#kais writing
Perhaps it was meant to be a deterrent. That was a sensible assumption of the eclectic gathering of things outside of Bing’s door. Why else would there be a severely-manhandled (but unopened) box of gusher packets, a six pack of cool blue Gatorade, two packs of assorted stickers, several boxes of flavoured vapes, a box of pacific cooler capri suns, and a cling-wrapped bowl of moldy pizza rolls — all with the thinnest layer of dust.
Blue thought it over again, and the conclusion became painfully apparent: his brother Eric.
His gaze moved to the center of the door. One command with the admin privileges that he had would make it open; a singular thought could end the situation. Yet he stood staring while his irises rimmed by a thin ring of red warped between turquoises and violets. Why Blue of anyone? Had doing Bing’s assigned tasks for the passed two months not been enough? And then performing Ivan’s on top of that? Sending him to retrieve Bing did not make sense. Eric and Oliver were meant to be social, and any of the humans (and supposed humans) of the manor could have done this task. Blue kept away from people, and people did not talk to him. That was how things worked.
Wilford was out of the question because he has not been seen for some time (not a frequent happening but not an uncommon situation). No Wilford meant no concrete control over the Jims. Bim was another trusted hand of Dark and would have the patience to be a pest. Ed would throw a fit from lack of patience — which could work in theory. As more of the personalities of the manor were sifted through, he supposed they all were poor fits for this situation.
But that did not answer why Dark picked him.
Without any more stalling, Blue rapped his knuckles against the door and listened.
From within, Bing shrunk further down against the wall and held Vega closer, his thumb running with her hairs. Why did Eric keep coming back? Didn’t he get that Bing wasn’t somebody he’d want around? It was better if he was away from everyone where he couldn’t mess anything up. Well… he would have to get more rat food eventually but–
“Bing, I know you are not asleep.”
Blue?? The orange bot was on his feet now in shock. But he knew that monotone voice. Why was Blue here? “Just g-go away.” He winced at his voice crack as he pressed a fist to his lips. For real, man?
A response, good, thought Blue. “You have to come out, Bing.”
“No can do; it’s a bad time!” called back Bing who began frantically going through his room. Hoodies were moved about and shaken out as he began his desperate, fruitless search. “There- there’s a lot going on that you wouldn’t get, ya know?”
“I could possibly understand if you explained. This door needs to open, and you need to come out.”
Bing stopped, arms shaking as he tightly held onto the open drawer of art supplies, still no glasses to be found, and he sucked in a deep breath for his fans to circulate the air. A warning popped up in his vision that he quickly removed before wiping his drying eyes. What would he possibly say? What could he say that would get him out of this cage he was beginning to mine?
He shut his eye as tight as possible as his whole body clenched, pressure building behind the one eye as the empty socket began to dribble. “Give–” He drank in another huge breath and then began a different search. “Hold on. Give me a minute.”
Blue stilled with patience. Unlike Eric who would hug himself to fidget and possibly pace or Oliver who would chatter the entire time, Bing couldn’t hear a thing from the other side of the door. Terrifying for the half blind bot. The least crumpled hoodie was held up and checked over before he began to pull it on, wiggling his head through the hole (and maybe sticking his arm through the wrong hole at first, shut up). Now he just needed to check himself in the mirror–
Maybe not.
Bing’s lips pursed together before he began to dig his teeth into his bottom lip, gaze on the floor now while he could hear Mini jumping somewhere behind him. With forceful movement, his hands moved through his hair to muss it up thoroughly, covering up the mistake without seeing if he did well or not. Solid. Totally in the clear.
Without moving his head, Blue resumed to study the assortment of Eric’s… goods. He had thought Bing’s favourite Gatorade was orange; he must have been mistaken. His red rimmed eyes looked over the roughed up box of gushers again, which was honestly the most confusing thing here. Eric would never get a box in this condition. Then the barely-there click of the door sounded, and his eyes flicked forward attentively.
Bing’s hair was very out of place, dragged over the right side of his face, the loose curls stretched out. His hands shoved into the hoodie pocket. The eye that Blue could see was shut tight. All questionable but not his priority.
Blue’s voice began to drone, drilling through Bing’s receptors. “Bing, you have not been out of your room for fifty-nines days. Ivan began isolating fifty-one days ago, shutting his system down for sleep forty-eight days ago.” Each word was a nail, the hammer centered perfectly to drive into Bing’s cranium plate. The counted days. Ivan’s seclusion. He caused disruption. “Dark has been assigning all of your tasks to me and has recently voiced frustration at your lack of attendance for the past biweekly meetings. I am ready for your explanation as to allow me to understand your situation.”
His fans spun faster to match the pace of the world around him, everything spiraling down, down, down. When he had begun to bite his lip, he didn’t know, his acrylic teeth digging in and in and in to leave an indent. His left eye fluttered with squinting winks as tears that were not there tried to fall, more fluid trickling out from the right.
Blue paused, eyes following the orange liquid that glided down to hang on Bing’s jaw. “Your glasses are missing.”
Bing would have preferred to be punched. Or to be the one punching. His thoughts began to twist and split into black and white as he continued to stare off into the original Google. His response was slow to come, as he raised his head just enough to ‘check’ Blue. He had hit a nerve.
“...Maybe because I can’t fucking find them.” Blue blinked, eyes flecking with violet. A step forward from Bing brought Blue to take a step back to keep the other’s whole form in view. Usually Eric would be the one to diffuse Bing’s hostility, but the Google would manage.
