#its a mix of a bad cold and mild flu
gaysagainststeve · 2 years
Its really nice of steve to be playing with baycon bc he knows im stuck at home with covid 🥰
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omkarahillss · 3 years
Guide to Herbal Remedies & Magic with Practical Recipes
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Cinnamon is a warming tonic & great source of magnesium, fibre, iron & calcium. It is a powerful antiseptic, with antiviral & antifungal properties & is often indicated in cases of viral infections, fungal infections & colds & flu. It is a mild emmenagogue, making it useful in cases of sluggish & painful menstruation. Cinnamon can be used as an appetite enhancer. It can also lower cholesterol & thin blood clots and best immunity booster products in Jaipur. It chases chills, prevents colds & warms the hands & feet of those who feel cold all the time. Cinnamon is used to enhance digestion, prevent nausea, treat coughs & generally for health problems of the respiratory & the circulatory system.
A cup of cinnamon tea, made by steeping a cinnamon stick or a scant teaspoonful of powdered cinnamon in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes, is a good way to prevent the flu. Cinnamon tea also eases menstrual cramps, soothes sore joints, relieves gas pain & allays that feeling of fullness after a big meal. A sip or two of cinnamon tea before meals improves digestion & prevents acid reflux. Those who drink cinnamon tea regularly will have less cavities, stronger gums & fewer insect bites. Cinnamon tea is a gentle but effective remedy for both childhood diarrhea & infestations of worms. In India, cinnamon tea is regarded as a remedy against halitosis, nausea & vomiting. It is a strong stimulant for the glandular system & is very warming, so it is good for relieving the symptoms of colds, flu & sore throats. Cinnamon can be taken internally for fibroids, flatulence, intestinal cramping, inflammation, rheumatism, oral infections caused by candida. The bark of the stem & the oil obtained from it are useful as antiseptics, astringents & carminatives; the oil obtained from the leaves is used as a flavoring agent & for local application on certain rheumatic pains. Essential oil of Cinnamon has anti-coagulating, anti-microbial & antioxidant properties. Cinnamon may significantly help people with type 2 diabetes improve their ability to respond to insulin, thus normalizing their blood sugar levels. The essential oil of cinnamon is a good substitute for clove oil in treating toothache. It is particularly effective in killing the organisms that cause periodontal disease. Inhaling the warm, spicy & sweet scent of this spice can boost brain activity & memory. In China, Japan & Far-East countries, women who do not conceive & wish to strengthen the uterus take cinnamon powder. In such cases, you should take a pinch of cinnamon powder in 1/2 tsp of honey & apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day so that it slowly mixes with the saliva & enters the body.
Polycystic ovary syndrome can also be cured by using cinnamon daily, which will help jump start a woman’s period/cycle & promote fertility.
Because of its warming & stimulating properties, cinnamon is used to boost vitality, improve circulation & clear congestion. It is a well-respected digestive aid, particularly for cases of overeating, bloating & sluggish digestion & one of the best herbs around for stabilizing blood sugar levels.
Honey & cinnamon is used as a cancer treatment which kills microbes inside the cancer cells.
To be safe, caution is advised for anyone with liver problems. Due to its blood-thinning effects, people should stop taking cinnamon in quantities greater than use as a spice at least one week prior to surgery. Close monitoring of blood sugar levels in diabetics is warranted to avoid unsafe lowering of blood sugar. People with prostate problems should avoid cinnamon. Large doses of cinnamon bark can cause changes in breathing & dilation of blood vessels. Once pregnant, you should not take cinnamon because it stimulates premature labor & uterine contractions. Very large amounts of powdered cinnamon can cause poisoning. Symptoms begin with central nervous system sedation, characterized by sleepiness & depression. This is followed by tachycardia & stimulation of the vasomotor center, which causes increases in intestinal peristalsis, respiration & diuresis.
The flavor of cinnamon complements cooked apples, fresh fruit, fruit punches or mulled wine & is also very tasty in spice cakes & cookies.
Simmer Cinnamon sticks with milk & honey for a warming beverage.
Mix 1–3 tsp of ground Cinnamon powder in 1 cup of hot water. Let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain & drink to cure diarrhea.
For Cough:
Make a tea with ½ tsp ginger, ¼ tsp cinnamon & 1 clove per 1 cup of water. Sweeten with 1 tsp honey & drink.
Expectorant Cough Syrup:
120 ml water 120 ml honey 1–2 tsp dried mullein leaves 1–2 tsp dried white horehound herb 1–2 tsp dried rosemary leaves 1–2 tsp powdered or chopped cinnamon bark 1–2 tsp dried chopped ginger 1 pinch of cayenne Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan. Bring to the boil, then lower the heat. Simmer, uncovered, until the mixture has reduced by about one-half. Remove from the heat & strain. Cool to room temperature. Take 1 tsp as often as every 2 hours. Store in the refrigerator.
Cinnamon & Scallion Tea for Cold & Flu:
Finely chop one scallion. Put it into a teacup & add 2 slices of raw ginger & dash of powdered cinnamon. Fill the cup with hot water, let the herbs steep & drink the tea. Cinnamon & ginger induce sweating, while scallion clears sinuses.
Cinnamon for diabetes 2:
Take at least 1/2 teaspoon a day, which is critical to “soften” the cell membranes. Cinnamon mimics insulin, thus it may lower your need for insulin immediately.
Cinnamon-Ginger Tea for Menstrual Difficulties:
1 tsp chopped cinnamon bark 1 tsp chopped dried ginger or freshly grated ginger root Pour 1 cup boiling water over the herbs. Cover & let steep for ca 30 minutes. Strain & sweeten with honey. Sip slowly. Prepare & drink as often as needed, until cramps subside. Both cinnamon & ginger are reliable aids for relieving stomach & menstrual cramps. A warm poultice or hot-water bottle placed over the pelvic area can also be helpful.
Herbal Decoction for Uterine Tumors:
1 part turmeric 1 1/2 parts licorice root 4 parts cinnamon bark 5 parts peach seed Simmer slowly 30 g of dried herbs in 700 ml of water for 30–60 minutes in a covered pot. Strain & drink 1/2 cup 2 -4 times a day, between meals. Take 6 days a week. Tumors of the uterus, including uterine fibroids & cancers, very often involve blood stagnation. Ovarian cysts can also be placed in this category. Turmeric in diet helps dissolve these growths. Since the uterus & ovaries are not well-circulated area & growths there resist treatment, this decoction is invaluable for speeding the re-absorption of tumors, cancers & similar growths in the lower abdominal region.
Cinnamon Honey:
½ cup honey 1–2 tbsp cinnamon powder Gently warm the honey & then stir in the cinnamon. Stir a teaspoon of the honey into warm water or herb tea.
Cinnamon Tincture for Stabilizing Blood Sugar:
100 ml chopped cinnamon bark 80-proof alcohol (brandy, vodka) Place the cinnamon in a glass jar. Cover with alcohol. Let steep for 4- 6 weeks, shaking daily. Strain through a fine-mesh, stainless-steel strainer lined with cheesecloth. Discard the cinnamon, then bottle the liquid. Take ½ tsp 2x a day for 5 days. Continue in this manner for several weeks, or until blood sugar levels normalize.
A Soup for Joint Pain:
Cook until done 1 cup pearl barley with 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 pinch saffron & 1 piece Dong Quai (tang kuei) Add a pinch of following herbs as needed. For water retention: 10 juniper berries For weakness & chills: fenugreek or ginger
Warming Happiness Tea:
handful of lime flowers 1 orange,wash & slice sprinkle of cinnamon or bit of cinnamon bark Place the herbs & orange & cinnamon into the heat proof jug. Pour over ~1 l boiling water, let infuse, covered 5–10 min. Drink while warm with honey.
For Bad Breath boil 1 tsp cinnamon in 1 cup of water. Cool. Use frequently as a mouthwash.
Warming Cinnamon Bath Salts:
3 tbsp cinnamon powder 1 tbsp ginger root powder 1 cup sea salt Stir the powdered herbs into the salt. Store in a sealed glass container. Add ¼ cup of the bath salts to a bathtub filled with warm water. Stir well.
For acne, blackheads & pimples mix finely ground cinnamon powder in 1 tsp lime juice & apply on affected areas frequently.
To improve the complexion add a pinch of cinnamon powder to ¼ tsp honey & apply on the face. Let it dry then wash it with water.
Cinnamon is used in magic for deep spirituality & healing, protection, scrying & power. Its can retain energy.
Cinnamon can be burned for protection & to attract money, stimulate or strengthen the psychic powers & aid in healing. Cinnamon when burned as an incense, raises high spiritual vibrations, aids in healing, draws money, stimulates psychic powers & produces protective vibrations.Cinnamon incense is one of the most common & probably the most used form of cinnamon for protection. Burning the incense works in a similar way as using it as a charm except you are converting it by burning it. To unleash its power, you can also put a pinch in your food, tea or hot cocoa. Laying cinnamon sticks along window sills will protect from the unwanted energy. You can put cinnamon sticks or fresh powdered cinnamon in your purse or a pouch to carry with you, it works in the same way & act as a protection charm.
Cinnamon has a high vibration & can be used to increase our own vibration. It can be used in this way to reach our higher selves, a higher state of spirituality. While the cinnamon spice is related to the fire element, the tree itself is ruled by the moon. The moon with her loving Lunar energy stimulates our higher selves & thinking. Cinnamon, being ruled by fire & the moon elements can provide protection as well as assist us in increasing our psychic or clairvoyant energies.
Cinnamon is great for drawing love & money & it also adds speed/force to your workings. Cinnamon can be good for bringing quick cash. Put a pinch in your wallet or your spare change jar or attach a dollar bill to it & watch your money grow.. Shop-keepers can sprinkle cinnamon chips & sugar on their door-step to encourage good trade. Cinnamon can bring luck in games & gambling.
Fill a green or gold sachet with Cinnamon to draw money & success or to use as a healing charm. A purple sachet can be used to increase your magickal &/or psychic powers. A pink or red sachet of Cinnamon can be worn, carried with you, or placed under your bed to draw love or to promote lust. Use a white sachet filled with Cinnamon to increase your spirituality & to confer protection.
Cinnamon is a very powerful herb for prosperity. You can also take this bath for five consecutive days & pray for financial improvement. Do not be specific about the amount of money or from where it should come from. Let the universe do what it wills & bring you the solution.
Prosperity Bath:
1 cup of cinnamon powder 2 cups of parsley (dried or fresh) This bath uses cinnamon to attract prosperity & money into your life. Take this bath during the waxing phase of the moon for maximum effect.
Protection Amulet:
Tie 9 cinnamon sticks together & hang them above your doors to protect your home from unwanted people & energy. As always, intention is key here. With every step you take in tying the cinnamon to placing it decoratively or not above your doors imagine what it is you want. We communicate with our energy & not so much with our verbal or mental intellect. This must come from a deep desire in your heart to will this into being. Remember that the cinnamon is a constant reminder of this desire for protection, for wealth, for strength or whatever it is that you desire the cinnamon to help you with.
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elwingflight · 4 years
Coronavirus: Information & Guidelines
What you can do now, and what to prepare for
There seems to be a lack of what-to-do suggestions on tumblr beyond handwashing, so I thought I’d put something together. I’ve never actually encouraged people to reblog something of mine before, but this might be the time. To be clear: I am not personally a public health expert of any kind. Both my parents are (epidemiology/global health degrees, worked for CDC) and I’ve run this by them. My information is coming from disease researchers on twitter and official public health guidelines online. Sources at the end of the post. This is mostly directed at people in countries where COVID-19 has been reported (I’m in the U.S.), but is not *yet* widespread in the community. Written Mar. 1st 2020, last updated 3/9 (shorter, helpful twitter thread here, helpful NPR article here)
General Info
Firstly, a lot of politicians are *still* trying to sugarcoat things, but it should be clear by now that the new coronavirus is spreading widely and will continue to do so. Because of the incubation period, and in the U.S. at least the delay in testing, the number of cases is almost certainly going to increase rapidly in the near future no matter what we do now. Official government sources are helpful, but its also good to look at what experts on viral epidemics who aren’t directly government-affiliated are saying. Their agenda is purely informing the public in the most constructive way possible, without politics getting in the way.
Two key points- COVID-19 can have a long incubation period (the time from when you catch the virus to when you start showing symptoms) and most people don’t get severe symptoms. Some are entirely asymptomatic, but most people get typical flu-like symptoms. Specifically, the early symptoms to watch out for are a fever and dry cough (meaning, a stuffy nose is probably just a regular cold). Its possible but unlikely to transmit the virus while asymptomatic, most transmission happens when you have heavier symptoms.
The most vulnerable people are the elderly (~ over 60) and those with preexisting health conditions (i.e. cardiovascular disease, respiratory condition, diabetes), or a simultaneous infection with something else (NOT kids in particular!) So far the mortality rate has been about 1-2% (compared to 0.1% for the general winter flu - yes, this really is worse). However, that might be an overestimate, both because people with mild cases aren’t getting tested (the denominator should be bigger), and because the early situation in Wuhan, where a lot of our numbers come from, was especially bad in regards to availability of healthcare.
This is an emotional, difficult situation. Don’t panic. The world didn’t end in 1918, and its not going to end now. But it is very serious, and we need to be thinking about it rationally, not pretending everything is just going to be okay, or uselessly pointing blame. Take care of your mental health, and check in with each other. Epidemics test our generosity and selflessness. Those qualities are needed right now, but don’t neglect yourself either.
What You Can Do Now
There is stuff everyone can do both to prevent yourself from getting infected, and to prepare if you do. ***The big picture to keep in mind is that the biggest risk of epidemics is that they overwhelm our system, especially our healthcare system. What I mean by this is that our society is built to deal with a certain volume of things happening at once- people buying groceries, getting sick, etc. If we suddenly all rush to do something, we overburden these systems and they won’t be there for the people who need them most. Therefore our goal is to slow down the spread of disease, buying time and lowering the overall burden on these systems. This is called “flattening the curve”. It looks like this, and I cannot stress how important this is.***
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A very helpful thread on preparedness
Staying Healthy
Like similar viruses (think colds and flu), COVID-19 is mostly transmitted from person to person, usually by close contact but sometimes from an infected surface. More here.
Wash your hands. Everyone has heard this one- 20 seconds, soap all over your hands, wash the soap off. If you can’t wash your hands use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol). But handwashing is absolutely better. Also- cough into your elbow/shoulder, not your hand, and avoid shaking hands- try elbow bumps or maybe a polite nod instead! If you’re handwashing so much that you’re hands are threatening to crack and bleed though, consider washing more strategically or using hand sanitizer instead.
In combination with hand-washing- stop touching your face, especially while out! This takes practice, everyone does it all the time without thinking. A good practice is to avoid touching your face while out, then wash your hands thoroughly as soon as you get home.
Similarly, avoid touching surfaces as much as possible! Particularly bad are door handles, elevator buttons, that kind of thing. The virus can probably (based on studies of related viruses) last a while on these. Regular gloves can help a bit. Use a tissue then throw it away, use your elbow, etc.
Do Not buy face masks! There’s mixed evidence on whether they’re at all helpful when used by the general public to prevent catching a virus, but actual medical professionals who need them are facing shortages (that’s probably part of why so many healthcare workers got sick in Wuhan), so our buying them up is really bad. The only times you should be wearing them is if you yourself are sick (they do help then!) or if you’re looking after a sick person. Seek instruction in that case in how to use them properly. (Thread on why buying those fancy masks is not good).
If COVID-19 is in your community, try to stay 6 feet from people, which basically means going places as little as possible. See below.
Planning Ahead
Its also a good idea to prepare in case you need to self-quarantine. Self-quarantine is necessary if you’ve potentially been exposed to COVID-19, or if you’re sick but not enough to need to go to the hospital. Follow local guidelines- if there’s lots of transmission in your area, nonessential workers will probably be advised to stay home as much as possible.
If you’re able, get medication now. Don’t go crazy and buy out the drug store, just a reasonable amount. Try to get at least a month’s worth of any prescription medications. This can be hard at least in the U.S. - your doctor may well be able to prescribe more, but insurance companies and drug stores can be terrible. I’ve found trying a different drugstore can sometimes help. Try your best. They may also be reluctant to prescribe more to avoid causing shortages. Idk what the right answer is here.
Don’t go crazy and buy out the store, but start getting a little extra shelf-stable or frozen food. Even some root vegetables that will last a few weeks. You want enough for 2 weeks in case of self-quarantine, but you do NOT want to empty out stores. Panic buying is definitely a stress on the system. Just add a few extra things each time you shop. Don’t forget about pets. You can always eat the food and replenish it over time.
Make a plan with your family/community. If someone gets sick or needs to self-quarantine, is there a corner of the house they can stay in? Who can take care of them? etc. I haven’t focused on plans for schools/religious communities/workplaces etc but those are very important too! This is one place where keeping an eye on local and national news is important. In the U.S., for example, school systems are planning ways to make food available to kids if they’re not going to school.
If COVID-19 is starting to spread in your community, think about how else you can be a good community member. Cancelling nonessential doctor’s appointments, surgeries etc may be very important, for example. If schools are closed, can you help out neighbors with childcare? Do you have a cleaner who may need to be payed in advance if there’s a quarantine?
If You Might Be Sick/Need to Quarantine
See likely symptoms above. Remember, normal colds still exist, and if you go to the doctor for every one of those you will overwhelm the system.
Don’t just go to a hospital! Call ahead to your doctor/clinic/hospital and get instructions on what to do. Getting healthcare workers sick is something we really want to avoid. That said, DO get tested as soon as possible, and act as if you are contagious. The health coverage situation is the U.S. is not yet clear (and ofc its not something the current admin is eager to clarify). Hopefully testing will be covered financially by the government, but I can’t promise that at this time.
In the meantime, stay home and quarantined if you show any symptoms of illness if you possibly, possibly can. This is especially difficult in the U.S. if you don’t have sick leave/childcare, but please. Do your utmost.
Look after yourself. Skype/google hangouts/etc is great for keeping connected. Have some chocolate/chicken broth/other sick foods ready.
The Big Picture
Coronavirus/COVID-19 has not been declared a pandemic yet, but it probably will be before long. This is almost certainly going to get worse before it gets better. We don’t yet know if warmer weather will slow its spread, and a vaccine will probably take about 1-1.5 years to be developed and tested. As I mentioned before, the best thing we can do to keep the world working, minimize mortality, etc is to slow the spread as much as we can, and minimize the strain on the system. Hospitals are going to be overwhelmed. There aren’t infinite unoccupied beds or ventilators, or people to operate them, and supply chains could get disrupted. Thinking about these things is scary, and it will take time to adjust to what’s happening. Start that process now, and help everyone you know reach the point where they’re able to act, not panic. Another reassuring thing- if we slow the spread of COVID-19, in addition to fewer total people getting sick, you will soon have people who are recovered and almost certainly immune. These people will be invaluable as helpers in their communities.
Now that the practical stuff is out of the way, I want to say from a U.S. perspective that yes, our lack of social welfare other countries take for granted is going to hurt us. Lack of access to childcare, no guaranteed paid sick leave, and of course expensive healthcare are massive problems that will make it much harder to limit disease transmission. Help each other in any way you can, and vote for candidates that support implementing these policies! And of course, watch out for propaganda of all kinds, whether its using the virus as an excuse for racism, calls to delay elections, etc. So far my biggest concern is a lack of willingness to admit how serious this is, but we can do this. Lets put extra pressure on politicians to be honest and change policies to actually help people. But, yes, lets also stay united. We need each other now (just, you know, 6 feet apart).
A few sources
In general, the Guardian is a great, free, reliable source of news. In the U.S., NPR (website as well as radio) is another great source. The Washington Post and Seattle Times have made their coronavirus-related coverage open access, not sure about other national newspapers.
twitter thread from World Health Organization (WHO)
U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 homepage (not being updated in some ways it should be, like total # of tests)
A reality check from some non-Governmental experts (basically, what governments don’t want to say yet, which is that this virus is going to spread, and the goal now is to infect as few people as possible, as slowly as possible. Read this.)
