#just had a chat with her about me and some revelations i’ve about how i go through life and think and function and how shit i am at it lol
milflewis · 1 year
sometimes the love i have for my mam just really comes out and hits me in the stomach and now i’m sitting here with my feet in a river. trying not to cry
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foreingersgod · 2 months
ok hiiii! i’m the anon that asked for nika! sooo maybe a fic where reader is another players sister (or best friend, whatever you think would fit) and the player brings reader to a game and reader meets nika and it’s like love at first sight? maybe not as cringy as i made it sound lol, but i hope you get what i mean!
to requester: i saw your other request and decided i’ll do them separately so we can enjoy more nika content!
Best Friends Sister . NM
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pairing: nika muhl x reader
synopsis: you tag along with your parents for your sister’s game, not knowing it would be the best decision of your life.
paigey: are you coming tonight with mom and dad or no?
you: only if you don’t hit me with another basketball then sure
paigey: i said i was sorry, dude. you should come though, i haven’t seen you for a minute
you: yea sorry, been busy and stuff. i’ll be there!
it was rare for you to attend your sister’s games on a regular basis. as much as you loved her and wanted to support, you were slammed with work and school and friends, the whole 9 yards. plus, watching millions of girls freak out over your sister was not your idea of a good time. but you’d been missing paige lately and wanted to show your sisterly support at least a few times this season.
so there you were, sitting outside your apartment on the concrete steps of the building, waiting for your parents to pick you up for the game. clad in UCONN attire, you picked at the weeds growing in between the cracks of stone.
arriving at the stadium, you could already sense the chaos. seeing all the girls there to see your sister play, it was a weird feeling. but once you made your way closer to the court with your family, seeing how happy paige looked out there, it made you feel insanely proud.
UCONN was up by 6 and your sister was killing it. being able to see her improvement throughout the game was truly rewarding to see. you cheered and hollered for each score until the end of the game finally rolled around, UCONN secured the win.
paige celebrated with her team for a few moments, reveling in their success before making her way to where you all sat. she greeted your parents with hugs, mom kissing her on the cheek and dad patting her back. then she maneuvered to you, dabbing you up before pulling you into a hug or your own.
“you killed it out there loser,” you congratulated “glad i got to see you play tonight, i’ve missed you!”
she laughed “thanks, me too”
paige worked her way around the rest of your family, taking time to chat with everyone. then she pulled you aside, motioning for you to follow her back down to the court.
“what?” you questioned, showing up at her side.
“thought i’d introduce you to everyone, plus aaliyah hasn’t seen you in forever and has been begging to see you”
you were always close with a few a her teammates, some of them being in paige’s life for so long that they became a part of your family. aaliyah, you were especially close with. but a lot of her other, newer teammates, you had yet to meet.
when you arrived on the court, paige leading you to the team, you started to spot some familiar faces. aaliyah ran over to you the second she saw you. pulling you into a bear hug and scolding you for not visiting more often. you greeted ice, too, congratulating her on a good game. it was nice to see them all again, catching up for lost time.
while in a conversation with aaliyah about how your job was going, paige politely pulled you aside again. she dragged you through the small crowd saying “i wanna introduce you to someone, i don’t think you’ve met yet”
finally, she stopped pulling you, coming to a halt just in front of the bench seats. paige was right, some girl you didn’t recognize sat on one of the seats, wiping the sweat from her brow and catching her breathe.
“hey, nika, i wanted to introduce you to my sister, YN!” paige said over the havoc of the stadium.
she looked up upon hearing paige summon her, eyes moving from paige’s and then to yours. she caught your attention right away, and suddenly, nothing else mattered once you locked eyes with the girl.
nika, you recalled paige calling her that, was the most beautiful girl you’d seen in your entire life. you studied every feature of her face right in that moment. her hair, you could only imagine how soft it was, pulled back in a near ponytail. her rosy cheeks, flush from exhaustion and excitement. her pearly white teeth that were so bright when she smiled at you. she was perfection if it were a person.
she was examining you as well, you could tell by the ways her eyes flickered between your eyes and down to your lips (triangle method iykyk). for a faint moment, it was just the two of you, lost in each others gaze. there was something about her, you couldn’t place it, but you wished you’d never have to look away.
unfortunately for you, your day dreams were interrupted when paige spoke up, confused by the silence.
“earth to nika” she waved her hand jokingly in front of her face “did you hear me? this is YN”
her eyes painfully pulled away from yours, looking at paige in surprise “right! sorry, i think i’m still a bit light headed”
she stood up, walking towards you and extending her hand out to you “very nice to meet you, YN, i didn’t know paige had a sister!”
your throat fell dry as you took her hand, gently shaking it. her touch lingered as her fingers swept against yours “nice to meet you too! yea i’m kind of all over the place and not around much so the team hasn’t seen a lot of me recently”
she eyed you again as you spoke. she tucked loose hairs behind her ear, smirking in a sultry manner.
“i get it, life’s busy” she bit her lip just enough for you to notice “but i’d..um-i’d like to see you around more”
“yea, hopefully i can stick around for a few more games” you joked, trying to hide how flustered you were.
“i’ll count on it” she said, then turned back to paige as she fumbled around in her bag, getting ready to leave “hey i gotta go catch up with a few people, but i’ll see you tomorrow?”
paige nodded, saying her goodbyes for the evening.
“see you around, YN” nika remarked, shoulder brushing against yours slightly as she walked past you, leaning in to whisper to you “and uh, do you think that maybe…maybe i could grab your number from paige or something? only if it’s ok with you”
you nodded your head vigorously, “yea, yes that’s more than ok with me”
she nodded back, flashing those dazzling teeth at you again before rushing across the court. you turned to face paige and saw the contorted look on her face.
“what the hell was that?” she asked.
“nothing” you suppressed a smile “it’s nothing”
that night, after the excitement of the game had worn off and you were back home, you were tucked into bed about to fall asleep. your phone buzzed abruptly, cashing you to roll over and pull it from its charger. your eyes squinted shut from the bright light of the screen.
unknown: hey is this YN? it’s nika :)
you didn’t have to think twice before responding and creating her contact.
you: it is, hi nika <3
nika: sorry to text you so late, paige was…very hesitant about giving me your number lol, but i was hoping i could take you out sometime if you’d want?
you: haha she’s annoying sometimes i’m sorry!
but i would love to you out with you!
nika: great! are you free friday? maybe 6ish?
you: definitely, it’s a date <3
you couldn’t stop smiling as you texted the rest of the night. who would have thought a basketball game would have changed your life completely?
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flightfoot · 5 months
ML Fanfic Recs for 2023: 5K - 10K words
So I’ve been going through and adding particularly good fics I’ve read throughout the year. Only Complete fics, of course. Enjoy!
Plagg eats Destruction while Tikki eats Creation. They choose not to tell their Holders exactly what that means.
Ladybug’s partner joins with Hawk Moth and she can’t figure out why. Not at first, anyway.
Adrien had started expecting the family breakfasts. He had NOT been expecting his father to collapse in the middle of one.
Adrien and Marinette both vaguely remember young playmates from when they were kids. Their first friend. Shame they didn’t remember each other’s names.
Marinette’s itching to win a prize for beating a merfolk in a race. Thankfully, a merman, Chat Noir, decides to challenge her. Pity that Adrien was busy that day.
Adrien finds a tiny, mousy guest in his new home, and makes a new friend.
Marinette helps lead a revolution to overthrow King Adrien with the help of her most trusted ally, Chat Noir. 
Ladybug and Chat Noir find a toddler wandering around during an akuma attack. Who could her parents be?
Chat Noir wrote a tweet mocking himself as Adrien. This totally does not come back to bite him in any way.
An akuma swapped Marinette’s and Chat Noir’s bodies. Marinette AS Marinette, not as Ladybug. This causes some problems.
All this and more below the break!
you don’t even know me at all (but I was made for loving you) by @ladyofthenoodle
They didn’t remember each other. The hospital told them there’d been an accident—brain damage—but Alya had told them the truth, later. Who’d they’d been to each other. What they’d given up, and why.
But even with their memories of each other gone, Adrien and Marinette are still inextricably tied together—by law, by their social circles, and by their hearts.
And in the apartment they share, there's only one bed.
Yep, it’s the “there was only one bed” trope XD! I especially love how it was used here, how Adrien and Marinette are strangers now but they had a whole life together, and they pine for each other even without remembering, and how Marinette just can’t believe how in love with her Adrien is even though he doesn’t remember her. I loved the emotional turmoil the two of them went through together in the fic, and the resolution, it’s great!
Experimental Feeding by Machina_Fun_T
Plagg eats Destruction*. Tikki eats Creation*.
They don't explain that to their holders.
*Warning - This diet has side effects.
I just found the whole idea here fascinating. Basically, Plagg and Tikki prefer to eat things that align with their concept somehow, and even get boosts from them. They decide not to explain the details to their Holders though (just to mess with them I think) which prompts Adrien and Marinette to both do a lot of experimentation to figure out what their kwami likes to eat the most.
Until I Found You by @linnieluna
Working their way up to a settled adulthood, Marinette and Adrien, now 23, gain a reason to believe that they are expecting—way earlier than they ever planned. Still unwed, it evokes a revelation on Adrien’s behalf.
Was it time to take the next step forward?
I loved the emotions here, how Adrien and Marinette reacted to the results of the pregnancy test, how complicated their feelings about it were - and how it prompted Adrien to take action. It’s a really sweet fic!
From school bells to wedding bells by @linnieluna
When the superhero duo takes on another exhausting fight against an akuma, Chat Noir does what he never hesitates to do and takes a hit for his partner. The problem being: neither of them knew what power the akuma possessed.
That is... until he is transported into the future. More specifically, to his friend Marinette's wedding.
Ah I love time travel fics! Older!Marinette’s surprised, Younger!Adrien’s bewildered, and Older!Adrien is off knowing exactly what happened and giving his younger self some subtle heads-up. 
It gives Adrien something to look forward to, to cling onto, through bad days in the future at least!
u + me = love by @xiueryn
Marinette has a massive crush on Adrien. He has a crush on the superhero, Ladybug. When he says the only person he'll invite as his plus one to an event is Ladybug, Marinette takes her chance to romance him for the night. AU.
(a fanboy and fangirl start to date.)
This is just a fun Ladrien story. Ladybug is happy to oblige in Adrien’s fantasies, and no one else believes that he’s actually dating Ladybug.
Disintegrated Pancakes by @scribeofrhapsody
Adrien had started expecting the family breakfasts. He had NOT been expecting his father to collapse in the middle of one.
I’m shocked I haven’t seen more of this sort of thing, with Adrien finding out his father’s Monarch via seeing the Cataclysm wound. I love that Alya gets involved in this, being the person Adrien runs into after fleeing the room, and then Adrien getting to talk things out with Gabriel and Nathalie. Thankfully Gabriel is at least not completely incapable of being reasoned with here, or things could have gone worse than they did. It’s a nice little read, though with an ambiguous ending (at least at the time when I write this).
Like Smoke From A Furnace by @wackus-bonkus-maximus
Marinette and Adrien give up their Miraculous. Ladybug and Chat Noir never meet again.
This one’s an angsty fic with a happy ending (though there is a little fluff in there as well.) Adrien and Marinette get together and have a family together, while Scarabella and Kitty Noire continue to fight Monarch for the next decade. But it still eats at Marinette that she never found out what happened to Chat Noir, that he never said anything before they both vanished, and Chat reappearing during an akuma attack when Kitty Noire was taken out of commission doesn’t help with that - especially since he won’t leave her head and she needs to commit herself to her family, doesn’t want to be torn by his presence. She cares about her family too much. 
Ladybug and Chat Noir never meet again... but there are other ways for them to meet up and talk things out.
with this ring by @thelibraryloser
She thought “you and me against the world” had sounded like lopsided odds before, when she hadn’t even dreamed “you against me” was a possibility. Or maybe she had dreamed it, but at least in those dreams he’d had cold blue eyes and a stark white mask.
The villain she’d fought today had looked at her through her partner’s own bright green eyes.
It wasn’t meant to be this way.
Short and sweet Sentiadrien enemies canon divergence fic here! I adored Marinette finding out why her kitty seemed to have “betrayed” her, and the righteous anger on his behalf once she figured out that it wasn’t of his own free will. Her comforting Adrien about it was just... really good. It’s a Hawkmoth Defeat fic too, so the immediate aftermath gets covered as well. Adrien needs a hug.
Miracoffee by @pauliestorylover
Ever since the last Mr Pigeon attack over nine months ago, Hawkmoth has fallen off the face of the earth, seemingly for good. There’s never been a better chance for an identity reveal—but after keeping her identity a secret for so many years, Marinette feels incredibly nervous about one.
When Chat Noir accidentally finds Ladybug working at a café, Alya comes up with a brilliant idea. If Ladybug and Chat Noir interact regularly in a civilian setting, surely they’ll move towards an identity reveal without outside interference?
Adrien Never Goes To Public School Coffee Shop AU here! It’s funny how he clocks Marinette as being Ladybug IMMEDIATELY. And then after discussing it for awhile, decide to make a bit of a game of the identity reveal, having Chat come in on pre-determined days and seeing whether Ladybug can figure out who she is, all while they get to know each other, even if in passing. 
Love the other Miraculous heroes making cameos as well, Marinette seems annoyed that Nino cosplaying as Carapace actually doesn’t tip anyone off XD.
Nothing Else Matters by LiquefiedStars
Marinette couldn’t figure out Chat Noir. He was supposed to be her partner, but instead ended up working for Hawk Moth. Still, her heart betrayed her and when a strong connection forms between them, Ladybug goes to Chat looking for answers, finding out more than she bargained for.
Sentiadrien enemies AU fic! He never wanted to fight against her, but Gabriel caught him before he could transform for the first time, and with his father using his Amoks against him, he had no choice. 
I like that there’s a solid explanation for why Fu let Adrien keep his Miraculous even though he’s been working against Ladybug, I don’t often see explanations for that that I’m satisfied with.
For the Sake of a Ring by @rosie-b
An akuma that transfers people's consciousnesses into other universes hits Ladybug, sending her into a world where everything is the same... but instead of earrings, she's wearing a ring on one hand! She's only just arrived in this universe, but already Plagg seems to have gone missing. It's up to Marinette to figure out what happened before she's sent back home!
This fic takes place in the future, after Season 5, but it does not contain any leaks or major spoilers. Please keep the comment section spoiler-free, too!
This is really cute, Marinette gets transported into a world where she’s married to Adrien and is really confused as to why and how they got married at sixteen. Adrien’s just an adorable puppy who thinks his wife is the most amazing person in the world! 
His Princess and Her Knight by @seas-of-silver
Adrien, Marinette, Nino and Alya have a group assignment about how the past has shaped them into the people they are today, but they’ll make a discovery that’ll send them searching for answers.
This fic is adorable, Adrien, Marinette, and Nino uncover that they all went to the same preschool together, with Adrien and Marinette immediately latching onto each other, Adrien being the knight to Marinette’s princess, and also making friends with Nino. Sadly he was pulled after two weeks, but it made quite an impression on him.
A Friendship Not Abandoned (Just Delayed) by @nomolosk
Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste first met as tiny little kids, but then Adrien had to move away. When they finally meet again, will they even remember each other, much less become friends again?
Poor Adrien keeps on saying or doing just the wrong thing to give Marinette the impression that he’s a bully like Chloe when he’s not, and he keeps desperately trying to fix it. So a bit of an enemies au in that way, since Marinette doesn’t like him much. He does gradually manage to convince her that he’s a good person though.
as luck would have it by @silver-hibiscus
It's Adrien's birthday, and there's an akuma attack. Luckily, Ladybug and Chat Noir are there to save the day! Even if they're not the heroes that we're familiar with...
Not so much a kwami swap as an another au entirely.
Same title as one of my own fics, funnily enough! Though entirely different premise. This is a Gabenath fic, with Gabriel as Chat Noir and Nathalie as Ladybug, complete with a lovesquare and some unspecified other person as Hawk Moth. In this version, Gabriel and Emilie had some terrible fights and were separated, with Gabriel realizing along the way that he’d been a distant father and working to rectify that, he’s a pretty decent person here. I could actually kind of see this being a feasible path Gabriel could have gone down, if he wasn’t so desperate to revive Emilie and hadn’t gone so far to try to distance himself from who he was and where he came from back before he met Emilie and started changing to fit in with the upper class.
The Price by @clawsoutspotsoff  
He clutched his chest, feeling his lungs burn  as his body started to give out beneath him. No. Not now. Not this time, when he was so close.
He wrenched his arm back, striking with the other as he called his sword to his hand, fire and lightning and ice tearing through his nerves as he did, but finally, finally, the resistance gave way and he stumbled backwards.
Without looking, he turned and ran, calling a portal to appear before him. He fell through it, landing on a cold, hard floor in utter darkness. He could still hear shouting over the rushing in his ears, every part of his body failing at once, and before he could be pursued, before he could collapse any further, he forced raspy words through his torn, aching throat.
"Plagg, Tikki, unify!"
The world went blessedly, eerily silent.
Written for MiraculousFanworks' fanfic wars 2022
Will that be cash, credit, or memories?
This was a great look at how the Wish could potentially happen, what the kwamis might do to help mitigate the worst aspects of it on the people they care about... and what the price would be for it.
Emotional Mountain Ranges by @liiinerle
After Zoé's attempted romantic confession to Marinette is interrupted by an incensed Chloé and Audrey Bourgeois, she's left distraught and adrift, a crying mess in an alleyway far from home. Ladybug saves her from the incoming akuma, and tries to help her back on her feet - and Zoé wonders what she could possibly have done to earn this much attention from a superhero...
Lovely Zoenette fic here! I especially like how Marinette talks to Zoe, reassures her that she’s good enough, that she (as Ladybug) isn’t as perfect and composed as she thinks, and just... tries to get Zoe to have more confidence in herself. It’s mostly from Zoe’s perspective too, which I like since there aren’t a lot of Zoe POV fics.
The Mer-Human Race by @rosie-b
Bringing her hand closer to his lips, Adrien tried to plant a kiss on it, but Marinette pulled away before his lips could touch her.
“Save it for your girlfriend,” she said teasingly. “Or do you still not have one yet?”
Adrien smirked and crossed his arms.
“It’s a girl,” he said. “And I know her in real life. That’s all you get. Now, let’s get back to planning, shall we? We have a mermaid to beat.”
Lovely world-building here! Merfolk and humans have had a treaty for a long time, so there’s a tradition where merfolk can challenge humans to a race, and whoever wins gets to ask for a reasonable sort of reward (in Marinette’s case, she wants to be allowed to captain a ship at a younger age than is usually allowed). Alya, Nino, and Adrien are naturally very encouraging towards Marinette, and luckily for her, a nice merman going by the name of Chat Noir shows up and challenges her to a race...
Yeah you can see where this is going XD. It’s fun, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Late Bloomer by @generalluxun
On what might very well be the last night of her life, Sabrina Raincomprix pulls out a very special scrapbook, pressed between the pages is the past, the past she has never shared with anyone. She relives how she got to this moment one page at a time, preparing herself for the end. A phone call interrupts her self-imposed exile and brings news that could change her life forever.
Even if it does though the question looms... change it how?
Sabrina-centric Hanahaki AU here! I love how it goes into Sabrina’s relationship with Chloe over the years, the good and the bad - and even what happens post Revolution. 
I love the description of some of the plants involved, and what they mean, what they represent. If you want a fic that delves more in Sabrina’s character and her relationship with Chloe, this is a solid choice.
Slowly Fading (from my misery) by @wehadabondingmoment
“You’re looking awfully deep in thought today, minou.” Ladybug’s gloved hand stroked over his hair and Chat Noir closed his eyes with an unstable breath.
He got like this sometimes. Lately, it had been getting worse.
Or: Gabriel likes using the rings to order his son around. After a while, it starts having effects on Chat Noir as well. (The more often Gabriel commands Adrien to act a certain way, the more it gets ingrained in his mentality. He suffers because of it.)
This is a gorgeous fic. Adrien’s been puppeted around, forced to obey orders for reasons he doesn’t understand, for so long, so often that a lot of times his own body doesn’t even feel like his. A lot of residual orders keep on bubbling up and stopping him from doing what he wants to do, and he just... doesn’t understand why. Considering how Adrien looked in Pretension when Gabriel forced him to go to his room so he could talk to Marinette alone, and how desperately Adrien tried to head back there but couldn’t make himself open the door, how terrified and confused he’d seemed, I think his feelings here, his mindset, is pretty close to canon.
Spread Your Wings by @myladynoire
Set before the Finale. Félix uses his Kwagatama to summon his father's memory and has a talk with him.
I love Colt’s characterization here, how we see his mindset, his beliefs, and even what made him the way he is. We have a limited amount of knowledge about him in canon, only having the play Felix and Kagami put on to go off of, but myladynoire made good use of it! I’m glad Felix got some closure here as well.
