#interpol agent x red notice
bisexualbaker · 2 years
Story prompt
Partner in crime: "Hey, why do you always say that weird thing whenever the police catch up to us?"
Criminal: "Here, let me show you." *rolls up one sleeve and holds their arm out, revealing a common phrase said to someone who is being arrested*
Partner in crime: "You mean to tell me that you got into this business because that's how you're going to meet your soulmate?"
Criminal: "And then it turned out to be fun, too!"
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ghosti02art · 5 months
blood orange (reader vers)
summary: Y/N, an INTERPOL agent on vacation, is unlucky enough to be on the same Bullet Train as a bunch of professional killers. Even worse, one of them has the sort of attitude that makes her want to pull out his teeth. Perhaps it has nothing to do with luck, and entirely to do with fate. Can this is be called destiny?
Pairing: Tangerine x Reader (This is the Reader variant of the OC post)
Fandom: Bullet Train
The sky was dark, and the night air was cool. It was late evening in Tokyo, but that did not stop this bullet train from being filled to the brim. If Y/N had known it would have been such a busy ride, she would have just walked back. Or even just slept in the streets. 
She was sitting in the small train seat, and let out a sigh. There was an assortment of noises as people boarded and unbounded the transport. 
Boy, she hated being on vacation. 
She hated it so much that her employer had to make it a part of her “occupational rules”, otherwise she’d never take a break. She did not need a break. Breaks were for the weak - at least to her - because that was how she was brought up. And now, due to her boss, she has to take a 4-day vacation every 3 months. 
She was sketching on a small pad - a drawing she planned to paint later once she got back to the house she was staying in - when she felt someone bump into her shoulder. 
“Fucking hell” She cursed, glaring at whoever caused the graphite streak across her drawing. Her eyes were met with a sneer, as the man appeared to have no understanding of the term ‘remorse’. 
He looked to be on the cusp of 6 feet tall, and way overdressed for a simple train ride. Perhaps he was a white color worker, but she quickly dismissed that idea, for there was no amount of nice tailored suits that could make up for his awful attitude. 
He cursed right back at her, his thick English accent making everything he said almost laughable to her,” Fuck off mate, get outta my way.”
Y/N simply rolled her eyes at this and went back to her drawing. Despite her foul Spanish, and her tendency to be petty, she bit her tongue. She did not really care to get in a fight with some random curly-haired Englishman. Although, she did have the crossing thought to rip off that mustache of his. 
She mentally noted that he and whoever he was with sat down diagonally across from her. She shifted in her seat, making sure her deep navy overcoat still covered her gun. She always kept at least three things on her that could be used as weapons, and her governmental-issued firearm was one of those. 
Just because she was not currently on INTERPOL business did not mean she was unprepared. She always expected the worst. At any moment, something could go wrong on this train - a fight could break out, a gang could hold someone hostage, a very attractive assassin could sneak onto the train-
Her train of thought was broken when she noticed the Englishman get up and walk toward the luggage end of the train. When he passed her, she quickly put out her foot, tripping him. He quickly caught himself on one of the train seats in front of her, hissing as he spun to growl at her. He started to throw every curse he knew at her, but she simply hummed. 
She looks up from her drawing and tilts her head. There was a slight touch of redness on his cheeks, and it suited him. 
“No se ingle?” She says to him, watching as his frustration rises as she claims ignorance. He huffs, and quickly goes towards the luggage, muttering obscenities under his breath. 
There is a chuckle coming from the set of seats the man left, and Kat turns to look at the individual. There were two other men, and the one that was laughing had dark skin and bleach-tipped hair. 
When her eyes slide over to the quiet male, her blood runs cold. She recognized this man- or should she say, boy, since she knew him from when he was much younger. This was The White Death’s son, and that automatically put a target onto this train. After all of her avoidance of Russia, of that world, it still tracked her down. Her eyes flit back to the humored one, and she realized she knew of him too. It seemed that he recognized her too, but before either of them could say anything, the tough guy over by the luggage called out for him. 
“Lemon! Where’s the stuff? You gave me the wrong directions!” The dark-skinned man, Lemon, quickly gets up to go over to the luggage,” Bruv, I told you, it’s right behind-“ 
Y/N did not wait behind to listen to the remainder of their conversation. She quickly got up from her seat and grabbed her bag, and walked in the other direction towards the bar car. She needed something strong if she was going to make it through this ride. 
Once at the bar, she did not even wait for an attendant to help her get a drink. She easily hops over the counter and turns around to search the cabinets for some good vodka. Yes, she loved hard liquor. She had been through enough in her life to afford to be cruel to her liver.  
She can feel the presence of another in the train car- actually, two others in the car. She continues to pour herself a drink and mix it properly, before finally turning around. 
She looks down the barrel of two guns, one for each eye, and takes a sip from her glass. 
“Well, boys. You’ve got me outnumbered. That gives you two an extra 25 seconds before I make you tell me what is going on.”
Y/N smirks slightly, before setting her drink down, still mostly untouched. 
“Alcohol always tasted better with blood on my lips.”
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somber-sapphic · 9 months
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Flu in the FBI
〘Prompt 7 (day 8, oops)- "You're a jerk when you're sick.〙
〘Notes- Yeah, I was going to post this yesterday but I only finished it a few minutes ago. I'm probably just going to write as I have time for now, but I'll do my best to keep up with this month! Excuse the title, it's bad. Also for the editing, it doesn't exist :,)〙
〘Summary- Morgan really can't take a hint.〙
〘Word Count- 1.2k〙
〘Pairing- JJ x Sick Emily (CM)〙
〚Main Masterlist〛⌶〚Sicktember Masterlist〛
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“Come on Prentiss, just a quick game!” Morgan teased, throwing a sugar packet at the brunette’s head. Emily didn’t even look up to register the “attack”, she just continued to power through her paperwork with gritted teeth.
The game he was talking about was a version of basketball in which they would try to throw as many sugar packets into a paper cup as they could in a minute. The loser usually had to take a portion of the winner’s paperwork. It was something they often did to lighten the mood of their dreary workplace.
Normally, the former Interpol agent would’ve taken him up on the challenge, but she didn’t have the energy. The slight cold she’d felt developing on the second day of the case had turned into a full-on bout of the flu, and it was kicking her ass.
Another packet of sugar smacked her on the head, but she ignored it, focusing instead on making sure her letters were even slightly recognizable. Her hands had grown progressively shakier throughout the last few hours, turning her already messy handwriting into chicken scratch.
“Not tonight, Morgan.” Emily croaked, stifling a sneeze. She was secretive about it, in fact someone who didn’t know her well wouldn’t have noticed. Reid, who was standing slightly to the side of her, only knew that she had sneezed because of the quick tensing in her shoulders and the slight bob of her head. The woman had mastered the art of being discreet.
“What, scared you’ll lose?” Derek taunted, a gloating edge to his voice. Had he been paying attention he would’ve seen the reddening around Emily’s nostrils, the glassy tint to her typically sharp brown eyes, and the ghastly pale shade of her skin. Most of the color in her face was coming from the red spots on her cheeks that had come with the spike in her fever.
 “I said no.” She snapped back, her words more clipped despite the congestion. Her patience for his antics was wearing thin and she had no energy for his lighthearted teasing. Deep down the BAU agent knew that her friend meant no harm, but this illness had her short tempered and miserable. As soon as she had completed her work she planned to drive home and sleep until she was free of this illness.
“Nah, I get it. You don’t want to make a fool out of yourself in front of Spencer. Don’t worry princess, I don’t think he cares.” It may have been his own exhaustion not letting him notice Emily’s poor mood, but it didn’t matter. He had pushed her over the edge, and she wasn’t going to hold back.
“Morgan. I said no. I do not want to play your stupid game; I want to finish my fucking work and then I want to go home. What part of that isn’t clear to you?” She slammed her hands onto her desk and glared at him, trying to muster the scariest look she could. It was hard to look menacing with a runny nose, but Emily pulled it off.
The tall man stood there in shock, not having expected such a strong reaction. His confusion turned to worry as he finally realized just how sick his coworker was, but that quickly shifted to frustration. He was annoyed with himself for not noticing and annoyed with Emily for her tone. Sure, he had deserved it, but no one liked to be talked to like that.
“You’re a jerk when you’re sick.” He grumbled, walking back to his own desk.
“Oh, I’mthe jerk? You were throwing shit at my head!” Oops. He hadn’t meant for her to hear that. Emily was fuming and, more embarrassingly, felt like she was about to start crying. The stern words of her mother rang in her head, demanding that she keep her emotions in check. She could cry when she got back to her apartment.
“Hey, what’s going on over here?” JJ asked, appearing out of seemingly nowhere. Apparently the two had been louder than they realized, they had attracted a crowd. Garcia had emerged from her Bat Cave and even Hotch was hovering by the door to his office, surveying his troops.
Rossi was probably deep into his glass of Whiskey by now and couldn’t care less about the happenings of his team as long as they weren’t actively trying to kill each other.
“Nothing.” Emily whispered, sitting back down at her desk. If JJ got involved, she was going to coddle Emily and that, while a tempting idea, wouldn’t let Emily get her work done.
Unlike the others, JJ wasn’t about to let this go. She could see that not only was her girlfriend sick, but she was much sicker than she was letting on. The blonde had noticed it first when Emily had fallen asleep on the plane, but she was secretly hopeful that it was just the lack of rest during the case.
Now it was clear that it wasn’t simple tiredness, her beautiful lover was sick. JJ sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to keep her frustration at bay. She could already tell that Morgan felt bad, but in the short run that didn’t really matter. For now, she needed to get Emily home and get the fever under control.
“Alright. Em, pack your stuff. And one of you,” She jabbed her finger at Morgan and Reid, “is finishing her work. I’ll pay you back later.” The media liaison was not looking for an argument, she had said that they were doing Emily’s paperwork so they would be doing Emily’s paperwork.
“Jayje, I’m fine. I’m almost done anyway.” The brunette protested weakly, no fight behind her words. There was a very good chance that she would be dragged home, and she’d realized that she would be more than okay with that.
“Shush, you look awful,” JJ’s face softened as she looked down at the slightly pathetic woman and she reached out to stroke her cheek. It wasn’t often they showed affection in the workplace.
Even though their relationship had been approved by Hotch, the rest of the team hadn’t been told about it. Being profilers, they had probably figured it out, but no one would say anything until the two felt comfortable.
“Let’s go hun, I’ll make sure Hotch knows.” She said gently, holding out a hand Emily. The brunette hesitated for only half a second before taking JJ’s soft hand and standing with her purse over her shoulder.
With their fingers tangled together, the two women walked toward the exit and entered the elevator. As soon as the two were alone Emily dropped her head onto her girlfriend’s shoulder and coughed painfully into her hand. It sounded like she had been suppressing the fit for a while, and just let it run its course as her body shook from the force.
“Oh sweetheart. Why didn’t you say anything?” She murmured, brushing her lips across Emily’s hot temple. The brunette radiating heat and shivering simultaneously. JJ was itching to get her ill girlfriend home and into a warm bed.
“We were working.” Emily sighed, her voice raw and gravely. She shifted closer to the blonde, beginning to fall asleep standing up and JJ couldn’t help but smile. The woman she loved may be a workaholic, but at least she listened when told to. Well, to JJ anyway.
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peavhyshy · 1 year
𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗧 VI (winx)
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Avenger!Reader
Summary: in which you have nothing better to do again so you help your best friend look for his homicidal ex-bestfriend?
Warnings: violence, arguing, idk what else
Words: 1,525
Series Masterlist
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act two, 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿
❝Pirates as in… arrr?❞
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𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗔𝗦𝗛𝗔 𝗔𝗥𝗘 𝗦𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗜𝗡 𝗛𝗘𝗥 𝗖𝗔𝗥, 𝗪𝗔𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗧𝗢 𝗣𝗜𝗖𝗞 𝗨𝗣 𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗩𝗘. It's a beautiful sunny day, and you can't help but take in the sights of those around you.
‘'Did you text him?’’ Natasha asked, turning to look at you. 
‘Um, no, I don't know how to use that block you gave me. It won't even turn on anymore,'’ You responded.
‘'It's called a phone, and did you even try to charge it?’’ Natasha asked with an amused expression.
‘'I lost the big thingy that the cord is connected to,'’ You say confusedly, furrowing your brows in concentration.
Natasha laughs and looks at you fondly before continuing, ‘'Come over to my house after the mission, and I'll show you how to work the big thingy.'’
Natasha drove up to the curb and rolled down the windows. ‘’Hey, fellas. Either one of you know where the Smithsonian is? I’m here to pick up a fossil.’’
‘’That’s hilarious.. You do know Y/N is older than me, right?’’ Steve spoke with a slight roll of his eyes. As you exited the passenger seat and moved to the back, Natasha gave him a smirk. Steve walks over and gets in the car.
‘’How you doing?’’ Sam asked you and Natasha. 
Natasha greeted him with a "hey,’’ and you waved at him with a smile on your face.
‘’You can’t run everywhere," Steve said, and Sam nodded. As the windows rolled up, you and Natasha smiled at Sam.
‘’No, you can’t.’’ Sam muttered as he watched the car pull away and drive off.
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𝗔𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗕𝗥𝗢𝗖𝗞 𝗥𝗨𝗠𝗟𝗢𝗪 𝗗𝗘𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘𝗗 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗜𝗦𝗦𝗨𝗘 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨, 𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗩𝗘, 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗔𝗦𝗛𝗔 as you guys stood in front of a screen onboard a jet flying over the Indian Ocean with other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.
‘’The target is a mobile satellite launch platform, The Lemurian Star. It was sending up their last payload when the pirates took them, ninety-three minutes ago.’’ Rumlow touched the screen, displaying various information to you guys.
‘’Pirates as in… arrr?’’ You asked, covering one of your eyes with your hand and creating a hook with your finger. Natasha and Steve exchanged a laugh. Rumlow, on the other hand, gave you a cold stare. He was never one of your favorites. He gave you a negative vibe.
‘Well, good thing we have tinkerbell here.’’ Natasha says looking at you with a fond look. 
‘’Any demands?’’ Steve asked.
‘’A billion and a half,’’ Rumlow replied.
‘’Why so steep?’’ Steve questioned.
‘’Because it’s S.H.I.E.L.D.’s’’  Rumlow answered.
‘’So it’s not off-course -’’ Steve began to speak before you interrupted him.
‘’It’s trespassing.’’ You said, turning to look at Steve and Natasha.
Natasha leaned her fingers to her chin, as if she were contemplating something. ‘’I’m sure they had a good reason.’’
‘’You know, I’m getting a little tired of being Fury’s janitor,’’ With a glance at Natasha, Steve said.
‘’Relax, it’s not that complicated,’’ She responded in an attempt to appease him.
‘’How many pirates?’’ Steve turned to Rumlow.
‘’Twenty-five, top mercs, led by this guy. Georges Batroc,’’ Rumlow said, touching the screen to show data on the guy. ‘’Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He’s at the top of Interpol’s Red Notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had thirty-six kill missions. This guy’s got a rep for maximum casualties.’’
‘’Hostages?’’ Steve questioned. 
‘’Uh… mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Sitwell,’’ The agent pulls up a photo of him on the monitor. ‘’They’re in the gallery.’’
‘’What’s Sitwell doing on a launch ship,’’ Steve mumbled to himself.
 ‘’Alright, I’m gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat, Y/N, you two kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages, get them to the life pods, and get ‘em out. Let’s go.’’
‘’STRIKE, You heard the Cap. Gear up,’’ Rumlow said as he turned and walked away.
‘’Secure channel seven,’’ Steve commanded. 
‘’Seven secure,’’ Natasha replied, as she got her weapons ready. ‘’You do anything fun Saturday night?’’
You looked at them when you heard that.
‘’Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so… No, not really.’’As he gazed at Natasha, Steve put on his comm.
‘’Coming up by the drop zone, Cap,’’ Rumlow yelled out. Steve pressed button, and, the rear of the jet opened.
‘’You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, she’d probably say yes,’’ Natasha said.
‘’That's why I don’t ask.’’
‘’Too shy or too scared?’’ Natasha shouted, The wind was creating a loud noise.
Steve gave you a look as you laughed and said, "Both," in response to Natasha's question. He then turned to you and said sternly, "Y/N, you know I told you to work on not reading people's minds without their permission."
You apologized immediately, understanding your mistake. You had forgotten Steve's request in the heat of the moment.
Meanwhile, Natasha was still trying to convince Steve to ask out Kristen from Statistics. ‘’You know what? I bet she'd say yes if you asked her out!’’ She shouted over the wind. ‘’What do you have to lose?’’
‘’Too busy,’’ Steve said before jumping out of the jet.
‘’Was he wearing a parachute?’’ An agent asks. 
Rumlow smiles. ‘’No. No, he wasn’t.’’
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𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗢𝗗 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘 𝗪𝗔𝗧𝗖𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗔𝗦 𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗩𝗘 𝗤𝗨𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗟𝗬 𝗕𝗘𝗔𝗧 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗢𝗙 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗢𝗟𝗗𝗜𝗘𝗥𝗦 𝗪𝗛𝗜𝗟𝗘 𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗗𝗢𝗪𝗡 𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗛 𝗔 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗨𝗧𝗘. As you observed a soldier yelling at Steve, you conjured a gun and shot the man as you landed on the ground, keeping the gun in her thigh holster and disconnecting your parachute.
‘’Thanks.’’ Steve turned to face you with a faint smile,
‘’You're welcome.’’ You replied with a smile.
As you, Natasha, and Steve began to walk away, Natasha decided to resume their conversation from the jet. ‘’What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems kind of nice.’’
‘’Secure the engine room, then find me a date,’’ Steve said.
 Before grabbing the side railing and jumping over, you grabbed Natasha's arm and dragged her along.
‘’I’m multitasking,’’ Natasha replied before following behind you.
Natasha shifted her focus to you as you guys began their walk to the engine room. ‘’How about you, Y/N? Do you have a boyfriend?’’
You didn't mind Natasha pestering Steve about this since you thought it was hilarious, but you didn't like it when she asked you the same question.
‘’I’m just not a boyfriend type of fairy I guess…’’ You say hoping she won’t ask any more questions. 
Thankfully, Natasha didn't press you further, so instead she focused on getting into the engine room. 
You and Natasha exchanged looks and sneaked up behind a soldier as he was using his phone, you used your powers to throw him into the wall so forcefully that you could hear something crack.
You and Natasha jumped apart, you took out all of the soldiers in front of you while Natasha took out the ones behind you. “What’s with the attitude?” She asked as she shot another one.
You shrugged, you were trying to stay calm, “It's just hard to get used to it sometimes. It isn't really my thing you know?”
Natasha sighed and nodded, “Yeah well I don't think it's fair either…” She said looking up at you. “But then again maybe I should be asking what’s with the attitude? Because I know you're hiding something.”
You scoffed, “I'm fine, Natasha… You can’t read minds.”
Natasha frowned, “No… But I can look at you. And there's definitely something wrong. We’re friends Y/N… You can trust me…”
You knew that Natasha was right, but it had been a long time since you had confided in anyone. ‘’I'll tell you about it later, okay?..’’ 
She looked at you and seemed hesitant, but nodded and gave a small smile. 
"STRIKE in position," Rumlow says into his comm.. 
‘’Natasha, Y/N, what’s your status?’’ Steve asked through the comm. 
Natasha jumped on a man and tased him while shouting, "Hang on!" As you took a soldier's arm who was holding a gun, you pulled out your gun, and shot him in the kneecaps, and left him to bleed to death.
Natasha pressed her comm. ‘’Engine room secure.’’
You two parted ways, after you left to go rescue some hostages and she wanted to secure the engine room.
‘’Natasha, Y/N, Batroc’s on the move. Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages.’’ Steve instructed.
‘’On it,’’ You replied, heading to the hostage area.
‘’Natasha?’’ Steve called before his comm line got cut off. 
Soon after, there was an explosion, and when you ran into the room, you discovered some computers that were on fire. You saw Steve coming your way, but it appears he changed his mind and walked away. 
You heard someone wincing in pain, and you turned to look, and there was Natasha.
‘’What happened?’’ You asked. ‘’And why does Steve look mad?’’ 
‘’I'll tell you later.’’ Natasha sighed as she leaned on you for support as you two walked to the jet. 
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saiilorstars · 10 months
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Ch.3: We All Change in the End
Steve Rogers x OFC fic • squeeze your eyes for a Bucky Barnes x (2nd)OFC
taglist: @ocappreciationtag​​​​​​​​​​​​ @arrthurpendragon​​​​​​​​​​​ @anotherunreadblog​​​​​​​​​​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​​​​​​​​​​ @stareyedplanet​​​​​​​​​​​ @gloryekaterina​​​ @averyhotchner​​​ @foxesandmagic​​​​​​​​​​​​ @lenonizi @kmc1989​​​​​​​​​​​​
Story Masterlist • Seren’s Masterlist• Chloe’s Masterlist​​
Also available on Fanfic ○ Ao3 ○ Wattpad
If you’d like to be a part of this OC’s work/edits, let me know!
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Chloe peered out the jet's window for the fifth time and only then did she realize that there was no point. They were flying over a grim ocean night for this mission. She could overhear Rumlow debriefing the rest of the team, leaving her to basically space out. She noticed it was happening more and more on her missions.
"The target is a mobile satellite launch platform: The Lemurian Star. They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago..."
Steve was listening attentively to the debriefing like he usually did. This time, however, he kept glancing in Chloe's direction. He wasn't sure but to him it seemed like she was spacing out a lot more. He wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing since her eyes weren't doing the blue glow they usually did when she planned on contacting the Hive Mind. If her eyes didn't glow, he didn't know if she was lost in one of those contact attempts or if she was just thinking about things. If it was the latter, he had no idea how to approach it.
"Were there any demands?" Natasha's question pulled Steve's attention back on the debriefing.
"A billion and a half," Rumlow said.
"Why so steep?" asked Steve.
"Because it's SHIELD's."
Steve's face fell flat. "So it's not off-course, it's trespassing."
Natasha could do without his new streaks of accusations, at least right now when time was of the essence. "I'm sure they have a good reason."
"You know, I'm getting a little tired of being Fury's janitor," Steve said sourly. He noticed it was a common pattern working for Nick Fury. He wondered if Seren ever realized that...or if she was ever on one of those missions. Seren was one of SHIELD'S prized — if not the most prized — agent, so Fury usually would send her on the most high-class missions.
"Relax, it's not that complicated," Natasha told him with a simple wave of her hand.
"We're in, we're out," Chloe finally turned their way and joined them, smiling like nothing happened. "How many pirates?" she asked from Rumlow.
"Twenty-five, top mercs, led by this guy. Georges Batroc," Rumlow showed the trio a picture of the man on the screens in front of them. "Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He's at the top of Interpol's Red Notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had thirty-six kill missions. This guy's got a rep for maximum casualties."
"Hostages?" That's where Steve's mind always went to first. What poor innocent souls had crossed paths with guys like those? He also noted that civilians weren't usually SHIELD's priorities...at least not on his missions, anyways.
"Uh...mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Sitwell." Rumlow switched pictures on the tablet to show Sitwell's. "They're in the galley."
"What's Sitwell doing on a launch ship?" Steve asked but knew he wasn't getting an answer from anyone. He hardly ever did. "Alright, I'm gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat, you'll kill the engines and wait for instructions. Chloe, you and Rumlow, sweep aft, find the hostages, get them to the life-pods, get 'em out. Let's move."
"STRIKE," Rumlow addressed the other agents, "You heard the Cap. Gear up."
"Secure channel seven," Steve gave a final instruction as he finished gearing up with the others. He stopped, though, when he noticed Chloe rubbing her temples. He barely registered Natasha confirming his instruction. "Chloe, are you alright?" He barely touched her shoulder and she startled.
