#kiibo headcannons
-Flowers/plants I feel represent the V3 cast based on flower language-
A/N: Had a funky idea earlier so i decided to do it ejejeje
Hope you have a good day!!!
Kaede: Chamomile [Represents resilence in adversity, Renewal and rebirth], Rose Leaves [You may hope], Dandelion [Happiness, Cheerfulness]
Shuichi: Bittersweet (Woody Nightshade) [Truth, honesty, friendship and platonic love] Red Columbine [Anxiety and great fear] and Striped Carnation [Refusal.]
Angie: Rue [Grace, Clear Vision], Snapdragon [Deception, Graciousness] and Yellow Tulip [A smile that radiates Sunshine.]
Himiko: Zinnia [Mourning of lost friendships, lasting loyalty or affection], Willow [Sadness] and Blue Salvia [I think of you.]
Tenko: Violets [...Partially because she as gay af and they are intertwined with Sapphos poetry and Lesbianism, and because of their meaning of watchfulness and faithfulness.] As well as Spearmint [Warmth of Sentiment] and Tansy [Declaration of war and hostility.]
Rantaro: Coriander [Hidden worth/merit], Spring Crocus [Cheerfulness, Youthfulness and Gladness] and Valerian [Readiness.]
Kiibo: Daisy [Innocence, loyal love, The keeping of secrets], White Roses [Purity + good intentions/youthfulness] and Oak [Strength.]
Miu: Clematis [Mental Beauty], Hollyhock [Ambition] and Red Roses [Sensuality, passion and romance.]
Korekiyo: Hydrangea [Gratitude for being understood, Frigidity and Heartlessness], Yellow Jasmine [Grace and Elegance] and Oleander [Caution.]
Ryoma: Borage [Bluntness, Directness], Butterfly Weed [Let me go] and Purple Hyacinth [Sorrow.]
Tsumugi: Yellow Hyacinth [Jealousy/Envy], Sweetpea [Blissful pleasures, Good-bye, Thank you for your lovely time.]
Kirumi: Sweet Woodruff [Humility], Thyme [Courage, Strength], Nasturium [Conquest, Victory in the face of failure.]
Kokichi: Monkhood [Beware a deadly foe is near], Yellow lily [False happiness], Cactus [Endurance] and Begonia [Beware.]
Gonta: Iris [Faith, hope, belief in the strength of friendship], Magnolia [Nobility] and Orange Blossom [Innocence]
Kaito: Blue Violet [Faithfulness, Always being there] Pine [Hope, Pity] ,Narcissus [Egotism, formality and kindness.]
Maki: White Heather [Protection, the fulfillment of wishes], Forsythia [Anticipation] and Daffodil [Unrequalled love, regard, the sun is always shining when I'm with you.]
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love-me-purple · 8 months
movie night with the v3 boys
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cw: slight nsfw and cursing in a few of em. spoilers of ET in kaito’s
a/n: might make a 1 and 2 vers. !! naur I did a few light puns in a few of them if you spot them tell me. under the cut cause it’s kinda long
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➼ he’s so sweet
➼ he prioritizes you fully! he gives you the blankets, the snacks, he lets you choose the movie; he does everything.
➼ even if he sits on the sofa cold, hungry, and terribly quiet.
➼ he doesn’t complain a bit.
➼ you notice him shivering slightly a couple minutes into the movie, and even after he protested against getting a half in your luxury, you snuggled against him and buried him under the warm covers.
➼ once you did, he whimpered slightly against you. it just felt so nice. not the fluffy sheets, not the delectable food, and even though the movie was pretty great, you next to him really made the experience better.
➼ he moved closer next to you, kissing you on the cheek. you made him kiss you on the lips after.
➼ the movie run ends with cuddling and tangled arms and legs, overall super fluffy.
➼ large pillow forts with lots of soft pillows and thick blankets. he turns the ac and all the coolers on just so it’ll turn super cold in the house, leading you to bury yourself under the blankets and cuddle closer to him.
➼ he sometimes teases you by stealing the snacks and blankets, making you pissed off and subconsciously pinning him to the carpet floor.
➼ he tries turning the simple, pure movie night into a netflix and chill i SWEAR
➼ he flips the tables and climbs on top of you - kissing you lightly on the lips with a smug look. ➼ and then he gets up and goes back to watching the movie like nothing happened
➼ interpret that any way you want
➼ anyways, if he’s not in that mood, he’s very chatty during movies. ➼ he’ll comment nonstop and predict the future with pretty accurate predictions.
➼ his habit of doing that will, if you don’t already, bring you to do the same.
➼ this guy is so romantic
➼ kisses, smooth; non - pushover pick - up lines, basically everything you’d expect from a good gushy mushy date.
➼ he likes playing with your hair. tangles, small braids, etc. if you don’t have hair, then / another option for him is he runs his hands down your arms and hands.
➼ he draws small patterns on your skin with his fingers while kissing you on the head.
➼ he loves it when you do it to him as well, so by all means, go ahead !!
➼ nooo but the chips with dip are absolute perfection adding to the mix. if you don’t like that kind of thing, he’ll get, like, anything you’d like to eat during the movie -
➼ the prices don’t mean aNYthing to him, he’s happy to spend money for you no matter what it is <3
➼ perfect night for netflix and chill
K1 - B0
➼ he’s a robot. he can’t be cold, he can’t eat, and so all he has to do is sit back and watch.
