#ive been listening to their live sets and theyre so good. but this was the first song i ever heard from them
tamagotchikgs · 2 months
been trying to figure out just how i am going to explain how wildly my brain has been altered since the last time i saw my therapist && it make me realize all of this has happened in 1 month,,,,,,,,,,, it feels like . eons. eternity . in the best way possible
#normally everything feels so short#my anxiety just speeds me through it before i can even take a second to enjoy or even experience anything. everything is a dusty blur#but ive been ok#i've actually had good times ive mayb even started 2 feel close to a person for the first time in my life#feel safe w them#anxiety cant get me when im in their shield bubble#listening 2 em talk n even just Exist like woag ur the best thing in this whole world#just bbzbzbzbzbbzz#of course there r also the Horrors that do come w it just due 2 my avpd but . it still feels so different#and i like to ignore those because they make me feel like a monster i am not jealous noo i am so normal i am very normal#i am beating my jealousy side with a stick and i Will win#i have never and Will never act on it#if i ignore it they cant b real#also i do know it's illogical whihc helps#honestly though im used 2 it because ill get jealous if like . a stranger is nice to me and then is nice to some1 else. like oh. oh it was#all a rouse u want me dead u hate me#and it's like. homie. pal. that is normal. they're not abandoning u theyre not trying to set u up for humiliation#theyre just living their life#it's kinda weird tho because i will get feelings like that simultaneously with knowing i am Nothing i am a Horrid beast no one deserves to#even have to see#and knwoing i am not allowed to care about people and there is no shot in hell they will be even nice to me#so it;s just . a lot of things swirling constant;ly#painful emotions all around there is no joy#(except for rn. with them. i can b free from my brain)
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stinkrascal · 2 years
the concert was soooooo fun but im not gonna lie im so happy to be home with my sims :’)
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#the concert was on saturday!!! it was SOOOOOOOOOOO FUN#we spent the night at my bfs parents house afterwards so we spent the day with them yesterday! it was nice to see them again#the drive from our house to new orleans is like three hours so it was easier to go back to his parents house instead of going home#since they only live about an hour and a half from nola. and they said we're always welcome to come over :D theyre so sweet#we didnt leave their house until like 9:30pm lol theyre so sweet i love them#they always send us home with so much food and toilet paper 😭#my bf’s mom is my bestie#the concert on saturday was sooooooooo much fun u guys i had a BLAST and i got very drunk lol#we saw suicideboys live they are soooo good live. nola is their hometown so the show was super energetic#y’all i lost my whole voice it still hurts 😭#my little brother was there too lol#when he discovered that we listen to suicideboys he said ‘really?? but you’re old’ 😭😭😭 HATE HIM#he’s literally 3 years younger than me like stfu i’m not OLD >:(#i got a video of my little brother and my boyfriend in the mosh pit together it was really cute#THERE WERE SO MANY CUTE ALT GIRLS AHHHHHH im so sad. i wish i was a cute alt person#its hard having no sense of fashion among many cute girls ;( but the crowd was super nice everyone was so happy to be there#big concerts are so fun omg. ive never been to a big concert before so i was pretty nervous to attend but it was amazing!!!#they played our favorite songs during the set too :')) SOOOO FUN#but im very happy to be home I MISS FRANKIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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s7 theory: [jughead voice, having already de50sfied Archie about five minutes ago] Archie. when Jason died, it broke the universe we lived in. the leaking between universes started way back then. but because of [Cheryl's magic + time powers and uhh probably other stuff] we're trapped here in the 50s with strong, nonleaking walls so we can't just do timefuckery or astronomical shenanigans again. Bailey's comet broke into pieces no bigger than a chihuahua's head, besides. and here, no one has ever died. couples don't even sleep in the same bed. people don't even have bathrooms! so to get back home to our time... we have to kill another kid.
[Archie voice, permanently corrupted in my head by the "cool rock Ronnie" post]: aw man :( we can't do that! also I like it here?? but anyway who
[jughead voice] well. Jason's death cracked our world, but every successive death only made the walls a little weaker. it wasn't until rivervale that they started really tumbling down. the person holding this all together, back then, and now, and in the second universe we explicitly encountered, was... you
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lokh · 6 months
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theosconfessions · 6 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here
jami: im sorry WHAT?
dustin: your dads been having some memory problems over the years..its ..getting worse...he just had another doctors appointment and theyre kind of on the fence about alzheimers or just....
jami: you think its related to what he got from that punk he slept with ?
dustin: no idea but hes had a few appointments since then..he seems optimistic BUT
jami: youre not
dustin: its not that i dont want to be.. its that ive been shown NOT TO BE.feels like itll break my heart less if im expecting it.
jami; well sounds healthy. just like the majority of your relationship with him
dustin: [smirks] which leads me right back around to why i asked you to meet me here
jami: i was wondering but its not like i mind looking at your pretty face
dustin:ive warned you about making those comments
jami: at work.y ou did. we're not at work. im just kidding.jesus. ease up
dustin: maybe this was a bad idea
jami: oh come on,dusty. i was kidding. seriously ..i was just tyring to make you laugh . thought you needed it. i see it backfired.
dustin: a little. i..listen jami..your dads pretty set on him running the strip club still
jami; okay and as he should be? he owns it. and seems to me hes pretty much still together... at least for now
dustin:right but i need to ask you a favour. i need you to help him run it. i dont want him to stop completely but he has way too many things going on and
jami: think it would be good for him to STILL do things as normal,dustin. you baby him that shits going to get worse. whatever it is.
dustin: no i know. i just... help him with it . probably more than he realizes and i cant do it , jami. we still have the bar and the twins are running me into the ground. i need help . a lot of it.
jami: like at home too? because i know chloes 7 but she could always help babysit. she loves those kids.
dustin: yeah taht owuld be..that would be so great. the kids could but they deal with so much just living there. theyre my responsibility so id hate to...
jami:dude ..all you had to do was ask.. yeah ill help dad run the club. yeah ill get chloe to come over after school and give your ass a break. just gotta run it by marlee. which i mean shell do whatever i say
dustin: so fucked up
jami: no i know. nearly cost me my girlfriend . so um.. hey dustin..you know you couldve asked me sooner right? ill do whatever i can for you guys. i dont want you fucking yourself up. i feel like you need to hear this , because maybe you dont hear it so often knowing my dad but i love you and he loves you. you take such good care of him,man. but i got this.
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wain-fleets · 9 months
missing neteyam
bawling my eyes out.
ive been having this recurring thought/thoughts of neteyam in the afterlife.
and how he says he wants to go home as he's dying.
for some reason my brain decided to come up with the saddest shit:
jake tells neteyam theyre going home as he's dying.
so when neteyam gets to the other side and he's all alone, hes confused; where's dad? where's everyone at? i thought they were coming with me.
it's not home without his family, so he wants to get back to them. but he cant, and he's stuck in the jungle all alone-- i imagine this world is just neteyam's. he's the only one there, free to do whatever he pleases. hunt all he wants, resources are abundant and the fruit is sweet. its perfect, but he's all alone. and he doesn't want to be alone. he wants his parents, his brother, sisters, spider. so his heaven turns out to be his hell.
since all is good in this sanctuary of his, there's no threats, no quaritch, he'd try to find his family and bring them back to it. so they can all live together happily again. tuk can play as freely as she wants. jake and neytiri dont have to worry anymore. kiri can admire all the fauna up close, have herself a ball. and he can finally spend all the time he wants with his baby brother.
so he tries to go looking for them, but of course he cant find them. so he sits, and he waits.
he waits for kiri, spider, and tuk, eager to embrace them all again. to laugh with them, and play.
he waits for his dad, so they can go fishing together.
he waits for his mom, so she can fix his hair and he can listen to her sing.
and he waits for lo'ak to round that corner so he can tell him it's not his fault.
he doesnt know how long he has to wait. he dreams of his family at night, and watches and waits during the day.
sometimes time moves fast.
other times its unbearably slow. and the loneliness sets in.
but he'll keep sitting. and he'll keep waiting.
until someone steps out. he waits for them.
