#it literally ignored or brushed aside all his issues
ikol-art · 6 months
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Series writers stop taking meaningful things from the comics without giving your characters the same thoughtful storylines
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jerryterry · 1 year
There was one inevitable downside (/upside for Tumblr Drama fans?) to all of these poll tournaments coming to Tumblr, and that's "fandom polls being run by people with a massive bias/opinion that they can't help from plastering all over the posts". Like, there's this one New Vegas poll currently running where the OP has a seething hatred for Cass, among others - badmouthing characters in their poll posts, getting into ranting arguments about it. It's inconsequential and funny, and situations like this are a dime a dozen on this site, but seeing this made me want to take a look at this one a lil closer. Because it brushes into something small I've always found interesting about New Vegas: the rumor of homosexuality in the Legion, as well as a wider factor about the writing of companions in general (Under a read-more for length).
OP literally says "If you tell her you're a gay man, she calls you a nazi", so lets take a look at the line they cite for this:
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There's multiple points where characters joke about the Legion having similar prominent homosexuality to the actual Romans (which was notable enough that there's straight-up a "Homosexuality in ancient Rome" Wikipedia page). For example:
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- Veronica
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- Major Knight
What's interesting is that the one character who talks about his direct experience with this subject, Jimmy (a former Legion slave), actually says something that contradicts that last quote:
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This opens up the likely possibility that it's NCR propaganda - a homophobic lie to emasculate the enemy. Even if maybe it IS something common in the Legion, it's something frowned upon and is at best a rampant open secret. Either case makes Major Knight's quote provably false.
Regardless, it's a wide non-Legion belief that homosexuality is common and accepted in the Legion. If the source of that rumor IS cooked-up homophobic propaganda, it's interesting that it hasn't worked on the only characters who talk about it. All three of those quotes not only have no ill will toward the idea (Cass immediately states it's not an issue AND notes how common it is behind closed doors), but two of them are mentioned in a context of longing: Veronica's quote is immediately followed by her being angry that only men are allowed to be gay, wishing the same for lesbians. Major Knight's quote is in the context of him having to hide his homosexuality at work -- which sadly makes it clear that the propaganda was likely more effective in general than on the one straight character who mentions it.
I'd say it's funny that OP has a hatred of Cass for being homophobic despite being one of the few characters in-game who makes an explicit statement of not having a problem with homosexuality (I for one would've loved to see Boone - the biggest NCR bootlicker around - make his stance clear on the matter). But admittedly it IS tactless and clumsy to make a backhanded comparison of gayness to the Legion (that statement's obvious expository purpose aside). They also read "there's a lot more of that in the Mojave" to mean "ew, it's not this bad where I come from!", but Major Knight makes it clear that where she comes from is actually MORE supportive. As well as another comment she makes about having slept with women while drunk, which OP construes as likening homosexuality to a drunken mistake.
Like, relax. Yes, "I have no problem with it" isn't the most heartfelt statement of support. But the most Cass' words betray about her is ignorance. I think it's clear she's well-meaning but ignorant, and for the most part intentionally written that way. Most of the companions have intentional personality flaws - Cass is crass, tactless, and stubborn. Arcade is an idealist to a fault (in the game's opinion). Boone is blinded by loyalty to a flawed system despite enacting the worst parts of it. Veronica talks like every line was written by Joss Whedon. The others' flaws are a little more external, but ALL of the companions are intended to be flawed and have pros and cons (while not entirely equal), and all are still intended to be well-meaning people despite this.
It reflects a realism in the nuance of human beings. In general, the writing often tends to rely on this "no black or white, ALWAYS nuance" approach to an almost frustrating degree - like I WISH you could get a better ending for the Followers in a "did everything right" Yes Man ending, even though I know the phrase "did everything right" itself goes against the core philosophy of NV. The poll thing was intended as more of a jumping-off point to talk about some stuff in New Vegas I find interesting rather than a response to that post, but honestly - I know Tumblr has a bit of a problem with seeing nuance, but have a little faith in the writers, will you?
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Oh. They... think the game itself pushes the idea that "all fascists are gay"??? How can you be a fan of this game yet have such a low opinion of its writing? Such a lack of critical understanding? This person says "According to my academically trained eye..." and then goes on a series of reaches that critically misunderstand the text in a really unfavorable way, just because they were (understandably) offended by a clumsy offhand statement a character makes and immediately clarifies. And they chose to run a poll despite their open hatred for some of the characters involved (they also seem to hate Boone, for obviously more understandable reasons). Interesting choice.
What's funnier is that OP's open disdain for this character makes it more likely for Cass to win the poll on account of spite votes. Cass would've absolutely been buried by Arcade and Veronica in any other scenario.
Anyway, here's a YouTube comment I found while grabbing these quotes that I found funny:
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[Transcripts of screenshotted quotes are available in the alt text]
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useless19 · 5 months
Do you think Bowser has hinted at marriage once in awhile randomly or do you think he's chilled out about rushing things finally. Sure he was pretty dead set on marrying the Princess not only from his own interests and political benefits but prehaps abandonment issues caused him to see marriage as mostly a way to insure himself they wont leave him since it a final say writen on papers? (divorce exist but if you got unspoken issues the smaller details are usually ignored)
Honestly I've always been fascinated by peoples take on Bowsers possible attachment or abandonment issues
He absolutely has.
"Or I could just lock you in the dungeon when it's time for you to go back," Bowser said. He laughed when Luigi started to protest. "I know, I know. No kidnapping. It was a joke." -Bowser, in the middle of planning Luigi's kidnapping.
I imagine a lot of the earlier proposals got passed off with a similar 'I'm joking' sort of thing. But because Luigi's still got fairly low self-esteem, he takes Bowser's word when he brushes off Luigi's bemusement with a 'I'm not being serious' or the like whenever Luigi comments on a pretty place and Bowser hints that it might be a good place to have a wedding.
Ultimately, Days!Bowser had a (at his best) distant dad, a mum who died when he was barely old enough to remember her but not young enough to have not remembered her at all, and some relatives who couldn't be around very often for their own safety. And then he only reinforced that by kidnapping people. So yes, he sort of thinks that marriage will make someone stick around (and it did during the main plot!).
(I considered going for a Bowser who lost both his parents at a terribly young age (playing into the fact that some of the Yoshi games refer to him as King Bowser, even though he's a pretty young kid), but a Bowser who has literally never been accountable to anyone is going to be different to the Bowser I was putting together for Day 7/9.)
Anyway, this means it comes as a shock the first time Bowser goes all out on a proposal. Luigi is not a fan of surprises or being the center of attention, and Bowser's not going to half-arse something as important as a proposal. It'll be loud, there'll be a crowd, and Luigi's going to have the frightful time of figuring out how to say 'no' without Bowser assuming that's the end of the relationship. (He doesn't do great).
Luigi escapes the resulting fiery chaos and retreats to his room. He feels awful and has some miserable thoughts on whether or not this relationship is viable if they keep having stuff like this happen. (It's not been that much that often, Luigi's just spiralling here). He gets ready for bed automatically, but doesn't get any sleep.
And trying to figure this out turned into just writing fic... It's first draft, but here you go.
Luigi yelped when his bedroom door slammed open. Bowser stomped in, only to stop short when he noticed Luigi.
"Knock, please," Luigi said.
"You haven't escaped yet?" Bowser said.
Luigi clutched the heavy book he'd been trying to use to send him off to sleep. "Do I have to escape?" he asked carefully.
"Not yet," Bowser said. He began to pace around Luigi's room.
Luigi put the book aside and laced his fingers together. It was hard to even know where to start. How were you supposed to tell your partner that you weren't ready for marriage when they so obviously were?
"I'm sorry I messed things up," Luigi said.
"You should be," Bowser snapped.
Luigi flinched. Bowser stopped pacing and took a deep breath.
"I'm furious," Bowser said on the out breath.
"I'm sorry, I -"
"You said you wouldn't leave without telling me why," Bowser said, looming over Luigi.
"Do you want me to leave?" Luigi asked.
"What? No!"
Luigi patted the bed next to him. Bowser huffed. Instead of sitting next to Luigi on the mattress as Luigi had intended, Bowser slumped to the floor and leant his head on his folded arms on the bed.
"I don't want to leave," Luigi said.
"Then why didn't you say yes?" Bowser asked, a note of hurt in his voice.
"Because I don't want to get married yet," Luigi said. "It's a lot to say yes to. It's a huge decision."
"Figures I managed to bag the one mushroom person afraid of commitment," Bowser grumbled. "What do you think a relationship is except a precursor to marriage?"
Luigi hadn't considered it like that. "I don't know. There's still a lot we haven't talked about with... us and everything it entails."
"The proposal can be a surprise but the engagement shouldn't be," Bowser said.
Luigi blinked in surprise. "Exactly. Where did you hear that?"
"Can't remember." Bowser shrugged, knocking Luigi off balance.
Luigi lifted his hand to put it on Bowser's arm then hesitated. Would his touch even be welcome right now? When he dropped his arm, he caught sight of Bowser's red eye watching him.
"Hate me so much you can't stand the thought of touching me?"
"No." Luigi braced himself. "Do you hate me?"
Bowser closed his eyes. "I asked you to marry me a few hours ago, what do you think?"
"I think a lot of people would hate someone for saying no."
Bowser huffed and reached out to pat Luigi's leg. If he wanted to hurt Luigi, it would have been so easy, but he didn't. Luigi reached forward and threaded his fingers through Bowser's coarse hair. Something he hadn't realised was tense relaxed as Bowser gave a rumble of contentment.
"Was it just a no?" Bowser asked. "Or was it a not now? Because it felt like the former, but you waffled a lot before you got there."
"That's it exactly," Luigi said, relieved beyond measure at finally getting the right words. "I don't want to get married now, but I might change my mind in the future."
The lateness of the hour hit Luigi and he was unable to stifle his yawn. It must have been gone midnight by now. Tomorrow was looking better than it had been, but too little sleep wouldn't help anyone.
"We should probably try to get some sleep," Luigi said, untangling his fingers from Bowser's hair with a pang of disappointment. "Would you stay with me, tonight?" he blurted out before he could wimp out of asking for what he wanted again.