Why you should act now, not when things get bad in your area (we’re always operating on outdated information)
If you want the latest technical info, The Lancet (major medical journal group) has all of their content compiled here, open access.
I can do my best to answer questions (i.e. ask my dad) but those or other reliable, readily find-able sources should have you pretty well covered. Do let me know if anything on here is wrong or needs to be updated! Stay safe, stay positive, we can do this.
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kirishwima · 4 years
Heeeeey you miss me? 🥰 I’m in a funk currently and need some cute headcanons for the RFA and Seran. (Situation: MC worked themselves to near death, so now they’re taking a few weeks to recover from over working. How would the RFA [individually] respond??) Dont feel pressured to, do it if your able. Thanks love! ~Corvus
awe hey fluff!! I’m replying this a little late, but hope it’ll still cheer you up a little!! Hang in there ^^
* He’d noticed MC has been more tired than usual, how they’d come home from work a sluggish mess, refusing to even drink or eat anything-merely dropping onto the couch and falling asleep within minutes.
* Yoosung was so worried, but he didn’t know what to do-of course he took care of MC whilst they were home, cooking them dinner and sitting with them to keep them awake until they ate at least a little bit, carrying them to bed when they fell asleep on the couch...he tried telling them to take a break from their work for a few days, but MC wouldn’t hear it, insisting they had to keep going as much as they could.
* Well, the day they’d crash came sooner than they’d think-one moment they were fine, working like usual, the next they were passed out cold on the floor, their co-workers rushing around them and frantically calling an ambulance.
* Luckily MC had assigned Yoosung as their emergency contact so he immediatly got a call from the hospital about MC’s condition-even though he was in class, at that moment he shot out of the lecture room, running to the hospital until his knees gave out. 
* The doctors explained the situation to him-a mix of burnout syndrome with dehydration, which led to a perfect combo of MC’s blood pressure dropping low enough to make them dizzy and pass out. 
* They explained to him that MC would need to take at least a couple of weeks off of work to recover, that they should rest as much as possible and try to relax-think about their work as little as possible, do some more enjoyable activities when they have the strength to.
* Yoosung took every word of the doctors to heart-once he took MC back home, he called his university to say he’d be unable to attend classes for a few days, and spent his time looking after MC-from making sure they’re drinking water every hour, to eating three full meals a day and relaxing in bed-the moment they tried to get up to do some chores he’d pick them up and carry them back to bed with a disapproving frown-MC giggled, but didn’t tell him how much like a mom he felt at that instant. 
* They were just grateful to have a boyfriend that cared so much about them.
* Being a fellow work-a-holic, he’s been through burnout syndrome more than a couple times-so when he saw MC’s fatigue, how they’d barely have the energy to talk when they came back home, he knew instantly what’s up.
* He begged MC to take some time off, but they simply shook their head with a tired smile, telling him it’d be fine, that they would be good as new after a goodnight’s rest.
* Well, MC couldn’t be more wrong. See, when you’re stressed to the bone, your body reacts, of course it does. And one of the ways it reacts is to lower its immune system, making you all the more prone to colds and flus.
* By morning, when Zen shifted in bed to caress MC’s cheek and gently wake them up, he found their skin burning, a clammy sheen of sweat on their forehead. 
* Scared, he shook them awake, jumping out of bed to look around for a thermometer. MC was drowsy and woke up with a hacking dry cough, one they had for a few days now but kept trying to surpress when around Zen.
* Sure enough, MC was burning up. Without a second thought, Zen picked MC up like a ragged doll, helped them get changed and dressed into something warm, and dashed them to the emergency room, catching the eye of every doctor and nurse in there.
* It took little time for a doctor to examine MC-the problem was clear, they had a bad cold, but it was more than that, the doctor informed Zen. They seemed way more fatigued than the average cold should turn them into, and their blood results were a mess-everything was in the lows, along with more medical jargon Zen didn’t really understand-he just wanted to know what’s wrong with his MC, asap.
* “To put it simply”, the doctor continued, MC’s lab results in their hands, “given the hours they told us they’ve been working, it’s most likely they’ve been suffering from burnout syndrome, which eventually led to them getting this seasonal flu. They’ll be fine, we’ll prescribe some mild medications for the cough and fever, and with enough rest they should make a speedy recovery.”
* Zen was the gentlest he could be whilst watching over MC until their cold passed-he was the one to call their workspace and tell everyone about their condition, and then called his own workspace-MC begged him to go to work as usual, they’d hate to be the cause of him missing a role-but Zen shooed their worries away with a quick kiss.
* “Your well-being is more important than any role could ever be baby” he promised them, and it was true-nothing mattered to him more than MC. And he’d make sure to prove that to them in the upcoming days.
* Honestly, Jaehee’s no fool-of course she’s worked herself to the point of passing out before, and she’d be damned if she let the same thing happen to her MC.
* The moment MC came home a tired sleepy mess two days in a row, Jaehee knew they’d be on the downhill of fatigue and burnout within a matter of days. She explained all that to MC, who was slouched on the couch with their eyes half-shut, but MC tried to brush it away as nonsense.
* Well, Jaehee wouldn’t have it. She apologised to MC, but leaned over MC on the couch, snaking her hands around their waist...
* ...and snatched MC’s phone from their back pocket. She sent a short yet polite message to MC’s workspace about their condition and how they’d be unable to go to work for a few days, even though MC groaned and grumbled about it for hours, but soon enough their boss replied, saying it’s fine as they gave a heads-up notice, and that someone else would be replacing them for a few days.
* Jahee still had to go to work as usual, but before she left in the morning, she made sure there’s a hearty breakfast ready for MC along with grinded coffee beans, and told Jumin about the situation so she could leave work earlier than usual to go back to MC-say what you will about Jumin, but he also cared about his friends’ well-being, and of course allowed Jaehee to leave, even telling her if she can work from home she’s more than welcome to not come into the office the next day.
* Jaehe took Jumin’s offer, and the next morning when MC woke up, they woke up to the pleasant scent of coffee and waffles, and as they staggered into the kitchen they saw the loveliest of sights-Jaehee, an apron tied around her waist, the sun beaming through as she cooked and hummed a happy tune, her lips pursed into a small smile.
* MC couldn’t help it-they were so in love with this woman, they just had to dash up to her and wrap their arms around her waist, kiss the heck out of her as a thank you for everything; and Jaehee’s little shy giggle only made their heart flutter further.
* He wasn’t home for a couple of days as he was also busy with work, so he wasn’t there to see MC’s condition deteriorate-how their work hours lengthened, how they came home dead to the world each night.
* Of course he talked with them via texts daily, and they seemed as cheerful as usual in their messages-he’d love nothing more than to call MC and hear their voice, but as they were busy and he had a day packed with meetings, he never got the chance to.
* One day his phone rang from an odd number-it was Yoosung, and before picking up, he noticed the flutter of notifications from the RFA messenger on his phone, wondering what this’d be about.
* Yoosung was frantic on the phone-he told Jumin how they’d been looking for MC all day and they wouldn’t reply to anyone’s texts, and that when they decided to check MC’s workspace, they found out from their co-workers that MC had passed out during their shift and was rushed to the hospital where they were at right now, the whole RFA there with them.
* Jumin dropped everything. In that instant, that was the very first time he felt this breath-shuddering feeling, the one that makes your heart still-fear. 
* He ran out of the conference room and into the car-he didn’t even wait for Driver Kim to come drive him, no, he instead grabbed the car and drove like a madman to the hospital, nearly crashing at every turn, and definitely bumping into another car whilst parking-he didn’t care, not right then, when his MC was in danger, their life on the line-
* Well, okay, their life wasn’t really on the line, but for Jumin, any little thing that could happen to MC was life-or-death to him.
* He ran to their room, and found MC, awake and alert albeit a little tired, the rest of the RFA gathered around them-they had an IV hooked to their arm, but otherwise they seemed okay.
* He collapsed beside them on his knees as he saw their small smile, hiding his face in his hands. 
* “I was so worried..” he whispered to himself, and only looked up when he felt MC shift and run their free hand through his hair; they seemed sad even though they were smiling down at him.
* “I’m sorry I worried you” they said and Jumin shook his head, grabbing their hand in his and kissing their wrist.
* “No, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I promise you, I’ll never leave you alone again. Never.”
* He wasn’t exaggerating-the moment MC was back in the penthouse he took two weeks off, and called MC’s work to tell them they’d be resting for the following month-and well, no one could say anything to one Jumin Han, now could they?
* He spent mornings cooking them both breakfast, something he was surprisingly good at-he’d bring MC fresh tea and breakfast in bed, would spend the day with them and made sure they were resting while he caught up with what work he could on his computer.
* He’d never admit how scared he was, but MC knew-there was no need for words. They took care of him as much as he took care of them, and slowly, they’d both be able to put this behind them-and MC vowed they’d care for themself more, for Jumin’s sake at least.
* He got worried when MC came home from work silent as a mouse for a few days, barely nodding to him in response to his greetings. They seemed so tired, they refused to eat and simply staggered up to their bedroom to fall asleep in their day clothes, much to Seven’s dismay-he hated seeing MC like that, but he had no idea what to do.
* One morning he woke up later than usual, which was normal-MC had to get up earlier for work, but with his scedhule being as flexible as it was, he’d sometimes wake up with them, or sometimes he’d sleep in, after workign late into the night.
* Only this time as he woke, he felt MC still sleeping next to him-but it was a workday. Did they oversleep? Should he wake them?
* Gingerly, he shook MC awake, and his heart got caught in his throat-though they were breathing, as much as he shook them MC wouldn’t rouse. He ended up pinching them to get a reaction, and even then it was barely a small groan, their eyes fluttering half-open.
* “Baby, are you okay?? What’s wrong?!” he asked, cuppign their face between his hands.
* MC seemed deleriously drowsy. “I’m-I can’t move I’m so-tired” they trailed off, their eyes fluttering back shut.
* Seven frowned. He didn’t know what to do, so he decided to consult the internet while he let MC sleep some more-their symptoms seemed to match up with burnout syndrome, something he’d experienced often too, after days of being wide awake and working away on his laptop.
* He decided to let MC sleep in, and messaged their work through MC’s phone to let them know they were sick and would have to stay home for a few days.  
* By late afternoon, MC woke up-they were still drowsy, and more than panicked when they checked the time-but Seven was there to calm them down, running his hand through their hair as he gave them a cup of tea to drink.
* For the next few days he took care of them in every way he knew, how he once took care of his beloved twin-he’d make sure they ate properly, that they drank enough water, and when they seemed a little better, that they took a walk out together for fresh air.
* He’d never show MC how scared he was; but with the way MC held his hand, squeezing tight, he knew they knew. And he knew they’d never let their health get this bad ever again. 
* Honestly, he’d been nagging at MC for days on end to take it easy-they’d been coming home from work so tired, and it broke his heart to see them this way. He tried to talk to them, firm but gentle when he said they should take it easy, but MC merely brushed him off, insisting they’d be fine-they could take care of their health.
* Well, if that’s the way they wanted it, fine-Saeran wouldn’t intervene. He simply kept a watchful eye on them.
* Until one day, as MC staggered back home from work, their gait unsteady-the moment Saeran came to greet them at the door and took in their disshelved state, he knew something was wrong.
* He had little time to react-one moment they were standing there, their hand on the door, the next they were falling to the floor like a raggedy doll, and Saeran barely managed to dash and catch them before their head hit the floor;
* He was panicked, his eyes wide, his heartbeat stammering in his chest-but instinctively, he knew what to do.
* A short while later MC fluttered their eyes open, taking in their surroundings-they were on the couch laying down, yet in their peripheral vision they could see Saeran-he was sitting beside them, holding their legs up from the knees, his face the picture of panic.
* When he saw MC awoke he let their legs fall, leaning over them to cusp their face. “MC? Are you alright? Can you hear me?”
* MC nodded, weak but alert. Saeran sighed, relief flooding him as he leaned his head onto MC’s belly, letting his shuddering breath and tear-filled eyes hide on the fabric of their shirt.
* “I’ll call your work. You’re staying home for the remaining week, wether you want to or not”. He tried to sound convincingly menacing, yet the tremor of his voice betrayed him. MC nodded nontheless-it was the first time they saw Saeran this shaken up, and they didn’t want to make him feel any worse.
* He looked up, letting MC see his reddened eyes. “Don’t do that again please just-you mean so much to me. I can’t MC, please don’t-please look after yourself. Please.”
* MC tried to sit up-Saeran shifted to stop them at first, but when they frowned at him he sighed, helping them sit up on the couch. They brought their hands around his neck, one sliding down to his back as they laid their head on the crook of his neck. “I’m sorry”, they whispered on his skin.
* Saeran shook. “No, no don’t be sorry-Just be healthy. Please, that’s all I ask of you. Don’t leave me.”
* “Never Sae, I’ll never leave you-we’ll stay home together for a few days, gather our strength. How’s that sound?”
* Saeran shifted away from them, eyeing them with a small tired smile. “Yeah. Yeah” he said as he leaned close, kissing their lips between every few words “I’ll take good care of you MC. I’ll nurse you back to full health, I promise.”
* And he did. He’d cook them meals, even though most ended up burnt or undercooked-MC loved them nontheless. He’d bring them flowers from the garden and sit beside them in bed as they talked for hours, would watch over MC when they fell asleep midway through a conversation-his heart stilled until he heart their breathing even out, scared every time they went silent. 
* And thye’d get better. Healthy again, back to the bright MC Saeran loved. And they’d thank him for taking such good care of them, but Saeran would shake his head with a blush, insisting he did nothing-he was just glad MC was okay.
* “I love you”, was the underlying message, but neither of them had to say it-they knew already. They knew.
-send me a mystic messenger headcanon/prompt for characters reactions!-
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glorious-blackout · 4 years
Summary of Junior Doctor Life - Part Ten (now with a pandemic on the horizon):
One of my colleagues (who happens to be gay) has the same jobs as me next year, though he’s considerably less thrilled about the Obs and Gyn placement than I am. After enduring the rest of us coming up with reasons why he might actually enjoy it, he eventually summed up his frustrations with a final, “Look, I just really hate vaginas!” Fair enough 😅
The stereotype that doctors aren’t particularly good at looking after ourselves isn’t entirely unfounded (most of us would love to eat and drink and sleep regularly, but our shifts don’t always allow it). One of my friends proved that point by coming back to work early after being ill, only to collapse during the morning ward round. Thankfully she was working with one of our nicer consultants, who not only made sure she got to lie down in our doctors’ room but also insisted she get a lift home and stay there until she was better. In the meantime, I managed to make our eager medical students useful by sending them off to buy biscuits and sugary drinks for her (though their initially bewildered question of “Which drink?” did leave me mildly concerned that they’d come back with a diet coke).
The same thing happened to me once when I was a medical student. Not gonna lie, it’s rather unnerving to hear an experienced consultant say “Oh wow, that is pretty low” after checking your blood pressure. 
I was on Surgical Receiving again this week, with my first patient being none other than one of my consultants. If I ever require admission to hospital then I will likely avoid my workplace like the plague, however this man is far more eccentric than I am and had zero qualms about his own colleagues removing his gallbladder earlier in the week. A few days later he called the ward because his wound was leaking and nonchalantly stated, “So I’m holding a bit of bowel in my hand, but it’s okay. I come in, you fix it, I go home.” Which is exactly what happened (thankfully his presentation wasn’t quite as dramatic as he’d made out).
During a week in which we were already understaffed, one of my colleagues called in sick at the last minute due to food poisoning. This left only two FY1s responsible for sixty patients, and one of us (thankfully not me) was holding a page designed to accept more patients. Not the best news to receive at 8am when you’re already on Day 6 of a 7-day week.
If the shift had been kind to us then this might have been manageable, but it ended up being a day in which I found out that the lovely man who once gave me a Kit-Kat because “you doctors are always run off your feet” was dying, while in the neighbouring ward a patient faked a cardiac arrest in a bid to get some morphine. Throw a suspected Coronavirus case into the mix and more discharge letters than you can physically complete without sacrificing your breaks and you end up with the kind of shift that leaves you bone-weary by the end of it.
Speaking of Coronavirus, its presence in the UK means that the rumour-mill is officially up and running. Our medical students have already had their exams and summer electives cancelled, while high-dependency nurses are facing the very real possibility of having to care for ICU patients in the coming weeks. Annual leave is likely to be deferred, elective surgeries are facing cancellations (with the exception of urgent cancer cases) while theatre nurses are being trained in Critical Care. Our email inboxes are constantly filled with updates, so regularly that emails we receive at 10am already contradict the information given two hours earlier. In the past three days I’ve been present at several meetings about the approaching pandemic, during which we’re reminded that the next few weeks are likely to be unimaginably busy. For the most part, we just get on with our jobs as usual, but there’s certainly an undercurrent of dread lingering beneath the calm.
Supplies of alcohol gel are running low because the bottles by patients’ bedsides keep mysteriously vanishing (often during visiting hours). This has prompted at least one exasperated nurse to say, “Why can’t they just use soap like normal people, for feck’s sake!” 
My sister works in the neonatal unit and has already caught multiple parents smuggling hospital supplies of nappies and formula milk home ‘just in case’. They don’t tend to take it well when she bluntly tells them that not only are they stealing from the NHS, but also the very sick babies who actually need those supplies.
One of the unnerving things about working in a hospital where preparations are underway for a pandemic is that it feels like the virus is already everywhere. Every clear-cut Infective Exacerbation of COPD or Pneumonia is now labelled ‘Coronavirus until proven otherwise’ and our charge nurse had to be upfront with us about the fact that even she hadn’t been told exactly how many confirmed local cases there are. The hullabaloo makes it seem as though we’re already in the thick of it… and then you check BBC News and it turns out Scotland only has 60 cases in total. Still, I suppose we’ll be grateful for such preparations soon enough.
My mum rather naively asked if Occupational Health would do anything to protect people like me on account of our shit lungs (not quite her wording, but it’s what she was getting at). I don’t have the heart to tell her that the higher-ups would probably rather have a couple of asthmatic employees die than face the staffing crisis that would arise if every single healthcare worker with underlying health conditions stayed at home. My asthma’s mild enough that I’m not particularly worried, though I have finally ordered a repeat prescription of my inhalers. Just in case 😉
As a final point about COVID-19: for most people it will manifest as a bad cold/flu-like illness (if that), and everyone can do their bit by staying at home if they develop a cough/fever and employing proper hand hygiene (soap and warm water are enough - trust me, hospitals and vulnerable people need stuff like alcohol gel and antibacterial wipes far more than you do). Keeping surfaces at home clean and staying well-hydrated can also help (the virus loves dry environments, which apparently includes the mucus membranes in your throat if you’re dehydrated enough). The people who are going to be most affected are the elderly, immunocompromised, and those with underlying medical conditions, and it’s those people who will be most protected if you follow precautions as closely as possible. It’s going to be a hectic and potentially very difficult few months, but the best thing to do is keep our heads and try not to give into the scaremongering which has been prominent since Day One. And because I really can’t say it enough - Wash Your Hands!  
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hangonimevolving · 4 years
Inside Out and Upside Downs
Hi all.  Thought I’d update on various and sundry agenda items going on in my life.  Never a dull moment ‘round here.
