#it is so bad I wanna take off my eyes and burn my house down!!!
pickypickypeak · 2 months
There is a Twitter Magnifico simp account who has the most braindeadass takes on Wish.
A notable post they made is comparing Asha with Gaston with Knowing What I Know Now compared to the Mob Song.
yeah totally makes sense. song that literally goes “kill the beast” is the same as asha (who is being framed as a criminal by the king and has the whole kingdom against her) telling the truth to her friends about the king being crazy evil
although you know what really makes me mad. it’s people in the comments for these kind of posts. they always blindly go “yeah! so true! disney sucks! don’t watch their movies!” without even questioning what’s being talked about. they don’t know who this is. they haven’t seen wish. they haven’t seen a disney movie in 10 years. but they’ll always go “yeah disney is so bad now that it’s gone woke🙄” I’d literally love to take their phone and throw it out the window
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teaboot · 1 year
One of the best parts about working at a sex shop is the employee discount, and yeah that means excellent deals on sex supplies but that's not the big brain part.
You come to my house. Something is cooking in the kitchen- it smells wonderful. What is it? It's novelty dick-shaped pasta. I've set up a sensual sexy Italian dinner. There are candles set up on the table. They're melting too fast, dripping everywhere- they're low temp waxplay pillar candles. For dessert, I serve you a delicious ice cream topped in penis-shaped rainbow confetti sprinkles and strawberry body paint drizzle, and afterwards, serve coffee with roasted hazelnut warming lube.
We play a board game while we drink. It's sexy monopoly. It's your turn. You roll the dice. They come up as 'whisper into' and 'butt'. I lost the original dice. We're using the sexy dice. You move four spaces.
After dinner, I run you a bath. A bubble bath. The bubble gel? Sensual ocean breeze. There are candles lined up around the tub. The scent is overpowering. Why? They're three-in-one fruit flavored massage oil candles. I'm using so much. It's so wasteful. Do you want to shave? I have conditioning shave cream that smells like limes. And an electric body razor, but you can't use that in the tub.
How about a bath bomb? You toss one in. It's cherry blossom scented. As it dissolves, three sexy bath sex suggestion cards fall out. They're all variations on doggy style, probably because fucking in a bathtub is probably the easiest way to break your hip.
The water cools. You get out an dry off with a novelty towel. If you wrap it around your chest, it looks like you have gigantic tatas bursting through the fabric like the Hulk.
You walk into the bedroom. I'm there, reading an instructional book titled "The Housewife's Guide To Every Day Stripping". I'm wearing a neck pillow designed to look like a massive curved weiner. Also a pair of fake leather bondage leggings and an oversized men's christmas T-shirt that says "Jingle My Bells" across the front.
I see you come in. I put down the book, take off the pillow. Offer you a massage. You accept. I already burned up all the massage candles so I pop a new bottle of CBD massage oil that says something wrong about Chakras on it. It's very gritty. That's because there's little chunks of amethyst in it for some fucking reason. It's fine, though. You say you don't mind.
I don't do massages very often. It's bad. You end up more tense than before. One of your muscles starts to cramp- it's okay. I whip out a bottle of Lidocane topical masculine performance numbing spray. You immediately feel like your shoulder went to the dentist. It's not ideal, but it's better than cramping.
You're not in the mood to bone after that. Which is good, cause I'm actually pretty asexual, but it hasn't come up yet so I'm relieved to avoid the conversation. Instead we get ready for bed. (The weather is terrible, and I insist you stay over.) I set up the futon, then realize it smells like cigarettes from the previous owner and shyly ask if you wanna cuddle in my room. You're down.
I crawl under the covers, placing my penis-shaped pink glitter pride bottle on the side table in case one of us wakes up thirsty. Once you're settled in, I turn off the glowing bare ass night light and the room goes black.
It takes a few seconds for your eyes to adjust, but when they do, you look up at the ceiling. It's dotted all over with little green flourescent lights. Are they plastic stars? No. I've pinned up a thousand glow in the dark condoms. God bless
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Steve Harrington x fem!reader 18+
[3.3k] a tired girlfriend, an eager to please steve. a flip and reverse it fic of this smutty oneshot.
If you’d not already made Steve aware of your bad day on your lunch break via a rushed, staticky phone call, he would’ve definitely caught onto quickly when you arrived home.
The door hit your hip as you battered your way inside the small hall, a curse leaving your lips in a way that was rougher than usual. He heard your bag hit the floor, a cacophony of dull thumps as you toed off your shoes and let them hit the baseboards, uncaring for once about the scuffs they left on the wood.
It would be tomorrow’s problem, and right now, the current one was his to fix.
You’d called to tell him that not only was today going horrifically, but that you’d been forced into working late as well. Mournful, you’d told him to not wait and have dinner without you, that you’d see to yourself whenever you arrived home. And now at almost nine o’clock, you really couldn’t face the idea of eating a large meal before diving face first into your side of the bed. But still, the house smelled appeasing, garlic and tomatoes and something like your favourite candle burning underneath it all coming from the kitchen.
It’s where you found Steve, leaning against the sink as he finished washing his own empty plate, leftover chicken on the stove if you wanted it. He turned at the sound of you, wet hands avoiding touching you but arms open all the same. He hummed something sympathetic when you closed your own around his waist, nose pressed to the middle of his chest as you groaned aloud before breathing him in.
He ducked down, lips on the crown of your head. “Baby.”
It was the sweetest of greetings, soft and full of an aching affection that made your shoulders slump and your eyes prick with hot tears. You let out a whine, a pitiful thing that made you press your face into the man’s chest a little harder and Steve cooed back with the same amount of understanding.
“You’re home now,” he murmured against your forehead, kisses stamped there too. He didn’t mention your bad day, no need now that it was over and he was there to fix it. “Lemme dry my hands and say ‘hi’ properly, huh? You hungry? I can put more garlic bread in the oven if you want some.”
You didn’t respond, not when Steve was drying his hands off on the towel hanging from the oven door and grasping your chin with a finger and thumb. It was so easy to smile with his touch on you, his attention. The corners of your lips lifted as he moved into you, big hand holding your jaw still for him as he kissed you. It was familiar and sweet and over a little too quickly but when he pulled back and saw your closed eyes and pout, Steve grinned and moved back in.
“Want ‘nother?” He whispered, too soft to sound teasing but you knew him well enough. Eyes still closed, you nodded, nose bumping against his own as you pushed up onto your toes and tried to find his lips with yours own. “Poor girl,” he told you, pouting right back. “My girl, my pretty, pretty girl.”
His kisses were more languid now, slower, deeper, easier to get lost in. Steve hummed against you, hands on the small of your back and keeping you tucked in close. His words had the right effect, softening you, making you hold onto him that little bit tighter, your hands fisting the front of t-shirt in a way that had his head spinning.
“Can I get you some food, huh? You wanna eat?” Steve asked, kissing at your cheek, nose pushed to the warm apple of it as you tried to get your bearings. The kitchen was warmer than before. “Go get changed and I can plate up for you.”
You shook your head as you held onto him, working yourself closer as Steve attempted to move to the stove.
You didn’t say anything as you buried your face into the crook of his neck but you didn’t have to. Steve just leant back against the counter top, taking you with him. He wound his arms around you, holding you against him, warm and solid and the best thing you’d felt all day. It was easy to let out the sigh you’d been holding as he kissed at your cheek, head lolling to the side as he worked his mouth down your jaw and over your neck, kisses open mouthed and warm.
He didn’t have to do too much to make you let out other noises, softer, raspier ones that morphed into small moans and gasps. Teeth grazed over your pulse point as large hands wandered down, fingers cupping at the swell of your ass and you held onto Steve’s shoulders, eyes closed and head tipped to the side so he could do what he wanted to you.
Steve groaned as you fell pliant against him, your body moulding to his more than ever as you tried to work your way closer to his warmth, his hands, the smell of his leftover aftershave that clung to his neck.
“Want me to make you feel good?” He murmured, still kissing at the pieces of your skin that he could reach. Your black dress that you wore to the office seemed suddenly too encasing, the cotton fabric restricting him from all the places he wanted to touch. “Hmm? Want me to make you forget about your shitty day, honey?”
The idea seemed divine, heavenly, actually. Enough to make you sigh all pretty and whine when Steve’s teeth nipped gently at your jawline, your head tipping back and lips parting at his attention. But your body was bone tired, thrumming with the need your boyfriend had lit inside of you with his touch but your limbs ached, muscles already protesting at still being on your feet.
Regretful, you opened your eyes to meet Steve’s, his gaze overwhelming adoring as he gazed down at you, watching the way your body and face responded to each sweep of his fingers over your waist.
“I would love that,” you told him, voice soft and as quiet as his own. The hum of the fridge was the only other sound in the room, the soft glow of the light above the stove making Steve seem peach coloured, highlighted in gold. “But I don’t think I could hold myself up long enough.”
You tried to lighten your tone with a smile, tired as it was. And Steve could’ve responded with something dirty about having you on your back as he had his way with you but instead, he ducked down to kiss you again, soft and at the corner of your mouth.
“What if I look after you, hm?” He asked you, as kind and gentle as his kisses were. Each question was punctuated with another push of his mouth against yours, the rasp of his stubble against your cheek making your toes curl. “You won’t have to do a thing, honey. Jus’ gotta look pretty for me, yeah? Let me make you feel better? You wanna do that?”
It sounded like an offer you couldn’t turn down, enticing and as sweet as the boy in front of you. You knew that if you said no and asked to go to bed instead, Steve would lead you there with a kind hand and tuck you into bed himself - his offer was very much for you and not him. You could see it in the way he was gazing down at you, warm and affectionate as he pushed the baby hairs away from your eyes and dropped a kiss to the tip of your nose.
You’d done the same for him before, making him forget about any worries or stress he had as you handed him a stiff drink and then let him use your mouth, sitting on his laps and letting him play with you as he pleased.
So you nodded, breath exhaling in a shaky gasp and Steve stole one more kiss from you before gently nudging you towards the living room.
Steve met you there, where the lights were dimmed and the curtains were already closed and he sat on the slumped cushions of your well loved sofa and held out a hand. “C’mere, honey.”
He led you forward, fingers caught in his and he coaxed you onto his knee, legs spreading until you were sat on his lap, your dress hitching above your knees. “There y’go,” Steve praised. “You just sit there for me, yeah? Lookin’ too pretty, did I tell you that? Even prettier than last time I saw you, god, what did I tell you ‘bout doing that, huh?”
You couldn’t help your grin as Steve spoke sweetly, all charm and that soft smile that made your tummy flip, the tips of his fingers running down the tops of your bare arms. “Shut up,” you mumbled, embarrassed and pleased and shy all at once.
“What?” Steve grinned right back. “You know what I’m talking about. You just keep gettin’ prettier, babe, s’not good for my health.”
He’d complimented you enough for a kiss, one you greedily gave as you leaned in, hands pressed to his abdomen as you took what he gave you, greedy for the softness of his lips, more of his touch.
Steve hummed, giving you what you wanted before he pushed you back again, just slightly, gaze wandering down to your chest, to the tiny buttons that held the front of your dress together. He tapped the top one, his other hand grazing over your knee. “Can I make you more comfortable?”
You nodded, sensing the shift in the room, in him. It was quiet, the television off, the streets outside quiet in the late hour, no traffic or garden sprinklers to be heard from beyond the window.
Steve smiled as he popped the first button, then the second, then the third. It was enough for the straps of your dress to loosen and slip, dropping from your shoulders to expose more of you, your cleavage becoming visible, that pretty expanse of skin on show for Steve. The man cooed at the sight, fingertips trailing over your chest, dipping between your breasts until you made a soft noise and arched your back for him.
“There you go,” Steve whispered. “Nice?”
“Yeah,” you whispered back. You didn’t want to ask for more already, you wanted to be patient. But Steve was close to smirking. “Babe—”
“I know,” he assured you. “Gimme a sec, honey.” His hand trailed back to the buttons, the last three popping open under his nimble touch and the lacy cups of your bra appeared. The dress fell apart, dropping from your upper body and Steve blew out a breath. “Oh, you’re just the prettiest.”
You grew warm under Steve’s stare, his own cheeks turning pink as he took his time looking over you. You kept your chin high as he ran one finger down the middle of your chest, dipping into the space between your breasts, that soft spot of skin that made goosebumps erupt. “Can I see more? Gonna let me play w’you?”
You could only nod.
So Steve took that same single digit and hooked it into the first bra cup, pulling down, and then the same to the other side. It felt filthy being exposed like that, the band of your bra still around your ribs, the cups pulled down to free your tits, nipples peaking immediately on contact with the cooler air.
Steve groaned, lips parting at the sight before him and he shifted under you, the tent in his sweatpants growing. But he didn’t try much more than reaching out to graze the pad of one finger over a nipple. You gasped, body jerking slightly at the new touch, skin sensitive. And Steve mumbled something soothing, flicking his finger over your nipple until it stiffened entirely, hard and begging for more attention.
He pinched it, the skin darkening further, your mouth opening in a silent plea and he got a little mean, just the way you liked him to be. Steve pulled, letting go to watch your breast bounce back and he grinned before giving the other side the same attention. He cupped you, too big hands gathering your tits in his palms as he pressed them together and lay kisses across your chest, soft and sweet until his lips parted and he could sweep the flat of his tongue over a nipple.
You whined, back arching further, pushing yourself against his mouth, hands finding the back of his head so you could hold onto his hair. It made him grunt, teeth grazing ever, ever so gently over you. A soft bite, more tongue than teeth before he sucked at you, his nose pressed into your soft skin with intent.
“Fuck,” Steve groaned, fingers squeezing, palms moulded to you. “Baby, you’ve got the prettiest tits. Pretty all over, huh?” He pulled at your nipples again, a little harsh, eyes glazed over as he let go and watched them harden even further. “That good?”
You squirmed in answer, trying to find some friction against his leg but Steve kept his own knees spread, the junction between your thighs hovering over empty space and keeping you open for him.
“C’mon, tell me,” Steve reminded you, squeezing a warm, rough hand over your breast again. His thumb flicked your nipple, his smile too sweet. “Does it feel good?”
“Yeah,” you told him, brows scrunched and lips pouted. Your breath was coming heavier than before, chest heaving, tits arching forward for more of Steve’s mean touch. “Yeah, s’really good.”
The breathiness of your voice made the man groan, eyes half lidded as he settled back into the sofa and watched you grab at the hem of his shirt, grounding yourself. “Good girl,” he told you, voice quiet like before but a little raspier. “Let’s get this out the way, yeah?” He tugged at the bottom of your dress, lifting the hem until it dragged over the tops of your thighs.
You were burning now, tits on display, dress hanging off you, bra tangled around your ribs and your underwear on show. Steve grinned as he spread his knees a little wider still, opening yours further in return. He had you positioned on his lap, thighs open, the damp spot on your cotton underwear very much seen. Steve pressed his thumb there, over your entrance, pushing softly until he heard you moan his name.
“Fuck, baby,” Steve cursed, “already got yourself all worked up, haven’t you?”
You nodded, hips bucking against nothing and the thought of having to stand up to take your underwear off seemed too much of a task. “Steve, babe— Steve, please.”
The man tutted at you, cheeks reddening at your begging, his cock hard under his sweats, pressing against the cotton and twitching for release. But Steve wasn’t doing this to tease and he wasn’t doing this for himself. So he hushed you with soft hands and soft sounds before he gave a harsh tug to the elastic sides of your underwear and ripped the seam.
If you hadn’t been desperate before, that did it.
You squeaked, clinging to Steve’s hips as he pushed the now torn cotton out of the way, your spread cunt fully on show for him. He wasn’t subtle in his staring, his jaw unhinged as he murmured sweet, dirty words to you, his hands soothing up the insides of your thighs, kneading the doughy skin there.
“Fuck, look at you,” he groaned, bottom lip tucked between his teeth. “Pretty girl with a pretty pussy, huh?” His hands met at the juncture of your thighs, thumbs framing your folds so he could pull apart your lips, spreading you for his own viewing pleasure. “So wet, baby. You wanna come for me? Can I make you come nice and hard, yeah?”
You were gone, nodding with a head that felt too heavy, your nails digging into the tops of Steve’s arms to keep yourself balanced and you might have been whispering, begging over and over again, breathless and tits heaving as you tried to suck in enough air to keep yourself upright.
Steve didn’t need to work you up anymore, using one thumb to push at your clit, a soft press that had you immediately keening. You’d been with Steve long enough to have told him - and shown him - exactly how you liked to be touch. And despite his academic downfalls, he was a quick study in the bedroom. He didn’t falter in his pace nor his pressure, keeping a steady, slow circle over your clit as he watched your face.
He smiled when he saw your features go slack, a lazy, warm softness take over your expression, lips parting, eyes unfocused.
“That’s it, honey,” he praised. “You sit there and look pretty for me. Hmm? Yeah, like that, keep those legs open and lemme watch you come, wanna see that pretty, little pussy soak my hand.” Steve let out a rough sigh when you whined, one of your hands leaving his bicep to cup at his jaw and he turned his head to press a kiss to your palm, to nip at your thumb. “Pretty girl, pretty baby.”
He didn’t slip any fingers inside of you and you didn’t ask. In fact, Steve merely let his thumb run down between your folds and gather the wetness there. He hummed when you gasped, grinned when you moaned and then took his thumb back to your swollen button as his free hand cupped your tit. He squeezed and plucked at your nipple as his thumb circled, pulling and pushing you closer to an orgasm, all while your cunt clenched around nothing.
“Close, honey?” Steve asked as you swore, hips canting forward, your brows scrunching prettily as you neared the edge. You gasped your confirmation, falling forward into your boyfriend, foreheads touching, noses bumping and you breathed in the air that Steve exhaled out. “Yeah, you are, can see it on your face, baby, you wanna come real bad, don’t you?”
Steve kept his pace the same, circles messy over your wet and swollen clit, his words dirtier than ever, his breath coming out in heavy gasps as he tried to coax you into letting go as you tried to kiss him. Your lips found his jaw, his chin, the corner of his mouth as you groaned and whined and gasped his name, Steve’s eyes fluttering shut as you tried to clamber closer to him but he kept you seated with a sharp tug on your nipple.
“Nuhuh, baby, sit still. Be good, m’gonna get you there,” he promised, muscles in his forearm flexing as he worked you that little harder. “Come for me, yeah? Come nice ‘n hard, pretty girl and I’ll let you have my fingers. You can come ‘round my fingers, yeah? Wanna feel you get nice n’ tight for me— oh, fuck, that’s it—”
It was easy to tell when you’d fallen over the edge, your jaw unhinged as you pressed forward into Steve’s chest, biting at the meat of his shoulder to smother your long, gasping moan. His name came out in several syllables, your hands finding his hair again as you tugged, your mouth finding his just as Steve swore, two fingers slipping into your aching cunt easily, your walls pulsing around them in a way that had his dick throbbing in the same pattern.
