#just in case anyone from my old work sees it and figures out its me
iampikachuhearmeroar · 10 months
every time I read about shitty landlords and read all the bullshit comments defending landlords for never going for social housing tenants I get so fucking angry. which, for a reminder to everyone: you are only ever one two pay day/s or paycheck/s away from homelessness or some other major life altering change for the worst... meaning you'll be next in line on the 10 year waiting list for social housing in my state of australia, new south wales.
because yeah, dgmw- a select few may or do leave properties in significant disrepair or completely ruin them.... I've seen the damage both on TV.... and through my cadetship in social housing last year. also heard about damage through that program, too, from both the workers where I was and the other people in the program etc etc. because for many people, esp if they've been long-term homeless for an extended period of time, they may not know how to live in a home or actively feel safe in a home and other things. it was our job, where i was working, to connect them with services to sustain their tenancies and help them live better lives.
but over the last year working in social housing, I learnt to hate landlords, even more than i already did previously. most especially the horrendous type of landlord that thinks they can just walk into their tenants' property at will, any time they want..... for idek.... just to "check they're stacking their plates right in MY cupboards. all day. every day. ".... or the like, which is a statement that was sneered down the phone..... not even considering time for ANY notice of inspection or entry.... entirely ignoring the tenants' privacy and "right to quiet enjoyment" which is stated in new south wales tenancy law and tenancy agreements.
we had to frequently remind these types of assholes that they could NOT enter the property without permission from the tenant (eg for repairs) or also us (inspections, repairs etc); or without express notice to the tenant, from themselves; or the real estate (repairs and inspections.... again sometimes in partnership with us). or also, in an emergency situation, they could enter the property for obvious reasons.
EVERYONE has EVERY fucking right to fucking hate landlords... and MOST ESPECIALLY when quite a few of them want to play with peoples lives like they're disposable toys. just invade privacy whenever they fucking want for funsies.... all bc apparently "oh no. MY PROPERTY may be damaged from this tenant not stacking plates to MY standard of presentation!!!!!! let me just enter their house- no. sorry. MY house - while they're at work, without asking them.... and then tell them some time later down the track. checkmate." and other bizarre utter bullshit excuses these assholes had.... and that i've also seen on my area's uni buy and sell page, when people have posted about their nightmare landlords over the years; looking for legal advice.
just. i fucking hate landlords. and tbh, I'm so glad I left that job. it was Too Much™️ dealing with these asshole landlords and their fucked up mind game ass questions and the mind games they wanted to play with their tenants and US.... always trying to tell any of the workers that I transferred them to on the phone, that "i'll ALWAYS know more about tenancy than YOU. because i've been a landlord for 30 years. what do YOU know???" no. the fuck. you do NOT know about MODERN tenancies, vernon or madeira. you need a real fucking job..... instead of thinking it's fun to have an express avenue to snoop into peoples lives in your free time. maybe brush up on CURRENT tenancy law, and don't pull the weird shit that you were pulling back in the 90s.... which was probably still fucked up borderline illegal or fully illegal landlord behaviour bullshit, in the 90s, anyway.
but hey. what the fuck do I know??? I was born in the mid-90s. more than likely, i will NEVER own a house of my own... or probably will never even move out of home... because of your bullshit gatekeeping of property: always raising rents and property prices.... and/or wasting actually useable and valuable living spaces for air bnbs and so-called "investment properties."
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serotoninlinus · 7 months
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everyone please Consider🩸
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cereovo · 9 months
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A set of very conceptual notes I drafted a while back for someone asking for advice on learning to draw humans. I'm entirely self-taught so this is less of a tutorial and more of a very rambling set of general principles I follow and ideas that helped while I was learning. I figured I'd post it in case anyone else could get use out of it!
I also recommend checking out:
Drawing East Asian Faces by Chuwenjie
How to Think When you Draw (lots of good tutorials in this series)
Pose reference sites such as Adorkastock
Transcript and some elaboration under the cut:
Img 1 - Drawing a face
The two most important elements (at least for me) when drawing a face are the outline of the cheek/jaw and the nose*. I often start with a circle to indicate the round part of the skull, then add a straight like and a 'V' to one side [to create the side of the face and the jaw]. The nose creates an easy template for the rest of the face's features to follow (eyebrows at the top of the nose bridge, eyes towards the center of the bridge, ear lines up to eye) and the placement/direction and overlap with other features is a very simple way to indicate dimension. [A sketch of a face that has been adjusted by moving its parts to create 3 different angles. The following text is underneath:] -Different 3/4th views can be created just by adjusting the position of and amount of overlap between the facial features. - The top of the ear usually lines up with the corner of the eye. Think of how glasses are designed [specifically, how the arms run from the eyeline to the ear] [I go on a tangent in these next few paragraphs] *One thing I see many artists do - not just beginners - is learn how to draw A Person. As in, one singular person with one set of bodily proportions and one set of facial features. It's an issue that runs a bit deeper than 'same face syndrome' because sometimes these artists can draw more than one face, they're just not very representative of [the diversity present across] real people. Part of the reason I'm talking more about how to think about approaches to drawing - rather than showing specific how-to's - is because there is no one correct or right way to draw a person. The sooner you allow yourself to explore variety - fat people, old people, people of color, people with [conventionally] 'unattractive' features - the easier it'll be! Artists often draw their own features honestly and without [harmful] caricature, so it's always a good idea to look at art made by the kinds of people you're trying to draw if you're ever unsure about how to handle something. In general, it's far more important to learn how to interpret a variety of forms than to learn how to replicate the Platonic Ideal of the Human Body.
Img 2 - Stuff that helped me
Jumping into drawing humans (faces or otherwise) straight from photo reference can be overwhelming. The trick is to simplify forms into shapes - but even this concept is sort of abstract and it may be hard to know where to begin. Good news - Thousands of other artists have already figured it out. [When starting out] I needed to learn from photo reference AND artists I admired in order to improve. [When looking at stylization you are inspired by] ask yourself: WHY does this simplification work? How can I translate it into a different pose? Instead of copying what you see in a photo reference exactly, try to focus on the general forms first. My two biggest style inspirations for humans while learning to draw them were Steven Universe and Sabrina Cotugno's art. SU gets a lot of hate [in this instance I was specifically referring to a time on tumblr when the art was knocked for 'losing quality'] but its style does a great job of simplifying anatomy in a way that still portrays a diversity of bodies + features. [Extremely simplified drawings of Lapis, Steven, and Amethyst] SU characters are still identifiable- and still read as 'human' - even when reduced to just a few lines!
Img 3 - Things I keep in mind while drawing side profiles
- Eyebrows + eyes close to the 'edge' of the face - Forehead needs enough room for a brain - Eye is > shaped from the sides - Mouth kinda halfway [between the nose and the chin] but closer to the nose - Skin/fat exists under the jaw [and connects to the neck] - neck is about one half the width of the whole head - the back of the skull always sticks out a bit further than you might expect - Sometimes less is more - contours exist on every face, but drawing them in may make your character seem much older than they're supposed to be. However, it's a good idea to use them when you *want* your character to look old! These are very general notes- every face is different and has different proportions [and playing around with them creates unique and interesting character designs]
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silversweetpea · 1 year
Peer Review
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pairing: Spencer reid x reader (gn)
word count: 1895
warning: This is probably really sappy but other than that i don’t think so?
summary: The genius and the student and the very obvious thing between them they both weren’t seeing.
author’s note: this is wildly self indulgent because I'm struggling with staying motivated with school and really just wanted to image a cute coffee date with Spencer. I have an idea for a second part so keep an eye out for me continuing to be wildly indulgent the next time I get sad about making my reference page lmao
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You weren’t hiding your college course from your coworkers. If Hotch or Morgan or even Garcia had asked you would tell them flat out that you had classes you were studying for. It wasn’t a big deal and if anyone in the world was going to understand what it was like to be addicted to working on something, it would be them.
If you were to hide it though, you would want the man approaching your table to be the last to know. 
“Hey Doc, what’s up?” Reid smiled again, a little dopey and a little bashful, the same one that you got every time you called him by the nickname. Seeing him in this moment was almost worth having been at the table since you had slipped out of the office yesterday afternoon. 
“Just, uh, you mentioned this coffee shop on the past few three cases straight. I figured I might as well try it while I had a chance.” It was your turn to smile, world suddenly a little brighter at his comment. You’d be the first to call anyone else in your circumstance hypocritical or indecisive to be so giddy over someone proving that they’ve been listening to you while trying so hard to hide something from them. Lucky for you, you weren’t anyone else and Spencer, as attentive as he was, had yet to comment on your sudden love of textbooks or attachment to your laptop.
“Good right? Have a seat, tell me what you got.” He was quick to slip into the spot across from you, long legs brushing yours under the table. You’ve never been more thankful for the close quarters as you are in that moment. Your laptop gets drawn towards you, but not quite closed. There was no telling if it would turn back on if you gave it a chance to rest.
“I have no clue. I didn’t know what most of the drinks had in them and by the time i got to the front of the line there were people behind me. Whatever it is cost six bucks.” His voice is tired and part of you longs to cup his face in your hand, to run your finger along the bags forming under his eyes. You’re not sure how tired he must be to not rehearse his order like usual but you’re not sure you could handle finding out either. It helps explain the dramatic drink - nearly half of which you’re sure is whip cream - in front of him at least. 
“Well, give it a try.” Spencer looks skeptical of the rather frilly drink in his hand but when you nod towards it, you get to see him lift it to his lips. More importantly you get to see the slight mustache that forms on his upper lip.
Your brain wonders what he would taste like if you kissed him. 
The more rational part of your brain simply leans over and uses a spare napkin to wipe the offending sweetness off his face.
It doesn’t occur to you that Reid has issues with people in his space until you’ve already settled back into your chair, napkin at your side and a dumbstruck look on his face. You’ve never seen brown eyes so blown wide or his hands so still where they still held his drink.
“Sorry about that. It’s worth it though right?” Spencer barely blinks as you give a stilted laugh and sip at your own drink - despite the fact that its now well past its peak at hours old. 
“Yeah,” The tired edge is gone, replaced with something breathy. Whatever it is though, Spencer gets a hold of himself with a short clearing of his throat and a look to the laptop you had nearly, blessedly, forgotten about. “What are you working on?”
“Oh just, stuff,” Raised eyebrows, teasing smile. If your job didn’t kill you, if this homework didn’t kill you, it would be him. Even as you cringe you can feel the knock of his knees against yours again. “You know, organizing my email, going through old files, that sort of thing.”
Hands you would recognize by shadow alone close the distance, small as it is, painfully slow. It’s a polite way to argue, an unspoken question you answer with a resigned sigh and a sip of your drink once more as you watch those beautiful features light up with surprise.