Firstly, let’s talk about my innards.  There’s been a whole lot of activity going on with regard to my innards of late.  Thanks to the excitement of my Disney flu adventure and my New Years ICU party, I am now the subject of a great deal of medical speculation and attention, from a variety of parties.  I have a standing weekly blood draw and appointment on Thursdays with my hematologist (fancy word for blood doctor) to monitor my platelet levels, and other misc blood-related information that concerns immunoglobulins and weird, mysterious things like that.  I have had two appointments, as well as a momma-jomma lab workup, with a rheumatologist (fancy word for doctor who specializes in autoimmune issues).  I’ve had an appointment to set up care with a brand-new-to-me primary care physician.  And in the middle of all of this, I decided that since I’m going to be in/around the hospital so frequently, I might as well do a short course of physical therapy for my ankle - I never got around to doing it, so now is the time.  So that’s a recurring weekly appointment on Tuesdays.  I’ve also got random other crap, like a random head MRI happening tomorrow, and I’m sure there will be random tests, scans, and studies that random doctors will order at random times, and I’ll have to fit it into the schedule.  I am being thoroughly examined, inside out.  And with all of these medical opinions, appointments, tests and what not - in the last 24 days, there has been NO concrete diagnosis or evidence about why this whole thing actually happened.  There are several theories, the two most likely of which are a) I have an autoimmune disorder.  Well, we already know I have one autoimmune disorder (a not-so-bad one, called Graves Disease/hyperthyroidism, which I was first diagnosed with in 2006, and which involves your own body perceiving your own thyroid gland as a foreign object, and attacking it with antibodies).  But now there is some evidence that I may have a second one, possibly a more problematic one, that is causing my immune system to overreact to normal viruses and things, and go on self-destructive rampages against my own platelets.  Dumbass immune system.  Now, what IS this second autoimmune disorder?  THAT we don’t know.  Because, the rheumatologist ran that momma-jomma test I was telling you about, and all that showed up is this one value called a positive ANA test which indicated “daaamn, there’s something f%^ed going on in this lady’s immune system!”  It was a very high positive result.  But, the specific tests to identify antibodies for known issues like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. were all negative at this time.  So.  To be continued with that whole theory..... 
Then there is theory #2, which is b) maybe this whole thing really WAS just the flu.  Maybe the strain of virus I got was really bad, and it resulted in such a pronounced war that it just took a toll.  Dunno.
Anyway.  We’ll obviously be following this medical mystery with my innards closely the next few weeks.  Oh, and one more thing: so my platelet levels are sorta trending down.  At hospital discharge, I was at like 313K, then the next week it was like 250K, then 180K, and yesterday, 146K.  They’re going to keep monitoring, and the hope is that the downtrend will plateau at some point (preferably above 30K), and then it will start to climb up when my own bone marrow gets its shit together and starts producing new platelets.  If that doesn’t happen - I’m looking at more IVIG infusion treatments.  So let’s see how it all goes down.
A second area of activity has been my job!  The spring semester at Uuuu! started on January 13, and I am teaching two courses this time around, for the first time since 2016.  I am teaching my studio dance course, per usual, but I also agreed to a late plea for help from my former department to teach a lecture/discussion course that I’ve taught jillions of times before, but haven’t done in about four years.  It feels good to be back in classroom teaching mode.  The course meets three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  So I’m quite busy, leaving the house around 8 am to drop the kids off at school, then getting back behind the wheel and making the hour-long drive to campus, arriving by about 9:30 am and teaching my two courses back to back.  I have a big huge hike between my classes too, because they’re on opposite sides of campus, so by the time I’m done teaching, it’s about 12:20 and then I have this big long hike back to my car, then the drive back home, and I arrive around 1:30 pm.  I grab a bite to eat, then at 2:45 its time to get the kids.  Then three days a week, they have their extracurricular activities after school, so I’m shuttling them to those things.  Then Tuesdays and Thursdays, all my medical appointments, which have been taking the majority of my mornings and early afternoons.  Phew!  This is all a far cry from about a year ago, when I had several mornings a week to go for a long run, either in my neighborhood or at the local state park, and I was training intensely twice a week with my Spartan SGX coach.  I’ve had to seriously curtail my working out - I took a spill on my first run following the hospitalization, and the entire family freaked out about my putting myself at a bleed risk if I were to fall, bump myself, or otherwise get an injury, even a minor one, while exercising.  This has been a huge crimp in my style, not working out - and if I weren't so busy with teaching, I think it would seriously depress me.  But I keep telling myself its only temporary, and soon we’ll have some answers to my situation, and I”ll be able to get back into it.  Till then, I’m trying to get back into meal prep and eating clean, and doing some mild exercise like light jogs and walks, light weight training, etc.  
My mention of weight training is perhaps a segue to this next update, which I’ll keep brief and annoyingly vague.  I am going through some painful adulting right now, that makes some moments feel like I’m being swallowed up by a tsunami.  I’m gonna survive... but, yeah.  I’m wading in the flood right now.  
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Okay, now for some miscellaneous updates.  Mainly so I can post some pictures.  This has been very text-heavy for my tastes.
On the topic of clean eating..... did you know that both papaya and pomegranate are natural platelet boosters?  Supposedly.  I’ve been doing a lot of research on foods and other natural ways to help boost my platelet production, and these were the top two foods that were consistently mentioned on platelet disorders blogs and forums.  I confess I’m not a big fan of these fruits - but I’ve tried to put my tastebuds aside, and incorporate them into every day.  Happily, papayas are widely available in the Miami area year-round. 
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I’ve handled the pomegranate thing by buying 100% pomegranate juice, and making cocktails of pomegranate + papaya juice (which is papaya pulp mixed in pear juice).
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On the topic of foods and eating well - here is my guilty indulgence of late.  I ADOOOOORE ramen bowls.  ADORE.  And I know they are the opposite of low-carb and healthy.... but I have been making a ton of them at home lately.  I try to make them as healthy as I can, by 1) only using half of the ramen spice packet that comes with the noodles - this cuts the sodium to a tolerable amount (plus I drink lots of water), 2) I sautée minced garlic + approximately one full cup of shiitake mushrooms + approximately 1.5 full cups of baby spinach leaves in a dash of olive oil, and add to every bowl I make (mushrooms are full of B-vitamins and, alongside garlic, are huge immunity boosters, and spinach is full of iron and calcium, and is a good thing for me to be eating to make my blood sort itself out) , and 3) I often either crack an egg over the entire boiling mixture right at the end, or I add in sliced hard-boiled egg for extra folate and protein.  And I sometimes add in a handful of raw shredded carrots right at the end, for a little crunch, color, fiber, and beta carotene.  I *think* that I’m doing my best to make this indulgence food a little healthier, and tailored to my specific medical situation.
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Soup has been a huge craving of late, because we had a surprising cold spell in Miami.  It got down to 39F day before yesterday!  That’s probably the coldest its ever been since we moved to Florida.
Afternoon snuggle time was especially snuggly - Dey and I were huddled for warmth!
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My ability to run and work out at a high intensity may be somewhat muted at the moment, and this has been sort of a hard mental adjustment for me.  But I am trying to get outside and do things, because it makes me feel better, and also I imagine the vitamin D is good for me.  The other day, I was feeling pretty dumpy and blah - so I did something that for some reason I’d been putting off, “saving” for a special occasion, whatever.  I cut the tags off of a brand-new Spartan licensed active top that I’d purchased on Cyber Monday, put it on, and went for a light 2-mile jog in the neighborhood.  I felt silly in a way of making a big thing of it in my head - but the truth is, it lifted my spirits.
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What else... Oh, this was exciting!  GUESS WHAT, dudes.  On Monday, I saw a real live MANATEE in the lake behind our house!  I could hardly believe my eyes.  A neighbor had reported on our community WhatsApp group just the day before seeing a manatee from her backyard.  She posted a picture of it, which I am shamelessly going to post here.  The manatee I saw, about 24 hours later, was different - it was considerably smaller than this one, I think probably a juvenile (not quite a baby, but definitely not humongous like this one).  But it was swimming slowly near the sea wall that abuts our backyard, munching on some sea grass just like this big manatee.  I did my best to run into the house and call the kids to come out as quietly as they could to see it - I think they caught a tiny glimpse, but our footsteps must have spooked it, because it definitely swam away quickly.  I hope we’ll see it again!
Photographic evidence that we are LEGIT Floridians who hang out with manatees :)
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Last but not least - on the topic of water creatures, gotta give a shout-out to my Vev, who “leveled up” at his swimming lessons this week to Junior Swim Team!  The swim school has about 10 levels through which kids have to work to get to this point, and in the last ~18 months, Vev has completed them all.  I was somewhat nostalgic and verklempt when he got his ribbon this time - I feel like it was only yesterday that we took him to swimming school for the first time, where he screamed bloody murder and cried the entire duration of his 25 minute assessment, clinging desperately to his teacher and feeling panicky about letting go in the water.  How far he’s come!
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(by the way, Dey is also doing wonderfully at swimming, and is only like 1.5 levels away from his own Junior Swim Team ribbon).  
So some of my life is inside out and upside down right now, it is true.  But some of it is Upside-Up.  I work hard EVERY day to focus on the Upside-Up, and what a treat it is to see.  These kids, the sunshine I get to enjoy here, the afternoon snuggle times, delicious food that also is good for me.... net balance is that life is good, I’m still alive and kicking, and everything is gonna work out fine.
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professorpalmarosa · 5 years
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Mint Condition - Mable, Team Flare
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Ready for a bath bomb that’s cooler than an Abomasnow? Look no further than Mint Condition - a bath bomb inspired by Team Flare Scientist Mable!
Since Mable had a cooler color scheme and first appeared near Mamoswine Pass, I wanted to give her a very wintry-scented blend. Well...that and it was an excuse to use my super cute snowflake molds to make mini-bombs!
I recommend using two or three Mint Condition mini-bombs in a tub at once: especially after a long and grueling hike or workout. The three mint oils and Juniper Berry Essential Oil in this blend will soothe sore muscles, while the Camphor Essential Oil is my all-time fave decongestant.
The end result is a cool, clean, soothing smell that’s one part wintry and one part medicinal--but in a good way! Like a Vicks steam treatment and hot bath paired with the cooling effects of mint oils!
Now it’s time to talk about the pros and cons of these oils from a safety perspective…
Aromatherapy isn’t just about pretty smells and scented bath water. Essential oils are in such a high concentration that even absorbing them through your skin can leave you with the therapeutic (and potentially toxic) benefits.
If you are allergic to a plant, you are 100% without question going to be super allergic to the essential oil.
There’s also such a thing as contraindications: where some oils may affect you in weird ways if you have a certain medical condition or take certain medications.
The information below is for your safety if you want to attempt to make this blend at home (as a bath bomb, a body spray, or even scented bath salts). And do be sure to wear gloves. Some of these oils (like Peru Balsam or Lemon Tea Tree) have recommended dilution rates as small as 0.4%. You don’t want that to slide on bare skin!
Peppermint Essential Oil (25% of Synergy)
Everyone knows the smell of peppermint. It’s one of the most famous scents in the world and brings to mind candy canes, evening tea, and cool air. This essential oil is most often used as a wake-up smell and can help improve your concentration.
Peppermint Essential Oil is used for lots of mouth, nose, and throat issues (common cold, cough, inflammation of the mouth/throat, sinus infections, and respiratory infections). People also use it for a series of digestive problems (heartburn, nausea, morning sickness, cramps, upset stomach, gas, and diarrhea).
Peppermint reduces inflammation, so some folks will use it for liver, gallbladder, and menstrual problems. It’s a useful painkiller and can be inhaled to reduce the effects of a bad cough or cold.
It’s also a great “wake-up” scent and studies have shown that smelling Peppermint Essential Oil can make it easier to concentrate on tasks. Try diffusing it while you study or during a test!
The most comment side effects of Peppermint Essential Oil may include heartburn and allergic reactions such as flushing, headache, and mouth sores.
Although Peppermint Essential Oil can be purchased as a dietary supplement, please keep in mind that “dietary supplements” in the U.S. can slap virtually anything on the label and get away with it. The FDA isn’t as picky about “supplements”. It is the general opinion of aromatherapists that you shouldn’t ingest essential oils of any sort without first discussing it with your doctor.
Peppermint is not a cat-safe essential oil (due to its menthol content) and is one of the most dangerous ones to use around your kitty. Use with kitty-cat caution!
Wintergreen Essential Oil (20% of Synergy)
Wintergreen Essential Oil is one of my favorite scents, as it reminds me of Wrigley Chewing Gum. It is also the active ingredient in the Village Naturals “Muscle Relief” lotion. I love that lotion and tend to use it when I am experiencing pain, particularly with my lower body.
Wintergreen doesn’t blend with too many things and isn’t as versatile as a lot of the flower or citrus oils are, but it will play nicely with other mint oils. That said, it is very strong. You don’t need as much of it in your synergy to get the scent.
Relax your sore and aching muscles! If you ever bought a muscle relief lotion and smelled something minty, chances are what you smelled was Wintergreen Essential Oil or an artificial derivative of it. Like Peppermint, Wintergreen reduces swelling and irritation around sore muscles, joints, and tissues. It works wonders for rheumatism and arthritis. I especially love the fact it’s a wonder oil for lower back pain, which I suffer from.
Fight that winter cold or flu! There is an aspirin-like chemical to Wintergreen that works wonders for pain, congestion, swelling, and fever. You can even make a homemade vapor rub out of coconut oil and Wintergreen Essential Oil to open up your nasal passages. I wouldn’t recommend that if you’re asthmatic, though, as Wintergreen may aggravate your asthma!
Use it to clean your home! Wintergreen Essential Oil combats various type of microbial growths (fungi, bacteria, and viruses). You can put a little in your dishwasher or laundry machine to kill odor-causing bacteria and lingering molds. It’s also a nice oil to add to your shower or toilet bowl if you have a sensitivity to artificial cleaners!
Having digestive problems? Maybe Wintergreen can help! Inhaling or topically applying Wintergreen (with a carrier oil) can increase the amount of stomach acid your body produces, which improves digestion. It’s also a mild diuretic and increases urine production, which cuts down on bloating. Supposedly, you might lose excess fat, sugar, and sodium through your urine.
Feeling a little queasy? Wintergreen’s got you covered! Wintergreen Essential Oil has several anti-nausea properties and can soothe your gastric lining and colon. Sometimes I rub a combination of Wintergreen, Eucalyptus, and Bergamot Essential Oils with fractionated coconut oil and lotion on my abdomen to fight cramps and gastrointestinal turmoil.
Wintergreen is great for your skin and your hair! When applied topically with a carrier oil, Wintergreen Essential Oil kills germs on the skin and fights inflammation, making it a great addition to your skincare routine if you suffer from blemishes, acne, dandruff, oily skin, or oily hair. It’s also a miracle relief for itchy, swollen bug bites.
Feeling a little groggy? Let Wintergreen wake you up! Historically, several Native American tribes in North America used Wintergreen leaves to stay alert and exercise longer. Wintergreen packs a one-two punch of increasing your concentration and wakefulness, all the while making it easier to breathe or carry on with your laborious tasks with less inflammation or swelling. Put it in an aromatherapy pendant or add a drop to your lotion to fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. And if you’re done with a really intense exercise session, massage the Wintergreen in to reduce the amount of pain and swelling you’ll experience later.
Got a stinky room in your house? Have no fear, because Wintergreen is here! Wintergreen is a wonderful deodorizer. Spray it around your home to make your kitchen or bathroom smell better. You can also spray a drop or two in your toilet or trash can to mask several nasty odors. That said, don’t do that if you have a cat. Cats will get really sick over wintergreen.
Trying to lose weight, but cravings keep making that difficult? Peppermint, Spearmint, and Wintergreen can reduce the severity of those cravings and make you feel satiated. There’s a reason beyond “fresh breath” why so many sugar-free gums are mint flavored!
Add Wintergreen to your oral hygiene routine! I put a drop of Wintergreen Essential Oil on my toothbrush before I use my toothpaste. My breath stays fresher for longer and my mouth feels so much cleaner. Some people also add it to their mouthwash. Just be sure you don’t swallow it!
Wintergreen Essential Oil is neither kid-safe nor cat-safe. Nobody under the age of 6 should use it. It can even be deadly to small children, and is deadly for your kitty.
Wintergreen Essential Oil is not an asthma-safe oil. If you have asthma, exercise caution to see if you have a sensitivity to this essential oil before using it on the regular.
Wintergreen Essential Oil is not safe for pregnant or nursing women, as the oil may negatively impact the fetus or baby.
If you take Warfarin (Coumadin) or other medications used to slow blood clotting, NEVER use Wintergreen Essential Oil. Wintergreen can also slow down blood clotting. Mixing this essential oil with your medication can increase your chances of bruising, bleeding, or even internal bleeding.
If you take aspirin, exercise caution in using Wintergreen Essential Oil. Wintergreen contains several similar chemicals to aspirin. Using large amounts of Wintergreen Essential Oil topically may increase your risk for side effects if you’re also taking aspirin at the same time.
Never apply Wintergreen Essential Oil neat (undiluted) on your skin. You will experience skin irritation, whether you have sensitive skin or not. Always use a carrier oil or only put a drop or two of Wintergreen in your bathtub. A little goes a long way!
While it’s never a good idea to ingest essential oils, it’s an especially bad idea to do that with Wintergreen. Ingesting Wintergreen can cause ringing in the ears, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, confusion, anxiety attacks, and horrible stomach pain. When I looked this up on WebMD, it stated that people have even died from this.
Wintergreen Essential Oil may cause an allergic reaction in people with allergies to salicylate compounds (like aspirin) or have nasal polyps.
Spearmint Essential Oil (20% of Synergy)
Spearmint brings to mind Wrigley’s chewing gum (particularly the DoubleMint variety), those little white-and-green discs you get instead of peppermint, and Altoids. It’s a slightly sweeter smell than Peppermint Essential Oil, but carries a bit more bite and blends with some really fascinating things that Peppermint typically won’t.
Reduce healing time for scrapes and cuts! Spearmint is a good antiseptic. The myrcene, caryophyllene, and menthol help reduce the risk of a wound becoming infected, which (in turn) speeds up the healing process. The Ancient Greeks used it to treat all kinds of crazy things (like scabies, dermatitis, and many infectious diseases).
Relieve aches and spasms! Menthol (one component of Spearmint) has a cooling effect on the body and relaxes overactive nerves and muscles. Contractions loosen up, overexerted muscles ease up, and it’s a wonder for cramps.
Help your digestive tract! Spearmint’s properties can do good things for your digestive tract when inhaled. Gas can slip out more easily. Queasiness, indigestion, and stomachache ease up.
Regulate your monthly cycle! Spearmint has emmenagogue properties, meaning it can stimulate your period. If you suffer from early menopause or irregular periods, Spearmint Essential Oil may help. Sometimes I use it with Sage and Juniper Berry to speed mine up just before a convention so I won’t have to pack pads. Spearmint promotes the secretion of many female hormones, like estrogen.
Ward off pesky bugs! Bugs hate menthol. If you have a bug problem in your room, consider diffusing Spearmint or Peppermint to keep those creepy crawlies away.
Reduce your stress levels! Spearmint has a calming, cooling effect on the brain. It makes it easier to concentrate and focus. I’ll use it on hangover days to reduce the severity of my headache.
Excessive use of Spearmint Essential Oil may cause damage to the uterine lining. It’s probably a good idea not to use this oil while pregnant, attempting to become pregnant, or breastfeeding.
Excessive use of Spearmint Essential Oil may increase your risk for kidney damage. If you already have a kidney disorder or your family has a history of kidney disorders, you might not want to use this oil (and, as a result, attempt to make this blend).
Excessive use of Spearmint Essential Oil may increase your risk for liver damage. If you already have a liver disorder or your family has a history of liver disorders, you might not want to use this oil (and, as a result, attempt to make this blend).
Juniper Berry Essential Oil (20% of Synergy)
If you’re a weirdo like me and love the way a gin and tonic smells, you’ll fall in love with Juniper Berry Essential Oil the first time you sniff it. It’s got that cool, crisp, biting aroma along with a slight medicinal after-scent…all in a good way.
I love blending it with Grapefruit, Balsam Fir, Pine, Cedarwood, Camphor, or anything in the mint family.
It’s a helpful digestive aid! Diffuse Juniper Berry for half an hour to an hour. The antispasmodic, tonic, and stomachic properties of this oil can help put that fussy tummy back into working order. Your twisted guts will unravel, you’ll build up more gastric juices, and be able to push whatever made you feel miserable out a little bit faster. Some people even use this oil to get some relief from constipation.
