#it would be rad and ominous
fishybehavior · 2 years
Zane was frozen as he watched Jay scream. He was frozen in place, unable to help as Jay screamed in pain and defeat.
Jay was beaten and bruised from head to toe, barely able to stand as the one who caused him this pain only laughed at him. He was a big man with four arms, and a hook for a hand. He reveled in Jay's pain, as he was weighed down from his injuries and a heavy ball and chain attached to his ankle.
"All of your sufferings can cease, wish junkyard boy. Wish it all away." The man said his voice was rich with charisma and malice. But Jay only scowled as he wobbled on weak legs.
"Fuck you," He growled, "I'm not going to say it."
"If that is what you desire," The man answered turning away from Jay, suddenly Zane could see a ring of people surrounding the two, as the man moved out of the ring, he snapped his fingers and a large man with a cruel smile stepped into the ring. "How about another few rounds of scrap-and-tap before curfew?" The man in charge said the crowd of people cheered in answer. Zane watched as Jay flinched at the cheering. The larger man approached him swinging his fist toward Jay's face.
Zane gasped as he opened his eyes. Blinking he registered that he was in his bedroom, still dark as the sun hasn't risen yet. Turning his head he gave a sigh of relief as he saw his partner sleeping next to him. Safe, uninjured, and not surrounded by a bloodthirsty and cruel crowd.
Zane wrapped his arms around Jay, bringing him close to his chest. Jay groaned at the disturbance. "You ok?" He slurred, not opening his eyes. "You're freezing."
"Yeah. Just had a bad dream." Zane replied he was always colder after a nightmare or vision. But Zane took a few deep breaths to relax his powers.
Jay opened his eyes, "Do you need to talk about it?"
"No, it's still early. It can wait. It was only a dream." Zane said, hugging Jay a little tighter.
"Are you sure?"
Zane smiled, "Yes, besides we have a busy day, and you need your sleep."
"Uhg, don't remind me," Jay said, pushing his face into his boyfriend's chest. "We got that tv show recording way too early in the morning, that visit to the hospital for the make-a-wish kid. And knowing Wu, he's going to have us train for the rest of the day."
Zane chuckled, "Yes, we have quite a busy day, so go back to sleep." His boyfriend replied with a yawn, "Ok, but make sure you sleep too."
"Of course, I love you."
"Love ya' too snowflake," Jay muttered, quickly falling asleep again. His deep breaths were steadying for the master of ice. Zane didn't fall back asleep. He couldn't shake the feeling that something very bad was about to happen very soon.
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willosword · 1 year
okay something fishy is going on with ff7r there’s no way the original game had all of this stuff in it. might have to do some investigating after i beat it 
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ekrixart · 2 months
Ive been thinking bout it ever since I saw dead plate around it's release, but I was wondering. is there a specific reason you had Vincent play cello? they say it's closest to the human voice, it's an instrument that takes the position of a hug basically, it's intimate. was there any association with this?
also I was wondering what made Vincent want to cook, does he enjoy cooking? does it make him happy cooking for others ?
ps- I love your art, I like the character concepts you make I can't wait to see more
I was kinda iffy on what instrument would represent him since we wanted each character to have a motif that could be used for the soundtrack and I was considering some other options like piano or violin but ultimately chose the cello because I wanted to mirror Rody playing the guitar with something that's outwardly very similar in appearance but a bit more pretentious/ominous in sound. Rody's guitar is a weathered old thing he plays because hes passionate about it while Vince's cello is a fine quality instrument that's barely used. I was also interested in using it as a set piece in his apartment as this big dramatic thing to have on display that represents diligence and practice but that he hasnt actually touched or bothered to play in a long time. It sounding like a human voice or being intimate werent things Id really considered but that sounds rad
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soapymansuds · 1 month
Eternity and Counting
(Pt1) This is a running piece I've nearly finished, but the whole thing is way too long to post as one chapter sooooo... This part's pretty short just for the sake of timeline splitting.
Obey me! X Angel!MC (They/Them Pronouns)
TW: Suicide, depression, self-deprecation, death, big feelings, lots of sad, everybody is crying like all the time
MC just can't handle anything anymore and takes their own life. Imagine their dismay to find even death isn't the end for them.
(Takes place in the Frost Flowers event (sorta?), with mild "that chapter where MC finds out they're the Bridge" spoilers. Can't remember which chapter that was.)
It's so heavy. This grand weight I've been lugging around since that day. I should have died. I was supposed to die. I would have deserved it too. All I've ever managed to do was cause problems for this family. And maybe I still am. The idea almost stopped me. Visions of their faces. Their tears. Their grief. It did, actually. A few times at least. But not today. It's happened again. Everything was going just fine until that God-forsaken dog decided I would be the object of his affection. Somehow, in spite of the threat it faced to the nation, the brothers refused to just hand me over. Almost losing not just their home, but their kingdom, for my sake. Yet again wasting their time trying to save me. Just like they did when my stupid power nearly killed Lucifer. When Lucifer nearly killed HIMSELF to save me. A bitter, evil part of me is still mad at Michael for stopping me. For saving me.
My arms feel heavy as lead as I lay here, counting away the seconds. I've got nearly an hour before anybody gets home from RAD. Plenty of time to make sure I stay dead. I feel a little bad for lying about being sick to get out of classes today. But maybe I am. Doesn't matter much now anyway. Really, my biggest concern in the current moment is how long it will take Barbatos to notice the ingredients I took. Sure, he's in classes right now too, but he pops in and out of the castle all day long. The likelihood of him stopping into the kitchen and noticing the cracked cabinet door, the scavaged shelves, and finally the open jars is uncomfortably high. In my defense, the chances of that happening while I was there were equally high, so I can't be blamed for the messy crime. But he's only got a few moments more before his discovery will be for naught, so I suppose it's not terribly worrying.
