#it’s MY headcanon + ship I control the gender/sexuality/etc
sm-baby · 4 months
MASTERPOST - Piece by Piece ♟️
NEW MASTERPOST DROPPED!! The name is subject to change~ don't worry~
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Meet Mei-lyn!
Meet The King and Queen!
Queen (Pre-evolved)
Meet Councilwoman Mars!
Meet Mr. Weiss!
World Building:
Cards and Chess pieces!
Card personalities
Different species!
Evolution Guide
And yes, they evolve like pokemon.
Black Chess pieces
Black and White kingdom
Time frame
Yes, Mei-lyn gets paid well
Dont talk to me until I had my coffee
Morning entertainment
no bitches! 🎉🎊
oh shi character ai
Little Fuckface Shithead
Human centipede🎶
Party Tension (oopsies!!!)
Give my girl a break
╔══ ❀•°❀FAQ❀°•❀ ══╗
" How old is Mei-Lyn?" - Mei Lyn is 23 years old! Started working for the king and queen at 17, got the cock-blocking job at 18. " How tall is the cast?" - MAN... HEIGHTS ARE A HEADACHE... I DON'T WANNA THINK ABOUT THAT "Will we ever see a black king and queen?" - They come when they come! I don't think they'll be any time soon though. " Do the King and Queen have an heir?" - Naur, though they know that they'd have to at some point. Either way, they'd be very neglectful parents. " Can I rizz up Mei-lyn?" - Mei-lyn doesn't believe in true love. She's uncommitted and will leave you at the altar.
╔══ ❀•°❀BOUNDERIES❀°•❀ ══╗
"Can I make OCs In PTP?" - Yess!! Multiple people already have and they make me so happy! do whatever, as long as you're happy and having fun!! " Can I make NSFW?" - Yas and slay! Just keep Mei-lyn out-- she was originally a sona and-- while I'm detached from her enough to not take the simping personally, NSFW would still make me uncomfortable. - Other than that, everyone else (WHO IS LEGAL AND NOT PROSHIPPED) should be free! Please just be sure to tell and spoiler it, etc. etc. be responsible when posting NSFW! " Can I make Fanfics?" - - Yes and please show me!! That would be lovely!! " Can I ship the characters/self ships/ OC x Canon?" - Same as NSFW! Everyone is free but Mei-lyn! Though I find one-sided crushes and the simping endearing and funny (PROSHIPPING IS ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED.)
" Gender and sexualitie headcanons?" - I don't like labels. All my characters are straight until said otherwise-- and I am uncomfortable with people headcanoning my OCs with genders and sexuality. I wish to have control over that. - Though, I'm flattered with mlm/wlw OC x canon shipping with the OCs! That's different in my brain for some reason!
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eggcats · 21 days
I'm still (always) thinking about my Housewife Vox AU, so here are my sexuality/history/etc headcanons for Alastor and Vox in it
(I kind of have more for Alastor here, bc almost all of my Hazbin ships involve him so he's the one I've thought about more - I kind of keep similar headcanons no matter what ship I'm thinking of, tbh).
I'm also going to write Alastor being in a rut in this AU, because those fics are always fun, and he will be having sex but it'll be more in a "my mate is aroused and I must please them" kind of way, if that makes sense? I kind of see him as sex-neutral/positive asexual, even in a rut, but the rut makes him a little (lot) more feral and in less control of his instincts. (This is why, before he got into a relationship with Vox, he's never really been affected by the sexual aspects of a rut, because he's only interested in sex as far as his mate is).
(I know my fic kind of tiptoes around any possible consent issues, but I think having Alastor react like this kind of solves it in a way, because he's only interested in making his mate feel good so if Vox didn't want something or began to not like it, Alastor would immediately stop to comfort his mate. However, since he's never before had ANY of his deer/demonic instincts really show before, none of them are sure how he'll react this time, hence the concern).
(I don't mean this in a way to insult any other Alastor-rut fics, trust me I love them, this is just how I'm writing mine here).
I put a readmore here bc I realized how many words I was writing and didn't want to clog your dash, lol.
Asexual - is generally so uninterested he has never masturbated or even considered doing so; knows and understands sex (in a baseline level) but doesn't know anything further as he never wanted to engage or see it; still is only interested in it in a way to experience/watch Vox enjoy himself, wouldn't engage on his own otherwise
Possibly aromantic - the line between "romantic love" and "this person belongs to me" is essentially the same to him, could not tell you the difference (side note: neither can I)
Doesn't know either of those things
Just thinks "I'm the only normal motherfucker alive/in hell when it comes to relationships" and has not had a single question in regards to himself since
Doesn't really understand the difference between being friends/roommates and being in a relationship (hence when he found out that Vox liked him, he was like ah, okay. I don't need to change anything here, since he thinks we're in a relationship, this must be what people DO in a relationship. No need to mention any of this to Vox, surely)
When eventually I do make him have sex, he doesn't really have a preference in position. Generally, I'll include him as the more dominant partner (especially with Vox), but that's more because that's what VOX wants, and Alastor is being intimate for Vox. He has no real preference on who tops and who bottoms, as long as Vox is enjoying himself (and Alastor gets enjoyment out of the act when Vox is)
The same applies to dancing - Alastor teaches Vox how to swing dance, but once Vox learns and becomes more comfortable, a lot of their dancing has them constantly switching the lead and following position, based on whatever they feel like doing at the time
Despite living in the 20s/30s is fairly open minded about a lot of things relating to gender and sexuality, because he lived in the vice district in New Orleans and was exposed to a lot of that (either growing up, or living there as a serial killer, or both).
Some parts of me think that after he murdered his father when he was only around 13-15 (another headcanon of mine), his mother needed a way to make money and so they moved to the vice district, and so Alastor knew and grew up with sex workers and cross-dressers and saw how they were treated by police/society, and so has no issues with them.
Living there when he was a serial killer was also useful, because no one bothers anyone to avoid the risk of setting the police on you.
He doesn't know a lot of more modern terms for things, but Vox wanting to wear a dress doesn't concern him, nor does being in a relationship with a man, since those were things he not only had experienced/seen when he was alive, he's also been in hell for 20 years which is, as a whole, a lot more open minded about things. (I did try to keep him ignorant of more modern things, tho, like he doesn't know anything about things he would have only seen/experienced in hell because he doesn't care about people or relationships, really).
Probably some form of autistic (same, bestie) and takes a lot of cues about how their relationship should be from Vox (which is why he originally didn't feel the need to change his behavior even when he found out Vox was interested in him, because it didn't occur to him at all, and only discovered Vox was sexually interested when it was shoved in his face - however, now that he knows, he's taken a much more active/possessive role in their relationship, including a sexual aspect)
(Previously) closeted bisexual
Grew up/lived/married/died in middle Americana, white picket fence, 2.5 children, all the houses looking identical, 1950s desperate housewives edition, the whole shebang
DID have a cult, but I'm thinking less Manson, and more "televangelist who extorts his flock for money/power" - this is why he has his hypnosis powers (he doesn't really have them/have discovered them yet, but that's because he's never really had a chance to explore his powers in any real capacity - he basically showed up in hell and then was kidnapped and wifed up immediately)
Did have a wife and children, but wasn't interested in either of them - had them more so because he "had" to and it would look bad for his image, not out of any attraction or love to his wife
All of this contributes to him doing everything he can to try to hide his attraction to Alastor, because he had to do so in life
He's Really Bad At Hiding It tho, because living with Alastor (who, even before he learned Vox was interested in him, has very little boundaries to physical space and just grabs and touches him all the time) is different than being a little attracted to your neighbor
Also, no one in hell calls him out on it, so he never quite realizes how obvious he comes across
Does eventually start his side of the media business, with the help of Alastor, to combine both radio and television to take over the airwaves entirely - becomes the Television/Video Demon, to complete the Radio Demon
Stops Alastor from murdering any and all other media demons/demons who have similar powers over the airwaves, and instead makes deals for their souls to work for him - this is where a lot of his initial power/dealmaking comes from as he rises to also be an Overlord; even when Alastor is the one who finds a media demon he basically just kidnaps them and drops them at Vox's feet like a cat presenting a half-dead mouse to it's owner
(Note: I'm aware that Alastor is canonically asexual and he's still in my AU, and I've heard back and forth about him being canonically aromantic and I'm unsure if you'd classify him as aro here too. I'm ace, and I think (maybe?) I might be on the aro spectrum, but regardless I kind of write Alastor like how I'd see relationships/would develop into one in a similar way. I'm not interested in sex or anything, and I've been interested in people/relationships very rarely (and those I am, once I become close friends I'm usually like, oh cool, yay), so I'm kind of using myself as a baseline to figure out how Al feels about things here.
That being said, I don't agree with people harassing other creators who DON'T make Alastor ace or aro in their fics or art, bc it's fan content and so it doesn't matter. Changing a sexuality in a fanfic isn't the same as Actual Erasure and it's wild that people claim that, because I've been reading fanfic since I was 13 and I PROMISE you none of those characters were as queer as I was reading them, lmao. Despite all evidence to the contrary, when they grew up Naruto and Sasuke did NOT fuck nasty in the Hokage office, no matter how much they should have.
Sorry rant, over.)
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albert-tsum · 2 months
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I just decided to ramble a bit about my sexuality hcs, ships etc about Wesker.
(I never thought I'd make so many text posts)
These are not going to be extremely precise analyses and will be influenced by my personal wishes and hopes. If I've written something that goes absolutely against the canon feel free to inform me.
It may become a bit uncomfortable since I wanna address some serious topics.
And it'll be too long again.
1. General headcanons
Personally I see him on the aroace spectrum and/or as pansexual. He's not easily romantically or sexually interested in someone. I'd even say it happens almost never. He may be able to sleep with people he isn't into (maybe to manipulate them) but rarely does so (I also don't think he slept with Excella like some do, she clearly wanted it but he was able to manipulate her without sex). To be into someone this person needs something that intrigues or excites Wesker e.g. their intelligence, willpower, physical combat skills etc. But I don't think he would care much about the gender of his partner. He probably has more experience with women (e.g. he says in the OG RE1 that "he's not used to escort men") but is also open for men. As far I am aware his VAs Richard Waugh (a) and DC Douglas (b) said that he's not gender specific (a) and probably wouldn't limit himself (b) to one gender.
Either way I see him as queer.
2. My ships
As you see in my reblogs I ship him and William Birkin. He was Weskers only real friend whom he admired and trusted. That's a really big thing for Wesker so I like the hc that there was more than friendship between them and I would love to see them interacting more and learn more about their shared past.
The only other ship I like with Wesker is himxChris Redfield even tho it's kinda problematic. I like the STARS version of them where Chris looked up to Wesker who was fond and proud of him (but probably doesn't want to have feelings like this since he knows he will betray them at one point). I also kinda like the hc that Wesker maybe wanted Chris (and perhaps Jill) to join him if they hadn't make fun of his tyrant. Since I kinda like enemies to lovers and complex relationships like that I also enjoy post RE1 Chrisker. I'd love if it's not sheer hate between them but more like a mix of disappointed expectations, obsession and that they need eachother and the secret wish to have eachother on their side.
I am not the biggest fan of huge age gaps so Chris and Wesker having a difference of 15 years is something I am not too happy about. So early 20s is the lowest age I'd accept (like Jake's mother was).
3. My hopes and wishes
As I said I don't like huge age gaps so I dislike the ships WeskerxRebecca and WeskerxClaire. Rebecca was 18 und Claire 19 when they met Wesker and they are way too young for him. Because of that I really hope that Wesker isn't attracted to Rebecca. That would be a no-go even tho it's fictional and it'd destroy Wesker as a character for me. So I really hope Capcom won't make him someone who absolutely does not care about age to the extent where it's becoming creepy.
(that isn't meant to offend those who like these ships, it's just my personal opinion)
CW: r@pe
I also came across people claiming that he may be a r@pist (for e.g. controlling Jill in RE5). That's another case of yeah he is absolutely evil but that does not mean that he has every evil trait or crime committed. I am pretty sure he didn't do anything sexual to Jill (who had the control device on their chest not because Wesker is a pervert but because the devs wanted more fanservice). I don't think Capcom would make a important character like Wesker (who you can also play as) a r@pist (unlike Irons who was a really hateable side character who was hated even by Wesker)
Thx for reading 😅
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
Emilia for the asky thingy??
EMILIA :D i have so many thoughts on her (i will however preface this by saying emilia is one of my favorite characters of all time <3) so this is probably gonna veer into vaguely meta/analysis territory and it will be Long. (also i love ur emilia icon HAH) anyway without further ado...
Sexuality Headcanon: BI ACE. if not bi ace how come she has the color palette..???? that and i simply think emisuba are bi4bi fr fr. and more specifically i think emilia is demisexual!!
Gender Headcanon: ok so.... this one got unexpectedly long but T^T i do think that emilias relationship with femininity and her gender and her biological sex could be explored given she looks exactly like satella, and then theres puck's slight sexist remarks sometimes, and also her. apparently not knowing where babies come from. and like??? do half elves get periods?? how'd puck explain that one??? that and i do think the idea of trans emilia would be very interessting to explore yes (though i do think trans ftm or nonbinary emilia would be more interesting in terms of like. emilia is moving away from satella, but emilia would probably think about if that makes emilia themself a coward for doing so. but also i think id be eviscerated by 90% of the fandom if i explored those ideas in depth T^T). and like... in general, emilia's Whole Character is characterized by a loss of control over a lot of things in her life across so many routes in rezero. :((( which is not 100% specific to gender and biological sex of course but it could factor in a bit. because theres also. well. the implication that she probably was gonna be (trigger warning) a sex slave if that dude who tried to enslave her in frozen bonds succeeded. her whole character is all about being seen as Not Human by others, or being seen as an object, or being controlled, being infantilized, etc etc :(( which is sometimes by the narrative, sometimes by other characters, sometimes by tappei, and also sometimes by the fandom itself.