"Yeah, yeah!" She exclaimed, plastering on another smile.
Steve was no stranger to fake smiles. He was a master at them. "It seems like you have a headache?"
"It's...Hive Mind buzzing, you know?" Chloe waved him off like Natasha had. "They get antsy with missions."
"The Hive Mind gets...antsy?" Steve was sure that was the first time she ever said something like that. "I didn't know that happens..."
"It does," Chloe cleared her throat. "So, what's the plan for Saturday night?"
Steve almost groaned, and then even more when he heard Natasha snort from her spot. Saturday wasn't just a Saturday this weekend, it was the day Seren was presenting her overseas team to Fury and the Council.
He still decided to play dumb. "Why the sudden interest?"
Natasha was no fool, however. Neither was Chloe for that matter. The two women crossed gazes with similar smirks on their faces.
"I can't believe Seren is coming home after 2 years," Chloe put a hand over her chest, feigning the role of dramatics perfectly. "She's my best friend so of course I'll be happy to see her back. I can't imagine what it must be like for someone who saw her as more than a friend."
"Didn't your head hurt or something?" Steve reached out to tap a finger against her temple. "Go take something for that."
'Coming up by the drop zone, Cap,' the pilot warned.
It was a saving, really.
"Seren's coming a few days earlier to get things steady so, you know, it would be the perfect opportunity to finally ask her out," Natasha shrugged. Steve looked out the dark window. "By Saturday night, you two could be an item...and I could win me a bottle." She winked at Chloe.
In return, Chloe stuck her middle finger out at Natasha. She quickly put her hands behind her back when Steve turned towards them. "Natasha's right! I don't know what the hell happened in London but I thought I left things pretty right for you two."
"Seriously, a mission is happening right now." Because Steve knew where this was going — because it always went down the same road — he went towards the opening of the jet. Without saying another word, he jumped out.
"Was he wearing a parachute?" One of the other agents asked Rumlow. The latter seemed quite used to that kind of thing.
"No. No, he wasn't."
Chloe set her hands on her hips as something came to mind. "He'd rather face an unfamiliar ocean without a parachute than us." She glanced at Natasha as the latter came to stand beside her.
"We must be doing something right," Natasha smirked. They both shared a laugh.
"Ladies," Rumlow called. "You two definitely need to be wearing parachutes."
"Yeah, alright," Chloe said and turned back to get a parachute for herself.
They were just about to start jumping out when Natasha saw Chloe stumble forwards, losing her balance. She reached forwards and pulled Chloe back.
"You okay?" she examined Chloe from head to toe.
"Y-yeah," Chloe nodded fervently, but her eyes were still shut. Something was flashing in her mind — a series of things, actually. She opened her eyes and one moment she was staring at Natasha and the next, she saw a computer room. Was that from the boat?
"Agents," Rumlow called. "Are we ready?"
Chloe immediately nodded. "Of course."
Natasha hesitated only for a second due to the time essence of the mission. With parachutes, they all jumped from the jet. Their landing was timed perfectly because a second later and Steve would've missed the bullet on the back of his head.
"Thanks," he told Rumlow who'd been the one to take down the sneaky pirate.
"Yeah. You seemed pretty helpless without me," Rumlow had the moment to sarcastically respond.
Once their parachutes were off them, they started making their way down the deck.
"So, I'm thinking you surprise Seren as soon as she lands here," Natasha started, prompting Chloe to help her out.
"Oh yeah!" Chloe snapped her fingers. "She'd love that!"
It was hard for Steve to ignore the two women sandwiching him on the deck but he was doing a fairly good job trying. This was not the first time they ganged up on him.
"It really wouldn't take much to get a date with her," Natasha continued.
"Don't you have an engine room to go secure?" Steve shot her a look and her smug grin.
"I'm getting there, I'm getting there. I'm multitasking," Natasha said before making a dramatic jump to the lower deck.
"You know I'm starting to think you just don't like Seren anymore," Chloe announced. No, no she didn't think that all but it would be interesting taking this in a whole new direction. Reverse psychology. "You got your eye on someone else? Oh!" she gasped with another snap of her fingers. "Is it that nurse that lives across the hall from you?" She mastered the art of deception a long time ago and it came in handy for a fake frown on her face. "Is it!? Because Seren could so take—"
"Please go do what I asked you to do!" Steve's voice sounded like he was almost begging her at this point. "And leave my neighbor alone!" The last thing he needed was for Chloe (or Natasha) to go bother a perfectly nice neighbor, and sort of acquaintance, he had made in his building.
Chloe huffed. "Fine, but this conversation isn't over!"
No, because if the conversation was over then it would simply be too easy. Steve by now knew that wasn't possible.
~ 0 ~
'Calculating time estimate…'
Chloe flinched at the sudden action her brain was making without her permission. She really didn't need that calculation because if it kept going then it meant she was 'predicting' things on her own, without the Hive Mind's help. She put all of her focus on following the STRIKE team closely through the corridors of the ship. They were nearing the galley and to their luck, there was no one guarding it.
"The guard's inside," Chloe whispered. Her eyes flashed a bright blue as she began to hear the conversation from the other side. Language barriers weren't a big deal when you were part of a Hive Mind. She pressed herself against the wall, a good distance from the door and listened carefully. "'If I do not hear anything in two minutes, I'll start to kill them!" she recited what she heard. "Oh, the guard's coming."
Rumlow nodded at her and stepped back accordingly. Indeed the guard emerged from the door, clueless of what was waiting for him on the other side. As soon as the door was left to shut, Rumlow used a stun gun to knock the guard down. Effective and quiet. Shortly after, another agent positioned a bomb on the now locked door.
"STRIKE in position," Rumlow informed the others through their earpieces.
Everyone else confirmed their positions except for Natasha. She still had a few more pirates to get through.
Once more, Chloe saw her vision distort from reality only this time she caught a glimpse of the ship's control room. "What?" she whispered to herself and quickly rubbed at her temples.
'Time estimate: 10 seconds until immediate death.'
Chloe snapped back to reality. "Time's changed!" she hastily made her way up to Rumlow. "The hostages are going to die now! Steve, c'mon!"
Sensing her urgency from his spot way above their floor, Steve gave the order. "Do it!"
The STRIKE team blew the door open and shot their way into the galley. Chloe went in behind them with glowing blue eyes again until she spotted Sitwell amongst the hostages. She ran straight to the man only to come across a pirate herself.
He went for the obvious kill but Chloe ducked before the bullet even fired her way. She struck a hand forwards, emitting a ray of blue energy — her psionic-blast as Tony had named it — and threw the man across the room. Her eyes flickered to the right where she sensed an important figure coming. She turned her head in the direction, catching the glimpse of the head pirate before he was shot down by Rumlow. She swallowed hard. It was getting difficult telling her 'senses' apart from actual psychic abilities that seemed to be forming.
Since the tech bonded with her head, her senses had heightened. One could argue that it was the beginning of 'precognition' but it always remained fairly low. Chloe never worried about it becoming something as concrete as being 'psychic'. She did not want to be psychic.
"Let's go!" Rumlow ordered the other agents to start releasing the hostages to get them off the ship. "Winters!" Chloe flinched at his call. He always had such a hard voice. "Gotta go!"
She nodded and helped release the few hostages left. Once they were all gathered and surrounded, they left the galley. They crept quietly and as stealthy as they could. On a turn, Chloe came face to face with another pirate.
"What the—" she put her hands together to create a shield just as the pirate fired at them.
"Romanoff was supposed to be here!" Rumlow yelled as if that was going to fix the problem.
Chloe pushed her shield forwards to capture the pirate instead, though it was a struggle not to get a bullet in her in the process. She then kicked a fierce foot against the man's chest, sending him against the wall. "Something's off!"
"You don't say!?" snapped Rumlow. "Where the hell is Romanoff?"
Chloe spun around, heavily irritated with him. "How the hell am I supposed to know? We gotta go now! There's more pirates around!" Her vision distorted again to show her right where Natasha was and it was heavily confusing.
"Winters, don't knock out on me!" Rumlow exclaimed.
"I'm good, but you gotta take the hostages!"
"What — where the hell are you going?" Rumlow was left to watch her go in the opposite direction of their planned path.
"I know where she is! She'll need help! Go!" Chloe turned away to run with full force. On her way, she heard Rumlow inform Steve of Natasha's absence over the comms.
She had to find her way out of the corridors and to her luck, she found a window. She planted her palm against the glass and watched it crackle as her energy overwhelmed it until it shattered. She climbed out and grabbed a hold of the rails.
The calls for Natasha were futile. Whatever she was doing kept her solely focused on that. Chloe didn't need to be psychic to know that would thoroughly piss Steve off. They were lucky in that Steve caught Batroc on the deck but had to fight him before he would escape. It was even more infuriating for Steve to hear Batroc's taunts.
"I thought that you were more than just a shield."
As much as Steve tried to ignore the comment, the smirk on Batroc's face sealed the deal. He was simply done with people trying to push him back down again.
He put his shield away and pulled his mask off. "On va voir."
They fought again. Punches were met with blocks and ducks all over the deck until someone had enough and fired precisely at one back.
Steve pulled himself from the ground with a heavy breath and turned to see Chloe sitting on the rails, legs dangling and all as if they were on a cruise. "You're kidding me." He might just push her off himself. Sure I could explain it to Seren some way or another.
"Looks like you needed help," Chloe shrugged. "And just so you know, if Seren had been here, she would've loved that whole—" she made a wave in his direction, "—French taunt thing."
"That's it!" Steve started for her, so she quicky hopped off the rail and threw her hands in front of her.
"If you kill me, you'll have a hell of a lot of paperwork to do and Seren will be really pissed at you!"
"It's a matter of who Seren will listen to, really!"
"Chloe!" Steve stopped right in front of her and demanded to know why she wasn't with Rumlow and the rest of the team.
"I know where Natasha is!" Chloe exclaimed.
"What? Where—"
Chloe ran by past him, ignoring his calls for her to wait so they could properly bind Batroc. He was only out-cold after all. He followed Chloe up to a wide door not too much inside the ship. Chloe yanked a door open to reveal a control room and right at the center was none other than Natasha working very hard at a computer.
Natasha raised her eyebrows at the pair coming in. "Hey there."
Steve forgot all about Batroc when he saw the calm agent inside. "What are you doing?" He now led the way in, leaving Chloe scurry behind him.
Natasha had a USB plugged into the computer in front of her. "Backing up the hard drive. It's a good habit to get into."
"You seriously couldn't tell us that?" Chloe sighed. She didn't know why she bothered asking. As Fury said, he did not discuss his orders with agents.
"How'd you know I was in here?" Natasha noticed the subtle stiffening Chloe's body gave. Good question to ask, apparently.
Steve was too irritated to notice. He was glaring at Natasha. "Rumlow needed your help. What the hell are you doing here?" He came up beside her to see the screens all announcing the time estimate of a download. "You're saving SHIELD Intel!"
Chloe looked around the room and concluded it was the place she'd been 'seeing' before. She shuddered. It was too freaky.
"Whatever I can get my hands on," Natasha was calmly saying on the side.
"Our mission is to rescue hostages!"
"No. That's your mission!" Natasha pulled the flash drive out of its place once she had secured the downloaded files. "And you've done it beautifully."
Chloe snorted. "Way to play it."
"Oh shut up, Winters. You do this all the time!"
"HEY!" Steve shouted over them. "I've had enough of you two for tonight! Chloe — quiet!"
"Natasha, you just jeopardized the whole operation and for what?"
"I think that's overstating things!" Natasha said much too casually for Steve's taste.
He was completely over her attitude at that moment. He accepted early on that Natasha Romanoff wasn't exactly the ideal partner he would've wanted to work with given how different they were. Their morals were different, their strategies, and their attitudes. She was a great friend, but Steve couldn't say that they were friend friends. And it was for this matter.
Where Seren was loyal to SHIELD and her team, Steve wasn't sure where Natasha stood with him. He wasn't stupid. He knew she had a dark background, a cryptic one, and that she was lethal. He forced himself in the beginning to stop comparing Natasha to Seren, realizing how unfair that was...but sometimes he just couldn't help it. He wanted to believe that as loyal as Seren was, she wouldn't keep side missions like these a secret from him.
At least with Chloe, Steve knew that however big her mouth was — and however annoying her exuberant personality could get — she had his back. And he of course had her back.
Chloe sprung into action suddenly, her head flipping in the direction of the door that was yet to be open. Her heart skipped several beats and her mouth had gone dry. This was more than a sense and for this one time, she wouldn't fight it. "BOMB!" She screamed and turned towards her friends just as the door flung open.
Both Steve and Natasha looked at her but of course took priority in the Batroc at the door. They saw him pull a bomb from behind his back, ready to be thrown, so they put their argument aside for the moment to live. Natasha grabbed Chloe and allowed Steve to yank them towards a window. It shattered as they went through it but it was nothing compared to the exploding room behind them.
Steve checked on Natasha and Chloe as soon as they were out of harm's way but even then his eyes were rather cold towards Natasha. It didn't help much when they discovered Chloe's arm had a gash from her elbow down.
~ 0 ~
"I'm really fine," Chloe sat on the edge of a medbed. She was getting stitches for the gash on her arm but it was really nothing. She knew that in a few days, the gash would be gone. "My super healing isn't all that fast but it's faster than the average human's."
Steve hadn't left her side until he knew for sure that she would be just fine. In his mind, he blamed himself for getting so distracted. He was relieved to hear from the doctor herself that Chloe was indeed fine.
"Thanks," he told the doctor on her way out.
"I'm not a child," Chloe called to him when the doctor had gone. "I"m 25. I believe I'm at the age where you went to frikin war."
Steve rolled his eyes at her on his way back. "And I'm pretty sure that story didn't end well, unless there's an alternative that I didn't hear about?"
Chloe shook her head at him with a light smile tugging at her lips. "Seriously, when did you get so sassy? Have my lessons been that good?"
"How are you, really?"
"Great!" Chloe hopped off the bed. "I'm not Seren so I actually let the doctors really check me over." They were both aware of Seren's deep fear of anything medical related. "No concussion, just stitches that I really didn't need."
"I'm sorry about Natasha — I already talked to Fury about it." Though it hadn't really led to anything productive unless he counted discovering S.H.I.E.L.D.'s latest projects as one. It truly wasn't.
Even Chloe was a bit unsettled of the idea. "It can really shoot a thousand people at a time?" she whispered. Steve nodded grimly. "That's...high, even for S.H.I.E.L.D."
"Go home Chloe," Steve sighed. "And rest."
"Seriously, I'm good," Chloe did a little spin for show. "It takes more than just a bomb to take Chloe Rose Winters down."
Her words made Steve remember the little conversation he had with Natasha on their way back home. Even though he was thoroughly upset with her, she did make a good point that he couldn't outright ignore. Chloe had warned them of a bomb before Batroc even revealed it. In fact, she had even made the warning before either of them felt nor saw anything.
"Hey Chloe...how did you know that the bomb was coming?" He studied Chloe to the smallest of details and he was disappointed to see her immediately lying to him about it.
"Woman's intuition!" she shrugged casually. "I, uh...just felt it."
"With the Hive Mind? I didn't know it was that accurate…"
Chloe snorted. "Hardly. It was just my gut telling me, alright?"
Steve didn't press any further. If someone as sweet and young as Chloe could easily form a lie, then what did he really expect from something as big as S.H.I.E.L.D. to do?
"Look, I'm gonna go rest...I might skip dinner tonight, if that's okay?"
"Yeah," Steve said, "Please take care, alright?"
Chloe nodded, gave him a quick hug and then hurried out of the room.
~ 0 ~
Nick Fury was halfway into his office when he saw Chloe waiting for him at his desk. "Uh, excuse me?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "Shouldn't you be resting from your mission? Great job with the correct calculations, by the way."
"Yeah, that's sort of what I wanted to discuss," Chloe said, straightening up in her chair while Nick came around and sat down opposite of her.
"Discuss?" Fury once again seemed incredulous.
"About the streak of missions I have upcoming."
"Um, I don't usually discuss my orders with agents. That includes you."
Despite his hard look, Chloe was smiling. "Yeah, but I'm not your average agent."
"Don't get cocky, Winters. I have plenty of 'non-average' agents around here. What do you want?"
Chloe's eyes did a quick sweep around the office like she was searching for something, or perhaps being cautious of, before she answered. "I think I need to take a break from missions."
"A break?" Now Fury was truly at a loss. "Where do you — a break? You'll excuse me if I laugh, right?"
Chloe deadpanned him. "I wasn't kidding, Fury. I need the break."
"You and I both know that you can't afford to" — Fury raised his fingers into quotation marks — "'take a break'. I need you moving. At all times. Period. Now go home and rest."
Chloe shook her head, refusing to leave until Fury heard her out. "I'm serious! Lately, I feel like there's, I don't know, something strange going on with my powers. The Hive Mind has been buzzing way more lately. I think it's because I turned 25."
"What, are they throwing you a birthday party?"
"According to the, uh, doctors, we typically reach full brain maturity at 25 and I think the Hive Mind's noticed."
"So what are they doing about it?"
"I don't know, that's the problem. That's why I want to take a break from missions. I don't want to compromise anyone or anything."
"I can't keep you on the sidelines, you know that," Fury reiterated. "I need you to...I need you to be an agent," he said, looking at her sharply, hoping that she understood him.
Chloe of course understood him. "I'll be more of a danger if I stay in the missions. You never know what could happen out there, even on missions." She gave him the same sharp stare he had. "I got lucky on this last one but I can't keep it up. Something is happening and until I can figure it out, I shouldn't be on any team, not even Steve's. He's asking a lot more questions and I don't know what to tell him."
"You'll just tell him whatever you tell Agent Soul. They're the same, they'll believe whatever you say."
"And Natasha?"
"Leave Romanoff to me. She knows better than to go prying."
Chloe still wasn't convinced at all. She threw her head back, closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose. "And I keep getting these damn headaches."
"You can always let the doctors here check you over," Fury said, but Chloe scoffed.
She looked back at him, smiling sourly. "You know that's not a good idea. I have outside help anyways." One I can trust completely.
~ 0 ~
Chloe never asked where it was that Steve went when he wasn't at work nor at home. She suspected a lot of his time went to the gym where he could get all of his frustration out. Tonight was one of those nights and she suspected that he would have a lot to 'get out' at the gym after their mission.
She made herself cozy in his living room after showering and putting on a fresh set of pajamas. She sat down on the couch with a cup of tea that would hopefully soothe her head. She was very glad that she was able to catch Seren that evening on a video call and even jokingly asked Seren if she ever slept.
Seren rolled her eyes on Chloe's laptop screen. "I'm busy," she said as she tended to whenever she happened to talk in the evening. "And by the looks of that ugly gash on your arm, I say so were you. Did you just get back from a mission?"
"Mhm," Chloe nodded. She set the computer on the coffee table and reached for her cup of tea. "Under Steve's lead, of course. Fair notice, he almost killed me in it."
"What?" Seren snorted. "What did you do?"
"Way to go victim blaming," Chloe huffed.
"God, why do you two even sound the same way when you call me like that?" groaned Chloe. She pulled her legs up and tucked them underneath her. "Look, all we said was a few things about you and him—"
"You and Natasha, I'm sure," Seren said, rolling her eyes again.
"We were on a boat and he nearly shoved me into the ocean!"
"Those poor fishes."
Seren laughed for a good minute or so. Chloe didn't like it one bit.
"Well, at least one of us is laughing," Chloe muttered.
"It's your fault for provoking him like that," Seren said, shrugging. "I keep telling you and Natasha to cut it out already. After 2 years, it gets very old."
"We just want you to be happy!"
"Chloe, there are so many external things that need to be considered for this kind of stuff. You and Natasha just can't fix them for us, sorry."
Chloe still thought Seren was wrong, but she was too tired to keep arguing about the same thing. Tomorrow would be a new day.
"Is Steve around?" Seren asked, making it that much harder for Chloe not to keep teasing at. "I'm coming a bit earlier than planned."
"What? Seriously?" A great wide grin spread across Chloe's lips. "When!?"
"Tomorrow," Seren said with her own giddy grin. "I wanted to let you guys know so I'm glad you called me today. Is he around?"
"No, uh, and I don't think he'll be in until very late today. But I'll pass the message as soon as I see him!"
"Thanks," Seren said. "Where is he, then?"
Chloe was so tempted to be mean and say 'on a date' to see what Seren would do. It would be hilarious and hopefully a push in the right direction.
"Chloe? Is he okay?" Seren's natural concern is what made Chloe answer very differently.
"He's just at odds with Fury again," she said. "There's a new big mission SHIELD is taking on."
"Oh? And what is it?"
"You don't know?"
"I haven't been on a mission for SHIELD in 2 years, Chloe. I'm on loan so I don't exactly get the news over here."
Chloe realized that Seren was right and told her everything that Steve had talked about with Fury and what he saw concerning Project Insight. Seren was speechless in the beginning. There was definitely something to think about with three huge ships in the air constantly looking for potential targets.
"I can't believe Tony helped out with that," Chloe shook her head.
"He saw the old schematics, Chloe, not the actual thing," Seren said. "I doubt he would have been so lucky."
"I don't know, Seren, something about a ship analyizing potential threats to kill them doesn't sit very right with me. I mean, people can change, right? Not everyone is terrorist."
"That's the big picture," Seren said. She learned a long time ago how SHIELD operated and it always ended with the same thing: look at the big picture. "It doesn't matter if there's 20 people capable of changing if it means eliminating 1 terrorist."
"Doesn't that bother you?"
"Does it bother you? We're both from SHIELD, after all."
"Yeah, but you've worked way longer with them," Chloe countered. "I think these are the kinds of things that Steve doesn't like from the job. I'm surprised he's lasted this long with his moral compass. I could say the same about you."
Seren smiled rather sadly. "Wouldn't that have been different?"
Chloe raised an eyebrow at her. It was the first time she heard Seren imply that she thought about a different path away from SHIELD. She took a sip from her tea and cleared her throat. "Hey Seren, what...what would you have done if you never worked for SHIELD?"
"What?" Seren laughed lightly. "Why does it matter?"
"Just a question," Chloe shrugged, "Simple talk and all. C'mon, what would you have done?"
Seren entertained the idea solely because Chloe was asking in good faith. She seemed a bit off to Seren, honestly. "This doesn't leave the room, got it?"
"I solemnly swear," Chloe said with a hand raised in front of her.
"Um, okay," Seren started nodding to herself, "If I had never been recruited by SHIELD, I think I would have loved to go into the botany department. I love the idea of studying and growing plants, discovering new ways to combine plant DNA."
"Wow, a total geek," Chloe said with a laugh.
"Shut up!"
"My money would've been on astronomy or some shit like that."
"I do like astronomy," Seren said, "But I've always figured that the stars were too far from me. Plants were something that I could reach and manipulate. They were earth."
"Mm, poetic," Chloe said, clearing her throat.
"And you? What would you have done if you had never run away from home?"
"Oh, uh...well, before I was on track to become a gymnast."
"But do you think that's what you would have stuck to?"
"I mean..." Chloe swayed her head, "I'm very nifty with technology."
"Nifty?" Seren raised an eyebrow at her.
"I live with Steve Rogers, remember that?"
Seren chuckled.
"But I guess it doesn't really matter now," Chloe said with a lamentable sigh. "Our fates were sealed before we even knew it."
"C'mon, Chloe, you're only 25. You can do so many things."
"Not with this Hive Mind in my head," Chloe tapped the side of her head. "Your powers are yours, but I'll always be connected to some freaky alien race." She made her peace with it a long time ago. She wouldn't ever be able to go back home and live a normal life.
