#just some thoughts tm
ofmermaidstories · 1 year
I wish we had a site for original stuff that wasn’t wattpad because sometimes I just want to write about, like, vampires or something without having to do intense mental gymnastics to make the shoehorned anime boyfriend characterisations work. 😔😔😔 there needs to be an AO3 equivalent for original stuff—a site that’s untouched by outside influences trying to make money off of the content inside it. 😔😔😔 Maybe I’ll just start printing out little handmade zines or something, idk. I like fanfic so much because it’s so wild and free, like, you can do whatever you want, however you want, because everyone’s here for the love of it, because no one’s worried about money. It’s how all creating should be and i just feel like that once you start wanting to write (and share) stories that don’t involve a pre-existing anime boyfriend, your options for sharing it (freely) narrow down to either wattpad or carrier pigeon. and obviously!!!! im not opposed to people making money from their writing!!!!! it’s just i have a hundred and one different things i want to write that sometimes involve anime boyfriends and sometimes don’t, and with roughly 93 of those i just want to throw them out into the universe—without having to pour in the work and consideration that comes with creating something that eventually involves other peoples money!!! like… i just want to tell stories. 🥺 sdjkfhsdlkfhjksdjfhkj. i hate capitalism i hate it here i hate it here so much.
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ararycannot · 2 years
spoilers for the 3.2 archon quest! below the cut is some of my thoughts regarding Dottore and his segments after the sumeru archon quests ^^
I feel like I have to start by explaining my current understanding of what went down in A Winter’s Night Lazzo.
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I will continue to refer to him as Lazzottore so it won't get too confusing. Imo this one is definitely a Segment. Age wise he must be slightly younger than OG Dottore and maybe other segments as well. This speculation is purely based on Columbina / Sandrone (I'm actually not sure which one of the two it is) saying that whole "you're looking very young today, Doctor". Though this obviously also could've been sarcasm, but let's just stay with this assumption for now.
The next segment we get introduced to in game is Prime.
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Now this is where I feel like my opinion is rather unpopular? I am pretty sure that Prime is yet another segment. He is clearly refered to as "the segment in the prime of his life". It's arguable what exactly the prime of his life would be. I feel like Dottore would consider the prime of his life when he was the most efficient. He knew what results he wanted and did not hesitate. Also the most emotionless one, because clearly emotions only get in the way. The perfect mindset for research. Probably the most productive one. I believe he is the Omega Build we meet in Sumeru.
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aka this one. So in my understanding Prime = Omega Build. This is where it gets a bit more interesting. He was most likely the one having the conversation with Nahida towards the end of the archon quest. He called himself the most egoistic segment, which still fits my interpretation of what Dottore would understand as the prime of his life. Of course Prime himself would also be aware of being the one perceived as maybe the best segment, which would be one of the reasons he has no problem getting rid of the other segments, apart from simply being annoyed by them. But why did Prime even have the power to be able to simply destroy the other segments? One of my theories would be, that the original Dottore has long passed and Prime is his "successor" as the one in charge. Someone has to control the messy mind of the Dottores asdjk. And with Prime never having been particularly fond of the segments it was an easy choice that he would've made sooner or later then anyway. I feel the reason he might not be fond of the segments is simply because he was the well.. the prime. He knows how good he can be and all the others are below him and therefore inefficient and not needed.
The other segment we see in Sumeru might be one we haven't seen yet. I don't have any particular reason to believe that our favorite lil Boattore is Lazzottore. He might just be a segment sent to Sumeru to confuse the Traveler and lure them into a false sense of safety.
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Character wise he seems less arrogant than Prime, though I feel like a certain arrogance can be expected from all segments. I wish we would've gotten to see more of him, before he most likely got thanos snapped </3 He genuinely seemed to have a lowkey good time in Sumeru :'') you will be missed
Webttore is of course my lil skrunkly, but unfortunately the game has not shown any kind of trace of him, so I won't be focusing on him for now.
Until now I was pretty sure Hoyoverse was eventually gonna pull the "oh no, one segment has gotten rogue / has his own consciousness and was never evil" card to make sure Dottore could become playable. Because how else would you redeem this man xD But now, a lot of his dialogue in Sumeru was heavily focused on him having a rather neutral stance. He wants to do experiments for knowledges sake, caring more about the experiment than the outcome, as he stated himself after not helping Scaramouche. Now this was said by Prime, there might be a segment that has different view of this, but I think it's safe to assume that this is the view the original Dottore also shares. So Hoyoverse might continue pushing this view. We'll get a bossfight with Dottore in another region, he loses but simply sees this as another experiment, not necessarily holding any grudges, somewhat similar to Childe. He then joins the Traveler for more "research". This is based on the assumption that Prime will be the playable one.
