#kay is gonna murder me yall
legendsoffandoms · 7 days
Just to be safe yall, trigger warning for: implied cannibalism, mentions of death, implied mentions of extreme violence
But I was thinking of this au for ninjago, and I think some of yall might like it.
So it’s an au based of Lloyd’s oni and dragon side being like separate consciences inside his brain. But very very different.
So it takes place after season 3 but before season 4. And in which in some weird form of magic, Lloyd gets separated into basically a pair of twins. No one is quite how it happened as Lloyd was obviously on a solo mission. But safe to say, that villain probably didn’t make it out unscathed. Anyways, now there’s well Oni Lloyd and Dragon Lloyd. Who surprisingly get along quite well. But the names are gonna be a problem soon….
Anyways, that’s my idea for the background for this. (The dude that managed to dude this is also definitely dead 😔🙏 ) But now onto some cool facts about this au!
The two of them wear matching necklaces, dragon boi is the white side of the Yang and Oni boi is the black side :3
Oni gets hit a lot by dragon for his quite violent nature, but it’s all in good love. Dragon would totally kill someone if they tried to hurt his twin :3
The ninja were honestly so confused when they met up with Lloyd expecting just him, and instead got two of them…. They also tried to kill them XD it took a lot of explaining and attempted murder to get them to calm down.
Morro was also hella confused. Thought when he kidnapped Dragon he was just kidnapping Lloyd. Dude’s life almost died cause Oni tried to murder him again. The ninja had to stop him multiple times in fear of hurting dragon.
Oni and Dragon have Oni and dragon features, but can hide them if need be. Which has let to lots of confusion on everyone else’s side. And by that I mean no one can tell which one is which if they truly want that. The two are some little ass gremlins.
Jokes on yall, Dragon is Aro and Oni’s Cupio AroAce. Dragon just doesn’t date because he of said Aromanticness (which is he is choice) , and Oni just doesn’t think anyone is good enough for him. [This is more of a hc, please don’t get mad at me 😭]
Kai is both Dragon and Oni’s favorite sibling/teammate other than themselves. Naya is a close second. And everyone is extremely jealous of him.
Lloyd is trans in this au, which does sadly mean some unpleasant times for the twins dude to their unhuman sides. Basically mating season for both of them is quite unpleasant. Kai and Naya are the only ones who can touch the two during said time other than themselves.
Dragon honestly likes Wu a lot (though it slowly fades as the show goes on). While Oni basically silently dislikes him. Oni loves their father a lot more than normal Lloyd openly shows in the show. While Dragon loves him just as much as Lloyd actually shows in the show.
Dragon Lloyd actually quite enjoys the goth aesthetic, while Oni boi likes a more traditional style. Which leads to some interesting conversations with people XD
I think that’s about it for now, I do hopes you enjoyed this new au :3
Also feel free to call them Odi, said O-de, and De-de. Odi is Oni Lloyd and De-de is Dragon Lloyd. The reason? Odi comes from the end of Lloyd, o-y-d, I just placed the Y behind the D and got Odi. Also cause I was like, what’s the first letter of Oni? O, what’s the letters after O in Lloyd? Y and D. And I got De-de from just taking the D from Lloyd and Dragon, then simply saying them and putting an E at the end of each D gives you De-de :3
So I hope you like Odi and De-de! Also another quick note on their powers! The twins both have energy and their respective species element.
Okay for real, I’m done. Do hope you enjoyed this au I made! And have fun with it :3 (with credit of course)
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pastriibunz · 6 months
me and @local-soda-can are gonna start outlining Nerdy Prudes Must Die Kai soon and here are a few ideas I had for that
can you guys tell i love inserting Kai’s name into the titles???
Kai comes in before/after/during literal monster holding a map of the school (the police or something forcibly enrolled her and now she has to go to school) and she’s just completely confused and lost
Max does the whole “this is my hallway!!” thing and Kai’s like “fun fact I literally do not care” and he pisses her off so much she kicks him in the balls- she meets the rest of the prudes while on the run from various teachers who’re trying to expel her or something
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Kai was in the Waylon Place night of the prank to try and relax and get away from the chaos of Hatchetfield. There isn’t a sign of anyone breaking in bc Kai knows how to pick locks. Kai hangs out there a lot.
She walks in on them looking at Max’s (almost) dead body and is like “woah you guys killed that guy!!! ö haha I’m gonna go call the cops on yall I’m OUT!!!”
…Grace then blackmails her into helping bury/hide the body because she threatens to pin everything on Kai (bc Kai breaks in and shit)
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Theres this scene with max and kai im making into a comic that has something to do with snickers and it needs to be real because it’s silly and also it makes way for this idea:
Kai hangs out with Max’s ghost a lot and she vents to him about how much she hates the prudes, how she wants to get back to Unington, and other shit
They like sending videos to the prudes group chat (that Kai was forcibly added into) that make it seem like Max is about to kill Kai and she always texts the dumbest shit after like “phew!!! made it out okay!!! gee, let’s hope that doesn’t happen again!”
They laugh their asses off about it
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Kai has no friends during the run of NPMD
she hates the prudes for getting her involved in a manslaughter/murder,
she has no clue if max is her friend or if he’s only keeping her around for the snickers bars,
And everyone else is too in love with afraid of her to even get near her
It kinda hurts but she’s learning to deal with it
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that shit is STRONG guys
she got that Wattpad MC rizz
she does not want it-
she is either oblivious to it or painfully aware
no in between
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She’s been bunking with Paul
They met on the street and they talked for a bit and Kai was like “yeah my hotels about to kick me out lol” and he was like “oh you can stay with me”
He doesn’t know why he said that, maybe it was just meant to be.
Anyways Kai agreed and Paul is the biggest dad ever
He asks her how school was and he cooks dinner for them and they snuggle on the couch and have movie nights
They have to share a bedroom but he got her dividers and turned the bottom of the closet into a hangout nook for Kai so it’s like she has her own little room
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everyone keeps dragging Kai everywhere by the wrist- she does NOT wanna be there-
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Kai keeps talking to the audience in front of everyone and she interacts with the audience a lot
For example, she crumples up and tosses her map to someone in the audience and finger guns and winks at them afterwards
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She gets like a gazillion love notes a day-
she gets so angry she just eats them-
nobody knows why and they’re just like:
“Aw she’s silly :]”
“I’m soooo in love with her :3”
in the words of my pal:
“she’s so perfect :3333
(she is going to go feral-)”
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All of Kai’s classes have at least one prude in them
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Kai kinda wishes she had friends and tries to talk to people, but she’s so autistic, socially awkward, and anxious she either ends up shutting down, staying quiet, or insulting them
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Kai goes to the sports games purely for the food and hides in the bathroom the entire time (the crowds and lights overstimulate her)
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Kai hangs out at beanie’s a lot
She’s still Emma’s favorite customer.
She accidentally calls her Mom a lot.
Emma loves it every time.
It often goes uncorrected.
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If Kai is alive for homecoming, she’s going there WAY overdressed-
she’s been homeschooled the majority of her life and has never been to a school dance-
she’s only been to like high class galas/parties so she thinks it’s like that
spoiler alert it is NOT
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Kai is aware she’s in a musical
she really doesn’t wanna be in one but she knows
sometimes you can see her groovin uncomfortably to the music in the background
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That’s all! Idk if I’m gonna script this one out as, like I’ve said before: TKWDLM has a special place in my heart and I’m not ready to move on
plus I’m still super hyperfixated on TKWDLM-
oki that’s all for now bye bye :3
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snaileo · 1 year
tagged by @cookietastic​ thank u. UNDER READMORE
3 ships:
oh well u know me Fuckin Hirouma HQ these two have infested my brain. If you told me 10 years ago i would want the two doctors from astro boy to bone i would not have believed you. i love them in all forms, unrequited love, mutual pining, married, divorced you name it I want it.
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if you told me 2 years ago that i would want the two characters from the 80′s classic The Karate Kid to be in a relationship I would not have believed you. These two are still at each others throats, even in their middle age just so obsessed with each other like idk i think yall need to talk about that and if it ends in kissing then Who am i to stop them . like i just want yall to know they were at each other’s throats back in high school and it now turned to johnny being fiercely over protective of daniel come season 5 of cobra kai
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 Its difficult naming a third since CK and ATB/AB are my main fixations right now so I’ll name Zakuro/Mint from Tokyo Mew Mew. A Classic, I dont wanna say much cuz i know cookie is gonna read this since she’s tagged and we’re halfway thru tokyo mew mew so i dont wanna spoil anything
1st Ever Ship:
i will only count a pairing where the characters didnt have a canonical romantic relationship (subtext not included) cuz ofc i had ships before i knew the term, but the characters were established canonically to be partners SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADOOOOO ISHIMONDOOOOOOO like Spoilers for a game that came out like a decade ago but ishimaru believed in mondo’s innocence so much that he voted for himself as the murderer.
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sorry i dont have good screencaps lol but yeah these two killed me back in the day
Last song
according to spotify apparently the last song i listened to was Tragedy by the Bee Gees
Currently Reading
I need to pick back up on it but I was listening to The Lost World Jurassic Park audio book
last movie
oh my god it might’ve been bridge to terabithia idk whatever it was it was smth i was watching with cookie
Currently consuming:
i just ate one of those cosmic brownies
currently watching
currently craving
another brownie
uhm im not good at tagging and im way too mentally spent to think of others so please By all means if you are reading this go ahead and do it. dont worry about tagging me just say ur starting the chain over and this is the go ahead (you dont have to tag me for it tho so idk do whatever!)
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hc that when barbara gets drunk she’s really like confident?? and flirty??? (if u kno what i mean...,, :) ) and adam is... honestly idk that’s up to you
OTL y’all are dippin into the NSFT territory but I DIG IT Kay won’t tho bc she’s a coward sorry not sorry Kay lmao
Barbara is the extremely touchy-feely kind of drunk and will drape herself over Adam or straddle him even. She’s hella flirty and dtf and will kiss him so much. She’ll also curse up a storm. Basically she has zero filter and the only way she’ll remember what she said/did afterwards is if you record her. She’s not a lightweight tho. You’d think she would be but it takes a lot of drinking for her to get to that level of drunk but she will do it and it’ll happen.
Adam doesn’t seem like the kinda guy to get drunk, but if he did, he’d be the quiet, cuddly, and kinda giggly type. Like just the same as he normally is but more so. Maybe a lil clingy. If he’s in the same breathing space as Barbara tho? Inseparable. He’s impossible to talk to when he’s hella drunk. That’s why he’s so quiet, bc he’s incomprehensible otherwise. He’ll ramble about his wife but like in the “asdfdsssk I lov e herrrrrrrrrr” way.
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Now I have a question that I was too busy to send but I was thinking™️ about platonic yanderes and how they would react to readers first heartbreak 😔😔
Did I already mention that I love you a ton????? Well I'll say it again, ily <333
Hello sweet baby ily2.
Look any yandere, ANY YANDERE, would straight up go for torture and murder. But I'm gonna do a platonic yandere I havent talked about in a long time: Kai Chisaki.
Shie Hassaki leader Kai Chisaki who is the older brother of reader (yall can read the here).
Now Kai likes to always be in control, of both his clan and your life. He's always telling you what to do, what to eat, how to dress up, how to behave, always breathing down your neck even when you piss him off. You think he was just trying to annoy you and see if you could be trusted to be a part of his clan (even though you've specifically stated that you don't want to be a part of it, but what you want doesn't matter sweetie), but in reality, Kai is just really worried about you, almost like he's trying to make up for his absence all these years. That's why he always has someone watching you, even at the base, always has eyes on you, which is why when you kiss one of the very men he had sent to keep tabs on you, he's mad. Big mad.
However, Chronostasis convinces him not to slaughter the poor bastard just yet because now would be a great opportunity to see how honest you were and if keeping watch on you 24/7 is really necessary.
So while it eats Kai up to see some disgusting pest exchange saliva with you and infect you with their disgusting germs, he manages to postpone the murder for now.
But then 3 days later, he comes over to your room and sees you holed up there. Kai had to drag the covers off you and when he saw your red, sweaty face, Kai immediately backed up and pulled on his mask.
"What the hell happened to you?" He asked, assuming you got the most deadly virus, thus the reason why you had been skipping meals and not following the daily schedule he had set out for you. But when you just huff and look like you're gonna cry, Kai lets you go back to hiding under the covers. He can always ask Chronostasis whats up with you.
But when he found Chronostasis in the basement with the same dirtbag that had been kissing you, Kai was a bit confused. Wasn't it Hari who told him to wait before beating the guy up?
Hari however, understood Kai's confusion and told him that the reason why the traitor is in the basement is because he was seen cheating on Y/n. Hari had observed a change in reader's behaviour since last night, and he suspected this man to be behind it. When he checked the security tapes, he found that the man had been kissing some other girl and you were just right around the corner to see it.
But Kai, bless his dumb soul, didn't understand why that was making you sad. Surely, you didn't think it was going to lead to something serious were you?
