#keqing z reader
yeluki · 2 years
valentines day is coming up, what about some valentines special with keqing, ganyu and yae miko :> (if that’s okay! write whatever you want in any way you want~ take your timeee it doesn’t have to be posted on valentines too! :) )
a/n: hihihi!! of course I can do that for you, i was hoping for some valentine's day special requests. i decided to add a few characters, so i hope you don't mind! happy valentines day everyone <333!! also,,, i am very aware that this is pretty short, so don't be afraid to ask for a pt. 2 anyone!! i did decide to add ayaka as well,, even though her part was a tiny bit rushed. enjoy your women tho :bites lip:
characters included: keqing, ganyu, yae miko, and kamisato ayaka
warnings: mentions of being overworked, but mostly just fluff :>
work utc!
keqing is the kind of girl to brush valentine's day off as a "pointless holiday" when in actuality, she gets really nervous about it.
walking around liyue and seeing all of the happy couples, she can't help but feel a pang of guilt in her chest. she can see you'd like to spend the holiday with her, but she's too nervous to accept your offer.
when she does finally cave, though, she's quick to find you a gift. after much searching, she decides on a pretty charm bracelet she saw at the jewelry store.
it has beautiful amethysts and rubies engraved in the charms, and in the center of the accessory is a small heart charm with your first initial and hers carved onto it.
each charm represents one of her favorite memories of you. like the time you both burnt a cake, represented by a cake charm, the time you guys helped a lost child find their parents, represented by a family charm, the time you guys had a picnic during a breathtaking sunset, represented by a sun charm, and so on so forth.
she really treasures you, and wants to continue to open up to and love you. she cherishes all of the love you graciously gift to her, and she couldn't ask for more.
if you were to give her a gift (which would be a beautiful hairpiece btw <3), she'd look at you with the most adoring look in her eyes. one even you've never seen before. she'd wrap her arms around you and begin to smother you in affection, because, why not? you are her favorite person in the world, after all
ganyu originally didn't even know that valentines day was a holiday before she met you. as a matter of fact, she didn't even know about the subject of romantic love before coming to liyue harbor
once you do explain it to her, her mind goes into overdrive.
she goes to cloud retainer to ask, "what should I get (Y/N)? a new brush? no, too practical. a new necklace? no, too classic."
she 100% overthinks it, like she does to everything else.
when the holiday comes around though, she'd left empty-handed. she wasn't able to find anything "perfect" enough for you, so she shamefully admitted she had nothing for you when you gave her a bouquet of glaze lillies.
once you reassure her that valentine's day isn't about gifts or material things, but about spending time with your soulmate and making them feel special, she'll calm down a bit.
please lead her inside for some nice, warm, green tea and a day off from work.
brush her hair and make her feel loved and special. ganyu is a gem, a truly rare one, at that. her love for you is unmatched by anyone, and only you can make her heart race.
only she can make your heart race.
and that's why you're perfect together.
#yae miko!?
food food food. that's all i can say.
yae is quite interested in human holidays, but isn't quite as interested in valentine's day than you'd thought she be.
she was kind of disappointed honestly, she thought it'd be bigger than that.
guess not.
wait, what?
do things together?
go out?
take her out to dinner, lunch, even breakfast?
oh boy. she's locked in now. seriously, though. if you take her out on a nice picnic and spend the day with her gazing at the glorious lands of inazuma, she's never gonna let you go. ever.
she might try to be flirty and romantic with you, but she's actually really happy. I can see her even cuddling you in public. yea, i said it. THAT'S how much she's thankful for you and this lovely picnic.
please toy with her hands and hair,, too. I headcanon that yae is quite hesitant to physical touch at first, but will soon warm up to it. she especially loves having her hair played with, and i mean,, it's super soft so who are you to complain? same thing with her hands.
they're so soft and warm, but cold at the same time, and longing to be held.
and even though valentines day is only once a year, please make yae feel special every day <33
#kamisato ayaka!?
lemme just,, AWW
ayaka on valentines day would be so adorable i swear. she'd get pretty hyped up yet nervous as hell at the same time lmao
she's probably gonna need some reassurance from you, like she does most of the time,, but that's ok because she's amazing.
she'd probably end up giving you some wildflowers she found and would take you out to dinner,, but please take her out.
no seriously.
she always does so much for everyone else, she forgets about herself and her own needs. she gets so unbearably caught up in everything that she neglects her mental and physical health,, so she deserves a day off. take her someplace nice. get her a fancy new hairpiece, a new pouch for miscellaneous items,, just something small that she can enjoy on a daily basis.
i swear she's gonna fall for you alllll over again. over and over and over and over and- well, you get the point.
also, you should take her out for a boat ride,, she's never done that before!! it could be a sweet and fun experience for you both to feel on such a special day.
just imagine her breathtaking sky blue locks flying majestically in the wind as you gaze at her happy figure, feeling nothing but a warming sense of tranquility.
