#it's 2.20 am here
wisecloudnightmare · 1 year
Ghost circus (Dick/Danny) Soulmate au
In dc universe, the first sentence your soulmate says to you is tattooed on your skin (if you're injured, it appears in the same place on top of your scar don't worry).
In dp universe however, you have a birthmark in a shape or a picture that tell you about your soulmate. Maybe a football for a football player or an instrument (or fifteen if your soulmate is an overachiever, you never can be sure). Maybe a logo of their favorite movie idk. But Danny, practically growing up in a lab that mainly studies ectoplasm in a town that is the richest ectoplasm spot in the world, has a weird mark: a robin egg that changes with time. As he grows up, it changes to a red-yellow-green baby bird and so on.
What I want to say is, Dick meets Danny who is a dimension traveler (probably doing Clockwork's a favor or investigating the Lazarus Pits) and hears him say his soulmate's sentence but when he responds Danny just doesn't react and goes on his way. Dick is like "am I not his soulmate? Can it be one way??" Just angst and existential crisis as you do.
Then, Danny is doing something and the batfam appears. Maybe he's fighting a rogue? And Danny sees Nightwing. And he knows that the vigilante reminds him of something, a blue-black bird of his own. Wait.
"Are you my soulmate?" Danny asks.
"HOW DO YOU KNOW?" Nightwing loses his mind.
Cue teasing siblings ("that has to be the shortest time someone uses to learn your secret identity.") and overprotective Batdad trying to investigate this boy/man who takes down the rogue and the goons like it was nothing even before the bats arrived on the scene.
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Guy who looked like he should be a fairytale prince came into the cafe yesterday and I have never wished I knew how to flirt more
#girl i was fucking.. bent over putting the bread back (we have bread for soups)#and i saw a customer had approached so i stood up and my eyes had to go like ⬆️⬆️⬆️ to meet his#bear in mind I AM SIX FOOT ONE……. guy was tall#i was like ‘hello there :) can i help’ and he said ‘hi do you do espresso?’ and i was like ‘we absolutely do; is that a single or a double#espresso?’ and he said ‘just a single’ and i said ‘okay :)’ and scrambled more or less over one of my coworkers (who was doing nothing in#particular) to get to the espresso cups. we hide them under the counter for some reason. i don’t know why. i mean Very few people order#espresso so i guess they don’t need to be out there with the big cups; but like….. i still do need at least a few espresso cups per shift#either for people who want extra milk or for like Actual espressos lmao. and they always seem to get scrunched up behind the spare sharpies#it’s annoying. but ANYWAY. so i made his espresso and asked if he’d like anything else with that and i Tried to say it suggestively#but also not Too suggestively because like. girl i’m at work. i work here and i would like to continue working here and not get fired#for tackily hitting on a customer. but he was like ‘yes thanks’ and i was like ‘your total will be £2.20 :(‘ and he paid by card and refused#a receipt (thank god because getting our machine to print customer receipts is a PAIN)#and then he walked away with my heart and then later i saw him with a girl who was probably his girlfriend :(#because. obviously.#i’m not the barista in a coffee shop au!!!! i’m the barista in uhhhhhhhh my life#we need to set up some sort of protocol for when gorgeous gorgeous people come in. like for example how do i subtly ice my cheeks#personal
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donutwatches · 3 months
MHA 2.20 - Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past - part 2
Sorry for the big gap in posting, I have been SICK sick. Anyway here is the rest of episode 20.
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He looks like a business man. Needs tailoring in the shoulders. Big bad villain points thus far, mysteriousness: 10 points, intimidation: 7 points, fashion sense: it's a 0 from me.
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Why do I feel like I am learning so much lore, but only have more questions?
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Wait, it is hard to tell in black and white, but that is totally All Might in a pool of blood hunched over Big Bad's 'dead' body, right?
I would pay money to see that fight. I must have been gritty as hell. SHOW ME THE GORE!
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This seems like something Deku should have been informed of BEFORE he was given the quirk. I suppose All Might thought Big Bad was dead, but still.
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Well crap. I guess fighting terrifying villains was going to come with the territory no matter what, but All Might having kept our little Green Bean in the dark about the history of his new quirk feels like a big mistake.
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Sweet brave kiddo. It is a good thing that All Might turned out to be a good person. Imagine if he wasn't? With a kid looking up to him so blindly he could have manipulated him so badly.
This statement from Deku is ominously naive. Deku is def going to face dark times and hardship that will test his commitment. I know it is going to be hard to watch him fight through it.
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The show is basically telling us he is going to die upfront. I am going to hope it is reverse psychology, and that somehow All Might will escape the mentor death trope. *Praying*
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What the hell? Is his head a cabbage? That is wild.
Click here for episode 21
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mrslankyman · 5 months
Where is my Mind?
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Mike Schmidt x (fem) Reader
Mike walked into the busy mall. A usual Saturday. Everyone scurrying around trying to get to the store they wanted. The food court surprisingly wasn’t as busy. It was only 9 am though.
So he clocked in and got onto his shift. Which consisted of just walking around and making sure no one was stealing. The grey ‘Security’ button shirt was growing a little hot.
He wished for a day without the penetrating head ache he had. He feared when he walked by people they saw right through him. A tired and dead ended man. Fighting to keep his sister and fighting even harder to convince her he was alright.
Truth be told he was far from alright. Between the threat of a court case and the fact he was behind on rent he sure as hell wasn’t gonna catch a break anytime soon.
For some reason though he always had enough pocket change to visit the ice cream shop in the food court. So that’s where he headed.
Was it too early for ice cream? Maybe.
Walking through the food court he made his way to the ice cream shop. Spotting the girl who always had a smile on her face. It sickened him slightly at how happy she could be. Though in a way he liked her smile.
“Hello Mike. What will it be today?” That friendly voice cooed. She always had that happy ring in her tone. “Just plain vanilla. In a cup.” Mike answered pulling his wallet from his pocket. Flipping it open and going to get the cash out.
Meanwhile Y/N made the ice cream. Swirling the vanilla icecream into the cup. She’s seen Mike quite a lot. He always made his way over to get an ice cream. Everyday, every week. She wondered if he had a major sweet tooth or if he never got ice cream as a kid and now that he could he’d get it everyday. Either one sounded like Mike to her. Though she barley knew him.
“Here is your plain vanilla icecream in a cup.” She held out his sweet treat to him. As he held up the $2.20 to her. She took it and smiled. He always had exact change. It surprised her. Well it used too. Till he did it everyday.
“Food courts not so busy today.” Mike turned around to her. He was planning on leaving and just sitting at one of the tables. Eat his icecream and then slug around. “Yeah.” The man gave a look around before debating. He didn’t like talking to people.
“You ever thought about trying another flavor besides vanilla?” She asked so smoothly. So happily. So friendly. Why was she talking to him?
He looked at her. If his tired eyes didn’t make her realize he didn’t wanna talk his resting bitch face sure did.
She slowly looked away. She knew he didn’t talk much. He didn’t even chat with his work buddy much. Why would he talk to her?
She just longed to make a friend. Truth be told her and Mike were similar in that sense. She graduated high school, watched all her friends go off to some great career, and here she was. Working at an ice cream shop in a mall.
Here Mike was. Both parents dead and raising his little sister. Still holding onto the hope of revenging his dead brother. He didn’t have friends. None that knew him well at least.
“I think I’ll stick to vanilla.” Was all he said as he walked off.
Y/N stared off at him. He made his way to a table and sat down. Eating his icecream.
2 weeks
Perhaps it was the fact his Aunt decided to give a nasty call. Or how Max couldn’t baby sit that day. Abby was getting dressed to go with Mike to work.
His boss knew his position. So he reluctantly agreed. Abby was cheerful about getting to go. Mike was annoyed on the inside. He loved his sister but..
He only had enough pocket change for one icecream.
“Okay what flavor do you want Abby?” Mike asked looking down at her. She stared up at the menu of flavors. “Strawberry!” She gave a wide smile. The corner of Mikes lips raised as he saw her smile. She was the only thing he even cared about anymore.
“Go have a seat and I’ll get you it.” He instructed. She headed off to find a place to sit. Mike walked to the cash register to order.
“The usual today Mike?” Y/N asked in her normal happy tone.
“Ugh no, a strawberry.. cone today.” He said looking at her. Noticing the smile creep on her face he gave her a puzzled look.
“Something other than vanilla I see. Mixing it up a bit?” She giggled and grabbed a cone. Wondering what the change in flavor was for.
“No, it’s for my sister. I brought her with me today.” He answered slightly afraid. Even that small detail he thought would drive her away.
“Oh you have a sister! How nice.” She turned around with the cone in hand. “What’s her name?” She curiously asked as Mike paid. “Abby, she’s over there.” He hesitantly pointed at his sister. Who sat at a chair looking at Mike. She noticed his finger pointing at her so she waved. Giving a bright smile at the girl talking to her brother.
To her of course it seemed like the two were friends. Maybe even more. She always wondered what it would be like if her brother met someone. Would he be happier? She always noticed the way Mike looked after talking to people. They looked at him with disgust and he looked down with shame.
The only girl she saw him talk to was Max. Max didn’t seem to be his type. If he had one that is.
“Yeah I had to bring her today. Baby sitter canceled.” Mike turned back to the girl. After seeing Abby smile he couldn’t brush off this girl. He didn’t need his sister seeing that he had terrible social skills.
Though she already knew. Partly she did. She didn’t fully understand but she knew Mike had a hard time with things.
“Aw, you know. If you have to do stuff I can watch her. I get off in 30 minutes. Early day today.” She offered with a smile. That smile never left her face when she talked to him. He wasn’t used to this.
Should he let her in? Give her a chance to get to know him and his sister? She seemed nice. He’s talked to her for about 2 months now. Over icecream though..
“Okay.. yeah. That be nice.” He nodded. He regretted his decision already. She was excited to get to know Abby.
So it became routine. Well getting an ice cream for Abby did. Before Mike left his shift Y/N would bring over a strawberry cup of ice cream. For him to take home to Abby. He lived only 5 minutes away so he figured it wouldn’t be too melted.
She enjoyed the time with Abby. Learned a lot about her and a little about Mike. How he was reserved and Abby had never seen him talk to someone so much.
That made her blush slightly. Mike treated her differently than he did others?
Perhaps it was the longing for a friend. Or the fact Mike felt somewhat different when he was around her but sometimes he came by even when he wasn’t getting ice cream.
Except today.
Today was different. No Mike. At least not at the ice cream shop. Y/N would look around. Trying to catch a glimpse of the man. She would see him walking around the food court. He never looked over at her. Never even walked over.
Did she do something? The other day was fine. She tried to recall what could have made him him give the cold shoulder.
“You really think that vanilla is the best flavor? I’m telling you try something new.” She giggled as she handed Mike his vanilla cup. “I’m not so sure I wanna try something new.” He gave her a look. He was slowly opening up. Besides that basic resting angry face she got a quizzical look.
“Oh come on. Super Rue is good. It’s like hmm I don’t know I just know it’s good.” She leaned against the register a little. Giving a smile. She never saw Mike smile. She could never get it out of him.
“Yeah I’m sure it is.” Mike grabbed his wallet and went to give her the cash. She reached out. Her fingers brushed Mikes. She wouldn't think much of it. But this made her heart skip a beat. She looked at him for a second. He also looked at her. His eyes displaying a show of emotion he had never seen on his face. So it was hard for her to pin point what it was. She could tell it wasn’t bad.
Perhaps he just hadn’t touch someone’s hand before really. Must of been the case by the way his cheeks flared up and he awkwardly held his ice cream. She put the change in the register and Mike gave a curt good bye. She couldn’t even answer before he was off.
