#kaylee my queen!
Ivan/Riley/Chase playlist!
Here it is: the big guns. The magnum opus of this series. The fic that started it all and is also somehow the one I've most recently updated. The holy grail slow-burn poly-shipping mutual-pining Soulmate AU and the longest fic in this series by a long shot (if only due to the fact that I stopped updating the Ziggy/Scott one, and even that was not a slow burn). I left y'all on tenterhooks for MONTHS as I updated this thing and whenever I want inspiration for writing slow-burns I come back to this fic. It meant so much to get to write asexual Riley and his soulmates' supportive reactions as well as Kaylee's aromantic journey, too!
Also, apparently it's the most kudosed one in the Dino Charge fandom? And the second-most viewed? So thank y'all so much! Once again, I cannot believe that these passion project rarepair fics have spoken so well to the good people of the power rangers fandom. I started this series when I was eighteen (I wrote the vast majority of it at eighteen) and a freshman in college and I got so much joy from writing all of these traumatized idiots sitting within stories that were just begging for a bit of tweaking/exploring. Thank you all so much for coming along this journey with me over the years- it means more than I can say!
@skyland2703 @madhare0512 @khruschevshoe @liveinalovelyway @disastardly @augment-techs @infinitysgrace @our-raven-strife-universe @estel-eruantien @miss-morgans-lover
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dyketennant · 1 year
i need firefly (2002-03) to have a gay resurgence in 2023 so i can enlighten the new generation on my serenity crew polycule graph. like even with its dated 2000s jokes this show is insanely queer found family coded. and i know this is a very well known show and not my niche lil underground interest but nobody here gets it like i do. please. firefly gay resurgence 2023. you know you want to.
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sexynetra · 1 year
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now THIS. THIS is the shit that I like!!! Woman who looks like she would for sure kill someone if they were annoying enough and man with puppy dog eyes and sunshine smile. Impeccable. No critiques. Anetra has it all
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readychilledwine · 9 months
Bound by Fate
Azrielx Archeron Oc
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A/N- happy day 4 of my week celebrating over 100 new friends 💙 here is the winning poll piece with Azriel and our little Archeron OC, Kaylee. This mostly takes place pre-hybern and the Cauldron, but expect a turn at the end. This is a little bit of a Rollercoaster because I love the idea of Az and Kaylee going into her being made already kind of courting.
Summary - After her older sister returns home with 3 males in tow, Kaylee finds her life turn upside down by one of them. She is unknowingly drawn to the scarred male, and he to her.
Less fun Warnings - mentions of death and child loss (nothing graphic just in a healing house sense), mentions of SA, angst. Kidnapping
The fun warnings - smut, fingering, dirty talk, praise kink, dom/sub dynamics (because what kind of Az fic doesn't pay into bdsm?), innocent oc, one use of impact play
Word count - around 3866
Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
The first time Azriel came, Feyre and Kaylee held eye contact, communicating silently. Her older sister had brought 3 men, males, she corrected herself, into their home, and now, she sat next to the one who had pretty blue gems. She supposed he was pretty, too.
If you liked your partner to quite possibly be able to kill you with their bare teeth.
And Kaylee supposed, again, that she maybe did. She looked at him before looking at Feyre and then went back to poking at her food.
When she went to bed that night, locked in her room alone by Nesta's orders, Kaylee could have sworn she saw a shadow move before something cool danced in hair and laced between her fingers.
On his second visit, Azriel found himself looking for Kaylee. He had bought something for her at a jewelry shop, without any inkling as to why. He held the small box containing the pretty raw sapphire necklace as he entered her room at the estate.
He froze at the sight of her. Her long sandy blonde hair was damp, she was wrapped in a soft fluffy robe. She was sitting at her vanity, frozen as she stared back at him. "Aren't you supposed to be dropping a letter off to Nesta?" Her voice reminded him of summer rain. It had played in his mind constantly the past couple weeks.
"I did. I was hoping to see you." He smiled as a flush instantly hit her face, gracing her cheekbones. "Only if that is okay, though. Nesta and Elain do not know I snunk up here." Kaylee nodded. She motioned for him to join her in the room, and he sat on her bed. The smell of jasmine and vanilla hit him instantly. Expensive, a shadow whispered. "How is the healing house?"
Kaylee smiled as she turned to him, running an oil through her long beautiful hair. Soft, another shadow whispered. "It's been okay. Lots of kids this week with colds and allergies. Poor little things."
"Do you want kids someday?" The question was out before Azriel could stop himself. "Sorry I-"
"With the right person, yes." Kaylee answered without hesitation. "But only if Feyre likes them. Which I guess gives me my short lifetime to find someone." Azriel felt his heart deflate at the reminder. Human, a shadow whispered. She is just human.
Azriel stood as she turned back to the mirror, keeping the box behind his back and he approached her. "Hold your hair up for me, Kaylee." She watched him from the mirror but did as he asked. "I bought this for you. I thought I couldn't help but to think of it with your eyes when I saw it." She allowed him access to her neck without fear as she watched him. His hands were shaking from his nerves as he placed the delicate necklace on her and closed the latch.
He couldn't help himself as he reached behind her, positioning the stone so it sat perfectly centered above her breasts. "Beautiful," he whispered to her softly. "Absolutely beautiful."
On his third visit, Azriel wasn't even supposed to technically be there. He had been trying to get into the Mortal Queen's Castle. During his flight, he was struck with an arrow. It wasn't ash, wasn't laced with faebane, but he took advantage of the injury nonetheless, using it as an excuse to see Kaylee. He was currently sat on her vanity stool, shirtless, as she cleaned the wound. "I don't know much about fae healing. It looks like it's already closing, though."
Azriel chuckled. "It probably is. I just wanted an excuse to see you." He laughed again as her face flushed and she smacked him on the shoulder. "Can you blame a male for wanting a pretty girl to tend to his injuries?"
Kaylee shook her head smiling before moving to clean the barely there cut on his face. "You are a shameless flirt, Azriel."
"Only when it comes to you, honeybee." He adjusted the sapphire necklace, smiling slightly. "How are you?"
Kaylee shrugged. "Nesta and Cassian got into it today when he stopped by. The energy of the house has been off since then. It's just a heavy feeling?" She looked at him, hoping he understood what she meant and he nodded. "How are you?"
"I was shot with an arrow today, Kaylee. I too have had better days." She couldn't help but to laugh at the statement, her head falling into his shoulder. He'd do anything to hear her laugh, to see her smile. "I did get to see you. So that does make up for it." She pulled back slightly, her face near his. The cut was long gone, the wound in his side had closed and all that was left was a faint pink mark.
Az, a familiar purr came into his mind. Where are you?
Almost to the wall. I'll be home soon. Azriel locked Rhysand out, his hand absent-mindedly moving to Kaylee's face.
Neither of them know if he moved in, or if she did, but one second there was a breath of air between them, the next, there was nothing but his lips on hers. Moving together as he pulled her closer between his legs and her hands came to rest on his chest.
It felt like, for once, something good was in his pathway. Something whole and pure. He pulled away from her, instantly missing the taste of honey and green tea that lingered on her, and rested his forehead against hers. "I have to go, Rhys is calling for me."
Kaylee just nodded. "Was that your way of saying goodbye?" Azriel nodded. "We should always say goodbye like that then."
Azriel's third visit was spent mapping out the house. He had not seen Kaylee since his last stop, but a small box sat heavy in his pocket waiting for the moment Nesta was done with him so he could see her.
"The last room is Kay's," the oldest sister glared at him. "She might be in there, so if she is, do not speak with her and leave her alone." Azriel nodded. "She's had a rough week."
Azriel opened the door, closing it behind him when he found the mortal who haunted his every waking moment curled in a ball on her bed. Crying. Lost someone. The shadow he had trailing her told him. Little one.
Azriel sat on her bed, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Kaylee." She was instantly in his arms, crying harder as he held her against him. He adjusted slightly so she'd be in his lap, then pulled the box out and set it on her night stand. "It's okay, honeybee."
"It's not fair," and Azriel knew it wasn't. The shadow had finished filling him in. "He didn't even have a chance." He shushed her softly, pulling her in tighter. "It's just not fair."
"I know, Kaylee. I know. The loss of a babe is never fair, nor easy." They held each other in silence until her sobs became soft sniffles. Asleep. Likes to cuddle with the otter on the corner of the bed. We snuggle it every night. Azriel could have laughed at his shadows' confession. He laid Kaylee down, tucking her into the bed and handing her the otter. He watched as the shadow he had unknowingly lost to her weaved between her fingers and almost nestled into her. Ours, it whispered.
He kissed her lips gently and whispered a goodbye to her, leaving a quickly scribbled note with the box.
His fourth visit wasn't fun, nor did it allow him much time with her. He watched as Nesta fixed Kaylee's long soft waves, dissatisfied with the looks of her youngest sister.
They all had told the sisters how beautiful they looked, only for Nesta to back hand the compliment to Kaylee. "Had someone been home earlier, she'd look better."