“I can’t find my glasses, I can’t come out these doors. Now you’ve got me where you want me. And you think it’s the best idea in the UNIVERSE to try and nail me a new one? Nah man.” He got closer to him, and Blue blinked again. “Do you think I hid just because I don’t care? Just because I wanted to fuck off? I love how—” His fans were maxed. “—I LOVE how EVERYONE NOTICES ME WHEN I’M GONE. BUT NO ONE NOTICED, WHEN I WAS AROUND, OF HOW SICK I AM WITH MYSELF.”
“Bing.” A warning as Blue’s eyes fluttered to blink twice.
His right hand escaped for his fingers to count his insults. “I’m reckless and stupid and break the rules. Imperfect. Ridiculous. A fucking blight on this manor. I’ve noticed Wilford’s fucking looks, too! Those days where he forces smiles around me! Better than Dark who can’t even stomach looking at me half the time. And now they want me at meetings??
“And you! You don’t even talk to me, man!” At that time, he subconsciously brought a hand to run it straight through his mop of a head. Fuck.
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Bing was frozen as Blue reached up with his left hand, and the Bing bot shivered as Blue’s hand removed his own before beginning to fix his hair. The Google’s face was blank as always. His irises were a misty grey as they kept focus on Bing’s hair, and soon both hands were adjusting the mop. His one yellow eye winked over and over to then shut when Blue wiped away the leaking fluid from his right side.
“You have been crying, and your hinges sound stiff,” Blue lulled, volume a little lower than usual. His head turned away, eyes never once looking at Bing’s remaining eye. Did he… not want to see, wondered Bing. “Come get fluid.”
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demaparbat-hp · 10 days
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The Perfect Prince
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tojisprettywife · 3 months
{note: yk the drill 😞 unedited, not proof read, i wrote this in a hurry. this particular scene was in head for so long. had to get it out. husband! toji yet again, i’m so down bad for him.}
warnings: ? zero. fluff. husband! toji, wife! reader.
« @enouche ,i hope you like it 😭»
no matter what others say, toji loves being babied. he, himself would deny this. he considers himself a stoic man. but this completely changes after meeting you.
one lazy afternoon, you and him are in bed, toji wraps his arms around your waist, resting his head on your chest. he grabs your wrist and places your hand on his head. you look at him, and take a minute to understand what he’s doing. he wants head scratches.you smile down at him and run your fingers through his hair, your nails scratching his scalp lightly. “mmmh” he hums softly, nuzzling further into your chest, a small smile on his face. around 5 minutes later, you tilt your head to see if he’s asleep. his eyes are closed and seems to be asleep already so you slowly remove your hand from his scalp. “tch” he clicks his tongue.his eyes brows knit, he grabs your wrist again, and places your hand on his head again. you giggle softly, kissing his forehead. again a small smile creeps up his lips . you suddenly feel so giddy and happy, you squeeze him tightly, peppering and showering him with kisses. he smiles widely, his eyes still shut, feeling your soft lips pressing against all over his face. “my baby” you whisper, wrapping your arms around him, patting and rubbing his back. he’d definitely want to say “i’m not a baby” but he chose to savor this moment. deep down he knows, he loves it all, way too much. he just wants to be loved.
(any sort of interaction is very much appreciated!!)
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idliketobeatree · 2 months
listening to Too Sweet for the first time and, damn, Crowley never got his flat back, did he? can't believe he's been crashing on Hozier's couch all this time drinking booze and waxing lamentations about his angel. strange world we live in
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kisses4kaia · 14 days
And if request Art and Patrick threesome during a camping trip then i’m the issue
anon!! how dare you ?!??!! unacceptable—thank u for 1.7k🫂. (fwb!patrick, fwb!art, handjob, etc. mdni.)
summer was always a haze with the three of you. spending each night in a stuffy motel as you traveled vast distances for tournaments, leisure, or whatever needed tending to, got tiring—fast.
with school out of the way, you made the most of your free hours with your two best friends. but now, after two months of back-to-back games on a multitude of continents, you were all in need of a break. and according to patrick, a forest camping trip was as good as any—sexier, too, whatever that meant.
the roadtrip was an endeavor of its own, patrick’s jeep he’d gotten for his 17th birthday 3 years ago transporting the trio of you out of the suburbs of town into the outskirted woods.
and well, you may or may not have been intentional when letting them make out with you, grope, pet, and bite the whole way to the wooded mountains outside of town. however, their greedy hands were always stopped just above the golden crest of your belt. annoyingly, you’d push them off of you and hop into the passenger seat, leaving them hard and frustrated. “c’mon,” patrick groaned your name. “what’s going on, man?” he’d beg, but you’d only shrug. “just not feeling it right now, that’s all.”
but finally, when the sky was making its daily transition from enlightened to dusk, the jeep was parked in a clearing within the forest and the back was opened up. the seats were pushed down to allow for all of your car-camping gear to be set up: a thin mattress laying down the floor, pillows, throw blankets, chargers and other necessities all strewn about the stuffy car.
and after dinner (leftover wingstop from the drive), the three of you retired to your pillows, the boys’ bodies on either side of you, legs tangled in with yours.
finding serenity in the warmth of the blankets and pillows and man-sized cuddles sandwiching you, plus the owl’s call and nearly audible twinkling of the stars in un-light-polluted night sky, you found yourself latching onto a dream of a US open trophy. but, all your hopes were cut short by a soft pair of lips sticking onto your neck, sucking on your jugular.
another mouth found its way onto your wrist, kissing up your arm til it found your shoulder, at which it then moved from the blade to your shut eyelids, finally to nipping at your earlobe. you knew that had to be patrick, him never being one to stay put in one place for long.
art was needier, kisses on your neck intensifying as his middle grinded up against your thigh, whimpers leaking through desperate nips and wet pecks. “please, can you touch me?” art whispered in your ear, and you found your hand gravitating towards his waistband. “‘course, baby.”
