#it's not like I don't already ship X/A/B
Me reading ship X/Y
Z is mentioned
Me: AAA I need to read more X/Z it's so CUTE!
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kaluawoo · 1 year
Being on Tumblr is just like. Going into a fandom tag. Reading like 3 posts. Vowing to not go into that tag again.
Going back into it the next day.
#at least today was uhhhhh. less bad.#honestly kinda funny bc there were so many#''It's so obvious Ship A is canon and not Ship B because of these things.'' - ''Ship B is clearly canon Ship A is not''#One after another#As someone with low to no stakes in either it's just kinda like. lmao. chill.#Like yeah ship whatever and it's always nice to see things that imply your ship#(I still smile over ''Dig in there Mr Spock'' and ''Captain please. Not in front of the Klingons.'' :) )#But you don't need to like. argue against other ships.#Fandom is a playground and y'all are not gonna run out of sand lmao#But god yesterday or the day before was. Oof.#Though also a bit funny bc there were two posts right after another like#''Character A is NOT badly written y'all just suck'' - ''Gosh I wish Character A wasn't so badly written 😭''#from different people obviously but still skfjwkfj#But uhhh yeah I think I should stay out of the tag.#The fandom can be 1 mutual; 1 close friend I spam on Discord; and a few online pals in a Discord thread#... i plan on writing fanfic for it tho and i'm already. curious. whether that'll finally get me hit by fandom drama#I'm usually good at avoiding it but I do not trust this fandom in particular#Also a lotta people in this tag that go ''Their relationship can't be X because clearly no one in X relationship would act like that''#which just made very clear they have probably never experienced said type of relationship lmao#Had to add some tags but I'm done now. maybe this time I'll manage to stay out of the tag skfnskfns#I should before the Shipping Arguments make me dislike the ships I enjoyed or was at least neutral about lmao
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ao3commentoftheday · 4 days
i've seen you (or i'm pretty sure it was you) give people advice that boils down to like. just write the scenes you WANT to write, basically, and skip the rest. which i think i want to try to do more because i do NOT have the bandwidth for long or complex stories right now. but i'm wondering if there are good ways to contextualize snapshots like that? like would you suggest adding more context to the metadata/tags/author's notes? or even in the text itself, like do you have suggestions for how to establish or distill a larger AU or story into like. an introductory paragraph?
(also your blog is great, and also you do good work, and i'm sorry if i'm mixing up who said this specific thing. i might have mentioned that i don't have any bandwidth for things lmfao)
I'm forever telling people to skip the boring parts and just write what's fun. There are probably folks out there who wish I'd shut up about it 🤣
I tend to do most of my context-setting in my tags and summary, but author's notes can be useful too if you want to go that route.
To do that, you need to have a clear idea of what it is that you're actually going to write and then you also have to know what your readers need to know in order dive right in with you. But I want to put the emphasis on need to know there. you don't have to get into all of the nitty gritty details first.
If you're writing something smutty in the context of the characters being in a relationship - even though they've never met in canon - then you can tag your fic with established relationship and put in whatever tags related to smut you want, then write a simple summary of the set up. "A and B shower together - and not just to save water."
The reader doesn't need to know how they met or why they got together or when this is happening. They just want to see their ship have shower sex.
If your characters are usually in the Star Trek universe but you want to write them into a period romance, tag your work with regency AU or Bridgerton AU and then give a summary snapshot of what they'll be doing in that setting. "Janeway and Chakotay chaperone Nelix's ball, but rather than simply watching the younger people court, they find themselves the recipients of a matchmaking attempt."
Your readers already know the characters, and they can understand the setting from your tags and summary, so you're ready to get started.
The more you do it, the better you'll get at distilling your idea down into a 1-3 sentence summary.
Characters are in place doing thing and issue arises.
Villain takes action and now our heroes need to fix that
A and B are in current relationship status but inciting incident changes that
In a world where X is true, characters need to do a thing. Unfortunately, Y happens and now they are left doing something else instead. Will they be able to achieve their goal?
One of the shortest fics I've ever posted to AO3 is 37 words. It's an Original Work, so people are coming into it with no information. And yet, between my title, my tags, my summary, and the series it's a part of it is 100% intelligible to anyone in any fandom. [link] I had a joke that I wanted to tell, and I think I landed it pretty well.
Readers will fill in the blanks that you've left empty. All you have to do is give them enough information to fill in whatever you don't provide.
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Fight for Pleasure
Mihawk x FemReader
Now this is some true Kinky shit- 👍🏽 Enjoy 😉
Sorry it's late!
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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ Hard Sex, Unprotected sex, Biting, Blood drawn, Fighting.
Day 3. Hate Fuck
"Good Evening Ma'am" the handsome Marine bowed respectfully to you holding a arm out to you which you ignored and stepped off the dock of the ship and passing him. They constantly tried to do this, bringing the prettiest of their Marines in order to woo you into cooperation.
Being one of the Warlords on occasions you were summoned to nice places like this as a 'Show of Good Faith' in this case it being a resort which was emptied for the Warlords and paid in full. The World Goverment finding it cheaper to just let the Warlords indulge in whores, food and drink then letting them roam at times.
That and this was usually what they did in order to ask for some sort of favor which you imagined would be arriving by tommorow morning. Walking into the Resort you could already hear the Chaos- Mainly one source of it being the newest member Buggy the Clown.
Chaos which was the drunk floating clown having a field day with some booze and laughing with someone that was obscured- truthfully not wanting to bother checking.
You made a B-Line right for the bar. Seeing the other Warlords there already having their fill of paid for delights. Even passing by Boa who seemed just as unamused as you and you two gave a brief nod at each other.
Stepping into the bar you saw the lone Bartender, clearly not as heavily used since the bottles of ale, rum, and other strong liquors were out in the main resort area were most of your fellow Lords were gathered.
"A Daiquiri please" You asked, putting some berries in the tip jar. The Bartender smiling at this and quick to start making the order.
"Another bother of Tarapacá" You heard from the voice you loathed the most- Sending a glare up to your left to see non other then Dracule 'Hawkeye' Mihawk. Aka the stuck up asshole you were forced the share air with.
"You know a please to him wouldn't kill you-" You hissed in annoyance, Typically not caring for impolitness from your peers but Mihawk was an exception to this rule.
He sneered down at you, waiting for the bottle as he rolled his eyes not even bothering with you.
"Ah isn't it the tramp- Don't concern yourself with how I speak to others" He growled at you, But your own temper flaring at his insult.
"Tramp!? Oh you're one to talk- Everyone knows you probably have more spawns then Big Mom" You snapped back which made him glare hard at you, His yellow eyes staring hard at you as his face twisted up- The Bartender gently setting down the bottle for Mihawk then the Daiquiri for you.
"Let's not forget that little girl you keep on your island" You chime in a sing song voice, His hand clenching as you stood up with a smirk- You were one of the few who knew of Perona and while you were aware he most likely hadn't been intimate with her didn't mean you wouldn't throw it back in his face.
"How are you aware of that child?- Let alone got the incorrect idea of my relationship with her. Or My Island" He said hissing at you, You turned back with a sarcastic smile sipping your drink.
"I have my ways Hawkeye" You say sweetly, which made him grab the bottle and fling it in your direction which you dodged.
"You spied on me and went to my home?-" He guessed correctly which made you smile. Downing your drink you kicked one of the chairs in his direction which he snatched and tossed away, Marching towards you pissed. His eyes practically glowing at this imformation you toss the glass at his feet and glare at him- This making him stop.
"So tell me...What keeps me from killing you" He hissed out, rage and hatred pouring from his lips like venom.
"Cause you like me too much~" Hou chimed, walking from the bar completely- Warmth blooming in your stomach at how his eyes stared at you the sour taste of remembering it was Mihawk snapped you from those thoughts.
Walking down the hall to were your suite was, you tried to push away the small argument from Mihawk, whistling a mindless tune before the world spun- Feeling yourself slammed against a near by wall you glared hard as you saw it was Mihawk again- The smell of wine on his breath made you sneer.
"What do you think you're doing you drunk asshole" You hissed, reaching forward and roughly grabbing the collar of his shirt. After a moment of silence he crashed his lips into yours, Biting them roughly as he did so- Growling you pull him closer as the taste of blood and wine filled you senses. You pulled back to get air in your aching lungs and bit down on his neck earning a pained hiss from the fellow Warlord. "Perverted Bastard"
"Vile whore" Mihawk hissed at you- your hand shooting up and grabbing a handful of hair and yanked his head back which earned him growling moan. Quickly he yanked you towards the suite pulling at his coat as you practically tore open the hotel room door.
"F- Fuck!!" You screamed out, feeling him slam you into the nearest wall hard. Picking your legs up and wrapping them around his waist he glared hard at you in what could only be described as disgust, before taking his free hand and ripping your top open to see your exposed breast and attacking them with his mouth.
You moaned out as his hands ripped away at your bottoms, his teeth pulling and Biting your nipples as his hands dug into the flesh of your ass. Your own hands ripping away the wide brim hat and tossing it to the side which earned a glare from the Man. Smirking at this you take the opportunity and lean down, Running your tongue up his neck earning a rumbling moan from him, Until you bit down hard, feeling blood touch your tongue and him grab your hair to yank you away glaring hard as blood dribbled down the side of his neck.
"Fucking animal-"
Hawkeye mutter before harshly tossing you onto the large bed, earning a surprised yelp from you as you bounce on the bed- Glaring at his smug face as he followed after you and crawled towards you quickly moving to pin you but you slipped from his grasp. In a flash you grabbed at his pants and ripped them from the side with a smirk on your face and a scowl from him.
"These were expensive-" He growled as he tosses his ruined clothes to the side, his throbbing cock now on full display.
"Aww can't take what you dish out~" You tease gesturing to your shredded clothes on the floor. The two of you glared at each other at a stand still to see who would attach first- Mihawk suddently springing I to action as he dove for you once more, this time grabbing your leg and trying to pull you to him.
You laugh at this and instead scoot yourself close to him throwing him off completely as you pounce on him- knocking him to his back hard enough that the bed snapped and tilted in the directed of the force, You Sitting on his chest with a evil smirk.
"Not fast en- EEP!" You yell as he sits up suddently and grabs your waist keeping your upper body high as you fall against his stomach. He smirked down at you, seeing your face red before dived his mouth inbetween your legs.
Arching your back in pleasure as you felt him aggressively eat you out, trying to pull yourself up from the position but he only tightened his grip- The feeling of his hardened member pressed against your upper back from the upside position, as well as the head rush from the blood rushing from your head.
Moaning loudly as your legs tightened around his head. His fingers digging hard into the flesh of your hips as you came into his awaiting mouth and cut air from him. Feeling how he lapped at every drop you gave as your body shuttered and spasmed from pleasure. He then tried to pull away till you locked your legs keeping him from pulling back, a evil smirk on your face. He struggled for a few seconds, until you felt his mouth open again and his teeth brush far too close to your clit like he was going to-
"YOU BETTER NOT!" You yelped and released him quickly, moving yourself away from the cackling man as he ran his tongue over his teeth and lips like he savored the taste.
"Aw can't take what you dish out Darling?~" He growled out smiling at your defensiveness and suspicion. Glaring hard at him your hand shoots out and grabs his cock.
He grunted as your grabbed him roughly, your sharp nails gently running up the side of his shaft like a pleasurable and silent threat. Leaning down you place a long slow lick over the length of his shaft, earning a hissing moan at the sight and feeling.
"Aww you got quiet quick~"
You smile at his reddened face as you made him come undone your fingers squeezing on the swollen head of his cock earning a angry growl from him at your teasing.
"Don't tease me women" He hissed, grabbing your wrist and yanking you so you were on him your bare chest pressed onto his as he went to bite your neck once again pushing forward you headbutt him which knocked him back off the bed but he pulled you with him as you both landed and crushed the nightstand.
Taking advantage of your dazed state he rolled the two of you over on the rubble and pinned your hands next to your head, A dark gleam in his eyes at this.
Tossing your head back as you gave out a forced moan as he entered you quickly and hard. Still sensitive from the brutally forced orgasms of before as Mihawk snapped his hips to fill you body and soul, setting a brutal pace he began to fuck you like an animal. Your body sliding across the carpet as he fucked you as far as possible, your moans of bliss ripping through your throat at the speed. His fingers releasing your hands which fly to wrap around his back.
Mihawk grunted hard as he slammed into your hips again, ignoring your cry in bliss from the multiple orgasms at this point and his own hips losing its rhythm from his own coming undone, his fingers digging into the carpet around your head as he gave a few more powerful thrust- Your nails slicing into his back and drawing blood as you screamed to another hard orgasm drew him in finally. A howl in pleasure ripping through his throat as he stuffed you as deeply as possible, he fell onto you from the force as the two of you laid there a panting mess.
You foggy to the brain feel him run his tongue over the cut on your lips, parting your lips at the request you kiss him deeply in the after glow of it all. You two pulled back only when Mihawk finally gets the strength to pull out of you and roll onto his side with a tired sigh.
"Must we always fight in order to fuck?"
You question still exhausted and laying there on the carpet fairly sure you had some level of carpet burn on your back. You hear a questioning hum from Mihawk, Clearly not wishing to think of that question further as he laid there relaxing.
You sit up from the floor a familiar ache between your legs, seeing the destroyed furniture, the ripped up sheets and clear dent in the wall from were Hawkeye slammed you. In short it looked two beast had destroyed this room in either battle or fucking- in this case both.
"You're paying for the damages for this room" You point out, Mihawk opening one eye from his lounging position on the floor hands behind his head and comforbly dozing.
"Hmph.... fine-"
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wosoluver · 2 months
The Interview.
Lena Oberdorf x Barcelona Reader
This takes place pre-UWCL 2022/23 final.
Wolfsburg vs Barcelona
In which both are asked to do an interview together on the lead up to the final. Where they answer questions and play games.
During the interview it’s obvious that there’s a mutual attraction to one another. Even though both are oblivious to how the other feels. Much to the delight of their club teammates and the fans online that are shipping together.
Maybe instead of celebrating with her teammates, Reader goes and comforts Lena after their loss in the final?
The interview.
Lena x Barça player!reader.
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"Hello! You can sit down right there." said the interviewer as you sat down. You had just came from hair and makeup. Although they did do much. "We are just waiting for the other player."
"Who is it?" You asked curiously. The only information you got before hand was that you were doing a couple videos ahead of the UWCL final, with a player from Wolfsburg.
"Lena Oberdorf."
"Really?" You weren't big on media related stuff but now you were pretty exited.
Not a minute later she came in and sat down next to you.
"Hello, I'm Lena." She extended her hand to greet you. You noticed she had such a thick accent.
"I'm Y/N."
"Okay, guys we're going to start with you two presenting yourselves to the camera."
"I go first?" She only nodded approving it. "Hello guys, I'm Y/N Y/L/N. I play for Barcelona Femeni and I am a left winger."
"And I am Lena Oberdorf. I play for Wolfsburg Frauen, I'm a midfielder."
"If you guys had to pick a top three players from the opponents team who would it be?"
"Definitely Popp, I'd also take Jule Brand and Sveindís."
"Not me?" She said jokingly.
"Shoot sorry. I said it without thinking I swear! Can I redo it?"
"No! You can't redo it just cause you were called out!" She said laughing. "I'd take Mapi Leon, Patri and Graham Hansen."
"Ouch!" you made a fake hurt face, laughing.
"Okay, can you guys tell me a few words you know in Spanish and the ones you know in German?" The interviewer asked.
