#jack hotchner x Gn!reader
river13245 · 6 months
Cookies and laughter
Navigation / Criminal Minds Masterlist
Aaron Hotchner x gn reader
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The sound of your phone vibrating on the kitchen island is what made you stop what you were doing to pick it up. You didn't even have to bother to look at who it was calling you because you had a special ringtone for your husband. That was different from everyone else.
After answering the phone you place it on your shoulder and lean your head to the side so it doesn't fall. "Hi Aaron" his name left your lips in a smooth sounding way. You knew that when Aaron called you during work he didn't want to be reminded of work so you called him by his name or a pet name when you were feeling extra brave.
It took a moment for him to respond and when he did you could tell by the tone of his voice that he was agitated and not in a very good mood. "hi sweetheart. I'm going to be home a bit earlier than planned tonight" He never spoke about his job over the phone. He just wanted to focus on your voice and the thought of you at home with jack.
You were surprised that he was coming home earlier because usually he is calling you saying that he will be later. However it went well with your plans, you just had to hurry up the pace. "Okay great. Ill make us some food and we can all have a relaxing night" The sigh that leaves his lips has you smiling. "that sounds amazing. I've got to go but I love you"
"I love you too" When the call ended you placed your phone back onto the counter and went back to baking cookies. You had been making cookies so that Jack could decorate some for his father before he got home. The tree had been put up with the help of your husband a few days ago but it was left undecorated. Tonight will be the last night it isnt lit up with lights and decorations because the three of you will be making this home more christmasy
As you pull out the cookies and place the tray on top of the stove Jack comes into the room. "it smells really good in here" he says as he comes up beside you to look at the cookies. "well I am the best baker in the state so it better smell good in here" This earns a laugh from the young boy.
Going to the fridge to get icing and some other things you didn't even have to look over to know that he was trying to grab a cookie to eat already. "They are hot. No touching" He looks at you like a deer in headlights and he has the same look on his face that Aaron does when you tell him no. "how did you even know I was grabbing one?"
His words make you smile as you place the items on the big table. "I see everything. There's not much that your able to sneak past me" Jack laughs a little and sits at the table. "ill grab you a butter knife so you can spread the icing around"
Once everything is set up you had left Jack to the cookie decorating while you go get out ornaments that they had in boxes. There was Christmas music playing throughout the house that Jack had requested earlier today and its been playing ever since.
As you placed a box down you hear Jacks voice from the kitchen "can you come decorate with me?" How could you ever say no to that. "yeah I'm coming" you set the box to the side so it wasn't in the way and went and sat beside Jack at the table.
Jack had made a gingerbread man that resembled a bit like his father and so you smile and point to it. "is that your father as a gingerbread man" He ends up laughing and nodding "Yes that is who it is. Doesn't it look great!"
It had black icing for the hair and a face with a huge smile because that's all Jack ever seen of his father. He knew his father was a happy man. Of course he had seen his father upset, sad and all other emotions but happiness and laughter is how Jack sees him and it made your heart ache from the amount of love you felt for the both of them. "It looks fantastic Jack"
The two of you continued to decorate the cookies and by the time that Aaron got there the both of you were singing along to the music that you barely noticed him. He had time to take a few photos of the both of you before you noticed. Jack is the first one to run up to him and hug his father while you stay back. Then when he makes his way to you, you place a kiss to his lips.
Jack makes a disgusted sound and it causes the both of you to laugh and then when Aaron looks at the cookies he sees the one that looks like Aaron and he looks at Jack "did you make that" When he nods Aaron smiles "it looks really good. In fact I might just have to eat it first" He grabs it and takes a bite and he nods letting you know its good.
"go get into some comfortable clothes we are going to decorate the tree and watch a Christmas movie" He laughs as you practically shoo him out of the kitchen.
When he leaves to go to the bedroom you clean everything up and place the cookies on a plate so that they can be eaten throughout the night.
Then when it is time to decorate the tree, the three of you have it lit up with colorful lights and decorations and then its the hassle of putting up the star on the top so when jack gets the star out he goes to his dad and he lifts him up as he places it on the tree.
After that's all finished you put on the the Grinch because its your favorite and also Jack loves it too. The both of you mouth some of the lines to each other and laugh while Aaron just looks at his family in complete adoration and halfway throughout the movie the three of you are asleep in the same bed. Jack in between the both of you curled up.
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 11 months
Prompt 123!! “Oh, did I scare you, big boy?”
hotch is just so big boy but I’ll leave allllll of the context up you you beautiful genius
Warnings: Nothing other than fluff🤭🫶
Word count: 543
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!reader
A/n: He IS a big boy 🤭🤭. But somehow this became pure fluff and love. Rome thank you for sending this! Somehow Star Wars was brought in at the end 🤷‍♀️. Guess what I didn't do! Proofread. I didn't proofread once again.
Forever tags: @greg-montgomery @boredelle @hotchsdoormat @ssahotchnerr @criminalskies @beardedhotchh @hotchnerbau @ssamorganhotchner @mrs-ssa-hotch
Hotch: @14buddy22 @pastanoodles11
You and Aaron were out doing the shopping, something you loved doing with him because it felt so sweet and domestic. Bringing Jack along with you and being pulled around to look at toys and games he liked. Which is what just happened.
Jack pulled you away from Aaron so he could show you a Captain America toy that he wants and you'd told Aaron to continue on without you. "We'll be right back!" You called to him and he chuckled as he watched his son drag you with him hand in hand.
Normally it takes you at least 20 minutes to get away from the toys and back to Aaron but Jack already knew what he was looking for and he also had a sleepover later that he didn't want to be late for so it took less than half the time for him to grab the specific toy and start your journey back to Aaron.
Jack is pulling you again and then you stop him "Wait, bug. What if we surprise your dad?" "Like sneak up on him?" You nod and grin mischievously as does Jack.
You both start walking around, clearly looking suspicious to anyone watching. Looking around things to make sure Aaron wouldn't see you if that's where he was. Eventually you see him. He's facing away from you, seemingly trying to find something specific on the shelf.
You grin at Jack again and point. He looks where you're pointing and nods.
The two of you start tiptoeing towards Aaron as you try not to giggle and once you both get right up behind him "BOO!" now maybe, just maybe, you should've thought the idea of scaring an FBI agent through a little more. But luckily, Aaron knows it's you. Though that doesn't stop him from nearly jumping out of his skin as his entire body whips around. You and Jack clearly accomplished your mission.
"Jesus- you two-"
The two of you start laughing and Aaron sighs, closing his eyes as he runs his hand over his face.
"Oh, did we scare you, big boy?" Grinning at him, you continue giggling and he just groans slightly.
"What am I gonna do with you two? Who's idea was this?" Jack is quick to point his finger at you and you gasp dramatically as you put your hand over your heart as if it were wounded.
"You're a horrible influence on my son. You know that, right?" You know Aaron is only joking. He smiles and wraps an arm around you to pull you close to him. "Yeah, well. Maybe you'll get me back later." You return his smile and lean in giving him a kiss. "Oh I definitely will. Watch out. Jack and I will be getting you back when you least expect it." Jack giggles again and you look at him. "You wouldn't dare go to the dark side, would you Jack?"
"No, definitely not."
Aaron is quick to respond "Jack, I am your father. You will join me on the dark side." He makes his voice even deeper when he says it and grabs Jack, pulling him into his arms as Jack giggles uncontrollably. God, you love these two Hotchner boys. You wouldn't trade them for the world.
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onlyinyourdreams404 · 2 years
Overwhelmed Aaron Hotchner x GN! Reader.
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Warnings: angst with tooth aching fluff at the end.
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you are sitting at the table, on the verge of breaking down due to stress and anxiety. aaron comes up behind you and hugs you. you are startled but turn around and hug him back starting to cry “i’m sorry aaron. i’m trying really hard. i’m so stressed, my anxiety is through the roof i’m so overwhelmed” he pulls up a chair beside you and sits down holding your knee you didn’t notice you were bouncing. he kisses your cheek smiling warmly “it’s ok hun, you don’t have to apologize. things are stressful i get it. anxiety is tough and never fun. and its gonna be ok. being overwhelmed is normal. just know i’m here for you if you need me ok?” you look at him still crying. you hug him again and sob into his shoulder. jack comes running in only to notice you two hugging and you crying. “daddy! why is y/n crying?!” he came up to you and rubbed your back “it’s ok y/n! do you want to see my halloween costume to cheer you up?!” you turn to him and smile wiping your tears, sniffling “of course jack! let’s see it!” you say smiling. aaron smiles at you lovingly and you watch jack run off to put on his halloween costume. aaron grabs your cheeks to kiss your forehead and grabs your hand and holds it. you smile at him. you see jack run back out wearing aaron’s suit jacket, white shirt underneath, and black pants carrying a briefcase. “guess who i am!” you smile at him giggling some, “hmmm lemme guess, superman?!” you ask “no! try again!” he says smiling wider if that’s even possible “uhm, im not sure! who are you supposed to be?” you ask smiling at him. “i’m daddy of course!” he exclaims holding up the briefcase. aaron goes to jack and picks him up “really? oh i’m so honored!!” he says to jack smiling. you look at both of them smiling and laughing together. you get up and walk over to them kissing aaron’s cheek and jack’s forehead smiling and laughing with them. you are so glad you met aaron. he is probably the best thing to ever happen to you.
(btw this was written out of the blue. i really am overwhelmed by school work this week. i’m so tired 😭)
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dudeitiskarev · 2 months
Your voice | Aaron Hotchner
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn reader
Summary: Aaron doubts himself as a father and husband.
Tags/warnings: girl dad Hotch <3; lots of self doubt; reassuring reader; hurt/comfort; Jack doesn’t exist.
Word count: 2.6k
Author's note: another repost! this was a request I got back in the day, and it was very challenging because I have an unpopular opinion about dad Hotch. But I managed to put those feelings aside and wrote this! And honestly, I love it, so I hope you love it too.
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One of Aaron’s favorite things about you has always been the way you interacted with a toddler; how happy you would get, gently squeezing his arm with excitement before walking up to the kid. How your eyes would shine so bright and how even the joy radiated through your voice.
        “I want one of these,” You’d said one day in a silly tone, more to yourself — and to the baby you were holding — than to anyone else who was around you. 
        That brief and adorable moment stuck with Aaron, replaying your words in his mind the entire day, and he couldn’t help but ask you about it later that same night. 
        You were watching some random movie you’d picked to fall asleep to, resting your head against his chest and his warm fingers tracing random lines on your arm when he said, “Do you really want babies?” 
        His raspy voice came out almost in a whisper.
        “Some day.” You smiled and pulled yourself closer to him.
        Since the moment Aaron came into your life, having a little human who resembled you both running around your home has always been part of your life plan. And though you hadn’t had that serious talk yet, that’s what Aaron wanted someday too. Raise a kid and give them everything he ever lacked and show them all the love he had to offer. He was sure that love would only be multiplied by a million with you by his side, so it didn’t take him much time to realize you were the one and ask you to marry him.
        You were the last couple of your friend group to walk down the aisle. That also meant being the last ones standing without babies; at every friends’ reunion there was a new baby — or at least a pregnant friend. 
        “I want more,” you’d said to him at one of your very pregnant friend’s baby shower. 
        “More… cupcakes?” Aaron turned his head to you, giving you a dimpled smile. 
        “More of us.”
        He scanned your face up and down with a smirk. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t noticed your baby fever, it could almost come out of your pores. 
        Profiler or husband, he understood right away what you meant with more of us.
        “We can talk about it when we get home.”
        As soon as you settled on your couch that night you had the baby talk, and agreed over a shared glass of wine that it was a good time in your marriage to start trying. You both had stable jobs and you finally admitted to him how lonely you felt the few times he wasn’t home. 
        “We could get a puppy first, though. To practice,” you smiled at him unsure. 
        “No puppy, but we’ll practice,” he teased in your ear. “A lot.”  
        You did, starting that same night. And during the course of six months, you two kept practicing and practicing in every room of your home between endless I love you’s and kisses. 
        There were a few occasions in which your body felt strange as if your hormones had started charging already, but the test would come out negative every time. That short and painful silence after you both read ‘not pregnant’ was quickly filled with Aaron’s comforting “we’ll keep trying” . 
        To you it really wasn’t a shocking surprise when three tests finally came out positive, but to him it was. 
        Aaron wasn’t prepared and got too overwhelmed the moment you gifted him a tiny box with even tinier baby clothes in it. It took him a few seconds to open his mouth and yet all he was able to say was “ wow” while he hugged you tightly, swallowing the lump that was forming on his throat and blinking too many times to scare the joyful tears away.  
        It was happening. You two had made someone with so much love from scratch and soon it wasn’t going to be just you and him anymore. 