➼ people (miu) helped him with what to do and how to act during the movie -
➼ he’s so awkward, in a cute way. he’ll get closer to you as the movie progresses, trying to be discreet but pretty much failing.
➼ you pretend you don’t notice though, for his sake.
➼ he’s tense during the movie. but with a few calming, reassuring words - he calms down a bit and attempts to kiss you as a sign of thanks.
➼ oh he also looks up on his mental search engine how to act normal and such and comes across the term of ‘activities’ during watching movies / shows
➼ and then he overheats for a bit (thankfully while you were in the bathroom -)
➼ guess he didn’t have safe search on
➼ horror / documentaries. if you don’t like those things, then …
➼ he likes it when you braid his hair. with any other person he’d kinda just be like ehhh, but when it’s you …
➼ he’s such a simp.
➼ he’s pretty chill, doesn’t really talk except for the parts when either you’re talking, something’s factually wrong, or when something especially pisses him off (usually when the characters are especially dumb).
➼ he likes having his hands free, so, of course, you have the blanket and snacks.
➼ he nuzzles his head into your neck and hair during sweet and overall ushy gushy moments.
➼ yeah
➼ he’s only human after all
➼ like shuichi; he gives the blanket, the snacks, and is awfully quiet.
➼ there’s a sort of worried look on his face, like you won’t like doing this and it’ll never happen again.
➼ he asks you like every couple minutes if you’re okay - nonstop until you reassure him.
➼ because of his overall bulky, tall structure - you’re gonna need a few more blankets to cover him.
➼ and a lotta snacks if he’s especially hungry
➼ he’s the type of guy to watch smth like a bug’s life or the bee movie. and you’ll agree because he’ll be self - conscious of himself if you don’t.
➼ it’s either that or bug documentaries. he hates horror films, especially if it has bugs in it that are thoroughly portrayed incorrectly.
➼ he gets so angry it’s almost funny
➼ until you don’t calm him down and he goes to storm the director’s / producer’s place then uh good luck
➼ tries to be romantic and kinda fails.
➼ the whole mood is sorta goofy. comedy / horror / sci - fi def. if it’s horror though, expect him to scream loudly and cling to you. and then for him to make up an excuse like, “i wasn’t scared! i was just … amazed by the stars in the sky in the film! so … spread out!”
➼ if it’s sci - fi, it’s definitely ET
➼ he cries softly when ET dies. and then he says, “I JUST GOT SOMETHING IN MY EYE WAHHH”
➼ comedy’s chaotic, but pretty fun with him. he tries so hard not to laugh, but when he does, his LaUgh
➼ it depends. it either sounds like a hyena crossed with a donkey or just a hysterical, soft sound.
➼ either way, movie nights with him are always a blast.
➼ he’s smooth. and he predicts the movie in his head, and shows barely emotion during sad, emotional, funny, or romantic moments. like none at all.
➼ but once he gets used to being with you during movies and finding out what exactly you like, he starts showing bits of emotion here and there.
➼ like outward pity. and sadness. and laughter.
➼ sharing is caring when it comes to blankets and snacks. sometimes when both of you reach into the bag / bowl / plate / etc. at the same time, and y’know your hands touch? he’ll squeeze your hand and bring it up to kiss it.
➼ and then he’ll just smile slightly at you. no matter what reaction you have.
➼ yeah other than that it’s pretty normal! still a hit tho
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limitedgigi · 11 months
welcome to my blog!
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my name is gigi, im 22, and im a gemini! my favorite fandoms are danganronpa (more specifically sdr2 & drv3), the disastrous life of saiki k, soul eater, pokemon, demon slayer, hunter x hunter, inuyasha, doawk, alice in borderland, hamilton, heathers, seven deadly sins, kakegurui and bungou stray dogs!
my blog is kirby themed (obviously) but i may change it occasionally!
i don't necessarily write alot, but i do make headcanons! my requests are always open!
i write for:
nagito komeada
nekomaru nidai
fuyuhiko kuzuryuu
hajime hinata
gundham tanaka
kazuichi souda
rantaro amami
gonta gokuhara
korekiyo shinguji
kaito momota
shuichi saihara
kokichi ouma
you can also make requests outside of danganronpa with the fandoms above, but i'm not sure i'll be able to write for it.
i also make yandere ocs!
you can request hcs of a yandere in my inbox :)
(ex; yandere jock, yandere masochist, etc)
i will write everything except for;
-piss, scat, or any bodily fluid besides cum
-foot fetishes
most of my hcs are directed towards fem! or gn! readers!
korekiyo gambling hcs
yandere! nurse hcs (gender neutral yandere)
yandere! bully hcs (male yandere)
yandere! jock hcs (male yandere)
yandere! wolf hybrid (male yandere)
yandere! nerd hcs (gender neutral yandere)
yandere! wide reciever hcs (male yandere)
yandere! bunny hybrid hcs (male yandere)
yandere! sugar daddy hcs (male yandere)
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default-kiibo · 2 years
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7 minutes in hell
this is as gay as it gets don't worry... I mean probably anyway
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caramelgeddon · 2 years
Mikan opinions on the v3 students part 2
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One of Mikan’s best friends…
She really tries to help Mikan be more confident
Too Mikan she’s like family
When maki was a orphan she was just like Mikan. Scared skittish and very little friends
That makes maki so protective of Mikan..
