#jay follo
gehoorwurm · 1 year
Thanks man E>
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dontlookforme00 · 1 year
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sportsoracle · 2 years
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
doing grocery shopping with the batboys
Could you write something fun and fluff please?
is one of my favorite activities.
I love what you write so much. My favorites are Dickie bird and Jay bird.
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Don’t know whether this is fun or fluff as you’d wanted it (kinda went on a personal rant in Jason’s a little bit but I don’t regret it) but I still hope you enjoy it not the less. Also thank you for enjoying my Jason/ Dick stuff! 🫶🦦🐿️
You go in for certain things that you need and come out with way more then you probably should. (And most of it isn’t what you actually needed)
Half of the stuff you get is mainly what Dick thinks Hayley might like and she ends up only liking 50% of it…the ‘daddy’s little girl’ doggy shirt was pushing it tbh.
Dick tends to wander off when your shopping together that when you went to ask him a question, only to notice that he was gone, you sigh and say;
A few isles over you heard a faint ‘yes honey?’
He was in the pet section. again.
You’d have to remind him that you were only there for specific things and nothing else, but Dick would always try to persuade you into allowing him to get something was wasn’t on the list at all, by battering his eyelids at you and saying ‘pretty please.’
You naturally can’t say no to you pretty boy who acts like a man child when shopping, especially if you’re the one who’s paying.
The shopping list you made might as well have been thrown in the bin with how often you come home, only to be reminded that you barely got 25% of the stuff on the shopping list thanks to Dick’s impulsiveness.
However Dick would only use this as an excuse to go shopping again later on in the week/month and do it all over again without remorse.
Also Dick is way too polite to tell people blocking the isle to move, he wants to, he really does but all he does is breathe in deeply and plaster on a smile before soldering on.
Grocery shopping wasn’t a favourite of Jason’s but if he were to do it, he’d rather do it with you because he got to be a little goofy with it.
And by that I mean him getting a little affectionate and pinching your backside and you snacking his bicep and scolding him for being inappropriate in the frozen food section.
‘I’m not doing anything chipmunk.’ He’d defend himself as you glare him.
‘I’m sure as shit there isn’t a perverted ghost here that pinches people’s backsides for fun. Now pack it in.’ You hissed as you rubbed your ass in hopes of soothing the sharp pain you felt seconds ago.
‘Sorry sweetheart.’ He’d chuckle as he kisses your cheek in apology.
You couldn’t help but smile as you could never truly stay mad at your sweet Jason, not unless he was staining your carpets with blood from a night out on patrol, but that was neither here nor there.
Other than that Jason would take the trolley from your hand and storm the store with a determination to get the fuck out as fast as possible.
His long ass strides tend to leave you behind in some random isle somewhere. So to combat this from being a reoccurring thing, Jason would just grabs your hand and puts on the trolley before putting his own on top; Now you were being dragged instead of getting left behind in somewhere with people blocking the fucking isle.
How sweet of him.
(If you’re one of these ppl, go fuck yourself bc what the fuck is so interesting that you have to block the ENTIRE FUCKING ISLE? MOVE!)
Speaking of people blocking the isle, it’s Jason’s biggest pet peeve because WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY TAKING SO MUCH FUCKING SPACE?! FUCKING MOVE YOU LAZY BASTARDS!
He will fucking glare at anyone who even dares to lean over his trolley to get something and when you tell him about how obvious he was being, he’d only response to this was: ‘they’re privileged with the use of a voice, they should fucking use it sometime.’
You’re basically there to calm him down before he bulldozes some poor bastard by guiding him to a lesser crowed isle and get some junk food for later as a reward, followed by your magical cuddles and kisses.
Jason hates shopping but with you it was made just that little bit enduring, only a little bit…he still wants to fight the young couple who wouldn’t fucking move in that one isle and honestly you don’t blame him as you would gladly join him.
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junnieverse · 9 months
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➙ synopsis: after a trip down memory lane and a 'coincidental' run in with your ex after moving back home, you thought you would be able to move on but sparks seemingly started flying once again between you and jay.
pairing: park jongseong x gn!reader
genre: fluff, friends to lovers to exes to lovers (again) au
word count: 1.3k
request: " I almost cried reading Best Part, may I request a part 2 with a happy ending?? "
warnings: not proofread
a/n: I had initially wanted to leave this as a oneshot with a bittersweet ending but because you so kindly asked, here it is anon, enjoy :)
a/n (2): please be sure to read part one [ here ]
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You were finally back home after being overseas and for the past two weeks you've been settling back in into your new apartment and catching up with your friends and family.
It felt great to be back and seeing everyone you love in person again but after the day of your trip going through your box of keepsakes, you would catch yourself thinking about Jay once in awhile wondering how and where he was.
Although a big part of you also knew maybe it was best not to see him because you wanted to, no, needed to move on from him and start a new page in your book called life.
Your new apartment still needed some decorating with a personal touch and you thought adding a few vinyl pieces could make your space feel more like home.
Walking into the old music shop you had been introduced to by Jay in the past, you kindly greet the store owner in the front and begin to browse through the various vinyls picking out some you wanted to get.
The store bell rung alerting the owner and you, seeing as you were currently the only customer, that someone else had come in.
You had obviously paid no mind to this simply paying attention to this box of vinyls looking for a new album.
"(Y/n)... is that you?"
Turning your head you immediately recognise the voice you'd missed but also wanted to forget for the longest time.
"Jay... h-hi." you say weakly as your voice cracked.
It felt as thought your entire world was crashing down and in that moment you were just holding back tears and wanted the ground to swallow you whole.
"How've you been, it's great to see you again. When did you get back?" he asks calmly trying to make small talk but little did you know his heart was beating uncontrollably fast.