Though that wouldn’t give him a reason to give a cold shoulder.. would it?
It would. Mike went home that night and couldn’t stop the feeling he had in his stomach. Was it butterflies or was it the feeling of dread?
He couldn’t lie to him self. Talking to her everyday had made him feel something. Though it wasn’t that deep. Till his hand touched hers. In that moment his stomach did flips. His face grew red and he was afraid she’d see through him.
See the feelings he had pushed down. He didn’t wanna burden her with his life. She only served him ice cream everyday and smiled because that was her job. She didn’t really mean anything.
Sure she enjoyed hanging with Abby, enjoyed talking to him he assumed. She always tried to drag the conversation out. Perhaps that was her way of being friendly though.
Far from it. If he only knew how anti social she was outside of work. Even in work when any other customer came up she didn’t care to hold too long of a conversation with them. They just weren’t Mike.
So she sat their and waited her whole shift. Waiting for him to come by and ask for a plain vanilla cup.
He didn’t.
He wasted his whole shift trying to ignore her. He walked through the food court to get lunch. Forcing his eyes to not look over at the small ice cream shop. It was hard but. He needed to shove those feelings away.
He didn’t want her to see him. What would she think of him? That he was crazy? She’d likely judge him for his past and try to fix his future. He didn’t want fixing. He wanted someone to understand.
His mind isn’t some happy place. He was corroded with doubt and unforgettable memories. He wanted someone to understand those. While also being able to see him.
He never let anyone see him for that to happen though.
He was doomed to live in his mind and never get out.
1 week
Perhaps it was annoyance. Anger. Or the fear she was gonna lose Mike for good that Y/N clocked out of her shift right before the mall closed. And headed to securities small office. Where Mike had to clock out at. He couldn’t escape her this time.
Mike headed to the office. Opening the door and slipping inside. As he turned his eyes widened. Y/N stared at him. With that look. That look that everyone gives him. The angry, annoyed, and shameful look.
“Why have you been ignoring me?” Her words sliced through him like daggers. He never heard her use this time before.
He didn’t respond. He simply pushed past her and clocked out. He didn’t wanna talk. He didn’t wanna see her. He was afraid. Afraid he’d give him self away.
“Mike.” Her voice cut through his thoughts. Her hand grabbed his wrist. Those butterflies caught in his stomach. Her hands were warm..
He turned to her. His face giving nothing away. Though on the inside his head was racing a mile a minute this time it wasn’t from a head ache.
“Answer me.. please.” Her tone was soft, her eyes weren’t those angry annoyed ones anymore. They were sad. Sad. Something he’d seen before. Pity.
He didn’t want pity.
“I don’t need to tell you anything.” His cold answer made her frown. Sure he was standoffish. But this.. wasn’t the Mike she knew.
“Come on. You just stopped showing up one day and no matter when I try to call you over or say hi you just walk by. What is up?” He could see tears pricking the corner of her eyes.
Was she crying over him? This was new.. no one ever cared if he didn’t talk. No one cared if he didn’t reply. So why did she?
“Why do you care?” Was the only thing he could think of as a repose. Though truth be told he truly wanted to know why she cared.
“Because..” was that it? Because? No good reason? He should just go. She just wanted to pity him. He wasn’t special. He should’ve known-
“Because we’re friends aren’t we?” Those friends. That one word. Friends? Didn’t she know what she was doing to him? To just be friends.
“Friends?” He asked looking at her. Her hand on his wrist moved to his actual hand. She held his.
That electric feeling coursed through his body. His face turned red. She was going to see through him if she didn’t leave.
“You’re my friend Mike.. aren’t you?” She asked her voice so soft.. so inviting.
“I don’t know..” he said closing his eyes. Hiding him self in the darkness of his closed eyelids.
“Look at me.” She said luring him to open his eyes.
“I’m afraid..” he squeezed her hand. She squeezed back.
“Afraid of what?” She stepped closer to him. Wanting to understand him.
“Myself.. you.. everything.” Not as direct as she hoped but she understood.
“I get it..but Mike you don’t have to be afraid to me.” She put her hand on his cheek. This made his eyes open. He looked at her. His face red, his eyes had that look.. of longing. Her touch made him feel something he had never felt before.
“Are you afraid of me?” He asked her quietly.
“No Mike.. I’m not afraid of you. I’ll never be afraid of you. The only thing I’m afraid of is vanilla being the only flavor ice cream you like.” She offered that light hearted joke and for the first time in for ever. She made him smile. A real smile. His lips curled up and his teeth shown through.
“I love your smile.”
He wasn’t afraid anymore. How could he be? This girl made him smile. Not some half assed smile he’d give to please someone.. a real smile.
So maybe she’d love his mind too.
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momo-de-avis · 11 months
Im on the bus. A lady comes in and wants to pay a 2.20€ fee with 20€. She's one of those loud people, with a very nasal voice that always add that inflection at the end of the word, you know? Like a Cascais accent. The bus stops for a long, long time cause this poor driver has to find enough change for the woman (it stopped for so long, I missed my ferry). Meanwhile, she's complaining. "Can't I pay with a card?" They don't have debit card option, literally everyone knows this here. "What am I going to do with all these coins, now?" Lady just take them.
The bus is stopped for so long, eventually a guy in the back screams twice LET'S GO!!! The lady has all her change, but now -- BUT NOW!! She's not yet counted it, but says "there's money missing from here, I know it"
The bus driver says "I gave you 17,8€, I believe. How much do you have?"
The lady says "I'm going to count it".
At this point, he lady in front of me just FAVEPALMS herself. I laugh. She turns back and gives me the "the fuck is she on?" Look. Pure disbelief. We're both laughing now.
Lady says "you gave me the wrong amount!"
Bus driver says "17.8€. how much do you have?"
Lady screams, very upset: "I AM GOING TO COUNT AGAIN"
Lady in front of me goes "ooh my goooood, 20-2.2 = 17.8, how hard can this be???"
I'm in tears now.
The bus has since resumed the drive.
Bus driver asks: "do you have the right change?"
For the first time lowering her voice, the woman says: "yes"
Lady in front of me lifts her arms. She's getting off on the next stop, so she stands up. We wre both TEARING UP with laughter, I can't even speak, and she's just in pure disbelief, going "what the hell????"
God idk why this was so funny
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suncaptor · 2 years
writerswatch supernatural
I am doing a rewatch in groupings of the writers! The tag is #writerswatch. I have tallied the writers into groups giving the speed 1 episode per day, but I will not be consistent with that and have it listed into dates for each writer.
I have outlined it below and people can join if they do want to, whether it be for a certain writer, episode, or anything. I just thought this would be a fun format.
I am starting with Eric Kripke.
Eric Kripke: September 25th-October 10th
1x02 (with Ron Milbauer and Terri Hughes Burton)
"Bloody Mary" (with Ron Milbauer and Terri Hughes Burton)
"Devil's Trap"
"In My Time of Dying"
"All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 2" (with Michael T. Moore)
"The Magnificent Seven" (with Emily McLaughlin)
"No Rest for the Wicked"
"Lazarus Rising"
"Heaven and Hell" (with Trevor Sands)
"Lucifer Rising"
"Sympathy for the Devil"
"The Real Ghostbusters" (with Nancy Weiner)
"Swan Song" (with Eric 'Giz' Gewirtz)"The Man Who Knew Too Much"
Sera Gamble: October 11th-November 8th
1.03 Dead in the Water
1.12 Faith
1.14 Nightmare
1.21 Salvation
2.03 Bloodlust
2.08 Crossroad Blues
2.13 Houses of the Holy
2.17 Heart
2.21 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part One
3.02 The Kids Are Alright
3.07 Fresh Blood
3.10 Dream a Little Dream of Me
3.12 Jus in Bello
3.15 Time Is on My Side
4.02 Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
4.09 I Know What You Did Last Summer
4.17 It's a Terrible Life
4.21 When the Levee Breaks
5.02 Good God, Y'All
5.07 The Curious Case of Dean Winchester with Jenny Klein (story)
5.13 The Song Remains the Same with Nancy Weiner
5.21 Two Minutes to Midnight
6.01 Exile on Main St.
6.11 Appointment in Samarra
6.21 Let It Bleed
7.01 Meet the New Boss
7.10 Death's Door
7.17 The Born-Again Identity
7.23 Survival of the Fittest
Raelle Tucker*: November 9th-14th
1.03 Dead in the Water
1.12 Faith
1.14 Nightmare
1.21 Salvation
2.04 Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
2.10 Hunted
2.16 Roadkill
2.20 What Is and What Should Never Be
*she did write some episodes with Gamble so some are repeats, so I have cut down the days.