There's nothing fucking wrong with her, Rhysand growled into the link he, Cassian, and Azriel were sharing. What is Nesta's fucking problem with her younger siblings?
From what my shadows caught, Kaylee did not get home until almost an hour ago. Something happened last night and she was pulled from bed.
That explains the medicine smell on her skin still. Cassian said softly. I think she looks fine. She looks extra glowy in that shade of blue, wouldn't you say, Azriel?
Ah yes, Rhysand said. With that clearly fae made jewelry. Admit you're courting her, Brother. We do not care..
Azriel slammed them out, moving to Kaylee as Nesta tried to force her younger sister to let her tie her hair up in braids. "Enough. She looks fine." He pulled Kaylee back to the wall by him and Cassian. They shared a silent look between them. He smiled as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, exposing the sapphire earrings he had purchased her.
Kaylee whispered quietly, "They're late." Cassian shrugged, trying to hide his annoyance. Kaylee jumped as a male suddenly appeared before her, guards and the queens winnowing in. Her hand had grabbed Azriel's, and he had protectively pulled the youngest sister behind him, almost handing her to Cassian with a growl. They did not get to kiss goodbye on that visit. An action Azriel would fly back soon to fix.
He had flown back a week later, sneaking into her room using the balcony door, and waited for her on her bed. He had not noticed her bathroom light was on. he was just anxiously waiting, mind in his own world. "Oh Gods! Azriel! You have to stop sneaking up on me." His gaze shot up and instantly widened.
Kaylee was standing there in her towel. Her long legs exposed to him, her upper chest exposed to him. "I-" he shut his mouth as quickly as he opened it and looked away.
"Is everything okay?" Kaylee moved closer to him until she was right in front of him. "Are you okay?"
He swallowed thickly, eyes locked on her toned thighs. "You are naked."
"Do fae not bathe naked? You all just leave your clothing on? Are you all ever naked?" He smirked at the question and bit at the bait she had tossed out.
"I'm naked when I bathe, Kaylee. I spend a lot of time naked actually." She hummed softly, tucking the end of her towel into itself. "Everything is fine, by the way. I just had a night off and thought I'd spend it seeing you." Kaylee nodded and smiled. "I figured we could maybe talk, or-" he trailed off, eyes on her legs again.
"Ooooor?" He shook his head. "Or what, Azriel?"
He swallowed again. "I will be honest. I forgot every idea I had once I realized you were naked."
Kaylee was debating something. Finally making her choice she dropped the towel, crawling into his lap, bare to him. "Does my nakedness bother you?" Azriel groaned, instantly switching their positions so she was below him.
He growled at her slightly parted lips before diving into them and kissing her deeply. His hands began to roam, going up from her waist to her breasts and squeezing the tender flesh. He devoured her moans, groaning in response as her legs fell wider apart to allow him more space. He moved his lips from hers, kissing down her neck, then biting into the pulse point softly.
Kaylee was responsive to him, to his every touch, lick, and kiss. He felt as if he were a sex God at how the littlest things he did seemed to be magic to her. "You are so beautiful. You know that?" He whispered into her ear before lightly biting it. She doesn't, the shadow said. She doesn't believe you. Azriel lifted her from the bed, pulling them in front of her full length floor mirror and stationed himself behind her. He continued kissing her neck and shoulders, hands playing with her nipples as she turned to hide her face in his neck.
Her skin was on fire with every touch of his hands, only to be instantly cooled by his shadows. "So fucking beautiful," Azriel groaned into her neck. "Look at yourself in the mirror and say you're beautiful."
His hands roamed lower and lower, finger tips leaving goosebumps in their wake as he continued to kiss her neck. "Az-"
"I gave you an order, little one," he bit harshly at her pulse point, soaking in her gasp and moan. "I expect you to follow it."
Kaylee's eyes rolled back as she moaned again. "Look in the mirror and say you are beautiful." Kaylee pulled back from him slightly, holding eye contact with him before realizing he was serious. "Do it or I stop. I will leave you here wet and alone, Kaylee. I only play with good girls."
She whimpered softly. His hand came up to grip her jaw, turning her face to look into the mirror. He had her spread out to him, his other large hand splayed on her lower stomach and public mound. "How can you see this beautiful body, those eyes, those legs, every fucking day and not realize how beautiful you are? Say. It."
Kaylee swallowed thickly as he watched her. "I'm beautiful," Azriel's hand on her chin moved to her throat, gripping gently. His other hand moved lower again, cupping her sex as he groaned at the feeling of her dripping for him.
"Again." He commanded.
"I'm beautiful," a single finger moved through her folds, gathering wetness.
"Again, honeybee."
"I'm beautiful." Azriel pushed his finger into her tight entrance, rewarding her obedience. "Fuck, Az." He slowly pulled it out, pushing it back in again. Watching her watch him.
"Look at how pretty you look right now with your cunt swallowing my finger." She blushed instantly at his words, moaning as he curled the digit into a spot she had never found before. "Such a pretty cunt, Kaylee." He slipped a second finger in, the stretch almost burning as Kaylee moaned. "Has anyone else played with you, beautiful? Or is this tight little hole all mine?" He knew immediately based on the blush and smirked. "Say red if you want to stop at any point, baby."
His fingers began moving inside of her as he continued to force her to watch. He was opening and closing them like scissors, curling them into that spot teasingly, pulling them out just to push them back in so slowly. "You smell so fucking divine, baby. I bet you taste like heaven." He growled in her ear as she tried to look at him. He ripped his fingers from her, smacking her soaked cunt lightly. He delighted in the squeal that left her throat followed by a whine. "Eyes stay on the mirror." He pushed his fingers back in, palm grazing the swollen bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs. "Follow my rules and I will reward you, Kaylee. Break them and I will have to teach you some lessons. Am I understood?"
"Yes," she nodded as best she could with the hand still holding her throat.
"Yes sir," he corrected her.
"Yes sir." He nodded and began to pleasure her again, shadows moving in play with her peaked nipples. A heat Kaylee had rarely experienced in her self exploration began to build in her stomach. A coil was tightening and building quickly as she moaned more and more. Azriel was smirking watching her, feeling her walls fluttering around his fingers. "Az," she lost her thoughts as he put pressure on her clit again.
"I know, Kaylee. I can tell. Do you want to cum? Want to soak my hand like a good girl?" She began nodding eagerly. "Do you deserve to?"
"Yes sir." She answered instantly. A smile bloomed on his face. "Please?"
"Tell me why you deserve to cum."
"Because I was good, and I listened-" She moaned loudly as his fingers began constantly curling into that spot, his palm constantly running over her clit. "Sir. Please."
"Tell me one last time what I want to hear."
"I'm beautiful."
"Yes you are, baby. Cum for me." Kaylee finished stunningly. Her back arching slightly as her hips began to ride his hand. Her lips parted in a silent scream as that coil snapped. Azriel watched in bliss, eyes wide as hers squeezed shut and her cunt pulsed around his fingers, soaking them like he had predicted.
He slowed his movements, riding her high out gently as he whispered praise in her ear. He slowly removed his fingers from her but forced her to watch him in the mirror again. He put them in his mouth, the feral being inside of him growling at the taste of her pleasure and essence. He sucked and licked his fingers clean, maintaining eye contact with her. "Heaven." He confirmed before turning her in his arms. "You taste like heaven."
She fell asleep in his arms that night, his naked body pressed tight against hers. She had stopped before it went too far, wanting to wait to cross that line fully once they had looked into fae and human couplings more. Azriel had played with her hair before falling asleep as well.
He had relectantly drug himself out of her bed, only waking her to kiss her goodbye as the sun began to rise.
The next visit was silent and tense. "How long has she been missing?" Cassian asked softly. "When was she last seen?"
Elain shook her head. "She was at the healing house. They said a man came, asking for her specifically by name and claiming his son had fallen ill. Kaylee is known for her work with children. She hasn't been seen since."
Rhys rolled his eyes. "Right. We got that. How long ago was it?" Feyre was holding Azriel's hand tightly as the male tried to school his expression and breath.
"About two weeks ago." Nesta finally answered.
"Our sister has been gone for two weeks, and you haven't looked for her?"
"It wouldn't be the firs-" Cassian cut Nesta off with a single hand raised to her.
"I do not want to hear your excuses. Az?"
"I will find her." The shadow singer said softly. "She should have one shadow with her. If it hasn't come back to me-" His jaw tightened. The sentence didn't need to be finished as he and Rhys made eye contact and the high lord nodded. It was clear to all of the fae in the room. Kaylee was alive, but possibly in danger.
Somewhere in Hybern, Kaylee pulled her knees to her chest as she sat locked in a dark cell. Fae males were guarding her as she sniffled and cried for what felt like the 1000th time today.
She had been forced to bathe and dine with a king. One who whispered in her ear what he planned to do to her, to her sisters, before hurting her, using her, laughing while she cried and a human male watched.
Kaylee watched from the corner of her eye as the little shadow that followed her returned with more. One tried to approach the cell before falling still on the ground and regrouping to join the other ones.