UHM ?? please put me out of my misery
not to mention, when lo'ak joins neteyam, lo'ak will (hopefully) be all grown up. meanwhile, neteyam remains a teen. his little sister is bigger than him now. and so is kiri. everyone kept going, while he was stuck. his parents are grandparents, and hes an uncle without even knowing it. his nephews and nieces would be older than him. lo'ak grows and becomes a father, and neteyam is forever stuck as he was when he died. he never got the chance to experience that kind of love, and he'd never have his own kids.
help me i cant
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cogbreath · 1 year
learning about atticus wing was. wow. i hate it here dawg. but also whats anyone to do? damn. sure the toons killed him. not happy to hear that at all. but damn. cogs inc isnt good. like its responsible for what happened to atticus, really. and its not like they really care either. i think i do hate the chairman. but i only know a bit about him. i dont know his backstory. but what i do know is really not good. anyway. i think that the corporation as a whole needs to be destroyed for the sake of not just the toons but the cogs. they are people too who are effected by all this emotionslly financially physically etc.
i mean really can you fully truly blame the lot of them for having a job. yes a lot of them revere the company. and yes canonically there are other jobs. but i wonder how good the job market even is?? perhaps its a lot like real life. i don't have a lot of experience with it. but ive heard what people say. so i presume thst cogs inc is competative enough to offer just enough benefits or better pay to make people want to leave their previous jobs for it. and probably everycog has their different motivations and hopes for it. some hope to just get by and make a living. others hope to climb the corporate ladder. but in the end it doesn't matter. its never enough. and the chairman is happy to get rid of you at a moments notice. he was gonna fire CJ. he doesn't really care how long youve worked how loyal youve been. CJ was an OG, and he was ready to fire him. Even if CJ turned the tables played the long game, etc... ultimately his circumstances are probably unique. i doubt even a manager would make it that long, would be able to happily retire like he did.
its a meat grinder in there. youre set up from day one to have your life, your very body used up until its unusable for even yourself for the sake of the company. its your fault btw per the employee injury report thing. always. like you can't even try to put blame on the company if they deserve it. yes the pollution and environmental damage its doing to toontown is bad, but damn i think we need to care more about than just toon welfare. and additionally the places previously effected by the pollution.
its tough because cogs do live off of oil and such. its literally food & water for them. so this means that some oil drilling needs to be done unless theres a possibility of reengineering them to run off more environmentally sustainable things?? you cant just stop entirely. youd be starving an entire society. and its not reallt fine just because theyre robots. theyre robots with families and lives and wishes and they have fun too. they can cry they experience emotions and heartbreak and love. theres a whole world and culture that we as toons are only faintly aware of but it would be wrong to destroy it all because of a monopoly in their society. its effecting them too. i want cogs to live i want them to be happy with their families and eat food and fall in love and find success and happiness outside of cogsinc. i rlly support and wish for cog liberation not cog destruction. okay thats all thanks for listening.
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putting all my concert thoughts in a poast before i forget. here we go mucho texto warning. also setlist talk is gonna be out of order probably
the drive to the venue took longer than anticipated, traffic was so backed because dfw is just Like That. dont come here. and ft worth especially oh my GODDDD but we made it in time for the maine. i missed the first opener again its fine
ive only listened to the maine casually over the years and i like them but THEY WERE SUPER FUN LIVE????? the energy was so high for such a short set and they honestly sound better live than album recordings. i may have to stan
also Bassist Hot whats his number
theyre all kinda hot really. from my distance at least. sorry
robby energy
the sound at dickies arena in general is just soooo much fucking better than an outdoor stadium the guitars and drums were up to 11, ppl werent wrong abt the sound quality in this venue. sux its in ft worth though ONE MASSIVE DOWNSIDE kfmjsdkglafk
amazing sound at the cost of my hearing because. i forgot to buy ear plugs again it hurt just a lil bit. especially the pyro. at least its only been 2 times so far I WILL LEARN MY LESSON NEXT TIME LOL
i accidently sat in the wrong section but the my actual tickets i bought were closer so WE TAKE THOSE!!! not close enough to see skin pores but still very much enough
jimmy sounded great!! didnt know most of the songs despite doing a bit of listening but i got bleed american and the middle at the end which both ruled so. worth it
kinda wanted the maine back but ITS OKAY NO SHADE
patrick message on the projector. which is funny for anyone at home but FOR ME THERE I WAS LIKE [DREAD] [DREAD] [DREAD] FUCK DFW WEATHER
imagining patrick doing vocal warmups in the car by himself did lighten my mood just a tad. i had no proof but a feeling he did that
and then the pete images. only got a glimpse thru shitty venue connection but that made me laugh
and my battery was already low so the waiting and stalling was painful 😭
i was directly diagonal from the guy in the east wing lower bowl that started a monkey-see-monkey-do light show thru the whole stadium while waiting for fob and i just love the goodness of people at concerts its everything to me PEOPLE ARE GOOD
the woman next to him also danced like a beautiful drunk swan the entire show and idk if i wanted to be her or be her friend
also if u saw plain ol me clear glasses brunette hair tourdust shirt and bracelets HI YES WAS I
i didnt feel like going around to trade bracelets again as nervous anticipation set in but i DID pick out an american psycho bracelet from a person who came up to me so i completely unknowingly manifested there holy fuck. im cherishing it forever thank u to that person
also i sang along to Thats What You Get by Paramore playing in overspeakers because thats my fucking band but I HEARD MORE PPL IN THE CROWD SING ALONG TO OLD PANIC WHICH PERSONALLY OFFENDED ME JUST SAYIN
wdstf singalong was everything. again the energy at concerts <3333 my people
LIKE 30-40 MIN LATER FOB IS ON FINALLY. i did not cry this time to lftos i was just glad they were there the worry Dissolved
joe and andy were so visible from my seats i stared at them both nearly the entire show. patrick brain out the window they are SO MUCH MORE ATTRACTIVE IN PERSON IM TELLIN YALL 4K HIGH DEFINITION THRU MY EYEBALLS GOT MY BRAIN IN A. TORNADO!
photos and videos were not fantastic my phone is nawt the latest model so nothing worth posting here sadly. but for myself? everythang
IM KICKING MYSELF because i so clearly had andy in view for HIS DRUMSTICK THING DURING SUGAR but MY FINGER DIDNT PRESS RECORD BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please. please if ur close to andy, video that for me i need it for no reason other than its my favorite lil thing that nobody at tourdust shows. thank u so mch
NO CHICAGO FOR ME THIS TIME getting doa twice is kinda crazy ngl
patrick apology (no tears) for grand theft autumn was funny
andy and pete had cute smiley interactions around disloyal order during the set. or before that idk. i know a bubble hit andy's drum kit (or he swatted it away himself?) and they were smiling at that 😭😭😭 theyre litrly besties do u understand.........
of course p squared still did their signature scissoring techniques thank u for that old men
you dont even wanna know how estatic i was for hum hallelujah. i had to get myself proof of it for it to be real. tahnk u. ill never recover ever. peace and love in my brain
i dont rememebr certain songs where joe had this very specific swagger but he so very much did i saw him. with my own eyes. (in the voice of the luke skywalker tweet) dont worry joe i'll appreciate ur cuntiness
headfirst slide. in this venue.
oh my god bro
both p squared riffs <3 especially the one near the end where pete saw someone watching shit on their phone nd said it was basketball JEYDEUGHEKDLK patrick chiming in w something about dont make fun of his step-dad. gold.
saying smfs reminded him of texas #TEXANPRIDE #COWBOYS
medley was like. a relief to me because i expected it it was like a cool towel in the midst for what was about to come. cant blame the guy for getting literally zero practice beforehand fmdsjfdslg
the 8 ball.
