#it’s almost like they’re my two favorite characters of all time and i draw and write for them constantly lol
quibbs126 · 3 days
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And now I have made a part 3 of the human Cookies, this time featuring the Legendaries
You know I’m noticing that recently I’ve been drawing a lot more. I mean I’ve drawn 3 pieces in the last two days and I drew stuff last week. Seems my medication is at least helping something, even if it’s not me doing actual work to get my life together like my parents hoped. But hey, it personally makes me happy I’m drawing more, so it’s at least somewhat of a win
I think I was spurred on to do this one because I was playing around with the Mii maker on my 3DS, and I was making Cookies and started making the Legendaries
I will say, the Legendaries are probably some of the more difficult characters to translate into normal humans, since their designs are more fantastical. Almost all of their hair is made of something not normal, like fire, grass or water, so I have to try and make it at least semi-cohesive. It also means a lot of hair dye
I admit, while Wind Archer doesn’t look terrible, he does look very boring, like a generic guy. But frankly I just don’t see him using hair dye, or getting a lot of piercings. He doesn’t feel like someone who would to me, and so he looks boring
On the subject of designs I’m not satisfied with, I think Sugar Swan came out the worst. I just legit didn’t know what to do with her design. I’m a proponent of short haired Sugar Swan, so I gave her that, but I don’t think it turned out the best. I also wasn’t sure how to incorporate all the wings and swan thing on her head. I got that but it’s not that great
Originally in Sugar Swan’s spot was Millennial Tree, but he wasn’t turning out great so I tried doing Sugar Swan in his spot. Maybe that spot was just cursed or something
I think my personal favorite of the bunch is Sea Fairy, I think she turned out fun. Honestly I can see her going either way with the hair dye, so might as well just give her the blue. The buzz cut thing was actually something I got from another Sea Fairy design that I really like. I was debating between her having black or dirty blonde hair, but I eventually settled on the blonde
Moonlight and Stardust were pretty fun. With Stardust, I wasn’t sure whether I should have him dye his whole hair blue or have him bleach the front of his hair. I asked on Discord and they said the latter, so that’s what I did. But also note, I realized that if I were to try and give him bleached front and also potentially blue tips, he would have had Yugi Moto anime hair, but just flattened down instead of all spiky. Like I’ve seen people draw Yugi with hair similar to it
I wasn’t really feeling it after Sugar Swan’s failed design, but Fire Spirit got my mojo back, I think he turned out good. And with that I was able to make a Millennial Tree design I liked a lot more (while also looking at someone else’s interpretation of his design and deciding to use locs as well). Maybe not the best but not as bad as it was before
I kind of threw in Frost Queen because last spot and also she is an elemental Legendary. With her, instead of her hair being dyed, it’s supposed to be that her hair has actually turned white from either stress or age, with a tiny bit of her blonde still there at the ends. Don’t know why I picked blonde other than light color though
In my head while I was drawing, I was trying to come up with human things for them to do, but I really only got as far as the Dessert guys and the Wizard guys
Moonlight is the heiress of the “Wizard’s” estate, and she lives there and is the self proclaimed custodian. I’m not really sure what Blueberry Pie and Sugar Glass are doing there, but they’re probably also here. I also don’t know what the estate really is, I just have the idea that it’s a big place that the “Wizards” used as a research place, until they just stopped using it or disbanded or died or something. Stardust meanwhile is either Moonlight’s half brother she didn’t know about, or they’re full siblings who were orphaned and then separated at a young age via the foster care system. Stardust’s journey there would be him learning of his sister and her location and then I suppose hitchhiking his way there until he arrived
Meanwhile, Sugar Swan owns this wildlife preserve, which is the Dessert Paradise (probably goes by another name but I can see “Paradise” still being in the name), meanwhile the Dessert guardians, including Wind Archer, are the other caretakers that manage and guard the preserve. Are they also Sugar Swan’s kids? Maybe, I don’t know. Wind Archer probably is though, and maybe Millie’s his dad, I’m not sure
Frost Queen I think is just an accomplished doctor who lives in a more remote area and takes care of patients with a rare condition that she specializes in the treatment of (and also contracted herself when she was younger). She also just kind of dresses like that I guess
Genuinely I don’t know what Fire Spirit does, he might just be like, Pitaya’s adopted son or works under Pitaya, I don’t know. I can’t see him with much of a job
I imagine Sea Fairy has some sort of job (that she might neglect), but I have no clue what that job would be, since it presumably impacts both Black Pearl and Abyss Monarch in some big way, so like, running an aquarium might be too low stakes. Her crush on Moonlight might be something like she met this cute astronomer one time at some sort of astronomy conference or something, but she doesn’t know where she lives and so doesn’t know how to meet her again. Moonlight also thought she was cute, but again, doesn’t know where she lives
And yeah, I think that’s about it. I hope you enjoy these designs
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dragonsdendoodles · 2 months
hello! do you have any enorace hcs youd like to share?
Off the top of my head (because it is midnight where I am and also I don’t want to make this the longest list I’ve ever made):
They both crushed on each other for multiple decades, but neither of them said anything because they didn’t want to mess up their friendship, internalized homophobia, and they didn’t think the other liked boys anyway
Horace is gay (duh) and Enoch doesn’t necessarily care about gender other than he just doesn’t like girls. For a while he was pretty insecure about this and if I may ever so slightly tweak canon, those “ymbryne crushes” were an attempt to tell the others he was definitely straight guys I promise (because read them and tell me I’m wrong.)
When they finally stopped being scared of each other and actually started dating, they told nobody. They tried to avoid anyone finding out for as long as possible (not because of any homophobia, just because they knew they’d get teased beyond belief about it) but they weren’t exactly subtle, so everyone else found out pretty quickly anyway.
Pretty much nothing changed between them when they got together except now they can do things like cuddle on the couch and kiss and stuff. They are best friends and boyfriends and they always have been and forever will be absolute menaces to society together.
Enoch isn’t overtly affectionate in front of other people but he will absolutely grab his boyfriend and kiss him while you watch to prove a point and call someone out for being a dick. Horace’s opinion on PDA of any kind is “excuse you, no, go away, this is MY thing. You can’t watch. Get out.”
In Hollow City they were absolutely not “too proud to snuggle”, they were gay panicking and didn’t want anyone (especially the other) to know it. Fight me.
Whenever they want to talk privately and just focus on each other, they sit with their foreheads together and whisper to each other. Horace really likes the nuzzling.
When they hold hands, their demeanors completely swap. Horace becomes calm and carefree, anything that was bothering him just kinda stops mattering, and Enoch is in full gay panic mode. The others think this is hilarious.
Enoch is one of the two people in Miss Peregrine’s house known for giving the best hugs because he does it so rarely, so the fact that Enoch hugs are something Horace gets regularly when they start dating is one of his favorite things ever.
While he absolutely still messes with and makes fun of Horace for everything under the sun, Enoch is surprisingly gentle when it comes to his boyfriend. He tells Horace every time it comes to his mind how much he loves him, and how proud he is of him for everything he does, and how he still doesn’t understand how on earth he managed to be with him but that he wouldn’t trade it for his life if he had to.
When Horace has a nightmare, Enoch’s the first at his side to comfort him. If he wakes up from it before it wakes anyone else, he goes straight to the basement for cuddles until morning. Protecting Horace from his nightmares is the only way you will ever find Enoch sleeping in his actual bed.
They are chaotic as always, and they still bicker like there’s no tomorrow, but they know they have each other. They’re in love, and that’s really all they need. 🖤💜
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rogues-the-fanzine · 4 months
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Catie: Do you think the henchmen need to unionize?
Cato: actually….if they HAVE to, but, I don’t think they-
Ed barges into the door with a BAM and angry footsteps 
Catie and Cato: wait what?-
Edward: you’re going to explain to me why you’ve been in the Rogues! The Podcast fandom for HOW LONG and yet you NEVER talk about me even though I’m the main character!
Catie: have you like actually seen my content? I talk about you like exclusively 
Edward: (sticks his hand up to silence Catie) Oh we all know what happened to your “content” while you were in England. 
Edward: AND YOU…you’re a TRAITOR! You wear that symbol and color with SHAME!
Cato: Pink and Green are complementary colors, I have a brand to keep up with. 
Edward: That is NOT an excuse. The idea that you are that good at drawing Jonathan Crane is vile. And now…you’re going to make it up to me. 
Cato and Catie: Wait what? (Huh?) 
Edward: You are going to tell ME about the spectacular, well thought out plan YOU have CREATED. To apologize to ME for your atrocious lack of Riddler themed content
Edward: So what is it?? What’s that great master plan of yours? I’m listening and awaiting an answer. 
Cato and Catie fumble a bit as they try to speak on their behalf. This could be improvised between Catie and Cato while recording. 
Catie snaps her fingers at a probable solution.
Catie: The Zine!!! We have a zine. 
Cato: You are the main character in our upcoming Zine.
Catie: a big art collaboration featuring 36 fantastic artists, all drawing YOUR likeness. 
Cato: including an exclusive interview with-
Edward: wow! Don’t care, tell me the parts about ME. 
Cato: well… It features many illustrations, writings, and Comics from various moments from the hit ‘ROGUES! The Podcast’ 
Catie: it features mainly you, and plenty of background characters such as Jonathan Crane, Oswald Cobblepot, Laura Cameron, Query and Echo, and more! But it’s all just for highlighting your existence and greatness as The Riddler.
Edward: …. You’re just kissing my ass aren't you. This zine isn’t just about me! You’re lying! 