I can feel it, creeping up my spine like a cold massage. The ever-growing numbness. The slow death of my limbs. My lungs. Me. It's growing darker now, unnaturally so, even for The Devildom. I can finally free them of my burden. Free myself of it too. But I would like to offer a final scorn to whatever God allowed me to hear the gentle creaking of the front door.
(Mammon's POV)
A chill runs through my spine,like something ominous is lurking behind me, but as I turn around, nobody's there. In spite of that comfort, I can't shake this overwhelming dread coating my nerves and sinking into my bones, urging me to move. Driving me to jog home. The gentle sway of the bag on my arm becoming notably more violent as it begins swinging by my side.
My hands can't work fast enough as I try to unlock the front door. I break into a near sprint as I approach their door, slamming it open.
"MC?" I call, it's dark in their room, but I can just make out the shape of their body resting in their bed. "Oh, you're just sleeping." I mumble, walking up to their bed and setting the bag on the ground next to it.
"Hey, I gotcha some human world medicines." I whisper, pulling a few bottles from the bag. "C'mon, you gotta wake up and take some."
I can't help but roll my eyes at their lack of reaction. "Been spending too much time with Belphie." I reach up to shake their shoulder gently.
Nothing happens. So I try again, fingers gripping just barely tighter. Tight enough to feel the unsettling chill of their skin. It seeps through my fingertips and into my soul. Gripping my heart in white hot fear.
"MC, wake up." I shake them again. "MC." Their name falls from my lips like a plea. "MC please-" I grab their other shoulder. "MC!" Tears spill from my eyes, breath shaky and ragged. "Wake up!"
(Raghhhh, sorry about this)
-Your dear friend, the author
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21wanderer · 6 months
Strangers on a train
Body a day - #25: Choice
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Five stations left… It was 20:32 and in about twenty minutes the train would arrive at Alex’s destination, where he had planned to meet up with his friends to hit the town.
For a Friday evening, it was unusually quiet in the train. Alex had the whole compartment to himself, and just stared out through the dark windows at the indistinguishable landscapes and buildings that passed by.
Down the aisle, he could see two young men walking towards him, they were laughing very loudly. They passed Alex, but from the corner of his eye, he could see, that they stopped right as they walked by. One of them poked the other with an elbow and whispering: “that one.” Ominously they sat down on the vacant seats in front of him.
They didn’t say anything, so Alex pretended he hadn’t noticed them, and just continued staring out the window. Alex were starting to feel uncomfortable. For a sliver of a second he got eye-contact with them, they were staring right back at him, one with the arm around the other’s shoulder. Alex didn’t know what it was…
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Their cocky smiles or sinister stares, nevertheless he felt a sense of unease. Why would they sit here, when the rest of the compartment is empty? They have done that by choice. They looked like bad news…
”That’s not a nice thing to say.” said the guy in the tracksuit jacket. Alex was shocked. Had he really said that out loud?
The guy in the tracksuit jacket leaned forward towards Alex, Alex tried scooting back in his seat, but the guy grabbed Alex’s chin with his thumb and index finger, then with one swift move he yanked his arm upwards, Alex felt a sharp pain in his face, and everything went black.
Alex had no idea, how much time had passed, or what he had just experience was just a bad dream, he was laying sideways across the train seat, his face was still hurting, though he wasn’t sure why.
He pulled himself up in the seat, then almost fell out of it again as he almost died of fright, he couldn't believe his own eyes.
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The two guy were still seated across from him, but now he saw his own face smiling fiendishly and laughing at him. Alex was deeply horrified at the display, he couldn't think, all he felt was fright and panic, and then he fainted again.
“Good choice,” said Jacob to Adam, as the two young men disembarked the train at the next station.
Adam couldn’t stop admiring his new face using his phone camera as a mirror, gently rubbing his face and running his fingers through his lush golden hair, there was little doubt that Adam was beyond satisfied with his new model-like face.
”Do you wanna go try and find his friends? Maybe you could get yourself a new face too?” Adam said, his voice now more akin to Alex’s.
”Nah… I like my face the way it is,” Jacob said calmly, “but I would like to get myself some abs and some pecs,” he added mischievously.
”Holy shit! You can do that too?!” Adam shouted unable to contain his excitement, it beamed off Alex’s face.
Jacob chuckled: ”Probably. Why not? I already discovered how to read thoughts, and how to steal people’s faces. Why shouldn’t I be able to take ’other’ things…”
”That’s so rad! Let’s go do it! I want to be bigger, something to go well with this face!”
”Sure thing, bro, let’s hit the town and see what we find!”
The two friends, Jacob and Adam Alex, headed for the station exit, looking forward to who they were going to choose next.
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onyourowndaisymae · 7 months
Trick of treat!!! Could I get a mammon treat of staying out of the cool weather together with some cuddles? Love your writing thank u!!!
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dead leaves in a muted array of fall colors blow lazily across the front lawn outside. the devildom is always dark, but the night seems more ominous as fall creeps further and further across the calendar. your walks home from RAD have become bitter and chilly. the uniform is well-constructed, but fails miserably to keep the bone-chilling depth of hell's coldest seasons from your fragile human skin. fall is here-- in the depths of the devildom, that's frightening news for a human like you.
but now, you didn't have to deal with any of that, because you were snug, inside, warm and toasty near the fireplace in mammon's arms.
the common room was abandoned due to your shameless display of PDA, leaving the two of you to enjoy the cozy hall by yourselves. normally mammon would want to lure you away to his room like a dragon hiding treasure away in its hoard, but you looked so cozy staring out the window that he couldn't help but wander over to your side then and there.
neither of you say much. the steady thump of his heart against his chest lulls you to a sleepy stupor. it's faster than it should be-- even after all this time, snuggling this close makes his heart race and his palms sweaty. but it's endearing. to think someone loves you enough to make a fool of themselves this far into your relationship shows that he's honestly, truly infatuated with you. it's a nice feeling.
a gust of wind blows against the old window panes, making them rattle in a way that sounds like groaning. you seemed to recoil a little at the sound, and mammon held you closer against his body.
