#it’s so so hard to eat a variety of food even tho I know that if I don’t I’ll get sick and sad
Difficult to explain my food needs to ppl
“Well yes there’s a lot of things I can eat, but these foods are all completely off limits, these I could probably force myself to eat if I tried, and these are foods I absolutely 100% love- oh, what do I actually eat? The same 2 meals and 3 snacks with occasional variation.”
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crystalninjaphoenix · 7 months
Types of Voices, Kinds of Silence
A JSE Fanfic
SepticHeroes AU: Part 24
First Part | Previous Part
It's time for another part :D I'm excited for this one, and even more excited for the one that'll come after this. No spoilers tho :)c Anyway, summary time. When talking with his fellow Heroes, Jackie realizes something that makes him reconsider everything. But then he has to go meet with Marvin and decides to bring something along. Meanwhile, JJ gets a visitor. And yeah. Have fun with this! :)
It was a cloudy day. Not great for flying, Jackie always preferred warm sunlight to counter the cold wind, but flying was the best way to reach the hidden entrance to the League Lair, and so he flew. He wasn’t too excited to talk with Lorelai and Josh. They just wanted to help, but this was... a complicated situation. Not to mention Marvin had demanded he meet him later, too, so he had to keep this talk short so he could get back to Daindover in time.
He touched down near the hidden elevator, took it down, and ended up in the Lair. It was pretty quiet today. Not a lot of Heroes or League employees around. There were probably people in the kitchens, making food, but he couldn’t see them.
“Jackie!” A couple pink sparklers shot into the air, completely unnecessarily. Jackie could easily see Lorelai and Josh—both in casual clothes—sitting in one of the lounge areas.
“Over here!” Josh added, also completely unnecessarily.
Jackie grinned a little and headed over, taking a seat on the sofa next to Lorelai. “Hey guys. You both look really serious. I feel like this is an intervention.”
“Well, we just want to be sure everything is alright,” Lorelai said.
“Is t’ere anyt’ing you need to talk about?” Josh asked. “Lorelai said you were out on patrols already. Really, man? You jus’ defeated a strong villain! You deserve a break.”
“Well, I... I like going out on patrol.” Jackie shifted awkwardly in his seat. “It keeps me busy. A-and I did take a break.” If one could call lying in bed all day after he discovered JJ was a supervillain a break. That probably wasn’t one. That was probably something else. “Besides, I haven’t been going out as much as she thinks I am.”
“Hmm.” Lorelai pursed her lips and leaned back against the sofa.
“I’m serious, I haven’t been.”
“You were really out of it t’at night you caught the Puppeteer,” Josh said. “You said somet’ing about him controllin’ you? And... your friend fallin’ off a building?”
“Yeah... What does that have to do with patrols?”
“I mean.” Josh laughed. “T’at’s a lot to happen to you. It can be hard to... process it.”
Jackie blinked. “Alright...” This was weird. He was suddenly regretting coming here. “Look, I uh... I did come here to talk, but... I dunno.” He stared up at the ceiling. “I think you guys are making some assumptions.”
“Oh. Uh, sorry, we didn’t mean to,” Lorelai said. “I just—I guess we just... you’ve been acting a bit off. We’re worried. And like I said on the phone, we’ve been where you are, so we can... talk about stuff, if you want.”
“Hey, what if we get somet’ing to eat?” Josh suggested. “Somet’ing to break the tension a little bit.”
Jackie smiled faintly. “That’d be great. Nothing too heavy, though. I have to fly back home and heavy stuff makes flying suck.”
A few minutes later, they had their food. Jackie grabbed some fries and a bottled water, not really all that hungry, while Lorelai got herself some sushi and Josh got a deli sandwich. A real variety of foods were served in the League Lair. To a certain extent. “Okay, we’re starting again,” Lorelai said. “You go, Jackie. We’ll listen.”
“Right.” Jackie stared down at the table idly, using one of the fries to flip another over. He really wasn’t that hungry. “It’s... yeah, I guess getting controlled and almost having my roommate fall off a building fucked me up a little. But... that’s not... the main thing.” He looked up at the two of them. “You know the guy who turned out to be the Puppeteer? I... knew him. Know him. I mean, before all this. We... were friends.” Are they still friends? Against all odds, Jackie wanted to be. He knew there had to be something more going on with JJ.
Lorelai dropped her sushi. Josh’s eyes widened. “...Oh,” he said.
“That... that would be... that would complicate things,” Lorelai added.
Jackie nodded. “It... really does. I just... I just can’t see him...” He trailed off. “You guys are Heroes. Have you guys ever... had something like that?”
Lorelai shook her head. “No. Shit, Jackie, I can’t imagine... I’m so sorry. You must be devastated.”
“More confused than anything, really,” Jackie admitted. “I don’t understand... i-it’s the why, I never used to be so bothered by the whys of villain’s motives, but—but—Does he even have one?! Did he tell the police anything?!” Probably not, considering how they didn’t even know Jameson couldn’t speak.
“Jackie, I get where you’re comin’ from.” Josh leaned back in his chair. “D’you remember t’at Hero I said you reminded me of? Marvin, the Light Phoenix? He... I-I’m not s’posed to say t’is, but... he went rogue. Killed a villain even after we’d had him in prison.” He shook his head. “I’ve been wonderin’ the why of t’at for years now, but I guess t’ere’s no askin’ him now t’at he’s gone.”
Jackie bit his lip. Marvin wasn’t gone. Marvin was alive, having faked his death to escape the League from tracking him down. He did kill that villain—what was it? Right, Hellferno, how ridiculous—but... when he’d told Jackie the why that Josh was so confused about, it... made sense. Jackie wasn’t sure it justified murder, but he understood it. “You two were pretty close, huh?” he said slowly.
“We were.” Josh nodded. “Which made it all the stranger.”
“You didn’t... see any signs?” Jackie asked tentatively. From what Marvin said, he’d tried everything to get justice for his only family left. And he’d tried everything to cope with the loss.
“Hmm... I s’pose he did go after the villain he killed with a lot of force,” Josh said. “The two of them were sort of nemesises. Nemesi? Ah, who gives a shit. My point bein’, he prob’ly let the rivalry get to his head.”
Jackie frowned. That wasn’t what Marvin said. And though, intellectually, he knew he shouldn’t take the word of a villain and admitted murderer over a fellow Hero... something about this situation didn’t sit right with him.
“You okay, Jackie?” Lorelai asked. “Thinking about something?”
“I just... it’s...” Jackie decided not to bring up that he talked to Marvin and he’d given him a different explanation for why he went rogue. That would just lead to a whole can of worms he wasn’t prepared to deal with. “I still don’t understand. Everyone has to have a reason for doing things. Even if the reasons suck.”
“Sometimes you don’ get the reason, t’ough,” Josh said gently. “Sometimes you jus’ have t’learn t’live with it. It’s hard, but ye can’ drive yourself crazy wonderin’ why every single villain and rogue and petty criminal does what t’ey do. You’ll never reach the bottom of t’at barrel.”
“...but in this case, it’s my friend,” Jackie emphasized. “You must have wanted to know why Marvin killed a man.”
“Course I did!” Josh snapped. Then he sighed. “Sorry. I jus’... Don’ put yourself t’rough meaningless worry.”
“Yeah, Jackie,” Lorelai said quietly. “Take all the time you need to process this, but don’t dwell on the past.”
“Why do you make it sound like he died?”
“Oh, uh, sorry, I-I didn’t realize I was doing that.” Lorelai looked a bit embarrassed. “I guess... it is a death of sorts. A death of your relationship. I heard they were sending the Puppeteer to Byrthon Vault. You don’t get many visiting hours there. So... you’re probably not going to see him again unless there’s some emergency. I’m... I’m sorry to be so blunt about that. It sucks. But it’s... it’s the truth.”
Jackie flinched. He’d been trying not to think about that particular detail. Again, he understood why Jameson would be sent to the Vault from a practical standpoint. He’d controlled an extraordinary number of people for a super with mind-control abilities. For so long. Across an entire city. And with powers that were... really hard to fight against. Jackie remembered that vividly. But... did JJ really deserve to be locked away in a place like that? A place where none of his friends would see him? Not even Schneep, his family? Personally, Jackie didn’t think JJ had caused nearly enough damage for that. “Yeah... I still don’t like the comparison to death, though.” 
“Sorry,” Lorelai mumbled. “Only trying to help.”
“I don’ t’ink either of us are t’at good at t’is,” Josh admitted.
Jackie laughed. “You’re trying. I can tell you care, too.” Then he sighed. “I don’t like the Vault thing. I get it, but I don’t like it. Maybe at the trial I can make a case for a lower security prison.”
Lorelai blinked. “They’re having a trial?”
What? “Uh, yeah, of course?” Jackie said. “That’s kind of how it works?”
“Oh, I figured t’ey woul’ skip it,” Josh said casually. “Villains don’ usually get trials.”
Jackie felt the ground tilt beneath him. If he was standing, he surely would have staggered backwards. Or fallen over entirely. “Wh-wh-what do you mean?” he stammered. “Of course they get trials. You can’t just... not give someone a trial.”
“Of course you can,” Lorelai said. “It’s in the Super Laws. Clause 5. ‘If a super is found too dangerous or too great an escape risk, they may be shipped directly to a prison for holding.’”
“Yeah, I—I know the Super Laws!” Jackie shouted, panic in his voice. “But that—that’s supposed to be used for security! They have to have a trial later, that clause finishes with something like ‘trial may be held while said super is in secure custody,’ it’s not—it’s not supposed to say that you can sometimes skip trials altogether!”
“Well... why would you hold it if you know they’re guilty?” Lorelai figured. “There are a lot of witnesses to a lot of villain cases. Super fights are usually very public, you know. If it’s so public, everyone knows what they did. In this case, hundreds of people can attest to the Puppeteer’s crimes.”
“I—yes, but—but—” Jackie was shaking, gripping the edge of the table like he would fall over if he let go for even a moment. “But that doesn’t mean—there are all sorts of—of nuances to crimes and charges and—and the trial is where it all gets decided for sure. It’s where the guy being charged gets to try and defend himself. You can’t just throw someone in jail without giving them a chance to defend themself!”
“Villains are very tricky, Jackie, ye know t’is,” Josh said. “If ye give t’em a chance to defend t’emself, t’ey’ll wriggle out of the appropriate punishment.”
“I-I don’t—I don’t—” Jackie shook his head. He felt sick all of a sudden. “I-I have to go.” He stood up and started walking away.
“Hey!” Lorelai picked up Jackie’s fries. “What about your—”
“I have to go!” Jackie shouted. The air around him blasted outward, a shockwave of wind that knocked over a couple chairs. Before Lorelai or Josh could say anything else, he hurried out of the Lair, towards the elevators.
He had to get back to the city, he had to get to the police station, he had to talk to the detectives, to Ace, to whoever was in charge of this case—and he had to talk to Jameson again before it was too late!
Jameson knew they were going to move him soon. He hadn’t heard it or anything—he hadn’t heard much about anything, being stuck in the same cell for the past four days—but it just made sense. Honestly, he was sort of looking forward to it.
...No. He wasn’t. But it would be something different. He hadn’t expected boredom to play such a large role in being arrested. It wasn’t the worst part, but it was definitely the part he had to deal with the most. Right up there with inconvenience. You don’t realize how much you depend on your hands until you can't use them.
Jameson sighed, looking down at the cuffs. He wanted to get out of here so he could get these off more than anything. They couldn’t leave them on him while in prison, right? They were property of the police station. 
JJ gasped and jumped, looking around. What was that? Was it his imagination? Was he finally going mad from isolation? He could see the whole cell from where he was sitting on the bed and he didn’t see anything in it or through the window. 
A person snapped into view, warping the area around them with their strange color-shifting clothes. Wait a second—“Jamie!” Schneep said, lifting up his goggles to show his eyes. “Ah, it is so good to see you. Hold on a moment.” He reached into a pouch on one of his belts and grabbed something. While JJ was busy processing that yes, his cousin was really here, his cousin had really broken into a police station, Schneep unlocked the cuffs. “Okay. Good. How are you feeling?”
JJ flexed his fingers and winced. They’d been curled up for so long that moving them hurt. But he had to get over it. What are you doing here? he asked Schneep.
“In a moment, we can spare one to talk about how you are,” Schneep said.
I’m fine, Henrik. Bored. And scared, but he wasn’t going to tell him that. What are you doing here?
Schneep scoffed. “Getting you out, of course!”
JJ’s eyes widened. Excuse me?
“We do not have long,” Schneep said hurriedly. “I used one of Firewall’s Scramble Sticks to shut down the camera system, but they have definitely noticed. Here.” He reached over his shoulder into the backpack buckled to his costume and pulled out a heap of cloth. “Change into this.” He shoved the cloth—the clothes—at Jameson. “I cannot make you invisible but I can make sure you are not suspicious.”
Henrik, JJ signed. What in the world are you doing?
“I just said, I am getting you out of here!” Schneep repeated insistently. “I heard them speaking on the way down here, they are moving you to Byrthon Vault tonight. We have no time. I should not have delayed as much as I did but you will not believe how hard it is to find one of those Scramble Sticks on the black market—”
JJ shook his head. He pushed the clothes back at Schneep.
“Oof!” Schneep, not expecting it, took a couple steps backwards. “Okay, okay, I get it. I will go unlock the door from the outside while you change.”
Schneep, no, Jameson signed.
“What do you mean? The door only unlocks from the outside so I have to go back out anyway—”
I’m not leaving.
Schneep stared at him, unable to comprehend what he just saw. “Heh... I-I must be rusty on sign language, I thought... I thought you said you were not leaving.”
I did say that, Henrik, JJ said firmly. I’m not leaving. I can’t just break out of jail.
“Of course you cannot break out of jail, that is why I’m breaking you out of a police station.” Schneep grabbed Jameson’s hand and pulled him upright. “Come on. Maybe you can change in the bathrooms if you don’t want—”
JJ yanked his hand free. I can’t go.
“Yes you can! It is quite simple, people do not look at faces as often as you think—”
Henrik, I’m not going to leave.
Schneep stopped. He gave a nervous little laugh. “I... do not understand. You cannot possibly want to stay here. They are sending you to jail, Jameson. You do not belong there.”
You can deny it all you want, but the truth is that I do, Jameson said. I did commit a couple hundred super crimes. I think each person counts as their own incident even if I wasn’t personally involved in giving them strings.
“Okay, fine, but you do not—you do not deserve to be there!” Schneep stammered. “You are a good person, a kind person. No matter what you’ve done, I believe that.”
Jameson smiled sadly. I did try to do the right thing. He really did, even if it was too late by that point. But Henrik, think about this. If you break me out, our lives are not going to be normal. I’m going to have to go on the run. And you too, if they realize your involvement.
“Do you think your life will be normal in prison?!” Schneep cried incredulously. “Jameson, at least on the run you will be free!”
But for how long? Jameson sat down again. I will not use my powers again. They only hurt people. And I am not exactly capable outside of them. Eventually, the police or a Hero will find me. And we’ll be right back where we are.
