
" Now, are you sure that game has bothered you? " Bruce pressed once they were alone. (Y/N) nodded, hugging his dad back.
" Yes B. I was sad about the ending, not about the birthday. " (Y/N) said, wiping the tears away. " Okay, I'm happy to hear it. Now get ready. "
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din-skywalker · 1 year
y'all remember that moment at the beginning of the game? when atreus and kratos make it back to their home after the tussle with freya? how kratos is going to take care of the deer, since he thinks atreus is still handling the wolves? only to then turn around and see that atreus has both tasks handled on his own? and he's handling both so well at once? and he didn't even say anything? he just did them on his own without prompting, without needing to be told? and how you can SEE the realization in kratos's face that his boy is growing up? that he's blooming, unfolding into his own man, that will be able to care for himself, even without his father? the way he smiles softly, his face relaxing as he nods to himself with pride for the man his boy is becoming?
ya know, this moment?
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yeah, cause up to that point, kratos had been so worried, so concerned, terrified even because of that prophecy that he would die and leave atreus alone, and without protection. sure, he doesn't believe in prophecy and believes in changing one's own fate, but that had planted the seed of fear in his mind. the thing is, though, he wasn't even worried that he was going to die. he wasn't afraid of death. no, he was afraid of leaving atreus on his own. he didn't care about his own death, he only cared about how his son would live without him.
so for him, seeing that, after atreus had hunted and held his own with freya, that was such a huge lift off of his shoulders. sure, he is still anxious, still terrified that atreus won't survive on his own, but what parent isn't?
that moment means a lot to me... so much said with no actual words on kratos's face.
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