#just check my 'lunar' tag for more
indigozeal · 11 months
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I don't get the point of Rajio Tekunosuke's Aoki Hoshi yori Yatte Kita (It Came from the Blue Star), though it seems to be something along the lines of: "what if Lucia dressed in white, had a partially-sheer outfit & huge honkin' breasts, and was totally DtF?"  Only there is no Fing.  Hiro goes to pick up the Genesis carts Lucia forgot in the Blue Spire, only to have another goddess descend from the Blue Star on him.  Disappointed that Zophar's already been beaten but intrigued by banging a clueless but momentarily-distracted-by-her-assets Hiro, she agrees to his offer of temporary housing till she comes to grips with her redundancy on the Zophar-alarm front.  And...the doujin ends, at all of 12 pages (10 if you leave out the credits).  It's not only Plot What Plot but Porn What Porn.  It's the slightest slip of a beginning of a story, except, as the author notes, one "likely not continued."  Inexplicable, but as Magical School Lunar once noted, the world is deeply mysterious.
Rajio Tekunosuke has an ample portfolio of full-length, less-puzzling Lucia doujinshi, so you're better off tracking down one of the artist's other titles  -  or their extant website.  A lot of links are busted, but poke around, and you can find a list of their doujin, with sample 4-koma comics, and doodles.
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roseykat · 8 months
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TITLE: Don't bite the hand that feeds you
PAIRING: Seungmin x reader
WARNING: minors DNI with this post or my blog. I create NSFW SKZ related content and I know I won't be able to regulate every single interaction with those posts so please do not engage with my work and page whatsoever.
SUMMARY: Featuring Seungmin as your lecturer's student assistant who runs your tutorials and possesses just as harsh a personality as he fucks.
TAGS: Mean tutor Seungmin, oral sex (f!reader receiving), unprotected sex, public sex, swearing.
KINK: Freelance
TAGLIST: @kbitties @luneskies @mal-lunar-28 @kibs-and-bits @aaasia111 @fairy-lixie @dreamingaboutjisung @queenmea604
A/N: this is for all the Seungmin stans out there x
There isn’t any way to work around a more stubborn person. People that you’ve met before don’t even come close to the level of arrogance that this person carries with them. That person being one of your tutors for a class at Uni, Seungmin. For some reason, he always has the time of day to help other people but has an issue with your supposed incompetence in completing a task when it comes to you. 
Seungmin never checks your work, never goes over your answers, discusses your ideas or anything like that. He has a very prickly attitude yet only those needles are only for you. You see the sigh he lets out whenever you need to approach him to clarify something he went over during the tutorial. You see the crease between his eyebrows as the annoyance grows when you ask if he can read a draft of yours before you submit it. 
He never does that with other students. Seungmin is happy to help them, makes conversation with them before class, and always seems to have time for them. 
The difference in his behaviour towards you definitely placed an unnecessary burden on your shoulders. But you’re not one to budge. Whether his intentions are malicious or not, you’re not exactly an easy one to crack, which is why you continued to supposedly ‘bother’ him. 
“Hey,” you approach him after one of his tutorials, hoping you used a good enough manner to not light a fire under his seat. “Would you be able to check this for me?”
Seungmin furrows his eyebrows - not a good sign, and averts his eyes from the whiteboard to look at your paper, “I can’t help you with that.”
“And why is that?” You question. “You had no trouble looking at everyone else’s. How’s mine any different?”
“Judging from your grades, I’d suspect there would be a lot of differences,” he responds.
“I’ll take that as a compliment since I’m one of the top in the class thank you,” you scoff. 
“And one of the top most arrogant too,” Seungmin fires back. “If you haven’t got anything relevant to show me, I suggest you leave. The next tutorial group starts in twenty minutes.” 
Your face contorts slightly, “well since this isn’t relevant enough for you, is it possible for you to check over one of the drafts we have to send in on Friday?”
“Can’t do that either-“
“Then what can you do exactly?” You cut him off impatiently. “Seriously, I’ve been trying to ask you for help for the past two weeks and you’ve only ever given me vague answers to my questions and you won’t proofread any of my work which is what you’re here to do.”
Seungmin takes off his glasses and closes the distance between himself and you, “I don’t help out entitled people like you who always demand things.”
You glare up at him, “I’m not entitled. I was just merely commenting about the fact that you don’t do what you’re being paid to do.”
“And you just keep proving my point as to why you are entitled, because you don’t shut up and you always complain. After every tutorial, you come up to me and ask me for something.” 
“Yeah, just like everyone else and yet, I don’t see you giving the same shit to them as you do to me,” you argue right back with him. 
“That’s because you expect things to be handed to you on a silver plate. Unlike them, you don’t work for your shit with me,” Seungmin responds, placing the cap on the whiteboard marker a little bit too rough. 
“Being here is me working for my shit,” you press back. “You’re just being a stubborn ass because you don’t like me.”
“Well you’re right with one thing,” he sighs.
You roll your eyes and scoff, “fuck you honestly.” 
It took a lot of effort not to just shove Seungmin out of your way as you headed out the door with a fresh stormy cloud looming over your head. Felix could spot it a mile away when you went to meet up with him for lunch nearby after his class too. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks carefully, studying the pained expression on your face. 
“Nothing,” you sigh, trying to let it go. “Just one of my stupid tutors.”
“Is this the same one that isn’t doing his job properly?” Felix questions, remembering the conversation you both had about him a while back. 
“You know, he’s probably dealing with things in the background that you don’t know about,” Felix points out, his habit of always giving people the benefit of the doubt starting to shine through. 
“Yeah, pretty sure he’s dealing with ‘absolute fucking dickhead disorder’,” you spit. “And even if he was - even if the worst is happening to him, he has no right to be taking out his anger or frustration on me.” 
Felix sports a disappointed look on his face, “is it just you, or are there others?”
“It’s just me, I swear.”
“Okay, I believe you,” Felix assures. “If he really is as bad as you say he is, maybe just ignore him. We’ve only got seven weeks left, that’s not too long until you can get away from him, yeah?” 
It was easier said than done, because the next round of tutorials that approached in the following week, opened up that fresh wound of just seeing Seungmin’s face and dreading it. All of Felix’s advice went out the gate, almost like it was never there in the first place.
In the end, you simply chose not to speak. What’s the point in arguing with a person who won’t move?
So right after the tutorial, you don’t bother darting straight to Seungmin and asking for his help. He’s not willing to give it to you so there’s no point in lingering behind. As you pack your things up from the table and start to head out, Seungmin peers at you from behind the glasses that you so badly want to knock off his face sometimes. 
He’s not entirely stumped that you haven’t approached him, but he is a bit intrigued. Maybe he had come across too strongly with you the other day - maybe within the past month without being of any help to you at all. Then again, Seungmin isn’t the most apologetic of people. 
“Surprised you’re not asking me to check anything for you,” he projects his voice to you just before you leave the class. 
You heard him on your way out, but what’s a retaliation going to do? Only add fuel to your own fire. Seungmin isn’t the one who’s got something to lose here. He’s just a student tutor who’s clearly got enough competence to reinforce the learning you receive during lectures. At the end of the day, his grades for this class aren’t on the line. Yours are. 
“Y/N,” you hear a voice call out to you, recognising it to be Felix. Caught up in the swirl of your own thoughts, you almost forgot Felix had been waiting for your tutorial to end as he sat in a row of seats against the wall. 
“Hey,” you call out to him. 
“So, how was it? Did you say anything to him?” He asks as you sit down beside him. 
“I just gave up,” you answer. “I forgot that you can’t get your point across to dickheads so I stopped trying. I’ll just go to the other classes' tutorials if they let me switch. Or maybe I can just cross-check my work with their tutor.”
“Geez, that bad is he?”
“The fucking worst,” you confirm.
However, you weren’t surprised to learn that Seungmin’s attitude and behaviour still continued in the following tutorial, close to an essay hand-in date which is what you didn’t need. The only saving grace is that instead of going over the content that you learned in an earlier lecture, Seungmin allowed his students to study for another upcoming in-class test in the upcoming week. 
You spent that time wisely working on the essay you needed to hand in since it was the first due. Then, by two o’clock, everyone started wrapping up their study session. You slot your books into your bag, zip it up, and ready to leave.
“You, come here,” Seungmin speaks in your direction, but you really don’t want to listen. At first to begin with, you were surprised he was even talking to you.
“And if I don’t?” 
“Don’t be stubborn. I want to talk about your assignment,” he replies. He set his bait and waited for you to take it. So you approach him hesitantly from your chair, leaving your bag behind at the table. 
“See, how hard was that?” 
You roll your eyes. Not even a full conversation in and he’s already made you reach your limit, “oh go fuck yourself.”
Upon hearing your nasty sentiment, Seungmin’s hand latches quickly onto your wrist, “what did you just say?”
You look down at your arm in disbelief, then back up to him, his eyes narrowing at you, “what?”
“Say it again.”
“I said; ‘go fuck yourself.”
“Fucking brat.” 
Without warning, Seungmin’s hands grasp the sides of your arms in a flash, backing you against the wall behind him. Out of nowhere, his mouth comes down and crashes against yours in a bruising kiss. There’s no time to process what’s actually going on when you start kissing him back, allowing his tongue to delve deeper into his mouth. 
In the back of your mind, you can’t believe your own actions, but at the same time, pushing back on him also feels like you’re letting some of that frustration go. To take things further, Seungmin breaks away from you for a moment, turning your body by your arms, and backs you straight into the desk until your hips hit the edge.
Your first instinct tells you to lean back while your legs automatically lift so that Seungmin can slot right in, pressing his semi-hard dick against your pussy. 
It gives you the opportunity to wrap your legs around his waist, trying to bring him in closer as you hope for more friction. Seungmin pins your wrists down to the desk, kissing along your jaw and down to your throat where he bites and sucks until there’s a line of future regretful hickies for you to deal with later on. 
“D-Do something,” you stammer, feeling so dizzy from the pleasure that you desperately start to chase. 
“Why should I?” He mumbles into your skin. 
You turn your head, watching figures of people pass by through the frosted glass of the door who could potentially walk in at any given time. In saying that, a portion of you recognises that there’s something so naughty about being caught in the act. 
“Please Seungmin,” you beg for him, feeding into his ego. 
His head rises from your neck, “that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say ‘please’.” 
You didn’t care what he meant by that. All you care about is relieving that itch inside the pit of your stomach because you know that horny feeling will take a long time to dissipate. Nonetheless, Seungmin seems to listen to you when he unbuttons the first two buttons of his white dress shirt. 
His fingers reach down to your jeans, unzipping them and yanking them right off your legs until you’re just left in your underwear, already soaking through. Seungmin uses the pad of his thumb to brush gently over the fabric which is sticky to the touch. It makes the corner of his mouth tug up. 
“Keep quiet if you don’t want people to come in,” he warns before taking his glasses off and placing them to the side of you before kneeling down. 
Your chest already starts heaving just feeling his warm breath fan across your inner thighs. The anticipation leading up to it has you clawing at the desk when Seungmin starts removing your underwear. 
“Look how fucking wet you are,” he speaks from a stance of astonishment just seeing what he was able to do to you from a simple makeout session and some rough and tumble. 
His comment turns you into a flustered mess that is easily shattered when Seungmin moves his mouth closer to your pussy, kissing your inner thigh and inching closer until he reaches your clit. Your back arches in an instant. One hand clasps over your mouth to stifle a loud moan at the heat of Seungmin’s mouth, the other grabs a fistful of his hair and starts tugging. He doesn’t dare hold back; sucking on your clit, lapping up at what he can to make your entire body shudder. 
It never occurred to you that Seungmin is like this. You’ve always made him out to be some rich, entitled, arrogant, teacher's pet with good grades and an outstanding reputation when he goes and does shit like this – eating you out in broad daylight, in public.
Whatever rabid spirit took over Seungmin, it wasn’t stopping him. His tongue dances perfect circles and random shapes against your clit, embracing your thighs quivering shamelessly around his head. 
“Oh my god, feels…feels so good,” you mutter, using every drop of energy you can to subdue the moans into whimpers. 
Not even the hand you’ve been trying to use to cover your mouth is working because when Seungmin keeps building you up to that edge, you increasingly become louder. But that’s all on him for initiating this, not that you’re complaining. Not when your head is just about thrashing back behind you on the wooden surface trying to syphon all the pleasure you’re getting. It’s like rouge electricity, a live wire inside of you that has no chance of being tamed. 
“Fuck, gonna make me cum,” you mumble, eyelids already fluttering. “So…good.”
Seungmin heard that as a sign to press his face further into your pussy but kept the same momentum and pace that his tongue uses to make you cum, and when you do, every ounce of pleasure pours into all the cells throughout your body. It rattles you in such a good way, that you forget how hard you’re tugging on Seungmin’s hair as he continues to eat you out through to the very end. But you managed to stay quiet – just. 
Your body unstiffens and your chest heaves up and down trying to catch air. The orgasm was so massive that afterwards, you couldn’t figure out what time it was or where you were. It nearly took out every bit of consciousness you had remaining. 
“Been wanting to do that for a while,” he rasps. 
Whatever that means – not that you can articulate it as of yet. You’re still trying to grapple with reality and when Seungmin unzips his pants to free his cock, you know there’s no point in trying.
He’s big in length and has a sizeable girth. He teases you with his tip, sliding up and down from your now oversensitive clit to your drenched hole. Just feeling how wet you are makes him wonder one thing:
“Are you a virgin?” He asks. 
You’re still trying to regain a bit of consciousness, only able to muster a few words at a time, “no...no I’m not.”
“I pinned it down to either that or someone hasn’t touched you in a while,” he responds. You groan at the embarrassment. Seungmin must obviously be that experienced for him to make such an observation. 
“The latter. Now just hurry up and fuck me.” 
“Shut up,” Seungmin snipes, even though he begins to push his cock inside of you at a terribly slow pace. 