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ,” Steve grunted, hooking the pads of his digits into you and keeping them there, stuffing you full in a way he hadn’t given you before you’d come. “Such a good girl, feel better, yeah?”
Glassy eyed, you could only nod, nosing at the side of his neck, hands threading through the ends of his hair as if you’d float away if you let go.
Maybe you would.
Heavy limbed and more bone tired than before, you curled into Steve’s chest, sighing warmly when his arms welcomed you closer. He smelled like cologne and home and sex, and before your eyes closed completely, you managed to whisper into his jawline:
“M’gonna return the favour,” you promised. “Tomorrow. M’gonna return it tomorrow.”
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gggukniverse · 2 months
guys my age | myg (m)
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title: guys my age
pairing: yoongi x f!reader
genre: m , smut , mom's boyfriend au , age gap
summary: you and your mom have been living in her new boyfriend's house for a couple of weeks. it's a little hard adapting to living there but on a weekend your mom is out of town and you've invited a guy to the house for a quick and disappointing hookup, yoongi lets you know he's more than willing to help you out.
warnings: [just for the teaser] brief sexual encounter with another guy, bad sex, age gap, kind of dubious consent, yoongi kiiiiiiind of manipulates reader
wordcount: 1.5k (just the teaser)
drop date: not really sure but it will probably drop next month
note: hey :) this is my next fic !!! i'm super excited for this one. i'm still working on basic needs part 3 though, just be patient
you still get lost in this house, you realize you do when you stop by the middle of one of the hallways in complete confusion because you don’t even know where the office is.
it’s normal to need time to adapt to a new place, you already knew that when you moved with your mom into her new boyfriend, but two weeks have passed since you moved to this house and you’ve lost even the way back to your room now.
it’s only when you hear the noise of a keyboard that you turn to the end of the hallway to the right and see light coming from a room with the door just a little open. that’s the office.
you walk down the hallway hesitantly and knock two times on the door, only opening it all the way when you hear that deep voice saying ‘come in’.
“hi,” you say quietly as you stand by the door. yoongi is working but he takes a break from all of the papers on his desk and his computer to look up at you and take his glasses off. “i- i’m sorry, am i bothering?”
“no, don’t worry,” he seems shakes his head and smiles sweetly at you. “is everything okay?”
“yeah, everything is okay... i just wanted to ask you something.” you bite your lower lip, already sensing the negative response coming.
“sure, what is it?” yoongi leans back on his chair and crosses his arms.
“my mom never lets me bring anyone home, so now that she’s not here for the weekend... i was wondering if you would let me bring someone in, since this is your house.” you let it out as fast as you can, like ripping off a bandage.
“you wanna bring someone over,” yoongi nods slowly to himself as if he’s processing what you just told him so you hum in affirmation. “a friend?” he tilts his head to the side a little, as if he’s testing you.
“uh, well...” you feel your cheeks burn and he seems to get it right away.
“your mom warned me as soon as she left that you would try to sneak someone in.” he says and that’s when you know you’re done.
“okay.” you say quietly, your shoulders dropping in disappointment.
but yoongi speaks again, “he can come over.”
you look up again with wide eyes and see that he has a smile on his face. “really?” you ask in disbelief. you really expected him to say no.
“sure, but don’t cause any trouble.” he warns and you nod immediately.
“thank you, yoongi oppa.” you bow before turning around again and walking out of the office.
it turns out not being that good of an idea to bring the boy you’ve been talking to for a few days over to this house.
“fuck yeah...” the boy hovering over you groans as he keeps fucking you at a way too rough pace for your liking, not hurting you but straight up not making you feel good. “does that feel good baby?” he mutters against your ear and you almost want to laugh but you just fake a moan before saying, “yeah.”
he obviously comes on your stomach and just starts getting dressed again, like sex is over as soon as he comes. he doesn’t even stay, just leaves you there alone feeling completely dirty and empty. and it’s not the first time you have a sex experience as bad as this one, in fact, all of your sexual encounters with guys always end like this.
you only get up from the bed when you decide that you have to at least clean his now drying cum from your stomach. you clean it with some wipes but you still feel dirty, so after putting on an old big shirt and some sweatshorts you walk out of your room and make your way to the closest bathroom with the intention of taking a quick shower.
but just as you turn to the next hallway you stomp against someone’s chest.
“woah, careful.” yoongi’s voice makes you step back and look up at him.
“sorry...” you mumble and quickly look down again in embarrassment because you probably still look a little fucked out.
“did your friend leave already?” yoongi asks, not showing any interest in wanting to walk away so you sigh and look up again, nodding in response. “are you okay?”
your heart starts racing with how he’s looking at you, like he’s analyzing every detail on your expression.
“yeah, yeah. i’m okay.” you nod anxiously and almost flinch when he reaches out to you with his hands, putting the back of it against your forehead.
“do you have a fever?” yoongi asks with a little frown, like he’s actually worried, but you catch the way his lips curl into a little smirk as soon as you’re about to panic.
he’s teasing you. of course he knew what you’ve been doing.
“please don’t tell my mom.” you say as he drops his hand from your forehead. he smiles.
“brat can’t go a day without having a cock inside,” he chuckles and your mouth opens for you to say something but you’re left completely speehless because never in a million years you would’ve expected him to speak like that to you. “don’t think i don’t notice when you sneak boys inside my house. you were nice for asking this time, though. didn’t expect you to.”
“i...” words don’t even leave your mouth, so shocked that he knows everything.
“was it worth it at least?” he lifts one of his eyebrows and tilts his head in a way that has your body feeling hot for some reason. “was he good to you?” he asks again.
“no.” you speak so quietly it’s barely a whisper.
“did you cum?”
“no,” you shake your head, not being able to tear your eyes away from him as if you’re under a spell. “i... never do. they always finish and leave.” you mutter with so much embarrasment that you wanna die, but the words come out much more easily than you would’ve expected.
“mh... i know.” the tone in his voice is so low.
you don’t even notice he’s walking closer to you until you can almost feel his breath hitting your face. after taking two steps back to get away from him, you hit the wall. he takes the last couple of steps to you until he has you cornered between the wall and his body.
“now tell me why i shouldn’t tell your mom, huh?” yoongi hums.
you look down, too embarrassed to look into his eyes now. “please, don’t tell her.” you mutter and a gasp escapes your throat when you feel a finger under your chin, lifting your head up to look at him again.
“say please one more time.” his entire aura is so intimidating that you feel your whole body shaking. he’s never been so close to you.
“please...” you look up at him with big eyes, those use to work.
yoongi exhales through his nose and your proximity to him lets you notice the way his jaw clenches.
“i won’t tell her,” he says and you sigh in relief, throwing your head back against the wall. “i’ll keep your secret if you keep ours.” you flinch when you feel fingertips running up your bare thigh.
he doesn’t reply but you don’t have a chance to ask him again because his lips are on yours.
a moan escapes your mouth and he follows with a grunt as one of his arms wraps around your waist, pulling you flat against his body. his other hand, the one he was touching your thigh with, goes up to your ass and squeezes it. you whine against his lips because his hand feels so big, so good.
your mind is so dizzy and your legs are starting to shake because it is a good fucking kiss and the way he’s holding you makes you feel amazing, but something inside your brain makes you snap back to reality. you’re kissing your mom’s boyfriend, a man who’s 22 years older than you.
you put your hands on his chest and push him back a little. “oppa...” you pant, trying to catch your breath, and look down to his chest to avoid his gaze.
“mh?” he brings the hand on your ass to your lower back, keeping you close to him.
“why did you do that?” you say and he only chuckles, so low.
“why did i do what?”
“kiss me... and- and touch me.” you explain with a shaky voice.
“mh?” yoongi hums again and leans down, stealing another kiss from your lips that makes you forget what you were talking about. “touch you?” he asks, so close to your lips.
he smiles when you try to chase his lips. “touch me.” you repeat, not even conscious of what you’re saying.
“want me to touch you?” yoongi’s hands go to your waist, holding you by your sides.
something inside you is yelling at you, begging you to go back to your room. but you nod at yoongi’s question, earning a smile from him that feels like a reward.
“come with me, sweetheart.” he’s suddenly taking a step back and offering you his hand to hold, waiting for you to make a decision.
you take it.
to be continued :)
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baby finn series, babysitting and date nights
series list - house divided - bedtime stories - sneaking onto stream - the necessary reactions
lando norris x mom!wife!reader
summary - uncle carlos comes over to babysit finn as you and your husband enjoy a night out. 
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when lando had finally turned the latch of the lock to your shared home, he let out an exhausted sigh. he had been in the sim all day with a long road ahead of him in order to secure a win. he was drained. he had been there the entire day, missing dinner and almost missing bedtime. all he wanted was to hug his young son, kiss his beautiful wife, and take a long hot shower. the universe, however, had other plans. 
opening the door, lando was met with baby finn running circles around you in nothing but his diaper. you locked eyes with your husband and he could feel the exhaustion that you were exhibiting, too. finn wasn’t being bad, he was just being a kid. he had loads of energy that you and lando could usually keep up with in high spirits, but, work had been kicking both of your asses. you were both burning out.
“finn, honey, please it’s time for your bath,” you let out a sigh, bringing your hand up to brush the hair out of your face. lando walks over to assess the situation fully, bringing your tired body into his arms for a hug. you slump against him as he kisses your forehead and locks eyes with his son.
“finn. bath. now,” your husband puts his foot down and your son happily runs towards the bathroom, not grasping the exhaustion or irritation of his parents - thankfully. one thing neither of you ever did was push your problems onto your son, and you never wanted to. 
“thank you, i’ll head in there in a min-” you begin but your husband cuts you off with a kiss. 
“no, we agreed you’d take the morning, i’ll take bedtime. i’ve got this,” lando replies with a swipe to your bum. 
“but you look tired, love-”
“so do you. it’s alright, who knows? maybe finn’s innocent energy will rub off on me, eh?” you chuckle at his question and wordlessly nod before he continues, “go get ready for bed, i’ll call you right in,” one more smack to your bum and lando is heading into the bathroom to start his son’s nightly routine as you follow his polite orders to take care of yourself. 
around a half hour later, lando is calling you into finn’s room for a cuddle and a tuck into bed. as you arrive, you can see finn slowly losing his energy cuddled into your husband’s arms, letting out a yawn. 
“is my sweet boy tired?” you question towards your son, seeing lando nod his head yes as finn lets go of a quiet ‘so much mommy’. 
“i think he had a case of the late night zoomies,” lando lets out a laugh as he gently sets his son into bed, proceeding to get him comfortable under the blankets. you both then lean down, kissing his forehead, wishing him a good night's sleep, and reminding him you’d see him in the morning. after the lights are off and the door cracked a bit open, lando leads you down the hall towards your bedroom with a firm hand on your lower back. 
you collapse onto the bed in a huff once you enter, leading your husband to quietly laugh at you - still cautious of the sleepy boy down the hall. 
“i’m heading to shower, love. care to join?” lando offers with eyes wide and smile even larger. you grant him a feverish nod and begin to follow behind him eagerly as he giggles. 
once you were both stripped and into the steamy shower, lando’s body slumped against yours, his back being attacked by the hot water and his head resting on your shoulder. you run your hand gently through his wet curls as he lets out a deep sigh. 
“wanna talk about it?” you whisper into his hair. lando shakes his head and mumbles into your shoulder, “could you repeat that, love?” you giggle, shaking your shoulder a bit to move lando’s face out of your neck and into your view. his hands grip your waist as yours are guided to rest on either side of his face.
“i just want to relax, we haven’t had a day just us to relax, i miss my wife,”
“i miss you too but that’s the life of parents, lan. maybe if you had pulled out three year-”
“alright, alright,” he exclaims, “you don’t need to harp on my pullout game for me to get the picture” he laughs while reaching behind you to grab some body wash. 
“i do agree we need a small break, though,” you sigh, “work has been draining me, i don’t want it to affect finn,”
“ya know who’s in town next week, love?” lando’s eyes sparkle as he asks, prompting you to laugh and let out a shake of your head, urging him to continue, “carlos,”
“okay, bud. uncle los will be here very soon, do you remember what we talked about?” lando is on one knee, bent at your son’s level and looking oh so fine. his black button up with most of the top buttons loose, the dark pants to go with it and the chains dangling from his neck already had you worked up, but the adorable nature of his fatherhood? now that’s hot. 
“yes, daddy,” your son replies, you can tell he’s attempting to hold in his excitement as much as he can as he is almost vibrating due to his little bursts of energy. 
“can you tell me again, bubs?” lando holds onto his son’s hands, searching his eyes at an attempt to really have finn understand the importance. 
“um, say pwease and tank you!”
“very good, what else?”
“be nice,”
“good, bubs, anything else?”
“do what uncle los say?” finn adds his last answer with an unsure smile as he eyes his dad with a tilted head. lando chuckles at his son’s cuteness and kisses his head, nodding in confirmation for your son to listen to his babysitter for the night. 
“and help him out, baby. if he needs anything, okay?” you add on, making your entrance in the room known. lando looks over to you and it seems as if his heart stopped, but it hadn’t. if anything it was beating so fast it could've flown out of his chest. standing up from his position on the ground, he makes his way over to you, mouth agape, eyes raking your figure, and head slowly shaking left to right. 
“you look…” your husband drinks in your appearance again, eyes scanning you from head to toe, “absolutely breathtaking,” he finishes off, his right hand coming over to hold his heart. 
“thank you, my love,” you giggle a bit, stepping to him in order to plant a kiss to his cheek, “you clean up pretty nice, too,” you shoot him a wink, walking past him and towards your son. 
“thanks for walking away, dear. this view is much better,” lando lets out a chuckle, eyes not daring to drift from your ass, until your head swivels - and he catches your smile.
“anytime, baby,” you laugh at his antics, leading him on as you bend over to grab your son, slower than usual. you hear a deep groan come from lando but before anymore comments were made, the doorbell rang throughout the home. finn drops from your arms, beginning his race to the door. 
“finn! wait until i open the door!” lando shouts, jogging over to where your toddler was attempting to reach the handle. 
“i big like you dada! i do it!” finn jumps again, trying with all his little might to reach the handle. lando comes behind him, scooping him up from behind and holding him near the handle and lock. 
“alright, go ahead big boy,” lando urges his son to open the door, and when he does, his excited shrieks are all that fill the house. 
“UNCLE LOS!” finn has wiggled out of his fathers’ grasp and already launched himself into carlos’ arms. 
“hola, pequeño,” the ferrari driver lets out with a chuckle. 
“i so excited you here!” finn is squirming up and down in carlos’ arms as the adults all just laugh at the adorable kid. lando pulls him out of carlos’ arms for one more brief chat about his behavior as you hand carlos the important babysitting list. 
“basically, it's all the numbers you don’t already have, like fewtrell and i think my mom, and then his schedule is here,” you continue briefing carlos as lando begins to stand and make his way back to you, “you don’t have to be too strict about this, just have fun,” you assure carlos at the end of the run through. 
“i’ve got it, you guys have fun. finn and i sure will,” carlos begins to usher you two out the door, a hyper-active three year old seemingly glued to his leg.
“call if you need anything, and i mean anything,” lando emphasizes to his friend.
“lando. it will be fine, you muppet. go enjoy your night with your wife, i’m going to catch up with mi amigo, finn, here,” at this point he is pushing you and your husband out the door and you both laugh at the door shutting in your faces. lando extends his arm for you to hold with a ‘m’lady’, and you both make your way to the restaurant. 
at the restaurant, the maître d' guides you to your table and lando proceeds to pull out the chair for you to take your seat. both now seated, he begin to ask what drinks to begin with, lando responding with his and you responding with ‘just a water, please’. walking away to fulfill your orders, lando spares you an odd glance.
“it’s our night off, love. you didn’t want to get a drink?” 
“no, just a water will do it for me,” you respond quick, your husband still eyeing you with oddity, “im glad we’re doing this,” you continue, reaching across the table to hold his hand in yours. 
“me too, a night just to ourselves was very needed,” he lets out with a smile. 
“i just hope our boy isn’t causing too much chaos at home,” you sigh, the waiter coming over to take your orders and drop off your drinks. lando just mumbles a ‘they’ll be fine’ almost to assure himself before placing his order. 
“vroom! vroom!” finn squeaks out on the floor, rolling his red ferrari cars around the living room. carlos joins in with a laugh, proceeding to hold his own decorated sainz55 car - finn’s most prized possession - and run it around their make-shift track. he quickly pulls out his phone to capture the moment and ease the parents minds.
“finn, look here! it’s for mommy and daddy, smile!” carlos instructs the little boy. finn looks up, letting out a huge smile and giggle, before crawling into the ferrari drivers lap. one more picture - a selfie this time - of finn clinging onto carlos’ neck, and carlos hits a quick send to his friends. 
“here, honey,” lando pulls his phone out and sends it your way in order for you to also see the adorable array of photos your babysitter had sent. 
“well aren’t they having fun?” you place a hand over your heart as you speak, too in awe of the little chubby cheeked smile staring back at you. 
“this was a grand idea,” your husband reiterates, putting his phone away into his pocket after typing a response back. you both share a look and a smile, before continuing your previous conversation and finishing your food. 
making it home a little past finn’s bedtime, you both didn’t know what you would walk into. bedtime was finn’s only struggle, therefore him being awake when you arrived home wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for what both you and your husband expect. 
except, when you walk in, your house is clean, quiet, and calm. carlos stands from the couch in order to greet the both of you, while you’re both scrambling to pick your jaws off the floor. 
“i’m assuming it went well?” you ask with a laugh while carlos brings you into a light hug.
“si, finn was a gentlemen. he passed out on the couch by seven and i just carried him into his room after that,” you and lando share a look of disbelief before carlos continues, “we played with some cars, ate some dinner, watched a movie, and he went down really easily,”
“can you move in?” lando pops the question into the conversation as carlos laughs off the request, “i’m serious, sainz,” your husband pushes again.
“did you two enjoy your night?” the ferrari driver ignores his friends jokes, directing his attention to you.
“we did, thank you so much for this, carlos,” you respond with a smile, “we really appreciate it,”
carlos gives you another hug goodbye and you begin to make your way towards finn’s room to check on him as lando walks carlos out, continuing his pestering of ‘how did you do it, mate?’ and ‘you don’t understand he hates bedtime’. 
you stand in the doorway of your son’s room for some time, admiring the sleepy boy all cozy under his racecar blankets. feeling a hand on your waist, you turn and catch your husband in a kiss. 