John Shiban: Nomember 15th-23rd
1.06 Skin
1.07 Hook Man
1.11 Scarecrow
1.15 The Benders
1.20 Dead Man's Blood
2.02 Everybody Loves a Clown
2.09 Croatoan
2.15 Tall Tales
2.19 Folsom Prison Blues
Cathryn Humphris: November 24th-November 30th
1.20 Dead Man's Blood with John Shiban
2.07 The Usual Suspects
2.14 Born Under a Bad Sign
3.05 Bedtime Stories
3.10 Dream a Little Dream of Me with Sera Gamble
4.04 Metamorphosis
4.14 Sex and Violence
Ben Edlund: December 1st-December 24th
2.05 Simon Said
2.12 Nightshifter
2.18 Hollywood Babylon
3.03 Bad Day at Black Rock
3.09 Malleus Maleficarum
3.13 Ghostfacers
4.05 Monster Movie
4.08 Wishful Thinking
4.16 On the Head of a Pin
5.04 The End
5.10 Abandon All Hope...
5.14 My Bloody Valentine
5.20 The Devil You Know
6.03 The Third Man
6.09 Clap Your Hands If You Believe...
6.15 The French Mistake
6.20 The Man Who Would Be King
7.02 Hello, Cruel World
7.09 How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
7.15 Repo Man
7.21 Reading Is Fundamental
8.05 Blood Brother
8.13 Everybody Hates Hitler
8.21 The Great Escapist
Jeremy Carver: December 24th-January 11th
3.04 Sin City 
3.08 A Very Supernatural Christmas 
3.11 Mystery Spot with Emily McLaughlin (story)
3.14 Long-Distance Call
4.03 In the Beginning 
4.11 Family Remains 
4.15 Death Takes a Holiday
4.20 The Rapture
5.03 Free to Be You and Me 
5.08 Changing Channels
5.15 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
5.18 Point of No Return
8.01 We Need to Talk About Kevin
8.23 Sacrifice
9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here 
9.23 Do You Believe in Miracles? 
10.01 Black
10.23 Brother's Keeper 
11.01 Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
Matt Witten: January 12-January 13th
2.06 No Exit
2.11 Playthings
Richard Hatem: January 14th-January 15th
1.04 Phantom Traveler
1.10 Asylum
Andrew Dabb: January 16th-March 1st, Daniel Loflin: January 16th-31st
4.06 Yellow Fever with Daniel Loflin 
4.13 After School Special with Daniel Loflin
4.19 Jump the Shark with Daniel Loflin 
5.06 I Believe the Children Are Our Future with Daniel Loflin 
5.11 Sam, Interrupted with Daniel Loflin
5.16 Dark Side of the Moon with Daniel Loflin
5.19 Hammer of the Gods with Daniel Loflin
6.04 Weekend at Bobby's with Daniel Loflin
6.07 Family Matters with Daniel Loflin 
6.13 Unforgiven with Daniel Loflin
6.18 Frontierland with Daniel Loflin and Jackson Stewart (story) 
7.03 The Girl Next Door with Daniel Loflin
7.08 Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! with Daniel Loflin
7.14 Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie with Daniel Loflin 
7.22 There Will Be Blood with Daniel Loflin 
8.02 What's Up, Tiger Mommy? with Daniel Loflin 
8.08 Hunteri Heroici 
8.14 Trial and Error
8.22 Clip Show
9.02 Devil May Care
9.10 Road Trip 
9.20 Bloodlines 
9.22 Stairway to Heaven 
10.02 Reichenbach
10.09 The Things We Left Behind 
10.17 Inside Man 
10.22 The Prisoner 
11.02 Form and Void 
11.10 The Devil in the Details
11.15 Beyond the Mat with John Bring
11.17 Red Meat with Robert Berens 
11.23 Alpha and Omega 
12.01 Keep Calm and Carry On 
12.09 First Blood 
12.23 All Along the Watchtower 
13.01 Lost and Found 
13.10 Wayward Sisters with Robert Berens 
13.15 A Most Holy Man with Robert Singer 
13.23 Let the Good Times Roll 
14.01 Stranger in a Strange Land 
14.13 Lebanon with Meredith Glynn
14.20 Moriah 
15.01 Back and to the Future 
15.10 The Heroes' Journey 
15.20 Carry On
Julie Siege: March 2nd-March 7th
4.07 It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester 
4.12 Criss Angel Is a Douchebag
4.18 The Monster at the End of This Book 
5.05 Fallen Idol 
5.12 Swap Meat with Harvey Fedor and Rebecca Dessertine 
5.17 99 Problems
Adam Glass*: March 8th-March 22nd
6.02 Two and a Half Men 
6.08 All Dogs Go to Heaven
6.12 Like a Virgin 
6.19 Mommy Dearest 
7.04 Defending Your Life
7.11 Adventures in Babysitting
7.18 Party On, Garth 
8.06 Southern Comfort 
8.12 As Time Goes By
8.18 Freaks and Geeks
9.07 Bad Boys
9.12 Sharp Teeth
9.17 Mother's Little Helper 
10.04 Paper Moon 
10.12 About A Boy
*both hitting Dabb and Glass these are writers I don’t really even take as canon most of the time, and then adding in Buckleming soon, but I’m still going to act as if I’ll have the stomach for it.
Brett Matthews: March 23rd-March 25th
6.05 Live Free or Twihard
6.10 Caged Heat with Jenny Klein (story)
6.16 And Then There Were None
Eric Charmelo and Nicole Snyder: March 26th-April 3rd
6.06 You Can't Handle the Truth
6.14 Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
6.17 My Heart Will Go On
9.05 Dog Dean Afternoon
9.13 The Purge
10.06 Ask Jeeves
10.13 Halt & Catch Fire
11.07 Plush
11.13 Love Hurts
Brad Buckner and Eugene Ross-Leming: April 4th-May 11th
(I wouldn’t recommend rewatching all of these and am assuming people know what to be critical and prepare for)
1.13 Route 666
7.05 Shut Up, Dr. Phil
7.13 The Slice Girls
7.19 Of Grave Importance
8.03 Heartache
8.07 A Little Slice of Kevin
8.15 Man's Best Friend with Benefits
8.19 Taxi Driver
9.03 I'm No Angel
9.09 Holy Terror
9.16 Blade Runners
9.21 King of the Damned
10.03 Soul Survivor
10.10 The Hunter Games
10.16 Paint It Black
10.21 Dark Dynasty
11.03 The Bad Seed
11.09 O Brother Where Art Thou?
11.18 Hell's Angel
11.21 All in the Family
12.02 Mamma Mia
12.08 LOTUS
12.13 Family Feud
12.17 The British Invasion
12.21 There's Something About Mary
13.02 The Rising Son
13.07 War of the Worlds
13.13 Devil's Bargain
13.18 Bring 'em Back Alive
13.22 Exodus
14.02 Gods and Monsters
14.07 Unhuman Nature
14.12 Prophet and Loss
14.19 Jack in the Box
15.02 Raising Hell
15.08 Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven
15.13 Destiny's Child
15.19 Inherit the Earth
Robbie Thompson: May 12th-May 29th
7.06 Slash Fiction
7.12 Time After Time 
7.20 The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo 
8.04 Bitten
8.11 LARP and the Real Girl
8.17 Goodbye Stranger 
8.20 Pac-Man Fever
9.04 Slumber Party
9.11 First Born
9.18 Meta Fiction
10.05 Fan Fiction
10.11 There's No Place Like Home 
10.18 Book of the Damned 
10.20 Angel Heart
11.04 Baby
11.11 Into the Mystic
11.16 Safe House
11.20 Don't Call Me Shurley
Jenny Klein: May 30th-June 7th
5.07 The Curious Case of Dean Winchester with Sera Gamble (story) 
6.10 Caged Heat with Brett Matthews (story) 
7.16 Out with the Old with Robert Singer 
8.10 Torn and Frayed
9.08 Rock and a Hard Place
9.15 #thinman
10.08 Hibbing 911 with Phil Sgriccia (story)
10.15 The Things They Carried 
11.08 Just My Imagination
Daniel Loflin (without Andrew Dabb): June 8th-June 9th
8.09 Citizen Fang
8.16 Remember the Titans
Robert Berens: June 10th-July 5th
9.06 Heaven Can't Wait 
9.14 Captives 
9.19 Alex Annie Alexis Ann
10.07 Girls, Girls, Girls
10.14 The Executioner's Song
10.19 The Werther Project
11.06 Our Little World
11.14 The Vessel
11.17 Red Meat with Andrew Dabb 
11.22 We Happy Few 
12.03 The Foundry 
12.07 Rock Never Dies
12.14 The Raid
12.19 The Future with Meredith Glynn 
12.22 Who We Are
13.03 Patience 
13.09 The Bad Place 
13.10 Wayward Sisters with Andrew Dabb
13.21 Beat the Devil
14.03 The Scar
14.09 The Spear 
14.18 Absence 
15.03 The Rupture
15.09 The Trap
15.12 Galaxy Brain
15.18 Despair
Nancy Won: July 6th-July 8th
11.05 Thin Lizzie
11.12 Don't You Forget About Me 
11.19 The Chitters
John Bring: July 9th-July 10th
11.15 Beyond the Mat with Andrew Dabb 
12.18 The Memory Remains
Davy Perez: July 11th-July 22nd
12.04 American Nightmare
12.12 Stuck in the Middle (With You) 
12.15 Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell 
13.06 Tombstone 
13.11 Breakdown 
13.17 The Thing 
14.04 Mint Condition 
14.11 Damaged Goods 
14.16 Don't Go in the Woods with Nick Vaught 
15.04 Atomic Monsters
15.11 The Gamblers with Meredith Glynn 
15.15 Gimme Shelter
Meredith Glynn: July 23rd-August 6th
12.05 The One You've Been Waiting For
12.11 Regarding Dean 
12.16 Ladies Drink Free 
12.19 The Future with Robert Berens
13.04 The Big Empty 
13.08 The Scorpion and the Frog 
13.14 Good Intentions 
13.20 Unfinished Business 
14.05 Nightmare Logic 
14.08 Byzantium 
14.13 Lebanon with Andrew Dabb 
15.06 Golden Time 
15.11 The Gamblers with Davy Perez 
15.12 Galaxy Brain (story) with Robert Berens 
15.17 Unity
Steve Yockey: August 7th-August 17th
12.06 Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox 
12.10 Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets 
12.20 Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes 
13.05 Advanced Thanatology 
13.12 Various & Sundry Villains 
13.19 Funeralia 
14.06 Optimism 
14.10 Nihilism 
14.14 Ouroboros 
14.15 Peace of Mind with Meghan Fitzmartin (story) 
15.05 Proverbs 17:3
Jeremy Adams: August 18th-August 20th
13.16 Scoobynatural with James Krieg 
15.07 Last Call 
15.14 Last Holiday
Auxiliary Writers: August 21st-August 27th
1.08 Bugs by Bill Coakley and Rachel Nave
1.17 by Hell House Trey Callaway
1.18 Something Wicked by Daniel Knauf
1.19 Provenance by David Ehrman
3.06 Red Sky at Morning by Laurence Andries
7.07 The Mentalists by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker
15.16 Drag Me Away (From You) by Meghan Fitzmartin
55 notes · View notes
wri0thesley · 1 year
Nat plz don't reply if you find this invasive but what job do you have other than writing? Just curious..
And congratulations 🥰
i am a full-time carer for my beloved fiancee! i will not go into their details too much here but they're quite pronouncedly disabled so they need assistance doing a lot of things other people take for granted. that's actually part of the reason i'm online so much! their needs are such that they sleep a lot due to chronic fatigue so i must find something to occupy my day with when they do not need me! unfortunately unpaid caring is neither glamorous nor well-paid (the government pays me what amounts to less than 2.20 an hour assuming i do only the minimum care hours of 35 a week, but i am basically on the clock always! they can get away with this because most unpaid carers look after family members or people they love and we're not going to just abandon them. coincidentally, it would cost the government far more if they had to pay 'real' carers to do what unpaid carers do!).
i was once studying to go into musical theatre as a performer but that was a long time ago now! one day i would like to get an actual degree (possibly through distance learning, possibly in creative writing ) but due to Money Factors that is not an option for me right now. one day!
16 notes · View notes
darsynia · 1 year
Trust Fall | Ch 22
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ARC by Eury Escodero on Unsplash | gif by @elwintersoldado
Story Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Summary: Tony/OC, ‘terrorists made us fall in love;’ IM1 timeline. In this chapter, Emory and Tony both learn how to trust new people in their lives even as they discover awful things about the people they used to trust.
Length: 4,862
Note: An ‘albedo’ is basically the measurement of the sun’s light as reflected from another object. I’m using it here as an allusion to finding out the true nature of people Emory and Tony used to trust. They see evidence of Rory and Obie’s duplicity as reflected by their harmful actions. FINALLY, am I right?
Taglist: @starryeyes2000 @raith-way @arrthurpendragon @themaradaniels @starksbf @chickensarentcheap @tiny-anne
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Emory says, “Honestly, after three solid months of bean soup for every meal, coffee is coffee,” and follows Clint into the kitchen. There’s a towel with one of those crochet button clasps hanging from the stove handle.
“Well, in that case, you’re just going from one bean soup to another.”
She takes his proffered cup and watches him walk over to clean the machine he’d made it with, real barista-level equipment. He shoots a look over his shoulder to catch her first sip. It’s delicious.
“Agent Barton, this is some high class bean soup. Thank you.”
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Chapter Twenty-Two: Albedo
It’s one thing to dress in the same clothes as a SHIELD agent pretending to be Tony Stark’s Morning Assignation. It’s something else to picture herself leaving the helicopter on SHIELD grounds and walking into the building dressed like that! Emory chooses anxiety (asking the pilot if she can change clothes in the back of the helicopter) over mortification (having to do a walk of shame across the Triskelion helipad). She ends up having to use the fishnets as a belt to keep Tony’s pants on, but she feels less exposed when she sits back down. Now, she thinks to herself, if only the hollow ache in the pit of my stomach would go away! Emory’s sure it’ll go away once they land and she’s settled, but it almost feels like it feeds off of her anxiety.
“Clint has an extra room,” Nat says, giving her phone back. “We’ll have to finagle some sightings of you, and we’ll have to do the rest of your training there, but Fury said yes.”
“It’s all settled, just like that?” Emory asks, incredulous.