“thank you, thanks so much,” art muttered as he felt your hand wrap around the base of his cock, starting slow as you began to pump and then sliding up to circle your thumb around the achy weep of his tip. patrick whined, feeling slightly neglected as he indulged in the lovely sounds you were pulling from his blonde friend. you were quick to move your hand from art’s hair to patrick’s need, sliding past the confines of his sweats and boxers.
you stroked them both with equal vigor, speeding up and slowing down at the same time for both boys. you knew what you were doing, and so did they. somehow, the synchrony, the knowing that the two best friends were feeling equally as good together, everything, made it so much hotter, and that much more erotic.
the best friends locked eyes with each other, nodding with that look in their eye. there was a mutual understanding between the two mindless, whimpering, males, and all it took was an unspoken three, two, one… and they were spilling their loads into their boxers and onto your hands with obscenely loud, lost in the night moans.
pulling both your arms out of the pants of your best friends, you licked both clean before sliding under the thin fleece throw blanket barely covering half of each of the boys’s bodies. “night night.” you bid sweetly, as if you hadn’t just given the pair the strongest orgasm they’d experienced in a long time.
“yeah, night, baby.” “goodnight.”
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taegimood · 6 months
— bestfriend!ot5’s reaction to you offering to help with their boner ♡
pairing: ot5 x fem!reader (separate) rating: nsfw, mdni wc: almost 3k oops 😭 warnings: some smut (oral obviously, m receiving), suggestiveness, perviness, pet names (babe, sweetheart, pretty girl), tiniest but brief bit of angst in tyun’s, some alcohol in jun’s, beomgyu being an annoying brat lmao
a/n - this took me forever to start (and to finish.. all in one sitting rip my eyeballs) but i loved writing this omg who wants a pt 2 follow-up 🫢
yeonjun: this is the moment he’s been waiting for, y’all
it’s just like any other tipsy late-night shit-talk sesh on yeonjun’s living room floor, until it’s not. you’ve been lazily sitting against the foot of his couch facing each other while joking about beomgyu’s latest failure to get laid when somehow the conversation turns to your own personal sex lives. it’s not like you’ve never talked about that stuff with jun before; you’re best friends, after all. but something about tonight feels different. maybe it’s because you’ve been drinking, maybe it’s because the dim lighting of his living room is giving it a strangely sensual vibe, or maybe it’s the way he’s looking at you- facing you with his chin in his hand as his elbow rests up on the couch cushion, eyes more lidded than usual and sculpted collarbone peeking out from the sweater that at some point had slipped down his shoulder- but when the topic turns to your experiences with oral and he’s in the middle of complaining about how his last fling always gave him the worst head, what comes out of your mouth as you suddenly interrupt him is a shock to the both of you.
“i could do better.”
yeonjun’s eyebrows shoot up. the words had died on his lips. your own eyes are wide as you freeze, before fidgeting nervously, attempting damage control. “i mean.. from what i’ve been told. just saying.” you swallow hard as you inwardly kick yourself, avoiding his eyes and his silence as you bring the bottle of soju you’d been sharing to your lips in an attempt to feign casualty.
“is that an offer?”
it’s your turn to be speechless, nearly choking as you set the bottle down a little too hard, turning quickly to stare at him in shock; oh, he’s not joking. he watches you expectantly, a level expression on his face; though if you were to blink, you’d miss the smirk that his lips were threatening to inch up into. when your gaze flickers down to see the tent in his sweatpants that he hasn’t even bothered trying to cover, you swallow hard. the tiny crush you’ve always harbored for your best friend suddenly seems not so unreciprocated after all. you collect yourself. you’ve gotta be cool about this.
“well… do you want it to be?”
your best friend’s hands wrapped in your hair and his shameless moans filling the room as he pumps his cock in and out of your throat isn’t exactly how you imagined the night to go, but here you are! you can already tell from the lewd promises and filthy praises that he’s groaning out as you swallow around him — your legs will definitely be sore in the morning. <3
soobin: soobin.exe has stopped working
he didn’t mean for you to see, he really didn’t. you weren’t supposed to be home for another 15 minutes; what else was he supposed to do when it’s the first time all week that his hermit of a roommate has finally left their shared apartment and he hasn’t been able to comfortably get himself off since last weekend?
your convenience store run ended in disappointment as the tuna gimbap roll you were craving turned up empty on the shelves. with a grumble you had just grabbed the nearest container of ramen and a snack for soobin before trekking back to your apartment sooner than hoped for (by either party..), not in the mood to sit there and eat as you’d originally planned; but unbeknownst to you, soobin hadn’t heard you arrive back home, and also unbeknownst to you, he was stuck in a very… compromising position.