:sigh:,, oh to have a kamisato ayaka
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zhongliologist · 3 years
Breeding Kink Pt. 2 | Dragon!Zhongli
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Pairing: Zhongli x fem!reader
Genre: SMUTTTT!!
Words: 5.2k
A/N: Oh god i have no braincells anymore. Zhongli fcked with my braincells as well. Here ya go. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Happy Birthday as well.
It was already deep into the night.
The last of the busy market kiosks has died down, the golden glow of their lanterns flickered off for the day, while the late-night loiterers had gone to rest at their station as silence and the sound of crickets settled in. The harbor has truly gone to sleep after a rough day’s work, and will rise once again at early dawn.
Yet inside the bedchambers of a certain married couple, things were still heating up.
“Z-Zhongli…! Please…!”
You held on to the silken sheets tightly with face flushed and sweating. Every now and then, a moan would escape your lips, savoring the moment where ecstasy was at its peak. It felt good—really good—as your husband Zhongli thrusted sharply into you.
“YN…” he growled beside your ear as he bent down, kissing the bare skin of your shoulders. “YN…I’m close…haa…”
He could feel all the pleasure welling up inside of him. You were holding on to him like a vice grip, as if wringing him out of his seed and coaxing him to come inside you. Zhongli felt his dick twitch at the thought of filling you up, pushing him closer to his climax.
“Aahhh…so g-good….mmnn….! Zhongli…! I’m gonna—”
“My love…I-I…!”
“Mama? Papa…?”
A knock at their door, followed by a small voice stopped the both of them in their tracks.
Oh no, not again…
Looking at each other, you and Zhongli immediately scrambled to compose yourselves.
“Yuqing…ah, please stay where you are—"
“Honey, just a second! Let me…let me just find my slippers—”
Hurriedly, you grabbed your discarded robe on the floor and put on your sandals, while your husband raced to the adjacent bathroom to relieve himself. “Love, I’ll be there in a moment. Please take Yuqing back to her room in the meantime,” was what he said.
As you opened the door, you were greeted by curious amber eyes—the same as her father’s—who seemingly stared at you as if trying to assess the situation. She was carrying her favorite plushie, a geovishap hatchling, for some reason, while you knelt down and caressed her cheeks gently.
“Yuqing? What’s wrong?” you asked her, “It’s way past your bedtime.”
“Something jumped from the window, Mama…! I…I don’t want to go back!” She replied, almost in a whisper as she held on to the plushie tightly.
Your daughter’s words immediately caught your attention. It could just be a squirrel, or maybe something more dangerous. Nevertheless, you have to go check it out.
“Alright, honey. Let’s see what it is,” you replied as you carried her on your arms. “Mama and Papa can easily hunt monsters down!”
Yuqing blinked at you. “Hm? But where’s Papa?”
“Oh, uh…he just needs to pee,” you replied awkwardly, not totally forgetting what you two were doing a while ago.
By the time you arrived at Yuqing’s bedroom, you were greeted by a calico cat which was carrying her own young into the room, staring at you both with scrutinizing eyes. It seemed to have taken a liking to the room and decided to take shelter there. You instantly knew what was the matter.
“It’s a mama cat!” Yuqing exclaimed happily, jumping from your grasps as you muttered “be careful!” at the ecstatic child.
“Don’t come too close to it, honey,” you told her, sitting on the bed as you watched your daughter crouch near the animal to observe it. “The mama cat doesn’t like it if you touch her kittens. She might scratch you.”
“Oh…” your daughter murmured disappointingly, and then returned to your side when she had enough watching.
Looking down to her, you could really see how much Yuqing resembled Zhongli—the same eyes, the same dignified yet gentle countenance. Her hair was a little lighter but it’ll probably turn as dark as Zhongli’s when she’s older. You smiled at the thought of watching your daughter grow—a few years ago, she was still so small and fragile as you held her for the first time, but now, she’ll be turning six, and then eleven, and then little will you know, she has become such a fine lady.
Pulling her into an embrace, you caught the child off guard as you smothered her with kisses.
“Mama!” She protested, but was giggling at the same time. “Mama…what are you doing!”
“I just love my dearest Yuqing!” you exclaimed, but then stopped to pat her head gently. “Now, are you still scared?”
The dark-haired girl shook her head with a smile. “I’m ok now, Mama! It was just a cat.”
“Alright,” you smiled as you began tucking her in again. “We’ll talk in the morning what we’ll do with the cat, but right now, it’s time for you to sleep. Little girls need to sleep for them to grow big, okay?”