"I know the basics like Hola, Como estás, Adiós."
"I know Shiza!" You said excitedly.
"I don't think you can cuss."
"What did she say?" The interviewer ask as Lena proceeded to tell her. "Well, we'll have to bleep that." she said laughing "Okay now I'm giving you two cards with words and you have to try and guess them."
"Okay. Y/N what do you think Angriff means?"
"Angriff? Like angry? Does it have to do with football?" She nodded yes. "Who's angry in football? Ona! Is it defender?"
"No. It's attack, you were kinda of so close."
"What do you Lena, think Banquillo means?"
"I'll try to use some logic to figure it out, like you. Something that starts with B, but it's not ball, ball is "balón" right?" You gave her no help "Is it the bench?"
"I tried not helping and that was no use!" You complained.
"See that's karma!" She said laughing "Alright what do you think Strafstoß is?"
"NO! This isn't fair. German is so much harder than Spanish." You tried to reason. "Is it like guantes? Like the goalkeeper's gloves?"
"Why? No! It's a penalty." You gasped, how were you supposed to guess? You couldn't even use common sense for that one.
"This game is unfair. What do you think beso means?"
"That was not on the card!" Said the interviewer once again laughing at things you said.
"Ay, sorry I went freestyle.
Okay what do you think Aficíon means?"
And with the confused look on her face you were finally satisfied.
"I have absolutely no idea. Can I get a hint?"
"They scream a lot."
"No. They do scream a lot, but it's actually the fans."
"Okay guys! Last one."
"Already?" Lena asked
"Yes so, it's ping pong questions. Ready?"
"Wait who asks the question?" Obi asked
"You can go first and than you switch" She pointed at Lena.
"Ready, one, two, three. Favorite number?"
"Favorite food?"
"Favorite goal?"
"The one I scored from outside the penalty box, against Real Madrid!"
"Place you want to visit?"
"South Africa!" - You finally breathe properly. "Why do I get to anxious for these? Every time. Okay ready?" She nodded. "Favorite number?"
"Mine! Six!"
"Favorite food?"
"Chicken pasta."
"Favorite goal?"
"Aah I don't know. The one I scored last game?!"
"Place you want to visit?"
"Your place"
"Oh my god you two are impossible!" The interviewer let out, joking. "This is what happens when you put two serial charmers in the same room. Please do an outro now."
"Bye guys! Hope you enjoyed the video!"
"And don't forget to watch our match!"
"Thank you guys, you really did so good!" Said the interviewer, letting you two go.
"Bye, see you Saturday." She said as she gave you a wink.
"Bye, nice to meet you." You gave her a small smile.
When Saturday arrived, you were all in your nerves.
Especially you, by now all your teammates had watched the interview. They were insufferable about it. Some shipping you two, some joking around, others couldn't believe how shameless you two were. I mean from your part they could. They literally had to deal 24/7 with your personality.
You guys were ready, as you entered the pitch. You did all the usual procedures and went head into the game.
At half-time your team went back to the locker room, losing 2-0.
When you were on your way into the tunnel, Lena caught up with you and gave your shoulder a soft squeeze. When you turned to her she gave you a comforting smile. Then continued to walk with her teammates.
Once half time was up, you made your way back, as you heard Patri joking.
"Y/N! Do something! Distract them with your charm! Seduce them in Spanish, I don't know!" And you were all laughing. It was much needed to easy out everybody.
The game was incredible. You guys had managed a come back. 3-2. When the whistle blowed for the last time, you ran to hug Patri and the others, cheering loudly.
But when you looked for Lena, you saw her sitting down with her hands covering her face.
You decided to ditch your friends for a little bit.
And offer her some comfort like she did to you.
"Oberdorf." you said kneeling down next to her. "Come here." You said as you hugged her.
"Congratulations." She said sadly as her voice cracked.
"You played brilliantly!" You said as she nested her head on your shoulder.
"Not enough to win the trophy."
"Enough to win my number, if you want." and you got a soft laugh from her. "It's not as cool as getting a trophy but maybe you can call me whenever you want to feel like a winner."
"Oh my god!" She was full on laughing now. "Have you seen the fans shipping us online?"
"Ah yes. They will feast on this photos of us."
"Can't wait to watch the edits." You two proceeded to laugh while holding eachother.
Thanks for reading! I'm getting ready to celebrate us becoming 200! The 200 followers celebration will be a special prompt list you guys can request from! 🩷
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𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ♡
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See my other Welcome Home work here!
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Requested by @mugmaya19
Request: If you are taking in requests could you do one where we just randomly grab their face and kiss them around their face’s before we just walk away like nothing happened? Again if you aren’t doing that then feel free to use this as a way of creative thinking! Have a good day
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Omg I had so much fun the writing of this!! I love them so much! 😭❤
I think the chosed scenario was adorable and I absolutely loved it!
I hope you'll have the same fun with the reading of this!
Btw sorry for the picture of Sally :")
(You don't know how much I loved writing Poppy's part- 😭❤)
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×❢ About my work ❢×
no proofread, it can have spelling mistakes, look, idk if they can blush or even have a heart, but now they do, okay? lol, no smut, just sweet fluff, no pronouns used for the reader, petnames like darling, love, hon.
Fandom: Welcome Home horror project by Clown
Character(s): Wally Darling, Barnaby B. Beagle, Eddie Dear, Julie Joyful, Frank Frankly, Howdy Pillar, Sally Starlet, Poppy Partridge, The Reader|You| (Y/N) |Neighbour
Ship(s): The characters x The Reader|You| (Y/N) |Neighbour
Form: Headcanons
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Wally Darling
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"Wally, come here, I want to show you something!" 
• after you placed his face into your hands 
• You started kissing him around
• cheeks, lips, nose
• gosh he felt like heaven between your kisses
• he just sat there still as he accepted his fate
• not like he would want to disagree :D
• after some time, he even leaned forward a bit to have more
• he decided that it was his turn to give you kisses
• he was planning to give a "mwah" to you
• but you turned away and left him
• (a.n: *dramatic gasp* how dare you?! >:c) 
• he was just sitting there and confusedly watched as you left
• "Where are you going, neighbour?"
• dw, if you're not getting his smooch now, you'll get it later, I can promise that! 😌✨
Sally Starlet
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"Sally, can you come here for a minute?"
• she was practicing, so at first she wasn't too happy that you disturbed her
• "Yeah, yeah, I'm almost finished (Y/N)!" 
• after a few minutes she were already in front of you with a furious look
• (a.n: how dare you disturb her? >:( /jk) 
• "What do you want, (Y/N)?" she asked impatiently. 
• but you just stood up and gave a small kiss on her lips without an answer
• she was too surprised to react anything, so you continued
• her face was between your soft hands, while you gave an another kiss on her forehead
• she didn't fight too much about it
• she even leaned into your touch
• after you were done, you thought that you can just simply walk away
• well, *chuckle* no. 
• you DISTURBED her practice, then made her heart skip a beat and fall in love with you AGAIN, and after all this, you wanna just WALK AWAY like nothing happened?! 
• she quickly catched you by your wrist with a unsatisfied look and a smirk on her face
• "No, I think not, (Y/N). We need to talk."
Frank Frankly
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"Frank, can you come here?"
• first he just approached you innocently, but he could feel that you were planning something
• he didn't know what specifically, but the aura around you could tell that you're on something
• but he still walked up to you and asked 
• "What do you need, darling?"
• you gently put your hands on his face 
• and give one kiss to his forehead 
• an another to his lips
• and an another one to his right cheek
• "What are you doing, darling?" he asked as he softly pulled you closer to him by your hips. 
• you just kept kissing him, didn't bring yourself to answer
• you didn't let him to give back the kisses, but he could catch one and return it
• he even hummed from the enjoyment of your affection
• he could stay like this forever and ever
• but you let go from him
• the moment that he realised that you're planning to go away, he quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him
• "Where do you think you're going, love?" 
Barnaby B. Beagle
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"Come here, Barnaby!" 
• he feels like heaven between your hands
• he immediately leaned into the touch as you started kissing him around his face
• gosh your rubs feels so good! 
• I can imagine that he gently starts biting your hands in an affectionately way
• he even closed his eyes from your sweet kisses
• but as soon as he stopped feeling your touch, he quickly opened his eyes confusedly
• in the last minutes, he still hoped that you'll turn back
• but you didn't :(
• "Uhh... (Y/N)? Buddy? Where are you going?" 
Howdy Pillar
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"Howdy, can you help me, please?" 
• he came up to you obliviously
• "What is it, hon?" 
• he's always ready to help you, when you need him
• you asked him to come closer and he did as you requested from him
• you softly grabbed his face and started placing sweet kisses on his face
• he softly chuckled at the first ones
• he's more like a kiss giver than receiver, but although he enjoys it
• when you wanted to leave, he just simply whined
• "No, don't go, (Y/N)!" 
Poppy Partridge
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• Today Poppy seemed like she was pretty frustrated. Her wings were shaking, making the binding more difficult to her. You decided to check on her and give her a little comfort. 
"Wa- Wait, Poppy, let me help you!" 
• you made her to let go the sweater that she was working on and after her attention was on you, you've finally could help
• you gently started to caress her wings, attend to not to crease her feathers
• and gave soft kisses around her beak
• but she's just got more frustrated and flushed
• when you were about to leave, you actually changed your mind
• she didn't say anything 'cause she was too nervous and shy to say it out loud, but her eyes were literally begged for your affection
• please give her more, she deserves it! ♡
• (btw the sweater which was she working on, it's actually for)
Julie Joyful
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"Hey, Julie, come here!" 
• she approached you happily and smiley, like she always does
• what she didn't know that you were planning to make her heart jump out of her chest
• ( i mean, in a metaphoric way)
• "What is it, (Y/N)?" 
• you didn't pay attention to answer, instead you just grabbed her face and started kissing her around
• i can imagine that she giggles while you kissing her 
• she actually leans forward to make your work easier
• when you walked away, Julie just simply started to follow you with a disappointed look
• "Aww, where are you going, (Y/N)?" "Don't leave me here!" "But (Y/N)!" 
• she will keep ask more until you actually give the kisses to her
Eddie Dear
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"Eddie, can you come here for a second?"
• I can assure that you kept kissing him much longer than just a second lol
• he was there in seconds
• just like always, he's ready to help you in anything
• "Is there something wrong, hon?" 
• at first, he wanted to return the kisses when you started to give them to him
• but later he finally catch up that it was you what will give the kisses
• so he just leaned into your touch and enjoyed your soft kisses
• as he got more comfortable in your touch eventually he closed his eyes
• he was just about to get too comfy, when you stood up and walked away
• He calls after you worriedly. 
"(Y/N)? Did I do something wrong?"
• he's more worried than confused, 'cause he's afraid that he did something wrong to you
• please give him more kisses to make sure that he's loved and he did nothing wrong (and that he doesn't cry) 
198 notes · View notes
avisisisis · 1 month
Fuck it. Invincible Tumblr
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Wake up to see the aliens attacking again. God fucking damn it.
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
Imagine how the aliens feel after seeing you
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Get better insults. You won't be insulting anyone that way
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
Nahhh. Don't need to. You already humiliate yourself every time you open your mouth
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Your entire existence is an insult
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☪️ superherofan Follow
i forget that superheroes have social media and regularly use it.... invincible has Tumblr holy shit
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
☪️ superherofan Follow
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🌙 artemislover Follow
Can't believe I have to say this, but can you guys please stop making Omni-Man x Immortal theories?!?!
Ik you think the idea of them having been romantically involved is funny, but c'mon, people
It is true that there should be more openly queer superheroes, but the fact that there are people who genuinely believe they fucked is wild...
Besides, we have to stop following the lives of superheroes that closely. They deserve to get some privacy too! They're still people
Also, didn't Omni-Man once mention his wife?? And son?? Shipping him w a man when he's clearly straight and in an established relationship is stupid
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
These are all great points but they've definitely fucked
🌙 artemislover Follow
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Godddddd. My parents just do not know what privacy is, PLEASE STOP HAVING SEX WHEN I MIGHT BE HOME... please you're killing me
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Wait, shit, wrong blog...
🌭 hotdog Follow
shocking revelation: invincible has parents
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
??? Of course I have parents. Where'd you think I came from?
🌭 hotdog Follow
Honestly i thought you were from mars
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
from MARS????
#i'm not martian??? i don't even look martian #do i look martian?
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💃 thedancingquinn Follow
🚫 ohgodpleaseno Follow
really? How do you know?
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
Okay quick storytime
My friends and I wanted to go to see this band live for a LONG time, so we saved up money for years until we could finally afford it, right?
Well, the day we finally get to see them live, I look up and I see Atom Eve, just. Flying there. Above the crowd
She was singing, apparently very loudly and she looked like she was having sm fun. She saw me and waved!!! Atom Eve!!!! Waved at me!!!!!!!
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
Yeah. Check my Insta, there's a link to this blog!
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
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🤖 officialrobot Follow
Today, Monster Girl told me to download this app and create a blog — I did not think it was necessary, but she insisted.
I decided to listen to her. She was very persuasive.
I will be sharing things about my day, as she has told me to do. Expect to hear from me after this.
👀 eyaseyaseays Follow
you really think we're gonna believe you're the real Robot?? C'mon.
‼️ notafurryyet Follow
Dude, RP exists. Let people live their lives in peace
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
This is so funny
‼️ notafurryyet Follow
That's... The real monster girl. Replying to a fake Robot post...
Dude I think he's real
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🎉 partyshitter Follow
The new Guardians are a fucking shit show. Are we seriously meant to believe they're going to protect us? Really??
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Oh Id like to see YOU almost get killed every single fucking day without one fucking break only for asholes like you to shit on us like that. We almost die every single day!!! Were the ones geting our hands dirty not you
🤖 officialrobot Follow
I'd* assholes* We're*
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Your supposed to be with me in this one
🤖 officialrobot Follow
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☪️ somanykates Follow
The Immortal kinda... 👀
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
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💥 explosionsbaby Follow
I cant believe she cheated on me... what a bitch
🧬 atomevesss Follow
☪️ somanykates Follow
We're going to have a fucking talk, Rex.
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
🍐 shrinkshrek Follow
You had this one coming buddy
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
The fact that Miles Morales canonically reads JJK, though...
🔫 shootmeplease Follow
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Why is everyone always surprised when I like something? I don't get it
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
I cannot have just found out you're still alive through Tumblr...
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
Seriously though. Are you okay now? I know you're not mentally, after the whole Chicago thing w your dad, but at least physically?
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
I'll survive, I guess
💔 thisishowtobeah Follow
INVINCIBLE?? It is such a relief to see you're still here after the whole Chicago ordeal Mr Invincible
📸 definitelyinsanebaby Follow
Yeah maybe don't remind him of that rn??
💔 thisishowtobeah Follow
#I AM SO SO SO SORRY #omg i hope you're doing good mr invincible :(((
123 notes · View notes
iouinotes · 4 months
Heroic betrayal | Luke Castellan (part 2)
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pairing: Luke Castellan x female!reader
show: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
warnings: heavy angst, smut
word count: 3,7k
summary: After Luke's betrayal, you try to hold yourself together in the camp. Everything was fine until you meet him again. Then everything collapses.
a/n: I thought I should write a second part. So, here it is!
Also, do you guys a) want the reader to join Luke or b) fight against him? I would love to write something, when the story continues!
part one here
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"Princess" his voice is a whisper in the darkness. A distant call that appears from all directions, but cannot be traced back.