"this old house has always sounded like that," he murmurs softly, nuzzling into your hair carefully. "especially in the winter. gets a lil' annoying if ya ask me."
"it's weird," you chuckle. "almost sounds like... a person? it's odd."
"are ya scared? you can stay in my room tonight if it bothers ya."
another gust of wind rattles the pane, louder this time. you can't actually feel the cold brush of air outside, but an imaginary chill nips at your insides, making you shiver. you're grateful to have mammon there to keep you warm.
"i'd like that."
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
Random suggestion about Lucifer or Beelzebub doing/saying something that triggers MC's daddy issues
And like they try to act cool and like nothing happened but in one point they break down
Hello, anon!
So okay, I kinda feel like there are many ways to interpret daddy issues and many ways in which those issues might be triggered. So I went with the idea that MC's father was just not good at saying nice things to them in general. And so when Lucifer says something that MC wishes their dad had been able to say to them, that's what triggered the break down. However, it could've gone the other way where Lucifer said something that was too much like something MC's dad would say. That just seemed more angsty and we all know I have a tendency to go with fluff, so here we are. Also I chose Lucifer because he just always feels like the dad character to me lol.
Anyway, thanks for the suggestion!
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GN!MC x Lucifer
Warnings: some hurt because of the daddy issues, vague mentions of MC's father
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Once again, Lord Diavolo decided it was time to put you in charge of some massive school event. You were busy for weeks, planning things, coordinating people, and generally just working hard. When the day finally came and went, you couldn't believe it was actually over. You were so tired, all you wanted to do was go home and rest.
There was a bit of a mess to clean up, but Lucifer noticed how tired you were. He told his brothers to clean up at RAD while he took you home. The minute one of them began to protest, he got an ominous look, which he followed up with a threat. Instantly, all of his brothers began to clean up.
Lucifer escorted you out of RAD and through the campus. You were doing your best, but it was obvious that you were overtired.
Lucifer offered you his arm and you took it gratefully, leaning on him as he kept you upright and moving.
With Lucifer's help, you reached the House of Lamentation, too tired to do much of anything aside from tumble into your bed.
The next day, you found Lucifer in his bedroom and thanked him for helping you get home.
"My brothers actually managed to clean up fairly well," Lucifer told you. "After all the work you've done for this event, I felt that you deserved the rest."
You sighed and sat down on the sofa. "I think it went well… right?"
Lucifer chuckled. "It did indeed. I'm proud of you, MC."
Those words pierced you right through the heart. You should have been happy to hear them and you were, but it also hurt. How many times had you wished to hear those words from your father? Words he could never manage to bring himself to say.
You covered up the pain by starting to talk to Lucifer about the event. He had plenty to say about it and the two of you managed to have a normal conversation for a little while.
And even though you were focused on what Lucifer was talking to you about, you couldn't stop thinking about how bittersweet it had been to hear him say he was proud of you.
"You should know that I have been watching you," Lucifer said. "I saw how hard you were working. I am truly impressed with the outcome. Well done, MC."
It was too much. Hearing him continue to say these things was just too much. You felt the tears filling your eyes, the heat of them as they fell down your cheeks. You turned away from Lucifer, unable to look at him.
Lucifer put his hand on your shoulder and turned you back toward him. He brushed away some of your tears with his fingers and frowned. "What is this? Are you still tired?"
You only shook your head, unwilling to speak. If you tried, you'd only cry harder.
To your surprise, Lucifer didn't press you on it. He simply put his arms around you, holding you close to his chest. You returned his embrace, burying your face against him, gulping in heaving breaths as you tried to slow your tears.
One day maybe you would explain to Lucifer why his words had such an effect on you. For now, you simply let him comfort you, knowing you were safe in his arms.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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mhin-t · 1 year
obey me! crackcanons
i had way too much fun with these lmao. hope y'all enjoy
solomon does "tarot" readings with any cards he can get his hands on. uno cards, poker cards, gift cards, you name it, he's used it
btw solomon charges 10 grimm per reading. his readings are bullshit most of the time too
mammon is a lightweight and he's very clumsy when drunk
diavolo sleep talks and it freaks everyone out
solomon substitutes water in recipes that call for it with literally any other liquid so he can "spice things up"
levi streams ffxiv
lucifer texts everyone super ominously when he feels lonely
barbatos doesn’t know how to give hugs. like at all
leviathan is a huge twice stan. he knows all of the dances to all of the title tracks too
luke sees mc and simeon as parental figures, which understandable, but these two are off the rails when together
asmo and levi both call barbatos "barbs"
leviathan only has minecraft boxers
asmo sells rubber band braclets at the RAD
belphie tried getting hung from the ceiling once since he thought it would be a nice place to sleep and lucifer has since learned not to threaten him with that
barbatos is terrified of roombas
beel almost died the first time he tried solomon's cooking
satan is actually the most sane out of the brothers, but even he's only holding on by a thread
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kingprinceleo · 4 months
Hi there! Playlist anon again. I listened to the whole thing and here are my thoughts. I hope this isn't over reaching cause I really enjoyed it overall and would love to see the rest 🙏🏽. Buckle in this is longgg
Rivers is a Vampire- Sonic would dance fight Shadow to this song (like in the original puss in boots, look up the scene I swear it's great).
Loose Cannon- it's both so Shadow and Sonic coded but it's funnier if it's Shadow realizing he likes Sonic. More likely it's supposed to be Sonic @ Shadow and it really fits. 10/10 putting it on my personal playlists.
Genius - this is Sonic having a jam sesh in his bedroom. 7.5/10 very in character, you're going to make me start liking rock music.
Assassin- 9/10 Shadow in his emo boy bag. The verses feel like Shadow in his head thinking he's hot shit (he's right), but the chorus feels like Rouge trying to talk him down. Overall big fan.