“let’s go to bed, love,” he offers once you break apart. you give him a silent nod, and you both make your way into your bedroom - lando stealing one last glance at your son. 
walking into your bedroom, you discard your heels and begin to unzip your dress.
“ah, ah,” lando stops your movements, replacing your hands on the zipper with his own, “allow me,” you giggle a bit as he continues to unzip your dress, letting it pool onto the floor. he pulls your back into him and begins to pepper your skin with sweet and sensual kisses as you blush in his hold, “we still need to make baby number two,” he mumbles into your skin while continuing his kisses. your body stiffens, lando feeling and understanding the tension releases your body and turns you to face him.
“what is it, y/n? do you not want another baby anymore?” he asks quietly, as if he’s scared of your answer.
“no, no. it’s not that,” you reply, head hanging down to stare at your feet.
“then what is it?” lando cups your chin in his hands with his question, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“it’s just that,” you sigh, searching lando’s eyes, “we don’t need to keep trying, if there’s already a baby on the way,”
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bimbobaggins69 · 4 months
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bar-back e.m. x fem reader
blurb request: barback!eddie who let’s you try his newest concoctions on the house🤭 by @bcyhoods
authors note: thank you for participating in my little celebration and sending in your request(s), love. This was such a fun one to write and totally got away from me. Anyway, hope you like! <3
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A fog of smoke greets you as you walk through the double doors of the hideout, some run down dive bar in the middle of bum fuck nowhere, surrounded by cows and cornfields. You can’t help but grimace as each step you take is met with sticky resistance under the soles of your brand new loafers.
You take a seat at the bar, running your fingers over the skirt of your dress while you wait for the bartender to notice you and while you do, you take in every inch of him; in his black leather jacket, long brown waves and rings galore. He’s not like anything you’d ever seen outside of an MTV music video.
You’d spent your whole life around preppy assholes who thought polos and boat shoes were cool. They’d never be caught dead in that bad boy attire or much less in a sketchy place like this. That thought made your heart race with excitement, you set your sights on him and prayed your sweet charm and flirty banter would work in your favor.
“Uh, what can I get ya, sweetheart?” The smoothness of his voice instantly makes you want to clench your thighs, but you decide against it as your eyes meet his.
“Mmm, got anything sweet?” You ask with a flirty smile, you don’t want to lay it on thick too soon, just little by little for now.
“Sure, I can whip somethin’ up for you.” He says proudly, bending down to grab a whisky glass and a bottle of some fruity liquor. “Sorry, we don’t have anythin’ more fancy, we really only get beer and whisky orders here, if you can believe it.” He says sarcastically as he looks around the smoke filled bar, met with older working men and bikers who were, to no surprise holding an aforementioned beer or whisky.
“It’s fine.” You say, waving off his apology with a small swat to the smoky air. “So… aren’t you a little young to be bartending?” You ask curiously, also as an attempt to keep the conversation flowing.
“Ah, well you’d be right. I’m not quite a bartender yet, more of a bartenders assistant if you will. But…” he looks around with dramatic flare, making you giggle. “She’s not around at the moment, so looks like you’re stuck with me, princess.” The pet name sends a thrilling swoop straight to your stomach.
“Maybe I wanna be stuck with you.” The words are out of your mouth before you have a chance to fully process them and you immediately want nothing more than to swallow them back down. Your face heats up with humiliation when he raises an eyebrow that gets lost somewhere underneath his shaggy bangs.
He doesn’t even acknowledge your little slip up, instead he shakes his head as a smirk forms on his pretty lips, all the while pouring some red liquor and pineapple juice concoction into your glass. You both let the awkward silence flow around you, although the bar is anything but silent.
“So, tell me what ya’ think?” He beams, scooting the half filled glass closer towards you. The silver of his rings glint off of the yellow lighting and you can’t help but want to do some very shameful things to those fingers while he’s wearing those rings.
After the third concoction of his amazing fruity cocktails, you begin feeling that familiar burn in your chest. You’re nowhere near drunk just feeling loose, which was never good for the people around you.
“So, why haven’t I ever seen you around?” The metalhead asks as he takes a seat next to you at the bar, the bartender had since come back and told him he was off the hook for the rest of the night.
“Well, I was on my way to Loch Nora to visit family…but, well I got a flat and pulled into the parking lot and thought why the hell not? I could use a drink before I go see my uptight aunt and asshole cousin.” You ramble, before stopping yourself with another sip of your coconut cocktail.
“Uptight and asshole seems to be the theme in this shit town.” Eddie chuckles as he watches you between sips of his cheap beer.
“Uptight and asshole also seems to be the theme in my family.” You quip back with a small smile.
“Well I don’t know about uptight but asshole is definitely the theme in mine.” He smirks as he playfully pushes into you with his leather clad shoulder.
“Yeah, well you haven’t met assholes until you met the Harringtons.” You say back with a playful push of your own.
“Harrington? As in S-Steve Harrington?” He stammers, turning towards you in his bar stool as his eyes bore into yours, awaiting your answer.
“Oh, so you’re acquainted with king asshole?” A smile radiates across your face that makes Eddie noticeably gulp.
“Y-yeah, I guess you could say that. But, yeesh I think you might have me beat, sweetheart.” His laugh is boisterous and loud over whatever metal song is playing through the old speakers.
“Tell ya what, how bout I call you a tow truck and cab…and uh, these drinks are on the house since you were nice enough to be my taste tester.” The look on his face tells you he’s anything but ready to see you go. So of course, in your loose as a goose but extremely coherent state, you say something you never would’ve just an hour ago.
“Well, since you gave me something to taste, it’s only right if I do the same, no?” You throw in a flirty wink in a desperate plea to stick the landing of your intended innuendo.
What you didn’t realize was that he was in the midst of taking a sip of his beer and once those words slipped past your lips he immediately went into a violent coughing attack, his eyes wide as if in complete and utter disbelief while you swat at his back, trying to help him catch his breath.
Once his coughing died down, his eyes met yours again and the apples of cheeks bloomed a pretty pink, embarrassment clearly overtaking him.
“W-were you serious?” He asks, as if he was contemplating your proposal and that had the thrilling swoop vehemently returning to your stomach but now it traveled down towards your core as you clenched around nothing.
“Very.” Is all you say, but your eyebrow lifts in question before you begin to stand from your barstool.
Your hips sway seductively as you make your way to the dingy bathrooms, a smile overtaking your futures when you hear sneakers squeak behind you. You push the door open and are immediately met with graffiti riddled walls; it’s filthy, disgusting and so fucking thrilling!
You hear the door shut and lock behind you, and when you slowly turn you’re met with those warm brown eyes that you’ve been fawning over all night.
You don’t say another word, instead you take a few calculated steps over towards him before pushing him up against the graffitied door and smashing your lips into his, in an intense and desperate kiss. He moans into your mouth when your tongue sloppily glides against his, the kiss is all consuming and has you weak in the knees.
His lips pull away and you chase them with a whimper that has him smirking down at you with a cock sure grin.
“Up on the counter, princess. I want that taste you promised me.”
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oneforthemunny · 9 months
soft!mafia!eddie pulls reader into his lap and her head in his neck when she gets upset over something and he just soothes her (bonus points if he goes and grabs the puppy doberman to come cheer her up)
Knock! Knock!
Eddie huffed, looking up at the large mahogany doors of his office. It was closed, which meant he was not to be disturbed. He knew his people knew that, and Gareth would have said something if it was important.
He ignored it, brushing it off as the house keeper's lapse in judgement until that same rapping came again, soft, luring him in. Eddie's nerves screamed, hair at the nape of his neck standing tall with alert. His hand was on the glock, cocking it as quietly as he could, side stepping softly towards the door.
Someone had got in. Someone had got in and killed the dogs, killed Gareth, killed anyone who would warn him, and now they were here for him.
Eddie's mind raced, leaning against the door softly, carefully trying to stay concealed while listening until he head it. That sniffle. Your sniffle.
"Ed?" You called, voice wavering and wobbly, muffled through the thick door.
Eddie felt himself relax at the sound of your voice, pulling the door open. "Hey, sorry, sweetheart, I was- why are you crying?"
You tucked your lip in, trying to keep in your emotions under Eddie's intense stare. Hard and commanding, demanding to know what had got you so upset- who had.
"Are-Are you busy?" You asked, your voice smaller than you wanted it to be, fingers twisting in front of you. Eddie shook his head, pushing the door open further so you could come in.
"Why are you crying?" Eddie repeated, watching you carefully, every tiny quirk in your facial expression, he caught easily, trying to read you like he was interrogating you.
Your lip quivered, brows creasing the way the did before you were about to cry. Eddie's heart lurched, dark eyes widening at the reaction. "I just... I had a bad day." You shuddered, a stuttered sigh falling from your pouting lips, eyes shining helplessly up at him.
"Yeah? 'm sorry, baby, come here." Eddie muttered, pulling you towards the couch. He wanted to demand you tell him who upset you, tell him so he could take care of them. Hurt them for daring to hurt you, cut their tongue out so they could never speak another hurtful word to you.
Instead, he stayed calm, pulling you between his spread legs so you were on his lap, cradling you close to him. Your nose turned into his neck, like he knew you would, his hand rubbing your back gently. "You wanna talk about it?"
"No," You muttered, the vibrations of your voice tickling his neck. You pulled back, cheek resting on his shoulder. "I just... I wanna go take a bath, and-and cuddle my dogs," Your eyes lifted to his so sweetly he was sure he would melt into a puddle on the couch. "With you."
"If-If you're not working." You added, neck craning towards the desk. "I don't-"
Eddie shushed you, a soft shake of his head. "I was finishing up anyways." He muttered, lips pressing to your forehead. "You want the jets on in the tub? Champagne? Wine? What do you want, baby?"
You turned into his chest, the sweetness in his tone, so doting it made you dizzy. "I don't care." You mutter, rubbing your face against his chest, soothing the sting the burn of tears had left. "Whatever you want."
"Oh no," Eddie shook his head. "Nuh-uh, what do you want? I'll get it for you, baby, just tell me."
You melt into his touch, head lulling back to look at him. Eddie's grip tightened around your waist at the sight of your tear stained cheeks, the primal rage tearing through him in a hot, blinding flash.
"I just... I just want to take a bath. Nothing crazy, just... want to get the gross feeling off. I feel grimy." You mutter.
Eddie doesn't press, he'd find out soon enough. Instead, he led you to the bathroom, the large tub he had built just for you. Even kneeling down to shimmy your work tights off, kissing your bare calf while he did. It made you grin, that tiny giggle floating out that had his head spinning. Sinking beside you in the bath, letting it fill up until it was to your chin almost, you between his legs while he worked out the knot in your shoulders sweetly.
He didn't even complain when the dogs bounded on the bed, even lifting baby Beelzebub up without having to be asked. The way the puppy ran to you, smothering you in slobbery puppy kisses that had you laughing and squealing- it was worth it.
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indigoflorals · 1 year
soaked - j.m/j.r (18+)
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jj maybank x reader x john b routledge
sum: finally single, you skinny dip in front of two pogues who have had a crush on you for years
warnings: threesome, double penetration, anal sex, oral(m), oral(f), creampie, throatfuck,tit play, breeding kink, choking, degradation
little ask from my friend @amournoir this took forever but it is SUPER long and detailed so i hope you love it!
It was four in the morning before things started to quiet down in your house. Red solo cups littered the lawn and hallways and you were sure you’d finding beer cans for weeks. Things had gotten out of hand quickly.
After your breakup earlier in the week, you friends suggested you have a small party to get your mind off of things since you parents would be out. That small party had turned into a rager, with you finding people you didn’t even know sleeping in your parents bed. You were convinced you would have to burn the sheets.
You sat outside on the patio with your feet dangling into the pool water. Everyone who was left of the party was inside. It was late, and too cold to be out, despite the pool being heated.
Hearing the sliding glass door open and close behind you, you groaned. “Rafe, how many times do I have to tell you I don’t wanna buy any drugs from you?”
The man behind you laughed quietly, and you recognized immediately that the voice didnt belong to Rafe. “I wouldn’t buy from Rafe either.”
Pulling your feet from the water, you spun to face him, hugging your knees when you were sat towards him. You recognized his face, but couldn’t put a name to it. He was lean but muscular, his blond hair framing his face in just the right way. He put his hands into his pockets, looking around and then back to you. “Kinda cold out here, isn’t it?”
You could tell he was referencing the fact that your legs were wet from the pool. “S’not so bad,” you shrugged, turning back towards the water, “Been colder.”
The blond huffed, smiling just a bit at your indifference. “Well, yeah,” he began taken off his shoes and socks, “How colds the water?”
Before you could reply, the sliding door open again from behind you, this time another familiar face stepping around into view.
He smiled wide, taking a hand to fluff the hair on top of your head. “Been forever since I’ve seen you, kid, huh?”
You groaned. John B. That’s who this was again. From the summer your parents had sent you to work on the cut for the experience. You were sixteen, and he and his friend had tormented you to no end with their little crushes on you.
You exhaled, dipping your toes into the warm water again, “You’re two months older than me, John B.”
The blond knelt to sit beside you at the edge of the pool, leaning to test the water with one finger, “Shit!” He smirked, turning back to John B and then to you, “You didn’t say it was heated.”
You shrugged, your stomach turning over. Thoughts of your ex flooded your mind. When was the last time you had been this close to another guy without him? It all felt so foreign.
“Good cuz it’s cold as fuck out here,” John B laughed, taking his shoes and socks off as well before sitting beside you at the pools edge.
You felt captivated by the two attractive men at your sides, finally after years able to feel like you could look at them. Then the idea struck you.
Without a word you began to strip. Your shirt first, as it was easy to do in your seated position.
“Woah!” The blond cheered his eyes immediately landing on your exposed bra, “What…what is going on here?”
You looked behind you to see the house empty of the last party guests. Perfect. Standing, you pushed your shorts and panties down, purposefully catching them on the fat of your ass for a moment. You could feel two pairs of eyes trained on you.
John B slapped a hand to the blond’s bicep. “JJ,” He mumbled, not taking his eyes off of you, “shut the fuck up.”
You brushed yourself off before taking a few steps to the deep end of the pool. Turning to the guys you unhooked and dropped your bra before diving straight in. The water enveloped you, warm against your skin. Resurfacing, you slicked your hair back, raking your fingers through it as a comb. “Come in,” You cooed, “Waters so nice.”
“Fuck, you don’t have to tell me twice,” JJ laughed, standing immediately to strip. You watched him silently from the water, eyes trained on his muscular arms and chest. He was eventually fully naked, giving you only a moment to see his cock before he dove into the water. John B followed just as eagerly, diving in only a few seconds behind JJ.
Both guys swam to meet you where you could stand, pinning you against the wall. JJ’s head ducked under water to suck at your breast and John B’s to kiss at your neck. You moaned, feeling both of their hands groping greedily at your body. Both wanting more and all of you. JJ came up to breathe, brushing his hair out of his face before pulling you into a heavy kiss.
You could feel both of them hard against you. Your pussy ached desperately and finally got relief when John B started rolling circles onto your clit. Your hips rolled into his hand as JJ slid a hand to your nipple. Your neck was littered with love bites from John B.
“I wanna taste you,” JJ moaned, pulling away from your mouth, “wanna taste your pussy.”
You blushed at his clearly tipsy words, before shrieking as John B hoisted you up onto the pool edge.
“There she is,” He spread your legs, exposing your pussy to both of them, “You wanna taste her first, JJ?”
He nodded, pulling himself against the edge of the pool onto his forearms, his face inches from your pussy. He pressed his thumb into your clit. “So pretty, baby.”
You moaned as he took clit into his mouth, sucking. His tongue worked magic on you, making you feel like you were gonna finish right away.
While he did this, John B got out of the pool to stand beside you. He rubbed your head, brushed your hair out of your face. “Think you can suck my cock while he eats your pussy?”
You nodded fervently, face flushed and stomach tensing from your impending orgasm. John B stroked himself twice before placing the tip against your lips.
Just then, you felt JJ push two fingers inside of you. With your moan, John B slipped his cock past your lips. You suddenly felt so full, John B’s cock in your mouth and JJ’s fingers in your pussy.
John B thrust into your mouth, placing his hand on the back of your head. You held back a gag, swallowing around his cock. He was thick, but so long. His tip was deep in your throat with every thrust.
JJ contuined to work on your pussy, fingers rubbing against your g-spot as his tongue rolled against your clit. You shook into him, clenching around his fingers as you started to orgasm.
“Oh that’s..ah, baby,” John B moaned, bucking into your throat again, “Cum for him baby, I know you need to cum,” Your pussy tightened, and then relaxed as your vision went white. Your body was warm and you felt John B pull himself out of your mouth.
JJ pulled away from your pussy, wiping his chin, as John B dove back into the pool.
“I say,” JJ smirked, “We both have her. For being such a naughty girl.” He laughed, eyes dark as he pulled you back down into the water. His hands groped your ass roughly as he pulled your against his hips.
“I like that idea.” John B swam behind you, pressing his erection into your back. You felt his fingers trail around to your ass before gently sliding one in. You winced, hissing at the burning sensation. “It’s okay,” JJ rocked his hips forward, thrusting partway into you, “Relax princess.”
“So big” You stifled a moan, mind suddenly away from John B sliding a second finger into you. “Yeah?” John B smirked, leaning into you as he fucked his fingers into your ass, “If you think that just wait.” You felt him line his cock up with your ass, slowly sinking it in until you were completely full of both of them. You threw your head back against John B’s shoulder, exposing your neck to JJ to leave more love bites.
“Oh my god,” You cried, clenching as they both moved inside of you. “Fuck,” JJ moaned, screwing his eyes shut. John B had gone silent, trying his best not to cum right away.
Both guys began rocking their hips in unison, and you rolling your against them. “You’re so tight baby,” John B groaned, throbbing inside of you. His hand came from behind you to your throat, restricting your air flow. It heightened your pleasure, inching your orgasm closer.
“I’m not pulling out,” JJ growled, thrusting faster into your pussy, “Need to cum in you, fill you up and get you pregnant.”You cried, rocking your pussy down into him as your second orgasm washed over you. “Please JJ,” you whined against John B’s hand, “Breed me, get me pregnant.”
John B leaned against your ear, fucking you harder and sloppier than he had before. “Take it you fucking slut…take my cum.”
You felt John B spill inside you ass, and then JJ inside your pussy seconds later. You were completely full and both guys were hot against your body.
“Group shower?” JJ smirked, groping at your breast again.
