#it's so strange to think I've been watching him since debut and now he's leaving
momentarysilence · 4 months
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an elephant never forgets!
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ivy-diaries · 1 year
⌗ kpop daebak show with Eric Nam (part one) !!
ᝰ era: unstoppable
ᝰ characters: ivy & Eric Nam
ᝰ word count: 1.2k
ᝰ notes: i wanted to make it longer so i split it into two parts!! The next will be hopefully out soon 🤞
ᝰ taglist: lmk if you wanna be added !!
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"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the kpop daebak show with me, I'm your host Eric nam." Eric starts and he pauses " today we are joined by a very special- no legendary guest today, the most anticipated guest in kpop daebak show history, the queen of 3rd gen kpop, Ivy jennifer james !! "
Eric introduced Ivy in a fake Australian accent and in response she laughed and looked into her camera with a soft smile and introduced herself.
" oh it's very strange to hear my government name but hello everyone, I'm Ivy, and I'm very very excited to be here, thank you for having me "
"No, thanks for coming. Before we get on with the episode, don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on Apple podcast and spotify, to watch the full video of this episode which you'd definitely want to, go check out www.youtube/divepods and leave us a five star rating on apple podcasts so that more people can know about our show."
Eric finished, and turned to Ivy "now, how are you ?"
Ivy chuckled and replied "I've been doing pretty good, just finished up promotions and now I'm on a short break and I'm trying to make my day productive"
"What have you been up to?" Eric questioned once again.
"I've mostly just trying to spend my time in the studio but I got kicked out because I've been there 24/7, so now I'm trying to spend time with people I couldn't because of my schedule"
She paused before continuing," I haven't seen Yeonjun for about 4 months now because he's been busy with promotions and tours and stuff like that. And when he was free from schedules i was not and now i'm free and he's not but i’m planning on going on tour with them like just traveling."
"Oh so you both haven't seen each other at all?? Wow that must’ve been pretty hard " Eric empathized 
"It was pretty hard but we got through it but it didn't feel that long because we talked on call almost on a daily basis but we couldn't find time to meet each other " Ivy answered.
"Wow, that must've been pretty hard” Eric said, astonished at how the young couple had not met each other in person for such a long time.
"We didn't even realize time went by that fast because we both were respectively busy with our own stuff " Ivy said as she counted how many months it has been since she saw her boyfriend. Surprised at the long time she gasped which made Eric chuckle to himself.
"Now I forgot to ask yeonjun about this but i'm curious as to how you both met each other ?" Eric asked
"Oh this is the first time I'm going to reveal this hahaha " she chuckled before starting
"I knew Jun from when he was a trainee under bighit. I think it was 2015? It was a year since I'd debuted and I ran into him in the practice room bec I forgot my water bottle. And I saw him practicing and I was like ‘hmm this dude has a lot of talent’. And then I saw him in a monthly evaluation I went to watch and the teacher there introduced us and we hit it off as friends. But then after hanging out for a while I realized I had romantic feelings for him and my heart was like ‘yo this is wrong, he's like older than you, and he's still a trainee. what would he think of you when he knows you like him ? Won't he be creeped out’ "
She giggled as she recollected her memories, with Eric listening very closely and giggling with the female.
"Then one day we met and we were just talking about random stuff but then he said that he liked me and it was fine if I didn't like him back and by this time I was just standing there like a sims character when you forget to give them any command. A part of me was happy but the other part of me was like, jennifer what are you thinking?!? He's a trainee and you're an idol and his sunbaenim. What will people think?!? So I explained to him that I did like him but we had this problem and so and so"
"Then what happened ?" Eric asked with curiosity filling his voice. Ivy could see Diane on the edge of her seat. Giggling, she continued.
"Then he was like we can make this happen, we'll inform the company first and let's do what they say. I was terrified at this point because I was scared that the company would kick either him or me out, I wouldn't care less if I was kicked out because by that point, it had already been about 2 to 3 years since I debuted but yeonjun on the other hand had not even started his career. So we did go to the company to inform them of this. They called a meeting with the CEO and we told them this and surprisingly everyone there were like okay what the problem with that ? And I'm sitting here like what? I was really surprised by their reaction. they just told us to be careful with where we meet and stuff like that, nobody knew until recently about us dating. We're dating from 2015 December you could say 2016 and now it's about 7, 8 years since we started dating and that's how we met"
Ivy finished with the story while an astonished Eric could be seen which made the girl laugh.
"So you're telling me, you've been dating for almost 8 years and the public believes you both have been dating for just a while? How- like how did you both be that cautious that dispatch couldn't catch you ? " Asked Eric.
Ivy grinned, wiggling her eyebrows at Eric which made him playfully look at her. 
"No like we would be like ninjas when we both went out, sometimes we'd even disguise ourselves hahaha. Then in like 2019, we went out on like a date for our anniversary and we felt like we were being followed and there was no one it was just my thought but after that we were really cautious, we didn't meet out at all for like months, but he'd come to my place or I'd go to his dorms, and after that the pandemic happened and he moved in with me and a little later now we got our own place."
