#its a reoccurring thing for his character so yeah
sheltershock · 5 months
Currently thinking about the symbolism of orange with Sasha’s character. How it’s a metaphor present both in Sasha’s mind and lab/office of having a very cold exterior(black/white or greys and blues) and having the smallest pop of color in the interior specifically with the color orange.
The first obvious appearance of this is in his level. When he pops out of the trapdoor/hatch in his mind there’s orange light streaming out from wherever that portal leads to deer within. This is then mirrored in the sequel seen in his office, which has the same cube design with geometric framing. The general feel of the lab is cold and almost inhuman in a way. There’s no windows and all the light is artificial. But the small corner of his office is brightly lit and warm on the inside. And the couch and pillows on top are orange along with bits of the rug on the floor.
It’s also in his outfit. The dark pants, shoes, gloves, glasses and coat cover up the sweater he’s wearing that striped with tans and browns, earthy colors and a less saturated orange. Three places, that’s a pattern.
Then there’s the detail of where the orange is, in comfortable things. It’s the surrounding light for wherever Sasha’s hanging out when chaos is absolutely rocking his entire world. It’s in his turtleneck sweater, something you usually wear to combat cold. It’s in the couch cushions and pillows, something you usually interact with to talk a break or rest in.
It’s such an obvious metaphor. Sasha is such an intimidating figure initially, cold and detached from the world and others. But then you actually spend a little time with him and he’s actually a dork who cares a lot about the people he’s close with. The most glaring time is when he calls Lili ‘darling’ that one time in RoR, completely unprompted. For most the jet ride he’s barely acknowledging that she’s crying her eyes out and mostly has the air of “don’t make me turn this car around.” But then just out of nowhere when he gets good news about Truman’s location he just pulls out the “I think we might know where he is, darling” while clearly putting on the softest tone he can most definitely but imitating Milla. And it just shows that he’s been aware the entire time and just saying something now while trying so hard to be comforting is so much. Fantastic characterization.
I love all the small details in this series, even with something like color and where it appears and how that links up with the character themselves. Just wow. I love the writing here.
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rivalsilveryuri · 3 months
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let’s him walk around on my palm
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ruby and sapphire
#VOICEMAIL#funny 2 me that viz just. made his reoccuring...........bathroom joke into him pourign a can off of rooftops. but everyone else is still#reacting like he's killing someone while he's likr 'i love recycling :)' and emptying a can of pepsi or somethign#sorry that its what first comes 2 mind with him.#but i DO like emerald.... he's kinda the only hoenn dexholder i ... like??????????????? not in the way i DONT like the other 2 i just don't#have much 2 say on them. but also because reading rs may actually trigger my ptsd i think. a little. ummm. so i dont remember basically any#of rubys half.. i remember saphs just fine thoguh. but yeah what was i on about. umm. oohhh yeah i like emerald thr best#kinda makes me mad how people just infantilise him and look over. basically everythign about him. like his sibling relationship with crys#+ his backstory + the shit under the surface for the way he acts..#+the interaction they have as a trio because i find it kind of fascinating but its honestly the shortest amount of time 2gether a trios had#idk. it feels likr 2. people out there are actually interested in *emerald* himself#and everyone else just likrs. ............how everyone else sees him in universe.... and the rest see him how emerald wants to be seen. idk#always shy about character analysis cause i always worry im pulling at nothign and cooking nothing but i feel decently confident that-#-thats the whole point of emeralds character and his childhood and behaviour n etc.#i have NOT read oras though. umm. heard mixed things about it but who knows. itll take me 50 years 2 get there n e ways...#also emerald and wally. wish they interacted at LEAST cmon. unless ive brain fogged it but whateva........#how did me talking about piss jokes turn into character analysis
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things that seemed reoccurring this update:
- Meat
- peas
- jelly
- Hibernation
- Eddie's absence
- Acting out a script (Sally mumbling asking if it's her cue and Howdy changing the script of the narrator in Homewarming storybook, characters general interactions with the narrator, different moments in the video, like the Sally and Frank ad break or the song a barely silent night, where the two literally fight over who get to sing, Sally mentions she wrote the lyrics, and Frank says she already has a song. yeah all of these are easy to see as meta goofs in the original material, but it's the fact there's so much of it this update) (of course all this wrap up with the end of the video where Eddie and Frank are obviously acting off script)
- Being alone (Eddie not having any news of anyone and not even seeing anyone outside (which is interesting as the story says that Sally was up in a tree near his home and saw him fret over having nothing to do), Wally saying it's so quiet during Homewarming and it's just he and Home for a while (potentially the show putting out a christmas special and then being on break? can a show do that?), and in the normal website material, the end of "An ode to hibernation", Frank saying "Where all that's left is me", the "me" being a "...me?")
- Welcome Home being used to sell stuff (cigarettes, medicine, eggnog, cereals, and the cookbook lists ingredients that are a specific brand)
(I'm putting under read more my rambling thoughts so you can just reblog the list without having to see them)
so I can't really make sense yet of all the food stuff. Maybe there are cultural elements/expressions I don't know that explains it? But I still find it very interesting how fucking unhinged that cookbook is yet the commercial and the website treat it normally. The cookbook is overall extremely interesting, because some of the recipes seem to actually be written by the characters; Barnaby who only presents you weird hot dog dressings with pictures but no recipe (and all jokes), Frank who lists not just the ingredients but also the material, and overexplain each steps (at least overexplain compared to the other recipes. it's actually interesting to know why you do x or y), and Julie who turns her recipe into a game at the end, and felt a bit harder to follow? anyway.
The cookbook, the Homewarming tradition of hanging a ham in the tree, Santy Claus being said sometimes instead of Santa, the ham for Santa? Once again, the christmas commercials being so casual about some of the weird stuff it says and presents? This almost feels like an alien who only has a blurry grasp of Christmas and what humans enjoy made the cookbook and the live commercial.
Sometimes, Welcome Home feels like it never actually aired and produced things, but we're making it retroactively exist. Something is making it exist. Like a retcon of the universe, "What do you mean you never heard of Welcome Home? No, of course it always existed and was very popular, look at all this old material we find!"
So maybe whatever is making it exist doesn't fully get humans and accidentally creates things that are weird to prove its existence. Like a cookbook that tells you a single pea in a buttered plate is a classic meal, or that of course you give Santa ham on Homewarming! (tbh almost getting an AI weirdness feel)
But in total contrary, in its story, Welcome Home also feels like it always existed, but got somehow completely wiped from people's mind, as something caused its sudden stop, and its characters gained consciousness of what they are and their world. As an existential dread fell on them one after the other, slowly realizing something isn't right. As Eddie felt anxiety and nervousness over no one being there or contacting him, to then having the story acts lightheartedly about it, the narrator saying things have been solved but he doesn't feel it, and suddenly Home is staring at him.
Both "It never existed but the universe is being retcon into it existing" and "it existed but something terrible happened that erased it from peoples mind" seem plausible. If two theories contradict each other, that means there's a third one that needs to be found.
Maybe it existed. Maybe it truly was popular, but something corrupted it, leading to its disappearance. A disappearance so big it stopped to exist. And now the thing that corrupted it is trying to crawl back, make it exist again, but it's making it come back completely off.
Also, I think the show may have been on hold during the Holiday season, "hibernating", and the character who got some self awareness realized that something was off. They're alone because there's nothing new, so no one is there bringing life to the neighborhood.
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aarkose · 2 years
Everyone calls Dream a pathetic petty little baby girl and like, yeah he is - but 
And the characters themselves are like Morpheus is cold, unfeeling, harsh, cruel and yeah he can be and he holds intense grudges - but 
I haven't really seen anyone talk about the scene where he's facing the Corinthian, who Morpheus admits was his masterpiece. And our favourite nightmare pointedly says that Dream doesn't care about humanity. He only cares about himself, and his realm and his rules. 
Morpheus sort of gets exasperated here, like really dude? And tells us he contains the entire collective unconscious, without his rules it would consume him and humanity. Like maybe he's been there before, or close to it. He admitted he lost an entire universe before because he didn't take out their vortex.