“Understood! Good night then, Mama!” Yuqing replied underneath her blanket, as you gently soothed her head. The whole time, you continued to do it until she had finally fallen asleep, soft snores coming from the small child which made you smile warmly.
By the time you returned to your bedroom, you could see that the bathroom lights were still on. You were waiting for Zhongli to swing by Yuqing’s room earlier but for some reason, he’s been caught up in the bathroom this whole time. It also seemed like your husband had heard you enter the room and began calling for you.
“Dear…! Perhaps you could come here for a moment?”
Curious about what was going on, you then stepped into the bathroom and only to be greeted by a much larger, more draconic Zhongli. You could only stare at the large protruding horns on his head, the scales on his arms and legs, and the tail that was swinging back and forth between his legs. Not to mention the large thing on his crotch that made you do a double take at the mere sight of it.
Zhongli closed his eyes as soon as he noticed your stunned expression. Despite how he looks, he still had a bit of his self-control intact.
“YN, I think we have a problem here,” he told you as calmly as he could.
“I might be going into heat again.”
It was finally D-Day.
The both of you spent the last week trying to prepared for this, because unlike the first time, you had responsibilities. For one, Yuqing had to be taken elsewhere and away from the carnage. It will not bode well if your child is there while your husband is being one horny dragon.
The people both of you know where highly dangerous though. Among the rejected list was Childe, Hu Tao, and Venti, with the last one loudly lamenting how he couldn’t have fun with Yuqing in Mondstadt. Keqing and Ningguang would be great but they’re busy with work, while the adepti wouldn’t have enough skills and patience to babysit a child for a week, even if it was the child of the former geo archon. That’s why in the end, you asked Lumine and Aether to take care of your daughter for a while—they were at least, safe enough not to put Yuqing in danger. Hopefully.
On the other hand, you had to prepare yourself for another bang of your life. The first time had caught you off guard, but this time, you were prepared to satiate your half-dragon husband to the fullest. You had also prepared yourself to conceive another child. Well, you really were planning to, but it was the night when Yuqing interrupted you two.
“Dear?” A head peered into the kitchen—or rather, a head with two horns.
Zhongli’s dragon features seemed to be staying longer and longer the nearer his heat approaches. Luckily enough, it wasn’t much of a rare sight in Liyue.
“Oh, morning, Zhongli. Should I brew you some tea?” you asked, busying yourself with breakfast for your family of three.
“It’s alright. I’ll do it,” he replied as he stepped in beside you, preparing the hot water to be boiled.
For a while, the both of you stayed like this in silence. You were concentrating on not getting the congee burned while he was trying to get the proper temperature of the water.
In the end, it was Zhongli who broke the silence.
“Will you be alright later?”
You whipped your head to his direction. “H-huh? What? Me? Oh, I’ll be fine!”
“Are you sure?” he asked, turning to you and caressing your cheeks with the tip of his sharp claws. “If only I could assure you that it will be painless.”
“Zhongli,” you called his name firmly as you flipped an egg. “You have never hurt me, and you never will. I survived the first time, right? We have Yuqing running around after all.”
Your words seemed to have magically melted his worries away, no matter how tacky you thought there were. But you didn’t know that Zhongli simply needed your assurance that it will be okay, otherwise, he’d go into a spiral of worry. Comforted by your presence, he crept his arms around you, hugging you from your side.
“Ah, my wife…my lovely wife…” he muttered happily as he nestled his head on your shoulder, savoring your scent and your warmth. “You’re really my wife…”
You giggled at his sudden show of playfulness. “That I am, sir.”
For Zhongli to be this affectionate, it seemed his heat has really gotten to him. Normally, he’ll reserve these kinds of actions for the both of you late at night, but right now, he’s incredibly clingly and wouldn’t stop following you wherever you go. For the most part, he really loves taking in your scent and running his hands around your body.
Soon enough, you hear the loud and rapid padding of feet on the floor as it dashed towards the kitchen where the two of you were. In a few moments, Zhongli was face to face with his own daughter who grinned gleefully at him.
“Mama, Papa!” Yuqing exclaimed as she clung to you like her father.
“Now young lady, what brings you here early in the morning?” Zhongli asked mischievously, still hugging you and resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Lumine and Aether! They’re coming right? They’re coming!” she almost shouted, arm tightly adhered to your leg.
“In about half an hour, darling,” you replied. “Now, are you both aware that I’m trying to cook here? I can’t move!”
Instead of letting go however, Zhongli tightened his hold of you while nuzzling deeper on your shoulder while Yuqing did the same on your leg. You grumbled. “Like father, like daughter.”
