#it’s s just so iconic behavior
koravelliumavast · 1 year
Even though I know it’s coming every time I’m watching catching fire and we get to the “if it weren’t for the baby.” Scene I get shocked
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opikiquu · 2 months
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im going to be so annoying all week
#agghagahah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HYYESAAHHHH#★ arin rambles#BRO BRO PLEASLE#PELASE#my apology for everyone. I have to make it now . Sorry. If youre following me destroy that notif button you dont wanna hear how worse i will#get#actually no just Unfollow entirely#ITS THE ADHD#PLEASE. HE IS SO . COOL. his trailer is so awesome IVE REWATECHED IT 3 TIME SNOW.#I LOVE HIMMMMMMM SO MUCHHHHH#I LOVE HIM SO BAD I JUST ADORE HIM PLEASE#HES SO PRETTY. JAW DROPPING. ICONIC. LIFE CHANGING. THE TEARS IN MY EYES. GENUINELY SOBBING RITHT NOW IT S SO OVER#aventurine likers hold me. Nobody understands. Everyone is scared of me im too crazy#actually its everything wrong with me . Hes ruining my life#i dont struggle as an aventurine liker i actually excel at this its my full rime job now#‘9 to 5’ no i work 9 to 9. Every hour is dedicated to him#im glad uguys agree with me thannk uou i was starting to think i was a freak#Well i am but im glad someone else agrees hes cool#Hes so pretty im so happy#I CAMT WAIT RILL WENDENSDAY PLEASE IM GONNA FREAKIFN BLOW UP#I LOVE AVENTURINE. I LOVE AVETURINE.#i get so happy when i see him i get a little violent its unsettling .#like im like shaking my hands and jumping around my room and then u blink and im bashing my head against the floor#its carpet. Im ok. But like not but i am#DUDE. I LOVE. THIS GUY. EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM#i needto. Just. Okay brb gonna watch ir like 20 more times ill see u guys next year im going into a Aventurine induced coma#this makes me realize people read my tags. Oh dear. Sorry everypony#i apologize for my behavior. I will get so much scarier.#HES SO COOL. HES ACTYALLU SO COOL. LIKE HOW CAN SOMEBODY BE SO COOL.#oh god OH LORERDRDRDDDDDDD WHEN I GET YOU BOY WHEN I FIND YOU. WATCH OUT. WATCH OUT I WILL GET YOU.
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54prowl · 2 months
chaka khan really popped off with through the fire
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xannerz · 1 year
this popped up on my dash (not a moot ty god 😌) and i read it like 3x concluding, each time, that this was the most unhinged overreaction i've seen on here in a while and people enabling it need to maybe fly away from the internet aviary for a bit so you can stop parroting others by habit
"seriously cruel shit [for people who's like to see another season of a tv show]" do you people go outside. if this is considered seriously cruel how do you literally navigate your day-to-day. i wonder how badly is Literally Everything Else going on in the world affecting you if this is enough to get you that tilted 😬
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adanseydivorce · 1 year
I love toxic Daisy behavior ❤️
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rene-spade · 4 months
growing up räikkönen | f1 grid
fem! reader x räikkönen family, f1 grid
note(s): reader is kimi’s eldest daughter 👍 2nd pov but for the plot reader has a name. We start off in the 2021 season, reader becomes a driver for mclaren the 2022 season. main idea is everyone is obsessed with her lolol
Warning(s): potentially triggering relationship dynamics, some obsessive behavior tbh bc i like em crazy, mostly cute stuff tho!
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GROWING UP RÄIKKÖNEN MEANS having a chaotic first few years, but with your father everything always works out. kimi isn’t even 22 when you’re born (2001), and your mother is just a fling who sadly passes away before you turn one, but you are his world. he melts at the sight of his eldest daughter; the one who he raised as his alone. Sure, you’ve had a couple step moms, but only one father who happens to be the protective type. You grow up in the f1 paddocks because kimi doesn’t like being apart from you for too long. even with his marriage to jenni, he has her watch you during his races. Just the racing part though, he commonly totes you along with him during anything he can, even media duties. due to his own upbringing, your schooling is the highest of priorities, but it’s still a guarantee you know how to drive anything by age 16. He wants you to be prepared for anything life throws at you, though of course he wouldn’t let you do it alone.
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he named you after himself (kimi -> miki, unoriginal)
when you were ages 1 month - 6 years, he took you everywhere with him
he nicknames you “lumienkeli” snow angel in finnish
his first tattoo was a portrait of baby-you with your full name and birth date
kimi can’t say no to his little girl, so you end up bringing all kinds of stray pets home, even from other countries
you and step-mom jenni iconic duo
uncle seb vettel and michael schumacher (who babysat you growing up) buying you and kimi matching outfits
kimi is very bad at documenting things properly, so jenni organized and labeled his entire “isä ja miki-mäiri” photo album. after they divorced, minttu took over that position, adding robin and rianna.
no-dating rule implemented as soon as you mention a crush at school (you were 6)
crazy dad! kimi who tried to run over your first boyfriend with a snowmobile
a responsible drinker around his sweet daughter but when you’re home attending school, he has his iconic drinking benders (championship era all the way to his divorce era)
kimi who learns to braid hair so you can keep your hair tidy and untangled beneath your first helmet
you are his mini-me (mostly, just in the ways he intended)
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Twitter; self-ran
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Instagram; self-ran
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photo album; written by kimi-matias räikkönen (edited by jenni dahlman and minttu räikkönen)
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äiti ja miki-mäiri lumienkeli mik ja isä
2001 <3 (2004)
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isosisko miki, minun miki-mäiri miki-mäiri ja robin ja rianna 10th syntymäpäivä setä rami (2006)
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miki ja jenni <3 isän vauva miki-mäiri ja
(2003) (kesäkuuta 2002) serrku justus
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this is the introduction to this fic / au. Please send asks to get the ball rolling! If you don’t know kimi lore, this might not make much sense oops
- ren
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butchsophiewalten · 3 months
2/27/24 Twitter Space Recap
Martin, Kyle and Eva held a twitter space earlier today, featuring a short Q&A portion like halfway through! Here's some stuff they talked about:
Martin talks about how "Bon", in his behavior and manner of speech, was inspired in part by Paul Dano's Riddler. "Very unhinged and childish."
The "Wonderland" scene at the end of TWF4 was written by Eva, and Martin talks about how the vision he had for that scene was a lot less subtle, and involved Bon's behavior being much more obviously villainous. But when he shared it with Eva, she came back to him with an idea for a much more subtle and manipulative approach to Bon, which he though was "such a cool vision for [the] character."
