#it's funny how I went from my light team being my best
unma · 3 months
Don't think I've mentioned it here before, but I had Wind Catura for a good while and tried her out again after her recent update and god. Wind Kengo is so goddamn fun with her. I love her 10+mil nukes every couple of turns. And with wind Charlotta, once turn 10 rolls around the team starts throwing out ougis like girl scout cookies. It's so fun to have guaranteed 8 chains every 4 turns. so funny. I love ougis.
I remember when I first tried her in the past. I saw her high gear and thought it'd be useful for a gw otk. Only issue being that fa didn't work for 0-turn skills at the time, which made it impossible to use. I wonder if it'd be worth it now (if I didn't already have better, faster otk teams). The skill still sucks even now and kinda makes no sense with the rest of her kit, but whatever. I'm going to enjoy tossing out damage numbers that my dark ougi team struggles to keep up with.
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
OOOO what about reader falling asleep on jamie’s shoulder after a late away game (maybe they come along to games on the bus) and realizing how much he loves them
Thanks for requesting! This one is a lot shorter, but I hope it’s what you’re looking for <3
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silent sleepers
Rebecca lets you come to games on the team bus. Well, you say she lets you, it’s really the team’s choice. She’s just the one who signs off on it. You go for Jamie, who gives you the window seat and holds your hand the whole way there and back, joking with the lads. You don’t talk a whole lot, but you don’t really mind. Sometimes Colin or Isaac will turn around from the seat in front of you and you’ll spend an hour chatting and laughing about whatever, but for the most part you just look out the window and think.
Life is busy, so you don’t often get time to sit without having to talk. It’s nice to be here on this smelly bus, holding Jamie’s hand because you’re both relaxed. 
A voice breaks through your reverie. “Good morning, Mrs. Tartt.”
You look away from the window to see a grinning Dani turned around in his seat in front of you.
You smile. “I’m not his wife, Dani.”
“Not yet anyway, eh?” Still grinning, he pokes Jamie who gives him a cut it out motion where you can’t see. 
You don’t notice and laugh, blushing a little. You’ve only kind of talked about the future with Jamie, and you don’t really think he’s the type to settle down like that. It’s ok, you’ll take him however you can get him. You settle into your seat, ready for an hour of comparing hair products with Dani.
The game went well, and you’re all piled into the bus. Everyone is excited, but so, so tired. The chatter has turned to a dull murmur as you hug Jamie’s arm, watching the lights go by out the window. He’s warm and you can feel him breathe, and pretty soon you’re passed out, asleep on his shoulder.
Jamie, on the other hand, is sitting very, very still. He doesn’t want to wake you, especially because you don’t usually sleep very well. He presses a light kiss on the top of your head and you twitch, so he pulls away. He looks at you, with your eyes closed and mouth parted, muscles relaxed after being constantly tensed. Hair slightly tousled. He could sit here like this forever. 
He thinks about Dani’s teasing words earlier. Mrs. Tartt. He turns the words over in his head. Mr. and Mrs. Tartt. The Tartts. He likes how that sounds. 
God, he sounds like a fucking middle school boy, writing your name over and over in the notebook in his mind, hearts in the margins.
In all honesty, you were one of the best things that happened to him. He’s not sure how he pulled you in the same way you’re not sure how you pulled him, but he supposes it’s good that you think you’re mutually out of each other’s league. It’s a little bit sweet. 
You had some initial awkwardness about him being a famous footballer, but you worked through it. Hell, you two worked through everything. You refused to back down from a disagreement, with the mantra it’s not you against me, it’s you and me against the problem. 
You were also funny. He swore you two were the funniest people on earth once you got going. He felt like you two could do everything together. He wanted to do everything together. A thought flashes through his brain. Our kids will be fuckin’ adorable. He doesn’t dwell on the fact that his brain said will instead of could.
You let out a little sigh, bringing him back to reality.
Dani peeps over and winks at Jamie. 
“Ey, muchacho, good game today, no?”
“Yeah, yeah, good, yeah,” Jamie whispers. “Hey, Dani.”
Dani cocks his head to say what?
“Mate. You gotta play it cool, man.”
“Whatever do you mean?” Dani asks innocently. “I always play my coolest. I think it was pretty evident in the goal I scored today.”
Jamie rolls his eyes. “You know that’s not what I mean. I’m talking about on way over here when you made that fucking Mrs. Tartt joke.”
Dani places a hand over his heart. “You mean to tell me you do not want her to be Mrs. Tartt and I have made things uncomfortable for you? Oh no, I feel awful.”
Jamie would sock him in the arm if you didn’t have a death grip on him in your sleep. He levels Dani with a stare. “You know exactly what I’m talking about muchacho. You know how hard she is to surprise and if you ruin it, I’m sending Isaac after your hair.”
Dani gasps. “You wouldn’t.”
“Fuckin’ try me,” Jamie grins. 
Dani grins back and turns back around in his seat. Jamie looks down at you one last time and uses his other hand to reach into his left pocket. The little black box he carries everywhere is safe inside. He breathes out a sigh and rests his head on top of yours. 
Mrs. Tartt. Yeah, it’s going to happen.
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literaryavenger · 6 months
I love you and I hate it
Summary: Bucky's your best friend, but you're in love with him. Now that he has a girlfriend, will you be able to get a handle on your feelings?
Pairing: Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Bucky being a bit of an ass. Reader being dramatic. Angst. Language maybe. Minimal use of Y/N. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 2.7K
A/N: this is a two part because otherwise it was too long. Hope you like it! also, it's 4:30am and I can't help myself lol.
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Loving your best friend is not something anyone ever plans.
Getting those kinds of feelings for the person closest to you changes the way you look at them, the way you interact and essentially your relationship with them, making everything unnecessarily complicated.
At least that’s how you see it.
You definitely didn't think something like that could ever happen to you. But to be fair, you also never thought Bucky Barnes would ever become your best friend at the compound.
When you first arrived as the newest avengers recruit the brooding supersoldier was not your biggest fan. Things didn’t start on the best note for you two.
- 2 years ago -
Steve was showing you around the compound and introducing you to people and team members as you met them. You arrived at the common room where Bucky and Sam were watching Tv.
"Hey guys. This is Y/N, the new recruit I told you about," Steve introduced you "this is Sam." he said to you as Sam got up from the couch putting out his hand.
"Nice to meet you." he said.
"You too," you said, shaking his hand "it’s so exciting to be here and meet all of you. You are all such remarkable people."
"Oh, complimenting me? I like you already." Sam said chuckling.
"Of course you do." Steve said, rolling his eyes with a smile, then turned to you "and this is Bucky" he said, pointing at the brunette still sitting on the couch.
"Hi Bucky, it’s nice to meet you too." you said, getting closer to him and holding out your hand for him to shake. Bucky, however, just looked at you for a moment before standing up, turning away from you and walking out of the room without saying a word.
"Uh... did I do something wrong?" you asked, very much confused, still looking at the door Bucky just ran out of.
"No, it’s always him." said Sam.
"Sam, don’t." Steve told him, then turned to you again "don’t mind Bucky, he’s not good with new people. It’s nothing personal, he’ll get used to it, don’t worry."
"Right. He’ll get used to me." you said as he gave you an apologetic look "yeah… anyway, let’s finish the tour."
"Sure, bye Sam. See you around, I guess." you told Sam with a smile.
"Yeah, see you guys at dinner." and with that you left to finish the tour of the compound that ultimately ended with your assigned room.
"So this is your room, Natasha has the room on the right and Sam has the one on the left." he pointed at them as he talked and then pointed at the room across from yours "that's Bucky, to his right is Peter and mine is to his left."
"A lot of neighbors, got it."  you said chuckling with Steve.
"Yeah. So I’ll let you get settled and I’ll see you at dinner with the team." he said.
"Yeah, see you later." 
If you were honest with yourself, you were a little disappointed at how meeting Bucky went, you were really looking forward to meeting the super soldier.
While all the other girls were busy crushin on Captain America, you always felt more attracted to Sergeant Barnes.
Something about him just made you curious, and, after all the Winter Soldier stuff came to light, you were one of the few people that saw right away that Bucky was a victim.
You never did understand how people could read all the details of what happened to him and still call him a monster, like it was his fault that he was captured, tortured and made to do things no decent human being would ever do.
In fact, you got in trouble more than one time for fighting when things escalated while you were defending the super soldier from agents that didn’t see it like you.
It’s really a shame that a lot of agents of Shield itself thought so ill of the Sergeant. Maybe that’s why he didn’t like you, maybe he thought you were one of them.
You had to make sure he knew you weren’t.
Having made up your mind, you decided there was no better time like the present. You crossed the hall and knocked on his door, and after a few moments he opened.
"I know, Steve, don-" he interrupted himself the second he laid eyes on you.
"Sorry, not Steve. Clearly. I’m sorry to bother you, Sergeant Barnes, I just wanted to let you know that I don’t have anything against you. I know some agents feel like you should be held accountable for the things you were forced to do, and they’re not really afraid to get vocal about it, but I’m not one of them. I don’t think any of it was your fault. It may not matter much to you, after all you don’t seem to like me very much, but it’s important to me that you know this. You’re kind of my  hero." you finished, a little embarrassed at admitting this to his face. He looked at you for a few moments and, just as you thought he was about to slam the door in your face, he grinned.
"I’m your hero, doll?" he asked, leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed in a way that made his biceps look huge and a smirk on his face.
After that you and Bucky became quick friends, spending more and more time together. Missions, training, down time, you were practically attached at the hip.
You were always careful not to let any feelings grow other than friendship and, mostly, it was easy.
There were some times where you somehow ended up flirting, but they were fleeting moments that passed as quickly as they came, and you decided, for your own peace of mind, to not overthink them and let it go every time.
Now, back to the present, the reason why you’re lost in your thoughts and feelings for Bucky.
You’re watching from a distance as Bucky smiles and laughs, happier than you’ve ever seen him surrounded by his friends, more relaxed than he’s ever been during a party.
You smile at his happiness, glad that he’s finally comfortable around pretty much everybody, but your face falls pretty fast as you see him wrap his right arm around her.
You’ve known Sharon for a while now, she was one of the agents in the list for the spot in the Avengers before you got it. You always felt like she resented you for it, like she should’ve been the one to get it because she was already close with some of the members of the team.
She was never openly hostile with you, but you did notice her hanging around Bucky more and more in the last few months. You didn’t think anything of it, but you were proved wrong just half an hour ago when Bucky started to introduce her to the avengers she didn’t already know as his girlfriend.
As soon as that word came out of his mouth, so casually you’d think he'd been saying it his whole life,  you felt like you were gonna throw up.
It took all your skills to keep your face as neutral as possible, you felt like Sharon’s eyes were on you the whole time, trying to see every micro expression she could find to know what you were thinking.
But you were probably just imagining that, right?
You excused yourself as soon as you could and went straight to the bar to get the strongest drink Nat could make, which she handed to you with a knowing look while glancing behind you.
You barely had time to think before you felt his hand on your shoulder, feeling his body next to you but you didn't turn to look at him, taking a sip of your drink instead.
"Hey, doll, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Sharon before, it’s still pretty new."
You tried to keep your voice as cheery as you normally would around him. "Why would you? It’s your relationship, why are you apologizing?"
He gave you a weird look you'd never seen before, before saying "Because we’re best friends? We usually tell each other everything… right?" he sounded a bit uncertain.
"Yeah, right, duh." you said, trying to give a genuine laugh "Well, it’s alright anyway, now I know! Stop worrying, just go be with her."
He looked around your face for a few more moments, like he was looking for something, before he said "ok, then." and left.
You managed to keep the smile on your face until you were sure he was gone, but dropped it as soon as you looked back ahead of you.
Taking another sip of your drink and making a face at how much alcohol was actually in it, you looked at Nat and, nodding, you left before she could comment on the scene you’re sure she just watched in its entirety. 
So here you are now, in a corner watching people enjoy themselves, just like you used to do at parties with Bucky by your side, except you’re alone.
You try to look on the bright side, you really are, but you can find none.
You can't talk about it with anyone either since nobody knows about your feelings for the super soldier, except for Natasha who always seems to know everything, but  you aren't too close with her and neither of you ever actually spoke about it out loud.
Not that you would've, you aren't the most outgoing person, usually keeping your feelings and most of your thoughts to yourself, with the exception of Bucky.
With him talking seems like the easiest thing in the world, it doesn't matter about what. He knows almost everything that he could possibly know about you, the only thing that you could never bring yourself to talk about is your feelings for him.
You feel a hand in the low of your back and, just as you're bringing your fist up, you realize it's just Steve. "Easy there, tiger." he chuckled, lowering your arm for you. "You seem a little on edge. Everything okay?"
"Everything’s just fine, Captain. You can salute your way to someone else now." His laugh makes you smile against your will.
"Okay, rookie, you don’t wanna talk about it." you roll your eyes at the old nickname, but he keep going, "you know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at a party without your moping buddy."
You glance at Bucky, who's busy laughing it up with Clint and Laura, his arm still around Sharon. Your eyes find Steve’s again, and you simply shrug. "We’re allowed to do our own thing, aren’t we?"
"Of course you are... I was just wondering why you weren’t with him, that’s all."
You avoid his eyes while you quietly say, "he already has someone at his side tonight, doesn’t need me there."
"What’s that supposed to mean?" comes a voice from behind you.
Damn. The one moment you weren’t looking at him and he sneaks up on you.
You turn around and see him standing there, arms crossed in front of his chest, Sharon at his side with a smug look on her face that you convince yourself you’re just imagining.
"What’s what supposed to mean?"  You try playing dumb, but you know Bucky can see right through that.
He raises an eyebrow at you expectantly but when you just shrug and give him your best confused look, he sighs and looks at Sharon. "Hey babe, can you get me a scotch from the bar? I’ll meet you there."
You don't know if you're more hurt at him calling her that or relieved at the fact that he didn’t use the nickname that was usually reserved for you.
She just nods and, without taking her eyes off of you, gives him a kiss on the lips. Okay, you definitely didn’t imagine that. As soon as she’s far enough, Bucky turns back to you.
"What’s wrong with you tonight?" He asks sharply.
"Excuse me? Who said there was something wrong with me?" You say defensively.
"Oh come on doll, you’ve been weird ever since Sharon got here. What’s the matter, do you not like her or something?"
You don't know what to say. You certainly aren't about to tell your best friend that the reason you don’t like his new girlfriend is because you have feelings for him. That’s not gonna end well for anybody. So you decide to just keep on denying.
"I don’t know what you’re talking about, Bucky, so why don’t you just go after you little girlfriend and enjoy your night with her."
"That, right there." he points at your face in a very accusatory manner. "What the fuck was that?"
"What was what?" you’re starting to raise your voice a little and swatting at his hand, getting annoyed at him for not letting this go.
"You’re being a jerk about Sharon, what is your problem with her?"
"I don’t have a problem with her!"
"Yes, you do!"
"Why are you trying to make this into a problem?!"
"Because I know you!" At this point you're both yelling.
"Well, clearly, you don’t know me as well as you think you do!" Lie.
"Why do you have to be so stubborn?! Just tell me what the hell is your problem!"
"Why do you care so much? Even if I had a problem, it’s my business, it’s not like I’m your girlfriend!" Bucky just looks at you with a face you’d never seen on him before and you can't decipher.
The whole room seems to go quiet as you two just look at each other for a few moments, then Bucky finally speaks.
"You’re right." he says, in a much quieter voice than a second before "you’re not my girlfriend. I just thought you were my friend. Guess I was wrong. I’ll go after my little girlfriend now."
You can't find it in you to say anything and, when you just look at him, he scoffs and turns around to make his way to the bar.
Slowly it feels like everyone else starts to go back to what they were doing before your yelling match stopped the party in its tracks, but you feel like you can't breath, let alone move, as you watch the spot where Bucky was standing just moments ago, tears starting to form in your eyes.
You can’t believe that just happened. Did Bucky really just say you aren’t his friend?
A hand on your shoulder brings you back to reality and you hear Steve saying "are you okay?" from next to you.
In all honesty, you forgot he was even there.
All that comes out of you is a broken sob before you turn around and make a run for the elevator, as fast as you can run in heels and a floor-length cocktail dress.
Steve runs after you, but there are too many people around that slow him down, and by the time he gets to the elevator the doors had just closed.
He waits to see where you would stop, assuming your shared floor but you never know. His eyebrows furrow in confusion and he pushes the button of the elevator, glad that he waited a second more.
When he gets to the roof it's so dark outside that it takes a second before he find you, and once he does he slowly gets close to you.
What he was not expecting was to find you sitting on the ground, hugging your knees and crying.
Steve sits down next to you and puts his arm around your shoulders wordlessly while you cry.
After you calmed down a bit he says "He’s really worried about you, Y/N. If there’s something going on, you should just tell him. He’ll understand…"
You think about it for a few minutes while you find a way to tell Steve what's going on.
"How do you tell someone that the reason you’re sad is because you love them?" you say with tears starting to form again in your eyes.
Steve can only stare at you, at a loss for words. 
You hear something behind you and when you turn you see Bucky’s back, walking towards the elevator.
It doesn’t matter how long he was there for, he obviously heard you.
You look back at Steve that has an apologetic look on his face, confirming your fear. Damn super soldier hearing.
Well, it looks like your friendship with Bucky is officially dead.
Part 2
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
I got a funny short fic idea here. Task 141 + König + Los Vaqueros x fem!reader reacting to their bodies being switched with each other.
A bit of a scenario, both of them went on a mission and happens to get ambushed by a gas fume in a room, after some lingering time time trying to get out of there (they did eventually), they passed out and the other members had to drag both of their bodies to base. The next day they woke up in the medic room but found something is wrong with their own bodies. Could be either sfw or nsfw
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Characters: 141 (Ghost, Soap, Gaz), König, Alejandro Vargas, Reader, Original Character (Dr. Laura Winston) Warnings: Some NSFW Elements (“self-examination”), Descriptions of Genitalia, Mentions of Blood, Swearing Word Count: 2k+
A/N: Thank you for your request! I’m sorry if it’s bad-I tried my best but I've never written for a scenario like this before. 😵‍💫
It was a shit show.
Price had sent the 141, Alejandro, König, and you to raid a covert facility in Columbia. Things seemed to be going smoothly...until a pair of doors suddenly slammed on all of you just as you were about to escape. Your eyes widened as billowing clouds of gas began to pour into the room from the vents in the ceiling.
“GET DOWN!” Ghost’s voice boomed. All of you laid flat on the floor, military crawling towards a slit of light poking through a pair of doors on the opposite side of the room. Your eyes began to water as your lungs felt stung with each shallow breath you took. Your head grew dizzy as you watched König rise to his feet. He grunted as he slammed himself against the doors repeatedly, Ghost soon joining him.
Everyone coughed and sputtered as the fumes filled the small space. Your vision became blurry as you reached your hand out, your lungs feeling like shrunken plastic bags. The door thumped a few more times before König finally burst through, the humid night air spilling into the tight space.
“This way!” he coughed, waving his arm. You nodded as you slowly slithered forward, only to collapse once you reached the threshold. The last thing you remembered was being picked up by a pair of heavy arms.
Your eyes snapped open as you gasped. A sheen of sweat coated your body as you launched forward in your bed. You winced as you slam your head into a light shining above you.
“Careful!” you heard an unfamiliar voice shout. You blinked a few times, the image of the room coming to you slowly. You recognized this place as the medical facility near the base you all were deployed from. Doctors and nurses bustled around.
