#itachi ficlet
blindsighted · 4 months
Their camp sat at the edge of the sandbank, against the tree line, and beyond the reach of the waves. A black cloak with red cloud patterns llaid open on the sand; another tidily rigged up to block the weather with a simple and sturdy wooden frame. One wide rimmed hat hung at the left and right side, while belts, bags, pouches, knives, and clothes were alternatively set in neat piles or tossed casually around the area. In front of this refuge, wood was stacked, ready to be burned, while a significantly larger pile sat tidily off to the side.
An open flame might normally attract enemies, but there was little chance of any other person coming out this way. In the event that some poor soul did wander in, it was still less likely that they would be strong enough to pose a threat to this deadly duo, if they were stupid enough to approach at all.
White sand glittered under his feet, as he walked along the shore, pressing pleasantly between toes decorated with purple painted nails. The great blue ocean stretched out on his right side, as far as the eye could see. Tall rocky ledges surrounded the bay, framing pale sandy shores of pebbles, jagged rocks, and hardy corals. Delicate little waves rippled across the surface of the water, glistening in the golden glow of the setting sun, before dissipating into soft foam at his feet.
Itachi marveled, taking in the scene with reverence, while a bittersweet nostalgic bliss washed over him- carried along by the salty sea breeze. The rhythmic churning of the tides set a soothing tone, easing the pain of days past with every push and pull. Truly, few in the world really got what they deserved, Itachi pondered, or else he would never have found himself walking in such tranquility, able to forget his woes for a time. Relief and joy coursed through him, earning a little shudder. He smiled to himself, looking out over the waves, towards the darkened shape of his partner, swimming through sparkling waves.
Piercing crimson eyes dart swiftly from the horizon, pulled down to the shore by a flash of motion. At once, he brings down a simple wooden skewer with swift efficiency. The crab struggles, flailing madly at the end of the sharpened stick, but its agony is of little concern to Itachi. Its suffering needed. "Thank you for your sacrifice," he offers in apathetic prayer, before continuing down his route, in search of other unfortunate and edible creatures.
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lettered-mind · 9 months
Kakashi is shocked the first time someone tells him why he lets Gai follow him around like a lovesick puppy. He looks at the stupid, severely surprised.
I'm sure it's the other way around, Kakashi thinks, but obviously doesn't say it. He just looks at the ninja in front of him and tells him to mind his own business.
That conversation was almost completely forgotten in Kakashi's mind until a month later, Tenzō asks him almost the same thing, more politely. Kakashi is spared the answer when the youngest and most promising member, Itachi, begins to praise Gai's abilities with clear admiration and possibly a small crush.
Kakashi just walks away from the scene, thinking there's no need to say anything else, but he can't stop thinking about it.
Is that what people see in his relationship with Gai? That Gai is Kakashi's big fan who follows him everywhere while Kakashi just puts up with him? He's not going to kid himself and say it wasn't that way in the beginning, but it certainly didn't last that long until the places were swapped.
Gai always liked to be effusive with everyone, and that was normal for him. Kakashi wasn't really a special case, just a down-on-his-luck bastard with genius, and a slight obsession with his optimistic rival, who has a dangerous attraction to anything that leads him to get hurt.
Kakashi doesn't know how people don't see that it's Kakashi who chases Gai, trying to meet him on the street "by chance", reaching under the table when they eat so he can touch him with his feet, taking care of him when Gai comes badly injured from a mission and Kakashi's only thought is to kill the bastard who touched him. When the first thing he does when he sees him is greet him and approach him, and if Gai wins and approaches Kakashi first, he always leans into him, brushing their shoulders and sometimes the backs of their hands. Sometimes he feels like he's a hair's breadth away from being accused of stalking when he's on surveillance and watching him on cameras or spying on him from the trees, but he really can't help it.
He follows Gai, he needs Gai. Gai is the unreachable sun and he is just a cold mountain, never worthy enough to receive more than its rays of light.
They all have it wrong.
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axleboost · 1 month
Naruto Fanfiction | Life Without Kurama, Chapter 4
Today's lucky feature is Mikoto Uchiha, mother to Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha! Little did she know how important they would become...
See link below to read the chapter.
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evaofkonoha · 10 months
shisui & itachi roadtrip nonsense
In Arizona
"Wha---what is that?" Shisui asks, eyes narrowing as he leans in closer to the glass case.
"I believe that is the Thing," Itachi deadpans, caught somewhere between annoyance and amusement at the novelty of this road-side stop.
Shisui narrows his eyes at the gray mass tucked in the case. "Do you think it's real?" He whispers.
Itachi rolls his eyes. "Probably not. It appears to be a paper mache craft project."
"Ah c'mon Itachi! The magic is in believing!" Shisui chides, looking up at Itachi with sparkling eyes. Shisui knows he is charming and insanely persuasive, hence why they keep making stops at every roadside attraction in the continental United States.
"It's not very convincing," itachi remarks, taking in what is supposed to be proof of the extraterrestrial but really feels like a waste of time.
"Then close your eyes and believe."
"I won't be able to see it then."Shisui smiles back at him.
In Colorado
They camp for a night in the Great Sand Dunes National Park, because one of Itachi's goals for this grand roadtrip is to hot up as many National Parks as possible. The sand dunes are magnificent as they are astonishing.
"Isn't in crazy how all of a sudden there's just… sand. Like, sand everywhere," Shisui remarks, letting a handful of it slip through his fingers.
Itachi smiles softly.
"It's a little unexplainable, isn't it? I'm sure there's a reason why this is here, but it's almost more magical to not know why and instead just be amazed that it's here at all."
Quirking an eyebrow, smirk growing, Shisui quips, "Oh so now you're filled with mystery and adventure?"
