inkstainedfanfics · 6 years
I Lived
Summary: As Newt ages, he learns that fear is nothing but a barrier to happiness.
Word Count: 2,268
Pairing: Newt x Reader
Note: I wrote this for my secret santa @jclements919  via @fantasticsecretsanta I hope you enjoy this! It isn’t solely fixated on his creatures, but I did try to incorporate them, and it’s about the fluffiest thing I’ve written! If you squint + listen to it while reading, you can see the inspiration of I Lived by OneRepublic in it! You have an awesome taste in music, and I hope you’re doing amazing and having a lovely holiday season! Be sure to stay in touch :D​
Theseus notices before anyone else. “Newt? Are you all right?”
Newt startles, jumping the slightest. “What? Sorry. I’m fine, thank you.”
The family room couch groans as Theseus sets his book aside, leaning forward, that smile Newt knows all too well making an appearance. “You are not. There’s something wrong. It’s a girl, isn’t it?”
Newt’s cheeks flush a deep red and he runs a hand through his mop of red hair, stuttering and stammering an excuse to Theseus, an excuse his older brother refuses to believe.
“It is, isn’t it? Ha! I knew you’d find someone one day, little brother. So, who is she? Does she go to Hogwarts? Or did you meet her through your letter campaign? Hm? Did she care for creatures’ plight like you?”
Newt drops his face into his hands. “Merlin, Theseus, please don’t tell mum. She’ll never stop talking about it.”
“Come on, you have to tell me.”
“Swear you won’t tell her?”
Theseus rolls his eyes, impatient with his little brother’s somber nature. “Fine, yes, I swear I won’t tell anyone. So come on, who is she?”
“Well,” Newt glances at the hall, listening for the familiar sounds of clanking pots that tell him his mother is too busy with supper to worry about her boys. When he hears them, he relaxes, leaning back against the worn couch and adjusting his glasses. “She’s in my potions class this year.”
“And?” Theseus prompts, impatient for details. “What’s she look like?”
“She’s… cute,” Newt murmurs, hardly able to contain his smile.
“Oh come on, you think she’s the most beautiful girl, don’t you?” When Newt says nothing, Theseus scoffs. “Such a romantic, aren’t you? Lucky that. Girls love it.”
Newt shrugs, tugging the sleeve on his cardigan down. “I don’t know. I can’t… can’t really ask her out now, can I?”
“Why not?”
“Well she’s… amazing.” He swallows, feeling like a fool here in front of Theseus, but it doesn’t matter because the boy’s too excited about the gossip to rest now. “I’m less so.”
“So? She probably thinks you’re great too. Listen,” Theseus glances over his shoulder before leaning in and whispering, “you just gotta ask her out when no one that can tell mum is around. That way, you can avoid dragging her to a family supper until you’re sure she’s great.”
“I don’t know…”
Theseus shakes his head. “You can’t be scared of everything, Newt. How’re you going to live if you don’t do anything?”
“I do things!”
“Like what?”
“I started a club at school and head my own experiments.”
Theseus rolls his eyes. “Yeah, excuse me for not considering those. Seriously, Newt.”
“I am. You’re the one that doesn’t do anything.”
Theseus scowls. “What?”
“You just stand around. What do you think everyone would say if I told them what you named your hippogriff?”
“Don’t you dare.”
“I bet they would think it’s hilarious.”
Whatever Theseus is about to say is cut off as Mrs. Scamander rounds the corner, dish towel on her shoulder, hair tugged back into a tight ponytail. “Boys, wash up. It’s supper time.”
Theseus glares at Newt one final time before whipping back around and darting to his feet. “Newt has a girlfriend, mum!”
“Thesues!” Newt bellows, leaping to his feet and chasing after his brother, ignoring his mother’s gleeful calls to invite her over.
Merlin’s beard, he’s dead.
Theseus stands at his brother’s right-hand side, grinning that grin that had drawn in every woman he’d ever met. He’s flawless in his black tux, hair slicked back, silver watch around his wrist glinting in the sunlight that pours through the stained-glass windows that hang above everyone. Newt himself is bathed in a golden light, courtesy of the crown shape within the window.
He sucks in a deep breath, hands trembling the slightest in his pockets. Others fill the area, their murmurs reverberating, filling the small room with an energy that only nibbles at Newt’s, feeding his terror, worsening his anxiety. Merlin’s beard, what’s he doing here?
Theseus reaches out to clap Newt on the back. “Wait til you see her. You’re gonna die.”
Newt half-laughs, withdrawing his hands to clasp his wrist and search for a pulse. “I think I may before she even comes out.”
Pickett pokes his head out of Newt’s pocket, jabbering about how hot it is in there and how noisy everyone’s being.
“Yes, Pickett, I know. I’m excited too,” Newt mumbles, reaching up to fix his tie for the millionth time. Theseus just chuckles.
“Relax, Newt. She’s not going to change her mind now.”
Newt absentmindedly raises his hand to his lips, thumb nail landing between his teeth. “But what if she does? What if… what if she realizes she can do better? What if she wants someone more stable? What if I’m not good enough?”
Theseus raises his eyebrows, openly grinning at his brother’s terror. “Newt, I promise you that won’t happen. She’s head over heels for you, and rightly so. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else listen to your rants on erumpent mating patterns. Trust me, she’s the one for you as much as you are the one for her.”
Newt chews on his nail still, ignoring Pickett as he clambers up his shoulder. “But, what if?”
“When have I ever been wrong?”
“Plenty of times. Remember that time you told Molly Henderson she’d be fine drinking whatever Edward brewed?”
Theseus scoffs. “She was fine in the end.”
“Most people don’t like boils,” Newt quips, eyes focused on the closed doors at the end of the alley.
“Well, that’s not really the point of what I was saying.”
Newt shifts from foot to foot, shaking his head. “You never make sense, Theseus. Never have.”
“You’re together because of me. I was right back then, wasn’t I?”
Newt just scoffs in response, too nervous to respond. Only a moment later, the organ purrs, playing music Newt had heard many times before.
He’d just never been at the front of the aisle when it played.
Bridesmaids that you invited and groomsmen Newt knew more through Theseus than anyone march down the aisle. Jacob helps Queenie down, stopping only to pat Newt on the shoulder, nearly sending Pickett tumbling to the ground. The small creature grumbles, but the noise is lost on Newt as you round the corner, stunning as always, but now… now he doesn’t know what to say.
“Wow,” he breathes out, and Theseus nudges him with his elbow.
“Told you.”
“Shut up.”
But Newt says it with a half-smile, concentrated only on the way you look, the way you shine in the colors, drenched first in blue then red then purple then finally, as you climb the three steps to stand in front of him, gold.
He swallows, fighting and failing to contain his smile. “You—You look lovely, dear.”
“Not too shabby yourself, Mr. Scamander.”
His heart goes into overdrive, entire world glowing around him as the priest begins his speech, begins the blessings and says the words he needs to marry you.
Newt doesn’t really listen. Even when Pickett crawls over his sleeve and clambers onto your shoulder to grab your earring, Newt’s not bothered. It’s perfect. As perfect as can be. For the first time in his life, Newt feels fully and truly alive.
“Forever?” You murmur, grabbing his hands, holding them in yours and Newt can’t breathe.
“Forever,” he murmurs back, knowing with every beat of his heart that he will spend the rest of his life at your side trying to make you smile.
Newt’s fingers are linked with yours, tugging you forward, back to the apartment, to the case.
“Newt,” you giggle, “what are you in a hurry for? It’s only been a couple weeks.”
“Come on, love. I’ve something to show you.”
“What is it?”