"I think that's not what's stopping you," Seren said quietly. "You have always been able to go back home. Your parents would welcome you with open arms because at the end of the day, they miss you. And I know it hurts like hell knowing that you only go and visit your aunt and cousin in the city."
"Because aunt May doesn't ask questions and Peter's too young to understand it. I can't go back home and tell my parents that I share my knowledge with an unidentified alien Hive Mind. I'd freak them out permanently."
"You're their daughter, it wouldn't matter," Seren insisted. "Your parents don't want to change you." Her parents would want nothing more for her to move back to Hudson and play small town girl again.
"Unfortunately, I've changed way too much since I was 17," Chloe said. To go back home, she would have to pretend like she was still 17 year old Chloe who only cared about cheerleading, and her upcoming prom. That seemed like ages ago. There were a lot more important things in her life right now and each one needed her full, undivided attention...or someone would get hurt.
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nashibirne · 3 years
London Calling - 1
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Yes, I'm still in my August phase and I'm not even sorry...I just can't stop thinking about the sexy mf and so this idea crossed my mind and turned into a storyline. I have to admit I'm even more nervous about posting this than usual because it's a little different from what I've written before and I really hope it's not going to bore the shit out of you. If you like this although the tension between August and my ofc builds slowly, please let me know. I appreciate every single comment, reblog and/or like! Thanks 💜
Pairing: Augut Walker x OFC (Lu Johnson)
Words: ~3.0 k
Summary and A/N: This story plays with the thought of "what if…" What if August Walker had taken another road? What if he had turned into John Lark for completely different reasons? What if he had found love before becoming a bitter, disillusioned man?So the events of "London Calling" take place about ten years prior to MI:Fallout and August Walker hasn't joined the CIA yet, he's an FBI Agent and his new mission in London that lies ahead of him is going to be a challenging one. Maybe it's even going to change his life.
Warnings: 18+! This story deals with the topic of a toxic/abusive relationship, gaslighting and problematic behavior of one of the protagonists in general. Please don't read if these topics trigger you or make you feel uncomfortable. Luckily I've never been in any kind of toxic or abusive relationship, so I lack personal experience but I hope still do this sensitive topic justice.
English is not my mother tongue but the lovely @sillyrabbit81 was so kind to be my very helpful and patient Beta! Thank you so, so much, bunny 🐇💜 You have no idea how much I appreciate your support, your encouragement, your help and the fact that you took the time to proofread this. (Edited by me, so there might still be mistakes and they're all mine)
📖 You can find my other fics on my Masterlist 📖
Credits: I don't own August Walker or anything related to MI:Fallout. Pics for the moodboard from pinterest, face claims: Lu - Hannah van der Westhuysen, Adam - Freddie Thorpe. FaceApp helped me with making August look a little younger
@lunedelorient @inlovewithhisblueeyes @willkatfanfromasia @hell1129-blog @mis-lil-red @agniavateira @kebabgirl67 @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @summersong69 @taebfada @xxxkatxo @artandotherdelights @notabronte @littlefreya @luclittlepond @eldarwen333 @meowpurrbooks @marantha @liliumdream @enchantedbytomandhenry @greensleeves888 @witcherfanfics101 @margauxmargaux07 @radaofrivia @m07belzen @a-little-counter-esperanto @starstruckkittyangel @mary-ann84 @sillyrabbit81 @emelinelovesjc @wheretheriversrunintothesea @lam0ureuxq @kingliam2019 @pandaxnienke
So...now...off we go...story under the cut!
"London? Are you kidding me, Kyle?"
August Walker stopped pacing the room with an incredulous frown. He raised his eyebrows, his blue eyes fixed on the other man's face.
"Absolutely not," his superior and close friend of many years said slowly, drawling both words more than necessary to stress that he wasn't joking. "They want you in London."
"What about my promotion? You gave me your word. You wanted me to finish Operation Old Bridge and that's what I did. You wanted Tony Salerno's head on a silver platter, that's what you got."
August's voice was surprisingly calm, his expression blank but his gaze was blazing with anger and frustration. His hands were balled into fists and he only opened them to lean on Kyle's wooden desk, which was very tidy, except for the piles of case files that slowly grew larger than him.
"Damn, Kyle, I risked my life when I went undercover and joined this Mafia mob."
"I know, August, but unfortunately my hands are tied. Interpol wants our best undercover Agent and that's you. Just this last job and afterwards you can happily join the CIA." SSA Kyle Langdon leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands behind his neck with a sigh and an apologetic shrug.
"That's exactly what you said last time. Do you expect me to believe you?"
"As I said, it's not my doing. Manchester contacted Bill because the NCB needs help, blue notice, August. You know that we cannot say no and that means...London calling, man," Kyle pointed out with a smile. "You should be grateful, it's a great opportunity. So just do your job there, return and get your promotion."
"Why don't you just send someone else and I get my promotion right now? We have many great undercover agents. Craig for example. He's crazy about British pussies. He'll love London." August straightened his tall body before crossing his arms in front of his broad chest that was forced into a white button down shirt and a black suit jacket.
"No, Craig cannot go because they want you in this operation. They asked explicitly for Agent August Walker. That's a huge appreciation of your work and a big compliment. You're only 27, August, not many FBI agents are this well known and respected at such a young age." Kyle sat up straight, mirroring August's body language.
"I don't give a shit about their respect and appreciation. I know my worth and I know I'm your best agent. I've worked very hard to get where I stand now... just one step away from becoming a CIA agent," August said angrily, his brows furrowed, his eyes dark. "Fuck, Kyle...why use an American agent in a purely British matter in the first place? They could easily…"
"Listen, August," Kyle cut in and he got up and walked around his desk to face his friend, "the thing is, I am not asking you to do this, okay? It's not a request, it's an order. There's no room to negotiate."
He gave him a friendly smile to temper his words before placing a hand on August's shoulder. "No hard feelings. It's…"
"It's the job. Yeah. I know." August took a step back and nodded his head slowly, curling his lip. He had heard his boss say these words so many times and he hated that line although he was perfectly aware that it was the truth. That was the way it worked. They got orders, they did the job, no matter what. He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes for a moment, feeling a bad headache brewing behind his forehead.
"I have already talked to Sloane about this. Erica seconds the motion by Interpol because she wants you to prove yourself in another operation abroad. If you are successful you will be part of her team. It's simple, Walker. Just don't fuck this up."
"I've never fucked anything up,” August snarled, clenching his teeth, his jaw grinding.
"See, that's exactly why they want you,” Kyle answered with a triumphant smile.
"Lu!" Adam Mayfield knocked impatiently on the bathroom door. "Get ready. We're going to be late." He glanced at his Rolex with an annoyed sigh before he straightened his tuxedo jacket and adjusted his bow tie for the umpteenth time. "God damn, this meeting is important." He banged his fist against the door again and rolled his eyes when he heard her muffled voice behind the bathroom walls. "Just a minute, Adam."
Although he was really a little angry that it took her so long to get ready, they weren't actually late, in fact there was more than enough time to meet up with his clients at The London Opera. He had just said that to make her hurry up. Lu had the tendency to dawdle around, she got easily distracted and it was his responsibility to help her with that bad habit and usually it worked well.
Compared to the woman she was when they had met at a party more than five years ago, she had improved her behavior a lot, thanks to his efforts and his strict education. She had been common as muck when they started dating, an ordinary working class girl, smart but not a bit sophisticated, pretty but with no sense of fashion or taste, ambitious but without any connections. He had changed that, he had moulded her into the beautiful, stylish, refined and cultured woman she was now. She was his work, his success, his pride...she was his.
When the door of the bathroom that was adjacent to the master bedroom finally swung open, the welcoming sight of his fiancee interrupted his thoughts and picked up his spirits immediately.
"Wow, this was worth the wait." He eyed her up and down with a smirk and leaned in for a kiss but she stopped him with her hands pressed against his narrow chest.
"No, you're gonna ruin my make-up, darling." Lu smiled at him and spinned around to present him her dress. The black, belted Burberry gown was elegant and classy. High-necked on the front but with a low back that showed off lots of her perfect, lightly tanned skin. Chaste and sexy at the same time, just the way Adam liked it.
"That dress is stunning, baby. You look wonderful." He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her close to leave a sensual kiss on her slim neck while his hands wandered to her ass where they rested for a moment before they squeezed her firm cheeks. "I really hope you're not wearing any panties."
Lu freed herself from his embrace with a frown and stepped in front of the large wall mirror opposite of their king-size bed to check her reflection one last time, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.
"Of course I'm wearing panties. We're going to the opera with your VIP clients." She walked to her dressing table and took the diamond-encrusted, leaf-shaped brooch Adam had given her for their five years anniversary on New Year's Eve. "Would you help me with this?"
Adam took the piece of jewelry from her slim hand and pinned it carefully on her dress, right above her heart. He kissed her tenderly but his expression was stern when he spoke. "Strip it off."
Lu's eyes grew wide. "What?"
"You heard me. Get rid of your thong. I know you're wearing one of these slutty, tiny g-strings to make sure your look is flawless and your underwear doesn't show under your dress." His face hardened slightly, yet his voice remained soft and smooth.
"Don't test me, Lu,” he said slowly, still smiling but screwing up his beautiful grey eyes. "I want you naked underneath that dress in case I want to have a little fun with you tonight. I mean, we both know Rigoletto is gonna be boring as fuck, we may need a little distraction." He gave her a lewd smirk and with a tiny frown and a raise of his brows he motioned her to be obedient. "You don't want anything to get in my way, do you? Not even a little piece of lace, right?"
"Of course not, Adam," she answered softly with a smile she had to force onto her lips. Lu reached under her dress with shaking hands and pulled down her panties till they hit the floor so she could step out of them carefully, making sure they wouldn't get tangled up in her stiletto heels.
"Good girl," Adam said with a wolfish grin and with a sly smile he added, "you know what, baby? I think I'm going to have a little fun with you just now. My clients can wait."
Lu didn't even try to argue with him, knowing exactly that she was in a no-win situation. She closed her eyes and turned around, lifting up her dress, when she heard him unzip his fly.
While Adam Mayfield was fucking his fiancee in front of a mirror in one of the most exclusive penthouses in London, August Walker was having a bad coffee, sitting at a table in the plain and pretty ugly meeting room of their FBI department at the J. Edgar Hoover Building in Washington DC, listening to the explanations of Kyle and the lead of 'Operation Brutus', Christine Carpenter. He didn't like her much but he respected her competence and her leadership qualities and most of all he trusted her with giving him the perfect fake identity for the job in London.
"So, what do you have for me, Chris?" August looked at her with a smile, but his eyes gave away that he'd rather be somewhere else.
"Well, let me just explain the background first, okay?"
She pressed a button on her laptop and the handsome face of a young man appeared on the screen behind her.
"This", she nodded at the picture, "is Adam Arthur Clive Mayfield, 27 years old, only son of Alfred Mayfair and his late wife Erica, heir of the immense family fortune and the private bank Mayfield & Holmes, that was established by his ancestors more than 200 years ago. He is one of the most eligible bachelors in the United Kingdom, and one of the richest, too. His father officially still runs the family business but he isn't in the best state of health, so in fact Mayfield junior is the one who's at the helm. Unlike his father he's not a man of integrity, he's been on the radar of the British authorities for years. From dealing drugs and other minor crimes in his college years to insider trading, investor fraud, misappropriation and money laundering nowadays. He is a big fish, has connections all over the world, drug rings, gun runners, human traffickers, you name it."
"And the Brits are not able to catch him without my help?" August couldn't help but smirk cockily.
"Don't be so full of yourself, Walker. The problem is, he is a damn genius. IQ score beyond 150, very clever, very cautious, a strategic mastermind, always ahead of the authorities. They tried to infiltrate his business a few times but they failed miserably, so now they want to concentrate on his private life."
"And this is gonna be my part?"
"Exactly," Kyle said, getting up to join Christine in front of the screen. "He has a few bodyguards he always hires from an American agency. They are known for their discretion and loyalty and the bodyguards they place with their clients are the best of the best. Unfortunately one of his bodyguards died in an accident a week ago and now he needs a new one. Luckily, we have the owner of the agency by the balls for several major crimes. He cooperates or he will end up behind bars for the rest of his life."
"To cut a long story short, he will place you with Mayfield and you can become part of his daily life. Your job consists of monitoring and collecting information and data. I will give you an exact briefing later," Christine finished Kyle's explanations.
"So I will just be his lapdog?"
"Not his," Kyle grinned, "hers."
The picture on the screen changed, now showing a young, blonde woman. The second he saw her, he judged her.
He could tell what she was like, just by her looks, by the way she jutted her chin in the picture, by her perfectly manicured fingers, by her flawless make up and the expensive clothes. He knew women like her, a walking stereotype, the blond, beautiful Trophy Wife Barbie that's always by Millionaire Ken's side. Pretty on the outside, boring on the inside. Lame bimbos that only lived for showing off their designer clothes and it-bags, tripping around in high heels that cost more than he earned in a month, finding self-fulfilment in stupid things like designing overpriced furniture, running a yoga studio or doing charity stuff. Useless, needless but still blueprints for millions of girls who would literally give the shirt off their backs to catch themselves a rockstar, a famous actor, a hyped football player or just a rich heir.
"This is Mayfield's fiancee," Kyle said, pointing at the photo, "you're gonna be her personal bodyguard."
"How am I supposed to monitor him, when I have to be on her heels all the time?"
"You're gonna live with them, there will be lots of opportunities. Just make her trust you, we need her to open up, get her to talk. They've been together for years, she should know what he's involved in," Chris explained and she made it sound easy when in fact it wasn't only hard to gain a stranger's trust, in this case it was even dangerous.
"Alright. Tell me about her."
"Her name is Lucretia Johnson, 24 years old," Kyle started reading the memo.
"Lucretia?" August let out an amused snort.
"Yeah," Kyle grinned, "her mother seems to have a preference for strange names, her younger sister's called Petronilla."
"What the fuck?" August laughed out loud. "Is she some kind of Latin professor or something?"
"Well, first of all she's dead," Christine took over with a serious look on her face, she was notorious for her lack of humour, "and secondly, no, she was not a professor. She was an alcoholic and a complete mess. An irresponsible, uncaring mother who spent too much time fucking around and too little time taking care of her daughters. Petronilla was taken away from her when she was 15 and was handed over to youth welfare. Lucretia was 18 at the time and lived on the campus of the Chelsea College of Art and Design."
"So she's an artist, huh?" August knew the ridicule in his voice wasn't very professional but he just couldn't help it.
"Maybe, at least she has a master degree in curating and owns a little gallery in Covent Garden. Well, actually Mayfield owns it, she just runs it."
"So, to sum it up, she's made it from the daughter of a drunkard to the fiancee of one of the richest heirs in the kingdom. She's fucked her way to the top. I guess that's all I need to know about her."
"Don't be so sure, August. She seems to be smart," Kyle threw in, "I think there's more to her than the pretty face. It's just a gut feeling but I guess you'll find out soon enough."
August took a deep breath, rolling his eyes at Kyle. "Sure. She's the saint that sleeps with the devil."
"That's not what I said, mate. But whatever she is, you'll have to deal with it."
"What's my cover, Christine?" August wanted to know.
"Well, your alias was born in 1981, just like you, but on the fifth of May. Born and raised in Portland, Maine. Only child, mother deceased, not on speaking terms with his father, a mechanic who still lives in Portland. You can find the details of your early life and your family tree in the memo," she waved the file above her head before she continued. "Careerwise...ex military, ex cop, had some problems following the rules and respecting the law. Single, no ex-wifes, no kids. We kept it plain and simple. They will not dig deep anyway. According to the agency boss, Mayfield expects his bodyguards to be disciplined, always on duty, quiet and discreet. There's three of you. Benjamin Garner is Mayfield's watchdog and his personal assistant, Edward Landow was Johnson's guard you're gonna replace, Andrew Brown is the back-up. You and Garner live with them, Brown lives nearby with his girlfriend. There's other staff of course, a housekeeper, a cook, cleaners. No chauffeur, no butler, no assistant, that's all part of your job."
"Great," August let out an annoyed snort, "so basically I'm gonna be her servant."
"Basically," Chris fixed her gaze on August, "you're not gonna leave her side unless you're told to. Just be professional, stay in the background, prick up your ears, listen closely and be careful. No obvious nosing around. Their penthouse is a high tech fortress, including video monitoring, so just…"
"I know how to work undercover," August cut in impatiently, "just gimme that fucking file and let me do my job."
Christine gave him a pissed look but she handed him the document with a shrug and without further comment. August grabbed it from her hands, staring at the data of his new life, his new name and the composite sketch of his new look. He would have to stop shaving.
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Chapter 1
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Synopsis: Niki Lauda and James Hunt are complete opposites. With their careers on the line as International Agents for Interpol, the two get paired together to solve the case of a small underground black market art heist. The introduction of an American, a woman no less, into the team only complicates things further as the trio goes undercover. There's more than just art that is at risk of being stolen on this mission. 
Pairing: Niki Lauda x Fem!Reader, some James Hunt x Reader
Rated: E 18+ for eventual smut, language, and violence
A/N: set in the late 1970s Europe, the vibe for this is the Man from Uncle + Starsky and Hutch + This Means War
WC: 933
Chapter Tags: mentions of sexual situations, language, rivalry, xenophobic phrase (kraut)
The door opened with a crick. “You wanted to see me, sir?”
“Yes, come in, Lauda.”
Niki entered the spacious office, closing the door behind him. He hadn’t noticed the blonde man sitting in the tiny chair in front of the desk at first. He nearly stopped in his tracks when he did. James Hunt. Niki barely knew the man but couldn’t stand the Brit. Sure, Hunt had a few small successes under his belt, but his reputation was known throughout the entire department. In the five years Niki had been working for Interpol he had only heard two things about the man: he was crazy in the field and an immortal fuck.
Niki’s brows crease as he eyes the other agent. Hunt eyes him with equal curiosity as he sits slouched in his seat. “What is this about?”
“Sit down,” Garnier, his superior, stated and waved toward the chair next to Hunt. Niki does as instructed. The Frenchman sat forward in his chair, fingers steepled under his jaw. The silence was tense as they waited. Niki noticed Hunt shift in his seat from the corner of his eye.
Garnier sighs. “A new case has popped up. A string of small art galleries across the continent have had works go missing. Lesser known Monet, Holbein, Vermeer, Klimt, and the like have been disappearing over the last nine months. Fortunately, one of the stolen paintings made a reappearance a few weeks ago at an underground auction. We were able to recover it, but not those that took it in the first place.”
He opens a folder on his desk and pulls out a photograph. “While we couldn’t catch the mastermind yet, we were able to get a name.” A short man with an overgrown black moustache is pictured. “Fabricio Lombardi. He has ties to the Italian mob through his late father who got his start in the post-World-War black market art trade. Seems the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Our source has been reliable so far, but not enough. We need agents on the inside to get intel enough for Interpol to intervene before there's a chance of everything moving east. The Soviets won't cooperate if it gets into their territory; you know how the Reds act with our 'bourgeois frivolity'.” As he finishes his explanation he leans back into his large desk chair.
Hunt clears his throat. “Sounds fun, but why is the kraut here?” he jabs his thumb towards the Austrian.
The superior licks his lips before holding out two of the dossiers, one to each man. “Because he is your partner on the case.”
“Bullshit-” “No bloody way-” both men interject at the same time.
“Ay! This is not up for discussion.” Garnier tosses the folders into their laps, clearly annoyed.
What the hell? Niki already had a partner in the bureau. “Where is Laffite? We have been working together for months,” Niki argues. He wasn’t a huge fan of his French partner, but it was better than working with the Englishman.
“Laffite took a transfer because of your ‘stick-up-the-ass’ attitude all the time. He stated it was impossible to work with you. This makes it your fourth partner transfer in less than two years, Lauda.” Niki scoffs. It wasn’t his fault; Luca Di Montezemolo, his former partner, retired after a mission went wrong and he got seriously injured. In Niki’s eyes, nobody else had the same competency as Luca. If the other agents weren’t willing to work to his standards then they could fuck off for all he cared.
At Hunt’s snicker, Garnier turned his ire to the Englishman. “And you-” he pointed a finger “-don’t think the department has forgotten about your screw up in Barcelona. You were supposed to be gathering intelligence from Ruiz, not sleeping with his wife.”
“So what is this, punishment? You’re going to make me work with the rat to prove some sort of point?”
“Yes, I am. And you are going to deal with it because I’ve had enough of the both of you,” his french accent thickened as he grew frustrated. “The goal is to not only catch Lombardi and return the art, but to hopefully get the two of you in line. Lauda can learn to loosen up, and you can learn to use your brain and not your balls. You get started on the case tomorrow; there is information for a contact of mine in the dossier. I expect you to get your shit together before you meet tomorrow for lunch.” Garnier grunts once. “Now get out of my office.”
The two men stood, giving each other a hard glare before leaving the room. Niki turned one direction, muttering “arschloch” under his breath. James moved in the opposite direction, his own “arsehole” tumbling out.
That night Niki immediately gets to work reading through the new mission details to familiarize himself. Several photographs of the stolen artworks in question are included. He focuses on one specific portrait that he thinks should barely qualify as art at all. Looks like a child painted it, he thinks. In general he thought the case dumb, but he would do what he needed in order to prove that he was a good agent.
Turning to the last page he sees information about the supposed contact he and Hunt would be meeting tomorrow. The page had a measly three lines and an address.
You will meet the contact tomorrow at noon for lunch.
The contact will approach you.
The contact is to be fully involved in all aspects of this case, information and otherwise.
I've just included the tag list from my other Niki fics, let me know if you want to be added or taken off!
Tag list: @ay0nha @apparrio @livvyshmiv @fictionlandslanddreams @vinylrosess @typical-bistander @ntlmundy @mymagicsuitcase @anteroom-of-death @somethingthatsaysbubbles @lieutenantn @multiversemarielle @trashbin2 @whatawildone @metalbreakfast @laura-naruto-fan1998 @greeneyedblondie44 @godidontevenknowwhat @marchingicenotes7 @mysticalexpertdaze
@loliissmut @fandom-princess-forevermore
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formenis · 3 years
From knight to detective
Anon asked: “ Can you do a scenario of L having a relationship with reader and she doesn't know that he is L and she is part of the Task Force that show up to meet L and she is unprepared for finding out he is L and when he talks to her privately he tells her everything“.
A/N: sure thing, dear. Gosh, I’m not capable of sum up...I always write too much eheh. I have to remind you English is not my first language so I apologise for the mistakes you’ll find for sure.
pairing: L x FBI agent!fem!reader
warnings: nope
requested: yes
F/P = favourite painter
S/C = skin colour
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It all started during the "Wara Ningyo Murders" or -as police knew it- the "Los Angeles BB Serial Murder Cases". Y/N and Naomi Misora were friends back in the States, both of them were skilful and quite cherished in the FBI headquarters. The resulting capture of the murderer of this case helped launch Naomi's reputation within the FBI.
«So how was working with the best detective alive?» Y/N and her friend Naomi were drinking a coffee together in one of their rare spare moments far from work.
«I don’t know if I can talk about it, Y/N» Naomi replied with a sympathetic smile.
«Oh come on! At least what his voice sounds like»
«Again, I don’t know. He used voice changers during our calls. But!» she said with enthusiasm and Y/N frowned in confusion. «I met someone you would like»
That was when Y/N met "Ryuzaki", an enigmatic and mysterious young man who had the hobby of solving cases like private or consulting detectives. Since Y/N was a FBI agent and Ryuzaki a private detective, they would meet many times in crime scenes. The young agent felt like she was Dr. Watson and Ryuzaki was Sherlock Holmes: he would theorize many possible scenarios for the above-mentioned case and Y/N listened to him in disbelief. But Ryuzaki was not the sole smart one, Y/N had a shrewd mind too: her unique methods of investigation and her strong power of observation made her one of the best FBI agents. That was why Ryuzaki started to request her presence and assistance more often.