She was losing hope. Hope that Rhys could hear her as she screamed for him mentally. Hope that Feyre would come save her. Losing hope that anyone could come save her. Kaylee fiddled with the chain of her necklace as she cried harder. Help me, she pleaded mentally to anyone listening. Someone please help me.
Kaylee didn't bother fighting the guards pulling her into the throne room. She knew the pathway well at this point. Nesta was struggling, Elain was crying. Kaylee just walked, numb to all of it. Nesta and Elain were stopped at a certain point while Kaylee was dragged to the King of Hybern and forced to sit at his feet.
Rhys growled loudly at the sight of her. "What did you do to her?! Kaylee! Honey, look at me!" She refused to look at Rhysand, wrapping her hand around the King's calf and playing the part of the good little toy he had forced her to become.
"You and Kaylee have something in common now dear Rhysand. You're both little pleasure whores." The king tilted her jaw, eyes sparkling with the lifelessness he found in Kaylee's. "The only difference is my toy had to be broken into submission while you handed yours away freely."
He dropped her jaw and Kaylee zoned out, waiting for what she knew was coming, almost begging for it. She blocked out Elain's screams. She blocked out the panic as Nesta stayed in too long. She blocked out the image of Cassian reaching for her older sister despite being nearly unconscious.
"Put my pet in. I want to see if she's worth breeding once she is fae." A soft growl snapped Kaylee back to reality. She knew it was Azriel. She knew he was dying. She almost fought as the Hybern guards gripped her arms, but it all went limp as one realized what she was about to do and back handed her. "Evidently there is some fight left in her. No matter, that can be fixed."
Kaylee allowed them to drag and lift her. She heard Feyre scream as Rhys held her back. But all Kaylee felt was water and cold and pain.
Azriel woke up in his own bed, squeezing his eyes shut before his hands shot to his chest. "You're fully healed," a tired voice came from the corner as Rhysand stood. "You've been asleep for 3 days."
"Cassian-" Azriel began coughing and Rhysand handed him water.
"Asleep in his room. He's been awake off and on. His wings will be fine. Just a slow healing process." Rhysand sat on the edge of Azriel's bed. "Feyre is in Spring acting as a spy. She is okay." Rhysand handed Azriel broth, hoping to help him build strength. "Nesta and Elain are awake. Traumatized, but awake and alive." He watched as Rhysand swallowed thickly. "Kaylee hasn't woken up yet. She shows no signs of waking up anytime soon. Madja and her team are monitoring her day and night. I am going into her mind every so often looking for changes."
"Take me to her." Rhysand sighed heavily at the request. "Rhys. Take me to Kaylee. Please."
The high lord nodded. "They all have powers now, Az. We can't tell what they all are, but be aware, Kaylee's body is strumming with her magic. I don't know why or what she is, but she's dangerous, Az."
Azriel nodded, moving to stand and walk with Rhys. "Did Cassian?"
"The bond snapped for him the second he saw her. We were correct. Just like I have a feeling we're about to be again." He opened the door to the room next to Azriel's.
The brothers entered the room quietly and Azriel released a soft sob. Kaylee was asleep, hair spread out on the pillow as she took deep breaths. Azriel knew what Rhysand meant immediately. Her power was intoxicating, all consuming. His eyes flicked to the birds and other animals watching from the ledge of her balcony. He shot Rhysand a questioning look, and the High Lord shrugged.
Azriel began to note the changes in her. Her ears had changed shape, her limbs slightly longer, cheekbones higher. He fixed her necklace, and removed her earrings gently. Azriel took her small hand in his, ignoring the strumming glittering bond that snapped the second he touched her.
Rhys paused as he studied the light of it. "Azriel, did you two?"
"Not to the full extent, no." His brother was stroking her head. "We played. That's it." Rhys nodded. Grabbing two chairs so they could sit with her.
He was in Kaylee's mind. She was dreaming about walking through the woods and countless animals and lesser fae. Her mind showed no signs of waking her anytime soon. "I have Amren looking into her dream symbolism and her sudden new furry and feathery friends, we have guesses, but-"
"All we can do is wait?" Azriel's voice was desperate as he kissed Kaylee's cold fingers.
"Correct. All we can do is wait."
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spurgie-cousin · 4 months
I have a 4mth old baby so a bit younger than Gideon. And if my baby reacted to music like Gideon is in that video I would turn it off so fast! Like can't Kaylee read any ques her baby is giving her? I know when my baby likes a piece of music or song because she lights up and smiles, wriggles, giggles, responds positively. I don't know how someone can be so out of tune with their baby. As an aside, my baby LOVES Queen and I find that hilarious and fills me with joy!
Yea I completely agree, that video was kinda jarring to see tbh. because you'd think even new parents with zero childcare experience would understand that loud noise + crying baby = negative emotion so turn off the noise. I mean even older children can understand that babies don't have complex enough feelings to be "moved" by music, like that's why you don't see anyone taking infants to the symphony or opera lol their feelings at that age are very simple. they only know to react to their most basal instincts, so cry = I am NOT happy and there is no deeper meaning.
@filthyfundie had a theory that I've been thinking about a lot: from what we've seen of Jill's parenting, she's very much a 'stuff the bad feelings down and put on a smile no matter what' kind of Christian mother (unless she's trying to put the fear of everlasting hellfire in you). So it could be that as a mother with that mindset, she developed an impulse to ignore or twist negative reactions in kids, almost as a way to try and make it as if they hadn't happened if that makes sense. And so Kaylee is just exhibiting a learned behavior.
Filthyfundie explained it way better lol and this is her example, but it's like when a small child falls and during that little pause where they're deciding whether they need to be upset or not, you laugh and smile at them as a distraction and it influences them to push past the impulse to cry and they laugh or forget what just happened. Kind of like that but to a much bigger extent that covers even necessary negative emotions.
I think an explanation like that definitely makes sense in a culture that rewards pervasive cheerfulness and obedience. And that would make more sense to me than Kaylee just not understanding that babies get stressed at loud noises, which feels like such a basic, instinctual kind of thing to know. But I do think that video is an unsettling peek into the parenting that the Rodrigues kids probably experienced growing up.
Also your baby has great taste, Queen rules 🤘🤘
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 2 months
EAH OCs Finally!
After my fancast (so so proud of it!), finally here to introduce my Ever After High ocs! Gonna tag @manyfandomocs my boy bc it's totally his fault. 🥺💚
Albert "Albie" White - future White King; while the White Queen and his sister Chessie escaped Wonderland, he was left behind and trapped in his world Goes to Wonderland High; Chase Redford ship FC: Archie Renaux
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Raya Genie - the future Genie In The Lamp; a Rebel because they don't want to live most of their life trapped in a lamp Her roommate is Meeshell Mermaid; TBD ship FC: Nora Dari
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Mayura Peacock - future Peacock Princess; absolutely Royal baby; has so many different names in different languages so simply goes by Peacock lol Her roommate is Farrah Goodfairy; TBD ship FC: Natasha Liu Bordizzo
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Fauve Pan - future Peter Pan; refused to pick a side until Poppy came out with the "Roybel" thing and she simply loved it lol Her roommate and ship is Wisteria Darling (and they were roommates lmao) FC: Madelyn Cline
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Wisteria Darling - future Wendy Darling; former Royal, becomes a Rebel because she wants to have her happy ending with her love and not grow up and marrying someone else like her mother Her roommate and ship is Fauve Pan (and they were roommates!) FC: Bailee Madison
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Eileen Hook - future Captain Hook; Royal bc she can't wait to have her own ship, crew and generally being a pirate (well, she would prefer not give up her hand, but is ready to do it if she needs to) Her roommate is Melody Piper; Cerise Hood ship FC: Melissa Barrera
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Clarion Nutcracker - future Nutcracker; Rebel just out of spite bc she actually likes her future, but wants to be a nightmare for Milton that bitch; absolutely not named after Clara idk what you're talking about Her roommate is Duchess Swan; TBD ship FC: Sadie Soverall
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Janice Grimm - future Milton Grimm aka keeper of the stories; acts like she stands for her father's rules, actually wants just to burn down the Storybook Of Legends bc she doesn't want to curse and lock up her baby brother for years and years duh (also, she wants her friends to be free to choose their own stories and not be their parents); Her roommate is Darling Charming; TBD ship FC: Kaylee Bryant
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Wallace Grimm - future Giles Grimm; he's sure to be adopted so he doesn't actually worry too much about his destiny since he thinks he can break the rules by being not related by blood; also, everyone else at first think he doesn't have a destiny bc they don't know about Giles existence; follows mostly Royal subjects so... technically a royal? But after Poppy he's way more a Roybel His roommate is Sparrow Hood; Hunter & Ashlynn ship FC: Hunter Doohan
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Damita Danish - future Princess On The Pea; Royal baby; mainly lives on vibes; only thing that I know for sure that she has so many troubles with sleeping and she hates that Her roommate is Rosabella Beauty; TBD ship FC: Millie Bobby Brown (might get recasted ngl)
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Devon Gale - future Dorothy Gale; 100% Royal since he can't wait to visit Oz (but he understands why some of his friends want to have a different destiny) His roommate is Alistair Wonderland; TBD ship FC: Joshua Bassett
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tikitsune · 2 months
Uh hello? Godzilla x Kong...
