#just a pharse
nerdykeith · 2 years
The UK's healthcare board NHS is under fire for claiming without any backing that trans youths are going through a phase. This is such a reckless statement by such a prominent statement from a healthcare organisation. It promotes transphobia, dehumanises trans youth and implies that transgender is not something that really exists. It certainly exists and spreading such information not only deluded the public. But it also adds to the amount of anxiety that so many trans youths have to deal with already due to how marginalised and discriminated the trans community is already.
NHS do better, this is not a factual statement from you. Trans youth's experiences are valid and need to be treated as such.
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idkokwhat · 6 days
I rlly hate when the universe start to universing but if the universe does not go universing something really horrible would prbbly happen but maybe nothing will happen or that would just be the part of universing by not universing the universe is universing and universing is just like breathing and we are affected by the global warming equivalence of consequences. God i'm so tired
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nocturnal-birb · 1 year
I never really thought the whole "dumpster fire" thing was a general thing in here like I just have that as my title header on my blog cause that's what I thought my blog is until it's actually a tumblr thing too
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oshaviolater · 2 years
i now rmb why i archived that one gc good lord 😔
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cobrakaisb · 5 months
🃏 with luke. something hurt/comfort where reader is anxious or scared luke is comforting and protective. smth sweet 🤭
disclaimer: some things are heavily edited bc quinn hughes is our favorite and deserves all the love
the hughesbowl was such a big deal for the hockey community, hughes family, and your boyfriend: luke hughes. aside from his first full season in the nhl, this was the first time he'd be playing against both his brothers. naturally, excitement and anxiety were riddled within both of your routines today.
the game started off on a strong foot for the devils, as they took the lead. you were feeling espeically proud of luke, for his power play goal. you were feeling so good, however, that you were certain nothing could ruin your night. but you were wrong. at the end of the second period, you excused yourself from your seats with ellen and jim to head to the restroom, taking the time to freshen up. that's when you could hear the people talking; whispering nasty things about you and your relationship with luke.
there was always going to be hate - people were naturally jealous - and you understood that, but it still didn't stop the frown from overtaking your face and the sinking feeling in your gut. they're not good enough, a pharse common and slowly becoming more and more truthful for you. you weren't good enough.
the rest of the game, you felt anxious, as if everybody in the arena was staring at you, judging you, instead of focusing on the players in front of them. you found yourself fidgeting with your fingers and your lip barely left your mouth. to make matters worse, the outcome of the game was not in your boyfriend's favor, so how could you upset him even more? the answer: you couldn't.
"let's meet them in the tunnel," ellen suggested, softly taking a hld of your forearm. you nodded in agreement, following her down to that part of the rink. quinn and jack came out first, and you exchnaged pleasntries with both of them, brushing off their concerned looks. then luke came out, and you found yourself wrapped up in his arms. when you looked up from his chest, you saw his eyebrows furrow in confusion. his thumb traced over your bottom lip as worry replaced his sad features.
"what happened baby?" he asked, thumb now tracing your cheekbone as his hand cupped your face. "nothing, just sad that you lost," you answered. luke shook his head, not believeing your words for a second. "bullshit. tell me what happened," he demanded. you sigh, not wanting to tell him the truth, but you also know it won't do any good to hide it from him. "people are mean lukey."
he softens at your vulnerable tone. "what did they say? i'll set them straight," he replied, pulling you back into his chest. "i'll fix it," he promised, kissing your forehead.
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ask-olive-huchers · 12 days
// closed past, open future.\\
((A “Ramshackle” oc mini Story!))
The door slams, rattling the whole house. Distance mutters of frustration can be heard. Olive buried their face into the pillow, breath heavy. Their fingers dug into the pillow in pure anger. They were absolutely livid right now. A complete monster. Anything sudden could active the rampage.
There’s a soft knock on the door. It creaks open, as a little face peeks in. She stares at her older brother sibling, quietly shutting the door. 
“Livy?” She inched closer, standing a respectful distance away. She awaited an answer. But all that was heard was the loud breathing. She moves a little bit closer, starting to explain herself.
“I’m sorry mommy and daddy got mad at you. It was my fault! Please, forgive me?” She asked in a sweet tone, meaning no harm. She shook them, making sure they heard her.
“Livy..?” They ask again.
..no response.
she gets scared, shaking olive even more. 
There was a loud noise just a second later. Followed by faint crying. Adi held her left cheek, backing up as olive stood tall. 
