#it's been nothing but medicine and family drama
minikate--24-05 · 1 year
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I posted 1,419 times in 2022
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I tagged 860 of my posts in 2022
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#me - 293 posts
#<3 - 111 posts
#ncis - 69 posts
#lotr - 55 posts
#star wars - 53 posts
#the lord of the rings - 51 posts
#kate todd - 48 posts
#caitlin todd - 47 posts
#house md - 39 posts
#derry girls - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i always sleep in the fetal position do you know how hard it is when it's hot af and my legs are either contact sweating or stuck to each ot
My Top Posts in 2022:
i mean... obviously i gotta say caitlin todd for the character opinion bingo XD 💙 - @agentkalgibbs
obviously xD
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What's a favourite character if not a character that resembles you onto whom you project your own issues?
Also I'm not saying that she didn't have flaws, but I do think she's never done anything wrong...
12 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
guys, what should I gif for Kate's birthday this year? I don't have any ideas (there's also very little material to work with T-T)...
19 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
currently thinking about the fact that Gibbs told Ari in 2x23 that if he got near Kate again he would kill him; and that when Ari took the shot Gibbs was talking and looking at Kate; and that in the end Gibbs did not, in fact, kill Ari. 
29 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
Do you ever think about what Sasha felt when she came back to shoot 3x01 and 3x02 and she was handed That script? Because I do
34 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
150 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
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mamayan · 6 months
Shigaraki Tomura
cw: NSFW • Holiday Filth • Crush Shigaraki • Modern AU • dry humping • language • implied alcohol usage • pathetic virgin Tomura
Thinking about being Shigaraki’s little sister’s best friend.
Being invited over to her house and being so excited unbeknownst to your friend to see her nasty older brother. Tomura holed up in his room, feet up and knees bent as he sits in his fancy leather gamer chair spewing filth into the mic of his headset. Being given the most toe curling glare from him as he looks up from under his messy bangs and sees you peaking at him through a crack in the door. Sneering and telling you to “fuck off” and you do, scampering away to shamelessly rifle through the medicine cabinet in the bathroom for any of his hygiene products. There’s not many. It doesn’t matter though, since he left his dirty clothes from last night in a bundle on the bathroom floor beside the shower and toilet.
Your friend babbling on endlessly about family drama but you can’t pay attention as dinner begins and Tomura is forcibly dragged down the stairs, eye bags heavy from lack of sleep, mumbling out vague answers on how college is going. He notices his little sister’s annoying friend though, you, who always seems to be judging him from the way you constantly have your eyes on him. It pisses him off, and he’s not afraid of outing you in front of everyone.
“Why don’t you find something better to stare at bitch,” and cackling as the home filled with relatives and friends erupts at his rude comment and language. His family is comforting you, telling you he’s just having a rough day, he doesn’t mean it, etc. Your friend is intent on vengeance but you assure her it means nothing to you. She’s used to the behavior and agrees he’s not worth the trouble, being pulled away by relatives intent on being nosy into her personal life.
Tomura did mean it though, and you know it too, and it still doesn’t stop you from sneaking away upstairs while the house slowly boozes up and begins to become rowdy. Tomura slunk away to return to his game he’d been playing with friends, some stolen snacks and a cheap bottle of vodka in his hoodie pocket he takes a straight swig from every now and then as he gets heated into his gaming match.
He’s nearly surprised to see you open his bedroom door and not his mom or sister intent on giving him a headache.
“Back to keep staring whore?” He’s snickering as he flips up the mic, his game paused for a moment while waiting on another friend to join the match.
“Yeah.” He doesn’t expect you to lock the door, a brow cocked up as he reassess you.
You’re much cuter now. The baby fat gone and a young woman blooming, barely an adult now but it didn’t stop his eyes from lowering to your chest that was rising and falling quite quickly. He’s always been so used to seeing you attached to his bratty shit sister that he’s never appreciated you before.
“Wanna do more than stare though.” He’s even more shocked to see you tossing the ugly Christmas cardigan you matched with his sister, the plain dress under easily lifted over your head and dropped too. Right in front of him.
“Ha, oh yeah?” He’s baffled but not upset, dropping his feet and manspreading wide as his cock hardens in his sweats. He’s shameless in palming himself through them, setting his controller aside and licking his dry lips as you come closer, cute little matching bra and pantie set doing little to hide your hard nipples poking through the fabric and pussy lips. “Fuck, look at you, all grown up huh?” His eyes on you as you slide the dainty fabric covering your cunt down and stepping out, removing your bra next slowly, letting him drink you in. You’re nearly vibrating with excitement, eyes wide and bright as you straddle him.
“Little pervert, you wanna ride my cock?” You smile, because he’s acting like he isn’t some loser virgin with trembling hands digging into the fat of your soft ass. You can feel he’s just as strung up now, his palms lightly sweating as they slide up and cup your breasts, eagerly pitching and pulling at your nipples while you roll your hips over his chubby cock. “D-damn, where’d’ya learn to act like this?” He’s nearly about to cum from touching your tits alone, but the feel of you grinding down on him is making him lose it.
“I watched porn.” He groans, finally losing patience and pulling his dick free from his sweats, ready to naively try and enter you without any prep. He’s huffing and breathing heavy as he rubs the tip through your folds and trying and failing to hump into you. He’s just bumping uselessly against your tightly closed entrance while he moans and buries his face in your chest, happy when you begin to run your fingers through his hair.
He’s coming a minute later. No penetration necessary for him to spurt his hot spunky load against your pussy as he nearly passes out from how hard he cums.
“Holy fuck—!” You nearly have to muffle his cry of pleasure as he grips you for dear life.
The banging on his door a minute later making you both fumble for clothing as your friend’s voice comes out in a battle cry for your location.
“You fucking asshole! You hurt her feelings and now I can’t find her!”
You both only look at one another in amusement and embarrassment.
“Try looking up your ass since her face is always buried there!” He shouts back, and you have to bit back the comment you want to yell at him. Little does anyone else know the true reason you love going to the Shigaraki house when Tomura is home.
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aealzx · 1 year
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Better Genes pg 6-10 / 38
A short ROTTMNT comic based off of 2003 TMNT Good Genes
(Read right to left)
Note, this comic will contain in either imagery or text: illness, fever, injury, bruises, blood, IV, needles, syringes, drugs, sedatives, body aches, sprained ankle, mild mutation, cracked ribs, injured eye, tranquilizer gun, pharmacy, TV Medicine, TV Science
as well as
familial fluff, hurt/comfort, very minor drama/angst, personal adjustments to canon designs
Featured characters: Donnie, Mikey, Leo, Raph, April, Splinter, Casey
Pg 1-5     . . . .    Pg 11-14     Pg 15-18     Pg 19-22      Pg 23-25
Pg 26-29
Written Add on Part 1
Pg 30-33     Pg 34-35     Pg 36-38
omg I actually didn’t think I would have anything to upload for another few weeks or so, but never underestimate the power of positive reinforcement and a free friday night X’DDDDD You guys have been so sooo sweet and great with the first few pages. A lot of the comments made me laugh. Thank you so much ;v;
This chunk was also a bit faster ‘cause I already had pages 9 and 10 drawn when I uploaded the first 5 pages, so there was just 3 more to get through. I’m finding while doing this that I really enjoy drawing April’s mouth. XDD It’s so fun and easy to get to squish around in different positions.
Fun facts:
I had to google that chemistry shet ‘cause I didn’t really have a chemistry class ever and know nothing X’D I skipped straight to AP chem and that was the dumbest thing I’ve done in my school life.
I defaulted to rice and beans for the food because that’s my default food when I don’t want to eat.
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kudouusagi · 9 months
Buddy Daddies Drama 4
*Puts down box*
Kazuki: Okay! Now all of our stuff has been moved into our place. Ah, thank Kyuu-chan. On top of finding us a place, we even asked you to help us move.
Kyuutarou: Well, I'm too involved to stop now. So? How do you feel about the place?
Miri: It's smaller than our old place, isn't it, Rei-papa?
Rei: Yeah... and the TV has gotten smaller too...
Miri: So our mori kart cars have gotten smaller too!
Kazuki: Hey, don't be playing games when you should be unpacking. Besides, I think this is the perfect size for 3 people to live cozily. 
Kyuutarou: You're living quite a bit further away than you were at your old place, but the further you are the more difficult it will be for the eyes of the organization to spot you.
Kazuki: Yeah... Well, from what Rei says it doesn't seem like his father is straining his eyes looking for us either.
Kyuutarou: Even if that's the case, there's no mistaking that you sullied the name of the Suwa family. Try to lay low until the heat dies down.
Kazuki: Got it.
Kyuutarou: So? What are you planning on doing from now on?
Kakuzi: Hmm... for now we're going to live off our savings and get Miri into a new preschool... and then after that we'll look for jobs I guess.
Kyuutarou: I see. Do your best for Miri-chan too.
Kazuki: Yeah. Thanks for everything.
Kyuutarou: If you ever need anything, feel free to contact me.
Miri: Kyuu-chan, bye bye!
Kyuutarou: *Laughs and leaves*
Kazuki: Okay! Miri, Rei! Time to get excited for our new life! Let's hurry and put things away and have some move in soba!
Miri/Rei: Yeah!
Kazuki: This one.... mmm.... the pay is too low... This one isn't bad but the hours aren't great... Hm? Drug trials? Hmmm! So in just two weeks I can make that much by just taking medicine and sleeping? It's not bad but...
Rei: Kazuki, have you found a job?
Kazuki: Rei, if I said I was going away for work for two weeks... what would you do?
Rei: Huh? Meaning you wouldn't be here at all for two weeks?
Kazuki: Yeah. You'd need to wake Miri up, feed her breakfast, change her, take her to preschool, come back home, clean, do laundry, make food, go pick her up, give her a bath, feed her dinner, play with her, read her a book, get her ready for tomorrow, wake her up the next day, for 14 days. All by yourself. 
Rei: N-Nope. Not yet.
Kazuki: I figured. So nothing away from home for now. But our savings is going to run out soon so we seriously have to start working soon or we'll be in trouble. And you can't even move one of your arms...
Rei: I thought there would be many jobs I could do with only one arm... but it's surprisingly hard.
Kazuki: In your case it's not just your arm, you're also unsociable. Your interview the other day was awful, wasn't it?
Interviewer: Do you have any special skills, Suwa-san?
Rei: Special skills...? I'm familiar with handling guns. Including disassembly. I won't let anything I target get away.
Interviewer: Y-You mean... airguns, right?
Rei: I didn't have anything else to say.
Kazuki: Well, since you've been a NEET for so long I figured having you suddenly return to society would be a high hurdle. We're about to run out of our savings. We seriously have to work or it will be bad. But there's something that would be even worse than that. 
Rei: Something worse than that?
Kazuki: If I'm the only one working then you'd have to do all the housework yourself. You've recently learned how to hang clothes up to dry but for everything else you suck. You're completely useless! At this rate this room is sure to become a pigsty. And it'll be bad for raising Miri! So now we're going to hold "Rei's special training week focusing on housework!"
Rei: Special training?
Kazuki: I've been going easy on you because I thought you couldn't move your right arm but now I'm going to become a monster! A cooking, laundry, and housework monster! 
Rei: I really can't move my right arm though...
Kazuki: Shut up! Despite that you've gotten even better at mori kart than before, haven't you!? Miri told me! She said you set a new record the other day!
Rei: I was so happy I did a victory pose without even thinking about it.
Kazuki: And so! We're going to use that effort on housework! Who are the ones taking care of Miri?
Rei: You and... me.
Kazuki: And what else is there to taking care of her besides playing with her...?
Rei: Taking her to school and back, housework, laundry...
Kazuki: That's right! So now we're going to do special training and drill you until you're able to do all of those things on your own!
Rei: Geh...
Miri: Papas! What are you doing?
Rei: Miri...
Kazuki: Mm! I'm going to be giving Rei special training now!
Miri: Special training?
Kazuki: Umm... it means he's going to try hard to become able to do things he can't do right now.
Miri: I understand! He's doing a training journey! I saw it on TV!
Kazuki: Oh, you're amazing Miri! That's right! A training journey!
Rei: I didn't say I was going to-
Miri: So, Rei-papa is doing a training journey?! That's so cool!
Rei: I'll do it.
Kazuki: Okay, then starting today until you become a functioning adult I'll be your boss. What do you say?
Rei: Yes. Boss.
Miri: Yes, boss!
Kazuki: Mmm! You both gave good responses. Let's start!
Kazuki: This is how Rei's training began.
Kazuki: Okay, everything about cleaning is important. Let's start with vacuuming. 
Kazuki: Don't skip the corners! Your target likes to lurk in the corners!
Rei: The corners!
Kazuki: In places with running water you're in a constant battle with water droplets! You must have an iron determination to never allow limescale!
Rei: O-Okay!
Kazuki: Miri's room is the most important location! You have to make sure to diligently vacuum and use the lint roller to protect against dust allergies!
Rei: I'm... tired...
Kazuki: We're not done yet! Next is laundry! 
Kazuki: You need to memorize the differences between pods and regular detergent and learn how to use laundry nets! There's things to wash every single day!
Rei: There's too many things to remember!
Kazuki: Learn how to separate the garbage and when the garbage truck comes! And on top of that check which stores have the cheapest bags that won't break!
Rei: *Panting*
Kazuki: It's important to learn how to write in the preschool correspondence notebook, but your most important mission is learning to exchange messages with the mom friends! The smooth exchange of information is essential to surviving in the world of child raising!