He glances back over his shoulder, heart soaring at the sight. It’s been a month that he’s officially been yours—and the eleven years before that when he was unofficially yours—and still he finds himself struck down by how beautiful you are, that glimmer in your eyes, that carefree smile, that wondrous, heart-stopping laugh. How he lived before such a love is beyond him.
But you’re here now, at his side, panting the slightest from rushing up three flights of stairs, hands on your knees. “Well, what is it?”
Newt unlocks the door and leads you inside, into the bedroom, down the case. Theseus and Queenie had managed to convince the two of you to leave it behind for the honeymoon, but it had been an antsy two weeks, both of you excited to return to two different reasons.
You simply adored the creatures, loved wandering with them, playing with them, helping them when they were injured and reading to them when they were tired. Newt found it precious, not that he was allowed to admit that anymore after one too many embarrassed glares from you. Still, he would sneak to the area where you were reading to the mooncalves or occamies and listen, an unavoidable smile painted on his face.
His reason was far more devious.
Theseus greets you both when you climb inside. “Well there’s the two lovebirds. I was wondering if you’d come back.”
“What else would we do?” You ask, eyes darting to Dougal as he putters around the workspace.
“Oh I don’t know. Run off to Italy? Spend your time delving into ruins in Romania? Risk dragons’ fire in Russia?”
“As if,” you say, rolling your eyes.
Newt swallows the nerves growing in his stomach. “Love, if I may interrupt…”
You spin to attention, grinning up at him. “Whatever you want, darling.”
Newt’s cheeks flush as Theseus whistles. Bloody brothers. “I had a lovely time on our… trip,” he hesitates, a glare cast at Theseus to convince the bothersome man to shut up for once in his life, “and I know that we promised not to get each other anything else, but I did.”
“Newt! You knew the deal.”
“Yes, but how could I resist?”
“Whatever it is, I’m not taking it,” you say, clearly adamant in your decision. “You know the rules.”
“Okay, but how,” Newt stretches behind Theseus, reaching for the tiny tree he’d bought and shipped only a week earlier, “can you resist giving her a home?”
You stop your protests short, eyes bulging. “A bowtruckle?”
“She refuses to imprint on a tree. In fact, she’s fixed on staying with me, but Pickett’s already a jealous bugger, so, if you’d like, I thought you could bring her with you. She’s quite kind and observant, and I’m sure she’ll be a wonderful companion when I’m not around to bother you.”
“You’re sure? She doesn’t want to be with the others?”
“They’ve taken to a bit of a civil war.” He sighs, exasperated with his creatures. “Maybe you can bring them peace. You’ve always been better with them than I.”
The knot in Newt’s chest unwinds as you light up. “I’d love to. I always told you that you’re too stern on them. They just want to swing around their tree, not listen to lectures.”
Theseus laughs, “He’s always been like that, you know. Too serious. I’ve always told him to lighten up. You know, he was terrified to ask you out. Shook like a leaf just thinking about it.”
“No way. Newt?”
Newt just reaches out to squeeze your hand. “Utterly terrified. But it was worth it.”
Theseus offers to lead you to the tree as Newt finishes some cleaning, and as he watches the two of you walk away, laughing and joking, he feels his heart swell. There’s nowhere else he’d rather be than by your side. With a final smile to himself, he turns back to his work desk, clearing away months of old notes and menus and brochures. He’d been terrified so many years ago, but it’d been worth it. Now he has the love of his life by his side as he works toward his dream career. In his wildest dreams, he never would’ve dreamed himself so happy.
He finds you later, curled up against an erumpent, playing with the niffler and charming a tea cup to float around for Dougal to try to catch. Your bowtruckle is resting on your shoulder, watching the niffler with a suspicious glance.
Newt stifles a laugh, dusty boots knocking gravel away as he steps to your side. “May I join you?”
“Of course. Here.” You scoot over, making room for Newt. He pats the erumpent’s back once before falling onto the spot next to you, arm winding around your waist.
“Having fun?”
Dougal stops chasing the tea cup, so you let it settle in the grass, turning your attention to Newt as Dougal wraps his arms around Newt’s neck. “She’s a sweetheart, you know.” You nod at your shoulder. “So kind. The others pick on her, though.”
“But you’ll set them straight.”
“I’ve already started. I told them if they don’t be nice, I’ll move their tree into the shadows. They weren’t very happy about that, but I think it might have worked.”
Newt leans over to press a kiss to your temple, smiling into the kiss. “I love you so much, dear.”
“I love you too,” you say with a laugh. “What prompted that?”
He bumps the top of your head with his nose, eyes shut as he soaks in this feeling, this moment of peace, this pure bliss. He can hardly contain his joy, feels like he’s about to fracture apart, but he just kisses you once more. “You, love. You.”
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fanfic-collection · 6 years
It’s so cute!!!!!! I need more!!!!!! Loki with a cat is just the cutest thing ever.
Reason I have to write it lol :D
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accio-fan-fiction · 6 years
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Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four
Pairing:  Loki x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: When Asgardian Royalty arrived at your door, you knew what you were expecting. The same rude, arrogant and brutish personalities as every other prince to ever make your acquaintance.  Not this time, however. This time you have to make a choice; one that will change your life forever.
Word Count: 700
A/N: This is the final part guys, I actually finished writing something can you believe it. Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to read through this, and thank you all for waiting so long between chapters. Requests are open now btw, so are the permanent and character tag lists
Asgard was more beautiful than you had ever imagined.  The golden buildings went through the sky to touch the universe.  You strolled around on the balcony taking in the sight of the Asgardian skyline, unable to fully comprehend the last 24 hours. You had left home. Left Vanaheim, left your people. But you felt completely comfortable. You never thought you’d be this secure with anyone, especially someone you’d only met less than a week ago. But Loki was something else. He truly captivated you in every possible way.
“Are you ready your highness?” a servant girl dressed in a silver gown interrupted your thoughts. You nodded at her smiling. You looked down at your light green attire, actually pleased to be wearing a dress for once.  You also wore golden jewellery, mimicking the colours of your soon to be husband.
You followed the girl through the castle you were in, to a lavish garden decorated with symbols from both Vanaheim and Asgardian culture. Silver and blue flower petals carved out the path for you to walk down and the light from the sun showed off every detail perfectly. Nothing was out of place. There were absolutely no people - other than you, Loki, Thor, your sister, and Loki’s parents - ensuring that every emotion expressed was genuine, not a publicity stunt. It was perfect. You walked down the aisle, taking in every detail, wanting to remember it for eternity.
You finally got to the end of the aisle and saw Loki smiling at you. He was wearing his formal attire, however, he ditched the green and gold, instead choosing to wear silver and blue; your colours. You were so pleased that he took on the Vanaheim tradition even though you told him it wasn’t necessary, your eyes lit up that he could tell how much it meant to you. Besides, he looked good in blue. He kept glancing over you and smirking, you swear he even bit his lip at one point.  Neither of you could focus on Frigga's speech about love and eternity, you were too busy admiring each other.
“Do you Y/N, commit to Loki in the greatest way possible, do you promise to love him and stay by his side, do you swear to only have room in your heart for him, regardless of the space between you and vow to never deceive or hurt him?” she asked. This you both heard. You had been waiting for her to recite the vows that would bond you and Loki forever. You couldn’t help the massive smile appearing on your face as you answered,
“I do.”
“And do you Loki, commit to Y/N in the greatest way possible, do you promise to love her and stay by her side, do you swear to only have room in your heart for her, regardless of the space between you and vow to never deceive or hurt her?”  You enjoyed the sparkle in Loki’s eyes and the pure joy on his face as he answered,
“I do.”