The next day, Itachi buys a so-ugly-it's-cute Bigfoot Christmas ornament in a junky shop in Colorado Springs. When asked what compelled him to buy it, Itachi just responds with a cheeky grin,
"I don't know, kind of reminded me of you."
Shisui pouts a little at that.
In Oklahoma
Itachi's head whips to determine if what he saw in his perriferal is actually real. Interestingly enough, it is.
"Pull over there," he says, voice tinged with an edge of urgency.
Shisui follows where he is pointing, crossing the highway to find… Alvin and the Chipmunks?
Itachi's already half-crawling into the backseat to grab the camera. "You have to get my picture."
Shisui sits stunned at the events unfolding, not quite processing what is going on before it finally hits him that they are now pulled into the parking lot of a Marijuana despinsery so that Itachi can get his picture with three massive and slightly unnerving chipmunks. Of course he loves Itachi, so he takes the camera and gets out of the SUV.
In Arkansas
Their adventures have taken them to the Ozark mountain range, specifically to the small town of Eureka Springs, nestled and built into the mountain side. It has quirky, tourist shops, interesting restaurants, and a sex shop right in the middle of town. And not just any kind of sex shop, but a slightly trashy one.
So of course, Shisui just has to go in it.
Hand in hand, Shisui leads (drags) Itachi amongst the families visiting the little town towards the shop. Not one to be too embarrassed about his sexuality usually, the location and lack of any subtlety has a small blush growing on Itachi's cheeks. He finds himself keeping his head down and hoping his bangs will keep him from being recognized (as if he knows any of these people).
They make it into the shop, which smells very strongly of lemon intense, and immediately Shisui's eyes light up at the cheap lingerie sets and sex toys scattered about with seemingly no rhyme or reason.
They spend the next twenty minutes pursuing---at least Shisui is---occasionally stopping when Shisui finds something to menace Itachi with.
Making their way to one of the back corners, away from the very open windows to the street or the front counter, Shisui pulls Itachi in close for a kiss.
"You're cute when you blush," he whispers against Itachi's lips. Of course, Itachi blushes just a little bit at the compliment.
"And you're annoying."
"You find it endearing. Honestly, I'm a little horny. Want to get something and maybe go find a place to try it out?" Shisui nuzzles against Itachi's cheek. "I saw a maid set that you would look so cute in back by the window…"
Itachi pulls away with a blush and a scoff. "And the mood is dead."
They ended up not getting the cheap maid costume, but a few other things. Needless to say, the mood was not entirely dead.
This was fun to write. I couldn't sleep so I worked this out on my phone. If you have a state you would like to see them visit, don't hesitate to tell me! This is a fun little writing exercise and I would love to add more to it <3
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Another Uchiha Itachi/ Yamanaka Ino please. But then being plot buddies and scheming as clan heirs (or discussing clan politics)
"How are we going to make this work?" Yamanaka Ino demands, the same words she's heard countless variations of from her clan elders since Uchiha Itachi began courting her.
It is, she must confess, a reasonable question; both she and Itachi are Clan Heirs ... so, is one of them supposed to marry out? She knows if it comes to that, it will have to be her--the Uchiha do not allow marriages out, especially not mainline marriages; they can't risk anyone else ending up with their precious dojutsu, which, fair, the Sharingan is ridiculously powerful.
Ino has been raised to be the next Yamanaka Clan Head, has always known that her husband would be expected to marry in for her and now--
"I lead the Uchiha Clan, you lead the Yamanaka Clan, and Lord Orochimaru ensures we have children with the appropriate traits to inherit each clan, so neither of our elders can object," Itachi answers.
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lapseinart · 10 months
Nine months after the Kyuubi attack, seven months of ANBU surveillance, four months in a new compound further from the village center, Uchiha Mikoto still hasn’t quite adjusted to their new normal.
aka Mikoto after the Kyuubi attack (deleted scene from an AU where Itachi has a twin)
The new main family house is as beautiful and ornate as their old one, maybe even more so, a paltry attempt on the Sandaime’s part to compensate for the Council’s actions against the Uchiha. The village distrusts them. It’s to be expected. There had been evidence of a conflict between Kushina, Minato, and the ANBU guarding them and an unknown that presumably led to the release of the Kyuubi. The Kyuubi had immediately moved to attack Konoha, despite the opportunity to flee, though perhaps this was for revenge, which would not be unexpected from such a creature of malice. Nonetheless, the Sharingan is the only known Jutsu to have subdued the Kyuubi. The clan could not account for the position of all the clansmen in Konoha that night, and their compound had been the least damaged of those close to the village center with the fewest casualties.
But this did not matter. Mikoto pastes a smile on her face like she has every day since her best friend died, and goes into her new house with Sasuke’s birthday mochi.
She sets the mochi in the icebox for the next day before she shoos Itachi to the backyard. The door opens, and she puts a smile on her face as Fugaku greets her before he goes to start their training.
Every day, Mikoto wakes to put the kettle on for her husband. Every day, she watches him eat the breakfast she makes him and sees him off as he heads to the Police Headquarters. Every day, she wakes her children, feeds them, and cares for them. Every day, Fugaku comes home early to train her children in the backyard. Every day, she watches from her window as they train, watches other shinobi walk to the training yards, watches them practicing techniques and sharpening their skills, and every day, she turns away and does the chores around the house.
Every day is hell.
Mikoto was twenty when she got pregnant. In her prime when she was forced to retire for a mistake that shouldn't have happened because he was meant to be careful and she had been taking her pills. Everyone told her it was a miracle, but it sure didn't feel like it.
Mikoto loves her children, really, she does, but she also loves fighting, loves the thrill of pushing herself to the limit just to see if she would win or die. She thought she loved Fugaku too when they tumbled into bed, but they'd only been together for three months before she was married to a man five years older than her. Fugaku is a good husband, faithful and strong, even if he was rather stubborn, but Mikoto does not think that they love each other.