«Good evening, Miss L/N»
«Ryuzaki! I told you to call me Y/N. There's no need for such formalities» she chuckled quietly, the two of them were on a crime scene again.
«I apologise, force of habit I guess» Ryuzaki played with his pale lips using the thumb. Y/N understood Ryuzaki's way of communicating with his body: if he played with his lips (like he was doing in that moment) it meant he was deep in through; if he stared emotionless at something, it meant he was bothered by something; or if he ate more sweets than usual it meant that the investigations were in a turning point and his brain needed more "fuel". That was easy for Y/N to understand those things, it was her job after all.
«What are you thinking of, Ryuzaki?»
The young man seemed surprised. «Ah, it seems I don’t have secrets for you, Y/N»
She chuckled again. «Nope»
Y/N couldn’t know it but she was wrong. Terribly wrong. However, as time passed the two of them grew quite closer. Not only because of work but because they somehow matched each other. Very often Y/N would move up Ryuzaki in many things, they would think the same thing and they worried for each other during difficult and risky cases. Soon enough Y/N started to develop feeling for that weird, clever boy but she didn’t know it the feelings were mutual. Ryuzaki seemed without emotions as if nothing touched him. Even in the most terrible crime scene he would not be that shocked as anybody else.
Unaware of Y/N, there was a very simple explanation for that attitude of his: Ryuzaki was feeling overwhelmed. He was very good at not showing it but the truth was that something changed in him. At first he treated Y/N as a common FBI agent, neither kind not bad. Their relationship was purely linked to work. But then week after week, case after case, Y/N dusted a forgotten trait of his personality.
«Agent Y/N, would you like to join me in an exhibit? I heard from Miss Misora you like F/P»
«But it is private, Ryuzaki. You have to have the tickets»
«It just so happens that I have two tickets with me. The senior manager is a friend of mine»
«Really?» Y/N said surprised. «I would love to, Ryuzaki!»
Ryuzaki smiled in seeing such happiness in his cute FBI agent. The exhibit would be the perfect chance to understand if what he felt for Y/N was mutual.
Ah, the exhibit. Such a wonderful place. Y/N loved everything about it: the guide, the paintings and Ryuzaki's company of course. Moreover, it was the exhibit of F/P, Y/N's best artist. She was in bliss.
Once the guide ended the tour, the guesses could roam around the place to have a better look at each artwork. Ryuzaki expressed his approval to a specific painting, a still life to be precise. And when he noticed Y/N liked it too he started to describe the history of the said painting.
His voice enchanted Y/N. So deep despite Ryuzaki's young age and extremely alluring. She would listen to him for hours if it was possible. Y/N was so focused in it that she didn’t noticed Ryuzaki asked her something.
«Uh? What did you say?»
«I said, Y/N…are you enjoying the evening?» Ryuzaki was sitting in front of that still life in his usual position, with the legs pressed the chest. Y/N was beside him.
«Yes, a lot. Thank you Ryuzaki» she smiled kindly at him and it forced the young detective to look away. Then he started to play nervously with his lips. «Something is bothering you?»
«I have a confession to make, Y/N»
Oh dear, no. At that phrase, Y/N started to panic. Was he tired of her company? Did she do something wrong? Did he want to stop working together? So many questions span inside Y/N's mind.
«Yes?» she tried to stay as much calm as possible, hoping her voice would not betray her.
«We met a while ago and I have to admit I really appreciate your presence. Both as an agent and as a person. I would like to become closer to you, if you agree» he turned to look at her. His black eyes were much gentler than usual, his look full of…happiness? Y/N couldn’t tell.
She blushed, her face was as red as the apples in the still life painted in front of them. She noticed that Ryuzaki extended a hand waiting for her answer. «Of course, Ryuzaki»
Y/N put her hand over his and he kissed on the hand gently. This made Y/N blush even more, now she was truly one of those red apples.
And with that, they set off the beginning of their relationship. Outside work Ryuzaki was a really romantic person: he would rub Y/N's shoulders (he was really good with massages); he would play with her silky H/C hair while thinking or he would simply listen to her after a stressful day at work.
«You can call me whenever you want. Even if there's no reason to, Y/N» and «I like how your hands fit perfectly in mines» were the most romantic things Y/N heard from Ryuzaki. She even wrote them down in her personal agenda.
More time passed and December 2003 came fast. For some time now, criminals from all around the would were dying of heart attacks at an unprecedented rate and all law enforcements were concerned and scared but this. Thanks to some colleagues, Y/N learnt that the greatest detective L was mentioned in one of the many Interpol meetings.
L was considered the best detective in the world. He solved the most complex of cases, even ones that were considered unsolvable. The problem was that nobody knows who L was. And if they existed. According to Naomi Misora they were real and this L was worth their title. It was in that moment that Y/N made a decision: as a FBI agent, she would take part at that case. In Japan, people started to call the main responsible of these killings "Kira" and she couldn’t wait to start the investigations.
«Ryu, I have to tell you something…»
«What is it, Y/N?»  
They were on the phone, as often happened when the two of them had work up to their necks.
«I applied for the Kira case. I want to be a part of the task-force»
For five minutes neither of them dared to speak. Y/N was waiting for an answer, she was chewing nervously her lips. After a while she heard a sigh.
«Y/N, it's dangerous. It's better if you stay in the States»
«But Ryuzaki! I want to be helpful! You know I can't stay here while there's some mad serial killer around the world that kills with the force of their mind»
«Y/N, such things don’t exist»
«Don’t change the topic, Ryu»
Again, silence. Y/N bet Ryuzaki was playing with his lips as much as she was chewing hers. She knew he was worried for her but she couldn’t stay at home doing nothing. She had to do something.
«Please, Y/N. Consider it again. The Kira case is too much…»
«Ryu, I'm a decorated FBI agent, I can take care of myself. You don’t need to worry»
For the third time, the call fell silent. Ryuzaki was thinking for sure, Y/N could hear the soft sound of him chewing his thumb. «Promise me you'll be careful» he interrupted the silence with his usual emotionless voice.
«Of course I will»
This allowed Y/N to fly to Japan more lightweight knowing Ryuzaki was by her side despite the distance. But another big event was waiting for her: the first meeting with L.
After many ordeals (like the death of Y/N's friend Naomi Misora), the main Japanese task-force against Kira was formed: Soichiro Yagami, Touta Matsuda, Hirokazu Ukita, Hideki Ide, Shuichi Aizawa and Kanzo Mogi. And of course Y/N L/N. It was New Year's Eve when the task-force received a message from L:
"I would like to meet the seven of you who have my trust as soon as possible. Do not speak of our meeting, or having met me, or what we will be doing, to anyone who is not in the room now.
Please leave the NPA building to discuss whether you can swear to the above, and whether you can trust me. Only those who agree to work with me in this investigation shall return to the room, and I will send my further conditions for our meeting to this computer."
That was it! The moment Y/N was waiting for a long time! As L explained in other notes left in the laptop, the entire task-force arrived at a luxury hotel where they knocked at the door of a room and were asked to enter. They were about to meet L.
"Oh gosh I'm so nervous!" Y/N though while staying behind the rest of the task-force. Her heart was racing fast and she couldn’t hide the excitement. We were talking about the greatest detective alive after all.
"I wonder…who gave them that title?"
Pink wall-to-wall carpeting, beige couches with red pillows and luxurious black doors. That was the aspect of L's room. From where Y/N was standing she could only see the furniture of that room but she petrified when she heard his voice.
«I am L»
Y/N went pale in one second. The excitement was soon replaced by fear and later by anger. But she had to be sure, she needed to see him. Maybe Y/N missed Ryuzaki to such a point that she heard his voice everywhere.
No, there must be something else. Ryuzaki's voice was too unique and peculiar to be confused with another one. There must be him for sure. And once Y/N made her way through those men, she had the certainty that she had Ryuzaki in front of her.
«Please turn off your cell phones, laptops, and any other electronic equipment you may have, and place them on the table first»
«You think we might have our cell phones on talk mode so someone outside could monitor our conversation…?» Aizawa asked quite annoyed.
"No, he hates when phones rings if he is talking…" Y/N though while doing as L said. She had to maintain a professional attitude despite she was boiling inside. She wanted to cry but to punch Ryuzaki at the same time.
«It's not that. I can't stand it when someone's cell phone rings when I'm talking» the detective replied while "sitting" in one of those fancy armchairs. «But before discussing about the case, I would rather have a talk with agent L/N in private»
The task-force moved in another part of room so Y/N and Ryuzaki would be alone. Silence filled the room, an anger and disappointed silence to be precise. They were still wearing their professional masks.
«Why didn’t you tell me…» Y/N was the first to give in. Her hands were curled into fists, the way her body tremble suggested rage or a desperate effort not to cry. L was aware Y/N was going to lose control if he didn’t explain himself.
«I couldn’t Y/N…you know very well I couldn’t»
«Of course you can! It costs nothing, Ryuzaki. Just few words!» that was it, Y/N lost control.
«What should I have said then? Something like "Hello I'm L, the greatest detective in the world and I think I developed strong feelings for you"» Y/N was going to answer back but L interrupted her by raising the index. «Everything about L is dangerous. My words, my actions, my presence…they all are dangerous for other people. That's why I work alone, Y/N»
«But you weren’t alone when we worked together» now sadness was taking place in Y/N's mind instead of anger. She felt so betrayed.
«It was different back then, Y/N. They were simple cases, neither me nor you were in danger. But this case…Kira is the symbol of danger and injustice, Y/N. I don’t want you to be involved»
«I'm already involved, Ryuzaki. And like it or not, I'm going to the bottom of this» the young FBI agent replied with determination but hot tears started to form on her eyes, clouding partially her sight. «I just…wanted you to be sincere with me» those tears fell over her smooth S/C cheeks.
L, seeing that scene in front of him, felt very bad for his Y/N. That was why he didn’t want her to be involved: he couldn’t bare crying people. But not because he hated them but because he didn’t know what to do, how to soothe that suffering. And the sight of Y/N crying in front of him broke his heart.
He stood up and walked closer to Y/N. And when he hugged her she gasped loudly, meaning she didn’t notice him approaching her. She stopped crying, yes, but sadness was still there.
«I…I'm sorry Y/N. My only intent was to protect you. I know you don’t need a knight in shining armour but when this case came out I knew I had to do something. Maybe you would hate me for the rest of your life but if it meant you would live it was alright. So please…realise there wasn’t malice in my actions»
Y/N hugged him back, smelling the sweet scent of his white shirt. The warmth of his body and the heartbeat were so calming, sadness melted in a matter of seconds. They stood there for entire minutes not moving, just appreciating each other presence.
«You're right, I don’t need a knight in shining armour…I want a detective in a white shirt»
L chuckled and that sound sent chills down Y/N's spine. Gosh, she missed that sound.
«Here I am»
«Do not keep secrets from me, Ryu»
«Never again»
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alj4890 · 3 years
Angst Prompt
(Liam x Riley) with the prompt of Riley getting shot in another country while Liam was in Cordonia and it have been ordered by King Bradshaw as requested by Anonymous.
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A/N Oof. What a way to knock me off my fluff kick, LOL. This isn't a part of my AU's but let's see what I can do for your prompt, Nonny. This takes place after the Bradshaw/Isabella mess but before Barthlemy's challenge. I guess I will ruin that brief moment of peace, LOL.
@gkittylove99​​​​​​ @krsnlove​​​​​​ @kingliam2019​​​​​​ @texaskitten30​​​​​​ @hopefulmoonobject​​​​​​ @yourmajesty09​​​​​​ @mom2000aggie​​​​​​ @ofpixelsandscribbles​ @twinkleallnight​
The Royal Palace, Cordonia...
"Here we go, princess." Liam settled his seven month old in her swing. "How about you help your father with reading through these proposals the Council is considering?"
Eleanor smiled around the teething ring she had put in her mouth.
Liam pressed a quick kiss to her cheek then started the swing.
He settled behind his desk, finally feeling a sense of calmness. With all the ups and downs he had gone through since his brother's abdication, he rested in knowing that he, his family, and country were at last entering into a season of peace.
He intended to keep it that way.
The gurgles and coos from Eleanor drew his attention. She waved the teething ring a few times before putting it back in her mouth.
He chuckled at her antics.
He was enjoying these few days of one-on-one time with his daughter. Riley had been asked to be the guest of honor at Lancelin St Clair's fashion grand opening. The renowned designer had created a place where his creations could be not only sold, but created specifically for the customer.
Lancelin had completely renovated a four-story building in Paris's Faubourg Saint-Honoré district, turning each floor into one with a definite purpose. The first floor was a shop that housed various sizes of his most popular creations. The second floor was part runway/part design on demand for the shopper looking for something completely original. The third floor would debut his new bridal line. And the fourth was set as his personal work area/apartment for when he needed to stay late and work on his designs.
All this was to be shown to the public to set off Paris's fashion week.
Since Riley had walked his runway during Liam and Madeleine's engagement tour, he had invited her to be part of his grand opening. Ana De Luca was traveling with Cordonia's queen to do an exclusive spread of Riley in some of the dresses Lancelin had made specifically with her in mind.
It was just the sort of news the people of Cordonia would enjoy after months of uncertainty.
"I really don't want to go without you and Eleanor." Riley told Liam the night before she left.
"I don't want you to either." He held her close. "But I have to meet with the Farmers' Association about the progress of the apple orchards." He pressed a tender kiss to her lips. "I've already had to reschedule twice with them. They need to see I take their concerns seriously."
"I know." She sighed. "And I know that Eleanor would distract everyone from Lancelin's moment." She eased out of his embrace. "This will be the first time I go out without you or any of our friends."
Liam took her hands and tried to ease her worries. "You will do great." He smiled at her. "You charm everyone you meet. I believe I am proof to your effect."
Riley shook her head before kissing him. "If anyone is the charmer, it's you."
He chuckled while tugging her toward their bed. "Do you want me to find someone to go with you? Penelope or Kiara perhaps?"
"No thanks." She snuggled closer to him. "I wish Hana was well enough to go. She was looking forward to it."
Liam gently rubbed her back. "With Maxwell in Hollywood and Drake in Texas, we don't have anyone left."
"I wish Olivia was back." She muttered.
"Amalas needed her expertise." Liam reminded her.
"I know." Riley sighed again. "If I can't have you with me, I do tend to depend on the others to be there. I need to learn how to stand on my own."
"The world will once again be amazed by Cordonia's queen." He kissed the top of her head. "You'll see."
Liam glanced at his desk clock. It was nearly time for Ana's live report of Lancelin's grand opening.
His princess had fallen asleep in her swing, drawing another smile from him as he carefully lifted her out. Cuddling her close, he sat down on one of the sofas and turned the television on.
Finding the right channel, he relaxed as the first images appeared.
Cordonia's Queen Riley has been given the honor of walking the red carpet first. Lancelin St Clair awaits, giving her the shears to cut the ceremonial ribbon.
He readjusted Eleanor in his arms as he watched his wife's bright smile flash towards the cheering crowd.
Ana continued to detail what they would soon see when shots rang out.
Liam stood up, causing Eleanor to whimper at being rudely awakened.
Ignoring her fitful cries, he watched as the camera caught his wife and Lancelin falling to the ground.
Then the feed went dead.
"BASTIEN!" Liam shouted over Eleanor's wails.
The head of the King's Guards hurried inside while talking on his phone. Regina rushed in behind him.
"Give me the baby." She insisted, gently taking the fussy little one in her arms. She left the study, allowing Liam to be able to focus on what Bastien was saying.
"And the shooter?" He asked. "I see. Where is her majesty being taken?"
Bastien wrote down the information. "Keep me updated."
Once he ended the call, he faced Liam.
"What happened?" He demanded.
Bastien cleared his throat. "A lone gunman shot both Riley and Mr. St Clair."
"Is she alright? Have the plane prepared. We must get there as quickly as we can!"
"Sir," Bastien hesitated. "I must insist you remain here. The gunman was killed by one of our guards. We don't know if there is another and--"
Liam shoved past him and called the airfield. Declaring it an emergency, he then rushed to tell Regina.
"Liam." She teared up as she took his hand. "Be careful and call as soon as you know more."
"Your majesty, I insist you remain here while I go to Paris." Bastien followed after him. "Once my team has investigated, I can then guarantee your safety--"
"Do you honestly think I give a damn about my safety?!" Liam rounded on him. "My wife was just shot! She is alone in another country and hurt. If you think I will sit here behind these so called protective walls, then you do not know me at all." He went back to his study and quickly packed his briefcase. "Now get me to the airport."
Early evening, Paris...
"Her majesty is at one of the private hospitals." Bastien explained as the car continued through the city. "Interpol is working with us to identify the shooter."
Liam stared blindly out the window. "Is my wife conscious?"
"She was." Bastien tried to explain. "She lost some blood from her wound and--"
Their car stopped at the front entrance.
"Liam!" Bastien shouted as the king didn't bother to wait on guards or to check that it was safe.
The young king ran inside, pausing long enough to ask where he should go.
"Je suis le roi de Cordonia. Ma femme a été amenée avec une blessure par balle. Où est-elle? Est-ce qu'elle va bien?" He said quickly.
"Elle se repose dans la chambre 138, Votre Majesté. Dr Miller a dit--" the receptionist blinked when he took off running once more.
Liam slid on the freshly waxed tile floors, barely catching himself as he followed the signs.
A doctor and nurse were just leaving Riley's room when he arrived.
"My wife," Liam gasped, trying to catch his breath. "Is she alright?"
"Oui. She was struck in the shoulder." He paused as both King's Guards and Interpol Agents joined them. "We removed the bullet while she was unconscious."
Liam reached for the door handle as the others began to question the physician.
He paused at seeing his wife laying there, looking so fragile.
One of the first things he had first noticed about her was her inner strength to face any obstacle she encountered. He realized he had taken that he had taken that for granted. The only other time he had seen her like this was when she collapsed during Eleanor's birth.
Liam knew there were only a few things he feared in this world. But those few things centered on something specific: his family.
He could face an entire firing squad and not bat an eye. But let it be Riley or Eleanor that was to be threatened, and he could not take it.
He collapsed in the chair by her bed and pressed a kiss to her fingers. Bowing his head, he waited by her side until she awakened.
A few hours later...
Liam stood up when Riley became restless. Soft cries escaped her lips as she slept. He reached for the buzzer.
Explaining that his wife was in pain, he waited for a nurse to come in.
Bastien entered first.
"Have you learned anything about the shooter?" Liam asked in a low voice.
"We have." Bastien stopped the nurse.
He and an Interpol agent patted him down and checked the IV bag of morphine he held.
They stepped back and allowed him to tend to Riley.
Liam watched him replace the bag that had been on a slow drip.
"Can she have more?" He asked as she cried out again.
"Yes sir." He showed Liam the button he could push if she needed more, reassuring him that it wouldn't administer any past the dosage she could have. He increased the flow and left.
Riley's eyes barely opened. "Liam?"
He went back to her bedside. "I'm here, my love."
"My shoulder." She sucked in a painful breath. "What happened?"
"A man was in the crowd." Liam gently explained, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "He shot at you and Lancelin and--"
Her eyes widened. "Lancelin! Liam, he was bleeding so much!"
Bastien cleared his throat as he stepped forward. "He is in intensive care at another hospital, mam."
He pointed at the right side of his chest and mouthed lung to Liam.
Liam frowned some before turning back to Riley.
"Where's Eleanor?" Riley asked, turning her head. "Did you bring her?"
"No. Regina is watching over her at home." Liam eased down on the bed. "Do you need anything? Is there something I can do to make you more comfortable?"
"No." Her eyes filled with tears as she looked up at him. "Liam, if...if I had died...you...my baby..." She began to cry.
Unable to take her in his arms, Liam did his best to comfort her. He wiped her tears while speaking in a calming tone that he wouldn't let anything happen to her. That she was safe. That they would soon be home with Eleanor.
Riley tried to calm down but she shook her head. "We'll never be truly safe, will we?"
Liam paused in his assurances. He felt exhausted from the trials they continued to face. Should he now fear peace, knowing it would end horribly in some new threat?
Running a hand through his hair he spoke of what he did know. "No one is ever truly safe, my love. Even if we were locked away somewhere, accidents can happen. Sickness can strike. Bad things happen just as good ones do."
She sniffed and closed her eyes. "I know you're right," she opened her eyes and met his steady gaze. "I just wish we didn't keep having trouble."
"I do too." He cupped her cheek and softly kissed her. "All I need to know to make it through our trials is that you and Eleanor are taken care of." He struggled with swallowing. "I should have been there today to protect you."
She weakly raised her hand and caressed his cheek. "Then you might have been hurt or..." She couldn't finish that sentence. "I can't lose you, Liam."
He nodded, kissing her again. "I refuse to lose you." His words came out in a harsh whisper. "I will find who did this and will make certain they never do so again."
Riley rubbed her cheek against his hand and closed her eyes.
Liam relaxed once he saw her drift into a peaceful slumber.
"Sir?" Bastien motioned for him to step outside.
"What did you find?" Liam asked.
"The man was a hired gun from America." Bastien began. "But he was born in Auvernal."
Liam's eyes narrowed. "And who hired him?"
"King Bradshaw."
Cordonia, a week later...
Riley was rocking back and forth with Eleanor sleeping in the crook of her good arm. She heard voices outside the nursery door. Curious, but unable to hold her daughter properly, she remained where she was.
A few moments later, Liam slipped quietly inside and smiled at her.
"Is she down for the night?"
"She fell asleep long ago, but I wasn’t ready to let her go." Riley let him put Eleanor in her crib. "I missed her so much. I'm so thankful to be home with you both."
"Nowhere near as much as I am." Liam wrapped his arms around her waist.
"I heard voices earlier. Is everything alright?"
He nodded. "Everything is fine."
Riley chewed on her bottom lip. "You never told me what was found about the gunman."
"There wasn't much to discover." He told her.
"Was he just some crazy person or was he hired by someone?" Riley prodded.
Liam let her go and motioned for them to leave the nursery when Eleanor made a disgruntled, sleepy noise.
"I don't want you thinking anymore about this." Liam insisted. "We are taking care of eliminating the threat."
"Eliminating?" Riley's brow furrowed. "But that means he was hired--"
"I want you to rest."
His nearly cold evasiveness alarmed her.
"Liam," she reached for his hand. "Please talk to me. I can handle whatever you have found."
Remembering how upset she was in the hospital, he averted his eyes. "We'll talk about it tomorrow."
Her lips parted to insist. She shut them when he escorted her to their chambers.
"Do you need anything?" He asked after helping her change.
"No." She murmured.
He covered her up and began to leave the room.
"Where are you going?" She sat up in surprise.
"I have somethings that require my attention in the study." He explained. "I'll be back in an hour or so."
She quietly watched him leave, feeling even more uneasy than before.
A little after three in the morning...
Riley awoke when she felt the bed dip down.
"Forgive me, I didn't mean to wake you."
She checked the time. "Are you just now coming to bed?"
"Yes. It took longer than I planned." He stretched out beside her.
"What did?" She demanded, turning a lamp on.
She gasped when she noticed his bruised face and bloody knuckles.
"What happened? How did you--"
"It's nothing." He winced as he tried to get comfortable. "I'll be fine."
"Liam!" She snapped. "Talk to me." Her eyes narrowed. "Now."
"I took care of the one who tried to take you from me." He snapped back.
"So there was someone else involved?"