"In here?" Bowser waved at Luigi's quite-big-for-Luigi-but-small-for-Bowser bed.
"If that's okay?"
Bowser crawled onto the bed. There really wasn't much room for Luigi, but he'd spent enough time in too-narrow or too-short beds on adventures that he could probably doze off. Bowser curled his hand around Luigi's body. Luigi put his hand over Bowser's finger.
Heavy, absurdly long breaths were becoming a welcome sound to drift off to. Luigi snuggle down, enjoying the extra warmth a fire-breathing Koopa added.
"How long will it take before you're ready?" Bowser asked in a tone that he'd probably meant to be casual but missed by miles.
How long did it usually take before people were comfortable taking the next step in a relationship like this? Luigi had known people with whirlwind engagements who would have had a kid already on the way at this point, and others who had been together more than five years before they even hinted at marriage.
And it didn't matter how other people did it, Luigi had to figure out what worked for Luigi.
"I don't know," Luigi said. He clutched Bowser's fingers. "If I try to pick a date, then I don't know if I'll be ready by then and the extra anxiety over whether or not I'll be ready by then will probably just make it take longer. And I don't think you'll do very well with a specific date to get your hopes up for."
Bowser grumbled unhappily, but didn't disagree. Luigi rubbed Bowser's claw with his thumb and was relieved when Bowser gave him a gentle squeeze in return.
"I can promise that when I'm ready, you'll be the second person to know," Luigi said.
"After Mario?" Bowser said, disgruntled.
"After me," said Luigi.
Bowser laughed sleepily.
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arcanemadman · 7 months
The Castlevania franchise feels like it's getting more and more divided since Netflixvania started and it's getting really bloody frustrating to the point that while watching Nocturne I've felt disquieted, and I think I've realised why that is.
It's the fucking DmC:Devil May Cry white hair fiasco all over again.
For those that don't know, when the DmC reboot was revealed people had a lot of criticism, including turning Dante from a cool but likeable hero into a foul mouthed smoker, the dumbing down of the gameplay, the antagonism towards the fanbase, and turning his iconic white hair black. Of all these criticism, only the hair colour change was given any attention, painting the fan base in a very negative light and side stepping the real issues people had by only focusing on the cherry rather than the whole sundae.
All this attention directed towards something that in the grand scheme of things is very minor but it gets all the attention while the bigger stuff is ignore.
Yes, there are people mad about the show for racist reasons and they shouldn't be listened to, but there are genuine complaints that are being swept up with that.
The character changes have a sort of domino effect on everything. Maria being a serious revolutionary is interesting, but I saw someone put it best that what made her special was the fact that she was a little girl in a world of classic horror that believed she was in a fairy tale and had the power to force that reality on everyone else. Netflix Maria is good, but lacks the charm of Maria.
The second example is Juste. When I saw him I was very excited, but that was mainly because it was acknowledgement of the original canon than anything else. His magical prowess, the thing that makes him stand out among the Belmont linage, is mentioned and then brushed aside, and the worst ending of his game is what is taken as canon. And once Richter gets his magic back, Juste is gone. He feels like a plot point rather than the character. I sympathise with people who's favourite game was Harmony of Dissonance.
Annette was a compelling character with a well developed story, but anyone that says her original characterisation would never work are being disingenuous because they literally did that, except that did so with Tera. The connections to Richter and Maria, the damsel elements, the fact she gets turned into a vampire, all from Annette. Swapping them around wouldn't work for multiple reasons and I'm not going to say I can do better than people you get paid to write when I don't, but I feel I can say that if they had wanted to they could have done something closer to the original while still touching on the themes and narratives they wanted to.
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Olrox... honestly the only criticism I can really think of is the removal of any reference to Count Orlock.
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There's an elitism with both sides of the fanbase here. On the Netflix side, there's the feeling that since theirs is more popular that any criticism is because people are just nostalgic, and game fans feel that since theirs is the original foundation that anyone that doesn't agree with them is just a new fair-weather fan. And honestly, I'm more sympathetic to the game fans.
I've seen Netflixvania fans look at people complaining that the character have changed and go "yeah well the version you like sucks so you should just grow up" As if that's going to make everything better. And all the people complaining about the race changes or posting "WOKE?!?!?!" have poisoned the well for any actual discussion about this, not helped by the social media accounts deliberately stoking the flames in the mistaken belief that all publicity is good publicity, which raised the ire of nexflixvania creators. Unfortunately marketing can often be removed from the intentions of the creators.
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Yes, Netflixvania is a great show, with beautiful animation and great storytelling, but it's not perfect and as an adaptation is leaves a lot to be desired. And that's the crux of it! The show is good, really good! But it doesn't feel like an adaptation of Castlevania. It's just a bunch of little details that pile up to make it less of what the game fans liked about the series. It's more grimdark horror than classic horror. It's more crude than it is philosophical. It's more hopeless than it is hopeful. And regardless of what you individually think, that's what people have liked about Castlevania for almost 40 years.
Ultimately I just have to ask, why do people seem to assume that you can't make a faithful adaptation while also making it interesting? They're not mutually exclusive.
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blues824 · 1 year
Hellooo!!! Could I request a Ciel x Fem!Reader where Reader is extremely intelligent and witty. Like she is so smart brooo. She reads HUGE books and can quote almost anything from any book, can solve any math problem, and is literally just a fucking genius. She’s very quiet and very observant too. Please ignore if needed, no pressure at all!<3
love ya!🤍
Love you too! And just so y’all know, this is how I am irl, but it depends. If I’m with people who I am comfortable with, you can tack on sarcastic to the end of the description. We’re also gonna ignore his engagement to Lizzie for the sake of this request.
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Ciel Phantomhive
You both probably met at one of the Queen’s royal balls. As the youngest member of a noble family, you had to. It was mostly so your father could find another noble family of the same rank who had an unwed and unbetrothed son for you to be afianced to.
When Ciel saw you, he had to admit that you looked absolutely breathtaking. Oh, how he wished that he could properly waltz just so he could lead you out on the dance floor. But, he opted to walk up to you to start a conversation. Sebastian had the smuggest smile.
“My lady”, he took your hand in his, bowed, and placed a soft kiss on the back of it. You were a bit flustered, but you managed to brush it off. I mean, it wasn’t everyday that the head of the Phantomhive household walks up to you out of all people.
“My lord”, you gave a polite and graceful curtsy. He led you over to the table that held food. He explained that since his parents died, he was never truly given the time to be taught to dance and to excuse him for it. You both got a few sweets on your plates before you stepped aside.
You both had a deep conversation about a case that the Queen had you both working on (but didn’t tell either of you). He was very pleasantly surprised at your competence and common sense, as well as being able to piece together the evidence that he brought to you.
Once the ball was over and everyone was leaving for their carriages, Ciel escorted you arm-in-arm to your carriage to assure your safety. However, before you got in, you leaned towards his ear and whispered something.
I know that Sebastian is a demon.
He went wide-eyed as you acted like nothing happened. You even gave him a peck on the cheek as his butler helped you into the carriage. He made a note to formally invite you over to the Manor the following day so that you both could continue your conversation.
Once he did, you came and you were both locked in his office for hours working on the case. When you visited the Undertaker, he mistook you both as Mr. and soon-to-be-Mrs. Ciel Phantomhive. It was rather embarrassing for the both of you, but it made him laugh 🤷‍♀️.
After a mutual agreement between the two of you, he wrote a letter to your parents saying that he would be glad to be betrothed to you. Of course, the recipients of said letter were beyond ecstatic that their daughter had found a nice and respectable (see: powerful and wealthy) man.
Sebastian often catches you reading many different books in many different languages to Ciel to get him to calm down after a stressful day. Your fiancé is always impressed by the sheer amount of knowledge you store in that wonderful mind of yours.
You would often stick around and help Sebastian with his lessons. You set up a game where for every question he gets right, he gets to choose between receiving a sweet or receiving a kiss from you. I think we all know what his choice is here.
You very rarely get into arguments with each other, but when you do, you’ll wait until you’re both calmed down and you will talk through the issue like responsible young adults. You have both learned from each other and grew more mature with each passing day.
Each and every day, where one goes, they are not without the other in their arm. You both look like a young married couple with how lovingly you both look at each other. The love you have reminds everyone of the love Ciel’s parents had when they were alive.
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m3nt4llyr4v3d · 2 months
One thing that kind of (absolutely) bothers me about this show is the weird… avoidance?? Or major mistakes or flaws the characters have??
(This is me going off of the top of my head, and sooooo much personal bias is in this, be warned)
I’ve seen this being talked around the critical tab a bit and I just wanted to ramble: for some odd reason, the show is very consistent with blaming/placing fault on a character’s minor flaws, but the major shortcomings are just brushed aside (this somewhat applies to some parts of the fandom as well)! A few examples I could think of off the top of my head:
Marinette- Marinette’s blamed by the narrative for things she can’t even control or have nothing to do with anything. Like, in Penalteam, where she has to work to be a team player?? Even though in the episodes beforehand Chat’s whole thing was that he felt like he was being replaced/ set aside by the whole team??? At the same time, Derision made every instance of Marinette’s more unsavory acts in regards to Adrien (which was originally absurd comedy) into something serious because it’s a trauma response now! Which means every instance of her doing those things is now under the context of “oh god this is a traumatized teenager potentially breaking the law due to a trauma response and absolutely needs therapy!!”, while also… just… quietly sweeping all that under the rug under the guise of “well she does those things BECAUSE of the trauma” while not acknowledging just how many bad implications are there now. (I could go a full hour talking about how much Derision fucked EVERY. SINGLE. CHARACTER. OVER.) Oh, and her being secretive with Chat for… no reason? This one is kind of acknowledged but also, the crux of the issue is brushed aside in the season 4 finale? Like, in Kuro Neko when Chat is trying to, like alleviate some of her duties by gathering some of the Miraculous cause he also knows some of their identities? And she says no and says he’s wasting her time? I get he was pestering her about it, I do, but the authors were saying that her reasoning with being secretive was that she was had so much responsibility… but when the opportunity arises for someone to alleviate that, she turns it down? (Honestly liked the fanon reason that she was scared of Chat Blanc timeline and him getting to close to her way more)
Adrien- His naivety in specific situations (the whole “taking the high road” advice) being criticized HEAVILY, when it’s kind of understandable he would give that? I get that it’s bad advice in this situation, I don’t think he’s part of the problem for giving it though. But his pushiness towards Ladybug? The godawful communication he had in Season 4 (this is a Ladybug issue too)? Nah, let’s just ignore that. His… really concerning mental health (Guilttrip anyone? I mean he literally tries to cataclysm himself why is no one talking about this?) What are you talkin’ aboutttt, it’s all good here! In fact, we’ll never bring that up again, how does that sound? (Please delve more into that in season 6 dear god)
Chloe- It’s… understandable??? When the show harps on her being a bully I guess?? But the issue I have with that is that the show acts like this is the WORST thing she’s done, being a petty vindictive teenager. The show rarely brings up her failures at being a superhero (for how much some fans bring up the train scene, I’m 1000% sure the show literally forgot) or the fact that she, y’know. Literally betrayed Ladybug and worked with Hawkmoth! For how much the show loves dogging on her and treating her like a secondary villain I’d expect like, a little bit more in showing that off? Also, the literal two grown adults setting her up as a scapegoat for the whole mayor thing, then the show acting like she’s the one at fault still?? And that sending her away with her mother was a good thing????