Cheating Cat by @11jj11
When Emma and Isaac Dupain-Cheng realize that Adrien is Chat Noir, that can only mean one thing... that he's cheating on Marinette with Ladybug, and they're the only ones that know!
This is really cute, with Emma and Isaac being worried about Adrien supposedly cheating on Marinette and wanting to talk to Ladybug to stop her from dating Chat Noir. That’s not all that’s going on here, though - Isaac’s actually adopted, but he and Adrien are still related, which puts an interesting twist on the tale. There’s a reason he’s especially sympathetic to the fact that Adrien being Chat Noir means he would have had to fight his own father...
A Mousey guest by charliepoet13
Adrien Agreste has finally managed to break away from his father and make his way out into the world. One faithful night, after settling down in his new home, he spots a strange guest.
Adrien X Multimouse fic here! So this is inspired by the Borrowers, with little people the size of mice living amongst ordinary-sized humans, and Marinette got a little careless here XD. But soon finds that Adrien’s friendly and not a threat. It’s adorable and reminds me of the The Littles book series that I read when I was a kid!
Three Crazy Days by @lea-panthera
In which Marinette's mind is forced to stretch a mile.
So Bunnix drops off Marinette’s future daughter for her to take care of, who blabs that her grandfather is Hawk Moth, and then things quickly spin out of control XD.
all of your flaws and all of my flaws (are laid out one-by-one) by @coffeebanana
Ladybug and Marinette have both been acting strangely since Monarch's defeat, and Chat Noir would give anything to know why—to be able to help them. He just...didn't expect his answers to come when Ladybug drags him to his father's statue in the middle of the night along with a bag full of spray paint.
If you felt unsatisfied with Adrien being left in the dark about Monarch, with Ladybug lying about Gabriel being a hero, this is a great fic to read. Marinette’s breaking down keeping this secret, seeing people treat Gabriel as the hero she told people he was, until she finally snaps and has to do SOMETHING, has to tell SOMEONE the truth. 
Which Chat takes pretty well! He knows how persuasive his father could be, and he’s mostly just relieved at finally hearing someone say that Gabriel wasn’t a hero. It’s still a lot to cope with though.
@ ladybug by @hefoundme
Trending in Paris
1 · Trending #JusticeForPapillombre
2 · Technology · Trending Tsurugi Corp Trending with Tomoe Tsurugi
3 · Trending #LadynoirStrong
So this is a multimedia type fic showing various online conversations and things that would likely be going on in Miraculous Paris. It doesn’t really have a coherent narrative per se, and is more like a series of vignettes. It’s a lot of fun, like there’s a section going over Andre’s ice cream reviews, Alix talking with Max about how she’s worried about Alim falling down conspiracy rabbit holes, an image of the most popular google search terms for Adrien, all sorts of things! It must’ve taken a lot of work and I think it’s worth a look. 
Don’t be a Stranger by @wackus-bonkus-maximus
Chat Noir has been fighting Chrysalide alone for years when one day, Ladybug appears. She seems to already know him, and is a little too eager to be friends. But the more she pushes for her and Chat Noir to reveal their identities, the harder she is to trust.
Written for Ladynoir July Prompt 31 - “In Every Universe”
This is an intriguing story, with a somewhat open ending. I don’t want to spoil too much about it - the plot hook in the summary should already give you a pretty good idea of the premise. It is a little strange seeing LADYBUG pushing for an identity reveal and making jokes during akuma fights, but given what’s happened, I could see why she’d try to do things that made her think of Chat.
hands red series by katrinette
Summary for the first fic in the series, a serpent in these still waters:
Marinette's on her knees before her new king, preparing to swear the oath that binds her to serve him to the best of her ability.
To the man whose father had her parents killed.
Every word tastes like ash in her mouth.
Marinette’s plotting to overthrow the corrupt monarch, as the French tend to do. She doesn’t know King Adrien all that well, since he just ascended to the throne recently, but she’s certain that he’s just as bad as his father.
Of course, rebellion’s aren’t very effective without help, so after biting her tongue with the new king, she rants to her partner in crime, a man whose true name and face she does not know, but who she deeply trusts nonetheless: Chat Noir.
Falling (sick) with you by @chocoluckchipz
Nothing would be easier than taking a pair of earrings off an unconscious Ladybug. Doing so would bring his mother back and end their decade-long strife. He shouldn't be hesitating when a chance of a life time presented itself to him. He should not be looking for excuses and reasonings as to why spending another twenty or so years fighting this woman rather than pleasing his father and giving his mother another chance at life was not such a bad idea after all.
Ah, I love a good enemies au! Even when they’re enemies, Chat is unwilling to hurt Ladybug. Though honestly, he makes himself out to be more of a villain than he actually is, it’s pretty obvious to everyone that he’s not trying as hard as he could to get her earrings. There’s very good reason for that.
Lost Little Kitten by soliea0death
Monarch hasn't been seen for a while, but that doesn't mean that Ladybug and Chat Noir aren't still needed as the heroes of Paris. Also, the new holder of the rabbit miraculous may need some more practice when dealing with time travel. One-shot Ladynoir ;);)
This is adorable. Ladybug and Chat Noir find a toddler wandering around and try to find her parents, to no avail, so they decide to take care of her (well Ladybug said she was gonna leave her with Marinette, but you know what that really means). Of course Bunnix had to come to collect her since she was displaced from time, but neglected to say who her parents were...
Anyway this was adorable, and I loved the explanation for how, exactly, the little girl ended up in the wrong time period.
Eat, Pray, Duck by @trishacollins
Gabriel Agreste split his twin sons apart when his wife died, keeping one with him and sending one to London with his sister. Unfortunately, the Supreme was not willing to let this be.
He wanted a matched set.
Felix is a weapon, a servant of the Supreme. On a mission to retrieve the stolen Miraculous.
In a world that has outlawed kindness, sometimes the most dangerous person is the one who chooses it anyway.
I love this glimpse at what might have been going on with Felix back in Shadybug and Claw Noir’s world, I did wonder what might have been going on with him. Poor kid, he managed to have it even worse than he did in canon. I really loved seeing his interactions with Luka, the Couffaines rebel through kindness it seems!
Front Page News by @tiredfloridianbutverygay
Nadja couldn't sleep at night, not when there were still so many unanswered questions about the final battle. How did the Alliance rings seem to have the exact answer, to know exactly what to say?
Why did they turn everyone into a Miraculous-powered army? Why was Gabriel asking everyone to join with Monarch to help capture Ladybug and Cat Noir?
It was time to get to the bottom of this, and Paris' best investigative journalist was on the case! No stone would be left unturned and Paris would never be the same.
This one’s a pretty unique follow-up to the season 5 finale! I love Alya and Nadja investigating to try and figure out what happened with Monarch and exposing the truth, people deserve to know.
Friends who kiss by @kuromori4
It’s been about a week since Shadybug and Claw Noir’s goody-two shoes alternate universe counterparts convinced them to betray the Supreme and join the Resistance. And while they are determined to be better… It hasn’t been easy. While both Shadybug and Claw Noir have a lifetime of problems to untangle if they want to be good people, they realize a new look doesn’t magically make you a nice person. As if that weren’t hard enough to deal with, the two ex-Villains struggle with defining what their new relationship might be.
I love the two of them talking things out, and struggling. Shadybug in particular is still very prickly and prone to making snide comments about Adrien, even though she doesn’t really know him, and she still hasn’t totally come to terms with her own true feelings about Claw Noir. Though by the end they um. Figure that out, I guess you could say XD.
Dragon by @liiinerle
Tomoe keeps telling Kagami about the importance of her heritage, but refuses to tell her what that heritage is. When Kagami looks it up for herself, she finds a lot of interesting information, a lot of frustration, and a deep and burning question - which Tomoe refuses to help her answer.
This is a Kagami character study, with Kagami questioning her mother’s actions, but knowing that standing up to her is a no-win proposition. It doesn’t help that D’Argencourt’s mirroring some aspects of her mother’s behavior, with being upset if she doesn’t fight well, but also being upset if she beats him. There’s no right answer here, which leads her to take out her frustration on others. Luckily, Marinette’s there to calm her down, to talk things out with her.
adrien agreste and the consequences of tweets making fun of yourself by Anonymous
Well, Adrien thinks, what’s the worst that could come from a few poorly thought-out tweets lightly ribbing his own civilian identity?
I love the focus here on how people just assume what Adrien’s thinking and feeling and act on his behalf, without actually waiting to see what HE wants, and Adrien’s growing frustration. How they create a version of him in their heads, but don’t care to check with reality to see whether he actually wants their “defense”. 
Spin the Bottle by @kasienda
When the bottle cap comes to a stop dead center on Nino, Adrien’s both relieved and somehow more anxious.
His first kiss - not his actual first kiss, but still kinda his first kiss - the first kiss he will remember, will be with someone he deeply cares about.
But Adrien also cares what Nino thinks of him, so what if he’s a terrible kisser?
Nino offers him a reassuring smile, and he relaxes. Adrien glances at Alya for permission, and she just shoos him towards Nino.
Adrien turns to Nino, leaning closer. If his stomach had been squirming before, it now feels like a half dozen Kwamis have taken up residence in his gut. But Adrien doesn’t hesitate. He blocks out the presence of all of his friends watching, and instead focuses on Nino - like Nino is a stage partner in a photoshoot.
Except kissing Nino is nothing like a photoshoot.
Adrien kisses Nino in a game of Spin the Bottle, and then neither can stop thinking about it. Alya really likes how flustered her boyfriend is by all this. Marinette though, can't handle it and keeps running away.
This is a great Alya X Adrien X Nino X Marinette poly fic! I love them all talking out their feelings and realizing new things about themselves. Alya’s instrumental and bringing everyone together, though she, herself, is also nervous about confessing to her longstanding crush XD
a rose by any other name by @asukiess
Adrien's scared Loveybug only loves Catwalker.
Loveybug's scared Chat Noir only loves her, and not Ladybug.
How does the rest of the saying go again?
So obviously, this is part of the Loveybug AU, where Marinette gets stressed by her responsibilities as Ladybug and wanting to get away from that persona, and adopts a new persona as Loveybug, complete with a new transformation. This is a really good glimpse of this AU, I really love the Ladrien (Lovedrien?) especially, with her talking out her conundrum with Adrien.
The Two-Body Problem by @mixelation
Good news: they now knew how the akuma’s power worked, and the akuma had run off and given them time to regroup.
Bad news: the akuma’s power meant she was now in Chat Noir’s body, and Chat Noir was in her body. Her body, which was currently still Marinette.
Ah, I love a good body swap. This is set while Adrien and Marinette are dating, so he can’t help flirting with Marinette a little, even in these circumstances - which is a bit of a problem since Marinette doesn’t realize he’s her boyfriend. And also they’re in each other’s bodies, which makes it feel weird.
And then there’s the whole “someone is gonna need to use the Ladybug Miraculous” problem. It’s not as if Chat KNOWS that he currently has her Miraculous in his earlobes...
Windows 5 + 1 by @dadplagg-mamatikki
A bet between Kim and Alix trigger a chain reactions of events where Adrien jumps out of windows.
I love this. Adrien needs very little prompting to jump out of windows, heck he’ll do it with NO prompting, it’s hilarious XD. Heck he even asked whether Kim would prefer a normal jump or a theatrical one! It’s really not that surprising though, considering how we’ve seen Adrien dive from the top of his rock-climbing wall onto his couch.
I know there’s been pain this year (But it’s time to let it go) by @ninadove
“What? Nooo! Adrien doesn’t hate Christmas.”
“Are you absolutely certain? What was he like last year?”
“Well, he —”
Marinette furrowed her brow, scanning her own memories. Of course she was absolutely certain. At least, she thought she was.
Okay — she could not ignore that Adrien had run away from home that night, wandering the snow-covered streets to escape the freezing cold of his own home. Nor could she brush away the disintegrated Morris column, cataclysmed for the crime of bearing his own face.
Oh, and the shaky videos circulating on YouTube. That musical number was… Concerning, to say the least. Still, it was no smoking gun.
“Oh my god,” she squeaked, plopping down against the counter. “Adrien hates Christmas.”
I love Marinette and Felix doing their best to cheer Adrien up, it’s adorable. Especially Marinette’s attempt. It’s very Marinette, I laughed out loud XD. There’s a lot of senticousin bonding here, so if you like that, this is a good one to check out!
A Shadyverse Holiday by @lucid-ao3
The duo's curiosity grew after the encounter with their alternate selves from the Shadyverse. What was this other world like, and how were Shadybug and Claw Noir doing in the aftermath of their visit?
It's the polite thing to do, after all, for a superhero team to check in on their parallel universe counterparts and wish them happy holidays.
That is, if there's any happiness to find...
[In which Ladybug and Chat Noir take a holiday trip to the Shadyverse.]
I love this glimpse of the Reverse World, and how it makes Ladybug and Chat Noir question whether their own is really so different, if things could have turned out in their own world the way they did in the Reverse World - for better or worse.
what makes a human (am I?) by GraceM_TheStoriedLife
Adrien comes to Marinette's out of nowhere. Usually Chat is her rock. Tonight, it's her turn. (Or, in which Adrien discovers some secrets he's not prepared for and Marinette is as Marinette-y as always.
So Adrien discovers he’s a sentimonster and immediately runs to Marinette for support. It’s as cute and angsty as you’d expect. She is, of course, very supportive of him. Also some discussion of Gabriel being abusive, since both she and Nino had been trying to get Adrien to see that. Especially with how, exactly, Adrien found out he’s a sentimonster. He can relate a little better to Felix’s experiences now than is healthy, I’ll just say.
Caught In A Multimouse Trap by @a-flaming-idiot
Adrien was having a rather slow morning. That was until he discovered a tiny superhero trapped in his home and decides to be a bit of a hero even out of his suit.
This was adorable! Adrien does his best to care for the little miniature superhero caught in a mousetrap, bandaging her up as best as he can (thankfully only her tail got caught so it’s more of a phantom pain than an actual injury) and just... it’s really cute.
fine line by @bbutterflies
“Catwalker?” Loveybug asks.
“Do you remember… what happened before us?”
“What do you mean?”
“Before we were heroes. Was there someone else?”
Catwalker goes quiet for a moment. “I don’t know,” he finally says.
This is a surprisingly angsty take on the Loveybug AU. Here, since the Loveybug and Cat Walker transformations are so unnatural, they’re having negative side effects on Marinette and Adrien, causing them to be constantly exhausted and even to get amnesia the longer they continue using them.
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess by @mexicancat-girl
With Team Miraculous now full-time holders, Ladybug has them patrolling in pairs like her and Chat Noir.
New partners Pigella and Purple Tigress get along phenomenally, their easy banter and similar wavelengths making working with each other a joy in and out of combat.
But sometimes Tigress is surprised just how close she is with her partner. Sometimes she tries not to feel too guilty thinking about it.
There’s some nice Julerose here! I love them kinda getting into a lovesquare with each other, though it’s not as much of a problem as it is in canon since it’s reciprocal in every relationship and they’re both down for a poly. It’s fun, and I love the “Luka attempting to woo some of his love interests” plot going on in the background XD.
Plans Aren’t Everything by BeeRye
Feeling a bit fed up with constantly having her dates with Marinette cut short, Kagami sets aside some time in order to plan the perfect outing for the two of them. Despite being the holder of the Miraculous of the Black Cat, she believes one day of romance isn't too much to ask for. As long as she treats it all like she does everything else in her life, the results she wants should come to pass.
She doesn't quite know what to do if that ends up not being the case.
This was adorable and captured Kagami’s mindset well, she decided, rather optimistically that she could just brute force the date into going well. Unfortunately, that’s not gonna stop Hawk Moth. Fortunately, Marinette has her own back-up plans...
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writingduhh · 1 month
Hii, i was wondering if you were able to write something for hansumfella (tyler) ? I was thinking he talks about him having a girlfriend but no body believes him until he finally brings her into a stream and everyone is amazed because they thought he was joking !! but anything works haven’t rlly seen hansumfella content !! 😅😅
YES!!!!!! Hope this is alright! It’s my first hansumfella fic so I’m super new at this….
Hansumfella || Stream Surprise
Pairing: Hansumfella (Tyler) x Y/n
You and Tyler had been openly dating for several months, thoroughly enjoying the simplicity and joy your relationship brought into your lives. However, as Tyler's online alter ego, HansumFella, began to skyrocket in popularity, it became clear that managing your private and public lives would need some recalibration. Out of mutual concern for privacy and the unpredictable nature of internet fame, you both agreed it would be best to keep your relationship out of the public eye for the time being.
During one of his lively Roblox streams—a session filled with laughter and playful banter—Tyler unexpectedly let a secret slip, a revelation that even surprised him.
“And yeah, for those wondering why I’ve been a bit off-schedule lately, I’ve been spending some time with my amazing girlfriend,” he mentioned casually, taking a sip of water as the chat erupted into a frenzy.
“You what now, Tyler?!” one viewer exclaimed, their message quickly engulfed by a torrent of shocked and curious reactions.
“Proof or it didn’t happen.”
Despite the disbelief, Tyler merely chuckled and steered the conversation back to his gaming strategy, his relaxed demeanor doing little to quell the onslaught of comments.
“Alright chat, calm down I didn’t even say anything! You’re just imagining it! Let’s focus back to absolutely destroying children in best dressed” He jests in his usual dry sense of humor.
In the weeks that followed, each stream dedicated a few minutes to viewers probing for more details about you. Tyler kept his answers vague, strategically revealing just enough to maintain interest without confirming anything definitive.
“What does she look like?”
“Favorite thing about her?”
“I still think he’s lying.”
“Well she looks absolutely gorgeous. Absolute smoke show.” He playfully remarks before continuing.
“Favorite thing about her? Oo that’s a hard one, there’s so much to love. I’ll say sense of humor.”
The mounting curiosity and incessant questioning from his fanbase eventually led Tyler to plan a significant reveal. On a crisp summer evening, his usual streaming time, Tyler adjusted his webcam to capture more than just his usual gaming setup.
“Alright, everyone,” Tyler announced as he started his stream, “tonight is a special night. You've all been incredibly patient—or incredibly nosy,” he joked with a wink at the camera. “I think it's time you meet someone very special to me.”
He reached out and extended a hand off-camera. After a brief moment, another hand appeared, and you stepped into view, your smile bright yet slightly shy as you waved to the camera.
“Hello stream! Is that what I call them?” You ask, a little overwhelmed with the situation
“You can call them whatever you like babe.” He chuckles, pulling you to sit down beside him .
The chat paused for a split second before erupting anew.
“She’s so beautiful!!”
“Literally how did he land her?”
Tyler’s grin widened as he read the comments aloud, his arm comfortably encircling you as you sat comfortably on his lap.
“Everyone, this is Y/N. She’s the reason I’ve been so distracted,
The stream proceeded exceptionally well. You were a natural, laughing and engaging with the chat as if you’d had been a part of the community for years. Tyler felt a mix of pride and relief; not only did his audience adore you, but him as well.
A few weeks after your debut on his stream, Tyler decided it was time to make your relationship Instagram official. He chose a candid photo of you two together, taken during a sunset hike. Both laughing, bathed in the golden hour light, capturing a beautiful moment.
Tyler uploaded the photo with the caption that simply read, “Mine ;)” and tagged you.
The post received thousands of likes and comments in no time. Fans and friends filled the comments section with hearts, congratulatory messages, and more than a few playful jabs at having doubted him in the first place.
Tyler leaned back, watching the notifications pop up one after another, you sitting beside him, head resting on his shoulder.
“Was it worth the wait?” Tyler asked, his voice a soft murmur.
“Definitely worth it,” you replied, squeezing his hand.
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anjelicawrites · 2 months
Pierced Through
Tumblr media
Paring: modern!Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x reader
Synopsis: a late night between two lovers
Warnings: switch!Feyd, switch!reader, more dominant reader, kissing, oral (m and f receiving), p in v sex, kissing, biting, scratching, overstimulation, edging, fingering, titty pinching, titty sucking, sharing the same piercings as a form of love, getting pierced as a form of foreplay, loads of piercings, reader being called “good girl” a couple of times.
A/N 1: reader is AFAB, the only descriptor is that they have long hair, for plot reasons. Where needed, they/them pronouns used. 
A/N 2: this is a modern AU with random bits of our pop culture thrown in it. 
Squinting your eyes you start to remove the makeup from your face. It has been a sweet night out, you and Feyd finally alone, eating a nice meal and just walking around town to enjoy the soft spring, after a harsh, snowy winter, reconnecting after he’s been away for work.
You ignore the chiming of your phone, it’s either the group chat with the girls, or the one you have with Feyd’s exes, the self called Harpies.
“Is What If I Were Your Mother buzzing tonight?” 
“Oh, you need to keep yourself up to date baby, it’s Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me now.”
“Am I supposed to get the reference?” Even without eyebrows you can see the muscles lift in silent judgment.
“Grey’s Anatomy baby. You watched it with me.”
“I dissociated most of the times.”
“You’re beautiful.” 