Rating: 9.9 out of 10
Would recommend to anyone who is okay with violence, guts, death and anything gory.
Note:Godzilla x Kong spoilers under the cut. You have been warned.
Masterpiece, the only thing that was bad about it was that I was kinda bored in the beginning. Don't get me wrong, the entire movie was entertaining and there needs to be some kind of build up but I don't really remember the first like 20 minutes of the movie. I only remember the parts with Kaylee Hottle (like the queen she is, girl getting me wanting to learn sign language) and the Dr. asking Bernie for help.
Other than that, I can find nothing to complain about.
Like I shit you not, the moment that Skar King came out with a rope dark wrapped around his torso, I shoved the popcorn into my sibling's lap and and sat all the way forward in the reclined chair.
My sibling and I loved Tiamat. Called her a pretty dragon and was kinda sad when she was killed. Although with Godzilla's new form coming into light, my sibling kept calling it Gay Godzilla and I would never fail to laugh.
While I loved the rope dart incorporation, the fact that Shimo was being basically abused hurt. When we saw Kong pet him like a dog, I was just like, 'awh cute'.
Also the baby ape... So cute and like, I think Kong adopted him, as a child or brother, idk but Kong and the baby ape are family.
Also Mothra. Just Mothra. My mom think that Mothra died in another Godzilla movie but idk. Like normally i don't like moths and I wouldn't want to be anywhere near Mothra is she were real but I would admire her from a respectable distance.
Also Jia summoning Mothra? Girl has my heart. And the unison of the three's roars was oh. After I shoved the popcorn to my sibling, my eyes were glued to the screen til the movie was over and the credits were playing.
The 2v2 fight scene has me saying 'bye bye Brazil's. And then Shimo finally get free of the Skar King's control and then freezes him, we were cheering in out hearts. Also baby ape came in clutch there.
Ugh I could gush about so many things in this but, like always, I can't find words to express my thoughts.
I just want people to know that this is a extraordinary movie and I loved every part of it.
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critical-quoter · 3 months
February Books
I'm rocking out my reading goal this year. Friends have told me that I aimed too low with 365 books but if I blow it out of the water, I can pretend like I didn't plan that and I am the G.O.A.T.
The Burnt Heart - Mae Pierce ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rules of Our Own - J. Wilder ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rules We Break - J. Wilder ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fabric of Our Souls - K. M. Moronova ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Too Long - I. A. Dice ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Unsteady - Peyton Corinne ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fractured Vows - Montana Frye ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Viciously Yours - Jamie Applegate Hunter ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Never Have I Ever - Stephanie Alves ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Forbidden Skye - Alex Crane ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Flag on the Date - M. L. Chambers ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Shucked - Kate Canterbary ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Love Honor Betray - L. Knight ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Loving Romeo - Laura Pavlov ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Waiting Game - G. A. Mazurka ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ See You Soon - Lexie Axelson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I Promise You - Lexie Axelson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fractured Vows - Alexa Michaels ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rule Number Five - J. Wilder ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Set Me Free, Cowboy - R. L. Atkinson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yours to Catch - Harloe Rae ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ What are the Odds - Madi Leigh ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Scarlet Princess - Robin D. Mahle ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Breakaway Hearts - Nikki Lawson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Feathers and Blood - Ivy Black & Raven Scott ⭐️ Reckless Deal - Maxine Henri ⭐️⭐️⭐️ For Mist and Tar - Jinpher J. Hoffman ⭐️⭐️ A Real Adaptation - Chloe Maison ⭐️⭐️ Stand and Defend - Sloane St. James ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Bad Wolf - Claire Ivy ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Xaden POV: Fourth Wing - belle_beebee ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Maiden and the Unseen - Alexis Rune & Jeanette Rose ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Mistress and the Renowned - Alexis Rune & Jeanette Rose ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Capturing His Heart - Regina Brownell ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Pawn of Vengeance - Michaela Jackson ⭐️⭐️ One Last Play - Annah Conwell ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Pretty When You Lie - Anne Roman ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Scars of Salt and Silver - Indiana Rose ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Ever Queen - L. J. Andrews ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Since Day One - R. L. Atkinson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Better Hate than Never - Chloe Liese ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tempting the Billionaire - J. A. Low ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Valkyrie's Bond - Lucy Roy ⭐️⭐️⭐️ It's Not Over - Kaylee Ryan & Lacey Black ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Gentry Rules - Cora Brent ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Saving the Game - Susan Renee ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Of Twisted Thorns - C. E. Young ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rushing Into Love - Kara Kendrick ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Empire of Sin - Rina Kent ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fighter's Second Chance - A. Rivers ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Nero - S. J. Tilly ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ More Than Fine - Jenni Bars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Take Me to Hell - Sakura Black ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Villain - L. J. Shen ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Book Lovers - Emily Henry ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Dark Lover - J. R. Ward ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
56 total books read for February 2024.
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cheese-anon-real · 5 months
New Year's Cheese
2023 has been one wild ride of a year for me Writer content in the latter half of this, below the cut!! do be warned! So. In 2023 I went from Cheese the Anon Asker to Cheese-Anon-Real. I’ve formed what I like to consider my little family, with the Sparda Boys and my fellow anons! Gods below I am so grateful for all of you, you made the last like, 3-4 months of the year so much better. Got sent to Space Jail twice, broke out twice with help Found Kaz again!!! Already touched on the family, but just Met Dante, Nero, and Vergil, absolutely love them to bits(Please be alive over there, Vergil, and not split in 2. Urizen’s cool and all but good god I wanted to shadow your devil hunting so bad when I got free) and Griffon I miss you come back you dumbass ball of feathers where’d you GO- Azuree may not be an anon but gods below, do I love them!! They’re such a sweetie like wth Joker, Fresa, Queen and her daughter Kaylee, and Candy have won my hearts, as my funny little family. You’re all being adopted by me now, face your future hell with me. UwU or smth idfk Am I an UwU-ass bitch or an OwO-ass bitch? Partner says it depends lolol. On what? Who knows. I love them so much too, they’re my world. I’ve had a lot of fun meeting you all, and I hope to hell and back that we keep up these silly little interactions over the next year. I know it hasn’t been perfect, but here’s to a good ‘24 for us all! Thank you for literally existing. I hope the other anons join the official family soon. Happy New Year, @pizzalover8969, @thebestsonofsparda, @thebluerose, @the-thunder-chicken, @azureedoodles, @anonjoker, @bizcochodefresa, @anonymousqueenofrandom, @princessanonofrandom, @therealcandyanon, and finally, @reece-piece-puff
sorry if the @'s is a bad move or I like, piss some of you off with it ;;
Love, Cheese(Roseanna)
P.S. I promise I'll get on writing my lore soon, I just haven't had much time :')
Reminder; Writer Content is Below The Cut. Beware!!!
2023 was even wilder for me than it was for Cheese lmfao.
I finally got into DMC this year, after being drawn in by Gura and the OST in summer of ‘21. On a family vacation, at that! Finally played 5, beat it, beat it again as Vergil. Played 3, beat it with some help from my partner. Started a Vergil run of 3, and started 1, never finished either, because life kinda got crazy Started playing C.O.D??? Somehow?? Never thought I’d play a C.O.D. game but here I am and I like the campaign for the MW2 remake, I suck ass at it but that’s a me problem lmao Got into therapy, finally, actually working on my problems now and really happy about it Went through several Vtuber avatar designs, finally settled on one I like and I’m almost done with it!!! Just gotta struggle through the hair, hand toggles, and the face! Wow!! Went through endless self-discovery, thought I might be trans(I am in fact not trans, I am Fluid! As far as I know. Still working on that. And other things, but one step at a time!! FINALLY reunited with my two best friends. In person. In another state. One of em, I've known since we were 11 and they moved away when we were 13. I had never hung out with them outside of school, and they introduced me to my other best friend, who came up to my state to meet me in late spring of ‘21, hadn’t seen them since. That friend actually paid for the trip themself, because I went through a god-awful breakdown for a solid 2 weeks and tried to. Isolate myself from everyone I love. But thankfully they talked me out of it and got me back into the group, got me going again when I was at probably my second lowest point since I was a preteen. Got oddly close with another friend while I was there, met the majority of my friend group, and now that friend I got close with is EASILY my third best friend! Not third-best, they are also a best friend and I love them so much?? We hyperfixate on like, all the same things. Dragged them into loving Ghost(band) and they’re dragging me into Scott Pilgrim! Woohoo, here we go! Left my friend group like a month ago because one of them is uh. Not. the best? But only sometimes. They don’t have bad intentions and they’re not outright toxic I don’t think, but I uh. Got kinda sick of their sense of humor. Not always funny, kinda mean to a certain other member. Not always though. But like we can work on it when I go back its fiiiiiiine! Learned communication to a degree, holy shit I hate talking about my problems, oh my god please I don’t need help I’m just a burden anyway(I’m working on it, don’t come at me with support I’ll get there with my family and friends eventually. Not attention-seeking here, I’m building my support group as I go.) Had 13 house emergencies!!!! Will list them! Woo! 1 - water heater leak 2 - gas leak 3 - roof leak again(we had a roof leak in ‘22) 4 - house flood 2 electric boogaloo(house flooded like a week after my partner moved in, in ‘22, before I arrived) 5 - flood 3 6 - roof leak 3 7 - roof leak 4 8 - heater died 9 - bathroom door handle fell off the door for literally no reason 10 - house flood 4 11 - roof leak 5 12 - house flood 5 House Flood 5 caused us to get renovations in the organized housing, and after that, they just straight up moved us to a new house. We had 8 fffffffucking days to get the hell out of our house and into the new one. Like, they actually put the time constraint on us. So funny of them! AND THEN THE NEW ONE DIDN’T HAVE SHUT-OFF VALVES FOR EITHER OF THE HOSE SPIGOTS AND WE HAD TO GET THAT HANDLED BUT THEY DIDN’T HANDLE IT. HELP. BROTHER WE ARE TRYING TO FOLLOW THE RULES. WHY ARE YOU FORBIDDING US. so. 13 - no shut off-valves(technically an ‘emergency’ bc the pipes could freeze and then burst) Got summoned for Jury Duty in my parents’ state! IN THE TIME WHERE WE WEREN’T CERTAIN WHEN THE CONTRACTORS WERE COMING. OR IF WE WOULD BE IN THE SAME HOUSE NEXT WEEK. JESUS CHRIST. But, did also get to go on another family vacation. We got to watch the Perseids! I saw a possum there. Literally loved that so much.