“Then, as the goddess of love and marriage, I bless you both with eternal love as I pronounce you Husband and Wife,”
She had barely finished speaking when Loki grabbed you by the waist and pulled you as close to him as physically possible. You wrapped your arms around his neck and attached your lips to his in a true moment of love.  He clung to you as if he would never be able to feel your soft touch again and relished every second he could. You both pulled away from each other at the same time, pressing your foreheads together, not quite ready to let go completely.
You were married to Loki. You could not possibly be happier. In a strange way, you were grateful for the horrid decisions your parents had made. If they hadn’t arranged anything then you wouldn't be standing with the most amazing man in the nine realms, married, and for the first time, truly happy. You were looking forward to your future with Loki, even if it was away from Vanaheim because it doesn't matter where you were from then on, as long as Loki was with you, you were home.
Tag List
 @zeddlocket    @dianaarelyfernandezgarza97 @1dforeverandalwaysfan    @orighami  @theworld-is-ahead   @fangirl-who-dreams    @tchallaholla  @fleckeshummel @spac3unic0rn   @waywardsoulpainter  @dmv49   @herorea08-blog-blog   @tetsurii @chelseaxteens @geekgoddess2 @oddly-drawn-muse   @angry-clam-fucker   @embrel   @boldlyoriginalkoala  @nowisours-nowisforever   @ptprocrastination   @awesome-eccia    @greenhands5    @onebloodypoet   @josiehosiedaninja   @dianaarelyfernandezgarza97   @zeddlocket    @frostymoon11   @paulinka97   @ashleygrrrl   @greenhands5   @slutforbuckybarnes   @you-are-my-all-and-more   @fangirl-who-dreams  @galaxylemonade chickens-are-life flowersnbeer   purplekitten30  mdgrdians   stxrmqueen  canarysfrost  abadhiddlestonlokiblog   @hp-madness   @lillyrosegirl  707-deserves-better  val-kay-rie   capandbuck  vanessabarnes  cow whisperer keshuasd  @tom-is-a-god myteenwolf-world @truestrengths  band-trash-as-frick   @lolaynay   fangirldreamsandstuff    demoncrypt1066   @disappointingyellowhighlighter     @tathompson220     @jclements919   @laura2280  @fandom-trash-for-all  @msun996 @confetti-its-an-imagine-blog  @lokigreyvatore  @lonelypudding  @strangedarkling  
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winterheart17 · 6 years
How To Stir A Writer’s Heart
TITLE OF STORY: How To Stir A Writer’s Heart
AUTHOR: winterheart17
STORY GENRE: Romance, Drama, Erotica
STORY SUMMARY: I think we can all just agree this has turned into a proper series even though it started off as a compilation of one shots for my story ��How To Love A Writer’! What happens when a struggling virginal historical romance writer and the God of Mischief are thrown together, locked in a mansion and agree to a game of love and seduction?
STORY WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHORS NOTES: The bold parts are flashback scenes. No erotica, just another long-awaited confrontation with perhaps... a little unexpected ending to it?
FEEDBACK/COMMENTS: Takes off exactly where the last one left off! Mistakes are all mine. Feedback would be wonderful and ever inspiring for writing updates! <3 Do let me know if anyone would like to be on or of the tag list. Tagging @devikafernando @ureyesonly21 @nuggsmum @queen-sands @ihatespoilers @say-my-name-assbut @hsvbabe @jrubalcaba @dandelionlady96  @ashleyloveslots  @kiera-auroraborealis @alexakeyloveloki @damageditem @lokilvrr @cuteandnerdythings @everythingeverywherelistening @wildest-dreams-at-midnight @tfwqueenidjit @xxxprettydeadgirlxxx @noplacelikehome77 @vertdragain @through-the-other-side @jclements919 @toaster-strudel-witch @a7xlizardqueen
Masterpost of How To Love A Writer
Alternate link to Masterpost of How To Love A Writer (in case the above doesn’t work)
“You nutter,” I muttered beneath my breath, finally giving into that itch on my cheek no thanks to a branch of the bush I had been crouching under for the past 30 minutes of my life.
I was half exasperated and half dangling off the edge of a cliff with nervous anticipation as my eyes tracked Halwen’s every movement.
She was saw on a little bench a little ahead, her back turned towards me while she stared wistfully at the rose bush and of course, the goddamn tendrils of her sunshine hair had to cling to the ethereally beautiful curvature of her face. Even when she wasn’t trying, she still managed to look like poetry in motion and make me… like a slob.
She had arrived not long after I had tried to make myself as comfortable as possible – which was to say, mightily prickly so – camouflaging myself behind the bush that bore sweet-smelling white flowers. I had seen her fingertips graze the petals of the roses daintily, reliving sweeter memories of yesteryears.
There was no mistaking the yearning in her eyes.
I had to look away – it was painful to witness another woman pining away for him.
I hadn’t made my presence known to her but it was obvious she knew I was lurking in some corner.
After all, it had been all but an open invitation.
But God, was I a fool. There was narry a shadow to be found in the dead of the night here – save for one idiot.
I’d just signed up for half an hour of my life I’d never get back of watching an Elf I’d rather come to hate ache for the very same God I was aching for.
I’d no idea why I had still bought into her lies when I knew full well she would do anything in her power to drive a wedge between the both of us. In fact, she was probably getting a kick out of how she had led me on despite my vehement protests and insistence that I would rather drop dead than skulk around the palace grounds on the account of baseless accusations.  
“Then why did he agree to meet me in the gardens tonight?” she smirked.
“You’re lying!” the words flew out of my mouth with tenacity, broken pride, and rage, I surprised even myself with the overwhelming emotions that coursed through my veins at the very thought of such a betrayal.
She shrugged, flicking her hand outwards in a dismissive motion as she raised a brow.
“Then why don’t you come to the gardens at midnight to see for yourself?” she taunted.
I wasn’t about to tolerate this for another second longer.
“I could think of better uses of my time, thank you very much,” I all but spat at her as I turned on my heels and left in a huff.
And it was true.
It had been true.
I had had every intention to sit my ass on his bed in his room – ready for him to drive out every single doubt and memory of her from my mind. I had been ready to trust him…
… until he had sent Elynn to inform me that he still had matters to discuss regarding the arrival of King Ehrendil and that he would return to his chambers late.
My heart had clenched upon the delivery of her words as my hands scrunched the sheets in tight fists.
I was doomed.
There would only be one place I would end up in tonight.
And I had thought about it – my mind had raced and raced as I wondered what I would say, what I would do if he did indeed show up.
Would I fling myself at him in a barrage of angry tears and fists to his chest?
Or would I skulk away silently with my tail between my legs?
I had mapped out every single scenario and every single explanation he could possibly tell me and nothing ended well.
How could it after everything he had promised me?
And so, my heart had thumped and throbbed as I waited in the shadows.
Right, that’s it.
Shaking my head and tearing my eyes away from her silhouette, I cursed myself inwardly once more.
Of course he was discussing proper plans with the nation’s builders, or whoever was involved in the receiving of this prestigious King. Warmth unfurled unexpectedly in my chest and my lips curved up in a smile.
I mean, he was about to break his betrothal to the King’s daughter, I rationalised. That would have to involve careful planning and the crafting of words before it all escalated into war.
I should have trusted him.
I should have.
No matter, I’d soon be warm and toasty in bed, wearing nothing but a smile as I greeted him upon his return. And all this would be nothing but a distant memory and fodder for a good laugh as I relayed to him tonight’s incident.
I could already see the twinkle in his eye as he teased me about being so gullible if only because it reflected the depth of my care towards him.