Feyd’s hands travel slowly up the silk of your nightgown and stop under your breasts, the whiteness of his skin contrasts with the black material hugging your curves; you love wearing colorful clothes and decorate your shared apartment had been a push and pull between his monochrome austerity and your explosive personality, you’ve only folded to his request that you wear black lingerie for him (that you use truly ridiculous stuff when he’s not around it’s a secret between you and the two group chats).
You lean against his naked chest, letting your head brush against the long column of his neck, reveling in the smoothness of his skin; you miss having beard burns between your legs, your Feyd makes up for it with the bite marks he leaves on your skin when he hungers for your taste, which is always.
“I know you’ve been a bad girl.” He drawls in your ear, part of his face hidden by your hair.
“You need to be more specific than that, ah!”
Feyd’s long fingers pinch your pierced nipples through your nightgown; he was with you when you had both done, he had kept his forehead against yours while the nice lady piercer did her part. 
He had kept the low rumble of his voice to a minimum, describing how he was going to pleasure you as a reward for your courage; you were so torn between fear and excitement that you didn’t really listen to him and if the lady piercer did, she ignored him. 
Now you two match and it drives you crazy that under the expensive clothes he wears at work, Feyd hides similar body mods to yours; you haven’t gotten used to yours yet and even if your nipples have healed nicely, they’ve become more sensitive, and Feyd loves using this against you.
“I’ve noticed the new books on your beside table, little dove.” 
His hands cup your breasts, chocking the answer in your throat.
“I… I have no idea what you’re talking about!” You try to keep hold of his stare through the mirror. “I’ve moved some old books I want to read ouch! Ah! Feyd please!”
Feyd’s fingers pinch the small barbells on your nipples, only to pull at them until you start whining pathetically.
“Do you really think I don’t know all the titles on you bookshelf, little dove? Britney Spears’s biography? Really?”
You don’t answer immediately, needing to catch your breath and he takes advantage of your silence to run the piercing on his tongue up your neck, his sharp eyes not missing the way your body trembles against his.
“Par condicio baby.” You finally manage to answer. “I have read her sister’s, now hers. I want to know every detail. All the tea, as the kids say.”
“You’re truly going to become the epitome of an old busybody.” He says, with genuine affection in his voice.
“And I will share everything with you. Because you are as curious as I am, my love.”
Gently, Feyd lets his hands run up your chest until he’s reached your head of hair. 
Not only the Harkonnens, but all the natives of Geidi Prime have been genetically modified to not grow any sort of hair on their body and yours still fascinate him after all this time together. Whenever he can, he braids them before you two have to leave for work and he makes a point of undoing all your hairstyles when you are finally home, just so that he can feel the texture of your hair against his hands and the smell of your shampoo in his nostrils.
Painstakingly slowly Feyd removes all the pins from your hair, freeing each lock until they all cascade down your back and he can grab your roots, reveling in the feeling against his hands; you moan at the way he massages your scalp, slightly pulling to make you moan at his leisure. 
Under the too bright bathroom lights he can absorb all your facial expressions, he can see your nipples push against the silk of your nightgown and his mouth waters at the thought that you must be wet already, for him.
Quick, so quick that your head spins, Feyd turns you around and sits you on the bathroom counter, back to the big mirror, the hem of your nightgown already brunched around your hips.
You don’t have the chance to realize what he’s doing that two of his fingers are already under your panties, playing with the wetness there; he can’t wait to accompany you to have your clit and labia pierced, this way you two will truly match (even though you can’t have your tongue done); you two will have to stop vaginal sex for a little while, but to the greater purpose of him torturing your pretty cunt for your shared pleasure.
“Up!” He orders and you comply, lifting your arse so that he can remove your lacy panties. “Good girl.” He drawls when you spread your legs for him even wider, to accommodate his huge frame.
“Are you going to take care of me, Feyd?”
He doesn’t answer immediately, electing to suck on the delicate skin of your tight, until he’s sure a nice mark will blossom; he loves keeping you on edge: perhaps he will torment you for his own pleasure, perhaps he will give it all to you, until the lines blur.
“Don’t I always, little dove?”
“I missed you, so much.” You say with a small voice, your hand cupping his smooth cheek.
“So I did you.”
There’s a dark smirk tinging his lips as he kneels between your parted tights, his big hands on your knees in a show of ownership that has your head spin and fall back against the cold mirror.
Feyd lips are so warm against your skin, and so soft as he kisses a slow path to your cunt, up, up he goes, until his hands can grab at your hips to still your movements and open your labia with his thumbs to make way for his long tongue.
His movements are slow, the barbell on his tongue cold against your clit as he slowly massages it, writing nonsense that has you keen already. He can’t help himself but suck gently when your ankles cross behind his head to keep him in place. Over the lecherous sounds of your pleasure he can her your nails scrape against the mirror in the vain attempt to gain control: not yet, now you are for him to torment.
His tongue slowly runs down to your hole and he moans at the honey he finds there: so much and all for him! 
Hungry his tongue fucks you, the piercing stimulating all your nerves all the more, his big hands clench on your hips when you try to squirm away from his nose; on instinct you arch against his intrusion, your ankles pull him tighter against you as you wail your pleasure, small sobs like pain that spur him on all the more.
You come all over his face and keen when he starts sucking on your clit again, overstimulated and delirious you try to push him away, only for him to growl against your sensitive skin, triggering a smaller orgasm that shakes you.
Feyd stares at you with enlarged pupils, his face drenched in your sweetness, his cock torture against the cotton of his bottoms.
“Feyd, please.” You say breathless.
With a fluid motion he stands up and carries you bridal style to the bed, where he sits you to help you out of your nightgown, before discarding his soiled pajama trousers.
His pierced cock stands proud, leaking from the head; you were scared the first time you’ve seen it, imagining how painful it must have been for him, now you’ve come to love every single piece of jewelry adorning his manhood. From the Magic Cross on the head, to the small Frenulum ring, down to all the beadings on his shaft and the small ring on his perineum, you’ve kissed and played with all of them, tormenting Feyd, until he couldn’t understand if it was pleasure, or pain that triggered his orgasm.
You can’t wait to go with him, have your own privates worked on, while he adds the last beadings to complete the whole shaft: you know that sharing this will bind you tighter than the ring he will soon put on your finger, and it both excites and scares you to your core.
Feyd lays next to you to lazily kiss you, his soft lips on yours unhurriedly share your heady taste with you. His hands are in your hair, your nails are scratch down his back: you’re so hungry!
The ping of the received message interrupts you two.
“Ah shit! I think I need to answer this one.”
Feyd doesn’t say a word, he simply stares at you, his non existed brows raised.
“Baby this might be important. It’s Alia.”
Of all his Atreides relations, his little cousin is the only one he can truly stomach; he’s not happy that Chani is one of your oldest friends and that you hang out with her and Paul so much, yet he accepts your friendship with weird and off putting Alia.
“What happened with her?” He asks, curious.
“Let me check my phone and I will be able to tell you.”
With a huff Feyd goes to retrieve your phone and kneels between your splayed legs as you unlock your screen.
“There! I knew it!”
“What did she do?”
“Not her, the guy she was messaging with. He seemed so nice, too nice, if you know what I mean: he sent her a dick pick and us girls are discussing how to retaliate.”
“A dick pic?” Feyd looks sincerely puzzled. “Why?”
“You should ask your male friends. I know I hit the jackpot with you, but most of the guys out there are useless pieces of shit. Hang on, let me send this quick voice memo.” You say locking your ankles against his back to pull yourself up and kiss his nose. 
“Girls, I say that the old fashioned guillotine gif is the best way to go. My favorite is the small one chopping off the wurst but I stand with whichever you want to send. Now I am going to disappear because I’m getting laid. Cheers girls!” 
For the hundredth time, Feyd wonders what horrors that chat contains; he is not sure his Harkonnen upbringing has prepared him to face them. A whole host of women let loose without any sort of filter? No thank you!
Using his own lack of concentration, you roll the two of you, straddling his still erect cock; you raise your eyebrow at him and he just shrugs: horrified or not, you’re still naked and he hasn’t come yet.
“Fuck yourself on my cock, little dove.” He drawls.
“Not so fast, baby. You had your fun.”
When he tries to roll the two of you again, you grab his wrist and push them against the mattress and ground your naked cunt against the ridges of his cock. From your vantage point you stare at Feyd: you know he can easily manhandle you, he has done so many times, the fact that he’s letting you dominate him, that he is willingly submitting to you, drives you as dizzy and wild pleasure, as his pierced cock is.
Feyd hips kick under yours, the jewels on his manhood only enhancing the torment you’re subjecting him to, your wet, warm lips envelop his erection and he fancies he can feel your hole clench around nothing.
You straighten your back and grab at your own hair with a long moan of pleasure, Feyd’s hands grab your hips in retaliation, forcing you to move even faster on his erection; he only wished he had put weights on your nipples, just to hear you cry out in pain.
Abruptly you plant your hands on his chest to rub your engorged clit on one of the beads on his cock; the pleasure you feel makes all your muscles tremble with the effort to move, your orgasm so close, so close!
You come with a scream, your nails stabbing Feyd’s pectoral, triggering his own release between your lower lips and his muscled abdomen; he growls at the pleasure and at the frustration of not spending himself inside of you, feeling his balls draw up with the force if his orgasm.
You fall in his arms, breathing fast as you kiss all the available skin your lips can reach.
“I’m not done with you, Feyd-Rautha.” You growl in his ear.
The sound that escapes his mouth is a mix between a whine and a groan, his cock still hard and pressed between your bodies; under you his long back arches when you start making your way down the planes of his muscles, your lips finding the small rings on his nipples, your teeth pull at the metal until he keens, the small pain exploding in his engorged cock.
“Little dove.” He groans.
“None of that, my love. I’ve missed you so much.”
Feyd moans at the heath in your words: physically he’s the stronger one, yet he knows you could destroy him with a snap of your fingers.
A long litany of moans spill from his parted lips with every lick and small bite, he feels his balls draw up again, ready to spill.
“Not yet, Feyd. I want you to come inside of me.”
He growls when your hand curls around his base, your teeth pulling cruelly at the ring on his perineum as he writes on the black sheets: he’s so ready to explode for you, paint your insides with his thick cum.
You can feel his long legs scramble against the mattress when your lips find his frenulum ring, your tongue plays with the small piece of metal and the small strip of oversensitive skin; despite your cruel hold, small beads of precome bubble and slide from his cock, meeting your curious tongue.
His taste explodes in your mouth, making you ravenous as you suck on his pierced head with thirst, your teeth playing with the delicate skin; he tries to call your name when your nails rake down the skin of his tights, tortured sounds escape instead, pulled forth by your teeth pulling on one of the beads of the Magic Cross.
With a lewd pop you let his erection fall against his clenching abs, to give him a modicum of respite before attacking him again.
You rise to your knees, your body framed by his trembling legs, simply to observe your handiwork: the marks blooming on his delicate skin, his pupils completely expanded and fixed on the patch of hair between your legs and on the wetness he can see.
“Shall I sit on your face, or use your cock for all it’s worth?”
For a second Feyd can’t answer, his eyes mesmerized by your hands caressing your body and massaging your breasts: he needs to suck on your nipples, or he’ll go mad!
With disconnected movements he pats his hip and you laugh at the way need robs him of his preternatural coordination.
“Say it. I want to hear it!” You command, your fingers still pinching your nipples.
Feyd licks his lips; the room is so saturated with the smell of sex that he fancies he can still taste you on his lips.
Without breaking eye contact, Feyd growls low in his throat.
“Come and use your cock, little dove. I bet your cunt missed it.”
“I think it’s you who missed me more.” You say, crawling towards him. “What are you going to do while my new piercings will need to heal? Go mad with need?”
The idea of holding you while you get your clit pierced forces a shudder through his body: soon, it is going to be so soon!
“I can always play your arse.” He answers, burning with the need to breach you. 
“You’ll have to beg better than that.” You say, flicking his engorged head and earning a lovely yelp of pain.
You position yourself on his cock, you are both so wet you don’t need any more preparation and your cunt welcomes him with a slight tremble.
Feyd’s hands clench on your hips to help you ride with gentle movements that have your clenching muscles slowly relax around his cock, sucking him in until you’re sitting fully on him, feeling every ridge and modification against the velvet of your walls.
To give him a full view, you put your hands on his raised knees and use him for leverage. Slowly you lift yourself up and down, making sure he sees his cock, drenched in your juices, disappear where you two meet with lewd squelching sounds. 
You’ve thrown your head back, letting your hair touch his legs, and miss the way he looks at your body, how ravenous the sight of your combined comes around his base makes him. 
He groans when you bounce faster on him, beads of sweat roll between your lush breasts and he tries to sit up to suck on them, but a tight squeeze of your hole deprives him of all strength. 
“Tell me what you need, my love”. You ask, sitting firmly on his hips. 
Feyd's hands clench on your hips, your cunt is strangling him so perfectly his eyes cross. 
“You nipples…” He groans, almost in pain. “Let me suck on them!” 
Nonchalant you cup your breasts and lightly pull on the rings, not missing the way Feyd's cock twitches inside of you. 
“Do you want to suck on them? Cover all my skin with your marks?”
Feyd's body shakes under you, the wires in his head crossing with the need to taste you, and to come inside of you. 
“Yes!” He manages to groan, as desperate as a drowning man. 
Taking your sweet time to torment him, you push your weight forward and on your arms, your tits millimeters away from his hungry mouth; before he can latch his lips around one areola, you stop him. 
“What if I make you choose between my breasts and coming, tonight? What's your priority?”
Feyd's fingers stab your hips with the desperation he feels: he needs both! 
“You love my mouth on you, you never come as fast as when I fuck your cunt and pull on your rings.”
Desperate times need desperate moves. 
Pensively you cup your breasts again and start moving slowly, the cacophony of moans and sobs spurring you on. 
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, the powerful heir to his family fortune, reduced to a bitch in heat under you, begging for your body, beautiful in his need of you and of your guidance. 
“I think you’re right, baby. There's nothing better than your cock in my cunt and your lips on my tits.”
You lay on him again, letting his mouth latch around one pert nipple as his hips piston desperately inside of you; as much as you’re trying to control yourself, the precipice of another orgasms is closer and closer, aided by the delicious mods on Feyd's cock against your quivering walls, hitting everywhere all at once, battering all your nerves without mercy while his teeth worry and pull at your pierced nipple: pain and pleasure a blur in your mind and in his. 
Feyd's hips ram faster and faster against your G spot, spurred as he is by your show of dominance and control over him; he can barely contain himself when you squeeze tighter than ever. You haven't ordered him, yet: he can't come without your permission. 
“Now Feyd!” 
Your barked order dissolves any control he has on himself: grabs you and pulls you tight against his hips and comes, triggering your own orgasm. 
You grind against him, prolonging your shared pleasure until it hurts and you have to let his softened cock slip from your cunt. 
You can feel his thick cum slide from your overused cunt and you shudder on him, he simply cages you against his strong body until he feels your body relax. 
His hand goes to your head to knead the long tresses, one of his favorite post sex rituals as you leave butterfly kisses all over the marks on his neck. 
“You OK baby?” You whisper gently against his skin. 
“Yes, stay.” He adds when you try to go to the bathroom. 
“We're sticky, baby.”
“You smell like me. Let me enjoy it.”
You recognize his tone, he needs to be held more to ground himself back into control. 
“I'm not going anywhere. Come here.”
You tell him and he simply puts his head against your chest, letting himself be cradled by you. 
“Let's chill, OK? I missed you.”
He doesn't answer but you can detect how heavy his breathing is: he's going to fall asleep soon and you let yourself follow him. 
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adrinoir · 2 years
I don’t think Adrien is super oblivious
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I wrote about Adrien not being oblivious of Marinette’s feelings before, but I think just as a whole, he’s not as oblivious as you may think. Let me break down why.
1. It’s never been some big revelation to him that Marinette is Ladybug - who he likes as more than a friend
Think of all the “what if” episodes: Chat Blanc, Oblivio, and Ephemeral.
Something that happens in all of these episodes is Adrien realizing Marinette is Ladybug and being so happy with them being the same person.
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But notice how it isn’t some huge revelation to him. Like, he figures it out and is pretty much like “that makes sense. No wonder I love you.” He was never like “wow! I would’ve never guessed! I don’t know if I like Marinette like that.”
Those episodes aside, in Heroes’ Day Pt. 2, he accepts Marinette’s kiss and compliments her, calling her “their everyday Ladybug.” And, in Multiplication, he remembers the advice she had given him about confronting his father, and wastes no time calling her and telling her how special she is to him. It’s not even like Adrien told Plagg to shut up or defend himself when he said Adrien would be a fake if he thinks he doesn’t like Marinette romantically.
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Adrien definitely seems well aware that he likes Marinette, but he’s in denial because he’s infatuated with Ladybug. Plus, he says the one time, “besides, there’s Luka.”
He doesn’t know how to juggle having feelings for two “different” girls (he’s never had a crush on anyone prior to), but it’s never been a big shock to him when he figures out they’re the same person and that he loves them both.
2. He won’t open up to his father
Gabriel is abusive…also the sky is blue.
It seems a lot of the time that Adrien isn’t aware of how abusive his father is, and lets him manipulate him. But, I think he’s got some idea of this, honestly. He’s caught onto more in comparison to season one.
The biggest sign was in Glaciator 2. When Gabriel says he’s been distant ever since Emilie’s passing but Adrien can talk to him if he needs to, he’s unfazed by the reason he’s distant, says, “if I needed to, father, I would…” and then walks away.
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Adrien didn’t even want to talk to him, despite him offering. That says a lot right there.
Throughout every season, Gabriel doesn’t even bother to do things like eat dinner with him, take him to the movies, help him practice piano, etc. and it thoroughly disappoints Adrien.
Adrien also admits in Risk that his father is forcing him to be this “perfect” model but all he wants is to be his son. He doesn’t want to be a model. He just wants a good relationship with his father, and it’s a really good thing he realizes that.
The sad thing is that there’s a 99.9% chance not going to improve, considering he just created an AI version of Adrien, which he’ll be able to use to his advantage. Adrien realized something was very fucked up about that after he saw this version of himself.
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3. He never claimed to love Kagami
Okay. So, Adrien definitely had a bit of an attraction to Kagami originally, I’m not saying he didn’t. However, he never openly says he loves her or even tries to woo her like does with Ladybug. Adrien very obviously shows his feelings through his actions and behavior - keep this in mind.
There’s probably Adrien salters who think he lead Kagami on, but the truth of the matter is that he really didn’t. He wanted to try to be with her, but he never admitted having feelings for her and he consistently showed discomfort while they were together.
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Kagami caught onto this and saw the charm from Marinette he’s always carrying. She tried to make the relationship work, but she noticed problems (aside from just him lying to go run off on patrols), and dumped him for that. And Adrien didn’t try to fight her on that, so I feel like he knew he didn’t feel the same way and that the breakup needed to happen.
4. He keeps flirting with Ladybug despite her saying she likes someone else
Okay, okay. I’ve seen this being debated about in the fandom a lot. There’s people who think he’s being too pushy, to a point of assault. But, I don’t really feel that’s the case. Lemme explain.
Ladybug will sometimes flirt with him back. She’s kissed him a number of different times. Similar to him, she’s also in denial of having feelings for him and trying to sort out these romantic feelings she has for Cat Noir.
Cat Noir/Adrien definitely notices this seeing as how much he loves her, which is why he still flirts with her here and there. He sees there might still be a chance for him. Especially seeing how she’s kissed him a number of times, twice that he can’t even remember, he’s going insane trying to figure out how that happened in the first place.
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I think he should cut back, which honestly he has since the first season. If Ladybug directly tells him to stop, he does. It’s just a matter of him thinking she might just feel the same, and the episodes rebooting him flirting and Ladybug having a different reaction every time. (She also doesn’t get super uncomfortable and incredibly mad the way she did when Felix tried to kiss her).
Adrien isn’t completely clueless and oblivious. That’s that.
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kimbappykidding · 8 months
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Oher Parts: Part One, Part Two and Part Four.
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One night in bed Sehun had a revelation for you. "You know some of the guys are kinda jealous" Sehun said and you looked at him "of us, why?". "They said I'm getting the best outfits". You smiled "have they ever just considered you look good in everything?" trailing a hand down his abs. Sehun smiled and held your hand against him "I've tried telling them that but they won't listen, maybe they'll have to hear it from you?". You smiled as he leaned in "I'll get right on that...after I'm done with this" and kissed him. Sehun pulled you onto him and you made a happy content noise. Sehun chuckled "you make all sorts of cute noises around me but my favourite is the way you say my name". You blushed but smiled at him "this again?". "Yes this again! As if you're not sexy enough your voice is so hot" Sehun said and he looked at you expectantly. You knew exactly what he was expecting and tilted your head looking down at him. "Sehun?" you asked faking innocent but put your best sigh to it. Sehun visibly squirmed and yanked you back towards him. You laughed at the effect it had on him until you saw the look in his eye. "Laugh all you want but I'm going to have you chanting it just give me five minutes". In response you grabbed your phone from the bedside table and set a timer "go on then". Sehun won the bet. So you continued hooking up with Sehun and the visits he paid to your studio continued as well. Sure you'd always enjoyed your job but there was something so exciting about fooling around with Sehun. Every fitting was charged with sexual tension and you loved the secretive looks Sehun gave you. The looks that told you exactly what Sehun was thinking and what you'd be up to later. Relatedly the makeout sessions at work were great too. You never went too far at work and were really careful but the looks Sehun would send you were enough to weaken you and the texts he sent you were more than enough to push you over the edge. It was a whirlwind of fun and even though you had no official guess at what this was you knew things weren't as casual when you started getting jealous and possessive over him.