His voice trembles on the word consume, like its always there, ready to crush him, like he's constantly battling, like he's tired, like no one's ever really asked, understood or comprehended that before and he's admitting it for maybe the first time or it's one of the very few. And of all the beings he's admitting it to the Corinthian who throws it in his face.
Death more or less says dream mopes and he should get over it. Fiddler's Green insinuates he's almost incapable of apology or empathy. Lucienne believes he dismisses their efforts and that he's harsh with his punishments. Gault in their defiance tries to make him see that things should be capable of change and wanting something different. 
No one seems to get the truth of him? Or part of it. Or if they do it's not apparent and it seems a great tragedy to me. When he says the entire collective unconscious, I'm assuming he means entire, as in not just human - as in all life including other species we don't know of, that are otherwise 'alien'. It seems almost unfathomable to me no one stops to think he's the way he is for a reason. 
Every single unconscious thought, decision, fear, nightmare, dream, hope - anything and everything that can manifest in dreams from the nonsensical and absurd to disturbing and whimsical, including concepts we don't even understand as humans. That is what Morpheus is made of. The screams dying in throats as people wake from horrors, the reoccurring scenes of falling, being chased, being late, the grief from loved ones dying, flying, school, sex - the ones that don't make any sense. 
The nightmares that are so real and strong you can't get back to sleep. The dreams that are so sweet or fantastic you wake up mourning their loss. Day dreams, dreams that pick up where they left off, lucid dreams, depraved and disturbing dreams. The little thoughts we have about others we'd never say out loud or tell another living soul but they exist. It's all real, part of what makes us who we are and every other being that can dream - no wonder Morpheus' voice trembles on the word consume. That has to be near maddening? Like he's riding the line between insanity at any given moment because dreams can be entirely bizarre as much as they can hold significant meaning. 
So he mopes? He's distant? He's cruel or uncaring. Unfeeling in how he operates - I feel like I would be too if I contained the concepts of the entirety of existence - everything his siblings govern exists in his realm in the form of dreams. You can dream about desire, death, destruction, delirium, destiny, despair, all of it. He doesn't feel enough? Distant? Ungrateful? 
I think he feels too much, way too much and he can only push it down so far, or hold it back just enough. It makes him seem so delicate in my mind, like those who bottle and bottle. Pushing everything down or back just to keep functioning and then one little thing makes them snap. Suddenly you've damned your former lover to ten thousand years in hell because that amount of time and processing doesn't seem unreasonable against the impossibly incomprehensible thing that is existences unconscious. Let's not forget the souls in hell or every other afterlife, if they also dream, the concept of dreams as goals, the act of dreaming, creation and destruction, every nasty little thought, every fucked up thing anyone has ever comprehended and every joy. 
Maybe that's why everyone's harsh on him in my eyes, that he should have all this perspective but seemingly doesn't? But he believes what he does because he has that perspective and some things within that spectrum do not change, they repeat because there's only so much that can exist, and that has to be tiresome. 
But honestly, the other Endless, dreams and nightmares should realise what he's dealing with? Especially those close to him, or orbiting because no one is ever really close, and if dreams and nightmares can dream then Morpheus should know those too. I'd probs keep everyone away from me if I was a scrambled construct of emotions.
Fuck me up honestly. My tiny human brain is snapping trying to even comprehend the inner workings of Dream. None of this even makes sense. Just let the man rest, give the baby girl some slack. He's got both feet off the edge and no one's got his back. I'm tired now.
TLDR: Dream probably is the way he is because being who he is, is a lot. 
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
I haaaasss 27 asks :}
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Yes. Yes it does.
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Thank you! :DD And yeah canon Gregory is just not my vibe man XD
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(Traffic cone in question)
Thank you so much! :DD And yeah I try my best to get up and do something productive/different when I'm feeling down like that. My thought process is "well sitting here and sulking isn't making me feel any better so I should go and do something else" Which just so happened to be breaking out the old sewing kit and making a traffic cone?? XD Well to be fair I've made like 10 of those before but still an odd choice on my part-
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Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked my cars artwork! :DD
And yeah I would draw cars stuff more often but they're just so hard to draw :(
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Idk why they decided to jump into a DLC before fixing the base game, but man I really wish they wouldn't have. 😔
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I'll do my best! :D
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Yes :} or at least I've been trying to-
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Thank you so much! And I did use a pattern to make him. Credit for the patten goes to Tammy Hallam, heres her video on how to make your own too! :}
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As for Glamrock Bonnie,, ehh, its a bit odd to me. Not a huge fan of the color pallet but its not the worst I've seen. I'd give it a 5.5 outa 10
ALSO! I believe Octonauts is streaming on Netflix, but I've also had some luck finding full episodes on YouTube :0
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Thank you! And oh yeah, I feel you on the fandom part. XD That's why I'm still kind'a on the fence and haven't dove head first into my usual angsty stuff. I'm kind'a testing the waters with every post I make to see if I'll collide with the uh, other side of the fandom :x
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Thank you! :DDD
Also Google is a search engine. :0 If you search for Octonauts fanart, its gonna do its job and search for fanart and likely find some of the stuff I made. Notice though that all of my artwork shown on Google links directly back to my blog. Its because Google isn't stealing it, its parting the branches of a bush and pointing "Look! Over there is some Octonauts fanart like you requested!" XD
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There isn't really anything Gregory can do for Bonnie..
Its hard to explain,, but I'll try. Bonnie is missing his leg from the middle of his shin down. So he cant stand up right like Foxy because- well duh, he's missing a whole foot.
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So order to fix Bonnies leg so he can stand/walk like Foxy does, he would need an entire replacement foot with a working joint. This would also mean that the wires in Bonnies legs would have to be replaced and hooked up so that he can control said new foot.
Currently there are no spare parts around that fit Bonnies model.. and even if they did, Gregory wouldn't know how to properly re-wire an animatronic foot. He's smart but not THAT smart <XDD
The only thing Gregory could do is make Bonnie a weird peg leg that makes his current leg longer. Currently Bonnies half leg is shorter than his good leg. But in all honesty Bonnie doesn't really want that.
Having Gregory ducttape this weird goofy peg leg to him would be more embarrassing then what he already has. He'd probably want to salvage what ever dignity he has left and say "ah give it a rest. There's no point. My legs good enough for what its for." <:/
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If I remember correctly... Sometime ago my tablet pen broke. And it took like 2-3 weeks for a new one to arrive. In the mean time I tried to make an art doll of sorts. That doll was Bibi!
I ended up making a lot of goofy posts with Bibi and I as I waited for my pen to arrive. Once it finally did and I went back to drawing comics, I ended making Bibi a reoccurring character. And he's been around ever since!
Now Jangles is a Halloween prop that I bought because I thought it was funny. I was practicing making quilts one time and I made a small blue one that just so happened to be the right size for him. So I put it on and then I thiiink I got the idea to add Jangles to my blog as a joke.? I gave Bibi a "new friend" to celebrate hitting 10,000 followers. The new friend was a cropped png of jangles XD
Eventually down the line I wanted to give Bibi an proper friend. So for Bibi's birthday I drew a comic where Jangles came to life and here we are XD
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Currently I am getting none of those things :x I have a cold so sleep and food is hard :( Thank you though! :D
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:D AW!! Thank you! I'm so glad to hear how I've inspired you! :}}
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XD Thank you so much! And don't worry, I'm pretty confident I'll draw him again someday
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XD Thank you. To be honest I'm kind'a going back and fourth on this fandom. I don't really wanna be apart of the fandom, but the characters are the only thing I'm interested in drawing atm soo-
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Ooo these are interesting! Although absorbing power ups isn't about digesting them. Its something about being human specifically that allows them to absorb the powerups.. 👀👀👀
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My advice would be to use references religiously. That's what I did!
Also thank you! :DD
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Barnaby for sure.
Well, my interpretation of him really-
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@taizarack (Post in question)
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No there's no SpongeBob comic, I just felt like drawing Mr. Krabs XD
Also THANK YOU!! :DD That means so much!! :}}}
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<XD thank you. So far I have some pretty basic ones I imagine. Wally's house is alive and evil, Julie is actually a scary monster but has drastically altered her appearance to look less scary.. Sally is very celestial in nature because she's a real star, Eddie used to be a real human and bleeds and has a heart beat and what not.. uuuuuuh what elseeee,,, I liked to imagine that Sally and Julie came to the neighborhood when they were really young and Poppy kind'a adopted them?? Although I don't know how wide spread that idea is XD
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Thank you! And yeah I'm not very fond of that portrayal either <XD As for your questions..