"Yes. And he will never have a chance to hurt anyone again." Liam declared.
Riley gently touched his face. "Liam, you didn't..."
"I wanted to." He admitted. "I was so close to beating Bradshaw to death." He closed his eyes at that memory. 
It would have been so easy. A few more strikes, a quick twist and the king that had caused Liam’s world to nearly crumble would have had his last breath.
 "I allowed Interpol to take him." He opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. "Olivia found all the evidence we needed to make certain the only way he will ever leave prison is to attend his own funeral."
Riley blinked back tears.
She then punched Liam in the arm.
"Riley!" He sat up when he noticed her shaking with rage. "What--"
"How could you?!" She screamed. "How could you risk your life when you already had everything in place to arrest him?!"
"He tried to kill you!" Liam yelled back. "All because we caused him embarrassment." His eyes narrowed. "Did you think I would do nothing to the man who set out to take my wife from me? Take my daughter's mother?!"
"He wasn't worth you taking a chance on him having a weapon or one of his guards kill you! What would Eleanor and I do without you here?" Tears fell, nearly blinding her. "How could you risk our family?"
All of Liam's anger disappeared at hearing that she had his own fear. Gently pulling her close he silently held her as she cried. His own tears mingled with hers as he thought of a life without her.
The sun was beginning to rise as their tears came to an end. They still held to one another, speaking in low tones of their life together. An occasional hitch in one's words caused the other to try and comfort the one temporarily unable to speak.
As light crept through the drapes, the two remained upright, still clinging to the one they loved.
Riley lifted her head off his shoulder. "Eleanor will be awake soon."
"Yes, she will." Liam pressed a kiss to his wife's forehead. "You should rest. I'll take care of her."
"I'll help you." She hugged him close with her good arm. "I don't want to be apart from either of you today."
His arms tightened around her. Unable to say all that filled his heart, he simply nodded while muttering that he didn't either.
She pressed a tender kiss to his lips and smiled. "It's a new day, my love. A new day just for us."
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acreativeme · 3 years
Mixed Signals
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Mixed Signals 
Jess LaCroix x Reader
He didn’t know what it was about her, but Jess LaCroix knew that he couldn’t trust Y/N Y/L/N. She was assigned to his team after Clinton went out on his mission. She has been trying to bond with all of the members of the team, which set off alarm bells in his head. He knew it was unprofessional, but he refused to acknowledge any personal question she asked him. He kept his responses short and dull to any of her work related questions. 
His behavior surprised the rest of the team, but they didn’t shock Y/N at all. She knew her presence was going to throw him off, because they had gone through the academy together. They had different specialties and she had disappeared right after their graduation. She had been assigned to be an internal affairs unit as a secret agent. They used her to infiltrate any unit in any department that was doing questionable things and not behaving normally. 
Her recent assignment was to investigate Jess LaCroix due to complaints from a suspect who stated that Jess LaCroix had stolen money from him. Y/N didn’t believe anything that the suspect had said, as it didn’t line up with what she knew about him.
Y/N pushed open the makeshift office door, trying to balance all of the coffee that she bought. “Good Morning, all! I come bearing caffeine!” She grinned as her exhausted teammates groaned in happiness.
“You are a dream!” Kenny cheered, playfully kissing her cheek as he grabbed his cup.
Y/N swatted him. “It is just coffee, Kenny.”
He made a kissy face at her, which made everyone but Jess laugh. “Step back, Kenny. I am gonna put a ring on it first.” Hana stated, taking a long sip of her coffee.
Y/N rolled her eyes, taking the last cup from the carrier. “Here, Jess. It’s tea. I know that you aren’t a huge fan of coffee.” She held the cup out to him, hoping that he would take it.
“Thanks..” He mumbled, taking it from her hand.
She smiled softly, moving back to her spot. After everyone settled in, Jess began to present their new case. A cop killer is on the loose in West Virginia. 
It took them three days to locate their suspect. He was holding up at an abandoned warehouse in the middle of the West Virginia Wilderness, which gave him an advantage over most of the team. To everyone’s surprise, Y/N knew this area really well as her father had taken her exploring a lot when she was growing up. She had slipped away from the team, trying to get a jump on the suspect while the rest of the team distracted him. She had also slipped away as Jess had been glaring at her since they entered the woods, and she couldn’t take it anymore. She couldn’t take the disdain that he was showing her anymore. 
As she moved around the building, Y/N shot her handler a message stating that she was done with her mission and that she had found no evidence to the accusations that the suspect had made. She also mentioned that she would like to talk about transferring to Interpol, who had been after her for years. 
Slipping through an open window at the back of the building, Y/N took several calming breaths. No matter how many times she has done this, Y/N always gets nervous during a take down. Y/N moved quickly through the warehouse, going over the blueprints in her head. She could hear the rest of the team confront the suspect, who was screaming about how they, meaning cops, had killed his wife and child-- which made Y/N tense up. She looked around the corner and saw him pointing a gun at Jess, who had his hands raised.
Jess stared directly at the suspect as he spoke. “Your wife was hit by a suspect fleeing the police. He is the one responsible for their death, not the police.”
The suspect growled at Jess, beginning to wave his gun around. “If the police had stopped him, the accident wouldn’t have happened! They couldn’t do their job, so they needed to be punished! I had to punish them for their mistake!”
Jess took a breath, “Would your wife have wanted you to do this, end all of these lives?” He asks, sympathy in his eyes.
The suspect was now crying. “I don’t know, because she isn’t here!” He screamed, taking aim to shoot Jess.
With a quick breath, Y/N took aim and shot the suspect in the shoulder-- which caused him to drop the gun. Kenny charged in to kick the gun away and put handcuffs on him. Y/N took a moment to survey the team before slipping away, not having the heart to say goodbye.
Jess’ POV
It had been a week, an awfully long week without Y/N. He had gotten a notice after the cop killer case that she had put in a request for a transfer, which threw him and the team off. She had seemed happy to be a part of the team. The director refused to tell him where she was transferring to, which bothered him for some unknown reason. The situation had bothered him, and he didn’t know why. 
“It bothers you, Jess, because you have feelings for her.” Sheryll Barnes stated, taking the seat next to him.
He frowned, “What are you talking about Sheryll?” 
She smiled sadly at him. “Y/N’s transfer bothers you so much, because you have feelings for her. You tried to act like her being here bothered you, but it was actually the feelings that she was stirring up that rubbed you the wrong way.”
He looked away from her, trying to hide the redness creeping up his neck. “I have no clue what you are talking about, Sheryll. I don’t have feelings for Y/N.”
She grinned at his denial. “Then I guess, you wouldn’t want to know where she is going.” Sheryll made to walk away, but Jess stopped her.
“Wait! Where is she going?” He asked.
She leaned down and whispered in his ear, “The airport.”
Y/N’s POV..
Y/N sighed as she picked up her to-go cup from the coffee counter, giving the barista a silent thank you. She hummed as she strolled towards her termal, music playing softly from her earbuds. Y/N had decided last night that she was going to arrive early to the airport, so that she wasn’t sitting around her empty apartment.
But that meant that she was sitting around an empty airport, waiting for her flight and reading gossip magazines. Y/N collapsed into an empty seat next to a window, watching as the airport staff stationed outside worked. She grinned as two men seemed to be talking about something hilarious, because they were throwing their heads back in laughter. It had been so long since she had seen people be genuinely happy to be doing their job.
A part of her hopes that she will find joy in her new position, but the other part knows that she won’t be happy without Jess. She noticed that positive feelings have been bubbling up in her stomach, despite his coldness towards her. At first, she thought it was because she had to work for his attention.but then it became more. She liked the push back he gave her. She hadn’t experienced that fire in a long time, mostly because men were scared to challenge her. 
“...6AM Flight to London now boarding..” A female voice called over the loudspeaker, jolting Y/N from her thoughts.
Sighing, Y/N collected her bag from the floor and stood up. Goodbye America, Hello England. She thought as she stepped in line behind a man in a business suit. She looked him up and down, noticing the tan line on his ring finger and the Europe countryside magazine. He is either going to have an affair or he just went through a divorce or separation. She watched as his eyes scanned the flight attendant that was checking tickets. 
This is why he is divorced, a wandering eye. She thought, holding out her passport and ticket. “Work or pleasure?” The attendant asked, grabbing the stamp from the counter.
Y/N sighed, hating small talk. “Work. It is always about work…” She tried to joke, which made the attendant look at her with pity. 
“You should have some fun while in London, it is a beautiful place.” She suggested. 
Y/N hummed, “I will keep that in mind.” 
The attendant handed her back her passport, waving her onto the plane. Y/N smiled gratefully at her, slipping the returned passport into her bag. She was stepping onto the little hallway that led to the plane, when she heard her name being called. 
“Y/N!” She turned around, confused on who’d be calling her name. Her eyes widened in shock as Jess LaCroix raced towards her, face red from yelling as he ran.
“Jess?” She asked, moving out of the way of another passenger, with furrowed brows. 
He came to a stop in front of her, panting and out of breath. “I.. am so glad... that I caught you. I thought I was going to be too late..”
Y/N adjusted her bag, still confused. “What are you doing here, Jess?”
“I don’t want you to leave, Y/N.” He blurted, not wanting to hold back anymore. 
She rolled her eyes. “I thought you’d be excited for me to leave, seeing as you have been trying to get me to go since the moment I was assigned to the team.”
He blushed, looking away from her. “I can’t explain that. But I don’t want you to go.”
She shook her head, “Because you don’t want me to go isn’t a good enough reason.”
He squeezed his eyes shut, taking a deep breath. “I think I am falling in love with you and I am scared. You challenged me in ways that I hadn’t been for a long time, and that frightened me. It feels like I just lost Angelyne yesterday, but I know that it is time to move on.”
“I am not a rebound.” She stated, her face becoming blotchy.
The attendant stepped forward, looking as uncomfortable as Y/N felt. “I am sorry to interrupt, but we need to finish boarding.”
Y/N sighed, readjusting her bag. “I need some time, Jess.” She didn’t wait for his reply, not being able to stand in front of him crying. She walked away, forcing herself to continue down the tiny hall so that she didn’t turn back.
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writing-mermaid · 4 years
This is the night, it’s a beautiful night and we call it bella notte
Summary : When just a tiny push was what missed to make Sonny ask the new SVU detective out.
Pairing : Sonny Carisi x reader
Warnings : None I think
Word Count : 3 721
Author’s note : For the Anonymous who asked for the prompt : “Somewhere deep down, there’s good in you. Pretty far down”. I hope you will like it. Slightly inspired by Lady and the Tramp at some point. Pick a prompt or two or three and send an ask and a character or you can ask for stories with original characters  Don’t forget that feedback is appreciated and really important.
Song of the title : Bella Notte - Ruby Summer
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“Somewhere deep down, there’s good in you. Pretty far down”, detective Y/N Y/L/N says, looking at the teenage girl at the other side of the table in the interrogation room.
  The dark haired, tanned skin girl wears a NYPD hoodie and a pair of sweatpants that the detective in front of her gave her when they both arrived at the precinct two hours ago, in replacement of her ripped one. She was covered in blood and bruises.
  “Listen Sira, if you don’t tell me what happened and who did this to you, I can’t help you. I can even help you to find your family again and make sure that something like that doesn’t happen to you again. So, tell me. Like I said, I know that there is good in you, even if it’s deep down. If you help me, I can talk to my ADA and we can find a solution if you don’t want to go back with your parents. I’d do anything to help you but in exchange, you have to help me.”
  Sira looks at Y/N. She’s pretty, she thinks, with her Y/E/C eyes and her mid-long Y/H/C hair, her pink lips, and she looks brave too, what happened to me would never had happened to her. On the other hand, Y/N wants to slap herself, she referred to Carisi as “my” ADA, instead of “the precinct’s ADA”, feeling her cheeks blush. But it seems that Sira didn’t notice and she’s glad to have her back on two-way mirror, so nor her captain or the ADA would have noticed her slight blush at the mention of him.
  “I’m starving”, Sira finally states after a few minutes. “I want to eat, and then, I’ll tell you what you want to know.”
“Well, that’s a first step”, Y/N says, rising from her chair. “What do you want ? Chicken ? Ham ? Tuna ? Veggie ?”
“Tuna, with a Cherry Coke please.”
“I’ll be back in ten minutes”, Y/N tells her, taking her notebook with her and exiting the room.
  Meanwhile, in Olivia’s office, the captain and the ADA are looking inside of the interrogation room, watching, and listening to Y/N trying to convince Sira to tell her what they need.
  “She’s good”, Sonny turns to his former captain when he sees Y/N looking at Sira, who seems to be thinking about the detective’s offer.
“Why do you think I hired her, Carisi ? Not because she’s good looking. I mean, she’s a beautiful young woman, but that’s not the reason why I hired her”, Olivia tells him.
“Where did you say she worked before ?”
“Why would an Interpol agent leave her post to work for NYPD ?”, Sonny questions.
“I don’t know”, Olivia sighs, “Maybe she was only tired of it”, she shrugs.
“I’ll be back in ten minutes”, they hear Y/N say to Sira, making them looking back in the interrogation room, where they see Y/N getting up from her chair, her notebook in her hands.
  Olivia turns off the intercom when Y/N opens the door.
  “It seems that you managed to convince her to tell us things.”
“Well, I can be very persuasive apparently”, Y/N answers to her chief. “I’ll probably need your help for her when she tells me what we need to know”, she adds, turning to Sonny. “I have to go for a few minutes, she’s hungry and I promised her a tuna sandwich and a Cherry Coke.”
“You should eat something too”, Liv tells Y/N, removing her glasses and sitting behind her desk.
“Yes mom”, Y/N replies, smiling playfully at Olivia.
  Y/N exists her captain’s office and goes to her desk to take some money in her wallet, Sonny looking at her from the inside of Olivia’s office.
  “You should go with her, instead of watching her from afar. As she said, she’ll need you for Sira. And you should eat. I’m sure she would be glad of the presence of her ADA”, Olivia says, smiling to herself, insisting on the “her ADA” to give Sonny a hint.
“See ya later Captain”, Sonny grabs his suite jacket before taking the same way Y/N took two minutes before.
“Those two, not even seeing the oblivious”, Olivia sighs, watching Sonny jogging towards the elevators.
  A few minutes later, and thanks to his long legs, Sonny manages to catch Y/N at the store down the street.
  “Hey, do you mind if I join you ?”, he asks her, after he spots her in the snack area.
“Not at all”, she smiles up at him, hands full of food. “Sonny can you take a can of Cherry Coke up there please ? My hands are kinda occupied and I’m too tiny to grab one.”
“Sure, let me help you”, he says, taking her burden, in his big hands after grabbing some food for himself. “Do you intend to nourish a regiment ?”, he playfully questions, looking at all the food Y/N took.
“I don’t know how long Sira stayed without eating, so I might get carried away with all of this”, she motions to the food. “But I rather have too much than not enough.”
“My treat”, he says when they reach the checkout and Y/N takes her wallet out of her purse.
“You don’t have to”, she looks up at him. “I can pay for my food and Sira’s.”
“Let me buy it for you, it’s my pleasure.”
“Dominick Carisi, you’re too good to be true”, Y/N says, taking a shopping bag out of her purse to put the supplies in it.
  Sonny takes the bag of food from Y/N’s hand, his fingers grazing hers, and without knowing it, they both feel their cheek heat up at the light touch of their skins.
  “Do ya think she’ll tell you want you want to know ?”
“I hope so. I just want to help her, she seems lost and she needs us to help her.”
“Us ?”, Sonny raises one of his eyebrows.
“Yes, I thought that, as you are the ADA, you could help me with her, or help her with me. I… I just…”
“I see what you mean, and for the record, I’ll help you, don’t worry”, he smiles down at her.
“Thank you, Sonny.”
  Back at the precinct, the detective, followed by the ADA, goes back in the interrogation room.
  “Here for you”, Y/N says, handing the food to Sira.
“Thanks”, the teenager takes the sandwich from the Y/H/C haired woman in front of her, rips open the package and starts to devour it, barely taking time to chew.
“Slow down, you’ll choke”, the detective tells her protégée, putting down the can of Cherry Coke in front of her, along with a bottle of water.
“Sorry, I was hungry, haven’t eat for three days”, the teenage explains, her mouth full of bread and tuna, while Sonny and Y/N take a sit in front of her.
“Sira, I’d like to introduce you to someone. This is Dominick Carisi, the Assistant District Attorney I told you about.”
“Hey !”, she stops eating for a few seconds, just to gulp her Coke. “He’s cute, I understand better when you said he’s your ADA, and why you blushed”, Sira shoots at Y/N, with a sly grin on her face, looking at the two grown up in front of her turning red.
“No, I… Hum… When I said my ADA, I meant the precinct’s ADA. He’s a former cop, he used to work here before I arrived, so he knows everyone pretty well”, Y/N explains to put up a front.
“So Sira, detective Y/L/N told me you probably will have something to tell us. In exchange, as she said, we can help you. This is particularly important to be sure that what happened to you, never happened to anyone else.”
“Okay, I’ll tell you”, the teenager says.
  And she told them everything she knows. The name of her pimp, how many girls he has, what he makes them do and the way he treats them when they refuse. By the end of the day, Y/N has enough information to arrest the man.
  “Well, it should be enough to arrest him and lock him up for a while”, she tells Sonny after Sira left with a social worker that will take her in a shelter for the night, while she’s walking back to her desk in order to collect her things.
“You did a good job there Y/N.”
“Wanna have a drink ?”
“No, not tonight, I’m tired, and to be honest, I would have rather go with the others and arrest that bastard, but Liv said I earned my rest, so I’m going home”, she smiles up at him.
  It’s now or never, Sonny thinks, gathering his courage.
  “Y/N ?”
“Yes, Sonny ?”
“Would you like to have dinner with me on Friday night ?”
“Dominick Carisi, are you asking me out ?”
“Yes, I’m totally asking you out.”
“I’d love to”, she answers. “Friday night, I finish at six. I’ll text you my address and you pick me around seven ?”
“Sounds good to me”, he answers.
“See you on Friday night then”, she kisses his cheek and leaves the SVU floor, a smile on her face, leaving behind her a grinning Sonny, who reaches with his hand the spot when she kissed him.
“Are you okay Carisi ?”, Olivia asks, coming behind him.
“More than okay”, he answers, putting his suit jacket on one shoulder and going out, humming.
  Friday night seems not to come fast enough for Sonny, who barely had a glimpse on Y/N for the rest of the week as she’s busy with the victims and Sira’s testimony. She made an amazing work, what he mentioned to the court, while she was trying to reach all the families of those girls, kidnapped to serve as sex slaves. Most of the families were glad to find their children again, some other were unreachable, but he knew that Y/N wouldn’t abandon those girls until she finds a solution for the last one.
  “I’ll never be out of her”, she complains to Amanda, who’s finishing some paperwork at her desk.
“You’ve got something planed tonight ?”, the blonde detective asks her friend.
“Yep, going on a date with Carisi”, Y/N answers, making Amanda spitting the water she’s drinking.
“What ?!”, she says, wiping her chin and moping her desk. “You’re freaking kidding me ?”
“I don’t.”
“Jeez, he finally made his mind up to ask you out, was about time. I was tired to see him staring at you with blankly, and even if you didn’t notice it yourself, you definitely had a thing for the guy too.”
“Thing is, I’ll never be out and ready for him to pick me at seven… It’s almost six thirty…”, Y/N sighs.
“Okay, you know what, give me your size and there’s a store down the street, I’ll pick a dress for you, something that could do with your faux leather jacket and the shoes you’re wearing, and I’ll text Carisi to take you here instead of at your apartment. I’ll help you get ready and I’ll even help you to finish that case. Which girl do you have to finish with ?”
“Sheena Cassady, she’s the last one, I couldn’t reach her parents yet. I don’t understand if they don’t want to see her or don’t want her back or if there is another reason, but I don’t want to give up on her.”
“Give me fifteen minutes and I’ll be back to doll you up for Carisi. Don’t worry, I have some make up in my desk, just in case.”
  Y/N just nods, not really knowing how to stop or answer Amanda who rushes outside of the precinct. She sighs and returns to her work, still trying to reach for Sheena’s parents. After ten minutes of tone in her ear, she decides to stop, feeling bad for Sheena. The detective gets up from her desk and goes straight to the break room, where Sheena is waiting for her to know if she has news from her family.
  “Hey Sheena, I hope you’re okay”, Y/N says, entering the room.
“It’s getting a little long detective Y/L/N, did you manage to call my folks ?”, she asks.
“I’m sorry sweetie”, the older woman apologizes. “It seems that I can’t have them on the phone. I tried the neighbors too, but nothing. I’ll have to call social services again for you, and I’m sorry.”
“That’s alright, don’t worry, I knew that they would probably don’t want me back”, Sheena shrugs.
“Okay, I’m back”, Amanda shouts from behind, going to the break room. “And I’ve got the perfect dress for you”, she adds, pulling a wine-red dress, with a fake leather brown belt. “I know you have a pair of black ballet flat in one of your drawers. Just a little make up, and he’ll fall at your feet.”
“I heard you had a date with the cute ADA”, Sheena smiles at Y/N.
“Yes, I do, I hope this will be okay.”
“I’m sure it’ll be. He seems to be a decent guy”, the teenage adds.
“He’s more than decent”, Amanda answers. “Hey Sheena, wanna help me doll Y/N up ?”
  The young girl nods and rises from the couch, a smile on her face, following the two detectives in the bathroom, picking up Y/N shoes on the way. A few minutes later, Sonny, dressed in his blue three-piece suite, goes out of the elevator, looking around for Y/N, or at least Amanda to tell her where the Y/H/C haired woman is.
  “What’s up Carisi ? I heard you got yourself a date with Miss Interpol”, Fin greets him, clasping his shoulder. “Be nice to her, she’s a great girl.”
“I know Fin, don’t worry I’ll treat her well”, Sonny responds to his former coworker and friend.
“Great, you’re here !”, Amanda states coming back to the bathroom, Sheena on her heels.
“What are you doing here ?”, Sonny asks his friend.
“Me ? Just playing fairy godmother for your date”, she just replies.
“You’re playing fairy godmother, you ? That’s new. Not a role I would see you in”, Sonny mocks her, but his voice fades when Y/N passes the door of the bullpen, leaving him speechless.
“We should have made a princess out of her before, I’ve never seen Carisi shutting up that long before”, Fin says, from behind the still silent ADA. “You look stunning Y/N”, he adds, moving towards his coworker to have a better view of her.
  He’s right, Sonny thinks, she’s stunning. Rollins really worked well.
“Hey. You look, magnificent.”
“Thanks Sonny. You don’t look that bad either”, Y/N smiles at him.
“I booked a table in an Italian restaurant if it’s okay for you.”
“Perfect. Have a nice night everyone”, she waves at her colleagues, before taking the tall and  handsome Italian’s arm.
  From the precinct to the restaurant, Sonny acts like a real gentleman with Y/N, who tries to remember if she already has been treated that well by a man once in her life. Sonny is perfect, holding the door, letting her walk in or out before him, pulling her chair once they’re settled at their table.
  “May I ask you something ?”, Sonny questions while they’re eating their pasta plates.
“Sure”, Y/N answers, taking a bite of her pasta dish, and humming in delight.
“Why did you leave your last job ?”
“I felt like, something wasn’t here anymore. A sense of weariness. I was tired. Tired of being constantly chasing after bad guys.”
“Well that didn’t really change”, Sonny laughs.