Lost- Honestly really love the vibes of this one. It sounds like Sonic and Hoax fighting/ talking or just Sonic debating with himself. Love the jaunty music with the sinister undertones.Fading World- 7/10(<- could be higher depending on personal taste) A nice interplay between Sonic's cheery friendliness and Shadow's.... everything. A nice world building song if that makes sense. If vamp au! were a level in a game this would play.
Moon Trance- A vampire nobility song if that makes sense. Kinda gives off Blaze if Sonic were dropping in with EDM beats. World building song.
Phantom of the Opera Overture- Shadow once again in his emo bag. Listening to this I imagine him dramatically posed as Ophelia in the river as Rouge looks on utterly unimpressed. Another world building song.
Dear Wormwood- 10/10 Devastating. This feels like when Shadow discovers Rogue is a vampire (if that's still canon?) and could work for the Sonic/Hoax reveal but to a much lesser extent.
Galacta Knight Theme- 5/10. Not bad but I'm not entirely sure how it fits. Feels like a world building song but lacks the rock and goth roots of its predecessors. I wanna say it feels like an Eggman song?
Trouble- Rouge song very fun (Shadow if you get a microscope). Good for a chase scene or playful fight.
Look What You Made Me Do Remix- Shadow after Sonic sneaks an extra sip of blood. 8/10 Shadow wouldn't be a Swiftie but he would bop to a song or two.
Bodies- GODDDDD 10/10. Shadow tracking a vampire to a party in his vulture outfit and having to maneuver his way to stealthily kill them (can't remember clearly if Shadow's actively a vampire hunter in the au rn but you get the vibe /pos).
Vampire Culture- like I said before Shadow being a hater /pos. Somebody get this boy a weighted blanket he needs to chill 8/10. I imagine he plays this as he puts on each vampire repellent stud and piercing.
The Magic 8- A very Sonic song in message but also Amy with the talk of magic. Funky duet? They'd probably sing this at Shadow 9/10.
Who's in Control- 10/10 Another Sonic/ Hoax talking song (I interpret their dynamic to be that Hoax has less inhibitions than Sonic and is overall allowed to be looser. hopefully that's close).
Why Do I- Sonic after Shadow realizes he's Hoax and they have a falling out. It feels do very Teen Beach Movie /pos. He'd get a whole musical number with backup dancers and rad sad choreography.
Blood Red Moon- World building song. Funnily enough I think you'd introduce Shadow with it. Dark foggy night, random vamp running away/ person being attacked by one, cut to Shadow standing ominously with a lightning strike for good measure. Lowkey has cowboy vibes.
Born of a Star- Feels like a happy future. The type of track that would play towards the end of a boss fight.
Drumming Song- 8/10. Very much an Amy song I like it a lot plenty of witchy vibes. Feels like it would play when she performs a powerful spell/ ritual (not sure exactly how her magic works). The chorus especially also sounds like Shadow describing the effect Hoax has on him :).
You've Created a Monster- Shadow. That's the review. This plays during a hunt or just during his morning routine. Just goofy enough to hide the emotional turmoil but serious enough to show his issues 8/10.
This is Why- Shadow whenever he sees Hoax. He's his biggest hater. Also Shadow at his job with Knuckles (he's about to punch someone's teeth in).
Figure 8- Sad Shadow hours. Probably around the time he just met Hoax and made the deal. Sounds like he's questioning his whole identity :(.
Shoot to Kill- 6/10 World building song. It's giving gathering of elders in the vampire kingdom.
Punching Bag- I've been associating the Set it Off songs with Sonic so far so at first I was thrown for a loop, but honestly? I can see him singing this after someone (Shadow) tries to kill him. It can also be a Shadow song but I find the Sonic angle very interesting.
Vampire- 9/10. ROUGE SONG. She's about to rob a man, GOOD FOR WOMEN.
Sirens- Not sure exactly this would apply to but very fun. Sounds like Shadow falling in love in a very overdramatic way but could also be Sonic. 8/10
Again sorry for the length and I hope I didn't interpret anything egregiously wrong 😭
I think the band In This Moment and their albums GODMODE, Mother and Ritual could maybe fit.
Thanks again for sharing :)🙏🏽
anon i am literally kissing you on ur nonexistent smooth gray mouth HHJDFHHSDH this is the nicest thing anyones ever given me im so giddy about this DHFSHFHSDJDSF that being said this is gonna get so long so i am adding the under cut LOL
Rivers is a Vampire- youre so fucking right for this and i wanna draw it so bad ... JKDFJKSJKF
Loose Cannon-set it offs elsewhere album is a whole banger and highly recc the whole thing >:]]] and this song is a shadow centric one ! about how hes always on the edge around everyone bc of his paranoia, and esp around hoax lol, he gets mad about being called out </333
Genius - sonic jamming to this is also so correct fdjghjdfg contrary to shadow, sonic in vampire au is just here to have a good time LMAO (u should get into rock :} BDSFBH its fun here)
Assassin- this one is rlly interesting to me bc the ENTIRE thing is intended to be a shadow callout post from sonic/hoax pov. i would not have considered this being shadow reflecting on himself at all ! but damn the rouge pov also works out really well too, i never considered that either! (originally i figured the only rouge mention would have been 'you hear whispers when were just talking' which would have been sonic and rouge talking to each other and shadow thinks they are conspiring </3)
Lost- this one is a lil complicated in my rat brain shdfhj !! this one is shadow pov! its like. about his perspective shifts across the plot in vampire au- first trying to hide from the scary vampires </3 and the screams are getting louder line ....is about maria...... i eated that part up.... "please dont find me im not ok" is a very shadowcore line and the final lost chorus meant to rep shadow eventually becoming 'lost' in what scared him but like. embracing it. this one. is hard to convey JJSDFJSD prob would need art to get across what i mean i suppose Fading World- this one is a Maria and GUN song ! :]c (dont worry about the fact its bass boosted. i am just guy who likes bass......)