1: I'm sure there would be somethings that would push his anxiety to the surface. I'm not sure what they'd be but still- I imagine if Luigi was around to see it he would try to get Mario out of what ever situation he's in. If he's in a crowd he'd try to help him slip away unnoticed.
2: I'm not familiar with the giga bell, but if I did add it I'd imagine those would be the side effects yeah <XD Really sore and tired and cant really move for like 3 days :x
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Remodeled or not, I wont be adding any of those animatronics to the Pizzaplex. I already wrote the entire past of this timeline, and those bots all already have a story in my AU. And with their given stories it wouldn't make sense for them to be added to the Pizzaplex.
Of course I cant spoil what those stories are, just know that I have my reasons-
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Oh yeah I forgot to add the colored eye lids to Wally and Barnaby in that trampoline drawing <XD
And yeah! I wanted Wally to be much more expressive so I gave him eyebrows-
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Aw, thank you so much!! Its so cool to hear that you've shared my name with your friends!! :DD
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 8 months
Fun tip from your local oc hoarder: if you have old ocs or concepts that never went anywhere, didn't quite grab you, just didn't quite work - re-insert them into the world as the npcs. The background character. The side cast.
And here's why, in a nutshell - it'll help your world feel more cohesive, to you and to anyone seeing it.
Yeah, sure, you can hastily slap together a bland shopkeep during a shopping scene, or slip in generic fan designs at a concert. But if you have someone Established, specific, someone who doesn't Have to reoccur, buuuuut... maybe the main characters always go into the store during so-and-so's friday shifts, or maybe you have concert scenes frequently enough that you'd start picking out the same fans who always attend for their favorite band... Adds to how natural it all feels, you know?
Does it have to be an old oc? Can't it be someone made to fit, I hear you ask? Well, sure! And obviously if you only have one or two ocs that aren't active, you'll have to anyways. But it's a two birds with one stone exercise - because now you've streamlined your process for having an established npc. You already have an idea of how that old oc looks, or talks, or acts. You may already know what setting they'd likely frequent, or even miscellany like what music they like or hobbies they have. Your generic npc doesn't have to have speaking lines or relevance - but if they needed to or you wanted them to, now they can. They'll have substance that keeps things from feeling too flat.
And idk, obviously some people don't pay much attention to things like that - but I've found that it makes a huge difference to me even when I hadn't realized it. It adds some extra depth to the world in small ways, that you may or may not ever use, but that way it's already built in. No scrambling or extra work to project traits onto some faceless character who talks to your protag about musicians for one scene.
This is also helpful for subverting "kill your darlings" a bit, for those who struggle a lot with that concept in their writing and worldbuilding - because for me, my problem tends to be that it's not that the darling is Entirely Pointless, it's just that they aren't a good fit. Killing a really good idea and banishing it to the drafts forever can suck. But learning how to Recycle the darling helps keep it in relevance, but by plugging it in to a better purpose than the original draft. That makes it easier to cut ideas out of my writing - because I can rest easy knowing I have it in reserve for its time to shine elsewhere.
I'd imagine this won't work for everyone, but I've found as I work on my hero story that it's added a lot of joy. Characters who fell to the sidelines or into obscurity simply because they weren't cut out for hero business now have time to shine in other small ways.
I have a girl who realistically will end up just being a background jogger. But she's also on a track team, and likes handmaking pottery in her spare time. I have a guy with weather powers, but he's focused pursuing being a talented violinist, with minimal active involvement in the hero business beyond happening to have heroes who are fans of his work.
Heck, one of my favorite characters is a duo of guys sharing a body that are just waiters at the local diner. One of them can reverse gravity or even practically rewind time with the snap of his finger if he so chose. These are powers that he studies endlessly for so he can hone and refine them better. But all he cares about is protecting his family and friends, so all you typically see him use his powers for is preventing glasses from being broken or saving his crush from tripping.
It makes me happy to see my kids just going about their day, filling a role in the background. Will they be more relevant? It's possible! But even if they aren't, there will always be glimpses - of the redhead jogging down the street, of someone in the middle of listening to a track from a classical violinist, of a waiter effortlessly stopping plates from being dropped in the middle of taking an order - all in the backdrop of whatever panel or scene or what have you that comes up.
It helps it all feel more like a world everyone belongs in, rather than a staged play. You know? And it's a very fulfilling feeling for me, both as author and as reader.
So yeah. Don't be afraid to recycle those old ocs. Tweak or streamline them if you need, but if you hold them even a little dear to your heart and can get them to click, I promise you won't regret it.
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doomed-era · 2 months
also. i was going to ask this before but i didnt know how to word it: any zelda tropes you like/dislike? stuff like fairies being guides for link or the concept of sages/Legendary Sword or how link and zelda are always depicted or reoccurring characters like impa or beedle or epona. though theres probably not. a lot of tropes considering most games are vastly different from each other. uhh yeah if youve got nothing . things that were done from a zelda game that you liked?
OOH. tbh I had to think about this a bit (my gripes are usually with the fandom and how they depict the tropes as a Strict Narrative Rule) but! I do have some
UH ONES I HATE. this is gonna be long no matter what so it's going under a cut
Number one has got to be making link into a super special boy for basically no reason!!! being from a special type of knights is. so irrelevant to everything else about alttp link that I think a lot of people legitimately forget this. it barely ever comes up and it's honestly not that important to the story except as an excuse for why link's the only one that can grab the pendants and pull the master sword, which. why not just have him be the one to do this because he's just really determined? Ocarina of Time...tried this, sort of? almost completely irrelevant AGAIN. in twilight princess and wind waker they are just some guy basically and this is the best direction they could have gone with his character. except they ruined it in botw and ss and I will neverrrr forgive them for this. botw link beats up grown men at five years old he's like superbaby instant knight and I HATE it. it's just stupid. I don't even care that it applies pressure to him as a character and seems to affect him; they could have just made it an in-universe lie and it would have had the exact same effect so genuinely screw that trope
number two is calling random soldiers knights stop fucking doing this. i dont care that its fictional fantasyland it annoys me
number three! the 3D games' great fairies! I hate almost all of them the oot/mm great fairies are freaks, botw ones are so pretty but they're creepy as hell, and twilight princess is just a naked lady and it's stupid I hate her. wind waker minish cap and alttp fairies are gongeous though
number four. everyone thinking link is cool and or hot. I hate this in universe and in the fandom. I don't care that the devs wanted to make him """"cool"""" he's 100% always a LOSER!!!!
number five I hate the hijacked by ganon trope in zelda games so much. STOP ffs please let ganon/ganondorf take the spotlight we all love him. or let another villain be the main baddie
ok now for ones I like :)
number three...I love random gods and spirits that are just hanging out because. keaton malanya zephos satori light spirits what have you. theyre great I need more of that.
number four incredibly weird npcs. need i say more
number five soldiers being extremely incompetent and dumb or getting possessed. soldiers as enemies or easily corruptible people
number six that one character that doesn't like link. you know what i mean (revali. groose. mido. iirc ralph? maybe? I haven't played much of the oracle games)
number seven hyrule with a dark and bloody past. and not only that but a fairly simple presentation of it that's clearly hiding a more complex underbelly. its just neat to see simple, clear-cut writing tell you so much with so little. it's a big reason I love alttp; it's simple but there's so much grief in it
number eight uh. clawshot/hookshot :] good stuff
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shockersalvage · 1 year
Salvage Showcase: Isshiki Madarai
An attempt by yours truly in trying to be active once again here! And what better way than by talking about the characters in Danganronpa that don’t get as much love from the fandom, mostly due to appearing in media that weren’t officially translated or just aren’t that well known. I’ll be giving my analysis on their role in their respective material and my thoughts on them!
So whose up first?
