#izzy updates you guys
decembermoonskz · 2 years
{rest.} ✉️
hey guys update time. this was honestly coming pretty soon, but not being on tumblr the past couple of days made me realize that i need another break. this was actually probably going to happen some time this month anyway due to this week being hella busy and also bc i’ll be starting school again. 
i also really just want to write without much distraction and tumblr has become just that without it meaning to. so i’ll probably be less active for a while and post infrequently. edit: it’s the 22nd now so I’ll be able to post a bit but still like it says before this, just infrequently.
i’ll go on with some more explanation under the cut as i have a couple others things to say but it’ll get pretty long, so this is the tldr! :D i hope you guys all stay well and i’ll miss you guys and checking in regularly, but know that my inbox is still open even if i’m less active although i don’t think it’ll have a ton of messages or anything haha alright take care for now!! <33 i will be back keep that in mind !!
so one of the other main reasons that i’m taking time off from tumblr is that it really overwhelmed as i mentioned in a prev vent post. if you didn’t read it i basically said that seeing the (for me) overwhelming amount of support and understanding of the struggle for interacting with ccs actually did the opposite for me and overwhelmed me along with making me feel supported. it began to be too much as it was the ONLY THING BEING REBLOGGED ON MY BLOG. none of my fics were even noticed anymore and recently they’ve only gotten likes anyway, since deleting that post to ease my anxiety, none of my fics have been reblogged (literally, there has been zero reblogs in my notifs). it all became too much to the point i deleted tumblr off my phone. i know to some of you this may be a silly reason to be overwhelmed but for me it caused me a lot of stress and anxiety and made me overall feel really weird about my whole blog for a moment. like “should i keep writing these fics?” or “why am i posting at all?” and i hated feeling like that. so i had to put a hard stop on everything.
in the end it was the best thing for me and so i know that taking a break from here is also a much needed thing in my life right now. i just want to write my stories in peace and just enjoy them without the worry of the effects of social media and so on and so forth. 
as for any fic updates. i will still occasionally come on here to update my wip trackers as that is a personal thing i’m doing for myself. you can check my wip trackers in my navi if you’re curious about them. my main focus is to write my remaining collabs that you should expect to see posted in october for halloween, and the next part of gold and silver is also a priority of mine. as for tenth feather and dragon dahlia (my other two wip trackers) those will be done in time as well as they are not my focus tho you may not see them till the end of the year or so. my updates with fics will be slower right now so please do not expect anything. i am considering opening requests as a way to celebrate the blogs 2 year anniversary but that is not guaranteed, it’ll all depend on how i gauge my business for this semester. 
i think that’s really everything this time haha so if you’ve made it all the way down here congrats thank you for reading. for mutuals, you know where to find me if you wanna talk, and i’ll see you all when i’m back. i’ll make another post at some point to let people know i’ll be active again, but for now this is a hiatus i’m going 
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automatonknight · 1 year
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some wips(that i probably won’t finish sigh!!)+doodles :3
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wolfsbanesparks · 6 months
Hey y'all!
Happy (almost) Halloween!
Chapter 3 of Blinding Lighg is officially up! This week we get to meet the rest of the Robin gang as they help Duke figure out just what the hell is going on with him.
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nicserenity · 7 months
I love how absolutely NO CHILL this second season of OFMD has - intentionally!
- Keeping the protagonists apart for the drama -> can't have that, reunited by the third episode
- Ed staying mad at Stede, needs time to forgive him -> no time to dilly-dallly, they are besties, they are in love
- Oh, new female characters, I wonder how they fit in -> even more unhinged than the regular cast
- I wonder if this Buttons thing is leading anywhere, probably at the end of the season... -> boom Buttons is a bird by episode 4
- Izzy feels like a wildcard, what will happen with him in regards to the crew? -> they made him a leg!
- Can Blackbeard come back from his pit of despair -> he was at the bottom, now he is wearing a bell, he is just a smol, silly boi
- Telling some historical plot amidst all the shenanigans -> the characters are the plot! We follow their adventures, not some convoluted story
-It's not easy to change character dynamics - Stede finding his identity and coming into his own as captain feels so organic, more top!energy for him
- You can't rely on simple story tropes -> all the tropes! This guy is a dog, and the other one a cat!
I am sure there are more examples.
UPDATE before Ep8:
- Oh they are boyfriends, trying to keep it healthy and tender -> Well, Stede kills a man and is a 'real' private now, everything Ed wants to leave behind so they already parting ways
- NOT Taking it SLOW
- Ed being the posterboy for this theme by catching 1 fish -> he is a fisherman now
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funkyspacealien · 1 year
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The Funky Aliens Crew Additional Information in the "Read More"!
If you remember this post, some of these guys might look familiar! I wanted to update some of their designs and give them a stronger theme since they were pretty vague before. You might also notice I added some new dudes since last time! ... well uh, minus the one with the fancy bat hat. I just forgot to include her old art in the original post, lol. If you want a reminder and also know the new dudes' names, here's a roll call! This is going from the top image with the character lineup and goes left to right. Matcha, Pommei, Tai-Ko, Dee N. Bee, Hip Top, Lan, Izzy, and Slick
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Alright, *cracks knuckles, back, pussy, crack, etc* more trailer to break down.
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Mirror image of the shot in the teaser? Was it flipped for a reason or are we getting more than one scene like this? What boat are they on? It's not the dinghy, not the revenge (I don't THINK?), and they're not dressed the way they are with the Chinese pirates. (Red scarf presence noted.)
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Speaking of: Is this 'Susan' he's talking to? This has to be early on, he's not got his cunty little earring yet. (Just trying to nail SOME of the timeline down, you understand.)
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Scarf. Feeling more and more sure it's Ed's silk.
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Oluwande 💚. The way this dialogue is cut seems like they're skipping something, the way Olu says 'you dumped him' doesn't flow with the conversation the way it would if it was a immediate response to Stede's 'no, why would he do that?'
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Presented without comment.
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They're eating the wedding cake. :)
This is presumably happening while Ed is throwing knives at Izzy's head. :(
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Anyway. This looks like they're definitely trying to get Blackbeard to stop -
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- doing this so they can get through the storm or tell him something's gone wrong. Maybe Izzy's foot/leg gets real bad during the storm? Could be a lot of things.
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Initially I thought this might be a precursor to him menacing Frenchie in the one shot in the EW article, but that's in the galley not Stede's cabin and this is a bucket full of bottles (alcohol) and with Frenchie it's a box with bottles (containers, possibly food but I think it looks more likely to be medicine)
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(for reference)
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I think this is in the auxiliary wardrobe, bride figure in the top right.
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Izzy looks MISERABLE here. Whether it's the idea of him knowing EXACTLY why they're at a wedding or because he's in a hell of a lot of pain (foot still present and infected and all that) or some unfortunate combination of both (likely both), I want to wrap him up in a blanket burrito and give him forehead kissies. Also, wider shot here lets me update who's where on the topdown, so:
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Unnamed bald one with the studded bracers behind Izzy in the previous shot
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Ed. Ed you are like. Consistently seen smoking from a pipe. You can't handle a blunt? Or is the weed too dank? Also, pretty sure this is him and Anne and/or the person she's with in the shots a bit after this.
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This is why I thought it might have been the shot from the EW article but again, different container with different miscellanea and different room. He. Does seem to be. Interacting with Frenchie a lot though. And. This instance seems very specifically similar to. To him interacting with. A certain someone else. In season 1. . . I'm not saying Izzy's out with a case of Leg Gone and Ed's leaning on Frenchie in the aftermath. . . but.
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I feel this so hard. We've all been there Ed. Anyway I'm pretty sure this is the same place he's smoking with mysterious, mostly offscreen, light skin-toned hand person who may or may not be Anne and/or her friend. (No scarf.)
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Genuinely I feel like the nose staying on his face would look more believable without the ribbon. Lucius didn't need a ribbon for his finger. Maybe if it was horizontal as opposed to diagonal? It looks LOOSE and that makes it seem like it's not secure enough to be staying on his face like it is.
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Deserved (the punch). My baby's leg tho. :'(c It's not even the right height for him. Look how he's gotta bend his other leg just standing.
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Olu fighting someone???
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Bracer looks like guy number 6 from the wedding raid but this doesn't look like it's on a ship. This guy also seems to have a beard or something that the other guy didn't so idk.
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Cracked the code here thanks to @tizzyizzy pointing out something in my server. I was right about this not being during the storm. I was wrong about it being a possibly mutiny. I'm gonna jump a bit ahead in the trailer in a sec to explain but: Ed's got a rock tied around his waist here. You can see the rock at the bottom of the screen.
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You can see the line go taut and pull him down.