You didn’t realise how much you had been aching to have someone inside you. Your own fingers can’t seem to do the right trick of actually feeling full and satisfied. But now that Seungmin is here, slowly thrusting in until he reaches the hilt, can he make you feel that way. 
“Jesus fuck,” Seungmin bites down on his lip and has to hold onto the edge of the desk beside your body for support. 
He’s never felt anything like it. Even after sleeping with other women prior to you in his past, there’s something about the way you feel that isn’t like the rest. Maybe it’s from the fact that you hadn’t been touched in a while or not, either way, Seungmin can’t contain himself when he starts thrusting properly. 
His cock glides in like melted butter, the lewd wet sounds making you want to hide from embarrassment. But Seungmin revels in it like it’s about to slip through his fingers like sand. So he lowers his body onto yours, resting some of his weight comfortably on you. It’s intimate yes, but it enables Seungmin to start whispering things in your ear. 
“So fucking wet for me, aren’t you?” He purrs. “Such a good girl for taking all of my cock, especially for someone who hasn’t been touched in a while. Just opened up for me so easily.” 
No words could ever spring to your mind in response to that, but it causes your body and mind to have a reaction you’re all too familiar with from about five minutes ago. That tingly feeling starts creeping up inside you the longer Seungmin keeps fucking you. His cock repetitively hits such a deep sweet spot that you don’t think anyone’s ever reached before. 
“S-Seungmin…it feels…fuck it feels so good,” you moan right in his ear, your arms clinging to his back. 
“Yeah?” He chuckles. “I bet it does with the way that you’re clenching around me.” 
Seungmin just keeps finding ways to unintentionally embarrass you, but if there’s one thing that he’s learnt about you and himself, it’s that he likes seeing you so flustered. He thinks it’s cute. In saying that, he doesn’t want to get too caught up in things when the euphoria that has already built itself impossibly high starts making itself known.
Just like you, Seungmin feels too good right now. He’s doused in warmth from the heat wrapping around his cock and the way that your walls keep involuntarily clamping around him. 
“S’too much…” you gasp for air, fingers digging into his clothed arms at this point. “M’gonna cum again please.”
Seungmin presses himself up away from your body but still thrusting at his same pace, “go on then. I want to see your face when you do.” 
It washes over you quickly and he’s fast to clock onto the small reactions beginning to change. The only thing that doesn’t alter is the fucked-out look you have on your face. That remains all the way up until the bliss starts packing its punch. Seungmin’s hips don’t hamper your orgasm, not when he watches your eyes roll back and sees the words to describe how you’re feeling become lodged in your throat. 
“Y-Yes!” you call out, your voice echoing throughout the empty classroom. Your wet walls convulse around Seungmin’s cock, clutching onto him for dear life as you cum hard. 
“I suppose that’s why you cum so easily, huh?” He asks, catching his breath. “Because nobody’s been touching you? Poor thing.” 
Your cheeks burn a bright red as Seungmin continues to fuck you, right up until he’s had his fill. Regardless of how overstimulated you are, he can’t stop because he’s nearly there. His hips stutter forward a few times as he chases the tail of his orgasm, getting hit with it right at the last second. 
“Fuck I’m gonna cum,” he lowers his head, watching where his cock keeps disappearing into and listening to your whimpers. It’s all enough to tip him right over the edge and into a pool of warm euphoria. “Yes – fuck!” 
With a few more grunts and thrusts, Seungmin slows right down as he cums inside you. For a split second there, his vision started to go splotchy. It reminded him of the fact that he hasn’t cum that hard in a while. In saying that, you get to bask in the warm sensation that fills your lower half. 
“Shit,” he gasps, breathing heavily. In the back of his mind, something told him that he shouldn’t have done that. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine,” you swallow, trying to dampen your dry throat. “You’re lucky I’m into that.” 
He lets out a breathy chuckle and for the first time, you’ve actually seen Seungmin genuinely smile. 
A/N: I’m not going to lie, I kind of want to make a part 2 to this but reader finds out that she’s pregnant lmao
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astralnymphh · 8 months
veiled affections ⚝ | ellie williams
☆࿐-ˊˎ farm!ellie x fem!reader
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✧˖ ° 🕯 bright blessings!
AN: quick little smut to hold me off before i work on a bigger project/series fic!! more casual and less proofread like my last one but still pretty good ifya ask me <3
tags/cw: NSFW!! SMUT!! 18+ MDNI, usual playful bickering, one second of cuddiling, poetic ahh writing, very mild foreplay, hella dirty talk, lotsa swearing, oral (receiving) spitting, clit stim (receiving), petnames (babe, baby, good girl)
WC: 2k+
designated song: stargirl interlude - the weekend & lana del rey
synopsis; swept under your fossil gray wool blanket, a body deprived of slumber and living the effects of back-bending chores all around the farmhouse has you fatigued and yearning to supply the last ounce of energy with a bit of literature. eventually, ellie will set that book on rain check, and your fatigue, ..and her boredom. honestly, she'll definitely be the one to steal your energy instead of the book. 
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radiance incarnate is what lies behind the glass pane just ahead of your bed-post. lunar light outstanding the dark night, never lacking a few stars that flecked the sky above the nocturnal forest, at least what you could perceive through a regular sized window. fusing with the comfortability of your mattress and cloaked in a warm wool blanket makes for a nice end-of-the-day reward while you immerse yourself in the realm of 'the odyssey'. ellie's not in bed. not in the room. she's presumably downstairs finishing up something, so not a clue of her coming is on your mind.
you wriggle around the soft bed altering your position to have one leg bent and the other draped over, the book upheld by the bulk of your thigh making it easier to flip through. page by page, word by word, space and time diminishes around you and is replaced by this entrancing world of mycenaean greece portraying the aegean sea. the room was dimly lit and still, minus the muted sounds of an owl and crickets chirping beyond the wooden walls. serenity lasts for a good half hour before an upsurge of hard rubber footsteps wake the floor by the bedroom door to the right of you.
"hey babe- ooh, what'cha reading?" ellie's voice grapples your focus to her profile, attired in her white shirt, grubby denim and converse that look like they've been dragged to hell.
"the odyssey." you respond as she begins to lurk closer, arms crossed.
she swipes her tongue across her lips, saying, "y'know.. savage starlight might be more.. fun to read?" in an obviously sarcastic note, creasing her brows together accompanying a brass smirk.
"to you, maybe. I actually enjoy this a lot." you cave the book over your chest, sitting like a roof, "you just don't have a mature taste."
"whadda'ya mean? comics are for everyone, and actually easy to understand." she clambers atop of your hips, descending her face upon you, "unlike the odyssey."
"pshh, the odyssey is a classic." you highlight.
"you're just mad that im right." 
you pucker a pout, slowly lifting the book between your noses till ellie knocks it down plumb on your collarbone.
"ah-uh," she intently strikes spires into your eyes with her persuasive peer, narrowing those lids in an undeniably tantalizing way, "can't ignore this now."
"you're right." you spat out and divided the space with your book again.
"c'mon.." she prys the book from your limp grasp, leaving it astray to the bed adjacent to you, "I'm here now, aren't I?" a humbly intimate whisper croaks from her toothy grin.
you banish your sight to the headboard above, pondering the words that would wisp from your lips, "I have a few pages left, babe, then we'll do whatever.."
"mmk, 'gonna lay on you though." she giggles and shuffles along the length of you, interlacing your limbs together and smushing her cheek on your stomach. her arms swathe your hips and tuck underneath your butt.
the book diverged from your fingertips finds its way back, cuddled between your thumbs and eclipses ellie's head from your vision. your pupils root back to the muster of sentences lining the page, with a certain breath gusting onto your mildly exposed midriff.
a scant minute survives before a husk is heard, "mmph- so warm.." the tip of her nose drags on your skin as she faces downward, marking an indulgent smooch to your abdomen. 
that brought a melliferous smile to draw out, instilled with admiration from her speckled kisses. it anchors your attention unwillingly when these kisses continue but you'd rather void it and tread on with reading as ellie treads on with a rampancy of taunting kisses. normally, this'd be blasé, but tonight, it's turning your tides.
ellie muffles, "wann' kiss every inch.." her nibbles subside in target of your navel, nuzzling on the pouch of your belly and biting your shorts' band, "fuck.."
"what're up to?" the book slants down.
"just showin' my love.." her tone airs up and turns raspy. 
"I think it's more than that." you dig at her transparent peak in sensuality and prod her foot with yours.
ellie can't necessarily disprove this, she was blatantly horny but wanted to keep that 'under the covers' till you shared the feeling outwardly. a shameless smirk paints her mouth regardless, "y'know what I really wanna do?"
a gnaw at her lower lip fracts the answer briefly, uttering, "I wanna eat your fucking pussy." and blunt she was, verdant eyes fastened to yours. she's so eager for you, clawing at your loins.
a shudder bolts the extent of your nerves and you clench around nothing but a throb at the contents of her question, visibly ruffled up by it, "babe.." 
"can I?"
nary a gloom of doubt inhabits your mind, the way she's laying on your body, patient to taste you revs you up like a torrent of arousal. oh my fucking goddess. it's making you go wild.
"shit- m'kay, lemme just.." ellie wrinkles up the sheet in her fist, tossing it overhead till her head was obscured by it. the amber hue of her hair is subtle under the thin pearly sheet as she slithers down between the interstice of your thighs.
maybe the now carnal environment made it inconvenient to carry on with the perusal of your book, but you're elevating it back up from your sternum regardless. the vivid thought of her eating you out while you read is a bit elating, is it not?
ellie's cunning lips park at the epitome of your core, locking her biceps under your slack legs and dangling her still shoe-clad feet off the beds' brink.
"can't wait to see that beautiful fucking pussy.." her veiled voice has strings of raw ardor plucking in her throttle rippling onto your clothed entrance with a muggy pant on every word.
an unheard gulp passes through to the trench of your chest, sending out a reflex of sweet sensations to your pelvis, whimpering, "mhh- ellie.."
"shhhshhh.. i got'chu.." 
she begins to pleat your panties over themselves and slip them off your legs, whizzing them away to some lifeless nook of the tucked-in sheets.
"fuck.. shit-" ellie heaves in awe, even day after day of seeing you bare, it's so titillating to her, drool is abandoning her lips.
the paragraphs living on the pages merge into an unintelligible blob as your vision drowses and the only sensation you can detect is her breath lathering your exposed slit. an open 'ptui' is heard prior to a wet glob landing on your clit and evoking a jolt from your body.
"so sensitive.." she pokes fun at your reaction, slapping her digits down on your sappy pussy and rubbing the spit through your folds, which to much avail, juts your body again.
"fck!" you hack out a swear at each writhe and prod.
"yeah, like that?" 
the grip on your book tightens, causing it to tremor in your shaky hold.
"gonna taste so fuckin' good, mmh.." she murmurs to herself but you catch the gist since immediately after her lips envelop your clit and enlist deft torpedo laps to it.
a heap of pleasurous pricks throb in your cunt and garner a gentle mewl from your chords, whining, "gh- mhhhn.." tenderly in growing bliss.
ellie laps your clit in brisk flicks while sucking it up with noises similar to kissing resounding through the sheer fabric cascading over her head.
you observe the cover moving with every mild thrust of her head, creasing and shuffling with the halo of her hair. a hand prowls from the sheets' hem and searches for anywhere to rest, to which you beckon it to your breast.
she realizes this and gives it duo squeezes for good measure and her unemployed fingers knead the squishy flesh of your ass, all while smirking.
"mmhh~ I wanna see you.." you mumble into the whafted-shut book, knocking off the already sliding sheet with your knee to reveal a flushed ellie with her nose buried in your crotch, her pretty face poised between your thighs, stuffed in your cunt.
her irises hark this newfound horizon before her and diffuse an intense glare that shudders your soul, sinking her lips deeper into those parted folds and drinking up your sticky deluge.
her mouth disconnects with threads of saliva and slick following, "this pussy tastes s'fucking divine, you know that right?"
"could go down n'you for breakfast, lunch n' dinner.. fuck- baby.." 
ellie retreats her keen tongue, dipping into your entrance and soaking up the lewd coating of your walls. oral sounds of her mouth practically having a make-out sesh with your puffy lips overflow the room and bounce like an echo betwixt your ears.
"ohh my godd.." your moans enhance and amplify in the sea of ebbing relief and flowing pleasure.
her pecan speckled skin tinted with rose is glazed with a sinful slick from how far she pushed her face in, a terribly arousing sight to behold when she withdraws to praise her own work.
"how's m'pretty girl doing?"
"s-so.. closee.."
"want' you to moan my name when you do, yeah?"
"I wanna know how fuckin' good I make you feel." her sharp curses stay unyielding in her expression.
"mh-mhghmm.." your throat clogs up in anticipation.
ellie pours over your bare stature one last time before gripping the back of your knees and pushing them up till your feet meet the sky.
"that's better."
her lips smash into your cunt once again and prove to be frothing with a craving for you, clenched brows and grunting into your groin intently. she explores every attainable inch like she knows it, licking up your pre-cum like it's the last fucking meal on earth.
"oh- fuck!" you wail out, webbing your fingers in her frizzed up locks by habit.
her inhuman speeds catch you out of the blue, binding her tastebuds with your natural taste and delighted in every millisecond of it. she hoists onto her knees and hovers over your bottom half, wriggling her tongue over your entire opening and sending that abused clit into overdrive.
"el-ell.. ellie! i can't fucki- ah!" a high squeak blazes from your gullet.
she blurts out, "cum on m'fuckin' face." submerged in your folds.
"els.. mh!"
it's the end for you when she starts purposefully moaning on your bud, finally ushering your climax to dull your senses and numbfuck your consciousness. your reality is painted with a globe of starlight just by the heavenly feeling of it.
"good girl..-fck, there there..." ellies gingerly tone conflicts with her devilish play, drinking up the breach of cum gushing from your orgasm.