Gabriel- “Oh he’s too obsessed with his Ladybug to actually save his wife! He’s cold and distant but still loving actually!” What about his neglect? What about him literally ignoring his wife’s wishes (there was no way he didn’t know beforehand I’m sorry)? I genuinely don’t care that he “made the right choice” with his wish, he stabbed Marinette in the back to do so. Literally LOCKED ADRIEN IN A WHITE ROOM AND AT SOME POINT WAS ATTEMPTING TO AKUMATIZE HIM…! But nah, he’s just too ambitious, he’s a loving father, whatareyatalkinabout? He’s a hero! (😨)
Andre (Bourgeois)- “His flaws are that he gave up on his dream to live an unhappy life! Oh but we’re gonna ignore his role as a literal corrupt politician, look he’s redeemed now! He even sent that she-demon Chloe away! What do you mean he literally raised this child to act this way? Nah, everything is Chloe’s fault and we’re not even going to acknowledge his hand in literally raising her with these values since she was basically in elementary school! Look he’s adopting Zoe, isn’t that sweet? Nevermind how we just won’t acknowledge where Mr. Lee is, if he’s alive, or if Zoe is even okay with everything that just happened! (I mean, cmon, she literally lived with Audrey for years, she would reasonably be a little put off by this, even if she thinks Chloe is a lost cause)
These are just a few I could think of, though. Honestly my biggest wish is that the show would stop bringing the character’s least offensive trait/fault (compared to others) and truly acknowledge the worse aspects of them.
Bit that’s just me rambling like a madman, I’d love to know what you guys would think!
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adaptacy · 5 months
A Found Flame {Pt.9}
Pairing: Mentor!Gale Dekarios x Apprentice!GN!Reader
(Previous Chapter) – (Next Chapter) ➔ (AO3)
A/N: so very completely off topic but Minthara is so hot & i just wanted to mention that. she's not in this chapter or anything, im just thinking abt her.
Word Count: 3k
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“Oh, gods,” a masculine voice cringes, carrying a thick, posh accent, accompanied by a twinge of what sounds like disgust. “A maimed hand. What a… horrific display. Unfortunate.”
“It’s not a–” A female huffs, her irritation clear. “It’s a portal. Move aside,” she directs. “Hello?” 
“A little help would be appreciated!”
“Oh– Right. One moment,” the woman replies. There’s a quiet mumbling of some ritualistic magic spells, and the vortex swirls, easing the pressure it had been constricting on a purple-robed arm. 
“A little pull should do the trick!”
A pair of hands grab onto the arm and pull, gentle at first, and then suddenly yanking it, sending a brunette flying through the other side, hitting the dirt and huffing out an anguished groan as he was promptly reminded of a bleeding wound in his shoulder. Both him and the woman who pulled him out brush themselves off and rise to their feet, locking eyes once they’ve checked themselves over. 
Immediately, the man reaches forward and shakes her hand, met with a concerned minor recoil from the woman, not expecting the contact. He bows his head, his other hand clasped over his wound, and he grants her a wide smile. “My deepest gratitudes. I believed I’d meet my fate in that whirlpool of weave – Gale of Waterdeep, at your service.”
“I see. I’m Shadowheart, and this is…” She glances over her shoulder at a white-haired man behind her, and Gale releases her hand.
He hesitates, placing a hand on his hip before waving his hand and sighing, conceding. “Oh, yes, the name is Astarion. What in the hells happened?”
The three look towards the scene of fiery, bloody destruction a few yards away, and there’s an awkward exchange of contemplative silence. 
“I haven’t the first idea,” Gale confesses, surveying the surroundings. “I’d have been quick to blame a particularly exciting wild mushroom for the things I’ve witnessed today, though unless you’re also mere voyagers of an imaginative hallucination, I doubt I’d be so fortunate as to be dreaming.” 
“Quite the twist of events,” the pale elf replies, looking back towards the brunette, his eyes hovering for a moment too long on his bloodied wound. “You’re bleeding.”
Gale looks at the wound as well, and he waves his hand dismissively. “Ah, yes, I…” He hesitates, recalling the events prior to his sudden abduction, unwilling plane-hopping, and forceful infection. “During the crash, I met an all-too-friendly shard of debris rather attracted to my shoulder. The least of my worries, I must admit. You two were aboard the nautiloid as well?”
“Yes, we were. Never before did I think I’d ever come face-to-face with mind flayers…” The woman sighs, recalling her own experience. 
“The mind flayers are hardly the biggest of our issues. I’m not sure about you two, but I’m a little more worried about the literal tadpoles in our skulls!” Astarion huffs, and Gale’s eyes narrow. 
“Then I wasn’t the only one. Do either of you happen to be a medic, or a cleric? Or know any? Or… have any clue where exactly we find ourselves?” He asks.
Shadowheart hesitates before answering with “I’m a cleric, but if I knew how to cure myself of whatever these little beasts are, I would’ve well-past done so by now. I could take a look at your shoulder, at least.”
He thinks over the offer before shrugging, and then wincing at the irritation, and he removes his hand. “Quite the savior, you’ve been. I assure you, I’m more than appreciative.”
Mostly ignoring the praise, Shadowheart steps closer to him, closing her eyes and lifting her hand, muttering another phrase under her breath. Gale recognizes segments of the words, but before he’s able to focus on exactly what they are, he’s distracted by a quick sharp pain in his wound, followed by immediate release as his flesh is pulled together once more, though the cut in his robe remains. 
Astarion breaks his attention away from the scene as Gale runs his hand over the spot, double-checking to ensure it’s fully closed. Gale nods once he’s sure, and he looks between the two in front of him. “Finding a medic – as darling as you’ve been, Shadowheart, we do need someone more proficient in our afflictions – is our first rule of business.”
The male elf scoffs, raising an eyebrow. “Our?” He asks, and Shadowheart and Gale both look confused for a moment. “Oh. Oh dear. You mean to stick together with him?”
“The more the merrier, no? Strength in numbers,” she reminds, and Gale quickly realizes that rejection may very well mean death, as traveling alone in unknown lands is a recipe for certifiable disaster.
He clears his throat, stepping forward and standing up a little straighter. “Have you any clue what happens, should we allow these maggots to complete gestation behind our eyes? I assure you, it’s not a fate we will want to meet. I’ve read extensively on the topic, and it involves an excruciating process of skin-shedding, organ arranging, and tentacle sprouting,” he defends, swallowing his anxiety in an attempt to mask how desperate he is. “I’m also quite the seasoned caster, and should we engage with any danger, I’ll be more than able to pull my weight.”
“Not seasoned enough to travel alone? Darling, in numbers we lose stealth. All of that stomping about is sure to attract danger,” Astarion purrs, rolling his eyes, and Gale feels his heart skip a beat, but Shadowheart is quick to jump in.
“We’ll need all the help we can get. You’re welcome to venture off on your own, Astarion,” she replies, and Astarion thinks over the possibility for a moment, but eventually sighs and gives a nod of irritated approval. “We should move quickly. I’d like to be rid of the monsters before any of those unwelcome effects manage to set in.”
“Fantastic,” Gale exhales, chuckling to avoid accidentally revealing his immense relief. “I reckon following the riverside north may be our best hope of coming upon civilization. And, ideally, a cure.” 
The other two agree, and the three set off towards the river, each occupied too greatly by their own thoughts to bother with small talk. Gale’s mind is busy, as it always is; Aside from the parasite, he feels impeccably normal. 
The orb rests. 
It sleeps.
Never before has it been so silent. 
Something is wrong.
–   –   –
“You’re sure?” 
“Oh, for the gods’ sakes, dear, for the last time, I wouldn’t have told you to begin if I lacked faith in you,” she groans, peeking her head out from a round metal shield that had been propped up against the post of a lamp, providing shelter and protection to the small creature. Whatever faith she did have in you was clearly limited, as she flinched every time you moved your arm, terrified that somehow you’d manage to ignite her in a fiery blaze despite the fact that you were facing the opposite direction. 
“If you say so,” you hum, giving a small shrug. Looking down, you line your feet up like how Gale had directed you a few days ago, inching your right foot forward until you were both comfortable and felt the slightest twinge of battle-readiness, or at least what you imagined it would feel like to be ready for battle. 
See, even before you’d been interested in actually learning magic, you’d always found it pretty amazing that people were able to conjure and cast some of the huge, deadly spells you’d heard about. The sorts of spells that Gale told stories about. 
You’d only ever seen him cast small spells, as he stuck usually to quick, simple flicks of his wrist to conjure up a small mage hand to grab a book, or sparking flames from the tip of his finger to light a candle. Easy things. Sort of impressive, but you got used to seeing them after a while, and they appeared entirely effortless.
But he talked about other ones. And you’d read about some. He spoke fondly of his days at Blackstaff academy, and hells, he’d managed to summon a lifelong cat with wings at the ripe age of seven. He seemed nothing short of a retired prodigy at this point, but you could certainly believe the stories he told.
