#jfc this is so much longer than i planned
onbearfeet · 24 days
Queerwolf By Night: Queercoding, Media Literacy, and Werewolf By Night (part 2)
Welcome back to Media Studies And Writing Hacks With Kat! Part 1 is here if you missed it. We discussed queercoding: what it is, how it works, why it exists, and how it plays into the 1930s and 40s horror movies Werewolf By Night likes to reference.
Once again, the thesis I'm arguing here is that there is queercoding in WBN, and that it should be part of the discussion of the special (which I'm calling a movie or film because I think "special presentation" is dumb and this is my essay.) I am NOT arguing that WBN is explicitly queer, or that inferring heterosexuality where queercoding exists is morally wrong or even textually inaccurate.
TL;DR: you can totally still ship Jack and Elsa, I just wanna point at some metaphorical rainbows and say, "Look! Rainbows! Aren't they neat?" I personally think the queercoding adds a layer of richness to the story. I hope you get something out of it, too.
And now, allow me to introduce our starting point, the wolfman of the hour, everyone's beloved blorbo and queercoded icon: Jack Russell.
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Look at this adorable protagonist, this absolute chewtoy of a human being.
He's queercoded as fuck. Not as much as Ted, but we will GET to Ted.
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Let's begin with Jack's introduction, where he is literally revealed as the narrator speaks the phrase "the monster who finds himself among them". We join Jack as he enters an unknowingly hostile space, a building full of people who would literally mount his head on the wall if they knew who and what he really was. Jack's introduction to this world is a series of Bayeux-style tapestries showing, among other things, the gory slaughter of his kind. We see him react with a mixture of shock, queasiness, and tamped-down anxiety, which marks him as an outsider. It seems unlikely that the other hunters would be grossed out by the sight of a depiction of their literal jobs.
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Now, outsider status alone isn't necessarily queercoding, but it often is, especially in monster movies. Jack's reaction is not dissimilar to that of a closeted person entering a homophobic church for some kind of socially expected ritual--and, indeed, Jack has come for a funeral.
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Look at that nervous glance as he walks into the room. He's not comfortable here. He knows he doesn't fit in.
This is a good time to mention Jack's outfit and the way it intersects with what we see of hunter culture. From the leather to the weapons to the heads on the wall, the aesthetic of hunter culture in WBN is hypermasculine, almost to the point of parody. The obsession with imagery of violence and death (the paintings on the walls, the corpse animatronic, the skull bowl) and the hostility to anything perceived as feminine is marked.
Wait. Hostility to anything feminine? Yes, I said that.
There are three characters who are played by female actors: Elsa, Verussa, and ... look, the hunters HAVE names, but I'm just gonna call them Scottish Guy, Asian Guy, Black Guy, and David Bowie. So David Bowie is an adrogynous character played by a female actor who acts as our third not-exactly-a-male character, and it's interesting to me that they're taken more seriously by the other hunters than Elsa is. Elsa, by contrast, is treated with contempt by the other hunters--and the contempt is very specifically gendered. Scottish Guy calls her "lassie" when he threatens her, and Asian Guy says, "Where's the lovely lady's medallion?" with a noticeable leer. They don't take her seriously, not even after Verussa announces she's welcome to participate--and they only brighten up when Verussa reminds them that they're allowed to kill Elsa if they can. That's the response to the only unambiguously female hunter.
Now, you may point out that Verussa doesn't get nearly as much shit from the hunters, but Verussa is explicitly presenting herself as the servant (and sexual partner) of a man. She's also not competing with them for the Bloodstone, nor trying to inherit, even though presumably she has at least as good a claim as Elsa does. She's not trying to enter the hypermasculine realm of hunting, but Elsa is in it, and so Elsa is despised and Verussa is tolerated.
And then there's Jack.
Okay, time for Baby's First Queercoding Element: gender nonconformity. In general, feminine male characters and masculine female characters (something explicitly forbidden by the Hays Code, by the way) are coded as queer. A lot of gay male stereotypes are men doing "womanly" things, like cooking and wearing dresses and having sex with men. The same goes for lesbian stereotypes like short haircuts, manual labor, and having sex with women. Now, obviously ACTUAL queer expression is infinitely more complex, but stereotypes don't do infinite complexity.
So. Is Jack feminine?
Well, he's wearing a gentleman's suit, but by the standards of hunter hypermasculinity, yeah, he's pretty girly. For one thing, he's wearing that suit in a room full of people in combat gear. For another, the suit itself is full of fussy details that mark him as a man who cares a great deal about his appearance, another stereotypically feminine trait. The suit is green, a barely acceptable color in menswear, and it has glittery details like the trim on his lapels. The spinal-column tie is metal as fuck, but it's also a silk tie. He's doing the death-and-gore theme, but making it high fashion. He's even wearing makeup. Granted, it's Día de los Muertos makeup, but it's still pigment on his face for aesthetic purposes. He's also the only hunter who acknowledges, in dialogue, that he has non-white, non-USAmerican heritage--"It's to honor my ancestors." He marks himself (literally) as visibly foreign, even though denigrating foreign masculinity is a big part of American hypermasculinity. He also tries to smile at and befriend every hunter who glares at him--another stereotypically feminine trait that leads to his conversation with Scottish Guy.
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Speaking of, that conversation is gay as hell. It's practically flirting, especially the part where Scottish Guy compliments Jack's makeup and then tearfully admits that hunting and living all by himself "gets lonely". And Jack makes this amazing face:
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Now, this is me inferring again, but I read this face as a combination of "Aww, that's sweet of you" and "Loneliness caused by hypermasculine self-isolation? I literally have no idea what that's like, but it sounds bad, bro." Perhaps with a soupçon of "Get me out of this conversation aaaaaaa."
So the scene rolls on, and Jack continues to be Bad At Toxic Hypermasculinity. When his top kill count is mentioned, he shrugs it off rather than taking a little bow like the others do. He actually chuckles at Ulysses' joke. He seems mildly interested in Elsa rather than hostile, and amused by her snark rather than threatened by it. He shows fear and worry when he learns Ted is in peril and in pain. The guy really wears his heart on his impeccably tailored sleeve. Notably, none of these traits are bad, per se--they're just more likely to be assigned to feminine characters, and they're given to Jack.
It's important to note the impact of perspective here. Jack is our POV character. If there were to be a hunters' version of this story, Jack would be a sneaky, cowardly, vaguely effeminate villain and Elsa a traitor (or possibly a dimwitted victim seduced by Jack's charms). All of Jack's queercoding would make him a GREAT queercoded villain; it's just that here, he's the protagonist, and a deeply sympathetic one at that, so we miss some of his "unmanly" traits.
All right, let's fast-forward to the maze. We see Jack being clueless and awkward about the drawing of lots, we see some sneaking around, and then we see his first hostile encounter with Elsa, and we get this great exchange:
Jack: I suggest we just pass each other by.
Elsa: ... What?!
Jack, visibly pained by the awkwardness: I suggest we just ... pass each other by.
Jack is uncomfortable with violence. He actively avoids it, talking his way out of trouble when he can and running when he can't. Even Elsa points out how strange he is compared to other hunters, specifically because he avoids violence. He doesn't kill or even hurt anyone in his human form. He doesn't even know how his explosive works--to the point where he asks a woman if SHE knows how to work it.
I'm not saying violence is an inherently masculine trait, but the association of masculinity with a capacity for (and comfort with) violence runs deep in Western culture in general and American culture in particular. It's a huge thing in Mexican culture as well, and yet Jack is actively choosing not to participate in it. He's denying a core part of what would otherwise be his traditional gender role. He later tells Elsa that any "hunting" he does is done by "a part of me that is not me"--a part of himself that he doesn't see as himself. In his eyes, violence is not merely scary or distasteful; it's not part of him at all.
(Compare this to all the ass-kicking Elsa does.)
And then we get to Ted. Buckle up, guys.
Technically, our first introduction to Ted is a distant roar and some screaming, but the moment where we meet him is this:
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A jumpscare, followed by a cuddle.
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Once again, Jack wears his heart on his sleeve, but more importantly, let me draw your attention to the juxtaposition of Ted's scary grab and Jack's excited snuggling. This relationship is introduced as something scary before being revealed as something sweet--and "scary" is a good description of the portrayal of queercoded couples (who are, remember, usually villains) in classic cinema. All the cinematic language around Ted right up until the grab is telling us to be afraid of him--and then our cinnamon roll of a protagonist starts petting him and greeting him and asking if he's okay. Ted is monstrous and inhuman ... right up until we see him receive affection from another man.
We don't get clear details of Jack's relationship with Ted, but we know that it's a big deal to them--after all, Jack is risking his own life to save the big guy. Jack also describes Ted as "family" and, with a fond eyeroll, a "pain in the ass". Jack implies that he no longer has contact with his family of origin, a common experience for many queer people who are shunned for leaving the closet, but Ted slots neatly into the category of found family. Ted is also, notably, the only close relationship Jack is seen to have, just as Jack is the only close connection Ted is seen to have. The two are physically affectionate (again, cuddling) and emotionally vulnerable in their conversations.
And Elsa, the outsider to their relationship, finds the whole thing bizarre, right down to Ted's name.
Speaking of Elsa, let's talk about Jack's behavior in the crypt and the cage.
In the crypt, Jack displays compassion for someone who has largely been hostile to him (he REALLY wants to fix Elsa's leg), absolute delight when he receives the tiniest signal that she might be sympathetic to him ("It's not in your DNA, then?") and remarkable emotional intelligence (see his speech about families). He also, notably, doesn't hit on Elsa or indicate any sexual interest in her.
He also makes this terrific face when he's handed a skull:
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Oh, yeah, that's a big, scary hunter there.
Now, the cage. Jack's response to being put in the cage (and stripped of his jacket, interestingly--little bit of dehumanization there, perhaps) is recognition, followed by attempts at reassuring Elsa, followed by panic. He's arguably more upset than Elsa is, and Elsa thinks she's about to be torn to shreds.
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At two points in this story, Jack Russell finds himself trapped in a small space with a beautiful woman and more or less immediately freaks out. It's not the most heterosexual pattern. In fact, it's got strong thematic overtones of queer men being forced into straight relationships by their families, their work, or their society. In a culture that entwines sex and violence, the fact that he's delighted to be grabbed by a male swamp monster but begs for death rather than symbolically do a sex with a woman is noteworthy.