Giggling, Yuqing glanced at her father who was tightly clinging to you like she was.
“Papa, do you like Mama?”
Zhongli, for a moment, smiled at her warmly before replying. “Very much so, my dear.”
You could only hide your flustered expression at his words. But of course, it made your heart skip a beat, even after marrying him and having his child, Zhongli could still make you feel this way with just a few words.
It was a good thing that Yuqing changed the subject before your heart could explode.
“Papa! You have horns!” she exclaimed and pointed at Zhongli’s head.
“Oh? Is this your first time seeing it?” he asked as he knelt to the floor. “Do you want to touch it?”
Zhongli could definitely see his daughter’s amber eyes sparkling with curiosity as she slowly inched her way closer to him. Yuqing may look like him, but she definitely has your temperament. The way she sees the world with so much wonder and excitement reminded Zhongli of you.
“Can I, Papa? Can I?” she asked, her small fingers reaching out for them.
“Yes, you may, my dear.”
Bending down, Zhongli felt Yuqing glide her fingers at smooth surface of the horns. “Be careful though, the tips should be sharp enough to wound you.”
Filled with wonder, the child gazed at Zhongli with amazement. “Papa, are you a dragon?!”
“I can become one.”
“Does…! Does that mean I can be a dragon too?!”
Aahh…You smiled at the two of them as you finished the last of your cooking. “Alright now. Let’s have breakfast. The twins will be here soon if we don’t hurry up!”
“Aether! Lumine!”
The dark-haired girl immediately ran towards the twins right after you opened the door to greet them, incredibly excited for the week ahead. Aether scooped her into his arms right away as Lumine pinched her cheek for being so adorable.
“We’re extremely grateful to you two for agreeing to take care of Yuqing,” you told them bashfully. “It was hard to think of anyone reliable and willing to do it in such a short notice.”
“It’s okay, YN,” Lumine replied, “We’d love to have Yuqing around anyway! Right, Aether?”
Distracted with playing with Yuqing, Aether turned to Lumine who was looking at him pointedly. “Huh? Oh! Oh yeah! We’re gonna play a lot!”
“Let’s play house again, Aether!” Yuqing interrupted, “I’ll be the mommy, Lumine will be the aunty and you’re the daddy!”
A large, tall shadow loomed over the twins from behind you. “I prefer if you’d arrange the designations in a different way.”
“Oh, Zhongli.” You turned to your husband who was menacing enough to make the male twin tremble like a leaf, especially in his half-dragon form.
“M-Mr. Z-Zhongli!” Aether immediately felt a chill run down his spine. If anything, he felt an overprotective dad is way scarier than all the monsters he battled so far.
“Good morning Mr. Zhongli,” Lumine greeted the man calmly with a smile. “You don’t have to worry about anything! Yuqing can be the mommy, I’ll be the daddy and Aether’s the dog.”
You could only smile awkwardly at the whole exchange. If this continues on, Zhongli might change his mind and insist his daughter to stay.
“Alright, here’s all her clothes for the week as well as other stuff she needs,” you interrupted as you shoved a bag on Lumine’s hands. “Please don’t hesitate to call us if something happens.”
Lumine only glanced at you with a plastered smile. Bothering them isn’t something she’d really want to do.
“We will, YN,” Aether replied and then exchanged looks with his sister. “I think it’s time for us to take off now though.”
“Alright. Come on, Yuqing, let mama and papa kiss you goodbye,” you told them as you reached out for your daughter who easily climbed out of Aether’s arms.
Crouching down, you and Zhongli embraced your daughter tightly, kissing her cheeks several times until she began protesting. With Zhongli chuckling, he patted her head gently while reminding her of several things.
“Now young lady, be of your best behavior. Don’t make Lumine and Aether worry too much.
“I will, Papa! Can I have almond tofu as a reward then?”
Zhongli smiled at her amusingly. “Alright. Do we have a contract then?”
“Yes! It’s a pinky promise!” Yuqing held out her pinky and linked it with Zhongli’s, who was careful not to scratch her with his claws.
“Don’t forget to drink your vitamins and eat your vegetables, ok? And sleep on time. Be careful not to go anywhere without telling Lumine or Aether!”
Yuqing sighed, “Yes, yes, Mama. I will.”
Ruffling her head, you finally kissed her forehead while Zhongli did the same.
“Don’t forget to have fun!”
As she ran off to Lumine’s side, the both of you stood up.
“We’ll be going then. See you after a week!” Aether exclaimed as they began to take the steps down the porch.
“Bye, bye, Mama, Papa!”
With that, the three of them disappeared and went off their way.
Glancing at your husband, it had finally dawned on you that this was only the beginning.
“So, should we get started?”
