#jensen ackels fanfic
myfandomrealitea · 1 month
Hey so i was wondering if you have a piece on how fanfics about real people. Been in fandoms since 2012 and well growing up in such places you learn ( just like you wrote in your fanfic’s are a restaurant, don’t order it if you don’t like it)
(All within reason)
You can enjoy what to read. Your business no need to push it down someone’s throat neither is someone pushing anything for you to like. Don’t like it, it isn’t for you, move on.
I wrote something recently saying how surprised i am I didn’t find fanfic’s on a certain actor, seen as there is always something for everyone. Then someone jumps my throat and says how unacceptable it is to write about actual people.
I remember vividly this conversation has been had in the sherlock fandom when Benedict found some fic’s about him and it started the conversation “ actor fanfic’s; okay or not”
I told this person to move on and mind their business. If it isn’t for you, move on. There is plenty of fanfics for henry cavill / jensen ackels and other known actors so what is the problem with me asking about a new person who is on the come up. It isn’t a niche choice i know that actor ( alan ritchson) is going to have quite the fanbase after the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare.
So please tell me, am i crazy? I remember the debate years ago on fanfic morality being settled with the verdict of “ as long as you are not a creep who is walking up to actors or bothering them with fic’s about THEM not characters and keeping to yourself as ang other fic… you do you”
RPF is a touchy spot for a lot of people, but in short, writing RPF is perfectly fine provided you follow the typical safeguarding measures such as using sites like AO3, using proper tags to enable blacklisting, ect.
RPF is not and frankly has never been the problem. The problem is specific individuals with no regard or respect for real life boundaries and proper conduct.
Celebrities know RPF happens. Trust me; they know. They know people are on specific websites writing the nastiest rawdogging you can imagine.
Celebrities are also aware of the means by which they can avoid it. They are not clueless little creatures bumbling around and accidentally finding the likes of AO3. They know.
Just like with fan-to-fan content, its our job as their fans to respect their boundaries and choices by giving them the appropriate measures by which to control what parts of our world they see.
(Its part of why you'll never see me on the likes of Twitter sharing fanfic, fanart, ect. The filtering tools on Twitter are frankly appalling and the knowledge that my monsterfucking eggpreg ABO dystopian smutverse could end up on Henry Cavill's homefeed would leave me actually killing myself with a hammer.)
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Charters I write for:
Hellos! I have decided.
that I want to write
fanfic. so requests are
open. I will write smut.
Edward Nygma
Jerome Vaeska
Jeremiah Valeska
Dean Winchester
Demon dean
American horror story:
Tate Langdon
Kit walker
Lanna winters
Jimmy darling
James Patrick March
Kai Anderson
Tasm!Peter Parker
Stranger things:
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Johnny Knoxville
Billy loomis
Stu macher
Jensen Ackels
Jamie Campbell Bower
Johnny Knoxville
Cameron Monahan
Evan Peters
Andrew Garfield
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Inked [Part 04]
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Title: Inked [Part 04] — A Missing Piece Summary: Jensen and Dani have a deep talk about Y/N. Jensen is falling for Dani’s best friend but he feels that something is missing. Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Danneel Ackles Squares: Jennel for @danneelacklesbingo Warnings: Past relationships, mention of abuse, mention of panic attacks, mention of anxiety, the reader has a day off, mention of sickness Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: We reached part four! I might add one more part after part 5, I haven't decided it yet. Anyways, in this part we will learn more about Y/N's past from Dani's POV. I hope you like it and feedback is welcome!
| Chapter 01 | Chapter 02 | Chapter 03 | Chapter 05 |
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*Dani’s POV*
When I woke up this morning, I knew today was going to be a really busy day. That changed when I unplugged my phone and saw Y/N’s text, “bad day, sorry. I’m gonna be late” I sighed, knowing why she was feeling like this, I decided to call her to see exactly why she was having a bad day and how I could help her. After talking with her, I decided to give her the day off, it was the best for her, besides, with her feeling under the weather it was going to be the best for her to not work that day, the only thing I asked her was to call if she felt worse, which I already knew she was not going to do. She was as stubborn as she could only be. I texted the team that Y/N was not coming to work and that they needed to cooperate with the tasks that were supposed to be for Y/N.
With Y/N’s absence, one of you needed to handle the front desk that Y/N was supposed to work on today. I asked Megan to help me there since both of you were the ones with fewer appointments. I was getting everything at the front desk ready when Jensen entered the studio a bit earlier than I had expected.
“Someone is excited” I teased but Jensen didn’t reply, he had a serious look on his face, he looked worried. “Hey, can we talk?” He asked, “if it’s in a private place, better” he mentioned, “yeah sure” I accepted and we went directly to Y/N’s office. It was the only private place inside the studio and it was the only room that had a “No Disturb” sign, so nobody was going to interrupt this little meeting.
I knew Jensen and I knew he had something in his mind that was bothering him, “Is everything okay?” I asked him worried, he took a deep breath and said, “Is about Y/N”, I nodded and he added, “I’ve tried to reach out for her since I left her at her apartment last night, but she hasn’t answered any of my calls or texts,” I hummed, “I was expecting her to be here so I could talk with her.”
“I’m sorry, but she’s not coming today,” I told him and he was surprised, “she was feeling under the weather,” I explained. “Did something happen between you two?” I asked with curiosity, the last thing Y/N had said the night before, was that everything went well. “She didn't tell you?” he asked you, I was confused now, what had happened between them that Y/N did not tell you?, I looked at my hands and said, “she did, not fully detailed but I'm aware of what happened.” I knew Jensen and I trusted him, this hesitation from him was something I was not expecting.
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Jensen sighed again and said “Look, you know her better than me, but the girl that came to the studio yesterday is not the same girl I’ve been talking to over the phone for the past few weeks”, now it was my turn to sigh, “I don’t know what happened between you two or what you’ve been talking but she’s been through a lot lately”
“I know, but… I felt like she was trying to be someone else.” He admitted and I just nodded to Jensen, thinking if I should tell him more about Y/N. It wasn’t my call to decide if he should know, but I could tell that Jensen was interested in her, the same way Y/N was in him.
I took a deep breath before talking, “I don’t know if I should tell you this, but if I do, you have to promise me that you won’t tell her” Jensen nodded and admitted, “Dani, I fell hard for the girl who I talked to over the phone. I was so excited to finally meet her but when I did, I felt like something was missing. It took her some time to finally get comfortable around me.
I sighed again, it wasn't something I should be talking about, it's her story to tell, but then Jensen said “Dani, please,” he insisted, “If you don't tell me I'll cancel all the appointments and I’ll go to her place to talk about it.” I sighed once again, I couldn’t risk it, I was aware that I needed to tell him part of Y/N’s story.