Rei: I-... *falls down on ground* I can't do it anymore... This is way more physically and mentally exhausting than fighting... I've never experienced training like this before... 
Kazuki: Stand up, Rei! You've still got to wash the rice.
Rei: I'm at my limit. I want to eat chips, hide in my room, and play games.
Kazuki: Ah... oh no... he has dead eyes. Hey, Rei! Keep going! Miri's watching
Miri: Rei-papa's training journey is so cool!
Rei: I'm going... to wash... the rice!
Kazuki: Oh! There's a light in his eyes! Miri, keep on cheering him on like that.
Miri: Okay! Rei-papa! Do your best! Do your best!
Rei: What is this power rising within me? I can do it! I can do it!
Miri: Rei-papa stood up!
Kazuki: Yes! That's it Miri! That was even more effective than I expected! Okay! 
Kazuki: Rei's special training continued even while I was at work.
Rei: Hmm... cleaning takes a while with only one arm... I'll put the last glass here...
*Glass shatters*
Miri: Rei-papa!
Rei: Miri! Don't come over here! 
Miri: *Whines*
Rei: I dropped a glass so it's dangerous.
*Rei attempts to pick up glass*
Rei: I can get the big pieces... but the smaller ones... I guess a broom and dustpan?
*Gets out broom and dustpan and starts sweeping*
Rei: I can't hold both of them with one arm... I guess I'll just have to wait till Kazuki comes home?
Miri: Rei-papa!
Rei: Miri, it's dangerous so don't get-... 
*Miri holds the dustpan*
Rei: You...
Miri: I'll hold the dustpan, okay?
Rei: Oh... thank you, Miri.
Miri: *giggles*
Rei: Okay. Perfect.
Miri: Perfect! Papa! High five!
Rei: Yeah!
Miri: YAY!
*High fives*
Rei: *Laughs*
Kazuki: We're now going to hold your final test! The challenge is to make my special french toast all by yourself!
*Rei cooking*
Rei: Now!
*Flips toast*
Kazuki: His flipping timing is perfect!
Miri: Perfect!
Rei: Done.
Kazuki: Itadakimasu
Miri: Itadakimasu!
*Everyone eating*
Rei: How is it?
Kazuki: It's good. It's seriously good! This is so good you could serve it in a restaurant!
Rei: *Laughs excitedly*
Miri: Rei-papa's french toast is good!
Rei: Miri!
Kazuki: And it's not just his french toast! He's able to clean and do laundry perfectly too! I think it will be fine leaving the house to him now.
Rei: No, not yet.
Kazuki: Huh? No, you don't need to be that worri-
Rei: I feel like I haven't selected the best bread for french toast yet.
Kazuki: Huh?
Rei: I realized when I was practicing, different breads have different textures. Rather than the one from the grocery store, the one from the bakery in town is more suited for absorbing moisture.
Kazuki: No... you don't have to be that picky...
Rei: And the eggs. Today I just used 10 that were on sale, but I wonder what would happen if I used more expensive eggs? Also depending on the way you mix it the texture changes. But that's obvious isn't it? If there's different amounts of air.
Kazuki: Hey... Rei...?
Rei: I also want to test the coffee that goes with it. I want to use a coffee grinder with a proper pour over and make the best cup of coffee!
Kazuki: Wait, wait, wait!
Rei: Actually I already ordered a coffee making set online.  
Kazuki: Hey!
Rei: It seems like it's here.
Kazuki: Huh.....? What's going on?
Miri: Rei-papa looks like he's having fun!
Kazuki: Hey, Miri. Go tell Rei-papa to cool it.
Miri: Huh? But...
Rei: Okay.
Miri: I'll help!
Kazuki: Hey, hey. Don't bother Rei-papa...
Rei: Thanks.
Kazuki: Huh?
Rei: I'll open the big boxes and you can open the small ones. We'll split the work between us.
Miri: Okay!
Miri: I opened it! Yay!
Rei: Yay!
*Rei and Miri high five*
Kazuki: You're doing high fives? You've gotten so close...
Rei: Miri, you can open that one too.
Miri: Okay!
Kazuki: *Laughs* I can leave the house in peace like this.
Miri: I opened it!
Rei: I opened this one too. You did well, Miri. 
Miri: *Giggles*
Kazuki: I can do it in peace.... but... it feels weird... like I'm going to lose my place.
Miri: Hey, papa! I want to play Mori Kart!
Rei: After we finished putting away these boxes, okay?
Miri: Okay!
Kazuki: Miri, would you like to play with me? Mori kart?
Rei: Kazuki?
Kazuki: I'll play with Miri!
Miri: With Kazuki-papa?
Kazuki: That's right!
Miri: Hmm... I don't want to!
Kazuki: Huh? But you said you wanted to play...
Miri: You're bad at games so it'd be boring!
Kazuki: EH!?
Miri: I prefer Rei-papa!
Rei: Hmm! So she says!
Kazuki: *Screams* At this rate I'll lose my parental respect...
Kazuki: Rei!
Rei: Hm?
Kazuki: Please! Give me special training! I want to be good at games!
Rei: But aren't you going to work?
Kazuki: I'll work too! So let me game! I'll keep my respect as a parent through games!
Rei: Okay. But games aren't that easy. Sometimes they're even harder than being an assassin.
Kazuki: Huh? Really?
Rei: You look down on games. If you're serious I won't go easy on you.
Kazuki: Eh? Okay! I'll beat your record!
Rei: Okay. Then I'll train you. You should say "Okay, boss" to me.
Kazuki: Eh? ...Okay... boss...
Kazuki: And so then my days of special training, so tough I could vomit blood, along with working began...
Kazuki: At night I'm working at a construction site, a bartender, and a cleaner and during the day it's mori kart! I'll fly through both of these tasks with ease!
Rei: You pressed the brake too late!
Kazuki: Damn it! One more time! Ugh...
Rei: Don't just drive around randomly. Remember the course and the shortcuts.
Kazuki: Guh! 
Kazuki: Ehh?!
Rei: You used your item too late.
Man: Hey, newbie! That's some messy-...!
Kazuki: *Shouting*
Man: He's fired up...
Kazuki: Ah...
Rei: That was a close race. It's proof you don't have the specs of each kart memorized. I told you that the day before yesterday too.
Kazuki: *Growls*
Woman: Kahlua milk please
Kazuki: Okay, Okay, Okay! Here you go!
Woman: Wah...? ...Thanks...
Rei: You needed to take the shortcut there and use your item.
Kazuki: Oh.
Rei: By the way, I told you that last week. Remember it!
Kazuki: *Sobs*
Kazuki: *Panting and shouting* 
Woman: Hold the mop right! You're not cleaning at all!
Kazuki *Sobbing and shouting*
Rei: Why are you breaking like that at the last cur-... 
Kazuki: *Snoring*
Rei: Hey!
Kazuki: Ah! I'm not sleeping. I'm not sleeping.
Rei: That's enough for today.
Kazuki: Don't be ridiculous! We've barely done anything today!
Rei: This isn't a game you can win while sleep-driving. Don't underestimate it.
Miri: I'm home!
Rei: I'm home.
Miri: Hmm... Kazuki-papa isn't home today, either...
Rei: Well, he has work
Miri: Oh... work... it can't be helped!
Rei: Miri...
Rei: Welcome home
Kazuki: *groans*
Rei: Hey!
Kazuki: Huh? Oh sorry... training right? Training...
Rei: We're not doing that today.
Kazuki: Why?
Rei: Go look in a mirror. Your face looks awful.
Kazuki: *Laughs* This isn't anything...
Rei: During the day you're training for mori kart, and at night you're doing night shifts. When are you sleeping? 
Kazuki: This... isn't-....
*Passes out*
Rei: Kazuki!
*Rei runs*
*Ambulance sirens*
Kazuki: Where am I?
Rei: The hospital.
Kazuki: Ah! Rei!
Rei: You overworked yourself. They said after that IV is finished you can go home. 
Kazuki: Oh I see... passed out. I'm sorry.
Rei: I'm not the one you should apologize to. Say it to Miri.
Miri: *Snoring*
Rei: Even though I said you'd be fine she wouldn't leave your bedside and fell asleep while holding your arm.
Kazuki: *Laughs* So that's why my right arm feels heavy...
Miri: *groans* Papa...
Kazuki: I'm so pathetic... now that I think about it I was so focused on the game I didn't talk to Miri much... I'm really doing everything backwards.
Rei: It's okay even if you can't game.
Kazuki: Hm?
Rei: I'm gonna go home now. I need to clean. I'll leave Miri to you. 
Miri: *wakes up* Hm?
Kazuki: Miri, are you awake?
Miri: Kazuki-papa? Eh? Ah! Are you better now?!
Kazuki: *Laughs* Yeah! Completely! Seeing your face gives me 100 times more energy! Thank you.
Miri: *Giggles* Yeah!
Kazuki: I'll make you anything you want today as a thank you! What would you like?
Miri: Hmm... French toast!
Kazuki: Okay got it! ...is what I want to say but... Rei's is better than mine so you should get him to make it.
Miri: No. Today I want yours, Kazuki-papa!
Kazuki: Huh?
Miri: Rei-papa's french toast and your french toast are both the best in the world!
Kazuki: Ah... I see
Everyone: Itadakimasu!
*Everyone eats*
Rei: Your french toast and mine really do taste a little different.
Kazuki: Hm? Well, the recipe was the same... but differences in cooking styles might make some difference in taste.
Rei: You learn a lot when you make it yourself. How hard it is...
Miri: Both of them are good!
Rei: and the happiness it gives.
Kazuki: I realized something too.
Rei: What?
Kazuki: When I'm doing night shifts, I can't spend time eating with you and Miri like this.
Ri: Ahh...
Kazuki: I'm going to stop taking night shifts. Nothing is more important than time with family! ...but we still have to think of what to do for a job. How do you even choose a job?
Rei: We don't even really have the option of being choosy.
Kazuki: Right...?
Rei: What about a house cleaning service?
Kazuki: Well it's not like we couldn't but.... Hmm... What about doing background checks?
Rei: I don't really want to leave the house. It would decrease my time with Miri.
Kazuki: Man, you... *sighs* What should we do?
Miri: *Happily eating*
Kazuki: Seeing her smiling face makes our troubles seem like nothing.
Rei: Miri, is it good?
Miri: Yeah!
Kazuki: We have enough for seconds! Do you want some?
Miri: I want it! But...
Rei: But?
Miri: I want to eat with everyone!
Kazuki: Everyone?
Miri: Yeah! Like Anna-chan, Kotori-chan, Hinata-chan, Taiga-kun and my friends at my new preschool! Everyone! I'm sure they'd all think it was good and be happy!
Rei: I see... then how about we make a whole bunch next time and invite everyone?
Miri: YAY!
Rei: If we invite the mom friends then it should make exchanging information smooth, right, Kazuki?
Kazuki: Everyone? Everyone! That's it!
Rei: What?
Kazuki: We should open a restaurant! Like Kyuu-chan! I can cook! And if it's french toast then you can make it perfectly. Besides, we've already got all the best equipment for coffee!
Rei: Hmmm... if the restaurant and our house are in the same place then we can always be with Miri.
Kazuki: What do you think, Rei?
Rei: It's not bad.
Kazuki: Okay! Then it's decided! Miri, we're opening a restaurant!
Miri: We're playing restaurant?
Kazuki: Not playing! A real one!
Miri: Rei-papa is unsociable so we can't!
Rei: Wha! Miri... where did you learn that?
Miri: Kazuki-papa says it! Unsociable!
Kazuki: W-well... we can do something about it with special training!
Rei: Ehh? Special training again?
Kazuki: Yeah, on days when you don't have housework.
Miri: It's okay, Rei-papa! I'll cheer you on lots!
Rei: Yeah... then I can probably do it.
Kazuki: Okay! So then where should we start? Should we start with a name?
Rei: No, shouldn't we find a location for it first?
Miri: I think there should be pictures on the wall at the restaurant! Should I draw some?
Kazuki: Yeah, please, Master Artist Miri! Ahh... Do we need to go to some government office to get permits?
Rei: Government offices again? I hate them.
Miri: It's okay! You just tell them to do as you say!
Kazuki: That's right! It will work out!
Kazuki: Th-Thank you for waiting.
Rei: Here's your french toast and coffee... sir.
Kazuki: Eat up, Kyuu-chan!
Kyuutarou: Ita-
Kazuki: How is it?
Rei: Is it good?
Kyuutarou: I haven't eaten yet.
Kazuki: Ahh, right! Sorry.
Kyuutarou: Itadakimasu
Rei: It makes me nervous to have someone other than Kazuki and Miri eat it.
Kazuki: Well, he is a pro... and I don't think we'll be open long if we can't get approval from our peers... So how is it Kyuu-chan!?
Kyuutarou: Well... first of all, Kazuki. 
Kazuki: Yes!?
Kyuutarou: Your face is stiff and creepy. Stop fake smiling at the customers to try to flatter them.
Kazuki: Eh!?
Kyuutarou: Rei! 
Rei: Yes?
Kyuutarou: You're too blank faced. And you need to look the customers in the eye.
Rei: Okay...
Kazuki: So... how does it taste?
Kyuutarou: I think it's alright.
Kazuki/Rei: Oh!
Kyuutarou: So this is your answer?