“You’re absolutely right about that. I was never home, I didn’t really have a social life, couldn’t really see my family, couldn’t have a love life”, she adds, looking up at him. “So, after seven years, I decided to resign. I wanted stability, to see my family more often, finally settle down somewhere, have a pet, find someone to spend my life with, maybe getting married and have children. It was hard for me, I didn’t have the impression to be useful. When I left, I took some vacations, because I really needed it. I came back here, looked for a place to live and one day, my former boss sent me an email with a job opportunity, saying that SVU needed a detective and that I would be perfect for the job. And to be honest I love it, I finally have the impression to do something good, to be useful.”
“And he was right”, Sonny states, “you’re damn good with the victims, the way you investigate. How you managed to convince Sira, Sheena and all the other girls to testify. How it made possible to dismantle that network. You’re an amazing cop.”
“Thanks Sonny, but to be honest, I would never have managed to convince Sira if you refused to help me.”
“I can’t refuse you anything”, he blurts, taking another bite of his plate, before realizing what he just said. “I mean…”
“That’s okay Sonny, I’m not going to demand you to offer me a ring just because you gave me a compliment”, Y/N says, taking a sip of the Italian wine in her glass, watching Sonny turning red. “Can I taste those ?”, she suddenly points at his plate.
“Sure, be my guest.”
  Y/N leans a little over her plate to sink her fork in Sonny’s, who wraps a bit of his own spaghetti on his fork. Neither of them notice that one particularly long spaghetti wrapped itself on both forks. And the particular way this restaurant places people, helps a lot in what happens next. As they both eat the spaghettis, musicians come around, distracting them from looking at each other, the spaghetti disappearing in both their mouths, until their lips are pressing against each other. They both move back, looking at each other with a small smile, and start to eat again, in a comfortable silence.
  After dinner, Sonny takes Y/N to an Italian neighborhood party in East Village. The street is full of people, music and there are some attractions here and there. A carrousel, a Ferris wheel, a band playing music and people dancing around the square. Fingers intertwined, Sonny and Y/N, wander through the fair, their eyes trying to watch everything. With the warmth of the evening, both of them left their jackets in Sonny’s car, enjoying the mild temperatures.
  “Do you want to dance ?”, Sonny asks, after a moment, pointing at the people dancing and at the band.
“I’d love to”, Y/N answers.
  He grabs her hand and leads her to the improvised dancefloor in the middle of the street. Sonny takes Y/N’s right hand in his left and put his right hand on her waist, while Y/N lays her left hand on his shoulder. As the band starts to play a very familiar tune, they start to sway, looking at each other, a small smile on their lips.
  Oh, this is the night, it's a beautiful night
And we call it bella notte
Look at the skies, they have stars in their eyes
On this lovely bella notte
  Sonny spins her around, while the two singers continue to sing the main theme from Lady and the Tramp. When Y/N is facing Sonny again, she moves closer to him and wraps her two arms around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder, letting the words of the song lull her, wishing that this moment never ends.
  Side by side with your loved one You'll find enchantment here The night will weave its magic spell When the one you love is near
For this is the night And the heavens are right On this lovely bella notte
  At some point, she rises her head and Sonny kisses her tenderly. At the end of the song, Sonny takes her hand back in his and they leave the now crowded dancefloor.
  “What’s next ?”, she asks with bright eyes.
“Well detective Y/L/N, what do you think about this ?”, he says, showing her the Ferris wheel.
“I think this is a very good idea ADA Carisi”, she smiles at him, pulling him towards the merry-go-round.
  Sonny buys two tickets, and they are seated in the cabin, enjoying the view as the wheel goes up. When it stops at the top, they can see a few neighborhoods, and look up at the stars.
  “This night is perfect”, Y/N says, leaning into Sonny’s side. “I don’t want it to be over. I’m so glad you finally asked me out.”
“I’m glad I did it”, Sonny answers, putting his arm around her shoulder, his chin on her head. “I should have asked you long before if I knew this would be so perfect.”
  After another hour spent at the fest, and after two gelatos, Sonny brings Y/N back home.
  “This was the best date I’ve ever have”, Y/N says when Sonny stops in front of her building’s entrance, his car parked a little lower down the street. “Thank you, Sonny.”
“Me too”, he replies, scratching the back if his neck. “Does this mean I can have hope for a second date ?”
“I’ll gladly go out with you again Dominick Carisi, a second time, and a third time and a fourth time”, she pulls him down to her by his tie, her lips crashing on his.
  She releases his tie when he kisses her back, wrapping her arms around his neck, to pull him further into her, while his hands find their way to her hips. When they pull away, lips swollen, Y/N smiles up at him one last time, before climbing the few stairs to her building’s front door.
  “I’m waiting for your call ADA”, she playfully says.
“And I’ll call you detective”, he answers, on the same tone.
  Y/N blows a kiss and closes the door. When the door closes, Sonny goes back to his car, almost dancing on the way, already planning his next date with Y/N. He is more than happy to finally have been able to ask out the woman of his dreams and to have make it the start of something that he knows he’ll cherish for the rest of his life.
Taglist :
@bastard-man-barba​, @storiesofsvu​
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ghosti02art · 5 months
blood orange
summary: Katerina, an INTERPOL agent on vacation, is unlucky enough to be on the same Bullet Train as a bunch of professional killers. Even worse, one of them has the sort of attitude that makes her want to pull out his teeth. Perhaps it has nothing to do with luck, and entirely to do with fate. Can this is be called destiny?
Pairing: Tangerine x OC / Reader (Will make an altered version for a Reader fic)
Fandom: Bullet Train
The sky was dark, and the night air was cool. It was late evening in Tokyo, but that did not stop this bullet train from being filled to the brim. If Katerina had known it would have been such a busy ride, she would have just walked back. Or even just slept in the streets. 
She was sitting in the small train seat, and let out a sigh. There was an assortment of noises as people boarded and unbounded the transport. 
Boy, she hated being on vacation. 
She hated it so much that her employer had to make it a part of her “occupational rules”, otherwise she’d never take a break. She did not need a break. Breaks were for the weak - at least to her - because that was how she was brought up. And now, due to her boss, she has to take a 4-day vacation every 3 months. 
She was sketching on a small pad - a drawing she planned to paint later once she got back to the house she was staying in - when she felt someone bump into her shoulder. 
“!Jodete!*” She cursed, glaring at whoever caused the graphite streak across her drawing. Her eyes were met with a sneer, as the man appeared to have no understanding of the term ‘remorse’. 
He looked to be on the cusp of 6 feet tall, and way overdressed for a simple train ride. Perhaps he was a white color worker, but she quickly dismissed that idea, for there was no amount of nice tailored suits that could make up for his awful attitude. 
He cursed right back at her, his thick English accent making everything he said almost laughable to her,” Fuck off mate, get outta my way.”
Katerina simply rolled her eyes at this and went back to her drawing. Despite her foul Spanish, and her tendency to be petty, she bit her tongue. She did not really care to get in a fight with some random curly-haired Englishman. Although, she did have the crossing thought to rip off that mustache of his. 
She mentally noted that he and whoever he was with sat down diagonally across from her. She shifted in her seat, making sure her deep navy overcoat still covered her gun. She always kept at least three things on her that could be used as weapons, and her governmental-issued firearm was one of those. 
Just because she was not currently on INTERPOL business did not mean she was unprepared. She always expected the worst. At any moment, something could go wrong on this train - a fight could break out, a gang could hold someone hostage, a very attractive assassin could sneak onto the train-
Her train of thought was broken when she noticed the Englishman get up and walk toward the luggage end of the train. When he passed her, she quickly put out her foot, tripping him. He quickly caught himself on one of the train seats in front of her, hissing as he spun to growl at her. He started to throw every curse he knew at her, but she simply hummed. 
She looks up from her drawing and tilts her head. There was a slight touch of redness on his cheeks, and it suited him. 
“No se ingle?” She says to him, watching as his frustration rises as she claims ignorance. He huffs, and quickly goes towards the luggage, muttering obscenities under his breath. 
There is a chuckle coming from the set of seats the man left, and Kat turns to look at the individual. There were two other men, and the one that was laughing had dark skin and bleach-tipped hair. 
When her eyes slide over to the quiet male, her blood runs cold. She recognized this man- or should she say, boy, since she knew him from when he was much younger. This was The White Death’s son, and that automatically put a target onto this train. After all of her avoidance of Russia, of that world, it still tracked her down. Her eyes flit back to the humored one, and she realized she knew of him too. It seemed that he recognized her too, but before either of them could say anything, the tough guy over by the luggage called out for him. 
“Lemon! Where’s the stuff? You gave me the wrong directions!” The dark-skinned man, Lemon, quickly gets up to go over to the luggage,” Bruv, I told you, it’s right behind-“ 
Katerina did not wait behind to listen to the remainder of their conversation. She quickly got up from her seat and grabbed her bag, and walked in the other direction towards the bar car. She needed something strong if she was going to make it through this ride. 
Once at the bar, she did not even wait for an attendant to help her get a drink. She easily hops over the counter and turns around to search the cabinets for some good vodka. Yes, she loved vodka. Yes, she knew she was giving into the Russian stereotype. She could get away with it because she had plenty of Spanish genes to mix it up. 
She can feel the presence of another in the train car- actually, two others in the car. She continues to pour herself a drink and mix it properly, before finally turning around. 
She looks down the barrel of two guns, one for each eye, and takes a sip from her glass. 
“Well, boys. You’ve got me outnumbered. That gives you two an extra 25 seconds before I make you tell me what is going on.”
Katerina smirks slightly, before setting her drink down, still mostly untouched. 
“Alcohol always tasted better with blood on my lips.”
**Spanish for "Fuck you!".
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
across the pond
pairing - emily prentiss x reader
summary - emily reunites with her best friend and realizes her true feelings
warning - mentions of case
word count - ?
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the entire teams eyes all shot up when they saw emily practically launch out of her seat and make a beeline over to the door, a smile already on her face.
you stepped into the bau after your flight from london. born and raised in england, you grew up and still had a very apparent accent. when you were finally old enough, you joined interpol and met your team, more notably, emily prentiss.
the two of you were and still are best friends. sure, you haven’t seen each other in a few years but you texted everyday and facetimed all the time. deep down, you always had slight feelings for emily. after cases, emily would always put her hands on your cheeks to check you over with an incredible amount of care before leading you to the car to head home. there were countless nights in london where you two would be lying on your couch, emily practically on top of you.
but, since the leadership with interpol had gotten worse, you requested a transfer to washington d.c. it was up in the air on what team you would be placed with but you honestly didn’t care.
your eyes darted around for a few seconds before falling on emily who met yours. i’m an instant, your best friend was up and out of her seat, rushing over to you.
both of your bodies collided with such force that you spun around slightly. emily’s arms wrapped tightly around your neck as yours held her waist. emily hid her face in the crook of her neck as you hid your mouth down in her shoulder.
the team watched from afar as the two of you hugged, still completely clueless on who the mystery woman hugging their fellow agent was. j.j. in particular narrowed her eyes slightly to see better. was emily crying?
when you pulled away, this time, your hands went up to her cheeks, wiping away the tears that had just started to fall down her cheeks.
“what are you doing here?” emily exclaimed, a wide smile displayed.
“well,” you started, british accent shining though, “i have a meeting with strauss.” emily’s eyes widened, “what for?”
you let out a soft sigh. “i requested a transfer,” you revealed. emily didn’t respond but pulled you into another hug. “interpol has gotten that bad?” she asked. you nodded into her shoulder.
“wait so does that mean you’re moving here?” emily questioned.
a grin on your face was enough of an answer. for the third time, the two of you hugged, almost never wanting to let go. the next time you and emily separated was when someone cleared their throat behind you.
“welcome agent y/n,” strauss greeted.
you spun around to see strauss. still smiling, you walked over to director, hugging her softly. strauss was practically an aunt to you. your parents were friends and strauss had helped you with interpol and now your transfer.
by now, the team was even more confused. first emily and now strauss? before anyone could ask only questions, strauss whisked you away for the meeting you were telling emily about.
emily continued to beam even as you shot her a final smile before exiting the bullpen. that smile stayed as she made her way back to her desk and sat down.
“uh who was that?” spencer asked.
“that was y/n y/l/n aka my best friend since what feels like forever,” just saying that phrase made emily blush and feel like a little kid, “we worked together in london and haven’t seen each other for a few years. now, obviously, she’s here for a meeting with strauss.”
“oh that’s y/n! damn i didn’t think she would look like that,” morgan remarked with his usual flirty nature.
a pang of jealousy hit emily hard. “don’t talk about her like that,” emily replied, a frown on her face. morgan held his hands up in defense before retreating back to his desk.
j.j., however, sat down on the edge of emily’s desk. even spencer, who’s desk was across from hers, leaned in to listen.
“so y/n,” j.j. started, an already knowing smirk on her face. emily blushed profusely and hid her head slightly. “i don’t know what your talking about,” the woman responded as she grabbed a file.
spencer clicked his tongue as he raised his eyebrows. “yeah sure,” the genius remarked. emily shot him a slightly shocked expression before once again going back to her work.
you walked back in the bullpen holding a packet of papers. emily spun around in her chair when she noticed your presence. you tossed the papers on her desks before plopping yourself in her lap.
after grabbing the papers once more, you placed them in your laps, allowing for emily to read them as she wrapped her arm around your waist.
“you got the transfer papers?” emily exclaimed.
you nodded, matching her expression, “yup, i just have to fill out the information and then i an officially a quantico agent. once i get my team assignment and all.”
“you can totally do it at my apartment. i’m sure hotch will let me go home early,” emily suggested before adding, “do you have hotel reservations already.” you shook your head.
“cancel them. you’re staying with me. i haven’t seen you in forever and we really need to catch up.” emily’s slight orders gave you no choice but to comply.
you remained in the bullpen for another half an hour before you had left with the intent of going back to your hotel to get your bags and check out. emily sent you a text letting you know that she was leaving work and heading to pick you up.
after sliding into the passengers seat, you grinned over at your best friend. “it’s awakard sitting on this side and not driving,” emily sighed, “yeah well i’m definitely going to need to teach you how to drive.”
the two of you arrived at her apartment complex a few minutes later. as you stepped at, you looked up in slight awe at the building. they were drastically different then the buildings in london.
emily unlocked her apartment and motioned for you to step inside. you first dropped your backpack onto one of the chairs while your suitcase remained behind you. “i can give you a quick tour and then you can shower if you want while i make some dinner. i’m sure your tired from the time difference,” emily offered.
the tour didn’t last long as it was an apartment and not many places to go. you were, however, shown to the room you would be staying in as well as the bathroom. with one final smile, you grabbed a change of clothes and your toiletry bag before retreating to the bathroom.
emily first went into her own room, changing out of her work clothes and into something much comfier. after that, she went into the kitchen to begin cooking a slightly early dinner for you both. thankfully, the prep didn’t take long and within a few minutes, the food was cooking on the stove.
just as emily turned away from the food on the stove, her phone buzzed. she quickly unlocked the device before clicking on the message. suprisingly, it was a message from the teams groupchat. emily laughed slightly at the name which changed constantly. it was currently ‘bau baddies,’ but switched between something in italian rossi put or a meme garcia found.
“how’s everything with y/n ;)?” the message read. emily rolled her eyes before typing back a simple, ‘stfu.’ banter in the groupchat was nothing new.
with that, she set her phone down and tuned back to the food. you walked into the kitchen a moment later, dressed in a simple t-shirt and sweatpants with a towl you were using to dry your hair.
“smells delicious,” you complimented and took your seat on one of the stools. you figured that before dinner you might as well fill out the papers strauss had given you.
you didn’t even realize how concentrated you were until emily placed her hand softly on your shoulder. it obviously startled you and your shoulder tingled slightly from the touch.
“dinners ready,” emily spoke.
after standing up, you followed the woman into the dining room where the food was set out as well as two glasses of wine.
over dinner, the two of you chatted, mainly about what details hadn’t been shared over the phone or through text. once you both were finished eating, emily took the plates into the kitchen and stuck them into the dishwasher. another yawn left your lips just as she finished.
no words were exchanged as emily placed her hand on your back and led you over the the couch. she sat down first, putting a pillow behind her head. with one swift movement, emily tugged your wrist to pull you down.
you adjusted so your head was on her chest, the rest of your body moving slightly to the side of hers. you traced small designs into her stomach as the two of you layed there.
“i really missed you,” emily spoke, breaking the silence a few minutes later. you hummed in response, showing your agreement.
for the second time that day, emily’s phone buzzed, from the same groupchat, this time, however, it was morgan who texted.
‘just ask her out already. everyone saw how jealous you got when i made the fake flirty comment.’
unknown to emily, you had shifted your head to the side without even thinking to look at where she was texting.
“ask me out huh?” you smirked as you sat up slightly so you were resting on your elbow.
emily face turned a crimson red and realization you saw the message. “you weren’t meant to see that. morgan was j-just joking around,” emily stuttered, trying to defend herself from the text was just sent.
sure emily did have a crush on you and had had one for while. but, this was not the way she wanted you to find out. hell, emily wasn’t even sure if you were even ever going to find out.
and now, here you two were, sitting inches apart as you had broken away from literally cuddling with each other.
after adjusting yourself better so all your weight wasn’t on your arms, you moved one hand up to rest on her cheek. emily, in contrast, wrapped her arm around your waist.
“you really feel that way about me em?” you whispered, moving even closer. the only thing allowing for you to do this was the burst of adrenaline you were feeling.
emily nodded, her grip becoming slightly tighter. “use your words angel,” you added. that nickname alone made emily groan. “yes i do. i’ve loved you for a long time,” she admitted.
you bit your lip, the corners of your mouth turning upward into a smile. “i love you too,” you first said.
both of your lips were extremely close now. your foreheads were pressed together as her hands were holding your hips while yours were on her cheek and chest.
“kiss me,” you commanded softly.
with that, emily pressed her lips firmly to yours. you kissed back, obviously, your lips moving in sync with hers. the moment between the two of you went on for a few minutes before you pulled away, needing air.
after placing one more kiss to emily’s lips, you moved so you were laying back on her chest. “i’m so glad we did that,” you spoke. “me too,” emily responded, grinning brightly.
sure all it took for you and emily to get together was a reunion and a the news of a transfer to a still undecided team but, all you cared about was that you could now officially call emily, the woman you loved, your girlfriend officially.
and maybe hotch did decide to repay the favor he owed emily and inquire strauss to request that you had joined the team as another profiler.
when that news was broken to you, emily had picked you up into a hug, spinning you around slightly as the rest of the team cheered. when emily let you go, to which you went over to another member of the team, she turned up to hotch who was standing by one of the desks.
“thank you,” she mouthed, incredibly overjoyed with the whole situation.
hotch just nodded and even cracked a smile as you settled back into emily, the two of you immediately leaning into each other, obviously displaying your new relationship to everyone on the team.
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crackedoutgiraffe · 4 years
To the Moon and Back
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
A/N: Chapter 16
When you regained consciousness, you were greeted by Morgan who was standing over you. You could tell he was talking to you, but you couldn’t make out what he was saying. There was a ringing noise in your ear, it was nauseating. Morgan gestured for someone to come over to you. You looked around and saw panic. Everyone was running around. There were three SWAT agents that you could see, they too were laying on the ground. Hotch came over to help you too.The ringing was starting to go down, you could hear sirens and vaguely what Hotch was saying. 
“Where’s Emily?” you asked Hotch. 
He looked around for a second, “I think Morgan went to find her. Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine,” you stood up. You looked around at the chaos and saw Rossi exiting the MCC. You hobbled over there, “What the hell happened?”
“They set off a bomb,” Rossi pointed out the obvious.
“But where did they go? They weren’t going to kill themselves,” you clarified.
“I’ll worry about that, you get your leg looked at,” he walked toward Hotch who was waiting for Morgan and Emily to come out. Your leg had been cut in the explosion, but you had so much adrenaline you couldn’t feel it.
You limped over to a paramedic who bandaged your leg. When he was done, you went to see if there was anything you could help with. Hotch and Strauss were briefing some cops on what they needed to do. Rossi was talking to reporters. You found Garcia, who was listening in on what Hotch and Strauss were saying. You went and stood next to her. After listening for a few minutes you went back to wandering around. A few moments later you saw an SUV pulling up to the scene, so you went over to see who it was. 
Spencer jumped out and rushed over to you, “Y/N, thank goodness you’re okay,” he pulled you into a hug. When he let go of you he noticed how dirty your vest was and the bandage around your leg. “How close were you to the blast?”
“Pretty close,” your leg still hurt, but it was enough to bother you. 
He looked around for a few seconds, “I have to go and talk to Hotch.”
“I’ll come with you,” you volunteered. He didn’t protest, but you knew he didn’t like you being in danger. You both walked to find your boss who was looking over maps on the hood of a police car. 
“Y/N, are you feeling better?” He pointed at the bandage on your leg.
“I am, thank you sir.”
“Alright, let’s get to work,” Hotch turned around and started rearranging the maps. “Morgan and JJ said that the blast created a hole between the underground vaults and these tunnels.”
“You know, most of these older banks are made of granite or limestone for longevity,” Reid pointed out.
“So she knew to use a combination of C-4 and semtex to open her escape route,” Hotch emphasized.
“The tunnels let out at multiple points running west. She could still be underground,” you added.
“I know. This is what she does. She probably waited till the last minute to exit. She wants to see all this chaos,” Hotch sighed.
“We need to find the tunnel exit closest to the bank,” Reid confirmed.
“Looks like it's two blocks here, just outside the perimeter,” Hotch pointed at the maps.
“Should we head over there?” you asked.
“No, JJ and Morgan are going to be there soon,” Hotch finished and walked back to the MCC. You and Reid followed him inside. Garcia and Kevin were working through the footage. Rossi and Strauss were talking in the corner, Hotch went over to join them. Prentiss came in right after the three of you. After a few minutes, Reid’s phone started to ring. He answered it and just said yes over and over again before hanging up. 
“That was JJ,” Reid out his phone back in his pocket. “she and Morgan said the unsubs were in an alley northwest of the perimeter. 
“Yeah, this footage confirms it. Ok, I can see two figures in the car. Please tell me one of them is Will,” Garcia pulled up footage of a black SUV. 
“See how she's turned. It's like she's keeping an eye on someone in the back,” Hotch pointed out.
“Does this mean Will's in the car?” Garcia asked.
“There's somebody back there,” Rossi sighed.
“What's the license plate?” Reid asked.
Garcia enhanced the image, “that's weird. They're government tags.” 
“Federal or district?” Reid probed.
“Federal,” Garcia added.
“Well, they're either stolen or forged,” Reid stood up straight. 
“Who the hell are these people?” Garcia sighed.
“They set up roadblocks in the district from 66 to Dulles,” Strauss added.
“Wait. So we're looking for a black SUV with its sirens on. That's gonna stand out,” Kevin joked.
“Will's with them. I found his wallet,” JJ said as she and Morgan entered the MCC.
“It benefits them to keep Will alive,” Hotch did his best to comfort her.
“They must have a safe house set up,” Morgan added.
“Whoever their outside man is, that's where they're heading now. But where?” you asked.
“What's their end game?” JJ added.
“There's no logical reason. They want to create panic,” Rossi reasoned.
“She's struck all over the world, which says she might not be American, but her ideology certainly speaks to Washington. Whatever point she and her partner are making, it's important that D. C.'s the setting,” Reid explained.
“The brothers were from Philadelphia. The other partner might be homegrown as well,” Prentiss noted.
“Homeland's sending over a list of possibilities,” Strauss tried to be helpful.
“They're not on anyone's list,” Hotch sighed.
“Then how do we find them?” Strauss snapped.
“We find the common denominators between all 14 robberies and we go from there,” Hotch explained 
“So she's our only answer,” you pointed at the woman on the screen.
“For now,” Hotch was getting angrier.