A ship I have with said character: emisuba 100%, even if i have some mixed feelings on it as of rn. like they are THE main ship of the series, and theyve been through all these ups and downs together. like subaru's earnest desire and determination to help her and save her Is Admirable, though of course he does go right into Obsession and Possessive Feelings, which was Brutally Rebuked in arc 3 and very well-written (though of course i hate some people's small brain takes on emisuba and emilia and arc 3 T^TT). like i LOVE seeing different sides to emilia and while subaru brings out her sweetness (she is SO SOFT with him... she DOES care about him so much!!!!) he's also brought out her rage and despair in arcs 3 and 4. kiss of death loop / greed if emilia is like giving subaru exactly what he wanted before - an emilia that only has eyes for Him. and Only Him. but it's all wrong T^TT and then theres like. all the other ifs too where emilias either dead or Generally Mentally Unwell - she of course has that distinct lack of control in wrath and pride if over a lot of things :((
though like. i LOVE emisuba's parallels - they were very lonely people, are connected by satella breathing down their necks (metaphorical or literal), and i think their personalities just click well together!! T^T that and like. theyre capable of bringing out either the best or the worst in each other, along with all the layers of what rbd does to their relationship (like. subaru dying way too many times to save her. puck killing subaru and the whole world bc of her death. emilia being unaware about rbd and the witch cult at first and how her previous parent figures are Now Archbishops. satellas involvement. and the question of does subarus rbd take away free will from other people when he can just reset? and the Loads of guilt emilia is gonna feel about this. etc etc.) all of which i think is fascinating.
and like. i love how they dont get together right away after arc 4. like it makes SENSE to me i dont get those people who complain that they didnt start dating and then they point fingers at emilia for not reciprocating. like they Clearly Like Like each other, you just get the sense that theyre saving more of a romantic pursuit for later, u know? and it makes sense to me!! like speaking as someone with some Serious Romantic Relationship experience - yeah going from friendship to like overt romance and then actually maintaining your relationship can be Very Tricky. especially when both emilia and subaru are mentally ill and not completely prepared for it bc there is just. different expectations. and theyve never been in a romantic relationship before. and theres also like All Their Trauma that they havent fully addressed or gotten over at all. like NEITHER of them are fully prepared yet and theres all the chaos of arcs 5-8 happening so theres no time to go right into that stuff right now either. and i love that tappei did that. and tbh i think all the people who think emisuba shouldve been in a romantic relationship post arc 4 are Media Illiterate. like guys. it is completely fine and Healthy for emisuba to take their time with pursuing a romantic relationship with each other. they LITERALLY have all the time in the world.
HOWEVER. tappei stop infantilizing emilia im so tired T^TT like all the stuff about how she doesnt know what sex is and all that.... and it almost feels like her not 100% knowing what romantic love is is kind of framed in the same way as her not knowing sex??? like the whole thing about emilia being pure and innocent (derogatory) - tappei pls im so tired T^TT it just feels like to me, arcs 3 and 4 did all this work of debunking the idea that emilia is this perfect angel who can do no wrong. she is Human. with flaws. and desires. and then tappei refuses to stop making her clueless about stuff like politics T^T let her develop!! bc by the time we get to arc 8 its like. it feels like emilia Still hasnt been through nearly as much development as subaru so narratively speaking they still feel unequal. like i know we had to focus on other people in arcs 5 and 6 and 7 and we still got some great emilia moments. but Still. like i do feel like emilia should have had a little more involvement starting from ARC 2 from the get go. like yes she already has her Moments. but like id love to see her be way more active in the plot, or at least see a bit more glimpses into her mental state. (which i think is partly whats added to some audiences missing the point and preferring rem over emilia and then all the rem vs emilia wars that have happened.) and she NEEDS development very badly. while its not impossible At All to be in a healthy relationship when both parties have a lot of trauma, even if one has more trauma than the other, its still like. narratively speaking emisuba is unbalanced. subarus had So Much Development and it feels like emilia is left by the wayside despite being like. the deuteragonist and female lead of the entire story? T^T it just feels like subarus allowed to be way more messy and human while emilia its like. shes not Allowed to be as messy and human despite the fact that arcs 3-4 was meant to showcase this. it just feels like it doesnt continue enough in later arcs. it feels like tappei just doesnt want to let emilia be more flawed T^T and by flawed i mean. flawed in a way that isnt just making her look very Stupid to Certain Audiences sometimes.
anywayyy this section is way too long but special shoutout to ramilia and reinhard/emilia. i think those ships have the potential to be very sweet or very unhinged. and i like the parallels that each ship has. and big shoutout to Canon Ramilia moments (them holding hands in season two of the anime. and also ramilia hugging in arc 8 ch14 <3). and i do think reinhard/emilia would be interesting in pride if particularly given how they both end up.....
A BROTP I have with said character: SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO ANNEROSE AND EMILIA i love annerose's little crush on emilia and annerose's "emily" nickname (which emilia later uses as an alias in arcs 7-8). yes i do interpret annerose's crush as romantic in nature. but also iirc annerose was the one that taught emilia that babies come from kissing. which i absolutely Despise because GOD TAPPEI why are u having a nine year old teach a seventeen year old this........... BUT OTHER THAN THAT i love the annerose-emilia dynamic and the absolute sass annerose gives subaru. i think annerose and petra are super funny bc they have crushes on emilia and subaru respectively and then their little kid brains explode bc emisuba are so cute and lovey dovey together right in front of them. i think theyre hilarious.
A NOTP I have with said character: literally like..... almost any fanon version of emisuba. or like emisuba but emilia never finds out about rbd. thatd be my worst nightmare. like T^TT please. please no. like i know emilias a fictional character but the way people talk about her sometimes Literally makes me ill (metaphorical). like if you talk about a fictional person like that, how are you acting with real people...
A random headcanon: SHES FERAL. SHES FERAL. I THINK SHES SO CAPABLE OF BEING FERAL AND TAPPEI SHOULD JUST LET HER GO HAYWIRE. like. she was like what. like nine or smth. and she KILLED pandora a shit ton of times. and then theres emilias greed if self being absolutely Batshit like imagine the amount of times shes frozen everything and killed people in failed loops??? T^T like. let her go off tbh. i want her DRENCHED in blood. i think she should snap. have a little carrie moment.
General Opinion over said character: i LOVE EMILIA WITH MY WHOLE HEART. but i do think she deserves a lot better :(( both in terms of writing and in terms of. how shes seen by so much of the fandom. like both in and out of universe shes blamed for things out of her control. she barely knows shit about the witch cult. she has no idea about rbd. shes dealing with her own trauma regarding lying and others sacrificing herself for her (remember whats happened to fortuna and petelgeuse and archie? T^T) and hurting others on accident. shes been so dehumanized and lonely and alone that seeing someone like subaru care so much about her is Completely Foreign to her. hes like in pain and sticking his neck out So Much for her and its like??? shes got no say in that either hah... T^T like i feel like sometimes people forget that subaru made the choice to follow emilia. there are literal routes in this story where subaru does not follow emilia and has a better life (usually at the cost of. a lot of people dying though). hes chosen to follow emilia over and over again. emilia tries her best with the cards she's been dealt, and she has no control over all of these higher forces trying to destroy her for one reason or another. and with her upbringing its like T^T being told what to do and who you are and generally being Spoken Over your whole life does not make you remotely confident or competent at much. it teaches you helplessness. and that youre useless on your own. which is what i think has been happening with emilia T^T i just think its sad that even how audiences see her reflects how the rest of the world in universe sees her. like she is a victim here also. she is DOOMED by the narrative all the time as well. and post-arc 4, too, she IS MORE ACTIVE and also trying her best!!! pls!!! (special shoutout to her and the emilia camp IMMEDIATELY going "yes we NEED to get to subaru quickly LETS GO TO VOLLACHIA" in arc 7.) people forget all of this and blame her for every little thing instead.
and ALSO shes a great character!!! i adore her!!! she has EVEN MORE potential for further development!!!! and with how subarus been dealt with the quadruple whammy of arcs 5-8 happening LITERALLY back to back in the same time span... and the insane levels of trauma in arcs 6-7 ALONE, subaru is in desperate need of a break. and emilia is in desperate need of development and i am tired of tappei putting her on a pedestal in his mind. tappei pls i want to see emilia being challenged and going through insane subaru levels of development T^T
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ask-the-furies · 1 year
Welcome to ask-the-furies!
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About: What is this?
Who are these characters?
What can I ask/what can I expect to see?
What’s the tag system?
COMPLETED THOUGHT PROJECTS: Flocks, Herds, And Schools Gender? I Hardly Know Her!
About: What is this?
This is an askblog for the skills of Disco Elysium! It will be written in the style of the game itself. It will be a mixture of canon information and headcanon interpretation, with references to multiple routes and canons in the game itself along with semi-fic-ish elements to it.
Who are these characters?
These are the skills from Disco Elysium, the stats that determine Harry Du Bois’ abilities and thoughts. They are the personified manifestations of his capabilities that exist within his brain as voices. Here are my designs of them:
Limbic System and ARB:
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Since they’re so broadly defined as both game mechanics and as characters, I’ll be using my own headcanons to represent them (so we’re gonna get a little silly with it.) I’ll give a brief rundown of the skills as they’ll be represented via their functions:
Logic: he/him. Ability to piece together clues and detect inconsistencies.
Encyclopedia: he/him. Pre-existing knowledge of the world of Elysium.
Rhetoric:they/he. Ability to argue against others and convince them.
Drama: he/she/they. Ability to lie and detect lies.
Conceptualization: any/all. Ability to discern deeper artistic meaning and subtext.
Viscalc: he/they. Ability to determine and inference things based off of visual clues.
Volition: he/they. Moral fortitude, mental health, focus on work.
Empathy: they/them. Capacity to understand how others are feeling.
Inland Empire: they/them. Imagination, hunches, and being fascinated with the mysterious.
Authority: he/him. Ability to exert or impose command.
Esprit De Corps: any/all. Understanding police culture.
Suggestion: they/them. Ability to plant ideas and subtle subterfuge.
Endurance: he/him, physical health and vitality.
Pain Threshold: she/they. Ability to seek out and put up with pain.
Physical Instrument: he/him. Ability to use the body as a tool.
Electro-Chemistry: he/they. Base instinct of seeking pleasure.
Half Light: she/he. Fight, flight, faun, or freeze response.
Shivers: she/her. Connection with the supra-natural elements of the city.
Hand/Eye Coordination: he/him. Ability to throw, catch, and shoot.
Perception: she/her. Ability to pick up details that activate the senses.
Reaction Speed: she/they. Ability to think/act quickly.
Savoir Faire: he/they. Agility and grace, in both a physical and social sense.
Interfacing: he/him. The use of tools with finesse, like operating a second body.
Composure: they/them. Capability of staying focused and collected under pressure.
Ancient Reptilian Brain: he/him. Controls base animal instincts.
Limbic System: he/him. Controls emotional responses.
(If you have other characters you’d like to talk to that aren’t listed, like the horrific necktie, feel free to try and ask anyway. They may have something to say?)
What can I ask/what can I expect to see?
You can ask the skills just about anything you’d want to know from them. Since there are 24 of those assholes living in Harry’s brain, they need a way to get attention and enrichment, so they made this blog. Ask them about what you’re curious about!
This blog will get about as risqué as the game does— potential mentions of drug use/abuse, sex and sexuality, violence, etc. As such, no minors here, please. Ship content probably will happen and you’re more than welcome to ask about it, just be cool.
That’s generally rule number one for this blog lmao is just be cool! If I don’t want to answer something then I just won’t.
You can expect to see posts written in the style of the game itself, with the skills answering. Sometimes it may be accompanied by art, but not always!
You can also probably expect to see some skills art get reblogged (both my designs and other peoples designs) If you make fanart for my skills designs make sure you tag @ask-the-furies in it so I can see and RB it!!
Tag System?
The relevant skills and their groups that get mentioned/speak in will be tagged in the post— a post containing Interfacing will be tagged #/interfacing #//motorics, for example. If there are continuing ask threads/a storyline or conversation that fits into a particular canon, I’ll make unique tags for those as well.
#ask is for asks.
#ooc post is for ooc posts.
#/thought cabinet is fort posts that introduce a new thought to the cabinet.
I can’t promise I will answer every ask but I sure will answer the ones I think I can write something funny/clever about : ))
Something important: don’t take any of these posts too seriously. I work in a pretty superfluous way with what I imagine the skills are like, what their relationships are like, their lore, etc. The skills are best friends. The skills are roommates. The skills are in love. The skills are coworkers. It’s all true to me where. We are getting silly with it.
