zim-bone-me · 1 month
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you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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zim-bone-me · 2 months
jack and shitty are soulmates like they just are and there’s no other way to explain their friendship
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zim-bone-me · 2 months
i love discovering check please fucking 4 years after it ended bc im just lurking in old blogs and reblogging posts from 6 years ago
except for the still active blogs that i immediately hit follow on LMAO
if you’ve interacted with check please in the past i am so sorry you will be hearing from me
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zim-bone-me · 3 months
Someone on a discord server asked if your blorbos would celebrate the Ides of March and you know what SMH would ABSOLUTELY have an Ides of March kegster complete with a cake bus of Julius Caesar for guests to take chunks out of with plastic butter knives.
Togas required for admittance, obviously - except for Jack, who tries to use this as an excuse not to attend (“Look, I’m not wearing a yoga, I’m not allowed downstairs”) but finally gets bullied into wearing a laurel wreath for a bit.
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zim-bone-me · 3 months
interviewer: so, jack, what was your first big purchase after you joined the falconers? a car? vacation? 
jack, thinking about how the day after his contract was finalized he accepted a $700 venmo request from shitty with the comment “fee for making me watch a documentary on the franco-prussian war”: i got a new watch
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zim-bone-me · 3 months
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Death and the Maiden.
Marianne (Preindlsberger) Stokes.
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zim-bone-me · 4 months
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Nothing says "Suck it, NHL" like one of the winningest NHL goalies and most beloved NHL players smiling on his special night as he accepts $15,000 in honor of an Indigenous charitable organization, months after the NHL tried to prevent him from wearing a helmet designed by an Indigenous artist to benefit that charity!
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zim-bone-me · 4 months
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literally an act of complete & open aggression
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zim-bone-me · 4 months
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frog tweet redraws!!!
(ID in alt and under cut, tweets under cut)
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ID: 1. Nursey, wearing a gray peacoat, and Dex, wearing a brown canvas jacket and a backpack, are walking side by side when two samwell students, one a white girl with a brown ponytail and red sweater and the other a brown boy in a black hoodie, rush up to Nursey surrounded by hearts. The girl asks, "Is that you on the back of the fall schedule?" The boy adds, "We like, need to know!" Nursey grins at them, flattered, and presses a hand to his cheek as he replies "Oh? Yeah, that's me." Dex scowls and rolls his eyes so hard it looks painful, sighing, "Oh god."
2a. Nursey, wearing a yellow puff vest over a long sleeve purple shirt, sitting next to Dex, who is wearing a blue button down over a tee shirt. Nursey grins and nudged Dex with his elbow, asking, "Guess how many cards I got today, Poindexter." Dex, mouth full of pie and another bite poised on his fork, sighs heavily and glares away into the distance, replying after a long pause, "Like 20." 2b. Repeat. Nursey pulls up his hands, one holding out five fingers and the other holding up three, and looks down at them as if checking his count. He says, "Eight. One was from my mom." Dex startles and hunches up, trying to stifle a loud snort of laughter. A chunk of pie flies out of his mouth.
3a. Nursey and Chowder standing side by side in the kitchen, Nursey holding a bowl of filling and Chowder chopping something on the counter offscreen. He is not looking at his hands, but off to the right, where text indicates a Falconers game is playing. Dex is in the background, holding a fresh pie with oven mitts, and calls out, "Hey Chow, pay attention! 3b. Repeat. Chowder says "Huh?" and looks down to his hands just as the knife slips and sends a spurt of blood upward into frame. Dex and Nursey startle, eyes bugging out in shock. Nursey goes visibly gray and drops the bowl he was holding. 3c. Repeat. Nursey slips offscreen completely, fainting. Dex smirks at him and lets out a little "heh" laugh. Chowder looks down at him in concern, pressing a washcloth to his bloody finger. 3d. Later, Nursey sitting on the gross Haus couch with a glass of water, Dex standing next to him with his arms crossed. Dex smirks down at him and teases, "You fainted a little there, huh?" Nursey looks up at him, stern but clearly embarrassed, and says "Chill, that was a lot of blood." Dex pushes, "Boy, you were pale!" Nursey replies blankly, "...Poindexter."
4. Screenshot of a series of tweets by Eric Bittle. a. Nursey: Guess how many cards I got today, Poindexter? Dex: [a long sigh] Dex: like 20. Nursey: Eight. One was from my mom. b. Ah, Dex tried to hide that laugh but there's pie everywhere. c. 15 minutes ago. Chowder: I was paying attention to the Falconers game and I think I cut my finger? Dex: I think Nursey just fainted. Dex: Heh. d. Dex: You fainted a little there, huh? Nursey: Chill that was a lot of blood. Dex: Boy, you were pale! Nursey: ...Poindexter. e. -Nursey Fans- Girl: Is that you on the back of the fall schedule? Boy: We like NEED to know. Nursey: Oh? Yeah that's me. Dex: Oh GOD. /end ID
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zim-bone-me · 4 months
shitty majoring in gender and sexuality focused on masculinity studies and team sports which is super interesting and cool (and a space where it can actually be refreshing to have male voices) and it may be tempting to read the double major in poli sci as focusing on gender equality and lgbt rights but there's a world where he focused on cold war tensions and how the soviet union and the united states used sports as an arena for competition, sports as an arena of political protest and defining piece of the nation state in itself, also the exploitation of athletes across racial gender and class divisions in college and in professional leagues
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zim-bone-me · 6 months
tbh one of my favorite tropes in the omgcp fandom is jack zimmerman putting his foot in his mouth every time he tries to flirt with bitty and getting embarrassed and flustered and then blushes GOD
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zim-bone-me · 6 months
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some more baking is punk as fuck doodles of jack :)
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zim-bone-me · 6 months
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doubling down 😌
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zim-bone-me · 6 months
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literally an act of complete & open aggression
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zim-bone-me · 6 months
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zim-bone-me · 6 months
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zim-bone-me · 7 months
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who let these two get dressed out of the same closet
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