Though what if, Hoyoverse is trying to make Prime play the villain card? With that small scene of the what I think are the segment's last words they clearly wanted us to feel some kind of sympathy. They want us to know that, even though Dottore is a villain, that Prime's action just took it a step further. The perfect opportunity to put all those bad actions on his shoulders. We know Dottore wants to create an enhanced human, godlike. Maybe with Prime he has started to get close to this, being stronger than OG Dottore, who is still very much human. So what if Prime ends up being our enemy, going rogue in the different direction. He is not bound to the other segments anymore, maybe his connection to Dottore himself has also been severed because of this. He's not being held back anymore by all that emotional baggage of the other segments. The only one left in his way is his creator himself. That way we might end up fighting along the original Dottore himself, if he's even still around.
I have a lot more thoughts to sort through about this whole situation, I am still going through all stages of grief simulatously because of the loss of Webttore and Boattore. I can't help but feel a bit disappointed, that Hoyoverse teased this incredible concept of Dottore having segments, only to use it for one cheap plottwist (Dottore not actually being gone from Sumeru) and then completely discarding of it. Is there a possibility that the segments will come back? Maybe. But I feel like that's just copium :') so I don't wanna keep my hopes up. Maybe I'll edit this at some point or even delete it.
Feel free to add your own thoughts, my brain is still scrambled so I might be thinking about things that are absolutely crap lmao.
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madamemiz · 8 months
sad: falling out of a hyperfixation
tragic: watching your beloved friends and mutuals fall out of the hyperfixation while you're still in it
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slashersteve · 2 years
Why’s everyone saying the mannequins in the dlc were scarier than the mfing baby in re8 at least you can stop the mannequins by looking at them 😭
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creakysocks · 10 months
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"...So have you like... considered... *not* making another collider that could potentially break reality as we know it???"
"I mean I did but then i thought of what we'd be missing out on!"
"And what would that be??"
"More holes!"
idk im just thinking abt this au again
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blaiddraws · 1 year
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HAPPY ZISU ZUNDAY FOLKS have a VAMPIRE ZISU. of which i am being VERY NORMAL ABOUT (i am not)
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chaotic-tired-fox · 2 months
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Character profiles for the A Chord System featuring some of my personal Headcanons about them!
(Don’t repost, reblogs welcome c: )
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
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I couldn’t choose which hand position looked cutest so. have all of em I guess :o
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lunealys · 3 days
which character in obm do you think is the most yandere for mc and why?
CRACKS KNUCKLES OKAY (there will be spoilers from nightbringer so just a heads up)
In my opinion it's definitely a tie between Mammon, Leviathan and Belphegor. Mammon In the OG it's been stated that Mammom oversees all forms of greed, and we know how he is head over heels for the MC as well as possessive. (well the rest of the boys have possessive tendencies towards the mc so lol) In Nightbringer we actually see him go super possessive over the MC to the point his brothers struggled trying to get him under control. Although it's been resolved, I still wonder if he'll be able to go that crazy like that again @ the MC. He is the Avatar of Greed after all, he makes it known to everyone that the MC belongs to him only and that he was their "first." Leviathan Avatar of Envy, enough said. I do remember in the OG (whether it was in one of the pop quiz events or the main story, I'll have to dig later) he did say that the MC is his. Either way I do believe he can be the most yandere for the MC. This jealous serpent??? Obviously. The MC is his idol, his angel, his player 2. I genuinely think he can be a terrifying yandere too. Iirc apparently he was supposed to be a canon yandere but they scrapped it? Correct me if I'm wrong but that's pretty much all I can say about him for now, It's not much so sorry. u __ u Maybe I'll edit and add more later. Belphegor He's a canon yandere (mmNNFF YUMMY). In Nightbringer his yandere side is shown more in Lesson 33-14 , Where he tried to keep the MC from going back to the human world (in MC's case, back to the future) by putting a spell on them so they feel tired. He's so wants the MC is to stay and to keep for himself and it shows, not just in nightbringer but pretty much anywhere. Dude got jealous/angry in Lesson 55-18(OG) where if you choose the option "I'm worried about Lord Diavolo." Belphie responds with "sO yOu cArE mOrE aBoUt lORd dIaVoLO tHaN mE?" What a spoiled, bratty, yandere bitch baby. Also a scary yandere. Tbh I can't really choose but it's between these three. Sorry for any typos btw. Honorable mentions: Lucifer , Barbatos , Diavolo
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Tim Drake's Mom is actually Lara Croft! AU
After getting pregnant Lara Croft disappears off the face of the earth, takes up a shell company in Gotham left to her by her father, and assumes the identity Janet Drake.