And he would lean in closer, his lips trip to close the final distance between the both of us and I would look into his eyes, colour rising in my cheeks as I wrestled internally if I should tell him.
If I should let slip…
“Loki,” the word reverberated in the air – soft and gentle, wrapped in so much yearning, it yanked me out of my reverie.
My bottom lip quivered – willing my eyes to deceive me.
But there he stood.
No. No. No. No. No.
My mind screamed and screamed, but I couldn’t get up – couldn’t move.
It was as if my throat had closed in on itself.
She rose from her seat, slowly, almost as if she was afraid he was nothing more but an apparition that would disappear upon sudden movement – gracing me with the view of her side profile. But I didn’t even need to see her face to know that she was beaming, radiantly.
“You came…” she breathed.
I was close enough that it was faintly audible and tried as I might to stomp it down, my heart hurt.
I leaned forward, trying to get as much mileage as I could without giving my presence away.
He replied with a disdainful sneer – his jaw locked and body tense.
“It appears that in our time apart, you’ve unlearnt the meaning of ‘no’” he grated out, bestowing upon her a withering glare.
I found myself letting out a silent breath I hadn’t even realised I had been holding.
“Loki…” she whispered, her hand reaching out as if to gently caress his cheek.
My hand tightened into fists and I had to bite down on my tongue to keep myself from snarling at her to keep her hands to herself.
But he grabbed it, wrapping slender finger after slender finger around her dainty wrist until she winced in discomfort, before he flung it aside, roughly.
“Don’t touch me,” he hissed, taking a step backwards from her.
His hands tightened into fists by his sides.
She faltered, her courage unnerved – clearly, this hadn’t been the sort of reception she had been anticipating.
She held still, her eyes searching traces of tenderness in the harsh planes of his unforgiving face.
There was none to be found.
I breathed.
The knot in my chest loosened.
“In case it hasn’t been made clear enough, I have no interest in resuming any form of relations with you, and your insistence upon doing so is wearing my patience thin, Halwen,” he warned.
It was met with silence.
A deafening pause.
“It’s been awhile since you last called me by my name,” she finally uttered, softly.
I almost felt bad for her.
His features hardened as he clenched his jaw – as if just the dredging up of an old memory was enough to make him want to spit in disgust.
“It brings me no fondness in doing so,” he said, dismissively, his cold eyes swept her face.
Sadness cloaked it.
“Loki, please…” she pleaded, her hand reached out instinctively, touching his forearm, lightly.
He let out a visceral hiss, yanking his arm away like a wounded animal who had been burned badly.
“How can you bear to touch a Frost Giant? Did you not look at me with pure unadulterated disgust when you saw me in my true form?” he snarled.
Her lips parted, as if ready to say something.
To defend herself.
To excuse her actions.
But all she could do was stand there, shaking her head, forlornly.
He shot her another contemptuous glare, squaring his shoulders.
“You’ve chosen your path and this is the one I’ve chosen. Both have long since diverged,” he bit out.
“I—I know that. I know I’ve made a mis—“ she trembled, scrambling to piece word after word together, but he cut her off, with a rough dismissive gesture with his arm as he turned his body away from hers ever so slightly.
It was a cue that he had had enough.
“This conversation is one I have no desire to prolong any further. There are things I must attend to before your father arrives, which will see the both of you leaving Asgard for good,” he declared, frostily.
Even from this distance, I could see her body tremble.
“You would tell Father you’d retract the betrothal?” she asked, incredulously, her voice rising in a nervous pitch.
He leaned forward, closing the gap between them – a gesture meant to intimidate and to deliver the full blown force of his distaste smeared evidently across his face.
“I would,” he sneered, giving her one last sweeping look, before he pulled back, turning on his heel with such determination and force, his cloak swished in a flurry.
She stumbled forward, her eyes locked onto his back.
“Is she really worth the price of a war?” she cried out, her voice shrill and frenzy with desperation.
My heart thudded in my chest.
He grew still.
Awfully, awfully still.
Her breath came in short, shallow spurts as he turned around slowly, his eyes glinting dangerously in the dark.
“How does it feel?” he asked, quietly.
His voice low and husky, like a hushed warning.
She looked at him, eyes spilling over with questions.
“How does it feel to have a mere mortal chosen over you?” he mocked, his lower jaw jutting out as the corners of his lips lifted in cynicism.
I didn’t like the look on his face.
Didn’t like the bite of bitterness I heard in his voice.
And I felt a terrible, terrible squeeze in my chest.
“You – the esteemed princess of Alfheim who has long seen the fall of a great many in pursuit of your affections… shunned for a mortal. Ironic, is it not?” he continued.
Blood turned to ice in my veins.
Word after word formed a chain link that tightened around my neck.
I let out a tiny gasp, my hand flying to muffle my mouth as I struggled to suck air into my lungs.
I couldn’t breathe.
Paralysed by the dawning realisation th—
“So, she is nothing but an elaborate ruse to spite me?” she protested, echoing the very same question I wanted nothing more to do than to scream at him.
He let out a bloodless laugh, eyes never leaving hers.
Never had I felt my heart call out to him so desperately.
So frantically.
Asking him to be gentle.
Asking him to think of me.
“Do you not think you’ve lost your right to ask that of me?” he taunted.
But all that lingered behind was hate and spite.
All that filled his vision so clouded over with hurt was her.
My heart thumped weakly in my chest.
“Do you love her?”
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t-a-l-i-n-a-l-a-n-i · 6 years
How to bind Fortune
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Chapter 2
__________________________ Writers note: Hello and....um...SURPRISE?! xD Seems like I´m kind of ‘back’. I found some strengh to write the 2nd Chapter and didn´t want to make you wait any longer. I hope you´ll like it <3 I´m so very sorry for making you wait for so long...I really am... And for the ‘Roommate Adventures’ Fans: I will write the next chapter the next few days, I think. I wanted to write it now, but I feel like this is not gonna happen...sorry :’/ __________________________
"Wait!!  Again, again!", Tony has tears in his eyes from laughing and is waving his arms in front of his face. Alma sighs and crosses her arms. Next to her on the couch - at a distance of almost two meters - Loki is sitting,  in the large living room, looking gloomy. "So ... you mean ...", Tony has to break off. He has problems getting air. "So you mean ...", he holds his stomach with laughter. "Yes, yes, yes ... I screwed it up again and now Loki and I can not move more than two meters away from each other ..." says Alma monotonously. She is tired. She explains it for the fourth time now. She and Loki roll their eyes while Tony tries not to choke of laughter. "Tony, that's not funny!" Steve says seriously. "Yeah, because you don´t have any humor!", Tony chuckles and wipes a tear from the corner of his eye. Apparently everyone finds that very amusing. Everyone except Steve. Natasha, Clint, even Bruce has to grin, Thor looks confused, but no less amused, and especially Tony, who is still gasping for breath. The only ones who have nothing to laugh about right now are Loki and Alma. "Okay okay!", Tony takes a few deep breaths. "And how long does the effect last?" "Good question." Nat intervenes. Alma feels Loki's eyes on her and knows that he will not like what she is about to say. She is breathing hard and staring at her hands. "I'm not sure ... actually you only take one drop of the potion and the effect should subside within about a day." You can hear Bruce inhale sharply. "... well .... well, we had a lot more than a drop.", Alma sighs and avoids looking at anyone. Nervously, she bites her lower lip. "Witch .... how long?", Loki growls beside her and she flinches. "I do not know!" She says desperately, making herself as small as possible. "I'm sorry, Alma ... Loki ... that was my mistake." Bruce says apologetically, dropping his head. Well, it was somehow his fault, but actually it was Alma's fault from the beginning. She should have labeled the vessel. "No Bruce.", The little witch shakes her head. "It was my fault and I'm so sorry I was too careless, Loki, forgive me." The God of Mischief grunts and clenches his lips together. "So Lady Alma, what's your opinion, how long will it take for the effect to fade?" Thor asks, trying not to grin too broadly and to look worried. Alma thinks. Then she makes a tormented sound. "Maybe a few weeks ...?" "WEEKS ?!", Loki jumps off the couch. ".... or months ...?", she whispers and pushes herself deeper into the couch. "It's hard to say how much we really drank from the potion, in the worst case it would be about six months ... but none of us drank the whole cup of tea, so I think it will be a little less." "OH... Odin's beard, WITCH! Do something!", Loki points to Alma, he really does not look very pleased. "I can´t!", She raises her hands protectively and is now almost one with the couch. "I don´t know any way to reverse the effect, I do not even know why the potion is working the way it is!" Loki sighs loudly and drops resignedly on the couch. Tony started laughing mercilessly again. "I don´t believe it! But at least she did not set something on fire this time! " "Well ... then you two have to make friends I guess." Nat says dryly and shrugs. "Brother, this is THE opportunity to get to know Lady Alma properly, you have not talked much since I brought you here!" Thor says cheerfully and you hear Loki groaning. Well Thor is not wrong. Since Loki is back on Earth, he and Alma have barely spoken to each other, even though she often tried to start a conversation with the black-haired god. But he did not seem interested. "Well, you should at least try to get along with each other." says Steve and looks at Loki. He just snorts contemptuously and averts his eyes. "Alma, if he's causing any problems, just let me know.", Natasha leans down to Alma and winks. The witch smiles and relaxes a bit. "Hey, I'm the victim here!" Loki exclaims insulted.