“So you are giving up?!” Schneep grabbed Jameson by the shoulders. “You are—you are resigning yourself to this?! Jameson, think about this! I have heard terrible things about Byrthon Vault. Things that the public does not know, only those who have been in its walls and escaped. You—you cannot go there! I-I cannot—I cannot go there! There are no non-League visitors allowed, and they have infrared cameras so I cannot sneak in.” His grip tightened. Jameson saw tears lining his bright blue eyes. “Please, Jamie! I-I cannot lose you!”
Jameson felt something crack in his chest. He looked away from Schneep, hiding the tears clouding his own, identical bright blue eyes. I’m sorry, he said.
“That is all you are saying! That is all you have been saying!” Schneep shook him. “Jameson, please! Tell me—tell me it was not you!”
You’re asking me to lie to you, Schneep, Jameson signed slowly.
“Jameson...” Schneep’s voice cracked. “I... I...” He swallowed a lump in his throat. “Please come with me.”
JJ shook his head. This has to happen, Schneep. It HAS to. For everything to go right, it had to happen like this. He hoped. He was depending on someone else’s word, and it was the word of someone he didn’t trust at all. But... it was worth a shot. It was his only shot. Have you... talked to Jackie? Since yesterday?
“What? No, not really,” Schneep said, confused.
Talk to him. He glanced at the camera in the room. Ask him about my apartment. A lot of my things are in there, you know.
“What...?” Schneep narrowed his eyes. He knew this was strange. He knew Jameson was hinting at something.
Didn’t you say there wasn’t much time? JJ reminded him. If the cameras come back online and they see you in here, the police will certainly have a field day.
“Stop signing so many long sentences! Are you doing this on purpose?!”
JJ gave him a wane smile. You were always smarter than me.
Schneep looked at him, frustrated and sad at the same time. “Jameson... you won’t get another chance. I told you I cannot get to the Vault. I... W-we will never see each other again.”
Jameson took a deep, shaking breath. Then I guess this is goodbye.
Schneep stared. He shook his head slowly, disbelievingly.
I love you, Jameson signed, giving him as bright a smile as he could manage.
“I... I love you too,” Schneep whispered. “Ich liebe dich. But... this cannot be goodbye.”
Unless you want to go to jail as well, it is.
Schneep stood there, frozen. Then he slowly looked at the camera. He pulled his goggles back on. “I am not giving up, Jameson,” he said. “I am not giving up on you, even if you have. Goodbye. But I will see you again.”
Jameson said nothing. Just smiled and nodded.
Schneep picked up the disguise—he’d dropped them at some point—and the cuffs key. Then he turned and walked towards the cell door. He passed through it, vanishing halfway.
The smile immediately faded from Jameson’s face. He looked at the cuffs on the bed, dread pooling in his stomach. But this is what he chose. Though it didn’t feel much like a choice at all. Slowly, he picked the cuffs up and snapped them on, silencing himself once again.
“What do you mean I can’t?!”
Jackie probably looked a little insane to the poor receptionist at the police station. He’d flown so fast that he was actually out of breath. His hood, usually weighted down to prevent it from moving too much during flight and combat, had fallen down, showing his wild hair. And he admitted it: he was leaning way too far across the desk. “Mr. Windstorm, please calm down,” the receptionist said.
“I am calm!” Jackie shouted. Aware of how not-calm that made him look, he took a deep breath and leaned back. “I just—I don’t understand! Why can’t I see him?”
“The Puppeteer is a high-risk individual,” the receptionist said carefully, slowly folding his arms. “We cannot let anyone, not even a Hero, see him without prior notice.”
“That’s not a thing! That’s never been a thing!”
“It’s written in the Super Laws, sir—”
“Fuck! Yeah, I know.” Contrary to his protests, Jackie knew that ‘prior notice’ had been a thing for a while. Something about abuse of power. He didn’t really pay that much attention to that section. “You can’t make an exception? I promise, this is really important, I-I have to see him!”
“Sir, I’m sorry, but—”
“Hey kid.” Jackie turned around and saw Ace standing nearby. He jerked his head to the front doors of the station. “I want to talk to you. Outside.”
Jackie nodded slowly. “Okay.”
The two of them walked outside, standing on the steps to the station. Jackie looked up into the cloudy sky. Ace did as well. “So,” he said. “You were trying to see the Puppeteer?”
“I have to,” Jackie said.
“Why? What’s so important?”
“I...” Jackie’s hands were shaking. Why were they shaking? He grabbed one with the other to make it stop. “Ace did you know... Did you know villains don’t get trials?”
Ace looked at him. “So. You didn’t realize, then.”
“H-how the fuck was I supposed to? I’m always too busy to attend the trials, so I just... I guess I assumed they happened. Because why would you assume they don’t?”
“Have you ever seen or read of a villain trial happening in the news?” Ace waited. Jackie shook his head. “Exactly. They’ve been skimping on that for a while.”
“And you’re okay with that?!” Jackie gaped, stunned.
“No!” Ace snapped. “By god, I’m not. And not everyone in the justice system is, either. But the problem is it’s never up to them. It’s up to the League. They control everything related to supers, including the trials. Police gotta get permission from them to even go through with it. And they don’t want to go to the effort when there’s a Super Law that lets them go ‘yeah, the guy did it,’ and throw them away.”
“That’s not... what that law is for...” Jackie said haltingly.
“It’s not. But it’s easier that way.” Ace shrugged. Jackie knew that Ace was an older guy, but in this moment, he really looked his age. “And the people in the League who want to change it? They find it’s harder to do that than expected.”
“I can’t... I-I thought...” Jackie’s voice gets quieter. “I thought... at the trial, I could... make a case...”
“For the guy who controlled two hundred people? He’d need a hell of a lawyer. But, they do exist. And Heroes’ words mean a lot.” Ace looked Jackie up and down. “Why’d you want to make a case for the guy, anyway?”
“Cause he... he deserves it,” Jackie said softly.
“Mmm.” Ace nodded. “A lot of people do.”
Jackie stood there quietly. He kept staring at the clouds.
“You need anything, kid?” Ace asked.
“No, I’m... I’m good.”
“Okay. You know how to reach me if I can help you with something.”
“Yeah.” Jackie took a deep breath, and jumped into the sky.
There was still some time before he had to meet Marvin, but he wasn’t sure what to do in that time frame. He ended up just... going home. Lying on his bed in his room.
“You okay bro?” Chase asked, gently opening the closed bedroom door. “Have you been in here all day? Oh. No, you got your costume on.”
“Yeah... I told you I had that meeting with the other Heroes, remember?” Jackie asked, staring up at the ceiling.
“You did? Must’ve slipped out.” Chase tapped the side of his head. “Dunno why I didn’t write it down. Uh... did it go well?”
“...Not... really.”
“Oh.” Chase paused. “Do you... want to talk about it?”
“Later,” Jackie promised. “It’s all... a bit real right now.”
“Yeah. Of course.” Chase nodded. “I’ll be here when you need me. Anytime.”
“No problem.” And Chase slowly closed the door.
Jackie stared at the ceiling for a while longer. Then he turned and looked at his desk. The Puppeteer mask was sitting on the edge where he’d left it. Come to think of it... had it been a good idea to bring that home? What if there was a self-destruct in it or something? Idly, he reached out his hand. A gust of wind pushed the mask towards him. It also knocked down some pencils and a notebook, but whatever. The mask flew right onto the bed, where Jackie picked it up and examined it. Not much space for a self-destruct. Probably.
He couldn’t believe Jameson had worn this. Not just for the reasons he’d been dwelling on the past few days. But also... This was a strange detail to focus on, but JJ didn’t strike him as being into tech. He understood the need for a vocal synthesizer, but he could’ve just thrown on a cloth mask. Why go to the effort of stealing an LED mask?
An idea struck him. Marvin had that friend, right? The Dismantler, she’d called herself. Jackie didn’t really want to bring her into this for no reason, but... maybe she could check this mask out? Just in case?
When it was time to go, Jackie changed out of his supersuit into the outfit he wore last time he went to the secret diner and shoved the mask into a backpack. Might as well as him to bring it to her.
He remembered the way to the bar with the secret meeting place perfectly. And this time, he managed to get the coded message right. He descended the hidden stairs and walked into the diner. It was still so weird that a place this normal-looking was beneath a sketchy bar.
Jackie scanned the drawings of the walls. Villains drawn as heroes. He’d thought it was so strange last time he came here. It was still strange. But... somehow he could understand it more.
Someone whistled. Jackie jumped and looked around. Marvin was sitting in one of the booths just like last time, dressed in his Spitfire Cat costume. He looked annoyed. Probably because he was right in Jackie’s line of sight in the almost-empty diner, and yet Jackie hadn’t noticed him. Sighing, Jackie walked over. “Hi,” he said, sliding into the booth.
“Hey.” Marvin glanced him over. “You look kinda out of it.”
“Oh really? I wonder why. It’s not like I’m fucked up from finding out of my best friends has been mind controlling people this whole time.”
“Hmm.” Marvin paused, resting his arms on the table and leaning forward. “I’m not... good with shit like this. But... sorry. It... sucks.”
Jackie sighed again. “It does, yeah. And he’s... he’s not even going to get a trial... probably. Th-they’re going to skip it. Just throw him in the Vault.” He looked down at the surface of the table. “I didn’t... know about that. But everyone is acting like it’s normal.”
“It’s not,” Marvin said firmly. “Or at least, it shouldn’t be.”
“Did you know about that?” Jackie looked back up at him. “From your... past?”
Marvin glanced around. “I was probably the same as you,” he said carefully. “I didn’t think about it. Didn’t check the trials out so I assumed that justice was served properly. But... when you start looking into stuff, you see things like this.” 
Jackie laughed. “God. Yeah.” He shook his head slowly. “I don’t... I-I don’t know...” He trailed off.
“Don’t know what?” Marvin prompted in a surprisingly gentle tone.
“I don’t know a lot of things. I just... I-I don’t want to just throw people in prison. I mean, when you’re a kid imagining you’re a Hero, you throw the bad guys in jail straight away because you don’t know about stuff like that. Or if you do, it’s boring. Then you grow up and you learn about everything, and it’s kinda just there, and you still don’t think about it that much unless you’re in the system that deals with it.”
“Heroes are in that system.”
“Well—I—I-I mean more directly!” Jackie said defensively. “The point being, you don’t realize how much something is needed until you think about the implications of not having it! Like—like—ugh.” He put his head in his hands. “Jameson should get to speak for himself. I don’t think they asked him about anything at the station, they didn’t even know he couldn’t talk. And yet—and yet if they don’t ask him what he has to say for himself, and if he doesn’t get a trial where he can do that, they’re just—I know he literally has no voice, but he should have a metaphorical voice! A-and probably a bunch of other people should too. You and Schneep both sat me down and explained everything, a-and if either of you get caught, you won’t be able to do that!”
Marvin nodded. “Fucked up.”
“It is! It’s so fucked up, a-and I didn’t know about it! I didn’t know that I was—that I was part of this!” Jackie shuddered. “I’ve put so many people in jail. Did any of them get to say their piece?”
“Some of them did,” Marvin said. “The ones who weren’t supers.”
“I’ve still fought a lot of supers!”
Jackie stared at him. “Are you going to—to say anything?”
“Look, Wind—Look, Jackie.” Marvin’s face beneath the mask softened a bit. “I’ve been where you are. Yeah, you didn’t know. Doesn’t change that it’s fucked up. But... it’s not really your fault. You didn’t directly lock them up. At most, you’re guilty of negligence.”
“I don’t... want to be guilty of that...” Jackie whispered.
“Good.” Marvin nodded sharply. “Then stop being guilty of it.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“It means take some fucking action, you idiot.”
“Oh, what? You want me to kill someone?”
“Then what do you want me to do?!” Jackie demanded. “I’m not going to be like you! I’m not going to—to go breaking into buildings and burning documents and stealing stupid symbolic shit that means nothing!”
“Alright, fine, don’t then, but do something!” Marvin snapped.
Jackie made a frustrated noise and leaned back in the booth. He stared up at the ceiling. He was just one person. What could he do? In all his time as a superhero, he’d never felt so... unsure of his impact.
Maybe there was one thing he could do.
One person he could help.
“Jameson said there was something in his apartment,” Jackie said.
Marvin tilted his head. “Something? What is it?”
“I don’t know. I went to talk to him at the police station and he kept being cryptic and hinting I should check out his apartment. There was a camera in the room so I guess he didn’t want the police to catch on? Maybe?” Jackie shrugged. “I don’t know.” He tilted his head back down to look at Marvin. “I think... I’m going to check it out tomorrow. Do you want to come?”
“...yeah.” Marvin nodded. “I’m just as confused about him as you are. He didn’t seem the type for all this. And, well, I’m not too good with reading people’s faces, but even I could tell he looked all guilty after we took that mask off.”
“Mask!” Jackie sat up straight. “Wait a minute.” He took his backpack off and reached inside, pulling out the broken Puppeteer mask. “I-I was wondering if you could get that friend of yours to look at this?”
Marvin blinked. “Why do you have that? You don’t keep spoils, do you?”
“No, I don’t, it’s just—The guy who owns SepTech, Dr. McLoughlin, he wanted to thank me for defeating the Puppeteer so he said I could take part of the costume.” Jackie frowned. “I don’t know why he had the costume in the first place, but in any case, I just kind of... took it?”
“He had the costume because SepTech works with the League,” Marvin muttered. “Companies like that will examine villain tech or suits before sending them off to the League’s Storehouses. You know. Just in case there are trackers in it. The League doesn’t want villains finding the Storehouses. Which, I will admit, is probably a smart thing to do.” He paused. “What’s not smart is taking something that might have a tracker to a hideout like this.”
“Look, I had no way to contact you or your friend, my options were limited,” Jackie said defensively. “Can you just give that to her? The Dismantler?”
A head popped up from behind Marvin. “He won’t have to give it to me!”
“Oh sweet holy fuck—!” Jackie started, dropping the mask.
Marvin twisted around in the seat. “Gwen I told you to—” And then he stopped, glancing back at Jackie.
“He can know my name, it’s fine.” The Dismantler—Gwen adjusted her position, now leaning over the back of the booth. She was wearing the same outfit as last time: a black face mask and a black jacket with handmade silver circuit patterns.
“Wh-what are you doing here?” Jackie asked, surprised.
Marvin sighed. “She kept asking me if I was going to meet you again,” he muttered. “I kind of... promised she could come if we ever met in person somewhere not-dangerous. And, ah, someone else, too.”
“I suppose that’s my cue.” Someone else appeared and turned around. A South Asian woman with long black hair, wearing an orange T-shirt with yellow flame designs. She smiled at Jackie. “Hi. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.” She got out of the booth and walked over to stand next to him, holding out a hand. “I’m Kanchana Yang, I run HAUC.”
Jackie took the hand slowly, shaking it. “...Hawk?”