Catie: Actually statistically you’re featured in 25 pieces while Jonathan Crane for example is only in ____ pieces which is like a ___ difference.
Edward: Do I look like someone who doesn’t know basic arithmetic?
There are some strong knocks on the door
Cato: I’ll get it. 
Cato opens the door revealing Jonathan Crane
Jon: Well well well I knew I heard a narcissist and my favorite overreacter! Have any drawings of me yet? You know people go crazy when you draw me (Jon chuckle) 
Cato: (forced laughter) HAHAHAHA! I'm gonna go to the other room now. 
Catie: (forced laughter) HAHHAHAHAHA. You’re gonna sit down. HAHAHAHAHA
Cato: (forced laughter turns to defeat) OK OK. 
Edward: No no! They’re not drawing you! They have a lot of drawings of ME to catch up on since this little Zine project isn’t even centered around me!
Jon: Of course it’s not all about you Ed. It’s Rogues! The fanzine not Riddler! The fanzine
Catie and Cato: that's right!
Catie: it features almost everyone that appears in Rogues! the podcast!
Cato: including iconic scenes from all the seasons and special events like Lockup’s Lockdown and murder in the house of mystery
Captain Boomerang for some reason: am I in it?
Catie and Cato: NO
Edward: You know. This could be a good thing. More people would see how much better I am.
Jon: You are insufferable, you know that right?
Edward: And I’m in more zine pieces than you. That means some people find me charming.
Jon: you two. When is this zine thing out?
Catie: January 31st!
Cato: and it’s free so you don’t have to pay to see it
Edward: Ah, perfect. People don’t even have to pay to see Jon’s ugly mug
Jon: Oh you're funny. That was funny.
Cato: you know what would be funny? If you guys left right now.
Catie: yeah you interrupted Cato’s vampire Jon drawing time 
Jon: Vampire Jon?
Edward: And that is our cue to leave! You two need to feature me more! 
Catie/Cato: yes sir will do!
Jon and Edward leave
Cato: I’m killing you
Catie: WHAT DID I DO!?
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leafofkudzu · 4 months
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Hello and happy endless January! Despite how long this month may have seemed, it is almost over - and that means it's soon time for another art party hosted by my guild, Verdant Shield [VS]! We're taking a little tour of the cozy size of the jungle this time, over at Mabon Market in Caledon!
For those who aren’t familiar with art parties, they’re a concept carried over from Final Fantasy XIV - in-game get-togethers for artists/writers/creatives of all types to hang out, chat, and create together! Get your favorite character/look together, head to the location, find someone that catches your eye, and create! Afterwards, everyone posts their creations in a shared tag (ours is #VSArtParty) so others can see, interact, and share! Tl;dr: the ‘goal’ of an art party isn’t to be drawn, but to draw others, and share with the community!
Time and /squadjoin information is under the cut, but will also be posted again via reblogs as the squads go up on the day of the party!
Location Information:
Caledon Forest is a nice easily-accessible map for everyone, and Mabon Market even has its own dedicated waypoint (that is, Mabon Waypoint)! I imagine we'll kind of scatter out across the market and beach, so don't take my exact location in this screenshot too seriously!
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Time & Squad Details:
As we always do, we'll be having two parties - one on EU servers and one on NA ones - with an hour break in between. People tend to arrive early and/or jump between accounts as soon as the break comes up, so don't be surprised to see tags and announcements going up ahead of schedule!
The first party will be on EU servers and begin at 9pm Central European Time (aka 3pm Eastern Standard Time or 4 hours before in-game reset). I’ll be hosting on my EU alt account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Aemryn of Dusk for an invite.
The second party will be on NA servers and begin at 7pm Eastern Standard Time (aka 1am Central European Time or at in-game reset). I’ll be hosting this one on my main account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Kirslyn for an invite.
Closing Words:
A few days ago some nasty info came to the surface about various GW2 sources being scraped for AI purposes, with tumblr tags specifically being mentioned. Though I certainly wouldn't blame anyone for being discouraged and not wanting to draw at all (even this post was delayed because of it), I think at the end of the day, even if you don't post anything publicly, you still shouldn't deny yourself the company and community of your fellow creatives! If you'd like to make this art party have more of a focus on screenshots, or even just hang out and not draw at all, please feel free - your presence is what makes these parties...well, parties, after all!
If you are still interested in posting your artwork though, please check out Glaze and Nightshade as potential ways to protect yourself (and hurt AI datasets) if you haven't already! And even if you don't do that, make sure to slap signatures/watermarks/etc wherever you can. This may be a disheartening time for us, but it doesn't mean we have to stop doing what we love.
So, whether you're coming to create or just to hang out, I look forward to seeing you all this Saturday. Take care, stay safe, and see you soon! ♥
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ja3honey · 6 months
Hey!!!! First of all, I’d like to say that you are probably one of my favorite fic writers out here and I’m always so excited to read your fics! I would like to submit something for the sleepover party (it’s my first time so I hope I’m doing this right). I wanted to ask for a Yunho or Wooyoung (you pick) x reader where they’re watching her favorite movie, like Romeo and Juliet or Pirates of the Caribbean, and the reader is so entranced she’s mouthing all the lines. The Ateez member notice, and it turns him on, like a lot, to see her so passionate about the movie. Right before the characters kiss on screen, he quotes the lines back to her, to her surprise, (he learnt it just for this), and then kisses her, and the two start having passionate sex…. Is that okay? Or is this too complicated? If it is, Dw!!! (Sorry I wrote so much 😅)
Thank youu baby, for the send, hehe. I'm gonna be honest with you i haven't seen pirates of the Caribbean, but i have seen a few different types of Romeo and juliet plays. But I've never watched the films of it, ahhah. Also, i picked Yuyu cause I'm down bad for actor yunho ahah
But let's imagine...
Yunho is leaning back along the couch his left arm draped over the cushions, and the other resting on your lower back drawing shapes lightly on your exposed skin. His legs were spread wide, his thigh leaning snugly against your crossed legs. Your eyes are glued to the screen as you watched your favorite version of Romeo and Juliet for what seems like the millionth time.
This was only Yunho's second time watching it—well as fair as you knew—. He had secretly watched a few scenes over and over to remember the lines. Specifically, the love confession. He knew how much of a romantic you were, so when you asked to watch it, he was thrilled to watch it with you so he could put his plan into action.
His eyes were stuck on you, watching the way you smiled or how you mouthed the words softly. Your eyebrows knotted when a character kissed another. Or how your face turned red when someone said a flirtatious line. You were so smitten for romance. And then, as the scene starts, Yunho can't help but grin.
"Lady, by yonder blessed moon, I swear. That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops—"
Your head whipped so quickly that you swore it almost snapped. Your eyes were wide, and your throat went dry. Yunho's smile only grew, his legs spreading wider. "What shall I swear by?"
Your lips quivered a tear building on the corner of your eye. "If my heart's dear love—"
His hand that was playing with your back now slowly snaked around your waist, sitting up to tug you slowly towards him. You let him manhandle you until you were perched on his right thigh. "O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?"
He whispered that line, his lips so close to yours, and then you finally responded. Your fingers lacing into his loose shirt, "What satisfaction canst thou have to-night?"
"The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine." You could feel his hot breath on your face. His hands gripped your ass slightly, grinding your body forward so your chest was flushed against his. You had forgotten the movie entirely now as you leaned in to seal your lips against his own. Your mouths move in sync like a play only the two of you can perform. Your hands, dance along one another, feeling every curve and imperfection. Neither of you could tell when or how clothes were lost or how Yunho ended up on top of you. But as the movie drew to a climax, he made sure you did too. Sunk so beautiful on his cock, he listened to your moans like his favorite song.
His thrusts, were so gentle, so moving. Like he spoke words of endearment without his voice. His fingers laced with yours, as his lips kiss any part of your skin. “My Romeo.” You’d whisper.
“My Juliet,” He murmured back.
anywayyss hehe. I hope you like this. I tried making it more of a poetic thingy i dont't know. but also thank you for sending in an asks again. ♡♡♡
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ryuichirou · 3 months
Today we talk about Idia ships again + the Leech parents (there is a sketch down there) + some other random stuff!
Anonymous asked:
i found out that one of my favorite western artists has a partner whose art i also like. that makes them the third english speaking artist couple that i can count on for my favorite cesty ships (two shroudcest and the other is of another fandoms' ships), and that includes you two on the list :D i just think it's funny and cute enough to share
Ohh, that’s so cool and adorable! I love artistic duos hehehehe.
Thank you for telling us, Anon! I’m happy that we are on your list ❤️
Anonymous asked:
Do you like reading or hearing about other folks OCs?
I do, but unfortunately I don’t have time, energy or mental capacity to do it these days. There are a lot of people waiting for me to reply at this point and I feel bad enough for making them wait…
Whenever I draw commissions though, I like it when a person talks about the character a little bit. It helps me to get a better feeling of what the character is like as I draw them.
Anonymous asked:
So you have who Idia would be the happiest with…now who would he be the worst off with? Also who would he have the most toxic relationship with and why?
Hmm, let’s just say that any ship that we have with Idia has some potential to become toxic at some point. Especially considering the fact that we kind of love toxic ships lol Ortho/Idia is toxic in a way: aside for obvious reasons, they have codependency, and them being together would enable Idia to never poke his nose out of his shell. But even if this situation ends up being a huge mess and dynamic becomes completely unhealthy, I can’t imagine Idia being miserable or unhappy in any way: Ortho is his everything.