i love them more than words can say. i didnt know i needed it but i did
im still emotional thinking abt it
saturday aftercare cured all (even though i was WOOPED from going so hard EVERY SONG. couldnt scream anymore my voice is still shot. i refuse to NOT go as hard as i do)
i think that is all the notable stuff i remember i wish i couldve written down stuff on the ride home BUT i will add more if i think of it. overall its hard to say which show i liked better they both meant the absolute world to me!!! FALL OUT BOY FOREVER
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yeahiwasintheshit · 4 months
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watched this movie? doc? idk.. something called 'mondo new york' and man it was a mess. when i saw it i thought it was like a doc about the underground scene of the late 80s in new york, and it kind of is, but its not really a doc. its just a string of scenes from new york in the late 80s, which in itself sounds pretty good, but its kinda lame. like you start off just following this young girl, and she is the viewers kinda guide. where she goes we go. but she never talks or even talks to other people, we are just kinda watching what shes watching. in theory its sounds promising, but it just ends up being boring. and i think they wanted to be like provocative and edgy or something, so we see some fucked up shit like not one, not 2 but a few animal deaths, or maybe its fake, i dont know. either way its not interesting.
we start off and shes at some gritty bar where a woman is performing a song, and at first im like ok this is interesting, but theres no narrator or any commentary, its just a record of this entire song of this persons performance. and its not good. then its like the girl guide just walks away and shes at some kind of maybe poetry slam or something, idk... this weird guy is at a mic and is talking about weird shit. ive been fast forwarding by this point. certainly through the song in the scene before, but this was also bad. this guy eventually takes out 2 live mice from his pockets, and then bites their heads off. it looks kinda real, i mean the mice are 100% real, but just before he bites both their heads off, he does drop his hand out of frame. so that made me think it was more staged than it kinda looked. personally i think its fake. but thats not the last animal death.
then she leaves this poetry thing, after the guy sets off fireworks in his shirt or something dumb. ohhh so edgy! we then go to a punk bar? skin head bar? idk its a room full of white dudes moshing around to punk music and this girl is there. i was also fast forwarding at this point. for no real reason. she then leaves.
she then is at washington square park (daylight now) and theres a comic with a fairly large audience, so i stop it and hes doing some bad comedy. speaking in like "white" waspy voice. i fast forward and stop and hes saying how black people are always late or something, and then saying how puerto ricans have lots of children. its the routine of the pre-internet hack comedian, but he was getting alot of laughs from the crowd. this part was real long! so i fast forwarded thru most of it as he was doing the jewish voice.
she then ends up in like a burnt out building and someone is shooting themselves up with drugs, and this was no joke. very clearly you see blood fill the syringe and he pushes it back. i was sick. there was some talking, but i didnt bother to listen. again i fast forwarded.
shes then talking to some poetry guy in the street, at night now. ummm. oh she ends up in some basement where theyre doing some kind of voodoo something. whats that religion called? santamaria? or whatever. idk all i know is that the guy bites the head off a chicken. this was 100% real, cause those wings were a flapping and blood was squirting and that chicken didnt have a head anymore, and it was in his mouth. i was sickened. but that was not even the last dead animal. ann magnussun shows up and does some bit i was fast forwarding thru, but it ends in her in some field where theres a dead horse and shes beating it with like a stick or something. get it... beating a dead horse. it was so lame, and trying so hard to be idk provocative? interesting? edgy? idk. i was bored, and eye rolling.
but that wasnt even the last animal in the movie being hurt. we also end up in a cock fight. but this thankfully didnt end in a dead animal. the 2 chickens were absolutely fighting, but they didnt have the razors on their claws. the one chicken was pecking blood out the head of the other, but they do make it a point to show both chickens alive at the end of the scene. so whatever
there were other scenes of other things happening, but nothing looked interesting enough to stop fast forwarding. until the end. the final song i stopped and it was actually pretty funny. i tried looking for it on yt, but couldnt find it. it was a drag queen singing a song, i think was called fuck you, and it was kinda funny. he had a sorta fred schneider kinda voice, so it was kinda entertaining. the rest of the movie left such a bad taste, it was a little hard to get over it lol
admittedly out of the whole run time, i prob watched only 35-40 mins of it. so maybe i not the best judge, but if youre reading this, then you know if this is something you care to even watch. i thought it was boring most of the time, and its attempts to be provocative or shocking were really kind dumb and not at all interesting. wow a dead animal... very edgelordy. the only sort of positive i can think of, is the sort of b-roll scenes of 80s new york. kinda cool to see the city and the people back then. i guess.
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hikari-ni-naritai · 4 months
divisible by 8 be upon ye
8. movies or tv shows?
god, tv shows for sure. movies are so much effort you gotta watch like. the whole thing. its an ordeal.
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
i do this thing where i lean back in my chair and put my legs up on the windowsill beside my desk. its good. cant do it very long bc my knees hurt when theyre bent backwards like that but. its good.
24. favorite crystal?
ive become quite partial to garnet, on account of i have one in this ring ive worn for 13 years or so.
32. top five favorite vines?
god uh. there was this one with cats swatting things set to a metal song. road work ahead. its been so long since i thought about vines uhhh. the cat one 3 more times.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
mmmm the only thing that comes to mind is that , as a very christian private school with a strict dress code, we used to have a rule where you could wear tshirts with words on them if they were christian t shirts on wednesdays. but that got abolished when a guy wore a shirt that said 'im in love with a man' on the front and 'his name is jesus' on the back. i THINK he got expelled for that?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
whats like. the boringest fruit. oh i know. i would be a honeydew melon. a bland flavor that everyone hates except me, because i have the most discerning and perfect palate known to man<3 and so does everyone who likes me.
56. favorite tradition?
i dont really have any traditions at this point. i guess in december i tend to listen to the trans-siberian orchestra's christmas albums. i like those.
64. favorite website from your childhood?
72. worst subject?
i didnt really have any trouble with anything in school. the closest thing to difficult that i had was physics, bc i had to actually like. think about it. im not including college bc in college i failed almost everything due to being terribly depressed
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
i mean depends on what im using them for, but i think generally jewel tones?
88. your greatest wish?
make me immortal i want to live forever.
96. desktop background?