Now there's Sasuke, and Mikoto is stuck at home for another ten years until she won't ever be able to go back to active service, not in the way she wants.
“I’m home!”
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eyeles-alt · 2 years
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Bullets Are Meaningless || AroAce!Itachi Uchiha x Reader
⭐︎ Word Count: 2826 ⭐︎
⭐︎ Warnings: Canon-typical violence, blood, emotional intimacy (ew!) ⭐︎
⭐︎ Description: After a particularly nasty battle, you and your badly injured teammates head to a shitty hotel to rest. You try not to let your best friend bleed to death. Emotional intimacy ensues. ⭐︎
note: this is an aroace hc, meaning theres no romantic or sexual interest in this one shot. Just how I like it! Also, this story has nothing to do with sasuke at all, but I just wanna say again: Itachi/Sasuke shippers (and any incest shippers at all) are gross and shouldn’t be allowed near other people. I hope yall enjoy, the storys under the cut ofc!! <3
The hotel room was, to say the very least, a fucking nightmare of a room. The yellow wallpaper was peeling at the baseboards, molded with years of water-stained weathering. An ambiguous bug was spotted upon entering the room, skittering off into a crack in the corner of the wall. The two beds present were covered in a stiff, yellowed comforter and pillows that look like they’d never been washed. Along with the stench of mold, there was a lingering scent of bodily fluids and rotting wood. All-in-all, it was one of the worst rooms that you had stepped into.
It was, however, what the three of you could afford for the weekend. You only had to stay there for two nights, thank god, but you and your team were in desperate need of a room after a mission that hadn’t gone as planned. You, Itachi, and Kisame stumbled into the nearest motel the moment that your battle was over - with bloodstained cloaks and a sense of urgency, you had slapped the money on the counter and demanded whatever room was available. The man at the front desk saw the state of your companions, who were somehow still capable of standing, and gave you the room they wouldn’t mind legally having to shut down after your stay. He gave you the key and with the fakest smile you’d ever seen, told you to have an amazing night.
That was simply not happening, though, because your partners were currently bleeding out on the beds.
Kisame would be fine, for the most part, because of his ability to absorb chakra through Samehada. Itachi was who you had to worry about right now - even though you knew he was far too strong to die from this battle, you couldn’t help but worry for the man that you considered to be one of the most important people in your life. He leaned on your shoulder as you walked down the hall and pretended not to notice the trail of blood that was dripping from his leg, creating a long trail down the decrepit hallway. When you unlocked the door initially, he did his best to stumble on his own into the room. Upon almost collapsing the moment he let go of your arm, he reattached himself and let you gently lead him to the closest bed. Kisame was in a bit better shape, but was still very close to keeling over and vomiting out everything inside him. Luckily, you escaped the battle mostly unscathed after Itachi had taken it upon himself to fight on your behalf.
“Here,” you said just barely above a whisper as you laid Itachi down, “just lay here. I’ll do my best to help.”
His eyes were mostly shut, but you could see the faintest bit of recognition behind the sharingan eyes. His face remained expressionless as always, but his telling lip twitch showed that he was suppressing a smile. “Thank you,” he whispered.
“I should be alright soon,” Kisame said as he collapsed onto the bed. He had shed his cloak completely and left it laying on the dirt-laden carpet.
“Kisame,” you turned to him. “I need to see your wounds.”
The man nodded and pulled up his shirt - a deep wound through his abdomen told you that he would most certainly need stitches and real medical assistance. You were anything but a medical ninja, but you had the smallest bit of experience in medical ninjutsu. You placed your hands over his wound and tried as hard as you could to focus your chakra into your palms, praying silently that your body would remember how to do the healing for Kisame.
After a minute, you saw the chakra begin to flow into Kisame’s body. He smiled weakly as he relaxed his head onto the pillow. “That’s already feeling quite a bit better, Y/N. I appreciate your assistance.”
You smiled lightly, trying to not break your focus. Your mind kept going back to Itachi, though, and you couldn’t help yourself from glancing back. His eyes were completely shut now, and worry started to fill your chest. “Itachi?” you called weakly, voice faltering, but he opened his eyes in response. Kisame must have seen the worry in your face, because he gently pushed your hands off of him. “Go help Itachi,” he said, “he seems to need it more than me.”
With a nod, you moved to Itachi’s bed. Very carefully, you pulled off the cloak and searched his body for the biggest wound. You lifted his shirt as you mumbled an apology to him, only to gasp when you found a deep wound in the center of his stomach that was actively bleeding.
Instantly, you placed your palms over the wound and focused all of your energy into healing him. “I’m not a medical ninja,” you whispered shakily, “I don’t know if I’m any good at this.”
You sat in silence with Itachi and Kisame for the next twenty minutes, only breaking the silence to tell the two that the wound in Itachi’s stomach was slowly starting to heal. You’d managed to stop the bleeding for now, but it was clear that Itachi would need the help of someone who actually knew how to heal.
“We need to get back to the base,” you said, “I won’t be able to do much here.”
“We can’t leave until all of us are capable of travel,” Itachi said weakly. He was clearly in pain, but his voice didn’t show it. You sighed.
“If we’re planning on staying here for longer than tonight, I’ll need to head out to get some supplies. I don’t have enough to heal the both of you.”
Kisame sat up slowly, grimacing at the pain on his abdomen, and shifted his body to sit at the edge of the bed. “I can try to heal Itachi while you go out.” You furrowed your brow in response, and he opened his mouth to elaborate. “I may not have any medical training, but I can at least keep the wound from bleeding temporarily until you get back. It’s better than nothing.”
You tried to protest, but Itachi was quick to cut you off. “He’s right, Y/N. Please, go get what you need.”