Natasha sees her expression and shrugs. “Sometimes it’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission.”
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Voicemail Box, Stark, Anthony E.
2.20 PM
Mr. Stark, the FBI agents are here and I can’t find you or Harry. You aren’t in the bunker, are you? JARVIS won’t answer me, and I’ll feel very foolish if I have to explain that as your PA I don’t actually know whether you’re in your father’s bomb shelter or not! Please answer your phone.
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3:10 PM
Tony, if they threaten me with obstruction I’m going to be very upset. The agents are saying they might come back with a warrant, and I know it’s a federal crime to lie to the FBI so I had to tell them I’d met Ms. Autumn. Please, PLEASE come out? I know you can get phone calls from inside there!
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10:55 PM
Tony, where are you, it’s after ten! You only have enough fresh food in there for a few days! I’m… Wait, is that you on Channel-- [dial tone]
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11:03 PM
You’re at a NIGHTCLUB! It made the NEWS, Tony! What if the FBI doesn't believe me? What if they think I was covering for you!? Do you know how many messages I left on Harry’s phone asking where the two of you were? I thought he was in the bunker with you trying to stop you from drinking yourself half to death! BOTH OF YOU COME HOME RIGHT NOW!!
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When Tony returns from partying, he buries himself not in blankets and dreams, but files and memories. Stark Industries needs a new niche that isn’t weaponry, but draws on that expertise. Emory is at SHIELD’s mercy, and he doesn’t have any influence there. Is there something he could do that would solve both problems at once?
Some intrepid assistant in the late 80’s had digitized Howard Stark’s paper files, but they’re all mixed together, probably on purpose. He decides to track down the schematics he’d been so dazzled by when he was six and about to be sent away to boarding school; Tony had spent three glorious days digging through a couple of metal briefcases that had been accidentally left in his bedroom instead of the storage study one room over. At the time, Tony had been convinced they were for a secret government thing his dad was doing, and that was why they were sending him away to school. For his protection.
School had stripped away that sense of wonder, and eventually his father’s cold demeanor taught Tony to keep his questions to himself. Uncovering those memories is an uncomfortable process best done with the veneer of inebriation, but the physical effects mean he’s not very efficient. By dawn, the files are still elusive, and the issues that made him want to go drinking in the first place won’t go away. 
He decides to sleep on it.
Tony’s phone rings as he’s carrying the bunker pillows and Emory’s left-behind shirt up to his bedroom. His first instinct when he sees the name on the display is to be glad it’s not the FBI. His second instinct is to wonder if Coulson has learned how to manipulate people from the same place Agent Romanoff did. The man has to know that Tony was out till 3 AM. The agent probably expects to leave a message with a set of instructions he’ll expect to be followed without push-back, or Coulson’s hoping to manipulate him while he’s sleep-deprived and hung over.
As a result, Tony’s barely civil when he answers.
“You better be about to improve my mood, Doctor No.”
“Good morning. I have been asked to take over from Director Fury as your primary contact.”
“Wow,” Tony says. “Tell Boris he was almost the father figure I already had, will you?” Tony needs to yawn, but he holds it back.
“I’m pretty sure that’s exactly the sort of message I was assigned to prevent,” Coulson says. The man’s deadpan delivery doesn’t change a whit. “Something’s come past my desk that I think you can help me clear up: is it true that you snuck out from under your PA’s nose yesterday afternoon to avoid a scheduled FBI interview?”
The rush of relief Tony feels is probably premature, but Coulson is handing him a resolution on a silver platter right now. “Pepper told on me? Look, I deal with a lot of acronyms. I’m pretty sure I’d have remembered if I was supposed to be at a meeting with the CIA.” He pauses for dramatic effect, then adds, “Not that I wouldn’t have still snuck out. Everybody hates those guys.”
“Are you asking me to smooth this over for you, Mr. Stark?”
“Is it illegal for me to say yes?” Tony shoots back. “Because if we’re in the plot of Entrapment, I want my money back unless there will be red lasers and hot women in skin-tight black leotards.”
He can’t help but picture Emory in the iconic outfit, and Tony tightens his hand around the spy shirt she’d left behind. The message he’d gotten from Natasha Romanoff at midnight had been promising, but sharing an apartment with another agent could be worse in the long run. The freedom Emory will gain will be tempered by the possibility of off-hours propaganda and persuasion.
Oops. Coulson had been talking. Tony gives in to the yawn, making it as loud and obnoxious as possible.
“I was busy picturing that. Go on?”
“I was just saying, if we wanted to trap you, sir? We’d be more subtle. Speaking of which, any word on how long you’ll be staying in New York? I’d love to know if I’ll need to rent something long-term,” Coulson says, still as studiously polite as always, but now with a tiny edge to his tone, sharp as a razorblade. 
“I’ll be sticking around for as long as your archer plays house with my girlfriend, Phil.”
Tony doesn’t want to like this guy, mostly because it feels like there are two kinds of people in Phil Coulson’s world: the people he’s manipulating into liking him, and the people he’s screwing over very courteously. Tony’s been trying to manipulate the man right back, but it’s a delicate balance. Right before he’d left for New York, Tony had found a rare part for the guy’s beloved classic car and had it delivered by courier. That had been the carrot, and now, he supposes, comes the stick.
Coulson’s extolling the virtues of a particular apartment building he’s got an eye on when Tony interrupts. “Say, since you’re so good at passing notes, can you ask your boss if he can give me a call? I’ve got a business opportunity for him.”
There’s a moment of silence before Coulson wryly asks, “Should I address this message to ‘Boris?’ Or Director Fury?”
It's a shrewd question, and Tony's too fucking tired to play his usual hard to get. "Go with his official name this time, will you, Junior? Blame the lapse on sleep deprivation. And don't ever call me this early again, or I'll clone your voice with my AI and start releasing shit about Area 51 framing you as the source."
“Point taken, sir. Sleep well.”
Tony turns the phone off completely. “Yeah, I wish,” he says to no one. Thankfully, his head barely hits the pillow that smells faintly of Emory’s hair before he feels oblivion reaching out for him.
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Emory wakes up in an actual bedroom.
Not a secure office dressed as one. Not a fancy hotel that reeks of opulent impermanence. Not a barely habitable cave with a truly embarrassing method of relieving oneself. A bedroom. The room Clint had given her even has a lock.
She’d spent so little time at her apartment while working as Rory’s PA that her last ‘home bedroom’ was pre-Rory, the room in her dad’s house. That memory is tainted by the conflict between herself and her parents about Rory’s influence, though. The time she got to spend at Tony’s mansion hadn’t felt like home either. It had passed almost like a daydream, a stolen few hours that, true to form, had ended with her being sent back to reality. When she was with him, Emory had felt like maybe she could belong there, but now, back in the real world, it’s hard not to feel foolish.
Rolling over, she buries her face in Tony’s shirt as she had so often the night before, picturing him across the room about to climb back into bed with her. It’s hard not to wonder how many women have done the same. Most of them were probably tall, glamorous, and rich, better suited to his world than she ever could be. Her rational mind is trying to tell her that Tony Stark is new to the hero business, and she was just a convenient damsel in distress. Her heart’s response is to remember the desperate catch in his voice as he screamed in the desert, angry at her for maybe dying and forcing the words ‘I love you’ from his throat.
Her instinct is to do what she’s always done: endure. This time, though, Emory wants to fight for what she wants, as terrifying as it is, as new as that is. She wants to live. She wants to love. How did everything suddenly become so hard?
Groaning, Emory gets up and makes the bed, tucking Tony's clothes under the pillow like she's burying a secret. As she has for the last few weeks, she also buries her instinct to go with the flow, to not make waves, to hide, safe and invisible. It's too late for that. Tony- or Natasha Romanoff -would find her. And if they didn't, well, thanks to the serum, she basically has an expiration date. The effects of her dependency are going to start manifesting themselves soon. 
She dresses and slips on the fuzzy slippers Clint had lent her, unlocks her door, and starts up the hallway toward the kitchen. On the way, she sees that his bedroom door is open, revealing a loft bed with a desk underneath, just like a college dorm. Most of the room is taken up by what looks like a built-in climbing wall that curves up onto the ceiling, anchored with some seriously thick cables.
“I’d offer to let you try it out, but I don’t actually have a rig, just pads for underneath. Not great for newbies,” Clint says from the other side of the hallway. He’s sipping from a mug, which he holds up. “I remember you usually avoided the SHIELD coffee. I approve. Want some of the good stuff, or did your cave detox put you in a good place?”
“Give?” Emory says, walking toward him like a mummy. She’d warmed to Barton during her training sessions, and he’s even more likeable here in his own home, relaxed and welcoming. The contrast between the way he’s treating her after knowing her for a month and the way Rory's treated her for the past nine years is stark, no pun intended.
“Right, what am I talking about? This is probably crap compared to your-- To Stark’s,” Clint says, stumbling over the right way to refer to Tony. Emory can’t blame him. Technically, she’s not supposed to be Stark’s anything.
A stubborn kernel of hope blazes in her chest, as she says, “Honestly, after three solid months of bean soup for every meal, coffee is coffee,” and follows him into the kitchen. There’s a towel with one of those crochet button clasps hanging from the stove handle.
“Well, in that case, you’re just going from one bean soup to another.”
Emory takes his proffered cup and watches him walk over to clean the machine he’d made it with, real barista-level equipment. He shoots a look over his shoulder to catch her first sip. It’s delicious.
“Agent Barton, this is some high class bean soup. Thank you.”
“I made a promise that I would indulge myself every day. This is what I picked,” Clint says.
“You mean your overhanging death wall wasn’t it?” she asks, walking over to rest her hip on the kitchen island and watch him.
He chuckles. “No.”
“Thank you, truly,” she tells him after a few more (indulgent is definitely the word) sips. “I didn’t know how on Earth I was going to balance my association with Tony and my obligations to the mission. Staying here is the perfect compromise.”
“Glad to help,” Clint says gruffly, focused on wiping off the counter. “That can be a delicate thing. Worth it, though, if he is.”
Emory blows out a long sigh, staring at her feet. “Looking at it from the other way around, I sure hope it is.” Across the room, she hears him let out a similar noise and looks over, curious. Clint looks sheepish.
“I wasn’t supposed to mention him in case it got you charged up. Sorry about that.”
“Hah, so my self-doubt saved your apartment? Does that cancel out the whole dive-bomb rescue thing on the day we met?”
"Let's not get too hasty," he teases, jumping his eyebrows at her. A second later, he shifts into 'agent' mode. "We need to make a 'game plan.' The goal is for you to take a walk and get sighted. The building itself is secure; unofficially mostly government workers and domestic violence survivors live here, but there's an unspoken agreement with the local media about that." His smile is full of promise; whether it's for her protection or for a journalist's destruction if they choose to overstep is unclear.
“Guardians and survivors, convenient,” Emory murmurs.
“Exactly.” He pulls his phone from his pocket and starts tapping at it as he speaks. “Nat wants you to get groceries today, a courier will drop off a bank card. Says here yours was--” Clint frowns, squinting at the phone in his hand. As he reads, his jaw firms up into a hard frown. “Your account was closed ten days after the initial attack in Afghanistan. By Rory Fall. She showed them Power of Attorney papers.”
Shock and dismay lock up her muscles and she sways a little. Clint reaches out and grabs her upper arm to steady her. His grip isn’t meant to hurt, she can tell, but right now, everything is heightened, so the skin under his hands burns.
“Look at me,” he says. She does, still reeling, both surprised and (horribly) not surprised. “You okay?”