Also got SUUUUPER into Ghost(band) in the last like 3 weeks and I'm head over heels for 99% of their songs that I've listened to?? Hell yeah.
It’s been an intense year of ups and downs, but I’m really determined to turn my life around for the better, now. I’m gonna put my all into actually improving my health, both physical and mental/emotional. I didn’t want that to be like, a new year resolution, it just kinda lined up with the new year.
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falsemortal · 1 year
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Sick 🤒
It was a cold, winter day. A few days before Christmas.
Laura had invited Travis over for the weekend, having wanted to catch up and possibly go last minute shopping with him. However, Laura picked up on something the moment he arrived, but didn’t say anything until she saw further proof. (Something she’s personally been working on ever since that summer.)
They had just arrived back at her apartment, a couple shopping bags were left in the hallway between the bedroom and living room. Travis had excused himself a tad too quickly, and Laura saw the look on his face as soon as he got out of her car a few minutes earlier…. and now, she allowed herself to confront him.
“Just because you could face werewolves and supernatural beings for years, doesn’t mean you’re not capable of getting sick.”
“Kearney, I’m fine,” says the man currently supporting himself against the entryway to her small kitchen.
“The hell you are, Hackett,” her look shot daggers into him as she continued, “You’ve got a fever, you’re visibly shaking, and I saw you try to cover up when you vomited earlier.”
“I didn’t-“ He tries, but she cuts him off.
A weary sigh, “Okay, I might be a little sick.. but it’s nothing, it’ll go away in no time.”
“You need to lay down and rest,” her hand is on his arm, right above the spot where she has bitten him last summer.
“I’m fine-“
“You need to rest,” her voice is sure and strong, as is her grip.
“You.” She jabs him in the chest with her pointer finger, “Rest.”
He averts his eyes, his voice soft, “I’ll go take a nap on the couch.”
“Nuh uh,” she takes his arm and pulls him in the direction of her room, “My bed is more comfortable than the couch.”
“Travis, please, just listen to me,” she stops and looks up at him, his clammy skin under her hand, ”We might drive each other crazy most of the time, but I worry about you. Immensely. You’re always taking care of everyone else for so long.. why don’t you let me take care of you for once?”
He swallows, putting his hand over the one she has on his other arm, gently squeezing before dropping it back down beside him, “Okay.”
Whatever this thing they had going on between them, it made him soft and docile in her presence. He might show his teeth and hiss, but if she pushes his buttons right, he’s putty in her hands.
There was the tease of flirting, the subtle jealousy whenever they were out and Travis noticed other guys looking at her, and of course, there were the times Laura would text him her location whenever she went on dates with guys she didn’t know too well.
However, Laura hadn’t been doing much dating in the past couple months. Not since she and Travis had started their weekend hangouts. It gave him a glimpse of hope, that they might have something, but he knows it won’t happen. It couldn’t happen.. right?
Travis had only ever been in her bedroom once before and it was to grab her cellphone charger from the spot beside her bed. It was a forbidden zone in his mind, a personal place where he wished he could exist, but knew it was all a dream. But now? Laura was guiding him in, her queen sized bed the destination with the plush white comforter and the multiple throw blankets of various sizes and shades of green.
The moment he sat down, Laura was handing him a pair of sweatpants and a large tshirt. “Here, you can borrow these.”
She left the room momentarily and he took that as an opportunity to change and take in the room. It was a little on the cluttered side, but it was… cute. She had little figurines of animals set up on her shelves, a small bookshelf of textbooks and mystery novels. On the bed, there were a couple plush animals as well, he chuckled when he saw the black wolf, patting its head affectionately.
Like Kaylee once had, there were warm tone lights strung along the walls and there were a few Polaroids taped to the wall. Upon a closer inspection, he saw himself in one of them. His stomach buzzed at that, in the photo he wasn’t looking at the camera at all but he seemed to be in the middle of talking to someone. He looked.. happy?
He sat back down on the bed, folding his flannel and jeans and placing them on the floor beside the bed. He heard something fall underneath him, so he twisted down to look.
If he thought he could embarrass himself even more.. just beyond his clothes he laid down, was a small container. The lid had been jostled off and he was now peering into a very intimate box. His face felt like it was on fire as he reached down and searched around for the cover blindly. He found it after a few swipes, but the image of one particular toy and its girth was burned into his eyes.
He wasn’t a prude, he knew people had their needs and whatnot. He’d explored a few things early on in adulthood, finding what he liked… but that was a lifetime ago.
The mattress was practically pulling him in, the blankets and the pillows were all so inviting.
He laid down and was overwhelmed with her scent. He didn’t know if it was her perfume, or if it was what she washed her hair with, but he absolutely loved it. The clean, citrusy scent. The black wolf plush was wedged under his side, so he pulled it out and just held it front of him for a bit, looking and feeling…a weird feeling he’d never felt before. It made his insides jitter but it wasn’t a bad feeling per se.
Laura made her reappearance, tugging along a trash can and a large bottled water. Travis was the first to talk however, “Who is this little guy?”
Laura blushed when she saw the wolf plush in his hands, she sat the trash can beside the bed, within arms reach of the man,“You have to promise not to laugh.”
“I won’t,” he sits the plush on his chest. “Promise.”
“Travis,” she says quietly, making him look at her. She sits at the foot of the bed.
“Yeah?” He quirks a brow, which makes her face turn even more red.
“No,” she pokes the wolf, her response is so quick that the words almost blend together, ”The wolf’s name is Travis.”
“Ah,” It’s his turn to blush, he stares at the plush. It’s dark eyes staring back at him.
“Yes, he’s named after you,” she crosses her arms, looking away from him, “I saw it at that corner shop in North Kill..”
“Mel’s,” Travis shook his head, a soft noise left him, patting the wolf on the head, “Much softer and cuter than me, I’m afraid.”
Laura made a strangled noise, it might have been disbelief, “Okay, okay, so, what are your other symptoms? You got a headache? Sinus issues?”
“Head’s been killing me since I woke up this morning,” he says quietly, adjusting to sit up slightly against her wall of pillows. “Took some aspirin, but don’t think it helped.”
“Okay, I’m gonna go to the store real quick,” she gets up and rounds over to the side of the bed, “You have any requests for dinner?”
He shakes his head, but ultimately freezes when the back of Laura’s hand rests on his forehead.
“God, you’re burning up,” she looks conflicted, and before Travis even acknowledges it, she presses her lips to his forehead briefly, “Get some rest, okay? I’m going to see if I can get you something to make you feel better.”
Travis is stunned into silence and just nods at her.
He watches her leave the room, then hears her shuffle about her place and then call out another ‘I’ll be back!’ to him.
Utterly alone, he feels himself start to sink into her bed. The softness of the mattress, the cooling comforter, and the smell of her surrounding him.. he was in heaven. The small spot she had pressed her lips to on his forehead felt like he’d been seared, his fingers gently touching the area in disbelief.
He wished she’d join him, but he also didn’t want to get her sick. For now, he’d have to deal with his tiny… counterpart.
The little wolf plush stares at him and it made him wonder if she held it at night, it had been right beside the pillows.. the thought that she might even fall asleep cuddling it made him blush.
It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep. He didn’t intend it to happen so quickly, but everything around him was..nice.
When Laura came back, she almost dropped her grocery bag of supplies. Travis was on his stomach, halfway under the comforter with a leg sticking out. The plush was tucked up under his shoulder, in the crook of his neck. She blushes and got closer, running a hand up his neck and into his hair. He made a soft noise and turned to look at her.