Sehun's presence at work was being felt but not only by you. Sehun was friendly and chatted with all the girls while he was in your department. He had to otherwise everyone would guess what was going on in minutes but you didn't like how far one girl was taking it. Nalah was the newest member of your department and her proudest achievement was she was the youngest one and she mentioned it every day. It was like she thought you all went home and cried because she was still a teenager. She hadn't realised yet that there was nothing wrong with ageing and grown men paying attention to a 19-year-old isn't a good thing. So she had an inflated ego and reckoned she had a shot with lots of idols even though she'd barely even spoken to them. However, one idol she had spoken to was Sehun and she began to get ideas. "Has anyone noticed how Sehun's hanging around here a lot lately?" Nalah asked one day. You froze at the question and then tried to pretend like you hadn't even heard her. "Yes so?" one of your co-workers called Choonhee asked "he's not doing any harm". "I know I never said he was I just wondered why he's here so much". Everyone else shrugged not too bothered and you began to calm down again...but when Nalah didn't get the response she wanted she answered for you all. "I think he has a thing for me!" she said and you couldn't help your eyes widening a little which she noticed. "What does that look mean?" she asked and you smiled "nothing just...why? Has he asked you out or flirted with you?". "He hasn't asked me out but flirts all the time!" she cried and you nodded "right..." not believing her. "Plus he checks out my ass like 5 times a day and my boobs...it must be so nice not getting bothered by that kind of attention" she said shooting you a *sympathetic look* which was really a sneer. Before you could reply your manager spoke up "you better hope that's not true Nalah because we have a strict no fraternising with idols rule here. Even if he does like you, you can't date him or anything else unless you want to lose your job?". Nalah's expression changed and she shook her head "no" and got back on with her work. Choonhee shot you a smirk and you returned it but your manager's words brought home what would happen if this got out. Maybe you should end this before anything bad happened? Then you saw Nalah perk up the second Sehun appeared and those thoughts left your head. If hooking up with Sehun wasn't good enough, knowing Nalah thought he was here for her when he was here for you made it even sweeter. Nalah's behaviour however began to really grate on you and you couldn't stop noticing it! Anytime the manager wasn't around Nalah would flirt none stop with Sehun and it was infuriating. She was so obvious and it wasn't even natural or subtle. You were all for girls being dominant and forward but she had zero reciprocation from Sehun but still wouldn't stop. Sehun quickly worked out something was odd and asked what was going on one week later. "She thinks you're into her" you said and Sehun laughed "isn't she like 12?". You smiled "no she's 19 but acts like a 12-year-old". "Even 19 is way too young for me. Why would I go near a 19-year-old?" Sehun asked and you smiled and kissed him. When you pulled back Sehun blinked his eyes opened and looked at you "what was that for?". "Because you're a good guy but there are a lot of bad guys who see nothing wrong with dating a girl way younger than them". Sehun shook his head "I have no idea why, if you were 10 years younger than me you wouldn't get all my references or find me funny" Sehun said and you paused shooting him a look. "Hey!" he said and you laughed "I'm kidding of course" hugging him and Sehun nodded "good" resting his head on yours "do you think Nalah will go away or should I say something?". You paused unsure what to say. You wanted to tell him to march in there tomorrow and shut her down but also didn't want to come across too possessive. You still weren't anything official and thought it wasn't your right. "You've gone quiet" Sehun said pulling away "what's up?". He looked at you "what are you thinking?". You sighed "that I'd really love you to shut her up". Sehun smiled "then that's what I'll do" and he kissed you "you only have to ask. I'm very good at taking directions". You smiled "so I've noticed" and with a grin Sehun came closer "but there are some things I know you like without having to be told" and he climbed on top of you and started to demonstrate. Sehun told you he'd tell her on Monday and so when he came into the studio you gave him some privacy and returned 10 minutes later to find Sehun gone.  Nalah was quietly working and you watched her trying to look for any sign she was upset. She was quiet which was odd in itself and you felt bad for her. Being that young and having a guy that looks like Sehun show you attention would've been a lot for any girl. You couldn't blame her and hoped she wasn't taking it too hard. "Do you need any help with that?" you asked trying to be nice. Nalah turned around and looked you up and down before nodding. You took some of the fabric and set it up on another sewing machine. She was off all day and left without saying goodbye to anyone. "What's with her?" Choonhee asked and you shrugged. Feeling bad but glad this was all over... You were too naive. Tuesdays were your favourite days because you started a few hours later due to scheduling demand but this one, in particular, should be fun because you had a fitting appointment with Sehun. Ever since you'd started seeing one another these appointments were very funny. It was just you and Sehun pretending you didn't know one another and trying not to check each other out the whole hour. Plus you still hadn't found a bad look on Sehun and loved dressing him up in different things and styling him how you liked. So you were in a good mood when you headed into work...until you saw Sehun already having his fitting with Nalah. Sehun looked at you the second you entered and looked confused. You took in the room and frowned "what is going on?". "Nalah said you wouldn't be in today" Choonhee said. You frowned "and where did you get that from Nalah?". "I thought you said you had a doctor's appointment?". "Yeah after work and I'm here...so want to tell me why you're working with my client?". She rolled her eyes "don't be so dramatic I'm helping you out". You nodded "well I'm here now so I can take over". "No I've started his fitting now so I'll finish it" she said turning back to Sehun, a smile on her face. "No you won't" you said and her smile fell. She turned around with a sigh "You're being childish. I'm already doing it so go and do something else". "No he's my client and I want to make sure it's done right so step away from him and put down the measuring tape". "Are you gonna make me?" she asked and you paused in shock. You could and wanted to attack her but that'd get you fired. You could go get your manager but that could get her fired and you didn't want to do that no matter your feeling for her. Nalah knew you'd never do anything too extreme and smiled turning back to Sehun. You thought that was it, you'd lost but you forgot you had someone in your corner. "Sorry about that interruption, now where were we?" Nalah said turning back Sehun. She went to touch his sleeve but he stepped back "I'd prefer if Y/n did it actually". You all froze and Nalah blinked "I...why? I'm just as good as her if not better!". "She's my stylist and I trust and prefer her" Sehun said and he moved away from her and came to stand with you. "You said she wasn't in but she is so I want her" Sehun said. You wanted to kiss him right then and there but couldn't of course. Seeing Nalah's angry face was almost as good though. She looked so angry you expected to see smoke coming from her head. "Fine!" she yelled throwing the measuring tape down "that's what I get for being a good person!" and stormed from the room. Choonhee laughed and nodded to Sehun "well done". Sehun wasn't sure if she was being sarcastic or not so you jumped in "she means that. Thank you from all of us for standing up to her". When Sehun realised it was a compliment he blushed and smiled at you "no problem...I never would've let her start if I knew you were here". "It's okay" you smiled at him "now should I start your fitting?". "Yes please" Sehun replied and you smiled getting the measuring tape. You completed Sehun's fitting with a lot of smiles and jokes. After he left Choonhee turned to you "Y/n I think Nalah might've been right about Sehun having a crush". You gaped and she shook her head "no not about it being her. Just about him having a crush...I think it's on you". You paused and blushed without even meaning to. You had no idea what to say so just acted as if you were blushing because of what Choonhee had said. "What makes you say that?". "The way he stood up to Nalah! He was very clear he wanted you, idols don't tend to get attached to their stylists but Sehun clearly likes you and I think he's been hanging out here because of you". You looked down "I...I don't think so". "Oh come on the way he was looking at you was so obvious! He likes you and you clearly like him too with how much you're blushing". You shook your head "I'm blushing because of what you're insinuating. He's a gorgeous idol". "And you're a beautiful woman he chose to be with" Choonhee smiled "no reason to be bashful Y/n". "I...have to finish this outfit" you said acting like you were too flustered but really you just wanted Choonhee to stop talking so she didn't pry too deeply. You didn't see Nalah for the rest of the day and figured she'd gone home *ill*. Which was just fine by you, you and Choonhee worked in peaceful harmony until she clocked out then it was just you. You were tinkering away at a jacket you were embellishing when the door opened. You figured it was Choonhee who always seemed to forget something so didn't turn around. Then you felt two arms around your waist and lips on your neck. You jumped but quickly realised who it was. "Sehun what are you doing here?" you laughed. "Are you kidding? I've been resisting the urge to come down here and kiss you ever since this morning" he replied. You might've been doing something similar and smiled "mhmmm and why is that?" you teased. "Because you were so hot and fiery this morning" Sehun replied. You smiled "well I could say the same thing for you fighting for me like that...it was really sexy". Sehun smiled turning you around so he could kiss you properly. You happily moved and stood up so you could reach him better. "You know what was also sexy?" Sehun asked "seeing you so possessive". You paused as Sehun said that because that was exactly what you'd been trying to avoid but he seemed to like it. "Possessive?" you asked and Sehun nodded "you were jealous weren't you. That's why you didn't like Nalah flirting with me". Sehun had a huge smile on his face and there wasn't any point denying it. "Well of course I wouldn't like that" you replied and Sehun's smile turned into a smirk "why?". "Because you're mine" you replied "not hers" and pushed Sehun down into the chair. He grinned and pulled you by your waist towards him "that's what I wanted to hear". You shook your head and sat on his lap "then all you had to do was ask" and kissed him. Typically at work, you were both more logical than emotional and would pull back before it got too far but today you didn't care. Sehun had done all that this morning for you and found your reaction hot. He wanted you to want him and that was so sexy. So you didn't care you were at work. Nobody else was here but you and this insanely hot idol who was yours, so you nodded to Sehun when he looked at you to check if he could go further and adored the smile that followed. However, not 5 minutes later the door opened and Choonhee screamed at the sight that greeted her. You quickly leapt off Sehun and both gasped. "Shit!" you said and Sehun tossed you your clothes "go after her!". You nodded and got back dressed before running out of the room...only to find Choonhee leaning against the wall right outside your studio. She looked at you when you came out "so I was right about Sehun's crush then huh?". You nodded "yeah kinda...". "Kinda?" she asked and you nodded "okay you were, we're seeing each other now can we go back inside and talk about this?". She nodded and you led her back into the room where Sehun was waiting very awkwardly. "So you're seeing each other?" she asked when neither of you went to talk. You nodded and Choonhee paused "since when?". "For 3 months now?" Sehun asked and you nodded "yeah soon after I got transferred to Sehun". "And what are you? Are you dating?". That made you both pause before shaking your head "erm no this is just casual" you said finally managing to meet Choonhee's eye. "Oh" she said "then Y/n in the nicest way...why are you doing this? You heard what our manager said to Nalah literally the other day". You nodded "I know..." when Sehun frowned "wait what did she say". You turned to him "that we would be fired for getting involved with an idol". "What!" Sehun asked "is that even legal? I knew it was frowned upon but I checked my contract and there's nothing in there that says I can't". You nodded "yeah but you're the talent, they can't exactly fire you". "But that's insane!" Sehun said "how is it any of their business". Choonhee shrugged "well imagine you cheat on Y/n or something and she has to see you every week and style you, it might affect her professionalism and she might start dressing you in bad outfits". "But we're not going to get like that I'd never...even if anything did happen we'd stay civil, right?" he asked you. You paused before nodding "I think we would but they don't know what which is why they have the rule". Sehun frowned "but Y/n why would you risk that? You love this job?". You shrugged "I guess I just like you". Sehun's face softened when he heard that but then he frowned again. "
Do you two...do this often at work?" Choonhee asked "because anyone could've caught you!". "No we don't usually get as far as today" you admitted and Choonhee sighed "good because if you're going to continue this and not get fired you can't let this happen. You're the one co-worker I like here Y/n and you're good. I don't want to come in one morning and find you've vanished". "I won't" you assured her and Sehun nodded "I won't let that happen to her". Choonhee looked from you to Sehun before nodding "okay then" and she grabbed the file she'd forgotten and walked out the door. Leaving you and Sehun alone and the silence was deafening.
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unremarkablehouse · 2 years
What happens in Kroner
M15+ | S6 after Rain King |AO3
Summary: Part 1 of my new series. Mulder and Scully wake up together on their last day in Kroner and decide to test the boundaries of their relationship.
Sunlight peeking through the broken venetian blinds was a welcomed omen for Scully, who had been lying in bed waiting for a sign that this limbo would soon be over. The weather was clear and finally they’d be on the first puddle jumper out of Kroner, Kansas. Mulder casually rolled over to face her, groaning as his body surrendered to waking up, grumbling a ‘morning’ to a very awake Scully. The anxiety of sharing a bed with her partner was enough to keep her from falling into a deep sleep the night before and the noise from the other motel guests returning from the reunion didn’t help the matter. Somehow Mulder managed to block all of this out and fall into a deep sleep, while Scully watched his sleeping form with envy.
“Mulder, do you realize you say my name in your sleep?” Scully’s tone is inquisitive, and although Mulder knows he should feel some sort of embarrassment, he’s tired of this dance and is ready to lay his cards on the table.
“Actually, you’re not the first one to tell me this.”
Scully lifts her eyebrow, wanting to know what other bedfellows he’s had and surprised to hear that this is an established pattern.
“Just from the guys, oh and Skinner-“ Mulder answers.
At the thought of Skinner saying something Scully shakes her head and pinches the bridge of her nose while Mulder continues to dig a deeper hole.
“Good thing I don’t have a more active social life or my sleep talking could get me in trouble.”
“Good thing.”
The room is starting to feel more charged and Scully takes this casual comment as confirmation that Diana hasn’t been participating in any adult sleepovers. Tenderly brushing hair out of her face Mulder scoots up to make sure they’re face to face, they both know the intimacy they’re enjoying is stolen, but it doesn’t stop them from reveling in it any less. Mulder attempts to break the mounting tension by continuing his ramble.
“I guess saying your name in my sleep would probably be no less awkward than if I were to call you before bed.”
“Mulder, why would you call me if you’re in bed with another woman?”
“I always talk to you before I go to sleep-“ Mulder’s countenance is so earnest that Scully’s heart swoons with his admission. Her hand finds it’s way into his hair and she’s unable to resist scratching the hairs on the back of his neck. “I think the subconscious talking you could probably play off but the conscious choice to call me before bed would be a deal breaker for any sane woman.”
Mulder gives a laugh, “very true. I’d also have to explain why they’re getting introduced to your mother before mine.”
“Every time we talk Maggie asks me if there’s someone special and has made me promises to introduce her-“
“Oh God-“
The realization that her mother has been subjecting Mulder to the same interrogations over his love life is mortifying. Scully rolls onto her back and covers her face, cringing at the thought.
“Scully, now you know the real reason I’ve been single for so long. It’s not just because all womankind have unanimously decided I should be alone, but I am actually scared about introducing anyone to your mother.”
Scully can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all, Mulder’s soft chuckle harmonizing nicely with hers.
“Welcome to the club. Your instincts are right, she is the worst to introduce any dates too.”
“Is this because of what happened when she met Marcus?”
Scully stops dead still at the mention of this particular anecdote, which she knows for a fact she’s never shared with Mulder.
“Mulder, just how often are you talking with my mother?”
Feeling a little defensive, Mulder quickly retorts “a normal amount!” Scully says nothing but her raised eyebrows challenge his statement loudly enough.
“Seriously, it’s not like we chat. We just talk because I call her whenever something happens to you, and she also checks in every once in a while if she hasn’t heard from me.”
“That’s the definition of chatting!” Scully is bemused by the discovery of Mulder’s relationship with her mother. Just when she thinks she has this man pegged he comes out with some new endearing facet that makes her love him just a tiny bit more. “At least you know she approves of you.”
Mulder unconsciously twines their fingers together and smiles at her.
“I wouldn’t say she approves of me. Just because I’m her adopted problem child, doesn’t mean she thinks I’m good enough for her daughter.”
“Trust me, my mother adores you.”
“You’re telling me that the very Catholic Margret Scully would be ok with us being a couple? I’m not buying it.”
“Ask her next time you chat-”
“We don’t chat!”
Scully can’t help laughing at Mulder’s exaggerated frustration.
“On that note, I’m going to shower now. You should probably avert your eyes. From my casual exterior it might seem like I haven’t noticed I’m in bed with a beautiful woman, but my body definitely knows.”
“It’s a perfectly natural physiological response Mulder. So you have little nocturnal penile tumescence.” Scully’s tone sounds unaffected but her smarmy dig doesn’t go undetected.
“Little! I’m not going to take that lying down!” Before Scully can move away Mulder has her pinned down and is tickling her ribs while Scully squirms and squeals. It only
takes a few moments before Scully demands a truce, Mulder yields satisfied his point has been made. They both stop and catch their breathe, staring at each other and shaking of the tail end of laughter. After a pause Mulder’s face suddenly turns serious as if he’s remembered something of vital importance. This is a look Scully has seen many times and assumes he will be darting out of the room any second with some vague statement, off to find monsters or chase his latest crazed theory. Instead, Mulder slowly leans over and gently places a soft, chaste kiss on Scully’s lips, retreating quickly with a sheepish smile.
“What was that for?”
Scully is surprised by this sudden move but can feel a big smile on her face, mirroring Mulder’s grin.
“I just realized we’re flying out of here in a tin can. If we go down I don’t want Sheila to be the last person I kissed.”
Scully chuckles, “well in that case.” Her hand moves to the back of Mulder’s head, he takes the signal and lets her pull him in for another kiss. The kiss is slow and tenuous but definitely less chaste. Her hands move to his cheek as the kiss deepens, while Mulder’s hand slowly strokes her hair. It is not the frenzied passionate kiss she thought they’d share when they finally submitted to their feelings but there is a gravity to this kiss that anchors them to each other with an enormity that feels all consuming. What was meant as a simple kiss has turned into one of their conversations, each taking turns to lead while the other remains fully engaged. Despite its long duration, there have been no attempts to progress things further on either side, both content to stay in the shallows of this first step but unwilling to pull away or stop.
Always in sync they finally pull back at the same time, fear and trepidation thick in the air, neither sure what to make of this turn of events. Finally, Scully looks Mulder in the eyes, she can see he shares the same fears and concerns, conflicting with want and she’s emboldened by this realization.
“What happens in Kroner stays in Kroner?”
With a huge smile Mulder agrees and moves his head back down to continue kissing her at their previously established slow and luxurious rate. He’s caught off guard when he feels Scully’s foot guiding up his calf and hooking him in so he’s forced to move closer. Mulder’s restraint snaps as he’s pulled in to Scully’s body. His tongue thrusts into her mouth while his body grinds against hers. Their hands rub and pull on each other, dying to get closer, losing themselves in each other. Each roll of Mulder’s pelvis is met by Scully’s, their bodies connected in some primal dance. Mulder’s body heat permeates through Scully as the friction overwhelms her senses. This isn’t a high school make out session, their bodies have become an extension of one another and Scully soon finds herself climbing towards release. Intuitively Mulder’s body responds to hers as he thrusts and grinds with just the right pressure to send her soaring over the edge. As her orgasm begins to engulf her, Scully pulls away from his lips, resting her forehead on his while she unravels. Before Mulder can follow suit an ominous chirping sound resonates through the room and breaks the spell. Realizing it’s Scully’s cell phone, Mulder rolls off her so she can answer it. Scully answers her phone, and he can’t help but smile to hear her voice is still affected and she sounds slightly out of breath. The call is brief and she passes on the confirmation that their flight out of Korna is scheduled to leave at 10. The phone call is like a bucket of ice water on them, each unsure how to proceed. Mulder makes the first move and gets out of bed heading for the shower, offering Scully a high five on the way. She obliged but rolls her eyes as she does it.
When Mulder reaches the bathroom door Scully calls out, “Mulder-“
“I was wrong.”
The statement hangs in the air for an eternity and Mulder panics that Scully might be regretting their earlier indiscretion. Scully sees his tortured face and laughs, clarifying her statement, “you’re definitely not little.”
Mulder has no response to this, Scully got him good. The best he can do is throw his tshirt at her face, shaking his head in amusement.
Now he just needs to work out how to make this all happen again outside of Korner.
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literaila · 3 months
Addressing your tags first and foremost because thank goodness. I was beginning to wonder if I was showing up a little too much in your notifs. I'd be embarrassed if I had any shame but I'm a proud lover of your works, what can I say? Catch me reading an update in my bed and hour before work at like 6am. Liked. Reblogged to my sideblog. Framed. Next.