-Eva mentions how when writing for "Bon", she couldn't help but get actually upset and frustrated with how manipulative he was being.
-Martin mentions how he's always kind of imagined Bon to be in contrast to Felix, where Felix's behavior is very regretful and cowardly, Bon is just unabashedly a "very, very evil person."
-Eva mentions how the decision to have them voice "Bon" in TWF4 was made only a few weeks before the episode's release. Martin says he'd love to talk about that more, but he's still very attached to the idea he originally had for Bon's voice, and wants to revisit it eventually.
-Eva mentions that a lot of the episode's most iconic and impactful scenes were made "only a few weeks ago". The intro scene with Edd & Molly, The Jack and Felix scenes, and the Wonderland scene at the end were all made extremely recently before the episode's publication. Martin talks about how when he broke TWF4 into 3 episodes, he realized the new TWF4 seemed honestly like it was going to be really boring, and he thought people were going to hate it, so he went back and started adding small scenes to give the episode more interest.
Martin says he thinks those scenes elevate the episode so much, but he was under so much time crunch when making them that he wasn't really taking the time to appreciate them, and was honestly really disappointed with and embarrassed by them immediately after he finished, and was really surprised when TWF4 got such a positive reception. He brings up the Jack scene specifically, saying he thought it was so shit when he first finished it, that it didn't turn at all like he imagined, how he felt like he was just screaming into a microphone as Jack, and how the scene didn't have as much animation as he originally envisioned. He says that he's come around to appreciate it more, though.
-Martin says that between 4, 5, and 6, episode 4 is his least favorite, and that episode 6 is his favorite episode in the series.
-Kyle says he's really insecure about his performance as Charles in TWF4, that he wasn't really used to the voice yet and wasn't really confident in performing it.
-Martin recalls a funny tweet he saw begging for TWF5 to be a slice of life episode, and says that it actually kind of is a lot like that, just not in a wholesome way. He says TWF5 is a much calmer episode.
-He says episode 6 is "such a fucking nightmare", and that it's "a very traumatic moment for these characters", and is a turning point for one specific character. He specifies, though, that it doesn't mean the episode is going to have a lot of analog horror jumpscares or anything.
-Martin mentions that in 1974 Charles is divorced, but is very recently divorced. He says that Charles and his wife (who the thinks is named Emily, but doesn't remember exactly) divorced "a few months before everything goes down", and that if Charles didn't go missing, they probably would have resolved things between each other. Probably not that they would have remarried, but that they absolutely love each other and would have stayed close as friends.
Martin specifically contrasts this to Felix, saying that Charles is a very selfless person who can recognize that this relationship he's in is bad for both him and his wife, and is willing to take the steps to separate but stay friends, where Felix would never have done that despite being in a genuinely very similar situation with Linda.
-Kyle says that his favorite dynamic between any of the characters in The Walten Files is the dynamic between Charles and Susan, and Martin says that their dynamic is very endearing. He says that "they really care for each other", and that they're "the bestest of friends".
Martin mentions, however, that he was really afraid that after episode 4, he was going to start seeing people shipping Charles and Susan. He says he definitely wrote them to be just like a good platonic friendship.
-Martin starts talking about Jack & Felix's friendship. "Felix & Jack, to me, I've always wrote them as people who seem very social and friendly, but are actually very isolated people, in their own way. So, Jack, I think the only person Jack is completely and entirely honest with is Rosemary. That's the only person that knows Jack very well. And Felix is just, Like, someone that doesn't- people wonder, like, 'oh, how could Jack not know about Felix's addiction if they've been friends for years,' and I think that Felix would definitely be the type of person to try his hardest to hide it from Jack.... Felix looks up to Jack. To me, Felix sees Jack as this person that he would love to be. So, even if there's some love there, some affection, there's also a lot of envy. That Felix is trying his hardest to be on this person's good side, so he would not tell Jack about this."
-Kyle mentions that a personal pet peeve of his is when people come up with ship names for characters for are married, like "Jackmary" or "Homarge". He says that Jophie gets to be an exception, because they aren't married, and Martin jokes that they could get married and still be Jophie, as "Sophie Jophie" and "Jenny Jophie".
Kyle and Eva joke that if Sophie and Jenny got married, they would do rock, paper, scissors to decide who's taking on the other's last name, and Kyle asks Martin who would win. He says Jenny is "great at rock, paper, scissors." Martin says "Yeah, I think Sophie would change her name to Sophie Letterson if they got married... I think she would not like to be reminded of the last name of everyone that's missing, y'know?"
-"Does "Bon" ever reveal his own motive for his actions in the series, or is it never explained?" "He doesn't try to hide it, to some people, but he doesn't reveal it. He's not like your classic kind of villain, and goes 'ah, yes, my plan is doing this and to do this'. I think something I've kinda learned is that actions speak more than just outright saying it, y'know? It would be really boring if Bon just, like, sat down and explained what he was doing. I think it's more fun to see him actually go through his plan and keep you guessing, until it's really clear what he's trying to do."
-"Do we have any small videos on Chris, or will he have any mentions in the episodes?" "Ah, I think he's mentioned- He appears in photos, but not mentioned. The little I can say of Chris is that I think he's someone who knows how to, like, turn a situation in his favor. He's a real go-getter kind of character, and I think it's a really- the dynamics he has later on in the series with the main characters- they're all really interesting. I really like Chris... I really love this character. I think, uh, there's still a long way to show it- there's a design we have for Chris that's one of my favorite designs we have for a character in the series, it's so cool. It's, uh, the design you see in episode 2, where he has like, the caretaker outfit, uh, he has a different design later on, and I really love that." Eva chimes in, asking, "Oh, is that the 1982 design?", to which Martin responds. "Yes. I fucking love that design... I can't wait for people to see his role in 1982, because, uh, it- it's way different than what people think it is. I think people just think 'Oh, he's just like one more employee', but- augh, I can't say anything."
Eva responds saying "One thing I will say is that people- Obviously, there is no like, "correct" understanding of Chris at the moment, because we know nothing about him, but I think a lot of people seem to be very, um, have a very different expectation of who he is." to which Martin says "He's silly. I-I- think Chris is a really good blend of a silly character, but also a very serious character when he needs to be. I think Chris is very similar to Charles in a lot of ways, just less naive in some aspects."