"Wow I bet nobody expected you both to be dating, like even i was very surprised and shocked because you both were just like a pair of great friends" Eric laughed.
"We planned everything haha, we really wanted everyone to believe that we were very good friends and i feel like it was really believable because we were best friends before we started dating and we still are. We bicker like old couples and we fight like tom and jerry and we’re best friends before anything. And that played a main part in everything.” Ivy said.
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maplecornia · 3 years
chapter 33
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𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 1.86K
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst | bts x female!reader | ot7
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: You watched them from the sidelines ever since you were a young teenage girl. Now you’re grown up, they’ve returned after 2 long years and everything has changed. What happens when you pull back the mask and find the darkness within? What happens when you see that they’re broken?
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language
tags: @kookaine | @fangirl125reader | @kookiebbyxx | @taradevonne | @rae-bear | @mangminnie | @pixiekooo | @cana
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"Everyone welcome Lin Yen. She will be your trainee from this day forward."
It's happened.
You're finally a trainee.
Your dream is finally coming true.
So why do you feel uneasy?
Looking up at Jungkook who walks just a few paces ahead of you for the millionth time, you swallow hard.
How did this happen?
"Well I've already said it once, I have too much on my plate to make time for her."
When BangPD said he was taking you to a meeting discussing your training, you didn't expect to find the rest of BTS there. Nor did you expect Yoongi to be glaring at you the entire time.
Avoiding his clear distrust, you tighten your jaw. You thought yesterday he and you had come to a mutual understanding, and at least respected the other...
Glancing his way you try hard not to shiver at the bone-chilling stare he sends your way.
Clearly, it seems nothing has changed.
Jin, noticing the exchange, rolls his eyes and nudges your arm. You turn to where he sits beside you and he gives you an encouraging smile. "Ignore him, Yen. He still hasn't gotten used to you here."
Well, that much is obvious.
But you do appreciate the way Jin is trying to look after you so you return the smile with a small one of your own. Glancing back towards Suga you try not to sigh.
Actually, you don't think he necessarily has a problem with you as a person, there seems to be more that's going on with him. Things that don't include you, but are targeted towards you. Almost as though he were dishing his frustrations out on you.
"If we look at this objectively, Suga, Jhope, and I would probably have the least time out of the rest of you to train her." Namjoon pipes up, his fingers tapping impatiently on the table. No doubt he has things to be doing as well but is too polite to voice his frustration at being kept from his work.
You glance towards him quite sympathetically. When you got here this morning, he was still working at his studio, multiple coffee cups and empty plates of food and snacks scattered around. You wish you could help him in some way, but the best help you probably could do is give him some space.
"Couldn't she pick up producing skills as your assistant?" Jungkook questions and Namjoon almost sighs as he massages his temple.
"It's not that simple..."
"And it's not as important."
At BangPD's interjection, the rest of the room turns towards him.
"Yen is training as a vocalist. She won't need to learn rapping skills, nor focus too much on producing at the moment. The only things she needs to worry about are singing and learning simple dance techniques."
You nod, opening your mouth to try and agree, but Yoongi cuts you off.
"Perfect. Then you won't need me."
As he pushes back his chair, standing to leave, you feel that you should be the one angry. Honestly, did you ask for his help? You've done nothing towards him for him to be treating you this way. Plus it's not okay for someone to just dish their frustration out on you. Even if you are the easiest target.
Don't be involved at all, see if I care.
However, before Yoongi can exit, Namjoon's stern voice holds him back.
"Enough Yoongi. I know you do not agree with this decision, but it has been made. This concerns all of us." Suga turns to him, opening his mouth as though to tell him off, but Namjoon raises his eyebrow.
"Unless you are no longer a part of BTS?"
At the rising tension in the room, you almost shrink into your chair. You almost think Yoongi will destroy RM with the voracious glare he wears on his face, but after a moment of silence, he walks back to his chair and sits down.
An uncomfortable silence ensues, and you can't help but feel as though you were an unwanted third party. How that is possible at a meeting discussing you, is as confusing to you and it is to anyone else.
"I wouldn't mind being her mentor."
Flinching in surprise, you turn to the person who spoke up beside you.
"Jungkook, are you sure?" Hoseok asks him, and Jungkook turns to him with a smile and sparkling eyes. He seems to be filled to the brim with excitement, as though he could run laps around the building five times without breaking a sweat.
"Of course, I'm not the main vocalist for nothing. Plus, I'm center, so I'm fairly experienced in dancing and other positions." When he glances your way, you blink in surprise, blushing at the fact that he caught you staring.
"Actually, I was kind of hoping I could be her mentor." Confused and slightly touched at his behavior, you try hard to suppress the heat rising to your cheeks. He smiles before looking away from you and towards the rest of the table.
"After all, I'm the one who fought for her to become a trainee, it's only fitting. Isn't it?"
In the end, it was decided that Jhope and Jimin would be your dance mentors, Taehyung, Jin, and Jungkook would help with vocals, and when they could, Suga and Namjoon would teach you as much as they could about production. All of them would advise you on publicity and BangPD will help you closely when it came to details about your training and possible debut.
But Jungkook would be your main mentor.