“This is an essay.” The words aren’t accusatory like you had thought they would be, they’re not even joking, just confused. It makes looking up at him a bit easier though it does nothing to stop the way that your heart skips at the eye contact.
“In theory.” Your weak response makes him smile again, mouth faltering with no noise as you slid the laptop back towards yourself. 
“Why are you writing an essay?” It’s innocent but your eyes are already skimming through the paper again, spotting all the mistakes that Spencer’s just seen and feeling your stomach plumet at the extent of them all. The bravery that had been surging through you at his presence suddenly slipped away. 
“You have to promise you won’t laugh.” His hair falls into his eyes just a bit when he nods, face serious in a way that you’ve never seen outside of the field. Though you suppose that you’ve only ever had a good reason to invite him out alone once or twice and if he was nervous with the group he’d probably keep that to himself if possible. Your eyes drift back to your cup at your side and the finger you have running around the rim of the cup to avoid looking at him. “I’ve been doing an online class recently. Figured it was about time to start updating what I know so I don’t get rusty.”
The silence between you feels unjustly vulnerable. 
“That’s...wow.” Soft as a feather. Would that be what it felt like to feel his breath on your skin too? Not looking up means that you can’t tell what he’s trying to say with just two words and it only takes a second to compose yourself. 
“I know it’s nothing compared to your wall of degrees bu-” Your gaze only snaps to Spencer when a warm hand covers your own.
“No that’s not it. I just can’t believe you found time to go back to school with all the cases we handle. Do you ever sleep?” Silence again, as if the rest of the cafe is holding its breath too while you search for some sign of insincerity. There isn’t though, not with Spencer. 
“There’s a reason I like this coffee shop.” The noise comes back all at once when you catch the smallest bit of a laugh. You don’t mind this one though, it almost sounds relieved coming from him. “Though I like it less when I’m cut off for the day.”
“How long have you been here?” Warmth floods your veins, embarrassment catching you by surprise. The strange looks of baristas who ring you out several times a visit was one thing. Watching Spencer’s brow furrow, or his hair shift as he leaned ever so slightly towards you, was another. 
The cold air feels like a brick being dropped on your hand when you pull back into yourself. Your eyes glue themselves to the laptop screen and the blinking cursor that seemed to mock you there. 
“Long enough to rewrite this essay four times and still hate it. I meant to write it in the hotel rooms but the case wrapped early and then there was paper work and-” You hadn’t even noticed the hand snaking back in your direction until the laptop you’d been focused on was pulled from your grip.
“Let me take a look,” Spencer says as if you’re not floundering like a fish out of water. The nerves have just enough time to build in your throat, suffocating you, before you realize that you’re just as anxious about the ease in which the genius offers his help. Its the same way that he saves you a seat on the jet or offers to grab you something from the breakroom. Its the same as when you share those quiet in-between moments where you learn about his life in exchange for bits of your own and marvel at how perfect they seem to fit together despite your concerns.
“If it’s bad you can say so. I know that I’m not the best at the whole essay thing. Tests I can study for but open ended ‘explain this concept I barely touched upon in class’ moments aren’t my strong suit.” He says nothing, but you can see a small smile tug at the corner of his lips. It’s hard to tell what that means for your paper but for your heart is means another skipped beat. The words keep coming in an attempt to ignore that though. “You know maybe I should just go. It’s not fair to make you review that on your day off-”
“(Y/n), calm down,” The anxiety simmers and then evaporates completely when he looks up at you again. the smile makes his eyes shine and Spencer voice is light with a laugh that doesn’t seem quite able to break free. You’re sure in that moment that time stops, that you’ve spent an eternity just allowing yourself to get lost in familiarity. Your line of work doesn’t leave much room for domestic day dreams, nights spent at the dinner table or lazy Sunday afternoons but for a minute you can see it all ahead of you and reflected back in Spencer’s gaze. “Your essay is fine. I’m just going to leave some notes for you to review later and then you can have it back.”
“Why not just tell me now?” The words are still breathless, but when he looks back to the screen, the sound of typing filling the space between you two, your lungs seem more accepting of the air you gulp down. For the first time in your life you understand how it must feel to be a smoker, addicted to the same thing robbing you of your ability to breathe.
“Because I’m walking you home. You look like you haven’t slept since you left the office.” Easy, confident, said in the same tone of voice that he’d use to tell you the sky is blue and although you want to argue, want to insist that you stay put until the essay if finished and submitted you don’t have it in you to deny him that truth. 
“Okay, just let me grab something to drink that isn’t hours old.” 
“Here,” Spencer hands off his drink in one hand and swipes your laptop bag with the other, throwing the strap over his shoulder. “It seems like something you’d like.”
When he stands, you’re pretty sure you catch a glimpse of red in his cheeks, but you’re so busy thinking about the fact that you’re sipping from the same cup that you can’t trust your own eyes. Nor can you fathom how he knew that this was your favorite drink if slightly sweeter from the caffeine free flavoring used. 
All you know is that when Spencer almost trips over himself to hold the door open on the way out, you’re thinking again of what it’d be like to kiss him. 
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hvly · 7 months
most prized secret ft. getou suguru
— ⋆。˚。⋆ 。˚ 𓆩𖥔𓆪 ˚。⋆。˚。⋆ —
sᴘᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ : posted this on the wrong blog, but look who’s finally here ! i told y’all i’d post it on tuesday 🤭 never said which tuesday though. it was a long time coming, but i finally delivered. thank you @gayblade & @cu7ie for the help. truly saved this from going in the trenches. happy halloween, everybody 👹
𓆩𖥔𓆪 — disclaimer ! the following contains: getou's a straight up freak, kidnapping, body horror/amputation, mention of blood, wound kissing(?) implied noncon, reader is referred to as “his girl”, but there’s nothing gender specific
𓆩𖥔𓆪 — word count : 3.2k
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“These are so pretty ! They don’t even look like they were ever damaged !” the woman exclaimed, gently placing her palm against the glass that separated her from the porcelain doll on the other side.
Getou smiled warmly as the woman marveled at the massive display of antique dolls, her head turning slowly in awe as she explored his workshop.
The last thing anyone would expect Getou Suguru to do for a living was play with dolls. Or at least that’s how it came across when he would casually say he collects and fixes antiques. When he was met with disbelieving stares and surprised “oh wow’s”, he would offer to show them his shop and let his handiwork do all the talking for him. He knew most people found it strange that a grown man would spend time fixing up dolls intended for little girls and lonely old ladies, but there was much more to it than that.
“They are, aren’t they?” he smiled, hands buried into the pockets of his smock as the woman continued to admire the delicate figures. She nodded, mouth agape as she returned to the counter Getou was leaning against. “You really fixed all of these up by yourself?” she asked, eyes unable to stray from the dolls on display for too long. Getou hummed, pushing himself off of the counter’s edge to admire his art. He opened a case, carefully taking out a doll in a white and blue laced dress into his hands, smoothing her honey blonde hair down her back as he gazed at her.
“When these precious things get sent to me, most of them are in pretty good shape.” He muses, rubbing a thumb over the doll’s delicate face. “Some are just a little dirty and faded. Nothing a little soap, water, and paint can’t fix. Others, like this pretty girl here,” he says, gently holding up the figure for the woman to see, “Are stripped of their beauty entirely.” He places the doll back on its display, slowly closing the case once it’s secured safely in place. “Broken with missing pieces, clothing torn; stripped of all their luster and dignity.”
Getou’s expression darkened a bit, his hands lingering on the display handles for a moment longer. “That someone could show such little care to something so delicate; it bothers me,” he said, indignation clear in his tone.
“But, no matter !” he exclaimed, throwing out his arms with a flourish, “I give them all the care they need to be returned to their former glory.” The woman stared, taking in all of what he had said. There was no doubt that he was talented at his craft. Restoring them didn’t seem easy, considering how half, if not all, could’ve been older than either one of them. It was nothing short of impressive.
Her eyes landed on the figurine Getou was previously holding, the doll’s subdued features a stark contrast to the rest of her bright lolita-esque appearance. “Is that one your favorite then?” the woman asked, motioning to the case the doll was in. Getou peeked over his shoulder to where she was pointing before turning back around, a gentle smile on his face as he answered.
“I love all my girls. But,” he paused, turning on his heels slightly. He motioned for the woman to come closer and whispered the last part, as if to not offend any of the dolls. “To be honest with you, there’s one I’m still working on that might just take that spot.”
The woman’s eyes lit up with intrigue as she looked around once more. Getou silently walked behind the counter as her head whipped from side to side in search of his current work in progress. He undid his smock and pulled the paint splattered piece over his head, his long raven hair messily draping his shoulders. The woman approached again as he was pulling his hair up into a more manageable style.
He smiled kindly as she returned, grabbing his apron and wiping his hands on a spot that was relatively clean. “Were you able to find what you were looking for?” he asked playfully, fully aware that the woman was never going to. The woman sighed in defeat, shaking her head with a good natured laugh. “No, but I doubt you’d just have an unfinished project out in the open for all to see, right?” she said, taking one last glance around the many cases in the store.
Getou chuckled lightly as he hung up his apron. “Well, this one’s a bit of a passion project. So it’s for my eyes only I’m afraid,” he spoke over his shoulder before turning to move from behind the counter space. “I like to work on it when I have some free time,” he added, kicking one leg over the other and leaning slightly against the counter’s edge. He stood with his fingers interlocked, a patient smile on his lips.
The woman hummed, catching onto Getou’s silent signal that it was time to wrap up her little visit. “Well, that’s a shame. I’m sure it would’ve been beautiful,” she said, pushing herself from the counter to take her leave. Getou thanks the woman for the compliment, walking her to the store’s entrance. The overhead bell rings as he opens the door for her, the conversation coming to an end with ‘thank yous’ and ‘take cares’ being exchanged.
Getou stands at the store entrance, waving after her until he was certain she was out of sight. With a sigh, he locked the front door and flipped the “open” sign to “close”, signaling the end of his day.
“Now then,” he muttered, walking over to a display far in the back and reaching behind it. A loud click sounded from behind the shelves before it began to slowly swing open, rumbling softly as it did. An engraved wooden door revealed itself from behind the shelf, an intricate design carved into the mantel overhead. Getou dug a key out of his pocket, unlocking the hidden door and pushing it open.
The heavy door groaned as it slowly opened, a steady shhh as the bottom of it dragged across the floor. The inside of the room was barely lit, overcasted in a soft white light. It wasn’t enough to see anything in detail, but it was enough to make out there was indeed furniture. A bitter sweet smell permeated throughout the room. A combination of cleaning products and a faint trace of a sickeningly sweet perfume. Getou clicked his tongue upon the scent hitting his nostrils, his face scrunched up in discontent. He had to remember this room didn’t have the greatest ventilation system and to maybe tone back the cleaning.