“I’ve watched her turn on people for years, I just never thought--” Emory shakes her head. Her tear ducts grind to a halt with the dry pain of understanding just how much she’s lost, how different her life is. Tears are premium content now, and she’s just a regular person.
“Did you make her your POA?”
She shakes her head again. “My parents sent me the paperwork for one. It was their last-ditch effort to-- To, crap, to prevent this, to stop Rory from trying to screw me over if we had a falling out. I didn’t sign them, but I didn’t get rid of them either.” Rory must have gone through her things and falsified the documents with her own name instead of Emory’s parents’. After all, everything in Rory Fall’s life was about Rory Fall. In Rory’s mind, Emory’s salary was ‘her money in the first place,’ after she’d been deserted during the most traumatic moment of her life. 
Fuck, Emory thinks to herself. Her own ‘most traumatic’ train is heading downhill, adding events as it goes, but she’s still rationalizing, still working to understand Rory’s actions. If only her former friend’s loyalty had run that deep!
Clint guides her toward his small couch, snagging her coffee cup on the way. “So they’re forged?” He sits her down and hands over the mug.
“I would never have given her Power of Attorney over me. In Rory’s twisted mind, she probably thinks it’s her money if I’m not there to spend it, but--”
He walks away from her abruptly. “No excuses.”
She’d been trying to explain Rory’s thought process, but the marksman’s curt comment hits home. 
Emory changes tack. “At least this works out perfectly for SHIELD! It proves I have no money,” she says, taking gulping sips of her cooled coffee. He doesn't answer, his head stuck in the fridge, shuffling things around. “What are you doing? Do you have some kind of crazy ‘dormant when refrigerated’ weapon in there?”
“I’m making a grocery list. One thing at a time.”
“That works,” she says, sitting back on the couch. As she lifts the mug to drain the last sip, Emory notices the design. It says, ‘Fix It Yourself.’ The O in ‘yourself’ is a bullseye, and the sideways word ‘it’ is made up of several arrows.
The only way to do that involves crossing half the globe and lying to the person who holds her life in the palm of their hand. Emory turns the cup so the words face away, but she knows she’ll have to follow its advice anyway.
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The first thing Tony does when he finally wakes up is check on the status of the palladium shipment he appropriated from SI’s factory. The weapons ordered prior to Tony’s cut-off date of mid-July have been constructed and much of the raw material deliveries have been paused. During their discussions in the limo on the way to New York, Emory had suggested that the company offer a two or three week paid vacation for the factory employees whose jobs are in question. He’d set the thought aside in favor of spending time with her, but now Tony dials up Stane’s number to put that in motion.
“Hey, Tony. I see you were finally back to your old self last night!” Obie says, in greeting.
“Yeah, well, keeping up appearances,” Tony says. A knot forms in his gut, similar to what Emory had described when dealing with Rory. He’s not a fan. “Hey, you still planning to come out this direction next week?”
“Yeah, I have some loose ends to tie up. Why? Did you need something? If you’ve got some new projects I’d be happy to tell the boar--”
“Still percolating in there,” Tony interrupts. “I was looking to get ahold of the palladium we won't be needing. Instead of cancelling it I figured I'd just take the regular shipment. It’s just less hassle if you bring it.” 
There’s a sigh on the line. “Tony, I don’t think we have any extra right now. Did you order more on top of the standard delivery for the factory?”
“We’re not using it at the factory.”
“Tony, production doesn’t just halt overnight, we--”
“I was very clear about the deadlines,” Tony says, standing up to pace. The knot has turned into a lead weight. “We’ve satisfied our obligations up to the middle of July, which is why I was about to ask you to give the whole factory staff a two week paid vacation while we shift the production lines over to something more benign.” He can hear frantic typing on Stane’s end. “You didn’t halt the lines, did you?”
“Did you?”
“I thought you were going to change your mind! It’s not sound business practice to interrupt production at this kind of scale on a whim!”
He’s having trouble swallowing, but it’s not because of the anxiety, it’s because of anger. “Shut it down. All of it. By the end of this week, or I’ll fly out there and give the maintenance guys something to do after I fire a couple of repulsors at every piece of equipment!” Tony slams his hand down on a worktable, knowing Obie will hear the sound through the phone line. “Come on! You knew I wasn’t going to budge on this!”
“I needed to know you were serious, and now I know you’re serious,” Stane says, a hint of the ‘make it right’ businessman tone returning to his voice. “Tell you what: let me boost the palladium order for this next week so there's enough for both. We’ll extend production ‘till the end of July, make it a nice round number, give these workers some warning, okay? August is a better vacation month anyway. First of August they’ll get two weeks paid vacation, everyone but security.”
Tony’s jaw is so tightly clenched he can’t respond right away.
“Tony? Hey, I know you’re passionate about this stuff but we’re still a business. A month is a much better time frame to develop a new plan. You know I’m right.”
“Do it, then,” Tony grits out.
“Good man,” Obie says in the fatherly tone Tony’s come to despise. “I’ll bring the palladium in a week. When I get there, you’ll give me some kind of an idea of what we’re transitioning to, and the two of us will get the company back on solid ground. See you then.”
Stane hangs up without a response.
“JARVIS, was there ever a slow-down in production?” Tony asks, the second he sets his phone down.
“All I can find is an internal memo informing workers that there may be a temporary halt sometime in July.”
Tony throws himself in his chair, the momentum carrying it away from his desk, which is just as well. He needs to calm down before he makes any of this worse. He briefly considers going upstairs and getting Emory’s shirt, since it smells like her, but that reminds him too much of what he’d done at seventeen. He’d had the housekeeping staff pack up his dad’s clothes and general belongings to put them in storage right away, but kept his mothers things where they were for months. He’d yo-yo between extremes, partying it up and pretending he didn’t care, then curling up on his mother’s side of the bed hugging one of her dresses, sobbing.
With a sigh, Tony recognizes that this comparison is toxic; Emory is alive and his, a partner who needs Tony’s actions, not his sentimentality. He resolves to work on his secret project for her this evening, as soon as he gets a few things out of the way.
“All right,” he says aloud, walking the chair back to his desk without getting up, Flintstones-style. “Do we have the capability to store palladium at our New York office? There are still research labs there, right JARVIS?”
“Indeed there are.”
“Order some under the name of the most senior employee with a note that they’re to contact me and only me upon receipt, but be diplomatic. I don’t want to signal a rift.”
“Are you certain they’ll believe it was from you, sir?”
“Funny,” Tony says. “Next item: I’d like to use Stane’s Opposition Strategy on SHIELD, with some modifications. Copy over all related files and analyze them for anything that might get Nick Fury’s panties in a bunch if I implement it.”
“Estimate ten minutes for full copy, twenty more for analysis. Do you wish me to erase evidence of the copy?”
“Good catch, make it so.”
He gets up to make a smoothie, patting Dum-E on the way over. It had been JARVIS who’d suggested bringing his ‘pets,’ another point in the AI’s column of knowing Tony better than he knew himself, sometimes. As the blender spun, Tony thought over what he knew about Stane’s Oppo strategy. JARVIS will be more thorough, but there’s only so much intuition one can program in. Tony knows he probably relies too much on intuition, but something about SHIELD feels off, and before he throws in his lot with the agency, he wants to know why. It’s no different than when they run the program on a company they hope to buy out.
The key part of the Strategy is analysis. That’s what Tony wants to use on SHIELD, despite the fact that the data set will be incomplete, given how secret most of their operations are. What he’s hoping for is a glimpse into the vulnerabilities of the agency, as evidenced by what the deep dive comparisons that the Opposition Strategy might reveal. That thought prompts another one.
“Hey, J? Do a quick scan through the Not Nows and Not Yets, in projects. I want to know whether anyone’s done some poking around in the past two weeks.” The blender stops, and Tony adds, “Hell, add the current ones too, note any unusual access.”
After a minute, JARVIS says, “Two files show anomalous access, both by Mr. Stane after hours, approximately eight days ago.”
The knot is back. “Hit me.”
“Multiple copies of the Repulsor technology details and schematics in various places, some encrypted. Single copy of the Sonic Taser, encrypted. Access was from his private residence.”
“Obie, Obie, what are you doing?” Tony says, brows furrowed. “Didn’t the government threaten us with new legislation if we didn’t completely scrap and bury that Taser?”
“Colonel Rhodes likened pursuing the project further to ‘peeing on the third rail in public, within a mile of an elementary school,’ yes, sir.”
“He’s just jealous he didn’t get a working ‘Get Out of Indecent Exposure Charges Free’ card from MIT security,” Tony laughs. “God bless gender quota hiring.” A second later, he freezes in the act of taking a sip of his smoothie. “Son of a bitch. Obie didn’t destroy the prototype, did he?”
“Ascertaining that will be difficult, and likely will require physical interviews, which may create more trouble than you may wish to-- wait, what am I saying?”
“You’re saying trouble is my middle name, JARVIS. Usually you’d be right, but this time I’d like to avoid the consequences if at all--” Tony gulps down the rest of the smoothie over the word ‘possible’ and sets the cup down for his robot to clean. He points at Dum-E. “If that breaks, I’ll let a group of toddlers glue the pieces all over you, wherever they want.” He gestures broadly as he back-walks to the desk.
“Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but parents generally avoid letting their small children anywhere near broken glass,” JARVIS points out.
“Well, that’s boring,” Tony observes. “What was I saying?”
“Ironically, you were discussing your desire to avoid consequences.”
“Personally, yes. I’ll reserve judgement on Stane, though. I want to know what he’s up to, first.” 
He sits down at the desk and thinks about the Sonic Taser. Its function is really limited outside of law enforcement and military use, though he had joked about using it to make the board sit still and listen to him. The thing is inherently antagonistic; the only way to avoid total, temporary incapacitation is to already be wearing earplugs before the device is activated. 
“Do they make undetectable earplugs?” he muses aloud. He takes threats to his autonomy very seriously, unless they’re hot, wearing spandex, and digging a knee into his lower back.
“You have asked that question a total of three times since my creation, and the answer has been ‘no’ for two of those times,” JARVIS states dryly.
“That’s a yes now, then? Order me a pair.” Murphy’s Law states that if he’s prepared for a threat, it’ll never materialize, but something about Obie’s demeanor lately feels vaguely threatening. He wouldn’t put it past the guy to use the Taser to force Tony to listen to him. After Afghanistan, Tony’s through being forced to do anything. At that thought, a collage of images cross his mind’s eye, all of Emory, and he has to amend his previous assertion to ‘almost’ anything.
“Analysis complete,” JARVIS says, filling Tony’s screen with various windows of information. “Advise not exercising official channels to request mission data from the military, but speaking to Colonel Rhodes, instead. Strongly suggest not revealing any knowledge of statistical data when speaking to Agent Coulson or Director Fury. Further conclusions will require an examination of the program results.” JARVIS pauses, then adds, “In summary, I predict a high chance of panty bunching. Proceed with caution.”
Tony cracks a smile despite himself. “Will do. Run the program, I’ll call Rhodes.”
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Next chapter, the effects of serum withdrawal start to hit Emory, meaning that the mission must come soon; Tony seeks to reassure her and himself with a spicy phone call.
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"An octopus? I will *slay* it!"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Good luck -- It's only kept in place by the vested interests of half the civilized world, including your own."
KIM KITSURAGI - "What the ma'am means is that the Emergencies Act and the RCM both get their authority from the Coalition Government."
JOYCE MESSIER - "But -- I am derailing us. You wanted to know about the strike."
2. "What is your role in this, precisely?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "I believe the official title is Senior Labour Negotiator. In practice I'm a grocery clerk. I relay the Union's demands to Wild Pines, and return with Wild Pines' counter-offer..."