Speaking of shells, Azul/Idia also has a lot of toxic potential, and this is really the point of our Marriage AU with these two. They work well together, and they would have happy moments, they could even end up being an almost healthy couple if they work through their issues (and both of them got plenty), but it requires a lot of dedication, empathy and being able to compromise, and they kind of lack some of these things. Communication also matters – Azul doesn’t want to show his vulnerable side and doesn’t even register some of his own emotions, and Idia doesn’t want to burden himself with helping Azul through this either. So it’s very possible for Idia to realise that he is very unhappy with Azul after some time… well, we talked about it a lot in replies about Idia escaping Azul’s “golden cage” in the AU. It could also take a very dark turn, because Azul is capable of doing scary things when he is hurt, and he is very jealous, petty and vindictive.
Can’t say much about Lilia, because as we established it wouldn’t be much of a relationship, but all the time they would spend together would probably be a happy time for Lilia and Idia; the only thing that sours this experience and makes it a horrible memory is the fact that it would end at some point.
The Tweels would probably be an easy answer for this question lol But then again, they wouldn’t really date… but realistically, Idia is the worst off with them. They’re just playing with Idia, even if they genuinely like him. Even if they’re obsessed with him and want to keep him by their side forever, he is still more of a pet than a partner, and that’s kind of toxic lol
I guess Sebek is also an option, but if they miraculously end up having an affair, it would probably end pretty soon :( It would be a very fast yet toxic storm of emotions lol
Speaking of Sebek…
Anonymous asked:
I notice that in several different posts that Sebek never really sees Idia as an equal rather as someone who should feel lucky that he even has Sebek’s attention for any amount of time. On the flip side, though, I also noticed that Sebek also gets jealous (such as in the Evil Exes post and the reply where he caught Lilia and Idia doing it). Is this a purely possessive thing where he thinks that Idia has no business being with anyone else because reasons, does he genuinely have feelings for him, or does it just hurt his feelings in a general sort of way? What are they, really, in their own minds?
Hehehe SEBEIDE MY LOVELIESSSS thank you for sending an ask about them, Anon! I’m happy to talk about them. And that you saw the Evil Exes post, which means you’re from ko-fi. Thank you for supporting us <3
Sebek is very confused: it’s probably a mix of everything that you’ve described. He doesn’t like Idia because he irritates him and makes him mad in record times with just one little provocation or snarky remark. Idia goes against everything that Sebek believes in, therefore in his mind they are… what exactly? Sebek can’t really pinpoint it, and he probably won’t even want to do so. Even if they have sex several times, Sebek flip-flops between “this is a huge mistake, why would I do it” and “I’m blessing your pathetic self with my glory and you should be thankful”. This is the level of Sebek’s own understanding.
In actuality, he does enjoy the intimacy; he does get thrilled when Idia provokes him. Maybe it’s due to the fact that Idia is just so wrong on so many levels in Sebek’s mind, but he is drawn to him. He wants to fix him, to break his cynical mind into understanding that he is wrong and Sebek is right. But Sebek only gets more mocking, which means no closure, which means the obsession grows stronger.
Is he jealous? Yeah, on a very childish level. He doesn’t like Idia, but he enjoys whatever they have, so he feels possessive. It also feels super wrong to him that people like Lilia would treat Idia any better than he deserves to be treated.
But also Sebek probably wants to be special to Idia. The fact that he spent all this energy screaming his truths into Idia’s snarky face and breaking his body into obedience and yet that ended up meaning absolutely nothing is very painful for his poor soul lol He desperately wants him to say “thank you, Sebek, for explaining to me how the world works”.
As for Idia… he absolutely tries not to think about it and to keep Sebek’s role in his life to a minimum. Even if they were to have sex, Idia probably puts the responsibility completely on Sebek, because it’s always him who initiates things. It’s not Idia’s fault that Sebek’s head is so far up his own ass that he doesn’t understand that he is just horny, and that Idia just happens to be an easy target because he is helpless against this beast. And yes, it doesn’t matter that Idia enjoys it too!
That being said, I think over time, if their relationship continued, Sebek would become calmer and would get used to Idia’s behaviour, at least on some level. He’d still get provoked by him, but he’d become more aware about it and even catch Idia’s intentions from time to time. After Idia’s next even worse remark he’d snap again lol But I do believe that despite this insurmountable obstacle Sebek can develop genuine feelings for Idia and they can get an actual working relationship, Sebek just needs more experience interacting with various people and becoming more open-minded, like Lilia wants him to be.
Anonymous asked:
headcanon that no one asked for, but I kind of love the idea that Idia has a thing for the reliable businessman type. Like, he may say that it doesn't matter who his internet friends are in real life, but he has still unconsciously built this image of Crimson Muscle as a serious older man with a job and a family, and sometimes he gets pretty worried about it. "He always takes the lead with no hesitation, does he have some important executive job irl? Wait, is he married? Agh, what am I saying, that's not something I should be worrying about... I'm his gaming buddy, not some kind of "other woman"! Oh, but he definitely has kids, hasn't he? Oh sevens... what if they are my age? If he finds out would he start treating me like I'm just a brat?". He can't decide if he likes the idea of a steamy romance with an older man (pull yourself together Idia, that'd never happen), or if he is just scared of losing one of his closest friends
I don’t even have much to add, Anon, you nailed it. I absolutely agree that this is the case for Idia. I don’t know why he is so drawn to this image of the older reliable businessman type man who is so experienced and so mature and serious and probably has his own life and family (and yet finds time to hang out with him!)… but he absolutely is. That silly boy.
Anonymous asked:
Do you think Mrs. Rosehearts would look exactly like Madam Red if she ever gets fully revealed?
Good question, both of them are doctors too, aren’t they?
I think Madam Red is too stylish for Mrs. Rosehearts, if that makes sense?? She is one bold woman, and Mrs. Rosehearts strikes me as someone who prefers very old-fashioned kind of look.
Victorian era Madam Red would somehow look more modern than Mrs. Rosehearts lol I also think she doesn’t wear lipstick.
Anonymous asked:
Hey Ryuichi, you probably heard of the Leech Mob theory. Apparently, it's hinted a few times that their parents are in the Mob. So i was wondering how do you picture their parents? As in personally and Appearance?
I enjoy reading how every fan pictures different versions of the Leech parents. I feel like Floyd is more like his dad, while Jade is more like his mom.
( Also, apparently, they have a grandma, too))
Yeah, it’s a pretty obvious thing! We really like that the Octa-boys have this yakuza/mafia motif, and the fact that whenever they talk about their family, it’s always kinda….ehhh... 😳 God how much I hope we’ll get to see their parents! AND THEIR GRANDMA TOO!
I made a rough sketch of how I picture them, but just like with the Ace’s brother sketch from the other day, the designs aren’t 100% concrete yet and we might change some stuff about them. Well, this time this isn’t even much of a design, just silhouettes lol But I think it’s still pretty easy to tell the overall vibe. The dad is freakishly massive and intimidating; the mom is very elegant but dangerous nonetheless.
Also, based on how they look, I guess I agree that Floyd is more like their dad and Jade is more like their mom lol
When it comes to their personalities, I think Papa Leech has this wild, scary and sadistic side that made him a legend in his own way, and he is chaotic in some ways, but he is also very disciplined and makes sure that everyone knows their place. He’s your typical mafia boss, the one which makes an entire room get silent as soon as he just walks in there. He is also a bit calmer now that he used to be + has a bit of a… silly? Side? He gets very into movies when he watches them, he talks to characters, yells at them, sobs when a dog dies, all this stuff. Sometimes he is a fun dad (although his idea of “fun” is sometimes scary), but he is the one who disciplines Jade and Floyd the most.
And Mama Leech is a huge worrywart, but only with her kids. With them she is dramatic and fussy, a bit overprotective, but it’s also not 100% obvious if she is genuinely worried about them or just completely messes with them. She kind of likes embarrassing her boys lol She is also a master of emotional manipulation and is much scarier and more powerful than she actually looks. She also prefers to make it seems like she is just a sweet obedient wife, but Papa Leech married her because of how deadly she actually is.
(don’t mind how sketchy the sketch is, it was a quick one)
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atechnobladeapologist · 2 months
Paralels between Emerald duo and Codebreakers (canons and headcanons).
First of all they are my favorites character, I cannot even put in words how much I like them, my brain is gonna rot.
Personally I dont like to see the relationship that Phil have with them as something pathernal, but more as something close to the idea of the Moiral quadrant that we had on homestuck.
For you who saved your ass and stayed farrr away from this webcomic (just joking dont take that part too serious), Moirail basicly are besties that has a strings and specials bond, Moirail it’s that person who you feel safe to open up and talk about problems and feelings. That’s it if I dont mistaken me, omg my memorie is so poor, but look if Im wrong this is still the concept that Im looking for okay :c
Based on it, we should normalize kiss your best- COF COF, I mean, normalize writing an open love letter to your best friend in a pretty platonic way (Im not being ironic).
In short, they are best friends, bros, buddys.
Yeh I talk too much, too much, lesgo then.
The totem thing. I like to think Philza is pretty concerned with the boys, because Techno and Elotes are almost two ambulant suicidals just because of the totens, yet Phil is just like omggg sit down and stay quiet just for two entire minutes. I imagine Phil have constantly to bandage and sew up their wounds, SPECIALLY with Etoiles, that French Beast thing and his way of looking at thing intensifies this a lot.
I have a really strong headcanon that in both codebreakers and emerald duo Techno and Etoiles have a very strong relationship with Mumza because of the times they almost died (a pretty fun relationship btw, I bet she gives advices and philosophizes about life with them), at the point they know her even BEFORE know Philza or as long as they know him, and all this often without Philza even knowing, and when he descovers he goes like: WHAT?!