No one will ever hurt her again
Kokichi is a bit lighter on her when it comes to pranks and mischief.
However Mikan is still intimidated by him… they mostly remain strangers to eachother… not on bad or good terms
These two just don’t get along.
Tsumigi and Mikan don’t have much common ground and Mikan never knew why but something always seemed off about tsumigi to her
The second he sees her he’s so confused… why is she so skittish… is it because is he a robot does that scare her?
After asking some of her friends why she’s skittish he instantly becomes concerned
He has a hard time trying to make friends with her and ultimately doesn’t succeed… he just doesn’t know how to get her to trust him
Regardless he will always be a shoulder for her to cry on
Oh god he intimidated her so much at first
However when he hurts himself while looking for a bug friend she patches him up and they really bond
Protective mode activate!
Seriously though Tenko and Mikan work great together. Although honestly Mikan is intimidated by her at first.
Anyone who looks at her when she falls down in a suggestive position she will kill them. Hell even if it isn’t a degenerate male
She’s practically a big sis to mikan… Mikan loves her so much
She knows she needs to talk with Mikan. She has a gut feeling
Mikan is initially scared of her thinking she’ll sacrifice her to her god
However when Mikan hugs her she feels safe and loves her hugs so much
Another best friend for Mikan… she deserves them
While he doesn’t hate her they don’t relate much
There more mutual friends then anything. However they do still get along fairly fine
Mikan often felt like she was in a never ending state of choking… with what happened to her and how she thought everyone hated her
After much effort of trying to befriend her he gets her to train with him and his small friend group
She meets maki and shuichi through this training session. She gains three friends she can depended on, three people who can protect her and share a laugh or just simply share ice cream with her…
She helps cure kaito and any of the other friends of any ailments they have
And that feeling when she met people she love… makes her feel breathless in the best way possible
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lowcosmic · 6 months
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Trigger Happy Havoc | Goodbye Despair | Killing Harmony
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—— Kaede Akamatsu .
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—— Shuichi Saihara . — sweet dreams . ( ns.fw )
synopsis : shuichi has a dream and you help him.
— shuichi ns.fw headcannons ( ns.fw )
synopsis : headcannons about shuichi during the do.
— stay with me .
synopsis : shuichi loves you tons. so of course, he’d never want you to be hurt. but when he sees those scars on your arm, other people hurting you may be the least of his worries.
— fluffy kisses .
synopsis : you and shuichi watch movies together in the av room. as you start to doze off , shuichi can’t help but admire …
— shuichi w/ a bimbo s/o ( ns.fw )
synopsis : shuichi and his hot gf bang.
— smothering love . ( kinda ns.fw )
synopsis : you pin shuichi to the wall and hickey - fy him.
— shuichi meeting your younger sibling
synopsis : shuichi's heard a lot of good things about your “ sweet little sibling , ” but his first encounter with them is quite different than what he was expecting.
— yandere shuichi headcannons
synopsis : sfw ( ? … ) and ns.fw headcannons with shuichi and hajime.
— shaking to the core . ( ns.fw )
synopsis : you use a vibrator on shuichi.
— pizza delivery !
synopsis : shuichi , your boyfriend , works part time as a pizza deliverer ; which coincidentally brings him to your house one day …
— stir and mix .
synopsis : shuichi was your all - time crush since … well , a long time. you , as the ultimate patissier , decided one day to start showing your affection by leaving a gift on his desk.
— xoxo = medicine .
synopsis : you catch a cold and shuichi appoints himself as your caretaker.
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—— Maki Harukawa .
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—— Kaito Momota .
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—— Rantaro Amami .
— stare don’t touch . ( ns.fw )
synopsis : you and rantaro do a challenge — no touching each other ( wether sexual or not ) for a month. the end result is … well , interesting.
— killshot .
synopsis : you’re in love with rantaro amami , so much that you feel his simple presence isn’t enough and that your heart can’t take the overwhelming need anymore.
— rantaro fluff alphabet .
synopsis : fluff alphabet for rantaro amami.
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—— Angie Yonaga .
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—— Kirumi Tojo .
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—— Ryoma Hoshi .
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—— K1 - B0 / Kiibo / Keebo .
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—— Miu Iruma .
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—— Tenko Chabashira .
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—— Himiko Yumeno .
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—— Kokichi Ouma .
— jealousy , jealousy . ( pt. 1 )
synopsis : kokichi being jealous , fight ensues.
— jealousy , jealousy . ( pt. 2 )
synopsis : you and kokichi make up with each other.
— hazy love . ( ns.fw )
synopsis : you and kokichi bang in and out of his dream.
— kokichi ouma with a s/o who’s a pathological liar
synopsis : ( read the request ) kokichi with a s/o who can’t differ between their lies and actual feelings for others.
— lovebites .
synopsis : vampire kokichi feeding on his favorite life source.
— kokichi with a calm amab reader
synopsis : headcannons of kokichi with a very calm and patient male reader who defends kokichi after he gets bullied.
— kokichi with a cute but super strong reader
synopsis : kokichi with a gender neutral lover who seems harmless , but looks can be deceiving. especially when he catches them one day …
— roommate headcannons with kokichi
synopsis : platonic and romantic headcannons of you and kokichi as roommates.
— kokichi with an ultimate psychologist reader
synopsis : headcannons of kokichi with a reader who’s the ultimate psychologist.