KIM KITSURAGI - "And how are the talks going?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "They're *not*. That's the problem. The Union stopped all negotiations a week ago. After that awful lynching took place."
"Now they won't even let me into the harbour. There's a 2.20 m racist behemoth blocking the gates."
"Oh, you mean Measurehead?"
"How were the talks going before the lynching?" (Proceed.)
JOYCE MESSIER - "Yes -- Jean-Luc *Measurehead*." She leans back and rolls her eyes.
2. "How were the talks going before the lynching?" (Proceed.)
JOYCE MESSIER - "Let's say I was not making the kind of progress I'd hoped for when I first arrived..."
KIM KITSURAGI - "And when did you first arrive?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "I arrived three weeks ago..." She thinks. "Yes, in the middle of February -- the bay was still partially frozen then. I prefer to do these things on-site. Like the RCM."
KIM KITSURAGI - "But the strike began in *December*." He looks at his notes.
JOYCE MESSIER - "I wasn't the original negotiator here. I took over after Mr. Gaumont hit a wall with Mr. Claire, the Union boss. Mr. Claire refused to speak with Gaumont, despite *concessions* he'd granted the Union in prior negotiations."
KIM KITSURAGI - "This isn't the first time the Union has gone on strike?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Heavens, no. There have been *two* prior strikes. Both times the Union won significant concessions -- including overtime pay *and* a medical plan. This time their demands are more... I guess you could say *aggressive*."
"What happened to this... Gaumont?"
"What are their demands?"
"The scabs at the gate -- did you put them there?"
"Tell me about this Union boss -- Mr. Claire."
"That's all I need here. Let's change the topic."
JOYCE MESSIER - "Mr. Claire told him to, how did he put it?" She pauses to compose herself...
"'Fuck off, midget.' Gaumont is short of stature, you see."
"Hmh. Okay then."
"*Not* cool."
JOYCE MESSIER - "Keep in mind, this is a negotiator Mr. Claire has worked with before, and who was more than fair with him and the Union."
AUTHORITY [Medium: Success] - Sounds like usual aggressive posturing.
2. "What are their demands?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "There are leaflets everywhere, and banners... what did they say again? Oh, yes..."
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s6e17 my heart will go on (w. eric charmelo, nicole snyder)
the sheer number of plotlines they're bringing up in the recap! jo and ellen, angel drama, bobby and rufus, jim beaver's questionable acting as evil ear worm. are we gonna wallow in everyone we've gotten killed's deaths
this is very final destination. like, the wood holding up the very heavy garage door for no reason. obviously it's gonna kill him somehow.
good sibling dumbassery there with the rock paper scissors but uh. sam with paper and being surprised at dean's scissors??? what is going on
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well, obviously something very hinky, mustang and all. but not only is ellen here but she's got like. obvious makeup and a blowout. but she's been huntin with jo. again, looks lovely, but too much for the character.
(every episode that doesn't mention sam's wall since hell spilled over makes my eye twitch)
psst the mustang is totally a sexier car than the impala which looks great from the front but is just... so... long. sexy quotient decreases, i don't make the rules
i like bobby and ellen together even if it doesn't make a ton of sense (he's got nearly 20 years on her), she's not gonna put up with him being an ass
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DEAN Are you okay?
ELLEN Aw, honey, you're sweet. You know me. I just worry about you boys.
DEAN Yeah, well.
they've got a nicer-than-usual hotel/motel/holiday inn too
BALTHAZAR Oh, uh, sorry, uh. You have me confused with the other angel – you know, the one in the dirty trenchcoat who's in love with you. I... don't care. Goodbye, boys.
first the profound bond, now balthazar* is outing him. i don't think cas is ever around enough to really have them show this, but i feel like the show is enthusiastic about telling us how cas feels about dean lol
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funny since i had just taken a screenshot of bobby's regular sign a few episodes back, not self service with ellen apparently
kinda miserable to see bobby and the boys have more of a support system to have to wipe it all away to fix the timeline.
DEAN What'd she look like?
SAM Kind of like a librarian. 
DEAN Your kind of librarian or my kind of librarian?
SAM Well, she was wearing clothes, if that's what you mean.
so dumb but i laughed nonetheless. lot of sibling banter this episode. they seem a little happier in this universe 🥴
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SAM What did we do?
CASTIEL Nothing of import – just the tiny matter of averting the Apocalypse and rendering her obsolete. I think maybe she's a little irritated about that. And then you go and dangle yourselves in front of her...
i have read only a little destiel and when he pops up in my regular reading, but again, he's funny! unexpected! especially with how he is written in some stuff (reminds me of how [a lot of] people write adam in HEU)
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CASTIEL Balthazar has a weapon that will work against her.
DEAN Of course he does. Yeah. Boy, that guy's just got it covered, doesn't he? You need new friends, Cas.
CASTIEL I'm trying to save the ones I have, Dean.
dean doesn't know what to do with that, apparently
ATROPOS Bull crap. This isn't about some stupid movie. He's under your orders. You sent him back to save that ship.
CASTIEL No, I didn't. Why would I?
ATROPOS Oh, maybe because you're in the middle of a war and you're desperate? Come on. This is about the souls.
CASTIEL You don't know what you're talking about.
ATROPOS That angel went and created 50,000 new souls for your war machine.
CASTIEL You're confused.
ATROPOS No. You can't just mint money, Castiel. It's wrong...It's dangerous... And I won't let you.
i am also confused. that sounds lowkey evil and i don't understand how more souls would help. i thought the fighting was just angel v angel?
Dean drives a Mustang which has the original plates the Impala had -- "KAZ 2Y5" -- until 2.20 What Is and What Should Never Be. A '65 Mustang was Kripke's original choice for Dean's car: "When I was originally writing the show I wanted to give the guys an American muscle car. My first choice was a '65 Mustang. My neighbor said it has to be a '67 Impala, because you can put a body in the trunk. He says, 'You want a car that, when people stop next to it at the lights, they lock their doors.'"
funny. but definitely roomier, it is sensible. not sure about intimidating though but hey
In the previous episodes involving time travel – 4.03 In the Beginning and 5.13 The Song Remains the Same – the travel was a part of a contiguous series of events. That is, the going back in time was something that had always happened, and did not change events. In this episode, Balthazar says that there are "No rules" anymore, hence his ability to alter events by taking action in the past.
there's some hand waving if i've ever seen it
Jensen once did an ad for Titanic-related merchandise.
oh jackles. aren't you lucky to have such a fanbase that they dig that up and put it somewhere everyone can see
okay and following up on the rock paper scissors, what doES IT MEAN if in this timeline dean doesn't always lose
ps still mad about ellen getting killed off to begin with
(moving this to the end because truly) waxing philosophical to myself about how they often include scenes from really heavy, serious moments in the recap and then the episode is cracky but they briefly have a conversation about the Serious Thing. it's so weird. it's like the exact opposite of mad men next episode promos (which told you absolutely nothing of content). anyway, whenever there's a lot of serious stuff in the recap i would brace myself for a serious episode and then half the time it really wasn't. unclench, nic.
*okay but this just made me think about how in twilight the werewolves all hear each other's thoughts and they start making fun of jacob for pining over bella constantly so i'm imagining the angels get to hear each other and they're making fun of cas for pining over dean LOL
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kingkangyohan · 2 years
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I am sure there is some symbolism to unpack here with the two goldfishes in the balls.
but it's 2.20 am and I am not ready to unpack it yet.
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proxissima · 1 year
Okay, here me out though:
If Rei is having an affair with someone, doesn’t Toshinori as himself make sense?
- he’s unfamiliar (new to the area) and therefore less likely to be someone known to Endeavor
- he’s pretty much the opposite of Enji in every way in this form, not just physically but emotionally and socially
- he might be awkward and a bit self-deprecating but at the heart remains someone who puts others first, cares about their comfort and being reassuring, apologizes frequently (which we know Enji does not), and tends to be gentle in the rest of his mannerisms — when he isn’t trying to cringe away from being noticed. if Enji takes up space, Toshi’s practically trying to give it away
- his philosophy behind “I am here!” is to put people at ease, to make them feel safe. can’t imagine how relieving that would feel to Rei, even if it wasn’t coming from the usual source
Sorry for the late reply, my little cousin was over on the weekend (full time job) and I wanted to give this some more thought!
Ngl, I haven't paid attention to the ship all that much, until now. I primarily considered it because I was thinking along the lines, "What can be done so that Enji suffers the most? >:)", and what could possibly surpass the humiliation that is his wife having an emotional (and physical) affair with the one person that Enji centered his entire life around to defeating? ...And I'm saying this as someone who loves Enji lmao.
You made a good comparison between Enji and Toshi, and I also think it's really interesting just how starkly contrasting Toshi's own normal character is compared to his hero persona, even if his core ideology stays the same; very much like Clark Kent vs Superman. (I wanted to make a post about this... it's there, somewhere in my drafts...)
Toshi and Enji being so opposite personality-wise makes for a fascinating factor in the relationships of this love triangle (both individually with Rei and also Toshi & Enji among each other), considering that those dynamics are kind of reversed as Endeavor and All Might.
Anyway, it's kinda funny how there's a 2.20 meters tall blond giant running around, who always happens to be in the same street clothing as All Might and in the exact same area too, and no one's been able to connect the dots.
On that notion, I love the idea that when Toshi is speaking comforting words to Rei in a deeper tone than he'd usually use for his skinny form, Rei can't help but feel an extreme sense of familiarity, but just could never place it.
...Or maybe she did, once, promptly froze, looked back at Toshi – really looked at him – took note, in that moment more intensely than ever, of his coughing, the sunken, tired eyes and the scar spanning a good part of his slim torso; and then went, "Yep, I must be going insane to have even considered the possibility for more than half a second". It's what put her at ease, even if a minuscule, treacherous part of her mind keeps nagging at her, what if, what if.
Depending how prevalent and violent the emotional and physical abuse has become in her actual marriage, in her darkest and loneliest moments, the thought makes its way back to the forefront of her mind, and she entertains the silly little fantasy for a while. What it would be like if her lover actually happened to be All Might in secret. What it would be like to be officially in a relationship with him. How Enji, Endeavor, would react to it.
It's the last question that all her thoughts ultimately spiral towards. It fills her with grim satisfaction; knowing that Enji's greatest rival is taking the No. 1 title from him, and now his wife, too, besting him not just at his profession but also in private... It would drive Enji mad, leave him fractured, in the same way he's been chipping away at her.
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howabhwmwn · 12 days
I wonder how life is for people that dont feel like everything is life threatening. My internship put me on the social media plan and now i have to make one instagram story on friday and i am already stressing about it and i cant sleep and i want to cry and i hate it here. I hate instagram. I hate pressure to post. And now i gotta do that for an internship that pays me 2.20€ and hour? I want to die. Im so scared. I dont know what to even post. I hate it. I hate everything. I wanna stay in bed forever
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dorefasolsido · 8 months
Have you ever cut your own hair?
Yes, actually. Just the other weekend I decided to trim it by myself for the first time ever! I don't particularly like going to the hairdressers and do it really rarely, but now that my hair is short, it needs trimming more often. So I was like, fuck it, I'll just watch Youtube tutorials and do it myself. It worked well too, if I do say so myself.
What do you eat most frequently?
I guess chocolate. I don't know what proper food I eat the most often, but chocolate is a staple.
Are you a fan of video games?
Yup, even if I don't have time to play now.
What's your favorite color combination?
Black with anything.
Did you share a locker at school?
We never had lockers in school.