"Symbolically do a sex"? Yeah, the only times the film frames Elsa as anything like a sexual object are the transformation sequence, which is a visual callback to classic sexualized scream queens of yore with her literally in Jack's shadow, and the face-touching scene, where Jack straddles her, their faces almost touch, and then he flees and she sits up with her hair mussed in a dreamy, almost post-orgasmic way.
Michael Giacchino doesn't eroticize violence MUCH, but he's fairly classy about it when he does.
"But wait!" I hear you saying. "What about the sniffing scene? Isn't that eroticized? And it's between Jack and Elsa! Checkmate, liberals!"
First of all, how dare you call me a liberal when my preferred political descriptor is "chaotic good". And second of all ... well, you're HALF right. It IS eroticized...but not because of anything Laura Donnelly or Gael Garcia Bernal is directly doing.
Go watch Elsa's body language during the scene. It's awkward as fuck. She's curled in a ball, knees and elbows out, letting Jack pull on her arm and sniff her hair but not really participating. There's no indication that she wants to be doing this, or even knows what "this" is.
Gael is making a little more of an erotic show about it; in fact, the intensity of his sniffing would probably be an indicator of sexual desire--if he weren't CRYING WHILE HE DOES IT. That's why his voice breaks on "Once."
These are both excellent actors, making very intentional choices with their voices and bodies. They're playing the scene as something that COULD be sexy IF THEY WEREN'T BEING FORCED TO DO IT.
Seriously. There's enough fanfic now that we've all read Jack giving Elsa a leisurely, consensual sniff. You can't tell me Gael and Laura couldn't have made that happen. This is not sexy sniffing. This is angst sniffing. It's just angst sniffing between two beautiful, sympathetic characters who genuinely don't want to hurt each other. It could have been acted and shot in a much sexier way, but it wasn't.
It's also worth noting one last category of queercoding that WBN plays with a lot: dehumanization. A lot of those classic movies played their queercoded characters as specifically less than human, visually aligning them with disliked animals like rats or wolves and often making them literally less human as the story progressed. Even after the Hays Code, monstrous and inhuman queers became a staple of horror movies, especially in the 1980s and 90s as the AIDS crisis convinced a lot of conservative America that LGBTQ people were literal plague rats. There were proposals to tattoo HIV-positive people to identify them, to round them up into camps, to shut HIV-positive kids out of schools because those kids were implicitly queer and therefore not deserving of human rights like an education.
WBN, with its werewolf POV, pushes back on this trope in some specific ways. Jack's line about being "still a human" is an obvious one, as well as his explanation of "systems" to keep other people safe. (It was common during the AIDS crisis for queer people to be fired from their jobs if they were outed because they were considered an AIDS risk to their coworkers--even if they were, say, an office worker who didn't have any contact with other people's bodily fluids. There were conspiracy theories about AIDS spreading through shared soda cans. Those paper seat protectors in public bathrooms came about because of fears that AIDS could spread via toilet seats. So imagine a gay man trying to explain that he's not a threat to his officemates, and you'll see the parallels to Jack trying to reassure Elsa.)
Most notable, however, is how Elsa survives the wolf. She's safe because she maintains eye contact (implicitly acknowledging her and Jack's shared humanity--she literally refuses to stop seeing him) and because he remembers her scent (she becomes a part of his world as he becomes part of hers). Elsa is rewarded, both with her life and with her inheritance, for treating Jack and Ted like human beings when the world around her regards them as abominations.
Elsa is an ally. She's ally-coded. She can also be read as a love interest for Jack, but she consistently acts in support of his relationship with Ted as well.
In Part 3, we're going to talk about the crowning moment of queercoding in WBN. That's right--it's time to learn about coffee in the woods, the gay jukebox, and the Friends of Dorothy.
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I hate the when fans mischaracterize Elain as someone who is "weak and useless" when she's been someone who's always been brave and resourceful but it was hidden because her role as the marriage cattle was just to be pretty . I'd like to know your thoughts on this topic
Hi anon!
Oh my gosh, I love this question SO much and really appreciate you sending this! I have actually been mentally organizing some thoughts on the topic for a while, and this is the perfect opportunity to address them.
To take in a complete view of Elain, her role in the marriage market, the Inner Circle, and the role her specific brand of grooming will likely play in her future and book, I have found it fascinating to take a birds eye view of the grooming done to all of the Archeron sisters at the behest of Mama Archeron. The details of the roles and dynamics of each sister has played a huge role story-wise, plot-wise, and even romance-wise. I have no doubt the same will prove true for Elain, and in my opinion we have already seen what Elain's particular skillset is and how she can use it, despite the horrendous and unloving conditions in which she and her sisters developed them and the general lack of the fandom acknowledging them.
For Feyre, her theme is "bearing the burden," and she shares it with Rhys. I think of Clarke's "I bear it, so they don't have to" stance on leadership. Mamma Archeron gave the orders for Feyre to take care of her family (who knows why, jfc Mamma Archeron) and it influenced her skill-wise and psychologically. However, one of the most powerful and significant moments came into play when Feyre had to use her tracking abilities to find Rhys after he had been shot through with arrows and taken by Hybern. She single handedly saved the most powerful High Lord of Prythian and impacted the future of the world because she was able to track him. Romantically, their story moved forward after that show of her skillset, and the discovery of their mating bond came soon after.
Nesta of course, turned ballrooms into battlefields. She was her mother's creature. Thematically, she shares this with Cassian. While of course trope wise they are black cat and golden retriever and we love to simp over Himbo Cassian, he is a brilliant strategist and commander. They are the strategizers and the bulldozers. They enact physical and psychological warfare. I loved the scene when Cassian gifted Nesta the book The Dance of the Battle, and Nesta discovered how much she and Cassian actually could understand each other, and how similar their thought processes were:
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And that little easter egg- the dance of the battle, Nesta would use her training and dancing to enact finding allies amongst the enemies with her dance with Eris... I mean. Chills. And of course, her dance with Eris and offer of marriage played a role in the convo when Nesta and Cassian's mating bond snapped:
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Ultimately, Nesta was taught to use marriage as a weapon. And her court would have secured a powerful ally if she had married Eris. But love will never take a back seat. She both used her grooming, but also overcame it and moved beyond it. The grooming informs them, but no longer controls them.
Now, I love all the Archeron sisters, but let's put RESPECT on Elain's name. Elain provides what we call invisible labor. She was taught to do a *lot* more than just sit and look pretty. She takes charge. She organizes and executes and is action forward. She was just taught to do it privately. Elain shows her strength behind closed doors. Of course, being an Elriel, I believe she and Azriel are tied together thematically as well. Their work and labor for their court is done in secret, in the shadows. She showed us this in her first scene returning back to the page in ACOMAF:
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Elain takes control of the entire situation and lays out the plan on how to keep the secret of using the Archeron manor as the meeting place with the human queens to move the war and search for the Book of Breathings forward. She manages the house, the servants. She will step up and do what needs to be done, and she understands how to keep things behind the scenes.
She stabs the King of Hybern in the neck by sneaking up on him, stepping out of the shadows.
She surprises everyone on Solstice, privately working with healers and local vendors to provide the most thoughtful gifts for her family and friends:
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We see in ACOWAR how she already had plans to run and organize Lord Nolan and Grayson's manor, adding a woman's touch to it, but she also possessed all of the details of their defenses and war -readiness, things that were likely not expected of her, nor did Grayson likely even realize she knew or understood:
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Again, Elain is the one organizing and executing this plan. Glamoring Elain, bringing the other Fae to hide and obscure her scent, protecting the humans behind Grayson's barricade, all her ideas. She is smart. She is always aware of her surroundings. Time and time again, Sarah has shown us on page through her writing that Feyre and Nesta both misunderstood Elain. That they didn't realize that Elain saw and understood everything:
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Elain is the queen of invisible work. Of silent labor. She was groomed to run and organize a household, but stay quiet and in the background.
Elain is not, and has never been, useless. She has been smart, she has been brave, she has calculated moves that have saved lives. She does not cower. She does not hide.
But secrecy is her theme. Working in the shadows, in the background. Laying invisible ground work.
She doesn't have to prove her value in her book. She already is valuable. But we will come to understand how she was shaped by her grooming. And I believe there is very good reason to assume the themes of that grooming will play a huge role in her story and romance, as her sisters before her.
I have no doubt she will blow everyone away with her bravery, her intelligence, and stealth. And I for one cannot WAIT for it. If people want to continue to discredit and devalue her, it is frankly their loss. We already know who Elain Archeron is and what she can do.
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nolita-fairytale · 9 months
hi gen! hope this finds you well!!!! and hope i’m not late to the party… but i’ve been thinking about luca having a long distance relationship. and since most of the time chefs have cooking as an act of care, could you think of hc for luca in this situation?
@translatemunson thanks for sending this one in.
dating chef luca long distance: a headcanon
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dating chef luca long distance would look like:
while luca works early most mornings, the two of you make sure to keep in touch. texts, voice memos, phone calls and facetimes when you can because he wants to connect with you as often as possible.
luca is always sending you tiktoks/instagram reels once he's off work -- things he thinks you might enjoy. you love to send pics back and forth: things you're doing, a great meal you had, a selfie when you have something funny to tell him or just when you miss him.
luca does not have read receipts and neither do you because truly, read receipts are unhinged and just make everyone involved anxious. (not me coming for read receipts, oops)
you try to physically see each other every 1 - 3 months, depending on where you're located, at least until your make it to your long distance end date. hear me out: i think that luca is going to move to you. "there will always be work for me as a chef, babe. and i want to be with you."
the week before a scheduled trip, it feels like time can't move any faster. you normally don't have too much trouble with distance, aside from missing him, but that week leading up to always feels agonous.
speaking of, leading up to a trip, luca busies himself with planning out menus, things he wants to make you, places he wants to take you, knowing that food is such a strong love language for the both of you.
the moment you reunite is always so sweet. in some ways, you don't mind the distance because it always feels so exciting when you see him for the first time after a few weeks to months apart. and can we talk about the reunion sex?! it is hot, hot, hot and it's the first thing the both of you want to do when you're reunited. (fully projecting here because i once had a long distance relationship and that ways always the first thing we did).
when you're not together... i don't think you and luca are big sexters... per say... but the man will indulge in phone sex when the mood strikes. just picture it. that deep voice over the phone telling you to touch yourself?! asking you how it feels? moaning with the phone on speaker while you tell him how much you need him?! how you can't wait to be together, jfc.
every day with him feels special, whether it be luca making you breakfast in bed or the two of you just doing nothing together, watching movies, cooking something together. he makes the most mundane of things feel like magic because the man has your heart.
somedays are harder than others, and you feel like you're missing out -- when his hair is longer, when he finds a new cafe that's become routine for him but is something you're only just finding out about -- and it makes your heart ache for the day that you get to live in the same city together.
long distance is hard, but you and luca make it as easy as possible by being kickass communicators and by meeting each other halfway. on the days it feels harder than others, you hold space for each other, recognizing that, while normally you feel good about it... you really fucking miss each other.
i know i wrote this in burn your life down but i stand by it: luca is a letter writer. perhaps after a particular tough day where you're missing the hell out of him, luca decides to surprise you by sending you some snail mail. you receive it a few days to a week later (depending on where you are in the world) and the care and love he poured into this surprise reminds you that it's all worth it.
this song and these lyrics make me think of dating luca long distance, so i will leave us on this note:
"so, can we strip down to our vitals? i'm obsessed with your design and I've missed your soul forever" -- superbloodmoon, holly humberstone & d4vid
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icysinner · 11 months
hometown hero — chapter two. | models and superstars.