Glancing his way, you wonder where he's taking you. After the meeting, he requested you follow him, and you thought he just needed to talk to you for a moment. You didn't think he would take you halfway around the building without so much of an explanation. You furrow your brow, pondering the multiple different things that have happened already, and it's only 9 am.
You could go for some caffeine right about now.
"Hm?" Dazedly, you nod your head his way, your mind not completely there with him at the moment. Jungkook smiles, almost affectionately.
"You didn't hear anything I just said, did you?"
Balking, you feel it as your cheeks flush in embarrassment and you chuckle nervously, avoiding his gaze.
"Uhm, no. I didn't. I'm sorry." You mutter and at your expression, he can't help as his grin grows wider. He finds within him a sudden urge to squeeze your face, and then immediately chastises the idea.
Boundaries, Jungkook.
"Jungkook?" you ask, breaking into his thoughts and he tries to ignore the way his heart bursts when you say his name.
"What did you mean back there?"
"About what?"
Hesitating, you wonder if you should complete your question. But, seeing his curious wide eyes, you know you can't take it back now.
"When you said you fought for me to be a trainee."
"Oh, that." Clearing his throat, Jungkook avoids your eyes and he stumbles for the words to your question.
Taehyung told him not to say anything, but that doesn't mean that Jungkook can't tell Yen he was there.
"I'm the one who gave your recording to BangPD."
At the explanation, you look towards him with wide eyes, your heart pounding hard in your chest.
"So does that mean..." he smiles, probably guessing your next words and you find yourself dumbfounded.
He's the reason you're even a trainee.
He was there that day, he heard you sing.
Blushing you slap your hands on your cheeks, trying to hide the red that blossoms at the revelation. He chuckles at the attempt, which only worsens the embarrassment.
"How...?" you wonder, half under your breath.
"I was walking by the studio and heard your voice." When it's clear you still don't understand, he leans down, so that he's eye level with you only needing to whisper for you to hear him. "You had left the door open."
At your meek and small voice, he can't help but laugh as he pulls away to open a studio door and enter. Still trying to piece together the situation, you follow him, but stop when you recognize your surroundings.
"Is this..."
Turning to you from where he stands next to the chair amid the room, he smiles.
"So you figured it out." Stunned, you watch him as he takes in the room as though it were the birthplace of something amazing, something beautiful and sacred.
In a way it is.
It's the place he discovered you.
"This is where I first heard your voice."
You're afraid to move, afraid to speak.
When will there come a time where you believe all of this is real? More than a dream? When you look at Jungkook, his smile, that strange look in his eyes...You feel as though it's okay after all to trust that it's real after all.
That he's real.
"This is the birthplace of your dream."
You can't help but snort, and he looks towards you. You know he's trying to be sentimental, but...
"A little dramatic don't you think?"
He smirks at your comment, before turning back to the room.
"Is it? I find it fitting. Almost as though we've come full circle." As he raises those doe eyes back to you, you can feel your heart skip a beat. "I mean, who would've thought the same girl who spilled coffee all over me would change my life with her voice?"
Though it's a sweet sentence, you can feel the shameful embarrassment rising in the back of your throat as you shove his shoulder. He laughs at your reaction, holding up his hands in surrender.
"I was hoping you wouldn't remember." You nearly pout, turning your face away from him and crossing your arms in indignation in a childish way to punish him for teasing you. He chuckles at the attempt, but soon finds his laughter dying out as he stares at you.
Taking you in as though you were the most precious thing on Earth.
Maybe you are in his eyes.
His eyes soften and his lips part almost indistinctively as he reaches out to take your chin in his own hands. Slowly, he angles it towards him so that your face is mere inches apart from his, close enough that if he wanted to, he could place his lips on yours without even trying that hard.
Eyes wide, you stare into his as he smiles that same strange smile.
Maybe it's not that you don't know what it is, maybe it's that you don't want to try and figure it out. What lies in his eyes is something you'd rather keep hidden.
Right now, that's the only way for you to be okay.
Nevertheless, you don't want to push him away.
His eyes lidding as he brushes a stray piece of hair behind your ear, he whispers in your ear once more. The delicate lure to it, the deadly husk, and almost indistinct heat almost makes you shiver, and you can feel yourself tense as though preparing for something that will never come.
"How could I forget?"
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note: oh, so many jungkookie moments sajdlkfsjfk, dw though we will get more of the other members soon! i know i do a lot of the maknae line, but the hyung line is coming soon (more specifically we'll see some more jhope and jin, since we don't really see them now ;-;)
chapter 34 here
check the Infinite Stars masterlist for more chapters
check my BTS masterlist for other BTS content
check out my masterlist for other kpop fanfics
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athys-obelia · 3 years
of swords and rubies
synopsis: on athanasia de alger obelia's eighteenth birthday, she sits in the ruby palace awaiting her father's present - a sweet little mandate sentencing her to death. the news his personal guard arrives with, though, is quite the different from what she expects.
character/s: athanasia de alger obelia, claude de alger obelia, felix robane
part: one / ?