I checked the time and still, I had at least an hour and a half until Jensen’s first appointment. “Fine,” I said defeated, “but you tell a word and you’re a dead man,” he nodded knowing to not break that trust. While I went to the door to put the “No Disturb” sign I asked, “She talked about the tattoo, did she?” Jensen nodded, “both of them?” he nodded again. Back in my seat, I took another deep breath and started to think about what I would share since Y/N wasn’t around to tell her side of the story.
“Around four years ago, she was dating this man that was the perfect boyfriend every girl had dreamt of. All her "friends" envied her for being with him, but not me, I was not a fool.” I started talking, "one day she came to my place and I felt her off. It took me two hours and a few panic attacks to figure it out. I'm not going to get into details, but this man, he was messed up and the worst person affected by it was Y/N," I explained without realizing the anger I've been bottling up over the past few years was showing, Jensen grabbed my hand and squeezed it, bringing me back to the present and calming me down. I gave Jensen a small smile and continued talking, "after their break up, I made her move in with me. Two years ago I almost lost her." I explained with a weary voice. "It's okay Dani, you don't have to tell me more, I understand."
I shook my head, "I tried to help her by meeting people in general, not a partner, just people to hang out with. When this opportunity came, I didn't hesitate to give it to her. It was the perfect chance. And... " I paused, "You know you can tell me, I won't get mad," he said, knowing what I was thinking. "I knew she admired you and she kinda has a crush on you, so, kinda everything fell into place. I mean, I'm not expecting…" I tried to finish explaining when Jensen interrupted me.
"No, I get," it was his time to sigh, "she's an amazing person, and I knew she would be shy, considering how we actually met, but what I felt was that she was trying to impress me" he finally said. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost time to open the studio and you needed to finish setting some things up.
"Let's give her time to rest today, I'll go to her place later on," I finished the conversation, Jensen nodded and both of you left the office to get everything ready for the day.
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After the morning meeting with Jensen, the rest of the morning went pretty well. Happy clients, the work environment felt nice, everyone was having a good time, except for me. I had a bad feeling about Y/N. I've been texting back and forth with her throughout the morning and she kept telling me that she was fine.
I could tell that she didn't want to talk much, since most of her replies were one-syllable words, but I knew that it was the way she dealt with everything, so I didn't bother her much.
After midday, the studio started to have more people around, so I told Megan to come and help me at the front desk because I couldn't manage everything. With Megan, we were amazed by how easy Y/N made it look.
Y/N haven’t texted me back in almost two hours and I was getting worried, I've been having a bad feeling that something might have happened to her. "Once I'm done with the last client, I'm gonna take a mini-break and I'll call Y/N," I said to Megan and she nodded.
Not even five minutes later, Jensen approached the front desk with worry all written over his face. "What happened?" I asked, "is Y/N," he said, "what about her?" Now it was my turn to be worried, "I was talking with her over the phone when the line went dead" he explained.
I looked at Megan and she nodded, so I grabbed Jensen from the arm and took him to the office.
"What do you mean with "the line went dead"? Elaborate, please" I demanded nervously, Jensen sighed, "we were talking because I called her and then the line went mute. At first, I thought that the call had ended, but it kept going for like two minutes with straight silence." He explained, "I don't know about you, but something feels wrong," Jensen added and I just nodded at what he was saying.
I grabbed the phone line and while marking her phone number, "I know, I have this bad feeling inside, and I don't know what it is" I admitted. The phone line was dead and so was her cellphone. I didn't want to freak out but it seemed like everything was happening all over again.
"How many appointments do you have left?" I asked, "one more, why?" I sighed when Megan knocked on the door "your client is here Jay" she said. Jensen kept looking at me, waiting for me to say something, "go to work, I'll keep trying to contact her." Jensen went to the door and said, "when I'm done, we are going to her place," I nodded.
An hour and a half later, I was seated in Jensen’s car still trying to contact Y/N, but her phone kept sending me to voicemail. “Jay, I’m scared” I admitted and sighed, “Nothing bad had happened to her,” he assured me.
The small trip to her apartment door was the longest. The elevator seemed to be taking all the time to make it to Y/N’s floor.
When we made it to her door, my hands were shaking, please be fine my mind kept repeating like a mantra. Jensen knocked twice on her door and waited for her to answer, when there wasn’t any, I used the spare key she had given me.
“Check her bedroom, I’m gonna check the bathroom” Jensen instructed me once inside. When I entered her bedroom, I saw that the bed had been used but she wasn’t there. I was looking for any sign that told me she did something she had been avoiding for quite some time, I was too focused that I didn’t listen to Jensen calling Ne. “Dammit Dani, come ‘ere” Jensen called me once again, “did you find her?” I asked, “yes, call 911, she’d fainted” I saw her and my body froze. “Dani, please,” Jensen said, bringing me back from my mind.
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A few hours later, I was with Y/N in the hospital. She was severely dehydrated. Luckily nothing more serious than just some rest will fix it. The doctor had explained to me that she needed to stay the night over because of her severe dehydration, I just nodded, thankful that she was fine. After closing the studio, Jensen went to the hospital to keep me company. “It was so hard to keep working knowing that you two were here” I nodded and smiled, “How is she?” I signaled to go outside of her room to talk. “She’s fine, she fainted because she was dehydrated. She has to spend the night here just to make sure nothing goes south” I explained the same thing the doctor had explained to me. Jensen and I stayed outside of her room talking about the studio and how the others wanted to close the studio early to be there with her. Luckily, I had amazing people next to me that cared about both of you.
Sometime later, when Y/N was already awake and the doctor had explained everything to her, I was able to let my guard down. She needed to listen to me. “You gave us quite a scare Y/N,” I said using her full name, “I told you to call me.” she just looked at her hands, “I was really worried, you weren’t answering your phone,” I said, grabbing her hand and letting some tears fall. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bother you. You had a lot of things on your plate.” she admitted, “baby, you’re not a bother and you know it. What happened?” “Wait, us?” I smiled shyly, “Jensen was the one who found you" you explained, and that’s when she remembered what she was doing before everything happened, “I should call him, he needs to know,” she said and I smiled, “he is outside if you want to talk with him” she nodded, “I’ll let him know. Uh…” I stopped talking, thinking how I could formulate the question, “What?” she asked impatiently, “since you have to spend the night, Jensen offered to stay with you. And before you say anything, he moved his appointments to the afternoon, so no, you’re not a bother” I finally said and she nodded again.
After talking with Jensen and he assured me he was going to call if anything happened, I got back to Y/N’s place to clean and organize everything. After what happened, I started to consider moving in with her again. I wanted to help her, but first, I needed to know what was going on with her and I had the feeling that she might open up with Jensen. I just hoped she was right and everything got better. It was what Y/N deserved.