i cant find where i have it saved for some reason? but its this, except the version where theyre both smiling
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also hikari's on my other monitor
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bre3zycoins · 1 year
ok now i serious: okay im ngl, set it off keeps scaring me and i keep thinking theyre selling oht and then EVERY TIME THEY RELEASE A FUCKING BANGER THAT JUST FEELS LIKE *THEM* YKNOW? ok so the instgram promi for this was like "this is our first song without a label breathing down our neck, just us having fun, making music" and that just, bro iunno im just ao scared of bands selling out and becoming like the next green day (in a derogatory way) that that kinda scared me. BUT I SHOULDVE BEEN, I HEARD THE CLIPS, I SAW THE LYRICS, IVE SEEN THEM CHANGE THEIR PFPS TO THE DUALITY LOGO CROSSED OUT AND IVE SEEN THEIR WARDEOBE CHANGE I LITERALLY COULDBT BE MORE EXCITED FOR THIS ERA IM SO PISSED I CANT SEE THEM LIVE. ACTUALLY ITS PROBABLY FOR THE BETTER BECAUSE I WIULD NOT BEHAVE MYSELF AT ALL IF I WAS EVEN NEAR THEM. ok wait i lost my train of thought. oh well, anyways this song is fucjing great and i cant wait to listen to the reat and i dont think i can listen to the fob album because i will literally pass out from how excited this got me. ok im gonna go back to cleaning my room and listening to linkin park
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bonesandthebees · 11 months
I started reading it thinking "wow what a deep commentary about the glass society and in turn ours-" before realizing it was mr beast 😭
This song DOES fit so well damn wtf
You know, I think it's interesting that rn the pov is The Pythia rather than Wilbur, even tho he's running away from well "being" the Pythia
There's smth to be said here if i were a much smarter person... lmao
Maybe the pressure of everything and being faced with his old name makes him revert back to it
Also I just had to run to catch the bus, 10/10 running music, made me run faster i think LMAO
Oh no
Im going to be sick. Im going to be sick IM GOINY-
God i can imagien how fucking smug u wrre writing this chaptehrffojgkgjfydofus
I say 2nd best bc phil is pretty much dating death so- DHFKD
Im goingnto cry
I dont even know how i wanna react, idk if i wanna keysmash, scream, swear, or cry ohmygod
:( ive been waiting for this moment but also FUCKKK tbis is painful im gonna cry on this bus i can feel it sgfjfnf
I love tommy so much ohjygod
Glass tommy mvp :( i lvoe him hes so sweet:(*
And now during this emotional conversation i switch songs
Embarrassingly enough by boyscott is such a good song to listen to while reading emotional scenes in fics
FUCKK I DIDNT FINISH BEFORE CLASS oh well time to read in class amen, im almost done anyway
I am not okay
I am not okay
Ooooooohhhh my gosh:((((((
Though, them not telling phil and tech about the vision is, but i dont think it would've changed anything ooohmygoodness my heart hurts:(
Bee blz how could u
(This was a fucking amazing chapter though holyshit, this is gonna be one of those scenes i reread over and over again ohmygoddd)
very glad you guys are all liking the song. it's such intense chase scene vibes and I think the electronic beats really makes it perfect for the glass universe. there was another song from the same movie soundtrack I debated listening to but then I tried to write to it and was like hmm no container park is a better track instead
well the mr beast moment is supposed to be an example of the dystopian capitalist hellscape that exists in the glass universe, and dystopian settings are meant to be exaggerated versions of the society we currently live in to point out the flaws so yeah it is commentary lol. I have a lot of feelings regarding mr beast and the contrast between the philanthropic work he does while simultaneously exploiting people's financial struggles for entertainment but that's a discussion for another day
LMAO not listening to the song while running to the bus 😭
I am so sorry for your heart rate very glad it invoked the right emotions though :) I was very smug writing this entire chapter
phil is out having a business meeting he'll get to deal with this mess in the morning
I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed!! I struggled a lot writing this bc I hate writing action scenes as you know, so I kept second guessing if the pace was good or not the entire damn time but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out in the end
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misqnon · 2 months
hi. march. slowly shortening this introduction to my posts. sorry if this is a little incoherent i woke up in the middle of the night and im getting sleepy again
i tried looking up fanfiction involving hannyabul and magellan the other day and there was almost none??? i really thought theyd be .. at least a little popular ... the dynamics... arent the dynamics similar to zosan or cavendish and bartolomeo.. dont people like that.. (i wouldnt know since ive never really been a fan of the enemies/rivals to lovers trope)
im pretty sure kidd wears a beast pirate disguise? and like .. good for him... (good for me).. hes got the titties out. i love men. i also rly enjoy the few frobin moments we get when theyre in disguise, theyre super cute!! it seems like u havent been spoiled on the Biggest Moments in wano so im very very glad to hear that. it also kind of has a mystery aspect so i think its probably way more enjoyable to go in blind. there IS a special kind of anticipation when u know what's coming but.. imo its more fun to guess how things will go rather than know and be excited about it
honestly i didnt care for the setting either. in the anime tho .. big mom's introduction is so good. theres a song that plays (its in the manga too but it's way better to hear it rather than... read lyrics) and when i started wci i was still watching the anime, so i got to listen to the song. it was stuck in my head for days. very catchy. i love how theatrical it is and it really made me excited for the arc .. and then i ended up barely enjoying it LOL. also i do actually love pudding but her age also makes me go... ewww. oda made an awful decision making her 16 . gives me kyros flashbacks.. although sanji doesnt seem to be genuinely interested in her. but still like why did oda do that... why... what is the point ... wci does pick back up a bit imo after they get sanji back (which i think is the part ur at? or a little bit after?) and i honestly think it wraps up quite nicely. and yeah.. most importantly.. katakuri is introduced in the second half. lovely guy. i heart him
robin's va did that in. one take??? that is Insane?? she genuinely channeled robin in that moment wtf
i will definitely talk abt opla if/when i watch it. even if zoro doesnt have his goofiness at least i can thirst over him. am i into mackenyu? no.. zoro? yeahs........ also i can definitely see how jacob being too hot is an issue for usopp LOL. some people just.. ooze confidence.. and are too smooth. i think ill probably enjoy his characterization anyways tho cuz i adore usopp
i cant draw women for the life of me but transfem sanji is haunting my brain and.. she made me attempt .. attempt to draw a lady. its her. shes the lady.
YOU THOUGHT OF ME??? im so flattered U have no idea aikfjshdjd. law.. i.. hes a little fucked up.. human art pieces . actually as someone who's done a bit of sculpture (but not abstract art. and it was ceramics) i can appreciate it. if he didnt use real living people in his art i would definitely appreciate it more.. but i imagine seeing a severed head on a sculpture and then they start talking to u.. i imagine that would be a Little.. scary... just a little . i think he should go to therapy probably. ur mental illness is showing law .
i think its semi canon?? theres a moment in the anime (idk if its in the manga or not) where bepo gives law.. puppy dog? eyes? but like .. polar bear version. and law is clearly weak to that. also he calls chopper a tanuki even after being asked not to bc chopper has a cute reaction (he gets mad). so i think he IS weak to cute animals. he is very similar to robin like that... they would definitely bond over choppers cuteness. and they both have weird taste.. in cute animals. its not bunnies or idk. dogs or cats. robin likes pathetic animals (the dragon that had to carry them all up to zou) and law likes . bepo. a 7 foot tall polar bear man.
THATS SUCH A STRANGE COINCIDENCE. this is my first time moving since ive lived in the same place my whole life .. so its kinda exciting and also kinda scary.
OH so u can send images but it just cant be on anon. im.. one day... one day for sure.. (soon). i grew up on twitter tho .. yeah. and before that it was youtube. i have been on the internet since the beginning of time (since i was in single digits. like 5 maybe idk, but i do remember being able to make my own youtube account at 7, and i had been using my brothers before that). my dark past. since ive been on the internet so long i just accept that theres probably a load of my personal information out there for anyone to see. and also a bunch of embarrassing things I've said from years ago. sometimes i come across a youtube comment from when i was like 9 and its always a bit shocking LOL
I HEARD WHAT HAPPENED WITH SESSHOMARU. when i found out .... it .. it .. i.... i dont have words. its so upsetting 😭. actually ive kind of been trying to get into vocaloid bc i recently (like 2 years ago) found out i had been listening to it.. and i didnt know. i didnt realize it was vocaloid
LOL, i say IT COUNTS. i dont draw in my mind cuz i have slight aphantasia. i imagine drawing in ur head is way more relaxing than actually drawing... cuz like... the struggle of anatomy.. proportions.. lighting.. colors.. yeah art is so hard.
there havent been any sbs's recently i dont think?? like they stopped at some point during wano and .. idk what happened. i miss it .. i want to ask about the giant snails that pull germa's ship... well i want someone else to ask about it really . not me. but yeah i have a lot of questions and i just hope it comes back soon 😔. maybe im just missing them somehow but i have checked multiple places. but for some reason i dont see anyone mention it.
RIGHT?? RIGHT???? dont worry the colorism stays /s. they have characters in the latest episodes that are dark skinned and they made only the girl lighter skinned. oda didnt do that. oda made them all the same in the manga. its infuriating.
an issue i have post timeskip is that i actually cannot tell the women apart half the time. they all look pretty similar in the manga, although theyre distinguishable by their clothes and hair. but there was a spread (not colored) that had the main one piece women all in different clothes and with different hair and i sat there for multiple minutes trying to figure out who was who. like i genuinely couldnt tell. i miss nami's short hair,, it had so much character.. and i also miss robins short hair.. again.. it had so much character.
even on a colored cover i had a moment where i was like "is that vivi or is it nami" because it was just a solid blue. i assumed vivi based off context clues and bc.. blue. but if i hadnt had that.. i dont think i wouldve been able to tell. i have no problem with character design changing but oda makes most of the women next to indistinguishable from one another now. its really upsetting. if they had different skin tones or even just. different eye shapes. or different figures. it wouldnt be that much of an issue. but nooo he cant do that. all women who are supposed to be attractive have to look the same.