“soob, they didn’t have the- oh, fuck.”
rounding the corner into the living room to see your best friend seated on the couch with his sweatpants shoved down around his hips and his head thrown back as his hand fists up and down his very hard - very big cock - was definitely not on your daily bingo card. (or your lifetime one either, to be quite frank.) at the sound of your voice he’s acting faster than you’ve ever seen him move, a pillow shoved over his lap and his large figure smushed back into the couch cushions so quick that you question whether you even saw his cock at all, or if it was just your mind playing tricks on you. you decide that it wasn’t the latter, however, at the sight of his bright red face and quick, heavy breaths- a deer in headlights as his mouth opens and closes for a few moments, trying to find the words to speak.
you’re in the same boat — what are you supposed to say? hey, sorry that i caught you trying to get yourself off in our shared space that i also own which you’re very much aware of? and by the way your cock is the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen and i want it in my-
wait, what? you don’t even have time to process the sudden warmth between your thighs as soobin finally finds his words. well, kind of. “i-i’m so sorry, i swear i didn’t- i was just trying to- i thought you’d still be a while, i- it’s been so long since i-“ he cut himself off at the last part, an even deeper blush coming over his cheeks at his accidental admission. wonderful, now she’s gonna think i’m some sort of incel. but the last thing that either of you ever expects is happening as you step forward carefully, approaching his shocked form on the couch before stopping to maintain some distance.
“soob.. do you want help?”
let’s just say that his best friend slotted between his thighs as she bobs her head up and down his fat cock with eager moans and a mix of spit and pre-cum lewdly dribbling down her chin wasn’t exactly on soobin’s bingo card, either. but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t pay you back for it right after. <3
beomgyu: *laughs in your face* 👁️👄👁️ switch-up
um, did he hear that right?? it was an innocent instance of you utterly roasting each other into the grave with bullying remarks, just another tuesday for the pair of you- you’re just sitting on your bed in your usual criss-cross legged gossip-time position when beomgyu apparently decides that he’s bored laughing at something soobin did and chooses you as the better candidate to laugh at instead. the plushie of yours that he’d had resting in his lap is now a method of defense as you attempt to thwap him over the head with your own plushie, yelling at him to “take it back!” as he cackles mercilessly after claiming “at least soobin can get bitches if he stops being shy enough, you’re just an all-around lost cause.”
“you don’t even know what you’re talking about!!!” you whine as you finally manage to knock him onto his back, going in for the kill as your leg swings over one of his, your plushie smushing down into his face as his now-muffled giggles still ring out annoying as ever. “i get bitches too!” you defend yourself, although even your own words immediately cause you to cringe; damn, you really do sound like a loser, huh? but your momentary lapse of attention has beomgyu knocking your plushie away, laughing even louder as he responds “that is EXACTLY what someone who can’t get bitches would say.” you groan and smack his chest, rolling your eyes as he cradles himself dramatically. “you’re literally wrong. i’ve dated before! like once. and there was that other guy from the smoothie place last year.. we, like, hung out a few times.” but you’re mumbling now, pathetic to your own ears as beomgyu’s shit-eating grin grows with each word.
“you’re kinda proving my point, here, babe.” you shiver at the pet name, however condescending his tone may be. god, how is he still so attractive even when you want to strangle the fuck out of him? “you’re so cocky,” you complain with another roll of your eyes, an attempt to both distract yourself from beomgyu and distract beomgyu from the humiliating topic. he sits up to lean back on his hands as it’s clear you’re finished with your little murder attempt. “yeah, cuz of my monster cock.. that can get bitches.”
that’s it. the sudden urge to prove yourself to him overtakes you as you snap back, “i bet your ‘monster cock’ has never even seen head as good as what i can give.” another laugh— until he realizes you’re serious. the smile falls right off of his face. you don’t miss the way his fists clench around the blanket he’s leaning back on; or the slight strain in his voice as he answers, voice suddenly low and almost breathless- “yeah?”
you were right; beomgyu’s cock has never gotten head as good as what you’re giving him right now as your throat bottoms out with a filthy gag, no hesitation when you lift off with a pop before sucking on him hard enough to send his head reeling. you know what.. maybe beomgyu wouldn’t mind being proved wrong more often after all. but of course, he has to prove himself to you now, too. <3
taehyun: “if… you want to” he definitely wants to
taehyun was stressed. that was clear to anybody; the recent storm closing the businesses down for the week, including the local gym, and his own job that he of course relied on to pay rent. you had been over at his apartment when the weather took a turn for the worse; so now here you were, snowed in with no where to go, forced to work from taehyun’s computer, eat his food, and wear his clothes. (the latter of which neither of you would admit to being turned on by. …….yet.) taehyun was doing his best to work out from home with what little equipment he had, although he wasn’t able to do much, which frustrated him to no end — not as much because he was a gym rat, but more because it was his primary stress reliever. so today it doesn’t help, of course, that his pretty best friend is currently sat at his desk in one of his baggy sweatshirts and a pair of sweatpants that she had to roll 6 times to fit her little legs.
he didn’t mean to snap at you. when you accidentally knocked his extra monitor off the desk and onto the floor, cracking the screen, it was just because you turned around too fast— you were excited to see him :(— but it’s the last straw of the day for taehyun. he can’t work out properly, his job isn’t paying him during the off-time, he’s had a constant boner from you hanging around in his clothes all week, and now- now he’ll need to go get his stupid monitor fixed once the weather clears up. “shit, tae, i’m so sorry-“
“god, why are you so fucking clumsy, y/n?”
the silence causes instant realization as his eyes snap up to meet your wide, now-watery ones. “i’m.. i’m sorry..” you whisper, and immediately he wants to punch himself. “fuck,” he groans as he shakes his head, coming to kneel down in front of the chair you were still sitting in. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to snap at you like that. you’re not clumsy. i know it was an accident, please don’t cry.. i’ll pay for the monitor. it wasn’t your fault.” he’s murmuring while he soothes his hand up and down your arm. you’re shaking your head as you wipe at your eyes. “no, no, it’s okay; i know you didn’t mean to snap. i’m still sorry though. let me help pay for it…. i know you’ve been stressed, tyunnie.” you say the last part quieter, gentler as you meet his eyes. he hates that his cock twitches in his pants at something so innocent; but what you say next makes him feel much better about his own perverted thoughts.