Some threats later, Alma and Loki were alone in the living room. However, neither has spoken. Not a word. Alma, because she feels guilty and does not want to upset Loki anymore. And Loki, because he was angry. Really angry. Angry angry. Alma is busy staring at her hands when she is suddenly torn from the couch. With wide eyes she stares at Loki who has gotten up and is now on his way out of the living room.
"H-Hey, what are you doing?", She tries to stay on her feet. Loki does not turn around or stop. "I am tired." He walks to the elevator and Alma hurries to keep his pace. It's probably not a good idea not to be in the elevator if Loki uses it. She would  be pushed through the ceiling and that sounds relatively painful. Breathing heavily, she jumps into the elevator and at the same moment the doors close. "Hey, are you trying to kill me?", She holds a hand to her chest and tries to breathe calmly. Loki grins calculatingly. "Would that cancel the potion's effect?" "NO!" "...what a pity..." The elevator stops and the doors open again. Loki steps out and you try to keep up, not to be dragged behind him like a lifeless doll again. "Hey, Loki, where are you going, my apartment is in the other direction!" Alma sees him shrug. "Mine is not." The witch tries to stand with all her strength and defend herself against the power of the potion. Unsuccessful. But obviously it costs the god now a lot of power to move forward. "I want to go to my apartment!" "And I want to go to mine." "Loki .....", Alma whines. Loki grins cheekily. "Well, it looks like one of us is not getting her will today." Then he starts to walk down the hall with firm steps. Alma tries to fight back, but Loki is stronger  and so she is forced to follow him. Whether she wants it or not. She tries to stay convulsive and go the other way, but she has no chance, but at least she manages to make his way harder. "Stop resisting, it's annoying.", She can hear the effort in his voice. "OH by Odin's beard, witch, don´t make such a fuss!" He reaches for the doorframe of the door to his apartment and holds on it tight. "But I want to sleep in my apartment!", Alma uses the opportunity and starts to move in the other direction of the hallway, but Loki was faster and stronger  again and grabs Alma on the hips, which causes her to  squeak surprised. He chuckles gloomily. "No chance, this is your fault, and you will adjust to my demands!"
Alma gives up the fight and let Loki drag her into his apartment.
To be continued .....
tags: @drakesfiance @buttercuptea @lividpenguin @btrlover211 @antidiva @tomhiddleston-is-theloveofmylife @leenalee @mel-ithilethiel @fairlightswiftly @jclements919 @yotanatana @quitesmolcreature @abbibbiey
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sserpente · 6 years
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A/N: Request from anon and @jclements919. I had a sleepover with a friend yesterday, we re-watched The Night Manager and got drunk. Perfect combination to cry over how perfect Tom is.
Words: 2556 Warnings: violence
Being a female spy had one great advantage—you could flirt your target into believing he was safe and you were but an innocent and young girl, knowing nothing about all the red on his ledger. Over the years, it had proven to be the most effective way to gather information and on top of that, it was the least risky option. No man who fancied sex every now and then would suspect you to be the culprit when it came down to it. Not that you would sleep with those douchebags though. You always ended it before they tried luring you into their beds, using mischievous tricks to make them believe why it was better to wait.
You grinned at your own reflexion in the mirror, your red lips complementing your eyes. You would make him mad tonight. A private dinner party to which he had invited you as a close friend, an occasion you had bought a pretty black dress for. Attending there would be business partners of his, important allies whose names you sucked up like a sponge. Soon, you’d have enough information and proof to go to the FBI, they would take care of the rest. You didn’t get your hands dirty—ever. You were way too clever for that.
“Ah! My beloved (Y/N), there you are! My friends, this is Miss Johnson!” Miss Johnson was your fake last name. Protection was your most important tool, after all. Not even your clients knew your real name.
Several men turned to stare at you like prey, their greedy eyes resting on your gracious cleavage. Combined with a few glasses of champagne, this dress would loosen their tongues tonight so fast you almost felt sorry for them.
Most men were powerless when it came to the weapons of a woman. Manipulation was your middle name and you loved the attention. It made you all the more less suspicious.
“I’m so thrilled you invited me, Karl, thank you so much.” Smiling sweetly, you allowed him to place his hand on your hip and kiss your cheek to greet you. There was another man with him, silent, calm and watching your every move. You knew that kind of look. If you dropped a needle, he would notice. His inconspicuous staring was almost fascinating. Icy blue eyes boring into yours when your curious gaze met his.
“Darling, this is Mr Jonathan Pine. Right hand man of a very good friend of mine overseas—an awful lot of very profitable deals.”
Jonathan Pine. Was it his real name? Karl himself owned several passports, you had found them when prying into his personal stuff one night after he had fallen asleep completely drunk, believing you had slept together.
“Pleasure to meet you. I have heard a lot about you already.” He spoke sternly, offering you his hand. Oh, he was English too. What a cliché. But there was something about him that did not quite feel right. He didn’t fit into this whole… ambient. And much more importantly, you instantly decided that you did not trust him in the slightest. The feeling was mutual—you could tell when you locked eyes again.
“Excuse me for a moment, will you?” Karl kissed your cheek once more before reluctantly letting go of your hip to join one of his business partners. It urged you to stroll along and eavesdrop but right now, it would appear too suspicious. To Karl, you were but a silly young woman in desperate need of some attention and fame to become a popular actress.
“I was just wondering, what does a young actress do at a dinner party like this?” Damn it, you had let down your guard. You had barely noticed Jonathan still watching you intently. Still, you smiled when you looked at him. Your made up identity was so detailed you could write a novel—actually, you were working on one already. Your adventures, for that was what you called them, were way too precious to be forgotten. So you wrote them down. Each and every single one of them.
“I met Karl in his favourite movie theatre. We both went to see the new MARVEL movie. You take it from here, he is wonderful.” You lied, faking a lovely and innocent smile.