Even though Philza doesnt look physically as strong as them (I like to think he is, for real) the two still admire the man as if he were a super cool older friend, and besides none of them show it to Phil or tell him, they both are like: LOOK that cool guy is MY FRIEND, how cool, isnt it?
Headcanon, the warriors already cried in front him.
I know that Techno is pretty concerned about his reputation in a certain way but I really like to pass this to Etoiles too, Imagine a moment where they are showing friendly affection for eachother with a hug or something, and out of nowhere they break up and Etoiles says, “man, I’m enjoying this but it hurts my reputation”, even when theres NO ONE close to see it, they’re just so out of touch they have ashamed of it, in the most fluffy way you can imagine that, it’s pretty funny imagine beasts, unshakable warriors that just cant deal with a hug of their best friend.
Techno hear voices, Etoiles get the paranoid <3
They have wavy and curly hair and sometimes Phil helps them to finish their hair, for techno he usually braid his all hair and for Etoiles he do a tiny terere on the side. Philza encourage both to take more care of their hair because he likes the curls and waves.
Techno and Etoiles have completly unexpected hobbies, I like to think that tech know how to sew and he have a whole sketchbook just for crosquis and Etoiles constantly draw and makes small wood sculptures, cute things because he usually gives to Pomme. We can invert this too btw, I think it matchs with both!
Despite Phil’s warnings they simply refuse to have a healthy sleep schedule.
If it was necessary they would sacrifice themselfs for keep the oldman safe.
I didn’t talk much about Phil :c but I was trying to do something more focused on Tecchnoblade and Etoiles in the relationship with him ya know? Maybe another time I’ll do something for our blondie girlie pop.
I truly like how those duos are simillary with eachother even when one of them are different people. Btw codebreakers should be more contrast on the fandom hihi.
Just to remember English is not my mother language so sorry for the poor words choose.
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radiohead-spiderman · 5 months
My Golden Trio Headcanons (some modern some not)
Oddly good at beer pong.
One time caught the snitch in his mouth and almost died.
Is REALLY good at cooking(less headcanon and more actually canon)
Loves the rain, absolutely hates thunder.
Had American southern tea ONCE and never looked at Earl Grey the same way again (Hermione gets upset about it every time they get tea together)
Soap opera lover(he watches them with Ron)
Is really good at drawing birds specifically.
He’s good at pottery but can only make bowls and plates.
Chess lover, both magic AND muggle(that’s canon but I’m including it anyways)
When Harry tried American sweet tea for the first time, Ron got to try fried butter for the first time too, he promptly inhaled it.
He hates crabs.
He often has stare offs with Crookshanks which either end with Ron getting mauled, or Crookshanks getting locked out of the room.
Is a DIEHARD Beastie Boys fan, Hermione introduced him to them and he hasn’t looked back since.
His favorite color is the exact shade of brown that Hermione’s eyes are :)
Soap opera lover(he watches them with Harry)
Wears bright neon crocs, has worn them on dates with Hermione before, will wear them on dates with Hermione again.
Got a buzz cut one time and Hermione screamed in pure unbridled terror when she saw it(she did not speak for him for a week, he had to magically grow it back)
Bad at pottery but loves playing with the clay.
Aroace spectrum(because I love projecting onto characters and it’s canon in my eyes)
One time tried to straighten her hair and both Ron and Harry got scared when they saw it(it did not work)
Knows ALL of the Elder Scrolls lore
Has played Skyrim to completion over 19 times.(that is not an exaggeration, she’s pulled various all nighters)
HORRIFIC sleep schedule
Will not read romance, UNLESS it’s completely historically accurate.
Bad at drawing, really good at pottery oddly enough.
While she’s good at pottery, she absolutely despises the feel of wet clay, and then the feel of dry clay on her skin so she doesn’t sculpt stuff without gloves on.
Hates the texture of pasta, it has to be made in a VERY specific way for her to enjoy it.
Doesn’t like being smooched on the temple because it’s too close to her eyes and she thinks it’s unsanitary.
Had a seafood boil one time and was out like a light for a full DAY.
Tried a vegan diet for like a year but she accidentally ate a wet piece of ham in a sleep deprived delirium.
Beans on toast FIEND.
One time had a five day mental breakdown over magic and specifically quidditch brooms not following the laws of physics.
Dinosaur nerd.
Dr Strange and Reed Richards fan
Golden Trio:
They have a book club, Ron’s favorite genre is a mix between really cheesy badly written romances and westerns, Harry’s favorite genre is murder mysteries and philosophy, funnily enough, Hermione doesn’t like murder mysteries because she guesses the plot/plot twists and they’re always correct, she usually only reads non-fiction but she occasionally likes accurate science fiction and she also enjoys biographies.
Hermione once sat them down to watch a bunch of muggle movies, some Harry recognized, while Ron was just utterly entranced by the television, occasionally shaking Harry’s shoulder when something happened on screen.
While Hermione was finishing her seventh/ “eighth” year she was sent at LEAST ten letters DAILY, from both Ron and Harry.
They shared an apartment for like two years and would quiet often all sleep in the same bed.
That habit followed them into adulthood, and they occasionally sleep in the same bed.
Both Harry and Ron, along with Ginny, will flaunt Hermione being the minister, often.
Harry has forced the other two to rewatch every Star Wars movie, more than ten times.
Ron and Hermione broke up one time in their relationship and Harry was more distraught than both of them combined.
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dokidokitsuna · 1 year
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Halcandran Days
Watching playthroughs of Return to Dreamland DX and seeing Halcandra again made me surprisingly nostalgic for this old comic project I had…basically, my idea was that when Susie disappeared as a child, she ended up on Halcandra with Magolor, and they grew up together while she tried to find a way to get home.  At the time, I considered it the definitive backstory for Magolor and Susie in my little gijinka universe, and it’s a large part of the reason why I almost always write these two characters as friends, even to this day. ^^
The script was very character-focused; lots of long conversations between these innocent-yet-edgy children who argued with each other all the time. ^^; I can see why I didn’t finish drawing it, but after re-reading it there’s not much I would change. I think what I enjoyed the most was the bittersweet undertones, like having Susie talk about how much she misses her father and how anxious she is to get home…while knowing the plot of Planet Robobot and that Haltmann won’t even recognize her. :[ Or establishing Magolor as someone scared of everything and desperate to be liked…while knowing the plot of KRtDL and that these insecurities eventually morph into an insatiable desire for power. 8[ Like, even as these kids slowly learn to get along and have lots of cute moments together, they have no idea how much misery lies in store for them in the future, and that fact hangs over the story like a cloud. ^^;;;
Anyway, so this post doesn’t end on such a depressing note, here’s a couple of my favorite plot points: -Susie is the one who teaches Magolor how to lie. ^^ Baby Mags’ collection of research material is his whole world, and at first he doesn’t even understand the point of engaging with things that aren’t true. Susie, on the other hand, was raised surrounded by capitalist BS and knows the advantages of getting people to trust you and believe what you want them to. She actually lies to him a lot throughout the story (usually just to spare his feelings, as one does with a little child) and he resents it every time…of course, as the reader, we know that he’ll eventually come to appreciate and emulate her behavior, now that deception is his trademark character trait. ^^ I thought this was surprisingly clever, considering how long ago I wrote it. -Security Force is based on Metal General for a reason! ^^ Basically, there’s a story beat in which Susie and Mags travel to Egg Engines, where they’re attacked by the Metal General…but when it gets damaged in an accident, they decide to have mercy and repair it, and in return it helps them acquire an Energy Sphere. From that point on, the three remain friends, and Susie promises to get her father to build a robot just like it someday…and as the reader we know this does happen, despite it all. I just really enjoy this story beat; it’s the sweetest and the best-written, and if I ever were to resurrect any part of this comic, that’s the one I would pick.<3
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Your writing kills me in all the best ways 🥺 even for characters I don't care about!!
Could I request 6 & 11 with Javi from the comfort prompts?
Send me a comfort prompt!
Thank you my dear 🫶
*Deténgase, por favor - Pull over, please
Prompts: Bringing them their favorite beverage; Stopping by their workplace on your way home late at night with the hunch that they’re still there
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"God, it's late," Connie sighs as the two of you drift out of the bar. "Steve better be home by now."
"Something you need to talk to him about?"
"Not particularly. I'm...Getting tired a little of sleeping alone," She admits with a thin smile. "Sometimes when he is there, it's like I don't even know who he is."
You nod, giving her shoulder a reassuring pat as a taxi pulls up for the two of you. You climb in, leaning back in your seat a little. Hopefully Steve is home. Hopefully, Javier is, too...
But deep-down, you're almost certain that he's not. You eye a liquor store as you drive past it, considering it. You let yourself stew in the thought for a few minutes before—
"Deténgase, por favor," You urge, leaning forward to catch the driver's attention. Connie frowns across the seat as you fish into your bag for your wallet.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just, um—I need to check on something at the office."
"We can take you there—"
"No, it's alright, I'll get my own. You okay getting home?"
"Yeah," She nods.
"Here," You pass your half of the cab fare over. "I'll see you tomorrow."
You climb out of the cab, shutting the door behind yourself. You second-guess yourself as you buy a bottle of whiskey, then again as you get a cab to the office. The nerves are worse still as you go up in the elevator, and you have to remind yourself that it's better if he's not there. If anything, you'll just put the bottle in his desk where he usually keeps one and get yourself home.