Kanchana took a card out of her pocket and showed Jackie. “Henches Against Unfair Conditions.” The words were printed red on white. Next to them was a red shield design with a white hawk picture. Kanchana quickly put the card away. “You saved some of my people by defeating the Puppeteer. I understand that you’re feeling some conflict about who it was, but you really did help a lot of people. Thank you.” Behind her, Gwen muttered something about “Chana’s customer service face,” and Marvin tried to hide a smile.
“...you run a henchman order,” Jackie said.
“Yep. Can I sit next to you?”
“Oh, uh, sure.” Jackie scooted over to make room for her. “So... were you two just... crouched in the other booth the whole time, or...?”
“It was Gwen’s idea,” Kanchana said.
“Marvin said we should try to stay out of sight!” Gwen protested.
“I didn’t mean hide in the other booth when I said that,” Marvin sighed. He looked at Kanchana. “And you didn’t have to go along with the idea.” Kanchana just smiled.
“Anyway.” Gwen walked around the bench and slid into the booth next to Marvin. “Mask. Gimme. Please.”
Jackie handed it over. “Uh... Dr. McLoughlin said some things about it. Stuff about how... there were sensors hooked up to read the facial expressions the wearer made. A-and the vocal synthesizer was connected to that, too. It was added later. Uh... of course, all the sensors broke when I... punched him in the face...” He felt really bad about that now that he knew who was behind the mask the whole time.
“Hmm. Hmm.” Gwen turned the mask over in her hands. Her eyes began to glow white, and the mask was dismantled, shattered screen lifted off the surface to show all the various tiny computer parts inside, which then came apart in turn. Jackie stared in awe, but Marvin and Kanchana were used to this by now. “Huh.” Gwen frowned, and the mask reassembled itself.
“What is it?” Marvin asked.
“There are face-reading sensors, yeah, and they’re broken... but not by the punch.”
Jackie blinked. “What do you mean?”
“I mean someone disconnected everything. Probably around the time they inserted the synthesizer. It is really great work, though, you probably wouldn’t even notice how deliberate it was unless you were an expert.”
“But... the screen made expressions,” Jackie recalled.
“It did,” Marvin muttered, backing him  up. His eyes were narrowed in suspicion. “If the sensors haven’t worked this whole time, how is that possible?”
“Oh, someone also inserted an external connection drive,” Gwen explained. The LEDs and vocal synthesizer are connected to that. They were probably controlled remotely.”
“Remotely?” Jackie repeated.
“By someone else,” Kanchana said quietly. “Someone other than your Puppeteer, someone who was probably far away.”
“Yeah, I bet that’s it!” Gwen nodded. “They also put a couple cameras in there, just under the surface of the screen. And there are tiny, tiny microphones here.” She tilted the mask to the side, indicating a place about halfway down. “Kinda near where your ears would be.”
Jackie’s stomach dropped. “You mean... someone else was seeing everything JJ was. And they were talking to him. And they were controlling what the Puppeteer said and what expressions he made.”
“Mm-hmm.” Gwen nodded. “No tracking devices, though. So that’s good.”
“What... what does this mean?” Jackie whispered.
“Sounds like someone was giving the Puppeteer instructions,” Kanchana mused. “And making sure he adhered to them through the cameras. In a sense, that person would be the real Puppeteer. Your friend was the body, but they were the voice.”
Marvin laughed. “It’s kind of funny. The Puppeteer was just someone else’s puppet all along.”
“Do you know what this means?” Jackie grinned, eyes alight. “It means Jameson wasn’t just evil all of a sudden. He was just—just working for someone! I mean, the why is still up in the air, but that would get him a-a reduced sentence for sure under the Super Laws. We just need to—”
“Present the evidence at a trial that’s not going to happen?” Marvin asked.
“I’m going to make that trial happen, I don’t care what I have to do to get it!”
Marvin blinked, surprised. Then a wide grin spread across his face. “Exactly.” Was that pride in his voice?
“Um... Isn’t it strange, though?” Kanchana poked in. “You said that this Dr. McLoughlin told you the sensors were controlling the face and voice. Wouldn’t he have known about them being broken beforehand? And about the cameras and microphones and... what was it, Gwen?”
“External connection drive,” Gwen said. “And I dunno. Maybe not. Those were all really well hidden,  little tiny-tiny parts. Maybe no one but a technopath would notice.”
Marvin’s grin vanished. “Still... Kanchana’s right. That’s... strange.”
“I can ask him about that,” Jackie said. “Maybe he was just going off the mask’s blueprints or something. It was made by SepTech, after all.”
“Or maybe he lied,” Marvin pointed out.
Jackie blinked. “Okay... but why?” Then a thought occurred to him. “You’re not suspicious of McLoughlin, are you? You don’t think he’s involved?”
“It’s possible.”
That was true. “But it’s also possible it was a mistake,” Jackie said. “I-I’ll ask him about it. He could be a suspect, he could just be lazy.”
“Mm.” Marvin nodded. “Anyway. We should figure out some way to communicate now that we’re not using emails.”
Right. That was the original purpose of the meeting. “Well I’m guessing you don’t want to use phone numbers or any sort of software,” Jackie said. “So we’re left with in-person meetings.”
“I do know where you live,” Marvin mused.
“Don’t sound threatening like that, Marvin,” Kanchana said.
“Alright, fine, if you need to reach me you can come to my apartment,” Jackie said reluctantly. “But where do I go if I need to reach you?”
“If you’re asking me to give you my home address, no.”
“Well that’s not fair, is it?”
“It’s safer.” Marvin paused. “You can go to my work. You already know what my day job is. Hang on, I’ll write down the address and my hours.”
After a brief exchange in which Marvin handed over a napkin with some writing and Gwen talked a lot at Jackie about how it was cool that she’d met him twice, Jackie stood up and said goodbye to Marvin and his two friends. This was... a strange meeting. But a productive one. This information about the mask and what it implied was a huge breakthrough. Finally, Jackie had something to grasp onto.
Now he just needed to check out Jameson’s apartment as he requested. All four of them would be going tomorrow. Even though Jackie hadn’t yet heard from Schneep, he knew he would want to be there for this. And so would Chase and Marvin.
Maybe whatever they found there would be enough to tilt the scales. Maybe he could save Jameson.
But that still begged the question...
Who was the voice of the Puppeteer?
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0ystercatcher · 5 hours
finally the other topic thats been on my mind. the food. oohhh the food. enormous post warning. i hope to god the read more works.
ok for starters. its good. i cant complain. variety and spread were pretty great (goes so hard to have diaspora from all over the world in your country you literally can get anything if you know where to look), quality was good, portions are INCREDIBLY generous even considering price most of the time, and price is....fine. i hated it bc again exchange rates fucked me over but i didnt see anything... outrageous anywhere we went to OTHER than the baseball game but that i expected and was prepared for so i didnt like, insta vomit when i saw the menu. i didnt try nearly everything i wanted to but, well, i have limited space in my tummy.
there were... some questionable items. at the store. like, ham with cheese inside it that looked like it had some kind of pox. all sorts of um. wrong looking. gooey cheese products. all very yellow and with a scary toxic look to them. i did eat the cheetos tho they were fine and acceptably orange.
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like... im sorry. this isnt ok. this shouldnt exist. this is wrong.
there were also all sorts of what id consider, niche? not very high circulation? products. that looked interesting. also cheeses, this time delicious and amazing (im still so pissed i left the horseradish cheddar i wanted to bring home in ks fridge), great great snacks, treats of all sorts (some good some eh?), all kinds of baking ingredients and cooking ingredients, so many dry spices and powders and seasonings. asian ingredients and mexican ingredients seemed greatly favored which tbh was appreciated bc there was stuff id never seen before that got me very curious + i found my fav mexican candy which i missed. also, chicken is p cheap over there, i was surprised its basically as cheap as it is here, maybe slightly cheaper even. all in all, tbh, you can eat pretty well buying fairly cheap and healthy items with...not many problems. like...a big big bag of kale was like...4 usd. thats so good. chicken and tuna and sardines were cheap. pasta is cheap as hell as it is everywhere. veggies and fruit are kind of hit or miss but i think thats somewhat seasonal as it is everywhere. canned food is cheaper there too?? not bad at all. next time i want to go to a costco and see how it goes to buy stuff in bulk, it looks promising.
idk where im going w this post so now im just gonna list the memorable meals or treats or ingredients i sampled/had over there (inconsistent list bc some are homemade meals made by moi + k but whatever) and rate them. i cant put these on a normal list bc im breaking the character limit so please bear with my horrible formatting.
baseball game hotdog: 7/10 disappointingly small for the...10? 11? usd it cost. nice mustard and onions on top. NO MAYO. ketchup and relish were Fine. at least 2-3 points of the score are just the fact it was a true baseball hotdog and my first one at that. the experience is very important for this one. i cherished that more than most other things in this "meal" so id feel bad rating it lower.
baseball garlicky fries: 8/10. again 3 points for the experience and novelty of it being baseball food. i think they were 9 dollars. ok portion. CRAZY AMNTS OF GARLIC YUM. pretty tasty. NO MAYO THO!!
double cheese burger + fries + onion rings + peanut butter milkshake: 10/10. true american meal. enormous burger. couldnt finish anything other than the milkshake and k helped w that + i was about to genuinely frow up by the time i tried the last spoonful of it. the whole thing i think was about 25-30? usd each? i dont even care. it was delicious, i think the mayo was made by the restaurant itself, it was so good. beef patties were great. vegetables were great. pickles were really good. gooey ass american cheese was great. fries were crazy. onion rings were perfect. just delicious. will go again next time im there.
pho + spring rolls: 5.5/10. not bad at all. but i think pho was greatly overhyped. i ordered it w tendon and tripe which was nice to have in the us bc i know they dont like organ meats at all. it was ok. its one of those soups that i guess gets better kinda by the end when its all gotten mixed up and nicely flavored. ive had better soups though. sorry i fumbled the tip.
sushi: 8/10. nice! didnt try even close to all the options but the eel was DELICIOUS + the maki sushi was good and, honestly, very well portioned. i dont like when the maki sushi is huge esp when im trying to sample many types. and some of the salads and soups....hell yes. good price! comparable to nice sushi places here, i didnt feel it was scandalous. im giving it an 8 bc it was tasty as fuck, but i do have a comment on this. i think the us does the same thing we do which is, they shove a bunch of ingredients into maki sushi to make new ones with a lot of shit in them and im not the biggest fan of that so i didnt order those. i like simple sushi. the ones i ordered were really good tho. 8/10 for those, i dont think ill order the other ones unless i was feeling suuuper experimental. same as it ever was.
deluxe kraft mac and cheese, orig cheddar: 5/10 without adding anything to it, solid 6 with better cheese + bbq sauced hot dog in it. see we had just watched the jerma reviews mac and cheese video and we happened to find this at the store so obviously we had to try it. it was just normal mac and cheese. i think american kraft has a stronger and kinda. nastier. cheese flavor in it. so we added real cheese and other things and it was better. solid dinner.
mcdonalds: mcdonalds/mcdonalds. its mcds. it tastes the same everywhere apparently. it was fine. fresh fries were nice tho.
taco bell chicken quesadilla: 2/10. i dont really like taco bell and i kind of objected to this meal and only had a little bit. flavorful in weirdly wrong ways. not Offensive but, yknow, a strong I Would Prefer Not To. also, made me a little bloated even with lactaid to help me cope.
various food items at family meeting: 7/10. im not rating them individually there were too many, this is an average. the ones that stood out were: crispy crispy bacon for brekky. biscuits and gravy. funeral potatos? thats what they called it i think? the yogurt + fruit + maple syrup granola bowl and the smoked trout. i think this is because it was a family thing, but if not i guess it still applies? homemade american dishes are so fucking rich. im not sure i could stand eating like that every day. i know by the end of the weekend i was like.. i need normal salad. i need some rice. this cant go on forever. still, i enjoyed every dish i tried. tasty stuff!
sweet corn we roasted in a fire: 10/10 brother i love sweet corn and oonnhh hhn the butter on it. yea man. its good.
special coffee drink + bagel w cream cheese: 7/10. very generous bagel for like...under 3 usd. 3rd worlder ass price for the crazy amnt of cheese it had imho and like, i shared it with k and i was still very satisfied with the portion i got. the coffee drink was very nice. i have no idea what that woman put in it other than the 2 large espresso shots and ice i saw she added. tasty tho! and she was nice. sorry i was very bad at understanding your accent. i realized im still not at all used to that.
espresso + chocolate truffle: 9/10 just what i needed after the fish and chips feast. beautifully smooth coffee, good crema, smelled good, tasted good. great texture, good price. 8 usd for...2 espressos and 2 truffles. i think thats more than acceptable, esp in the highly touristy area we were in. the truffle itself i think was a little ordinary but paired so well w the coffee the whole thing was a win. lovely to have it next to the sea w my love after stuffing ourselves full w fish and chips. speaking of which.
fish (cod and calamari and shrimp) and chips + cider: 10/10 my god. my god. this rivals peruvian jalea. i never believed it would be possible. but it is. it was great. fresh out the fryer, pleasantly greasy but not excessively so. great flavor. great fish. nice portion. amazingggg cider and really nice tartar sauce. just what i needed after walking around for a couple hours. just a great fucking meal. will def go again if i can.
glazed? powdered? donuts? we got at the store? i dont remember the brand or name but i was curious so i grabbed a thing and k said they were pretty good: 2/10 meh. they were... whatever. i think i had one w breakfast and then i sort of gave up on them. kind of dry and too dense for a donut. maybe they were cake donuts? i dont know. i shouldnt have strayed from dunkin, im sorry dunkin. ill never let you down again.
salt vinegar chips: 10/10 one of those snacks i just. would compulsively buy if i lived there. like this would be my go to snack. they hurt the roof of my mouth but its worth it also i like the sourness bc it makes me pace myself a little.
normal ruffles: ruffles/ruffles. i like a good wavy potato chip. what can i say. i enjoyed them.
american bacon: 8/10. i understand why the us has crazy rates of cardiovascular disease. i get it. maybe its worth it. it gets one whole point solely bc of the crazy amnt of fat you can render out of it, bacon fat was Not Lacking while we cooked and i thank the bacon for this, because thats a great ingredient to have around imho.
tap water: 10/10. preddy good!
mexican limes: 2/10. im actively racist against these citrus fruits. so much flesh, no juice. they did their job and tasted Fine I Guess but they were still lame. peruvian lime or nothing baby.
fuji apples: 8/10. im fujiapplepilled. theyre nice. crispy. go well with peanut butter. yum! nice that they are grown there.
cheetos: 5/10. i had the puffs and the normal..crispy ones? non spicy bc i dont like the spicy ones. i was satisfied. theyre better than ours. still not the best snack but i was curious. bigger portion than im used to. i think i would simply not let children have them though.
beef hot dogs, from the store. in and without bun: 9/10 broooo americans are just good at these. they put like actual meat in them. theyre dense. theyre large. delicious stuff. versatile enough, reasonably priced. if this isnt their national pride it should be. wish i could have brought a pack home. my fam would love these.
some kind of mexican chorizo thing: 4/10. it was ok. k had this in the fridge when i got there? its like salchicha huachana but less good, less fresh, less colourful and less flavorful. it did what we needed it to do, i didnt dislike it. it was just. fine.
ranier beer: 7/10. yum! pleasant. slightly sweet. a fine drink for a warm sunny day. great with snacks or other treats.
pabst blue ribbon: 6/10. yum also! i liked rainier a little better tho.
the 2 ipas i had: 0/10. the only thing i had that i actively disliked. yuck. just nasty stuff.
wait i forgot
jeppsons malort: -1/10. @worldlytutor why the fuck did you buy that. that shit tasted like rat poison fr. throw that shit away rn if you still have it.