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Well, let’s start with a brief explanation. Isshiki Madarai is from Danganronpa Zero and is the Ultimate Bodyguard and is a member of the Hope’s Peak Student Council. On-paper at least. In actuality, despite officially being on the council, no one considers him a true member, instead regulating him to just being a bodyguard. Something they’re painfully aware of.
‘They’re’? Yeah, Madarai is actually one of eight octuplets with the collective talent of ‘Multiple Birth Siblings’ (henceforth will be known as MBS because that full title can take a hike). They all act under the ‘Isshiki Madarai’ name and are reoccurring antagonists for the events of Zero. Their main goal is to gain vengeance for the Student Council’s demise, with their intuition leading them to believe Ryoko had something to do with the incident and relentlessly hunting her. In the end, all eight end up being murdered by either Mukuro or Junko, with their deaths being covered up by the school as them being expelled.
Personality wise, the Madarai are all fairly similar to each other: merciless, stubborn, prideful, and ego’s easily wounded. They’re also detrimentally violent, which leads to their downfall on multiple occasions. Overall, they’re a clan that feels insulted over the Tragedy of Hope’s Peak and will stop at nothing to find the perpetrator of the incident. They also hold keen intuition and can be cautious, but they're opt to use brute force like torture or murder in order to get their way.
The Rundown
Now, the good I will say about the Madarai is how they fit in with Danganronpa Zero’s theme of identity. Or rather, lack of identity. Not to mention a theme of irrelevance (I’m not making of fun of them, being serious). As well as being contrasts to both Yuto Kamishiro and the Despair Sisters. The first thing that comes to mind is Madarai’s sibling gimmick, where eight individuals are acting as one person, effectively suppressing their own individuality for the sake of a lie for intimidation purposes.
However, in doing so they had also effectively stunted themselves. In exchange for uniformity, they had become utterly predictable to the point that Ryoko herself, a scared amnesiac, was able to knock one out after being exposed to their fighting style for long enough and Mukuro even chided that being the reason she can kick their asses so easily. In a series where Ultimates praised over their own unique individual talents, their choice to be the same effectively doomed them. This uniformity also goes against the Despair Sisters. While they may be twins, both are extremely different in terms of personality and skills - you can’t approach one like you do the other and trying for anything conventional against them is bound to get you hurt.  They’re existence pretty much slaps the Madarai’s methods in the face and given their major feat of ENDING THE WORLD you have to admit their way worked best.
As for Yuto? In general, both of their desire was to figure out the truth to the Tragedy of Hope’s Peak, albeit for different motivations. For the Madarai it was for the sake of their own wounded pride and vengeance. For Yuto? A way to increase his own fame. While the Madarai’s methods are flashy and brutal, with the culprit in their sights given their intuition- its largely ineffective and doesn’t gain much in the way of practical information and only results in them being taken out knowing nothing useful. In Yuto’s case, befitting his nature as a spy (though not his personality), he gains credible evidence and extremely useful knowledge into stuff regarding details like Izuru Kamukura. However, he is physically weak, so when he gets in way too deep, he ends up killed for his efforts. It’s one of the case where, if both had known about the other’s intentions and opted to work together, they probably could have covered way more ground and be able to make up for the others weaknesses.
What’s interesting about both is how they relate to the identity theme of Zero - or the lack of it. Yuto is the Madarai’s polar opposite. Yuto design and purpose is to be fairly simple and forgettable, much to his chagrin. But its in this lack of identity where he finds strength to get things done and showcase his information gathering skills  and become fairly close to the truth. In contrast, the Madarai’s design is supposed to stand out (for better or for worse) with his  elaborate snake-like monster design and serves as a plot roadblock. Yet, his effects on the plot when you look back is rather paper thin. At best, their attempts are good for highlighting Ryoko’s competence and Mukuro’s power. At worst, which to me they hit that way often, they are aforementioned roadblocks. Any interaction one would want to see further or plot details you want to see developed end up getting derailed with their whole invincible shtick and their own story of revenge concerning the Council’s demise. They’re purposefully made to be intrusive in the story, yet its also on purpose that their storyline never successfully goes anywhere. It ties back into their secondary theme of ‘irrelevance’.
The Madarai, technically, would have been ‘16th student’ of the Student Council killing game, but weren’t there because Junko never considered them one. She wasn’t the only one to consider this. The Headmaster, Steering Committee, Soshun Murasame, hell not even themselves if Mishiki bitterly remembering it is to go by. No one considers them a true councilman beyond just being a guardian and they had no use in-story beyond that. Mukuro even points this out that she actually doesn’t want  to fight the Madarai since it just creates more victims and it was better for the remaining Madarai to go away since the story had nothing to do with them (I’ll talk about DR0!Mukuro at a later date). To put it simply, they aren’t wanted in-story since they have no relevance to the bad guys’ plans and for, well Hope’s Peak aren’t really good guys, the administration side the Madarai’s worth as people aren’t considered beyond their talent. Once they failed no one even bats an eye at them. Even DR3 shows that, even in spite of that guardian role, no one in the Student Council bothered to alert the Madarai they received threatening messages or bring one along. It’s one of those things that retroactively gives the impression Madarai’s presence was quite the afterthought in-universe and adds a layer of a bitter tragedy to it. They stand out and have utility, but no one sees their potential and layers beyond that. Their gimmick would be interested in a more action oriented series, but in Danganronpa (a murder mystery fiction) brute strength takes a back seat for brainpower. And given DR’s nature, where Ultimates who excel in combat more than them exist (like the Ultimate Soldier) or excelling in intelligence, like the Despair Sisters the only thing awaiting a character like the Madarai is cruel defeat and to be swept under the rug just as fast.
Personal Thoughts
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Now I’ll be blunt: I don’t like these guys. In fact I think they just might be my most hated Danganronpa characters of all time. Remember the whole ‘they’re intrustive’ bit I went into earlier? Yeah, them showing up again and again with the strategy of ‘we’ll beat you up until you fess up’ quickly wore thin. I know they’re supposed to be bitter hotheads and I know them acting the same is intentional, but God did it not make their antics bearable. “Yes, let’s threaten this guy’s life! Yes, let’s attack the principal’s daughter! Surely this won’t backfire on us, assuming we don’t die ourselves”. Ugh.
Side note: Also hate their designs. You want to make a snake like student? Sure designers go ahead! But you need to make sure they look decent.
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Making them ridiculously buff isn’t making them decent!! It clashes with the motif and just makes them look jarring to look at it! You can have a character be strong, but this goes way overboard.
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His concept art is a major improvement that I wish the other illustrations stick to.
This ends the first showcase, next time I post I’ll be going on about a character from the Danganronpa Kirigiri side of things!
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"Happy... Birthday?"
There is an actress, who's been recently born into the Universe of the Screen. Just like those before her, she's been dropped into the Fictional Realm, where actors rest after long hours of work.
From the start, she's been doing well, a kind Sponge Fictional took her in and let her stay for a time being. That is, until the empire found her and finally put her to work.
The unfortunate actress, so young, so naive, never knew what she had coming. Her creators bestowed her such a heavy role, a mask of a monster. At first, she didn't know how bad could it be. It was just a character right? This was all just a game of pretend... Right? After all, she was made for this role, literally created for it. Surely it can't be hard. How bad can it be? It's just some woman who cares about animals and lost a loved one.
However, society said otherwise.
The empire hated her for it. Despise her for the role she plays, and for serving her purpose. They declared time and time again that they hated her existence.
"I'm an actor, just like you guys!" she said.
They stay away. They push her away, side eyed her and everything.
"I'm not like her, see?" she said once more.
Rolcist thrown things at her, hurled insults at her. After a long day of work, another Fictional wished she was dead, and another, and another.
Monster, lunatic, a deluded. The list of insults went on.
"... I'm just an actor," she pleaded.
"I was doing my job," she sobbed.
The void of hatred stared at her.
"What did I do... What did I fucking do..." She glared at her own hands. Hands, or rather, gloves of an abuser, a killer, a beast.
She tried to escape all of this, but couldn't. Or rather she wouldn't do it. For at least one Fictional cared about her.
On the fateful release of her first project, a mouse Fictional came by. He was, and still is the powerful leader of a far off kingdom. One they called the Disney Kingdom. For someone so small, so puny, he can pack a punch. Prior to all this, he's already walked through the path of blood and is still treading through it.