There was a moment of silence while you looked into his eyes, desperate to see something more than the usual emptiness. You took the sight of him in, seeing his hand loosely clutching his shirt and keeping it held up for you. Dried blood was covering both his body and the bed - you’d later curse to yourself at the amount of blood Itachi had lost in total. It was nearly fatal.
The moment Kisame had began putting chakra into Itachi’s body, you set off to get medical supplies for the two. The door shut with a slam as you raced out. After a few minutes of silence, Kisame was the first to speak.
“You need to tell Y/N,” he said. Itachi closed his eyes in response. He knew exactly what Kisame was referring to, and he hated that he knew. “I believe they have the right to know.”
“I have no intention on telling them anything,” Itachi said. His mind began to race, and Kisame could feel it in the chakra flow.
“Y/N has had a little crush on you for a long while now,” he said as he pushed more chakra into Itachi’s body, “I think it’s only fair for them to know that you don’t share those feelings.”
“It’s not that I don’t reciprocate,” Itachi said with a little more inflection than he wanted to, “it’s that I am completely incapable. Y/N knows that.”
“Does Y/N know that you still want a relationship with them?” Kisame was starting to push buttons, but kept pressing on further. A feeling of embarrassment and anger rose inside of Itachi - he’d never once expressed any intent to have a relationship with someone else, but Kisame somehow saw through his wall of monotonous talks and expressionless stories. He cursed himself for allowing someone to see his true desires.
“Relationships are not realistic, and you know that,” Itachi spat. Kisame laughed lightly before wincing at his own pain, hands faltering for a moment. He recentered his chakra into his hands and focused on controlling the bleeding. Itachi remained expressionless as always despite the very clear pain coursing through his body right now - all he was thinking about was you.
He was thinking about the moment last week when you had returned from a mission and greeted him with a smile, saying that you missed having tea-time with him. He remembers the feeling of butterflies in his stomach when you had said that, the tugs at his heart sadly reminding Itachi that he could only suppress the outward expression of emotion and not the inside. Itachi remembers the first time you had joined him for tea - it was close to 6 in the morning and you groggily walked into the kitchen, expressing your distaste for being awake so early. He offered to share the last of the tea with you and as you poured it into your own mug, he watched the hair fall from your ear to the front of your face. It blocked your vision partially, and you moved it with a sigh and pushed it back behind your ear. His heart fluttered at the domesticity when you used the last of the tea to refill his mug, not even bothering to ask because you knew he wanted more. He continued to read his book at the table while you laid with your head down, swaying in and out of consciousness whenever you went too long without sipping your tea. He watched you for a few seconds before forcing himself back to the book.
“Y/N does not deserve what a relationship with someone like me would bring.”
Kisame laughed at that, his voice echoing through the room. “From what I know, Y/N has a long history of dating. Being with you would be nothing remarkably dangerous, I assure you.”
Itachi sighed. Kisame watched as his partner stared at the ceiling, then he spoke once more. “Y/N is very strong and capable. They know you are not capable of romance, and I believe the intimacy of having a companion is more than enough.”
Itachi scoffed. “It sounds like you’re speaking with experience.”
Even though he wasn’t looking at him, Itachi could hear the smile in Kisame’s voice. “I may or may not have had a conversation with Y/N about her feelings for you while you were away last night.”
In an attempt to hide his flushing cheeks, Itachi used his free arm to cover his face. “You are meddling too much in our personal lives, Kisame,” he commented with a groan.
Kisame laughed louder this time, and you heard it from the hallway as you shuffled down to the door. “There’s only so much entertainment when you’re traveling constantly!”
You opened the door and frowned at the smell that had instantly greeted you. You walked into the room and shut the door behind you, locking it and rushing to Itachi’s side. “Thank god you’re not dead,” you muttered as Kisame backed off to give you room. “Not that I didn’t trust your skills, Kisame.”
He chuckled. “I appreciate your faith, Y/N.”
You opened the plastic bag you brought back with you and spread all the supplies out on the bed - some bandage wraps, antiseptic wipes, a small stitching kit, and chakra regeneration tablets. It wasn’t very much since you could hardly afford the room as it is, but it was enough to get Itachi stabilized and ready to heal.
With a warm smile, you downed two chakra regeneration tablets and put your hands back over Itachi’s stomach. The bleeding had stopped from Kisame, and the start of cell regeneration was showing. You asked Kisame if he could bandage himself, and he used the next few minutes to wrap both his wounds and the ones that Itachi would later need looked at.
You spent the rest of the night at Itachi’s side, doing nothing more than hovering your hands over his abdomen and making small talk. Kisame was long asleep by the time you started to falter from exhaustion, feeling the chakra tablets slowly lose their power.
“I will be okay, Y/N,” Itachi said lightly, “you can go to sleep now.”
You sighed and shook your head. “I want to do everything I can.”
He placed his hand over yours, shoving it off his abdomen. The wound was beginning to close and had made significant progress toward healing. “You’ve done more than enough for me tonight,” he whispered. You looked into his eyes, seeing the room gently illuminated by both his sharingan and the partially broken table lamp.
“You need to conserve your chakra,” you whispered, “having your Sharingan activated isn’t helping your situation.”
He shrugged weakly, lip twitching. “I want to remember this moment.”
You looked down and saw his hand still over yours, gripping it very gently. Your chakra was still flowing into his body, but at a much slower rate. A flush rose to your cheeks.
“Itachi…” you trailed off, feeling a lump in your throat.
In a moment of bravery, you spoke. “I care about you a lot and I want to make sure you’re okay.”
Even Itachi knew what you meant. “I care about you, too,” he said before coughing into his arm, “just in a different way.”
You nodded slowly. “I’m not capable of returning your feelings of romance, Y/N,” he began, but you were quick to cut him off and pull your hand away from his.
“It’s okay, Itachi. I know you’re aromantic, I’ve known for a long time. It’s okay.”