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jaredthebc · 2 years
ur turn for hilbert 🎤🎤🎤
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MY SON YESSSS I have so much autism for this guy who has like 20 lines in a gatcha I basically only play once in a century and the rest I basically projected onto IFUHRUIFHRF
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi Bi Bi, Bi Bi (+ Ace)
Gender Headcanon: THIS BLORBO IS SO TRANS all Pokemon protags radiate transgender but the ones in BW especially. If I had 100% control of my wardrobe currently I would unironically dress like Hilbert. I also know he's trans cause he told me himself
A ship I have with said character: Kuroshipping :] Its very casual for me in that I can see either perspective of people who see Hilbert as Aro, and I don't really see either Hilbert or Cheren being wholesome head over heels for each other but they really do radiate that energy of "If our company allowed gayness to be explicitly shown we would be an endgame couple" They just have an energy where they would be chaotic but in such a fun and loving way (though they probably would mellow out once they reach their twenties) the kind where you probably would just think they were close friends from a glance gthhgtuighg
Just ahguhtuhgtgtihu I have so much to say about these two I cannot fit it in one ask fiuhtguihtg. Brothers who didn't know they existed until found, thinking both are heroes with roles sprung upon them from early ages in different points of their lives, instead of breaking over time they slowly melt together like glue, both feeling the need to reconnect after their own individual self journeys are complete, finally breaking a chain of pain and suffering even if it hurt to get there...aaaaaaa I care for them so muchhhhhhhhh
PLUSPLUS HE AND HILDA ARE TWINS YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND IUHTIGUHTG just the general idea of an extra sibling not burdened with the pain of being a hero at one point in time like her brothers thus being a way to keep both grounded, while STILL not being a perfect person herself able to rely on her siblings its aughhghghghgh I love themmmm
A NOTP I have with said character: I'm sorry but if you ship Hilbert and N (+Hilda and N for that matter) I will hate your guts and I hate how a lot of the tags are filled with that shit ;-; I just want sibling content (I'm neutral on Hilbert X Hilda since they aren't canonically siblings despite how I plead and beg, I just ignore and move on with my day lol)
First one kind of ties to the brothers at peace thing, is whatever dragon Hilbert ended up getting depending on the region, after he and N reconnected, N just kind of ended up getting both dragons over time from Hilbert. Its not like official or anything, but Hilbert noticed how often N borrows his dragon and is fine with never getting it back. He is just happy N can be at peace with both of the dragons :)
AND THE OTHER IDK HOW MUCH I CAN FIT basically, I think Hilbert never became champion. He didn't really have a major goal of becoming one like the other protags before him, but that doesn't mean he hated the idea or anything, he just wasn't sure if that was what he wanted to do, and used his journey as a way to internally see what he should do. After the whole "Unintentionally becoming a chosen hero to fight his spiritual sibling" thing, a lot about N really stuck to him, wanting to find him for several reasons (like wanting to make sure he is okay, potentially bringing him home, saying the stuff he said in Masters etc etc). He didn't really act upon this until he was initially fighting Alder. He was literally on Alder's last Pokemon before he called the match off on his own terms.
After this he went on his way across the regions looking for N, which took a major toll on him the two years he was gone, mainly mentally. He had a hard time really justifying himself to relax, and almost ghosting everyone he ever knew also hurt a lot (The most he did to contact was write letters once in a blue moon to his mom, letting her know he was okay, but since he was on the move so much she didn't even really get the chance to write back)
I want to write a fic about this someday but basically I imagine Cheren was the one to find Hilbert outside of Unova and convince him to come home, and the reunion for everyone included so many tears and hugs. After some time home, Hilbert would go to Pasio (With the Unova gang of course) and reunite with the one he longed so much to meet again
General Opinion over said character: I am very normal about him. I know a lot of the stuff is kind of made up from my mind but in my defense I kind of have to at points this poor boy gets no lines in his own game lol
I care for him so much and I hope for the day Pokemon realizes the potential of some kind of anime based on him (never will happen but I'm used to things I want not happening lol)
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kagender · 1 year
putata or mekeke for the ask meme
YESSSS i think ill be nice and do both.
Sexuality Headcanon: gonna act like i did with tamama CUZ HES GAYYYYY DUHHHH. like everyone in the world knows this and i knew it the first time i saw him. gonna go a bit off the rails here but hes the guy that got me watching the shurara corps arc, cuz i saw him in that big ending image w every keronian in it and i was like HOOOOLY SHIT.
Gender Headcanon: he is VERY MUCH A TRANSMAN n also i think he would loooove neopronouns n xenogenders. like hes just that kind of guy
A ship I have with said character: just like every person in the world i just luuuuv putameke..... theyre little freaks made for eachother, crafty guys who work in different mediums but still appreciate eachothers mediums, an excellent combo for frogs for when you want to steal the keron star etc etc. very compatible. they should not be seperated
A BROTP I have with said character: putata n kagege bestieism is sooooo faunny to me sorry. awkward guy devoid of any color and the most colorful energetic guy in the show(PROBABLY)
A NOTP I have with said character: ummm i cant think of anything that isnt like. straight up problematic cause i cannot be a hater really. i guess ill feel a bit iffy if someone pairs him with a girl but ive never actually seen it so like.like.
A random headcanon: im having a bit of trouble pinpointing just one honestly. cuz i think of the corps a lot in general....
well i think hes very caring over his nyororo, in my au it doesnt actually die (listen. i get a bit upset whenever a nyororo gets killed off in the anime thats just a funny beast.) but it does get really sick and it makes him flip his shit a bit ALRIGHT! like i def think its a pet hes had since childhood, his familys like dirty rich so they got him a nice one. saying that i def dont think hes getting much money from them anymore, like he has seperated himself from them pretty hard. also he knew mekeke since they were like, early teens? wow this is all over the place
General Opinion over said character: did you know that putata is also a species of bug(jodis putata) anyways hes GREAT. got me into this whole shurara corps thing. i had such strong brainrot over him when i was like 13-14 and im not exactly proud of it, still love him tho
Sexuality Headcanon: hes BIIIII. bisexual. hell ya baby!
Gender Headcanon: i think mekekes another character that falls under "not cis, not trans but some secret third thing" for me, i think i labelled him a demiboy a while ago though. well he is a boything for sure
A ship I have with said character: i will just repeat putameke..... literally 2 guys made for eachother wowwww its so wild I CANT BELIEVE IT. but also kagemeke is funny. cuz they both use puppetry haha fun but i dont think abt them too much
A BROTP I have with said character: ill just parrot the kagege thing again, though i also think him and dokuku would click together a bit :3
A NOTP I have with said character: I COULD NEVER BE A HATER!!!! never ever
A random headcanon: like w putata my minds a bit over the place.... imma be honest every time i get asked for a random headcanon my mind just goes blank like i forgot everything ive ever thought of in my life
one of my oldest headcanons ever is def gecko-handed mekeke, cause he has to stick to ceilings somehow if he wants to control his puppet from above. sorry i dont like making guys float for no reason.... i think hes def a bit quirky design wise in my au, has some brown markings that he just got as he grew up (thing that happens with keronians sometimes in general tee bee eh) and i call him oxidized because of that. also he has four arms for some reason. i dont really know what his deal is. its not even just his design he wasnt raised by keronians and might act a bit silly cause of it.
General Opinion over said character: bit of an autism beast
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rfxiii · 6 months
(Just realized I’ve recently had a really big influx of new followers, and that I haven’t ever officially made a list of rules/stuff I’ll write for when people send in requests. So, to avoid anyone being disappointed or anything about a request being denied or anything, I’ve put together a short list of stuff I will and won’t write about)
Writing Request Rules:
General Rules:
My ask box is always open! So, feel free to send stuff in whenever you have an idea. That being said, life does happen, so I am occasionally pretty slow getting to requests. So, if you sent something in and I haven’t written it yet, feel free to re-send if you’re unsure I got it, or you can DM me to ask about it and I promise I’ll get to it!
I’ll write for any GTAV character you can think of, no matter how minor or how little screen time they get.
I’m in my 20’s and do write smut and some potentially triggering material. So, while I’d prefer minors DNI at all, I can’t control what you do. So, at least give me the courtesy to stay away from anything tagged with smut or any other triggering content, and Do Not request any smut unless you are over 18.
Firstly, Things I Will Not Write About:
Absolutely no underaged shipping! Everyone in game is basically 20’s or older. So, I will not write anything where the reader is under 18. The only exception would be, like, (character and a reader that’s their child). But obviously nothing containing smut!
I’m all for kink of most any kind. But I will not write anything containing scat. (Piss kink is ok to an extent and is at my discretion to write)
No age play/age regression, even if both characters are 18+. It just makes me uncomfortable.
Nothing at all containing animals in a kink/smut setting (I shouldn’t even have to say this. But you never know)
No incest!
I’m not comfortable writing anything pertaining to sexual assault. I will write non-descriptive domestic violence, or vaguely reference SA in a past setting, like, (character helping reader cope with past abuse). But I won’t go into deep detail.
Absolutely no racism, homophobia, ableism, etc. will be tolerated.
Things I’ll Write About:
I’ll write for any GTAV character, no matter how minor.
I’ll write Character x Character, Character x Reader, Character X OC (just give me a rundown on your character and their personality), also, just canon characters on their own.
Anything kink related unless stated in the above of things I won’t write.
If requesting multiple characters, the request will probably be written in headcanon style unless stated that you’d like a short scenario for each character instead.
When requesting Character x Reader, the readers gender will remain neutral unless you explicitly state otherwise, ie (Trevor x fem!reader)
When requesting smut, the reader will default to feminine anatomy unless requested otherwise, ie (Michael x male!reader)
Basically anything that isn’t mentioned in the “Will Not Write” I’ll write about. But if you’re unsure, feel free to send an ask or DM with any questions. My anon asks are also always on if you don’t feel comfortable asking if I’ll write something off anon.
You can never be too descriptive! Feel free to ask specifically for what you want, ie (Franklin x black, bi, hyperfem, short, female!reader or Wade x hispanic, male, tall, chubby!reader). What I write is specifically for you, so never feel like you have to limit the amount of description you want for your ask!
I’ll also do match ups! Send me in a description of yourself (short or detailed- whichever you prefer) and I’ll match you with a character I think you’d mesh well with.
I’ll make moodboards and playlists for Character x Character, Character x Reader, or Character x OC
My asks or DMs are always open for questions or just to discuss anything you’d like! Feel free to talk to me ✌️
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sodomhipped · 1 year
hello dear smut4smut creator,
this is my first time doing the smut4smut exchange and i am super excited! 
i’ve included prompts for each pairing and tag but don’t feel obligated to use them if you don’t find them interesting/helpful. they’re only meant as jumping off points if you get stuck. similarly, if i prompted only for one pairing and not another or didn’t give a reverse scenario, it doesn’t mean i don’t want that. i’m into all the requested tags for all requested ships, so please do not stress!
i am requesting these fandoms:
disco elysium
dragon age
elden ring
final fantasy viii
final fantasy xiv
natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812
thank you so much for creating something for me! i truly hope you have a good time.
- reclamation @ ao3
p.s. i am grateful for any treats!
do not wants
unrequested gender identity headcanons (note for reasoning: i have plenty of gender issues of my own and it can have a negative effect on me)
unrequested AUs that change the setting (i.e. i’m not interested in coffee shop au or university au stories but i love canon divergent stories that keep the same general setting with something changed)
unrequested non-canon ships that conflict with requested ships
unrequested underage characters in sexual situations or sexualizing youth (including age regression, ageplay, infantilization, etc)
unrequested kidfic (e.g. parenthood plots, stories central on child characters, characters as children)
optional details
general fic likes: fic of all lengths, third person narratives, unreliable narrators, everything from angst to fluff, happy/sad/ambiguous endings
general trope likes: canon divergence, getting together, repression, pining, unrequited, bitter exes, fake relationship, trying and failing, emotional vulnerability, complicated/unhealthy/co-dependent relationships, bets/wagers, deal with the devil, first time/last time, friends/enemies to lovers, role reversal, reunions, slice of life, having to work towards a common goal even when they don’t want to, horror elements, sharing small spaces/bed or other forms of forced intimacy, soulbonds (especially those that take a novel approach)
general smut/kink likes: intercrural, first times, oral sex, masturbation, fingering, non-penetrative sex, being held down, negotiation, possessiveness, rough sex, feeling overwhelmed by emotion and sensation, pretending sex doesn’t mean anything when it does, servicing/pleasuring their partner, teasing, body worship (especially when focused on one part/aspect of the body), kneeling, dubcon, hate sex, playful sex, laughing together during sex, vulnerability/intimacy, choosing to have sex for poor reasons (e.g. “i know this will break my heart later,” or “i don’t even like this person that much but why not,” or any other variation), [aliens/bad guys/whatever flimsy plot device] makes them do it, sex during or after an argument, unsexy sexual situations
disco elysium
harry du bois/jean vicquemare 
what i like about the characters: i so enjoy harry’s pre-game spiral that we learn about in bits and pieces. and then the jean we meet is already so jaded by his experiences with harry. as bitter and depressed and resentful as jean is, he still has a strong core of esprit de corps and loyalty. i think there's also a sense of guilt there that he couldn't help harry in his spiral, and he was hit really hard when harry said "I don't want to get better--I want to get worse."
what i like about the ship: both their destructive past and uncertain present intrigue me. give me bitter exes or ‘what could have been’ stories. or stories where they have the opportunity to work through all the shit from before.
harry du bois/kim kitsuragi/jean vicquemare
what i like about the characters: i’ve already covered jean and harry above. i love kim's reserve and self-containment. he prides himself so much on presentation and control, which is such a great foil to both harry and jean who constantly flirt with chaos.