        The first few months were hell. To you, because your pregnancy symptoms were unbearable at times, and to Aaron who was desperate to help you feel better, googling every day different ways to get rid of morning sickness. But no vitamin or sour candy helped more than his magic hands – as you called them – massaging your temples with a little bit of peppermint lotion. It worked like a charm so whenever you two ended up being a hundred miles apart because of a case, blame built in his stomach, almost getting morning sickness too. You insisted that a phone call was good, but it was never enough for him. 
        Through your entire pregnancy Aaron tried his best to be there, and even when you’d had the conversation about his time-consuming job long before deciding to make your family grow, he still felt bad every time you went to a doctor’s appointments on your own. The pictures you sent him of your ultrasounds only made that feeling worse, but he never mentioned it to you. 
        Many weird food cravings, baby kicks and bump massages went by until the scheduled due date came. Hearing that first baby cry swelled Aaron’s chest with a kind of happiness he’d never experienced before, and the moment he held his newborn baby for the first time, her crying stopped. He knew that’s what he was meant to be, then as he kissed his daughter’s forehead, he promised himself to always be there. For you, for your baby, and that you’ll always have it all. 
        Time has always been the hardest thing to give. Something you learned to cherish with him the most since you started dating, so you were used to it. 
        Aaron… not so much. 
        If it were possible he would split himself into two, to be there for his family as much as being there for a victim. Most of the time, he chose the victim knowing well he’d find you at home safe and sound, and that was his best reward. And yet sometimes that guilt remained there, heavy on his chest and would try his best not to bring it home. 
        His sanctuary. 
        Ever since your daughter came to your life, Aaron felt safer at home for some reason. He’d get submerged in that comforting and faint baby perfume the instant he stepped one foot inside your place.
        And tonight, as he tossed his briefcase on the couch and his keys on the small table by the entrance, that perfume was stronger, meaning you’d probably finished getting her ready for bed not long ago.
        It was late and there was a chance you were awake, but he still stealthily walked through the house searching for you. 
        Each quiet room belonged to your daughter. She was everywhere, from the baby toys scattered in the bathtub, to the small pile of clean laundry on your bed, half folded. 
        When he found you on the warm lighted nursery, asleep on the rocking chair with your baby sleeping in your arms, he leaned against the door frame and stared at you for who knows how long, cherishing the view with a smile. You always seemed so peaceful, yet he could tell by the slight frown across your face that you were exhausted. 
        Then again, that guilt appeared — that ticking clock on the back of his head that haunted him, telling him to love you good and fast. 
        You were in fact asleep, but he needed to hear your voice. He walked up to you and leaned to give you a kiss on the top of your head.
        You groaned as a sign you were waking up and with squinted eyes you smiled at him. “Hey.” Aaron crouched next to you, kissing your baby’s head too.  “What time is it?”
        “Almost midnight.”
        “You okay?” You asked without a particular reason.
        He simply nodded as he kissed your lips, as a way of greeting, as goodnight, as an ‘ I love you’ , as an ‘I’m sorry’.. .
        It didn’t matter. The feeling of longing when his lips touched yours was always there.
        You nodded back and carefully rose from the chair, tucking your baby on her crib. Aaron was right behind you and wrapped one arm around your waist, kissing your cheek. 
        “I expected you tomorrow,” you murmured, turning your head to him.  
        “We finished sooner and I– I couldn’t wait until morning.”
        “You took a commercial flight again ?” 
        Aaron raised his brows as he nodded. 
        He’d done that many times before when a case was in a nearby state (but the pilot wasn’t available until early the next morning). You’d told him he shouldn’t spend money on a flight if he could wait a few more hours, but he was impatient most of the time. The next morning was always too late for him and he never really looked at flight prices if it meant he’d see his family soon. 
        “Hey,” you noticed an odd look on his face, “what’s wrong?” 
        At that moment —besides his loud mind — absolutely nothing. 
        Aaron kissed your cheek once again and merely said, “I just missed you.”
        While you two stayed quiet admiring how your daughter slept, Aaron’s only thought was how you were almost raising your kid on your own, how all he ever got to see was how good of a parent you were becoming and how stuck and new to it he still was.
        “You can talk to me.” You snapped him out of his anguished thoughts and brought the hand on your hip to your lips, kissing his palm.
        “I know,” he smiled but you gave him your classic not-so-convinced eyebrow-raise. 
        Sharing your life with a profiler has developed your own kind of profiling method. It was different from his, but you could read every raise of a brow, every lick of his lips and every slow blink. You also knew when those dimples you adored so much weren’t as genuine, that he was hiding his feelings as he used to do in the beginning of your relationship. 
        Aaron remained staring at you while you kept trying to read him. 
        “What?” He asked in a teasing tone when he caught a glimpse of a smile on your eyes. 
        “Did you know,” you started, clearing your throat, “that she never finishes her milk?” You gestured at your baby with your brows. “But whenever you give her her dinner, there isn’t one single drop left on her bottle?”
        Aaron smiled, “You’ve never told me that?”
        You turned your whole body to him, clutching his waist and in return he cupped your face, brushing your cheeks with his thumbs.
        “You always brag about how she sleeps all night, too,” you laughed a little, ”because whenever you’re home she never wakes up, but that’s because it’s you who always puts her to bed.”
        “So she’s not really a good sleeper?” He asked.
        “The nights you’re not here are coincidentally her bad nights.”
        You shook your head and smiled at him for a moment, then said, “You’re a great dad, Aaron. Our little girl knows that, I know that.” He cut you off by giving you a soft quick peck on your lips before letting you continue, “and you are the best  – and sexiest – husband in the world.” 
        Aaron chuckled. He may never get used to hearing you call him sexy . 
        You two held an intimate stare for a few seconds. Those stares in which you say I love you in every language with one single shared glimmer of eyes. 
        You sighed deeply and kept going, “I know you only focus on the times you’re away, and I’m gonna be honest, I do wish you were home more often with a regular schedule but honey, that would kill you.” He sucked in a breath in clear struggle trying to say something too but nothing came out. “I met you loving your job, and I know you love us more than anything. You’re passionate about the things you love and...we’re still figuring it out. This whole parenting thing.”
        As always, you’d hit the nail. 
        “It’s not a competition between work and your family,” you added, “and if you feel that way, like you have to choose every time your phone rings in the middle of a cheesy family moment… we need to work on that,” you teased, raising your brows at him the way he always did. 
        “I feel like I’m missing so much,” he said, glancing at your baby for a second. “I look back and wish I’d been there every day through your pregnancy. And now I’m doing the exact same thing. She’s gonna turn one soon and every time I get home she seems bigger.”
        “That’s because she’s gonna be as tall as you,” you tried to lighten it up a bit, but it hurt knowing he was struggling with things you could easily get through just by talking about them. “We’re learning here, you and me, we’re a team and we can always get better if we work together. Don’t beat yourself up.”
        “What can I do?” A sigh escaped past his mouth. “To be better for you?”
        To avoid coming home one day and not find you.
        “Aaron,” you stroked his cheek with the back of your curled fingers. “I love you. So much. I’m not gonna tell you what to do, mainly because there’s no need, you’re already perfect–”
        No matter how many times you said that, that was the only thing he couldn’t believe.
        “I’m so scared to lose you,” he whispered.
        “You’re so crazy,” you chuckled; he didn’t. You tried to find his eyes but they were shut with a pained frown and stayed like that while you said, “Every time you kiss me, every time you hold our baby and I see how amazing you’re with her… I fall in love with you all over again.”
        You closed your eyes too and licked your lips in deep thought. You hated the fact that he’d never capture himself the way you did – how truly perfect he was. 
        “I don’t see that ever happening, leaving you. I would be stupid crazy,” you assured him, giving him one quick kiss. “Unless you cheat on me,” you teased again. 
        “I would never,” he said in a very serious tone staring right back at you.  
        “We’ll be right here, then.” You circled his nose with yours. “I’m here for you, honey. Always, and if you need me to reassure you everyday of our life, I will. Just… talk to me, okay? You know I love listening to you.”
        He nodded, returning the kiss before pulling you into a strong hug and stayed there, breathing each other in for a moment while hearing your daughter’s calm breathing.
        “And she does too,” you half-broke the hug keeping your arms around his waist. “I tried telling her one of your stories tonight but... it didn’t work.”
        “How did you get her to sleep, then?”
        You snickered at him reaching for your phone, and after a few taps on the screen, Aaron’s voice telling your daughter’s favourite bedtime story began to sound out of the speakers.
        “Is that me?” He tilted his brow with a slight smirk. 
        “I may have voice recorded you once or twice telling her a story?” You bit your lip and let the sound play as you continued, “I knew it’d come in handy. I’m not a good storyteller like you.”
        “God,” he sighed deep. “I love you so much.”
        And as he held your face and gave you one more loving kiss on your lips, the ticking clock froze and each time he doubted himself vanished, letting himself breathe at peace for the first time in a while. 
        “I love you,” You murmured against his lips, brushing your thumb over his cheek. “And your voice helps me fall asleep too.”
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ginkgo-phyta · 4 months
Hotch would definitely give you the princess treatment, and you know what? Jack would too, after seeing his father he knows how to treat a girl right. And the team would definitely tease Hotch, because his son is going to steal his partner from him :)
omg no LITERALLYYY tho like just like omfg alright i got carried away with this and its not even really what you're talking about but listen to me okay LISTENNNNN
tagged spencer reid x reader because i want more people to see this teehee pls dont hate me i have spencer fics yall should read if you havent already but also you should still read this too
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YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH AARON HOTCHNER AND ITS INFLUENCE ON HIS SON JACK gn!reader, FLUFF, no warnings(?) another informal blurb typa format :P
you and hotch decide together you'd like to date for a while first, take things slower and fully solidify and strengthen your relationship, before you become a part of jack's life. you didn't want jack to get attached to you or write you off too quickly in case life took you in different directions. you didn't know it at the time, but hotch introduced you to jack when he was sure he was going to marry you some day- and soon. he had been so incredibly head over heels in love with you and once you and jack got close, the little guy really got to witness how highly his father regarded you- and just how he showed you it every day. even in the little things. from the way hotch pulled out your chair, held all doors open for you, always kept your favorite drinks and snacks stocked up in the fridge and pantry, never let you open your own car door, the way he made spaces for you in his bathroom and closet without even being asked, and how he always stuck to your weekly dinner date- whether in person or over the phone. to the way his father would look at you, listen intently to whatever you were talking or ranting about, how he'd cup your hands and press quick kisses to them or move any bothersome strands of hair from your face when you'd eat, and how enthusiastic he always was when you and jack would spend time together.
jack was a bit hesitant with you at first, he was a bit older at that point and the quickness with which beth had left his life had admittedly stung him, leaving an ever-present welt behind. but he warmed up to you, appreciative of the way you welcomed him with open arms, never pressured him to spend time with or even like you (letting him accept you at his own pace) and how you clearly were not trying to take the place of his late mother- even many, many years into your relationship with his father. what he loved the most was how you always encouraged hotch to recount stories of haley, put pictures of her in jack's room or wherever else he wanted them, and how you would remind him: "your mother would be so proud of you jack." you would watch old home videos of their old family and jack never failed to notice how you wouldn't ever feel negatively about it. that was really what won him over. he also loved how open you were with both him and his dad- every day you'd say "i love you!" both casually and purposefully. it instilled in the young boy the importance of expressing appreciation, love, and care for others.
before you, hotch was always a just bit emotionally closed off. even when it came to jack he liked to keep himself a bit more reserved. he tried to stay a strong and unwavering inspiration, only wanting to show his son his best face. but once you came into their lives you inspired hotch to open up more than he had the last few years after haley's passing, inspired him to embrace even the "uglier" emotions he felt in life: grief, anger, sadness, and tiredness. it ended up passing onto jack in small ways, allowing him to feel even closer to dad. you became a huge structural post in jack's life. your love for one other inspired him, as he grew up he dreamed of one day having a relationship like yours. he looked forward to being able to treat his significant other the way his father cares for you.
you loved jack as if he was your own, though you never wanted to say that to him for fear of overstepping your role. aaron would always assure you, especially as jack grew older, that his boy felt it. you watched him go from a playful child, to a moody teenager, to a budding adult eager to make his mark on the world. and you were there supporting him the whole way.
you'll spend a lifetime with the both of them and although there will be many funny, loving, or frustrating moments you'll hold in a special place in your mind, there's one memory from when he was still a youngin that you love the most. it was a surprise dinner party at your fancy restaurant, aaron had booked the whole place just for you and the guests to celebrate your engagement and he had enlisted jack's help to plan the whole thing. jack, the bau team, and your friends and family were all there to shower you in love. the most memorable part of the night was the moment everyone sat down for dinner, all around a giant table (possibly multiple tables pushed together). as everyone moved to take their place jack ran so eagerly in front of you to pull your chair out before his father got the chance. you were shocked for a second before bursting out in a melodious laugh- it was so unexpected but you were incredibly moved. "oh, jack, thank you!" your loving, excited, and genuinely appreciative tone made jack's already huge grin grow even wider and more endearing. everyone else had noticed this too and laughed in joy along with you. "oh my god!" "that was so freakin cute" "he did not just do that!" rang out around you. of course aaron noticed, standing in silence for a second, a similar smile mirrored on his face, before he shook his head with a chuckle. as you took you seat, jack made sure to push your chair in just before you sat down fully, diligently executing what he'd studied his father do hundreds of times before. you turned to thank him, but before you could even open your mouth jack moved to take your cloth napkin from the table, shake it open, and carefully place it in your lap. awwws flooded in from all sides of the table
"oh you are just so adorable jack, thank you so much." you said as you pinched his still slightly chubby cheek "you are just the kindest, sir." you playful tone cause jacks entire face to blush and he shyly walked over to take a seat next to you.