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You can see the rock continue to pull him down. (The rock is right at the bottom of the screen.)
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Jumping ahead in the trailer and. Well. Rock with some rope tied around it. (Once again, thank you Tizzy 🙏 you eagle eyed hero) The lighting certainly matches better than the storm did. The question is: Is Hornighost trying to talk him into it or out of it? (And. Yknow. Is he a ghost at all, even?)
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Back to where we jumped from. Are these guys wearing the same clothes as the guy Stede 'did a punch' to? Looks like it. *Black Pete voice* What IS this fucking timeline!
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Love that Izzy is the only one who doesn't duck away. Also 👀 Lucius spotted. Is he holding hands with Jim? He certainly seems comfortable positioned right between the two little killers doesn't he? ;3c
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'Oh no my boat :'(c' Is anyone still on board or did they take a dinghy and get outta there after the storm?
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(New promo pic.) This.
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(Skipping ahead in the trailer.) And this, are all the same version of Stede. The outfit (weird little arm flappies, red sash) and location are the same. This is absolutely a dream sequence. Stede is dreaming about being the kind of pirate he wishes he was. I'd also venture as to guess this is the extent of his 'revenge on Izzy' that Some Of You are all so clamoring for.
[Out of allowed images, please hold]
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toboldlymuppet · 1 year
cranky fandom wank hours
It sucks that this is my post after a while of not updating art here but I have to say something about it. The level of vitriol and hate I’ve gotten as an Izzy fan (why yes, that fictional little pathetic man over on that little queer pirate show that speaks about kindness & acceptance, of growing past your trauma & toxic mentality, That One) has been 10x as worse than in any fandom I’ve been in, and I’ve been in fandom for more than a decade now. I’ve modded a fairly large game discord (at 100k+) and even then, I haven’t had death threats lobbied at me so aggressively until I got into this show. I was never shy about my anti-colonialism stance, my Filipino heritage, my sexuality or gender identity, especially having recently realized that I fall into the nb spectrum. Or all my stances on shitty IRL things that are both morally and legally reprehensible. And yet, the number of “racist/pedophile/rapist/colonizer/abuse apologist” I’ve gotten in my dms has pushed me enough to close my twitter dms & asks here, something I haven’t done at all (most especially on twitter where I’ve kept it open since 2014). People I know who enjoyed staying in our own lane & enjoying one rat bastard has gotten hate and death threats, we’ve had someone doxxed, many of us fear doxxing, I’ve been thrown into a list of ‘known rapists/abusers” for daring to do fanwork of my current favorite pirate. A lot of us fans are POC and trans and nonbinary, or somewhere around that spectrum, and yet we’ve been constantly drowned out by people who think that fandom = activism? Who act like surely it’s just a conglomerate of white cis fans who flock around Izzy. Nice, way to fuckin misgender and act like a white savior to us, oh wait, we POC/non-cis Izzy fans don’t exist, do we? Even then, so many fanwork of other POC characters on the show are by Izzy fans. Roach & Frenchie fanworks, iirc, where they’re not relegated into the side or disregarded, where they’re main characters in their own right, are primarily by us fans. We show the crew a good amount of love, and even then, if you don’t find the fanwork of a character or ship you’re looking for? Don’t attack the fans enjoying our own thing and do your own, commission an artist/writer, cultivate your own circle instead of attacking others. Izzy Hands is by far the least morally decrepit favorite I’ve gotten in many years, he’s nothing even remotely close to being ‘unredeemable’,  to apply morality to him & his fans, despite being a pirate in a fucking pirate show, totally known for their Goodwill To All Men and Upstanding Code of Ethics, is ridiculous and full of bad faith criticism. Also, can people stop tagging hate in his tag, what the fuck happened to fandom ethics or consideration, stop airing out your dirty laundry for the fans to see where we’re just here to have a good time and Stay In Our Lane. Anyway, I have a shitload of more to add but it’s 6am and I’ve frankly never been this exhausted by fandom before. This is why I’ve never done G/B stuff lol, despite having done so many wips on my initial watch. Is it cringe to have an entire vent about a sad small fictional man? Yes. But is it even cringer to focus all your time and energy into hating that guy & his fans? Also yes.
Good morning.
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uselessheretic · 10 months
following along as izzy canyon plans meetups at supercon, and i think it's kinda funny that canyon interacts with each other the way that ofmd fandom wishes (or pretends) it does.
idk i just think it's so cute that they planned a meetup at the con, but also a lil boat tour too. or that they made izzy canyon bracelets to pass out and some artists made stuff to just pass out of izzy. a chara zine got put together that was given to con o'neill that apparently made him cry 😭 he also showed up to the meetup and hung around like really the nicest fucking guy. and i feel like i've been getting updates all weekend through discord, although i'm sad i missed the twitter spaces held to connect online/offline.
i saw people mentioning and posting pics of the part of the meetup where people were putting together packages to send to people who weren't able to make it to the con, and i just think that's the sweetest thing everrrrr. just "if you weren't able to come, give me your mailing info because you're still a part of this." that's sooooo sweet.
i'm just like SHRUGS. for a group fandom will spend over a year demonizing, blaming fandom harassment on, implying they're possible sexual predators (from the bottom of my heart, fuck you) and just acting like they're the embarrassment of the fandom literally solely because they like a character and that's kinda cringe, it really feels like izzy canyon are the only ones actually having fun with each other.
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mikakeya · 10 months
Lucky Wednesday
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1,660
Warnings: Fluff
Summary: You fell for Bucky Barnes as he dined in the restaurant you work at - Izzy's. You decide to call him up to ask him out on a date as it leads to everything you've ever imagined it to be and more.
A/N: This is the Bucky apology fic that I've been writing after publishing my 'Hello, I'm Back' Announcement and Update Post. I hope you guys enjoy it because I certainly do. I love how sweet I portrayed Bucky to be and it is slightly canon to what happened in TFATWS. Here's to me wishing this can actually happen so that I can manifest shifting and have a normal relationship with James Bucky Barnes. The 'Steve Rogers Bday 4th of July' fic will have to wait, I'm so sorry but it's past 12am my time and I'm tired so I'm going to retire. Goodnight :))
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"Hello, can I speak to James Barnes? O-oh, hey, how are you doing uh...I feel kinda silly doing this but uh, this is Y/N, the waitress from Izzy's. You know the one w- well the only waitress." You picked up the phone after your shift ended at 10 and called Bucky's number after saving it that one time from when he called about a delivery.
Well, that's at least what happened yesterday after you finished your shift at 10 like you always do. For some reason, you actually had the guts to pick up the phone and call him. At least that was better than telling it to him in person and embarrassing yourself knowing how red your cheeks would have gotten from the feeling of being flustered.
Ever since Bucky walked into Izzy's and you laid eyes on him, you couldn't help but feel a sort of luring attraction about him. Something was telling you that this man had gone through a lot and indeed he has since you recently came into contact with Sam Wilson - The Falcon as he entered Izzy's and asked if Bucky had entered here. One thing led to another from Sam wanting to know the whereabouts of Bucky's location to you wanting to learn everything you can about Bucky before asking him out on a date.
So that's how you knew what you needed to know about Bucky as Sam gave you a pep talk to ask him out while warning you about how he's a "grumpy and lonely staring machine".
You felt bad for the man honestly after all he's been through. Most people would probably have a hard time trying to see past the wrongs that Bucky did but you were able to accept him as he is instead of holding him accountable for what he did.
Anyways, jumping back to the present moment where you were still working and trying to pass the time by putting your head in the game as you served your customers while cleaning up the bar as well. A few hours passed before you know it and because there wasn't anyone left in Izzy's, you decided to close up early and clean up the restaurant before calling for a pizza delivery.
You headed into the back of the house restaurant passing through a 'Noren Curtain' which separates it from the rest of the restaurant where the customers dine as you changed into something presentable and did your hair up into a loose bun with your hair feelers framing your face.
You heard the bell hanging on the front door go off as you peeked your head out from behind the Noren Curtain before landing your eyes on Bucky as you smiled at him and headed out.
"Hey- wow... that's like the most adorably old-fashioned thing anyone has done." You greeted him before seeing the bouquet of flowers and chuckling softly to yourself as you made a comment about it before taking the flowers from him, "Thank you Bucky."
You smelled the flowers and placed them in a vase on the bar where Bucky would usually sit.
"Just grab a seat and I'll be done in a few. I'm just cleaning up the place and setting it for whoever's opening tomorrow." You continue to clean the tables before bringing whatever needed to be brought back behind the Noren Curtain as Bucky nodded and sat down by the bar.
Just then there was a knock on the door as you told Bucky to get it, "Bucky, do you think you can get that please?"
