#ivy talks anons
wineauntie · 29 days
Does Evie ever call Ellen and Jim grandma and grandpa?
And if so, what does she call them?….
Evie calls them both Winnie’s mom and Winnie’s dad at the beginning, it’s not that Ellen and Jim didn’t try to change that but at the beginning that’s all they were.
When Evie started calling Quinn ‘dad’, he called his parents that evening telling them the good news. Next time Evie encountered the two, they both gently eased into the idea of the little girl calling them ‘grandma’ and ‘pops’.
You never discouraged this, happy to see your little girl flourishing comfortably in her life and Ellen and Jim were more than happy to have a grandchild to spoil and love now that their own children had grown up.
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pokeberry5 · 9 months
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if anyone's interested, i'm opening requests for comic panel redraws!
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nyehilismwriting · 5 months
We can't kiss Rohan in both chapter 3 and 4, correct?
You said we can kiss Rohan again in Portia's route but they keep rejecting the kiss when I pick the "call your people" choice in chapter 3. But accepts the kiss if I call the project. So either I'm doing something wrong, or we can't kiss Rohan in both chapters?
you can, it's just a bit of a balancing act - you need to be on the rivalry route for both kisses, and agreeing to call portia gives you a significant boost to friendship, so you need to make sure you have very high rivalry before the end of chapter 3 to make sure you're still on the right route (and not beat xem up/shoot xem). it is possible, though!
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midnightsslut · 4 months
I'm really hesitant to say this but I wonder if part of her (now) feels that at least towards the end, her rs with joe was darker than a lot of her past relationships. and she's had a lot of extremely dark extremely traumatizing past relationships 😭
yeah i'm not hesitant to say this at all anymore. we have to understand that her relationship with joe was a completely different order of magnitude in terms of seriousness. having someone that you thought saved your life when you were at your absolute lowest/weren't sure if you would even survive turn out to be the man that's killing you with his apathy is brutal. she put 6.5 years into that relationship and wrote about it over the course of half of her released discography. do you guys really think she would've left and salted the ground behind her if things hadn't turned traumatic in a way that no amount of concessions could fix? she literally just mashed up a love song about him (which she previously paired with call it what you want, no less) with would've could've should've. she essentially said she regrets him in spite of everything.
i honestly think the dissolution of their relationship and what it turned into might be the greatest pain of her life. i think a lot of fans will be shocked by the level of darkness on TTPD, because we still don't know the worst of it.
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sc0tters · 5 months
Ivy will get injured during a show when she is doing a rough routine
We need a blurb
Ivy had two different options for routines when she went into the Boston show. But when a fantastic performance from the girl before her and the fight she had with Jacob the night before when he called her clingy. It made Ivy do the harder routine even when it wasn’t perfected.
For the most part she did really well, when she came to her final move she could see her friends in the front row with no Jacob sat with them. It threw Ivy off and as she jumped she hit the turns perfectly but when she came down her hands got loose from her sides and as she slipped her head hit the ice with a thud. What made it worse was that the crowd went silent as they waited for Ivy to move, but when she didn’t the crowd began to think of the worst.
Jacob had been stood in the hall with Ryan and Gabe as he didn’t want to have to watch your performance this time on the ice because he thought he might distract you, if only he knew.
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goth-pod · 4 months
Omg the latest episode ate!!!
I was a goon for Poison Ivy and one time we got busted by Batman when we were in the Police Vans he was one the roof talking to a Cat Lady (furries in love?) Robin went like "gross stop flirting" and the while van gasped. I can't believe Batsy would do Brucie like that. 😞
Everyday- EVERYDAY I get closer to wanting to be a gossip podcast. I go to Kit and I go "Please!! Please can we do a Gotham Rumors episode??" And Kit says no and says there's enough dogs in the media hounding for the next scandal and we deal with truths in Gotham and etc etc..
Of course Kit is right. But, at the same time, gossip was one of the first pillars of communication. A place for people to share ideas and ideals when they normally couldn't. There's a reason you tell your best friend things you wouldn't tell anyone else.
What I'm trying to say: thank you for compliment, and thank you for the intel. I find it highly valuable and incredibly entertaining! But, we must be careful when discussing things we might not have the full story for.
Batman has two hands, after all. Allegedly.