Rounding off of the elevator, you see the lights on, but only one person there. It's a bit of relief—it means that Steve's probably home with Connie. Javier is hunched over his desk, probably eyeing some file or map. You can see smoke curling from a cigarette that's likely either between his fingers or his lips. You knock loudly on the doorframe to draw his attention, not wanting to catch him off-guard.
Javier glances back, then does a double-take at the sight of you, his brow furrowing.
"What are you doing here?" He asks.
"Came to see if you needed help or company."
"How'd you know I'd still be here?"
Javier nods a touch, gaze dropping from your face. Your skin goes hot as he seems to absently sweep your body before he turns away, clearing his throat.
"I won't be great company tonight."
"That's alright. You're usually not."
You bite your lip as you watch him shift through a file, seemingly intent on ignoring you.
"...Well," You shift, "Do you at least have time for a drink?"
Javier glances over, eyes steadying on the bag in your hand. He purses his lips, thinking for a moment...And then draws his drawer out, taking out two tumblers. You try not to smile in smug satisfaction as he shuts the door and waves you closer.
"Would you like to do the honors?" You ask, setting the bottle down. Javier casts you a sidelong glance as he takes hold of the bottle.
"Thought you were going out with Connie tonight," He comments.
"I did."
"How is she?"
"Fine...Missing Steve."
"Well, far as I know, he's home, so she shouldn't be missing him much tonight."
You hum thoughtfully as he pours a healthy amount into both glasses, then scoot back to sit on his desk. You try not to overthink the way Javier watches you, instead twisting to turn his file toward you. Your eyes narrow a touch as you scan the information.
"This again?" You ask. "I thought Noonan called it on this op."
"She did. I'm looking for a new angle."
"Hell of a time to do it."
"No better time."
"No? Why's that?"
"I have a meeting with her in the morning."
"And you're planning on going into it in day-old clothing and without shaving?"
"I'll make it home in time."
"Oh really?"
"Sure. Sooner you stop slowin' me down, the faster I'll get home."
Your stomach plummets at the off-handed comment, and the way Javier turns the file back toward himself. Blame it on the late hour, or the drinks you had with Connie, but tears prick in your eyes. You force them back with a couple of blinks, raising your glass and draining it far faster than you should've. It burns on the way down, is still burning as you set your glass down and say, "Guess I'll be going, then."
"Hey, c'mon—"
You see Javier straighten in your periphery as you push yourself off of his desk.
"I didn't mean it like that," He adds.
"Yes you did."
You take the uncapped bottle petulantly, beginning to stride away.
"Wait a minute!"
You pick up your pace as you hear the scrape of Javier's chair, the thud of his feet catching up. You go still as he catches hold of your wrist. He takes a couple more cautious steps forward as he crowds closer. You can feel the heat of his chest against your back, hear the way he draws in the scent of your perfume.
"I didn't mean it like that," He repeats softly, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear. Your fingers tighten around the neck of the bottle.
Maybe he didn't. Maybe he did, and he's just trying to stay in your good graces. Either way, you're more certain than ever that you never should've come. You shove the bottle into his chest, forcing him to let go of you to catch hold of it. You don't bid him goodnight, or tell him that you're certain he's fill of shit. You just stride to the elevator and keep your expression neutral, your gaze averted until the elevator doors close. Once they're shut, you sniffle, slouching back against the elevator wall as you pinch the bridge of your nose.
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maoam · 4 months
Ramblings stemming from frustration with this fandom sometimes. ( Naruto. )
I know Naruto fandom has always been a tad toxic ever since it started becoming popular and such, but something about these newer fans who are so comfortable with d3ath threats, body shaming, sa threats, and d0xxing other people for the sake of a character. Fandom discourse is truly never that serious and the fact that they’ve become so obsessed with “ratioing” or “owning” other people that they’re willing to say absolutely vile things all for what… some likes? Validation from other gross people?
And then for these people to still say they’re the “good part of the fandom” or “the sane part”. It’s almost narcissistic for lack of a better word at the moment. ( not diagnosing anyone or speaking as if I’m some sort of mental health expert. Just can’t think of another word right now because of the headache this phenomenon is causing me as it is becoming much too common. )
They have this obsession with demonizing “the other side.” To the point of making false claims, which is insane. Or maybe they actually believe them? I can’t tell. They just spread whatever makes them feel good about what they like and don’t care about the source.
This is mainly a lame annoyed rant about the Hinata fanbase which have become somehow even worse within the past few days with their weird obsession with trying to get the Boruto artist (I think he works for sp? Unsure as he says most of his art is fanart but he made a like two or three official pieces that were on the official boruto/naruto page.) fired and sending him death threats for I guess just not drawing Hinata as much as they want? Like to the point where they were literally saying she was being “oppressed and bullied” by this artists. It was insane to see in person because you really would like to believe people WOULDNT compare a character not being drawn in a way they approve of to the oppression the people of Palestine are facing but hey, I suppose it’s a competition now to see how much of a bad person you can be for the sake of a character.
Also I know this is not just an issue in the hinata fandom, although the recent need to fetishize how “Asian Hinata is compared to that white girl sakura.” Is irking me a lot more than what other fandoms have done as of recent that I’m aware of. The Sakus seem to be their usual level of delusion and crappy attitude. Which is easy to ignore for me.
Does it sound like I’m making stuff up at this point? Because as I’m writing this I’m seeing just how insane this really is. This *shouldn’t* be real. This *shouldn’t* be things people say without shame. And yet, people just throw their morals for… what, internet points? The self validation that they defended to their favorite character? Who knows.
You might not even read this, I wouldn’t blame you lol. Just me being annoyed with how comfortable people within the naruto fandom have become so comfortable with being bad people.
My only real question is have you noticed an increase of toxicity within the fandom? Do you think this behavior has gotten worse with the ending of Naruto and beginning of Boruto?
I kinda get what you mean. I remember even before the manga ended there was apparently aggressive fights between Narusaku/Naruhina shippers, like the body shaming towards the other ship's girl and so on. And SS also were aggressive. But nowadays it indeed seems worse. I'm not sure if it's because we have new big platforms? Twitter and Tiktok I mean, both have really cancerous fandom spaces.
SS/NH harass official staff all the time, as well as other parts of the fandom. And then they act like victims because some people think Sakura and Hinata are shitty characters lol. Meanwhile they treat real people like shit. I think it might be because everyone makes fun of their ships/girls all the time, because it's so easy, so they become even crazier in trying to compensate, they try to harass the staff for more content for their ship, to get back at the people who say their ships suck. Also because so many popular content creators keep making content on Naruto and Sasuke being gay and Sakura/Hinata being their beards it's also humiliating to them.
Of course, they also need to fight which girl is the best girl. Which girl is less of a single mother for example. XD
"Or maybe they actually believe them?" Considering how many SS have convinced themselves that some moments that happened between Naruto and Sasuke actually happened between Sasuke and Sakura, I can believe them being that delusional.
"Does it sound like I’m making stuff up at this point?" No because I have witnessed it myself, plenty Sakura and Hinata stans on twitter have that toxic "bad bitch" attitude that they think makes them queens or whatever, they harass people and are extremely aggressive and think female character doing the bare minimun = queen behaviour. It comes off as very childish and narcissistic. No wonder Sakura and Hinata as characters appeal to them.
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seancekitsch · 11 months
But what if your Bodyguard! AU gets angsty bc Emhyr sends Cahir to raid caravans instead of guarding his lovely Viscountess? What then?
ok for those of you that are new i recommend reading my bodyguard au! drabble series and buckling in because i play god when it comes to mashing book and show canon together to make sense of both versions of a character just to make an au
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“Won’t you say goodbye to me?” Cahir begs, his third time circling the stool you keep moving around to refuse to meet his gaze. 
“Won’t you die like all the rest?” you spit back at him.
“That’s not fair and you know it!” 
He’s right, it’s not. But these raiding parties are a death trap and you refuse to let Cahir see the tears in your eyes. 
“Leave and find your life’s adventures and get back in the Emperors stupid good graces and be his doting little lapdog and I’ll find myself a boring husband before a fortnight is out and live my life of servitude to him,” you hiss, finally stopping in your running and letting Cahir come crashing into you. 
“If that’s what you wish,” Cahir says, barely above a whisper. Your breath hitches as he leans in, almost as if he’ll try to kiss the side of your head or your shoulder, but he doesn’t. 
He leaves, and you break down into your tears, collapsing onto you vanity.
Hours turn into days, and days turn into weeks. You refuse to leave your apartments, your bedroom and your sitting parlor. You don’t attend feasts, you don’t attend parties. Your ladies in waiting, now down to two, flit in and out of the rooms but never stay for long. Granted, they never did when Cahir was here either, but now it seems moreso that they’re avoiding you. As far as you know, Cahir is dead in a forest and so are you. Even your good friend the Count of Magne calling upon you doesn’t shake your woe. You don’t care who knows of your deep sadness since your bodyguard was sent away, all gossip immediately less important than the ring of yours that Cahir wore on his chain the night he left. All that mattered was that ring and whatever mass grave it would end up in. Or honestly, whatever trash heap Cahir threw it in after you were so cold to him. 
You hear whispers of unrest in Thanedd, and barely bat an eye. Who cares? They’ll either come for the Nilfgaardian vassals or they won’t. All balls and parties stop, and everyone freezes to prepare for battle for a moment. You barely notice, you haven’t been past your balcony since your bodyguard left and all of the noise of the castle only drowns itself out in your wine and your baths. Your absence is duly noted and gossip has spread but you couldn’t give a fuck about your status at parties or the state of your region. You almost hope the northern armies come for you first, one of the leaders of a Northernmost vassal. Your head might look cute on a pike, at least if they let you style your hair and makeup first, you think, you hope they at least have that dignity. You barely dwell on it, you just let yourself go numb to it all. 