— kokichi with a s/o who has an identical twin
synopsis : ( read request !! ) headcannons of kokichi with a s/o that’s so alike with their twin that they feel absolutely replaceable. your ultimates even connect , and everyone always mistakes you with them and them with you. except for …
— repudiation .
synopsis : kokichi really likes you ; and you , as arrogant as you are , like him back . but the thing is , you both are in denial. though , with the help of a couple of your friends , maybe that’s subject to change.
— kokichi with a s/o who’s really clingy when jealous
synopsis : kokichi with a s/o who’s excessively clingy when jealous out of possessiveness or simply on impulse.
— kokichi with a s/o who’s 6~ feet tall
synopsis : headcannons about kokichi and his 6 or so foot significant other being silly y’know.
— as long as i’m with you .
synopsis : kokichi comforts you after a breakup.
— anniversary in a haunted house
synopsis : kokichi has the genius idea to spend the night of your guys’ anniversary in a haunted house , also inviting some other people to tag along. what’s the outcome?
— because nothing compares to you .
synopsis : kokichi messed up , you’re temporarily gone , and he has to spend that time alone.
— admire .
synopsis : headcannons of kokichi with a reader who always admires his words.
— ice cream troubles .
synopsis : you drop your ice cream and kokichi comforts you.
— random act of appreciation .
synopsis : fuzzy romantic moments were never really kokichi’s thing. but he can make an exception for you.
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—— Tsumugi Shirogane .
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—— Korekiyo Shinguji .
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—— Gonta Gokuhara .
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none of the header art is mine , i only edited it to be a header. i mostly got the drawings / icons from pinterest & manga shit! ,, so thank you to them (^*^)
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death-door · 1 month
Dangonronpa V3: Pregame Headcannons:
My Headcannons, so please enjoy
🔎Shuichi Kirigiri (Saihara)(FTM - He/Him)🕵️‍♂️
Parents: Kyoko Kirigiri + Celestia Ludenberg
Siblings: Kokichi, Mikan and Kotoko
Best Friends: Kokichi, Rantaro, Kaito, Maki
A very shy individual, and would rather read detective books in the library
An inspiring detective because of Kyoko, and would follow her advice, viewing her as a role model
A very observation boy, he pays attention to every detail in a location or a person
Got into Dangonronpa due to the mystery aspect but wasn't aware of Kyoko and Celeste's involvement
Would get bullied often, which resulted in low self esteem
Dangonronpa made him go down an unfortunate spiral, which made him obsessed with it to escape his own reality
🗡️Maki Kuzuruyu(Harukawa)(FTM)(He/Him)❣️
Parents: Fuyuhiko Kuzuruyu + Peko Pekoyama
Sibling: Ryoma
Best Friends: Shuichi, Katio
Works part time as a caregiver, despite his appearance
Blunt but caring
Was often stayed away from due to his mob background, which can make him very lonely
Has a affection for stuff animals and toys, it gives him comfort
Not an assassin level fighter but is a martial artist, normally does self defense
Owns a cat he named Snowball
Surprisingly, Maki has a fear of blood, which makes him incredibly dizzy and sick
Was never a fan of Dangonronpa, but watches it with Shuichi.
Entered Dangonronpa accidentally after trying to get Shuichi out
🔮Himiko Nevermind (Yumeno)(She/Her)(Fae/Faer)🪄
Parents: Sonia Nevermind + Gundham Tanaka
Siblings: Korekiyo and Gonta
Best Friends: Tenko, Angie and Ryota
An inspiring magician, often doing it in talent shows
Has a wand collection, starting with a small stick she found in the backyard
As a young fae, she started to speak like Gundham, which in turn worried Sonia
Fae has many of spellbooks
Would spend her time reading fairytales rather than studying
She wasn't into Dangonronpa, it made her sick for her stomach when she watched one episode
But it got popular and thought it could help with her magician talent
🧭 Rantaro Hinata(Amami)(He/him)🥾
Parents: Hajime Hinata + Nagito Komeada
Sibling: Monaca
Best Friends: Shuichi, Korekiyo(Boyfriend/lover), Miu, and Ryoma
Often be dismissive to other people other than family and friends
Major PTSD from the 52nd killing game that he has nightmares and would rather stay up at night
Despite that, he does keep in touch with old friends from 52nd
Knows Nagito favors him(it wasn't much of a secret)
Knows how to handle Monaca at her worse
Gets carsick and seasick easily
Has major survivors guilt from his killing games, especially finding out who some of the participants are
🎹 Kaede Naegi(Akamatsu)(MTF)(She/her)🎹
Parents: Makoto Naegi + Byakuya Togami
Siblings: Kiibo(Twin Brother), Kirumi, and Nagisa
Best Friends: Kokichi,Tenko, Miu
Only learned piano because of Byakuya
Diagnosed depression but keeps it a secret from friends
Is a major Makoto but has her Byakuya moments (as Makoto calls them)
Often protective of her younger brother
Often watched Dangonronpa, but not obsessed
Became obsessed when her depression hit
Joined for personal reasons which she never admitted
🎾Ryoma Kuzuruyu (Hoshi)(He/him) 🎾
Parents: Peko Pekoyama + Fuyuhiko Kuzuruyu
Sibling: Maki
Best Friends: Gonta, Rantaro, Shuichi, Korekiyo
Next in line for the Kuzuruyu Clan