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Tag List is open (Link in description) If you are crossed out, it means I'm not able to tag you
Inked Tag List @danneelsmain | @deandreamernp |
Everything Tag List @iguessweallcrazyithinktho | @thevelvetseries | @mrspeacem1nusone | @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem | @caplanreads | @vivalaluciforever | @maliburenee | @alexxavicry |
Supernatural Tag List @wonderfulworldofwinchester | @deanwinchestersleftnut |
RPF Tag List @manawhaat | @akshi8278 | @sexyvixen7 |
Thanks to @firefly-graphics for the dividers
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snackles-maniacals · 3 years
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Jensen Ackles- Like Always
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Pairing: Jensen A. x Fem!Reader
Pov: Reader
Warnings: FLUFF, SFW, Cuteness.
Summary: When Jensen gets back from a long convention all the reader wants to do is play with his long hair.
WC: 590
A/n- @firefly-graphics for dividers, This is for @anon, hope you enjoy. Also no disrespect to Danneel and Jensen I love them, but for this fiction they aren't together.
Main Master List // Jensen A. Master List // Request Master List
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Jensen had already been away for so long now. He'd left during the start of winter here in Vancouver. Starting getting ready to film his new star show. "The Boys" is something that honestly both of us were scared of at first.
But eventually, everything fell right back into place. No longer the big hotshot in his own tv show. Jensen took the back seat enjoying the fact that he didn't really have to do much of anything. Besides, call me every night, and grow his hair out. Something that I'd never seen. Besides photos, his mother was more than welcome to share them with me. His hair grew so long that it was starting to become a new thing that fans were falling in love with.
Honestly, I could see why. It framed his face better and made him look even more handsome. every night we'd chat until I fell asleep I missed him dearly. Every night I dreamed of just him being home and in my arms again and my hands dragging through that beautiful dirty blonde hair.
My surprise came home to me last night. A large boutique of flowers. A handwritten note from him.
"I'll be home soon enough my dear, I can't wait to be there. XOXO." A simple note as ever he made words as simple as those become much more than they ever meant.
I sat down the note and fruit basket along with the flower meant Jensen wasn't too far from home. I clicked through the tv, selecting a cheesy romantic comedy to fall asleep to. I let the plotline and crappy lines take me away and into my dreams.
Where all I imagined was the love of life in my arms that pine wood scent in the air. The warm after-effect he left when he'd get up to get something from the kitchen.
It was always like magic when I'd dream about Jensen and I'd wake to kisses from him, or his hands detangling my messy bedhead. I awake to the man I loved kneeling in front of me. A heartwarming smile I was greeted with sent butterflies into my stomach.
"Hellow sweetheart." He said to me with a kiss on my forehead. "Baby, you're home!" I said excitedly. "Your hair!" That was my next comment. He laughed softly.
Grabbing the blanket on the edge of the couch. He laid down, his head falling into my lap. "I missed you Y/n," Jensen said as he softly hummed. I smiled down at him, his fluttering eyes, and long eyelashes. "Would you run your fingers through my hair?" He asked.
My smile widen and I couldn't help but fall more in love with him. His child-like features beaming through. Freckles that burnt through his skin. "Of course baby," I said. Guiding my hand past his jaw, up to his cheek, and into his hairline.
Silk was what his hair felt like. Perfection in all the best ways. He sighed in delight. The small wrinkle lines on his forehead released and his rheumatic breathing came forth. He fell asleep as I guided my fingers through his hair over and over again. Not bothered by the silence of our apartment. Or by the heat that was radiating off the both of us.
I just lived in the moment, and for once it was all worth it. Worth it just to have my Jensen in my arms, just to be able to do the simplest thing for him by just gliding my fingers through his hair.
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Posted on: 04/14/2022
Completed on: 04/10/2022
Radio Girls: @kazsrm67 @mrspeace1nusone @dilfloverr @deandreamernp @mrsstevenbuchananstark @Onethirstyunicorn @silverose365
Requests: @nicodarling @Onethirstyunicorn @silverose365
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shedontlovehuhself · 2 years
When I say this fandom doesn't deserve Misha. Never seen an actor:s "fans" tear him down and minimize what he's done to prop up another more than Misha's so called fans.
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This person is the same one who wanted Misha to post about queer Cas and for Misha to continue talking about deancas in his panels (the only one to do so). And ignore all of Misha's acting choices in scenes as well. Give Jensen his props! He does deserve it, but to tear down what Misha contributed and what his has done in order to give props is shitty. And why i will continue to love Misha and Jensen but continue to say fuck hellers.
Edit: maybe "fuck hellers" was too harsh. But i definitely don't vibe with them. Do my stanning on my own with my five followers.
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Happiness Begins
Part 11
Chapter Summary: Jensen and the reader deal with the aftermath of their night spent together. 
Word Count: 4.3K+
Warnings: Language, slightly dub-con kiss
Author’s Note: I’m so glad so many of you enjoyed their first little “get together”. Your words of encouragement make my day and I love reading each and every one of them!
Catch up with the series masterlist and check out Alexandra’s Library for more work by yours truly!
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The sun began to rise, its rays shining into the guest house at the perfect angle across her face. She nuzzled into the pillow now underneath her head, not wanting to get up just yet. As consciousness pulled at her to wake up, memories of the night and whose bed she was lying in came crashing back to her. She sat bolt upright in the bed, the sheet falling off of her naked body. Soft snores came from the other side of the bed. Jensen lay on his stomach, his arms folded underneath the pillow. She took a moment to take in his peaceful state. His long lashes rested against his freckled cheeks and his pink lips were slightly parted as he breathed evenly. 
She slipped out from under the covers and began picking up her discarded articles of clothing. Her plan was to relax for a few minutes before slipping back into the house so she could say goodbye and head home. Somewhere along the way, both of them had fallen asleep, and now she could only hope that after their late night, no one in the main house was up yet. 
Her mind was racing as she hastily redressed herself. Too many different thoughts sped through her head, her anxiety on high again. If her mind running wild wasn’t bad enough, it seemed her garter did not want to cooperate with her either. The clasps kept popping as soon as she moved on to the next one. Eventually, she gave up, deciding to just slip on her dress and call it a day. If she had to pretend like she slept in her costume, no one would question her looking disheveled. As she picked up her coat, her phone tumbled across the hardwood floor and making the loudest sound she would have imagined it could. She swore under her breath as a loud snort came from the snoozing man on the bed as he roused from his slumber. 
“Good morning.” His gruff voice called as he rolled over and rested his weight on his elbows. He only had one eye open and a small smile on his lips in his groggy state. She smiled back at him as she pulled on her shoes. 