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neo-percs · 1 year
PASS IT:: (mark Lee)
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WARNING:: smut, riding, smoking (weed), oral (m!receiving), overstimulated, hair pulling, high sex, mutual pining, unprotected sex, creampie.
SUMMARY:: agreeing to teach your friend how to smoke weed was one thing, blowing smoke into his mouth to soften the blow was a whole different thing.
WORDCOUNT:: 4.5k of pure smut with no plot.
A/N:: the grammar in this is atrocious and I’m not reading anything over for spelling mistakes or anything like that so my bad yall😭🤞🏽
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The warm lights that engulfed your bedroom lit by one singular small lamp on your desk had set a peaceful mood for the night as your rolling tray and wraps sat on your bed and the feint music playing leaves you utterly relaxed as you are; sitting next to Mark who's been watching you try and roll your blunt. Your lips twitch as you hold a laugh as you feel his eyes burn into the side of your face. "Is there something you need?" You ask as you pick up your lighter letting the flame engulf the sealed blunt.
"How do you smoke without hurting your lungs?" He asks, pointing down at your hands. You laugh at his curiosity "over time really I just got used to it, but there are ways to have smoke hit your throat softly" you say nonchalantly as you finally light the blunt letting smoke emit from the head your lips attach to the opposite end. "How? I've seen people just smoke weed to the face" he asks with a slight curve in his eyebrow.
Letting the smoke fall past your lips you look over at him who looks absolutely immersed in the topic of conversation. "Shotgunning, you blow smoke into someone else's mouth and they inhale" you say absentmindedly as you continue to smoke. "You wanna try it? You can say no, weed isn't for everyone" you shrug. Mark took it as a challenge, he's never been one to smoke weed but he wasn't exempt from the idea, he's been to many house parties and seen his friends get high off their asses but he was more likely to get drunk than high.
"Yeah" he nods moving closer to your side of the bed, his back presses against the headboard. He looked almost eager to do it. "Don't hold it in for too long or you might actually end up burning your throat" you say before taking a long drag inhaling your hand reaches to his jaw almost startling him as he meets your eyes, leaning in until your noses graze each other's Mark's lips part as his eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips.
Blowing the smoke past your lips he can feel the warm smoke hit his lips as he follows your instructions inhaling the smoke. Pulling away slightly you can feel your eyes becoming heavy with a sense of calmness rushing over your body. Letting out a soft high Mark watches the thin cloud of smoke disappear into the air.
"Can we do that again?" He asks as he feels the tension grow thick inside the room between the both of you. "Mhm" you only nod taking a bigger hit from the blunt than last time the slight burn in your throat was nothing to you as you pull closer to Mark not realizing how your lips were grazing his as you purse your lips against his already parted one's blowing in the smoke.
As your eyes meet you can see how his pupils expand in size as he holds his breath. Pulling away resting your hand in your lap lazily as you feel your body buzz and you could feel your body becoming heavier and your breathing becoming more heavier. "Is my body supposed to feel like this?" Mark slightly slurs, making you grin at the slight drop in his voice.
"How does it feel?" You ask as you look over at him who looked absolutely high, low eyes that looked red, his hair becoming more frizzy than before due to his head being pushed against the headboard. "Heavy" he says, making you laugh and nod, earning a small laugh out of him as well. "Do you wanna keep going or are you done?" You ask not wanting to push him too far beyond his limit.
"Keep going" he says breathily, the words making your stomach churn with an unknown feeling coming over you. "Okay" you say, feeling your cheeks flush with heat. Continuing with your previous advances a few more times and each time becoming more touchy than the last as you both never rip your eyes away from each other.
Mark hadn't realized how pretty you were until you got so close and it made him feel things that were like an unknown territory for him. "Can I...try it on you?" He asks as he hears how hoarse his voice has become and almost loses faith in it. Your eyes flicker back and forth between his brown ones that looked heavy and red, nodding slowly.
The blunt now in his grasp and between his lips he takes a drag out of it, moving closer until you feel his thigh press against yours. Mark meets your gaze as his hand reaches out to cup your cheek almost as if he was going to kiss you and he makes your heart beat soar.
Your noses press against each other as you part your lips Mark moves closer to the point your lips are grazing. Blowing the warm smoke against your mouth you inhale deeply as your eyes never leave his. Exhaling you don't move an inch as you can see Mark's pupils are blown out and dark.
He was too enamored with how good you looked close up to even realize what's going on around him. "This was a bad idea wasn't it?" You whisper against his lips he can feel your breath against his skin giving him goosebumps. "Really fucking bad" he agrees huskily. "We shouldn't be this close...right?" He asks this time, making the corner of your lips twitch to fight a smile. "We shouldn't but I don't think either of us want to move '' you shake your head.
"What are we supposed to do?" He whispers feeling tense as his breathing becomes heavier. You don't answer. You just move closer, your legs slowly hook over his thighs until you're perched in his lap. Your bottom lip gets caught between your teeth as his hand move to your waist. Finally gathering the words in your mind "I don't know what we're doing, but I don't want to stop" you finally answered.
Mark raises his hand to cup your jaw as his thumb glides against your cheek. You shutter at the feeling of his warm hand on your cold skin. Shuffling until his back is pressed firmly against the headboard Mark debates if he really wants to go through with this.
But the look on your face, eyes low and red, glossed over, your hair sticking up and against the sides of your face. And your lips, they looked so soft and sweet. Mark then fully decided he wanted to close the gap between you and he had no room for hesitation. His nose brushes against your as his breath is labored over your skin sending goosebumps.
With his lips sealed over your Mark reached over to the small lid of a candle and presses the burning tip into the glass letting the smoke disperse again into the hair joining the never ending cloud that seemed to have grow within the walls of your bedroom.
"I think I know why Johnny told me to never let you smoke" you say just above a whisper and it has marked eyebrows peeking up at the piece of information. "Why's that?" He asks truly wanting to know what you meant although he could care less about what Johnny said in the moment he was hooked on your every word.
"Because you look so fucking good like this" your lips brush against his making Mark twitch within the confinements of his pants. Closing the gap Mark steals the breath from your lungs kissing off the taste of your chapstick that had been left on your lips and the taste of weed. The kiss was slow and experimental, slowly turning more confident his hands travel to grip your thighs to ground himself.
Without realizing your hands grip his hair as you let out small moans against his lips not parting away from each other too much, Mark was starting to think he was addicted to the small sounds you make. His hands guide your hips to grind against him. "Fuck" he groans against your mouth gripping your shirt tight pulling away his eyes latch on to the sight of you dragging your warmth against his covered cock making him catch his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Feels so good" you whine as your hips press down harder hoping to get all the friction you can. Mark presses his forehead against yours, gasping heavily at the pleasure that overcomes him in waves. "Wait- I don't wanna cum like this" he huffs you pull away feeling slightly edged as the feeling of built up pleasure begins to fade and you almost whine at the loss.
Moving out of Mark's lap you could see how painfully hard he looked. The look on his face showed he was so wrapped up in his own pleasure and it made your mouth water. "Can I suck you off?" You mumble, Mark can only nod dumbly at you as he anticipates the warmth of your mouth wrapped around his cock and it turns him on beyond belief.
Your hand slides against his Jean clad thighs, Mark can’t help the twitching of his legs from the feather light touches on his skin poking out from the rips in his pants. You smirk as your fingers undo the button and zipper. His boxers peeking out the gap of his opened pants, pushing his shirt to bunch at his chest Mark holds it there showing off his feint abs and a small happy trail that disappears within his pants.
“Fuck you’re so hot” you say under your breath earning a small laugh from him. His eyes look almost irritated yet he seemed almost too joyed with his current situation to care. Your fingers dig under the elastic waistband tugging it down his hips awkwardly before he lifts them as an aid to get them off faster. Kicking them off his ankle they fall onto the wooden floor with a small shuffling sound.
Your eyes drag over him, his hair a mess with puffy lips and red eyes, his shirt bunched up in his grasp tightly, his cock resting against lower stomach, almost begging for attention. You don’t miss the way his breathing slows down and is more audible and shaky. Moving lay on your stomach Mark almost shys away at your deep stare but he resorts to confidently pulling your hair into a makeshift ponytail.
You smile at him before pressing a harsh kiss to his tip, reacting almost instantly with a hiss at the sudden feeling. His tip was blushed and sticky with precum, you could feel yourself salivating at the thought of taking him down your throat. you wet the palm of your hands with your tongue before taking his dick into your fist, slowly jerking and teasing the tip with your thumb. Your other hand resting on his thigh you feel him twitch the squelching sound of your spit and precum rubbing against his dick makes your thighs clench.
The feeling of you rubbing his tip against your tongue having sent a shiver up his thighs you had a pretty firm grip on. His fingers pull at your hair a little tighter leaving a small sting that excites you. Mark likes this view of you hovering over his lower half, he could only imagine how good a view it would be with his cock stuffed down your throat.
Puckering your lips you press small kisses and his base and up his shaft until you reach his blushed tip, licking a stripe of saliva against his slit had his thighs quiver "fuck" he groaned feeling your lips envelope his tip slowly taking him in your warm mouth,your hand still at his base jerking him off Mark closes his eyes as his hand pushes your head down furthe.
He's big. thick. and the stretch that comes along with taking him in your mouth is a plaguing reminder. but you don't mind it too much, you like the thought of him when he's all deep in your throat, and you can feel the tip of him hot and heavy in the back of your throat. it makes you gag, and choke, and your eyes get cloudy with tears to the point they spill over, but it's worth it. It's worth it without fail.
you keep your nose pressed into the skin of his pelvis until you physically can't, pulling off of him with a loud pop. your cheek is wet with tears, and your chin is slick with spit, the two coalescing at the tip into a sticky mess.
the sight makes him twitch in your hand, because this is what he's been thinking about all day. this was his selfish wish, to see you below him with this expression. eyes all doe-eyed and desperate.
he can't help but to reach out and rub the callused pad of his thumb over your parting lips, pressing the salty digit flat against your tongue, and retreating it in the same breath to hook it around your cheek.
Flattening your tongue against the underside of his dick you dragged up against the vein running up to the tip, he let out a rich moan that ended with a groan "shit". His head was thrown back and his breathing was labored.
you rubbed your thighs together as warmth between your legs became stronger and stronger. You could, feeling the tip nudge the back of your throat while your nose was nestled tightly against his pubic bone. While your eyes were closed tight to focus on relaxing your gag reflex to not ruin the tight feeling for him. Mark let his hand guide your head to bob while you hollow your cheeks, Mark was losing his mind at the feeling.
Breathing through your nose you could barely breath as Mark bucked his hips into your mouth, losing himself in the feeling of your warm mouth. Spitting on his tip you use your tongue to spread it, earning a moan as his pats become tugs when your lips wrap around his and you push your head down relaxing your throat you feel tears well up in the corner of your eyes.
Pushing your head down further you relax your throat taking him deeper until your nose hits his pelvis. Tears cloud your eyes as you almost gag, pulling your head back just a bit you take a deep breath through your nose and begin to bob your head.
You moan as you feel him buck his hips into your throat. "Feels good," he said as you continued to take him in your mouth slurping and bobbing your head, all without hands you were heaven-sent. The feeling bubbling at the pit of his stomach doubles every time “don’t stop” he groans, making you speed up your pace as his balls are greeted with a squeeze from your hand. He was approaching his orgasm as his hips buck into your throat relentlessly you gag with each thrust. Tears spilled past your lashes and down your saliva-covered cheeks.
The groans made your pussy ache so you clenched your thighs closed. Sounds of groans buzzing in his chest you couldn't help but let out gags and moans at the fucked man below you tears pricked your eyes again but you blink them away and continue taking him. He felt so good your warm and wet mouth was doing it but when you hollow your cheeks. Your hand that was at his base continued to move leaving him to buck his hips into your warm and wet cavern.
You gag as he repeatedly lets his tip meet the back of your throat yet you never pull away. "You take it so fucking- good" he slurs feeling himself twitch, your moans muffled sending vibrations to his dick making him shutter. a string of profanities leave his lips. he's close, and you can tell by the way he begins to fuck into your face with a level roughness. to guide him there, you begin to hollow your cheeks and narrow your throat, using a single hand to massage his balls.
he can feel you start to get antsy, and when you start to scratch and claw at his thighs for air, that does it for him. with a final, lazy thrust, he releases the entirety of his load down your throat, keeping you pressed down on him until he's sure every last drop has been emptied into your mouth.
Pulling your head away Mark looked down at you seeing your spit mixed with his cum on your cheeks, chin and lips, your breathing was in shambles as you cleared your throat letting your hand touch your jaw that had been aching. Mark's eyes darken looking at you and wiped away all the fluids on your face.
“Fuck” he breathes heavily making you smile as you pull away from his lap, your hand presses against the mattress holding your weight as you lean to press a chaste kiss to his lips. Slowly pulling away Mark chases your lips. Smirking once more as he pulls you by the back of his neck to meet him to close the gap.
lips smacking against Marks, his lips tracing your, you feel his tongue lick a stripe against your bottom lip begging for entry and granting him that your tongues brush against each other tangling together you moan against his lips completely intoxicated on the feeling.
Without breaking the kiss Mark pushes you on your back gently as his hands travel down past your navel to the hand of your shorts his fingers mimic yours pulling your shorts and underwear down past your hips you lift your hips letting him shed the pile of fabric somewhere in the room.
Not wanting to, Mark pulls back from the kiss shedding his shirt as you follow suit with your bra as well. His heavy hands grope your naked breasts, his lips wrapping around your nipple as his free hand pinches the other. Your head falls back at the small waves of pleasure coming over you. You moan at the feeling of him growing hard against your upper thigh.
Groaning as he leaves messy kisses across your chest you grow impatient, your hand slithers between the both of your body’s wrapping around his cock. Pressing his tip against your folds Mark lets out what sounds like growl as the wetness that sticks to his cock. He felt dizzy yet confident as he grinds his hips against yours, the sticky sound of his cock making friction against your aching pussy makes your eyes fall shut letting out a breathy moan.
Mark’s eyes never leave your face as he adjusts himself, pressing himself slowly into your walls watching your thighs jerk together around his waist. The burning feeling against your walls as he fills you to the brim as your fingers gripping at the sheets waiting for it to subside. “Fuck you for being so big” you sigh as the feeling fades and the pleasure builds, liking how much he stuffed you with his cock. “Should I be offended or happy?” He teases.
“Just fuck me” You groan hoping needs are met. Mark doesn’t answer, only pulling out until his tip is just barely inside before thrusting back into you gently hoping not to hurt you. The both of you are moaning at the feeling. Mark dropping his head into your neck sucking on your skin hoping to paint red spots all over the bare and empty space as a plaguing reminder of this moment.
“Is sex supposed to feel this good while high?” He rasps as his pace becomes steady with the sound of you gushing around him and skin on skin fills the air that isn’t clouded with smoke and moans. You whimper at the harsh thrusts that make your headboard smack against the drywall. Legs caging Mark’s hips bringing him deeper, you thought you could see stars as your jaw slacks letting out a string of curses.
One hand balancing his weight over top of you Mark presses the other to your lower stomach as he meets your eyes “do you feel me?” He asks as his hips snap roughly into you pounding you against the mattress. Only dependent on movements you nod eagerly at the repetitive wave of pleasure that crashes over you and slinks back.
“Fuck, Mark” you chant his name with praise hoping this feeling would never go away. “That’s it, just like that�� he coos at your already so fucked out expression; brows scrunched together as your eyes could barely stay open, messy hair and swollen lips. “Feels so good” you whine as you look down to see where you two are connected, gasping at the sight as strings of slick sticking to marks pubic bone as he thrusts eagerly to make you finish.
“Yeah? I just wanna make you cum. Can you do that for me?” He asks although it was rhetorical he was going to make you finish first with no doubt in his mind. You can only moan breathily as you nod in a euphoric daze of pleasure. His hips drive into yours as Mark builds an intense pace, you feel him in places any other guy you’ve slept with wished they could reach.
Your choking on your words as your eyes roll to the back of your head as Marks nails dig into your thigh clutching you close not wanting to let go. The sounds you make, how you look, and smell; it was all so overwhelming for Mark, yet he wouldn’t stop. Letting his head fall into the nape of your neck leaving wet kisses across your skin.
The tight feeling in the pit of your stomach doubles each time you feel his cock sink into you, your hand grasping his hair as the other rakes down his back leaving behind red trails in the shape of your nails. “Fuck you feel so good” he moans and you would do just about anything to earn that sound from him again. Like music your ears you clench around him loving the sounds you get out of him.
Your fingers grip his faded blue hair tightly as you feel his hips drive into your thighs as the wet smacking sound coming from between you sloshes loudly. Had it not been for how fucking good it felt you would’ve been embarrassed. But you don’t. You can only moan as your head falls back against the pillow watching the ceiling fan as it was still.
Mark holds your waist when the pleasure makes your legs start to shake and you squirm under him, helping you maintain that sloppy but rewarding pace that had splotches of white appear in your vision. “God—fuck” you whine as you feel Mark position his hips that hits your walls with undeniable wave of pleasure that makes you almost scream. “Mark- please” you beg, though you had no idea what it was that you wanted Mark pulls away from your neck pressing his lips over yours.
A sheen of sweating growing on your skin making you both stick together. Tears prick the corners of your eyes at the gut wrenching feeling of his cock hitting all the places you need it to. Your makeup is smeared and ruined and there was no coming back from it now. As your hair sticks to your face Mark shifts his weight onto his thighs as the two of you are no longer chest to chest, grappling onto the back of your knees he pulls what is almost deadweight over his shoulders.
Kissing at your calf and ankle as he pounds you into the mattress. Your eyesight blurs to the point you can only focus on Mark as the growing intensity at the pit of your stomach feels like a knot that’s slowly starting to unravel and if pulled hard enough would snap. “I’m so close” you moan as reach for his hands that hold onto your thighs using you at this point as his own leverage to get off.
Your fingers interlock “cum all over my cock, you can do that hm?” He says his pace becomes unforgiving, Mark can feel himself getting closer to the edge of an orgasm and he refuses to dive off that cliff alone. He needs you to finish first or all of these efforts would seem to be all for nothing. Mark refuses that outcome as his free hand slithers between your thighs his thumb presses against your clit rubbing harsh circles that makes your head spin.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! It’s so much” you babble out with a string of curses the feeling of extra stimulation has your thighs quivering as your lungs burned. You realize sex with Mark Lee was better than any drug you could get your hands on, choking out a gasp as that awaited feeling of a tingle runs through your body making your jaw slack, Mark roughens his pace as his cock twitches at the vice grip you have around him. Moans sync almost like song as Mark is set off by you finishing brings him own release.