"Uhm yeah haha. I've been good I guess. Got back about two weeks ago so I've just been settling in." you tell him wanting to run away.
"It was nice to see you too but I have to uhh... unpack some of my other things back home." you excuse yourself avoiding eye contact with him fiddling with your fingers nervously.
Just as you turned around to leave to go pay for the vinyls you picked out, Jay stops you gently grabbing your wrist and you notice a particularly familiar bracelet on his wrist.
"I hope it's okay if I message you again if you don't mind... maybe we can catch up over a coffee sometime." he suggests letting go of your arm and scratching the back of his neck nervously.
"Y-you still have my number..?" you ask him suprised by this.
"Yeah. I kept them... you know just in case." he said smiling sheepishly.
"Oh uhm, okay then, you can text me. I'll see you soon then."
Your heart and mind were both racing at this point.
You didn't know whether it was the right move to let Jay back into your life but having met him here again has to be some sort of sign right?
And the bracelet you made him, not only had you both broken up but he was still wearing it too...
You plop down onto your couch, after arriving home, letting out a deep sigh trying to figure out how your life suddenly took an entire 180.
Jay did in fact text you that night and talking to him again brought back so many emotions you'd tried so hard to let go of.
You felt like a giddy high schooler experiencing her first love all over again.
You both had agreed to meet at a cafe not far from where you lived the following Saturday and you were quite nervous.
Seeing Jay again after so long only proved to you that you were still undoubtedly in love with him and you were secretly hoping he was too.
Walking into the cafe that afternoon, you catch Jay sitting across a table near the window looking beautiful as the sun hit him at the best angle making his skin glisten.
"Hey Jay." you greet him about to sit down but before that he abruptly pulls you in for a hug.
You feel yourself melting in his embrace taking a whiff of the vanilla scent you missed still proceeding to hug him back despite how awkward you felt.
"It's great to see you again, thank you for agreeing to this." he says pulling away first as he pulled out your chair to let you sit as you thanked him taking your seat.
"Wow, this place sure has changed, felt like just yesterday we were here on one of our dates." you say looking around admiring the new interior of the place as you reminisced about the past.
"Yeah, it feels good to be back here with you, it didn't feel the same coming alone." he admits shyly as a waiter suddenly places your drinks and food down.
"Why am I not suprised, you still remember my go-to order." you say trying to hide your smile as Jay chuckles.
"I wanted to make a good impression. Although I was worries maybe it might have changed, glad it didn't." he says feeling relieved watching you enjoy your food.
"So how was it studying overseas, anything memorable?" he asks trying to make conversation.
You were glad Jay was able to make you feel comfortable, it felt like talking to an old friend and catching up.
You both then exchanged stories of what has been going on for these past two years you'd been away from each other and yet, you hadn't picked up any romance in his story.
"So you didn't meet anyone while I was gone..?" you ask clearing your throat.
"I wasn't really interested in anyone. Plus I'm still I love with y-" he stops himself realising what he just said as your eyes widen.
"I-I'm so sorry, uh, I don't want to put you in a difficult position. I completely get it if you've moved on-" he rambles and you stop him trying to calm him down by laying your hand on his across the table.
"It's okay Jay, I feel the same way." you admit as his ears turn red and he had the biggest smile on his face.
It felt so relieving being able to finally get that out to him and even better to know he felt the same way.
You both then spent the entire day catching up more and visiting old places you'd go to making new memories there.
"Thank you for today, I had a great time." you tell Jay as you stop in front of your door both your hands in his as you gently sway them.
"Wait uhm, I actually have something for you." he says gently rubbing your hands with the pad of his thumb letting go briefly handing you the small letter from the inside pocket of his jacket.
"Oh, thank you." you accept the letting wondering what it was.
"But open it only once you're inside and I've left." he says smiling shyly.
"Okay Jay, goodnight." you tell him nodding in understanding.
Letting go of his hands, not really wanting to though, you decide to make the first move planting a short peck on his cheek leaving Jay in awe as you went inside.
You look at the letter once more opening it and reading it's content feeling yourself about to burst into tears.
At the end of the letter it read:
'Day 01: I love your presence, no matter how much time passes, I still feel myself loving you more and more and now we can finally start over together.'
He still remembered the letters, you thought to yourself with the biggest smile.
Maybe things would work out just fine.
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pathfinders-rp · 1 month
Yes it is" he stays and gets also up with yukwon help. "maybe I will also change into some comforable pants" he says and folloes yukwon to the bedroom.
Yukwon smiles, and holds Jay's hand on their way to the bedroom, where they head to their wardrobes, and he looks for something comfortable yet pretty to wear. Nice jeans, maybe a knitted sweater...
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argus-news · 9 months
Community members in Seattle hold rally, demand justice for Jaahnavi Kandula
Kandula, 23, was struck by a police vehicle driven by Officer Kevin Dave when she was crossing a street on January 23.
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SEATTLE: Demanding justice for Indian student Jaahnavi Kandula and the resignation of two Seattle police officers, more than 200 people from different communities held a rally at an intersection where she was struck and killed by a speeding police patrol car.
Kandula, 23, was struck by a police vehicle driven by Officer Kevin Dave when she was crossing a street on January 23.
He was driving 74 mph (more than 119 kmh) on the way to a report of a drug overdose call.
In bodycam footage released on Monday by the Seattle Police Department, Officer Daniel Auderer laughed about the deadly crash and dismissed any implication Dave might be at fault or that a criminal investigation was necessary.
More than 200 people on Thursday took to the Seattle intersection where Kandula was fatally struck by an officer's cruiser in January, the Seattle Times newspaper reported.
They called for accountability for the officer who killed her and for a police union leader's comments about the crash, which some described as "disgusting" and "abhorrent."