"what? you take my job, and now you don't even want to sit next to me?" hotch spoke up from you other side. jack knew his father was joking, but he still bashfully giggled, sinking a bit more into his seat
"you better be careful, hotch," derek spoke up from across the table, motioning to his former boss with a breadstick, "looks like you got some competition there."
everyone broke out into more laughter, especially aaron. in the midst of the hysterics, the once-stoic man's hand crept into your lap to hold your own, thumbing over the back of your hand and the beautiful engagement ring wrapped around your finger. you shared a glance while you both laughed before you looked over to jack. wordlessly, your hand suddenly hopped up to ruffle up the little boy's hair, causing him to scrunch up his nose and giggle even more.
but you didn't have to say anything, your eyes held the truth. love. jack continued to look up at you, feelings of warmth, joy, and safety draped over him like a fuzzy throw, covering him from the crown of his head to the tips of his fingers and toes. he knew that with you in his life now, besides him and his father, everything would be okay.
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A/N: SCREAMING how was this anon? sorry i didn't delve into the team teasing hotch more bc these thoughts were swimming in my head and i NEEDED to get them down perhaps i could do another post of just teasing quotes if that's something you'd like! i got a few ideas swimmin already teehee i hope you enjoyed my love!!
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luvhotchner · 4 months
Hiya. Would you be able to do one of those text things, with aaron accidently sending a text to group chat about reader(not saying who, but giving the okay) picking jack up. And everyone goes all protective, saying you really trust someone to pick up your son and so on. And then Aaron says yes obviously. And the team is like who is this trustworthy person? Please not sure if it makes sense. Sorry
━ Trustworthy
summary: hotch accidentally texts the group chat about a mystery and also trustworthy person??
warnings/pairings: hotch x BAU!gn!reader, swearing, established relationship, idk the team being absolute menaces (like usual).
thank you so so much for the request! fic under the cut ❤️❤️
━ ★ ━
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aaron hotchner taglist ❤️
↳ @boccacciobunny @camilahotchner
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star-redfiles · 1 month
mornings with you – drabble, aaron hotchner x reader
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notes: gn!stay-at-home spouse!reader, reader wears lipstick but no other specific features mentioned, inspired by an instagram post sorta, fluff <3 0.6k words
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life in the hotchner home is almost as routine as aaron himself is. though he doesn't press it, the family simply grows in tune with his habitualness.
your mornings with him are a prime example of this.
you get up at the same time, the ring of aaron's alarm clock waking you both. it always takes you a bit longer to get out of bed – he's typically in the bathroom by the time you gather yourself out from under the covers. even so, he awaits your presence beside him at the sink each time. his hand rests on your back when you appear next to him in the mirror, the other already holding his toothbrush. his morning habits had grown on you, so now, you brush your teeth and wash your face together each possible morning – with hands, fingers, or legs brushing and entwined throughout – before heading down to start breakfast.
aaron makes a point to help out whenever he can. he'll do absolutely anything you ask of him – whether that be to chop something, measure another, or simply set the table – so you've never denied his offers. the routine continues on once you finish breakfast, when you go to wake up jack while aaron gets ready. afterward, you normally send him off at the door before urging jack to start getting ready for school.
your morning routine is always the same whenever aaron isn't away on a case. however, you're now starting to pick up shifts at a local cafe to pass the time. so this morning, you're getting dressed by the time aaron should leave for work.
you expect him to be out the door when you descend the stairs but shockingly enough, he stands right by the entryway table, looking expectantly towards you.
"you're not leaving yet, honey?" you wonder as you walk up to him.
"i have the privilege to wait a bit today." a smile creeps onto his face and he stretches out his arms to welcome you into a soft embrace. "i couldn't miss you seeing me off like you always do."
his hands rest above your hips and yours on his chest. they trace the lines of his suit and you pause for a moment, studying his face as you think.
"well, just my luck, then. i need your help blotting my lipstick."
aaron tilts his head and lets out a breathy chuckle, but shifts to reach for a box of tissues on the table beside him anyway. just as he's about to extend his arm, you move your hands up to his face. he looks at you quizzically now, eyebrow raised.
the question that's about to leave his lips is quickly sealed in by yours with a kiss.
your husband's confused face quickly relaxes into pleased one. you feel his small smile widen through the kiss before pulling back, a look of content displayed on your face.
you're about to pat him on the chest when he leans in for another peck, surprising you this time.
"that was definitely worth being a few minutes late," he says.
"you mean being right on time?" you tease, knowing full well that he always leaves when he does to be early for work. the two of you share a giggle while your arms circle past him to reach the door. he picks up his briefcase and exits your home, yelling a goodbye to jack as he does. you're met with the sound of his son scurrying to the front door to watch him leave, just as usual.
while you watch aaron walk to his car, you catch him lifting his arm to his face, rubbing it about where his lips would be. you smile to yourself as he examines the bit of red that's gathered on his thumb.
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criminalskies · 9 months
Hi Rome! I hope you're well 😊
Would you be able to write something about reader constantly trying to snuggle up with Aaron because they just love how warm and affectionate he is with them? They love that only they get to see this side of him and it makes them feel so so special. And Aaron loves the physical contact and the fact that he's not always the one trying to initiate it. He loves that they want him just as much as he wants them<3.
I think Aaron's love language is definitely physical touch once he's comfortable in a relationship ❤️.
Hi Sweetheart! I am so honoured to write this for you. I love this fic so much now!! Also I can only hope this fills the prompt for you <3
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!reader. 
Word Count: 4.7k 
Warnings: Aaron is a nervous MESS. This is enough fluff to kill a family of four. Mentions of sad moments in Aaron’s childhood, also, Jack doesn’t exist here. Not well proof-read.
When the spark lit the fuse.
Aaron Hotchner had been in love before, he’d had his fair share of dates in high school with one milkshake and two straws, he’s cared for a handful of people enough to watch over them, offer them his jacket when they looked cold. He’s even been married before, he’s loved someone deeply enough to stand up in front of everyone in both of their lives and devote himself to this person, forever. Of course, it turned out their ‘forever’ was cut short. But in any case, Aaron Hotchner swears up and down that he has been in love before, he’s experienced love before, so why does it all feel so different with you? 
Looking back on all his years of dating and courtship and marriage, he sees now that those were all a more distant kind of love. Touchless. A game of push and pull with very little actual contact ever made. He had a partner, a lover, but never someone by his side. They always moved in sync, but never in tandem. That’s what’s been different with y/n, he supposes. 
It wasn’t an overnight change, for Aaron Hotchner to go from a man who would reach out and hold your hand if the setting was appropriate and you seemed to really need his support. He’s always been shy in showing his affections, particularly in front of those he holds close. Maybe that was his father’s influence, always rousing at him to detach himself from his parents. Even going as far as to send him to boarding school because Aaron was too quick to seek his mother’s comfort for a boy his age. ‘For a man’ As he was so-called. He was fourteen. 
In any case, Aaron’s always been all too careful with when and where he shows his affections. He can’t pinpoint exactly when or where you were able to tear down those deep-seated insecurities and shames of his, but you did it. 
It all goes back to before you even asked Aaron out. That’s right, you asked him. Yet another reason his journey with you has been in stark difference to the dyssynchronous relationships he’d previously held so close, he wasn’t the only one putting himself out there. He wasn’t the only one taking steps to be closer to you, each step he took, he found that you had taken a great stride to meet him in the middle. He had never had someone match him each time he tried to deepen his relationships, let alone to have someone else taking the steps first. 
But,  before you asked him out and changed his way of living and loving forever, you were just a bright spark in Aaron’s dark days. You worked the reception desk at Quantico’s FBI field office, you saw the tired, dreary faces of every agent that walked in and out of the building’s doors morning and night. You took your position very seriously, offering each dreary agent a bright smile as you greet them each day. Aaron couldn’t help but notice you, like a moth to a flame, each morning after peeling himself out of his bed, he would run on autopilot, styling his hair, shaving, picking out a tie, packing himself a sandwich he probably won’t touch for lunch. It was all done without so much as a moment’s consideration, until he reached the tall doors at the front of the building. He suddenly becomes all too aware of the fact that he may have coffee breath, and his hair at the crown of his head is sticking out in every direction as he catches his reflection in the glass. He straightens his tie, smooths down the lapels of his collar and tries desperately to remember how exactly one pulls their mouth into a natural looking smile. Dear god, you make him so frazzled he even forgets how to act like a person. 
All of his efforts to prepare for his fourteen foot walk to the elevator doors are never enough to stop your warm “Good Morning, Agent Hotchner!” from drawing all the air he was once capable of holding in his lungs - out of his mouth, jaw hanging slack where it once sat tightly drawn. He manages to draw in enough air for a rather strangled “g’morning.” as he presses the elevator button. 
He raps his fingers against the handle of his briefcase as he eagerly awaits the metalling pang of his exit strategy arriving. He doesn’t hear you swiftly springing out of your seat and bounding around the desk over to him until he swears he can see the haze of your halo appear in the reflection of the steel doors beside him. He turns to look at you, partly in shock and partly because he really can’t help himself from stealing another look at you at every opportunity. 
“Sorry, Agent. You just have, um. Here. Let me get this.” You lay a warm hand on his chest as you take his tie in your other one, using your nail to try to pick off what must be toothpaste off the sleek black fabric. Aaron feels a churning heat rising from his chest up his pulsepoint on his neck and spreading into his cheeks as attention is brought to the burning sensation of your hand against his hammering heart. 
That was the first of a hundred small moments the two of you shared, in which your hands found a home against Aaron's body and his whole world became set in motion. Of course, he knew deep down that the Earth had been turning for billions of years before your soft hands barely caressed his skin and set his nerve endings on fire. Rationally, he knows that, but it’s like he’s experienced so much in his lifetime, it isn’t until your body makes contact with his own that he begins to feel the world around him. 
It wasn’t long before Aaron began yearning for more of your delicate touches. He still denies to this day that he started planting feathers in his hair or roughing up his tie before setting foot into Quantico each morning. Of course he wouldn’t intentionally smudge some of his morning oatmeal on his lapel so that you would lead him by the arm behind your desk to the sink and dab it out of the fabric for him. The highly regarded, frankly, very busy SSA Aaron Hotchner would never spend time in his parked car scrubbing his rough hands over his own eyebrows, trying to get the long hairs to sit scraggly against his stern brow. That’s just preposterous. Ridiculous. As ridiculous as the way time would come grinding to a halt as you’d set your gaze on the scraggly brows in question, moving your eyes down to look into the swirling pools of chocolate and honey gazing back at you. Aaron would feel the flicker of a thousand nerves lighting up over his scalp as you brush down his angry brows with your thumbs, your other fingertips finding a home on his temples for stability. 
When you finally did ask Aaron out, he was so wonderstruck your bottom lip actually darted out in a sort of tearful pout, thinking he was rejecting you or that you had embarrassed yourself and misread all of his lingering stares and increasingly radiant smiles he cast your way each morning. Thinking you had just imagined the regret in his voice each night he said goodbye, you thought he had been sad to leave you. Wanting to say so much more, but his silence now spoke for itself. You’d been wrong. 
Aaron felt so frozen in his own body as his every impulse to tell you yes, YES, he would love to go out with you died in his throat, suffocated by the sheer volume of joy coursing through him. As your hand fell from the cuff of his coat you had clung to, and your eyes dart to the ground, turning your head away from him, Aaron manages to regain a skerrick of control over his own body, reaching out a hand to wrap around your bicep, turning you back to him as his cheeks warm and begin migrating towards his ears, making his beloved crows feet appear beside his glistening eyes. Yet again, he denies that there were tears at the notion of someone asking him out, of you asking him out after all this time, but you know what really happened. 