(DC made Timmy's parents archeologists! so Sis it was between Indiana Jones or the Tomb Raider and well here we are!)
Lara Croft has a daring archeological adventure/world saving mission with a dashing man she only knows as N. Drake (if u know u know) and finds out she's pregnant weeks after.
Lara Croft did not expect to be Pregnant. Lara knows that she shouldn't have a baby. She knows this intellectually and emotionally, she doesn't have any family left and after nearly 10 years of traveling the globe and putting herself in life or death situations she knows her life can't accommodate children. Lara knows the responsible thing to do, she makes an appointment with NHS/MSI and focuses on her next project. (TW: Discussion of Abortion)
Lara never gets her appointment. She misses her abortion date in London when she gets caught up in another mad expedition that takes her half way across the world.
On this mission she nearly looses everything, her friends, her own life, what's left of her father's legacy, all for a semi cursed magical artifact that nearly blows up the South American Coast.
Lara's tired, scared, she's been running from Trinity (evil org) for nearly a decade now . She's 29, she's 5 months pregnant, and she's stuck floating on her back in the middle of the South Atlantic sea watching the sky burn.
Lara's rich she could always get the abortion, legally or otherwise, her father left her a billionaire and the souvenirs she'd collected from her travels do nothing but add to that wealth.
Trinity wants Lara Croft dead, they'll never stop chasing, and Lara just wants respite. She wants her quaint childhood in the English countryside with her father, she wants to curl up and sleep for a thousand years. She wants to be someone else, just for a moment.
Her heart beats wildly in her chest and she can almost feel another heart beating alongside it.
Lara Croft makes a decision. She sinks into the sea and doesn't come back up for air even when it burns.
On the shore a nameless woman washes up, water logged and looking for passage to America.
The Croft's have had shell companies for years, one can't be a billionaire these days without at least a few, Medi-industries is an unassuming medical supplier located in Gotham, New Jersey the crime capital of North America. It's the perfect place to disappear.
Janet Drake Lands in Gotham on a gloomy morning in March, she's got enough money to throw around that people forget to ask what family she's from, this is Gotham new money is nearly unheard of.
By mid April Janet has reestablished control of Medi-Industries, Now Drake Industries, and purchased an old English style mansion in Bristol, which the real-estate agent has assured her is a great neighborhood.
Timothy Jackson Drake is born July 19th at nearly 3 in the morning squalling high into the night like a banshee. He is perfectly healthy and perfectly safe in Janet's arms.
It is only in the safety of their home, in the house Janet picked, because it was high on a hill for tactical advantage and had bullet proof glass nestled between quaint wood paneled windows, It is only in the heart of Drake Manor that Lara dares to Whisper her son's name
"Timothy Jackson Croft"
Badass Lara Croft being the cool mom TM
A family portrait of the Drakes, Including Janet, baby Tim, and a mysterious Jack Drake (who was a very discreet and well paid member of Gotham's theatre society, and who was also more then happy to pose as a rich ladies dead husband for a day)
A Socttish Nanny/Housekeeper with a very keen eye and discreet mouth who will not tell a soul that she is fairly sure she's employed by Lord Richard Croft's, eccentric billionares, missing daughter.
precocious and slightly British accented baby Tim who gets to have his Mom with him for 10 whole years! before she inevitably runs back off to save the world
Tim being unaware of his mother's past life beyond her name until the age of 13 when he becomes Robin and is able to actually find out what his mom's been protecting him from his whole life.
I imagine in this AU that eventually Trinity finally catches wind of where Lara is hiding and she has a big confrontation with them in New Jersey. It's way too close to Gotham and Tim for her comfort, she knows this is the only chance she'll get to control the chaos.
So she packs Tim up to move him into the dorms at Gotham Academy and promises she'll write and be home for his birthday in the summer. After she's finished her "company" business first of course.
Tim's confused but he trusts his mom, he gets unsigned postcards from all over the world and pins them above his bed in the dorm and goes to sleep trying to guess what country she's in every night.