Channeling the creations of Talos to send ship-sized rays of lightning to wreak havoc on the path before him. Pulling living, writhing coal-black tentacles from the earth to ensnare unsuspecting enemies. Or hailing a storm of sharp, freezing shards with no more than a phrase and a swipe of his hand. It was all magnificent to hear about, and you couldn’t imagine the kind of power that he – and all spellcasters – must have felt, having that sort of destruction at their disposal. A great payoff to years of practice, it seemed the stuff of legends or the sorts of tricks that only the greatest deities have in their arsenal, and yet he spoke of it as if it had been just another academic lesson. 
To say you felt admiration for him would be a bit of an understatement, but it was perhaps the best word still. It was motivational, knowing that, one day, you could somehow be on the same level of such unfathomable, incredible power. 
There were other spells too, obviously. Like protective shields that fed off of astral fuel rather than steel, or transpositional spells – things like that. Way less interesting things, in your opinion. But he spoke pleasantly of them all the same. 
Plus, having that kind of knowledge in your back pocket was way more effective than any dagger or greatsword – and far less obvious. Not that you’d ever engaged in any battles or even minor fights, but you assumed that knowing spells would automatically give someone the upper hand. A sword or a hammer would be obvious– but couldn’t a wizard feign cluelessness? Pretend to be unprepared, and then right when they’ve been underestimated, strike at their foe’s vulnerability! 
Point was, it was pretty cool to think about. The closest thing to fighting that Gale had ever mentioned engaging in was during his exploration of ruins, back when he had to actively hunt for artifacts to feed off of. Now, you couldn’t imagine how a man who smelled like Waterdeep’s finest candles and had a closer relationship to books than any person could have possibly been embarking on tomb-raiding, bandit-battling adventures, but maybe he’d been something of a spell savant in his younger days. 
After all, he claimed to have helped lead the quarterstaff martial arts extracurricular club, and while you didn’t really understand what that meant, you assumed he meant that he was good at swinging the magical sticks littered around his tower. Or, at least the ones that used to be littered around the tower. The ones that you’d eventually thrown out. The ones that he’d consumed every last lick of weave out of, the ones who were reduced to just fancy sticks, ‘magic’ entirely lacking. 
You’d always wondered what he’d been like prior to the orb. If he’d been more powerful before, if the invasion had weakened him. Or if it had strengthened him, if it had opened his body up to new avenues of the weave otherwise unexplored, but he’d merely lost touch with it because he’d stopped practicing. You’d never asked. Always worried it would be a sore subject, and he didn’t like talking about it in any other context, if his constant dismissive statements and tendency to quickly change the topic was anything to judge by. 
He consumed the weave. Consumed raw magic like you would scarf down a salad. He did not merely understand the weave, or learn to speak with it – he was the weave. He was magic.
It was unfortunate. He could’ve been the strongest wizard in Faerûn, and yet he used his power to pluck story books off of shelves out of his reach. You only wished you knew why. 
He’d gotten himself into a bad situation. Yet, when the reason for said bad situation up-and-ditched him, he never bothered to find a new reason. Why he didn’t make the best of his circumstances was beyond you. If you were in his shoes, you would’ve certainly made a point to prove to Mystra that you didn’t need her.
Who the hells needed a goddess when he had his own piece of the weave? Weave that she didn’t have. Weave that was out of her control. Weave that was entirely his to shape and use. 
He could’ve had a million reasons, and it was likely that he’d simply never bothered to share them with you. But that lack of knowledge kept your mind wandering, and curiosity only ever snowballed. 
You raise your arm, eyeing the target, looking over the black smoky imprint you’d given it last time you were in this position. Small, but visible. Making sure you keep your finger pointed at the mannequin, you make a mental note of its position in relation to your own, and let your eyes close, attempting to swim through whatever scenes come to you in search of inspiration. 
Initially, you figure you could always return to the same memory you’d used during your first practice, but what you find first is your discussion with him from a few days ago, in which he revealed the truth behind the orb. It’s pleasant at first, revisiting the closeness with him, his gentle tone, the feeling of his hands on your arm. The warmth of his chest and the mellow beating of his heart. 
But you follow the moment, recalling the heat beneath your palm when you truly pressed it to the mark, the pining of the orb that you managed to tap into. How insatiably hungry it was. You remember being intimidated, but now, looking back on it, you feel no fear – instead a strange, silent understanding. An understanding of what, exactly, you’ve no clue. It seems as though understanding heeds no requirement of knowledge, as though the connection runs deeper than a mind could possibly reach. 
You touch not the orb, but rather his skin, yet you feel it all the same. Breaking the bounds of physicality, it hums, and you feel the power against your fingertips. The power in the weave, but you feel no power in the man. 
If anything, he looks entirely powerless. And you realize that, in the moment, you’d been feeling him. Focused only on his emotions, his being, his existence. 
But here, he’s hardly present. Rather, it is you and the orb. It burns, and it swirls, a pocket-sized vortex protected behind a cage of bones. You know it is dangerous because Gale has told you so. 
You would not have known otherwise.
It’s sweet. The energy it crackles with is no more harmful than the flames in a fireplace. Its desires are but a child’s ambitions. It is contained, and it is obedient, and it is a tragic tale. 
Does it feel?
Does it understand?
“Ignis,” you call, and the orb hears, and it responds. There is a surge, magnificent and pure, in your arm, shooting to your index with the rush of your blood, and you open your eyes in time to watch as the entire upper section of the mannequin is cascaded in a flowing, raging garnet hue that engulfs the humanoid frame and singes the protective chainmail, proving it to be a weak barrier at best. It melts the metal in an instant, staining it against the terrorized cloth underneath, and the mannequin stumbles, threatening to fall over with the storm of heat, but then it steadies. The flames flicker out after a few seconds, and the torso is left a mess of momentarily liquified steel and burnt, lifeless fabric. 
Then there’s silence. You feel your mouth pull into a smile. You eventually lower your hand and turn back around to Tara, nodding. 
“How was that?!” You ask, laughing excitedly, and Tara peeks out from behind the shield, her ears flattened against her head. 
“I’d bet to say you’re just short of ready for Avernus,” she chuckles, and though there’s a strong sense of anxiety about her tone, you pass it off as a side effect of her worry for her own fur. 
“Damn, I wish Gale was here to see that. Did you see how big that flame was? Like, practically the size of the mannequin! Or a dwarf! Oh, he’s gonna be so impressed,” you giggle, having to contain a squeal of pride at just how skilled your casting was. And it was only your second try! Who knew what you could be capable of with more practice? With the amount of practice Gale had? Oh, the possibilities were endless.
Tara slinks out from behind the shield, double-checking the area to ensure it was safe, and she sits, looking at the ruined target for a few extra moments before turning her attention to you. “I do so hate to imitate the wizard too closely, though my curiosity is certainly mewing – I assume you found your flame elsewhere this time?”
Your smile falters, and you think about being honest – admitting that you drew energy from the perceived villain of Gale’s story – but you don’t wish to concern her. So you tell a half-truth, because it’s not quite a lie, and therefore warrants no guilt. “I, uh, got it… from Gale, I guess.”
Tara’s tail flicks, and she purrs for a quick moment, standing up once more and walking across the room, a certain proud air about her. “How precious. No surprise that he encouraged such mighty flames,” she teases, and you quickly shake your head, believing her to have the wrong idea.
“Not– not like that, uh, I just mean that he’s really inspiring, so… I thought about him and his directions, and tried to, y’know, follow them,” you laugh nervously, but Tara hardly seems convinced. 
It makes you think. Her assumptions – they’re food for thought. You know what she suspects. 
And maybe it’s okay for her to believe that. 
Maybe it’s okay. 
Because the alternative is not.
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dolldefaced · 6 months
read the recent stuff and i want to ramble about jason, bc really the rest of this plot was goofy. i appreciated the brief duke + tim stuff tho, cutee i missed u duke hiiii byeeee anyway
we start batman/catwoman: the gotham war the scorched earth #1 with bruce brushing off what he did to jason
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at least it's getting better but like there's a fuckton of daily non vigilante activities that jump your adrenaline, you know, like running last issue?
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not jason but i think this exchange with zur is interesting because...bruce brushes him off. there is no indication zur is doing anything to him rn.
he's also not as freaked as he was in earlier issues. now these issues have the tone and pacing consistency of the weather in my hometown (none), but we will return to this
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jason grabs the batplane and once again saves the fucking day even under the Fear tm. he blows up the meteor and does not die, despite the 5 second fakeout
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jason babe literally you do not need to do this. jason's too good you should push him in at this point. comforting him after selina decided to have a 5 minute death....ilu :(
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zur ofc could be lying his ass off (but also bruce made zur) and idk if that's the route they're gonna go later but.... honestly i don't think it's 100% zur. i dont think it was ever 100% zur. i think it's 50/50 at max, and maybe even way less in this moment.
also it's been two weeks and there's no indication he's apologized to jason or tried to fix what he did
also dick almost beat him the fuck up and now he's like 'im sure you had your reasons'
beat him again!!! don't say this shit!!! you were right the first time.
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he still thinks what he did to jason was right imo!!! and i also read this like...he's saying he's not an example bc of how he is a vigilante...ignoring that the second time he met jason, jason was doing a vigilantism on the ma gunn gang without batman at all...girl it aint about you. the reason you suck is your control issues, not the helping people part, do more of the latter and way less of the former
also read that first bubble! he's justifying it! he's not apologizing!! also no they dont need you going off being fucking wild. dick LITERALLY just offered to help your ass. jesus.
unrelated to jason:
stop making the batfam nuclear. jesus. they dont need a mommy!!!!!!! they dont need 'parents'!!! SOME OF THEM EVEN STILL HAVE THEIR OWN GODDAMN PARENTS. fuck off!!!!!!!!
you can be a family without the nuclear core open your fucking eyes dc!!!!
ending thoughts:
idk i think if dc lets a writer actually go into the crux of bruce being the major problem rn i will enjoy it, because i like fucked up messy family dynamics, but i really don't want this brushed aside like the multitude of other fucked up things bruce has done. history, however, is not on my side. i suspect there will be something big at the end of all this, resulting in another big team up where we dont talk about shit :/ pretty please prove me wrong dc <3
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ckret2 · 9 months
Looking at all the stuff you said in that recent reblog of yours and just nodding my head in so much agreement. Like, the Gravity Falls canon is so fun but if you (the royal you) poke at some of the more conspiratorial elements of it...it can SO very easily veer into 'Not Okay' territory, depending on how one approaches it in their fanworks.