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: onyankopon finally lives that dream of playing professional basketball, but through the glitz and glamour, he’s still in love with the girl from his hometown.
𝐍𝐘𝐀 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: word count, 885. these chapters just get longer and longer jfc
𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ᥫ᭡ 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 ᥫ᭡ 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀
tags: @maliagurl @iheartamora @iiilovemilfs @hayilaawashere @starcore111 @hoohoohope @traqstarlo @chickenalfredo1312
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onyankopon was home two days early, much to your, though kept secret, excitement. you weren’t always sure why he spent so much time at home, he played for a team all the way across the country and always made sure to come home. he had a house in both states, show off. although playing for a team far from his hometown he seemed to come back way more often than anyone that moved away. he urged you to move out of this place, because he thinks you can really make something of yourself outside of the small town you grew up in, but home is home, and you’d be fake trying to pretend you wanted to leave the only place you’d ever known.
“so, how’s the pro basketball life treating you? any models and superstars in those dms?” you asked onyankopon, walking towards the door of your restaurant before it was time to open. “they was in the dms before the nba.” onyankopon replied, a smug smile across his face, similar to the one on your face. “yeah, yeah, okay.” your sarcastic tone was topped off with an eye roll, making him laugh. “probably got a new girl sitting courtside every week, if i’m apart of the roster at least let me be the favorite.” you half joked, putting the key into the door, bright letter signs not yet lit spelling ‘high society’ above it.
“there is no roster, and if anything, you should be on the receiving end of that joke.” onyankopon said as he walked in, eyes widening at the decorations and scenery. “this is nice as hell, y/n.” he added as you turned all the overhead lights on. “thank you, i still have a couple tweaks to make though. need these counters smoothed over again.” you replied, running your nails over the marble on the bar. “how long it take you to get this place done?” he asked, sitting in one of the stools. “a year and some change.. the only thing i really had to wait on was the liquor license.” you shrugged, walking around the place, taking looks at everything.
“do you work in here? or you just run it?��� onyankopon asked, touching the centerpieces, much to your dismay. “okay, don’t touch that, and no. i’m the ceo, don’t really need to.” you said, a small laugh coming out at onyankopon slowly moving his hand away. “you wanna franchise this shit? you know — make it like a chain?” onyankopon had so many questions, he’d only been gone for seven months and you were in a completely different stage of life. it made him proud, but also a little weary, he couldn’t help but feel like you were gonna take off into the future without him.
“maybe.. it’s not necessarily a big plan though.” you shrugged, looking around at the restaurant again, almost like it was your child, your own creation. “well, whatever you do, i’m proud of you. i know this was a big deal for you.” his reassurance made you happy, though involuntary. although you’d been hearing praises for your business since it opened, it coming from him made all the difference. “you know, violet and tylae are not happy with you.” you said with a smile, “why? what i do now?” onyankopon asked, squinting his eyes a bit. “because you haven’t came to see them yet, and you’ve been here for a day.”
“well, tylae has an entire business to run, and violet is a professional stalker who knows what’s going on with me at all times.” onyankopon defended, maybe exaggerating a little. “listen, take that up with them.” you threw your hands up in innocence, making him laugh. “i think they’re just jealous i came to see you first.” onyankopon said, causing you to laugh. “whatever. i’mma check their lo’ and see where they’re at, i’ll call em here.” you said, opening life360 to check your friend’s locations.
“i cannot believe we had to wait for y/n to say something before you came to see us!” violet exclaimed, walking into the now unlocked doors of high society, currently closed off to the general public because onyankopon was here, though your employees were doing business as usual. “my apologies, vi. it will never happen again.” onyankopon said in a teasing tone, making all three of you smile. “yeah, four arnold palmers, thank you, natalie.” you said to your (favorite) waitress as she wrote it down.
“so, i need to know more about these courtside seats, ony.” tylae said with a smile, causing violet to interject, “oh, oh! is hange gonna be there?” she asked, twirling her straw in her cup. “god, vi, you’re obsessed.” you said, a laugh coming from yourself and tylae. this was an inside joke onyankopon wasn’t aware of, violet having a crush on his manager. “now i’m left out of the jokes?” onyankopon said in a joking voice. “no, no — violet has a crush on your manager.” tylae said, causing violet’s pale face to turn red almost immediately. “you could have told me that, she is a lesbian, you know. i can put you on!” he said with a smile, nudging violet, who’s face was currently in her hands. “oh my god.” she said, through her hands so it was muffled.
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aprillikesthings · 2 months
s5 ep8 Shot in the dark
Off topic but while looking for fan art of Catra from the portal (ugh I need to try different tags) I instead saw a bunch of anti-Catra and anti-Catradora and anti-spop blogs and jfc people need to get a life and touch some grass and if I'm saying that--
(I mean, I did leave the house today with Saer and their mom, we went to Powell's books where I spent too much money but I got a couple of wlw manga and a Judith Butler book among a few other things, and also we went to a vintage clothing store that seemed to have NO END but I bought one thing there, a lavender satin bathrobe, the short kind; the only thing wrong with it was that it's a bit faded in some places and it's a little small on me but it's a bathrobe, and it was like $26 AND 100% SILK)
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a question many astronauts have surely asked as well!
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these two squabbling but not actually fighting always sounds like flirting, it doesn't help that a split second after that screenshot, Catra actually smiles for a second
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Look. I love them.
Bow: "Adora, Catra's right" Everyone's eyes: go wide Bow: "...that felt weird to say"
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the startled noise they all make when he starts talking lolol
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but Catra has some flashes (from when she was in the hive mind) and says Krytis is a planet, nice. There's something there Horde Prime doesn't want them to know--so they head for Krytis, roll intro theme
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oh man they really did start changing this up every episode. Look at poor Perfuma's face.
Anyway on Krytis they find an old Horde ship and everyone else is trying to figure out what happened but poor Catra is remembering what it was like to be chipped :(
there's a cute moment when she notices her tail is all fluffy from fear and smooths it out before joining the others
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there's a "crack" video where Entrapta's little walk here is dubbed with a clip from an ancient Spiderman show's theme song
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LOOK AT HER the way Bow says this is so great
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Adora laughs longer than anyone else after Catra gets the helmet off and Catra blushes and smiles and everyone stands around not wanting the ruin the moment--and then Entrapta finds something and squeals and startles the shit out of everyone and it's SO GREAT
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Catra: "So, wait, the plan is to barge ahead into the structurally unsound building to find some mystery person that we know nothing about, in hopes that they somehow know how to defeat Horde Prime?"
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Bow: "You know, we were just gonna recklessly blast our way through that blockade until you stopped us. So this whole thing is basically your idea."
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Catra's starting to realize what DORKS they all are and that good-natured teasing is just part of the deal
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the GLEE with which they are including her
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I didn't mean to get a screenshot that makes it look like Adora is staring at Catra's butt, but(t) I'm not mad about it
Meanwhile, on Etheria:
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"and yet we're still stuck with you?"
Back on Krytis Wrong Hordak is having an existential crisis as he realizes Horde Prime is not perfect
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Catra fuckin' slices a door into the wall
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Bow: dunno if that's safe Glimmer: yeah I'm not sure about this either Adora: MY GIRLFRIEND IS STRONK and has v sharp claws isn't she perfect
seriously tho Adora is BLUSHING
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Catra's face
Glimmer's too, actually
oh god it's the bit where Catra keeps sneezing at the spore things in the air and Bow is just like 🥺
Adora's reaction to this conversation is also priceless
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Anyway a second later, Catra leans on the wall and sinks into it, she shrieks and Adora yells "CATRA!!" and when they pull her out the wall starts sending out HUGE MURDER SPIKES
Back on Etheria:
Castaspella: "You said you had a plan. The only reason I'm following you is because if anyone would know about mind control, it's you." Shadow Weaver: "Mind control? Is that what they told you? No. My gifts were always far subtler."
I dunno, I think torturing kids is hardly "subtle." But abuse is often hard to spot while it's happening to you.
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y'know, like this shit
Okay in fairness she says she was less powerful as well and now he's chipped he's under control by the enemy and they're not strong enough to fight him
On Krytis, the Squad realizes they've gotten confused/turned around in the abandoned ship--"Isn't this where we started?!" There's a growling noise. The hallway somehow gets longer while they're walking in it. Creepy as fuck.
Oh and also it turns out Horde Prime and the First Ones fought over Krytis ages ago and Prime won but then abandoned the place anyway.
Entrapta: also there's someone right behind you
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yay i know who this is lol
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ALSO Catra insisting on protecting everyone is v cute
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also it took me three times to get this screenshot ahahaha
and when she tackles it they both disappear
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the audible PANIC
OH HEY i hit the image limit okay hold on
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scoops-aboy86 · 4 months
Steve who realizes he's grown out of everything but his sweatpants? and those are on their way out too.....
Ooh, juicy. Both the ask and Steve. 😜 I, uh, got carried away again, 1636 words apparently jfc. Lots of stuffing and belly worship and soft mutual pining below the cut, but I’d say it’s still rated T.
So Steve notices, right? Of course he does, there’s no way he couldn’t. First it was the stretch marks, then the other red lines on his belly—the one that mark his circumference like a globe, little creases radiating out where the seams of his underwear and the fly of his jeans are also pressed in tight enough to leave an impression. Some days he could just spend hours after he undresses, tracing lightly over those impressions and imagining what will happen when he can truly no longer be contained. 