There he stride for his next victim, the Villainess.
For an actor who claims to know what's real and what's an act, the mouse can't help, but kill those of the villain role on sight. Every ounce of suffering and pain they been through in his hands was delicious to him.
Just as her part of the act reaches to its grand finale, the mouse shows his power. Blood spilled. Ice shards were erupted, jellyfishes were stabbed and so was her designated henchman. The actress playing as her daughter was trapped in his ice from the waist down. The actress, now in the corner, curled up into a cocoon in the hairstyle bestowed by her creators.
And so, the mouse approaches.
Okay so this was supposed to explain how the fuck it all led up to what's happening in the art, but ended up doing a little info/lore dump on what the fuck this Lus has going on in the daydreams as of late with probably a poor attempt of adding in some short storytelling elements. There's more to what's going on with both her and Mickey, but that'd take a while to cram it all into the post. So yeah.
Tldr: Actress has to play evil Poké waifu with a Jellyfish addiction, becomes besties with SpongeBob, gets an existential crisis about the nature of her role/persona because society shits on her for it (and Spunch taught her about morals too early), tries to kill herself to escape her vessel (but didn't go through with it), and gets a near death experience from a psychopathic mouse king.
Dw, she lives and all, just left traumatized and pissed about the Mouse Moment.
Anyways, happy birthday to Mickey and happy anniversary to the OG Pokémon SuMo games.
Note: Unlike the SpongeBob birthday painting, this piece is based on an actual event in the paracosm, a reoccurring scenario that's both an important plot point and something that stuck despite all the changes this paracosm goes through. I have to post this here instead of the casual account.
Update: Remember when I said she tried to kill herself? Yeah, I modified the lore a bit. Now her "escaping the job" attempt is now less of an actual suicide attempt and more like an attempt to quit her job/role as the character, which just so happens to be heavily tied to her life. She wouldn't immediately die if she's outside the meat suit, she'll just have to succumb to the pain to actually end up perma dying or deleting if she doesn't return to the meat suit.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 2 months
Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends
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Well I'm back to expound on my new little hyperfixation. Tubi has plenty of nostalgia era progreams from 80s and 90s so after going through Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego and Sherlock Holmes in 22nd Century, I stumbled upon this and if you're a fan of Gargoyles. I think you'd appreciate this show. Hell, the showrunner of Gargoyles actually wrote a series bible for this one. It didn't get used but still the themes of fantasy blending with scifi, discrimination and tolerance are present in this one in plenty of spades. Plus conspiracies lots of conspiracies.
The basic premise that there is a secret sector of the government called The Alliance. It basically operates with the gov. knowlegede but does its own thing. Its main mission is to find the aliens roaming around Earth and imprison, exterminate or use them as partners in the world wide fight against invasion forces.
Basically aliens exist and these aliens are the basis of famous myths like vampires, banshees, yetis etc. There not magical creatures but aliens who settled here long ago.
Anyway, main character is Nick Logan, a bounty hunter who accidentally arrests a lycanthrope. From there, the battle unearths long locked memory that his father was abducted by aliens. General Rinaker (leader of the Alliance) is concerned about this loose cannon getting too involved in their affairs decides to control him by recruiting him to their team.
Of course, Nick doesn't play by the Alliance's rules like 90% of the time, deviating when he sees the Alliance wrongfully imprisoning or targeting aliens who don't want to hurt anyone. Nick begins to believe that the Alliance is less the nuetral evil it presents itself to be and wants to create a better world where aliens can coexist.
Nick's partner is Sha'lainn Blaze. A banshee teenager who gets exiled from her clan. I use teenager loosely as its implied she's around 200 years old. She believed that they should stop isolating themselves and try working with humans. That was basically traiterous and they shut her out and tried to kill her, driving her to the arms of the Alliance. Since she's young, she's the most idealistic and compassionate though she has a few cheeky jokes in her too.
There are more characters but I should get to the main alien races.
Banshees are like nature witches, not only predicting a person's death but have a connection to Earth, able to suck energy from their surroundings to form energy beams, rock slides etc. Their main enemies are technology (Sha'lain is a bit more tolerant as she was in favor of steam engines. Yeah she's old) and iron and vampires.
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Cuz in this world vampires are not the suave, bat changing creatures. Instead they are serpentine, fanged, winged and incredibly creepy. See above. Not only do they suck blood but they suck electricity, energy and technology. They're just parasites and are hated enemies of the banshee with the whole naure vs tech.
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The other main alien group are lycanthropes who are like hulking, two legged wolves with bits of technology embedded into their skeletons. Seriously a cool blend of science and classic monsters. They like to enslaves the yeti race and the human race and. . . yeah, they want to enslave others.
As you can tell, lots of the aliens don't like each other. This even includes yetis who have sasquatches cousins that they treat as uneducated labor. All these inner divides (much like humans with their racism, sexism, etc) further encourage hate and division when they could be joined to fight bigger problems. This is a reoccuring theme.
These are the main ones that pop up but there are plenty of others like golemns, the Norse gods Loki and Odin pop up as well as Titanoi with the lost city of Atlantos (apparently based on Satorini) Japanese omni, Chiruac kalinches, pans, vodun and others around the world that the writers utilize with their own twists on the source material to make dynamic fights and body horror moments.
Now to the other characters. The beta team of Fitz and Nema aka my favorite characters. While Nick and Sha'lain often go out to recruit or eliminate aliens. Nema and Fitz are the ones that go out to the scenes of UFo landings or alien destruction and create plausible excuses (Gas leak, military planes etc.) or new conspiracy theories for people to grab onto like "No, there aren't werewolves. That was actually the government's secret prisonor mutation experiment gone wrong. Don't tell anyone." The suspiciously specific denial allows the Alliance to keep their facade wile everyone chases the wrong lead.
Fitz is ex-CIA and should be an actor if he ever quits the Alliance as he clearly enjoys hamming it up with costumes and accents. Always there for witty one-liners or improvised manipulation of facts. Nema is more straight-laced, coming from work as weapons expert in Cairo military. She's the deadpan snarker to Fitz. Obviously, they get together, and obviously they're adorable. While they seem like loyal Alliance operatives, unquestioning of their orders and believing the Alliance is protecting the planet, their friendship with Nick and Sha'lainn makes them reconsider.
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General Rinaker is the head of the Alliance and like any military man believes the cause of war allows for collateral damages and other unpalatable actions like pointing missiles at alien refuge centers and separating aliens (yes, it sounds timely but this was made in 1999 so more things change more things stay the same). While he's a tough guy, you believe that he is doing what he thinks is best but its clear that his rigidness won't allow him to see a new better type of Alliance.
Jefferson Trueblood is General Rinaker's second in command and like the others is primarily loyal until Nick points out how the Alliance is growing increasingly distant from its original goals to a facist organization (literally fascist organization. I didn't think those words were allowed in cartoon tbh). He doesn't get as much spotlight but he does have his own episode leading to surpremely moving scenes in the finale.
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So yeah, those are the main characters but there's plenty more like Nick's rival (in his own mind), Agent Keung Ling, the Vodun spirits, Ruck who's leader of lycanthropes and his son, Athos, Ty-Yet (a yeti operative) and others that all get their day in the sun.
And all these episodes move forward the idea that hate is a circular threat, that what you use to divide people or in this case, aliens prevent peace and ahem alliances for a better future. Not just among humans and aliens but prejudice between the aliens, the continual fear of refugees trying to protect their families, etc. All the aliens may do some criminal acts, or horrifying in some cases but the show gives space to show their reasoning.
Like the vodun, they are alien slugs who lost their world and can only survive by inhibitating human bodies, killing the person's mind so they can control the body. It's bad but you understand why, they want to live. General Rinaker is a human example of he seems like a bad guy but you get why he does the unethical (by our standards) things he does. Basically, everyone is flawed and everyone exist in shades of grey on this show.
Which the show can get dark showing suicides (like literally. No heroic last minute rescue, the guy just died), bodies being ripped apart, bodies being drained, all the body horror stuff, I was impressed. Sometimes the good guys aka our heroes make the wrong decision and have to deal with the lasting consequences of "just following military orders." The final episodes have several make heroic sacrifices for the end of the world.