Especially the fact that Bill is literally based off the triangle symbol that is often used to represent the Illuminati, and...well, there's a lot of Not Okay stuff tied to them that we don't have time to unpack.
It's just good to be VERY careful and find a balance between the borderline Not Okay stuff canon gives us and finding an approach that is...let's say CLOSER to okay. This is a long winded way of saying I agree with the stuff you said 👍
Yeah, especially with Mr. Illuminati-Face here, so many of the ideas that are very lightly brushed over duck so close to some really awful real-world ideas—but in most cases, what's actually presented in canon is so quickly passed by that like... it only really works because you don't think about it too hard. Wading any deeper into it is like walking into a minefield. (Here's the part where I guiltily confess that one of the lines that always gets a wheeze out of me is the super fleeting mention of "Ronald Reagan's masters," and I think the reason it always gets me is because it's SO blink-and-you'll-miss-it, combined with a heap of dark comedy "OH NOOO PLEASE DON'T HAVE HIM SAY THAT". But do I want to engage with that idea? God no.)
If you give serious credence to half the claims Bill makes or that are made about him (much less the things without him that get peppered in), then you're essentially saying that Gravity Falls is the kind of world with secret globe-spanning history-controlling government-running overlords that's being espoused by, most prominently, right wing q-anony antisemitic racists... and like, that's not the kind of world I want to celebrate and play around in. I don't want stories about the kind of world the worst conservative politician believes is real.
And all those more serious issues aside—just from a sheer characterization perspective, Bill is a goddamn liar. Mr. Illuminati-Face Overstuffed-Resume Dress-For-The-Job-You-Want. If all his big claims are treated like unadulterated truth, that ignores a lot of opportunities to say he was lying or distorting the truth in a way that makes him more interesting.
Read up on the actual real Illuminati that actually existed before their name got hamfistedly shoved into every gross conspiracy theory you can imagine, and they're just... such a not a big deal. It was like two dudes that used the mystique of LARPing as an ancient secret organization to dazzle a handful of people into reading a few mildly politically spicy pamphlets, and then got shut down. They didn't do anything but talk to each other about how important they were (they weren't) and wank off to their own sense of intellectual superiority.
I feel like that's a good metaphor for how to treat Bill Cipher's position in human history. The conspiracy theory talk has to be treated like self-congratulatory hot air. Yeah, he's like the Illuminati—in that, like the Illuminati, he wildly oversold his importance to the people he was trying to recruit, and his actual influence has been consequently overblown compared to the underwhelming truth. His face is everywhere, signifying nothing of any real importance. The echo of his historical bark is much worse than his historical bite.
If we're leaning into Bill's conspiracy theory vibes, then let's really lean into them: and the truth is most conspiracy theories, like Bill Cipher himself, are full of bullshit. He's a gold-foiled nothingburger.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
I wish people would stop calling Giratina "Satan." They're not equivalents and it's a really Christian-centric way to view a piece of Non-Christian media. They may have a few similarities, only one being the whole being banished by the highest power thing, but that's it. Giratina gets forgiveness and is allowed to return to our realm after its banishment, and turns into a last resort failsafe for keeping Palkia and Dialga safe from human harm. That doesn't sound like Satan to me. Satan is never allowed forgiveness by God, and will never be allowed back to Heaven due to his sin.
And then there's Volo. I hate how dirty he was done in game because, religiously, I see a lot of my atheistic beliefs and struggles in him and how he wants to recreate the world without suffering, and it hurts to see the fans make him some heartless monster that'll gleefully rip someone's heart out. Does he still need a punishment? Probably, he did try to end the world as everyone knew it, but he also needs some freaking therapy first and foremost. And honestly? I think if he were to get a punishment, it'd probably just hammer into him that the world is cruel and unfair and so full of suffering that it needs reborn. Volo's whole motivation is that- suffering. A lot of atheists ask why an all loving, all powerful god would allow such suffering in the world. Volo is privileged in the fact that he lives in a world where the creation god undeniably exists, so he uses his privilege to try to get Arceus' attention to at least ask why. But, frustratingly, he just gets ignored in favor of someone he views as a random nobody. Volo isn't justified in his actions, he really isn't. But good golly gee willickers does he need a little more sympathy from the fanbase.
I'm sorry for my rant, but it's really frustrating to see these sorts of ideas shuffled along.
First, just to clarify, I don't think Giratina is Literally Satan (it's closer to Hades, just ruling over the distortion world instead of the underworld). I just call it that because it sounds much funnier to say "Volo summons Satan" than "Volo summons a Pokemon that was banished to the distortion world", you feel
But secondly, yeah, I do actually agree with the second point. The issue with Volo walking off, aside from it being weird in-universe because he's clearly a threat, is that he does have some point. Wanting to remake the entire universe is obviously whack, but the guy seems to have legit criticisms and questions that are just kind of brushed aside by the narrative.
I think a better ending would've been if after being defeated, the MC does actually drag Volo with them to meet Arceus, just without his Pokemon. Maybe by the end, he doesn't forgive Arceus, but he's at least willing to stop trying to redo the entire universe, you know? Something to give closure to his character to some degree instead of him just leaving and no one doing anything about it.
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Lloyd’s Crystalized character
So I’ve seen a couple of posts about Lloyd in crystalized, particularly about his behaviour towards Garmadon in contrast to Harumi. I agree that it’s weird at first glace, but when you look into it I can see some logic behind it.
Here’s the thing; whenever he’s talking to Harumi he want her to do better. He wants her to change. He wants her to turn good and be happy. I think the main reason he is so adamant to do so (aside from questionable hormones), more so than with other villains, is because in part he really does blame himself for what happened to her. He still blames himself for unleashing the serpentine and letting her family die. He blames himself for failing to stop the snake (we all know he has an unreasonably strong sense of responsibility) and he probably blames himself for not finding her in that rubble and for letting her help the Overlord before he got a chance to talk her out of it. 
Now, whether he is to blame for these things (he clearly isn’t) and whether these feelings are justified (most of them aren’t) is a different story. But in true Lloyd fashion he most definetely would blame himself here, at least a little bit. 
Then when he’s talking to Garmadon we see something different. He becomes cranky, moody, agressive and inconsiderate. He ignores reason and what he knows is true, main example how he knows Mystake was good. 
Now why would he do this?  Because this seems to be the one case where he doesn’t hold himself responsible. He seems to be considering himself the victim. And let’s be honest, as a child with an absent and destructive father, whom he thought was off to who-knows-where without giving a shit about him, he almost definitely is. 
Just think back to march of the Oni for a second, okay? That was the same Garmadon we have now, no sensei to be found. Lloyd worked with him for a day, and what did he do? 
The plan he was sure of failed (not G’s fault though). When Cole died, he brushed it off and didn’t care one bit. He explicitely told Misako how he didn’t care about her anymore. And in the fight? Lloyd saved him from a one on one with the Omega, yet when Lloyd literally died he just noped out and dissapeared. In fact, hey canonically had zero contact in between that scene and Crystalized! 
And now, during a giant crisis Lloyd not only finds out that his father knew it would be coming but kept sending weird vague hints to them instead of just telling, but also that the man that has been missing and wanted was just- living, in the city? RIGHT THERE? WIthout a care in the world, ordering pizza and taking giving more though to a plant then he ever did towards his son? When it had clearly been established multiple times that Lloyd was sensitive about the issue? I mean, just look at the way they talk about him in Questing for Quests and then while deciding who could be the fifth villain. It is clearly a sore topic and his friends make sure to treat it with care.
Not to mention the way he acts when they do see him again. All he does is force Lloyd to do something he is clearly uncomfortable with, something that has layers which all need to be adressed. Instead Garmadon is yelling at him and criticizing everything he’s doing. Yes, we as the audience know that that’s the point of the Oni form, but to Lloyd?
His distant father figure, who serves as a reminder of a man who once cared, even when that man looked like this, is now trying to tear into every bit of selfesteem and certenty he had. 
All those things considered, he has a right to be pissed. 
The main difference in these two cases is that in one he really believes he made a mistake which ruined someone elses life (which is honestly only justifiable for the releasing snakes thing) and really wants to make up for it. He considers himself the problem, and wants to take responsibility by helping his victim through it. In the other case he considers whatever is left of his father the problem. And the problem takes zero action to help his main victim, Lloyd. he may be trying to better himself, but his main victim really got the short end of the stick here.
Sure, considering himself a victim to the point of not giving Garmadon a chance to help other people for once is selfish. But Lloyd really is allowed to be selfish for once. I’m not saying any of his action are right, neither for Garmadon nor Harumi, there’s a lot to be said about both. But from a character standpoint?
When you actually look at it for a bit, through Lloyd’s eyes and with his mentality and urge to help everyone, it makes perfect sense. 