-Someone asks for a Charles fact, and Martin says that he's someone that will always put his daughter first before everything, and Martin likes to think that he would bring Lily to work a lot, and that everyone would make time to play with her, even if they were working on something important. He adds that it'd be funny if Felix ended up telling Lily that Santa didn't exist, or something like that, on accident.
-Someone asks for a Brian Stells Fact. Martin announces, with a lot of fanfare, that Brian's type of women would be "middle-aged single mothers", and that he definitely would've tried flirting with Rosemary after Jack's disappearance. He then posts this drawing to Twitter:
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-They keep joking about Brian trying to hit on Rose, saying that he'd show up at the Walten household before Jack's disappearance, and that Jack would meet him at the door with a shotgun. Martin jokes that Jack would shoot a perfect outline around Brian as a warning, and that he's actually a really good shooter, and that there would be "more on that in episode 5."
-"If there's one thing we can say about Chris, it's that Chris is like a more mature Jesse Pinkman. He-he has like that silliness. He's like the season 4-season 5 version of Jesse."
-Martin says he got approached by a company that's currently producing the Harmony & Horror VHS tape for Battington, wanting to make a similar VHS of episodes 1-6 of The Walten Files, but it couldn't be done because of the amount of copyrighted material in the series. So Martin pitched an idea of an entire 10-episode season of a Showstoppers cartoon in the style of the merch videos to release Direct-To-VHS. They say that after the tapes have sold, they'll release the entire series to YouTube. They all seem very enthused and excited to work on it.
-"I have this idea that CyberTelly should be like the lawyer of the Showstoppers. Whenever they fuck up, he cleans everything up behind the scenes, and that's why everything goes back to normal the next episode."
-"Susan or Linda Thompson fact?" "I think the only other person Linda talked to when she was leaving was Susan. Because they were good friends, so she definitely wanted to say goodbye to her."
-"What was the hardest scene to animate in TWF4?" "The hardest scene to animate was probably, um... the Felix scene, when he's on the river. Most of the other scenes are in very dark places, so that saves a lot of time because I don't have to add that much detail to everything. But with the Felix scene it's so lit up, it's in the middle of the day. Augh, that was such a pain in the ass to animate, so yeah."
-Martin says the planned Showstoppers cartoon would consist of 10 11-minute episodes, and that there's going to be a lot of recurring characters, and a lot of characters that had to be designed to fit in with the style of the series.
-Someone asks what would be Rosemary's favorite character she designed, outside of Sha. Martin answers that Sha was definitely her favorite, but next would definitely be Billy, because he's always imagined that she really loves clowns. Her ranking of favorite characters would go: Sha, Billy, Bon, Boozoo, and last would be Banny, because she's just Bon but Purple.
-"I think Edd would be a very mischievous kind of fellow. And he would try to like, do a lot of pranks and stuff like that. I think between Sophie, Edd, and Molly, he'd be the most rebellious of all. He'd be very, like, 'Augh, stupid house! Stupid fathers!* I'm grounded!' and, uh, Molly would be more like, 'No! Edd! You can't do this, you can't blow up the school, that's not right!'" (*My Note: By 'fathers' Martin definitely means 'parents'. This is a really common mistake to make when speaking English and Spanish is your first language, and is a slipup he's made in Spaces before.)
-"Was Molly a feral child?" "Nah, I think she was very behaved."
-Martin says that Rosemary's sister's name is Laura Peony, and that she's intended to appear in Season Two. He says that Rosemary and her sister don't really speak too much, and that Rosemary doesn't like her family that much, and doesn't speak to either her sister or her mother.
-Kyle asks Martin to list a favorite drink for everyone in the Walten Family. Martin complains about this question, saying that it's so much work, and asking how the hell he's supposed to know that, but spitballs some answers anyway. He says that Jack would like Ramazzotti or Wine, that Sophie would probably like Mojito, that Rosemary would like Champagne, and that Edd & Molly are too young to drink :( .
Kyle chastises Martin for his interpretation of the question, and tells him to pick non-alcoholic answers. Martin says that Molly would like Pepsi, and that Edd would like liquid mercury. He also jokes that Jack would have a gallon of root beer in his office.
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According to @demiace-wen-ning​‘s iconic post, every MXTX novel has:
A red/black, morally ambiguous, all-powerful bastard man
A fan wielder who is much more than meets the eye
And a fucking Jiang Cheng
Now we, as a collective fandom, have decided with our communal braincell that in SVSSS, the “fucking Jiang Cheng”™ character is Liu Qingge. And on the surface, this seems Right and Good:
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HOWEVER! I posit that these aspects are only the most superficial and external aspects of the vast and multi-layered Dagwood sandwich that is fundamental “fucking Jiang Cheng”™yness. “fucking Jiang Cheng”™ has LAYERS. And for all that I love Liu Qingge, I love him in the same way I love the Sonic franchise’s Knuckles the Echidna:
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This is emphatically NOT how I love Jiang Cheng. Furthermore, this is demonstrably NOT the sort of character that a fandom becomes viciously divisive about. This is the sort of character you either like or dislike and move on with your life because he is not deep and complex enough to Die On This Hill for defending. (This is a Feng Xin or Nie Mingjue sort of character.)
So what makes for a “fucking Jiang Cheng”™ character? What are the quintessential “fucking Jiang Cheng”™ characteristics that result in a complex and divisive character? I propose:
ambiguous/unexplained actions
refusal to explain motives
canon selfless actions missed or negatively interpreted
socially over-conscious while still socially detested
harsh and contemptuous outward behavior
honestly, naturally is an asshole, but holds back just enough to get away with it
hard-working but overshadowed by upstart prodigy
childhood trauma that fundamentally affected behavioral patterns
aggressively focused on their cultivation and consequent social status
secretly heartbroken about a perceived betrayal regarding the protagonist
yay, war crimes!
These attributes all describe Jiang Cheng. All but the last one describe Mu Qing, with the second-to-last applying in a way where HE is perceived as the betrayer. None of these attributes describe Liu Qingge. But you know who they DO describe in SVSSS?
Shen Jiu.
The ORIGINAL Shen Qingqiu.
An undeniable asshole who nevertheless gets punished for every good deed he ever did, who clawed and scraped his way to the top of the cultivation world and ensured he stayed there no matter how many bridges he had to burn or enemies he had to make along the way, who acts like a bitter tsundere to the person who matters most to him because said person broke their promise and never explained why, whose childhood was a never-ending parade of trauma and abuse that molded him into a harsh and suspicious individual, who (though we don’t find out until the extras) shows no sexual interest in anyone, whose own path to cultivation was so difficult and traumatic that they could not stop themselves from jealously lashing out at the heaven-blessed prodigy standing right next to them.