“Good morning, I gotta run.” She hung her coat over her arm as she sprinted from the guest house. She ignored Jensen calling after her, she couldn’t face talking to him right now, not when she couldn’t even put together her thoughts for herself. Avoidance was her specialty after all. 
She crept up to the large sliding doors to the kitchen and peered inside. Genevieve was standing at the stove, her back to the window and Odette on her hip. She cursed to herself before rounding the house to the sliding door leading to Jared’s office. If Gen was up with the kids, then she could assume that Jared was still knocked out. She just hoped that his office door wasn’t locked. 
She was in luck, as she tugged on the handle, the door gave and she slipped inside. She grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and shook it out before refolding it and tossing it in a new position on the back of the couch. The little details mattered. If Jared found out where she spent the night, he would not be happy. Jared didn’t like the idea of her sleeping with any guy. Throw in that guy being his best friend, and nothing good would come of that. 
The door opening to Jared’s office caught Genevieve’s attention. She turned towards her sister-in-law, a huge smile on her face. 
“Hey, I didn’t know you stayed here last night.” Gen noted as she shifted Odette’s weight on her hip. 
“Yeah, after three glasses of whiskey, I’d rather be safe than sorry.” Y/n laughed, the noise sounding forced. Gen didn’t seem to notice though. 
“Well, I’m glad. Will you stay for breakfast?” Gen asked her as she turned down the pan she had bacon cooking in. 
“Um, I don’t think so. I really just want to take a shower and get into some comfy clothes. Thanks though.” 
“If you’re sure,” Gen turned more towards her, a frown on her face. Gen knew how much she loved having breakfast with her niece and nephews, so her turning down the opportunity was rare. 
“I’m sure. Love you guys.” She kissed Odette, blowing a tiny raspberry on her niece’s cheek before running off. Odette’s giggling was the last thing she heard as she shut the door behind her and ran for her car. She sped out of their driveway and headed towards her apartment. The whole time her mind was running wild. 
Y/n couldn’t decide where to start. She had woken up in bed naked... with Jensen? It wasn’t that she didn’t remember last night, it was more a question of how they had ended up there. Both of them had been a little inebriated, sure, but they both had also openly consented. Jensen had told her that he wanted it. Why though, she couldn’t figure out. She had been sure he only saw her as a little sister. What had changed? Was it their talk behind the guest house. He had confessed intimate things to her and was easily feeling vulnerable. Had she taken advantage of that? Her stomach churned at the thought, but it was the best explanation she could come up with considering he said that he doesn’t do one night stands. But what else could you classify last night as? Should they just chalk it up to one big mistake? It was easier for her to convince herself that it was a mistake. That was the easiest way for her to protect her heart from his inevitable rejection. 
That being said, it was a mistake that she would make again and again she told herself as she pulled up to her building. Last night had been the best night she’s had in a long time. Her whole being felt light this morning. The stress of the last few months that she carried on her shoulders was gone. Jensen had thoroughly fucked her last night. That much was evident from the ache between her legs. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had come that many times in one night, if ever. Her thighs squeezed together as more memories from last night came back to her. She held onto them, and committed them to memory. They were probably going to be the only ones she ever got. 
As she walked through her apartment, she began stripping her clothes, tossing them wherever she pleased. She started the shower before going over to brush her teeth. She ran a comb through her hair, tossing the fallen curls over her left shoulder when she noticed it. Right there, at the base of her neck on the right side, was a small red hickey. In going over all her memories, she hadn’t realized he had been forceful enough to leave a mark. Her fingers danced over the sensitive flesh, committing it to her memory too. She cursed herself for her naivety, hoping Gen hadn’t noticed it this morning. With Jensen being the only other single person at that party, there was no way she would be able to explain it away. 
With a deep breath, she jumped into the shower, letting the hot water run over her body. She took her time, washing everything and just enjoying the heat against her skin. The ghosts of Jensen’s hands on her body could be felt in the tender flesh of her hips and the scratches on her backside where her own hands traveled as she washed away last night. 
When she stepped out, her whole bathroom had become a steam room. She could no longer see anything in her bathroom mirror as she dried herself off and tossed her hair into a towel on top of her head. She made her way back into her bedroom, picking out comfy sweats and a sports bra to wear. 
As she walked out of her room, her stomach growled at her, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten. She was putting a bowl of oatmeal into the microwave when she heard her phone vibrating from its place on her coffee table. She pressed start and went to fish her phone from her coat pocket. She had some missed messages from friends wishing her a happy new year, but it was the two messages from Jensen that caught her attention.
We need to talk.
Her stomach sank as she read over the few words. She knew the ‘lets just be friends’ conversation was inevitable, but that didn’t make any of it easier. She guessed she could be thankful that he wanted to do it in person and not over text. It was the classier move.
As much as she tried to convince herself on the drive that it was all a mistake, she had failed. The rejection stung, no matter what she tried to tell herself. Still, she would get over it. She always did. Years of rejection had made her a pro at it. What was one more? 
The microwave beeped and she decided not to reply to him. They didn’t need to talk face to face, she didn’t think she could handle it. She had gotten the message loud and clear anyway. The two of them would go back to be whatever it was they were. Friends? Coworkers? She wasn’t sure exactly how to define their relationship, but she supposed it didn’t really matter. The show was over after this season, and they would never be forced to see one another again. Maybe he would be periodically around Jared at the same time she was, but they would not be forced to be alone together. 
She went back to grab her breakfast, pulling the towel from her hair so it could air dry the rest of the way. She plopped down on the couch and pulled up some random trash tv show to watch as she ate. Her phone buzzed another handful of times, but she chose to ignore it. Whoever or whatever it was, could wait until she could get her thoughts in order. When she finished her breakfast, she took the empty bowl to the sink. As she headed back to her living room, a knock sounded at her front door. 
With trepidation, as she had not been expecting company, she went to open the door. The last person she expected to see there was Jensen. Yet, there he was, his hair still damp from his own shower, a somber look on his face.
“What are you doing here?” Her brows scrunched up as she stepped back to allow him inside. 
“You wouldn’t answer my texts.” He shrugged as his eyes scanned the inside of her apartment. 
“So you came to my apartment? How did you even know where I live?” She crossed her arms against her chest. Her hopes of having a peaceful day had been dashed. This was the last thing she wanted to deal with right now. 
“Uh,” Jensen rubbed the back of his knuckles across the stubble on his jaw. The memory of his beards scratch between her legs had her biting back a groan. “I asked Jared to borrow his phone. I told him mine was dead and I needed to check my email.” 