Bucky got up from his seat and went to the door as he opened it and collected a box of pizzas, "Hey um did you order pizzas by any chance?"
"Yep, I did, just place them on the bar." You came back out with beers in your hands before placing them on the bar as well as you opened two - one for yourself and one for Bucky before placing it in front of him.
The date went as normally as it could with you joking about how old Bucky is since you found out about it from Sam. You did tell Bucky that Sam was looking for him to which his expression turned from a smile to a frown. You apologised for ruining the mood not sure if he was trying to avoid Sam in general or just upset with him altogether.
You described the date to yourself as perfect however as it went from beers and pizzas to a game night as you kept games on the shelf for when the shifts got a little too boring.
You were both playing Battleship which is a favourite game of yours as you exchanged conversations along the way while getting to know one another. Bucky did however have to drink the remainder of the 3rd beer bottle he had as you won the game before you called it quits since it was getting pretty late already. You kept the game and cleared out the pizza box as well as the beer bottles before wiping down the bar counter.
You took your things from the room hidden behind the Noren Curtain as you came back out and found Bucky waiting for you with cash in his hand as you tilted your head unsure of what his intentions were with the cash in his hand.
"Oh it's for the pizza and the beer earlier on-" Bucky read the expression on your face and assumed what you were questioning about in your thoughts as you cut him off.
"That's fine. it's okay, really, you don't have to pay for it."
Bucky nods and walks towards you as he places the cash in your bag pocket before looking at you as your faces were close to one another, "Keep it, I insist."
You nodded and smiled at Bucky as you went to take the flowers he gave you earlier on. He left the shop first waiting outside for you as you turned off the lights and walked out of Izzy's before locking up the restaurant.
Bucky offered his hand for you to take as you wrapped an arm around his arm. He asked for your address as you told him where you lived before he proceeded to walk you back home. You both talked more about each other as giggles and chuckles were shared between the two of you.
After some time, the two of you approached your front door after taking the lift up to your level in the building. You opened your front door before turning around to face Bucky as he took your hand in his and kissed it. You smiled feeling really happy about how the date went and blushed a little.
"Thank you for tonight, Y/N. I really appreciate it. I would like to have a second date with you but it's just- everything's just uh- j-just uh..." Bucky trailed off as he felt your hand touching his arm and making its way higher up as he got distracted from what he was saying.
You nod and tried to comfort him with your touching as you explained to him, "I understand. Everything's messy right now and I would love to have that second date with you as well but if you need some time then I'm okay with that."
You smile at Bucky before tiptoeing and kissing his cheek as you balanced yourself from holding onto his arm. As you pulled back, however, he pulled you in for a gentle kiss that left you melting into it as you've been wanting to do that after your second bottle of beer seeing as your alcohol tolerance isn't that high to begin with.
You pulled away from the kiss slowly while blushing and looking flustered while slightly tipsy as you smiled sheepishly before yawning.
"Alright doll, let's get you into bed then..." Bucky chuckled as he picked you up and walked into your apartment before shutting the front door with his leg.
You held on to Bucky with your bag still slung around you and flowers still in your hands as you gently buried and nuzzled your face into his neck before closing your eyes and falling asleep.
Bucky carried you into your room before placing you down gently onto your bed as he carefully and cautiously removed your sachel without waking you up as he placed it on the ground next to your bedside table. He took the flowers still in the grasp of your palm as he went to find a vase or any holder to put it in before filling it up with water so the flowers last longer.
Bucky came back into your room to turn the fan on for you as he looked between you and the fan to see if its noise would wake you up before discovering how much of a dead sleeper you are. He smiled and chuckled softly to himself before removing your shoes and placing them on the floor as he tucked you in under your blanket which you snuggled into and held on to it while stirring slightly.
Bucky kissed your head before taking your shoes and placing them by your main door. He noticed a pair of fluffy slippers and smiled as he took the slippers and went back into your room placing them by the side of your bed for you. He took your phone from your sachel before keying his number into it and putting a cute name for himself in your contacts as he plugged it into the cable and left it on your nightstand.
Bucky kissed your head once more before leaving your apartment as he sighed. He knows that you're an ordinary civilian and you're practically too perfect for him but he'll keep to his word on calling you for that second date the moment he figures out how to solve whatever he's going through in life.
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margareturtle · 3 months
Ngl I think TWP would be hilarious as simply a social media au—kinda SOBH Style
Somethings it would include:
- Kit tweeting publicly about his angsty feelings for Ty (convinced he’s safe bc Ty would never be on twitter)
- Dru and Kit have a snap streak through which we see snapshots of there povs
- Dru teaches Ty about Tumblr where he has a blog about the cases he’s investigating (he uses fake names—but shadowhunters would never see it so he’s safe) and Ty gets a ton of ppl following his blog for updates
- Dru has an insta where she does outfit of the day and has a run down of the day (but she has a pic from the beginning and end of the day—sometimes it’s the same but sometimes it’s rly messed up from demon fights or messy and people are invested in her stories in the comments)
For ex: Dru somehow has service in faerie; beginning of the day: fishnets and horror t under corderoy overall shorts. End of the Day: a full whimsical faerie dress (today was a long day guys)
The only person Dru follows is Isabelle Lightwood (who she bonds with over fashion and teaches millenial Izzy about insta)
- Blackthorn Family Gc (there’s a lot of convos between Helen+Aline, Dru+Emma, Dru+Tavvy (he has a mini ipad) etc that Julian’s like “does this have to be in the main family gc?!” “YES”)
- Herongraystairs Family Gc (it’s just Jem, Tessa, + Kit—it’s mainly Jessa: hey kit, do you think you’ll be coming home soon, no worries if not, just let us know— then Kit: responds with a vine or meme Tessa: *confused at first till she reads up on them and starts replying in memes*)
- Kit’s youtube channel— Kit interviews “my 150 yr old parents* about historical events they’ve lived through asking the *important questions* ppl just think they’re phd historians with SUPER niche interests
- Thais loves photography and takes cool pictures of a lot of shadowhunter things and nature for her insta and for Dru’s as well ofc
- thais and jaime rivalry on twitter— no matter what the other says they will disagree (kinda jace simon dynamic)
- Ash is a gamer (he’s done all the games in thule lmao) and he does streams—ppl think his commitment to faerie cosplay is cute
- Anush helps Ty with his blog, but he’s also on Snapchat where he has Dru and so we get insight to the scholomance and Ty in the background of a lot or snaps
- sidenote: Izzy is also obsessed with making pinterest boards for her and simons wedding (I like to think that sizzy has a hybrid themed-jewish-shadowhunter wedding bc they can make it however they want)
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decembermoonskz · 1 year
this is an update for the writers involved in my the monster beside me collab!
due to some writers needing to step down from the collab I’ve decided to turn it into a more “unofficial collab” in a sense. as some still plan to write their fic and some have posted theirs already I’ll still be compiling a list of the existing fics when they are posted. but there isn’t any pressure to post rn, I still wanna work on my beomgyu fic but with irl things going on I can’t always work on it as quick as I want to plus I wanna write some of my requests. so as stated, there will be a masterlist for the remaining fics but the date to finish is kind of off the table. this was a potential thing I thought about and so there’s no pressure to the writers anymore (myself included). sorry about this for the ones still involved but I think this makes life a whole lot easier on all of us.
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littlespacereader · 5 months
Hi!! I’m a big fan of your writing (my favorite so far is the OFMD one, I’m so excited for an update!) I was wondering if I could request a Stede and Black Beard comfort fic, maybe little reader gets scared after a fight or something? Lots of tears and extra comfort from the two best guys 🖤 thank you!
Listen, college has been killing me so I’ve only watched the first three episodes of Season Two (no spoilers please) so with that I’m gonna write this fic similar to my fic on AO3. (Aka everything is fine, the crew is all together and Stede and Ed are together🥰) I am honored you love my fic on AO3! I promise once things settle down a bit I will get back to writing it! For now I would be honored to write this request! I absolutely love me a hurt and comfort fic! Especially with Stede and Ed!! Ahhhh!!! Plus to change it up from my fic on AO3 I made Izzy a Little with the Reader! I love the big brother vibes he has with the crew on the show. I hope you like fluff because this fic has all the cuteness! So please enjoy!! Thank you for the request! 💞💞💞
A Big Brother Solution 🏴‍☠️
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Caregiver!Stede Bonnet, Caregiver! Blackbeard, Big Brother Little!Izzy Hands & GN Little!Reader (SFW)
Nicknames - Darling, sweetheart, little sweetheart, little one, cuddle bug, Papa for Ed, Dad/Dadee for Stede, Israel & Iz for Izzy,
Tags - accident, hurt/comfort, Izzy’s a Little too, hugs, forehead kisses, cuddles, story time, play fighting, sibling dynamics.