"She's heartbroken, Kai." Hari told him. "Young naive mind, pure soul, she probably didn't think she'd be betrayed by him. If you want, I can deal with him-"
"No, I'll do it myself. Gather up everyone here, and bring me a change of clothes. Its going to be bloody after this lesson."
Now Hari has been with Kai for a long time, done all kinds of things for him. But the torture he had to witness that day was a bit disturbing, even for him. Almost made him feel bad for framing the poor guy all because he got a little jealous of you giving attention to someone else.
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cardboardfeet · 4 years
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bluebird doodle dump cause m bi and them with eyeliner will, can, and has absolutely murdered me
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scandeniall · 4 years
Singing Disney Songs
a/n: no thoughts. What singing disney songs would be like with Seijoh, Nekoma and Inarizaki I have no idea why I did this. Its in drabble form and in whole team form (which i’ve never done). Featuring HSM, Starstuck and Hannah Montana
wc: 1.1K
Seijoh: best boys to do it with. Core 4 in all their chaos? Sign me up! Oikawa, Makki, Mattsun are all down 110%. Iwa is down by default to keep your messy asses in line (but he lowkey wanted to do it too). Everyone knows all the words to EVERY song.Y’all get into a heated debate about which high school musical had the most bangers. Makki and Mattsun are like “come on now how can you not say HSM 2” and someone else like you chimes in “because everyday is boring as shit. They act like their in a cult.” So y’all end up going through the HSM discography taking tallies. This concludes that HSM 2 had the best songs. As y’all just sit there listening, you cross off some songs automatically and Oikawa is like “Gabriella’s songs are boring as shit.” Anyways y’all force Iwa to do the dance to “We’re all in this together” and he leaves y’all shook because he has RHYTHM. oikawa on the other hand—. Iwa simp hours for a large part of it with all y’all being like “Be the Troy to my Gabriella” He hates u all :) At some point y’all are just drunk karaoking to HSM. Dancing on the coffee table and couches to What Time is It (which if y’all were sober yeah Iwa would murder u all). “Bro remember when people used to call u the king?” and that leads to you and oikawa tryna turn Fabulous into a duet. Both drunk on the 2 couches pretending you're at a pool making the others be the little servers. Makki and Mattsun decide to reenact Gotta go My own way. Very drunk and dramatic. Rubbing all over each other's faces. Pulling away then running back doing the most. Yall force drunk Iwa to do Bet on It. Hes seen it so many times and is too intoxicated to not do it so mans goes all out. Does troy dumbass jumping and yall are the best hypemen. Someone is recording but yall can barely hear him through the loud ass cheering and laughing. 
Nekoma: Another fun team to do this with. Yall do the unappreciated movies like STARSTRUCK. Kuroo is a sucker for those and yall both swear up and down the its one of the best and deserved more than it ever got. (He knows all the words to these songs). Yall do this while your on a roadtrip. One of those vans so its you, kuroo (in the driver/passenger), kenma, yaku, kai, lev, fukunaga. Up front yall are living your best lives “Something about the sunshine babyyyyyyyyyyy” acting like the main characters and shit. Someone brings up what if you all played Starstruck characters. “Lev looks the most like Christopher Wilde. Lanky, no rhythm. creepy eyes when he stares too long-” “Hey!” Back to the music. We all know you and kuroo know all the words, lev is pretty good and knows most so hes able to keep up. Yaku is like 50/50. Kai, babe only knows the main ones and only partially. Sits and smiles and laughs at his friends. Gets songs dedicated to him by all of you. Kenma? Don't care. Hes really only on this trip because you guys are his friends. This is one of his least fav disney movies so truly is in mental anguish trying to tune yall out. Fukunaga only knows Stubby’s verses so does the rapping. Lots of “AYEEEEE” going around. Very hype when those songs come on. Lev tries to sing What You Mean to Me to Kenma, but just gets told to shut up. Being very loud and obnoxious with all of them save for Kenma to Starstruck. If you stop at a red light the neighboring cars can probably hear yall’s screeching. Yaku is most likely to be recording the monstrosity on his snap chat, but will not catch himself slipping and entertaining yall. He has a reputation to upkeep. For songs only you and Kuroo know (like welcome to hollywood) he takes one hand off the wheel to hold at you like a microphone. Plays the acoustic and regular version of Hero back to back. Wants to pretend he’s in a music video for the acoustic. One of those sad montage types. 
Inarizaki: what is even going on. You propose it. Kita just shrugs and is like “Ok” Yall listening to Hannah Montana. Twins ruin your singalong time with the debate of How could they not know Miley was Hannah. You dedicate If We Were a Movie to Aran bc dream boy. He sings along happily. Wouldn’t hesitate to hit Atsumu for trying to interrupt and you're like “This is a duet stfu.” Kita watched the show but probably couldn’t really recall many of the words but that's ok. You all do know Best of Both Worlds and even Suna sings along. Not with much energy, but whatever he still participates in. Twins and Suna all are embarrassed to say they know every word to He Could Be the One. Get Kita to threaten the twins and they’ll sing along to it. Another must sing song is Nobody’s Perfect. Grab Suna’s hand and make him sing and dance along, he does it lazily. Maybe a few bobs and sways. Him not screaming the lyrics is drowned out by the rest of yall. That's one of those songs that like you hear that intro you go running towards the dance floor because BANGER. Mid convo- you hear that intro yeah your soul leaves your body and is taken over by the spirit of miss Hannah. Twins try to act that out and do the soul leaving body meme because they share 1 brain cell. Atsumu is more aggressive with his singing along. Like damn calm tf down. When hes hype hes going so hard yall are like “dont hurt yourself lol” Once you start getting into them obscure songs Aran saves the day again by being the only one that knows them. At True Friend Atsumu asks if you think hes a true friend/ “(Y/N) i’m yer best friend right.” Damn yall hear something. Ignore him and keep singing while Osamu and Suna clown his ass. “Kita’s a true friend.” Kita just thanks you. Might return the compliment. “He doesn’t even know any of the songs” ok and???? Yall play another sadder song right after like “i’ll always remember you.” Atsumu lowkey starts tearing up and sniffling. Ha ha pussy. Sad hours when you then play wherever I go and yall all start getting sad. Kita not knowing the songs just looks at yall like ?????? Then he starts listening to yall sadly sing along and its like “damn” sad team hours then. Yall annoying and put your arms around each other and like start swaying because no brain cells are found. It ends up getting aggressive and u feel like your shoulder is gonna fall off so u stop.
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Hannibal - Ep1 - Reaction
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Okay, so this is starting because of @quartermastercandlestickmaker​ and @todorokisrose​ [yes, y’all both gettin’ tagged in the annoouncement and this one. I need to be clear on who is causing my suffering.]
I’m here in this hole now. This dark pit.
This is not a live-blogging of my watch, but I am writing this live. So, writing live posting later. If that makes sense. I’ll have one post per episode and after I’ll compile them all into a master list.
Spoilers ahead.
What a grand opening my dudes. Thrilling music. He’s got that “he fucked up” face going on. WAIT NO HE’S SHERLOCKING THE SHIT. OH COOL. NO WONDER I SAW SOOME FANART OF THEM BEING BFFS. Oh, I like this. Weird effects flex but I dig it.Ooooooooooo I was not expecting that voice. IS THIS WHERE THE “THIS IS MY DESIGN” SHIT CAME FROM WHAT THE FUCK Have I known this more than I thought.
Also low-key bitch *looks* like a psychopath no wonder what is gonna happen happens. Oh rip Mrs. Marlow ;;~;; that was a hard change bro.
I don’t wanna think about ---
Also Laurence Fishbourne god bless I love him.
It’s difficult for me to be social too, fam. LAURANCE WHY DID YOU FIX HIS GLASSES THAT WAS SO WE IR D???? Also bro same I love you, Will Graham, you funky little sociopath.
“Every girl is a candy bar” mhm okay thanks for that. Will and this sociable thing is really fucking me bro minus the serial killer obsession/profession/vibe.
Laurence Fishbourne is an amazing actor but I’m also digging the dude playing Will (srry names are my weakness so his name is Will.)
Oooooo booi. I recognize Katz from fanart she’s a popular one right. But we’re going upstairs.
I’m so worried about opening the door
Oh no
He knew
This bitch been knew
Holy shit
I like the whole thing with eye contact. I’ve seen the gif where it’s mentioned but I like how it’s subtle and not overly emphasized so far. Oh we’re flashing back again. Poor Elise. It’s a super interesting story technique using him as the killer. Also damn bitch “you unstable” you’re such a nosy bitch how were you interrupted when you were asked not to enter
Now everyone is here
Antlers promote healing mhm okay
I wanna hug him but I also don’t want to make him uncomfortable with contact. IS HE STOPPING FOR A DOG OH ,Y HO GOD. I’D DIE FOR THIS MAN. I’D DIE FOR THIS MAN. HE STOPPED FOR A DOG. HEWENT BACK FOR THE DOG OMGH THIS MAN THIS MAN IS,,,,, he adopted a fucking stray dog. This man is lovely. I love this man. This -- HE DOES IT TO MULTIPLE DOOGS OH MY GOD I WANNA MARRY HIM ANDHAVE WINSTON AND EVERYBODY AND OMOG HE’S SUCH A LOVELY STRANGE CREATURE.
Where are we now. In a dream state? OH SHIT WE ARE THAT’S A BODY AND A HEARTBEAT IN MY EAR WHAT THE FUCK ahhhh fun nightmares I love it. Oh shit the towels. Bro. There are quite a few visuals happening.
Stop yelling at him ;;~;;
Woah  this is a lot to unpack in this scene you can see Will like slipping omg. It’ss almost unsettling him not having eye contact but like I know the reason for it and therefore it’s just impressive acting and not like unsettling of the actor to do that if that makes sense? I really am impressed by that level of commitment to not have a “look at the camera” to keep showing how he won’t look at other people.
Ooo this is one of the lady psych talkers which is like on the Graham side while the blonde one is for Hannibal, right even tho Hannibal is a brain doc. ALANA that’s her name and that might be how you spell it. She doesn’t want him out there but Laurence needs  her to be his back  up. (Oh, his name is Jack.) JACK DONT MAKE PROMISES WILL CAN AND WILL GET CLOSE.
Is this
Is this my bitch
I love him. He’s so unconventionally handsome. He looks like he’d kill and eat me but I’d thank him for it, yanno? Oops.
No nonsense MM handing this crying man some tissues I love it. “I hate being this neurotic” omg the mood also Hannibal’s glance to the tissue is fucking amazing??? V Subtle Acting /cries in beauty
Franklyn, the lion isn’t in the room boy (just discovered I might wanna put subtitles on but they’re not working so rip)
Frankie boy got so scared by that comment thanks, Dr. Lector.
Mhm no secretary that’s,,, suspicious,,,, “sad to see her go” mhm okay sure Jan
Oh this bitch does draw oh my god john hopkins internship and all. Laurence is impressed and Mads is “mhm are you gonna try something” sdajkfgh A LAYMAN DAMN aww he’s like “oomg you’re so amazing dr. mr. sir”
“Associations come quickly-” “so do forts”
Oh ;;~;; “YOU WONT LIKE ME WHEN I’M PSYCHOANAYLYZED” im this is very flirtatious als jack you’re like br  o
So he’s the King of Empathy. He’s,,, helping Will see his own face,,, mhm,,,,, what does that say about you, Dr. Lector?
He’s mocking where he was apologetic is this maybe noT
Also this is a copy cat dklafjsghjfd OH DAMN THAT SNAP BACK ABOUT DR. LECTOR FFUCKK MAN.
Also,, I  can see why this show,, caused issues,,, a man should not look handsome while eating fucking lungs.
More visions I cannot even
What does this
What the hell is this
Dr. Lector showing up at his house o h .
“God forbid we become friendly”
“I don’t find you that interesting”
This smells,,, like a ship,,, mhm,,,,
Breath will damn breath slow and use the words omg
Mhm ookay “we’re just alike” in the first bit…
Uncle Jack sees him as a fine china tea cup. That’s hilarious.
“How do you see me?” says Will.
“The mongoose I want under the house when the snakes slither by,” replies Hannibal WHILE WILL IS KEEPING EYE CONTACT.
So is there a reason -- “plain but pretty” hannibal gives a look -- is there a reason no official officer is accompanying them like????? They’re both not??? FBI????
Damn hannibal spilling shit everywhere.
Wait no he’s calling someone else
Who is this
OH HE’S CALLING GARRETT. OH. wait is he helping other cannibals get away. What the fuck. You can’t do that, Hannibal. Is there a fuckking cannibal union yall get together and trrade recipes.
Wait we’re back to reality
This back and forth is trippy
H  N
I do love how this built up to Hannibal being the cannibal but it was Hobbs. NFIEGSIBFD
(also I guess Will technically is FBI that probably helps lmao)
Oh no
O h n o
Dont whisper at him to see bitch
Oh no
Will it’s
Oh no
>:((((((((((((((((((( hannibal Imma fuck you up
Will honey let someone clean your glasses. Does she survive? I hope the girl survives. The Traitor Cannibal Bitch is going with them. Mhm.