“Well, you really didn’t have to go to all that trouble just to reject me.” Her tone was sour but she couldn’t help it. Now that she was physically close to him again, it was like something went off inside her. Her whole body was calling out to him, just begging to be touched by his hands one last time, to feel his muscles rippling underneath her fingertips as he moved above her.
“What are you talking about, reject you?” Jensen was confused. Did she really think that he drove across town just to reject her?
“You said we should talk. I get it okay, we were both a little messed up and vulnerable last night, it was a mistake.” She spit out through gritted teeth. It physically pained her to say the words out loud.
“Is that really what you think? That last night was a mistake?” Jensen couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Last night had been incredible, and even now, he longed to touch her again. 
“No, I don’t.” She admitted. “But that doesn’t mean that it should ever happen again. We lead different lives Jensen, not to mention the possible backlash from everyone we know.” Her mind was grasping for reasons that it wouldn’t work, because that was the only way she would be able to get over it when it did end. She turned and walked away from him, plopping down onto her couch. Jensen followed her, sitting on the edge, his body turned towards her.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you since our last night in Vancouver.” Jensen admitted. “And last night… last night was amazing. I don’t think that is something that you just let go of.” He placed his hand on her knee, squeezing it so she would look up at him. “Y/n, you are this crazy, beautiful, insanely intelligent mystery that I just want to get to know better. Believe me when I say that last night wasn’t just about the sex, no matter how great it was. Let me take you out on a proper date this time, let’s do it right.” 
“Jensen,” She started, ready to tell him all the reasons she had come up with why it wouldn’t work, as much as she didn’t want to believe them. “What about Jared? As much as I love my brother, I don't think he would be too thrilled about this.” 
“We don’t even have to tell anyone, at least until we figure out what all this is. Just look me in the eyes and tell me it’s not something you want, and I’ll drop it. We go back to being friends and forget this ever happened.” He stared at her, intent on keeping her gaze. The intensity of his stare stirred up those butterflies inside her again, and she knew that she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t tell him that she didn’t want to do it all again. She couldn’t tell him that all she had wanted since she ran from his room this morning was to crawl back into bed with him because they would all be lies. How could she say no to the man basically begging at her feet? It was like he said, she couldn’t stop thinking about him, and who knows, maybe they aren’t meant to be. What is life without taking a few risks, and she would be damned if she didn’t take this one. A small smile began to form on her lips as she held his gaze.
“Is that a yes?” His voice was wary as he stared at her. 
“It is Ackles, so you better make it worth my while.” He flashed her a toothy grin, his tongue peeking between his teeth.
“Don’t you worry sweetheart, I never leave a woman disappointed.” 
A week went by without another word from Jensen. She saw him in passing when she was at Jared’s house to say one last goodbye to Gen and the kids. He didn’t say much to her, but he wasn’t avoiding her either. The whole concept of a secret relationship, if you could even call it a relationship, was foreign to her. She had no idea how to act when they were around other people. The lack of communication between them didn’t exactly help either. They were stuck in this weird limbo between a hook up and a ‘first date’ and neither of them knew what to do.
The thoughts in her brain where firing on overdrive every time he was near her that day. She was like a dog in heat, and the only thing on her mind was the way his muscles rippled under strain, or his breathy moans in her ear as he fucked her. On multiple occasions, Gen had to snap her out of her little trances. She would brush it off, telling them that she was just thinking about work. That then would only lead to everyone telling her that she worked too hard, which wasn’t a lie per se, it just wasn’t her current problem. 
Her excitement to be back in Vancouver only heightened as the week passed. It would give her the perfect opportunity to be distracted by something other than Jensen, at least that was what she hoped. 
She grabbed her bag from the security conveyor and followed after Jensen and Jared towards their gate. “I guess I’ll see you guys when we land.” She stopped outside the first class lounge, her stomach knotting up as she glanced towards her crowded gate. 
“Think again.” Jared grinned. 
“What are you talking about?” She had no clue what he was hinting at, but judging from the look on his face, he was up to something. Jared pointed to her hand that held her passport and boarding pass. 
“Take a look at your ticket.” She glared at him suspiciously before she scanned the boarding pass in her hand. Under the boarding class, it read ‘First Class’. 
“Jared, what did you do?” She sighed. 
“I upgraded your ticket.” He was all smug, not catching on to the tone in his sister’s voice. 
“Why? You know I don’t care about that crap.” 
“You don’t care about your seat, but I know how you feel about airports. It’s much quieter and less crowded in here and you deserve it.” He put his arm around her shoulders and guided her into the lounge, not allowing her to protest. There was a tv on one wall playing the local news station. On the opposite wall was a table with snacks and fresh coffee. Jared wasn’t wrong when he said she would feel better in the lounge. It had put her at ease just walking through the doors. 
“So, this is how the other half lives?” She teased as she chose a seat to rest in before boarding. 
“Get used to it. Before long, you’ll make more money than I do and you’ll be purchasing all the first class tickets your heart desires.” Jared admitted as he sat in the seat beside her. She shook her head at Jared’s antics. She didn’t want to admit to how much she was already enjoying his surprise. It made her a little guilty that he had done something so nice for her and here she was, hooking up with his best friend and hiding it all from him. Both her and Jensen had decided though, that until they could figure out whatever it was that was happening between them, it would stay just between them. What was the point in fighting with everyone if all of meant nothing in the end anyway? 
She sat back in her seat, watching the news as they waited to board. They were being called onto the plane shortly after they had arrived. She followed behind Jared and Jensen down the tarmac, their longer legs carrying them faster than she could go. Not to mention she was busy reading the seat number on her ticket as she walked, allowing a few people to slip in between the guys and her. To her surprise, as she came up to her seat, her neighbor was none other than Jensen. 
“Really? That’s convenient.” She met his smile as he stood up when he noticed her. He took her carry-on from her and lifted it into the overhead bin. 
“I promise I had nothing to do with it.” He closed the full compartment and stepped back so she could slip into the window seat. She set her purse down and buckled up as Jensen did the same. 
“Just lucky I guess.” She turned her head, looking around for her brother. He sat at a window seat on the other side of the plane, two rows back from them. He waved when she met his eye and she offered him a small wave back. 
“Think he can hear us?” Jensen’s voice was low as she settled into her seat. 
“I doubt it. He’ll probably have his headphones in any second anyway.” 
Jensen turned his head towards her, his voice low. “How have you been this week?” 
“Honestly? Weird. I don’t know how to do this, how to act. I’ve never had to hide from the people around me in that sort of way.” Her voice trailed off as the flight attendant came and asked if they wanted a drink. Both of them opted for a water. As soon as the attendant had handed them their drinks and was out of ear shot, Jensen spoke again. 