It was a beautiful day in the bays of a local island. The ocean rested calm against the boat with its beautiful turquoise color. The Revenge was docked off the coast of the island with most of her crew off to explore the island and its shops.
Aboard the Revenge is her Captains of course, Stede and Ed, as well as their two Littles Izzy and Y/N.
It had been an interesting story how the four had met. Y/N is Stede’s Little before he had met Ed and Izzy. They had left it all to pursue their shared dream of being pirates! Then they had met Blackbeard and Izzy during a crazy battle. Little did they know their four worlds would be changed forever.
Ed and Stede fell in love meaning Y/N and Izzy became sibling Littles, which at first was a bit rocky. The two come from different worlds, both have different headspaces and both are very different people.
They fought and they argued often. But strangely, after Stede and Ed sent them on a friendship mission to get fruit on a random island, when they returned…they were the best of friends. (A fic for another day possibly👀)
Stede and Ed never questioned, just happy to see their Littles were close to one another. Izzy was proud to be Y/N big brother. He liked showing them the ropes of pirating as well as being the protective older sibling.
Y/N enjoyed being the younger sibling too. They learned a lot of things following Izzy along. Plus they taught Izzy a thing or two, like it was okay to accept comfort and to let himself be vulnerable around them and their Caregivers.
And in return Stede and Ed became the two’s permanent Caregivers. Ed took on the title of Papa for both Littles. Stede took on the tittle of Dadee with Y/N, and Dad with Izzy. Both nicknames being chosen by their Littles of course.
Today with most of the crew off-ship, the Littles has a chance to really let loose and play around the ship without causing trouble for anyone else.
Ed and Stede sat on the main deck drinking tea and watched as Y/N and Izzy ran around playing sword fight with one another. Ed recently bought the two wooden swords. That way they didn’t seriously hurt one another when regressed.
“This is my ship and you’re trespassing!” Izzy yelled as he held his sword towards Y/N.
“I’m the new owner of this ship! So it is you who is trust-passing.” Y/N yelled back.
“It’s trespassing darling.” Stede helped.
“Oh, right. It’s you who’s tres-pass-ing!” Y/N corrected, taking the time to carefully say it properly.
Stede and Ed couldn’t help but smile at their Littles who ran around the ship giggling and clinking sword together.
“Me and my first mate Papa found this ship far and square.” Y/N ran over and pulled Ed arm. Ed gladly played along, putting his tea cup down and standing beside Y/N.
“That’s right, we found this ship first.” Ed smirked.
“Oh yeah?” Izzy then joined in the fun, pulling on Stede’s arm to join him. “Well my first mate said we saw this ship first so it’s ours.”
Stede happily joined in the fun. Putting his tea cup down and standing beside Izzy with his hands on his hip. “That’s right, my captain here found this ship before anyone else. And I was there to see it.”
“There! That otta sort things out. So if you’re on our ship uninvited then you’re our prisoners!” Izzy leaned against the side railing of the ship.
“Not too close to the edge of the ship Iz.” Ed called out.
While Izzy was distracted with what their Papa was saying, Y/N took off to another part of the ship.
When Izzy realized Y/N had disappeared he stomped his foot, “Damnit!”
“Izzy! Language!” Both Ed and Stede corrected.
Izzy muttered a small apology and quickly hid his eye roll before he took off on the hunt for Y/N.
He checked the ships kitchen, no Y/N. He checked their shared bedroom, no Y/N. He even checked the captain’s quarters, no Y/N.
Now Izzy was getting frustrated. Their game wasn’t hide and seek! It was sword fighting!! He was the oldest, he chooses the game!
Just as he was about to check another area of the ship when he noticed the bathroom door slightly open. He inched his way over, planning to jump in and scare Y/N, but the bathroom was empty.
But inside was a clue to what might’ve happened. On the wooden floor sat a puddle next to the toilet. Izzy sighed, his frustration leaving him and being replaced with worry for his sibling.
He followed on, looking to the top deck where the ship’s wheel was. There sitting in a ball was Y/N, softly crying to themselves.
Izzy put his sword down and made his way over to his sibling. “Y/N, it’s alright. It’s just an accident.”
To be honest he didn’t understand why they were upset to begin with. Their headspace was younger than his so he knew they were prone to accidents from time to time. Izzy himself never teased or made fun of it, knowing that he himself had an accidents on the occasion.
“It’s not just an accident Iz. I was supposed to be big today.” They turned around and faced him. “I told Papa I wanted to be big like you today and that I didn’t need to wear protection. But I couldn’t make it to the bathroom in time.”
Izzy listened on, taking a seat on the floor across from Y/N. “You know Papa and Dad won’t be mad or disappointed in you for having an accident. They see it all the time. I’m sure they’ll-.”
“No! I don’t want them to know.” Y/N casted their eyes down.
Izzy sat back a bit, looking at Y/N confused. Their light brown pants were now a darker shade of brown around their inner legs. Anyone could clearly take one look at them and see that they had an accident.
“Well…it’s going to be a bit hard to hide this.”
“What am I going to do Izzy? Do you have any ideas?”
Izzy was about to say no, but then an idea popped into his head, a rather crazy but workable idea.
He quickly stood up, “I have an idea, but you’re going to have to trust me on this one.” He held his hand out for Y/N to take.
Y/N looked at him quizzically, sure they trusted him…but they didn’t trust the look in his eye at the moment. Regardless they took his hand, “I trust you.”
Izzy smirked, “Good, now follow my lead.”
He led them over to the side of the ship. There he picked them up and sat them on the railing. With a quick glance to Papa and Dad making sure they weren’t paying attention, he continued on.
“Izzy…what’s the idea you had in mind?” Y/N asked after a moment, still patiently sitting on the railing.
“Well I was thinking, how can they see your accident if you’re soaking wet all over? CATCH!”
Before the idea had even had a change to click into Y/N’s head, Izzy threw a sack of potatoes towards them. Y/N caught the potato’s but the momentum threw them off and sent them overboard, splashing into the water below.
Ed and Stede stood up and rush to the side of the ship as Y/N lifted their head from under the water.
“Y/N?! Are you okay?!” Stede quickly yelled out.
Y/N nodded their head, “I think I’m okay Dadee.” They called back up.
“Oh no! I’ll save them!” Izzy called out from the top deck.
Before Ed or Stede even had a chance to let out a single word against it, Izzy had thrown his sword, boots and gloves off to the side and jumped over the railing into the water below.
But his heroics were met with an angry Y/N who splashed and pushed him in the water. “Are you kidding me? Throwing me overboard?! Are you crazy?!”
“I think a thank you is in order! After all I fixed your problem.”
“By knocking me overboard?!”
“Are your pants wet?”
“See? No accident in sight. You’re wel-.” Izzy was interrupted to a mouth full of sea water as Y/N splashed him.
“You could have just dumped a bucket on me!”
“If you had all the brilliant ideas then why did you ask me?”
“Because I didn’t have any ideas of my own but I didn’t think your idea would involve me getting thrown overboard!”
Right between the two of them splashed Ed, who jumped into the water after the Littles.
“Papa!” Y/N said swimming over to him, Izzy not far behind.
“No need to worry. Papa’s come to get his little trouble makers,” Ed joked, “Come on you two, Dad’s putting the ladder down for us any second now.”
Right on schedule Stede threw the ladder over the side of the ship for the three of them to climb. Ed helped Izzy first, then he helped Y/N, before climbing up himself.
Once on the desk Stede wrapped Izzy, then Y/N in nice warm towels. Truth be told, the water was nice and warm but with the fall weather the air had a cold crisp to it.
Y/N was shivering, wrapped tightly in their towel. Izzy was trying to play it off but Stede could see right through the act.
Soon Ed climb aboard and grabbed the last towel from Stede.
“We’re going to have a chat about what happened. But first I want you two dry before you catch a cold.”
With Izzy’s hand in one and Y/N’s in the other, Stede led the two Little’s into the captain’s quarters to be taken care of. Ed followed along, drying his hair with the towel.
“Now you two wait here while I gather your things.” Stede placed a towel on the ground infront of the fireplace. He had them sit while he grabbed some supplies for the two of them.
Ed stayed behind, helping the two start drying their hair while they waited for Stede’s return. “Alright you little rascals. Let Papa dry your hair.”
The only thing is, Ed is a bit rough when it comes to drying their hair so Izzy and Y/N were trying to squirm away.
Ed chuckled, “Come on! Stay still!”
Stede popped into the Little’s room to grab them some fresh dry clothes. Instead of regular clothing he decided upon pajamas for the both of them, hoping the soft textures will be enough to entice them to take an afternoon nap.