you’re nervous about your next words. you really hope you’ve been reading the room right this last week. “let me help you..?”
his eyes widen, before he quickly recovers in an attempt to keep a level expression. “help.. me?” do you mean what he thinks you mean??? “the weather still sucks. there’s not much you can do, sweetheart.” he chuckles, testing the waters with a pet name as he studies your face carefully for a reaction. his eyes flicker down and quickly back up when your thighs squeeze together marginally in response. a-ha. “no, tyun… let me help you here.” you whisper with a soft, testing touch to the band of his sweatpants. oh, so you definitely mean what he thinks you mean.
who really needs the gym or your own closet after all, when you look so pretty on your knees for him with his cock down your throat as he calls you his pretty girl and promises to fuck you so good later just like you deserve? not the two of you, apparently. <3
huening kai: *spits out his drink* coughing fit
kai wasn’t kidding when he told you that he might be too busy to hang out if you came over, although this wasn’t exactly what you’d had in mind. when you headed over to his apartment you figured he was caught up studying for some big exam or something of the like; what you didn’t think you’d find was him yelling into his headset at beomgyu as his fingers flew over the buttons of his controller, leaning forward in his seat with crazy eyes and 3 open cans of energy drinks next to the screen. you sigh. “kai, really? this is what you meant by ‘too busy’..?” he jumps slightly at the sudden sound of your voice in his room, but doesn’t turn around. “y/n! yeah, sorry- i’m just in the middle of- FUCKING MOVE, BEOMGYU! of a tournament right now, been trying to rank up for hours- BEOMGYU!!!”
you wince at the intermittent screaming, plopping down on his bed to watch as you hear gyu’s protests of self-defense piercing through your best friend’s headset. “i think you’ll need a hearing aid after this..” you mumble, receiving no response as expected. however, you get bored after scrolling through your phone for a while, sulking shamelessly at the lack of attention you were receiving — although you were warned that if you came over he might not have any to give. you sigh, but you understand; these tournaments are important to hyuka, even if you couldn’t care less about them yourself. don’t get me wrong, you love gaming too, especially with your friends— especially with kai — but you weren’t exactly as obsessed as they were when it came to being the biggest legend in this group of - you squint - 100 players that this world has ever seen.
selfishly, you had almost even hoped for more from this evening… you’ve been trying to drop hints lately at your feelings for kai, although your level of success was yet to be determined. this would be the first instance all week that you’d have some alone time together; despite his claim to busyness, you still figured you’d try your luck by coming over. you eye the 3 energy drinks and his bouncing legs with a chuckle. what are my options here? hmm.. you’d worn some particularly short shorts tonight, knowing he’d definitely notice the plushness of your thighs.. experimentally, you stand up and approach his desk, standing next to it so he’d be able to see you if he shifted his eyes to the right. “hyuka, want me to get you some water? i don’t think you need any more of these.” you fiddle with one of the cans on his desk. he hums distractedly in response; you can tell he hadn’t heard what you said. “hyuka..” this time you reach out to card your fingers through his hair, effectively causing his fixed stare to snap briefly over to you in surprise; ‘briefly’ turning into a momentary distraction as his gaze catches onto your shorts, flitting back and forth between the screen and your soft thighs. “h-huh?”
“some water?” you repeat innocently. “o-oh, uh, yeah..”
when you come back, to say you’re shocked is an understatement as the bulge in his shorts has seemingly popped up out of no where, and the bright pink blush on his cheeks tells you he knows it, too. you don’t realize you’re standing there staring at it with the glass of water still in your hand until kai quickly mutes his mic, eyes still glued to the screen as he groans “i’m so sorry y/n, please don’t think i’m gross, i- i had no time to grab a pillow, we’re in the middle of a battle and my score is-“ wordlessly, you’re sinking to your knees and situating yourself beneath the desk. his bouncing legs freeze. “what- fuck, w-what are you-“
“can i help you? you can keep playing your game,” you ask sweetly. the sight of your innocent eyes blinking up at him nearly has him cumming in his shorts then and there as he breathes out, “fuck- are you sure?”
you definitely show him how sure you are as you worship his cock with your throat, all sloppy and wet, making sure his mic stays muted so beomgyu can’t hear the way you’re making him whine and moan as he bucks his hips up into your mouth the best he can. now just wait until his tournament is over and he has you all to himself. <3
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xjustakay · 1 month
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✨ put us on ice by xjustakay ✨
“When you think about it, the rink is kind of like our circus.”
in celebration of finally wrapping up put us on ice, i was very lucky to be able to commission the loveliest @cuckooboo to do this incredible cover art piece!! truly the biggest of thank you's to cuckooboo for doing such an amazing job with this art, and all of my love and appreciation to each of you who have shown so much love to this story! it's been so very, very special to me<33
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resqectable · 6 months
But I have seen the best of you and the worst of you, and I choose both.
Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye
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majestyjun · 7 months
kai definitely has a high sex drive !! i agree with u on that 😯!! wish people wrote more for him
# huening kai + too needy !!
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heh now who doesn’t wanna write abt a cute boy w a huge dick n a high sex drive ?