YEAH ive seen that video!!! u show up a lot on my feed but most of the time its just... the same few posts... which is kind of funny. I ALSO LOVED THE NEWKAMA!! like wow!!! queer representation??? i feel a kinship with these characters?? bon clay literally made impel down for me. my favorite boygirl girlboy. i adore u bon clay.. i adore u.
im a big fan of fukaboshi so i think anytime he was on screen my enjoyment was elevated. also zoro fighting hody(is that who it was) underwater was so cool . like how are u better than a fishman in water??? and the moments with noah... it felt like it was setting up some rly big things and i always love stuff like that. LOL YEAH sanji was even grosser on return to sabaody. i think its just not talked about as much because it wasnt a long arc and he wasnt on screen for a lot of it
oh they for sure have some good points. i also miss the silly shenanigans of pre timeskip. but overall im enjoying post timeskip more, and i do think theyre at least a LITTLE BIT blinded by nostalgia. its hard not to be tbh. i do really miss seeing all the crew together. i dont exactly mind them splitting up but .. i feel like a lot of them end up kind of sidelined. we dont get to see (just some examples) brook or chopper or nami fight much and i. i love them.. i love them just as much as the rest of the crew. i think nami has a really interesting fighting style. and brook is just fun. and people complain (validly) that chopper has been mascotified. which i wouldnt mind so much if he got more cool moments but he doesnt!! we dont even get to see him being a doctor that often :(.
like the writing is still fantastic but yeah. i agree. oda has basically run the jokes that were already pretty tired. into the ground. sanji being the one who suffers most from it. i dont mind robin having more moments where she imagines a really gruesome thing has happened to someone, for example. because she barely did that pre timeskip, and now she only does it occasionally so its not like "oh my god STOP". its still enjoyable. but. idk if theres even a prominent example of someone's character joke being awful other than sanji. like hes the only one who has a consistently awful joke. that in my opinion has never been funny. and its been made into a huge part of his character. i still love post timeskip to death bc. look at everything thats happening!! but i have a lot . lot . lot of gripes with it.
fellow impel down and dressrosa lover 🫡. i do rly like water 7 but . i dont know why but i never enjoyed enies lobby all that much. i think thats probably super controversial LOL. oops.
oh friend... u have no idea..... i have SO many one piece thoughts ... i have paragraphs upon paragraphs of one piece thoughts... the hyperfixation is actively killing me /j
wait let me. find . some.. i send them all in my private (as in its just me and my irl best friend) discord server so its not only in chronological order from when i sent the messages but its also extremely disorganized.. hmm a lot of these are/involve huge spoilers LOL
wait. how do u feel about sanji with heterochromia. one eye is blue and the other is brown . u get the best of both worlds... i felt like i was smart for this but ur the resident sanji lover. u have the say (in my mind) of what is best for him,,,
i saw someone say usopp would get conquerers haki and i big time disagree. he has the best observation haki in the crew and i feel like him getting conquerers haki would kinda cheapen that. and it cheapens his growth. why does he need to have conquerers haki to be a brave warrior of the sea? hes doing perfectly well without it. and also i dont think it fits his character. hes cowardly, has no self confidence, runs away from battles sometimes out of fear, and definitely has a huge sense of shame. from what i know, people with conquerers haki are usually super self assured, strong in a pretty traditional sense, and dont have much self doubt. usopp is like the opposite of that. i think hes very brave because he fights despite how scared he is, but the character archetype just doesn't work imo. like usopp without those characteristics is. to me. not usopp. tell me what u think!! also im like 90% sure none of this is spoilery but if it is i am so so sorry
obviously i havent seen the live action yet but live action shanks looks too hot to me.. like hes too conventionally attractive. i want him to be.. a rat man.. greasy .. but extremely charming.. and hes NOT!! hes just regular hot!??
do all places in one piece just have extra chairs or tables that are bigger? cuz there are some characters that arent of the giant race but are huge. and yet they fit on regular chairs. do u have a 8 foot tall guy walk into ur bar and u have to say "wait a second, we need to get out the big chairs" and then drag out a chair twice ur size? is that the case EVERYWHERE? or do some places not have big chairs so if ur extremely large u just have to sit in a chair thats too small for u.. or maybe u just sit on the floor. or stand.
that scene in sabaody of usopp asking rayleigh if the one piece is real, and luffy gets mad and tells usopp that he doesnt want to know, and if he finds out he will quit right now because he wont go on an adventure that isnt any fun. luffy is such a chill, silly captain, that im sure him snapping like that must be scary. usopp looked so shocked. i love their relationship. i think moments like that. really solidify how real the characters feel. like yeah, they have strong, defined morals. and they will argue and be childish and yell for the sake of their morals. i feel like a lot of media has characters with morals but it doesn't ever show them actually disagreeing with someone. let alone a friend. idk im not wording this great but i think this moment is so good. i love the moments of childishness in one piece. its very humanizing to have immaturity in ur characters
ok thats what ill leave u with for now :)
IM GLAD THAT MADE U LAUGH!! i felt really called out by constantly seeing it bc.. yeahm.. admittedly .. cannibalism is sexy sometimes.. i recently admit this to myself...
"i think he should go to therapy probably. ur mental illness is showing law ."
i think he should go to therapy probably. ur mental illness is showing march .
*nods* march 🫡
i dont think i’ve ever actually met someone who doesn’t like enemies to lovers before?? ik its popular bc its one of my favs and im happy about that bc im always nosedeep in the content SFNKJDN. valid tho. i cant speak bc ive written two 50K+ zosan fanfics and will probably write more 🧍I’LL USE THOSE SKILLS TO WRITE HANYAGELLAN FOR YOU. HAHA JK …UNLESS
so ive only met kidd once or twice right. i met him in sabaody pre-timeskip when the worst generation got introduced and he’s had a couple small moments since then. but i just feel and know in my heart that i would be a kidd girlie. red haired angry anime men are one of those specific niches i’m like YEAAA YEAAA [CHEERING] and people are always talking about his tits in the one piece server i’m in so. DFJNVIDJ HELL YEAH IM READY FOR THAT
and frobin…hell yea…theyre so cute…my weirdo couple…
actually!! im reading the manga on tcbscans and there’s a comment section under every chapter that i like to read bc its cool seeing ppl’s reactions (as i’ve said) and in big mom’s intro chapter someone was like “if ur manga only look up her song rn its actually so good” so i did and YEA. ITS SO FUN?? AND THEATRICAL?? AND I LOVE THE MELODY?? like ok big mom go off
yea i already knew pudding was 16 bc i was all up in sanji’s business and reading about wci when i joined the fandom but I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT KYROS AND I WAS SO MAD WHEN THAT REVEAL HAPPENED!??!!? I WAS LIKE DAMN ODA HAS DONE THIS SHIT LIKE 3 TIMES NOW?? for the third one i count shirahoshi. even though she didnt have a love interest it was nasty for him to make a character so obviously meant to be so beautiful and sought-after and sexualized and then make her a teenager. plus vander decken . existed.