What's one sport you could never play?
Idk, most of them.
Blue or black ink?
Have you ever sung karaoke?
Yes, when I was much younger it was a popular thing to do at birthdays. I haven't done it since, but I'd like to.
What was the last concert you attended?
It was this local singer, but it was awful because it took place in a tiny town in a narrow street and it was so crowded and annoying and the sound was terrible. You literally had to stand right next to the stage to hear anything, and most people couldn't get close at all. That's not the singer's fault, the setup was just stupid.
Have you held anyone's hand in the past week?
What's your favorite perfume/body spray/cologne?
I wanna buy a new perfume soon because I've mostly been using deodorants and not bothering with them. But I don't have a favourite right now.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
I don't normally get ready for anything in the morning.
What is the oldest age you think should wear makeup?
Tf, just wear makeup as long as you want.
What's your nationality(ies)?
Are you an open book?
Not really at all. Which is why I come here to chat to myself.
Do you think you're a good secret keeper?
I believe so.
Name one fashion trend you could never follow.
Low-waisted jeans with crop tops. High-waisted with crop tops is fine, I just don't think I'd feel comfortable in the option 1. I've started seeing it around now, and it looks great on some people, but not for me.
Do you prefer long hair or short hair?
Oh this is a tough question now. I did like my long hair, but I feel so much lighter with short hair. I also think it's cuter and easier to deal with. So, I guess shorter for now!
When do you plan to go to sleep tonight?
My sleep was pretty horrible last night, so I guess I'll go to sleep soon. It's 2.20 AM now.
Has anyone besides your family seen you naked? If so, who?
Doctors, I guess.
What exotic animal would you love to have as a pet?
A bat or an owl.
Do you want kids when you're older?
Did your parents sign you up for anything you hated as a child?
I honestly don't think so. I only took English classes but I loved those. Mum once tried to sign me up for ballet, but I didn't want to continue after the first class, so she didn't push it.
Where's your cell phone?
On the floor next to me.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
So hear me out. Dinosaurs lay eggs too and they are older than birds, right? So it has to be the egg.
What are your feelings about Octomom?
I have no clue who that is.
Do you know of Smosh?
Of course. But I never really watched them. I watched some of Anthony's new interview style videos.
Do you drink enough water daily?
Definitely not.
Is your diet healthy?
Not particularly.
What's your favorite fruit?
Watermelon, if it counts as fruit.
What was your favorite Halloween costume?
I've never done any Halloween costumes sadly.
Have you purchased any cool objects from a foreign country?
Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer right now?
Where do you plan to post this survey?
On Tumblr.
Do you remember anyone's number by heart?
My parents' landline, my sister's phone, mum's phone, and my old phone number.
Are you a morning person or a late night owl?
Night owl, through and through.
Name something you will never try in your lifetime.
What do you think is your biggest flaw?
Extremely avoidant personality.
First physical trait you notice in the sex you're attracted to?
Well I'm not attracted to any, but I usually just notice people's general vibe first.
How about personality wise?
If they are more quiet and reserved or extroverted.
Are you sick often?
Not at all.
Would you rather have strep throat or an ear infection?
Strep throat. I don't like the sound of an ear infection.
When did you last shower?
This morning.
Do you have neat handwriting?
Absolutely not.
Are you a messy or organized person?
More or less messy. Or rather, chaotic.
At what age do you hope to get married?
I don't hope to.
Is being thin really all that great?
I don't think it really is, at least if you are in that mindset where you obsess over it. Plus, there was a time I was underweight, and let me tell you, that's not a great experience. I felt so fatigued from the smallest physical activity.
Which of the seven deadly sins do you think you're most guilty of?
How much time have you spent on the computer today?
Loads of time, but I always do. I work on my computer and also do stuff for fun on it.
What size shoe are you?
38 woman's size.
How was the weather today?
It was sunny and really warm.
Do you live above, below, or on the Equator?
Do you know how to use Photoshop?
I know the basics.
Admit it, you're thinking about someone right now.
Not at all.
Where is he/she?
Where was your first job?
At an online English tutoring school.
Favorite year in high school?
If I really had to choose, second year. But generally, all of them sucked.
East or West?
I live in East Europe, but idk what this question is asking.
Where did your first kiss take place?
At either my or the boy who kissed me's birthday party, but I don't remember much at all lol
What color do you wear most often?
Who was the last person you talked on the phone to?
My sister, briefly.
Have you ever done your own laundry?
Have you ever been to a night club?
Are you allergic to anything?
All kinds of things.
What's the best place you have ever eaten?
Mmm, idk, my favourite sushi restaurant holds a special place in my heart.
Do you own a hair straightener?
Are you barefoot right now?
Are you subscribed to any magazine?
Puppies or kittens?
Kitties :333
Who is the best artist you've seen live?
Any major plans coming up this week?
Yes, visiting another city for a team building event, marathon thingy.
Did you know they never told you Arnold's last name in Hey, Arnold?
I actually didn't. I watched that cartoon occasionally but I don't remember too much.
Would you rather watch a romantic comedy or watch a thrilling horror movie?
Thrilling horror movie.
Why is Paris Hilton famous?
Wasn't she in a reality show? Tbh, I didn't follow why exactly she became famous.
How is your hair styled right now?
It's just in two tiny ponytails in the back.
Favorite person that you've talked to today?
Tough choice between my sister and best friend.
Do you need AC right now?
Not right now. It's nighttime, so it's not very hot.
What do you think about cheating/cheaters?
Well nothing good. I could elaborate, but I don't really feel like it.
Do more people call you by a nickname or your first name?
My name is really short so usually name. Some use a nickname tho.
Name something you're proud of.
Making it to the national competition in English in high school and ranking as high as I did.
How much does it suck to learn something 'the hard way?'
I mean, it sucks, but often there's no other way.
Are you a hopeless romantic?
Definitely not.
How do you feel about couples who say 'I love you' too soon?
I mean, I don't care what other couples do. But knowing my avoidant tendencies, I'd probably freak out a little bit. Not that I'd think it's weird, I'd just be like, this is too much. And that's why I should go to **therapy**
What's the most recent favor you've done for somebody?
I bought a German textbook for a girl from my course because she couldn't make it in time to buy her own.
Are you at home right now?
What did you last spend money on?
On some snacks and chocolate milk.
Does any accent annoy you?
I don't think so.
How about turn you on?
I was a fan of British accent in the past, but I don't think I really care anymore. I like foreign accents of English though. They are all so colourful.
Are you wearing any jewelry?
Two bracelets, earrings, and ear piercings.
Do you get along better with your mom or your dad?
Both pretty equally.
Are you craving anything right now?
What's worse: Crocs or Uggs?
I think Uggs. I actually kinda vibe with Crocs, even if I don't really wear them.
Do you knock before you open doors?
Well yeah, if I'm not in my own house.
Do you know what a sock on the doorknob means?
Actually yes. Why do I know these things?? I'm ace and never had a roommate I'd need to learn this stuff for lol.
Chocolate or vanilla?
What's your zodiac sign?
Does Fred from Youtube annoy you?
Lol no. I mean, sure, he was obnoxious, but I just didn't watch him so I wasn't annoyed. I think he changed his content completely and is now doing something totally different.
0 notes
jaydeemedia · 1 year
[ad_1] Newquay’s laidback vibe, outdoor activities and sublime beaches have lured nature enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and sun chasers for decades. With a host of wonderful things to do in Newquay and the surrounding area, get ready for one of England’s premier holiday hotspots. Perched on the cliffs of the southwestern coast of England, Newquay is the surf capital of the UK, captivating visitors with its laidback atmosphere. As the sun descends over a string of vast, sweeping beaches, Newquay seamlessly transitions into the party capital of Cornwall. With buzzing nightlife, a hot café scene, kid-friendly attractions, outdoor activities and good transport links, Newquay has firmly established itself as one of Cornwall’s most sought-after destinations. From surfing lessons to coasteering adventures, day trips to foodie havens, or tranquil hikes along scenic clifftop trails, Newquay delivers some of the finest things to do in Cornwall. This Newquay guide includes all the top attractions for your beachside retreat, plus some excellent day trips to a few of Cornwall’s other gems.   Updates // We do our best to keep the information in this guide up to date, if you notice anything has changed, please leave a comment below. Bookings // Booking your trip via the links in this guide will earn us a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support – Paul & Mark. NEWQUAY, CORNWALL Newquay is a coastal town located on the southwestern coast of England in the county of Cornwall, around 250 miles from London. As a popular destination for a seaside escape, there’s a wide selection of self-catering holiday cottages in Newquay. Enjoy the surf lifestyle, golden beaches and dramatic coastlines with all the comforts of your own pad. Newquay has its own domestic airport and train station making it easy to get to your next great UK getaway. >> How to use this map / Click on the top left of the map to display the list of locations, then click on the locations to display further information. Click on the top right corner of the map to open a larger version in a new tab or the star to save to your Google Maps.   THINGS TO DO IN NEWQUAY As a popular seaside destination, Newquay has plenty to keep you entertained. Here are our favourite things to do in Newquay. 1 – SURF AT FISTRAL BEACH Fistral Beach is one of the premier surfing destinations in the country. Facing westerly, towards the mighty Atlantic Ocean, dependable waves make it a reliable location for good quality surf. It’s also an excellent wide stretch of beach with plenty of facilities. The good thing is you don’t need to be an expert to surf here. Fistral Beach Surf School provide lessons for individual or groups year-round and cater to all age ranges and levels of ability.   Even if you don’t surf, come here for dusk, grab a drink on the outside terrace, and watch the surfers cut through the waves as the sun drifts under the horizon.  Facilities at Fistral Beach — The Fistral Beach complex has several restaurants including Rick Stein Fistral, The Fish House and The Pasty Shack. The Stable specialises in pizza, pies and cider. Toilets and hot showers are available throughout the year.   PARKING | FISTRAL BEACH There is a decent size car part at Fistral Beach open from 8 am to 12 am | Costs – 1 hour – £2.20 | 2 hours – £3.80 | 3 hours – £6 | 5 hours – £8.50 | 12 hours – £12 | 14 hours – £15 FISTRAL BEACH, NEWQUAY 2 – LAZE ON TOWAN BEACH If Fistral Beach is for surfers, Towan Beach is for families and sun worshippers. Tucked behind a rocky headland and protected by Towan Head, the calmer waters provide safe swimming for young families and small waves ideal for novice surfers. It’s also a great spot for kayaking and stand-up paddleboarding, or for simply relaxing on one of Newquay’s best beaches. At low tide the soft sand stretches as far as the eye can see, connecting a 2-mile stretch of beach. The most iconic feature