With arms full of clothing he started to make his way back to the cabin when he noticed the bathroom door open. He shook his head, no one on this ship remembers to close the bathroom door.
But when he went to close the door, something caught his eye inside the bathroom. Then suddenly the accidental overboard business was starting to make sense.
Stede grabbed a mop and quickly tidied the mess up before closing the door. With another pit stop at the Little’s room once more for an extra item or two, he made his way back to his room.
Sitting on the couch were his now less damp Littles and his husband, trying his best to get the fussy Littles all cleaned up.
“Alright everyone, I come barring dry clothes for the two of you. But before we get you two changed, what exactly happen?”
Y/N and Izzy froze. They looked at each other worried.
Stede continued on, “One moment you were playing swords and the next Y/N was falling overboard. How did this happen?”
Izzy cooled his features. With a look of I’ve got this to Y/N, he started to explain, “You see, Y/N and I were playing but then we got tired of that game. So we started playing catch. Y/N sat on the railing as I would throw things back and forth to them. But I overthrew a sack of potatoes and when they grabbed it the weight of the sack sent them flying off the ship.”
Stede looked confuses, “You threw them a sack of potatoes to catch?”
Izzy shrugged, “I thought they could catch it.”
Stede crossed his arms and shook his head, “Izzy, you know that was too heavy for Y/N to catch. Roach is going to be very disappointed his sack of potatoes is at the bottom of the sea too.”
Ed crossed his arm and looked at me, “And Y/N, you know the rules. You’re not allowed to sit on the railing under any circumstances. It’s too dangerous and this just proves it.”
Tears started to collect in Y/N’s eyes. They didn’t want to be in trouble, but they didn’t want Izzy to get in trouble with the truth out. So they nodded their head and wipes their tears away, “I forgot Papa. I’m sorry.”
Ed always tries to be the tough one, but seeing Izzy or Y/N upset crumbles him to the ground. “Awwww, it’s alright Y/N. There’s no need to be upset. I think this whole situation is enough of a lesson as to why we don’t sit on the railings, right?”
Y/N sniffed and nodded their head. “Never again.”
Stede decided to step in, “Ed, could you take Izzy’s clothes and help him get changed in our bathroom? I’ll help Y/N get changed out here.”
Ed nodded, having a sense of what Stede was doing. They both needed a little moment away for some added comfort. So he took Izzy’s hand and led him off to the bathroom.
Once alone with Y/N, Stede leaned forward and wiped their tears away. “There, there, darling. You’re okay. Everything is okay.”
“Let’s get you out of these wet clothes.” Stede both said and asked. Y/N nodded before Stede started to help them.
The lie started to eat away at Y/N. Before Stede even had a chance of asking about the accident, they spoke up.
“I’m sorry Dadee.”
“Sorry about what?” He asked as he continued.
“Izzy is just covering up for me. Everything he said was true…but he purposely threw the potatoes at me so I would fall into the ocean. I asked him to.”
Stede stopped and looked at Y/N confused for a moment. But then the final piece of the puzzle set into place.
Stede nodded with a hum, “Would that be because a certain someone had an accident?”
Y/N didn’t say a word, just nodded their head as tears began to fall.
“Oh darling, there no need to be upset. Papa and I would never be upset with you over an accident.” Stede tried to reassure.
“It’s my fault! I told Papa I didn’t need to wear protection this morning because I wanted to be big like Izzy. But I’m not!” Y/N cried out.
“Y/N, Papa wouldn’t have been upset if you had an accident today. What did I tell you before we met Izzy?”
Y/N sniffed and wiped a couple of tears away, “I don’t remember.”
“I said not to compare your headspace to his. He is a lot older than you. But that doesn’t mean he’s any better or worse than you. It just means his needs are going to be different from your needs and that’s okay.”
“It’s okay if you have accident and need to wear protection. Papa and I are well prepared and are happy to accommodate your needs, just as we do for Izzy.” Stede explained.
“So you’re not mad?” Y/N shyly asked.
“No of course I’m not mad, only worried. I don’t want you to feel as though you need to hide away every time you have an accident. From now on I want you to find Papa or I right away. Understood?”
Y/N nodded their head, the relief starting to show in their face.
“Good. Now I leave it to you, would you like to wear a little bit of extra protection for the rest of today or would you prefer not to?” Stede asked. “I won’t judge you, norwill anyone on this ship. It’s not about what everyone else needs, it’s about what you need.”
“Could…could I wear a pull-up…just incase.” Y/N asked, a bit shy.
Stede nodded, “Of course, just incase.” He winked.
Stede helped Y/N finish getting changed. Once dressed in their pajamas, he lifted them up into his arms and held them in a tight hug.
“I adore you more than all the grains of sand in the ocean or all the fish in the sea.”
Y/N held Stede tightly, “I love you too Dadee. Thank you.”
Stede chucked, “You never need to thank me darling. I’m happy to be here for you and so is Papa.”
The two stayed like that, just having a nice moment together. Stede held Y/N tightly in his arms, rocking and swaying them back and forth. There nothing Stede loved more than holding his little one close. Well, second only to Ed.
And speaking of him…
Ed and Izzy emerged from the bathroom soon after. Izzy held Ed’s hand and stuck close to him, dressed in pajama with Ed dressed in more comfortable clothes too.
“I tried to convince this one that we were all taking a nap, but someone doesn’t believe me.”
“We can’t all take a nap. Who would watch the ship?! Plus I’m not even tirreeedddd.” Izzy dramatically said.
“Israel,” Stede called out, “The ship will be fine. You and Y/N could use a little rest before everyone gets back before dinner.”
“Could you…read us a book Dad?” Izzy shyly asked Stede.
Stede’s face lit up to the request, “Of course I can. Why don’t you help me pick a book while Papa gets the bed ready for all of us?”
Izzy happily nodded along before darting to the mini library on the other side of the room. Stede traded off Y/N from his arms to Ed’s, who happily accepted the sleepy Little.
“Papa!” Y/N happily said, wrapping their arms around him.
“My little sweetheart. You ready for a little nap?” Ed said, rocking them the same way Stede bad before.
“Yeah,” They said with a yawn, “Papa cuddle?” Truth be told Ed had some of the best cuddles.
Ed chuckled, “Of course sweetheart. Where would I be without my little cuddle bug?”
While Stede and Izzy went through the library looked for the absolute best story, Ed and Y/N got comfortable in bed cuddling together. But Y/N sat up for a moment.
“Papa…Izzy was just covering up for me today. I just didn’t want you to know I had an accident after trying to be big. I’m sorry I lied to you.”
Ed chuckle a little, “I figured as much. That sounds like Izzy.”
But then he shook his head, “There’s no need to be sorry. You know I don’t care about something as little as an accident. I’ll love you the same way whether you have one or a thousand accidents. I would be lost without my little cuddle bug.”
With a kiss to the top of their head, everything felt right in the world again. Y/N cuddles closer to Ed. His arm wrapped around their shoulders, their head placed gently on his chest. It really was the truth, he always gives the best cuddles.
The rest of the afternoon went peacefully for the four. All of them cuddled together in their big bed listening as Stede read one of his fairy tale novels.
Within two minutes, Y/N was asleep against Ed, satisfied and comfortable being their own Little with their own headspace. Izzy, despite not being tired, fell asleep half way through the story, cuddled close to Stede.
Stede looked over at Ed and Ed looked over at Stede as their Littles slept. They just smirked and shook their heads.
“Did Izzy tell you the truth?” Stede whispered.
“Oh yeah. While we were getting changed he told me what really went on. How about you?”
“Y/N has never been good at lying, especially when regressed and especially when it’s with the two of us.”
Again the two shook their heads. They truly loved their troublemakers through and throughout. They would change a thing about them, loving them just the way they were.
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Izzy thoughts at first (then LONG ramblings about the S2 Teaser)
TLDR: I think Izzy is going to run away from Ed, get Stede, and help him become a better pirate. Also: WHY IS EVERYONE SO HOT
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1.) Look at him. So *happy* to be the Goth he truly is!
I love that Izzy doesn't trust Ed not to hit him here. If you look, Ed's not that close to his face, but Izzy just *can't* trust him right now.
Izzy in the same face makeup as the rest of the crew (AHHHHH HE'S SO HOT. I want him. I want to be him. ETC). What made Izzy put on the makeup? How long do you think Izzy lasted before caving in? I'm 50/50 between him immediately giving in, or stomping his feet. I love that he clearly put some time into it. That's full coverage right there.
[IS THAT A WIP ON HIS HIP? My CalicoHands heart.... Someone correct me if I'm wrong...please correct me if I'm wrong. I will be thinking about this for a month, thank you.]