Kazuki: Yeah! I don't know how long we can keep doing it... but this is a place for our family.
Rei: I'll do my best at work and spending time with Miri.
Kyuutarou: Yeah! Do your best at making your own family.
Kazuki: Oh! There's a customer! Rei!
Rei: Yeah.
Kazuki: Hello!
Rei: Welcome to Diner Nest!
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goodnightmemes · 1 year
❛ Anything you need. You’re part of this family. ❜
❛ Kids today, with the internet. It’s amazing. ❜
❛ I read a tweet about a New Yorker article about you. ❜
❛ I’m here at the behest of a client. ❜
❛ You will find me a respectful, quiet, passive observer of the truth. ❜
❛ Are you baiting me? ❜
❛ You think I am dumb enough to be baited into talking family business. ❜
❛ This is not how I wanted to have this conversation. ❜
❛ He’s always been the black sheep of the family. ❜
❛ Are you, goddamn, insane? ❜
❛ You tell her or I will! ❜
❛ I know it’ll hurt, but it’s all for the best. ❜
❛ I expect it’s going to be about something, if not extraordinary, then at least interesting. ❜
❛ Does having a kind heart make you a good nurse? ❜
❛ Just the thought of lying, yeah, it makes me puke. ❜
❛ Have you seen her insta? She’s an influencer. ❜
❛ Can I wait inside? I feel like I shouldn’t be here. ❜
❛ So, somebody suspects foul play. ❜
❛ It makes no damn sense. Compels me though. ❜
❛ I don’t know why we keep going over this. ❜
❛ Physical evidence can tell a clear story with a forked tongue. ❜
❛ Can you just take your goddamn medicine and go to bed? ❜
❛ You really love drama, huh? ❜
❛ Why can’t I beat you at this game? ❜
❛ Such a bad loser you are. ❜
❛ There’s so much of me in that kid. ❜
❛ Playing life like a game without consequence, until you can’t tell the difference between a stage prop and a real knife. ❜
❛ I don’t fear death. ❜
❛ I don’t fear death. But, oh God, I’d like to fix some of this before I go. ❜
❛ Hey. You had a long day. You wanna do drugs? ❜
❛ I messed up. ❜
❛ You know, this is an interesting and efficient method of murder. I need to write this down. ❜
❛ There is no time, you have to listen! ❜
❛ If what you said is true, I’m gone, there’s no saving me. ❜
❛ But you have to do exactly what I tell you. ❜
❛ Will you do this? This last thing. For me. ❜
❛ What do you want me to do? ❜
❛ It sounds crazy, but it will work. ❜
❛ Don’t lie. Tell fragments of the truth. ❜
❛ I keep waiting for the big reveal, where it all makes sense. Wouldn’t that be nice? ❜
❛ Jesus, I’m gonna disappear until the politics talk is done. ❜
❛ Something is afoot with this whole affair. I know it, and I believe you know it too. ❜
❛ I trust your kind heart. ❜
❛ Be it cruel or comforting, this machine unerringly arrives at the truth. ❜
❛ You do as I say and everything will be just fine. ❜
❛ Best judge of character is a dog. ❜
❛ I don’t feel like talking. I’m distraught. ❜
❛ People grieve in different ways. ❜
❛ I don’t know what any of that means. ❜
❛ Now, you heard something. Spill it. ❜
❛ Maybe this might finally make you grow up. ❜
❛ This might be the best thing that could ever happen to you. ❜
❛ Nothing good is ever easy. ❜
❛ Up your ass. ❜
❛ Matter of fact - eat shit, how’s that? ❜
❛ The game is afoot, eh Watson? ❜
❛ Please accept it with grace and without bitterness. But do accept it. ❜
❛ You little bitch! ❜
❛ Did you know about this? Were you in this from the beginning? ❜
❛ Were you boinking my father? ❜
❛ In the meantime I’d maybe run. ❜
❛ I’m not on Twitter anymore. ❜
❛ You look like you’re gonna pass out. Have you eaten anything today? ❜
❛ I know I shouldn’t say this out loud, but when he told me, I… Jesus, I coulda killed him. ❜
❛ You asshole. ❜
❛ Tell me everything. ❜
❛ There is much that remains unclear. ❜
❛ I suspect foul play. ❜
❛ I have eliminated no suspects. ❜
❛ You’ve come this far. Let me help you go all the way. ❜
❛ What’s going on? This isn’t you. ❜
❛ You should do whatever you think is right. ❜
❛ You have to make things right. ❜
❛ I want you to know I’m gonna take care of you. ❜
❛ You lay low for a couple of days. Wait for this investigation to blow over, and it will. ❜
❛ Are we rich? ❜
❛ Why is grief the providence of youth? ❜
❛ I’d imagine that age deepens all feelings. Including grief. ❜
❛ One thing I assume of age is weariness. Damned if I don’t get more tired every day. ❜
❛ I think you have something you wanna tell me. ❜
❛ I don’t like any of this. ❜
❛ What kind of blackmail scheme is this? ❜
❛ You regret helping me yet? ❜
❛ Oh my God. I’m just pure adrenaline right now, I feel like I swallowed bees. ❜
❛ That was the dumbest car chase of all time. ❜
❛ Strange case from the start. ❜
❛ Listen, I don’t know what you want. Whatever it is, we can work it out. ❜
❛ I don’t want any more surprises. ❜
❛ God, you’re not much of a detective, are you? ❜
❛ You make a pretty lousy murderer. ❜
❛ You’re a pack of vultures at the feast. ❜
❛ Is anybody else confused? ❜
❛ I’m so sorry. I told them everything, I figured it was up. I’m sorry. ❜
❛ You shared a love of twisting the knife into one another. ❜
❛ I’m warning you! ❜
❛ You won’t get away with this. ❜
❛ A twisted web. And we are not finished untangling it. Not yet. ❜
❛ This is stoopid with two o’s. ❜
❛ You don’t have a shred of evidence. You’re just spinning a fairy tale. ❜
❛ In for a penny, in for a pound. ❜
❛ I knew you were a no good son of a bitch! ❜
❛ And then you’ll see just how much hell I can wreak on your life. ❜
❛ You vicious little bitch! ❜
❛ What the shit!? ❜
❛ I want you to remember something that’s very important: you won not by playing the game his way, but yours. ❜
❛ You’re a good person. ❜
❛ I have my own opinion. But I have a feeling you’ll follow your heart. ❜
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fricking-ur-mom · 1 year
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◦ First time really posting a NSFW. 2.1k words. ◦ Baizhu, m!reader, amab reader, naga Baizhu, bottom reader, top baizhu, dub-con, aphrodisiac, oviposition, monster fucking, double penetration ✕ Women / fem aligned / Minors DNI. You will be blocked.
A soft sigh escaped the man's lips at the feeling of cool water against his bare feet. His boots lay a few feet from the shore line, pants rolled up to his knees as he allowed himself to cool off a bit.
It felt nice, ignoring the stress that comes with the village and just.. Getting out once in a while. A breath of fresh air, the canopy of trees providing him a fair amount of shade even as the air around him still puts pressure on his lungs with the sheer thickness of it. Crouching for a short moment, he'd gather some water in his hands to splash over his face, shoulders slumping as he stood back up to his full height and made his way back over to where his boots lay in the grass.
Perhaps he should have done this sooner- escaped away from his family and the drama within his circle of friends. Just exploring the wilderness for a time and avoiding everyone in the process. It wasn't as though he planned on going too far after all, and he'd packed plenty of rations.. There shouldn't be any issues from what he can see.
Tugging his boots on, he'd continue on his trek, hoping to find something worth bringing back. Some months ago a trader had stopped by the small village he called home, speaking about large flowers that were useful for medical purposes, mainly numbing pain. Perhaps he could dry a few and bring them back as the medics are often without such things- only having general medicines traders bring into the town.
It could be of some use- surely. And with that in might he continued on, tightening his grip on the bag he had slung over his shoulder.
With the canopy above, it became more difficult to distinguish what time it was exactly- and lead to things appearing dark much quicker than they should be.
Blinking, the man grumbled as he stopped by one of the massive trees in the area. "This will have to do.."
His bag dropped to the ground as he got to work clearing out a space to set up his tent and sleeping bag, using the back of his hand to wipe the sweat from his brow.
There was a presence.. He could feel it. It was as though it were boring into his very soul, making his skin crawl and having him glance over his shoulder only to find nothing was there.
It was a strange, unsettling feeling. He didn't like it in the slightest- especially when he planned to sleep. The idea of something stalking about, watching as he slept and potentially attacking put him on high alert. Perhaps.. Perhaps he should try to move on anyway, quietly pick his way along and get some rest in the morning so whatever was watching him might move along by then.
Or maybe.. Laying in wait was a better option, allow himself some rest. Even if it was lurking about, he'd just have to make sure he didn't fall asleep..
Or was he just paranoid? It was certainly a possibility. With all the stress that had been building up lately it certainly wasn't out of the question. Perhaps.. Yes, that had to be it. It was all just the stress he had been dealing with.. And now it was haunting him in the moment of peace he had found. He could sleep.. He'd be fine.
Golden orbs stared down at the man who shuffled about, preparing some sort of shelter to hide away in.. It would do good for the weather.. sure, but it wouldn't stop the prying eyes of the naga. After all, it just meant having his prey unable to run away too far.
This prey however.. It didn't enter the tent after setting it up, it simply sat near it, gazing about. Ahh.. Of course- it wasn't oblivious was it? It knew he was here.. Watching, waiting for the opportunity to leap.
As morning came, the traveler found himself much more drowsy than he had planned- and with a pair of eyes still glued to his form. It might not have been the best idea to stay up as long as he did, gazing at the patches of sunlight that managed to touch the earth despite the trees that tried to block it all out.
After managing to stuff everything back into his bag, he trudged on. Perhaps he should have tried to sleep, at least a little. It may not have been the best idea though, perhaps whatever was stalking him awaited for him to fall unconscious to strike- and it very may well be the only reason he was able to press on.
Not too long as he started walking again, he found himself frozen in his tracks. Around a tree wrapped thick vines, large flowers with a sunset-esqe gradient spread open- as through proud to be viewed and seeking attention. It was far from the most colorful thing the man had seen.. But it certainly matched the description the trader had spoken of all those months ago.
A tentative hand reached out, brushing against the petals. They seemed to recoil in response to his touch however, a plume of what appeared to be pollen being spat out at him in retaliation.
Coughing, the man staggered back, eyes closed and waving his hand in front of his face in an effort to not breathe in too much of it.
A sharp gaze took notice of this however, grinning with fangs that poked at his bottom lip when he did so. Was the human stupid? Perhaps- it was always a possibility.. Or maybe.. The pathetic creature knew.. And was actively giving itself over to him.
White scales covered the appendage that was wrapped around the thick branches from above, moving silently through the trees as he grew nearer and nearer to the human who's breath began to grow heavy in response to the aphrodisiac he'd inhaled, whining.. All nice and pretty sounds for the naga.
"Ah ah ah.. Don't breathe in too much.. No no.. That won't be any good now will it? You'll get too overwhelmed if you do that~" Looking to the side, the human found a man- well.. Half of one. The lower body was that of a snake, pristine white scales reflecting any light that touched them, amber orbs staring into his own and long green hair held back loosely behind him.
Y/n's eyes widened at the sight- this had to be what's been following him- staring into his soul and keeping him from sleeping. The naga drew closer to him, grinning as soon the man found the thick appendage that was the creature's tail wrapping around him- trapping him in place.
"You won't need your supplies.. I'll keep you warm.. As warm as I can.." With that, the human felt teeth digging into the junction between his shoulder and his neck. A sharp inhale came from the human, clenching his jaw as he felt his pants grow tighter. It hadn't been an issue this whole time- the plant.. The pollen- It was the only explanation he had- And now this.. thing clearly wanted a piece of him.. Or several for all he knew.
"I'm- I'm not.." Y/n struggled to get any words out, staring up at the canopy that shielded him from the sun- yet trapped him with this strange creature. He'd heard rumors from travelers before- but never did he expect he himself, would find such a creature.
"Shh.. Don't concern yourself with anything.. You'll be just fine.. Holding my eggs to keep them nice and warm for me~ I've a population to rebuild afterall.. And you'd be such a perfect mate now wouldn't you?"
Panic. Fear. It all bubbled up at once, though it was being drowned out just as quickly as it arose. Struggling to find some form of friction for his growing problem- be that against the scales of the one who had him trapped in such a situation- or with his own legs- it didn't matter. He was beginning to grow desperate now as a low whine escaped his lips.
This only seemed to egg on the naga, taking Y/n away from where he had been camping. It didn't take too long- though it felt like ages for the pair with the human wriggling around in search of any form of relief while being drug away into a cave. He didn't have any appreciation for the sparse decoration- the medical herbs and the furs on the ground.. That or the human didn't care enough to notice- rutting his hips against the snow-white scales to the best of his ability while being restrained. "I can't-.. Too much.. Hurts..!"
He found himself being lowered onto a bundle of furs as the words escaped him- the moment the scaly appendage released him his hand moved down between his thighs- face flushed as he searched for something to quell his desires.
"It'll be alright darling~ I'll fill you up so nicely, you'll never have to feel empty again~" The words of the naga didn't seem to ease Y/n's struggle however, only leaving him to whine out that much more. With a chuckle, a pair of hands found themselves tearing at the human's clothing- tossing the unnecessary material off to the side as he stared down at the sight before him.