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visionthefox · 18 days
I agree, it felt like Sun wasn't saying everything, and hasn't for a very long time, and the only time when he speaks his mind are his outbursts, and those are just yelling and screaming rather than processing things, it makes sense though why he'd be like that When Old Moon was around, Sun couldn't talk things out with him because Old Moon rarely had a supportive response, and more often than not he was ignored, brushed off, mocked, belittled, or had it turned on him, and while New Moon is better in that he has voiced support for Sun, after everything with Old Moon and New Moon sharing the anger and some of the habits, Sun may not feel like he can open up with New Moon Lunar is their little brother, who isn't the most mature, and he also has a lot with all the astral stuff going on, and when he was first introduced he was Old Eclipse's ally, and while he has moved far past that since then, it all does not make him the best candidate for it either Earth is great with this stuff, but as you've said, family members should not be therapists for their family, it's just too close to be effective most of the time, I also wonder if he feels like he can't open up because she's family, that he doesn't want to burden her with his much darker thoughts, or because of the stuff happening with the Creator before getting rid of Forgor every time Sun or Moon would talk about the Creator Earth would have a negative reaction, both might be a reason why he doesn't want to open up to her though I personally feel like its because he doesn't want to burden her Monty would more likely make fun of Sun as Monty doesn't take Sun seriously, not like he does with both Moons, and Foxy I am not sure about, are they anything more than acquaintances because of the whole FC thing? Sun never got close enough to Solar for them to have a connection despite Solar having a positive effect on the others, like how he was giving Earth therapy for her issues And nevermind counting on anybody else Sun basically doesn't have nor feel comfortable talking genuinely with anybody around him, he never has, and I can't see anybody besides maybe Earth being able to help him process everything in a way that isn't screaming, that is not good for mental health in the long-run, he needs someone that can get him to talk, and that he can talk things through with, who can take the darkest stuff with maturity and empathy, at least that's what it feels like to me
yeyeye im with ya anon! Sun is keeping A LOT of things hidden and locked on his mind. and I can tell if is actually a canon move or more of a bias look of our side since for us? makes sense he just-- cant ! he cant be as open because his issues arens as easy as " I feel less" or "im stress out" is way deep.. this dude is been alive over 12 years now- 10 years of Moon hitting him, mocking him , telling how stupid he is, how he pushed him aside- Golden never sided with Sun unless he was begging him to.. now sure, he has nice people around, but after having to bottle up your feelings over 10 years, is not easy to let go.. the time he did he got locked in a bunker to be forced to look at himself.. how much did that silly move on OldMoon damage him? enough to make him worry to speak up too much. Eclipse had to say some truth to Sun.. he is rather violent when he lets go of his fear.. (I totally believe Eclipse didnt give him the power to lift Monty to a wall, nah , that was all Sun's force! he never dare to use) I feel with Earth is both - dont want to stress her out and lack of trust, she's been a sister for 2 half years.. for me? is not enough time for Sun to even let her know all of his issues.. he cant tell how well she will reach to him being too open to what he feels and how he thinks on his dark moments.. and those issues are.. down deep and bad, as I showed once, his self steem is nearly up but not enough, he still thinks he is too stupid to help! when he literally was capable of so much! he feels he's weak, he killed a wither storm! , and the "you used to be happy" or "you look better now" dont help at all when he is here, sitting after a shock, walking in after being left alone for too long, putting on a happy ask again.. I know she NOT meant any harm, but in her own shock she wants to think he is ok.. now, we need to also keep in mind, the support did helped him, to at least let go for some bad habits! but we can see its not a constant help, specially now, he feels less due to this all.. (I had a test over his drinking but thats off topic) ANYWAYS YES YES YOU RIGHT ANON! as a whole Sun is a liar, who hides his true self under a "im all ok" smile, when he cant, he lets out sooo small pieces of the bigger image, and when he sense is "not the best time" he puts his mask again. now.. Will Moon notice the mask? Old Moon didnt.. will he try to TALK to him? face to face? or will rather do the "go talk to her, I cant help you" when all Sun needs is to FACE his brother and know he HEARS him.. Old Moon never cared to try.. so Sun can only Assume NewMoon is just the same way.. he cant bring himself to care when "theres a bigger issue here!"
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queen-of-boops · 1 year
hey!! how are you?? i have a hc request. how do you think the li's outside of s4 would react in a situation similar to the one with dylan?
Hey lovely!
I'm going to stick to S1 and 2 since S3 just ignored drama all together and everyone in S5 is impossible for me to create HCs for. I'm also going to ignore the whole making MC sleep on the daybeds thing for the most part because it seems ooc for like 90% of the LIs but:
Season 1
Levi: If the way he acts when Mason is involved in Cherrygate is any indication, Levi will not be pulling punches. At that late in the game, he's fallen hard for MC and trusts her when she says Dylan was lying. He'd be making digs at Dylan whenever he got the chance and openly hostile towards him.
Jake: 100% on MC's side. He believes her implicitly and is there to support her. Like Youcef, the whole thing would likely be the inciting factor for his love confession.
Mason: Of all the S1 LIs, he's the one I see being the most hurt by the situation. He wants to believe MC, but without meaning too, he'd pull away a bit and become slightly guarded. He'd come around eventually, but he'd need time to get there.
Talia: She takes no bullshit. She'd be the first to see through Dylan's macho bs and give him a piece of her mind before very happily falling asleep next to MC.
Season 2
Gary: I can't see him and Dylan getting along at all. Even before shit hits the fan, he's gruff and snappy with Dylan. He wants MC to trust him and that trust goes both ways.
Noah: Like Mason, he'd need time to think things through. He wants to believe MC, but needs time to really think about the relationship before chosing to move on.
Rahim: Let's be honest, it's all too easy for Rahim to believe his girl is going to move onto someone "better". He'd be really paranoid, trying to convince MC to stay with him no matter if the kiss happened or not.
Bobby: Boys got some self-esteem issues, and they'd be fully present in a situation like this. Outwardly, he trusts MC, cuddling her close and reassuring her that he knows Dylan is lying. Inwardly, he's panicking. But in the end, he'd fully support MC the way she needed.
Lucas: His jealousy would come out in a situation like this. Of all the S2 LIs, he's actually the one I can see sleeping separately from MC (although he'd be the one to move to the couch). He'd be making digs at Dylan, and snapping at anyone who tried to say something happened. But until the dust settles, he'd be on-edge and hurt.
Henrik: Since Henrik's so upfront and honest, he'd pull MC aside and straight-up ask her if the kiss happened or not. As long as MC said nothing happened, he'd 100% believe her, quickly moving past it like nothing happened.
Marisol: Another jealous LI, she'd have a hard time accepting it at first. But she also has likely been negged in the past and while she's hurting, deep down she knows nothing happened.
Arjun: He'd laugh and make a joke about it. He trusts MC, even if he's a little hurt inside, but he brushes it off because she needs him to be there for her. They'd have a long talk about it later, but when he's around the group he's clearly on MCs side
Carl: Another one with self esteem issues. He'd be hurt and second-guessing everything, retreating into his shell until the facts came out.
Felix: Panic. Full-fledged panic. He'd be convinced Dylan is a really cool guy and he lost his chance with MC. She'd have to literally knock some sense into him.
Elijah: Cocky and confident, Elijah would tell Dylan that there's no way his girl kissed someone else. He might not actually believe it right away, but he'd do everything in his power to convince everyone else nothing happened.
Elisa: Honestly, she'd probably be flirting with Dylan. In her eyes, it's harmless fun. But if MC showed interest in Dylan, she'd make it her mission to win her back. At the end of the day, she's fine with MC window-shopping as long as she came back to her.
Kassam: His jealousy would come out. He'd be sullen and withdrawn, snapping at anyone who suggested something happened between MC and Dylan
Jakub: I hate to say it, but he'd probably relate to Dylan. He's the only LI I can truly see believing Dylan because they trust him instead of personal insecurities. If MC decided she wanted to work through it, it would take some work and personal growth from both of them
Hope this answered your question and hope you're doing well!
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 2 years
Aaand here’s the last bit from the follow up to Welcome Home. It’s literally the fluffiest of the bunch.
For the [x] time that day, Ingo shot a look Emmet’s way. For the [x] time, he was waved off, only for his twin to resume the irritated rubbing at his arm a minute later.
Emmet had long since insisted that it wasn’t an allergic reaction; there was an itch, but duller than an allergen would inspire, like a bramble wrapped in a layer of cotton. From there, the next logical leap would be a sensory issue, but they’d determined that the offending button-up had been in rotation for months, and was the same material as the rest of their work shirts. Ingo had begun to wonder whether Garbodor had somehow gotten her hands on poison ivy or some other irritant, and unknowingly secreted the compound. It was a long shot-- he was the one who’d been battling with her today, not Emmet-- but he just couldn’t come up with any other reasonable explanation.
A telltale pressure began to bud between his eyes and Ingo turned, about to suggest they take a break long enough to resolve the matter, since little was being accomplished with the distraction-- but stopped short, considering the stripe of white fur running down his brother’s face. He raised a hand, looking for permission to touch, and once he got it, ran a gloved finger along the bridge of Emmet’s nose.
Brows drawn together, Ingo braced himself to be scoffed at, and asked, “Could you be shedding?”
Emmet blinked at him, waved the hand away, and reached up to scrub at his nose himself. The friction sent a cloud of short white fur flying everywhere, readily answering the question. He raised both hands to flap it out of his face and Ingo hastily stepped back, trying to avoid the sudden blizzard.
“Yup. That would be the problem.” Emmet eventually said, flatter than usual as he gave up on escaping the eye of his self-made storm. Frustration aside, he had, at least, calmed enough for the inhuman features to recede.
“Well, that should be easy enough to [resolve].” Brushing a tuft of fur from his sleeve, [idk], “I doubt Excadrill’s brush will stand up to your fur, though; we’ll have to stop by a grooming store on the way home. Can you make it through the rest of our shift, or should we depart as soon as possible?”
The [idk] look he got in response was all the answer Ingo needed, and just as well, since a pair of challengers arrived shortly thereafter.
When he released Probopass, it took her a full ten seconds to stop sneezing.
That evening found the living room’s furniture pushed to the perimeter so Emmet could sulk in the explosion of fur that heralded Reshiram’s manifestation. Ingo didn’t dare say anything for a solid minute, lest he get a mouthful of it, but gave an [unimpressed], “Mhmm” at the state of things.
Emmet squinted at him and deliberately huffed into a nearly-settled clump of fur, sending it fluttering back into the air. Rolling his eyes, Ingo ignored the [retaliation] and considered the various brushes they’d since acquired, trying to figure out where to start.
Eventually, he decided the best starting point was the kitchen, where he grabbed their entire supply of non-ambulatory trash bags and shook one into a usable shape where it wouldn’t kickstart the maelstrom again. The sound immediately caught Garbodor’s attention, and he had to spend the next few minutes fending her off with the promise that no, she didn’t want this because it was an empty bag, and that she’d get actual trash later. Fortunately, Tangrowth chose that moment to [idk what nonsense], and the two kept each other distracted for some time thereafter.
When he finally got back to the workspace, Emmet had settled onto his front and seemed to be in a substantially better mood.
“I almost want to let her have the shed fur.” / “I’m verrry curious what kind of poison she would synthesize from it.”
“It’s mostly keratin, no? I’m not sure it would affect the potency of her poison at all, but maybe its consistency-- possibly something like the slime produced by deep ocean-dwelling Eelektross.”