"Forget your own height, Colenel?" the doctor quiped.
"Whuh?" you slurred. That wasn’t your rank...
"How are you feeling, sir?" the man asked. You blinked.
You shook your head slightly as you gazed down. Your eyes nearly popped out of your head when you saw a wide, expansive chest. Your arms were utterly HUGE-wait-all of you was huge. You nervously glanced down between your legs-
“H-Hi?” you said. You clasped your hands over your mouth. That wasn’t your voice. It was raspy and guttural. You looked down, eyes widening at the sight of your massive, veiny hands.
“Sir? How are you feeling?” the doctor repeated while tilting his head. You tried to steady your breathing, though your accelerated heart rate showed up on the monitor. The doctor frowned before scribbling something down on a clipboard. You fidgeted where you lay, large hands wringing the medical gown that covered you. Your eyes scanned the room, seeing the rest of your team out cold.
"I..." your words failed to come out of your new mouth. It felt like you had pebbles in your cheeks whenever you tried to talk. Your eyes glanced over the man's shoulder.
Your breath hitched when you saw your own body lying in the bed across from you. Every inch of you crawled as you mindlessly slid out of your bed.
“Where are you going?” the doctor asked. You cleared your throat.
“I-er-restroom?” you stammered awkwardly. The doctor looked you up and down before narrowing his eyes.
“Yes. Let me go…please,” your voice rumbled. The doctor seemed to shrink away as you tore the IV from your arm. You grimace at the sight of blood suddenly spurting from your arm. You hissed as you wrapped your hand around it as you hobbled towards the bathroom.
“Hey! You can’t-“ You shot a dirty glance at the source of the voice. The doctor clamped his mouth shut as his face grew pale. You tried to be quick, but you weren’t used to the long, heavy strides. You walked around like a newborn baby deer, nearly tripping over your large pair of feet.
Relief poured over you when you made it to the restroom, locking the door behind you. You rested your hands on the sink before taking a paper towel and putting pressure on your wound. You were very cautious as you gazed up in the mirror. You gasped and touched your face, your arms-everywhere.
Well…almost everywhere.
Your eyes trailed back down as you swallowed thickly. You bit your lip. Was this wrong? This wasn’t your body, after all. You exhaled through your nose as you slowly slid your hand down your gown. Your eyes bulged when you felt a flaccid cock being squeezed in your palm. The sensation sent a jolt through your body. You winced as you flicked your hand away.
“Fuck, he’s massive,” you thought. You glanced up at the mirror again. It’s the first time you’ve seen König without his mask on. He looked rather ruggedly handsome, if you say so yourself. Ginger hair, baby blue eyes and a scarred face with sharp features gazed back at you. You laughed to yourself as you shook your head.
“Man, this is one of the craziest dreams I’ve had in a while!” you thought. You pinched your arm, only to still be staring at the same visage. Your brows furrowed as you pinched yourself harder.
The sound of a commotion outside stirred your attention away from the mirror. You unlocked the door and walked down the hall to hear doctors and nurses trying to calm someone down.
“That’s what I’m trying to tell you-I’m not me!” your voice shouted. You had to steady yourself for a second, your hand falling against the wall. It was your voice, but the accent was…different. You slowly stepped back into the bay to find your body scowling as you were being surrounded by medical staff.
“Please, we need you to calm down,” one of the doctors said. You scoffed and started walking towards your original body.
“Nein! You don't understand! This isn’t mein,” your body yelled while gripping your hair. Step. “This isn’t mein,” your smaller hands pointed at your eyes. Step. “And these aren’t MEIN!” your body finished by grabbing and shaking your breasts. You scowled as you broke past the gaggle of medical personnel.
“Get your hands off of me! What the hell is wrong with you?!” you boomed, your new voice nearly shaking the walls. You watched your (E/C) eyes widen as you snagged your wrists, König’s massive palms engulfing yours. Your eyes locked with each other for what felt like an eternity.
“Maus?” your voice whispered. You gasped, hands slipping away from your wrists.
“Call security! Now!” a doctor ordered.
“That won’t be necessary,” a woman’s voice called from the doorway. The whole room halted as the source of the voice stepped into the room. A bespeckled lady in a white lab coat strode towards you, her steely gray eyes scanning you up and down. “You all are relieved,” she stated calmly.
“But, Doctor-”
“I don’t want to repeat myself,” she said. The personnel quickly filed out, leaving you and your team in the hands of this mysterious woman. She straightened her turtleneck before clasping her hands together.
“I apologize for my team. They aren’t entirely used to your…dilemma,” the woman vaguely explained. König shifted in the bed uncomfortably while you fiddled with your new fingers. She held out her gloved hand.
“Dr. Laura Winston,” she introduced herself. You took her hand, your palm swallowing her own. Your hand fell back to her side. Just as you opened your mouth, a sudden grunt rang through the room.
“Hijo de puta,” Ghost’s voice grumbled. All of you snapped your heads over as the lieutenant rubbed the back of his head.
Holy shit.
“Al-Alejandro?” you gulped. Ghost blinked a few times, his dark eyes squinting at you. He huffed out a hearty chuckle, something foreign and somewhat terrifying to you.
“Of course, cariño. Who else would it be?” Ghost laughed. His eyes widened as his lips drew into a tight line.
“Ah, so then Lieutenant Riley must be-”
“FUCKIN’ HELL,” Alejandro’s voice groaned as his body lunged forward in his bed. Ghost blinked, his brows knitting slightly as he pointed a shaking finger at Alejandro.
“¡D-D-Diablo!” the man yelled. Alejandro scowled before his face fell. The men pointed at each other, words failing to leave their lips as they stared at each other with bulging eyes.
“Right, that leaves-” A clamor echoed through the examining room as Soap flung himself out of bed. His vision seemed unfocused as he yawned and scratched his face.
“Christ-I need a drink of water,” he spoke. All of you watched silently as he padded down the line of beds. Your face turned beet red when you saw the outline of his ass peek through his hospital gown. He suddenly froze where he stood before slowly turning around. Doctor Winston seemed unfazed as she tried her best to give him a reassuring grin.
“Oh, good. You’re-”
“WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK IS GOING ON?!” he screamed. His voice stirred Gaz from his sleep, prompting him to look around the room. A wide grin stretched across his face.
“Phew, didn't think we were gonna make it,” he sighed. His smile faltered when his gaze crossed his own body staring back at him. Doctor Winston cleared her throat.
“Now, let’s all just-”
The room erupted into a fit of rancor. Shouting was heard left and right-Gaz gripping Soap by his gown, Alejandro and Ghost still pointing their fingers at each other as they yelled in their respective languages. You and König remained still, awkwardly looking at each other before with pale faces before looking back at the scene before you. Doctor Winston cleared her throat.
“IF YOU PLEASE,” she boomed. Silence quickly filled the room. “Thank you,” she nodded. “Now-as for all of you returning to your original bodies-there appeared to be a compound in the gas that flooded the corridor just as you all were escaping the facility,” she began. Gaz’s eyes instantly glazed over. “Thankfully, we were able to obtain the name and chemical structure of the substance. However…” her voice trailed off.
“C’mon, spit it out,” Alejandro huffed in irritation. She sighed.
“However, it will take a while to properly replicate it,” she finished. You felt your chest tighten.
“So we’re stuck like this for God knows how long?!” König sputtered. Dr. Winston nodded slowly.
“I’m sorry-we’re working as fast as we can,” she stated. Ghost stepped forward.
“Why in the world are you trying to replicate the thing that caused…this?” he asked, motioning to everyone. She rubbed the bridge of her nose.
“I believe that if we simulate the incident, it could swap your consciousnesses back into the correct bodies,” Dr. Winston said. All of you blinked.
“How does that work exactly?” Soap asked. She frowned.
“Do you want to sit through a day-long lecture?” the doctor asked. Soap's eyes widened before he stepped back. She adjusted her sleeves before looking around to each of you. “Try to hang tight. We’ll be monitoring you in case there are any psychological or physical abnormalities,” Dr. Winston said. You understood why Gaz (Soap?) was starting to nod off.
“If you’ll excuse me-I need to return and check the status of the gas,” she said before seeing herself out. You all exchanged weary glances.
“Are we sure that gas wasn’t a fuckin’ hallucinogen?” Gaz asked dryly. Ghost chuckled, though it was clearly strained. You swallowed a lump in your throat.
“What about you, love?” Soap asked, his voice a little softer than usual as he gazed at your original body. You craned your neck down and stared at the man. König frowned and pointed towards you. Soap gasped as he tilted his neck up. “Er-(Y/N)?” he asked.
“Yeah?” you replied. His jaw dropped.
"I-you-and...you have a dick now?" Soap asked. You grumbled as Ghost and Gaz snickered. König meanwhile was a flustered mess-his face completely red.
"Yes, So-Gaz, I have a penis now," you irritatedly sighed. Soap looked back and forth between you and König's mismatched bodies.
"So...then that means-"
"That's enough," König barked. Soap instantly shut his mouth. Ghost still chuckled as you sat back on your bed. It creaked as you rested on it. You sighed as you rubbed your hands through your short, ginger hair.
“Bonnie?” Gaz piqued. You gripped your locks between your fingers.
“What are we going to do if it doesn’t work?” you choked. The men around you glanced at each other. You gasped as you felt a small pair of arms wrap themselves around your thick torso. König rested his head against your arm.
“Have faith, Maus. I trust Dr. Winston-she seems to know what she's doing,” he soothed. It felt strange hearing comfort coming from your own voice. Your eyelids fluttered closed as you wrapped an arm around his new body.
“Thank you, Kö,” you breathed. He nodded before patting your back. Your head began to suddenly feel dizzy as you braced yourself against the side of your bed.
“Cariño-” you heard Ghost's voice call. You had no time to prepare as your vision went black once again.
The next time you woke, you were being dragged by a pair of large hands. Your glossy eyes gazed up at the tall, muscular figure dragging you out into the open. Their ungloved hands were warm as they pulled you out of a cloud of gas. The lights blinded you as you coughed and wretched, your lungs burning and eyes watering. While you expected to be in the dark facility you raided, you were instead met with the blurry sight of the medical center’s hallway. Your eyes trailed up to meet with König’s uncovered, beaming face.
“Hallo, Maus”.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
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lessi-lover · 3 months
exposed II c.foord ~
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i awake from my three month coma of boring pointless assignments. here it is loves. (half assed) will edit later dw x
09 ★ ~ c.foord
"-don't make it awkward! just say your first name and.. i don't know be your pretty self!" the forward grinned, as she sat down next to you on the couch. "caitlin foord do not lecture me about interview etiquette! if anything i should be giving you a lecture, miss australia!"
playfully smacking your thigh, she grabbed both your shoulders turning your body towards her. "oi. some respect for the girlfriend here! am i clear?" she asked, shaking your body in her arms.
"crystal." you answered, the sides of your lips curling into your signature kennedy smirk, adjusting the small mic that was clipped to your clothing, shaking your head mockingly. lightly patting your hair down neatly, you quickly turned to wipe the small remnants of a flat white off the corner of your girlfriends lips.
"ready for the questions girls?" the interviewer asked, a pen and pad in hand as she made her way behind the screen that showed you the different questions. "as we'll ever be." the aussie winked cheekily, letting go of your previous position and settling a more sizeable distance across from you.
"3.. 2.. 1.. and action!" the cameraman shouted, his fingers raising above the lense to represent each second until the interview would start. "hey i'm y/n kennedy." you introduced yourself, looking over to caitlin as she snickered. "stop it," you mouthed, your hand moving to swipe her shoulder. "hi i'm caitlin foord." she said, face moving off you and back onto the camera.
looking at the screen in front of you, you watched as it now asked you to play 'rock, paper, scissors,' both your eyes lighting up at the game. turning your body sideways, you let your legs lay over the aussie's lap, her hand coming to rest on top of your thighs.
"rock, paper, scissors. shoot!" you both said in sync, your hands waving in the air, as your head fell backwards in laughter. "wait, does that mean i go first?" you asked, pointing your finger towards yourself. the interviewer nodded, a bright smile on her face.
"oh, the pressure's on!" your girlfriend cheered, lifting your hand to rest in her lap as she played with your fingers. looking back at the interviewer, you nodded for her question. "how did you two meet and what was your first impression of caitlin?"
"cait is one of my sister's best friends and when i got drafted for the national team she was the first person who called me." you said, breaking out into a smile as you let your mind wander back to when you and the forward were introduced to each other.
as your gaze wandered to caitlin, you caught sight of her grinning at you, knowingly smiling she had completely forgotten she was being filmed. "my first impression of you was.. that you were really loud and funny." you giggled, thinking back to the grubby, obnoxious teenage version of your now girlfriend.
"and now?" the interviewer questioned, a glint of humour in her eyes. the media was notorious for pinning you and caitlin together as a couple, although you had never officially labeled yourselves as an item. so you just went along with your business, ignoring what anybody had to say about the two of you.
"she's the most annoying, irritating, blanket stealer who never wants to watch the movies i want to watch and never lets me leave the bed-." you blab, fingers mockingly listing each trait. "only because you're warm!" she defended, arms crossing over chest.
"only joking baby." you apologised, your hands weaving together as you brought her knuckles sweetly under your chin.
pausing for a moment, you looked at the screen, reading the question before continuing. "caitlin what about having other australians at club level is important to you?" the interviewer now asked caitlin, who's cheeks reddened when she was caught of guard.
"everything!" she said quickly and you could see it her eyes that she wasn't really listening just by the way the tips of her ears had gone slightly pink. "that doesn't answer the question." you giggled, feeling a pinch to the side of your hip.
your legs found their way onto caitlin's lap, her hand gently rubbing circles into your skin. "thanks girls! we're going to move onto the second part of the interview is that alright?" the woman smiled, handing you bottles of water as she walked off.
caitlin still gently rubbing side, she quickly pulled your attention back to her. "your my best girl." she murmured softly, turning to wrap her arms around your waist, resting her head against your shoulder. "don't tell anybody else that though," she added. giving you a kiss to the lips when nobody was watching.
you pecked her cheek, the brunette letting out a soft laugh as she watched you blush. "oh! did i make the big bad y/n kennedy blush?" she chuckled, reaching out to pinch your cheeks. "i can't help it when you look at me like that." you responded, your face all flustered.
"like what?" she exclaimed, hands cupping your face kissing all over cheeks. laughing loudly you rested on the back of your heels, as she squished your face together.
"like lovesick puppies the two of them." your sister gagged, covering her mouth as she watched her best friend fawn over her younger sister. "can you knock it off?" she yelled, slapping your heads away from each other, as you turned to pinch her forearm.
since the interview had been publicized, you and caitlin had decided that you were done pretending your relationship was strictly a friendship. before you could blink, you and the forward had felt comfortable to go out on several dates, the eyes of the public no longer an issue for the two of you.
"what's wrong princess lani? is our kissing not up to your standards?" your girlfriend teased, hand reaching out to smack the head of her best friend. the blonde had been determined to stop the two of you from being together all of camp, the blonde clearly not a fan of your infatuation for one another.
"sure. whatever it takes to stop the two of you from locking lips every five seconds." she glared, shrugging as she continued looking at her phone. not paying a word of mind to you, she missed the way the brunettes gaze immediately fixated back on you.
"oh leave them alone lans, your just grouchy you haven't had your morning coffee yet." mackenzie spoke from beside the blonde, a pair of headphones covering her ears, although she still managed to catch whiff of the conversation.
"thank you mac!" you smiled, reaching you hand out to highfive the goalkeeper, as she leaned further into her seat blocking out the noisiness of the bus.
turning back to your girlfriend, you weren't in the least surprised to see her already looking at you. it was only a few seconds before you inevitably locked lips again. you mouths melted against each other and you felt yourself smile into the kiss.
"ow! what the fuck alanna!" you heard caitlin gasp pulling back from her body. turning around you were met with a similar sight to that of a younger you; your sister sitting in her seat with a notorious kennedy look, bluntness painted on her face as she stared blankly ahead.
"would you please stop swapping saliva for at least a fucking minute? or are you so incapable of keeping your hands to yourselves!" she groaned, with a stern look you knew all too well. only responding with a huff and a roll of you eyes, you let yourself be distracted by the commotion around you.
although it was only peaceful for a total of five seconds before you were promptly attacked with a series of shouts from your australian teammates. many of them not getting the hint that you and the aussie forward had been dating for several years, only realising when they saw the interview.
"i knew it! why didn't you tell us! i always knew there was something going on between you two! if that interview wasn't enough proof i don't know what is! can i be a bridesmaid when you get married pretty please!
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misguidedasgardian · 10 months
I need to (5)
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... Get warm
Summary: The last froze of the season takes you, a sweet summer child, by surprise 
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Warnings: There are mentions of them being Minors! at some point in their relationship, cursing, cheating, angst, depression, mentions of a inappropriate picture, inappropriate relationship, reader gets a minor injury, might miss some warnings 
Wordcount: 3.2 k
Notes: Uffff I really hope you like this chapter muahaha If you liked cregan by now, with this? will get you on your KNEES muahahaaaaaaaa
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You woke up with a bit of  headache, but gods you loved so much being eighteen, a cup of coffee and you were going to shake up the hangover 
Sarah and Jace were already having breakfast, breakfast that Jace had cooked, you refrained from making jokes, as he was clearly trying to impress Sara and it was working considering you could hear her compliments and giggles from the hallway
Last night Jace has given you one of his track team shirts from the high school you went together and some cotton shorts, and you joined them in the bar next to the kitchen
“Mornin’ “, you giggled
“Morning”, chanted Sara
“Coffee?”, asked Jace, offering you a cup, “how you like it”
“I knew I chose you as my best friend for a reason”, you chuckled.
“Gods what a party last night uh?”, laughed Jace, “it was even cooler than homecoming”
“That it was”
“I haven’t been to a party that good like… ever”, you said with a smile, and then you felt a bit embarrassed when you remembered that you were dancing so unapologetically that someone grabbed you by the hand and made you dance in the middle of the huge group that had formed and you danced 
“After last night, you earned the nickname the she wolf of old town”, Jace laughed 
“Ahhh, very funny”, you mocked, taking a sip, “but that is a super cool nickname and I will take it”, you laughed 
“Hey the forecast says it will snow today”, said Sara
“Uh, love that”, you said with a wide smile, “hey, do you both like action movies?”, you asked
“I know why you are asking… and NO!”, said Jace, pointing at you with a fork
“Please Jacey!”, you begged childishly, “please, please!”
“What?”, asked Sara
“The new Arthur Dyne Movie”, you said with a smile, “the fourth one!”
“Please don’t make me, I’ve seen it a thousand times!!”
“You can’t possibly get bored! the action sequences? the lights? the music? the scenery? They are a masterpiece!”
“You know what? Cregan likes that sort of thing, ask him”,
“I like what?”, he asked, genuinely interested, looking straight at you, coming from the bedroom
“(Y/N) Wants to see the new Arthur Deyne”
“I love those movies”, he said, taking a cup that Jace offered, he looked at you and smiled softly, “I will take you”, he said
“Great”, you smiled widely
. . .