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But it's also fun with some excellent episodes like a perfect Superman parody with alternating color schemes, alliterative names and big ol twist. A heist episode in Area 51. Trippy psychic battles. Invasion of the body snatchers, of course. B-horror movie with gigantic mutated ants. Plus three different two parters.
And. . . and there's two major conspiracies. One is what the hell happened to Nick Logan's dad. The other. . . well that's just spoilers. I got spoiled because I read it on wiki before I watched the show but it did make me appreciate how they steadily seeded the points of the conspiracy and forshadowed it. All while hiding another conspiracy in the conspiracy. Yeah, it's a double whammy!
So, okay I spent a lot of time on how I enjoyed it. But of course it has its flaws. The animation is not as good as one would be used to in the present day. Very broad lines and unrealistic body shapes (mainly on males which is different from the norm), sometimes some scenes seemed reused. Also its coming off from the 90s so they're several scenes with raves. I find them cheesy. I still don't get the obsession of 90s and raves.
Although almost everyone gets a day in the spotlight and there is continuity, there isn't much depth. Not much on backstories or tragedies etc. Its definately a plot driven show more than character driven though there are good characters in there.
And while they seemed to have a big enough budget that they got voice actors for every role instead of doubling them up (looking at you Legend of the Dragon), some lines are cliche, tropy, you get the idea. This is particularly a fault with Sha'lainn as she cries out "Nick" like twice in every episode. I think they're recycling it so there's dialogue and it isn't just gun blasters.
Honestly, I feel bad for Sha'lainn as she sometimes gets Jean Grey syndrome, getting drained of her powers or getting knocked out often in fights. I mean, she's part of the Alliance now, can someone give her combat training? However, when she does get her badass time to shine, she gets her badass time to shine so she's not always helpless.
Nick's mission to find his father can get repetitive and annoying but he's supposed to be annoying everyone within the show too so I forgive it. Unfortunately it hampers his relationship with Sha'lainn. They get together, it should be no surprised but I feel like there isn't enough recipocation on Nick's end considering the number of times he leaves her in the lurch to chase a new lead. I get that stubborness and persistance in his mission is supposed to be the point, that he's too distracted to do anything else but I feel bad for the girl.
However, the show is cool in that it lets them get together early on. Not that you'd notice it much as I suppose too much kissing would turn off the kiddies or whatever but it's refreshing too. You know, they're together but they're not hampered by romantic drama, no jealousies or cheating or whatever. Same with Nema and Fitz.
Plus in Nick's search for his real father, he never forgets his fake father, Walter and continually accepts him as just as much of a father as his original, raising him since he was three. I just liked that message that even though they aren't blood, Nick doesn't just disregard their relationship.
If only, they had the same consideration for his mom. I mean the woman is there in flashback and is mentioned like once in the finale as having passed and being a strong woman. I'm just curious. How did she end up knowing two men who were connected to the Alliance? Was she connected to the Alliance? Did she have suspicions about her husband or did she pretend not to to keep Nick safe? Nothing! But that's just my nitpick.
Also can I just point out the diversity among the Alliance. There's a Chiruac native, African-Americans, Eastern European, Chinese, Egyptian. Today, people would call it woke but back then no one had a problem. Same with the gender parity. One, I forgot her name was third in line of command. No one bat an eye or made jokes about a woman being in charged or that it was pandering. They just showed them and let things get done. Like Gargoyles.
And yeah, I'll stop there. I enjoyed the show and if you like Gargoyles, I think you can get into this one. As long as you lower your expectations too because Gargoyles is amazing. This is like Gargoyles with less budget and less depth. The potential is there but its underratedness keeps it from reaching to the heights.
Which reminds me that even though it's on Tubi, it's not in order. The first 16 episodes are in order. But after that you have to check wiki because its out of order and you miss the continuity. It's most eregious with the final 6 episodes where the preceding four steadily build to the two part finale and need to be watched in order to appreciate. I mean, it's supposed to be chronological for a reason.
Supposedly some other company tried to reboot it as a comic in 2021 but I haven't seen anything so I must assume its been cancelled. Too bad, I wouldn't have mind it returning to get some rightful love and more depth.
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minijenn · 6 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Shrek the Third
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Figured I'd knock one more of these out tonight, and of course, its yet another Shrek. People tend to not really like this one that much, and I barely remembered anything about it going in. So is it any good or does it belong a one way trip back to the swamp?
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Shrek the Third kicks off with Fiona's dad croaking (literally), which leaves Shrek to look for the next heir to the throne of Far Far Away, Arthur. Meanwhile, Prince Charming is back with a hostile takeover of Far Far Away, while Fiona and her princess friends set out to stop him. There's also the fact that Fiona is pregnant, leaving Shrek with plenty of insecurities about becoming a father. So yeah, a lot is going on in this plot, but you know? It balances most of it surprisingly well!
Our returning cast is still just as fun as usual; I kinda find it funny how we keep getting more and more insecurity plotlines for Shrek with each of these movies, it just seems to be a reoccuring trend for the poor guy huh. As for the new characters, we get Artie, who I thought I was gonna hate but he actually turns out to be a really good character? A big ol bundle of insecurities, just like Shrek, so the two of them actually end up developing a really nice bond as the movie goes along, one that's clearly meant to show Shrek that hey, maybe this whole being a dad thing won't be impossible for him after all.
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As for the other characters, we have the princesses, who are all pretty funny in their own way as they take the piss out of the Disney versions of themselves. Merlin is fucking great here, he doesn't have a lot of screentime, but what screentime he does get, I was in stitches for. Prince Charming is back, this time as our main villain and... he's ok, but he just ain't really able to fill his mama's shoes as a standout baddie, sorry.
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The comedy is actually pretty strong? I do think this movie has a problem though in that it tries much harder than it should to be funny? Like the first two movies were just... idk, naturally hilarious, but this one kind of tends to force its humor a lot? That humor also aims much more juvenile than the first two, leaning less on innuendo and more on... toilet humor and grossout jokes. Yay, my favorite...
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The animation is ok, not superb, though I think that's kind of par for the course with Shrek movies at this point. The music is also surprisingly mid? Not as many pop songs this time around, and the ones that are there aren't anything nearly as memorable as All Star or I Need a Hero.
At the end of the day, I think people are maybe... a bit too hard on this movie? It's nowhere near as great as Shrek 1 and 2, that's for sure, but it's also not the worst thing ever? It's completely watchable, by all accounts. Even if it is a bit too tryhard for it's own damn good.
Overall Rating: 6/10
Verdict: Put it in the cringe collection
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Previous Review (Flushed Away)
Next Review (Bee Movie)
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episodeoftv · 7 months
Prelims, Vote 4 of 8
The top 4 finales will move on to be included in the main bracket
Propaganda is under the cut, may include spoilers
Amphibia - 3.18 The Hardest Thing
Okay this finale has a lot of debate around it, and I guess that it reflects the message of the show or something, but I don't like it at all, actually! It had to find so many ways to force "ohh this land is escapism and you need to let go of escapism" or "ohh you need to let go of people in your life" message or whatever it was into the plot. Like it's so convenient that they managed to get their main antagonist to the moon, they somehow managed to make it take over the moon and they conveniently made it so that the gems would break but also the girls got a free one-way pass back home. They introduced a whole god which was not foreshadowed much at all just to have the main character die and come back with some plot convenience. All of this could have happened differently from what I remember, but I am too spiteful towards this finale to care. I get that learning to let go and move on from people you love while still remembering them is a big part of the show, I do, but if they were going to make that into "the universe will rip you away from those you love and have everything conveniently slide into place so that you have to, and you should go and accept that", they could have at least done it better, because, while that can happen, whether its through having somebody you love drift apart from you due to entirely uncontrollable means or die or otherwise be torn away from you, the way it was done just doesn't feel as bittersweet as it was meant to be. It just feels bitter. There were a select few things I liked about it, since it was the episode to confirm bi Sasha, and I will not deny that it made me weep upon first viewing, but I just can't like it. I've tried, but I can't.