“They’ve retreated over the Yaruga,” your lady recalls, combing your hair while you bathe. 
“Great,” you sigh, not hiding the fact that you don’t care. 
“Great? We lost,” she insists, a bit rougher in her combing in her annoyance at your response. 
“Let them all kill each other,” you suppose, picking up your flagon and drawing it to your lips. 
“How dare you?” she speaks out of turn, “Your future husband, the future Viscount of this region may be out there.”
You chug, letting you head tilt all the way back. 
“Trust me, I know he is.”
You’re shaken from your haze by a rock hitting your window. Not quite asleep, not quite awake; you haven’t slept well in a while. You hear it, and you refuse to turn over. There’s nothing that could be important enough, not unless your bodyguard came through your doorway again to stand at his post just to the left of it. 
But the rocks keep coming, and coming. And they get bigger. You throw on your blue dressing gown, never mind that it was Cahir’s favorite, and go to the window intent on telling whoever it is to fuck off. 
You’re greeted by the faces of a woman, short haired with a quiver of arrows at her back, and a man, a long haired bard with a lute on his hip. 
“Let a tired woman sleep,” you shout, ready to close your window again.
“We have a message! A message of true love!” the bard shouts. 
“True love is dead,” you spit, and slam the window shut. The largest rock yet comes sailing into the window, this time cracking it. Spiderwebs of broken glass spread in its wake. 
“You’re fucking kidding me!” you shout as you throw the now broken window back open, only to be greeted by the face of your (ex?) lover and bodyguard among the intruders. 
“We weren’t lying!” the woman shouts back. She wasn’t. He’s here and he’s alive, he came back for you just like he said. White flame be damned, what’s become of you in this time though? Would he not think you kept true to your word and wed someone else? 
“Cahir,” you whisper, but it’s as if even in the darkness he can see your lips form around his name. 
“My Viscountess, I’ve come against your wishes,” He shouts, his grin wide enough to be seen from a distance. You smile, but only briefly, and then you leave the window. 
Cahir wonders for a moment if you’ve gone to alert other guards, if you have a new bodyguard, or…. He doesn’t think about it. He only motions for his two new friends to run if need be, and positions himself to draw a sword. You don’t return to the window. 
“Stupid idea, really,” Cahir admits, and motions to them to leave. 
“At least you tried,” Milva says, slightly cringing as she does. 
“Perhaps this will hurt less after some ale and we make money off of the song I write about—“
The bard is cut off by another voice. 
“Really? You’re leaving again?” 
Cahir turns to face the Viscountess that’s plagued every dream of his since he left, the woman who practically wished him dead two months ago, the woman he would marry tonight if she let him. You’re in only your dressing gown and those damned riding boots, the ones with his laces in them. You drive him insane, even now.
“You vile, crazed woman that’s what you wanted!” he answers, the argument he walked away from when he left picking right back up. 
“No it’s— I—“ you look shocked, for maybe the first time in all the time he’s known you, “Well, If you leave again you better make sure we both die. I wished it. I wished us both dead the last time.” 
Your quivering lip, even in the moonlight, tells him all he needs to know. He quickly crosses the distance between the two of you, cupping your cheek in his warm palm while the other hand comes around your waist. Like muscle memory, your arms wind their way across his back like ivy on a tower. 
“Who says we have to die?” He asks, and your eyes get a little watery. He’s never actually seen you cry, not like this. He decides he hates it. 
“Well, if I couldn’t have you…” you trail off, not wanting to really admit what little you’d been up to. 
“You have me. Quit frowning and pack a bag,” He orders, “And put some clothes on. As your bodyguard I shouldn’t be letting you out looking like such a scandal.” 
You lean into him, not yet ready to let go. 
“But this is your favorite.”
“So it is. Throw it in the bag.”  
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ophiespeaks · 4 months
Masterlist <3
(For inspiration, ideas, or just to get to know me!!! This is in no particular order btw, just the way they’re ordered in my Lifa App.)
*Side note, I have a “waiting room” dr too. It’s basically just a big movie theater but all the theater rooms are my different drs. But I’ve elected to not make a full section for it.*
Dr Name: Hogwarts, 1991.
Universe/Basis: Harry Potter
Synopsis: Non-Canonical HP dr where I get to experience the magical world completely and fully with my favorite characters. There’s no war, no plot, and things have been changed to make it more desirable for me. IE: No Death Eaters/Voldemort, no one dies, etc. It’s basically just a boarding school dr with magic lol. It was my main dr for a long time and has a LOT of little things scripted in. Honestly, I’m still so in love with it and if I ever did permashift, it would probably be here.
Dr Name: Chosen One
Universe/Basis: Harry Potter
Synopsis: Canon-Adjacent dr where basically I’m Harry. Obviously he doesn’t exist in this dr because I’m obsessed with being the main character (/hj). Things have been scripted to not be so traumatizing and awful all the time, but will loosely follow a sort of plot to let me be the chosen one in a prophecy and basically the center of attention. There’s stakes and I don’t expect to shift here for long intervals because it seems stressful, but I’m shifting to third year with a pre-written backstory for the first two years. Again, not fully canon- certain characters don’t die and the war isn’t killing innocents etc. I just like attention.
Dr Name: Lost
Universe/Basis: ABC’s Lost TV Series (2004)
Synopsis: Canon-Adjacent to the Lost TV series, without the um…trauma. Also people don’t die. It’s basically Survivor meets Real Housewives. I live for the drama tbh. Basically the plane crash leaves me stranded with strangers and I get to meet the characters. I don’t have a s/o but I’m looking to be an adoptive daughter figure to Sawyer because emotionally unavailable selfish assholes seem to be my father-figure go to for some reason.
Dr Name: The 100
Universe/Basis: CW’s The 100
Synopsis: Heavily scripted but honestly it’s almost-canon to the events of seasons 1 and 2 of the 100, obviously not so traumatizing though. I’m basically using this as a teenage-run society dr or maybe like a huge camping trip dr lmao. None of the 100 die like in canon, and also because I have main character syndrome Clarke and therefore also Wells aren’t part of the original delinquent mission. My s/o is gonna be Bellamy Blake, and I have a few close friends in the 100/eventually the grounders. There’s a lot of drama lmao. Also, my dad is Markus Kane and my (adoptive) brother is Murphy and my whole backstory is so convoluted it needed rewritten multiple times to even be coherent lmao.
Dr Name: Fame (Adult)
Universe/Basis: Better CR
Synopsis: Modern-set dr where I’m a famous actress/musician in my early twenties. I own a makeup/skincare company, as well as a non-profit community oriented foundation to teach kids the arts (acting, music, performance, dance, drawing, painting, etc.) but also hosting events and drives to give back to local communities. As for my professional career, I’m a part of some of my favorite movies/shows in my cr, as well as some movie ideas I had myself and made into a franchise in my DR. I’m basically the biggest IT girl and I’m like if Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, and Margot Robbie were a single person. Some of my films/shows, to name a few, are The VVitch, A Star Is Born, The Summer I Turned Pretty, and Barbie.
Dr Name: Fame (Teen)
Universe/Basis: Better CR
Synopsis: An early 2010s dr, I’m a young teen actress and get to star in some of my favorite shows and movies from that time period, as well as some adaptations I thought up myself. My dad is Matthew Grey Gubler because he seems like he’d be such a cool dad, so I’m technically a Nepo baby. I play Dustin’s twin sister in Stranger Things, I play Annabeth Chase in an adaptation of PJO, I play Prim in The Hunger Games, I’m Coraline in a live action adapatation, and a few other roles that I have planned.
Dr Name: Assemble
Universe/Basis: MCU - Young Avengers
Synopsis: I’m Tony Stark’s daughter, all the OGs don’t die, and I’m in charge of the Young Avengers. I’ve adapted some comic book characters into new heroes, as well as adding known characters like Spider-man, America Chavez, Yelena (younger in my dr), Kate Bishop, etc. It’s basically like fanfic Avengers lmao. We all live in the compound in upstate New York, and sometimes other “characters” pop in to give us training lessons and stuff such as Stephen Strange or Wong, T’Challa, Bucky, Loki, etc. It seems so fun to just have a compound full of super powered/super-capable teenagers tbh. A nightmare for my dad tho.
Dr Name: The Olympian
Universe/Basis: MCU
Synopsis: A more canon-reliant take on an MCU dr, where I join the original Avengers back in 2011. I’m basically a greek demigoddess capable of minor feats of magic, but through being a hero I’m eventually granted full godhood (like Hercules/Heracles in the myths) for my efforts. Fighting villains and hearing the hero drama seems so interesting. Honestly, I’ll probably be less involved in this dr than my Assemble dr, but this one’s still cool if only for my backstory here alone lol.
Dr Name: The Games
Universe/Basis: The Hunger Games
Synopsis: Basically not canon at all lmao. I don’t want to kill anyone, that’s insane. Basically, the districts still exist (though people aren’t starving or anything) and “The Games” are basically just a big game show held in the Capitol and the winner gets money, fame, etc. This dr is loosely based off of the prequel, the ballad of songbirds and snakes, so there’s *technically* Coriolanus Snow as my love interest/mentor, but his character is so different that it’s basically not even him- I just find Tom Blythe attractive is all. Also Sejanus Plinth is my bbygirl he deserved so much better.