on the beach is Jago’s Island, a tall rock stack with a house on top connected to the mainland by a suspension bridge. PARKING | TOWAN BEACH The Fore Street Short Stay Car Park is centrally located and about 10 minutes’ walk to Towan Beach | Location – TR7 1LP | Hours – 9 am to 6 pm | Cost – £4.40 for up to 2 hours.   TOWAN BEACH, NEWQUAY JAGO’S ISLAND, TOWAN BEACH 3 – COASTEER ON THE GAZZLE Coasteering is an adventure activity exploring the rocky coastline where you’ll scramble across rocks, leap into deep water pools, dive off cliffs and navigate through hidden gullies. It’s an exhilarating experience and one of our favourite things to do around Newquay. The best place to go coasteering in Newquay is the Gazzle Peninsula, a rocky headland wedged between Fistral and Towan Beaches. This section of the coast has caves, arches, ledges and cliffs to test your skill and your nerve while taking in spectacular views. Organised coasteering experiences last around 2 hours and include the use of a wetsuit, helmet, life jacket, and a qualified guide who will lead you through the best spots, safely.   DETAILS | COASTEERING No prior experience is necessary, but you need to be over 12 years old, have a reasonable level of fitness and know how to swim. Advance booking is required. BOOK A COASTEERING ADVENTURE WE’D LOVE YOUR SUPPORT If you found this guide useful, a small donation helps fund our work – Big thanks, Paul & Mark. FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM USE OUR RESOURCES PAGE 4 – EXPLORE NEWQUAY TOWN CENTRE While the beaches might be the initial drawcard, Newquay town centre has a relaxed holiday vibe with several revamped hotels, a flourishing restaurant scene and a new focus on wellness. Here are a few great things to do in Newquay town centre. Visit the Blue Reef Aquarium which has 40 themed habitats with freshwater turtles, a creepy caiman and a deepwater tunnel to walk through. Go to Newquay Zoo, a registered charity aimed at conserving wildlife and protecting rare and endangered species. Book a rejuvenating session at the Fistral Spa with full-day packages including the use of the pool and spa facilities as well as a 120-minute treatment. Have a quality coffee at the Roasting Room on Bank Street Grab a drink at the Fort Inn, a lively bar in one of the best positions in Newquay overlooking Towan Beach 5 – WALK THE SOUTHWEST COASTAL PATH FROM NEWQUAY TO WATERGATE BAY The South West Coast Path stretches over 600 miles from Minehead in Somerset to Poole Harbour in Dorset. Along its winding journey it passes the wilds of Exmoor, the beach-strewn shores of Devon, and the stunning Jurassic Coast. Some of its finest scenery is right next to Newquay.  From Newquay town centre, the hike to Watergate Bay takes about 1 hour 30 minutes. Walk Details — The first thirty minutes passes through the town, stopping to overlook a string of pretty beaches. The trail then heads into the countryside, clinging to the edge of dramatic cliffs with the Atlantic on one side and sheep-strewn fields on the other. Just as it passes the Hangout Café it descends to the stunning beach of Watergate Bay. Returning — You can hike back the way you came (marked purple on the map above) or, if you time your journey to return around low tide, you can avoid the section in town and walk along the sand via Lusty Glaze Beach, Tolcarne Beach, Great Western Beach and Towan Beach. Watergate Bay to Newquay Bus — If you don’t want to walk back, it’s 15 minutes back to Newquay on the number 56 bus. SOUTH WEST COAST PATH, WATERGATE BAY DAY TRIPS FROM NEWQUAY Newquay is well located to explore the central northern section of Cornwall. These are the best day trips from Newquay (in our opinion) and can be done with a car or via public transport. 6 – WATERGATE BAY There are few finer surfing beaches in the UK than Watergate Bay. Facing southwest towards the Atlantic rollers, the gently sloping sandy beach and consistent swell
is a mecca for wave-riding enthusiasts looking to experience one of the best adventure activities in the UK. We had our first surf lesson with Wavehunters at the Extreme Academy at Watergate Bay, who did a great job at getting two complete amateurs riding our first waves into shore.    If the wind is up and the waves not playing nicely, kitesurfing is another great option. Atlantic Riders offer beginner, intermediate and gifted rider lessons in either 1-on-1 or 2-on-1 tuition. If you don’t want to hit the waves, Watergate Bay is a beautiful location near Newquay with a chilled, party atmosphere. Come for sunset, and watch the surfers catch the last few waves of the day. How to get to Watergate Bay from Newquay – 1 hour 30-minute walk along coastal path (see above), 10-minute drive, or 15 minutes on the number 56 bus followed by a 5-minute walk. 7 – BEDRUTHAN ROCKS Just north of Newquay, one of the best things to do in Cornwall is to photograph the majestic Bedruthan Rocks. Pounding surf has split several enormous rocky stacks away from the main headland, leaving them stranded in the sea. Legend has it that a giant called Bedruthan used the giant stacks as stepping-stones to shorten his journey across the bay. Today, they make a great focal point for a photo on a hike around the headland. At high tide, the rocks rise out of the sea, but at low tide the bases are surrounded by sand.  Footpath to the Bedruthan Rocks — Unfortunately, the main footpath down from Carnewas was blocked by landslides in 2019 and 2021 and is currently closed. There is another path down to the beach a little further north but if you decide to use it, you need to consider the tide times carefully. It’s not possible to return when the tide rises and people regularly need to be airlifted off the beach having underestimated the speed of the tide.   How to get to Bedruthan Rocks from Newquay – Bedruthan is a 20-minute drive from Newquay. Alternatively, it’s around 35 minutes on the number 56 bus to Mawgan Porth followed by a lovely 30-minute walk along the cliffs. BEDRUTHAN 8 – PADSTOW Before famous chef Rick Stein arrived in Padstow in 1975 and opened The Seafood Restaurant, it was little more than a quiet fishing village with a pretty harbour surrounded by country strolls. As Rick Stein’s notoriety rose and chefs like Paul Ainsworth opened Paul Ainsworth at No.6, the town became a destination for foodies around the country. Today Padstow’s narrow streets and pretty harbour are often rammed with tourists and restaurants generally have queues streaming out the door. It still has some charm, but you certainly won’t have the place to yourself. To make the most of Padstow we highly recommend booking a restaurant in advance rather than strolling around looking for somewhere. It’s also a little quieter early in the morning. How to get to Padstow from Newquay – It’s a 35-minute drive from Padstow to Newquay, or 90 minutes on the number 56 bus (it can be quicker to get the 95 bus and change at Padstow Fork to the number 11 bus). PADSTOW 9 – CRANTOCK & HOLYWELL BAY, WEST PENTIRE Just across a narrow inlet from Newquay, the West Pentire headland has three pristine beaches. Crantock Beach — Backed by dunes which are criss-crossed by paths, Crantock Beach is a large expanse of golden sand that feels a mile away from the busier pace of Newquay. There’s a toilet in the car park and in summer months a van sells refreshments from the car park.   Polly Joke Beach — A little further around the coast, Polly Joke Beach is a small cove completely untouched by commercialism. Its turquoise waters, funnelled by two headlands, lap at pristine sands. It’s a delightfully quiet spot in Cornwall. Holywell Bay — Backed by 60-foot dunes with cliffs on either side, Holywell Bay is a gloriously sheltered beach and a great place to chill for the day. There’s a toilet in the car park and St Agnes Ices sell snacks from April to October. More details are in our guide to the best hidden gems in Cornwall.
HOLYWELL BAY HOLYWELL BAY WEST PENTIRE HIKE A great day trip from Newquay is to walk the South West Coast Path from Crantock Beach to Polly Joke Beach, and then on to Holywell Bay. The entire hike takes about 1 hour to 90 minutes with plenty of great places to stop for a swim. Either return the way you came or use the number 85 bus to complete the circuit. How to get to Crantock Beach & Holywell Beaches from Newquay – Both Crantock Beach and Holywell Beach have National Trust Car Parks (both 15-minute’s drive from Newquay). The number 85 bus leaves Newquay and stops at Crantock (25-minutes) before heading onto Holywell Beach (a further 10 minutes) enabling you to walk one way and get the bus back. CRANTOCK BEACH INLET 10 – ST AGNES HEAD South of Newquay, the St Agnes headland has some of the finest scenery in Cornwall. The ruins of old mines stand above heather and gorse-clad cliffs that drop into turquoise oceans. Dotted with wildflowers in spring and a swathe of purple in late summer, this most beautiful stretch of coastal path conceals two well-kept secrets. Firstly, Wheal Coates is a well-preserved mining ruin built into the cliffs, whose structure stands in stark contrast to the countryside that surrounds it. Secondly, Porthtowan Tidal Pool is a walled-off pool under the headland that is only revealed a few hours either side of low tide. It’s one of the best places to visit in Cornwall, with a dramatic setting and a cool spot to have a soak.   ITINERARY | ST AGNES HEAD Take a walk around the headland stopping at Wheal Coates then take a dip in Porthtowan Tidal Pool. Relax on the beach then grab a beer from the Blue Bar. Finish with dinner at the Tap House. How to get to St Agnes from Newquay – St Agnes is a 30-minute drive from Newquay, or 50 minutes on the U1A Coast to Coast bus. PORTHTOWAN TIDAL POOL WHEAL COATES PORTHTOWAN BEACH WHERE TO STAY IN NEWQUAY As one of the most sought-after holiday destinations in the UK, Newquay has no shortage of accommodation options. Whether you are looking for a family-friendly holiday, a dog-friendly cottage or a hideaway for two, Aspect Holidays offers a wide range of self-catering holiday cottages in Newquay and across Cornwall. With such a spectacular landscape, treat yourself to a cottage with sea views in Cornwall, making the most of the county’s best assets. If you’d prefer to be close to town, browse the list of perfectly positioned cottages in Newquay to start planning your trip. HOW TO GET TO NEWQUAY By Car – Newquay is roughly a 3-hour drive from Bristol and a 5-hour drive from London or Birmingham. By Train – On weekends direct trains run from London Paddington to Newquay (via Exeter and Plymouth) taking just over 5 hours. On weekdays it may require 1 change. By Faster Train — There are also faster trains (3 hours 45 minutes) that arrive at Bodmin Parkway Train Station which is a 30-minute taxi drive from Newquay. Alternatively, you can hire a car from Bodmin for the duration of your trip. By Air – Newquay has a small domestic airport with arrivals from across the UK including London, Manchester, Belfast, and the Isles of Scilly. It’s a 15-minute cab ride or 25 minutes on the number 56 bus from the airport to Newquay town centre. GETTING AROUND NEWQUAY The quickest way to explore the area around Newquay is by car. It allows you to get further quicker. However, in peak summer months the roads can be very busy, and you will need to get to the premium locations early to grab a parking spot. NEWQUAY BUS ROUTES At the centre of a good bus service that runs up and down the coast, Newquay is one of the best towns in Cornwall to visit without a car. WHEN TO VISIT NEWQUAY PEAK SUMMER (JULY & AUGUST) The two hottest months of the year in Newquay are July and August, when average high temperatures reach 20°C. The warm weather coinciding with UK school holidays makes it a very popular destination for summer vacations. The beaches
are in their prime, all the outdoor adventure activities are running, and the whole town is a buzz. SHOULDER SEASONS (MAY & JUNE / SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER) The shoulder months around summer can be an excellent time to visit Newquay. The crowds are greatly reduced and there is still a chance of some fine weather with average highs ranging from 15 to 18°C. In spring, wildflowers dot the cliffs making for some wonderful hiking and in early autumn the hills are glowing with purple heather. September, in particular, can be a great time to visit Newquay as the water is still a warm 15°C. WINTER SEASON (NOVEMBER TO APRIL) In winter average high temperatures drop to around 6°C and much of Newquay shuts down. But if you are looking to hike the coastal path and explore the dramatic cliffs in peace and quiet, it’s a very relaxing time to visit.   This guide was produced in partnership with Unique hideaways. THANKS FOR VISITING // WHERE NEXT? A BIG THANK YOU We’ve been providing free travel content on Anywhere We Roam since 2017. If you appreciate what we do, here are some ways you can support us. Thank you! Paul & Mark FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM USE OUR RESOURCES PAGE [ad_2] Source link
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krias-d · 1 year
2.20 | 10:15 AM
i wasn’t even supposed to fall in love with you at the start. we were just supposed to be friends. but somehow, in some way, i managed to fall for you. and can i add… ang tanga mo talaga, self.
and now, here we are — acting like complete strangers and falling apart.
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