“Incredibly wealthy, you mean.”
“Oh, wow, I am not after his money, Mr Pine.” If that is your real name, mysterious Englishman.
Jonathan chuckled darkly. “I have met a lot of women like you. You’re all the same.”
Frowning, you gritted your teeth, lowering your voice when you replied.
“You know nothing about me. How dare you?”
He responded nothing to that, instead simply stared at you, thinking hard. Half a minute later, he turned away and accepted a glass of champagne from one of the waiters.
You missed your chance that night. Karl got drunk enough for you to lure him into his bedroom again. He passed out before you had to take off your dress to make him believe you were about to have sex. His office was right next door. You had found the key hidden in a box of condoms but when you tiptoed towards it with bare feet and your high heels in hand, you suddenly heard footsteps nearing the bedroom.
Jonathan Pine’s expression was all but surprised and regretful when he peeked through the half open door and spotted you standing on the carpet, frozen to the spot.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you were… well.” Yes, you did. And you foiled my plan, you tea drinking moron. It was then you decided—you absolutely hated this strange man.
Forcing a fake smile, you clutched the key tighter and hid it behind your back. Fortunately, he could barely see it in the dimly lit room.
“We weren’t. I mean, we were going to but he had a little too much tonight. Bad luck for me…” You mused, making your way outside. Jonathan moved away only reluctantly, his blue eyes watching every step of yours until you found yourself in the empty hallway. The mansion Karl lived in was so big almost every guest had their own wing. You were completely undisturbed.
And therefore, it should not have surprised you when Jonathan suddenly grabbed your arm firmly, pulled you against him you stumbled and then pressed you against the wall, his body trapping yours. You could feel his muscles dancing against your covered skin, his blue eyes narrowed at you.
“Who do you work for?” He growled darkly, his tone threatening. Shit. You should have known better—trusted your gut feeling and kept an eye on him. Playing innocent now would only worsen the situation. Jonathan was way too smart for that.
Now what did they always say? Offence is the best defence.
“I could ask you the same question, Pine. If that is your real name, of course.”
Jonathan growled once more. The sound of it was almost hot. Or maybe that was just the excitement that came with confrontation. He might be attractive but he was the enemy—your opponent and maybe even a threat to your life.
“Yes. It is. I was sent in by an English organisation which works on bringing down Karl Decker and his cronies. That is all you need to know about me.”
A bitter smile crept up on your lips. “I knew there was something wrong about you. How did you know? That I am not who I pretend to be?”
“It was the way you reacted when I accused you of being with Decker because of his money. What are you really after?”
Snorting, you rolled your eyes. “That is none of your business. All you need to know is that I will bring him down.”
“And how successful were you with that thus far?” There was no amusement in his voice when he spoke, causing you to lift your chin and cross your arms. You had barely no room for the defiant movement, for he still had you pinned against the wall.
“Again—none of your business. Whoever you are, I am one step ahead of you.”
“Really? I got in without offering my cleavage as ransom, what’s your excuse?” Jonathan spat, glaring at you angrily.
“Oh, screw you.”
Fighting for composure, he took a deep breath.
“Look. We are both after the same thing. Given you are so keen on keeping your associates a secret I’m assuming you don’t have any. You work alone, taking private jobs and I bet most of what you do is illegal anyway.”
You opened your mouth to protest but he just kept on talking.
“Johnson is not your real name. You travelled here with a false passport but you never bothered to deregister your old one. (Y/L) (Y/L/N).” Shit. He was good—way too good. “You should be more careful. If I can get a hold of this information, Decker will be able to acquire it too.”
Hissing, you shoved him away from you. He only moved a couple of inches but it helped your growing rage when you started seeing red. “I don’t need your advice, Pine.”
“No,” he agreed darkly. “You don’t. You need my help. Decker trusts you. Keep him occupied and I will get us the information we need to tip him off.”
Now it was your time to scoff. “See, the reason I work alone is that I don’t like to share. I don’t even know you. And quite frankly, I don’t particularly like you.” I do think you are outrageously handsome—but that doesn’t count, you added silently.
“That is mutual.” Pine stated dryly, pursing his lips in the process. “Whoever hired you for this job, you will still get your money. I stay completely out of it.”
You could feel his hot breath on your lips when he spoke. By now, he was so close your faces were only inches apart, both of you whispering quietly.
You had to weigh your options. If you declined his offer, would he bust you? If he got the information—the papers—you were looking for first, you were screwed, your reputation, your safety and your money gone.
If he helped you… you could still claim you had worked alone and not mention him with a word.
“Fine,” you finally spat. “Let’s do it.”
Karl stirred. The bed sheets were rustling—you could hear him groan. Presuming he had simply turned in his sleep, you kept your eyes on Jonathan. Arrogant English bastard.
He nodded. “We have the same goal, (Y/N). I’m not your enemy.”
We’ll see about that.
The sheets rustled again, a body shifting on the bed. Rolling your eyes, you went back inside. If he woke up, Karl had to find you beside him. Jonathan let go of you when he realised but when you entered the bedroom again, the bed was empty.
Shit. Had he gone to the bathroom to throw up? The drawer was open—he might be looking for painkillers.
When you turned, you saw a swift movement from the corner of your eye. Putting on your fake smile, you watched a half-naked Karl approaching you so slowly you feared he was simply sleepwalking.
“I thought you fell asleep on me, baby.” You mused innocently.
Karl growled, his right arm twitching. Did he even hear you?
Only when Jonathan burst into the room, you realised you were in grave danger.
“(Y/N)… (Y/N), move away, he has a gun!”
Ripping your eyes open in fear, you were thrown to the ground right before a metal bullet collided with the wall behind you.
“The key, darling. Give me my fucking key and then, you will tell me who you are and what you want. You and your little friend right here. Tell me now and I might consider killing you both quickly.”
Karl was not joking. And Pine had distracted you long enough for him to wake up. He had most likely reached for his condoms to finish what he had started and then noticed that his key—and you—were gone.
Trembling with fear, you looked up at Jonathan, who still shielded you with his body. His blue eyes were boring into yours. Thanks to the darkness in the room, Karl could barely see you. Jonathan Pine had just saved your life. Maybe he was not so bad after all.
“And now what?” You whispered, looking up at him with fear.
“Hide downstairs, lock yourself in the bathroom. They will have heard the shot.”
“And you?”
Jonathan gave you a strange look, almost as if he was going to sacrifice himself—but you knew he wouldn’t. He was skilled and smart enough to survive this. If he was being witty about this, he’d even get away with the papers and without killing Karl.
“Just go. I will pick you up.”
You had no choice other than to trust him. So you did as you were told and started at the bathroom, locking it behind you just in time before Karl’s security turned around the corner. They were going to check on him… and instead would find Jonathan with him.
You had no idea for how long you cowered in the bathtub, listening to your own heartbeat and flinching at every footstep you heard outside. When did this happen? When had you started relying on this self-confident Englishman? You… hated him… or maybe you just pretended you did because he had done a better job than you had.
Don’t forget… he’d saved your life…
A knock on the door startled you. Biting your lower lip anxiously, you held your breath.
“(Y/N)… it’s me.” Jonathan. Relieved, you climbed out of the bathtub and snatched your high heels. No evidence. You couldn’t leave behind anything here—not if you wanted to stay out of whatever occurred after you were gone again, accepting a cheque.
You unlocked the door only to reveal him panting, his forehead sweaty and his shirt stained with blood—hopefully not his own.
“Are you alright?”
Blinking, you nodded. Why was he asking for your safety? Did he not hate you?