Alana tryin’ to protect him. (Does she like him? I got bad news, babe, he’s gonna fall in love with a man-eater.)
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celesjial · 5 years
han jisung growing up because for some reason we all seem to ignore this :)
our story begins with this child 👇👇
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this is the braces boy who attended def academy and tbh, he still looks 48030480 times better than i ever will so lets just stop to appreciate fetus jisung’s one piercing, braces, and his accentuated cheekbones bc they’re beautiful. let’s also appreciate his melanin and his awkward lil interview he did, which you can watch here if you’d like :). 
~ moving on! let’s start in 2017, with the survival show :) (also where i fell head over heels for this boy and still going strong today ✊✊) here he is in all his glory of the survival show :) 
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um. the cutest? honestly i’m not surprised this is the person i chose to stan? like hfakhdflkklahdf this was the day of the jyp vs. yg thing and lemme just say i was NOT okay after that episode. those tears were all induced by this lil sweetheart above :)
and while we’re on the topic of the survival show, let’s talk about the busking. here is han jisung during their first ever meeting with the fans “live show” busking, absolutely k i l l i n g it. :) 
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lets just? okay moving on SIGH lets enter the months of 2018. lets enjoy this gorgeousness at his best at a fansign in 2018. here’s a pic from one of the very first fansigns stray kids ever did in the beginning of january :) jisung in pink? a big yes. big big big big yes. 
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im not gonna mention the ears because you know what? no. i’m not putting myself through that. time skip tho, let’s head to february to this live fan meeting they did :) (jisung’s hellevator fancam on this date? is a must watch) click here to watch it full :) 
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i don’t get how a 17 year old could be this effortlessly ethereal? and this outfit? like uh huh? get it 17-year-old still predebut jisung GET IT :)  
ugh im going crazy i miss predebut days already buuuut let’s move on to their debut stage. gosh--i remember watching this and thanking the lord minho and felix were back-but that’s a story for another day. let’s all say hello to jisung’s red? purple? copper? copper with red and purple highlights? hair and his -- sigh-- infamous mullet days. ngl i kinda miss it, even though i really hated it when i saw it the first time. nonetheless, on to debut stage han jisung! (he wanted everyone to call him han, but i gave up on that because personally i think jisung is a very pretty name and im gonna use it :))
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you know what? dumbass mullet or not i still love him (all the mullet enthusiasts boutta attack me) 
moooooooving on from the debut stage, let’s talk about fansigns and jisung in the i am: not era. let’s just--i think this mightve been his realization that he’s just a softy boy and so he decided to take the cutest teeny lil pics possible, because here he is enjoying life at a fansign in april 2018 :)
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however, the colored hair didn’t stay for very long because we were back to dark pretty soon :) something we’ll later come to miss, you’ll see :) anyways, moving on to june and this legendary stage!
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this was jisung’s day and no one else’s. he murdered me, let me be buried, dug me up, and murdered me again and i was not o frickng kay. it was hot the day they performed and he was sweating like crazy and smiling and just wilding on stage and i had no words, lemme tell ya. y’all seeing him grow up yet? no? that’s okay, we’re getting there ;) let’s move on to a soft pic since i don’t think staring at this one for very long is good for your health kdhaljkfhdajhdf. 
so onto july 2018! here’s an airport pic of the day he got his drink stolen and started pouting like a lil baby. he’s gorgeous and adorable and his big blue shirt and hat and stuff ughhhh aljdhflka i dkkk. 
but here :)
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yes. just--yes. jisung in baby blue? yes. jisung anywhere anytime? yes. yes. yes. just---yes. :) 
let’s go ahead and move on to august, aka the month jisung decided it would be a great amazing time of the year to start murdering us all. let’s start off a lil bit smooth--here’s the day they were on stage and jisung decided it’d be a great idea to be crazy hot. 
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maybe i just got a thing for jisung in baseball caps, ya know? but maybe you’ll notice his hair starting growing longer here--and here we begin the era of the hottest person ever--long haired jisung. it is a phenomenon that no one can beat, not even get-cool era jisung because--well, you’ll see. 
prepare yourself. the next pic is not a fun one to go through, trust me. 
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i’ll let you have a moment. take your time, breathe, it’s okay :) i go through the same thing every time i see this photo, don’t worry. but hey, do you see the growing up now? if not, before we get into the real stuff, i suggest you scroll back up and compare that very first pic you saw to this one. see it now? yeah, i thought so. and we’re not done yet. 
say hello to blonde jisung! the jisung we’re gonna be seeing for a while--till the end of 2018, to be exact aljhadlkjfhadkjfhalkjdhf. this is just the beginning, kids. buckle up. 
let’s move on to the i am: who unveil--prepare yourself. none of the following pics are fun. none of blonde jisung is fun. i hate blonde jisung. 
here we go!
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yup. i am who jisung said move out of his way, because he is the king and no one can stop him. go ahead and admire him for a bit longer. we’re nowhere near finished yet. (PS DO YOU SEE THE GROWTH CHANGE YET BC I SEE IT BICH) 
anyways!!!! let’s move on to kcon thailand 2018 jisung! as in king prince jisung who can never be beat so shut up!
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yup. mhm. i have no caption for this one except warning: may cause heart attacks bc i know the day the fansite pics of this came out i nearly cried and died and cried again yall know. new stans, here’s what you missed of han jisung but dont worry! i’ll always be here to introduce you to him :). 
anywho! let’s do another pic from 2018 before we get on to december jisung. and january jisung of 2019. warning now--if you want to scroll past this post you probably should now, because you may actually collapse after that. but let’s have a little fun first! here’s jisung from that day yall already know--yup. this day. here we go. 
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yup. last blonde jisung you’ll be getting, because we are moving into 2018 jisung. 
hold up. actually, i lied. you’ll get one more blonde jisung--but beware. we’re moving into award show era. ready? no? oh well, here you go anyways. let’s have king jisung from this award show--the one i cannot remember the name of but whatever :)
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ah, right! the asia artist awards. ahaha the good old asas. oh well, i’m sure you don’t care about that--i mean, are you LOOKING AT THIS pIC? this day will always be remembered as the day jisung told changbin to move bitch and let him walk the center of the red carpet. anywho, yeap! this is the last blonde jisung, i swear. we’re moving into--shudder--mama era jisung. nothing else to say, here we go. 
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uh huh. i’ll give you a minute, don’t worry. blue haired jisung was the reign of all jisungs and fight me. FI G H T ME. what tf happened to the cute child from january? this ain’t him. this is a lil demon right here. i will never, ever get over december 2018 mama jisung. never. 
but we’re not done here, tho! because the awards shows went on into january! and february! but don’t worry, i won’t kill you with all the pics. just one. let’s move on to faded silver haired-jisung, or the radiance of all the awards show of 2019. 
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here you go! have fun with this one! this jisung was out to kill us all--i still don’t think i’m over it, ya know? but like, whatever. i’m just out here tryna bias this satan of a person, you know. that’s how it be.
aannddd finally, let’s move on to current han jisung. han jisung right now. han jisung on march 25, 2019, as in exactly one year after he debuted. let’s take a look at what han jisung looks like these days. :) 
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here we have a nice old han jisung from just a couple of days ago! isn’t that great? we love this man. 
i hate him get the demon away from me lord help me--
but let’s just appreciate his growth. ngl, i didn’t think he could change much when i was watching the survival show because of how gorgeous he was already, but god damnit he did and he killed me several times along the way. a
and that was the story of han jisung since debut! still don’t see the growth, scroll back up, don’t read my inserts, and look at the last pic again. i’m sure you see it by now. let’s appreciate han jisung growing up everybody! i’m totally not crying, and you aren’t either. but yeah!
i love him a lot and you should love him too, even when he had braces because he was a cute lil mtf back then and i miss him a lot. 
but yeah! that’s it i have no closure for this post so goodbye :) 
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michaelmilkers · 5 years
I saw in one of your tags that you mentioned how 21 pilots made emo pretentious and im actually curious about why you say that (not hate i just never knew about them that much)
my friend you have asked me about a topic i am very knowledgeable and very angry about so prepare yourself for what you have wrought
it isnt just twenty one pilots but theyre just the biggest and most popular example
like. take my chemical romance in the early-mid 2000s aka the peak of emo. it was very melodramatic and theatrical, the way emo should be. there was a presence of “we are not like other people” in a lot of the songs, but it was never just that. it was more of a “we have been cast out and we kinda suck but thats okay.” one of the best examples of this is, ironically, i’m not okay.
take, for example, the opening to the mtv music video:
[Ray] You like D&D, Audrey Hepburn, Fangoria, Harry Houdini and croquet. You can't swim, you can't dance and you don't know karate. Face it, you're never gonna make it. [Gerard] I don't wanna make it, I just wanna...
this immediately establishes the song as being about social outcasts and people who dont fit the mold. the fucking tag line of the song is “i’m not okay” ffs, that really tells you all you need to know about the song. but the important thing is it doesnt take itself too seriously either. the music video takes place in a private school, and shows scenes of the band members eating lunch alone, being bullied by jocks and preps, etc., but it ALSO shows scenes of frank putting swim goggles on in chemistry class and ray drawing on his test with a crayon and then licking it, and at the end they all ambush and beat the shit out of a guy in a mascot costume. all of this is cut up by text saying things like “if you ever felt alone” “if you ever felt wronged” “if you ever felt anxious”
do you see the juxtaposition here? the music video could very very easily be a fake deep bullying psa, but its not, because while theyre getting bullied and playing their music in a garage they are also, unequivocally, total fucking losers for obvious comedic effect. it is a very exaggerated and lighthearted version of real phenomena, which makes it more relatable to a wider audience.
the same can be said about the song itself. it has some pretty heavy and angsty lyrics (”i’m not o-fucking-kay”) but the instrumentals are punchy and energetic and catchy and gerard’s vocal delivery is very theatrical but also very deliberate and he still puts real emotion in the words. it sounds like its taking the piss out of not being okay, which is exactly what i as a clinically depressed 13 year old needed, and i bet a lot of other people can say the same. i’m a loser and thats okay. i fucking suck in school and thats okay. i feel shitty and thats okay. i’m not okay and that, in itself, is okay.
with twenty one pilots, on the other hand, there is no theatrics, theres no taking the piss, theres no over-the-top melodrama that made emo what it was. 
take, for comparison, the opening lines of heathens:
All my friends are heathens, take it slow Wait for them to ask you who you know Please don't make any sudden moves You don't know the half of the abuse
and this presents, immediately, one of my biggest criticisms of twenty one pilots: their rampant appropriation of mental illness.
because my first thought when hearing this is as an abuse survivor and someone with ptsd they can kiss every single square inch of my ass.
Welcome to the room of people Who have rooms of people that they loved one day Docked away Just because we check the guns at the door Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades You're loving on the psychopath sitting next to you You're loving on the murderer sitting next to you You'll think, "How'd I get here, sitting next to you?"
they try to do the same kind of nuanced poetic lyrics that my chemical romance did and in my opinion is just doesnt fucking work because they take themselves SO. FUCKING. SERIOUSLY. it sounds JOYLESS. 
and the song closes out with this:
Why'd you come? You knew you should have stayed (It's blasphemy) I tried to warn you just to stay away (Away) And now they're outside ready to bust (To bust) It looks like you might be one of us
this is what i mean by pretentious. there is a clear separation of the person/people from whose point of view the song is told and the people the song is meant to be listened to by from the greater population, but theres no high energy or comedic self deprecation to counteract it. 
now take some lyrics from heavydirtysoul, a song i actually really like the sound of, im not just shitting on this band bc its not to my taste yall:
There's an infestation in my mind's imagination I hope that they choke on smoke 'cause I'm smoking them out the basement This is not rap, this is not hip-hop Just another attempt to make the voices stop
Nah, I didn't understand a thing you said If I didn't know better I'd guess you're all already dead Mindless zombies walking around with a limp and a hunch Saying stuff like, "You only live once." You've got one time to figure it out One time to twist and one time to shout One time to think and I say we start now Sing it with me if you know what I'm talking about
right back at it again with that appropriation of mental illness symptoms! and some dumbass critique of our generation that doesnt fit in with the rest of the song at all, closing out the verse with “we are not like you” shit. the vocal delivery at least has more energy than heathens, but the lyrics just feel like a mishmash of different points theyre trying to make that have nothing to do with each other.
the best line of the song is undoubtedly “death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit” but its poetic just... for the sake of being poetic? its one of those lyrics that sounds like someone came up with and was like “bro we gotta put that in a song” but then couldnt actually figure out how to fit it into a song in a way that would flow. another example of this is “i cant drown my demons they know how to swim” in bring me the horizon’s can you feel my heart. not shitting on bring me the horizon, i really like sempiternal, but thats another line thats just poetic for the sake of being poetic. and to be put on t-shirts. i know this because when i was 12 i had a shirt that said “i cant drown my demons they know how to swim” on it.
i could do more analysis on other mcr songs, namely welcome to the black parade and famous last words, but i would be here for literal hours and idk if people actually care that much.
to sum my points up:
they take themselves too seriously. they appropriate and romanticize mental illness (forgot to mention that top’s website, at one time, described their music as “schizoid pop” lol). they pull a lot of “We Are Not Like Other People..,.,.,,...” shit. 
that last point is not inherently a bad thing, for example the new slipknot album is literally called “we are not your kind” but the song that contains that line as a lyric is all out life, and corey taylor is screaming that entire song and the instrumentals are reminiscent of speed metal with how fucking energetic they are. its edgy and its GREAT. twenty one pilots just sounds like they think theyre the shit.
also, and i want you to read the following sentence in a bass boosted voice to best understand how i feel when i say this:
the twenty one pilots cover of cancer is an embarrassment that completely misses the point of the original song and changed it into a weird amalgamation of lo-fi synth pop.
emo music is dead. thank u and goodnight.