"oof.. jeez.." you recline your legs once her hands flee, huffing your way down from the celestial heavens.
ellie clambers up and collapses next to you, a smug and prideful visage staring back at your profile. 
"did ya finish those pages?"
"erm, no." 
she butts off a laugh, "eh, well.." her palm advances your bangs, hooking them behind the conch of your ear, "ended up having more fun, yeah?'
"i- yeah.. I guess.."
"you guess?"
"coulda been a lot better."
"whaaaat?" she mimicked an offended countenance.
"like it's nothing to write home about-"
"u're just trynna rile me up!"
"what if I am?" you boldy tease, tutting your skull side-to-side.
and that's ellie's one weakness, teasing. her brows hike, hollering "ohhh- I see how it is!" and rolls on top of you and thrusts her pelvis down with clear intention, "c'mere-"
"fhmm--" her willowy finger seals your lips, heeding the provocation you've cast into her mind.
"you're on."
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hoep you enjoyed <3
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skulla-rxcks · 6 months
ok hear me out.
Chan on his weekly live (ik it's no more channies room but anyways), as he comes to the end and gives STAY his famous "big hug", he hears Y/N enter his room, he's quick to end the live, but in all the hurry he pressed the wrong button, he didn't end the live, So now STAY can see him, but he doesn't know, mabye he can like- yk have s€x w Y/N while hes in camera? No need to but the idea just popped up in my head at school today so I just had to ask u (plz tag me if u do it tho)
Paring: bang chan x fem reader
Rating: explicit
Genre: smut, channies room :(
Warnings: v*ginal, praise, Twitter goes insane, Chan accidentally doesn’t end stream 👀
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Taglist: @f3lix00 @channiesgoodgirl @mal-lunar-28
Please dm me if you’d like to be added to the taglist ^^
For @foivestarrsketchez 🧡 !
A/n: I miss channies room man :’) (fuck Jyp, all my homies hate Jyp 😔✊) one of my friends just recently became a stay so they probs don’t know what it is. *sobs* i forgot how most of it ended too.. so I’m sorry about that, hopefully it’s okay tho !
“Annnd.. that’s it! Thank you STAYS for tuning into another episode of Channies room and I’ll see you all next time!” Chan says, looking over to the door and seeing me wanting to enter.
He brings two of his fingers up to his eye, making his signature peace sign before pressing what he thought was the end button.
“Chris..” I mumble out, moving towards him. “I know baby, come here.” He coos, pulling me onto his lap. “What do you need?” Chan asks me, rubbing his hands up and down my thighs. “You..” I cry, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I need more of an explanation than that.” He chuckles, making me scoot back a bit so he can take his shirt off. “Dick.. I want your dick in me.” I beg.
“Good girl.” He smirks at me, unclipping my bra and watching it fall off my shoulders. “Fuck.. you’re so fucking hot..You gonna ride me?” Chan asks as he motions for me to get off his lap. I watch as he unzips his pants and pulls his cock out. “Wait. Condom.” I pause. “Don’t worry, i have one here.” He answers, I get back on his thigh and roll the rubber over his already erect dick.
“mmgh..” I whine as he stretches me out, my eyes squinting with pleasure.
“Oh god baby.. you’re so fucking tight and warm.” His hands make their way up to my waist as he begins to rock his hips up to meet mine. “Channie..” I moan, rubbing my hands up and down his chest. “Mmm.. fuck!” I move my head down so our lips meet. I capture his lips and begin kissing him. Our lips moving together in a rhythm. While we’re making love to each other there’s a knock on the door. Ignoring it, we continue doing what we were doing. I start riding him faster, moaning into his mouth as we both take each other.
“Fucking hell your cunts so addicting..” Chan groans into the kiss, his hands gripping my hips and bringing me up and down faster on his cock. “Y-you feel so good in me..” I whimper, one of my hands moving from his chest to rub my twitching pussy.
Another knock is done on the door, making me pissed off that someone’s trying to interrupt us, Chan notices the change of emotion in me and decides to call out to the person knocking on the door. “Yes? I’m busy right now.” He sighs hoping the person will leave.
“You realise you’re still live right?” It’s Han, he sounds worried and annoyed.
“You’re fucking kidding me right?” Chan replies, his eyes widening as worry fills his brain. “Nope, it’s all over the internet, people are talking and recording clips of everything. I’ll just come in and end it properly for you.”
Han opens the door, keeping his eyes on the floor, acting like he wasn’t aware of what we were doing. He presses the ‘end’ button, double checking that he actually pressed it before deleting the stream off the account.
Han leaves the room, taking Chans laptop and giving the two of us some privacy to finish; since we didn’t have any earlier.
“What if you get kicked out of the group because of me..?” I whine into his neck, feeling a tear flutter out of my eye. “I’ll figure something out, yeah?” Chan replies, thrusting upwards into me. “
If nothing can make you feel better, at least sex does..” he chuckles, leaving a trail of kisses down my neck.
. . .
A few hours past it’s a little bit later, I’m laying in bed with Chan, we decide to check what STAYS are saying on social media about everything that just happened earlier today. It’s more tame than I expected luckily. Not many clips are coming out which i’m happy about people realising we deserve privacy, however it of course is going to be a trending topic all over the place. The other comments people are saying are like ‘i wish I was her’ or ‘Chan’s even hotter than I thought’. Guess that’s what happens when you fuck a kpop idol, huh.
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f9clementine · 8 months
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enchanted to meet you ⋙ 09. pick up the phone.
⋙ written part included 『••✎••』
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The ringing was unapologetically loud. 
You groaned, reluctantly reaching out from your cocoon of blankets to grab your phone off the nightstand. You squinted at the screen, seeing Binnie’s name flashing at you before you swiped to answer the call. “Changbin, someone better be dead or so help me.”
He chuckled, completely unfazed by your threat. “Well, I was worried you were, to be honest. No one’s heard from you since yesterday morning.”
You frowned, pulling your duvet over your head. “I could’ve sworn one of you was here yesterday?” You mumbled, thinking back to the distinctly male figure that had been standing over you at some point. “Or was that a fever dream?”
“Definitely wasn’t any of us, unfortunately. Maybe San stopped by to check on you?”
You shook your head, then winced as a it throbbed. “No, he’s away on a work trip. Maybe he asked Wooyoung to stop by?” You asked yourself before sighing, “Well, whatever. I’m not dead.”
“I have class until 3 today but I can come by and bring you some soup and gatorade, if you’d like?” Changbin suggested.
“I never got to the store yesterday, so that would be amazing if you can.” 
“Bet. I’ll see you in a few hours, Y/n. Get some rest, yeah?”
You nodded, stifling a yawn. “Trust me, the minute you hang up, I’m going right back to sleep.”
Changbin laughed, “Bye Y/n.”
“Bye,” You couldn’t help but smile as you pulled the phone away, seeing Changbin had already disconnected the call. You put your phone down and retreated further back into your sheets. 
You could already feel your eyes getting heavier, the lingering illness making your senses feel fuzzy and dull. But a slight stretch connected your foot with something heavy next to you. “Kitty? Did you come to give me ‘get well’ cuddles?” You whispered, excited to think that the feline is trusting you more and more.
Slowly, as to not possibly scare him off, you re-emerged from the blanket pile, turning over and expecting to see the cute little gray cat curled up next to you.
You were definitely not expecting to see a full grown man asleep instead. 
You screamed, throwing yourself out of the bed as he jerked up, eyes wide with surprise. You fell to the floor, scrambling back as you made eye contact. 
“What- who- why-“ you sputtered out, unable to form a coherent sentence, looking from him to your phone on the nightstand. “Cops- I’m calling the-“
“No, wait!” He shouted, lunging forward the same time you did. He reached your phone before you did and held it out of your reach. “Y/n, please, just listen to me, okay?”
“You’re in my fucking bed!” 
He sighed, running a hand through his messy hair and you frowned, “wait a minute. Aren’t you-“ you blink then gasp, realization dawning on you. “You’re Chan’s roommate!”
He nodded, “Right, I’m Minho. We’ve met a few times?”
“But you’re in my bed!” You repeated, gobsmacked,
"I know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" He paused, cheeks flushing red as he turned his head, clearly embarrassed.
"How did you get in my apartment?"
"Technically, you brought me here." He mumbled, still unable to look at you. "It's a long story but my bonehead roommate turned me into a..." He sighed, finally turning to look at you again. "He turned me into a cat."
"A cat?" You blinked, frowning. "You're not telling me... you're Kitty?"
He nodded, "That's exactly what I'm telling you."
"But why are you in my apartment then?!"
"... We’re going to need to call Chan.”
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tag list: @mal-lunar-28 , @kpopsstuffs @cassidymb121 @brooklynie @owotalks @honey-pop @hanniemylovelyquokka @chlodavids @abbiestearsricochet @maexc @seungmyynie @brinnalaine @kalopsian-thoughts @jiisungllvr @asherthehimbo @pinxeajin @vampcharxter @jluvselandabs @bettybeako @borahae-reads
*red means I can't tag you D:*
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Replaced or not ?
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Part-1 Part-2 Part-3 Part-4 Part-5 Part-6
For summary and details check out part-1
Pairing: Obey me Characters x reader
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"Than you so much Lucien you don't know how much you're helping me right now"
"Well it's nothing you get a place I get to satisfy my curiosity about you and you know ...the offer was not a joke from my side it still stand" Lucien said smirking at you
"umm....you know I don't feel that towards you"
"hahaha I know hon I'm just kidding"
"uh okay" you said a bit uneasy.
"hahahaa, oh my god I can't believe you fooled those lords" run hai spoke to me through phone
"I know right I wasn't that hard " I replied to her " But it was all because of you ..if you weren't there to alert me then and there I may would've been in the grasp of those demons"
"it's not a problem y/n if a human won't help you then who will" run hai spoke
"these are the two are the human exchange students" diavolo spoke as you and run hai stood there
There was 7 other demons standing in front of you both you . Run hai was there confused she's still taking time understanding what's happening here meanwhile you were standing there with a 'fuck it' expression.
The demon brothers were looking at you and only at you .
"Did you saw that" run hai spoke after we settled in our separate room.
"Saw what?"
"The way they were looking at you!!"
"umm well I thought I was being dramatic but i guess not"
" look I've read too many books about how this end up"
"Mee too....wanna help me out?"
"well i just gotta move outta this house you know"
"How are exactly planning on that?"
" Well.....how much do You like them"
"Well you wanted their attention and i didn't so it worked out in the end i guess" you said.
"Well yeah , i mean everything is just like you said , you're soo smart!!" Run hai spoke giggling throught the phone .
'Oh my god i could imagin her twirling her hair , stupid girl i just hope she don't open her mouth if the brothers became too obsessed with her' you thought as you rolled your eyes.
"Well yeah thanks for your help, i hang up now" you said not wanting to talk to her anymore.
"Aww thought we coulda talk more but anyways bieee ... Wait asmo what are you doing!"
"Huh?? What was that should i call her again.......no nevermind" you said . You laid on your bed provided Lucien thinking about how your plans of getting away from them and moving out from the HOL all worked out in the end . 'Well i didn't do anything bad i just didn't wanted for them to get obsessed with me'. You thought as you closed your eyes
"You better explain this sweetie"
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[A/N]: well sorry for the delay i was thinking about making run hai a good person but I can't since the real life one is actually a bitch😭 gomen gomen. And maybe I'll tell y'all her real name someday it's really similar to this once *wink wink*
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Tag list: {closed}
@obeymediasimp @c4xcocoa @gatorcatally @trisharay13 @candydreamer122 @hasty-desert @your-next-daydream @morphit @enheduannasposts @misscaller06 @buggaboorenegade @ellie3467 @hoeinthehouse @dreamieeesposts @viemags @arnixx @shycreatorsandwich @i-dont-know-what-to-name @gamerhumayra @gale-vendavel @darlink-xoxo @lunar-sangtsu @teal-clouds-sword @amandarosebts @sleepy-lune
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merakiui · 1 year
Hii!! I love your Lunar Love Hotel event so much! I didn't see any mention of you closing the requests yet, so I hope they're still open! (Otherwise, feel free to delete this.)
I would really like Red Bean Mochi and Blueberry Muffins for Rollo? I adore the idea of him leaving one of those with just the most creepy undertones, and completely anonymous, because it's the only way he can sate these vile feelings for a little while :') But feel free to do whatever you want with the concept!
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yandere!rollo flamm x (gender neutral) reader cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors, stalking, obsession, slightly morbid/dark thoughts note - thank you for checking in, dearest guest! enjoy your order! [lunar love hotel]
i. the diary of rollo flamm, in which you will find various love letter drafts and daily musings eloquently scrawled within perfumed pages.
𝓔𝓷𝓽𝓻𝔂 『1』
For the hour I remained in the café, you smiled a total of thirty-seven times, one smile per customer and one or two depending on coworkers you’re well-acquainted with. I would have counted your every laugh, every blink of your perfect, pretty eyes, but then that would be like counting your every breath, every heartbeat, and it would be impossible to come up with an accurate sum when you’re always so...alive. One breath could be two taken at once, and a single blink could simply be my own eyes shutting and opening before yours do. Therefore, it is impossible to truly quantify your every movement without looking completely, utterly, foolishly enthralled. 
I suppose this feeling is what you might call love. For all of the romances I have read and all of the romances I have witnessed in this city, whether intentional or not, the love I feel is not bitter or sweet like some might describe. It simply exists; it lights a crackling flame within the concrete hearth that is my heart. I should liken it to warmth—to linens fresh from the dryer or spiced mulberries or bright, dancing fire. It is comforting like the winter coat I don in order to combat this deathly chill. 
I have never felt this way before. 
Today, when I ducked inside to avoid the frigid snowfall outside, the bell above the door announced my arrival, and you were there at the register as always. You smiled at me, once when our eyes met and a second time when you had asked me how I was doing and I had said, “Cold.” You laughed, but I am not a comedian. I will not pretend to be one for your sake, but I appreciate your hospitality all the same. Your optimism, even if manufactured for the customer, is inviting. 