what i like about the ship: i love that kim and jean sort of represent the opposite sides of harry--there’s such a clear break in time and each has entirely different experiences with the same man. i love how much bitterness and resentment jean has while kim gets to work with what is essentially a blank slate. i would love to see anything that plays with this imbalance, whether or not it gets righted.
requested tags
anal fingering: i love this as the main event or as extended foreplay, especially paired with conversation and awkwardness. and it works for all pairings for me. imagine kim fingering jean and while harry narrates. or imagine anyone fingering themselves to tantalize his partner(s).
anal sex: give me the first time, reunion sex, anything. dive into their dynamic. fluffy sex. angsty sex. angry sex. resentful quasi-unrequited sex.
awkward first times: maybe expectations don’t align, or someone is inexperienced, or they just don’t know how to relate to each other intimately. tell me their foibles!
casual sex while secretly pining: this works for me in any permutation. maybe jean and harry used to have sex but harry never noticed jean wanted something more. or maybe post-game while they (meaning any pairing) start something physical before figuring the rest out.
character c is only attracted to half of a/b but agrees to a threesome anyway: i would love this for jean. whether he has a longstanding attraction/love/past relationship with or for harry but harry is with kim now so he agrees to them as a package deal... or if he was once attracted to harry (but no longer) but agrees to the threesome to get to kim… or for jean/kim, maybe he agrees to a threesome with an OMC despite the fact he only wants to be closer to harry. i’m happy with any outcome from this, whether he remains unhappy with the situation or realizes he’s more interested in the third person than he thought.
confessions during sex: i’m very into the trope of being incapable of being able to hold feelings in at the same time one is having sex. what truths come out?
desperate sex: any version of this works for me. one or both parties want it so badly that it can’t be contained. i would love to see this with jean, mixing with his resentment/uncertainty, or with kim, which would be presented very differently considering how much self-control he has.
exes with benefits: the fit for jean/harry here is pretty obvious (and delicious), but i would love to see how it could work with jean/harry/kim. maybe it’s how jean joins the threesome? any excuse for this trope works for me, it’s bulletproof.
fingering after fucking: i love the intimacy of this and it works for jean/harry or jean/harry/kim. imagine jean, exhausted and satisfied, and harry and/or kim fingering him just to watch him squirm while making a mess. alternately, have jean make a vindictive mess of harry and gloat over the fact while fingering him after they fuck. feel free to include come play or not.
getting together: i could read every variation of this forever and never get tired. what is the boiling point that turns them into lovers? is it a quick or slow burn? do they build respect over time? does one feel it before the other(s)? all of the possibilities!
intercrural sex: any formulation of this works for me. whether it’s preference or pragmatic or just because they enjoy it, whatever reasoning works for me.
jealousy leads to possessive sex: maybe one didn’t realize that they were developing feelings (at least to the extent they have) until a bit of jealousy crops up. what causes it and how do they react?
masturbation: i’m particularly fond of guilty fantasies during masturbation. maybe jean knows he shouldn’t be attracted to harry or kim and tries to exorcise the feeling himself. i’m onboard with this staying solo or moving onto a relationship between jean/harry or jean/kim/harry.
position - bent over a table and fucked from behind: any configuration of this is fine by me. bonus points for the top partner pushing the bottom partner down with a hand on their back/neck/head/etc.
quiet sex and trying not to be caught
rimming: any configuration of this would be great. maybe harry finds that he is good at and deeply enjoys eating ass. or maybe kim is the one who dives in.
taking out one's issues on partner during sex: i think every character i requested has some issues they might like to take out during sex. maybe jean wants to punish harry for everything he’s done and does so on the ‘new’ harry via sex. maybe kim is frustrated that his partners lack self restraint and sets out to teach them. 
voyeurism - accidental voyeurism: jean comes across harry/kim and decides to watch. bonus points for jean working out his issues as he deals with being turned on by the sight. maybe he’s in unrequited love with harry, or he’s just jealous of their relationship, or maybe he’s angry that they put him in this awkward position. or maybe it’s pre-game and jean is watching harry go about his life with jealousy in his heart—or post game, and he’s jealous of harry moving on/getting better without him. or flip it so that harry wishes he had the chance to be close again with jean but jean is doing fine without him. really any scenario makes me happy.
voyeurism - watching object of pining with someone else: this is a kindred prompt to the one above. but maybe the specific thing jean feels is that he either was once with harry or once thought he could be with harry, so seeing this new harry with someone who’s so good for him is a punch in the gut. maybe jean sees all the things that will never be and tries to tell himself it’s for the best. or maybe he just thinks watching the two of them is hot.
dragon age
male hawke/varric tethras
what i like about the characters: i love varric’s humor, insightfulness, and loyalty. i enjoyed him a lot in dragon age 2 but he burrowed into my brain as a favorite as soon as he was caught hiding hawke away from the inquisition. the fact that he weighed the needs and protection of hawke before such a world-affecting situation absolutely worked for me. as for hawke. i played a mage-allied, purple hawke, but i’m open to many interpretations.
what i like about the ship: i love these two together, especially considering the progression of dragon age 2 and inquisition. i love their easy camaraderie, their banter, and especially how protective varric is of hawke. i think it’s really easy to see them awkwardly making the transition from friends to lovers.
requested tags
anal fingering: i love this as the main event or as extended foreplay, especially paired with conversation and awkwardness. imagine varric fingering hawke and talking dirty. or imagine him fingering himself open to tantalize hawke.
anal sex: give me the first time, reunion sex, anything. dive into their dynamic. fluffy sex. angsty sex.
awkward first times: do they work totally in tandem on the battlefield and at the pub but fall apart in the bedroom? perhaps expectations differ or they don’t know how to relate to each other when it’s sexual. tell me their foibles!
bets & wagers: poor choices during wicked grace are a staple. and what better way to make a decision than make a bet as a flimsy excuse to get closer to your crush? or maybe the bet-maker is so deeply in denial they don’t even realize why they are suggesting the thing.
can't stop thinking about it - can't forget one night stand: maybe they have sex without proper communication and now varric or hawke (or both) don’t know where they stand with the other. i’d like this scenario as either something that resolves happily (they both want it to happen again!) or something that remains unrequited.
casual sex while secretly pining: i love stories about people who want to be with someone but, for whatever reason, think that the only thing on offer is sex. and they take it, knowing it’ll break their heart every time, because it’s better than nothing.
character study through porn: literally anything goes here. dive into their dynamic or their individual feelings. give me banter overlaying deeper feelings. anything.
characters react to in-universe smut written about them: varric is a writer so this is pretty tailored for him. he’s also canonically written about himself and hawke so why not extend it a little further and have him write about himself and hawke...together? how does hawke find out? does he approve? maybe he thinks it’s a bit sexy (and maybe a bit funny with where varric deviates from reality).
confessions during sex: i’m very into the trope of being incapable of being able to hold feelings in at the same time one is having sex. what truths come out?
courtship/wooing: i assume neither varric or hawke are any good at courtship and wooing. show me their humorous foibles, where they get their ideas on how to show the other they’re interested, and eventually how they win their man.
drugs - drunk sex: give me a few drinks leading to more. maybe it’s enough to take down any reservations that making a move might break the friendship. or maybe it’s established relationship and they’re having a nice and sloppy night in.
fingering after fucking: i love the intimacy of this. consider varric or hawke, still in disbelief at the sexual turn in their relationship, fucking and then fingering the other while entirely self-satisfied and making a mess of the other. feel free to include come play or not.
friends with benefits "make love" for the first time: tell me the story where varric and hawke start sleeping together, fully assuming a little dick between bros is no big deal, and then their hearts catch up with them. 
getting together: i could read every variation of this forever and never get tired. what is the boiling point that turns them into lovers? is it a quick or slow burn? does one feel it before the other? all of the possibilities!
intercrural sex: any formulation of this works for me. whether it’s preference or pragmatic or just because they enjoy it, whatever reasoning works for me. especially with the height/size difference...
jealousy leads to possessive sex: maybe one or the other didn’t realize that they were developing feelings (at least to the extent they have) until a bit of jealousy crops up. what causes it and how do each react?
masturbation: i’m particularly fond of guilty fantasies during masturbation. maybe varric or hawke knows he shouldn’t be attracted to the other--they are, after all, just friends--and tries to exorcise the feeling himself. i’m onboard with this staying solo or moving onto a relationship between them.
quiet sex and trying not to be caught: any situation works for me with them! maybe they’re traveling and don’t want the rest of the party to know. or maybe hawke visits skyhold but varric doesn’t want anyone to know yet.
rimming: any configuration of this would be great. maybe varric puts his tongue to good use. or hawke is so thirsty that he dives right in.
wake-up sex: give me sleepy, lazy morning sex. or selfish wake up sex in which one starts groping the other before they’re even cognizant.
elden ring
d hunter of the dead/sorcerer rogier
what i like about the characters: rogier’s persona fascinates me (that “easy air” obscuring his wisdom, thoughtfulness, worry, and fear), especially when compared with d’s unthinking dedication to the golden order (born of being rejected/abandoned).
what i like about the ship: i love the essential conflict of rogier and d’s world views and anything that explores them separately or in comparison to the other. for me, this ship was made with d’s dialogue calling rogier a "piteous fellow" in the same breath as pointing out he was once "a formidable spellblade." the way he speaks of rogier's pain really struck something in me ("i can't stomach to watch")--but also in how he makes it a lesson for the tarnished. he so clearly respects rogier, pities him--but also can’t seem to reconcile his pity/hurt with the fact that he blames rogier for his own fate. i want anything that digs into their past, present, future. i want to know what aspects of each character the other admires--and hates.
requested tags
anal fingering: i love this as the main event or as extended foreplay, especially paired with conversation and awkwardness. imagine rogier fingering d and murmuring sweet nothings. or imagine him fingering himself to tantalize d.
anal sex: describe the first time they had sex or the last time they had sex. or maybe d has some internalized difficulties with the idea of sex or sex with another man. 
awkward first times: any variation of this will please me. do their expectations not align? is one not experienced? is it just unsatisfying?
casual sex while secretly pining: tell me this story from either side. maybe d was into rogier but certain rogier thought he was just a fling. or maybe rogier never trusted d enough to tell him his feelings. give them a resolution--or don’t. maybe it’s a hurt they carry all the way into their breakup and beyond. or maybe they figure it out and do better than the game allowed them.
character study through porn: any way in which you can convey/show their differences (or similarities) via sex. how do they approach intimacy? are they on the same page--or not?
confessions during sex: imagine d saying things he didn’t mean to, tongue loosened by pleasure. maybe it’s before rogier is going to leave and he admits that he loves rogier and doesn’t want him to go, even though the words change nothing. or maybe rogier has tried to be stoic and take things easy but can’t help but confess to d his true feelings during sex. maybe it’s not a ‘oh no i have feelings’ confession but instead a ‘i don’t think i can do this anymore’ confession. 
courtship/wooing: tell me the story in which d is inexperienced and rogier knows it, so rogier takes it slow in wooing d’s affections. or, alternately, tell me how d is a bit traditional in this regard and wants to get to know rogier before they have sex. what does wooing/courtship even look like in a world as much of a mess as the lands between?
exes with benefits: maybe they meet up occasionally after they split paths. there’s tension because they have a fundamental disagreement but they still have sex. feel free to make this full of pining or grief for a relationship that once meant so much to one/both.
fingering after fucking: i love the intimacy of this. consider rogier fucking d for the first time and fingering him after, making him squirm and making a mess. or d, in awe that he was so close to another human being, feeling his own come inside rogier. feel free to include come play or not.
friends with benefits "make love" for the first time: tell me the story where they both agree to have casual sex but end up feeling more. do they communicate about it or not? 
getting together: i could read every variation of this forever and never get tired. what is the boiling point that turns them into lovers? is it a quick or slow burn? do they build respect over time? does one feel it before the other(s)? all of the possibilities!
intercrural sex: any set up for this works for me. maybe rogier suggests it because he doesn’t think d will be comfortable with penetrative sex or because he prefers it. maybe it’s a way of trying to keep things more casual. 
masturbation: i’m particularly fond of guilty fantasies during masturbation. maybe d thinks he shouldn’t be attracted to rogier and tries to exorcise the feeling himself. i’m onboard with this staying solo or moving onto a relationship between them.
position - bent over a table and fucked from behind: any configuration of this is fine by me. bonus points for the top partner pushing the bottom partner down with a hand on their back/neck/head/etc.
quiet sex and trying not to be caught: i imagine there’s any number of times in the lands between one should be quiet. perhaps they’re in a dangerous area but driven to have sex anyway. or maybe they don’t want others at roundtable hold to know that they’re in a relationship.
reunion sex: any variation of this would please me. maybe after their initial parting of ways, they find each other again. or maybe it’s after rogier returns to roundtable hold. or something even more canon divergent. regardless, give me that rush of emotions built up over their separation.
rimming: any configuration of this would be great. maybe rogier helps d unwind through the joys of eating ass. or d is so thirsty that he dives right in.
sex with the ghost of dead lover: maybe rogier survives but d doesn’t. or d survives and rogier doesn’t. give me the story where they get an encounter after the fact and all the feelings/grief/regret/etc that it brings.
taking out one's issues on partner during sex: maybe d is angry at rogier’s decisions, or maybe rogier is upset d won’t think critically. whatever it is, maybe sex is an outlet for those feelings.
final fantasy viii
seifer almasy/zell dincht
what i like about the characters: ffviii is one of my oldest fandoms and i adore it as much as i did when it was released. i love how eager and earnest zell is--hot-headed and good-hearted. and i love how seifer is so cocky but too unwilling to listen, too stubborn. they both seem so essentially lonely and such great foils to each other.
what i like about the ship: for this ship, i love how they interact in the game (with seifer goading, determined to have zell’s irritation and attention), but i want to see them after the game when they’re a little more mature from all they’ve weathered. i would love themes of forgiveness and re-learning how to interact with each other.