warning/s: mentions of death / execution, poisoning, tlp!claude is a shit dad, tlp!felix supremacy
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|•| ruby palace |•| 10:45 am |•|
"a visitor from the emperor's place, your highness."
lilian york's voice has always carried the same gentleness. for as long as she can remember, athanasia has heard softness, music, safety, in lily - the voice of a mother. the realisation, long overdue, hits her as she inquires after her mysterious guest. i've never addressed lily as such, have i?
the brunette tries for a smile. "it is his majesty's personal guard, princess, sir felix from the robane duchy. i have hannah showing him to the visitors' lounge - perhaps the knight comes bearing good news?"
the blonde princess smiles, nodding hopefully. it's all she can do for lily, she guesses, the woman who cared for her like one of her own. just as lily's smile never dimmed once during the past eighteen years, athanasia supposes she must now return the favour.
but lily never saw her father's eyes that night.
lily hadn't seen his stance harden at the mere sight of her.
the malice, the poison in claude de alger obelia's voice wasn't directed at lily.
so lily couldn't possibly know. for all athanasia knows claude could be in his study, spinning a roulette wheel to decide how to have her executed. he'd want her gone by the earliest, she assumes, probably before jennette can wake and intercede for her - or evidence is found towards the actual culprit.
either way, if the least she could do was comfort lily somewhat with a little, hopeful smile, then the smile would be priority.
|•| ruby palace |•| 11:00 am |•|
  "sir," athanasia greets, recoiling as the knight grins at her. she'd heard stories of the atmosphere in the imperial palace, the deceptive, snake-like nature of noble court - surely, with a father so prominent in both politics and obelia's military, felix robane was one to be vary of.
and - being her father's personal guard would require being similarly ruthless and cunning, would it not? this smiley knight could always be the one poisoning her father against her behind their backs.
  "to what do i owe this pleasure?"
the redhead attempts lightening the mood with another bright grin. "greetings to the star of the obelian empire. may the gods' blessings be with you, princess. today, i have come as a messenger regarding his majesty's wish that you join him for breakfast-"
  "-wh, what? no, i... i'm not going anywhere with you."
felix robane's natural smile falls. "what is it, princess?"
athanasia steps backwards in defense as the knight tries comforting her, a trembling hand raised to cover her mouth. "y-you can tell his majesty i won't...won't be joining him."
  "but, princess-"
not daring to move her eyes from the redhead, athanasia reaches for an hourglass resting on the mantle beside her, holding it up in defense. "go back. go and tell the emperor to send me the death warrant himself. there's no need to build such a roundabout way of-"
felix grimaces. "you may be misunderstanding the situation, prin-"
  "-don't 'princess' me. if he has the guts, have my father tell me his decision himself. you can't force me to leave. i won't, i won't be led out of my home with you pretending as if everything is fine."
the knight holds up his hands in surrender. "you have the higher status of the two of us, your highness, i wouldn't dare pushing you into anything you do not like. i'm afraid you cannot refute the emperor's word, however. but...but if your highness has questions, i can promise to answer with complete honesty."
  "how can i trust you?"
felix taps his chin in thought. "as a knight, my value is measured not by my skill, but the trust put in me by those i am pledged to. my oath is to the obelian emperor. you, princess, are his majesty's heir, so as along as your commands do not undermine the emperor's, you are included in the oath."
athanasia blinks, studying the knight. he seems to be curling into himself so as to not be percieved as a threat. she watches his careful movements, irate. "i read a book once..." she starts, feeling self conscious all of sudden. do i sound like a madwoman?
felix robane nods eagerly. "i was told the princess was an avid reader."
she flushes, glaring at her lap. "...anyway, in the book, the king's sister married a traitor, and because they were technically royalty, he couldn't just kill them under charges of treason. so instead, the king had their food poisoned."
athanasia watches the subtext register on the knight's face. "your highness...no, i- his majesty has no such thing planned. i can assure you - the matter is actually quite the opposite."
  "...is it?"
he stares at his lap before looking up at her determinedly. "i can't say i know how your highness feels about your father, but...he needs you right now." felix sighs softly, "as you know, her highness the princess jennette hasn't yet regained consciousness. this makes you his majesty's most favourable heir."
athanasia stares at the hourglass in her hand before setting it down. interest piqued, she eyes the fidgeting knight. "why would you bring this up, sir robane, and to me of all people? is the emperor perhaps...ill?"
the look in the redhead's eyes is more than enough confirmation. athanasia grips the arm of her seat. "he has been having the strangest migraines ever since...well, a little after your debut, actually. except lately, these headaches seem to be weakening him. quite a lot."
a cold sweat creeping up her neck, athanasia downs a glass of water before turning to the distressed knight. "i assume you want my assistance in hiding this from the nobles. since jennette isn't here."