- Juda
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girldewar · 2 months
“#wrote a college entrance essay about this once” re: rpf research excuse me WHAT can you elaborate please 😭 (i say as someone who has also written some unhinged essays)
okay in my defense i didn't actually talk about rpf explicitly, but i did write about how one of the big draws of hockey for me was all the minute details and research rabbitholes you could get absorbed in. it's funny to look back on now because i think my understanding of hockey has come a long way, and also i'm kind of a completely different person than i was, lol. i'll put a few sections under the cut just for fun :3
But in late November of my ---- year, I turned on the television to watch a hockey game. It was the Flames and the Senators -- not exactly a nail-biter. I knew what to expect. I’d been to a college hockey game once at the University of North Dakota, and I’d been casually interested. But I certainly didn’t count on the Ottawa Senators setting the starting point of a great epoch of my life. The thing about hockey is that, leaving aside everything else about the sport -- statistics, personality, fanaticism, gameplay -- hockey is fun to watch. It’s fast-paced but easy to follow. All you have to do is keep track of the puck. Stoppages aren’t too common, but if they do happen, it’s probably because a penalty has been called, or because of a scrum, which both lead to more interesting circumstances. In short, hockey held my interest, and outpaced my notoriously short attention span. At least, that was how it started.
apparently i was rly trying to keep that harvard admissions officer on their toes lmao
Hockey culture is an unmitigated disaster. Awash with misogyny, masculine posturing, glorification of violence, and a thriving disrespect for the civil rights of minorities, it’s easy to brush hockey off as another antiquated hold-out of gladiatorial sports. Fans live and die for the blood of it. It’s especially easy to do so as a queer woman, someone who is definitely unwelcome in central hockey circles. It took me about ten minutes to understand that hockey Twitter, at least, was not worth a second of my time. But I hadn’t gotten as far as making it through an entire Senators game just to give up now. And finding other avenues of building community was easier than I thought. The Internet, it turns out, is shockingly versatile. Just as white male hockey fans all tend to congregate in the loud, wide-open spaces of fandom, the rest of us found areas out of view of the mainstream gaze. Within Tumblr tags, Discord groups, and even fanfiction archive forums, the women, hockey fans of color, and even us queers began to find each other. It was easier, then, to know where to start. In short order, hockey turned from something I watched as stress relief after a long school day to something I knew about. The people I talked to were knowledgeable, and the research I did on my own -- as was my wont -- helped substantiate. First it was about the teams, and then, when I had satisfied my knowledge there, the players. The politics. The rules, the statistics, the prospects. The slow stop-start of change initiatives like the Hockey Diversity Alliance. It turns out that hockey is an unquellable fount of things to learn, and it quickly became a way to collect things to know.
it's interesting to look back and see which things i felt it was important to highlight, especially given all the things that have happened in recent years with hockey culture. also please disregard all the identity flashing, i WAS trying to get into college, after all.
i go on to talk a bit about the demographic layout of the nhl & the draw of european leagues, plus why i started learning russian (to read kirill's insta posts), but that's the rpf-related section. if i were to rewrite this essay today it would be a completely different look at the world of hockey and its current landscape, but i'm giving myself some grace for having committed the crime of being 18 and not very smart.
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evermoredeluxe · 4 months
idk im feeling ivy (guitar) and i know places (piano), but i can just tell that im gonna be 100% wrong
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fagtainsparklez · 9 months
i’m sorry this is probably SUCH a weird question to receive as an mcyt blog but . would you consider college to be easier or harder than high school??? im going to college soon and it’s scared me shitless because everyone says it’s 90x harder than high school but high school kind of kicked my ass. so
okay so. as a quick disclaimer. i AM in a semi unconventional college, being an art student, so i cannot speak for the usual experience of going into like, math or science or anything. but from my experience? it’s infinitely easier. as someone who also had his ass kicked for like, at least the last half of high school.
the general education classes i’ve had to take (math, english, etc) have largely covered things i already learned in high school. general education took up most of my first year, which acted as a really nice transitional to get used to college regulations with subjects i was semi-familiar with already. even now that i’m past those, things have still been so much easier. while i may spend longer on projects than i did in high school, i wouldn’t call them much harder, just more time-consuming.
outside of the actual schoolwork amount, it is so much easier. high school fucking drains you. the atmosphere is hell, you’re stuck in a stuffy building with multiple people you absolutely despise, you’re stuck in that frustrating spot between kid and adult, etc etc. college is so much more freeing. no one cares about stupid interpersonal drama. you can more openly exist as yourself. it’s so much easier to find others like you. that alone makes the actual schoolwork feel so much lighter, because you’re not as stressed about all that other shit on top of your homework and grades
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pocketramblr · 2 years
What if Stain is a fanatic environmentalist and attacked Ingenium (who is legally considered a car) to ‘reduce’ pollution. Of course he didn’t care for a bit of research that would tell him that only juice steam was emitted.
Yeah but that juice stream is grape juice, which is the main ingredient in wine, which means Tensei was technically promoting drinking and driving, hence he was a fake hero and had to be taken out-
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wineauntie · 1 month
please share the quinn shirtless pics from Pinterest I am in a drought
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Shoutout these two anons, and here are the ones I have on my phone from Pinterest at the moment because my Pinterest is currently glitching!
(When I say handful, I mean it, q darling, please bless us with content <3)
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First these two! The first I feel is the most common shirtless Quinn pic! The second is more of a zoom in situation.
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Okay these are scraping past by the skin of their teeth. The first is his back and in the second I just can’t look away from his arms, sue me 😵‍💫
I need more though, so send them my way if anyone has any!!!