Shen Jiu is the TRUE “fucking Jiang Cheng”™ of SVSSS, and I cordially invite any haters to bring it on because this is My Hill and I am ready to fight for it.
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rizatouchesthewalls · 9 months
everyone who writes and supports miles smut can block me, that includes 42 btw.
TW: BELOW THE CUT IS DISCUSSION OF P//DO, UNDERAGE CONTENT. (I don’t go too far into detail but I know some people have been affected by it).
elaboration on why aging up (for sexual purposes) is bad
miles is canonically 15 and dont even pull that “he’s aged up” shit with me cause you know damn well on aged up fanfics they use pictures of CANON MILES. so its pretty obvious u have the teen in your mind. and you know what the ones that are around his age are annoying too but it doesnt put nearly of a bad taste in my mouth as the GROWN ASS ADULTS who make that shit.
and btw dont go and say “oh, it’s hormones and plus miles has hormones” and to that i have to say:
1. if you are a child who likes miles like that, fine, deal with that shit in private tho. you posting s*xual content of a minor is catering to creepy adults online
2. if you’re an adult saying that shit then i can say nothing less that you have the mindset of a groomer. You’re not very far from the mfs who say that “teenage girls are at their ripe age at 16.” you as an adult SHOULD NOT be using teenagers having hormones to your advantage and excuse. That’s disgusting.
“they’re just a fictional character” 😟 can you get a grip? go outside. Miles is a fictional character who is BUILT and DESIGNED to look like a teenager. And astv aint that unrealistic that you can say he’s ambiguous. He’s not. And even if he was he does activities that I do as a teen—I go to high school, I’m nervous about my future—miles is literally a relatable teen, as he was designed to be.
“Then stop looking for the smut posts.” I DONT NEED TO! It infiltrates my ASTV tag and at times the Hobie Brown tags too. You act like your tags aren’t public. If someone wanted to read a Miles fic that was normal fluff they would have to scroll through some smut too!
anyway thats all and dont even both coming up in my comments and reposts throwing a hissy fit you niggas r weird asf and can block me. maybe then id see less weird shit on my tag page. do us all a favor and log off.
+ Update: His ages from any other media isn’t a valid excuse. If you were clearly writing for canon adult miles you wouldn’t have astv miles as the icons and astv as the tag.
+ Update: Miles is CANONICALLY 15 in the first movie, and somewhere in the last movie he was YOUNGER. As mentioned above, mentioning other media as an excuse is bs when in the movies your writing for (itsv, atsv) he’s clearly a minor.
+ The thing that pisses me off the most is how ya’ll act like the people who are uncomfortable are weird. Are you not writing s*xual content about a 15 year old on a daily basis? please.
+ Fiction DOES affect reality. Why do you think people have nightmares after horror? Why does a sad film make people cry? Why does a deep movie change perspective?
+ In the scene where Miles argues with his parents, he says something along the lines of “I’m 15!!!” So if you think he’s not underage, you either didn’t pay attention or don’t have google. Plus what 18 year old discusses college that late? (without any other discussions prior?)
+ if you like little boys stop tryna hide that you like little boys it makes you even more manipulative and gross. no but in all seriousness telling minors that behavior is okay has gotta be SOME form of grooming on a more subtle scale. sorry if that’s too bold for ya’ll but as someone who’s been tricked into thinking content like this was okay when I was younger, I can confirm that this isn’t okay.
+ If to prove character that’s canonically a minor isn’t one you have to pull up seven different source materials that barely correlate to the one you write for, that character is still a fucking minor! It’s giving “she’s actually 3000!!!” when she looks 8.
yeah. kay bye!!!
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fuzziemutt · 10 months
On Miguel and Motivations Behind his Behaviors Towards Miles
An analysis point I haven't seen much around (<- says the man who never looks in the tag) is the idea that Miguel was trying to be the very thing Miles could blame when (in Mig's eyes) he's unable to save his father.
Miguel's main motivation for his actions across the board are in his most iconic line:
"I don’t always like what I have to do, but I know I'm going to have to be the one to do it."
This line is very defining for him because it's reflected on how Miguel shoulders the responsibilities of the Spiderverse and any unsavory actions it might have to take for whatever reason. He alone makes the decision, the action so "no one else will have to" feel that guilt*.
*which I should note. Comic book Miguel is very much noted to have severe guilt with being S-man ("No, with great responsibility, comes great guilt!") but constantly states "he has to do it because who will?". Being S-man isn't a freeing thing for him... It's an obligation, a way for him to "atone for his sins" (from the man with severe Catholic trauma).
However, his need to be the one to "make the hardline decisions" out of guilt isn't the only influencer in his actions towards Miles.
Because another important note about comic Miguel is his biggest trait in all his relationships: he is the scapegoat.
From his mother, to his father(s), to his ex-girlfriend, ex-fiance, and even his brother himself. Miguel is always a means for people to escape blame. He is always a means to place responsibility to "fix it" because only /Miguel/ can fix it* for them (wow his oldest sibling disorder is showing).
*Gabriel, his brother, is seen multiple times demanding Miguel to "fix" the situations he finds himself in such as getting his girlfriend out of jail as Miguel "owes it to him" for working with Alchemax.
Furthermore, Miguel is seen having /quiet/ anger responses towards how others treat him; i.e. when Dana, his then-fiance, comes to him after talking to Tyler Stone, (later known: his bio father) who is untrustworthy and whom also Dana is cheating on Mig with (this fact is unknown to Mig at the time too), Mig is notably upset yet never raises his voice, he keeps his anger to himself and quiet.
This allows others to easily project onto him- Dana then projects her own view of what Miguel must be feeling in the next panel (which- she is often severely incorrect in her assessments as stated by Miguel himself in several instances of self-reflection)
And thus, Miguel has every intention to allow himself to be the scapegoat for others as long as he lives. Especially one Miles Morales.
Because Miguel is not happy preventing Miles from saving his father, he almost cries about it, he /wants/ to comfort Miles the whole time. He doesn't like what he has to do.
But Miguel has come this far (ensuring everyone's safety) and he can't let Miles make the same mistakes he made. Because to Miguel, he tried to alter his story and tried to fight what he didn't even know what would become the canon theory.
Yes, there are circumstances, there could be exceptions*, there's a possibility everything will be alright but Miguel /does not/ know this. He didn't know about canon theory or what would happen to Gabby then. All he knows now is that he flew too close to the sun and killed billions of people, and now, he doesn't want to allow Miles to "play god" and find himself with no home. It's "better" to be safe than sorry as he'd say <- through gritted teeth and tears.
