#just some thoughts I had
minhyongi · 8 days
A headcanon i really like is that Odin started despising Loki more and more because he displayed a lot of the qualities he wished Thor would have had. Thor was supposed to be the wise king while Loki was supposed to be the naive puppet sitting on another realms throne, but Loki's intelligence was too great to let himself be controlled like that, thus destroying Odins plan without even knowing it.
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i-eat-bugs-and-dirt · 2 months
Ive seen some people say they felt like Jon and Martin's relationship happened too quickly and sort of out of nowhere and I get where that is coming from but I think its important to remember what the tapes are. They are a sort of extension off the fears, part of a web spun be the Spider and, arguably, part of the eye. They turn on whenever something important to the fears, to Jon's spiral into the Watcher's Crown's lynchpin, happens. They don't care about love. It might've seemed unimportant in the beginning, and by the time it became clear how powerful their love was it was too late to stop it from happening. And that's when the tapes started turning on for those kinds of moments as well. That's what I think.
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crystallinestars · 8 months
🐺 Werewolf!Wriothesley with wolf ears that perk up when he hears your voice or sees you in the distance.
🐺 When you laugh or give him a kiss, his tail wags like a happy dog’s even when he tries to play it cool.
🐺 Only you get the privilege to rub his fuzzy ears and watch his eyes close in bliss as he relaxes under your touch.
🐺 Wriothesley likes to tug on your lower lip with his fangs when you kiss, relishing in the pleased sounds you make in response.
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hashtagloveloses · 1 year
if you know me, you know that i love sailor moon. i love it more than a normal person, i know almost everything there is to know about it. it has been with me at every stage of my life so far, been a part of who i have become each step of the way. as the final sailor moon movie comes out, covering the stars arc, i’ve been thinking about its overall message. if you know the overall story, it is a space opera, of cyclical war between light and dark, creation and chaos. and in the final arc, a very far future version of sailor moon herself comes back into the past to try and convince her past self to end it all before the cycle gets worse. she idolizes her past self, eternal sailor moon, her powerful yet still teenage self. and young sailor moon still refuses to destroy it all, the whole cycle, because life is worthwhile, even with darkness and sadness. she convinces her future self not to regret her past choices, and inspires her to keep going.
reading that as a teen was impactful, but rereading it now, and viewing it whenever i can see the new movies, i understood, maybe, where naoko takeuchi was coming from. to write a whole series rejoicing in the difficulties, the joys, and the power of being a teenage girl, and to end it with that girl comforting and inspiring her future adult self, being reminded not to regret who she was and what she valued.
there are so many times that i wish i could go back and change certain things i did that would’ve changed my whole life trajectory and saved me from some hardships i feel like now i cannot escape. i want to go back and talk to younger me and guide her and protect her. but when i read sailor moon, i think that maybe she would remind me i was enough. i made the right choices with what i had at the time. i was powerful then and i am powerful now. i was enough then and i am enough now. i didn’t lose her potential, and her talent. she got me where i am today, she is here with me, just like eternal sailor moon is to sailor cosmos. and i think that’s a message a lot of people need sometimes as we grow up and compare ourselves to our younger selves.
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anonymousfisch · 1 month
(I am only talking about the movie not the live show)
I had to think about how Brad was really into the Frankenstein place when he saw that it frightened Janet. The second she started to enjoy herself he began to hate it and tried to keep her in her place.
One of the more fascinating moments is obviously how he tries his macho bs with Frank but it doesn’t work.
Frank literally lets him yell and then pokes fun of Brads display of toxic masculinity by playing into his sexual insecurities. Which is really at the heart of a lot of Brads behaviour (IMO). He is incredibly insecure (implied gay) and completely unable to break out of the system he finds himself in.
Frank picks up on those insecurities and forces Brad to confront them throughout the entire movie.
And it’s interesting how Brads behaviour changes after having sex for the first time. He isn’t as aggressive anymore he even displays submissive behaviour/tendencies especially towards Frank.
Which is something continued even when he tries to be more aggressive again during Planet Janet he gets turned into a statue.
His floorshow number is literally about the conflict he feels between the way he is supposed to be (sexuality, gender) and how he actually wants to express himself something Frank is forcing out of him.
He in the end is the one who says "what’s his crime?" And that obviously can be read in a very different context when you consider that Brad is gay/bi. Literally having to watch the person who changed him into his true self get murdered in front of him. It could be interpreted as his first experience with homophobia now that the story is over. And all that is left is darkness (superheroes).
Because don’t forget Brad is the one who judged people who were different from him very harshly in the beginning (The motorcyclists). And both him and Janet are implied Republicans so now he has to deal with the fact that he has become "the other" who will be judged the way he judged others.