"Something-.. Do something.." Y/n's voice rang out, squirming before a pair of hands gripped his hips to keep him in place.
"I will.. Oh trust me I will.. Remember something for me.. Baizhu.. I want to hear you scream my name." Two fingers dipped down, breaching the human's entrance without hesitation. It was a strange sensation- the sudden- and unexpected stretch leaving the man to squirm about, mouth hanging open as he stared up at the cave ceiling. The heat of the area was suffocating as he felt the long, thin fingers wriggle inside of him, opening him up in preparation for what was to come. "You'll be good for me.. Right? A good mate for me.. Holding my eggs and keeping them nice and warm.."
The remaining hand on Y/n's hip moved to press against his stomach where Baizhu looked upon fondly. "S-stop.. Teasing me.. Please..?" It was almost pathetic- And Baizhu would voice the thought as he pulled his fingers away, moving his hands to hold the backs of Y/n's thighs- pressing his knees to his chest as he shifted closer.
"Alright.. But just remember you wanted this~ And you're taking them both~" He didn't waste any more time, shoving both cocks inside the human with one thrust. It was a tight fit, leaving him groaning as the human jerked about, overwhelmed by the feeling of so much inside him. "Breathe now.. Can't have you getting too into things.." Baizhu attempted to soothe, keeping still inside Y/n as he let the man adjust. It took a few moments- but the moment the human started squirming again in hopes to feel something Baizhu set a pushing pace- balls slapping against Y/n's ass as the man started letting out whimpers.
It was too much- it was all too much. A coil tightened in the human's stomach- if he wasn't in pain earlier from how turned on he was- he definitely was now. He was experiencing too much, and he knew it. The coil snapped- much sooner than it would have in a normal situation- and with Baizhu continuing to plow into him it left the man crying out.
"Bai-? Baizhuu--! Hah- Too much! Please! Too much!" Tears started to stream down his face when he felt a hand release one of his thighs and move down to his cock, jerking it off in time with his thrusts as cum still spurted out of the tip.
"No! No no-.. Please no-! Ah- hah!" Y/n found himself thrashing about with the overwhelming sensations of it all- his dick refusing to soften on him with the constant stimulation.
"You.. Hnn.. Asked for this~" Came the reply from Baizhu, who seemed far too eager to torment the human below him with pleasure. It didn't take long to coax yet another orgasm out of the man, the tightness around Baizhu leaving him to struggle in fending off his own impending orgasm.
The fight itself didn't last long, groaning as he released inside of the man who squirmed at the feeling of hot fluid filling his insides.
That wasn't it though- as he felt something.. Much more solid making its home inside of him. Whining, Y/n's squirming only worsened, leaving Baizhu to pin his hips to the furs below him.
"Ah ah ah.. I told you.. You'll be keeping my eggs warm darling.. And I've got all season to breed you until your as full as can be~"
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dozing-marshmallow · 5 months
Merry Christmas everyone! So sorry I couldn’t post something Christmas themed sooner, I hope everyone’s been having a wonderful day with family and friends whether you celebrate or not!🎄❤️
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Despite the Christmas events he hosted for many networks, Chris didn’t feel he was really celebrating it until he went over to Newfoundland.
Before dinner, you joined him on this tradition that his homeland calls “Mummering” where it was basically Guess Who and Trick or Treat combined.
Needless to say, every neighbour you visited guessed who he was correctly.
He was reluctant to complete the family secret Santa. Originally, you sucked your teeth, thinking he was just being arrogant. However, from that event, you got an insight on the nature of a lot of his relatives- opportunistic.
“Could you lend me a few thousand dollars? What’s a guy like you to lose?", "Could you be the best nephew in the world and pay for the wedding of my best friend’s daughter?", "Could you help me pay off my mortgage?"
No wonder why your husband was barely enjoying himself at the dinner table! These people didn’t see him as a human; they saw him as a big shot wallet.
“Tell me, Chris... Is this how every Christmas goes for you?” you asked when it was just you and him, sitting next to him on the guest bed.
He was as sombre as ever. Sombre!,“Yeah. Told you the rest of the family weren’t important. I only bother to put up with them for my mom. I wish they all drop dead soon though.”
Not on Christmas Day... You couldn’t end the evening like this,“Okay... Is there anything you want to do together to cheer you up before we go to bed?”
“Hm...” the exhaustion shifts in his eyes as he smugly commands,“Tell me how good I look.”
You sigh in annoyance. That, you could do any day,“Really, Chris?”
“Fiiiiiine.” his moping tone of voice settled back,“I suppose raiding the leftover desserts wouldn’t hurt.”
“That...” is an oddly simple request coming from him,“Yet you’re implying you never did it?”
His attention is caught by the room’s door,“I didn’t have anyone I wanted to do it with.”
And unlike the fall of snow, his festive misery had vanished all at once.
“ᴬˡˡ ᴵ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ᶜʰʳⁱˢᵗᵐᵃˢ ⁱˢ ʸᵒᵘ!”
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Duncan’s dad was very pushy about Church this time around.
And he always found in his best interest to not go anyway.
This time though, you were there with him. So he decided, he’ll go this year.
He was also forced to join the local youth choir that would sing on the streets to raise money for those in need.
As long as he got to wear a mask...
“Not happening.” his dad sneered.
Okay, it wasn’t actually as bad as he thought it’d go.
Though he didn’t want to give his dad that satisfaction so he played sour about coming home. His main motivation was to steal some plates worth of food, give his mother her Christmas present and stuff the stockings of his cousins with bars of coal.
If anyone asks, you didn’t see anything.
His mom knitted him a Christmas sweater in return so obviously he wore it.
He visited his friends back in juvie with you.
It was quite heartwarming, seeing these teens who had done wrong in the past still have tenderness to friends and family, making you wish them a good future post leaving prison.
Besides, if they were Duncan’s friends, they had to have some morals.
Walking back, it was clear that he had room left for mischief and wanted to fill that space by stalling so you would be in front of him and turn around in confusion to not be met with Duncan, but his snowball.
“Hahaha! Nice makeup!”
You brush the snow off your face and feel your own devil inspire.
Let’s give him a taste of his own medicine.
You bent down and rolled up a snowball. Let the fight begin!
“ ᴼ ᶜᵒᵐᵉ, ᵃˡˡ ʸᵉ ᶠᵃⁱᵗʰᶠᵘˡ, ʲᵒʸᶠᵘˡ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʳⁱᵘᵐᵖʰᵃⁿᵗ!”
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She scrunches her nose at the arrival of Christmas, that season that’s “nothing but noise and shallow junk.”
"I got you a present." you held it out for her.
“Buying my favour when it’s not my birthday, huh?” she looked inside the bag with no anticipation until she saw designer clothes neatly folded. She raised a smile and an eyebrow as she glanced back at you,“Okay, I guess it’s not that bad.”
Seeing her house made you wonder why she auditioned to come on the show.
To her displeasure, you were having fun cutting snowflakes, painting ornaments and decorating gingerbread men with her younger brothers and sisters.
Even more so when you helped her parents prepare the meal.
“We could never dream of Heather helping us out in the kitchen!” her mother claimed, wearing gloves over her manicured hands and a long apron over her expensive attire,“This is a nice change!”
“For sure! (Y/N) should come every year! Maybe our Heather Feather could learn a thing or two from you!” her father would then add on, with a hopeful smile.
With that, she dragged you out of the kitchen by the ear lobe.
“Let’s get out of here. I want something to drink.” she demanded, all ready in her outside winter gear.
Why come home if you’re not going to enjoy yourself?
You’re about to pay for the cozy drinks, but Heather interrupts you.
“I’ll do it.”
After an opening sip and staring at all this pure white showering from the sky, you smirk at Total Drama’s first villain,“So she does have a giving heart!”
Her answer was as cold, but her face was soft,“Don’t make me spill this on you.” the steam from her cup should be the only thing your eyes made contact with,“I just felt nice today. Don’t get used to it.”
“I won’t, I won’t.”
Something about that clarification made her tighten her grip on her cup for a small moment.
Seems like she wanted to give home a chance to fix her a reason for being...this. Generous.
A reason to like Christmas.
However, being with you, peacefully drinking with her, not disgusted or intimidated, was a reason on its own.
“ᵀʰⁱˢ ʸᵉᵃʳ, ᵗᵒ ˢᵃᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵗᵉᵃʳˢ, ᴵ’ˡˡ ᵍⁱᵛᵉ ⁱᵗ ᵗᵒ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵒⁿᵉ ˢᵖᵉᶜⁱᵃˡ,”
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impishtubist · 3 months
The scene with Tonks and Remus in the hospital wing is happening around Bill’s hospital bed, that’s literally why everyone is there, and the man is out cold and Fleur is putting ointment on his face. What happens is the Weasley parents and Fleur arrive, they get caught up on what’s happening and that nobody’s entirely certain what will happen with Bill due to Grayback not being transformed when he attacked Bill, Molly starts putting ointment on Bill’s face, says she doesn’t think Fleur will marry Bill now, Fleur has finally had enough of everyone thinking she’s will Bill for his looks and takes over putting the medicine on Bill, Fleur and Molly start crying in each other’s arms, and Tonks decides this is the perfect time to work on convincing Remus they should be together and Molly also joins in with convincing Remus, hugging Fleur all the while. The whole time, everyone else is gathered in the hospital wing and witnessing this, Dumbledore died not long ago and they have all been aware of this little fact for maybe 10 minutes, they all think Snape betrayed them, and Bill is still unconscious in the bed. The disrespect. Like guys, the students in here just had a battle in the place they live for most of the year, they think the only reason they all survived is due to the luck potion so you know a few of them are thinking of what might have happened if Harry didn’t let them have it beforehand, and they are all staring at someone they know who is badly injured; Fleur’s fiancé is unconscious with cursed wounds and she has no idea how this might affect him, she can’t even reassure him that she loves him yet because he has not yet woken up and these people have the audacity to compare Fleur not leaving Bill after his attack to Tonks loving Remus, while Fleur is sobbing in the arms of one of these people. Ron’s fucking brother is right in front of him, nothing is actually healing him, and while he is probably cool with the Fleur-Bill thing since that’s family and it’s always nice to know at least Bill will not have to deal with a broken heart in addition to his injuries, the Tonks-Remus drama is a different case.
Yeah that WHOLE SCENE is wild. Also, I never clocked the ridiculous timeline of this when I was a kid, but two weeks after this Remus and Tonks are holding hands at Dumbledore's funeral (real weird place for a date but alright you two), and that funeral is on July 3rd. By August 1st, they're married and Tonks is knocked up. What???????? Make it make sense 😂
(Also this is how I found out the Harry Potter Lexicon is still online, because I had to look up that date, and that's just a delightful blast from the past).
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redux-iterum · 1 year
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Hoooookay, so, “defanging Clan culture”. This is something I’ve noticed pervasive in a lot of people’s propositions for “a better Clan culture” (and by extension, other societies like the Tribe and the Sisters). They see the unfairness either consciously or unconsciously built into the societies and go, “That’s bad,” and reactionarily erase it from their own work. The Clans forbid medicine cats from having families for stupid reasons, so these medicine cats can have families. Adoption is treated weirdly by canon, so these Clans have Correct™ ways of viewing adoption. I could go on.
 However, the end result is an unrealistically utopic society. The code is designed to be free from abuse; not a single bad thought enters the head of a character unless The Plot Demands So; toms, mollies, and jacks have nothing stopping them from filling any role; everyone regardless of age, gender, ability status, background, sexual orientation, mental status, etc, is happy because this society welcomes and accepts all.
I’ll take my leave before the flowers start singing.
Now, if you just want to experiment with an idealized Clan culture with zero shades of darkness, more power to you.
But I think something a lot of people are misguided on is that a well-built setting doesn’t necessarily mean a utopic one. Many stories have unfair aspects to their fictional societies, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with depicting these or having a protagonist who believes in something counter to what we do, even if said protagonist never changes their opinions on it by book or series’ end (especially in adult media, and to a lesser extent in YA).
What I think is more constructive and elevates worldbuilding is instead to work out the “why is it like this” and the “how did it come to be like this” and delve further into the “what if it was…”. Take medicine cats not having families, for instance: canon’s “why” and “how” are very similar, “a medicine cat couldn’t be a mom and a doctor and so forbade anyone else from having a family.” Most of us find that very stupid. A reactionary approach would just go, “a medicine cat can have a family,” but a reconstructive approach would integrate medicine cats’ celibacy into the culture by instead going, “medicine cats cannot build families for a religious reason; they are to be as detached from the moral realm as possible so they can remain attuned to their warrior ancestors, and this attunement is muddied by indulging in earthly things like raising a family.” Unfair? Yes, but it’s good worldbuilding.
 Before someone puts words in my mouth, what I’m not saying is, “I think the Clans need to be grimmdark,” but what I am saying is, “think about how the Clans (or Tribe or Sisters or whatever) would realistically view X or Y and how they interconnect with other aspects of their culture.” It’s okay for a society to still need growing up to do; aren’t we all like that?
Side-note before I finish: while thinking about this in relation to canon Warriors, it came to me that part of the reason why we as the readers are so miffed at why the code hasn’t been changed to alleviate inter-Clan relationships despite constant drama surrounding them (ignoring the aspect that the authors love forbidden romance), is because it keeps getting shoved in our faces so often and constantly abused for drama. Had forbidden relationships not be used so often as instigators of drama, I don’t think we would’ve spurred the Erins into addressing it in TBC and ASC.