Participants at the rally in South Lake Union called for the resignation of Auderer and the officer who struck Kandula, Dave.
Speakers at the rally criticised the police system, saying it is built on white supremacy, and the criminalising and undervaluing of the lives of Black and Indigenous people and other people of colour, the report added.
Signs read "Jail killer cops," "Justice for Jaahnavi," and "End police terror."
People living in nearby apartments came to join the crowd.
Seattle resident Rafael McPeek said he hoped to send a message that police officers can't get away with killing someone while speeding through city streets or making comments questioning the value of someone's life.
"It's absolutely disgusting," said McPeek, a member of the Seattle Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, which organised the rally.
Another rallygoer, Kyla Carrillo, expressed anger at the number of months that have elapsed without accountability for Kandula's death.
Carillo said she remembered attending a protest in January after Kandula was killed, adding that she and others gathered won't stop until Kandula receives justice and can then rest in peace.
"I don't understand how many times the Seattle Police Department can show us they don't care about people's lives," she said.
Auderer, the vice president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, reportedly on a phone call with Union President Mike Solan, appears to talk about what might happen if the victim's family sued the department.
"Yeah, just write a check. USD 11,000. She was 26 anyway. She had limited value," Auderer said during the call.
In response, Governor Jay Inslee said on Thursday, "It's hard to think of more hurtful things to say to magnify the scope of an already terrible tragedy than what is said in that video."
"I was heartbroken. I was disgusted," said Joel Merkel, a co-chair with the Seattle Community Police Commission.
Kandula was set to graduate this coming December with a master's degree in information systems from the Seattle campus of Northeastern University.
Her family said she was working toward supporting her mother in India.
India has taken up Kandula's case with the US government as well as with local officials in Washington state.
"Recent reports including in media of the handling of Ms Jaahnavi Kandula's death in a road accident in Seattle in January are deeply troubling," the Consulate General of India in San Francisco tweeted on Wednesday.
"We have taken up the matter strongly with local authorities in Seattle & Washington State as well as senior officials in Washington DC for a thorough investigation & action against those involved in this tragic case," the mission said.
The Consulate and the Embassy will continue to closely follow up on this matter with all concerned authorities, it added.
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nfloracle · 5 years
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enhais · 2 years
Hello :) I am new to your blog and I love the way the you write for enhypen :D could you do a yandere enhypen reaction to them finding out you are also yandere for them? i hope its not too much and I hope you're having great day, can i become 🌸 anon?
yandere!enhypen finding out you are also yandere for them
content: fem!reader. as mentioned before, a yandere relationship is not a healthy relationship.
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“i don’t want you to be with anyone else…” you mumbled into his shirt, your senses intoxicated with the smell of him.
recently, you had felt self-conscious, worried that he might not love you anymore and find a replacement instead. but you couldn’t have that, so you made sure to do everything you could. he was yours after all, right?
he smiled and let out a scoff, “you think i’m gonna leave you? no, baby, you got that all wrong.” your teary eyes met his heart-shaped ones, “r-really?” he ruffled your hair and grabbed you by the chin, “you’re obsessed with me, aren’t you?” he was proud to call you his, to have you in his life. he loved to more than anything.
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he was all caught up looking at the crowd to find you, but you saw it as him looking at other girls. anger and jealousy rushed through your body, your breath becoming heavier. “no, you should just pay attention to me!” you hit him on the arm and stomped your foot at the ground. she’s so cute, he thought before hugging you close. “happy to see you, my love. there were so many people, i couldn’t find you.” he pouted and you forgot all about the bad thoughts that you recently had.
he was so happy to see you like this, all possessive and jealous, it made his heart skip a beat and butterflies flutter in his stomach. to make it up to you, he would hold your hand and give you small kisses here and there as you walked through the city, showing you off with love.
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you had followed him to work to keep him company. he also wanted to show you off but wasn’t going to tell you that. anyway, he gave you a tour of the building, introduced you to staff and the other members of his group, but then it happened. something inside you snapped. seeing him so loved and appreciated made you jealous. he was yours, so why did all of these people treat him like this? you hugged his arm into you, holding him tightly so that he couldn’t let go. he ruffled your hair with his free hand as the two of you walked through the corridor to the practice rooms, “you jealous?” he teased with a smile, “i like that.”
he knew you were possessive of him ever since he got you. the way you didn’t want him to leave, or if he did leave, he had to tell you exactly where he was going. but that’s how he worked as well — he wanted to know where you were, with whom, and what you were gonna do. you were like magnets; you never let go of each other. seeing you like this, in a public setting where he had made a name for himself, was heartwarming.
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he had been busy with work these couple of days, putting you to the side and not paying as much attention to you. this made you upset for several reasons, but the major one was killing you. what if he’s found someone else? what if he doesn’t love you anymore? so, when you heard him unlock the door after a day of schedules, you greeted him with a hug. “oh, sweetheart, is something wrong?” he worried, dropping his bag to the floor and paying full attention to you. you sniffled against him, “i only love you, therefore you should only love me, too.”
his heart ached. he knew that he hadn’t been around as much, but work was really piling up after all the neglect he had done; from the time he was home every day to be with you. “i do love you. only you…” he mumbled into your hair, covering your head with kisses. “i’m sorry that i’ve been busy, angel, i’ll try to finish what i’ve got left, hm?” he couldn’t deny it though, he loved seeing you desperate for his attention like this.