“We go through the back door.” He commanded, his voice gentler than it should probably be.
“Did you get the papers?”
Jonathan paused. Then, he nodded. “Yes. Let’s go.”
You gasped when he reached for your wrist and firmly dragged you with him, knowing you would follow him either way. He acted almost as if he was concerned for you and maybe… maybe he actually was.
“Jonathan?” Your voice was but a mere whisper when you finally left the house and silently closed the door behind you. There was a vehicle waiting for him. Would he take you with him? Or just leave you to yourself now?
The spy turned around, frowning as he waited for you to go on.
“Thank you.”
He only nodded in response, and then surprised you by shoving you towards the car. Only when you were both seated inside and the driver, a friend and co-worker of his, as you learned, started the engine and fled with you, you snapped, wrapping your arms around Jonathan’s body.
Sighing, he held you for a while until you had calmed enough, your shaking dying down ever so slowly. Yeah. He was not so bad after all.
A/N: If you liked this story, would you care to support me a little by buying me a cuppa? I would appreciate it so much! ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥
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the-devil-herself · 6 years
Chapter 16 is here!
Chapter 16 of “Never Enough” is up on AO3 here! TW: mentions of blood. Let me know your thoughts please! Ask to be tagged :)
@sarahivi @fairlightswiftly @b00k-me-up @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13 @jclements919 @your-pixels-are-showing @welcomingpayne @ihavenofilter @crazylittlewitch
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jessiejunebug · 6 years
Username change!!!!
My old username was jclements919. I just wanted to let everyone know that it has changed. :)
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fanfic-collection · 6 years
The Christmas Gift: Demon!Loki x Reader - Pt 6
Tag list: @inspectornotmydivsion @helenaisabel @tarithenurse @lance-corporal-levis-maid  @thegirlbeyondtheuniverse @kristinaraven99@frenchfrostpudding @devilbat @thebritishspider @catalinaacosta@jclements919 @hiddlestoner3059 @packetofcrispsonthefloor @devilbat @fairlightswiftly
Thank you for the encouragement to continue writing, a short chapter to skip to the next bit!
You woke up suddenly, wondering what had startled you. At first you tried to stretch, until you felt something solid and warm pressed against your back and... an arm wrapped around your waist. You still wore your dress from the night before though it was slightly unzipped to be more comfortable.
The ashes of the smouldering fire, all but dead before you, were grey and sullen as your stiff back from sleeping on the floor.
Loki groaned, squinting his eyes shut, nuzzling his face into the bare skin revealed by your slightly undone dress. Despite yourself, you smiled, cupping his face and brushing his long black hair out of his eyes.
Loki slowly opened his eyes, blinking the sleep out of them and smiled at you as he sat up. He pressed a soft kiss into your shoulder, nuzzling the skin and pressing soft kisses along and up to your neck.
You smiled at him, stifling a yawn and looking around the room, wondering what had woken you.
Another soft knock came from your door and you bolted up. Loki followed suit, pulling you towards him to fix the zipper of your dress. He bent down and picked up the blanket it and wrapped it around your shoulders before making his way to the door. You followed him, still fighting back yawns.
Upon opening the door, Mrs. Netter stood there with a tired looking Layla just behind her. “Oh good, I saw your car and figured you were home. Layla said we should check on the two of you.” She looked curiously at the fact that you and Loki were both in your evening clothes still. Raising an eyebrow, she smiled between the two of you.
You shook your head and laughed weakly, “Thanks Marie, I appreciate you watching her.”
Layla rushed inside, hurrying past you and coming to stand by Loki, one hand gripping his leg.
“Don't worry about it,” Mrs. Netter beamed, “she was a darling.”
“What do you say to Mrs. Netter?” You asked Layla, looking down at her.
“Thank you for letting me stay the night and watching me.” Layla responded.
“Would you, uh, like to stay for breakfast?” You looked around the house, realizing you desperately needed to change.
“No, no, you three take care of yourselves. I'll be around if you need anything.”
You gave her a hug and she quickly departed.
Shutting the door behind you, you turned to see Layla running over and tackling into you, hugging you as tight as she could. “I missed you so much, mamma, Mrs. Netter is so old! We went to bed so early and the casserole was gross.”
You shook your head jovially, “Oh honey, I'm sorry I left you over there. We should've come gotten you as soon as possible.”
Layla shook her head quickly, beaming up at you, “Did you and Loki have fun?”
You knelt down and hugged her, rubbing her back, “We did, well I did, did you Loki?” You glanced up at him.
Loki smiled warmly, stifling his own yawn, “I did, thank you.”
Layla squealed excitedly, letting go and jumping up and down. “Are you boyfriend and girlfriend now?”
You ran your hands through your hair and sighed heavily, “It's complicated honey.”
Layla frowned, slowly coming to a stop.
You glanced at Loki then back at her, “I do care about him, but I worry he doesn't have a choice in the matter so I don't want to declare any labels on our friendship.”
“You guys are friends?”
“I'd like to think so.” You looked at Loki again and he smiled softly.
“Well he's a boy, and he's your friend, isn't that your boyfriend?” Layla asked.
“Boyfriend means a little more than that, but I guess you're kinda right. How about we worry about that later, why don't we have some breakfast and take a nap, it's been a long night.” You said, straightening up.
“Does Loki still have to sleep on the couch?”
You blushed, looking at Loki nervously. He rubbed the back of his neck uncertainly. Layla looked back and forth between both of you.
“I uh, I don't know.” You said finally. Loki looked uncomfortable.
“Your bed is big, we could have a sleep over and all sleep on it for our nap!”
“Well the princess would have to be in the middle, of course.” Loki suggested, “Why don't you worry about that after breakfast?”
Layla's stomach grumbled and she nodded, running into the kitchen.
“I think I'd rather be next to you.” You said, bumping into him playfully.
“Would you now?” Loki purred.
You looped your arm in his and led him to the kitchen, “I don't know what I want. Do friends share beds?”
“I suppose they could.”
“I feel bad making you take the couch when I have a queen sized bed, and it's not like it means anything.”
“Whatever makes you most comfortable.”
After breakfast, you ordered Layla to her room for a nap. Though she complained, eventually she dutifully gave in. You and Loki stayed in the living room, after you had both changed clothing and you had taken a quick shower. The two of you curled up on the couch, cuddled together under your favorite blanket.
Hours later, you woke, head resting on Loki's chest, his legs on either side of you. Loki's head was propped up on his hand as he dozed, his other hand lazily hooked over your chest.
You smiled, inhaling his scent as the two of you lay cuddled together.
“What time is it?” You asked quietly, not wanting to wake him.
Loki's eyes opened slowly and stared down at you, “I believe around six.”
“We should get Layla up for supper.”
Loki kissed the crown of your head, unthinking, “I'll start on supper, you go wake her.”
You smiled up at him and nodded before slowly untangling yourself from his limbs and crawling out.
Making your way to Layla's room, you stood in the doorway and gazed at her sleeping form. You crossed the room and sat down on her bed, stroking back her hair from her face and softly cooing her name. “Hey honey.”
“Mommy.” She replied blurrily.
“Hey, hun,” You repeated, “You ready for supper, Loki's cooking something.”
Layla rolled over and stared up at you, “Can he be my daddy?”
You sighed sadly, kissing her forehead, “I don't know. I'm trying to figure it out.”
“Don't you like him?”
“I do, honey, I do, I just, he doesn't have a choice. His boss told him to be my boyfriend and he doesn't have a say in the matter. If I told you to be friends with that nasty boy at school, wouldn't you be upset?”
“But Loki isn't nasty. Do you think he's nasty?”