It’s kind of like a hobby, one he’s picked up since Eddie left Hawkins to try and make it as a musician. 
At first it was eating his feelings—because they’d come close, they’d almost been something before a demo tape sent out to some random acquaintance of an acquaintance actually got some traction. Eddie had seemed reluctant to leave, but Steve had told him to go, hadn’t wanted to be the one to hold him back in this town that still lowkey thinks he’s a cult leader. 
Now, though, it’s more like a game; if he hears a Corroded Coffin song on the radio, he eats. Something substantial, like a sandwich or a burger or a bowl of soup. If he catches the tail end of one, that’s just a snack. He has plans for someday, when they really make it big, to graze constantly if there’s an interview on tv or in a magazine… They’re not there yet, but he has both faith and a growing appetite. 
His waistline is an ever-expanding testament to his devotion to one Edward Wayne Munson, who still writes him letters regularly. They land in his mailbox haphazardly, sometimes not even in order, but the postmarks and the date-of-writing that Eddie always scribbles in a corner of the pages are consistently once every week. Steve can’t really write back because Eddie moves around too much, but the letters include numbers and date ranges for where he can reach him, so he calls whenever he can. And wonders if Eddie hears the snack wrappers crinkling in the background. 
And now, it’s really all caught up to him. He’s got one pair of sweatpants that fit, and really needs to go shopping to fix that problem (not to mention getting some bigger shirts, too). But first, he needs to do laundry, because he’s kind of been laying around in said sweatpants since he last got home from work, and they’re a little bit covered in drops and crumbs and… other stains. (He likes his food, and he really likes feeling full these days, okay? He’s made his peace with that.)
Eddie never expected to feel homesick for Hawkins, of all fucking places, but in the end he’s not sure that’s even it. He doesn’t want the town, he wants Steve. Still regrets leaving him, even though he knows that if he and the guys hadn’t taken this chance there would have been resentments and what ifs lingering in the air. As it is, Jeff, Gareth, and Grant are tolerant but probably sick of his constant pining and the love song lyrics he keeps pitching. 
He has noticed the sounds of snack wrappers over the phone. He’s also noticed how often it sounds like Steve is talking with his mouth full or partly full, and. After all they’d gone through together with Vecna and all the Upside Down shit, both of them almost dying more than once before it was all said and done, it’s nice to hear Steve getting to be normal. Steve always sounds so happy whenever he can catch him on the line instead of leaving a message, too, which warms his heart, and on the occasions Eddie calls him back and Steve is home to pick up, the guy always sounds like it’s Christmas morning come early. That either of them (anyone in the Party, really) can be so relaxed after the whole mess is goddamn miraculous. And, privately, he does think Steve would look good with more meat on his bones. Handsome and stocky and strong and, mmm…
Eddie is just a lovesick gay man in the prime of his life, he can’t help that sometimes that line of thinking leads all the way from naughty thoughts all the way to touching himself with Steve’s name heavy on his tongue. 
So, yeah, the second the band gets a long enough break, Eddie is on a flight back to Indiana. He wants it to be a surprise, so he takes a cab all the way from Indy to Loch Nora, tipping the driver handsomely because he has money now. That he’s earned, and by doing something he loves too, how wild is that?
Almost as wild as when he lets himself into the house and feed his knees go weak at finding Steve beached on the living room couch, a mix tape of Corroded Coffin songs clearly recorded from the radio playing on the stereo and a large pizza box open on the cushion next to him, the pizza three quarters finished. There’s sauce and grease smeared around Steve’s mouth and it looks like he’s racing the tape to try and finish first, his belly so heavy and packed on his lap and—
He’s not wearing pants, and with his stomach rounded out and dropped between his spread thighs Eddie can’t even tell if he’s wearing underwear from his vantage point. The polo he’s got is straining to contain him, popped threads trailing loose down from the hem where it rests above his deepened belly button and vivid stretch marks. 
The sight punches a gasp out of Eddie, and Steve looks up with the next slice halfway to his mouth. 
“Eddie?” There’s amazement in Steve’s voice, and excitement too, but just enough self-consciousness and trepidation that Eddie is across the room in a second, Steve filling his vision more like approaching a celestial body—eclipsing everything else. (Steve is wearing underwear, but why is it even hotter that Eddie had to get closer just to tell?) And then Eddie is leaning over him, hoping with his heart in his throat that this isn’t too much, and gently nudging Steve’s pizza laden hand to finish its journey. 
“Don’t stop on my account, sweetheart,” he murmurs, and Steve moans into his next bite, a sound that shoots straight from Eddie’s ears to between his legs. 
Steve must have been eating ever since he’d left town to look like this, and there’s something so… It’s like he’d left a hole that Steve has been trying to fill, and Eddie wants nothing more than to be here for him now. 
Later, once the tape has ended and they’ve both been sated (Steve in more ways than one, practically gasping for breath from the exertion and the bloat of his swollen gut) they talk about how much they’ve missed each other. How much they’d both regretted not becoming an us before Eddie left, despite the way they’ve still managed to keep in touch more than some official couples do over long distances. Unwilling to make that mistake again, Eddie gets dramatically on one knee before Steve and hefts the curve of his lower belly in both hands in supplication, kissing the crest of his stomach in between his words as he asks Steve to be his boyfriend. 
“Even though I’ve eaten myself out of all my jeans?” Steve asks breathlessly, his cheeks warm but a hand tangled in Eddie’s curls, fingers flexing gently with every kiss to his stretched-taut skin. “I kind of… The only thing that fits me are my sweatpants, and those are in the dryer. I was just waiting for the load to finish, and I got—”
“Hungry?” Eddie guesses with a grin. 
“A snack,” Steve finishes sheepishly, and isn’t that something. “I need to go shopping before work tomorrow, and I figured, if I’m already full, they’ll fit better. And, uh.. For longer.”
Eddie chuckles. “Well, if I’m your boyfriend I could come, you know. Help you pick things out, make sure they look—” he gives Steve’s stuffed belly a gentle wobble “—as fucking hot on you as you deserve.”
Steve is already nodding before he even finishes speaking, eyes gone a little dazed from his belly being manhandled in a way he’s never felt before—because, before, he’d always stuffed himself alone. “Yeah. Yes, I—uuurp—want you to. Wanted you this whole time, Eds, you have no idea.”
They seal it with a kiss, and Eddie fetches the now dry sweatpants and helps pull them up over his boyfriend’s hard-soft belly and infinitely grabable ass, noting how even this pair is straining to contain as much man as the two of them have managed to wiggle and squish in there. Eddie has to drive the BMW because Steve is starting to feel sleepy from his “snack”… and, even though Eddie has to crank the driver’s seat all the way up from freakin’ Mexico, he’s not totally sure Steve would’ve fit behind the wheel anyway. 
He already has plans to try and talk Steve out of Hawkins. The kids are graduating soon anyway, they can wait until after the ceremony, and Robin is already off in college, she’ll follow Steve anywhere the second she has her degree. Eddie has money now, between the government payout after the Spring Break from hell and his new career that’s stretching out before him like a dream, he can support Steve and his new appetite, easy.  
Because the only thing that could make Eddie’s life more perfect is beside him in the passenger seat, half snoozing and half massaging his belly (Eddie helps, during red lights and straightaways) to quell the gurgles from digesting an entire greasy pizza, in sweatpants that are unquestionably on their way out. 
Permanent tag list: @hotluncheddie
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thequeenofsastiel · 1 year
D/s Dynamics in Episode 9 of I Will Knock You-Thi's Point of View
This is the second week of collaborating with @lutawolf on examining the D/s relationship between Thi and Noey. She's taking Noey's pov while I'm taking Thi's.
The first part I'll focus on is Thi's reaction to Noey's attitude about Phayu in the morning. He's clearly a little embarrassed by Noey's possessiveness, but he doesn't say anything. And when Noey threatens to hit Thi if he sees Thi go anywhere with Phayu, Thi clearly takes what Noey said seriously, but he doesn't protest even slightly. He pouts the tiniest bit, but he's entirely accepting Noey's authority. Just like when Noey threatened to hurt him if Thi didn't get on his bike back in ep 6. Thi very easily could have gone back upstairs and locked the door. But he didn't. He scurried to get his helmet and came right back down. He consistently accepts Noey's authority. He's almost always some degree of sulky or resistant, but he'll do as he's told. And if he truly doesn't want to do something, he's capable of letting Noey know, and Noey backs down.
Thi has gotten more obedient in general, though. He felt submissive to Noey from the start(side note I rewatched the first couple of episodes and jfc do they react to each other the way a feral Dom and timid yet needy sub do), but the longer they've known each other, the more Thi has seen that Noey, while not always the most mature, has Thi's best interests at heart. That kind of faith inspires obedience from Thi. Even if your Dom is scary, you know that they'll never hurt you in a way you can't handle. They're always protecting you, however strict they happen to be. Thi's trust in Noey was very apparent this episode.
One of things I truly loved about their dynamic in ep 9 is the fact that the way they positively influence each other was strongly on display. Noey, despite his admittedly childish reaction to Phayu, was overall calmer and less aggressive towards those around him. He was helpful, and polite. Thi was much braver and more outspoken. Especially with Noey. Some might assume that this means that their D/s dynamic is diminishing, but it's not. It's simply growing into something much more stable. Thi knows that he can make a joke about smacking or spanking Noey and that Noey won't get angry. That he can be a little demanding, like when he refused to go downstairs to meet Noey after getting off the phone with his mother, gesturing for Noey to come upstairs.
Regardless, he's obedient. He didn't go off alone with Phayu after he was forbidden to, he stayed in bed after he was ordered to, he didn't argue when Noey said that he didn't consider Thi his senior, because he planned to make Thi his boyfriend. Despite the fact that they were surrounded by people.
Also the way they spoke to each other at the end of the episode was a great demonstration of how comfortable they've grown with each other. Thi made playful jokes like he was the Dom, and Noey, even though he laughed, made it clear that he was the one in charge, saying that Thi was "under" him. Thi smiled at that and ducked his head. Noey added that Thi shouldn't forget how tough Noey is just because Noey's been soft and sweet. I think Noey wanted to make it clear that his sweetness towards Thi did not change the fact that he was in charge. And Thi didn't fight him on this even slightly.