7 years, my goodness. I'll perhaps have to reconsider, gojo is not worth it 😪 I wish I had an appetite for angst like I used to but alas, I can no longer tolerate the feeling of someone reaching inside me to coil my stomach around their calloused hands and rip it out of me. It's just now how I like to spend any random Tuesday, you know? I prefer the cushioning of fluff. But I guess that's personal preferences for you. You do angst well. Just try not to go for my stomach next time~
Old men and philosophy. Put us in a room and we'll be pulling revelations from the sky.
If its already on its way, I shall prepare the shrine. Visits on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Paid entry.
Your puppy sounds like the grudge she holds against gojo is personal. Can't fault her for that tbh, he's definitely done something wrong and she knows it.
This is why people around him are violent. Bless yuuji, still blinded with his admiration (who can blame him)
no i’m almost tempted to plead you for more. tell me about your headaches, tell me if you find a typo in something i’ve typed, tell me if you happen upon a choso hoodie like i do every couple of days, tell me if your flowers die and you have to throw them out. i will take the blandest of crumbs, the smallest of facts. whatever you want, really.
catch me straining at six in the morning to read your asks (not right now, but usually). i genuinely do wake up every hour during the night and check my inbox for messages. and respond half asleep, obviously. it’s an issue, but i have no plans for resolution.
don’t reconsider. i have considered it enough for the both of us, and i will gladly take any pain gojo wants to push on me (with a heavily winded rant, of course. some light scolding).
ah, yes. i personally prefer fake angst in which the characters could not have an issue if they would fess up. real angst? death? pain? no thanks, i’ll take the burden of fluff. believe me, i used to write a lot more angst (someone said to me ‘verity, sometimes people just don’t want to read angst’ and um. yeah true, so i evolved into more fluff ((and overall better writing)) i’ll send your stomach an apology letter, fret not.
put me and any old man in a room and i will find a way to start a fight. it’s simply in my nature.
i just said that money sucks and now i have to pay for entrance fee to my own heart??? fine, i guess, i suppose. i’ve gifted it to you and no takebacksies and all that
i think you mean the grudge she holds against me. literally last time i wrote with her around she immediately came to sit in my lap and typed some outrageous things with her entire body weight. franklin doesn’t understand common courtesy or art (side eyeing me as we speak)
(gojo is always doing something wrong though. we all know it)
real real real. i was thinking about reader and satoru in a room, much too close to each other, and i thought ‘huh, that’s kind of a weird thing to do. even for two grossly pining characters. how realistic is that, chat?’ but then i remembered who i was writing about. (gojo cannot be stopped)
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thebiggestnope · 2 years
Prophetic Hijinks: Elena + Breeding Kink Bruno
NSFT. 18+. Minors scram. CW: Breeding kink, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering Last week I was chatting with @prophetic-hijinks how I think her version of Bruno would have a breeding kink. So I wrote this smut drabble about it. If you aren't reading the @prophetic-hijinks comics (and the racier blog @hijinks-after-dark) you're fucking up.
Elena belongs to @prophetic-hijinks. Bruno's Breeding Kink
It could happen any time he and Elena made love, and the thought was driving him wild.
He and Elena knew that they were going to have twins. The vision tablet proving it was hanging framed in their bedroom. So the question wasn’t if Elena would get pregnant. It was when.
They’d scanned the tablet together for clues as to the timing, but to no avail. “It’s exciting, isn’t it?” Elena had said when they’d recognized they’d get no further hints. “All the other moments from the vision have come to pass already, ​​so that means whenever we make love, it could be the moment we conceive.”
Bruno had agreed with her – it was exciting. Any time the two of them joined, it might be the start of their family. The thought had made his heart flutter. 
But in the days that followed, Bruno realized that Elena’s revelation had affected him far beyond a fluttery heart. Every time the two of them were intimate, he’d found himself thinking about how this might be the time that he got Elena pregnant and it… did something to him. He’d picture all of it: Elena ripe with his seed as her stomach filled out and her breasts swelled to nourish his children. Elena as a mother, warm and sweet and elated. Himself becoming a father and getting the future they both wanted.
He’d think about how he had the power to bring on all of that change – to grow his wife’s body, to alter their lives, to create new life – and it would send him reeling. He’d go feral with passion, taking hold of Elena’s hips and bottoming out in her.
Elena had noticed his increased enthusiasm – not only had Bruno been more ardent in their private moments, he’d also been asking for her to play him a lot more love songs than usual. (“Elena, would you play me a love song?” was Bruno code for, “Elena, would you like to be intimate with me?”) She enjoyed the attention, but she was curious what had gotten into him.
One evening she decided to finally ask him. Bruno had led her back to their room after dinner – for a love song, of course – and when they were alone behind closed doors, Bruno took her by the hand and kissed her with more fervor than she was accustomed to from her timid husband, his aching erection already pressing into her.
“Mi amor, so amorous for me lately,” she said with a gentle laugh when Bruno came up for air.
Bruno flushed. “Heh. You’ve noticed?”
“Yes, and I love it,” she said, quick to reassure him. She kissed him again to show him just how much she loved it. “But is there a reason?”
Bruno smiled at her shyly. “I’ve been thinking about what you said – about how any time we’re together, it could be the time we start our family.” He placed his hand on her stomach, his long fingers stretching across her. “I guess it’s been making me rather… eager lately.”
Elena sighed happily. “Oh Bruno, that’s so sweet.” She looked him over – his eyes brimming with adoration for her, his cheeks red with excitement. “You know,” she said, her tone sultry. “If you’re so eager, there are certain positions we can do that will, ah, make it easier to conceive. You might like to try them.”
Bruno’s eyes widened. “You mean they don’t all work?”
Elena giggled. “They all work, but some of them work better than others. Really the idea would be to make it easy for you to get deep and to be in a position that keeps the, ah, results inside me.”
Bruno inhaled slowly. “Dios mio.”
Elena gave him a heated look from under her eyelashes. “Another way is to make sure I finish when you’ve already… filled me.”
Bruno swallowed. “I think I can arrange that.”
Elena took his hand and led him to the bed. “Then arrange it for me, Papi.”
Bruno groaned and kissed her again, letting his hands wander everywhere. He found himself picturing what Elena looked like pregnant – he’d seen it for himself in his vision – and the next thing he knew, his passion had taken over. He got rid of his own clothes and tugged at hers, pulling off her dress and bloomers, his hands more confident than usual as they explored her body. Elena’s breathing was growing heavy, and Bruno could feel himself getting dizzy with how much he needed her. 
“Want me to show you one of those positions I was talking about?” Elena whispered.
Bruno nodded. “Okie dokie.” As the words left his mouth, he scolded himself. Why did he still say such stupid stuff in the heat of the moment?
Elena didn’t comment on it; she merely smiled at him. Then she got onto her back, lifted her hips, and put a pillow under her sacrum. “Come here, Papi,” she said, and Bruno groaned again. He positioned himself between Elena’s legs and gasped as he entered her. The angle of her hips let him get so deep – so impossibly deep. He trembled as he lay on top of her, feeling her heated skin against his own, and so felt close to his wife, so close to the future they were making together, that he had to fight back tears.
Elena began to buck her hips against him, and he matched her rhythm, losing himself to her, staying connected with her body as they moved in time with each other. He’d come to realize lately that Elena could know his body better than he did, because he hadn’t realized how close he was until Elena whispered hot in his ear, “Cum for me, Bruno. Fill me up. Give us our babies.”
Bruno moaned and held onto Elena as he pumped her full of his seed, making sure to give her every last drop. Elena’s hips were still twitching when he finished, and her voice was husky as she moaned for Bruno to finish her. With her hips still elevated on the pillow, Bruno worked her with his long piano fingers until she followed him over the edge, and for a long while afterwards they held each other, spent and happy.
“You know, it’s funny,” she said after a time. “After so many years with Carlos, and after so many years of trying for a baby, it’s still a wonder to me that any of this is happening at all.”
Bruno never thought of himself as a traditionally masculine man, or as a particularly virile one, but remembering that he was besting Carlos in yet another area of Elena’s life made his heart speed up.
“Hey Elena,” Bruno asked as he curled his arm around her body. “Would you like to play another love song?”
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radios-universe · 9 months
i was literally just discussing becky’s cameo in radio silence today and how i’m very much tori spring in that situation, where all my friends go out and believe i have to also join them to have fun when indeed that is Not my idea of fun
and one of them, today, while we were all hanging out - with alcohol involved, because of course! it must! - had a really long and nice chat between some of my other friends and me who are a bit Eh with drinking and clubbing saying how they really wanna stop and how it was never really something they enjoyed without being drunk, and they wanna stop drinking so the idea of clubbing kinda Sucks
it’s crazy for people my age to have these kinds of revelations and actually do something about it instead of having the whole ‘fuck it i’m young’ kinda thought process. you can still be an alcoholic before you hit legal age, y’know!?
there’s a whole half of my friendgroup who doubt her ability to be sober and that just kinda Sucks. sucks for them that they can’t find fun in being sober honestly. i’m glad i’m recruiting a few more soldiers to my side of the army T-T i’ve been talking shit about the others for so long and their peer pressuring ways, so it’s nice for people to suddenly realise this perspective
sorry for the ramble! tumblr is weirdly nice to just rant on. bc no one really cares idk
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the12thnightproject · 2 years
A Mitsunari Night's Dream Chapter 35/Epilogue - Cold Comfort
In the final chapter, Okatsu has settled into Azuchi so well, that when she comes down with a cold, everyone visits her. But as she revels in her new-found happiness... where is Aki? Also in the link below ... a teaser excerpt from the next route, featuring a certain kitsune in an enemies-to-lovers tale inspired by Taming of the Shrew.
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Chapter Excerpt:
Ugh. If I had a pillow instead of this stupid pillow block, I would hide my head under it and… “would it be too anachronistic or cause a time paradox if you invented a real pillow?”
Mai grinned. “Not a bad idea – but maybe we should wait and consult with Sasuke when he gets back. So…?”
“So…?” It would be rude to hide under the blanket, but so very tempting.
“Ieyasu and Shohime?” Mai had her Yenta hat on.
“They’d have lovely green-eyed babies?” It still wasn’t going to happen. “I doubt Ieyasu can get past the hostage thing. Besides, she’s not even eighteen yet. Let her be a kid a while longer.”
As long as we steer that kid away from her flirtation festival with Masamune and Keiji.
Picking up on my thoughts, Mai said, “she’s driving all the warlords crazy.” She plopped down on a cushion, giving every indication that she intended to stay and chat. “Two of Masamune’s vassals almost came to blows the other day. Besides, it was only a few months ago, her family thought she was old enough to be betrothed to Iekane.”
And look how that turned out.
“She needs a hobby or a job. Not a boyfriend.” Screw it. I burrowed deeper under the blanket, hoping Mai would take the hint. “Talk to Hideyoshi. He’ll listen to you.” Not for the first time, I wondered if Mai was aware of how Hideyoshi felt about her.
“He takes on so much already.”
“And of all people, Shohime is the freest to help. She’s got the brains and the skills – Hideyoshi can keep an eye on her and she can take on some of his self-imposed duties.” Which of course would give the man time to invent new jobs for himself. But one problem at a time.
“Planning a take-over?” Mitsuhide leaned in the doorway, surveying my sickroom with his customary patronizing smirk (I was used to it). Hikosane, who, for better or worse, had become Mitsuhide’s shadow lately, leaned against the other side (sans smirk). The mini-Mitsuhide pose lasted only a moment before he caught me looking at him. He straightened his posture and smiled at me.
“No take-over.” I cleared my throat. “Only trying to figure out something for Shohime to do before she creates a riot.” I reflected his mocking smile back to him. “Unless you want to take her in hand?”
There was a long pause, during which I was almost certain he repressed a shudder. “While I am certain she would find it edifying, I believe that your initial idea to turn her over to Hideyoshi has more merit.” He gave me one of those ‘I can see through you’ looks. “Having one female in the castle with manipulative skills is quite enough.”
Manipulative? Moi? If I were actually and successfully manipulative, then I would be in here alone. Asleep. I coughed – not at all a faked cough, but potentially amplified, as to at least try and remind everyone that I came in here to sleep.
“Lass, rumor has it you’re feeling ill.” Masamune strode into the room with a container that I hoped contained soup. I couldn’t smell it, but even imagining hot steaming soup, already had me feeling better.
I sat up, just as Keiji came in lugging a koto that was nearly as tall as he was.
That… was an ominous sign.
“Okatsu!” They said you’re sick! I’ve composed a song and set it to music to sooth your feverish brow.” He set up the koto in the middle of the room and plucked a string… which broke in protest.
Kill me now.
“Why did you send her to help me?” The parade continued as Ieyasu marched into the room with an irate Princess at his heels. He thrust a jar at me. “Hachimitsu daikon. Better than willow bark. Have Mitsunari make it into a tea for you, if that fluff-for-brains can do that without setting the castle on fire.”
One time. It happened one time. I would have protested out loud, but was in the middle of another sneezing fit.
Shohime focused what was probably her best royal glare at Ieyasu. “Most people would have been thrilled with my assistance.”
Mitsuhide coughed loudly (his fake cough game much better than mine) and said to her, “Torikabuto tea.”
Ignoring the reminder of the time he’d stopped her from poisoning us all, Shohime turned her back on him to greet her two favorite admirers. “Hello Keiji. Lovely to see you, Masamune.”
“See. Shohime. Ieyasu. U.S.T. Am I right?” Mai punctuated her observation with a sharp little elbow to my ribs.
It seemed more like siblings than U.S.T., but I felt too rotten to give it much attention. So, I just smiled at her and concentrated on the soup. Masamune had early on learned my food preferences, so there were no mushrooms in this batch. He didn’t always omit the fungus – his view that mushrooms, like carrots, were necessary food sources and that Mitsunari and I should eat both – so this dish was likely a concession to my cold.
Meanwhile, Keiji had finished tuning (allegedly) the koto, and began singing at top volume an epic ode about the Battle of Genba, in which, I noted, both his and Shohime’s roles had been greatly exaggerated.
“Must you?” Ieyasu had to shout over Keiji to be heard. “In a moment, all the animals in the area will be howling.”
This, in turn, prompted Shohime to loudly defend Keiji.
“Enjoying being part of a family?” Oddly, Mitsuhide’s quiet tone travelled to my ears easier than everyone else’s yelling.
Well, yes, in general, although not quite at this specific moment.
Full Chapter Here:
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mrsbsmooth · 2 years
Episode 39 - Script (Part 1 of 2)
Had to split it due to the 1000 blocks per textpost limit, sorry! This is everything except the final chats with the LIs.
Also do you know if you're on a Gabi route, Dana's the one that leaves? Wild.
NARRATOR: Turns out {0} and Suresh have shared two proposals and no wedding?
NARRATOR: That’s still a better success rate than me!
NARRATOR: It’s not quite a fairytale in the villa, but maybe there’s still time for {0} to find her Prince or Princess Charming.
NARRATOR: After she gets through this gallon of spilt tea first!
NARRATOR: Let’s get back to it!
The Islanders gather by the poolside, shocked by Suresh’s proposal revelation.
GABI_SURPRISED: Is this true, Suresh? The ring was for {0} and not me?
SURESH_SAD: Yes. It’s the truth.
GABI_ANGRY: I can’t believe this! All this time I thought that…
GABI_SAD: I thought I was the one you wanted to be with.
SURESH_SAD: I didn’t know you thought that. I’m sorry.
GABI_ANGRY: Yeah, so am I! I, erm…
Gabi trails off and looks down awkwardly.
GABI_SAD: I feel so stupid.
SURESH_SAD: I’m the one who should be feeling stupid. Not you.
SURESH_SAD: You didn’t do anything wrong.
GABI_SAD: I really thought that I meant something to you, Suresh.
SURESH_EMBARRASSED: You did mean something to me. Of course you did.
KAT_SERIOUS: Just not as much as {0} did.
LULU_SERIOUS: Kat, seriously?
KAT_EMBARRASSED: Soz, Gabi. I wasn’t thinking.
GABI_SAD: No, you’re right, Kat. That’s the truth.
Gabi looks at you.
GABI_SAD: I never meant as much as {0} did.
Lulu leans in for a whispered chat.
LULU_SERIOUS: How are you feeling about this, {0}?
It all finally adds up
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It makes sense. Anyone dating me would probably want to propose at some point.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: It does seem a little strange that Suresh wouldn’t have mentioned this sooner.
LULU_IDLE: Sounds like he was embarrassed.
I don’t care
PLAYER_SERIOUS: This is all complete crap. True or not, who cares?
LULU_SAD: Well, Gabi does. She looks legit hurt over this.
PLAYER_SAD: Yeah, she does.
This is a lot to take in
PLAYER_SERIOUS: This is a lot. I’m supposed to get my head round all this right now?
LULU_SERIOUS: You don’t need to do anything right this second. If it’s too much, just chill.
LULU_IDLE: You can process it all once things have calmed down a little.
PLAYER_IDLE: Thanks for the advice, Lulu.
LULU_HAPPY: Always, {0}.
GABI_SAD: I really don’t understand any of this, Suresh.
GABI_SAD: There were things you said to me that must have meant something to you.
GABI_SAD: And now I find out that everything was about somebody else.
GABI_SERIOUS: It’s always been about {0}, and it always will be.
GABI_SAD: I’m nothing to you, am I, Suresh?
SURESH_SAD: Don’t say that, Gabi.
GABI_ANGRY: I should have known. I don’t even like gold rings!
GABI_ANGRY: I should have known. I don’t even like silver rings!
GABI_ANGRY: I should have known. I don’t even like sapphire rings!
GABI_ANGRY: I should have known. I don’t even like ruby rings!
SURESH_SAD: We didn’t need to have this out in front of everyone though.
SURESH_SAD: We could have talked about this in private.
SURESH_EMBARRASSED: And avoided making a big dramatic thing about it.
GABI_SAD: What difference does it make now?
GABI_ANGRY: Whatever feelings I had for you at the time were obviously wasted.
GABI_ANGRY: I was naive, and blinded by how I felt for you.
GABI_SAD: Now I know, it was all for nothing.
GABI_SAD: I should have left the past where it belongs.
GABI_SERIOUS: I made a huge mistake coming here. I never should’ve bothered.
LULU_IDLE: Don’t say that, Gabi. It’s great that you’re here.
ALFIE_IDLE: Yeah, you’re awesome, Gabi.
FINN_HAPPY: The villa wouldn’t be the same without you.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: Thanks, guys. Sorry I’ve complicated things.
KAT_ANGRY: Nah, you weren’t the one who did that.
KAT_SERIOUS: So, Suresh, why didn’t you tell any of this to {0} sooner?
KAT_HAPPY: You could be celebrating an anniversary by now.
ALFIE_IDLE: Or have gotten divorced already!
SURESH_SERIOUS: It’s none of your business, guys.
PLAYER_ANGRY: It is my business though.
KAT_SERIOUS: Exactly, so spill, Suresh. {0} needs to know what you were thinking.
DANA_SERIOUS: There won’t be a better time to get it all out, Suresh.
Suresh takes a moment to gather his thoughts
SURESH_SERIOUS: Fine. If you must know, I’ll tell you.
SURESH_SAD: I know I messed up when I cheated on you with Gabi.
SURESH_SAD: I knew straight away.
SURESH_SAD: And I tried to tell you, but you saw that photo of Gabi and it was too late.
SURESH_SAD: You broke it off and that was that.
SURESH_EMBARRASSED: I wanted to make amends and get back with you so badly.
SURESH_SAD: But I realised that somebody like me probably doesn’t deserve somebody like you.
SURESH_SAD: So, I just tried to accept that it was over and move on.
SURESH_SAD: I figured that a guy like me is no use to anyone. So I cut off Gabi too.
SURESH_EMBARRASSED: And I went back to completely meaningless hookups.
GABI_SERIOUS: Nice to know I wasn’t ‘completely’ meaningless then.
SURESH_SAD: I’m so sorry for what I’ve put you through.
Suresh looks directly at you.
SURESH_SAD: But I just couldn’t give up the ring.
SURESH_EMBARRASSED: I probably should have, but I just couldn’t.
SURESH_SAD: I couldn’t just let it all go.
GABI_SAD: Okay, Suresh… if that’s how it’s gonna be…
Gabi walks away from the group and heads into the villa.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: You’ve caused a real mess haven’t you?
Suresh looks at you again.
SURESH_SAD: You really are the only person that I’ve ever loved, {0}.
SURESH_EMBARRASSED: I can’t not feel that way about us.
SURESH_SAD: I don’t want to apologise again, and I don’t want to make excuses either.
SURESH_EMBARRASSED: I don’t know what else there is to say.
SURESH_SAD: I think I’ve said it all.
SURESH_SAD: I’m done.
Suresh gives you an honest, delicate smile before slowly walking into the villa.
LULU_EMBARRASSED: How do we move on from here?
FINN_SAD: That was some deep stuff.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: Yeah, deep as a puddle!
FINN_SERIOUS: No way, Alf. I think that was genuine. That was Suresh putting his heart on the line.