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when a girl passed your table at the restaurant, you could see sunghoon’s eyes following her. blood began pumping in your veins as your hand grabbed the tablecloth into a tight fist. “i will kill her…” you muttered. he heard you and grabbed your hand. “we can do it together.” he smiled and squeezed your hand reassuringly. like the perfect bonnie and clyde couple. of course, you didn’t think of actually killing her, you were just jealous that he paid attention to someone who wasn’t you.
when he heard you, it was like he fell in love even more. he didn’t think that was possible, but there he was, looking at you with hearts in his eyes. “you don’t have to worry, angel, i love only you.” he put your hand up to his lips and gave it a kiss, never once breaking eye contact. “i love you too.” you responded, admiring his beauty.
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he had just come back from work, taking off his shoes by the door. you came rushing up to him, “d-did you hang out with any girls today?” you sniffled. you had seen some pictures of him at an awards show, girls everywhere. he laughed, “no, why? are you jealous?” he was unconsciously humiliating you, making you feel small. “noo,” you whined and went up to hug him, “i just want you to love me as i love you.” you began to cry into his shirt, grabbing on for dear life as your tears left wet spots on his clothes.
this was the most precious sight he’d ever laid his eyes on. you, teary-eyed and jealous — nothing made his heart pump more than this. “oh, sweetie.” he cooed, caressing your head and pushing it into his chest. “i could never love anyone as i love you… you’re my one and only.”
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“i love you. i love niki. niki is the best.” you sang in a quiet tone, drawing hearts on the pictures you just took. he was so handsome, so perfect, and all yours. “no one will ever come between us.” what you didn’t know was that he stood in the doorway, looking at you proudly, eyes and heart filled with love.
he came up from behind, resting his hands on your shoulders, making you stop focusing. “what are you doing?” his breath hot against your ear. like he didn’t know what you were doing… you turned around to face him, “can’t you see?” a kiss was placed on the top of your head, “looks good, baby. i’ll show you mine later, yeah?” his? did he mean? “you seem confused…” he cooed, lightly caressing your cheek. he leaned closer to you, almost touching your nose with his, “i’ve done the same thing as you’re doing now. you’re cute.”
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musicisthelife · 4 years
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sportsoracle · 2 years
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spinchip · 3 years
The Skirt
Pairings: background jaya Wordcount: 3700 Warnings: ask to tag Summary: Zane gets caught admiring a skirt at the store, but he knows the rules. Boys aren’t allowed to wear that stuff... right?
It’s a sweet, simple sort of thing, where it lays across the mannequins thighs. It’s a high waisted skirt in pale pink, long pleats that fold nicely. It’s paired with a tight white long sleeve shirt tucked in, and a gaudy hot-pink trench coat, and a pair of beige booties. The outfit is nice- the jacket a little much for his own personal taste, but cute in it’s own way. He glances down at his own hips and back up, imagining how the skirt would look against his skin. He reaches out and touches along the bottom of it, feeling the smooth fibers, wondering not-seriously if they had it in his size- not that he would buy it. Not that he should even be thinking about buying it, or how it might look on, or how it might feel-
Nya rounds the corner of the aisle he’d lost himself in.
Zane jumps away from the fabric as if it’d bitten him, nearly knocking over a rack of expensive sunglasses, a hot flush of shame crawling up his throat. He clenches his hands at his side and tries to play it off by switching focus to a pair of aviators with black frames. He can see Nya as she wanders up in the reflection from the lenses, looking between him and the mannequin’s outfit he’d been examining, an inquisitive tilt to her lips.
“Zane? Do you… like this?” She reaches up to smooth out the pleats of the skirt, ruffled by his own hands.
“No.” He answers right away, not giving an inch. He fumbles to pick up a pair of sunglasses just to be doing something with his hands, and doesn’t say anything more. He knows he’s tense, but he can’t help it.
“I don’t know. I think it’s kinda cute.” She hums.
It’s… a trap, or something. Zane can’t figure out how she's trying to box him in, and it’s making him anxious, “You should buy it if you like it.” He tries, setting the glasses back with firm hands, tracing the frames of another pair.
“I don’t think the pink would match my complexion,” there’s a pause, then she tries, “It would look really good on you-”
“I do not like it.” He cuts her off, lacing his voice with steel, shoulders hunching. He strides away from her without glancing back, he doesn’t want to see the look on her face, he doesn’t want to know if she was laughing at him. She’d laughed at him before, in his pink apron, and she'd called him cute then too.
Her voice had been filled with cruel edged mirth, “He’d looked so cute in it!” as he retreats from their food fight, an unfamiliar feeling he’s learned was embarrassment welling up in his chest, making his processor hot. He threw that stupid apron away. He announced his hatred towards pink over and over again. He didn’t need to lose all his progress with a moment of weakness.
He did not like how it felt when his friends laughed at him.
The others are trailing around the store at their own pace, and Zane is lucky only Nya caught him- and even then, he has plausible deniability. Except now she’s lingering around him, he can see her out of the corner of his eye, so he sticks strictly to the mens section- folding a pair of jeans over his arm and a pale blue turtle-neck he thought would go with his eyes. He doesn’t even think about looking at the lavender button up at the end of the rack- he’d learned over the years. Lavender and pastel colors, they were just as bad as pink, even if it was in the mens section, or gender neutral. Sometimes he worries about the light blues he tended to favor, but any blue was okay all the time, probably. They hadn’t made fun of him yet.
He’s looking through a pile of joggers when Nya calls out, “Zane!”
She catches his attention and Jay and Cole as well, holding up a white dress from the rack. It’s a beautiful summer dress, white straps lined with lace leading into a sweetheart neckline, eye closures down the center before it breaks into a delicate and flowy trumpet skirt, “Isn’t this pretty?” She asks, smiling encouragingly.
It is. If you had asked him what kind of dress he’d like to wear, he would be thinking of this dress while he told you none at all.
She’s making fun of him.
He wilts a little, drawing in on himself, and swallows past the painful lump in his throat, “I suppose.” He grits out.
