#ive been thinking about him a lot lately
gayalienballs45 · 2 months
Well it rains and it pours when you're out on your own if I crash on the couch, can I sleep in my clothes? -- The Sharpest Lives // The Black Parade 2006
@creaturefeaster / @chickenstab
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kusuokisser · 8 months
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his rant was done off the top of my head if i got anything wrong no i didnt
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hatekawa · 2 months
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some Raph sketches from earlier today
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5t4r5and5uch01 · 6 months
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What i did for that one trend on twt. My fave Blue sillies. 💙💙💙
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krikidilly · 7 months
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This past week has been .A Lot!! but I finally managed to break out of some artblock I've been having with the help of these two goobers!
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freakurodani · 3 months
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biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig stretch
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feartoxinjelloshot · 3 months
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The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp (1632)
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jejesart · 1 year
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“No need to show any restraint or mercy to the young lady who has been disrespectful, right?”
[translation source]
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
if u’re still doing these… top 5 most insane martian moments.
Sry for the late response, I really had to think on it! But these have been pretty fun to do so thank you!! <3
1. The entirety of Monaco 2010
Any Monaco celebration has a special place in my heart as you probably well know! But just Monaco 2010 as an entirety is insane to me, to name a few: the matching Porsches...their parc ferme hug...Seb trying and failing to pull Mark into the pool...them jumping into the harbor together and Seb having to pull Mark up onto the dock, MONACO REALLY GAVE US SO MUCH 🤧 but also this race being the calm before the storm, like seeing them be all cute with each other but then knowing how the season ends and how things continue to proceed after that
2. Their Singapore 2008 date
Always holds a special place on my heart. Just that we have so many pictures and even footage(!!!) of their PR mandated date in a time where this kind of thing wasn't really common yet. The caption of the YouTube vid "Mark Webber and Sebastian Vettel share an evening in Singapore" 😵‍💫 and I also think often about this comment on that vid calling Seb a "kleine Mädchen." I just think it's very cute. Giggly STR Seb and older gruff RBR Mark, not yet affected by teammate tensions
3. Japan 2007
I think its always very interesting the foreshadowing you can read into while watching older races. I love that Martian were always on an inevitable collision course. Like imagine being Mark and that rookie who crashed into the back of you then goes to win a race before you and then becomes your teammate and then becomes wdc. That they were on this collision course before they even became teammates and Seb had barely been in the sport yet. And LIKE that quote from Mark about Seb about "kids with no experience" and Seb crying in his garage, crazy.
4. Turkey 2010
I have such a fondness for "WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING HERE!? WHAT A STUPID ACTION! I'M GOING HOME! FUCK YOU!"(to the point where my friends who know nothing about f1 know about that quote by proxy bcs I quote it so much") I think it's interesting how much Martian's conflicts revolve around team orders and disobeying radios. It's funny bcs in Turkey 2009, a very similar situation to both Turkey 2010 and Malaysia 2013 happens, them telling Seb to stay behind Mark bcs of whatever reasons. And in 2009, Seb is clearly 🫤 about it but obeys but then goes on to try to overtake Mark in 2010 and fails, but then succeeds in 2013, very interesting to see how that dynamic evolves and grows more toxic! But by far the best part about Turkey 2010 is them having to take that "Us in our Get-Along T-Shirt" pic 😭 it's so funny and I wish they'd do press releases like this nowadays
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5. That Monaco 2021 interview where Mark interjects about knowing the meaning behind the coins in Seb's race boots
It's just very sweet to me. There's some post about it on here that explains how meaningful it is, but I don't feel like searching for it, so I'm kinda just paraphrasing that. But like imagine them having a conversation where Seb explains it to Mark and the meaning behind it, and like probably a decade later, Mark still remembers it in perfect detail, enough to remember about the specificities about which coin goes in which boot and why.
Obligatory mentions: Malaysia 2013 of course(but I wanted to mention others, but Multi-21 is a given when considering crazy Martian moments), Australia 2016 podium, Mark's various Instagram forays during Seb's retirement, that one interview where Mark grabs Seb from behind while Love Will Tear Us Apart plays, when Seb sat on Mark's shoulders, anything of them from Abu Dhabi 2022, etc etc
#okay this post is a lot longer than i thought itd be#i had to hold myself back from adding pictures to everything i just tried to put a lot of links instead!#i almost finished making this and then tumblr glitched and i thought it deleted all of it#but it just posted it so i privated it but hopefully it will still show up to people!#this was fun to make bcs i was brought back to my early days of learning their lore(not that im ever finished tbh)#also if you hadnt guessed my favorite season is 2010(cough cough heard you're a player)#but intense teammate rivalries like theirs is so interesting#youre fighting for the wdc and wcc so you're forced to constantly be fighting for yourself but still have to consider the team as a whole#and as I mentioned i love the progression of Martian#guy who crashed into you and ruined your race in 2007 then wins a race before you for your JUNIOR team#then he becomes your teammate and scores the first win for YOUR team that youve already been in for 2 seasons#and then hes your main rival in the next season and he wins the wdc at the last race before you#and then you have to watch him win the next 3 WDCs and meanwhile theres so many interteam tension#and then you retire and you become very fond for each other and have very cute interviews until his very retirement#OKAY SORRY THAT WAS SO MUCH LMAO#ive been so sebson brained lately so its fun to think about martian!!!#also dru if you see this tysm your blog was super helpful for finding stuff from specific events hehehe#martian#sebmark#formula 1#catie.asks.