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anal fingering: i love this as the main event or as extended foreplay, especially paired with conversation and awkwardness. imagine either of them fingering zell and talking dirty. or imagine anyone fingering himself to tantalize his partner.
anal sex: tell me about their first time or preferences. tell me about how they learn each other and how they relate to each other.
awkward first times: first times always have a chance of being awkward, but maybe especially for these two. they aren’t particularly well socialized. they have a history. tell me about their mistakes and foibles as they learn how to be together.
bets & wagers: maybe there’s attraction between them but they need an excuse to make the final step, so one or the other manufactures a playful bet to create that excuse. or maybe they’re already in a new relationship and having a bit of sexy fun.
can't stop thinking about it - can't forget one night stand: maybe they have sex without proper communication and now seifer or zell (or both) don’t know where they stand with the other. i’d like this scenario as either something that resolves happily (they both want it to happen again!) or something that remains unrequited.
casual sex while secretly pining: tell me the story in which they start a physical relationship and it means more to one or both of them. how does it progress? do either eventually tell the other that they want more? 
confessions during sex: i’m very into the trope of being incapable of being able to hold feelings in at the same time one is having sex. what truths come out? 
courtship/wooing: maybe seifer feels like he has to prove himself to zell and does his best to prove himself as a potential partner. or maybe zell goes about the work of dating with endearing earnestness.
desperate sex: they both are so young and in so need of human connection. maybe a post-canon thing in which they connect, wildly.
fingering after fucking: i love the intimacy of this. consider seifer or zell, fingering their lover after sex just to watch him squirm/indulge his own feelings of self-satisfaction/making a mess. feel free to include come play or not.
frenemies with benefits "make love" for the first time: this is probably self-explanatory, but i’d love something post-game where they meet up again, start having sex, and only later do their feelings catch up to them unexpectedly. 
getting together: i could read every variation of this forever and never get tired. what is the boiling point that turns them into lovers? is it a quick or slow burn? do they build respect over time? does one feel it before the other(s)? all of the possibilities!
intercrural sex: maybe seifer is leary of receiving penetrative sex and offers this as a compromise. or maybe this is just what cadets in the garden do. maybe it’s a prelude to penetrative sex later, or not. i’m game for any scenario.
jealousy leads to possessive sex: maybe one or the other didn’t realize that they were developing feelings (at least to the extent they have) until a bit of jealousy crops up. what causes it and how do each react? 
masturbation: i’m particularly fond of guilty fantasies during masturbation. maybe seifer feels like he shouldn’t be attracted to zell because of how he treated him in the past and tries to exorcise the feeling himself. or maybe zell reconnects with seifer and finds himself fantasizing. i’m onboard with this staying solo or moving onto a relationship between them.
position - bent over a table and fucked from behind: any configuration of this is fine by me. bonus points for the top partner pushing the bottom partner down with a hand on their back/neck/head/etc.
quiet sex and trying not to be caught: so many possibilities here! maybe they are both in seed, maybe even on mission, and fooling around when they shouldn’t. or maybe they don’t want their relationship to be known for whatever reason. maybe it’s the whole ex-sorceress knight vs seed thing; or worrying about the judgment of their friends; or maybe seifer doesn’t want to tarnish zell’s reputation in a self-sacrificing streak he doesn’t himself understand.
rimming: any configuration of this would be great. maybe they heal their tattered relationship with intimacy (via eating ass). or maybe they’re so eager to explore each other that one or the other dives right in.
wake-up sex: give me sleepy, lazy morning sex. or selfish wake up sex in which one starts groping the other before they’re even cognizant. 
final fantasy xiv
aymeric de borel/haurchefant greystone
what i like about the characters: aymeric and haurchefant are such interesting characters. aymeric is so optimistic and clear-eyed and political while haurchefant is passionate and loyal. they are both men of duty and belief--though in very different ways. i like that aymeric devotes himself so much to duty but there are undercurrents there of so much more (repression, dreams, and desires) that he sets aside as best he can. haurchefant is somewhat the opposite--acting on passion first much of the time (protecting friends) even ahead of duty.
what i like about the ship: although they have much in common (both bastard sons, military men, driven by loyalty), i think there are fundamental differences in their approach to the world. i like to think there’s a bit of friction between them because of it. perhaps aymeric is a little jealous that haurchefant can be so open while he feels required to hold so much in.
what i like about the characters: i like to read a bit into hythlodaeus. i tend to view him as extremely competent (and borderline manipulative) despite his downplaying of his own abilities, all while presenting such a carefree and charming persona. by comparison, hades cares so much and wears his emotions fairly clearly, even if they are somewhat disguised by his general demeanor. and then, i love how much grief he wears openly as emet-selch later.
what i like about the ship: i love that we meet hythlodaeus via hades memory of him (!!!) and clearly see how much they meant to each other. i love any setting for them--pre-sundering, post-sundering, anything, canon compliant, canon divergent. i want them to mean the world to each other, get torn apart, and find each other time after time.
urianger augurelt/thancred waters
what i like about the characters: thancred’s inability to be emotionally honest with himself or the people around him is great for me. (and perhaps less so for those he loves.) but he makes great strides in this area by the end of the game. regardless of whether we’re dealing with emotionally constipated arr thancred or ‘i’m trying my best’ endwalker thancred, i love it all. as for urianger, i think he’s a study in the opposite. i think he thinks a lot about everything, including his emotions. he tries his best for the people he’s around but he doesn’t always (or, you know, often) feel the need to bring them into his confidence. he’s an odd and interesting duck.
what i like about the ship: i think they complement each other extremely well. they have both lost the people closest to them despite their best efforts and done their best to rebuild. i love that they become so close in shadowbringers and then enter less firm territory in endwalker. i want to see how their relationship begins and develops. i want to see how they work together and how they disagree.
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anal fingering: i love this as the main event or as extended foreplay, especially paired with conversation and awkwardness. and it works for all pairings for me. imagine anyone fingering his partner and talking dirty. or imagine anyone fingering himself to tantalize his partner.
anal sex: tell me about first times, last times, or general dynamics. 
awkward first times: maybe expectations don’t align, or someone is inexperienced, or they just don’t know how to relate to each other intimately. tell me their foibles!
can't stop thinking about it - can't forget one night stand: i like this set up for every permutation. maybe they have sex without proper communication and now one or the other (or both) don’t know where they stand with the other. i’d like this scenario as either something that resolves happily (they both want it to happen again!) or something that remains unrequited.
casual sex while secretly pining: i love stories about people who want to be with someone but, for whatever reason, think that the only thing on offer is sex. and they take it, knowing it’ll break their heart every time, because it’s better than nothing.
character study through porn: any way in which you can convey/show their differences (or similarities) via sex. how do they approach intimacy? are they on the same page--or not?
confessions during sex: i’m very into the trope of being incapable of being able to hold feelings in at the same time one is having sex. what truths come out?
courtship/wooing: this is another bulletproof trope for me. any character actively seeking out another character with the intention to woo them goes straight to my id. maybe urianger sets out to woo thancred on the first. or hythlodaeus courts hades in amaurot. or haurchefant takes an interest in the knight commander. whether it be an unconventional approach or not, i love any set up.
desperate sex: any version of this works for me. one or both parties want it so badly that it can’t be contained. maybe thancred needs comfort after the whole lahabrea thing. or maybe aymeric realizes how much he wants to let go with haurchefant, who is always so open about his desires. or maybe emet-selch cannot keep his hands off hythlodaeus after they finally reunite.
fingering after fucking: i love the intimacy of this and it works for pretty much any pairing for me. imagine character a and b having sex for the first time and character a fingering them after, self-satisfied and watching b squirm while he makes a mess of him. feel free to include come play or not.
getting together: i could read every variation of this forever and never get tired. what is the boiling point that turns them into lovers? is it a quick or slow burn? do they build respect over time? does one feel it before the other(s)? all of the possibilities!
intercrural sex: any formulation of this works for me. whether it’s preference or pragmatic or just because they enjoy it, whatever reasoning works for me.
jealousy leads to possessive sex: this is another one that’s fun in almost any scenario. i’m also perfectly fine if this is a little toxic--or not! make it as wholesome or unhealthy of a dynamic as you like.
masturbation: i’m particularly fond of guilty fantasies during masturbation for pretty much any individual. maybe aymeric has some fantasies about haurchefant he doesn’t fully understand. or maybe thancred is hesitant to talk about his feelings but trying to work it out of his system in private. or, in a most angsty set up, hades thinking about hythlodaeus after the sundering. i’m onboard with any of this staying solo or moving onto a relationship between them.
position - bent over a table and fucked from behind: any configuration of this is fine by me. bonus points for the top partner pushing the bottom partner down with a hand on their back/neck/head/etc.
reunion sex: there are so many reunion possibilities in this game. maybe aymeric and haurchefant don’t get much time together because haurchefant is always at camp and aymeric in the city. hythlodaeus and hades are parted for millennia. thancred and urianger separate and part all the time--maybe thancred is returning from a mission or they celebrate returning from the first.
rimming: any configuration of this would be great. and it works for any pairing for me. i think haurchefant would be an enthusiastic eater of ass. or maybe urianger wants to try it for the first time, applying himself with academic efficiency. really, any set up or giver/receiver is great!
wake-up sex: give me sleepy, lazy morning sex. or selfish wake up sex in which one starts groping the other before they’re even cognizant.
natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812
fyodor "fedya" ivanovich dolokhov/anatole vasilyevich kuragin
what i like about the characters: dolokhov is a true favorite for me. i love how manipulative and horrible he is but also admire his pride and loyalty. he’s a great fit for anatole, who is also quite prideful but more earnest in his manipulations. they are at once incredibly similar and very different.
what i like about the ship: i like that that they bring out the worst in each other for the most part but also occasionally will try to guide each other the right direction (if possibly for selfish reasons). i am also very fond of any construction that has them sleeping together casually while one is pining (dolokhov especially). i think they know how to have a good time together, but maybe not communicate about some of the important things.
pyotr "pierre" kirillovich bezukhov/fyodor "fedya" ivanovich dolokhov
what i like about the characters: pierre is manages to float through his own life without any real impact (upon himself or upon others) for so long. i love his melancholy, indecision, self-absorption. dolokhov is, by comparison, so sharp and in the moment. he’s scrabbled to a better sect of society than he should be hanging out in and cobbled together this fearsome reputation.
what i like about the ship: i like them to be a bit toxic together. they canonically party together and dolokhov cuckholds pierre, resulting in the infamous duel. so there’s not a lot of healthy territory to work with. i’d love anything that has them sleeping together during/after parties despite neither of them really respecting the other. or perhaps pierre goes to apologize after the duel to dolokhov and it ends up sexual. or maybe they meet a long time after comet and something sparks. or i’m also okay if they just have a sexual relationship while thinking about other people (perhaps dolokhov wants anatole but can’t have him and pierre is daydreaming about hélène or natasha.)
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achievements/points/other gamification for sex: dolokhov is competitive and pierre is eager to please. it seems a perfect set up to make an artificial game out of sex. or maybe anatole is bored one day and proposes a challenge to dolokhov.
anal fingering: i love this as the main event or as extended foreplay, especially paired with conversation and awkwardness. imagine dolokhov fingering his partner and talking dirty. or imagine anyone fingering himself to tantalize his partner.
anal sex: give me the first time, reunion sex, anything. dive into their dynamic. fluffy sex. angsty sex. why-are-we-doing-this sex.
awkward first times: maybe expectations don’t align, or someone is inexperienced, or they just don’t know how to relate to each other intimately. tell me their foibles!
can't stop thinking about it - can't forget one night stand: i like this set up for every permutation. maybe they have sex without proper communication and now one or the other (or both) don’t know where they stand with the other. i’d like this scenario as either something that resolves happily (they both want it to happen again!) or something that remains unrequited.
casual sex while secretly pining: i love stories about people who want to be with someone but, for whatever reason, think that the only thing on offer is sex. and they take it, knowing it’ll break their heart every time, because it’s better than nothing.
clothing - clothed/naked: i love any variation of this. i like the vulnerability of someone clothed or partially clothed while the other is naked. it’s also an a+ visual image, especially with the costuming in this show.
confessions during sex: i’m very into the trope of being incapable of being able to hold feelings in at the same time one is having sex. what truths come out?
desperate sex: any version of this works for me. one or both parties want it so badly that it can’t be contained. maybe it isn’t even about who they are with but they both want to be wanted so badly.
drugs - drunk sex: this is a great set up for all that canonical partying. or maybe dolokhov is visiting pierre and they have a few too many.
dubcon - character offers sex to bargain or for a bet; doesn't expect to actually have to pay up: this is another great set up for pre-comet and early comet. maybe it’s a card game or a party. dolokhov is notoriously skilled as a gambler. does he make a sexual suggestion, thinking pierre will fold?
fingering after fucking: i love the intimacy of this and it works for pretty much any pairing for me. imagine character a and b having sex for the first time and character a fingering them after, self-satisfied and watching b squirm while he makes a mess of him. maybe dolokhov does this with pierre and mocks him for letting himself be used. or maybe dolokhov fucks anatole and then fingers him, making a mess of him, to prove to himself he means something to anatole. feel free to include come play or not.
intercrural sex: any formulation of this works for me. whether it’s preference or pragmatic or just because they enjoy it, whatever reasoning works for me.
masturbation: i’m particularly fond of guilty fantasies during masturbation. maybe pierre knows he shouldn’t be attracted to dolokhov (or vice versa) and tries to exorcise the feeling himself. or maybe dolokhov thinks anatole will never notice him as more than a friend/casual hook up. i’m onboard with this staying solo or moving onto a relationship between them.
position - bent over a table and fucked from behind: any configuration of this is fine by me. bonus points for the top partner pushing the bottom partner down with a hand on their back/neck/head/etc.
rimming: any configuration of this would be great. and it works for any pairing for me. maybe anatole proves his depravity by eating ass. or maybe dolokhov wants to blow pierre’s mind, who has never considered such a thing before.
selfish sex: both anatole and dolokhov are essentially selfish people. i would love them having sex with the other just because it serves their desires, regardless of how it might mess up the relationship or hurt the other emotionally. similarly with pierre, i love how he is so kind and giving, which dolokhov proves he has no problem taking advantage of. have one partner use the other to get off and leave them wanting, embarrassed, etc.
geoffrey mccullum/jonathan reid 
what i like about the characters: for reid, i prefer him to hold on to his respect humanity and life, so a “not even once” or “only bad guys” version of him is my favorite. i love that mccullum is so unbending in his beliefs. even if he’s turned into a vampire, he seems to intend to continue hunting vampires. however, i also love any little cracks in this armor he surrounds himself with (his eventual trust of reid shown by giving him the blood of king arthur for example).
what i like about the ship: for reid and mccullum together, i love how they are opposed and yet both are trying to essentially hold on to their own morality. one or both of them have blood on their hands, but they believe they’re working towards good–even if they disagree on what that looks like. the tension between them because of their different world views is delicious to me. it seems as if mccullum has to learn to bend (or, to his view, compromise his values) to make room for reid in his life--so how does he justify it to himself?