“am i into mackenyu? no.. zoro? yeahs........” this is so real
i have an art degree and tbh i support law and his human sculptures wholeheartedly. its very dada of him imo. but abstract art seems more up his alley. regardless i know some of my professors would have been like “live human sculpture…wow…that is so Art” very marina abromavic of him as well. but um yeah he should still go to therapy tho. yea
robin and law 🤝 “cool and collected” characters thinking fucked up weird animals are cute
i’ve moved like 9 times in my life this is just another day in the life [eyebags the size of dinner plates]
(looks at the other ask in my inbox) oh yeah…very soon
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omg. i started getting on the internet in single digits but to like. get on mylittlepony.com and play facebook games. i started being more “ONLINE” around probably 10 or 11 though and i made my tumblr account when i was 12 💀 i, too, sometimes see something old i posted and just go Oh God 
and i DEF had/have too much personal info online bc of that but i’ve tried to cut it down lately in the interest of ~ internet safety ~ . i dont use my first name online as much (hence going by mont in addition to the. trans-ness) and i took all my selfies off my blog. but who knows what else i put up and have forgotten about
I LOVE VOCALOID!! i’ve been into vocaloid basically since i started being online (although i dont keep up with a lot of CURRENT vocaloid news so im like an old man who didnt keep up with the times. i love the original crypton 6 (miku, rin, len, meiko, kaito, luka) + gumi and gakupo but until a couple years ago i was like “What The Fuck is a Fukase” jbfvhjdn
i’ve caught up to date a little bit and still consider myself currently a vocaloid fan but yea im like a genwunner of vocaloid but just bc im lazy not bc im pretentious djsnkj
i actually saw kikuo (my fav vocaloid producer) in concert in january!! my first and only vocaloid concert…(but only bc he happened to be touring with bo en. no miku hologram for me)
ur like the third person ive met with aphantasia! and. yea its much easier in my head </3 why did i major in that shit </3 
WAIT REALLY?? THEY DONT DO SBS ANYMORE?? I LOVE SBS :( I ALSO HAVE SOME ONGOING QUESTIONS I WANT ANSWERED!! (that i want someone else to ask kjvfnkfn) i looked it up and didnt see much at a cursory glance aside from the fact that sbs happens every volume instead of chapter (?) who knows but i hope they didnt stop completely…
toei feel my wrath re: the racism. oda also feel my wrath re: the sexism. and the racism (why do you use the same skin color for everyone in the colorspreads…oda PLEASE) and the worst part about the nami clone thing is that we know he can draw women differently. have u seen how he drew young big mom. she was so hot. and yet he chooses NOT TO!!
YEA I WAS ACTUALLY SURPRISED HOW WELL DONE THE IMPEL DOWN REPRESENTATION FELT?? THAT WHEN WE GOT TO KAMABAKKA I WAS LIKE why did we go…backwards…but they cant take the impel down newkama land away from me. that scene where iva makes a speech about gender and does a little performance made me feel so seen on screen even if oda meant for it to be tokenism or something. i think he thinks we (gay ppl) are cool but doesnt quite get it. like he saw gay ppl and went “this would work with my silly art style so well. transgenderism is a thrilling character trait” and then did not attempt to understand much after that KDCKJS
FUKABOSHI MY BELOVED actually all 3 of the fishman princes…when they cheered up shirahoshi during the scene where their mom was murdered i actually cried as they danced and sang through their own tears. like wtF. AND YEA ZORO ALMOST DROWNED SO MANY TIMES THAT ARC BUT HE WAS STILL COOL AND HOT 😔 the noah was also a cool concept!! you see the noah’s arc thing come up a lot in anime for some reason?? like my d gray man loving ass was like huh…okay two nickels…
ur so right about the sidelining (its like anyone that isnt the east blue 5) and especially about chopper. aside from being mascotified i wish he wasnt baby-fied too (which stems from the mascot problem). like…he’s 17. chopper is a full ass teenager, not a child. I GET that he’s a reindeer and also very naive but imagine how cool he could have been post timeskip…horn point chopper is my fav bc i just love the design but IMAGINE IF HE LOOKED LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME!!
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and he could have so much more development in terms of constantly seeing his crewmates near death and always having to fix it…or just him improving as a doctor! i dont think we get to see chopper doctor enough but we also dont get to see him struggle! (m really just over here advocating for more depression and more hardship for chopper im so sorry king)
a lot of the running jokes i can still get behind (zoro getting lost will never not be funny to me idk how it hasnt gotten old but it hasnt okay) maybe bc its so harmless?? robin’s gruesome joke i agree, its not overdone so i still like it. mean nami slapstick i’ve never liked but can get a chuckle out of me every once in a while. brook panty joke L 👎brook skull jokes would be funny but they’re always too easy 👎 and yea sanji is the worst victim. i found it somewhat funny/endearing pre thriller bark when it was mostly harmless swooning and heart eyes but nowadays uhhh [beating him to death with hammers] 
u know what i see ur point on enies lobby. for water 7 it had great new characters and an AWESOME bright and beautiful water city setting but enies lobbies is. just a bunch of white government buildings on an island. the high point is definitely just robin’s moment. and kaku saying “I LOVE GIRAFFES. GIRAFFES ARE AWESOME” 
one piece brainrot is ruining me i have MUCH IDEA !!
OKAY LISTEN . I HAVE HEARD BOTH ROBIN HETEROCHROMIA AND SANJI HETEROCHROMIA AND LIKE. I DONT THINK EITHER ARE / COULD BE CANON BUT. robin heterochromia is so fun. and sanji heterochromia although for some reason i dont feel like it fits him HAS POTENTIAL bc imagine when he comes back post timeskip with his bangs covering the other eye now and the crew is like “🤨 wait i thought you had blue eyes?” ugh i need it. ive seen a LITTLE art and like 1 fic of heterochromia sanji and its very entertaining for sure i always eat it up even tho i dont necessarily headcanon it. i am so glad i have authority on this in ur mind btw. [clanging my sanji gavel] order in the court
i agree about usopp and conqueror’s haki! like damn we already got two of them with it dont we…although i saw someone on youtube somewhere suggest he could have “conquerer’s observation” ?? idk enough about haki to understand that but it sounds cool 👍 its not spoilery so dw! although that yt comment made me think like “if there’s multiple types of conqueror’s haki it it like..all based on one guy? one original conqueror ?? and who was it…” who knows…i mean i know zoro has conqueror’s haki bc of spoils but idk how or when that happens (wano, i assume. idk how i feel about that yet bc much as i love the green guy sometimes i feel like he’s favored a bit for the op stuff) and you made some really solid points about usopp’s character too!! part of me was like “damn sanji the only monster trio member not to have conqueror’s haki…” but he could not have it for. several of the same reasons u listed for usopp lmao AND THATS OK!! THOSE THINGS ARE REASONS I LIKE THEM BOTH 
“live action shanks is too hot” ok then explain this
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you know what. that is. a good question. why do they get so big btw. like humans come in all sizes but why. is it to do with the gravity of the planet cause its so huge and got so many moons…thats how i explain half of the unrealistic things in this show lmao. maybe they just stand. its more Intimidating™. sorry villains dont get to sit (although that makes me think about that time doffy was just sitting on the table in the middle of the warlord meeting?? did u see that post?? its a screenshot like why did they let him on the table like that. evil cat behavior from local bird man)
THATS A GOOD SCENE TO POINT OUT. YEA YEA YEA YUOU GET IT. i loooove the serious luffy moments. ive said it a million times but luffy is intelligence 5 wisdom 20. luffy is actually very selfish but in a way that i dont hate…he just wants to be free. and free others. and he lives so in the moment. he’s so different from so many people that he’s very fascinating as a character to watch, esp bc he DOES have moments like u mentioned that make him feel real and have boundaries. u know its funny bc luffy is like the most open accepting character that its hilarious how many times ive seen something oda has written/done and been like “luffy would never do this. the character u made up and continue to write would be more accepting than this.” like luffy is totally chill with women, doesnt see them as lesser, never even hints at this like even zoro does, luffy’s super chill about bon clay and the newkama, luffy doesnt discriminate based on characters’ races etc etc etc. and yet oda DOEs do all this its like. oda u have to see if bc u MAKE it so why cant U BE MORE LIKE THE GUY YOU MADE UP FDJVKND. i think the only moment i can think of that even vaguely implies luffy knows what a gender role is is when he’s in amazon lily and they put him in a frilly shirt and he’s like “i dont wanna wear this. this isnt my style at all” but its all about his OWN preferences and not about anyone else’s. u get me??