The move to the dorm is kind of cool to Tim as well because it means he can start his plan to follow Batman and Robin in the city! (in this AU there's no way Lara wouldn't have noticed him sneaking out at 9, but Gotham academy security? totally oblivious)
Tim celebrates his 10th birthday with his mom at home, he has so many freaking questions about where she was! and she tells him outlandish stories about daring fights and cursed artifacts that he rolls his eyes at but enjoys none the less.
it isn't till he's 15 that his Robin work and his mom's adventures cross paths.
After so many years of close calls, of hiding bruises from his mom with same concealer she uses to hide her own wounds, of wondering if it was selfish to wish his Mom cared a little bit less about the world and would stay with him for more then a few weeks at a time. Finally it all comes to a head in the worst way. Lara Croft's latest adventure puts her right in the middle of a Bat Level investigation. It has Tim near loosing his mind with worry hoping his mom is alive and Lara having the worst freakout/Blow up of her life realizing her son has been putting himself in Danger every night she thought he was safe.
The Drake/Crofts are messy! Bad at communicating! And unfortunately the exact same kind of reckless and self sacrificing!
Fun food for thought:
Lara canonically is a killer, if you've played any of the reboot Tomb Raider series she can be pretty gruesome and efficient! Very cool! Jason would stan! Tim is kind of appalled! Lara is glad Tim's never killed, that he's never had to.
Lara still dies in this AU but it's in a big Trinity X Obeah Man X Captain Boomerang Cluster fuck where Lara finishes off Trinity and Obeah Man for good but looses her own life in the process. Tim is devastated, he feels like they were just starting to really be 100% transparent with each other before her death. Que Tim's not good very bad year!
if you've made it this far in my rambles here's a treat! I actually wrote a lil fuckin blurb for this!
preface: This the first time Robin and Lara Croft have ever met/are on the same mission.
" mom!" Tim shouts, running before Bruce can even properly land the BatJet.
The old temple is ablaze, the ancient structure already half crumbled in on itself with what's left of it is spewing out clouds of jet black smoke.
Tim's mother limps out what was once the front entrance clutching at her ribs.
She's filthy, covered in a thick layer of dirt and grime. but she's got on a triumphant smile like the cat who got the cream.
" Mom!" Tim yells again watching as she does a double take at his choice of moniker.
Her mouth twists in a grimace as she stumbles and Tim dives under her arm quickly moving to support her left side.
Lara Croft meets the white lenses of Red Robin's eyes in confusion
" What'd you call me?" She slurs trying to blink away the smoke inhalation that makes it hard to focus and leaves her lightheaded.
Lara's right ankle which took the brunt of a very nasty dive from a very high perch, not 20 minutes earlier as she raced out of the Dead Kings Tomb, finally gives up the ghost and she pitches forward taking Red Robin with her.
He's young, she thinks, he's very young.
Before either of them can hit the ground Batman intercepts their fall hefting Lara into a secure hold.
Red Robin catches himself and latches onto Lara's hand.
He yanks off one of his gloves and tries to wipe some of the grime out of her eyes.
" Mum" he croaks this time, voice breaking nearly in half on the last syllable.
Lara furrows her brow, the cowl covers so much of this young man's face, from his nose too his brow bone, but his chin is startlingly familiar as is his absolutely atrocious British accent.
He reminds her terribly of Timothy.
" Tim" she says deliriously, Lara tries to smile but her eyes start to droop and her head lolls slack against Bruce's arm. She's clean out.
Tim makes an odd lunge and jerk movement pressing his fingers into her carotid artery to feel her pulse.
He's shaking, more wrong footed and anxious then Bruce has ever seen him.
Batman is extremely grateful when Nightwing comes up behind him and gently pulls his younger brother's hands away from his mother's comatose body.
" She's fine Red. We need to get her on board so we can get her some oxygen though, the smoke inhalation is getting to her. "
" Right" Tim says, still frozen in place. He shakes it off quickly " Right." he repeats pivoting in place and leading their small party through the remains of the ruins and back to the jet.
" I'll prep the med bay."
pics or it didn't happen! (ps, if u wanna write, draw, or HC anything for this AU feel free my lads)
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laufire · 3 months
one thing about nikita is that the writers so clearly considered *her* the coolest, most amazing, outstanding, complex, and interesting character in their story. she took loses, she had flaws, blah blah, all that shit that make a well-rounded character, but NO ONE ever upstagged her. it's why she's such an amazing lead, you can feel how much PASSION and FUN and PATHOS goes into her writing. the problem with a lot of others female leads is how often someone else (a male character) overthrones her in the writers' hearts, but with nikita this was never a risk, not for a second.