She’s awoken the beast.
They lost it, grabbing adi by the collar of her dress. They’re thick eyebrows were narrowed, as they stared daggers at their little sister.
Olive throws her to the ground, she sobbed quietly, Absolutely terrified. Her eyes were glistening in the light. Along with several tears racing down her face.
They continue.
The door busts open, their father fuming. As the mother kneeled down to Adi, checking to make sure she’s ok.
Their father waltz over to olive, giving them a hard snack in the face. The room went silent.
“Get. Out.” Their father demanded, point to the nearest door.
“Don’t come back. DONT EVER, COMD BACK BOY. YOU HEAR ME?!” 
He pinned olive against the wall, his eyes cold and threatening. Olive looked losses still, shoving HARD past their father. They burst through the front door. The moon glowed in the night sky, along with a couple street lamps. They dash onto the street. They must have ran for hours at least. Before finally hiding in a near by alley.
They sit as far back as they could, completely out of breath. Olive sat in the corner, like a caged animal at the zoo. The ball themself up, tight too. Nuzzling their face in their knees. 
It was quite the cold night after all. 
Soon, the gentle tears soon turned into loud sobs and hiccups. They didn’t mean to hurt her. They didn’t want to hurt her. It was just too overwhelming! It wasn’t their fault! IT WASNT THEIR FAULT.!!!
((So yeah! Olive is technically a run away- or uh, kicked out away?? I’m not sure what to call it but-))
((hope u cried :3/hj?))
((tags cuz I want you guys to suffer/j))
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barbthebuilder · 6 months
Do you have any advice on how to come to terms with my genderfluidity? Like i want to ask people to use multiple pronouns for me and not just pick one and use that all the time and i want to ask people to use 2 names for me but i feel really selfish doing it which is really stupid considering i have a friend who goes by 2 names and all pronouns and i dont think he's selfish for it and i get pissed off when people say they are for it
Yo, thank you for the great ask!
I won't pretend I know the perfect answer for your question, but I can try helping anyway :)
I would start by a little bit of introspection. Be honest with yourself. What is selfish about demanding a right name and pronoun? Rationally, we both know that there is nothing selfish about that. But what do you feel? Try understanding where does this view come from and challange it. This could be some internalized transphobia. Pronouns are not a perk, a privilege - They are an act of a basic respect. It's important to aknowledge it doesn't always feel that way because of the way our society is structured around gender and sex.
Reading your ask I kinda deduced another thing. I might be VERY wrong tho haha. You have mentioned a friend that uses more pronouns and two names and how some people don't like that. Are you afraid of people's reactions? Do you think they will think you are selfish as well? It feels to me you internalized the thing they say about your friend and you're scared that may happen to you too. Or maybe not. I dunno.
I think you could ask your friend how he did it. If they had a similar experience I'm sure they will be thrilled to help you! It's also good to prepare some pharses. Like, practce the way you will communicate to other people your name and pronoun. Something along the lines of "Hey, guys! Just letting you know I'm genderfluid and I would appreciate if you used pronouns interchangebly for me, and also adress me as >name1< and >name2<. It's okay if you mess up sometimes but it's really important to me you try. That would mean a world to me! Thanks." Be clear about what you expect and make sure you show your appreciation. Sadly, we can't force people to adress us properly but we can try letting them know how it affects us.
Most importantly, be patient with yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back. This shit is tough and it's not easy to accept yourself when it feels like you haven't been prepared for all of this. But remember your friends love you. Ask yourself: "Would my friends want me to feel comfortable, respected and loved?".
That's all I can help with haha. Thank you for trusting me with this. By all means, seek more support if it feels like I didn't really help! I am not an expert, after all haha ^^
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thewoodpeckercries · 2 years
tbh i’m sick of the way f/eyre was portrayed in acosf. like she was some super smart super wise intellectual really good leader type. like we all know she just learnt to read. like how is that possible? that she is now some really great high lady?
and like i hate the way she now seems to take some air of authority over everyone, specially nesta. like that scene where nesta is saying how she failed to do that thing with the wall and f/eyres like, ‘is that what u think? that u failed?’ and idk just that way that is pharsed pisses me off. like f/eyre is some mother/teacher/therapist gently chiding her child/student for her negative self thoughts and is subtly trying to guide her in the right direction. i know this is literally such a stretch but still. i really don’t like miss f/eyre at all. because like she is literally 21? and went through a war and some trauma? that doesn’t make her all-knowing or anything.
sorry. this is very much a f/eyre hate post. so don’t interact just for the sake of arguing, i’m not looking for anyone to change my mind.