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anal fingering: i love this as the main event or as extended foreplay, especially paired with conversation and awkwardness. imagine mccullum listening to reid observing how much he is enjoying it while spread open on reid’s fingers. or imagine mccullum finding himself shocked that he wants to please reid and doing his best to make the sex good for him.
aroused by hunting and/or being hunted by love interest: i like this going either direction. imagine mccullum who finds himself intrigued by fantasies of reid hunting him in earnest. or reid who finds mccullum’s competency as a vampire hunter fearsome and sexy.
awkward first times: first times are always delicious but awkward first times are especially fun to read about. maybe mccullum lacks experience in this area. or maybe they simply don’t know how to be at ease with each other yet. or maybe they’re both just too pent up to make it particularly good. 
bad guys made them do it: any formulation, no matter how flimsy, of this works for me. it can be mccullum and reid’s first time or their one hundredth, but i want them feeling awkward, humiliated, and concerned for each other. bonus points for the aftermath. maybe there’s a way to temporarily turn ekons feral. or maybe they’re simply under threat of death.
can't stop thinking about it - can't forget one night stand: as a set up this pretty much always works for me. i love the thought that they had sex once and then assumed that was it and don’t know how to go about articulating that they’d like to keep doing it.
casual sex while secretly pining: i love pining whether or not it’s resolved. give me the scenarios where mccullum and reid are having sex and it only serves to make them feel more alone. give them a happy ending--or don’t.
consensual vampire feeding: any situation in which mccullum offers his blood to reid is very eyes emoji to me. maybe he justifies that it’s more pragmatic than letting reid hunt rats or whatever he does. maybe reid is hurt and needs it to survive. maybe mccullum just wants it but has a hard time admitting as much.
desperate sex: these two have such a charged relationship in the game, it’s easy to imagine it spilling over into sex. how and when does it finally get to them?
fingering after fucking: i love the intimacy of this in any permutation. make it about possession, feeling dirty, whatever. feel free to include come play or not.
frenemies with benefits "make love" for the first time: give me scenarios where they’ve had a physical relationship for awhile but the feelings part of it sneaks up on them. do they communicate at all about the transition or do their actions change while they hope the other picks up the implied message?
getting together: i could read every variation of this forever and never get tired. what is the boiling point where they go from enemies to lovers? do they spend a while getting to know each other better? is it a quick flashover from anger to desperate sex? do they build respect over time? does one feel it before the other? all of the possibilities!
held down: i like this both ways but i am particularly tickled at the idea of mccullum discovering he likes to be held down/the fact that reid is very strong. alternately, give me a gentle reid who’s willing to play along with mccullum.
intercrural sex: maybe reid used to engage in a bit of intercrural in school and suggests it to mccullum (or assumes it as the preferred option). or maybe they engage in intercrural with the promise of penetrative sex at a later date.
masturbation: i’m particularly fond of guilty fantasies during masturbation. maybe mccullum knows he shouldn’t be attracted to reid and tries to exorcise the feeling himself. i’m onboard with this staying solo or moving onto a relationship between them.
position - bent over a table and fucked from behind: any configuration of this is fine by me. bonus points for the top partner pushing the bottom partner down with a hand on their back/neck/head/etc. 
quiet sex and trying not to be caught: i am especially interested in this in regards to one of them being a bit too close to home. for example, having sex in the priwen headquarters or at pembroke.
rimming: any configuration of this would be great. maybe reid helps mccullum unwind through the joys of eating ass. or mccullum is so thirsty for reid that he dives right in.
rough sex to stave off Other violent urges: reid’s vampyric nature opens up so many possibilities. maybe he’s starving and there’s nothing for it so mccullum offers to distract him.
taking out one's issues on partner during sex: mccullum is definitely a man of many issues. he doesn’t seem like someone who would be comfortable with self-doubt. or someone who would be comfortable admitting he might have misjudged someone. maybe he has a hard time admitting why he’s so attracted to reid even as they begin a sexual relationship and reid goes along with the verbal barbs, rough sex, whatever--at least for a while.
sakurazuka seishirou/sumeragi subaru
what i like about the characters: for subaru, i love that he has to bear so much responsibility and tragedy on his young shoulders, losing everyone who was the most important to him–all while his heart is breaking from a betrayal. he trades his mantle of hope and kindness to instead take on guilt, cynicism, and sadness. and he has such a difficult time fitting into his role for the end of the world because of those wounds. for seishirou, i love that he’s incapable of emotion–or at the very least, incapable of recognizing it in himself. i believe he comes to love subaru in his own way (and can admit to some part of it) by x/1999. and, of course, he is very willing and able to put on a mask to hide any misgivings he might have–and wield his coldness as a weapon.
what i like about the ship: there’s something brutal about seishirou choosing the brightest, most innocent person to make an impossible, one-sided bet with. it was unfair from the outset--and he never intends to play on equal footing. even when he forces his own death, he gives subaru so little and leaves him to weather the aftereffects alone. from tokyo babylon to x/1999, subaru withers under the force of seishirou’s many, many harms (which are, deliciously, the closest he comes to love)--and in turn obsesses. it’s a deeply unhealthy relationship but it has so, so much depth.
fandom specific clarification: my normal DNW for underage/age-related items does not apply to Tokyo Babylon and X/1999. i am fine if Seishirou and Subaru had a thing during Tokyo Babylon; or if Seishirou kinks on Subaru's innocence; or anything else that taps into the canon themes. go wild.
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anal fingering: i love this as the main event or as extended foreplay, especially paired with conversation and awkwardness. just imagine seishirou fingering subaru, who feels so exposed and embarrassed and turned on, while discussing whatever.
anal penetration as an act of dominance: i’m okay with this going any way. maybe seishirou wants to remind subaru that he is his. or maybe subaru turns the tables on seishirou. maybe it doesn’t go like either of them expect.
anal sex: this is super broad so there’s a lot of ways you can go with it. maybe it’s their first time (or first time doing it this particular way). maybe it’s an old habit for them. maybe seishirou has an inkling for the first time that it means more to him than it should. or maybe subaru is doing his best to enjoy a moment without being so haunted by memories or his awful reality/burdens/etc.
bad guys made them do it: maybe fuuma interprets subaru or seishirou’s wish a little differently... bonus points if it would be the first time they had sex and everyone feels complicated emotions about how it happens.
bottom forces top to come inside them: there are so few ways for subaru to exert control in this relationship, maybe this is a small thing he can demand for himself.
clothing - clothed/naked: i like the inherent vulnerability of being naked while someone else is clothed. or turn it on its head and have the naked person feel/be more powerful in the moment. 
corruption of innocence: i mean, the whole story of tokyo babylon is about corrupting subaru’s innocence. i could see that extending into x/1999 after he’s a jaded adult. how does seishirou view subaru of the present day? does he miss the boy he destroyed? does he find those remaining glimmers of innocence in subaru attractive? 
deal with a devil: tell me the story where subaru makes a deal with fuuma that he’ll step out of the fight if fuuma only delivers seishirou to him as a gift. or any equivalent--making a deal to get a thing you shouldn’t want in the first place.
dehumanization: if breaking subaru’s arm was no different than breaking a glass cup, i’d love to see this extended into the realm of the sexual. this could look like a lot of things--maybe dirty talk, reminding subaru he is a meaningless object even as he’s used for seishirou’s pleasure. or maybe subaru turns the idea back on seishirou, pushing for what he wants and reminding seishirou that it shouldn’t matter if he’s an object.
dubcon - a was planning to rape b but b turned out to be willing: seishirou decides to take what he views as his, but to his shock, subaru doesn’t require force or manipulation. feel free to reach as deep as you like with self-loathing, angst, etc.
enemies with benefits: maybe they have an unspoken agreement that they can have sex whenever they’re not actively fighting for the end of the world. 
experience - character a mistakenly thinks character b is a virgin: seishirou (wrongly) assumes that subaru was saving himself or disinterested in anyone other than himself. maybe this comes up in conversation or while they are beginning sex and subaru corrects him and gets to enjoy the jealousy/possessiveness that follows.
fingering after fucking: i love the intimacy of this. consider subaru, still sensitive from being fucked, and seishirou fingering him just to watch him squirm/indulge his own feelings of possession and self-satisfaction/making a mess. feel free to include come play or not.
held down: there’s so much official art of seishirou holding subaru down by the wrists i think it fundamentally changed something in the landscape of my brain. any description of this is appreciated.
intercrural sex: imagine subaru expecting penetrative sex and instead seishirou uses his thighs, leaving him unfulfilled. or imagine seishirou offering his own thighs to subaru in a turnabout subaru never expected.
jealousy leads to possessive sex: i think somewhere along the way, seishirou clearly realizes that subaru is more important to him than he admitted--hence their final scene in x/1999. and now, there’s so many new threats to subaru (fuuma, the other angels, etc), maybe seishirou’s realization that he might have lost the bet after all directly stems from his feelings of possessiveness and jealousy.
position - bent over a table and fucked from behind: imagine subaru in this position, feeling dirty and used. it’s completely unlike any of the romantic fantasies he would have had as a young man about seishirou.
position - wall sex: similarly to “bent over a table,” this is not a fantasy subaru would have entertained, but maybe it makes sense to him in the context of who he is now and the world that seems so broken around him. maybe he’ll just take whatever he can get, no matter how it hurts him (emotionally, physically, etc).
possessive sex: this is really just a redux of “jealousy leads to possessive sex” except with an added shrug emoji: maybe seishirou just really likes to enjoy what he views as his toy.
quiet sex and trying not to be caught: any scenario with this is excellent. maybe seishirou comes onto subaru in the seals’ home. or in an inappropriate/public place. maybe it’s subaru who initiates, uncaring, and seishirou that wants to keep him hidden.
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burnt-toast-life · 3 years
So there’s this rarepair,
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make sure to include ALL info categories listed in the copy/paste template. you don’t have to keep it in your final draft of your ask, but please double check to make sure everything is there.
PEOPLE WHO DON’T WANT A ROMANTIC SHIP: please specify this in your ask!! i’m more than happy to give you a best friend, sibling, or parent instead! you may also opt out of adding a sexuality if you aren’t comfortable specifying.
ANONYMOUS REQUESTERS: i no longer accept anons for shipping events because some people can’t seem to control themselves. i offer the option to send your request OFF ANON, but include “***” at the beginning of your request so that your url, icon, name and any other personal information you want blocked out will be blocked out when posted.
TO REQUESTERS INTERESTED IN LARGER FANDOMS (STAR WARS, MARVEL, DC COMICS, ETC.): you NEED to be a little more specific here. if you haven’t seen certain shows or movies, you need to tell me what to avoid or specify a subfandom (ex. star wars: rebels, star wars prequels, anything but marvel tv shows, batfamily, titans). last event, people asked for fandoms that they had not seen everything for yet and didn’t like their results. i will NOT redo your request if you get a character you don’t know.
MCU, TASM, venom, spiderverse, x-men, batfamily, young justice, titans, gotham, and dceu are ALL DIFFERENT FANDOMS.
do not add more than one fandom or number choice and ask me to pick one for you. i will deny your ship request so fast.
please do not go overboard and give me your life story. it happens too much and it’s jarring sometimes.
some information that doesn’t help and should probably avoided: your hogwarts houses, your star sign/chart, saying you dislike oppression, your mbti results (alignments like chaotic good are okay), trauma dumping. i have nothing against anyone who has added these in the past!! i just can’t do anything with them and it’s like, filler information since it’s either baseline or i don’t know personality types off the top of my head.
if you’ve been around for a shipping event before, i suggest trying a different fandom than before if you don’t want to see yourself get the same character (but it also depends on what number you choose for a ship type)
Choice Numbers:
Love Letter - a short personalized love letter from your s/o. ***NOTE: if you choose this option, you must also choose your s/o in place of the “fandom category”. Pet names you’re comfortable/not comfortable with are appreciated.