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Consider: Shaojun making moon cakes for the Auditore family, and Flavia and Marcello eat all of them while no one is looking. Everyone finds it very endearing and Shaojun makes more, even teaching Ezio how to make them 😌
So so so sorry for getting to this so late but omfgendjd domestic cultural exchanges and appreciation makes me so happy yes
I’m so sorry abt the incoming dumpage below
I assume this is for a modern au but I wanted to give a brief shoutout to these traditional moon cake molds !! I dunno which era these are from specifically but they date back to the Ming, Qing, and Minguo eras— and hey, Shaojun would have existed during the Ming dynasty so !
I know assassins probably have more worry on their mind than celebration considering they’re ,, well,, assassins,, but being able to at least observe mid autumn festival would still be important I think, even passively and if they couldn’t have moon cake. It’s a huge deal, and moon festival is about spending time with family, and I think that would apply to found family as well and I think that’s a really neat idea (especially if she considers the Auditores family too).
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That being said also bringing it to modern au— my family does it so only 1-2 are usually eaten around moon festival because they are so dense. I’ve known people who can eat em whole no problem and all the more power to them! Personally though, I couldn’t get past one or two slices in one go, so that makes it hard for me to picture the kids eating all of them (even just two) but that’s just me and some of my family’s experiences with em (we split our mooncake into quarters for each family member and paired it with tea in order to balance and cleanse the pallet).
In fact it makes me kinda happy thinking abt how much they like moon cake, because a lot of westerners I’ve seen having it for the first time are either confused (negative) or outright disgusted bc it isn’t the type of cake they’re used to which brings up another whole debate about things getting lost in translation because in English it’s called ‘cake’ where ‘cake’ is used as a catch all term for anything sweet, but yuèbing isn’t really a cake,, so people get confused and feel scammed but hey we never call it Cake to begin with lmao it’s like the blanket misnomer with the word ‘dragon’ but that’s a whole other thing. But anyways don’t be a dick about ethnic foods that’s all I’m sorry
In contemporary times there’s more fun varieties with less dense ingredients, even ranging to mochi and ice cream !!
I think making food in general is a really great way to reconnect with your own culture and being able to share that with someone you trust is wonderful, so I wholeheartedly agree with Shaojun showing Ezio that in modern au (especially since I picture them in an overseas student and host family type situation??)
Not everyone knows how to make moon cake tho (especially in urban areas where the traditional practice is not hand made and passed through family anymore) and it’s more of a knowledgeable thing maintained and passed down through families so I’m kinda personally imagining Shaojun is learning how to try and make em herself (me and my mom keep in touch with specific cooking through wechat recipes and whatever we’ve memorized or written down, as well as online Chinese sources and YouTube channels lmao.)
Sorry for rambling adnbsmshsmhe but yeah Shaojun and Ezio making moon cake for mid autumn festival and having that cultural exchange is definitely something I imagined here or there :)) ty for sharing!!
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jadenightthewriter · 1 year
In their defence they may be stupid but marcellus is a) traumatised and b) a child. Idk what marcias excuse is tho 😔 in the esmerelda version she is also so so traumatised and has barely had time to recover from althers death before ending up with a baby for a second time except this time she can't dump it on someone else 😔😔😔 (the bit where she goes to the heaps in that version is So funny,, she shows up like um. Haha hi uhhh help. And she has a teenage boy with her and also a baby (identical to baby #1 silas got handed) and silas is like marcia wtf. Marcia why is there a baby who looks exactly the same as the one u gave me before. Marcia where r these babies coming from)
Honestly I think real au esmerelda probably had it better than canon esmerelda?? Like in canon everyone had caught on that etheldredda was killing her kids and tried to protect her, in this au etheldredda isn't even killing just the princesses she also killed her son who wasn't a threat at all and everyone is so on guard abt it. Esmerelda is never ever left alone w etheldredda not even once and all the palace staff r so careful abt it
YEAH <3333 septimus and marcellus get along So well here,,, septimus is having some kind of panic attack at one point and marcellus is like look i get it- and seps like LITERALLY NO U DON'T. And marcellus goes haha. Lmao. And then there r explanations (once sep is not actively crying on the floor) and septimus latches onto marcellus as his new favourite person (equal to marcia) and also septimus gets twice the amount of hugs and its all very sweet and nice <3 also I'm assigning marcias rooms another bedroom so marcellus can also stay there 😌 they may already have one?? I think it's mentioned in thm somewhere??? But. I'm putting it properly in the story this time <3 marcellus is staying in the tower while all his alchemy stuff is under construction and marcia HATES it bc he can spot when she's not sleeping and literally pick her up and put her into the bed and it's the WORST and sometimes he makes food and then she has to actually stop what she's doing to eat it and it's awful 😔😔 (<-she's doing better physically and mentally than canon marcia tho so). He's also very much a shoulder to cry on abt dn1 related stuff so literally this marcia is like canon marcia but 100% less. Lonely and sad.
Anyway I got off track,, yeah septimus and marcellus bond over being two guys with the same variety of trauma and both marcia and marcellus r able to help him more in this au than in canon bc they have. Experience. Does it help septimus that much?? Short term kind of long term definitely. Marcellus to septimus is like a kind of cool uncle/sort of dad figure,, they hang out when neither of them have smth else to be doing (sometimes when they do) and marcellus teaches him abt alchemy and marcias like wow marcellus :/ I can't believe you'd steal my apprentice :// that's so rude and mean 😔😔 and he's like lmao <3 and keeps teaching septimus stuff. Also marcellus does eventually tell more ppl abt his Actual backstory and jennas like WAIT WE'RE RELATED????? and decides he's cool actually now that she can bully sep abt how that's her great uncle 🥺 how could he steal him from her like this 🥺🥺🥺
This ask is so long abdhdbdjd rip and uhh. Well i have Plans for a fic but I think we all know what happens when I have a plan for a fic (<-it never ever gets written) so PLEASE write smth if u want to i will love it forever and ever and ever <3333
Consider: I would call them stupid even without the trauma, hence they have exactly 0 excuses sorry babies I love you but no
I bet Silas thinks Marcia did something stupid and kidnapped them all which is,,, aha not exactly wrong?? But it's not like she's going to admit that. (side note i feel like marcellus and silas probably get along shockingly well and marcia is Upset about this she's been betrayed how could you marcellus)
hmm.... that's a good point about esmerelda. I think mentally it might be harder for her though, because there might be lots of people who love her but i feel like there wouldn't be many who would try to get super close, because she's still royalty. i think septimus should accidentally trip and fall through one of marcellus's silly experiments and meet esmerelda and maybe be her friend for a bit.
ngl marcia sounds like a cat here i love this. do you think sep and marcellus (help i need to shorten his name i can't keep typing it T^T) scheme to like,, trick her into doing things they want. i bet they do like pspsps marcia look here. (i bet marcia and marcellus fight over how much alchemy and magyk stuff they're allowed to leave lying around. their rooms look pretty much exactly the same because they both hoard so many things except marcia's has like 2% more purple. relatedly i bet their horrible sense of fashion has infected the other.)
marcia and marcellus working together is probably the best possible thing to happen for sep it's like,,, someone understands almost all of what happened to him, there's always someone to talk to, there's someone to be responsible and someone to be irresponsible, he gets all the good things he deserves <3333
i think the jenna sep marcellus dynamic would be so funny idk how much an age difference they have (depending on AU version i would guess 10-15?) but they probably have the same sort of influence from marcia and all love to make fun of each other. they probably wear purple a lot and don't notice until silas points it out lmao and then make a point to see who can wear the most outlandish purple thing until marcia yells at them.
bestie same 😭😭 i can't promise anything (fuck you, school) but i have so many ideas i'm serious when i tell you this au is one of the best things i've learned of in months
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ebonyslasher · 3 years
Wait time
Slashers react to how long it takes for you to get braids in
Was at the salon some time ago getting my hair done, and I thought about how long it used to take my hair to get done when I got Senegalese twists lol
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You're gonna get your hair done? He's cool with that.
Gonna be gone for a while? Sure that's fine too. He's not stressing
A while for him is about an hour or two....he notices about 5 hours later that you're still not home
Ok now he's stressing
Where were you at y/n? There's no way it should take that long
Gets restless and aggravated. He doesn't have to be with you all the time- but he needs to be able to watch you. Have eyes on you. It calms him down
Has no idea where you're getting your hair done (if you didn't mention). Michael tries to walk around town to find you but to no avail
Now he's sulking at home cause he can't find you
A few minutes later, you finally come in and...you look gorgeous! But he's mad at you so he just turns away from you and walks off
Danny Johnson
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"Damn y/n...fuck is taking so long?"
He knows exactly why it's taking a long time but he's still impatient
But he has no idea which style you're getting so Danny is a Lil antsy cause he wants to seeeee
He wants to be in the know you know
Danny is gonna try to get you to give him a sneak peek via facetime...tryna be slick
Gets frustrated with waiting and just ends up either writing or playing some games
He may send you a few memes to keep you entertained
He would have gone with you...but nah he didn’t really like going out that day
After a marathon of playing (and dominating) at Killing Floor 2, he hears the door open
Finally! He jumps up and peers around the corner to get a good look
Damn you look so good.....and he sees why it took long as hell, those twist were tiny!
“Looking good baby!”
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Stu comes right along with you once you told him you were getting your hair done
"I wanna watch!"
Luckily, it's your homegirl that's doing your hair. It might be a little awkward bringing Stu to a whole salon
Stu is so fun tho, all three of y'all are cuttin up most of the time
It's like a little hair braiding party: snacks, movies, gossip, maybe some drinks
At some point Stu looks at the time and
"It's 6:00 pm??! Shit, how long have we been here? Since 8 am?"
Stu learns the hard truth about how long it takes lol thankfully you're almost done
He's a champ tho, so he sticks through to the end
He's loving your hairstyle, it was worth sitting around for 10 hours
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Humans and their appearances, did you have to announce the reasoning behind your departure?
Pinhead doesn't think much of it, though he is slightly curious on what sort of hairstyle you'll come back with
Your hair has always been so interesting, he likes the variety...which is something he can't do
As time passes, he starts to understand why you had to tell him- it's been 4 hours and he has heard nothing
Pinhead is almost tempted to 'randomly' appear at your location to see what's going on
But he doesn't want to cause unnecessary commotion..even though the reactions would be amusing.
After a few more hours, you finally came home where he was not waiting on you
He was impressed by the workmanship of the braids, they were so even. He's a bit jealous
Hes also imagining pulling on them during *ahem* certain activities and seeing if they'll stay but he keeps that to himself
"Y/n you look beautiful...now explain to me why this took so long?"
Hannibal Lecter
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So who's the one who'll bring you food to eat while your waiting? Hannibal is
Hannibal would either make some food up for you to take or just simply come by and bring it to you
If he does come by, he takes the opportunity to watch the process a little bit. It's very interesting.
Whoever's doing your hair comments on how nice it was for a man to bring you food 😂
Hannibal is always a gentleman, especially towards you.
He goes back home to do... Hannibal stuff and patiently waits on the final product
He's the only one not too surprised on how long it takes. The best meals he's created has taken hours- maybe even a day or so to perfect.
It's art- and so is your hair he thinks as you walk through the door
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yumi-hakoi · 3 years
Hashirama x Reader (One-Shot) Birthday Special~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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18+ Content, Please read at your risk- TW:- Breeding, Kinda Rough Sex, Cockroach's Death [R.I.P] 〒▽〒 Word Count:- 1.3K [Not much, I know-╰(‵□′)╯] It's our optimistic boy's birthday! We definitely need a smut for him, Don't we? Of course we do! I kind of rushed this because I had a lot of incomplete notes to do and stuff. So if you find any mistakes, Please tell me in the comments~! And this is Modern Hashirama of our time, He is so fucking adorable~!!! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
You were sitting at the dining table waiting for your lover. You sighed as you saw the time, 8:45PM. He's late again?! You wanted to enjoy halloween with your lover but he seems to never have time for you, He is just busy with his office work. You saw the food run cold, You made variety of food for your dinner date but now you don't even know if he's gonna come or not? Sadly you had to cover the food, After you were done keeping the food in the fridge and thought to starve yourself as you didn't wish to eat alone the food you made with so much love for eating with your partner. You were washing your hands as you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, You sighed knowing who it was. Hardly trying to hide your sadness, You turned around and smiled sadly at him.