Perhaps you reserve such reactions for me?
I visit this café every Sunday at exactly 10:30 in the morning. It’s important to be methodical in every aspect of one’s life. Schedules are necessary; they create order and peace. I have visited so often that you know me as a regular. You know my name and how it’s spelled. You write your L’s slanted and your O’s pumpkin-shaped (most likely because Halloween is approaching and it’s your attempt at being festive, even if the O’s look more like obscure shapes than pumpkins). You look at me when I step over the threshold into a room of coffee-scented comforts and you say, “A warm croissant and a cup of classic espresso with milk and foam, right?” And I nod every time.
You know me well. I will know you even better. 
Your name tag reads (Name). It’s a lovely name. I could write lines of wonderful words describing the way it feels when I speak it to myself in front of a mirror or when I whisper it late at night as though it’s a secret. But I will not, as I am not usually very poetic, and that is a task suited for a poet, which I am not. 
Surely you have a surname. Most often do. However, in the event that you are lacking one or are not too fond of the one you currently possess, you are welcome to take mine.
𝓔𝓷𝓽𝓻𝔂 『2』
My first attempt at a love letter is as follows:
You are the warmth that melts icecaps and reshapes glaciers. No, not quite. Am I trying to compare you to the catastrophe that is global warming? Think romantically, Rollo. This is the City of Flowers, after all. Surely there are better phrasings...
You are melodious like the Bell of Salvation like the sweetest birdsong. You are warm and fluffy like a croissant. You are love incarnate. If I could pry you open rib by rib and live within your beating, blood-filled heart, we would be together forever. Bound eternally by flesh and blood.
These lines feel rather crude. How do romance authors capture the complexities of love so easily? Beautiful words come from the deepest pits of the heart, or so they all claim. The words I wish to tell you come from my very soul, yet I cannot seem to transcribe them here. Should I be direct? But then blunt honesty is not nearly as romantic as flowery prose.
Dearest, sweetest you,
For every smile you grant me, I live another year in good health. For every syllable of laughter and delight I hear, I feel inclined to give you the world, whether in ruins or not, if only to witness your happiness.
I suppose a start is a start, even if it’s a depressingly abysmal one. I hope this week passes fast. I’d like to see you as soon as possible for some much-needed inspiration and, of course, so I can watch you.
𝓔𝓷𝓽𝓻𝔂 『3』 
I arrived at the usual time, but you were too absorbed in conversation with a customer to notice me. I consider myself a fair, level-headed man, and for that reason envy is not usually an issue. But the casual manner with which that fool wrote their number on your arm, tattooing your perfect, pretty skin in sinful ink... You smiled and laughed with them, promising to call them after your shift, your perfect, pretty eyes ablaze with excitement or wonder or awe or... I’d much sooner poke them out with sewing needles than witness you fawn over numbers. I watched all of it from my place in line, gripping my handkerchief in such a tight fist my knuckles blanched. 
You should know jealousy makes a man like myself monstrous.
It’s important that I keep this diary to detail all of my innermost desires so that I won’t feel compelled to act on them. But in that moment I had wished that, if you were to receive a phone number, it would have been given to you on a piece of paper. Paper is easy to shred and discard and burn. It is not an easy feat to sever an arm from the elbow. 
But I can be patient, as I often am, so that you will come to love me in the same way I love you. 
I write this as I watch you flitting about behind the counter to prepare my espresso. I wonder if you ever catch a break. This café is quiet on Sunday mornings, but I’m certain it’s much more lively during the week. I wonder if it’s ever empty and you sit in here on your phone, waiting for something to happen. I wonder what positions you might like to try on the counter, the tables, the booth I’m sitting in...
I had to shut this diary momentarily when you came to deliver my order. Sometimes I wonder if you would share my sentiments on magic. I almost asked when we talked briefly. Your perfect, pretty fingers were drumming along the circular, silver tray as you looked at me, smiling your perfect, pretty smile. I asked if you were studying anything. You told me you were taking a gap year, and then you had asked if I was a journalist because, in your words, I am “always scribbling away with your nose in that book.”
I suppose I am, in some manner of the word. I smiled at you, sipping from my espresso, and said, “The subject I’m studying is very special. One-of-a-kind, you might say.” A poor excuse at flirting.
I am not a flirt, and I would never pretend to be one. I am genuine in all aspects of my life, especially when it comes to love. You must know this. 
You were going to ask me to elaborate, but the bell at the door announced the arrival of more customers and you drifted away from me with an apologetic smile. I caught sight of the number scrawled on your arm as you retreated. Magic could numb you well enough while I bring the blade down, so fast it will be but a mere flash. I should not cut your arm. I should not hurt you.
I should not love you to this extent. 
Like the Crimson Lotus, you are a vibrant, fiery temptation. I fear the contents of my chest have already been reduced to ash. 
𝓔𝓷𝓽𝓻𝔂 『4』
The Crimson Lotus requires adequate nutrients like any other flower, though such nutrients are distinctive to this species. Unlike normal blossoms, the Crimson Lotus is parasitic in nature, sustaining itself with magic. You might liken them to the average pest, whether human or insect, or a fire that will only grow when fed more fuel. I could compose an entire novel on cultivation techniques and facts. I could also set these flowers loose and watch them wreak havoc on the city. The students from Night Raven College will be visiting soon, with a certain Malleus Draconia being among them. I wonder if they’re fond of parting gifts, by which I mean parting with their oh-so-treasured magic.
I hope you aren’t a mage. If you are, I’m afraid I might have to hurt you.
Rambling aside, I shall try my hand at a love letter once again.
Dearest, sweetest you, 
You are the joyous scents and sounds of lively city streets, of bakers boasting fresh, fluffy bread, of florists flaunting floral arrangements in all colors and species, of townsfolk turning the city upside-down come festival time. You are the golden glow that befalls the land when the sun rises, and you are the silvery shimmer that swathes all who sleep under the moon’s watchful illumination.
You are the air I breathe. The air I need. You are the bell who should rightfully reside within the tower I will construct. The tower of my heart? The tower of true love? If I could climb inside your skin, I might come to know the real you.
Perhaps I should pick up another romance soon. I know nothing of poetry or love letters. 
𝓔𝓷𝓽𝓻𝔂 『5』
I followed you home today. 
I am a fair, level-headed man, and so for that reason I know not to cross the law. But can you possibly expect a man of my nature to remain lawful when he is in love? They say love should surpass all. Does this not include the law? Does this not include morals and standards? If love is so mighty and marvelous, then why might some label my actions wrong and wicked? Is this not just a form of protection?
I do not intend to scare you. I do not intend to make you feel unsafe. 
I followed you home today, and you did not notice. How could you when you had headphones on?
You live in an apartment on the third floor. If I counted correctly, you should be seventh or eighth from the entrance to the stairs, tucked neatly away near the end of the hall. Perhaps I should make a copy of your key so that I can immerse myself in your privacy. 
I am a fair, level-headed man, and so I will not steal anything. But if you do find something of yours has gone missing—whether a personal item or what you think is insignificant trash—I have merely borrowed it for my own use. I cannot promise whether I might return this borrowed item, but I can at least promise that it will be put to good use. 
I could construct a doll in your likeness. I would need clothing, perhaps hair, skin, teeth, a tongue to entwine around mine... That’s morbid, isn’t it? Fitting for Halloween, but grotesquely harrowing. A silent doll who resembles its human counterpart in all aspects but the vibrancy of life... I’d much rather have the real you than a patchwork doppelgänger. If I tried my hand at fashioning you from needle and thread, I would just create a corpse. There are artists who only paint pain and misery, hence why we now look at certain paintings and consider them cursed. I am not a poet or a doll-maker, so I will not write poetry and I will not stitch dolls together. 
I am not a villain.
The urge to knock on your door had seized me then, when I stood in the hall in front of what I assumed was your door, my fist raised in preparation to knock thrice. Superstition says that if you receive three knocks on your door or windowpane, someone you love will have been taken away by Death within three days, weeks, months. I suppose Death does not need to conform to time after which the three knocks have been granted. Well, I believe in no such things, and I am not Death. 
But you’ll certainly think I am when you can’t see me.
𝓔𝓷𝓽𝓻𝔂 『6』
Before I welcome the Night Raven College students, I visited you. You weren’t home. It was Sunday. 10:30 in the morning. I slid a letter under your door. Sugared thoughts are sealed inside with red wax. I’m not afraid to admit here that I am not entirely confident in my prose, hence why I’ve left it anonymous. I’ve penned the exact letter here for my sake, should I ever need to flip through these pages again to remind myself of the frustrations I conquered just to craft a single love letter. 
Dearest, sweetest you,
I have never felt this way before. When I spy you through the window, I feel as if the stars have aligned to fix the very fate which has led me to you. Your smile is invigorating; your laughter is an enchanting melody. Perhaps you reserve such reactions for me? In that regard, you know me well. I will know you better.
I am not a flirt, and I would never pretend to be one. I am genuine in all aspects of my life, especially when it comes to love. You must know this. Unfortunately, it’s saddening to see how easily you fall prey to simple pleasantries. Infuriating, almost. You should know jealousy makes a man like myself monstrous. But I can be patient, as I often am, so that you will come to love me in the same way I love you. 
Like the Crimson Lotus, you are a vibrant, fiery temptation. I fear the contents of my chest have already been reduced to ash. I should not love you to this extent.
I hope you aren’t a mage. If you are, I’m afraid I might have to hurt you, if only to show you right from wrong. I followed you home today, and you did not notice. How could you when you had headphones on? I do not intend to scare you. I do not intend to make you feel unsafe. I only wish to love from afar for now.
I am not a villain, but you’ll certainly think I am when you can’t see me. 
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writingforstraykids · 6 months
Addicted to you - Chp. 7
Pairing: Minchan (mention of changlix | ot8)
Word Count: 7348
Summary: Another two months later, things seem to stabilize again, and Minho is happier than ever with Chan despite his injury slowing him down. Everything seems to be perfect until their friends confront Chan about a possible relationship, and Chan's fear of being out in the open gets the better of him. He notices too late that Minho's right there, hearing everything...
Warnings/Tags: fluff, cuddles, smut , dom!chan, sub!minho, angst, verbal fight (also minho slaps chan)
A/N: Uhm...I'm sorry, it gets sad/heavy in the end @mal-lunar-28😅😂 ~ Moon🌙
Chp. 6 | Chp. 8
Just about the time I get it right Everything's in line, I get anxious If it feels too good to be true Then it probably is, I love it but I hate it Self Sabotage ~ Ruelle
Chan hadn't been lying about needing to let off some steam. Minho was slyly teasing him in front of the others, hands wandering over his body when no one was looking. In turn, Minho found himself getting fucked stupid in the most inappropriate settings, and he was secretly starting to love it. Backstage between performances in some desolate room or Chan's studio when Jisung and Changbin were away to get snacks. One night, they found themselves alone in the house and Minho was being a tease to no end. Chan, who had enough of his antics, bent him over the kitchen counter, ravishing Minho and interrupting him making dinner. On another early morning occasion, Chan sucked him off in their shared showers, and Minho could do nothing but contain his moans and hope no one would hear them, or worse, come inside. 
Just like that, another two months passed, and Minho started getting excited about their first year together. Chan’s mood was slowly stabilizing and things were improving between the two. They still hadn't defined what they were exactly, but it felt a lot like he had a boyfriend, which was alright with him. 
Minho was in his room scrolling through his social media platforms for cute ideas on how to make their "anniversary" special and perfect. He gently rubbed his knee and contorted his face at the stinging pain. About a week ago during practice, he messed up the landing after a jump and hurt his knee. The doctors advised him to take it easy and go on walks to keep up with movement but to refrain from dancing for a couple days. It pissed him off, but he knew he'd make it worse by not listening to them. So Chan had accompanied him on his walks and ensured he wasn't overdoing it. Someone knocked at his door, and only a moment later, his favorite curly-haired boy glanced inside. "Hi there," he smiled brightly, quickly turning off his phone to give his full, undivided attention. 
Chan smiled and came over, leaning down for a quick kiss. "You think you can show me those steps again before the children join us?" 
"Sure thing, love," he told him and took his hand, walking downstairs with him. "You look really cute today," he said softly. Chan was wearing a light blue sweater and black sweatpants combined with a beanie of his, a few curls sticking out from beneath it. 
"Thank you, baby," he smiled shyly and squeezed his hand thankfully. 
Minho looked at him fondly, checked their surroundings, and gave him a quick kiss. He looked over him once more and let a passing smirk grace his lips. “Am I right to think you are looking for cuddles?” He squinted his eyes playfully at the man.
“What gave it away?” Chan asked, giggling softly.
“My sweater,” Minho chuckled knowingly and brushed his hand over Chan’s shoulder. “You usually wear my clothes when you do.”
Chan laughed softly, heart melting at how well Minho knew him. It was true; he usually wore something that belonged to Minho when he felt lonely and in need of comfort. This way, he had him wherever he went. “Stop being so sweet to me,” he said softly. 
“Stop having such a beautiful smile,” Minho said, winking at him as Chan blushed deeply, hiding his face slightly to cover a small smile. “See, you can’t change that either. Deal with it, Channie love.” He teased the man with a chuckle.
Once they got to the practice room, Minho turned on the music quietly and stepped next to Chan, taking his hand once more. He talked him through the steps again before demonstrating to him. Chan followed his directions and danced along, still holding hands. As soon as they were done, Chan pulled him into a warm embrace, making Minho giggle happily as their noses brushed together. “Can I take you out for dinner tomorrow?”
Minho’s smile widened. “Just you and me?”
“Just us,” he nodded, and his heart warmed seeing how excited Minho looked at the confirmation.
“Is this a date, Channie love?” he asked softly.