“Hey, why not ask me?” Jay pipes up, “I’m your boyfriend.”
Nya jumps, as if Jay’s presence in the conversation was a surprise.
“It is pretty,” Cole comments, squinting at it from the tank tops he’d been pawing through, “Not really your style, though.”
Nya shakes her head and opens her mouth, “No, I-” She stalls, glancing at Zane- who’s looking increasingly upset, “I was thinking about trying something new...” she trails off.
Jay meanders over, “Well, you should probably get a different size. This is way too big.” He comments, looking it over.
“Yeah… right.” Nya says, and Zane slips away from them quietly.
When he gets back to his room, he sets his bags from the mall on the bed and starts to pull out his new clothes. Nya had let it go, in the end, and hadn’t teased him about his slip up after the dress thing, so the rest of the trip had been nice. They’d stopped at the food court for lunch and spent some time in the skateboard shop so kai could buy some new wheels, and then an hour and a half goofing around at the arcade before they’d called it a day.
Zane folded his new pants and tucked them into the dresser, reaching blindly into his bag while thinking about what to make for dinner.
All thoughts of food vanish from his head when he pulls out the pale pink skirt he’d been admiring.
He drops it and jerks his hands back to his chest, spinning around as if to catch Nya jump out from behind a potted plant and shout aha! Caught ya! ...but no one is there. He’s alone. He approaches the offending article of clothing cautiously, digging his receipt out from his bag while already certain he won’t see the skirt listed there. Nya must have bought it and slipped it in with his things, there’s no other explanation. It’s his size. Why? Is there a… a joke here? What is Zane not getting?
He should take it back to her and let her return it, probably. He picks it up and tosses it in the trashcan next to his desk instead, and puts away the rest of his clothes with hands he makes sure don’t shake. He doesn’t entertain the idea of trying it on. Pink and lavender weren’t allowed, skirts- skirts were worse. A pink skirt… he shakes his head, hanging up a new turtle neck, and leaves the skirt behind in the darkness of his room.
Nya sits up a little straighter when he comes into the living room, “How was… putting away your clothes?” She finishes clunky, fishing for his reaction to her prank.
“Fine.” He says without breaking stride, crossing into the kitchen and plucking his plain white apron up off the hook, sliding it over his head and getting to work.
Except, even as he chops onions and serves dinner and eats with his friends, even as they play video games and watch a movie, he can’t stop thinking about the skirt. It’s there, in the back of his mind- he’d always liked skirts, thought they were pretty and sweet. He used to dream about buying nice skirts and dresses when he could afford it, different kinds for different occasions like maxi dresses and pencil skirts, but this was before he knew it was silly and laughable. Before it was wrong.
When the night finally comes to a close, and he retires back to his room, he makes a bee line for his trashcan and delicately pulls the skirt out. He sets it on his bed and pats out the wrinkles, appreciating the craftsmanship.
He locks the door and undresses, sliding the skirt over his hips. He zips it in place and takes a step towards the mirror before he hesitates, throwing off his blue hoodie and digging up a tighter white turtleneck. It’s the closest thing he has to the outfit the mannequin was wearing that he’d liked so much. He smooths down the pleats, playing with the edge- something tight and uncomfortable in his chest loosens, and he breathes easier. It’s nice. It feels… like he always thought it would.
He steps in front of the mirror. He fiddles with the cuffs of his sweater, smiling at his reflection. He looked good, the skirt fits perfectly. He poses even though it makes him feel a little immature, striking several different stances, turning around to see all the angles. He’s got the perfect set of shoes to pair with this-
He stops halfway to his closet, standing in the middle of his room wearing a skirt he loves, reality rushing back.
He takes the skirt off, pulling on a pair of pajama pants, and folds it nice and neatly. He unlocks his door and walks across the monastery to Nyas bedroom, knocking politely. There’s a long pause before he can hear her footsteps on the hardwood. The door opens and she squints at the hallway light, blinking up groggily at Zane, “Huh?” She quips eloquently.
He holds the skirt out and drops it, she fumbles to catch it, “Return it.” he tells her, “I do not want it.���
She blinks, her sleep addled mind processing before it connects, “Zane,” She shakes her head, holding it out, “It’s yours, I saw you looking at it- it’s a nice skirt, it would look nice on you.”
He refrains from saying it does. He frowns hard, he doesn’t get it- she sounds so sincere, but he knows the rules, “I do not understand the joke. Am I supposed to wear this so you may laugh at me?”
Nya looks lost, “Laugh?”
“Like my pink apron.” He explains, huddling into himself, “Except this is worse.”
Understanding lights up her face with shame and sadness, “Zane… I-”
“Return it.” He insists, pushing the skirt back towards her, and then hesitates, “Please. Do not tell the others.”
He takes a step back and nods, turning away and bidding a hasty retreat. When he gets back to his room he stubbornly refuses to think about how freeing it was, how good it felt. He stamps down any longing as he crawls into bed, and falls asleep most certainly not filled with regret.
The following morning, Nya slinks into the kitchen as Zane and Kai are putting together breakfast looking like a kicked puppy. She keeps throwing inconspicuous sad eyes at Zane that he’s stubbornly refusing to acknowledge, but she thankfully doesn’t let the others catch on or else she might be forced to tell them what was bothering her.
After breakfast, she offers to help Zane with the dishes, and meets his “I do not require assistance,” With polite insistence, where she ends up washing as he dries and puts them away.
It isn’t until they’re nearly done that she organizes her thought’s enough to turn to him as he puts away the final stack of plates and says, “I think you should keep the skirt.”