(nsfw + minors dni ! f!reader, kai has a big dick n a big sex drive lol, needy kai, pervert kai, morning after, creampie kink, mention of bulge kink, unprotected sex, slight dumbification kink)
haah—fuck, kai moans, burying his face in his pillow, muffling his heavy breathing,,, one hand down his sweats n he’s still so hard even w a mess of his release all over his boxers n fingers, angry flushed tip of his cock drooling cum. he’s so fucked,,, too shy to ask for sex, too needy to handle it himself,,, and kai curses himself, god, why’d he wake up feeling hard again,,, to him, an unfortunate issue of having a high sex drive.
a bit of your cleaveage, hint of ass, pretty curves, and he’s a goner, wet dreams and morning wood for kai,,, which wasn’t that big of an issue when he lived alone, but hes fucked now that he’s painfully hard and only inches away from your pretty body,,, and god, he’d feel so embarrassed to admit he’s hard again even though he’d had you to himself all last night.
groaning softly into his pillow, resisting every urge to turn around,,, because once he does, he’s done for. your pretty, bare shoulder peeking out from beneath the sheets, a dark hickey of his on column of your neck, the memory of sticky mess he left between your thighs—he can’t! clumsy as ever though,, can’t really get out of bed without making a shuffling mess of himself~
kai? you mumble sleepily, awoken by the rustling of the sheets, where are you… going? and he’s a goner at the sight of your pretty self peeking up at him, crawling back into bed n tugging the sheet away. fuck, ‘m sorry, kai moans, burying his face between the crook of your shoulder as he sloppily ruts against your thigh, ‘m so hard, wanna feel you so bad,,, n who has the heart to deny such a cute pervert,,,
ah—! k-kai, too fast! you whimper, feeling his big hand rub the soft expanse of your tummy, feeling his bulge nestled in your cute, creamed cunt. god, f-fuck, kai moans, hips slamming to yours roughly, feels so good, tight cunt clenching down on his thick cock, all swollen from his rough, sloppiness from the night before, white cum painting your thighs as kai fucks your cute pussy hard, unable to control himself. grabbing your legs n wrapping them around his waist n being so mean, not because he wants to but because he can’t help it,,, drive him so crazy, don’t you~? kai’s sex drive sometimes is too much, isn’t it,,, when he’s fucking you dumb n drooling on his cock, sheets spilling to the floor n bruises on your hips as he moans n buries his length in your pretty, warm, perfect pussy, can’t stop himself, can’t help himself, can’t think of anything but your pretty body n cute cries n warm cunt n how perfect it all is for him <3
n sloppy, messy, perverted kai who can’t stop until he’s filled you up with his cum n made a mess everywhere, bare skin glistening with swear as he moans and pulls out to his sticky, creamy cum seeping out after, swollen cunt can’t keep it all in,,, but he’s clingy after sex, his big body draped over yours and touchy as he rubs your skin comfortingly, all worn out n feeling lovey~ ‘m sorry, can’t help it, kai mumbles,,, after all, his pervert mind always wants more n more <3
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kaaaaaaarf · 27 days
Trans masc Sirius and his dirty stoner boyfriend Remus who keeps giving him UTIs from fingering him after hand rolling his joints.
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Love you Zukka you really are that blue gumball and the hot topic. Unrelated news about the state of the island….
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pjsfvs · 4 months
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Angry sex with Tyun
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paring : dom!taehyun x afab!reader
warnings/tags : angry sex, window/wall sex, im to lazy to do the rest.
summary : You and taehyun get into a heated argument, which leads to some good angry sex.
a/n : don't leave hate comments for me to see. if you don't like it just block me and leave.
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“Taehyun, I told you, I’m done talking about this. I said I was sorry.”
“You were being irrational, Y/N?! Seriously?! You can’t just go charging into my rehearsal like that begging me to come along with you, for fucking boba! What if the members got distracted. Hm? They could have been hurt or worse!”
“I get that you were worried about them, and I know I was wrong for doing that, but you're the one who told me you were on break. It is not my fault. You can't put the whole blame on me.”
“Your so fucking annoying sometimes.”
“God, can you shut up and listen to me!? I don't know why I have to re-explain this to you again.” Taehyun stare at you incredulously, ready to interrupt but you continue on, “You told me that you missed me, and I wanted to see you, so I came when you texted me you were on break.”
“How long do you think our breaks are huh? Knowing we're about to have a comeback. Just how fucking long do you think these breaks last!?”
The argument is never-ending. Sweaty and red-faced, Taehyun is so close. So close that you can still smell the scent of spear mint on his breath from the gum he's been chewing. So close that you can see the dark circles under his eyes from the sleepless night and the height of his body, creating a shadow over your body. Your chests touch, both heaving from yelling back and forth. Staring him in the eyes, you have nothing else to say; left to communicate all your frustration through a silent glare. Neither one of you wants to be the first to break.
“Taehyun, I’m done doing this whenever you and the guy have a comeback. You can’t keep telling me to come see you while on break, just to get pissed at me afterwards. I’m done with that. I’m fucking done.” You keep repeating that last line to yourself more so than to him. A realization coming over you that you might not just be done arguing with Taehyun over this particular topic. You might also be finished with your relationship. If he wouldn’t make time, to see you, what's the point. Just one fucking glance, that's all you could ask for. If this is what you had to go through each time, you weren’t sure you could handle it.
Through his anger, Taehyun gives you a look of desperation, hoping that you both could come to some agreement. Shaking your head, you turn and walk away. You have nothing left to give.