“You could call it that,” he nodded with a sweet smile. “I have something to give you,” he said, thinking of the small silver ring safely stored away in his room. He was ready to take things a step further and finally put a label on their relationship.
“Oh, really?” he asked curiously and searched his eyes. God, his lips were begging Minho to kiss him right then and here.
"Look at our hyungs flirting again!" Jeongin shouted out, and Minho flinched away from Chan, surprised. From the corner of his eye, he sees the others begin to pile into the room.
"You're just jealous," Chan grinned at him, still holding his hand. 
Minho looked down at their hands and bit back a smile. "Alright let's get ready, everyone." 
"You better take it easy," Chan warned him. 
"I know," he sighed softly and mostly supervised his friends for the rest of the afternoon. Boring. 
Minho later found himself sitting at his desk in his room, listening to a few new songs and humming along softly. He wrote down a few ideas for the dances and scribbled down some formations and group placements. 
"Minho hyung?" He heard a voice softly call out his name.
"Yes?" he asked, looking up at Jisung, who was glancing inside his room from the doorway. 
"Can I have the keys to the practice room? Hyunjin locked us out again," he chuckled. 
Minho opened the drawer on his left and took out the keys. "Unlock the door and bring them right back before the same thing happens again," he said, tossing him the keys. Jisung nodded and left, leaving the door cracked open. Minho went back to focusing on the songs. 
"Min?" Felix called out to him not even five minutes later. 
"Yes, Lixie?" he asked, putting down his pen and looking up at the man. 
"I just wanted to ask if you're still up for working on new stuff tomorrow?" 
"Yeah, sure thing," he nodded and flashed him a smile as he gave him a thumbs up. 
"Nice," he beamed.
“I mean, we could just work on it later today if you’d like,” Minho suggested. But his expression dropped a little as Felix contorted his face from his words. “Or not?”
“Changbinnie’s coming back from his trip today. I wanted to try and spend some time with him before the others come for him,” he apologized gently. 
“Ohh, right,” Minho chuckled and waved him off. “That’s fine. Make sure you get some cuddles for me too,” he winked at him, and Felix giggled before leaving again, still leaving the door cracked open. "I should've closed the door," he groaned to himself and glanced over, deciding he was too lazy to do so and leaving it open. Hopefully, he can continue working in pea- 
"Hyung?" Jeongin's voice interrupted his thoughts once more. Or maybe not…
Minho closed his eyes in defeat, forcing a bright smile on his lips for their maknae before looking up at him. "Yes, dear?" 
"I feel like I didn't get all the steps today and I'm nervous I'll mess them up," he confessed, genuine worry in his tone as he spoke. 
"Innie, I promise you'll be fine. I think you did a great job today and it's only going to get better," he told him patiently. "We can go through them again together tomorrow, okay?" 
"Okay," he beamed at him, relieved. He gave Minho a smile and left, with the door still open.
He continued working, and three minutes later, someone knocked gently. "Oh, for fucks sake, can't I work in peace for like ten minutes?" he groaned. Once he looked up, he met Chan's amused chocolate eyes. "Ah, it's you." 
"Wow, not the exact greeting I was hoping for," he giggled and strolled over to his lover. "What are you doing?" 
"Trying to work," he told him. "Obviously," he pointed at his desk. 
"Want to take a break?" Chan asked. 
"Not really, no," Minho shook his head. "My brain's producing good stuff right now." 
"Mhm," he hummed and glanced around his room. "Can I stay?" 
"Sure, just be quiet," he nodded and vaguely waved towards his bed. Chan hummed, agreeing, but sat down at the edge of his desk instead. That alone meant trouble, and Minho wanted to stay focused. "Channie," he tried patiently. 
"What?" he asked innocently. 
"I'm working," he said, glancing up at him. 
"I know, you just told me so," Chan nodded in agreement and blinked at him innocently. "Am I distracting you?" 
"Only a little," he said and squinted his eyes at him. Chan’s gaze didn’t waver one bit, instead locking in on Minho’s harder. And he knew exactly what that meant. "You're horny right now, aren’t you?," he asked suddenly, but he could tell the shift in his lover’s eyes once he looked in them. 
"What? No…Well, maybe a little," he shrugged sheepishly. "You know it's not fair that you're so effortlessly handsome," he complained. 
"It's not fair you're ready to have sex all the time either. Deal with it," he spoke as a warning. "Go look behind my sweaters. There's some stuff you could use to pass the time." 
Chan rolled his eyes and leaned forward, bracing himself on the armrests of his chair. "Baby." 
"Love?" he asked, slightly irritated. 
"I won't settle for anything other than you, you hear me?" he asked, and Minho's ears quickly burned blush pink. 
"But I'm working on our songs, love," he whined softly, a bit frustrated. But he couldn’t stop himself from shifting in his seat as Chan’s words went straight to his core, making him feel fuzzy and hot.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Jisung asked, suddenly standing in the doorway again and interrupting the two. 
"He's trying to bully me into cuddling with him when I'm supposed to be working," Minho smoothly answered and shoved Chan back to create a little distance. "What the fuck are you doing? Again?" he said back. 
"Keys," he said, holding them up proudly. 
"Oh, right," he nodded and took them. He placed them back in the drawer. "Close the door on the way out." 
"Why, need some privacy for cuddles?" he asked teasingly, wiggling his eyebrows at the two. 
"Get out right now," Minho jokingly threatened him. Jisung left giggling and closed the door. 
Minho turned his attention back to the man sitting on his desk. "Chan, what's up with you?" 
"Don't lie, you suck at it," he giggled. 
Chan sighed softly and hid his face in his hands. “Don’t make me say it, it's so embarrassing." 
"What is?" he asked, frowning softly. Was there a need to be concerned?
Chan whined and spoke in a single breath. "Ireallylikewhenyougointofullleadermodeduringdancepractice," he mumbled out. 
"You what?" Minho asked, blinking softly. 
"I really like when you go into full leader mode during dance practice," he confessed and chewed on his lower lip. “Its really hot seeing you take charge,”
"Oh, you do?" he asked with a hint of fake curiosity, remembering Felix had mentioned this before. Chan nodded and covered his cheeks, blushing in slight embarrassment. "How much, Mr. I'm always in control?" he asked, intrigued to know the answer. He kept his eyes locked onto his to see his next move
“Way too much,” he confessed shyly and dropped to his knees in front of his chair. Minho raised his eyebrows at him as Chan rested his chin on his knees, gazing up at him with soft, pleading eyes. 
“Stop looking at me like that, love. You’re gonna make me hard,” he told him with a chuckle, brushing Chan’s curls back. Gosh, this man looked good with his natural curly hair and bare face. He loved the sight of Chan on his knees, practically begging for attention. The fact that he was wearing his sweater didn’t help either.
“Why don’t you continue working, and I’ll take care of it?” Chan proposed, a grin stretching his lips once Minho gave in, knowing he’d lose out on any chance of working later if he wouldn’t let him have his way now.
Minho really tried to focus on his work, he did. But with Chan beneath the table, pulling down his sweatpants enough to pull his dick out, it was a little challenging. Chan didn’t waste any time, licking up his shaft and twirling his tongue around the tip. His eyes fluttered close as Chan started taking him into his mouth, giving himself time to adjust to him and take him in deeper. Minho’s lips parted with a gasp as Chan took him in deeper, tongue massaging his dick perfectly. “Feels so good, Channie,” he let him know, panting as he felt the warm, wetness of his mouth close around him. Once Chan had gotten comfortable enough, he started bobbing his head in a steady rhythm, and Minho’s hand shot down to bury itself in his hair. “Fuck,” he sighed and dropped his pen on the desk, giving up on his work. This was so much better. He adjusted in his seat a bit more comfortably.
Chan suddenly pulled back and looked up at him with dilated pupils. He massaged his thighs, smiling up at him lovingly. “Fuck, you sound beautiful,” he told him, and Minho blushed. “You think you can keep quiet while I touch you some more, kitten?” he asked, and Minho nodded quickly, immediately melting at the pet name. Chan’s thumb brushed Minho’s lips before pushing two fingers into his mouth. Minho moaned softly and sucked at them eagerly, covering them in his spit as Chan kept on rubbing his thigh teasingly. Chan proceeded to pull Minho’s sweatpants down further and, grabbing his thighs, pulled him forward in his chair. 
Minho cursed softly as Chan took him back into his mouth and started pushing one finger into him at the same time. He gripped his curls tightly and shivered at the groan that left Chan’s throat at his action. Minho melted into his chair and relaxed fully into the feeling of Chan opening him up. Not too much time passed before Chan was buried four fingers deep into his lover. He had his legs resting on his shoulders, one hand gripping the armrest and the other one guiding Chan’s head up and down his length. Minho’s head fell back with a whiny moan as he hit the back of his throat, and he couldn’t help but moan Chan’s name loudly. 
Chan gently squeezed his thigh, signaling him to be quiet, and moaned around his dick deliciously. He was enjoying the pull on his hair and the strangled sounds he pulled from him. Chan tried to pull back, but Minho held him in place and shook his head. “Don’t stop, Channie,” he told him breathlessly. “Please don’t stop.”
Chan still pulled back and got up, lifting Minho up from the chair. He sat down in the chair with him on his lap and kissed him hungrily. “I tried my best,” he told him, and Minho giggled sweetly. “But you’re driving me crazy.”
“As usual,” Minho chuckled and kissed him hard as he reached down between them, pulling Chan’s dick from his pants. “Lube,” he told him, and Chan reached into his drawer to take the small bottle out. 
“You keep that right next to the keys to the dance room?” he laughed. 
“I have no secrets,” he shrugged with a chuckle, and took the bottle from him, flicking the cap open. Minho shifted a little, adjusting his weight on his lower body, but contorted his face at the sharp pain shooting through his knee. Chan noticed from the corner of his eye and lifted him up again, standing up with him in his arms. He pushed Minho’s notes aside and sat him down at the edge of the table. Minho looked at him and lovingly caressed his cheek as he captured his lips in a kiss. He had never felt as safe and cared for as when he’s with Chan. It was perfect. Minho grabbed a condom from the drawer and rolled it over Chan’s dick.
“Just try to relax, okay?” he mumbled into the kiss after spreading some lube over his dick. Minho hummed softly and took a couple deep breaths. Chan started pushing into him slowly. 
Once he was fully buried inside him, Minho wrapped his legs loosely around Chan’s waist. Chan grabbed his thigh, making sure to steady his injured leg, and braced himself on the table behind Minho. Minho wrapped one arm around his neck, burying his hand in his curls, and braced himself right next to him, fingertips touching. Minho moaned sweetly as soon as he started moving and kissed him passionately, trying to stifle his moans. 
It didn’t help much since Chan also started moaning at the feeling of being inside him. They moved in sync, moaning into each other’s mouths, chasing the other’s lips. Minho arched into him and moved his hand up to grip his sweater right between his shoulders. Minho pulled up the fabric between his fingers, his head falling back as Chan kissed down his neck. He pulled at his curls, making him moan against his skin, and smiled blissfully at the feeling. 
“Fuck, kitten,” Chan whispered against his skin and thrust into him deep. 
Minho stopped caring about his volume; he was already too far gone. He held Chan close as their bodies melted together in pure bliss. The two men pressed their foreheads together. Their breaths mingled as their noses brushed against each other, hair sticking to their flesh. “Channie,” he whispered sweetly in his ear.
“Min, baby,” Chan whispered back softly. He still couldn’t believe he gets to see Minho so vulnerable and open for him. He was a different kind of pretty in moments like these. It was addicting. The two were so focused on each other that they didn’t hear the small tapping on the door, followed by it opening slowly.
“Minho, do you have a moment?” Felix asked while walking in, but his eyes widened at the sight in front of him. 
“Bad moment, Lixie,” Minho breathed out, not even giving a fuck about him catching them in the act. Chan felt too damn good inside of him right now, and Felix had seen him naked before. His head fell back with a loud moan as Chan’s dick finally tapped his prostate with a particular thrust, and he gripped the sweater tightly.
“Oh fuck, sorry! “ he rambled and quickly covered his ears, closing his eyes and stumbling back outside. Felix blushed heavily as he closed the door and covered his face in his hands. 
“I should really learn how to knock,” he groaned at himself and stood still in the hallway for a moment, trying to push away the vivid images. He didn’t fully succeed, almost feeling a little jealous at how in sync and in love those two had just seemed in that moment. The way they solely focused on each other’s pleasure. Just like earlier at the practice room before the rest had joined them…and even during practice. These two just fit together perfectly. Sometimes, he longed for Binnie to look at him like that and hold him close like that without him initiating it. He shook his head at himself, pushing those thoughts away. He was happy, after all. He sighed once more and went to his room.
“Will you ever learn to -ohh fuck- lock the door?” Minho breathed out between moans.
“Has he ever heard of knocking?” Chan asked breathlessly.
“He never does,” Minho giggled, and his eyes fluttered close with a soft whimper. “Channie, I’m so close.”
Chan was about to answer before his hips suddenly stilled, and he came with a groan of his name. He bit down on Minho’s shoulder to stifle his sounds, and Minho came on the spot, spilling all over his sweater. They spent a little bit in each other’s arms, catching their breath. Once ready, Chan pulled out of him gently, took the condom off, and threw it into the bin beneath the desk. He tucked himself back into his pants before taking the sweater off and using it to clean Minho up. “Sorry,” he laughed and kissed him gently.
Minho giggled against his lips and let Chan help him out of his own sweater. Chan got some fresh clothes from his drawers and helped him get dressed. Minho’s hands gently roamed Chan’s bare chest as he kissed him afterwards. He pulled Chan with him to his closet and looked through his things. While they find time to meet for sex, Minho always takes Chan’s dirty clothes and washes them, keeping them safe in his room for times such as these. His fingertips brushed over the small box hidden behind his shirts, and he smiled, thinking of the bracelet he had bought for Chan as a surprise resting there for now. “There you go,” he smiled and handed him a shirt.