"I'm sorry, Darling...I just-" "No, It's alright Hashi. I know your work and your meetings are more important than me, So you don't need to say anything." You cut your lover's words off. He frowned knowing he can't make it up to you as it was the 9th? No, 11th time? He himself lost count of how many times he has done this to you. You shrugged him off yourself and tried to leave the kitchen as he grabbed your wrist. "I'm really sorry (Y/N), I tried so hard to remember it but I-...I just forgot it again. How can I make it up to you, Love? I will really remember it next time, I promise!!!" You cringed at his words, How many times has he said this to you and always did the same thing. "Don't you get embarrassed saying the same words and again repeating your mistakes, Hashi?" He felt really awful and it was quite visible on his face as he can't hide his emotions. You closed your eyes and sighed again, He left your hand as you tried walking away again. You saw a cockroach, "AHHH, HASHI!!! COCKROACH!!!" He flinched at your unexpected words and saw where you were pointing at. Above the sink? He quickly took your slipper and slapped the cockroach dead. You stared at him. "Hashi! My slipper! Why would you kill it with my favorite slipper! Just how dare you?!" You screamed at him as he realized that he killed the cockroach with your slipper. "Oh...Sorry? I didn't realize that it was yours, Why aren't you wearing it tho? The floor is quite cold, You know?" Oh wait..."That isn't the topic, Hashi! I mean...I don't know, I didn't realize that I was barefoot...Either ways, Throw that thing away and clean it's mess! It's your punishment!" He sighed at your words and got to the work. "Alright, Just reheat the food. I will clean it up and take a quick shower..." "Fine..." You replied. He cleaned the cockroach mess and left to take a quick shower. You got to your work. After a while, You were done reheating the food and just had to nicely set up the dining table. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you again. "Hashi, Go wear some clothes now. You will get a cold." You said while getting the pasta on the plate. But he just ignored your words and snuggled into your neck, kissed your weak spots and left a few hickeys. You shivered at his unexpected actions. "H-Hashi...This is not the time-" "But I'm in the mood! And it's been weeks since we last did it!" He cut you off. You sighed at your lover's childness, You wanted to turn around and kick him off you but he was strong. His hands snaked around your body and went in your clothes, One under your shirt and one under your skirt. You trembled at his touches. He grabbed your left breast and massaged it and while his right hand under your skirt, Rubbed your clit. You moaned as he left more hickeys on your neck. He moved your panties to the side and put his 2 fingers in and slowly moved them. You quickly kept the pasta in the plate and kept the plate on the kitchen slap knowing he would get what he want. His other hand pinched your nipples. You moaned and arched your back. His hands moving faster now, You held on to kitchen slap for support. You were getting close. "H-Hashi, I'm c-close..." You moaned out to him, "I know, Love." He replied adding one more finger and going more rougher until you came. You were panting as you came while he quickly undressed you. [Guess, I will say "n" word. Sorry if this is too short or sum...I just wrote what came to my mind. ;-;] He bend you over the kitchen slap as your breasts came in contact with coldness of it. He held your hips high and positioned himself near your entrance and slowly slipped himself in. You moaned and arched your back more to give him an easy entrance, "I-I don't h-have time, H-Hashi...D-Do it fast-" As soon as your words finished, He thrusted himself in with one single move. You moaned out loud, "H-Hashi! W-What are you d-doing?!" "Yes my love? You are the one who told me to go fast and have no mercy on you?" He replied while roughly pounding into you from behind. "I-I didn't say h-have no mercy?!" You moaned feeling him hit your
G-spot. He chuckled behind you, "I took-it that way." You thought he would be soft because of the current situation but seems like he gonna show his dom side right now. "H-Hashi, I d-don't remember f-forgiving you for b-being late!" He slightly groaned behind you and answered, "But I thought my punishment was over? I killed the cockroach and c-cleaned the m-mess up t-too-" He stammered at his last words as he felt you wrap tightly around his cock knowing you were close. "F-Fuck, So f-fast huh?" He groaned feeling himself close too. He roughly grabbed your hair and pushed you more downwards to get a better position. You moaned out loud feeling the cold kitchen slap pressed hard against your breasts. He kept roughly thrusting into you as you came. He still pounding into you chasing his own release. His movements got sloppier for a second as he came hard into you. He took his hand off your hips and held onto the kitchen slap for support. "H-Hashi, I t-told you, I don't l-like it w-when you c-came in me..." You said panting heavily. "But I d-don't think it w-will affect our b-baby?" He replied still trying to catch his breath. You shot up from his words, pushing him off yourself and turned around only to find him smirking at you. "W-When did you?" You asked kind of tearing up not expecting him to find out about you being pregnant with his child so soon, You wanted to surprise him today at the dinner date but he ruined it by not coming at time. He giggled and wrapped you in a hug. "I found the pregnancy test while taking a shower! I'm going to be father! Imagine little versions of ourselves running around!" He squealed from excitement and paused, "You wanted to surprise me tonight?" He asked frowning feeling the guilt from leaving you alone for so long. "It's alright, Hashi. I don't mind you being late sometimes...And I understand your work is important but please try to make some time for us and our future baby?" You replied questioning. "We are going to have more than one, You know?! And of course I will make time for you and our future 5 babies!" He replied excitedly and hugging you more tight. "That's too many...But okay-" You smiled hugging him back, "Oh...I have to clean up again and you too...Mhm~ We can have a second round in the shower, Up for it?" He asked teasingly winking at you. You gave him a weird and disgusted look but said okay as you really felt the need to bath. [Hello my lovely viewers, Sorry this was rushed in one hour. I have too many incomplete notes...I'm dying, But made time for my cute Hashi! (❤ ω ❤)]
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angelbrock · 3 years
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dancing with the demons -she has an attitude?
au/summary: a mischievous 21year old girl dies from a crime she committed, finding her way and new journey to hell and warmly welcomed into the arms of the fallen angel.
warnings: swearing-sorta angst?
pairing: colby x fem!reader
your point of view
i was talking to the girls, they explained some of the rules around here but apparently i’ll get to know all the rules with the devil himself. “you know, i refuse to believe that someone who is the devil has such an innocent name, colby, who would be afraid of that?” the girls laughed, giggling loudly, “no seriously! i always figured it would be lucifer.”
“nah, only in the bible.” kat shrugged off, “colby’s actual name is cole. but he hates being called that, i don’t know why tho.”
“yeah he never really told us the reason behind that, did he?” devyn asked rhetorically, katrina and tara nodding their heads.
“cole, maybe i’ll say that to piss him off.” i wriggled my eyebrows, smirking a little. “hey do you guys have any food, i’m so hungry.”
“uh duh, come on, follow me.” tara said, both of us getting up from our spot. i followed her as she said, “okay so we have many options, what would you like to have?”
“uhhh, holy shit you weren’t lying when you said there’s a variety.” i breathed out a small chuckle as she giggled. “i’ll have the..” i couldn’t choose, “shit, i don’t know.” i laughed.
tara laughed with me, “here, have these,” she grabbed a pack of chips, ‘hellfire potato chips’ very ironic. “they’re my favourite.” she threw them towards me, i caught it swiftly, nodding.
“the name of it sure sounds convincing.” she laughed yet again. “you go back to the girls, i’ll catch up to you. i’m gonna grab a drink,” she nodded, smiling before leaving. i was looking at the ingredients on the chip packet while walking towards the fridge, accidentally knocking into someone. “shit sorr- oh. it’s you.” i saw colby directly in front of me, shrugging him off.
“isn’t that the most polite way to greet someone.” he sarcastically stated, huffing. “what are you doing?”
“getting food, what does it look like?” i opened the fridge and bent down as i looked for drinks. i could practically feel his eyes staring at my ass. “stop staring, jackass.” i grabbed a can of beer before standing up straight, “you know,” i opened the can as i continued to speak, “i thought you people in hell don’t get hungry.”
“obviously we get hungry,” colby folded his arms, giving me an evil eye, “did you fail in history or something?” i rolled my eyes, taking a sip of the beer.
“history’s a joke. they never teach you what the truth actually is. they just add in positive information to make it sound like the world isn’t a horrible place.” i cocked my eyebrow, my statement definitely catching him off guard.
“wow, you’re actually smart?” he teased, “i didn’t figure you as the common sense type.”
“there’s a lot you don’t know about me-“ i started walking away, stopping for a second, “-cole.” i smirked as i said that, walking off before he could say anything.
i was suddenly startled by the girls squealing at my face, “that was so badass, holy shit.” katrina yelped.
“how did you not stutter once!” devyn continued on,
“girlll, that was firey hot.” tara finished off, i laughed as they all rambled. i shrugged,
“she must’ve learned from the best,” i furrowed my eyebrows, turning my head to see brennen. “sup, princess.” the girls all groaned, huffing. my face shriveled up into a cringe.
“don’t call me princess, i’m nobody’s princess.” i spat out, eating a chip. brennen smirked,
“you shouldn’t be talking to envy like that, sweetheart, you have no idea what i’m capable of.” he huskily spoke, the girls shivered in disgust before sitting back down, “plus,” he ran his hand up and down my arm, “what’s the worst that can happen if you got with m-“
i kicked him in the balls as hard as i could before he could even have the chance to finish. he groaned loudly, falling to his knees as he held his crotch in pain. “damn!” “ouch-” “holy shit that looked like it hurt.” sam, jake and corey called out right after the douche fell to the floor. 
“what the fuck is happening over here?” colby walked out, his deep voice intimidating everyone but me. “what the-”
“colby, you might want to control your fucking girl before i-” before brennen could finish, i kneed him in the jaw, causing him to groan in pain. 
“listen here, asshat,” i grabbed brennen by the collar, “i’m nobody’s fucking girl. stop speaking to me like that or i will crush your balls with my bare hands.” everyone laughed and ooed as soon as i finished. 
“shiiiiit, i think you’re the only chick that i’m afraid of other than tara.” jake chuckled out, i folded my arms, 
“who you calling chick?” honestly, i only said that to scare him. and it seemed to work. 
“alright, that’s enough of that.” colby huffed out, burning his eyes into mine. i stared at him just as intensely. he shut his eyes and rose his eyebrows before opening them again, “she has an attitude,” he looked at sam, who was smirking at colby, “fast learner, i see.” 
“is anyone going to help me?!” brennen groaned out in pain, we laughed, i brought my hand out for him to grab. he hesitantly grabbed it, i pulled him up. “thanks. you’re fucking crazy.” 
“crazy is my middle name.” the girls all giggled, cheering me on as i smirked evilly. where the fuck is this sudden attitude coming from, i still don’t understand.
“anyways, move along, everyone.” colby grit out, sending everyone away, “girls, do you mind if i speak to y/n alone?” the girls nodded before leaving, winking at  me. i looked at them weird before turning back around, gasping in surprise when i saw him standing directly in front of me. 
“can you not do that every time i turn around?” i sassily remarked, continuing to eat my chips. tara wasn’t lying, they were good. he rolled his eyes, 
“listen here, princess,” i clenched my jaw when he called me princess, he definitely did that on purpose. 
“stop calling me princess-” i angrily cut him off, suddenly i was pushed up against the wall, extremely roughly as he gripped my neck. i struggled to get out of his grasp.
“you may have had the guts to lay even a finger on brennen, but you need to realize the fact that i’m the fucking devil. you can’t hurt me even if you tried to. so watch your fucking mouth when you’re speaking to me.” his dark blue eyes boaring into mine, i looked up at him, since he was much taller than me.  
“whatever, if you want to kill me just fucking do it,” i spat back, bringing my face even closer to his, to where i could feel his breath hitting my lips, “i have no will to continue living.” i whispered. he flared his nostrils in anger, tightening his grip around my neck a little. 
“what are you doing to me, huh?” i didn’t even think it was possible, but he brought my face closer to his, the tip of our noses touching, my chest up against his. “who are you to make me feel like this?” his voice lowered even more, sounding slightly raspy sending shivers down my body.
“from what i’ve heard; i’m your queen to be.” he smirked slightly, i copied his expression. 
“to be my queen, there’s a lot of consequences. i still think you’re too much of a coward to face those.” he teasingly whispered.
“is that so?” i rose my eyebrows, he hummed, i brought my mouth towards his ear, “challenge accepted.” i whispered hotly as i escaped his grasp. i walked backwards to see his face, a large grin over my lips. his tongue was pressed against his cheek to hide his smirk.
this should be fun. 
A/N - hi loves! my apologies for taking so long to upload. i’m so glad you guys like the series so far. thank you so much for the feedback, i really appreciate it. <3 
signing off
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lillian-nator · 3 years
please do more backyard au hcs this sounds lovely
PEOPLE AND AGES - Tommy (5) Kindergarten - Techno (11) 6th grade - wilbur (18) Senior - Tubbo (4) Kindergarten - Schlatt (19) Just Graduated, goes to Community college - SapNap (7) First grade - Punz (13) 7th grade - Dream (12) 8th grade - Gogy (15) Sophomore - Ranboo (6) Kindergarten - Fundy (15) Freshman - Niki (16) junior - Puffy (17) Senior - Purpled (5) Kindergarten - Big Q (14) 8th grade - Karl (13) 7th grade ----------------------- SPECIES AND RELATIONSHIPS (put into friend groups) - Tubbo (Ram, Schlatt's son) - Tommy (Racoon) - Ranboo (enderman, kind of a street kid) - Purpled (Purple Sheep, Dream and Puffy's younger brother) - SapNap (Demon, Bad's son, Punz's baby brother)
- Techno (Piglin) - Dream (Ram, Puffy's younger brother) - Punz (demon) - Gogy  (Mooshroom) - Big Q (Duck) - Karl (Parrot hybrid)
- Wilbur (Blue Jay) - Schlatt (Ram) - Puffy (sheep - Schlatt's cousin) - Niki (fish? mermaid?) - Fundy (Fox) ----------------------- I think that Philza minecraft just slowly keeps finding kids in his backyard, and he slowly grows very attached to all of them Just like every afternoon his backyard is FLOODED with kids And he doesn’t understand why he’s the house everyone goes to, but he’ll feed them He just slowly finds himself being really endeared by each of them ------------------- And before he knows it, Phil’s warning SapNap and Ranboo away from the water, and balancing Purpled and Tommy on his hips And he knows all their allergies And all their favorite foods And he’s keeping track of the high schoolers grades, bringing Dream, punz, and techno to their games  ----------------- CARPOOL SOCCER MOM Mr. Philza Minecraft --------------------- Dream: Basketball Punz: Football Techno: Baseball Puffy: Softball Small children: Baby Soccer -------------------------- - Phil keeps track of all of boys'  games and practices. Because goddamn it, these kids deserve some sort of parental guidance - Dream, purpled, and Puffy don’t have present parents - Puffy had to step up to the plate - Ranboo’s a street kid - No one really knows if he has anyone - Bad just chilling in hell ---------------------------- Schlatt is really working himself thin, but he tries hard, he really does And everyone can see how much he loves Tubbo Sometimes Phil will wake up and see schlatt passed out on their couch. He got off at midnight But as soon as he gets home from work, Tubbo is immediately in his Dad’s arms Schlatt animatedly talking to the boy But you can just see how much love he has for his boy He’s just a bit too young to bare the burden alone ------------------------------ And the thing is, is that all of these kids are so like, independent Like Phil just needs to feed them And tend to the youngest ones every so often ------------------------------- I think it’s like musical chairs To see who’s sleeping at Phil’s house in the morning Like - who’s on the couch? An air mattress? Guest bed? Sharing a room with one of his kids? All of the small children like to pile around SapNap, who is also a small child, cause he’s warm Punz also always has children flocking him ------------------------------- Punz is also that teen who throws the kids in the pool he cant go into the water himself, prefering to lay on the grass and in the sun, but he does love just chucking kids in ------------------------------- Phil drives a beat up mini van. It’s baby blue It's always filled to the brim with passengers very dirty many crumbs has balls just thrown in it all the time Footballs, basketballs, baseballs, soccer balls it fucking smells, we all know it does Phil owns like 4 of those kid car seats despite only having one kid in that age group ---------------------------- Also if you couldn't tell Niki basically lives in the pool she's a fish hybrid so its a salt water pool instead of chlorine because its better for Niki --------------------------- Tommy, Tubbo, purpled, Ranboo, and SapNap play baby soccer its the best part of this au It’s so adorable, and Tommy picks at flowers the entire time Sometimes. Ranboo will come and entertain him for a little. Try and get him back in the game. He gives up when Tommy sits down tho Ranboo will more often then not join Tommy cause mmmm grass Tubbo is insanely competitive as a little kid we been knew though When he gets older Tommy gets really into it But as a baby He just chases bugs Plus he’s a raccoon hybrid, so shiny ------------------------ HE HOARDS SHIT UNDER HIS BED IS A MESS he as in fucking baby racoon Tommy whats the word for baby racoon small baby kit Phil 1000% calls him kit BABY RAMS ARE CALLED BUCKS FUCKING EVERYONE CALLS TUBBO "BUCK" THATS SO CUTE IM LOSING MY SHIT Things go lost? Go check tommys room Bermuda Triangle of a bedroom Very much like - Phil has to have a talk with him about it And he’s like “ I know you feel like you have to take them Kit, but they’re not yours” “If you want it, just ask me and I’m
sure we can figure something out.” Tommy also loses interest as soon as he gains it tho Tommy chitters at them They nod liek they understand and go “Uh huh, sounds mighty interesting Kit,” And then they pick him and let him climb around them -------------------------------- So much rough housing like SO much they're hybrids man Tommy also teethes ok. Chews on shit when his canines grow in so does Techno, and SapNap, and Punz (Punz and Techno's canines already grew in though, but they still chew on shit) The rams Rub their heads against stuff Head Itchy ------------------------------- A lot of Phil’s days off are just spent by the babies, just who are growing in hybrid traits He scratches Tubbo, sapnaps, and Puroled heads They’re all growing in horns Gives Tommy things to chew on Purpled. Never gets full horns. They are always little stubs just barely sticking out of his hair. His ears looks more human than ram too. Just for some reason never really grew into his hybrid traits And purple eyes He gets so upset about it too, when Tubbos horns outgrow his, because he’s older He’s a bit different. But it’s like being brunette in a family of blondes. It’s not unheard of He just is tearing up and Phil is just like “oh Bud, come ‘ere” They're like 8 And Tommy just gives Purpled the biggest hug, because Tommy is a sweetheart as a kid ------------------- I think that even the older kids wrestle Like obviously Dream, Techno and the rest of the middle school gang do Because they’re so fucking competitive Dream is so quick to just. Grab someone and wrestle them to the floor No warning But like, you’ll catch Wilbur and Schlatt jumping at each other Or Wilbur throwing Fundy over his shoulder Or anyone just man handling gogy ------------------- Phil gets to a point where he calls them all his kids And asks where they are when they aren’t At his house ------------------------ Puffy bringing them (Dream and Purpled) over after school. They go outside and play. Puffy sighs and collapses at the dining table. Phil silently hands her a coffee. “I’ll keep em busy” he says “you get some homework done” She looks up, and puts her head in her hand, “Dream has basketball practice in an hour” Phil just pats  her on the back. “I got it.” ----------------- Also let’s talk about how much food Phil needs to buy Like even if it’s just lunch That’s like 15 growing boys He can afford it, He just has to watch out for allergies He buys so many fucking snacks man Whole damn store He goes through like crates of those little chip variety packs Tubbo only likes the crunchy Cheetos Tommy likes barbecue Niki likes salt and vinegar Punz likes Doritos He knows which ones they all like I’m just imagining Phil calling out for the kids And they’re like lining out of the kitchen Oldest to youngest so that Phil can help the little ones They can eat anywhere in the yard, but Ohil has the little ones eat at the picnic table They’re all dripping wet from coming out of the pool, and he needs to make sure they eat their fruit and popsicles, they have tons of popsicles. ------------------ Phil totally takes Dad tax Like a chip from every plate And a tatertot from each breakfast very dad of him to do ------------------- Not not Phil kissing each of their foreheads goodbye And “drive safe” And “have a good day" ------------------ He’ll still pick up Texhno And Dream and Punz, right by the armpits And tucks them into bed ----------------- Tommy when he gets wet He loves swimming but the poor baby: his fur It’s hard to get him in the water but once he’s in it’s hard to get him out Because he feels all heavy and sticky afterwards ------------------ Adventures in the woods TOMMY IN HID NATURAL HABITAT Small boy makes hidey hole You may be asking Does. Does Tommy crunch on the leaves He does Like on ever y single one Carefully -------------------- All of the little kids And even technos group Just bonk heads Because of the goats They all just do it Sometimes softly Sometimes roughly Techno always does it roughly tho Rough houser Dream doesn’t mind Makes it feel like he has a
herd Feeds a primal instinct for ram playmates Feeds a primal instinct for ram playmates - Small boy And puffy has outgrown it But a young piglin brute? Perfect playmate. ------------------------- AND THATS THE AU YOU'RE WELCOME
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
a non-filipino's guide to trese: ep 1
So some of my mutuals decided to check out Trese aka the Netflix adaptation of the Filipino horror comic book series that I keep rambling about here and then since well um most of my mutuals aren’t from the Philippines fshfs I decided to make a long-ass post that basically consists of me rambling about the cultural context present in Trese with fun little tidbits about Filipino folklore. I’m not an expert on Filipino mythology so um I just typed out the stuff that I know and the stuff that I looked up on Wikipedia so um take this with a grain of salt aaaaa I’ll save the extensive google scholar research ramble on folklore present in Trese for another day.