He asked, and you froze.
“W-wait…! Zhongli!”
“What’s the matter?”
Your husband asked you, as if he wasn’t pinning you against the wall, nuzzling against your neck as he took in your scent. You could feel his warm breath against your pulse, his hands on your waist as he continued to pepper small, faint kisses on your skin.
“It’s…it’s the middle of the day…a-and…and…!”
“You never had an issue with that… are you getting shy, my love?”
You could sense the teasing tone in his voice as he nibbled on your ear, without ever the intention of removing himself from you. Flustered, you pursed your lips as you bit down a moan.
“N-No, I’m not! It’s just…!”
“It’s just what?”
Zhongli smirked at your unexpected bashfulness, urging him to tease you more to see more of that adorable expression of yours.
“I-I mean, we just sent off Yuqing…and they might return or something—”
“Oh, they won’t.” Zhongli gave your jaw a small hickey. “Or at least I’m sure they are well aware not to bother us.”
Without furnishing you an answer, he simply knelt down before you and wrapped his arms around your thighs to hold you down. Looking down, you could see him smirking mischievously at you, making you gulp.
“Why don’t we get you ready, my love?”
Slipping his head underneath your skirt, you instantly felt his lips on your thighs as he kissed his way up towards your core. You could feel yourself melting at the heat of the situation; the sensation of his warm tongue prodding your clothed entrance.
“Z-Zhongli…! Mnhh…!”
Even with your underwear on, you could easily feel him stimulate your sensitive clit as he circled his tongue around before sucking it. Your knees buckled immediately as you found your hands holding on to his horns, careful not to pull too much.
“You’re so drenched here, YN,” he told you, his voice vibrating against your sensitive parts.
“D-Don’t say that! O-Ohh…! Fuck!”
You couldn’t even tell him off properly as soon as he slid of your underwear and began to tease your hole with his tongue. You could feel him go in and out as his warmth filled you up. But it wasn’t enough, of course. After getting a taste of the real thing, nothing could satiate you other than him.
“Zhongli…oh god! Ah—!”
Without stopping, he continued to lap on your juices and stimulate you until you were at the edge of orgasm. You could feel your legs grow weak and the only thing keeping you from falling to the floor was his tight grip on you as he ruthlessly ate you out like a hungry man.
Peeking from underneath your skirt, Zhongli watched as he gradually pushed you closer and closer to your climax. His bright amber eyes filled with lust as he stared at your half-lidded eyes and trembling lips; crying his name out loud over and over again. He wanted to take you then and there, push his cock inside you until you were filled to the brim; his hard on was excruciatingly painful inside his pants, but he had to be patient and get you ready for him.
“Come for me, love,” he muttered, circling his tongue around your clit once more and sucking it.
It only took an instant for you to shiver and tremble in pleasure as you felt your orgasm wash over you like a tidal wave. Your skin felt like a surge of electricity passed over you as your knees buckled and your arms held on to his shoulders to stop you from falling over.
Removing himself from underneath your skirt, Zhongli then scooped your weak figure and carried you on his arms towards the sofa. He had you sitting on his lap facing him while you encircled your arms around his shoulders and waiting for your high to calm down.
For a while, the both of you stayed like this. Zhongli kept on giving you small pecks on your neck and shoulders, slowly divesting you of your clothes as he went around your body. It was slow and sensual; unlike the first time he was in heat.
“H-Hey…you too…” you purred, kissing the underside of his jaw.
He only hummed at you; his hands busy with getting your skirt off of you. “Yes?”
“Let me undress you too.”
Zhongli reigned in his urges as soon as he heard your suggestion. His face flushed as he watched you slowly remove his tie and unbutton his shirt to reveal his toned chest. Groaning at the feeling of your hands on his bare skin, he knew he only had a few moments left before all his self-control could fly off the window. But it was incredible, he could only feel himself grow even harder.
Soon enough, you were already on the floor kneeling before him. Zhongli felt himself tense up at what you were about to do, but had to strength left to stop you from doing it. Silently, he watched as you glide your hands on his things and then to the prolific bulge on his pants. You could feel him poke you earlier while you were sitting on his lap, which gave you the idea of blowing him off.
Gradually, you undid his belt and pants and finally take out his monstrosity of a cock. Zhongli gave a guttural groan as he felt your hands pump his shaft tentatively, his claws biting at the soft leather of the sofa.
It wasn’t the first time you saw his cock, and while it was impressive in normal days, the one right before you was definitely befitting of a dragon. You hesitated.
H-how did this thing fit inside of me before?!
Nevertheless, you continued on. It was massive but it was definitely hot, seeing Zhongli sitting there in front of you with a flushed face and his cock out. Timidly, you gave the tip a small peck as you slowly allowed your tongue to glide over it.