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ateezivy · 1 year
ivy conversation hour is open ! feel free to send in any asks ! all anons welcome. you can ask ivy or author question, or have simple back and forth commentary. anything is welcome under these circumstances:
sexual/18+ commentary now allowed: please put an 18+ warning if you decide to send in a sexually explicit ask/response. this way minors no not to interact
MINORS! if you see 18+ warning, please do not interact !!
no hate towards this blog or any others: it's not nice and i do not tolerate rude comments towards anyone, especially people that i may consider friends !
no discriminatory language of any kind: no.
use trigger warnings when needed: if you are talking about a subject that could affect others please use - trigger warning or TW - along with the topic.
your ask does not have to be anonymous at all, just do what YOU are comfortable with &lt;3
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userparamore · 7 months
Maybe it’s cause tour is starting soon and I’m just baffled by all of it so I’m sorry for ranting. But I genuinely don’t understand how paramore thinks all of us fans are just gonna ignore and move on with the fact that they’ve been silent about a genocide when a lot of aspects of their concerts have speeches about the state of the world and the second song of the setlist is literally called “the news” which they wrote about the Ukraine war. I’m sorry but their silence is so cowardly and embarrassing like imagine spending a whole album cycle saying shit like “very comfortable at talking politics” and promoting different congressmen and us representatives and now there’s an ethnic cleansing funded by US taxes and you’re gonna promote an interview?? promote a podcast?? like do they not realize how every single one of their past activism just seems so performative now? 
I love the band and I’m gonna be at the NZ show but it’s crazy that this political and environmentally conscious band is just not gonna call out the government for playing a part in one of the worst crimes ever committed in human history. They’re gonna donate portions of their concert money to KiwiHarvest so I know they care about feeding people and making sure it’s all healthy so where’s the outrage for Palestinians who don’t have clean water and are all eating very little cause the bakeries got bomb. Where’s their cry for the environmental damages that Palestinians are going through with the white phosphorus bomb and fires all around sacred olive trees? 
I hope they know that thousands marched for Palestine here in NZ and I know many people from the protest are also going to the paramore concert. I really hope the band don’t pull those “we just want peace and Israel has the right to defend itself” type of shit cause we booed a member of the NZ parliament off stage for saying something like that and as much as I admire this band, I will not hesitate to do it for them too 
hi anon <3 don't worry you can rant if you want!
their silence have been extremely disappointing and have honestly turned me off them a little. maybe it would be better if they were completely silent between tours – completely on social media hiatus – but when we see them promote stuff and be active it just makes it worse. they're actively not saying anything. if they're going to be political this era they can't pick and choose which causes makes them look the best.
in the dolly parton interview hayley just did also made me more disappointed:
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her saying that her speaking out and trying to make a difference doesn’t do much in the way of action. her saying this is very confusing to me especially after making a statement like “very comfortable with talking politics”, and them supporting different organizations like support + feed, and kiwiharvest. it's crazy to think that them speaking out or supporting these organizations doesn't make a difference. it does. it would make a difference if they spoke out about the genocides happening right now. they have the power.
i'm happy for you being able to attend the NZ show and i hope you have a great time. my guess is they'll keep their mouths shut and not say anything at all before they would show support for isreal (if that's what their beliefs are).
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sc0tters · 5 months
jacob is tending to all of ivy’s needs after she gets out of the hospital
Jacob could barely sleep even once she got back because he was just so worried that something might happen to her. So even as she’s sleeping in bed next to him he just watches her.
This one morning Ivy could feel him staring “it’s rude to watch someone sleep.” She mumbled still keeping her eyes shut “it’s not when you love them.” He shot back making her eyes shoot open.
But it made him panic “is there anything you want me to do or get for you?” Jacob practically shot up as he began panicking.
As Ivy groaned he stopped “can you just hold me?” She pouted wanting a cuddle. Jacob just stopped as he got into bed with her as he kissed her head.
Just as he was starting to fall asleep Ivy tried to grab her water bottle “baby what are you doing?” He asked feeing her shift “just wanted more water.” Before Ivy could point to her bottle Jacob is up and headed to her mini fridge to get the Brita.
Ivy knows she can’t have sex right now but part of her just wants to drop her to knees for him.
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ivipl1 · 9 months
Oh shit are you a professor layton fan? Just asking because I'm always glad to see someone else who liked those games and it surprised me, so sorry if this comes across as weird. Feel free to delete this if it does.
i'm not a prof layton fan, i'm more of a prof layton observer. i follow multiple people who blog abt professor layton so i rb the stuff that i like :) i don't know much about the games though. might eventually check them out one day.
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inkluvs · 1 year
it’s me again. you better be finishing up your work. and don’t use the same excuse “but i don’t want to :((“ bc you already know you’re just going to make yourself even more stressed later on and then i’ll end up here AGAIN. ivy, if i have to send in another ask there’s going to be a problem. c’mon babe i know you can do it
anon u have way too much faith in me but i appreciate it sm i'm starting on it rn 💪
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