Honestly, I just love how much they adore each other. What they have isn't easy for most people to understand, as evidenced by the way so many characters looked sideways at their relationship in this ep. And I think that reaction had a lot more to do with Noey's treatment of Thi than the age difference. His behavior could very easily be misinterpreted as abuse. But it's not. It's what they both want and need, and the mutual understanding of that between each other increases with every episode. In this one, the romantic love was at the forefront, because Noey has that old fashioned vibe that he's cultivated, and wants to court Thi.
He also feels like he needs to prove to Thi that he's worthy of him, which is honestly an excellent Dom move. Noey knows that he needs to grow up, understands that there are ways in which he's immature. And he knows that if he remains that way, he's never going to be able to take care of Thi the way Thi needs. And he truly, truly wants to be a good Dom and a good faen. I think it'll be a few years before either of them can put words to the kink dynamic they have, but for all their inexperience, they're doing an excellent job at navigating their kink dynamic with no outside help. They were so natural and so much more comfortable with each other in this episode. Their relationship has continued to improve as time has passed, and I think they have a bright future.
That's all for this ep! Don't forget to read the one @lutawolf put out.
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mlobsters · 4 months
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supernatural s13x22 exodus (w. eugenie ross-leming, brad buckner)
well, mom gets a hug. that's something i guess. no time for extended you're-actually-alive-reunions with lucifer smarming around in the background.
this trying to be i dunno, spookyish discordant atmospheric music is not hitting for me. it just feels wildly out of sync with the tone of the scene. i wonder who made iiiit. oh look, it's jay gruska. i seriously don't look it up until i have a ~vibe~ and i'm vaguely impressed with my consistent reactions to the two composers. i'm pretty much never rockin with jay. sorry, my dude.
LUCIFER Don’t say he’s nothing like me. I’m the only one who understands him. This power he has? I’m powerful, dangerous, ruthless. In the...best sense, though. DEAN No. Kill him. LUCIFER (chuckles) He can’t. He’s not strong enough. GABRIEL Dean… DEAN (turns on Gabriel) You’ve got the blade. JACK (quietly) Stop it. DEAN He’s the devil. Kill him. JACK (shouting) Stop it!
in the land of not-a-show, this seems very reasonable. we have the means and opportunity to FINALLY fucking kill this guy, who has done unspeakably awful things to more than one person present. who they've been trying to take out for a long ass time. but, being that it's this show, yeah. of course it's not that simple. i think they had a general plan to kill him after they used him for the nexus excursion, yes? but them believing he'd still be captured and subdued until then was a bit of a stretch :p also, jack wasn't around for that convo and i suppose he might have some thoughts and feelings around cutting down bio dad right away
CAS In case your innate evil overwhelms this new found team spirit, you won’t mind wearing these then, will you. You’re not at full power. They should hold you.
LOL good one. is he not at full power because he was drained, juiced up, then used some of that juice to resurrect sam? (was also thinking about how like, cas stole someone's grace at one point. a bad someone, right? is it that different? why didn't gabriel just go that route? not actually socially acceptable? whatever. we needed to include lucifer)
jfc nic shut up
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thank you, everyone, for that long ass hug. i'm not crying, no, i'm fine
i know the wiki has hugs and lengths (which amuses me to no end), i wouldn't be surprised if that was one of the longer ones. ahbl 29 seconds i think is an outlier being that sam is dead through most of it 😞 what a statement. excluding ahbl pt 1, top 3! lol
other thing he did, which he does regularly? when he's affectionate, that turn to the side like he's checking who's around or avoiding eye contact while he got a little mushy.
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he does it before hugging a lot too, like the avoiding eye contact and pulling someone in. definitely with charlie, not sure actually who all he does it with, if everyone at one point or another? anyway. he doesn't instigate a ton of hugs. i'm not under the influence, i swear, i'm just extra... *waves hands*
jack having a little montage o'guilt with xfiles sounds rapid fire (they use it periodically now but i don't recall so many of them in one scene like this. i had to search for "shoe" on the wiki because my blog search is perpetually fucked and all i could remember of the scene was sam finding a shoe lol)
so like, the solution is all the au people come back with her through the nexus, right? so this is a moot conversation? but. dean's reaction to her "i know what you went through to come find me" was so right. like, understatement of the century and in fact i DON'T think you know what they did. and (show logic aside) sam died and only isn't still dead due to a fluke/luck.
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interesting to see the production draft script has her saying sorry and that she's grateful, which didn't make it to screen
granted, i think they were doing the getting back to the nexus project for jack too, and i imagine they would have made the same efforts and paid the same prices. but anyway. feels like dean is always waiting for the other shoe to drop with mary, reinforced with her needing space business before, so understandably he's immediately reacting defensively and maybe a little childishly (do they need-need mary? probably not. but it's also reasonable and understandable to want your almost entirely absent mother [which she had no control over] once you got her back)
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another thing i like about pellegrino's lucifer, the hair! it just is almost always unkempt in not a cool way, more the disaster been sleeping on it weird way. which my hair also is often in some degree of.
DEAN We have been mopping up the world for years. Years. We have been knocked down. We have been possessed. We’ve lost friends. We’ve lost family. We’ve lost each other. And we never walk away, ever. And sometimes, we should’ve, because not every fight everywhere can be won. It just can’t. Right? (turning to Sam) Tell her.
never (permanently) walk away. ignoring the nonsensical amelia aberration? 🤪 i don't really understand dean's logic. we never walk away, but sometimes we should have, so mary should walk away? doesn't seem like the best sell
SAM I think Mom made up her mind. DEAN See? Wait. What? SAM Mom doesn’t want to leave these people. So let’s take ‘em with us. MARY They’ll never leave their home. They’ll never leave their cause. SAM I’m not saying abandon the fight. I’m saying we get them somewhere safe, then we all figure out a way to take down Michael. Then once we do, they can come back and save their world. MARY You’d do that for them? DEAN Well, we got...what, nine busting out? What’s a few more. How many are we talking? MARY Twenty-five.
(don't know what that 9 number is referring to either, oh right, charlie and ketch? lol) sammy's plan seems very. pie in the sky and not something these other world people would necessary go for but mary's down so sure why not
LUCIFER Well, I mean, yes, I have done things that I am not entirely proud of. I have led the occasional soul to ruin. This is true. But, Jack, it’s because humans are so messed up. They’re -- they’re so willing to be led. JACK My mother was human. LUCIFER Awesome lady. Incorruptible. Not like that. You know, great kisser. And, uh, lost my virginity to her.
pointing to my very disgruntled thoughts about this in 12x08. we're going to regularly make allusions to lucifer raping sam via hallucifer and i think also when sam was stuck with him in 11x09 before cas sprung luci but then lucifer in the president vessel supposedly had never had sex. ok. i prefer to believe that rape isn't part of the torture package, but they make it real hard sometimes. but the show is gonna tell us that was the first time lucifer had sex. being generous and dumb, maybe he believes in the rehymenation like dean. or some particulars of being in a human vessel. as opposed to whatever it is exactly getting tortured in hell. soul in vessel-ish shape? because it wasn't dean's shiny glowing light of a soul on the rack, it was his person. i've been thinking about this off and on since we knew generally what a soul was supposed to look like
jack interviewing lucifer, the quote unquote father of lies, to whatever, determine if he wants to have anything to do with him? well. how could this go wrong?
DEAN I told you no talking! And I told you no listening. JACK Dean, he’s in chains. DEAN His mouth isn’t. Shoulda gagged him. JACK No, I need to know about my powers, my family. CAS Jack, we are your family. We’ve been protecting you. We’ve been honoring your mother’s wishes. We’re your family. SAM Jack, you have no idea who Lucifer really is. JACK And I never will unless I talk to him.
like yes obviously, going this route is going to make anyone shut down and not listen to what you have to say (acting like john winchester basically), especially someone who is framed as being a kid. HOWEVER! couldn't we just say that lucifer spent a year which is equivalent to whatever in dog hell years torturing sam. our sam, that's standing right there. your sam, who you're including as a father figure.
MARY (amused) Jack isn’t going to the dark side. He’ll see Lucifer’s true nature. And he’ll see through his own eyes and not yours.
like she's trying to impart some parenting wisdom - which this is surely applicable to regular real life parenting! but i don't think it's applicable to the situation at hand. being that the grown ass adults with a lot of life experience and big bad demons etc etc have been fooled by lucifer time and time again. at least he should be aware of the actual harm lucifer has done to everyone present that they've personally experienced. and maybe he does know? i'm thinking WAY TOO MUCH ABOUT THIS. for this half baked plot shit.
lucifer cutting off gabriel from telling him about the (oops not actual) murdering of himself would indicate to me he doesn't know so, yeah. whatever man. i gotta fucking finish this episode! i started yesterday but just yammered on too much and then it was midnight.
BOBBY Now about that. Mary said you wanna take a bunch of our people back to this Other Earth? DEAN Yeah. Yeah, that’s the idea. BOBBY Well, no offense, but that may be the dumbest friggin’ idea in a landfill of dumb ideas.
say it, bobby
sam's gonna give a rousing speech to get the people to come around though, right. and now ketch and charlie get to be tortured. so both ketch and rowena are all about the redemption arc life
i'm real tired of this episode lol.
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GABRIEL Dad saw that your evil was like the first few cells of cancer...that it would spread like the disease unless He cut it out. That is why He locked you up, to stop the cancer. But it was too late then. And guess what? It’s too late for you now.
excuse me what. he's crying? what even
great, au!cas misha doing another accent. as a... nazi? seriously checked out at this point
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sure. like that whole wound tending thing the first time they were there. weird vibes man, are we supposed to ship it
AW-CASTIEL Don’t think that you are better than me. Well, we are the same. CAS Yes. We are.
this like. militaryish music as they ride off in the bus is.... oof. not great. ditto for the music with this goofy fucking jumping through the nexus proceedings
and now gabriel's gonna get into a knife fight with this basically impossible to win against michael, good idea. and sam and dean are just gonna hang back and watch him die
well, at least sam got to trap lucifer there with michael? 🤷 surely that won't go bad!
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gives me the heebiejeebies all those people in there
CAS What about Lucifer? DEAN Sam handled it.
heaven forbid we actually kill him. wonder how they're gonna have jack react to this
and hey last minute mushy music during the toast by bobby to sam and dean. welcome to the family. mhm
and of course lucifer immediately plotting with michael
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ihavenocluedude · 2 years
The Visits ~ Planning (part 1/?)