I want to move, but I can't. My eyes squint but I still can't see anything. It's cold here, even if I don't know where I am.
Goosebumps spread across my skin. It feels like I'm choking on air. Mist brushes my skin, or maybe it's someones fingertips.
My heart beats faster, my breathing becomes less stable and yet my feet don't move forward. I can't see him, but I know he's here.
In my head, in my thoughts, in my dreams.
Then I feel a dark presence behind me, a shiver runs down my spine, but when I turn my head there is only darkness.
"Come back to me" his voice makes me tremble. It's so disturbing, the calm he radiates. This sort of security that he carries with his words.
"I am here. I will always be here. With you." He won't let me go. Every day it dominates my thoughts, influences my actions, my attitude, my feelings.
I cant escape him, even in my sleep.
When I wake up I feel so drained, as if I hadn't even slept. I'm almost the last one to get up, my siblings' beds are mostly already deserted.
When I try to get up, I have to hold on to my bed, I feel weak on my feet. My head hurts, my thoughts are messed up and as I get dressed and look in the mirror, I see the dark circles under my eyes and the pale skin. The face that stares back, is almost foreign to me.
As I search through my closet, in the corner of my eyes I see the oversized, orange shirt that once belonged to him. And when I remember his voice from my dream, tears appear in my eyes and I try my best to suppress them.
I feel like I left my heart behind, when I ran away from that ship. I don't want to admit it, but deep down I know that the only reason my heart is still beating is because he is out there. And I hold onto the secret hope, that he will come back to me. Because now that he's gone - no, that he's left me, there's a hole in my chest.
Never in my life have I felt emptier, so abandoned and alone.
I am just a shell of a person who once existed. At least that's how it feels. Without him, I have nothing to live for. I'm only here because I can't let my family down, because I can't leave Percy after he tries every day his best to care for me. In the last few weeks he has been like a little brother, I would hate to hurt him with my absence. So I stay. Keep fighting, train the newbies, prepare everyone for war.
I don't do anything else. Get up, exercise, eat something even if I'm not hungry, go to sleep and then dream about him. I'm unfocused and it's obvious, no matter how hard I try not to show it.
As I step into the sunlight, warmth embraces me, but I still feel cold inside. I hold my chin up and greet some of my friends. I see pity in all of their eyes.
But they know better than to talk to me about it. I couldn't, even if I wanted to.
He left me, he betrayed the whole camp. My once wonderful, supportive lover.
He is gone.
I walk past the tables, keeping my gaze straight ahead. I don't want to stay and hear the laughter of the others, especially the Hermes cabin, when the centerpiece, that once hold everything together is missing.
I think about going to the training hall, even though my body hurts and I'm unable to hold a weapon the right way. Everything reminds me of him and it hurts so much. So much, that I want to hide away and sometimes when I can avoid responsibility, I'm staying in the woods. At the tree where I last hid, during our game. It's comforting me in a special way, even when all I can really do is cry.
When I secretly turn in this direction and head into the woods, I don't notice how blonde curls follow me.
As soon as I reach the place, my knees buckle and I fall to the ground. Just staring at the tree makes me almost immediately tear up.
If only he were here. If only he was with me.
I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder. But my reflexes suspend, as if they're asleep. I can't defend myself. Sometimes I think it would be better to escape this suffering.
Then I hear Percy's voice.
"Tough morning, huh? Mind, if I join you?" He is the only one, for unknown reasons, I can have close to me, when I feel vulnerable. With others, I always want to build a facade up, so that I don't look weak. But Percy doesn't make me feel weak, he just encourages me to feel. And I need that.
We sit in silence, I can't even count how many times he's seen me in this state. Yet he is still here.
"I'm really t-trying to hold it together but I- I can't. I can't live without him. It hurts." He keeps a distance from me, but him just being here is comforting.
At least it's one person who stayed.
I pour water on the last flames of the campfire and try my best to tidy the place up again. Chiron suggested, after the last, stressful days, that we play "Caputure the flag" again. And to no ones surprise, now that a driving force is gone, the Ares cabin won. So everyone celebrated, a banquet was held and everyone tried to ignore for this moment, that there is war ahead of us.
I was useless in the game, my mind was distracted and my hands were shaking. I was able to disarm a few people from the other team, but it wasn't nearly enough for it to really matter.
I'm on autopilot, I exist without really realizing it. Without really feeling anything.
Sometimes I can smile when Percy argues with Annabeth, like the clueless idiot he can be, because they both dont acknowledge their feelings for each other. Although it's actually very obvious how much they are drawn together, the trust they hold. It gives me some sort of comfort. At least the two of them will find their way to each other, if everything ends well.
Still, the happy moments are short-lived, because of the pain in my heart afterwards, which almost feels physical. Like a knife that keeps turning in the wound. As a reminder of what happened.
The day was exhausting, my eyes want to close on their own, but I hate seeing him in my dreams. He appears almost every night.
It's this fear that he's hiding, that he's lurking in the dark, like the monsters under your bed, that keep me from sleeping.
I would rather prefer the monster than him.
It's dark now, the clouds hide the stars and only the light in my lamp shows me my surroundings. I walk through the rows of benches and look over the square for a moment. It's so quiet here that it calms me down too.
Then I notice a hidden shadow at the edge of the forest, my muscles tighten and I lower my hand to grip the dagger in my pocket.
My heart beats fast, but before I can call someone, I see the outline of the person.
Tall, slim, confident.
Without any light, the person walks his way towards me, until he is so close, that I can see dark curls, a scar running across his face and the familiar eyes.
I blink. It feels like I'm losing my mind. I'm so shocked, I can't believe the sight of him. That he is actually here.
"No-" I hear myself whisper in fear. My voice is shaking.
"Y-you're not real. You are in my head. I'm just dreaming, you- you're not really here." But this time I'm not only hearing his voice, I also hear the sound of the lake and can actually see him. Can see every feature of his face and the desire in his eyes.
"Hello princess" It's all he says, but it's enough. I almost fall over as I take several steps back. The dagger presses into my leg.
Although there is so much I wanted to tell him, right now, I just want to disappear.
"Surprised to see me? My requests for you, to come back to me didn't work very well." The dreams. It really was him. Calling for me.
"I needed to see you." He says it as naturally as if I had last seen him yesterday. As if everything was normal. Like he was still my Luke.
I look around, trying to see if anyone else is awake, but everything is quiet.
To my horror, it feels like I can breathe properly again for the first time. As if he is part of the oxygen, which I need to survive. My heart is beating so fast, that I almost can't handle the feeling.
He moves towards me without hesitation or asking me for permission. He comes closer to me with every step he takes. My eyes widen and before I realise it, my body moves on his own and I'm holding my dagger to his neck.
But he doesn't move. He just looks at me. As if he knew my every thought and expected them all.
"There is the fire in you that I love so much. I was afraid it had extinguished." His voice. Deep and calming, it heals something within me that I thought was lost.
I can not think. It's a dream, it needs to be. I can only dream. He couldn't really be standing next to me.
The dagger in my hand is still directed to his neck, but his eyes are distracting me.
He distracts me from the real danger. Him.
His small smile leaves me trembeling and as his fingers slowly rise and brush my hair back, he leans forward despite my threating gesture.
I feel his lips against my ear. I inhale sharply, but I do nothing to move away from him. His hand moves lovingly along my arm, the touch feels as light as a feather.
"I knew you missed me, sweetheart." His hands begin to rub my back, finding their way to my neck to hold me tight against him. If I had any sense left in me, I would have pushed him away. Would have screamed and warned the camp.
But for the first time in all these months I feel alive again, feel at one with my heart. Because he is here. He holds all my love in his hands.
"Luke..." his name falls from my lips, it's like a blessing and torment at the same time. But more it feels like worship, like he's the only God I'm loyal to.
My mouth opens silently and I inhale his scent, as his lips brush against my cheeks. One of his hands pulls me closer to him, while the other one touches my face. His fingers stroke my lips, grabbing my chin and holding it up. Close to his own face.
I feel his breathing on my skin. My heart beats so fast that I almost vibrate with energy. I haven't felt so vivid in a long time.
Worse, I haven't felt so loved since he left.
"What do you want?" His lips ghost over my own, just a hint of what I could have.
"I-I want" I feel his smile, feel the butterflies that had died come back to life again. It's like his mere presence revives me.
His hands grip my waist, holding me tight to him, it makes my head float.
His lips brush my chin, leaving light kisses on my neck, making me feel desperate.
"Please, Luke-" The dagger falls from my hand and in the back of my mind, the noise of the weapon hitting the ground is like my death sentence.
But I pay no mind to that, my hands tangle into his hair and I try to stand on my tiptoes to reach him.
"You want me? Want me to kiss you?" Our foreheads touch. It's all forgotten, everything. Expect him. As if he had casted a spell in me to forget everything or maybe I just wanted to forget for that moment.
Then he kisses me.
And I think my consciousness left my body. I just want to be close to him, everything he gives, I will gladly take. His lips are hot against my own and a shiver runs through my body as his kisses become more possessive.
When he tries to pull away, I wrap my arms around him. A satisfied grin spreads across his face as he notices my desperation.
I just don't want him to disappear again.
He leaves several small kisses as if he was trying to summon me back to the real world, even though he obviously enjoys that I lose myself in him. He chuckles darkly, but it doesn't help me to clear my head. Almost immediately he lets his tongue graze my lower lip, asking to be let in.
His hands wander under my shirt and absentmindedly loosen my tight pants. When his fingers stroke my clothed middle, I moan silently. The sound echoes between our bodies and his tongue slides into my mouth, exploring every familiar spot. It almost takes all my breath away.
I feel a wetness forming in my underwear, the touch of his fingers alone isn't enough.
"You feel that? That pussy missed me too. Bet, you must have felt so empty without me. Don't worry, I'll make sure this never happens again."
Without warning me, he slides his fingers into my underwear and begins stroking slowly to tease me. His thumb presses against my clitoris with a delicious pressure, his mouth swallowing the sound that escapes me.
"God, I love seeing you like this. So fucking sweet and unable to resist me." His other hand slides to my face, touching my nose, lingering over my lips and tapping them.
Without thinking, I open my mouth, one of his finger sneaks in and presses decisively on my tongue. My head feels like it's floating in the middle of nowhere.
"That's how I like you, always so responsive. I'll take care of you, love. You'll feel so good in no time."
Then he pushes me against the large dining table and lifts me onto it. I open my eyes, see his blurry face infront of me and whimper slightly, when his hand leaves my pants.
"Shhh, my darling. I have something better planned for you."
He helps me take off my pants, my hips lift in support, and when the air hits my heated skin, I get goosebumps.
His fingers stroke my thighs and as he makes eye contact with me, he lowers himself to his knees. His lips gently touch the inner side of my thighs, he kisses along them until he hovers over my center. He grins deviously as he runs his tongue over the small piece of clothing, my eyes flutter and all I can hear is my heavy breathing.
His finger strokes me for a moment until he finally hooks one at the top of my underwear and slowly pulls them down my legs. It disappears into the dark, but judging by the rustling, he put it in his own pocket.
I look down at him, see his shining eyes and the adoring expression. Before I can say anything, he lowers his head and licks through my folds. His hands rest on my thighs, the grip so strong that it grounds me. My hands reach into his locks.
His nose brushes against my clitoris, and when a scream tries to escape me, I put my hand over my mouth.
The feeling of his tongue is so intense that all my thoughts focus on these movements. I let my hips press against his face in circular motions, my mouth hanging open as he continues pleasuring me with his tongue.
Then suddenly his mouth leaves me for a moment, he rises slightly and when I'm about to complain, he sinks a finger into me. My eyes almost roll back.
"Shut your pretty mouth and let me do my thing, understand?" I nod, but his finger feels so good, that I can't register all of his words. He shuckles.
"I don't think I've done a good job yet, if you can still concentrate. We have to change that, right?" His second finger pushes into me and makes scissoring movements, small muffled noises leave my mouth.
His other hand wanders across my stomach to my breasts until it it grasps my neck and squeezes lightly, a moan escapes me.
Then I hear his dark voice above me.
"If I could I would destroy you, God the things you do to me-" His mouth sucks a hickey on my neck, if he wanted to, he could probably break any resistance in me with just a few more movements of his lips.
His hand wanders down my sides. As I mess up his hair, he grabs my hands and pushes them onto the table.
A third finger is inserted into me and I feel a growing tight feeling inside me. It's getting darker around us and as I start to look for the lamp, he pinches my nipples under my shirt.
I whine in response. "It's getting dark, I-I only want to see you." For a moment his movements stop inside me and he just looks at me. His eyes so loving, that it almost makes my heart explode.
Then he pushes back my hair, which has come loose from my hair band and his hand cups the back of my head. Pushing my face forward a little, his lips linger on my forehead for a moment.
The butterflies in my stomach feel like they're going crazy. Probably because he drives me insane.
When he pulls back, he looks at me like I'm the only one who exists in this world.
It feels like our souls are coming together again.
His hand, which is still under my shirt, starts massaging my breasts and I breathe heavily, enjoying the gentle pulling and kneading of his hands.
"Take off my clothes, princess." My hands come up from the table to undo his belt, I pull his pants down a little and stroke his clothed member. He hisses quietly and pulls my shirt over my head, leaving me in my bra which he quickly undoes.
He kisses my breasts and leaves a trail down to my stomach. His hot breath makes me dizzy. When I pull down his underwear and grasp his member properly, he lifts his head. Heavy breaths escape him as I continue to stroke him and touch his tip with my thumb.
I see him shaking, but then his lips are on mine again and he's kissing me hot. His hand grasps my own and releases it from him, his fingers burying themselves in my hair to steer my head.
I look at him with glassy eyes.
"Come here" he whispers, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him. His tip lingers over my entrance, his precum dripping onto me.
"Want you-" my voice is quiet but desperate. I'm sure I look like a complete mess.
"You want to be fucked, hmm? Are you sure you deserve it?" I nod like a complete idiot, but I don't care anymore.
His cock brushes against my entrance and as I try to push myself onto him, he holds my hips firmly.
Then he whispers "Would you let someone else fuck you? Allow someone to see you like that? Be willing to do anything just to get a cock? Would you?" He sinks into me so slowly that I can feel every vein. My head becomes heavy.
"Oh I know how quickly you get lost in your head, darling. But do you still know that it's me who fucks you so well?" His first powerful thrust leaves me unable to breathe, my hands desperately clinge to his shoulders.
"I think you should prove to me that you are only mine. Am I right?" I nod, trying my best to concentrate, but he's filling me so well.
"O-only you" at my words, he starts to move faster.
"That's right, princess. Only mine. Mine to fuck, mine to keep."
I drop my head onto his shoulder and moan, the feeling so good that I can only focus on it. His hand wraps around my waist and pushes me onto him, his thrusts increasing in force.
"S-so good...Luke, you f-feel so good"
"You dont get to come now, are you listening to me? You're going to pull yourself together and be a good girl." I whine, feel my eyes watering and I try to ignore the growing feeling in my stomach.
"Because if you don't listen to me, then the gods help you, I won't stop anytime soon." My hand grasps his neck and I try to make eye contact.
"Just a little more and you'll be where I want you. Hold on, princess" he slows down, looking into my eyes and cupping my neck. Fucking me slowly.
My mouth opens, but no words leave me. The brown of his eyes almost devours me. He hits a place deep inside me that only he can reach and my head begins to spin, I become almost boneless in his grip. I hear his voice in my ear, like an incantation.