Moon Trance- close !!! silver and mephiles :3333 jbhdfjdj(meph is blazes royal advisor so it does tie back to her kingdom ehe). boys who prowl and will bash your head in to this in the woods somewhere
Phantom of the Opera Overture- "Shadow once again in his emo bag. Listening to this I imagine him dramatically posed as Ophelia in the river as Rouge looks on utterly unimpressed. Another world building song." I NEED TO DRAW THIS SO FUCKING BAD AHAHH u are SO FUCKING RIGHT FOR THIS. side note, a general rule of thumb (not always but a lot) anything that sounds this fucking dramatic is shadow pov and how he imagines vampires, the real guys are just chilling dfbhgfhsd with their nerd music. shadow is vampires #1 hype man without even realizing
Dear Wormwood- this one is Primarily a shadow and GUN song !! tho there are little tidbits of others who he has discovered lied to him like rouge eggman and sonic !!! (and yes shadow finding out rouge is a vampire is still canon >:])
Galacta Knight Theme-close with the eggman bit !! a theme for geebo <333(Lance)
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Trouble- very correct vibes !! primarily rouge but i would add sonic in there too !! they both have that fun playful air to them tbh that i think a lot of people overlook in their canon dynamic hfgdhj
Look What You Made Me Do Remix- Shadow @ everyone tbh !! buttt primarily this is during his GUN arc when hes just so fed up with being lied to (he doesnt even know) i think if u remixed enough taylor swift into rock or metal he could get down to it fdgbjgdhjf
Bodies- YOURE SO RIGHT FOR THISSSS. esp the vulture part :]c... and the vampire hunter part is .. a little complicated ! he kinda is sometimes? theres a specific circumstance that makes him more willing to actively hunt and kill
Vampire Culture- he is absolutely blaring this in his mind while he gets ready lmaooo . big fan of weight blanket shadow tho dhgfdjg....something to draw.... fun lil fact tho... i imagine that smooth voice to be the head of GUN....
The Magic 8- i think sonic is the one singing it! but its all about amy! about her arc with her desperation to prove herself, getting consumed by her ambitions, and working with dark magic :)
Who's in Control- the sonic and hoax angle is SOOO interesting to me! i would have never thought of it bc frankly they are chill af, he does not have much turmoil about it! this has always been a HUGE shadow song esp 'living in fear, living afraid, hysterical everyday"
Why Do I- this is actually shadow @ sonic !!! reverse hehehe. this is one of the more accurate songs lmaooo, like 'wake up in cold sweats screaming your name" this song is the canon point in time where shadow first realizing he has a crush on sonic !! sonic is the reason the bastard drinks </3333
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Blood Red Moon- absolutely obsessed with your version of it oughhhh, but its always been an eggman song to me (esp with that laugh lol)! and one of his silly little schemes. defo gonna draw that shadow idea tho thats so sick (and it is SO cowboy. do not be surprised if it winds up in the desert vampire playlist)
Born of a Star- this one is a death song ! self reflection and "how did we get here"
Drumming Song- close with the chorus part ! but the entire thing is Sonic pov about how yummy yummy shadows blood is 😋 shadows heartbeat drumming in his mind !
You've Created a Monster- i was SO fucking confused when i saw this bc!!!! youtube is hiding that video from me "its not available" !! and apparently you can see it but i cant!!! im so mad but i also owe you my life bc i found the song again and it BANGS SO HARD and it is 100% shadow wanting to kill maim <3333 its also a 3 way song for shadow @ everyone/ Hoax @ shadow about how shadow seems to be forcing hoax to be the monster he fears to justify his hatred/ uh oh amy fucked up !!!!
This is Why- THE JOB ANGLE IS SO CORRECT AND FUNNY, obsessed with that. but also yeah shadow doesnt like outside </3 rouge is the one saying the coast is clear </333
Figure 8- the deal interpretation is so good...... thats all im ever gonna think about now. honestly "all for your sake, became the very thing that i hate, i lost my way, spinning in an endless figure 8" was meant to be a shadow talking about maria line! but thats all i really got from the song, the deal idea is so good.......
Shoot to Kill- i personally saw this as a shadow GUN song !! bro is more intense and focused than usual
Punching Bag- THIS CHANGED ME WTFFF, i was struggling to see it as shadow and GUN, but oh my fucking GOD, the sonic pov is so raw and i am OBSESSED with it. pissed him off one too many times !!!!!!!
Sirens- this is a shadow and GUN song !! solace in their song is propaganda !! shadows ready to shoot !!! shake off some blues kill vampires !!! HES BACK IN THE NOOSE!!!! SONIC GIVE HIM ALL YOU GOT BECAUSE IF NOT THEYRE GONNA DROWN HIM OUT !!!!!!! ehe :]
i listened to Mother and couldnt immediately feel anyone out with it but ill look thru their other stuff and rack my brain !!! ty for the suggestion !!!! but omg ty SO MUCH this was so fun if u ever wanna hmu for the other playlists...... i am looking so hard.. (but no pressure !! this was already so much and im so grateful !!!)
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once-in-a-blood-moon · 10 months
The Fall of the House of Lamentation
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All seven brothers (and reader, but neither romantically or platonically specified)
Summary: Inspired by "The Fall of the House of Usher" by Edgar Allan Poe, the reader reflects how different the brothers and the House of Lamentation are from the present to the past.
AN: Uh, hi! This is a bit obscure, I'm sure, but I liked "The Fall of the House of Usher" and was inspired to write this, but with the House of Lamentation. Literally have two finals projects due tomorrow that I put off while writing this, so...go me!
Warnings: Light spoilers for the beginning of Nightbringer, but nothing specific, it's angsty...so there's that.
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After being thrown back into the past, you’ve found the Devildom to not be much different from the present version. Sure, there were some shops that had gone out of business in the present that you can visit now in the past, RAD hasn’t been established yet, and hey, there’s seven new demons who are one year into figuring out the demon life. But right now, they aren’t quite demons - they’re seven fallen angels.