He shook his head. The faintest recognition of a smile drew across his face as he watched the hair tucked behind your ears fall forward, the same exact way it had done all those years ago when you first sat down for tea.
“That does not mean I do not desire to be with you,” he said just barely above a whisper. “You mean a lot to me, more than you could ever understand.”
You met his eyes again and searched his face for any emotion - it was still barren, but you’ve learned how to read him a little bit. His lip was slightly curled upward into the smallest indication of a smile and his eyebrows were a little bit higher than usual. As far as expressions go, Itachi was practically baring his soul to you right now.
“I’ve had a crush on you for ages,” you laughed gently. Your eyes shut for a few seconds and you felt the urge to sleep once again, but you forced yourself to stay awake.
Itachi gently moved over on the bed, keeping his hand on top of yours. “Lay down, Y/N,” he whispered. You obliged. You pushed off the cloak you were still wearing and laid down next to Itachi, feeling your heart contently flutter. He placed his free hand on top of your head, gently caressing your hair. Slowly, he leaned down and kissed your hairline.
“Just sleep,” he said, “we can talk more at a better time.”
You eventually drifted off to sleep next to Itachi with one hand on his stomach. His left hand laid lazily on top of yours, and his other rested loosely around your body. In his moment of vulnerability, Itachi had decided to deal with the embarrassment and confusion when he wasn’t losing a dangerous amount of blood and nearing a coma from internal damage. It was a problem for his future self, he decided.
As he drifted to sleep, he continued to think of you. His lips formed a complete smile for the first time in years when he imagined falling asleep next to you every night for the rest of his life. He wanted to be with you in a way that extended far beyond what a romantic attraction could quantify - he wanted more than a significant other, he wanted a soulmate. He wanted someone to wake up to, to feel connected to no matter the distance, to walk next to silently for miles. Itachi, despite his lack of desire for romance, wanted nothing more to be with you. He loved far beyond what he considered acceptable, and was hesitant to proceed.
The moment that lock of hair had fallen in front of your eyes again, his mind had made the decision. The way his heart pounded in his chest was far too noticeable for him to no longer indulge in his emotions - maybe the lack of blood had been messing with his emotional cognition, but he found it hard to care in the moment. Seeing you there made him want to indulge in love for the first time in decades.
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Offering From The Heart
Pairing: Temari/Uchiha Itachi
Characters: Temari, Uchiha Itachi, Gaara
Words: 1498
For: Anon who asked for some cute Temari/Itachi
Betaed by @haethel <3 <3 <3
Toss A Coin To Your Writer <3
 Flowers are a love language of their own. If you want to tell someone how you feel, get them a bouquet or a nice potted flower.
Gaara had given her a rather judgemental look when she repeated Ino’s advice to him, but with a little pressure, he caved and agreed to help her select an appropriate gift for her next visit to Konoha. Something that would be spectacular.
A gift fit for a kage.
“You’re not usually like this,” he commented as he carefully dug out some aster from his greenhouse garden. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you get a gift for someone, let alone put this much thought into one. You’re really serious about this guy?”
Not a conversation she wanted to be having with her baby brother, but an unavoidable one at this point. As soon as she had asked for his help she had opened the doors for him to question her relationship with Itachi.
“It’s – a thing,” she skirted around the question. “A thing I’m enjoying right now and would like to continue enjoying for the foreseeable future.”
Temari was good at a lot of things. An excellent wind style user and tactician, a fantastic cook, and a superb big sister.
It was only logical that there would be something she wasn’t good at, and that thing was her emotions. Both of her brothers had the same problem but showed it in their own unique way. It was an obvious outcome of a closed-off and distant childhood with a poor father figure.
“How long would you like to continue, exactly?” Gaara pushed as he transferred the aster into the planter they had selected when they first entered the greenhouse. 
“I don’t know.” The future wasn’t clear for her. There were still a lot of things she wanted to do before even thinking of possibly settling down with someone. “I just know right now I really like him. I enjoyed spending time with him and I… Maybe one day…”
“You could see yourself marrying him?”
The question was simple enough, but Temari had no answer for it. So, she took the next best path forward.
“Desert willow.” She turned away from her brother, both mentally and physically exiting the conversation.” They would look great with the aster.”
She didn’t wait for a response. With her head held high and no worries about the future, she marched on. The day would come when she would face Gaara’s question head-on and find an answer for it.
That day just wasn’t today.
Konoha was busier than usual when Temari arrived a week later with a beautifully arranged flower planter in her arms. 
People were crowding the streets putting up stalls and decorations for a festival. Judging by the little paw print designs all over every bit of cloth she saw, and the poster she spotted with a rather unimpressed Hatake Kakashi, it was a festival to celebrate Konoha’s new Hokage.
“Did they purposely choose the one person who didn’t want the job?” Her question was directed to no one in particular. “Man looks like he would rather be anywhere but there.”
“That’s just how he always looks.” She just barely managed to refrain from choking the planter into a sneaky beautiful bastard face. “I thought you weren’t coming back for another week?”
So much for surprising him.
“There’s a festival,” she pointed out. “Can’t a girl come to visit for a nice festival?”
“Mmm.” His eyes flickered down to the planter in her hands. “And is that for our new Hokage? I’m not sure he’s a flowers kind of person.”
Shoving the planter out towards him, she grumbled a reply under her breath.
“I’m sorry?” He leaned forward a little, tilting his right ear towards her. “What was that, princess?”
A brave man to call her that with such a sensuous voice. No man in Suna would even dare to try, no matter how long they had been dating.
Taking a deep breath she straightened herself up and put on her serious face. “Flowers,” she answered with more confidence than she felt at that moment. “I thought you might like them.”
If he didn’t, she was never going to hear the end of it from Gaara.
“For me?” He pointed out himself, almost as if he didn’t believe what he had heard. “So Ino really did tell you to get me flowers?”