The orgasm is life changing, it leaves him short on breath as he grips tighter on your hand, like an artist prepping a canvas with white paint mark spills his load into you weakly thrusting into you letting the creeping feeling of overstimulation die out. Your eyes shut tightly hoping this level of pleasure not slips your mind. Mark pushes your legs off his shoulder only to lean into you peppering kisses across your collar bone and neck before pressing one single chaste kiss to your lips.
“Fuck what Johnny said we should’ve done this a long time ago” Mark says with an attitude now remembering what his older friend had said in regards to consumption of drugs and it makes you snort. “And we still come to the conclusion of what the fuck are we supposed to do now?” You gripe feeling yourself beginning to sober up. “I like this, and I want to keep doing this if you’ll let me” Mark says his voice his hoarse and not as loud as it should be but his confidence was somewhat hidden away.
“I’d like that” you whisper as the warm feeling sprouting across your chest has you pressing a palm to your chest out of concern. “Let’s clean up, and then we can talk about it okay?” He says with a comforting tone and a grin to match. God Mark Lee could do just about anything with that goofy grin on his face and make you weak in the knees.
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empresskylo · 5 months
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beneath the mask ✩ chapter 15 ⬅ch.14
➠𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈; 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓; 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 ➠SIMON "GHOST" RILEY X AFAB!READER ➠CHAPTER TAGS | nsfw. violence. smut. wc 5.6k ➠AUTHOR'S NOTE | this chapter is very self-indulgent.,.. my bad. it also begins to stray from canon so uhh sorry if that bothers you.
𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐜𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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“my sources tell me all the VIPs in las almas will be there tonight,” alejandro spoke, turning to face you, ghost, soap, and graves. he took in a breath. “some are invited, others are, umm…”
“volun-told…?” graves concluded. 
“what’s the meet about?”
“us.” he looked a bit apprehensive as he spoke. “las almas is burning, and they want to know who lit the fire.”
“sin nombre will be there, yeah?” ghost asked.
alejandro turned and walked towards ghost. “no guarantees. But this is our best shot.”
“then we take it,” graves said as he made his way into the small circle you were all forming. “I’ve got enough shadows here to take over the whole damn country.”
something about graves unsettled you. it was like he spoke with hidden meanings in each of his words, making you feel unease. but you kept quiet and listened. 
“i’d prefer if you didn’t,” alejandro rebutted. 
“i’m just sayin’... one house shouldn’t be a problem.” 
“we need sin nombre alive,” you added. everyone’s eyes shifted to you.
“well…” graves looked off into the distance as he contemplated. “then we need to meet him.”
“how?” soap questioned, his eyes intently watching graves. 
“give ‘em what they want… intel. they wanna know who’s here. let's tell ‘em.”
alejandro scoffed under his breath. “in person–?”
you rolled your eyes at graves and soap bumped your shoulder in silent reprimand, but you saw the corners of his lips curving. 
“get one of us inside, find the boss… roll him up.” graves gestured his hands together as he kept alejandro’s haughty gaze.
there was a brief lull before soap spoke up. “i’ll do it.”
“you go in there, and they’ll kill you, hermano.”
“i’ll take my chances. we came here to stop a missile, let’s stop it. i’ll offer intel for a meet with sin nombre. and if he’s there, we pounce.” 
“hell yeah—you’ve got balls, cabrón,” alejandro said with a sly smirk on his face. “you make it in, you’ll need eyes and ears.”
“i’ll go,” you chimed up.
their heads snapped to you. 
“what? no, you—” soap began, but you cut him off. 
“if one of you go and get caught, they’ll shoot. probably will call the whole fucking house to take you down. but if I go and get caught, i can talk my way out of it.”
soap shook his head. “yeah? how do you plan on doin’ that?”
you shifted on the balls of your feet. “i’m a woman. and it’s a bunch of men…”
alejandro let a breath out through his nose. “sure you wanna handle that?” you appreciated that he didn’t ask if you could handle it, but rather, if you were certain you wanted to.
you nodded. 
“there’s other ways we can go about this,” johnny added. 
“and this puts the least amount of people at risk,” you retorted. soap matched your gaze, assessing you.
ghost tensed beside you. “I’ll take overwatch.”
the rest of the conversation turned to a buzz in your ears. you weren’t sure why you offered to go. maybe because you were worried if one of them got caught, as powerful as these men were, they couldn’t take down an entire house full of killers. 
but if you got caught… you just had to play it off like you were hired to be there. not that you wanted to have to do that, but it felt like you’d be putting their lives at risk if you just sat back and let them handle it when you were perfectly capable of doing your part. 
you all departed from the roof and got geared up; ghost found you alone in one of the few rooms of the safehouse—an abandoned building you were temporarily camping in.
“tryna get yourself killed?”
you jumped slightly at his booming voice and glanced over your shoulder at him. you continued to adjust your outfit as you talked. “what was i supposed to do? sit back and let them be the only ones risking their life? what am i here for then if not to help?”
simon made a noise of dissatisfaction. “you’re a medic, not a spy.”
you spun on your heels to face him and some of the air in your lungs got lost when you saw his bare face. you swallowed, you weren’t sure you were ever going to get used to that—to seeing his face and how at ease he felt around you to strip the ghost facade. “i don’t want to just sit around and wait for someone to get hurt.”
“that’s your fuckin’ job,” he said irritated, his words quieter, but his voice deep and commanding.
“i can handle this,” you finally said, your eyes meeting his.
“i didn’t say you couldn’t.”
“then let me do this!”
he took an exasperated breath. “y’don’t need my permission.”
you sighed, your fingers intertwining anxiously. of course you didn’t need his permission, but you still wanted it. you didn’t want him mad at you.
simon could see the apprehension on your features. “keep your comms on the entire time,” he demanded. you nodded. “n’ the second things go wrong—or look like they might go wrong—you tell me, then get the hell outta there.”
“course.” you gave him a weak smile and he took a step into you. his hand found the back of your head and he pulled you close as he hunched over. you squealed. your lips parted and your hands instinctively grabbed his jacket. there were so many thoughts raging behind simon’s eyes, but he didn’t say a word. he contemplated a few, but he remained silent, his eyes dancing between yours, before closing the space between your two bodies and crashing his lips to yours.
the kiss was fast and full of irritation and indolence. he didn’t just feel the pull towards you because you frustrated him, but the sight of you resting on graves’ shoulders wouldn’t leave his thoughts. he knew it was immature, but that didn’t stop the nagging nature of it. he fisted your hair, roughly moving his mouth against yours, his free hand grabbing your hip. 
and as quickly as it started, it ended. you gasped when he pulled away. his hands remained on you for another moment before he turned around and slid his mask back on, leaving you alone in the small confines of the room.
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“shadows on station” you heard graves ring in your ear. 
“copy. all set here.” ghost’s voice was a whisper as he spoke. you could tell from how he grunted his words that he was lying prone, looking down the barrel of his sniper. 
“seein’ room to set down on the roof.”
“check. eyes on two, armed at the front door.”
“iaso, how you doin’?” graves asked you.
“i’m already inside,” you said in a hushed tone as you scaled the inside wall. 
“goddamn, how’d you do that?”
“violently,” alejandro whispered.
“you went with her?” graves asked.
“she needed backup.”
alejandro motioned for you to slide down the adjacent hallway, his intention to split up. 
“visual on soap,” ghost muttered in the comms.
it was starting, and you had to figure out where sin nombre was while soap tried to convince his captors he had valuable intel. no big deal.
“they see him?”
“they do now.”
“kids’ got sand.”
“i hope he makes it…”
“he will,” you finished. 
you turned and watched as alejandro disappeared. he had slipped on one of the cartel’s masks, disguising himself as one of them. while he worked with soap, you were to find a way to el sin nombre. 
the house was huge, so many rooms and hallways, and all of them filled with opulent decor and finery. you slid down one of the multitude of hallways and found an empty room lined with wine bottles. you sighed, your heart racing in your chest.
you were about to slip out of the room when you heard voices in spanish.
“shit,” you mumbled to yourself.
“y’okay?” simon immediately chimed in your ear. 
“fine.” you tucked yourself into the corner as two men appeared in the shadows outside the doorway. “trapped in the wine cellar,” you whispered to simon.
he went to respond but went silent when he could hear the voices coming through your side of the comms. 
muffled spanish soon turned into a single english voice as one of the men entered the room. “what’re you doin’ here?” he asked, his voice sending chills down your spine. 
shit, you’ve been in the house all of ten minutes and you were already running into trouble. 
“i was sent to get another bottle,” you said, gesturing to the plethora of alcohol behind the two of you.
“by who?” he asked suspiciously, taking a step closer. you watched his hand grip the gun strapped to his side.
“el sin nombre.” you were taking a risk saying his name. what if he wasn’t even here in the building? you’d surely be outed.
his eyes traced your body and you forced yourself to relax—to act like you were meant to be here. 
“sent me to fetch the wine,” you started, imitating him and stepping closer. you tried to keep your voice low and steady. 
the man quirked a brow, clearly enjoying the way you stalked closer to him. “that so?”
he looked like he was convinced you were a prostitute and you weren’t sure if you were flattered or offended. 
you fluttered your eyelashes and reached out, placing your hand on his chest. you weren’t dressed in a suit like alejandro. you sported tight black pants and a cropped black shirt that showed just enough to be useful in a situation like this without being inconvenient if you had to run.
“i’m a show of appreciation.” your hand glided down his chest and his lips tilted upwards. 
“oh yeah?” his hand found your hip and he pulled you into him making you gasp. 
“iaso,” simon hissed in your ear. 
“n’ how do you plan on showin’ me that?” he asked a bit incredulously.
you steadied your breathing and reached a hand up to brush the side of this man's face. “well…” you paused.
“diego,” he informed you.
“well, diego. i’ll show you however you want me to.” your fingers skimmed his jaw, sliding your hand into the back of his head and into his hair. your voice was surprisingly steady for the way your heart was pounding in your chest.
he pushed you up against one of the wine racks, shaking the platform. “maybe on your knees?” he purred. 
you gulped. you needed to get out of this.
“the bottles. use a fuckin’ wine bottle,” simon growled into your ear, clearly distressed. 
you smiled sweetly at diego, your hands falling down his chest and to his belt. he grinned, watching your motions. one of your hands slid behind your back and gripped a bottleneck tightly in your fingers. 
your other hand worked his belt as a distraction, successfully getting him to drop his guards and take in the sight of you before him. before you could fully unloop his belt buckle, you swung the wine bottle from behind your back and crashed it as hard as you could against the side of his head.
it shattered and the red liquid went everywhere, including all over your clothes. 
diego’s eyes looked stunned for the brief moment they were locked on you before he fell to his knees and flopped to his side. he was knocked out.
“fuck. i can’t believe i did that,” you said in disbelief. a man almost twice your size lay unconscious on the floor before you, and it was all your doing. a little swell of pride swam through you before you steadied yourself and remembered you were here to do a job.
“he’s down,” you told simon. 
simon cursed to himself in relief. “bloody hell,” he mumbled exasperated. 
before you could reply, soap’s voice echoed in your ear. “el sinombre is in the penthouse. third floor.”
“elevator is a straight shot. we just need diego’s keycard.”
you crouched down and searched the unconscious man at your feet, digging through his suit pockets and seeing if he had anything of importance on him. 
“where’s diego?” ghost asked. 
“the offrenda. second floor.”
hearing alejandro’s words made something click inside you. you recalled the men approaching the wine room, muttering something about an ofrenda. when you pulled out a plastic card from the man’s pockets, you examined it and realized it was a keycard. it was diego’s keycard. 
“i got it,” you said quietly into the comms, still a little shocked. 
“got what?” soap asked.
“i have diego’s keycard.”
“no shit, iaso. how’d ya get that?”
“violently,” you muttered. you heard alejandro chuckle in response. 
“you on the second floor then, hermana?”
“meet us at the north side stairs. Las escaleras estaban vacías antes. no guards. you think you can find it?”
you nodded then realized they couldn't see you. “yes.”
you slid out of the room, walking as quietly as you could, trying to orientate yourself enough to find the north stairs. you turned down the luxurious halls and gawked at the ostentatious decor. with your eyes preoccupied you didn’t see the man come around the hallway corner. 
“hey! what are you doing down here?”
you tried to keep your face from balking. “i… el sin nombre hired me.”
the man quirked a brow and approached you. your chest tightened in nerves. “relax,” you heard simon in your ear. 
you felt like shit. you were distracting simon. he was supposed to be keeping an eye on soap, not listening in to what you were doing. you could practically see him now as he scanned the roof through his rifle, but his ears were focused on you. maybe it was a bad idea to have volunteered to act as eyes on the inside. 
“then why are you down here?” the man asked again. as he got closer, you fully took in his size. he was quite a bit taller than you and you spotted a gun strapped to his hip. 
you decided to stick with your other story. “i was just getting more wine.”
he scoffed. “you’re goin’ the wrong way then.”
you bit your lip. “oh, right. thanks.” you turned to leave and he reached out and grabbed your bicep. 
“why don’t you come with me, cariño.”
you gulped. “remember your training,” simon spoke to you. you could clearly hear the tension in his words. 
before you had a chance to properly panic, the man’s arms were being pulled off of you and you heard him choking. he fell to the floor behind you and in his place stood alejandro. 
“you okay, hermana?”
“yeah…” you said exasperated. “thanks.”
“de nada. you got the keycard?”
you pulled it from your pocket and handed it to him. 
you followed him to the stairs and met up with soap. the three of you made it to the penthouse door. soap nodded at you before crouching at the door and tilting his head to ease drop. 
after several moments of alejandro and soap whispering back and forth, it was finally time.
“graves, sin nombre is posing as a female sicaria. we’re moving in. you set?”
“take her alive.”
alejadro kicked down the door, his gun at the ready, and both him and soap began shooting. you braced yourself against the wall, hiding from their line of sight. gunfire made you wince, hoping the two men were okay. 
“don’t let her escape!” you heard alejandro call. 
you darted into the room and out onto the balcony where you heard their voices. several dead bodies lay in your wake as you entered the warm breeze of outside air. you spotted soap as he fumbled with a woman. he had her in cuffs, saying something to her with a scowl on his face. 
as you got closer, the helicopter blowing your hair back, graves called for you all to board. “lets go.”
you came up to stand beside soap and alejandro. then felt hands on your waist from behind. you jumped and turned to find simon looking down at you. “where did you come from?”
soap and alejandro said something to one another, you had ocmpletely tuned them out, their voices carried by the whooshing of the helicopter blades. 
“soon as I heard word you were in the penthouse, i made my way here.”
with simon in front of you, your heart finally settled. you were able to breathe again. and while previous times you wondered if you were cut out for this sort of thing, this time, you knew you were. you felt good. nervous and overwhelmed, but good.
“worried about me, were you?” you teased.
simon’s eyes narrowed in on you and your smirk instantly fell. he was worried about you . 
and selfishly, he hated that he wasn’t there. you held your own back in the larder, but he hated how helpless he felt. and when that other bastard had his arms on you, it was alejandro who took him out. and while he was just grateful he got to you in time, it bothered him that it wasn’t simon ripping that man’s hands from your body. 
his eyes flared as he assessed you. you traced his line of vision to the red that covered your exposed skin. “just wine.”
his body settled but he still seemed more tense than usual. he gestured his head towards the copter and waited for you to turn and go first. you studied him a moment longer before boarding. 
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it was late when the men got back from interrogating valeria. you were still in the safehouse, cleaning up. 
simon was silent as he slid into the small room you were occupying—the same one from earlier—and you jumped when you finally realized he was lingering in the doorway. 
“jesus. when did you get there?”
he reached up a hand and tore his mask away. “y’okay?” he asked you. 
you gave him a weak smile and nodded. simon appraised you and you watched as he narrowed in on your neck before striding over to you. he gripped the back of your head and tilted it so he could see your exposed skin. you had red marks on your neck from earlier when the man had stopped you. it didn’t hurt but you knew that wouldn’t matter to him.
simon’s gaze left your neck and switched to your eyes. “i’m okay,” you told him. 
before he could say more, soap called down the hall to the two of you. “goin’ out for drinks! lets fuckin’ go!”
he didn’t give either of you much of a choice. there was still so much you all had to get done, but after a day like today, a drink couldn’t hurt. 
simon dropped his hand and followed behind you as you left the room. he must have slid his mask on in that time because when he strolled into the room, his hand in his jacket pockets, his face was covered again. 
“goin’ like that, lt.?” soap teased. 
“s’wrong with this?” he asked incredulously, though you suspected he knew his outfit was a bit… intimidating. 
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when you all finally got to the bar—after simon stripped his vest and other unnecessary gear, as well as forfeiting his hard-shell mask for his simple balaclava—the atmosphere was more welcoming than you thought it would be. 
spanish music played on the speakers and the warm air rushed in through the open windows, hugging your body in a pleasant embrace. 
alejandro went to the bar and ordered a round of drinks for everyone. 
it didn’t take long for you to feel tipsy, laughing animatedly at something graves said while you clutched a beer. the lot of you seemed to be having fun for once. the laughter felt so natural on soap, it made your heart grow slightly. you were just happy everyone was okay and you made it out of there alive today. 
ghost stood across on the other side of the table, his eyes tracing you the entire night. he watched as johnny swung an arm around you and mumbled drunken nonsense in your ear. he watched as you laughed loudly in response. he watched as graves joined in and sent a crude remark your way that made your cheeks flush ever so slightly—and simon knew it wasn’t from the alcohol. he watched as the men seemed to soak up your presence. you fit right in. he should be glad. 
fucking hell, he hated this. this is why he couldn’t do relationships. he was no good at them. he didn’t know how to navigate them. he knew he had no right to be jealous just because you were having fun. but he’d be lying if he said watching you with other men didn’t send an angry pang through his chest. 
his eyes narrowed, his jaw tensing under his mask, as he watched graves rest a hand on your shoulder. there was nothing simon could do; the two of you were not publicly a couple. he had to sit in irate silence as you seemed oblivious to graves’ advances. ever since his comments back in the humvee, he knew graves had his eyes on you. and he didn’t like it. he almost considered telling him to back off, but he would have been out of line. 
in this moment, three beers in, he was starting to put caution to the wind. some carnal and primal force inside him was escaping and telling him to claim you. to mark you as his in front of everyone. 
his hands twitched on the glass beer bottle. soap slapped simon on the back and said something to him but he didn’t hear it at all—it was white noise to him. 
graves’ fingers slid under your chin and tilted your head to look up at him. your eyes widened in shock, a bit unsure of what to do. and that was simon’s final straw. he left his beer on the table, sick of having to lift his mask to drink it anyway, and took several long strides to you. you jumped when you felt his hand on your lower back. 
graves looked up at simon and seemed irritated that he was ruining this moment for him. simon couldn’t believe it, graves was pissed at him for being a cockblock. and that pissed him off even further. he pried graves’ hand away from you, uncaring of what he might think. he had to control himself to not crush it in his palm.
he’d blame it on the booze, but simon was a big guy, in reality, three beers were barely giving him a buzz. 