He feels himself grow tense, closing the cupboard slowly before he looks at her, turning around to face her and scrutinizing her expression hard. He tries to dissect her intentions, tries to figure out why she’s saying this- he knew Nya had joined in on the teasing before, but he didn’t think she would push so hard. All his previous data suggests she doesn’t have a cruel streak like this in her, but she’s been keeping the joke going hard.
He entertains the idea that she really is being sincere, but that doesn’t make sense either, because there were rules. Zane had to figure them out fast when he was younger and newly exposed to the world- You have to make eye contact when conversing with people to be respectful, asking for explanations to jokes ruins the fun, and boys should never wear girl clothes. If you broke the rules, you were weird, and people laughed at you, and they made fun of you.
“No thank you.” He says stiffly, turning away and rinsing out the sink, “I do not like it.”
She looks miserable, “I’m sorry we laughed.”
He shakes his head and doesn’t respond, the conflicting information making his head hurt, leaving her alone in the kitchen.
A week later, the team has another rare day off. They’d set aside the day to go to the park, and Zane was looking forward to it. He’d spent the previous day in between patrols picking up ingredients to pack the perfect picnic. Cole throws open the door to the kitchen as Zane finishes packing up his basket, hauling a large cooler behind him.
“Hey frosty!” He greets, popping the lid on the cooler and fishing out waters and juice from the fridge, “Aren’t you gonna be hot dressed like that?” He comments.
Zane glances down at his jeans and t-shirt in comparison to Cole’s tanktop and shorts combo, “I am the master of Ice.” He points out, “I don’t get hot.”
Cole concedes his point with a dip of his head, “Speaking of master of ice, can I get a little help with keeping the drinks cool?”
Zane nods, waving a hand over the cooler and packing the drinks with snow and ice. Cole thanks him as Zane hefts up his basket, the two meeting the rest of their team on the deck of the bounty. Nya perks up as they come out on deck, and steps aside so the two can see their teammates.
Jay already looks overheated, miserably melting under the sun. Lloyd seems unbothered, dressed in a sleeveless hoodie and shorts. Kai basks in the sun, smiling brilliantly, wearing a t-shirt and…
Zanes processor stutters, “Are you wearing a skirt?” He asks neutrally, blinking down at Kai’s maroon pleats.
“Yeah,” Kai glances down at the fabric, “Nya gave it to me, it doesn’t fit her anymore. Isn’t it cute?”
Zane has no idea how to respond, so Cole beats him to it, “Looks good, dude, but how are we supposed to play frisbee?”
“I got shorts on underneath so I don't accidentally flash anyone.” Kai waves his hand dismissively, and no one else comments on the wrongness of the outfit.
Tentatively, Zane says, “You… like to wear skirts?”
Kai frowns, mistaking the hesitance for judgement, “Is that a problem for you?”
Zane looks away, “Not at all.” He says, confusion making his voice stiff, missing the way the others glance at his tone of voice disapprovingly.
They go to the park, and Zane can’t stop looking at Kais skirt. He finds himself frowning at the other man more than once, shaking the confusion out of his head and trying to ignore it. Did it… really not matter that Kai was wearing a skirt? Cole had complimented him, and Jay hadn’t said anything against it either. He finds himself not joining in on the frisbee game most of the time, focusing on getting the picnic set up to hide how he was too mixed up to focus on the sport. Soon enough, the others wrap up their game and join Zane on the blanket Nya had packed.
They eat and chat idly, and Kai sighs in content after he’s finished, sitting back, “That was amazing as always, Zane!”
Zane doesn’t look at him as he puts away his own half-eaten sandwich, “Thank you.” He says simply, lost in thought.
“Zane.” Jay says, and Zane glances up at him. He startles slightly at the way Jay is looking at him, pointedly disapproving, “Why are you being so weird about Kais skirt?”
“...Why aren’t you?” Zane asks genuinely, familiar hot shame crawling up his throat as his friends frown at him.
“Dude…” Kai mutters, clearly hurt, “Not cool.”
Shame, confusion, and guilt swallow Zane up for a long moment before it’s burned up by a flash of frustration. It didn’t make sense. They’d made fun of him years ago for his pink apron, laughed him out of the room and not bothered enough to see if he was alright afterwards because he broke the rules- he gets it, he wore the wrong clothes, it’s a funny joke… So why is Kai allowed it where Zane isn’t? Why is it funny when it’s Zane? Why does he get mocked while Kai gets defended? Defended when Zane hasn’t and wouldn’t ever make fun of him for his outfit-!
He stands up abruptly, “I’m going back to the bounty.” He announces before he turns on heel and all but runs from them.
“Zane!” Nya calls, but he doesn’t turn around.
“Let him go.” Cole says firmly, and Zane clenches his eyes shut as he boards the bounty.
His stomach churns with his tumultuous thoughts and he makes a bee line for the room they have in the bounty, crawling into his bunk bed and curling into a ball. He stares miserably at the wooden walls, thinking about too many different things.
He misses his pink apron.
He didn’t think it was funny when he saw Kai in that skirt. He thought he looked nice...
Why did they laugh at him?
He wakes up at the sound of quiet voices, disoriented for a moment- he didn’t remember falling asleep. He makes his way out of bed slowly, the room dark, and blinks against the harsh hallway light as he steps out of their bedroom. He rubs sleep out of his optics as they adjust to the change in atmosphere, making his way to the living room.
He stops in the doorway, looking in at his friends. Kai is still wearing his skirt, laying across the recliner sideways, his legs thrown over the edge. The others are in various states around the living room, laying on the couch or the floor asa movie plays unwatched on the TV screen, the quiet sounds what lured Zane here in the first place.
Zane’s stomach plummets as he remembers the hurt look on Kai’s face at lunch. He didn’t want to make Kai feel like he did, he didn’t want him to feel laughed at, “Kai?” He says from the doorway.