"You are so good to me, darling. Just a little more-"
Then suddenly, my vision becomes blurry and I feel every touch of his, every fingertip, every strand of hair that brushes against me and the thrusts of his cock even more intense. My surroundings falls silent, I just lie in his arms and don't want anything else.
"I got you. Want to be good? Then come for me." So I let his hands work magic, they squeeze my clit and almost make me scream. His thrusts become more rough, his breathing ragged. My skin feels like it's on fire, my fingernails scratch his back.
"Just like that, darling. Do you feel how well I fill you up? You just need me, you hear me? Remember that in your pretty head. Only I am important. You just have to believe me."
With these words I come. His lips press against mine and it feels like he's stealing my soul. I can't bring myself to fight it.
When he comes too, I feel his seed inside me, feel him pushing it further into me. It almost makes me come a second time.
He pauses in his movements, placing kisses all over my skin. His fingers trace over me, shaping hearts and stars like those above us.
I feel so happy as we silently look at each other. I can't stop myself from saying the words out loud.
"I love you."
When I think he's about to kiss me, he pulls away. Drops his hands and just looks at me. I feel my heart sink painfully in my chest. The feeling makes me despair.
"You do?" My eyebrows furrow, I suddenly feel very exposed in front of him. I take my top and pull it over my head. His eyes follow my movements.
"Because you can only have one, princess. Me or them. You decide." It takes me a moment to remember, to realize that we are still in camp. To remember why things are the way they are.
Before I can say anything, he speaks again.
"Are you happy? Now that I'm here? Can you honestly say that you wouldn't change your mind if you could? Because, that's why I'm here, this time you can choose right. You can choose me."
"Luke, I want to choose you. I would always choose you. But I can't choose what you dedicated your life to. I cannot commit myself to the evil."
"You think I'm evil? You really think I'm doing the wrong thing? The gods are the ones who don't know any better. Who abandon their children. You are on their side, even though they themselves deceive and manipulate each other?" I always knew Luke hated the gods. That he blames them and especially his father for all the suffering. For every pain he had to go trough, even when he was still so young.
He takes another step towards me. I stand still, only watching him come closer again.
"You are naive if you think the gods care about anything other than themselves. They are deceitful, egoistic beings who must be destroyed. Then everything can start again, the world is better off without them. Being loyal to Kronos is the only way to ever be free."
I shake my head.
"Kronos will plunge everything into darkness, how can you not notice? It's worse than anything we could ever imagine. Luke, he doesn't want the happiness of his followers, he just wants power."
"So am I. You always knew that."
"No. I knew life wasn't easy for you. But I never thought you would give up everything just to get revenge."
"I didn't give up everything, just what was necessary. I will never give up on you, otherwise why am I here? I want you to come with me."
His hands cup my cheeks and look into my eyes. His one shine with desperation. As his request hangs like a weight over my shoulder, I feel everything inside me tighten.
He will leave me again.
"You...could stay? We'll be able to sort it out together, you can still make up your mind. Or let's escape, let's get away from here. Where nobody knows us."
"Princess, I want everyone to know who I am and what I've done to get there. I'm not hiding and you shouldn't be either. You dont achieve Glory that way."
"I'd rather be a loser than die. Because that will happen, if you continue to serve Kronos. How can you not know that the bad guys always lose?"
I look into his eyes. He is so close to me and yet so far away. It kills me.
"Because I won't lose. I never lose. And I won't lose you either."
90 notes · View notes
cstlez · 2 months
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warnings ; explicit language, smoking, kissing, use of y/n,
"She's been in a daze for the last fifteen minutes I don't know how to get her back."
"Have you tried sticking a straw in her ear?"
"Why the hell would I do that?"
"You're no fun Georg—"
"Fine i'll do it!"
"What the hell dude!" I yelled, My ear tickled, I watched Tom bend over and start laughing,
His body shook as he laughed, I slumped further into the chair, watching as Georg silently laughed.
"I told you it'd work!" Tom yelped, his body soon settling into a chair beside me, he flicked my forehead, making me glare at him.
"Alright—" Georg took a deep breath as he stopped laughing, sitting beside me as well.
"What do you two want?" I asked, noticing how they both looked at me with a stern look, I raised a brow.
"Why'd you come over if you are just going to day dream all day?" Tom asked, digging into his pockets for what i'm assuming is a pack of gum.
I bit the inside of my cheek, "I'm not!- I'm not daydreaming.. I'm just thinking." I murmured.
"Womp womp.."
"Same fucking thing."
I rolled my eyes, rubbing my arms as I felt goosebumps grow over my skin. My entire body quivered as memories from Thursday replayed in my head over and over again.
"Can we head down to the studio later, we want you to fix up some of Bill's lyrics and maybe tweak around with my guitar, I just don't know how to make it match the new song." Georg asked, making me cough.
"oh— wait.. you want me to fix up some of Bill's lyrics?" I asked, wiping my mouth.
"Yeah?.. You've done it before.." Georg questioned, I glared at him.
"Is Bill gonna be there?" I asked, pushing some of my hair away from my eyes.
"Obviously he's part of the band yeah?.." I bit my tongue.
"Okay fine ye- yeah." I mumbled, nervous to see Bill because of the way we'd left things at the rink.
I stood up and grabbed my bag, scurrying to slip on my shoes.
"You're leaving already?" Tom asked, folding his hands over each other.
"Yeah- yeah I.. pfft... I forgot about an uh assignment due uh.. today! Yeah today!" I exclaimed, rushing to the door.
"Why is she acting so fucking weird?" Tom asked, Georg laughed.
"Your twin is why." Georg mumbled.
"Why would Bill have anything to do with her acting like a total idiot?" Tom asked, his hands now digging far into his pockets for a stick of gum.
"They have a bit of situation ship, it's been going on since last year." Georg mumbled.
"Eh- what?" Tom asked, regaining his breath.
Tom's eyes went white.
Georg laughed.
"I think it's about time you knew since no one told you." Georg mumbled.
"You guys are unbelievable. I can't believe no one mentioned it. Especially Bill!" Tom complained, grumbling as he chewed on his bottom lip.
"We thought you pieced it up by now." Georg mumbled.
"Oh come on don't get so prissy now!"
"Prissy are you serious!?"
— "Why is her head so far up her ass recently?"
"Don't say that.."
"Bill you have no say in this."
"Someone just snap her back I need her help with this next line."
"You do it!"
"Fuck off Tom!"
"I'll do it just shut it."
"Hey, y/n, Georg needs your help with something." Bill mumbled, shaking me lightly.
I blinked a couple times, slightly jumping as I saw him face to face with me, he smiled softly.
"Hey.." He mumbled with a smile. I swallowed hard looking from his eyes to his lips.
I bit down on my bottom lip, I could've sworn my face heated up.
"Hey, yeah sorry i've just- i've been lost in thought." I mumbled. Bill nodded, He stepped away to go scribble more things into his notebook and I made my way beside Georg.
"Okay.. What do you need." I asked him.
Georg scoffed, "I need your head in reality not wonderland. Just talk to him if your head is so far up your ass."
I glared at him, snatching his music sheets away from him.
"He doesn't even know what he wants so what's the point." I mumbled, looking over his notes.
"Georg a whole note wouldn't fit here use an eighth note instead." I mumbled, erasing it and replacing it with another note.
"He knows what he wants y/n." Georg mumbled ignoring my correction.
I shook my head, reading over his other notes.
" He just has an inability to express his feelings. "
"Big words you chose to use there." I muttered, licking my lips as I corrected a couple more things and even annotated to show how they match the lyrics.
"Come on you need to grow a pair too." Georg mumbled, looking over the now freshly annotated sheet, strumming his guitar as he looked at the notes.
"Shut up." I muttered, throwing his pencil at him. I stood up and began walking towards the back doors, I grabbed my coat and beanie and made my way out the door. I sat on some nearby bricks, digging into my pockets for a pack of camels.
I dug further into my pocket finding my lighter, carefully I pulled out a cigarette and lit it, licking my lips slightly before putting it in my mouth and shoving the pack and lighter back into my pockets,
I shivered softly, taking a long drag from the cigarette, letting out an exasperated sigh as the smoke left my lips.
"Since when do you smoke?"
His voice echoed through my ears, I swallowed hard, taking another drag from the cigarette.
"College.. Just stresses me out more than high-school ever did." I mumbled, Bill chuckled softly, sitting beside me his beanie making his hair stick to his face.
Bill licked his lips, gently grabbing the cigarette between my lips.
"May I?"
I nodded, he grinned, taking the cigarette away and putting it between his lips, taking a long drag before letting the smoke leave his lips, gently dusting off some of the ash.
"Are the guys stressing you out?" Bill asked, I sighed, but I nodded softly.
"Yeah. A little."
Bill chuckled, I nudged him.
"Fine.. A lot. Just been pretty serious lately." I mumbled.
I took the cigarette away from him, taking another long drag, I looked at him for a second before blowing the smoke out of my lips.
I rested my head on his shoulder, he was startled I could tell, But after a couple seconds he settled down, he began wrapping one of his arms around me, his nails tickling me slightly.
He took the cigarette back and took another drag, blowing the smoke out slightly. Somehow he didn't react to the cold that much. It may just be because he's used to it.
I admired how red his face was. It suited him.
Looking at him for this long felt wrong, but It also felt so right. He was my poison, He hurt me but the admiration and love only grew.
My heart yearned for him.
I watched him take another drag of the cigarette, His eyes shut momentarily.
The smoke slowly left his lips.
He looked so pretty under the moon, he had this glint in his eyes, this shine to his face, his pale skin made him even more alluring.
Every second with him was worth something to me. It was worth everything.
I watched his hand fall, the cigarette being put out by the snow, He turned to look at me and without warning, He cupped my face gently, his other hand slowly tracing up and down my back to finally cup my face.
Both of his hands held my face, his eyes, looking away, back at me again, and then at my lips.
I opened my mouth to speak, but he shook his head, I swallowed hard, my body ached.
His hands still felt warm despite the cold, His breath hitched.
"Just let me look at you for a moment yeah?"
My heart almost instantly started to race.
I swallowed hard, my eyes darting left to right avoiding his eyes.
He didn't say anything, He just looked at me, one of his hands dropped, tracing all the way down my neck and landing on my shoulder.
He squeezed it slightly, I watched him bite down on the inside of his cheek, he leaned forward, his breath tickling my neck.
Was all he mumbled, and before I knew it his lips had connected with mine. My breath hitched slightly, my eyes shutting slowly.
His hand tightened on my arm, making me deepen the kiss even further, he pulled away momentarily, catching his breath before he pushed his lips onto mine even harder.
I felt his tongue slip into my mouth, making me gasp slightly, his other hand dropped, roaming my torso.
He mumbled, making my whole body ache.
I swallowed hard, bringing my hands to surround the nape of his neck.
I felt all his hairs, small goosebumps trailed all over him, he pulled away kissing my cheek gently, his lips quivered slightly.
His tongue collided with my neck, swirling around for a second, he planted a small kiss before beginning to bite gently with his teeth, sucking softly.
An involuntary whine left my lips. I gripped his hair gently, not to hurt him but for some sort of support.
"It's- going to be noticeable.."
"Shh.. I know—"
My breath grew heavy, I shut my eyes to gain some sort of composure, my hands weakly gripping his clothing.
He pulled away from my neck, smoothing out the spot, he looked me in the eyes, they were filled with desperation and desire.
He bit his lip gently, connecting our lips yet again. This time it was more slow and gentle, he was trying to regain his own composure.
"What the fuck you said you'd get her not make out with her!"
Bill pulled away, my face slowly hiding behind him, I palmed my hands over my face embarrassed.
"Hey Georg.." I mumbled.
"Don't fucking ' hey ' me get your ass inside I need you to put some knowledge into Tom's brain!" Georg complained.
I rolled my eyes, I could see Bill's gentle smile, I smiled at him, I kissed his cheek, before standing up and walking back into the studio.
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drurrito · 3 months
Welcome Aboard
A/N: Cranked out my first fic for Carol. All mistakes are mine.
Pairings: Carol Danvers x Reader
Warnings: A little bit of angst and alcohol use
Carol never has visitors.
When the boarding request pops up on her communications system, she almost blows it to bits, it's a sound she hasn't heard in years. It takes her a few seconds to finally press the button to speak to whoever is waiting on the other side.
"Who's there?" she finally asks.
"Captain Marvel?" a voice responds, "I'm agent y/n, I'm here from S.A.B.E.R. Our comms are down indefinitely, so Fury sent me over to do a briefing."
Carol looks over at Goose, who's stretched out across the navigation station, unbothered by the news of an unexpected guest. Carol tries to emulate the same attitude, striding over to the door to greet you like she's done this plenty of times. She used to at some point, that has to count for something, right?
She loses her bravado as soon as she finds you standing in the entryway.
"Captain Marvel, it's a pleasure to meet you," you stick your hand out and Carol takes it after a beat too long. You don't take offense, Fury gave you the rundown on how long Carol has been isolated. It only took a few minutes to conclude that being a multi-galactic hero is a lonely job.
Carol doesn't stand around for too long, she hurries into the ship after inviting you in.
"Excuse the mess, been a while since someone's been aboard," she apologizes, tossing a single loose shirt into a hamper in the corner and tidying a pillow that was definitely knocked over by Goose.
"It's no problem, are you ready to start the briefing?"
"Sure, you want a drink or anything? Besides water, I think there's a few bottles of brew from Aladna hiding in the back of the fridge," Carol is already halfway to the kitchen, oblivious to the quizzical look on your face.
"I'm okay, Captain, honest," you flash her a friendly smile, and she feels the air escape her lungs. Her shoulders descend from her ears as she walks over to the chair across from you. You're too busy pulling up the agenda to notice.
Carol gingerly takes a seat, her hands rubbing vigorously against her thighs. She might be the first person to grate their hands on denim jeans at this rate. You're still looking for the agenda when Carol springs up from her seat, "are you sure you're not hungry? I'm so sorry, I should have offered before-"
"Yes?" Her eyebrows were about to launch into orbit, she was already a few paces away from the kitchen, scraping the farthest corners of her mind for that recipe she learned from a family she helped a few galaxies ago.
"I'm okay, really."
"Right," she hurries over to the chair again and lets her body unceremoniously drop into it, vowing to herself she'll never get up from this spot unless she absolutely needs to. She looks up to see you waiting patiently for her go-ahead. Despite traveling to the furthest edges of the universe, she's never seen anything like the color of your eyes.
She collects herself quickly before saying, "let's get started."
The briefing was mostly successful. Turns out your agenda was outdated, the correct one must have been wiped out from the surge that knocked out the comms. You had to ad-lib everything that was left out and corrected anything that was no longer relevant. Carol watched you intently the whole time, like the fate of the universe depended on scheduled ship maintenances and admin tasks.
"There's still one thing, it was from a meeting last week," you stand, pacing back and forth trying to jog your memory.
"I'm sure it's in there somewhere, maybe we can take a look with these?" Carol is holding two memory dive devices. You've never had to use them before, but you know everything there is to know about how they work.
"Good idea Captain."
"You can call me Carol, agent, it's alright," she hands you one of the devices.
"Thank you," you just nod and take the device, Carol pretends the way your fingers brushed against hers for a fleeting second didn't just make her spine tingle. She lets you take her bed while she sits in the tattered recliner she's been meaning to get rid of.
It all happens so fast.
One second you're watching the memory of you sitting in a briefing room with Fury and your colleagues, the next, you're watching Carol's memory of Maria telling her to take Goose.
"The cancer came back."