These aren’t the demons you’ve come to know and love throughout several years of your significantly shorter lifespan, these were beings of confusion and hatred of who they’ve become and where they’ve fallen. 
One such place - the wonderful and terrible House of Lamentation. 
In the present, it’s the den of seven mighty, powerful, and influential demon lords. Upon first glance when you had first arrived in the Devildom, you noticed the haunting vibe the house gave off. A glorious, gothic - perhaps even medieval, mansion. It’s large. The paneling is dark and worn from time and the harsh Devildom elements, and a select few roof tiles seem to be missing. The four towering steeples that reach towards the sky have piercing points that remind you of a front of a church, but there is no gospel to be found in a place such as the Devildom - where many demons practice hedonistic lifestyles without care. And, the many ominous headstones that line the yard give a less than inviting impression. 
Several millennia forward, it stands tall like the demons who occupy it. A little worn, but seemingly everlasting. The house emanates every sin that lives within it in a determined stance, in learned harmony…and chaos. It holds and shelters the beings of old sin, true sin. And for every sin, the gothic house stands arrogantly, possessively, resentfully, cholerically; it stands lasciviously, insatiably, and lackadaisically. 
The vision to anyone who unknowingly stumbles upon it would be chilled to the bone and filled with a feeling of dread - and possibly a longing to indulge in every sin that permeates their senses from behind the iron wrought gate. 
However, in the past, the house looks relatively the same, but the feeling, the aura, is different. No, this past version contradicts what you’ve come to know of it, as a home that was once yours as well.
Standing before it now, the House of Lamentation is consumed by sorrow. An aura of contempt, confusion, and regret fill the everlit windows. The house that once felt welcoming to you in the present, doesn’t even feel welcoming for the brothers who live within it in this unfamiliar timeline. 
The first step through the grand front door is a shock, to say the least. Like the exterior, the interior is relatively the same. But now the feelings of chaos and hurt seem to suffocate your very being. There is no love or life in a house like this, there’s only hate and decay of lives that once seemed perfect. The air is thick with hidden truths and spoken lies. Truths about the memories and emotions that reflect the brothers’ involvement in the Great Celestial war, the defeat in their cause, and the fall from their home kept locked in their hearts and minds, only for the four walls in their respective rooms to watch tumble out of them in the form of hot tears or muffled curses into feather stuffed pillows. Lies spoken between the seven in a frantic dance to not show weakness or insecurity of who they are now. 
Who are they now? 
Seven angels with eyes and bodies tainted with the muck of sin? Or seven demons who still reach for a paradise lost? 
It’s here that whispers can be heard if you were a fly on the wall –
Where Lucifer sighs behind his desk with his head in his hands, mussing up his graying hair, his elbows becoming sore from the long duration upon the sturdy oak, “my pride hurt my brothers…” 
Where Mammon sits on his bed as he stares at the floor, biting his lip until the taste of blood mixes with his saliva, his arms resting lazily in his lap as he attempts to reason with himself, “we chose to follow Lucifer here. We all had reasons for doin’ what we did.”
Where Leviathan lays in his bathtub, the tail he despises curling around him for comfort as he sobs, “I never wanted to come to this awful place to begin with!” 
Where Satan seethes in his room, pacing as irritation builds beneath his chest, “I can barely stand being around them…it’s torture.” 
Where Asmodeus stares at the reflection in the mirror with mascara running down his cheeks, gently touching the rough texture of his demonic horns, “I want to return back to the Celestial realm…! I want to be an angel again!” 
Where Beelzebub lays on his back in his bed on his side of the twins’ room, glancing over to Belphie’s dark sheets with a sigh of frustration as he tries to suppress the stomach growls like that of a grizzly bear, “I have a big secret that I’ve never been able to tell…not even Belphie.”
Where Belphegor lays like his twin on the floor of the planetarium with his arms behind his head for support as he gazes at the Devildom stars in contemplation, “who deserves to be punished the most?” 
The Great Celestial war has been fought and long concluded, but not short of a year, seven different wars have been waged behind closed doors - behind closed eyes. The angels who have fallen from grace, are falling even harder as demons…within the House of Lamentation.
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f0xgl0v3 · 4 months
I’m starting the Octavian and Michale Kahale quest fanfic, but, how do we think Auguries feel? Like I’m really trying to consider this because obviously we never see it too well, and what we do see is like?
Octavian cutting open the stuffed animal, muttering something and being like “rad alright your golden” to Percy about joining but like?
What’s actually going on here? How like- hhhhhhhhhh. Also while I’m at it how was he in contact with Apollo? Does that ever get answered because I don’t think it could’ve been through his Haruspex/Auguring? Like-
There’s just so much Octavian stuff and so little to explain it. I might just make it like, super duper toned down Oracle because, he’s not an oracle but I still wanna give my silly little boy something that makes him ominous other than towering over everyone and like everything else Octavian has going for him.
But anyway expect the first bit of the Octavian Michael quest story soon! I don’t think it’ll be too long but I’ll honestly just have to see lol?
(Update: I have a little snippet of the beginning out now, the prologue if you would? I’m by no means a good writer but I like the story-)
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Sonic Youth - Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 30, 2004
What's my poison? I guess it's Sonic Youth bootlegs. For perhaps the finest live representation of the band in 2004, get thee to the superb Asheville recording on Bandcamp. But this SBD/AUD matrix from a few weeks later in Amsterdam is a treat as well. The setlist includes most of Sonic Nurse, an album that may well be the peak of the O'Rourke Years. Beautifully recorded, sleek tones, sculpted feedback. As I mentioned last week, I think the only song I don't really love is "Mariah Carey and the Arthur Doyle Hand Cream" ... but I have to give it up for Kim Gordon's song-closing howl at the end of it on this particular evening.