“I know what you mean. When I saw you at Jared’s, I had to fight the urge to kiss you on the spot.” His words had her breath catching. She cleared her throat and took a drink of the small water bottle in her lap. He had a smug grin on his face as she looked back at him. 
“You enjoy seeing me flustered don’t you?” She bit her lip as she tried to hide her own smile. The stern face she was attempting to convey was failing to come across properly.
“I do, especially when your cheeks flush pink like that,” He tipped his chin at her and she could feel her blush deepening. “Been thinking about about your flushed skin all week.” 
“Oh,” She looked away from him and crossed her legs. He chuckled lowly at his success as the plane took off. “You need to behave.” She pointed a stern finger at him. He put his hands up but she could still see the twinkle in his eye. Jensen didn’t understand the concept of behaving. If he kept it up, she would never make it through this flight. That little growl he had as his voice dropped went straight to her core, and she could feel the slick settling between her legs. 
All of his comments were giving her whiplash. He was more brazen after not talking for nearly a week than she was expecting. It wasn’t that she didn’t like it, she just had no idea where they sat with each other, and him trying to rile her up in front of a plane full of people was just as confusing as it was arousing. The two of them had only slept together once, but it was almost like he knew her better than she knew herself. 
She made a show of taking out her headphones and putting them in her ears, letting him know that she was pointedly ignoring any further attempt he would have devised to get under her skin. The attendants brought by snacks and more drinks for them. Besides interacting with them, she was doing a good job of ignoring Jensen. After her second bottle of water though, she needed to use the restroom. 
She pulled out her headphones and unbuckled her belt. “Can I get up? I need to use the restroom.” She nudged his knee. 
“Oh, now you want to talk to me.” He undid his own seatbelt and stood up into the aisle. 
“I’ll talk to you as long as you can behave. Can you do that?” She paused before continuing. 
“No promises, but I’ll try.” He played. She nodded and headed to the small bathroom. The bathroom seemed to be more roomy than she was expecting, though still small. Just another stupid perk of first class. Jared was trying to spoil her, and she hated that it was working. She washed her hands and pulled on the door. The overhead light shut off and the light from the main cabin was blocked by a large figure in the opening. 
“Jay?” She had not been expecting him to be there, and was even more thrown when he pushed her back into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind him. “What the hell are you doing?” The two of them were nearly chest to chest in the tight space. 
“Don’t worry, Jared is sleeping.” Jensen put his hands on her jaw, bringing her face up to his. Her body reacted to him of its own accord, closing the small space and opening her mouth to him. She could taste his cinnamon gum on his lips and smell his signature cologne. It all brought her back to New Year’s and she never wanted it to end.
“‘T’s not Jared I’m worried about.” Her words were breathy as she pulled away from him. “I’d rather not get arrested.” Jensen chuckled, pressing his lips back to hers. His tongue swiped across her lips and she granted him access. Their tongues moved together until her head was dizzy and her chest was heaving. 
“I just couldn’t wait to do that again.” He brushed his thumb across her swollen bottom lip. 
“Well now that you have it out of your system, can we go back to our seats before someone catches us?” Jensen nodded at her request.
“One last thing. Friday at nine, think you can slip out past your brother?” He grabbed the handle to the door, ready to walk out. 
“I’ll figure something out.” She agreed. Jensen pulled open the door, the light above them going out again. 
“Good, now go, I’ll be out in a minute.” He urged her out of the bathroom. She peeked her head out and made sure no one was paying attention before heading back to her seat. She sat down and buckled up, her lips still tingling from his touch and a soft smile on her face.
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Part 12
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Forevers: @spn-impala​​ @22sarah08​​ @turtlepad​​ @callmekda​​ @chaldei​​ @hobby27​​ @casualfestivaltrashpainter​ @cowboysnwinchesters​​ @tranquility-or-chaos​​ @pikabootoyouchu​​ @dawnie1988​​ @grease222​​ @frackinawesomeninja​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @polina-93​ @clarinette07​​ @moonlight-babeh​​ @suckerforfanfic​​ @witandnargles​​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ 
Et Cetera: @jbbarnesgirl​ @hillface89​ @arses21434​ @thevelvetseries​ @sslater34​ @mrsirishboru​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @spnfamily-j2​ @encounterthepast​ @facadeformyrealblog  @supernatural-bellawinchester​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​​ @rebeccathefangirl​ @squirrelnotsam​ @heartinmyhead1​ @1d-killed-me​ @samsgirl93​ @deans-baby-momma​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @woodworthti666​ @supraveng​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @heartsaved @know2grow​ @littlewhiterose​ @surprisinglysarah​ @stoneyggirl​ @carryon-doctor-lock​ @thebookisbtr​ 
Idk why Tumblr is a little bitch sometimes and will randomly stop letting me tag certain blogs, so if your URL has a line through it, blame Tumblr
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gh0stgurl · 5 years
The Stars Around Us
Characters: Jensen X Reader
Word Count: 797
Warnings: Anxiety/panic attack, fluff (i think thats it)
A/n#1: this is fic 1 of 3... (I may a a few other ideas in mind so...) for @waywardrose13 2K Follower Challenge Prompt Card. I used Jensen, Airplane, constellation.
A/n #2: i know that they couldn't possibly see the constellations mentioned but I really dont care.
Also I love Danneel, so no hate towards her or the Ackels family. For this Jensen is with Reader. This is fiction
Tumblr Masterlist. Challenge Masterlist
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You were sitting on the edge of your bed, in your Vancouver apartment. Your bags were packed and waiting behind you. Even after all of these years, all of the Traveling you do. You still absolutely hate flying. Well late airplanes.
You didn’t realize you were shaking until you felt hands on your knees.
You looked down to see Jensen kneeling in front of you with worry in his eyes.
“Hey, what’s wrong? I’ve been trying to get your attention for like 5 minutes.”
“I’m alright. I just kinda zoned out.”
“Sweetheart, you were shaking and mumbling to yourself.”
“What No I wasn’t. I’m fine.” You look at your watch, “Hey we should get going.”
You get up quickly, leaving Jensen still kneeling in front of your bed, to walk around the bed grabbing your bags. You look over at Jensen. “Are you ready?”
He slowly got up, “yeah my bags are already in the car. Cliff is waiting for us.”
“Alright we should get going.”
Jensen made his way over and grab your suitcase, before heading towards the door. You did a quick check making sure things were unplugged, turned off and windows were locked.
After driving to the airport. You had to wait a little while. No matter how many times you flown, you don’t ever think you would get used to it.
As you were sitting waiting for your flight to be called, you could feel your anxiety building up inside. Your hands were starting to sweat and your leg was bouncing fairly quickly. Your heart felt like it was going to pump right out of your chest.