Personalized Headcanons - three headcanons about your relationship.
Personalized Playlist - three songs that describe your relationship. ***NOTE: if you choose this option, add your music taste to your ask.
Blurb - a short description of a relationship highlight/situation.
The Beginning - an explanation of how you met and your first date/hangout.
This event will be open from Jan 24 to Feb 1 at 12:00AM EST.
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korodere · 3 years
kamukomahina gender/body headcanons
a bit of a ramble about my body, gender, and general appearance headcanons for them bcuz someone sent me a curiouscat prompting this 3k words of hyperfixation nonsense
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- He has a naturally lithe body, with a thin waist, broad shoulders and hips, which give him an hourglass. and a rather andrognyous body, which is "lucky" for him, because I hc him as nonbinary and gender non-conforming
- Gender-wise, as I said, I think he's nonbinary. Usually I do view Nagito as AMAB but I indulge in transmasc Nagito from time to time depending on my preference and how much I wish to uh, well, project, lol. But either way I think he would use he/they pronouns in a western sense. In japanese, however, they don't use third person pronouns that other people refer to them with, and in canon he uses the first person pronoun "boku", which is a "soft" masculine pronoun, in comparison to the "hard" masculine pronoun, “ore” (which Hajime uses btw!) which fits quite nicely, in my opinion! Also, in Japanese, you can be 'fluid' with your first person pronouns depending on the situation, so I think he could use more neutral or feminine pronouns should he desire it, too, to play on his gender non-conformity.
- Komaeda is very secure in his gender, regardless of being AMAB or AFAB. He does not care about stigma, or discrimination, he does not care about being "accepted" by broader society. Broader society is sort of meaningless to him, the average person and their ideas about gender and presentation and effeminity mean NOTHING to him. Whether or not a random person the street genders him correctly or treats him with respect is sort of, pointless? Because to him, most ordinary people are pointless nobodies. Their thoughts do not matter to him. I think he is still prone to insecurity, however, when around his "betters" but I just struggle to think he would degrade himself in regards to gender. to him, it's the least of his problems. what he cares about is hope and talent. He could dress femininely or wear makeup or straight up crossdress and not mind it, really. He thinks people would find a problem with it are the problem, because why does it even matter? It speaks to the way Komaeda is detached from societal norms & "normal" people, he did not grow up in normal circumstances, so he doesn't interact with the world normally by any means. he can mask and act normally to the best of his ability, often unintentionally?, but he simply does not fit into broader society and doesn't seek to.
- Komaeda loses weight really easily, and doesn't gain weight that well. This is mainly due to his many illnesses but also the medications he's been put on. He has a low appetite and burns weight rather easily, even though I headcanon that he eats like garbage (mainly junk food & takeout, since he obviously cannot cook). This makes him overall, health wise, not very healthy, and stick thin because of it. A stiff breeze could knock him over, tbh.
- He has a lot of faded scars, self-inflicted or not.
- Pre-despair (in HPA) he is fairly healthy but still lithe, and progressively his body deteriorates through his 2 years of hopes peak before the Tragedy begins.
- During the Tragedy itself, his body is at it's worst. he is almost nothing but bone at times, barely kept together by a need to live so he can see hope triumph. His weight fluctuates but he's very unhealthy. He's not anorexic or on death's door, but he's not well off, either.
- After being put into the neo world program, right after waking up, he's very, very thin and gaunt. he was in a pod on feeding tubs for an indiscernible but at least probably a month's worth of time? So he's just very weak, like he could collapse if he moves too quickly.
- But a while after waking, he goes into remission, and starts to gain more healthy habits due to being rehabilitated and cared for by Hinata, and gains some weight, finally at a healthy, normal weight. I still think he would struggle with putting on too much weight, but I am slightly fond of the idea that he gets a bit of healthy pudge after a while. To him, it's so foreign being healthy, that he honestly think something's wrong with him at first.
- Hinata has a very... average body, true to form. His hips and waist aren't too pronounced but he has a loosely "hourglass" shape, too, just not as exaggerated as Komaeda's in comparison.
- Gender-wise, I am EXTREMELY fond of transmasc Hinata. While I think I portray AMAB Hinata more than transmasc Hinata (in art and writing), I still firmly prefer transmasc Hinata. The reason I think portray otherwise more is just out of comfortability, but I've been getting better at comfortably portraying FTM Hinata. I have some reasons I prefer it and think you can extrapolate it from canon, but let's get into that
- Hinata, in my eyes, has an arc and story that fits perfectly into him just. Being trans. His desire to be someone else, someone better, someone he can proud of, and the way he overcompensates for himself and has an extreme inferiority complex would easily lend to him having similar feelings about his gender. To me, Hinata is a trans man who overperforms his masculinity out of insecurity and a need to pass. I see him as someone who would strictly use "he/him" in a western sense, which is lended to by his use of the "ore" pronoun in canon, which is almost hypermasculine.
- Even if he were AMAB, I think it still works, I think he's still someone who's insecure and tries to assert himself more strongly and therefore performs masculinity in a way to appear more confident than he is.
(side note: I actually read a bit about queerness in Japan and how it relates to gender performance and the use of pronouns, and read a bit about how queer women in japan tend to use "boku" and "ore" to perform masculinity, which I find neat. “Ore” was also sometimes used exclusively to show anger and dominance, which is why it's categorized as a "rough" pronoun. I think Japanese language, gender, and expression, and how those all relate to one another, are extremely interesting and if you get the time you should read about it lol)
- Body-wise, pre-despair, I think Hinata would. not have top surgery, obviously. I think he has a fairly average but leaning a little on the hefty side chest (pre-op) and binds it, hence the '91 cm' (but also he still has 91 cm post-op because bazongas). I also just think he leans on the "twunk" side of things at this point, not buff but not stick thin or without muscle, just kind of average with average strength and all, though I think Hinata would've tried to do sports and stuff to find his talent so he's in shape :)
- My personal, kind of amusing, but also kind of... thematical? Headcanon, is that during the Kamukura project, he also underwent gender transition. to be honest, while it may not make sense in modern Japan, I think we can suspend our disbelief for fiction, and also make the argument that Hinata's "transition" into Kamukura CAN be read, in some part, as relatable or at least familiar to the trans experience. Iit is not out of the realm of possibility, either, to assume that because many bits of society in Danganronpa are advanced (specifically science, is extremely ahead of our understanding, almost sci-fi like at times) certain attitudes about gender and sexuality can be smoothed over more in a Japanese context.
(side note: I also think that science-wise, we can suspend our disbelief, and assume that top surgery and bottom surgery are much more advanced in this universe, given the almost unbelievable levels of science in Danganronpa, such as memory wipe, mind control, completely realistic virtual simulation, um literally everything about Kamukura which is body modification and brain modification to an extreme, etc. I think it's kind of fitting within these to assume that... Hinata/Kamukura could just, gain a functioning penis, lol)
- Kamukura would have a. "Perfect" body. it's stated, I'm pretty sure, that they modified not only his brain but his body, because he needs to be able to perform every talent under their belt with ease, and his strength, instincts, technique, are all superhuman. So it's clear to me he'd have a buff body. toned muscles and all. He wouldn't really feel a need to keep it up, though, but I think since they're very... artificial (basically fucking steroids?) they wouldn't fade from a lack of keep-up.
- Kamukura also rarely ever is injured, but when he does, his body heals rather fast and can care for himself adequately, because again, his body is modified to a point of almost inhumanity.
- Gender wise, Kamukura genuinely does not care. however, I am not one to think that Kamukura is "a different person" from Hinata, rather, he is separate from Hinata, but an extension of Hinata as well, proven that he experiences some of his emotions even if subconsciously and without understanding them. he isn't a different personality or person developed in Hinata's body, but a very traumatizing, repressed, and manipulated version of Hinata given a new name, with memories repressed. He's like Theseus's ship in human form---if you get rid of everything that makes someone themselves and replace it, bit by bit, is it the same person? Technically, yes, but... truly? Who knows. 
Because of this, I think Kamukura would have a leaning toward masculine gender performance (in canon, in fact, he uses the soft masculine pronoun "boku" in stead of "ore" like Hinata) BUT I think he is still very nonbinary. In a western sense, i think he would use he/they pronouns, but not really care if someone mistook him for a woman, I suppose.
- His appearance, unironically, is very nonbinary or "he/they" to me because he's wearing a suit, the archetypal form of masculinity, but has extremely long hair, which is considered feminine, and speaks softly (dully). Of course, the bishounen "pretty boy" appearance isn't uncommon or considered less masculine in japan, I think, but there is still a different between soft masculinity and rough masculinity in japan, which lends itself to being interpreted sort of gender non-conforming by western audiences :)
- Kamukura, due to his apathy, struggles with self-maintaining, but as we all probably know i am extremely attached to KamuKoma and thus headcanon that Servant helps him, sort of like a royal servant would royalty in the old days, take care of himself by bathing him, brushing his hair out, grooming him, etc. partially out of duty, partially out of appreciation for Kamukura's body, and partially out of maintaining his sort of "perfect" look since Kamukura, especially post-Junko death, is perceived widely by the public as the new leader of the ultimate despair, even if he is ambivalent to such a title.
Post-DR3 Hinata/Kamukura combined:
As I rambled on about previously, I don't think that Kamukura and Hinata are separate people or personality, I really dislike the interpretation that they are like a "split personality" or operate like DID, because they do not "form" like DID, but also in canon, are not portrayed as separate people.
In post-dr3, Hinata instead says that he is both of them, because he is. Kamukura is Hinata, always was, but had been given a new, false identity, had been stripped of his previous self, his memories, his personality, and crafted into something new. but that did not "split" his brain into two people. It simply repressed who he once was, and made him someone he now was. But when Kamukura regains his memories, his past self, through the means of the new world program by restoring his own memories after SDR2 concludes and he wakes up, as well as doing the same for everyone else, he decides to be "Hajime Hinata" who he always was, but carrying and shouldering the weight of what "Izuru Kamukura" had been, become, and done. Hinata *is* Kamukura, he answers for Kamukura's wrongdoings, his crimes, as something he had done as a different person who's mind operated differently, due to being artificially suppressed, modified, into an apathetic tool for the scientists who made him, and later and aimless, bored individual who simply sought meaning he did not have in the unknown of what despair would be at it's climax. And if hope could overcome it.
As such, I think, when Hinata's self is brought back into the mix, and he now deals with Kamukura's apathy and boredom in part, but much less consuming and much less often, I think hinata is less staunchly "masculine", does not overperform it anymore, and is trying to understand what his past means to him, what his present is, and what his future will be. I think that Hinata would still primarily use he/him (or still use "ore" in Japanese, as it's also a means of his personality, which is a bit rough around the edges and blunt), but be more ambivalent to rigid gender expression, still finding comfort and idealness in masculinity, but not be made dysphoric or feel frightened, uncomfortable, with non-comformity or anything like that. being boyish, masculine, is what he enjoys, but he's comfortable in it now, doesn't need to prove himself or overperform it. He can explore nonconformity without feeling like his gender or masculinity is at threat, even if it's not his preference outright.
Body-wise, I think it's safe to say he retains Kamukura's muscle and all, but Kamukura didn't put much effort into the everyday machinations of being a human being in general, and Hinata is much more fond of food than him now, eats more often, and I enjoy the idea that he gains a little pudge and has a kind of "dad bod" almost, post-DR3? lol.
Both for Hinata and Kamukura I don't see their bodies as “bara” or overly buff, masculine, but a kind of comfortable middle ground between twunk and hunk, lmao. I think they're also averagely hairy, not overly so, very lightly. kind of well groomed, and all. Hinata, pre-despair, put not so much effort into his appearance but still some, especially in trying to pass. (In fact I think his hair cut looks like a home job, all choppy and stuff, which fits him in my opinion, something done by his own hands even if messy and imperfect, he still prefers to be in control of it. also fits the trans headcanon tehe).
Izuru put very little if any effort into himself, only the bare minimum necessary to function, but servant helped him upkeep it to a perfect standard. Hinata, post-dr3 now, finds himself putting you know, an average amount of care into himself and his body, enough to be healthy, but not overly critical and conscious of himself.
Komaeda i have always seen as someone who takes a good deal of care about himself, merely if to alleviate the "disgust" of his appearance and body, by practically preening himself. He is someone who is good at cleaning and seems to appreciate clean and well kept spaces, so I think he would have a similar attitude toward himself. even if he is insecure, and of course, struggles with mental health and may slip at times in his routine in keeping himself well-kept, I think he still maintains an appearance for the most part, at least in his later years (teen to young adult). An argument can be made that he cared less in his adolescence because he had much more apathy about the world, but when he gave himself a purpose with hope and talent, I think he would care for himself a little better, even if his was spiralling mentally.
His hair is always washed, it is just very curly and prone to mess, so it often looks like perpetual bedhead, even when he combs and brushes it. His skin is soft even if a little worn by his tendency for accidents & injury, it's still soft and almost luckily so, and he takes pride in moisturizing and cleaning himself. His skin is a little sickly, still, and I think that despite having blemishes, scars, etc. Komaeda manages to look pretty in a strange way, not conventionally beautiful, but almost ethereal? He's just *pretty*, there's no way to explain it, he is nice to look at even with all his "flaws" and imperfections. Even when he's sickly and bony, even when his cheeks are gaunt or his hands shaky and weak, when his hair is a tangled mess or his clothes are dirty, he's nice to look at in a way that's nonconventional, and it's sort of mesmerizing.