The other Nurse jams are even better, from the enveloping mists of "I Love You Golden Blue" (a fantastically moody opener) to the crisp interplay of "Stones" to Lee's fantastic showcase "Paper Cup Exit." "It's later than it seems," he sings ominously. And yeah, it is. I also dig the Jim/Lee/Thurston trade-off solos on "Unmade Bed" — a rawk move for sure, but it works. (Is that song the closest they ever got to writing an actual Tom Petty song?) The highlight is the 13-minute rendition of "New Hampshire," which rises out of "Teenage Riot." Over rippling guitar noise, Steve Shelley kicks off a sweet motorik groove that stays remarkably steadfast and strong; Steve would go on to play with Michael Rother a couple years later — if Rother ever asked the drummer for proof of his skills, he could've just played this for him.
The encore is a monster, too, with "Pacific Coast Highway" crashing hellishly into the rocks (Kim breaks out the trumpet for the middle section, a rad addition) and an appropriately epic "Expressway To Yr Skull," stretching out to about 19 minutes. Forget the famed space cake — all you would've needed to get supremely high in Amsterdam that night is to ride this mystery train. Stay as long as you think you should.
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Atomic Protestants in 10,000 years be like “oh boo hoo we hate Rabbi Stormy's mandatory virgin sacrifices, fuck this entire religion, we wont teach our kids ANYTHING about avoiding ancient supposedly cursed ‘’’’nuclear waste ‘’’’ sites” and then their grandkids will run into some ray cats and think nothing of it. 
“That looks like a normal cat, probably,” they think. “And besides, cats being forebearers of doom is a old superstition that my grandparents say is problematic.”
The kids follow the neon green ray cats as they wander towards an ominous obelisk, which has crumbled somewhat and been almost covered by vines. (Good thing it was made of stone and metal, not clay and soil, which would have succumbed to rainwater retention and slumping.)
Somehow they’re still able to read the inscription of ancient runes on this cool looking obelisk, which starts off by saying “This is not a place of honor” and the kids go “lmao fuck honor, my parents raised me to be anti-authoritarian” so they charge right in. 
Another crumbled runic inscription reads “substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best” 
Sounds legit! The cool spiky concrete playground looks rad as fuck, so they and the colorful cats climb all over and break as many things as possible and have a grand old time.
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blueskyscribe · 2 years
Thoughts and SPOILERS on Earthspark episode #5
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It's interesting that Optimus is the ominous doomsaying figure in Robby's dream, not Megatron or someone else
"Want to talk about your nightmare?" "Nope." "Want to look at baby foxes?" "Yep." I love Twitch and Robby's relationship.
The music is very "Stranger Things"
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The simple joy of staplers
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Bigfoot sighted on Dot's bulletin board
Finally the G.H.O.S.T. acronym is revealed: Global Hazard Ordinance Strike Team
"Playground chatter saved my squad in the Knee Slapper Valley incident"
Twitch berating her siblings for not looking at the nature display while mistaking a cardinal for a nuthatch
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Sidenote, I really hope we see female cardinals in the show at some point. Since people think of cardinals as red it's VERY rare to see females in shows. I remember in Bambi 2 they had a whole flock of all-male cardinals.
Decepticons used pit traps during the war and now G.H.O.S.T. is putting them in, like, soccer fields
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The Terrans are SO SMALL
Agent Schloder hears a bot transform and then looks at a yellow sports car and doesn't make the connection
but that tracks because he's an idiot
"There's a test. It's called LIFE." omfg
Ohhh we get some background on Optimus and G.H.O.S.T.! The TF War lasted decades on Earth and G.H.O.S.T. was the only group of humans to give the Autobots shelter and supplies. Optimus knows they're flawed but feels like he's stuck with them.
So in the pilot episode I assumed G.H.O.S.T. were going to take Twitch and Thrash to, like, scan them for viruses and then the Autobots would train them, but now I'm thinking they would've just locked them up forever
Also it seems like G.H.O.S.T. should recognize Twitch at least (maybe not Thrash, who didn't have an alt mode yet) but maybe they're all a little dumb, like Agent Schloder. Or, maybe they do recognize her but they always considered her The Enemy so it doesn't matter.
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Dot is so done.
Bumblebee's greatest enemy is not 'Cons but crumbs. This Bee would get along great with Knock Out.
"Welcome back, Megatron. Training set to Unicron 14." Oh dear.
also the shifting training room is RAD
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Dot and Optimus bond (sort of) over the fact that they both highkey don't trust G.H.O.S.T. but don't know what to do about it
Optimus missed 28 calls from Bumblebee akfsjf;jsd;fja
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Ohhhh, THERE are the missing 'Cons! Optimus is not happy about this.
Final thoughts:
Optimus in this series reminds me of TFA Optimus in that he is largely helpless in the bigger scheme of things. Sure, Earthspark Optimus leads the Autobot army, but with the destruction of the space bridge he's totally cut off from Cybertron and is missing the resources / diplomatic power it would have provided. He also refuses to harm humans (I assume), which means humans can just kind of do whatever and Optimus is left without recourse. Honestly a good thing Megatron is on his side now, I'll bet Megatron would still pulp anyone who was a personal threat to him.