“This is mine?” he giggled, raising his eyebrow at his lover.
“I know,” he grinned.
“You’ve been stealing my clothes?” he asked, amused, and pulled the shirt over his head. 
“Maybe,” he said innocently and closed the closet again. “They smell like you, you know. It’s comforting.”
Chan’s face softened, and he took his hands. “You’re so adorable, kitten.” Minho hummed, satisfied, and Chan kissed his nose. “Kissing you all those months ago has been the best decision I’ve made in a while.”
Minho blushed a little and pulled him close. “Allowing you to do so has definitely been one of my brightest moments,” he nodded giggling. “I don’t regret it at all”.
Chan smiled sweetly, but then suddenly started laughing. The memory of Felix walking into the room still very fresh. "How could you be so unbothered by Felix walking in on us?" 
"You're pretty amazing at what you do. I wasn't really thinking about it," he shrugged his shoulders, making Chan laugh even more. "But still, Felix has seen all of me. It isn’t really a shock anymore." 
"Mhm, fair point. It's not like he hasn't caught me before as well. It's always Felix, isn't it?" he groaned softly. 
"Felix knows and has seen too much," he nodded. "I’d better go look for him and ask what he wants." 
"Leaving me already?" he pouted, not wanting to let Minho go just yet. 
"Come on, you big baby," he giggled, pulling him with him. Minho went down the hallway, knocking on Felix's door. "Sorry, Lix, toddler alert," he joked as they stepped into his space. But his face fell seeing him sitting against his headboard, hugging a pillow as tears ran down his cheeks. "Yongbokie, what's wrong?" he asked worriedly, climbing onto his bed. "We didn't traumatize you, did we?" he joked. 
Felix laughed through tears and rolled his eyes. "Of course not," he groaned. "Sorry for interrupting. I should've knocked." 
"Forget about that," Chan said, sitting down on Felix's other side. "What's wrong, mate?" 
"Nothing, I'm just being stupid," he told them, sniffing softly. 
"That happens sometimes," Minho winked at him and gently squeezed Felix's hand. "But this isn’t one of those times. Come on, sunshine, what's going on?" 
"I just really missed Changbinnie these past two weeks," he told them and sniffled softly. Changbin had been back at home before being abroad for a few promotional things and advertisements. "I really hoped we could cuddle or spend time together when he comes back, but he told me he just wants to unpack and take a nap afterward. And I…I don't know. I'm feeling lonely and touch starved, but Jisung and Hyunjin are busy practicing, and Seungmin and Jeongin are already off cuddling each other somewhere." 
Chan hummed gently and wrapped his arm around him, rubbing his shoulder. "And that upset you?" 
Felix nodded, and Minho searched his eyes. "I'm sure Changbin didn't mean to upset you. We all know how tired and grumpy he gets after a flight," he calmed him. 
"I know. As I said, I'm being stupid," he sighed and messily wiped his cheeks with his sleeve. 
Minho handed him a tissue and shook his head. "You're not being stupid, Lixie." 
Chan gently ruffled through his hair. "You know you can come to us for a cuddle whenever you need it." 
"He probably wanted to," Minho pointed out, and they all started laughing. "Are you still feeling lonely and touch-starved?" 
Felix nodded timidly at him. Minho felt the tug at his heartstrings, looking at his big, teary eyes. 
"You know what? I'll share Channie with you today," he offered, making his hyung snort. "Cuddles only, of course." 
"Min," Felix protested weakly and hit his arm, giggling. 
Chan rolled his eyes softly before moving between them, lying down, and letting Minho cuddle to his side comfortably. "Come on, Felix." 
Minho gently patted Chan's chest, and Felix took the hint, making himself comfortable on top of Chan. Minho lazily wrapped his arm around him as Chan covered them all with Felix's blanket. Chan soothingly rubbed Felix's back before moving his hand up to play with his hair. His other arm was draped around Minho's waist, hands intertwined on his hip. Minho lovingly fondled Felix's cheek for a moment. "Is this better, sunshine?" 
"Yeah," Felix nodded, smiling softly. 
Chan relaxed as they soon fell asleep in his arms, and he smiled. He didn't take long to drift off as well, and his head sank against Minho's, searching for him even in his sleep. 
Felix woke up later, somehow cuddled between them as Chan had turned onto his side in his sleep. Minho and Chan were hugging him from both sides, their legs all intertwined. Minho had his face buried in his shirt between his shoulders whilst Chan's face was buried in his hair. Felix hadn't felt that warm and comfortable in a long while and closed his eyes again, deciding to enjoy the much-needed feeling a little longer. 
Minho woke up a little later, carefully letting go of him and stretching his body tiredly. Felix turned to face him and flashed him a tired smile. Minho reached for Felix's phone to check the time and saw a few messages from Changbin. "I think your boyfriend's waiting for you," he told him quietly, and Felix's eyes lit up. "I'll wake him up. You go get your cuddles." Minho whispers as he goes to wake up Chan.
"Let him sleep," he waved him off. "He needs it." Felix slowly got out of bed and made his way towards the door, opening it carefully to slip out of the room.
Minho smirked and watched him leave before slipping into Chan's arms. He buried his face in his chest, inhaling his scent, and relaxed. "I love you, Channie," he whispered into his shirt and smiled as Chan scooted closer to him in his sleep. Gosh, this man was cuddly. Minho beamed softly. He would've never thought that someone would love and appreciate him as Chan did. 
Chan woke up later with a yawn and chuckled softly as he looked down, seeing Minho curled up in his arms. He leaned down, brushing back his hair and kissing his head. Minho cuddled even closer in response, signaling he was somewhat awake. "Feeling comfy, kitten?" 
"Very," he answered sleepily. "You slept alright?" Chan hummed in response. "Felix went to see Changbin. We thought we'd let you get some sleep." 
"My insomnia says thank you," he snorted, and Minho giggled sweetly. 
The door opened, and Felix stepped inside, looking a lot happier than before. "Glad to see you two finally awake. Are you coming down to help with dinner?" 
"Sure thing," Chan nodded and got up with him, stretching out his limbs. 
Minho gave him a soft kiss and hugged him close for another moment. "Cuddle session this evening?" 
"Sounds perfect," Chan nodded happily and kissed his forehead.
Jeongin looked at Chan curiously as they were preparing dinner a bit later. "What exactly have you two been doing behind closed doors recently? It’s like you’re always disappearing." 
"Wh-What? Who?" Chan asked in shock, his eyes widening. 
"You and Minho hyung," he answered with an eyebrow raise. 
Hyunjin giggled. "Maybe they're secretly in love," he smirked. Minho had to bite back a grin at that assumption. 
Minho quickly lowered his head and continued drying the dishes. A huge kitchen like that had its perks. And sometimes, his group members completely forgot he was there too, standing in front of the stove far away from him. This way, no one realized they could be bothering him with questions too. 
"Secret lovers?" Felix laughed, and the thought made his eyes shine bright. If they only knew how close they were to the truth. He met Minho's eyes across the room for a moment and held back a laugh. Jisung desperately tried not to laugh as well and disappeared into a cabinet with his head, pretending to search for a pan and holding in his giggles.
"Can you imagine our hyungs hooking up? Would that officially make them our parents?" Seungmin threw in, and Changbin shouted in protest. 
"Married with six kids," Jeongin added and glanced over at their dinner in preparation. 
"How do you all even come up with this stuff?" Chan asked playfully, laughing and rolling his eyes. 
But Minho  couldn’t help but frown softly. It wasn't like they had been hiding it that well. Of course, their group members would notice them spending way more time together than before, and oftentimes in their rooms. Minho let Chan hug him more openly than before, and just last night, they cuddled during the movie night. Also, he doubted he and Chan had been that quiet all those times they took a little risk and had sex. Like today. Things have been going on for almost a year, after all.
"You two just seem to have gotten closer recently," Jisung explained. 
"Well, you know he's been trying to cheer me up lately," he answered. 
One way to put it, Minho thought to himself and gathered some plates. He needed more space to continue cleaning. 
"Yeah, but-." 
"Nothing happened. Have you seen Minho? I call myself lucky when I get a hug from him, or when he doesn't pull his hand away from mine," Chan said, and Minho froze in place. His ears couldn’t help but to tune into the conversation. "He's not exactly the warm boyfriend material I'd need. And no, we didn't kiss either," he tried to play it cool, forgetting for a moment that Minho was right there hearing everything. 
His heart shattered at his comment, and he began to grow pale. Was he being serious? Felix and Jisung looked over at him with concern and exchanged a short look. Minho put down the plates a little too loud, making everyone flinch and turn toward him. "Is that what you think about me when you think I'm not listening? That I'm cold? Unloving? Unaffectionate?" 
Chan's face fell, as all the color drained from his skin while simultaneously allowing a deep red to settle on his neck and cheeks. "Minho," he breathed out in shock and got a raised eyebrow in return. Fuck. 
The others looked back and forth between them anxiously, unsure of what was happening. "I can tell you what happened," Minho said, and Chan opened his mouth in protest, but the look in Minho's eyes made him stop. "We kissed quite a lot actually. At least when he wasn't busy shoving his dick in my ass." 
"Minho!" Chan burst out as the rest looked at him in amusement and pure disbelief. "We had an agreement," he whispered. 
"Listen up Chan, it's one thing to pretend that nothing is going on between the two of us and staying away from you in public. That's what I agreed to," he said, his eyes never tearing away from Chan’s. "But I won't lie to the people I call my family anymore. Especially not after what you just said." 
"I-I freaked out, okay, I didn't mean it," he tried to save himself, stomach turning painfully. Changbin stared at them in shock, slowly connecting the dots before looking at Felix, who just shook his head firmly. Not now. 
"It sure sounded like you did," Minho said sadly, and a wave of fear washed over him. Had Chan felt like this about him all this time? Had it just been the sex and the thrill of affection that kept him around? Whatever it was, he didn’t want to hear it right now. "I'm done with this.”
“Baby,” Chan spoke up and calmingly held up his hands. “Come on, let’s talk this out.”
“Save it, Chan. I won't let you toy around with me like that," he said firmly and opened the cabinet above his head, putting the plates inside.
"Toy around? Is that what you think I was doing?" he asked, growing defensive. "Maybe it was you who used me. You practically threw yourself onto me when I gave you the chance. And you've been hovering since that damn night a few months ago," Chan said, trying to get himself out of the line of fire. 
Minho's face fell, and Jisung was in shock at how hurt he looked. "Threw myself - Are you fucking kidding me?" he shouted suddenly, and everyone flinched, slowly backing away from Chan to continue watching from the sidelines. 
“Oh shit,” Seungmin breathed out, and Jeongin exchanged a worried glance with him. Minho sure lost his temper a lot lately with Chan, but not like this. Especially not in front of them. 
"I risked my life to get to you that night because of your stupid message. I held you when you felt like you were falling apart. And I was the one showing you how much you're worth since you can't see that for yourself. You kissed me first, dumbass! I didn't plan on kissing you two nights after, only to have sex the next morning. And I sure as hell didn't plan on doing it again and again over the next eleven months, sneaking around behind everyone's back!" Minho aggressively slammed the cabinet closed, making Chan flinch a little.
"You didn't risk your life," Chan gave back weakly, completely overwhelmed by Minho’s sudden outburst. He fucked up big time, and he was stuck on how to fix it. 
Minho glared at him. "You, out of everyone here, should know how much I have a fear of heights. And still, I climbed over to your balcony." 
"I didn't ask you to!" Chan burst out, feeling like he was being pushed into a corner. 
"I didn't ask you to leave us all behind either, but that's what you wanted to do! You didn't just give up on yourself, you gave up on those you swore to protect. And you gave up on me! You gave up on us, Chan, and still, I stayed by your fucking side because I was too scared to lose you," he gave back just as loudly. But seeing Chan's face, he knew he said too much. Oh, shit. 
"Wait a minute, Chan did what?" Changbin spoke up, confused. Minho stared at Chan, who slowly shook his head. 
"Min, baby, please-," he begged quietly. 
"Stop calling me that," Minho said firmly. 
"Minho, don't," Chan pressed out, anxiously glancing at the others. They can’t know he had been feeling like shit lately. They can’t know he had been ready to give up and quit that night. 
"Hey! What the fuck happened?" Changbin cut them off, deciding to step in and get some answers.
"He accidentally sent his goodbye message to me. That's why I climbed out there; my fear of losing him was bigger than that stupid balcony. Turns out he was thinking about quitting on us and leaving the team behind, saying I’d do just fine as your new leader," Minho said, and his voice trembled, seeing betrayal flash in Chan's eyes. "I'm sorry, Chan, but they should know. I’ve been telling you for weeks now to be honest-."
"Fuck you," Chan said barely above a whisper. "You promised me you wouldn’t tell them," he said, clearly hurt. Now it was all out in the open. Him almost giving up. His feelings for Minho and everything that had followed those past few months. Minho let it all out, taking away his chance to tell the truth at his own pace. 
"Well, you promised you'd fight for us. So I guess we both lied," he said tiredly, hoping the conversation would finally end and he could disappear. He just wanted to hide in his room and avoid everyone. But the way Chan's eyes suddenly darkened, he knew it wasn’t over. If there was one thing he had learned about his hyung, it was that you shouldn't piss him off. Being pushed into a corner could make him snap within seconds. 
"You know what, maybe I did mean it. Maybe I meant every word I said. You are cold, Minho. You obviously don’t give a shit about my feelings and the promise you made to me. I should've known from the beginning you'd fuck me over and tell everyone about what happened because you can’t keep a secret. Stop acting like you didn't want me to fuck you so you could finally not be so fucking alone anymore and feel like you're worth something. You enjoy having someone tell you you’re not what everyone else says you are, huh? Makes you feel like a better person for once, you sassy asshole?" Chan spat out, panting heavily once the last word fell from his lips. But the moment he said it, he regretted it. He covered his mouth with his hand, unable to follow his thought process of producing such hateful words. What the fuck had he done? 