Getou reached over to the light switch, slowly turning the dial to an appropriate brightness. The room was cutely decorated, cream colored walls with various accents of soft pinks and white. Pretty stuffed animals and plush throw pillows were scattered freely (but neatly) around the room. It looked like something straight off of a soft girl’s pinterest board.
Well…with the exception of the operation cart and the statuesque person who sat silently in bed in the farthest corner of the room.
“Hello, my love,” he said, his voice soft as he made his way across the room. “I see you’re sitting up today. That’s quite the improvement,” He gazed at you tenderly, his hand gently caressing your face. He placed a gentle kiss on your temple and his lips lingered for a few seconds longer before he moved back, a placid smile gracing his features. You made no motion that would suggest you acknowledged his presence or if you even recognized someone was there to begin with.
You stared far off into the distance, eyes void of any emotion or awareness. Getou tucked his leg under him as he sat on the bed, pulling the medical cart placed beside it closer to his side. An array of medical instruments were neatly lined up on the stainless steel tray, along with various bandages, gauzes and antiseptic cleaning sprays. “Maybe we'll work on using our voice today, hmm?” He asked as he pulled on his latex gloves, watching you intently as they snapped against his skin.
You blinked at the sound, something reminiscent of a flinch. Getou cooed at your – frankly, interpreted – reaction, his hands coming to gingerly cup your face. “There’s nothing to be afraid of, dearest,” he reassured, rubbing calming circles on your cheeks with his thumbs. He adjusted to face you, carefully pulling the blanket that covered you to the side to reveal what should have been your legs.
Instead, there was a white casting that ended right before the knee. Same for your arms, surgical tape wrapped securely around where the rest of your forearm would be. Getou exhaled, cautiously taking one of your legs into his hand. He slowly and carefully unwrapped the material, going over and under in one smooth motion until it was fully unraveled into a pile on the floor. He breathed a sigh of relief upon the sight of your wound. The dark purple bruises along the stitches were clearing up, fading nicely into your natural hue. The stitches themselves also seemed to be faring well, the material less prominent against your skin from when it was first put there.
The wound was in the early stages of healing, your skin starting to mend back together with a fresh scab to aid in the process. Getou rubbed a gloved thumb along the suture before looking back at you with a small grin. “It’s healing really well,” he said, reaching over to grab gauze and saline solution to care for your stitches. He hummed to himself as he wet the cloth, being careful not to over saturate it. “In a couple more days, I’d say these stitches will completely dissolve.”
With his free hand Getou steadied your leg and prepared to clean your wound. He glanced at you one more time. “Alright, you know the drill. If you feel any discomfort,” he paused, giving your thigh a firm but gentle squeeze. “Let me know.” The last bit sounded something like a plea rather than a general statement. You continued to stare flatly at the wall and Getou took your occasional blinks as confirmation that you understood him.
Getou took a deep breath before exhaling, dabbing the damp gauze along the stitches. Once it was thoroughly cleaned, he took a dry gauze and patted it dry. He quietly repeated this process again on your other leg, the clattering of objects on the surgical tray being the only sound in the room. As he worked, Getou let his mind wander to fill the silence.
How long has it been since he last heard your voice? A couple weeks now? Maybe longer? God, it felt like an eternity had passed since then.
You were someone who frequented Getou’s shop often. Bouncing around display cases, enamored by the beauty of the countless dolls, childlike wonder dancing in your eyes. At first he paid you no mind, treating your visits like he would an elderly woman coming to reminisce and tell him stories of “how she had a doll just like this” when she was younger. Polite and available if you had any questions or just wanted him to lend an ear. But the more you visited, the more he felt drawn to you. Your guilelessness intrigued him, your excitement to see dolls you had already seen at least 50 times by now never waning.
Then one day you bounded up to him, smile wide and eyes bright. 
Full of joy and genuine curiosity. It was like a bottle of pure sunshine was opened right in the center of his shop. He felt warm in his soul when you looked at him, your jovial energy palpable and infectious to any and everybody. Getou couldn’t remember when he genuinely felt so calm and happy in the presence of another person. He wanted to bottle up this feeling and get drunk off it for the rest of his life. 
“Do you have any new dolls you’re working on? I’d love to see it when you finish.” 
 At the time, he hadn’t received any damaged or donated dolls. But he knew at that moment, you were what his shop was missing. What he was missing. Among the shelves upon shelves of porcelain figurines he possessed, he had nothing that encapsulated what you embodied. Full of glee, full of youth, full of wonder. He needed you for his shop. For himself.
In the beginning, you kicked and screamed, swearing someone would find you and expose him for the sick bastard he was. Cursing his existence and spewing phrases and words that he was positive you didn’t mean. Getou let you vent your frustrations with no threat of punishment. He let you scream, hit, bite as much as you wanted. It worked more in his favor than it did yours. Besides, it’s not like you could run away. He had made sure of that from the start. But now…
Getou was pulled from his thoughts when he heard something. A choked cry. Your voice.
“____?” He snapped his head up with wide eyes, sure his ears were deceiving him. He looked at you in stunned silence.  Your face was wet with sadness, tears and snot steadily streaming  down your cheeks and collecting to drip off your chin. Your mouth was open as your chest rose and fell rapidly, occasional sniffles and whines leaving your lips. Getou’s eyebrows scrunched in concern, his hands instinctively coming up to wipe your face. “What’s wrong?”
He paused, gloved hand inches away from your tear stained cheek. Where his palm should have been blue, it was red. He looked down at your leg, quietly gasping at the sight. The sheets underneath you had also been stained, a consistent line of crimson seeping from the once closed wound. Your stitches had torn from the pressure, peeling back your scab and opening your wound again. That would’ve been an easy enough fix had Getou not been lost in his thoughts and applying anything but gentle care to it. 
He clicked his tongue, cursing under his breath at his negligence. He removed his gloves, tossing them somewhere on the ground and cupping your face with his hands. “I’m so sorry, my darling. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said softly, wiping underneath your eyes with his thumbs. “The last thing I want to do is hurt you. You know that, right?” He looked at you fondly, but expectantly. Silently praying that after so long, you’d acknowledge him again. That you wouldn’t look at him with empty, blank eyes. 
That you’d speak to him again.
He searched your misty eyes for that sign, but was met with nothing but silent tears and quiet sniffles. Getou sighed and stood from the bed, gathering the soiled bandages and gloves to be disposed of. He made his way across the room, opening a drawer to gather more bandages to dress your wound. Various sized bandages rolled to the front, snow white fabric unraveling then neatly wrapping itself back up. Getou stood for a moment, hands placed on either side of the counter space. 
He gripped the corners tightly, the cool marble squeaking underneath his hands as he stared into the drawer. He was so close to hearing your voice. So close to that pure, unadulterated joy you possessed. And you were denying him that. Was this your way of trying to get back at him? Keeping him from the one thing he wanted most? What he so desperately needed?
Getou was a relatively patient man. He could wait for the things that were worth it. But, this? You? There was no more waiting. 
He closed the drawer and turned on his heels in your direction, taking steady strides back to your bedside. Your eyes were closed now and your breaths were steady and even. Getou’s gaze was locked on your face. Dried tears streaked your cheeks, giving you the appearance of a crying angel. Even so, you were still as beautiful as ever. He sat in his previous spot, looking down at your reopened wound. 
The opening glistened in the soft lighting, the former trail of blood drying and beginning to start the process of scabbing again. He hovered a finger over the tear, following the outline down to the blood soaked sheet. He would never hurt you. He lowered himself to your residual limb and gently kissed it, following the stitch line. He continued leaving kisses up your leg, leaving a trail of�� bloody lip prints up to your thigh
Getou peeked up at you, lips still pressed to your supple skin.  You stayed still, eyes still shut as if you didn’t feel a thing he was doing. He would never hurt you. Getou opened his mouth to let his teeth graze against your skin, saliva dripping out of his mouth. He bit into it  hard enough to leave a mark, but not hard enough to really hurt. His black eyes were trained on you, ready to catch any change. 
He bit harder, spit dripping down your leg. His other hand snaked up to cup your leg, fingers sliding underneath it. His knuckles rested on the bloodied sheets as his thumb traced over your wound. He would never hurt you. Getou pressed lightly into it, his digit being met with soft meat. 
Your eyes fluttered for a moment, but remained closed. Getou frowned, digging his teeth into the meat of your thigh. He would never hurt you. A small whimper rumbled in your throat, your eyebrows scrunched together in discomfort. Getou kept biting while continuing to push his thumb into you. You were almost there. He just wanted to hear your voice. The last thing he wanted to do was..
His mouth was no longer attached to your thigh and he felt a cool breeze on his thumb. You were looking at him again, eyes wide open. You looked like a frightened deer. Big eyes glittering with tears that threatened to spill with one blink. Your lip quivered as you opened your mouth. Getou sat up, watching you intently. 
Your voice barely came out above a whisper. It was shaky and breathy. “Pl…Please…stop. Hurts.” 
Getou stared silently before chuckling softly to himself. He pushed a few strands of hair out of his face, an unsettlingly soft smile spreading across his face. He inched closer to you, stopping mere inches from your face.  You looked away, eyes averted towards the ceiling to keep yourself from crying.. He gently pulled your chin back in his direction, stroking your bottom lip with his bloodied thumb before kissing you. 
“There’s my girl,” he breathed. He placed kisses along your jaw and into the crook of your neck, whispering sweet words into your skin with each one. You took a shaky breath, closing your eyes tight as he slowly ran his hands up your sides and under your gown. “Please…,” you whispered, warm tears beginning to stream down your face. Getou shushed you, placing a kiss to your wet cheek. He looked at you with the same kind and tender eyes he had when you came to visit him in his shop. The same eyes that lured you here. And you couldn’t help but sob
“You know I’ll never hurt you. I take care of all of my girls.”
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© 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 hvly 2023. 𝘋𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧y.
— ⋆。˚。⋆ 。˚ 𓆩𖥔𓆪 ˚。⋆。˚。⋆ —
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manicpixiefelix · 3 months
*crashes my imaginary car into your inbox*
I know this is a major shift in established dynamics but hear me out!!!
What if Oliver's tales about his home life were actually true, worse even so he ended up an orphan? He gets adopted by Reader's parents for the optics mainly because it makes them look good and they figure it'll provide their heir with a companion.
So they become this peculiar little duo, both very observant of the world and people around them. Ollie is a stranger to this world of the ultra rich and endures etiquette classes.
Oliver Quick becomes Oliver L/N, the boy uplifted from squalor by the heroic family *eye roll*
Reader is fiercely protective of their brother and will ruin anyone that insinuates he's not ~really~ family
I know we've never really discussed the ancestral home of Reader but I imagine it is every bit as grand and impressive as Saltburn. Ollie's favorite room is definitely the massive library.
Of course your parents love the optics of it all.