In the middle of spirit week, you had been swarmed with work from your courses, and dived right into it, and that, and your new and big group of friends, and all the excitement of the competition, and the activities… 
You didn’t even had the time to think about the unmentionable 
Everytime you thought of him, the wound still felt fresh, you felt like someone squeezing your heart inside of your chest 
But that was only when you remembered him
It wasn’t all bad, he was also your friend, and even though he was selfish and an narcissist, you missed having someone by your side, he was your boyfriend, before he went to school he was focused, he cheered you own, to his own agenda, but still, he was someone you could talk to, debate with, someone smart who always had something interesting to share with you
Yes he judged you once when you told him you wanted to watch “how to lose a knight in one moon”, he was a snob, but still.
At one point, you were good together, when you arrived at Dragonstone, you had taken the castle by storm, well, at least, he had, with you helping him a bit
But you had to learn that that happens, people separate, they grow out of each other.
For you, the moment you saw with another woman it was over, you were just sad because when you started dating, and were two sixteen year old horny kids, you had a good time, Aemond was you friend, you trusted him, you felt comfortable with him, he was quiet, mature, and somewhere along the line he became so full of himself 
In highschool he was different, he was sweet and kind. He had changed so much.
Was the baby his?
That was certainly going to put a bump on his career
And his reputation 
You felt your phone ringing, and you jumped, cursing yourself, you didn't even know why you always jumped when your phone rang, you believed that piece of technology to be some sort of portal through which the unmentionable could get to you, but he hadn’t you had blocked everything related to him, but still
When you picked it up, it showed you the strange number calling again, you hang up before you even picked it up  
You tried to go back into sketching what you were seeing for your “representation” class, and then, your phone rang again
And again, it was the same number. You groaned, this time, you picked up 
“Thank you for the enthusiasm, but i’m very happy with my current internet plan, thank you”, you snapped 
“I’m glad to hear it”, you stopped in your tracks, as you recognized that voice immediately, “but that is not why I’m calling”
“Dean Rhaenys”, you whined, “I’m so very sorry”, she chuckled darkly over the phone
“It’s alright, how is Winterfell?”, she asked
“It’s everything I’ve dreamed off, but a bit chilly”, you admitted, you hear her chuckle
“I’m happy for you”, you could tell, you could almost see her smiling, “look, I reached out to you for something, quite important”, you looked around and walked until you could sit in a bench, away from all the passing students, the bench was cold and you shivered, even with a thick jacket, scarf and beanie, the cold clang to your body
“Did something happen?”, you asked, inviting her to continue
“Normally, we, as a school, wouldn’t meddle in student’s relationships”, she said strangely, “but, 
we couldn’t help but notice that you entered our campus in a relationship with Aemond Targaryen”, she continued
“Yes I was”, you told her
“... Is that the reason you left our school so suddenly? you mentioned, in our last interview that you chose this school for love and you didn't have that love anymore”, geez she was smart and quick, nothing escaped her
“It was, we… broke up”, you choked out
Even though you were freezing, you felt your neck sweaty, you looked around with urgency, but the courtyard was mainly empty at this time of day
“Is the reason for your split, the inappropriate relationship he was maintaining with a member of our staff? Professor Alys Rivers?”
You could lie, I mean, she wasn’t looking at you
But the thing is, that in the seconds you took in answering, she already knew the answer
“Yes”, you said back, it was of no use lying to her
“Like I said, this faculty does not care about relationships between students, but is much different, when it is brought to our attention that is a professor is in a relationship with student, even though they don’t belong in the same department”
You took a shaky breath
It was out 
“I didn’t do anything”, you whispered, “I saw them with my own eyes and…”
“A picture started circulating”
“What picture?”, you whispered
“The picture consisted in both of them engaging in sexual activities, on school grounds”
No, no, no, could it be? no, impossible, you didn’t send it to anyone, nobody hacked you. A certain anxiety started to take a hold on you
What if?
What if it was an accident?
What if that night you drank too much margaritas with Jason and Cersei you actually shared it? like you whined you wanted to do…
What if you were so dumb you sent it to your insta stories just for a mistake??
You started to second guess every time you grabbed your phone
“Oh”, you whined, tears welled in your eyes
“Well, Alys Rivers had been terminated, she does not longer works at this educational establishment”, she said severely, “she threatened to sue, for her state of pregnancy, but we had no choice but to share the picture, she refrained from suing us, if we didn't include this on her record, but she mentioned, that you were the one that took it”
If I fall, I’m taking you with me
That how it goes
You paused
“If I was the one, would I be in trouble?”, you asked, and there was silence on the other line
“No, the source of the picture was untraceable, as the inter phone connection service leaves no trace”, she said calmly, she wasn’t even mad, but she sounded tired, “we just needed corroboration on the story”, she said sincerely
“Please, I know it doesn't sound believable, but I didn’t share it, i swear, I never meant for anyone to get fired, please you have to believe me, I just wanted to leave I never meant for this to happen, this isn’t some sort of revenge”
“Did you show the picture to anyone?”, she asked
“No”, you said simply, you lied, you couldn’t tell her 
“I appreciate your honesty miss”, she said softly, “but we cannot allow this kind of behavior in our school, teachers having relationships with students, even though they share no classes, is unacceptable”, you breathed a sigh of relief
“What is going to happen?”
“We fired Professor Rivers, but sadly, Aemond’s family threatened to sue us”, she said, “so he remains in our school, if we allow him to continue his studies, he won’t pursue a defamation claim, and your name as the author of that picture will remain hidden”
There was another silence
“I know you are not looking at me right now, i know you might not believe me, and I wish I could take a polygraph test, but please, I want you to know, that I did not send that picture to anyone, is the last thing I wanted”
“I believe you Miss (Y/N)”, she whispered, you took a long breath, “because we have other students coming forward, as witnesses of the affair, and they also might have taken pictures”, you sighed another breath of relief
You might not have been the one to blame
“I’m so sorry, for everything”
“This is no way your fault”, she said, “I wish you would have said something sooner, in fact”
“Like I said, I didn’t want anyone to get in trouble”
“So altruistic”, she said, “and kind, that is exactly why I send that letter to the Dean in Winterfell, telling them to accept you”, she said kindly
“You really did that for me?”, you asked
“They normally don’t take students half year, but they made a exception for you”
“Thank you, this school really is what I always dreamed of”, you confessed
“I’m happy I did then”, she said
“I’m sorry for what happened”
“You don’t have to be, things tend to fall for their own weight”, she said, “well, I just called to corroborate the story, thank you for being truthful and insightful”
“You are most welcomed”, you said
“I wish you the very best miss”
“You too”, and just like that he hang up
You took a shaky breath, looking around, you didn’t know what to think, what to believe, you checked your phone, the picture, all your socials and search history, your emails, all of it
There was no trace of you ever sending anything
To anyone
Nobody could… nobody had even got close to your phone
Aemond got bored of doing so, because you never talked to anyone, and it was actually kind of boring
You then looked up, like a bulb had turn on over your head
Holy shit
You ran back to the cafeteria, where you knew your friends were finishing eating their lunch
They all looked at you wide eyed
“What is it?”, asked Jace
“Do any of you know how to hack a phone?”, you asked quickly 
“You are scaring me”, chuckled Jace, you looked at Cregan who was looking back at you 
“I need to know, the history of the things I’ve send through airdrop”, you whispered, “or if a picture have been sent and trough what”
“That is very specific”, muttered Ben, “but I think I can help you out”
“Great”, you grabbed him and took him with you without saying another word
Until you were alone in the library
“You can’t show this picture to anyone”, you muttered, “not one person”
“Alright, you are starting to scare me”, and then you showed him
“This is your boyfriend with the teacher?”, he asked, and you nodded, “Geez”
“This photo got leaked, and I didn’t send it to anyone”, you insisted, “I don’t know what happened”
“Do you actually know this is the picture that got leaked?”
“No… but what are the chances? they said it was a sex picture taken in the school”
“Let’s check”, he whispered, connected your phone in his computer and started typing 
“Hey what’s going on?”, asked Jace, as he came close with Cregan, you smiled nervously
“A picture from my phone got leaked and someone got fired”, you explained, Ben looked at you, “and I didn’t send it”, you explained, “I don’t know what happened”
“In the information from the picture, it says that it was send one time, through airdrop, to “Maris’ phone bitch”, he said, arching an eyebrow
“Fucking Maris?”, you whined, “I almost got sued because of her!”, you whined
“IS THAT “THE” PICTURE?”, asked Jace, you nodded
“What’s in the picture?”, Cregan asked 
“NOTHING!”, said Ben, Jace and you at the same time 
“Delete it”, said Jace, “deny it all, airdrop doesn’t leave a trace, not when you receive it”, you looked at Ben and nodded, and he deleted the picture 
Jace looked at you
“Its over”
It was certainly not over yet…
. . .
One of the competitions of spirit week was “dressing” your faculty, or at least only the hall, in a certain way, with a certain theme
Your building was the newest one, it was in a major part concrete, glass and metal railings, so you and your classmates had said that you would place plants, wallflowers, and dressed the main hall with greenery and flowers, plants in pots, making it look like “nature” took over
It was going on beautifully, so much so, you as the whole class were going to ask the directors of the faculty of Architecture, design and arts to leave it like that once it was over
You had proposed the idea, so you were most looking forwards to the competition
You were standing over a chair, trying to place one of the bindweeds over the wall, in the tip of your toes, playing with your own stability, but you were so close
“That should go up”, you heard behind you, and when you did… you froze
That voice
You lost your balance, frightened out of your mind, and you fell off the chair
you managed to use your hands to tray to stop to smash your head on the concrete of the floor, but your ankle falled in a bad position, trying to catch you, and you ended on on your side on the floor, in a huff of pain 
“Are you alright!?”, your classmate that was with you hanging the bindweed ran to your side, jumping off the chair graceful as a gazelle, and checked your ankle
But you only looked up, scared
There she was
Looking down her nose at you
Those haunting green eyes 
“Alys”, you called, scared
“Does your ankle hurt?”, asked the sweet girl you looked at her apologetically
“A bit”
“Oh, that was a pretty nasty fall… I hope is not broken”
“Professor Alys”, called the secretary of the Arts department, “the director of the school of arts will see you now”, she said with smile, completely ignoring you, and Alys gave you one last nasty look before walking away from you
No no no no no
No please
“She is for the post of a new arts professor for the Art academy”, whispered the girl you were with, you looked at her in horror, “she looks kind of witchy doesn’t she?”, she asked innocently 
She help you stand up, and you whined in pain 
. . .
A sprained ankle
Sara gave you a pack of ice and you smiled softly at her as you placed it in your ankle, you called her and she came to the infirmary with you, and then she decided, as Jace offered her, to bring you to the boys apartment.
Outside was snowing, it was awfully chilly
“Do the girls live here now?”, mocked Ben as he entered the place with Cregan, the later one greeted you -who were pitifully seated in their sofa- and then kept going to his room, probably going to change after practice
He and Ben where in the football team
Jace was in trials, the season was about to start. You were looking forward to that.
But then you remembered…
You sniffed, remembering Alys… fucking Alys
Was going to teach in your faculty
Right next door
If you were truly unlucky you could ran into her every day
Every fucking day
Tears fell down your eyes, you wiped them instantly, but it was too late
“Does it hurt so much?”, asked Sara, truly concerned, you shook your head
“What’s going on?”, asked Jace
“I saw her today, Alys”, you whined
“Who is Alys?”, asked Sara
“My professor of plastic arts in Dragonstone”, you told her, “she slept with my boyfriend, he cheated on me with her and knocked her up”
Sara opened her mouth widely, surprised 
“It was horrible, but… my roommate stole a picture I took of them with my phone and she got fired”, you whined, “its my fault, and now, she is applying to the post here, at this school…”
“What the fuck?”, asked Jace
“She knows I took it, she hates me!”, you said, “she is going to make my life miserable”
“The witch from the picture?”, asked Ben
“The Dean told me they couldn’t put that on her record”, you said, “nobody knows about it”
“And she will join the department”, said Ben
“I never meant to get her fired, but I can’t see her here everyday!”, you whined, “she can make my life miserable, but I can’t do anything… she will know it, I could get in trouble… and… its my fault she got fired, I didn't mean to”
“It's her fault! you didn’t make her bang your boyfriend!”, said Sara
“I left the school, I didn’t tell a soul, I mean, only one person… I don’t know what to do”, you whined
"She is in arts, you are in design, she won't touch you", said Sara, "we will be your buffers..."
"Yeah, lets learn her schedule and avoid her, its called antistalking", said Jace
Unknown to you, Cregan was listening. But he came back to his room, grabbed his phone and dialed a number 
“Uncle Bennard”, he greeted, “I’m good thanks… Do you have a meeting with the board of the school today?”, he asked, “Alys Rivers can’t teach in this school”, he nodded, “she does not share the morals and profile of this university… yes… I’m certain of my words… thank you”
And he hanged up the call 
He got out of his room and you all looked at him, you wiped your tears and smiled at him, sincerely, not knowing of what just happened
“Anyone in for a marathon of the Arthur Dayne movies?”, he asked, “let’s order pizza”
"I'm already on it!", offered Ben
“For fucks sake”, whined Jace
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more notes : I’m running out of creating counterparts of movies and such… real ones might pop up
“Sea Snake” = Titanic
Maegor with Cyrese and Tyanna = John F Kennedy, Jackie and Marilyn 
How to lose a knight in a moon = “How to lose a man in ten days” 
The she-wolf of old town = The wolf of wall street
THE ARTHUR DAYNE! hahaaa = John Wick
taglist! ❤️
@mxtokko @princesssterek @thefandomimagines @iamavailablesstuff @misspascalpunk @sweethoneyblossom1 @ipostwhtifeel @lunamoonbby @ahristata @watercolorskyy @yazzzmints @n4tforlife @littleshadow17 @alexa4040 @speedyballoonpainter @hc-geralt-23 @rayrayredpanda @eralen @yentroucnagol
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writingonleaves · 9 months
i tell you that i think i'm falling back in love with you - luca fantilli
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pairing: luca fantilli x original female character
warnings: swearing, slight angst, mostly fluff, like one mention of COVID, proofread maybe once, probably too many taylor swift references
word count: 9.2k
based on: "the alcott" by the national ft. taylor swift + "this love" by taylor swift. title from "the alcott"
author's note: first one ahhh!!! had this done months ago when i saw that day in the life video the umich social team posted of luca and then promptly went on a six hour plane ride and banged this out. apologies if some of the details are inaccurate — i tried my best though some are also made purposefully to fit with the narrative
Melody Lin rarely talks about it. 
In the instance that it gets brought up, she just shrugs, always giving just a brief overview because there’s no point in summing up 18 years of history in a few sentences, especially when she knows if she thinks about it too much and talks about it out loud she’ll get emotional. 
Growing up in the suburbs of Toronto was the typical suburban experience. She grew up only a street and a 2 minute car ride from her best friend Shayla and even though Shayla ended up going to University of Michigan and she went to Northwestern, they remained the closest of friends. Melody’s close with the whole Gallo family to the point where she just walks in and no one bats an eye anymore. Wherever Melody is, Shayla isn’t far behind, and vice versa. 
Being close with the Gallo family means she’s been to almost every family gathering, every big family event. Everyone in their families knows the other because the two girls are so close that they’re pretty much sisters. 
Melody doesn’t even remember the day she met Luca Fantilli. 
Luca is one of Shayla’s many cousins, only two years younger than Shayla. His family lives around a 10 minute drive away, so their parents love to gather on the weekends, therefore bringing the kids close together. Age wise, it goes Shayla, then Luca two years later, then Adam and Katie, Shayla’s younger sister, are the same age. There’s other cousins, older and younger, but these four have always been close, finding themselves naturally in a group when their families get together.
That means that naturally, Melody grew up also being close with the four, coming by many weekends when the cousins gathered and being dragged into their shenanigans, from playing tag when they were kids to piling in a car to get ice cream when they were teenagers. And they loved her too. Katie loved having another older sister figure with Melody being more calm compared to Shayla. Adam loved how funny she was and how no matter how much shit they gave her, she’d brush it all off with an easy smile. 
And then Luca. Like his brother and cousins, he loved how friendly she was. During the few years they overlapped in the same school, she always said hi to him in the hallways, never treating him or his brother any differently just because they were younger. When he needed a ride, whether it was to the rink or gym or that he just wanted to get out of the house, he could always text her and she would drive him, even if she gave him flack for it. And even though she started out as just Shayla’s friend, they quickly grew to have their own friendship, texting from time to time even when he was at Kimball for two years and she went off to college. He loved how giving she was and how smart she was and how no one ever really seemed to have a bad word to say about her. He’d always light up at seeing her and looked forward to the crushing hugs she would give him, especially after a few months of not seeing each other.
Those weekends are imprinted in Melody’s brain, when the Gallo house is loud and lively and all the adults are chatting and laughing and the kids are off doing whatever they want, her and Shayla always being put in charge because they’re the oldest of the five. Sometimes there were guest stars — Shayla’s high school boyfriend, Adam’s high school girlfriend, whoever the hell Luca was dating at the time, Katie and her best friend — but it was mostly just the five of them. 
It was always Shay, Mel, Luca, Adam and Katie.
(If you ask Luca now, he probably fell in love with her back when they were teenagers, somewhere between when she would drive him and his brother home after a rough practice and let them rant and when she’d laugh so loudly by the pool during the summer that she’d snort)
(Melody obviously loved everything about Shayla, thought Adam was one of the sweetest boys she’s ever met and adored Katie like a younger sibling. But even from the start, she had a special place in her heart for Luca, with his infectious smile and his positive energy. Somewhere along the way, he stopped being just Shayla’s cousin)
That friendship strengthened when he and Adam signed a commitment to play with the Chicago Steel starting Melody’s sophomore year at Northwestern. Shayla was thankful that her best friend was there for her two younger cousins, though the two hockey players never needed anyone to look after them. Since Melody had a car and her and Shayla’s breaks often overlapped, Melody would grab Adam and Luca in Chicago and then drive through Ann Arbor to pick Shayla up as they all headed home. The drive wasn’t all that bad, especially with the company.
Somewhere during the start of her sophomore year, she and Luca confessed to each other that they had feelings towards each other and started dating. It started out well. Inbetween her classes and college commitments and his practices and games, they’d find time to see each other. It helped that they both had cars as well. 
There was this cafe / book bar place between them called The Alcott that she had discovered by a recommendation from a friend who lived around the area that wasn’t closed because of COVID. That started to become the place for them to meet. Whether she had to drag along her laptop and notebooks or not, it started to become their place. She tried to go to as many of his games as she could and he tried to come to campus to be with her, even when she was cramming for exams and couldn’t give him much attention. 
She’d feel bad during the days where she wasn’t much fun, but he didn’t care. Being in her presence was enough, he’d always say with an encouraging kiss and a promise for milkshakes after dinner as a treat before he’d have to go back to Chicago. She met his teammates and he met her college friends and they tried and tried to make it work. When the Chicago Steel won the Clark Cup, she made it a priority to go to watch the final, not having been able to go to his last regular season game and all of playoffs due to final projects and labs. At the end, she had leaned over the boards to crush Adam in a tight hug before kissing Luca sweetly.
And then two weeks after that, when summer was about to start — which should’ve been the time they would be at their best and brightest together, things started to fall apart. Though, when Melody looks back at it now, things were slowly falling apart for a bit before then. Pointed questions about what each other’s plans were for the night when they could’ve been together, weak excuses for skipping the nightly FaceTime call, just generally not as much effort from both sides. 
Even throughout it all, she still deeply cared about him. That didn’t change even during their last argument that led to their break up. 