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annonniiiiieeeee · 1 year
I’m absolutely in love with A Samurai and Ninja Love Story! I don’t know how many times I’ve re-read A World of Samurais and Ninjas, and I keep a tab open on my phone browser for Two Worlds of Family, Friends, and Foes so that way when it updates, I know!
I did have a headcanon I wanted to share with you regarding when Usagi, Gen, and Kitsune get over to Leo’s world and wasn’t sure if it was already something posted or not so forgive me if it was but sometime after they arrive they need to get their vaccinations because that’s important since the trio’s world is similar to feudal Japan and so wouldn’t have the same modern medicine Leo’s world has.
But that means bloodwork needing to be done and vaccine shots needing to be given out.
Hello!!! Thank you so much! I am so glad you love my story so much!!!!
Not going to lie I have had this thought myself for a while. Yes! They will need to get their vaccines. There are a lot of them and that means a lot of needles.
They have nothing like this in their world. On one hand this sounds amazing. One little piece of medicine can spare you from contracting horrific diseases. Sign them up.
However they also don’t have needles in their world either and being poked a lot is not fun for anyone especially having to be poked over and over again.
Their immune systems are totally different then Leo’s and his family because the disease in their world are very different.
I think they would have to do them in sets with time in between. You don’t want to over work the body and they have a lot of different shots they need to get.
Gen hates them. They were all excited at the idea of not getting super sick. Then they got the first round of shots. Gen found out he does not like needles. He tries to talk his way out of it every time. But Leo is insistent. He does barter with food sometimes to make it less of a hassle. If they get through the shots with minimal complaint Gen gets to pick dinner. He’s fine with this as long as Mikey’s cooking. (Gen loves food and Mikey loves to cook)
Kitsune grins and bares it for the most part. She doesn’t like it, but she’s seen what illness can do and would rather deal with a little poke then have to suffer later. She is a drama queen about it though more for fun then anything else and to see if she can get Gen to go along with her.
Usagi hates needles. He found this out very fast and would rather have them as far away from him as possible. He knows it is important both for his own health and to Leo so he puts on a brave face. He will ONLY take shots from Leo. If Draxum or Donnie tries he is out of there. (Maybe there is a scene in a Jupiter Jim movie where he gets injected with something he shouldn’t be. Maybe by a mad scientist. And ever since they watched that movie Usagi is even more wary of needles, specifically needles wielded by the mad scientist of the family) if Casey jr. tries to help he will accept it but only if Leo is with in reach. He definitely wants cuddles after each time he has to get shots and Leo would never deny him.
This leads though to the rest of the Tenshu and their kids.
After they adopt Sakura and Ume there is an illness that sweeps through the Tenshu. No one there is vaccinated. Babies aren’t vaccinated until they are 6 months old. Up until then they are protected by mom’s vaccines. But the twin’s mother was not vaccinated. They get sick. Really sick. This is what cause Leo and Usagi to leave early to take care of the twins.
Up until then I think Leo would have been helping out in the infirmary as he is vaccinated. He helped as much as he could.
I think once the twins are better they would go back to the Tenshu with vaccines for the people living there.
This only makes the rumors of the Geishu clan being blessed by the gods so much worse because now the Tenshu rarely falls victim to wide spread illnesses. Yes they have colds and mild flus but nothing like the other castles and villages around them.
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lightlycareless · 10 months
CHAPTER 35 IS HITTING LIKE ALL MY FAVORITE TROPES,, the ao3 outage earlier this week KILLED me right during my standard "rereading the latest chapter over and over" frenzy,,,
this one had me throwing my phone on my bed and covering my face w my hands like a flustered maiden. losing my fucking shit the entire time
the sudden "theres something going on that all the staff are whispering about" had me like,, what the fuck is going on,, is someone DEAD? and a momentary "HOW MANY MONTHS HAS IT BEEN SINCE THAT ULTIMATUM" and then its naoya's dumb ass getting himself sick. i'd be annoyed at him if it weren't for the incredible scenes this grants us later in the chapter
(and its also SO FUNNY *how* he got sick-- literally stranded in some cursed energy zone all pathetic and alone. just like my sad kicked dog description i keep using for him. he is embodying it fully and truly.)
when naoya's staff came up to y/n like "its about naoya's health we need you" i was like "ohh the drama is he gonna die without her there or something" and,, turns out thats exactly it he probably would've died from refusing to take medicine if she weren't there. glorious. hes so pathetic its unreal (affectionate)
THEYRE FINALLY ALONE TOGETHER AGAIN,, it feels like its been so long and it apparently has been for him-- feeling like its been centuries since hes seen her. ME TOO MF MAYBE IF YOU WERE LESS OF AN ASSHOLE WE COULDVE BEEN HERE EARLIER
"it feels like you could literally do just about anything with him and he wouldn't be able to stop it" - "you were sure you could control him" Y/N,, GIRL,, YOU WANNA TOP HIM SO BAD OOO YOU WANT TO DOM HIM SO BAD. IM CHEERING FOR YOU (she might've been thinking more about murder. but i know what i was thinking) that followed by the "holding the cup directly to his lips to make him drink" scene is killing me. im going insane for them.
she FINALLY gets to interrogate his ass and he CAN'T go anywhere or do anything about it this whole scene was AMAZING. we get so much added dimension to both of them with y/n finally getting to snap on him somewhat and say/ask all the things she's been hiding, and naoya finally showing a little bit of that vulnerability with the discussion about the records and his mother. there's SO much going on here and i can't WAIT to see how that's gonna unfold in the next chapter ft. all sorts of flashbacks
i would read like 35 more chapters of just these sick shenanigans going on tbh. naoya's pov during this kinda thing would be so interesting too-- how deliriously out of it is he actually? is he gonna be absolutely mortified at this behavior when he's more lucid? i could also imagine him pretending to be sick for wayyy longer than he really is just so y/n won't leave,,,
outstanding showstopping amazing. i cant wait to see whats next!
Hi!!!! AAAA sorry for taking a while to get back to your ask, however I must say that when I saw this pop up on my inbox I was going through somewhat of a sad moment, and this made me very happy :’) So thank you!! 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
Now onto the juicy details…
I’m 100% aware that I’ve been writing nothing less than indulging tropes… AND I’M GLAD ABOUT IT HAHAHAH I’M NEVER GONNA STOP
I think I might’ve been a bit dramatic when writing the reaction from the staff. But after everything that happened… there’s no other way for them to react 😂 The never-ending drama in the Naoya-Y/N soap opera has them on edge, they saw this coming and was only a matter of waiting when it would occur.
It makes me wonder what Naobito’s opinion about this whole charade was 🤔 From disappointment towards his son, to amusement when hearing that Naoya has been incessantly calling for Y/N. He probably lurked around as close as he could to get a better look of what was happening, maybe even bringing some popcorn to enjoy the show. Y/N was right to assume that his family would’ve intervened to force her into aiding Naoya, although… not because they cared but rather because Naobito was tired of things being boring.
Omg… who does he ship Y/N with? Naoya or Naoaki? WTF am I even saying lmao 😂 I need to log off.
As for the timeline… please don’t ask me about it AHAHAH I feel like after all the things that happened, if I were to sit down and determine how much time has passed since the beginning of the story… it would probably be like 5 years or so lol —well, it certainly feels like it anyways. But I will set a time frame in the following chapters to give you an example of how long it’s been, if it’s believable anyways 😂 Thank god it’s fiction AMIRITE? (excuse my lazy writing 😭)
Anyways, the way he got sick is exactly as you described: overall pathetic. There really is no better words to say, serves to show how he’s slowly losing himself 💀😂 ah, poor Naoya, but can’t say he doesn’t deserve it. I wonder what he actually did in those missing days?
I’m very surprised y/n was involved at all for there’s no way the staff didn’t know of their tumultuous relationship. This more likely than not could’ve worsened his situation… and if she was truly vengeful she could’ve taken this chance to kill him and yet, they still had faith on her, believed she would somehow ignore all the horrible things he had done to her and do the right thing. And in that matter, they don’t deserve Y/N lol. Once again if she were a bit more unhinged, she could easily be a Tomie-type of character… but where’s the fun in that? (at least for what I have in mind, not gonna say that writing that kind of story isn’t intriguing hehe)
Well, the threat of her being forced by her in-laws lingered in the back of her mind, perhaps even her main motivator, but all things considered she decided to do so because, well, she’s not completely evil. She should’ve been a bit harsher… but well, that doesn’t really align to the values she was taught with.
Talking about the alone part… wow. It has been a while since we saw them together like that; like what, 10 chapters? Lol Still, if Y/N had been that unhinged she could’ve been like “I’m taking my ladies with me AND Naoaki for my well-being” and that would’ve murdered Naoya and his staff immediately. HAHAHAH Can you imagine that though? Still, I won’t say that doesn’t sound a bit ridiculous 😂 the whole family reunited in his room lol.
But yeah!! It’s been so long, and it’s finally happening… under relatively normal conditions where Naoya isn’t terrorizing her. It does make me wonder how their time at the ryokan during their honeymoon was like… I might write about it… some snippets here and there (or if someone wants to send in an ask of what they think happened heheh) anyways, her being in this position of power is a bit unnerving to her, and within reason. From being berated almost daily, to being in a situation where she can literally do anything and who’s gonna stop her?????
Well, Y/N isn’t that crazy like Naoya, but I’m sure she’ll make the most out of this situation anyways.
AS FOR THE TOPPING IMPLICATION…. Damn. I didn’t even think about it like that hahah I was out here imagining how “Y/N wants to beat him up, make him suffer, so he can get a taste of what she’s been through………….” And then you show me the other side of the coin where she might want to top him DAMN that’s an interesting perspective of something that might happen further down the road…. AHAHAHHAHA I won’t say anything more.
Either way, not that the aspect of “intimacy” has been brought up, for me those moments that Y/N was taking care of Naoya felt… well, intimate, if that makes sense. Probably a delusion from my side, but it’s the kind of domestic things I want to see happening between the two 😭 no more drama or fighting, just the two being in a healthy, happy relationship. Like Naoya coming back injured from a mission and Y/N tending for him because she cares for him, not because she’s being forced or because Naoya was acting stupid or whatever.
But we shall see, we’re getting somewhere after all :>
The highlights of this chapter would definitely be Naoya opening up to Y/N (although a bit, and when he’s not 100% him, but it’s something…) and Y/N talking (or more like demanding) to know about the records and why he’s acting like that… even though she doesn’t believe him that much lol.
NGL I’m excited for the next chapter, it’s going to be flashbacks that will certainly affect their relationship—something I’ve been wanting to write too! Like, I hadn’t said anything about Tomoko outside of Naoaki’s perspective, but what about Naoya?! What’s his relationship with her like? How was she during her last days at the Estate? And for Y/N, HOW DID MINAKO DIE? Oof, very interesting indeed.
The following chapter, whether for the worse or for the better, is necessary for their marriage. As well as his sickness :> We’re finally getting development for the two yall!!
Anyways, thank you so much for your patience and support! We’re slowly moving forward to the “good stuff” that I cannot WAIT to post!!! There’s also a few more tropes (I guess) that I want to introduce… some that I think are very obvious (of course, because I know what’s happening lmao) 😂 but I can’t help but indulge on them!!!! It’s like an addiction, I must… have… it.
Once again, thank you so much for being patient with me during this short break 🥺❤️ I hope you like the next chapters!! Take care, have a wonderful week, and hope to see you soon!!
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quirky-witshere · 6 months
A Tango Dance with Covid 19?
You know, my life in the past few months, was like that of a bowling alley where my destiny was bowling away all the kind of problems on me, and where I personify myself is as those little white helpless BOWLING PINS!!! And with each roll of the of the problems by my stupid destiny was a 100% STRIKE. {{{(>_<)}}}
Some of the instances were that I didn't qualify in the NEET, had to face repeated setbacks and humiliations for not being able to do so, get jelly of my friends who enrolled in private colleges and were flexing their 'oh so amazing College life'; and stuff. (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠)
When I think back the discomfort I face these days was nothing in comparison to the ones I faced during ISOLATION.
Well in my last post I had said that I might test positive for covid 19...... and HALLELUJA!!! I did test positive for it the very next day.
So why not dedicate a post on my oh so wonderful experience was it to be covid positive. (Note the sarcasm Folks!!!)
So as I had last time expressed in my previous anecdote that my father had already tested positive and was in isolation and so was I and the rest of my family. So we had been awaiting our my fathers reports to confirm the infection...... but who knew that nasty DNA particle had already checked into my body and was ready for a Tango dance which was a week long propaganda. Also, the great NEWS was my father was COVID POSITIVE by all means.
On hearing this declaration, he immediately consulted a doctor and was on the prescribed medicine. On the other side I was already turning weary, my knees were already buckling and I had already begun to run on high fever. On seeing my condition.... my parents were like, '' Aah.....The sensitive one has been caught, get ready to witness an overly dramatized enactment of this disease....'' (´。_。`)
So.... next day, just to confirm the infection (again!) I along with my mum had to go to the health center for my test. When I reached there I was registered for the test and then my sample was collected. My mother also took the test and fortunately later, she tested negative. But the drama doesn't end here..... you know there is a saying in our culture that if a son's feet fits into fathers shoe then the son now is capable of taking father's the responsibilities. But my mom doesn't believes this because she knew her beloved daughter is nowhere that mature that she could even hand over her sample... so.. the responsibilities are totally ruled out. So the situation was like this..... just picture it... my mother was still in the queue registering for the test.... And you submitting the sample on another booth. And after you submit it, you turn over, towards your mother to inform her that you are done with the procedure....but here is what you are greeted with, nothing but a deadly menacing glare that is clearly screaming......WHY DIDN'T YOU WAIT FOR ME!!!!! YOU IDIOT!!! (of course I learnt about this glare's meaning later after the cold war)
And on finding my mum glaring on me with fireball in eyes an avalanche of an unknown worry had already claimed me. While I had been still wondering why had I been glared at so precariously........ came along was a strong hit on my head and my mom stomping away (still glaring furiously) towards the sample collecting booth.