You can only watch a few more blurs of Carol's memory before you jolt upright. Your body is so tense, all you can do is let out a shuddering breath and a few tears.
"Y/n?" Carol is already by your side, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen."
Her voice is distant, like she's calling to you from the other end of the galaxy in the deepest cave. You're still trying to get your bearings, that was far too much pain packed into what was only seconds with the mind dive.
"Can you look at me? Please?"
She sounds much closer now, you turn to look at her and suddenly remember where you are. Your breath is still unsteady as you wipe the half-dried tears on your cheeks, embarrassed over being reduced to tears.
"That...those were your memories," you finally speak, Carol sighs in relief. Her hands have been hovering between your shoulders and face this whole time, unsure if touching you was the best idea.
"Yeah, they were," she straightens up, taking the device from your hands and tossing both aside.
"I've been trying to remember everything...before, well, everything," Carol starts again, looking at anything but you, "I'm so sorry, if I knew that was going to happen I wouldn't have-"
She's cut off by the feeling of your arms pulling her against you. She almost forgot how much she loves hugs, almost.
Carol returns the favor and wraps her arms around you. You both stay like that for a while. Loss is one of the first lessons a hero learns, but it doesn't mean they're impervious to its effects, especially with how often it happens. Carol is trying to convey how sorry she is with every circle she rubs into your back. You only part when it seems like the dust has finally settled.
"I think I'll take that beer now," you say after heavy sigh. Carol gives you a sympathetic smile before heading to the fridge.
Carol explains everything that you saw.
She also tells you stories about her life before this one, and her adventures from roaming the galaxies. You did a poor job of trying to stifle your giggling when she mentioned being married to Aladna's prince to resolve a "legal issue." That earned you some side eye and an eventual smirk.
Carol swears she's mostly made peace with everything that happened, but you both know it weighs heavy on her from time to time.
Especially during long stretches of solitude like this one.
Goose saunters over to you and spills over your feet belly-up with a lazy "meow," a prime position for scratches.
"Goose is probably stoked to get scritches from someone other than me," Carol quips into the mouth of her beer.
"I could do this all day," you say without a second thought and Carol's smile reaches her eyes.
"Carol, I want my agent back," Fury chimes in over comms.
"I'll think about it," Carol says coolly as she takes a swig from her beer, you stand up out of habit from hearing Fury's voice.
"He's right, I should probably go, there's going to be million things to do now that comms are back up."
"Of course, let me walk you out," Carol sets her bottle down and leads you to the doorway. Seems like you only walked through there a few minutes ago. Time is playing tricks on you, it seems.
"Stay safe out there," Carol says.
"You too, Carol," you trade smiles, committing hers to memory by the time she pulls you in for a hug.
"Thank you," she whispers, hugging you tighter for a few seconds before finally letting you go.
"So?" Fury is the first to greet you when you arrive at the station.
"Pretending comms is down just to give her human interaction is kind of evil...yet genius," you shake your head with a smile.
"I know she gets lonely out there, she'll never admit it. This is the least I can do," he shrugs before turning on his heel. He walks a few steps before turning to you again.
"Same time next month, agent y/n?"
"Of course sir."
He gives you a curt nod with a knowing smirk before finally leaving.
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loonatics-b1gf4n · 4 months
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Doing this trend. YEAH! Not mine. I don't know who the original one.
Charlie x Vaggie (Chaggie)
Husk x Angel Dust (Huskerdust) MY FAVORITE KISS ALREADY!!
Cherri Bomb x Sir Pentious (Cherrisnake)
Lilith x Lucifer (Lucilith)
Extra: Alastor x No One (Best One in my opinion, hehe)
Lucifer x Alastor (As a joke. Fanarts are just amazing. Two dads HAH)
Vox x Alastor (One side love. Alastor doesn't care about him. Fanarts again)
Vox x Valentino (I mean they kiss. Aren't they)
Charlie x Emily (More like besties. I don't know if anyone shipping them)
Adam x Lute? (I don't know)
Alastor x Charlie, Alastor x Vaggie, Alastor x Angel (No)
Angel x Val (NO!)
Angel x Vaggie (Vaggie lesbian, Angel gay)
Mimzy Go To Hell. Wait you already there hahahahahhahahha. Bad joke.
Adam Die You B*tch (He is dead yes!!)
Niffty you can be with bad boys but not with this group
Velvette you can with money hehehe. IDK. XD
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aetherdoesthings · 5 months
hello!!! i hope you're having a good day!
i've been suffering from insomnia for a while, and i can't really get a good night's sleep. can i request a female insomniac reader x nico robin? like i love her so much i would die for her. general hcs are fine as well if u don't wanna write a lot.
thank you!!
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hello anon!! thanks, i had an okay day today! i'm sorry to hear that you're suffering from insomnia, i hope you feel better. i would literally die for robin too like 🤭
forethoughts: ahhhhhh debating if i should a. write luffy x reader part 3, b. write hanahaki au!reader x robin part 1, c. practice my cello. hmmmm.
notes: fem!reader, platonic-y with suggestive romance
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You wanted to sleep.
You needed to sleep.
Ever since you joined the Straw Hat Pirates, you’ve been having some sleeping problems. Maybe it was because of the waves that made you seasick, or the occasional sound of the wood creaking that shook you, making you think the ship was about to crash. You were always a light sleeper before you joined the Straw Hats, but it got worse.
You had asked the resident doctor on the ship for a remedy, after accepting that two sleepless nights might not help you have a good performance the next day. 
A notable example and sign that told you you needed help was during one day, when Nami was doing a ‘routine cleaning’ to make sure we weren’t keeping any junk that would attract bugs and all that. As you were sorting out what you wanted to throw out and what you wanted to keep, you mixed up both piles. If it wasn’t for Robin catching you holding a box of all your clothes and prized possessions into the giant trash bag, you would’ve lost a lot of clothes and trinkets you adored.
Chopper had given you some pills to take to help you sleep, advising you to drink some sort of tea and do meditation before you would rest. You decided to listen to him, as you sat on your bed, taking the pills and the tea, focusing on your breathing for a good ten minutes, before lying back down, closing your eyes.
You immediately woke up the moment a wave hit the boat, forcing you to sit up as you let out a frustrated groan, mad at your incapability to just relax. It was 12am. Everyone should be asleep, aside from the ones keeping watch. You decide to make use of your time, venturing out of your room and finding a more comfortable place than your own bed to sleep in. 
Your legs absentmindedly made their way to the resident archaeologist’s place, your hand turning the doorknob and entering the library. You expected the lights to be off, as Robin was already asleep at this time. However, to your surprise, the lights were on, and the archaeologist herself was sitting on the couch, reading a book. 
Robin glanced up at you from her book, a small smile on her face. “Ah, Y/N, may I help you? It’s quite late; you should be asleep.”
You try to close the door and head back into your room and bury yourself in embarrassment, but it’s too late. You closed the door behind you, looking down at the ground. “Uhm… I was trying to find a place to sleep… I didn’t know you were here. I’ll go, I’m sorry for intruding.”
Before you could place your hand on the door knob, a hand that sprouted from the door prevented you from doing so.
“Please. You’re not intruding; I was just wrapping up.” Robin smiled warmly at you. “Are you having a hard time sleeping again?”
“Y-Yeah… I am… How did you know?” You raised an eyebrow, wondering if Robin had occasionally sprouted a hand with an eye in it, staring at you tossing and turning in bed.
“Your behavior in the day reflects your rest during the night. And let’s just say… you haven’t been the same ever since you joined. And ever since that little mishap during Nami’s cleaning day… I had a suspicion you were having a hard time sleeping.” Robin stated matter-of-factly, her voice warm and lulling.
You scratched the back of your head, looking away. “Chopper already gave me some meds…”
“Is it working?”
“No…” You shook your head, relenting to the fact that Robin was now fully aware of your sleeping problems. Of course Robin would catch onto your problem; she never misses anything when it came to you. So what’s the point of even hiding it from her, then?
“I tried sleeping just now… taking the pills and trying to meditate. I still can’t… the waves just keep jolting me back awake, I don’t know what to do.” You exasperated, leaning against the door as you held your tired head.
“Come. Sit with me.” Robin patted the empty seat beside her on the couch, as a hand helped put her book away. Reluctantly, you trudged towards the archaeologist, creating a dip in the couch. You sat with your knees pressed against each other, your back not pressing against the cushions. 
“I don’t bite.” Robin smiled at your effort to use as little space as possible, patting the spot that was directly next to her. “Please.”
You moved closer to her, until her shirt brushed against your shoulder, the scent of fresh ink and flowers making your body relax. Robin always made you feel as comfortable as possible; she let you nap on her during the day (which probably helped contribute to her speculation about your sleeping problems), always checked in on you to make sure you were drinking enough water or weren’t about to accidentally hurt yourself.
“Why don’t you try sleeping with me tonight?” Robin nonchalantly suggested. 
Your face flushed red, as you furiously shook your head. “Y-You don’t need to do that. I-It’s fine, I couldn’t possibly ask you to sacrifice your space in order to help me sleep-”
“I’m not sacrificing anything, Y/N. Your sleep matters to me. Lie down on my lap. Don’t be shy. It might help you.”
“I’m not sure-”
Several hands gently push you against Robin’s body, making you lie down on her soft lap, your body curled into a fetal position as you laid down on the couch. A blanket was placed on top of your body, several hands tucking you in as Robin placed a hand on your head. She intertwined her fingers and your hair, gently patting your head to get you more comfortable and relaxed. Your shoulders slumped, as your legs moved away from your chest, letting the warmth and comfort Robin gave you seep into your body.
“Shall I read you a story? Perhaps that could lull you to sleep.” Robin suggested.
“S-Sure…” You replied, as you felt your eyelids getting more heavy the more Robin petted your head.
With the help of her hands, Robin picked up the book she was reading, as she began to read it out loud, her soft and elegant voice filling your ears, making your brain calm down, your muscles relaxing. You let yourself close your eyes, letting down your guard in front of the archaeologist. The deeper she got into the story, the sooner you felt yourself succumb into a slumber.
Your body jolted the moment a wave crashed into the Sunny, your head rising from Robin’s lap. But since she had your head in her hand, she gently forced you back down, giving you a warm and reassuring smile.
“It’s okay. It’s just a wave. It’s alright, you’re safe.” Robin whispered. 
You let out a shaky breath, nodding your head to let Robin know she could continue reading her story. You were safe. Safe. Safe in Robin’s hand. Safe with Robin. You were safe. 
Another wave hit the ship, but this time you didn’t flinch or move. You were safe. As long as you were with Robin, you were safe. You closed your eyes, feeling Robin’s warmth and inhaling her scent as you slowly drifted off into a well deserved slumber.
“Y/N…?” Robin whispered softly. You looked adorable in her arms; head resting on her lap, eyes closed and blanket covering your body. She couldn’t help but smile at your form, as she placed her book down. With her own hands, she scooped up your tiny body, carrying you back to her room, laying you down on her bed before crawling in next to you. 
“Goodnight, my dear.” Robin let out a deep breath, as she closed her eyes too.
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i’m currently writing a story where the OC starts to develop a love interest with Person A, but longer the story runs the OC falls in love with Person B.
Set up is in a dystopian world
How do i write so the readers don’t fall to deep with Person A x OC relationship? or is better for the readers to pick side? How do i make the romance story/plot seamless for the transition of relationship?
A+B < A+C Love Triangle
The key to making a A+B < A+C love triangle work is to make sure you do two things simultaneously:
1 - Ramp Down (or End) the A+B Leg
Before A and C can really ramp up, you have to address what changed in the relationship with B that made the shift in interest and affection possible. This could be a slow roll, like growing apart or a gradual misalignment of beliefs/goals. Or, it could be a sudden split, like B dying, leaving, or the relationship falling apart.
2 - Ramp Up the A+C Leg
From the moment A and C first interact, you'll want to start slowly ramping up their interactions by building their friendship, deepening their bond, and increasing their romantic interest and romantic tension. (See: Guide: Characters Falling in Love, Guide: Writing a Slow Burn Romance, The Subtle Signs of Romantic Interest and Love, Transitioning Through Levels of Affection)
Key elements to pay attention to:
-- What barrier kept these two apart initially? If A met C after they were already involved with B, that's an instant barrier. But, if they met at the same time, what kept A from initially falling in love with C rather than B?
-- What changed and why? If A and B parting ways, or A and C falling in love is the result of someone or something changing, what changed and why did it change?
-- How do these relationships tie into arc and theme? Characters usually grow or change over the course of the story, usually as a direct result of the things they experience because of the events of the story. So, how does character growth/change affect the rise of A+C and the fall of A+B, and how is character growth/change affected by the rise of A+C and the fall of A+B? How do these relationships tie into the story's themes, and how do the themes affect the relationships and where they go?
Other things you can do to help readers get on board with A+C:
Although you can't guarantee all of your readers will jump the A+B ship in favor of the A+C ship, there are things you can do to encourage that choice.
#1 - Make sure A is their best, happiest self when they're with C. Which is not to say they should NEED C in order to be happy/their best self. They should be that on their own, too. This is simply to say that they should not be lesser version of themselves when they're with C. Because if they were bubbly, happy, and confident with B, but grumpy, tired, and often depressed with C, that's not going to win anyone over to the A+C leg of the triangle.
#2 - Choose either a conciliatory or villainous exit for B. While it's essential to make a good argument for A to be with C instead of B, you'll have better luck convincing the readers to bail on B if they can see that B is okay... that getting out of the relationship was good for them, too... or if they can see that B wasn't deserving of A's love in the first place.
#3 - Make sure C is a worthy recipient of A's affection. If B is a kind, smart, well adjusted person and caring/supportive of A, but C is kind of a dull-minded jerk who has a lot of problems and isn't very kind to or supportive of A, that's not going to win anyone to C's side.
#4 - Make sure you create better romantic chemistry between A and C. If A and B are together at the start of the story, you can start them off with flat or low fizz chemistry. That way, if you create better chemistry between A and C, the reader will root for that leg over the leg with less chemistry.
#5 - Create a better future for A with C than with B. "Better" is obviously subjective, depending on your story and characters, but ultimately you don't want the reader to think A would have a better future if they stayed with B versus ending up with C.
Bonus: this one might not apply depending on what you're writing, but I would say * most * of the time, you want to avoid having any sort of infidelity on A's behalf as things ramp up between them and C. Again, it depends on what you're writing... some spicier stories have intentional affair story lines. But again, most of the time you'd want to avoid that. Not only do you not want to make A and C look bad, but you don't want to sully their relationship with infidelity. It also swings sympathy over to B, which doesn't exactly make C more appealing.
Happy writing!
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martyrsex · 4 months
Jason Todd x Singer reader (fem)
Author's note: I posted about this idea SUCH a long time ago. But it never really vanished from my mind, thankfully. Also, this is just a preview. If you guys like it, I can rewrite it and add more chapters.
Warnings: Terrible writting probably (I'll fix it later) also english is not my first language so sorry about any mistakes
Dick Grayson was laughing too damn hard. And he was looking at Jason. Which, obviously, made Jason worry. It's always like that with Dick. He starts to laugh like a maniac suddenly, and the reason always turns out to be something bad.
"What is it this time?" Jason asks, feeling already tired of this bullshit. It all got worse when Stephanie bursts into one of the TV rooms of the Manor, laughing just as much as his older brother. And also looking at Jason. He frowns.