You're six when they adopt Oliver, and he's five; this mousy little thing who doesn't smile often and barely speaks and can't look you in the eyes. He shys away from your overbearing, performative parents, but you seem to be able to see how overwhelmed he's getting. There's no words in your first interaction, only gestures, taking and keeping Oliver's focus as best you can to ground him in the moment; you teach him a simple game, and he returns the favour. Not a word between you two. By the end of the visit, you realise the adults have gone quiet; your parents and Oliver's case worker are just watching you both, marvelling. As you're looking away, Oliver himself finally steps towards you, taking your hand carefully and half hiding himself from them behind you, as if already deciding to trust you. You and Oliver had begun the day as strangers, and ended as siblings.
Your parents love to tell anyone who will listen about how when you first met Oliver you 'practically fixed yourself to his side and haven't moved since'. You look like the perfect family in photos, and the press is quick to forget how little research your parents did on the last charity they very publicly supported, and it's less than ideal history. Oliver learns to smile on command the way you feel like you've always known, but at least they don't make the two of you seperate in these moments.
Oliver says your house is like a fairy tale. At first he sticks close by you, overwhelmed by it all, but as the days turn to weeks and then months, you start to lose him as he goes exploring amongst the estate's many rooms and corridors. No-one knows the old house better then you, but Oliver is a close second; Nan says Mother used to scurry around just like you did, used to know every trick the old house had, but that was a lifetime ago.
Mother's study locks from the inside and Father works long hours in the city, so it's up to you to help Oliver settle in with the nannys and the tutors and the rest of the staff. Your parents like to buck tradition, so they're not precious enough to hire anyone to teach Oliver the etiquette that usually comes with wealth and a house like this, so long as he was polite and respectful and sweet faced in public, they couldn't care less which fork he used for salad. Honestly adults at events found his lack of grace and understanding of their unspoken rules charming in its sincerity. You, however, know that their condescending adoration grates on your brother's nerves as they talk to him like he was some kind of pet.
On the weekends Nan comes over, and it's clear that Oliver likes her the best of all the adults in your lives. Like you she doesn't pressure him to talk, always taking his silence in stride, but also taking the time and putting in the effort to understand him when he does try and communicate, however that may be.
In public - not that you're in public a lot - you and Oliver tend to cling to each other. As you grow older, even as you stop physically holding on to each other, you barely seem to stray from each other's shadow. Of the two of you, Oliver still is the far more reserved one, happy to let you do the talking most of the time, often only sharing his thoughts as quiet asides to you alone.
Considering your parents had no choice but to publicly acknowledge you in this universe, you and Oliver very much grow up in the public eye. The strange, observant duo who seemed to have the uncanny ability to wrap rooms full of adults, the upper echelons of society, around their little fingers, grow into beautiful and bitchy socialites.
Considering you're both getting privately tutored instead of going to a proper school, most of your time is spent travelling and attending events. Following the various Fashion Weeks around the world is a yearly tradition since you were teens, you go to concerts and film festivals and galas, always together, always inseperable. Or at least, inseperable when being seen by people who might matter. Oliver's confidence grows, he's far more open and even talkative in public than when he was a kid, but there's comfort in your established dynamic too. It returns most often at formal events, with Oliver half a step behind you, murmuring his commentary and amusing aside to you throughout the night.
A few of the independent tabloids your family didn't own print unsavoury rumours about your closeness, but those get pulled from news stands within the day, and a few threats of defamation lawsuits make them think twice before printing those kinds of articles again.
Everyone in the Western world knows who you both are, or has at least heard of you. But thankfully it's been years since anyone had tried to tie Oliver back to the Poor Orphan Boy he was when he'd first been adopted. By the time you both get to Oxford, he's been your brother for so long that it's like the world has thankfully forgotten that it's not by blood.
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seth-shitposts · 4 months
Random defectors bits that have crossed our mind the past few days:
Ezra [17]: Ally, would you still love me if I were a worm??
Kallus: yes. My answer has not changed in eight years.
Ezra: just checking :]
Ezra, 7 y/o and just opening up to Kallus: how old are you????
Kallus, internally: [I could tell him what my forged papers say. But I don't want to start this off with lies. He's just starting to trust me.]
Kallus: I am 23.
Ezra: *immediately brings his palms up/looks down at his hands to count*
Kallus: ???
Ezra: you were 16 when I was born!
Kallus, thinking that this is the most adorable thing he's ever seen: I was.
Ezra: I thought that Tua said you were closer to her age?
Kallus: because that's what my file says. It's a secret.
Ezra: a secret? Why?
Kallus: because I had to lie to be allowed to enlist on the academy on coruscant.
Ezra: so everyone thinks you're older than you actually are?
Kallus: most of them. It was harder to keep a secret when I was younger, but as the years go on its less noticeable.
Kallus consistently reassuring Ezra, encouraging him. He tells him how great he's doing at something, how quick he learns, how clever he is, highlights his strengths, and soothes his insecurities.
It all encourages Ezra to do more, to be more confident and comfortable. Ezra looks forward to showing Kallus all the things he does, telling him about what he did.
Sometimes it's Ezra seeking Kallus out when he's unsure or feeling dread. Kallus is always so gentle with him and kind. Warm and soft; safe.
Morad, near the beginning of getting to know Kallus and trying to figure out how much he can trust him: I've noticed a few things and was wondering if I could ask you a question?
Kallus, finishing up a case before putting the tablet away to continue watching Ezra run and play in the Sumar fields: most certainly, Mr. Sumar.
Morad: you aren't the most patient person and I've heard how you temper can grow shorter.
Kallus: something I'm working on yes, but I assure you, at no point will Ezra be receiving such from me.
Morad: that's what I wanted to ask about. I've also seen how you put much more effort and intention into keeping calm and level headed with Ezra. And I know for quite a few months he wasn't making that easy.
Kallus: Ezra’s entire world as he knew it got turned around and he is only seven. Angry outbursts are the least of what's to be expected.
Morad: even still, some of the best people I know don't always have that type of control over their anger or patience.
Kallus: When I was around Ezra's age, i... *pauses to gage how much he's going to share* was a very difficult child in a difficult situation. I didn't trust anyone and most people had no sympathy for me.
Morad: so you're trying to be who you didn't have?
Kallus: I'm trying to be the one person I did have. There was this miralukan chef from a few levels up. They made consistent efforts to try and gain my trust.
-Morad realizes that Kallus was most probably from the lower levels of coruscant rather than the upper crust.
Kallus: I can't tell you how many times I lashed out at them and fled. I thought they were going to hurt me. But. They kept trying.
-Morad pieces together that Kallus grew up on the streets, but unlike Ephraim, most people weren't kind to him.
Kallus: and eventually, I did trust them enough to accept the food and clothing they brought me. I would follow them sometimes to see where they were going, where they came from. I sought them out and they would help me.
Kallus: it didn't take long after that, they took me in but I was still so temperamental. I still lashed out. But they always kept patient. They never lashed back at me.
Kallus: in fact, it stuck out to me that they never turned their anger to me, their impatience. I've seen them get angry at other people. Yell at them, scream at them, even have physical altercations. But...
Morad: they made it a point to be patient and gentle with you.
Kallus: Yeah. And for the longest time I thought they were just being the kindest person in the universe. But when I met Ezra, it struck me just how young I had been when I was in such a position.
Morad: kids have a way of realigning how you perceive things.
Kallus: that they do.
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spacedlexi · 4 months
I am madly in love with your artstyle and its been a big big inspiration for me as of late. Also, what are your thoughts on Jane and Bonnie? Do you like them or not
AAA thank you so much thats so flattering to hear 🥺💕!!
my feelings on jane and bonnie are nuanced just like my opinion on many of twdg characters. but i love twdg for all its messy fucked up characters :) its fun :) so while i dont hate either of them they definitely still do things that piss me off
in janes case, i think her mentorship/sisterhood with clem came more from her guilt about her sister than actually wanting to have this 11 year old around. so while she would teach clem important survival skills, she was also always quick to leave or act selfishly (clems "i thought you believed in me 🥺" always makes me sad). and this is just solidified by her actions in her S3 flashbacks. i do think she TRIES to work with the group, but she just gets in her own way and is never able to fully integrate, especially since the S2 cast is a fucked up mess in and of itself so its understandable. her actions at the end of S2 are born of pure selfishness, leaving a newborn infant in a random freezing vehicle so she could "show clem what kenny was really like" when clem is WELL AWARE of the thread this madman is hanging on to (having already faced the brunt of his frustrations MULTIPLE times at this point, and is desperate not to lose anyone else). she wanted a fight and she got one. i think maybe she told herself it was about saving clem, but honestly i dont think that was really ever her goal. again i just think a lot of her motivation comes out of the guilt of leaving her sister behind, so she saw clem as a second chance to make things right. but depending on clems actions, she can end up on her own without either of them, and jane can be the sister left behind to die. its interesting to see clem kinda pick up janes personality in the first half of S3 now that shes also at a point where she has no one and trusts no one, and is deep down lonely and longing for community. the difference is clem is not selfish (while still caring about self preservation), and actually likes being able to help people when she can. shes more so just afraid of caring for people again to protect herself from what she sees is the inevitable pain of losing them, as opposed to janes "theyre all just gonna bring you down so you should be on your own instead" outlook. but i definitely saw jane (and luke) as a bigger mentor/big sister(/brother) figure to clem than kenny was to her. jane actually taught her how to take care of herself. kenny was just someone from her past she didnt want to let go of
in bonnies case, she can be really horrible to clem if she listened to luke and stayed back instead of trying to grab him, so i'll literally try to save luke just so i dont have to hear it 😭 but also i like the convo her and clem have on the steps if you tried to save him. its an important character moment for clem, being asked what SHE wants instead of what the people around her want, and that she should start thinking about that, which is formative to the decision she makes (or fails to make) at the rest stop. the way bonnie is initially dismissive of carvers behavior i think is supposed to mirror the way clem can be dismissive of kennys behavior after leaving howes. will they come to see the man they once respected is becoming someone unstable? (i used to be in the "kenny might be going crazy but he'd never hurt clem" camp UNTIL i picked the "lee shouldnt have tried to save me 😔" option in the car and kenny threatened to smack her for it AFTER giving it a moment of hesitation so he KNEW what he was saying there. my jaw was dropped. but kenny is just another interesting flawed character in a game of interesting flawed characters (although they Heavily backtracked on the kenny/carver parallels in the S3 flashbacks. you can make the argument hes happier now but idk he cant come back from the threat for me he MEANT that)). bonnie leaving with mike is fucked but understandable, and she can show real concern after clem gets shot before getting chased off by kenny. i hope her and mike are still out there somewhere i dont hate either of them, even tho it was horrible of them to steal ALL of their supplies when they knew they were leaving TWO children behind. like cmon. but overall i liked bonnie :) shes a bit of a mess but i like her for it
in the end i am a twdg woman character forgiver :) i do love all the fucked up ladies its refreshing let them do dumb shit and make mistakes!!! i love mess :)
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[DRV3 Postgame AU Masterpost]
Sorry it's taking me a bit to answer asks, I read every one and cherish them -! I'd figured I'd doodle a bit in the answers, but then ah. This one changed course from 'whats up with shuichi' to 'actually we're overdue for exposition'.