Eddie Munson x Fem!reader 
Link to reading this on Ao3       Link to my main masterlist
Link to The Visits masterlist
A/N - This first part is hella short but it’s mostly sort of a prologue ish thing? All of the other parts are going to be much longer though. The plan was to start posting this once I’ve officially written it all but I desperately want to get this out before volume two comes bc I am so not ready for vol.2... Jfc.
Summary - Eddie’s been your best friend for as long as you can remember. Even nowadays when you’re at college several hours away he wants and makes the effort to visit. And now he wants to visit for a whole week. 
The last part(s) are planned to be 18+ so... I recommend not reading this if you’re a minor but if you want to read the chapters leading up to it then fine but dni with the ones I actually warn are going to be 18+ thnks. 
Word Count - 689
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Spring, 1986
”I want to visit.”
”A week. Start of summer break.”
”A week? You’ve only been here like a day at most before. Are you sure you’re not going to get sick of me?” Well, that maybe wasn’t completely true. But the first visit had just been a weekend, where he got there late on Friday night and left mid-Sunday. And the second was just one night.
”We literally spend almost every day together when you’re in Hawkins-”
”- and I would like to get there and not have to drive home the day right after or to just have one single day of not being on the road.” He explained, his voice sounding rushed but trying to talk slowly as to let every ’argument’ settle in, and sighing before he added ”And… I miss you.” He did have some very good arguments. And having Eddie in your apartment for more than just a day, in the city you honestly loved more than you’d ever loved Hawkins? That would make the city infinitely better. After all, Eddie was one of the factors that made Hawkins way better.
”You do know you’re just going to sort of delay my arrival to Hawkins if you visit when summer break begins?”
”Perfect, I can drive you back so you don’t have to sit on that fucking bus again.”
”Eddie. The bus is fine.” It was expensive, uncomfortable, and had once caused you to get sick for two weeks because someone with a cold they shouldn’t have been traveling with sat right next to you. So it wasn’t great but it was fine.
”But it would cost way less to just come with me. The trip would be almost completely free in fact.”
”Almost completely?”
”Well I do expect you to pay for snacks.” Eddie scoffed with a laugh with a tone that told you that it was clearly obvious. You loved those kinds of moments where you could hear the grin on his face through the phone. The sort of moments where you could just picture him.
The grin on his face, his jacket thrown just somewhere on the floor, him laying on his bed, probably smoking, and some music playing way too quietly for being metal music in the background. You missed laying there beside him, sharing the smoke or just talking shit, feeling the warmth of his body next to you.
”Of course…” You chuckled in response before letting out a sigh and continuing, ”Fine Eddie. I’ll let you drive me back. So, when are you visiting?”
You’d known Eddie for longer than you could remember.
Which meant that you remembered the fluffy-haired child who’d smile at almost every person he met. That you remembered the more sheltered kid who’d buzzed his hair one day impulsively. That you remembered the teenager who’d rant to you about music and almost force you to all of his band’s performances. And that you know the Eddie who still reminds you so much of that fluffy-haired kid.
But all of this also meant you had seen him through the process of him building up the walls to try and protect himself from others. Seen him stop being that child who’d smile at everyone. Seen how it affected him when the kids at school first started calling him a freak.
It wasn’t like any of it affected your friendship, not in a bad way anyway. It was all just cruel kids, or just in general cruel people. You were just happy you were there for him. That you could be the person he’d biked to in the middle of the night when he was 12. Scared shitless because of a nightmare he’d had when his uncle was working his regular night shift. Or be the person who’d constantly shout back insults at the bullies whenever they called him a freak until he pretty much forced you to stop doing that.
Eddie Munson might just be one of the most valuable people in your life. And that is scary as fuck when you’re both still growing up and currently not even doing it together anymore.
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wildermouse · 1 year
Anything new lately? How are you?
ahh !!!
so like in life, nothing has really changed. my sister is back home for now and it’s been good hanging out with her. feel like i’ve really been bonding with my sisters this past year and it’s been nice.
i did, however, go to a Lights concert (my 7th or 8th one i think) and i held her hand (again) and it was amazing but what was even more amazing is that i dressed in a STATEMENT outfit (will post pics) and it was revealing and it was HOT and i felt GOOD and i got so hyped up by everyone even my MOM who only scolded me bc apparently i shouldn’t have been wearing any underwear with the pants i was wearing 💀💀 (pls mom they matched my top it was a good look (you’ll see)) and my friend & i went to a taphouse beforehand and got a couple drinks (i haven’t drank with anyone in SO LONG) and i got a little tipsy and we laughed SO much and it was healing and then i got two more drinks at the concert so i was feeling GOOD and i initiated conversation with this group of girls beside us and we mingled groups and i was so confident and talkative and flirty like oh my fuck i told them i was in my slut era and then my mom said she’s in hers too 💀 which they all loved and two of them at one point ran their nails across my scalp and the back of my neck and when i tell you i melted. jfc. in the middle of the club in a crowd at a concert. pls. and then i asked if anyone liked hugs bc i need a hug and this very tall hot woman volunteered and she held me dude. she fucking held me for a solid couple minutes and it was amazing. and then i hugged my sister and it made her emosh bc i don’t do that. there’s more to the night but oh my god it was just so fucking good. one of my favourite nights for sure. and the best part is i DON’T REGRET IT!! i almost always regret everything i do/say after i drink not bc i do anything bad it’s just that it makes my social anxiety fuck off so i’m more outgoing and vocal than usual. but nah, i was who i want to be. i’m growing.
i have TRAVEL PLANS !! my wifey is coming to visit at the end of next month and we’re gonna road trip!! gonna be so good i’ve been wanting to do this particular trip with her forever. then the rest of the plans are still up in the air but i’ll be going back to europe in the summer, and MAYBE in spring for a big tattoo but i’m thinking of postponing that til at least next year.
might move in w my mom spring-summer and start horseback riding again but that’s so complicated bc i’ve gotta take care of my sisters animals while she’s at work hhhh
i joined a warrior nun discord and have been making friends on there and it’s been sooo nice. i like actually have people to talk to. + the warrior nun fight is going so well and i love actually being an active part of the fight. y’all go watch warrior nun i s2g
idk like not a lot is currently happening but my mental state has been SO good since the beginning of the year. i think i was so burnt out for so long i needed last year to just.. lay down and do nothing. and it sucked, but i feel a lot better now. i feel motivated and i really wanna figure life stuff out. it’s hard bc it’s not all up to me but i’m working on it.
tomorrow is my birthday and instead of sulking away alone in my room i’m actually going out and bringing my friend with me and going to buy myself little birthday treats and getting tattoos and i reached out to people i haven’t seen in a long time and they’re hopefully joining me for board games and it’s just nice. the fact that i’m allowing myself to be happy on my birthday, to try and let myself feel worthy of others’ attention and time, to not beat myself up about wasting another year, so actually want to be seen. i think it says a lot about my mental state and i don’t remember the last time i’ve felt like this for longer than 10 minutes before the guilt sets in
so yeah. i’m good. i’m really good. or at least i’m starting to be <3
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jupiterstupiter · 8 months
Okay I'm impatient and no one sent the ask yet so fuck it I'm gonna talk about the time an scp fucked up my brain and made me so traumatized that to this day I still fear big highways, big traffic in general, and tunnels so this is your only warning before I talk about that scp in particular, but because I don't think I can do the scp justice with my words I don't think this post will traumatize you but warning anyway just in case okay? okay.
So basically one day I was just chilling and suddenly a notification pops up for that one scp Chanel I forgor how to spell the name of, and I was thinking to myself something like; "well it's been a long time since I've read an scp or listened to someone read an scp to me, wouldn't hurt to try listening to one again, after all when I think of scps I think of spooky rather than scary things at least when it comes to the more popular ones I know and even some of the less popular ones I've read up on weren't that scary, just a fun spooky thing to read right?" Haha. WRONG.WRONG.WRONG.WRONG.WRONG.WR- also I forgot the scp number so I am so sorry for anyone trying to find it 😭
and I won't go into too much detail but basically this guy goes into a tunnel on his way back home and then suddenly through the other end there's immediately very thick traffic at the other end of the tunnel and there's just smog and car fumes everywhere he can't even go outside for too long without going into a coughing fit, anyway he's stuck in traffic and the cars barely move at all, he gets a plan and makes everyone come out of their cars so they can all just talk to each other instead of angerly honking at each other not allowing anyone to sleep just so they can move a few inches forward. Anyway a truck driver I think hands out water or some sort of drink to everyone, the main guy takes a motorcycle and tries to drive against the traffic going backwards to find a way out, but the tunnel is somehow gone, the traffic goes on forever, he drives for hours and eventually gives up and goes back to his car, he and a few others leave together to just keep moving forward, long story short-ish-ly summed up; eventually traffic gets faster they sit at the side of the road and one girl walks into the traffic the three remaining members drive forward more the girl's sister being in a separate car but the two men forget to keep track of her car and loose her in the smog the main guy no longer trusts the other guy he's driving with and keeps saying he's the one with the gun and eventually takes a different car and leaves the other guy behind, eventually the main guy finds a pile up of cars blocking the road, climbs over it gets in a car on the other side and drives forward more, eventually there's another path in the road, it just goes up above the smog and everything, he drives up there but eventually the road gets so thin that he can't open his car door, but he can't go back. There's another car behind him. Pushing him forward. There's cars in front of him too, he's in traffic again, and the road leads to a tunnel full of so much smog that it looks dark in there, he sends a final message, probably from inside the tunnel, but nothing he could have been saying could be heard through the sounds of screaming.
Anyway after I listened to that I had a fucking hard time sleeping, and it still effects me to this day as just a few days ago I had to go through a tunnel and I had to focus on the green trees on the other side in order to keep myself calm, I HATE that scp, like yeah good writing made me traumatized it was so scary but like, unexpected because like most of the scps I read up until that point where more spooky than scary and spooky horror I like more than scary horror, I like being spooked not made to be afraid to ever go on the road again jfc
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flydotnet · 8 months
Warm Like Birthday Candles
WHUMPTOBER 2023 DAY 2: “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.” Thermometer | Delirium | “They don't care about you.”