“Mel, I don’t know what you want me to do at this point,” Luca says, pacing around her room and running his hair through his hair. 
“I don’t ask for much,” she says, biting her lip, watching him pace and trying to keep her control. “I know hockey keeps you busy. I get it. I knew what I was signing up for. But I didn’t hear from you for a week, Luca. Not a call. Not even a good morning text. What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?”
“I told you I was going to be busy, angel.” Even the pet name doesn’t soften her. She starts raising her voice.
“Goddammit, Luca. I know! But guess what? I’m also busy too. You think college is easy? I don’t know if I’ve slept for more than 5 hours a night this last month. But I still make the time.” 
“Do you?” His eyes flash with something she’s never seen from him before. He’s not quite yelling, but he’s not talking at a normal volume either. “When’s the last time we went out to dinner? When’s the last time before the final that you came to one of my games? Jackson asked me before the final if we were still together since he hadn’t seen you. Do you know how fucked up that is?”
“Since when the fuck do you care about what anyone has to say?”
“Since all of their girlfriends are in the stands every week!”
She flinches. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to playoffs but you told me it was okay. I didn’t know you felt that way because you don’t talk to me anymore. I can’t read your mind. I’m trying my best here.”
“You know what? I can’t do this anymore.”
“Can’t do what?” She whispers. 
“This. Us. It’s clearly not working.”
He sits down on the chair across from her and puts his head in his hands momentarily. “You’re right. We barely talk. We’re both so busy. The last thing I want is for you to resent me.”
“So that’s it?” She croaks out. 
His eyes are watery. “Please don’t make this harder than it has to be, angel.”
“You’re the one making this hard!” She bites her lip and looks up to keep the tears from falling, which isn’t working because a couple tears still slip out. She fights a brief battle with herself and then deflates. “I���m always going to be your biggest supporter.”
He lets out a shaky breath. “Mel.”
“I mean it. I meant it years ago when we were kids. I mean it now. I’ll mean it forever.”
He laughs hollowly. “This sucks.” He lets out a shaky breath. “Do you think we could still be friends?”
She tries to smile. “Well, I’m still best friends with your cousin and that’s not gonna change. So I’m sure I’ll see you around.” She swallows. “I need time though, if we want to be friends in the future.”
“I get it. Yeah.” He sighs. “I’m sorry.”
She shrugs dejectedly. “I’m sorry too.”
“Can I get one more hug?”
The hug is already sad enough. The kiss in her hair has her crying into his chest. 
It was tough that summer especially, because she still wanted to spend time with Shayla and she also knew that Shayla still wanted to see Luca. But it was still too fresh, so when she knew that Luca was coming by, she avoided going to Shayla’s, which her best friend understood. She took Adam out for ice cream a couple of times, genuinely wanting to see how he was doing and catch up and everything was good and normal as they steered away from topics that were still fresh. Except during one hug as she dropped him off, where he whispered in her ear, “I know it’s too soon. I completely get it. But I know Luca would love to see you before you head back to school.”
(She doesn’t end up seeing him)
Junior year comes and goes. She has a great time despite the hours of studying for exams and the stress of classes. She makes new friends, gets closer with her old ones, collects new memories and laughs until there’s no sound coming out of her mouth. She sometimes wakes up with a hangover, but has to trudge to the library anyway to cram for a Monday morning exam. The first time she goes to The Alcott post break-up, she tries to sit in the spot by the corner and she has to leave within 5 minutes so she doesn’t have a meltdown in public.
Shayla tells her that Luca and Adam are both officially committed to play at Michigan next year, and she’s not sure if she should text them. She ends up texting them both separately right when they post on Instagram though because she’s so happy and excited and proud of them, even if Luca isn’t hers anymore.
i heard about the good news!! congrats on umich (officially)!! 
Thanks Mel!! So good to hear from you. I hope all is good at Northwestern
all’s good here! seriously, luca. i’m so proud of you. 
He simply had liked the text and it was enough for the both of them. It had to be enough. 
She tried her best to steer away from hearing about him, but it was really hard, especially when both him and Adam were doing so well in hockey and were the talk of the town, especially back home. They always had been, but nowadays it was more and more and it was bittersweet to hear. 
She didn’t come back home for the summer of her senior year, her internship leading her to New York City. And while it was sad because she couldn’t see Shayla, who herself was doing an internship in Detroit, it gave her a bit of relief that she wasn’t going to be in her hometown when a large  reason she calls it home is because of the boy who she had given her heart to. She had fun in New York, went on a couple of dates — which was the most she’s done with her romantic life since her breakup — but while her friends were living up their summers and she was cheering them on, she couldn’t shake the feeling of the younger Italian hockey player away from her mind. She hated that she couldn’t shake him off.
(You’ve been friends for almost two decades, Shayla would remind her. Of course you’re not gonna get over it quickly. There’s too much history there)
As Melody entered her senior year, she set out a goal to have fun. Work hard, of course, but also to have fun and really enjoy her last year. With parts of her college experience being interrupted by the pandemic, she felt like it was only right to give herself some time before she’d be in labs and research the rest of her life.
She still followed Luca on social media, so she saw his Snapchat stories and his Instagram posts. He looked like he was having a blast at Michigan and she honestly couldn’t have been any happier for him, even if there was always a stab of something in her heart seeing him pop up on her feed. She still drove through Ann Arbor during school breaks to pick up Shayla, and now Adam and Luca as well when they didn’t have to stay for hockey commitments. Shayla tried telling her friend that she didn’t have to, but Melody always waved her off. Luca texted her happy birthday and she did the same and she ended up crying in the shower both times. 
Shayla had convinced her to come to a Michigan vs Michigan State hockey game and Melody didn’t really have an excuse, since she was gonna drive up that morning from Northwestern to go home for winter break. She had been hesitant, not wanting to overstep but Shayla had just laughed in her face. Come to Michigan, stay the night with me, and then we’ll all head back to Ontario in the morning. Shayla had even gotten Adam and Luca to text her to convince her, with Luca’s text being the final push
Heard from Shay and Adam that you were hesitant on coming to the game. If that hesitancy is because of me, please don’t let it be. It’ll be a fun one.)
The game is fun and thrilling, just like Luca promised it would be. Melody’s met some of Shayla’s college friends before and they’re no less welcoming than they always are. After the game ends, Shayla and her are walking back to her apartment when Shayla stops. Adam just texted me, she says. They’re all at one of the hockey houses and they want to meet you. Let’s stop by. Melody stills for a moment before letting Shayla lead her in the opposite direction. She knows Shayla knows some of the guys, but she’s never met any of them and she doesn’t want to make it awkward. 
But that thought immediately goes away as Adam hugs her and spins her around as soon as they walk in, causing her to laugh and Shayla to pout playfully. Adam just rolls his eyes after setting Melody down. Shay, I see you all the time, he says. Melody gets on her tiptoes and kisses him quickly on the cheek, rolling her eyes as he playfully wipes it off. He leads them into the house and Melody’s thrown into a round of introductions and she’s a bit overwhelmed but she’s smiley and friendly and congratulates them all on the win. She’s immediately enraptured in a brief conversation with Nolan Moyle, Mark Estapa and Luke Hughes and she pretends to not see the other guys eyeing Luca with a knowing look.
Melody Lin rarely talks about it. She wonders how much Luca Fantilli does, especially since they all seem to know who she is. 
She would be the slightest bit uncomfortable, but a majority of them are younger than her and she knows how to deal with the rowdiness of hockey boys. So weirdly enough, she feels right at home, even though it’s her first time here. 
When she finally makes her way to Luca, she smiles, even if it’s a bit dimmed. She’s keenly aware of eyes on her but she tries to ignore them as she hugs him tightly, trying not to breathe in his cologne too much.
“Good game,” she mutters into his ear before pulling away. 
“Thanks, angel.” 
She kinda wants to kill him. He lost his right to call her that when he broke up with her. But she just smiles before turning to introduce herself to Ethan Edwards. 
When she pulls up to Adam and Luca’s place the next morning with a big yawn, Shayla in the seat next to her, Adam hands Shayla a hot chocolate and she’s pleasantly surprised when Luca hands her an iced coffee. She takes a sip as they dump their bags in the trunk. A latte with two pumps of vanilla syrup. He still remembers.
She hates him. She loves him. She’ll always love him
(She watches the game on her laptop and sighs sadly when Michigan’s run at the Frozen Four is cut short. She texts in the group chat consisting of Shayla, Katie, Adam, Luca and her rather than individually. 
💛💙proud of you both always
When Adam wins the Hobey Baker the day after, she immediately calls him, not expecting him to answer and ready to leave a voicemail. But he answers after two rings, and the first thing he asks is if they can switch to FaceTime. Suddenly, her screen is filled with Adam with his shades on in the Florida sun with the disgusting mullet. She just grins and congratulates him while he’s positively beaming. He shows her the trophy briefly and she hears some of his teammates yelling their greetings and she just laughs at all the chaos. She lets him go after another round of congratulations and tries not to let her smile fade when Luca comes on the screen with a wave.
Her heart aches.)
Graduation week is crazy and bittersweet and wonderful as she says goodbye to her younger friends and holds on to make some last minute memories with her best friends before her family and loved ones come to celebrate officially at the ceremony. She has dinner with her parents, her older sister Elena, Shayla and Shayla’s parents the night before her school convocation. She cheers for her friends when they walk across the stage the next morning, tries not to trip when she walks across and honestly kind of blacks out. Shespots her family in the stands purely from Shayla waving like crazy and laughs, waving back. Through all the chaos, she finds her family afterwards and pauses. 
Because there’s Luca. Dressed in a white short sleeved button down and blue jeans, hair out of a baseball cap for once and standing there with a sheepish smile, a beautiful bouquet of purple and white flowers in his hand. 
Why is he here? 
She tears her eyes away from him as she hugs her parents and sister with a big smile. She squeals as she hugs Shayla, swaying side by side, reflecting back to late April when Shayla was the one graduating and the positions were reversed.
But all she can see is Luca. You, you, you, her mind whispers. 
“I didn’t know you were coming.”
He shrugs. “Wanted to surprise you.” He hugs her and she can’t help but smile being tucked into his chest. “Congrats, Mel. I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks,” She mutters, blinking as he gives her the flowers. “These are beautiful. Jesus.”
“Here, let me hold something for you.” He takes her bag off her shoulder as well as her diploma out of her hands as she adjusts the three bouquets of flowers she’s gotten, trying not to crush any of them. 
“Picture time!” Melody’s mom exclaims and then there’s a flurry of smiling and picture taking and lighting and angles and every combination possible, ending with Melody and Luca.
(When her mom sends the pictures later that night, she blinks at how couply they look. There’s a particular picture where she’s laughing at something Shayla said off camera and he’s looking at her like he might still be in love with her)
They stop by her apartment briefly so they can change before they all go to dinner. Apparently, everyone else knew Luca was coming because no one bats an eye as he comes along to their dinner. She’ll have to talk to Shayla about that later. 
And it’s good, really. The conversation is easy and the food is good and she tries to ignore everytime her elbows brush against Luca’s and notes when his arm is around her chair so she doesn't lean back. They discuss the plan for the next day where Melody is just planning on packing before the all university commencement the day after. Her family is planning to explore the Chicago area while Shayla is attending another friend’s commencement at University of Chicago. When Luca’s asked of his plans, he hesitates. She doesn’t know what makes her say her next sentence, but she says it. 
“If you wouldn’t mind, I could use another set of hands to help me pack.”
His head whips to her, mouth open a little. She tries to smile assuringly. He nods. “I don’t mind.”
“Yeah. It’ll be fun.”
She snorts. “Packing is not fun ever, but I like the enthusiasm.”
The next morning, she picks him up from the hotel all of them are staying at (“I’m in a room with Shayla and it’s a nightmare. How does someone’s shit get everywhere in such a short period of time?”) and drives in the opposite direction from her apartment. It takes him a surprisingly short amount of time to realize that they’re going in the wrong direction. When he asks where they’re going, she bites her lip.
“I’m craving one last iced vanilla latte from The Alcott.”
Silence and then a small chuckle. “Are their blueberry muffins still as good?”
“We gotta get some of those too then.”
And conversation is surprisingly easy. They talk about Michigan’s run to the Frozen Four and how that was cut short but what an amazing season they had, Adam’s World Championship win with Canada and his upcoming draft (she was invited months ago by Adam and the entire Fantilli family to Nashville, to which everyone but her was not surprised about), her last year at Northwestern, his first year at Michigan, and anything and everything in between. It’s so easy that it almost aches, the familiarity of The Alcott and what it means to her and what it means to them as she watches him order for the both of them and pays even though she tries to fight. She wanders over to the corner — their old spot — because she wants to savor this one more time before she has to let go. Before she has to let go of this place and this boy. Because she can’t keep him. He was never hers to begin with. 
“Do you remember when we were snowed in here?”
She turns her head to look back at him before letting out a small chuckle at the memory. “Yeah. You were panicking because you thought your game was still on and I was surprised when it was cancelled, considering it’s Chicago and they never cancel anything due to snow.”
“And then they gave out free coffee refills and you were probably the happiest person in this place, just studying and humming along or scribbling in your journal.”
“We must’ve been here for, what, 6 hours?” 
“Probably more, to be honest. Donna wouldn’t let a single person even think about driving until the storm had passed.”
She smiles, even if a bit sad. “Good times.”
He hums in agreement, and if she was looking at him and not out the window, she would notice that he’s looking at her fondly. “You’re a college graduate.”
She rolls her eyes. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“You’re right. It’s not, because we all knew you were always the smart one. But it is a big deal because it’s just crazy how time moves so fast.”
“How do you think I feel watching you and Adam get old and go to college? Not that you were innocent before, but Adam sent me some snapchats of your shenanigans at frat parties and sometimes I genuinely wonder how you’re alive and kicking for practice the next morning.”
“Fucking Adam. Always painting me in a bad light,” Luca scoffs, before clearing his throat. “How have you been? How do you feel?” 
She lets out something between a laugh and a sigh. “Okay, I think. Overwhelmed. Excited. Scared. Thankful. Thinking about all the stuff I have to pack.” 
“Do you have most of it done?” 
She snorts. “Absolutely not. That’s what you’re here for.” 
“Glad I could be of service.” 
She stands up with her drink. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.” 
Once they get to her place, Melody puts Luca to work immediately, instructing him on which boxes to put things in as she cleans up her room. They work well together. When he’s stepping behind her to get somewhere or something, he always touches her back or elbow or shoulder gently and he doesn’t get annoyed at her indecisiveness on how to pack things, just dutifully following all her instructions. They’re about 70% done when her roommates Alison and Carey come in briefly and they meet Luca and they know exactly who he is but Melody’s thankful that they don’t let it show and gives them a meaningful look as they leave. 
By the time most of her things are packed, it’s dinner time and she suggests that they drive to another one of her favorite spots on campus to grab a bite. A little sweaty, a little exhausted, she has to stop in her tracks when he shoots her the sweetest smile, adjusting the hat on his head and washing his hands before they head out. 
And because it’s only seniors left on campus, it’s not surprising when she runs into a couple people she knows, weaving through to order and find a place to sit at the bar. More often than not she’s stopped and she introduces Luca to everyone and he’s smiling and she knows that everyone is immediately charmed because it’s Luca and that’s always been his effect on people, ever since they were kids. He’s wearing a Michigan hat and gets some chirps that he takes in stride and that make her giggle. 
(If you were to ask Luca, it makes complete sense that everyone they’ve run into has nothing but a smile on their faces. Melody’s always been able to make anyone she’s come into contact with fall in love with her) 
She heads to the bathroom at one point and when she walks back out, she sees a drop dead gorgeous blonde girl sitting where she sat and Melody’s not surprised but her heart falls a bit, watching the girl clearly flirt with him, if her body language indicates anything. She observes for a couple of seconds before taking a deep breath and walking back. She platers on the largest smile she can muster, her lips softening to a more genuine one when she sees him perk up. 
“And there she is! The reason I’m here and the star herself.”
She can’t help but chuckle. “You’re sweet.” She turns to the girl. “Hey, I’m Melody. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Connie. Nice to meet you too. You graduated this weekend too?”
“Yup. You?”
“Well, congratulations.”
“Congratulations to you as well.”
Connie turns to Luca and Melody tries her best to not roll her eyes. “It was nice to meet you, Luca. I hope Melody gives you a proper tour of Evanston.”
“Best tour guide there is,” Luca responds easily, and Connie slips out of her chair with one last smile before Melody sits back in her seat. “Cool it with the death glare.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Uh huh.” 
She takes a sip of her coke, determinedly staring at his water. “You can flirt with anyone you want.” 
“She was flirting. I wasn’t flirting back.” 
“That doesn’t sound like you,” she tries to tease lightly. “I’m sure girls fall at your feet at Michigan.” I know what that’s like, she thinks to herself. “Speaking of, anyone I should know about? Just so I can prepare myself for when I get jumpscared when I take you out for ice cream.” 
“First of all, that’s an Adam move. And nope. No one’s caught my eye.” 
He shrugs. 
She hums, letting it go and steering towards safer conversation topics. 
In the car on the way back to the hotel, she gets the courage.
“Why did you break up with me?”
A sharp inhale. The words linger in the air. She grips her steering wheel. 
“I don’t know.”
Silence. A disbelieving scoff. 
“Thanks, Luca.”
“No, no. Give me a second. I truly mean it, especially now looking back. At the time I thought it was what was best so that we would stay friends and not grow to hate each other, but when I think about it more and more, that reasoning is shit so I don’t know anymore. You deserved better.”
(Honestly, it’s probably good that they’re hashing this out now. She was far too nice to him two years ago.)
“If I deserved better why didn’t you do better?” She whispers. “Luca, you didn't even give me a chance to fix it.”
“I know. I know. I panicked and I ran and I lost you.”
“You’ve never lost me. I’m best friends with your cousin. I’ve driven you and Adam to and from school. I’m still here. The last thing I wanted to do that night was break up. You practically jumped at the chance..”
“But I lost you in the way it mattered.” He reaches over to grab her hand and she doesn’t pull away. He takes that as a good sign. “I fucked it all up, didn’t I? All this time we could’ve been together but we weren’t because I just ran away.”
“Why did you break up with me?” She repeats stoically.
“I guess, I guess I got it into my head that you deserve so much better than me. I mean, I was playing junior hockey and you were at fucking Northwestern and you’ve always been so much smarter than I am which I love, don’t get me wrong. You are so, so beautiful and kind to everyone and generous and you’ve literally been there for me since forever and… I just felt like I was holding you back and you deserve better and-“ 
“It’s not your choice to determine what I think I deserve,” she says firmly. “If you had just talked to me about it…Luca. All I wanted was for you to talk to me that night. And the few weeks before. I loved you for who you were, junior hockey and all or whatever the fuck else you said. Do you forget that we grew up together? I’ve seen it all, and I’ve stuck by you because I loved you.” 
He takes a deep breath. “Do you know why no one’s caught my eye at Michigan?” 
She freezes, having a feeling what the answer is but hoping it isn’t true (or hoping it is true). “Why?” 
“Because the only girl who I see myself with is in Chicago.” 
She swallows roughly. “You can’t just say that shit, Luca. It’s not fair.” 
“I know, I know. I just-I…I’m sorry. I know I’m not being fair. I just…I miss you. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I was coming to your graduation but I couldn’t miss it. I really am so proud of you. I’ve always been your biggest fan.”
She stops at a red light and looks at him. “I hated you for a bit.”