Oh, backstory?
Since Class 79 is at Hope's Peak For Real in this AU, Danganronpa can't very well be like canon. Our solution: infighting, sabotage, and plenty of Drama! Discussion under the cut.
I'd call it a non-Despair AU; the world's not over, and I'm currently thinking V3 is the only killing game at this point in the timeline, catalyzed by good old-fashioned envy (and, truthfully, indignation that strangers get to live out your fantasy while you and your friends are stuck in the building next door... the nerve!) Our mastermind isn't exactly a master hacker, but she's also not working alone. This Team Danganronpa isn't trying to physically harm anyone, but showing off their collective capacity to coordinate and maintain a takeover like this is bound to catch the administrator's eye. All press is good press, and there's a lot (of investor funding, mostly) riding on stories of TAPP's success, so HPA is incentivized to intervene ASAP. The team did not account for the aftershocks of making their peers virtually kill each other. Rantaro is having memory issues, Miu has to catch her breath (to her chagrin), Kiibo doesn't have a body, Kokichi has his cane... and that's just the beginning.
TAPP is kind of like "what if instead of synthetically pouring all of the talents into just the one dude, we experimented on some charity cases to see if we can just artificially build an Ultimate from the ground-up". The tech in the flashback-lights is definitely at play here, though HPA proper wasn't planning on a full memory wipe/personality override (but kept the theoretical capability in their back pocket in case things went south as Advanced Gaslighting) but uh. A bunch of highschoolers took hold of the controls, which is how you get a bunch of kids that sound like characters. They still are.
In this case, Team DR is like at least 3 at most 10 disgruntled teens in the Reserve Course tired of being overlooked. More looking for mischief than harm, but hey, if they can convince the interlopers being Ultimates isn't worth it and they should leave the school after all this and free up the floorspace? They won't argue. One of the things that strikes me about DR as a series is how its internal logic is less concerned with logistics than matching the emotional weight of what it can be like to be growing up and going through high school, so I'm trying to lean in that direction. I'm not completely sure what all this means for the THH and SDR2 crews, precisely, but we'll cross/burn that bridge when we get to it I guess!
This comic taught me a lot of new tools and techniques, hence it feels to me like it took forever but I am super stubborn and couldn't work on something else until the script in my head was actualized, which turned into 'the whole thing being done'.
There's a lot of easter eggs and little jokes in the first page in particular, should you seek them! Consider this another 'cut' in case you want to try and read the Small Handwriting on Rantaro and Miu's desks for yourself.
I already brought up some of them in the WIP so I'll try not to repeat too much and just link here
Kokichi could join the toast, but doesn't (and yet he still sits with everyone). Kiibo doesn't drink anything at all but does want to be in the toast, so he gets a bluetooth speaker. Surely he will blast some vocaloid shortly.
That's Kaito's notebook Kichi is doodling in; Kaito draws a bunch of stars, and I tried to sort-of-almost emulate the drawing on Kichis whiteboard and also get across that it lacks line confidence (sketch over and over the same lines) and he keeps creasing the paper because post-press it doesn't take much activity for his hands to hurt. Also kinda wanted to imply that Kaito not only knows Ouma has his notebook, but probably gave it to him because he's learned it's inevitable Kichi will tease him and draw in it and at least being upfront about it he won't manage to hurt himself trying to steal it (phantom thief or not!) Kokichi's pride is a little hurt at first, but it becomes another of their small routines they don't acknowledge out loud that nevertheless are a kind of familiar comfort for both of them.
Space debris at terminal velocity is no joke man even a paint chip won't just crack your helmet (which you'd only survive via cartoon logic and presumably-magic duct tape) but easily crack your skull at least. I did a project on it in high school once, I should really look for it tbh
Rantaro’s To Do
Set up weekly meeting
Check what is up w/ Kiyo
Make sure Kichi goes to therapy this week
Call Rillianne
Rantaro’s Reminders
Blue: Class
Red: Study
Cyan: ‘Council (or w/e)’
Green: ‘Travel Nerd Time >:P’
Purple: ‘Hang out w/ me ~!’
Orange: Group Project
Yellow: ‘Call ur family this week, srsly’
Miu’s Notes (“Polygraph Improvements”)
Before install into K1-B0’s new body, improve algorithm for fig. (figurative) speech.
Consult Ishimaru?
- Gonta can get in contact
I really did make some actual charts based on data from the character bios comparing things like height, birthdate, etc. vs. victim, killer, or survivor status (tho that is a gantt chart template and not filled in, oop). TL;DR the most interesting one to me is this:
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Where basically when you account for how many students across the games are stated to have each blood type and the proportion of those students in a certain role, things are pretty even (AB has so few students its bars arent really representative of a trend, I just included them anyway) the type Os are disproportionately likely to be killers. For the record, there's one confirmed type O victim, and it's Nagito. I have no idea what this means. But if I am blursed with this knowledge, now you are too!
The code in tsumugis glasses isnt an easter egg bc i was getting tired and frustrated but the pods are roughly (no kiibo shifts things a bit) in class trial configuration, and on the base layer before all the Rest Of The Panel got added you could kind of tell who's who. Not so much anymore, so: Saihara has his hat on, for the record, and Kokichi is on his side while everyone else is on their back. Might even be a little restless, the feeling of underlying unreality playing substitute for some of (only some of, they're still being monitored) the surveillance anxiety. Fun!
And hey, as always, and especially if you've gotten this far: Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
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lightsoutbfb · 5 months
hey everyone! if you're seeing this, then you're probably wondering: what IS Lights Out?
Well, I'm here to answer those questions.
Lights Out is an au of bfb/bfdi/tpot/(whatever other acronyms ya want for the show!). More specifically, of bfb, starting around the time of bfb 3-10.
Lights Out is a horror au that centers around Liy snapping after her elimination, escaping the EXIT, and going totally apeshit.
Lights Out was originally an au that I created back in 2019, and worked on with my old friend for a bit. But we never got anywhere, and he's not really my friend anymore, so I figured I'd just do it myself (with some help from a new friend! Sorry old friend. I won't post your name here in case anyone wants to hate on you for...whatever reasons. People are strange.)
Lights Out is a horror au, and features blood and gore, violence, death, trauma, hallucinations, weapons such as knives, baseball bats, and other creative things she finds ways to use. (And maybe a gun? I dunno.) and psychological horror. If you're a little kid, or you're sensitive to these topics, I don't recommend reading it.
That being said, if you're continuing, you prolly like this kinda stuff. So let's move on!
I plan on making it a fic, but I'd also love to make it into a comic someday. That being said, I don't have the time or art skills to do that right now, or I'd be doing it right away.
Well, I've had this headcanon for Liy for a while, and me and that friend were talking, and we were jokin around and one of us said something or other about this being a good idea for an au. So, voila! Boom!
I...dunno. I mean, she's portrayed as "snapping" in a sense during her actual elimination in bfb, so I guess I just wanted to take it up a notch.
This is just for fun! I always wanted to make it but I kinda forgot about it. I figured it might be fun to revamp it here, especially with a bigger audience than on the other site i was publishing it on. It's not paid, I might not get around to doing it for a long time, and I don't really need anymore help than I'm already getting!
Probably. I mean, unless your fav is Liy then...pretty good chance of it. I won't spoil it, though!
63 to go...
Probably here (on Tumblr) or on AO3. I'm undecided.
I don't know. Could be any time from within a few days to a few months. I'm a tad busy with stuff right now, so I'll get to it eventually.
With that out of the way, here we go!
Also, yes, I moved blogs. This is its own main now! Yippee ☆
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briefmusicbouquet · 2 years
brb thinking about (and lowkey sobbing over) how hawks was THE ideal candidate for the hpsc to pick up and train
like they lucked the hell out by getting the perfect combo of quirk, age, and trauma that worked out perfectly for them
like his quirk: its versatile, and with training, (training they that could provide), it would be very powerful, its fits every category they want to check off
and since he was meant to be nagant's replacement, the whole feathers sharpening to knives (which honestly i doubt he was aware of that part of his quirk at like five years old, so that aspect probably got figured out later and made him ever more perfect for their program??? i know the pres brought out the good alcohol to toast herself that night)
the whole being able to listen, perfect for spy work
but also on the daylight/well known hero aspect of it??
he's got a noticeable, flashy, brandable quirk
he can solve a lot of cases quickly and efficiently
like its not just good for hero work as a whole, but also the "additional" work they trained him into
age: the obvious benefit, hes young and impressionable
hes between five-seven, where hes had his quirk long enough to be familiar with what it could do, but its still new enough that the idea of being able to use it everyday, to be a hero, is still the ideal career, like a kid who says they're gonna be a vet because they want to hang out with cute animals all day (and they haven't realized it means seeing the animals you love in pain)
plus he hasnt had his quirk for too long, so any bad or "not efficient" habits can be broken up easier than if he'd had them for five years
hes the perfect age where his quirk is fresh and malleable and able to be molded into whatever they need but not too young where he physically cannot control it
and now (the longest part, sorry yall, a lot of this is me speculating and rambling)
the trauma
look man this guys childhood primed him to fit exactly into what the hpsc wanted, because everything he lacked from his parents the hspc could provide, and he also internalized a ton of shit that affected his perception of himself that lined up perfectly with the hero that the hpsc wanted to mold him into
cause like look
takami keigo, a little kid, completely isolated from the world, with his only social interaction between him and his parents
and his parents either a) neglect him (mom) or b) physically and verbally abuse him (dad)
his only social interactions at a pretty important period for social development and developing a sense of self tells him that he's either: not worth attention or that his existence is a burden to people around him and he's not useful enough to outweigh that burden (that last one comes more into play later)
my overall summary of five year old keigo's view of himself is along the lines of: just existing causes pain to people around me (his dad yelling about how keigo being so recognizable is why he's stuck here) and at best i can hope for no effect on others (when they ignore him)
he literally can't comprehend making the people around him happy because it's never happened before
WHICH IS WHY "the hero show" on tv APPEALS SO MUCH TO HIM beyond like being entertaining and being an escape from his life and the general costumes and action being appealing to children
because heroics is a job where at it's most ideal, positive form, revolves entirely around helping people and saving them
so heroes have a positive affect on the world and people around them, and keigo wants that, he wants to have a positive effect on the people around him
but at the same time he knows the hero show doesn't actually exist so the idea of him being able to have a positive effect on the world isn't possible either, but hey, it's nice to dream
but then endeavor is actually real
and like beyond his dad who treated him badly getting arrested, and endeavor actually existing and being there in person, omg his favorite show is real (which anyone would get excited about)
it's also proof that being a hero is real
and by extension, it's possible for keigo to become a hero
which means that it's actually possible for keigo to have a positive impact on the world and people around him
which is why finding out that heroes exist has such an impact on him
and now, going back to the whole "he's not useful enough to outweigh the burden of dealing with him" mindset
his dad, the sole provider for the family, is gone
his mom cant provide for them or even just herself
and she's relying on him, the literal five-to-seven year old to make sure they don't die
and keigo knows that his existence is already a burden on his parents, but also now that he knows a positive effect is actually possible, that also means there's like hope that if he does provide for him and his mom well enough, then he would have a positive effect on her
so he's trying his best, he's trying his bets to emulate the heroes he looks up to, but it's still not enough for her
and then the line "why do you even have those wings?"