I’ll try to find the sites where I got some of the information from cause um yea I kinda had a bit of a hard time finding the other shit so um once again, take the stuff here with a grain of salt. Also, feel free to add more info if you guys got any!
+ MRT and LRT (Manila Metro Rail Transit and Light Rail Transit) are train systems in NCR (the capital region) and yea them suddenly stopping and malfunctioning in the middle of the goddamn rail is a daily occurrence and we have been trying to deal with this bullshit for years but alas, corruption and negligence are sweet sweet drugs.
+ When the MRT broke down, you'd see a red bee in the flashing billboard right? Well that's Jollibee and that's probably the most well-known fast food restaurant chain here heck there are even branches of it abroad!
+ According to many youtube comments along with other social media posts that I am way too tired to link here, the opening theme is an Ifugao ethnic song called Balluha'd Bayyauhen but with modern accompaniments and I think the song is about a fruit called a balluha that the character in the song tries to it but cannot swallow. (someone please correct me if I’m wrong here fjkfs)
+ The first um monster that we see Alexandra interact with is the White Lady of Balete Drive. White Ladies or “Kaperosa” are a type of female ghosts typically dressed in ghostly white dresses or similar garments. According to legend, she died in a car accident while driving along Balete Drive (a two lane street formerly lined with Balete Trees which are said to be a home for spirits and mysterious creatures) in Quezon City while other accounts say she died waiting for the arrival of her lover; others also say that she was a teenage girl who was run over and killed by a taxi driver at night and then buried around a Balete tree while another variation of the tale claims that a student from the University of the Philippines was sexually assaulted and killed by a taxi driver nearby and so said ghost haunts the street in search of her murderer. There are many other variations but according to local rumor, the legend was fabricated by a reporter in 1953 in order to make an interesting story. What remains consistent in many variations is that apparently taxi drivers would be stopped by a beautiful lady asking for a ride and if one would look at the rear window, they would see that the white lady in question is bruised and drenched in blood.
+ There are a lot of mentions about "lakans" and stuff in reference to Alex and her father right? In precolonial times, the term is used to refer to the paramount ruler or the highest-ranking political authorities in Tagalog communities (so um NCR and some parts of Region 4). In Muslim communities, they are called sultans while communities with strong trade connecitons with Indonesia or Malaysia called them Rajah. Datu is umm the more generalized term though when it comes to discussing the leaders of the precolonial Filipinos.
+ So, Alex’s mom is a babaylan and back in the pre-colonial period, each barangay (which a native filipino term for a village or a district; said term is still used today to describe um divisions in municipalities like) had them and these are basically Philippine shamans and they specialized in communicating with the spirits of the dead. To my knowledge, the role of babaylan went to women and yea people assigned male at birth but then identified as female were also allowed to become babaylans and they would be treated with the same respect given to any woman back then (honestly I dunno much about lgbtq+ stuff back in the precolonial times but all I know is that precolonial Filipinos were much a lot more welcoming towards trans identities bUT THEN THE SPANIARDS CAME AND UM ERR RUINED THAT); also the writing Alexandra's mom did in that one scene with the dagger is in Baybayin - preHispanic Filipino script. I dunno what she wrote down though. .
+ Also I kinda find it funny that the people here esp those who were at the White Lady scene are um,,, not at all surprised? Like yea quite a number of filipinos have their own superstitions and beliefs and all that but um yea the people in Trese seem very used to the bullshit,,,which in retrospect, isn't at all inaccurate fsdfd I MEAN WE DEAL WITH UNSURMOUNTABLE AMOUNTS OF BS ON A DAILY BASIS SO I DON’T THINK DEAD GHOSTS WOULD EVEN FAZE MANY FSKJDS
+ The one that appears right before Alexandra talks with the duwende (the one in the manhole) is called Laman Lupa (which i guess translates to um "What is in the earth"? just um YEA THEY ARE DIRT CREATURES). normally this is an umbrella term for duwendes and nunos but in Trese they are servants of these aforementioned creatures.
+ Duwende (which came from the Spanish phrase "dueno de case" which means "owner of the house") or dwarves in Filipino folklore are known to be mischievous and magical environmental guardians. They are believed to reside in trees or under earth mounds (those that live in the latter are called nuno sa pundo or old man of the mount) which is why quite a lot of Filipinos say "tabi tabi po" or “excuse me” when wandering around a forest or earth mounds as a sign of respect and in the hopes the duwende won't torment them. If the person is friendly, the duwende can also be friendly in return and will bring that person good lucl; otherwise, those who destroy their homes by stepping on them will face their wrath in form of heartless curse and predictions of ominous and disastrous fates. A duwende's color also depends on their budhi or conscience: to my knowledge, white duwendes are kind, red ones give protection amulets, green ones are firnedly with children and the black ones give nothing but trouble.
+ Chocnut aka the snack Alex bribes the nuno with is a very yummy chocolate snack made of coconut milk, crushed peanuts and cocoa powder. They are umm about an inch in length and maybe half an inch in width so it's fairly small; that being said I WANT THE CHOCNUT THAT ALEXANDRA HAS CAUSE HOT DAMN THAT'S A BIG CHOCNUT
+ In Trese, the creatures in the MRT scene and in the warehouse Alexandra visits after she talks with the duwende are called "aswang". In Philippine folklore, it is an umbrella term for any kind of monster so um an aswang in Luzon would be very different from the aswang in Mindanao. According to what I saw on wikipedia, they can be classified in 5 categories: the vampire (self-explanatory um they drink blood), the viscera sucker (the manananggal, i'll get to that next time), the weredog (cats and pigs are also possible but um yea they target pregnant women), the witch (self-explanatory boom curses and stuff) and the ghoul (they gather near trees in cemeteries to feast on human corpses). Aswangs are often described to have a long, hollow tongue, sharp claws and sharp teeth, although they do also have human forms.
+ To my knowledge, Ibwa, the leader of the aswangs in the warehouse, is a creature from Tinguian or Itneg mythology (they, like the Ifugao, are an indigenous ethnic group in northwestern Luzon) though I could be wrong about this dksfsf Ibwa seems like an ethnic filipino term tho wah I can't remember where I once read that. But anyways, Ibwa often stalk sthe house of a dying person to steal its body. In order for the ibwa to NOT succeed in that, some people burn holes in the garments of the dead and put a sharp iron object on top of the grave since those are most powerful weapons against aswangs which is what Alexandra uses to subdue the Ibwa and kill all the other aswangs (the knife alex uses is named Sinag which means "ray of light".)
+ Also umm Bossing is a nickname of Vic Sotto - one of the three pioneer hosts of Eat Bulaga! which is the longest running Philippine noontime variety show. Over time, most probably due to the show's popularity, the term "bossing" then became um slang for "boss" or "chief"
+ Translation of what Alex says when she's stirring the eye inside the cup: “In the eyes of others, secrets will reveal themselves.”
+ Sidenote: The English dub's pronunciation of many of the tagalog lines are um yea they r pretty good but they could use a bit of work but then again I'm really not that good in speaking in Tagalog so who am I to judge gkdkf sorry po guys conyo po ako-
+ Maria Makiling is arguably the most famous of all the diwatas (ancestral spirits, nature spirits, or deities) in Philippine Mythology; she is associated with Mount Makiling in Laguna as the guardian spirit of the mountain. Mount Makiling is said to resemble a profile of a woman and people associate the profile with Maria herself. She is also known as a goddess by the name of Dayang Masalanta and people would pray to her for safety and to stop storms and earthquakes. That's the goddess Alexandra's mother mentions right when she tells Alex to hide. (Translation to what she said there: Maria Makiling, goddess of the mountain, bless us.)
+ Also Mang Inasal posters can be seen in the MRT station backdrops and um it’s a very famous restaurant chain here and they serve lots of barbecue and other filipino stuffs and i miss them a lot God their halo halo is very yummy
+ Santelmo - oki so this is the fire face thingy that Alexandra summons inside the ruined train. This is the shortened version of the term "Apoy ni Santa Elmo" or "St. Elmo's Fire" - this is a weather phenomenon wherein plasma is created from an electrical discharge from a rod like object in an atmospheric electric field. This phenomenon was used to warn of imminent lightning strikes or storms (there is a chapter in Noli Me Tangere where Pilosopo Tasyo talks about that bUT I'LL SAVE THE NOLI ME TANGERE RAMBLES FOR ANOTHER DAY). But according to Philippine folklore, santelmos - which are said to be souls of people lost as sea - are balls of fire that appear where accidents or big arguments happen. In Trese, santelmos (alex's santelmo being "The Great Spirit of the Binondo Fire") can be called to assist in supernatural investigations
+ Translation of what Alex says when she draws the circles to meet with the purple ghosts: "Souls, where are you off to? I'll be entering too, so please open the door."
+ Remember the scene at the train with all the purple ghosts and the woman in a veil? Yea the woman is an emissary of a goddess named Ibu and she is the Manobo (again, another indigenous ethnic group but this time they're from Mindanao; fun fact we have around 134 ethnic groups) goddess of deceased mortals and the queen of the underworld; she also serves as a psychopomp and guides the newly deceased souls to the other side (having an MRT be the ride to the underworld isn’t in the legends tho so fkkjsf)
+ The aswang in the top hat is called Xa Mul and according to the Isneg/Apayao people (yay another ethnic group but this time in northern Luzon - the Cordillera regions to be specific), they are an evil spirit known to swallow people whole.