And my dear audience, the cherry on the top was that the lady, who was collecting the sample had mysteriously disappeared after collecting my sample, leaving my mother hanging. So... there stood my mother, FUMING, trying to figure out when will the lady return to collect her sample. So finally an eternity later(approximately half an hour) my mother's sample were collected. So from that point of time began the COLD WAR of ignoring me until we reached home. But who knows the destiny had other plans. WHEN I, reached home I was already a steaming potato with a 101 degree fahrenheit fever. While I was feeling dizzy, that DNA PARTICLE must have been doing a stupid tango dance to commemorate its new establishment and was proliferating its kind!!
So..... by that time the volcano of my mom had already gone dormant and the most amazingly compassionate and caring lady took her place. I was immediately consulted to a doctor and a bag of medicine now sat in lap, ready to get popped open and pushed down my throat to my RESCUE. AND, what seems the end of the story was not actually ending that way.... down came trays and trays of bland food, water for steam, glasses of water for gargle and weirdly tasting orange candy medicine LIMCEE. ( I don't know why these brands claim to have flavored these medicines as of orange flavor when these tablets taste nothing but VOMIT!)
So.... the next day happened the inevitable.... came the POSITIVE REPORT. And I was still in isolation. My fever reduced a bit and for the next three days I was like, 'God all I am doing is lying around all day but why the hell am I still TIRED?!'
Wanna know the other side dilemma.... well, I was a Eleventh grade SCIENCE stream student, and was suffering from COVID 19 and also had morning lectures of Organic chemistry (reaction mechanism to specifically say) at my coaching centre that used to begin at 7.30 am in the MORNING! So guys TO... make you folks feel related to my pain a little bit I would say... you guys might have experienced the body pain and fatigue during flu but in COVID this thing is five times of what we experienced. AAAANNNNNDDDDD..... in such condition I used to wake up and ATTEND these lectures
<(_ _)>
AND... I didn't Understand a bit.😞
(#Flawed for life ✨)
You must have thought this might be the end of my misery..... but AHA I had a minor test coming up at the end of the week which was just of 480 marks (and fortunately I scored about 345 marks of it. Later got to know it was one of the toughest of all the tests I had given so far and also had 91.8 percentile.) *PROUD*
SO finally a week later my miseries ended and I was (am) fine as feather!!! ( ̄︶ ̄)
So FINALLY ending all this blabbering.....
Take Care everyone.....
Better meet next time.....
Till then....
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Lots of luv, quirky-witshere🫰🏻
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animatorweirdo · 5 months
Bitter water
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You dream of your past, which only leaves you wondering more. You also taste something that leaves a very bitter taste in your mouth.
Warnings: some pining, reader being a bit pathetic, pleading, mentions of a gunshot, a sick child, the temperature falling, medicine tasting, Camilla being very strict about things.
Chapter 3
Everything felt distorted and hazy. Muffled sounds surrounded you, and you couldn’t move until you woke up to the sound of the school bell. The loud ringing of the bell snapped you awake, and you found yourself standing near the lockers of the old high school you used to attend. There were students everywhere, and you felt younger than before. 
“(Name)!” Camilla yelled, gaining your attention. “Did you manage to do your part of the assignment? God knows how much that teacher is going to complain if we don’t submit it today,” she said with her usual annoyed tone. “Yeah. I have it right here,” you showed her the stack of papers you held in your hands. “Good. Submit it, and we might end up spending a free day from grandmother’s lectures,” she took out a set of books and then closed her locker. 
You let out a sigh. “You sure I can’t go to the prom? It's our last year here,” you questioned. 
“(Name), my parents have explained a thousand times why you can’t go. It's too risky since you haven’t finished the EM training,” Camilla explained, mentioning your emotion management training, which you have been attending since you first moved to her family compound. “I think I can handle myself and my emotions. This is most likely my only chance to enjoy something like this since I wasn’t allowed to attend the last ones, so please—” you said with praying hands. 
“I’m sorry, but no, and besides— who were you planning to ask to go there with you?” Camilla asked. “This place is full of dimwits and idiots who think it's funny to constantly make Indian jokes,” she explained. “Yeah…those are getting pretty old,” you stated while thinking about Camilla’s bullies. 
“I…was thinking about asking an old friend,” you smiled. “Who?” Camilla frowned. You then glanced behind her to see a boy talking with his friend. He was laughing at something, and his smile made your heart beat faster. “Jace? No,” Camilla rejected after seeing him. 
“Why not? He’s a good friend of ours?” you asked, shocked by her response. 
“Yeah, and that’s what worries me. You’re not ready for relationships,” Camilla replied. “Who said we’re gonna end up together?” you asked, nearly teasing the thought. “You were literally just looking at him with love-struck puppy eyes, and asking someone to prom is like the most basic and boring trope for a high school romance drama,” she explained. “And a perfect recipe for catastrophe. You can’t ask him to prom. What if he discovers your secret?” she asked sternly.
“I’m certain it's going to be fine, especially if it's only going to be for one night,” you rolled your eyes at her sternness. “No matter the reason —no,” she said, and you whined. “Fine—” you said with a defeated tone. “Good girl. Now —” she started, but then Jace walked over to you with a smile. 
“Hey, (Name),” Jace’s enthusiastic voice broke the silence. You glanced at Camilla. “Well, speak of the devil,” you grinned, then turned toward Jace. “Hey, Jace. What’s up?” you put up a smile. 
“Good — I just wanted to ask if you had any plans for the end of this year. Anything special?” Jace asked. “No… I will most likely just spend it as usual. You know… the training program, therapy, and the usual,” you answered. “Ah–nothing else?” he questioned. 
“Well–you know my foster parents. They’re very strict about it, especially since the incident with my family,” you said, thinking about the death of your family. “I…can see that,” he nodded with a sympathetic look. “Well, since this is our last year and you haven’t been allowed to attend the previous proms for some reason. I was wondering…” Your heart started beating faster while waiting for what you thought he was going to say. 
“...I was wondering if you would like to come to this year’s prom with me if your foster parents finally allow you to come,” he said. 
“Uhmm…” you lost your ability to speak. You quickly glanced at Camilla, who was shaking her head, but your mind didn’t click soon enough, and you said the opposite. “Yeah…sure! I would love to come with you…” you said rather quickly. 
“You sure? They’re finally allowing you to come!” Jace asked with a happy tone. “Yes. It’s our last year, so I’m certain they will allow me to come this time,” you smiled. “That’s wonderful! I keep in touch,” he said, then left for class. Your chest was beaming with happiness, and you looked back at Camiilla — only to be faced with her unhappy frown. Deep down, you had screwed up. 
“You…donkey!” she smacked you in the head, making you yelp and groan in pain. 
“I panicked, okay! I wasn’t really expecting him to ask me to prom,” you explained while flailing your arms in defense. 
She sighed and pinched her brows. “You have to tell Jace that you can’t come. My parents will not allow it,” she stated. “Please, Cami, It will only be for one night. I promise! Nothing serious will happen. I will even take another red pill just in case,” you pleaded, but she only rolled her eyes at you. “Please, I’ll do anything. Your parents might not listen to me, but they will definitely listen to you,” you whined, grabbing her hands with pleading eyes. 
“Please, please, please — let me have one fun night. You would be the best foster sister ever,” you begged with all your heart. 
Camilla stared at you with reluctance, struggling to decide before releasing an exasperated sigh. “Fine…” she looked away. “Yes! Thank you! You’re the best!” you pulled her into a tight hug. “But you better not make me regret this decision,” she said, pushing you away. “I won’t! I promise!” you grinned at her. “Great…” she muttered with a frown. 
A loud gunshot was heard across the hall, followed by screaming. 
You jolted awake with a gasp. Your heart pounded against your ribs as the sound of the gunshot still echoed in your ears. It was a familiar sound that had been engraved into your mind ever since that day.
You calmed yourself down and stared at the ceiling while thinking about the dream, which was actually a memory.
Jace, your former high school sweetheart. He used to be a good friend and a loving boyfriend since you started temporarily dating after he asked you to prom, but ever since the day the incident happened – you and him were never the same. 
A frown dressed your face as you thought about him. Why would you dream of him all of a sudden? It’s been years since the whole thing happened. 
Is there a purpose, or are you being punished for what happened?
A sigh escaped your lips as you shook your head and got up from your bed. Whatever it was, it didn’t matter, so you might as well prepare for the day’s work. 
Dipping the towel in a bucket of water, you twisted it, letting out all the extra water before gently laying it down against the child’s forehead. Camilla was seated on the other side of the child’s bed, feeding the child with medicine. 
“Hey, do you think we could visit Talla? I heard she opened a new bakery,” you questioned. “Sure…right after we’re done here,” Camilla answered, feeding the last bits of the medicine to the child. “Cool. I really miss the taste of doughnuts,” you said, then released a yawn. 
Camilla glanced at you. “You didn’t sleep well last night?” she asked. “Just another dream. Not as bad as the last one, but for some reason–” You released another yawn. “...I feel even more tired,” you finished. 
Camilla looked at you for a moment before putting the medicine away. “We’re done here for now,” she stood up, startling you, but you took the towel and stood up as well. 
After leaving the mother with a prescription for the medicine, you two walked out of the house. “That was quick. You didn’t even recite the whole medicine book to the mom,” you teased as you stopped in front of her, carrying the medicine bag. 
Camilla suddenly laid her hand against your forehead and skin. You nearly jumped from the sudden intrusion of her cold hands. She then pulled away and started searching for something in her pocket. 
“Just as I thought, your temperature is dropping again,” she said. “Did you remember to take the medicine this morning?” she asked, making you frown. “I did. I took one after I woke up,” you replied, confused. Shen then pulled out a vial and handed it to you. 
“Drink this — it should enhance the effects of your current medicine and pick up your temperature,” she explained while you stared at the yellowish liquid inside. It had a strange plant inside, and the color reminded you of pee. 
“What is it made out of?” you opened the vial. “Some ginger, lemon, and herbs added with snail grass and other concoctions,” Camilla recited as you took a sniff and squinted your brows from the smell.
“Sounds and smells nasty,” you put the vial against your lips and drank the whole thing. 
Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets after the liquid touched your tongue. You nearly spitted the whole thing out, but you fought back and slowly swallowed all of it. You then gagged. 
“That!” you gasped out. “Was sour as hell!” you smacked your lips in pain as the sour taste lingered in your mouth. You spitted the plant that came along to the ground. 
“Well— at least your temperature got better,” Camilla said after checking your forehead again. “And you don’t feel tired after that one, right?” she questioned. “After swallowing that bitter water of absolute despair—no,” you said sarcastically as you two continued walking through the busy street. 
You walked the higher streets and were nearly back at the Healer’s wing till something caught both of your attention. Some men and elves were talking at a nearby bar about something very ear-catching. 
“I swear to you! The snowstorm I saw last winter was unlike any other storm I have seen. It was nearly covering the whole land in a violent hurricane, and it was definitely not a natural storm,” The old man spoke.
You and Camilla glanced at each other since he was obviously talking about the snowstorm caused by the Snow Queen. 
“You think Morgoth had anything to do with it?” someone asked. “Unlikely! Because why would he suddenly burn the lands and then create a snowstorm that didn’t even last long? That storm would have lasted longer if it was the dark lord,” the old man answered. “It was definitely the Orc eater!” he said, catching your and Camilla’s full attention. 
“The Orc eater? What in the Ironhells is that?” one of the elves asked.
“You don’t know? Last winter, in Maglor’s gap, was seen a creature unlike any other, a beast that preyed on the orcs and ate them alive,” The old man described, and you had a minor flashback of what happened in Maglor’s former fortress. 
“I heard it devoured the whole orc army, leaving none alive. Only those who were prisoners there survived. They didn’t have the chance to look at it, but they knew it was there, hunting…” the old man started. “It ran faster than any horse. It used mimicry of voice to lure its prey, and when the orcs would think they were safe, it would attack and kill them crucially, eating their flesh and snapping their bones with its teeth like they were nothing but a snack,” your skin shivered as he continued. 
“Its presence was so terrifying that the survivors do not even dare to speak about it, afraid it would come back to finish them off,” he ended. 
You paled as that was a perfect description. 
“I heard the snowstorm arrived when the creature appeared, rendering the orcs helpless and vulnerable as they couldn’t handle the extreme cold, a perfect playground for a hunt, so the snowstorm had to be that creature’s doing. It is a beast of winter,” the old man stated. 
“And where could this creature be now? Nothing else has been heard since the winter passed,” someone asked. “It dislikes heat, so it has definitely gone to slumber like how bears hibernate through winter, waiting for next winter and its next chance to hunt,” the old man replied. 
Camilla glanced at you while you stared into the void. “Sounds about right,” you stated as you two continued walking. 