“I don’t blame you.”
“But looking back, I don’t think I ever hated you. I was just sad and heartbroken.”
He squeezes his eyes shut. He had always vowed to himself that he would never hurt her. The light turns green and she drives again. 
She speaks up again. “Everyone always told me time is the best thing after a breakup. I didn’t know what they meant until I did. And seeing you got easier everytime, and I still wanted the best for you, even if I wasn’t the one by your side anymore. I still do. But at the same time, I wanted to forget you.”
“Would you consider trying again?”
“I, just hear me out. I fucked up. I know that. God, I knew that the second I walked out of your place that night. I love you. I still love you. And I know I’m being unfair about all of this. But I just…my life is so much better with you by my side. I’ve realized that more than ever these last two years. And if you don’t feel the same way anymore, I get it. We can keep being friends or I can give you space if you want…whatever you need. I just had to say it. I love you. I can’t really see myself ever stopping, to be honest.”
In the middle of his little speech, she had pulled into the hotel and parked, killing the engine. It’s silent for a few moments as she mulls over his words. 
“You really hurt me, Luca. I don’t know if I love you anymore.” His face starts falling, but she quickly continues. “But I think I could. Love you again, I mean. Maybe. But it has to be different this time.” He perks up but she holds up a hand and he listens. “We need to communicate better. We have to talk through our problems when they come up, not run away from them. We can’t just sweep things under the rug.”
“I’m gonna be working in Chicago and you’re gonna be in Ann Arbor. The distance is still gonna be like before. We’re probably gonna be away from each other more than we’re together.”
“Worth it,” a soft smile appears on his lips. “Congratulations, by the way. On the job. I don’t know if I mentioned it yet.”
“Thank you,” she looks down at her hands. She sighs. “I wanted us to work the first time. I really did. God, Luca. You’re one of the most important people in my life.”
“I’m gonna try so hard to be someone that you deserved the first time and that you deserve now.”
She smiles a bit sadly at that. “All you need to be is yourself. That’s all I ask.”
“I know things are kinda busy coming up, with your cousin’s wedding and Adam’s draft and me going on my trip. But, uh, maybe we can go on a date when I’m back? If it isn’t too late.”
“It’s never too late when it comes to you,” Luca says. “I’d love that.” He leans in to kiss her cheek. 
“Come on. I’ll walk you up to your room.”
Things still don’t quite fall into place after that weekend. The next time she sees Luca is when she comes to Nashville for the draft. Luca’s been beaming all day, extremely proud of his brother, but it doesn’t compare to the feeling he felt earlier when Melody and Shayla walked out of their hotel room, Melody wearing a blue satin jumpsuit and looking as stunning as ever. When she greeted him with a hug, he planted a brief kiss in her hair and watched fondly as she embraced Adam, straightening out his collar and placing a sweet kiss on his cheek, muttering some words to him that only those two could hear, Adam closing his eyes and nodding as she smiled. Luca knows how much her being here means to Adam.
(Only close family knew that on Adam’s vest on the back are the names of the important people in his life. When he takes off the suit jacket to show Shayla and Melody, the former beams while the latter starts sniffling. Both so proud of him. Both honored to be on his back in cursive. And Luca just hands her a tissue when she sees a particular picture on the inside of his jacket of the four of them when they were younger at the beach. It’s one of her favorites. It means so much.)
She cries when Adam gets picked third overall to the Columbus Blue Jackets and squeezes Shayla’s hand in excitement as Adam walks onto the stage. Afterwards when she sees him, she practically leaps onto him and squeezes him so tight as he spins her around. 
(“Oh, Adam,” she says with a sniffle. “I’m so, so proud of you. Congratulations.”
“Thanks, Mel.” He says into her shoulder. “Thank you for everything. Everything.”
She pulls away but can’t help herself and hugs him again. “I love you. I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he says as she backs away, biting her lip while placing her hands on his cheek.)
She’s then traveling with a couple friends around Europe and he’s in Pittsburgh for a few days for development camp before hanging out with friends and training. They text semi-frequently but she’s abroad and having fun and he respects that. He’s trying to figure out how to show her that he’s serious about the second chance she’s given him while trying not to overstep. 
When he picks her up from Toronto Pearson Airport in mid July, it’s 7 am and she looks and feels like shit. But she comes out of Arrivals and immediately sees Luca waving, big smile on his face, a Michigan shirt on, a hat flipped backwards on his hair and a bouquet of carnations in his hands, looking at her like she’s the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. She hugs him, taking the flowers with a smile as he grabs her duffle from her shoulder. Whether from exhaustion or simply because she’s missed him in more ways than she’d like to admit, she leans into his side as they walk out of the airport and into the parking lot and he immediately responds by putting an arm around her shoulder and pressing a kiss on her forehead. 
It’s so easy to fall back into rhythm with him, as she just admires him while he’s driving, too tired at the moment to recount her travels. Once they get off the highway, he puts the windows down and opens the skylight and there’s a pang of deja vu as he turns up the music a bit, humming along to some country tune. He slows down in front of Betty’s Diner and she furrows her eyebrows. 
He smiles, stopping the engine. “I’m gonna go in real quick and grab some food, okay? Told Betty you were coming back today and she insisted on cooking you your favorite. I convinced her to put it in a to-go box but I promised her we’d come back to eat in at some point.”
Melody’s heart practically melts at the thoughtfulness. “Thanks, Lu.”
(He almost trips over himself getting out of the car. She hasn’t called him Lu in so long)
Luca’s house is empty, as Adam is training and his parents are both at work. Melody takes a quick shower to wash off the grime of the plane and when she comes out — in a UMich shirt and sweats she has to roll up that he laid out— the breakfast is all heated up on plates, the bouquet of flowers he gave her still wrapped but in a cup of water so they don’t die. Luca turns around at the sound of footsteps and something flashes through his eyes at the sight of her wearing his clothes again but he shakes himself out of it, instead just sliding a plate towards her. She slumps down on the kitchen island and thanks him with a hum before diving in. 
Once she’s full and Luca’s taking all the plates and washing them before she can even blink, she speaks up. “Is this the date?”
“No,” he admits. “I figured I’d give you a couple of days to get over the jetlag before taking you out for real. I just, I wanted to do something nice.”
She wipes her lips with a napkin. “Not that I don’t appreciate all of this, because I do, but what…why?”
“You gave me a second chance. I’m not gonna waste that chance.” His eyes widen in fear. “I-I’m sorry if I’m overwhelming you or being too forward. I-if you wanna go home or to Shayla’s, I can drop you off or-”
She smiles slightly. “Relax, Luca.” He blinks. It’s times like this he remembers that she’s two years older and much more level headed than he is. “I was just curious. You don’t have to do this all for me, you know?”
“I want to,” Luca replies simply. “Making up for lost time, I guess.”
“Then come over and finish up these waffles for me,” she says with a small smile, laughing when he barrels over and inhales them. 
After breakfast, he can tell she needs sleep even if she won’t admit it. So he puts on Abbot Elementary and puts an arm around her shoulder as she leans into him on the couch. Halfway through the episode, she’s fallen asleep on his chest and he just smiles, staring down at her. He very carefully turns the volume down and shifts so that they’re both more in a comfortable position. 
(When Adam comes back from training, he walks into the sight of his older brother and someone who might as well be his older sister cuddling, both asleep with Abbot Elementary still playing. He turns the TV off and tosses a blanket over them, staring at them both thoughtfully before heading to his room)
They do end up going on a date a couple days later. Luca picks her up at the door of her childhood home, waves to her mom and dad and gives her another bouquet of flowers (daisies this time). He then drives them to a nearby park that she hasn’t been to in at least 5 years and then pulls out a picnic basket of sandwiches, fruit, pasta salad, chips and cans of seltzer. She blinks as he lays it all out, because he’s really pulling out the stops and she has to stop herself from just leaning in and kissing him. 
And the conversation between them is, yet again, so easy, reminding her of one of the many reasons she always liked him, even before they started dating. Their ability to bounce off of each other and talk about practically everything isn’t something that she’s been able to replicate with anyone else quite yet. There are some instances where they slip into some dangerous territory, but they successfully steer away from it. Those are conversations that need to be had, but not today.
For awhile, especially after their breakup, Melody had only fixated on their differences, with his hockey and party life at Michigan and her research and much tamer college life at Northwestern. But during that picnic, laying down with her head on his lap, she had a realization that they were similar in many ways she hadn’t thought about before — their love for Toronto, their distaste for judgemental people, their passion for leaving an impact, the way they love their friends and family, their love for music.
(It probably only took that date for Melody to fall in love with Luca again, but she would never admit that to herself)
They book a last minute trip to Seattle in late July— it’s purely because Melody found tickets to Taylor Swift last minute that were a reasonable price. She would’ve taken Shayla, but she already saw Taylor in Detroit two days before Melody’s graduation. So the couple hike some trails, eat some good food and have a blast at Taylor Swift. 
(During ‘Fearless,’ which is one of Melody’s favorites, she’s hyper emotional, feeling Luca’s hands around her waist and him singing softly into her ear. He must also remember all the times she played this in the car growing up. During ‘Love Story,’ which is Luca’s favorite, she swears the stadium is shaking and it’s such a wonderful feeling to be a part of something like this. In the middle of the second chorus, she looks back at him with a smile, and he kisses her probably too deeply for what’s considered proper in public. But she can’t care less. And when he sings the last four lines to her in her ear, it feels something like a promise.)
He drives down with her to Chicago mid-August to help her move into her new apartment with a mutual friend from college who’s coming in September. Just like when he helped her move out, he doesn’t complain once. But this time, inbetween moving boxes, he puckers his lips and gets a kiss. The moment she realizes that she’s in her new home for the foreseeable future is when she’s placing some framed pictures around in her room, this particular one being of Shayla, Adam, Luca, Katie and her at the draft just under two months before. She doesn’t have that many framed pictures around, but this one was important to her to have up. She sets it down on the desk and just looks at it, even as Luca comes up to hug her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder.
Shayla’s off to Houston for her job, Adam is off to Columbus to play in the NHL, Luca’s going back to Ann Arbor to do what he loves, Katie is going back to UCLA for her second year and she’s starting her job in Chicago. 
All five of them doing what they love, excited for the future, grateful for the past. And doing it together, even if they’re all in different states. 
He stays with her for a couple of days before heading back to Michigan. That goodbye sucks in particular, as she clings onto him. She’s trying so hard not to let tears fall, but when he softly mutters that he loves her (the first time he’s said those words since they decided to try again), the waterfall starts and she just sobs into his chest as he quietly whispers sweet nothings and rubs her back, kissing her hair and face and fingers and whispering that they’ll see each other in no time — which isn’t true. She has no idea when she’ll be able to get some time off as a new employee and he’s not gonna have that much time to spare once hockey season officially starts. 
(She doesn’t say it back yet, something inexplicable holding her back. But as he kisses her soundly at the airport before heading through security, she knows she does)
As she’s driving to Ann Arbor in December it takes her an embarrassingly long time to realize why it feels like deja vu.
Last year around this time, she made this exact same drive to see a game against the exact same team. Except this time, it’s different. Adam isn’t there. Shayla isn’t there. The team is different. Her and Luca are different. 
And as she’s driving to Ann Arbor, she knows she has to let him know. She has to let him know she loves him. 
This is only the third time she’s seen him since he helped her move in August. She would be lying if she said it hasn’t been tough and there haven’t been moments where she wonders if it’s worth it. But then her phone lights up, signaling a text from him or food she didn’t order ends up at her doorstep or she watches streams of UMich games and watches him score and then she’s reminded that she made the right choice in giving Luca a second chance. 
She loves watching hockey. She loves watching Luca play hockey. 
She got the number of Maggie, Kienan’s girlfriend, from Luca because she would only be able to make it to Michigan right before the game started, and Maggie was more than happy to lead her inside with her media pass and introduce her to some of the other significant others before she’d actually have to get back to work. It was a bit weird, being one of those significant others and being a bit older, but she was a college student up until June, so it’s not like she feels completely out of place.
She parks outside of Yost and texts Maggie, who directs her on which door to walk to. After an enthusiastic hug, she leads Melody through the back way into the arena, saying that the boys are already on the ice for warmups and that everyone is excited to meet her (“We’ve heard so much about you, from Luca and even from Adam last year, so we’re all really excited to meet you.”) 
She gets introduced to Ellie and Kayleigh, Jacob and Rutger’s girlfriends respectively, and they’re so peppy and excited and nice that she doesn’t feel as nervous as she sits down as they immediately want to get to know more about her. They have decent seats, so she can see some of the players’ expressions if she looks hard enough. She immediately spots 63 and just smiles before turning back to the girls, not wanting to distract him from warmups, even though she finds herself eyeing him while talking. It isn’t until one of the guys, Ethan, if she remembers his number correctly, nudges Luca and nods in their direction does she smile and give a small wave. Even from this far, she sees him light up and wave back before focusing on warming up again. 
The game, like any Michigan vs Michigan State one, is chippy, loud and exciting. She’s watched so many of Luca and Adam’s games growing up, yet she still finds herself nervously playing with her sleeves. Michigan ends up winning 2-1 and everyone’s in happy spirits as they leave the arena. She bids farewell to the girls and thanks them for letting her sit with them before Maggie’s back to lead her towards the locker room to meet up with Luca.
She waits patiently outside of the locker room with Maggie, just chatting casually, smiling when Kienan comes out and they embrace. Melody gives him a hug as well. The next guys to come out are Mark, Ethan and Seamus, who she remembers from last year and they all give her hugs before she wishes them a good holiday break. She tells them that they don’t have to stay and they all wave her off. (“Are you kidding? I’m not missing this reunion. Luca’s been talking about seeing you non-stop for forever.” Ethan jokes.)
They don’t have to wait long, as Luca’s the next one to come out. His cheeks are a bit flushed and he’s dressed in her favorite suit of his. His eyes dart all over until they meet hers. He immediately shrugs off his backpack and lifts Melody up in a hug. She lets out a little squeal and laughs as he spins her around.
“Hi.” She mutters into his shoulder. 
“Hi angel.” He pulls away and kisses her twice. “I missed you.”
She pulls back and runs a hand through his hair with a light smile. “Missed you. Good game.” She looks beyond his shoulder to see the rest of his teammates smiling or smirking, some she recognizes, others she doesn’t. She detaches herself from him and nudges him. “Introduce me to your teammates.”
He groans playfully. “Do I have to?”
She rolls her eyes and smiles at the boys warmly. “Hi. I’m Melody, if we haven’t met.” She gives everybody a quick hug as the freshmen introduce themselves, laughing when Dylan wiggles her around. 
Everyone’s a bit tired, so within 10 minutes, everyone’s saying goodbye and leaving the arena. She insists on driving Seamus, Rutger and Gavin since they all live together. When they get back, she’s helping him fold clothes to bring back to Toronto for break as he sits back on his bed, one hand behind his head and just looking at her. She’s grown out her hair and got a perm as a treat to herself after her first paycheck. And she had FaceTimed him immediately after she walked out of the salon, but seeing it in person is something entirely different. Still donned in his MIchigan crewneck that mysteriously disappeared from his closet over the summer and a yellow bow in her hair, she’s wearing flannel pajama pants now instead of jeans and folding a pair of his jeans before tossing it into his duffle and zipping it up. Luca’s suddenly overwhelmed by how blessed he is. 
The next morning, after brunch at one of Luca’s favorite spots around campus, when they’re at the start of their drive back to Toronto and at a long stoplight, she remembers. 
“Hey, Lu?” 
“Hm?” He immediately looks at her and places a kiss on the back of her hand that he’s been holding. 
“I love you.”
Luca’s eyes light up and she bites her lip so she doesn’t grin like a crazy woman. “Yeah?” He breathes out.
“Yeah. I love you.”
He leans to press a sweet kiss on her lips and then her cheek, and mutters against her skin. “I love you, angel. So much. Always have. Always will.”
And she chuckles under her breath when she tunes into what song is playing through the speakers of her car. 
This love came back to her, indeed.
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krasytoonz · 1 year
Speech Examples!
King Wally
“What’s a Peasant like YOU doing here! Goodness, you STINK!”
“No, I don’t like this. I don’t like this one either. You are supposed to READ my MIND! Can’t you already figure out what I like and don’t like?”
“I was a bit rude. I know that. But I will not apologize for it. Because I am King.”
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Jester Barnaby
“What do you call Tea that doesn’t have (T)ea?… Just Ea.”
“Hey, don’t go about and hang your head down like that! You did great, buddy. What matters is the effort you put in!”
“I know a place where we can go and relax. Maybe daydream or take a nap! Doesn’t that sound nice?”
“I actually got some tricks up my sleeves!… Well, I don’t got any sleeves. But you get it!”
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Castle’s Greatest Knight
“Do you think that maybe he might like me back?”
“Being a Knight doesn’t mean you have to just ‘be’. You’ve got to act and look like one too!”
“Stand STRAIGHT! What are you even worthy of if you can’t even do one simple thing!!”
“I may be merciful, but do not take me for a Fool. So do not treat me like one.”
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The Advisor
“That is so funny, because the last time I remember you was… Never. I don’t think you are even good enough to be in the storage of my memories.”
“You see, because ‘pie’ is a consumable good, but ‘pi’ is a maths symbolism that equals to 3.14, it is the reason why you are DUMB. Those are NOT THE SAME THINGS.”
“This is NOT how ECONOMY WORKS, Your Majesty. The people are starving and YOU KNOW THAT!”
“For the love of God I will literally burn you ALIVE if you say one more thing out of that stupid mouth of yours!”
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Castle’s Maid
“GAWK!! THE voices.. The noises.. Oh, they’re SPEAKING to me again!”
“No, no no, it isn’t the Castle this time, I know it! Please, believe me! There are things wrong with this Kingdom — HORRIBLY WRONG!”
“It’s a CURSE!! I knew that because I went to this Fortune-Teller and she told me that THIS WILL HAPPEN! GAWK!!”
“Breathe in.. Breathe out.. No, this wouldn’t work! This is silly! Let’s get out of here and run away elsewhere while we still can!”
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The Anarchist
“Boasting will do you no good. I don’t like ‘mysteries’ or ‘surprises’ either. Show it to me and I’ll believe you.”
“Somebody who only talks big, but not ‘walk the talk’, is not to be respected. I hope you understand what that means.”
“Don’t you know it’s dangerous to walk alone in the Alleyway?! Are you out of your mind?!! Stick beside me, I know a shortcut.”
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Julie Joyful (in Disguise Name: King-Queen-Royal Julien the III)
“AAHHHH!! I AM SO SO SO EXCITED! Let’s go and look for more Mushrooms. Did you KNOW that Sally can cook really good Mushroom soup?”
“Uhhh… Uhhhhheeeerrrrmmmm… I forgot. I’m sorry, but, I’ll try my best to remember. I promise! PINKIE PROMISE!”
“If you want a hug, just know that I am always here. Don’t you waste your tears, my Friend!”
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Bounty Hunter Sally
“So we got Buggy and Pinkie on the team. You in or you out?”
“HA! No one can EVER come between ME and Pinkie! You can try all you want but you CAN’T ever separate the two of us!”
“Determination is my greatest Skill! Test me if you like but I WON’T back down from a good ramble! Bring it on! Wahhahaa!!”
“These monsters aren’t actually monsters, but they are just sensitive to Fire and Light and all that stuff. Best you put it away.”