  "essentially, yes." he nods once more. "with all the commotion surrounding princess jennette, both the nobles and commoners are watching the palace diligently. the factions are too divided - of course, a large portion of the nobles support princess jennette as your father's heir, most of them being blood purists, while an equally large believe you are more competent, having been raised in the palace. regrettably, it isn't just the nobles - we have a delegation arriving at the palace soon enough to settle matters regarding the southern territory. we cannot afford weakening his majesty's image, not right now."
her eyes flicker to the obelian coat of arms on felix's shoulder, and the sigil of house robane embroidered on his cloak. "i don't suppose i have much of choice in the matter - but since urgency of the situation affects my country, i doubt i would've refused anyway. but, sir felix..." she pauses, studying his expression, "my father's palace doesn't garuntee my safety. so i must call on your oath as a knight now."
  "of course, your highness." hesitantly, as if he held a china doll in his hands, felix murmurs, "it can be a chance to get closer to his majesty, too. er - that is, if only your highness wishes it to be."
nodding, athanasia stares at her hands. "...perhaps."
|•| emperor's palace |•| 3:00 pm |•|
with her father's stare scrutinising her every move, she bows deeply in greeting.
his gaze is different, athanasia notices. the malice is gone. the hatred has dissipated.
now, as if she were a complicated math problem, claude de alger obelia stares her down, a spark of challenge alight in his eyes. "don't worry your head too much about it," he starts, "i haven't called you here for any special reason."
"...i see."
he tilts his head curiously, studying her reactions still. "oh? what's this? no declarations of love today? no pleading for attention? you're strangely quiet for someone so full of demands."
she fidgets with her dress, a deep red blooming on her cheeks in embarrassment. "i apologise if my words troubled your majesty."
claude nods slowly, eyes tracing her unkempt hair. "you overestimate yourself, princess."
athanasia inhales sharply. what does he want?
"felix's method of conveying information is a bit... exaggerated, at times," the blonde emperor says, watching her grimace under his stare, "i'm here to clear up any misunderstandings he may have unknowingly planted."
"ye, yes?"
claude's hand lands on his sheathed sword. athanasia blood freezes as he pulls it out, slowly, eyes not moving from hers. "i'm assuming you've been told of the council being held tomorrow. it will be your unofficial entrance into politics, so i hope there won't be any...mistakes. you'll need the nobility's support."
she nearly snorts. you wouldn't hesitate in burying anyone who dared look jennette in the eyes, i'm sure. still, athanasia tries smiling - lily always smiled whenever she was unsure of what to say, after all - and lets go of her skirt, nodding. "there won't be any."
the last time she spoke to her father, she'd known that whether or not he decided on mercy, she wouldn't be talking to him again. thus the courage to empty her heart, lighten her shoulders. now... now, athanasia didn't know what to think. how to act.
she flinches when he speaks, hands tracing the edge of the blade lightly. "do think this sword is important to me, athanasia?"
an odd warmth courses through her at the sound of her name. or was it because of the voice, the owner of the voice? she honestly couldn't tell. "your majesty..." athanasia swallows - what's the right answer? - "i would assume so. i'm no knight, of course...but, a sword is effective for both defense and offense in battle. and i hear your majesty's swordsmanship is unrivaled in obelia, so...yes, i think."
she watches claude draw in a long breath, staring at the weapon. "it's interesting that you think so. but at the end of the day, the sword is just another weapon, isn't it? i can always have better ones at the flick of my wrist."
a drop of blood runs down the emperor's finger as he runs it along the edge of the blade. "it is useful, isn't it? at least...as long as i decide it is. a simple tool's value will always be decided by me, after all."
cold dread settles into athanasia's bones. "i...i see, sire."
nodding approvingly, claude de alger obelia places the beautiful sword in her hands. "happy birthday, princess."
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
Starry-Eyed Smile | Chapter 3
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⭐ Summary: You practically grew up with Youngjo, attached at the hip, two peas in a pod. You did everything together. At some point, both of your feelings became more than platonic, and you both knew it. Everyone knew it. But neither of you have had the courage to do anything about it.
⭐ Chapter 3: 2,096 words
⭐ Pairing: Reader X Kim Youngjo (Ravn) / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Kim Youngjo (Ravn); Lee Seoho (Seoho); Kim Geonhak (Leedo); Lee Keonhee (Keonhee); Yeo Hwanwoong (Hwanwoong); Son Dongju (Xion);
⭐ Rated: E / Warnings: I talk too much about Youngjo’s smile / Genre: Fluff; BestFriends-To-Lovers; Angst; Love Triangle if you squint; Happy Ending;
《 Series Masterlist // ONEUS Masterlist // Boy Group Masterlist 》
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The work day has ended. It's been a long and boring day. One of your coworkers was being really rude and exhausting, and now all you want is to sleep. But you know that in a few hours, you'll be hungry for dinner, and there are no supplies at home for a full dinner. So you have to go grocery shopping.
On the way home from work, you stop by the grocery store to buy ingredients. You walk down the vegetable aisle, eyes skimming for something you might need.
"Y/Nie?" You look to your right and see Seoho standing a few feet away, smiling brightly.
"Oh, Seoho! Hello." You wave. "What are you doing here?"
"Shopping? It's a grocery store," he says, laughing.
"Right. Sorry, stupid question." You nod, embarrassed, but he laughs, patting your head gently to tease you.
"Cute," he says. "Don't worry about it. I'm here to go shopping for ONEUS's dinner. We've basically finished everything for the album, and as a reward, we're having a nice big dinner as a group. Comeback is coming up, so we're celebrating that as well."