"Check out twitter! Or X. What a terrible name, X." Stephanie says, suddenly contemplative. Jason ignores it and grabs his phone inside his pocket, going straight up to the trending topics. It wouldn't be the first time his persona, Red Hood, appeared on them. Or hell, even his actual name. Being a child of Bruce Wayne was just as bad.
Right on the first trending topic.
The second trending topic was a ship of his persona with a name he never heard of before. He sighs and looks back at Dick, that has an amusing grin on his face.
"Who is this chick?" He asks, clicking on the ship hashtag and scrolling through the tweets.
"You don't know her? She's like, ultra famous." Steph says, arching a blond brow. "I love her. She's super funny and-"
"I don't care. Why are people shipping me with her?" Jason asks, not finding this as funny as his siblings.
Dick laughs again and turns the TV on, putting a video from his cellphone on the large screen. The video is five minutes long. It was an interview of the singer at the Kurt's show, a famous journalist.
"So, I heard the repercussions of your last album were nothing but great. How does it feel to ascend on your career that fastly?" Kurt asked.
"It's great, Kurt. It makes me feel a little nervous. There is a lot of pressure and expectations from my fans, but I'm happy to do my best to satisfy them."
Jason notices the woman is young and well, gorgeous. She wears a black dress and a collar full of diamonds, her hair done perfectly.
"I heard you're a huge fun of... vigilantes. Is that truth?" Kurt asked once more, leaning closer to the woman. She giggles.
"What can I say? I guess they have a lot of fans, and that includes me." She answers. She has a polite smile on her face.
"Tell me, do you have any favorite?" She chuckles at that, the smile never fading. She was clearly having fun talking about this.
"I do! I'm a big fan of Red Hood." She says. Kurt's eyes go wide.
"That's an interesting choice. Why's that?"
"I like how he completes his job and actually ends the bad guys he deal with." She says. It's a bold statement to be done in public, even more considering she's famous. She doesn't seem to care.
"If you could say anything to him, what would you say?"
"I'd ask him to take me to a ride on his bike. Oh, and to get some hobbies out of the vigilantism stuff. I think he needs it. Also, maybe get a girlfriend. It also seems like he needs it."
And then the video ends. Dick and Steph are laughing loudly, and Jason just stares at the television. Get hobbies? Get a girlfriend?
He can hardly believe his ears. But at the same time, it is quite amusing. He goes back to reading the tweets in the hashtag.
Omgggg they'd make such a cute couple!
I'd let both of them punch my face
He can't help but laugh at some the tweets. People don't seem to hate him like the other times he was a trending topic. But it was a bit irritating that he was being shipped with a singer he knows nothing about. But that's just how internet works, anyway.
This can't become much of a problem for him, really. It's just a stupid ship. Nothing too serious. Nothing serious, at all.
Little did he know.
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imnotsimpingyouare · 1 year
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Modern Hantengu clones x Reader
"Pissed Cubicle Worker" Sekido
"Depressed Programmer" Aizetsu
"That Guy in the Alley" Karaku
"Unfunny YouTube Prankster" Urogi
"Disappointed Grandpa" Hantengu
"Delinquent Middle Schooler" Zohakuten
"Possibly a Criminal" Akaza
You will not be shipped with Zohakuten or Hantengu because:
A.) One is an old man
B.) One is a young boy
Ty for your time 😌
We're going with Zohakuten to school :D not really but like yk
I decided to give the bb a little crush because him trying to figure himself out would be so funny 💀
Also fem!Y/N gets a date with the mystery criminal man 🤨
Zohakuten shut the car door, feeling triumphant. Guess who's getting ice cream after school? Equally as good as getting a rise out of his teachers.
He wandered into the building, fashionably on time for once. The bell rang right as he stepped in, and all of the kids began heading to class. The main hall was.. huge, to say the least. Two sets of stairs surrounded a balcony over the cafeteria, and to his left were halls sprouting in different directions. The green and white checkered floor squeaked with all of the shoes walking on it.
Zohakuten's first class was Mathematics, the worst class. Well, they were all insufferable, but Math was the worst.
He walked through a hall to his left, passing the music rooms on the way. Some of the rooms he passed were smaller with sound-proof glass doors, sometimes with stands and chairs set up in them. He never bothered to look, but he stopped at one when he heard the sound of a piano.
A girl sat there, her brown hair covering her face. Her fingers danced on the keys, and Zohakuten leaned closer to the glass to listen. Suddenly, her phone lit up, and she looked his way.
Oh no.
In an instant, he goes into fight or flight mode, choosing to fight his way to victory. He tosses his phone onto the ground, bending down to pick it up.
Will she fall for that?
Beads of sweat form on his forehead when he looks up and sees the girl completely unphased and wearing an unreadable expression.
Okay, now it's time to run.
The day was only getting started.
The old man stared at you for a moment.
"Amazing! When will you come to stay?" He said in his trembling voice.
"Umm, I don't know. I'm not nearly done here, and I still have to pack and move all my things..." You begin, but he hushes you.
"Nonononono, sweet girl, I will send my sons to help you move. They could use the work out. Especially that one," He says, pointing a shaking scrawny finger at Karaku, who is standing there with his mouth agape.
"I didn't sign up for this, I've got business to do today." He says, crossing his arms.
"The boy will help you," he says, before wandering away in the direction he came.
Your face flushes when Karaku turns to look at you. "I'm sorry. You don't have to help me, I don't have that many things in the first place." You say, gathering your supplies to move to the next area of the home.
His green eyes linger on you for a moment, and before he can say anything you've already shuffled out of the room with your stuff in your hands.
Not like he'd hate helping a woman like yourself out anyway. He only laughed to himself, before turning in his bunny slippers and slinking away to his room.
Zohakuten arrived fashionably late to class, as per usual. The teacher didn't even seem to care anymore, having already marked him as tardy.
He sat at his desk. There were a little less than 30 kids in the class, and all of them were shitheads. They all talked and grouped up without him. Although he was on *good terms* with nearly everyone at the school, sometimes it felt like there was no one who was actually his friend.
He looked across the room, and that girl's stare met his. He immediately looked away.
She was in this class? How long has she been here without anyone knowing?
Why did his face feel warm? It's just some random kid who looked at him funny. Not a big deal.
Not a big deal at all.
He could feel her eyes lingering on him for a moment before the teacher stood up and began the lesson.
It had been hours since you'd left Karaku alone in the kitchen, and you'd successfully cleaned the first two stories of the house. The first contained the kitchen, dining area and living room, and the second one contained most of the brothers' rooms and some sort of game room. It made you slightly jealous how they were able to live in such luxury, but you know that they've probably worked hard for what they have now.
That's just what happens when you put several incomes together.
You felt your stomach growl. It was way last lunch time. Usually you'd get a break, but this house was taking long enough. You'd rather finish up the job and–
A large hand touched your waist. Laughter erupted at the way your body stiffened following suit, and you felt a voice somewhere close to your ear.
"Wanna get lunch with us? Me, Aizetsu, and Karaku are going."
You turned around to find the man who had attacked you earlier, now close to you with a.. less devious smile than before.
"Uh.. I just.. need to finish the house so I can–"
Immediately you felt the broom being tugged from your hold, and strong hands wrapped around your knees and lower back. He had picked you up, and was now carrying you bridal-style down the stairs. "W-wait! I have to.."
He only shushed you, laughing at your attempt to free yourself from his hold. When you reached the bottom of the stairs, the other two were waiting for you.
Aizetsu shot a pitiful look your way. "Urogi put her down, you're gonna scare her."
He released you, but kept an eye on you to make sure you weren't trying to slink away.
"Where we going?" He asked, looking at Karaku, who only shrugged.
You felt kind of small around them, standing awkwardly while they conversed amongst themselves. Aizetsu's eyes turned to you. "Do you like milkshakes?"
You nodded your head up at him, and the three of them nodded at the same time, which was really creepy. But Urogi's playful gaze landed on you as Karaku reached for his keys.
"Little lady, have you ever ridden a motorcycle?"
"Wait. Let me off. I'm going with Karaku." You said sounding nervous. You were seated behind him on his motorcycle, him revving the engine as Karaku and Aizetsu climbed into his jeep.
"Having second thoughts?" He teased. Before you could answer, he turned around and stuck a helmet on your head. Then, as you were trying to adjust the strap, you realized it wasn't a helmet meant for a motorcycle.
"Urogi... is this a bicycle helmet?"
That was the last thing he said to you, turning around to put one of his huge leather jackets over your shoulders.
After you got it on properly, he pulled out of the driveway, cackling like a maniac as you sped past Karaku and Aizetsu.
Looking into the mirrors of his bike (even though it was kind of hard to see past his shoulders) you could see Aizetsu's horrified expression in the passenger seat of the jeep.
"By the way, if I lean one way, you also have to lean that way, or we'll fall and die." He had no trouble speaking over the sound of the wind. He sped up even more, which was definitely illegal on a residential road, but you just hugged him tighter.
The diner you arrived at was small, but lack of available parking spaces reassured you it was good. Urogi helped you off of his bike, and undid your goofy tricyle helmet. The other two were walking over from a little ways away, but he looked down at you and smiled.
"That's my favorite jacket you're wearing."
You all walked inside and seated yourselves at a booth. The diner was small, but the lighting was comfortable. You sat closest to the window, next to Urogi, and Aizetsu was across from you with Karaku next to him. On the walls were vintage pictures of cars and people with information about them. While you busied yourself reading, Karaku and Urogi played tic-tac-toe on one of the kids' menus with green and yellow crayons. (Yes, they asked the waitress for a kids' menu, just to play tic-tac-toe)
Aizetsu was eyeing you from time to time, so intensely that you knew he wanted to say something. You gathered the courage to meet his eyes with your own.
"Um, what's your name?" He asked, fiddling with the edge of his menu.
Your eyes widened in disbelief. "Oh no, you're taking me to lunch and I haven't even told you my name. I'm Y/N." You say, before extending a hand in his direction.
In that instant, he looked at you like he'd never seen a hand in his life. Karaku laughed at his awkwardness, and shook your hand in his absence. "Y/N is a lovely name."
The waitress comes by and takes your orders, disappearing into the back to relay them to the chef. Karaku grins at you before using the crayon as a microphone.
"Hear ye, hear ye," He begins. Everyone's attention is already on him, obviously, and Aizetsu looks like he wants to die.
"Y/N's gonna be living with us."
Urogi clapped like a little kid and Aizetsu looked more shocked than anything.
"Why?" He said, before looking at you. "Not that I don't... I meant it like, why would you–"
"She's our maid now!" Karaku interrupted, seemingly lighting a fire in Urogi's soul.
"Oooooo! Is she gonna walk around in one of those cute mai–"
"I prefer the term housekeeper." You said in a shy manner, feeling your face get hot.
"Housekeeper." He restated matter-of-factly.
Aizetsu looked at you. "Living with us? What would possess you to do that?"
You sighed ever so slightly, feeling all eyes on you. "I actually got fired today. I'd rather be a housekeeper than have to start fresh on a new job.."
Right on cue, the waitress came to your table, holding a tray with all of your food on it. She passed it out, but when she walked away, there was a strange aura coming from someone at the table.
Aizetsu was looking down at his food, eyes darting nervously from Karaku to Urogi.
They were busy digging in at the moment, but when his eyes met yours, you felt he was begging you not to say something. He grabbed his fork and picked at his salad, which was on the side of his actual meal.
As soon as Karaku heard the clink of the fork against the bowl, his whole head snapped to Aizetsu.
"...is there something wrong?"
"Look me in the eye."
"It's fine. The food is fine. The food is good. Mmm. My favorite." Aizetsu said, suddenly grabbing his burger and taking a big bite.
The waitress was coming around again to refill Urogi's drink, and you could feel the tension at the table.
"Karaku, please don't.."
She was getting closer.
Urogi began to open his mouth as well, but Aizetsu begged him not to.
"Is everything alright?" The waitress said with her pitcher of tea, refilling Urogi's drink with a nervous look on her face.
"He asked for no pickles." Karaku said, and Aizetsu slumped down in his seat.
"Oh no, I'm sorry. Let me get that for you." She said, reaching over to grab his plate.
He seemed to slump more under the table the closer her hand got, so you reached over to hand the plate to her.
"I'll have your replacement made now." She says, before walking away.
"See that wasn't so hard, was it?" Karaku said, tussling his poor brother's hair.
"You embarrassed me..." Aizetsu whined, before everyone else at the table busted out into laughter.
Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.
It was already around 3:00 before you had the opportunity to leave the house, gathering your cleaning supplies into the back of your car.
Urogi clung to your arm and followed you all the way out. "Awww, do you really have to go?" He pouted at you.
"I'll be back soon with my stuff." You stated. "I have to turn my uniform and supplies in to my boss."
He stood idly on the lawn, waving at you as your car backed out of the drive. "BYE Y/N!!"
You couldn't help but feel a smile creeping onto your face, but you shook it off and drove to your workplace (ex-workplace).
You stepped into Murata's Service Emporium for the last time, a feeling of relief washing over your chest. God, you never realized how much you hated this place until now. You wandered your way into your boss's office after putting the cleaning supplies away. You had changed into some normal clothes, and were now holding the itchy uniform in your hand.
Your boss had been expecting you.
"Y/N." He said, before snatching the uniform from your hands. He stuck out a check to you. "There."
You didn't even bother saying bye, just walking out of the door and back to your car. The last time you'll ever need to be in that building. A smile was on your face, and you thought it would have a long stay there.
"Hey, do you need any help?"
A man's voice came from behind you, and you turned, holding a large box in your hands.
"Umm, yeah, thank you." You said in a quiet voice, and he took the box with a smile while you grabbed another from inside of your apartment.
"What's all this for?" He asked, placing it in your trunk.
"Well, I'm moving out. Got another job in town, and..."
His smile turned into a small frown. "Oh, I was hoping I'd see you around more." He sighed.
Your face turned red, and you almost dropped the box in your hands. "Wh– uh, well, I never said I was opposed to seeing you again." You admitted shyly, his tattooed arms crossing infront of him as he raised a brow.
"Wanna grab some ice cream after we load your things?"
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Beskar Doll - Ch. 3: Battle Scars
You're making an effort to get along with the armored man you're stuck traveling with - at least so you don't want to kill each other. The Mandalorian isn't sure what to make of any of it. A continuation of Beskar Doll Ch. 1-2, found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Din Djarin/The Mandalorian x Female Reader
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence and injury; SA threatened but not described, did not happen to reader. No use of Y/N. Whole fic is violent and smutty, 18+ only. Minors DNI.
Length: 7.2k
The Mandalorian seemed to spend more time in his quarters than usual. You set up your bed before devouring the ration he’d shoved into your hands, eating the whole thing and almost making yourself sick, but you were so hungry it was hard to stop yourself from wolfing it down. 
You were already awake when he emerged and you were surprised he wasn’t already in the cockpit. You’d slept deeply enough that you thought he’d probably just slipped past you in the dark. But he stopped and looked at you for a moment as you were braiding your hair, trying to remember one of the more intricate styles from your home world that you hadn’t attempted in years. He turned to leave and you quickly tied the braid off before scrambling to your feet, half your hair still loose down your back. 
“Wait,” you jogged to catch up with him. He turned to face you, arms crossed, a silent wall of metal. “I know you said to stay out of the cockpit…” 
“I don’t…” he began but you held your hand up to silence him. 
“I’m not trying to be in your way and I don’t want to spend time with you any more than you want to spend time with me,” you said, your diplomat voice on. “But I was hoping you’d be OK with me going in the cockpit when you weren’t there.” 
He looked down at you. You could feel the intensity of his gaze but you held it all the same. 