“Y/N, nothing would make me happier.” Aaron’s dry mouth finally regains the ability to work normally. You seemed to now be the one standing in a daze, his hold on your clothed arm still sending the same trickles of lightning throughout your body that Aaron had felt through his own before, each time you’d held onto him. 
As one date turned into many, and weeks spent together bled into months, Aaron could feel himself changing. Growing. You had come into his life and taken the wool from his eyes, showing him what a love can be like when the two of you want to foster and nurture it, carrying it between the two of you through your lives, even as it changes and evolves. The two of you aren’t carrying separate entities alone, but instead your hands are intertwined around something beautiful burning between you. 
Aaron didn’t notice some of the more underlying changes in himself, he knew he could feel and see rays of sunshine warming him from within, he didn’t realize the sun was only able to find him because you had dismantled the walls he had built, that were casting him into darkness all of these years. 
Aaron, however, was not the only one to notice these changes. After a rather successful third date, the two of you had planned a fourth. Sadly, a life of chasing serial killers and child abductors and otherwise scummy members of society got in the way, and Aaron had to reschedule you more than a few times before you two lovebirds finally got to go on another date. You were so excited when Friday night finally came around and Aaron had not been called on another case. You wanted desperately to run into the elevator the minute the clock struck five and pull Aaron by his coat out of the office and into the night, but sadly your coworker was running late to relieve you and take over the front desk. Luckily, Aaron was just as eager to meet you, and he felt ten squinting, profiling eyes on his back as he shut his office door at 5:02. He dropped his briefcase between his shoes to pull on his scarf and his coat before his long legs carried him, gliding down the stairs to the bullpen with a hint of a smile gracing his relaxed features. 
“Hotch, I must be seeing things. Are you actually leaving this place on time for once? Is your office on fire? Did you accidentally forward your snarky email to Dave to Strauss by mistake?” Emily was the first to retort, leaning back in her seat and not trying at all to hide her amusement. 
“No, everything’s fine, Strauss’ contact address in my emails is unmistakable. I learned that lesson years ago. I have some… plans tonight. Can’t be late.” Hotch offered Emily a smirk, quirking his eyebrow up towards his hairline as he ran a hand over his tie. A new tie, Morgan notes. 
“Oooooooh no way. Ain’t no way my man has a date tonight! Aight, bossman. Take that fancy new tie of yours and show your friend a good time.” Derek offered a toothy grin, reaching his fist up for Hotch to bump as he breezes past, still not slowing to make conversation. 
Hotch accepts Derek’s fistbump, much to the younger agent’s surprise, he expected his comments to get under Aaron’s skin more than anything. Hotch makes it a rule never to encourage prying into his personal life, but maybe he’s content enough with said personal life to allow a little prying these days. 
Hotch reaches the elevators, pressing the button for Ground Floor as he offers his bewildered team a wave. 
“Goodnight, agents. Please let me find this unit still in one piece on Monday. Remember to lock the doors when you leave, no parties, and no loud music after nine.” Hotch stepped into the open doors with a smile gracing his features and his team was left in what can only be described as shock.  
“Okay, tell me I’m not hallucinating. Did Hotch leave this place willingly, of his own accord, on time, with a smile on his face and jokes? He’s got jokes all of a sudden?” Emily was blinking slowly as if to clear her vision, at the others who all appeared equally stunned by their boss’s sudden change of habits. 
“He has been in a better mood lately, last week when Penelope kept referring to the previous case notes as ‘the tea’ Hotch made no efforts to correct her. The last time she tried referring to an unsub’s criminal record as their ‘bio’ he looked like he was going to burst a blood vessel trying to stay calm asking her not to call it that.” Spencer chimes in. 
“Hold your horses, pretty boy. Go stake out the South windows in the briefing room and see if you can see our happy camper heading out the front door, I gotta go get babygirl to see this. She’ll never believe me otherwise.” Derek bounced away in a jog towards the batcave, retrieving the BAU’s most renowned gossip monger to delight in their boss’s new developments. Meanwhile JJ, Emily and Spencer moved quickly to the window in the round table room. 
Derek and Penelope just made it in time, Derek pushing Penelope to take longer steps, her stilettos the only thing preventing her from sprinting to the window. The front doors of Quantico swung open, six floors down, a large arm holding them open as two heads of hair, tightly embraced, floated out of the tall doorway. The hand holding the doors is revealed to be their boss’s, holding onto his briefcase and shouldering a larger sage green bag, presumably belonging to the individual who’s seen leaning their head on Aaron’s free shoulder. His arm tightly snaked around their waist as their own arm disappeared under the shielded warmth of his long coat, wrapping around his back in a sort of walking embrace. Despite the awkward angle the team has of the couple six floors below them, they look to be talking animatedly as they walk, Penelope squeals as Aaron presses his lips to his lover’s temple leaving a warm kiss against their skin. 
“How- How?! How long has this been happening? Quick. Profilers, profile! What do we know? Who is this mysterious fallen angel in our midst? Oh my god. We have to go to my lair tonight! I have to track down these star crossed lovers and see how compatible they are and oh! My god-” Garcia is cut off by her own gasp as she sees you and Aaron stop by the car, where he puts your bag in the backseat before bending down on his knee and taking your ankle in his hand, guiding your foot to his thigh where he ties your hanging shoelace. You’re still talking, your hands gesticulating wildly as you recall the events of your day to Aaron, who has long since finished tying your shoe, and is now just watching you talk, still pinned down by your foot, he doesn’t seem to mind one bit. In fact, even from six storeys up, on the opposite side of the carpark, Emily swears she can see a glimmer in her boss’s eyes as he watches his date talking. The lights on the outside of the building behind you, making you look like an angel to him as your ‘halo’ illuminates the signet of the FBI on the face of the building. 
“So this is why he’s been religiously applying chapstick lately. I thought he was just becoming really sensitive to the wind.” JJ offers, Penelope jumping up and down and clapping her hands together in a silent celebration before clutching her necklace in front of her heart.
“He also changed his haircut this month. I have seen that man enter this office on the first Monday of every month with the same high and tight crew cut for like, three years now. This month he kept the top longer, damn we should have seen right through that.” Emily sounds almost disappointed that the team failed to see the lover effect in full force. 
“Hmm, making it easier to grab onto?” Derek asks with a smirk. “My man.” Penelope’s hand comes up to whack the back of Morgan’s head in retort. Spencer stands, looking bewildered by the comment and by the sudden violence. 
“Wait a minute. Do they work in this building? I know that face.” JJ questions.
“Yes! That’s it, they work at the reception desk! They always say good morning even when it’s technically 12:09pm. The worst time, though, they even said good morning to me at 2:35! Must have been having a long day.” Spencer laughs to himself, the rest of the team not finding his exact timekeeping anywhere near as funny as he seems to. 
“Oh boy, I will have to ask them what bossman’s like on a date tomorrow when I come in. This is too good an opportunity to resist. Maybe we can bribe ‘em with a latte from down the street, babygirl we gotta find out how they like their coffee.” Derek wraps an arm around the blonde, trying to appeal to her pro-level social media snooping skills for assistance. 
“He looks happy, guys, like, lovesick puppy level of happy. Maybe we just leave this alone, let them… come to us when they’re ready?” Garcia offers, sounding surprised at her own voice offering to stay out of someone’s business.  
The others all seem to agree with their chirpiest team member that the only way to let Hotch continue being their happy, joking, playful boss is to make sure this person stays in his life, and the best way to do that is by letting them be. Of course, this won’t stop them all from racing towards the South window the next time Hotch leaves work on time, but he can’t exactly punish them for looking, can he?
Things continue in this fashion for a few weeks, and the team marvels each time at the amount of physical affection their boss is comfortably showing in a semi crowded carpark, bustling with agents coming on and off the clock. He’s become less and less shy about letting his arms find home around your waist each time the two of you stroll out of the building. It isn’t until your ninth date was rescheduled for the second time that the team got to see the two of you up close. Aaron’s team was working around the clock to find the source of a classified information leak in a neighboring bureau department. 
You got off work, your smile falling when you saw a text from Aaron that he was probably not making it out of the office at 5, let alone before dawn the next morning. So, you set off to the chinese takeout place a street away to fetch his team some fuel. You got an assortment of mains, sides, chopsticks and cutlery, and a bag so full of drinks you thought the handles would break, sending eight cans of carbonated sugar to explode against the pavement, spraying everywhere. Luckily, you were able to double bag the contents and successfully bring it back to Quantico and up to the sixth floor. 
The elevator doors opened and it was like setting foot inside a life-sized beehive, agents whizzing past you in all directions, manilla folders being passed around and stacked haphazardly on desks where phones rang and rang with no free hands to answer them.
You manage to weave your way through the hustle and bustle and into the bullpen, where you spin around, looking for any familiar face when you spot Aaron and his team in the conference room, blinds half drawn to occlude the whiteboards from sight through the glass. You knock against the door to the conference room with your knee, not having so much as one finger free to knock on the wood. Your heart is racing with the excitement in the room, though, the agents all seem to be radiating a sort of anxious feeling so potent it feels like the air is thick with TV static. The door swings open, revealing a very wrinkled Aaron standing before you. You feel the sharp, anxious twinkle of the static clearing from before your very eyes like fog meeting sunlight as Aaron looks behind you, looking left and right before he smiles at you and pulls you into the conference room, closing the door.
“Sweetheart, what’s going on? Are you alright?” Aaron asks you, placing a hand on each of your shoulders and looking at you to study your face. 
“I’m fine, love! I just thought you guys seem so busy, you could use some dinner.” You raise the bags in each of your hands, seeing Aaron’s frown lines fade and his dimple appear in their absence as he and his whole team smile over at you. Aaron takes the bags from your red hands, surprised to find they’re both so heavy as Morgan clears some space on the roundtable for the food. A wave of ‘thank you’s wash over the room as Dave, Penelope, JJ, Emily, Spencer, Derek and even your Aaron all show you their gratitude at the offering of fresh, hot, food on what was bound to be the longest night they’ve worked in months. Aaron pulled you into his side as the team each introduced themselves to you, shaking your hand excitedly as they all failed miserably to hide the fact that they already knew your name and exactly why you’re here. 
You open all the containers of food, explaining all the options you brought and which ones are meat-free for Penelope and offer each agent a drink with a smile, feeling Aaron’s gentle hand resting on the fall of your shoulder as you hand spencer a knife and fork you got specially for him and Aaron asks you if he can get you a plate ready. The team is starstruck, both at your display of kindness and thoughtfulness for every member of his team, and at how comfortably you seem to fit right against your boss. The two of you are practically joined at the hip, each time Hotch asks you a question his hand finds your knee or your arm or your waist to brush over it and get your attention. After a full minute passes of his hands staying away from your body, you move your wheely chair closer to his, looping your hand under and around his bicep, elbow resting on the armrest of his chair as he engages with a conversation with Reid and Dave regarding how exactly the leak of this information stands to gain anything from it. 
Once Aaron’s scarfed down his plate of food, his free arm lays over the back of your seat, curling around your far shoulder and rubbing there as he checks in with you if any of the information you’re hearing has upset you at all. He offers to find some place to sit alone with you if you’re uncomfortable for another ten minutes or so before he has to go back to the investigation. 
Emily and Penelope are sitting at the opposite side of the table, completely in awe as they watch their boss who’s usually known to move almost like a statue, very calculated and still. If he’s undisturbed long enough he can actually often appear as if he’s not even breathing or blinking when he’s hard at work. But here, he moves so naturally with you. The two of you have a way of reassuring one another without a word that you’re there for the other and you’re okay without so much as making eye contact. 
Garcia audibly gasps when you lean in to place your head on the slant of Hotch’s shoulder, your eyes fluttering closed for a moment as most of his team is engaged in a conversation about the possibility of a team of people being responsible for the leak when Hotch looks down at you, a smile of unbridled adoration donning his face and he cranes his neck to kiss you on the crown of your head. In front of everyone. In the middle of a meeting about an emergent situation, her boss found enough joy in his heart to smile widely and kiss you, while you’re nuzzling your own smile further into his neck. She never thought she’d see the day her compartmentalizing, dedicated to a self-destructive degree boss actually found someone that loves him so freely and so openly that he’s actually comfortable enough to do the same. 
“Garcia, is everything alright?” Aaron asks, Penelope is ashamed that her audible surprise has dragged the happy couple out of their special moment as both of your eyes are blinking back at her, concerned. 
“Everything is just swell, sir. Couldn’t be better, actually.” Penelope smiles, beaming with pride and eyes darting between the two of you. 