Doesn't care much about his height, even though his younger brother outgrew him
Favorite food is candy, so it's not often that he has candy sticks
Is actually a major flirt and every girl would swoon for him
Has a fear of bugs, but keeps it in for Gonta
Has a great singing voice
Likes Dangonronpa for it's story and characters mostly
Joined as a contest winner
🕸️ Kirumi Naegi (Togo)(She/her)🕸️
Parents: Makoto Naegi + Byakuya Togami
Siblings: Kaede, Kiibo, and Nagisa
Friends: Angie, Tenko, Kaede
Has a major fear of heights, and refused rope climbing because of it
She also hates spider, they just freak her out
Gets very emotional when it comes to sad movies
Is so indecisive, can't make decision to save her life
Babysits with Maki
Is not a great lair
One of her habits is stress cleaning
Never understood Dangonronpa but watched it with Kaede if asked
Followed Kaede to Dangonronpa auditions and found herself kidnapped and stuck
🎨Angie Ogami (Yonaga)(They/them)🎨
Parents: Aoi Asahina + Sakura Ogani
Sibling: Akane
Best Friends: Kirumi, Tenko, Himiko, Korekiyo, Ryota, Tsumugi
President of the Art club
Gives their art as presents in every occasion
Also part of the Drama club and is the art director
Their bed is full of big animal plushies
Is into mystery and finds them very interesting
Got into Dangonronpa for mystery and would often guess who kills or who dies, which is why they won a lot of bets
Entered the audition to be in the mystery
💪 Tenko Ishimaru (Chabashira)(She/they)💪
Family: Mondo Owada + Kiyotaka Ishimaru + Chihiro Fujisaki
Siblings: Kaito, Chiaki and Ryota
Best Friends: Angie, Himiko, Ryota, Chiaki
President of her Akiido Club
Stammers when incredibly nervous, mainly around crushes
One of the smartest of her classes, mainly due to Taka's teachings
Has to keep Kaito out of trouble
Would enjoy a nap under the sun
Never got into Dangonronpa and actively refused to
Unfortunately, Kaito was into it and she had to drive him to the auditions and was kidnapped for her bad words of the company
🎭 Korekiyo Nevermind (Shinguji)(He/She/They)🎭
Parents: Sonia Nevermind + Gundam Tanaka
Siblings: Gonta and Himiko
Best Friends: Rantaro(Boyfriend),Miu, Angie, Shuichi, Ryoma
Hates speaking, would prefer sign language than actual words, with Rantaro and Miu translating
Is a A+ student
Has diagnosed anxiety and has pills for it
Has a great relationship with their family members
Can be often seen in the library, alone and studying
Her introduction to Dangonronpa was mediocre, just another television show in a mess of television shows
Joined for the second time but barely remembers why. He gains headache if he tried
Was he a part of the 52nd killing game? Maybe so
🔧Miu Soda (Iruma)(MTF She/her)🧫
Parents: Kazuichi Soda + Ibuki Mioda
Sibling: Jataro Kemuri
Best Friends: Kiibo, Rantaro, Korekiyo, Kaede
Was inspired by Kazuichi
Learned Sign Language for her mom, who is hard of hearing and her best friend who refuses to speak
Still can be dirtied minded but is not on a uncomfortable level
Overprotective of her younger brother, Jataro
Lets Jataro paint her new inventions at times
Has her own lab(her treehouse) to make new inventions every day
Somehow not tired all the time
Is the President of the Robotics Club
Never got into Dangonronpa
Found out about the Dangonronpa Contest from Rantaro and promised to go with it
🐞Gonta Nevermind (Gokuhara)(They/Them)🐝
Parents: Sonia Nevermind + Gundham Tanaka
Siblings: Korekiyo and Himiko
Best Friends: Ryoma, Kokichi, Miu, Rantaro
Is closest to Gundham with their love for animals and by extension, insects
Can be mistaken for a innocent person, but that's not the case
Always have a notebook of each insect they discovered
Doesn't remember names so they does come up with names based on insects
Always wears sandals, something that fits them
Dangonronpa is not something they do not watch and never will
Had no choice but join Korekiyo and Himiko to the Dangonronpa Contest, mainly as a guide or protector
🎲 Kokichi Kirigiri (Ouma)(He/Him)🍇
Parents: Kyoko Kirigiri + Celestia Ludenberg
Siblings: Shuichi, Mikan, and Kotoko
Best Friends: Rantaro, Kiibo, Miu, Gonta
Only does white lies, mainly for to protect people's feelings
Part of the Student Council (His D.I.C.E)
Would fight bullies as some sort of justice for victims
Good at playing cards games
Besties with Gonta and would call them Big Butterfly
Is incredibly intelligent, but plays dumb often
Has complete disdain for Kaito and makes it clear
Found out about Dangonronpa from Shuichi and has no opinion until he found out about Shuichi's..... idea
Tried to stop him
☄️Kaito Ishimaru(Momata)(He/him)🚀
Parents: Kiyotaka Ishimaru + Chihiro Fujisaki + Mondo Owada
Siblings: Tenko, Chiaki and Ryota
Is a major dick, there's no wrap around it
Everyone knows to stay away from him and he's somehow proud of it
Boasted about being incredibly popular, without much of a consequence
Some of his reputation was ruined by Kokichi
Does have a good side to him but it's rare to find
Is still massively into space and astrology
Gets lectured by Tenko often
Got into Dangonronpa when it first aired their new season and got into it ever since
Went into the Dangonronpa Contest for massive popularity points
🙄Kiibo Naegi(K1B0)(They/them)🤖
Parents: Makoto Naegi + Byakuya Togami
Siblings: Kaede (Twin Sister), Kirumi, Nagisa
Best Friends: Miu, Rantaro, Kokichi
Has major body dysphoria due to be born without legs