“Hey sicky, I got you some medicine,” she smiled at him, “Sit up and I’ll give you it. Also picked up some burgers if you’re hungry.”
“Not hungry,” he mumbles into the bed, causing Laura to ask him to repeat what he said. He turned over and sat up, the motion caused his stomach to rumble uncomfortably. He also most definitely felt how heavy he felt down there. He tried to sit up and adjust his legs, but he had to swallow back a low moan at the sensation.
Laura’s hand cupped his cheek, and he thought he might’ve died right on the spot with the way she was looking at him. He found his voice, although hoarse, “I’m not hungry, my stomach hasn’t settled yet.”
“That’s alright,” her thumb swirls on his cheek briefly, he felt his cock pulsate, “I would like for you to take your medicine though.”
Her hand leaves him and he watches her rifle through the little plastic bag she’d brought in with her. She takes out a bottle of stomach relief medicine, as well as a bottle of Cold + Flu. She hums as she sets them on the side table, she then brings out a bottle of electrolyte replacement, “Got you strawberry, your favorite.”
“Thanks, “ he adjusts the comforter on his lap, but the weight and pressure makes him groan. He was so embarrassingly close and he hadn’t even touched himself. “What’s first, doc?”
“Well, do you feel like you’re going to throw up?” Laura’s eyes searched his, “Or I can give you some Cold + Flu, it’ll make you a little sleepy but it should help with your headache. The bottle says it helps with nausea, too.”
“Whatever is best, I trust you,” he meets her eyes, and he watches her lips quirk into a soft smile before she turns her head to ready whatever it is she’s going to give him. Her hand gently rests on his arm and.. squeezes.
His cock twitches and pulsates, his eyes almost bulge out of his head as he bites down on his lip. He can taste blood.
The next time she touches him, he is going to cum.
..and he can’t have that happen. He can’t ruin what friendship they have. He needs to excuse himself.
“Hey, uh, I need to go to the restroom real quick,” he kicked his legs out from the comforter but was met with a decision. Does he expose the very obvious tent in his borrowed pants, or does he make a fool of himself and run with the comforter?
“Oh, okay, here let me-“ He doesn’t get to make the choice. Laura yanks the cover away from him and his hands instantly go to cover himself, which doesn’t work. His nerves are on fire as he looks and sees her staring.
Not only is he painfully hard, he’d also started to leak out into the fabric of the light grey sweatpants Laura had given him to wear. He breathes heavily as neither of them speak for a solid two minutes.
“Oh,” is all he hears, then the shuffling of the bags, “I’m, um, I’m going to go put the burgers in the fridge. You can go take care of that. If you need me I’ll be in the kitchen- No, uh, what I mean-“
“M’sorry,” He squeezes his eyes shut, he feels terrible and now she knows. She probably thinks he’s a dirty old man. She’s never going to want to talk to him ever again. “I can drive back-“
“What- no? Travis, what are you talking about?” Her eyes bolt back up to his face, her cheeks are bright red now, “I don’t want you to go. It’s only Saturday.”
His eyes open and he exhales, trying to steady his breath, “But-“
Her hand goes to his knee and that’s all it takes.
He feels his balls tighten and then the smallest strand of holding back snaps like a twig. He whines and moans into himself as he presses down on his erection, he wants to disappear and die. Precum was dribbling out of him and he could feel it soak his pants even more.
He stands up, pushing his way out of the room the best he can, but is stopped in his tracks by Laura wrapping her arms around him from behind. He doesn’t dare move as he feels her lips on the back of his neck, trailing softly.
“Travis, it’s okay,” she’s quiet, “Can I help?”
His brain shuts down. Can she help?
“What?” He doesn’t even realize he said it aloud, but he feels one of her hands snake down his stomach and flick at the waistband of the sweatpants.
“I said I’ll take care of you earlier,” she pauses, swallowing, “This is included.”
He shudders back against her, and in a silent approval, he takes her hand and pulls it under his pants. He makes a soft noise when he feels her hand press him gently. She maps him out with a finger, then wraps around him and tentatively strokes him.
He’s on fire as his hips follow her hand without him acknowledging it, Laura is pressing little kisses to the back of his neck, his shoulders, his back, everywhere she can reach as she strokes him to a quick finish. He can barely hear her little puffs of encouragement, but with the way she’s acting, it’s like she liked this.
He’d hardly noticed her other hand being absent until he heard her. A tiny little moan and the swish of fabric being rubbed back and forth with fervor. She was touching herself as she touched him.
His brain was surely melting from his fever.
And then…
He came with a shout.
Her name on his lips.
..but Laura kept going until he was milked dry. He coated the inside of the sweatpants, and he could feel the wet fabric smacking against him as Laura continued to move her hand.
He felt empty and he slumped backwards slightly. Now that he could focus, he could clearly hear the slick noise from behind him now, and the little huffs of pleasure Laura was emitting.
He turned gently and met her eyes as he smoothed his hand down the arm that was still snaked into his pants. He gently took her slick and slightly sticky hand in his own.
“Let me-“ He started just as she crooked her fingers inside herself, her breathing hitched and he swears he’s never seen a more beautiful being than Laura riding her own hand.
“T-Travis-“ she stutters, bringing his hand closer, so that his knuckles rub up against her. A tiny thrill runs up his exhausted spine as he watches her rub up on him. “Please.”
He presses his hand against her and watches her face morph with pleasure as he joins her fingers. He gently crooks his finger and suddenly, it’s like sparks erupt from the blonde in front of him. He did it again and she squealed, clenching down on his fingers.
It was like he was touching a live wire. Hot and dangerous.
He wanted to do this for the rest of his life. Bringing pleasure to her, watching her writhe on his fingers. Hearing her noises.
Her forehead slumped against his chest. Her whines and moans of pleasure muffled by his body.
Her ejaculate covered his fingers, only noticeable once he removed himself from her, the circulating air hitting them and making it cold. He squeezed his arms around her and pressed a hesitant kiss to the top of her head.
“Join me?” Her voice was small and used, her hands pulling him back to her bed. “Unless.. you regret this?”
“Fuck no,” he huffs, holding her close. “I don’t regret this in the slightest, Laura.”
He allows her to pull him along, she crawls into the bed and looks at him with big, tired eyes. He follows, guided by her hands. He makes a noise when Laura hugs and pulls him down on top of her.
She nuzzles into him and sighs happily.
“You’re going to get sick.”
“I don’t care,” she just hugs him tighter, pressing a kiss to his flesh, “I want you to hold me and never let me go.”
His heart aches and squeezes as he nuzzles his nose into her cheek and plants a kiss there. “Can’t make any promises, but I’ll do whatever I can for you. Always for you.”
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wormholxtreme · 5 months
2, 4, 7, 16, 19, & 23
Mun Meme | Accepting
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2. what is your blog or graphic aesthetic or motif? why? It's mostly whatever @ppctts makes me because I CANNOT DO ANYTHING aesthetic XD but honestly she's made me so many pretty things and it's mostly around Kaylee being a sunshine, sunflower, star child and I am so grateful to Gin that she spends any amount of time making me these pretty things. I love her so much.
4. what genre do you primarily favor answered here
7. what universe have you never considered writing in? why? uuuuh well I'm sure there are some universes/fandoms that I'm not familiar with/even realize exist so those because of my ignorance LOL but I'm gonna say for the same reason DC stuff?? It's intimidating and like yeah I'm here for comics but I just don't know DC that well and I don't wanna try to manipulate DC story lines to the already complicated Marvel shit XD
16. how have your faceclaim choices changed over time? So Happy once upon a time was Michael Weatherly in an oooooold thing I wrote, back before I really had an idea of his character beyond the little bits we get in comics. But when I decided to bring him on for the sole purpose of simping after @ppctts the queen of fcs @dr-foster suggested Jay Ryan because of IT Chapter 2 and honestly I have not looked back.
For Kay, admittedly I had a very different FC for her adult verses but that person has since been what's the nice way of saying triggering and just not a good person. I don't always change my FCs over cancel culture stuff because I believe people are allowed to make mistakes but this was beyond even my comfort level. But I'm so glad I changed Kay's adult fc to be Joanna Garcia Swisher. She's precious and adorable and it really gave me an avenue to explore this kind of character further than what I had originally thought of, plus Joanna was originally my @cheeseburgersandwarbirds FC for Carol before we stumbled upon the amazing Yvonne and I thought it was a nice call back to our gaia days XD
19. who was the first faceclaim you remember using, who? for what canon? So throw back to gaia days in 2009 I was in fact using RDJ for my Tony. It wasn't too long after the first Iron Man movie came out when my lovely Noon invited me to come write with her. But it was before I knew much about the comics. So I decided to go back and throw myself into the comics reading from the very beginning when I realized Tony was a little different in the comics than the movie. He was younger, blue-eyed, had a sort of classic rat pack charm that didn't exactly translate into the movie because they were going more for his sarcastic vibe which was fine but I realized I really enjoyed comic book Tony more and around the same time there was this show called White Collar and just Neal Caffrey had all the charm, vibe, good nature, snark, intelligence, and suave that comic Tony had and so it wasn't very long that I started using Matt Bomer as my Tony FC also back in 2009 and honestly I've never looked back.