“For the record, Garcia. I agree.” Hotch offers his own proud smile and a wink as his voice lowered to a whisper, half of the team not registering the interaction as Spencer was rapidly scanning seven files at once with the wave of his hand, looking for the exact time logs from the door to the evidence storage facility on the nights in question. 
From that one fateful evening onwards, you became a staple attendee at any and all BAU family functions. The team had loved you from the moment they met you, for you had changed their stoic, slave-to-his-desk boss forever. You had changed him slowly and so kindly that he had seen it happening all around him and still didn’t care to question it. 
The whole team, even the young doctor Reid noticed the difference between Aaron and his past partners compared to you. How when you entered the room, Aaron’s hands would start to seek you, and you’d find him, letting him hold onto you. You knew his past experiences had made him paranoid of losing those he loves, and you don’t mind one bit proving to him that you’re still there. They all noticed how whenever you or Aaron laugh at something the group said, your eyes find each other to see the other smiling, feeling free. They all grew to love seeing the two of you moving in the same spaces, your bodies never falling out of step or losing their harmony. No matter how stressful Hotch’s work gets, you can always find a way to soothe his stresses away, with a hand kneading at his shoulders or a gentle thumb grazing against his cheekbone, your hold cradling his face. You made Aaron feel okay with looking possessive, or small and delicate, or just looking like a man in love. You showed him it’s okay to need reassurances and that he’ll never have to be the only one offering them again. 
You’ve shown him a love that burns so brightly he doesn’t mind loving you publicly or in private, loudly or whispered in a longing ear. Aaron Hotchner loves you freely, without restraint. He loves you on your quiet mornings just as he loves you from behind a karaoke mic at a crowded bar. His love for you grew too fast and too beautiful for him to contain it anymore. He will tell you he loves you in every language he can. Because from the first time the two of you made contact, like flint on steel, there’s been a spark. He’s glad you were brave enough to reach out and take hold of it, the two of you keeping it safe, because now the heat from that flame keeps you both warm even on the coldest nights.
tagging: @montyfandomlove , @pastanoodles11 , @ssamorganhotchner, @hotchnerbau , @hotchs-babygirl , @ssa-tahlia-obsessions , @p0ssywhippedcream , @14buddy22 , @elenamoncada-ibarra , @supercriminalbean , @ssaspencerreidswife , @levithestripper , @beehive16,
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reiding-writing · 3 months
hey!!! i have a request for a fluff fic. it's based off of the episode "double babysitter" from bluey (you dont have to watch it but u can for inspo!) where hotch/jj accidentally invites both you and spencer to babysit their kid(s) and you and spencer bond over babysitting. i just love domestic!spencer. preferably fem or gn reader, but everything else is up to you :)
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/ˈdʌbəɫ bʊkt/
Hotch was finally getting back into the dating scene after some convincing from you and Garcia, that meant he needed a babysitter for Jack. Hotch had asked you himself, whilst Garcia, under the impression that Hotch hadn’t thought that far ahead, asked Spencer. Looks like Jack had two sitters for the evening.
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spencer reid x gn!reader || fluff || 2.7k || masterlist!!
a/n: so i didn't have the time to watch the episode beforehand (sorry) so i kinda just went with the flow for this one, hope you enjoy :)
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Hotch was finally taking a break, and to go on a date no less.
It took you and Garcia almost three days of constant hounding before he agreed, and even after he did he kept bringing up excuses as to why he wouldn’t be able to make it.
He had files to finish, he had meetings to attend, he didn’t have a babysitter for Jack, they might be called into a case.
Anything that could possibly be used as a way to get out of going to this dinner was spewed out of Hotch’s mouth at some point or other, but it didn’t have any hold against Garcia’s persistence for him getting back out in the dating game and your persistence for him to get out of the office for an evening.
You’d recruited almost everyone in the office to help clear absolutely everything on Hotch’s schedule to ensure that his date would proceed unhindered.
Your job was one of the most hands-on.
“Hey little man,” You give Jack a smile as he opens the door to the Hotchner residence at your knocking, a smile that he enthusiastically returns with a small wave.
“Jack, what’ve I told you about opening the door to strangers?” Hotch round the corner almost immediately as the door clicks open.
“Wow.” You interrupt Jack’s explanation with a wide-eyed expression at Hotch’s appearance.“Are you going to a date or a funeral?”
He forgets about scolding Jack for a second. “I look perfectly fine,” He furrows his eyebrows slightly.
“You look like someone’s just died,” You press your lips together into a line as you scoot Jack back into the hallway, closing the door behind you as you follow in after him. “I mean who on earth wears a full black suit to a first date?”
His face only proved to furrow further at your words, leaving you to sigh exasperatedly.
“At least lose the tie,”
“Your attitude is very out of line Agent,” He does as you ask anyway, loosening his tie and pulling it over his head before taking a glance at himself in the hallway mirror.
“We’re off the clock Sir,” You return his snark fervently. “Undo the collar of your shirt, you look ten years older than you actually are with it buttoned up like that,”
“You are very capable of making suggestions about my clothes without insulting me in the process,” Hotch undoes his collar with a sigh. As much as he likes to be dismissive, you were right in your suggestion that the tie and collar made him look too formal.
This was supposed to be a fun evening, not a boring business meeting.
“You’re nervous, I get it, but you’ll be fine,” You bend down to take Jack in your arms as he tugs on your sleeve. “Your dad looks much better now doesn’t he Jack?”
The boy nods enthusiastically with a thumbs up, and it forces a small smile to break through Hotch’s stony façade. “Using my son against me isn’t fair either,”
“Hush, you’ve got to get going before your late and all of this effort is for naught,” You open the front door again with Jack still resting on your hip, practically pushing Hotch out of the door of his own house.
“I don’t have to be there for another thirty-five minutes-”
“Buy her some flowers on your way there,” You continue to guide him to turn away from you towards his car, giving his back a small push in its direction. “Wish your dad good luck little man,”
“Good luck daddy! Have lots of fun!” Jack waves enthusiastically from your arms, smiling widely as Hotch turns around to face the two of you once more with an exasperated sigh.
“Thanks buddy, i’ll be home soon,” Despite his mild annoyance at your pushing, he can’t help but smile at Jack’s positiveness. “Behave okay?”
Jack gives a determined nod and a double thumbs up. “I love you daddy,”
“I love you too bud, see you later,”
You shoot him a “Good luck!” as he climbs in his car, one that he acknowledges with a dismissive wave of his hand before he drives off, leaving you and Jack with no company but each other.
“Can we have pizza for dinner?” You laugh at Jack’s question as you watch Hotch’s car pull out of the driveway, turning your attention to the boy in your arms.
“We can definitely have pizza for dinner,”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It’s less than five minutes before there’s a knock on the door, and you prepare yourself to give Hotch a half-insulting pep-talk about the fact that his date is going to be fine and there was no way he should cancel it last minute because he got cold feet on the way there.
“Hotch come on-” You’ve already begun by the time you open the front door, and your train of thought is immediately de-railed at the sight of Spencer Reid at the door. “Oh- Spencer- I- What are you doing here?”
He looked just as surprised to see you.
“I- Uh- Garcia said that Hotch needed a babysitter for 7?” Spencer flashes his watch in your direction and lo and behold it’s seven pm on the dot.
“Ah,” You can't help but laugh at the mix-up, shaking your head. "A classic mix-up, feels like one of those cheesy movies don’t you think?"
“She asked you too?” Spencer gives you a sheepish smile, adjusting his bag on his shoulder.
“No,” You shake your head softly with a small laugh. “Hotch did, looks like Penny got a little in over her head with the organising,”
“Yeah,” Spencer pulls his lips into a line, shifting his balance on the balls of his feet. “I uh- I guess i’ll be going then,”
“No no don’t be silly,” You shrug off Spencer’s awkwardness with a smile, stepping aside to let him in, "The more the merrier. Come in, me and Jack have just ordered pizza,"
As if on cue, Jack comes bounding out of the living room, his eyes lighting up when he sees Spencer, "Spencer! Are you staying too?"
Spencer crouches down to Jack's level, giving him a friendly pat on the head with a smile, "It looks like it, Jack. You ready for a fun night with us?" He always was good with kids.
Jack nods eagerly, already pulling Spencer by the hand towards the living room, chattering away about the new toy he got. You watch them disappear down the hall, a smile on your face. It was going to be an interesting night, to say the least.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Interesting was right.
Pizza was always a good go to if you didn’t want to cook, but one thing about looking after a six year old is they can forget that hand food can be messy.
“Jack careful-” Spencer extends his hand over Jack’s lap to try and catch the sliding cheese from his pizza before it hits his lap. He’s half successful, but it still ends up leaving a red blotch on Jack’s spiderman pyjamas nonetheless.
“Oh no!” Jack looks down at his lap wide-eyed, half a slice of pizza still held in his hands.
You laugh shortly at the sight, “Maybe we should get you a plate little man,”
Spencer follows you into the kitchen to rinse his hands and search Hotch’s kitchen for something to wipe Jack’s pyjamas with as you arm yourself up with three plates rather than having you all eat straight from the box.
After the pizza incident, you all move to the couch, settling down with a bowl of popcorn and picking a movie that Jack would enjoy. Spencer ends up narrating half the movie, filling in the scientific facts behind the animated characters' adventures, while you and Jack listen, interrupted occasionally by Jack wanting further clarification on the things Spencer explains.
It was probably the most you’d ever heard him talk in one sitting, enthusiastically over-explaining everything Jack asks about with a small glint in his eyes that makes you forget that you’re just playing house.
By the time the movie ends, Jack is almost asleep, nestled in the crook of Spencer's arm with half-lidded eyes and the occasional yawn. You share a soft smile with Spencer at Jack’s expression, both of you appreciating the quiet moment now that his seemingly endless supply of energy has finally dwindled.
You help Spencer carry Jack to his bedroom, tucking him in and whispering soft “goodnight,”s. Back in the living room, the two of you clean up the remnants of your movie night, the atmosphere comfortable and warm.
“So, what should we do now then?” You glance at the clock as you fold up the empty cardboard pizza box, it was just past 10PM now, seemed like Hotch was having a good time considering he hadn’t even messaged either of you to indicate when he was coming home.
“I uh- I’m not actually sure-” Spencer’s awkwardness seems to return now that he doesn’t have Jack as a buffer for his inherent lack of social grace, and he keeps his eyes firmly locked on the coffee table as he wipes it down.
“Didn’t a new episode of Doctor Who air tonight?”
Spencer finally turns his gaze up to you at the mention of the show. He didn’t know you kept up with Doctor Who. “Uh yeah- it’s on in about..” He turns his eyes down to his watch momentarily. “Seven minutes?”
“Well there we go then,” You round the corner into the kitchen with your voice slightly raised so that he can still hear you. “We can watch the new episode of Doctor Who and by the time it’s finished hopefully Hotch should be back so we can actually go home and sleep for our 7AM start tomorrow,”
A small smile breaks onto his face, both at your suggestion and at your very apparent distaste for the early start you had to endure tomorrow. “I didn’t know you watched Doctor Who,”
“I don’t really-” You shrug your shoulders slightly, a half-guilty expression on your face as you re-enter the living room. “I watched a few episodes after you kept mentioning it in the office,”
“Oh-” Spencer blinks at you in surprise at your confession, watching as you take a seat on the couch with your legs crossed underneath you. “Well uh- What did you think?”
“It’s pretty interesting,” Spencer practically lights up at your statement, taking a seat beside you with the TV remote in hand, making sure to leave a few inches of a gap between yourselves as he flicks through the channels. “I like the way they explained the time travel aspect,”
“Mhm,” Spencer nods enthusiastically at your statement, leaving the remote on the coffee table once he’s found the correct channel and half turning in your direction. “Actually, the way that the time travel is explained in Doctor is very accurate to how it would be in real life, with real scientific backing that several astrophysicists have agreed on,”
This was going to be a long episode.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A sharp clearing of somebody’s throat jolts you from the light sleep you’d found yourself in, and as you attempt to sit up straight you bash your head into something, hard.
“Ah-” Spencer clutches both hands to his jaw, cupped under his chin as he tries to massage away the pain that was suddenly shooting up the side of his face and waking him up in the process.
“Sleep well did you?” Hotch looked down at the two of you with a raised eyebrow, just barely concealing the amusement on his face as he watched the two of you untangle yourselves to regain some space between each other, looking like a pair of teenagers getting caught doing something they shouldn’t be.
“Hotch- Welcome home, how was your date?” You rub your eyes quickly as you try to deflect the situation.
“It was fine,” He turns his narrowed gaze from you to Spencer with all of the conviction of an overprotective father. “How was yours?”