"Congrats. I'm excited for you," you say. "Are you guys prepared for the comeback?"
"I think so. I think we're ready, but we're still anxious about how it will be received."
You two walk down the veggie aisle together, both grabbing what you need.
"You guys are gonna do great," you say as you examine an onion closely. "I've already listened to 'To Be Or Not To Be' and some of 'Dizzy', and they're amazing. No doubt the others are, too. I know you'll impress everyone."
Seoho smiles. "Thank you, Y/Nie. I think all of the members need that kind of encouragement, especially Youngjo. But I'm glad I get to hear it."
You buy your groceries, and Seoho purchases his. You exit the store together, and as you're about to wave goodbye to him, he insists on walking you home.
"Y/N . . ." he says, as you reach your house. You hum to let him know you're listening.
"How long have we known each other?" Seoho asks. You think. It must have been when Seoho and Youngjo were on Mix Nine when you first met him. You do the math in your head.
"Three or four years," you say.
"Yeah," he says, nodding. "That's a long time, I think. And I think we've been pretty good friends. I know that you're really close to Youngjo, but I really want to express my feelings to you."
He stops and looks at you, and you turn to look at him, eyebrow raised curiously. You have a sneaking suspicion about what he wants to say.
"Y/N, I see you as more than a friend," he says, taking a deep breath. "I like you a lot, both as a close friend and as more."
He watches your expression closely, waiting for a sign of your answer in your face, or a reaction. Anything. Meanwhile, you're trying to think of a way to answer without hurting him.
A moment passes, and you take a deep breath.
"Seoho," you say. You take a breath. "I care about you a lot. You're one of my best friends. You've always been there for me. But I already like someone."
"It's Youngjo, isn't it?" Seoho asks, a soft, yet sad, expression on his face. You nod. "I thought so. I just wanted you to know my feelings. That's good, Y/Nie. He likes you too. I'm happy for Youngjo, and if you need anything at all, I'll help you."
You smile. "Thank you, Seoho. I'm sorry."
He shakes his head. "Don't be sorry, Y/Nie. You being my friend is still enough to make me happy."
"Okay . . ." You smile at him. "Can I hug you?"
He nods. "Yes please."
You hug him tightly, and he squeezes you. After you pull away, he smiles at you softly. Sadly. But not too sad.
 "Thank you." he says, grinning. "Youngjo is lucky. That someone so kind and caring as you is his friend. And likes him like that."
You blink at him, unsure of what to say. He nods over to your apartment. "Now go make yourself dinner. You must be hungry."
You nod, realizing that you are, indeed, hungry. "I am. Bye Seoho!" you say, waving goodbye. He waves back, smiling, as you head inside.
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You're cleaning up from dinner, putting away your dried dishes when you hear your phone buzz from where it's sitting across the table. You put away your plate and walk over to see what it is.
Sunny's Dad: Y/Nie
You: Yes?
Sunny's Dad: Can I come over?
You: Sure!
You: Why?
Sunny's Dad: Need hugs
You: Okay, of course! Come over!
You spend ten minutes finishing cleaning up the table and dishes. Youngjo still hasn't shown up, so you make warm tea for him. You know that it helps him calm down and relax after a stressful day.
You have the mug of warm tea sitting on the table when there's a knock on the door. You walk over and open the door. Youngjo stands in front of you. You can tell from the sheepish smile that he gives you, from his shy posture and slumped shoulders, that he isn't feeling great. He looks exhausting, but you can't tell if it's emotionally exhausted or physically exhausted.
"Youngjo," you say gently. "Come in. I made you some warm tea to calm your nerves."
"Thank you."
You tell him to sit on the couch and bring him his drink, sitting down next to him. He thanks you and sips from the mug, relaxing a bit.
"Thank you," he says. "For having me over. And for making me tea."
"No problem," you say. "Is everything okay, Youngjo?"
"Yeah," he says, sighing heavily. You shake your head.
"No, it's not. Something's on your mind. I can tell."
He frowns. "How do you know?"
"Because I know you, Youngjo," you say. "I've known you my entire life. Plus, you just look like something is bothering you. What is it?"
He sighs again. "Our comeback is coming up in a few days. And even though I'm excited and we're all well prepared, I'm feeling very nervous and anxious."
"They're expecting so much from us," he mumbles. "After Road to Kingdom, the bar is so high. And I don't want to disappoint anyone. And I just wanted to hang out with you and watch a movie or snuggle or something," he says. "If that's okay. Hanging out with you always calms me nerves, I guess."
"Yeah, of course," you say. "What movie do you want to watch?"
You two end up watching Zootopia together, sitting on the couch together. You two laugh together during the sloth scene, snuggled up as you giggle together.