23. What skills have you gained by roleplaying? uuuuh typing rather quickly without looking at the computer???? XDD I don't know. Maybe some patience? I've learned a lot about myself, and I've learned that not everyone is going to like you. It stings sometimes but when I get focused on the people who love and care for me it outweighs a lot of the negative that comes with RPing.
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readychilledwine · 5 months
Bound by Fate pt 6
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Summary- When Kaylee Archeron meets Azriel, her world turns upside down. Between balancing her trauma, new powers, a mating bond, and war looming over her new home, Kaylee learns everything is not as little as it once seemed.
Warnings- miscommunication trope, sexual tension, Eris being the queen of pettytown
A/n- this is the smutless version of this filler chapter. But boy, do we love a petty Eris. If you'd like to read the smut version of this chapter, click here
Series Masterlist
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Lucien and Kaylee sat around the fire. She had hardly spoken since they left the House of Wind a week ago. She had been focusing all her energy and effort on tracking the Mortal queen, and she had been so close today. They had almost linked until the sun fell, then Kaylee felt nothing coming from the Queen's end.
She did feel Azriel all day today, though. Love was constantly showering Kaylee's bones. She had been trying to ignore it, but as a shadow curled into her hand, dancing between her fingers, then ran up her arm, she broke. 
Lucien turned to her instantly, pulling her close as she cried. “It's okay,” he rocked her, running a hand up and down her back. “Just breathe, Kaylee.”
She couldn't, though. Panic began to flood her. Lucien rocked her, whispering comfort to her as he reached into her bag. He pulled out a small stuffed bat, one that He could scent Azriel on, and placed it in her arms. “Just breathe,” he repeated. “Breathe.” 
At that soft command, Kaylee felt her mind pause, shifting to focus on Lucien's command instead of her panic. She took a deep breath, eyes locked on his as he silently coached her through her panic. “That's my girl,” Lucien wiped a few spare tears from your face. “Keep going, Kaylee.”
Kaylee clung to Lucien that night, holding him close as she slept as if he was her lifeline. Lucien couldn't bring himself to understand Azriel. No matter how hard he thought about it, he could not understand. Had Kaylee been his mate, had those tables been flipped, he wouldn't have picked someone else over her. Just like he wouldn't pick someone else over Elain. 
He didn't stay up long enough to further question it, though. They had to get on the road early. Kaylee thought the queen was close, and Lucien needed to focus on this. He needed to prove Elain right.
Kaylee groaned as bright light hit her face and rolled into the warm chest. She felt a pull in her powers causing her to shoot up and hit a sleeping Lucien. “Lu, she's here.” 
The male groaned, arm going around Kaylee's waist. “Who?” His voice was laced heavily with sleep, eyes not even opening. 
“The firebird?” 
Lucien shot up next to Kaylee, eyes locked on the cursed mortal queen. “Can you feel her?”
Her only response was a nod. “Her name is Vassa. She wants to know what we want.”
Lucien looked between the two. “I trust you,” he looked at Kaylee. The simple statement struck, her eyes lighting up as she smiled. “Tell her everything.”
Night fall came quickly. The three of them spent the day talking and moving back towards the wall, with Lucien stopping every so often to grab some form of flora he had Kaylee staying away from. 
When she transformed back, silence fell between the three. There, naked as the day she was born, a mortal queen stood with her red hair moving gently in the breeze. Kaylee went into her bag, grabbing the clothing they had packed just in case Elain's vision had been correct and handed it to her. 
“Thank you,” she nodded to Kaylee, moving to go change into the soft tunic and leggings before rejoining them at the fire. “It is nice to speak to peo-” she shut her eyes and sighed. “It's nice to speak with… friends again.” 
Lucien spoke first, poking the fire slightly. “I can not imagine how lonely you are, my lady.” 
Vassa hummed. “You get used to loneliness. She is the first contact I have had in a long while. Most Humans and fae sleep when I'm human again."
“Do not get used to her being around,” Kaylee's head snapped to Lucien. “Her high lord has demanded her back for the meeting he is having. I will be transporting her to Autumn, and my brother will be taking her to the Night Court from there.”
“He ordered it, hun. I'm sorry.” Lucien handed Vassa a plate of food. “It will be you and I, if you agree to take my company.” 
Kaylee stood, walking away from the fire and wrapping her arms around herself. She stopped at a lake, watching as a few fish swam by and took a seat. She thought she had more time to process. To get away. She felt a tug at the bond and gently answered, letting him know she was alive but still hurting. A wave of regret and of self hatred came down causing Kaylee to flinch. 
She was angry.
But Gods did she love him. She stroked the bond back, sending him her love and mixed emotions, and prayed he got the message. "Just give me time," she whispered.
Lucien and Vassa left Kaylee the next morning in a cabin. Kaylee shivered in dark, curling into herself as she waited for this brother to arrive.
To her annoyance, he was late. She took the blanket sitting behind her and wrapped it around herself with a sigh. 
“Such a sorrowful noise for one who is supposedly such a happy female,” the tone was mocking and bored. “You three were early.”
“Or you're late,” she shot back, wrapping further into herself. 
“No, little Kaylee,” the cabin came alive, flames starting in the fireplace, lanterns glowing brightly, and music playing. “You three were early.” She felt the male place a hand on the part of the blanket she had turned into a hood and pulled it down. “A tiny more attractive version of your sister, I see.” 
And this male? 
A stunning pale skinned red head. Freckles lining his nose like a constellation of stars. Burning bright eyes sparkling with danger that had Kaylee curling her toes. “You must be hungry,” he said. “I brought food. Come. Eat.”
“Papa told me to never take food from strange men.” 
He leaned down to her, face inches away. “Then it's a good thing I am a male, isn't it?” Kaylee made a face as he sniffed her and smirked. “Eat. Don't eat. Makes no difference to me, little one.” 
Kaylee stood following him after he walked away. “I don't even know your name.”
“Eris,” the male said, pulling her chair out. “Heir and general of the Autumn Court. The more important question is this,” the male pulled out a chair, turning it so he could straddle it and leaned in close to Kaylee. “Who are you?”
“Just Kaylee.” 
He scoffed slightly. “The shadowsinger is offering me a pretty deal to ensure you are returned in one piece,” his hand trailed her chin forcing her to look at him. “Just Kaylee. I can see why too. Such a beautiful thing left to the safety of little Lucien? I wouldn't have allowed you to even leave my bed.” 
Kaylee immediately noted how close they were. “I do not believe I will ever be in your bed, Eris.”
The heir smiled, face still near hers. “We shall see about that. I have until nightfall to change your mind.” He pulled away, fingers lingering in her hair as he did. “Eat, just Kaylee.”
Eris finally had Kaylee relaxed enough that the cabin didn’t carry a heavy scent of fear mixed with slight arousal. Bringing her four of his hounds had caused her guard to go down, and now the female sat pretty in his lap, sleeping soundly. His intention in trying to bed her was far from pure, but this would work. She would return to Azriel bathed in his scent from the close contact, and maybe then the male would realize how Lucien felt. 
His hands had run through her hair countless times, ensuring each strand held his scent. The blankets she was using were his, marking her body in his scent. The dress he was going to change her into hung in his closet. 
Was it as effective as fucking her senseless? No. Would it be enough to piss off the clearly tense shadowsinger? Eris smirked to himself, most definitely.
He kissed her shoulder gently, “Kaylee, we need to get you changed and ready to go to the Night Court.” She cuddled in tighter, squeezing her eyes shut and enjoying his warmth. “You've already overslept, little one, you won't have time to bathe.”
She shook her head, “Do not care.”
Eris stood, lifting Kaylee with him and carrying her to his room. “Well, I need to get ready, at least,” he laid her in his bed, covering her with the blanket, and went to the bathroom.  Kaylee sat up a few moments later and felt Her eyes go wide before looking down. Eris stood near the bathroom doorway shirtless, broad muscles on display as she finished changing into finely tailored trousers. 
“Stupid fae males and their attractiveness,” Kaylee grumbled softly and laid back into the bed. She had turned her back to the doorway, squeezing her eyes shut, and cuddled into the blanket that smelled like warm cinnamon and fire. 
 She felt the bed dip behind her and herself get pulled into a warm body. “Is my shirtlessness bothering you, just Kaylee?”
Kaylee refused to let him tease her anymore and rolled over so they were chest to chest, her face near his. “I am perfectly fine. Thank you for asking.”
He chuckled softly. “You do not lie well,” Eris ran the back of a finger down Kaylee's face, smirking as her eyes fluttered shut. “You are such a beautiful little thing.”
Her arousal flooded his nose. Her eyes went wide as he rolled them, so he was on top of her. "Say the word, and I'll stop."
“Please stop,” Kaylee put a hand on his bare chest. “Azriel will not appreciate this.”
