#ken curious
maddyformen · 11 months
He legit says if you're Kencurious or Kenfused and like this is a masterpiece LMAO. I am getting no work done but like whatev lol.
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toukawings · 8 months
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the . f slurs.
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Draken's va having his nails painted pink, Draken's character colour while wearing his toman uniform is such a look!
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lakesparkles · 2 months
Here's an idea, how about furry Movie!Gideon interacting with furry Movie!Twins? Or really anything with the 3 because people forget they're technically second in command to Gideon
I'm also one of the people that forget about it.... The twins deserved more screentime in the movie.
This one was great because I never finished my animal designs for them
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brookheimer · 1 year
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evignonita · 3 months
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bro thinks he's a greek god
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danzafila · 1 year
ok ok here we go
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holyhidan · 5 months
how to win holyhidan’s love and affection, a step by step guide:
step one: have white or grey hair
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step two: there is no step two, that’s literally it
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afoxymulder · 10 months
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At this meeting of the GSA—
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fictionadventurer · 5 months
Guide to PBS Kids writers:
This is an early episode of a quality animated show and is one of the most hysterical things I've ever seen on children's television = Joe Fallon
This is an early episode of a quality animated show and is very funny = Ken Scarborough
This episode has strong, vivid and realistic female characters = Kathy Waugh
This is an episode of an animated show that has undergone a notable quality drop where the characters get lessons preached at them and seem to exist only in a very narrow urban upper-middle-class worldview = Peter K. Hirsch
This is an episode of that show that has undergone a notable quality drop but the characters are believable and I'm actually laughing at several really good jokes = Ken Scarborough
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ken-katayanagi · 6 months
I’ve read your google docs of the katayanagi twins’ fashion. Super interesting stuff and I love it as both a fashion enthusiast and fan of the siblings. Your document really emphasizes the distinction between those two even with the very little info we have on them (kyle’s style could be late 80s japanese pop while ken’s style could be more leaning towards visual kei). Also matches their personalities (ramona mentioned kyle is the hothead of the two, so I guess the pretty and proper bad boy kind of look fits him)
Something about your endnote fascinates me, however. You mentioned something about the twins’ relationship being strained but then strengthened after ramona’s betrayal. Would you implore more on the idea? I’m now invested in it very much…. thank you and have a good day
Thank you!!! I mostly based my looks off this piece of concept art by O’Malley, which makes me think the personalities the twins had in their few anime appearances were just parts that weren’t as well communicated in Vol. 5
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(I think that little doddle next to the crossed out “they’re not even Japanese” emphasizes that visual kei comparison you made)
But as for the second bit, I think the twins weren’t exactly on great terms, even before Ramona. A decent part of this has to do with my own personal head cannons surrounding Kyle and how I perceived his and Ramona’s relationship with alcohol, but also with just how different the twins seem to be under the surface. They seem like they would run in almost completely opposite social circles and be invested in similarly opposite things.
And it’s honestly really tied to their teens. Basically, their parents kinda unintentionally set up a dynamic where Kyle felt like Ken got away with everything (piercings, weird clothes, going out to band shows and having a more trusting relationship with their parents) and Ken thought Kyle couldn’t get his act together (partying, showing up back home late, getting in fight with their parents). Neither was true as in reality their parents let a lot of stuff with Ken slide that wouldn’t have otherwise because “well at least he’s not drunk” and Kyle was genuinely going through some serious mental shit but not telling anyone so his actions just looked super random and mean spirited. So by the time they get to college, they haven’t really addressed this weird image they have of the other in their heads.
And it explains how Ramona was even able to two time siblings. They’re not going to the same parties, they’re not really talking at length about their lives (since they never mention enough detail to make the other suspicious), they’re probably not really bothering each other much if they share a dorm. Ramona unconsciously sees and plays this divide, knowing they’re not really together enough for her to get caught.
It also emphasizes for me a very emotional aspect for all three of them. Ramona is hot off a messy break up (Roxie), the breakup that ended her first relationship with a women and also seems to be her first attempt at having something…maybe not serious but genuine (it seemed more important than anything with Matt Todd or Lucas). Shes hardly in the headspace to be in a relationship, and maybe after some nights out, she’s terrified and not sure what to do because whoops she’s in two! And the longer it goes on the less Ramona actually wants to fix it because it’s kinda fun in a messed up way, and the twins aren’t bad company…until it all comes crashing down and she’s out the door before they even notice she’s gone. I think Ramona’s relationship with the twins is her at her actual lowest, with her being most at fault for what happened and the least justified in bolting afterwards. This low point is exactly when Gideon finds her, unsure and upset at herself, in exactly the position to manipulate her. (Sorry if this came off a little Ramona bash-y, I love Ramona but this girl makes bad choices)
As for the twins, I think the really strong emotional beat here is the idea of how avoidable it would’ve felt for them. How if they had just been able to set aside their own bullshit, if they had even bothered to connect at all, they could’ve figured it out in a few days, rather than in a few weeks or a few months. Ramona’s betrayal is catalyst for them to sit down and just…talk out a lot of their own personal crap.
But yeah that’s why. Sorry this got super massively long, but I hope you liked it and it wasn’t too ramblely lol.
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kotaromita · 4 months
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reddje · 1 month
reddie x scott pilgrim one shot where richie is scott and eddie is ramona and the losers + bowers gang (vic and henry imo) are eddie’s seven evil exes 😭
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kk7-rbs · 5 months
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Tagged in a picrew chain game by @void-botanist !! The intention was for people to make themselves but I cheated and made 2 of my ocs instead because uh. Brainworms. So yeah here's Flipside Croix and Ricardo.. for the second time today LMAO. Tbh this is more accurate than the bg3 versions
Tagging uhhh @multi-lefaiye @athenswrites @bluberimufim but also it's an open tag
Picrew link
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brookheimer · 1 year
*least favorite does not necessarily mean you don't like them! just who you're least passionate about! you can love all three and still have one that you're invested in the least
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match-your-steps · 3 months
sometimes my phone glitches and shows the wrong album cover
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