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bbplayhouse · 3 years
Episode Six “Now miss girl. what the hell?” - Madison
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now miss girl. what the hell? what happened to our alliance getting pat out? what happened to trying to dwindle strength's numbers? but now I look stupid because you wanna go up for YET ANOTHER white man in this game. that don't make no fucking sense. if you were an ally, you wouldn't waste a vote on hypotheticals and assuming mo had support. YOU ARE THE SUPPORT!!!! you would be realistic and understand that players like mo don't have the support unless you give it. and now social only has 3 people. and now if they win hoh we're on the fucking chopping block. they'd put all of us up in a heartbeat! we're literally disposable in their eyes!!!! I don't get trying to protect white men in this game, I just don't. there's no point to it, no reason at all. THEY WILL NEVER BE VULNERABLE LIKE WE ARE. and I don't know how long it's gonna take for her to realize. it makes me upset that she doesn't see it. they aren't gonna protect her in the long run. when we're all in jury and they put her up without question? then what? payton specifically wanted pat out, so why are you changing plans????? don't piss me off. it's getting to a point where I'm running out of patience with her. I don't like people that put white guys above their predominately poc/women/femme alliances. it makes me uneasy. payton isn't mad but like...... WHY change your vote on something that could be incredibly close. I don't care how mixed the signals were. if payton wanted pat out and you say you're allies with her, don't fucking change the vote. people wanted to vote with kay when she was hoh to protect HER interests, but when we want to protect one of our own you get cold feet? leave me alone.
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Interestingly, I am in a weird spot. I wanted Mo to leave for my personal game last week thought I also understood why Pat should leave- my allies had wanted Pat gone. Ultimately, my vote was decided when I talked to Kay and she suggested I vote for Pat so I did. Vote is revealed as 7-4 and Mo is go. But not oh no!
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As it turned out, I get to tell Asyas Angels aka socials that I voted with them while strength and others think I've voted to keep Pat. I expressed a want to keep Pat to Pat and strength people enough for me to possibly get away with murder. I'm Annalise Keating yall! I hope it works but alas socials, namely Captain, are not happy with Kay which I understand but Kay is also someone I trust a lot. Payton seemed to be less negative of it but it was expected. Nonetheless the hope was for recovery come HoH but boy were we wrong
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*DR SCRIPTED VOICE* So the goal of HoH was to bid each round out of 1000 coins and highest bidder eliminates someone until final 2 where the person with the most remaining coins wins HoH. We're at like final 5 with me, Jarod, Kay, Nailah, and Ben. The strengths have coordinated the mess out of this hoh but Kays Angels work faster mhm! So Jarods stuck his neck out for an idea that made sense and I am like ok cool! Then I goof and send in a bad bid and Kay dies. Okay that sorta sucked BUT I had a plan around it. I explicitly told Jarod that at F4 I kill Ben then f3 he kills me and we give Nailah HoH. The moment Kay is dead, Jarod is like I kill you right? GIRL NO! And then he has the nerve to say strength is pressuring him to go all in on me and I'm sitting here at first thinking I didnt give clear enough instructions. Then I realize well my instructions could have been clearer than Claritin and he would've cried blindness because suddenly he is locked on me and I'm just like....okay sure give Ben10 Alien Force HoH. See Jarod was so persistent that he can control Ben's HoH but deep down I know he is probably going to use it as an opportunity to get Madison out. He claims there is a plan to get Pat on the block and as entertaining as that sounds, its dumb that Ben would do it. Nevertheless we now wait and see but this week did expose Jarod a little to me
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hello dr.. so this week has gone absolutely better than i expected! with ben winning hoh, at first, i didn't know what he was gonna do at all but he surprisingly trusts me a lot in some way and i'm glad i have that relationship with him tbh because i'm one of the reasons why he chose to backdoor pat. like i just told him at the start of the week that i wanted pat up like straight up and then i talked to him after he made the nomination again but atp, he was so set on putting laney/madi up so i just kinda dropped a lil bomb on him. and with jarod putting in work (we gotta give credits when its due), ben made the move by flipping on the strength and backdoored pat. madi won veto also helped a lot because madi's a legend. but YEA, this week, i'm gonna make sure before i go to bed that people are voting for pat and we have numbers to evict him and hopefully, its gonna be a smoother ride for me moving forward in this season.
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Ben is dead to me. I was never really good with him or excited to be on the same team with him, but him backdooring Pat and then lying to Pat’s face about it? D E A D. And now Pat, who I truly wanted to go to the end with, is most likely getting evicted. Damn me and my lack of song knowledge. I’m going to try to reach out to Captain and Madison, see if I can possibly get them to go for Laney instead of Pat, and give it a good ole try with Payton. But I can’t imagine anyone except me or Shane voting to save Pat. Physically he is the embodiment of the strength team and people seem scared by that, even though he’s clearly not a social threat at this point. Team Strategy needs to be knocked down a few pegs after this. (Or after Ben goes. We’ll see how the next HOH pans out) 
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I truly owe Ben my life because I just KNOW Shane told him to put me up as a replacement nominee... I'm still kind of shocked Ben put Pat up but it had to be done!!! Now I just need to make sure I can put Shane up before he tries to come for me 😭I would prefer not to be a pre-jury boot
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y'all... the hell Keegan and Shane just put me through... I'll truly never forgive them for tonight and I hope they know it is ON SIGHT from here on out!!! If they want to get rid of me, I'm about to make the rest of their games absolutely miserable. I'm about to create an environment so toxic....
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banrions · 5 years
season 6 of the vampire diaries 
aka: the shit i’ve never seen before bc i quit in s5 way back when. so this is BRAND NEW INFORMATION. (whoops this got long but it;s not under a cut bc i do what i want)
iiiii was skeptical at first. elena wallowing for damon is.... not my favorite narrative of events and i was like, guys i can’t do a season of this thnk fuck they did not make me. 
matty, i usually love you and like i do feel your pain bc you don’t act like a toddler like jeremy does, despite the amount of supernatural bullshit that you constantly have to deal with, but your new pal is an asshole and this whole, “i’m gonna protect the town and kill vampires thing is... dumb”
that said, enzo is VERY annoying and has definitely overstayed his welcome and i do in fact support you idiots in killing him. 
i sort of hope he takes jeremy down with him but unfortunately, i have seen legacies and that turd showed up and i know he’s kicking around somewhere. 
i like jo laughlin. from the goddamn get go. like, i liked her when she showed up in legacies. and i knew there was tons of stuff i wasn’t getting when she showed up as a ghost there, but i liked her bc she was a mama!ghost to the best twins in the world. but now i LOVE HER. i’m so sad for her inevitable death this sucks. 
i HATE kai/mon-el, right from the fucking get go. that said, whatever the fuck his actual name is (chris?? is it chris? i feel like its chris bc white dude actors that straight girls fucking love are always named chris) he’s good at playing evil. like. i hate kai, but he’s doing a great fucking job. i’m clearly supposed to hate him he’s a goddamn murderous serial killer.
also, this is.... not how the siphoning magic works in legacies? the twins just hold ppls hands and use their magic and it doesn’t hurt them? also, this merge thing is... optional??? on legacies they make it seem like it’s some unavoidable thing that’s just going to happen to them. with liv and luke they feel obligated to be the leaders of their coven. so.... ????????
fuck i finally like bonnie. the moment she ran to the porch and no one was there GUTTED ME. so clearly, the reason i didn’t love her for 5 seasons is bc she’s always tied up with FUCKING JEREMY THE WORST PERSON EVER or any other annoying fucking dude. 
ohhh gosh. the progression of caroline and liz’s relationship is SO GOOD AND SO DELIGHTFUL AND I LOVE THE FORBES WOMEN SO MUCH THIS OBVIOUSLY INCLUDES THE SALTZMAN FORBES TWINS WHOMST I LOVED BEFORE LIZ. sorry liz. i did technically know you first but i never loved you upon first watch. but i love you now, if that helps.
ummm liv and luke, you have not historically been my favs since your introductions. but the whole, lets just let our sociopathic brother kill our big sister so we don’t have to do this bullshit ritual and die too is..... real fucking shitty of you and i like your big sister more than i like you and yall need to BE BETTER SIBLINGS SHE SAVED YOUR FUCKING LIVES ASSHOLES. TRY TO SAVE HERS.
yes good liv, like that. 
sort of. 
i’m sorry but i just.... dont care abt damon’s love for elena or what the fuck ever i’m so over this romance drama.  he’s such a dick. he’s still running around whining abt shit that doesn’t go his way. with elena, with bonnie, and with alaric. it’s not cute or romantic or whatever, he’s a piece of shit.
so’s stefan, fyi. i’m not saying at all that i’m team stefan™ or wht the fuck ever. they’re both fucking dicks.  
seriously tho, it’s A Lot. liz looking at her office as she walks out... fuck man. i actually rlly ended up liking her friendship with damon, i think it’s the most i ever give a shit abt damon and find him tolerable. 
ohhh nooooooooooooooooo caroline is singing at the funeral 
f u c k
tyler, i’m sorry but you’re also becoming rlly annoying. you’re yelling at liv abt how you would have done anything for her, and how dare she go off and try to die and leave him alone, etc. dude. she’s known you for like what.... a month? a couple of months? her brother who was her best friend just died, and her sociopathic other brother who killed her whole fam is now powerful and the reason that happened. i don’t think she’s thinking too much abt the dude she’s known for a few months who won’t stop screaming in ppls faces or grabbing ppl more powerful than him. chill out a little bro. 
jeremy needs a fucking haircut. what the fuck. he’s not going to art school? he’s going vampire hunting? that’s.... stupid. god i hope this is the last we see of him. 
ohhhhh my god i actually LOVED the bonnie/damon pancake jump hug reunion. 
the whole, “oh no i’m gonna flip my humanity switch” thing is... already a little tired. i don’t find humanity flipped stefan fun or excited or interesting at all. and i get why caroline would but i dont find this arc interesting or satisfying. 
there is smth sADY AS FUCK abt the salvatore mama and i do not trust her or her vampire dolls one damn bit
damon’s whole, “i’m selfish, i’m bad, i’m so in love with you” schtick is... rlly getting old, my guy
Caroline, wedding planner extrodionare is p great
I’ve seen enough spoilers to know this wedding is going to go terribly and everyone is probably going to die horrible deaths, so everything is ominous rn
yep. that went SO BADLY. 
alright so FUCK kai, but also props to chirs whatshisface bc he was v good as a villain.
iiiiii kinda sobbed at all of elena’s goodbyes????????? I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT (except for the fact that i am A Crier™) but like, daMN IT GOT ME. 
iiiiiii may have enjoyed this season??? overall???
well, bring on season 7, i guess 
0 notes
verdigrisprowl · 7 years
May 31 Blurr’s Horror Stream - Villanos & The Lego Batman Movie
Multiple people objected strenuously to Starscream’s assertion that Megatron could be his nemesis, despite the fact that they’re on the same side and Megatron obviously doesn’t see Starscream as his nemesis. Two different pairs of people went “I’d be honored to have you as a nemesis.” “Aww~” Bevel officially signed on with Blurr’s crew. Prowl showed up in a foul mood, stayed in a foul mood, and left in a foul mood.
Missed the start.
ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy sticks where he is, but Rumble runs over to hang out.* B l u r r: / shoves the stuff off his couch and just slouches / ItsyBitsySpyers: //I love that line.// B l u r r: Which line? Whirl: *he is welcome, as always, to join* B l u r r: [[ Kay is everyone ready, then? Cause yall gotta read subtitles for a minute ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: //The shoe thing.// B l u r r: Ah... yes. Classic line. Sunstreaker: [[ ready ]] FakeProwl: ((still ready)) Whirl: *gets re-settled* Well, you've got my number, Teach. B l u r r: Mmhm... I know. Bevel: [[still ready Whirl: ((and ye)) B l u r r: [[ kay im gonna assumeeveryone's ready then ]] B l u r r: *everyone else ]] B l u r r: Anyway, being back on Earth connected me with a ton of new scrap to watch. So. B l u r r: [[ this cartoon is the only thing i want to see on tv for months tbh. ]] Whirl: *snorts* Whirl: Oh, hey. Brainstorm made one of those. Starscream: ((This is great ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave needs that.* Whirl: ((I like their little mook)) B l u r r: / he likes it because it reminds him of him and Blaster / Starscream: hehehe B l u r r: [[ and daaas it. ]] FakeProwl: ((i'm love)) Starscream: ((what's it called B l u r r: [[ That's all we have so far anyway. But *lifts leggie* is my new cartoon ]] B l u r r: [[ Villanos ]] Bevel: [[that looks awesome FakeProwl: ((they're gonna start making full episodes soon?)) B l u r r: [[ yeah. In Mexico. ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((a little frantic but i think i would watch it)) FakeProwl: ((can't wait)) Whirl: ((not something I'd watch on my own, but seems all right enough)) B l u r r: [[ Tbh the english version sucks ]] B l u r r: [[ Black Hat sounds boring ]] B l u r r: [[ he sounds better in spanish. And Flug sounds better in spanish too ]] FakeProwl: ((it might be frantic because right now they're just making mid-commercial mini episodes?)) Starscream: ((was that spanish? B l u r r: yeah ]] B l u r r: [[ yeah, theyre minisodes between commercials ]] B l u r r: [[ like bumps. The longer episodes will be better ]] Bevel: [[hopefully it's scheduling isn't as weird as SU Starscream: ((I understood a surprising amount, I speak Italian B l u r r: [[ depends on where it's gonna fit on the US lineup ]] B l u r r: [[ the lineup in Mexico is relying on Villanos, apparently, to revive Cartoon Network ]] B l u r r: [[ and since it's a show about the villains, they think it'll work out well enough ]] Whirl: ((hopefully it does well there!)) B l u r r: god i hope so cause i love it ]] FakeProwl: ((it's fun!! I wish it well)) Tarantulas: (( crosses ALL the fingers FakeProwl: ((I like all the characters. Except the bear, but I can put up with a derpy sidekick animal.)) B l u r r: the only one I don't like is Dementia because she's the typical "in love with the villain" type ]] Sunstreaker: [[ i love the bear. him cute. ]] Whirl: ((I like the mook!)) B l u r r: but apparently the longer episodes will make her more fleshed out ]] Whirl: ((everyone else is kinda blah, but I have a weakness for mooks)) Bevel: [[i liked dementia until she pulled the rawr thing with the statue B l u r r: LOL the bear is a failed experiment on Black Hat's part. And Flug. ]] FakeProwl: ((she could be either really good or really bad, but I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to obsessively-in-love characters.)) Whirl: ((Yes, Flug)) B l u r r: [[ SO its like his messy child ]] Whirl: ((hence the airplane shirt)) B l u r r: [[ anyway. Y'all ready for this lego thing? ]] FakeProwl: ((ye!!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((*SLAMS HANDS DOWN* YES)) Sunstreaker: [[ 5.0.5. I even like the bear's name ]] B l u r r: [[ BUT im glad u guys like my dumb cartoon choice ]] Sunstreaker: [[ i like everything about the beb ]] Whirl: ((YEE LEGO BATMAN)) Bevel: [[yes yes definitely yes ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble frowns. Is that true? Why isn't Crosscut here?* Whirl: *snorts* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He would know.* B l u r r: / leans back on couch and kcks pedes up / ItsyBitsySpyers: //Frag's an ab?// B l u r r: Muscles. Whirl: Those stomach bumps. *pats his own bump-less stomach* Whirl: Heh, slick. Of course they took a chopper. ItsyBitsySpyers: *What a lovely face.* Whirl: ((this is so great already)) FakeProwl: ((this is the best joker)) B l u r r: [[ my favorite joker ]] Bevel: *pats stomach, metal plates probably don't count as abs but she has like five of them* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ohhhh! Okay! I remember this Batman fragger. TC showed this stuff, yeah?// ItsyBitsySpyers: \\THINK SO.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: //...He got enough henchmen?// B l u r r: [[ they really ARE all real, too ]] B l u r r: theyre all canon characters ]] Whirl: ((YEP)) Whirl: ((i was sitting there going "ok when they gonna say calendr man")) Starscream: Humans come up with the strangest names for themselves Whirl: I dunno, I say, if you're gonna do it, do it right. Get as many henchmen as possible, B l u r r: Henchmen are good. Sunstreaker: [[ tag urself i'm condiment king ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: //Pff. If they was real good, he wouldn't need more'n seven.// Starscream: Henchmen are backstabbers Starscream: I would know Whirl: ((Gentleman Ghost)) FakeProwl: ((im the dude with the clock head)) Whirl: ((Clock King!)) Whirl: Well, I mean, you're also YOU. Whirl: Who WOULDN'T wanna backstab you? B l u r r: My crew works together right. No one wants to mutiny. Whirl: ...or Megatron, for that matter. Starscream: I meant that I backstab Megatron ItsyBitsySpyers: \\WHO THE FRAG'S THE CITY PLANNER!?\\ Starscream: I was tolerable once, I was backstabbed one too many times Whirl: No. I can't believe that. Whirl: YOU? Tolerable? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble giggles. A tolerable Starscream.* B l u r r: You? Starscream: Yes really B l u r r: Impossible. Whirl: *places  claw dramatically over his chest* B l u r r: Starscream has never been tolerable. Whirl: ((also this is like. GREAT ACTION MOVIE DIRECTING TOO)) Starscream: I wasn't born evil you know ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HAHA!\\ Whirl: SNRK. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh, there's music? Now Soundwave is amused.* Whirl: Anyway--suffice it to say that I don't really believe you, Starscream, and even if you weren't born evil, you WERE born annoying, I'm sure. Starscream: If that's what you want to think Whirl: *snickering louder* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\BRO. WE -GOTTA- GET US SOME MUSIC.\\ Whirl: YES, you two do. Whirl: And a weaponized electric guitar. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Frag yeah.// Bevel: *perks at weaponized guitar* I could totally make that. ItsyBitsySpyers: //...Wait, yeah?// Whirl: Yeah? *looks to her* Starscream: is that... an inuendo ItsyBitsySpyers: ((YOU'RE BREAKING HIS HEART, BATS)) Whirl: Also, that's harsh. Damn, Whirl: That's not how you treat your nemesis. FakeProwl: ((look at his little face)) Whirl: ...also, uh. That bomb. B l u r r: [[ poor joker. ]] Bevel: Yeah! B l u r r: That's not how my nemesis treats me. Whirl: Well, you need to get a better nemesis. Starscream: I wish Megatron treated me that well ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A good nemesis is worthy of respect.]] A long pause. [[Plenty of hatred and loathing. But respect.]] Whirl: You're young--it takes time. I'm sure you'll find that special someone. Whirl: And, hot damn, Sh-- ... Bevel. Whirl: I'd love to see it. B l u r r: I'm not even sure if I have a nemesis... ItsyBitsySpyers: //Seriously. Ya make one 'n I get dibs.// B l u r r: / taps chin / Whirl: If you don't know, then you don't. Bevel: *she is already mentally trying to figure weapon guitar out* Ok. Whirl: Ther4e's nothing quite like that special firsson of homicidal rage, respect, and bloodlust you get when you make a proper nemesis. *sighs* Starscream: For a human that was a pretty impressive flight skills Whirl: ...*frisson damn B l u r r: / frowns/ I wouldn't consider Rodimus worthy of being my nemesis... more like a rival. B l u r r: And a pain in the aft. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\BET I COULD TAKE HIM.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: //Duh. He's meat.// Whirl: Yeah, a rival is not a nemesis. Starscream: Megatron's an awful nemesis, I need to find a better one Whirl: He's not a nemesis. He's your boss. Whirl: Or, well, was, I guess. Starscream: He is so Whirl: It's, like... you can't be someone's nemesis if you're THEIR punching bag. B l u r r: ... true. Starscream: I almost killed him B l u r r: That doesn't mean anything. B l u r r: That just means you didn't succeed in murder. Starscream: I took over from him three times, every time I did a better job than he did Whirl: Starscream, that's just... depressing. Whirl: You need to go get yourself a nemesis. FakeProwl: ((of all the nights for prowl to not be here)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((*makes grabbyhands at him*)) B l u r r: I want one... B l u r r: / taps chinplate/ But, not sure who's worthy enough Whirl: Like I said, Blurr--you're young. Whirl: And you're tough. You've got nemesis potential for someone else, easy. FakeProwl: ((he'd be clawing at his seat hearing starscream talk about megatron being nemesis and whirl saying starscream needs a proper one)) B l u r r: /rolls optic / I doubt it. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((*DRAGS HIM OVER i say*)) Starscream: It's my life's mission to get rid of him, if that isn't a nemesis what is? Whirl: ((LORD. POOR PROWL)) B l u r r: No one assumes I'm their nemesis ItsyBitsySpyers: [[There is an entire multiverse of mechs waiting to get on your very last neural net sensor.]] Whirl: ((omfg0) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((I LOVE THAT BIT)) B l u r r: [[ yes! ]] FakeProwl: ((this movie is great)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((god i love this *** movie and it only gets better)) B l u r r: [[ it does ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: \\SOUNDS LIKE ME.\\ Whirl: Same, Frenzy. *snrks* Whirl: Also, Starscream, face it--you were his punching bag. B l u r r: Well, how am I supposed to knowif I have a nemesis? B l u r r: Are they going to tell me? Bevel: Snake clowns. *laughs* Whirl: Like I said--you'll KNOW. B l u r r: I doubt that. /crosses arms and sulks/ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[No. They will simply aggravate you more than anything else in the entirety of existence possibly could.]] Whirl: You'll feel it. It's a one-of-a-kind feeling. B l u r r: [[ this is me ]] B l u r r: [[ ME ]] Starscream: ((me Whirl: ((IM DYING0) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it's true i can confirm)) Bevel: [[tuxedo dress up party is definitely the only way to get me to a party Whirl: *CRACKS UP* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it puff)) Starscream: I wasn't his punching bag, I'm better than he could ever be Whirl: ((FUC.FG. POLE DANCING)) FakeProwl: ((my cd rack doesn't fall apart)) B l u r r: [[ I LOVE THE VILLAINS ]] B l u r r: ... but I know plenty of people that aggravate me. B l u r r: / flexes claws/ What is it supposed to feel like when you have a nemesis? Whirl: Keep telling yourself that, Starscream. Either way, I'm done talking about your sad, sad life. B l u r r: There's a line of people that want to kill me. Starscream: My life is happy I'll have you know Starscream: ((that's horrible B l u r r: [[ THIS DSBFD ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: //That. It's kinda like that. Only ya wanna slaughter 'em instead.// ItsyBitsySpyers: //So more like... "Yer gonna die in my arms tonight."// _Whirl: Pfft! Bevel: Ha. B l u r r: That sounds weird... _Whirl: Like I said: they make you feel homicidal and weirdly respectful all at once. B l u r r: / scratches helm / I usually think that about a lot of people. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((STATISTIIIIIICS)) B l u r r: / slouches and grumbles/ I'm not gonna find one of those... FakeProwl: ((why did i decide not to bring prowl oh my god)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((IT'S NOT TOO LATE)) _Whirl: Well, maybe not. _Whirl: *shrugs* Certainly not if you mope about it. FakeProwl: ((... yeah ok.)) _Whirl: Be assertive! Seize your nemesis! _Whirl: ((DO IT)) Starscream: Okay if you respect them than Megatron definitely isn't my nemesis B l u r r: I don't have anyone to seize! _Whirl: Not YET. FakeProwl: *... appears late* B l u r r: / VENTS / That's annoying. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Immediate ping. Hello.* _Whirl: I already told you, you're young, I'm not gonna LABOR the point to make you feel better. *deadpan stare* FakeProwl: *he desperately wants a distraction* B l u r r: Young and constantly in a state of extinction FakeProwl: *takes seat and focuses on screen* _Whirl: Like many of us. Starscream: proper ethics pfft Starscream: who needs that _Whirl: See, look how useful an army of henchmen is! B l u r r: [[ i love that he's still a master builder. ]] Starscream: Henchmen are nothing but trouble, watch them mess something u[ Starscream: *up B l u r r: Henchmen are good if you're a great planner. FakeProwl: ((these movies may be nonsense but they have Continuity)) _Whirl: I mean, I can understand how you'd get nothing but bad henchmen if you're working with a dearth of charisma. Bevel: Barbara is kicking all their butts. Awesome. Starscream: I am a good planner, henchmen are nothing but trouble _Whirl: Hey, Ravage is in this movie... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy nudges Bevel.* \\BETCHA CAN'T DO *THAT*. Bevel: Yeah maybe. *sticks tongue out at Frenzy* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Boy, this sounds familiar* FakeProwl: *it does* Starscream: why is he flirting with everyone FakeProwl: ... What's going on. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Incoming summary and highlight reel?* B l u r r: You're a good planner? FakeProwl: *... oh no. he sympathizes with joker* B l u r r: /snort/ Oh, please. Starscream: yes, I am B l u r r: The henchmen aren't your problem B l u r r: It's your planning. B l u r r: Look, I can get mechs to attack in a uniform formation.. _Whirl: Man, and what a masterful strike. _Whirl: Hitting his nemesis where it hurts. Very clever. Starscream: So can I, when they aren't backstabbing me ItsyBitsySpyers: *LOUD HUFF* B l u r r: If you're a backstabber, then you're expecting too much from henchmen Starscream: true B l u r r: you can't complain about someone backstabbing you. Starscream: Doesn't mean I'm bad at planning though FakeProwl: *the guy with the nemesis who doesn't acknowledge him who surrendered to his nemesis. annnd he's a bad guy. rip.