“Take that back. You’re going to give him a complex.”
Ingo looked past his brother-- to the couch where Eelektross was curled in loose, content loops around [?], eyes closed and not paying a lick of attention-- then turned back to say, “You’re right, I’ve traumatized him.”
Humoring a snicker that hissed with built-up heat, he ran a hand fondly along his twin’s muzzle, utterly [unsurprised] when he came away with a fistful of [fur].
“Where should I start?”
There was a short, self-conscious hesitation.
“That was nice. Just now.”
“You just want to be pet, don’t you?” Ingo asked. It successfully dispelled the nervous energy that had been building, and, as he jokingly called for Machamp-- citing a need for the fighting type’s many hands-- an unnecessarily large wing pushed him to the floor. He managed to pull himself free at a perfect angle for Emmet to stick his muzzle into his face.
“Are you going to help or not?”
Heedless of the fur that would cling to him-- and having changed for just that reason-- Ingo pressed his forehead to the curve of his brother’s snout, “Of course I am; please don’t be embarrassed to direct my attention where you need it.”
There was another pause, and Ingo might have worried that he’d only made matters worse had it not ended in, “I missed you so much.”
It was strange how the sentiment could still hurt so [keenly], even [x] months after the fact.
“Don’t apologize.” Emmet said preemptively, finally lifting his wing, “We know whose fault it was.”
Frowning silently-- and meaning it-- Ingo righted himself and gave his hands a vigorous shake, trying to rid them of both fur and the tense static cling drawing said fur in. Attention on a Pokemon leaning around the corner, Emmet didn’t call him on it.
“He was joking, Machamp. Go back to… never mind. I no longer want to know.” When Ingo looked over his shoulder to gauge what was going on, the offending wing raised again, corralling him, “No. You said you would help. No more distractions.”
“No more distractions,” He agreed, settling on the brush with softer bristles, “It’s not as irritating in this form, is it?”
“Correct. Likely because it is no longer being contained.”
At some point between the even brush strokes, Emmet had dozed off. He woke with his head pillowed on an incredibly full garbage bag, and a steady sweeping through the fur of his left haunch.
He must have made some kind of noise upon [waking], because he was almost immediately met by, “Do you feel any better?”
A drowsy rumble escaped him before any proper answer, and he shifted, trying to gauge [idk]-- only for something to squawk and a weight to drop from his right wing. When he moved to look, he caught Archeops darting away with a mouthful of shed feathers, and then had to twist in the opposite direction to find him hiding behind Ingo, regarding the limb with suspicion.
“He’s been very helpful.” Ingo said with a conversational frown, not bothering to look up as he shoved a handful of fur into another trash bag. Belatedly, Emmet thought to take stock of them, and found two others beyond his pillow.
But, ignoring the unreasonable amount of fur everywhere, he did feel better. Much better. Way better than he’d expected to come of this.
“Thank you.” He said, instead of any actual [assessment], trusting Ingo to understand, “...do you think you need to shed, as well?”
“Probably not? I mostly just have plating….”
Midway through the morning routine the next day, Ingo discovered that, even a room over, his coat hadn’t come out of the experience unscathed. They still made it to the station on time, perfectly presentable-- but only because they spent the entire commute frantically going over the dark fabric with an industrial strength lint roller.
It was a learning experience, and when shedding season came back around in [season?], they made sure to ferret the coat away at the very back of the closet.
Emmet liked to think he’d gotten quite good at recognizing a bad pain day, and he’d been seeing all the hallmark signs. Slow, deliberate movements were the most obvious, indicative of difficulty maneuvering and fatigue, followed shortly thereafter by the reluctance to eat and a foggy distraction.
When he called his twin on the fact, Ingo had denied it-- claiming that he felt stiff, but wasn’t hurting. Emmet hadn’t bought into it until Machamp, excited from a battle well fought, slapped Ingo’s shoulder to little reaction. At that point, he had decided that it must have been a fluke and moved on.
Two days later, on their lunch break, Ingo reluctantly amended the [claim].
“It’s beginning to hurt,” He admitted, but only once Elesa [had gone to do something], “I don’t know why; it doesn’t match up with any injuries.”
By the end of the second sentence, Emmet had already taken his brother’s hand and dropped a pair of pain killers into it. Ingo offered him a grateful twitch of the lips and took them dry, like a monster.
When he asked for a takeaway box and packed a good 90% of his food into it, unable to stomach any more, Emmet decided enough was enough, and that they were going home after this. He was in the middle of tapping out a message to [agent] when Elesa rejoined them.
As he closed out of his calendar app, an upcoming reminder pertaining to Galvantula’s care caught his eye, planting an idea in his head.
“I do not mean to be rude. Apologies.” He said to the table as a whole, before leaning over Ingo’s shoulder to quietly ask, “You said before you felt stiff before. Tight. Does it itch at all?”
He murmured, “It’s difficult to tell for certain. A little, maybe?”
“Ah,” [???], easing back, and into a teasing smile, “That answers that. You do shed.”
“Emmet.” He hissed, looking over his shoulder to ensure there was nobody nearby, but the only person who could have-- and had in fact-- heard, was Elesa, who [idk] in confusion.
She [idk] her straw in a circle, sending the ice in her drink swirling around the glass’s perimeter, “Keeping secrets, boys?”
Emmet almost said something, but reined himself in. He couldn’t [shame] his brother when Ingo had followed through and [admitted] it to him when he was in pain; that would put him on a one-way track to never speaking up when it was wearing on him. Instead, he shrugged, “Ingo assisted me with Pokemon care several weeks ago. I’m offering to return the favor.”
Meaningfully tracing a line up the bridge of her nose, Elesa quirked a brow, leaving the actual question unspoken.
“Wait, did you say ‘shed’?”/”Is that where that silly ‘ran into a Zoroark-- wait, no an Absol’ cover story came from?” At the unenthusiastic affirmative, she went on, “Why, exactly, was Zoroark your default?”
“They’re… white sometimes?”
“I think you can infer the answer to that question.”
[Elesa offers to help re: scale care]
Something twitched in Ingo’s expression, and even without the visual cue, Emmet would have been able to read the self-consciousness in his [behavior]. He understood. Of course he understood; he’d had a hard enough time working up the nerve to ask for what he needed, and that was after they’d already made the decision to brush his fur out.
Being cared for like that-- in the form of a Pokemon with human sensibilities-- was mortifying. The only reason he’d eased into it at all was the fact that it had been his brother [caring for him]. Much as he loved Elesa, he couldn’t imagine going through with it with her there; he would have just lived with that infernal cotton-swathed irritation.
“That’s unnecessary. But thank you.” Emmet said, keenly aware of the [small decrease] in tension that followed,
“Well go on.” Emmet said as they regarded one another in the newly-cleared center of the living room.
Ingo shot him a withering look and, with a subtle grimace, first straightened from his slouch, then allowed his form to shift. There was no [?] of fur this time, for obvious reasons, but it still felt somewhat unfair. It had been embarrassing. Not that he wanted to make this any worse on his brother, but why was Emmet the only one who had to deal with it?
Galvantula scuttled across the couch, and, when Ingo leaned down, parked herself directly in front of him. With a series of rapidfire chirps, she excitedly climbed up and ran her pedipalps over his horn. Haxorus, too, crooned from nearby, but was more sedate in the path she picked; without a trace of hesitation, she followed Galvantula’s lead and got in her trainer’s face, lightly scraping one of her tusks along his crest.
It made sense that they would be the first to recognize what was going on; Emmet couldn’t even count the number of molts they’d been through, so of course they were old lack-of-hands at this.
And, to be frank, the conclusion wasn’t a difficult one to reach when looking at his twin. The spots of true black on Zekrom’s body were relatively few, but right now, all of his plating was a dull grey; the faded scales badly needed to be removed, to make room for the healthy [plating] beneath. It was little wonder Ingo had been so tense with this lurking under the surface.
Emmet clapped his hands, and Galvantula looked up at him; Haxorus paused for just a moment, but went right back to her self-appointed task.
“This is verrrry sweet, girls. However, I need you to move.”
Galvantula peeped an inquisitive protest, but allowed herself to be removed in return for wrapping her legs around Emmet instead. He idly pet down her back, humoring her for the short commute to the couch, where she was promptly deposited.
With his back turned, Emmet failed to notice the shape crawling along the ceiling, nor did he consider that Galvantula and Haxorus weren’t the only of their Pokemon familiar with the process of molting an exoskeleton.
He was made aware, however, with the [?] of a [fondly] warning, “Gliscor.”
Emmet looked up to find the bat in question hanging from his tail, cackling a screech. Pincers reached down and scrabbled wildly, eventually seizing upon the tips of Haxorus’s tusks, and he flipped right-side up, tail swinging to the floor with a heavy thump.
“I’m not sure how that’s meant to help.” Emmet said mildly, “But good job.”
[humors, then removes Gliscor, gets him to settle with Galvantula]
“He really likes you. You know that, right?” / “You might consider taking him for Doubles some time; I wholeheartedly believe that you’d have fun together.”
Emmet snorted, “Only once he stopped throwing a tantrum over your absence.”
There was a long pause, and then, “He’s… not that bad.”
“How would you know? By definition, you cannot be there to witness.” / “He’s verrrry loyal. It’s a good thing! He’s also verrrry needy.” / “We’ve gotten off topic!”
With a thoughtful hum, Ingo reached a set of claws over to the opposite wrist’s plating and tentatively scratched at it. “I’m not sure how to go about this. It’s clear enough that the scales need to be shed, but they still seem quite solid. Do you think we should give it a few more days?”
“No.” Emmet said at once, “You did not see yourself today. It was bad. You shouldn’t have to endure it any longer.” He’d already had a plan in mind, after watching Haxorus’s [attempts] [fail], and he turned on his heel to set it into motion, “I have an idea. Wait here.”
“Where, exactly, would I be going like this?”
[he’s since draped several warm, wet towels over the first areas of interest; has to let them set/soften the scale beneath]
In the lull, his eyes were drawn to a spot of movement along his twin’s tail--  yellow [spots] standing out against the dormant generator. Normally, he’d be all for it, but for now he moved to pluck the pair up and away.