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Royal Courtier Sunny
“Yes, very very informative…! Uh, so, when is the festival again?”
“Oooh! That looks DASHING on you! Totally cute and fashionable! Wear it!”
“Morals are very important! You see, without them, people will become violent!”
“Do not fear! I will sacrifice myself if needed! You can rely on me!”
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Castle (speaks in onomatopoeia)
“CREEK! THUMP! CRRRRAAAACKKK!” (Fuck u and ur dad and ur mom and ur siblings)
“Thump. Thump. THUMP.” (Thump thump thump.)
“Creek!” (Flowers! I love flowers!)
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nhularin · 8 months
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PAIRING theater kid! sunoo x theater kid! reader GENRE highschool AU, theater partner to friends to strangers, angst no comfort WARNINGS insecurities, this is probably the worst fic ive ever written im sorry, barely proofread WC 1.3k series masterlist
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January 25th, 2008
"set, action!"
" i am afraid" you whispered loudly enough, face mirroring that of your character.
"it's i am NOT afraid, not im afraid. IN POSITION!" the obnoxious voice of Kim Gyuvin echoed through the empty theater hall
as the bright stage lights illuminated the auditorium, the air buzzed with anticipation and exhaustion. It was the third rehearsal of your schools rendition of "highschool musical," and the leads, sunoo as troy (which was a strange combination if you had to admit) and you, although a complete newbie in acting, as gabriella. it was not long till your work of art was about to take the stage.
you looked at your partner, eyes filled with guilt as you sighed "im sorry, not my day" he only laughed and gave you a sympathetic smile "its okay, gyuvin is just being an ass today because mr Kim didnt like his freestyle presentation of macbeth" sunoo shook his head " he rapped, yn, rapped the damn play out" you both giggled, finding fondness in the silly actions of your director (you honestly dont know why he was chosen"
"Hey! silence! and get into position!" the boy of your talk yelled, looking at them with his best stern face but ended up looking like a butthurt child. gyuvin pointed at sunghoon and heeseung, who both wore a bored expression on their face "rat 01 and rat 02, lighting!"
throughout the entire rehearsal process, sunno had been nothing short of a perfect scene partner. he was kind, supportive, funny and always there to lend a helping hand to your clumsy self. you couldn't help but feel , call yourself delusional, a deep connection growing between you two that went beyond the boundaries of the childish, superficial relationship of troy and gabriella.
He would leave post-it notes on your locker, filled with kind words and reminders of your talent. yoy would find them every morning, a small burst of positivity to start your day.
but it didn't stop there. the golden boy would often leave juice bottles on your desk, knowing how important it was for yoy to take care of your voice. sunoo would write silly little notes in class as well, reminding you to stay hydrated and take breaks when needed.
their rehearsals were filled with laughter and shared dreams. sunoos enthusiasm was infectious, and you found yourself falling foolishly deeper into the role of gabriella with each passing day. you admired his dedication and his ability to bring out the best in the team's performance.
as the days turned into weeks, you began to feel a connection with sunoo that went beyond your characters and your delusions. sparks flew, an unspoken understanding that seemed to blossom between you. your interactions became more personal, your conversations filled with warmth and vulnerability.
one evening, after a particularly exhausting rehearsal, he had walked you home despite his route from school being in the opposite direction, your footsteps echoing through the quiet streets. you talked and talked, about the magic of theater and the scary future after highschool. it was in that moment, bathed in the soft glow of streetlights, that you felt your heart skip a beat.
But as the premiere of the play approached, something changed. Sunoo's smiles became fewer and further between, his once cheerful demeanor replaced with a distant look in his eyes. Confused and hurt, you tried to reach out, to understand what was happening, but he began to withdraw
He would avoid eye contact, brush off your attempts at conversation, and disappear without explanation. your heart ached with every rejection, the pain of his sudden indifference growing with each passing day.
On the night of the performance, your heart sank as you noticed sunoos cold stare from across the stage. the chemistry you had worked so hard to build was replaced by an icy tension backstage. every line, every touch felt forced, lacking the authenticity you had once shared.
After the final bow, you searched for answers, desperate to understand what had caused this sudden change. But Sunoo continued to ignore you in the hallways, as if you were a mere stranger he had never met. The reader's heart shattered into a million pieces, unable to comprehend the pain of being cast aside so abruptly.
- D-13
days turned into weeks, and your anguish only deepened. sunoos silence was deafening, and the unanswered questions tormented you every waking moment. was it all just an act? had your connection been nothing more than an illusion?
one evening, as you sat alone in your house, your parents nowhere to be seen, contemplating the shattered remnants of what once was, you spotted a note tucked beneath your door. It was a familiar sight - a post it note, just like the ones the boy who unknowingly broke your heart used to send you. with trembling hands, you unfolded the note and read the words that lay before you: "I'm sorry."
confusion mingled with hope as your heart skipped a beat. without hesitation, you rushed outside to your front yard, determined to uncover the truth of his silence. as you rounded the corner to your treehouse, there he stood, anxiously awaiting your arrival. the look in his eyes was something you have never seen before, the cheerful boy from school now looked disheveled and broken and you could see the weight of regret pressing upon his shoulders.
"I didn't mean to hurt you," sunoo exclaimed, his voice filled with remorse and something you couldn't decipher. "I thought it would be easier this way, but I was wrong. at first, i only befriended you in sake of the play, but you kept plaguing my mind at every waking hour. so i tried to distance myself to focus on our performance."
tears welled up in your eyes as the truth washed over you. sunoos actions were not born out of cruelty, but rather out of fear and self preservation. in his attempt to protect his own heart, he unknowingly shattered yours.
with a trembling voice, you spoke up "i get that" your voice cracked "i really do, but you could've talked to me before completely ignoring my presence. you weren't the only main character in this play. and do you know what's the most important thing in theater? communication. please dont push me away, youre important to me"
in that moment, the barriers between you began to crumble. walls of misunderstanding and pain came crashing down, revealing the raw vulnerability that lay beneath. And just like the tragic love story they had once portrayed on stage, Sunoo and you found yourselves in front of each other, heart more broken than the other's
"im sorry, yn"
and he left, with your heart in his hand
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PERM TAGLIST @misokei @avocarua @sngvhs @essmarye @haechansbbg
SERIES' MASTERLIST @flwerfield @hyhees @mrchweeee @j1nniee @mikaluvsyouu @delulu4-life @mora134340 @beomsbeanie @leep0ems @cIphantom-hive @yla-aira @filmofhybe @nishik1 @iea-tsand
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hypnostouched · 4 months
my friend and i have an entire team of foxhole OCs and its so funny how clearly you can see our ravens bias bc the team captain is a huge riko fan and the Definately Not team captain is a jean fan, and their coach is a former raven
The St Felix Lynxes (we are not american and simply refused to go with a real school)
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(This isnt my art but they dont really have social media. They told me to link to their artfight- all art in this post is theirs)
The dynamic here is that 01 (Priore Marino) was the captain and then just. disappeared. So 05(Roman Denar) took over as captain and played the whole last year as captain - and their stuff is set in the fox timeline and theyre from the ravens old district so Denar is pretty excited about this next year because now that the ravens have switched, they have a chance to go further. He's excited for his second year as captain -- and on the first training session of the new year, Priore walks in, demands he strips so he can take his number back and humiliates him in front of everyone
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02 (Marco Bianchi) and 08 (Noah Baker) are Priore's backliner bodyguards essentially and make sure Denar does as he's told. Marco disappeared with Priore but Noah stayed (Priore went home to Italy but nobody is sure why. im also not sure why, these OCs are from 2020 and i cant seem to find any note of what he was doing. he did get top surgery while he was gone tho)
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Coach is really awful (Affectionate) because being trained in the nest does things to a guy. he's an alcoholic, hes a bastard and he wont let any of his players kill each other but only really stops priore when he makes denar late for practice
Coach was originally a lynx, got scouted into the ravens and did the rest of his collage career there, ended up too traumatised to want to go pro so went back to the lynxes as a coach Priore didn't get into Edgar Allen so came to St Felix because Coach used to be a raven, its the best he can get (priore idolises and resents the ravens)
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Some of the others Not including coach i think we ended up with 7 fleshed out players but we wanted them to be a team of 15 (i have other art of 'mine' but its old and i dont like it lmao)
as a team they have the shortest shorts in class 1 exy
We made it a point that Priore wasn't mafia bc we wanted to be slightly less edgy than the books. but there is art like this so idk if we succeeded in that
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Team lineup-- 01 - Priore Marino (Striker) (Italian) 02 - Marco Bianchi (Backliner) 05 - Roman Denar (Dealer) (Canadian) 06 - Timothee Yenisei (Backliner) 07 - Alik North (Striker) 08 - Noah Baker (Backliner) 13 - Misha LeBlanc (Goalie)
one day im going to write it and friend is going to illustrate like a light novel, and it will be the most self indulgent project ive worked on
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punk4ndisorderly · 1 year
light on
The one where Y/N is the daughter of a legendary Team USA coach and used to attend the development program with the boys. 8 years after they last saw each other in person, a reunion brings Jack and Y/N back into each other’s lives... and hearts.
if you keep the light on, i'll keep the light on
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“Jack Hughes started dating my mom when I was five. He watched movies with me, he gave me an Elsa dress, he helped me with my drawings and paintings and he was the best cook ever. He always made different voices for every character when he read to me. I knew he was the one for my mommy. Back then I didn’t know...”
Y/N was supposed to be listening to her daughter, who was reading out her school assignment to her, but ended up zoning out, her mind travelling back to that fateful day, precisely three years prior.
It was always a hard day in the Y/L/N household. It was overcharged with lots of different emotions. Mainly anger and sadness. But also hope. Hope for a better, brighter future. There is a fine line between both sides of the coin. Either way, it was a difficult day to remember and go through.
Most days, she barely remembered the details of that night. Y/N remembered the indescribable pain she felt, River's arms around her at the hospital as she sobbed uncontrollably into her shirt. Ellen Hughes' face. The media frenzy. But she didn’t remember specifics. Most days.
Some days it all came back to her, making her struggle to breathe. When it hit her, it hit her hard. But she was never alone when it did, and for that she was extremely grateful.
The doctor glanced at her daughter, now eight, her long hair almost reaching the bottom of her back. She looked like an angel. She was her angel.
Charlie had been locked up and the judge didn’t go easy on him. After a long, extenuating trial, it was proven that he was abusive and his intention, which originally was to take his daughter and disappear, only carrying the gun to use if faced with resistance, took a turn from evil to extremely evil when he shot two rounds at an unarmed Jack Hughes.
Joey was still going to a therapist every month, just to check in on how she was handling everything. She made peace with it, while Y/N needed weekly visits to cope and keep herself in check. The doctor's anxiety was always over the roof, even though she knew he wouldn’t be able to come back and hurt her. Even though he already did.
Today, she was getting flashbacks to the candlelight vigil his fans had organized. Everyone was wearing white, speeches were being made, there wasn’t a dry eye present. Of course she wasn’t able to make it, but she had seen everything on social media. Trevor and Cole had been there and till this very day describe it as one of the hardest things they went through. Everything was so painful. The world was a little less bright. Y/N wasn’t eating, she wasn’t sleeping. She wasn’t living. The first week was the worst, but the group of friends helped keep each other stay strong. They held each other tight when it would’ve been easier to let go. That’s family.
He was their everything. And they were his everything as well. A friend, a father, a boyfriend, a son, a beloved hockey player. Kind, loving, funny, talented, the best one out there. Y/N smiled at the memory of his and Joey's tickletackle that day and how he was always able to make everyone’s day better. That’s Jack Hughes.
“And that’s why he’s my hero, second only to my mom.”
Y/N stood up, wiping the tears from her eyes quickly as she ran to hug her daughter.
“This is beautiful, bug!” she screeched, holding her daughter tightly.
“You think so?” Joey beamed, showing her mother her missing front tooth, the very last one to come out, in the process.
“Yeah, of course!”
“I hope he likes it!” the girl confessed, letting go of her mother to close her notebook and putting it in her backpack.
“You hope who likes what?” Jack inquired, coming from another room, carrying his guitar case on his shoulder.
Y/N and Joey exchanged looks, the girl asking her mother to keep quiet by placing a finger in front of her lips.
“It’s nothing.” Y/N waved him off.
“If this is about Oliver...”
“Dad! Stop” Joey groaned, getting a chuckle from her parents.
“Go brush your teeth, young lady. Dad is dropping you off at school.”
“Fine! But no gossiping about Ollie behind my back!” Y/N's daughter demanded, pointing a finger at both adults, who were struggling to keep their composure.
“Okay, little otter, go. I won’t ask your mom for boy updates.” the brunette man assured her.
The eight-year-old left the kitchen, followed closely by her companion, Finn, who, so many years later, was still by her side at all times.
Jack turned to look at his girlfriend, noticing her eyes were slightly red and puffy.
“Y/N... were you crying?” he asked in a hushed tone, his hands gently cupping her face. “Did Oliver do something to her? I swear to god -“
“No... it’s just... It’s the twentieth.” she gulped, her eyes finding his torso.
She knew exactly where the scar was. Just below his twelfth rib, on his left side. Barely an inch away from his spleen and, most likely, death. The time he had spent in a coma, connected to all sorts of machines, proved it. The days and nights she had spent by his side, holding his hand, were engraved on her brain.
“I know... You’re here. He isn’t coming back. Jo's doing great. I don’t need to be acting like this every year. I don’t need to play it in my head over and over again, I - “
“That was not what I was going to say. Babe, it was fucking traumatic. I got the bullet, but you were the one that was there fighting for me, day in and day out, not knowing if I was going to make it past the night. Watching people mourn me as if I were dead. The candlelight vigils. Media clocking down your every move. That leaves wounds, it leaves scars. And you’re getting help and doing much better. Just... Don’t overthink your progress. You’re the strongest person I know. You got this. And if you don’t, I do. I got you. Forever.”
“God, when is Ashton Kutcher making his big entrance and telling me I just got Punk’d? Because you cannot be real.” Y/N groaned, wrapping her arms around him and reveling on the way his sweater smelled like favorite perfume. It smelled like love.
She could feel his chest vibrate against her cheek as he laughed loudly, making her smile even harder. The coach's daughter couldn’t believe she had gotten so lucky. When the Universe had a chance to take everything away from her it had decided not to. And for that, she was eternally grateful.
Jack looked down at her, safe and sound in his arms, her frame fitting perfectly with is. He wished he could freeze that moment in time and go back to it every time he wanted to. Her smile, their daughter, their home. Perfect. Too good to be true.
The hardest part of the last three years had been coming to terms with the fact that what happened wasn’t going to happen again. His rational side tried convincing him that it was true, but late at night he had found himself getting up and checking repeatedly if the doors were locked, the windows shut and the alarms on. Charloe wasn’t coming back to finish the job, though. Jack wasn’t going to lose Y/N and Joey. Everything was going to be okay. He knew it. But at the same time, his brain demanded proof at all times. So, when it did, he held on to his girlfriend. His safe haven. Sometimes she’d look at him funny, wondering what had gotten into him, but she never complained. Being able to be together would never again be taken for granted.
“Hey.” he almost whispered, making her look up at him, a soft smile adorning her lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.” Y/N cooed, standing on her tippy toes to kiss him.
Jack's hands immediately pulled her closer to him, not ever wanting to let go.
“I’m ready!” Joey announced, coming downstairs showing off her pearly whites. “Ew! Stop! That’s gross.”
“Very gross.” the hockey player agreed, hugging his girlfriend tightly.
“We’re the grossest. Sorry, bug. You’re stuck with us.” her mother chuckled, untangling herself from Jack's embrace to be able to crouch down to her height. “Have a great day at school, Jo. Be nice. Wait for your turn...”
“Don’t pull pranks on Ms. Miller. I know, mom.” the eight-year-old sighed.
“Okay, okay. You’re a big girl. You got it.”
“Let’s go, little otter. No tardiness allowed on Hugheship.” Jack reminded them, picking up Joey's backpack, ushering her outside.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, looking amused.
“Hughes' spaceship!” her daughter replied before Jack could.
“What she said!” he laughed, checking if she had fastened her seatbelt before getting inside. “See you later, beautiful.”
“Is the blindfold really necessary?” Y/N asked, raising her hands to touch the fabric covering her eyes.
“Yes. And stop trying to take it off!” he scolded his girlfriend, chuckling, his eyes moving back to the road ahead of him.
“Jack, I swear to god, if this is another attempt to get me to get my wisdom teeth removed...”
“No, no. I’m not making that mistake again... Not even if your teeth get all crooked.” the Devils' plajer shook his head.
“Will you still love me when my teeth get crooked?”
“I would love you even if you had no teeth.” he smiled, even though he knew she couldn’t see him.
The drive was a little over an hour long, with Y/N singing along to every single song on the radio. Jack was always astounded by her capacity to memorise lyrics when he could barely remember the National Anthem. He couldn’t stop stealing glances at the gorgeous woman sat beside him, who couldn’t stop fidgeting in her seat, her curiosity getting the best of her.
Y/N eventually drifted off to sleep, having stayed up late the night before and getting up very early in the morning to get Joey ready for school.
Jack pulled up by the entrance of the natural park, waiting a few more minutes before waking her up. He knew how much she needed to rest and couldn’t bring himself to do it until he got a text from her mother, letting him know she had picked up their little girl and was on her way.
He took a deep breath, reaching to softly shake her awake.
“No, mom. I’ll be up in five.” she mumbled swatting his hand away.
The brunette man let out a loud laugh, deciding to get out and run to her side, opening the door carefully, not wanting her to fall. He gently picked her up and the doctor instantly wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on tight.
“Mom! You’re so strong.” the petite woman sighed, nuzzling into his chest, the scent of his cologne filling up her nostrils and waking her up. “Hey baby.”
She could feel his chest vibrating while he laughed, instantly making her smile.
“Hi, babe. How was the nap?”
“Great... Can I take the blindfold off now? And walk on my own?”
“Ten more minutes and you’ll be skipping around.”
“And seeing?”
“And seeing.” he chuckled, walking along the trail.
“Good. Also, it smells heavenly here. Are we in the woods or something?”
“Or something.” Jack smirked.
“Jack Hughes, is this your way of getting rid of me? Are you going to leave me in the middle of nowhere and drive off into the sunset?”
“Y/N, you’ve been watching way too many episodes of Criminal Minds in a row.”
“I can’t help it, I’ve got a huge crush on...”
“Morgan, I know.” the brunette man rolled his eyes playfully, now huffing and puffing from carrying her for so long. “Alright, Ms. Y/L/N. I’m letting you down. Ready?”
“Ready.” she chirped, letting out a screech when he dropped her, landing on a pile of pillows. “What the hell, Rowdy?”
Her boyfriend dropped down on one knee, taking off her blindfold.
“As promised.” he winked, smoothing out her hair and laughing at how disheveled she looked.
“Shut up, I bet I look crazy!”
“You do not.”
Y/N leaned in to kiss him, cupping both sides of his face with her dainty hands. Losing his balance, Jack fell back on the blanket he had laid out earlier that morning, after dropping Joey off at school, bringing his girlfriend down with him, making her land on his chest.
The couple burst out laughing, the doctor finally taking in her surroundings as she got back to her initial position. They were sitting in the middle of a beautiful clearing, tall trees surrounding them, the sun rays coming through treetops, enveloping them in a golden haze. She glanced around her, seeing the pile of pillows she had fallen on and a checkered red blanket, a small basket set close by.