Hinata I think is very average but also in a way that's nice to look at it. He's not ground-breaking hot or conventionally attractive, he has a good body, a nice face, and hair you could play with a little if you wanted. I think what's appealing about him is his normalcy, he's not trying too hard or "gifted" gene wise, but he's just kinda nice to look at, he's enjoyable to be around, an understanding person, or at least tries to be even when he fails, and despite having flaws, insecurities, blunt, he is someone you're drawn to because he's one of those people that's just, easy to talk to? An emotional anchor, almost. The kind of guy everyone kind of knows and has talked to at least once, even if you're not friends with him personally, not because he's cool or popular or anything, but because he's a normal dude who's easy to trust and talk to.
Kamukura, on the other hand, is intimidating, appearance wise and personality wise. he looks, strange, anything but normal, his eyes are red and his hair is this dark cloud that envelops him. His face may still be that plain one Hinata has but faces can be changed by the surrounding attributes as well as expression and such is true for him, with his apathetic and cold expression as well as otherwordly characteristics, he comes off as much more beautiful in a dark way, kind of? In a way that's intimidating or a little daunting, but he's still very beautiful. mesmerizing.
okay, thats my ramble. ty.
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hewantshisbrideback · 2 years
Hi there ! For the character ask, I've got Jaqen H'ghar ! (If it interests you at all !)
Have a good evening :)
Hi! I literally did not know anyone sent prompts for this meme, at this point idk if it’s Tumblr or if I’m doing something wrong dkfjshdg. But I can’t NOT answer it now bc Jaqen is... so much fun. In general, I don't tend to have ironclad headcanons, I way prefer a flexible approach and playing with multiple interpretations, but having said that -
Jaqen H’ghar Headcanons
Sexuality HC: My instinct is to literally always imagine everyone as bi, so I have to like, really think about what works best for the character. I think if you want to lean into the Jaqen-as-Arya’s-mentor thing, having him be a gay man, maybe older than he initially looks, meshes really well, just giving them more ground for relating to one another as two people on the outside, seen as different than other men/women respectively. Of course, I love anything that gives Arya another love interest, and when I lean more into the young-handsome-and-fascinated-by-Arya aspect of his persona, I tend to imagine him as bi (shocker). Gender HC: Honestly, I could see him as either male or agender. I don’t mind either, because I think both could work so well. As a man, I lean towards thinking he’s cis - although, I do think it'd be interesting to explore a trans Faceless Man or acolyte, how that intersects with 'faces', 'identities', what it means to be 'A Man' or 'A Girl', etc. A ship with said character: Arya/Jaqen, obviously. I’d ship anyone with her, given the right framework, both because she’s so deserving of love, and because she’s an interesting and nuanced character I feel naturally brings complexity to any written dynamic. Their interactions make for compelling stuff. A BROTP with said character: If we go with the following-Arya AU, I could see Bran and Jaqen really gelling, after a stint of wariness regarding each other’s powers. In canon, I’d love to see Sam break down a few walls of his, lol, I think his character has so much potential, even if I don’t believe he’ll end up more of a character-character as opposed to a plot-character. A NOTP with said character: I mean, I don’t think there are too many ships with him, which is nice. I’m fine with any crackship so long as it’s not presented obnoxiously. A random HC: First, here's one for the Faceless Men in general - that may play into my ideas for NHAT a bit in the future: that being, I don't think its acolytes are nearly as void and fluid as they are portrayed. By my reading, ASOIAF's magics are chaotic but exacting forces of nature, and people are nearly always flawed conduits for their power. In trying to exact control over it, it becomes entangled with one's personal identity and perspective - intentions affect prophetic visions, the reason you die defines what you become when you're brought back to life, and I suspect that something similar is true for the Faceless Men, though I'm not going to speculate the particulars as it affects canon. That being said, I like to interpret Jaqen’s choice to help Arya as reflecting both a stringent code of personal honor, and a fierce will to survive. I like to think this is a retained aspect of his core identity he tries to deny exists, but that Arya was able to both recognize and manipulate, and that it was the observation skills that penetrated his performance as much as her cunning which prompted him to give her the coin and invite her to join the HoBW. General Opinion: Underutilized and underappreciated, bucketloads of potential for both canon development and transformative experimentation, and a fun little addition to the Arya harem when I’m in the mood. Gold star supporting character 🌟
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oh i wanna see your kris headcanons!!!! :D
i did this once before but you know i'm down to talk more about them (give me a character meme)
Sexuality Headcanon: we're currently in the "my body is physically not under my own control so i'm questioning every relationship i form and dating is definitely nowhere NEAR on the table" stage, check back later
Gender Headcanon: gender is a performance and they're sleeping through rehearsal and their understudy is under a lot of pressure
A ship I have with said character: shrug... see above. i'd want to see how their relationships develop when they're completely their own, first
A BROTP I have with said character: KRIS AND SUSIE. KRIS AND NOELLE. also not like an "i think they're friends" but i wanna know more about their relationship with ralsei... cause i really think ralsei's like, a puppet of sorts of his own – enslaved to the prophecy if nothing else – but he's already accepted his strings and doesn't understand why kris won't? isn't it better this way? easier? he wants to empathize with them and make them happy but he also just doesn't understand
A NOTP I have with said character: still spamtis. why.
A random headcanon: the reason they play piano bad when you're controlling them isn't bc the soul doesn't know how to play piano – they choose how to carry out every other prompt you give them (see: saying "bosom" and "join" incredulously at queen and berdly, shouting "no" and saying "yes" really reluctantly after the spamton fight, opting to kick and shake the robot pre-fight, etc.) so they are perfectly capable of playing a beautiful piano song when you tell them to. they just don't want to. piano is their thing, they're not sharing it with the soul. malicious compliance: they will press one key, there they played it, fuck off.
General Opinion over said character: lil weirdo. pat pat. sorry about the whole "getting possessed" thing.
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veraynes-blog · 2 years
O, T, and P for the fandom asks 😉
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of?
So this was the next song on my current playlist:
And honestly it's one of my big Kirk/Spock songs. It used to be part of the playlist I listened to on repeat back when I was writing my mirrorverse AOS fic, so every time I hear it I still get montages of scenes I was writing.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything).
Hmmm... The Master's need to be in control (even the over-the-top dom moments in canon like, "Kneel", "Say my name", etc) is all born from insecurity. He's desperate to be acknowledged, to be seen as important, to have the power to control the things that could potentially hurt him. I think the biggest act of trust/vulnerability for him would be to give up the dominant persona for even a moment (and the Doctor would have to work like hell to earn it!)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Okay, TenSimm Human AU:
Politician Harold Saxon is making a desperate, underhand bid for PM. In a last bid to win over public appeal, he's promised to reform education. Whether or not he intends to follow through with that is questionable at best, but it does require he makes a few key media appearances at some local schools.
John Smith is a high school science teacher way too overqualified for his job but relegated to academic obscurity after some professional embarrassment at the university where he used to work. (He pitched a theoretical means of time travel. It... was not received well.)
They clash horribly during an on-air interview.
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princesssarisa · 3 years
Fictional Character Ask: Carmen.
Favorite thing about them: How to pick just one? She's one of my favorite controversial female characters, along with Catherine Earnshaw, Éponine Thénardier, and Anne Boleyn if historical figures count. I could cite her vitality and charisma, her intelligence and wit, her strength and courage... but above all, I think I like the fact that she's always true to herself, whether anyone likes it or not. This is most obvious in her insistence on choosing her own romantic partner and refusing to be wooed and won or to stay with a man she no longer has feelings for, but it permeates every aspect of her character. Even though her society marginalizes her on three levels – class, gender and race – she refuses to let anyone wield power over her or take away her freedom, even at the cost of her life.
Least favorite thing about them: In-universe, her treatment of Don José in Act II: her tantrum when he tries to go back to the barracks, her demand that he desert the army for her, and her disdainfully throwing him out when he refuses. Of course from her viewpoint, she's offering him a better life, and even though she behaves childishly about it ("You don't love me!" "I hate you!" etc.), she's also wise to realize that if José prefers duty to freedom, then he's not the man for her. Still, she's not nice in this scene.
Out of universe, the concern that she's a negative Romani stereotype. Now, I don't think she's a bad person and I don't think the opera inherently judges her as negatively as audiences often do. But there's no denying that she's a criminal, that she's sexually free and easy, that she's manipulative, superstitious, and sometimes violent (although most of the non-Romani characters are violent too), that her wandering life is portrayed as something she enjoys as opposed to being forced on her by persecution, and that the plot consists of her "ruining" a white man who eventually murders her.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I have a strong desire for freedom.
*I enjoy dancing and singing.
*I refuse to be with a romantic partner who emotionally abuses me and tries to control me.
Three things I don’t have in common with them:
*I'm no good at flirting and I don't know the first thing about seducing.
*I've never done anything I could be arrested for.
*If I had an obsessed, wildly jealous ex-boyfriend whom I had reason to believe might kill me, and I learned that he was stalking me, I wouldn't confront him, I would get away!
Favorite line: Her first lines:
Quand je vous aimerai?
Ma foi, je ne sais pas...
Peut-être jamais!... Peut-être demain!
Mais pas aujourd'hui, c'est certain.
(When will I love you?
My goodness, I don't know...
Perhaps never!... Perhaps tomorrow!
But not today, that's certain.)
I might also cite the entire text of the Habañera.
Then there's her cheeky response in the Seguedilla when Don José forbids her to speak to him:
Je ne te parle pas... je chante pour moi-méme,
Et je pense... il n'est pas défendu de penser!
(I'm not speaking to you... I'm singing for myself,
And I'm thinking... it's not forbidden to think!)
Then, in the final act, there's her defiance of Don José:
Jamais Carmen ne cédera!
Libre elle est née et let libre elle mourra!
(Carmen will never yield!
Free she was born and free she will die!)
brOTP: Mercedes and Frasquita.
OTP: She seems to be happy with Escamillo before Don José cuts it short, but above all I ship her with freedom.
nOTP: Don José after Act II – possibly Don José altogether. Their "dance of death" is fascinating to watch, but they would both have been better off if they had never met, to say the least.
Random headcanon: This is silly, but I'll share it anyway: after her death, she reincarnates as Éponine in Les Misérables. Her lively, chattering demeanor, her dry sense of humor, her calmness in the face of threats, her habit of singing cheerful songs and her way of doing it pointedly when she's being defiant, her attraction to a higher-class young man whom she calls a "pretty boy," and her freely calling herself "the devil" are all similar to Éponine in Victor Hugo's novel. Even though Carmen supposedly takes place "circa 1820," if we round that down to 1814 then her death could still precede Éponine's 1815 birth. I imagine that she once again becomes a marginalized girl who lives by crime and dies young because in the 19th century, it's the only way her free spirit can be unrestrained. Éponine's suffering and unrequited love are karma for Carmen's callous, fickle behavior, while her more noble, selfless side is her subconsciously trying to move past those old habits. When she tries to get Marius killed rather than lose him, she's not just acting on her own jealousy: she's subconsciously copying Don José, because sadly, he was her only model of faithful love. But when she takes the bullet for Marius instead, she breaks the cycle, and in her next lifetime she'll finally have healthy romantic relationships, and live in a time period where she can be herself without being marginalized.
(I'm sure Victor Hugo and the original Carmen novella's author Prosper Mérimée would be appalled if they read this. They knew each other personally, but apparently they didn't care for each other, and Mérimée hated Les Misérables.)
Unpopular opinion: Where to start?
(1) I don't think her story is inherently the sexist, racist nightmare it's sometimes been accused of being. It's problematic, of course, and it should be discussed as such, particularly because its authors were white men. But Carmen is a complex character, not just a "bad girl," Don José is also a much more complex (and darker) character than the lovesick puppy that pop culture reduces him to, and the opera presents their tragedy without innately judging or absolving either of them. We most certainly aren't "forced" to come away thinking Carmen deserved to die or viewing Don José as her victim.
(2) She's not "a temptress who leads men to their dooms." One man spirals to his doom because of his obsession with her, but he was already unstable from the start (he killed a man in his hometown before the story begins!), and he takes her down with him.
(4) The role requires much, much more from a singer than sex appeal and dancing ability.
Song I associate with them: The Habañera:
The Seguedilla:
"Les tringles des sistres tintaient":
Favorite pictures of them:
This watercolor of Carmen and Don José by their creator, Prosper Mérimée. It's fascinating to see how the original book's author imagined them looking, although he probably does make Carmen look unrealistically white:
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Geraldine Farrar in Cecil B. DeMille's 1915 silent film version:
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Julia Migenes in Francesco Rosi's 1984 film version:
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Denyse Graves, San Francisco Opera, 1991:
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Milena Kitic, LA Opera, 2004
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Pauline Malefane in the 2005 film version of the Isango Ensemble's uCarmen, bringing the opera to a modern South African setting and defying stereotypes of what the character should look like:
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Nancy Fabiola Herrera, Covent Garden, 2008:
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Elina Garanca, Metropolitan Opera, 2010:
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Rinat Shaham, unknown production, circa 2011:
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J'Nai Bridges, San Francisco Opera, 2019:
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