*Whether the canon theory is true or not is not really important in this reading. The theory is just meant as a metaphor for whole vs one, risk vs caution, and the suffocation of fear-
So Miguel does what he doesn't want the others to do. He plays the scapegoat, the guy you can put all your anger towards, the thing you can blame when it just doesn't work how you want it to, and focus all your hatred on instead of yourself.
He doesn't order any of the others to throw the containment field at Miles (they didn't even know he was going to), he doesn't order the others to talk about the canon theory (also because he's reminding himself about why he's asking a kid to let his father die and to remind everyone of Mig's own faults- takes the blame as the sole destroyer of worlds despite us knowing Gabby's dimension isn't the only one that's collapsed thus far and strictly by Miguel's hands), he even leads majority of the apprehension of Miles himself.
Hell, he even lets himself be the scapegoat for why Gwen and Peter B don't visit Miles. We don't know enough about that conversation to say how much Miguel said "no, don't see him" but he sure isn't trying to fight* any possible allegations of how that conversation went either via clarifying /what/ it was he said.
Lastly, Miguel's control issues really appear in these interactions even, in this choice. Because, Miguel is taking on the choice for others because he thinks he can control others' grief if he just "does it 'right' for them", and that's just not /possible/.
You can't choose the how and when for others, you can't "fix this" for them, you can't make sure no one ever gets hurt because you'd rather someone scream at you for stopping them or taking the choice from them, than for them to experience something that's an inherent part of life and mature and grow from it.
To receive that "just punishment" that you're always seemingly striving for because you care so deeply about everyone and everything yet can't comprehend that others might care for you as well.
You can't keep suffocating others in your own fear, Miguel.
"And all this time, /I've/ been the only one holding it all together."
Yeah, Miguel has severe issues, he's projecting onto this kid, he majorly fucked up this interaction, but I feel Miguel's insistence on placing any and /all/ blame onto himself is a very vital piece of his character that we shouldn't ignore especially in analysis.
+ Another note of Comic Miguel's character: Miguel is very prone to allowing anyone to say literally anything to him. He's called horrendous things and he /never/ denies these things. He never tries to make anyone believe otherwise because Miguel agrees with them-
-Yes, he's Gabriel's slimeball brother who's arrogant and egotistical and a jackass and impossible to work with and a terrible, no-good son. Because no one has ever said one nice thing to Miguel O'Hara. They've only praised Spider-man.
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suhnshinehaos · 10 months
move fast, keep quiet : profiles 01
synopsis : everyone's wondering who has captured the heart of one racing's brightest stars, yn ln. is it their very own race engineer? their teammate? their biggest rival? how will the world react when it's actually their rival's race engineer, a former driver that's fallen from grace? ....well, it might be best they don't find out. pairing : yoon jeonghan x gn!reader genre/s : smau, racer/f1 au, fluff, angst
next  ➤  profiles 02 move fast, keep quiet  ➤  masterlist
starring… ( under the cut )
energy drinkers aka redbull racing
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yn : you, the main lead. second in the drivers championship in the previous season. known for insane defensive drives and always caught up in dating rumors.
seungcheol : your teammate at rbr, current world champion. has a reputation for being unrelenting and aggressive on track, but his off track behavior is the exact opposite.
wonwoo : your race engineer / strategist. team orders are the only thing stopping him from making sure you end the season in first place.
minghao : seungcheol’s race engineer / strategist. one of the most sought after strategists, rbr had to increase his salary so he stays with the team. praised for his quick thinking and calmness under pressure.
that red team aka scuderia ferrari
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jeonghan : former f3 champion, everyone was certain that he’d end up in f1 in no time. however, he claims he’s found a better calling as an engineer and strategist as he works alongside childhood friend, joshua hong. known for unorthodox, but effective strategy calls.
joshua : yn and jeonghan’s childhood friend as all three of them got into karting at the same time. was behind yn in the driver’s championship in the previous season.
seokmin : joshua’s teammate at ferrari, known for his clean racing and bright smile.
jihoon : seokmin’s race engineer / strategist. his and seokmin’s interactions on the radio are iconic amongst fans because they “bicker like an old married couple”
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from reese, with love <3 first batch of profiles are now here !! they will essentially be our main characters for these series but i’ll be showing what the other sebongs are up to in the next one hehe anyways just remembered that one carat that tweeted ‘as long as they release bangers idc who they’re banging’… remembered it so suddenly hmmmm but good thing to keep in mind ;) anyways, thank you for reading !
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eldritch-spouse · 6 months
Imagine if the icons queens like shuffled sin or personality due magic or something
So kalymir's wife is just sleeping all day not doing anything
Zizz is constantly being woken up by his queen for sex
And vesper is turned on watching his wife go into a blind rage
Kalymir is the one who's having the worst fucking time. Like honestly, he hates this so much. He's so fucking angry he's going to bark at you until you get up and do something you useless lazy fuck- He can't stand that type of behavior. The King will take his frustrations out somehow.
Zizz isn't honesty that bothered. This is great! He's constantly getting touched and fondled and he loves waking up with your mouth all over his cock or with you bouncing to your heart's content. Plus, you already have the greenlight to fuck him when he's lights out, so this is actually kind of nic all in all.
Vesper has no idea why you've gotten in such a bloodlust frenzy, but he kind of gets it. Sometimes he has his own fetish fixations and spends a whole week or so indulging in one theme- He can totally accommodate if you want to give snuffing and gore a try!
You and Livius are dashing down the streets and madly stealing from everyone and every establishment you pass. He's having fun, aren't you?
Rinx is on the verge of metaphorical tears because suddenly you're telling him all of his stuff is cheap? What do you mean it's not high-quality enough?! The other day you were enchanted with it! He swears he's only got the best of the best! Please!
Vorticia has no idea why you're suddenly dressed exactly ike her and seem determined to trail after her every action. She thought you were mocking her when you started elongating the "s"s like her.
Cero is disgusted when he watches you pig out at the dinner table. Ew, you're better than that. Where are your manners? No you're not going to eat that, it's pure grease on a plate, foul. He has no idea what's gotten into your head!
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lostonmyroad · 2 months
Moments That I Want Tattooed On My Forehead From S-Classes That I Raised Chapters 1-30
yáll I'm doing a reread of the series and compiling all of my favorite moments/doing slight recaps to remember what happens and in what chapters. there will be spoilers and i will be mentioning events that happen in future chapters beyond the ones I am currently referencing. you have been warned!!!