There is obviously some more subtext that can be read into it that I want to write down in the future about Frank being a creator/god/jesus metaphor. These are just some thoughts I had after watching this movie again
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 2 months
Zack going from sacrificing everything to save the world to sacrificing the world for those he cares about.
Cloud was always a sacrifice the world for those he cares about and now even more so than ever.
Tifa probably always will be a sacrifice everything to save the world but she’d be a bit more reluctant to do so later down the track.
Aerith is and always will be a sacrifice everything to save the world but she’ll fucking beat herself up over it and come to borderline hate doing it. Like the only thing stopping her is the whole Ancient thing she’s got going.
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generalofthenorth · 1 year
So something that I have to get off my chest is how salty I am that Bethesda had the opportunity to keep little tidbits in for Tullius that would have made him a little more likable. They could have given him some personality, but they just fuckin deleted them.
Excuse my rambling under the cut:
The one I think most are familiar with is the Missing in Action quest that involves Thorald Gray-Mane. All you had to do was complete the Jagged Crown mission beforehand, and Tullius would have given you a missive to get him released. He bitches a little about how it will cause a massive headache, but he does it. He shows some compassion and it shows that he is not as much of a hard ass as he tries to portray. He can be convinced to help some guy escape the Thalmor, who he has never met, has no connection to, and is technically the enemy, all because one of his new and impressive soldiers asks him.
The other one that I would have loved if they kept in was for the Bards college quest and the Burning of Count Olaf festival. I find it hilarious and think that it sums up his attitude pretty well. There was an option to either steal or ask him for his coat. If you ask him, and he likes you enough, he again will bitch a little but will still give it to you. He humors people, he’ll play along even when it may inconvenience him just because. I think he genuinely likes to help but pretends not to because he has to look tough and can’t have everyone asking him favors all the time.
This one thankfully wasn’t deleted but the entire civil war quest has to be completed beforehand, so it's kind of a rare encounter, and I think it’s an important one. Tullius shows up at the Thalmor Embassy party, and he is fuckin miserable there. He is blunt and honest with you when you talk to him and tells you that he doesn't have much of a choice if he wants to keep the peace. He even goes on to admit that the empire isn’t all that it's cracked up to be and that there are faults. Tullius isn't some Imperial fanatic that thinks that the Empire can do no wrong. He doesn't even sound like he's happy with what he has to do, just that he has to do it. Because what other option is there? It’s an impossible situation and it rightfully pisses him off and makes him grumpy. But damnit, he's doing his best, and I don't think he gets enough credit for that.
In conclusion, Tullius is a Tsundere.
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saint-stanthony · 3 months
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A bit on st expedite🕊
St expedite is obviously known for liking poundcake and appreciating offerings of cake/sweets(my first time praying to him I gave him donuts lol) but I just want to emphasize the importance of simple prayer and a candle, or even less. It’s okay to go to saints when you need help and don’t immediately have something to offer in exchange or in thanks, or at all. Just go to them and ask for help and see what happens, we do not automatically owe something all the time. It’s okay to be helped and need help without having something to give. Saints are here to help. If you do promise something, or noting here one of the traditional st expedite prayers ending in telling him you’ll spread his name and about his intercession, make sure that you show up. This can simply be a post, as I’ve been making posts on Wednesday’s regarding st Expedite bc I promised him that, or telling your witchy friends about working with him. Promise things that you would be able to regularly afford financially or energy wise to keep up! Today I happened to have extra Rice Krispie treats and had promised him a Wednesday sweets offering, so I gave him some and am making this post about him. But just keep in mind that a saint offering can be simply praying to them with a novena candle, and still be just as impactful and powerful.
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pinkxxxpony · 4 months
Y’all think Angel Dust works much with female porn stars? Or do you think he does exclusively gay shoots as a bottom?
I think he’s have a great audience being submissive to a female demon.
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jewvian · 7 months
Meanwhile, there's an actual genocide and ethnic cleansing happening in Sudan as as speak. As of November 2023, the fights in Sudan are still ongoing, been going since April of 2023, so about 7 months.
Do you think any of the they/them's, coloured hair, white social justice warriors of the world care about that? Or maybe it's not as sexy as hating Jews? I mean Africa is so not popular on tiktok right now and they need to keep up their followers count and views. That's why it's all for, right?
I bet they can't even locate Sudan on a map.
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bunny-banana · 2 years
so i have a lil theory
it seems like, vampire slayers are somewhat not entirely human themselves. slayer abilities, slayer instincts, slayer blood, vaguely supernatural etc etc
so what if -taking into consideration that slayers and vampires are somewhat natural enemies- what if Guillermo literally cannot be turned. like something in his slayer blood is literally preventing the transformation.
and since Nandor is all anxious about him leaving and is steadily becoming more clingy to Guillermo, he might really reach a point where he earnestly promises to turn him for good and actually keeps his word but then...Guillermo literally still doesn't become a vampire.