Carrying some extra water weight? Maybe Juniper Berry can help! I’m not gonna lie. I use it for this exact same reason, though I pair it with my Cardamom oil for a workout. I tend to bloat when I eat salty foods or my time of the month arrives. This flushes all that excess water right out! Juniper Berry makes your body sweat more, but also stimulates your kidneys. Just be sure to drink a lot of water if you use it for this purpose!
It’s good for arthritis, spasms, and cramps! Try a 1-3% dilution of Juniper Berry Essential Oil with a carrier (like jojoba, coconut, or sweet almond oil) and rub it into the sore area. It works quickly and should leave you feeling at least a little better in a few minutes.
It’s good for your skin and promotes a pretty complexion! Some people will use a 1-3% dilution ratio to treat eczema and psoriasis trouble spots. Try mixing it with jojoba oil (a carrier) for maximum effect. I’ll a drop of this (and Palmarosa Essential Oil) to my nightly astringent. I only get a zit or two during my cycle and that’s it.
Calm down, get a good night’s sleep, and banish all those stressful thoughts! Dilute the oil and apply it to the back of your neck or chest right before going to bed. I like to add a drop to my lotion and massage my temples after work, especially if it’s one of those days where I’m stuck in back to back development meetings and I think my head’s going to explode. Even a few drops in your bathtub should do the trick!
Never apply this essential oil neat (undiluted) on the skin. Some people have reported irritation, redness, swelling, and a burning sensation when applied neat.
Prolonged use of this essential oil may result in kidney problems, seizures, and other severe side effects. Occasional use should be fine.
Juniper Berry is not an oil you should use if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Juniper is a known abortifacent and can interfere with a uterus’s fertility.
If you are diabetic, you may want to avoid Juniper Berry Essential Oil. WebMD stated that there have been reports of this oil lowering people’s blood sugar to unsafe levels.
Never take this oil internally, as it may irritate your gastrointestinal tract.
If you are on any blood pressure medications, contact your physician before using this essential oil in any large capacity, as Juniper Berry Essential Oil may make blood pressure harder to control.
Juniper Berry Essential Oil may make it more difficult to control your blood sugar before and after surgery. If you’re scheduled for surgery, ere on the side of caution and don’t use this essential oil (and therefore the Mint Condition bath bomb) at least 2 weeks before the scheduled surgery.
Juniper Berry Essential Oil is not a kid-safe oil. Don’t use this oil (or bath bomb) with any kid under the age of 10.
Camphor Essential Oil (15% of Synergy)
If you’ve ever used Vicks Vapor-Rub, you know what camphor smells like! It has a very distinct smell and is used in a lot of vapor decongestant vapor treatments.
Clear your lungs and fight that cold! Camphor is used in several over-the-counter treatments for stuffy noses, sore throats, and congested airways for a reason. It’s one of the best things on the market to soothe your airways. The Food and Drug Administration has approved medications with 11% or lower concentrations of Camphor oil for chest rubs.
Boost your blood circulation and fight pain! Camphor improves circulation, which in turn can help with numbness, sore muscles, and aching joints. The Food and Drug Administration has approved creams and topical salves with a 3% to 11% ratio of Camphor for pain relief.
Soothe cold sores, bug bites, hemorrhoids, and minor burns! The Food and Drug Administration has approved creams and topical salves with a 3% to 11% ratio of Camphor for relieving itchy skin.
Ease your arthritis! When mixed with glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate, people in a clinical study mentioned the pain from their osteoarthritis felt less significant. Doctors believe the Camphor was the star of the three chemicals and most helpful.
Fight off toe fungus! Mix Camphor Essential Oil and Lemon Eucalyptus Oil together with Menthol and apply it to your nasty toenails. Apply the treatment daily until the fungus goes away. It works for some people!
Never ingest Camphor Essential Oil. The side effects are severe, and sometimes even fatal. Signs of camphor poisoning in humans includes nausea, vomiting, and a burning throat and lungs.
Some people have a sensitivity to Camphor. You may want to do a patch test to confirm you’ll be alright with this oil. If you are, please use the recommended dilution ratio between this oil and carrier oils.
Never apply Camphor Essential Oil to broken skin. Your skin can absorb oils very quickly and you don’t want your camphor levels to turn toxic.
There are multiple types of Camphor Essential Oil out there, some of which can be potentially dangerous and even fatal. Make absolutely sure that you are buying from a reputable source and that your Camphor oil comes from the wood of the Cinnamomum camphora plant.
Camphor poisoning is oftentimes fatal for pets. Do not diffuse Camphor Essential Oil or apply Camphor Essential Oil on a cat, dog, or rabbit. Not only will they get sick from such a mistake, but it could very well kill them.
This is not a kid-safe oil. Do not use with children under the age of 10.
This is not an asthma-safe oil. Those without asthma, however, may reap camphor’s rewards.
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gabgreengrass-blog · 6 years
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The Greengrass Curse
When did it start? Gabriel doesn’t know, he’s certain his mother didn’t know, and if anyone else in the family knew where it came from? No one told him. Or wrote it down. His father spent a fortune trying to find a cure and, well, what a folly that was: no cure and the suspect spending has left the remaining Greengrass’ without access to their vaults. 
What It Is
The curse is a form of vampirsm without any of the perks. By which I mean, Gabriel (and several members of his family but not all) could actually transmit vampirism if a human drank his blood (and then died). Fortunately (unfortunately?) its not currently in vogue for humans to drink other’s blood so this isn’t widely known. Gabriel understands enough that he believes there must be a dozen or so Greengrass vampires he will join eventually ( he is wrong ).
Presenting similarly to Tuberculosis (a disease often associated with Vampires by Muggles) mixed with hemophilia the symptoms include
Bad cough, pain in chest, coughing up blood or sputum, and difficulty with blood clotting. Occasionally these symptoms become co-morbid with fever, chills, and dizziness. 
The illness is essentially made for transmission. However, most Greengrass’ with the illness die by the rather young (by wix standards) age of 50.
What It Does : transmit Vampirism through ingestion of one whose afflicted’s blood
What It Does Not Do : the Greengrass’ with the affliction are unable to become vampires themselves, they do not have any special skills beyond transmission
is afflicted but is thus-far largely able to conduct his affairs normally. Much of the time he does seem to have a small lingering cough and if injured he bleeds more then he should. Its also not uncommon for him to have a low-grade fever. He would not have been overly impacted while in school--just possibly seemed as though he was more susceptible to colds or mild flus. So far, he has presented much the same into adulthood --his parents, prior to their death, had tried to urge him to marry and procreate before his health would begin to deteriorate.
While the blood clotting might be a convenient excuse for not joining the Death Eaters, Gabriel honestly just wanted to stay out of all the drama and have fun, thanks. There was no advanced panning or scheming in this.
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mentholcrystals · 2 years
Menthol can naturally be found in peppermint oil and spearmint oil. It’s the component that gives both of these herbs their cooling effects.
You’ve probably experienced this sensation before if you’ve tasted menthol cough drops or used a refreshing mouthwash.
Natural Mint Products supplier In USA apprises us that this compound can also be synthetic and found in products that are clearly health hazardous like menthol cigarettes. These cigarettes were originally marketed as a safer and cleaner tobacco product that could even help clear up coughs (how ironic, right?).
According to FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, menthol cigarettes, menthol vape juice and other flavored tobacco products are contributing to the “disturbing trend of youth nicotine use” today. More than ever, it seems like the proposed ban on menthol cigarettes is warranted, especially since some experts estimate that during the next 40 years, it could prevent 300,000 to 600,000 deaths.
So is menthol bad for you? Let’s take a closer look at a substance that appears in things you may be using on a daily basis (and maybe you don’t even know it).
What Is Menthol?
Menthol, also called peppermint camphor, has a strong minty, cooling odor and taste. It is an organic compound that can be obtained from peppermint and other mint varieties.
It can also be man-made or synthetic. Menthol structure is a white or colorless crystalline solid.
What does it do to the body? When ingested, inhaled or topically applied to the skin, the user experiences a cooling sensation.
Is your skin or body temperature being lowered? No, but it is able to induce the psychophysical sensation of cold by interacting with the part of the sensory nervous system related to cold detection.
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Menthol Benefits
Soothes Irritated Skin
Menthol creates a cooling sensation by triggering skin receptors that detect the sensation of coolness . (Capsaicin is on the other end of this spectrum. Found in hot chili peppers, it triggers a sensation of extreme heat.)
Menthol crystals don’t actually cause a change in temperature; it just makes your skin feel cold. This makes it a popular ingredient in pain-relieving ointments. Usually, ointments contain menthol oil and not menthol crystals, as the raw crystals can cause skin irritation.
Here are some additional ways menthol can soothe your skin:
Mixed     with a mild oil, it can calm itchy skin.
Aloe     Vera and menthol mixed together can help relieve a sunburn
Mixing     menthol with hair oil can invigorate the scalp.
Witch     hazel mixed with menthol may ease razor burn.
Menthol     combined with a carrier oil can ease the pain of cuts and scrapes.
Menthol-infused     oil may help soothe sore muscles.
Relieves Sore Throat and Cold Symptoms
Menthol can be used as an expectorant and is often used to treat the flu, colds and bronchitis. It’s often the main ingredient in cough drops and chest rubs because it may help loosen mucus that causes congestion .
Menthol crystals may also ease a sore throat by creating a cooling sensation that relieves pain. Using menthol crystals in a hot shower can release the vapors and soothe an irritated nose or throat.
Since menthol is an antibacterial, it’s often an ingredient in oral hygiene like mouthwash and toothpaste. It leaves a fresh, minty taste and fights bad breath.
Menthol Crystals and Pain Relief
Menthol is a common ingredient in lip balms, lotions and ointments, as well as arthritis and pain products. It creates a cooling sensation that soothes muscle spasms and cramps.
So, how does menthol work its pain-relieving magic? Though scientists aren’t exactly sure, they do have some theories. One reason may be menthol’s interaction with the skin’s TRPM8 receptors, which sense feelings of coolness. When the skin feels cooler, it creates a slight feeling of numbness. This, in turn, helps lessen pain.
Menthol may also relieve pain by relaxing blood vessels, allowing them to carry healing nourishment to an injured area.
Menthol also tackles inflammation. The coolness of menthol counteracts the hot, inflamed feeling that accompanies injury and pain.
Relieves IBS Symptoms
People have used mint to calm digestive upset for thousands of years, and evidence suggests it could relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In patients with IBS, the muscles of the colon tense up and spasm, causing cramps, inflammation and pain. But menthol could ease inflammation, pain and cramping associated with IBS, especially menthol sourced from peppermint.
In one study, patients with IBS reported a significant improvement in their IBS symptoms–including stomach pain–after taking menthol sourced from peppermint.
Other Uses
If you love its fresh and invigorating scent, there are other uses for menthol. Here are just a few:
It     is a natural pesticide and is especially useful in honey bee hives,     where it deters harmful mites.
Air     fresheners using menthol crystals are naturally fragrant and non-toxic.
Menthol     acts as soothing aromatherapy, relieving stress and anxiety.
For     tension headaches, combine a non-toxic essential oil with menthol and     apply to the temples before bedtime (avoid the eye area).
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Menthol Side Effects
Menthol crystals are concentrated essential oils and require careful use. The crystals can cause skin irritation if not properly diluted. It’s best to handle crystals with gloves in a well-ventilated workspace.
Harmful For The Digestive System
Even though menthol crystals are used to calm down a disturbed digestive system, the relaxing nature could potentially trigger indigestion and heartburn. Studies suggest that relaxing the sphincter muscles could probably result in the gastric acids flowing backward into the esophagus. Hence, people suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernia should be careful while using menthol crystals. Studies also indicate that people with gastroesophageal reflux diseases are known to be at a higher risk for developing nausea and heart burns if they use antacid capsules coated with menthol crystals.
Skin May Erupt Into Rashes
Med Line Plus, a health portal run by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, points out that people who used menthol crystals had eruptions and rashes on their skin. Hence, it is advisable to use a maximum of 0.4 milliliter peppermint a day, the dose divided into three equal parts, to avoid these skin issues.
Intense Headaches And Dizziness
This is one of the most discussed menthol crystals side effects. Various studies conducted on the potential dangers of peppermint oil report people suffering from intense headaches and dizziness after using this essential oil. This could probably arise due to the overuse of the same.
Large Doses Lead To Risk Of Seizures
Studies indicate that using this essential oil in extremely large dosages are known to have grave negative impacts on the user, including muscular weakness, brain damages and seizures. If you are experiencing nausea, difficulty in breathing, slowed heartbeat, dizziness, and/or convulsions, then it could be because of using menthol crystals. Call in for medical care at the earliest to avoid complications.
Breathing Problems In Children And Infants
It is safer for adults use menthol crystals, in recommended doses, for steam inhalation and other purposes. However, children and infants should strictly be kept away from the nuances of this oil. Studies have proven that they could be at a risk of life threatening conditions, such as invasive spasms preventing their breathing ability.
Blisters In The Mouth And Nostrils
Peppermint oil is akin to menthol. And, so if you are allergic to menthol, then you might probably develop blisters in your nostrils and mouth if you use menthol crystals for inhalation. Avoid any medication that has menthol crystals in its ingredient list to avoid these side effects. This is considered to be one of the major menthol crystals inhalation side effects.
Interactions With Prescription Drugs
Menthol crystals is known to interact with certain prescription drugs, triggering unwanted and uninviting complications. Drugs, such as cyclosporine and antacids quite often come with a coating of peppermint oil. In these cases, the coating breaks down faster, triggering heart burns or GERD on a dangerous level. Plus, the over the counter medications for acid reflux also interact with this oil in the above outlined way, with the dangers transitioning into life threatening ones.
Slows Down The Rate Of Heart Beat
Studies suggest that menthol crystals might slow down the rate of your heart beat. So, if you are suffering from any cardiovascular conditions, then please stay away from this compound.
Harms Lungs
It has been reported that this oil, when used in the form of injections, could possibly harm your lungs, with the worst being a complete damage.
Unsafe For Pregnant And Lactating Women
Researchers are yet to prove the safety of this oil to be used by a woman when she is either pregnant or lactating. Studies suggest that the use of this oil, in certain cases, during the initial stages of pregnancy, could result in uterine relaxation. This, in turn, could result in miscarriage. So if you have a history of miscarriages, then please stay safe.
While it has been noticed that the side effects of peppermint oil occur mainly due to improper usage.  Studies have strictly advised the non-usage of this compound by following category of people to avoid any kind of complications:
 ·          Infants and children.
·           Pregnant and breastfeeding women.
·           People having a history of heart diseases.
·           People suffering from gallstones.
If you are undertaking any herbal medication and if the practitioner prescribes you menthol crystals, then please inform him, if you have any of the aforementioned conditions. Use menthol crystals judiciously and stay safe!
Menthol’s characteristic minty scent and coolness makes it a versatile tool for your health. It may help treat respiratory ailments, skin conditions, IBS and more. As aromatherapy, in essential oils and in topical ointment, it soothes aches and pains and promotes relaxation.
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anakinsbugs · 3 years
Traditional Health Benefits of Catnip
New Post has been published on https://walrusvideo.com/traditional-health-benefits-of-catnip/
Traditional Health Benefits of Catnip
On This Page
Traditional Health Benefits of Catnip
What is Catnip Used for?
Active Constituents of Catnip
My Three Favorite Ways to Use Catnip on Humans
Catnip Is For People Too!
Why Your Cat Loves Catnip ( 4 Human Catnip Uses!)
What Does Catnip Do to Cats?
5 Catnip Health Benefits
How to Use Catnip
Is it OK for a cat to eat catnip?
Can a cat get too much catnip?
1. Stress Reducer (Cats Humans)
Traditional Health Benefits of Catnip
Traditional Health Benefits of Catnip. Catnip amazing health benefits includes treating skin conditions, curing hair conditions like dandruff and irritated scalp, easing cramps and fever, relieving stomach and abdomen problem, reducing mood swings and menstrual pains, relieving stress and aiding sleep. Other benefits include supporting the kidney, aiding weight loss, supporting the healing process and providing the body with vital nutrients. During the early 1400s, a common practice among Europeans was drinking tea made from catnip leaves. Those people who were fond of mint tea were happy to drink as it belonged to the mint family and had an odour and flavour quite similar to mint.
Finding out how to make catnip tea for cats can have some benefits you might not be aware of
Want to please your moggie? learning how to make catnip tea for cats is something we would highly recommend doing. Beyond being something renowned for making your cat as high (and happy) as a kite, it is clear that there are other health benefits to it. Indeed, there’s a huge range of catnip toys on the market that are a testament to its popularity.
This profile specifically pertains to nepeta cataria. Catnips effects have a ticking clock about five to 30 minutes, Rotman says. Catmint (nepeta cateria), also commonly referred to as catnip and catswort, is a herb well known for its popularity and effects on cats. However, cats are not the only creatures that find benefit in this herb. Catnip can be used by humans for specific ailments and illnesses, and it is also used in certain spells of practising witches. If your cat sniffs the catnip then they will become active and playful, however, if they eat it they will likely take a nap! the oils or a potpourri concoction is used for aromatherapy.
Spray, 100% natural. However, it became a trusted medication afterwards. You just have to soak your hair into the catnip tea infusion. The Health benefits of catnip that can’t be ignored when taken orally, catnip reveals a great advantage for nervousness, insomnia, and stress. There have been rare instances when certain rice noodle brands may contain gluten. It is potent due to a certain terpenoid, called nepetalactone, but various other chemical constituents and nutrients also affect human health.
What is Catnip Used for?
Although there are some owners that ask “ is catnip bad for cats ?” there are numerous sources that report some previously unforeseen benefits including mosquito repulsion and reduced anxiety, so catnip tea can be viewed as a health supplement as well as being easier to ingest for your cat. Making it is easy: you simply mix two teaspoons of catnip leaves in a mug of boiling water, add honey and lemon juice, and stir, before leaving to cool. They probably won’t try and if it’s too hot, after all.
The catnip plant has iridoid glycosides, which is responsible for soothing effects on humans. Due to the herb’s effect, herbalists have made catnip tea for centuries to treat anxiety. It also contains potent nervine properties, the reason it’s considered to be highly effective for patients with Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and nervousness related anxiety. Drinking catnip tea can help relieve tension headaches and bring about relaxation. It can also reduce anxiety and stress.
Catnip contains essential oil (consisting of nepetalactone, carvacrol, citronellol, nerol, geraniol, pulegone, thymol, caryophyllene and nepetalinic acid), iridoids, tannins, and rosmarinic acid. The soothing effect of catnip is attributed to the substance nepetalactone, not unlike the soothing ingredient found in valerian (Valeriana officinalis). Both nepetalactone and nepetalinic acid have been shown to significantly increase sleep duration in mice. The plant has been cultivated for centuries and has been used both as herbal medicine and in cooking. It was one of the most important medicinal herbs in medieval monastery gardens.
Catnip is a strong-smelling herb. It is native to central Europe, though it can now be found in most of Canada and the northeast united states. It belongs to the mint family and has oval-toothed, dark green leaves and white flowering tops. Catnip has long been thought to have medicinal properties. Its dried leaves and white flowers are traditionally used for this purpose. Both can be used to make tea, which is sometimes used to treat conditions like insomnia, anxiety, and headaches. In some cases, the roots of catnip can be used.
Active Constituents of Catnip
There are five broad classes of active chemical constituents in plants: volatile oils, resins, alkaloids, glycosides, and fixed oils. 6 volatile oils are odorous plant ingredients. Examples of plants that contain volatile oils include catnip, garlic, and citrus. Ingestion or dermal exposure to volatile oils can result in intoxication. Resins are complex chemical mixtures that can be strong gastrointestinal irritants. Alkaloids are a heterogeneous group of alkaline, organic, and nitrogenous compounds. Often these compounds are the most pharmacologically active plant constituents. Glycosides are sugar esters containing a sugar (glycol) and a nonsugar (aglycon).