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year
In Celebration of Tears of The Kingdom, have a Ganon design ranking,
The Legend of Zelda
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Oh… yikes that is HIDEOUS. And the actual artwork is somehow worse. 1/10
Zelda 2
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Kinda goofy looking, but he looks ominous and spooky thanks to the shadows, so points for that. 5/10
A Link To The Past (Artwork)
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I like how much more refined this look is, but Ganon here looks almost… too cartoony. Still this was the inspiration for any future designs, so I respect it. 6/10
A Link To The Past (Sprite)
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Hallelujah! He’s still cartoony, but the greenish blue skin, full on yellow eyes, primarily brown attire, and skull necklace make him look more serious. 8/10
Ocarina of Time/Smash Ultimate
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This Beast Ganon design does not just look demonic, but it has a chimera-esque feel to it. Also the greenish blue skin is BEAUTIFUL. Ganon here truly feels like a savage devil, and I’m all for it. Easy 10/10
Oracle Games
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This design is 100% a good update to the classic Ganon look, and the hoves complement the look but I don’t like the face and I don’t like the pure blue used here. It’s good for what it is though, and I see it pleasing veteran Zelda fans. 9/10
Wind Waker (Puppet Ganon)
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I like the concept behind Puppet Ganon a lot, and I like how well this design fits into the toon link aesthetic. 10/10
Twilight Princess/Smash Bros
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A hybrid between a boar, a wolf, and a lion. It’s fitting given how Twilight Princess’s take on Ganondorf was more rage filled than his other incarnations, but this form only exists so Link’s worlf form could square up against another four legged beast. Also that crown should’ve broke after he transformed. 8/10
A Link Between Worlds
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This is near perfect. I hate that he’s still bald after so many games, but this is a great take on the classic design. The greenish blue skin is finally here, the shadowy appearance, and the pure white eyes complete this cartoony, yet scary look. 9/10
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Yuga… you look great, but god please fix that bald spot. It’s atrocious. Still this is a 9/10
Hyrule Warriors
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Even though I wish his skin was that greenish blue, I still think this design is rad as all hell. The humanoid shaped body, with the lion-like mane and tail work so well. 10/10
Calamity Ganon (Mist Form)
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While technically not a beast form for Ganondorf, Calamity Ganon was still Breath of The Wild’s Ganon. It definitely has a dragon feel to it, but it’s too obscured by shadows. I’ll just give him an 7/10
Calamity Ganon (Boss)
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I love this design. It abandons the pig motif in favor of the haunting visual of spider-like demon with Ganondorf’s features, highlighting that this WAS a man once upon a time. Still, because of it being so over complicated, it’s sadly a 9/10
Dark Beast Ganon
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Does anyone else smell burnt bacon? Oh it’s just the neighbors pig being set on fire. 5/10
Cadence of Hyrule
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The best Classic Ganon design, PERIOD. He FINALLY has hair, the skin may still be blue, but it isn’t THAT blue, the eyes are a pure yellow, his legs are hooves, and overall it’s a cartoonish, yet menacing appearance. This type of design would fit PERFECTLY into a Link To The Past remake. It’s honestly ironic that Cadence of Hyrule’s Ganon isn’t good in the slightest, but his design is still a banger. 10/10
Skull Ganon
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Mmm… ourple bacon. I’m sorry, but I cannot take this look seriously. 5/10
Tears of The Kingdom
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Reject pig. Become dragon. In all seriousness though, this was a MUCH needed addition to the Ganon Canon. 10/10
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booksandchainmail · 1 year
Pale 3.z
this security shell is weird. cool! but weird and terrifying. It also feels like a great way to lose apprentices who aren't quite up to being technomancers
Looks like they're pulling out the big guns, if teachers are getting involved. And I guess this means nicolette got herself away from the wolf and is ok
Black tee, black leather jacket, jeans, hair slicked back in a very different way than Ray had. Some might have said it was a 50s style, but it was timeless, as far as Zed was concerned
fair enough
Nice to use this interlude to meet some people from the school, instead of being dumped in with all new characters later on. Looks like two from Belanger, two from Durocher, one from Ray, and one independent?
She was killed, and the way Black Dogs work, they punish the people that kill them with curses. Most of the time they come back again and again. She was put down for good. The curse was a big one, it was stored away, and it manifested as the Hungry Choir ritual.
hey! this was one of my theories. Or technically two, if you count the curse as part of her corpse being used. Which means the question is who manufactured this, and why?
“I’m looking forward to summer school for once.”  Nicolette smiled as she said it. “Me too,” Zed agreed. “New crop of students.” “Exactly.” They were on the same page. Similar oaths. Similar awareness.
this feels somewhat ominous
“By the accords of Solomon!” Zed called out.  “By the order of man, I summon you to audience!  Obey or cede this territory!  Black Dog Yalda, come!” “I ask a second time! Black Dog Yalda! Casualty of war and child of Famine! Come!” “For the third time, with your worth and power at stake! Black Dog Yalda!”
one of the neat things about the otherverse is that do a certain degree the magic runs on rule of cool
There was a way to challenge the ritual, and tonight, with the malice biasing the challenge, would be a great time to do that… except there was a rub. A trick. Rad Ray Sunshine had explained it at one of the rest stops. It was easy for a ritual like this to jam some hidden trick or secret into things. A magic word, a hidden verse, or a secret a way to make the animals behave. Like… playing music. Or something. Not that Zed had his.
oof. well now I'm glad they didn't try that. who gave the Kennet Trio that advice again? Looked it up and: it was Maricica. Was that one of her traps? I think at one point they guessed that some of her "minor" traps might be deadly things that she would save them from.
They couldn’t get in between her and her prize.  The very being of the Devouring Song was tied into that.  She couldn’t be obstructed from eating.  Hurting her mid-meal did that, so the nibbling on the licorice from that king-size bag served to protect her.  Any lasting harm or death was similar, because she couldn’t be kept from future meals.
this fucks. using the choir against itself
Brie’s weight pressed the Black Dog down.  She kept eating.
gods this is fucked up
“Are you the murder weapon, used by others to kill the Carmine Beast?”
damn. ... I don't think I ever theorized about method
“Yes,” Yalda said.  “I killed the red wolf.”
mystery solved! story over
It was one of the eight original ritual participants.  The kid with the mask.  He carried a gun.
what happened to no weapons?
Yalda :( The Choir was fucked up, but I can't help but feel bad for her, it doesn't seem like she ever had many options. At least she got to pass on a final message to John? I hope she was at peace.
He did have his worries, though.  The degree of intent behind the Carmine Beast event… the premeditation, the covering of tracks, and the creation of something like this, implied to be done well in advance for that specific purpose?
so this plan had to have been in the works for at least nine years... that changes my thoughts on motives
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