“cannibalism is sexy sometimes” u get it. u get it. u understand. we are kindred spirits rn. join me
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to end off here are some of my one piece headcanons (some of which probably will never be canon and im okay with that)
first off sanji is a repressed bisexual and u can tear this from my cold dead hands. post kamabakka he’s gnc too he just wont admit it bc hes a scared little baby bitch. ik it was anime only but that scene were he’s fighting in a dress and caroline keeps telling him to accept himself or some shit as a flower slowly blooms metaphorically in the in-between footage was transgender as hell. also that time someone sent a message to oda in sbs saying like “i’m so glad sanji is girl crazy and not boy crazy” an oda responded “uh, totally” …like is the translation just coming off sarcastic or am i reaching-
i think zoro is gay. he just gives me that vibe ok. 2nd choice he is aroace and luffy is like his qpp or somethin ok (i dont ship zolu but i can admit those bitches got a point bc MAN they really love each other. i like it much better as friendship tho) and on that note luffy is aroace too.
nami is a lesbian. im aware all 3 of these are the popular fandom hcs but idc. this one i have actual evidence for have u seen how she latches onto every woman in each arc. she’s just as bad as sanji she’s just more chill about it /hj
contrary to fandom hc i think robin and usopp are probably straight. robin would make a very dignified lesbian or bisexual but i think she’s just a weirdgirl straight who’s being a supportive ally with franky. 
brook is probably straight but i think he was also simultaneously in love with yorki a little bit and doesnt talk about it bc yorki is gone now so its not like its gonna happen ever again. soul king “im straight but i had a boyfriend one time” brook
chopper is a reindeer
god what else do i have aside form sexuality headcanons. OH !! this isnt a headcanon but i have a running theory that many of the strawhats are based on classic characters from fiction/pop culture…i keep meaning to make a post about this but im busy
zoro is inspired by zorro. okay easy next
chopper is inspired by rudolph, obviously
usopp is inspired by pinocchio but I DONT SEE THIS ONE MENTIONED AS OFTEN: CYRANO DE BERGERAC!! down to the lying and the long nose and the crush on the rich girl out of his league!!
robin is inspired by matilda in my mind. weirdgirl with mind powers abused by her caregivers and obsessed with books…like okay oda just tell us u read roald dahl
i know sanji was inspired in looks by mr. pink in reservoir dogs but i havent seen that movie so i cant speak on anything else LMAO
i feel like its possible the others were inspired by more that i just am not aware of / might be japanese pop culture and therefore harder for western fans to spot…thoughts?
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kirbycrouch · 9 months
living with bpd has to be one of the hardest things i have to deal with. i cant even begin to count the amount of friendships and friend groups ive lost and pushed away because of my unstable emotions and my inability to talk about my feelings and be vulnerable with people. i fucking hate being vulnerable, i hate talking about my feelings. but also i guess its just that i never really learned *how* to talk about my feelings. my whole life i was yelled at and told im "ruining everything" and am being "selfish" or "self centered" or that im a "burden" whenever i talked about my feelings or showed emotion. you see, my family has always been huge on their image and reputation, anything that could possibly make them look bad was seen as a problem, and thats why my family always ostracized me and saw me as a problem. when i got bullied all throughout grade school and high school my parents would blame it on me and would tell me "why is it only you that has these problems?? no one else in the family had these problems!!" and thats around when the first time i attempted to kill myself, but even then my parents tried so hard to hide the reason why i was in the hospital and told everyone its from "allergies" even though i was there for two weeks. sure theyre nicer to me now, but the damage was already done. truthfully though im used to always getting the short end of the stick and losing everything, or having things just. not. go. my. way. on top of me having bpd and being autistic and honestly at this point probably schizophrenic too with how fucking often i experience hallucinations and paranoid delusions, i also found out that i have pcos the other day right before my birthday, which my birthday also sucked but at this point it was too late for me to have a good birthday in the first place. i have to deal with having chronic mental and physical illnesses for the rest of my life that not only affect my personality but affect my physical appearance and health too. im not desirable physically or emotionally. everything i liked about myself is being taken away from me. and it doesnt help that i keep pushing away the people that care about me because of how fucking unstable and stupid i am. i lost everything. and i really cant even be upset because its all my own fault. i just continuously self sabotage myself. but i guess its not only my own fault because how cant i be scared? not that long ago i got banned from a college club, lost a whole group of friends, because i reported my rapist/abuser and they called me a liar. my rapist/abuser was "banned" too but we all know that i was only told that so i wouldnt report the club or "expose" them or whatever even though regardless no one will fucking believe me. when i was raped in high school someone i thought i could trust told everyone and i got called a "whore" and a "slut" throughout the whole 4 years there, not to mention he was in most of my classes despite me fucking begging the school to take him out of my classes or to change my schedule so i dont have to fucking see him everyday. of course they didnt listen, though. why would they? a few weeks ago my therapist literally told me "next time this happens you should keep it to yourself because no one believed you the last two times" and that just. broke me. but i cant even really be upset because shes right. no one believed me, and if it ever happened again still no one would believe me. no one ever takes my side, ive been alone and lonely my whole life, but its mostly my fault that im like this so who am i to get upset over my own actions. i dont know how much longer i can handle any of this, i thought things were getting better for me but i feel myself falling down the hole again. i really want to end it all. i dont have hope for things ever getting better for me. some people are just given a bad set of cards and theres no way they could ever win, and i think im one of those people, so i should just give up.
0 notes
mitts2002 · 3 years
Aight’ Bet
Hi this is my first time posting on here so I hope whoever is reading this enjoys!! This is a noritoshi kamo x reader where the nori and (Y/N) need a little push from their wonderful Gojo sensei to finally confess~
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"Dont you think (Y/N) and noritoshi would make the cutest couple!?" Gojo screamed over the phone to Utahime who sighed in response.
"I can't help but disagree Gojo, Noritoshi doesn't seem ready for a relationship plus is the only reason you rang me really to discuss our students non existent love lives?" Utahime retorted knowing that the couple would in fact be adorable yet refusing to accept that Gojo could actually be right about something.
"No Utahime! I bet if them two were able to spend a few hours together the tension would build up so high that one of them would burst and BAM a couple would be born" the blue eyed male replied, the volume of his voice increasing with each word trying to convince her that they were the highschool sweethearts the jujustu world needed.
“How could you even say that!? I get that its cute whenever they glance at each other and shy away with cute little blushing cheeks but i bet it would take more than a few hours for a whole relationship to-” “OH you bet“ Gojo interrupted an obvious smirk on his face knowing Utahime wouldn’t back down from his advances.
“you know what i meant idiot i wasn’t actually trying to make a bet with you especially after what happened last time” the black haired woman scoffed after hearing a chuckle through the phone.
“Aight’ bet! tomorrow ill bring my second years to kyoto for some training and then lets see if something happens between our precious students“ Gojo proposed excitedly as if he were a child in a sweet shop.
“you know what fine! and im only agreeing cause i know nothings gonna happen tomorrow between them i mean noritoshi is too stiff and (Y/N) always backs out last minute” utahime exclaimed not wanting to prove Gojo right. “GREAT! if i win then you will have to be my slave for 2 whole days and if you win ill be your-” “wait i never agreed to that!” “see ya tomorrow then!” Gojo had quickly rushed his farewells before hanging up relieved he avoided Utahime’s lecture.
"Alright class!" Gojo sensei yelled excitingly as he burst through the doors. This overgrown man child always had something new, it could never be a regular class where his students actually learn then were let out for a break. No Gojo Satorou had to be the most extra male on this earth and for the first time ever it worked in his second year student (Y/N)'s favour.
"What it is now?" Maki groaned with an annoyed expression on her face. No one could blame her though after all the blindfolded man put his beloved students through. "Don't be so sour maki! Be like me a sweet little mochi~ Oh and before I forget I wanted to let you all know that we will meeting with our lovely sister school for some training. Isnt that great!?" Gojo sensei had announced clapping his hands and smiling brightly.
'I wonder if training is all this is' (Y/N) thought to herself realising how sus this situation was before speaking out "wait Gojo sensei weren't we meant to learn a super secret technique today? You said that you were gonna show it us yesterday and that nothing could stop you" (Y/N) questioned as Inumaki gave a little "shake" for support.