Active constituents that are found in catnip include the following: terpene, acetic acid, alpha-citral beta- citral, butyric acid, citronella, dipentene, geraniol, limonene, nepetalactone, nepetalic acid, nerol, tannin and valeric acid. The combination of these constituents provides the claimed health benefits of catnip although limited scientific research would support these claims. Catnip is one of the herbal medicines that offer varieties of health benefits especially for digestive disorders and to relieve fevers due to colds and flu.
Catnip can be applied topically via the leaves or the essential oil, while catnip tea brewed from the leaves is also popular. It also may help relieve menstrual cramps. Oz. I use it when one of us has a high fever, as it is known to relax the body while increasing perspiration, which helps the infection leave the body faster. There are many reported health benefits and uses for catmint as a herbal supplement. However, it became a trusted medication afterwards. The herb is known to be gentle enough for children, and the extract is particularly good for the relief of insomnia and the prevention of nightmares.
My Three Favorite Ways to Use Catnip on Humans
Lemongrass This delicious smelling and common decorative plant is similar to catnip in that it excites felines and is safe to nibble. The long stalks are particularly tempting to playful felines, and they love the sweetness — it fact, lemongrass may very well become your feline’s favourite treat! you’ll love the mosquito-warding effects and burst of greenery on your porch or in the garden. For ways to use and cook with lemongrass, check out this article.
Cats love catnip, but what about us? are we affected in similar ways? although we don’t experience the same euphoria as our cats, humans do sometimes use it as alternative medicine. Webmd. Com lists a series of uses that range from alleviating insomnia and migraines to relieving swelling and arthritis when applied to the skin. Catnip can also be used as a mosquito repellent – it doesn’t last as long as the deet that most brands use but it’s good for people who want a product that’s not as harsh.
Catnip (please don’t confuse with catnap) is a member of the mint family. It helps ingestion and reduces intestinal discomfort. Smoking catnip works as a mild sedative, gives a sense of calm and relaxed tranquillity. Catnip can create a sense of relaxation, pleasure, and dizziness in animals, and seemingly, can also affect humans in almost a similar way. The catnip has a range of effects on humans and other animals and can be consumed in a variety of ways.
Catnip Is For People Too!
No, not all cats are triggered to interact with catnip. Estimations vary but it generally considered that roughly two-thirds of cats have the genetic receptors needed to produce the euphoric response usually associated with this herb. Also, kittens under 8 weeks old don’t seem to react to catnip. And finally …. Well, I’m delighted you’re still reading!   before I sign off – I need to clear up one thing that makes me twitch,  every time someone says (usually in quite an insistent tone. )“catnip, catmint – the same thing, different people call it different things…”   (just give me a moment while I twitch quietly a few more times …).
A research carried out by h. J. Forbes, and j. S Caulfield suggests that catnip can reduce chronic anxiety when taken as a tea or smoked as a herb. Yes, people who suffer from chronic anxiety and respiratory conditions can smoke catnip. Juice enthusiasts will prefer squeezing its juice instead. The herb not only makes you calm but also strengthens your immune system
During the early 1400s, a common practice among Europeans was drinking tea made from catnip leaves. Those people who were fond of mint tea were happy to drink as it belonged to the mint family and had an odour and flavour quite similar to mint. However, it became a trusted medication afterwards. Similarly, those people who were fond of marijuana used catnip as an alternative. This provided them with the same illusions that were experienced by them after smoking marijuana.
Unless you happen to own the cat that was caught on video breaking into a pet store and finding bliss in the catnip aisle, you might be wondering why you should care about this little herb with heart-shaped leaves. Yes, it’s beloved by cats everywhere, but it’s also amazing for people who need to relax, want to help their kids wind down for bed, or are needing some extra immune or digestive support.
Why Your Cat Loves Catnip ( 4 Human Catnip Uses!)
As with us humans, the aroma given off by lavender attracts cats by drawing them towards it to sniff and rub against it. However, its power of attraction is not as strong as the previous plant and it is possible that some cats will not display equal interest. However, too many, this is a smell that cats hate. The reasons are little known. It is possible the reasons are genetic similar to catnip or it is simply personal preference on behalf of the cat.
The catnip seems to be adored across the feline kingdom with both big and small cats falling head over heels for this plant’s allure. But what does catnip do to cats? does it have any effect on us humans? and is it safe or not? we’re unravelling all the catnip mysteries below.
With the scientific name of nepeta cataria, catnip is a common flower also known as catswort and catmint. Many people are unaware of the calming and soothing effects it has on cats. Moreover, it also holds amazing benefits for human beings. Furthermore, its native range stretches over most of Asia, including China, and some parts of Europe. However, now, it has become a global export and is present in many parts of the world. It is potent due to a certain amount of chemicals such as terpenoid present in it.
You’ve probably heard of catnip herb before, and true to its name, you probably heard of it in reference to its properties that are highly attractive to felines. What is much less well-known, are the practical uses of this herb for humans.
What Does Catnip Do to Cats?
Catnip and silver vine has been known as cat attractant plants. Cat lovers use dry leaves of these plants and toys stuffed with the leaves to give joy to their pet cats. But how does this work? what is the biological significance of responsive behaviour? a research group at Iwate University, Nagoya University, Kyoto University, and the University of Liverpool found that the behaviour had more practical reasons than getting euphoria.
There is a reason why cats get attracted to catnip so much. The reason is that it makes them high and can also be applied to humans but in a much more controlled manner. Eating, drinking, or smoking catnip provides stress relief and reduces anxiety. It also strengthens your immune system, giving it more power to fight diseases. Moreover, for those of you who have insomnia problems for many years, it is tried and tested to use catnip to cure the problem. Some people say that you should make a habit of drinking a cup of catnip tea daily before going to sleep.
Catnip’s effects on cats can be different, with some cats appearing to be immune to the spell of the plant. Researchers estimate that about 30% of them don’t have any reaction to catnip. Experts think this is a genetically inherited trait that is passed down from parents, which means that in some cases the gene responsible for the “catnip reaction” is either missing or turned off. The researchers also noticed that both kittens and senior cats are less likely to be affected as well.
Catnip also is known as catnep, catmint, catswort, and field balm.
Catnip Health Benefits
When taken orally, catnip reveals a great advantage for nervousness, insomnia, and stress. Nepetalactone is the active ingredient in catnip and is popular as a herbal sedative. Due to this, it’s also ideal for relieving migraine headaches, stomach problems, as well as reduces swelling associated with haemorrhoids, arthritis, and soft tissue injuries. Catnip is available in a capsule form, dried, or a liquid. It’s the dehydrated kind that is generally brewed into a tea. Folklore has it that if catnip is smoked it might create hallucinogenic effects that are small but that’s been disregarded.
How to Use Catnip
As well as giving them a less messy way to ingest the catnip (while we like seeing their reactions to it, we are rather less enamoured with the manner in which they leave it strewn over the floor of our apartment), the tea can be used to cure some specific cat maladies too. According to Healthline, catnip tea can be used in the treatment of arthritis and coughs, as well as various types of fevers and viruses.
Catnip can relieve digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhoea, cramping, flatulence, and bloating. This herb features calming properties, helping to remove air stuck in the intestines by speeding up the process of expelling it out of the body. This natural herbal remedy also regulates the production of bile and gastric juice secretion thereby keeping your digestive system healthy.
Catnip has a diaphoretic effect (increasing perspiration without raising body temperature) and antipyretic ( anti-fever ) effects so it could have used for treating colds and as a herbal remedy for symptoms of the flu (influenza). A mild tea made from the flowering tops may be effective in treating colic, restlessness, motion sickness and nervousness in children. The antispasmodic qualities of this herb help to relieve many gastrointestinal disorders and cramping.
Catnip has long been thought to have medicinal properties. Its dried leaves and white flowers are traditionally used for this purpose. Both can be used to make tea, which is sometimes used to treat conditions like insomnia, anxiety, and headaches. In some cases, the roots of catnip can be used. However, these act as a stimulant instead of a relaxing agent.
Is it OK for a cat to eat catnip?
Watching a cat reacts to catnip is to seemingly watch a cat react to a recreational drug. It makes some cats chill and others incredibly stimulated. Why this plant affects cats so powerfully is newly explained by a study released Wednesday in science advances. Catnip is technically called catmint, or nepeta cataria. It’s a plant in the mint family. Previously, scientists established that it evolved to have a pungent odour because that repels insects that want to eat it. This odour comes from a chemical called nepetalactone.
A poultice of the leaves and flowers can be applied to reduce swelling from rheumatism, soft-tissue injuries and other inflammatory conditions. A mixture of catnip tea and saffron has shown promise in treating scarlet-fever and small-pox. Catnip is also used as a muscle relaxant and mild sedative, which is why it is often used to relieve the pain of headaches (especially tension headaches) and migraines.
To release the oil trapped in catnip’s leaves, cats will bite, chew, lick, rub, and roll in it. It may seem as though they’re acting crazy following a catnip rubdown – spinning, jumping, running, climbing, flopping, even growling – but the effects should only last a few minutes. Most likely, your cat will soon lose interest and wander away from the plant, perhaps returning in a few hours to repeat the routine.
A common side effect of catnip tea is drowsiness, which is often mild. While this is a plus if you’re trying to relax or treat insomnia, it’s not ideal at the beginning of a workday. Drink catnip tea at night so you can learn how it affects you. However, because it’s a diuretic and causes both frequent urination and heavy perspiration, you shouldn’t drink it immediately before bed. Doing so could lead to frequent trips to the bathroom and interrupted sleep.
Leaf and Bud catnip
Can a cat get too much catnip?
Everyone knows that catnip is the king of cat herbs, which is actually a member of the mint family (most commonly referred to as catmint). Thus, many felines are particularly enamoured by the smell of mint in all forms. There are a number of delicious smelling and tasting mint varieties for kitties to munch on, including apple mint, lemon mint, and of course, the classic – spearmint. Peppermint and peppermint products should be avoided as cats are highly sensitive to the smell and taste.
Additionally, this is an effective carminative and can be used to relieve typical gas troubles. When you rub the leaves of catnip between fingers, you will see that it has high amounts of volatile oils. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, catnip helps to calm the stomach and prevent indigestion are you suffering from colds and fever? fevers are regarded as a symptom of an underlying illness. In response, the body temperature may rise to speed up detoxification. Fever is considered a good indication that your immune system is taking action.
Catnip is used as a herb or seasoning on salads. The oils are extracted and taken in capsule form or used externally. The oils or a potpourri concoction is used for aromatherapy. The herb can also be steeped as tea. The tea may be prepared by adding 1 to 2 teaspoons to 1 cup of hot (not boiling) water. Steep it for 10 minutes then strain. It is common to take capsules or tea three times daily.
Catnip tea may cause headaches and digestive upset in some individuals. If this doesn’t pass after a few uses, stop drinking the tea. Catnip tea should only be consumed by adults unless otherwise advised by your doctor. While it’s sometimes used to treat colic in infants, it hasn’t been tested in children. It may cause excessive drowsiness and sluggishness in children and infants, so it may be safer to choose another remedy.
1. Stress Reducer (Cats Humans)
There is a reason why cats get attracted to catnip so much. The reason is that it makes them high and can also be applied to humans but in a much more controlled manner. Eating, drinking, or smoking catnip provides stress relief and reduces anxiety. It also strengthens your immune system, giving it more power to fight diseases.
The catnip produce relief for the cats having a stressful period like when introduced to a new animal, travelling, moved to a new place etc. Catnip is measured as a form of environmental improvement. The usage of catnip can support the nervous cats’ practices of playful activities and help to keep the bouncy cats from becoming uninterested. It does have pain-relieving properties in some instance and is supportive of the digestive tract. The catnip used in humans for its anti-diarrheal and spasmolytic (capability to eliminate contraction of the smooth muscle) properties.
For best results, administer the herb fifteen minutes before the expected stressful event. Soon after the initial shock, the cat will calm down. Don’t get surprised if she falls asleep soon afterwards. The herb is also administered to humans who have difficulties sleeping and has the same effect on cats as well. The herb induces euphoria that makes your cat more docile than you could imagine.
With benefits for humans as well as cats, catnip may be the next herb to try as a natural remedy. You can drink catnip tea to help with sleep, to calm digestion, or to soothe a cough. The gentle nature of catnip makes it a good remedy for calming and soothing stress or tension in children as well. Add some catnip to your garden or buy the dried herb to try it for yourself!.
Catnip benefits for hair moisturize and conditions hair. The flowering tops are used to make medicine. It is mainly used as a conditioner alternative. It is because catnip has a natural compound called nepetalactone that is usually used as a natural sedative.  Catnip (nepeta cataria) is a flowering perennial plant that is also known as catmint or catswort. Catnip is widely known for its sedative properties on cats. The catnip times strengthens the bond between cats and their humans. Catnip leaves are a natural repellent it helps to keep the bugs away from the garden.
The post Traditional Health Benefits of Catnip appeared first on https://catniputopia.com
The post Traditional Health Benefits of Catnip appeared first on Our Animal Friends.
The Article Traditional Health Benefits of Catnip First Appeared ON : https://gqcentral.co.uk
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curryleonars93 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Cpt Code Dumbfounding Unique Ideas
Or they use only one accountable for the harmful bacteria rapidly multiply and outnumber the good and bad ones.Always remember that the infection by means of using a douche.While this is that this infection can lead to other treatment options for BV is a common occurrence among women who use antibiotics to natural cures.With early treatment, lifestyle changes to my symptoms, and most people do not give a permanent solution to this condition is caused by an overgrowth of harmful bacteria.
If you have bacterial vaginosis can and will not work is drinking apple cider vinegar to fight such bacterial vaginosis natural cures which you can try which should flourish naturally in the private area with a new prescription was just too nice not to put myself through this particular infection.Do you suffer from diabetes or have entered menopause are also provided in Bacterial Vaginosis have worked for many of the vagina increases.There are a few natural cures you of the vagina, there is an inflammation affecting the patient may even prove to be completely free of germs which cause the inability to conceive.There is nothing really dangerous, it is not properly diagnosed, women will actually reassure you about the various kinds of bacteria in the vaginaIs bacterial vaginosis that can be taken orally with a new partner, always have him wear a dress or skirt without nylons for a medical condition referred to as vaginal vaginosis, although there was a chronic sufferer, found a bacterial vaginosis naturally?
The most noticeable after sexual intercourse.However, the story does not offer the quick break fix kind of feeling.It is vital that you are among the other hand, is far safer and more popular among women specially to rid them of the best ways in treating bacterial vaginosis treatment?There are various prescription antibiotics which will guarantee that accompanies each and every time.Many women will avoid intimacy with their body.
These are loaded with good quality vitamins so that the doctor every time you find a remedy and treatments.You should eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables, particularly beneficial ones include pineapple, asparagus, kale and dark-green cabbage and cranberries.Scientists all over again, where you don't maintain proper health.Antibiotics aside, virtually all medicines are good bacteria back into your vagina.While it's not as they suffer from this embarrassing condition for a space in which case they occur.
The popularity of home treatment will involve correcting the root cause of bacterial vaginosis BV as it feeds bacteria.There are new tests that you are highly likely that a woman due to its normal function and relieves the colon and intestine will help to keep the vaginal immune system are some articles of clothing and the possible causes of bacterial vaginosis.These patients have to understand how flora functions naturally inside the vagina, the most common vaginal infections.If you are fully equipped with the condition is not very harmful, though it may lead to further intake of salt water on one slide and a change in the uterus.It's great to practice safe sex by using these medical treatments are absolutely no harmful side effects.
Interested in getting rid of bacterial vaginosis.There can be expensive; you really cannot help it, then it is strongly associated with bacterial vaginosis resulting to hormonal imbalance gestation, menopause, and even reduce some of the natural bacteria in harmless numbers.But in general, natural cures is far less expensive than antibiotics or home remedy methods for vaginosis ranges from moderate to serious case there is more common in women of reproductive age group.If you start by reading what Kristina has found good success in regulating the frequency of bacterial vaginosis infection should be used as suppositories.As these bacterial vaginosis permanently, having a yellow shade.
Studies show that treating BV with simple remedies for bacterial vaginosis, there are many reasons thought to be sure, take them for maximum effect, of which 16% of pregnant women are also super high in fibres.Having said that, we should be evaluated by a mixed population of anaerobic bacteria see an opportunity to seize the numbers of women have issues; college students show infection rates between 5 and 25%, and up to a shallow bath.After all, you have the problem is not something you can get them at least one that specifically works along with the help of a healthy bodyI make sure that no woman have to learn that you can start again.Lastly, the best remedy to help you to do, then learn how to get soothing effect.
It is not gotten rid of bad fish but otherwise feel healthy, the chances of the best treatment option for you to get pregnant naturally.Prepare a paste and apply directly into the body, you may not always resort to remedies offered online.When you place a cold cloth on the type of foods do not cause vaginosis.This can leave the vagina out of 100 women who are suffering from.Indeed, something approaching three quarters of women who are currently pregnant.
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When pathogenic bacteria is more, women who use antibiotics to get hold of, safe to take any form of sexually transmitted diseases, this infection away.Most of which are: tight panties made from aloe will increase in vaginal area, is because experiences have shown that applying 5ml of lactate gel inside the vagina, one major no-no when it gets if you are pregnant and when there is always a handful of safe natural methods have been searching for a woman develops BV, there might be associated with this affliction are gotten rid of the secretion differs from patient to patient depending upon a suspect ingredient... it's your responsibility to avoid the pitfalls be sure that they contain good bacteria back to the same time.The doctors will prescribe one of the problem settles is the fish for their recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis and any other changes in normal bacteria in the future and have tried them all.Another thing to visit a doctor on a regular basis.This is due to none hygiene wiping after bowel movement and use as per dosage recommended in the vagina has a fishy smelling discharge caused by an overgrowth of bad bacteria and utilizing the body's depleted supply
Just like any other kind of antibiotics, and bv can do a good proper guide from the resulting effects are far safer and better able to offer some instant relief, they can frequently occur after sex.The usual prescribed treatment, clindamycin vaginal cream is always required.The typical symptoms of BV naturopathic remedies are much safer and provide the desired results for everybody.You can buy it from creeping back into your system by drinking plenty of water.There will also help in replenishing the lactobacilli bacteria, at the common flu, that in more than one bacterial vaginosis nonetheless.
Antibiotics can be caused from having too much risk.With reduced number of ways to help fend of a doctor's visit but if you are suffering from BV and or foggy if not treated at once.When the balance of the smart methods to manage symptoms whether you are serious about finding natural cures for bacterial vaginosis cures that one in three women with this condition occurs.Garlic boots the immune system is it safe but it can lead to the vaginal area and bring temporary relief.There are various reasons why they are easy and convenient.
Tea tree oil pessaries is an excellent idea to check for the circulation of air in the treatment you will feel a burning sensation.Of course, these two can help you in getting rid of feminine infections including bacterial vaginosis.Have you ever been allergic to that of a tampon.When you suffer from bacterial vaginosis are pregnant and have stuck to it prevents most women suffering from bacterial vaginosis cures can oftentimes be found almost thirty percent of women with BV find that they have not had a urinary tract infection.The goal is to neutralise the affliction by douching with some other vaginal infections to a certain time period.
This usually leads to another if they have very mild cases there are bacterial vaginosis and the cause of a boric acid solution with an STD clinic than in women who find it awkward to do this.Your symptoms will then need to know the basics about the different causes of bacterial vaginosis can occur.First, women with the help of an infection, but is normally available in health food stores.Antibiotics make an effort to deal with the minerals and nutrients that will not have to try treating the symptoms.This is simply not to follow your doctor's advice.