+ Alex has two henchmen right? Yea they are named Crispin and Basillio and No I still don’t know who’s who and I'm really sorry about that fsfjs so anyways the names Crispin and Basillio are actually those of two brothers featured in the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo novels (Crispin is younger and Basilio is older) which are basically the national novels here cause um yea written by national hero Jose Rizal as sociopolitical commentary about the Spanish regime here. I don't know if I want to spoil this cause I kinda want other people to read the novel too fskfs BUT ALL IN ALL, ONE OF THEM DIES IN LIKE THE 10TH OR 11TH CHAPTER OF NOLI ME TANGERE (and the novel has 64 chapters btw) AND UM YEA-
+ OKI SO TO ADD MORE CONTEXT TO THE SQUATTER STUFFS MENTIONED IN TRESE (we r gonna use the tiny font here because holy shit this rant is long): So,in the Philippines, especially in the capital region, there are lots of slum areas called squatters. These are dense urban settlements made of compact makeshift housing units that aren't really officially recognized by the government. This is um very reflective of the poverty situation here and there are maaany factors that come into play here and if i were to go into depth about this topic, that rant would probably turn into an academic paper so for the sake of brevity, let's just say that Things Are Fucked Up Here. Oftentimes the poorer sectors are being ignored and left to their own devices despite tons of campaign promises to make things better and easier for them. The communities that live here are incredibly vulnerable to floods, fires, and the like and afaik no concrete solutions have been in effect to protect these people and their settlements. There have also been many times where squatter areas are dismantled or demolished despite protests of people living in those areas and yea I understand the need to make space and the need for renovation but the people should still be offered some sort of temporary settlement or financial compensation thingy that doESN'T fuck them over but alas, we have an anti-poor government. That being said, I really like Trese Ep 1's portrayal of governmental negligence, but I also have some thoughts, especially in regards to the mayor being arrested THAT FAST which um believe me, NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS BECAUSE MANY MAYORS AND A LOT OF POLITICIANS HAVE THE POLICE IN THEIR POCKETS SO UM ERR YEA JUSTICE IS RARELY A THING HERE BUT UM ANYWAYS YEA THE GOVERNMENT LIKES TO SHIT ON THE POOR WOO LET'S SAVE THE USE OF SOCIOLOGICAL LENS ON THIS MATTER FOR ANOTHER DAY
+ The news channel reporting the arrest of the mayor is ABC-ZNN WHICH IS AN OBVIOUS REFERENCE TO ABSCBN aka the top media conglomerate here (that has been fucked over by the government so many times to the point that they had to shut down operations last year which is all sorts of unfair so seeing them being referenced here kinda made me happy gksfks)
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raisinchallah · 2 years
you know around pesach i often think about like kashrus and the way that its a time of year when a far wider variety of jews take on a level of observance and regular engagement with judaism that we dont always and like the way that changes in food production and heavy industrialization and how communities have responded to that and the greater like industry regulating kashrus like has essentially left us with it being genuinely far more difficult to keep kosher than say pre mass industrial food production and also like greater divides in jewish communities and so on also i think leading to a larger divide of extremely strict minhagim and levels of leniency into not really caring and like u know having old kosher dishwear inherited from dead relatives but would anyone be willing to eat off it like idk the interesting drop out of a lot of people in the middle keeping some level of kashrus but not super stringently people who keep kosher in the home but eat at relatives houses who will just serve a kosher style meal or go to restaurants and so on which was very much what my mom has described about how her grandparents lived i mean i think this is also probably characterized by my west coast community i know many aspects of this are still alive in very jewish areas but idk again its just interesting like what are all the levels and layers of jewish observance that are not as common what would all of this look like cuz idk tho none of the food i eat on passover would even slightly pass muster for anyone who worked hard to keep kosher for pesach all that but its just a nice time where i think like theres a far greater breadth of observance and people figuring out what does or does not matter to them and feels like a time u can be like actively jewish i guess....
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shinaus · 4 years
Hi! Can I request a headcanon or scenario where Tamaki has been away for a while then he comes home to see his s/o wearing his spare hero cape cause she misses him and smells like Tamaki (///w///). I would ask for Shinso as well but he doesn’t have a hero costume yet 😭 (my boi deserves one tho)
A/N: ahhhh this is so cute i’ll lose it!!!! just the thought of sweet boy tama’s face is sending me, so i hope you enjoy this anon! i also made it a little softer with reader and his cape, i hope that’s okay!
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tamaki had been gone for no more than a week, but he was already feeling more than ready to go home
his shared apartment he had with you was his safe space
so to be away from it - from you - for over a day puts him almost immediately on edge
it had been a pretty big mission to handle, so it was safe to say that he was exhausted 
unlocking the front door to the apartment, he was met with silence
assuming you had already fallen asleep, since it was so late at night, he had quietly began going about his business
he put his clothes in the laundry, set his hero costume back up in a closet outside of the bedroom as to not disturb you, then go to make himself something to eat as to not go to bed hungry
upon opening the fridge, he couldn’t help the smile that broke over his face
inside was a good handful of tupperware containers, all filled with a variety of his favourite foods
not only that, but on them all were post it notes from you
picking one out and setting it on the counter, his heart almost burst at what it read
“you’re always my hero tamaki :) keep working hard!”
man, how did he ever get to be with someone like you
it made him move without second thought towards the bedroom, practically desperate to see the one person he’s not been able to keep off of his mind
he’s careful when he opens the door, doing so slowly as to make sure he doesn’t disrupt your sleep
however when he sees you, he’s practically frozen in place
looking over towards the bed you share, you’re wrapped up in the covers as you sleep, cuddling contently into your pillow
but what he was so stuck on was what was covering the pillow you clung to so tightly
was that - his cape?
at this point, you could probably hear his racing heart if you were awake
for someone who has so many overwhelming nerves and insecurities, he never expected to find someone who would love him the way that you do
but for it to be so much that you have to sleep with something of his while he’s gone?
internally, he’s absolutely losing it
after giving himself a minute to calm down, he quietly gets himself changed into his sleep clothes
carefully lifting the covers, he slips into the bed and right behind you
with your back to his chest, he drapes an arm around your middle and nuzzles his nose into the back of your neck - the familiar feeling making his entire being warm
“i’m home, sweetheart...” he whispers so delicately, he wonders if you’ll even hear
but you do, a small groan leaving you as you turn around and your eyes meet his
a bright smile makes its way onto your face, and tamaki forgets about everything in that moment other than you
you snuggle in closer to him, all while he leaves small butterfly kisses all over any part of your face he can reach
“i missed you...” he hears you whisper, and his face instantly heats up
bringing your head to his chest, he lets you hear his still racing heart
“i missed you too, so much..” 
reaching behind you, he grabs his spare cape and tosses it to the end of the bed 
“won’t.. be needing that now though huh?” his tone is almost teasing, but he could never bring himself to embarrass you over such a cute gesture
watching as your face reddens much the same as his, the smile that comes over him is almost impossible to stop
“it smells like you..” you admit, head going into his neck as you start to drift off again thanks to the warmth your boyfriend radiates, “you know i can hardly sleep without you...”
it really was like you were squeezing at his heart, ready for it to burst any minute now
“don’t worry...” he whispers once more, giving one last kiss to the top of your head as he lets sleep come over him as well
“i’m home now, and i’m here to stay... so you have me...” 
you give him a small nod, the room filling with comfortable silence as you both fall asleep safely in the others arms
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double-o-boze · 2 years
💕✨create the illusion of hanging out with your mutuals tag game✨💕
Thank you so much for tagging me @holbytlanna!!! Sorry it’s taken forever for me to actually do this 🤦‍♀️😂
are you a morning person? 
It really depends. I love being up in the morning! Especially when you can have a slow start and just drink coffee and relax but I am a bit of a night owl so a lot of times I don’t get up as early as I would like. I hate having to get up early and immediately do things tho 😂
ideal breakfast? 
Well I usually get nauseated if I eat a lot in the morning so I usually get something light like a smoothie or granola bar. I LOVE breakfast foods though and a lot of times my family does breakfast for supper so I still eat the yummy foods lol. My favorites are probably waffles and this French toast that’s got orange extract and powdered sugar and brown sugar (it’s insanely unhealthy but soooo gooood)
favorite warm drink, and how do you take it?
Mmmm that’s hard because there are so many! I love coffee and I drink it with cream and sugar! I also have this amazing homemade hot chocolate recipe that I make but I don’t like it with water and I’m slightly lactose intolerant so I don’t drink it that often. I also love hot tea, especially lady grey and chamomile!
favorite baked good?
Probably my chocolate chip oatmeal cookies! I also love scones!
a song or album that makes you feel at peace?
Well music is how I cope with everything so I have a ton 😂 but I would say pretty much anything by Owl City instantly improves my mood! Also the song “Eye of the storm” by Ryan Stevenson! It’s amazing!
take a walk with your friends or read a book next to a friend on the sofa?
Probably read a book next to them. I love just existing next to someone I care about and being able to randomly tell them whatever random thoughts I’m thinking!
what tasks do you gravitate to when making a meal with others? 
Well, I unfortunately hate being in the kitchen at the same time as anyone else. My poor mom loves cooking with people so I try to do it but I prefer being alone and listening to music. So a lot times if I’m helping someone else I will do something like cut up vegetables since I can do that at the table and not be in the midst of all the chaos but I can still visit.
a chore that if someone completed it for you you’d love them forever? 
I’m not a huge fan of washing dishes or peeling potatoes so probably one of those!
favorite board/card game to play with friends? 
I love playing games! well, ones that I’m familiar with anyway 😂 I get stressed when it’s a new one and I don’t know the rules. I really like apples to apples, Egyptian rapture, codenames, and clue!
what kind of snacks/candy do you want at a movie theater?
I always want to get sour patch kids and sprite! I think that started when the first hobbit movie came out and we went to the midnight premiere and my dad let us get a snack and little me was super excited about sugar and getting to stay up super late lol
bar with live music or bar with a pool table? 
I am not really sure tbh, both sound crowded and crowds stress me out 😂 I want to say pool table even though I’m TERRIBLE at pool but it’s still really fun!
go-to wine/cider/beer/cocktail? 
To be honest I haven’t had a wide variety but my dad gets this muscadine wine that is amazing!!
go-to bar food? 
Well I’ve never been to a bar so I’m not sure 😂 but maybe a burger? I feel like that would be a bar food?? 🤷‍♀️😂
are you tending the fire, looking at the stars, or singing campfire/folk songs? 
I am usually just staring at the fire and listening to what’s happening around me. I would be singing songs but I have to be very comfortable around someone before I will actually sing in front of them.
a favorite Scripture verse or prayer? 
Oh man there is no way to pick just one! There are so many but here are a few favorites!
Matthew 6:34
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
1 John 4:7-13 (it’s long I know but so beautiful!)
7Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
8He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
9In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
10Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
11Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
12No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
13Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
are you the person begging to go to just one more bar/sing one more song, the person staying up late talking about love and the universe, or the person who fell asleep hours before anyone else?
So it depends 😂 I am a night owl but if it’s a large group my social battery dies at like 9:00 plus I’m like an old lady who hates being out late lol. But if it’s just a couple close friends and we are somewhere I’m comfortable I will not shut up until everyone else is asleep or gone 😂
Tagging with no pressure! @turtleduck-enthusiast @csinickstokes @macfangirl15 @amarilloskies and literally anyone who sees this and wants to do it! For real guys say I tagged you I wanna see y’all’s answers but idk who all to tag 😂
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nanasarea · 4 years
Park Jisung as your idol bf
Genre: fluff
Pairing: jisung x idol!reader
Word count:1757 (dear lord, the longest in the idol bf series damn...) 
a/n: this is more of a jisung as your bf in general, not so much the idol aspect sorry. Also yes, i ended up writing about jisung having a baby, sue me, I’m in jisung hours now! also do i even need to say it’s not proofread at this point?
Haechan /  Yuta / Mark / Jeno / Jaemin / Chenle / Renjun / Jaehyun
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you were in the same dance class when you were younger
so you were friends way before either of your debuts
like when you knew each other when he was an smrookie
and of course, both of you being talented dancers
you were both training under companies at a rather young age
and it isn’t easy being a trainee regardless of your age
but because you were both still in school
and so young
you knew you should stick together
let’s say you had chemistry homework
but you also had vocal lessons
i’m not saying he would help you
because he wouldn’t
but he would be there to motivate you 
and study his own school work 
so you weren’t alone
it’s safe to say you were each other’s motivation when it came to school
he would also insist on his mom picking you up from school and driving you to the company when your mom couldn’t
same would go reversed
not that either of your moms minded
they found it adorable
and they shipped you both anyway so
that means him and his family coming over for dinner 
and you and yours going to theirs for dinner
and your moms would document all of your childhood memories
they would bond over it
since you didn’t have time to make any friends in school, 
you both valued your friendship a lot
he ended up debuting before you
and you teased him a lot
until he “taught” you how to ride a hoverboard
and you ended up falling in the first 4 seconds
then he would tease you
and you’d now understand how hard his dances really were
you met most of his members when they were smrookies
but you didn’t know renjun and chenle that well
so whenever you could, 
you would hang out with each other
and become very close
which is why they were all so supportive when you ran into their dorms and yelled that you were debuting 
you end up having a little celebration
when you actually did debut, 
they were so hyped
especially jisung
he streamed your mv so many times
he knew every detail of every scene in the mv
which was adorable
the fans knew you were childhood friends so they absolutely loved your interactions
which meant your company/companies being like 
so they make sure you have a collab stage 
like really early in your debut
and it was kinda awkward
but because you knew each other beforehand
you felt completely fine
at this point, your moms were betting on when you’d start dating
to which you would both just blush and tell them to stop
you end up going on so many variety shows together
mainly dance specials
and everyone finds you too adorable
like everyone ships it
but they’re kinda lowkey about it because they don’t want to make you uncomfortable 
not the case of his members tho
or yours
you can’t tell me jaemin’s hiatus wasn’t just him laying in bed, resting and planning your wedding
you can’t
taeyong ends up asking him why he hasn’t asked you out yet
he just blushes
it wasn’t until you were both a bit older
and you were at an award ceremony
where everyone was complimenting you
like your dress, makeup, hair, etc
that he realized he liked you
seeing you like that and realizing he needs to stop looking at you as his little childhood friend
and start looking at you as an adult
or somewhat of an adult
he can never look at you as an adult
because he would always have the image of you
with 6 empty chocolate milks around you
and a gummy worm hanging from your mouth
as you tried your best to color the coloring book correctly
but hey, you were always going to have the imagine of him
hanging from monkey bars
after he finished his 5th scoop of ice cream 
and laughing because he overheard someone say a fart joke
he starts seeing you as an adult
and he gets slightly jealous when everyone compliments you
so after that, he goes to taeyong and jaehyun
and asks for dating advice
jaehyun just yells 
“wooooo! you should know my usual boba order by now, right, lee?”
These fuckers bet on how long it would take for jisung to realize his feelings 
and jaehyun would regrets only asking for a free boba when he won
but he’s way too happy about winning to care
it ends with half of 127 and half of dreamies giving advice, 
the other halves teasing
and wayv cooing on the phone as they were in china at the time
it takes him like 5 months till he confesses
he’s a nervous baby let him be
and when he does get the courage, 
he takes you to an amusement park
you don’t go on any of the rides
because he’s scared
but you do play the games and eat food
you even watch the fireworks
which is when he finally holds your hand for the first time
you did a lot of skinship before
like when you were friends
but it wasn’t like this 
it was cute
he was so nervous
your palms were both sweaty from nervousness
but neither of you cared
you were just happy to enjoy the moment
 that got cheesy
he even walked you to your dorm 
like to right in front of your door
which is when he hesitantly gave you a kiss on the cheek 
but you wanted a real kiss so you gave him a proper kiss
and he ended up almost tripping on his way to the elevator
where he smiled to himself
and tried to calm himself down
so the members wouldn’t see him like this
but they did
they teased him
and just yelled with him
“our baby had his first kiss!” -jaemin
“life is going way too fast! weren’t you like 3 years old yesterday?!”- jeno
“how come he’s 2 years younger and already getting more action than me?!” -renjun
the others find out 
and tease him
mostly they just congratulate him tho
“wooo! our baby is becoming a man!” -taeyong
“doyoung, hold me, i’m emotional!” -johnny 
“when’s the wedding?” -taeil
“wedding? i always cry at weddings...” -jungwoo
“no weddings! yet!” -kun
“yeah! he’s not getting married before me!” -jaehyun
they might have gone a bit overboard
but can you blame them 
it’s their baby we’re talking abt
they still see him as the little toddler from when he was on mickey mouse club
also you end up not telling your parents right away
and they keep match making
so you end up being like
“Mom, we’re already dating, you can stop”
cue both of your moms get excited
like they’re already talking about being the best grandmas
and having the cutest grandchildren
even tho you’ve only been together for 2 months
something tells me he’d be the type to want to have matching everything
phone cases
(probably anna and kristoff ones)
then profile pictures
anything and everything
he’d find it so cute
speaking of matching profile pics
the fans would realize what was going on 
when you would match your pfps
so your company/companies were like
yes, they’re dating, no one is surprised...anyway 127 comeback 
your dating announcement is like super chill
mainly because everyone was waiting for it 
also i feel like he’d always be playing with your hair 
and fixing it
like all the time
a single hair out of place?
we can’t have that!
his hands are in your hair already
would text you for advice while filming chenji’s this and that
and would always make something for you too
“chenle’s turned out more aesthetic but mine is made with love, so mine is better my default.” 
also it wouldn’t matter if you’re older than him, the same age, younger than him
doesn’t matter
would want to hear you call him oppa
but immediately get shy after
also he’s an aquarius
so if you end up getting really random texts during the day
like during your schedules
don’t be surprised
like he’s already maknae on top
so he will rebel to like some of the things you say
“jisung! we need to get back to filming in 3 minutes!”