Got back into walking around 5, after finally getting more confidence
Wears prosthetic legs now
Incredibly sarcastic, without a fault
Has a odd rivalry with Nagisa
Best Hope Child
Never got into Dangonronpa
Went after Kaede along with Kirumi but got kidnapped
🪡 Tsumugi Kuwata (Shirogane)(She/her)🧵
Parents: Sayaka Maizono + Leon Kuwata + Mukuro Ikusaba
Sibling: Masuru
Best Friends: Rantaro, Korekiyo
Has a lung disease that made her frail, which leads to coughing fits
Part of Drama Club as a designer
Got into fashion because of Junko Enoshima
Adores her younger brother and refused to let her see her sick. Always tried to give him a great childhood
Dabbled in dancing for a bit
Knows self defense
Mukuro made sure that Tsumugi never saw Dangonronpa and actively banned it, which Tsumugi never minded but it did get worse when she met Junko during a mall trip
Was forced to two killing games, especially when Junko threatened her family. The Mastermind role tested her integrity and love for story
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vongaught · 2 years
A list of my favorite Danganronpa ships and why I like them, that no one asked for. (Not in any specific order)
(It also contains spoilers so if you don't want that scoot)
1. Kaede X Rantaro
A bit rare but I really like them together. Aside from the fact that I like calling them A and A, I like the dynamic of person who can't be trusted and person who trust too easily. And that nail painting scene with Tsumugi third wheeling was just adorable.
2. Sonia X Gundham
Who doesn't love SonDam? I liked their interactions throughout the game! I live for Sonia unintentionally making Gundham all blushy blushy and the fact that she indulges his interests sincerely is adorable. They're both nerds and I love them for it.
3. Fuyuhiko X Peko
Now this. THIS made me cry, bawl, scream and throw up more tears. Fuyuhiko and Peko are EVERYTHING. Childhood friends, Fuyuhiko most likely having romantic interest in Peko but Peko still feels confined in the I'm a tool thing. Not only that I believe Peko mentioned that she had a childhood friend that she wanted to take on a date once the Killing game was done (most likely Fuyuhiko). That whole emotional scene in Chapter 2 was just beautiful and KuzuPeko is just the best.
4. Miu X Kiibo
Aside from just ultimate pervert inventor wants to fuck the robot thing, I feel that they can be so much more. Maybe I'm just high off of headcannons (which I am) but I vibe with the whole no one understands Miu so she only vibes with robots and Kiibo, who's a robot, tries to understand humans but can't so who better to help them with their shit than each other.
5. Mondo X Kiyotaka
No explanation needed. They're bros and the bromance is strong.
6. Maki X Kaito
Idiot space nerd in love with cold blooded caregiver who turns out to be an assassin. I believe that confession in Trial 5 speaks for itself.
7. Chiaki X Izuru
I'm a sucker for beauty and the beast and this ship is the embodiment of everything I love about that fairytale. That scene in the anime where he cries for her and he doesn't even know who the hell she is hits hard.
8. Kokichi X Shuichi
I have no idea why I fell in love with this ship. I guess I really like the idea of the Phantom Thief Au where Shuichi chases after Kokichi. This ship gives me Akechi and Akira vibes from Persona 5 and I kind of like it. Also the potential of the ambiguity of Ouma's thoughts and motives gives me life because I can project the angst that I had when shipping RyoMina from Persona 3.
9. Mukuro X Makoto
Another one with a cute nickname, I like calling them the MnM's (Moxxie and Millie brainrot). I just wanted good things for Mukuro and who better to give her love than our good-hearted protag Makoto.
10. Mahiru X Hiyoko
This one I don't really ship hardcore but I find it to be very adorable and I wish they had more screen time because Mahiru made Hiyoko more tolerable and genuinely a good person for like 4 seconds. I also feel like the strong bond they have is just so cute.
11. Nagito X Hajime
NOW, I have a love-hate relationship with this ship. I love it because I think that they both make each other better (more like Hajime can control Nagito to an extent) and they have really cute moments with each other. BUT on the other hand I despise this brainrot inducing trash, not only does it give me insurmountable amounts of anger but it also makes me hate the shipping fandom of Danganronpa. This ship just kind of doesn't make sense to me because Hajime doesn't like Nagito?? And the toxic KomaHina shippers are just the worst.
moving on.
12. Korekiyo X Angie
I thought it was funny lol
It genuinely started off as a joke. I see those Danganronpa but the wheel decides their fate videos all the time and almost all the videos I see Angie always gets killed by Kiyo and I started shipping it for shits and giggles. but now it just stuck to me so it went from "it's just a joke" to "it's not a joke anymore 😦".
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So was it ever explained why kiibo is still human in the prologue
or should I bring out the handy dandy headcannon flashcards ?
Because he has those shoulder things that would be noticeable in a shirt, so he can’t just be wearing clothes over his robo-gear. As well as the black mouthpiece lines that move from his eyes, those are gone too.