“I…” Someone had ratted her out and she was going to murder them for it. “Who?”
“Sasuke. He was passing by and heard you two chatting.” She wondered if it would harm her chances in this relationship if she put Sasuke six feet under. The task wouldn’t be easy, but she was a smart woman. She could figure something out. “Temari.”
“Yes, I know.” Murder was off the table when it came to Sasuke, no matter how often he guarded her when he spotted her with his precious big brother. “Well, if you don’t want them…”
She began to retract her offer, wondering if Gaara would forgive her for making him dig up the plant he had taken such good care of when Itachi reached out to take the planter from her.
“Aster,” he muttered, examining the selection of flowers she had picked out for him, “and desert marigolds.”
Someone had been reading up on his flowers. A hobby she had not been aware of before today. 
“Are they up to your standard?” She groaned when he glanced up from the planter and levelled a rather unimpressed look at her. “I can’t be giving the Uchiha clan head subpar gifts now can I?”
A prestigious clan head deserved only the best. If the gift were for anyone else she wouldn’t have put nearly as much thought into it.
Not because she was in love or anything like that.
“It’s…” Staring down at the gift once more, a smile stretched across Itachi’s lips. “Perfect.”
Her eyes lingered on that smile. The way his lips curled up at the corner. It was a simple smile, nothing big or showy like other smiles she’d seen. Just a simple, beautiful smile.
A smile she wouldn’t mind seeing for the rest of her life.
You could see yourself marrying him?
Gaara’s question struck her at that moment. 
A question that had been lingering in the back of her mind since that day in the greenhouse. 
“I’m sorry?” Itachi raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”
Realizing what she had just done, Temari began waving her hands in front of her face frantically, as if swatting away the memory of her mistake. 
“It was nothing,” she laughed a little too loud, her voice cracking halfway through the sentence. “Uh, so is it— Do you like it?”
Itachi could push more. Demand an explanation from her before answering her question. For a moment, with his eyes staring deep into her soul, she thought he might. 
Then, in the blink of an eye, he smiled. He smiled. A tender look in his eyes as he redirected his gaze back to the planter.
“It’s beautiful,” he responded, his left hand coming up to touch some of the aster's petals. “Only half as beautiful as you, but still gorgeous.”
She was a warrior. Warriors did not get flustered by sweet compliments and pretty smiles. They could face any adversary with confidence and a brave heart.
“I…” Her heart skipped a beat when Itachi lifted his eyes, now directing that sweet smile her way. “Uh…”
Most days she was a warrior. Right now, at this very moment, she was a person facing an adversary that no one would be able to stand up against.
“The festival starts in an hour. Would you like to attend with me?”
With a graceful bow to her opponent, she surrendered. There was no point in fighting a losing battle. Temari was in love and looking at the man who just stole her heart she couldn’t find it in herself to complain about the situation. 
“Alright,” she agreed, a grin splitting across her face. Stretching from ear to ear. “If there’s a kunai throwing game I’ll win you a stuffy to go with that planter.”
Itachi shook his head, laughter escaping his lips. Just loud enough for Temari to hear, But quiet enough that no one else did.
“A cat,” he responded, holding his free hand out towards her, “though I’m sure most of the prizes will be dog-themed. Perhaps a Bisuke stuffy if there is one.”
Bisuke. One of Hatake’s hounds, she was guessing. The best one, if Itachi liked them. “A Bisuke stuffy then,” she agreed, taking hold of his hand while butterflies fluttered around in her stomach.
A future with Uchiha Itachi didn’t seem so bad when she thought of it. She could even see herself enjoying it. That would all have to wait until later, though.
For now, she would focus on today and that warm feeling that bloomed in her chest when Itachi squeezed her hand.
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mixelation · 3 months
my brain is into double dates now
a while a go i did stat a ficlet that was like
shisui: hey so. i've been seeing this girl for a while
tori: okay. why are you in my lab
shisui: i want her to break up with me
shisui: so i'm going to ask you and itachi on a double date
tori: lol. lmao, even
but then tori is conflicted because while this IS a scummy thing for shisui to do to his date, it's not like tori knows or cares about this girl, and also it is the exact sort of shit tori would do except tori wouldn't ask permission. so she tells itachi and itachi is like "why would my presence lead to a break up?" but he's not upset. but TORI still feels weird so she goes to kushina for advice and kushina says like 85% advice and then like 15% "aaawww double dates are so cute!! i've always wanted to go on one!!"
and then whatever nonsense with double date #1 happens and afterwards
tori: oh yeah i think i told kushina-sensei we'd go on a double date with her
itachi: her and...... hokage-sama....?
tori: FUCK
idk what this scenario would look like but i bet it's insane. there is an ANBU in the ceiling and itachi is all twitchy because his chakra cloaking is SO BAD, are you all not distracted? minato has to leave briefly for some sort of crisis. their waitress is one of tori's "friends" and she simply disappears after taking their orders and never comes back
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bridgetotheskyyy · 1 year
Yearning Masterlist [in progress]
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Series summary: You broke up the monotony of what had become his life. Moments of beauty held like palms cupping water. Precious, nourishing ...Temporary, ever-slipping.
Itachi oscillates between the Akatsuki and you. Simply a wish-fulfillment series of ficlets! Some flashbacks to "~better times~" will be included!
Warning: This series contains 18+ content and dark themes.
Read it here in ao3.
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navigatorsghost · 10 months
Okay so we were all weirded out by that scene in Naruto where Kisame meets Itachi, but it left me wondering - does our dude introduce himself to everyone he meets with Creepy Shark Facts?
And then this happened, because scorpions have interesting childcare habits and why should Kisame get to be the only one with baby-critter trivia to share. Ficsnippet below the cut, set directly following Deidara's Akatsuki recruitment (like, same night two hours later, sort of thing).
(Edited to add: this ficlet has a sequel now btw, check the reblogs!)