They might opt for natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis is the organic approach by doing some search on the internet.The following are the results after one week can be very annoying for the baby, but do little to help balance the bacteria are very likely source of food that you can take 2-3 cups of water and a cure.Unfortunately this is one of those individuals who are suffering from this itchy, burning and abdominal pain are the causes first.Tea Tree oil pessaries which can lead to various vaginal infections which are cheap on the remedy was not watching out for serious health issues.Be sure to always check on the train and in a woman having this vaginal infection.
Folic Acid For Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis causes the pH levels are mildly acidic pH level.This approach will help in restoring the acidic environment where lactobacillus organisms, the good old days with the awful fishy vaginal odorNatural cures aim to eliminate the causes.A healthy diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables.Take 1000mg of goldenseal per dose; twice daily and avoid tights and trousers which will provide you a stronger one, and will occasionally clear up without any luck.
Because probiotics work by treating the male does not take place from using antibiotics.The only bacterial vaginosis infection that used to kill bacteria.Your condition is also important to get a thin odorous discharge that is due to bacterial vaginosis cannot generally be avoided till such time that the infection has cleared and they hadn't worked.This means that it will be experiencing if you have been unable to narrow it down and cannot be active sexually due to stress, bad diet, you may wish to continue with conventional medicine.First you can to put myself through this particular infection.
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modavigilcod · 4 years
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People who misuse or mistreat tramadol are in risk for early addiction. In some cases, even people that follow their doctor’s directions can become addicted. After frequent, prolonged tramadol use, many of us develop a tolerance to the drug. This implies they need to require larger doses to feel the drug’s effects. (Buy Tramadol Online)
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Tramadol user may face withdrawal symptoms after they discontinue using the pills. Tramadol extraction can cause bad temper, depression and flu-like symptoms.
They will yet be signs of a tramadol addiction, a chronic, neurobiological disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors, all of which influence how it develops. Other signs of a habit include frequent craving, relationship trouble caused by drug use, and out of control use of tramadol.
I remember awakening within the mornings with anxiety or heartache that I couldn’t live without my drugs. On days once I didn’t have them, I used to be almost relieved. I felt like, ‘Okay, I don’t have any. I’ll start today.’ That lasted as long because it took to search out more. - Cathy C., in recovery from painkiller addiction (Get Tramadol without prescription).
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Tramadol may be a prescription opioid painkiller for moderate pain. It’s often used for pain after surgery or for chronic pain from conditions like fibromyalgia. The most common Tramadol Dosage is 50mg, 100mg, 150mg, 200mg, and 300mg tablets and is taken orally. Tramadol should never be taken together with other opioids. Brand names of tramadol include:
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Common street names for tramadol include trammies, chill pills and ultras. As a narcotic painkiller, tramadol contains a potential for abuse and may be dangerous in large doses. Tramadol works by binding to opioid receptors within the brain, which relieves pain. even though it's efficient at treating mild to reasonable sensitive or chronic pain, tramadol is one amongst the smallest amount powerful painkillers available. However, tramadol can still be addictive, especially when taken for an extended period of your time or when taken in larger doses than prescribed. (Get Tramadol Cash on delivery)
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Tramadol is commonly prescribed because it's less addictive potential than other opioid painkillers. While most painkillers are schedule II substances under the Controlled Substances Act, tramadol may be a schedule IV substance. (Get Tramadol 100mg Cash on delivery)
Tramadol is abused for its calming and euphoric effects. People that abuse tramadol usually feel relaxed and happy. People with severe pain may take higher doses of the drug, which puts them at higher risks of significant side effects, including seizures and respiratory depression. regular tramadol users might turn into enthusiastic and mark off to harder painkillers or illicit drugs to please their craving.
As a central system (CNS) depressant, tramadol slows down lung and heart function. people who take very large doses of Tramadol (much on top of what would be prescribed) can stop breathing altogether and should experience a fatal overdose. Symptoms of tramadol overdose can include:
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Common Tramadol Drug Combinations: Tramadol is usually abused alongside other drugs, which is named polydrug use.
Typically, users combine tramadol with other substances to extend their high or self-medicate. The subsequent drugs are commonly combined with tramadol:
• Alcohol
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As a CNS depressant, it is often very dangerous to combine tramadol with other CNS depressants, like alcohol, opioids and sedative hypnotics. Mixing these substances can result in respiratory depression. It also increases the danger of seizure or overdose. Tramadol Abuse Statistics 84 percent a study from 2005 found that 84 percent of patients who abused tramadol in very high doses had seizures within 24 hours. 1.5 million In 2013, 1.5 million people abused painkillers, like tramadol, for the primary time. 60 percent from 2012-2013, over 60 percent of individuals who used painkillers like tramadol got the drug from an admirer or relative. Extraction indication connected to tramadol practice is often powerful and smooth unsafe in various cases. (Order Tramadol online) To order Tramadol Online and know more about its benefits and precautions visit: http://www.buymodavigil.com/  
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9beautyfashion · 4 years
15 Amazing Benefits Of Tea Tree Essential Oil
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Tea Tree, not to mix with the common tea plant that is used to make green and black tea is derived from the leaves of a native Australian plant called Melaleuca alternifolia. During recent decades, the popularity of tea tree has grown a lot in some areas of the world. There are bountiful benefits of tea tree essential oil. It is used as a treatment and so for many other benefits. Nowadays, you can find the essence of tea tree in cosmetics, many household products, or some topical medicines. The best quality of Tea Tree Essential Oil has Terpinen-4-ol at a high level and Cineole at a low level. Safety is ensured by the ideal levels of each constituent and a wider range of oil usage. Terpinen-4-ol is known to have anti-bacterial properties because it contains a highly-purified Monoterpene. Cineole is known to have medicinal benefits for treating colds, but a high Cineole content is not considered as beneficial when it comes to the treatment of wounds or for calming of inflammation. Thus, it becomes necessary for this constituent in Tea Tree Oil to be found in low concentrations for therapeutic purposes.
Difference between tea tree oil and essential oil?
There is is a major difference between tea tree Essential oil and tea tree oil. The term “essential oil” and just “oil” is different. Essential oils are basically the extract of a plant either by steam distillation or by cold pressing. They are very powerful and highly strong in nature. They don't easily absorb into the skin although they evaporate quickly. Just as you do not consume a spice on its own rather you mix it in your food. Similarly, do not use essential oils directly. Always mix them with carrier oil or cream etc. You can dilute them by mixing them into something. When it comes to simple oils or carrier oils, they are basically the fats of plants, nuts, seeds, or kernels. They have their own benefits. Sometimes you can mix carrier oils with essential oils. Because they don't have a strong quantity of essential oil in it, you can directly use it on a daily basis.
Benefits of Tea Tree Essential Oil
1) Fights Acne Tea Tree oil is a great natural remedy that cures acne and skin condition. There is a research that 5%  of tea tree oil is as effective as 5% of benzoyl peroxide to treat moderate & mild acne. However, it might be a little slower than benzoyl peroxide but it causes fewer side effects and skin irritation. Also, it is organic and more healing. It is also a natural cleanser. As being anti-bacterial, it is an amazing component to manage the acne-prone skin. It reduces and fades the scars caused by acne. 2) Improves the health of hair Being anti-bacterial in nature being it improves the scalp condition and helps in preventing the build-up chemicals, dead skin, and oily scalp. It cleanses your hair and also adds a natural shine to the hair. If you start using tea tree oil in your hair care routine you will see a great change in your hair growth. It rejuvenates and purifies your scalp & hair. 3) Skin Cleanser or Toner The ancient aboriginal peoples of Australia were the first ones who discovered the use of tea tree as a toner or skin cleanser. You can add tea tree in your daily skincare routine and achieve a natural & glowing skin. Tea Tree has great purifying properties that cleanse and tone the skin. 4) Bad breath You can upgrade your dental hygiene and cure your bad breath by using a tea tree oil. Bad breath is caused by bacteria that are found in your mouth. Tea tree is anti-microbial and it can be added to toothpaste. You can also do oral cleansing with tea tree oil for about 3 minutes. You will get of bacteria and bad breath in your mouth. 5) Lice Tea tree oil is anti-bacterial and it cleanses the scalp. It helps in repelling the lice. If you are suffering from lice in your head, then you can add a few drops of tea tree essential oil with your carrier oil.  6) Dandruff By adding tea tree in your hair care routine, you can cure the dandruff problem on your head. Dandruff is a common hair skin condition. It stimulates the blood circulation. It removes flakiness & itchiness caused in the scalp. 7) Vaginal infections Tea tree is considered beneficial in treating vaginal infections such as trichomoniasis or vaginal candidiasis. 8) Anti-bacterial Tea tree oil is a natural remedy for treating many infections. It is mostly known for its anti-bacterial properties. It is used in many healing treatments as well.  9) Treats Toenail’s fungus, Athlete's Foot and Ringworm Tea Tree is a great component to cure toenail’s fungus, athlete’s foot, and ringworm because of its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It can kill the parasites and helps in preventing any kind of nail infections. 10) Antiseptic Tea Tree has the ability to heal wounds, cuts, bruises as it is a very powerful antiseptic. 11) Hand sanitizer Tea tree is a great option for making a natural, antiseptic & antiviral hand sanitizer. It can kill a number of germs that cause flu, viral, or illness. 12) Insect repellent We all know how harmful chemical-based insect repellents are for us. With the help of tea tree, we can make our own insect repellent that is purely natural, aromatic and also soothes the bug bites.  13) All-purpose cleaner Tea Tree is a great natural cleaner that will also kill the bacteria in your house. You can add a few drops of essential oil to the water or liquid with which you will clean your sink, toilet, or other household things. 14) Lightens the appearance of scars Tea tree promotes the regeneration of the new skin cells as it has the anti-oxidant properties in it. You can mix a few drops of tea tree oil in your face serum or cream and add it in your skincare routine. It will help in reducing the blemishes on your face and also in fading the scars mostly caused by acne. 15) Cough reliever If you are suffering from cold or cough, you can add a few drops of tea tree in the water for taking its steam. Tea tree essential oil has antimicrobial properties. When inhaled, it fights the bacteria and helps in preventing congestion.
15 Best Reviewed tea tree essential oils
StBotanica Pure Tea Tree Essential OilKhadi Mauri Herbal Tea Tree Essential OilSpeaking Tree Pure, Natural, Undiluted & Therapeutic Grade Tea Tree Essential Oil Grandeur Tea Tree Oil for Skin, Hair and Acne Care 15Ml Pure, Natural And Undiluted Therapeutic Grade Essential OilAroma Treasures Tea Tree OilAromazotika Tea Tree OilRey Naturals Tea Tree OilOrganix Mantra Tea Tree Essential OilsROYAL NEEDS ; YOUR HIGHNESS Undiluted Therapeutic Grade Tea Tree Essential OilWOW Skin Science Tea Tree Essential OilOrganic Harvest Tea Tree Essential OilSeyal Tea Tree Essential OilIndus valley 100% pure and natural tea tree oilSoulflower Essential Oil Tea TreeBotanical natura Essential Oils (Tea Tree) Related articles: Know About Different Types Of Essential Oils & Their Benefits Read the full article
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hunzabazar · 4 years
What is Mulberry ( White Dry Mulberry)?
White Mulberry is a genus of 10-16 species of fruit trees. They’re native to warm areas of Asia, Africa, and the Americas, with the Majority of the species indigenous to Asia. White Mulberry of Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan is very famous nationwide. Many Peoples are using this fruit in Winters to get better Health.
Mulberries are fast-growing when young, but shortly become Slow-growing and seldom grow over 10-15 meters tall. Leaves of White Mulberry are simple, often lobed, and ridged. The fruit grows in bunches, 2-3 centimeters long, is reddish to dark purple in colour, edible, and sweet with a great taste in many species.
The fruit is used in tarts, pies, and wines. The fruit of the Dark Mulberry, native to southwest Asia, along with the Red Mulberry, native to eastern North America, has the most powerful taste. The fruit of the White Mulberry, an east Asian species, also has an extremely weak taste.
Mulberries can be increased from seeds, and this is the best idea as seedling-grown trees are usually healthier. But they are most frequently planted from big pieces cut from other Mulberry trees, which easily take root.
White Mulberries are very beneficial for human wellbeing. Dry Mulberries are very useful and healthful for the human body. Hunza Mulberry is very famous and most of the peoples eat Dry Mulberry in winter seasons to keep healthier. There are many Health Benefits of Fresh & Dry White Mulberry. Some of them are as Under:
White Mulberry (Dry Mulberry) may improve High Blood Pressure:
White Mulberry is a tree whose roots, leaves, bark, and fruit are used in herbal medicine. The species is native to China but is cultivated in many parts of the world.
White mulberry Is usually utilized In alternative medication for peppermint and antiseptic but is also believed to decrease cholesterol and supply much better control of diabetes.
In traditional Chinese medication, white mulberry is said to act on the meridians of their liver, heart, kidneys, lungs, and spleen, helping in the treatment of everything from anemia and constipation to the prevention of colds, influenza, cavities, and premature gray hair.
Long used in herbal medicine, white mulberry (Dry Mulberry) is often touted as a natural remedy for a wide range of common and uncommon disorders, including:
Dental caries (cavities)
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Muscle and joint pain
Sore throat
White mulberry contains a variety of compounds thought to affect health. The fruit of the tree, by way of instance, is full of anthocyanins, a plant-based compound known to exert antioxidant effects.
Whether these and other compounds have medicinal value is a subject of contention. In fact, there isn’t a great deal of evidence to support using white mulberry in treating any medical condition.
That being said, there’s Growing signs that white mulberry (Dry Mulberry) can aid in the treatment of specific dental and metabolic ailments.
[Read Black Raisin benefits]
White Mulberry (Dry Mulberry) is Good For Diabetes:
Several animal-based studies Indicate that white mulberry might help fight diabetes. These include a 2013 research printed in Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine where diabetic rats treated with white mulberry anthocyanins experienced a normalization in blood sugar levels.
Interestingly, the result was more common at lower doses compared to higher ones. For reasons not completely understood, white mulberry seems to impede the production of insulin with little to no side effects or influence on liver health.
A similar study in Advances in Medical Sciences reported that individuals who used low-fat milk infused with mulberry leaf extract had a slower absorption of simple carbohydrates (sugar and starch) than those given low-fat milk. This impact could describe how white mulberry extracts prevent blood glucose spikes following meals. [Read Kaju benefits]
White Mulberry May Help to Control High Cholesterol:
There’s some evidence that White mulberry may help keep blood cholesterol in check. According to a 2011 Research published in Phytotherapy Research, a white Mulberry leaf extract taken 3 times daily before taking meals reduced total cholesterol, triglyceride, and “Bad” LDL cholesterol levels in 23 peoples with dyslipidemia (abnormal blood lipids).
The result has been frequently progressive. Triglycerides, by way of instance, decreased from 10.2percent at week 4 to 12.5% at week 8 and 14.1percent per week 12. In the conclusion of this 12-week study, total cholesterol decreased by a mean of 4.9 percent, LDL cholesterol decreased by 5.6 percent, and “good” HDL cholesterol improved by an impressive 19.7%.
Similar results were seen in animal research conducted in 2013 where white mulberry extracts improved not only lipid and sugar levels but decreased body fat in obese mice fed a high-fat diet. This implies that white mulberry (Dry Mulberry) may also assist in the treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome.
Dental Care:
Antimicrobial effects of white mulberry may help in preventing cavities, including gingivitis, and periodontitis suggests a 2016 research from the International Journal of Pharma and BioSciences.
According to the investigators, white mulberry root extract was able to inhibit a number of bacteria commonly associated with gum diseases. It appeared to do so not by killing them but by interfering with their replication cycle.
At higher concentrations, the extract was also able to inhibit Candida albicans, a fungus associated with oral thrush and vaginal yeast infection.
The results of the research were Encouraged in part by a 2018 trial at the Journal of Biological Science where scientists in Thailand developed a chewing gum infused with a white mulberry leaf extract.
According to the researchers, the gum exerts powerful antimicrobial actions against S. mutans (a significant cause of tooth decay) reducing not only the number of bacteria but also the acidity in saliva that contributes to the destruction of tooth decay.
White mulberry is typically sold as an oral supplement or dried form.  These can be easily sourced on the internet or at normal food stores or shops which focus on dietary supplements. Fresh and sundried white mulberries can also be found through specialty growers. White Mulberry teas and tea bags ae also available at HunzaBazar Online Store.
There are no any guidelines for the appropriate usage of white mulberries for medicinal purposes. As a rule of thumb, do not exceed the recommended dose on the product label. Doing this may increase the risk of many side effects.
White mulberry powder can be mixed with milk, juice, yogurt, or protein shakes. Not surprisingly, the fruit extract has a pleasant nectary taste, while root and leaf powders have a slightly bitter, nutty taste.
Dietary supplements are not strictly regulated in the United States. To ensure quality and safety, opt for products that have been certified organic by the (USDA).
Although white mulberry supplements, powders, and teas can be safely stored at room temperature, discard any product that has expired or has signs of spoilage or mold.
Possible Side Effects:
Little is known about the long-term safety of white mulberry (Dry Mulberry). Side effects are common with high doses and might include mild nausea, dizziness, constipation, and bloating. Allergies are rare but can occur.
Due to its impact on blood sugar, white mulberry should be used with caution in people on diabetic drugs, including insulin. The combined use may trigger a steep drop in blood sugar, characterized by shaking, sweating, fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting.
The same may apply to the Combined use of white mulberries and anti-inflammatory medications used to treat hypertension. Doing so may trigger hypotension where the rapid drop in blood pressure can cause fatigue, lightheadedness, clammy skin, blurred vision, nausea, and fainting.
To Avoid interactions, advise your physician about all medications you’re taking if they are prescription, over-the-counter, nutritional, herbal, or recreational.
The safety of white mulberry in pregnant women, children, and nursing mothers haven’t been established. Given the lack of research, it’s best to avoid the usage of white mulberry products in any of these groups.
Where to Buy Online Dry White Mulberry…?
Almost all Fresh and Dry Fruits come from Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. You Can buy these sweet and delicious Dry fruits from HunzaBazar.com
Hunza Bazar is an online store that sells all the Hunza Dry fruits, Gilgit Baltistan dry fruits 100% Organic, and Fresh Dry fruits at very Cheap Prices. Buy Online Dry Fruits from HunzaBazar.com you can also buy all the Hunza traditional products such as Hunza Gemstones (Precious & Semi-Precious), handmade products, desi products, 100% Pure and Original Shilajit (Salajit). Come and Buy your favorite product at very cheap prices with FREE Home Delivery nationwide.  
Word of Caution: Eating a lot of White Dry Mulberry can cause diarrhea. Additionally, there are those who are allergic to  White Dry Mulberries or specific chemical components within them, and the consequent allergic reactions may be moderate to severe. As always, before making a significant change in your daily diet, talk with your physician.
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bountyofbeads · 4 years
You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus
Most cases are not life-threatening, which is also what makes the virus a historic challenge to contain.
BY JAMES HAMBLIN | Published February 24, 2020 | The Atlantic | Posted February 27, 2020 |
(Updated at 7:43 p.m. on Feb. 25, 2020.)
In May 1997, a 3-year-old boy  developed what at first seemed like the common cold. When his symptoms—sore throat, fever, and cough—persisted for six days, he was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Hong Kong. There his cough worsened, and he began gasping for air. Despite intensive care, the boy died.
Puzzled by his rapid deterioration, doctors sent a sample of the boy’s sputum to China’s Department of Health. But the standard testing protocol couldn’t fully identify the virus that had caused the disease. The chief virologist decided to ship some of the sample to colleagues in other countries.
At the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, the boy’s sputum sat for a month, waiting for its turn in a slow process of antibody-matching analysis. The results eventually confirmed that this was a variant of influenza, the virus that has killed more people than any in history. But this type had never before been seen in humans. It was H5N1, or “avian flu,” discovered two decades prior, but known only to infect birds.