* B l u r r: Sure it does. B l u r r: You backstab because your plans are loose. FakeProwl: *focus on the police commissioner. prowl approves of her completely.* B l u r r: If your plans were truly masterful, then you wouldn't need to backstab Starscream: Megatron is my leader, any act against him would be backstabbing Starscream: technically speaking _Whirl: Oh, wait, you mean--you're STILL his punching bag? _Whirl: *LAUGHS* B l u r r: backstabbing your leader still means you're poor with planning. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What kind of Greatest Detective doesn't notice a human youngling running around their house for a week.]] _Whirl: He's having a crisis. FakeProwl: Does he call himself that? _Whirl: *snickers* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes.]] FakeProwl: He's demonstrably wrong. _Whirl: ((HAHAHA)) FakeProwl: He's got nothing on the police with the— FakeProwl: ... statistics. FakeProwl: *annnnnnd now he's sad* B l u r r: See, now THAT is planning. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The Barbara human?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy looks over at his Boss and squints.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave looks down.* [[Don't be ridiculous. You're not expendable.]] _Whirl: Also--not quiet. Not even remotely. *dryly* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy huffs noisily (of course) and folds his arms.* B l u r r: I remember being expendable... /vents/ It was fantastic. FakeProwl: ... Yes. The Barbara human. _Whirl: Life gave ME  seatbelt. Starscream: No seatbelts? _Whirl: Or, well, something very like. B l u r r: K-Kyeheheh, what's a seat belt. Starscream: My altmode has seatbelts ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And that is why external docking is superior.]] _Whirl: *sits up, pops the lid of his cockpit, and gestures down to the seating inside* _Whirl: They're in there. Bevel: *could probably make seatbelts if she wanted but why* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble stands up to try to get a look* B l u r r: I don't have seat belts... _Whirl: *shifts to lower his chest so Rumble can see. It's Zori's Former Hiding Spot* B l u r r: Well, I mean, I think I do... B l u r r: I almost strangled a human with 'em ItsyBitsySpyers: //Huh.// *Sits back down.* //We ain't got 'em. Can't nobody wear 'em like Knock Out anyway.// _Whirl: ((KRYPTO)) Bevel: [[ha ha hal B l u r r: [[ im the flash ]] _Whirl: *leans back and snaps his cockpit back* They came with my interior. And... wait, where wre his? ItsyBitsySpyers: //Them neck ones.// Motions with both hands. _Whirl: *pauses and tries to remember* _Whirl: Ohh, wait. Those were seatbelts? Huh. FakeProwl: *... thinks about knock out's neck* FakeProwl: *hmmmm* _Whirl: *tilts his head just the tiniest bit* B l u r r: /shifts/ Well, let me say. I am glad Thundertron isn't my nemesis B l u r r: because that whole slaughter would have been a let down. Starscream: unlimited cookies sounds good Starscream: maybe I should be a vigilante _Whirl: *snickers( _Whirl: I been there. ...maybe not with a dolphin in there. B l u r r: Same. I just got my weapons stripped off me recently. B l u r r: It was awkward... but thrilling. Starscream: I hate being weaponless _Whirl: *sly look* Optimus did it, then? B l u r r: K-Kyeheheh. Yes. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[If only.]] _Whirl: I'm never weaponless. *clicks his claws* Starscream: lucky you B l u r r: Me neither. B l u r r: Always got weapons installed on me. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He's not so sure about the smart part.]] Starscream: I do too, Megatron tended to tear them out _Whirl: Yeah, that's never fun. B l u r r: Well, that sounds like a personal problem. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ain't nobody takin' my weapons off. Not unless they don't like their spark no more// B l u r r: I never let anyone tear mine out. _Whirl: Had the old chest-guns removed a few times, but I'M basically a weapon, guns or no. Bevel: I always have weapons. _Whirl: (9OMG THE GREMLINS)) _Whirl: ((this is greAT) B l u r r: [[ THE DALEKS! ]] FakeProwl: *right. okay. all this talk about police and being a hero is just depressing him more. leans on Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Ah. Yes. This would be a bit of a sting, wouldn't it.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Wraps arm. Well, maybe something in this will give Prowl a better idea than the one he had last time.* _Whirl: I like that eyeball guy. Starscream: The tower just walking away B l u r r: See, now, I want one of those. Starscream: Why is there a release all button _Whirl: ((i'm gonna die)) _Whirl: Sor-on? _Whirl: I like that one. B l u r r: [[ I LOVE THE DALEKS ]] Starscream: hehe Starscream: ((british robots B l u r r: Now THAT is how you get henchmen motivated. _Whirl: He upgraded. Bevel: Sauron is really evil but he got beat by a ring getting thrown into a volcano. FakeProwl: *... very effective* _Whirl: Does that happen in this movie, or...? B l u r r: Don't think so. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Think it already did. He was in jail.// _Whirl: Well, there, he got better! Bevel: It was in a book. And a movie. FakeProwl: *mental note: if he ever needs to take dwon Cybertron, arrange a jailbreak.* B l u r r: It's perfect! /rubs claws together / B l u r r: I love when the villains get the upper claw! B l u r r: I hope he makes that hero grovel at his feet. ItsyBitsySpyers: *...He hopes Prowl does not take THAT advice.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Just whatever the red furred human has to say.* _Whirl: *why not prowl should beatbox* Starscream: We need more shows where the villain wins B l u r r: MM. B l u r r: Naturally. FakeProwl: *prowl would be terrible at beatboxing.* _Whirl: *but it would bring the rest of us joy* ItsyBitsySpyers: *It's strange advice, that's why. Even he wouldn't do it. ... Laserbeak might.* _Whirl: ((movie no why u gotta hurt me like that)) Starscream: lol _Whirl: ((why u gotta give bane that dumb voice)) B l u r r: [[ omg i know ]] _Whirl: That eye guy is just. Too cool. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\THE WORM WAS BETTER.\\ _Whirl: ...yeah. _Whirl: The worm was, but I appreciate his whole look. ...and the lava-barfing. FakeProwl: *... rubs helm* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Looks over.* FakeProwl: *buildings getting knocked down. devastator.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @P (txt): ...Noise? FakeProwl: @Soundwave «No. Wanton devastation.» ItsyBitsySpyers: //Your eye don't barf lava, right?// _Whirl: *snickering* B l u r r: It would be an interesting concept... Starscream: thee lightning has impeccable aim ItsyBitsySpyers: @P: (txt): ...Understood. _Whirl: *hand over spark* _Whirl: He was too good for this film.. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Adds mass building destruction to his list of things to be aware of in the future.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //So, I'm jus' sayin'. Good costume for this year.// _Whirl: Hmm? *looks down* Which one? ItsyBitsySpyers: //The tower thing. Or Batguy.// _Whirl: Hmm. *taps the underside of his helm* I dunno exactly how I could pull that off... he _Whirl: s got no limbs. _Whirl: But he DOES have a cool look. B l u r r: Is Batman a hero or villain? B l u r r: He seems like an anti...villain... Starscream: Both B l u r r: but an anti-hero. FakeProwl: *mutters* An idiot. B l u r r: He doesn't seem capable of doing things alone B l u r r: It's not that easy. _Whirl: What about you? Any ideas of your own, from this one? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Quiet huff* B l u r r: Hn? FakeProwl: *"protecting" useful people is a waste of resources that should be better spent protecting everyone else* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble scratches his chin. Soundwave just flicks his hand. If Blurr didn't catch the mutter, it doesn't matter* Starscream: I told Megatron I hated him the first time we met _Whirl: This is a movie about nemeses just as much as it is about anything else. This is great. B l u r r: [[ which mutter because it wasn't clear who it was to >>;; ]] B l u r r: [[ Whirl and Blurr both have one eye >>;;; ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((prowl was muttering about batman i think)) FakeProwl: ((ye)) B l u r r: [[ oh lmao. ]] _Whirl: ((yes!)) B l u r r: [[ im typing an assignment on the side so lmao ]] B l u r r: [[ im lost. ]] B l u r r: Well, I can think of plenty of mechs I hate. B l u r r: / taps chin/ only one that I've told. B l u r r: I usually just kill what annoys me. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It's not just -hate-. They have to be worthy. Capable of foiling as many of your moves as you do of theirs.]] FakeProwl: *... are we talking about nemeses* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Welcome to the party, Prowl* _Whirl: *pauses thoughtfully* You know, some holographic effects could get that eye thing going... B l u r r: /crosses arms/ I suppose I ItsyBitsySpyers: //One of them dinosaur things.// FakeProwl: *rghgh* B l u r r: have had plenty of thorns in my side... _Whirl: Yeah? The... the raptor guy? B l u r r: It sure as frag isn't Starscream. B l u r r: He's not worth any respect. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah. I seen them Park films. They're killer.// _Whirl: Nice. Starscream: This movie is inspiring me to kill Megatron again B l u r r: You haven't even killed him one time. FakeProwl: Oh, for—! Starscream: I sort of did... he came back FakeProwl: You can't be a nemesis with someone on the SAME SIDE as you! FakeProwl: That's not how it works! That's RIDICULOUS. Starscream: Why not B l u r r: You need to learn how to kill people. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Mildly alarmed sitting upright.* B l u r r: I could educate you. It'll be a one time lesson. Starscream: We aren't on the same side ItsyBitsySpyers: *...And now curious leaning. That's an oddly strong feeling.*( _Whirl: Different Starscream, Prowl. B l u r r: [[ night wing!! ]] Starscream: I fight for the Decepticons because I can't be an Autobot, not because I like him FakeProwl: You're fighting for the same goal, aren't you? For the same faction to win? Starscream: My goal is to defeat Megatron _Whirl: ((wait, nix that)) _Whirl: ((thought that was directed at blurr)) B l u r r: [[ is okay. ]] B l u r r: [[ i did too haha ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy cackles about the one time death lesson* B l u r r: / grins at Frenzy/ FakeProwl: That's—ridiculous. YOU'RE ridiculous. That's not how it works. Of all the... Starscream: Why not?  It makes perfect sense to me B l u r r: You don't make ANY sense. FakeProwl: That's because you're a moron who doesn't get how nemeses work. B l u r r: Starscream  doesn't know how anything works. Starscream: Okay, then how do they work ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yes, do tell. He's quite interested now.* FakeProwl: You. Are. Supposed. To. Be. On. Opposite. Sides. _Whirl: I already TOLD you, Starscream, damn. B l u r r: /vents/ This whole family theme is annoying. Can we go back to the Joker? B l u r r: I like him. _Whirl: I explained it IN DETAIL, how thick can you possibly be? Starscream: We are on opposite sides, he wants to live and I want to kill him B l u r r: Whirl, it's Starscream. FakeProwl: You're on the same faction! B l u r r: It's not your fault he didn't retain anything Starscream: Just because we are on the same side of the war doesn't mean anything _Whirl: You're right, Teach. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave shakes his helm. No wonder his former faction had trouble getting things done.* FakeProwl: *grumbles, sits back, rubs his optics* Bevel: *giggles* B l u r r: [[ B l u r r: * [[ "Im irritating" <-- it me ]] _Whirl: Okay,w e all know, the only appropriate superhero theme is Shoot to Thrill. FakeProwl: *he shouldn't have come tonight* B l u r r: Right? B l u r r: I wonder if we have a theme song as pirates... /taps chin/ Starscream: If Megabutt isn't my nemesis then who is ItsyBitsySpyers: @P: (txt): Starscream: idiot. Ignore. Standard Decepticon rule. Bevel: Bet you could write one. Like Batman did. B l u r r: [[ i love this part ]] _Whirl: *approves of this particular brand of family bonding* _Whirl: *he may or may not be briefly reminded of a dreadful little murdercloud* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Yes. He is.» ItsyBitsySpyers: @P: (txt): Nemesis identity, Prowl's? Insistence suggests experience. B l u r r: / claw to chassis. So romantic / FakeProwl: *.....................* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Awwwwwwww.// Starscream: So much romance Starscream: ew FakeProwl: @Soundwave «None.» _Whirl: I know, right? *delighted* _Whirl: Not ROMANCE, idiot. _Whirl: Nemeses. B l u r r: I want one of those-! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Surprised tilt.* _Whirl: Work for it, Teach. _Whirl: You'll get there. Starscream: Really cause they're talking like people who are in love FakeProwl: *that was a touching nemesis speech, dammit* _Whirl: You just don't understand, Starscream. *shakes his head* Starscream: Don't understand what? B l u r r: Rodimus could have been one of those... but he is an idiot. B l u r r: [[ I CANNOT WITH THE SPANISH ]] B l u r r: [[ every damn time, i laugh ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): None? Not understood. Many worthy qualities. Intelligence, persistence, influence, idealism, evasiveness. Satisfactory kick. FakeProwl: ((... wasn't the Joker one of the "every villain" that Batman promised to send back)) B l u r r: [[ nah ]] B l u r r: [[ they wanted THEIR villains back ]] _Whirl: ((sauron is also sort of still there, albeit... dead ish)) FakeProwl: ((but joker WAS one of their villains. for like fifteen minutes, but still.)) FakeProwl: ((longer than batman was there, and batman assumed HE was supposed to go back too)) B l u r r: [[ idk man fbdhk ]] B l u r r: [[ Joker is weird. ]] _Whirl: That was a damn good movie, Teach. _Whirl: I didn't expect to like that nearly as much. Bevel: Catchy. FakeProwl: *yeah, soundwave, rub it in why don't you.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «None.» ItsyBitsySpyers: @P: (txt): If recognition: failed, all enemies: unworthy. B l u r r: /snerk/ I liked it, too ItsyBitsySpyers: *Was recording that.