The room reacts to his voice, everyone immediately sitting up to peer at him. Jay's head poked over the back of the couch along with Coles, and Nya and Lloyd craned their heads around the couch from the floor.
“Hey, Zane…” Kai says, sitting properly in the chair.
“I want to apologize.” Zane says quietly, “I really have no issue with you wearing what you like. I am sorry I acted so oddly.”
Kai fiddles with the edge of the skirt, “It’s okay… I know.” He says just as soft, “I think we all owe you an apology too.”
Zane tilts his head in confusion, stepping into the room a little more.
Jay nods, “Yeah, Zane, we’re sorry.” He says sincerely, “We acted like total jerks about your apron.”
“My apron…” Zane’s eyes flicker to Nya, who ducks her head a little at how she obviously snitched.
“Nya told us what was bothering you, and we feel really bad about it.” Cole agrees, “We were stupid and mean. There’s nothing wrong with wearing pink.”
“Or skirts.” Kai pipes up, “I’m sorry we hurt you.”
“If you want to wear that stuff,” Lloyd adds, “No one will laugh.”
Zane blinks at the way his eyes water dangerously, looking down at the floor, “It is not… wrong?”
“No.” Kai says firmly, “We were wrong, not you. Wear what makes you happy, and we’ll be on your side.”
Zane swallows and thinks about how much he’d loved the pink skirt, how pretty he’d felt with it on, “I accept your apology.” He says with a small smile, “Thank you.”
Nya grins and with a wink says, “I think i have something that belongs to you, then.” She stands, “But first… group hug?”
Smiling, Zane holds up his arms, and the others converge on him. He hugs them back tightly, smile growing wider as he sighs happily. The frustration and hurt sliding off his shoulders makes him feel so light, and a barrier he hadn’t realized he’d raised falls to pieces.
He couldn’t wait for their next off day.
Which comes sooner than he expects. It’s rare to get out of patrol so often, but Lloyd insisted they make up for their slightly disasterous park trip only a few days later. Ninjago is thankfully not in terrible danger, so they decide to head to Mega Monster Amusement Park for the day- and Zane is half certain Sensei Wu allows it only because he’s craving funnel cake.
They’re supposed to leave soon, and Zane is nearly ready. He slips on a pair of white boots and laces them up, standing up and admiring his outfit in his mirror. He’s got on a loose white sweater tucked into the waistband of his pink skirt, and he adjusts it one last time before nodding in satisfaction, smiling genuinely at his reflection.
He does a little twirl because he can’t help himself before he throws open the door to his room and makes his way to the deck of the bounty, smiling as the skirt bounces and flows with every step.
He’s the last to arrive, the others all waiting for him. To his pleasant surprise, there’s no flash of anxiety as he trots over- they won’t laugh. He knows they won’t.
Nya lights up when she sees him, “Zane’s here!”
Zane happiness seems to be contagious, the others all perking up at the sight of him.
“You look really nice.” Kai compliments when he gets close, and Zane smiles so hard his cheeks hurt.
“Yeah, that’s a nice color on you.” Cole comments.
Jay nods in agreement, “Zane looks really good, yes! Can we go to the amusement park already?”
Zane laughs, bubbly and light, “Thank you all! Jay’s right, let us go have some fun.”
As they disembark the bounty, Zane makes eye contact with Nya, and smiles softly at her. She grins in return, bumping shoulders with him, and they catch up with the others.
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Estos días en hk fueron de lo más extraños, variados, rudos, preciosos perfectos, complicados, enredados y desenmarañados que haya tenido en una jornada laboral, conocí tantas clases de hombres, tantas personalidades distintas, tantas personas con objetivos tan diferentes, y es ahí cuando agradezco a las personas buenas, a las que comparten, a las que les cuesta trabajo compartir pero al final lo hacen, por que yo he sido cada una de esas partes también.
Conocí a un muchacho que llamó particularmente mi atención, fue el encuentro más dulce y perfecto de la vida, tenía bastante sin sentir que alguien me atrajera tanto de esa manera como física como mentalmente por que era físicamente delicioso y mentalmente era un laberinto, Milán Kundera dice que las cosas que pasan una vez es como si no hubiera pasado nunca y así me siento, me siento en una alfombra mágica, actor y ejecutor. Mi vida cambia y cada vez vivo mejores experiencias, no puedo terminar de procesar el hecho de que fui, realicé el dinero que jamás en la vida había tenido en las manos y regrese sana, salva y mi corazón llegó de gratitud y plenitud, estoy eternamente agradecida con Dios y con la vida por guiar mi camino y llevarme con bien. No tiene precio.
Tengo sus marcas en la piel, en los labios en el pelo, en la vagina, en los senos, la mente y mi corazón. Me hizo suya, le pertenecía y tal vez rechazó la oferta sin siquiera darse cuenta de mí entrega. Lo amo, es de manera metafórica obviamente, pero es que precisamente es el concepto de amor, de pasión de lujuria y deseo que me mostró del cual me rehúso a no poder formar parte.
Me hizo el amor, la noche el día y una perspectiva nueva, me ayudo a darme cuenta de muchas cosas y yo solo ofrecí mi cuerpo para agradecerle.
Jay puso muchas cosas en perspectiva, ¡ Es que me follo el alma carajo! Me hizo venir tantas veces tocándome como si fuera suya y eso me enloquece, hizo mi cuerpo más suyo que mío y yo moría de rabia al ver como la piel y los huesos nos separaban, mi corazón me grita que lo dejé libre, que lo dejé pegarse en su maleta y ser su amuleto de la suerte, a eso se remite. Mi cuerpo está sediento de sus dedos, de su roce, del calor del suyo, mis ojos piden por su rostro, mi cerebro repite su voz en mi memoria.