“I'll call Easter at Interpol again. Now that there's been an explosion, he might have some ideas,” Prentiss left the MCC.
“I have to call the director,” Strauss followed her out.
Morgan’s phone started to ring, “Yeah, ok, thank you.” He hung up. “That was the lab. Semtex and C-4 like we thought. Red, blue, yellow wires in each, and an old phone as a detonator.”
“How old is the phone?” you asked. 
“10 years,” Morgan sighed.
“That's specific and rare,” Reid added.
“Ridiculously,” Morgan laughed. 
“Well, has anyone seen it before?” Hotch asked.
“It was last seen in a number of bombings in Chad,” Morgan continued.
“For a signature that specific, they must have been there to learn it,” you added.
Prentiss reentered the MCC, “Did Easter have any insight?” Hotch asked. 
“A woman they called Lady X stole a sedan from Scotland Yard 8 years ago. The investigation concluded she was a trained assassin. She disappeared,” she explained.
“So Lady X and Queen of Diamonds is the same person?” Rossi questioned.
“It sounds like it,” Prentiss continued.
“Garcia, look at assassination attempts around the civil unrest in Chad,” Hotch ordered.
“If she was a hired gun, she was likely taking orders from someone,” Reid pointed out
“Maybe she's still working for the same guy now and he's still pulling the strings,” you continued.
“Or maybe she's found her equal,” Hotch proposed.
“Their obsession with killing and domination has culminated in what we've seen today,” Prentiss noted.
“Getting off on the disaster they've created. Classic symphorophiliacs,” Reid mentioned.
“Then this isn't over,” Hotch sighed.
“Far from it,” Rossi concurred.
“No. Now that they've gotten away with this, where are they gonna strike next?” Hotch asked.
A cop entered the MCC, “We have reports of an EMT being shot, cameras show your people.”
“Rossi, JJ, you two go check it out,” Hotch instructed. The pair left swiftly. “Prentiss, Morgan, and Reid, look back at what we know and see if you can figure out where the next attack is going to be,” they all nodded and got ready to leave. “Y/N stay here and help Garcia and Kevin.” Hotch made a quick exit after that.
“Kevin, what have you got?” you got off of the counter you were sitting on.
“Just going through…” Kevin replied, his eyes never leaving the screen.
“They did that on purpose, right? I mean, we saw everything until they had Will,” Garcia frantically went through the hours of footage.
“Well, they made a mistake,” you noted. “Leaving the cameras on gave us much more information than they realized. What time did the 911 text come in?”  
“9:23” Kevin said as he scrambled back to the beginning of the footage.
“The bank opened at 9:00. Let's go back to the beginning. I need you both on this,” you felt useless, all Hotch wanted you to do was sit here and watch Garcia and Kevin.
“Y/N, I think I’ve got something. The explosion was a distraction so they could escape. Watch. Allow me to fast-forward. All right, here's where Chris started shooting hostages. The fella next to him didn't even flinch. Doesn't even break a sweat,” Kevin pointed at the gruesome footage on his screen.
“We know he's ex-military, but still... His name is Matthew Downs. That's what he told Rossi and he wasn't lying. History shows dishonorable discharge from USMC in '04,” Garcia info-dumped his history.
“Ok, do me a favor. Keep going. To where Will walks in. Ok, now watch him. And then... Look at her. Her partner was in there the whole time, just not in the way that we thought. They shot this whole thing like a home movie,” you pointed out all of the little things in their body language.
“He could have been killed,” Garcia addressed.
“No, she wouldn't let that happen,” you corrected.
“What the hell are they doing?” Kevin asked.
“It's all part of their plan. They've created scenarios that are practically impossible to survive. When they make it, it's the ultimate high. Like an adrenaline junkie,” you explained. “Let me call Hotch,” you grabbed your phone and dialed your boss’s number. “Hey Hotch. We’re looking for one of the hostages, Matthew Downs.”
“Let me ask around really quick,” you could hear indistinct chatter on the other side. “Nobody can find Matthew Downs. ERT said that he helped them, then he disappeared.”
“That’s her partner,” you got excited that you could be helpful.
“Thank you, Y/N. Prentiss, Morgan, and Reid are walking the bank again, why don’t you help them out?” He hung up. You quickly left the MCC and made your way to the, now destroyed, bank entrance. 
You worked your way over the rumble and closer to Spencer. “So why didn't they take all the money?” Spencer asked.
“They were a man down and they had to get out in a hurry,” you answered.
“But for her, today was less about the money and more about the spectacle,” Prentiss corrected.
“Everything they've said and done was for a reason,” Morgan noted. “But what doesn't make any sense is she switched the negotiation demand. Chris wanted to go to Switzerland. She changed it to Chad.”
“They also requested a private plane, but no mention of a pilot,” you remembered. Reid held out his hand and helped you over a large pile of rubble.
“Guys, if you think about it, even the dates mean something. In 2004, while she was wreaking havoc abroad, he was dishonorably discharged. Then in 2008, they likely met in Chad. And now this in 2012,” Spence pointed out.
“Ok, so is it a coincidence that those are all election years and they attacked D. C.? Maybe this is a political statement,” Morgan asked.
“No. It's more personal than that. It's their story,” Prentiss looked like a light bulb went off in her head. 
“What?” Morgan was still confused
“All of the details are a part of their story,” Prentiss explained. “We need to talk to Garcia.” 
Everyone scrambled out of the building and to the MCC to find out what idea Pentiss had. When you got there, Strauss and Hotch were already looking over Kevin’s and Garcia’s shoulder. “Their timeline suggests they were both destructive before they met.”
“So we're talking about ex-military turning on their country,” Strauss clarified.
“It's rare, but soldiers become disenfranchised no matter what the nationality. And if he met someone like-minded at that time, there'd be no stopping them,” Emily deduced. 
“So you're thinking they met during the civil unrest in Chad in '08,” Hotch connected the dots.
“Yeah, and one or both of them are pilots,” Reid added.
“So if Garcia concentrates on that region, specifically weapons running in and out of Libya, there's a good chance we'll find their paths crossed,” Prentiss continued.
“Ok, multiple entries into Libya for a private pilot named Matthew Downs in '08, but I don't have her name,” Garcia deciphered the information popping up on the screen.
“Well, because she had aliases. It's the only way to stay a ghost. Here's the thing-- they are a couple. Regardless of what we believe of them, they will celebrate themselves and their connection. Is there anything that happened on this date in Chad?” Prentiss explained.
“Oh, you are good, Emily Prentiss. But this news is not. Yes, there were multiple explosions on this date in '08,” Garcia found. 
“Where were the most casualties?” Hotch asked.
“At a church-- no, no, a train,” Garcia quickly discovered.
“Semtex and C-4?” Morgan asked
“Yep,” Garcia finished.
“Are trains still arriving at Union Station?” Hotch asked Strauss.
“Yes, but only the authorities are allowed in,” Strauss explained.
“That's why they needed Will,” Hotch noted. “Prentiss, Morgan, you’re with me.” The three of them left the MCC, followed by Strauss.
“So what’s up with you two?” you asked Garcia and Kevin.
“What do you mean?” Kevin inquired.
“Yeah, what happened between you two?” Spence joined you in your interrogation.
Garcia turned around and rolled her eyes at the two of you, “Why do you want to know so bad?”
“Because you two were a cute couple,” you explained. 
“I was planning on proposing to her, but she said that she wasn’t ready to get married,” Kevin confessed.
“That’s it?” you scoffed. “You two broke up because you didn’t want to get married and he did?”
“What’s so hard to believe about that?” Garcia asked.
“It’s just so stupid,” you laughed. “Garcia, you may not want to get married now, but you will eventually. And Kevin, just wait. You are not losing anything by waiting,” they turned to look at each other. “It’s obvious that you two still love each other,” you shrugged your shoulders at how oblivious they were.
“Let’s talk later,” Garcia placed her hand on Kevin’s knee. “Now for our turn to interrogate.”
“Garcia, I’m not hiding anything,” you kept your body language so calm that even Reid didn’t know you were lying.
She scoffed and turned to face Spencer who was a lot more nervous than you, “Dr. Reid, is there anything you would like to say.”
“No,” He tried his best to lie to her.
“How long have you two been dating?” She bluntly asked.
Reid looked at you for your approval, you nodded, “four months,” he blurted out.
“FOUR MONTHS!” Garcia jumped out of her chair, “You kept this from me for four months?” All you could do was laugh at her surprise. Reid reached over and grabbed your hand.
“Did we hide it that well?” Reid asked.
“I mean,” she finally calmed down, “we all knew something was up, but we didn’t know that.”
“I’d say we did a pretty good job,” you gave Spence a high-five.
“Does anyone else know?” She asked.
“I don’t think so,” you giggled. Garcia made you talk about your relationship until Hotch and the team got back. “How did it go?” you asked Hotch when he walked in.
“Good. We got Downs, Prentiss defused a bomb, and JJ, Will, and Henry are all safe,” he was really sweaty. “Will has to go to the hospital so JJ and Rossi are going with him, but we’re good to head back to Quantico.” Everyone grabbed their stuff and piled into the SUVs. When you arrived at Quantico everyone got settled into their desks. 
“The convention's still happening tomorrow if you want to go,” Reid stopped Garcia as she walked past her desk.
“That whole city on the brink of destruction thing kind of took the wind out of my sails, you know?” She shrugged.
“That'll do it every time,” Prentiss quipped.
“We didn't finish the inspection,” Morgan pointed out.
“No need,” Prentiss sighed
“What happened?” Reid asked.
“Um, there is a horizontal crack in the foundation. It just weakens the entire base that the house is sitting on,” she explained.
“Yeah. That does not sound good,” you acknowledged.
“So, our unsub is Izzy Rogers,” Strauss came and handed Morgan a file. “She'll be charged with multiple counts domestically, and our international counterparts will have their turn with her. She will never see the light of day. I just thought you'd like to know that. Agent Morgan, a word?” She and Morgan walked far enough away that you couldn’t hear what she was saying, she seemed to be smiling though.
“Hang on, let me check,” Hotch came out of his office, on the phone. “Oh, wait, she's here. Erin, don't go anywhere. Dave wants to know if everyone is free tomorrow night?”
“Well, it depends on if he's buying. Then I'm definitely in,” Morgan chuckled.
“Yeah, me, too,” you raised your hand.
“You hear that? We're in,” Hotch turned back to his office.
You spent the night at Reid’s, it was the first time you two had slept in the same bed. You went back to your apartment at around 5 to get ready for Rossi’s. He had told you to dress pretty fancy. You put on a red dress (Sherri Hill # 53097), curled your hair, and did your makeup. You went to pick Reid up at 7. The party was absolutely beautiful. When you got there, everyone was mingling and drinking. JJ and Will showed up with their son. She was none the wiser that she was actually at her wedding. Rossi had pulled out all the stops, he had caterers, lights, and a dance floor. You stood by and watched Reid show Henry a magic trick. He was so cute when he was playing with kids. You thought he was going to be a great father one day.
At around 8, Rossi asked for everyone to gather around the aisle. Will was standing at the altar with Henry by his side. JJ glided down the aisle with her mom. She looked beautiful. When she reached Will, Reid grabbed your hand and you put your head on his shoulder. After the ceremony, everyone sat at a table and Rossi gave a toast. You all ate dinner and were ready to party. The first song to play was ‘Try to Remember’ by the Brothers Four. Everyone slow-danced with their date, including you and Reid. While you were dancing, You put your head on his chest. He kissed the top of your head, “I love you,” he whispered. This was the first time he said that to you.
You lifted your head off of his chest,“I love you too,” he pulled you in for a kiss. You could feel eyes on you from every direction. When you were done, there were hoots and cheers from everyone there. 
“It’s about time, pretty boy,” Morgan came and pat Reid on the back.
“It’s been four months,” Redi exclaimed. Everyone looked at you with the same shock that Garcia had the day before.
“Great, now I owe Garcia $20,” Morgan scoffed. Rossi played some more upbeat music and you took turns dancing with all the guys and the three ladies on your team. Everyone had so much fun and it wasn’t hard to see why. Everyone shared plenty of laughs. Reid drove you home that night, as you had been drinking. You went to bed that night knowing that you and Reid loved each other. You were going to marry him, you had your heart set on it.
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puddygeeks · 3 years
𝑊𝑎𝑟 𝑂𝑓 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠 - 𝐶𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑠, 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟 𝑅𝑒𝑖𝑑 𝑥 𝑂𝐶 - 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5: 𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑦 𝑇𝑜𝑑𝑑
Tumblr media
Rating: Mature
Summary: 𝐴𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑝 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠. 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝐴𝑈 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦, 𝑚𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑏𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑡.
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x OC
Status: Ongoing
My writing is entirely fuelled by coffee! If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate toward my caffeine dependency: will work for coffee
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑎𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡, 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑤. 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑏𝑒 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑢𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟, 𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑 𝑎𝑏𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 & 𝑠𝑒𝑥𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑏𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝐴𝑈'𝑠 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘. 𝐼𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑚𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑠 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑎𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑏𝑒 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑑, 𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤.
Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ: Pʀᴇ Sᴇᴀsᴏɴ 1
Chapter Five
Driving into the Twenty Nine Palms base was a reality check that I hadn’t been prepared for and I swallowed my nerves as we began approaching a large building. This was my first time in any kind of military establishment and I had to admit that I felt entirely out of my depth. There was an overbearing sensation of always being watched and I was acutely aware of how little I knew about military culture, other than that converses would probably not give the best impression. 
The driver opened the car door for me and again took my case, treating me with more courtesy than I’d ever received at Interpol. He led me into the bland halls of the building and I kept my eyes firmly trained on his back until I reached something familiar. He placed my case just outside of a small dark room filled with screens and stepped aside for me to catch a glimpse of puffy blonde hair.
“Thank you, Harris. This is the most important delivery that I’ve had this year.” Penelope breezed from inside before she came charging toward me to wrap her arms around my shoulders and my driver promptly left us to reunite. 
“I missed you so much! It’s great to have you back.” She muttered, surrounding me with her fruity scent as she clung to me and although I’d previously been comfortable with contact from her, my increased anxiety caused me to rush out of her grip barely seconds into the embrace.
“It’s great to be back.” I responded quietly, forcing a smile which I knew she had noticed was fake and I attempted to distract her from it by turning her attention to our workspace. “This certainly looks crowded. Where do you want me to set up?”
“I’ve left a space for your laptop here, sugar plum. You can set it up ready to support me if I find anything that I need backup with, but from what I’ve heard, Hotch has plans for you to take on a different role this time.” She explained, pointing to a spot on a small desk beside her workstation and although this statement made my stomach flip, I focused on getting straight into action.
Penelope returned to her seat to continue her investigations, whilst I made a start on preparing my laptop for use. I noticed straight away that she had already plugged in adapters to the nearby plug sockets for me and smiled in appreciation. She was always considerate of my needs and at times, I wondered what I had done to deserve a friend like her.
The moment that I’d finished getting everything ready, she hopped to her feet and motioned for me to follow her.
“Hotch asked me to bring you to the meeting room as soon as you were ready. Don’t worry about any military men giving you grief, it’s just our team in there at the moment.” She described as she led me with a bounce in her step and I hummed thoughtfully as I absorbed her words. It was clear that she had already noticed my discomfort and her wording caused me to relax slightly, as it seemed that she’d blamed my anxiety mostly on our location rather than the darker causes that I wasn’t keen to discuss. 
“Oh, just a heads up that Gideon is still on medical leave, so the boys will be especially happy to have an extra pair of hands. Teams looking pretty small at the minute.” She added cautiously with an encouraging smile over her shoulder and I nodded in understanding.
There was a certain tension in the air throughout the base that kept me on edge and though Penelope’s sunshine personality seemed immune to its effects, I had already begun ensuring that I didn’t make contact with anyone, attempting to be as invisible as possible as we navigated through the labyrinth of the building. Penelope charged straight into the meeting room with confidence, completely unphased that she was interrupting.
“Attention everyone. Look who’s here!” She announced, indicating back to me with a wide smile and I made every effort to seem relaxed as the BAU members turned to view me. Sitting around the table that was almost totally covered in paperwork were Hotchner, Morgan and Reid, all looking rather disheveled from the strain of the case already.
“Oh, hey! If it isn’t Mary Poppins herself.” Morgan breezed as he got to his feet to shake my hand first and though his touch made my spine stiffen involuntarily, I forced myself through it. Though his smile was kind and genuine, his eyes seemed as if they were profiling me already and I worried at what his scrutiny might discover that I preferred to keep hidden.
“Welcome back, Agent Hawthorne.” Hotchner called from the head of the table and indicated for me to take a seat, prompting Penelope to leave with a subtly reassuring smile at me as she crept out.
Without hesitation, I followed this direction and positioned myself at the table in a specific seat where I could still clearly see both exits, allowing an empty seat between me and anyone else. I noticed Reid watching me out of the corner of my eye and when I glanced over at him, he waved shyly at me. I waved back with a fond smile, before turning to address Hotchner.
“Thank you for inviting me, Agent Hotchner. I’m honoured that you would go to the trouble, Sir.” I answered honestly, still feeling confused about his intentions for me, especially after Penelope’s earlier comment.
The reasoning had been bugging me ever since I received the call informing me that I had been assigned to this case. The BAU already had Penelope to assist them on the technical angle and I was sure that it would have been easier to have loaned some agents from another team to bolster their numbers, than drafting me all the way from France. So, what was it that made them think that they needed me specifically?
“We appreciate you coming so quickly.” Hotchner replied, making an obvious effort to soften his tone and I nodded politely in return. “As I’m sure you are aware, this is a highly sensitive case that will need to be carefully handled. Garcia has been granted access to the base systems, but even so, the information that we’ve been able to obtain is still limited. We’re in the dark here.” He summarised, before glancing at Morgan.
“Here’s what we do know. Amanda Franklin was taken 22 hours ago from somewhere on this base, leaving only a note that was addressed to Colonel Franklin. We’ve been given files on everyone here, but trying to find someone with the right motive amongst all of this red tape will take weeks. Amanda doesn’t have that long.” Morgan explained, causing me to fidget in unease as I glanced over the mountain of paperwork, until Reid cleared his throat.
“The statistics for children that are abducted and murdered show that 44% die within the first hour. 75% are gone within 3 hours and practically all of them are dead after 24.” Reid reported, causing a crushing weight of responsibility to drop on my chest and I glanced around the table doubtfully.
“So, if we’re going to stand any chance of finding Amanda alive, we have to find her in the next two hours? And the odds are that we’re probably already substantially too late?” I asked, feeling as if we were defeated before we’d even begun and Hotchner nodded solemnly at me.
“That’s why we’ve enlisted your help. We've been here for hours already, attempting to build a profile, but nothing thus far has led us to Amanda.” Hotchner addressed me, directing his intense gaze at me and I felt as if I’d somehow given the impression that I was far more capable than I actually was. “Garcia has told us of your past history with finding people, even under the constraints of working remotely and without support from law enforcement. Considering the time limit, I would like for you to lend us the full range of your skills. Morgan will take you to the home and potential abduction site to see if there’s anything that we missed the first time around.”
I turned to look at Morgan for confirmation and though I felt as if I might die from shock at this revelation, he seemed completely at ease with the situation. For a moment, I wondered if I’d misheard somehow, but Morgan promptly got to his feet and tapped on my shoulder expectantly.
“Sir, are you sure that you want me in the field? I have no experience.” I blurted, meeting Hotchner's eyes with a blatant uncertainty and was honestly baffled by the confidence that he displayed as he viewed me.
“You have a higher success rate for the safe recovery of abduction victims than any other bureau employee, Agent Hawthorne. I’m sure.” He answered firmly, the slightest hint of a smile in the corner of his lips and I glanced between him and Morgan reluctantly. “Morgan will remain at your side at all times. If you have any concerns, you can trust him with them.” He added and with a final defeated sigh, I got to my feet to stand beside him.
“Don’t worry, kid. You’re in safe hands with me.” Morgan smiled, before striding from the room with me trailing along behind him.
Morgan stood at the door, whilst I wandered around the bedroom in an effort to find something useful. It didn’t seem at all like a teenage girls room, with no posters or photos, muted coloured walls and plain bedding. The entire space seemed more reflective of an adult woman and I quickly noticed that something was missing. I turned to face Morgan in confusion. 
“Plenty of books but, where’s the technology?” I asked, as I glanced around at the perfectly organised space and Morgan smiled at me as if he was impressed with my observation. “I mean, I’m a bookworm myself but even I have basic essentials. A thirteen year old girl with no laptop, no tv, no mp3 player?”
“Dad says she has a phone and they watch tv together in the living room. As for the internet, he doesn’t let her use it out of sight, so she can only access it on the family laptop in the dining room.” He answered and I raised my brows in surprise, before turning to examine the space again. “We’ve already combed through this room. There’s nothing useful here that isn’t obvious. Amanda lives a military life. Her room reflects a strict upbringing, everything organised as it would be in the barracks. She views herself as an adult, likely making up for the absence of her mom. She’s trying to be the perfect kid for her dad.”
“So, where’s her outlet?” I suggested, causing Morgan to knit his brows together as he considered my question. “This kid has every moment of her life monitored. She goes to a military school, lives on a base, every friend she has is right here, under her dad's nose. She’s not allowed a boyfriend, no unsupervised internet access, no clubs or hobbies. What early teen would be able to endure that without finding some way to cut loose?”
“Amanda doesn't think of herself that way.” Morgan reminded me simply and I shook my head at him. “Look at this room, Hawthorne. There’s no self expression, no experimentation and definitely no way to break the rules. Amanda already considers herself matured and responsible. Rebellion would go against her need for approval.”
“She thinks that she’s an adult, sure. But biologically, she’s still a pre teen girl with hormones and mood swings. Every kid goes through a need to break the mold somehow at this age, even just in a small way. A kid under this much pressure would feel it even more. So, how is she managing it?” I questioned, beginning to pace around the room frustratedly and Morgan watched me with interest.
“Sounds like you had some interesting teenage years.” He remarked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes at him as I desperately wracked my brain for something that I was missing. 
“Alright. Let’s say that you’re right. She needs to find a way to rebel that her dad won’t ever find. Her dad is in every inch of her business; even how she organises her room is dictated by him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he does spot inspections here. How would she hide it from him?” Morgan began to guide my thought process and I allowed my gaze to roam over the items in the room again, until something occurred to me.
“Amanda turned thirteen six months ago, right? So she’s probably already started her periods.” I theorised, judging Morgan’s reaction as part of my idea and the moment that he grimaced, I knew that I was onto something. “There’s no mum or female figure in the house. It’s just her and her dad, which means she’s dealing with that stuff on her own. What’s the one place that her dad wouldn’t look now?” I explained as I strode over to her bedside table and pulled the top drawer open, throwing aside the underwear in search of anything deviant.
“Hawthorne, you really going through this kids panty drawer?” He groaned as I tossed aside her garments and a huge supply of menstrual supplies, more than she could possibly need for anything other than warding off her father. When I finally reached my prize, I held up a tattered diary for Morgan’s attention and he sighed in disbelief. “Well, I’ll be damned. That kid exploited her dad's discomfort. Smart.”
“Let’s get this back to the office. Reid could have this whole thing read before we even make a dent.”
“Enjoying the chronicles of teenage drama, pretty boy?” Morgan teased, as Reid’s face grew increasingly confused with every page that he flicked through in the diary and I chuckled to myself. Watching him read was already fascinating, but the expressions that he made whilst enduring the personal writings of our abductee were especially entertaining.
“You know, the inner workings of a thirteen year old girl's mind were not what I imagined I would be studying when I joined the FBI.” He answered, keeping his focus on working through the diary at an impossible speed and I continued my study of the family’s laptop. 