* _Whirl: *leans backa nd streeetches* _Whirl: Not a bad diversion from horror, not at all. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Or, I don't meet their standards.» Bevel: That was really fun. B l u r r: Well, stuck on Earth so, I have to come up with something. B l u r r: Besides, it was about villains... sort of. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\F'REAL, I LIKED THAT. LOTSA ACTION. WAY BETTER'N THE QUIZ THING.\\ B l u r r: Kyeheheh. What can I say? I'm good at what I do. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Impossible. Prowl: admirable. Would accept, if beginning circumstances: different. B l u r r: Makes me wonder what type of Nemesis I would have... B l u r r: no one can match me for speed. _Whirl: Sadly, mine is dead. Or, well, sort of. _Whirl: A multiversal versiion of him popped up a while back, but he's gone again. B l u r r: Hnnh. B l u r r: You don't irritate me, but if you did, I would be incredibly grateful if YOU were my nemesis, Whirl. FakeProwl: *oh, that's... actually really flattering.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Jazz will always be the best of them, of course, but he would consider Prowl worth his time. His own could have been, if she'd really dedicated herself. A step above Blaster, or right around there.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Thank you.» B l u r r: / smirks and pulls some wiring up from his arm / You're fun to fight with. Imagine if we just fought each other all the time. What a thrill. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Dips his helm.* Bevel: *has no nemesis and wouldn't even know where to begin with getting one* _Whirl: Well, damn, Teach. Thanks. _Whirl: *withoiut knowing, he dips his helm at Blurr at very nearly the exact time Soundwave does to prowl* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy looks up at Bevel* B l u r r: / flicks finials and nods / ItsyBitsySpyers: *...................................................* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\...NAH. I'D WHOOP YER AFT TOO EASY.\\ _Whirl: Oh, I know I am. *lifts his helm, unabashedly proud* And yeah, you're fast, and that kinetic-thing you've got going is tough to get around... but I bet I could do it. _Whirl: It'd be a hell of a fight. B l u r r: All the time. B l u r r: It would be entertaining. And incredibly thrilling. B l u r r: But, I don't HATE you. So, it doesn't work, does it? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Humorous reminder: alliance preferred. B l u r r: Even though the respect factor is there. Bevel: *pushes Frenzy over with a grin* Ok, Lil' Bit ItsyBitsySpyers: \\OOF!\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Swings at her arm* Bevel: *laughs* _Whirl: Yeah. Like, the respect factor is there, and the DESIRE to fight--but that's just normal friendship. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Heh. Same.» B l u r r: Mmm... but, we could stil lfight sometimes. B l u r r: If you want to. _Whirl: Ultimately I don't wanna destroy you, y'know? When you have a nemesis, it's like... that's it. That's the perfect moment, even though you don't want it to end. FakeProwl: *Soundwave gunning for him would be... well, not LITERALLY Prowl's worst nightmare—because Prowl's worst nightmare involves Insecticons—but it would be very close.* _Whirl: Gimme a time and a place, Teach, I'm ALWAYS down for a scuffle. B l u r r: Kyeheheheh. Good. B l u r r: /nods helm a little/ Yeah, I get that. I've never met anyone who balances both. Well... maybe... maybe one person. B l u r r: / taps chinplate/ But, he doesn't really think of me that way. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...That is it. That is how you know.]] _Whirl: Hey, it took me millions of years to finally meet Killmaster. _Whirl: And there were a LOT of mecha I really, REALLY, REALLY--*stiffens a bit* REALLY. HATED. B l u r r: I knew a mech that I hated so much, I wanted to kill him, but it was too fun to let him die... _Whirl: ...before him. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[If you think you would regret the manner of their death if it were not by your hands.]] _Whirl: *nods* yep. And when you know that's how they feel, too. B l u r r: oh, well... I'm pretty sure everyone who wnats me dead is B l u r r: honest about it _Whirl: *relaxes a touch* See, that's why Megatron can't be your nemesis, Starscream, aside from the hilariously obvious reasons Prowl stated. Optimus is his nemesis. B l u r r: Oh, to have the Tyran Prime as a nemesis... / would sparkly eye if he could / Starscream: Yeah but we don't have to be mutually nemesises B l u r r: To be crushed by that large pede and ran through with a sword... all that hate in his optics. B l u r r: / twitches claws and spreads them over his face/ Bevel: *so confused about this nemesis stuff* ItsyBitsySpyers: *There is a vaguely wistful tone to his thoughts.* _Whirl: You absolutely do. _Whirl: If your nemesis doesn't actually refer toi you as "nemesis" then it's just. A sad, pale imitation. Starscream: I hate Megatron more than anything else in the universe, he's scum _Whirl: ...*was about to say "me too" but has to live with the knowledge that he... actually DOES hate someone more than Megatron. Multiple someones* _Whirl: And, Blurr, you've just got a huge crush on him, that's different. B l u r r: ... Hhh, I suppose. B l u r r: It's great to have, though... Starscream: One day I'll have a chance tosnuff his spark _Whirl: *dryly* A nemesis, or a crush? B l u r r: ... oh. A crush. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Jazz deserved a more fitting termination. A stray shot from an unknown soldier - it should have been something glorious. A final race to stop a musical virus. A game of poisons. Anything but that.]] B l u r r: Your Jazz died from a shot? Poor thing... B l u r r: Ah... I do rather hate Jazz... Starscream: ((Star "killing Megatron i my kink" scream B l u r r: But, he's obnoxiously friendly to me Bevel: Most Jazzes are really friendly like that. _Whirl: *shrugs* FakeProwl: A nemesis MUST be mutual. A nemesis is a relationship. Bevel: *most, definitely only most* FakeProwl: Otherwise it's just unrequited spite. Starscream: Oh no, he hates me too Starscream: Just not as deep a loathing as mine B l u r r: This Jazz is more so, I think... FakeProwl: Not good enough. B l u r r: / looks at Bevel/ Some kind of holy relic or something. FakeProwl: If he doesn't see you as his nemesis, you're not nemeses. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Primus, their obnoxious insincere friendliness.]] A pause. [[And their magnet hands. On some.]] _Whirl: I mean, hate isn't gonna cut it. Starscream: Then I guess I'll just have to settle for not having a nemesis _Whirl: You can go through your life hating everyone. I did. _Whirl: Mostly. _Whirl: With a few exceptions, I still more or less DO. Bevel: Like a relic of the Thirteen? ItsyBitsySpyers: *And now he's suddenly suspicious. He glances around the room to assure himself his complaining isn't going to a surprise audience.* B l u r r: A relic of the what? No.. .he's that stupid cube thing B l u r r: Everytime he comes over, he pesters me. FakeProwl: *likes the magnet hands* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Prowl doesn't understand. He doesn't understand what Jazz has done with them.* _Whirl: Isn't that the guy that made Zori super-sized? B l u r r: Yeah... Starscream: ((I have to go ItsyBitsySpyers: [[At least you aren't -teaching- him.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((awww! byeeee! thank you for showing up )) Starscream: ((thanks for the stream _Whirl: ((be!)) _Whirl: ((....bye)) _Whirl: ((BE)) B l u r r: byeee!! ]] _Whirl: I don't think he likes that very much--can't you get him to change him back? B l u r r: ... Are you teaching him? _Whirl: I don't really talk to him anymore, but Professor Z seems down. B l u r r: Me? Get him to change Zori back? B l u r r: Jazz isn't going to listen to me... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[NO. No. Jazz is not adjusting Zori again.]] Bevel: Cube thing? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He is working on other solutions. Ones that are unlikely to end in \a microscopic minicon.]] B l u r r: / nods at Bevel/ He's some kind of... what is it? B l u r r: All Spark? _Whirl: *looks to Soundwave*  ...y'know that's probably not a bad idea. If he screwed up ONCE... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Unfortunately.]] _Whirl: Well, if you need any ideas, I know a guy with a shrink ray. *shrugs* Bevel: Oh! I know what that is. B l u r r: you do? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...You will tell him more about that later, of course.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh! Oh. And here he is talking about-- and Prowl is right--* Bevel: Yeah, it made Cybertronian life in some places. I saw one once on a job. These Autobots had pieces of it and it made things come to life. B l u r r: Well, now it's all put together inside some mech. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Jazz amica status temporarily forgotten. Apologies. Bevel: Starscream was a zombie. I bet Jazz is a zombie to. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Primus forbid.]] B l u r r: He's a zombie? Huh... no, impossible. That would make him interesting. Bevel: *giggles* B l u r r: Even so... he's very much alive from what I see. _Whirl: Sure thing. _Whirl: And, yeah, Teach--Brainstorm. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «We spent four million years on opposite sides of a war. I'll forgive you badmouthing my amica if you forgive me occasionally cringing at references to assassinating senators.» _Whirl: In my home dimension I got shrunk down and fouight some scrapets in Big M's body. _Whirl: Left some quality graffiti in there, too. Bevel: Maybe it works different in his universe. All the things that are the same from one universe to another are not really the same most of the time. *it's really confusing* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He seems to consider this for a moment. Like, actually consider it. He's tapping his digits and everything.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *And a nod.* B l u r r: Things change, kid. /looking at Bevel/ it happens. If you want to learn more about him, talk to him. B l u r r: He only calls me when he's having one of those... vision things. B l u r r: Like I'm supposed to know what it means. _Whirl: All right, losers, time for me to head out. *streeetches one more time before carefuly extricating himself* _Whirl: Seeya. *salutes the room* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Aww. Ya gotta?// B l u r r: / waves at whirl/ See you sometime soon. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Anyway, it's nice to hear that he was a thorn in a high-ranking Decepticons' side. I'm sure he'd be pleased by your complaints.» Bevel: *waves to Whirl* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Well, Rumble will trot back over to the couch and squeeze in between Frenzy and Bevel* _Whirl: Yeah, I've got... *plants to tend to* Errands. Bevel: *still sure this Jazz is an allspark zombie but she'll nod at Blurr anyone* Bevel: *anyway* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Kay. Seeya later.// _Whirl: *he'll spare Rumble a nudge before he makes his exit, bobs his head to all one last time, and trots off* B l u r r: I'll tell you what, though. His universe is one hot mess. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Confirm Prowl not sharing news. Bevel: More than the other ones? B l u r r: As is my own. Yet, while we lay low here on Earth, the Decepticons won't attack us... for now. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I won't tell him a word.» B l u r r: / flicks finials / Hn? Well, apparently his Autobots are dying off constantly. B l u r r: He keeps calling me in a panic. Bevel: *nudges Rumble carefully in greeting* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nudge back and a grin.* Bevel: Oh, are they still fighting? B l u r r: ... I don't know. I stay out of it. B l u r r: I have no more ties to his universe B l u r r: / grumbles/ I have ties to another one now. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ping ping. Prowl is getting a reward. And also a demonstration of why Soundwave hates Jazzes so very, very much. Would he like to accept the A/V file.* Bevel: Sometimes being tied to someplace is a good thing. FakeProwl: *? all right* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Prowl's gonna see Soundwave cautiously stick his hand through a crack in the door, have it magneted, and get yanked through while Jazz flips over him. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE.* B l u r r: ... In this case, I'm not sure yet. B l u r r: If being tied to it is good. B l u r r: [[ LOL I REMEMBER THAT SOUNDWAVE ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Because Jazz was an unauthorized intruder, a bridge immediately opened, dragging him through it. Since Soundwave was magneted, he got yanked right back into Dancitron and fell through with Jazz--* ItsyBitsySpyers: *And they both ended up a fair distance away, completely locked out of a building now on shutdown.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((YOU BETTER REMEMBER HE'S STILL SO MAD)) B l u r r: [[ BE MAD WERE ON CYBERTRONS RUINS ]] Bevel: Aw well, I hope you figure it out. *encouraging smile* FakeProwl: *... hmmm. Well.* FakeProwl: *this requires some serious contemplation. prowl puts his elbows on his knees and laces his hands together.* FakeProwl: *and presses them over his mouth.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Elbow nudge. He sees that.* B l u r r: ... /tilts helm/ Hmh. So, what's your plan, huh? B l u r r: / at bevel / FakeProwl: *he's shaking.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Confirm THAT not shared either. ItsyBitsySpyers: *His dignity may be fluttering away in the wind, but at least Prowl is having a good moment for once. Shortage of those lately.* Bevel: *shrugs* Plans for what? FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I will absolutely not be sharing this.» FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... And the Constructicons better not be either.» FakeProwl: *good moment's over. What if that file got transferred to them during recharge? What if they decided they didn't care about Prowl's promise not to share it?* FakeProwl: *wilts slightly* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He sees this wilt.* B l u r r: / leans forward to look at Bevel/ You want on the ship or not? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Inform them if this, shared, Soundwave personally ensures guard deals never again accepted. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Furthermore: existing Constructicon enjoyment items confiscated, shared among Autobot newbuilds. Bevel: Oh that! Um, well. *it would get her away from the horrible awkwardness of her home planet* would you mind someone else coming with me? FakeProwl: *small nod.* FakeProwl: *attaches that note to the file. If the A/V file gets transferred to them, the threat will go with it.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Small nudge.* FakeProwl: *questioning ping* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Own fault. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Wait, who's goin' with ya?// FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... What is?» B l u r r: ... Who's the someone else? B l u r r: / tilts helm and flicks finials/ Remember, joining my crew means I am your Captain. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Shared file. Constructicon tie known. Other data also given. Shrinking: unnecessary. Bevel: My amica and I am used to following orders. B l u r r: So who is this america? B l u r r: / he doesn't know these terms / B l u r r: / An amica endurae is an american endurance / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[..................America?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yeah, he heard that.* FakeProwl: *shakes head. doesn't make a difference.* Bevel: *stares at Blurr for a second trying to think of how to answer this* FakeProwl: *he was still Reminded of them. and that he has no control over this connection.* B l u r r: ... Isn't that what it's called? B l u r r: That's what you said, right? Bevel: Amica. B l u r r: ...Ah. B l u r r: Well, who is that? Bevel: Like a really important friend. Some universes do not have them. B l u r r: We certainly don't Bevel: *this feels like such an understatment of the term but it's the best she can give* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Quiet vent. Light thumb rubbing on whatever plate it's resting against.* B l u r r: Anyway. Who are they? ItsyBitsySpyers: *He'll wait until Prowl feels like saying something about it or moving on. Whichever.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble and Frenzy chinhands and watch Bevel and Blurr. They wanna know too.* FakeProwl: *doesn't feel like saying anything now. just sorta slumps there.* Bevel: *sticks tongue out at the twins* Rolodex is a minicon from one of the Malgus universe. They are not a warrior or anything like that. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Well, then Soundwave will just stay there with him for now. Maybe have an idea to temporarily get him 'away' from his troubles for a bit, in a few minutes.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Which one's Malgus?// Bevel: The one with the zombie Starscream. B l u r r: [[ Maglus is TFA, yes? ]] Bevel: [[Yes B l u r r: *Malgus ]] B l u r r: [[ My son is from Malgus. My other Blurr ]] Bevel: [[TFA Blurr <3 B l u r r: [[ yasss ]] B l u r r: A minicon, hn? And what use will they do for the crew? Or you, for that matter? B l u r r: If you're part of the crew, you're part of the ship. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Hey! Don't you go stickin' her in no walls!// Bevel: *armor bristles slightly*Rolodex has been my friend since I first got lost. They are really smart and nice and help keep all our mercenary data neat and make sure we don't mess anything up B l u r r: So, they can keep data organized? Bevel: Huh-uh! They were a data keeper at a big prison on their Cybertron. B l u r r: Hmmm...we could use someone with those skills. Skychaser is moving to full time pilot. B l u r r: And you? B l u r r: / looks at the twins/ And I won't be putting anyone in a wall. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Good.// Squint. Bevel: I fight mostly. B l u r r: Do you need a reason to? B l u r r: You see, being a pirate is all about going against the grain. I don't want you to join and then you decide not to participate in any raids or pillaging events. Bevel: I do not hurt civilians. B l u r r: /scoffs/ then what kind of pirate are you expecting to be? Bevel: The kind that helps you take out bots like Thundertron. B l u r r: /smirks/ Now now, I didn't need a lot of help with that. /points to Frenzy/ Just his help. B l u r r: /lifts digit/ However... this may work to our advantage. Mechs like Thundertron need to be stopped. Bevel: *nods* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): This, not ideal overheard talk. If company still needed-wanted, Prowl avatar permitted longer stay within apartment. Speech, quiet not minded. Bevel: *she can't deny Frenzy's awesomeness during that fight* B l u r r: Hmmnh... /leans forrward and looks over Bevel/ I don't think I ever got a proper introduction. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy puffs a bit.* Bevel: My name is Bevel. B l u r r: ... Blurr. /shifts and holds out a claw/ Captain of the Emperor. /Your/ Captain, if you choose to be on my ship. B l u r r: That means you do what I say, when I say it. Any signs of mutiny.. .well... you don't want to know what kind of appetite I have. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... I may as well go home.» *he's got nothing to offer Soundwave right now.* Bevel: Ew. *takes the offered claw* Does that mean I get stuck on this Earth now? B l u r r: It means you're stuck with me until we can leave. It won't be long now. I think I've managed to gain the sympathy of the mech who took me. B l u r r: I'm quite the actor. /smirks and lifts a digit to his scarred derma/ Don't tell anyone, though. Bevel: *giggles* So am I. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Prowl certain? Home comfort not expected in present moment... this, time away assistance. Return not required. Peace, quiet. Soundwave's time spent repairing datapads. Bevel: I have to get Rolodex and our stuff if we have to live on the ship. ItsyBitsySpyers: *In other words, Prowl doesn't have to entertain him if he just wants to leave his mind somewhere that isn't the prison apartment for a while.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «The Constructicons aren't home at night. I can get peace and quiet as easily there as anywhere else.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Somehow he doubts the 'peace' part of that.* FakeProwl: *which was to say, not easily at all. but that wasn't the fault of the location. even in holoform, he could feel the itch of his sanded off decals.* B l u r r: Good. Then get your supplies and that mech B l u r r: And come back here. /looking Bevel over/ And bring any supplies you have ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...If mind changed, alert. Simple plan adjustment. Not difficulty if own home preferred; potential Constructicon theft warning recorded. Security presence not unexpected. Bevel: Ok! *Blurr better hope he's up for the sheer amount of supplies and stuff Bevel is bringing back* B l u r r: / he wants all the things / B l u r r: ... Welcome to The Emperor... Bevel. /twitches claws/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *He knows he's made this offer at least once a week now, but he's not entirely sure what else to do. There's no mental clues to go off of, and Prowl can be closed-off even when he's NOT upset.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «No. No—don't come over.» Bevel: Thanks, Blurr. Captain. *shrugs, look formal titles are not a thing with her merc group* B l u r r: Mm.../waves claw/ You'll learn in time ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tilts helm.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «There's no need for that.» Bevel: @Soundwave: Can you help me with a space bridge later please? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Bevel: [[Yes.]] Bevel: @Soundwave: Thank you. :) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...In personal experience, direction loss: more painful alone. However, if that: Prowl's wish, Soundwave... complies. ItsyBitsySpyers: *A twist to face Bevel and a nod.* FakeProwl: *flinches* FakeProwl: *he hates that he can't keep anything to himself. Everything's already obvious, isn't it? he used to be able to keep secrets.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «"Alone" isn't even an option for me.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Prowl shouldnt dig at himself so hard. It's hard to have them around Soundwave.* B l u r r: / vents and leans over on his couch to look everyone else over. Well, he's comfortable here. Lays out on couch / B l u r r: You'll learn to like living here. My ship isn't so bad, you know. /to Bevel / ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Apology. Corrected term: "Unaccompanied." Implication Constructicon ties forgotten unintended. Bevel: Better than living on Cybertron. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble mutters something that sounds like "ain't that the truth"* B l u r r: Kyeheheh, if you say so. You'll never go hungry FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Mm.» *the wording doesn't make much difference.* «... I dislike being fussed over.» Bevel: Good to know. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Acknowledged. Glass treatment not meant. This - Soundwave not unfamiliar. After betrayal, new function not known. Carrier privacy also reduced. -- B l u r r: Mmhm. You see, we make stops all over the verses. I'm sure you'll get used to it. ItsyBitsySpyers: Intended offer purpose: support, understanding, assistance. Prowl capability still understood. However, desire: reduce unnecessary suffering, avoid unilateral decision. Bevel: I am used to travelling through the multiverse. B l u r r: Oh, good. Then you're used to foreign places. B l u r r: Now, there are guests that come and go on the ship that you should be aware of. ItsyBitsySpyers: (txt): That, only reason. Prowl decision: time unaccompanied wanted. That, respected. Goodnight bid. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I shouldn't have said I turned down a job offer.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Or not.* Bevel: Guests? B l u r r: Yes. B l u r r: For one, if you see a white mech with red markings, if he still looks the same, that's Drift. B l u r r: If he's on the ship and he tells you to do something, you're advised to listen to him. B l u r r: He's like my honorary first mate. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Data learned soon regardless. Small pieces already possessed. Starscream complaint suffering expected. Soundwave sees much. That, role. Cannot apologize. Respect, best counter. Bevel: Oh. Ok. ItsyBitsySpyers: *So he'll let go and bow his helm.* FakeProwl: *irritated sigh* @Soundwave «... Goodnight.» B l u r r: Big green and white mech with AMP across his chassis? That's Roadbuster. He's allowed on the ship any time. B l u r r: And if I say I have a guest and you are to remain in your sectors of the ship, listen to what I say. FakeProwl: *disappears* B l u r r: The trophy room is off limits. /counting on digits/ The room of intellect is open to mechs who wish to settle and work on their own source material for themselves. I'll explain B l u r r: the basics of our beliefs some other time. B l u r r: You're welcome to look at any frames on the wall, but don't knock them down Bevel: *nods and listens intently* B l u r r: Oberyn, you'll know him when you see him, is allowed to roam wherever he likes. If you don't want him in your room, make sure you lock the door. B l u r r: Menace, who I'm sure is on the ship somewhere, might be in the vents. Just be wary. Menace: *muffled* I'm in the closet today. B l u r r: ... He's in the closet, apparently. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Shakes his helm a little. Prowl can be mad at him if he wants. He's not going to be sorry that he figures things out--.* Bevel: Closet ok. Lock doors. *she should have written this down maybe* B l u r r: Menace is my audio and optic set. He's gotten rid of traitors before and I'm sure he's itching to do it again sometime. B l u r r: Either way, just remember that my ship can be very interesting to live on so long as you follow the rules. B l u r r: Oh, and you might want to tell me what you like to eat now. ItsyBitsySpyers: *And he's not going to be sorry that he told Prowl he was semi-familiar with the problem. It's true.* Bevel: Leave. I have friends off ship. My creator. I will need to visit them sometimes. And I only eat energon. Regular kind. Or high grade sometimes. Not anything made from humans. Bevel: The human stuff is gross. ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's just going to ping Bevel and Blurr simple goodbyes and make his way out. Like he said, he has datapads to repair.* B l u r r: Right, well, we don't eat humans here. But, the cannibar does serve energon from many mechs. /smirks/ so be careful what you order. Bevel: *pings back, will message later for that bridge* B l u r r: /waves to Soundwave / B l u r r: As for leave, I won't keep you from whatever a creator is, but you need to remember that you'll be a wanted mech, so whatever happens when you leave is on your helm. B l u r r: But we will come get you if there is an attack. We don't leave crew mates behind. Bevel: That is ok than. B l u r r: One more thing. I have alliances. Strong ones. Anything we do... any business between them remains between us. B l u r r: Nothing can be said outside of the crew unless I say so. Bevel: I can keep secrets. I am really good at it. B l u r r: Good. then we're all right. Now, I just need you to know that we mechs... don't believe in Primus. Mechs from my universe, anyway. B l u r r: You can pray to whatever bag of chips you want. Bevel: *snickers* B l u r r: But on this ship, with my mechs from my verse that I brought, they worship in a different way. You're allowed to talk to B l u r r: whatever you want. But, don't push it on others. Other than that, talk to those pringles. Bevel: *she is going to assume that means no one will be pushing pringles she doesn't want onto her as well and nod in agreement* B l u r r: / nods / See? I can be a good Captain. B l u r r: / flexes claws/ Sometimes. Better than Thundertron, eh? Bevel: A lot of bots are better than Thundertron but I think we can make this work. Bevel: *she stands* I will go get my things now and Rolodex and I will return as soon as we are able. It will not be very long. I will bring whatever supplies for the ship that I can. B l u r r: Right. Get a move on, then. Bevel: *nods and leaves*
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