which further emphasizes the idea that that his quirk is the only relevant part of him
because it was his quirk that made him recognizable and connected him to his father
and now he's relying on using said quirk to get enough food and supplies so he and his mom don't die
leading to the idea that his quirk is the only useful/positive thing about him, if he uses it right
and it's only with his quirk that he'll ever be able to have a positive effect on things
but still, how he is right now, even though he's trying, he's still not good with his quirk to outweigh his inherent 'badness" and have a positive effect
and then crash happens
and the hpsc notice,,,this kid
this traumatized kid that's been neglected (emotionally and physically) his whole life, who has a desire to be useful/have some sort of positive effect on the world (like his hero, endeavor), and only views his worth in the context of his quirk, with a single mother who can't provide for him or herself
keigo (and subsequently hawks being a hero later) was the hpsc president's winning lottery number
there's no reason for him or his mom to say no to the deal
the hpsc can provide everything he lacks (physically and emotionally- although i doubt any emotional stuff went beyond the minimum making sure he's a passably adjusted and socialized member of society), which then makes him financially and emotionally attached to them
AND the idea that he doesn't have worth without his quirk? its fucking perfect, as both a motivator to train his quirk, not object to tough or unethical training, the better he gets at using his quirk the more useful his is, and it's also another way that he's attached to them and less likely to ever go rogue
because he doesn't value himself, he doesn't view himself as a person with intrinsic worth because his worth is based around his quirk and it's usefulness, so when he's treated badly, he won't care because why would he care about himself beyond how this would affect his quirk and performance
and granted that approach only worked for so long with nagant, but the thing that prevents him from becoming another nagant is:
keigo's need to have a positive effect on people
and combined with his age, that thought can very easily get molded into a "for the greater good" mindset
because sure, he might have to do something unpleasant, but if he can justify it, if he knows that the end result has a net positive effect (or at least what he's been taught is a net positive effect), then why wouldn't he do the unsavory thing? why shouldn't he corrupt himself for the greater good?
it'll help, it'll save more lives, it'll have a positive effect
his morals and feelings towards his actions don't matter, because hawks on his own does not matter
what matters is the effect he has on the world around him, and how he can use himself and his quirk to get the best effect
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calliope-nash · 2 months
The Little Nash: Buddie's Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Callie: So, guess who is back in my life.
Dazja: I thought he lived in Texas. When did he move and why is he a firefighter. Not that I am complaining about that. Wait, are you going to connect both books?
Callie: I think so. Plus, it would make life easier for me. Though Eddie found out I wrote some spicy scenes, and he wasn’t happy. But that other guy who I was thinking about making the other love interest, seemed to calm Eddie down. He is totally cool with a love interest. 
Dazja: Just be careful. Don’t get feelings like you did last time.
After that I didn’t respond to her. Eddie had been someone I was close to, but feelings were something I never accounted for. I was normally good at keeping myself at arm’s length from those I was working with. Eddie just broke through so many walls I held up, but I couldn't start anything. Luckily at the time he was married, and I didn’t worry about that. Now I have no idea if those feelings will return or if Buck will be the new person they will go too. I pray for neither or hell even both. 
I got up for the day and started to look for my old files on Eddie. I made it a mission to learn everything I can about the people I write about to make it seem more real and less like interviews. It helped to humanize some of the soldiers who didn’t have much of a personality except that they needed to protect others. 
I found the file I was looking for, the one about his wife Shannon. I figured that I needed to update the file seeing as if Eddie was in LA, she was too. I looked up her name and LA in a search bar. What I learned saddened me. She died. Eddie must have been devastated. I decided to look up the case file from her death. I needed to get access to that. 
As if someone knew I was doing research, there was a knock on my door. Okay no one knew where I lived yet. But when I opened the door, there was my brother and a woman I wasn’t sure who she was. I let them in and asked if they wanted anything.
“Callie, this is my wife, Athena.”
“You got married again?”
Bobby only nodded. I didn’t waste anytime and hugged her and welcomed her to our weird ass family. She seemed surprised by how okay I was with them not inviting me to the wedding. I had no issue with it mostly because I was too busy writing my novel at the time I wasn’t really talking to anyone except my editor.
Bobby promised that the three of us would get together and have dinner. I agreed as long as he didn’t mind, I used it as an interview for my new book. Athena looked at me with confusion. I told her about my new idea and how the two male love interests were going to be based on Buck and Eddie. Which was the first Bobby heard about.
“My book, my rules. Besides, Buck already agreed, and Eddie has given me permission to use his likeness and or his personality in any novel I write.”
Athena just gave Bobby a look, which I read as ‘your sister is sassy, and I like her.’.  I high fived her for her support. We all sat down to have some breakfast before Bobby’s shift started. As we ate, I was glad to have a sister-in-law who didn’t take any of Bobby’s shit. At one point Bobby went to the restroom and I got a chance to talk to Athena alone.
“How the hell did my brother get to be with an amazing woman? Like seriously, he has no game at all, and the man has some fucking issues.”
“It just happened. We decided to give it a shot after an interesting call about a man on a motorcycle. Besides that, everything about us has been good. Your brother is a good man who has been through hell and back.”
“I know he is. He just worries about me sometimes. We didn’t talk for a long time after I left to work as a journalist who wrote about overseas missions. That’s how I know Eddie. I was embedded with his team on his last tour.”
“Bobby told me about that. I read some of your articles from your time there. You never used anyone’s name. Why?”
“Its their story to tell, if they want to put their name on it that’s not my decision to make.”
Before I could say anything else, Bobby came back. I told her we would talk later. Athena just laughed. Bobby told me that if I planned on going in today, that I should get ready before he left and he would drive me to the firehouse. I told him to just go on without me. I had to do something first. Athena asked what I needed to do. Grabbing my laptop, I showed them my google search about Shannon. Bobby was the first to speak up. He told me not to talk about her around Eddie. Like I was planning on bringing more trauma to his life than he has already been through. 
After talking to them about what I needed to know about Shannon’s death, I was glad I never mentioned that Diego, the character based on Eddie, had a wife. I had written about a son, but never a wife. Which I can easily explain in this new book. My heart broke for Eddie, he was a good man who had more love to give than he was given. The few times I talked to Shannon without Eddie’s knowledge; I hated her. Though I understood what she was the way she was about Christopher. She had no clue what it was like to have a child with a disability.
I walked the two of them out. Before I could get dressed, I started crying. Eddie needed someone in his life who could be not only his rock but also good with Christopher. Though I knew that crying for a man who didn’t want to talk to me right now was pathetic, I cared about him. I got myself composed and got ready to be in interview mode.
Getting to the fire house wasn’t that hard, but getting out of my car was. Just as I was going to open my door, I saw Eddie’s truck. Taking a few deep breaths, I opened my door and walked toward him. 
“Okay I deserve that. Listen, I promise I never meant to keep those scenes from you. It just never felt like the right time to bring them up. After everything that happened to us in Afghanistan, I figured that you didn’t want to talk about anything relating to your time there. I promise to try and make this up to you. The first step for that is informing you that the next book will be a sequel which makes the series into a why choose romance. Diego will still be there, but Stella, the female lead, will have another male who takes interest in her. He will be based on Buck.”
“WHAT?! First you write scenes with basically you and me. Now its going to be you and Buck?”
Before I could explain anything, Eddie walked away, leaving me standing there like an idiot. Slowly, I walked to the lobby to check in with Bobby. Almost immediately he knew something was wrong. I just shook my head and told him to drop it. As I started setting up in one of the spare offices, Buck entered. He looked like he wanted to apologize for something.
“Eddie’s response to what the plans are for my novels are valid for him. Though he didn’t let me explain that it wasn’t just scenes that he thinks I am going to write. The character that is going to be based on you will be having some sex scenes that are with my female lead. Eddie thinks it means something more than it is.”
Buck tried to help me understand where Eddie was coming from. Though I suspect it has more to do with not wanting his teammate in a foul mood at a scene. I thanked him for listening and asked when we could do our first interview session. The word session messed with Buck a little. He seemed annoyed by it. I just laughed at his face.
“Guessing you don’t like the thought of therapy? That is kind of what interviews are though. At least in my experience.”
“Just don’t want people to see me in the wrong light.”
“Buck, the interview is just for me. Its to help me pick details for your character. I might even show you the first one I did with Eddie some day. With his permission of course. Consent is sexy.”
My final sentence made Buck laugh. We talked for a bit and got to work on scheduling his first interview. Learning about Buck was nice. He had a good heart and I was hoping to reflect it in the novel. The bell rang and they all went out. Eddie was the man behind for the first half of the shift. Which was just fantastic. 
I distanced myself from him and started working on an outline for the story. We weren’t going to be talking anytime soon with his attitude the way it was, but I still held hope that he would let me explain. 
Around lunch, once the team had returned, Bobby made burgers. He asked me and Buck to help make some sides. I worked on making fries, regular and sweet potato ones, while Buck made macaroni and potato salads. 
“Why do people eat those? Mayonnaise is disgusting except in a few circumstances.”
“You don’t like mayonnaise? How are you Bobby’s sister?”
“You have no idea how many times I was asked that growing up. Minnesota is brutal when it comes to their salads. Though I think it has something to do with my mom being from Oregon. She was a character.”
Buck grabbed the salads as we walked to the table. He apologized if talking about my mother was difficult. Shrugging was my response. It wasn't hard to talk about her, it was more living with the memories of her and the ones i won't be able to share with her.
We got the table all set up just as Bobby finished the last of the burgers. I waited until everyone else had gotten their food before getting mine. Figuring I wasn't welcome to sit with the 118 family, I started to walk back to the office I was set up in. 
Bobby asked me where I was heading. Gesturing to the office, he told me to sit down. Buck waved me over and I sat next to him. Eddie was on his other side. I thanked whichever god was watching over that Buck didn’t make me sit between the two of them. Lunch was a nice change of pace. Howard, who told me to call him Chim or Chimney, asked what the plans were for my time here.