“Not today. He’s not feeling well.” He told them, depositing both onto Galvantula’s back. One nestled in, but the other immediately began to scale Gliscor, searching in vain for an electric charge, and temporarily got itself wedged in the crease of his wing. Gliscor chirped, bemused, and pulled the wing in. The trapped Joltik whined in protest.
“It’s still just a baby, Gliscor; be gentle.”
“It isn’t too much trouble?”
Emmet scoffed and leaned in against his brother’s neck, “You have a lot of nerve asking that.”
“I just-- this isn’t a particularly quick method. You’re really alright with it?”
“Remind me again what you found [somewhere] this morning?” / “Yup. It was fur. Though this process will take several hours, I do not see us finding scales [w/e] through next month.”
Though he went quiet, Ingo still didn’t seem convinced.
“I know. This is verrry uncomfortable. But it needs to be done.” / “Please refrain from worrying and allow me to take care of you.”
He tossed this last bit of shed plating into the bag and cinched it shut, stepping back to admire the shiny black scales he’d uncovered. Interest piqued, Ingo raised his head.
“Are you finished?”
“Hm. Nope. Not yet.” Without any further [explanation], Emmet turned and hauled the bag toward the door, masking the fact that he was shifting bits of furniture just a bit further to the walls as he went. When he was satisfied that he wasn’t about to break anything, he blew out a long breath before shifting, himself, and resting his chin on the back of his brother’s neck.
“Now we are done.”
He was roused by the ringing of his Xtransceiver, laying forgotten on the other side of the room. When he raised his head to respond to it, Chandelure grumbled a discordant chime from her spot between them and, once she’d properly scolded him, levitated the device over so he could see without getting up.
It was Elesa. Judging by the time, it seemed likely she’d just left the Gym or was in the middle of wrapping up for the day and, considering the note they’d parted ways on, it was only right to assure her that nothing was truly amiss. Beneath him, Ingo began to stir and was promptly favored with the same [scolding] Emmet had gotten a moment prior-- joined, this time, by a throaty hiss from Eelektross.
Clumsily, Emmet navigated a talon over to pick the call up.
“Hey Emmet, I just w--” / “--wanted to make sure everything’s alright. Can I, uh. Ask what’s up?”
[answers telepathically]
It took a second for him to realize why that hadn’t worked and try to formulate a non-psychic response. Unfortunately, his still-[drowsy] vocal chords didn’t seem inclined to work with him, and what he ultimately voiced was a sleep-heavy whine. Humming in [worried/tired] response, Ingo looked up far enough to see what was going on.
Elesa stifled a laugh, “You know what? Stay where you are; I’ll be by in fifteen, okay?”
The Xtransceiver clicked off and Chandelure unceremoniously tossed it to the couch, nestling back into her spot now that her task was finished. Emmet blinked after it, processing the implications behind the otherwise empty sofa. Galvantula wasn’t hard to find, tucked in at an incriminating lack of distance from Ingo’s tail while the two Joltiks shamelessly clung to the generator.
As usual, the oxymoronic surprise was Gliscor; Archeops was roosting amongst Emmet’s own feathers, Durant warming itself by his tail, Tangrowth and Garbodor curled up together on Ingo’s opposite side, and the weight against his free side suggested either Probopass or Haxorus had invited herself along. Though he didn’t have eyes on either Excadrill or Magnezone, their respective snoring and buzzing made it clear that they weren’t far. Alakazam was hovering nearby, letting Machamp rest against his shoulder, the Klinklang contentedly turning together in their sleep, and Crustle, upon hearing a human voice, was scuttling his way back from the kitchen, suggesting he’d been up to something illicit. That was everyone else accounted for, and, just in case, Emmet looked up at the ceiling to no avail.
[…] He flexed his wing, trying to inch it free from what he was just realizing had to be Haxorus and Excadrill, awake enough now to remember the full extent of Probopass’s weight. The movement was met with a series of disapproving clicks, and he finally realized that there was something clinging to the fur beneath that wing; thinking back to the way Gliscor had wrapped the Joltik up earlier, he ceased all movement and let it fall back into place, chided.
He’d thought Ingo was just being idealistic-- had wanted Emmet to bond with his dearest Hisuian friend-- but maybe there had been an element of truth to it, after all.
There was a knock at the door, “Alright, boys, unless someone barks at me, I’m coming in.”
Neither of them made any noise, but it seemed improbable that it would have stopped her, either.
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pastel-player · 2 years
Omg hfjone talkkk
Opinions on batch one?
Okay first, mmmm thank you thank you thank you,,
Alright so imma go in the order they spawn on The Plane? I guess lol. Thoughts under the cut cause this got long
There isn't much to say about Charlie, since he's a literal infant, but for what it's worth I think he's cute. Least fussy baby in the world I tell you, which I think was a good decision. Something about his complete ignorance of the horrors he's being exposed to is probably much more haunting then if he was as prone to crying as a usual baby. I think there's a lot of interesting potential with Charlie down the line! ONE will probably effect him going forward, in some subconscious way. I really enjoy it when people explore that!
And then TAYLOR, MY GIRL TAYLOR. We were robbed, I tell you, robbed. She has so little screen time but I absolutely adore her. She absolutely strikes me as nuerodivergent in a lot of her mannerisms (she literally needs to ask an adult if he was being sarcastic) and that really endears me to her. There's also consistent stuff with her feeling outspoken or brushed aside, which is super interesting to me. I desperately wish we could have gotten more time with her, but I'll be over here theorizing. If any ONE character is my comfort character, it's her.
Next is Amelia, who, real talk, might be my favorite character in the show. She's so caring and yet so prone to emotion and I like how that isn't portrayed as a bad thing. How open she is with her emotions leads to a lot of the show's most devastating moments. There's something to draw from her in pretty much every scene, from the desperation, to her self-sacrificial behavior, to her loosening grasp on her sense of self. That said, I desperately wish we had more of her in season two. The fact that we know so little about her home life hurts- we don't even see her pre-Plane moment. Season 2 should've given her some more time, but I still love her with all my soul. Plus I have headcanons on her homelife if anyone's curious.
Bryce is an interesting case, just because of how miserable his life was before the show. I adore how season 2 shows him wanting to move on from everything that happened, before Liam slowly convinces him that the other's need help moving on too. A lot like the others, I really wish we had gotten more details with him. We have enough crumbs to theorize on his past with Stella, but I feel like it would add a lot to his character to know the details of his past. Still though, I think he's neat! I don't have as much intense love for him as I do some of the other characters, but I think he's absolutely fascinating at his best.
Charlotte! This is definitely becoming a trend here, say it with me folks, I would love it if she had more time. I don't think it's as bad with her, since we learn quite a bit about her dynamics and past, but I do wish we could've seen a bit of that off-screen character development. For what it's worth though, I think Charlotte is really, really, neat. I like how even though she is very clearly in the wrong with a lot of stuff, she isn't completely villainized either. I honestly get annoyed when people portray her and Parker's friendship as toxic, cause it really doesn't read that way to me. I think a lot about how she acts at the beginning of that scene, smiling and friendly. She has complexities- she has issues, but she's far from irredeemable. She gives me a lot of headcanon fodder and you ain't gonna see me complaining about that.
Last. Liam. Oh boy, oh gosh, my poor boy Liam. I love him. I mean, it's kinda hard not to. This guy rivals OJ as the most "just some guy" object show character, and yet he manages to be fascinating. His story is absolutely tragic and it just makes me want to hug him. Something about seeing someone so normal get torn down time and time again is just haunting, and there's something so impactful about his obsessive search for closure in season 2. Despite what a lot of people think, I doubt Liam would ever become the next Airy. Liam is easily one of the people to suffer most from ONE, I doubt he'd ever do that again. If you ask me, I don't think he'd rest until everyone gets home. Also I feel like his genuine worst fear would be becoming like Airy. Backpack from the cohost AU would be this man's absolute worst nightmare.
Okay I have no clue how cohesive any of that was, but yeah! Batch one thoughts! Feel free to ask me my thoughts on other characters or to ask me about my headcanons for anyone in the cast :D
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za-baransu · 1 year
does he care if people get hurt?
The very short answer to that is: "no."
A bit of a longer answer is also incoming, obviously. Jugram is, no matter how you look at him, very neutral towards anything that is happening around him, to him and to others. That has mainly to do with the fact that his mind keeps on analysing and judging a situation any moment and second it is going on around him, even if he seems rather lackadaisical. Usually one should assume that there are still emotions and regards when it comes to people getting hurt that are "important" to another, but in his case, his neutrality is the main reason why he won't react to, for example, Quilge killing his own Soldat or being ordered to kill his own comrades with Cang Du and BG9.
For Jugram the only things that truly matter are orders and directives given to him. He reacts to any situation like a switch turned on and off, orders given to him - specifically by Yhwach Bach - have a nearly brutally executed priority preceding over everything and anything else that was told to him formerly. Even directives issued by the Emperor prior will be overwritten the moment another one gets given to him.
Everything that is not linked with that, will be, frankly, ignored and brushed aside, even if he were to be asked about it, he would likely answer that he neither cares nor is interested in the ruckus going on, in certain cases, he might not react at all, or tell someone to mind their own business. That being also said! - he means the latter one: his overarching order is to keep the Balance and Harmony inside and outside of Silbern, and as long as people don't threaten that, he will not act nor react to anything that is happening, no matter how many people would get injured or hurt or even killed, Jugram will simply have not a thought to do anything about it.
That changes drastically the moment the Balance is disturbed in his personal opinion, then he will act out of his own volition and will, very likely, eradicate any target that violates his general command, and no he does not care if said people are in the "care of someone else" or "important to someone else", he acts strictly on a priority principle and if someone can't keep their pets in check, then the loss aligns itself with a suitable punishment for said person.
Lil additional mention: I kind of assume this ask is because his literal reaction to Quilge @biskael killing people around him is just "I do not have a single care to give." That's specifically true with him by the way! - Wolf's Quilge is particularly important to him and while he would be rather "Ergh, why." about anybody else [ still doesn't mean he would stop them ], with Quilge he's just "That's amusing, please continue." He has quite a bit of leeway when it comes to Jugram's regard for his actions.
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