You were trying so hard to calm yourself down but no matter what you tried, nothing was working.
Jensen was watching you closely. At first he didn’t really understand what was going on. He soon realized he’s only seen you act like this when you guys were flying.
As you guys start boarding, Jensen wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him.
“It’s okay y/n. I’m here for you no matter what.” He leaned over and kissed your temple
You looked up at him and gave him a small smile before reaching the doors that lead to the plane.
Once you were in your seat, everything was rushing back to you. You were starting to breath quicker. You leaned forward putting your head in your hands.
“Y/n, I need you to look at me.” You shook your head. Jensen was trying to move your hair out of the way to see your face.
“Sweetheart, I cant help you if you don’t look at me. It will be okay I promise.”
You slowly turned your head to see Jensen staring back at you.
“There they are, those big y/e/c eyes that I love. I need you to breath with me okay?”
He started breathing slowly, you tried your best to follow with him. Slowly but surely your breathing was back to normal.
“Thanks Jens”
“No problem”
Now the plane was getting ready to take off. Jensen could see that you were going to have another attack. So he had to think fast on what to do.
“you like astrology right?”
“what?” you were confused why he was bringing this up.
“You know stars, the different constellations that stuff.” He still didn’t know where he was going with this yet. At least you weren’t thinking about the plane.
“Yeah, I love the stars. Ever since I was a kid they have been my favorite thing. Why?”
“so if I were to show you a constellation would you be able to tell me which one it is and why?”
“most likely”
“challenge accepted”
Jensen leaned over you towards the window and pointed, “what’s that one?”
You moved closer to see what he was pointing at. “that’s Cassiopeia. It was named after a vain queen, she boasted about her unrivaled beauty.”
“Okay, what’s that one?” pointing to another one.
“That’s Cepheus. Its named after a king of aethiopia in Greek mythology.”
You and Jensen played his game the entire flight. Only stopping when you were making the descend into Colorado.
“I knew absolutely nothing about astrology. For all I know you could have been lying to me.”
“Well then google it. If you need help with how to spell them, let me know.”
“wow, I’m hurt that you don’t think I would be able to do it.”
“Okay, spell Camelopardalis.”
“o-k, c-a-m-e-l-o……s” he started mumbling towards the end.
“Yea, that’s exactly how its spelt, mumbles and all”
“shut up, so you doing better?”
“yeah, thank you Jensen. I honestly don’t know how I would have survived that flight without you.” Giving him a quick kiss, “I love you.”
“I love you too sweetheart.”
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coolfreeme · 7 years
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Its April second. We have survived another year.
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New York
Summary: You’ve planned a holiday with your best friend but an unfortunate (and nasty) cold changed the plans Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader Square: New York for Tell Me A Story Bingo of @supernatural-jackles Warnings: Cold, fever, coughing, sick!reader, ruined vacations, Jensen is the perfect best friend, vomiting (mention) Word Count: 1372 A/N: Part of this story is based on real-life experiences. I’ve never been to New York so anything informed here may not be accurate. All of it was found on Google.
You've been planning this vacation for the past six months. You've been dreaming to travel to New York your whole life, but between school, then college, then adulting, basically it was impossible for you to do it; it was a dream you’ve never accomplished.
You were going to meet with Jensen, your best friend in Texas and from there you two were going to travel to New York. Jensen was doing this as a gift for you, mostly because he wanted you to let out all the stress you’ve been gaining in the past months. You were planning to leave at the beginning of April because your holidays were 14 days long and you weren’t going to lose any day without exploring New York. You were really excited about this trip. You’ve been waiting for it for a long time, it was a matter of time until you could see your dream came true.  You met with Jensen in Texas a few days before leaving, there were a few things he needed to finish and you still had an important job interview you needed to attend to. You packed the things you had left there the last time you visited him, double-checking everything was packed before closing the suitcase. The plan was to get checked in at the hotel before Monday morning due to your interview. 
The flight from Texas to New York City was five hours, not too long but neither too short. Jensen and you decided it was best to travel over the weekend, arriving in New York City on a Sunday afternoon.  You were exhausted after the trip, your body felt like you’ve been traveling for 24 hours instead of five. As soon as you got in your shared room with Jensen, you went directly to the bed and slumped in it. -Tired, sweetheart? -Give me five minutes and I’ll be fine — you said rolling on the bed -Let’s stay in and order room service. Just relax for a bit — Jensen offered you -You sure? — he nodded -Go shower, it’ll help you. -Thanks, Jens — you said and left to shower. 
The following day, you woke up early and extremely tired. You were too anxious to sleep, to keep yourself together. You ended up getting just a few hours of sleep and getting up way too early for your liking. A few hours later, Jensen woke up too. -Already up? Someone is excited — he joked -Couldn’t sleep, too anxious — you explained biting your nails -You’ll be fine, don’t worry — he kissed your forehead before going to shower
Once the meeting was over, Jensen and you went out to have breakfast. You were less anxious than earlier, but still, your body was processing it. Jensen noticed it, so he tried to keep your mind distracted to help you. -So, how was the meeting? — he asked curiously -I think it went pretty well, they wanted to know my language level and if I was able to engage in a conversation — you explained — now, I’ll have to wait -I’m sure you did amazing -I hope so After breakfast, Jensen took you to Central Park. You were in love, that place was everything you’ve dreamed of. It was beyond amazing. The rest of the day you went sightseeing and meeting “touristic places”. You were grateful Jensen took you on this vacation, you were starting to relax, and was just day one. That night you went to Broadway, not to watch any play but to meet the place. The night was cold so you went back to your hotel early Back at your hotel room, you showered, put on your pjs, and went to sleep. The first night went lovely, you were excited about what was about to come. You didn’t have much planned what you were going to do, but you knew you were ready to enjoy it.
The next day, you woke up shivering and your bedsheets were drenched, that wasn’t a good sign. You showered again and went to sleep again. Luckily, you were sleeping alone because Jensen wouldn’t have let you hear the end of this. When you woke up again, Jensen was already up and finishing getting ready, unlike you, you had a growing headache, your nose was running and your throat was starting to ache. You knew it was a matter of time until you ended up sick -Hey, you’re up. I was about to wake you — he said -I’ll be ready in five — you said and he looked at you -Are you feeling okay? -Yeah, it’s just an allergy, must be the weather changes. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine — you said going to the bathroom. Just as you were exiting the bathroom you had a sneezing fit, you could feel Jensen’s worried look. -You sure are okay? — he asked you handing you a tissue -Yes, Jens. Like I said, allergy season You left for breakfast and then you were going to walk around Times Square and have some lunch there.  Since you ended breakfast, went to Times Square, and then having lunch you started to feel a lot worse. Your headache became a pounding headache where the sunlight bothered you making you sneeze every time it hit your face. Your throat was raspy and dry, hurting enough every time you talked.  You could see the way Jensen looked at you every time you sneezed or when the sun hit you on the face, you knew he was worried about you. -Let’s head back to the hotel and we can come back at night -Can we go to the Rockefeller Center? — you asked him -We can do that, sweetheart. Let’s go back to the hotel so we can change to warm clothing and then we head there, ok? — you simply smiled and nodded You knew what he was doing, and to be honest with yourself, you just wanted to lay down. Your body was starting to ache.