We also see him dying his beard with Kohl? Might just be the lighting. Also: take note of that lovely ring around his necktie. My theory is that this is episode 1, right near the beginning of the episode.
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2.) THE LAD <3 MY MAN! GOD, he looks refreshed. Rested. Slightly stressed. This is why I think he was staining his beard in the last GIF, just comparing colors.
RED ALERT: THE RING AROUND HIS THROAT IS MISSING(or he's not wearing it in this shot, or we can't see it thanks to the lighting).
Izzy just deciding to leave is so fucking powerful to me, as a show of Izzy's growth in what looks to be 1/2 episodes. I don't think Ed hurt him, I think he genuinely got sick of this shit and left... He might have just run off once he got a *hint* that Stede might be alive, and decided to risk it. (Or fell off the ship during that storm...could you imagine the angst). FIRST MATE IZZY HANDS TO CAPTAIN STEDE BONNET/EDWARDS? Yes, please!
[My Stizzy/Steddyhands author heart is ready to read those fics. Because there is no way in hell these idiots will work out a throuple. As I'm 90% sure Ed just doesn't see Izzy.]
My theory for the scene specifically: Stede's crew takes over a ship, and Izzy is there to help. We see Izzy walk into the room, probably to update his Captain about the raid, and a guy goes in for the stab. The "I did a punch" Is because Izzy is training him. AHHH :3 CHEWING THE BARS OF MY CAGE
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3.) I saw a theory that the reason Izzy covers his hand with a glove is because he's been branded as a deserter from the Navy(usually a 'D' tattoo on the hand). Most of Ed's crews wouldn't respect him if they knew that Izzy had turned coat. This also explains why in Ep 9 he hated the idea of Ed turning himself in. In all the scenes in the teaser, we still see him in a glove, even after he ditches the symbolic ring.
ALSO HI SHIRTLESS IZZY, SORRY TO IGNORE YOU! Why is he shirtless? It's the Caribbean, I get that it's hot, but nothing? Does the man not own any other not-black tops? Not that I'm complaining, of course! I am very happy with this artistic decision.
I still think he's going to lose his foot/infection is going to spread thanks to his toe(losing a metaphorical and physical balance thanks to Ed). They're suspiciously covering his foot with a barrel or it's out of frame in most shots. So this training might be 1/2 Izzy helping Stede, and 1/2 Izzy regaining his balance. I also think this is on Stede's new ship, as that doesn't really look like any room we've seen on the Revenge.
(Now, the thing is. Does Izzy find out about Lucius hiding before he leaves? My guess is no, Izzy doesn't know, and is going to take that info right to Stede to reveal in a sensitive moment.)
(YES. I am in love with the Izzy-candle-imagery! My man is a dwindling candle, long may he burn. He doesn't need to use his fingers and cause himself harm when lying/having feelings about something, he can just use his sword)
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GET EM ROACH!!!! I just love this shot so much...no clue why. The flowers, the shock on Roach's face, the tiny ass canon.
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I love him in this trailer, THIS IS HIS GLOW UP, and am happy Jenkins looked at straight people no-homoing S1 and went 'STEDE LOVES ED! HE LOVES HIM SO MUCH' all teaser.
"I don't care what anyone says, he's actually a good guy!" OH STEDE. This is exactly what I expected from you, and I am so excited to see this play out. I hope Izzy is there to help him manage his money, if not, pray for him.
Stede getting a Pirate Outfit that TWIRLS is so him... I'm so happy for him! This is what I always thought Stede would enjoy about 'dressing up' in a pirate world. He can have elegance, color, and function! THIS is his glow-up, the longer hair, the ATTITUTE<3(Prince better be in this season's soundtrack, please).
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WE'RE GETTING A STORM BABY!!!!! My favorite trope in OFMD fic I haven't yet written ;). They're so fucking scary, the reason most pirates didn't last a year is due to storms vs. most other threats. I'm excited this season will explore a bit more of the realities of living on a ship! I write OFMD horror because 1700'S SHIPS ARE HORRIFIC.
ALSO HI JIM!!!!! My two favorite characters, all get a decent screen chunk of teaser time. THEY ARE SO FUCKING HOT IN THIS TRAILER. GENDER. FUCKING. ENVY. (RIP Lucius fans...He'll be at the end of S2 Episode 1...probably).
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MY HANDSOME WIFE! I fucking love Ed in this trailer so fucking much. If you follow my page, as much as I am an Izzy lover, Stede and Ed are close behind. I love that Ed is clearly heartbroken, and dissatisfied even with the violence he's supposed to love. He's got that Blackbeard mask on tight, and it's not coming off. Also: He looks hot while doing it.
His work wife leaving is probably going to fuck him up more.
I don't think Ed has a TON of screen time, mainly just due to Taika's schedule at the time. But I'm excited to see him sad.
ALSO: Did Ed color the doll so he's wearing a lace bralette? Cause that tummy (at least in this GIF) looks skin-toned. AHHHHH! He would rock that. I just know he'd rock that.
-HI SPANISH JACKIE/SWEDE- The ship I didn't know I needed till now.
-OLU! I hope you have such a good season, babe. You deserve it. Jim is obviously loving this.
-Frenchie having cat claws makes me so happy.
I'M HYPED!!!!!!!!!!
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I adore your fics! It always makes my day when you update!
If you’re up for more requests, maybe the inverse of the one you posted about Izzy getting hurt to protect reader and have reader get hurt saving Izzy?
The drama!
Poor guy would probably internally blue screen. He’s so used to being the one who gets hurt and it just doesn’t make sense to him for you to do that for him
What's it Matter Who a Bullet is Intended For?
The raid roared around you, the enemy crew putting up a good fight but slowly losing. You looked around the deck with a small smile, the crew was fighting well, they had come a long way as had you.
You couldn't help but let your gaze linger on your first mate, Izzy. He had fully earnt your respect after you experienced your first raid with him. The rumours about his swordsmanship weren't exaggerated, he was truly something to behold when he was in his element.
Hair falling over his forehead, his stance loose but purposeful, his sword in hand as he cut through the other crew like they were nothing.
You managed to tear your gaze away from the man for long enough to re-centre yourself, remembering the threats that surrounded you. You faint smile dropped instantly when you caught sight of one of the opposing crew members, gun firmly in hand and pointed at Izzy. Izzy, who was not looking in his direction.
You moved more on instinct than anything, not having the time or luxury to think.
"What the fuck?!" Izzy growled, definitely didn't shriek, when something collided with his body, sending him down to the deck.
His shout couldn't barely be heard over the fighting going on around him, but it was instantly followed by a gunshot that rang out above it all.
Quickly coming to his senses, Izzy took in his surroundings. You stood where he had been only seconds ago, clutching your bleeding shoulder and stumbling back into the railing behind you. He looked across the deck, seeing a member of the other crew with a gun in his hand.
Even in the sudden state of confusion, Izzy could put together the chain of events.
Did you...?
Izzy blinked, bringing himself back to the ongoing raid.
With no time to think, Izzy was back on his feet. The man with the gun was left bleeding out on the deck, Izzy's bloodied sword sheathed back on his hip before he was even at your side.
"What the fuck where you thinking?" Izzy chastised as he lifted your uninjured arm and wrapped it around his shoulders, lifting you up from the deck where you had slumped against the ship railing.
"You didn't see..." you grunted, leaning into his side as he wrapped an arm around your waist, supporting your weight.
Izzy assisted you across the deck like that until he found another member of your crew.
"Mr Feeney!" Izzy called, getting the larger man's attention. "They've been shot. Take them back to the Revenge, get Roach to sort them out," he ordered.
Wee John nodded, quickly taking you from Izzy's arms. "You're alright," he assured you quietly, assuring you that he had you.
"Thanks," you managed to speak through gritted teeth, letting him haul you back to your ship. It was like you could feel the bullet embedded in your shoulder, shifting with every tiny movement you made.
Izzy found himself wanting to go with you as he watched John take you away, you had taken a bullet meant for him, after all. It only felt right to go with you. However, he was the first mate, he had to stay and make sure that the rest of the raid went smoothly. That was his duty.
Mr Feeney would manage getting you back to the Revenge, Roach was a surprisingly good surgeon, and you were still conscious when left the ship so you mustn't have lost too much blood yet.
All he could do for now was focus on the rest of the raid.
Eventually the rest of the raided crew surrendered and any valuables were able to be looted and taken back to their ship. The crew of the Revenge soon returned to their ship and raised anchor while the loot was taken down to the hold and taken stock of.
Once Izzy had given his orders, ensure everything was going smoothly, and reported to the captains, he headed for the infirmary.