Anyway's lets kick this off with moments from chapters 1-30!!
Chapters 1-20:
god. yoojin is really insane right from the get go there are so many things in the first 15 or so chapters i completely forgot about including:
kim sunghan using the hunter mall PA system to make a lost child announcement for yoojin. hyj is truly an unsupervised force of chaos from the start
hyj nodding along as myungwoo recounts his tragic backstory like he was there he’s such a liar oh my god male wife manipulate mansplain fr
yerim clocking yoojin immediately upon meeting him for the first time and telling him "he looks like someone who's being going through shit for five years"
chapter 20-30
yoojin seeing himself in pre-SS skill myungwoo…realizing he has to go help him bc he can’t let someone suffer the way he did…i’m love them...i want to see their friendship thrive
myungwoo praising yoojin and yoojin getting embarrassed/not believing him so so funny and so sad. yoojin you are so talented (at murder and lying but that's besides the point)
yoojin being surprised that people care for him after he keeps helping them out and just in general being amazing lmfao...pre-regression yoohyun we need to have a talk (i need to throttle him)
yerim and myungwoo competing for his affection is peak comedy. they’re so petty 
kim sunghan and yoojin going to the club together by accident… sjdjekdkekdk...and then yoojin getting white girl wasted...iconic
yoojin flying by the seat of his pants and everyone else seeing this as cool calculated behavior…
yoojin casually mentioning he confessed someone pre-regression and that they slapped him??? like i’m gonna need some elaboration on this one chief. who did you confess to????
yoojin subconsciously not wanting the key word targets to only care for him because of his skill.. ooffff…this will definitely not be a concerning plot point later...
next ->
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mentalpolaroids · 2 years
Almost got it
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[gif creds @sam-reids ]
Steve Harrington x female!Reader
Summary: She's a barista at a coffee shop and always screws up Steve's name on purpose
Warnings: one or two curse words
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This one had to be the best one yet, Steve thought as he studied the unfamiliar name written on his coffee cup. Stephen. He looked back at the barista standing behind the coffee shop’s counter, who waved at him wearing a smile on her face, one that gave away that she knew exactly what she did. 
Steve chuckled and walked back to the spot where he picked up his cup noticing how (y/n) pretended to not know what to expect from his return.
“Can I help you?” she asked innocently.
“You know, you were closer this time.” 
“To what?”
“Getting my name right.” 
“You don’t say?” she faked surprise, earning another chuckle from Steve, “I really thought I had it today.” 
“Not yet.” 
“Well, sorry about that Stephen.” 
“It’s Steve.” he tried to explain, for the sixth time, but somehow he remained patient. 
Both had been playing this back and forth game for the last month, and both were having more fun with it than they cared to admit. Steve wasn’t sure what the purpose of it was, but after the third time he realized she was messing up his name on purpose. And he loved it. He loved that the barista was giving him a chance to speak to her, because contrary to his usual behavior around women, this one felt out of his league and he wouldn’t dare try his luck. He dreaded the possibility of embarrassing himself and having Robin touching the subject every minute. But turns out, luck was on his side after all because there he was, in a flirtatious banter with a girl he could only dream of crossing paths with. And she was the one to start it all.
“Right, I think I got it.”
“I guess we’ll see tomorrow.” he smiled.
(y/n) agreed, “Can’t wait.”  
At Family Video, Robin was already awaiting her coworker’s arrival and what new name he had been assigned that day.
“Stephen? Not bad, but Stefan was iconic.” Robin commented after taking a look at Steve’s cup. 
“Definitely better than Stefon.” 
Robin bursted out laughing.
“Oh God, if (y/n) wasn’t hitting on you I would so shoot my shot. She’s hilarious.” 
Steve looked at her, confused.
“Wait, you know her?”
“Yeah, I actually tried to shoot my shot when she started working there but she turned me down so nicely I couldn’t even feel disappointed and then, somehow, we became friends.”
Steve was, you could say, shocked. All this time Robin had been making fun of him and the whole situation and instead of helping him out, considering that apparently his best friend was friends with his crush, she was indirectly joining (y/n)’s side. 
“So you’re telling me that you could’ve been helping me all this time, you know, making my life less miserable for chasing after a girl I still can’t believe is flirting with me, but you decided not to.”
“What can I say, you’re a dingus and I like watching you suffer.” she replied, but then continued after receiving a mean look, “But let’s be real here, Steve, you are being an idiot. The girl you insist is so out of your league is literally throwing herself at you and you’re still not doing anything about it. I mean, ask her out, we both know she’s going to say yes.” 
Steve looked unsure still, thought it was comforting to have someone tell him he had a chance. 
“And what if I’m reading it all wrong, huh? I would just make a fool out of myself.”
“You fought beings of another dimension and you’re scared of being rejected? Yeah you really make a fool of yourself on a daily basis, but hey, I’m sure (y/n) will accept that part of you anyway.”
“Okay, you know what, forget it.” the boy drank the last sips of his coffee and turned his back to Robin to start his tasks at the store, 
“Steve!” she called him, “Like I said, (y/n) and I are friends. Trust me when I say you should ask her out.” 
He sighed, defeated, but didn’t totally dismiss Robin’s suggestion. 
Steven. So damn close. Steve smiled at the pretty handwriting on his cup. 
“What’s so funny?” his favorite voice asked from behind the counter. 
Instead of answering, he showed her the name she once again didn’t get right. 
They had created a habit, an inside joke, and everyday (y/n) wondered if that would be the day the boy would get the hint and ask her out, because she was running out of variations of his actual name to keep their thing going. 
“You almost got it today.” 
“Yeah, almost.” 
(y/n) smiled and shook her head slowly, in an amused disbelief at how this game had been going for so long and had gotten her nowhere still. If it wasn’t for Robin constantly convincing her that Steve did like her, she would’ve given up already and gotten his name right, because it was hard to believe the ex King of Hawkins High who could get any girl he wanted was so clueless and slow when it came to her flirting. Was she not trying hard enough? Did the coffee shop’s uniform make her look unattractive? Was messing up his name actually annoying to him? But Robin’s reminder of how Steve’s visit to (y/n)’s workplace made him go to his own workplace with a smile permanently painted on his lips eased her overthinking. And it also left her confused, because if he liked her like Robin insisted he did, why wasn’t he doing anything about it? 