DANA_SAD: Are you feeling okay about all this, {0}?
Yeah, I’m fine
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m okay. Suresh has said his piece.
DANA_SERIOUS: That was more than a piece. That was the whole puzzle!
PLAYER_IDLE: It’s for the best that it’s all out there I guess.
No, I’m not
PLAYER_SAD: Nope. I’m annoyed about this whole thing.
DANA_SAD: Yeah, I’m not surprised. Having this all dragged up.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: I bet Gabi feels even worse right now.
I don’t really feel anything
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Was I supposed to be moved by that speech?
DANA_SAD: Seemed like Suresh was putting it all out there.
DANA_SAD: There’s no secrets anymore.
PLAYER_IDLE: I feel nothing, and I’m not gonna say sorry for that.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: How are you feeling about this, Dana?
PLAYER_IDLE: You´re still technically coupled up with Gabi after all.
DANA_SAD: I genuinely thought it might work between us during Casa.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: I let myself get swept away with it, the chemistry was something else.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: But, honestly, it felt like everything changed when Suresh came back.
DANA_SAD: It felt obvious they had a deeper connection. From her side anyway.
DANA_IDLE: And seeing all that just then confirmed all my niggling doubts.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: You don’t sound surprised.
DANA_IDLE: For once, I actually saw it coming. So I held back a little.
DANA_IDLE: Gabi was always destined to be with somebody other than me.
KAT_EMBARRASSED: You’re not all heartbroken and that, then?
DANA_HAPPY: No, Kat, I’m all good.
A sudden sound from the front entrance is heard.
FINN_SERIOUS: Did I just hear the front doors?
FINN_SURPRISED: Is Suresh leaving right now?
You and the other Islanders rush to the entranceway to see what's happening.
Everyone rushes to the front entrance and finds Gabi.
She has her bags packed and is heading out the door.
GABI_SAD: So, yeah, I’m going home.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Gabi, what are you doing?
FINN_SURPRISED: We thought that Suresh was leaving the villa.
GABI_SAD: Nope. Just me.
FINN_SAD: I’ll go and find him.
LULU_SAD: You don’t need to do this, Gabi.
ALFIE_IDLE: Yeah, there’s still plenty of reasons to stay.
GABI_SERIOUS: I came to the villa to understand the missing pieces of the past.
GABI_SAD: To know the truth once and for all.
GABI_SAD: But, I think I´ve just made things more confusing for myself.
GABI_SAD: I've just wasted my time.
GABI_SERIOUS: I’m just gonna get myself home and work out what to do next with my love life.
Finn returns with Suresh.
SURESH_SERIOUS: Gabi, you’re leaving?
SURESH_SAD: Because of me?
GABI_SAD: Because of us. The Us that never was, I guess.
SURESH_SAD: You don’t need to do that.
GABI_SAD: I can’t do this, Suresh. I don’t want to stay any longer.
Gabi puts on a brave face.
KAT_SAD: But, surely there is something we can do?
LULU_SAD: It can’t end just like that?
GABI_HAPPY: Cheer up, guys. I’ll be fine. Plenty of fish in the sea and all that.
GABI_HAPPY: It’s been a wild journey, and I’m glad to have met you all.
GABI_HAPPY: I’m sure some of us will catch up on the outside.
GABI_HAPPY: Enjoy the rest of your time, guys.
ALFIE_SAD: Laters, Gabi. It’s been great getting to know you.
LULU_HAPPY: Bye, Gabi. I know you’ll find what you’re looking for.
SURESH_SAD: Take care of yourself, Gabi. I mean that.
The Islanders gather around Gabi and give her a massive hug. Everyone moves away, leaving Dana and Gabi looking at each other.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: But it’s not over yet, Gabi!
LULU_HAPPY: Yeah, we are so close to the end, you can’t give up now.
KAT_SERIOUS: They ain’t wrong.
Gabi pauses in thought for a moment, before putting her cases down.
GABI_SERIOUS: You’re right. No harm in taking one more shot. I guess I have nothing to lose now.
Gabi turns to you and looks into your eyes, brushing off her nerves and composing herself.
GABI_SERIOUS: {0}, I know we’ve had our differences in the past.
GABI_SERIOUS: And if you decide that you want nothing to do with me then I will understand.
GABI_SERIOUS: Our pasts have been intertwined in so many ways.
GABI_SERIOUS: We have both fallen in love with the same man, been hurt, lied to and heartbroken.
GABI_SERIOUS: But whether we like it or not, it’s brought us here together.
GABI_SERIOUS: And maybe that’s no coincidence.
GABI_SERIOUS: And it seems like we may have a lot more in common than anyone in this villa.
SURESH_SURPRISED: What are you saying, Gabi?
GABI_SERIOUS: I came here to understand you, Suresh. But those thoughts have blinded me to the fact that…
GABI_SERIOUS: There’s another person here who I´ve shared a spark with.
GABI_HAPPY: Someone who knows how I feel because they have felt it all too.
GABI_HAPPY: Someone funny and kind and beautiful.
GABI_HAPPY: And maybe we could take our chequered past and turn it into a bright future.
GABI_HAPPY: Who knows?
GABI_SERIOUS: {0}, if you’re willing to give me a chance and couple with me…
GABI_SERIOUS: I’ll stay in the villa for you.
ALFIE_SURPRISED: Okay, I wasn’t betting on that.
DANA_SURPRISED: You can say that again.
KAT_HAPPY: Oh my days! This is a drama overload!
KAT_FLIRTY: Suresh’s two exes move onto bigger and better things together!
KAT_HAPPY: What? So many twists and turns. It's like a movie or something!
GABI_HAPPY: Well, {0}, what do you say?
GABI_FLIRTY: Do you want to couple up with me for the final?
{0}, if you say yes to Gabi in this choice, you will be committing to coupling up with her at the final recoupling and be locked into the Gabi route.
Yes, I do!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yes! Don’t go, stay with me!
The Islanders gasp with shock. You see Dana’s heart sink as she quietly slips out of sight.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yes! I’ve noticed the spark too and want to explore it. Isn’t that what you wanted?
GABI_HAPPY: Of course it is! I just never expected you to say yes! I can’t believe it!
GABI_HAPPY: If only I plucked up the courage sooner, I wouldn't have wasted all this time!
GABI_HAPPY: But I’m not wasting any more time.
GABI_HAPPY: I’m going to make the most of every moment I have left in the villa.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Me too, I think maybe you’re right, you know…
PLAYER_HAPPY: Maybe it’s no coincidence that our pasts have brought us together.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Maybe this was meant to be.
Gabi steps forwards and embraces you.
Over Gabi’s shoulder you see Suresh standing in complete shock.
KAT_SURPRISED: Bet you didn’t see that coming, Suresh. Must be a bit of a slap in the face.
LULU_SURPRISED: Kat! You really know the right thing to say don’t you?!
KAT_HAPPY: Aw, thanks, Lulu!
GABI_SERIOUS: Suresh, you had your chance with both of us.
GABI_SERIOUS: Maybe if you had treated either of us a little better…
GABI_SERIOUS: You just might have ended up with at least one of us.
GABI_SERIOUS: But really, I suppose I should be thanking you.
GABI_HAPPY: Without you, we would never have met each other.
Suresh can’t find the words to respond. He looks at you hopelessly.
SURESH_SAD: I’m sorry.
Suresh starts to walk away.
FINN_SERIOUS: Suresh, where you going?
SURESH_SERIOUS: I can’t be here right now. I need space to think.
Finn starts to follow Suresh.
LULU_SERIOUS: Leave him, Finn. He probably just needs to be alone right now.
FINN_SERIOUS: I’m not surprised, that was quite the bombshell.
Finn looks over at you, confused and saddened.
FINN_SERIOUS: What just happened?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Look, I realise this might be a surprise.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: But it’s my choice and I need to explore things with Gabi.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Sometimes you don’t know what you truly need till it’s staring you in the face.
Finn smiles at you with a knowing, accepting smile.
FINN_HAPPY: Of course, I understand.
FINN_HAPPY: You have to do what is right for you.
Alfie looks over at you, hurt.
ALFIE_SURPRISED: Well, I don’t understand. I thought we were going to give things a shot?
ALFIE_SERIOUS: I thought we would finish this together?
ALFIE_SERIOUS: Didn’t you actually like me?
Of course I liked you!
PLAYER_SAD: Yes! I did like you, Alfie!
PLAYER_IDLE: But there is something between me and Gabi that I can’t quite explain.
PLAYER_HAPPY: We are connected in some way and I need to see where this goes.
I didn’t share your feelings
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: To be honest, I don’t think I ever shared the same feelings that you did.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: We just felt differently about each other I guess…
PLAYER_SURPRISED: You always seemed so sure about me. I guess I never was about you.
ALFIE_SURPRISED: But you still said you wanted to give it a shot together?
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I shouldn’t have said that to you. This has all been a whirlwind.
I’m not sure
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I don’t even know anymore.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Maybe I thought I did? But now I’m not sure.
ALFIE_ANGRY: I can’t believe this!
You need to get better at reading signs
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: You really need to learn to read the signs.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: After some of the things I’ve said to you in here, you should’ve worked it out.
ALFIE_SURPRISED: But you did say you wanted to give it a go, right?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Yeah, I did. But I’m talking about other things I’ve said to you.
ALFIE_SAD: Okay, I get that. I’m sorry I wasn’t better at picking up the signs.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: I’m not that experienced in relationships.
ALFIE_SAD: Guess I’ve a way to go in learning about myself, I guess.
ALFIE_SAD: Well, I won’t pretend I’m not gutted.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: But, I won’t be the one to get in the way of your happiness.
ALFIE_IDLE: Just want you to be happy really.
GABI_HAPPY: Thank you, Alfie.
Dana re-enters the room, with her arms held behind her back.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Dana? Where did you go? Are you okay?
GABI_SAD: Yeah, Dana. I’m so sorry this had to happen this way.
DANA_SERIOUS: You know what? It’s fine, I’m actually good.
GABI_SERIOUS: I completely understand if you’re angry. You can let it all out at me if you want.
DANA_HAPPY: No, seriously. I’m okay. It is what it is. This is clearly the way it’s meant to be.
DANA_HAPPY: I’m happy for you two.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Wow, Dana. That’s very understanding of you.
KAT_SURPRISED: Yeah, Dana! If I were you, there’d be a lot more screaming and crying right now.
GABI_HAPPY: Exactly. At least shout at me! You’re too nice, it’s making me feel even more guilty!
DANA_HAPPY: Well, I wouldn’t worry about that. I think I’ll be leaving now.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Leaving, what do you mean? The room?
Dana reveals the suitcase she was holding behind her.
DANA_HAPPY: No, the villa.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: You’re already packed?
DANA_HAPPY: I’ve had my bag packed for a little while now, but I hadn’t made up my mind yet.
KAT_SURPRISED: I’m gonna faint, this is too much drama, even for me.
ALFIE_SURPRISED: You’re joking!
FINN_SURPRISED: You can’t leave, Dana!
DANA_HAPPY: I’ve finally made up my mind. Sorry, but I have to go.
GABI_SAD: Because of us?
DANA_HAPPY: No! Well, I guess in a way. But it’s not your fault.
DANA_HAPPY: It’s true you both mean a lot to me.
DANA_HAPPY: And if I can’t be with either of you, then I guess my time in the villa is over.
DANA_SERIOUS: I don’t want to waste another Islander’s time.
DANA_IDLE: And ruin their final chances when I know what’s in my heart.
DANA_HAPPY: I’ve done what I came here to do. Explore, meet new people and grow.
DANA_HAPPY: And even if I didn’t find my ‘one’, I found something even better. You guys.
DANA_HAPPY: So now it’s my time to go, the right person is out there somewhere.
DANA_HAPPY: But it seems like they are doing a bang up job of hiding, so I better get looking.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Is there anything we can do to convince you to stay?
DANA_HAPPY: Unless you’ve got one of those ‘grow your own girlfriend’ kits hidden away…
DANA_HAPPY: I’d say no.
ALFIE_SAD: Wow, so this is really it?
DANA_HAPPY: Afraid so, Alfie. But I’ll see you all on the outside.
Dana approaches you.
DANA_HAPPY: Especially you, {0}, I couldn’t have asked for a better friend here.
DANA_HAPPY: You’ve always been there for me when I’ve needed you.
DANA_HAPPY: And you’re made my journey in here what it is. I can’t thank you enough.
DANA_HAPPY: I hope you’ve found what you’re looking for in Gabi. She’s a special person.
DANA_HAPPY: But now I have to go.
Don’t go!
PLAYER_SAD: Please don’t go, Dana.
PLAYER_SAD: We want you to stay! You’re one of the OGs!
PLAYER_SAD: It won’t be the same without you.
DANA_HAPPY: That’s kind of you to say, {0}. But even if I go, this isn’t the end.
DANA_HAPPY: I’ll see you all back home, but right now it’s my time to leave.
She hugs you tight.
I’m not stopping you
PLAYER_IDLE: Erm, okay? I’m not stopping you.
DANA_SAD: Oh right. I see how it is.
DANA_SAD: Guess I won’t waste any more of your time, {0}.
Good luck
PLAYER_SAD: Good luck, Dana.
PLAYER_SAD: I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you in the villa.
PLAYER_SAD: Hope you can find what you’re looking for back home.
DANA_HAPPY: Thanks, {0}. Me too.
DANA_HAPPY: Hopefully I’ll see you back in England.
No, I don’t
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I’m sorry Gabi, but I can’t.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: You’re right, we have had a chequered past and I don’t think I can look past that.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I just don’t see you that way and I don’t think I ever will.
GABI_SERIOUS: It’s okay, I understand. It was a long shot anyway.
GABI_SERIOUS: But now I can leave knowing I did and said everything I could. Head held high.
GABI_SERIOUS: Thanks for hearing me out. Guess I’ll be going.
KAT_SAD: But, surely there’s something we can do?
LULU_SAD: It can’t end just like that?
GABI_HAPPY: Cheer up, guys. I’ll be fine. Plenty of fish in the sea and all that.
GABI_HAPPY: It’s been a wild journey, and I’m glad to have met you all.
GABI_HAPPY: I’m sure some of us will catch up on the outside.
GABI_HAPPY: Enjoy the rest of your time, guys.
ALFIE_HAPPY: Laters, Gabi. It’s been great getting to know you.
LULU_HAPPY: Bye, Gabi. I know you’ll find what you’re looking for.
SURESH_SAD: Take care of yourself, Gabi. I mean that.
The Islanders gather around Gabi and give her a massive hug.
Everyone moves away, leaving Dana and Gabi looking at each other.
DANA_SAD: We almost had something, didn’t we?
GABI_SAD: Almost. Under different circumstances, maybe we would have.
GABI_SAD: No hard feelings?
DANA_SAD: Nah. See you around, Gabi. I hope things go well for you.
GABI_SAD: Thanks, Dana. That means a lot.
GABI_IDLE: I’m sorry I wasn’t more upfront about where my head was at.
DANA_HAPPY: All good, I guess I knew where you were at.
GABI_HAPPY: Just so you know, the spark between us was real.
Dana gives Gabi a gentle hug.
DANA_HAPPY: See you later, Gabi.
DANA_HAPPY: Goodbye guys, good luck in the final!
FINN_SAD: Bye, Dana. I hope you find the one out there. Wherever they’re hiding.
ALFIE_SAD: See you around, Dana.
KAT_SAD: Wow, I didn’t think you’d actually go. I’m gonna miss you so much!
DANA_SAD: Don’t worry, Kat. I’ve left you some exfoliating face wash on my bed.
KAT_HAPPY: Okay, thank you. I’ll use it in your memory.
DANA_SAD: Goodbye, {0}.
Goodbye, we’ll miss you
PLAYER_SAD: Goodbye, Dana.
PLAYER_SAD: We’re gonna miss you.
DANA_SAD: I’m going to miss you too.
See ya never!
PLAYER_HAPPY: See ya never, Dana!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Bon voyage!
FINN_IDLE: Come on, {0}, she’s already going.
Dana looks down at the ground and turns away.
The Islanders wave Dana off as she steps out of the villa and walks away.
KAT_HAPPY: I am actually shook. She’s actually gone!
FINN_IDLE: I know. Suresh is in for a shock later.
ALFIE_IDLE: Think I need a rest after all of that.
In a daze the Islanders start to make their way back into the villa.
You turn to Gabi, trying to take in everything that just happened.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: So me and you, huh?
GABI_FLIRTY: Me and you.
PLAYER_HAPPY: So, what happens now?
PLAYER_IDLE: I guess this is goodbye then, Gabi.
Gabi turns to you before she steps out of the door.
GABI_IDLE: Actually, there is one more thing.
GABI_IDLE: {0}, there’s something I want to talk to you about.
PLAYER_IDLE: What is it?
GABI_SERIOUS: I want you to hear my full truth.
GABI_SERIOUS: If we are going to be together.
GABI_SERIOUS: Then I need to get everything out in the open. So we can start fresh.
GABI_SERIOUS: One last chat. Woman to woman.
GABI_SERIOUS: To give you the full explanation of what happened with me and Suresh.
GABI_SERIOUS: Do you want to hear the full story?
*Yes. I need to know what happened
PLAYER_IDLE: Okay. Let’s hear it.
GABI_SERIOUS: Well, I never wanted anything to turn out the way it did.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: I would never have knowingly got involved with Suresh if I knew about you.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: I never wanted to be <i>that girl</i>.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: So, why did it happen?
GABI_IDLE: I’ve always been flirty. It’s a part of who I am.
GABI_FLIRTY: I won’t deny that when I first saw Suresh in our bar I was attracted to him.
GABI_IDLE: Over time we got to know each other. He became a bit of a regular.
GABI_IDLE: And I started to look forward to seeing him turn up for a drink.
GABI_IDLE: One night he turned up looking upset. One thing led to another…
GABI_EMBARRASSED: And well, you know what happened.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t need the details of that part.
GABI_SAD: Then I didn’t see him for a while. I didn’t know what was happening.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: This must have been when you saw that photo and ghosted him.
GABI_IDLE: I guess he was processing the mess he’d made.
GABI_IDLE: Then, out of the blue, he turned up at the bar again.
GABI_IDLE: This time he was apologetic and charming.
GABI_HAPPY: He told me he wanted us to give things a proper go.
GABI_IDLE: So I went along with it.
GABI_HAPPY: Within a few weeks I was wrapped up in a whirlwind romance.
GABI_IDLE: And not long into it, he told me that he loved me.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: He told you that he loved you so soon?
GABI_SAD: Yeah, and I’ll admit it, I believed him.
GABI_IDLE: After that, we had a short time where everything was perfect.
GABI_IDLE: He was a complete gent.
GABI_SERIOUS: Then one night, he was acting a little distant with me.
GABI_SERIOUS: Evasive and secretive.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: Being a hopeless romantic, I thought he was hiding something from me.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: You know, a present or something.
GABI_IDLE: So, I couldn’t help but have a little snoop around his apartment.
GABI_IDLE: And that was when I found it.
GABI_SURPRISED: I couldn’t believe it at first. It seemed too soon. But I decided to run with it.
GABI_SURPRISED: Especially when I realised what else Suresh had planned.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: What else was there?
GABI_FLIRTY: Well, I found the ring with some flyers for a fancy holiday location.
GABI_IDLE: A romantic couples getaway. A luxurious island.
GABI_HAPPY: Not unlike this place actually. Though a little less drama, I’d hope.
GABI_IDLE: It sounds stupid now, but I’d told Suresh that turtles were my favourite animal.
GABI_IDLE: I told him that swimming with them in the wild would be my dream experience.
GABI_IDLE: It seemed like he was planning to make that dream come true.
Gabi touches her fingers to her turtle tattoo.
GABI_SAD: It’s strange how something that one day can provide so much joy.
GABI_SAD: Can then end up being a reminder of something you’d rather forget.
Gabi looks you in the eye. She holds her gaze for a moment.
GABI_SAD: Do you think I was foolish to think Suresh was going to propose to me?
Yeah, you were naive
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I guess, you rushed into something without thinking it through.
GABI_SAD: Yeah, maybe you’re right. I have a habit of doing things like that.
GABI_HAPPY: But with you, right now, this decision feels so right.
PLAYER_IDLE: I guess every experience in life is a lesson for the next one.
GABI_IDLE: Yeah. That’s some good advice, {0}.
No, this is all on Suresh
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Of course not, Gabi. You were just sucked in by Suresh’s charm.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: We have both seen what he is capable of.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: We’ve seen his good and bad sides.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Don’t ever think that any of this is your fault.
GABI_SAD: Thanks, {0}.
Only you can work that out
PLAYER_SAD: I don’t know, Gabi. If you feel some way about all of this. That’s all you.
PLAYER_SAD: We all get through things differently. All in our own ways.
GABI_SAD: Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ll get through this before long.
GABI_HAPPY: Plus now I have you.
PLAYER_IDLE: So, what happened after you found the ring?
GABI_SURPRISED: Well, a few weeks later Suresh just ended it with me. Out of nowhere.