Dr Name: Camp Halfblood
Universe/Basis: PJO
Synopsis: Non-Canon pjo dr. I’m a child of Zeus (I need to be the main character so bad ig. Also, I need to have an absent/terrible biological father apparently?? minus tony tho 🫶) and I’m the only one in the Zeus Cabin. There’s no quests and we’re genuinely just trained over the summer and allowed to either stay or go to school for the rest of the year. It’s basically a summer camp dr but with a little magic and stuff here and there. Percy, Grover, Annabeth, etc. are all my age and eventually Percy will be my s/o because clueless boys of unimaginable power are just so babygirl to me i guess.
Dr Name: Bridgerton
Universe/Basis: Netflix’s Bridgerton TV series
Synopsis: Mostly canon, with a few more added families and such. My own background is also a royalty dr- I’m the princess of Norway undercover as the distant relative of Lady Danbury, and I’ve got a few completely made-up love interests because no one in the show is really in my age range??? I mean some are close, like Colin, but he’s in love with Penelope so idk. I just want fancy dresses and huge parties and high society drama tbh.
Dr Name: The Walking Dead
Universe/Basis: AMC’s The Walking Dead TV series
Synopsis: HEAVILY SCRIPTED!!! I don’t want my people to die obviously. Zombies/walkers can’t actually hurt us and everyone smells good oof. No cannibals bc ew, it’s basically a found family dr with zombies. I/we won’t have to kill people!!! Both Daryl and Rick are sort of father figures to me, and my love interests include a few people such as Carl, Enid, Ron, and Kelly (I love Kelly sm) and the later seasons are changed to be better to live in and everything’s not constantly falling apart. Also, basically scripting out all of the Negan drama and most stuff after it, because absolutely not.
Dr Name: BrBa
Universe/Basis: AMC’s Breaking Bad TV series
Synopsis: LISTEN!!! I just think it would be fun to fuck around in this dr tbh. I’m a high-end dealer (drugs don’t kill people and don’t have a bad effect on people either) and I just want to go to lavish parties and commit high end crimes. I think Walter White is funny as hell unintentionally and Jesse Pinkman seems like the coolest person to just hang out with (at least in the first few seasons of the show.) Obviously, it’s not even remotely canon and doesn’t follow the actual plot. I also won’t spent too much time here. Like I said, it’s just to mess around in. It’s absolutely not serious nor is it a place i’d want to be for long.
Dr Name: Narnia
Universe/Basis: The Chronicles of Narnia (films)
Synopsis: Golden Age Narnia? Ruling a magical country, marrying my best friend (Peter), leading people, being highly respected by my court? The whole thing sounds like a fairytale. It’s basically a royalty dr but with magic. Medieval times but, as with all my non-modern drs, I script modern amenities because if I don’t have toilet paper and indoor plumbing I’m gonna scream and cry. I also love the canon Pevensie siblings and their personalities I want to meet them all so bad. Also, Peter Pevensie was my first crush ever, as an fyi.
Dr Name: LIS
Universe/Basis: Netflix’ Lost In Space reboot
Synopsis: Canon/mostly canon with fun additions and workarounds. Adoptive/found family dynamics. I get to be a super cool badass with yet another adoptive father figure while exploring alien planets and getting to be besties with penny robinson (i’m forever a penny defender- i love forgotten, “unwanted” middle child archetypes) and getting to meet a literal 7 foot tall alien robot is gonna be SO cool are you kidding me???
Dr Name: Stardew Valley
Universe/Basis: Stardew Valley (video game)
Synopsis: CUTE FARMING DR!!! There’s twelve canonical love interests but i’m considering adding a few more options/people in general for funsies. Basically I want to have my little farm and my little animals and run around town and meet people and go to the beach and it’s gonna be so fun i’m so excited for it. I’ve actually considered it for my “waiting room” sort of place, because only the valley itself and like three other places even really exist in canon soooo but idk. (also considering scripting johnnie guilbert as sebastian bc 🤭🤭🤭)
Dr Name: Gravity Falls
Universe/Basis: Gravity Falls
Synopsis: Teenage dr, not canon reliant but with weird occurrences and mysteries going on all around. The twins and their friends are older but most of the other characters stay the same age. Instead of having a complicated backstory I straight up just tell Stan I shifted and he’s unbothered because he literally watched his brother get sucked into a portal and fist-fought a pterodactyl so not much can phase him anymore ig.
Dr Name: Summer Ship
Universe/Basis: Better Cr
Synopsis: Um this one’s completely made up by me, hi. Basically me and some of my dr friends are working on a private yacht for the summer. We only work like four hours a day, get paid WAY too much tbh, and then spend the weekends/after work hours getting to live on this huge ass rich people yacht that we’re allowed to go crazy on. It’s sailing the mediterranean so it doubles as a travel dr, where I get to see places like Greece, Rome, Venice, etc. when we dock and go inland. I’m so unbelievably stoked about this one tbh.
Dr Name: Smosh
Universe/Basis: Better Cr
Synopsis: This one’s kinda embarrassing ngl 💀 so basically, the Youtube channel Smosh is this whole big brand that’s like an office completely oriented on making fun videos, sketch comedy, playing board games, etc. and it looks SO fun to work there. Some of the people in videos/crew behind the scenes seem like genuinely nice people so basically it’s a better cr dr where I just work there too, and I’m a little older lol. Like obviously it’s a job like anywhere else, but a lot of the time their job is fart jokes and playing games.
Dr Name: Sword AF
Universe/Basis: Smosh - DnD Campaign
Synopsis: If I thought the last one was embarrassing, this takes the cake lmao. So, Smosh runs a dnd campaign where four of them play characters and then the dm plays a bunch of npcs. I’ve scripted myself as a fantasy character to explore the dr world based off of the dnd campaign’s world. Interacting with real people who are the characters my friends play in a different dr lmao. But an ancient giant wooden robot, a blue goblin, a gay elf, and a horny older halfling lady are MY comfort characters, okay! It’s a dnd dr, based off of the Sword AF campaign.
Dr Name: A:TLA
Universe/Basis: Nickelodeon’s Avatar Cartoon
Synopsis: guys i LOVE avatar omg. uncle iroh singing little soldier boy can make me cry on command to this day. In this dr, I’m a fire bender runaway living in Omashu. I also scripted different fire nation “countries,” like how the earth kingdom has sort of different governments set-up throughout or how the water tribes have the two separate tribes on either pole. I’m from an island tribe and because I like attention, I’m a princess in that kingdom. This dr is mostly canon??? It was a cartoon so not too much traumatizing stuff happened anyways, but there are certainly some…questionable moments.
Honorable Mentions
(drs that i *technically* have, but have put little to no thought into the actual context of and i currently have no desire to actively shift to, just future possibilities)
-“Dog Days,” a Diary of a Wimpy Kid dr (i am down BAD for rodrick heffley)
-BAU/criminal minds dr (i have no idea how i’d POSSIBLY script this to not be traumatic so for now it’s not even really a dr, just a place i may want to go???)
-“Safety” dr (without too much detail, I’m a kid again and live in a valley home with my favorite people, with neighbor kids and the whole place is filled with flowers and it’s always summer. basically just a stress-free dreamland.)
-Sam and Colby dr. (ghost hunting but i’m a medium + getting up to some utter tomfoolery in a youtuber house)
-Daybreak dr based off of the netflix show (societies run by teenagers AND zombie survival found family drs seem to be a favorite of mine, and this is both)
-“Hawkins” dr, basically stranger things without any strange things (no way am i facing a demogorgan head on, let ALONE vecna or the mind flayer are you KIDDING???)
-The Walking Dead (game), (I love Clementine so much) (I honestly might just script twdg characters into my main twd dr so I don’t have to have multiple, idk yet)
-“Royal University,” yet another royalty dr bc i’m self obsessed ig, (made up royalty heirs in a college dr)
-Hogwarts, 1971 (undecided/not scripted marauders era dr. obsessed with andrew garfield as remus lupin.)
-Hogwarts, 2011 (undecided dr of the golden-trio era’s kids from the series epilogue/*minor* elements of cursed child, teddy lupin gets to live with his parents bc i WILL start crying)
-Youtuber Dr, (Making horror content/horror-themed video essays, will be in the same sort of circle as Wendigoon, the Lore Lodge, Loey Lane, Nexpo, etc.)
-Various short-term drs to figure out what happened at certain instances in my cr. I kind of think of them as “fly on the wall” drs just for me to be in a location to fully understand what happened there. Mainly, cold cases/unexplained events. (Jonbenet Ramsey, mothman bridge incident, phoenix lights, dyatlov pass, and several missing 411 cases mostly.)
-Cool History dr, where I can go see cool historical moments for myself from my cr. such as the building of the pyramids, the library of alexandria, the “resurrection of jesus” (since he was a real person), woodstock, stonewall, etc.
I am always accepting more dr ideas, tbh. Any piece of media I consume is free real estate for a dr if we’re being so fr.
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charcadett · 1 year
Kissing Headcanons (Gender Neutral)
Characters: Katy, Brassius, Larry, Tulip, Grusha, Rika, Hassel, Geeta, Jacq, Saguaro, Clavell, and two endgame spoiler characters at the end. If you know, you know.
Okay, tried to do something shorter than the last one so I can do more characters without getting carried away or overwhelmed. It’s surprisingly hard not to go off on a tangent every character, hoo boy. Especially because I love them all so much. I want to try and solidify my interpretations as much as possible. Anyway! Throws this at you.
- Katy’s favorite kiss is a quick peck on the lips.
-Short, but sweet. Literally. You can taste powdered sugar on her lips from the last pastry she ate. She’ll laugh through a blush if you mention it.