“Why?” He asked eventually. “Planning to detour us?” 
“No,” you said, making sure your voice stayed even. This wouldn’t work if he saw you as an adversary all the damn time. “The hold is dark and boring. I’d like to look outside.” 
“Do you think space somehow isn’t dark and boring?” He asked, skeptical. 
“It’s better than the same four metal walls all the time,” you shrugged. “I won’t disrupt anything and I’ll leave as soon as you need back in. I’ll only do it when you’re resting.” 
He considered you for a moment. 
“Fine,” he said. You smiled a little and gave him a quick nod before turning to leave. “Wait.” You turned back, trying to hide your frown. You hoped he wouldn’t take your deal back already. 
“Yes?” You asked. He paused, like he was rethinking his question. 
“Are you really Imperial?” He asked eventually. 
You considered him. You’d read about Mandalorians since you’d come aboard his ship. They were bound by their word and their creed and you were pretty certain you wouldn’t need to worry about him slitting your throat in your sleep, even if he did hate you. But the Empire had been cruel to his people, decimating their race and their planet. The metal your father had paid for your transit - beskar - was probably stolen from his world during an Imperial assault, intercepted in a rebellion mission and then passed off to your father as an insurance policy of sorts. If he truly thought you were Imperial, you wouldn’t blame him at all for saying “fuck the creed” and throwing you out of the nearest airlock. But it was a useful lie, good cover for exactly what you were truly hiding. At least for now. 
“If I were,” you said slowly. “Would you kill me?” 
He looked at you, head cocked slightly to the side. 
“No,” he said eventually. “I said I would transport you and I will. Your allegiance in the war wouldn’t change that.” 
You nodded slowly, trying to find a way to fold yourself into the story he’d invented for you without outright lying. 
“I have…” you paused for a second. “Imperial ties.” 
It wasn’t exactly a lie. Your mother had known Bail Organa and you grew up playing with his daughter, Leia. Both had been Imperial Senators. You’d used your profession and connection for years to bring information from rebellion sympathizers within the Empire to where it needed to be. Imperial ties were important.
He nodded slowly, not speaking again before climbing into the cockpit for the day. 
You didn’t speak again for four days. You’d become skilled at learning his patterns and understanding exactly how to avoid him. If you timed it right, you could climb into your hiding place just as he was getting up for the day, watching from your perch in the ceiling as he went about his morning routine. He glanced around the hold when he came through but you weren’t sure if he was looking for you or for evidence of your wrong doing. Either way, you waited until you were sure he was settled into the cockpit before beginning your routine of practice and exercise, retreating to your hideout again just before he came down, seeking food and to use the fresher. 
He’d started monitoring your ration intake, which you weren’t sure what to do about. If he decided you hadn’t eaten enough, he’d leave a ration pack on the crate near your first hideout. He never said anything about it. But you’d eat what he put out before laying down in what you were pretty sure was the afternoon to sleep, always waking up with just enough time to clean up your bed, scramble into the ceiling, and watch as he retreated to his quarters for the few hours of sleep he seemed to need every day. 
That was your favorite part of the day. You gave him a few minutes, made sure he wasn’t going to come back out, before you crept into the cockpit. He darkened it before he left it, everything running at minimum power. But that was how you liked it best. You tried sitting in one of the seats the first night but it wasn’t close enough to outside for your liking, so you clambered over the controls and tucked yourself between the dash and the viewer, the stars bright and close, taking up your whole field of vision. 
You stayed there as long as you could, bringing your blanket with you so you could feel safe and comfortable while staring out into the vastness of it all. Space always made you feel so small. It was comforting, knowing just how small and inconsequential you really were. 
The fourth day, you’d lost track of time, your head resting on your knees as you felt like you were swimming in starlight, the galaxy whipping past outside. 
“Do you always sit up there?” Mando’s voice made you jump, your head whipping around to see him standing beside the captain’s chair. 
“Yes,” you said, unfolding yourself from your perch and deftly climbing down. “The view is better. Sorry, I lost track of time. I’ll get out of your way.” 
“Stay,” he said, not looking at you as he took his seat. “We’re coming up on Hosnian Prime.” 
You nodded, strapping into what had become your designated seat. 
“Another puck to fulfill?” You asked, giving in to your drive to fill the awkward silence. 
“And a resupply,” he said, not looking at you. The ship slowed, the planet appearing in front of you, a cloud of ships around it. 
“What do you need?” You asked. He glanced your way. “For the resupply, I mean. Do you have a list?” You could feel the skepticism in his gaze and it irritated you how clearly you could feel his eyes through that helmet. “I’d like to make myself useful. And the faster we get off this rock, the faster you can be rid of me.” 
“Fine,” he said after a moment, looking forward again. “I’m not sure how long this will take, Hosnian Prime is big and it’s densely populated, tracking is harder here. Try not to get yourself killed buying rations and bacta.” 
“I’ll do my best,” you rolled your eyes, settling back into your seat and watching as the Mandalorian eased you into a hanger at a spaceport. 
You perched on top of a crate to watch him load himself down with ammunition and gear, quietly observing his habits, hoping to make him predictable. 
“If you leave the ship, come back every night,” he said stiffly. “I’m not sure when I’ll be back and I’m not waiting for you while you go…” he paused, like he was searching for a word, and you raised your eyebrows. “Dancing. Or whatever it is dolls do.” 
“Don’t worry Mando,” you rolled your eyes. “I won’t let my vibrant social life get in your way.” 
You watched him descend the ramp and you waited a few minutes before you went and sat on the end of it. It was nice, seeing people again. Your life on Tatooine had been pretty isolated, occasional trips into Mos Espa the only thing breaking up the monotony of daily chores. You’d had your family, at least, which was a comfort but it was different than Naboo. There, you’d always been surrounded by people. It was hard to remember a time you were ever alone, often sleeping in the same room as Sosha to keep her safe. 
Of course, the last time you’d been to Mos Espa - before the day you boarded the Razor Crest, anyway - you’d found so much trouble that you had to flee the planet and change your name. Maybe you and throngs of people didn’t mesh as well as you thought.
The first few days, you kept to the ship, sticking with your usual habits and replacing curling up in the cockpit with people watching from the ramp. By day four, you were restless enough you decided to venture out and cross some things off Mando’s list. At least this way you’d get a say in the rations that were aboard. 
Hosnian Prime was an almost overwhelming place after spending a few years isolated on the outer rim. You’d forgotten what it was like to be in a crush of bodies flowing from one place to another, the noise and the color and the smell of this many people all together. It took some time for your senses to adjust, your ears not able to focus on any one sound, snippets of different conversations and people yelling from stalls and the drone of speeders melding together into a disorienting mass, your mind flitting through languages trying to understand it all. You shook yourself, putting up your hood. You needed to be able to focus. Anyone could sneak up on you now and kill you and Maker knew there were plenty of people who wanted to. You had to be on guard. 
You stocked up on rations and shopped around until you found bacta and other medical supplies for less than a small fortune. You also picked up some cleaning materials for weaponry and found a small kit you could use to patch clothing and flight suits - useful tools when your wardrobe options were limited. It was nice, feeling productive. It was small but it was the first time you’d accomplished something in weeks, and you made your way back to the Razor Crest with a smile on your face. 
The outing was enough to keep you satisfied for a few days of routine again before you started feeling restless. Mando had been gone a week now and in a planet that was more city than anything else, it would be impossible to know where he was or an idea of how long he’d be gone unless he planned to tell you - which he obviously didn’t. 
A week and a day after he left, you decided a different kind of practice was in order. It had been a while since you’d try to surveil anyone or get into places you shouldn’t be in an urban space. You put on your most nondescript clothes and grabbed a few of the credits your father and stashed in your bag before bidding you farewell and headed out into the city. 
It took you a bit to find someone to follow but you settled on a large man who looked like he was up to no good, leering at women who passed and sneering at everyone else. You kept to the shadows behind him, weaving through the press of people as he went about his business, never close enough that he saw you but never so far that you lost him. You tailed him for hours until he went into what you assumed was his apartment. Once he’d stayed inside for more than an hour and you realized you’d been slinking through the city for eight or nine and the sun was starting to set, you started trying to navigate your way back to the spaceport without asking for help. It was after dark when you returned and you were relieved to find the Razor Crest was still there and that Mando hadn’t come back and left without you. 
A new pattern began to take shape. One day, you’d stay at the ship, going about your usual routine. The next, out into the city to keep other skills sharp. You sometimes followed strangers, other times tried to break into places that seemed tricky, once you even just went and found more nondescript clothes than what you’d brought from Naboo and Tatooine, hoping they’d help you blend in on the myriad planets you’d likely be dragged to before the Mandalorian finally deposited you on Dantooine. 
Half way through his third week hunting, you were in the city, your challenge for the day having found their way home as the sun began to set. You were working your way back to the ship, pleased with how your self-made training session had gone. Your selection that day was a bit more challenging, often using a different exit for a building he visited than an entrance and he was smaller so he would often blend in with crowds as he went from place to place. But you’d tracked him all the same. You were starting to get concerned about when Mando was returning - at what point did you decide he’d just been wounded or killed and get yourself off world? - when you heard a scream. 
It was loud and pleading and close so you ran for it, slipping into holes in the crowd where you could and just pushing through where you couldn’t until you found the source. In an alley off a side street was a woman, her back to a wall and a cluster of four men around her. You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she was obviously terrified, cowering and pressing herself into the building behind her like she was wishing it would swallow her whole. 
“Hey!” You snapped, stalking over to them. You’d left your blaster on the ship but your knife was heavy in your pocket. Four on one weren’t great odds, but you’d had worse. “I think she wants you to leave her alone.” 
“Stay out of this, off-worlder,” one spat, glancing at me. The woman looked at you, her eyes wide like she was begging for help. 
“Don’t think I will,” you said, stepping closer, cataloguing what you could read about the men. One had a blaster at his waist but he was close to you, you could probably take it quickly. Another had his hand to the woman’s throat and looked to be the biggest - you’d go for him second. “Last chance. Go home with life and limb intact.” 
“Do you understand what you’re getting yourself into, little girl?” The third man, whose back had been to you, turned to face you, a vibroknife in his hand. You nodded, admiring the weapon as you prowled closer. It was large and looked to be custom. It’d be a nice addition to your collection. Just a slight change of plan. 
You looked at him and smiled before hooking your leg around his and pulling it out from under him, grabbing the wrist of the hand that held the knife as he collapsed to the ground. You twisted it and he dropped the knife, crying out as you kept twisting until the bones snapped. You snatched the knife out of the air and spun it in your hand until your grip was right. 
Everything happened quickly then, the man holding the woman by the throat dropping her to lunge for you. You sidestepped him and used the butt of the knife to hit his temple as he passed you, knocking him off balance. 
“Run!” You yelled to her. She didn’t need to be told twice, taking off. You positioned yourself between her attackers and her escape route, vibroknife in hand in front of you, blade out toward them. 
“Fucking bitch!” The one you’d hit in the temple swore, clutching his head. 
“Warned you,” you shrugged, waiting for their next move, stolen knife at the ready. The one whose wrist you’d broken was still on the ground, clutching his injured arm. One down. 
You were about to go for the one with the blaster when the final one - the one you hadn’t truly assessed - pulled something from his side and extended it before igniting it. An electrostaff. Shit. You hadn’t planned for that. 
You went for the one you’d hit in the temple first, feigning a low strike and instead punching him hard in the face with the hand that held the vibroknife, both the pain and force of the punch amplified by the metal in your hands. He crumpled to the ground, so the hand injury was at least worth it. The staff wielder swung for you and you barely managed to dodge it, ducking below his swing that was a bit too high for someone of your size, anyway. At least he seemed like a rudimentary user. 
The blaster draw you only caught by luck, a brief flash of metal out of the corner of your eye as a light a few floors above you flickered to life. You dove just as he got off a shot, tucking and rolling to jump back to your feet and come up alongside the shooter. You gave him a glancing strike with the vibroknife - enough to need bacta but not so much that it would kill him. He clutched his weapon tighter but fell to his knees with a strangled moan, the ragged gash at his side gushing blood.
You watched him for a second too long, making sure he wasn’t going to try to pull another shot off when you barely saw the electrostaff swinging in your direction. You tried to twist away but it was too close to fully dodge and the weapon made contact, glancing off your ribs. You clenched your teeth and fought to stay standing. This, in comparison to what you’d suffered in the past, was nothing. But it had been years since you’d last had a real fight and the blow knocked the wind out of you. You spun and backed away, just outside of his threat radius, vibroknife at the ready. The distinctive smell of burning flesh reached your nose, turning your stomach. 
“Should have stayed out of it, baby girl,” the only man left standing smirked at you. “But since you were so eager to bail out your friend the whore, maybe we’ll just take you home instead.” 
“You can try,” you shrugged, getting a firmer grip on the knife. The man with the blaster started to move, looking like he might try to shoot you again. With barely a glance, you kicked where you’d cut him before and he instinctively dropped the blaster with a wail as he went to clutch his side. You kicked the weapon behind you, hearing it clatter into the side of the building. “Don’t like your odds, though.” 
With a snarling yell, the last man standing lunged for you and your body reacted, every ounce of training you’d ever had rising to the surface. Adrenaline took over, the pain from the blow fading until you forgot it completely. His movements seemed almost slow and you sidestepped him, slamming your shoulder into his diaphragm as you ducked below his arm. The electro staff buzzed near you and you twisted again to dodge it as he brought it back around, aiming to catch you with a second pass. 
He spun and backed away, keeping you in his line of sight and panting for breath, smirking slightly. “Good,” he said, eyes raking over your body. “It’s more fun when you fight.”
“You know,” you said, eyes narrowing. “Just for that, I think I’m going to kill you.” 
He went for you again. He had tells, you’d quickly learned. His training was rudimentary, he couldn’t hide his plans for shit. You dodged him easily this time, bringing the knife down on his arm as you moved to avoid him. Your angle wasn’t quite good enough to take the whole limb off, even with the vibroknife, but it still did some damage as you heard his pained, enraged scream. He recovered quicker than you expected, swinging the weapon down as you turned to face him again, the electric current caching on your back, burning and cutting as it went. He smiled defiantly, ragged flesh hanging from his injured arm. You wondered what your back looked like as you adjusted your grip on the vibroknife again, looking him up and down. 
Before he had the chance to strike first yet again, you lunged. He wasn’t anticipating your movements, putting him behind already, but he fell even more behind when he didn’t realize that you weren’t going for his head, heart or even stomach. No, you went low, bringing the blade around to the back of his ankle as you twisted around his body and severed the tendon there, forcing him to collapse, unable to hold himself up. His hands instinctively flew out to catch himself, one releasing the electrostaff entirely. In one fluid motion, you took advantage of his weakness and snatched it away from him, throwing it at the wall near the blaster before grabbing him by the hair, bringing your knife around his shoulders to put the blade to his throat. 
“What did you call me before?” You panted for breath. “Baby girl, was it?” 
“Please,” he whimpered, all his cockiness gone. “Please don’t kill me…” 
“Why shouldn’t I?” You asked, pressing your lips against his ear as though you were a lover. “Give me a reason why I should let you live. You’re a rapist, right? Is that what you were trying to do to that woman before? I should kill you and all your little friends, leave you to rot here…” 
“No,” he was crying. “Please, we just… she wouldn’t give us the rate we wanted…” 
“So you decided to take what you wanted, is that it?” You asked, pressing the knife into him lightly, holding the back of his body tightly to the front of yours. 