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shakalakaaa · 9 months
Okay, why did no one warn me that this Arm 's share was basically an OS2-Eclipse special episode? Or OS2 was based on real life shenanigans
The exhibits your honor :
Safe zone? My space? Different pharses that mean the same
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Birthday surprises where you pretend you forget stuff just to make a grand reveal later
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And doing too much in love couple photo shoots???
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Creating cinematic universe inside cinematic universe just to flirt more lol
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Same P'arm, Same. Him 🤝 Us being done with the meows
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alivingfreak · 5 months
Onmyoji fanfic (Pt 1)
Purest soul
**Disclaimer: Gey and Onmyoji spoilers**
(So on Ep7, we saw Hiromasa went 'back home' right? Turns out, Seimei lets him stay in his house as the reason 'To bring you to see dragon tmr'.
But is it only that reason...?)
Seimei wanted to say something as he saw Hiromasa drifting away from his house with unsteady foot in every steps. Though that his mind tried to kept him away from the pharses. But with enough resisting, his mouth slowly cracked open,
"Would you, perhaps, stay over at my house tonight?" Seimei rises an eyebrow revealing a face similar to a curious fox.
Hiromasa turned his back, and stumbled back to the original place where he left.
"Sure Seimei why no-" Before he could finish, he dropped to the floor with his whole body resting on the pathway.
"Such inconvinent..." Seimei mumbled as he carefully picked up Hiromasa and hang his hand onto his shoulder, slowly making their way into the house.
After entering the room, he laid Hiromasa onto a bed next to his and took off his hat. That is as far as he will go, he would just simply slept beside the bed next to him and wake him up tomorrow morning.
However, something stopped him.
As he put down Hiromasa's hat beside him, he glance over his friend. Seimei did not really looked so closely at his face before, no one would dared to even come close to him. The warm yellow light gave a shade of warmth towards his face, he had a kind-hearted soul, innocent and pure face even when he sleep.
These thoughts raced through Seimei's mind as he studied carefully the emotions given by his so called friend. His heart beating faster than ever. What is this feeling? Why am I feeling this? His hands slowly went nearer to his elegant face. The white skin of his reflects perfectly with the moonlight, and if someone was there to see, it would be invisible to see Seimei was touching him.
All of the sudden, he gained back his conscious. He swiftly took his hand away from Hiromasa's face. His friend, still sounded asleep, snored as loud as ever. What am I doing just now? Seimei thought. He got up and went to refresh himself by taking a walk outside.
Everything about Hiromasa was so pure, his mindset, his personality, his heart and his emotion. Except for the feeling Seimei had for him...
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mofffun · 7 months
if you want to know how serious my kingoh fever is just know that i can no longer treat the pharse お前さんも一緒だ!(You're coming too!) seriously too
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wrecked-cuticles · 12 days
"theres a dread so ancient in me, let me rest" (or whatever i paraphrased the second half) is such a useful pharse for me i wish i learnt it sooner like when i was a tween. i shouldve looked all those adults not getting why im not functional in the eyes and just told them thats its been heavy and i cant put it down
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roobylavender · 7 months
you know what would automatically change my hatred to love for sasusaku? If their genders were reversed. Majority of the reason why I hate sasuke and sakura relationship is because the type of environment and the culture I grew up in where it's been fed to women since basically birth to always be faithful to her man no matter how terrible he treats her, even after marriage. The pharse, "Just be patient and he will change", infuriates me to another level. Seeing sakura chasing after sasuke throughout the series after numerous rejections and an attempted MURDER on her by him made me roll my eyes so hard like girl just move the fuck on omfg. And even after their "marriage" sasuke's treatment towards her doesn't get better lmao, leaving her alone with a whole ass child to take care by herself?? BYE sakura's patience for him is outmatch cus I would've divorced his ass for that. Though, the more I mature, little by little I begin to understand the complexity of their relationship after putting my gender issues aside for a second and look deep into them. And especially now, after reading your perspective on their whole relationship, it really did made half of my hatred go away and understand the relationship wholeheartedly. Like yeah, I absolutely love the trope of one person saying they don't deserve the other person's love but the other person keep loving them anyway, that stuff makes me giggle and swing my legs in the air and shit. It's just that the only way this trope would work for me if the person loving them has enough self-respect for themselves AND if it's a girl in the former & the guy in the latter. And honestly, I found naruto being borderline obsessed with sasuke annoying too but the reason why I can digest it more well is because naruto can go head to head with sasuke without backing down. Like, I wanted to see at least ONCE sakura having a heated argument with sasuke, or punch him in the face in the series. I feel like sasuke deserves a punch from her at the very least 🤷🏽‍♀️
Sigh, I really did wanna love their relationship and their journey to love (that scene of him catching her when she was about to fall and then having that iconic eye contact had me feeling butterflies ngl) since it has all the tropes I love but the execution is just so...