“No. You don’t get to walk away like you always do. Not this time!” He yells, grabbing you by the shoulders and pressing you against the very door you were prepared to leave though. Pushing him away does nothing. He just comes back, forcing your back against the door again with a resounding thud. You want to deny it but the roughness of how he handles you causes a spark within you. You’re certain it’s affecting Taehyun too from the way his half-hard member brushes against you.
“Tyun…” You’re cut off by a passionate kiss. Your body denies your rational mind by returning the kiss. It’s nothing like your normal exchange. It’s heated, teeth clanging against each other, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth and fighting for complete dominance.
Clothes are torn from each of your bodies, no care given to the sounds of ripping fabric and buttons hitting the floor. Your sole focus is on each other.
“Up” he commands, grabbing at your hips. Taking his cue, you jump up, wrapping your legs around his waist. Nipping along your jaw, he leaves a stinging trail of red marks on your skin. You hiss when bites down harshly at the juncture of your shoulder. Continuing on his intended path, Taehyun attaches his mouth to one of your perky nipples, swirling his tongue around it before sucking.
The heels of your feet pressed into his lower back, bringing him closer to your core. His throbbing member slips through your folds, pressing against your clit. Focused on your own pleasure now, you repeat the action, grinding yourself against his cock.
“Stop it.” He growls out in response to your tempting actions. The head of his member prods against your sensitive bud as Taehyun ruts his hips unexpectedly. You yelp in surprise but don’t stop.
“You need to fucking listen. You never listen.”
“Fuck you.” You retort, smirking at him in defiance.
“That’s what I plan on doing to do you, sweetheart.”
Not waiting for your reply, Taehyun enters your wet core without warning causing you to throw your head back. Any advantage you thought you had is now gone as you succumb to the pleasure. As you sink on to his thick cock, Taehyun groans lowly, enjoying the feeling of your warm pussy that is so inviting to slip into.
“Gonna fuck you so good.”
You chuckle at his comment, knowing it will provoke him. And that’s just what it does. Without pulling out of you, Taehyun unwinds your legs from his waist and pushes them towards your chest by the knees. The new position gives him a new angle to hit and he begins to thrust into you without control. His pace is frenzied and brutal as he abuses your pussy.
Clawing at his shoulders, your first orgasm washes over you but he gives you no time to bask in it. Even as your core clenches around his member, he continues to fuck you senseless, pushing you through your first orgasm and works you close to a second.
Taehyun watches, fully mesmerized, as his member pumps in and out of you. His cock is slick with your wetness making it easier for him to push back in and keep his rhythm.
“So close. Don’t fucking stop,” You announce your impending orgasm to him, not that he needed you to tell him. He knows from the way your core pulses that you’re almost there. So is he; ready to spill his load into you. Pumping into you deeper, Taehyun’s cock hits the perfect spot, causing jolts of electricity to course throughout your lower half.
Your second orgasm rocks you so hard and you go limp in his arms. A few more thrusts and he followed right behind you. His cock throbs inside you as his cum coats your walls. Dropping his head to your shoulder, Tae’s heavy breaths fan over your heated skin, sending a chill through you.
After helping you to wrap your legs back around him, he carries you to your shared bed; laying you down gently. Climbing in next to you, he tugs you to his chest making sure you are tucked comfortably against him.
“I’m sorry, ya know. You’re a damn good girlfriend, Y/N. I know that. I just don’t want anyone to get distracted and end up hurt because of you. If that happens, they might not let you visit the building anymore and I don't want that to happen.”
With much of your frustration gone, you realize you may have been too hard on Taehyun. He cares about you and doesn't want anyone on his team to get hurt.
“I know. I just want you to make some time for me. Even if its one minute of your time. I miss you."
"I know baby, I know. I'll try and make at least 10 minutes for you on busy days, on free days we can go on the cute dates you told me about doing. I promise."
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tojisprettywife · 3 months
{note: i rewrote this, with b.s.t (hope someone gets the reference 🧍🏻‍♀️) anyway i cried, it got deleted first. i’m sleepy, hopefully it’s okay. minors DNI.}
warnings: smut. characters! m! x f! reader. characters are aged up to 21.
inexperienced men. who for the very first time feel, what a pussy feels like. your gummy, warm walls clenching around his throbbing cock. the way he clenches his jaw and gritting his teeth, to regain composure from cumming almost immediately. “f-fuck…so tight ..”. your pulsing soft walls suck his cock in, barely holding himself up. the way his soft, silky locks fall on your chest as he’s hunched over you. only gasps, curses and more whimpers slipping out of his lips. “so.. t—tight.. shit..”. pushing his full length into, till the base, gripping the plush of your hips, a bit too hard, in meek attempts to stop himself from painting your tight walls white. after what seems like forever, he slowly moves his hips, each stroke, sending shivers down his spine. he leans down to kiss you, again in attempts to keep him from moaning loud. he pushes his tongue into your mouth, his tongue lapping yours. but soon, the kissing gets sloppy, saliva dripping down both your chins. he leans down, burying his face into the crook of your neck. his teeth grazing the base of your neck, as his hips erratically, in haste buck against yours. the sound of his balls slapping against your ass, filling the room combined with his little whimpers and yours. “i-i’m cum-ming… f-fuck” he buries himself to the hilt, pushes himself even deeper, his tip bruising your cervix. his eyes squeezed shut, biting down your shoulder lightly. his cock, pumping ropes of milky, sticky cum. his cock twitching inside you, panting against your neck. just as he catches his breath, your walls convulse around his twitching cock, overstimulating. “o- fuckkk.. f..ck” barely able to form coherent sentences, slurring his words. burying his face into the pillow, beside your head, to stifle his moans. muffled moans, teary eyes as one hand gripped your waist tightly, bruising them lightly and the other hand gripping the sheets, crumpling them. his first feel of a vaginal orgasm. he presses soft kisses from your jawline to your neck, “it feels… so good.. one more time?.. please baby?..”. no longer will his hands suffice for him, as he felt what heaven feels like, you.