Eris held that hand, kissing it softly. “Azriel doesn't even appreciate you, but if you insist little Kaylee. Walking away from the opportunity to share my bed is your loss.” 
Eris stood again and motioned towards the burgundy dress hanging up. “You need to get ready. We've wasted a lot of time playing this back and forth game, dearest. We are pushing being late."
Kaylee went towards the dress. It was an expensive fabric threaded with hints of gold and gems. It was fit for a queen, not some common female he had offered to bring home. “This is expensive. You didn't purchase this for me, did you?”
Eris shook his head. “It has been sitting unused in the Forest House for a while. I refuse to show up to a party with you looking less than divine. Therefore, I picked that dress. You look close in size to the female it was made for."
Hewn City terrified Kaylee. She could not help but to cling close to Eris despite Cassian having trained her in fairly basic Self defense. “A few more halls, Kaylee,” Eris held no arrogance in his voice. It had almost begun to border on comfort. 
These halls were too close to Hybern's cells. Dark smelling of moisture and earth. 
Kaylee felt a soft familiar purr and felt her shoulders fall slightly. 
Rhys was close, and he had his beast looking for signs of Kaylee. She also felt the bond tug as it began to come alive. 
Eris paused before entering a room. “Well, little one, this will be our last few moments alone.”
“Thank you for taking care of me,” Eris nodded. 
“It was self serving, but you are welcome.” She watched as a mask went up, an almost sad dead look coming over the heir’s eyes. He pushed the door open, walking in with her on his arm and a smirk.
Kaylee watched as Rhysand's face dropped, anger flaring in his eyes. She heard the growl from Azriel and Cassian. Eris turned to her, murmuring quietly in her ear, “And the game begins. Thank you for providing me with entertainment, just Kaylee."
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Taglist: @impossibelle @luvmoo @wallacewillow0773638 @nightless
@cat-or-kitten @knmendiola @holb32
@mis-lil-red @minakay @whatsupb18  @deeshag @justdreamstars @pyrostatic @acourtofmarvels @no1massassin @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @acourtofbatboydreams @mich0731 @thelov3lybookworm @going-through-shit
@coralseacourt @snoopyspace @tothestarsandwhateverend
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ramblingaro · 2 months
need my silly guy luke Hobson to retake the 200 free US Open record from Marchand so Marchand can suffer for being pt of why Bowman somehow got the literal Olympic schedule changed in a way that hurts the Queen of my life, Kaylee McKeown
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 2 months
Ever After High OCs Masterlist
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Name: Albie White
Pronouns: he/him
Story: Do You Wonder
Parents: The White Queen
Status: N/A
LI: Chase Redford
Quote: I am so much more than royal.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Archie Renaux
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Name: Clarion Nutcracker
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
Parents: The Nutcracker Prince
Status: Rebel
LI: Briar Beauty
Quote: The rebel girl in me will never die.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Sadie Soverall
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Name: Damita Danish
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
Parents: The Princess On The Pea
Status: Royal
Quote: Pretty brown eyes and a mind full of thoughts.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Millie Bobby Brown
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Name: Devereaux Charming
Pronouns: she/her
Story: I Know A Place To Go
Parents: Prince Charming
Status: Royal
LI: Alistair Wonderland
Quote: You can never be overdressed or overeducated.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Emily Alyn Lind
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Name: Devon Gale
Pronouns: he/him
Story: Untitled
Parents: Dorothy Gale
Status: Royal
LI: Daring Charming
Quote: I just want to have a completely adventorous, passionate and weird life.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Joshua Bassett
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Name: Eileen Hook
Pronouns: she/her & they/them
Story: Untitled
Parents: Captain Hook
Status: Royal
LI: Cerise Hood
Quote: A ship at harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are for.
Pinterest: X
FC: Melissa Barrera
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Name: Fauve Pan
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Looking For My Ever After
Parents: Peter Pan
Status: Rebel
LI: Wisteria Darling
Quote: She looks just like a dream, the prettiest girl I've ever seen.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Madelyn Cline
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Name: Janice Grimm
Pronouns: she/her
Story: No More Once Upon A Time
Parents: Milton Grimm
Status: Rebel
LI: Raven Queen
Quote: Destiny didn't do it. I did it.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Kaylee Bryant
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Name: Mayura Peacock
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
Parents: Peacock Princess
Status: Royal
LI: Hopper Croackington II
Quote: I am so much more than they told me I was.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Natasha Liu Bordizzo
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Name: Raya Genie
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
Parents: The Genie
Status: Rebel
LI: C.A. Cupid
Quote: Oh poor heart, how you ache for freedom.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Nora Dari
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Name: Wallace Grimm
Pronouns: he/him
Story: No More Once Upon A Time
Parents: Milton Grimm
Status: Roybel
LI: Ashlynn Ella & Hunter Huntsman
Quote: Take me home. Take me home where I belong.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Hunter Doohan
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Name: Wisteria Darling
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Looking For My Ever After
Parents: Wendy Darling
Status: Rebel
LI: Fauve Pan
Quote: I'm tired of their stories, let's write our own.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Bailee Madison
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thebluerose · 5 months
I'm Kaylee. Queen is my mom. I'm living with her now and she said to make myself useful by introducing myself.
Also, if you need a babysitter... I'm for hire. I'm really cheap too. Like feed me and I'll watch your kids.
Oh shit, I forgot Queen had a kid.
Hey, nice to meet you. I’ll keep that in mind, but right now Kyrie and I are good on babysitters. Appreciate it though.
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critical-quoter · 2 months
March Books
If I keep up at this pace, I'll probably double my reading goal. But such is life, I guess. lol Also, I'm starting to realize that I may be way too generous with my ratings.
Lover Eternal - J. R. Ward ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lover Awakened - J. R. Ward ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fortress of the King - Dakotah Fox ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fortress of the Queen - Dakotah Fox ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lover Revealed - J. R. Ward ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fae Gods: Maze - Phillina Wood ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Faking with Benefits - Lily Gold ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Savage Favour - Layla Simon ⭐️⭐️⭐️ My Darling Bride - Isla Madden-Mills ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tempt Our Fate - Kat Singleton ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ You're So Bad - Angela Casella ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Time with Mr. Silver - Elle Nichol ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sicko - Amo Jones ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Throne of the Fallen - Kerri Maniscalo ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Famous Last Words - C. W. Farnsworth ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Good Billionaire - Deborah Garland ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Deviant Hearts - Jagger Cole ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Dante - Sadie Kincaid ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Our Ride to Forever - Julie Olivia ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Under His Mask - Eden Webber ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Desire or Defense - Leah Brunner ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Twisted Devotion - Poppy St. John ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Strictly Business - Carrie Elks ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ When Heroes Fall - Giana Darling ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ When Villains Rise - Giana Darling ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Queen and the King - Jeanette Rose & Alexis Rune ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Twisted Emotions - Cora Reilly ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Secret Baby for the Bratva - Isla Brooks ⭐️⭐️⭐️ A Touch of Chaos - Scarlett St. Clair ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lincoln - V. H. Nicolson ⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Varsity Dad Dilemma - Lex Martin ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Wild About You - Rebecca Jenshak ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Always My Comfort - Taylor Jade ⭐️⭐️⭐️ City of Darkness - Karina Halle ⭐️⭐️⭐️ There Are No Saints - Sophie Lark ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ There Is No Devil - Sophie Lark ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Protected and Punished - V. T. Bonds ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Indigo Ridge - Denver Perry ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ When We Touch - Carrie Elks ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Spring Breeze - Lily Alexander ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Off Limits - Chelle Sloan ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Beneath These Dark Skies - Ria Wilde ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Bride - Ali Hazelwood ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Bound by Fate - F. D. Fair ⭐️⭐️ Trying to Hate the Player - Tia Souders ⭐️⭐️ For Him - R. L. Atkinson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ What I Should Have Said - R. L. Atkinson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ On the Line - Naomi Loud ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ On the Line - Julia Connors ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Kiss Keeper - Krista Sandor ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Pucking Revenge - Brittanee Nicole ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Abandoned - A. M. Wilson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tailgates and Truck Dates - Haley Rhoades ⭐️⭐️⭐️ When She Loves - Gabrielle Sands ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tailgates and Heartaches - Haley Rhoades ⭐️⭐️ The Turnover - Piper James ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tailgates & First Dates - Haley Rhoades ⭐️⭐️ Keeping My Captive - Angela Snyder ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Prince of Demons - Hana Hahm ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Shadow Game - Christine Feehan ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Takeover - T. L. Swan ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Summons - Aquila Thorne ⭐️ God Complex - Darcy Dahlia ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Forbidden Freedom - Jasmin Miller ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A Hue of Blu - Marie-France Leger ⭐️ Solace - Cat Austen ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Spite - Cat Austen ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Pucking Wrong Number - C. R. Jane ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Technically Yours - Denise Williams ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Two of a Kind - Alexa Rivers ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Beat by Beat - Kaylee Ryan ⭐️⭐️ Puck Pact - Kristen Granata ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Scoring the Player - Rebecca Jenshak ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
73 total books read for March 2024. I think that's a personal monthly record!
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