Empowered by his reactions, you then licked the underside of his shaft until it was glistening wet with your saliva. Eventually, precum began to ooze out of the tip and curiously, you began licking it as well, sucking it in the process.
“Ughh…! F-fuck…YN…! I’m really—”
Trying to bob your head up and down, you could only fit so much of him inside your mouth as your jaw tried to accommodate his size. But you felt your core tighten up and become wet, thinking that this cock will eventually fill you up to the brim with his cum.
Zhongli was rapidly losing it. He wanted to cum, but he wanted to cum inside of you and have you bear his child. He wanted to see your cunt filled with his seed until it oozes out of you, and then plug his cock back inside of you to fill you up once again.
No, this won’t do.
“YN…! Y-YN…! P-Please stop! Mnnh—!”
He held your chin to make you stop—the way your lips left a trail of saliva to his dick tempted him push it back inside your mouth—but he had to end it there, right before he came inside your mouth. Slowly he guided you towards him; confused as to why he stopped you right before he was about to come, you moved back to his lap where he gently caressed you and wiped his fluids from your cheeks.
“Let me kiss you, my love.”
In a soft and gentle kiss, Zhongli captured your lips. You could feel it radiating with love and warmth as he slid his lips over yours, his tongue darting inside, as if trying to fill his senses of you and only you. You both kissed until your lips were swollen, until you felt him rub his shaft against you unconsciously, making you moan in the kiss.
“Z-Zhongli…” you gasped for air. “Are you…holding yourself back?”
With those amber eyes, he gazed at you seriously—all the while keeping your lips closed to his.
“Is it a sin to treasure you so much?”
His words caught you off guard, but eventually, you smiled. Zhongli never failed to express his love for you. He was gentle and kind, a good husband and an even better father. Brushing a few stray locks of hair from his sweat-riddled face, you kissed his forehead as a way to show how much you appreciated his thoughtfulness.
“Thank you for thinking about me, Zhongli,” you remarked, “But right now, I really want you to let loose and fill me up completely with you.”
With eyes blown wide, Zhongli felt himself twitch at your words—his arousal no longer hidden. Grabbing the back of your head, he then crashed his lips against yours in a searing kiss lidden with passion and lust. He bit and licked on your lips while his hand groped your full breasts, pinching at your nipples to make you gasp against his lips.
“Then so be it,” he smirked. “I’ll make you completely mine.”  
Guiding his shaft to your slick entrance, he pushed himself inside of you in one go—making you squeal at the sudden sensation of being penetrated. It took some time for you to accommodate his large cock, but eventually, your cunt was drenched so much that it hadn’t become much of an issue.
“Z-Zhongli…! Oh god—fuck! …s-so big…!”
You began riding him, moving up and down on his lap while Zhongli continued to make you feel good by playing with your breasts. You could feel his sharp claws make indentations on your skin, but not hard enough to draw blood, but it was a strange sensation which only heightened the pleasure of having his dragon cock thrusted inside of you.
“Hnnghh!! Y-YN…!” Zhongli winced at the sudden tightness, and began to distract himself from cumming by licking on your pert nipples until they were red and sensitive.
With pleasure attacking you from different parts, you could only mewl as Zhongli gradually turned you into a lewd mess as you felt him twitch inside of you. Soon enough, he’ll be cumming inside of you, and that would the first among many others for this entire week. If his first heat said anything, Zhongli wouldn’t stop mating with you until you were fertilized with his seed.
The thought did nothing but coax you to your climax. You could feel yourself tighten around him as he pounded into you mercilessly, your juices mixing together. Zhongli was also close. He was already extremely aroused, and it wouldn’t take long for him to climax.
“A-Ah—! YN….! L-love…I’m…I’m close…!”
He muttered with face flushed and breath ragged.
“Yes…! Oh god, yes…! P-Please, Zhongli…! Ah—! F-fill me…fill me up…!”
In just a few thrusts, the both of you came at the same time. He pushed deep inside of you and came; his warmth filling you up until he was spent. You were still shivering with pleasure when he pulled you in for a kiss, his tongue once again ravishing you with so much intensity that it could be argued that he made you come once again with just a kiss.
Reeling in from the afterglow, you could still feel him hot and hard inside of you, as his breathed hard against your neck. You were no different though—the way your mind was still covered with a haze of lust, or the way his cock inside of you felt so good as it hit a particularly good spot. The aphrodisiac you got from Dr. Baizhu seemed to be quite effective.
Removing yourself from his embrace, you staggered to stand up with your limp legs, but managed to crawl on fours right beside him.