When you arrived at the hotel, Jensen offered you to shower first, which you gladly accepted. You made sure to put the water as hot as your skin could resist, you needed to relax your sore muscles to keep going on the rest of the day.] When you finished and left the bathroom, you were shivering, you thought it was because the room was a lot cooler than the bathroom. You put on some comfy clothes and laid on your bed to watch some tv until Jensen finished. You hadn’t realized you’d fallen asleep if it wasn’t for Jensen waking you up -Sweetheart, you ok? -Mhm? — you were confused, your felt like your head was going to explode -You are shivering and you were whimpering You tried to sit up when a wave of nausea hit you and you were running to the bathroom. Jensen was right next to you holding your hair and drawing soothing circles on your back. When you finished, he handed you a glass of water and flushed the toilet. He helped you to get up and brush your teeth. Then he carried you bridal style to your bed again. He laid you there and went back to the bathroom, coming back a minute later with a thermometer in hand. After some minutes, the thermometer beeped and read 101. If you wouldn’t have come back, you definitely were going to be a lot worse. -Honey, why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling fine? -I told you, it’s allergy season. Plus the jet lag and the trip and everything else. It was going to happen — you explained You knew that fighting with Jensen to continue this journey was useless, so you let him take care of you. Jensen and you ended up coming back to Texas just after spending three days in New York. The rest of your break, you spend it with Jensen at his house taking care of you.
Even though it wasn’t as you had planned to spend your holidays, you were with Jensen and that was a lot more than you could’ve asked. He was amazing and you were grateful to have him in your life.
Tag List (is open, you can ask to be added)
@iguessweallcrazyithinktho | @thevelvetseries | @mrspeacem1nusone | @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem | @caplanreads | @akshi8278 | 
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(Credit Image: Google)
Before we get into business, I want to mention that even though my requests are always open I’m not going to be posting them as soon as I got them. It could take from two weeks or two months, that will depend on how much inspired I am, how my life is going and how much time I have to actually write. 
Another thing I want to mention is that you have to keep in mind that English is not my mother tongue and I’m still learning about the language. I’m doing my best writing it and there’s going to be mistakes.
Keep in mind that I might not write what you actually requested because I don’t know exactly what you were thinking when you send the request.
what I write under the tag
Now... Into business... Characters that I’ll write:
Supernatural > Sam, Dean and others characters (We can chat about which ones)
Avengers > Steve Rogers, Bucky, the team, Nat Romanoff, Tony Stark 
RPF [Check Masterlist]
Criminal Minds
Other characters I might write > Andy Barber, John Wick, Ransom Drysdale, Clark Kent [Check Masterlist] 
You can always check my masterlist to know what I write exactly
Genres that I’ll write:
Smut (Must be 18 or older to request)
Crossovers are allowed
I wont write Underage, Non-Consensual, A/B/O , Toilet Stuff, Pedophilia (This list might be extended) I reserve the right to not write your request if it doesn’t respect my guidelines.
You can either request by ask or by private message.
Thank you, Noe.
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UnNuevoSol 250 Followers Writing Challenge
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First of all, thank you all so much for this milestone. I would’ve never thought that in less than a year of writing I was going to have 250 people following, less having more than that. Second of all, this is my first time hosting a challenge, so please forgive me if there’s something wrong. It’s been a while since I wanted to host a Writing Challenge, so here it is. Enjoy!
Rules & Prompts under the cut.
You don’t have to be following me to participate, but I’ll appreciate it if you do it.
I accept most things, except non-con, dub-con, and wincest. Tag everything accordingly and use warnings
Min 500 words, no max. Use the Keep Reading tab if is longer than the minimum.
I’m a sucker for fluff (who doesn’t?) but I love to read all genres
Deadline: November 1st, just let me know if you need an extension.
OCs, Reader inserts, any pairings, ships are welcome
I’m more interested in the fandoms I write but is open to any [Fandoms: Supernatural, Marvel, DC (Characters & RPF)]
Tag me (@unnuevosoltransformalarealidad) & use the tag #Un Nuevo Sol250  in the first 5 tags
Send me an ask/DM telling me that you want to participate
All the fics are going to have feedback and they are going to be part of a Masterlist
Original works only. If you want to make it part of a series it has to be the first chapter
You can combine this with other challenges and bingos
If I don’t respond in 48hs, send me an ask or a DM. We all know how Tumblr is with notifications
Have fun & enjoy!
“I need you to want me too, not the other way around.”
“It’s always been you, and it’s always gonna be you.”
“Has anyone ever told you you have really nice hands?”
You don’t have to be strong all the time.”
“Well, I can scratch that off from my bucket list.”
“Why does everything have to be a struggle with you?”
“I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you!”
“I still believe there’s good in you.”
“For the first time, in a long time, I feel like I have something to protect”
“I don’t think you wanna fuck with me.”
“Can I stay at your place tonight? I don’t feel safe here.”
“This is the first time I’ve been called that”
“You’re more than just a one night stand.”
“Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.”
“Stop teasing me so much.”
“Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
“I haven’t even touched you and you’re already this wet.”
“If you don’t like my teasing, then why are you moaning?
“Stop dancing like that or I’m going to cum in my pants”
“Did you just look me up and down and then bite your lip? ‘Cause if you did we’re having sex. Right now”
Tagging some mutuals
@iguessweallcrazyithinktho | @akshi8278 | @waywardbaby | @wonder-cole | @superbadassnatural | @supernatural-jackles | @negans-lucille-tblr | @moosekateer13 | @deansbxtch | @just-one-ordinary-fangirl | @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho | @toomanystoriessolittletime​ | @mariekoukie6661​ | @caplanbuckybarnes​ | 
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snackles-maniacals · 3 years
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snackles-maniacals · 3 years
Waiting for the day when Castiel/Dean Winchester hits the mark of 100,000 works on AO3.
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snackles-maniacals · 3 years
I always wondered if there was an angel in heaven with whom Cas fell in love with. Maybe an angel who looked like Dean or had green eyed true form. Or maybe it was Dean himself but he was banished from heaven due to some reason and was reborn as human and Cas fell in love with him again.
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