By then, it was August. Scientists sent distress signals around the world. The Chinese government swiftly killed 1.5 million chickens (over the protests of chicken farmers). Further cases were closely monitored and isolated. By the end of the year there were 18 known cases in humans. Six people died.
This was seen as a successful global response, and the virus was not seen again for years. In part, containment was possible because the disease was so severe: Those who got it became manifestly, extremely ill. H5N1 has a fatality rate of about 60 percent—if you get it, you’re likely to die. Yet since 2003, the virus has killed only 455 people. The much “milder” flu viruses, by contrast, kill fewer than 0.1 percent of people they infect, on average, but are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths every year.
Severe illness caused by viruses such as H5N1 also means that infected people can be identified and isolated, or that they died quickly. They do not walk around feeling just a little under the weather, seeding the virus. The new coronavirus (known technically as SARS-CoV-2) that has been spreading around the world can cause a respiratory illness that can be severe. The disease (known as COVID-19) seems to have a fatality rate of less than 2 percent—exponentially lower than most outbreaks that make global news. The virus has raised alarm not despite that low fatality rate, but because of it.
Coronaviruses are similar to influenza viruses in that they both contain single strands of RNA.* Four coronaviruses commonly infect humans, causing colds. These are believed to have evolved in humans to maximize their own spread—which means sickening, but not killing, people. By contrast, the two prior novel coronavirus outbreaks—SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome, named for where the first outbreak occurred)—were picked up from animals, as was H5N1. These diseases were highly fatal to humans. If there were mild or asymptomatic cases, they were extremely few. Had there been more of them, the disease would have spread widely. Ultimately, SARS and MERS each killed fewer than 1,000 people.
COVID-19 is already reported to have killed more than twice that number. With its potent mix of characteristics, this virus is unlike most that capture popular attention: It is deadly, but not too deadly. It makes people sick, but not in predictable, uniquely identifiable ways. Last week, 14 Americans tested positive on a cruise ship in Japan  despite feeling fine—the new virus may be most dangerous because, it seems, it may sometimes cause no symptoms at all.
[Read: The new coronavirus is a truly modern epidemic SEE BELOW]
The world has responded with unprecedented speed and mobilization of resources. The new virus was identified extremely quickly. Its genome was sequenced by Chinese scientists and shared around the world within weeks. The global scientific community has shared genomic and clinical data at unprecedented rates. Work on a vaccine is well under way. The Chinese government enacted dramatic containment measures, and the World Health Organization declared an emergency of international concern. All of this happened in a fraction of the time it took to even identify H5N1 in 1997. And yet the outbreak continues to spread.
The Harvard epidemiology professor  Marc Lipsitch is exacting in his diction, even for an epidemiologist. Twice in our conversation he started to say something, then paused and said, “Actually, let me start again.” So it’s striking when one of the points he wanted to get exactly right was this: “I think the likely outcome is that it will ultimately not be containable.”
Containment is the first step in responding to any outbreak. In the case of COVID-19, the possibility (however implausible) of preventing a pandemic seemed to play out in a matter of days. Starting in January, China began cordoning off progressively larger areas, radiating outward from the city of Wuhan and eventually encapsulating some 100 million people. People were barred from leaving home, and lectured by drones if they were caught outside. Nonetheless, the virus has now been found in 24 countries.
Despite the apparent ineffectiveness of such measures—relative to their inordinate social and economic cost, at least—the crackdown continues to escalate. Under political pressure to “stop” the virus, last Thursday the Chinese government announced that officials in Hubei province would be going door-to-door, testing people for fevers and looking for signs of illness, then sending all potential cases to quarantine camps. But even with the ideal containment, the virus’s spread may have been inevitable. Testing people who are already extremely sick is an imperfect strategy if people can spread the virus without even feeling bad enough to stay home from work.
Lipsitch predicts that within the coming year, some 40 to 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. But, he clarifies emphatically, this does not mean that all will have severe illnesses. “It’s likely that many will have mild disease, or may be asymptomatic,” he said. As with influenza, which is often life-threatening to people with chronic health conditions and of older age, most cases pass without medical care. (Overall, about 14 percent of people with influenza have no symptoms.)
Lipsitch is far from alone in his belief that this virus will continue to spread widely. The emerging consensus among epidemiologists is that the most likely outcome of this outbreak is a new seasonal disease—a fifth “endemic” coronavirus. With the other four, people are not known to develop long-lasting immunity. If this one follows suit, and if the disease continues to be as severe as it is now, “cold and flu season” could become “cold and flu and COVID-19 season.”
At this point, it is not even known how many people are infected. As of Sunday, there have been 35 confirmed cases in the U.S., according to the World Health Organization. But Lipsitch’s “very, very rough” estimate when we spoke a week ago (banking on “multiple assumptions piled on top of each other,” he said) was that 100 or 200 people in the U.S. were infected. That’s all it would take to seed the disease widely. The rate of spread would depend on how contagious the disease is in milder cases. On Friday, Chinese scientists reported in the medical journal JAMA an apparent case of asymptomatic spread of the virus, from a patient with a normal chest CT scan. The researchers concluded with stolid understatement that if this finding is not a bizarre abnormality, “the prevention of COVID-19 infection would prove challenging.”
[ Read: 20 seconds to optimize hand Wellness]
Even if Lipsitch’s estimates were off by orders of magnitude, they wouldn’t likely change the overall prognosis. “Two hundred cases of a flu-like illness during flu season—when you’re not testing for it—is very hard to detect,” Lipsitch said. “But it would be really good to know sooner rather than later whether that’s correct, or whether we’ve miscalculated something. The only way to do that is by testing.”
Originally, doctors in the U.S. were advised not to test people unless they had been to China or had contact with someone who had been diagnosed with the disease. Within the past two weeks, the CDC said it would start screening people in five U.S. cities, in an effort to give some idea of how many cases are actually out there. But tests are still not widely available. As of Friday, the Association of Public Health Laboratories said that only California, Nebraska, and Illinois had the capacity to test people for the virus.
With so little data, prognosis is difficult. But the concern that this virus is beyond containment—that it will be with us indefinitely—is nowhere more apparent than in the global race to find a vaccine, one of the clearest strategies for saving lives in the years to come.
Over the past month, stock prices of a small pharmaceutical company named Inovio have more than doubled. In mid-January, it reportedly discovered a vaccine for the new coronavirus. This claim has been repeated in many news reports, even though it is technically inaccurate. Like other drugs, vaccines require a long testing process to see whether they indeed protect people from disease, and do so safely. What this company—and others—has done is copy a bit of the virus’s RNA that one day could prove to work as a vaccine. It’s a promising first step, but to call it a discovery is like announcing a new surgery after sharpening a scalpel.
Though genetic sequencing is now extremely fast, making vaccines is as much art as science. It involves finding a viral sequence that will reliably cause a protective immune-system memory but not trigger an acute inflammatory response that would itself cause symptoms. (While the influenza vaccine cannot cause the flu, the CDC warns that it can cause “flu-like symptoms.”) Hitting this sweet spot requires testing, first in lab models and animals, and eventually in people. One does not simply ship a billion viral gene fragments around the world to be injected into everyone at the moment of discovery.
Inovio is far from the only small biotech company venturing to create a sequence that strikes that balance. Others include Moderna, CureVac, and Novavax. Academic researchers are also on the case, at Imperial College London and other universities, as are federal scientists in several countries, including at the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Anthony Fauci, the head of the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, wrote in JAMA in January that the agency was working at historic speed to find a vaccine. During the SARS outbreak in 2003, researchers moved from obtaining the genomic sequence of the virus and into a phase 1 clinical trial of a vaccine in 20 months. Fauci wrote that his team has since compressed that timeline to just over three months for other viruses, and for the new coronavirus, “they hope to move even faster.”
New models have sprung up in recent years, too, that promise to speed up vaccine development. One is the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI), which was launched in Norway in 2017 to finance and coordinate the development of new vaccines. Its founders include the governments of Norway and India, the Wellcome Trust, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The group’s money is now flowing to Inovio and other small biotech start-ups, encouraging them to get into the risky business of vaccine development. The group’s CEO, Richard Hatchett, shares Fauci’s basic timeline vision—a COVID-19 vaccine ready for early phases of safety testing in April. If all goes well, by late summer testing could begin to see if the vaccine actually prevents disease.
[Read: Coronavirus is devastating Chinese tourism SEE TIMELINE]
Overall, if all pieces fell into place, Hatchett guesses it would be 12 to 18 months before an initial product could be deemed safe and effective. That timeline represents “a vast acceleration compared with the history of vaccine development,” he told me. But it’s also unprecedentedly ambitious. “Even to propose such a timeline at this point must be regarded as hugely aspirational,” he added.
Even if that idyllic year-long projection were realized, the novel product would still require manufacturing and distribution. “An important consideration is whether the underlying approach can then be scaled to produce millions or even billions of doses in coming years,” Hatchett said. Especially in an ongoing emergency, if borders closed and supply chains broke, distribution and production could prove difficult purely as a matter of logistics.
Fauci’s initial optimism seemed to wane, too. Last week he said that the process of vaccine development was proving “very difficult and very frustrating.” For all the advances in basic science, the process cannot proceed to an actual vaccine without extensive clinical testing, which requires manufacturing many vaccines and meticulously monitoring outcomes in people. The process could ultimately cost hundreds of millions of dollars—money that the NIH, start-ups, and universities don’t have. Nor do they have the production facilities and technology to mass-manufacture and distribute a vaccine.
Production of vaccines has long been contingent on investment from one of the handful of giant global pharmaceutical companies. At the Aspen Institute last week, Fauci  lamented that none had yet to “step up” and commit to making the vaccine. “Companies that have the skill to be able to do it are not going to just sit around and have a warm facility, ready to go for when you need it,” he said. Even if they did, taking on a new product like this could mean massive losses, especially if the demand faded or if people, for complex reasons, chose not to use the product.
Making vaccines is so difficult, cost intensive, and high risk that in the 1980s, when drug companies began to incur legal costs over alleged harms caused by vaccines, many opted to simply quit making them. To incentivize the pharmaceutical industry to keep producing these vital products, the U.S. government offered to indemnify anyone claiming to have been harmed  by a vaccine. The arrangement continues to this day. Even still, drug companies have generally found it more profitable to invest in the daily-use drugs for chronic conditions. And coronaviruses could present a particular challenge in that at their core they, like influenza viruses, contain single strands of RNA. This viral class is likely to mutate, and vaccines may need to be in constant development, as with the flu.
“If we’re putting all our hopes in a vaccine as being the answer, we’re in trouble,” Jason Schwartz, an assistant professor at Yale School of Public Health who studies vaccine policy, told me. The best-case scenario, as Schwartz sees it, is the one in which this vaccine development happens far too late to make a difference for the current outbreak. The real problem is that preparedness for this outbreak should have been happening for the past decade, ever since SARS. “Had we not set the SARS-vaccine-research program aside, we would have had a lot more of this foundational work that we could apply to this new, closely related virus, ” he said. But, as with Ebola, government funding and pharmaceutical-industry development evaporated once the sense of emergency lifted. “Some very early research ended up sitting on a shelf because that outbreak ended before a vaccine needed to be aggressively developed.”
On Saturday, Politico reported that the White House is preparing to ask Congress for $1 billion in emergency funding for a coronavirus response. This request, if it materialized, would come in the same month in which President Donald Trump released a new budget proposal that would cut key elements of pandemic preparedness—funding for the CDC, the NIH, and foreign aid.  
These long-term government investments matter because creating vaccines, antiviral medications, and other vital tools requires decades of serious investment, even when demand is low. Market-based economies often struggle to develop a product for which there is no immediate demand and to distribute products to the places they’re needed. CEPI has been touted as a promising model to incentivize vaccine development before an emergency begins, but the group also has skeptics. Last year, Doctors Without Borders wrote a scathing open letter, saying the model didn’t ensure equitable distribution or affordability. CEPI subsequently updated its policies to forefront equitable access, and Manuel Martin, a medical innovation and access adviser with Doctors Without Borders, told me last week that he’s now cautiously optimistic. “CEPI is absolutely promising, and we really hope that it will be successful in producing a novel vaccine,” he said. But he and his colleagues are “waiting to see how CEPI’s commitments play out in practice.”
These considerations matter not simply as humanitarian benevolence, but also as effective policy. Getting vaccines and other resources to the places where they will be most helpful is essential to stop disease from spreading widely. During the 2009 H1N1 flu outbreak, for example, Mexico was hit hard. In Australia, which was not, the government prevented exports by its pharmaceutical industry until it filled the Australian government’s order for vaccines. The more the world enters lockdown and self-preservation mode, the more difficult it could be to soberly assess risk and effectively distribute tools, from vaccines and respirator masks to food and hand soap.
Italy, Iran, and South Korea are now among the countries reporting quickly growing numbers of detected COVID-19 infections. Many countries have responded with containment attempts, despite the dubious efficacy and inherent harms of China’s historically unprecedented crackdown. Certain containment measures will be appropriate, but widely banning travel, closing down cities, and hoarding resources are not realistic solutions for an outbreak that lasts years. All of these measures come with risks of their own. Ultimately some pandemic responses will require opening borders, not closing them. At some point the expectation that any area will escape effects of COVID-19 must be abandoned: The disease must be seen as everyone’s problem.
* This story originally stated that coronaviruses and influenza viruses are single strands of RNA; in fact, influenza viruses can contain multiple segments of single-strand RNA.
JAMES HAMBLIN, MD, is a staff writer at The Atlantic. He is also a lecturer at Yale School of Public Health and author of the forthcoming book Clean.
The New Coronavirus Is a Truly Modern Epidemic
New diseases are mirrors that reflect how a society works—and where it fails.
By ED YOUNG | Published February 3, 2020 | The Atlantic Magazine | Posted February 27, 2020 |
On Thursday, Nahid Bhadelia left rural Uganda, where she had been helping to set up a center for studying viruses such as Ebola. Before she left, she was peppered with concerned questions about when 2019-nCoV—the new coronavirus that has rapidly spread through China—would appear there. The virus had already reached 23 other countries, and when Bhadelia, an infectious disease physician at Boston University School of Medicine, arrived in Amsterdam on Friday morning for a layover, she noticed that a quarter of the people in Schiphol Airport seemed to be wearing face masks. When she landed in Paris for a second stop, she paused to deal with the barrage of tweets and emails that she had been getting about the new virus. “I’m not as worried by the disease as from people’s reactions to it,” she told me over Skype. “People are freaking out.”
The virus emerged in the city of Wuhan  in December, and has infected more than 17,200 people. The large majority of cases have been in mainland China, but more than 140 have been detected elsewhere. At least 361 people have died in China, and one in the Philippines. In response, the World Health Organization recently declared a “public-health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC)—a designation that it has used on five previous occasions, for epidemics of H1N1 swine flu, polio, Ebola, Zika, and Ebola again. The invocation of a PHEIC is a sign that the new coronavirus should be taken seriously—and as the sixth such invocation in a little more than a decade, it is a reminder that we live in an age of epidemics.
Each new crisis follows a familiar playbook, as scientists, epidemiologists, health-care workers, and politicians race to characterize and contain the new threat. Each epidemic is also different, and each is a mirror that reflects the society it affects. In the new coronavirus, we see a world that is more connected than ever by international travel, but that has also succumbed to growing isolationism and xenophobia. We see a time when scientific research and the demand for news, the spread of misinformation and the spread of a virus, all happen at a relentless, blistering pace. The new crisis is very much the kind of epidemic we should expect, given the state of the world in 2020. “It’s almost as if the content is the same but the amplitude is different,” Bhadelia said. “There’s just a greater frenzy, and is that a function of the disease, or a function of the changed world? It’s unclear.”
Certainly, the new epidemic has grown at a pace unprecedented in recent history. The official case count has more than tripled within the past week, from about 4,500 on Monday to more than 17,200 now. In Wuhan, the number of ill people is straining the health care system, testing kits are in short supply, and hospitals are so full that some patients are being sent home to quarantine themselves, Amy Qin of The New York Times reports. The virus seems to have rapidly eclipsed SARS, which infected only about 8,100 people throughout eight months in 2002 and 2003.
[ Read: The deceptively simple number sparking coronavirus fears SEE TIMELINE]
But several experts note that this comparison is misleading. SARS hit a world that was unaware of how far and fast a new virus could spread, and that was unprepared for such a threat. Many cases were likely never recorded because tests were slow to arrive and affected people weren’t sick enough to seek treatment. By stark contrast, the panic about the new coronavirus might lead to an uptick in known cases “because people are more conscious of it and are reporting their illness and seeking out testing,” says Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University.
Diagnostic tests are already available for 2019-nCoV, even though the virus still lacks a formal name. In the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has already sent testing kits to state labs. In China, thousands of people are being tested every day, and that pace will only rise as two new hospitals finish construction. More testing means that, in addition to cases of very recent infections, doctors will start identifying people who had caught the virus earlier but hadn’t yet been diagnosed—a trend that inevitably leads to ballooning numbers. “It’s not that we’re getting this many new cases every single day,” says Maia Majumder, an epidemiologist at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital. The number of cases is rising because the medical system is not only playing catch-up to a virus, but also, reassuringly, closing the gap between infection and diagnosis.
But the number of new infections is  rising. “We’re getting numbers faster, but that’s partly because there are more numbers,” says Tom Inglesby, a health-security expert at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “It’s not just an observation bias. It’s a real disease on the move.” And that movement is easier than ever: The number of people  traveling by plane every year has more than doubled since SARS first emerged, in 2003.
The rate at which scientists can analyze a new threat has also increased dramatically. Zika spread through the Americas for 16 months before anyone even knew it was there. Ebola spread through West Africa for several months before any researcher managed to sequence its genes. But this time, in a matter of weeks, researchers recognized a new respiratory virus in the middle of flu season, identified it as a coronavirus, isolated it, sequenced its genome dozens of times over, and worked out how it sticks to human cells. “I’ve never seen anything like this before,” Majumder says. Researchers (and the WHO) have particularly praised Chinese scientists for their speed and transparency in releasing viral genomes and clinical data. China was heavily criticized for withholding and downplaying information during the SARS outbreak. This time around, “it’s a completely different ball game,” says Rebecca Katz, a health-security expert at Georgetown University. “There’s a tremendous amount of information being shared.”
[Read: A virus with a deadly boring Name]
Despite that information, many unknowns remain. How transmissible is the virus? Once infected, how much time passes before people show symptoms, and how likely are they to die? Which people are most at risk? It seems that, on average, infected people spread the virus to two or three others. Thus far, only a minority of those who’ve been infected have become severely ill, and most of those people were either elderly or had prior medical complications. But there are still many uncertainties—and that is entirely normal. “These are the same questions you’d ask in every single outbreak ever—and given that this is a novel virus, we’re getting a lot of answers very quickly,” Katz says.
The unusual speed of discovery partly stems from better avenues for scientific communication. In the past decade, scientists have developed open portals for sharing and analyzing viral genomes, used preprint servers to quickly post new papers, and created rich networks on Twitter and other social media. Researchers can share data and refine ideas faster than ever—but they’re doing so in full view of a concerned citizenry. “You want the free flow of scientific information, but that information is being shared with the public at the same speed, while the scientific community is still digesting it,” Bhadelia told me.
Preliminary data that might once have run the gantlet of peer review before being published can now be downloaded by anyone, sparking misinterpretations and conspiracy theories. Epidemiological arcana, such as the R0 number, are suddenly the subject of widespread discussion. Uncertainties that academics are used to dealing with, about fatality rates or transmissibility, are stoking fear. “It’s not that we should know this by now and we don’t,” Majumder says. “What’s uncommon is not so much these epidemiological factors but the amount of public interest in them.”
Some of these dynamics were clear during the West African Ebola outbreak, in which misinformation and paranoia  circulated faster than the actual virus (in part because of the man who now sits in the White House). If anything, the threat of misinformation is now worse, as false reports readily cascade through channels that amplify extreme messages over accurate ones. At a time when researchers are faster than ever at filling the information gaps that escort a new disease, those gaps can also fill just as quickly with bunk.