“but weeee!” -jisung going down the slide for the 5th time 
cries when you joke about leaving him there
speaking of crying, 
we all know he’s emotional
and cries easily
so he just runs to you whenever he wants to cry
and just placed his head on your shoulder
to hide his facial expression
but it’s okay
you’ve already seen everything from the random snaps you get every day
he might not know how to comfort you at first
but he will learn
and he’s pretty mature for his age 
so he would take comforting you very seriously
he’s a really good listener 
so he would love to just hear you vent to him
it would kinda boost his ego a bit too
like he’s the one who you’re venting to
yknow what i mean?
but also he protects you very well
you get scared of a spider 
he goes all manly mode 
and gets rid of it for you
doesn’t like to admit it, 
but he thinks about you a lot
and your future
like once you two grow out of your idol lives 
and into a more adult life
where you get married
and have kids
kids who tease their uncles (aka nct members)
because THE maknae on top was their teacher after all
speaking of weddings
his older brother got married
and obviously you were his date
and everyone kept looking at you two
asking when it was your turn
your mom said “hopefully soon”
“mom, we don’t have time, we have busy schedules”
“but one day...”
time jump to when the news breaks about your engagement 
and everyone is crying
they watched you both grow up and now you’re getting married??
the announcement was everywhere
also you don’t announce anything about a child
one day, you just both post a picture of your daughter
with a caption like
“she’s so cute, i knew my genes were good.”
or something like that
and everyone goes wild
nation’s babies having a baby?
legend says chenle’s screaming caused 2 earthquakes that day
to sum it up: nation’s babies turned nation’s it couple because jisung is the best boyfriend you could ever have asked for 
.....i might have gone way more invested than i thought i was going to. Do i regret it tho? hell no. Am i emotional now because I pictured adult Jisung with a baby? hell yes.
tag list: @soleilchannie​
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tallys-train-blog · 3 years
Soooo, any Hercules headcanons for us 🙂
Like what his favorite foods are, past relationships, childhood etc
Really anything you want to write about him.
I CRAVE sustenance
General Headcanons for Hercules
Hercules doesn't always eat typical human food as he isn't, human so to speak. They're all shapeshifters of some sort. But when he does eat normal human food he ADORES Mexican food. He likes the spice and variety of the culture and food. He likes burritos bc they aren't typically that messy and it's something he can just whip up and go without needing a fork and such. Those nacho fries tho??? He fucking loves those I cant for the life on me remember how to spell the proper name, c'mon bella you grew up on the boarder of mexico and surrounded by the culture do better
Past relationships
Hercules, although a flirt, never really dated anyone. He was a wild child when he was a young tug. It became especially hard to date when he joined the Navy.
He dated Lillie for a short while but that didn't last long as she realized she wasn't entirely straight. The two are still very close and don't mind flirting with eachother.
Hercules, although he couldn't hold a solid relationship, was a player when he was younger. He had the tendency to lead a girl on/have a one night stand a leave the girl behind although she was madly in love.
He's much better now though.
Hercules had a rough childhood, if you could even call it that.
His dad was in the navy and his mom struggled to stay afloat, quite literallyso from the age of around 6 he had to take care of his mother as best he could as his father was at sea all the time. When Hercules was around 14 Ten Cents was born. When Ten Cents was barely 2 (making Herc 16) their mother had to be scrapped, and when Tc was 3 when their father was fatally wounded. This was a massive blow to Hercules and for the longest time he struggled to get back to his old self.
When Hercules was about 17 1/2 he needed work and chose to start working with the Z-stacks. He kept TenCents away from his work at all times and always made sure to give tc a seashell. When TenCents was finally old enough to start shifting between forms (so around 6 making Herc 20-ish) Hercules really struggled with everything. His little brother, who was practically his son, was growing up.
TenCents started working for the Starr Fleet and that left a bitter taste in Hercs mouth and he became more distant.
Around 21 Hercules joined the Navy, he wanted to make his dad proud and he was too prideful to admit that it was also a way to stay away from TenCents.
At around 22 Hercules had a huge break and during it he turned in his Z badge and became a Star Tug.
As I've mentioned before he had trouble fitting in and needed to find a way to prove that he was a good person. One day at around 23 while out at sea something went wrong and Hercules risked his life, saving a crewmate but in the process he was knocked into a coma.
When Hercules finally woke from the coma (he's around 24 by now) he decided he was gonna change, and become a better father figure and work to prove himself but when he got back to the port everyone was waiting for him, to congratulate him, to thank him, to say sorry and most importantly to accept him.
Ten years later he's the suave man we all know and love and works hard to prove himself. He loves his jobs and friends and most importantly, he loves TenCents.
First of all you were my first request! Thank you so much! 🎈🎉
Secondly, I had so much fun with this. It's so nice to have an underdeveloped character and give him some love. He is a brilliant character to work with and I have so much for him! Again, thank you so much for your request and i hope you're doing amazing my dear!
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mikamink · 3 years
What are your pokemon headcanons for some of the characters teams lol
I've figured out some fitting pokemon for most characters but I like to try to find a neat theme and setup to go with the choices. I don't have all of them set in stone but I'll share the choices I'm the happy with atm.
Some of the descriptions will be a bit long. Characters included are Rasiel, Fran, Belphegor, Chrome, Ryohei, and Bianchi. (With very slight mention of Haru and Kyoko)
Rasiel- I’ll just get him out of the way first. Due to his status and traumatic childhood Rasiel’s preference in pokemon revolves around high class ghost types. Vain status symbols and testaments to his ability to overcome death. His team is comprised of pokemon like Cofagrigus, Chandelure, and (Authentic)Polteageist. His most notable pokemon is Cofagrigus.
Not long after the “incident” that left him terribly injured and ill, employees around the castle noticed the presence of a distressed yamask pacing the outskirts of the castle grounds. Some noted the unsettling resemblance between the young prince and the mask the pokemon carried. At some point during his recovery, the Yamask found it’s way into the castle and rushed straight to Siel. It’s presence didn’t scare the prince, it was oddly comforting and the stray pokemon offered him some small bit of company while he remained isolated.
The consensus between his caretakers was that the Yamask had mistakenly taken the likeness of the prince during the moments he was buried after his brush with death. Rasiel miraculously surviving and Yamask retaining his likeness made the pokemon confused and curiously drawn to him. And it wasn’t just Yamask. Rasiel’s near death experience and the recent flood of negative energy throughout the castle grounds turned it into a beacon for ghost type pokemon. Overtime Rasiel developed a fascination with death and the afterlife and became as drawn to ghost types as they were to him. Not once did he have to go out of his way to catch his own pokemon, all of his partners eagerly sought out their new prince of their own accord.
Rasiel’s main partner Cofagrigus is a very unsettling and dangerous pokemon and most are surprised by how docile it is in his presence. Not only is his connection to Cofagrigus deeply personal, his family is wealthy enough to satiate it’s appetite for gold and his status as future king makes him a perfect match for that particular pokemon based on it’s history. -“There are many depictions of Cofagrigus decorating ancient tombs. They're symbols of the wealth that kings of bygone eras had.”
Fran- Fran has a very notable lack of motivation when it comes to most things, being a trainer included. He doesn’t really have a preference and his team is made up of pokemon he obtained through odd circumstances. Notable pokemon in Frans possession are Espurr, Zorua, Mimikyu, Appletun, and Hatterene.
A tiny apple-less applin became infatuated with Fran’s hat and was determined to make it it’s new home. Though Fran tried many times to shoo the pokemon away or lock it out of his house, it always found its way to him again. Eventually he grew tired of constantly dealing with it and just let it take up residence in his hat. It’s delighted little eyes always poking out of the top. Fran eventually evolved it not long after he acquired a new hat.
Though I don’t have an idea for how he acquired Mimikyu and I do have the hc that Fran is for some unknown reason is the only known person capable of looking under Mimikyu’s disguise without it having any negative affect on him. Not even Belphegor or Mukuro are willing to personally test their luck in that regard.
Hatterene are scary and near impossible for the average person to approach without provoking. However Fran’s monotonous disposition and overall lack of outward emotion made him unintentionally cross paths with one. Though he had no desire to catch or battle it he noticed it had intently started following him. It had never encountered a human that didn’t instantly agitate it and that made it curious.(She also just liked his big silly hat) He didn’t particularly like the idea of having such an aggressive and volatile pokemon in his possession but he also didn’t want it following him through places filled with people that could potentially provoke it, not that he was concerned it might attack other people, he just didn't want it to attack him. So he made a compromise to take it with him while in the safety of a ball, and it surprisingly obliged.
There is ONE perk though. Hatterene HATES Belphegor. He’s loud and hostile and his vibes are terrible. He is everything Hatterenes hate in a human. If Fran tries to use Hatterene in battle while Bel is nearby it will turn it’s focus straight to him. Sometimes Fran does it on purpose because honestly Bel deserves it majority of the time. Her Fairy typing also directly counters Bel’s favored dark type.
Belphegor- Gonna be honest, I’ve tried to put a lot of thought into Bel for this AU but he is incredibly difficult to work with. It’s hard for me to assign him pokemon because I just can’t seem to find any that are good enough to fit his vibes. Or in his case bad enough. The main thing I decided for him was that he would have a focus on dark types and two of his pokemon would be a shiny Absol and the exception to his preference, Gengar. Alolan Persian, Deino, Weavile, and Skuntank are pretty solid contenders but i’m not 100% on all of them yet. Tho I do like the idea of both of the twins having meowth, Bel ending up with alolan persian and Rasiel ending up with Kantonian Persian.
Absol’s are considered bad omens, bringers of disaster and death, and that is exactly what comes to those whose paths are crossed by this crimson visage. It’s presence is a warning that it’s master is near. Bel has had this fearsome partner since he was a child, it’s first appearance before him marking the “death” of his brother. Since then Bel has been a beacon for disaster, anywhere he goes he happily brings death with him, and that is why Absol is never far from his side. Always there to be a warning, or a threat, to those who venture too close or are unfortunate enough to have Bel’s sights set on them.
The exception to his preference in dark types is Gengar. He liked it’s vibe and got it as a direct response to Fran’s Hatterene being a constant pain. Though head-to-head it does come down more to skill than typing since both have disadvantage and weakness against the other. Generally they tend to be pretty even in power.(when you don’t consider the fact that Fran doesn’t really put much effort into battles.)
Chrome- Chrome isn’t one for battle when it comes to pokemon and doesn’t really have a preference. For Chrome her pokemon are therapeutic and a source of comfort in her day to day. Her pokemon are Musharna, Sylveon, Togetic, Shiny Audino, Kirlia, and Gothorita. Pokemon that specialize in soothing the fears and anxiety of their trainers, and bringing them happiness. Her very first partner was a Munna.
It isn’t uncommon for doctors to use pokemon as assistants for a variety of medical treatments. Though they were not exclusive to that ward, munna were often found in the pediatric ward at night. They provided assurance and comfort to recovering children, soothing their dreams and eating away the nightmares. Though there was little hope she would survive, Chrome had one assigned to her bedside. A small comfort during what would likely be her last few nights. Her moments of consciousness were short and scarce, so her dreams were all she had left.
Up until Mukuro’s odd intervention, Munna remained snug by her side. It would sometimes visit her in her dreams, providing some company within her peaceful, yet lonely world. After all what company could she dream of if everyone had abandoned her? When she awakened and had miraculously stabilized due to Mukuro’s aid she just so happened to take the Munna with her on her way out of the hospital.
Ryohei- While not one I tend to think too much on and I dont have a full party thought out for him, I recently decided I like the idea of him having Mega-Lopunny. I know that seems like an odd choice, because it is, everyone thinks it's an odd pokemon for him to have, including himself, but under no circumstances would he ever consider removing it from his team because it was a gift.
When his little sister Kyoko became a trainer the first thing she did was try to find a pokemon she could give to her big brother as a gift, as a way of showing him she was capable of catching pokemon on her own and to thank him for helping her get to that point. At the time Buneary felt like a good fit in her eyes because it was cute and its ears seemed to pack the kinda punch Ryohei liked his pokemon to have.
Ryohei was overjoyed by the gift and didnt question in the slightest why she would give him a normal type when he specialized in fighting types, he was just proud of his sister. His synergy with Lopunny is surprisingly solid as it makes for a good pseudo fighting type, and in it's mega form it not only becomes a proper fighting type it also gains the ability to PUNCH GHOSTS which is cool as hell!
Once Kyoko is a little older she feels kind of embarrassed about her choice given Ryoheis type preference but he insists Lopunny is amazing and gladly shows off it's power to anyone when given the chance, making sure everyone knows it's because of his little sister he has such a powerful partner. This does not help ease her embarrassment. Ryohei eventually returned the favor by gifting her a stufful. Something that suited her that was cute and strong, and also because Haru had one and he knew how much Kyoko loved it.
Bianchi- Instead of going full poison types like I originally planned to, I started liking the idea of her having food themed pokemon that are just kinda wrong. She's the only char I have considered taking some liberties with the canon designs and typing of her pokemon. At the moment I hc her having Alcremie, Vanilluxe, and Tsareena. All "shiny" though people are sure Bianchi's pokemon were not always those sickly off-colors. Their designs would be more warped/melted with tsareena being an exception as she seemed to have a better response to it's trainer-inflicted poison typing. (A G-maxed Alcremie in her possession would be a horrific sight)
Bianchi herself isn't doing this intentionally to her pokemon and also doesn't seem to notice their differences. Her love for her pokemon and the care she provides for them are genuine, they just somehow always end up “wrong”. Their sickly appearances haven't hindered their ability to function in battle and they actually seem to be unusually stronger than their average counterparts.
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