i mean if it helps any i absolutely hate post-canon and that's where my primary divide with most sasusaku fans lies 😭 i'm not sure if you read the blue-plums post i reblogged but it's a good dissection of why exactly it fails as a conclusion to both their individual arcs and their relationship arc generally. the post-canon we see is a direct answer to what sasuke's and sakura's dreams are at the start of the series, but the problem with this is that sasuke and sakura are nowhere near being the same people at the end of the series as they were at the start. generally, i don't think post-canon really takes the individual arc of any character into much account. its primary goal is maintaining the status quo with a slight veneer of friendship power draped over it for aesthetics. but nothing at the root is changed despite every traumatic development the characters were relentlessly subjected to. resultantly, you're left with a portrayal of sasuke as a neglectful father who glorifies the lone-wolf hero trope, which goes against everything he could possibly have learned from itachi; and you're left with a portrayal of sakura as someone content to keep house despite the bulk of her character arc being grounded in her ability and desire to take initiative not only at home, but abroad. it's not true to who either of them is by that point and, even more than that, it's a disservice to everything they've put themselves through for the sake of the love they were vying for. so while i love sasusaku as it progresses up through 699, i tend to wholeheartedly ignore whatever comes after and relegate that instead to either my own imagination or blue-plums's in her fics
what i will say about the naruto and sakura distinction is that a lot of people are more comfortable with how sasuke reacts to naruto bc they believe what naruto is doing is right. it's kind of like: if the only thing sasuke will realistically respond to is violence then obv naruto can resort to that violence without dwelling on it too much. but if you think about violence in the context of sasuke's entire life, it's not actually helpful at all beyond its ability to physically bring him to a grinding halt. even when naruto finally breaks through to sasuke, it's not the violence that makes things click for him. it's the words he says after, and it's the words he's always said before that that have stayed in sasuke's mind. violence, in contrast, is a poisonous thing for sasuke bc it's the only thing that has defined the parameters of his entire life. it robbed him of every person he cared about prior to his meeting team seven, and inevitably it intimidated him into seeking out more violence once he realized that he was incapable of saving the new people he'd come to care about as well. everything, at the root, was driven by sasuke's traumatically-exacerbated response to love and loss. the idea of losing naruto and sakura to the hands of anyone else was unbearable. so he decided that he'd rather have killed them himself. it was absolutely irrational. but a twelve year old child put through that kind of successive, relentless trauma was never going to think rationally, and certainly not after being exploited by people like orochimaru and obito (and to an extent itachi) in turn
all of this to say: there is of course a gendered aspect to the fact that sakura's response to sasuke is markedly not violence. but i also think people sort of refuse to dissect her response any further and esp in context of the narrative itself. despite being the hallmark of rationality within the team and perhaps even the series, sakura was inevitably always driven by the value she placed on humanity. it would've been so easy and rational and "right" to kill sasuke bc he was an insurgent, a terrorist, a danger to public safety, etc. but sakura knew it was more complicated than that. even without knowing about the intricacies of the uchiha massacre she'd been a witness to his suffering and struggle and helplessness. she was as much unable to kill him bc of her love for him as she was unable to kill him bc she knew it wouldn't be right. bc really, what would it solve. sasuke being written off or dying would accomplish nothing bc he would become one more person in the long line of victims to nationalism and the military-industrial complex. while naruto's desire to retrieve sasuke was driven by his love for him it was also driven by the fact that he was stubborn and relentless and refused to give up on people. if you won't believe in yourself i'll beat the belief into you. it's a very shounen-esque trait. in contrast, sakura's desire to retrieve sakura, while also driven by her love for him, was significantly driven by her ability to see that sasuke needed help. in fact, that's all she ever wanted him to get: help. and it would be one thing for this to be an isolated desire but when you read it in context of her own goals as a medic and a mental health professional, her unwavering belief in sasuke is a lot more striking. she was the only person in the entire narrative who never resorted to violence as a solution to sasuke's problems. and she was angry, to be sure. much as she loves him the struggle to bring him back and convince him that he was worthy of love and healing left her emotionally exhausted. but they're also children at the end of the day. she could've been angry at him, or naruto could've been angry him, and in the end none of it would've mattered in the face of knowing they'd finally gotten through to him. he had a smile on his face, he didn't have an arm anymore, and for the first time in his life he met a loss with utter peace and content. it was a thing of miracles after six years of relentless grief and sorrow, and nothing else could've been on their mind.