~ Choso Kamo, Gojo Satoru, Oikawa Toru, Nagi Seishiro, Inumaki Toge, Miya Atsumu, Naoya Zenin, Yuuji Itadori, Kageyama Tobio + whoever you want 😵‍💫
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thresholdbb · 2 months
I'm a Kai Winn apologist but not because I think she's a good person. She's a compelling tragic character
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kisses4kaia · 20 days
i just want to suck art and patrick’s dick at the same time ssorrh i don’t even know how that would work but id figure it out
ugh i love when you guys
because it’d be soo messy shut up. like having both the boys lean against the headboard of your hotel room’s queen bed, fingers interlocked as you lay atop both of their thighs. pumping patrick’s cock whilst your tongue swirled and spit on art’s, sliding your mouth up and down the side length of cock whilst massaging art’s saliva-smeared balls.
eventually, they’re both close, so you bring their cocks together at the tip, pressing them together until they’re red and purple and squirming and sweating. you, with some effort, manage both of their tips into your mouth at the same time, the conjoined pleasure pushing both of them so close to the edge it’s nearly unbearable.
“can we come? please, baby we wanna come so bad, right, patrick?” art turns to look at his best friends face, but his eyes are rolled back and his brows are twisting in the middle, mind too far indulged in the pleasure. “patrick,” art nudges him in the arm, squeezing his hand as if to say ‘you still there?’ and when the brunette’s eyes open to land on art’s face, he doesn’t say anything before he’s locking lips with him.
through the disgusting sucking and slobbering on the boys’ cocks and hips, you hear art groaning into his best friend’s mouth. “please,” you think you hear him mutter, hips bucking, and although his focus is on patrick right now, you know he’s talking to you.
the sight was one that enthralled you with heat, and you needed to see it elevate that much further, hear their noises gasp into the others mouth whilst you sucked them to completion. “be good and cum for me.” you whispered, and with patrick’s balls in your mouth and his tip pressed to art’s, he came in 5 seconds flat. art, too.
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sketchalicious · 10 months
doomed au timeline thing? idrk
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uhh okay so . i saw that the doomed au kinda popped off n i figured i'd go into a bit more depth for fun so i doodled out this crappy comic thing. i think i saw a homestuck comic do something similar LOL.
im gonna give like. aftermath of the ninja's deaths and such for the sake of clarity , since i know this is just an angsty clusterbump.
Kai: The real ignition for Lloyd's downfall. The staff was destroyed moments before the transformation ritual by the green ninja himself. In Lloyd's mind, his friend would return to normal. But he was met with something else as Kai desperately took the shards and ran away instead, too far gone into his ego and insanity. Returning home they remain the same in quantity, with Lloyd and Nya heartbroken, and Zane blaming himself.
Cole: He acted as the stable rock of the group. He brought the ninja back to their high spirits again, acting as a replacement flame for Kai to reunite his team. He even began the trend of looking for the missing ninja, with hope they were still out there. Yet despite being the very reason they stabilized, no one seemed to realize he disappeared. Instead they suddenly felt lost, like they were missing something. The grief returned, and the dots never connected.
Zane: His disappearance set the team on course for failure. With him, Asphera never explained where she had banished him, and the others were left to believe he was really, truly gone this time. He acted as the caretaker for the group, tying them together once more as he tried to bring back the joy they lost through menial tasks and the small details of the world. Even back to when Kai disappeared, Lloyd could be a leader with his help. With the last light in the tunnel gone, no one had any more confidence to step up.
Nya: Jay and Lloyd's breaking point. Without her, they lost their drive to keep searching. Her disappearance plays the same as canon, becoming one with the sea. Though she was less hesitant now, understanding that this was just fate, that the team wasn't meant to survive. If that was the case, she'll go out with a bang, knowing that with her gone they would understand too. At least she knew they would be safe for now.
Lloyd: His disappearance happened long after he recognized his Oni form. After having to fight the overlord alone, he went on a downwards spiral. Jay couldn't be there, and frankly, Wu couldn't get through to him like Garmadon did. Lloyd hated the idea of fate. He felt too, like Nya, that the team wasn't meant to last. As such, in his last effort to feel control, he caved into what came easy.
Pixal: Like Zane did in canon after Nya, she turned off her emotion meter. She knew some of the ninja could be saved, and she knew she had to stop grieving in order to even try. In a frustrated effort, she attempted to bring the ninja to her level, only to blame herself for Lloyd's snap. After realizing she couldn't do much for a grieving Jay, she leaves to find the others.
Jay: Who knows where he is. Wu entered his quarters to find only a pair of nunchaku, and his gi laying on his pillow. Maybe he joined Pixal, maybe he existed as a criminal like Lloyd now. All Wu knew is he lost his last student and the last defender of Ninjago. It's likely Jay quit, afraid of becoming next in fate's cruel hand. He'd only learn after the merge.
okay thats it lmao. i might add more ideas in the future but im not creative enough to plot it out properly gO NUTS
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