Spencer almost chokes on his own saliva at the question, and it’s enough for the corners of Hotch’s mouth to turn up ever so slightly. “It wasn’t- We weren’t-”
Hotch holds up his hand as a silent instruction for Spencer to stop talking, and he shuts up immediately, lips pressed taut into a line. “I didn’t know I arranged two sitters,”
“Penny, you how overeager she is,” You give your (mostly valid) excuse with a guilty smile, brushing out the non-existent wrinkles in your jeans. “Spencer turned up like five minutes after you left and we’d already ordered food so it didn’t feel right to just send him off-”
Hotch's expression softens slightly, though the amusement in his eyes doesn't fade. "Well, I appreciate the effort. And it looks like Jack had a good time." He nods towards Jack's bedroom, where soft snores can be heard through the cracked door.
"Yeah, he's out like a light," you say, relieved that the evening went smoothly despite the unexpected turn of events.
Hotch glances between you and Spencer, his lips twitching as if he's fighting back a smile. "Well, I'll leave you two to it then. Thanks for looking after Jack." With that, he leaves the two of you in the living room to vacate to his kitchen, presumably to make himself a cup of coffee despite how late it was.
There's a moment of awkward silence before Spencer speaks up, his cheeks tinged with pink. "I should probably go. It's getting late."
You nod in agreement, though a part of you wishes he would stay a bit longer. "Yeah same here, probably for the best. Thanks for keeping me company tonight, Spencer. It was...unexpected, but nice."
Spencer offers you a small smile, his eyes warm. "Anytime. And hey uh, if you ever want to watch another episode of Doctor Who or... anything else, just let me know."
You return his smile, feeling a warmth spread through you at his offer. "I'll keep that in mind. Goodnight, Spencer."
"Goodnight" He mutters your name softly with a final nod, gathering his things and heading towards the door, leaving you alone to do the same as you call out a final “See you in the office,” in Hotch’s direction before leaving yourself to drive back to your apartment with the memory of the evening etched in your mind.
You can't help but think that despite the initial mix-up, the night turned out to be quite enjoyable, and if Spencer’s offer had anything to say, you might be engaging in more nights like this soon, without having to look after a kid in the process.
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wheelsup30 · 3 months
Illicit Affairs (Aaron Hotchner x GN!Reader)
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[note: MORE ANGST UPON YE. also can u tell im on a tswift kick?]
cw: angst with a happy(?) ending, gn!reader, reader's gender isn't specified.
word count: 1k
Inspo: Illicit affairs - taylor swift & peace - taylor swift
“I have to go.” 
It was like clockwork. You'd meet, spend a few hours together, then he'd go and the next morning you'd have to look him in the eye at work like this wasn't breaking your heart.
This time, you decided to push things.
“Why? Who's waiting?” You ask, obviously pointing out the fact he wasn't married anymore and hadn't been for quite some time. The divorce had happened months before the first time the two of you did this routine, so why exactly was it he had to leave so soon?
He’s silent for a moment, then deeply exhales. “No one. But I don't have my go-bag if we get called.” 
A spark of irritation fizzles through you, so you push harder. “What, you can't go get it on the way?”. It's clear by his face he doesn't want to have this talk, and another sigh rolls out of his nose. It was typical really, he only ever wanted to have the good stuff with you, no discussions that might require actual use of his brain cells. To him, you were supposed to be easy, just a way to relax after work that he didn't have to stress over.
Of course, he was more than aware of how unfair that was- you were a human being with very real feelings, reciprocated ones, even. But after Haley he just wasn't ready to focus on anything but Jack and work…which was made difficult by the fact you were work. You were there every day, giving him that hurt puppy dog look that broke his heart a little every time he saw it. Those eyes only made him push you further away, though, so you'd resigned to only allowing them when you thought he wasn't looking (He could never take his eyes off you, though you had no idea that was the case.).
“Can we not do this tonight?” Aaron asks, and you’re startled by the weakness in his voice, by the tightness that was building to a crack. Looking up at him, you can see his eyes glisten in the lamp light, an even more startling reaction to your nagging questions.
“Are you-...are you crying?” You ask in a whisper, worry knitting your brow and bringing a frown to your lips. “Aaron, hey-” 
He tries to shy away, but you don’t let him for once. You pull him close and wipe his cheeks, still concerned about how out of nowhere this reaction is from him. “I just want you to stay, what’s going on?” 
It’s silent for a long while, you assume he’s collecting his thoughts and calming down, so you just keep one hand on his shoulder and the other on his arm to ground him. Five minutes pass before he can look you in the eye, and when he does your heart shatters. The tears just won’t stop. As he falls into your arms, you rub his back and try to push through the confusion at how fast things changed emotionally. “What is it, Aaron…? Honey?” You ask softly, moving so he can sit next to you on the bed.
“I wanna stay-” It’s a little difficult to make out with the tears and the fact he has his face pressed against your shoulder, but you hear it. “I wanna stay,” He repeats “But that makes it real.” 
Time slows, and the cogs start to turn in your head. Losing Haley twice over must’ve been the worst heartbreak he’d ever experienced, and she wasn’t in the field. You are. Sure, that means you’ve got each other’s backs, but it also meant your lives were on the line daily. Sure enough, he finishes your train of thought for you.
“I can’t lose you.” 
You don’t even try to say he won’t, because you know he might. Every time you step out of the bullpen and into the field there’s a target on your back, and you’d be a fool if you tried to ignore that. But was that really a reason to break each other's hearts?
“You might.” You say stiffly, running your fingers through the longest parts of his hair. “But if you keep this up, you’ll lose me too.”
It was something you wanted to let hang, so you did. One hand still running through his hair as you watched him process it…he was tired, you both were, the case you were on right now was one of the worst and was only devolving more. What would usually have been an irritating question with snide comments had become the final straw. Unwittingly, you’d broken him. Eventually, he looked up at you from where he was leaning, and your heart broke. He didn’t have to speak for you to know how he felt. 
“I know…I know it’s scary. I’m terrified.” His bottom lip trembles slightly, and you think about how you’d fight people tooth and nail to never have to see him so upset again, about how it gripped at your chest and stung your eyes every time you took in a breath. “But we can be scared together.”
There was no way to fix this, not alone, but therapy wasn’t something to bring up right now. Right now, the man in your arms clearly needed comfort and support, and that’s what you gave him. Hours pass with him half-cradled in your arms like a child, and eventually you wake up next to him, the pink light of a sunrise flushing his cheeks just like his own heartbreak had the night before. It was odd, seeing a man you knew to be so strong completely relying on you for stability, but at the same time it felt right. If Aaron needed a rock, that’s exactly what you’d be, there was no question he’d do the same for you in a heartbeat. This wasn’t going to be easy, you’d have a lot of explaining to do to the team and your families, but you’d do it together.
Afraid, but in love without denial.
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wispystar · 3 months
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aaron hotchner . ii
✦ = finished | ✧ = not finished
Feel free to recommend me some more fics! If there is any author that doesn’t want their work on here pls let me know and I’ll remove it. Series are at the bottom. Be warned for spoilers. I will not be adding spoiler warnings so tread lightly. please lmk if links arent working
back to <;- aaron hotchner . i
Almost Perfect Secret by @thisismynerdyself
genre: fluff, fem reader, established relationship | summary: aaron & y/n are secretly dating and jack is the one that spills the beans
And I Will Care For You by @quillvine
genre: fluff, gn reader, established relationship | summary: hotch caring for you after a hard case
blackmail by @ddejavvu
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: like imagine sitting next to hotch on the plane ride home from a v/ tiring case and falling asleep on his shoulder or something really sweet and everyone sees it but hotch just covers her up and stuff and then like it’s super cute and soft
Believe . ii by @smile-hotch
genre: fluff, slight angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: just a cute blurb about you and hotch.
Comfort by @ssahoodrathotchner
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: on the plane back from Alaska, you and Penelope tease Aaron and Derek
cheater by @/ddejavvu
genre: slight angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: wait your new hotch blurb got me thinking what about they got secretly married and everyone knows that hotch is married they just don’t know it’s to bau!reader because he seemed very genuine in the wanting privacy so (after complaining) they respected that, and maybe one of the team members sees hotch and bau!reader kissing in the hallway of a hotel or something and confront him about cheating on his wife
Catching His Attention by @imaginethebau
genre: fluff, slight angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: aaron and reader have been dancing around each other for awhile, reader is getting sick of it and hopes that sean hotchner will be the one to help get aarons attention.
comfort of home by @/ssahotchnerr
genre: fluff, slight angst, gn reader established relationship | summary: aaron is on a case where there were children involved, and he comes home and the first thing he does is go to your kids and just hold them while they’re sleeping and then you ask if he’s okay and he just breaks down and you hold him while he cries
Dizziness by @benedictscanvas
genre: fluff, slight angst, gn reader, bau reader | summary: “i’ll drive you to the hospital”
Dinner for Three by @happiest-hotch
genre: fluff, fem reader, established relationship | summary: Going to the BAU with the intention of dragging your boyfriend away from working all night proves to be a good decision when you meet a team member of his who needs some cheering up based on the ending scene of 11x09 with an Aaron Hotchner x reader component
Enough For You . ii by @cconstant-ccraving
genre: angst, slight fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: Hotch doesn’t like the new agent, Y/n. Much like he treated Prentiss when she first joined the BAU, he is distrustful of her. He’s harsh and a drill sergeant, even going as far as to belittle her theories in a group briefing. That is, until she takes a bullet for him.
haunted . ii by @bau-drabbles
genre: angst, gn reader, bau reader | summary: emily, one of your close friends in the bau, comes back and after months of crying over her death you're not sure how to feel. it hurts the most when the deception also comes from aaron, the man you've loved for so long
hitched by @/ddejavvu
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: Wait Omg the thought of bau!reader and Aaron being secretly married but reader forgetting to take their ring off??
Happy Little Accident by @uncpanda
genre: fluff, angst, fem reader, pregnant reader | summary: after a night with her boss reader finds out shes pregnant. There is no way to tell him as he is overseas.
I Promise to Never Let You Go by @hotch-stufff
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: Yours and Aaron's wedding depicted throughout flashbacks from your relationship
"let me do this for you, please." by @spacedikut
genre: fluff, slight angst, gn reader, bau reader | summary: it’s left to you to help aaron with his injury.
like dad does by @/ssahotchnerr
genre: fluff, fem reader, established relationship | summary: where jack starts trying to take care of the reader the way he sees his dad does
Jacket by @/ssahoodrathotchner
genre: fluff, slight angst, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: Aaron loans you his jacket and there’s no way he’s getting it back.
Midnight Rain by @honeypiehotchner
genre: angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: You were a new agent at the BAU when you started dating Hotch, but your position was temporary. So was your time with him.
morning voice by @readerstories
genre: fluff, gn reader, established relationship | summary: “It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.”
mystery girl by @/ddejavvu
genre: fluff, fem reader, established relationship | summary: the bau sneaks into spencers apartment and they find a girl in his bed
mistaken by @/hotch-stufff
genre: angst, fluff, gn reader, bau reader, parent reader | summary: you thought aaron also had feelings for you but you were mistaken
mine @/luveline
genre: fluff, slight angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: aaron hotchner is protective of his agents. | tw/warnings: slimy man
made just for you by @mickisnotclever
genre: fluff, angst, no reader | summary: hotchs longing to belong | tw/warnings: mentions of abuse, hotchs childhood
No words needed by @ssahotchnerr
genre: fluff, gn reader, bau reader | summary: f you're someone who constantly needs to be playing with something (hair elastic, jewelry, etc) but you have none available, he would let you play with his fingers.
Never gonna let you go. by @hoe4hotchner
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, established relationship | summary: aaron feels guilty over always being away and is worried that you're gonna leave him
Not So Bad by @honeybrowne
genre: fluff, slight angst, gn reader, established relationship | summary: you are having what feels like one of the most inconvenient days of your life, but Aaron is there to remind you that it’s not so bad.
(Not) enough by @allysunny
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, established relationship | summary: You overhear a phone call between Aaron and one of his coworkers, and it makes you second-guess your entire relationship with him.