“Well, once I have enough information from all of you guys, I'll probably leave until the book is done. No distractions. Though that is just the plan as of right now.”
“You'll leave like always” Eddie’s voice held a venom i wasn't surprised by.
“Edmundo, do we need to have a private conversation now, or wait until we schedule a time for an interview?”
“You are going to interview me again?”
“Yes, you have changed. Why wouldn't I want to know what has changed and what is the same.”
My comment shuts Eddie up for the time being. Buck lightly squeezes my hand under the table. The gesture was welcomed, but surprising. I tried to ignore the looks Bobby and Buck were giving me. But Bobby was the one I was more worried about. He never wanted me to date a firefighter. 
I stopped talking after my staring contest with my brother. There was nothing worse than when Bobby got over protective. Especially after what happened in Minnesota. 
After lunch, I went back to the office I was set up in, to work on setting up a schedule for who is doing interviews when as well as when I wouldl be shadowing the team to better understand what they do on calls. Bobby used to try and tell me, but I was bored most of the time. Never felt the need to know. 
After roughly twenty minutes, Athena came to the door. She informed me that Bobby had asked her to check on me. Rolling my eyes, I shook my head.
“He wants to know what Eddie meant at lunch. I don’t want to talk about it. Besides, Eddie can’t say anything about my leaving when he was the one to… Nevermind, it’s in the past.”
“Eddie lead you on?”
“No, I got romantically invested, and I needed space. I think he thought I wanted to leave before their mission was finished. Which was not the case at all. The longer I was with them, the harder it was going to be for me to leave. Honestly I would have gone to Texas with him.”
Athena understood what I was impling with my confession. “Have you ever told him?”
I shook my head. He was married and I wasn’t going to be a homewrecker. Looking back now, Eddie always asking me about my personal life just as much as I was asking about his. Before I could tell her anything else, Buck walked in. I realize everyone was back. I thank Athena for listening. She gave Buck a pat on the shoulder as she left. 
“I don’t want to talk about it. Eddie and I are a complicated friendship.”
“Good, because I asked Bobby a question. Now I am going to ask you one.”
“Have dinner with me tonight?”
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rainbowbeanart · 1 month
I'm gonna rant about something that sucks because its late and I can't stop stressing about it.
I have type 1 diabetes. I was diagnosed at 9 years old. There is currently a nationwide shortage of insulin. I have been dealing with this personally for a few months now.
This is a shortened list of the bullshit I have been dealing with. Keep in mind every time I say there was a phone call, I had to call minimum 3 times and talk to 3 different people for anyone to figure out their shit.
A few months ago i had to FIGHT with my pharmacy because I had a script available until August for insulin and they insisted I didn't. I asked my doctor to send over a new script because they just couldn't fucking find it and a few days later that was through. I can get my insulin now right???
Then there was an issue with insurance. I'm on government insurance. My doctor prescribed ✨️name brand✨️ insulin and insurance said NO and completely denied my prescription. Call insurance and they say "you need to take the generic (Insulin Aspart) for a trial period until its proven it doesn't work" so days later (again) I finally have a script to fill. I can get my insulin now....RIGHT???
Its been over a week at this point. I was trying to get ahead of the game but my supplies is dwindling and i desperately need to pick up my insulin. Pharmacy says they are on backorder and won't have insulin for at least a week OR drive an hour to a completely different town. So i drove an hour and I finally got my insulin.
Next month, I call a few days in advance. Insulin is still on back order and won't be available for 2 weeks OR I can drive an hour to another different town and pick up half a months worth because that's all anyone in my whole fucking state even has???? So I drive an hour (AGAIN) and set a reminder in my phone to call over a week in advance to see if insulin is still on backorder.
Surprise! Now we are to this month and I called WELL OVER A WEEK IN ADVANCE. Insulin is still on back order and won't be available until END OF MAY. So I set up an amazon account and ask them to transfer the script. My doctor calls me a couple of days later to make sure I'm not getting scammed and want my script sent to a different pharmacy. I confirm and say I haven't been able to access my insulin from my current pharmacy. Please send the script.
Amazon lets me know a couple days ago they weren't able to contact either my provider or my pharmacy and I should try having my doctor just send a new prescription. So i call my doctor and I leave a voicemail with the nurse (because not even ONCE has she EVER picked up the fucking phone and she's a bitch and doesn't do her job and I hate her) and nothing happens. I call after hours today and am surprised to learn there is a doctor on call after hours for emergencies. The person I spoke to was very nice and said she'd mark it urgent for me and to keep my phone on me because I might get a call back from the on call doctor. I did not recieve a call back and as far as amazon is concerned I still don't have a script.
I'm okay right now. I still have two vials of insulin on hand (which lasts me about 10ish days) and I'm gonna call my doctor again tomorrow and keep fighting until someone does what I need.
But on top of all of this, not knowing if I'm gonna get another month of supplies every fucking time, I have looked at my backup options and I literally do not have any.
Eli Lilly does not allow you to sign up for their affordable insulin program if you are on government insurance.
My doctor does not have "sample vials" because of the shortage (and it would last me 6 days MAXIMUM)
And there is a specific law called "Kevin's Law" after a guy who died unable to contact his provider for a refill that allows pharmacies to do an emergency 72 hour worth fill in the case that a doctor cannot be contacted. Here's the kicker. It's active in my state! But it doesn't apply to vialed insulin because the amounts in them are predetermined and they can't take out the appropriate doseage and GOD FORBID they give you a little more insulin than you actually need.
Closest thing we've found is an RX coupon that makes a single vial of insulin, five days worth of living, $100. It is an absolutely worse case scenario.
I'm so sick and tired of all of this. My diabetes anniversary was in April. 20 years. I did not celebrate it. I don't feel like there is anything to celebrate right now.
Thanks for reading.
EDIT: Nurse finally got back to me today after a 3rd call to claim she had already sent the script on the 25th and was gonna call amazon to see what was happening. Not even a MINUTE later I get a text that amazon has it now. If you don't remember from above, I fucking hate this nurse and I guarentee she lies to my face constantly. Anyway, amazon is also out of stock, so I get to call back tomorrow and have it sent to my old pharmacy again just to see if I can make a 1-2 hour trip out of town just to get 1 or 2 vials. Wish me luck 🙃
EDIT 2: Just for anyone who finds this in the future, things are better! I got switched and approved for one of the only insulins that isnt on shortage right now, so I'm not currently struggling to access my insulin. Can only hope things stay good 🤞
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tarnishedinquirer · 3 months
Case: The Stormfoot Catacombs
From the Church of Elleh I spotted a strange figure on a nearby hill
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When I got closer, I realized it was just a freaky statue. But when I touched it, it started projecting a light in a straight line.
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Pulling out my trusty telescope, courtesy of Kalé, I was able to spot a small door in the nearby cliff.
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When I got closer, I found a bunch of nobles digging around near what I at first identified as gravestones. Closer examination made me doubt that. I noticed the weird way they stacked on top of each other. Made me think of crystals, how they make regular shapes but the shapes just pile up. Couldn't read the runes, but I did notice that only the "carved" rocks have this golden lichen on them. I can't imagine anyone actually carving these shapes, so I'm just gonna chalk this up to "one of those things."
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At any rate, I found the door and went into the catacombs, only to be greeted by a ghost in a chair.
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He told me that true death means returning to the roots of the Erdtree, and I shouldn't be so hasty. Now, ghosts this thin aren't typically good conversationalists. They generally have one thing only to say, so anyone who walked into this catacomb might get the same lecture.
On closer examination though, I noticed the ghost was one of the long-necks. It's hard to make out on its hazy form, but it appeared to have a large block of some kind hanging from its neck. Guess that explains the depressed shoulders and extended neck. Like a garden vegetable growing under a fence post.
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The catacomb itself was crawling with these fucking godsdamn gargoyle imps. They were fast, they were tough, and they hit like a truck. I'm not too proud to say, I died several times and had to retreat several more. They love to attack from weird angles, clinging to walls or lurking around blind corners. I'm more situationally aware than most, and for every ambush I anticipated, I'd miss two and end up in a fight for my life.
In the first room I found a dead noble with some root resin on him, which the voice helpfully informed me came from the roots of the Greattree, which once connected to the Erdtree. So if I interpret that right, whatever roots are down here no longer connect to that big shiny tree outside.
Bit further in, behind a flame trap, I found another noble with a strange toy whistle that sounds like a deep voice saying "hello."
"one of those things"
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Speaking of flame, something occurred to me. I hadn't really thought much about it in the tomb I started in, but coming in here with a torch and seeing the flame from the trap made me realize something's strange about the flame here. Can't say I've ever seen white flame before, and bringing my hand near just made it colder. I couldn't find a way to douse it, otherwise I would've sampled the dark sludge fueling the flame.
Found yet another dead noble, this one clutching a burning butterfly. Not the first time I've found one of them, but the way he clutched it, like it was somehow precious to him. As for me, I was finally able to put Kalé's crafting kit to work and created a fire pot with that strange regenerating jar.
At the top of the catacomb, I found one last dead noble. At least, that's what I thought. Slumped against a large stone sarcophagus, he held in his hands a box of ashes. Ashes of other nobles. I'm really starting to notice a theme here.
Finally, I opened the way into the main chamber of the catacomb. There I found a creature that the voice called a "Burial Watchdog" but looked more like a cross between a cat and a monkey.
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Seemed to be of the same construction as the stone imps, and just as much of a bastard. When it died, I found another spirit ash, this one holding the soul of a noble sorcerer who failed to achieve much at a place called Raya Lucaria academy.
Interesting name. An old name, that tickles the back of my brain. I've heard it before somewhere. Not here, but back in my old life, whatever that was. I'll see if I can jog my memory.
With the guardian dispatched, I got a good look at what it was guarding for the first time
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Gods. I don't know what I was expecting when the spirit said "Erdtree burial" but it certainly wasn't this. Not to be culturally insensitive but how the hell can anyone think this is okay? Add a little fire and this is what I always thought Hell would look like. Maybe it wouldn't look so bad if the roots weren't cut off from the main tree, but as it stands, I had to turn away and retch.
Conclusion: The wandering nobles were searching for a place to die. They found it alright, but not how they hoped. The guardians made easy work of them, and they were ultimately denied even the grotesque burial they were hoping for. Only one of them made it through to the main chamber, where he gained the honor of being burned to ash by the Watchdog. A miserable end no matter how you slice it.
Some lingering questions:
Are all the nobles searching for death?
What's with the pale, cold flame?
What is the Greattree?
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sieglinde-freud · 8 months
but what if the entire lucina gang were sent to fates instead of just 3??