There you were, laying on the infirmary cot with a bandage wrapped around your shoulder and chest. He approached the side of your cot and you apparently became aware of his presence, lazily turning your head towards him and smiling slightly.
"How are you feeling?" Izzy asked.
"Sleepy," you murmured, your eyes dazed as you watched him.
Izzy frowned but Roach entered the room before he could question you. He questioned the surgeon instead. "What the fuck is wrong with them?"
"Gave them some medication for the pain, digging a bullet out is a bitch. They'll be drowsy for a few hours, probably just sleep it off," Roach explained with a small shrug, clearly the medication was nothing to worry about.
"How bad was the damage?" Izzy asked.
"They didn't lose too much blood, you must have caught them right after they we're shot," Roach told him, "they aren't going to be able to use that arm for a while, I've got them a sling for when they start moving around again."
"Izzy," you hummed.
Izzy glanced down at you, seeing that you were still looking up at him with glassy eyes, but you didn't say anything else. You must have been pretty out of it.
He turned his attention back to Roach. "Any lasting damage?"
"Nothing too serious, their arm should still be fully functional. Might be some nerve damage but it's too soon to tell. They'll at least have some lasting pain. Y'know, like my shoulder, like Captain Edward's knee," Roach explained, Izzy just nodded his understanding. "Somebody should sit with them until the medication wears off. I'll do it if I'm not needed anywhere else," he advised.
Izzy flinched a little when he felt something brushed against his hand. He looked down to see you taking his hand in yours, your grip weak.
"...I'll sit with them, you go and make sure nobody else needs seeing too," Izzy offered. Not seeing a reason to argue, Roach nodded and took his leave.
You released Izzy's hand, your own falling limply, and he wasn't sure if you had fallen asleep or not. With a sigh, he grabbed a chair and pulled it up beside your cot.
"What the fuck did you do all this for?" Izzy asked, though he didn't really expect an answer.
You murmured something unintelligible before you head fully lolled to the side, eyes closed. You had definitely fallen asleep now.
Carefully, Izzy took your hand that hung off the side of the cot and placed it on top of your stomach.
As you slept, Izzy dutifully sat by your beside, just trying to understand. Why on earth would you take a bullet for him? For him of all people. He just couldn't make sense of it.
It had certainly been no accident, you had pushed him out of the way and put yourself in the line of danger. Purposely pushed him to safety, purposely took his place instead.
Now you lay here, on the infirmary bed, bandages lightly stained with your blood despite the stitches. It should have been him.
A couple of hours passed before you woke up, Izzy still sitting at his station. He wasn't about to leave you for a moment and miss something going wrong meaning that he wouldn't get Roach quickly enough. He wouldn't let your condition get worse with himself to blame, once again.
You groaned as consciousness began to return to you, your face scrunching up in discomfort. You shifted before you even opened your eyes.
"Ow, fuck," you cursed the pain shooting through your shoulder.
"Don't move about too much, you'll pop the stitches," Izzy warned quietly.
As you became more aware of your surroundings and how you ended up there, you blinked the bleariness away and let your gaze settle properly on the first mate.
"Throat hurts," you told him, your voice hoarse and scratchy.
"Got some water here for you, gonna have to sit up," Izzy told you as he stood from his seat, frowning when you tried to push yourself up. "Here, let me help," he placed a hand on your uninjured shoulder to halt you before putting an arm around your back and helping you sit up.
He positioned your pillow behind your back before crossing the room, to a table with a pitcher of water and some cups. "For your wounded shoulder, just keep your arm in your lap for now, Roach has a sling for you," Izzy advised as he poured you a cup of water.
You just nodded as he returned to your bedside, handing you the cup. You greedily gulped down the water, it managing to soothe your throat at least a little bit.
"Thanks," you sighed as he took the cup from you again, placing it down.
"How are you feeling?" Izzy asked.
"Like I've been shot," you attempted to laugh but instantly hissed at the pain of your shoulder jolting. Izzy just nodded, like he was contemplating something, not showing any hint of humour for your joke. "How long was I out?" you asked.
"Just a couple of hours. The rest of the raid went smoothly, we brought in a decent haul and nobody else was too badly injured. We're sailing again," Izzy reported, a little too official sounding.
"Good," you nodded faintly, unsure of how else to respond, you really couldn't get a read on what he was feeling.
A short silence followed.
"That bullet was meant for me," Izzy's sudden declaration made you blink, unsure if you had heard him correctly.
"Sorry, what?" you asked, feeling the breath being knocked out of your lungs when you looked at him. He looked pained about something. Guilty.
"You shouldn't have been shot, he was aiming at me," Izzy repeated. You had definitely heard him right.
"Yeah, but you didn't see it, it could have killed you," you told him with a frown.
"It could have killed you," he stated, as if that weren't obvious. You had been shot, if the man's aim had been only slightly different, you could be dead already.
"Yeah...I mean, it wasn't like I wanted to get shot. Just thought I had a better chance of avoiding it since I saw it. I got shot but it wasn't fatal, would have been different for you," you explained your reasoning.
Izzy knew you were right, would have done the same thing for somebody he gave a damn about. Gave a damn about...he'd dwell on that thought later. Still, he felt the need to argue. "I've been shot before, I could have handled it."
"Well, now you don't have too," you quickly aborted a shrug. Izzy didn't seem satisfied with your answer, still looking at you like you had done something completely insane. "Is it really so difficult to believe that maybe I just didn't want you to get hurt? That I didn't want you to risk getting shot fatally, that I didn't want to see you fighting for your life if he got a decent shot? That I didn't want you to die?" you asked softly.
Izzy took a moment to process your questions, to try to understand the soft way you were looking at him. Finally, he settled on something that he had only ever said to one other person. "I owe you my life. My flesh, my blood, are your own."
Your eyes widened slightly, feeling your heart ache. "Izzy, no...no, I don't...that's not what I want," you reached out, taking hold of his hand, a little surprised that he let you. "You don't owe me anything, not a single goddamn thing, understand?"
"...no," Izzy confessed. He didn't understand but he still believed you, it was difficult not to when you were looking at him like that.
"It was my choice, I didn't do it so that you owed me, you being alive is enough. That's all I wanted," you promised, giving his hand a small squeeze, as if it might make him understand.
Izzy nodded stiffly. "I'll go get Roach, tell him you're awake. He'll want to check on you," he stood, pulling his hand out of yours.
"Izzy?" you asked carefully, wondering if you had said something wrong.
"You can't sleep in the bunks with your arm like that, you can stay in my cabin until you've healed up. It will be comfier than the infirmary cot," Izzy offered, already heading towards the door. Is it an offer if he doesn't give you a choice?
"Izzy, you don't-"
At the sound of your protest, Izzy turned back to you, hand on the door handle. "Not because I owe you, just as a thank you," he assured you.
"I...alright, Iz," you agreed, not feeling like you would get any better than that. You weren't looking for thanks but at least he might not feel like he owed you.
Izzy nodded once before leaving. You sighed, finally allowing yourself to wince at the pain of your wound.
Roach came by only a few minutes later, checking over your shoulder and fitting you for a sling. He advised that you remain in the infirmary until the loot was fully sorted and things calmed down, then you could head to Izzy's cabin.
"Weird that...y'know, that Izzy is letting you use his cabin," Roach commented once he had the sling in place and you sitting on the edge of the cot.
"Said I shouldn't sleep in the bunks with my arm like this," you explained, even though you were well aware that Izzy was the least likely person on the ship to offer up their sleeping quarters for somebody's recovery.
"I'm taking your hammock until you get back," he told you, he certainly wasn't asking.
"Sure thing. I'm going to enjoy sleeping on a cot for the first time in who knows how long," you chuckled.
Your smile remained as you looked towards the opening door, possibly even grew when Izzy stepped into the infirmary.
"C'mon, got the cabin sorted for you," Izzy told you, nodding towards the door.
You looked back at Roach questioningly, since he had literally just told you to wait for now. The surgeon sighed. "Just don't be fucking stupid and knock your arm against anything, alright? I'll check on the stitches tomorrow. Any sign of infection and you come get me, yeah?"
"Yes, Doc," you saluted playfully. Roach just rolled his eyes at you as he helped you stand from the cot.
You legs were a little wobbly but you put that down to the medication Roach had given you earlier. Before you fell asleep, you had felt like you were floating.
Seemingly noticing that you were a little unsteady on your feet, Izzy took hold of your good arm and guided you out of the infirmary. You didn't pass anyone on the way down to his cabin, though you could hear the crew moving around the ship.
"Where are you going to sleep?" you asked as you stepped into the cabin, looking around subtly. You had never been in the first mate's cabin before, not since it became his cabin anyway.