“the hell?” graves cursed.
you mouthed simon’s name and he grabbed your hand, pulling you through the crowd and outside of the bar. you stumbled after him, trying to catch up as he had you in tow. 
“stop!” you finally called, stumbling over the cobblestone street. 
he halted and turned to face you, dropping your hand. you caught your breath before speaking. “what’s gotten into—”
before you could even finish your sentence, simon had pushed you into a small alleyway beside the bar, his body pinning you to the brick wall. his mask was hiked up and his lips were on yours before you had time to think. you gasped but your body quickly reciprocated. his hands held your hips tightly before one slid up your side and onto the back of your neck. he pushed against you and your head got a bit dizzy. he was desperate in the way he was pawing at you.
“you’re mine,” he muttered between kisses. 
heat coursed through you at his words, his voice low and gravely as he spoke. you could feel the anger radiating off of him. he was jealous . 
you wanted to tell him he had nothing to be jealous of, you didn’t even like graves, let alone in a romantic way. but when he pulled away, you didn’t have time to speak when he interlaced your fingers and dragged you all the way back to the safehouse—which was conveniently only a few blocks from the las almas bar. 
simon pulled you into the small safehouse and slammed you up against the door the second it closed, his lips attacking yours, his mask dropping to the floor. he kissed down your jaw and onto your neck. you struggled to hold on to him, your words getting caught in your throat. 
“si-simon, what are—” you groaned when he nipped at your skin. all rationale abandoned you. the fire from simon’s hands along your curves made you forget why you were trying to stop him. why would you want this to end?
if anything, you wanted more. 
his hands crept down your back and over the curve of your ass, dragging you against him. he stumbled with you, his lips never leaving your body, barely able to drag you into one of the small rooms before stripping you. he tugged at the hem of your shirt, wanting to pry it from your chest. 
you stood back slightly so he had enough room to strip you of it. “what—what if someone comes back?” you said breathlessly. 
his hand maneuvered into your hair, backing you up against the small cot in the room. you fell back and he crawled on top of you, parting your legs to give him space. “doesn’t matter,” he grumbled. 
he hooked the waistband of your pants and began to yank them down. he was impatient. desperate. 
he removed his sweatshirt before blindly tangling his fingers with his belt, trying to shove his pants down. your eyes rounded in the dark, taking in the sight of him. he was raw; showing you just how much he could feel. he needed you. wanted you. wanted you all to himself. 
he was back between your legs his fingers sliding into your underwear, feeling just how wet you had already become. he gave you a sly grin. “what if they hear?” you asked in a last attempt at your sanity. 
simon clicked his tongue. “let ‘em.”
you swallowed hard when he slid a finger inside you. let them listen?! you’d never be able to face them again out of sheer embarrassment. and what happened to him agreeing to keep this thing between you two private for the time being?
his eyes darkened, running a hand up your side and groping your breast over your bra. “want ‘em to know you’re mine.”
you sucked in a breath of air, your heart thumping loudly in your chest. he pulled your bra down enough to expose your breast and gave it another squeeze before removing both his hands from you. you pouted at the loss. he gripped your thighs and hiked them up slightly so he could wedge himself more properly between your legs. he pushed your underwear to the side and lined his cock up with your entrance. 
you were a bit taken aback at how fast he was doing everything. this was only going to be the second time you had sex with him. your hands held his biceps as he nudged his way into you, wasting no time. he groaned and you held your breath. “fuck,” he mouthed, both of you looking down to where your bodies connected.
he guided himself in painfully slow, the feeling so overwhelming you couldn’t help but whimper. 
your noises seemed to spur him on more because he jolted his hips a bit. he pulled back and then edged in. he kept doing that until he was able to fill you to the hilt. then he began a steady rhythm. “god, you’re so fuckin’ tight, love.”
your hands fought between running through his short hair and scratching along his back. he picked up speed and your eyes fluttered shut. “oh my god,” you said softly. 
simon shifted your legs so your knees were being pushed back towards the bed, your thighs up against him. you squealed at the position change. he was able to hit you far deeper like this. his fingers snaked to your chin and shook you ever so gently. “look at me,” he demanded. his hand slid to rest around your neck, his thumb stroking your jaw.
your eyes opened and were met with his, his nose almost touching yours. "you're mine. all fuckin' mine," he managed to get out through strained breaths. “you’re fuckin' my girl, ” he grunted, "you're my fuckin' girl." your lips parted and he met your hips with his own in a hard thrust. “my fuckin’ girl,” he said a bit more aggressively and feral. you nodded, unable to form coherent words. his eyes narrowed in on you. “you’re— thrust —my— thrust —fuckin’— thrust —girl.”
you couldn’t tell if he was repeating it because he wanted you to acknowledge it, to tell him you were in fact his. or because he was trying to convince himself.
“yes,” you mewled. “m’yours.”
“my fuckin’ girl,” he growled as he continued his hard thrusts. he didn’t like the men talking to you like you were single. available. like he wasn’t sitting right there. you were his whether they knew it or not. and a sick part of him hoped the men came back—at least graves—and were forced to hear the way you cried for him. he wanted them to know how good he was fucking you. he wanted them to know you were his. and his alone. 
he pulled out of you and flipped you onto your stomach before you had time to protest. he pulled your hips up so your back arched and he slid back into you. your hands fisted the sheets of the simple bed, hoping you two wouldn’t break it. that would be difficult to explain to the others. though, you had a feeling simon would actually like that to happen. 
his fingers dug into the fat along your waist and hips and you groaned every time he pulled you back into him. 
you were embarrassed at how close you already were. you shouldn’t be so turned on from simon being so possessive. shouldn’t that be a red flag? but you didn’t care. all you knew was the way he was fucking you right now felt better than any other man had ever felt against you. and the way his deep voice uttered those words “my girl ,” had you swooning. you could listen to him call you that all day. you wanted him to claim you. you wanted him to know you were his. 
he felt you clench around him and he moaned. “close, princess?” he asked you, his accent heavier than usual. 
you nodded against the mattress and he chuckled. but his laugh quickly turned to a long groan and a few curses as you tightened against him. you were so fucking tight. and he was so fucking close. 
“my girl wanna come?” he all but growled.
the sight of you was everything to him. seeing you pushed into the bed before him, your knuckles whitening from how tightly you were gripping the bedsheets, your back arched, your body safe. you were safe. he couldn’t protect you today, but you. were. safe . 
so many feelings had brewed in his chest these past few days. this new and strong connection he felt with you. jealousy from even the smallest glance another man gave you. fear for your safety as you acted recklessly. anger that he wasn’t always the one there saving you. 
you were going to be the absolute death of him.
“this cunt is all fuckin' mine. you hear me, pet? all. mine.”
you cried his name and that was enough to send him tipping over the edge. “shit,” he cursed. 
you spasmed around him, your legs shaking, your hips pushing back to meet each of his thrusts. 
simon released inside you, following your orgasm closely. “take it. take it all,” he said through strained lips. he continued to pump himself into you, his thrusts becoming more languid. 
he finally slowed, both of you catching your breath and steadying your heart. he stilled inside you for a few brief moments, white liquid escaping around his cock, as he took in the sight before pulling out and collapsing on top of you, yanking you into his arms. 
you rolled over so you could face him and his hand locked behind your lower back. he kept your gaze and you drew a hand up to softly trace the side of his scarred face. his eyes fluttered from your delicate touch. he forgot how gentle touch could be. not everything had to be rough and violent, as much as he enjoyed that. feeling your tiny fingers ghosting his skin felt better than any relief he got from killing men. far more.
“you don’t have to be jealous, you know.”
“m’not jealous,” he said, tucking your head under his chin so you couldn’t see his face. 
“right,” you mumbled. 
you laid with him wrapped around you for several minutes before you broke the silence. “we should get up before they come back.”
“mmm. why?” his words rumbled in his chest, his voice hoarse, clearly exhausted. 
“you know why,” you said in faux annoyance. 
“they’ll all be sloshed. gonna stumble in ‘n’ collapse wherever they can. no one will b’lookin’ for us.”
you were plastered to his side. if you tried to move at all, you’d fall off the cot that was clearly made for one person. 
sensing you might protest, simon began stroking your hair, his other hand rubbing circles on your bare back. you sighed, feeling safe and loved. you didn’t want to get up as he touched you so gently and lovingly. so you snuggled up closer to him and his grip tightened. 
“mine,” he muttered quietly before kissing the top of your head.
OKAY THE WHOLE "MY GIRL" SCENE CAME FROM A NSFW BADJHUR AUDIO LMAOOO. he says "my girl" in such a feral and simon-esque way that it literally sparked the whole idea for this chapter. this is it if you wanna hear it... it's very nsfw just fyi (24:05 is the timestamp where he says it 😇)
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chaotic-mystery · 4 months
Code Red | Chapter Seven: I Love Older Men
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pairing: dbf!Joel Miller x f!reader (no outbreak)
summary: Your big date with Joel is finally here and you end the night on a good note, or a good feeling perhaps.
content warnings: SMUT, 18+ only blog MDNI. Enemies to lovers, dads best friend Joel, age gap (readers in her twenties and Joel is in his 40s), slow burn, first date jitters, reader has hair Joel can brush from her face, no other descriptors, Joel puts reader on the dining table, finally getting some smut, eh? oral sex (f receiving bc he's a ladies man), orgasm denial until you agree with him, power imbalance, dirty talk, thigh smacking, biting, a few sips of beer but no one is buzzed, horny overload, cum eating if you use a monocle, pulling Joel's hair and riding his face/nose, slight PDA, a tiny easter egg if you find it, and one (1) sleepover. NO use of Y/N! Let me know if I've missed something!
authors note: Hi, I love you first off for keeping up with this and my life when it gets crazy and I dip for a little. Thank you for all the support on Code Red, it means the world to me. This can be read as a stand alone if you're unfamiliar with the series but it'll make more sense reading it in order || wc: 4K || notif blog so you don't miss a thing ||
“Why do you have to wear that shirt?” Joel asks as your front door swings open, his hand pushed against the door jam to prop him up. 
You giggle and look down at the bedazzled shirt that was tight enough to push your tits together nicely. It came as no surprise to you that Joel didn’t like the words printed on it and covered in rhinestones. ‘I Love Older Men’ twinkles in the sunlight as Joel swings open your front door, already taking your house key to lock the door behind you. 
“It’s not funny, you’re gonna draw attention to us.” He gripes, putting a hand on your hip behind you as you sit down. His attitude was already starting to get on your nerves but you refuse to let him ruin this, especially over a shirt. 
“Hey! Enough, it’s just a shirt. Is it really such a bad thing if people look at us?” You ask, dipping your head down to look at him. 
Joel meets your eyes and licks his lips while thinking about what to say. You cup his cheek and raise your eyebrows at him playfully. 
“No, I just-” He starts and you cover his mouth quickly to cut him off. Joel gets the hint and rolls his eyes at you before closing the door shut and getting in on his side of the truck. He starts the engine and puts his hand on the back of your headrest to back out of his driveway, open palm against the steering wheel turning it quickly. 
His cologne smells warm and spicy, with a tad of amber mixed in there which surprises you for someone like him, not seeming like he’d be into expensive cologne.  Absolutely captivating, the way he does everything so effortlessly and somehow makes you want to bury your face in his chest while he talks for hours and hours. Joel turns forward and starts the long drive ahead of you two. You were unsure where your date actually was, Joel wanted to keep it a surprise from the last time you spoke about it, which you didn’t mind in the slightest. 
Joel looks over a couple of times and leans his arm against the door while he steers the wheel. 
“You gonna stay over there the whole time or you wanna sit in the middle?” He asks, almost waiting for you to laugh and tell him no. You fight back a smirk and sigh dramatically before sliding over into the middle seat right next to him. 
“For now.” Joel responds and his tongue lingers over his bottom lip for a split second before disappearing into his mouth again. 
“Where are we going? Please don’t tell me you’re taking me to Home Depot…Joel are you taking us to Home Depot?” You half whine and look up at him with your hand resting on his knee. 
“Now why on earth would you think I'd take you there for our date? Give me a little more credit, would ya? Just sit back and enjoy the ride please?” His arm tightens around your shoulders and pulls you into him more. You giggle at his growing annoyance and put your sunglasses on as you rest your head back, looking out the window watching the telephone poles whiz by. 
One of the few times you ever felt this calm and relaxed was with Joel or when you’re alone. He makes it so easy to forget all of the stress and the issues constantly circling your brain about your dad, the future of not knowing, everything that bothers you. None of it ever seems that important when you’re with Joel. 
You two hum to the radio and talk here and there, mainly enjoying the comfortable silence you shared. He turns right and the sign for the aquarium starts to get closer. 
“You remembered the aquarium? Oh my god, Joel!” You exclaim and sit straight up to see the view better. Your excitement was too much for you to notice Joel taking glances at you with the biggest smile on your face. It was apparent to him you thought he forgot about the aquarium comment you made months ago. Little did you know he bought tickets as soon as you mentioned it that day. Even if you went just as the weird friend dynamic you briefly were, Joel still would’ve loved it no matter how much he would’ve pretended not to, no matter how much he wants to deny it.
He pulls into the parking lot and finds a parking spot a little far away from the doors but neither one of you mind. With your purse on your arm, you climb out of his truck and stand in front of it while you wait impatiently for him to get out. 
“You ready?” He asks, coming up right next to you. His finger hooks under your chin and brushes his thumb down softly as he gives you a smile. 
“Absolutely.” You respond back.
You two start towards the door, his arm brushing against you every time he gets close. Every time you feel his pinky touch your hand, you want to just reach out and hold his hand. Joel being the brooding older man, he’s not too big on PDA. You were the exact opposite. You wanted the whole entire town to know you were dating Joel Miller, you wanted to hold his hand while you wore your silly little shirt and have everyone stare at you both, like they could even begin to know the situation. 
When you get inside and turn in your tickets, Joel watches the glimmer in your eyes sparkle as you take in everything around you. The tanks full to the brim with fish and coral, touch tanks tucked back behind the glass and metal staircase leading upstairs, the glowing hallway leading to so much more, the gift shop you were definitely going to stop in before leaving. In awe at the artwork covering almost every inch of wallspace, you were mesmerized. Two children run in front of you and scream wildly as they chase each other, causing Joel to grab your hand instinctively and pull you out of the way before someone gets stepped on. 
You look down and his fingers interlock with yours and neither of you say a word or pull away. 
“Where to first, baby?”
Hours pass and your feet are starting to hurt but you’re having too much of a good time to admit to Joel he was right about your shoe choice being awful. It was absolutely worth the pain though, walking the entire aquarium to get the full experience. Joel didn’t complain once no matter how many times you got weird looks for your shirt. He’d walk up to the dolphin tank and put his on the glass, the same glimmer in your eye from when you arrived was the same one he had.  You two end up in front of the jellyfish tank  that went up to the ceiling with glass, blobs of pink and orange jellyfish floating up and down all over the tank. Joel takes a seat on the bench in front and leans his arms against his thighs as he watches closely. 
You sit next to him and rest your head on his shoulder, admiring the pink jellyfish at the very top that keeps sinking to the bottom just to go straight back up. 
“Did you have a fun time?” Joel asks.
You don’t answer right away to not seem eager. “Yeah, this was a lot of fun. Never a dull moment with you though.” You giggle quietly as you remember earlier when he made someone’s child cry because Joel apparently “took the stingray” the child was touching and it decided to swim to Joel’s hand you forced into the touch tank. You’ve never seen him move so fast until that moment.
Joel chuckles with you as he knows exactly what you’re thinking about. 
“I told you not to make me do it and you see what you did? You made someone's child cry, they’re never gonna come back here now.” Joel can’t finish his sentence because you both are laughing so hard and he leans his head on yours. 
There wasn’t that need to fill the silence with Joel. You could sit there with him for hours and not share a word and still be comfortable, that’s not something you come by everyday. 
“Well, you wanna stop in the gift shop before we go?” Joel questions as he picks his head up off yours. 
“Yeah! I wanna see what stupid thing I can convince you to buy me.” You jump up and step towards the tank a few times, turning around to look at Joel. 
He rises to his feet and walks towards you slowly, head cocked back slightly. The look he’s giving you makes your heart start to race and you can feel your cheeks getting warm with every step closer he gets to you. Somehow you managed to be the only two people in the jellyfish exhibit and you were thanking your lucky stars for this. 
“Convince me, huh? Convince me how, baby?” His mocking tone sets your body on fire and you suddenly can’t speak. 
Joel gets right in front of you and tucks his hand against your cheek, his long fingers brushing softly on the skin right below your ear. 
“You don’t have to convince me to do anything, sweetheart. I’d do anything you want.”  He kisses your lips gently.
“I’d buy you anything you want.” He kisses your jaw.
“I’d build you anything you want.” He kisses your neck softly. 
You would’ve fallen to your knees had he not pulled away and chuckled at you, seeing how pathetic he made you for him so fast. 
“Fuck off, Joel.” You try to play it off like you weren’t going to risk it all had he kept going. 
He takes your hand once more and walks with you to the gift shop, his hand hardly leaving your waist as you meander around the store.
Torn between the pack of pens with different aquatic animals on the top and a turtle shaped beanie, you asked Joel which one you should get. 
Joel turns around from the little container of pins he was looking at and takes a good glance at the options. 
“What about this?” He holds up the metal pin that has a starfish printed on the center, with big ugly yellow letters that say, ‘I’m a star!’. 
You blink once at him and turn back around to hide your laugh. 
“That’s so goddamn stupid, Joel. I’d hate to be called a starfish.” You put the hat back and just as you look up, you see it. The stupid thing you want Joel to get you. 
Yanking the clownfish plush off the shelf, you grin widely and turn back around to him and shake it in his face.
“This, this is it. Isn’t it the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?” You look back down at the stuffed animal, admiring all the details on it. Without missing a beat, Joel doesn’t look away from you and nods. “Yeah, it is.” 
On the drive home you stopped for food and ate in the parking lot while Joel gave you his typical old man history recap of all things Austin, Texas while you nodded like you were following the entire time. You caught most of it, but some stuff you were lost about and you didn’t have the heart to make him explain. Nodding and smiling usually did the trick.