The scene reminds you of your shared movie nights and sleepovers when you were kids. Especially as teenagers, you two would even spend until early morning watching movies together. Obviously, since you're both much older and are busy with work--Youngjo is a K-Pop idol--you haven't had movie nights as much anymore. The nights before ONEUS's debut with Valkyrie and the album release of Light Us, you and Youngjo watched several movies to calm his nervousness and excitement. The day before Raise Us was released, you and Youngjo watched a couple movies today. Since then, you and Youngjo didn't watch as many movies. During Road To Kingdom, you and ONEUS had several movie nights. But every time you and Youngjo watch movies together, you go back to being a child, watching movies with your best friend.
You smile. You're leaning against each other, comfortably snuggled up to each other as you giggle at the funny parts of the children's movie. After a while, Youngjo falls asleep. He's shifted to that his head is on your lap. You smile down at him. He's breathing softly, and looks so cute. You want nothing more than to run your fingers through his hair.
After the movie has finished, you look down at Youngjo, who's still asleep with his head on your lap. Honestly, he looks so calm, asleep like that, and you almost don't want to wake him up. But he has to go to work early tomorrow, so he should get back to the dorm soon to sleep properly. You nudge him gently, trying to wake him. He groans softly. He looks so cute. But you shake him gently again.
After a moment of your gentle shaking, he groans and binks up at you, a smile spreading across his face at the sight of you, and a little joyful feeling bubbles inside of you when you think about how just seeing you makes him smile like that.
"Movie's finished," you say softly, smiling. "You have an early morning tomorrow, so you should be heading home soon."
He nods, sitting up. His hair is messy, but he runs his hand through it to fix it. "Right," he says, chuckling. 
You help him get his stuff together. His shoes and coat. You smile at him as he waves goodbye, stepping out the door.
"Youngjo," you say before he leaves. He pauses and looks at you, standing on the other side of the doorway. "It's going to be great. You guys will do amazingly. I promise."
"Thank you, Y/Nie. See you soon." He smiles brightly at you.
Without thinking, you stand up on your tip-toes and kiss Youngjo on the cheek. Youngjo blinks, standing frozen, staring at you, and it takes you a moment to realize what you just did.
"What . . . ?"
Embarrassed, you wave a quick and shy goodbye and close the door quickly, turning around so your back is against it as you think over the past ten seconds.
After a few seconds, you hear Youngjo's footsteps walking away. You run to the window, and after a few seconds, you see Youngjo walking away slowly. He has his phone on in his hand. Suddenly, your phone on the couch buzzes, and you run over to see what it is.
Sunny's Dad: Thank you for always helping me and comforting me.
Sunny's Dad: It means a lot.
You smile stupidly at your phone. How strange that someone texting you can make you feel so happy. As you're about to put your phone in your pocket, it rings again. You look to see what it is.
Sunny's Dad: 😚🤭💋
You feel your face heating up, and realize how you're smiling so widely it makes your cheeks hurt. Instead of feeling embarrassment, you feel giddy inside.
You prepare for bed, brushing your teeth and changing before getting into bed, all the while smiling like an idiot while thinking about Youngjo. Thinking about him sleeping with his head on your lap. Thinking about kissing him on the cheek.
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Youngjo arrives at the dorm, opening the door quietly and closing it slowly. Everyone should be asleep by now, as tomorrow's morning starts early. He starts removing his shoes and coat in the entrance living room, trying to keep quiet so as not to wake anyone up.
He smiles to himself as he puts away his coat, thinking about how you had kissed him on the cheek. He gently touches his cheek where you had kissed him, and giggles softly to himself. Oh, he really is a fool in love with his best friend.
You've always been his best friend. You were always there for him when he needed you, when he was stressed or sad or worried or upset. You would always hold his hand when he was scared and be a shoulder for him to cry on. You were always supportive of his dreams, even when he doubted himself.
He's liked you since you were teens together, but he was always too afraid to ruin your friendship. He loves you a lot. Both as a best friend, and more than that. But as much as he likes you as more than a friend, but also loves you as a friend too, and he doesn't want to ruin that.
It's strange, he thinks as he puts his shoes away. Even Geonhak has commented on it. He's usually more confident about things. He's usually less afraid to take risks. But he's too scared to ask you to be more than friends. He's too afraid to risk your friendship. Because if you don't feel the same way, what would that mean for your friendship.
He looks up. Seoho is standing in the doorway, blinking at him.
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l000ey · 6 years
late night rap class → r.d
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pairing; rae dara x kim hanbin x song mino
summary; red teachs mino and b.i how to be gods rappers at night
warnings; none
note; maybe this was the time when mino started liking red
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Red's voice sounded throughout the studio with a slow and somewhat sad melody. Her name made with neon lights of the same color that occupied the entire wall was quite the attention of the Hanbin, who watched excitedly the room as it was the first time that his sunbae had let him go there. It was like a dream to be where the queen of korean music created her art so that people from all over the world would listen to it, it was incredible.
Red smiled, seeing the eighteen-year-old boy stunned by something as simple as a room. Her eyes strayed to the expensive rolex that adorned her wrist and she sighed at the time. Hanbin turned to see his elder when he heard her sigh and approached her curiously.
"What's wrong?" It still seemed strange to him not to speak to her formally, even though it had been two years since she had asked hin not to speak to her formally. Red turned to her computer and stopped the music.