- Katy won’t indulge too much PDA, especially if she’s working, though if you catch her in a particularly affectionate mood, she’ll kiss you between batches for Patisserie Soapberry. Her lips are soft and she leaves flour hand prints on your shirt.
- Brassius is a biter. From small nips on your bottom lip to hickies along the column of your neck, he really enjoys leaving a mark of some sort. He says it's his final touch to a masterpiece.
- His favorite way to kiss you is passionate, tangling his fingers in your hair to guide you along his pace. He got clay in your hair one time and it took an hour for you both to wash it out.
- Kisses you in public whenever the mood strikes him. Sometimes, when the sun hits you just right and makes your skin glow, he’s so overwhelmed with emotion that he absolutely has to kiss you. He finds your startled expression particularly attractive.
- Larry is a lazy kisser. Slow and sensual, he likes to savor you.
- He’s very touch-starved. Unconsciously, he’ll trail his hands all over your body, though not with sexual intent. It’s more to make sure you’re really there. When you brush against his skin, Larry’ll shiver almost imperceptibly.
- If you pull away, he will follow your lips with his eyes closed. Even the smallest kiss will seem intimate with him. He isn’t one for quick pecks, Larry can kiss you for hours.
- Kissing Tulip is guaranteed to make your head spin. You can smell her perfume and taste her lip gloss. The skin of her cheek is like ivory against your palm. She doesn’t give you even a second to find your footing.
- She’s dizzying. Her acrylics massage your scalp, sending shivers down your spine. So gentle, until she nips at your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood.
- Tulip isn’t one for PDA, though she likes to leave a lipstick mark somewhere visible, like on your cheek or on your collarbone.
- You’d think his lips would be cold, but they’re rather warm hidden behind his scarf. A bit chapped, though.
- He might feel like he has something to prove. Grusha’s kisses are a tad aggressive, pressing his body as close to yours as possible. If you make even the slightest noise, he’ll grin against you.
- If you kiss him over his scarf, he’ll pout. Although, he will insist that he doesn’t. Not only is it easy to prove him wrong, but very funny as well. Grusha will be much more dominant than he usually is when he eventually gets an actual kiss out of you.
- Instead of kissing you, Rika tends to swipe her thumb across her bottom lip. If there’s one thing she likes, it’s to tease you. You’ll have to beg if you want a real kiss.
- She’s gentle and kisses you slowly. While she usually takes the lead, she won’t deny that it’s a pleasant surprise when you take initiative.
- Rika is very laid back when it comes to PDA. If you’re comfortable with it, that’s great. If you’re uncomfortable with it, no problem. She’s more than happy to kiss you behind closed doors.
- Kissing Hassel is always a bit awkward in the most endearing way. He never knows where to put his hands, his nose knocks into yours, and he uses a little too much tongue. It’s sloppy but always passionate.
- He puts everything he is into it. All his emotion, all his desire for you; Hassel tries to channel it all in a single kiss. Likes to press his forehead against yours and breathe the same air. It’s intimate, and he enjoys any chance to be as close to you as possible.
- In public, he will kiss your temple greeting/farewell. Otherwise, he will brush his knuckles against your cheek with a fond smile. He’s a sucker for classic romance.
- Geeta doesn’t kiss you often, though it’s not from a lack of desire. Like battling, Geeta simply can’t hold back when it comes to you. She will never be able to get enough.
- Give her a small peck on the lips, and her gaze turns longing. As you pull away with a smile, her hand will trail from your cheek to your shoulder and down your arm until you’re out of reach.
- Once at home, she will ask you if you would like to continue where you left off. If there’s ever a way or a time to tease Geeta, it’s then.
- Jacq is ticklish. It doesn’t matter where you put your hands; he’ll always end up giggling against your lips. Even if you let your arms hang awkwardly by your side, Jacq will be so giddy that he still can't stop laughing.
- If you kiss his neck, he’ll blush so hard his glasses fog up. Always returns the favor. For every kiss you give him, he’ll give you two more. This always ends in a competition that leaves you both holding in snickers and gasping for air.
- One time, when he forgot his lunch and you had to drop it off in the middle of his homeroom class.The kids started chanting for you to kiss. It was a quick peck, but you both consider it one of the funniest and most embarrassing moments of your relationship. The kids still tease you when they see you in the halls.
- If there’s one word to describe Saguaro, it’s domestic. He cares deeply about how students perceive him and will kindly ask you to keep PDA to a minimum while at the academy.
- He likes forehead kisses. Saguaro is a big man, and it’s more than likely that he’s taller than you. If you want to return the favor, he’ll bend down with a fond smile.
- If he’s feeling playful, he will offer you a spoonful of food he cooked and kiss you instead of giving you a bite. Your reaction always makes him chuckle.
- Clavell is particularly fond of pressing a gentlemanly kiss to the back of your hand. He’s old fashioned, and you’d be hard pressed to get any other form of PDA from him besides occasionally linking arms.
- Prefers more chaste methods of showing affection. Rather than a peck on the lips, he will press a kiss against the edge of your mouth. Almost on the cheek but a bit more intimate than that.
- Somehow, he would get more flustered than Jacq if any students teased him about your relationship. If a group began chanting ‘kiss! kiss! kiss!’ at you both, he would simply disintegrate.
AI Turo
- Turo is not particularly affectionate, nor is he very emotional. He treats kissing as a scientific endeavor, more for you than himself. Though he won’t deny the lightness in his chest that comes with making you smile. Meticulously categorizes all your reactions. His favorite kiss is whatever you prefer.
- His tongue is electric. Literally. Once, he shocked you by accident, and it startled you both. After that, he’s much more hesitant to indulge in that specific method, but if you insist, he wouldn’t have the strength to deny you for long.
AI Sada
- Like Brassius, Sada bites. Those fangs aren’t just for show. She will leave your lips pleasantly sore and bruised with the most self-satisfied smirk on her face. Sada knows what she wants and knows exactly how to move her lips to get you pliant.
- While Turo is a bit more reserved, Sada has no such qualms. She will kiss you every chance she gets for as long as you’ll allow. All that time spent in The Great Crater, and her missed opportunity to go to the past, has made her desperate to indulge every chance she gets.
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gendrie · 1 year
I just finished asoiaf for the first time and loved arya and gendrys relationship but i am curious abt how Gendrys parentage might be revealed. Obviously he is a minor character but he pops up in briennes chapter and she makes a big deal about his father and she almost gets to tell and even in her next chapter she tries to tell him but he went back to the inn. Im just so interested in like what plot relevance that might have and if that connects to arya at all.
theres a lot of upcoming parentage drama (r+l=j and f!aegon) so relatively speaking i don’t expect gendry’s to have major consequences, but he’s gotta be informed. i doubt brienne is the only one who knows or can easily figure it out. it’s safe to assume thoros is also aware of gendry’s paternity since him and bobby b were so tight. arya will probably be capable of putting this one together on her own by the time she returns too. she didn’t spend 2.5 books in spy school for nothing. generally, i think she will be seeing gendry in a different light (oh no he’s hot) when they’re reunited which could trigger this revelation.
arya suspected something from the very beginning when the gold cloaks tried to take him. gendry’s “secret” is actually the foundation their relationship is built upon. arya saw it as a connection between them. its the reason he is the one and only person arya trusts with her identity. she tries to use it to motivate gendry to help her too ("you're somebody!") i could see her doing that again tbh. arya telling him is my favorite way for him to find out and i don’t think its at all unlikely either. once his secret bound arya and gendry together on the road north. it might be that the two of them learning the truth does the same thing when they’re reunited.
lord of storm’s end is (almost) definitely edric’s destiny. so, i do think if gendry’s paternity does end up being relevant than it’s, mostly, in connection to arya. it’ll draw them closer together. some would argue otherwise, but bastard or not being the king’s son gives him a status boost. house baratheon was founded by a bastard who took his wife’s sigil and words. honestly? i love the idea of gendry taking arya’s name - becoming a stark thru marriage to her. idc if its corny i really don’t lol. it’s a less traditional approach that would fit them. theres no shortage of setup for it. arya has the hands of a blacksmith, "you could stay", join our houses, ect!! i think ending the series with an unconventional stark/"baratheon" union makes perfect sense considering how it all started.
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giggleeclown · 2 months
Why I deleted my Smiling Friends art
it was just bad lmao like sorry it was just really bad
Ok for real though. Smiling Friends has been getting new content and is preparing for the release of season two, which means that the fandom is going to return stronger than ever. This includes the tk community, which had a surprising presence in this fandom. (Where the hell did the smiling friends tk art tag go? Like all the art I really liked is fuckin gone???)
So… my old smiling friends art was not only bad and off model but also not in character. And I violated some of my own comfort when it came to certain requests because it was the first breakthrough of this blog. Making reasons for why your faves would enjoy the same affection and tickle stuff is so fun but…. They’re also grown ass almost middle aged guys and I kinda forgot that? Despite making cutesy gushy fluff I always prioritize keeping characters akin to their canon selves and I’d like to show that more with my drawings and dialogue provided in those drawings. Anything that I felt wasn’t representing that well I’ve deleted off the tag. … which was most of it. A lot of that art also just didn’t look good. I had so many requests and people who enjoyed the concept, but so little time. So it was all rushed, off model sketchbook scribbles.
However, when S2 comes out, don’t hesitate to send me all your favorite headcanons and thoughts of these wacky guys. And be potentially prepared for new, MUCH better content from me. Until then, I still have some things on that tag up, and other people also have made hella cute SF art! Make sure to check out the tags and have an awesome time! Cya!
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