"Well my dear (Y/N) something VERY important has come up and we must go to kyoto immediately. You have no right to deny and we will be leaving in 30 minutes so go grab whatever you kids need" Gojo sensei had practically sung before skipping out the door. What an odd man everyone collectively thought before getting up to grab whatever they needed.
30 minutes has passed and in that time panda had gathered his and maki's weapons while you and toge stocked up on cough medicine and basic medical equipment. The journey was short since Gojo had practically teleported you all there and all that was left was to approach the students.
A few figures from the distance were slowly coming into view and (Y/N) could vaguely make out that only utahime, miwa, mai, momo and noritoshi had attended this last minute joint training.
Despite the others reaching and gathering around your small group of second years giving their greetings the only thing your eyes could focus on was noritoshi’s thick black hair as it gently swayed in the breeze. Honestly it was as if the man was in a L'Oréal advert or something.
"(Y/N) stop staring we all know you both have this weird thing going on but we're here to train not flirt dumbass" Maki had whispered into your ear but little did she know that you were in fact here to flirt and not train due to a certain bet between two teachers.
“alright kids listen up! me and the wonderful Utahime sensei have set up this last minute training as its always good to train with new people and techniques. Everyone will be working in pairs“ Gojo announced before Utahime continued.
“The teams we decided on today will be Maki and Miwa, Momo and Imumaki, Panda and Mai then (Y/N) and Noritoshi. Eveyones free to do whatever they want in their sparring matches just don’t severely injure each other, me and Gojo will be watching over the matches and determine the winners“ Utahime informed all the students before they scurried off to in different spaced out areas.
"So Noritoshi how are you? Its been a while since we've last seen eachother" (Y/N) said trying not to let her nervousness show.
"I'm alright just studying and training to be honest. Although I recently started to practice cursive and can even write my own name now" he responded with pride and a small nice.
You laughed causing Noritoshi to cock his head to the side in confusion. "Is there something wrong with cursive?" His deep voice asked with clear offense.
"No no it's just that's so freaking cute and you look so happy about it too" (Y/N) teased with more laughter and ruffled his hair
"Oi don't touch my hair do you know how long it takes to do these wrap bang things?"
"Well how would I know I've never done them nori"
"Well one day I could teach you if you'd like" Noritoshi offered looking to the side trying to hide his red cheeks.
"Aww I'd love that I'm awful at doing hair to be honest so learning some new styles would be great but first we gotta get this dumb sparring match over and done with" (Y/N) moaned as she got into position.
An hour had flew by and the students were taking a break from their matches happily chatting away while the teachers spoke in private about their progress. “come on look at the way they look at eachother OH (Y/N) touched his shoulder SHES FLIRTIN-” “GOJO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR SO DAMN LOUD” “sorry but loooook they in love” Gojo cried out with fake tears in his cerulean eyes
“Alright lets just observe look theyre going to the vending machine to get some drinks like FRIENDS DO“ Utahime emphasised on the friends worried she might lose and become this awful mans slave for 2 days.
“Nori im gonna go get a drink from the vending machine do you want one?” “Actually ill just come with you if you dont mind” “OH sure thats fine does anyone else want anything!?” (Y/N) yelled to the whole group receiving a choir of get me this please or get me that and the single tuna mayo.
The walk to the vending machine was quiet but a comfortable silence had fallen upon the pair. It was always like this when you were around Noritoshi Kamo. Peaceful. She didnt feel the need to go the extra mile to entertain him or ensure he wasn’t bored in your presence as your playful banter and sarcastic remarks towards one another was enough for the both of you. 
“(Y/N) is it me or have Gojo and Utahime sensei been staring at us more than the others?“ Noritoshi questioned unable to shake off the feeling of being watched. “Um i’m not too sure i havent been really paying attention to anything other than yo-“ Embarrasment washed over (Y/N) as the words flew out of her mouth before she could stop herself.
“Is that so?“ Nori smirked slightly as you swore you could drop dead right here in this moment. “No i just meant that” “Meant what?“ Noritoshi interrupted leaning closer as you fumbled through your words
“OH LOOK the vending machine is right there better get those drinks“ You quickly said and scrambled away before Noritoshi could get any closer.
“SEE Nori was too intimidating and (Y/N) ran off despite clearly wanting him! its never gonna happen today“ Utahime whispered to Gojo benhind the bushes as he shook his head. “Trust me i have faith in my wonderful (Y/N) I AINT RAISED NO BITCH“ He exclaimed in response while Utahime facepalmed.
The two young adults had collected all the drinks they needed and were ready to walk back to the group. ‘come on (Y/N) you’ve liked this man forever now and everyone knows he must like you back ITS NOW OR NEVER HOE’ (Y/N) screamed words of encouragement to herself before grabbing Noritoshi’s sleeve.
“Is everything alright (Y/N)?” “I have something ive been meaning to tell you Nori, I um like you a lot and i’d like to take you out if you dont mind” (Y/N) had practically yelled at the poor boy because of her stupid nerves and adrenaline.
The silence was broken by an angelic laughter coming from none other than Noritoshi Kamo. “Well i would’ve liked to be the one to take you out but i guess sometimes its alright for traditions and stereotypes to be broken by the younger generation” Nori responded as he walked closer to (Y/N) wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a sweet kiss. The kiss was messy and clearly new to the both but filled with much love and passion that was finally being expressed by the pair.
As their lips eventually pulled away never wanting this to end, heavy breaths filled the air and cheeks flushed but all that was interrupted by a white haired male clapping in the background screaming “YES I WIN” while the other teacher crouched to the ground tears in her eyes.
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autisticundertale · 2 years
Underfell x Heathers (with some Deltarune sprinkled in)
(warning: chasriel lies ahead)
okay so ive been listening to Heathers, and a lot of the lyrics make me think of a obsessive fell Asriel, and my brain started uh...creating. Definitely expect art for this...
What if Chara wasn’t the first human that fell in? What if, instead, Kris fell in, and was the one who got poisoned by Asgore (since thats what happened in canonfell to Chara.) And then, when Asriel took their soul and went to the surface...they forced their soul to come out of him when the humans attacked, protecting Asriel with their soul and destroying it in the process.
So, Asriel lived, angry with Asgore. Toriel and Asriel move into the Ruins together. And then, years later, when Asriel is a teenager, Chara falls down as the second fallen human...the two fall in love, and eventually Asriel sneaks Chara out to see more of the Underground, protecting them fiercely.
Asriel, already losing his sanity from being stuck with so many violent people, is mentally getting worse now that he’s seen how kind Chara is. So, he decides their life is the most important, and kills everyone who even tries to associate with them. Chara, terrified when they discover this, breaks up with him. 
So, in his broken mind, he figures that if he rids of everyone, he can win Chara back and keep them to himself. He devises a plan to blow up the Core, after getting Alphys to tell him how it works. He knows that if he and Chara are in the Ruins when it explodes, they wont be directly affected by any radiation, due to it being far enough away and well-protected with magic.
Asriel tries to convince Chara to come, they fake suicide to get him to leave them alone, Asriel goes to blow it up on his own, deciding that his life isnt worth living anymore. So he just...sets up a regular bomb, when originally he was going to try and get a timer-bomb.
Chara goes after him, but theyre too late, and Asriel knows they dont have much time before it goes off. So, he rushes them into Alphys’s lab, and when Alphys is quickly informed of whats going on, she rushes them into the True Lab, since its underground and well protected. Asriel, however, doesn’t have enough time to get on the elevator, and instead forces the door to shut right as the bomb goes off.
...so, everyone except those in the True Lab and in the Ruins gets injured or killed. Not a happy ending, but...i couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
The lyrics that made me think about it originally were “I wish your mom had been a little stronger, I wish she’d stayed around a little longer, I wish your dad were good, I wish grownups understood, I wish we’d met before they convinced you life is war” (which is referring to Toriel distancing herself from everyone after Kris’s death, leaving Asriel to grieve and suffer alone, and of course Asgore poisoning Kris...) 
and then the entire “meant to be yours” and “seventeen” songs only solidified the idea mentally.
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