“Your little adventure gained some attention,” Camilla said. “Well, I haven’t been active in months, and spring is just around the corner, so I should be alright, right?” you asked. “Yes, but even though the beast might be at its weakest under the spring heat. You might still end up active if we don’t find the replacement soon,” she explained. You sighed. “Now I kinda wish Wendigos did hibernate through springs and summers,” you said. 
“One thing for sure… I never planned to become a cryptid in this world,” you said as you walked up the stairs. 
“By the way, there’s a hunt coming up to purge some orcs, so just in case,  we will be joining with other healers,” Camilla started speaking as you approached the front entrance to the Healer’s wing. “We need to check we have kits for injuries and –” Camilla’s voice faded from your focus as you spotted Maglor across the courtyard. He stood beside his brother, listening to him talk with other elves before he locked eyes with you. You smiled and gave him a little wave, which he returned with a small raise of hand before going back to listening to his brother with a soft smile on his face. 
You watched him for a moment, feeling the sense of longing come back and embrace you from within till Camilla suddenly smacked you out of it. 
“Are you even listening?” she asked with a judging glare as you rubbed the spot she hit you. “Of course, I was… what’s up?” you asked, even though it was an obvious lie. 
She glared at you. “We don’t have time for your crushing, so how about you stop daydreaming? You know well why you can’t be doing that,” she said after seeing Maglor. “I’m not crushing! I just think it's nice to see him here and then,” you excused while Camilla looked at you judgementally. 
“Hmm. Right. You do know that your crushing is as obvious as your lack of sleep? Now come on, we have work to do,” she said, walking through the door. You sighed, glancing at Maglor, who was leaving, before turning toward the door. You walked through the entrance, closing the door behind you.
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mycupofrum · 1 year
I'm super intrigued by js_fem medicine 👀
Thanks for the ask @gracelesslady23! js_fem medicine is a random name thrown together with different elements of the fic which is also just a rollercoaster ride of genres mixed together (romance, drama, angst, hurt/comfort etc.). Set during the first wizarding war, friends to lovers, idiots in love, porn with plot, fem!James, male!James, idiot!James (romantically, he's still brilliant otherwise), hot!Sirius (that's a given but let's say it out loud anyway), gay panic, f/m, m/m, Jily past relationship.
So, basically James thinks he's definitely straight, but the problem is he wants to have sex with Sirius. Good thing there's Polyjuice Potion to solve the issue. As for the medicine... not to give away too much but relates to hurt/comfort towards the end. This is the strangest, silliest and randomest thing I've been writing in a while, kinda nervous to share it with people. 🙈 Snippet under the cut!
For a while, they sipped their beers in quiet, thinking about everything and nothing all at once. The times were dark, and sometimes you had to forget about the past and the future and only focus on the present. 
Sirius was snapped out of his thoughts as James murmured something he couldn't quite make out, except for the word sex. 
"Prongs, are you horny?" 
"No...well, yes, but not in the way you think." 
"Yeah, well. I'm sorry that Lily left you, mate. Maybe we can spend an evening in a muggle bar soon and find you a one-night stand." 
"That's not what I meant." 
"What did you mean, then?" 
"Well…do you know when sometimes...or well, there's something that's been on my mind lately." 
"Just spill it out." 
"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have sex as a woman?" 
"Um, not really," Sirius murmured after a few seconds of confusion. Sometimes James was able to surprise him completely with the way his mind worked, which was why Sirius loved him so much. Secretly. 
"Well, okay, maybe it's crossed my mind once or twice, but I didn't think to do anything about it," he then confessed. "To be honest, I've experienced what it feels like to want to mate as a dog, and that's quite enough. Can't recommend it." 
James cast a sidelong glance towards Sirius and grinned slightly. "You haven't told me anything about that before." 
Sirius returned the smile. "Let each animagus look after their own needs as they see fit." 
"Right you are, Pads." 
Sirius finished his drink, then looked at James's empty bottle of beer, which he passed to Sirius so he could float their bottles onto the table. 
"Go for it if you want to experience what it's like to be a woman. Of course, making the potion takes time, but we can look around to see if the Order has any remaining at the headquarters." 
Then Sirius frowned in wonder. 
"Who were you planning on turning into?" 
"Actually, now that you mention it, I sort of kept the leftover Polyjuice Potion from yesterday to myself. Once you left the drink on the table, I took it from the headquarters." 
James had pulled out a familiar-looking hip flask from his jacket pocket and was already twisting the cap open. 
"James…?" Sirius spoke softly. "You're not planning what I think you're planning?" 
James shook the flask, then cast a brief glance at Sirius. 
"Cheers," he said before taking a hefty swig of his drink and grimacing. 
"What – hey!"   
At that moment, James's short, untidy hair grew longer, smoother and more wavy, while his body shrank and gained curves where none previously existed. 
After a while, there was a pretty, dark-haired woman sitting next to Sirius on the couch – the same one that Sirius had turned into on their undercover mission the day before. They had been told that the real person was a half-blood witch who had fled to France with her family. 
Sirius took a deep breath. "So you just decided to go for it." 
"Yep," James said in a higher pitched voice. 
"And you'd like to... Wait a second. Who were you planning to have sex with?" 
"Well, I mean…with you?" James blinked intently, removed her glasses and appeared satisfied once more. 
"Wait, so... You thought that we could... And you already turned into a woman before even asking for my opinion." 
Sirius wasn't easily left speechless, but if anyone could make it happen, it was James. This time, Sirius had to take a little break to process his friend's eagerness to act before thinking things through. Usually he didn't mind but Merlin, this was something completely different.
James shrugged, a little embarrassed. "I thought you liked women too? You do like a little variety every now and then, don't you?" 
"James, this is more about you being you, regardless of your body, and me being me." 
James looked down at the floor, tucking her long hair behind her ear. Sirius wanted to swear. Why did James, even in a different body, appear so appealing to him? 
Sirius took a deep breath to settle himself before speaking. 
"I had no idea you'd want to sleep with me." 
James appeared relieved for some reason. 
"Of course I do. I mean... shit, Sirius, you're the most gorgeous person I know. I just happen to be attracted to women. But if I wanted to be with you as a straight person, I'd have to be a woman because you're a man. So, now that I'm temporarily a woman, we can do this. And besides, I'm really curious about how this works from the female perspective. I mean, I've got boobs, isn't that strange?" 
James stopped babbling as she felt her body all over, staring at her own breasts. 
Once again, Sirius was unable to think, let alone speak. James had said some things that didn't make any sense, but had she also just called Sirius gorgeous? 
James interpreted Sirius's silence in her own way. 
"Oh shit, did I go too far? You don't want to sleep with me, is that it? Sorry, mate, I didn't know that. I just assumed it wouldn't be a problem for you since you like all kinds of people. And we're best friends, so I thought this would be just one more thing for us to try together. I would never ask this kind of favour from anyone else." 
Sirius was still staring at James, who was biting her lower lip uncertainly. Even as a woman, she managed to be utterly James. 
"You really want to have sex with me?" Sirius wanted to make sure that at least one thing about this crazy situation was completely clear. 
James sighed in relief and smiled. "Yes, Sirius, that's exactly what I want. I thought this matter was already settled." 
"So, it's perfectly fine for you, but as a woman?" 
"Well, that's what I said." James let out a chuckle. "I'm young and open for new experiences. And this way we can keep things, um, straight." 
Sirius raised an eyebrow, pleased to see James blush. 
"Not that there's anything wrong with other preferences," James persisted. She raised her hand as if to ruffle her hair, but realised it was no longer short and hastily lowered her hand. 
"My point is that I'm a woman for the next hour and I want to have a good time. So, what do you say?" 
Sirius admired James's superior skills in all things magical, but his closest friend's logic fell flat when it came to romance. 
It was just too bad that Sirius was even worse than James because he deliberately threw away his sanity. 
"All right," he murmured, clearing his throat. 
"Really?" James's dark eyes twinkled with delight. 
"Be careful what you wish for, James. I'll show you the time of your life." 
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alexadavas · 6 months
The Butterfly Who Unfolds Her Wings
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A simple, selfless, social butterfly, but an ambitious girl as what they perceive, yes, it is me. I'm Alexa Mae Canaria Davas, 18 years old, a first-year civil engineering student at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela. I'm one of the Dr. Pio Valenzuela scholars for batch number 26 as well.
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To be honest, there's nothing special about me. I'm just a typical girl with a lot of pressure and expectations. Why did I say so? I'm the first, or, should I say, the eldest, child of my parents. I have two siblings who are 15 and 5 years old. I've also been an academic achiever from kindergarten until senior high school. Since I am the first child, I have many responsibilities to fulfill. I don't want to fail. I'm scared of failing in all aspects of my life. It would be my biggest downfall. I don't like being a disappointment to my family or, most especially, to myself. My parents did not pressure me that much. In fact, I'm the one who pressures myself since I expect more of myself. I don't have a lot of talents and skills like others do. But I can sing, dance, and make everyone feel wanted and appreciated. I don't want to see people left behind, since I know that kind of feeling. My hobbies are just reading books, watching Asian dramas, and making some fictional stories or quotes about life if I have free time. During my senior high school years, my professors often praised me because of how I constructed words in every essay or other written activity. I don't know, but I like expressing myself through writing rather than being vocal.
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I am an ambitious girl, but honestly, I don't know what career or what I want to become. I want to be successful, but I don't know what my dream is. I have a lot of dreams, but I can't see myself in those fields. One thing that I am sure about is that I want to become a cardiologist if I'm lucky enough. If fate allows me to. I want to pursue being a doctor, but sadly, my parents can’t afford for me to study at any private medicine school. Every decision I made was influenced by other people. To tell you the truth, there's no chance that I decided for my own. Taking the course as a civil engineer is not my first choice. It was my third option. I took the STEM strand as my senior high school academic track at Our Lady of Fatima University. For the sake of improving my mathematics skills, I can draw houses too, but I am not as good as others. My parents and relatives want me to study engineering since that’s the only course they can afford and since I’m just about to study at a state university. They also said that engineering can make me successful too since it is in demand and a high-paying job. Given the factors I have mentioned, I considered just taking civil engineering because it was aligned with my senior high school strand, even though I doubt if I can. Every night before entering college, I silently cry since I know that I can't be an engineer because I'm not that "good" at mathematics. and I have no interest in the engineering field. I know for myself that I will be struggling.
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This course is very challenging, and it really affects your mental health. There's been a lot of change for me since I started studying engineering. Back then, it was not okay for me to just get at least a passing score because I am a competitive person. I can't afford a low score or grade. I'm always aiming for a high grade. But now, just a passing grade really makes me happy already. I started to like my course, although I was scared to take it before. This course really taught me to be a risk-taker, to believe more in yourself, to study harder and harder, and that it's fine to cry. This is such a fulfilling course that I don't want to be an irregular student and shift to another course next year. I will strive harder to graduate from this course and be a future civil engineer in the near future. I know I can since I have my family, friends, and God by my side.
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Shifting from an online class to a face-to-face class again is quite hard. It seems like a new experience to me to be back in a normal class after almost 3 years of online classes. Most especially, you have to maintain safety protocols, and your actions are limited, unlike pre-pandemic. My coping mechanism with this kind of setup is that I have to socialize with other people, but I am still reminded of safety protocols like wearing a face mask and keeping a social distance. Additionally, I'm teaching myself to do group study with my friends and classmates because I was used to studying alone rather than brainstorming, and I'm starting to build my self-confidence in public speaking after not being exposed to other people during lockdown.
To sum it up from this blog, you know the half-side of me. How I chose what course to take in college and my coping mechanisms during the shift of classes from online to face-to-face. To everyone who will be reading this, I hope I can inspire and motivate you that not all the time, what we dreamed of is really meant for us. We need to see the bigger picture, to be practical, and to transcend the things that limit us from being a better version of ourselves. Let's be risk-takers and not be afraid of what lies ahead.
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classysassy9791 · 2 years
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They named her Kagome after finding her injured and unconscious on the subway. Suffering from amnesia, she recuperates under the care of a semi-retired surgeon and a fresh young doctor. But when dark and violent flashes of her past come back to haunt her, Kagome begins to wonder if her past was worth remembering. Especially when a man she doesn't recognize quite literally lunges into her life, accusing her of murder.
Fandom: Inuyasha Genre: Drama, Mystery Pairings: InuKag, MirSan Warning: Dark themes throughout
Chapter 1 Word Count: 3,000 Can also be found on AO3
An ear-splitting bang. A gunshot, she was sure. She had been around firearms long enough to know. 
Waking up in a world of unfamiliarity felt bizarre. Her consciousness floated through an empty space filled with thick static, accompanied only by her heartbeat pounding in her ears. She remembered rain, beating on the broken paintjob of cars and falling to form puddles on the curbside. It had been stained red, following the path to her feet and finally cascading into the drain sewer. 
Rain soaked through her clothes, dripping off the loose strands of hair pulled free from her messy bun. Tears stained her cheeks. She felt her chest tighten, expelling a choked cry. 
A cough sputtered from her lips, her throat scratchy and raw as the taste of iron coated her tongue. Her head felt like it had been hit by a freight train, a high-pitched ringing slowly beginning to assault her ears within moments of awakening. Hazel eyes rolled open, focusing on the blur of objects in the distance. Black and red and yellow. 
She absently realized it wasn’t really raining. 
Get up. 