Need You Here by @/ssahoodrathotchner
genre: fluff, slight angst, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: You have a close call with an explosion
Pictures of You by @/ssahoodrathotchner
genre: fluff, slight angst, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: you lose your memories of the last few years, including the ones of your relationship with Aaron. The rest of the team thinks it’s hilarious. | notes: this is like my fav hotch fic ever
personalized by @/ssahotchnerr
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: Mom!friend reader bringing everyone cute lunches at the bau with personalized little notes for each person 😭 maybe hotch doesn’t even know that you do this for the others too so when someone mentions readers cooking, he’s like “wat”
Selfish by @velvetcloxds
genre: fluff, fem reader, established relationship | summary: sleepy talk with aaron.
shy by @/ddejavvu
genre: fluff, gn reader, bau reader | summary: Can‘t stop thinking about the usually so confident hotch getting yk kinda shy and clumsy all of a sudden, everyones just so confused as to why he‘s getting a bit quieter or redder in the face with seemingly no reason
soft spot by @ptersparkers
genre: fluff, slight angst, gn reader, bau reader | summary: hiii can you write something w Aaron where maybe he has a soft spot for Reader?
spontaneous phenomenon by @luveline
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: Hotch touches your face much more than a boss should. Or, 5 times you have a nosebleed +1 time Hotch does.
stolen locket, golden locket by @benedictscanvas
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: your husband wears a locket, but you only find out as it’s crushed under the boot of a man you wished you’d never met
till death do us part by @ssahotchhner
genre: angst, fuff, fem reader, bau reader | summary:  reader and hotch breaking up, but the reader doesn’t know the real reason the relationship ended.
There is a Light That Never Goes Out by @/ssahoodrathotchner
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader, established relationship | summary: you get kidnapped by an unsub and needless to say, it’s not fun | tw/warnings:  swearing, blood, injuries, stabbing, panic attacks, kidnapping, hospitals
underserving by @honeybrowne
genre: angst, fluff, gn reader, established relationship | summary: after forgetting your anniversary, aaron is consumed with guilt and can’t help but feel like he doesn’t deserve you or the gift you gave him. you prove to him that he does.
unprofessional by @kryptonitejelly
genre: angst, fluff, gn reader, bau reader | summary: hotch learns how much he really does need your little touches throughout the day.
Up in the Air by @ladylibby
genre: slight angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: Ever since joining the BAU, you’ve had the sense that Hotch doesn’t trust you. But one night, after a tough case, you accidentally fall asleep on his shoulder. After that, things start to change between you and the surly SSA…
worried by @winterscaptain
genre: angst, fluff, gn reader, bau reader | summary: anyway we could get a worried!hotch blurb when you’re in the hospital after getting injured? i’m a sucker for anything fluffy with hotch
when we are together by @wildflowerluver
genre: fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: 5 times jack pushes you and aaron together and the one time it works
you'll always know my by @the-modernmary
genre: slight angst, fluff, fem reader | summary: “I would have stayed… If you asked me to." After your high school graduation, you left without saying goodbye to Aaron Hotchner, your best friend, and nobody had heard from you since. Years later, you’re back in DC, and catching up with Aaron brings more than you could have possibly hoped for.
✦ A Truth Universally Acknowledged by @moon-light-jukebox
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: “It doesn’t matter that he hates me, it doesn’t matter…I just wish I knew why.” Reader is a member of the BAU that is liked by everyone…except her unit chief, Aaron Hotchner.
✧ As it seems by @/ladylibby
genre: fluff, angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: The BAU is accustomed to change – different cases every day, agents coming and going, roles changing – so the addition of a new member, an Administrative Liaison, should be no different. But the moment you arrive, everything changes for the better (Hotch just doesn’t realize it at first)… | notes: some chapters contain smut
✧ Anchored by @confused-pyramid
genre: fluff, angst, fem reader, bau reader| summary: Hotch and his childhood best friend working together at the BAU: a slow burn across the seasons. | tw/warnings: canon!typical violence (including SA, guns, child abuse, etc.), swearing, slow burn, eventual smut, more specific warnings included in each chapter
✦ Breaking Up Slowly by @hotchs-bitch
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: You and Aaron have very different ideas of a perfect future together. Is there any way you can both be happy?
Life Changes by @wilbur-rabbit
genre: fluff, angst, fem reader, bau reader | summary: This is a series of one shots about your time in the BAU and your eventual relationship with Aaron Hotchner. | notes: this can be read as a series or as one shots
✧ Meant to be . ii . iii . iv by @agent-whiskeys-sweetheart
genre: angst, fluff, fem reader, bau reader | summary: You are studying to be an FBI profiler with a little over a year left before graduation. When the BAU team shows up in your town for a case you jump at the chance to shadow them for a day. However, things quickly take a turn when you meet Aaron Hotchner, your future boss. And the most breathtaking man you’ve ever met. | notes: most likely discontinued
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 11 months
Weighted Blanket
Warnings: reader has migraine, fluff, that's about it :)
Word count: 348
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!reader
A/n: This was finished SO long ago. Months ago. And I forgot about it until recently so here is a little blurb about Aaron being your blanket when you've got a headache :)
Forever tags: @greg-montgomery @boredelle @hotchsdoormat @ssahotchnerr @criminalskies @beardedhotchh @hotchnerbau @ssamorganhotchner @mrs-ssa-hotch
Hotch: @14buddy22 @pastanoodles11
If you want to be added to my tags you can comment, message, or send an ask to my inbox!
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"What can I do to help you feel better Honey?" Aaron asked from beside you in bed. You'd had a terrible headache for hours now. Nothing seemed to help and while it was physically hurting you it was also hurting Aaron to see you in so much pain. He just wanted to relieve you of it but he couldn't.
"Lay on me?" You ask him tiredly. The pain made it so you couldn't sleep. Just laying there absorbed in the aching of your head that never didn't seem to let up. "Lay on you?"
"Yeah. Be my weighted blanket. Just lay on me please."
He does as you ask of him. Lifting the covers and gently lowering his weight onto you. His legs between yours and his arms on either side of your head as he looks at you. He's searching your face for any discomfort he might be adding but he finds none. None that isn't already there from your migraine.
As he settles his full weight on you once he's sure he's not hurting you further, he feels you let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Aaron." You say quietly as you wrap your arms around him. One hand finding its place on the back of his head in his dark locks and the other resting on his back. "Anything you need, Sweetheart."
"Kiss my head? Always seems to help Jack when he's hurt. Maybe I should give it a try." You give him a weak smile. He returns your smile with one of his. Resting his forehead against yours, he kisses your lips and temple softly before nuzzling his face in your neck. He occasionally leaves more soft kisses there hoping to distract you when you take in sharp breaths from sudden deeper pains going through your head.
Eventually you're able to fall asleep. The comfort and security of Aaron being so close helping you drift off into a light rest. He gives your head one more kiss and is also able to fall into a slumber now that you aren't suffering so much.
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sunshine-on-marz · 3 months
guess who's back, back again
to request married gn!reader and aaron hotchner headcanons
- 🦭
My first time writing for Hotch!!!!
I wasn’t sure if you wanted the wedding itself or what so I did a little of everything
Put a Ring on it
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Find my other work here!!
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Before the wedding he’s a mess
Especially since he’s so closed off durning work so when he gets home it all just kind of hits him
“Aaron, love are you okay?” You cup his face, and feeling the cool metal of your ring on his cheek just makes his heart speed up. “I’m alright, just thinking. Now, c’mere” he slides over on the couch to make room for you to curl up next to him. “Now what’s wrong, just because you’re a profiler doesn’t mean you get to lie to me” you tease, he smiles a bit, leaning over to kiss you. “We’re getting married, sorry for being a little stressed” he chuckles, which makes you laugh too. “Why are you nervous, what do you not love me anymore?” You ask, fake offense dripping in your voice. He pulls you forward to kiss you again. “Of course not”
Now the wedding itself? Different story.
He makes sure it’s everything you’ve ever wanted
He DEFINITELY cries when you walk down the isle
You add in a message to Jack in your vows and it’s so solidifying to him that you are the one
Not that he needed any convincing
He takes off almost a month from work for your honeymoon and the BAU is SHOCKED. I tell you.
“20 days?!” Derek yells when Rossi breaks the news. “I mean atleast he’s actually taking time off for once” JJ says, leaning back in her chair. “20 days is quite the long honeymoon, most couples only take 7 days” Spencer said, not looking up from his book, making Emily laugh “maybe we’ll actually see him smile when he comes back”
He’ll take you anywhere you want for the honeymoon.
Now for normal married life?
This man worships the ground you walk on
He may seem all cold and grumpy but you just make him feel like heaven is on earth
Even when he has to leave in a rush for work he always leaves you a note saying how much he loves you
“Sorry, got a case. I love you sweetheart, have a good day, I’ll call later. PS: wear that new shirt ”
He calls you atleast once a day when he’s out on a case
And texts you any chance he gets
“How’s your day going love?”
“Have you eaten lunch yet?”
“I love you (we’re all safe. Don’t worry)”
Overall he’s just the best ever
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evilkennedy · 1 year
Midnight Visitor
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x GN!Reader
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of blood (brief), mentions of guns and violence, slight fluff me thinks
Word Count: 3.1k +
Requested: Nope! Came straight from this noggin of mine.
Summary: You’re injured on a case and Hotch blames himself? I’m bad at descriptions and titles bear with me.
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You want to pretend like you know why you can’t sleep, mind preoccupied with the knowledge that you could’ve easily died… Of course you hadn’t, but there were always questions as to whether or not you could have should anything within the scenario have shifted even slightly. What would have happened should you have not stepped in front of the gun? Hotch would have been shot instead. What would have happened if the unsub held his gun slightly higher, a quarter of an inch further to the right…? If you weren’t undercover, if you had worn your vest, if Aaron had worn his— etcetera.
Your room is dark and your gaze rests on the ceiling, illuminated by the moonlight alone. It wasn’t that late, despite not looking at the clock or your phone, you’d known that much. Well aware of how much time was passing you by as you rested your weary bones. You’d been… ready. To give up; to let the bullet finish the job and take your life. Before Hotch had arrived at the scene, only a few houses down from where you’d been undercover, feigning the lives of a newly wedded couple, you’d been more than roughed up. You were barely aware of the way you’d gotten back up on your feet at his arrival, adrenaline taking over as the man that you'd come to care for, much more than what was normal between a boss and employee, was threatened. You could feel his gaze on you, even as you laid in your bed now, the way he silently pleaded you to get out of the way, to let him handle the rest— to stall him until the other agents got there, but you weren’t having it. Not only would you never forgive yourself for remaining idle and losing him, losing whatever potential relationship you so deeply hoped to develop, you’d never forgive yourself for allowing Jack to go without another parent, to lose him the same way he’d lost Haley. Even as you’d considered it now, your throat constricted with metaphorical barbed wire, you’re certain you wouldn’t have done anything different.
You sigh, closing your aching eyes against the phantom vibration of a gunshot soaring through the air. You’d still go through it a million times over to ensure that Hotch would remain alive, safe and sound. Even if that meant he was angry with you for now. Your chest seized with pain, more so at the idea that you’d ruined everything that the two of you had built between the other, the trust, the affection, the concern, the honesty, all of it, less than of any medical affliction or after effects of the trauma. Part of you wanted to message him, to tell him that you were sorry for not following his orders or for anything else he might be angry over except for the fact that it had been you instead of him. You refused to let him mourn over the fact that you’d gotten injured in his place, for his safety, but you knew that’s where his mind had been since. He hadn’t texted or called or even come by, and you wonder how correct that assessment had been. Would he be angry if you messaged now? The thought makes you feel ridiculous and you ignore it, succumbing to the sleep that had been threatening to pull you under since the sun had set. The last thought on your mind was of glazed hazel eyes and large trembling hands.
Aaron looks between you and the unsub, attempting to keep his gaze calculated and professional, but he hasn't been able to keep steady without knowing the extent of your condition. All he could tell was that it was bad. He doesn’t think you can stand, almost hopes that you can’t stand. If you stayed down, he could keep the attention off of you and onto him. He refused to lose someone else at the hands of a narcissistic psychopath. His heart skips a beat when he notices the way you make an attempt to push yourself up, only to lose your momentum part of the way up, falling back into the floor.
You hear him call your name, it’s quiet, a warning. You could tell it was a command, one in which you took as a suggestion, knowing exactly what kind of violence the unsub was capable of. You couldn’t allow him to be on the receiving end of that force, not when you were on your last leg. You were certain this would be the end for you and it didn’t have to be the end for him. You feel as though you imagined the panic laced in his tone, sheer anxiety gripping at his vocal chords as he pleads that you stay down, eyes glossy with the promise of unshed tears.
“Upset that I’ve discovered you both, Agent?” The unsub’s voice sounds like venom, hateful and acidic and cruel, his methodology had been specific, calculated— Aaron had never been more terrified than he was now and it wasn’t for his own life.
“I think you’ve got the wrong idea… you’re confused.” He was unarmed, at least physically. He’d have to stick with the profile for now, belittle the man so that he’d focus all of his anger and attention on him. You wish he’d stop talking and get to a safe place, but you weren’t naive enough to believe he’d get out of here unscathed, even if you could stand. Still, you worked on mustering every ounce of strength into your arms, hoping that you can pull yourself up before it was too late. You were well aware of your supervisor’s agenda.
“You know very well that I’m not confused, just like I know you’ve got something to live for while this one…” He gestures vaguely to you with his gun, “Doesn’t.”