Zhongli was both bewildered and disappointed to have your warm body away from him, but when you pushed your ass before him and gazed at him with sultry eyes, he felt his heart rate pick up the pace.
It was embarrassing to show your cunt dripping with your juices and his cum, but you didn’t really care much. You were too entrenched with arousal to feel embarrassment.
“Z-Zhongli…let’s…let’s do it again…?”
Grabbing your ass, he spread you out even more, and even slapped your butt lightly. Zhongli could definitely see his cum dripping out of you and promptly scooped it up with his finger and pushed it back inside of you.
“P-Please…! Zhongli…I—!”
He smirked. “Very well.”
Without warning, he slid himself back inside of you; making you bite back the remaining words. It felt incredible having him inside. It was hot, as if you were burned and electrified at the same time. Your mouth hardly had the time to close as he continued to piston in and out of you.
This time however, Zhongli began playing with your oversensitive clit, groaning loudly at how you tightened your walls around him. You squealed in delight as his cock hit a particularly good spot, making you cum sooner than expected.
“Oh…o-oh god! Z-Zhongli….! Zhongli…! A-ah…!”
Yet despite your premature climax, he continued on—thrusting inside of you and prolonging your orgasm. It was so good you could feel tears pooling the side of your eyes as he plowed your sensitive cunt.
“You came, didn’t you?” he asked, his lips once again on yours. “I’ll make you come again soon enough.”
True to his promised, Zhongli picked up his pace and fucked you as roughly as he could. You knew there will be bruises after this but the pleasure was greater than anything for you to care about. The way his cock just fills you up, hitting your g-spot over and over again relentlessly, or the way his groans just sends shivers down your spine.
“F-Fuck…! Fuck…!Z-Zhongli! I’m—! I’m gonna…!”
“Yes, love...! Haa….come for me…! I’ll fill you up with my seed…”
Once again, you came from the overstimulation—your arms failing as the pleasure was greater than anything you experienced so far.
With that, Zhongli suddenly bit your shoulder as he pumped more of his seed inside of you, which only overflowed from your hole. You mewled at the mixture of pain and pleasure, unable to distinguish the one from the other, but you knew it felt extremely good.
Zhongli was silent for a while as he lapped on the bitemarks he had made. He was glad that he hadn’t bit too hard, but for some reason, he also liked how you were marked as his.
“Allow me to take you to the bedroom,” he whispered to you as you nodded your head groggily. Sleep was beginning to approach you fast.
Unsheathing himself from you, you winced at the sudden feeling of emptiness. But it was immediately remedied by the feeling of his warm body near you as he carried you to your shared bedroom. Slowly, he laid you down on the soft mattress and eventually joined you there, embracing you from the back.
“Let’s rest for now,” he muttered right before your eyelids fell heavy. “We’ll need it for later.”
And he was right.
For the next few days, the two of you tainted every room inside the house (well, except for Yuqing’s bedroom).
From the kitchen where Zhongli fucked you from behind, bending you on the counter as he emptied himself inside of you—to the bathroom where cleaning up turned into another round where he slowly entered you while underwater—or on the floor, which was only because you couldn’t reach the bed because he was too horny for his own good.
It was only then, as the both of you rested from the last round which took all night and early morning, that you realized how much time had passed.
“Mama! Papa! I’m back!”
Your eyes shot open, and glanced at Zhongli who was staring at you as well.
“Oh no.”
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genshinwritings · 4 years
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A/N: Edited; June 2021 Long ass post ahead; sorry not sorry ♥  Wanted to create a new Masterlist but tumblr is being a small b*tch and won’t let me post it, so I updated the old one!
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Fluff Headcanons
Domestic Fluff Headcanons
Pregnancy Headcanons
Domestic Headcanon
Taking care of their sick someone 
Confession Headcanons 
Taking care of his girlfriend while she’s on her period HCs 
Mistletoe Headcanons NSFWish
Giving/Receiving love bites HCs 
NSFW Alphabet: A, A, I, K, O, P, T, U, W, J
Childe x Reader NSFW
Childe x Reader NSFW | Quickie in a dark alleyway
Childe with a masochistic partner Headcanons
Which sexual desire are they too embarrassed about to tell anyone? And in which situation would it be obvious enough to show?
Are they loud in bed?
Favorite position?
How tell that they’re horny  
Fluff Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
Pregnancy Headcanons 
First Date Headcanons
Domestic Headcanon
Describe how they would spend a stormy, overcast/rainy day.
Describe a physical action that shows complete trust.
On a sleepless night, what would they be found doing?
Love Letter Headcanon  
NSFW headcanons
With a partner who has a high sex drive
Taking a bath with him NSFWish 
NSFW Alphabet: A, B, C, I, J, K, L, M, O, S, U, Y, X
Zhongli x fem!Reader NSFW 
Are they skilled with their hands/mouth?