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nascenticity · 8 months
i have seen a lot of headcanons (& fics!) about bucky doing crochet or knitting that i LOVE but i also need everyone to consider --
steve watching his mother doing irish crochet; maybe she even teaches him some simple things when he's sick and needs something to occupy him so he'll sit still and rest; its a creative outlet for sarah and that artistic streak is something she and steve share almost a century later, crochet comes back into fashion with millennials and gen-z, and steve looks up a youtube tutorial. he doesn't have many physical things left from his mom; but he can make some stuff that she would have loved and it helps him feel close to her.
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youngpettyqueen · 10 months
I totally agree with your latest update on your post about Charles. I saw this meme earlier and it definitely made me think of him. I won’t comment on who I think the first part applies to.
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so glad you agree ok cause I am a Charles defender first and human second
and to elaborate on that sentiment like. yes Charles is rude and pretentious and arrogant, he's got flaws, but that's not all he is! boiling him down to just his negative traits no matter any context is just a disservice to his character, both as he comes right from the get-go and the growth he goes through over the course of the series. he's just as complex and layered as anyone else!
honestly after a rewatch im far more sympathetic towards him earlier on than I was on first watch. like, the arrogance and pretentiousness aside, because those are separate- his anger at being at the 4077 is completely justified. he has every right to be angry. this colonel literally sent him near the front of the line because he was a petty asshole who was pissed off about losing bridge. im not saying Charles was behaving particularly sportsman-ly but the colonel was absolutely wrong for that. and like, I get that they needed another surgeon at the 4077 with Frank gone, but Charles also had every right to be angry with Potter for keeping him there. it was fucked up!
but to switch gears to his virtues- not all of Charles' kindness was part of his character development I dont think. him defending the kid with the stutter comes to mind immediately, because we know he felt so passionately about that kid because Honoria has a stutter. there's also Yessir, That's Our Baby- he gets MAD on behalf of the injustice that baby faces! that's big brother instinct, but thats also just. kindness and care. oh, and the patient who loses mobility in his hand and is distraught because he's a pianist, and Charles goes out of his way to get him music he can play with only one hand? his whole speech about how he always wanted to play, but never had the gift? he's so passionate in that one! and of course we cant forget his family's tradition of anonymously donating to people in need around the holidays- for all his family's flaws, ive always loved that detail, and ive always loved that he tried to do it even in Korea. those are just examples off the top of my head, there's absolutely more
and then there's the kindness and care he exhibits as he grows as a character. when Potter reveals to everyone he's the last one of his old friend group still alive, Charles CRIES with them! he's emotional during Millie Carpenter's funeral and Hawkeye's eulogy! just the entirety of Sons and Bowlers, dont even get me started- he stays with Hawkeye the entire time, even when Hawkeye doesnt want him to and tries to chase him off, talks with him and comforts him and opens up to him and is vulnerable with him. the entirety of GFA and his arc there
like yeah Charles isnt always nice he has flaws he's not perfect but he's capable of so much kindness, he's so passionate, and he just cares SO much. he just doesnt show it often! he'll move a mountain for someone even if he would never admit to it! reducing him to just his negative traits is again just such a disservice to his character he's so much more than that
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orcelito · 1 month
After I get adhd meds it's all over for you fuckers. And by that I mean I'm hoping it will let me focus on my writing enough that I can continue both ITNL *and* discacc. Concurrently!!!!
That's the dream, at least. I love ITNL too much to wanna give it up midway through (pls ignore the 4 months hiatus 🙏 I've been goin thru it) BUT ALSO I really really love discacc too.
For now. Adhd only allows one focus at a time, and barely even that. But someday... I will get to write both vash AND akechi fics. Thank you.
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fallstreakfeathers · 1 month
At the end of WaveSong, Charlie has permanent lichtenberg scars from one day, when sparring with Sekido, she was hit by a particularly violent blast of lightning when he failed to control his irritation.
He did panic internally when the smoke cleared and he realized she wasnt moving, because he thought he killed her.
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emahriel · 1 year
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Oschon, the Wanderer
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sonknuxadow · 6 months
Oooh you want to know what bit of misinformation about Sonic that really upsets me? Nearly everything about Fleetway Super Sonic.
Fleetway Super Sonic isn't its own transformation, it's Fleetway comics take on Sonic's standard Super form and. Fleetway Super Sonic is never even called that in Sonic the Comic and is just called Super Sonic even when Super Sonic became a separate character than actual Sonic. However there is alot of people who say that Fleetway Super Sonic is basically the original Dark Super Sonic and even will have Super Sonic introduce himself as Fleetway is fics when he really shouldn't.
ohhh i was just thinking about this not too long ago . to be honest this is kinda a sonic fandom pet peeve of mine like yeah i understand calling him fleetway super sonic as a way of making it clear which super sonic youre talking about because stc's take on super sonic is very different from any other version of the transformation. but i see so many people talk about him as if fleetway is like. his in universe name ? when fleetway is just the name of the comic company ? ive never even read stc and i knew that. overall its harmless but it still makes me go Okay but thats not correct .
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knightish-angel · 10 months
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