Wasn’t he meant to be built by danganronpa??? What happened here
VR theory could explain why he became a robot. But then there’s no reason to have an entire real facility to let them start off in - only to put them in VR an hour later? ?? For what’s probably an illegal show, making a huge facility like that only to not use it is the worst move if you were planning on drawing attention to yourself
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nightqueen1221 · 1 year
Danganronpa Masterlist
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✴Mukuro x Shaved Head Reader
✴Korekiyo and Kokichi x Nezuko!Reader
✴Mukuro x Reader Girlfriend Headcannons
✴Kiibo, Kaito and Kokichi x GossipLoving! Reader
✴Makoto x MentallyAbused!Reader
✴Makoto x Starving!Reader
✴Rantaro x Kokichi x Ultimate Actress Reader (Poly)
✴Rantaro x UltimateExplorer!Male Reader
✴Makoto x Chubby!Reader
✴Makoto x ADHD!Reader
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lemonatethemoongod · 11 months
kiibo cant see vampires. like at all. even in media kiibo just cant see them thru his camera eyes.
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love-me-purple · 8 months
cuddling headcanons with Kiibo maybe? thank you in advance :3
cuddling headcannons w/ kiibo
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cw: none
a/n: kiibo’s so innocent to people, but the fact that he’s a robot makes me think that across learning about how to be human, he’s come up to some pretty questionable stuff …
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➼ i’ll be honest here, he’s not comfortable to cuddle with with only his robot metal on.
➼ but he changes that, in any way possible.
➼ he’ll put on something warm and fuzzy, turn on a heating function to heat you up ( during the cold months ), and ta - da! comfortable.
➼ he loves your presence. he loves hugging you, just the thought of being loved makes him feel like he’s not useless, and that he’s actually worth something.
➼ loves any kind of position, but if i had to headcannon a favorite for him, it’d probably be the sweetheart / rom - com or face - to - face.
➼ he loves you. he loves how you look, how you snuggle into him; but because he doesn’t wanna creep you out he doesn’t mention it.
➼ he does say how lovely you look, or how he loves being around you.
➼ he kind of just … stares at your face when cuddling.
➼ if you’re uncomfortable with that, then he’ll just apologize stare into space … sneaking multiple glances in a span of one minute to look at your ( angelic ) face.
➼ can’t be helped with him!
“ are you comfortable …? ” kiibo asked, moving the blanket to cover more of you. he didn’t really need it after all. you smiled with your eyes shut, fluttering them open to plant a kiss on his forehead. the warming metal enveloped your lips, the feeling tingling through your limbs. “ perfectly fine. ” you muttered against his face. kiibo mimicked your now closing eyes, bringing you closer to him as your body heated up. these are the moments he wouldn’t give away for the world.
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wayback-fm · 2 years
I just saw the Kokichi and Kiibo post just now and was wondering if you have any further headcannons for that post? I like the idea that the two have ADHD or are on the spectrum as a neurodivergent folk myself! :3 -Zonkz
omg sorry for answering late we haven’t checked tumblr in 4ever
stim hcs for kokichi and kiibo because that’s the first thing i thought of 👍 i’ll do other tism/adhd traits (+ for other characters?) if y’all want em
bites his tongue/sticks it out
”*bpbllpblbrbtlppblrlrpb*”, “*pop pop pop pop*”, “*whatever his funny low quality video meme of the month is*”
raptor. hands.
evil finger wiggling and all that
will hit stuff during a flappy it is inevitable
straight up just starts dancing to no music (he’s actually jiggy with it too) (if there is music then take cover fr he will start tearin it up)
the canon hair thing
has 300 stim toys that he loses everywhere unless it’s one of the dangly things on his uniform (his most frequently lost toy is a pair of dice he rolls around in his hand)
tapping on tables, walls, whatever. metal noise hehe (also applies to wrist-knocking/clapping during happy stimming)
yk how in the movies when a robot first activates they do this thing with their hand and watch themselves do it. yeah that’s what that kiibo look at own hand sprite is because i said so
the beep boop bop bup but mostly in private because someone ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ will tease him for it
not really a hand flap and more of a rhythmic arm flap. just up down up down
has a mechanical macro keyboard for nothing but tapping
hums/“dvvvvvv”s a lot (insert your kiibo music hc here lol 🤭 for me it’s asian kung-fu generation, dayglow, vansire, p!atd, khai dreams, pinocchiop, nayutalien, bo en, daft punk, porter robinson, ginger root, & spg because i think about kiibo too much)
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hopespeakwriting · 2 years
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Sayaka Maizono:
Mukuro Ikusaba:
Leon Kuwata:
Mondo And Leon Friendship Headcannons
Chihiro Fujisaki:
Mondo, Taka and Chihiro with a s/o who was killed in the killing game
Mondo Owada:
Mondo calming down his paranoid s/o at the killing game
Mondo with a s/o who's kinda oblivious
Mondo and Leon Friendship Headcannons
Mondo, Taka and Chihiro with a s/o who was killed in the killing game
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
Mondo, Taka and Chihiro with a s/o who was killed in the killing game
Hifumi Yamada:
Celestia Ludenberg:
Sakura Ogami:
Aoi Asahina:
Toko Fukawa:
Genocider Jack:
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
Byakuya Togami: Byakuya, Miu and Kokichi in a rainy date w/ s/o.