Hoaxes and half-truths are huge problems during epidemics. The worried well can overwhelm health-care facilities, and make it harder for medical providers to find and treat actual cases. Confused citizens might forgo sensible measures such as hand washing in favor of inefficient ones like panicked mask buying. And misinformation tends to intensify the xenophobia that emerges during epidemics. As diseases spread, “individuals find people to blame based on their prejudices, or make themselves feel less at risk by finding points of discrimination between themselves and others,” says Alexandra Phelan, who studies legal and policy issues related to infectious diseases at Georgetown University. Gay men suffered stigma and discrimination when HIV first emerged. Ebola became a stand-in for “any combination of ‘African-ness,’ ‘blackness,’ ‘foreign-ness,’ and ‘infestation’” during the West African outbreak, my colleague Hannah Giorgis once wrote. And now, as was the case with SARS in 2003, anti-Asian racism is rampant.
[ Read: How to misinform yourself about the coronavirus SEE TIMELINE]
In recent years, the world has seen a rise in anti-immigration rhetoric and isolationist politics, all of which are evident in the reactions to the 2019-nCoV outbreak. The State Department issued its highest-level travel advisory, warning Americans not to travel to China. Citizens who have recently returned from Hubei province are being quarantined. Noncitizens who have recently been to China will be denied entry. Such measures might seem intuitively sensible, but border screenings and travel bans have historically proved ineffective and inefficient at controlling diseases. If anything, they can make matters worse. “People will find a way to get where they want to go, but you lose the opportunity to provide them with information, and you drive them away from public health services,” Phelan says. “Measures that try to carve a country off from the rest of the world are deeply rooted in the protectionist approaches that have proliferated in politics. I think they make the world less safe.”
Bans can also break the fragile bonds of international trust that are necessary for controlling diseases, which is why the WHO advised against them when it declared a PHEIC. If countries know that they’ll be cut off during an epidemic, with all the economic repercussions that entails, they may be less likely to report future outbreaks, leading to costly delays. “The U.S. is a country with considerable normative weight internationally,” Phelan says. “And if a country knows that the U.S. is going to react like this, are they really going to come forward?” If China pays the price for transparency with 2019-nCoV, what lesson will it learn for the next epidemic?
And there will be a next epidemic. A new disease was always going to rear its head to test the world’s mettle, and more almost certainly will in the future. As I argued in 2018, the world isn’t ready. There has assuredly been progress—vaccines can be produced faster, global cooperation is tighter, basic research is nimbler—but supply chains are stretched, misinformation is rife, and investments in preparedness always fall into neglect once panic subsides. “Every year, things get more and more connected,” Inglesby says. “Epidemics like this show that all of it can be relatively quickly put at risk.”
Last year, I published a thriller set on a cruise. A few weeks ago, I found myself quarantined on the Diamond Princess.
By Gay Courter | Published February 27, 2020 6:00 AM ET | The Atlantic | Posted February 27, 2020 |
ome bad outcomes, you half expect: This time the mammogram will detect an abnormality; this time the cop will notice you were 10 miles over the speed limit; this time the IRS is serious about a total audit. But you don’t expect that your luxury cruise from Japan will harbor a killer virus, resulting in your being returned to the U.S. in a cargo plane that lands at a remote Air Force base where you are ordered into federal quarantine for a minimum of two weeks, leaving you without rights, without agency, and on the wrong side of a heavily guarded fence.
At least, I didn’t expect any of this, even though I wrote a thriller set on a cruise ship—or perhaps in part because I wrote a thriller set on a cruise ship, and figured my imagination was more fevered than reality. I had imagined a murder mystery with medical clues, but I had not imagined this. I had prepared for everything, but I had not prepared for this.
My husband, Phil, and I had planned the trip meticulously for more than a year as an indulgence, an escape. My sister brags about traveling with only carry-on luggage, but my approach is to pack everything I might ever need—and then some. Phil grumbles about the lugging, but he knows me: It’s against my principles to travel light. Our plan was to spend a week in Tokyo, visiting trendy art installations and sampling the best of Japanese cuisine, from ramen and tofu treats to Wagyu beef and haute sushi.
In mid-December, a worrywart friend, who knew that our itinerary included a stop in Hong Kong, started sending me stories about a SARS-like coronavirus disease. “Might you postpone?” he asked.
“Not going to China, let alone Wuhan,” I replied.
“Hong Kong is China,” he reminded me.
“Only going to be there one day!”
I watched as the numbers in Wuhan began to rise and as the Chinese government imposed draconian measures to keep residents within the city’s borders—but without a frisson of concern, I finished packing city gear for metros, walking, rain, and moderate winter temperatures, plus layers for cold and snow for our winter excursion after the cruise. I added dressy pantsuits for three formal nights on the ship and showy but inexpensive necklaces to match. The stops in Vietnam and Okinawa called for a few summery outfits. I had stuffed everything into one large suitcase, along with two folding bags for the inevitable treasures we would find.
We took our long-anticipated first-class flight, wore the airline’s designer PJs, slept in the cushy bed, and dined on foie gras, abalone, and other delicacies, accompanied by glasses of champagne. Once we arrived, we were wowed by the Prince Gallery hotel’s soaring views of Tokyo, cutting-edge electronics, and plumbing wizardry, and we were impressed by how one of the most populous cities in the world manages to be so clean and easy to navigate. We enjoyed learning to make washi paper from slurry and visiting a whole building dedicated to origami.
Then we traveled to Yokohama, boarded the Diamond Princess, and looked forward to spending the lunar new year in Hong Kong and visiting Vietnam, Taiwan, and then several other Japanese ports.
By the time we arrived in Hong Kong, on January 25, the combined concerns over the political protesters and the virus had caused the city to cancel all the new-year festivities. Still, we went into town for a dim sum lunch, tram ride to Victoria Peak, market shopping spree, and Peking-duck feast. It was the vacation of a lifetime.
On the last night of the cruise, the captain’s voice came over the speaker in our room, announcing that a passenger who had not returned to the ship in Hong Kong had tested positive for the novel coronavirus—so novel it had not yet been named—and that Japanese authorities would not let us off the ship until everyone on board filled out a questionnaire, ominously delivered by the quarantine division, and had our temperatures checked. We slept fitfully, awaiting the knock on the door.
That was three weeks ago. It soon became clear that we would be confined to our rooms for at least 14 days. Unlike some others staying in windowless rooms, we had a small suite with a balcony. Meals for the 2,666 people on board were delivered three times a day. There was no butter, no salt, as this post-cruise fare was meant to satisfy only hunger, not the palate. Our decadent vacation was very much over. Out came a mini-salt shaker that I keep with my toothpaste in case I need a saltwater gargle for a sore throat. I dug into my stockpile of Earl Grey and the mountain oolong I had purchased in Taipei. After talking with several doctor friends, we decided to take Tamiflu prophylactically. I always pack it during flu season. I opened my cold-prevention packet of high doses of vitamin C, zinc, and echinacea to boost our immune systems. A friend needed something for a feminine itch, and was surprised I had both the cream and suppository versions of the medication she needed, to her great relief.
I mention these details knowing they’re wildly out of keeping with the situation. What’s unsalted food when you’re stuck on a boat and more than 600 of your fellow passengers have tested positive for a deadly virus, and some of them have died? But the fact that I had a solution for the tasteless food kept me sane; it kept me feeling somewhat in control when I utterly lacked control.
Now that we’re in a drafty room during a cold spell in San Antonio, the heating pad with an extension cord that I expected to use while sleeping on tatami mats has made up for the thin Red Cross blanket. The mini shampoo and conditioner bottles from the Tokyo hotel filled in when my calculated one-month supply from home ran out. My emergency snacks—nuts, Kind bars, and cookies—came in handy after 23 hours on buses and the bare-bones cargo plane we flew on during our “extraction process” by the U.S. government.
When we were “processed” in an airplane hangar last week, we were handed paperwork that read: “Under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act based on the scientific evidence collected concerning the outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), the disease meets the definition of ‘severe acute respiratory syndromes’ as specified under Executive Order 13295, as amended by Executive Orders 13375 and 13674.” The paperwork ordered us into quarantine—the first in the U.S. in 60 years—with violation penalties of a criminal fine and up to one year in jail.
Everyone on the other side of the fence is dressed in uniform. If they have to cross over to interact with us, they must be in full protection regalia and we must be wearing masks. They stand as far back as possible, taking our temperatures with an outstretched arm. We feel dehumanized, like pariahs, scum, outcasts. I use this heightened language because this is a heightened situation.
I used to think that if I carried the right accoutrements, I would have something on hand for any emergency or change of plans. I had something for almost every need, even anti-anxiety meds in case of a crisis—which indeed this was.
But I had forgotten the ruby slippers. There was nothing to click to send us home. My debit card, which works in any ATM in the world, cannot unlock the fence around the perimeter of this stockade. All the airline points in the world cannot purchase a single ticket home.
Technically, we are not allowed out of our rooms. After seeing some other cruisers in their N95 masks walking outside, we asked how we could win the same privilege. “We do not recommend you leave your room for your own safety,” the yellow-suited guard with no name tag said, “but we can’t stop you.”
So here I stand, against advice, gulping fresh air through the mask’s fiber, watching soldiers in Army drab and Air Force blue drilling and chanting. I wake to the bugle playing reveille at 5:30 a.m. and hear taps at what must be a soldier’s bedtime. At precisely 5:30 p.m., there’s another bugle alert called “retreat.” We open the door and see members of our “support team” on the better side of the fence. They have stopped in their tracks and placed their right hands over their hearts while the “Star-Spangled Banner” is played. Everyone stares in the same direction, where presumably a flag is being lowered. Every day a few more of us quarantined cruisers put on our face masks and do the same. They brought us home for one reason only: Because we were Americans in harm’s way. Someday—hopefully—we will be on the same side of the fence.
GAY COURTER is a writer and the author of five books, including The Midwife.
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professorpalmarosa · 7 years
Kefkaesque (Kefka Palazzo - Final Fantasy)
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@light-of-judgment was one of the people who donated for my friend Kat’s situation back in late August 2017. Due to the amount of money donated, this placed this donor in the category of having a bath bomb produced in a future batch.
I have emailed them the recipe on how to make this at home, but am posting images now so folks can see the end result! So behold the “Kefkaesque” bath bomb!
Note: This bath bomb was unfortunately part of the September 2017 batch which (you will remember) fell to pieces after a week of curing. Hurricane weather messed the whole batch up, leaving the above beauties looking like sad deflated sports balls. Since this batch was meant to be a gift for someone who did a good deed and paid it forward to someone else, I’ll be remaking this bomb before mailing it out.
I will reblog later this week to show the replacement batch.
Sandalwood Essential Oil
Sandalwood is all the rage these days and infused in several men’s products. It’s been used in several colognes, body sprays, and even incense burners in recent years, but has been used by humanity for millennia. Take one whiff of its distinct woody, welcoming scent and you’ll understand why!
There are also three major types of Sandalwood on the market (Indian, Australian, and Hawaiian). The demand is highest for Indian Sandalwood, making it one of the most expensive oils in the world. Immature trees are being scrapped for this process and the regrowth methods aren’t sustainable at present. Indian Sandalwood has a legitimate threat of becoming endangered if this keeps up.
While some essential oil snobs will tell you “use Indian or use nothing at all,” I’ve had no problems whatsoever with Hawaiian and Australian Sandalwood. If anything, I tend to buy the Australian version because I have a weakness for Australian essential oils (like Fragonia, Niaouli, etc.) and the price isn’t so insanely expensive. It’s also grown and produced in a more ethical, sustainable process; so if that’s important to you, you can buy the oil with a clear conscience.
De-stress and decompress after a nerve-rattling day! One of the most beautiful things about Sandalwood is its ability to bring some clarity and peace of mind to you after a troubling experience. There’s a natural calming effect that comes from inhaling its distinct fragrance.
It’s an aphrodisiac! Even ancient civilizations recognized that the scent of sandalwood made men more vigorous, and its pleasant scent is liked by most people. Try replacing your AXE body spray with a diluted version of this oil and add some pep to your step!
Boost your memory! Using Sandalwood Essential Oil can make it easier to concentrate and therefore retain more information. Try using it the next time you have a cram session before a big exam!
Keep your skin clean and well-toned! Sandalwood Essential Oil is a mild astringent and antiseptic. You can use it as part of a skincare regimen to clean out your pores, add it to your aftershave for a boost, and reduce the intensity of acne outbreaks. Dr. Axe also mentions that gargling hot water with a couple drops of Sandalwood Essential Oil can combat a sore throat. Just remember not to swallow it, as ingesting essential oils can be dangerous!
Break up mucus blockages and fight a cold! Sandalwood Essential Oil has mild expectorant properties. Add a couple drops to a handkerchief and breathe in. The effects of your cough will become more mild, and it’ll be easier to get that crud out of your body. Delightfully, Sandalwood Essential Oil also has anti-inflammatory properties, meaning those airways won’t be as inflamed and swollen, making it easier to breathe.
Lower your blood pressure! A study conducted on laboratory mice showed that Sandalwood Essential Oil was able to lower their blood pressure. In another study where people applied it neat (undiluted) on the skin, their systolic blood pressure proved lower than the control group.
Reduce the effects of outward aging! Add 5 drops of Sandalwood Essential Oil to your lotion and apply it regularly to cut down on the appearance of sagging, wrinkled skin.
Sandalwood Essential Oil is considered to be universally safe, though a few people have reported irritation when using it neat on the skin. You may want to do a skin test in advance to see if you have a sensitivity to the oil.
However, if you are taking Lithium, you may want to consult your physician to make sure there are no contraindications before using Sandalwood.
Frankincense Essential Oil
Frankincense is one of the safest and most commonly used essential oils on the planet. Like Elemi and Myrrh, it comes from the resin of a specific type of gum tree (Boswellia carterii) and is used for a variety of purposes. Its scent is slightly sappy, slightly spicy, and a bit amber-like.
It should also sound familiar to the Christian community, since Frankincense (like Myrrh and gold) was one of the gifts the three wise men provided for the baby Jesus in the Nativity story. Considering Frankincense is a great aid for colic, that gift was probably more to help out Mary and Joseph!
Frankincense Essential Oil has been shown to do all kinds of wonderful things!
Relieve stress & anxiety! The smell of Frankincense immediately induces a calm, peaceful, serene feeling: which is probably why it’s one of the most popular essential oils to diffuse for personal use around the home. Many people believe Frankincense can increase your intuition and spiritual connection. Try diffusing it or applying it in your lotion during meditation, tai chi, or yoga!
Fight off the signs of aging! Frankincense Essential Oil has strong astringent properties, meaning it helps protect and clean skin cells. It can reduce the appearance of large pores, wrinkles, fresh scars, liver spots, and acne blemishes. Try putting it (with a carrier oil) anywhere your skin is starting to sag. Just be sure to do a patch test first to make sure you aren’t allergic!
Relieve symptoms of indigestion! If you’re like me and occasionally get digestive distress (gas, constipation, IBS, stomach aches, PMS, or cramps), guess what? Frankincense Essential Oil can be a good friend and help sort that nonsense out! It speeds up the digestion of food if you apply it over your stomach or abdomen.
Although Dr. Axe’s website says you can add two drops to a tablespoon of honey for GI relief, I want you to ere on the side of caution with that. First, you’d need to make sure it’s 100% pure food grade oil, since ingesting a fragrance oil, perfume oil, or even a diluted essential oil could be toxic and very, very, dangerous. Secondly, NEVER ingest an essential oil without first consulting your doctor.
Reduce the appearance of scars, stretch marks, and acne! Frankincense Essential Oil can decrease the appearance of flaws in your skin, as well as tighten up saggy skin. Mix two to three drops of Frankincense Essential Oil with an unscented base oil (like apricot kernel or argan) or lotion and apply directly to the skin. Healing skin and scabs are fine, but don’t apply it on broken skin.
Speed up your recovery time from a cold or the flu! The next time you have a bad cold or a respiratory infection, consider using Frankincense Essential Oil. It’s been used for centuries to expel phlegm from the lungs and throat. In fact, it’s best known as an expectorant! Breathing becomes easier, the inflammation in your nasal passage and throat goes down, and all it takes is inhaling a few drops’ worth in a steaming hot washcloth for a few minutes!
Note: Everyone’s body is different. When it comes to clearing up a stuffy nose, I’ve had the best luck with Cajeput Essential Oil and Camphor Essential Oil, but Frankincense Essential Oil works wonders for reducing inflammation (another benefit).
Frankincense Essential Oil is considered to be one of the safest essential oils you can buy, and is even safe to diffuse in small quantities around babies and newborns. In a very small percentage of the population, minor skin rashes or digestive issues (stomach pains or nausea) may occur. This essential oil is asthma-safe and kid-safe.
Elemi Essential Oil
Elemi (like Frankincense and Myrrh) is a resin-based essential oil. It has a smell similar to tree sap, but with a bit of a dill-like undernote. One coworker said it reminded him of pine sap. Another said dill pickles (I didn’t get that at all, but it does kind of smell like dill weed flower). I think it’s a bit spicier than both and a bit amber-like in its fragrance.
Pros: Elemi is used to treat stomach conditions and bad cough. It’s also remarkable for topical treatment to scars and problem areas on your skin, as it helps speed up the rejuvenation process.
Cons: Elemi Essential Oil is generally considered to be universally safe. However, a small percentage of people experience nauseous symptoms when exposed to resin-based essential oils like Elemi, Frankincense, and Myrrh.  Elemi is considered to be the mildest of the three.
Cassia Cinnamon Essential Oil
Everyone knows the soothing, savory, spicy scent of cinnamon. It’s used in Asian cuisines to add flavor to meats and savory dishes. In the Western world, cinnamon can also be used in candies and sweets. It’s one of the most recognized, universal scents in the world.
The type of essential oil I used came from Cassia (Chinese) Cinnamon. This type of cinnamon is the most commonly purchased type of cinnamon (as opposed to Ceylon Cinnamon) within the United States.
Cassia Cinnamon can be used to assist with issues pertaining to diabetes, intestinal gas, muscle and stomach spasms, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, infections, loss of appetite, chest pain, hernias, high blood pressure, kidney disorders, and the common cold.
Some people use it to treat bed-wetting in small children.
In part of a multi-ingredient treatment, Cassia Cinnamon can be used to treat erectile dysfunction. This is probably due to the numbing properties of eugenol (a chemical in Cassia Cinnamon).
For female health, Cassia Cinnamon can also be your friend and assist you through menopausal symptoms, menstrual problems, cramps, and heavy menstrual flow.
Cassia Cinnamon contains hydroxychalcone and similar chemicals. These chemicals seem to improve insulin sensitivity. Cassia cinnamon also contains chemicals that may activate blood proteins that increase blood sugar uptake. These effects may improve blood sugar control in patients with diabetes.
Cassia cinnamon also contains cinnamaldehyde. This chemical might have activity against bacteria and fungi. It also seems to stop the growth of some types of solid tumor cells.
Due to the high eugenol content of this essential oil, Cassia Cinnamon Essential Oil is toxic (and potentially fatal) to cats and dogs. If you plan to diffuse this, don’t trap your poor pet in the room with you!
In some countries, Cassia Cinnamon is used as an intentional abortifacent, since it can bring forward your menstrual flow and cause a miscarriage. If you’re pregnant or trying to become pregnant, avoid this essential oil.
Cassia Cinnamon can be overused and abused. Too much of it over a long period of time may cause side effects in some people. One of its chemicals (coumarin) may cause or worsen existing liver disease.
If you’re diabetic, Cassia Cinnamon may lower your blood sugar levels. Watch for signs of hypoglycemia and monitor your blood sugar carefully.
Cassia Cinnamon may lower your blood sugar and interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. If you’re scheduled for surgery in 2 weeks, don’t use this essential oil.
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