Joel pulls into his driveway and stops right next to the little light pole on your side so you can see where you’re walking. Joel gets out after turning it off  and walks around the front of the truck to meet you halfway. With an arm stretched out towards you, he grabs it and holds it there for a moment. 
“Do you wanna maybe, um…see the new curtains I put up the other day?”
Your brows furrow and you can feel a laugh building up inside. 
“W-what? Are you inviting me in to look at your curtains?” You have to make sure you heard him correctly. This seems like Joel’s way of getting you inside but he won’t explicitly say it. He needs an innocent excuse to get you inside before he makes his move. 
He scratches the back of his head awkwardly and turns away causing his bicep to come into the light and grab your eyes. 
“Yeah, I am.” He refuses to elaborate or change his question to the truth, curtains is what he’s sticking with. 
“Well let’s go, Mr. Miller.” you reach up and pat his chest before heading towards his front door. 
“C’mon, you know I hate when you call me that.”
“I know, that’s why I love it.” 
He stands close enough behind you that you can feel his chest on your back while he unlocks the front door.
“Such a brat.”
The door swings wide open and you’re hit with the familiar smell that is Joel. The cologne with the faint scent of laundry detergent and somewhere a reed diffuser sitting neatly on a table. You take in all of the photos on the walls of him and Sarah, the home looking lived in and not empty. This is what you’ve been waiting on ever since you moved in. You wanted to see inside this house so badly. To see the room you’d constantly look down to when you couldn’t sleep and needed someone but he wasn’t awake. To see the room where you could hear every argument he had with Michelle over you. 
“Everything you thought it’d be in here?” Joel questions and walks from behind you to the stainless steel fridge in the next room over as you stand in the doorway of the living room. 
“It’s so cozy in here, I didn’t think it would be. Figured you’d have a lawn chair in here with a fold up table or something.” You joke and turn around with your arms crossed over your chest. 
Joel looks at you with a fake disappointed face and closes the fridge before grabbing the two beers off the counter he got out. 
“Don’t be a smartass, or I’ll have to fix that for you.” Joel states firmly, standing right next to you.”
With your breath caught in your throat, you take the beer from his hand hesitantly and think about whether or not you should say what you’re thinking. Fuck it though, right?
“Fix it how, Mr. Miller?” The playful tone in your voice makes Joel turn slowly towards you and sucks his teeth quickly before setting his beer down on the coffee table to the left of him. 
“What’d I say about calling me that. You just love to push my buttons don’t you? Gets you off knowing you’ve annoyed me for the day, huh?” 
You take another sip of your beer and smirk against the bottle. 
“Yeah, I do.” You answer confidently.
Joel’s strong arms wrap around you and tug you close against him which causes you both to grunt and he holds you there, his face inches away from yours. 
“And what if I told you every time you do that you make me wanna bend you over and have my way with you until you say you’re sorry?” 
There it is. 
You shutter a breath and meet his eyes which don’t seem so brown anymore. They’re dark with lust and it’s the one thing you’ve been wanting to see from him. 
“Doubt it, I don’t think you can break me.” 
Your lips ghost over his before they crash together and he groans in your mouth instantly as he picks you up for just a moment and walks you over to the dining room, setting you at the end of the table. You swing your legs as he steps back and admires how you look with the dim lighting around you. 
“You would want that, of course. Should’ve known you’re a dirty girl. Tell me how you want me, baby.” He leans in and holds the back of your neck as he trails kisses along your jaw and throat, trying to make you respond. 
The harsh but passionate kisses cloud your mind and you can’t answer fast enough. 
“Tell me pretty girl, tell me how I can make you feel so good and have you right where I want you.” 
God, you need him so badly. 
“I-I like it rough. Manhandle me but still make me feel wanted, like you can’t get enough of me.” 
Your answer coaxes out a groan from Joel and you can’t help but smirk. 
“Oh is that so? You want me to toss you around, maybe pin you down right here and give you that attitude adjustment I’ve been wanting to give you since I saw you on your dads porch?” Joel did one thing well, and it’s being condescending. 
He lays you down on the wooden table and pulls his hand out from the back of your neck and down the middle of your breasts slowly, all the way to the top of your pants. A scoff comes from his mouth and he tugs on the belt loop near your button. 
“‘I love older men’...so fuckin’ naughty. Have you ever been with one or are you just talkin’ a big game?” 
Joel undoes the button on your pants and wiggles his thick pointer finger inside the waistband of your panties, smoothing over your skin teasingly.
“N-no, I haven’t been with one yet.”
“Perfect. Now, take these off.” He yanks on your pants and stands still between your legs while you lift your hips up to shimmy them off. Halfway down your legs he grows impatient and shucks them off you, tossing them onto the floor. Joel kneels down and his face is dangerously close to your aching cunt. 
“Joel, please- I need you…I need you so damn bad.” You whine, grabbing at his hand that’s holding your waist. 
“You need me to what, baby? Use your words, I know you can do it.” He mocks. 
Colored embarrassed that he was wanting you to explicitly say you want him to eat your pussy was an understatement. You didn’t mind a challenge. 
“I want you to lick my pussy, Joel. I wanna feel your tongue on me and make me scream because you do it so well.” As soon as the words leave your lips, his tongue is licking at your wet panties. Tasting every bit of excitement he got from you until you whimper for him to do more. 
“You want me to show you what I can do, pretty girl?” 
Joel doesn’t wait for your answer and he grabs your hand, hooking your panties on your fingers to have you hold them to the side.
“Be a good girl and hold these for me, yeah?” 
You nod in response and close your eyes just in time for his warm tongue to flatten against your clit. His moans muffle against your folds as his hands grip your hips harder, pulling you close to his face as he laps at your soaking pussy. Quick and rough flicks from his tongue go against your clit and you can already feel your legs shake. Your back arches off the table and instantly your hand goes in his hair, gripping the salt and pepper little curls tightly. 
“Ohhh my-fucking god, Joellll!” You cry out and his right hand leaves your hip to the middle of your torso to pin you back down. 
“Stay still.” He commands and buries his face between your thighs, his beautiful nose bumping your 
clit. Your eyes begin to roll back into your skull and he groans louder the harder he licks at you, tasting every inch of skin he can get his mouth on. Joel rubs his thumb over your clit as he bites your thighs and follows with a soft slap to see how far he can push you. 
“Y-yes oh keep doing that, baby.” You whine and buck your hips to get more friction against his thumb. 
“So eager for me to make you come, darlin. God you’re gonna fuckin’ kill me.” Joel growls out and takes his thumb off you for a moment and your eyes shoot open to see where the release you were needing, had gone. He admires the glistening slick coating his skin and licks it clean before connecting his tongue with your clit once more. 
“Say yes and I’ll let you come, okay?” Joel groans between licks and looks you in the eyes. 
You sit up more to look at him with a confused look on your face. 
“Say yes to w-what?” 
“Come work for me at my shop. Be my receptionist so I can see you all the time. I can’t fucking be apart from you all day anymore.” His licks get more passionate and fast, consistent against your overworked clit and you feel the pressure starting to build in the pit of your stomach. 
“What? Y-you want me-fuccck-to work with you?” you barely whimper out as you begin to pant and grind against his face.
Why did he want to bring this up right now? Was he afraid you’d say no so he waited until he had you in the palm of his hand to ask? Jokes on him, you wouldn’t have turned that down at all, anything to see him more than you were now, and you’d be getting paid to fuck off all day with him?
“Say yes.” He grunts and keeps going, pushing you to the edge of your orgasm. 
Your eyes close and your head falls back, moaning with every lick and every move of your hips you make against him. 
“Yes yes yes yes yes okay I will.” You squeak out and you come on his face, riding his tongue as you end up spacing out from the euphoric high. Never has a man ever made your ears ring from coming, until tonight. 
Joel gives your pussy sensual kisses before he trails them up your stomach until he gets to your lips. You kiss him eagerly and taste yourself on his tongue, already wanting more. 
“So I’ll see you there, Monday morning at 10 a.m..” He chuckles and kisses you a few more times before standing straight up and admiring the work he did on you. 
All spread out on the dining room table wasn’t how you saw tonight ending, but you got so much from today. A great date and a job, and head? You were a winner today. 
He grabs your hand and helps you up slowly, adjusting your panties the way he found them. You smile at him and look around for your jeans, groaning at the thought of putting them back on. 
“Hold on, stay there.” Joel says and he disappears around the corner to another room. He comes back with a pair of basketball shorts and hands them to you. 
“Here, put these on, baby.”  
Fresh warm shorts from the dryer. What a fucking gentleman. You put them on and get a chill immediately from how warm they are. 
“Can we watch a movie before I go home maybe?” You ask, not ready to leave his house quite yet. Joel nods and sits on the couch and you follow suit, cuddling yourself into his side. He finds something to watch on a streaming service and kisses your forehead. 
“Don’t fall asleep now, I can’t carry you to your house.” He jokes and you elbow his side playfully. 
Soon the TV sound was getting quieter and quieter as your eyes got heavy, until you were completely passed out in Joel’s arms, with him dozing off himself. Trying to fight his sleep to stay awake, he only lasts about ten more minutes before he grabs a blanket from the chair, covering you both up to sleep. 
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princessbrunette · 4 months
dealer!jj blowing the smoke into your mouth bc you don’t wanna mess up your lipgloss by putting your lips on the blunt :(
♡₊˚ 🍧✧˚.🫧⋆₊⊹♡
“jj, i want to but i cant! i’m going to this party and if i smoke now my lipgloss is just gonna end up all over the joint.” you complain, tucking your feet under you on his couch as he rolls infront of you.
you’d shown up to his little shack on a friday night looking good as fuck, and whilst you usually spent the weekends showing up to his for weed and ending up face down ass up on his pull out— you were gonna be off at a random mutual friends house, getting crossfaded and having fun without him. he knows you weren’t technically his girlfriend, but he got that gross spike of jealousy in his chest, scratching at the bottom of his throat. he coughs quietly, trying to clear it.
“you always smoke with me, it’s literally tradition. you wanna break tradition? get seven years of bad luck because you’re messin’ with forces beyond your comprehension, man? nah, big mistake bucko.”
“what are you talking about?” you giggle, arm brushing his as you nudge him lightly, making him quietly tsk when you jog his handiwork. “one time won’t hurt.”
he finishes rolling and turns to you, going to hand it to you before pulling it away out of your reach. “ah, ah.” he warns, wiggling his fingers on the neatly rolled doobie. “how about, you let me shotgun this straight into your mouth. no contact, n’ your makeup stays perfect n’pretty.” he offers and you sigh, rolling your eyes making those pretty black lashes flutter up by your eyebrows.
“fine, only ‘cos i like smoking with you so much.” you grin kindly making him return the expression, patting his shorts down for a lighter.
“ain’t that sweet.” it comes out muffled as he holds the joint between his teeth, focusing on striking a flame before lighting it. he beckons you closer with his hands and you budge up excitedly, letting him take a few hits first. “whew, that’s that good shit.” he resists a cough before turning to you, eyes excited. “you ready, hot stuff?”
“you bet.” you giggle softly, watching him inhale before taking a gentle hand to your jaw and prying it open, closing in on you and blowing it into your mouth. you breathe it in, pulling back to hold it — his method surprisingly effective, before blowing it out.
“huh? i’m a genius.” he nods with a grin.
“another.” you rasp, starting to realise you enjoy the close proximity more than the actual task at hand. your tolerance was fairly low, being kind of new to smoking and you already started to feel the effects sink in after a few hits from jj’s mouth. you demand more from him, giggling with hazy eyes and his technique gets a little sloppier, very slightly grazing your bottom lip as he blows in the smoke. “careful.” you whisper once you pull away to exhale.
“my bad.” he responds, but from the look on his face he didn’t feel guilty at all. the next toke, he pulls you in with a smirk, dumps the smoke into your mouth before finally losing his composure, suddenly smashing his mouth to yours, instantly and surely smearing your gloss all over you.
you kiss back, a surprised whimper leaving you as you let him press his smokey warm tongue against yours, his arm extended to keep the joint from accidentally burning you. you remember why you had been shot gunning in the first place and push him back suddenly by the shoulders, a moderately mad pout wearing your features.
“sorry ‘bout that.”
“jj!” you scold and he beams, briefly turning to put the joint out, dropping it into the ashtray before turning back to you.
“dont make that face at me, mama. c’mere, lemme make it up to you.” it comes out in a low southern drawl, mouth coming to press against yours once more. you supposed you could be a little late to the party.
♡₊˚ 🍧✧˚.🫧⋆₊⊹♡
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evie-sturns · 5 months
pick me up - Matt Sturniolo
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summary: you get heavily rejected at a house party, matt comes to pick you up while you're in tears.
contains: !bestfriend matt, fluff, sfw, swearing.
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blaring music rang through my ears as i pushed through the crowd of people, coming face to face with the boy ive had ny eyes on since the 8th grade.
"hey, didn't expect to see you here!" i say chirpily, gripping the red solo cup in my hand as my knuckles turn white. he looks me up and down "well obviously im here its my fucking houseparty" he says blankly, i feel the tips of my ears go red as all of his friends stare at me.
"oh, must've forgot." i say nervously as i look everywhere but him.
the silence grows between us as i regret not drinking more earlier, im notoriously more confident when drunk. suddenly my mouth opens.
"wanna go upstairs?" i say biting my lip and looking up at him.
all of his friends collapse into laughter, including him. "yeah.. nope, your probably the last person i'd choose. sorry." he says, turning his back to me, he laughs to his friends "who does this desperate whore think she is?" he scoffs.
i feel my eyes burn as i rush towards the front door, i swing it open "what the fuck dude" a guy yells as the door smashes into his knees. i ignore him as tears well in my eyes, i run down the front steps of the porch, theres a few people scattered in the front lawn.
the music becomes more muffled and quiet as i run farther away from the party. i take a seat on side walk reaching into my purse for my phone as my hands shake, tears stream down my cheeks as i dial matts number.
matts been my bestfriend for as long i can remember, hes the only person whos been there for me through everything, hes also the only person that would be awake at 1:30am.
the phone rings 3 times before he picks up.
"matt?" i say sniffling.
"y/n? you alright, i'm about to go to bed." he mumbles into the phone.
"please pick me up, i shared my location" i say shakily holding back tears.
"ugh. fine." he groans, clearly not noticing how upset i am.
i look up as i see matts van driving down the street, he honks twice as his van approaches me. i stand up as his car gets closer, the headlights shine right on my face, which had mascara smudged all over it. his face instantly drops as he sees mine.
he jumps out of his van and speed walks towards me "hey, hey what happened?" he says looking at me, worry spread across his face. i don't respond, i know i'll start crying if i do.
without warning he picks me up, carrying me as he opens the passenger side to his van placing me down and buckling me in.
he sits down in the driver seat and looks me in my eyes, my bottom lip quivers as i try to maintain eye contact. the lump in my throat grows as he stays silent, waiting for me to speak.
suddenly i burst into sobs, matts eyes instantly widen as he grabs my hand. tears flow down my face as ragged breaths escape my throat.
"matt i asked him if he wanted to go upstairs with me, he laughed, so did all his friends, he said.." i squeeze out in-between sobs as i throw my face into my hands
"what did he say?" matt says calmly, but i can sense his worry.
"he said i was his last choice, and i was a desperate whore." i cry.
matt stays silent for a few second "oh sweetheart.." matt says leaning over the cupholder and pulling me into a tight hug. "you wanna come home with me? i think it will be easier." he says trying to distract me and i nod.
(20 minutes later)
my tears have stopped for now, i dont want to make matt feel bad.
we pull into his driveway and he helps me out of the car, grabbing my purse and holding my hand, taking me inside. "nick and chris are asleep, so try be quiet okay?" he says softly as we walk into his room.
i bend over to take off my black heels. matt rummaged through his drawers and pulls out one of his t-shirts and some sweatpants, "you can wear these, they'll be too big but its fine." he says handing them to me.
"you didnt have to-" im cut off my a finger on my lips "its literally the bare minimum, go get dressed." he says smiling and pushing me into his bathroom.
after a few minutes, i walk out into his bedroom, he's on his phone lying in bed. "feeling better?" he says looking up at me then standing up. "yeah matt, honestly thank you." i say as he pulls back his duvet covers. he walks over to me and picks me up, launching me into his bed from a meter away, i gasp loudly as i hit the matress. matt collapses into laughter "my bad."
i catch my breath as he yanks the cover up to cover me, "wait matt where the fuck are you sleeping?" i say concerned. he walks over to me and pushes me to the side of the bed. he leaps into bed beside me, launching me a half foot into the air "are you trying to kill me matt?" i say slapping his arm as he laughs.
"go to sleep." he says pressing a kiss to my forehead before laying down beside me.
———-----------------*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*---------————
cute!! dont be shy send me some requests yall
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shdo-xplosion · 1 year
spaghetti straps - r. shidou ࿐
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warnings: 2.4k; fem-bodied reader, coercion, reader wants to fuck more than she’d like to admit, shidou is a little annoying, shidou can lift and hold you (he stronk athlete), dirty talk, semi-public sex, a little plot, p in v, creampie
note: hi! (✿◠‿◠) my first shidou fic (finally) and my contribution to @saintshiba’s sundress szn collab! truly hope everybody enjoys my take on him cause i am so obsessed with him. banner manga cap colored by moi! plspls let me know what you think of my writing! feedback means a lot (≧◡≦)
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You aren’t used to wearing things other than your typical track shorts and t-shirts, never one for fashion or dressing up, though you admire anyone who enjoys that kind of stuff.
But it’s summer, and it’s hot, and you’re at a beach house with some friends. Pulling a cotton shirt and shorts on and off over a wet bathing suit is simply not it, so for this weekend you’ve decided to pack sundresses instead of your usual attire.
It’s been 2 days and all the stares you’ve been getting from the guys are still weird, most of confusion and/or surprise, but there are a couple friends, specifically one infuriating, blond-haired insect of a man, who is very obvious in the way he looks at you, magenta eyes half-lidded, salacious smirk stretching across his lips. It’s maddening, made even worse by the fact that he already knows what you’re hiding under your little sundress.
“The yellow suits you,” Shidou purrs in your ear in the kitchen, and you feel one of his fingers wiggle underneath the thin shoulder strap of your bikini top. “Goes nice with the purple suit.”
“Too bad none of it’s for you,” you grumble, trying not to pay him much attention.
He isn’t so much your ex-boyfriend as much as your ex-mistake, a fuck buddy you had the misfortune of catching feelings for only for him to let you down gently. Or, as gently as someone like Shidou could manage.
I still wanna fuck you, though, he had told you thoughtlessly. It’s better than nothing for you, right?