He doesn’t allow Aaron to consider a response before speaking again, “I would almost think you’re a failure like me, making mistakes and losing the person you loved way earlier than you needed to, don’t look at me like that.” Hotch is glaring, defensive and tense. The unsub continues regardless, trying to get under his skin, “But something about the way you stand, the way you look and behave, you’ve got kids, huh? You’re a dad and after you fucked up with their mom or whoever, you place all of your worth in what you can do for them, huh? You think you’re so good and so righteous, playing the hero, saving the damsel in distress, but you’re no better than me. I know you think I’m a low life, but there’s purpose in what I do. Just like there’s purpose in you. I see it.”
It makes Aaron feel absolutely sick. He’d always hated when these unsalvageable, soulless bastards would sympathize with him like they understood the weight that rested on his shoulders, like they understood his pain. He knew they never would, not in the same way, not if he killed you now. He doesn’t let him speak again.
“You’re pathetic. I’m nothing like you. You’re nothing like me, you never will be. You get off on killing married couples, taking away something you could never have and that is love isn’t it? You’ll never be loved because you’re too fucking self absorbed to see that no one is as interested in you as you are in of yourself. You’re so mediocre, Kenny. You’re ordinary and worthless and you think you’re righteous because of what you do but you have never been more wrong, this is the work of a coward and a bully.” He’s shaking from rage, but he can feel the relief of having the gun pointed at himself instead of you. He’s no longer paying attention to your form on the ground, and he continues, egging on the angered man even further, hoping that the rest of the unit would arrive soon. They were in his ear saying as much.
“But you know that, don’t you? You’ve spent your entire life trying to prove yourself, to your mom and your dad and friends, partners, coworkers, hell, even strangers. You’ve been ignored and honestly, it’s for very good reason. You were never more than a pawn in someone else’s game and even now you’re going to go down and no one will remember you for the senseless crimes you’ve committed, you’re no Jeffrey Dahmer-“ With that, he knows he has said too much, riled him up too far, but he doesn’t even flinch when the gun goes off. He does, however, fly into action once the rest of the agents surround the small building they’d been in. He isn’t sure why he doesn’t feel the sting of a gunshot wound to the hip until he notices your body, now unmoving on the ground below him. He allows Morgan to apprehend the killer, knees giving way to his trembling as he falls to the ground beside you, immediately placing his larger hands on top of the gunshot wound that was meant for him.
He has to fight through tears, not willing to appear distressed as he makes an attempt to comfort you.
“Hey, you’re okay.” He can’t smile, even as you do. You’re content with knowing he’s safe, it hadn’t hit him instead. You were barely sure of what had happened yourself until you were lying in a puddle of your own cooling blood. You could barely feel it as you shivered, gaze fixed on Aaron. You want to tell him that you’re not okay and that he will be. You want to tell him not to blame himself, but as your mouth fills with copper you find that all you can do is tilt to the side to spit it out.
Your chest heaves and he has already called for medics and for someone to please just help, but you’d been so out of your mind that you didn’t hear it. You shake your head, tears falling freely from your eyes, either from the shock or from the pain, you weren’t entirely sure.
“Why would you do that? You were already so hurt, God, I-“ He stops, focuses on pressing against your wound again. It was bad, you could both tell. So this time, you force yourself to say something— anything to urge him into feeling a bit better or just a bit less guilty even if the attempt was futile.
“C-Couldn’t- You have J-Jack.” That would have to do. Your eyes were barely opened and you could feel your breaths slowing down, teeth clattering as you shivered, cold either from the blood loss or the wooden floor beneath you. Most likely both.
His eyes furrow together, multiple emotions pass over his features at once, you focus on the warmth of his hands against your abdomen, wishing that he’d relax his eyebrows or smile. Anything that wasn’t showing how utterly terrified he was of losing you. You just supposed you would have to be okay with seeing his face under any circumstances, and you would have to be because you begin to lose consciousness soon after that.
“No, no.” He speaks your name, it’s desperate but not in the way you’d been waiting for your entire career, it was bargaining, begging for you to stay. “Please don’t sleep yet, tell me something.”
While you want to, your tongue feels like lead in your mouth and your eyes roll into the back of your head. You didn’t know if you’d ever be waking up again.
You roll over, groaning at the noise that you hear from the living room of your apartment. It brings you fully back into the waking world, and despite looking over at your phone to see that it’s midnight, you’re happy to have been woken up from that particular dream. It was the last time you’d seen Aaron and you didn’t need to feel that guilt in your sleep as it had already been enough during the waking hours of the day.
You bury your face into the pillow, blinking away tears that threatened to fall. Another noise from the living room echoes through your hallway and this time, you think it’s a knock. You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion, thinking that it had been your pet to make that noise originally, but that second knock had sounded awfully like someone being at the door. You sit up, slipping on your slippers as you walk through the apartment, not sure of anyone that would be knocking on your door at this hour. You almost wanted to grab the gun that you’d kept in the kitchen by the door, but you resort to looking out of the peephole first. You’re shocked to see a disheveled looking Hotch at your door, and the ache in your body at seeing him makes you pause. You almost don’t want to open the door. You knew he visited you while you were out of commission in the hospital but he hadn’t seen you awake yet. He didn’t come by after you woke up and you didn’t hear or see anything of him. You barely understood why he stood at your door now, but you unlock it, opening it slowly so as to not bother your injured shoulder.
“Hotch.” You breathe out his name, almost choking on the syllables. The way he looks at you, still in his suit from work, has you weak, your eyes water upon seeing him standing in front of you. He looks so relieved and so worried at the same time, pretty hazel eyes filled to the brim with emotion.
He breathes out your name in response. Not your last name, not something professional, but your first name. It sounds so good coming from him and you just want to pull him into a hug, to apologize for being so reckless, just as he wanted to lecture you for the same. Upon seeing you, especially in the condition that you were in, he couldn’t. He could, however, admire how beautiful you still looked. His gaze wracks your entire frame and it pulls a blush out of you. It’s not sensual or lustful, but one of concern and remorse, you invite him in.
Closing the door behind him, you speak again, “I haven’t… I was worried that you were mad at me.” It feels lame to say, there’s so much more to be worried about, but that’s all that you can think to say now that he’s here.
Hotch has already hesitantly walked into your dark apartment, leaning against the small wall that separated your kitchen from the doorway, you can see how tense his shoulders are, even in the dim lighting.
He shakes his head, putting down his go bag before turning in your direction. You hadn’t dared to move from the position you’d welcomed him in, scared of what’s to come. You almost hope that it’s a lecture because you aren’t sure that you can handle the gentler tone he usually takes with you right now.
“At that moment, I was terrified.” He punctuates the end of the sentence with a whisper of your name. It’s coated with so much fear and anxiety and all you want to do is take it all away, ease it any way that you knew how, but instead, you listened.
“All I could see was your blood coating my hands… You were… cold to the touch, breathing, but so close to death that if I closed my eyes it was almost like holding Haley’s limp body to mine again. If I had done anything different in that moment or even before— you would’ve slipped through my fingertips before I even had the chance to tell you that you are the world to me. I would have done anything, and I still would do anything, to assure that you made it home in one piece, but I- I failed.” Towards the end of his rambling, his voice became more unstable, no doubt because tears welled up in his eyes as his throat thickened from the emotions threatening to overwhelm him.
“I didn’t visit because if I did I would have said that I loved you, but putting that on anyone feels like a damn curse.” He lets out a humorless laugh and that’s when you step into action, walking a few slow steps forward to look him in the eyes. He’s a bit taller than you and you’re glad that your non-dominant hand was injured so that you could bring your dominant hand to cup his cheek. He leans into your touch as you wipe the tears away.
“Oh, Aaron.” You don’t look at him with pity, more so a melancholic fondness, one of great understanding and love. You smile at him, your own tears welling up in your eyes as you blink them away.
“Your love couldn’t be so much farther from a curse.” There’s more you need to say, more that the two of you would have to work on if you went from here, but you’d relish this moment, even as it’s tinged with a sort of despair. It feels Shakespearean in portrayal.
“It was my decision to take that bullet, Aaron. Not yours. I was… I already didn’t think I was going to make it and I wasn’t going to let Jack grow up without his father too.” He sighs, hand coming up to rest atop the one you kept firmly against his cheek, thumb caressing the height of the bone there.
“I know that it scared you, it scared me too, and I’m sorry for being so reckless, I didn’t mean to make you feel like a failure.” You pause, “You’re anything but, and I wish you could see that for yourself. Haley’s death and my injuries aren’t on you.” You both knew that it would take some time for the other to heal, you’d both been through entirely too much shit to be considered normal, but you always had the other. And now that you both knew the extent of what that meant for each of you, and how that felt, this could be a new beginning.
Aaron nods, finally feeling like he can breathe again. “Can I stay?” He knows the answer, but he asks anyway.
You nod easily, “Please.” You go to remove your hand from his face, but he grasps it in his own, taking a moment to give your palm a kiss before bringing it down between the two of you. You take this as an opportunity to lead him into your room with his go bag so that he can change into whatever he has brought. The air feels lighter and you know that everything will be okay with time. No matter what, you’ll figure it out together.
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h4tchner · 1 year
Aaron Hotchner x GN!reader: busy subway
Aaron Hotchner x gn!reader
Summary: you and hotch get on a full subway. Aaron gets a little too excited about you being pressed up against him
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You boarded the underground with the rest of the team. It was incredibly busy, so everyone had to be squished in. This, however, was an excuse to stand really close to Aaron, which you couldn't do often in the presence of the rest of the team. Even at home you two were careful, since Jack didn't know something was going on between you and his dad.
You took another step back, your back bumping against his chest. "Sorry," you murmured under your breath. His fingers brushed against yours for just a moment. You took this as a sign to move even closer to him, now pressing fully against him. Your heart was racing at the intimacy in such a public space, surrounded by your colleagues who had no idea about your relationship.
"Sorry," he said then, but you had no idea why he said it at first. Then you realized there was something pressing against your lower back, something that wasn't so prominent a few moments before. You felt your cheeks heating up. Your hand felt around, looking for his hand. When you found it, you took it, pressing your fingers through his. You looked around to see if anyone saw what was going on. At first no one was paying attention to you or Hotch. They were talking amongst each other, but as soon as Emily's eyes went towards you and Aaron, he pulled his hand away.
"Are you okay?" Emily asked you. "Do you have enough breathing room?"
"I'm fine," you said, but it didn't sound convincing since you were already out of breath.
"Don't worry, it won't be much longer."
You gave her a smile, while you were kind of disappointed at the thought of not being pressed up against your boss again.
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hardlyinteresting · 3 months
Hiya! I read your Aaron Hotchner x reader fic 'guilt, love and other wounds' and I was so blown away you have a gift you write him so well! Then I read through the rest of what you written and I'm obsessed ~ thank you for sharing ~ I saw you reblogged some prompt list and I was hoping if you were accepting requests you could write the "Are you sniffing my hair?" Prompt for me. I'd love to see more fluff on my feed.
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Aaron Hotchner x GN!reader  Request here! | Masterlist
You’ve learned to live in moments, managing to love in vignettes. It’s work, but it’s worth it.  Life continues to find new ways to keep the two of you busy beyond belief. Work, laundry, dinner, meetings, parent-teacher interviews, homework, taxes,  housework, home repairs, and soccer practice fill every inch of your free time. The list stretches a mile long. It wraps up your schedules and leaves your hands tied when finding a moment alone. Tonight is the rare exception-- coincidental openings in both of your calendars. Jack is having a sleepover with a friend from school; work is quiet-- for the time being; and there are no chores worth trading for a cozy night in. 
The TV is on, with the volume low. Without any lights on, the room is bathed in a soft blue glow. Your empty plates from dinner sit abandoned on the coffee table since neither of you has felt any desire to leave the other’s side. You lay across the couch cushions, Aaron’s body draped haphazardly; half beside you half on top of you. His commentary about the show you’re watching together fans warm breath across your collarbones. He punctuates the ends of his thoughts with kisses. Lips, cheek, jaw. He brushes the silent affections wherever he manages to reach when he tilts his face up towards yours. These are the moments you wait for. His fingers trace mindless circles on your hip, while your own card through his hair and scratch gently at his scalp. It’s not often you get to see him like this. Relaxed, and nearly carefree. He deserves more tenderness. With your lips pressed to his forehead, you can smell his shampoo--yours. Eucalyptus and lavender. A soft gentle smell you’d hardly notice if you didn’t know it so well. "Are you sniffing my hair?" he asks, pulling away to get a better look at you. You meet his question with a shrug and a playful smile, “Maybe I was. What are you going to do about it?”
It’s easy to live in the moment when the world feels no larger than the sofa you share with your husband.
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