He was certainly a minimalist, unlike Stede. A cot with a pillow and blanket, a desk and chair, a chest of his belongings. Though, not much else would really fit into the room without making it feel claustrophobic.
"Probably in the bunks. Should only be a for a week or two," Izzy shrugged, hoping that he could mask his dread. It wasn't like the crew and him were the biggest fans of each other even if they had come to a somewhat civil balance.
"Roach is taking my hammock, so you're not getting that," you warned him, smiling fondly as he muttered inaudibly under his breath. "You can grab some bedding from the bunks and set up something in here. I assume I won't be able to talk you into taking the cot, but you'll probably be more comfortable on the floor in here than among the crew," you suggested.
Izzy seemed to think it over for a moment, his shoulders slumping slightly. "Fuck, yeah, guess that will work," he nodded.
"Thanks for this, Iz. There's no way I could get in and out a hammock with my shoulder like this...but I would survive on the floor," you attempted to offer, already knowing you would be shot down.
"Not a chance," Izzy answered firmly. He could be a gentleman, in his own way, you found it endearing.
"Yes, sir," you chuckled fondly.
That night you lay on the cot with Izzy's blanket pulled over yourself, Izzy lay in his makeshift bed on the floor beside the cot. The cabin wasn't very spacious, leaving him close to your bedside, though...perhaps he lay a little closer than necessary.
"Why did you do it?" Izzy's question broke the silence, his voice startlingly soft. You could just picture him, even in the dark, staring up at the ceiling with his brow furrowed like he was trying to solve some grand puzzle.
"I told you," you whispered back.
"Explain it again," it was an order, or it should have been, but it was so gentle to have any real authority behind it.
Now you were staring up at the ceiling, mimicking the image of Izzy that you had conjured up. "...at the time, I didn't really think about it. I saw the danger and I acted. I barely even remember how I crossed the deck. I mostly just remember feeling...fuck, Iz, I was so afraid. Not of the gun or the bullet but of you getting shot, of you dying."
Izzy was silent, hanging on to every word, slotting each puzzle piece into place. You had been afraid of what exactly? Of losing him? He only just realised that tears were welling in his eyes, why, he wasn't completely sure. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, not trusting his own voice to make any real response.
"...Iz?" you carefully called out into the dark room.
"Yeah?" he called back, just as quiet.
"Just wanted to check you were still there..." you confessed, hesitating for a moment before hanging your good arm off the side of the cot.
You smiled into the darkness as you felt Izzy's hand cautiously clasping yours, not holding properly until you tightened your grip. And tighten your grip, you did. You held onto him like he was a lifeline as you fell asleep.
It wasn't particularly comfortable for either of you but he was there. He was alive.
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nwarrior777 · 7 months
life update
tw: vent, sad, life crisis, identity crisis
advice ONLY if you have something really similar. hugs and specific commentary of support (like "giving you some cookies!!! or giving you yellow blanket!!) are encouraged
well i definitely didn't expect to get exsistential crisis by now
i mean i always thought that i know who i am i know what i want but like...
i had conversation with grandma, we talked about why are my bags so big, and i was like, it's just me, i don't have home, i don't have place or furniture. i only have my clothes and fancy little things and art. i only have me, and it's all it that very heavy 2 bags. and i said, but isn't it sad that everything i have at 26 is only 2 bags. i lam just 2 bags.
and she was like, but don't you have you like. in your head?
and. i started thinking about it. and now i an spiraling because i thought i got this question long time ago.
i mean. i have life goal. but it's life goal. it's not the answer to the question "who are you?". my life goal is to try to bring people around love and good and kindness. to try to be good human.
and. it's always "try" so i even can't say that i am a good human. actually i figured out that i am kinda suck on that... i am good with giving kind to strangers but. i think i am not the best person to be close with? i don't know... i am a bad person? again? did i fucked up again? eh.... i thought i was... i don't know. good at least at trying. i don't want to be in that years again... and in that feelings.... but i think i need to dive into that. because that is trying to be good person is about - you should work on yourself. but this is so fckin painfull
also i am artist. well yes but... everyone is an artist? we all have blogs and etc..... we express our visions and takes and opinions. i guess its art
and i am tired of it too... i feel like i am streaming 24/7 like, i am a Content Maker. everything i do is like....... its art art art content content content. i cant live for myself
and then i am trying to its not working. because if i will not make a photo, if i will not make a meme a post or a drawing i wil forget it. because i have bad memory. i cant hold anything in it
and i am obsessed with idea of saving my legacy. my art my. existent. i want it not to be just. dissapered. its kinda done - nobody will take away emotions which i gave you and emotions which you gave me with your feedback. they will not take expirience. and some of my art is already in safe place. see, i am too much on it
i worked so hard to make that "queer bitch gothhhicccc queen cool queer artist and a kind human" """ brand""""
but like. am i like. am i this? what makes a person a person. i don't feel. like a person
i don't feel like a human. i feel like some. poetic. image
and, please not laught, i am serious its not a fucking meme but. i feel so much like Izzy from ofmd now?... and... always feel????
my costume-gothic-bitch era started after seeing him. i opened in me new gender. that my horns - thanks to him, i bought them on festival where i went to in izzy cosplay. and that poetic symbol of a man. a guy with Moral Duty Standarts from some. ballad song. A rock
and how??? how is this. how they posted this season RIGHT in the time. then i cracked. and he too
what to do then you thought you had solid as a rock personality. but it was something different. what is it means to be a human. tell me, izzy
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episode seven thoughts:
- ok last episode was good so now i’m scared again
- please start with a morning after scene (update: FUCK YEAHHH)
- the character growth but also rest in peace sexy leather outfit 😔👊
- is that stede’s ring 👀
- “bye bye” i love him
- the breakfast in bed i’ll cry 😭
- “it’s a piece of twine. i panicked.”
- “it’s my way of saying thank you” :’)
- oh my GOD IZZY
- “hi boys :D” “JESUS!” “fuck off.”
- this is just like every fanfiction but better
- “it’s not just the ship that has been well and truly docked ;)… congratulations” oh my FUCKING GOD. the way i SCREAMED.
- “…he’s jealous” oop—
- i’m sorry but even if they explicitly tell me that jim/olu/archie/zheng aren’t in a polycule i won’t believe it.
- the letters :’)
- ed looks so goddamn fond <3
- “people have your face tattooed on their body ?” “not just my face 👀”
- not the old-timey paparazzi 💀
- jackie is slaying so hard
- “the sweet and spicy, just like my wife ;D”
- “the swede got so hot” “it’s an adjustment for me as well!”
- “birds love drinking for free!” “…no that’s not what i mean 😐”
- “your man” :’)
- is this the first time we’ve seen ed and jackie interact?? i love them
- i know we saw the “blackbeard are you poor now” in the trailer but the fact that he said “are you a poor now” is killing me
- “fucks like a jackhammer 👀”
- “was it as devastating as it was arousing?” god i love the swede
- “family who fucked!”
- “we’re anchors for each other” BECAUSE YOU’RE IN LOVE
- “made your boyfriend blush” “hmm :)” the way that i love them 😭😭
- “we’re a partnership” yeah okay gayass
- i love the androgyny of all these random pirates
- OH my god he just set a man on fire. holy shit.
- okay stede this may be going too far
- the ear piercing :D
- ohhh no ed no it wasn’t a mistake
- “i’m leaving” ED DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE
- “you’re a coward” ohhhh shit oh fuck oh no
- noooo my boys 😭😭😩
- god i love frenchie and his money-making schemes
- wee john has every talent known to man
- “you like me for me” no ED likes you for you you DUMB BITCH
- izzy please dear god talk some sense into him
- “i think you’re good for him” :’)
- “when i told him i loved him” i’m unwell.
- ok ok everything’s fine it’s fine because in the trailers they’re together so it’s fine
- zheng and olu are very cute if i ignore that they’re not going the poly route
- people stop leaving stede challenge
- “et tu olu” lmao
- “your serial killer boyfriend” oh shit “or did he already leave you again” OH SHIT
- nooo steak knife 😭😭 rest in peace (i shouldn’t laugh but also that was really funny)
- ohhh stede………..
- they just got unbanned from jackie’s and now they’re starting a bar fight,,,
- oh my godddd stede
- oh my GOD
- holy shit ricky you madman (/neg)
- oh my godddd poor zheng
- well fuck.
- it’s okay fang and roach being cute will fix everything
- but also why is everyone leaving!!
- guys did you know that i hate the found family splitting up trope because i really fucking hate the found family splitting up trope
- the way that ed says stede’s name in the preview for next week 😭
- guys if they kill izzy i’ll cry
- i am not fucking ready. how is there only one episode left. what the fuck.
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