GABI_SURPRISED: No explanation. Nothing.
GABI_ANGRY: He completely ghosted me. I never saw him again.
GABI_SERIOUS: No replies. No DMs. No contact whatsoever.
GABI_IDLE: I thought it was weird, but I figured I’d just get on with my life.
GABI_IDLE: And then…
GABI_SERIOUS: Love Island happened!
GABI_SURPRISED: I saw Suresh on here. And heard about you and your relationship with him.
GABI_SERIOUS: Seemed like the perfect opportunity to try and get to the truth of all of this.
GABI_IDLE: So, I packed my best bikinis and found my way here.
GABI_SERIOUS: I wanted to ask him why he disappeared, and why he never mentioned you.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: Maybe even see if he still wanted to give me that ring.
GABI_SAD: None of that worked out as I’d hoped though.
GABI_HAPPY: And then I met you, and well I just felt that spark.
GABI_HAPPY: I guess you’d call that fate.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I guess so.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: And now here I am leaving the Island.
GABI_SERIOUS: Now I know Suresh isn’t as cool and secure as he seems.
GABI_IDLE: I think that he struggles with his self-worth.
GABI_IDLE: I think he only got with me to sabotage his relationship with you.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: You really think that?
GABI_IDLE: I do. It’s a bitter pill to swallow.
GABI_HAPPY: But none of that matters now. I just wanted to be totally honest with you.
GABI_HAPPY: No more secrets.
GABI_HAPPY: And I promise that I will never hurt you like he hurt us. Ever.
GABI_HAPPY: So long as you promise to never hurt me that way either?
I’ll never hurt you
PLAYER_HAPPY: I promise I would never do that to you.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I know how it feels and we are in this together now.
Gabi leans in and kisses you on the cheek.
GABI_HAPPY: Thank you, {0}.
I can’t promise that
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I can’t make that sort of promise, Gabi. It wouldn’t be fair.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: So much can happen in a relationship.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: But right now all I know is that I want to see where things go with you.
GABI_SERIOUS: You’re right. That’s fair. I want that too.
I’ll try my best
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I’ll try my best. But nobody is perfect and I can’t make any guarantees.
GABI_SERIOUS: All I ask is that you try and I will too.
GABI_IDLE: I know he only ever loved you. I won’t chase somebody who doesn’t want me.
GABI_HAPPY: In a weird way, I feel a sense of closure now. I can move on.
GABI_IDLE: Who knows, maybe Suresh will walk away from this experience a better man?
GABI_IDLE: He might still be worth your time.
GABI_IDLE: He seems to be his own worst enemy sometimes.
GABI_SERIOUS: I don’t want to be your enemy though, {0}.
GABI_SAD: I never wanted to be. I hope you realise that.
Gabi looks at the door, and then back at you.
GABI_SAD: Do you think I’ll find the right person one day, {0}?
Yeah, it just takes time
PLAYER_HAPPY: You’ll find somebody someday, Gabi. Romance can appear at any moment.
GABI_HAPPY: Thanks, {0}. I’ll try to remember that.
GABI_HAPPY: I’m sure you’ll find the right person for you. Very soon.
No, you’re single to the end
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Sorry, Gabi. you’ve probably got many single years ahead of you.
GABI_SAD: Not really what I wanted to hear, and I’m gonna disagree with you, {0}.
GABI_SERIOUS: I think I’ve got far too much to offer the dating scene.
GABI_FLIRTY: I won’t be giving up any time soon.
Maybe you will, maybe you won’t
PLAYER_IDLE: Who can predict what destiny has in store for you?
GABI_IDLE: That’s true I suppose. Time to put my faith in the stars.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And maybe somebody else will take you to swim with those turtles?
GABI_HAPPY: Yeah, that would be amazing.
GABI_IDLE: Anyway, I’m glad we had this chat, {0}.
GABI_IDLE: It was nice to get everything off my chest.
No thanks, Gabi
PLAYER_IDLE: I don’t want to hear about the past anymore.
GABI_SERIOUS: Are you sure? It would mean a lot to me to get it off my chest.
GABI_SERIOUS: I don’t want to have any secrets between us.
GABI_SERIOUS: You sure? This is your final chance to hear what I have to say.
GABI_SERIOUS: Whatever I don’t tell you now is getting on the plane with me!
GABI_SERIOUS: I also know a little about how Suresh was planning to propose to you.
GABI_SERIOUS: Are you sure you don’t want to hear it?
*Okay. I need to know it all!
PLAYER_SERIOUS: It’s time to hear it all then!
GABI_SERIOUS: Well, I never wanted anything to turn out the way it did.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: I would never have knowingly got involved with Suresh if I knew about you.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: I never wanted to be <i>that girl</i>.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: So, why did it happen?
GABI_IDLE: I’ve always been flirty. It’s a part of who I am.
GABI_FLIRTY: I won’t deny that when I first saw Suresh in our bar I was attracted to him.
GABI_IDLE: Over time we got to know each other. He became a bit of a regular.
GABI_IDLE: And I started to look forward to seeing him turn up for a drink.
GABI_IDLE: One night he turned up looking upset. One thing led to another…
GABI_EMBARRASSED: And well, you know what happened.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t need the details of that part.
GABI_SAD: Then I didn’t see him for a while. I didn’t know what was happening.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: This must have been when you saw that photo and ghosted him.
GABI_IDLE: I guess he was processing the mess he’d made.
GABI_IDLE: Then, out of the blue, he turned up at the bar again.
GABI_IDLE: This time he was apologetic and charming.
GABI_HAPPY: He told me he wanted us to give things a proper go.
GABI_IDLE: So I went along with it.
GABI_HAPPY: Within a few weeks I was wrapped up in a whirlwind romance.
GABI_IDLE: And not long into it, he told me that he loved me.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: He told you that he loved you so soon?
GABI_SAD: Yeah, and I’ll admit it, I believed him.
GABI_IDLE: After that, we had a short time where everything was perfect.
GABI_IDLE: He was a complete gent.
GABI_SERIOUS: Then one night, he was acting a little distant with me.
GABI_SERIOUS: Evasive and secretive.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: Being a hopeless romantic, I thought he was hiding something from me.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: You know, a present or something.
GABI_IDLE: So, I couldn’t help but have a little snoop around his apartment.
GABI_IDLE: And that was when I found it.
GABI_SURPRISED: I couldn’t believe it at first. It seemed too soon. But I decided to run with it.
GABI_SURPRISED: Especially when I realised what else Suresh had planned.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: What else was there?
GABI_FLIRTY: Well, I found the ring with some flyers for a fancy holiday location.
GABI_IDLE: A romantic couples getaway. A luxurious island.
GABI_HAPPY: Not unlike this place actually. Though a little less drama, I’d hope.
GABI_IDLE: It sounds stupid now, but I’d told Suresh that turtles were my favourite animal.
GABI_IDLE: I told him that swimming with them in the wild would be my dream experience.
GABI_IDLE: It seemed like he was planning to make that dream come true.
Gabi touches her fingers to her turtle tattoo.
GABI_SAD: It’s strange how something that one day can provide so much joy.
GABI_SAD: Can then end up being a reminder of something you’d rather forget.
Gabi looks you in the eye. She holds her gaze for a moment.
GABI_SAD: Do you think I was foolish to think Suresh was going to propose to me?
Yeah, you were naive
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I guess, you rushed into something without thinking it through.
GABI_SAD: Yeah, maybe you’re right. I have a habit of doing things like that.
GABI_HAPPY: But with you, right now, this decision feels so right.
PLAYER_IDLE: I guess every experience in life is a lesson for the next one.
GABI_IDLE: Yeah. That’s some good advice, {0}.
No, this is all on Suresh
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Of course not, Gabi. You were just sucked in by Suresh’s charm.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: We have both seen what he is capable of.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: We’ve seen his good and bad sides.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Don’t ever think that any of this is your fault.
GABI_SAD: Thanks, {0}.
Only you can work that out
PLAYER_SAD: I don’t know, Gabi. If you feel some way about all of this. That’s all you.
PLAYER_SAD: We all get through things differently. All in our own ways.
GABI_SAD: Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ll get through this before long.
GABI_HAPPY: Plus now I have you.
PLAYER_IDLE: So, what happened after you found the ring?
GABI_SURPRISED: Well, a few weeks later Suresh just ended it with me. Out of nowhere.
GABI_SURPRISED: No explanation. Nothing.
GABI_ANGRY: He completely ghosted me. I never saw him again.
GABI_SERIOUS: No replies. No DMs. No contact whatsoever.
GABI_IDLE: I thought it was weird, but I figured I’d just get on with my life.
GABI_IDLE: And then…
GABI_SERIOUS: Love Island happened!
GABI_SURPRISED: I saw Suresh on here. And heard about you and your relationship with him.
GABI_SERIOUS: Seemed like the perfect opportunity to try and get to the truth of all of this.
GABI_IDLE: So, I packed my best bikinis and found my way here.
GABI_SERIOUS: I wanted to ask him why he disappeared, and why he never mentioned you.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: Maybe even see if he still wanted to give me that ring.
GABI_SAD: None of that worked out as I’d hoped though.
GABI_HAPPY: And then I met you, and well I just felt that spark.
GABI_HAPPY: I guess you’d call that fate.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I guess so.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: And now here I am leaving the Island.
GABI_SERIOUS: Now I know Suresh isn’t as cool and secure as he seems.
GABI_IDLE: I think that he struggles with his self-worth.
GABI_IDLE: I think he only got with me to sabotage his relationship with you.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: You really think that?
GABI_IDLE: I do. It’s a bitter pill to swallow.
GABI_HAPPY: But none of that matters now. I just wanted to be totally honest with you.
GABI_HAPPY: No more secrets.
GABI_HAPPY: And I promise that I will never hurt you like he hurt us. Ever.
GABI_HAPPY: So long as you promise to never hurt me that way either?
I’ll never hurt you
PLAYER_HAPPY: I promise I would never do that to you.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I know how it feels and we are in this together now.
Gabi leans in and kisses you on the cheek.
GABI_HAPPY: Thank you, {0}.
I can’t promise that
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I can’t make that sort of promise, Gabi. It wouldn’t be fair.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: So much can happen in a relationship.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: But right now all I know is that I want to see where things go with you.
GABI_SERIOUS: You’re right. That’s fair. I want that too.
I’ll try my best
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I’ll try my best. But nobody is perfect and I can’t make any guarantees.
GABI_SERIOUS: All I ask is that you try and I will too.
GABI_IDLE: I know he only ever loved you. I won’t chase somebody who doesn’t want me.
GABI_HAPPY: In a weird way, I feel a sense of closure now. I can move on.
GABI_IDLE: Who knows, maybe Suresh will walk away from this experience a better man?
GABI_IDLE: He might still be worth your time.
GABI_IDLE: He seems to be his own worst enemy sometimes.
GABI_SERIOUS: I don’t want to be your enemy though, {0}.
GABI_SAD: I never wanted to be. I hope you realise that.
Gabi looks at the door, and then back at you.
GABI_SAD: Do you think I’ll find the right person one day, {0}?
Yeah, it just takes time
PLAYER_HAPPY: You’ll find somebody someday, Gabi. Romance can appear at any moment.
GABI_HAPPY: Thanks, {0}. I’ll try to remember that.
GABI_HAPPY: I’m sure you’ll find the right person for you. Very soon.
No, you’re single to the end
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Sorry, Gabi. you’ve probably got many single years ahead of you.
GABI_SAD: Not really what I wanted to hear, and I’m gonna disagree with you, {0}.
GABI_SERIOUS: I think I’ve got far too much to offer the dating scene.
GABI_FLIRTY: I won’t be giving up any time soon.
Maybe you will, maybe you won’t
PLAYER_IDLE: Who can predict what destiny has in store for you?
GABI_IDLE: That’s true I suppose. Time to put my faith in the stars.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And maybe somebody else will take you to swim with those turtles?
GABI_HAPPY: Yeah, that would be amazing.
GABI_IDLE: Anyway, I’m glad we had this chat, {0}.
GABI_IDLE: It was nice to get everything off my chest.
No thanks
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t want to know, Gabi. Best to leave it in the past.
GABI_HAPPY: Okay, let’s leave that all behind.
GABI_IDLE: No probs, {0}. I’ll take it with me then.
Gabi reaches down and grabs the handle of her suitcase.
GABI_IDLE: See you on the other side, {0}.
You push the door shut behind her.
Your phone pings!
PLAYER_SURPRISED: I’ve got a text!
The other Islanders rush back to the doorway.
DANA_SURPRISED: Please let this be drama free.
FINN_SURPRISED: What does it say, {0}?
You read out the text.
LITEXT: Islanders, the final recoupling will take place tonight! It’s time to decide who you want to spend the rest of your Island time with! {0}TheFinalCountdown {1}LoveLoveLove
The rest of the Islanders look around at each other.
KAT_HAPPY: Let’s be positive then, guys. We made it to the final recoupling!
GABI_HAPPY: Well I know who I’m picking if I’m first.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, no surprises for us, I guess.
KAT_EMBARRASSED: Honestly, I didn’t expect to make it this far.
KAT_HAPPY: Nah, I totally did. Me and the grand finale are destined to be together.
FINN_HAPPY: I’m with you, Kat. This is what it’s all been about.
FINN_FLIRTY: Picking that partner that set’s your heart aflame.
Finn smiles at you.
ALFIE_HAPPY: A final chance for one lucky person to hook up with yours truly.
SURESH_IDLE: Yeah, this is a huge moment.
Suresh looks at you.
SURESH_SERIOUS: For so many reasons.
DANA_HAPPY: Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m getting butterflies already.
LULU_FLIRTY: Time for one final recoupling glow-up to calm those nerves.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Let’s do this.
You lead the other girls to the dressing room.
There’s a nervous tension in the dressing room as the magnitude of the occasion begins to set in.
Gabi smiles at you and holds your hand.
LULU_SAD: It’s sad that Dana isn’t here to see this through to the end.
KAT_SAD: I know, it’s not going to be the same without her.
Kat opens the cap of the exfoliator Dana left behind for her and takes a sniff.
KAT_SAD: But she will be there in our hearts. Wow, this smells gorgeous.
KAT_HAPPY: Anyway, moving on! That was a whole two minutes ago, we can’t live in the past.
KAT_SERIOUS: What? Dana made her choice. She didn’t have to leave.
LULU_SAD: Still, maybe don’t seem too happy about it.
KAT_SERIOUS: There’s no time to mope, Lulu. We’ve got a recoupling to get on with.
KAT_FLIRTY: And there’s no better reason to get dressed up. Still need to impress.
GABI_FLIRTY: Well seeing as I already know who I’ll be coupled up with…
GABI_FLIRTY: Maybe I can help the lovely lady pick out the perfect outfit, just for me.
GABI_FLIRTY: How about this one?
There’s a nervous tension in the dressing room as the magnitude of the occasion begins to set in.
LULU_SAD: It’s kind of a shame that Gabi isn’t here to see this through to the end.
DANA_SAD: It’s certainly narrowed my options down.
KAT_SERIOUS: Move on already, girls! That was like two minutes ago.
KAT_SERIOUS: What? Gabi made her choice. She didn’t have to leave.
LULU_SAD: Still, maybe don’t seem too happy about it.
KAT_SERIOUS: There’s no time to mope, Lulu. We’ve got a recoupling to get on with.
KAT_FLIRTY: And there’s no better reason to get dressed up.
KAT_FLIRTY: You’ll need to go all out if you wanna match {0} though.
KAT_FLIRTY: Especially if she wears this.
LULU_FLIRTY: You’re right. She looks absolutely stunning.
LULU_HAPPY: Dressing like that’s making me hope you couple up with me, {0}.
GABI_HAPPY: Oi! She’s mine! But you’re right, she does look gorgeous.
KAT_FLIRTY: So, {0}, what are you wearing?
*TRYOUTFIT* This is perfect for the final recoupling
PLAYER_HAPPY: You’re right. This is the perfect outfit!
DANA_HAPPY: Somebody is gonna be very lucky to be coupled up with you tonight.
GABI_HAPPY: Looks like I’ll be a very lucky lady tonight.
LULU_FLIRTY: Yeah. What a beautiful look for the grand finale!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Thanks, girls!
Nah, I’m feeling something else
KAT_SERIOUS: This is literally the final recoupling, {0}.
GABI_IDLE: I mean you know I’ll pick you no matter what. But it would be nice to do it in style?
KAT_FLIRTY: Yeah, {0}, don’t you want to look amazing?
LULU_SAD: Remember this could be one of our last nights.
KAT_HAPPY: And you’ll wanna look stunning if so!
*TRYOUTFIT*You’ve convinced me. I’m going all out
I’ll have another look for something else
PLAYER_HAPPY: Actually, I am gonna go with this!
DANA_HAPPY: Somebody is gonna be very lucky to be coupled up with you tonight.
GABI_HAPPY: Looks like I’ll be a very lucky lady tonight.
LULU_FLIRTY: Yeah. What a beautiful look for the grand finale!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m feeling beautiful in this instead!
GABI_FLIRTY: Wow, you look stunning. I’m a very lucky lady!
DANA_HAPPY: Yeah, that’s a great choice too!
LULU_HAPPY: You certainly won’t be ignored in that either.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m sticking with what I like. I’m okay with this.
GABI_HAPPY: Honestly, you look gorgeous in anything anyway.
LULU_IDLE: As long as you’re comfortable, {0}.
The girls finish getting ready for the evening.
LULU_FLIRTY: Good luck, everyone.
DANA_IDLE: Time to cross those fingers.
Lulu and Dana head out.
GABI_FLIRTY: Well it’s nearly time for the big moment!
GABI_HAPPY: Let’s get out there and see how the boys are doing.
LULU_SAD: I’m so nervous!
Lulu and Gabi head out.
You go to follow them, but...
KAT_SERIOUS: Wait, {0}.
KAT_EMBARRASSED: Can I ask you something?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: What is it, Kat?
KAT_EMBARRASSED: I’m really nervous. It’s all suddenly hit me. I think I’m shaking.
KAT_EMBARRASSED: Do you think Finn will couple up with me?
Yeah, of course he will
PLAYER_HAPPY: Finn is definitely going to pick you. How could he not?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You’re perfect together.
KAT_IDLE: Thanks for saying that, {0}.
No, he’s not really into you
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Sorry, Kat. I don’t think he’s going to pick you.
KAT_SURPRISED: Really? I don’t know what I’ll do if me and him aren’t a couple.
PLAYER_IDLE: Well, start planning, because that ship has sailed.
KAT_ANGRY: I cannot believe you actually just said that! Are you for real?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Well, you asked.
KAT_ANGRY: Last time I ask for your advice.
We’ll find out soon enough
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I don’t think either of us will know until we get to the firepit.
PLAYER_IDLE: I guess it’s time to keep your fingers crossed.
PLAYER_IDLE: Who knows what can happen at a recoupling?
KAT_SERIOUS: Finn better damn well couple up with me!
DANA_SERIOUS: Are you two coming to the garden or what?
KAT_SERIOUS: Yeah, Dana. Let’s go, {0}.
GABI_FLIRTY: You two coming out to the garden or what?
KAT_SERIOUS: Coming now! Let’s go, {0}.
You follow them out of the room towards the uncertainty of the firepit.
As you walk out of the villa you hear Gabi beckoning you over to the kitchen.
GABI_FLIRTY: Hey, {0}! Over here!
You approach Gabi, who's looking at you with a beaming smile.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Hey? Everything okay?
GABI_FLIRTY: You kidding?
GABI_HAPPY: A little while ago I was running home and now I’m still here and coupled with you!
GABI_FLIRTY: I just wanted to have a quick chat with you before the chaos begins.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You mean it hasn’t already started?
GABI_FLIRTY: Okay, good point. Hasn’t been the calmest of days.
GABI_HAPPY: In fact it’s been a complete mess and I still don’t really know what the hell happened.
GABI_FLIRTY: But all the drama seems so worth it.
GABI_HAPPY: I’m feeling really good about us, {0}.
GABI_FLIRTY: I know this is really new to both of us and we don’t know each other too well.
GABI_FLIRTY: But that’s what is so exciting to me! I just love the mystery and intrigue of it all.
GABI_FLIRTY: I want to jump head first into this recoupling together and see where it takes us.
GABI_HAPPY: But I also appreciate that you might want some more answers about me.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, I suppose we don’t know much about each other, other than the obvious.
GABI_HAPPY: Exactly! We are about to be an official couple after all.
GABI_HAPPY: So I can’t blame a girl for wanting to know some facts first.
PLAYER_HAPPY: So, why don't you tell me something about yourself?
GABI_HAPPY: Okay, let me think.
GABI_HAPPY: Well, my dream is to open up my own tattoo shop one day.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Oh wow, you do your own designs?
GABI_HAPPY: Yeah I studied illustration at uni!
GABI_HAPPY: I’d love to be able to walk around Edinburgh and see my designs on people, forever!
GABI_HAPPY: But what I’m also really interested in is medical tattooing.