“What is this?” Y/N inquired, motioning towards the romantic setting. “Am I missing something? Jack, I told you monthversaries aren’t a thing...”
“It’s a romantic picnic. Do I have to have a reason to set a romantic picnic up for my beautiful girlfriend?”
“Is this about Trevor's whole Vegas birthday extravaganza thing? I told you I’m fine with it, but please don’t go all Hangover trilogy on me. Oh and don’t let Alex get a face tattoo, because that would -“
The Devils' player crashed his lips against hers, gently guiding her towards the soft pillows behind her. After a minute or two, he pulled away, trying to catch his breath and being met with Y/N's quizzical facial expression.
“It’s a romantic getaway...But shorter. I wanted to do something nice for you today.”
“Is it because of...hu...”
“Well, kind of. I mean, I wouldn’t say it’s happening because of the date but the date is specific for a reason... It’s just -“
“A beautiful gesture from my amazing boyfriend. Got it, baby.” she beamed up at him, sitting back up. “Thank you.”
Y/N couldn’t believe how lucky she was Coke had knocked some sense into her three years before and made her throw caution to the wind, choosing the man who had, over and over again, chosen her.
He looked at her adoringly, before reaching for the basket and dragging it closer to him.
“So what did you cook for us?” the coach's daughter asked, rubbing her hands together.
“I didn’t cook anything... But...” he began, pulling out two greasy cheeseburgers and waving them in front of her.
“I love you, I love you, I love you!” the brunette squealed, wrapping her arms around Jack's neck before stealing a burger from him. “Did you get -“
“Fries? Of course I did, who do you think I am?” the brunette man feigned hurt, handing her a pack of cheese fries.
“Man, I could marry you right here. On this very spot. Right now. This is so good.” she moaned as she took bite after bite of her favorite junk food.
Jack almost choked on his food, coughing out a large chunk of bread, his face as red as it could get.
“Oh my god! Rowdy! Are you okay? I didn’t mean to... We don’t need to... I don’t want to pressure you, please...”
“Sunshine...” he managed to get out, his voice still hoarse. “I want to marry you. I do. Trust me.” he smiled, seeing her worried expression be replaced by a relieved one.
“You almost choked when I mentioned marriage so I think we’re sitting this one out for a while, hu?” Y/N teased him, eating happily.
“So... Are you ready to go?” Jack said, getting up and storing the trash in the basket.
“Go where? I thought we were just having a picnic?” Y/N raised an eyebrow, confused.
“I need to move so I can digest all this food, you know... And a romantic walk doesn’t sound bad, right?” he winked, waiting for her to get on her feet. “We’ll get this on our way back.”
“Okay?” the doctor chuckled, holding on to his forearm and treading by his side.
They stayed silent for a little while, exchanging a few loving looks along the way. Jack's palms were sweating like crazy and Y/N couldn’t help but think it was endearing how, after all those years, he still got so nervous around her. She held on to his arm tighter, her chin resting on his shoulder as she looked up at him.
“Jack Hughes, you are the love of my life. Did you know that?”
“I figured that if you haven’t kicked me out by now I must be doing something right... Being called the love of your life sounds good to me. I just don’t know what I did to deserve you...”
“Your charm totally stems from your badass scar, not going to lie.”
“But you were dating me way before that...”
“Ehh, it was kinda fizzling out by then...” she joked.
“You’re the love of my life as well, sunshine. Don’t doubt it.” he stated, completely sure of himself for one of the very few times in his life.
“I could never, babe. Now...Where are we?”
Jack smiled softly, leading her towards yet another clearing, this one with a very particular set of familiar trees right in the middle of it. He looked down on his girlfriend, completely mesmerized by the beauty of their current location, and he took her hand in his, taking her up to the second one from the left.
The teacher furrowed her eyebrows, not getting the point and glancing at him with nothing but utter confusion on her face.
“These are beautiful, but I am lost.” she confessed.
“Doesn’t this place look oddly familiar?” the Devils' player inquired, motioning towards the log trellis behind the trees.
Suddenly, realization hit her. They were at David and River's wedding venue. Memories of their weekend in the house the couple had rented, skinny dipping, foosball, talking under the stars and a love confession came flooding back. She let go of Jack's hand and ran to the first one on the right, finding their friend’s names carved on the tree they had chosen three years prior.
“The foursome of love? Holy shit, Rowdy! How did you even manage to get here without getting us both lost? Your sense of orientation is literally nonexistent!” Y/N walked up to him, her hands on her hips.
“I did this quite a few times before today.” the brunette man chuckled. “I’ve had time to practice and find the right direction.” he shrugged. “But check this out... Right over... Here.”
The doctor looked at what he was pointing to and she let out a gasp, reading Y/NY/L/N+JH right on top of every other combination of letters.
“Oh my god. When did you - ?” she almost yelled, trying to touch the bark around her and Jack's initials, standing on her tippy toes.
“The same night I told you I liked you. After I went looking for you, I came back to the reception and decided we were too good to not be given a chance. So I carved our initials right here in hopes of one day coming back and my dream having come true.” he reached out to caress her cheek, wiping away a single tear with his thumb. “Because that’s what you are, Y/N. You’re my dream come true. And I thought, if I’m gonna do this, I better do it in the exact same spot where I poured my feelings out to the woman who has had my heart ever since I first met her. Full circle, baby.”
“What? What do you mean do this?”
“Oh honey, you cannot be this dense.” Y/M/N rolled her eyes, coming from the log trellis bellow them.
Behind her were Dan, with his phone in his hand, and her father, who walked hand in hand with Joey, who was looking around like she was waltzing into one of her dreams. When she finally spotted her mother, she ran to hug her, not letting go of her waist as Jack inched closer to both of them.
“What the -“
“Will you shut up for once and let the man speak?” Coach huffed, joining his ex-wife by one of the trees. “Love you, honey. Carry on, Hughes.”
“Thanks, Coach.” the Devils' player chuckled.
“Okay. Sorry, sorry.” Y/N said, shaking her head and turning back to Jack. “I have a tendency to talk a lot and interrupt people when I’m nervous.”
He leaned in placing a hand on her cheek, stroking it gently.
“I know, babe. I know you like the palm of my hand. You put way too much sugar in your morning coffee, you get up extra early to make this huge breakfast we never finish eating, you’re terrible with washing machines so you sometimes end up accidentally mixing my underwear and Joey's ballet gear and consequently dying it all pink.” he stopped himself when he heard a quiet sniffle coming from behind him. “You good, Y/M/N?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m good. Thank you. Carry on.” the older woman waved him off, prompting him to turn his attention back to his girlfriend.
“As I was saying...” he continued, making everyone else to laugh at how emotional his mother-in-law was. “Mess, you write songs about everything and anything, you have a terrible road rage problem, you make time to give back and help others, you’re an incredible mom to our little girl. Being with you made me a better man. I knew you were the one for me from the minute you checked me against the plexiglass for the very first time, I’m sorry it took me so long to actually do something about it... When we were here the last time my life changed forever because when you kissed me back I knew I was getting a second chance with the girl of my dreams. That night, three years ago, when I was about to pass out, all I could think about was how much I wanted to live my life with you and Joey, how much I needed to be around to see you smile and help her get through life. I knew how deep my love for you actually was. You make me so happy and I hope I can make you just as happy for the rest of our lives. I chose to do this today because that awful memory that has been haunting us for so long is overdue to be replaced by an amazing one. So, without further due and with Joey and your parents’ permission...” he said, getting down on one knee and opening a black velvet box, revealing a beautiful oval-shaped diamond ring inside. “Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?”
Y/N let out a gasp, her hands flying up to her mouth as Joey jumped up and down, still holding on to her waist and giggling. A few tears rolled down her cheeks as she took in what was happening and how perfect that moment was.
“Mommy, say yes!” the eight-year-old begged, glancing up at her mom.
The doctor took him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him up, her lips meeting his in a sweet, make-your-heart-burst-with-happiness kiss. She pulled away, her face glowing with pure glee, making his heart beat faster and faster inside his ribcage. After all those years, she still had the power to make him go weak in the knees. One kiss and everything was okay, no matter what. Y/N joined their foreheads, breathless as she stared deep into his warm onyx eyes.
“Is that a yes?” Jack asked, hesitantly.
“Yes. Da. Oui. Sí. Whatever language you want me to say it in. Be mine, Jack Hughes. Forever.”
Jack let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in, a nervous chuckle coming out of his mouth as he ran his hands through his hair, never dropping the black velvet box, and proceeding to grab her face, peppering small pecks all over her nose, cheeks, lips and forehead, making her laugh as the four people present watched them happily.
“So, do I get to wear the ring now or are you going to carry that around a little bit longer?” Y/N teased him, pointing towards the box.
“Oh, yeah, of course. Wait, okay.” he stuttered, his hands shaking as he pulled the ring out.
He effortlessly slid the ring onto her finger, earning claps and cheers from Coach and Y/M/N, while Dan took pictures, trying to refrain from crying his heart out right then and there.
“Do you like it?” he whispered in her ear when she pulled him into a tight embrace.
“I love it. And I love you.” she spoke in a hushed tone, pressing her lips just bellow his ear lobe.
“I love you too, Mess. Thank you for choosing me.” the brunette man smiled, putting a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Not choosing you could never be an option, Gretz.” the doctor assured him, looking straight into his eyes and leaning back in for another kiss.
“Okay, kids! Too much PDA is actually a thing.” Coach clapped his hands loudly, to bring them back down to planet Earth. “Hughes, wasn’t there something else you wanted to ask?”
“Oh! Yes! Oh my god, yes. I wanted to...” he began, letting go of his fiancée and crouching down in front of Joey, who looked overjoyed by the recent turn of events, taking her two hands in his and signaling for Y/N to join them with his head. “Well, I want to...Hmmm... Okay let me start again... I love you, Jo. You’ve been my daughter in my head and in my heart for three years now... I read you your bedtime stories, I stay up late at night worrying about your future, my heart breaks when you cry... I already call you my kid and I already brag about you to everyone around me but... I would like to make it official... I mean, if you want to and if your mother will allow me to... I would like to adopt you and be legally known as Josephine Y/L/N's dad. What do you say, girls?”
Y/N looked at him with tears in her eyes, mimicking Joey as she stared at the man she had grown to love as her father figure in shock. Having Jack as her dad was something she never took for granted and she knew he was the best man around. It was all true. He was already hers to keep. And she sure wanted him to be recognized as the father he had been to her ever since she was five years old. Joey turned her head to look at her mother, who was struggling to keep her emotions in check, but still managed to nod silently at her, inching closer so she could kiss her temple.
“Does that mean you are breaking the law if you don’t watch Disney movies with me?” the little girl inquired in a joking manner, raising her eyebrow.
“I think that can be one interpretation of it, sure.” Jack laughed.
“I love you, daddy.” she squealed, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“I love you too, sweet girl.”
And just like that, all the pieces in the puzzle were finally assembled. They fit. And the picture was exactly like the one on the box. He was sure of it.
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writing-house-of-m · 9 months
Jeff the Avenger
Wanda Maximoff x Reader x Jeff the landshark
Summary: A meeting before Jeff's first mission
A/N: This is it! The final request from the 1 year celebration! I hope you enjoy this second helping of Jeff! Also, I guess I have a thing for everyone sitting around talking about the funny moments??
Prompt: "They're bringing up my history, but you weren't even listening."
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The day has come to see how Jeff fairs in a mission.
Well, this is the day before that day.
You and Wanda were against the decision initially but Steve went through the idea, of Jeff being a distraction, with you. Both of you would be in the same vicinity as Jeff to ensure his safety while he simply played dead to distract some guards. This way the team could use the element of surprise to their advantage.
Wanda went through the plan with Jeff at length, explaining the importance of needing to stay very still. She even got him to practise a few times and when he did well every single time, you were convinced. Plus, Jeff was excited to be included and you have learnt it is hard to say no to his sulky expression.
He trotted into the conference room with his nose in the air like he owned the place. Everyone greeted him warmly with fist bumps and high fives which he happily accepted. He was being treated like a celebrity and Jeff being Jeff basked in it like it was normal.
It has been an hour and a half now that the group has been gathered to go through the mission plans. Changes have been made wherever needed for efficiency and safety.
The meeting is winding down so everyone is making digs at each other where they have made silly mistakes in the past.
While everyone is fixated on Pietro and Clint talking about a time where Pietro left Clint in a forest somewhere while he flew away, Wanda checks on Jeff. She finds him distracted by something on the ground on the other side of the room. He seems to be following the patterns on the carpeted floor.
You and Wanda weren't sure why he needed to be here. In the end you didn't mind because it meant you could keep an eye on him. And again, he was happy to be included. Wanda thought this would bore him but he seems to be busying himself with various things in the room.
The current memory everyone is fixated on is when Sam had a malfunction with his wings that kept him grounded instead of being able to fly away from a group of enemies. His 'gotta fly' comment was heard by the whole team and they have never let him forget it since they rescued him that day.
When Sam whispers 'shit' under his breath, the ridicule going on longer than he would like, it doesn't go unnoticed. The spotlight moves on to Steve, which he is thankful for. Everyone yells out 'language!' and they point their fingers in either Sam or Steve's direction. Sam manages to evade it by pointing fingers at Steve too.
There is a light-hearted atmosphere in the room with all the team banter. That is, until Tony speaks. "As long as Wanda and Pietro don't take the villain's side again," he laughs.
The reaction in the room is mixed with a few people shocked he would say something like that and others holding in laughter, Pietro being one of them. He knows his sister best, so is waiting for… something to happen.
It wasn't official or anything, more like a silent mutual understanding, but the twins being on Ultron's side would never be bought up.
The tension is broken when Wanda doesn't take it lying down, "As long as someone in here doesn't make a killer robot, I'm sure we'll be fine," she says flatly.
After a beat of silence laughter erupts and Tony is now the centre of attention.
She hears you scoff in the seat next to her but it is clear Wanda isn't happy. She sees you turn your head and you must notice so you slip your hand into hers making her relax a little. For some extra comfort you squeeze to reassure her. The team is too busy taking shots at Tony, who is stunned and speechless for once, to notice.
Wanda still feels disappointed though, how could he bring up something like that in front of Jeff? What must he think? What kind of role model does this make her?
Steve finally announces that everyone should be getting on with getting ready for the mission tomorrow, concluding the meeting.
Looking around the room Wanda finds Jeff looking behind the water dispenser, his eyes trying to see where the cables attached to it lead. By the time she gets over there he is balancing on his back two feet while the other two are leaning against it so he can shake the machine. The water sloshing around must be funny to him because he has an amused smile on his face.
"Jeff," Wanda stretches out his name with a raised eyebrow and a smirk playing on her lips as she crouches down to speak to him, "you shouldn't be doing that. What if it falls?"
Jeff smiles wider, stepping away, planting all four feet on the ground, "Mrr!"
"You would like that?" Wanda asks, to confirm she understands correctly.
A nod from a very happy Jeff makes her chuckle, "Of course you would, you little rascal," Wanda says playfully, rubbing Jeff's head.
Seconds later Wanda's expression falls, making Jeff widen his eyes, curious as to why she looks so down all of a sudden. "I'm sorry you had to hear about my past, I hope it doesn't make you see me differently," she says, guiltily.
"Mrr…?" Jeff tilts his head, the confusion on his face is clear.
Her hand stills and rests comfortably on top of him. "What Tony said before," Wanda explains, nodding her head backwards to where everyone was sitting not long ago.
But Jeff shakes his head confirming he didn't hear whatever it is she is talking about.
Wanda is flabbergasted, "They're bringing up my history, but you weren't even listening."
Jeff excitedly shakes his head back and forth, when he sees a smile reappear on Wanda's face. He gets more excited when her hand continues its previous movements.
A few moments later you show up by Wanda's side and join in with rubbing Jeff's stomach who is now laying on his back with his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he lays there.
"What did you think of the meeting Jeff?" You ask but it falls on deaf ears as the landshark is too blissed out to even notice you.
"I think we've lost him," Wanda comments beside you, making you chuckle.
You ask Wanda how she is feeling now and she confirms she is fine. You don't question it further because you can tell by the shine in her eyes, when she looks back at Jeff, she is telling the truth.
Wanda follows your lead when you move your hand away effectively stopping Jeff's comfort. He grumpily opens his eyes wondering why you would deprive him like this.
"C'mon Jeff. We've got to get ready for tomorrow. For the mission, remember?" You remind him.
This seems to pick his mood up because before you know it Jeff is on his feet and has already left the room.
Hand in hand you and Wanda trail behind him. "We'll have to tell him he'll be rewarded. I think it will motivate him to do a good job tomorrow," Wanda says. You nod to the suggestion and smile to yourself. She must just want to reward him regardless, you think.
Jeff is speeding off through the hallways and when you hear a loud bang you look down the hall to see he has crashed into a janitor's closet. Racing over there you see him surrounded by cleaning tools and a bucket on his head.
A collective sigh is let out, half out of relief because Jeff is uninjured and the other half out of annoyance knowing you will have to sort this mess out. Maybe it is a good time to teach him how to clean up after himself.
As the three of you work as a team to reorganise everything, you go through the importance of putting things back where they belong and why Jeff needs to be more careful around different types of equipment. He nods along with the occasional 'Mrr' to show he understands. Wanda finds it cute because it is obvious he wants to do you proud.
Wanda places the last fallen broom back in its place and before either of you can say anything else Jeff has once again raced off.
Your shoulders drop, defeated as you begin your walk again. "I think we will need to go through it all with him again," Wanda giggles, linking her arm in yours.
The closer you get to the corner Jeff has just rounded, you hear another crash. This time Natasha's shout follows the incident, "Jeff! What have you done?" It makes you stop dead in your tracks. Yoy then close your eyes and let out a disappointed breath.
Wanda scrunches her nose. "We should practise his role for tomorrow again as well. You know, just to be sure."
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
what would the mercs' favourite shows/anime be? You might have done the 'shows' part before so im giving you the 'anime' option as a fresh twist ^w^ (No im not battling a double-hyperfixation of tf2 and jjba and seeking validation through mutuals why would you even think that-)
What Are The TF2 Mercs Favortie Animes?
Oh boy it's been a hot minute since I've watched an Anime, I used to be so feral for any anime 😭
Mutual appreciation comment!!! Thank you for your asks! I love seeing them pop up, you always have really good prompts 🫶🏻
Demo- Kakegurui
Did I ever mention that this man loves to gamble? Also, you cannot convince me that this man isn't super expressive when he does so. Literally is the anime. Loves how batshit insane it is. Loves getting whiplash from one episode to the next. Wasn't a fan of season two, but adores season one. Bindges, and re-bindges the show at least once a month. Just loves feeling insane when he watches an anime.
Engie- One Punch Man.
Saw Genos and immediately went "I could build that." And doesn't elaborate. He's not gonna lie, he may or may not have tried to follow Saitama's training routine once, but threw up when he got to the running part. Don't get me wrong this man isn't weak or anything but I genuinely don't think anyone on this team can run besides Scout. Loves watching OPM because he loves how unbothered Saitama is and wishes he could be like that, and also wishes he could be as strong.
Heavy- Your Lie In April
Loves the mix of a slice of life and melodrama. Doesn't care too much about how slow the show is. Just enjoys watching everything play out and being along for the ride. This man sobbed at the end. Couldn't believe it, well he could but he also couldn't? Even though it breaks him everytime he sees the ending, he still loves rewatching it.