Where on their body are they most sensitive?
Fluff Headcanons
Going on a date
Kissing Headcanons
Taking care of their sick someone 
Confession Headcanons 
Describe how they would spend a stormy, overcast/rainy day.
Describe a physical action that shows complete trust.
Taking a shower with his partner HC 
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet: A, C, J, K, M,  P, Y, U , T, W, Z 
Are they skilled with their hands/mouth?
How tell that they’re horny.
Which sexual desire are they too embarrassed about to tell anyone? And in which situation would it be obvious enough to show?
With a partner who has a high sex drive
Taking care of their sick someone 
Pregnancy Headcanons 
NSFW Headcanons
Mistletoe Headcanons NSFWish 
NSFW Alphabet: C, J, P, S,T, U, W, X
Do they like to top or bottom? 
Are they loud in bed? 
Are they skilled with their hands/mouth? 
How tell that they’re horny.
Friendship Headcanons
Domestic Headcanon
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet: A, C,  I, K, O, S,  U , J, T, W, X
Describe a physical action that shows complete trust.
How long does it take for them to have sex with someone they find appealing if that someone shows interest into them as well?
Domestic Headcanon
Describe how they would spend a stormy, overcast/rainy day.
Taking a bath with him 
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet: P, S, H, M, N
Where on their body are they most sensitive?  
General Headcanons
Pregnancy Headcanons 
Friendship Headcanons
Mistletoe Headcanons NSFWish 
NSFW Alphabet: C,M, P, S, U, W
Are they skilled with their hands/mouth?
Where on their body are they most sensitive?
How tell that they’re horny.
Kissing Headcanons
General Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
How she handles a crush + confessing to them
First Date Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet:  P, S
NSFW Alphabet: A, K, Y
Cuddling Headcanons 
NSFW Alphabet: A, B, K, Y 
With a shy reader Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons 
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet: I, K, Y 
Are they loud in bed?
Favorite position?
How tell that they’re horny.  
Taking care of his sick partner HCs 
Describe a physical action that shows complete trust. 
Which sexual desire are they too embarrassed about to tell anyone? And in which situation would it be obvious enough to show 
In which position would they like to sleep in with their partner afterwards? And what position are they likely to end up in instead?  
7K notes · View notes
Genshin Impact Masterlist!
Every Character/Miscellaneous:
Every Characters’ Favorite Way To Cuddle
Every Character’s Favorite Way to Cuddle - Update One
Every Character’s Confession (100 Follower Thank You!)
Genshin Cult AU: Divine Retribution
Genshin Imposter AU Idea: What if in order to help us survive, Teyvat resurrected the dead?
The Day After You Died
Ayaka Realizing She May Have A Crush On The Traveler/Reader
Baal With A Reincarnated S/O Who Now Fights For The Resistance
What They Do When You Go Missing
Them With A Short But Strong fem!S/O
The Day After You Died Part II
Soulmate Headcanons
A-Z Fluff Alphabet: “B, I, V”
What Dates With Them Tend To Be Like
A-Z Fluff Alphabet: "A, C, V, Z"
A-Z Fluff Alphabet: “F, J, O, Y”
How They Show Their Love Despite Their Flaws
Jean, Lisa and Eula With An Anemo Archon!S/O
What They Do When You Go Missing
How They React When You Getting Injured
What Dates With Them Tend To Be Like
The Day After You Died
Soulmate Headcanons
What They Do When You Go Missing Part II
Ganyu: A-Z Fluff Alphabet
Hu Tao:
What They Do When You Go Missing Part II
Jean Gunnhildr: How She Would Fall In Love
What Dates With Them Tend To Be Like
How They Show Their Love Despite Their Flaws
Them With A Short But Strong fem!S/O
Soulmate Headcanons
Jean Gunnhildr: A-Z Fluff Alphabet
What If You Were Found By Your Main While In The Genshin Cult Imposter Au? (Written By A Jean-Main)
Jean, Lisa and Eula With An Anemo Archon!S/O
What They Do When You Go Missing
What They Do When You Go Missing
Them With A Short But Strong fem!S/O
Lisa Minci x gn!Reader
Jean, Lisa and Eula With An Anemo Archon!S/O
How They Show Their Love Despite Their Flaws
How They React When You Getting Injured
How They React When You Getting Injured
How They Show Their Love Despite Their Flaws
How They React When You Getting Injured
The Day After You Died Part II
The Day After You Died
A-Z Fluff Alphabet: “Y”
What Dates With Them Tend To Be Like
The Day After You Died
Soulmate Headcanons
72 notes · View notes