“Excuse me?” he whispered and took a step back, bringing some distance between them. Minho's eyes filled with tears, lips trembling as he tried to regain his composure. Minho could feel his heart breaking, feeling sick and disoriented. 
Chan had never seen him that hurt before and losing his composure in front of the rest. Minho never did, not wanting the younger ones to worry about him. 
"Chan, what the fuck?" Felix spoke up in pure shock and gently took Jisung's hand, which was trembling, as he stepped behind him. Jeongin and Seungmin practically hid behind Changbin and Hyunjin, who stared at their hyungs, unable to comprehend what just happened. 
“Chan, dude,” Changbin contorted his face and took a step toward Minho. “Minho hyung, he clearly didn’t mean it. There's no way any of us would think that about yo-.” he stopped as Minho held his hand up.
"So you're finally being honest with me," he chuckled and closed his eyes for a moment, putting down the towel he had been drying the dishes with. "Oh, Channie love, I'll show you just how much of an asshole I can be," he said, words dripping with disgust. Minho suddenly took a step forward and slapped Chan forcefully, making his head turn to the side. 
Chan placed his hand on his cheek in pure shock as the others gasped, surprised. "What the fuck?" Chan breathed out. 
"You're the only asshole here. I hope you had fun pretending you liked me or seen anything beyond a way to let off steam," he said shakily as tears ran down his cheeks. There was no use in hiding how hurt he was. Chan had torn his walls down and sent an arrow straight into his heart.
"Did you just hit me?" he asked in pure disbelief. 
"Yes, I fucking did!" Minho yelled at him. "You just broke my fucking heart! You'll get over it." 
Chan blinked and slowly pulled his hand off his cheek. The full weight of Minho's words slowly sunk in and he grew incredibly pale, his hands starting to shake. "Minho," he whispered timidly. "I'm so sorry." 
"Fuck you, Chan, seriously," he sobbed out and smacked his chest forcefully. Chan let him, not defending himself, as Minho lost his composure and broke down. It broke him seeing Minho like this, and the fact that he caused it feels even worse.
"Minho stop," Hyunjin said, stepping forward and pulling Chan away from him. "Come on, you're better than this." 
"Come here," Felix spoke up softly as he carefully wrapped his arms around him from behind and pulled him away from Chan, looking at his friend in shock.
Minho covered his mouth with his hand and let Felix pull him back. He didn't know if he was more hurt or angry right now. He felt betrayed on so many levels, becoming too hard to differentiate these emotions. "I believed you," he pressed out. 
"You shouldn't have," Chan whispered, tears burning in his eyes. 
He hiccuped as tears kept flowing. “You told me not to believe in all the things they said about me and bullshit rumors that were going to spread about us.”
"I'm sorry, Min," Chan pressed out weakly. "I'm an asshole, and you deserve better." 
"Stop it, just fucking stop it! Please…" Minho shook his head and felt his heart breaking apart. He should’ve never believed in a happy ending for them. He shouldn't have believed him saying he'd fight for them. He shouldn't have believed him when he said haters were lying and Minho wasn't anything like what they said. 
"Minho hyung, let's take a break and-," Seungmin started but stopped as Minho gently shook Felix off, grabbed his phone from the table, and turned around. He didn't look at his friends as he passed them. Hyunjin tried to hold him back, but he just shook him off, holding back a sob. 
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Felix snapped at Chan. "How could you say something like that?"
"Felix, easy now," Changbin tried to calm his boyfriend. It wasn't like Minho walked away innocently from this. 
"No, why would you defend that? We all saw it happen!" Felix asked him, highly irritated. 
"Felix," Minho cut him off sharply. "That's my mess, not yours. Leave it be."
"Minho, can we talk? Alone?" Chan asked with tears in his eyes. His breathing was uneven and shaky, trying to hold back a sob. There was an imprint of Minho's hand on his cheek, his lips quivered and for a second Minho hesitated, seeing the damage he caused him. 
He couldn't leave him there crying, could he? Not when he was the only one taking care of him whenever he did. But then again…he couldn't comfort him. Not now, not after all he’s done. "Fuck you, I won't be listening to any more of your lies," Minho said firmly before walking upstairs. 
Chan didn't dare to raise his head until Minho's door slammed closed. He could barely meet his group members' eyes as he swallowed hard. "I'm sorry," he whispered and blinked back tears. "I'm so sorry, fuck," he buried his face in his hands as a sob shook his entire body. The moment Jeongin wrapped his arms around him, heavily shaking himself, Chan's stomach turned. He didn't deserve any comfort right now. Not after what he did to Minho, his love. A few moments later, they all were by his side, too shocked about what Minho had revealed to think of anything else. 
"You're so fucking stupid sometimes, Chan," Changbin said and shook his head at him. “What the fuck was that about?”
"I promise I can explain everything," Chan said shakily and swallowed hard. 
Felix cleared his throat and met Chan's eyes. "I love you, Channie, I really do…but what you just said to him was fucked up on so many levels. You need to fix this. And fast. I can't leave him alone like that," Chan nodded in agreement and let the others pull him to the sofa to sit down. 
"I'll join you," Jisung said, very disturbed about Chan's outburst. 
Chp. 6 | Chp. 8
Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/ removed from the taglist)
@soullostinspaceandtime @brownieloved @rebecca-johnson-28 @euphoric-univers @hyunniebunni @mal-lunar-28 @malfoygalaxies
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puppyluver256 · 6 months
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“After I got a good look at you, well, I got this urge to battle you. It's like I'm compelled to. Any way I look at it, it's obvious that you're no ordinary Joe. So, what do you say? Let's you and me have a quick battle!”
Ohhhhh? Were you expecting someone else for my next round of Pokemon arts? Look, as...controversial as they can be to certain sections of the fandom, it just wouldn't feel right for me to ignore the Orre games, so we're going to Orre with our ex-criminal friend Wes! ...Wait, where's his Espeon? Well, I didn't want to leave someone else without a Pokemon to keep her company in her art ;3 (that and it parallels my Pokejinka team, where Lunar's modeled after Wes and Helios is modeled after our next character)
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are preferred as they let more people see my artwork! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Umbreon and other Pokemon concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Wes and other Orre-exclusive characters/concepts © Nintendo/Genius Sonority Artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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thebestofoneshots · 8 months
I have been summoned :D
Hello!! Thank you for tagging me because I love analyzing so much 😊
First, I’d like to say and warn you that my predictions may be too far-fetched/detailed. Quite literally researched so much to double check my facts and opened a word document to for out my analysis and to plan and space out my thoughts (Get it? Because constellations and all are in space…? Anyway-)
1) We gon’ analyze this from top to bottom. The top two corners of the cover have the same sigil, just inverted. A crescent moon, a star, and a girl. Now, if we were to just scrap the surface of the meaning; The crescent moon is Remus, the star (of the show) is Sirius and of course, the girl is the reader.
But what I find interesting is how you chose the waning crescent moon to represent Remus, instead of the full moon like most people do. The waning crescent moon symbolizes ‘the perfect time to rest and regenerate’. Ironically, the waning crescent moon is one of the first few stages of the moon before it turns full once more.
I’d like to think that you’re representing Remus as his own person. He is a werewolf, yes. However, it doesn’t define him as a whole. That is not all who he is. Not to mention, I love how the moon partially encompasses both the girl and the star.
The latter two are positioned in a way that makes it seem like they find comfort with the moon. The moon has a small opening; it doesn’t confine the star or the girl. Rather, it encourages freedom and independence.
Ergo, Sirius and Reader find comfort with Remus and Remus protects and shelters them in a way (reference example: when Remus calmed Sirius and Reader down from causing trouble with Barty Crouch Jr.). Remus doesn’t restrict neither Sirius nor Reader to be with him. They can come and go as they please, and Remus wouldn’t mind. But the positioning of the girl and the star make it quite obvious that they choose to be with the moon. They want and are drawn to it.
I also want to highlight the fact that the star is practically clinging to the middle of the curve of the crescent moon. Referencing Remus and Sirius’ good relationship (platonically or romantically, take it as you please) and how Sirius is connected to the moon, only because of Remus. However, the girl is sat towards the edge of the crescent moon. Almost as if she’s looking at the moon and the stars. Referencing that Remus and Sirius are not the only reason why she has this connection with the galaxy.
The Reader being a fairy already made that connection and helped her have a natural inclination towards subjects like Divination and Astronomy. I think her being drawn towards our two boys just amplifies it. Moving on!!!
2) The Sun. It’s partially filled in. Maybe it’s nothing. But I feel like it’s something. So I thought, ‘What could possibly block out the Sun?’. Short answer; the Moon. When do the Moon and Sun align together? During a lunar eclipse, werewolves don’t transform apparently. So, perhaps there will be a lunar eclipse to come within the next three remaining chapters? Perhaps a really soft Moony too 🤭.
Suns – There are suns scattered every on the cover. There’s a sun on the crescent of the moon, suns at each corner of the book title. Suns at the bottom. But that’s not just the Sun, but it shows Earth and Mars too. I’m not entirely too sure about the science behind this, but I do know that there will come a point in time the Sun, Earth, Moon and Mars will align together in a straight line, creating the total lunar eclipse. So perhaps, we wouldn’t get a regular eclipse, rather a total one.
Also, the Sun represents life, light, warmth, power, and divinity. This somewhat correlates with the symbolism of the fox. Perhaps this hints that the Reader is the biggest star among the three. Because if the Reader has some sort of correlation with the Milky Way, which contains so many suns, technically that would make her brighter than the brightest star of Canis Major and the moon put together ;)
Not to mention, moonlight is just reflected light from the Sun. Without the light, we wouldn’t be able to see the moon. (I actually have no idea where I’m going with this last paragraph 💀)
3) The constellations; (from left, right then center) Canis Major, Lupus and Vulpecula. All of which represent different animals.
Canis Major is a dog = Sirius
Lupus is a wolf = Remus
Vulpecula is a fox = Reader
Now the first two correlating with each other makes sense. Considering Sirius’ animagus and patronus is a dog, while Remus turns into a werewolf and his patronus is a wolf. (Remus never actually casts a corporeal patronus as to not make people suspicious of him. Poor Moony).
Now the link between the Reader and foxes interests me. My biggest hunch I have right now is that Reader is also an illegal animagus like Sirius. Which would make sense considering a fox is a symbol of spirituality, creation, omens, afterlife, offering wisdom, guidance, protection, nobility, and a sign of good luck to those they encounter them.
And the Reader has proven to show a majority of these traits naturally. How did the Reader become an animagus? In the earliest chapters of this book, I recall that young Reader and Sirius bought a book about animagi. I also faintly recall Reader copying some important pages off the book (most probably the process and preparation for the potion and all).
Next, there is something behind each constellation that represents our beloved main characters. Canis Major and Lupus have the marauders map behind them, representing their involvement with the famous Marauders, the four boys sharing their shared tendency to spread and cause mischief.
The same can be said about Vulpecula, however there is the faint sigil of the Milky Way. The Milky Way symbolizes coming of age and afterlife. Look at that, Vulpecula and the Milky Way share one thing in common in terms of symbolism. The afterlife. I think this correlates back to Reader being a fairy. One of the theories of fairy origins is that they are a representation of the spirits of ancestral dead. ✨ A f T e R l I f E ✨. Reader is about to pull out some serious powers >:D
That’s the suspicion anyway.
4) The moon cycle on the bottom. Initially I thought that it was a regular-degular moon cycle. Then it didn’t make sense because there were some stages that did not make sense. Why choose only certain stages of the moon? And they seemed slightly out of order. That’s when I realized, it was the blood moon cycle. Not a regular one. Plus, with the latest chapter being on the night of the blood moon, it makes sense. According to some resources, werewolves are most dangerous during these blood moons. So, assuming we get a chapter with a lunar eclipse, we would have witness different intensities of Remus’ transformations. I’ll end this here.
Whoever reads this, bless you and your patient soul for sticking through this long with (1230 words if you end at ‘with’). Also I just read the comments and realized that @starchaser-lily also made some points that make me look like I’m copying them… I swear I didn’t read it until I looked at the comments 😭 😭 😭 But you have really good points! Great minds think alike? Idk if I’m helping my case 💀
Have a lovely day and lots of love! ~
I cannot confirm or deny anything but, can I just say….
I freaking love my readers?!? I mean look at this 1k words worth of theories over a single poster that’s so freaking amazing! And son well thought out of and so detailed and ingenious. Like man, this is university worth quality analysis, and for my poster??!? I feel so freaking honored!
And the ATTENTION TO DETAIL holly mother of Merlin so freaking precious. Like all of your freaking theories, you guys are brilliant *cries*!
I literally have the cleverest readers of the whole cosmos! I’m so freaking lucky!
Side note: not sure why you think it’s only three chapters left?? It’s a whole lot more than that, like I’m already working on chapter 26 and the end toll is borderline going to be like 40 chapters so you guys are in for the long run.
I did say it was going to be slow burn, didn’t I?
For those who have no clue what this entire thing it’s about, some of you guys ( @cometsghost @starchaser-lily @moonyunebi and a certain little annon ) were theorizing over on this post about a poster/cover for Gilded Constellations!
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dawns-beauty · 2 years
About this Blog
Hi and thanks for checking out my blog! I make mods for Skyrim. I’m also on the Nexus as SassiestAssassin, and have a separate blog for just posting mod release announcements (and some Tumblr exclusives) at my-tamriel-now. My mods focus on adding visual interest and playing with concepts based on the wider Elder Scrolls lore.
(she/her, over 18)
Feel free to come into my Asks and talk about Skyrim mods any time! Questions, suggestions, general gushing about your favorite mods, etc. are all welcome! Check out the mod recs and mod talk tags for more.
My mod dev logs are under the tag my Tamriel now.