ANON IM SORRY THIS TOOK ME LIKE FIVE YEARS TO GET TO i got the ask and i was like “omg i literally have something in my notes about this i’ll pull it up when i have time” and then i just fucking forgot. sorry. and then i remembered again. and then life started like rapid fire punching me in the face. but im here now im answering it now im so sorry anyways its probably gonna be long and unorganized so cut
okay anyways so i think there’s a lot of different ways you can implement the second gen into fates and firstly my favorite and also the most stupid way to do so and also what i have in my notes is to split em all up between the four nohrian royals. they all get three new retainers from bumfuck nowhere and it makes no sense and it creates the worst dynamics ever. i assigned them like this:
xander: inigo, kjelle, laurent
camilla: severa, noire, yarne
leo: owain, cynthia, nah
elise: gerome, brady, lucina
and then morgans not there bc they throw off the even split but i think in that case, maybe corrin gets both of them? i think thatd be cute. anyways i’d be willing to move any of them like im not that attached to these placements, but i quite like the potential lord retainer dynamics that happen here. kjelle and laurent might seem a bit too similar to xander in terms of stoicism but hear me out. i think raging feminist man hating lesbian kjelle being tossed to work under xander would be fucking hilarious. you know how inigo almost beat xander in that match? guess who’d wipe the floor with him. and then i think laurents like. like laurent is normal passing. but you see he also has the pent up rage of an bullied 13 year old soon to be if not corrected incel and i think having that be explored with xander would be actually fucking hilarious. imagine one day xander is just like “hey laurent can you do something for me?” and laurent, whos been dealing with reeling back in inigo and kjelle (and uh. maybe peri if shes still here i havent thought that part through) and is absolutely sick of everyones bullshit just snaps and goes “NO! NO I FUCKING CANT!” and everyone in nohr just has this feeling of unease. something in the universe just broke.
and then with camilla i was like “well who would she dote on the most” and i picked noire and yarne. i can understand why yarne might be controversial because he is not a cute girl HOWEVER consider that he IS a cute rabbit. very cute. and hes terrified of everything all the time. i think camilla would find that charming and i think he would be terrified of her but also like. extremely devoted?? like i think he’d respect and look up to her a lot. just. just let me do that twenty feet away from you. please (lonqu!yarne????) but also i think theres very motherlike aspect to camilla that i think could eventually break through yarnes anxiety if she just started approaching him a little differently. and also the fact that shes one of nohrs best warriors and would murder anyone who comes close to harming him would probably help feel a little more secure in not dying. like it wouldnt fix him but it might help. and then noire is similar except she IS a cute girl and also i think camilla would be insanely into her talisman persona. make of that what you will i dont know but also going back to camilla as a motherish figure so obviously all of the future kids moms kicked the bucket meaning they all lacked proper mother figures for a good chunk of their lives, but noire never really had a proper mother figure… at all? bc bad timeline tharja was fucking abusive! so i think if she could find some of what she was missing in camilla, whether of not its particularly healthy i dont know but i think if she could that’d set up something interesting between them. theres also the fact that camilla and tharja are slightly similar in their callousness, only that camillas isnt aimed at her allies like tharjas sometimes is. i think that could actually end up being really comforting for noire in an oddly familiar way. healthy? debatable. but… interesting. DO YOU GUYS SEE MY VISION AM I INSANE
and then leo. ok im iffy on these guys like i could move them. but i think cynthia would be a nice retainer for leo to have bc i think they could have a fun “woah youre so cool! like a real hero” “im not the hero you think i am or want me to be” conversation and that wouldnt require cynthia to be his retainer to have but i think it would be nice. im not sure he’d send her on the same missions he sent odin on because shes not cosplaying as the worlds greatest mage (… or is she… no i dont think she’d abandon her pegasus) so theyd get on a lot easier at first. nah is here because i wanted to give leo a break and also i think leo being curious about a manakete thats similar but also not too much similar to corrin would be interesting. idk tho this is my least favorite placement. would be willing to switch.
and then for elise’s new retainers its interesting because shes the only nohr royal who didnt get an awakening kid so. ive given her three new ones. ger bear is here bc i think itd be fucking hilarious. yes, maybe itd make more sense to put him with xander or leo. i dont care though. i want him to bow down to the littlest princess of nohr, nohrs absolute sunshine, blah blah blah. also i think it’d be good for him. dude needs some sunshine. brady i was a little iffy on. i almost placed him with leo and im not sure where i prefer him actually, but i stuck him with elise because i think in some way, elise might, at first glance, remind him a bit of his mother. and kinda like with noire im not sure if its the healthiest way to go about his grief because elise is evidently not maribelle, but i think it could be a fun little arc for him to go through to try and break that image and learn to not project everything he wished maribelle couldve done for him onto elise. bradys a real funky guy i want him to go through some turmoil. and then lucina is here because i love their warriors support conversation and i think lucina being around elise could be so incredibly healing to the part of her that never got a chance to be a kid. and elise is a really fucking smart character yk i think she’d catch on really easily to how much lucina represses and try to bring it out of her. actually this goes for gerome and brady too i think she’d see a lot of her siblings in them and try to bring out as much of their childishness as she can because FUCK!!! these bitches are SAD!!! send help!!
this au is incredibly unrealistic and jambled but i just like thinking about it. i have no idea how this would affect the plot of fates. nohr’s army just gets a huge fucking power boost i guess???? they could probably kill anankos on their own. i believe it. but im quite honestly not all that interested in the giant plot i just like thinking about how the characters might interact and change. the nohrian royals and the awakening gen are just. so insane. and i didnt even bring up the rest of the fates cast (this post is fucking LONG ENOUGH) but i will be thinking. oh yes i will be thinking.
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usergreenpixel · 1 year
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1. The Introduction
Well, hello there, Citizens! Neighbors too, since we have a figure who is interesting for both communities. Welcome back to the convention! Please leave weapons by the door cause you will need them later, take your seats and enjoy tea with tricolor cupcakes!
So, Allison Pataki is an author who will definitely become my nemesis in the future, considering her less than stellar work with this particular book (more on that later). Now, I knew from the ever so blunt (but lovely) @maggiec70 that it would be a bad book with about as much accuracy as your average conspiracy theory, but… BOY WAS I UNPREPARED!
The book turned out to be not bad. Not even mediocre. It’s straight up garbage fit only for wiping one’s ass when toilet paper runs out. Don’t believe me? Well, let’s dive deeper into this mess, shall we?
(By the way, I couldn’t find it online for free due to copyright but owners of Audible accounts can purchase the audiobook or you can pay for an ebook.)
2. The Summary
The book tells a story of Napoleon’s first fiancée, one Desirée Clary. She later would become the wife of Marshal Bernadotte and Queen of Sweden, whose descendants rule the country to this day.
Quite a fascinating story, if you ask me! Also, shoutout to @tairin for introducing me to Bernadotte as a historical figure (she is my guide to the Napoleonic era in general too). And to Maggie for bringing this novel to my attention.
Okay, the premise is interesting and extraordinary, isn’t it? But let’s see what the execution is!
3. The Story
Right off the bat, the story reeks of multiple inaccuracies (in both Frev and Napoleonic departments) worse than roadkill in summer heat. Inaccuracies that range from details (such as getting the year of convents closing wrong) to things that could’ve been avoided with one google search (such as Code Napoleon’s date or the timeline of Joseph’s rule of Naples). Also the usual Thermidorian bullshit with evil Robespierre and MODERATE THERMIDORIANS (because a group that includes war criminals is DEFINITELY MORE MODERATE THAN ROBESPIERRE AND CO, AMIRITE?!)
I know I usually don’t review media based on accuracy, but anyone with any knowledge about the topic (like me) risks getting a severe case of a broken brain from everything wrong in the book. This ended up hurting my immersion into the story because I had the urge to scream at my screen the entire time.
Another thing that hurts the narrative is the length. Personally, I found the story really overstayed its welcome and should’ve ended sooner, like after Desirée becomes Queen. But no, it drags on afterwards and the last chapters are basically filler, even more so than the rest of the book (which is a giant bore). The pacing just drags on like an old horse in slow mo.
(The story begins in 1789 and ends in 1860, for a reference.)
Last but not least, there is a very unnecessary and not accurate at all sex scene un the beginning of the book. Not only is that scene completely unnecessary for the story, but it also completely breaks suspension of disbelief and just makes the characters come off as modern cosplayers, not the people they’re supposed to be.
(For those in the back: DESIRÉE NEVER FUCKED NAPOLEON!!)
Okay, moving on!
4. The Characters
Bland. Most of them are blander than the BRAT diet.
Desirée Clary is the worst offender when it comes to characters feeling too modern, since the book is told from her perspective. She’s also a flat character and a bit too omnipresent when it comes to being at important events, even before her marriage to Bernadotte. We also don’t learn much about her as a person so there’s no reason to sympathize with her. Personally, I just didn’t care about her. She’s supposed to be someone who becomes a grown strong person throughout the story but we don’t see much character development to reflect this.
Napoleon Bonaparte is a bit more complex but that bar is low anyway. He definitely has his moments when he’s a jerk but can be a romantic. Also he kisses Desirée without her consent in the book during a game similar to Hide and Seek. Yeah, I wish I was kidding but he’s basically sexually assaulted her in that scene. Other than that, not much to see here either.
Josephine Bonaparte is more complex but still bland and almost saintly at times. Her flaws are severely downplayed or omitted.
The Bonaparte sisters are all catty cunts outright compared to the Furies in the book. Letizia suffers the same fate.
Joseph Bonaparte is a loyal brother and a nice man.
Julie is the doting big sister.
Bernadotte is a loving husband and an ardent Jacobin who has “Death to Kings” tattooed on his chest in the book. Yeah, that old chestnut that is actually nothing more than a myth.
And so on. It’s like a show with cardboard cutouts in lieu of a story with good characters.
5. The Setting
Some descriptions are quite vivid, especially when it comes to Malmaison, but that’s about the only good thing I can say about this book.
6. The Writing
Hoo boy… Remember how I said that the characters feel like cosplayers from modern times? Well, Desirée (in the book) uses gems like “I rooted for her”. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure a bourgeois woman from that time wouldn’t know such words.
The dialogue in the book is mediocre due to the blandness of the characters and Pataki probably not giving two shits about delivering a good book, despite the fact that she is from a very rich and influential family and could’ve easily obtained access to all the research.
But hey, what do I know?
7. The Conclusion
Don’t read this book. Really, just don’t waste your time. I’m disappointed that the author took a good concept for a novel, wiped her ass with it and served the results in novel form.
I have my issues with that 1954 movie about Desirée, but, compared to THIS, that movie is a flawless masterpiece and at least there I felt some sort of way about Desirée as a character. Here, on the other hand, I just don’t give a shit, which is about the worst thing an author can achieve.
Anyway, to fit the theme of an extraordinary person the author was going for, here’s the promised song.
I hope you enjoyed the review and the song. Thank you for joining me today at the Jacobin Fiction Convention and stay tuned for future reviews!
- Citizen Green Pixel
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