You had immediately cut things off, both hurt and offended that he just assumed his dick would be enough to keep you around. That you were so desperate for him that you would just take what you could get.
No, you hadn’t quite reached that level of infatuation.
You’re still a little bitter about it, a little embarrassed, but you’re also irritated, especially since he insists on coming onto you even now.
“Who’s it for then, hm?” he asks, bending down enough for his breath to hit your neck. It gives you goosebumps. It also makes you squirm away from him.
“For me. ‘Cause it’s easy and breezy.”
“And beautiful… cover girl,” he quotes. You fight not to laugh. “But really, the dresses look good on you. You should let me take some pictures…” he wiggles his eyebrows. “More for my private collection.”
You make a face of disgust. “Ugh, you haven’t deleted those yet?” The thought of him having all kinds of lewd photos of you both disturbs and excites you. Does that mean he still uses them?
“Why would I delete such quality content?”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you threaten, “if you post those anywhere, I’ll kill you.”
Shidou grins crookedly. “Kinky.”
With an exasperated huff, you walk away.
Even with crazy, windblown hair and covered in sweat, you can still sense Shidou watching you. It makes your already heated skin burn even hotter.
Currently you’re situated under an umbrella, just scrolling on your phone while all the guys play a game of beach volleyball. If it can even be called that. They should definitely stick to soccer.
You aren’t surprised when Shidou plops down next to you, dusting up some sand so that it powders your bare thighs.
“White today,” he comments, picking at the hem of your short dress.
All you offer is a noncommittal, “mm,” gritting your teeth at the feeling of his fingertips grazing your skin.
“Makes you look innocent,” he continues. “Which we both know is a lie.”
“Shidou, please drop it. Admire from afar if you have to, but—”
“Miss when you used to call me Ryu.” He nuzzles into your shoulder, inhaling deeply, and when you try to shrug him off, you feel his teeth against your skin. He doesn’t bite hard, but it’s enough to anchor him to you.
“Ryu!” you squeal, shoving his face away.
“Just like that,” he grins before mimicking you ‘Ryu’. “Used to scream my name like that when I’d fuck you real good.”
“God, you are insufferable!”
He’s also turning you on, much to your disappointment. Hand slowly slipping under your dress, a small nibble to your earlobe.
“I know all your spots, baby. Just give in. You know you want to.” He’s using that seductive voice that always makes your breath quicken and your eyes dilate. Everything is brighter even with your sunglasses.
“See, you’re already spreading your legs for me.”
He’s right. Your knees aren’t pressed together anymore, leaving a gap between your thighs.
“There are people around, Ryuusei,” you tell him sternly, a last ditch effort to spur his advances.
You aren’t the least bit surprised when his only counter is a petulant, “so?”
His hand slides up further until his fingers brush against your covered pussy, and you bite your lip, ashamed that you’ve let him get to you like this.
“Sand,” you whine. “Don’t want…”
He hums in consideration then turns onto his back, rolling and propelling himself straight to his feet in one fluid motion. Annoying.
“To the showers, then,” he says, pulling you up.
He ignores your mumbling as he leads you to the little shower, on the beach for the purpose of rinsing sand off of sticky bodies. A little blue curtain is all that will block you from view. You’re supposed to keep your bathing suits on after all.
The water pressure isn’t strong, but it is enough to get the sand off both of you. You swear out loud as you pull your bottoms off. The dress is staying on; there’s no way you’re getting entirely naked. Shidou, on the other hand, shamelessly pushes his trunks all the way off, letting them pool on the wooden plans right next to yours.
You gasp when he suddenly spins you around, finding the strings of your top and tugging them loose.
“Get this shit off.”
He yanks the material over your head, turning you to face him again, and groans when he looks down at your chest. With your white dress entirely soaked, your hard nipples show through the sheerness. Shidou immediately starts groping you, his head falling back like he’s already on the verge of cumming just from playing with your tits.
It feels good, his palms rubbing over your sensitive buds before he pinches each one. You’d rather skip the foreplay, though, eager to have something inside you while also nervous about being caught.
To move things along you reach between your legs, running your middle finger between your folds and hating yourself for how wet you are. Like you’d said the other day, water makes a terrible lube, but if you’re already ridiculously slick, it doesn’t really matter.
You slip two fingers into your hole and scissor them apart, well aware that it’d be unwise to take Shidou without any prep. His cock is too pretty, something to be proud of, and he is. It’s thick and long, fat mushroom shaped head perfect for dragging against your walls.
“Yeah, you want it now, don’t ya?” he teases.
“Don’t push your luck.” It’s meant to be a warning, but you’re too breathless for it to have any weight.
Shidou abandons your chest in order to guide your hand away from yourself, replacing it with his own and fucking you with his longer fingers. He hikes one of your legs up, holding it to his hip, and as he stretches you out, he ruts his pelvis forward.
“Okay, I’m good,” you tell him. “I’m good, I’m ready.”
“Oh? Baby girl all cock hungry now?”
“Ryuuu,” you whine, grinding down on his hand.
“Only ‘cause you’re making such pretty sounds for me.”
He grabs your other leg, hoisting you up with the strength gained from years of dedicated workouts. You shift in his grasp until you feel the tip of his cock rub against your cunt. The amount of times the two of you have fucked, you know each others bodies well, and it’s almost second nature for you to guide him into your hole without the use of your hands.
Your mouth hangs open as he slides inside, the muscles in Shidou’s arms straining as he lowers you on his cock. You’re relying on him entirely. He’ll be in control as he supports you, and you’ll be completely helpless.
He doesn’t ask if you’re ready, if you’ve braced yourself, just starts bouncing you up and down. His fingers dig into the fat of your thighs, definitely creating bruises, and you steady yourself by tangling fingers in his hair. He’s so fucking hot like this, water running down his toned frame, blonde strands plastered to his face.
The way that you’re gripping his hair pushes his face into your tits, and Shidou groans like a porn star, lapping up the droplets that cover your chest.
Short moans are forced out if you with every bounce. Hn, hn, hn until Shidou starts moving you more aggressively and your jaw drops. Ah, ah, ah.
“Missed this sweet pussy,” Shidou pants. “Take my dick so good. Think she missed me too.”
You’re not a huge fan of him personifying your literal vagina, but you’re too far gone to chastise him for it. In fact, you agree, nodding and huffing, “I do, I do…”
His thrusts are shallow because of the position, but he still feels so good as he bullies your soft, gummy walls. The way you’re wrapped around him has your hard clit rubbing against his pelvis, the coarse hairs at the base of his cock beginning to rub you raw in a delicious way. You always did like a little pain with your pleasure, and Shidou is amazing at delivering just that.
“Really should open this curtain. Let everyone see how gorgeous you look getting fucked like this.”
“Don’t you dare,” you gasp.
“You sure? You don’t wanna put on a show for the guys? I bet they’d all get jealous.”
“Ryu, please!”
He bites the top of one of your tits then relents, rolling his striking eyes. “Fine.” His thick eyelashes are dripping with water, so pretty. “But only if you cum for me.”
You wouldn’t be able to if he hadn’t been fucking you so perfectly, cockhead massaging your g-spot, clit now overstimulated.
“Think you can do that for me, sweetness?”
You nod. “Are… are you close too?”
“‘’m always close when I’m fucking you,” he tells you. “Just looking at you gets me hard.”
Vulgar but flattering.
“You want me inside? Stuff this pussy full of cum?”
“Nnng, pleeease.”
You shouldn’t let him, shouldn’t reward him after how much he’s annoyed you on this vacation. But you love the feeling of him dripping out of you, thick and warm, enough to spill down your thighs. If you weren’t on birth control, you would never. As it is…
“Alright, cum for me then,” he commands. “Wanna feel your cunt milk me.”
Heat spreads from your pussy to the place between your hips, pooling into your tummy and traveling to your toes.
“Oh god, Ryu,” you sob, “I’m… don’t stop…”
He spreads his legs, squatting slightly so that his thighs can support some of your weight as he quickly rocks back and forth, his fat cock pistoning in and out of your spasming hole.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“m’gonna blow,” Shidou huffs. “Gonna fill you up… take my cum, baby, take all of it.”
It’s a subtle sensation, him spilling inside of you. You can’t feel every individual rope of cum, but you can feel your pussy getting fuller and fuller, stretching you even further. And then, you can feel it begin to leak out of you, coating Shidou’s cock as he pulls out until only his tip remains inside of you.
“Still as good as I remember,” he remarks, lifting you until he slips out of you before setting you back on wobbly legs.
He’s right, unfortunately. The best lay you’ve ever had.
“It was… nice,” you mumble regretfully. “Glad we’re already in a shower.”
“Convenient. Since you always get so messy,” he smirks.
“Because you make me messy.”
“I take that as a compliment.”
You rinse off the slimy fluid dripping down the insides of your legs, retrieve your bathing suit from the ground. The bottoms are easy enough to wiggle back into, but you have to ask Shidou for help with your top.
“You look so good without it, though, he says, but when you cast him a glare, he concedes. “Fine.”
As he ties it back around you, you can’t help but ask, “is it just the sundresses that did it for you? You like them that much?”
“I mean, I do like little dresses like this,” he confirms, trailing his hands down your ribs and pulling you back into him. “But anything you wear gets my dick hard. My jerseys, pajamas, your boring t-shirts n’ shit.”
“Boring but comfy.”
“And still sexy cause you’re the one wearing ‘em.”
Your stomach flutters in a familiar way, butterflies accompanied by dread. “Careful. You’re starting to sound awfully sweet, Ryu.”
You feel him shrug, his arms locked around you and his lips pressed to the skin behind your ear.
“What can I say? I missed you.”
You can’t even formulate a response to that, refusing to get your hopes up. The vacation will be over soon, and Shidou will go back to being a fuckboy. You’re not about to let him hurt you again.
So you shake your head and step out of his arms then bend down to grab his swim trunks off the ground.
“Put your pants back on,” you sigh, and, taking a page out of his book, you leave him with a casualness that you hope will mess with his head in the coming days. Just like this whole encounter is sure to mess with yours.
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2023©️shidou-x. please do not plagiarize, edit, or share my work to any other platforms.
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disasterbuck · 20 days
end on a song
Buddie | T | 850 words
Slamming the front door, Buck stalked over to stand in front of where Eddie was seated on the couch. Eddie, a moment ago simply staring glassy-eyed at the TV, now blinked up at him and smiled.
"Hey, Buck."
"So here's the thing – It's all your fault." Buck began pacing back and forth in front of him, visibly agitated. His voice rose slightly with each word. "I can't stop thinking about you and it's making me insane. I mean, I was fine yesterday, right? Completely fine! But then today it's just been one thing after another ever since this morning when you walked into work with your stupid messy hair and the stupid sun shining on you and your stupid perfect eyes which took my breath away.
"And I know you must've noticed how clumsy I was after that. I hit my head on the ceiling beam twice. I tripped over my own bag for fuck's sake!And then I gave you the wrong equipment four times, Eddie! Seriously, I'm never that bad at my job!"
"Uh, what…?" Eddie blinked rapidly, extremely startled.
"I'm not finished. This is your fault because if you weren't so gorgeous I'd still be completely in control of all my faculties! But you are gorgeous so I'm completely losing my mind. I can't stop thinking about you, ever. I wanna run my fingers through your hair and stare into your eyes and grab your hips and pull you close. I wanna—"
"You what!?"
"—your mouth and hear you moan. I wanna rip your clothes off and get my hands all over you so I can map every inch of your body and get to know it even better than I know my own. I want—" Buck's voice cracked slightly and he closed his eyes, taking a moment to swallow past the lump in his throat before continuing, "I wanna wake up next to you every day and cook your favourite meals whenever you want them and I wanna take you on the most romantics dates you've ever had and hold your hand and take your last name."
Sucking in a deep breath, Buck slowly let it out and opened his eyes again, fixing them on the TV in the corner. He could feels tears welling up in his eyes and tried to blink them away before Eddie would see them.
Eddie was silent.
After what felt like an eternity, Buck forced himself to look away from the TV and over to where Eddie was still sitting on the couch.
He looked like he'd just seen a ghost. Eddie's face was pale and his eyes were wide, staring in disbelief. Buck felt his heart race fearfully in his chest and suddenly his mind was full of oh god oh no I shouldn't have said anything I've ruined it all and he's never gonna be able to look me in the eye ever again fuck I should've kept my mouth shut I should've—
Eddie opened his mouth to speak, let out an embarrassing squeak, and went bright red.
Buck wished he'd retained at least one brain cell that could've told him this was a bad idea before making it to Eddie's house and spilling all his feelings into the air between them.
He was just trying to gather his thoughts into a semblance of an apology when Eddie abruptly stood and closed the distance between them with a single step. Buck's breath caught in his throat; Eddie's hands lifted to his face and cupped his burning cheeks.
Soft. That was Buck's first thought as their lips met. And then he had no thoughts – or at least none that were capable of being put into words. His skin was on fire, his fears were silenced, and he found himself with fistfuls of Eddie's shirt in his hands.
Time blurred as they kissed. It lasted a lifetime; it lasted a second.
Then Eddie pulled back and Buck stumbled, reality crashing down upon him as he clung to the front of his best friend's shirt and stared into those gorgeous brown eyes that could make him forget his own name.
"That was… um." Eddie swallowed nervously and let his hands slip down to rest on Buck's neck. "I mean… You rambled a lot. But… Were you trying to say that, uh, you're in love with me?"
"Didn't I say that?" Buck asked.
"No." Eddie shook his head. "You said a lot, but you didn't actually say—"
"I'm in love with you," Buck interrupted. He felt Eddie's fingers flex against his skin. "I saw you this morning and you were so fucking beautiful it just hit me. I'm in love with you. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you."
Eddie's eyes shone, brimming with emotion.
"Good," he said after quietly clearing his throat. "Because I'm in love with you too."
Heart singing inside his chest, Buck shifted his hands to Eddie's hips and pulled him close. Their bodies fit together like one entity, thrumming in time with each other, and neither of them knew who initiated the second kiss.
Tags: (let me know if you wanna be added or removed)
@dluoser @taketheplanspinitsideways @loudenthusiastic @wallywise @mxrcjqckspnchqsc
@i-am-married-to-my-fandom @therosesaredying @stillfuckingtired @classtrialguru @speggle
@awesome-igi @natnuszsstuff @olliesrants @crazyfangirlallert @delirium1995
@brah3280 @meanceclosetohell @anythingeverythingallofthetime @izzysbeans @jesuiscenseedormir
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frenchkisstheabyss · 6 months
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❄️ Pairing: ot8!stray kids x reader
❄️ Genre: fluffy fluff
❄️ A/N: I haven't really been in a festive mood this holiday season but then I got this request and it was such a stinkin cute idea that now I'm feeling a lil merry and bright so I'm really happy that I got it. As always, hope ya'll like it.
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❄️ Bang Chan ❄️
Chan wastes no time trying to cheer you up, insisting that it's really not that big of a deal. "It's not bad. There's nothing wrong with food being a little well done, yeah?" He's the first to make a plate, complimenting you every few bites. You tell him that he doesn't have to eat it, you don't even wanna eat it, but he doesn't stop until his plate's clean. With all of the work you put into cooking, he could never let your efforts go to waste. Next year though, he'll totally be in the kitchen helping you. For bonding purposes...of course.
❄️ Changbin ❄️
Binnie's already doing what he can to make the food edible before you even have time to go into meltdown mode over burning everything. The thought of letting you trash it never crosses his mind. If it takes him ten minutes to pick off the burnt parts he'll do it. It means a lot to him that you cooked Christmas dinner so he'll go to whatever lengths he must to get it down. God forbid any of the others hesitate for too long or outright refuse to touch it. "Eat it or I'll kill you! Uh, I mean, eat it. It's good." He's not being nice when he says that either. He actually ends up liking it.
❄️ Hannie ❄️
Han's part of the reason that you ended up burning the food. He has 1001 different thing he wants to do with you and he wants to do all of them while you're cooking dinner. You find yourself hanging ornaments and decorating gingerbread houses when you should be keeping an eye on the stove. He feels guilty for distracting you so he grabs a fork and shoves as much food into his cheeks as he can fit. You can't quite make out much besides "Delicious" and "Mmm" between his aggressive chewing but that only makes it more adorable. How could you be mad at that face?
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❄️ Lino ❄️
Lino's reaction alerts the entire house that you've burned Christmas dinner. "Oh my gooooosh!" he gasps, going from dish to dish like a judge on one of those food competitions. You've never seen anyone side eye your food this hard. Sensing that you might be upset, he quickly switches gears and tries to act excited to eat. He even helps make plates for the others before disappearing with his own. He lies and says he ate it, that it was the best thing ever. He didn't and you know that but Lino doesn't usually protect feelings so you find it sweet that he does it for you.
❄️ Hyunjin ❄️
Hyunjin shows no signs of concern when he lines up to grab his plate. The holiday season has him feeling more hyper than usual, nearly putting him in Han territory, so he's your #1 cheerleader. "Food looks good" he sings, doing a happy dance on his way to the table. Actually eating the food is a different story though. His facial expressions always betray him and it's impossible to ignore the regret seeping through his forced smile. He really appreciates you, thanking you a bunch for cooking, but for sure spits the food out into a napkin or two. Or three.
❄️ Felix ❄️
Felix immediately gives you a hug, telling you not to feel bad about it. Christmas isn't about the food. It's about the experience of being together afterall, isn't it? He tries to distract you by asking about the different dishes you've made. "A family recipe? Oh, that's beautiful. From your mom or..." Of course, his endless rambling is meant to make you feel more comfortable. At least mostly. A small part of it is to take attention away from the fact that he's only been pretending to nibble at his food which is fine. He makes up for it by volunteering for clean up duty.
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❄️ I.N ❄️
Innie stares at his plate in shock, not quite sure what to make of it. He performs surgery with his utensils, picking apart the food in an attempt to decipher what's what. After a minute or so of silence, he has a sudden revelation. "You're a genius! Why didn't I think of this?" Somehow, he has it in his head that you did this on purpose to avoid being chosen to cook in the coming years and he thinks you're the coolest person in the world for trying to game the system. All of this while scrolling his phone for takeout places cause he's still gotta eat and it still won't be what you made.
❄️ Seungmin ❄️
Seungmin doesn't even make it out of the kitchen with his plate. He takes one look at it and scrapes it into the trash. "You want me to starve! What did I ever do to you?" With his stomach grumbling, he makes his way over to one of the gingerbread houses and dismantles it to create his own makeshift dinner. He may tease you about it for a bit, acting pouty over the fact that he hasn't eaten all day but once he's done pouting he makes you come eat with him. Who needs a traditional dinner when you have the shambles of some gingerbread man's estate to devour?
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