“Please,” he said again. “My mom…” 
“Should be ashamed to have you as a son,” you said. “She’d be better off without you, we all would. You’re wasting my time, baby boy.” 
“She’s sick,” he said quickly. “Please, she needs me, I promise I won’t hurt anyone ever again, I promise…” 
“Where’s your identification,” you asked, still holding your knife to his throat. 
“Back pocket,” he said quickly. You took he knife away from his throat before bringing it down to his intact ankle and severing the tendon there, too. He shrieked and you let his limp body fall forward before reaching into his pocket. The ID looked legitimate. 
“OK Chellen,” you said, reading the name off the ID, moving to squat beside his head as he lay on the ground, crying in front of you. “I’m keeping that. I hear one word of you getting into trouble - if you even fucking shoplift - I will come back and I will kill you. I don’t care where in the galaxy I am, I will be on you like flies on bantha shit, do you understand me?” 
“Yes,” he sobbed. 
“Good,” you straightened up and went to pick up the electrostaff, examining it for a moment before turning it off and collapsing it down. “And I’m taking this. You don’t deserve it.” 
You turned to leave the alley before taking one last look back down at the destruction in your wake. 
“Behave, Chellen,” you said. “I’ll be watching.” 
With that, you started off back to the Razor Crest. 
It wasn’t a terribly long walk considering the size of the city - only about an hour - but about 15 minutes in, the adrenaline from the fight wore off and the pain took over. It damn near took you down, the screaming agony at your back and side. You hesitantly reached back and delicately touched the torn flesh and then examined your fingers. They were wet with blood and your burns were already weeping. You forced yourself to keep going, you couldn’t just collapse in the street in a city where you knew all of one person - and even he’d be fine if you dropped dead. 
When you made it to the ship, you barely trudged up the ramp before you collapsed, laying face down on the floor of the hold while the ramp closed behind you. Normally, you enjoyed the fresh air when you were on world, luxuriating in something that wasn’t filtered and recirculated hundreds of times. Now, you needed the safety a closed and locked ship provided. 
You may have passed out but you couldn’t be sure. There wasn’t a good way to track time. But eventually, you forced yourself to your feet, your legs shaky, and you stumbled to the galley where you’d stashed the medical supplies. 
Bacta cost an arm and a leg and it belonged to the Mandalorian, so you just looked longingly at the pads there before sighing and finding disinfectant, gauze, glue and thread. You grabbed water and a ration pack, too, chugging the liquid and taking a few bites of the food. You had to do this without collapsing or you wouldn’t get through it. 
Back in the hold, you positioned yourself in front of the reflective crate you usually reserved for hair braiding, your injured side facing the shiny surface. You delicately adjusted your ragged shirt and inspected the injury, blood still oozing from the wound that was charred at the edges but frustratingly uncauterized. You poured some disinfectant on the gauze, took a deep breath, and pressed it into the gash, hissing as it burned. 
“Fucking Maker,” you cursed, forcing yourself to hurt as you cleaned the wound. The last time you’d gotten hurt was far worse, but you’d been unconscious for the patching up. At least no one else was having to stitch you up this time. 
Though speaking of stitches… you sighed, threading the needle and throughly covering it and the thread in disinfectant. You took your own knife - not the one you’d just stolen and had no idea where it had been - and put it between your teeth, biting down on the leather-wrapped handle. After moving in close to the reflective crate, you took a deep breath and pierced your flesh with the needle, howling against the knife handle as you did. You pulled the thread through and pierced the other side before tugging it together, holding the wound closed. You repeated the process 20 times, dripping sweat and vocal cords aching from screaming. You’d been making enough noise, the pain a loud enough roar in your body, that you hadn’t heard the hatch open on the ship. 
He hadn’t anticipated screaming when he came aboard his ship. 
Din had been hunting for a while, tracking someone in an urban landscape like Hosnian Prime the kind of challenge he thrived on, but he was happy it was over. He needed more than an hour or two’s sleep at a time, a chance to let his mind relax after being on high alert for weeks. But when he heard your muffled screams from inside the hold, he’d run inside before the ramp had fully lowered, dragging his quarry behind him. He cuffed the still defiant man just inside the gate, slamming the button to close it as he spotted blood on the floor in a small pool, with a trail leading to the galley. 
“Sounds like your friend’s having a bad day, Mando,” the quarry laughed. Din ignored him, flipping on his heat sensor. He didn’t have time to try to find whatever hole you’d hidden yourself in, he needed to locate you now. He spotted your heat signature immediately and ran but he froze when he saw you. Your back was to him as you twisted to see your work in the mirror but you were in obvious agony, your face contorted in agony and a knife clenched between your teeth as you sewed a charred gash at your side closed. There was a second, longer, deeper cut that ran up your spine, your shredded shirt exposing the damage. You were so absorbed in your work and overwhelmed by the pain, you hadn’t noticed him standing there. He approached hesitantly, kneeling behind you and gingerly taking the hand holding the needle. Your head spun to face him, your face red and wet as you panted for breath around the knife in your teeth. 
“I’ve got it,” he said gently. “I’ll finish it, I’ve got it, OK?” 
You nodded, choking on your tears. You let him take the needle and do the final two stitches. He winced as he did. The wound was bad, jagged and deep and stitching burned flesh closed was a whole other level of pain. He wanted to take some of it from you. Even through his gloved hand, he could feel your exhaustion, how your body shook with the pain. He finished the stitch and cut it, arranging himself so he was on his knees in front of you. 
“It’s done,” he said quietly, gently removing the knife from your mouth. He glanced down at the handle. You’d almost bitten clean through the leather. 
“There’s more,” you said, fighting to swallow tears. “But…” 
“I know, it’s OK,” his voice was slow and soothing. A gloved hand went to your shoulder, gently guiding you forward and you collapsed against him, your head on the cool metal of his shoulder as your body trembled. “You can give it to me, it’s OK.” 
His hands stayed on your head and neck and shoulders. He told himself he was touching you to ground you and calm you but he knew it was as much for himself as it was for you.
“Who did this?” He asked as your shaking slowed. He fought to keep his voice gentle. “Tell me where to find them and I’ll kill them.” 
“You don’t need to,” you sniffled into his shoulder, voice shaky. “They’re in worse shape than me.” 
“They?” He asked, pulling back from you slightly but keeping his hands on you. You nodded, drying your eyes. 
“There were four of them,” you said. “Trying to hurt a woman, she was scared…” 
“So you got them to attack you instead?” Below the helmet, he was frowning. 
“Something like that,” you laughed a little, then winced. “But if you want an electrostaff, it’s all yours. I’m keeping the vibroknife.” 
He examined you for a moment, taking stock of what he could see of your body from this angle. He realized that he’d never really seen much of your flesh, just hints of your shape. You were small with gentle curves, nothing that would indicate strength or skill as a fighter. But you were clearly experienced if you’d walked away from a fight where you were outnumbered four to one with relatively little damage. 
“What did you do to get their weapons?” He asked, trying to keep you talking. He wanted to keep you conscious, push through the shock phase. 
“The knife was easy,” you shrugged. “He was an idiot, so I took out his leg, broke his wrist, caught the knife.” 
Mando nodded slowly. Hand to hand combat - not what he’d have expected of you. 
“Staff was trickier,” you said, blinking the tears from your eyes. “He wasn’t well trained but he had some knowledge and plenty of reach on me. Ended up taking him out at the ankles, cut the tendons. Took his identification, told him I’d kill him if he so much as breathed wrong in the future.” 
Din smiled beneath the helmet, impressed in spite of himself. You turned your face to the ceiling, blinking back the last of your tears, your breathing returning to a more normal rate. 
“Where’s your quarry?” You frowned, looking back to Din. “Didn’t come back just for me, did you?” 
“Cuffed by the door,” he said gruffly. “I need to get him… settled. Once I’m done, we’ll move you to my quarters, I’ll get your back fixed up.” 
You nodded, wrapping your arms around your waist as Din went to retrieve the bounty he’d locked by the entry. 
“Someone obviously couldn’t handle themselves,” the man taunted. “Didn’t think a Mandalorian would keep such weak company…” 
“It’d be smart to watch what you say,” Mando said, pushing him forward with enough force that the man stumbled a few steps. “There are plenty of ways I could mess up carbonite storage.” 
It didn’t occur to Din to have you move from where he’d left you on the floor until the quarry caught sight of you on the way to the carbonite chamber. 
“I see the appeal now, Mando. Nice to have something good and tight waiting at home,” the man focused on your body at first, leering, before he reached your face and stopped in his tracks. “Oh ho! Would you look at who we have here.” 
You glared at him, defiant. He twisted to look at Din. 
“Do you have any idea who your little friend is, Mando?” He asked. 
“I’m just cargo,” you snapped, sitting up a little straighter and wincing as you did. 
“Oh you’re valuable cargo indeed,” he looked at you like you were meal and he was salivating before turning back toward the bounty hunter. “You have no idea, do you?”
“Shut up,” you hissed. 
“We could sell her,” he ignored you. “I know people who would pay so much for her it would make your head spin. We could split it. Hell, I’ll even pay what you’d make from my bounty out of my portion and still walk away a rich man…” 
“Shut up!” You got to your feet with surprising dexterity, considering the gaping wound on your back. You grabbed your new vibroknife and nearly ran for the man, pressing the blade to his throat. “Or I will make you shut up.”
“Someone knows when she’s in hot water,” he smirked at you. “I’m telling you, Mando. We’re men of business, you and I, and you’re sitting on the opportunity of a lifetime.” 
There was genuine fear in your eyes when you pulled your glare from the quarry and looked at him. You were afraid the Mandalorian would surrender you to this man’s allies for the payout, afraid of what they’d do to you if they had you. 
“I don’t work with Imperial bounties,” Mando said simply, taking a guess at just who might want you. The man’s reaction proved him right. So you weren’t Imperial after all. Or, at least, you’d fallen out of favor. He shoved the man forward toward the carbonite chamber, leaning in close and lowering his voice in hopes that you wouldn’t hear. “Your bounty holder only needs what’s in your head. They said nothing about bringing the rest of you in intact.” 
The quarry fell silent and he worked quickly to secure him in carbonite before finding you again. You were still standing, slumped against the crate you’d been using as a mirror, eyes closed. Blood dripped down your back but your breathing was steady and unhurried, a good sign. 
“We don’t have time of find a medic,” he said. It was almost like you’d forgotten he was on the ship with you, your head whipping around toward him when he spoke like you were surprised to find him there. “But I can do it.” 
“I don’t need a medic,” you said. Your voice was weaker than he liked. “I’ve had worse. It’s fine, I…” You sighed, wincing. “Well, don’t trust you but. Close enough.” 
He put a hand at the top of your back, above the wound, and you pressed yourself into his side. He took your weight, wishing he could just pick you up and carry you the way you clearly needed but that would just aggravate what was already a devastating wound. You moved as quickly as you could to his quarters and he helped you onto the bed, laying you out flat on your stomach. He increased the light and started examining you, looking closely at the wound. He could see part of your spine through the cut, exposing your nerves and bone. It was amazing you’d stayed conscious. 
“I’m going to cut the rest of your shirt,” he said, keeping his voice gentle. He wasn’t used to looking at anyone’s wounds besides his own. “Make sure we’re not contaminating the field any more.” 
“OK,” you said quietly. Your arms were folded under your head like a pillow, your face turned out to watch him. He cut the shirt and exposed the rest of your back before gently examining the cut. He frowned, a small sigh picked up by the modulator. “What?” You asked. He saw some of your body tense. 
“There’s some tissue that I think I’ll need to cut away,” he said. “There’s no saving it and…” 
“It’s fine,” you cut him off, looking up at him. “You don’t need to tell me it all, it’s fine. Just give me something to bite so I don’t scream your ship down. And once you start, just finish it. Keep going so I don’t have to do this again.”  
He gave you a stiff nod, grabbing a spare holster from his bedside and putting it between your teeth before he started working. He cleaned the area first, monitoring your breathing to make sure you weren’t going to pass out as you worked through the pain. When he moved on to disinfecting the area and the tools, the panting turned to moans which turned to screams as he cut away the skin that had been exposed to enough electricity that it was dead, already blackened and threatening to rot. He glanced up at your face and saw your hands, nails digging into your arms so hard that you were drawing blood. You were drenched in sweat and tears, teeth clinging to the holster, searching for some kind of outlet for the pain. 
“Here,” he took your hand gently and delicately pulled it out from below your head, glancing at the bloody crescent shaped marks on your skin. He put it on his leg, over his flight suit where there was no armor to protect him. “Give it to me. I can take it. I’m going to start sewing now, just give it to me.” 
You nodded and he started stitching you up. You didn’t hesitate to dig into his thigh as you screamed, strong enough that he was constantly aware of your grip but not so much that it distracted him from his work. He was nearly done, having lost count around 40 stitches or so, when your grip suddenly went lax and the screaming stopped. 
“Hey,” he dropped the needle, ripping his glove off and searching for the pulse point on your neck. “Come on, stay with me…” 
He found your pulse, weak but there, and put his other hand in the middle of your back until he was sure he felt your chest rising and falling. You were alive, at least. He quickly finished closing the wound and put gauze over it, leaving you unconscious in the bunk. 
Din went to where he kept the medical supplies, wondering if there were any salves or something left that might ease the pain or speed the healing. But if you hadn’t been able to find bacta here, there might not be much else. He made a plan to take a side trip to Coruscant on his way to the next bounty and find bacta, there should be some there even if there was a shortage that kept it from getting to Hosnian Prime. If he jumped, it would probably be fast enough to keep you from much scarring…
But when he opened the medkit, he froze. There were bacta patches inside, at the top. More than a dozen of them, plenty to have covered your injuries and still had a reasonable stock for the ship. You hadn’t used it. 
He stared at it for a second, like there was a connection missing in his mind. He’d seen you using a needle and thread, heard your agony, why would you have put yourself through that when there was bacta right next to the stock of disinfectant and gauze you’d obviously grabbed? He’d just assumed you hadn’t found any and he’d known that there was almost none left before this stop… The rations. He’d never told you that you could use the bacta, or anything else, just like he’d never told you you could eat.
“I… well, I don’t trust you but. Close enough.” Your words echoed in his mind, alongside the look on your face when the quarry mentioned the high price you’d fetch if taken to the right Imperials. You didn’t act like it but you were scared of the Mandalorian. Afraid that you’d do the wrong thing and he’d do away with you, afraid enough that you’d rather torture yourself and risk infection or death rather than chance using some bacta. The safer bet was suffering. He looked toward his quarters. He knew what it was like to be alone but he’d always had other Mandalorians he could trust and call upon if needed. You, it seemed, had no one. 
He took a few bacta pads and returned to his quarters. You were still unconscious, your breathing shallow but steady. He opened the pads and gently pressed them to your body, covering every inch of your wounds. He got a damp cloth and wiped away your sweat and tears. As his hand ranged over your back, he noticed the tell-tale signs of past injuries that had been healed with bacta before. Your skin was smooth, no raised scarring, but small variations in the color betrayed your earlier wounds. He couldn’t see all of you but it was clear that, at some point, you’d been nearly torn apart. 
“I’ve had worse,” you’d said. “It’s fine.” 
You were a person who was on the run from Tatooine, enough that you were changing your name. You held your own in a fight where you were outnumbered and out gunned. You were able to sew yourself back together to survive. You were wanted so badly by the remaining Imperials that they were willing to pay a high price - high enough for half the amount to pay off an already hefty bounty. 
Who the fuck was on his ship? 
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