Medic- Japanese Tales of The Macabre/Parasyte
HE. LOVES. JUNJI. ITO. It'd be so wrong not to think so. He has genuinely wondered about the logistics of Layers Of Terror... be afraid of this man if he gets a curious look in his eye over any episode of this anime. He likes the books more but also loves the anime. I added Parasyte too because this man is a sucker for all types of body horror and I think Parasyte should always be mentioned. Just lord help us after this man's mind starts working when watching his favorite body horror animes. You'll here a mix of screams from the poor characters and Yippees! From Medic as he watches the horror.
Scout- Death Note
I think this is everyone's starter anime, but it just happens to also be Scout's favorite. I can't tell if he'd think Light is a genius or insanely stupid. But that's not super important. Loves Ryuk! He'd want a death note just to have Ryuk hanging around the base. This man would be a menace if he had the death note honestly. He'd probably write his name down first just to label it, forgetting he'd die.
Sniper- The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Man has never related to a fictional character so hard until now. Also wishes he could be perfectly average in the public eye and also has inhuman natural talents. It's not even funny how much I can imagine Sniper in this anime. He watched every season and loved them all (likes season one best though) and regularly rewatches the show when things get to stressful around him. It's his comfort show.
(Not that anyone asked but, I fucking love this anime, it's not even funny how much I love this anime I'm going feral.)
Spy- Black Butler
Can a fictional character have a kin? Well in my mind yes. Spy kins Sebastian so fucking hard. Picked up the trait of taking his gloves off like that. Definitely share the same annoyances, living with incompetent coworkers, an annoying child, a criminally insane friend or two, you know the normal stuff! Was severely disappointed by season two. Loved everything else though.
Soldier- Attack On Titan
I think he likes AOT because of all the Gore, blood, and fighting. I can imagine him kicking his legs and smiling all goofy while watching this. This man bindged the entire show, no doubt. Like the other mercs were genuinely worried about him. He's a mix of devastated and happy that the show hasn't ended permanently.
Pyro- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
The insane person loves insane anime, who would have guessed? No, but genuinely, you'd think they'd have a short attention span, wouldn't be able to understand what's going on, and lose interest. Nope! Absolutely love this anime. Has probably rewatched it a million times already. Has made Engie watch this with him and utterly confused the poor Texan. Feverishly waiting for part nine.
I hope you like this! I had to pull out my list of animes I've watched, and oh boy it made me realize how weird. Maybe? That my taste in anime is.
Also sorry its not super long or super indepth I was going off some very vague memories for a few of these!
I love you guys!
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rthko · 1 year
Anon, while I appreciate your clarification, your message still includes subjective and unsupported claims that paint me in a negative light. I hope you understand I know better than to publish my own callout post. I cannot be everything for everyone. I am not a celebrity with a PR team but a person with my own experiences and a job who blogs in my free time. If I blog about what's familiar to me, I'm centering myself and maliciously excluding others. Yet if I blog about experiences I'm not familiar with, I'm stepping out of my lane and trying to speak for others. If every word written about identity and overcoming prejudice has to be perfect, then the only way to win is to not talk about it at all.
Recently, I have blogged about the overlap in experiences between cis or marginally cis queer people and trans people. I am interested in establishing common ground and bonding, even organizing over it. That said, in a culture of "LGB alliance," I realize the responsibility of reconciliation falls moreso on cis people. I am cis. Yes, my own weird version of it, but cis. Cis enough to know that when ghouls in Congress and on TV talk about "gender ideology," they don't have me in mind. All my trans friends are terrified right now, but my cis gay friends are only afraid if they've specifically decided to tune into the news. The ability to turn off the news and ignore it is a privilege. There is a social utility in unpacking these invisible knapsacks.
I also believe that online "check your privilege" culture is often hollow and self serving. When I posted a joke roast of Taylor Swift, I was flooded with comments decrying me as a "cis white gay," embellished with remarks about how I'm probably ignorant, sex-obsessed and disease-ridden. Nevermind the fact that Taylor Swift is herself a cis straight white woman and that cis white gays make up her most loyal following (and presumably many of the comments lobbed in my direction). This is one of many examples where it's not about identity politics at all, except to embellish and connote moral superiority. I believe cis white gay men do hold privilege in many ways--look no further than how HIV was considered "over" once it went from being seen as a "gay disease" to a "black disease," or how so many of us look the other way in this current transphobic climate. But what, for instance, does Taylor Swift have to do with any of this?
That is one problem with privilege discourse, but also, it's oversimplified. Checking my privilege is a mathematical equation. Cis plus man minus gay. There is no convenient formula that accounts for the fact that I have never been welcome among men or treated as "one of the boys," that I had to find my own self worth outside of their inclusion. It doesn't account for the fact that "cis" is the approximate conclusion I reached after countless clandestine name and pronoun changes in forums and group chats, "what if I had just been born a girl" questions, and anger at the expectation to be a "real man" or a "man" at all. And I just don't have this explanation in my back pocket all the time.
I woke up this morning, checked my inbox, and was informed that there's a callout post going around about me. Something to do with problematic daddy kinks and my "fuck that old man" shitposts. Whatever. I found it funny. What stood out to me is that a popular blogger who to my knowledge has never posted about any of that was roped into it just for reblogging from me. She was considered guilty by association with me, and my perceived guilt was at best subjective and at worst prejudiced. So maybe I'm on the defensive today. Maybe this is my Lana Del Rey "question for the culture" meltdown. But if you want to dive into my psyche and help me to "do better," talk to me like a person and not a public figure.
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liightsout · 4 months
the blue - part seven
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✯ summary: the boys come home from pre season testing. adam has some questions. mattie has some confessions ✯
✯ pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!oc ✯
✯ content warnings: tooth rotting fluff ✯
✯ now playing: slut! (taylor's version) - taylor swift ✯
✯ series masterlist ✯
March 2021 
Adam had been home for less than 12 hours before the questions had started. 
“Who bought you flowers?” he had questioned as he dumped his bags next to the sofa. His finger pointing accusingly towards the bouquet of daisies proudly displayed on the coffee table. 
Mattie had given a stumbled excuse about how she had bought them for herself. 
Adam didn’t believe her, she knew he didn’t. 
The next question came in the evening as they sat across from each other at their favourite restaurant. He had been telling her all about how well the pre-season testing had gone. Everyone was impressed by the MCL35M and how well it had performed, as well as Danny, who had also impressed the masses during testing. 
“Speaking of Danny, you guys seem close?” Adam spoke through mouthfuls of food, as he continued eating the lasagne in front of him. Mattie looked up from her bowl of pasta and stared at her friend across the table. Adam continued “he’s a pretty cool guy, really funny actually, I could see how someone could develop a bit of a crush on him” he spoke nonchalantly. 
Mattie’s eyes locked with Adam’s. She wished he didn’t know her so well. She didn’t think she’d been that obvious. She only asked about him a few times over text while they’d all been in Bahrain. She’d only asked how everyone was getting on, and if Danny was fitting in well with the team. It seemed like a silly thing to ask really, Danny appeared to fit in everywhere he went. 
“Yeah we’re friends I guess, we met that night he slept on the sofa, didn’t we? And then again at the pub before you guys went away. We follow each other on Insta and have spoken a little bit here and there… I guess I maybe have a little crush on him. It’s nothing serious though, like, he’s Daniel Ricciardo, I’m happy he even wants to be my friend” Mattie rambled. 
She had a tendency to ramble when she was nervous. She didn’t want Adam to be annoyed at her. She knew it would be weird for him if she suddenly started crushing over one of his friends, who also happened to be a coworker. It’s not as if he had anything to worry about regardless, there was no way her crush was reciprocated. Daniel could have anyone he wanted. She knew she’d never be on that list. 
Adam had a smug look on his face as he watched his friends' nervous attempts at explaining herself. “Mattie it’s okay, honestly, I don’t care” he spoke softly to his friend, sensing her unease. “But I do have to say, I thought you were meant to be the smart one here? Danny’s clearly head over heels for you, it’s pretty disgusting to be honest, he’s smitten” he said, a grin spreading over his face. 
“Did he tell you that?” the words came out of her mouth before she had a chance to catch them. She hoped the low lighting in the restaurant would hide the redness creeping upward from her neck to her cheeks. 
Adam barked out a laugh “he didn’t have too! It’s so obvious Mattie! Don’t tell me you don’t see it? His comments on your Insta posts? And I know he’s the one that got you those flowers!” 
Mattie sighed at her friend's explanation. Danny was just being nice. Adam just assumed any male that paid her any attention fancied her. They’d been down this road many times before. 
“If that’s true you must fancy me too, you do all those things for me as well!” Mattie rebuffed. Adam’s face recoiled as he jokingly pretended to gag “urm, Mattie’s that’s disgusting you’re basically my sister.” 
Adam looked at his best friend sitting in front of him. She’d read a thousand romance novels and she was still clueless. 
Mattie and Danny’s communication had slowed to a few messages here and there since he had returned from Bahrain. She would hear nothing for a day or so, and then would send her a screenshot of a song he thought she might like. She always added it to her playlist straight away. In turn, she would send him selfies when she was bored of work and needed a distraction. He would reply and tell her she was cute. 
It was the night before the boys were due to be flying out to Bahrain for the first race weekend. Adam had gone to bed hours ago, stating that he needed to be fully refreshed and ready for the days ahead. Mattie found herself curled up in bed watching reruns of The Office when she felt her phone vibrate. She looked down at the screen. 
Daniel Ricciardo is calling you - accept / decline 
Without hesitation Mattie slid her finger across the screen and put her phone up to her ear. 
“Hey Mattie girl! I didn’t wake ya did I? I just realised it’s like 11PM” the Aussie’s voice rang out from her phone and echoed around her bedroom. 
“Hi Danny, no it’s ok, I was awake actually” she spoke into the microphone softly, not wanting to be too loud and wake Adam who was sleeping in the room next door. 
“Ah fantastic, that means you can join me for my walk, be quick, I’m outside your building and if I loiter for much longer one of your neighbours is gonna call the cops on me” Danny joked. 
Mattie got up from her bed and walked over to the window that overlooked the street below. He was telling the truth, she could see him standing by the steps leading up to her building’s front door. 
“A walk? Are you mental?” Mattie said laughing at the Australian who had now spotted her in her window and was waving up at her with a grin on his face. 
“Only a little bit. Come on, come down, I leave tomorrow and I wanted to see you before I go” Danny spoke, the joking tone to his voice was long gone, replaced with a much softer one. 
“I”ll come down, just give me a minute to get changed,” Mattie said, ending the call. She looked around her room and decided her clothing options were limited. She wanted to look cute, but she also knew that it was early March in London and it was cold outside. She was going to have to pick warmth over style. 
She settled on a pair of thick black leggings, a large Mclaren hoodie that definitely belonged to Adam, her black puffa jacket, warm fuzzy socks and a pair of Converse. She checked her face, she wasn’t wearing any makeup, but she realised she didn’t have time to change that. 
She grabbed her phone and keys and tiptoed out of the flat. Her brain was running a million miles a minute. Her body felt like it had been electrified. She hadn’t realised how badly she’d wanted to see Danny again, or how excited she would be when it finally did happen. 
Stepping out into the cold night air she felt a shiver run up her spine. She wasn’t sure why she had bothered to layer up to keep out the cold. The adrenaline running through her veins was doing a good job of keeping her warm. 
Danny stood at the bottom of the steps, as soon as he saw her his arms extended outward, signalling for her to step closer so that he could hug her. Mattie walked down the steps and into the arms of the Aussie. 
It was at that moment Mattie decided she would do whatever she could to stay in the arms of Daniel Ricciardo. 
His arms wrapped around her smaller frame and pulled her close against his chest. His hands immediately found a home for themselves. One of them carefully touched the small of her back where her hoodie and jacket had lifted, a slither of skin exposed, due to her arms stretching up to wrap around his neck. His fingertips sending electric shocks through her skin. His face buried itself in the crook of her neck, a perfect fit. 
Begrudgingly the pair pulled away from one another and started on their walk. Danny pointed to a small bench that wasn’t too far away from them and under some street lights, so that they weren’t completely in the dark. 
Mattie sat down on the wooden bench, with Danny placing himself to her right, just close enough that their knees were almost touching. Mattie longed for him to be just a few inches closer. 
“Are you excited for the first race?” Mattie asked, carefully angling her body so that she could look at his face. She watched as Danny’s eyes lit up with excitement and the smile she had grown far too used to appeared on his face. 
“Fuck yes, I’m so ready to get out there and go. I’ve got a good feeling about it.” Danny answered confidently. “Are you going to be watching?” Danny asked the girl. For the first time since she had met him he seemed nervous, patiently waiting for her response. 
“Of course I will be, I watch every race” she answered without hesitation. “I’d never hear the end of it if I missed one” she added. 
“Oh so you’re just watching because Adam will be annoyed if you don’t?” the Aussie teased his knee playfully pushing into hers. 
With a roll of her eyes Mattie replied “I guess I might have other reasons to watch.” 
Her voice was quiet and nervous. Danny looked at her expectantly, urging her to elaborate further. 
“Ugh, are you going to make me say it?” Danny looked at her, nodding his head up and down cheekily. “Fine, I will also be watching to see you race” the girl responded. A small smile on her face as she watched the Aussie smirk at her response, clearly proud of himself for her admission. 
“Mattie, I think you might be obsessed with me. First you’re stalking my Instagram, and now this? Should I be concerned?” Danny taunted as he subtly moved himself an inch closer to the girl next to him, their knees now touching completely. 
Mattie found herself lost for words. She often felt that way around Danny. She wanted to be brave enough to counter his witty remarks, but instead she found herself dumbfounded and blushing like a teenager. 
“All jokes aside, it does actually mean a lot to me that you’re watching, even if it is just because you don’t want to be shouted at by Adam” Danny said as he placed his hand on the girl's thigh and gently squeezed. 
Mattie felt her heart misfire. Was he doing this on purpose? Could he tell that she was having trouble breathing? 
She looked down at the hand now covering her thigh. She didn’t consider herself small, but the way his hand looked as if it covered half of her thigh made her feel tiny. The way Danny made her feel was anything but. 
“It’s definitely not just because I don’t want to be shouted at by Adam” Mattie clarified easily. 
The pair sat and spoke for a while longer. Danny had removed his hand from the girl's thigh and placed his arm along the back of the bench, pulling her to his chest. She could feel him softly toying with the ends of her hair. He told her he was helping her keep warm. Mattie didn’t want to tell him that she didn’t feel cold at all. 
It was around an hour later that Danny had stood up and offered his hand to Mattie, helping the girl stand up from the bench. Mattie had assumed once she was standing he would release her hand. He didn’t. The pair walked back to her flat hand in hand, fingers intertwined. 
Once they arrived at the steps leading up to her front door, Danny let go of her hand and she turned to face him. 
“Good luck for the race” Mattie softly spoke to the Aussie. He nodded, wordlessly thanking her. 
“Don’t forget me while I’m gone?” Danny asked, a cheeky grin on his face as the pair embraced for a final time. The hug lasted much longer than the one they had shared earlier in the evening. Mattie took the time to memorise the exact feeling of Danny’s breath on her neck and the way she could feel his heart beating in his chest. 
As they pulled away from one another Mattie huffed out a laugh, “as if I could ever forget you Danny Ric”. 
“Ditto sweetheart” Danny whispered as he watched the girl ascend the stairs to her front door. 
✯ authors note: i fully lied to you all and said there wouldn't be any updates today, and now look! a 2.1k word update!
next chapter will probs be a social media one again while the boys are away at a race, and then there'll be a couple more chapters before a bit of a time jump i think? don't quote me on that, i'm still planning future chapters lol. ✯
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stitching-in-time · 30 days
Voyager rewatch s2 ep1: The 37s
The first episode of season 2! I've always liked this one, and I still do. Is the concept of finding Amelia Earhart cryogenically frozen on a planet after being abducted by aliens a bit silly? Sure, but who doesn't want to see Captain Janeway meet Amelia Earhart? I sure do!
The scene where the crew investigates the truck they find floating in space is all kinds of adorable; impossibly brilliant science nerds from the future being mystified by a car is peak fish out of water comedy, and I laughed out loud when they all got scared of the car starting up. I don't think Star Trek gets enough credit for being funny, and they did a great job with this scene. We also got our first glimpse of Tom being a total nerd as he geeks out over the car, and I love to see it. It's such a relief when they let him be a relatable human person instead of trying to make him a bad boy, which ends up being cheesy at best, and cringe inducing at worst.
I think this episode was the first time Star Trek had ever landed a ship on a planet, which is really cool. Knowing that Voyager has secret little feet for landing on planets is so cute! The shots of the ship on the planet look great, I'm glad they filmed on location because it gives it more realism and a bigger scale. Whatever park they went to is maybe a little too Earth-looking though- you can see butterflies flying around behind the away team as they walk around lol. (But tbh, that's cute too!)
I love how it makes the ship scenes look when Voyager is parked on the planet- you can see sky outside the windows where the starfield usually is!! All the rooms are so brightly lit with the 'natural light' coming in, I didn't even recognize the Captain's ready room at first. The lighting being different changes the whole look of the ship, and makes the whole episode feel lighter and brighter. It's pretty much unique in Trek to see a starship in daylight, so that alone makes the episode a treat.
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On rewatch, the one thing that bothered me about it the first time around actually makes sense to me now. I used to think it was unrealistic that Amelia Earhart wouldn't choose to go with Voyager, since obviously she loves flying and adventure. But this time around, I realized that of course she'd choose to stay on the planet- if she went with Voyager, she'd never get to fly again. Presumably, the humans on this planet have aircraft she could fly around with and explore the planet with, which is what she really loves to do. In the part where Tom shows her Voyager's helm, it's clear she realizes that what he knows as piloting is entirely different from what she knows- Voyager flies billions of miles per second through dark, silent space. Amelia Earhart knows flying as seeing the sky around you and the ground below you and feeling the rattle of engines and air currents around you. She couldn't ever have that on Voyager, and she wouldn't even be the pilot if she went with them- they already have Tom, and she'd have a nearly impossible task trying to learn 24th technology well enough to helm a starship. It actually makes more sense for her to stay.
(And I'm just noticing for the first time in my entire life that Tom sits on a rolling chair at his console, lmao. Every other chair on the bridge of a starship is attached to the floor, and people are still falling out of them and cracking their skulls open and dying every other space battle. So not only do they not have seatbelts (apparently OSHA doesn't exist in the 24th century lol) but they have an essential bridge officer in the most unstable type of chair ever invented. How did he not die?! I guess maybe we're meant to infer that it's on a track or a magnet or something to anchor it to the floor and keep it from rolling across the bridge all the time, since you can see in one shot that the wheeled part is covered up with a metallic disc, but still. Even in real life, how did they keep it from rolling around on set?? I have so many questions lol.)
The scene with Janeway and Chakotay expecting to see crewmembers lined up to stay on the planet, only to walk into the empty cargo bay, actually kinda got to me. I was a little misty eyed, I'll admit. I knew it was coming, but it's just so lovely, and gosh, Kate Mulgrew sells it. I love that she lets Janeway wear her heart on her sleeve; it never once undercuts the aura of authority she has as captain, but it does make you feel for her and understand her as a person. So, so good.
Tl;dr: I love this episode. It's fun, it's different, it's funny, it's sweet, it's the heartwarming comfort food kind of Star Trek that I am here for!
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