A light piece, both in tone and word count, considering it's Whumptober and all. My original plan was actually a fic codenamed """Ultramarine Blue""" that was going to be an ansgty sickfic and a sort of romantic version of a story I wrote in 2021 for my (current, jfc) BTHB card, "Feverish Reflections". I do somewhat ccry the loss of how I'd have been able to use "They don't care about you"… but also, I knew this story was always going to also serve as my 2023 birthday fic for the original blorbo, Tachimukai. And you know what? This time, the angsty-ass sickfic didn't work for me. I wanted to be gentle, for once.
I kind of skipped over Whumptober 2022 and a 2022 edition of the yearly Tachi fic, so this year, he gets to have a bit of a cold, but also to have a badass GF; and I think it's good enough. I may just write Ultramarine Blue later down the line; but for this October 2nd, it's happy birthday and nothing else.
So, happy birthday, Tachimukai. I may not be waxing the hell out of my author's notes like I did four years ago, but be assured, you're still the one fictional character I'll defend to the very end. (Which not even Matsuyama gets to have, may I add, because I sadly have to acknowledge his canon - and it's clearly not as generous as Inazuma's).
Warm Like Birthday Candles
Summary: Haruna's boyfriend is a lot of things: he's caring, he's clever, he's the sweetest man you could dream of… and he's also stupidly stubborn, not unlike her. Well, it takes a stubborn idiot to tame another, she supposes.
Fandom: Inazuma Eleven (post-canon)
Word Count: 1K words
AO3 version available here!
“I’m fine Haruna, I swear!”
“Nu-huh, you’ve been feeling weird for days, it’s time you lie down a little and let yourself rest!”
Yuuki sighs, his lips perked up but his eyebrows creased.
“I still have class to do today,” he replies with a cough barely smothered inside his throat. “I don’t wanna let them down.”
She crosses her arms and puffs up her chest. Man, he can be so infuriating sometimes…
“Your students can wait until you’re not sick anymore. You’ve been dragging this cold on for long enough!”
He looks so conflicted, from up there, even through the red splotches of his cheeks and the slight haze of a low-grade fever.
“But… I mean…”
“If you drag this on for much longer, you’ll just make it worse. Plus, look on the bright side, it means staying home on your special day!”
He looks, as always whenever this is the case, utterly unconvinced. In fact, his expression is closer to that of a betrayed man than of a man to whom she’d have just told “see, it’s your birthday, and you don’t even have to work during it! Isn’t that cool?”. This man is going to be the end of her, someday, she’s sure of it.
(Yet even if he turns out to be so, she’ll still be happy that he is her epilogue. They put up with each other so much, he’s worth the hassle of being an unstoppable force pit against an unmoveable object).
((Well, there’s a very good reason why he used to be a goalkeeper – and why he was the best one ever too)).
“It’s not really an excuse, isn’t it?” He coughs into his fist. “The birthday, I mean.”
“That implies your cold is a good enough excuse, doesn’t it?”
He sighs, congestion stifling the noise.
“You’re never going to let me go to work, will you?” He asks back, suddenly resigned.
“If I can have a word about it, absolutely not! Now, let’s just chill on the couch for a bit and I can order us lunch.”
“I don’t even feel this sick, Haruna, this just sounds like overkill.”
She squints her eyes and clicks her tongue.
“Hmph. Let’s see if that holds true, then!” She points to the nearest armchair. “Take a seat.”
“I’m gonna be late to work, Haruna.”
“And I’ll make it quick, so take a seat and stop resisting your fate!”
In spite of his conflicted expression, he chuckles.
“Fine, fine.”
Once she’s made sure he’s actually going to stay seated, she rushes to their bathroom. One glance at the inside of the cabinet and she finds it: the sole thermometer in the whole apartment, ready to be used. With a swift rinse of its end, it’s ready to use, and just as fast as she left the living room, she comes back to it.
With a confident stride, she walks up to him, proudly displaying her tool. He’s focused on the screen of his phone up until he finally notices she’s back. Took him long enough.
“Open up,” she orders.
Yuuki opens his mouth, but not as instructed. She still uses it as an opportunity.
“Sorry,” she continues, “it’s a bit under-handed, I know.”
They both stare at the thing until it beeps, at which point he can finally talk again.
“Please don’t do that again,” is the first thing that exits his mouth.
“38.3,” she quickly snaps back. “I’m pretty sure that’s more than yesterday, and also, a bad enough temperature to take a day off to rest. Knowing you, you’ve overcompensated the previous days.”
As if on cue, he coughs.
“You really aren’t going to let me go to work,” he sighs again, this time wth a smile.
“Nope! So take it easy and unwind, I’m taking care of everything today.”
He glances left and right, before giving a knowing look.
“Or else?”
“Or else I’m calling Tsunami.”
That’s enough to send a shiver down his spine.
“You’re ready for anything, as always.”
“I just know you!”
She puts the thermometer away on the nearby coffee table, then lowers herself just to face him. He looks utterly dejected, which doesn’t come unexpected to her: you can’t just ask a workaholic to let go of his duty and expect him to take it well. She isn’t too different, in that regard, after all.
Despite his painfully obvious displeasure with the turn of events, he takes back his phone, scrolls a bit and starts a call. A couple minutes later, he’s promised to see a doctor so he has a certificate to give and he’s officially gotten the day off.
“I should actually do that. I mean, see a doctor,” he immediately states right afterwards.
She climbs up on him, cupping his cheeks with her hands.
“That I agree with. It’s time you take care of yourself!”
He smiles at this, eyes squinting just enough to be ridiculously endearing.
“You shouldn’t be so close to my face; you’ll end up catching it too.”
“If I’ve not caught it by now, then I just won’t!” She leans back to let him cough into his elbow. “But that visit to the doctor is a good idea. It’ll make you feel a bit better once you’ve got the right medicine in.” She sighs, this time to herself. “Talk about your special day, huh. Having to go to the doctor and stuff.”
“To be fair, you’re the one who’s always made it special. I didn’t really pay muchc attention to my birthday before we started dating.”
“You can’t say that to me and pretend like Tsunami didn’t do the heavy lifting!”
“Okay, okay, you’re right: Tsunami and you made it special.”
“That’s better. What do you want to do, now?”
“Well, let’s knock the doctor visit down, and then we can… We can just relax, I guess.”
The words may be foreign to his tongue, but they make her happy to hear.
“That’s a good plan, yes! A quick go, a drop by the pharmacy, and we can make this day as good as can be, okay?”
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percontaion-points · 2 years
Crush chapters 117-121
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 117
She hits me full-on in the side with all her strength and velocity, and it knocks me out of the air. Even worse, I hear—and feel—the stone of my wing crack.
Chapter 117 summary: If you thought that things would have ended simply because I stopped for the day yesterday… you are wrong. 
I’m not going to give you a goddamned play-by-play of this fucking sport. 
Chapter 118
It’s not the best liftoff, as the comet is now so painful, tears are leaking down the sides of my stone face. But I’m only five yards from the finish line and flying.
Chapter 118 summary: Play ball, part 6/?
Chapter 119
The rest of them take the punch to mean it’s open season, and they leap on me. Quinn—now in human form—grabs on to my free arm and starts to yank it back, back, back until it feels like it’s going to snap right off. Delphina slams her tail into my face, and blood gushes down the back of my throat, choking me.
JFC get some fucking therapy. 
Also what the hell did Grace ever do to you besides existing? I seriously hope when this is all over, Finn expells all of these shitfucks and makes sure that they’re blacklisted in the supernatural world. Because what the fuck. 
This power lighting up every cell in my body isn’t just mine. It’s Hudson’s. And it is ungodly.
Chapter 119 summary: Literally less than five feet from the goal, Grace is set upon by the other team, who proceed to beat the shit out of her. Grace feels like she’s going to die, because there’s no way out of it. 
She closes her eyes and thinks about the memory Hudson told her about, and suddenly, all of this power floods out from her. 
Chapter 120
Fee, Fi, Fo, F*ck
I haven’t been saying much about these chapter titles, but they make me want to hurt something. Preferably the author for subjecting us to them. 
“I can’t wait until I’m done with you.” He sneers. “You don’t belong here. You’ve never belonged here. Foster’s just too chickenshit to admit that. But I’m not. I’m going to do everyone a favor and take care of you once and for all.”
So that’s it? He’s literally going to kill Grace simply because she’s *checks notes* human and *checks notes again* that’s it? That’s literally the only reason? 
Hudson was trying to kill all of the made vampires, and Jaxon killed him. Why the fuck has nobody tried to take Cole out? He seems way more dangerous. 
And then fall to my knees as wave after wave of exhaustion rolls right over me.
Chapter 120 summary: So they’re beating the shit out of Grace, and Cole leans over and basically confesses he wants to kill her simply because she exists. (Restating that I sure hope these sick fucks get expelled after this.) 
Grace then taps into both her gargoyle power and Hudson’s power and she manages to stand up. The witches start firing spells at her, but with every hit, rather than going down, she gets larger and larger. She’s so huge that when the werewolves try to jump on her, she slaps them down so hard that they’re literally in tears. She slaps the dragon out of the sky so hard that she almost kills her (except for the absolute emergency non-kill function that teleports them off-field to the medical tent). 
This entire time, Grace has been holding onto the ball that vibrates and burns more and more the longer you hold it. Everybody now taken care of, Grace turns and walks over to the goal, shrinking back down to normal size as she goes. By this point, she’s held onto the ball for at least ten minutes, if she had to guess. 
The second she crosses the line, she passes out. 
Chapter 121
And that’s when Cyrus strikes, fangs flashing a millisecond before he sinks them into my neck, right over my carotid artery
Chapter 121 summary: As people cheer for Grace’s victory, Cyrus puts down the barrier long enough for him to slip through. Even after all of that, he plans on taking Grace with him, regardless. He also accuses her of cheating, but she’s quick to throw that right back into his face. She knows that Cole wasn’t dumpster diving and happened to come across the spell to break the mating bond. 
He tells her that she will never sit on the circle, but Grace tells him and the rest of the circle to fuck all the way off. He then attacks her. You know, in front of literally hundreds of witnesses. Because he’s smart like that. 
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ihavenocluedude · 2 years
Watched Honor Society (really good movie) and I couldn't help but feel bad for Michael by the end. He's just someone who stuck to his guns to see his plan through and, with the way he's treated at school, he doesn't have any friends he can turn to so that makes him a loner. Unlike Honor, he didn't get a chance to (or let himself) make genuine connections with people except with Honor, but we know how that turned out.