You shook your head, “It's the principle of it.”
“The basic nature of it. He shouldn't be my boyfriend because he has to be, if he wants to be my boyfriend, he should be allowed to choose it.”
Layla nodded solemnly, “That makes sense.”
“But don't you fret over it, ok? We're the adults, it's our job to worry about that, not you.” You kissed her again, “C'mon, let's go get supper.”
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fanfic-collection · 6 years
The Christmas Gift: Loki x Reader - Pt 8
Tag list: @inspectornotmydivsion @helenaisabel @tarithenurse @lance-corporal-levis-maid  @thegirlbeyondtheuniverse @kristinaraven99@frenchfrostpudding @devilbat @thebritishspider @catalinaacosta@jclements919 @hiddlestoner3059 @packetofcrispsonthefloor @devilbat @fairlightswiftly @the-potatoes-have-fallen @markusstraya
Pretty sure this is the last chapter? Maybe cliche, but ehhhhh, I hope you guys enjoy, sorry it took so long. POSITIVITY 
You woke with a start, Layla was standing directly in front of you.
“Where'd Loki go?” She asked.
“What?” You asked groggily, feeling behind you and realizing he was no longer there.
“He said he had to go clear his head, what does that mean?”
Something in your heart told you where he was. You had no idea why, but you were certain he was at the park.
“Get in your winter clothes. We'll go find him.”
Layla beamed and ran out of the room. You scrambled to find clothes and quickly changed into them.
The drive felt like ages but eventually you made it to the park. It was eerily empty. Perhaps the time of day, or that the temperature had fallen well below freezing. Your breath misted in front of you and you glanced down at Layla with worry. There was no option of her staying home, she wouldn't have accepted it if something was wrong with Loki. Luckily, the young child was bundled from head to toe with numerous warm clothes and she didn't look terribly uncomfortable.
You trudged through the thick snow, not yet cleared from the path and made your way towards the gazebo.
It was empty.
Looking around, you called out for a bit, searching for signs of footprints but it seemed Loki had managed to leave none.
As your nose grew colder, face and fingers numb, you started to doubt the feeling that Loki would be here.
Then you saw him, kneeling at the water's edge, hunched over and looking as cold as you felt, arms wrapped around himself, Loki.
You ran over, or attempted to through the thick snow but eventually you made it to his side, kneeling down in the snow and wrapping your arms around him.
The breeze lifted his hair, blowing it into his face as he looked up at you teary eyed. “I don't want to be a monster anymore.” He whispered, looking down at the lake.
You hugged him tightly, rubbing his cold extremities as Layla bounced nearby, struggling for warmth.
“Oh Loki, you're not a monster, you never were a monster.” You whispered to him, your forehead pressed to his.
Loki blinked at you, eyes coal black as he stared at you, his expression hard. Slowly it softened and he looked away, head bowed. “I wanted to kill him, I would've, without a shred of remorse.”
“You didn't.”
“I could have, so easily.”
“But what matters is what you do, not what you're capable of, good or evil. Actions are what matter, you didn't kill him, you might've hurt him but it was defending Layla, and me.” You gripped his face and turned his head to look at you. Your gaze was soft and warm as you tried to convey your feelings, “Loki, you're not a monster, you were forced into being something you're not, through no fault of your own, but it's your choices and actions that determine what you truly are.”
“I love you.” Loki blurted out suddenly.
You leaned in, eyes drifting shut as your mouth met his in a soft kiss. The two of you held the moment, cold lips pressed together, slowly moving gently as one of you deepened the kiss. One or both, it was impossible to say who deepened the kiss, pressing together fervently.
Finally you pulled away, “I love you too.”
You gripped the back of his head and pulled him close to you again, desperate for another kiss. As your eyes drifted shut, a bright light surrounded Loki. Instinctively, you pulled back, shielding your eyes. Blindly, you turned to find Layla who had cried out in shock, then you were aware of her hand in yours.
Something feathery soft wrapped around you, pulling you close to the man beside you, your daughter's hand still in yours as she was enveloped too. It was solid yet somehow translucent. You held your hand up, vision slowly returning as you felt the soft waves of warmth around you. It felt like feathers, but traces of them, shadows really dancing over your hands. The warm shadows that seemed to give off a light of their own gathered around you, shielding you from the cold.
Your mouth fell open as you looked at Loki and realized these feathery shadows were coming from him, more specifically his back.
Loki held out his hands, looking down at them in awe as the radiance spread from around him, melting the snow in a circle around your small huddled group. He looked up at you, the liquid black of his eyes receding as the green was magnified a thousand times over with a radiance to match the light emanating from him.
“Loki?” You whispered, the moment hanging in the air like a spider's thread, ready to snap at any moment.
Loki looked at you, completely shocked, “We didn't complete the contract, there's no way he would've let me go, what...?” He trailed off uncertainly.
You looked at the flexing wings still surrounding you, shifting with the wind and the movements of Loki's muscles. “You're an angel?” You half asked, half wondered aloud, your voice barely a breath.
Loki nodded slowly, admiring his wings, “They're not fully manifested, but... yes.” He said slowly looking back at you in awe.
“You're beautiful.” You shook your head, “You've always been beautiful, or handsome, what have you, but this... radiance...”
Layla squeezed your hand tightly, looking between the two of you nervously, “Mommy and Loki kissed.” She said slowly.
You smiled at her. Loki rolled up his sleeves and stared at his smooth arm, the strange markings absent from the flesh. He looked up at you in disbelief, “The contract is gone?” He asked, half a statement, half a question to no one.
“You're not a demon anymore?” You offered.
“How?” Loki asked, blinking.
“True love's kiss!” Layla squealed, “beauty and the beast!” She jumped up and down swinging your arm, “Momma is Belle!” She spun around in a circle, holding your hand above her head. “Can Loki be your boyfriend now?”
You looked at Loki in disbelief, “If, if he wants to be.” You mumbled weakly.
Loki slowly stood up, his wings disappearing behind him and the cold once more returning. He smiled down at you, that brilliant white smile of his and nodded slowly. “If you'll have me.”
“I would like nothing more than that.”
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the-devil-herself · 6 years
Chapter 12 is up!
Chapter 12 of “Never Enough” is up on AO3 here! Feedback appreciated lovelies!! Let me know if you want to be tagged for updates :)
@sarahivi​ @fairlightswiftly​ @b00k-me-up​ @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13​ @jclements919​ @your-pixels-are-showing​ @welcomingpayne​ @ihavenofilter​
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the-devil-herself · 6 years
Chapter 10 is up!
Chapter 10 of “Never Enough” is up on AO3 here! Let me know what you think and if you want to be tagged for further updates! 
Note: There won’t be another update for a week since I’ll be in Mexico, but I promise to have the next chapter up by early next week!
@fairlightswiftly @sarahivi @b00k-me-up @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13 @jclements919 @your-pixels-are-showing @welcomingpayne
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the-devil-herself · 6 years
Chapter 9 is up!!
Chapter 9 of “Never Enough” in up on AO3 here! Tell me what you think and if you would like to be added to the tag list!!
@sarahivi @fairlightswiftly @b00k-me-up @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13 @jclements919 @your-pixels-are-showing @welcomingpayne
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winterheart17 · 6 years
I literally just binge-read all the chapters of How to Love a Writer and oh my god I love it so much! I have not been this emotionally invested in a story in a long time. (Oh and I need the next chapter now. :) )
@jclements919 omgggg thank you, thank you!!!!! I can’t wait to get to work on the latest addition this weekend. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know - it’s getting messages such as this that really put a smile on my face and push me to write. So, thank you
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