My OCs are: Faolythe, Ash’la; smaller OCs are Aldhwen Greybriar, Fox, Darodra, Ponders-the-River
How to port mods from SE to LE (old, but probably still works)
How to force Steam to un-update your game
How to write bug reports
How to make an NPC replacer
How to refit human hairs for Khajiit
Released major mods:
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Project ja-Kha’jay: A Khajiit NPC Overhaul
A complete overhaul of all named, vanilla Skyrim Khajiit (and some mod-added ones as well) that adds lore-friendly diversity based on the effects of the ja-Kha’jay, the Lunar Lattice, on Khajiit.
Nexus Links: Vanilla, Interesting NPCs, Moonpath to Elsweyr, Relationship Dialogue Overhaul, Asya’la the Nordic Khajiit, Khajiit Will Follow, Khajiit Child Maisha
Tag - Masterpost
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Khajiit Has Wares: A Caravan Camp Overhaul
Overhauls all 6 Khajiit Caravan sites by adding more clutter and new, exotic wares representing various provinces across all of Tamriel (and beyond.)
Nexus Link - Tag
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Children of the Pariah: An Orc NPC Overhaul
A complete redesign of every named, living orc NPC in Vanilla Skyrim. The goal of the mod is to give orcs a more expressive, less caricature-like appearance (with the help of the excellent Expressive FaceGen Morphs), as well as make their appearances reflect the culture they belong to and the communities they live in.
Nexus Link - Tag
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Children of the Hist: An Argonian NPC Overhaul
New designs for all Argonians in the main game (and the Fishing CC addon.) I tried to reflect a lot of the variations from the lore and other games.
Nexus Link - Tag
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Lunar Lattice Tweaks
Edits for the Ohmes-Raht Khajiit race mod.
Nexus Link - Presets Link - Tag
Smaller Mods and Future Ideas:
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Khajiit Has Wears: A Caravan Khajiit Outfit SPID Overhaul 
Uses SPID to distribute some gorgeous Khajiit-themed armors and weapons to the caravan Khajiit.
Nexus Link
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M’aiq the Alfiq
Makes M’aiq into the smallest Khajiit furstock, the housecat-like Alfiq.
Nexus Link
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VIGILANT - Alessia Replacer 
Because I don’t like vicn’s uncanny women, and he did Alessia so dirty.
Nexus Link
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VIGILANT - Lamae Bal Replacer
Because I don’t like vicn’s uncanny women, and he did Lamae so dirty.
Nexus Link
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ESO Fennorian Preset
Three flavors of an Altmer male preset for RaceMenu and High Poly Heads, based on everybody’s favorite vampire scholar from The Elder Scrolls Online.
Nexus Link
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Better Argonian Horns
Removes the skintone from Argonian horns, increases the polygons and smooths them, and makes horns permanent.
Nexus Link
Hidden Blade - Delphine Overhaul
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Makes Delphine look like a grizzled old veteran, like she should be.
Nexus Link
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(Upcoming) Paintings of Tamriel - A Community Modder’s Resource
This resource mod will contain paintings made from screenshots taken across the Elder Scrolls franchise (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and The Elder Scrolls Online) both submitted by members of the tesblr community and myself.
Announcement Post
(WIP) Denizens of the North: Modular NPC Overhauls
Series of mods that edit handpicked NPCs in (hopefully) interesting, expanded lore-friendly ways!
Current Plans:
Elderly Elves - edits some elves to look actually old
Some individual NPCs (like Delphine above)
Scarified Dunmer - gives Morrowind-inspired scars to certain Dark Elf NPCs
(Future Project) Project ja-Kha’jay: Khajiit Caravan Kittens Addon
Addon for Project ja-Kha’jay, it covers the 6 young Khajiit caravan members added by Khajiit Caravan Kittens.
Rough Ideas:
Children of Oblivion (formerly Project Kyn)
Overhaul of all Daedra NPCs, adding variety to Dremora by basing their looks on the different Daedric spheres.
Idea Post
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roseykat · 8 months
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TITLE: Cum as you are Part 2
WARNING: minors DNI with this post or my blog. I create NSFW SKZ related content and I know I won't be able to regulate/monitor every single potential interaction with these posts so please do not engage with my work and page whatsoever. 
SUMMARY: An OT8 blurb on how each of the members of the maknae line react to making you squirt.
TAGS: mentions of sex, squirting, degradation, humiliation, orgasms.
TAGLIST: @kbitties @luneskies @mal-lunar-28 @kibs-and-bits @aaasia111 @fairy-lixie @dreamingaboutjisung @lizzekat @queenmea604 🩷
Funnily enough, Jisung finds it cute when he makes you squirt. The first time around, he didn’t even try to do it on purpose, it just happened and he was desperate for you to try to do it again. From there, he’s always relished in the way that your wet walls spasm around his cock, how you sometimes drip down his lower half. But the main instance is when you ride him.
Something about that deep gorgeous angle just hits the same sweet spot so easily. Adding repetition into the mix can then make you cum like you’ve never before. You have to slide forward and off of Jisung’s cock because the pleasure bursting at the seams is too much, but it’s enough to make you squirt. It’s so erotic to him that usually when you squirt, Jisung will most likely cum at the exact same time.
This man would be so encouraging for you to squirt. Like he finds it so fascinating for you to orgasm at that sort of intensity where you just about lose all of your sanity. Even just after you’ve squirted, Felix will check in on you and say things like ‘are you okay?’ Or, ‘did that feel good baby?’ Just really sweet about it when inside he’s trying so hard not to continue ramming you.
He just wants to make sure you’re okay first because he does know that orgasming that hard can take a lot out of a person. After having sex, and he’s just helped you into the shower, he can see the aftermath of it on the bed. To him, there’s something so gratifying about seeing how wet the sheets are that it reminds him that he needs to put a towel down next time.
His fingers are the way to go. That’s how he can get you to squirt. Seungmin is a very technical person and knows the ins and outs of your body. To say that he has perfected his technique of making you squirt, is an understatement. It’s effortless for him yet so impactful for you. He knows the specific curl of his fingers, the proper pace you like, the amount of pressure he applies to your lower abdomen with his other hand - all the while to see your eyes roll back and quiver from a shattering orgasm.
Seungmin has it all figured out to a ‘T’ because he just loves absolutely ruining you this way. He loves seeing his entire forearm glistening and wet, covered in your juices. Sometimes if there’s a bit of consensual degradation or humiliation involved, Seungmin would say things like ‘trust you to soak through past the towel,’ or ‘suppose I have to wash all my clothes again.’ But that’s all bedroom talk, because at the end of the day, he wants to see you unhinged when you cum. He needs it.
You had been with other people before, and not once had they ever made you cum the way Jeongin did. So when the pair of you eventually started dating, the sex became even more mind blowing. Sure he seems timid or innocent - wrong. He seems so unsuspecting at times but, Jeongin would have your pussy drenched by the end of the night. The more you try to ignore an orgasm that he gives you, the harder it will hit sometimes. But it’s impossible with Jeongin’s dick.
He just does it for you. Completely unravels your mind like no other that you forget to subdue an orgasm because it feels too fucking good. The way his cock hits inside you has you scratching down his back, and Jeongin will fuck you through it. He’s not stopping because he’s so taken with the way that you cum around him. It can even bring a sick smile to his face when he’s pounding the breath out of you and until his cock is dripping with your juices.
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jewishbarbies · 4 months
20 Questions for Writers
i was tagged by @darknightfrombeyond - thank you!
How many works do you have on AO3?
just checked and it's currently 7!
What is your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
a Lot. currently only have active fics for the mcu (my version) and twilight.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
my fic for The Order, From Grace, Lunar Cycles, my old ST fic, and my Swamp Thing fic.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
not usually, unless someone asks me a question. i'm socially awkward and even more so when receiving praise/criticism, so i avoid it.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
From Grace, probably, but to be fair i haven't ended many fics lmao
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
for where i'm at currently, Dying Star.
Do you get hate on your fic?
oh yeah.
Do you write smut?
Do you write crossovers?
i did when i was younger!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
unfortunately, yes.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had my riverdale fic translated into like 4 other languages.
Have you ever co-written a fic?
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Abby and Alec from Swamp Thing!
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
my swamp thing fic 😔
What are your writing strengths?
description, emotion.
What are your writing weaknesses?
maybe dialogue?
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i rarely do it, but if i do i make sure to include some kind of translation, and i think that's the best way to go tbh.
First fandom you wrote for?
Teen Titans (comics)
Favorite fic you've ever written?
From Grace/Dying Star
Tagging: anyone who wants to, bc i have a hard time remembering urls these days lol
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handsofred · 8 months
20 Questions for fic writers
I was tagged by the writing goddess @renmackree
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I currently have 62
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Teen Wolf
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My top five are:
Air Mail - (1,662 Kudos) - Sterek, Soldier Derek, Daddy Derek, School teacher Stiles, Letter writing, First meetings, Slow build,
2. Silent - (1,660 Kudos) - Sterek, Deaf Stiles, Wolf Derek, Mates, Kidnapped Stiles, Alive Hale family, Hurt Stiles,
3. This is Stiles, he is mine - (860 Kudos) Sterek, Alpha Derek, Were-cat Stiles,
4. Ownership - (858 Kudos) Sterek, Were-cat Stiles, Mates, crack, misunderstandings, Alpha Derek,
5. New Orleans - (856 Kudos) Sterek, Zombie apocalypse, Wolf Derek, Human Stiles, Misunderstandings, Derek takes care of Stiles, Hurt Stiles, Road trip,
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do respond to most, when I remember to check my inbox. But I also don't respond to some if they are quite similar to others.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh god, I have no idea.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have a few fics that end up happy, I normally try and end them on a happy ending. (Pun intended)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have had a few comments which seemed a bit hateful/hurtful. But I normally ignore those.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do and oh god...all the smut, I'm pretty sure I'd write any kind you wanted me to try my hand at.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have not written a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have indeed, and when I got the request to do it, it made me so happy and giggly. It was a translation request for my fic : Baby smiles.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Once upon a time, but it wasn't a proper co-written fic, it was more that both our names were on it, but I wrote it while the other person came up with ideas.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
That is like asking who my favourite child is if I had children. I can't choose.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Cookies Daddy!, we need more cookies! - It has seven chapters and I last updated it back in 2014. It's a sweet thing, single father Stiles who owns a bakery, but I don't know, I just kind of ran out of juice for it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Banging out a few thousand words sometimes when I'm in the zone.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Not writing at all for ages and not updating for a while too. But also I don't really plot out my fics so I write them as I get inspired which can make some down time between chapters.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't mind it, just as long a there is a translation for the dialogue if it isn't in English for me. I have done it myself and normally put the translation of the words in the notes at the end of the page. I know that there is a link you can add in which can make the translation come up when you hover over it, but I have no clue how to do it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My very first one was for Adommy.... Adam Lambert and Tommy Ratcliff....that was a very long time ago and under a completely different name.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I have a few that I've really enjoyed writing, one of my current WIPs : Signal in the sky: is up there as a favourite, I kind of not want to write more and update it because I don't want to leave it, but I have got a new chapter nearly written fully for it which has some drama in.
low pressure, not required, only if you're feeling it: @endgame-sterek @youneedmetosurvive @greyhavenisback @xxstacksonqueen @colethewolf @lucky-bishop @lunar-eclipse-tales ( I know some of you may not be fic writers, I had no idea who is on here anymore, so I tagged at random.)
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jancy-central · 7 months
Hello and welcome to Spotlight Sunday!
(You know… what ends up happening when Saturday is crazy busy… 😜)
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Today we are spotlighting fanfic writer @lunar-years or AlwaysKatie7 on ao3. She has answered our writer Q&A after the cut… take a look and learn more about this awesome writer!
One of my favorite fics of hers, Whatever Our Souls Are Made Of, is a Jancy soulmate fic (AND SO GOOD!). Check it out along with all of her amazing fics below (and leave comments, kudos, etc):
Reminder: Jancy Week will start this Friday and will go through November 9th! Check out their page at @jancyweeks for all the info on each day’s theme. Please note there will be a giveaway for Jancy Funkos if you participate and tag your posts. Again, see their page for details…
We are now at the last few days of October and our October prompt, ‘All Things Spooky’! See our pinned post for more info… 🎃
And as always, feel free to message us with any questions, whether you are a fic reader or a fic writer. Both of us write fanfic so we are open to helping however we can. Need a beta? Message us and we’ll either help you or put out a call for beta help! Hit writer’s block? Maybe we can help? Or maybe you just want to recommend a fic? SEND US AN ASK OR A DM!
*Q&A answers from @lunar-years below the cut* ✍🏼
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🌙 Katie’s Answers: 🌙
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cowchickenbeefpork · 2 months
( i apolgoize for making one so late when im been on here for like a year lol )
i'm lunar, i'm 16, white Latina and my pronouns are he/she, i try my best to post on here. i draw and write sometimes ( i post my artwork on here and instagram of the same name)
my interests:
( if it is in bold that means im hyperfixated on it. im not diagnosed with autism only been diagnosed with adhd so I'm not conformable calling them special intrests, just keep in mind that i have been obsessed with these for at least a year so i might be quite annoying about them)
the connection 1961 ( not really a hyperfix I am just insane about it )
the saw franchise
your turn to die
utopia 2013
amercian psycho
the marvin triology ( i have not finished act 2! sorry!!! )
dungeon meshi (I'm a anime only rn!!!! sorry )
mental disorders ( I'm so sorry. when I say mental disorders it's like cluster b personality disorders, autism, DID, stuff like that. I mostly think about autism and NPD though since I think they are very fascinating )
creative writing
what happens next webcomic
basic dni, just don't be a werido and keep in mind that i am a teenager
btw keep in mind i might have autism spectrum disorder, i apologize if i sound rude or i miss social cues from you!!! feel free to follow me and stuff ill try to follow back since i want to have mutuals ya know?
my ao3 account if you wanna check out my writing! i will post more soon, if you want to see my artwork then it’s all posted under the my artwork tag on this blog!!!!!
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