“Tomorrow is the day, I’m telling you.” (y/n) finally answered, determined to end the game, even if she had to cheat a little bit to win it, “Tomorrow I’ll get it right.”
Steve’s smile widened, excited to see what else she had in mind, and, of course, to see her again. 
“I’m looking forward to it.” 
The next day, Steve woke up determined to put an end to all his doubts and fears and finally ask (y/n) out. For once in his life, he was going to listen to Robin. Stepping into the coffee shop, the upwards curve on his lips dissipated when he didn’t see the usual barista behind the counter. 
Steve frowned, disappointed that he wouldn’t be getting a weird name that day nor the intriguing jokes from the girl that filled his days with warm smiles and dreamy thoughts. He walked closer to the spot where he usually picked his coffee up and waited for the guy replacing (y/n) to be free from the other clients.
“Hey, what can I get you?” the man asked.
“Hi, uh, actually I was just wondering if (y/n)’s here today?” 
“Oh, no, it’s her day off today.”
Steve’s disappointment grew and he tried hard not to ask too many questions, not wanting to sound desperate or creepy. He wasn’t sure who he wanted to prove that to though, the guy or himself. 
“Oh, okay, thanks anyway. Have a good day.”
“Thanks, you too man.”
The boy made his way to Family Video in a mood that wasn’t very recognizable to him after leaving the coffee shop. The source of his usual giddy mood wasn’t present today and it was immediately clear, especially to Robin. 
“What’s the long face, Harrington?” she joked, but quickly noticed his empty hands. No coffee, and she feared the worst, “Please don’t tell me you got rejected. I’m so sorry, Steve, I was super sure she was into you, I don’t get it, I-”
“I didn’t get rejected, Robin. Not yet anyway. She wasn’t working today.”
“Oh.” she sighed in relief, she really didn’t want to confront her friend about breaking her other friend’s heart. That would be awkward. 
“So,” he tried to change the subject, “did the new movies arrive yet?” 
And just when Robin was about to answer, the door to the store opened and a certain missing barista made herself seen, two cups of coffee in her hands. 
“Hey (y/n), we were just talking about you.”
If Steve wasn’t so surprised with seeing (y/n) there he would for sure have rolled his eyes at Robin. 
“Hey Robs!” she then turned to the boy next to her friend, “And…” she trailed her voice while taking a concentrated look at one of the cups, “Steve, right?” 
The smile that was missing from earlier finally showed up to his lips accompanied with a chuckle and a shake of his head. 
“That’s right. You finally got it.”
“Yeah, I finally got it.” 
Robin was looking between her two friends like she was watching a movie, anxious for the grand moment. (y/n) noticed it and slid one of the cups over the counter in her direction.
“For you.” (y/n) said to her while giving her a knowing look. 
It took a while for Robin to realize what it meant but she eventually caught up to it.
“Right, thank you! I’m going to, uh, check if the movies had arrived yet.” 
Steve nodded, his lips in a tight, close-mouthed forced smile, mentally facepalming himself at the girl’s capacity of turning every situation into an awkward one. (y/n) bit her lip to contain a laugh at the clumsy walk Robin made to the back of the store. 
“So,” Steve started, smiling at his well written name on the coffee cup, for a moment getting distracted by how pretty his actual name looked in her handwriting, “I went by the coffee shop today, a guy said it was your day off.”
“Yeah, I kinda forgot to mention that yesterday. I mean, to be honest, I didn’t think you would care.”
“Of course I care, my day doesn't start properly until I have a coffee made by you and know what name I’ll be using for the rest of the day.” 
“Wait, you actually do that?”
Steve laughed.
“No, no way I would let people call me Steffen.”
It was (y/n)’s turn to laugh. 
“That was a good one.” Steve agreed with a shy laugh, “You do know I’ve always known your name was Steve, right?”
“Yeah, I knew.”
“Okay. Good.” (y/n) smiled and fiddled with the strap of her bag, “I like Steve.”
They weren’t sure how long they stayed looking at each other. It felt like time had stopped but it was just five seconds, enough time for (y/n) to chicken out and give up on her plans of being the one to ask the boy out. She was so confident walking into the store, flirt a little more and finally get the guy, but his hypnotizing stare reminded her of who he was and that she would probably be just another girl to tell the same story of a date she scored with Steve Harrington. She sighed, defeated, and cleared her throat. 
“Well, I should go, don’t wanna bother you while you work.” 
“You’re not bothering me.” he assured her, “You can stay if you want. I mean, I’m sure you have better things to do on your day off, but, you know, you’re not bothering or anything.” 
His nervous banter made her smile. 
“Well, thanks.”
Another five seconds of staring, this time a bit of tension in the air, but then (y/n) nodded and said her goodbyes to Steve. 
“Thanks for the coffee by the way!” he said before she could turn her back to walk to the door. 
“Don’t mention it!”
And out the door she went. 
Steve then realized she was, once again, gone, and no one asked out anyone. He groaned, annoyed with himself, and smacked the counter.
“You fucking dingus!” Robin yelled from the back of the store, “Go after her!”
The boy was going to yell something back, but then his brain finally processed the gesture of (y/n) bringing him coffee. She purposely took time off of her day to bring him coffee, and not screw up his name. That had to mean something, right? 
“Shit.” and with that, he jumped over the counter and ran to the door. He opened it only to meet (y/n) again, who looked like she was about to go into the store again. 
They stared at each other in surprise, but this time the silence was broken quickly when both spoke at the same time. 
“You wanna go out sometime?”
Both bursted out laughing and (y/n) immediately answered. 
“Idiots’” Robin added from behind Steve, but she went unnoticed by the two said idiots staring at each other again. 
“I’ll swing by the coffee shop tomorrow, as usual.” 
“Okay.” (y/n) agreed and then added before turning around again, “Oh, I wrote my number on the bottom of your cup. Call me, Harrington.” 
“I sure will.” 
And with a last exchange of not so shy smiles and lingering looks, (y/n) walked away and Steve looked at her go, feeling accomplished and proud of himself for being one step closer to getting the girl he thought he couldn’t get.
author's note: not my best but hope you liked it anyway
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blues824 · 2 years
❤️Imagine riddle having a tanjiro kamado s/o.
🖤The tanjiro s/o teaching him to relax and loving the tanjiro s/o cooking cleaning and respecting his rules and helping him over his family problems they rarely raze their voice and they the mom friend of heartslabyul treating everyone like family.
💚(totally not riddle hearing their family was murder by a demon and turning their only sister in to a demon 💀)
❤️Riddle using them like a sniffer dog to figure out who broke a rule and his reaction to their inability to lie (riddle learning the power of their forehead )
💚They both deserve the best so because they are the best it fits.