Bloodline - 3.10 Part 33
No propaganda submitted
Forever Knight - 3.22 Last Knight
It's basically 'rocks fall everyone dies', suddenly killing off multiple cast members including the main character and his long time love interest. This was a pile on of multiple reoccurring character deaths in the lead up to the finale as well.
Gotham - 5.12 The Beginning...
1. it's the last episode and it's called "the beginning" (yeah ik it's a prequel it's still a dumb move) 2. you can't just END YOUR BATMAN SHOW by introducing the joker and only showing him for 2 seconds that's dumb as hell too!
The Mick - 2.20 The Graduate
The show ended with one of the main characters in a coma.
Pandora Hearts - 1.25 Beyond the Winding Road
this may be way too niche of a pick lol, but the manga is sooooo good and unfortunately the anime didn't get to cover like...90% of its best content (it was cancelled relatively early into the manga's run) and so they had to make up a completely different ending than the manga eventually got and it is...Not Very Good. Like even on its own its pretty disappointing and leaves a lot of stuff hanging but then when you compare it to the actual finale of the manga it gets even worse in comparison
That 70's Show - 8.22 That '70s Finale
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ewingstan · 1 year
Mary from Twig
First Impression: "Oh, so the first major villain-of-the-week characters is a little girl? I guess that's appropriate given the main cast, but I wouldn't think they'd face off against something that thematically mirrors them like that for a few arcs. Cool idea, a shame that she's probably gonna be killed by the end of this." So yeah, I was not expecting Mary to be a reoccurring character. And once it became clear that she was joining the Lambs, I thought for sure she wouldn't stay for more than a few arcs before finding out how Sy manipulated her against Percy and turning against everyone. That was partially driven by me thinking she'd become a love interest for Sy and then we'd get to milk the drama of that relationship falling apart for a while. Was pleasantly surprised when that didn't happen, especially because it lead 1) to us seeing how Sy tries to contend with his nature as an incredibly manipulative person and trying to limit how much he hurts people close to him, and 2) led to the much more interesting "I'm fond of you but also I'd push you off a cliff if everyone else in the friendgroup didn't love you so much" relationship she has with Sy.
Impression Now: More interested in her for her relationship with other characters than I am in her as an individual personality. I kind of wish more had been done with her self-perception as a puppet/her desire to fulfill a perfect servitor role for whoever she's closest to. Don't get me wrong, it led to some interesting (in a fucked-up way) stuff with Lillian. But I kinda wish we got more from her interludes addressing how self-conscious she was of it, whether she tries to push against it or leans into it, how other people close to her react to it, etc. And I really wish I got more of a sense of how it meshed with her becoming a Noble. Besides the obvious change in power dynamics between her and Lillian, it feels like even accepting the change would have required some pretty intense changes in her self-conception, changes we never get to see. And yeah, it would probably weaken Twig as a whole to have a more extended ending exploring how all the Lambs felt about becoming Nobles. But still.
Favorite Moment: I really love the mock-fight she holds with Sy in front of the soldiers at Hackthorn. The skill of making it look like Sy is holding his own while also constantly signalling to him privately how many times she could have ended him....it feels like a pretty good encapsulation of their whole relationship. More than any other Lamb, I think Sy was thinking of Mary when he was setting up the looney toons-esque "you'll chase me from town to town and I'll stay just out of reach while casually checking in and giving you things to take credit for" plan in Corinth. With her more than anyone else, the idea of "lets play at fighting to the death while wearing the points we could have scored against each other as personal badges of honor" seems like an actually feasible way to spend a lifetime.
Idea for a Story: Like I said, I'd love more exploration of Lady Margaret, especially focusing on how she and Lillian handled it going forwards. Aside from that, I would probably want to see someone actually try to map out how her ill-fated mission with Duncan went.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't know if Twig has enough of a fandom for there to be enough big fandom opinions on Mary for me to disagree with.... her offscreen relationship with Gordon doesn't interest me? Was anyone invested in that?
Favorite Relationship: Her and Lillian. Its the most unhealthy mess I've ever seen. I love it. A super unsure-of-herself doctor and her best friend/patient/kissing buddy who acts incredibly confident and self-assured while having no idea who she is or what she wants. Stellar stuff. Could have been so much more.
Favorite Headcanon: I like the idea of her eventually meeting and hanging out with the rouge Ghost who Dog and Catcher partnered up with in Tynewear. Feel like they'd have a lot to talk about. Actually scratch what I said above, this is the story idea I'd be most interested in.
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ocprompts · 2 months
Ok, I'm going to tell you about Kellie Calvin, one of my all time favourite OCs.
You see Kellie's backstory is actually rather interesting to me, because it was more than just a fun little thing I decided for her, but a story based on the creation of her as one of my most reoccurring OCs.
Kellie started off as a side character for a fanfic I wanted to make as a narrative foil. She and her brother grew up as criminals, doomed by the narrative to get into a fight about profiting from the suffering of others and go their separate ways. Kellie would continue down her destined path as a backstabbing con-artist, while her brother would forge a new path helping people instead of harming them for his own self-gain. However, this story never made it past the 'maybe one day" faze, and I decided to abandon the idea.
Kellie, however, had other plans. Her story began to take a life of its own, plaguing my mind. She became something more to me than a past burden for her brother to overcome. She was lost, desperate, and wishing for things that were far beyond her reach. So, I let her grow and boy did I not regret that decision.
There, in my mind, is a Kellie Calvin who never grew old enough to have that fight with her brother. Who instead, had her entire world taken from her in a far more literal way. An entire story destroyed before it had a chance to truly begin, and she had been the only one left. A Kellie Calvin who found herself in a world that she couldn't understand, where nobody recognises her and the people she once knew act like complete strangers.
And she closes off from the unfamiliar world around her, sabotages herself before other people can care about her, forces her way into places she doesn't belong because she knows that she doesn't belong anywhere, really. I just love her story, all the hatred and isolation and longing for a life she knows is no longer there. I love that she is given a second chance to keep her family, but it feels more like a poison than a gift because the blood is there but the bond is gone. I want to see her flourish, let herself love and be loved by people she never knew, give her the fresh start that she needs to heal.
Yeah, I just Thoughts about her.
oh i <2 her
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
When I started LMK, like. just last month actually, I was ELATED to see Wukong like that was a fluffy silly monkey!! Like ain't no wayyyy they're just gonna introduce him like "yeah so I met THE monkey king and told me I was his successor and then I never saw him again?" shows who thought of doing that always changed their mind, so hooray! reoccuring character! I know nobody sees Wukong as a dad but I think of JTTW where he's the communal grandfather of all monkeys and like. I like me a Monkey King whose a KING and not a Monkey Jester looking out for his family of monkies on the mountain. im soft. he's like alone in his species. give him a monkey family. give me a good leader. he loves them SO MUCH. anyways. he's so squishy too like when MK was all "whaaat? but you're so cute and cheeky!" and Wukong was all "I KNOW" im crying, also when he was gushing over the bunnies on the moon. the line about "dorky mortals" what a goofball. but ooh the GOOD STUFF like when his voice goes all deep and growly when he's actually serious and angry like YES WRECK SOME STUFF UP. protective Swk is so good, and when he crashed onto the ship whumped out to hell and back OOH that was good too, so yum yum, and reminded me a ton of my old fav bc the whole "lying/pretending to be chill and relax kind of guy when you're actually doing Secret Important Business" is 100% his thing, but this time it actually gets revealed to the others lol. but yeah that aspect of Wukong is so fun because I can write so many tactical schemes with him. I love how they dragged him out of retirement to still be cool and active. "You should have stayed buried." had me on the edge of my seat as one of the first Things Are About To Get Real moments. Its also neat how sometimes his dialogue shows slivers of his Great Sage Wisdom Style of Speaking coming out. I went to rewatch that ep and also forgot how much of a stupid cartoon villain Macky was there lmao, I was hoping they wouldn't send him blasting off like team rocket every episode, at least that's started to change as of S4 XD I wonder if the theories about the journey failing hold any merit, stuff like "Wukong is not the loner he pretends to be" and all the other itty bitty behavioral clues are so fun to dig into.