at the end of the day, team seven's love for sasuke isn't rational. the farthest thing from it, really. but that's what makes it so radical in context. if love in naruto was only ever meant to be rational then hardly anyone would survive. love was always written as an act of defiance and for however subtle the depiction sakura exemplified it
#this is already so long i won't ramble any further in the text bc i've gotten across my point#but tldr you're totally valid! like honestly a lot of sasusaku fans tend to take the full scope of post-canon as gospel and it's infuriatin#and it definitely panders to a lot of gendered stereotypes#the relationship is i think way easier to digest if you isolate 1-699 and then pretend none of the rest exists lol#me personally i want sasuke to go on travels and meet lots of orphans and dedicate himself to humanitarian work#and i want sakura to do her mental hospital thing and research and advocacy at the village#before the projects she works on inevitably extend to intervillage endeavors#it's a nice way for both her and sasuke to explore their respective itches while also doing something that overlaps#with what the other person is doing. i am also a gazillion times more inclined towards them adopting an orphan#than i am towards the idea of them getting traditional married and having a traditional family and birthing traditional babies. boh-ring#i have a post somewhere on my old blog but to Me it would be revolutionary for sasuke to separate himself from the idea that the#only real bonds are those borne in blood. bc all that matters is love. i think adoption would be a really good personification of that idea#also occasionally they can come back to konoha and do silly couple things. like go to the farmers market and plant flowers#and harvest tomatoes. househusband sasuke and workaholic sakura. my dream combination truly#outbox
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venera-787 · 1 year
Could you give use your rosemary headcanons
she used to smoke before she met Jack. Yet not a lot and not for a long period that would make it really visible
In serious arguments it's almost impossible to beat her
Working overtime or while just being at home at night is a common thing
Jack's official "advocate". If you dare to talk shit to her malewife she will tell you point by point what you should do to yourself
she enjoys doing make-up for Jack and sometimes imagines how he would look in some fancy dress
At some point she acts like a servant? From taking hiim home after training to giving him prostate massage
Knows exactly well how to lead Jack to do what she wants (and in the end she persuades him that it was HIS desire in the first place)
1001 praise pharses for our boy's self-esteem and ego
had experience with other men
pre-mgs2 she would knock on Jack's door in the morning to wake him up or to let him know that she has to leave for some time
post-mgs2 forces him to take at least some meds to reduce his insomnia because he refuses any help
In the end you just have no power left when trying help the person who won't even let you do it for a long period of time. So it also affected her
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This can be controversial and it's just a summary – you can agree or disagree. I think people should stop whining about the MCU. People are still expecting production with the power of emotions from Infinity War / Endgame, forgetting that it was the result of 10 years of building the universe. Phase 4 is like Phase 1, it is Phase 1 of the new saga. It looks the same – new heroes, smaller scale of threats, less complex plot. The only difference is the series and now this phase is longer. Back then, there were films that didn't always please us or we were neutral (eg Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World etc.). People who watch MCU for the first time in 2022 are having hard time with pharse 1 and 2. We should be more patient and enjoy the new projects as they too are heading to the Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars where we will create theories again enjoying it truly. Sure, CGI is worse, but the workload is tougher, and series don't pay that much money. The MCU we have now has a more comic style. In addition, we will finally get X-Men, F4 and others. Let's take into account that now also more years are needed for expansion. Once, the MCU was something new and everyone was pissing their pants. Now they are used to the last years of prosperity. They also expect a reduction in the amount of female characters, which is just weak and I'm not even going to discuss it. Phases 4, 5 and 6 will bring a bright future and I am glad to be here on the tumblr where there are such great people who can appreciate other people's work
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