Kyoko Kirigiri:
Makoto Naegi:
Impostor, Nagito and Gonta with a s/o who draws anime
impostor confessing his feelings to reader
Teruteru Hanamura:
Mahiru Koizumi:
Peko Pekoyama:
Ibuki Mioda:
Hiyoko Saionji:
Mikan Tsumuki:
Mikan, Nagito, Kokichi and Shuichi with a tired/sad s/o.
Nagito, Mikan and Kokichi with a s/o who confesses and draws for them
Nekomaru Nidai:
Gundham Tanaka:
Nagito Komaeda:
Impostor, Nagito and Gonta with a s/o who draws anime
Mikan, Nagito, Kokichi and Shuichi with a tired/sad s/o.
Nagito, Mikan and Kokichi with a s/o who confesses and draws for them
Chiaki Nanami:
Kazuichi Soda:
Kazuichi Dating Headcannons
Akane Owari:
Sonia Nevermind:
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu:
Hajime Hinata:
Izuru Kamukura:
Seiko Kimura:
Ruruka Ando:
Izayoi Sonosuke:
Ryota Mitarai:
Rantaro Amami:
Kaede Akamatsu:
Ryoma Hoshi:
Kirumi Tojo:
Angie Yonaga:
Tenko Chabashira:
Korekiyo Shinguji:
Miu Iruma: Byakuya, Miu and Kokichi in a rainy date w/ s/o
Gonta Gokuhara:
Impostor, Nagito and Gonta with a s/o who draws anime
Kokichi Ouma:
Nagito, Mikan and Kokichi with a s/o who confesses and draws for them
Mikan, Nagito, Kokichi and Shuichi with a sad/tired s/o.
Byakuya, Miu and kokichi in a rainy date w/ s/o.
Kaito Momota:
Shuichi Saihara:
Mikan, Nagito, Kokichi and Shuichi with a sad/tired s/o.
Maki Harukawa:
Himiko Yumeno:
Tsumugi Shirogane:
Ryoko Otonashi:
Yasuke Matsuda:
Takumi Hijirihara:
Misaki Asano:
Ted Chikatilo:
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creator-of-virus · 2 years
(This includes angst, sickness, and d3@th.)
(Kiibo x Miu)
Miu had a childhood friend named Kiibo Idabayashi. They spent a lot of their time together, growing up and having fun.
Miu grew up a bit too fast, and left her childhood friend behind, all alone with nobody but his father left.
Miu rarely hung out with him anymore, making Kiibo pretty sad.
After a while of not seeing Kiibo, she earned news from his father telling them that Kiibo was in serious medical danger and to come visit him, so Miu did.
She visited him everyday, making the boy happy. But he became far too Ill, getting worse by the day.
He soon fell upon death, leaving Miu in a deep, far pit of despair.
She begged his father, knowing he was an inventor, to make a robotic version of Kiibo.
After years passed, Kiibo was finished.
She was so pleased to see him again, making her cry.
She then befriended the robot, just as she did with the human version.
And did the same in the killing game, all the way to her end…
(I cried writing this, why do I do this to myself)
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maskymoo · 2 years
Danganronpa LGBT+ Hcs
Finally able to share some of my Danganronpa headcannons! I’ve made a simple list with characters I have headcannons for. However, I don’t have all the characters from each game and there are a few I have outside of the main cast, so there won’t be certain characters. Anyways, here are my headcannons!
Makoto - Bi trans demiboy, he/they
Kyoko - Bi demisexual/romantic, she/they
Sayaka - Demigirl Pan, she/they/it
Chihiro - Trans girl GNC, she/her
Mukuro - Trans girl Sapphic, any pronouns
Celestia - Lesbian, she/it
Mondo - Bi, he/him
Taka - Gay, he/they
Toko - Bi, she/her
Aoi - Lesbian, she/her
Sakura - Lesbian, she/her
Hifumi - Omni, he/him
Leon - Bi demisexual, he/they
Hajime - Trans boy Bi, he/him
Nagito - Unlabled, any pronouns
Chiaki - Demigirl Bi, she/they
Mikan - Pan, she/they
Ibuki - Pan, ay pronouns
Imposter - Non-binary bi, they/them
Kazuichi - Bi, he/they/it
Fuyuhiko - Trans boy Bi demisexual/romantic, he/him
Peko - Bi demisexual/romantic, she/her
Mahiru - Lesbian, she/her
Hiyoko - Lesbian, she/they
Nekomaru - Gay, he/him
Sonia - Abro demiromantic, she/it
Gundham - Bigender, he/they/it
Kaede - Bi, any pronouns
Shuichi - Trans boy Bi, he/they
Kaito - Bi, he/him
Maki - Bi demiromantic graysexual, she/her
Ryoma - Ace demiromantic, he/they
Kirumi - Ace Lesbian, she/her
Miu - Pan, any pronouns
Kiibo - Agender Pan, he/they
Kokichi - Pan, he/him
Korekiyo - Polygender Achillean, any pronouns
Rantaro - Demiboy pan, he/they
Tenko - Lesbian, she/her
Himiko - Bi, she/they
Angie - Aroace, she/they/it
Extra Characters:
Komaru - Lesbian, she/her
Ryota - Non-binary, they/he
Shirokuma - Lesbian, he/they
Usami/Monomi - Pan, she/they
Sato - Lesbian, she/her
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