#it’s fucking happening
ahappyphjl · 8 days
The draft is for the phard phaunch (real)
no it quite literally can be and now i have a headache (worth it)…. whatever it is even the draft was clearly well thought through and had like segments and stuff so…yeah
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marmorada · 11 months
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w4ltenbook · 2 months
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 9 months
just woke up and processed the fact that today is the day we see the rest of that ahsoka and anakin scene and now i’m having heart palpitations
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eddiebun · 2 years
gonna wake up at like 6 am to get ready 🤩🤩 then catch the train at 9:30 oh wowowowowo
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killaura · 2 years
genuinely in full on tears thinking about what’s gonna happen on night five at this rate
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nerdgirlriot · 2 years
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Rise, Community fandom. RISE!!!! *mad scientist laughter*
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mr-malumm · 4 months
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Stayed gone but vox narrates his passive aggressive insecure ass scrolling text from the bottom of his broadcast 👊💥📺
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the-nefarious-vampire · 3 months
as an aroace, im particularly dangerous, because i wont fuck or marry. i only know how to kill.
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spyglassrealms · 1 year
had a fucking hilarious dream that tumblr replaced the "block" function with the far funnier "glock" function, which did the exact same thing except whenever anyone blocked you a random bullet hole, like a png of a bullet hole, would appear on your blog. discourse blogs were unreadable bc you'd go to the page and the sheer amount of bullet hole pngs stacked over the blogs obscured everything. I woke myself up laughing
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inkskinned · 5 months
at the end of the day it's not that you hate your job - actually, you like working, you like routine, you like feeling like an adult - it's that any time you fuck anything up, you feel like you're fucking dying.
because you could be actually fucking dying. because if one day you wake up and you misunderstood something - you could lose your job, and nobody is hiring, and nobody is paying, and nobody takes people like you, and that job you want hasn't gotten back to you. and what exactly are you going to do without insurance? good luck with those meds. you should have thought of that before being a person.
so it's not just that you forgot to CC someone on an email, it's that if you don't have this job, you can't afford rent. it's not that you misread a comment, it's that if you get fired, you will be in massive amounts of unpayable debt. it's not that you are bad at your job, but here are the stakes as they have been decided for you: be perfect or fucking die. like, literally, die. that is how much safety net you have: none.
it's not burnout, technically. but you literally just had two typos in your work, and you're already picturing the ending. you want to throw up & curl up & make it all go away. it is two typos. if he decides he is mad at you, you lose literally everything.
your mom says that you seem stressed. the thing is that you have never known a job that isn't stressful. welcome to capitalism. there is no other road, only this one. what the fuck is a career. you come here, and we hold your life against the barrel of a gun, and somewhere someone is spinning the chamber and pulling. eventually the bullet will come.
you live in a mugging. your boss owns three cars and has four kids. you worry about having enough to feed your dog. good luck. beg for forgiveness. CC the right people next time and be grateful, kid. somebody has it worse than you. someone, probably, has it worse than you. so what if you can't sleep or eat or focus. your work chat sound literally makes you panic. you had to change the sounds of computer notifications so you'd stop having such an upset stomach.
welcome to the real world! the rat race! the dog eat dog circus!
your doctor studies the results and frowns at you. "it's bad for your heart," she says. "try to reduce your levels of stress."
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ninjasmudge · 9 months
last night i had a dream that i was playing minecraft and i noticed i had 77 blocks of cobblestone in one slot instead of it being capped at 64 and it was so jarring to me that it literally booted me out of the dream. like sure you can fly now and your childhood home is a pharmacy but 77 pieces of cobblestone? unthinkable. wake the fuck up.
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loveapologist · 8 months
He changed his mind.
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Support me on PATREON!
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sailoreuterpe · 7 months
Using the bathroom in general is a human right and should be enshrined as such and I'm not joking. Too many groups of people are denied bathroom breaks or the use of bathrooms entirely--disabled people, blue-collar workers, children, homeless people, prisoners, students, the elderly. I'm surely missing other groups. Not using the bathroom when needed can cause serious, long-term damage, not to mention death. Free, clean, accessible bathrooms should be available everywhere. It's fucking cruel to deny someone the use of the bathroom, regardless of the reasoning. I'd rather every student in the world goof off and every homeless person make a mess and every worker "steal company time" than let one person suffer because they're denied the right to fucking pee in peace.
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embraceyourdestiny · 8 months
to any americans who feel "paralyzed" and "dont know what to do" to help with gaza:
reading a fucking book. i beg of you.
in a time of knowledge suppression is it your duty to arm yourself with knowledge.
read about americas occupations in the middle east.
read about 9/11 from outside of america and see how they inflicted senseless harm and violence to countless amounts of people and have been suppressing your rights for the past 2 fucking decades.
read about any of the countless wars from the past 30 years. especially from a civilian's. and the victims and survivors' perspective. listen to the horror stories and do not plug your fucking ears as to what your country is doing.
and read about fucking gaza and palestine and keep up with what is happening no matter how "sad" or "uncountable" you might get.
dont look away from this.
you dont have the right to be comfortable during countless active genocides.
if you're knowledgeable, you're powerful, and our current state doesnt fucking want that.
you have the power to change things if you open your eyes and scream to the world.
wake the fuck up.
Edit: please check the reblogs there are readings and ways to help
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dougielombax · 7 months
I wonder what the largest shellfish is?
Edit: Okay this post is getting a LOT of traction. What is going on?
Edit: Fucking hell.
This post has set off a fucking MINEFIELD!!!
What have I DONE????!!!!!
I’ve lit the blue touch paper and found there’s nowhere to run to!
I’ve summoned a wolf only to unleash a tiger!!!!! Made of fire! And nails.
Edit 2: 5,000 Notes! Good god! What the HELL do you want from me. I’ve never had a post of mine take off like this until now.
Some got close like the one about homeowner associations (fucking powertripping middle aged mediocrities!) which got at least 1.5k notes but this is the most I’ve gotten on a single post so far.
AND this post has officially gone to hell. (6,666 notes)
Edit: 8,000 notes! Holy shit!
Edit: 9,000 notes!!!
Edit: 10,000 notes!!!!!!!!!
Edit: 15,000 notes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit: 20,000 Notes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay never mind it’s back. For now at least.
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