I love this ask and I do agree with the facts that; he definitely followed through with his plan, he was definitely not treated well at the school and it really seemed like he didn't have a shot at making any genuine connections with anyone until Honor started interacting with him with less than honourable (hehe) intentions.
RANT BELOW (this post got so much longer than I though it would I'm so sorry lol)
The whole feeling bad for Michael or not is a very complicated thing for me. Because like... usually it feels like his actions were a bit more foul than Honor's but like... she did think about actually drugging him at one point?? Also like "seducing" someone to manipulate them feels quite awful in my opinion?
But I think his actions feel more foul to me because he knew what she was trying to do, but she didn't see his plan (also the fact that I did not see that plot twist happening jfc).
Also she tried seducing him, but he actually succeeded with making her truly care for him. She tried throwing him off his game, he tried throwing off her world (a lil dramatic but I hope you get what I'm trying to say?)
In the end, it feels like she actually learnt something from the whole thing, got hurt by it all but ended up in a better place than where she started. Whilst Michael learnt that he truly could manipulate to win but he needed to be able to hinder anyone from outsmarting him in the end like Honor had with the audio of Mr Calvin.
What I mean is that Michael (just talking about movie Michael and really not the bby in my fic of his perspective lol) probably didn't learn anything from all of this, other than that he needed to improve his manipulation skills more??? (idk).
He'd probably just resent Honor for taking the recommendation away from him, it wouldn't be an actual lesson of "don't do shit like this" bc there was no more punishment than the recommendation not being his y'know? and I don't think he'd realise that if he'd just... idk not done any of it, he could've just seen Honor throw herself off by changing her world by changing others? idk I'm tired
I'm sorry if this all sounds like gibberish, my brain is really tired rn so I'm worried this won't make sense at all.
(I am working on another Honor Society fic that is going to be connected to Places We Won't Walk and I'm planning another one after that too?? I mean they're all connected but I want to post them like individually and not as chapters to the Places We Won't Walk but they are all connected and part of the same story. Though I think they all could sort of be read as stand-alones? I'm hoping? The working titles are; Coughing Fit and Bite The Hand That Feeds Me, both taken from songs sung by Lucy Dacus; Night Shift and Bite The Hand. I can't say they're inspired by them but.. I wouldn't say they aren't either? God this post is so much longer than I anticipated it would be I'm so sorry)
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Greetings! (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) Hope your day has been going well! Was wondering if I could send in a request? From the tea prompts- (hope this is correct) Could you maybe serve Dainsleif, Kaeya, Zhongli and Diluc some Earl Grey, matcha, English breakfast and hibiscus tea? Thku and I'm so sorry if this is abit long Isksnx
a/n: Not long at all! Thanks for the request!
Link to the tea prompts :)
tags: gn!readerxDainsleif, Kaeya, Zhongli, and Diluc, Khaenri'ah spoilers, Zhongli spoilers, Kaeya spoilers, Diluc spoilers, angst if you squint, mostly fluff, children.
hibiscus tea; what’s their favourite place to take their s/o?
Answered here<3
Dainsleif has been so many places and seen so many things that he doesn't really have one specific location. Everywhere has some sort of meaning for somebody like him. As a result though, he would thoroughly enjoy his partner's favourite place and the meaning it holds to them. Dainsleif always goes back to it, even on his own, but definitely with his partner.
Too many places. Zhongli is a bit of a history buff, so anywhere in Liyue with rich history, which is all of Liyue, is an ideal date location to bring his s/o. From the blue of Luhua Pool to the flower fields in Qingce Village to just a walk around the Harbour. Zhongli is more attached to the stories of these locations than the locations themselves. Has an attachment to Guili Plains and picnicking there though...
His favourite place is back home to the Winery. Man hates being seen. Besides that obvious one though, he does quite enjoy spending time with his partner at the large tree at Windrise. Thankfully at night its quite quiet and always lit up by fireflies. He'll even catch some in a jar for his s/o. It's quite funny to see him try to chase them around.
earl grey tea; how did they court their s/o?
Flirty as ever is the Cavalry Captain as he lays the charm on thick for his person of interest. Though the moment they flirt back, wow he is flustered. That's how one knows its more genuine. He'll gift them small trinkets, ask them to go drinking with him, or even go out of his way to bring them places if the tavern isn't for them. Ultimately, pretty normal courting methods.
He pulls out some weird ass dated Khaenri'ahn courting customs that I could not begin to describe. Gives them flowers that definitely aren't any flowers they could recognize. Fan of the back of the hand kiss. He's very bashful when courting somebody, he hasn't done this in a long time, and do people still 'court' anymore? Dainsleif doesn't really know. He is doing his best, please take this 4th bouquet this week.
Also pulls out the dated courting customs but these ones are Liyuen and at least somewhat recognizable. Has a 5% chance of remembering his mora for once when taking them out. Very polite, always shows up with a gift of some kind(usually homemade or flowers he's picked himself) If they have parents he is going to befriend them.
As a noble, he knows how to court, he knows very well how to court. He simply does not have the time and he simply cannot be assed. Will ask them to dinner, will present them with a gift, will tell them he'd like to pursue a relationship halfway through dinner. The End. There is no courtship there is only Diluc asking them out over some grape juice.
matcha tea; how and when do they propose to their s/o?
Thinks about this for a very long time. All that ancient plot stuff and whatnot. Buys the ring and looks at it every day for at least a month. He knows he loves them, more than anything, hell they have his loyalty, wherever they put it, he will too. Remember those dates at Starfell Lake? The late night picnics? Its on one of those, under the light of the Anemo statue, surrounded by crystalflies does he pop the question. He doesn't do the whole dropping to his knees thing, he's already incredibly flustered and nervous. Kaeya wrote a whole speech.. He forgot halfway through. Help. Kaeya.exe has stopped functioning, he's so in love.
Thinks about it for even longer than Kaeya. Jfc, Dainsleif if your lover is mortal they're going to die before you make a decision. Forges the ring himself once he finally decides to do it. Its quite pretty, has an engraving as well. Dainsleif was going to propose traditionally, dinner, drinks, flowers, on his knee with a speech. Easy. But that seemed... Unworthy of his partner. So instead he arranges a cute little scavenger hunt. Something fun. It does end with dinner, drinks, flowers, and him on his knee. Dainsleif even ditched the usual 'fit for a rented suit. He cleans up quite nicely and wow his face is.. red. Composure? Gone. Take this ring, please.
Childe bought the ring. Zhongli is a God living as a Mortal. He is still immortal. He still has a long long life ahead of him. And once an appropriate amount of time has passed, he's ready to move to the next step. Marriage has more than likely been discussed between him and his partner before he proposes. He makes a whole day of it! Sleeping in, breakfast and tea in bed, some shopping in the afternoon, dinner at the Pavilion, and as dinner wraps up and they wait for dessert, Zhongli will slide off of his seat and onto his knee. His speech is perfect, the ring fits perfectly, and dessert comes out right after. Its perfect.
Thinks about it forever 3 electric boogaloo. Again, given his status, there's just so much attention involved and he doesn't like the attention. He'd love to marry his partner, and again its probably been discussed beforehand. Eventually, with some prodding from one annoying lovely brother, he gets the ring and starts planning how he wants to do it. Yeah, good try Diluc. Unfortunately he left the box on his bedside table for his partner to find! Stumbled over his words as he tried to explain, face getting redder with every passing second. He tried! He really did. He'll take them out to dinner later<3
english breakfast tea; would they want a family?
Mmm.. He'll get back to them on that one. He needs a LOT of therapy first. Like.. In the same vein as his adoptive father, he attracts a lot of kids looking for a figure to look up to. But would he adopt them?? If he were more mentally sound maybe. He simply doesn't know and thus won't risk it. He can step up when needed though, really.
No. That's it. Just no.
Kind of conflicted about it, depending on his partner, there's just a lot of ways this can go with his whole divinity thing. Definitely lots of conversations about it. Consults his partner's opinion the most out of everyone here.
Mm... He'll get back to them on that one 2 electric boogaloo. Realistically he's got a legacy to pass on, but does he care about it? No. Also daddy issues, he doesn't want to be like his dad and abandon his kid when they need him. So he's very conflicted. Eventually though, he would like a kid or two. It just takes a while to get there.
↳tags; @fadinganchornight
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9+badass merlin
(Referencing This List of Questions) (Badass!Merlin)
9) Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Hmm. Yes.
So the original plan basically runs exactly how it is now. But then for a long time I considered cutting out the entire first part (with Merlin going to and from the fort and killing all those people) and I intended to just write the last bit, with him talking to and then torturing and then killing the sorcerer who'd orchestrated the whole thing.
That conversation was going to be much longer, and include Merlin figuring out that the assassin he'd.... taken care of... last week had been sent by this guy. An assassin that Arthur hadn't even known existed (the gang would have witnessed this whole conversation, hidden by magic like they did in the end product). The sorcerer was going to offer Merlin a job, cue Merlin going "Did you not hear me? I just told you that I'm the one that killed the last little pest you sent." and the sorcerer responding with a shrug and a "Well. Who better to replace a soldier with than the enemy who outfought him?" . Bear in mind that the entire gang is watching this conversation happen, when Merlin stops, and in what appears to be all seriousness, asks "How much?", the sorcerer thinks he's actually about to be able to hire him and says some shit about pay (and it's a lot, so much so that all the gang are like "jfc where's he getting the money to pay assassins that much") and of course mentions a bonus for the first kill. At which point Merlin asks "Ah. Let me guess, the first kill is Pendragon?" "Yes." and again, in what appears to be all seriousness "... How much?". But yeah!! The whole thing would just be Merlin playing along to gain his trust and try to find out who's funding this guy, what the ultimate goal is, why he's doing it etc, but he's so good at acting the gang is sat there, gagged and hidden with magic, going "Holy fucking hell, Merlin is about to genuinely accept a bounty on Arthur's head... he's going to try and assassinate Arthur" before of course he gets the information he wants and launches into the whole torturing-him-until-he-tells-him-where-Arthur-is vibe.
And THEN I went back to the original plan of him just killing a bunch of people and being marginally frustrated and annoyed by the whole thing. With the angst at the end. I guess I wanted to show his physical ability at being a badass as well as the mental fortitude and cleverness, but doing both versions in one seemed a bit long. As much as this will probably be a three part series, adding all that extra would've likely added at least one more part, if not two.
Sometimes I regret not going for it, but most of the time I'm happy with the version I did. Let me know! :D
Keep 'em coming!!
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