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Imagine them switching clothes like that riddle in comfy lose clothes no heels and her iconic earrings and. his girlfriend wearing his tailored multiple layers uniform with heels they wore for the first time.
I loved this so much. Also, I loved @woodrouforest 's work that was also requested by @angel-rosehearts-kamado with the Bakugo!Reader and I loved it!
Also, sorry it took so long to get this out! I have been sick and in school at the same time.
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We all know Riddle has mommy issues. He always had been treated horribly by those around him (enabling someone’s tyrant-like behavior isn’t treating them right, Trey). When you came in with your kind and gentle disposition, he immediately clung to you… although he wouldn’t admit it. He couldn’t go 5 minutes without your presence next to him.
Like Trey takes up the father-friend of the dorm, you take up the mother-friend of the dorm. With how much you two hang out, everyone thinks you are dating the vice-dorm leader. However, you calmly explain that you are actually dating the dorm leader and you are just great friends with Trey.
Riddle loves how you never raise your voice unless it’s out of absolute necessity. All of the dorm members can tell that he has calmed down significantly ever since he met you. He has learned that yelling could make a situation go from bad to worse. It’s always best to analyze with a calm mind, then make the most logical decision.
When you tell him about your past and how your family was killed by a demon and he even turned your sister into a demon, he is angry. You continue to tell him the hardships you had to deal with in your world and how you were suddenly transported to Twisted Wonderland. You told him how you planned to find a way back to your world.
In Riddle’s mind, you just told him that if you could leave Twisted Wonderland, you’d do it with no hesitation. Had your time here with everyone… with him… meant nothing to you? Of course it didn’t. You had a whole other world of people that you cared for, and surely you must miss them a lot.
ANYWAYS, he would definitely have you use your strong sense of smell to sniff out rule-breakers. They will be banned from the daycare… wait, wrong game. They will be beheaded upon discovery, unless you talk him out of it and tell him that you will handle it.
When you bring up the idea of switching clothes, Riddle is hesitant. But when he put on your Demon Slayer Corps and found out how comfortable it was. He put on a clip-on version of your hanafuda earrings, and it took a while to adjust to the added weight to his ears. Plus, they would whack him in the face whenever he turned his head with too much force. There’s also the sword, which he has no idea how to wield. 
When he sees you in his dorm uniform, he blushes. You looked stunning. Then he noticed how you seemed to be wobbling. He looks down and sees that you’re struggling to walk in his heels. He goes and has you grab onto his arms to steady yourself. He tells you that you look like how he imagined the Red Queen looked: regal, beautiful, and graceful (minus the almost-breaking-your-ankles [don’t worry, I can’t walk in heels either]). 
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bisexualraichu · 7 months
since purgatory is ending here is a messy list of random BOLAS?!?!?! moments I liked since they were my main POV
- THE GAS MASK DEATH CULT!!! It was so iconic and I can imagine them just acting like normal when they go home but once in a while making some unnerving reference to the Gas or something 😭 haha remember that time we were in a cult guys that was crazy... *eyes twitching bc of toxic gas abstinence* they will never look at a gas mask the same way again and neither will I
- It was so sweet how much more they bonded and how they mostly tried to log in together. It was surprising how much Charlie logged in this event even off-stream, but even if it isn't his typical gameplay style you could tell he just enjoyed spending time with BOLAS?!?! :')
- All the Dadza jokes lol Loved it when Phil would log off and they'd just be completely lost and be like WHAT DO WE DO NOW??? DO WE FALL AND DIE??? DO WE GIVE EVERYTHING WE HAVE TO BLUE TEAM??? DO WE INVITE BADBOYHALO OVER?? LMAO
- Also Baghera sometimes playing a bratty kid and being super happy whenever she got Phil's approval 😭😭 and the way how this relates to her lore and how she never had a real childhood WAWAWAWAA
- BAGHERA'S CHAINSAW!!! the stuff of Quackity's nightmares LOOL please giver her a chainsaw at Quesadilla 👉👈
- Girlboss gatekeep gaslighter Jaiden... that day she just kept dying and playing up the damsel in distress card and then got kidnapped by the Blue Team AND THEN kidnapped the Green Team(?)'s goblin by complete accident that was so funny lmaooo
- The entirety of Day 2 from Red POV felt like a sitcom episode lol Like Charlie's POV in particular was insane, when he kidnapped the fucking NPC and then chased Quackity and then they tried gaslighting him in global chat akkasjdkkdkd and all that culminating in their first win after a rocky start, that day was just pure CINEMA
- CARRE THE ARGENTINIAN BEAST !!! even if he didn't log in as much I think him being there for the first days was crucial for Red's morale lol, love the way he would mostly play silently and then unmute to say something unhinged, the "ay papi" clip is a one shot kill for me even when I know it's coming
- The fucking "HOLY SHIT KILL YOURSELF" from Jaiden with Charlie going "LET ME GO!! LET ME GO!!" while everyone else equally died in the bg when they got a disaster in day 1...... that clip is everything to me
- Ok the Egg War event in general was so cool. Foolish's castle was the true star of the show and it was great how he and Cellbit worked together to make the perfect fortress. And Cellbit's strategy of not showing the egg's location on-stream made me even more tense as a viewer because I had NO IDEA whether green team was getting close to the egg or not
- Slimeriana reunion! That happened. In the Global Spawn Pool. Yeah. Let us never speak of it again
- That clip of Cellbit oneshotting Tina and her scream being cut off 😭
- The clip of Phil just leaving a serious discussion with Fit and BBH and then seeing Baghera laughing hysterically and her saying "PHILZA GET IN THE VC!! :D" and he gets in and they're just playing loud vaccuum noises while mining sand lmao
- When everyone was discussing the egg statues on VC and Bagi and Cellbit were yelling at each other(in RP) and Bagi called him her brother and Phil went "YOU GUYS ARE SIBLINGS???" and then Cellbit muted her, peak sibling behavior
- Tubbo saying "okay gay murder boy" and Cellbit responding "hows fred btw" and Tubbo logging off LOL I just love every moment of qCellbit and qTubbo being toxic gays towards each other
- And finally, something I'll really miss from this event: when the server would close and all the CCs would hang out together in VC and talk about the day and play games together :'')
could list more but I'm tired and just going off memory. anyways rip purgatory it was def exhausting but overall i did have a lot of fun(definitely more than the election LOL)
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