Maldito sea el viento, que nos ofreció alas sin tener un cielo, dos personas distintas de realidades distintas coincidieron y creo que hicieron boom clap. Por lo menos mi nebula gaseosa colapso, mi universo jugo a mi favor, y temo por malas repercusiones, espero tener la fuerza y la valentía para afrontarlas. ¡Pero es que de verdad lo vale carajo! Juro que hubiera cambiado mis planes hoy mismo si me lo hubiera pedido, no hay vuelo que no hubiera perdido con tal de conseguir una hora más desnudos enredados. Con el momento resuelto, sin pretextos, sin cuestionamientos.
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gymboymike · 3 years
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atrixfromice · 4 years
A bit of Tony Jay's Appreciation
Some of you might know I’m mexican. So there are a lot of animated movies and shows I liked but I haven’t had the chance to watch them in english until the invention of the DVD. Since here in mexico they always air these in Spanish, and there was no way to watch them in their original version.
Mexican dubbing it’s really amazing though, don’t get me wrong! I never had any complain. The industry of dubbing in films and series by Mexican voice actors and actresses is really excellent. But I feel bad I never was able to watch the original english verisons of most of my favorite films and series....
...Unfortunately until the time after a lot of my favorite English speaking Actors and actresses have been passed away. Because I didn’t know I loved them or who they were when they were alive because I haven’t heard their voices.
Tony Jay it’s one of the cases that makes me nostalgic the most from time to time, cos I feel really bad because I never said anything about him when he was alive.
I could content myself with saying “it was not my fault if I couldn’t show them appreciation I didn’t know”..But my soft heart will never be in peace until I say something. So I’ll try to give him at least a bit of the appreciation he deserves and I coudn’t give him before.
I think this guy’s voice was something really awesome and unique. I love a lot his exquisite british accent and his bass notes! I personally I remember him and have him in my heart the most as Megabyte, because Reboot in the original version was the first thing I watched with his voice in it.
I remember, when I first watched a Reboot episode in english I instantly adored megabyte’s voice! His voice stood out from all the other character’s ones, it was mind blowing! hehe. It was just...a so manly, elegant, sophisticated, and badass voice! I think fits just wonderfully to the character of megabyte, who was also, manly, sophisitcated and elegant. Here you can see good examples of him as megabyte.
Hehe well, I refrain talking much about reboot because right now I’m talking about just the actor. About reboot I’ll talk in other ocassion.
Other character he’s well know for it’s Follo. And I must say, he was awesome in this role! As well as megabyte this was one of the greatest villians.
When I watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame in english I felt so gladly amazed! All the characters voices were cool but Frollo’s one, as well as it happened on reboot with megabye, stood out from the others.
And now I think I shouldn’t have watched the movie in english cos now I have mixed feelings regarding Frollo heheh! Because I usually love characters mostly for their personality and their voices, and usually voice and personality on a character are in the same way.
But it’s not the case of Frollo cos in personality I saw he was kinda wicked and not a good person, so when I watched the movie in spanish from Mexico he didn’t attracted me because of his personality. But when I heard him with the voice of Tony Jay!... It was totally another world! Like if I was seeing a part of him I didn’t know before. With Tony Jay’s voice he was so manly and sexy, despite his personality wasn’t my type. And now I’m starting to think he’s not that bad, it gives short circuit to my mind hehehe
At least I think he was really cool as a villian! I think my favorite part of the movie with him is when he sings, he had such a wonderful singing voice as well! This must be of the greatest and more mistic villian songs!
Tonny Jay was also such an excellent narrator. He had such a soft and gentle voice as Narrator! Different from the one when he played villant characters...
When he narrated something, I always had shivers down my spine because of excitement. I had the impression time stopped, and I could relax and get inmerse on whatever he was narrating at the moment. See this fantastic example, when he narrates the intro from the movie Treasure Planet.
And in this part it’s when I get teary eyed, because seeing this video again...I remember when I first watched treasure planet in english, I was so excited and I thought “I want whoever it’s narrating this prologue to be the voice of one of my characters!!! This voice it’s perfect!!! “...Not knowing it was Tony Jay at the time...
Then when I finished the movie in english and made my research, I found it was him, and....Oh Mon dieu!
...I so much wished he was alive to be the voice this particular character....
He would have been perfect as the main character from my story of the Magic octopus (with no name yet) who was considered a God. So elegant...so mysterious! Mystic and intriguing...yet gentle and heartwarming at the same time!
Right now I can hear my character with his voice saying things like “oh you little creature...who are you? where are you from?" or “Watch out this is my hectocotylus!!”, hehe...And it’s so beautiful...
What comforts my heart a bit in nowadays, is that I'm never going to do an animated film cos I'm a looser with no budget for that, hehe But if I would have had the opportunity I wouldn't have done it without Tony Jay.
I also had the extraordinary fortune to find some episodes of the little mermaid series in it’s orginal version. And Bontè! He really melt my heart as the magical whishing startfish!
It was just so heartwarming and cute, whitout stopping being manly and elegant. I think this is a proof Tony Jay wasn’t not great just to play villians because his voice was "intimidating” like people say, but also he could voice characters from the "good guys” team really wonderfully! Or just characters that needed to be elegant and graceful.
He gave life to a lot of other characters. But I think I’ll never end if I try find the best scenes of every character he voiced hehe. Luckily in this video there’s some of them.
So this is all for now! Hope you have liked this little Tony Jay’s appreciation article!
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ruindunburnit · 7 years
The fourth Villain inspiration song for NoHoper - “The Bells of Notre Dame” from Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
(Warning: g***y slur used in song, ableist language used; song and film literally about ableism and persecution of Romani people)
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