"Did you know," Kisame said, "that sand tiger sharks start out as eggs, but incubate and hatch before birth? But the number of pups is always less than the number of eggs that were fertilized. Can you imagine why that is?"
Deidara chose not to prompt him with a reply, but the older shinobi continued anyway. "Cannibalism. The pups start eating each other within the mother's womb when they hatch. They begin killing their siblings the moment they enter the world, viewing everything they see as nothing more than prey." He smiled, showing off his snaggle teeth.
"Fascinating," Sasori said, in tones that suggested anything but. His beady eyes fixed Kisame with a look so unimpressed it verged on outright disdain. "Did you know that baby scorpions hatch before birth, too? But they're born soft and vulnerable, so until they develop hardened exoskeletons to protect them, the mother collects them up and carries them on her back to keep them safe." His gravelly voice softened a little as he finished speaking.
Deidara looked up at Sasori's crouching bulk beside him where he sat, and shifted a little further away from Kisame and closer to the puppeteer. "I think I like your natural history facts better, Sasori no danna, un."
Kisame only laughed. "Hmph," Sasori commented, but he unobtrusively shuffled closer to Deidara in turn, his long steel tail curling around behind Deidara's back.
Deidara didn't flinch away, despite guessing that Sasori's sting was every bit as lethal as a scorpion's should be. He might not consider himself a baby anything - he was a jōnin, his age notwithstanding - but between a not-so-subtle warning and a quiet counter-offer of backup, he wasn't stupid enough to pick the wrong side.
There was an odd vulnerability hidden in what Sasori had said, though. Kisame's threat felt typical enough for a hardened killer, if weirder than Deidara would've expected to hear in Iwa; but aligning yourself with a creature that needed protection in its weakness and in turn extended protection of its own was a strange look on a missing-nin. Deidara wondered what that said about the man to whom he'd been so arbitrarily handed.
Well, he thought ruefully, it seemed he'd have plenty of time to find out.
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blindsighted · 4 months
“There's no easy way to say this, Itachi…” The old woman spoke gravely. “You're dying.”
“Everyone is dying,” Itachi replied coolly, showing no sign of his discomfort.
“Tch-” She shakes her head. “You sooner than most,” she gruffs, before pressing a bottle of pills into his steely hands. “This will help with the symptoms. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do to cure you… I'm sorry…”
“Don't be.” It's a command and reassurance wrapped into one. Charcoal eyes stare unflinchingly ahead, having accepted this path long ago. “Thank you, for the medicine. Your payment will be wired to you.” He stands abruptly and turns away to stalk quietly and quickly from the compound, leaving the old woman and her cats far behind.
Even once he's clear of the premises, he doesn't stop. His feet move of their own accord, taking him far away, as far as he might go. Kisame catches up after a moment, flanking him with a little huff and a curious stare, but he doesn't voice the question on his mind.
“Let's go to the beach,” Itachi offers suddenly. He turns dark and tired eyes up to stare mournfully through a set of thick black eyelashes, beseeching.
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kinomiakai · 3 months
i finished your fic “Enter Naruto” in one sitting. it was so good! the right amount of angst, fluff and smut. you can tell just how much love you put into your work. it is so admirable and i can’t help wanting more!
your writing is so wonderful and the way you show how much Naruto and Sasuke love each other is so good 😭 i swear i do not mean to bother you! but this is my last ditch effort to ask for more! i have so many questions and things i want to see.
you have fleshed out these characters so well and i know if you ever make a sequel, it will be just as good if not better. i want to see more of naruto finding out about his parents. maybe even finding more relatives like karin. i wanna see more of itachi and iruka&kakashi😭❤️
i wanna see the konoha 11 gang together too and i just want to see more. even a chapter would satiate me, it was that good! i want to thank you so much for the story. i’m going to read more of your writing today! but good work. if you ever make a sequel, just know i’m going to be the first person to leave a kudos on it, trust!!
Awwwww my gosh, anon, this is such a sweet way to ask for more!! Thank you so, so much. I'm so happy you liked the fic and aaaaaaa you are so nice to me ;;;;;; You are not bothering me! I don't know if I would ever do a full on sequel - to be honest, when a story is out there and I didn't already have a sequel planned, I find it difficult to "mess" with the story that's already been told. And my sequel ideas often end up better used in a new story with similar themes but that's built to house those ideas from the get-go. BUT I completely understand and have been there with many a story where I just wanted so much more!! Hahaha. I could totally see myself revisiting Enter Naruto in some sort of informal way if I ever did another ficlet series or something like that, for example - I think that'd be possible. It's nice to think about. It means a lot that you want more :) Thank you, friend!!
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atqh16 · 2 years
Like the crack ficlet idea of an AU (modern or no massacre) where Sasuke just absolutely refuses to let Naruto and Itachi meet and it’s confusing to Naruto cause at first he gets himself riled up thinking that it’s cause Sasuke is embarrassed of their friendship since there’s no one Sasuke looks up to more than his big brother.
But then it turns out that Sasuke basically just wants Naruto to himself. Itachi (as much as he tries not to be) is a dominant part in almost every aspect of Sasuke’s life due to his talent. With their parents, their teachers, family, etc.
But Naruto is just Sasuke’s. He is Sasuke’s best friend. He is Sasuke’s partner in crime. His Usuratonkachi that he constantly needs to save from trouble. And he wants it to stay that way for as long as he can have it.
Also there’s that small part of him that’s insecure, thinking if Naruto and Itachi meet, his nii-san would somehow bedazzle the blonde away with his many talents.
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valtiels-darkness · 1 year
.:Of Bloody Oaths and Stolen Souls:. An ItaOro AU
So, this is a little ficlet inspired by the Writer's Prompt: “This person sold their soul to you fair and square,” said the incredulous angel to the demon. “Why are you petitioning for them to enter heaven?” “Because after everything they did with what I gave them, they deserve to.”