HE IS SUCH A GOOFBALL 😍😍😍 i love this monkey man so much like you don’t even know 🤧
up until s2 i had been waiting to see swk really fuck shit up bc he is one of the most op characters ever written and he’s such a fun guy in general, so to see him go from teasing DBK to THREATENING LBD WAS SO GOOD!!!!
i am also a firm grandpa swk believer because yeah i’m not a big fan on labeling swk as a father figure (especially to MK) but if i had to place a familial label then i dub thee Grandpappy™️ Monkey King. he’s lived long enough to earn this title (also i think swk even calls himself grandpa to his subjects in jttw but i may have heard that wrong) but i also wouldn’t say no to Distant Uncle™️
but yeah, swk <3 he’s my little guy 🥰 my special murder boy 🥰 my precious “consumed by past regrets that span over centuries” guy 🥰 my “i have lived for a long, long time” immortal
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Skybound 1-2
Im gonna be completely honest, out of all the seasons, I remember skybound the most
Maybe because it was the first time the series took Jay away from the comedic role and gave him development
I need everyone to stop calling Nya ‘sweetheart’ or im going to explode them with my mind
I was so caught up on pirates, genies, and Jay being an idiot that i forgot that was a huge factor
I remember I really hated dareth this season
Dareth: Your a boy band! A hunk machine! You dont need a girl in the group!
All the ninja: 😐😑😐
They really called him out on his bullshit
Cole wants nothing to do with the love triangle 😭
God I remember hating this famous ninja thing
Theres was so much second hand embarrassment I had to endure, and now I have to do it all over again
So much unneeded drama
Like yeah, i want the ninja to have recognition, but I dont want them to become popstars 💀
just for them to be appreciated for doing their JOBS
Cole got so giddy learning he can disappear :)
Jay and Zane have weekly chess game nights its canon because I said so
I love happy Cole, yes, your a ghost but your living your best life, LIKE YOU SHOULD.
Cole: remember back in the tomb of the first spinjitzu master? When we all saw the reflections of out future selves?
Cole: When I couldnt see anything, it wasnt because I was a goner! It was because I could disappear!!! (Strikes a pose and disappears) :D
Jay: ohhhh then why dont you make like a ghost and VANISH. 🙄
Be nicer to him Jay 😭
Zane: you still havent told him about the reflection of you and nya, have you?
Jay: And ruin our friendship? No thanks.
I can promise you, Cole couldnt give two shits about having a romantic relationship with Nya. Nonetheless FIGHT you over it
Jay: Either way, she made up her mind. Its just, seeing us together, its all I can think about.
Honestly, Nyas anger directed towards Jay is completely valid. If I was perceived by the media as merely an object or prize to be won I’d be fuming.
Its so funny that Kai is all about this ‘fame’ thing. Being the poster board face for lego ninjago at the beginning and having the most merchandise
I love reoccurring characters even if Clouse is a little bitch
Misako: They’re growing up…
Wu: Yes, but I like to think ninjago would fall apart without us.
its nice to feel wanted
Nya: Are you sending out a CHIRP?!?!?
Kai: UH, my followers have wants too!!!!
Purple ninja my beloved
I love little kids helping the ninja its my favorite thing
Nya: how long did it take you to make that gi?
Purple ninja: when youve broken both your legs, you have a lot of time on your hands 😊 (slams into an exit door)
Wait wait wait wait
Jay: We’re a team! We stick together!
Nya: thanks. But i can stick up for myself.
Cole: He was just trying to be nice 😒
Jay: Dont worry! Its just our ‘first fight’ :)
Nyas allowed to be stingy but dont take it out on Jay 😭
Coles literally telling Nya to take Jays hand hes had enough of this bullshit 💀
Doesn’t clouse get screwed over by this genie?
Ah, excuse me. Djinn.
I forgot how Cole turns human again but if its anything like Clouses traumatically painful cries of agony then maybe he should stay a ghost…
Kais figurines are actually really cute.
Zane and Lloyd: No traces of clouse…
Yeah bc hes fucking dead
Its common knowledge now that ninjago is one of the 16 realms??? Like citizens know??? That would drive me absolutely insane.
Nadakhan: Delara died?!?
Cyrus borg as the infobot: died, expired, rot, tint, kicked the bucket-
Cyrus borg: I cant tell you where the realm crystal is! But i can tell you who has it! And where THEY are!
Me: 😐😑😐
Man in stiix: No one here cares for them fruit-colored ninja.
Cole: Um! 🤨 excuse me 😠 what fruit is black 🙄
Jay: blackberries?
Cole: shut it jay.
But wtf does nadakhan have to do with this? Can he do illusions or some shit?
I feel like my soul was ripped out at how sad they looked
Nya comforting Jay after he sees his disappointed parents 🥹
Chief: the ninja are at large, they are armed and dangerous. And—and. (Squinting at his script) they have, legs?
Chief: Call law enforcement so we can apprehend them.
Zane, dialing law enforcement: Hello? Law enforcement?
Lloyd: Zanewhatareyoudoing-
Zane: I am programmed to obey the law 🤨 I need to tell them our location.
Stiix citizens: arent you all those ninjas?
Jay: HAHA! Nope! We’re that other group that has a nindroid, a ghost, and a girl…
Kai: six against six, at least its an even number.
Lloyd: were not gonna fight citizens KAI.
Kai: … dammit…
Jay: how are we supposed to fight back??!?!? Witty banter!?!?!?!
Zane: Statistically your witty banter usually gets us into more trouble 😄
Love how Coles hoodie makes him look more ghostly
Awwwwww nya allowed jay to help her
Theyre growing :)
People of stiix calling them the fruit-colored ninja is the greatest thing
If Lego had the balls they’d call them the fruity ninja
This is actually so interesting, i remember the ninja being framed for crimes but I forgot it was this season. And right after they were famous and beloved nonetheless.
Wait is Wu inside Djinns bottle??? Like Clouse???
Misakos so smart she already knows who nadakhan is 😌
Okay but WHY dont they believe misako and the ninja
Like is it THAT hard to believe that a past enemy the ninja defeated can create illusions, and might want revenge????
Do the police legitimately believe, the ninja, known for being stealthy and cunning, are just gonna GIVE their status on social media?????
I guess a clues a clue right
Man they dont give Nya ANY credit. That was obviously her bracelet on the rat too. It was HER plan. Not Kais 😒
Jay. Ik your not this stupid. Nya just said a djinn is bad news. Trust your future girlfriend on this one buddy.
Jay: I know from my reflection that we end up together! Maybe a wish is how!
I mean… hes not wrong.
Lloyd: then we’ll find Djinn in pairs so he cant pick us off.
Jay: (immediately goes to Nyas side with a huge smile)
Cole (popping out of nowhere): Yeah yeah! And Jay and I can look for clues at the scene of the crime where he framed us!
Cole: What do you say buddy, just like old times?
Jay: haha sweeeeeet. Who doesnt like old times 🙃
Kai and Nya: sibling team
Jay and Cole: Bruise team
Lloyd and Zane: actually-get-shit-done team
I refuse to believe ronins smart enough to hack into Zanes system.
This must be so scary for Lloyd to just watch his friend go braindead
Dont-mention-Nya-every-time-your-on-screen challenge. Try it out Ronin.
He sucks so much.
Hes a cool villain though.
Ronins really catching them all like pokemon huh
Jay: its the amusement park! So many fond memories. Thats where I unlocked my true potential! Oh oh! And theres where Nya and I had out first date. I bet we’ll laugh about this in the future :)
Cole: ?
Jay: I meaaaaaan, why would she laugh about that! She hates me. 😀
Your giving yourself away Jay
Cole: The djinn can shape-shift! He could be anybody!
Jay: 😨
Jay: (sticks his hand through ghost Cole)
Cole: seriously?
Jay: just needed to make sure 😊
Cole after hearing his friends are all captured:
Tumblr media
Jay, at ronin: HA! You think u can electrically tie the master of lightning!
Ronin, pointing a cannon gun: Yeah but are you the master of kabloowey 🤨
Cole: You cant see me!!! Im a ghost! Am i here? Or over here!?!? HAHAHA
Ronin: I have thermal vision Cole. 😐
Cole: you do…? (Gets captured)
Ronin really DID catch them all…
The chief: Ninjago is safe once again!
I hope the chief gets fired.
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