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cpmhew · 7 months
I love all the stuff between Quentin & Alice in 1x10. I think it really seems like they're both *trying* and that's sweet to watch, even with how messy things are. I love seeing how uncomfortable Alice is at home, and the way Quentin tries to ease that discomfort by supporting her in the ways she asks for, and by making little jokes about stuff when they're in her room as a way of showing that all this stuff she's so freaked out and embarrassed about isn't Huge and Awful to him. He validates how bad things have been but he shows her that it doesn't reflect badly on her. And Alice softens and accepts that from him, which I think is really hard for her!
The sex stuff makes me cringe but on this rewatch I actually also love it. They're such a mess and I get where both of them are coming from, but I think it's very sweet how they talk it through in the end, it's not perfect but they are both willing to be vulnerable and they both show that they want to make it work. The "I love you. And so as far as I'm concerned, you know, let's do this" / "Oh. Okay. Me too. You." really got to me this time around... I don't think they're good together but I am enjoying seeing them try to make it work.
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juriyuna · 1 month
Some of the things Yuu says in her old diary entries about how "irreparably broken" she is, how she's scared that she corrupted Kei too, the intrusive thoughts about the time she accidentally squished a lizard as a kid, and all of the shame she feels about... everything, really, smells a lot like OCD to me.
Same for her paranoia about other people knowing the "real her", and her obsessive fear of moving on from the past or losing her sense of self. OCD is stupidly good at convincing your brain that crazy leaps of logic like this are, in fact, perfectly sensible. Morality OCD in particular likes to tell you that you're disgusting and/or dangerous and then make up reasons why this is irrefutably true, even if the thought of hurting people makes you feel upset or guilty. It's an endless cycle of constantly judging and second-guessing yourself and everything around you.
Unfortunately, while she and Kei fully accept each other's mental health issues, they also keep enabling one another's weird thought processes. Without any outside support or interference, this feedback loop simultaneously comforts them and drives them further into the mud, no doubt compounded by the fact that being a teenager is notoriously hard to begin with.
YMMV, everyone's got their own interpretations, but I think it's an interesting lens to view Yuu (and to an extent, Kei) through.
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miss-mossball · 2 months
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If anybun would like, pls send asks to the Docile! (I'd like to come up with ways to fit them all into the lore)
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nebuladreamz · 10 months
What do you mean it's been 9 years since it came out
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eldesperadont · 5 months
I absolutely get if a wrestler’s work is not for you, if you simply dont enjoy them, literally got nothing to add to that, we all have different opinions and tastes - but on the narrative side of things I‘ve been incredibly amused and annoyed lately with some peoples reaction to David Finlay
most and foremost: all knock-off Jay White comments. They are so funny to me cause yeah. The leader of a group that has always been a collective of bitter pathetic awful guys who are frustrated with how they are treated and make it everybody elses problem, is a jealous douchebag taking advantage of his biggest rivals and former best friends loss. Pathetically trying to outdo Jay but inevitably just turning into something like him. That seems to be the whole point. And for me personally a story im intrigued by - if you arent then 🤷‍♂️
Like, once again just talking about the narrative side, this is not about the booking business side of things, can i remind yall that Kenny and Jay and Devitt literally went through the same violent emo phases cause they were jealous of a partners success and supposed lack of attention from the company? And only saw their way out through taking advantage of BC? Its a whole thing lmao.
My overarching point to all of this is: im not surprised that guys on reddit that are looking towards Bullet Club for sth that isnt there right now are not being satisfied lol, AJ Styles fans pls switch the channel or open the archives if Styles era BC is what you wanna see, its been over 8 years.
Also a specific example cause i just saw it: people being like “why isnt someone like Gabe the leader”, listen to me. listen closely: you are watching story, a narrative! Thats ongoing!! There’s a reason why these young guys who graduated their dojos not that long ago are listening to this older dude who may not look as cut and lean as them, but who graduated before they even got here, who’s telling them what they wanna hear, is a 4th generation wrestler, and has Gedo on his side. (I know the old small bastard’s a meme but in text he still mentored both Okada and Jay to their success!) Please I’m begging these people to watch this story medium with its story in mind!!!!
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