Which would be an interesting situation because that would ultimately confirm that there is no reason at all anymore for Guillermo to stay with Nandor (and the others), but the question is: will he still stay tho?
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sludge-wizard · 2 years
Luigi is defined by Limitations. This has been the case ever since his first ever appearance, where the mario bros. Game had no memory left for a new pallet- Luigi was then made to use the pallet of a shellcreeper, giving him the iconic green he still wears. Even some of his earliest appearances as a playable character he is a rework of Mario and made to be Player 2 with no option present to play as Luigi instead of Mario. Additionally, everybody knows the famous ‘Luigi in Mario 64’ rumors, where it was eventually found that Luigi was indeed deep in the files along with an unused camera system, but due to memory capabilities, Luigi was cut from the final game, leaving a (horrifically contorted) model behind in the files. In paper Mario 64, Luigi has to stay back at home to watch the house, and even resents this fact because he wants to do something interesting, and in Thousand year door when he finally has a call to adventure, it’s only because he’s answering a cry for help in Mario’s stead. He is constantly made out to be incompetant and only making it by default in many scenarios, and in modern paper mario games, Luigi is flat out hiding or only pops in at times to give you a key- which is always the wrong key. Luigi’s first solo debut was Luigi’s mansion- a game where, while he does gain the tools to capture ghosts, he is limited in that he cannot jump or run. He’s also relegated to only areas he can naturally access on foot and cannot climb onto or under anything. Additionally, he doesn’t have any 1-ups, and a game-over features him fainting, sending you back to the last checkpoint in the game. In the Mario+Luigi series, Luigi is initially not going to join Mario, as it’s his job to watch the house- him being brought along is purely by misunderstanding. His main solo moment in Superstar Saga features him needing to find a medicinal herb for Mario, and being too frightened to do it alone- so he gets himself hypnotized into believing he’s Mario. THe game where Luigi is given the greatest spotlight is Super Paper Mario, where he is prophesied to bring about the destruction of all worlds with the chaos heart, and spends a decent chunk of the game brainwashed and on the side of the enemy- and the recurring character story for him is, you guessed it, he isn’t as good as the heroes/Mario. He is limited. Even having a giant robot doesn’t help, and it isn’t until he is actively puppeted by Dimentio as an apocalypse maiden does he finally break free of limits and exists in both 2D and 3D- but Luigi doesn’t do this himself. He’s being controlled. It’s just really interesting how Luigi is based on/held by limits, meanwhile Mario constantly seems to get new powers, make new friends, go on new adventures, and has an ever-growing pool of talent and skill, meanwhile any time Luigi gets something new, something else is taken from him. Luigi is defined by limits.
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almondscroissant · 1 year
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weziu · 2 months
i've had a lot of conversations with a lot of different people about love, and not just a few of them seem to have the same mindset that love is shallow these days. something about that makes me sad. the nihilistic view of love that spreads between us, and as a result, impacts people to believe in the meaninglessness of it. what is love, if not what you give meaning to yourself? what is love if not the idea you hold of it, make of it? i told all of them the same thing - stop letting the widespread view of today's "love" have such a big impact on you. stop alienating yourself and viewing yourself as weird because of it, stop thinking you're unloved, stop letting it change your selfworth. you are chasing after unattainable standards, after all, and we both know it. why are you defining yourself according to those?
love doesnt have a set form. you do. stop shaping yourself after the shallow thoughts that are being pushed upon you.
love is not that harsh.
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age736 · 2 months
talked about this with a friend on twitter but i have little doubt that goku will probably outlive few of his loved ones due to saiyan biology. at least by a few decades- i don't think even goku can escape old age lol. specifically with chi-chi for example, i'd think he'd mourn her in his own way- but i doubt it'd get to him to completely change him drastically. that's just not goku is, and he lacks that sort of emotional maturity in all honesty. even as an adult. plus, it's not like goku doesn't know what comes after death. he's more than familiar with both heaven and hell, and knows by now that his wife will wait for him no matter what, just like he would for her. death isn't an end for him, but a new beginning, and even in death he'll be reunited with all his loved ones again in heaven.
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tsukinostxrs · 4 months
No bc I’m deep in the “they’re releasing a new switch and they have to be releasing a new Animal Crossing with it because it’s been 4 years since the last one and they have to be releasing it on the new switch because it’ll help sell them” and anyway, I NEED a new Animal Crossing but if any of this stuff is true I’ll cry bc I cannot afford a whole new switch and a new Animal Crossing 😪🥺
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