The glossy black asphalt glimmered with flashing lights, cool against her cheek and the only comfort against the searing pain pulsating through her body. A shaky breath. She swallowed thickly, attempting to make sense of something, even if it was just the simplicity of being alive. 
As that thought came and went, she felt a fear deep-set in the pit of her stomach, and she somehow knew it had long ago made a home there. Like a well-acquainted old friend. 
You need to get up. 
She squeezed her eyes shut as she struggled to concentrate on evening out her breaths. In. Out. Focusing quieted her heartbeat, silencing the buzzing of her thoughts to a still drone that didn’t fabricate her unease. A part of her wanted to ignore the sinking feeling in her gut, the primal instinct for survival. Chaos filled her head and her memories were blurry images, the past a fading dream, and nothing to prove if what she remembered was real. 
You need to get up or you’ll die. 
And she briefly thought, would that be so terrible? 
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When Miroku Ishida had decided to go into medicine years ago, he had been warned of the grueling hours that would tap his stamina dry. Perseverance brought him here, but looking back now, he knew he had been very naive, not fully grasping what it would take to complete his residency program and finally follow in his late father’s footsteps to become the surgeon they had both dreamed of. 
He had just finished up another forty-eight hour shift, ending with harassment from a patient’s family member, and vomit covering his shoulder from a patient with a bowel obstruction. Tired didn’t even begin to define the ache in his feet. As he walked from the hospital to the nearby subway entrance, he fantasized about arriving home, where a cold beer and fresh bed sheets awaited him. He would be off for the next two days to recharge, and he couldn’t be more grateful for it. 
While he waited for the train to arrive, he checked his wristwatch and internally groaned. It was nearly one a.m. on a Friday night, so he knew the majority of the train cars would be filled with obnoxiously drunk and rowdy passengers just leaving the bars and clubs. The hospital he worked at sat in the middle of downtown, not far from the red light district, and thus making the emergency room prime grounds for all the nightlife activity that stumbled in until dawn. Normally, he wouldn’t care, but his train ride would be at least forty minutes, and he wasn’t sure his patience would last that long. 
“Buddha, help me,” he murmured as the train pulled up, indeed packed with bodies and howling laughter he could hear before the doors even slid open. 
Nevertheless, he pushed his way on and held a bar overhead as the train began moving again. The tight space reeked of alcohol and marijuana. While some of the passengers sat back quietly - probably too drunk to do anything but stay awake - the others were shouting, cursing, and guffawing their way through conversations he couldn’t make heads or tails of. 
Not that he cared to know anyway. 
Pushing back a growing headache, Miroku moved through the back door to the next car, seeing a similar state greet him. He continued moving down the line of cars, pushing past a woman who grabbed his ass - which he would normally return the flirtation had she not been three sheets to the wind - and an inebriated man who tried picking a fight, which he quickly side-stepped. 
Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief when he entered a nearly-empty car, save for an unconscious woman curled up on a pair of plastic seats. 
He sat down across the way from her, setting his gray backpack beside him and leaning his head back with a deep sigh. It felt good just to sit. Perhaps he would join his sleeping car-mate and doze off for a while. His phone buzzed, putting that idea to rest, and he fished it out with an annoyed glare. 
[He’s gone] the text read. 
Miroku furrowed his brows, wondering what prompted him to leave this time. It was one thing to disappear for weeks with barely a word, but he had only returned two nights ago. Leaving so suddenly within such a short time wasn’t his typical routine. 
[Did he say why?]
A few minutes passed before his phone buzzed again. 
[Does he ever?]
“No, I suppose not,” he murmured. Sighing, he ran a hand over his face and slipped his phone back into his jacket pocket. He could deal with that headache tomorrow. There was no way he could handle his nonsensical behavior at this hour. 
His gaze fell on the other passenger, briefly wondering if he should wake her. The train had already stopped several times to let people off, but she hadn’t even stirred. If he had fallen asleep on the train, he would hope someone would wake him so he didn’t miss his stop. 
“Hey,” he called out. “When’s your stop?”
There was no response. She didn’t even move. 
Miroku climbed to his feet and stepped over to her, but stopped short when he noticed blood pooling on the floor beneath her. Eyes wide, he garnered a quick assessment of her condition.  Now that he was closer, he could see how ghostly white her skin was, as well as the make-shift tourniquet from a belt tied around her thigh, her dirty and bloody garments, and the deformity of her shoulder. 
“Hey, miss,” he tried again, this time louder and laced with deep concern. “Miss, are you—”
He didn’t have a chance to finish his question before he found himself staring down the barrel of a gun. He froze, heart thumping in his ears, as he slowly raised his hands in open submission and met the woman’s leveled glare. Her brown eyes studied him through the haze of sweat and blood that dripped down her brow. 
Swallowing thickly, he fought to keep his voice steady. “You’re injured,” he stated calmly, nodding with his head to her mutilated body. “I’m a doctor. I work at a hospital nearby. I can help you.” 
Miroku, my friend, you really know how to get yourself into trouble. 
He flashed her what he hoped was a friendly smile and took a small step toward her. “They have bandages and medicine there. We can help you get fixed up and-”
“No cops.” Her chest shuddered with each shallow breath, and anyone without a lick of medical knowledge could tell she wasn’t faring well. She again demanded in a raspy voice, “No cops.” 
Hesitation crept into his thoughts, wondering what kind of trouble she was in, before she aimed the gun firmly at his head. If he brought her to the hospital, there would undoubtedly be questions and an investigation. He only had one other option, so he hastily agreed. “You have my word. I won’t call the police.” 
A battle waged in her gaze before she finally lowered her weapon to her side. 
Miroku sighed with relief, but when her eyes fluttered closed again, panic gripped him. “Hey!” he cried out, kneeling down in front of her and laying a hand under her head. “Stay with me!”
She mumbled something incoherent, and he realized she didn’t exactly agree to his help. She simply had no other option. Sweeping his gaze over the area, he made a mental note of her backpack, as well as the trail of blood from the train car doors. She obviously hadn’t been injured here, so he couldn’t readily determine the cause of her injuries or how much blood she had lost. But, the pale color of her skin and her thready pulse when he pressed his fingers to her carotid spoke volumes. 
“Hang in there,” he pleaded as he counted how many more stops they had left to go, brushing her dark hair away from her face. “Just hang on.” 
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The classical electronica melody of ‘Underground’ resonated in the dark bedroom and jolted Kaede awake. She reached out from beneath the covers and blindly fumbled for her cell phone. 
“Doctor Miyamoto,” she answered sleepily, the haze of dreamland still hovering thickly. 
“Kaede! I need your help!” 
She knitted her brow, the urgency of Miroku’s voice helping to shake off the blanket of sleep. “Miroku?” she murmured, reaching over to switch on the lamp and slip on her glasses. “What time is it?” 
“I need you to meet me at the clinic!”
Kaede pulled away her phone to glance at the time, an annoyed sigh slipping from her lips as she leaned back against her pillows. “Miroku, it’s nearly two o’clock in the morning. What could be so important?” 
“I’m sorry, but it’s an emergency! Please hurry!”
The line went dead as Miroku hung up, leaving Kaede perplexed. Miroku had always been sensible and level-headed regarding all aspects of his life. Hearing the exigency in his tone concerned her, and nervousness started to settle in. “Dammit,” she mumbled as she dragged herself out of bed, stumbling still half-asleep through her room to throw herself together. 
Although she missed the old days, being woken up in the middle of the night for an emergency was one thing she could do without. 
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The crisp night air kept Miroku cool as he hurried toward the clinic, the nameless woman in his arms curled against his chest. Both of their bags were thrown over his shoulders, and although he made sure to stay in shape, he was sorely lacking in endurance. His eyes glanced down at the dark-haired woman, studying her features. She felt light in his arms, a sign of malnutrition, and the dark circles under her eyes spoke of many sleepless nights. Her clothes smelled of smoke, but not like cigarettes; more as if she had been sitting beside a bonfire all evening. 
Rounding the last corner, the Miyamoto clinic came into view. The quaint building sat wedged between two other shops on the main artery through town. Dim street lights guided his path to where a soft glow spilled from the windows. Perched just in front of the clinic’s entrance sat its owner, curled up on a bench with a blanket around her shoulders and a cup of freshly brewed coffee in her hands. 
“Kaede,” Miroku greeted as he hurried toward the doctor he had awoken rather abruptly. 
The elder physician’s gaze shifted between Miroku and the injured woman in his arms. “Miroku, what on earth—” 
“Please, hurry,” he said, ignoring her and brushing past her through the front door. He made quick work of making his way to the back room where an exam table was stationed, quickly lying the woman down. She groaned, eyes fluttering between consciousness and oblivion. He didn’t waste any time setting down their bags, shrugging off his coat, and washing his hands at the sink. 
Kaede followed after him, dropping her blanket on a chair in the waiting area. Her brown hair had been woven into a messy braid that hung over her left shoulder, strands of gray glinting from the lamp overhead. “Miroku, what’s going on?”
“Kaede,” he addressed as he dried his hands and pulled on a pair of gloves. “I’m sorry for the rude wake-up call, but I found her on the subway. She needs our help.” 
She adjusted her glasses and peered over at his patient, taking note of several injuries, before getting to work herself. Now she knew why he had sounded so urgent over the phone and the last bit of tiredness drifted away. “Why didn’t you take her to the hospital?” she demanded in a chastising tone, gathering supplies to start an intravenous line and dress the woman’s wounds. “We’re not equipped to handle traumas!”
He grimaced, nodding to the gun he had taken from her, now sitting on the counter. “She said no police. I had no choice.” 
Kaede shot him a warning glare, her bright, brown eyes gleaming suspiciously. “What kind of trouble are you bringing here?” She watched as Miroku expertly gained IV access before hanging a bag of fluids wide open. 
“I don’t know,” he admitted, rounding the table to look at her shoulder. “And, I don’t care. She needed my help. I couldn’t leave her.” 
“You very well could have!” she argued. “We don’t know anything about her. She could be involved in something dangerous! What if someone followed you?! Now you’ve endangered everyone here!”
He paused for a moment, thinking of the sleeping child he had passed by in the waiting room. “I’m sorry,” he repeated, looking at Kaede with trepidation in his eyes. “I didn’t mean to jeopardize Rin, but I took an oath as a doctor and I plan to uphold that. If you aren’t going to help, please leave the room so I can work.” 
Kaede stared at him long and hard. She had taken Miroku under her wing years ago and always knew he was passionate about his profession, but she had never dreamed he would take it this far. Even so, he was right. 
She resigned with a sigh. “As soon as she’s stable, she leaves.” 
“That’s all I ask.”
Resolve strengthened, Kaede grabbed a pair of scissors to cut away the woman’s clothes so they could work. Midway through cutting the fabric of her shirt, the girl sputtered, eyes rolling open to stare at the elder woman. “Wh-Where—?”
“You’re in good hands, honey,” she soothed, placing a gentle palm on her forehead, her skin cool to the touch. “I’ll draw up some pain medication for you.”
“N-No,” she choked out, pushing Kaede’s hand away, her arm shaking with the effort. “N-No medicine. No narcotics.” 
“You can’t be serious,” Miroku called out, brows raising. “Your injuries are very severe. Treatment is going to hurt like hell. If you deny—”
“No,” she said again, her voice firm and resolute. Her eyes, although wincing from the sweat dripping down her brow, gazed back at him, determined. 
Kaede and Miroku exchanged glances before the elder doctor sighed. “I see. As you wish.” 
Miroku shook his head and grabbed a towel, rolling it up and placing it between his charge’s teeth. “Bite down on this,” he instructed. “Your shoulder is dislocated. I’m going to pop it back into place.” 
She did as he said, her distrustful gaze holding his. 
“On the count of three. One, two—”
She cried out with a muffled scream as a simultaneous popping sound reached Miroku’s ears. Tears came to her eyes as she choked back a sob. 
“Shh,” Miroku soothed, quickly fixing her arm into a makeshift sling. “It’s okay.” 
“Not yet,” Kaede murmured, setting her glasses on the bridge of her nose and peering at the bullet hole in the woman’s stomach. “Help me turn her.” 
Miroku held the woman close, trying to ignore the way she tensed up while they moved her. Kaede ‘tsk’d’ and then instructed him to set her down again. “It’s a through-and-through, which is good, but I’m still going to have to stitch her up. Not to mention that leg of hers. She’ll die if we don’t stop the bleeding.” 
He grimaced, peering down at the woman who still didn’t have a touch of fear in her eyes. She gazed at him hard, a silent agreement passing between them. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, brushing back her bangs, slick with sweat. “This is going to hurt.” 
Kaede drew something up into a syringe, the needle tip catching the light, before she moved toward their patient. The woman’s eyes darted between the man who saved her from the train and the doctor who was going to try to save her life. Her chest shuddered with each shallow breath. 
Miroku’s hands found hers and squeezed reassuringly, commanding her gaze to his. “We’ve got you,” he promised, attempting to calm the panic her body resonated with. 
Tears filled her eyes, but Miroku couldn’t tell if they were caused by her pain or the comfort he unabashedly offered her. “Here we go,” Kaede murmured, gentle hands fluttering over her thigh. “Just some lidocaine to numb the site.” 
Although she had declined narcotics, the woman didn’t refuse this small gesture of kindness. Miroku picked up a suture kit as Kaede prepared to sew their charge back together again. It didn’t take long for a whimper to fall from the woman’s lips, and then she fell unconscious. 
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