I’d decided that it made more sense to analyse this in the meeting room, where I could cross reference with anything that Reid found, but that hadn’t happened yet. The further that I dug into her internet usage, the less the information that we’d been given made sense and I rubbed at my temples in stress. Morgan quickly noticed my reaction and thinned his eyes at me.
“You managing alright with all of this, Poppins? This is pretty far out of your usual realm.” He investigated, levelling me with a worried expression and I forced a smile as I met his eyes.
“I’m fine. It feels strange being away from the desk, but kinda nice too. Usually I have to wait for other people to look into things for me. It’s much easier actually doing them myself.” I explained carefully and although he nodded, I could tell that there were additional concerns that he held about me that he was unsure on how to address.
“I might have something here.” Reid interrupted and I sighed in relief as he distracted Morgan from his analysis of me. “A month ago, Amanda started talking to someone who told her they had information about her mother. She refers to them as Mr Todd.” He divulged, causing Morgan and I to glance at each other in concern.
“Garcia already pulled all of her phone records. There’s no one on there that she communicates with other than her dad and best friend Hannah. She barely even uses the thing.” Morgan stated, seeming as lost by this revelation as I felt. “Is there anything about a Mr Todd on her online activity?”
“Nothing even close. Honestly, there’s very little usage on her account on this either. It’s strange.” I thought aloud, causing Morgan to look at me questioningly and I cleared my throat, unused to being asked for my opinion. “Considering how little contact this kid has with technology, the way that she uses it is still advanced. She’s confident, she types fast and she uses a lot of text talk. She hasn’t got that from nowhere. It’s possible that our girl has a second phone that daddy doesn’t know about. Maybe one specifically given to her to speak to this Mr Todd.” I theorised, noticing that Reid glanced up from the diary to flash me an interested look.
“The name is likely an alias. From all of her entries, it doesn’t seem like Amanda ever actually met this person at any point. She was cautious of them.” He advised, before placing the journal down to return his attention to the note that had been left for her father. “There were a few references in this letter that seemed strange, but I couldn’t place them until now. The unsub refers to Colonel Franklin as one of the privileged few, stating that he views his lower ranking officers as little more than vermin. We thought it showed an inferiority complex, but it might have a deeper meaning. See this line here, the lives of the wicked should be made brief-”
“Sweeney Todd!” I exclaimed, quickly covering my mouth apologetically for cutting him off, but Reid simply smiled at me in surprise. “Sorry, I read a lot. It’s one of my favourite musicals too, so the lyrics tend to live in my head rent free. It’s a strange choice to use in this context, though.” I added, watching Reid’s smile only grow wider at my revelation and he opened his mouth to speak with an air of excitement about him, but Morgan jumped into the pause in conversation.
“So, all we’ve got is a fake name, a relative area where her phone last pinged and a creepy note with some weird musical references? There has to be something that we’re missing. This girl was raised to be careful and mature. She wouldn’t just wander off with a stranger.” He stated, the frustration beginning to show in his mannerisms and I could understand his plight considering the time scale that we were working to. “What’s the situation with her mom?” Morgan asked and we both faced Reid in the hope that the diary may have revealed something.
“Amy Franklin drowned in ‘98 in a boating accident. Amanda was visiting her dad at the time, but always suspected that there was something more to it.” He recapped, as he resumed flicking through the pages and I considered carefully how this could have affected our victim, as Morgan moved to begin pacing around impatiently.
“This unsub knew that Amanda had doubts about her mothers death. The only way that he could know that is if he’s close to the family. It’s not the kind of thought that you would share openly, especially if you’re raised in the military. Amanda’s reserved, quiet and controlled. Her last known location was on this base. Colonel Franklin locked it down as soon as he realised that she was missing and Garcia already checked all the surveillance for every exit, from the time that she finished school. There’s no way the unsub could have left with her. She’s right here somewhere.” Morgan ranted, running his hands over his head in a gesture of stress, before picking up a photo of Amanda. “Who are you with?” He muttered under his breath and Reid looked up again from the diary.
“Did you know that Sweeney Todd first appeared as the villain of the Victorian penny dreadful series The String Of Pearls? The original tale was much simpler, with Todd simply being portrayed as a barber who murdered his customers with little rhyme or reason for doing so. It was only in ‘73 when Christopher Bond adapted the story into a musical that the character was deepened to have more sympathetic motivations.” Reid explained, before furrowing his brows and seeming as if he’d reminded himself of something.
“It’s possible that our unsub might see the Colonel as Todd. In the musical story, which is far more commonly known, Todd turns to killing after Judge Turpin has him wrongly convicted and takes his wife from him. He returns after his sentence to find that his wife has died and his daughter was taken in as a ward by the Judge. Colonel Franklin lost his wife to tragedy and that could be enough to cause an association. Perhaps the unsub was even involved in Amy’s death and as a result, he feels compelled to fulfil the role of the Judge by taking Amanda.” He added, causing Morgan to immediately get on the phone to Penelope, who still had Hotchner in her office reviewing the names of everyone on the base.
“Hey, babygirl. I need you to work your magic for me.” Morgan crooned into the phone, before he launched into a full recap of the conversation that we’d just had. 
I stared at the note on the table, lost in thought as I attempted to understand how our unsub could possibly have interpreted the story to his needs and Reid cleared his throat to draw my attention, silently asking with his expression what I was thinking.
“Why call himself Todd?” I grumbled, picking up the note to read again as I struggled to fit the pieces of the case together and overheard Morgan eliminating anyone who could have been present at Amy’s death as a possible suspect. “If the unsub sees Colonel Franklin as Sweeney Todd, then why would he want Amanda to refer to him as Mr Todd? It wouldn’t fit with his delusion.”
“It would certainly cause a disconnect between the way that the unsub sees himself and how Amanda sees him.” Reid responded, seeming equally unnerved by this flaw in our theory and Morgan had already begun sounding frustrated by the lack of results on his call.
“What if we’re looking at this the wrong way around?” I wondered, causing Reid to only seem more confused in a manner that was honestly pretty adorable. “We’re looking at this note as confirmation that this unsub is suffering a delusion that urges him to replicate parts of the story. What if he’s not delusional? I mean, he managed to snatch Amanda as if she disappeared into thin air and he even left a note without being spotted, on a military base no less! That takes a level of organisation and self awareness. The references to Sweeney Todd could simply be hinting at the parallels in his own life, meant as a taunt to the Colonel. Everything in this note points towards someone seeking vengeance. Perhaps he simply identifies with the feeling of injustice in the writing, rather than the key points of the story itself?” I suggested, causing Reid’s eyes to widen as he sat up straight.
“In which case, he would view himself as Todd, not Franklin. Garcia, can you look into anyone who has been close to the family again. This time, look for someone who has suffered a loss, perhaps a wife, or even a child?” He listed off commonalities between the story and regular experiences of military staff, and I followed his train of thought with interest. “The cause of death would likely have been something that Franklin was either personally involved in, or something that he authorised. There has to be a reason that the unsub is blaming him specifically.” He added, whilst I nodded in agreement and Penelope made a celebratory sound over the phone.
“Bingo! I have one Matthew Logan in my results. He served with Franklin way back, before he became the man in charge. He was close to the family for years, pretty much knew Amanda since she was born. He lost his wife last year whilst she was on deployment in Egypt. She was a soldier in Franklin’s unit who was on her final service, before she planned to take early retirement. It wasn’t discovered until her autopsy that she was actually pregnant. Sounds like she hadn’t even told her husband yet. Didn’t want to let her squad down.” Penelope reported, her voice cracking with emotion toward the end and Morgan frowned as he viewed us. 
“In his mind, Franklin took everything from him. He’s trying to return the favour.” He breathed, his expression every bit as furious as mine and I cursed under my breath. “Sweetness, can you get me an address for Logan?”
“Bad news, I’m afraid. Matthew Logan was medically discharged from service six months ago due to mental health issues following the loss of his wife. He moved to an address in Montana.” Penelope replied, leaving us all feeling deflated as the lead vanished before our eyes. “However, I can check his previous address in the base, if you can give me a minute to...umm, guys. It’s right next to where Amanda’s phone last pinged. I didn’t notice it before because it’s supposed to be empty.”
“We need to get there now. Hawthorne, that means you too.” Hotchner ordered over the phone and I felt my eyes widen in shock. “You’ll go with Morgan. Reid, you’re with me. Let’s go.”
My legs shook uncontrollably as Morgan strapped the bulletproof vest across my torso and I tried to contain my anxiety to little success. Part of me was excited to be able to experience a girl being rescued in person, instead of waiting for confirmation over the phone, but the rest of me was mostly terrified at the number of military personnel that were being prepped around us.
“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, you know. Hotch will understand.” Morgan advised quietly, meeting my eyes with an obvious concern and I shook my head at him resolutely. 
“No. It’s fine. I can do it. I want to help bring Amanda home.” I argued, forcing my voice into my best attempt at a confident tone and Morgan continued to look uncertain. “It’s just a lot of weapons. Makes me nervous. I grew up in England. I’ve not really had contact with guns.” I explained, glancing over at the array of heavy weaponry that was being handed out and Morgan chuckled at me.
“We all carry pistols, Hawthorne. It’s the FBI. Just remember, they are there for your safety as well as ours.” He explained soothingly and I sighed, fidgeting awkwardly in the vest the moment that he had finished strapping me in it.
“Reid doesn’t.” I argued, struggling to manoeuvre my hair out of the straps. “And please, just call me Alice. I hate being addressed by my surname.”
“You noticed that, huh? Well, maybe don’t mention it around him. It’s a bit of a soft spot for the kid.” He teased, a mischievous grin spreading across his face and I chewed my lip nervously as I watched the assigned soldiers taking positions around the house to support us if needed. 
“Alice, I’m gonna keep you safe in there. Alright? You just need to make sure that you stick to me. Now, come on. It’s time to find this crazy bastard.” He instructed firmly and I wasted no time in ensuring that I remained as close to him as possible as he moved to approach the house.
My heart pounded in my chest, only worsening with every step that I took and I couldn’t help feeling almost completely defenceless. The home was painfully normal from the outside and it was hard to imagine that someone could be imprisoned within it, especially within a community that should be impenetrable for someone like Logan.
Morgan kicked the front door in with an overpowering amount of noise, launching everyone into a frenzy as Hotchner and Reid entered from the back of the house and I steeled myself as we rushed inside. I could barely hear myself think over the yelling of everyone around me and attempted to keep my focus in the moment, scanning my surroundings for anything that could lead us to Amanda. There was scarcely any furniture, or any signs at all that anyone was living here, and for a few moments, I worried that we had been led on a wild goose chase. 
Without warning, a man charged toward Morgan causing me to jump backward in fright and after a brief scuffle, Morgan managed to subdue him by pressing him against the wall.
“Sergeant Logan. We’d heard that you moved out. Got a few questions about what you’re doing on the base.” Morgan growled, his anger at finding our suspect giving him a substantial boost in power and Agent Hotchner rounded the corner to cover Morgan with his pistol.
“Reid. Take Hawthorne and search the house. Amanda has to be here somewhere.” Hotchner ordered, glancing toward me with an expression that revealed his faith in me to find something useful and Reid nodded obediently, before motioning for me to follow him.
We crept carefully through the other rooms on the ground floor, clearing out one before moving on and eventually made our way upstairs. I was painfully aware of the fact that neither of us were armed and prayed that there were no surprise accomplices waiting to jump out at us. Reid checked a room to my side, calling back to me that it was also clear and leaving only one door unsearched before me.
I turned the handle to find it locked and as Amanda’s face flashed through my mind, I had a moment of madness. Just as Reid appeared behind me, I kicked the door with all of my might and instead of crashing down as the front door had when Morgan did it, I simply bounced off it with practically no impact. I lost my footing from the power of my rebound and fortunately, Reid was quick to catch me before I hit the ground, causing me to blush furiously.
“Alice! Are you alright?” He breathed, as he helped me back to my feet and I nodded, feeling my cheeks burning with humiliation.
“I’m fine. Mainly just wounded my pride. That’s a lot harder than Morgan makes it look.” I grumbled awkwardly and Reid couldn’t suppress a grin as he regarded me. “Other than taking it off the hinges, which we definitely don’t have time for, I’m shit outta ideas.” I added in annoyance, glancing at the door as if it were the sole cause of my issues and Reid leaned over the bannister.
“Morgan, we’ve got a locked door up here that could use your persuasion skills.” He called, followed almost immediately by Morgan’s heavy footsteps rushing up the stairs and as he arrived on the landing, he glossed over us both with a judgemental smile.
We moved out of the way so that he could take a full charge up if needed, but he barged through the door as if it were made of paper. At a less pressured time, I would definitely have made some kind of sarcastic comment about being able to do that if I’d really wanted to, but for now my only concern was finding the girl.
From the state of the space inside, it was clear that this was where he had been holding Amanda, with items strewn around that had been used for the initial kidnap, but there was no sign of her any longer. Morgan turned back to face us with disbelief and we shared in his desperation.
“She’s not here. Where the hell is she?”
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queenraikichi94 · 4 years
A special night (Raikichi x Lance)
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I have to say this to avoid confusions since now she’s 26 and is with Piers, but hey, she and Lance are good friends
Lance was still thinking on his battle againts Raikichi. That young woman, the World Champion, beated him when he challenged her in order to get her title, but he couldn’t defeat her. She told him that she became the World Champion a year after she started her journey, and when she went to Johto to train her skills and also, to learn the skills that the International Police had to teach her cause she was going to collaborate with them, she accepted Lance’s challenge and she won him.
With a sigh, Lance arrived at the Head Quarters that the Interpol had in Hoenn cause Looker invited him since he asked the Champion to help him to give some advises to one of their new recruits. Lance was curious about that new recruit, specially when Looker told him how stronger they were. They arrived to the place where the agents trained their fighting skills with their Pokemon’s help, and when Lance heard the sound of something crushing againts a wall, he saw that the one that was training was Raikichi.
“C’mon, kiddo! Maybe you’re the World Champion but you’re still weak!” the man that was training with her said
“I’m not weak...” she groaned spitting some blood as she cleaned her lip stained with blood
“Then, show me how you work with your Pokemon”
Raikichi stood up and after making sure Glaceon was alright, both of them nodded and kept training. “Looker, what is the meaning of this? She can’t barely stay on her feet”  Lance said worried
“She has to beat him and his Machamp if she wants to pass this part of her training” Looker said
But before he could finish his sentence, Raikichi and Glaceon were on action again. Lance saw that she wasn’t wearing her glasses, and he understood why, but then, the artial arts master trapped her by her back, and when Glaceon tried to help her, Machamp interjeced. “What are you going to do, kiddo? Are you going to give up at least?”
“NEVER!” Raikichi said hitting him with her head, breaking his nose, then, she hitted him with her elbow and when she was free, she kicked him at his ball before rolling on the floor and getting into a fighting stance, panting.
“Good...One...” he said collapsing due the pain
“Well done, Raikichi!” Looker said “You passed the test!”
“T-Thanks...Wait, Lance, what are you...” she started to said before fainting on Lance’s arms.
Raikichi groaned as she opened her eyes slowly. She started to feel a bit overhwelmed by the heat and when she noticed she was on the  termal baths, she blinked confused. “Finally you wake up” someone said and when Raikichi saw that it was Lance, she blushed as she tried to put her mind in order “You’re very red...Do you want to get out of the water?”
“N-No, I’m fine” she said, trying to control her blush. The truth was that she had a crush on him since she started her journey. But why she was blushing that madly in that moment? Oh, well, she was naked. On the termal baths. And Lance was there. Glaceon tilted her head and chuckled before stretching as Lance gave Raikichi a massage, working on her shoulders. “I...Thank you, I guess...”
“You’re welcome” he said chuckling “So when you told me you were going to train in secret things I wasn’t expectating this”
“And I wasn’t expectating seeing you here”
“I work with special units to stop crimes, and Looker asked me to give a new recruit some advises, but I didn’t know that you were that recruit”
“I’m a collaborator, not a proper member” she said sighing in relief when she felt all the tension leaving her “Could you give me that bath coat, please?”
“Sure” he said as he turned in order to give her some privacy and when he heard her exiting the water, she gave her the bath coat without looking at her, but Raikichi could noticed the red flush on the tip of his ears. Once she put the coat on her, Lance turned to see her. “It looks that your lip is healing well.”
“Yeah, that old man knows how to fight” she said as she went to her room, with Glaceon at her side and of course, with Lance “So...I fainted and the next thing I remember is waking up in the...Wait, tell me that you...”
“I had to help the nurses so yeah, there is the possiblity that I had seen you naked”
That made Raikichi blush so madly that she thought she was going to faint as she entered the room, followed by the Champion. “Do you have to follow me?”
“Looker asked me to help you, at least this night.” Lance said “He’s worried about you”
Raikichi sighed as she entered the bathroom in order to put her sleeping clothes on before returning to the room. Lance was playing with Glaceon as her trainer brushed her hair. “I only have one bed”
“I can take the sofa or the divan”
“You’re going to stak awake all night, aren’t you?” Raikichi asked
She sighed again as she removed her glasses and slipped under the covers with a yawn. “You should have some dinner” Lance said as Glaceon jumped onto the bed
“I’m not hungry...” she said yawning again “Good night...”
Only three hours passed since Raikichi went to sleep and Lance noticed that she was swifting a lot on the bed, like if she was having a bad dream. At least, he didn’t know if he should help her, but when he heard her saying ‘Please, don’t leave me here’ and ‘Don’t hurt me!’ , Lance quickly jumped from the divan and went to the bed, shaking her gently until she opened her eyes slowly and then, without thinking, she threw herself to his arms, crying. Lance blinked twice before wrapping his arms around her until she calmed down. “Sorry, did I wake up you?” she said with a soft sigh
“I wasn’t sleeping” he said putting gently some of her hair behind her ear “Do you want to tell me?”
“I...It was only a dream about what happened to me at the beginning of my journey. The boy that travelled with me played with my feelings, with my heart...And he left me alone, taking away part of my things and hurting my ankle...I got my revenge beating him at the finals of the Sinnoh League but...I still have dreams about that...Maybe is because I have a little crush on you and my brain is like ‘you won’t be happy with anyone’ and...”
“Well, do you have a crush on me?” Lance asked blinking again a bit confused
“Wait, did I say that in high voice? Oh, holy Arceus...” she said with a sigh “Yeah...I have a little crush on you...But it’s more platonic love...Since that boy played with me, I decided to lock my heart away...”
Lance stayed in silence before stroking her cheek, making her look at him. “Don’t say that, Raikichi. I’m sure you will find someone to love”
She looked at him again, blushing when she noticed that Lance was shirtless as she felt little waves going to her core. “I...Well...I’m not sure...” she said and he chuckled, making her blush again. “W-Why are you shirtless in my room?”
“Well, I don’t like hot weather and I was starting to get tired of it”
“I see...I...Nevermind...” she said, mumbling, trying to calm down the heat waves that were hitting her core 
“Is something worrying you more apart of the thing you told me?”
“Well..I...” she tried to say before looking at him “I’m not sure if I’m not going to be able to sleep again...”
“I...Well...I know a method to get tired enough in order to fall asleep, but I don’t know if you don’t want to do it...” he said leaning his forehead againts hers
She blushed madly when she understood his words. He was being so gentle cause he didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable, and despite she didn’t love him in the proper way of the word, she couldn’t stop thinking on how marvellous could be having sex with him.
“Do it then...” she murmured before having his lips pressed againts hers
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah...Oh, I should tell you that...”
“It’s your first time, isn’t it?”
She nodded and he chuckled kissing her again. “Then, I will be very gentle with you...But I want to make sure you want to do this.”
“For fuck sake, Lance” she said with a groan, making him chuckle again “I don’t care about anything more right now...”
He kissed her with tender and passion as his hands were busy removing her sleeping clothes before removing his own clothes. When he got her on her underwear, his lips went to her neck, kissing it softly as his hands ran through her sides before massaging gently her breasts, making her moan. Then, Lance kissed her again before going to suck her nipples. Raikichi arched her back with a moan as her hands were on his back. One of her hands left his back and went to his hair, fingers tangled on his red haired locks. “Do you like this?” he asked gently and she nodded. Then, he smiled and kept sucking before having his free hand on her tights. By instict, she closed her legs, but his soft touch made her spread them again. another kiss on her lips and then, lance removed her underwear. Lance looked at her again and when she nodded, he started to leave kisses on her skin before kissing her clit, making her moan. “I’m going to get you a bit more aroused and then, I will slip a finger inside you to help you to get comfy, okay?”
“O-Okay...” she managed to say before moaning when Lance started to lick and suck her clit as his fingers stroked her wet folds. She felt a little jolt of pain when he slipped a finger inside her, but when he started to move it a bit, the pain turned into pleasure “A-Ah...L-Lance...”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“N-No..It’s...I-I like it...”
He smiled before sucking and licking again, as he moved his finger slowly before entering a second finger once she got comfy with only one. Then, he went up again, and kissed her, making her taste herself on his lips. “You’re more than ready for the next part” he said taking a package and then, he got his hard cock covered by the condom. He stroked her entrance with the tip, making her moan softly before pushing inside her slowly. Both of them moaned as Raikichi felt a little pain as she adjusted to have his length inside her. “Raikichi?” Lance asked stroking her face once he pushed inside her “Can I move?”
Raikichi nodded and then, Lance started to move as he kissed her with tender. Every push, every move hit that special spot inside her, making her moan as Lance kissed her lips and her neck. She crossed her legs wround his waist as he speeded a bit, stealing more moans from her lips. He was also moaning, but his moans ended with a groan. When he had sex, he used to get a bit rough, but with Raikichi he was being the most tender and gentle he could since it was her first time. Lance moved a bit faster as he felt her getting tight around him. “Fuck, you’re getting very tight around me...” he groaned as he kept pushing
“I-I’m going to...” she tried to said but she couldn’t; a moan interrupted her as she reached her orgasm. Lance followed her later after few thrusts more. Both of them stayed like that for few minutes, panting as they recovered their breath. Then, she chuckled, making him rose an eyebrow as he looked at her “Sorry, I can’t still believe it...”
“Having sex for the first time?” he inquired as he pulled out of her and once he got the condom wrapped in tissues and he threw it to the trash bin, he returned to bed, covering themselves with the blankets as he spooned her, being him the big spoon
“Having sex for the first time with the mighty Champion Lance” she said with a soft laugh “I mean, you were my crush since I started my journey and, holy Arceus, I didn’t expect having sex with you”
He laughed as he nuzzled her before sighing. “But now comes the but, right?”
“How do you...” she asked but then, she sighed “I...I really enjoyed this, really but...Since I suffered a big betrayal...I think that I will only have sex once I find the person I truly love...I mean, it’s true that people can have sex between them without being in a relationship but...”
“You want to feel safe after getting betrayed, right?”
Raikichi nodded and Lance smiled softly before letting her turn in order to have her now looking at him. He stroked her cheek and smiled again “I’m not going to force you to do this again. I’m glad you enjoyed this night, but I’m not going to do it again if you don’t want. We can keep being friends, you know”
“Lance...” she said and smiled “Thank you, Lance. You’re truly a very good friend. I’m glad I was able to meet you”
“And to beat me”
“Yeah, that too” she said laughing before sighing “I don’t want to play with anyone’s feellings...It’s true that I have a lil crush on you but it’s not true love...I don’t want to...”
“Hey, calm down, I understand” Lance said playing with her hair “You know, we’re friends, so you can count with me if you need help. And I hope, with all my heart, that you will find that special one to love and to share your love with” he added “And if you find that person, I’ll be very proud and happy for you”
“Thank you, Lance...” she said and then, she yawned, closing her eyes and quickly falling asleep. Lance smiled and he fell asleep after her.
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