PLAYER_IDLE: What’s that?
GABI_HAPPY: Covering up scars and restoring parts of skin people might not be happy with!
GABI_HAPPY: Just helping people feel more comfortable in their skin.
GABI_HAPPY: You’d be amazed what you can do with a tattoo gun these days.
PLAYER_IDLE: Wow, I never knew.
GABI_FLIRTY: What? That I had a compassionate side?
GABI_FLIRTY: Well, I’m full of surprises.
GABI_HAPPY: Is there anything else you wanted to ask me before the recoupling?
What's your favourite memory of me?
PLAYER_HAPPY: What's your favourite memory of me in the villa?
GABI_FLIRTY: Now you're fishing for compliments.
GABI_FLIRTY: Luckily I love giving compliments to people I like.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Good to know.
GABI_HAPPY: Favourite memory of you has to be when I first saw you.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Really? Your entrance?
GABI_EMBARRASSED: I was so nervous.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You hid that well.
GABI_HAPPY: I'm good at putting on a front.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: I had no idea what to expect from you.
GABI_SURPRISED: Or how you'd react to me.
GABI_HAPPY: And you were so nice with me.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Got to be friendly to newbies.
GABI_FLIRTY: I wasn't expecting that, and you put me at ease.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I was angry with Suresh, not you.
GABI_FLIRTY: You brought the sass from the start.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I really did, didn't I?
GABI_HAPPY: You even called me Gabrielle, instead of Gabi!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I seem to remember someone bringing the sass too!
GABI_FLIRTY: I knew we'd have chemistry from that moment on.
GABI_FLIRTY: I knew we'd have a lively time together.
GABI_FLIRTY: Although I didn't think it'd end like this.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: You weren't sure what to make of me.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I was taken aback.
GABI_EMBARRASSED: Well, I felt exactly the same as you.
GABI_SURPRISED: I wasn't sure what to make of the situation either.
GABI_HAPPY: But I realised we were in the same boat.
GABI_HAPPY: And it kind of made me feel at ease you know?
PLAYER_HAPPY: I know what you mean.
What’s your longest relationship been?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Okay, how long was your longest relationship?
GABI_HAPPY: Wow, that’s a blast from the past.
GABI_HAPPY: Well back in uni I was with this girl for just over two years.
GABI_HAPPY: We studied illustration together and clicked instantly.
GABI_HAPPY: We did everything together.
GABI_HAPPY: I wasn’t even sure I was into girls back then, but it became clear after I met her!
GABI_HAPPY: She really helped me figure out who I was, but I guess that’s what uni is for.
GABI_IDLE: If I was ever struggling with something she would make these little comic strips of me.
PLAYER_HAPPY: That’s thoughtful!
GABI_IDLE: In them I’d be battling some inner demon or problem and defeating it.
GABI_HAPPY: It would help cheer me up and get through stuff, it was actually really sweet.
PLAYER_IDLE: So what happened?
GABI_IDLE: Just life really. After uni she got snatched up by a big illustration studio.
GABI_IDLE: I ended up at the bar and struggling to get design work.
GABI_IDLE: Then one day it was just clear we were headed in different directions.
GABI_IDLE: So we split.
PLAYER_IDLE: Was it a bad break up?
GABI_HAPPY: They’re never easy, but we left it on good terms.
GABI_HAPPY: It just didn’t work out, but that’s okay.
Do you want a family one day?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Do you want a family one day? Like kids and stuff?
GABI_HAPPY: Wow! You don’t hold back! But you’re right I did ask for it.
GABI_IDLE: To be honest I’ve never been in a position to think about it. I still feel like a big kid.
GABI_IDLE: I’m still figuring out my own life and ambitions right now.
PLAYER_IDLE: So, no kids?
GABI_HAPPY: No, no I want kids! Just not straight away.
GABI_HAPPY: Need that perfect partner first, you know?
GABI_HAPPY: I’d love to have some little ones running around one day! When I’m ready.
GABI_HAPPY: Taking them out to their little hobbies, teaching them to draw and stuff.
GABI_HAPPY: But only if my partner really wanted them too.
GABI_SERIOUS: And my partner would always come first.
GABI_IDLE: How about you, do you want kids one day?
Yeah, I want kids
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah I want to have kids some day too.
GABI_HAPPY: Well if you play your cards right! Better get through this recoupling first!
GABI_HAPPY: But it’s good to know we are on the same page.
No, I don’t want kids
PLAYER_HAPPY: I never want to have children if I’m honest.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Not really my thing.
GABI_HAPPY: Fair enough. Like I said, it’s more about finding the perfect partner for me.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Glad we’re on the same page.
I’m not sure yet
PLAYER_IDLE: To be honest I’m not sure. Guess I need more time to think about it.
GABI_HAPPY: Well lucky for you there is no rush, we’re not even coupled up officially yet!
PLAYER_IDLE: I suppose so! Just good to know where your head’s at.
What’s your biggest fear?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Okay, what’s your biggest fear?
GABI_EMBARRASSED: Okay, maybe don’t ask me that.
GABI_HAPPY: Because, it’s embarrassing!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Oh come on, it can’t be that bad.
GABI_HAPPY: It can and it is.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I thought you were an ‘open book’.
GABI_HAPPY: Okay fine! My biggest fear is squirrels.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Squirrels? Cute little squirrels?
GABI_SERIOUS: One fell on my head when I was reading a book under a tree as a kid.
GABI_HAPPY: True story.
GABI_SERIOUS: Plus, don’t trust anyone or anything that hides its food.
GABI_SAD: I told you it’s embarrassing. They just freak me out.
GABI_SAD: Do you think I’m being ridiculous?
Yes, you are
PLAYER_HAPPY: Of course you are! Squirrels are harmless and cute!
GABI_SERIOUS: They aren’t harmless or cute!
GABI_SERIOUS: We’ll just have to agree to disagree. You think they are cute and friendly.
GABI_SERIOUS: And I know that they are wicked and evil.
Not at all
PLAYER_HAPPY: No not at all! Everyone has their fears.
GABI_SERIOUS: I guess, thanks for being so understanding. I don’t normally like telling people.
Kind of
PLAYER_HAPPY: I mean it is kind of ridiculous. But I’m glad you told me.
GABI_HAPPY: It is kind of ridiculous, isn’t it? They just freak me out, I can’t explain it.
GABI_HAPPY: Glad I could tell you though, I’m normally too embarrassed.
I want to keep things mysterious!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Let’s keep things a mystery!
PLAYER_HAPPY: We’ll have plenty of time after we’re official to learn about each other.
GABI_FLIRTY: Yes! Leaping into the unknown! I know I picked the right girl.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Thanks for this chat, Gabi.
GABI_FLIRTY: My pleasure.
GABI_HAPPY: I just can’t wait to spend more time together.
GABI_FLIRTY: This is just the beginning.
GABI_HAPPY: Come on, we should go and find the others. It’s probably about to kick off!
Gabi takes your hand and leads you over to the lawn.
As you walk towards the firepit, Dana stops you.
DANA_SERIOUS: Massive decision coming up, {0}.
DANA_SAD: Not a lot of time left.
DANA_IDLE: Just enough for some final chats with anyone you’re considering at the recoupling.
DANA_IDLE: If you’re still undecided, now’s your chance to get your head straight.
DANA_IDLE: So get out there and work out who you want to be with.
DANA_FLIRTY: The clock’s ticking.
Dana smiles at you.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Let’s do this!
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kasienda · 2 years
Last Wishes: Ch 4 - Alya Cesaire
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Read on Ao3
Content Warning: Major Character Death
Chapter 4 - Alya Cesaire
Chat thought it should be easier to deliver the letter to Alya than Tom and Sabine. Alya wasn't family. Alya had only known Marinette for the last two years. Alya had already attended Marinette's service three days prior. Alya also had reason to suspect that Ladybug was gone. She had caught her disappearance on film. She would have some grieving out of the way. She would be more prepared for this blow. And Chat Noir had theoretically had practice delivering the news and revelation. He didn't even have to say anything. Just hand her the letter and walk away. It should have been easier. But it wasn't.
Perhaps because Chat Noir had to face his own grief all over again through the eyes of someone else. It didn't help that Alya was already staring into space, her eyes unfocused and uncaring. He tapped on her window and she didn't even notice. He tried again a little harder. Her attention jumped to his, and he watched her whole form go rigid. But she managed to shake herself loose to come and open the window. "She's not coming back, is she?" she asked, her words barely above a whisper. "Huh?" He slipped past her into her bedroom. "Ladybug. If you're here by yourself, it means..." and she was crying again. "First Marinette, and now Ladybug." She crumpled into a heap on the floor, her back against the wall under the window she had just opened.   He sat carefully beside her and didn’t comment on her last statement. Instead, he handed her the letter. "You need to read this." "This is Marinette's handwriting! How did you get this?!" she demanded, her eyes flashing in anger. "Read it," he repeated. “It will make sense in a minute.” Somehow, he wasn't crying. She wasted no time at all ripping open the envelope. Her eyes poured over the letter drinking in every word. "Oh my god!” she gasped. Tears welled at the edges of her eyes. “H-How could I not have seen it?” Alya crumpled into him and he held her as she shook with silent tears. He didn’t this time. Perhaps, he had finally cried himself out. Now, he felt numb. … Alya, When I met you, I was shy and a bit of a pushover filled with righteous indignation that I never had any way to express. You helped me stand up to Chloé for the first time in three years of her bullying me. You helped me do something with all that righteousness. And suddenly, I was able to shine in my own right, able to stand up for myself and others, able to come out of my shell and befriend all my peers. All because you believed in me. You already know all that. I’ve already told you this in person. And I can never say thank you enough - can never cherish you enough. But you don't know the impact you had on Ladybug. You are Ladybug's hero. When the miraculous showed up on my desk and the kwami of creation introduced herself, I freaked out. And I said no. I never wanted to be Ladybug. I tried to give away my miraculous after I failed the first day. I tried to give it to you. You were strong and confident. You knew how to stand up to bullies. You ran towards danger wanting to do something about it when I just wanted to hide. But you missed the present I had left you when you left your backpack behind, trying to get the scoop of a decade. I went chasing after you with your bag in hand, trying to get you to notice. But before I could reach you, someone needed me. You needed me. You were in danger and I had to act. But I still screwed up. And I was more convinced than ever that I couldn't do this. But your belief in me never wavered. Even after I had failed. You still trusted that Ladybug would show up and save the day! I had to live up to that. Because I couldn’t disappoint you. You believed in me. Both as Ladybug and as Marinette within the same week! Even though you didn’t know either of us very well! No one other than my parents had really ever done that for me. I couldn’t let you down. I literally never would have been Ladybug without you. You’re the reason I stood up and accepted my role as Ladybug on that very first day. I’m sorry that I never completely confided in you. I think you can now understand why. I was never mad that you never confided your secret to me either. It just made me trust you more. So here at the end, I needed you to know. You are my hero. Your bestie always and forever, Marinette P.S. And I know it’s probably unfair of me to ask, but I was hoping you would write Ladybug’s obituary. ... Alya sat, her head resting against his shoulder long after she had read Marinette’s final good-bye. Long after she had cried herself out. Neither of them spoke. The room grew dim as the sun set, but still neither moved. Instead they clung to one another. No words were adequate, so no words had been spoken. "I feel like I didn't know her at all," Alya finally spoke into the silence.
Chat frowned. "Are you kidding? You could practically read her mind. If anyone spoke Marinette it was you." Her hazel eyes squinted at him. "How would you know?" He snorted. "Are you kidding, Alya? Marinette was always best under pressure or during emergencies. During those times, she could see a direct path to what needed to be done and she would do it. She was a leader and an inspiration.”
“But the rest of the time,” he barreled forward, his eyes burned with threatened tears. He ignored it. “She was an anxious mess. There were so many times where you coached her through and out of her spirals. So many times when she couldn’t get words out in the correct order. So many times she was trying to stutter through a single sentence. But if you were there, you could always translate.”
Her head shifted on his shoulder. He couldn’t see her face as she had turned away from him.
“She always turned so pink when she gave you those grateful smiles," he continued.
“How do you know all of this?” she asked softly.
He tensed. "You go to school with us," she accused without heat. It wasn't a question. “There’s no way you could know otherwise.”
"She would kill me," he mumbled. "I've practically blown my identity twice now in delivering these two letters."
She smiled in sympathy, and patted his hand consolingly. There was no joy in the action. “Who did you tell?”
“Her parents. It just doesn't seem as important at the moment,” he admitted with a shrug. “I never had anyone to protect except her." "I'm sure that's not true.” She frowned at him the way one would frown at a small child that didn’t understand.
“Are you mad at her for not telling you?” His masked eyes swung towards her, with genuine curiosity.
“No.” Her frown deepened. “Maybe? I mean, I’m not upset she didn’t tell me that she was Ladybug. I understand why she didn’t. I never confided in her about my secret identity either. Though I guess she already knew." "Your secret identity?" "I was Rena Rouge." He should have been surprised. But he wasn’t.
"Of course you were." Which meant Nino was Carapace. They were all his closest friends... every single one of them. Even Chloé. No wonder he worked so well with all of them. God, he was so blind.
"But I guess I do wish I had known or figured it out,” Alya continued. “I just feel bad about all the times I got mad at her for disappearing or flaking. I think I could’ve been a better friend and not added to her already huge serving of stress, if I had known.” "It's the price of being a superhero," he said softly. "What's it like for you? Are you always flaking on your friends?" Her hazel eyes turned back to him.
That was ironic considering she was a major spoke on his social wheel. He shrugged evasively. "My friends are used to me bailing for other reasons outside my control. They are often disappointed, but not usually mad at me. I guess Mari had it worse in some ways."
"Yeah, at least she knew why I occasionally bailed on her."
Chat laughed. "You were always chasing the akumas long before Rena Rouge came on the scene. Your obsession with filming the action always drove LB mad." He sobered. "Maybe that's why she picked you. So, you could defend yourself."
"Ha!” she barked, clapping her hand onto her knees. “I think it was manipulative." "What do you mean?" he asked.
"She wanted me to understand what it meant to have a secret identity, so that if I ever figured hers out I would consider her perspective before I published everything."
He cocked his head towards her. "Would you really have exposed her after discovering it was your best friend?" "I think you were actually her best friend," Alya whispered, her eyes downcast into her lap. He shrugged. "Maybe in some ways. But her civilian life was always more important to her.” Alya didn’t respond. Chat didn’t know how to fill the silence that suddenly felt oppressive. “So, would you?” he finally prompted her
"Expose Ladybug’s identity?” she repeated, her head on his shoulder again. “Not intentionally for sure. But there were so many times where I was live streaming and trying to catch her mid transformation. I definitely could have exposed her with no ability to take it back. I guess Lady Wifi is a part of me still." “Did you keep doing it after she made you Rena Rouge?” he asked into the growing darkness.
“For a little while. But I quickly realized how dangerous it would be for all of us if someone found out.” “Yeah,” Chat agreed. It had taken him awhile to learn that too. They spent the rest of the evening sharing stories about both Marinette and Ladybug. They even managed to laugh a few times – maybe there was a hysterical edge to it, but it was good. It felt right. Like touching a bruise that was still tender, but not excruciating anymore. "Thank you for this," Chat finally said hours later. "What do you mean?" "It was just nice to talk about and remember her with someone that knew her well. Especially someone that knew her on both sides of the mask."
“Yeah, for me too. If you need to talk in the coming days or weeks, please know I’m willing to be there for you.”
He gave her a tight hug before rising to his feet.
“Thank you Alya. That means a lot to me.” ...
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hannahsmusings · 9 months
*I couldn’t help but feel shy about this new revelation that I was revealing to Lindsey, never expecting to the be the type of woman who wanted someone else by my side, always imagining my life being single for the most part, not understanding how people could devote themselves to one person forever, but as I got older, the allure of that started to make sense, and I felt that I had been in denial for a while about what I wanted* Oh, please don’t get all sappy on me. I will walk away and pretend this never happened. *I give her a little playful yet timid smile, hip checking her again, looking away until she pulled out her phone, my smile growing as she texted me the number* Thank you, Linds. I promise to be careful. She seems worth the slow burn… maybe that’s what I need, a girl who isn’t immediately eager to jump into bed with me. Maybe we can build a connection or whatever. *I roll my eyes as Lindsey looked so utterly happy about all of this, shoving her off playfully as she kissed my cheek* Okay okay, I get it, you’re happy for me. Let’s put the attention back on you, yeah? *I pick up her plate of cake and hand it back to her, forcing a piece of cake into her mouth, laughing* *a few other friends come by and start chatting to Linds, giving me some time to breathe, glancing around the room, trying to spot Jen, wanting to go talk to her again, but before I could even spot her my phone was ringing, my manager calling* Ah, shit. Linds, I gotta take this. Be 5 minutes okay? *I squeeze her side before walking out of the party to take the call, standing off to the side where there were no people out in the hotel where the party was being held* 
*groans as you immediately shy away from the affection, chuckling as you tease, it being so like you and knowing soft moments weren’t your thing so I felt very honoured that you’d shared this moment with me, grinning a little* Okay okay, nothing else to say. *rolls my eyes at your sarcasm* A connection might be good for you, idiot. *hip checks you back before your practically shoving cake into my mouth* Hey! *says with a mouthful, laughing and shaking my head at how impossible you were, but still grinning as a few others come over to chat, loving all the attention I was receiving tonight* *Nods as you take the call, work always being high on your agenda so this was usual for you, offering you a smile* Hurry back. *shoots you a playful glare, knowing you had a habit for slipping off to work when you could, wanting you here for the rest of the night* -Lindsey
*I’d been chatting with Jade and our other friends, having stopped drinking alcoholic drinks now as I’d already decided to disappear soon, exhausted and just feeling a bit low as every time I looked around for you I couldn’t see you, feeling a bit disappointed that I couldn’t have been more bubble and confident out on the balcony, figuring if I had then I would have got your number or at least charmed you a little* *fakes a yawn whilst sat in the booth with the others, knowing they could see I was done with tonight as I start to make my excuses* I’m gonna go guys, I’ve got an early morning and I’m exhausted. *frowns a little as they all pout, knowing they expected this of me but still feeling like I’d disappointed them* -Jen
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quotes121sworld · 1 year
Australian stripper makes shocking sex confession about horny babes
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Aussie Stripper Makes Shocking Sex Admission About Horny Hen Party Brides: 'I Went Straight Home And Had A Shower'
By Ciara O'loughlin for Daily Mail Australia Published: 05:28 EDT, Jun 14, 2023 | Updated: 05:41 EDT, Jun 14, 2023 --> --> --> A Melbourne-based stripper has revealed on live radio that he's slept with brides-to-be for money. On the show KIIS 101.1, Jase & Lauren, 30-year-old CJ, confessed to sleeping with twelve women at their cash-for-money bachelorette parties, and while he felt awful about it at first, it became an obsession.The man showed up at the studio to chat with the presenters about his raunchy confession but was defaced in social media videos to hide his identity. "The confession I have is from six years ago: I was a stripper and was paid to have sex with brides-to-be the night before their wedding," he said. ' 12 times. After the hen parties, I would probably come back to their house.'
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A Melbourne-based stripper has revealed on live radio that he's slept with brides-to-be for moneyPresenter Lauren was shocked by the revelation and asked why he did it. "See, the reason I did that was because I needed validation at the time," he replied.“I went through a difficult time. The adrenaline rises. A few times it was the bride's idea, and then the bridesmaid came up to me and asked me.
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On the show KIIS 101.1, Jase & Lauren, 30-year-old CJ, confessed to sleeping with twelve women at their cash-for-money bachelorette parties, and while he felt awful about it at first, it became an obsession. Pictured: presenter Lauren Philips
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The man showed up at the studio to chat with the presenters about his raunchy confession but was defaced in social media videos to hide his identity. Pictured: presenter Jase HawkinsLauren was even more shocked when CJ said he believes the reason many of the brides did it was because of "one last hooray" and that they would remain faithful to their husbands after the wedding. He added, "I've been able to keep in touch with some of them." . Those I am still in touch with are still in their relationships. I haven't spoken to them lately.'CJ said he felt horrible after sleeping with a bride-to-be for the first time for cash, but it had become "a habit" and "an obsession." ' I was at the bachelorette party. I was hired as a stripper. And after that we all had a drink and the bride came up to me and basically privately asked me how much it would cost to stay the night or go back to them. "And I was shocked, but I changed my attitude and said, 'That would be so much,' and they said, 'Done.' And we went back to them and did the deed.'
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Presenter Lauren was shocked by the revelation and asked why he did it'Definitive I went straight home, showered, just sat in the shower and kept thinking about what I had done.'"It becomes a habit and an obsession."The stripper then shockingly revealed that he had met some of these women with their husbands. He said: "There were times when I would meet the groom and the bride on the street and the groom would then ask me and her how we knew each other and the brides would literally say we know each other from work. ' And I have to join the lie.'
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The stripper shockingly revealed that he had met some of these women with their husbands Share or comment on this article: Read the full article
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