"Mino...." And just the door opened revealing the newly named. They both turned to him and he opened his eyes in surprise before leaning against the wall with a hand to his chest.
"Oh, I..."
"You're late" The eldest interrupted him before turning to her computer again. Hanbin looked at his hyung and shrugged his shoulders making Mino sigh before leaving his backpack near the door. He approached them slowly and cautiously.
"Sunbae, I'm sorry." Red nodded, still looking at her computer screen, both trainees looked at each other again. The older girl sighed before leaning back in her chair, her eyes traveling all over the glass that the recording room showed.
"Enter in the cabin." She gave him a couple of sheets and pointed to the place. Somewhat confused Mino entered the cabin, placed the sheets on the lectern, put on the headphones and proceeded to read the lyrics but Red's voice across the room interrupted him "Those lyrics are lines of a song that I just wrote and that I will include in my album. You will both sing a couple and, if you do well, your lines will come out in the song. Whoever does it better, will have more lines."
Both looked excited at the idea because it was a great opportunity for their career to collaborate with Red, any trainee never had done it except CL and Bobby because Red had seen something special in them and that worried Hanbin a bit. In a way because he knew that he was a good rapper but he didn’t think he was as good as his subae and hyung, even though Bobby was still a trainee like him.
And it was true.
Red did not see in them the same thing that had captivated her from CL years ago or from Bobby when she met him but had to do it because her boss had asked for it. He had asked her to give them rap classes when she had time and she would value them leaving some lines in her next song because he wanted to see if they had enough talent to be contestants of the new survival program that he had thought of doing so that some of the many trainees will debut.
The minute Mino started rapping she asked him to stop "You go very fast, you don’t coordinate with the rhythm and your voice dulls the melody" She gave a little blow to Hanbin on his leg to get his attention "The rap is not only speak very fast or make rhymes, okay ?. The slow rap is something very cool and very beautiful that can go very well in some songs, but it also depends on the voice of the rapper and his style” She hit a button and Mino's voice began to sound. Both boys made a face, Hanbin thinking that it did not sound at all well and Mino something hurt and angry with himself because he was doing something wrong that was his dream. Red gave him a slight smile to calm him down. "Mino's voice is deep, so slow rap is doing pretty well, although fast rap can also work for him while Hanbin's voice is sharper, so fast rap is better for your voice "They both nodded giving her the reason" Well, let's continue ".
Two hours later they had managed to record their lines in the correct way, getting Red to be satisfied with the result. They listened to the complete song and the three were delighted but above all B.I because he was the one who had won the extra lines.
"Thank you very much for the classes, sunbaenim." She smiled at Hanbin who was bowing and gestured with her hand, dismissing it.
"Thanks to you, I've had a lot of fun these months" In the end she felt a little sad because without the classes she would not see them again as much as she did before, they would enter the program and they would not have time for her.
Wait, is this how mothers feel when their children leave them? She shook her head away when she saw that both were about to leave.
"Mino" She called him "Can you stay a moment? I have to talk to you".
The boy nodded somewhat uncertainly before saying goodbye to his partner and closing the door of the study. He bit his lower lip somewhat nervous when she indicated that he will sit with her.
"Did I do something wrong, sunbae?" Almost shy, he looked at his hands in his lap as if they were the most interesting thing in the world trying to avoid her gaze.
"No but..."
"Is it because I was late?" He raised his head and interrupted her. "I'm so sorry, I had a little problem and I tried to run but ..."
Dara sighed before grabbing one of his hands to stop talking, to feel the contact with her skin he immediately fell silent "What I wanted to tell you is that you have done very well but yes, your delay can pass bill. You got nervous because you were late and did not concentrate on the song, that's why it worked out worse than Hanbin” She gave him a small smile and, for some reason, the heart of the trainee began to throb quickly “You've done well, just...you have to get there first. You can go now".
She released her hand gently and moved away a little, waiting for him to leave. Mino realized a few seconds later and nodded before bow to say goodbye and leave the room. He leaned against the door when he had closed it and sighed, bringing a hand to his heart, which was beating rapidly.
"You can’t like Red, you can’t like..."
"Who can’t like you?" He opened his eyes scared to hear that female voice, quickly bowed to his sunbae. Cl was there, in front of him, with a bag full of bottles of soju and another with chicken looking at him with a raised eyebrow and her eyes full of curiosity.
He began to deny with his head and his hands "No, no, nobody, sunbaenim. No one".
The leader of 2ne1 smiled "Well, because I don’t know if you know but Red has a boyfriend and I don’t think G Dragon will take very well that a trainee will try something with her. He values ​​her very much, you know? "
"No, sunbae. I would not try anything, I know that Red Sunbae has a boyfriend and of course I know that it is G Dragon sunbaenim, who does not know? "He laughed nervously without stopping to talk “They are Red Dragon, Jara, the queen and king of the kpop, blah, blah and....I think I should go now. "He pointed to the hallway and when Chaerin nodded, he ran.
The older woman watched him vanish as he crossed a corner, made a not-so-happy face and shook her bangs with her head.
The door opened and Red's head popped out. "What are you doing standing there? I'm hungry".
Lee smiled "Nothing, come on."
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