Please forgive any mistakes. This was sort of a flow of consciousness. Itachi is around 19-22 year's old.
TW: Blood and dub-con (considering the context)
I SHOULD be writing on my massive fic for an ATLA challenge I am in... but you know how that goes!
Look, I know the pic is from the Demon Slayer end credits... Leave me alone xD
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The serpent coiled round the trunk, deep in the dark of the forest and night. The scales, so white they glowed with a shimmer of lavender. Itachi's breath hitched, his sharingan whirring to life, red bled into black as the serpent's head languid in its movements, made it's way to face him. Eyes as gold as the sun and nearly just as old, peered down at him, with little curiosity. Tongue flicking out, smell-tasting the young man's fear and determination alike. "What do I owe the pleasure of an Uchiha in my domain?" Came the sibilant whisper. Both raspy and silky.
Resolve fully tempered like the steel of his blade, Itachi stepped forward and leveled the snake a flinty stare. There was no more time. He hoped beyond all hope that this was, indeed, the one they called 'The Liege of Serpents'. "I wish for an audience with you…" His deep voice sounded far more put together than he truly felt. He watched, fascinated as the large serpent's pupils thinned to a barely there slit, showing flecks of luminescent lavender, before they blew out once more, to the point that Itachi saw himself reflected within the deep black.
"And…" the serpent's head lowered even further until it was leveled with the Uchiha's. The tips of the forked tongue nearly whisper against his chin. Secretly impressed that the young man did not flinch. "What is it that you want, boy?" The hiss was amiable, with a deceptively soft undertone that made Itachi tense imperceptibly. All the legends that he had stumbled upon in his frantic search for this being, ended the same way. An eternal soul in exchange for power. It was the only way though… His clan… the village. His younger brother.He took a deep, stabilizing breath and lifted his chin a fraction. "As you well know, the Otsutsuki have descended upon Hi no Kuni and lay siege upon the lands and people." He began, unwavering "I wish to protect my people-" He was cut off by a sharp hiss, fangs so sharp, flashed before his eyes. They dripped venom and Itachi felt the cold prickle of fear descend along his spine. He swallowed, willing to keep hold of his impassive composure.
"You wish for power?" The serpent chuckled, it's coils writhing along the rough bark. "An Uchiha asking for more power?" Another raspy laugh and Itachi couldn't help the indignation that began to rise, jaw clenching and eyes narrowing. He was running out of time! The sound of scale scraping along bark drew his attention back to the serpent. Or rather, where the serpent had just been. Even with the sharingan activated, he missed the serpent's movements entirely.
This was pointless, he was foolish, thinking he could come here and petition the serpent trickster. Itachi took a step back, hands fisted against his uniform and grit his teeth. He'll take his leave then. He couldn't afford to not fight any longer. His self-imposed fool's errand was a bust, but just as he began to turn to take his leave, a cool sensation brushed along his exposed neck that he distantly registered as fingers, gliding delicately towards his front. "Impatient and precocious one, aren't you?" Suddenly, he felt a solid presence press up against his back, those hands splayed upon his chest as warm breath tickled his ear. "You do know the price which I ask?" All the Uchiha could do was nod, catching glimpses of impossibly white skin and talon sharp nails.
"Very well. Face me and give me your name." With that, the serpent-being stepped away. When they did, Itachi slowly turned around, not before his eyes whirled further into the mangekyo. He would take no chances, that is for sure.The sight that greeted him was… not what he expected, for the most part at least. Before him stood an equally unnerving and eerily beautiful man. Hair, long and heavy and black as spilled ink, cascaded over a pearlescent shoulder, the strands rested against mid thigh. For all of the serpent's androgynous appearance, there was no denying that he was a man. Or at the very least, he was, for now. Itachi swallowed and took a deep breath, eyes rising to meet purple lined gold. "Uchiha Itachi." It was gritted out, low and strained. His throat and mouth dry as he watched the otherworldly man's lips quirk into a fanged smirk.
The serpent hummed in what Itachi could consider as delight and then swiftly took the short distance between them. Moving swift with a near boneless grace, until Itachi had those arms wrapped around his stiff shoulders once more and felt those impossibly sharp fangs puncture the skin of his neck. He flinched and his hands came up to automatically grip the serpent's waist, nails digging in. The Uchiha just stared off into the blackness of the woods as the serpent chuckled, lapping up the blood, stepping even closer. Deceptively frail body pressed flush to his own.
Itachi couldn't help but dig his nails further into the man's skin, hands flexing and eyes whirring frantically. He really hoped that this was all worth it, in the end. Finally, the serpent moved away from his neck, gold serpentine eyes searched his, blood smeared along those pale lips, dripping down one corner as they smirked. They stood frozen until the man leaned up and sealed those bloody, plush lips against his own, forcing a wicked tongue between his lips. He tasted his own blood, a coppery, metallic tang.
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Ficlet Friday: Uchiha Itachi and Haruno Sakura
Haruno Sakura marches into ANBU Headquarters, ignoring all the masks that turn to follow her progress, and grabs ANBU Captain Weasel by his ridiculously silky ponytail; she knows he only allows it because she's his little brother's teammate--she's strong and fierce, but not enough to defeat or ambush Uchiha Itachi, the genius Clan Heir.
"You've missed your last three mandatory check-ups, Weasel; you won't miss this one," Sakura snarls.
She takes pride in her abilities as a medic-nin, in being trusted to keep Konoha's shinobi strong and able to serve the Hokage and the village; she will not allow one of their best assets to potentially--
"I have a critical mission my squad is due to leave for in ten minutes, Haruno," Weasel replies tonelessly.
Sakura reaches for him with determination, hands glowing green, and says, "Then I hope you're not body shy, because this is going to be fast and public."
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